ffd6ed |
From e2a2ea5637b1689c904fe45838d3d58d556b54ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
ffd6ed |
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjones@redhat.com>
ffd6ed |
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 15:13:36 +0100
ffd6ed |
Subject: [PATCH] v2v: Support loading virtio-win drivers from virtio-win.iso
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
This makes several changes to the handling of virtio-win drivers:
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
The VIRTIO_WIN_DIR environment variable has been renamed
ffd6ed |
VIRTIO_WIN (but you can still use the old name).
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
You can point the VIRTIO_WIN either at a RHEL virtio-win directory
ffd6ed |
(ie. /usr/share/virtio-win), OR at a loopback-mounted virtio-win ISO,
ffd6ed |
OR at the virtio-win.iso file itself. In the latter case, libguestfs
ffd6ed |
is used to open the ISO file and read drivers from it.
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
The code is more flexible about the pathnames of drivers, because the
ffd6ed |
paths in the ISO are completely different from the paths in RHEL
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
(cherry picked from commit 47b5f245bec908f803f0a89c3b1e3166cfe33aad)
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
Various fixes to make the code compile on RHEL 7.2.
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
v2v/convert_windows.ml | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
ffd6ed |
v2v/utils.ml | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ffd6ed |
v2v/v2v.ml | 8 +++
ffd6ed |
v2v/virt-v2v.pod | 9 ++-
ffd6ed |
4 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
ffd6ed |
index 1e77369..c11e838 100644
ffd6ed |
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
ffd6ed |
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
ffd6ed |
@@ -47,9 +47,12 @@ let convert ~verbose ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source =
ffd6ed |
try Sys.getenv "VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR"
ffd6ed |
with Not_found -> Config.datadir // "virt-tools" in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- let virtio_win_dir =
ffd6ed |
- try Sys.getenv "VIRTIO_WIN_DIR"
ffd6ed |
- with Not_found -> Config.datadir // "virtio-win" in
ffd6ed |
+ let virtio_win =
ffd6ed |
+ try Sys.getenv "VIRTIO_WIN"
ffd6ed |
+ with Not_found ->
ffd6ed |
+ try Sys.getenv "VIRTIO_WIN_DIR" (* old name for VIRTIO_WIN *)
ffd6ed |
+ with Not_found ->
ffd6ed |
+ Config.datadir // "virtio-win" in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
(* Check if RHEV-APT exists. This is optional. *)
ffd6ed |
let rhev_apt_exe = virt_tools_data_dir // "rhev-apt.exe" in
ffd6ed |
@@ -231,101 +234,83 @@ echo uninstalling Xen PV driver
ffd6ed |
let driverdir = sprintf "%s/Drivers/VirtIO" systemroot in
ffd6ed |
g#mkdir_p driverdir;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- (* See if the drivers for this guest are available in virtio_win_dir. *)
ffd6ed |
- let path =
ffd6ed |
- match inspect.i_arch,
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_major_version, inspect.i_minor_version,
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_product_variant with
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 5, 1, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/WinXP")
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 5, 2, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/Win2003")
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 6, 0, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/Win2008")
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 6, 1, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/Win7")
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 6, 2, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/Win8")
ffd6ed |
- | "i386", 6, 3, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/i386/Win8.1")
ffd6ed |
+ (* Load the list of drivers available. *)
ffd6ed |
+ let drivers = find_virtio_win_drivers ~verbose virtio_win in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 5, 2, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win2003")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 0, _ ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win2008")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 1, "Client" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win7")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 1, "Server" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win2008R2")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 2, "Client" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win8")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 2, "Server" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win2012")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 3, "Client" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win8.1")
