diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050f5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.libqb.metadata b/.libqb.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc301d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.libqb.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+5e45fd90b9468747577460bc7c28d9e4cf709b9d SOURCES/libqb-1.0.3.tar.xz
diff --git a/SOURCES/bz1615945-remove-linker-callsites.patch b/SOURCES/bz1615945-remove-linker-callsites.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0817a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/bz1615945-remove-linker-callsites.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+diff -ur libqb-1.0.3/configure.ac libqb-1.0.3.nosection/configure.ac
+--- libqb-1.0.3/configure.ac	2017-12-21 09:02:11.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/configure.ac	2018-08-16 10:24:25.425174367 +0100
+@@ -644,139 +644,6 @@
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SLOW_TESTS, [test "x${enable_slow_tests}" = xyes])
+-# --- callsite sections ---
+-if test "x${GCC}" = xyes; then
+-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether GCC supports __attribute__((section()) + ld supports orphan sections])
+-	if test "x${ac_cv_link_attribute_section}" = x ; then
+-		LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS_save} -shared -fPIC"  # we are compiling shared lib
+-			    [[#include <assert.h>
+-			      extern int __start___verbose[], __stop___verbose[];
+-			      int test(void) {
+-			        static int my_var __attribute__((section("__verbose"))) = 3;
+-			        assert("L:non-empty data section"
+-			               && __start___verbose != __stop___verbose);
+-			        assert("L:no data section value loss"
+-			               && my_var == 3  /* for 2.29.1+ */);
+-			        return *((int *) __start___verbose); }]]
+-			)],
+-			[gcc_has_attribute_section=yes; cp "conftest${ac_exeext}" "conftest.so"],
+-			[gcc_has_attribute_section=no]
+-		)
+-	else
+-		gcc_has_attribute_section=${ac_cv_link_attribute_section}
+-	fi
+-	AC_MSG_RESULT($gcc_has_attribute_section)
+-	# in the failing case (e.g. with ld from binutils 2.29), it's likely the
+-	# following will fail readily in linkage (hidden symbol `__stop___verbose'
+-	# in conftest is referenced by DSO), but keep the sensible test
+-	# (in-executable symbol is expected to be propagated into the library,
+-	# and to draw the full circle back to the executable through standard
+-	# return value passing (respectively no-exec probing to spot the issue);
+-	# -rpath passed because LD_LIBRARY_PATH exporting is unwieldy here);
+-	# moreover, "my_var" == 3 assertion above (respectively checking if the
+-	# boundary symbol visibility differs from DEFAULT in readelf output) is
+-	# necessary so that binutils 2.29.1+ will not slip other parts of the
+-	# overall is-workaround-needed harness, as it restored some (but not
+-	# all) of the original behaviour, but the workaround is still provably
+-	# needed
+-	if test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section}" = xyes; then
+-		AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether linker emits global boundary symbols for orphan sections])
+-		LIBS="${LIBS} -L. -l:conftest${shrext_cmds} -Wl,-rpath=$(pwd)"
+-		dnl could be turned to AC_TRY_RUN (first assertion is equivalent to
+-		dnl the further check in action-if-true), but that would prevent
+-		dnl cross-building
+-			    [[#include <assert.h>
+-			      extern int __start___verbose[], __stop___verbose[];
+-			      int test(void);]],
+-			    [[static int my_var __attribute__((section("__verbose"))) = 5;
+-			      assert("E:non-empty data section"
+-			             && __start___verbose != __stop___verbose);
+-			      assert("E:no data section value loss"
+-			             && my_var == test() /*5?*/);]]
+-			)],
+-			[# alternatively something like (but requires number parsing):
+-			 #   readelf -SW "conftest${ac_exeext}" \
+-			 #   | sed -n '/__verbose/s/^\s*//p' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d" " -f6
+-			 verbose_start_addr=$(${NM} -g --portability -- "conftest${ac_exeext}" \
+-			                      | grep __start___verbose | cut -d" " -f 3)
+-			 verbose_stop_addr=$(${NM} -g --portability -- "conftest${ac_exeext}" \
+-			                      | grep __stop___verbose | cut -d" " -f 3)
+-			 test "${verbose_start_addr}" = "${verbose_stop_addr}" \
+-			   && gcc_has_attribute_section_visible=no \
+-			   || { verbose_start_type=$(${READELF} -s backup \
+-			                             | sed -n '/__start___verbose/{s/^\s*//p;q}' \
+-			                             | tr -s ' ' \
+-			                             | cut -d" " -f6)
+-			        test "${verbose_start_type}" = DEFAULT \
+-			          && gcc_has_attribute_section_visible=yes \
+-			          || gcc_has_attribute_section_visible=no; }],
+-			[gcc_has_attribute_section_visible=no]
+-		)
+-		AC_MSG_RESULT($gcc_has_attribute_section_visible)
+-		rm -f "conftest${shrext_cmds}"
+-		if test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section_visible}" = xno; then
+-			# check if the linker script based workaround is
+-			# feasible at all, otherwise fallback to using no
+-			# section attribute while making some noise about it
+-			# as combining with-without accustomed logging
+-			# participants is currently uncharted waters
+-			AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether linker workaround for orphan sections usable])
+-			>conftest.ld cat <<-EOF
+-			  __verbose : {
+-			    __start___verbose = .;
+-			    *(__verbose);
+-			    __stop___verbose = .;
+-			  }
+-			}
+-			EOF
+-			LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,conftest.ld"
+-				    [[#include <assert.h>
+-				      extern int __start___verbose[], __stop___verbose[];
+-				      int test(void);]],
+-				    [[static int my_var __attribute__((section("__verbose"))) = 5;
+-				      assert("E:non-empty data section"
+-				             && __start___verbose != __stop___verbose);
+-				      assert("E:no data section value loss"
+-				             && my_var == 5);]]
+-				)],
+-				[],
+-				[gcc_has_attribute_section=no]
+-			)
+-			AC_MSG_RESULT([$gcc_has_attribute_section])
+-			rm -f "conftest.ld"
+-		fi
+-		if test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section}" = xyes; then
+-				  [Enabling code using __attribute__((section))])
+-			AC_SUBST([client_dlopen_LIBS],[$dlopen_LIBS])
+-			if test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section_visible}" = xyes; then
+-				PACKAGE_FEATURES="$PACKAGE_FEATURES attribute-section"
+-			else
+-					  [Enabling code using __attribute__((section))])
+-				PACKAGE_FEATURES="$PACKAGE_FEATURES attribute-section-workaround"
+-			fi
+-		elif test "x${enable_nosection_fallback}" = xyes; then
+-			AC_MSG_NOTICE([Falling back to not using orphan section])
+-		else
+-			AC_MSG_ERROR([Would use section attribute, cannot; see --enable-nosection-fallback])
+-		fi
+-	fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_SECTION, [test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section}" = xyes])
+ 	       [test "x${gcc_has_attribute_section}" = xyes \
+diff -ur libqb-1.0.3/include/qb/qbconfig.h.in libqb-1.0.3.nosection/include/qb/qbconfig.h.in
+--- libqb-1.0.3/include/qb/qbconfig.h.in	2017-12-14 09:25:16.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/include/qb/qbconfig.h.in	2018-08-16 10:23:15.018923879 +0100
+@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
+ /* need atomic memory barrier */
+-/* Enabling code using __attribute__((section)) */
+ /* versioning info: MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO, and REST components;
+    note that static compile-time info is not that useful as consulting
+    the respectively named members of qb_version struct constant under
+diff -ur libqb-1.0.3/include/qb/qblog.h libqb-1.0.3.nosection/include/qb/qblog.h
+--- libqb-1.0.3/include/qb/qblog.h	2017-12-21 09:02:11.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/include/qb/qblog.h	2018-08-16 10:23:15.018923879 +0100
+@@ -39,15 +39,6 @@
+ #include <qb/qbutil.h>
+ #include <qb/qbconfig.h>
+-#if defined(QB_KILL_ATTRIBUTE_SECTION) || defined(S_SPLINT_S)
+-#endif  /* defined(QB_KILL_ATTRIBUTE_SECTION) || defined(S_SPLINT_S) */
+-#include <assert.h>  /* possibly needed for QB_LOG_INIT_DATA */
+-#include <dlfcn.h>  /* dynamic linking: dlopen, dlsym, dladdr, ... */
+ /**
+  * @file qblog.h
+  * The logging API provides four main parts (basics, filtering, threading & blackbox).
