diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c7f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.libtiff.metadata b/.libtiff.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344cab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.libtiff.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+652e97b78f1444237a82cbcfe014310e776eb6f0 SOURCES/tiff-4.0.3.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4447.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4447.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf9a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4447.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Upstream patch for CVE-2012-4447.
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	2012-07-04 15:26:31.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	2012-12-12 16:43:18.931315699 -0500
+@@ -644,6 +644,20 @@
+ 	return bytes;
+ }
++static tmsize_t
++add_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
++	tmsize_t bytes = m1 + m2;
++	/* if either input is zero, assume overflow already occurred */
++	if (m1 == 0 || m2 == 0)
++		bytes = 0;
++	else if (bytes <= m1 || bytes <= m2)
++		bytes = 0;
++	return bytes;
+ static int
+ PixarLogFixupTags(TIFF* tif)
+ {
+@@ -671,9 +685,11 @@
+ 	    td->td_samplesperpixel : 1);
+ 	tbuf_size = multiply_ms(multiply_ms(multiply_ms(sp->stride, td->td_imagewidth),
+ 				      td->td_rowsperstrip), sizeof(uint16));
++	/* add one more stride in case input ends mid-stride */
++	tbuf_size = add_ms(tbuf_size, sizeof(uint16) * sp->stride);
+ 	if (tbuf_size == 0)
+ 		return (0);   /* TODO: this is an error return without error report through TIFFErrorExt */
+-	sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(tbuf_size+sizeof(uint16)*sp->stride);
++	sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(tbuf_size);
+ 	if (sp->tbuf == NULL)
+ 		return (0);
+ 	if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN)
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4564.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4564.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d7946c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2012-4564.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Upstream patch for CVE-2012-4564.
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/ppm2tiff.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/ppm2tiff.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/ppm2tiff.c	2010-04-10 15:22:34.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/ppm2tiff.c	2012-12-12 16:43:18.932315708 -0500
+@@ -72,6 +72,17 @@
+ 	exit(-2);
+ }
++static tmsize_t
++multiply_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
++	tmsize_t bytes = m1 * m2;
++	if (m1 && bytes / m1 != m2)
++		bytes = 0;
++	return bytes;
+ int
+ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ {
+@@ -79,7 +90,7 @@
+ 	uint32 rowsperstrip = (uint32) -1;
+ 	double resolution = -1;
+ 	unsigned char *buf = NULL;
+-	tsize_t linebytes = 0;
++	tmsize_t linebytes = 0;
+ 	uint16 spp = 1;
+ 	uint16 bpp = 8;
+ 	TIFF *out;
+@@ -89,6 +100,7 @@
+ 	int c;
+ 	extern int optind;
+ 	extern char* optarg;
++	tmsize_t scanline_size;
+ 	if (argc < 2) {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too few arguments\n", argv[0]);
+@@ -221,7 +233,8 @@
+ 	}
+ 	switch (bpp) {
+ 		case 1:
+-			linebytes = (spp * w + (8 - 1)) / 8;
++			/* if round-up overflows, result will be zero, OK */
++			linebytes = (multiply_ms(spp, w) + (8 - 1)) / 8;
+ 			if (rowsperstrip == (uint32) -1) {
+ 			} else {
+@@ -230,15 +243,31 @@
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 		case 8:
+-			linebytes = spp * w;
++			linebytes = multiply_ms(spp, w);
+ 			    TIFFDefaultStripSize(out, rowsperstrip));
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+-	if (TIFFScanlineSize(out) > linebytes)
++	if (linebytes == 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: scanline size overflow\n", infile);
++		(void) TIFFClose(out);
++		exit(-2);					
++	}
++	scanline_size = TIFFScanlineSize(out);
++	if (scanline_size == 0) {
++		/* overflow - TIFFScanlineSize already printed a message */
++		(void) TIFFClose(out);
++		exit(-2);					
++	}
++	if (scanline_size < linebytes)
+ 		buf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(linebytes);
+ 	else
+-		buf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(out));
++		buf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(scanline_size);
++	if (buf == NULL) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Not enough memory\n", infile);
++		(void) TIFFClose(out);
++		exit(-2);
++	}
+ 	if (resolution > 0) {
+ 		TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, resolution);
+ 		TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, resolution);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1960.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1960.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8dfb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1960.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2pdf.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2pdf.c	2012-07-25 22:56:43.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2pdf.c	2013-05-02 12:04:49.057090227 -0400
+@@ -3341,33 +3341,56 @@
+ 	uint32 height){
+ 	tsize_t i=0;
+-	uint16 ri =0;
+-	uint16 v_samp=1;
+-	uint16 h_samp=1;
+-	int j=0;
+-	i++;
+-	while(i<(*striplength)){
++	while (i < *striplength) {
++		tsize_t datalen;
++		uint16 ri;
++		uint16 v_samp;
++		uint16 h_samp;
++		int j;
++		int ncomp;
++		/* marker header: one or more FFs */
++		if (strip[i] != 0xff)
++			return(0);
++		i++;
++		while (i < *striplength && strip[i] == 0xff)
++			i++;
++		if (i >= *striplength)
++			return(0);
++		/* SOI is the only pre-SOS marker without a length word */
++		if (strip[i] == 0xd8)
++			datalen = 0;
++		else {
++			if ((*striplength - i) <= 2)
++				return(0);
++			datalen = (strip[i+1] << 8) | strip[i+2];
++			if (datalen < 2 || datalen >= (*striplength - i))
++				return(0);
++		}
+ 		switch( strip[i] ){
+-			case 0xd8:
+-				/* SOI - start of image */
++			case 0xd8:	/* SOI - start of image */
+ 				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), 2);
+ 				*bufferoffset+=2;
+-				i+=2;
+ 				break;
+-			case 0xc0:
+-			case 0xc1:
+-			case 0xc3:
+-			case 0xc9:
+-			case 0xca:
++			case 0xc0:	/* SOF0 */
++			case 0xc1:	/* SOF1 */
++			case 0xc3:	/* SOF3 */
++			case 0xc9:	/* SOF9 */
++			case 0xca:	/* SOF10 */
+ 				if(no==0){
+-					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), strip[i+2]+2);
+-					for(j=0;j<buffer[*bufferoffset+9];j++){
+-						if( (buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(2*j)]>>4) > h_samp) 
+-							h_samp = (buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(2*j)]>>4);
+-						if( (buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(2*j)] & 0x0f) > v_samp) 
+-							v_samp = (buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(2*j)] & 0x0f);
++					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
++					ncomp = buffer[*bufferoffset+9];
++					if (ncomp < 1 || ncomp > 4)
++						return(0);
++					v_samp=1;
++					h_samp=1;
++					for(j=0;j<ncomp;j++){
++						uint16 samp = buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(3*j)];
++						if( (samp>>4) > h_samp) 
++							h_samp = (samp>>4);
++						if( (samp & 0x0f) > v_samp) 
++							v_samp = (samp & 0x0f);
+ 					}
+ 					v_samp*=8;
+ 					h_samp*=8;
+@@ -3381,45 +3404,43 @@
+                                           (unsigned char) ((height>>8) & 0xff);
+ 					buffer[*bufferoffset+6]=
+                                             (unsigned char) (height & 0xff);
+-					*bufferoffset+=strip[i+2]+2;
+-					i+=strip[i+2]+2;
++					*bufferoffset+=datalen+2;
++					/* insert a DRI marker */
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0xff;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0xdd;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0x00;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0x04;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=(ri >> 8) & 0xff;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]= ri & 0xff;
+-				} else {
+-					i+=strip[i+2]+2;
+ 				}
+ 				break;
+-			case 0xc4:
+-			case 0xdb:
+-				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), strip[i+2]+2);
+-				*bufferoffset+=strip[i+2]+2;
+-				i+=strip[i+2]+2;
++			case 0xc4: /* DHT */
++			case 0xdb: /* DQT */
++				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
++				*bufferoffset+=datalen+2;
+ 				break;
+-			case 0xda:
++			case 0xda: /* SOS */
+ 				if(no==0){
+-					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), strip[i+2]+2);
+-					*bufferoffset+=strip[i+2]+2;
+-					i+=strip[i+2]+2;
++					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
++					*bufferoffset+=datalen+2;
+ 				} else {
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0xff;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=
+                                             (unsigned char)(0xd0 | ((no-1)%8));
+-					i+=strip[i+2]+2;
+ 				}
+-				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), (*striplength)-i-1);
+-				*bufferoffset+=(*striplength)-i-1;
++				i += datalen + 1;
++				/* copy remainder of strip */
++				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i]), *striplength - i);
++				*bufferoffset+= *striplength - i;
+ 				return(1);
+ 			default:
+-				i+=strip[i+2]+2;
++				/* ignore any other marker */
++				break;
+ 		}
++		i += datalen + 1;
+ 	}
++	/* failed to find SOS marker */
+ 	return(0);
+ }
+ #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1961.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1961.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea9b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-1961.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/contrib/dbs/xtiff/xtiff.c tiff-4.0.3/contrib/dbs/xtiff/xtiff.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/contrib/dbs/xtiff/xtiff.c	2010-06-08 14:55:15.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/contrib/dbs/xtiff/xtiff.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.782287939 -0400
+@@ -512,9 +512,9 @@
+     Arg args[1];
+     if (tfMultiPage)
+-        sprintf(buffer, "%s - page %d", fileName, tfDirectory);
++        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s - page %d", fileName, tfDirectory);
+     else
+-        strcpy(buffer, fileName);
++        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", fileName);
+     XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, buffer);
+     XtSetValues(labelWidget, args, 1);
+ }
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_codec.c tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_codec.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_codec.c	2010-12-14 09:18:28.000000000 -0500
++++ tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_codec.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.783287946 -0400
+@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@
+ 	const TIFFCodec* c = TIFFFindCODEC(tif->tif_dir.td_compression);
+         char compression_code[20];
+-        sprintf( compression_code, "%d", tif->tif_dir.td_compression );
++        snprintf(compression_code, sizeof(compression_code), "%d",
++		 tif->tif_dir.td_compression );
+ 	TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, tif->tif_name,
+                      "%s compression support is not configured", 
+                      c ? c->name : compression_code );
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c	2012-08-19 12:56:34.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.784287953 -0400
+@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
+ 	 * note that this name is a special sign to TIFFClose() and
+ 	 * _TIFFSetupFields() to free the field
+ 	 */
+-	sprintf(fld->field_name, "Tag %d", (int) tag);
++	snprintf(fld->field_name, 32, "Tag %d", (int) tag);
+ 	return fld;    
+ }
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c	2011-05-31 13:03:16.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.785287961 -0400
+@@ -332,7 +332,8 @@
+ 	{ char buf[2048];
+ 	  char *cp = strrchr(TIFFFileName(in), '/');
+-	  sprintf(buf, "YCbCr conversion of %s", cp ? cp+1 : TIFFFileName(in));
++	  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "YCbCr conversion of %s",
++		   cp ? cp+1 : TIFFFileName(in));
+ 	}
+ 	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, TIFFGetVersion());
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2bw.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2bw.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2bw.c	2010-07-08 12:10:24.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2bw.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.785287961 -0400
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	sprintf(thing, "B&W version of %s", argv[optind]);
++	snprintf(thing, sizeof(thing), "B&W version of %s", argv[optind]);
+ 	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, "tiff2bw");
+ 	outbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(out));
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2pdf.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2pdf.c	2012-07-25 22:56:43.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2pdf.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.788287983 -0400
+@@ -3609,7 +3609,9 @@
+ 	char buffer[16];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%%PDF-%u.%u ", t2p->pdf_majorversion&0xff, t2p->pdf_minorversion&0xff);
++	buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%%PDF-%u.%u ",
++			  t2p->pdf_majorversion&0xff,
++			  t2p->pdf_minorversion&0xff);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t)"\n%\342\343\317\323\n", 7);
+@@ -3623,10 +3625,10 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_obj_start(uint32 number, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)number);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)number);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen );
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 obj\n", 7);
+@@ -3665,13 +3667,13 @@
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/", 1);
+ 	for (i=0;i<namelen;i++){
+ 		if ( ((unsigned char)name[i]) < 0x21){
+-			sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++			snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 			buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 			nextchar=1;
+ 		}
+ 		if ( ((unsigned char)name[i]) > 0x7E){
+-			sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++			snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 			buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 			nextchar=1;
+@@ -3679,57 +3681,57 @@
+ 		if (nextchar==0){
+ 			switch (name[i]){
+ 				case 0x23:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x25:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x28:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x29:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x2F:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x3C:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x3E:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x5B:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x5D:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]);
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]);
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x7B:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+ 				case 0x7D:
+-					sprintf(buffer, "#%.2X", name[i]); 
++					snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "#%.2X", name[i]); 
+ 					buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 3);
+ 					break;
+@@ -3844,14 +3846,14 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict(tsize_t len, uint32 number, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Length ", 8);
+ 	if(len!=0){
+ 		written += t2p_write_pdf_stream_length(len, output);
+ 	} else {
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)number);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)number);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R \n", 6);
+ 	}
+@@ -3892,10 +3894,10 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_stream_length(tsize_t len, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)len);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)len);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n", 1);
+@@ -3909,7 +3911,7 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_catalog(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output)
+ {
+ 	tsize_t written = 0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen = 0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, 
+@@ -3948,7 +3950,6 @@
+ 		written += t2p_write_pdf_string(t2p->pdf_datetime, output);
+ 	}
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/Producer ", 11);
+-	_TIFFmemset((tdata_t)buffer, 0x00, sizeof(buffer));
+ 	snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "libtiff / tiff2pdf - %d", TIFFLIB_VERSION);
+ 	written += t2p_write_pdf_string(buffer, output);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n", 1);
+@@ -4089,7 +4090,7 @@
+ {
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+ 	tdir_t i=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	int page=0;
+@@ -4097,7 +4098,7 @@
+ 		(tdata_t) "<< \n/Type /Pages \n/Kids [ ", 26);
+ 	page = t2p->pdf_pages+1;
+ 	for (i=0;i<t2p->tiff_pagecount;i++){
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%d", page);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", page);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+ 		if ( ((i+1)%8)==0 ) {
+@@ -4112,8 +4113,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "] \n/Count ", 10);
+-	_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%d", t2p->tiff_pagecount);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", t2p->tiff_pagecount);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " \n>> \n", 6);
+@@ -4128,28 +4128,28 @@
+ 	unsigned int i=0;
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[256];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "<<\n/Type /Page \n/Parent ", 24);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_pages);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_pages);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R \n", 6);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/MediaBox [", 11); 
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.x1);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.x1);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1); 
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.y1);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.y1);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1); 
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.x2);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.x2);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1); 
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.y2);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f",t2p->pdf_mediabox.y2);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "] \n", 3); 
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Contents ", 10);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)(object + 1));
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)(object + 1));
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R \n", 6);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Resources << \n", 15);
+@@ -4157,15 +4157,13 @@
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/XObject <<\n", 12);
+ 		for(i=0;i<t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilecount;i++){
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Im", 3);
+-			buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
++			buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "_", 1);
+-			buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%u", i+1);
++			buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", i+1);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1);
+-			buflen = sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)(object+3+(2*i)+t2p->tiff_pages[t2p->pdf_page].page_extra)); 
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+@@ -4177,12 +4175,10 @@
+ 	} else {
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/XObject <<\n", 12);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Im", 3);
+-			buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
++			buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1);
+-			buflen = sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)(object+3+(2*i)+t2p->tiff_pages[t2p->pdf_page].page_extra)); 
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+@@ -4191,9 +4187,7 @@
+ 	if(t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount != 0) {
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/ExtGState <<", 13);
+ 		t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/GS1 ", 5);
+-		buflen = sprintf(
+-			buffer, 
+-			"%lu", 
++		buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 			(unsigned long)(object + 3)); 
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+@@ -4566,7 +4560,7 @@
+ 	if(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilecount>0){ 
+ 		for(i=0;i<t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilecount; i++){
+ 			box=t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tiles[i].tile_box;
+-			buflen=sprintf(buffer, 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 
+ 				"q %s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f cm /Im%d_%ld Do Q\n", 
+ 				t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount?"/GS1 gs ":"",
+ 				box.mat[0],
+@@ -4581,7 +4575,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+ 		box=t2p->pdf_imagebox;
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, 
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 
+ 			"q %s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f cm /Im%d Do Q\n", 
+ 			t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount?"/GS1 gs ":"",
+ 			box.mat[0],
+@@ -4606,59 +4600,48 @@
+ 												TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict(0, t2p->pdf_xrefcount+1, output); 
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, 
+ 		(tdata_t) "/Type /XObject \n/Subtype /Image \n/Name /Im", 
+ 		42);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->pdf_page+1);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	if(tile != 0){
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "_", 1);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)tile);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)tile);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	}
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/Width ", 8);
+-	_TIFFmemset((tdata_t)buffer, 0x00, 16);
+ 	if(tile==0){
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_width);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_width);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if(t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile-1)!=0){
+-			buflen=sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth);
+ 		} else {
+-			buflen=sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/Height ", 9);
+-	_TIFFmemset((tdata_t)buffer, 0x00, 16);
+ 	if(tile==0){
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_length);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_length);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if(t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile-1)!=0){
+-			buflen=sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength);
+ 		} else {
+-			buflen=sprintf(
+-				buffer, 
+-				"%lu", 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 				(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/BitsPerComponent ", 19);
+-	_TIFFmemset((tdata_t)buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/ColorSpace ", 13);
+ 	written += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_cs(t2p, output);
+@@ -4702,11 +4685,10 @@
+ 		t2p->pdf_colorspace ^= T2P_CS_PALETTE;
+ 		written += t2p_write_pdf_xobject_cs(t2p, output);
+ 		t2p->pdf_colorspace |= T2P_CS_PALETTE;
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", (0x0001 << t2p->tiff_bitspersample)-1 );
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", (0x0001 << t2p->tiff_bitspersample)-1 );
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " ", 1);
+-		_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_palettecs ); 
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_palettecs ); 
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ]\n", 7);
+ 		return(written);
+@@ -4740,10 +4722,10 @@
+ 			X_W /= Y_W;
+ 			Z_W /= Y_W;
+ 			Y_W = 1.0F;
+-			buflen=sprintf(buffer, "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Range ", 7);
+-			buflen=sprintf(buffer, "[%d %d %d %d] \n", 
++			buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%d %d %d %d] \n", 
+ 				t2p->pdf_labrange[0], 
+ 				t2p->pdf_labrange[1], 
+ 				t2p->pdf_labrange[2], 
+@@ -4759,26 +4741,26 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_transfer(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "<< /Type /ExtGState \n/TR ", 25);
+ 	if(t2p->tiff_transferfunctioncount == 1){
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 			       (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 1));
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+ 	} else {
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "[ ", 2);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 			       (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 1));
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 			       (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 2));
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 			       (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 3));
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R ", 5);
+@@ -4800,7 +4782,7 @@
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/FunctionType 0 \n", 17);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Domain [0.0 1.0] \n", 19);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Range [0.0 1.0] \n", 18);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "/Size [%u] \n", (1<<t2p->tiff_bitspersample));
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/Size [%u] \n", (1<<t2p->tiff_bitspersample));
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/BitsPerSample 16 \n", 19);
+ 	written += t2p_write_pdf_stream_dict(((tsize_t)1)<<(t2p->tiff_bitspersample+1), 0, output);
+@@ -4827,7 +4809,7 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_xobject_calcs(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[128];
++	char buffer[256];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	float X_W=0.0;
+@@ -4895,16 +4877,16 @@
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "<< \n", 4);
+ 	if(t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_CALGRAY){
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/WhitePoint ", 12);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Gamma 2.2 \n", 12);
+ 	}
+ 	if(t2p->pdf_colorspace & T2P_CS_CALRGB){
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/WhitePoint ", 12);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", X_W, Y_W, Z_W);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Matrix ", 8);
+-		buflen=sprintf(buffer, "[%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", 
++		buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f] \n", 
+ 			X_R, Y_R, Z_R, 
+ 			X_G, Y_G, Z_G, 
+ 			X_B, Y_B, Z_B); 
+@@ -4923,11 +4905,11 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_xobject_icccs(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "[/ICCBased ", 11);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_icccs);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_icccs);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R] \n", 7);
+@@ -4937,11 +4919,11 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_xobject_icccs_dict(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/N ", 3);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u \n", t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u \n", t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Alternate ", 11);
+ 	t2p->pdf_colorspace ^= T2P_CS_ICCBASED;
+@@ -5006,7 +4988,7 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_xobject_stream_filter(ttile_t tile, T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[16];
++	char buffer[32];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	if(t2p->pdf_compression==T2P_COMPRESS_NONE){
+@@ -5021,41 +5003,33 @@
+ 			written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "<< /K -1 ", 9);
+ 			if(tile==0){
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Columns ", 9);
+-				buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++				buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 					       (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_width);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /Rows ", 7);
+-				buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++				buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 					       (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_length);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 			} else {
+ 				if(t2p_tile_is_right_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile-1)==0){
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Columns ", 9);
+-					buflen=sprintf(
+-						buffer, 
+-						"%lu", 
++					buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 						(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilewidth);
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				} else {
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/Columns ", 9);
+-					buflen=sprintf(
+-						buffer, 
+-						"%lu", 
++					buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 						(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilewidth);
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				}
+ 				if(t2p_tile_is_bottom_edge(t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page], tile-1)==0){
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /Rows ", 7);
+-					buflen=sprintf(
+-						buffer, 
+-						"%lu", 
++					buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 						(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_tilelength);
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				} else {
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /Rows ", 7);
+-					buflen=sprintf(
+-						buffer, 
+-						"%lu", 
++					buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 						(unsigned long)t2p->tiff_tiles[t2p->pdf_page].tiles_edgetilelength);
+ 					written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				}
+@@ -5082,21 +5056,17 @@
+ 			if(t2p->pdf_compressionquality%100){
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "/DecodeParms ", 13);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "<< /Predictor ", 14);
+-				_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-				buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->pdf_compressionquality%100);