ffd6ed |
- | "x86_64", 6, 3, "Server" ->
ffd6ed |
- Some (virtio_win_dir // "drivers/amd64/Win2012R2")
ffd6ed |
+ (* Filter out only drivers matching the current guest. *)
ffd6ed |
+ let drivers =
ffd6ed |
+ List.filter (
ffd6ed |
+ fun { vwd_os_arch = arch;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_major = os_major; vwd_os_minor = os_minor;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_variant = os_variant } ->
ffd6ed |
+ arch = inspect.i_arch &&
ffd6ed |
+ os_major = inspect.i_major_version &&
ffd6ed |
+ os_minor = inspect.i_minor_version &&
ffd6ed |
+ (match os_variant with
ffd6ed |
+ | Vwd_client -> inspect.i_product_variant = "Client"
ffd6ed |
+ | Vwd_server -> inspect.i_product_variant = "Server"
ffd6ed |
+ | Vwd_any_variant -> true)
ffd6ed |
+ ) drivers in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- | _ ->
ffd6ed |
- None in
ffd6ed |
+ if verbose then (
ffd6ed |
+ printf "virtio-win driver files matching this guest:\n";
ffd6ed |
+ List.iter print_virtio_win_driver_file drivers;
ffd6ed |
+ flush stdout
ffd6ed |
+ );
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- let path =
ffd6ed |
- match path with
ffd6ed |
- | None -> None
ffd6ed |
- | Some path ->
ffd6ed |
- if is_directory path then Some path else None in
ffd6ed |
+ match drivers with
ffd6ed |
+ | [] ->
ffd6ed |
+ warning ~prog (f_"there are no virtio drivers available for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s %s). virt-v2v looks for drivers in %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use slower emulated devices.")
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_arch inspect.i_product_variant
ffd6ed |
+ virtio_win;
ffd6ed |
+ ( IDE, RTL8139 )
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- match path with
ffd6ed |
- | None ->
ffd6ed |
- warning ~prog (f_"there are no virtio drivers available for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s %s). virt-v2v looks for drivers in %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use slower emulated devices.")
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_arch inspect.i_product_variant
ffd6ed |
- virtio_win_dir;
ffd6ed |
- ( IDE, RTL8139 )
ffd6ed |
+ | drivers ->
ffd6ed |
+ (* Can we install the block driver? *)
ffd6ed |
+ let block : guestcaps_block_type =
ffd6ed |
+ try
ffd6ed |
+ let viostor_sys_file =
ffd6ed |
+ List.find
ffd6ed |
+ (fun { vwd_filename = filename } -> filename = "viostor.sys")
ffd6ed |
+ drivers in
ffd6ed |
+ (* Get the actual file contents of the .sys file. *)
ffd6ed |
+ let content = viostor_sys_file.vwd_get_contents () in
ffd6ed |
+ let target = sprintf "%s/system32/drivers/viostor.sys" systemroot in
ffd6ed |
+ let target = g#case_sensitive_path target in
ffd6ed |
+ g#write target content;
ffd6ed |
+ add_viostor_to_critical_device_database root current_cs;
ffd6ed |
+ Virtio_blk
ffd6ed |
+ with Not_found ->
ffd6ed |
+ warning ~prog (f_"there is no viostor (virtio block device) driver for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s). virt-v2v looks for this driver in %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use a slower emulated device.")
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_arch virtio_win;
ffd6ed |
+ IDE in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- | Some path ->
ffd6ed |
- (* Can we install the block driver? *)
ffd6ed |
- let block : guestcaps_block_type =
ffd6ed |
- let block_path = path // "viostor.sys" in
ffd6ed |
- if not (Sys.file_exists block_path) then (
ffd6ed |
- warning ~prog (f_"there is no viostor (virtio block device) driver for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s). virt-v2v looks for this driver here: %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use a slower emulated device.")
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_arch block_path;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- )
ffd6ed |
- else (
ffd6ed |
- let target = sprintf "%s/system32/drivers/viostor.sys" systemroot in
ffd6ed |
- let target = g#case_sensitive_path target in
ffd6ed |
- g#upload block_path target;
ffd6ed |
- add_viostor_to_critical_device_database root current_cs;
ffd6ed |
- Virtio_blk
ffd6ed |
- ) in
ffd6ed |
+ (* Can we install the virtio-net driver? *)
ffd6ed |
+ let net : guestcaps_net_type =
ffd6ed |
+ if not (List.exists
ffd6ed |
+ (fun { vwd_filename = filename } -> filename = "netkvm.inf")
ffd6ed |
+ drivers) then (
ffd6ed |
+ warning ~prog (f_"there is no virtio network driver for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s). virt-v2v looks for this driver in %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use a slower emulated device.")