+@@ -286,119 +277,7 @@
+ typedef void (*qb_log_filter_fn)(struct qb_log_callsite * cs);
+-/* will be assigned by linker magic (assuming linker supports that):
+- * https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/ld/Orphan-Sections.html
+- */
+-#define QB_ATTR_SECTION			__verbose  /* conforms to C ident. */
+-extern struct qb_log_callsite QB_ATTR_SECTION_START[];
+-extern struct qb_log_callsite QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP[];
+-/* Related to the next macro that is -- unlike this one -- a public API */
+-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+-#define QB_NONAPI_LOG_INIT_DATA_EXTRA_(name)				\
+-	        without "_GNU_SOURCE" defined (directly or not) 	\
+-		QB_LOG_INIT_DATA cannot check sanity of libqb proper	\
+-		nor of the target site originating this check alone)))
+-#define QB_NONAPI_LOG_INIT_DATA_EXTRA_(name)				\
+-    { Dl_info work_dli;							\
+-    /* libqb sanity (locating libqb by it's relatively unique		\
+-       non-functional symbols -- the two are mutually exclusive, the	\
+-       ordinarily latter was introduced by accident, the former is	\
+-       intentional -- due to possible confusion otherwise) */		\
+-    if ((dladdr(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "qb_ver_str"), &work_dli)		\
+-         || dladdr(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "facilitynames"), &work_dli))	\
+-        && (work_handle = dlopen(work_dli.dli_fname,			\
+-                                 RTLD_LOCAL|RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL) {	\
+-        work_s1 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_START_STR);	\
+-        work_s2 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP_STR);		\
+-        assert("libqb's callsite section is observable, otherwise \
+-libqb's build is at fault, preventing reliable logging"			\
+-               && work_s1 != NULL && work_s2 != NULL);			\
+-        assert("libqb's callsite section is populated, otherwise \
+-libqb's build is at fault, preventing reliable logging"			\
+-               && work_s1 != work_s2);					\
+-        dlclose(work_handle); }						\
+-    /* sanity of the target site originating this check alone */	\
+-    if (dladdr(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, QB_PP_STRINGIFY(name)), &work_dli)	\
+-        && (work_handle = dlopen(work_dli.dli_fname,			\
+-                                 RTLD_LOCAL|RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL) {	\
+-        work_s1 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_START_STR);	\
+-        work_s2 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP_STR);		\
+-        assert("target's own callsite section observable, otherwise \
+-target's own linkage at fault and logging would not work reliably \
+-(unless QB_LOG_INIT_DATA macro used unexpectedly in no-logging context)"\
+-               && work_s1 != NULL && work_s2 != NULL);			\
+-        assert("target's own callsite section non-empty, otherwise \
+-target's own linkage at fault and logging would not work reliably \
+-(unless QB_LOG_INIT_DATA macro used unexpectedly in no-logging context)"\
+-               && work_s1 != work_s2);					\
+-        dlclose(work_handle); } }
+-#endif  /* _GNU_SOURCE */
+- * Optional on-demand self-check of 1/ toolchain sanity (prerequisite for
+- * the logging subsystem to work properly) and 2/ non-void active use of
+- * logging (satisfied with a justifying existence of a logging callsite as
+- * defined with a @c qb_logt invocation) at the target (but see below), which
+- * is supposedly assured by it's author(!) as of relying on this very macro
+- * [technically, the symbols that happen to be resolved under the respective
+- * identifiers do not necessarily originate in the same compilation unit as
+- * when it's not the end executable (or by induction, a library positioned
+- * earlier in the symbol lookup order) but a shared library, the former takes
+- * a precedence unless that site comes short of exercising the logging,
+- * making its callsite section empty and, in turn, without such boundary
+- * symbols, hence making the resolution continue further in the lookup order
+- * -- despite fuzzily targeted attestation, the check remains reasonable];
+- * only effective when link-time ("run-time amortizing") callsite collection
+- * is;  as a side effect, it can ensure the boundary-denoting symbols for the
+- * target collection area are kept alive with some otherwise unkind linkers.
+- *
+- * Applying this macro in the target program/library is strongly recommended
+- * whenever the logging as framed by this header file is in use.
+- * Moreover, it's important to state that using this check while not ensuring
+- * @c _GNU_SOURCE macro definition is present at compile-time means only half
+- * of the available sanity checking will be performed, possibly resulting
+- * in libqb's own internally logged messages being lost without warning.