++				buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->pdf_compressionquality%100);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /Columns ", 10);
+-				_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-				buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%lu",
++				buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu",
+ 						 (unsigned long)t2p->tiff_width);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /Colors ", 9);
+-				_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-				buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
++				buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " /BitsPerComponent ", 19);
+-				_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 16);
+-				buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%u", t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
++				buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 				written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) ">>\n", 3);
+ 			}
+@@ -5116,16 +5086,16 @@
+ tsize_t t2p_write_pdf_xreftable(T2P* t2p, TIFF* output){
+ 	tsize_t written=0;
+-	char buffer[21];
++	char buffer[64];
+ 	int buflen=0;
+ 	uint32 i=0;
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "xref\n0 ", 7);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 1));
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount + 1));
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " \n0000000000 65535 f \n", 22);
+ 	for (i=0;i<t2p->pdf_xrefcount;i++){
+-		sprintf(buffer, "%.10lu 00000 n \n",
++		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.10lu 00000 n \n",
+ 			(unsigned long)t2p->pdf_xrefoffsets[i]);
+ 		written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, 20);
+ 	}
+@@ -5149,17 +5119,14 @@
+ 		snprintf(t2p->pdf_fileid + i, 9, "%.8X", rand());
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "trailer\n<<\n/Size ", 17);
+-	buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount+1));
++	buflen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)(t2p->pdf_xrefcount+1));
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+-	_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 32);	
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n/Root ", 7);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_catalog);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_catalog);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+-	_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 32);	
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R \n/Info ", 12);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_info);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_info);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+-	_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 32);	
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) " 0 R \n/ID[<", 11);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) t2p->pdf_fileid,
+ 				sizeof(t2p->pdf_fileid) - 1);
+@@ -5167,9 +5134,8 @@
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) t2p->pdf_fileid,
+ 				sizeof(t2p->pdf_fileid) - 1);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) ">]\n>>\nstartxref\n", 16);
+-	buflen=sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_startxref);
++	buflen=snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", (unsigned long)t2p->pdf_startxref);
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) buffer, buflen);
+-	_TIFFmemset(buffer, 0x00, 32);	
+ 	written += t2pWriteFile(output, (tdata_t) "\n%%EOF\n", 7);
+ 	return(written);
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2ps.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2ps.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiff2ps.c	2011-05-31 13:10:18.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiff2ps.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.789287990 -0400
+@@ -1781,8 +1781,8 @@
+ 		imageOp = "imagemask";
+ 	(void)strcpy(im_x, "0");
+-	(void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu", (long) h);
+-	(void)sprintf(im_h, "%lu", (long) h);
++	(void)snprintf(im_y, sizeof(im_y), "%lu", (long) h);
++	(void)snprintf(im_h, sizeof(im_h), "%lu", (long) h);
+ 	tile_width = w;
+ 	tile_height = h;
+ 	if (TIFFIsTiled(tif)) {
+@@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 		if (tile_height < h) {
+ 			fputs("/im_y 0 def\n", fd);
+-			(void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h);
++			(void)snprintf(im_y, sizeof(im_y), "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h);
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+ 		repeat_count = tf_numberstrips;
+@@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@
+ 			fprintf(fd, "/im_h %lu def\n",
+ 			    (unsigned long) tile_height);
+ 			(void)strcpy(im_h, "im_h");
+-			(void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h);
++			(void)snprintf(im_y, sizeof(im_y), "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiffcrop.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiffcrop.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiffcrop.c	2010-12-14 09:18:28.000000000 -0500
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiffcrop.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.791288005 -0400
+@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@
+         return 1;
+         }
+-      sprintf (filenum, "-%03d%s", findex, export_ext);
++      snprintf(filenum, sizeof(filenum), "-%03d%s", findex, export_ext);
+       filenum[14] = '\0';
+       strncat (exportname, filenum, 15);
+       }
+@@ -2230,8 +2230,8 @@
+           /* dump.infilename is guaranteed to be NUL termimated and have 20 bytes 
+              fewer than PATH_MAX */ 
+-          memset (temp_filename, '\0', PATH_MAX + 1);              
+-          sprintf (temp_filename, "%s-read-%03d.%s", dump.infilename, dump_images,
++          snprintf(temp_filename, sizeof(temp_filename), "%s-read-%03d.%s",
++		   dump.infilename, dump_images,
+                   (dump.format == DUMP_TEXT) ? "txt" : "raw");
+           if ((dump.infile = fopen(temp_filename, dump.mode)) == NULL)
+             {
+@@ -2249,8 +2249,8 @@
+           /* dump.outfilename is guaranteed to be NUL termimated and have 20 bytes 
+              fewer than PATH_MAX */ 
+-          memset (temp_filename, '\0', PATH_MAX + 1);              
+-          sprintf (temp_filename, "%s-write-%03d.%s", dump.outfilename, dump_images,
++          snprintf(temp_filename, sizeof(temp_filename), "%s-write-%03d.%s",
++		   dump.outfilename, dump_images,
+                   (dump.format == DUMP_TEXT) ? "txt" : "raw");
+           if ((dump.outfile = fopen(temp_filename, dump.mode)) == NULL)
+             {
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiffdither.c tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiffdither.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/tools/tiffdither.c	2010-03-10 13:56:50.000000000 -0500
++++ tiff-4.0.3/tools/tiffdither.c	2013-05-02 12:02:42.792288013 -0400
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
+ 		TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, fillorder);
+ 	else
+ 		CopyField(TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, shortv);
+-	sprintf(thing, "Dithered B&W version of %s", argv[optind]);
++	snprintf(thing, sizeof(thing), "Dithered B&W version of %s", argv[optind]);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, shortv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, shortv);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4231.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4231.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae1e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4231.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/tools/gif2tiff.c b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+index 17f7a19..375b152 100644
+--- a/tools/gif2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+@@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ readraster(void)
+     int status = 1;
+     datasize = getc(infile);
++    if (datasize > 12)
++        return 0;
+     clear = 1 << datasize;
+     eoi = clear + 1;
+     avail = clear + 2;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4232.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4232.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8612c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4232.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2pdf.c b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+index 92a1a3d..26a1acb 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2pdf.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+@@ -2462,6 +2462,7 @@ tsize_t t2p_readwrite_pdf_image(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, TIFF* output){
+ 					TIFFFileName(input));
+ 				t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
+ 			  _TIFFfree(buffer);
++                return(0);
+ 			} else {
+ 				buffer=samplebuffer;
+ 				t2p->tiff_datasize *= t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4243.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4243.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffc207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4243.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff --git a/tools/gif2tiff.c b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+index 2731273..1e9b4b9 100644
+--- a/tools/gif2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+@@ -280,6 +280,10 @@ readgifimage(char* mode)
+         fprintf(stderr, "no colormap present for image\n");
+         return (0);
+     }
++    if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
++        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value of width or height\n");
++        return(0);
++    }
+     if ((raster = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(width*height+EXTRAFUDGE)) == NULL) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory for image\n");
+         return (0);
+@@ -406,6 +410,10 @@ process(register int code, unsigned char** fill)
+             fprintf(stderr, "bad input: code=%d is larger than clear=%d\n",code, clear);
+             return 0;
+         }
++        if (*fill >= raster + width*height) {
++            fprintf(stderr, "raster full before eoi code\n");
++            return 0;
++        }
+ 	*(*fill)++ = suffix[code];
+ 	firstchar = oldcode = code;
+ 	return 1;
+@@ -436,6 +444,10 @@ process(register int code, unsigned char** fill)
+     }
+     oldcode = incode;
+     do {
++        if (*fill >= raster + width*height) {
++            fprintf(stderr, "raster full before eoi code\n");
++            return 0;
++        }
+ 	*(*fill)++ = *--stackp;
+     } while (stackp > stack);
+     return 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4244.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4244.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792e076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2013-4244.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/tools/gif2tiff.c b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+index 375b152..2731273 100644
+--- a/tools/gif2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+@@ -402,6 +402,10 @@ process(register int code, unsigned char** fill)
+     }
+     if (oldcode == -1) {
++        if (code >= clear) {
++            fprintf(stderr, "bad input: code=%d is larger than clear=%d\n",code, clear);
++            return 0;
++        }
+ 	*(*fill)++ = suffix[code];
+ 	firstchar = oldcode = code;
+ 	return 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8127.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8127.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d426710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8127.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dirread.c b/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
+index 19a26e2..6667228 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
+@@ -3881,6 +3881,32 @@ TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF* tif)
+ 					goto bad;
+ 			}
++			/*
++			 * SamplesPerPixel value has changed, adjust SMinSampleValue
++			 * and SMaxSampleValue arrays if necessary
++			 */
++			{
++				uint32 saved_flags;
++				saved_flags = tif->tif_flags;
++				tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_PERSAMPLE;
++				{
++					if (!TIFFSetField(tif,TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE,tif->tif_dir.td_sminsamplevalue[0]))
++					{
++						tif->tif_flags = saved_flags;
++						goto bad;
++					}
++				}
++				{
++					if (!TIFFSetField(tif,TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE,tif->tif_dir.td_smaxsamplevalue[0]))
++					{
++						tif->tif_flags = saved_flags;
++						goto bad;
++					}
++				}
++				tif->tif_flags = saved_flags;
++			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c b/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
+index fa20609..fa68d1c 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
+@@ -542,8 +542,12 @@ TIFFWriteDirectorySec(TIFF* tif, int isimage, int imagedone, uint64* pdiroff)
+ 			{
+ 				if (!isTiled(tif))
+ 				{
+-					if (!TIFFWriteDirectoryTagLongLong8Array(tif,&ndir,dir,TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS,tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips,tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset))
+-						goto bad;
++					/* td_stripoffset can be NULL even if td_nstrips == 1 due to OJPEG hack */
++					if (tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset)
++					{
++						if (!TIFFWriteDirectoryTagLongLong8Array(tif,&ndir,dir,TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS,tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips,tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset))
++							goto bad;
++					}
+ 				}
+ 				else
+ 				{
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_read.c b/libtiff/tif_read.c
+index 2ba822a..dfc5b07 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_read.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_read.c
+@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip, void* buf, tmsize_t size)
+ 		return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
+ 	}
+ 	bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip];
+-	if (bytecount <= 0) {
++	if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+ 			     "%I64u: Invalid strip byte count, strip %lu",
+@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ TIFFFillStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip)
+ 	if ((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0)
+ 	{
+ 		uint64 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip];
+-		if (bytecount <= 0) {
++		if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+ 				"Invalid strip byte count %I64u, strip %lu",
+@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ TIFFFillTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile)
+ 	if ((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0)
+ 	{
+ 		uint64 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[tile];
+-		if (bytecount <= 0) {
++		if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+ 				"%I64u: Invalid tile byte count, tile %lu",
+diff --git a/tools/bmp2tiff.c b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+index b5ed30b..376f4e6 100644
+--- a/tools/bmp2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+@@ -401,6 +401,24 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		}
++        if (info_hdr.iCompression == BMPC_RLE4 && info_hdr.iBitCount != 4)
++        {
++            TIFFError(infilename,
++              "Cannot process BMP file with bit count %d and RLE 4-bit/pixel compression",
++              info_hdr.iBitCount);
++            close(fd);
++            return 0;
++        }
++        if (info_hdr.iCompression == BMPC_RLE8 && info_hdr.iBitCount != 8)
++        {
++            TIFFError(infilename,
++              "Cannot process BMP file with bit count %d and RLE 8-bit/pixel compression",
++              info_hdr.iBitCount);
++            close(fd);
++            return 0;
++        }
+ 		width = info_hdr.iWidth;
+ 		length = (info_hdr.iHeight > 0) ? info_hdr.iHeight : -info_hdr.iHeight;
+         if( width <= 0 || length <= 0 )
+diff --git a/tools/pal2rgb.c b/tools/pal2rgb.c
+index 8608aad..426bbc0 100644
+--- a/tools/pal2rgb.c
++++ b/tools/pal2rgb.c
+@@ -372,7 +372,8 @@ static struct cpTag {
++    // disable INKNAMES tag, http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2484 (CVE-2014-8127)
+diff --git a/tools/thumbnail.c b/tools/thumbnail.c
+index fd1cba5..06edf93 100644
+--- a/tools/thumbnail.c
++++ b/tools/thumbnail.c
+@@ -257,7 +257,8 @@ static struct cpTag {
++    // disable INKNAMES tag, http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2484 (CVE-2014-8127)
+@@ -585,7 +586,7 @@ generateThumbnail(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+     rowsize = TIFFScanlineSize(in);
+     rastersize = sh * rowsize;
+     fprintf(stderr, "rastersize=%u\n", (unsigned int)rastersize);
+-    raster = (unsigned char*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize);
++    raster = (unsigned char*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize + 3);
+     if (!raster) {
+ 	    TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in),
+ 		      "Can't allocate space for raster buffer.");
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2bw.c b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+index c5dcb7c..02605df 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2bw.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+@@ -171,6 +171,11 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		    argv[optind], samplesperpixel);
+ 		return (-1);
+ 	}
++	if( photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_RGB && samplesperpixel != 3) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad samples/pixel %u for PHOTOMETRIC_RGB.\n",
++		    argv[optind], samplesperpixel);
++		return (-1);
++	}
+ 	TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample);
+ 	if (bitspersample != 8) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8129.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8129.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd7bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8129.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dir.c b/libtiff/tif_dir.c
+index 8bf3ea7..f812fa2 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dir.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dir.c
+@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ _TIFFVSetField(TIFF* tif, uint32 tag, va_list ap)
+ 	TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir;
+ 	int status = 1;
+ 	uint32 v32, i, v;
++    double dblval;
+ 	char* s;
+ 	const TIFFField *fip = TIFFFindField(tif, tag, TIFF_ANY);
+ 	uint32 standard_tag = tag;
+@@ -283,10 +284,16 @@ _TIFFVSetField(TIFF* tif, uint32 tag, va_list ap)
+ 			setDoubleArrayOneValue(&td->td_smaxsamplevalue, va_arg(ap, double), td->td_samplesperpixel);
+ 		break;
+-		td->td_xresolution = (float) va_arg(ap, double);
++        dblval = va_arg(ap, double);
++        if( dblval < 0 )
++            goto badvaluedouble;
++		td->td_xresolution = (float) dblval;
+ 		break;
+-		td->td_yresolution = (float) va_arg(ap, double);
++        dblval = va_arg(ap, double);
++        if( dblval < 0 )
++            goto badvaluedouble;
++		td->td_yresolution = (float) dblval;
+ 		break;
+ 		v = (uint16) va_arg(ap, uint16_vap);
+@@ -693,6 +700,16 @@ badvalue32:
+ 		va_end(ap);
+         }
+ 	return (0);
++        {
++		const TIFFField* fip=TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,tag);
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++             "%s: Bad value %f for \"%s\" tag",
++             tif->tif_name, dblval,
++		     fip->field_name);
++        va_end(ap);
++        }
++    return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_next.c b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+index 524e127..81084ff 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_next.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 		default: {
+ 			uint32 npixels = 0, grey;
+ 			uint32 imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_imagewidth;
++            if( isTiled(tif) )
++                imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_tilewidth;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * The scanline is composed of a sequence of constant
+@@ -139,10 +141,28 @@ bad:
+ 	return (0);
+ }
++static int
++NeXTPreDecode(TIFF* tif, uint16 s)
++	static const char module[] = "NeXTPreDecode";
++	TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir;
++	(void)s;
++	if( td->td_bitspersample != 2 )
++	{
++		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Unsupported BitsPerSample = %d",
++					 td->td_bitspersample);
++		return (0);
++	}
++	return (1);
+ int
+ TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF* tif, int scheme)
+ {
+ 	(void) scheme;
++	tif->tif_predecode = NeXTPreDecode;
+ 	tif->tif_decoderow = NeXTDecode;  
+ 	tif->tif_decodestrip = NeXTDecode;  
+ 	tif->tif_decodetile = NeXTDecode;
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2pdf.c b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+index 26a1acb..2a64ec3 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2pdf.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+@@ -1165,6 +1165,15 @@ void t2p_read_tiff_init(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input){
+ 		if( (TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &xuint16) != 0)
+ 			&& (xuint16 == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE ) ){
+ 				TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &xuint16);
++                if( (t2p->tiff_tiles[i].tiles_tilecount % xuint16) != 0 )
++                {
++                    TIFFError(
++                        TIFF2PDF_MODULE, 
++                        "Invalid tile count, %s", 
++                        TIFFFileName(input));
++                    t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
++                    return;
++                }
+ 				t2p->tiff_tiles[i].tiles_tilecount/= xuint16;
+ 		}
+ 		if( t2p->tiff_tiles[i].tiles_tilecount > 0){
+@@ -1545,6 +1554,22 @@ void t2p_read_tiff_data(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input){
+ #endif
+ 			break;
++            if( t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel != 3){
++                TIFFError(
++                    TIFF2PDF_MODULE, 
++                    "Unsupported samplesperpixel = %d for CIELAB", 
++                    t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
++                t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
++                return;
++            }
++            if( t2p->tiff_bitspersample != 8){
++                TIFFError(
++                    TIFF2PDF_MODULE, 
++                    "Invalid bitspersample = %d for CIELAB", 
++                    t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
++                t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
++                return;
++            }
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[0]= -127;
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[1]= 127;
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[2]= -127;
+@@ -1560,6 +1585,22 @@ void t2p_read_tiff_data(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input){
+ 			t2p->pdf_colorspace=T2P_CS_LAB;
+ 			break;
++            if( t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel != 3){
++                TIFFError(
++                    TIFF2PDF_MODULE, 
++                    "Unsupported samplesperpixel = %d for ITULAB", 
++                    t2p->tiff_samplesperpixel);
++                t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
++                return;
++            }
++            if( t2p->tiff_bitspersample != 8){
++                TIFFError(
++                    TIFF2PDF_MODULE, 
++                    "Invalid bitspersample = %d for ITULAB", 
++                    t2p->tiff_bitspersample);
++                t2p->t2p_error = T2P_ERR_ERROR;
++                return;
++            }
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[0]=-85;
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[1]=85;
+ 			t2p->pdf_labrange[2]=-75;
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+index abeb4f6..ea4f7a1 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -1205,9 +1205,10 @@ static int writeBufferToContigTiles (TIFF* out, uint8* buf, uint32 imagelength,
+   tsize_t tilesize = TIFFTileSize(out);
+   unsigned char *tilebuf = NULL;
+-  TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tl);
+-  TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tw);
++  if( !TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tl) ||
++      !TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tw) ||
++      !TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bps) )
++      return 1;
+   tile_buffsize = tilesize;
+   if (tilesize < (tsize_t)(tl * tile_rowsize))
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8130.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8130.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6683c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-8130.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_unix.c b/libtiff/tif_unix.c
+index 1387558..0a3a4a8 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_unix.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_unix.c
+@@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ TIFFOpenW(const wchar_t* name, const char* mode)
+ void*
+ _TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s)
+ {
++    if ( s == 0 )
++        return ((void *) NULL);
+ 	return (malloc((size_t) s));
+ }
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_win32.c b/libtiff/tif_win32.c
+index 2cf1de9..612a00d 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_win32.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_win32.c
+@@ -329,6 +329,8 @@ TIFFOpenW(const wchar_t* name, const char* mode)
+ void*
+ _TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s)
+ {
++    if ( s == 0 )
++        return ((tdata_t) NULL);
+ 	return (malloc((size_t) s));
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9330.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9330.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfc83cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9330.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+diff --git a/tools/bmp2tiff.c b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+index c66a8d2..b5ed30b 100644
+--- a/tools/bmp2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+@@ -403,6 +403,14 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		width = info_hdr.iWidth;
+ 		length = (info_hdr.iHeight > 0) ? info_hdr.iHeight : -info_hdr.iHeight;
++        if( width <= 0 || length <= 0 )
++        {
++            TIFFError(infilename,
++                  "Invalid dimensions of BMP file" );
++            close(fd);
++            return -1;
++        }
+ 		switch (info_hdr.iBitCount)
+ 		{
+@@ -593,6 +601,14 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 			compr_size = file_hdr.iSize - file_hdr.iOffBits;
+ 			uncompr_size = width * length;
++            /* Detect int overflow */
++            if( uncompr_size / width != length )
++            {
++                TIFFError(infilename,
++                    "Invalid dimensions of BMP file" );
++                close(fd);
++                return -1;
++            }
+ 			comprbuf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc( compr_size );
+ 			if (!comprbuf) {
+ 				TIFFError(infilename,
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9655.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9655.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..033c627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2014-9655.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+From a777efdb86da87073511e56e8fc4ef63fc111b5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:50:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Fix CVE-2014-9655
+ libtiff/tif_getimage.c | 20 ++++++++++++++------
+ libtiff/tif_next.c     |  4 +++-
+ 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+index a85273c..1c1cf9e 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+@@ -842,6 +842,12 @@ gtStripContig(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 	int32 fromskew, toskew;
+ 	int ret = 1, flip;
++	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, &subsamplinghor, &subsamplingver);
++	if( subsamplingver == 0 ) {
++		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "Invalid vertical YCbCr subsampling");
++		return (0);
++	}
+ 	buf = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(TIFFStripSize(tif));
+ 	if (buf == 0) {
+ 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "No space for strip buffer");
+@@ -859,7 +865,7 @@ gtStripContig(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 	}
+ 	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip);
+-	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, &subsamplinghor, &subsamplingver);
+ 	scanline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif);
+ 	fromskew = (w < imagewidth ? imagewidth - w : 0);
+ 	for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow)
+@@ -1852,7 +1858,7 @@ DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr42tile)
+     (void) y;
+     fromskew = (fromskew * 10) / 4;
+-    if ((h & 3) == 0 && (w & 1) == 0) {
++    if ((w & 3) == 0 && (h & 1) == 0) {
+         for (; h >= 2; h -= 2) {
+             x = w>>2;
+             do {
+@@ -1929,7 +1935,7 @@ DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr41tile)
+     /* XXX adjust fromskew */
+     do {
+ 	x = w>>2;
+-	do {
++	while(x>0) {
+ 	    int32 Cb = pp[4];
+ 	    int32 Cr = pp[5];
+@@ -1940,7 +1946,8 @@ DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr41tile)
+ 	    cp += 4;
+ 	    pp += 6;
+-	} while (--x);
++		x--;
++	}
+         if( (w&3) != 0 )
+         {
+@@ -2031,7 +2038,7 @@ DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr21tile)
+ 	fromskew = (fromskew * 4) / 2;
+ 	do {
+ 		x = w>>1;
+-		do {
++		while(x>0) {
+ 			int32 Cb = pp[2];
+ 			int32 Cr = pp[3];
+@@ -2040,7 +2047,8 @@ DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr21tile)
+ 			cp += 2;
+ 			pp += 4;
+-		} while (--x);
++			x --;
++		}
+ 		if( (w&1) != 0 )
+ 		{
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_next.c b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+index 524e127..92ef6ee 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_next.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Fractional scanlines cannot be read");
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
+-	for (row = buf; occ > 0; occ -= scanline, row += scanline) {
++	for (row = buf; cc > 0 && occ > 0; occ -= scanline, row += scanline) {
+ 		n = *bp++, cc--;
+ 		switch (n) {
+ 		case LITERALROW:
+@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 			 * The scanline has a literal span that begins at some
+ 			 * offset.