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
+ inspect.i_arch virtio_win;
ffd6ed |
+ RTL8139
ffd6ed |
+ )
ffd6ed |
+ else
ffd6ed |
+ (* It will be installed at firstboot. *)
ffd6ed |
+ Virtio_net in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- (* Can we install the virtio-net driver? *)
ffd6ed |
- let net : guestcaps_net_type =
ffd6ed |
- let net_path = path // "netkvm.inf" in
ffd6ed |
- if not (Sys.file_exists net_path) then (
ffd6ed |
- warning ~prog (f_"there is no virtio network driver for this version of Windows (%d.%d %s). virt-v2v looks for this driver here: %s\n\nThe guest will be configured to use a slower emulated device.")
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_major_version inspect.i_minor_version
ffd6ed |
- inspect.i_arch net_path;
ffd6ed |
- RTL8139
ffd6ed |
- )
ffd6ed |
- else
ffd6ed |
- (* It will be installed at firstboot. *)
ffd6ed |
- Virtio_net in
ffd6ed |
+ (* Copy all the drivers to the driverdir. They will be
ffd6ed |
+ * installed at firstboot.
ffd6ed |
+ *)
ffd6ed |
+ List.iter (
ffd6ed |
+ fun driver ->
ffd6ed |
+ let content = driver.vwd_get_contents () in
ffd6ed |
+ g#write (driverdir // driver.vwd_filename) content
ffd6ed |
+ ) drivers;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- (* Copy the drivers to the driverdir. They will be installed at
ffd6ed |
- * firstboot.
ffd6ed |
- *)
ffd6ed |
- let files = Sys.readdir path in
ffd6ed |
- let files = Array.to_list files in
ffd6ed |
- let files = List.sort compare files in
ffd6ed |
- List.iter (
ffd6ed |
- fun file ->
ffd6ed |
- g#upload (path // file) (driverdir // file)
ffd6ed |
- ) files;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
- (block, net)
ffd6ed |
+ (block, net)
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
and add_viostor_to_critical_device_database root current_cs =
ffd6ed |
(* See http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/04/30/tip-install-a-device-driver-in-a-windows-vm/
ffd6ed |
diff --git a/v2v/utils.ml b/v2v/utils.ml
ffd6ed |
index ebf799f..a301c56 100644
ffd6ed |
--- a/v2v/utils.ml
ffd6ed |
+++ b/v2v/utils.ml
ffd6ed |
@@ -106,6 +106,160 @@ let find_uefi_firmware guest_arch =
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
loop files
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+(* Find virtio-win driver files from an unpacked or mounted virtio-win
ffd6ed |
+ * directory, or from a virtio-win.iso file. The location of drivers
ffd6ed |
+ varies between releases of virtio-win and also across Fedora and
ffd6ed |
+ RHEL so try to be robust to changes.