+- */
+-#define QB_LOG_INIT_DATA(name)						\
+-    void name(void);							\
+-    void name(void) {							\
+-    void *work_handle; struct qb_log_callsite *work_s1, *work_s2;	\
+-    /* our own (target's) sanity, or possibly that of higher priority	\
+-       symbol resolution site (unless target equals end executable)	\
+-       or even the lower one if no such predecessor defines these */	\
+-    if ((work_handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LOCAL|RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL) {	\
+-        work_s1 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_START_STR);	\
+-        work_s2 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)				\
+-                  dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP_STR);		\
+-        assert("implicit callsite section is observable, otherwise \
+-target's and/or libqb's build is at fault, preventing reliable logging" \
+-               && work_s1 != NULL && work_s2 != NULL);			\
+-        dlclose(work_handle);  /* perhaps overly eager thing to do */ }	\
+-    QB_NONAPI_LOG_INIT_DATA_EXTRA_(name);				\
+-    /* finally, original, straightforward check */			\
+-    assert("implicit callsite section is populated, otherwise \
+-target's build is at fault, preventing reliable logging"		\
+-    void __attribute__ ((constructor)) name(void);
+ #define QB_LOG_INIT_DATA(name)
+ /**
+  * Internal function: use qb_log() or qb_logt()
+@@ -476,21 +355,12 @@
+  * @param fmt usual printf style format specifiers
+  * @param args usual printf style args
+  */
+-#define qb_logt(priority, tags, fmt, args...) do {			\
+-	static struct qb_log_callsite descriptor			\
+-	__attribute__((section(QB_ATTR_SECTION_STR), aligned(8))) =	\
+-	{ __func__, __FILE__, fmt, priority, __LINE__, 0, tags };	\
+-	qb_log_real_(&descriptor, ##args);				\
+-    } while(0)
+ #define qb_logt(priority, tags, fmt, args...) do {	\
+ 	struct qb_log_callsite* descriptor_pt =		\
+ 	qb_log_callsite_get(__func__, __FILE__, fmt,	\
+ 			    priority, __LINE__, tags);	\
+ 	qb_log_real_(descriptor_pt, ##args);		\
+     } while(0)
+ /**
+--- libqb-1.0.3/lib/libqb.pc.in	2017-12-14 09:25:16.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/lib/libqb.pc.in	2018-08-16 10:23:15.019923883 +0100
+@@ -7,17 +7,6 @@
+ Description: libqb
+ Requires:
+-Libs: -L${libdir} -lqb @client_dlopen_LIBS@
+-# NOTE: If -lqb not usable for linking (e.g. linker not compatible with
+-#       linker scripts ad-hoc modifying output sections), try recent
+-#       ld.bfd/binutils linker first when available, otherwise you can
+-#       try "-l:libqb.so.<digit>" link switch that bypasses said linker
+-#       script -- but beware, logging may be less efficient and may lack
+-#       possible future optimizations and extra features.  Consequently,
+-#       logging issues (typically bound to QB_LOG_INIT_DATA macro) can be
+-#       mitigated with QB_KILL_ATTRIBUTE_SECTION macro defined for a build.
+-# NOTE: when concerned about a warning coming from the build process like
+-#       warning: [...]libqb.so contains output sections; did you forget -T?
+-#       and the build finishes OK, take it merely as a harmless side-effect
++Libs: -L${libdir} -lqb
+ Libs.private: @LIBS@
+ Cflags: -I${includedir}
+diff -ur libqb-1.0.3/lib/log.c libqb-1.0.3.nosection/lib/log.c
+--- libqb-1.0.3/lib/log.c	2017-12-21 09:02:11.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/lib/log.c	2018-08-16 10:26:01.465514061 +0100
+@@ -40,13 +40,6 @@
+ #include "util_int.h"
+ #include <regex.h>
+-/* following only needed to force these symbols be global
+-   with ld 2.29: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1477354 */
+-struct qb_log_callsite __attribute__((weak)) QB_ATTR_SECTION_START[] = { {0} };
+-struct qb_log_callsite __attribute__((weak)) QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP[] = { {0} };
+ static struct qb_log_target conf[QB_LOG_TARGET_MAX];
+ static uint32_t conf_active_max = 0;
+ static int32_t in_logger = QB_FALSE;
+@@ -772,73 +765,6 @@
+ 	return qb_log_filter_ctl2(t, c, type, text, LOG_EMERG, priority);
+ }
+-/* Some platforms (eg. FreeBSD 10+) don't support calling dlopen() from
+- * within a dl_iterate_phdr() callback; so save all of the dlpi_names to
+- * a list and iterate over them afterwards. */
+-static int32_t
+-_log_so_walk_callback(struct dl_phdr_info *info, size_t size, void *data)
+-	struct dlname *dlname;
+-	if (strlen(info->dlpi_name) > 0) {
+-		dlname = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dlname));
+-		if (!dlname)
+-			return 0;
+-		dlname->dln_name = strdup(info->dlpi_name);
+-		qb_list_add_tail(&dlname->list, &dlnames);
+-	}
+-	return 0;
+-static void
+-	struct dlname *dlname;
+-	struct qb_list_head *iter;
+-	struct qb_list_head *next;
+-	void *handle;
+-	void *start;
+-	void *stop;
+-	const char *error;
+-	qb_list_for_each_safe(iter, next, &dlnames) {
+-		dlname = qb_list_entry(iter, struct dlname, list);
+-		handle = dlopen(dlname->dln_name, RTLD_LAZY);
+-		error = dlerror();
+-		if (!handle || error) {
+-			qb_log(LOG_ERR, "%s", error);
+-			goto done;
+-		}
+-		start = dlsym(handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_START_STR);
+-		error = dlerror();
+-		if (error) {
+-			goto done;
+-		}
+-		stop = dlsym(handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP_STR);
+-		error = dlerror();
+-		if (error) {
+-			goto done;
+-		} else {
+-			qb_log_callsites_register(start, stop);
+-		}
+-		if (handle)
+-			dlclose(handle);
+-		qb_list_del(iter);
+-		if (dlname->dln_name)
+-			free(dlname->dln_name);
+-		free(dlname);
+-	}
+ static void
+ _log_target_state_set(struct qb_log_target *t, enum qb_log_target_state s)
+ {
+@@ -864,10 +790,6 @@
+ {
+ 	int32_t l;
+ 	enum qb_log_target_slot i;
+-	void *work_handle; struct qb_log_callsite *work_s1, *work_s2;
+-	Dl_info work_dli;
+ 	/* cannot reuse single qb_log invocation in various contexts
+ 	   through the variables (when section attribute in use),
+ 	   hence this indirection */
+@@ -893,33 +815,6 @@
+ 	}
+ 	qb_log_dcs_init();
+-	/* sanity check that target chain supplied QB_ATTR_SECTION_ST{ART,OP}