+ 			 */
++			if( cc < 4 )
++				goto bad;
+ 			off = (bp[0] * 256) + bp[1];
+ 			n = (bp[2] * 256) + bp[3];
+ 			if (cc < 4+n || off+n > scanline)
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-1547_8784.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-1547_8784.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d9b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-1547_8784.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_next.c b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+index b014685..13c0848 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_next.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_next.c
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
+ 	case 0:	op[0]  = (unsigned char) ((v) << 6); break;	\
+ 	case 1:	op[0] |= (v) << 4; break;	\
+ 	case 2:	op[0] |= (v) << 2; break;	\
+-	case 3:	*op++ |= (v);	   break;	\
++	case 3:	*op++ |= (v); op_offset++;   break;	\
+ 	}					\
+ }
+@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+             if( isTiled(tif) )
+                 imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_tilewidth;
++            tmsize_t op_offset = 0;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * The scanline is composed of a sequence of constant
+ 			 * color ``runs''.  We shift into ``run mode'' and
+@@ -120,10 +122,15 @@ NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 				 * bounds, potentially resulting in a security
+ 				 * issue.
+ 				 */
+-				while (n-- > 0 && npixels < imagewidth)
++				while (n-- > 0 && npixels < imagewidth && op_offset < scanline)
+ 					SETPIXEL(op, grey);
+ 				if (npixels >= imagewidth)
+ 					break;
++                if (op_offset >= scanline ) {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Invalid data for scanline %ld",
++                            (long) tif->tif_row);
++                    return (0);
++                }
+ 				if (cc == 0)
+ 					goto bad;
+ 				n = *bp++, cc--;
+@@ -162,9 +169,9 @@ NeXTPreDecode(TIFF* tif, uint16 s)
+ TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF* tif, int scheme)
+ {
+ 	(void) scheme;
+-	tif->tif_predecode = NeXTPreDecode;
+-	tif->tif_decoderow = NeXTDecode;  
+-	tif->tif_decodestrip = NeXTDecode;  
++	tif->tif_predecode = NeXTPreDecode;
++	tif->tif_decoderow = NeXTDecode;
++	tif->tif_decodestrip = NeXTDecode;
+ 	tif->tif_decodetile = NeXTDecode;
+ 	return (1);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-7554.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-7554.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc76047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-7554.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff -pur tiff-4.0.4/tools/tiffsplit.c tiff-4.0.4_patch/tools/tiffsplit.c
+--- tiff-4.0.4/tools/tiffsplit.c	2015-05-28 15:10:26.000000000 +0200
++++ tiff-4.0.4_patch/tools/tiffsplit.c	2016-02-12 19:15:30.532005041 +0100
+@@ -179,8 +179,9 @@ tiffcp(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+ 		    TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, count, table);
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	uint32 count = 0;
+         CopyField(TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, shortv);
+-	CopyField(TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR, shortv);
++	CopyField2(TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR, count, shortv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING, shortv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, shortv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, shortv);
+@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ tiffcp(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, floatv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, floatv);
+-	CopyField(TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS, longv);
++	CopyField2(TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS, count, longv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS, longv);
+ 	CopyField(TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, shortv);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8668.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8668.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..436326e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8668.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+diff --git a/tools/bmp2tiff.c b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+index 376f4e6..c747c13 100644
+--- a/tools/bmp2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+@@ -614,19 +614,27 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 			    || info_hdr.iCompression == BMPC_RLE4 ) {
+ 			uint32		i, j, k, runlength;
+ 			uint32		compr_size, uncompr_size;
++			uint32      bits = 0;
+ 			unsigned char   *comprbuf;
+ 			unsigned char   *uncomprbuf;
+ 			compr_size = file_hdr.iSize - file_hdr.iOffBits;
+-			uncompr_size = width * length;
+-            /* Detect int overflow */
+-            if( uncompr_size / width != length )
+-            {
+-                TIFFError(infilename,
+-                    "Invalid dimensions of BMP file" );
+-                close(fd);
+-                return -1;
+-            }
++			bits = info_hdr.iBitCount;
++			if (bits > 8) // bit depth is > 8bit, adjust size
++			{
++				uncompr_size = width * length * (bits / 8);
++				/* Detect int overflow */
++				if (uncompr_size / width / (bits / 8) != length) {
++					TIFFError(infilename,
++							   "Invalid dimensions of BMP file");
++					close(fd);
++					return -1;
++				}
++			}
++			else
++				uncompr_size = width * length;
+ 			comprbuf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc( compr_size );
+ 			if (!comprbuf) {
+ 				TIFFError(infilename,
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8683_8665.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8683_8665.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13647d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8683_8665.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+index 1633325..018351b 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+@@ -182,8 +182,25 @@ TIFFRGBAImageOK(TIFF* tif, char emsg[1024])
+ 				    "Planarconfiguration", td->td_planarconfig);
+ 				return (0);
+ 			}
++			if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 || colorchannels != 3 )
++            {
++                 sprintf(emsg,
++                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d, %s=%d",
++                        "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel,
++                        "colorchannels", colorchannels);
++                 return 0;
++             }
+ 			break;
++            if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 || colorchannels != 3 || td->td_bitspersample != 8 )
++             {
++                 sprintf(emsg,
++                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d, %s=%d and %s=%d",
++                         "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel,
++                         "colorchannels", colorchannels,
++                         "Bits/sample", td->td_bitspersample);
++                 return 0;
++             }
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d",
+@@ -241,6 +258,9 @@ TIFFRGBAImageBegin(TIFFRGBAImage* img, TIFF* tif, int stop, char emsg[1024])
+ 	uint16 *red_orig, *green_orig, *blue_orig;
+ 	int n_color;
++	if( !TIFFRGBAImageOK(tif, emsg) )
++		return 0;
+ 	/* Initialize to normal values */
+ 	img->row_offset = 0;
+ 	img->col_offset = 0;
+@@ -2453,29 +2473,33 @@ PickContigCase(TIFFRGBAImage* img)
+ 			switch (img->bitspersample) {
+ 				case 8:
+-					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA)
++					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA &&
++						img->samplesperpixel >= 4)
+ 						img->put.contig = putRGBAAcontig8bittile;
+-					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)
++					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA &&
++							 img->samplesperpixel >= 4)
+ 					{
+ 						if (BuildMapUaToAa(img))
+ 							img->put.contig = putRGBUAcontig8bittile;
+ 					}
+-					else
++					else if( img->samplesperpixel >= 3 )
+ 						img->put.contig = putRGBcontig8bittile;
+ 					break;
+ 				case 16:
+-					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA)
++					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA &&
++						img->samplesperpixel >=4 )
+ 					{
+ 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img))
+ 							img->put.contig = putRGBAAcontig16bittile;
+ 					}
+-					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)
++					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA &&
++							 img->samplesperpixel >=4 )
+ 					{
+ 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img) &&
+ 						    BuildMapUaToAa(img))
+ 							img->put.contig = putRGBUAcontig16bittile;
+ 					}
+-					else
++					else if( img->samplesperpixel >=3 )
+ 					{
+ 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img))
+ 							img->put.contig = putRGBcontig16bittile;
+@@ -2484,7 +2508,7 @@ PickContigCase(TIFFRGBAImage* img)
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+-			if (buildMap(img)) {
++			if (img->samplesperpixel >=4 && buildMap(img)) {
+ 				if (img->bitspersample == 8) {
+ 					if (!img->Map)
+ 						img->put.contig = putRGBcontig8bitCMYKtile;
+@@ -2580,7 +2604,7 @@ PickContigCase(TIFFRGBAImage* img)
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+-			if (buildMap(img)) {
++			if (img->samplesperpixel == 3 && buildMap(img)) {
+ 				if (img->bitspersample == 8)
+ 					img->put.contig = initCIELabConversion(img);
+ 				break;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8781.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8781.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56aa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8781.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_luv.c b/libtiff/tif_luv.c
+index eba6c08..ebbd692 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_luv.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_luv.c
+@@ -202,7 +202,11 @@ LogL16Decode(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT)
+ 		tp = (int16*) op;
+ 	else {
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf;
+ 	}
+ 	_TIFFmemset((void*) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0]));
+@@ -211,9 +215,11 @@ LogL16Decode(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
+ 	/* get each byte string */
+ 	for (shft = 2*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) {
+-		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; )
++		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) {
+ 			if (*bp >= 128) {		/* run */
+-				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);   /* TODO: potential input buffer overrun when decoding corrupt or truncated data */
++                if ( cc < 2 )
++                    break;
++				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);
+ 				b = (int16)(*bp++ << shft);
+ 				cc -= 2;
+ 				while (rc-- && i < npixels)
+@@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ LogL16Decode(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 				while (--cc && rc-- && i < npixels)
+ 					tp[i++] |= (int16)*bp++ << shft;
+ 			}
++        }
+ 		if (i != npixels) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+@@ -268,13 +275,17 @@ LogLuvDecode24(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW)
+ 		tp = (uint32 *)op;
+ 	else {
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		tp = (uint32 *) sp->tbuf;
+ 	}
+ 	/* copy to array of uint32 */
+ 	bp = (unsigned char*) tif->tif_rawcp;
+ 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
+-	for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; i++) {
++	for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc >= 3; i++) {
+ 		tp[i] = bp[0] << 16 | bp[1] << 8 | bp[2];
+ 		bp += 3;
+ 		cc -= 3;
+@@ -325,7 +336,11 @@ LogLuvDecode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW)
+ 		tp = (uint32*) op;
+ 	else {
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
+ 	}
+ 	_TIFFmemset((void*) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0]));
+@@ -334,11 +349,13 @@ LogLuvDecode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
+ 	/* get each byte string */
+ 	for (shft = 4*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) {
+-		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; )
++		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) {
+ 			if (*bp >= 128) {		/* run */
++                if ( cc < 2 )
++                    break;
+ 				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);
+ 				b = (uint32)*bp++ << shft;
+-				cc -= 2;                /* TODO: potential input buffer overrun when decoding corrupt or truncated data */
++				cc -= 2;
+ 				while (rc-- && i < npixels)
+ 					tp[i++] |= b;
+ 			} else {			/* non-run */
+@@ -346,6 +363,7 @@ LogLuvDecode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 				while (--cc && rc-- && i < npixels)
+ 					tp[i++] |= (uint32)*bp++ << shft;
+ 			}
++        }
+ 		if (i != npixels) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+@@ -407,6 +425,7 @@ LogLuvDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ static int
+ LogL16Encode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ {
++    static const char module [] = "LogL16Encode";
+ 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
+ 	int shft;
+ 	tmsize_t i;
+@@ -427,7 +446,11 @@ LogL16Encode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 		tp = (int16*) bp;
+ 	else {
+ 		tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf;
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
+ 	}
+ 	/* compress each byte string */
+@@ -500,6 +523,7 @@ LogL16Encode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ static int
+ LogLuvEncode24(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ {
++    static const char module [] = "LogLuvEncode24";
+ 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
+ 	tmsize_t i;
+ 	tmsize_t npixels;
+@@ -515,7 +539,11 @@ LogLuvEncode24(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 		tp = (uint32*) bp;
+ 	else {
+ 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
+ 	}
+ 	/* write out encoded pixels */
+@@ -547,6 +575,7 @@ LogLuvEncode24(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ static int
+ LogLuvEncode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ {
++    static const char module [] = "LogLuvEncode32";
+ 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
+ 	int shft;
+ 	tmsize_t i;
+@@ -568,7 +597,11 @@ LogLuvEncode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 		tp = (uint32*) bp;
+ 	else {
+ 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
+-		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
++		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Translation buffer too short");
++            return (0);
++        }
+ 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
+ 	}
+ 	/* compress each byte string */
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8870.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8870.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83d10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2015-8870.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From fb0bc75826b860609c59848d85daa43beb7838d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 15:34:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Fix CVE-2015-8870
+ tools/bmp2tiff.c | 9 +++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tools/bmp2tiff.c b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+index c747c13..384cf96 100644
+--- a/tools/bmp2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/bmp2tiff.c
+@@ -634,7 +634,16 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			else
++			{
+ 				uncompr_size = width * length;
++				/* Detect int overflow */
++				if (uncompr_size / width != length) {
++					TIFFError(infilename,
++							   "Invalid dimensions of BMP file");
++					close(fd);
++					return -1;
++				}
++			}
+ 			comprbuf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc( compr_size );
+ 			if (!comprbuf) {
+ 				TIFFError(infilename,
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3186.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3186.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..303f446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3186.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 4c5f309925e568f3ccd4bacc1907c082401c13cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 14:42:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 01/10] Fix CVE-2016-3186
+ tools/gif2tiff.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tools/gif2tiff.c b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+index 1e9b4b9..e89ac5b 100644
+--- a/tools/gif2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ readextension(void)
+     char buf[255];
+     (void) getc(infile);
+-    while ((count = getc(infile)))
++    while ((count = getc(infile)) && count >= 0 && count <= 255)
+         fread(buf, 1, count, infile);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3632.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3632.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb0bc07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3632.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From d3f9829a37661749b200760ad6525f77cf77d77a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:04:34 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Fix CVE-2016-3632
+ tools/thumbnail.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tools/thumbnail.c b/tools/thumbnail.c
+index fd1cba5..75e7009 100644
+--- a/tools/thumbnail.c
++++ b/tools/thumbnail.c
+@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ static struct cpTag {
++    // disable BADFAXLINES, CVE-2016-3632
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb496a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+From a9bb0f1406e9da35da4da13eabacb00d9cc2efcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:05:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Fix CVE-2016-3945
+ tools/tiff2rgba.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2rgba.c b/tools/tiff2rgba.c
+index 737167c..5228966 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2rgba.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2rgba.c
+@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ cvt_by_tile( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+     uint32  row, col;
+     uint32  *wrk_line;
+     int	    ok = 1;
++    uint32  rastersize, wrk_linesize;
+     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width);
+     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
+@@ -161,7 +162,13 @@ cvt_by_tile( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+     /*
+      * Allocate tile buffer
+      */
+-    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(tile_width * tile_height * sizeof (uint32));
++    rastersize = tile_width * tile_height * sizeof (uint32);
++    if (width != (tile_width / tile_height) / sizeof( uint32))
++    {
++	TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating raster buffer");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
++    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize);
+     if (raster == 0) {
+         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster buffer");
+         return (0);
+@@ -171,7 +178,13 @@ cvt_by_tile( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+      * Allocate a scanline buffer for swapping during the vertical
+      * mirroring pass.
+      */
+-    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(tile_width * sizeof (uint32));
++    wrk_linesize = tile_width * sizeof (uint32);
++    if (wrk_linesize != tile_width / sizeof (uint32))
++    {
++        TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating wrk_line buffer");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
++    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(wrk_linesize);
+     if (!wrk_line) {
+         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster scanline buffer");
+         ok = 0;
+@@ -247,6 +260,7 @@ cvt_by_strip( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+     uint32  row;
+     uint32  *wrk_line;
+     int	    ok = 1;
++    uint32  rastersize, wrk_linesize;
+     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width);
+     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
+@@ -261,7 +275,13 @@ cvt_by_strip( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+     /*
+      * Allocate strip buffer
+      */
+-    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(width * rowsperstrip * sizeof (uint32));
++    rastersize = width * rowsperstrip * sizeof (uint32);
++    if (width != (rastersize / rowsperstrip) / sizeof( uint32))
++    {
++	TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating raster buffer");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
++    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize);
+     if (raster == 0) {
+         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster buffer");
+         return (0);
+@@ -271,7 +291,13 @@ cvt_by_strip( TIFF *in, TIFF *out )
+      * Allocate a scanline buffer for swapping during the vertical
+      * mirroring pass.