ffd6ed |
+ *)
ffd6ed |
+type virtio_win_driver_file = {
ffd6ed |
+ (* Base filename, eg. "netkvm.sys". Always lowercase. *)
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_filename : string;
ffd6ed |
+ (* Return the contents of this file. *)
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_get_contents : unit -> string;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ (* Various fields that classify this driver: *)
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_major : int; (* Windows version. *)
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_minor : int;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_variant : vwd_os_variant;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_arch : string; (* Architecture, eg "i386", "x86_64". *)
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_extension : string; (* File extension (lowercase), eg. "sys" "inf"*)
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ (* Original source of file (for debugging only). *)
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_original_source : string;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+and vwd_os_variant = Vwd_client | Vwd_server | Vwd_any_variant
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+let print_virtio_win_driver_file vwd =
ffd6ed |
+ printf "%s [%d,%d,%s,%s,%s] from %s\n"
ffd6ed |
+ vwd.vwd_filename
ffd6ed |
+ vwd.vwd_os_major vwd.vwd_os_minor
ffd6ed |
+ (match vwd.vwd_os_variant with
ffd6ed |
+ | Vwd_client -> "client" | Vwd_server -> "server"
ffd6ed |
+ | Vwd_any_variant -> "any")
ffd6ed |
+ vwd.vwd_os_arch
ffd6ed |
+ vwd.vwd_extension
ffd6ed |
+ vwd.vwd_original_source
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+let find_virtio_win_drivers ~verbose virtio_win =
ffd6ed |
+ let is_regular_file path = (* NB: follows symlinks. *)
ffd6ed |
+ try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
ffd6ed |
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
ffd6ed |
+ in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ let files =
ffd6ed |
+ if is_directory virtio_win then (
ffd6ed |
+ let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && find -type f" (quote virtio_win) in
ffd6ed |
+ let paths = external_command ~prog cmd in
ffd6ed |
+ List.map (
ffd6ed |
+ fun path ->
ffd6ed |
+ let abs_path = virtio_win // path in
ffd6ed |
+ (path, abs_path,
ffd6ed |
+ Filename.basename path,
ffd6ed |
+ fun () -> read_whole_file abs_path)
ffd6ed |
+ ) paths
ffd6ed |
+ )
ffd6ed |
+ else if is_regular_file virtio_win then (
ffd6ed |
+ try
ffd6ed |
+ let g = new Guestfs.guestfs () in
ffd6ed |
+ if verbose then (
ffd6ed |
+ g#set_trace true;
ffd6ed |
+ g#set_verbose true;
ffd6ed |
+ );
ffd6ed |
+ g#add_drive_opts virtio_win ~readonly:true;
ffd6ed |
+ g#launch ();
ffd6ed |
+ g#mount_ro "/dev/sda" "/";
ffd6ed |
+ let paths = g#find "/" in
ffd6ed |
+ let paths = Array.to_list paths in
ffd6ed |
+ let paths = List.map ((^) "/") paths in
ffd6ed |
+ let paths = List.filter (g#is_file ~followsymlinks:false) paths in
ffd6ed |
+ List.map (
ffd6ed |
+ fun path ->
ffd6ed |
+ let i = String.rindex path '/' in
ffd6ed |
+ let len = String.length path in
ffd6ed |
+ let basename = String.sub path (i+1) (len - (i+1)) in
ffd6ed |
+ (path, sprintf "%s:%s" virtio_win path,
ffd6ed |
+ basename,
ffd6ed |
+ fun () -> g#read_file path)
ffd6ed |
+ ) paths
ffd6ed |
+ with Guestfs.Error msg ->
ffd6ed |
+ error (f_"%s: cannot open virtio-win ISO file: %s") virtio_win msg
ffd6ed |
+ )
ffd6ed |
+ else [] in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ let files =
ffd6ed |
+ filter_map (
ffd6ed |
+ fun (path, original_source, basename, get_contents) ->
ffd6ed |
+ try
ffd6ed |
+ (* Lowercased path, since the ISO may contain upper or lowercase
ffd6ed |
+ * path elements. XXX This won't work if paths contain non-ASCII.
ffd6ed |
+ *)
ffd6ed |
+ let lc_path = String.lowercase path in
ffd6ed |
+ let lc_basename = String.lowercase basename in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ let extension =
ffd6ed |
+ let i = String.rindex lc_basename '.' in
ffd6ed |
+ let len = String.length lc_basename in
ffd6ed |
+ String.sub lc_basename (i+1) (len - (i+1)) in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ (* Skip files without specific extensions. *)
ffd6ed |
+ if extension <> "cat" && extension <> "inf" &&
ffd6ed |
+ extension <> "pdb" && extension <> "sys" then
ffd6ed |
+ raise Not_found;
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ (* Using the full path, work out what version of Windows
ffd6ed |
+ * this driver is for. Paths can be things like:
ffd6ed |
+ * "NetKVM/2k12R2/amd64/netkvm.sys" or
ffd6ed |
+ * "./drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/netkvm.sys".