+-	   symbols and hence the local references to them are not referencing
+-	   the proper libqb's ones (locating libqb by it's relatively unique
+-	   non-functional symbols -- the two are mutually exclusive, the
+-	   ordinarily latter was introduced by accident, the former is
+-	   intentional -- due to possible confusion otherwise) */
+-	if ((dladdr(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "qb_ver_str"), &work_dli)
+-	     || dladdr(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "facilitynames"), &work_dli))
+-	    && (work_handle = dlopen(work_dli.dli_fname,
+-	                             RTLD_LOCAL|RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL) {
+-		work_s1 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)
+-		          dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_START_STR);
+-		work_s2 = (struct qb_log_callsite *)
+-		          dlsym(work_handle, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP_STR);
+-		if (work_s1 == QB_ATTR_SECTION_START
+-		    || work_s2 == QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP) {
+-			preinit_err = preinit_err_target_sec;
+-		} else if (work_s1 == work_s2) {
+-			preinit_err = preinit_err_target_empty;
+-		}
+-		dlclose(work_handle);  /* perhaps overly eager thing to do */
+-	}
+-	qb_log_callsites_register(QB_ATTR_SECTION_START, QB_ATTR_SECTION_STOP);
+-	dl_iterate_phdr(_log_so_walk_callback, NULL);
+-	_log_so_walk_dlnames();
+ 		conf[i].state = QB_LOG_STATE_DISABLED;
+diff -ur libqb-1.0.3/lib/Makefile.am libqb-1.0.3.nosection/lib/Makefile.am
+--- libqb-1.0.3/lib/Makefile.am	2017-12-14 09:25:16.000000000 +0000
++++ libqb-1.0.3.nosection/lib/Makefile.am	2018-08-16 10:25:07.001321422 +0100
+@@ -79,9 +79,6 @@
+ libqb_la_SOURCES	= $(source_to_lint) unix.c
+ libqb_la_CFLAGS		= $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)
+ libqb_la_LIBADD		= $(LTLIBOBJS) $(dlopen_LIBS) $(PTHREAD_LIBS) $(socket_LIBS)
+-libqb_la_LIBADD 	+= qblog_script.la
+ AM_LDFLAGS 	= $(LDFLAGS_COPY:-Bsymbolic-functions=)
+@@ -110,33 +107,6 @@
+ pkgconfigexecdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+ pkgconfigexec_DATA = libqb.pc
+-# find the libqb.so symlink's target, if so, try to find out, iteratively,
+-# its gradually shorter forms that likewise symlinks the same target as the
+-# original libqb.so path, point to that file from the linker script using
+-# qblog_script.ld as a template, storing result in place of original libqb.so
+-# (e.g., libqb.so := "INPUT(libqb.so.0) " [...] "SECTIONS { " [...] "}")
+-# NOTE: readlink nor realpath are POSIX; not chained links ready
+-# NOTE: conservative check, i.e., not per NEED_GCC_ATTRIBUTE_SECTION_WORKAROUND
+-install-exec-hook: qblog_script.ld
+-	target=$$(ls -l "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so" || :); \
+-	  target=$${target#* -> }; t1_bn=$$(basename "$${target}" || :); \
+-	  while test -n "$${t1_bn}"; do t2_bn=$${t1_bn%.*[0-9]*}; \
+-	  test "$${t2_bn}" != libqb.so || break; \
+-	  test -L "$${t2_bn}" || { t1_bn=$${t2_bn}; continue; }; \
+-	  t2_target=$$(ls -l "$${t2_bn}" || break); t2_target=$${t2_target#* -> }; \
+-	  test "$${t2_target}" = "$${target}" || break; \
+-	  t1_bn=$${t2_bn}; done; test -n "$${t1_bn}" || \
+-	  { echo "only applicable to SO symlink scheme"; exit 1; }; \
+-	  echo "$${t1_bn}" > "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t"
+-	so_ver=$$(cat "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t"); \
+-	  echo "INPUT($${so_ver})" > "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t"; \
+-	  cat $< >> "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t"; \
+-	  sed -i -- "s/libqb.so.<digit>/$${so_ver}/" \
+-	    "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t" "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigexecdir)/libqb.pc"
+-	mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so-t" "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libqb.so"
+ check_SCRIPTS = run_splint.sh
+ TESTS = $(check_SCRIPTS)
diff --git a/SPECS/libqb.spec b/SPECS/libqb.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d4b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/libqb.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+%bcond_without check
+Name:           libqb
+Version:        1.0.3
+Release:        7%{?dist}
+Summary:        An IPC library for high performance servers
+Group:          System Environment/Libraries
+License:        LGPLv2+
+URL:            https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb
+Source0:        https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/download/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+Patch0: bz1615945-remove-linker-callsites.patch
+BuildRequires:  autoconf automake libtool doxygen procps check-devel
+# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:C_and_C%2B%2B#BuildRequires_and_Requires
+BuildRequires:  gcc
+# git-style patch application
+#BuildRequires: git  # for when patches around
+libqb provides high-performance, reusable features for client-server
+architecture, such as logging, tracing, inter-process communication (IPC),
+and polling.
+#autosetup -p1 -S git_am  # for when patches around
+%patch0 -p1 -b .bz1615945-remove-linker-callsites
+%configure --disable-static
+make %{?_smp_mflags} V=1
+%if 0%{?with_check}
+make VERBOSE=1 check \
+  && make -C tests/functional/log_internal VERBOSE=1 check
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} ';'
+rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_docdir}/*
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%license COPYING
+%package        devel
+Summary:        Development files for %{name}
+Group:          Development/Libraries
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:       pkgconfig
+%description    devel
+The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for
+developing applications that use %{name}.
+%files          devel
+%doc README.markdown
+%license COPYING
+* Mon Sep 17 2018  Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie@redhat.com> - 1.0.3-7
+- Remove linker magic in the logging code.