+      */
+-    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(width * sizeof (uint32));
++    wrk_linesize = width * sizeof (uint32);
++    if (wrk_linesize != width / sizeof (uint32))
++    {
++        TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating wrk_line buffer");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
++    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(wrk_linesize);
+     if (!wrk_line) {
+         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster scanline buffer");
+         ok = 0;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a9e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+From 46d1b6c09939eef09e45ccec345c6724cabc454e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:44:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Fix CVE-2016-3990
+ libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+index 2793b22..c9f056e 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ typedef	struct {
+ 	int			state;
+ 	int			user_datafmt;
+ 	int			quality;
++	tsize_t			tbuf_size;
+ #define PLSTATE_INIT 1
+ 	TIFFVSetMethod		vgetparent;	/* super-class method */
+@@ -885,6 +886,7 @@ PixarLogSetupEncode(TIFF* tif)
+ 	    td->td_samplesperpixel : 1);
+ 	tbuf_size = multiply_ms(multiply_ms(multiply_ms(sp->stride, td->td_imagewidth),
+ 				      td->td_rowsperstrip), sizeof(uint16));
++	sp->tbuf_size = tbuf_size;
+ 	if (tbuf_size == 0)
+ 		return (0);  /* TODO: this is an error return without error report through TIFFErrorExt */
+ 	sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(tbuf_size);
+@@ -1131,8 +1133,17 @@ PixarLogEncode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 	}
+ 	llen = sp->stride * td->td_imagewidth;
++	if (llen > sp->tbuf_size)	
++	{
++		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "%s: Encoder error: Buffer limit reached.", tif->tif_name);
++		exit (0);
++	}
+ 	for (i = 0, up = sp->tbuf; i < n; i += llen, up += llen) {
++		if (up > sp->tbuf+sp->tbuf_size)
++		{
++			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "%s: Encoder error: Buffer limit reached.", tif->tif_name);
++			exit (0);
++		}
+ 		switch (sp->user_datafmt)  {
+ 			horizontalDifferenceF((float *)bp, llen, 
+@@ -1169,6 +1180,11 @@ PixarLogEncode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 			     "ZLib cannot deal with buffers this size");
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
++	if (sp->stream.avail_in > sp->tbuf_size)
++	{
++		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "%s: Encoder error: Error within the calculation on ZLib buffer size.", tif->tif_name);
++		return (0);
++	}
+ 	do {
+ 		if (deflate(&sp->stream, Z_NO_FLUSH) != Z_OK) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca667d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+index ea4f7a1..f04e2eb 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -798,6 +798,11 @@ static int readContigTilesIntoBuffer (TIFF* in, uint8* buf,
+     }
+   tile_buffsize = tilesize;
++  if (tilesize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0)
++  {
++     TIFFError("readContigTilesIntoBuffer", "Tile size or tile rowsize is zero");
++     exit(-1);
++  }
+   if (tilesize < (tsize_t)(tl * tile_rowsize))
+     {
+@@ -807,7 +812,12 @@ static int readContigTilesIntoBuffer (TIFF* in, uint8* buf,
+               tilesize, tl * tile_rowsize);
+ #endif
+     tile_buffsize = tl * tile_rowsize;
+-    } 
++    if (tl != (tile_buffsize / tile_rowsize))
++    {
++    	TIFFError("readContigTilesIntoBuffer", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size.");
++        exit(-1);
++    }
++    }
+   tilebuf = _TIFFmalloc(tile_buffsize);
+   if (tilebuf == 0)
+@@ -1210,6 +1220,12 @@ static int writeBufferToContigTiles (TIFF* out, uint8* buf, uint32 imagelength,
+       !TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bps) )
+       return 1;
++  if (tilesize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0 || tl == 0 || tw == 0)
++  {
++    TIFFError("writeBufferToContigTiles", "Tile size, tile row size, tile width, or tile length is zero");
++    exit(-1);
++  }
+   tile_buffsize = tilesize;
+   if (tilesize < (tsize_t)(tl * tile_rowsize))
+     {
+@@ -1219,6 +1235,11 @@ static int writeBufferToContigTiles (TIFF* out, uint8* buf, uint32 imagelength,
+               tilesize, tl * tile_rowsize);
+ #endif
+     tile_buffsize = tl * tile_rowsize;
++    if (tl != tile_buffsize / tile_rowsize)
++    {
++	TIFFError("writeBufferToContigTiles", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
+     }
+   tilebuf = _TIFFmalloc(tile_buffsize);
+@@ -5931,12 +5952,27 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
+     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tl);
+     tile_rowsize  = TIFFTileRowSize(in);      
++    if (ntiles == 0 || tlsize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0)
++    {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "File appears to be tiled, but the number of tiles, tile size, or tile rowsize is zero.");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
+     buffsize = tlsize * ntiles;
++    if (tlsize != (buffsize / ntiles))
++    {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
+     if (buffsize < (uint32)(ntiles * tl * tile_rowsize))
+       {
+       buffsize = ntiles * tl * tile_rowsize;
++      if (ntiles != (buffsize / tl / tile_rowsize))
++      {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
++	exit(-1);
++      }
+ #ifdef DEBUG2
+       TIFFError("loadImage",
+ 	        "Tilesize %u is too small, using ntiles * tilelength * tilerowsize %lu",
+@@ -5955,8 +5991,25 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
+     TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(in, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip);
+     stsize = TIFFStripSize(in);
+     nstrips = TIFFNumberOfStrips(in);
++    if (nstrips == 0 || stsize == 0)
++    {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "File appears to be striped, but the number of stipes or stripe size is zero.");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
+     buffsize = stsize * nstrips;
++    if (stsize != (buffsize / nstrips))
++    {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
++    uint32 buffsize_check;
++    buffsize_check = ((length * width * spp * bps) + 7);
++    if (length != ((buffsize_check - 7) / width / spp / bps))
++    {
++	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow detected.");
++	exit(-1);
++    }
+     if (buffsize < (uint32) (((length * width * spp * bps) + 7) / 8))
+       {
+       buffsize =  ((length * width * spp * bps) + 7) / 8;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5320.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5320.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc05ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5320.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 5f3ae40bcaf5518aae18eedc90cd9b326d7bd640 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:54:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Fix CVE-2016-5320
+ libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c | 8 +++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+index c9f056e..c961529 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ typedef	struct {
+ 	int			state;
+ 	int			user_datafmt;
+ 	int			quality;
+-	tsize_t			tbuf_size;
++	tmsize_t	tbuf_size;
+ #define PLSTATE_INIT 1
+ 	TIFFVSetMethod		vgetparent;	/* super-class method */
+@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ PixarLogSetupDecode(TIFF* tif)
+ 	if (tbuf_size == 0)
+ 		return (0);   /* TODO: this is an error return without error report through TIFFErrorExt */
+ 	sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(tbuf_size);
++	sp->tbuf_size = tbuf_size;
+ 	if (sp->tbuf == NULL)
+ 		return (0);
+ 	if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN)
+@@ -782,6 +783,11 @@ PixarLogDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* op, tmsize_t occ, uint16 s)
+ 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "ZLib cannot deal with buffers this size");
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
++	if (sp->stream.avail_out > sp->tbuf_size)
++	{
++		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Error within the calculation of ZLib buffer size");
++		return (0);
++	}
+ 	do {
+ 		int state = inflate(&sp->stream, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH);
+ 		if (state == Z_STREAM_END) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5652.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5652.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50d1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-5652.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From bb2505b3d099104a296823fc3a456680417475b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 11:30:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Fix CVE-2016-5652
+ tools/tiff2pdf.c | 17 ++++++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2pdf.c b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+index fbca305..9df5b16 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2pdf.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+@@ -2826,21 +2826,24 @@ tsize_t t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, TIFF* output, ttile_
+ 				return(0);
+ 			}
+ 			if(TIFFGetField(input, TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, &count, &jpt) != 0) {
+-				if (count > 0) {
+-					_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, jpt, count);
++				if (count >= 4) {
++                    /* Ignore EOI marker of JpegTables */
++					_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, jpt, count - 2);
+ 					bufferoffset += count - 2;
++                    /* Store last 2 bytes of the JpegTables */
+ 					table_end[0] = buffer[bufferoffset-2];
+ 					table_end[1] = buffer[bufferoffset-1];
+-				}
+-				if (count > 0) {
+ 					xuint32 = bufferoffset;
++                    bufferoffset -= 2;
+ 					bufferoffset += TIFFReadRawTile(
+ 						input, 
+ 						tile, 
+-						(tdata_t) &(((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset-2]), 
++						(tdata_t) &(((unsigned char*)buffer)[bufferoffset]), 
+ 						-1);
+-						buffer[xuint32-2]=table_end[0];
+-						buffer[xuint32-1]=table_end[1];
++                    /* Overwrite SOI marker of image scan with previously */
++                    /* saved end of JpegTables */
++					buffer[xuint32-2]=table_end[0];
++					buffer[xuint32-1]=table_end[1];
+ 				} else {
+ 					bufferoffset += TIFFReadRawTile(
+ 						input, 
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9533_9534_9536_9537.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9533_9534_9536_9537.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445f5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9533_9534_9536_9537.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+From 6c4480d2980dc61f3fcd4f43a499e69764133f1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:50:33 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Fix CVE-2016-9533, CVE-2016-9534, CVE-2016-9536,
+ CVE-2016-9537
+ libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ libtiff/tif_write.c    |  7 +++++++
+ tools/thumbnail.c      |  7 ++++++-
+ tools/tiff2pdf.c       | 22 ++++++++++++++++++--
+ tools/tiffcrop.c       | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 5 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+index c961529..6128f2f 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+@@ -981,17 +981,14 @@ horizontalDifferenceF(float *ip, int n, int stride, uint16 *wp, uint16 *FromLT2)
+ 		a1 = (int32) CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (a1-a2) & mask; a2 = a1;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else {
+-	    ip += n - 1;	/* point to last one */
+-	    wp += n - 1;	/* point to last one */
+-	    n -= stride;
+-	    while (n > 0) {
+-		REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = (uint16) CLAMP(ip[0]);
+-				wp[stride] -= wp[0];
+-				wp[stride] &= mask;
+-				wp--; ip--)
+-		n -= stride;
+-	    }
+-	    REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = (uint16) CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--)
++        REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = (uint16) CLAMP(ip[0]); wp++; ip++)
++        n -= stride;
++        while (n > 0) {
++            REPEAT(stride,
++                wp[0] = (uint16)(((int32)CLAMP(ip[0])-(int32)CLAMP(ip[-stride])) & mask);
++                wp++; ip++)
++            n -= stride;
++        }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+@@ -1034,17 +1031,14 @@ horizontalDifference16(unsigned short *ip, int n, int stride,
+ 		a1 = CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (a1-a2) & mask; a2 = a1;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else {
+-	    ip += n - 1;	/* point to last one */
+-	    wp += n - 1;	/* point to last one */
++        REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp++; ip++)
+ 	    n -= stride;
+ 	    while (n > 0) {
+-		REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]);
+-				wp[stride] -= wp[0];
+-				wp[stride] &= mask;
+-				wp--; ip--)
+-		n -= stride;
+-	    }
+-	    REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--)
++            REPEAT(stride,
++                wp[0] = (uint16)((CLAMP(ip[0])-CLAMP(ip[-stride])) & mask);
++                wp++; ip++)
++            n -= stride;
++        }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+@@ -1087,18 +1081,15 @@ horizontalDifference8(unsigned char *ip, int n, int stride,
+ 		ip += 4;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else {
+-	    wp += n + stride - 1;	/* point to last one */
+-	    ip += n + stride - 1;	/* point to last one */
+-	    n -= stride;
+-	    while (n > 0) {
+-		REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]);
+-				wp[stride] -= wp[0];
+-				wp[stride] &= mask;
+-				wp--; ip--)
+-		n -= stride;
+-	    }
+-	    REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--)
+-	}
++        REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp++; ip++)
++        n -= stride;
++        while (n > 0) {
++            REPEAT(stride,
++                wp[0] = (uint16)((CLAMP(ip[0])-CLAMP(ip[-stride])) & mask);
++                wp++; ip++)
++            n -= stride;
++        }
++    }
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_write.c b/libtiff/tif_write.c
+index 8792123..ce671af 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_write.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_write.c
+@@ -742,7 +742,14 @@ TIFFFlushData1(TIFF* tif)
+ 		if (!TIFFAppendToStrip(tif,
+ 		    isTiled(tif) ? tif->tif_curtile : tif->tif_curstrip,
+ 		    tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc))
++        {
++            /* We update those variables even in case of error since there's */
++            /* code that doesn't really check the return code of this */
++            /* function */
++            tif->tif_rawcc = 0;
++            tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata;
+ 			return (0);
++        }
+ 		tif->tif_rawcc = 0;
+ 		tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/tools/thumbnail.c b/tools/thumbnail.c
+index e14d290..9a9c439 100644
+--- a/tools/thumbnail.c
++++ b/tools/thumbnail.c
+@@ -587,12 +587,17 @@ generateThumbnail(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+     rowsize = TIFFScanlineSize(in);
+     rastersize = sh * rowsize;
+     fprintf(stderr, "rastersize=%u\n", (unsigned int)rastersize);
+-    raster = (unsigned char*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize + 3);
++	/* +3 : add a few guard bytes since setrow() can read a bit */
++	/* outside buffer */
++    raster = (unsigned char*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize+3);
+     if (!raster) {
+ 	    TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in),
+ 		      "Can't allocate space for raster buffer.");
+ 	    return 0;
+     }
++    raster[rastersize] = 0;
++    raster[rastersize+1] = 0;
++    raster[rastersize+2] = 0;
+     rp = raster;
+     for (s = 0; s < ns; s++) {
+ 	(void) TIFFReadEncodedStrip(in, s, rp, -1);
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2pdf.c b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+index 2a64ec3..fbca305 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2pdf.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2pdf.c
+@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ tsize_t t2p_readwrite_pdf_image_tile(T2P*, TIFF*, TIFF*, ttile_t);
+ int t2p_process_ojpeg_tables(T2P*, TIFF*);
+ #endif
+-int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(unsigned char*, tsize_t*, unsigned char*, tsize_t*, tstrip_t, uint32);
++int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(unsigned char*, tsize_t*, unsigned char*, tsize_t, tsize_t*, tstrip_t, uint32);
+ #endif
+ void t2p_tile_collapse_left(tdata_t, tsize_t, uint32, uint32, uint32);
+ void t2p_write_advance_directory(T2P*, TIFF*);
+@@ -2348,7 +2348,8 @@ tsize_t t2p_readwrite_pdf_image(T2P* t2p, TIFF* input, TIFF* output){
+ 				if(!t2p_process_jpeg_strip(
+ 					stripbuffer, 
+ 					&striplength, 
+-					buffer, 
++					buffer,
++                    t2p->tiff_datasize,
+ 					&bufferoffset, 
+ 					i, 
+ 					t2p->tiff_length)){
+@@ -3378,6 +3379,7 @@ int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(
+ 	unsigned char* strip, 
+ 	tsize_t* striplength, 
+ 	unsigned char* buffer, 
++    tsize_t buffersize,
+ 	tsize_t* bufferoffset, 
+ 	tstrip_t no, 
+ 	uint32 height){
+@@ -3412,6 +3414,8 @@ int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(
+ 		}
+ 		switch( strip[i] ){
+ 			case 0xd8:	/* SOI - start of image */
++                if( *bufferoffset + 2 > buffersize )
++                    return(0);
+ 				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), 2);
+ 				*bufferoffset+=2;
+ 				break;
+@@ -3421,12 +3425,18 @@ int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(
+ 			case 0xc9:	/* SOF9 */
+ 			case 0xca:	/* SOF10 */
+ 				if(no==0){
++                    if( *bufferoffset + datalen + 2 + 6 > buffersize )
++                        return(0);
+ 					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
++                    if( *bufferoffset + 9 >= buffersize )
++                        return(0);
+ 					ncomp = buffer[*bufferoffset+9];
+ 					if (ncomp < 1 || ncomp > 4)
+ 						return(0);
+ 					v_samp=1;
+ 					h_samp=1;
++                    if( *bufferoffset + 11 + 3*(ncomp-1) >= buffersize )
++                        return(0);
+ 					for(j=0;j<ncomp;j++){
+ 						uint16 samp = buffer[*bufferoffset+11+(3*j)];
+ 						if( (samp>>4) > h_samp) 
+@@ -3458,20 +3468,28 @@ int t2p_process_jpeg_strip(
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0xc4: /* DHT */
+ 			case 0xdb: /* DQT */
++                if( *bufferoffset + datalen + 2 > buffersize )
++                    return(0);
+ 				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
+ 				*bufferoffset+=datalen+2;
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0xda: /* SOS */
+ 				if(no==0){
++                    if( *bufferoffset + datalen + 2 > buffersize )
++                        return(0);
+ 					_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i-1]), datalen+2);
+ 					*bufferoffset+=datalen+2;
+ 				} else {
++                    if( *bufferoffset + 2 > buffersize )
++                        return(0);
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=0xff;
+ 					buffer[(*bufferoffset)++]=
+                                             (unsigned char)(0xd0 | ((no-1)%8));
+ 				}
+ 				i += datalen + 1;
+ 				/* copy remainder of strip */
++                if( *bufferoffset + *striplength - i > buffersize )
++                    return(0);
+ 				_TIFFmemcpy(&(buffer[*bufferoffset]), &(strip[i]), *striplength - i);
+ 				*bufferoffset+= *striplength - i;
+ 				return(1);
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+index f04e2eb..02c53cd 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -5744,7 +5744,8 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
+   {
+   uint32   i;
+   float    xres = 0.0, yres = 0.0;
+-  uint16   nstrips = 0, ntiles = 0, planar = 0;
++  uint32   nstrips = 0, ntiles = 0;
++  uint16   planar = 0;
+   uint16   bps = 0, spp = 0, res_unit = 0;
+   uint16   orientation = 0;
+   uint16   input_compression = 0, input_photometric = 0;
+@@ -6049,17 +6050,31 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
+     }
+   read_buff = *read_ptr;
++  /* +3 : add a few guard bytes since reverseSamples16bits() can read a bit */
++  /* outside buffer */
+   if (!read_buff)
+-    read_buff = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(buffsize);
++  {
++    if( buffsize > 0xFFFFFFFFU - 3 )
++    {
++        TIFFError("loadImage", "Unable to allocate/reallocate read buffer");
++        return (-1);
++    }
++    read_buff = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(buffsize+3);
++  }
+   else
+     {
+     if (prev_readsize < buffsize)
++    {
++      if( buffsize > 0xFFFFFFFFU - 3 )
+       {
+-      new_buff = _TIFFrealloc(read_buff, buffsize);
++          TIFFError("loadImage", "Unable to allocate/reallocate read buffer");
++          return (-1);
++      }
++      new_buff = _TIFFrealloc(read_buff, buffsize+3);
+       if (!new_buff)
+         {
+ 	free (read_buff);
+-        read_buff = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(buffsize);
++        read_buff = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(buffsize+3);
+         }
+       else
+         read_buff = new_buff;
+@@ -6071,6 +6086,9 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
+     TIFFError("loadImage", "Unable to allocate/reallocate read buffer");
+     return (-1);
+     }
++  read_buff[buffsize] = 0;
++  read_buff[buffsize+1] = 0;
++  read_buff[buffsize+2] = 0;
+   prev_readsize = buffsize;
+   *read_ptr = read_buff;
+@@ -8877,6 +8895,11 @@ reverseSamplesBytes (uint16 spp, uint16 bps, uint32 width,
+     }
+   bytes_per_pixel  = ((bps * spp) + 7) / 8;
++  if( bytes_per_pixel > sizeof(swapbuff) )
++  {
++    TIFFError("reverseSamplesBytes","bytes_per_pixel too large");
++    return (1);
++  }
+   switch (bps / 8)
+      {
+      case 8:  /* Use memcpy for multiple bytes per sample data */
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9535.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9535.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ec32cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9535.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+From f42765c206cc2e4a77f5e3c107a9a258d981c98e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:13:13 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Fix CVE-2016-9535
+ libtiff/tif_fax3.c    |   3 +-
+ libtiff/tif_lzw.c     |   9 +-
+ libtiff/tif_predict.c | 285 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ libtiff/tif_predict.h |   6 +-
+ 4 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_fax3.c b/libtiff/tif_fax3.c
+index 2b2dccd..777ef8f 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_fax3.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_fax3.c
+@@ -442,8 +442,9 @@ _TIFFFax3fillruns(unsigned char* buf, uint32* runs, uint32* erun, uint32 lastx)
+ 			FILL(n, cp);
+ 			run &= 7;
+ 		    }
++                    /* Explicit 0xff masking to make icc -check=conversions happy */
+ 		    if (run)
+-			cp[0] |= 0xff00 >> run;
++			cp[0] = (unsigned char)((cp[0] | (0xff00 >> run))&0xff);
+ 		} else
+ 		    cp[0] |= _fillmasks[run]>>bx;
+ 		x += runs[1];
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_lzw.c b/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
+index fd9c7a0..d7fbe74 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
+@@ -830,13 +830,15 @@ LZWPreEncode(TIFF* tif, uint16 s)
+ 	} else							\
+ 		rat = (incount<<8) / outcount;			\
+ }
++/* Explicit 0xff masking to make icc -check=conversions happy */
+ #define	PutNextCode(op, c) {					\
+ 	nextdata = (nextdata << nbits) | c;			\
+ 	nextbits += nbits;					\
+-	*op++ = (unsigned char)(nextdata >> (nextbits-8));		\
++	*op++ = (unsigned char)((nextdata >> (nextbits-8))&0xff);		\
+ 	nextbits -= 8;						\
+ 	if (nextbits >= 8) {					\
+-		*op++ = (unsigned char)(nextdata >> (nextbits-8));	\
++		*op++ = (unsigned char)((nextdata >> (nextbits-8))&0xff);	\
+ 		nextbits -= 8;					\
+ 	}							\
+ 	outcount += nbits;					\
+@@ -1042,8 +1044,9 @@ LZWPostEncode(TIFF* tif)
+ 		sp->enc_oldcode = (hcode_t) -1;
+ 	}
+ 	PutNextCode(op, CODE_EOI);
++        /* Explicit 0xff masking to make icc -check=conversions happy */
+ 	if (nextbits > 0) 
+-		*op++ = (unsigned char)(nextdata << (8-nextbits));
++		*op++ = (unsigned char)((nextdata << (8-nextbits))&0xff);
+ 	tif->tif_rawcc = (tmsize_t)(op - tif->tif_rawdata);
+ 	return (1);
+ }
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_predict.c b/libtiff/tif_predict.c
+index f93c664..39d764f 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_predict.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_predict.c
+@@ -34,16 +34,18 @@
+ #define	PredictorState(tif)	((TIFFPredictorState*) (tif)->tif_data)
+-static void horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void horAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void horAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void swabHorAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void swabHorAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void horDiff8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void horDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void horDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void fpAcc(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+-static void fpDiff(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int swabHorAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int swabHorAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horDiff8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int horDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int swabHorDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int swabHorDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int fpAcc(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
++static int fpDiff(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc);
+ static int PredictorDecodeRow(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s);
+ static int PredictorDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s);
+ static int PredictorEncodeRow(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s);
+@@ -207,7 +209,24 @@ PredictorSetupEncode(TIFF* tif)
+                     sp->encodetile = tif->tif_encodetile;
+                     tif->tif_encodetile = PredictorEncodeTile;
+                 }
+-	}
++                /*
++                 * If the data is horizontally differenced 16-bit data that
++                 * requires byte-swapping, then it must be byte swapped after
++                 * the differenciation step.  We do this with a special-purpose
++                 * routine and override the normal post decoding logic that
++                 * the library setup when the directory was read.