ffd6ed |
+ * Note we check lowercase paths.
ffd6ed |
+ *)
ffd6ed |
+ let pathelem elem = string_find lc_path ("/" ^ elem ^ "/") >= 0 in
ffd6ed |
+ let arch =
ffd6ed |
+ if pathelem "x86" || pathelem "i386" then "i386"
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "amd64" then "x86_64"
ffd6ed |
+ else raise Not_found in
ffd6ed |
+ let os_major, os_minor, os_variant =
ffd6ed |
+ if pathelem "xp" || pathelem "winxp" then
ffd6ed |
+ (5, 1, Vwd_any_variant)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "2k3" || pathelem "win2003" then
ffd6ed |
+ (5, 2, Vwd_any_variant)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "vista" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 0, Vwd_client)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "2k8" || pathelem "win2008" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 0, Vwd_server)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "w7" || pathelem "win7" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 1, Vwd_client)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "2k8r2" || pathelem "win2008" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 1, Vwd_server)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "w8" || pathelem "win8" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 2, Vwd_client)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "2k12" || pathelem "win2012" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 2, Vwd_server)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "w8.1" || pathelem "win8.1" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 3, Vwd_client)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "2k12r2" || pathelem "win2012r2" then
ffd6ed |
+ (6, 3, Vwd_server)
ffd6ed |
+ else if pathelem "w10" || pathelem "win10" then
ffd6ed |
+ (10, 0, Vwd_client)
ffd6ed |
+ else
ffd6ed |
+ raise Not_found in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ Some {
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_filename = lc_basename;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_get_contents = get_contents;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_major = os_major;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_minor = os_minor;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_variant = os_variant;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_os_arch = arch;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_extension = extension;
ffd6ed |
+ vwd_original_source = original_source;
ffd6ed |
+ }
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ with Not_found -> None
ffd6ed |
+ ) files in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ files
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
let compare_app2_versions app1 app2 =
ffd6ed |
let i = compare app1.Guestfs.app2_epoch app2.Guestfs.app2_epoch in
ffd6ed |
if i <> 0 then i
ffd6ed |
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
ffd6ed |
index 033d75b..d509a4c 100644
ffd6ed |
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
ffd6ed |
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
ffd6ed |
@@ -308,6 +308,14 @@ let rec main () =
ffd6ed |
g#shutdown ();
ffd6ed |
g#close ();
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+ (* Force a GC here, to ensure that we're using the minimum resources
ffd6ed |
+ * as we go into the copy stage. The particular reason is that
ffd6ed |
+ * Windows conversion may have opened a second libguestfs handle
ffd6ed |
+ * pointing to the virtio-win ISO, which is only closed when the
ffd6ed |
+ * handle is GC'd.
ffd6ed |
+ *)
ffd6ed |
+ Gc.compact ();
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
let delete_target_on_exit = ref true in
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
let targets =
ffd6ed |
diff --git a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
ffd6ed |
index 7d24ceb..e841a43 100644
ffd6ed |
--- a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
ffd6ed |
+++ b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
ffd6ed |
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ below.
ffd6ed |
OpenSUSE 10 kernel >=
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
Windows Drivers are installed from the directory pointed to by
ffd6ed |
- "VIRTIO_WIN_DIR" environment variable
ffd6ed |
+ "VIRTIO_WIN" environment variable
ffd6ed |
(/usr/share/virtio-win by default) if present
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
=head1 RHEL 4
ffd6ed |
@@ -1472,10 +1472,13 @@ not distributed with virt-v2v.
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
+=item C<VIRTIO_WIN>
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
This is where VirtIO drivers for Windows are searched for
ffd6ed |
-(F</usr/share/virtio-win> if unset). See L<ENABLING VIRTIO>.
ffd6ed |
+(F</usr/share/virtio-win> if unset). It can be a directory I<or>
ffd6ed |
+point to F<virtio-win.iso> (CD ROM image containing drivers).
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |
ffd6ed |