+  Resolves: rhbz#1615945
+* Mon Jul 30 2018 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 1.0.3-6
+- Rebuild with fixed binutils
+* Tue Jun 05 2018 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie@redhat.com> - 1.0.3-5
+- Rebuild with newer binutils (hopefully to fix pacemaker/corosync linkage issue)
+* Wed Mar 07 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 1.0.3-4
+- Rebuild to fix GCC 8 mis-compilation
+  See https://da.gd/YJVwk ("GCC 8 ABI change on x86_64")
+* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.3-3
+- Escape macros in %%changelog
+* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.3-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Dec 21 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.3-1
+- Update to libqb-1.0.3, for list of changes see:
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0.3
+* Tue Dec 12 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-15
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Wed Nov 15 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-14
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+- Make -devel package dependency on the main package arch-qualified
+* Tue Oct 31 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-13
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Wed Oct 25 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-12
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Wed Oct 18 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-11
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Fri Oct 13 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-10
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Mon Oct 09 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-9
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Fri Oct 06 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-8
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+- New test included in check phase (as per upsteam)
+* Mon Sep 04 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-7
+- Evolution of the previous (rhbz#1478089)
+* Fri Sep 01 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-6
+- Better approach so as to mitigate changed treatment of orphaned sections
+  in ld.bfd/binutils-2.29, resulting in logging facility silently out of order
+  (rhbz#1478089)
+- Related to that, build commands now shown in full to ease the sanity checking
+- Adapt spec file per the upstream version (conditionalizing build through
+  --enable-syslog-tests no longer relevant since v1.0.2)
+* Fri Aug 11 2017 Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-5
+- Bump and rebuild for an rpm signing issue
+* Thu Aug 10 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-4
+- Mitigate changed treatment of orphaned sections in ld.bfd/binutils-2.29,
+  resulting in logging facility silently out of order (rhbz#1478089)
+* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.2-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.2-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri May 19 2017 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.2-1
+- Update to libqb-1.0.2, for list of changes see:
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0.2
+* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.0.1-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Nov 25 2016 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0.1-1
+- Update to libqb-1.0.1, for list of changes see:
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0.1
+- Move qb-blackbox manual page from libqb-devel to libqb
+  (where the utility itself resides)
+* Mon Apr 4 2016 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 1.0-1
+- Update to libqb-1.0, for list of changes see, in order:
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0rc1
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0rc2
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0rc3
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0rc4
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v1.0
+- Adapt spec file per the upstream version (drop defattr statements,
+  autogen.sh call with %%build, conditionalize build process)
+- Add gcc as an explicit BuildRequires (required per the new guidelines)
+- Do not depend on the rpmbuild-imposed man page archiving method
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.17.2-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Oct 15 2015 Jan Pokorný <jpokorny+rpm-libqb@redhat.com> - 0.17.2-1
+- Update to libqb-0.17.2 + fix check_ipc tests, for list of changes see:
+  https://github.com/ClusterLabs/libqb/releases/tag/v0.17.2
+* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.17.1-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Aug 26 2014 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com> - 0.17.1-1
+Fix: ipcs: Correctly allocate receive buffer size
+Fix: ipc_socket: Signalhandler must be resetted to Default, use only cleanup_sigpipe to return from qb_ipc_dgram_sock_setup.
+Fix: trie: allow modifying the trie map during the notify callback
+Fix: fix invalid option when run 'ipcclient -h'
+Fix: epoll: don't miss poll events under high load
+Fix: ipc_shm: fix error handling in qb_ipcs_shm_connect()
+Fix: ringbuffer: fix size in qb_rb_create_from_file()
+Fix: ringbuffer: fix qb_rb_open_2() debug format string
+Fix: trie: fixes regression caused by ref count refactoring
+Fix: ipcc: Properly timeout during recv when timeout value is provided
+* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.17.0-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.17.0-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Feb 20 2014 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com> - 0.17.0-2
+Fix testsuite timing values
+* Wed Feb 19 2014 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com> - 0.17.0-1
+Fix: build: Allow 'make rpm' to work with lightweight tags for release candidates
+Fix: spec: reference correct url in spec file
+Doc: update broken doxygen link to something that exists
+Bump version to 0.17.0
+Low: ipc_socket: further optimize max msg size calculations for fbsd portability tests
+Low: ipc_socket: Allow socket max msg size to be calculated more accurately
+Fix: fixes travis compile time error
+Low: tests: Fixes compile time issue with make check
+High: ipcs: Prevent ipc server use after free.
+Low: ipc: Remove ipc connection reference given to dispatch functions
+High: ipc: Fixes memory leak in server connection accept when client partially connects
+IPC: Increase the listen backlog of IPC server
+Low: ipcs: Clarifications to the ipcs server callback documentation.
+Fix rb.test to avoid overwriting memory during reading.
+Low: example: Update client/server example to use server enforced buffer size
+Low: Client side buffer retrieval regression test
+Feature: New api function to retrieve client buffer size
+Low: check_ipc.c: Verify server enforced buffer sizes work
+Feature: Enforce buffer size limits on the server side
+Low: regession tests for regex log filters
+Feature: Filter logs using regex patter on function, format, or filename
+ipc_setup: Set SO_PASSCRED on listener socket
+Fix: log: Filtering by function and file must match exactly, no substring matches
+Low: blackbox: Abort blackbox logging on ringbuffer overwrite reclaim error
+High: ipcs: Api function allowing server to retrieve client connection's ipc buffer size
+Low: ringbuffer: Abort during chunk reclaim if OVERWRITE flag is set and reclaim fails.
+High: blackbox: unique blackbox ringbuffer files per pid
+Low: ipc_socket: Fixes fd leak in socket ipc client disconnection
+Use sizeof to get the correct size of the sockaddr_un sun_path member in a portable way. Fixes corosync on Mac OS X.
+Detect the max signal value that can be used using NSIG macro
+Avoid double-decrement of level->todo
+* Thu Aug 1 2013 David Vossel <dvossel@redhat.com> - 0.16.0-1
+Bump version to 0.16.0 ... do not use version 0.15.0
+Update release gpg sign key
+Bump the version to 0.15.0
+Merge pull request #83 from davidvossel/master
+Low: ipc_socket: Output send event failure as debug instead of error
+Low: ipcserver.c: Fix example server's glib mainloop implementation
+High: ipc_socket.c: Detect EOF connection on connection STREAM socket
+Merge pull request #81 from davidvossel/dgram_max_msg
+Low: tests: Add dgram max size detection test
+Low: ipc_socket.c: Handle the unlikely event of an EAGAIN or EINTR during dgram max size detection
+Merge pull request #82 from davidvossel/master
+Fixes detect disconnect on send for tcp example
+Fixes sem leak
+Fixes less-than-zero comparision of unsigned int
+fixes double close
+Fixes double close
+Fixes double fd close
+Fixes fd leak
+Prevent use after free in benchmark util
+Fixes use ater free in shm disconnect
+Fixes use after free during ipcs client disconnect
+Remove dead code
+Low: check_ipc.c: Verify dgram max size during tests
+High: ipcc: Add abilty to verify dgram kernel buffer size meets max msg value
+Fixes travis build error
+Merge pull request #80 from davidvossel/master
+Low: check_ipc.c: fix debug message to only display once.