++                 */
++                if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) {
++                    if (sp->encodepfunc == horDiff16) {
++                            sp->encodepfunc = swabHorDiff16;
++                            tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode;
++                    } else if (sp->encodepfunc == horDiff32) {
++                            sp->encodepfunc = swabHorDiff32;
++                            tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode;
++                    }
++                }
++        }
+ 	else if (sp->predictor == 3) {
+ 		sp->encodepfunc = fpDiff;
+@@ -239,13 +258,25 @@ PredictorSetupEncode(TIFF* tif)
+     case 0:  ;			\
+     }
+-static void
++/* Remarks related to C standard compliance in all below functions : */
++/* - to avoid any undefined behaviour, we only operate on unsigned types */
++/*   since the behaviour of "overflows" is defined (wrap over) */
++/* - when storing into the byte stream, we explicitly mask with 0xff so */
++/*   as to make icc -check=conversions happy (not necessary by the standard) */
++static int
+ horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+-	char* cp = (char*) cp0;
+-	assert((cc%stride)==0);
++	unsigned char* cp = (unsigned char*) cp0;
++    if((cc%stride)!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horAcc8",
++                     "%s", "(cc%stride)!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (cc > stride) {
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Pipeline the most common cases.
+@@ -257,9 +288,9 @@ horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 			cc -= 3;
+ 			cp += 3;
+ 			while (cc>0) {
+-				cp[0] = (char) (cr += cp[0]);
+-				cp[1] = (char) (cg += cp[1]);
+-				cp[2] = (char) (cb += cp[2]);
++				cp[0] = (unsigned char) ((cr += cp[0]) & 0xff);
++				cp[1] = (unsigned char) ((cg += cp[1]) & 0xff);
++				cp[2] = (unsigned char) ((cb += cp[2]) & 0xff);
+ 				cc -= 3;
+ 				cp += 3;
+ 			}
+@@ -271,10 +302,10 @@ horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 			cc -= 4;
+ 			cp += 4;
+ 			while (cc>0) {
+-				cp[0] = (char) (cr += cp[0]);
+-				cp[1] = (char) (cg += cp[1]);
+-				cp[2] = (char) (cb += cp[2]);
+-				cp[3] = (char) (ca += cp[3]);
++				cp[0] = (unsigned char) ((cr += cp[0]) & 0xff);
++				cp[1] = (unsigned char) ((cg += cp[1]) & 0xff);
++				cp[2] = (unsigned char) ((cb += cp[2]) & 0xff);
++				cp[3] = (unsigned char) ((ca += cp[3]) & 0xff);
+ 				cc -= 4;
+ 				cp += 4;
+ 			}
+@@ -282,77 +313,71 @@ horAcc8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 			cc -= stride;
+ 			do {
+ 				REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] =
+-					(char) (cp[stride] + *cp); cp++)
++					(unsigned char) ((cp[stride] + *cp) & 0xff); cp++)
+ 				cc -= stride;
+ 			} while (cc>0);
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ swabHorAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+ 	uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / 2;
+-	assert((cc%(2*stride))==0);
+-	if (wc > stride) {
+-		TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(wp, wc);
+-		wc -= stride;
+-		do {
+-			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] += wp[0]; wp++)
+-			wc -= stride;
+-		} while (wc > 0);
+-	}
++        TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(wp, wc);
++        return horAcc16(tif, cp0, cc);
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ horAcc16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+ 	uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / 2;
+-	assert((cc%(2*stride))==0);
++    if((cc%(2*stride))!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horAcc16",
++                     "%s", "cc%(2*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (wc > stride) {
+ 		wc -= stride;
+ 		do {
+-			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] += wp[0]; wp++)
++			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] = (uint16)(((unsigned int)wp[stride] + (unsigned int)wp[0]) & 0xffff); wp++)
+ 			wc -= stride;
+ 		} while (wc > 0);
+ 	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ swabHorAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+ 	uint32* wp = (uint32*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / 4;
+-	assert((cc%(4*stride))==0);
+-	if (wc > stride) {
+-		TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(wp, wc);
+-		wc -= stride;
+-		do {
+-			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] += wp[0]; wp++)
+-			wc -= stride;
+-		} while (wc > 0);
+-	}
++        TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(wp, wc);
++	return horAcc32(tif, cp0, cc);
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ horAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+ 	uint32* wp = (uint32*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / 4;
+-	assert((cc%(4*stride))==0);
++    if((cc%(4*stride))!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horAcc32",
++                     "%s", "cc%(4*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (wc > stride) {
+ 		wc -= stride;
+@@ -361,12 +386,13 @@ horAcc32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 			wc -= stride;
+ 		} while (wc > 0);
+ 	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Floating point predictor accumulation routine.
+  */
+-static void
++static int
+ fpAcc(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+@@ -374,15 +400,22 @@ fpAcc(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / bps;
+ 	tmsize_t count = cc;
+ 	uint8 *cp = (uint8 *) cp0;
+-	uint8 *tmp = (uint8 *)_TIFFmalloc(cc);
++	uint8 *tmp;
+-	assert((cc%(bps*stride))==0);
++    if(cc%(bps*stride)!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "fpAcc",
++                     "%s", "cc%(bps*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
++    tmp = (uint8 *)_TIFFmalloc(cc);
+ 	if (!tmp)
+-		return;
++		return 0;
+ 	while (count > stride) {
+-		REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] += cp[0]; cp++)
++		REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] =
++                        (unsigned char) ((cp[stride] + cp[0]) & 0xff); cp++)
+ 		count -= stride;
+ 	}
+@@ -400,6 +433,7 @@ fpAcc(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	_TIFFfree(tmp);
++    return 1;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -415,8 +449,7 @@ PredictorDecodeRow(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s)
+ 	assert(sp->decodepfunc != NULL);  
+ 	if ((*sp->decoderow)(tif, op0, occ0, s)) {
+-		(*sp->decodepfunc)(tif, op0, occ0);
+-		return 1;
++		return (*sp->decodepfunc)(tif, op0, occ0);
+ 	} else
+ 		return 0;
+ }
+@@ -439,10 +472,16 @@ PredictorDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s)
+ 	if ((*sp->decodetile)(tif, op0, occ0, s)) {
+ 		tmsize_t rowsize = sp->rowsize;
+ 		assert(rowsize > 0);
+-		assert((occ0%rowsize)==0);
++		if((occ0%rowsize) !=0)
++        {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "PredictorDecodeTile",
++                         "%s", "occ0%rowsize != 0");
++            return 0;
++        }
+ 		assert(sp->decodepfunc != NULL);
+ 		while (occ0 > 0) {
+-			(*sp->decodepfunc)(tif, op0, rowsize);
++			if( !(*sp->decodepfunc)(tif, op0, rowsize) )
++                return 0;
+ 			occ0 -= rowsize;
+ 			op0 += rowsize;
+ 		}
+@@ -451,14 +490,19 @@ PredictorDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s)
+ 		return 0;
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ horDiff8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif);
+ 	tmsize_t stride = sp->stride;
+-	char* cp = (char*) cp0;
++	unsigned char* cp = (unsigned char*) cp0;
+-	assert((cc%stride)==0);
++    if((cc%stride)!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horDiff8",
++                     "%s", "(cc%stride)!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (cc > stride) {
+ 		cc -= stride;
+@@ -466,67 +510,92 @@ horDiff8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 		 * Pipeline the most common cases.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (stride == 3) {
+-			int r1, g1, b1;
+-			int r2 = cp[0];
+-			int g2 = cp[1];
+-			int b2 = cp[2];
++			unsigned int r1, g1, b1;
++			unsigned int r2 = cp[0];
++			unsigned int g2 = cp[1];
++			unsigned  int b2 = cp[2];
+ 			do {
+-				r1 = cp[3]; cp[3] = r1-r2; r2 = r1;
+-				g1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = g1-g2; g2 = g1;
+-				b1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = b1-b2; b2 = b1;
++				r1 = cp[3]; cp[3] = (unsigned char)((r1-r2)&0xff); r2 = r1;
++				g1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = (unsigned char)((g1-g2)&0xff); g2 = g1;
++				b1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = (unsigned char)((b1-b2)&0xff); b2 = b1;
+ 				cp += 3;
+ 			} while ((cc -= 3) > 0);
+ 		} else if (stride == 4) {
+-			int r1, g1, b1, a1;
+-			int r2 = cp[0];
+-			int g2 = cp[1];
+-			int b2 = cp[2];
+-			int a2 = cp[3];
++			unsigned int r1, g1, b1, a1;
++			unsigned int r2 = cp[0];
++			unsigned int g2 = cp[1];
++			unsigned int b2 = cp[2];
++			unsigned int a2 = cp[3];
+ 			do {
+-				r1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = r1-r2; r2 = r1;
+-				g1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = g1-g2; g2 = g1;
+-				b1 = cp[6]; cp[6] = b1-b2; b2 = b1;
+-				a1 = cp[7]; cp[7] = a1-a2; a2 = a1;
++				r1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = (unsigned char)((r1-r2)&0xff); r2 = r1;
++				g1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = (unsigned char)((g1-g2)&0xff); g2 = g1;
++				b1 = cp[6]; cp[6] = (unsigned char)((b1-b2)&0xff); b2 = b1;
++				a1 = cp[7]; cp[7] = (unsigned char)((a1-a2)&0xff); a2 = a1;
+ 				cp += 4;
+ 			} while ((cc -= 4) > 0);
+ 		} else {
+ 			cp += cc - 1;
+ 			do {
+-				REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] -= cp[0]; cp--)
++				REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] = (unsigned char)((cp[stride] - cp[0])&0xff); cp--)
+ 			} while ((cc -= stride) > 0);
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+-static void
++static int
+ horDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif);
+ 	tmsize_t stride = sp->stride;
+-	int16 *wp = (int16*) cp0;
++	uint16 *wp = (uint16*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc/2;
+-	assert((cc%(2*stride))==0);
++    if((cc%(2*stride))!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horDiff8",
++                     "%s", "(cc%(2*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (wc > stride) {
+ 		wc -= stride;
+ 		wp += wc - 1;
+ 		do {
+-			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] -= wp[0]; wp--)
++			REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] = (uint16)(((unsigned int)wp[stride] - (unsigned int)wp[0]) & 0xffff); wp--)
+ 			wc -= stride;
+ 		} while (wc > 0);
+ 	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+-static void
++static int
++swabHorDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
++    uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0;
++    tmsize_t wc = cc / 2;
++    if( !horDiff16(tif, cp0, cc) )
++        return 0;
++    TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(wp, wc);
++    return 1;
++static int
+ horDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif);
+ 	tmsize_t stride = sp->stride;
+-	int32 *wp = (int32*) cp0;
++	uint32 *wp = (uint32*) cp0;
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc/4;
+-	assert((cc%(4*stride))==0);
++    if((cc%(4*stride))!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "horDiff32",
++                     "%s", "(cc%(4*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	if (wc > stride) {
+ 		wc -= stride;
+@@ -536,12 +605,26 @@ horDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 			wc -= stride;
+ 		} while (wc > 0);
+ 	}
++	return 1;
++static int
++swabHorDiff32(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
++    uint32* wp = (uint32*) cp0;
++    tmsize_t wc = cc / 4;
++    if( !horDiff32(tif, cp0, cc) )
++        return 0;
++    TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(wp, wc);
++    return 1;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Floating point predictor differencing routine.
+  */
+-static void
++static int
+ fpDiff(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ {
+ 	tmsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride;
+@@ -549,12 +632,18 @@ fpDiff(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 	tmsize_t wc = cc / bps;
+ 	tmsize_t count;
+ 	uint8 *cp = (uint8 *) cp0;
+-	uint8 *tmp = (uint8 *)_TIFFmalloc(cc);
++	uint8 *tmp;
+-	assert((cc%(bps*stride))==0);
++    if((cc%(bps*stride))!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "fpDiff",
++                     "%s", "(cc%(bps*stride))!=0");
++        return 0;
++    }
++    tmp = (uint8 *)_TIFFmalloc(cc);
+ 	if (!tmp)
+-		return;
++		return 0;
+ 	_TIFFmemcpy(tmp, cp0, cc);
+ 	for (count = 0; count < wc; count++) {
+@@ -573,7 +662,8 @@ fpDiff(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc)
+ 	cp = (uint8 *) cp0;
+ 	cp += cc - stride - 1;
+ 	for (count = cc; count > stride; count -= stride)
+-		REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] -= cp[0]; cp--)
++		REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] = (unsigned char)((cp[stride] - cp[0])&0xff); cp--)
++    return 1;
+ }
+ static int
+@@ -586,7 +676,8 @@ PredictorEncodeRow(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
+ 	assert(sp->encoderow != NULL);
+ 	/* XXX horizontal differencing alters user's data XXX */
+-	(*sp->encodepfunc)(tif, bp, cc);
++	if( !(*sp->encodepfunc)(tif, bp, cc) )
++        return 0;
+ 	return (*sp->encoderow)(tif, bp, cc, s);
+ }
+@@ -621,7 +712,13 @@ PredictorEncodeTile(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp0, tmsize_t cc0, uint16 s)
+ 	rowsize = sp->rowsize;
+ 	assert(rowsize > 0);
+-	assert((cc0%rowsize)==0);
++	if((cc0%rowsize)!=0)
++    {
++        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "PredictorEncodeTile",
++                     "%s", "(cc0%rowsize)!=0");
++        _TIFFfree( working_copy );
++        return 0;
++    }
+ 	while (cc > 0) {
+ 		(*sp->encodepfunc)(tif, bp, rowsize);
+ 		cc -= rowsize;
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_predict.h b/libtiff/tif_predict.h
+index dc7144c..1585a58 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_predict.h
++++ b/libtiff/tif_predict.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+  * ``Library-private'' Support for the Predictor Tag
+  */
++typedef int (*TIFFEncodeDecodeMethod)(TIFF* tif, uint8* buf, tmsize_t size);
+ /*
+  * Codecs that want to support the Predictor tag must place
+  * this structure first in their private state block so that
+@@ -43,12 +45,12 @@ typedef struct {
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  encoderow;	/* parent codec encode/decode row */
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  encodestrip;	/* parent codec encode/decode strip */
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  encodetile;	/* parent codec encode/decode tile */ 
+-	TIFFPostMethod  encodepfunc;	/* horizontal differencer */
++	TIFFEncodeDecodeMethod  encodepfunc;	/* horizontal differencer */
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  decoderow;	/* parent codec encode/decode row */
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  decodestrip;	/* parent codec encode/decode strip */
+ 	TIFFCodeMethod  decodetile;	/* parent codec encode/decode tile */ 
+-	TIFFPostMethod  decodepfunc;	/* horizontal accumulator */
++	TIFFEncodeDecodeMethod  decodepfunc;	/* horizontal accumulator */
+ 	TIFFVGetMethod  vgetparent;	/* super-class method */
+ 	TIFFVSetMethod  vsetparent;	/* super-class method */
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9540.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9540.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b473d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2016-9540.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From aa6829cda019f56ed882b2db2d1e84c994412f9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:58:22 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Fix CVE-2016-9540
+ tools/tiffcp.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcp.c b/tools/tiffcp.c
+index 8c696db..2903461 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcp.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcp.c
+@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ DECLAREreadFunc(readContigTilesIntoBuffer)
+ 		uint32 colb = 0;
+ 		uint32 col;
+-		for (col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw) {
++		for (col = 0; col < imagewidth && colb < imagew; col += tw) {
+ 			if (TIFFReadTile(in, tilebuf, col, row, 0, 0) < 0
+ 			    && !ignore) {
+ 				TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in),
+@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ DECLAREwriteFunc(writeBufferToContigTiles)
+ 		uint32 colb = 0;
+ 		uint32 col;
+-		for (col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw) {
++		for (col = 0; col < imagewidth && colb < imagew; col += tw) {
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Tile is clipped horizontally.  Calculate
+ 			 * visible portion and skewing factors.
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10779.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10779.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3241375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10779.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 12f57b64abecdb610aee44b70d2379c301ce5b09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 16:34:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 04/10] TIFFSetupStrips(): avoid potential uint32 overflow on
+ 32-bit systems with large number of strips. Probably relates to
+ http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2788 / CVE-2018-10779
+ libtiff/tif_write.c | 6 ++++--
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_write.c b/libtiff/tif_write.c
+index ce671af..c7c29a5 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_write.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_write.c
+@@ -484,9 +484,11 @@ TIFFSetupStrips(TIFF* tif)
+ 	if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE)
+ 		td->td_stripsperimage /= td->td_samplesperpixel;
+ 	td->td_stripoffset = (uint64 *)
+-	    _TIFFmalloc(td->td_nstrips * sizeof (uint64));
++            _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, td->td_nstrips, sizeof (uint64),
++                             "for \"StripOffsets\" array");
+ 	td->td_stripbytecount = (uint64 *)
+-	    _TIFFmalloc(td->td_nstrips * sizeof (uint64));
++            _TIFFCheckMalloc(tif, td->td_nstrips, sizeof (uint64),
++                             "for \"StripByteCounts\" array");
+ 	if (td->td_stripoffset == NULL || td->td_stripbytecount == NULL)
+ 		return (0);
+ 	/*
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10963.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10963.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ff7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-10963.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From db1b2741b413714c69f67842d40d78d793ef47e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 14:24:15 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 05/10] TIFFWriteDirectorySec: avoid assertion. Fixes
+ http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2795. CVE-2018-10963
+ libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c | 7 +++++--
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c b/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
+index fa68d1c..fd0d31c 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c
+@@ -688,8 +688,11 @@ TIFFWriteDirectorySec(TIFF* tif, int isimage, int imagedone, uint64* pdiroff)
+ 								}
+ 								break;
+ 							default:
+-								assert(0);   /* we should never get here */
+-								break;
++								TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,
++								            "Cannot write tag %d (%s)",
++								            TIFFFieldTag(o),
++                                                                            o->field_name ? o->field_name : "unknown");
++								goto bad;
+ 						}
+ 					}
+ 				}
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-12900.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-12900.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a437365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-12900.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From 38e3984b95ed5dc9820cba7af13c9a000eba9742 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: pgajdos <pgajdos@suse.cz>
+Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:03:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 06/10] prevent integer overflow
+ tools/tiffcp.c | 6 ++++++
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcp.c b/tools/tiffcp.c
+index 2903461..754ee9f 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcp.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcp.c
+@@ -1402,6 +1402,12 @@ DECLAREreadFunc(readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer)
+ 					status = 0;
+ 					goto done;
+ 				}
++				if (0xFFFFFFFF / tilew < spp)
++				{
++					TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Error, either TileWidth (%u) or BitsPerSample (%u) is too large", tilew, bps);
++					status = 0;
++					goto done;
++				}
+ 				/*
+ 				 * Tile is clipped horizontally.  Calculate
+ 				 * visible portion and skewing factors.