+High: ringbuffer: Make max_size of ringbuffer accurate so shm ipc max msg size value is honored
+Low: ipcs: For shm ipc, always retry outstanding notifications when next event is sent
+Low: tests: Added test to verify sending ipc msg equal to max size succeeds
+Merge pull request #79 from davidvossel/master
+Merge pull request #78 from davidvossel/master
+Fix: ipcs: Fixes compile time issue reported by travis
+Merge pull request #77 from davidvossel/stress_tests_fixes
+Low: loop_pool_kqueue: remove potentially noisy dbug statement
+Low: tests: rework bulk event msg ipc test
+Account for fbsd ENOBUFS during stress test
+Low: tests: Adds ipc event stress test to testsuite
+Low: ipc_socket: In fbsd send() returns ENOBUFS when dgram queue is full, this should be treated similar to EAGAIN
+High: kqueue: Properly enable kqueue filter in poll loop
+Low: ipcs: Attempt to resend outstanding event notifications during event send
+Merge pull request #75 from davidvossel/ref_count_cleanup
+Low: qbipcs.h: update ipcs connection iterator documentation
+Merge pull request #74 from davidvossel/ref_count_cleanup
+Fix: ipcs: Disconnect shm ipc connection when poll socket returns error on msg receive
+Fix: ipcs: Properly disconnect client connection on POLLNVAL or any other error causing connection removal from mainloop.
+Simplify internal ipcs ref counting, add comments and document api behavior
+Simplifies connection ref counting without changing behavior
+Low remove ref-count error in example ipcserver.
+Merge pull request #73 from davidvossel/ref_count_cleanup
+Merge pull request #72 from davidvossel/master
+Low: tests: Verify reading valid blackbox file works
+Fix: refcount leak
+Fix: ringbuffer: Add file header version field and detect reading corrupted blackbox files using hash value
+Fix: tests: On some platforms -ECONNRESET is returned rather than -ENOTCONN after server failure
+Fix: tests: Make blackbox_segfault.sh not depend on bash
+Hopefully this is the last travis link fix
+Fix travis icon (travis is case sensitive)
+Fix the github links
+Merge pull request #70 from yuusuke/fix_logging
+fix a problem when the character string beyond the number of the maximum characters is passed
+Merge pull request #68 from r1mikey/upstream
+Add a IPC service context pointer and accessors from both the connection and service level.
+Enable distcheck on the travis tests
+Add atomic_int.h to noinst_HEADERS
+Use the new atomic ops in the ringbuffer
+Add internal support for the new __atomic gcc builtins
+Rename the configure macros from atomic to sync
+ringbuffer: use atomic ops on ringbuffer chunk magic
+Remove some test code mistakenly committed to the example program.
+IPC: make each connection ref the owning service
+Indicate when/why qb_rb_force_close() fails to remove share memory files
+Typo fixed in configure
+Fix "make srpm"
+Remove doxygen from travis deps to try and get the job working.
+Fix make distcheck
+Merge pull request #60 from t-matsuo/fix-makefile-of-tests
+add file_change_bytes into check_PROGRAMS and fix a typo
+Deal better with corrupt blackbox files.
+Merge pull request #58 from inouekazu/fix_connection_state_checking
+IPC: fix the connection state checking
+LOG: copy the function/filename for dynamic callsites
+Deal with /dev/shm issue on Travis builders
+Properly discover SO_NOSIGPIPE and MSG_SIGNAL
+IPC: fix call to QB_SUN_LEN
+list: don't splice empty lists onto the head.
+rpl_sem: make destroy more compliant
+test: fix unused-but-set-variable warning
+test: fix missing-format-attribute warning
+RB: make the "sem" abstraction into a notifier
+IPC: clean up the connection state checking
+Use dgram sockets for message oriented communications
+IPC: don't interpret EMSGSIZE and ENOMSG as a disconnect
+POLL: prevent a spin if the fd is not removed from the mainloop
+add TAGS and ~ files to .gitignore
+docs: install qb-blackbox.8 if doxygen is not available.
+IPC: seperate ipc_us.c into 2 files
+IPC: move utility functions to unix.c
+IPC: make sure we return a consistent error when the message is too big.
+* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.14.4-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jan 17 2013 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.4-1
+LOG: prevent the last char of the blackbox message from getting lost.
+Example: make the blackbox example more practical.
+Add the processing which remove notifier at skiplist_destroy function
+Add the processing which remove hash node and notifier at hashtable_destroy function
+Unify to QB_TRUE/QB_FALSE a boolean value
+Document the default prefix in INSTALL
+Unify the list processing with qb_list function
+Add travis link to the readme.
+Fix return code which is an error occurred at pthread function
+TEST: add a progam to compare the speed of vsnprintf and qb_vsnprintf_serialize
+LOG: add a test for a padded hex int.
+Fedora's splint has a strange syntax error, don't fail on it.
+LOG: fix truncation in some messages that get padded.
+Fix the blackbox formatter when specifing the string len/precision
+Fix strlcpy and strlcat functions
+IPC: don't over log on disconnect
+Make sure we don't use the format string whilst it is getting changed.
+ptrie: deref the current node in trie_iter_free()
+LOG: fix the format comparison to avoid generating multiple entries.
+LOG: set the return code when calloc fails
+IPC: call poll if we are mid message and get EAGAIN
+Remove extra ";"
+IPC: set the error more correctly when qb_sys_mmap_file_open() fails.
+Make sure that mmap'ed files smaller than a page size are written to.
+example/test: check for error in qb_ipc_run()
+example: check for error in qb_ipc_run()
+TEST: fix typo s/,/; in check_ipc.c
+* Mon Oct 29 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.3-2
+Fix test code highlighted by new check version
+Remove the call to autogen.sh - not needed anymore.
+* Mon Oct 29 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.3-1
+IPC: Pass the timeout to poll() if the recv function returns EAGAIN
+LOG: make the format comparison safe and sane
+LOG: don't break on empty callsites, just ignore them
+LOG: use the array callback to register new callsites
+array: add a mechanism to get a callback when a bin is allocated
+Solaris based operating systems don't define MSG_NOSIGNAL and SO_NOSIGPIPE.
+Make sure atomic's are initialized (for non-gcc atomic).
+* Wed Sep 12 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.2-2
+Fix a crash in ptrie if you iterate over the map in the deleted notifier.
+* Mon Sep 10 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.2-1
+Get libqb building on cygwin.
+ipc_us: slightly more robust cmsg handling
+ipc_us: on Linux, set SO_PASSCRED on the sending socket too
+ipc_us: clear request unused fields
+TEST: Include writing and reading the blackbox in the log_long_msg test
+LOG: fix qb_vsnprintf_deserialize()
+blackbox: fix 64-bit big-endian issues
+Remove IPC_NEEDS_RESPONSE_ACK and turn off shm ipc on solaris
+Define unix path max for openbsd
+Only turn on ipc_needs_response_ack=yes for solaris
+Some improvements to kqueue usage.
+kqueue: drop log message to trace.
+Fix splint warning
+openbsd requires netinet/in.h before arpa/inet.h
+Avoid strcpy() use strlcpy() instead.
+Fix kqueue complile warnings
+openbsd doesn't have EBADMSG
+openbsd has a different UNIX_PATH_MAX
+LOG: change qb_vsprintf_serialize() into qb_vsnprintf_serialize()
+TEST: increase timeout to 6 secs as the recv timeout is 5 secs
+TEST: get the logic right - grrr.
+Turn off attribute_section on netbsd
+Some missing pshared semaphore checks
+Cleanup the checks for pshared semaphores
+Add a config check for pthread_mutexattr_setpshared
+Remove uses of timersub and use qb_util_stopwatch
+RB: change the #error to ENOTSUP if no usable shared process sem
+LOOP-KQUEUE: fix reference before assignment.
+build: fix libqb.pc creation and make maintainer-clean
+LOG: Make sure the semaphores are initialized.
+build: remove bashism in cc support check
+Catch disconnected sockets on Solaris
+Don't free rb->shared_hdr in qb_rb_create_from_file()
+Check error return of qb_ipcs_uc_recv_and_auth()
+Fix removal of automatically installed doc files when building rpms
+Add the mailing list to the travis email notifications.
+Work around debian not setting the arch path in splint.
+Remove color-tests and parallel-tests automake options.
+Add travis continuous integration config
+LOG: Invoke custom log filter function if tag changes
+tests/rbwriter: don't ignore write failure
+ipcs: avoid use-after-free for size-0 || disconnect-request
+* Wed Jul 18 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.1-1
+RB: set the new read pointer after clearing the header (#839605).
+RB: improve the debug print outs
+RB: be more explicit about the word alignment
+RB: cleanup the macros for wrapping the index
+RB: use sem_getvalue as a tie breaker when read_pt == write_pt
+RB: if read or peek don't get the message then re-post to the semaphore
+RB: convert the rb_peek() status into a recv like status.
+RB: use internal reclaim function
+IPC: use calloc instead of malloc to fix valgrind warnings
+Upgrade the doxygen config.
+Fix a valgrind error.
+* Sun Jun 24 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.14.0-1
+LOG: fix threaded logging.
+Add user control of the permissions that are set on the shared mem files
+LOG: Restrict string trucation during serialization to when a precision is specified
+LOG: Gracefully fail when the caller exceeds QB_LOG_MAX_LEN
+LOG: Observe field widths when serializing string arguments
+RB: use the same mechanism in reclaim as read/peek to detect end-of-ring
+Add needs_response_ack option to ./check
+RB: fix wrong sem_flg IPC_NOWAIT option
+TESTS: fix warning about unused functions
+Remove D_FORTIFY_SOURCE from check.
+Open shared mem file in /dev/shm only for linux
+Don't use msg_flags on solaris (recvmsg).
+Turn off attribute_section on solaris
+ipc example: add -e (events) option
+IPC: if the server returns EAGAIN or ETIMEOUT the check the connection
+LOG: make it possible to fsync() on each file log.
+IPC: make sure that the created callback happens before dispatches
+LOG: fix the printing of %%p in the blackbox
+IPC: On bsd's use the notifier for responses
+cleanup some warnings
+config: use newer AC_COMPILE_IFELSE()
+blackbox: fix %%p formatting
+LOG: put all fields in the blackbox (added priority and tags)
+example: make the priority uint8_t
+Remove strerror out of check_funcs
+RB: fix compiler warning.
+Add replacement function stpcpy
+Add missing AC_TYPE_UINT16_T to configure.ac
+Add stpcpy strcasecmp to the check_funcs
+Move some conditional defines into code (from the configure script)
+Remove some unused configure checks
+Remove message queues
+Check for union semun properly
+Blackbox: provide more space for log messages when reading from the blackbox.
+Add the blackbox reader manpage to the spec file
+Enable error logging for the blackbox reader
+RB: Read the file size into an initialized variable of the correct size
+Add a tool to dump the blackbox.
+RB: to be safer save the read and write pointers at the top of the blackbox
+avoid unwarranted use of strncpy: use memcpy instead
+blackbox: fix the print_from_file()
+RB: add an option to not use any semaphores
+LOG: tweak the blackbox format string
+LOG: accept NULL strings into the blackbox
+LOG: protect close and reload from calling log
+Add benchmark option (-b) to examples/ipcclient
+TEST: make rbreader/writer more like the other benchmarking apps
+IPC: log the connection description in all logs
+TEST: re-organise the ipc test suites
+IPC: only modify the dispatch if we get EAGAIN
+Correctly display timestamp in blackbox
+* Thu May 10 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.13.0-1
+- Remove unneccessary __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) from internal headers
+- IPC: add a new function to get (and alloc) the extended stats.
+- Revert "Add the event queue length to the connection stats."
+- IPC: cleanup better on a failed client connect.
+- IPC(soc): be more consistent with control struct size
+- IPC: kill a compiler warning
+- IPC(soc): pass in the correct size into munmap()
+- TEST: Use /bin/sh not /bin/bash
+- TEST: check for lost shared mem on bsd too
+- rb: cleanup the semaphores
+- Fix some small issues in ./check
+- Cleanup the .gitignore files
+- configure.ac tweaks
+- Remove HZ and use sysconf instead.
+- SUN_LEN() macro is present if __EXTENSIONS__ is defined on Illumos
+- PF_UNIX is a POSIX standard name
+- Test for log facility names
+- IPC: drop log message to debug.
+- IPC: fix retrying of partial recv's and sends.
+- IPC: initialize enough shared mem for all 3 one way connections.
+- IPC: keep retrying to recv the socket message if partially recv'ed (part 2)
+- IPC: keep retrying to recv the socket message if partially recv'ed
+- IPC: handle the server shutdown better
+- IPC: handle a connection disconnect from the server better
+- IPC: make it possible to send events in the connected callback.
+- Add the event queue length to the connection stats.
+- IPC: add a is_connected client side function.
+- Fix typo in ./check
+- docs: clarify the need to use request/response headers
+- Remove unused local variable
+- IPC: change the socket recv function to read the response header.
+- Add some special commands into the ipc example
+- TEST: improve the tracing in the ipc tests.
+- Make "make (s)rpm" work more reliably
+- TEST: add a test to confirm we get the events we send.
+- TEST: reuse send_and_check for events.
+- IPC: make it possible for a root client to talk to a non-root server.
+- Run ./Lindent in the examples directory
+- Add some debug code to the ipcclient example
+- IPC: make sure ipc (socket) clients can connect to a server running as root.
+- IPC: allow qb to bump the max_message_size
+- IPC: check for a sane minimum max_message_size
+- add rpl_sem.h loop_poll_int.h to noinst_headers
+- Handle errors more consistently
+- call recv_ready on socket types
+- Handle a recv of size 0
+- make bsd shm path better by default.
+- Fix kqueue on freebsd.
+- Get the example socket includes right.
+- Fix kqueue compiling.