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17100.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17100.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524bc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17100.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From b103d539e2421a66db911f069885ffbd5760bffd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 14:58:16 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 07/10] Fix CVE-2018-17100
+ tools/ppm2tiff.c | 13 +++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/ppm2tiff.c b/tools/ppm2tiff.c
+index 8e168ad..fc97983 100644
+--- a/tools/ppm2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/ppm2tiff.c
+@@ -72,15 +72,16 @@ BadPPM(char* file)
+ 	exit(-2);
+ }
++#define TIFF_SIZE_T_MAX ((size_t) ~ ((size_t)0))
++#define TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX (tmsize_t)(TIFF_SIZE_T_MAX >> 1)
+ static tmsize_t
+ multiply_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t bytes = m1 * m2;
+-	if (m1 && bytes / m1 != m2)
+-		bytes = 0;
+-	return bytes;
++        if( m1 == 0 || m2 > TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / m1 )
++            return 0;
++        return m1 * m2;
+ }
+ int
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17101.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17101.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6c0bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-17101.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From 666a205254d095947de95670f014fe30137c0014 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 14:59:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Fix CVE-2018-17101
+ tools/pal2rgb.c | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
+ tools/tiff2bw.c | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/pal2rgb.c b/tools/pal2rgb.c
+index 426bbc0..994757a 100644
+--- a/tools/pal2rgb.c
++++ b/tools/pal2rgb.c
+@@ -389,7 +389,23 @@ cpTags(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+ {
+     struct cpTag *p;
+     for (p = tags; p < &tags[NTAGS]; p++)
+-	cpTag(in, out, p->tag, p->count, p->type);
++    {
++        if( p->tag == TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS )
++        {
++            uint16 compression;
++            if( !TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression) ||
++                    compression != COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 )
++                continue;
++        }
++        if( p->tag == TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS )
++        {
++            uint16 compression;
++            if( !TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression) ||
++                    compression != COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 )
++                continue;
++        }
++        cpTag(in, out, p->tag, p->count, p->type);
++    }
+ }
+ #undef NTAGS
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2bw.c b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+index 02605df..53067e7 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2bw.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+@@ -427,7 +427,23 @@ cpTags(TIFF* in, TIFF* out)
+ {
+     struct cpTag *p;
+     for (p = tags; p < &tags[NTAGS]; p++)
+-	cpTag(in, out, p->tag, p->count, p->type);
++    {
++        if( p->tag == TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS )
++        {
++            uint16 compression;
++            if( !TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression) ||
++                    compression != COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 )
++                continue;
++        }
++        if( p->tag == TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS )
++        {
++            uint16 compression;
++            if( !TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression) ||
++                    compression != COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 )
++                continue;
++        }
++        cpTag(in, out, p->tag, p->count, p->type);
++    }
+ }
+ #undef NTAGS
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18557.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18557.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d476c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18557.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+From ac1ad5a48fe981a8a9b6911886894520bbe0c71e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 16:38:29 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 09/10] JBIG: fix potential out-of-bounds write in JBIGDecode()
+JBIGDecode doesn't check if the user provided buffer is large enough
+to store the JBIG decoded image, which can potentially cause out-of-bounds
+write in the buffer.
+This issue was reported and analyzed by Thomas Dullien.
+Also fixes a (harmless) potential use of uninitialized memory when
+tif->tif_rawsize > tif->tif_rawcc
+And in case libtiff is compiled with CHUNKY_STRIP_READ_SUPPORT, make sure
+that whole strip data is provided to JBIGDecode()
+ libtiff/tif_jbig.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_jbig.c b/libtiff/tif_jbig.c
+index 37878f6..667f3ff 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_jbig.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_jbig.c
+@@ -53,17 +53,18 @@ static int JBIGDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buffer, tmsize_t size, uint16 s)
+ 	struct jbg_dec_state decoder;
+ 	int decodeStatus = 0;
+ 	unsigned char* pImage = NULL;
+-	(void) size, (void) s;
++	unsigned long decodedSize;
++	(void) s;
+ 	if (isFillOrder(tif, tif->tif_dir.td_fillorder))
+ 	{
+-		TIFFReverseBits(tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawdatasize);
++		TIFFReverseBits(tif->tif_rawcp, tif->tif_rawcc);
+ 	}
+ 	jbg_dec_init(&decoder);
+ #if defined(HAVE_JBG_NEWLEN)
+-	jbg_newlen(tif->tif_rawdata, (size_t)tif->tif_rawdatasize);
++	jbg_newlen(tif->tif_rawcp, (size_t)tif->tif_rawcc);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * I do not check the return status of jbg_newlen because even if this
+ 	 * function fails it does not necessarily mean that decoding the image
+@@ -76,8 +77,8 @@ static int JBIGDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buffer, tmsize_t size, uint16 s)
+ 	 */
+ #endif /* HAVE_JBG_NEWLEN */
+-	decodeStatus = jbg_dec_in(&decoder, (unsigned char*)tif->tif_rawdata,
+-				  (size_t)tif->tif_rawdatasize, NULL);
++	decodeStatus = jbg_dec_in(&decoder, (unsigned char*)tif->tif_rawcp,
++				  (size_t)tif->tif_rawcc, NULL);
+ 	if (JBG_EOK != decodeStatus)
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+@@ -97,9 +98,28 @@ static int JBIGDecode(TIFF* tif, uint8* buffer, tmsize_t size, uint16 s)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	decodedSize = jbg_dec_getsize(&decoder);
++	if( (tmsize_t)decodedSize < size )
++	{
++	    TIFFWarningExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "JBIG",
++	                   "Only decoded %lu bytes, whereas %lu requested",
++	                   decodedSize, (unsigned long)size);
++	}
++	else if( (tmsize_t)decodedSize > size )
++	{
++	    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, "JBIG",
++	                 "Decoded %lu bytes, whereas %lu were requested",
++	                 decodedSize, (unsigned long)size);
++	    jbg_dec_free(&decoder);
++	    return 0;
++	}
+ 	pImage = jbg_dec_getimage(&decoder, 0);
+-	_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, pImage, jbg_dec_getsize(&decoder));
++	_TIFFmemcpy(buffer, pImage, decodedSize);
+ 	jbg_dec_free(&decoder);
++        tif->tif_rawcp += tif->tif_rawcc;
++        tif->tif_rawcc = 0;
+ 	return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18661.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18661.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7014f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-18661.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+From c188f95bd865b1428f88c193b895fe9b3f6767e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 18:50:27 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tiff2bw: avoid null pointer dereference in case of out of
+ memory situation. Fixes http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2819 /
+ CVE-2018-18661
+ libtiff/tiffiop.h |  1 +
+ tools/tiff2bw.c   | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ tools/tiffcrop.c  |  5 ----
+ 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tiffiop.h b/libtiff/tiffiop.h
+index 53357d8..8d1357b 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tiffiop.h
++++ b/libtiff/tiffiop.h
+@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ extern void *lfind(const void *, const void *, size_t *, size_t,
+ #endif
+ #define    streq(a,b)      (strcmp(a,b) == 0)
++#define    strneq(a,b,n)   (strncmp(a,b,n) == 0)
+ #ifndef TRUE
+ #define	TRUE	1
+diff --git a/tools/tiff2bw.c b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+index 53067e7..ad797b2 100644
+--- a/tools/tiff2bw.c
++++ b/tools/tiff2bw.c
+@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #include "tiffio.h"
+-#define	streq(a,b)	(strcmp((a),(b)) == 0)
+-#define	strneq(a,b,n)	(strncmp(a,b,n) == 0)
++#include "tiffiop.h"
+ /* x% weighting -> fraction of full color */
+ #define	PCT(x)	(((x)*255+127)/100)
+@@ -130,6 +128,11 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 	extern int optind;
+ 	extern char *optarg;
++	in = (TIFF *) NULL;
++	out = (TIFF *) NULL;
++	inbuf = (unsigned char *) NULL;
++	outbuf = (unsigned char *) NULL;
+ 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:R:G:B:")) != -1)
+ 		switch (c) {
+ 		case 'c':		/* compression scheme */
+@@ -163,24 +166,24 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	    "%s: Bad photometric; can only handle RGB and Palette images.\n",
+ 		    argv[optind]);
+-		return (-1);
++		goto tiff2bw_error;
+ 	}
+ 	TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel);
+ 	if (samplesperpixel != 1 && samplesperpixel != 3) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad samples/pixel %u.\n",
+ 		    argv[optind], samplesperpixel);
+-		return (-1);
++		goto tiff2bw_error;
+ 	}
+ 	if( photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_RGB && samplesperpixel != 3) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad samples/pixel %u for PHOTOMETRIC_RGB.\n",
+ 		    argv[optind], samplesperpixel);
+-		return (-1);
++		goto tiff2bw_error;
+ 	}
+ 	TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample);
+ 	if (bitspersample != 8) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    " %s: Sorry, only handle 8-bit samples.\n", argv[optind]);
+-		return (-1);
++		goto tiff2bw_error;
+ 	}
+@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 	out = TIFFOpen(argv[optind+1], "w");
+ 	if (out == NULL)
+-		return (-1);
++		goto tiff2bw_error;
+@@ -214,6 +217,11 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 	TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, "tiff2bw");
+ 	outbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(out));
++        if( !outbuf )
++        {
++            fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
++            goto tiff2bw_error;
++        }
+ 	    TIFFDefaultStripSize(out, rowsperstrip));
+@@ -237,6 +245,11 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ #undef CVT
+ 		}
+ 		inbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(in));
++                if( !inbuf )
++                {
++                    fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
++                    goto tiff2bw_error;
++                }
+ 		for (row = 0; row < h; row++) {
+ 			if (TIFFReadScanline(in, inbuf, row, 0) < 0)
+ 				break;
+@@ -247,6 +260,11 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		break;
+ 		inbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(in));
++                if( !inbuf )
++                {
++                    fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
++                    goto tiff2bw_error;
++                }
+ 		for (row = 0; row < h; row++) {
+ 			if (TIFFReadScanline(in, inbuf, row, 0) < 0)
+ 				break;
+@@ -256,23 +274,48 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		}
+ 		break;
++        {
++                tmsize_t inbufsize;
+ 		rowsize = TIFFScanlineSize(in);
+-		inbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(3*rowsize);
++                inbufsize = TIFFSafeMultiply(tmsize_t, 3, rowsize);
++		inbuf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(inbufsize);
++                if( !inbuf )
++                {
++                    fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
++                    goto tiff2bw_error;
++                }
+ 		for (row = 0; row < h; row++) {
+ 			for (s = 0; s < 3; s++)
+ 				if (TIFFReadScanline(in,
+ 				    inbuf+s*rowsize, row, s) < 0)
+-					 return (-1);
++                                        goto tiff2bw_error;
+ 			compresssep(outbuf,
+ 			    inbuf, inbuf+rowsize, inbuf+2*rowsize, w);
+ 			if (TIFFWriteScanline(out, outbuf, row, 0) < 0)
+ 				break;
+ 		}
+ 		break;
++        }
+ 	}
+ #undef pack
++        if (inbuf)
++                _TIFFfree(inbuf);
++        if (outbuf)
++                _TIFFfree(outbuf);
++        TIFFClose(in);
+ 	TIFFClose(out);
+ 	return (0);
++ tiff2bw_error:
++        if (inbuf)
++                _TIFFfree(inbuf);
++        if (outbuf)
++                _TIFFfree(outbuf);
++        if (out)
++                TIFFClose(out);
++        if (in)
++                TIFFClose(in);
++        return (-1);
+ }
+ static int
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+index 02c53cd..0192f3f 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -148,11 +148,6 @@ extern int getopt(int, char**, char*);
+ #define PATH_MAX 1024
+ #endif
+-#ifndef streq
+-#define	streq(a,b)	(strcmp((a),(b)) == 0)
+-#define	strneq(a,b,n)	(strncmp((a),(b),(n)) == 0)
+ #define	TRUE	1
+ #define	FALSE	0
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-7456.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-7456.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae9a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-7456.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+From 52dcdc1d89925fe7e362b2cc9cae699773f9618e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo Lefeuvre <hle@debian.org>
+Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2018 14:07:08 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix NULL pointer dereference in TIFFPrintDirectory
+The TIFFPrintDirectory function relies on the following assumptions,
+supposed to be guaranteed by the specification:
+(a) A Transfer Function field is only present if the TIFF file has
+    photometric type < 3.
+(b) If SamplesPerPixel > Color Channels, then the ExtraSamples field
+    has count SamplesPerPixel - (Color Channels) and contains
+    information about supplementary channels.
+While respect of (a) and (b) are essential for the well functioning of
+TIFFPrintDirectory, no checks are realized neither by the callee nor
+by TIFFPrintDirectory itself. Hence, following scenarios might happen
+and trigger the NULL pointer dereference:
+(1) TIFF File of photometric type 4 or more has illegal Transfer
+    Function field.
+(2) TIFF File has photometric type 3 or less and defines a
+    SamplesPerPixel field such that SamplesPerPixel > Color Channels
+    without defining all extra samples in the ExtraSamples fields.
+In this patch, we address both issues with respect of the following
+(A) In the case of (1), the defined transfer table should be printed
+    safely even if it isn't 'legal'. This allows us to avoid expensive
+    checks in TIFFPrintDirectory. Also, it is quite possible that
+    an alternative photometric type would be developed (not part of the
+    standard) and would allow definition of Transfer Table. We want
+    libtiff to be able to handle this scenario out of the box.
+(B) In the case of (2), the transfer table should be printed at its
+    right size, that is if TIFF file has photometric type Palette
+    then the transfer table should have one row and not three, even
+    if two extra samples are declared.
+In order to fulfill (A) we simply add a new 'i < 3' end condition to
+the broken TIFFPrintDirectory loop. This makes sure that in any case
+where (b) would be respected but not (a), everything stays fine.
+(B) is fulfilled by the loop condition
+'i < td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples'. This is enough as
+long as (b) is respected.
+Naturally, we also make sure (b) is respected. This is done in the
+TIFFReadDirectory function by making sure any non-color channel is
+counted in ExtraSamples.
+This commit addresses CVE-2018-7456.
+ libtiff/tif_dirread.c | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ libtiff/tif_print.c   |  2 +-
+ libtiff/tif_unix.c    |  8 ++++++
+ libtiff/tif_win32.c   |  8 ++++++
+ libtiff/tiffio.h      |  1 +
+ 5 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dirread.c b/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
+index 6667228..4f07bc8 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dirread.c
+@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ static int TIFFFetchStripThing(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 nstrips, uin
+ static int TIFFFetchSubjectDistance(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*);
+ static void ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip(TIFF*);
+ static uint64 TIFFReadUInt64(const uint8 *value);
++static int _TIFFGetMaxColorChannels(uint16 photometric);
+ typedef union _UInt64Aligned_t
+ {
+@@ -3415,6 +3416,34 @@ static void TIFFReadDirEntryOutputErr(TIFF* tif, enum TIFFReadDirEntryErr err, c
+ 	}
+ }
++ * Return the maximum number of color channels specified for a given photometric
++ * type. 0 is returned if photometric type isn't supported or no default value
++ * is defined by the specification.
++ */
++static int _TIFFGetMaxColorChannels( uint16 photometric )
++    switch (photometric) {
++            return 1;
++            return 3;
++            return 4;
++	default:
++            return 0;
++    }
+ /*
+  * Read the next TIFF directory from a file and convert it to the internal
+  * format. We read directories sequentially.
+@@ -3430,6 +3459,7 @@ TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF* tif)
+ 	const TIFFField* fip;
+ 	uint32 fii=FAILED_FII;
+         toff_t nextdiroff;
++        int color_channels;
+ 	tif->tif_diroff=tif->tif_nextdiroff;
+ 	if (!TIFFCheckDirOffset(tif,tif->tif_nextdiroff))
+ 		return 0;           /* last offset or bad offset (IFD looping) */
+@@ -3909,6 +3939,37 @@ TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF* tif)
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	/*
++	 * Make sure all non-color channels are extrasamples.
++	 * If it's not the case, define them as such.
++	 */
++        color_channels = _TIFFGetMaxColorChannels(tif->tif_dir.td_photometric);
++        if (color_channels && tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel - tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples > color_channels) {
++                uint16 old_extrasamples;
++                uint16 *new_sampleinfo;
++                TIFFWarningExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module, "Sum of Photometric type-related "
++                    "color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. "
++                    "Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.");
++                old_extrasamples = tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples;
++                tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples = (tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel - color_channels);
++                // sampleinfo should contain information relative to these new extra samples
++                new_sampleinfo = (uint16*) _TIFFcalloc(tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples, sizeof(uint16));
++                if (!new_sampleinfo) {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Failed to allocate memory for "
++                                "temporary new sampleinfo array (%d 16 bit elements)",
++                                tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples);
++                    goto bad;
++                }
++                memcpy(new_sampleinfo, tif->tif_dir.td_sampleinfo, old_extrasamples * sizeof(uint16));
++                _TIFFsetShortArray(&tif->tif_dir.td_sampleinfo, new_sampleinfo, tif->tif_dir.td_extrasamples);
++                _TIFFfree(new_sampleinfo);
++        }
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Verify Palette image has a Colormap.
+ 	 */
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_print.c b/libtiff/tif_print.c
+index b323ef1..8c075e5 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_print.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_print.c
+@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags)
+ 			for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
+ 				fprintf(fd, "    %2lu: %5u",
+ 				    l, td->td_transferfunction[0][l]);
+-				for (i = 1; i < td->td_samplesperpixel; i++)
++				for (i = 1; i < td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples && i < 3; i++)
+ 					fprintf(fd, " %5u",
+ 					    td->td_transferfunction[i][l]);
+ 				fputc('\n', fd);
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_unix.c b/libtiff/tif_unix.c
+index 0a3a4a8..5c00917 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_unix.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_unix.c
+@@ -262,6 +262,14 @@ _TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s)
+ 	return (malloc((size_t) s));
+ }
++void* _TIFFcalloc(tmsize_t nmemb, tmsize_t siz)
++    if( nmemb == 0 || siz == 0 )
++        return ((void *) NULL);
++    return calloc((size_t) nmemb, (size_t)siz);
+ void
+ _TIFFfree(void* p)
+ {
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_win32.c b/libtiff/tif_win32.c
+index 4a2466f..ef6be08 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_win32.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_win32.c
+@@ -334,6 +334,14 @@ _TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s)
+ 	return (malloc((size_t) s));
+ }
++void* _TIFFcalloc(tmsize_t nmemb, tmsize_t siz)
++    if( nmemb == 0 || siz == 0 )
++        return ((void *) NULL);
++    return calloc((size_t) nmemb, (size_t)siz);
+ void
+ _TIFFfree(void* p)
+ {
+diff --git a/libtiff/tiffio.h b/libtiff/tiffio.h
+index 038b670..9b39392 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tiffio.h
++++ b/libtiff/tiffio.h
+@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ extern TIFFCodec* TIFFGetConfiguredCODECs(void);
+  */
+ extern void* _TIFFmalloc(tmsize_t s);
++extern void* _TIFFcalloc(tmsize_t nmemb, tmsize_t siz);
+ extern void* _TIFFrealloc(void* p, tmsize_t s);
+ extern void _TIFFmemset(void* p, int v, tmsize_t c);
+ extern void _TIFFmemcpy(void* d, const void* s, tmsize_t c);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-8905.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-8905.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b16f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2018-8905.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From ba8ce45d1eda9c6291af38f41f09a5c9d238f707 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 15:32:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 03/10] LZWDecodeCompat(): fix potential index-out-of-bounds
+ write. Fixes http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2780 /
+ CVE-2018-8905
+The fix consists in using the similar code LZWDecode() to validate we
+don't write outside of the output buffer.
+ libtiff/tif_lzw.c | 17 ++++++++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_lzw.c b/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
+index d7fbe74..af35c2a 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_lzw.c
+@@ -589,6 +589,7 @@ LZWDecodeCompat(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s)
+ 	char *tp;
+ 	unsigned char *bp;
+ 	int code, nbits;
++	int len;
+ 	long nextbits, nextdata, nbitsmask;
+ 	code_t *codep, *free_entp, *maxcodep, *oldcodep;
+@@ -733,12 +734,18 @@ LZWDecodeCompat(TIFF* tif, uint8* op0, tmsize_t occ0, uint16 s)
+ 				}  while (--occ);
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+-			assert(occ >= codep->length);
+-			op += codep->length, occ -= codep->length;
+-			tp = op;
++			len = codep->length;
++			tp = op + len;
+ 			do {
+-				*--tp = codep->value;
+-			} while( (codep = codep->next) != NULL );
++				int t;
++				--tp;
++				t = codep->value;
++				codep = codep->next;
++				*tp = (char)t;
++			} while (codep && tp > op);
++			assert(occ >= len);
++			op += len;
++			occ -= len;
+ 		} else
+ 			*op++ = code, occ--;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-am-version.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-am-version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94c2e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-am-version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Back off the minimum required automake version to 1.11.  There isn't
+anything in libtiff currently that actually requires 1.12, and changing
+this allows the package to be built on pre-F18 machines for easier testing.
+This patch can go away once we no longer care about testing on pre-F18.
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/Makefile.am tiff-4.0.3/Makefile.am
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/Makefile.am	2012-09-20 09:22:47.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/Makefile.am	2012-10-30 11:33:30.312823564 -0400
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ docdir = $(LIBTIFF_DOCDIR)
+-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.12 dist-zip foreign
++AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.11 dist-zip foreign
+ docfiles = \
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/test/Makefile.am tiff-4.0.3/test/Makefile.am
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/test/Makefile.am	2012-09-20 09:22:28.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/test/Makefile.am	2012-10-30 11:33:17.109696812 -0400
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ # Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in.
+-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.12 color-tests parallel-tests foreign
++AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.11 color-tests parallel-tests foreign
+ LIBTIFF = $(top_builddir)/libtiff/libtiff.la
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-coverity.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-coverity.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c84e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-coverity.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+From f4ee7a53cc422490986225c49f92935b3ba52866 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 17:06:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix Covscan defects
+ contrib/addtiffo/addtiffo.c |  3 ++-
+ libtiff/tif_dir.c           |  2 +-
+ libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c         |  7 ++++++-
+ tools/gif2tiff.c            | 21 +++++++++++++++------
+ tools/ras2tiff.c            | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
+ tools/rasterfile.h          | 16 +++++++++-------
+ tools/tiffcrop.c            |  4 ++++
+ 7 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/contrib/addtiffo/addtiffo.c b/contrib/addtiffo/addtiffo.c
+index d3920e2..47f5fa8 100644
+--- a/contrib/addtiffo/addtiffo.c
++++ b/contrib/addtiffo/addtiffo.c
+@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+     while( nOverviewCount < argc - 2 && nOverviewCount < 100 )
+     {
+         anOverviews[nOverviewCount] = atoi(argv[nOverviewCount+2]);
+-        if( anOverviews[nOverviewCount] <= 0)
++        if( (anOverviews[nOverviewCount] <= 0) ||
++            ((anOverviews[nOverviewCount] > 1024)))
+         {
+             fprintf( stderr, "Incorrect parameters\n" );
+             return(1);
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_dir.c b/libtiff/tif_dir.c
+index f812fa2..9c613da 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_dir.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_dir.c
+@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ badvaluedouble:
+         TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+              "%s: Bad value %f for \"%s\" tag",
+              tif->tif_name, dblval,
+-		     fip->field_name);
++		     fip ? fip->field_name : "Unknown");
+         va_end(ap);
+         }
+     return (0);
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c b/libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c
+index 6ea3c38..1d9c77c 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c
+@@ -528,6 +528,8 @@ OJPEGVSetField(TIFF* tif, uint32 tag, va_list ap)
+ 	uint32 ma;
+ 	uint64* mb;
+ 	uint32 n;
++	const TIFFField* fip;
+ 	switch(tag)
+ 	{
+@@ -597,7 +599,10 @@ OJPEGVSetField(TIFF* tif, uint32 tag, va_list ap)
+ 		default:
+ 			return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif,tag,ap);
+ 	}
+-	TIFFSetFieldBit(tif,TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,tag)->field_bit);
++	fip = TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,tag);
++	if( fip == NULL ) /* shouldn't happen */
++	    return(0);
++	TIFFSetFieldBit(tif,fip->field_bit);
+ 	tif->tif_flags|=TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT;
+ 	return(1);
+ }
+diff --git a/tools/gif2tiff.c b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+index e89ac5b..012345d 100644
+--- a/tools/gif2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/gif2tiff.c
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <errno.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+@@ -266,13 +267,15 @@ readgifimage(char* mode)
+     unsigned char localmap[256][3];
+     int localbits;
+     int status;
++    size_t raster_size;
+-    if (fread(buf, 1, 9, infile) == 0) {
+-        perror(filename);
++    if (fread(buf, 1, 9, infile) != 9) {
++        fprintf(stderr, "short read from file %s (%s)\n",
++                filename, strerror(errno));
+ 	return (0);
+     }
+-    width = buf[4] + (buf[5] << 8);
+-    height = buf[6] + (buf[7] << 8);
++    width = (buf[4] + (buf[5] << 8)) & 0xffff; /* 16 bit */
++    height = (buf[6] + (buf[7] << 8)) & 0xffff;  /* 16 bit */
+     local = buf[8] & 0x80;
+     interleaved = buf[8] & 0x40;
+@@ -280,11 +283,17 @@ readgifimage(char* mode)
+         fprintf(stderr, "no colormap present for image\n");
+         return (0);
+     }
+-    if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
++    if (width == 0UL || height == 0UL || (width > 2000000000UL / height)) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value of width or height\n");
+         return(0);
+     }
+-    if ((raster = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(width*height+EXTRAFUDGE)) == NULL) {
++    raster_size=width*height;
++    if ((raster_size/width) == height) {
++        raster_size += EXTRAFUDGE;  /* Add elbow room */
++    } else {
++        raster_size=0;
++    }
++    if ((raster = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(raster_size)) == NULL) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory for image\n");
+         return (0);
+     }
+diff --git a/tools/ras2tiff.c b/tools/ras2tiff.c
+index ec8a071..007dd8c 100644
+--- a/tools/ras2tiff.c
++++ b/tools/ras2tiff.c
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
++#include <limits.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+ # include <unistd.h>
+@@ -122,6 +123,25 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		fclose(in);
+ 		return (-3);
+ 	}
++        if ((h.ras_width <= 0) || (h.ras_width >= INT_MAX) ||
++            (h.ras_height <= 0) || (h.ras_height >= INT_MAX) ||
++            (h.ras_depth <= 0) || (h.ras_depth >= INT_MAX) ||
++            (h.ras_length <= 0) || (h.ras_length >= INT_MAX) ||
++            (h.ras_type < 0) ||
++            (h.ras_maptype < 0) ||
++            (h.ras_maplength < 0) || (h.ras_maplength >= INT_MAX)) {
++                fprintf(stderr, "%s: Improper image header.\n", argv[optind]);
++                fclose(in);
++		return (-2);
++        }
++        if ((h.ras_depth != 1) &&
++            (h.ras_depth != 8) &&
++            (h.ras_depth != 24)) {
++                fprintf(stderr, "%s: Improper image depth (%d).\n",
++                        argv[optind], h.ras_depth);
++                fclose(in);
++		return (-2);
++        }
+ 	out = TIFFOpen(argv[optind+1], "w");
+ 	if (out == NULL)
+ 	{
+@@ -153,7 +173,7 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ 		mapsize = 1<<h.ras_depth; 
+ 		if (h.ras_maplength > mapsize*3) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr,
+-			    "%s: Huh, %ld colormap entries, should be %d?\n",
++			    "%s: Huh, %d colormap entries, should be %d?\n",
+ 			    argv[optind], h.ras_maplength, mapsize*3);
+ 			return (-7);
+ 		}
+diff --git a/tools/rasterfile.h b/tools/rasterfile.h
+index 833e095..33da707 100644
+--- a/tools/rasterfile.h
++++ b/tools/rasterfile.h
+@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
+ /* $Header: /cvs/libtiff/tools/rasterfile.h,v 1.3 2003/11/12 19:14:33 dron Exp $ */
++#include "tiff.h"
+ /*
+  * Description of header for files containing raster images
+  */
+ struct rasterfile {
+ 	char	ras_magic[4];		/* magic number */
+-	long	ras_width;		/* width (pixels) of image */
+-	long	ras_height;		/* height (pixels) of image */
+-	long	ras_depth;		/* depth (1, 8, or 24 bits) of pixel */
+-	long	ras_length;		/* length (bytes) of image */
+-	long	ras_type;		/* type of file; see RT_* below */
+-	long	ras_maptype;		/* type of colormap; see RMT_* below */
+-	long	ras_maplength;		/* length (bytes) of following map */
++       int32   ras_width;              /* width (pixels) of image */
++       int32   ras_height;             /* height (pixels) of image */
++       int32   ras_depth;              /* depth (1, 8, or 24 bits) of pixel */
++       int32   ras_length;             /* length (bytes) of image */
++       int32   ras_type;               /* type of file; see RT_* below */
++       int32   ras_maptype;            /* type of colormap; see RMT_* below */
++       int32   ras_maplength;          /* length (bytes) of following map */
+ 	/* color map follows for ras_maplength bytes, followed by image */
+ };
+ #define	RAS_MAGIC	"\x59\xa6\x6a\x95"
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+index 0192f3f..ae6ec1a 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
+@@ -2029,6 +2029,10 @@ void  process_command_opts (int argc, char *argv[], char *mp, char *mode, uint32
+                     {
+ 		    crop_data->zones++;
+ 		    opt_offset = strchr(opt_ptr, ':');
++		    if (!opt_offset) {
++			TIFFError("Wrong parameter syntax for -Z", "tiffcrop -h");
++			exit(-1);
++		    }
+                     *opt_offset = '\0';
+                     crop_data->zonelist[i].position = atoi(opt_ptr);
+                     crop_data->zonelist[i].total    = atoi(opt_offset + 1);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-jpeg-test.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-jpeg-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cff7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-jpeg-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Back-port upstream patch to avoid assuming quite so much about what libjpeg
+will return.  Needed because libjpeg-turbo with the jpeg8 API broke the
+expectations of the previous coding.
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/test/raw_decode.c tiff-4.0.3/test/raw_decode.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/test/raw_decode.c	2012-07-06 13:05:16.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/test/raw_decode.c	2012-12-19 13:04:37.609738276 -0500
+@@ -71,33 +71,54 @@
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+-static int check_rgb_pixel( int pixel, int red, int green, int blue, unsigned char *buffer ) {
++static int check_rgb_pixel( int pixel,
++			    int min_red, int max_red,
++			    int min_green, int max_green,
++			    int min_blue, int max_blue,
++			    unsigned char *buffer ) {
+ 	unsigned char *rgb = buffer + 3 * pixel;
+-	if( rgb[0] == red && rgb[1] == green && rgb[2] == blue ) {
++	if( rgb[0] >= min_red && rgb[0] <= max_red &&
++	    rgb[1] >= min_green && rgb[1] <= max_green &&
++	    rgb[2] >= min_blue && rgb[2] <= max_blue ) {
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "Pixel %d did not match expected results.\n", pixel );
+-	fprintf( stderr, "Expect: %3d %3d %3d\n", red, green, blue );
+-	fprintf( stderr, "   Got: %3d %3d %3d\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] );
++	fprintf( stderr, "Got R=%d (expected %d..%d), G=%d (expected %d..%d), B=%d (expected %d..%d)\n",
++		 rgb[0], min_red, max_red,
++		 rgb[1], min_green, max_green,
++		 rgb[2], min_blue, max_blue );
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+-static int check_rgba_pixel( int pixel, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, uint32 *buffer ) {
++static int check_rgba_pixel( int pixel,
++			     int min_red, int max_red,
++			     int min_green, int max_green,
++			     int min_blue, int max_blue,
++			     int min_alpha, int max_alpha,
++			     uint32 *buffer ) {
+ 	/* RGBA images are upside down - adjust for normal ordering */
+ 	int adjusted_pixel = pixel % 128 + (127 - (pixel/128)) * 128;
+ 	uint32 rgba = buffer[adjusted_pixel];
+-	if( TIFFGetR(rgba) == (uint32) red && TIFFGetG(rgba) == (uint32) green &&
+-	    TIFFGetB(rgba) == (uint32) blue && TIFFGetA(rgba) == (uint32) alpha ) {
++	if( TIFFGetR(rgba) >= (uint32) min_red &&
++	    TIFFGetR(rgba) <= (uint32) max_red &&
++	    TIFFGetG(rgba) >= (uint32) min_green &&
++	    TIFFGetG(rgba) <= (uint32) max_green &&
++	    TIFFGetB(rgba) >= (uint32) min_blue &&
++	    TIFFGetB(rgba) <= (uint32) max_blue &&
++	    TIFFGetA(rgba) >= (uint32) min_alpha &&
++	    TIFFGetA(rgba) <= (uint32) max_alpha ) {
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "Pixel %d did not match expected results.\n", pixel );
+-	fprintf( stderr, "Expect: %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", red, green, blue, alpha );
+-	fprintf( stderr, "   Got: %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
+-		 TIFFGetR(rgba), TIFFGetG(rgba), TIFFGetB(rgba), TIFFGetA(rgba) );
++	fprintf( stderr, "Got R=%d (expected %d..%d), G=%d (expected %d..%d), B=%d (expected %d..%d), A=%d (expected %d..%d)\n",
++		 TIFFGetR(rgba), min_red, max_red,
++		 TIFFGetG(rgba), min_green, max_green,
++		 TIFFGetB(rgba), min_blue, max_blue,
++		 TIFFGetA(rgba), min_alpha, max_alpha );
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+@@ -191,15 +212,17 @@
+ 		return 1;
+ 	}
+-#if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 70
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 0, 18, 0, 41, buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 0, buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 512, 5, 34, 196, buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 0, 15, 0, 18, buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 2, buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 512, 6, 36, 182, buffer );
++	/*
++	 * JPEG decoding is inherently inexact, so we can't test for exact
++	 * pixel values.  (Well, if we knew exactly which libjpeg version
++	 * we were using, and with what settings, we could expect specific
++	 * values ... but it's not worth the trouble to keep track of.)
++	 * Hence, use ranges of expected values.  The ranges may need to be
++	 * widened over time as more versions of libjpeg appear.
++	 */
++	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, buffer );
++	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, buffer );
++	pixel_status |= check_rgb_pixel( 512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, buffer );
+ 	free( buffer );
+@@ -224,15 +247,12 @@
+ 	 * accomplish it from the YCbCr subsampled buffer ourselves in which
+ 	 * case the results may be subtly different but similar.
+ 	 */
+-#if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 70
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 0, 18, 0, 41, 255, rgba_buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 0, 255, rgba_buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 512, 5, 34, 196, 255, rgba_buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 0, 15, 0, 18, 255, rgba_buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 2, 255, rgba_buffer );
+-	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 512, 6, 36, 182, 255, rgba_buffer );
++	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 0, 15, 18, 0, 0, 18, 41, 255, 255,
++					  rgba_buffer );
++	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255,
++					  rgba_buffer );
++	pixel_status |= check_rgba_pixel( 512, 5, 6, 34, 36, 182, 196, 255, 255,
++					  rgba_buffer );
+ 	free( rgba_buffer );
+ 	TIFFClose(tif);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-make-check.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-make-check.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46796d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-make-check.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff --git a/html/man/Makefile.am b/html/man/Makefile.am
+index ca222de..c7421ac 100644
+--- a/html/man/Makefile.am
++++ b/html/man/Makefile.am
+@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ docfiles = \
+ 	ras2tiff.1.html \
+ 	raw2tiff.1.html \
+ 	rgb2ycbcr.1.html \
+-	sgi2tiff.1.html \
+ 	thumbnail.1.html \
+ 	tiff2bw.1.html \
+ 	tiff2pdf.1.html \
+@@ -96,12 +95,10 @@ docfiles = \
+ 	tiffcrop.1.html \
+ 	tiffdither.1.html \
+ 	tiffdump.1.html \
+-	tiffgt.1.html \
+ 	tiffinfo.1.html \
+ 	tiffmedian.1.html \
+ 	tiffset.1.html \
+-	tiffsplit.1.html \
+-	tiffsv.1.html
++	tiffsplit.1.html 
+ dist_doc_DATA = $(indexfile) $(docfiles)
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-manpage-update.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-manpage-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12d2aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-manpage-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+diff --git a/man/tiff2ps.1 b/man/tiff2ps.1
+index c3a9bac..a826ad7 100644
+--- a/man/tiff2ps.1
++++ b/man/tiff2ps.1
+@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ Generate \*(Ps Level 2.
+ Generate \*(Ps Level 3. It basically allows one to use the /flateDecode
+ filter for ZIP compressed TIFF images.
+ .TP
++.B \-8
++Disable use of ASCII85 encoding with PostScript Level 2/3
+ .B \-a
+ Generate output for all IFDs (pages) in the input file.
+ .TP
+@@ -123,6 +126,9 @@ directory to the specified directory number.
+ This option is useful for selecting individual pages in a
+ multi-page (e.g. facsimile) file.
+ .TP
++.B \-D
++Enable duplex printing (two pages per sheet of paper)
+ .B \-e
+ Force the generation of Encapsulated \*(Ps (implies
+ .BR \-z ).
+@@ -185,6 +191,10 @@ like which are hidden using the
+ .I SubIFD
+ tag.
+ .TP
++.B \-O
++Write PostScript to specified file instead of standard output
++Set the initial
+ .B \-p
+ Force the generation of (non-Encapsulated) \*(Ps.
+ .TP
+@@ -188,6 +188,9 @@ Set the initial
+ .B \-p
+ Force the generation of (non-Encapsulated) \*(Ps.
+ .TP
++.B \-P
++Set optional PageOrientation DSC comment to Landscape or Portrait.
+ .B \-r 90|180|270|auto
+ Rotate image by 90, 180, 270 degrees or auto.  Auto picks the best
+ fit for the image on the specified paper size (eg portrait
+@@ -197,6 +207,12 @@ counterclockwise. Auto rotates 90 degrees ccw to produce landscape.
+ .B \-s
+ Generate output for a single IFD (page) in the input file.
+ .TP
++.B \-t
++Specify the document title string
++.B \-T
++Print pages for top edge binding
+ .B \-w
+ Specify the horizontal size of the printed area (in inches).
+ .TP
+diff --git a/man/tiffcp.1 b/man/tiffcp.1
+index 5fdcc47..bf50130 100644
+--- a/man/tiffcp.1
++++ b/man/tiffcp.1
+@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ in a file, but it is explicitly intended to not alter or convert
+ the image data content in any way.
+ .TP
++.BI \-a
++Append to an existing output file instead of overwriting it
+ .BI \-b " image"
+ subtract the following monochrome image from all others
+ processed.  This can be used to remove a noise bias
+@@ -179,6 +182,9 @@ overwritten and not when it is appended to.
+ .B \-M
+ Suppress the use of memory-mapped files when reading images.
+ .TP
++.BI \-o " offset"
++Set initial directory offset
+ .B \-p
+ Specify the planar configuration to use in writing image data
+ that has one 8-bit sample per pixel.
+@@ -228,6 +228,9 @@ appear in a tile.
+ .B \-x
+ Force the output file to be written with PAGENUMBER value in sequence.
+ .TP
++.B \-8
++Write BigTIFF instead of classic TIFF format.
+ .BI \-,= character
+ substitute
+ .I character
+diff --git a/tools/tiffcp.c b/tools/tiffcp.c
+index 0f81b19..8c696db 100644
+--- a/tools/tiffcp.c
++++ b/tools/tiffcp.c
+@@ -409,6 +409,10 @@ char* stuff[] = {
+ " -s              write output in strips",
+ " -t              write output in tiles",
+ " -8              write BigTIFF instead of default ClassicTIFF",
++" -B              write big-endian instead of native byte order",
++" -L              write little-endian instead of native byte order",
++" -M              disable use of memory-mapped files",
++" -C              disable strip chopping",
+ " -i              ignore read errors",
+ " -b file[,#]     bias (dark) monochrome image to be subtracted from all others",
+ " -,=%            use % rather than , to separate image #'s (per Note below)",
+diff --git a/man/tiff2ps.1 b/man/tiff2ps.1
+index b4a304a..0d672b0 100644
+--- a/man/tiff2ps.1
++++ b/man/tiff2ps.1
+@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ be split in several pages. Options
+ and 
+ .B \-W
+ are mutually exclusive.
+ .B \-i
+ Enable/disable pixel interpolation.  This option requires a
+ single numeric value: zero to disable pixel interpolation and
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-printdir-width.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-printdir-width.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41f027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-printdir-width.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Back-patch upstream patch of 2012-12-12 ("Fix TIFF_VARIABLE/TIFF_VARIABLE2
+confusion in TIFFPrintDirectory").
+diff -Naur tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_print.c tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_print.c
+--- tiff-4.0.3.orig/libtiff/tif_print.c	2012-08-19 12:56:35.000000000 -0400
++++ tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_print.c	2012-12-12 16:53:05.355927641 -0500
+@@ -582,10 +582,10 @@
+ 				continue;
+ 			if(fip->field_passcount) {
+-				if (fip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE ) {
++				if (fip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE2 ) {
+ 					if(TIFFGetField(tif, tag, &value_count, &raw_data) != 1)
+ 						continue;
+-				} else if (fip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE2 ) {
++				} else if (fip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE ) {
+ 					uint16 small_value_count;
+ 					if(TIFFGetField(tif, tag, &small_value_count, &raw_data) != 1)
+ 						continue;
diff --git a/SPECS/libtiff.spec b/SPECS/libtiff.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59cbd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/libtiff.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+Summary: Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
+Name: libtiff
+Version: 4.0.3
+Release: 32%{?dist}
+License: libtiff
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+URL: http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/
+Source: ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/libtiff/tiff-%{version}.tar.gz
+Patch0: libtiff-am-version.patch
+Patch1: libtiff-CVE-2012-4447.patch
+Patch2: libtiff-CVE-2012-4564.patch
+Patch3: libtiff-printdir-width.patch
+Patch4: libtiff-jpeg-test.patch
+Patch5: libtiff-CVE-2013-1960.patch
+Patch6: libtiff-CVE-2013-1961.patch
+Patch7: libtiff-manpage-update.patch
+Patch8: libtiff-make-check.patch
+Patch9: libtiff-CVE-2013-4231.patch
+Patch10: libtiff-CVE-2013-4232.patch
+Patch11: libtiff-CVE-2013-4244.patch
+Patch12: libtiff-CVE-2013-4243.patch
+Patch13: libtiff-CVE-2014-9330.patch
+Patch14: libtiff-CVE-2014-8127.patch
+Patch15: libtiff-CVE-2014-8129.patch
+Patch16: libtiff-CVE-2014-8130.patch
+Patch17: libtiff-CVE-2014-9655.patch
+Patch18: libtiff-CVE-2015-1547_8784.patch
+Patch19: libtiff-CVE-2015-7554.patch
+Patch20: libtiff-CVE-2015-8683_8665.patch
+Patch21: libtiff-CVE-2015-8668.patch
+Patch22: libtiff-CVE-2015-8781.patch
+Patch23: libtiff-CVE-2016-3632.patch
+Patch24: libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch
+Patch25: libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch
+Patch26: libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch
+Patch27: libtiff-CVE-2016-5320.patch
+Patch28: libtiff-CVE-2016-9533_9534_9536_9537.patch
+Patch29: libtiff-CVE-2016-9535.patch
+Patch30: libtiff-CVE-2016-9540.patch
+Patch31: libtiff-CVE-2016-5652.patch
+Patch32: libtiff-CVE-2015-8870.patch
+Patch33: libtiff-CVE-2016-3186.patch
+Patch34: libtiff-CVE-2018-7456.patch
+Patch35: libtiff-CVE-2018-8905.patch
+Patch36: libtiff-CVE-2018-10779.patch
+Patch37: libtiff-CVE-2018-10963.patch
+Patch38: libtiff-CVE-2018-12900.patch
+Patch39: libtiff-CVE-2018-17100.patch
+Patch40: libtiff-CVE-2018-17101.patch
+Patch41: libtiff-CVE-2018-18557.patch
+Patch42: libtiff-CVE-2018-18661.patch
+Patch43: libtiff-coverity.patch
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel libjpeg-devel jbigkit-devel
+BuildRequires: libtool automake autoconf pkgconfig
+The libtiff package contains a library of functions for manipulating
+TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image format files.  TIFF is a widely
+used file format for bitmapped images.  TIFF files usually end in the
+.tif extension and they are often quite large.