+- POLL: seperate out the poll/epoll and add kqueue
+- Test existence of getpeer* functions
+- Add inet header to tcpclient example
+- Don't link with setpshared if unavailable
+- NetBSD doesn't have semun defined
+- Use MADV_NOSYNC only on systems where available
+- Use SCHED_BATCH only on platforms where available
+- Fix a bug introduced by the bsd patch.
+- Cleanup the selection of semaphores to use
+- Fix some leaks in the logging.
+- Try and improve the portability on bsd variants.
+* Sun Mar 11 2012  Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.11.1-1
+- configue libqb to not use epoll as it seems broken (#800865)
+- LOOP: remove some old timerfd code.
+- TEST: add a test to check the order of the jobs
+- LOOP: when new jobs are added they are added to the head instead of the tail.
+- LOG: Now the array is self locking we can make the lookup array dynamic
+- Add locking to the array when growing.
+- IPC: make the _request_q_len_get() function more obvious.
+- IPC: fix multiple receives from qb_ipc_us_recv()
+- IPC: make sure that the wrong union member is not written to.
+- TIMER: check for null timer handle
+Wed Mar 7 2012  Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.11.0-1
+- ARRAY: cleanup the pointer sizeof()
+- LOG: turn off __attribute__(section) for powerpc (not working)
+- TESTS: move the util tests into "slow-tests" (i.e. optional)
+- TEST: make the test_priority the same type as in the callsite
+- LOG: make the log arrays manually grow-able since we need to lock the calls.
+- RB: fix test failure on ppc
+- RB: change the name of the size to word_size to be more clear
+- TEST: add some more signal tests.
+- LOOP: fix deletion of signal handlers when they are pending
+- LOOP: signal handlers were always added as high priority.
+- TEST: deal with mac's limited sed
+- check: add debugging to the configure options and remove unused options
+- TEST: properly clear the filters
+- LOG: expose the mechanism to get a dynamic callsite.
+- Revert part of my COARSE grained timer commit
+- Remove timerfd usage and go back to timelist.
+- UTIL: if possible use COARSE resolution clocks - they are much faster.
+- ARRAY: save memory (in the bins array) and allow holes in the array
+- LOOP: add qb_loop_timer_is_running()
+- LOOP: allow stop() and run() to be called with NULL loop instance.
+- LOOP: fix doxygen parameter comment
+- LOG: add stdout target
+- LOOP: add a function to delete jobs
+- LOG: remove debug printf's
+- LOG: remove an old/incorrect doxygen comment.
+- LOG: add a hostname %%H format specifier.
+- LOG: Add qb_log_filter_fn_set()
+* Tue Feb 14 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.10.1-1
+- Fix "make distcheck" add include path to AM_CPPFLAGS
+- Bump the version to 0.10.1
+- clang: Remove unused code
+- TEST: make the ipc failure test closer to corosync's case.
+- RB: add a debug message if trying to read a message of the wrong size
+- IPC: split up the recv into chuncks of 2 seconds. (#788742)
+- Be more consistent with the internal logs.
+- LOOP: make it possible to pass in NULL as the default loop instance
+- RB: use the proper struct not the typedef in the implementation.
+- RB: Fix potential mem leak
+- Don't mix enums (QB_TRUE/TRUE)
+- use random() not rand()
+- Remove dead code
+- set umask before calling mkstemp()
+- Use safer versions of string functions (strcpy -> strlcpy)
+- Increase the coverity aggressiveness
+- TEST: make the loop ratelimit test more forgiving.
+* Tue Feb 07 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.10.0-1
+- LOOP: handle errors from the poll function
+- LOOP: make the item type applicable to jobs too.
+- LOOP: fix the todo calculations.
+- TEST: check for a single job causing a cpu spin
+- LOOP: prevent jobs from consuming too much cpu.
+- Get coverity to ignore this warning.
+- Change example code to use fgets instead of gets
+- LOG: pass the result of qb_log_thread_start() back to the user
+- Fix some issues found by clang
+- Add clang-analyzer check
+- Add a split timer to the stopwatch.
+- IPC: merge common code into new function
+- IPC: better handle a disconnect been called from within connection_created()
+- IPC: fix scary typo
+- IPC: fix server error handling
+* Mon Feb 06 2012 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.9.0-2
+- Fix a spin in the mainloop when a timer or poll gets removed
+  When in the job queue (#787196).
+* Fri Jan 27 2012  Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.9.0-1
+- Rebased to 0.9.0
+* Tue Jan 10 2012  Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.8.1-2
+- fix qb_timespec_add_ms()
+* Thu Jan 5 2012  Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.8.1-1
+- Rebased to 0.8.1 (#771914)
+* Thu Nov 17 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.7.0-1
+- Rebased to 0.7.0 (#754610)
+* Thu Sep 1 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.6.0-2
+- LOG: fix the default syslog filter
+* Tue Aug 30 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.6.0-1
+- Rebased to 0.6.0 which includes (#734457):
+- Add a stop watch
+- LOG: serialize the va_list, don't snprintf
+- LOG: change active list into array access
+- atomic: fix qb_atomic_pointer macros
+- LOG: allow the thread priority to be set.
+- Fix splint warning on ubuntu 11.04
+* Mon Jul 18 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.5.1-1
+- Rebased to 0.5.1 which includes:
+- LOOP: make the return more consistent in qb_loop_timer_expire_time_get()
+- LOG: add string.h to qblog.h
+- Add a qb_strerror_r wrapper.
+- don't let an invalid time stamp provoke a NULL dereference
+- LOG: move priority check up to prevent unnecessary format.
+- rename README to README.markdown
+* Wed Jun 8 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.5.0-1
+- Rebased to 0.5.0 which includes:
+- new logging API
+- support for sparc
+- coverity fixes
+* Tue Feb 8 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.4.1-2
+- SPEC: improve devel files section
+- SPEC: remove global variables
+* Mon Jan 31 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.4.1-1
+- SPEC: add procps to BuildRequire
+- SPEC: remove automake and autoconf from BuildRequire
+- SPEC: remove call to ./autogen.sh
+- SPEC: update to new upstream version 0.4.1
+- LOOP: check read() return value
+- DOCS: add missing @param on new timeout argument
+- BUILD: only set -g and -O options if explicitly requested.
+- BUILD: Remove unneccessary check for library "dl"
+- BUILD: improve the release build system
+* Fri Jan 14 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.4.0-2
+- remove "." from Summary
+- Add "check-devel to BuildRequires
+- Add "make check" to check section
+- Changed a buildroot to RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+- Document alphatag, numcomm and dirty variables.
+* Sun Jan 09 2011 Angus Salkeld <asalkeld@redhat.com> - 0.4.0-1
+- Initial release