+The libtiff package should be installed if you need to manipulate TIFF
+format image files.
+%package devel
+Summary: Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: pkgconfig%{?_isa}
+%description devel
+This package contains the header files and documentation necessary for
+developing programs which will manipulate TIFF format image files
+using the libtiff library.
+If you need to develop programs which will manipulate TIFF format
+image files, you should install this package.  You'll also need to
+install the libtiff package.
+%package static
+Summary: Static TIFF image format file library
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description static
+The libtiff-static package contains the statically linkable version of libtiff.
+Linking to static libraries is discouraged for most applications, but it is
+necessary for some boot packages.
+%package tools
+Summary: Command-line utility programs for manipulating TIFF files
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description tools
+This package contains command-line programs for manipulating TIFF format
+image files using the libtiff library.
+%setup -q -n tiff-%{version}
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
+%patch7 -p1
+%patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p1
+%patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
+%patch12 -p1
+%patch13 -p1
+%patch14 -p1
+%patch15 -p1
+%patch16 -p1
+%patch17 -p1
+%patch18 -p1
+%patch19 -p1
+%patch20 -p1
+%patch21 -p1
+%patch22 -p1
+%patch23 -p1
+%patch24 -p1
+%patch25 -p1
+%patch26 -p1
+%patch27 -p1
+%patch28 -p1
+%patch29 -p1
+%patch30 -p1
+%patch31 -p1
+%patch32 -p1
+%patch33 -p1
+%patch34 -p1
+%patch35 -p1
+%patch36 -p1
+%patch37 -p1
+%patch38 -p1
+%patch39 -p1
+%patch40 -p1
+%patch41 -p1
+%patch42 -p1
+%patch43 -p1
+# Use build system's libtool.m4, not the one in the package.
+rm -f libtool.m4
+libtoolize --force  --copy
+aclocal -I . -I m4
+automake --add-missing --copy
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing"
+%configure --enable-ld-version-script
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+# remove what we didn't want installed
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
+rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/
+# no libGL dependency, please
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/tiffgt
+# no sgi2tiff or tiffsv, either
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/sgi2tiff
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/tiffsv
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/tiffgt.1
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/sgi2tiff.1
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/tiffsv.1
+rm -f html/man/tiffgt.1.html
+rm -f html/man/sgi2tiff.1.html
+rm -f html/man/tiffsv.1.html
+# multilib header hack
+# we only apply this to known Red Hat multilib arches, per bug #233091
+case `uname -i` in
+  i386 | ppc | s390 | sparc )
+    wordsize="32"
+    ;;
+  x86_64 | ppc64 | s390x | sparc64 )
+    wordsize="64"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    wordsize=""
+    ;;
+if test -n "$wordsize"
+  mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/tiffconf.h \
+     $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/tiffconf-$wordsize.h
+  cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/tiffconf.h <<EOF
+#include <bits/wordsize.h>
+#if __WORDSIZE == 32
+# include "tiffconf-32.h"
+#elif __WORDSIZE == 64
+# include "tiffconf-64.h"
+# error "unexpected value for __WORDSIZE macro"
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+# don't include documentation Makefiles, they are a multilib hazard
+find html -name 'Makefile*' | xargs rm
+%files devel
+%doc TODO ChangeLog html
+%files static
+%files tools
+* Tue Apr 30 2019 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-32
+- Fix one more Covscan defect
+- Related: #1647965
+* Tue Apr 30 2019 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-31
+- Fix processing of RAS files without colormap 
+- Related: #1647965
+* Thu Dec 13 2018 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-30
+- Fix various Covscan defects
+- Related: #1647965
+* Thu Dec 13 2018 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-29
+- Fix compiler warning introduced by patch for CVE-2018-18661
+- Related: #1647965
+* Thu Dec 06 2018 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-28
+- Fix CVE-2016-3186
+- Resolves: #1319503
+- Fix CVE-2018-7456
+- Resolves: #1561318
+- Fix CVE-2018-8905
+- Resolves: #1574548
+- Fix CVE-2018-10779
+- Resolves: #1598503
+- Fix CVE-2018-10963
+- Resolves: #1598726
+- Fix CVE-2018-12900
+- Resolves: #1600430
+- Fix CVE-2018-17100
+- Resolves: #1632578
+- Fix CVE-2018-17101
+- Resolves: #1632579
+- Fix CVE-2018-18557
+- Resolves: #1647737
+- Fix CVE-2018-18661
+- Resolves: #1647965
+* Wed Jan 18 2017 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-27
+- Fix CWE-476 defect found by covscan
+- Related: #1412081
+* Wed Jan 11 2017 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-26
+- Add patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2016-9533, CVE-2016-9534, CVE-2016-9535,
+  CVE-2016-9536, CVE-2016-9537, CVE-2016-9540,
+  CVE-2016-5652, CVE-2015-8870
+- Resolves: #1412081
+* Wed Jul 27 2016 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-25
+- Add patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2015-7554, CVE-2015-8683, CVE-2015-8665,
+  CVE-2015-8781, CVE-2015-8782, CVE-2015-8783,
+  CVE-2015-8784
+- Related: #1299921
+* Tue Jul 26 2016 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-24
+- Update patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2014-8130
+- Related: #1299921
+* Mon Jul 25 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-23
+- Update patches:
+  CVE-2014-9330, CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2014-8129
+  CVE-2014-8130
+- Related: #1299921
+* Tue Jul 19 2016 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-22
+- Update patch for CVE-2015-8668
+- Related: #1299921
+* Mon Jul 11 2016 Nikola Forró <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-21
+- Remove patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2014-8129, CVE-2014-8130,
+  CVE-2014-9330, CVE-2015-7554, CVE-2015-8665,
+  CVE-2015-8683, CVE-2015-8781, CVE-2015-8784
+- Add patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2016-3632, CVE-2016-3945, CVE-2016-3990,
+  CVE-2016-3991, CVE-2016-5320
+- Update patches for CVEs:
+  CVE-2014-9655, CVE-2015-1547, CVE-2015-8668
+- Related: #1299921
+* Tue Apr 19 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-20
+- CVE-2014-8127 should contain only two fixes
+- Related: #1299921
+* Fri Apr 01 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-19
+- Revert previous patch CVE-2014-8127
+- Related: #1299921
+* Thu Mar 31 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-18
+- Fixed wrongly applied patch CVE-2014-8127
+- Related: #1299921
+* Tue Mar 15 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-17
+- Fixed patch CVE-2015-8668. Wrongly applied by me
+- Related: #1299921
+* Tue Mar 08 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-16
+- Fixed patches on preview CVEs
+- Related: #1299921
+* Wed Feb 03 2016 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-15
+- This resolves several CVEs
+- CVE-2014-8127, CVE-2014-8129, CVE-2014-8130
+- CVE-2014-9330, CVE-2014-9655, CVE-2015-8781
+- CVE-2015-8784, CVE-2015-1547, CVE-2015-8683
+- CVE-2015-8665, CVE-2015-7554, CVE-2015-8668
+- Resolves: #1299921
+* Thu Feb 13 2014 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-14
+- Resolves: #996827 CVE-2013-4243 libtiff various flaws
+* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-13
+- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
+* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-12
+- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
+* Wed Dec 18 2013 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-11
+- Correct man page option -W
+Resolves: #510240
+* Thu Dec 12 2013 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-10
+- Resolves: #996827  CVE-2013-4231 CVE-2013-4232 CVE-2013-4243 CVE-2013-4244
+  libtiff various flaws
+* Mon Oct 21 2013 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-9
+- Resolves: #1017070 - make check moved to %check section
+* Tue Oct 08 2013 Petr Hracek <phracek@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-8
+- tiff2ps manual page doesn't contain help for all options
+- tiffcp options differ in program help and manual page
+Resolves: #510240
+Resolves: #510258
+* Mon Aug 12 2013 Jaromír Končický <jkoncick@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-7
+- man page fixing (#510240 #510258)
+* Thu May  2 2013 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.3-6
+- Add upstream patches for CVE-2013-1960, CVE-2013-1961
+Resolves: #958609
+* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 4.0.3-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 18 2013 Adam Tkac <atkac redhat com> - 4.0.3-4
+- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop
+* Wed Dec 19 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.3-3
+- Add upstream patch to avoid bogus self-test failure with libjpeg-turbo v8
+* Thu Dec 13 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.3-2
+- Add upstream patches for CVE-2012-4447, CVE-2012-4564
+  (note: CVE-2012-5581 is already fixed in 4.0.3)
+Resolves: #880907
+* Thu Oct  4 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.3-1
+- Update to libtiff 4.0.3
+* Fri Aug  3 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.2-6
+- Remove compat subpackage; no longer needed
+- Minor specfile cleanup per suggestions from Tom Callaway
+Related: #845110
+* Thu Aug  2 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.2-5
+- Add accessor functions for opaque type TIFFField (backport of not-yet-released
+  upstream feature addition; needed to fix freeimage)
+* Sun Jul 22 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.2-4
+- Add patches for CVE-2012-3401
+Resolves: #841736
+* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 4.0.2-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jul 03 2012 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 4.0.2-2
+- add opensuse bigendian patch to fix raw_decode self check failure on ppc*, s390*
+* Thu Jun 28 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.2-1
+- Update to libtiff 4.0.2, includes fix for CVE-2012-2113
+  (note that CVE-2012-2088 does not apply to 4.0.x)
+- Update libtiff-compat to 3.9.6 and add patches to it for
+  CVE-2012-2088, CVE-2012-2113
+Resolves: #832866
+* Fri Jun  1 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.1-2
+- Enable JBIG support
+Resolves: #826240
+* Sun May  6 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 4.0.1-1
+- Update to libtiff 4.0.1, adds BigTIFF support and other features;
+  library soname is bumped from libtiff.so.3 to libtiff.so.5
+Resolves: #782383
+- Temporarily package 3.9.5 shared library (only) in libtiff-compat subpackage
+  so that dependent packages won't be broken while rebuilding proceeds
+* Thu Apr  5 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.5-3
+- Add fix for CVE-2012-1173
+Resolves: #CVE-2012-1173
+* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.9.5-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Apr 12 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.5-1
+- Update to libtiff 3.9.5, incorporating all our previous patches plus other
+  fixes, notably the fix for CVE-2009-5022
+Related: #695885
+* Mon Mar 21 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.4-4
+- Fix incorrect fix for CVE-2011-0192
+Resolves: #684007
+Related: #688825
+- Add fix for CVE-2011-1167
+Resolves: #689574
+* Wed Mar  2 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.4-3
+- Add patch for CVE-2011-0192
+Resolves: #681672
+- Fix non-security-critical potential SIGSEGV in gif2tiff
+Related: #648820
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.9.4-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jun 22 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.4-1
+- Update to libtiff 3.9.4, for numerous bug fixes including fixes for
+  CVE-2010-1411, CVE-2010-2065, CVE-2010-2067
+Resolves: #554371
+Related: #460653, #588784, #601274, #599576, #592361, #603024
+- Add fixes for multiple SIGSEGV problems
+Resolves: #583081
+Related: #603081, #603699, #603703
+* Tue Jan  5 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.2-3
+- Apply Adam Goode's fix for Warmerdam's fix
+Resolves: #552360
+Resolves: #533353
+- Add some defenses to prevent tiffcmp from crashing on downsampled JPEG
+  images; this isn't enough to make it really work correctly though
+Related: #460322
+* Wed Dec 16 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.2-2
+- Apply Warmerdam's partial fix for bug #460322 ... better than nothing.
+Related: #460322
+* Thu Dec  3 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.9.2-1
+- Update to libtiff 3.9.2; stop carrying a lot of old patches
+Resolves: #520734
+- Split command-line tools into libtiff-tools subpackage
+Resolves: #515170
+- Use build system's libtool instead of what package contains;
+  among other cleanup this gets rid of unwanted rpath specs in executables
+Related: #226049
+* Thu Oct 15 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-16
+- add sparc/sparc64 to multilib header support
+* Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.8.2-15
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul 13 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-14
+- Fix buffer overrun risks caused by unchecked integer overflow (CVE-2009-2347)
+Related: #510041
+* Wed Jul  1 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-13
+- Fix some more LZW decoding vulnerabilities (CVE-2009-2285)
+Related: #507465
+- Update upstream URL
+* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.8.2-12
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Aug 26 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-11
+- Fix LZW decoding vulnerabilities (CVE-2008-2327)
+Related: #458674
+- Use -fno-strict-aliasing per rpmdiff recommendation
+* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.8.2-10
+- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
+* Wed Aug 22 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-9
+- Update License tag
+- Rebuild to fix Fedora toolchain issues
+* Thu Jul 19 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-8
+- Restore static library to distribution, in a separate -static subpackage
+Resolves: #219905
+- Don't apply multilib header hack to unrecognized architectures
+Resolves: #233091
+- Remove documentation for programs we don't ship
+Resolves: #205079
+Related: #185145
+* Tue Jan 16 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 3.8.2-7
+- Remove Makefiles from the shipped /usr/share/doc/html directories
+Resolves: bz #222729
+* Tue Sep  5 2006 Jindrich Novy <jnovy@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-6
+- fix CVE-2006-2193, tiff2pdf buffer overflow (#194362)
+- fix typo in man page for tiffset (#186297)
+- use %%{?dist}
+* Mon Jul 24 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com>
+- Fix several vulnerabilities (CVE-2006-3460 CVE-2006-3461
+  CVE-2006-3462 CVE-2006-3463 CVE-2006-3464 CVE-2006-3465)
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-4.1
+- rebuild
+* Fri Jun  2 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-3
+- Fix multilib conflict
+* Thu May 25 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-3
+- Fix overflows in tiffsplit
+* Wed Apr 26 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-2
+- Drop tiffgt to get rid of the libGL dependency (#190768)
+* Wed Apr 26 2006 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.8.2-1
+- Update to 3.8.2
+* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.7.4-3.2.1
+- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.7.4-3.2
+- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
+* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Wed Nov 16 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 3.7.4-3
+- Don't ship static libs
+* Fri Nov 11 2005 Matthias Saou <http://freshrpms.net/> 3.7.4-2
+- Remove useless explicit dependencies.
+- Minor spec file cleanups.
+- Move make check to %%check.
+- Add _smp_mflags.
+* Thu Sep 29 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.4-1
+- Update to 3.7.4
+- Drop upstreamed patches
+* Wed Jun 29 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-1
+- Update to 3.7.2
+- Drop upstreamed patches
+* Fri May  6 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-6
+- Fix a stack overflow
+* Wed Mar  2 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-5
+- Don't use mktemp
+* Wed Mar  2 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-4
+- Rebuild with gcc4
+* Wed Jan  5 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-3
+- Drop the largefile patch again
+- Fix a problem with the handling of alpha channels
+- Fix an integer overflow in tiffdump (#143576)
+* Wed Dec 22 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-2
+- Readd the largefile patch (#143560)
+* Wed Dec 22 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 3.7.1-1
+- Upgrade to 3.7.1
+- Remove upstreamed patches
+- Remove specfile cruft
+- make check
+* Thu Oct 14 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 3.6.1-7
+- fix some integer and buffer overflows (#134853, #134848)
+* Tue Oct 12 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 3.6.1-6
+- fix http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483
+* Mon Sep 27 2004 Rik van Riel <riel@redhat.com> 3.6.1-4
+- compile using RPM_OPT_FLAGS (bz #133650)
+* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Thu May 20 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 3.6.1-2
+- Fix and use the makeflags patch
+* Wed May 19 2004 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 3.6.1-1
+- Upgrade to 3.6.1
+- Adjust patches
+- Don't install tiffgt man page  (#104864)
+* Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Sat Feb 21 2004 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
+- really add symlink to shared lib by running ldconfig at compile time
+* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Thu Oct 09 2003 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
+- link shared lib against -lm (Jakub Jelinek)
+* Thu Sep 25 2003 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 3.5.7-13
+- rebuild to fix gzipped file md5sum (#91281)
+* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Tue Feb 11 2003 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> 3.5.7-11
+- Fixed rebuild problems.
+* Tue Feb 04 2003 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
+- add symlink to shared lib
+* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Thu Dec 12 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 3.5.7-8
+- rebuild on all arches
+* Mon Aug 19 2002 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> 3.5.7-7
+- Added LFS support (#71593)
+* Tue Jun 25 2002 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> 3.5.7-6
+- Fixed wrong exit code of tiffcp app (#67240)
+* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
+- automated rebuild
+* Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
+- automated rebuild
+* Wed May 15 2002 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>
+- Fixed segfault in fax2tiff tool (#64708).
+* Mon Feb 25 2002 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>
+- Fixed problem with newer bash versions setting CDPATH (#59741)
+* Tue Feb 19 2002 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com>
+- Update to current release 3.5.7
+* Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
+- automated rebuild
+* Tue Aug 28 2001 Phil Knirsch <phil@redhat.de>
+- Fixed ia64 problem with tiffinfo. Was general 64 bit arch problem where s390x
+  and ia64 were missing (#52129).
+* Tue Jun 26 2001 Philipp Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.de>
+- Hopefully final symlink fix
+* Thu Jun 21 2001 Than Ngo <than@redhat.com>
+- add missing libtiff symlink
+* Fri Mar 16 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant <crutcher@redhat.com>
+- killed tiff-to-ps.fpi filter
+* Wed Feb 28 2001 Philipp Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.de>
+- Fixed missing devel version dependancy.
+* Tue Dec 19 2000 Philipp Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.de>
+- rebuild
+* Mon Aug  7 2000 Crutcher Dunnavant <crutcher@redhat.com>
+- added a tiff-to-ps.fpi filter for printing
+* Thu Jul 13 2000 Prospector <bugzilla@redhat.com>
+- automatic rebuild
+* Thu Jul 13 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- apply Peter Skarpetis's fix for the 32-bit conversion
+* Mon Jul  3 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- make man pages non-executable (#12811)
+* Mon Jun 12 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- remove CVS repo info from data directories
+* Thu May 18 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- fix build rooting
+- fix syntax error in configure script
+- move man pages to {_mandir}
+* Wed May 17 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- rebuild for an errata release
+* Wed Mar 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- update to 3.5.5, which integrates our fax2ps fixes and the glibc fix
+* Tue Mar 28 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- fix fax2ps swapping height and width in the bounding box
+* Mon Mar 27 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- move man pages from devel package to the regular one
+- integrate Frank Warmerdam's fixed .fax handling code (keep until next release
+  of libtiff)
+- fix fax2ps breakage (bug #8345)
+* Sat Feb 05 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- set MANDIR=man3 to make multifunction man pages friendlier
+* Mon Jan 31 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- fix URLs
+* Fri Jan 28 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- link shared library against libjpeg and libz
+* Tue Jan 18 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+- enable zip and jpeg codecs
+- change defattr in normal package to 0755
+- add defattr to -devel package
+* Wed Dec 22 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>
+- update to 3.5.4
+* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>
+- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 6)
+* Wed Jan 13 1999 Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>
+- build for glibc 2.1
+* Wed Jun 10 1998 Prospector System <bugs@redhat.com>
+- translations modified for de
+* Wed Jun 10 1998 Michael Fulbright <msf@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt against fixed jpeg libs (libjpeg-6b)
+* Thu May 07 1998 Prospector System <bugs@redhat.com>
+- translations modified for de, fr, tr
+* Mon Oct 13 1997 Donnie Barnes <djb@redhat.com>
+- new version to replace the one from libgr
+- patched for glibc
+- added shlib support