a30de4 |
From 56835fbc66a9ae540764d1628922afaaa5b2fffc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
a30de4 |
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjones@redhat.com>
a30de4 |
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 17:08:23 +0100
a30de4 |
Subject: [PATCH] v2v: vCenter: Factor out get_https_url code.
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
Pure refactoring.
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
(cherry picked from commit 388a70139910ed4b03d9765e403c35bb26cbe422)
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
v2v/vCenter.ml | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
a30de4 |
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
diff --git a/v2v/vCenter.ml b/v2v/vCenter.ml
a30de4 |
index 7fc0811a4..f53affb48 100644
a30de4 |
--- a/v2v/vCenter.ml
a30de4 |
+++ b/v2v/vCenter.ml
a30de4 |
@@ -58,28 +58,7 @@ let rec map_source ?readahead ?password dcPath uri scheme server path =
a30de4 |
(* XXX only works if the query string is not URI-quoted *)
a30de4 |
String.find query "no_verify=1" = -1 in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
- let https_url =
a30de4 |
- if not (Str.string_match source_re path 0) then
a30de4 |
- path
a30de4 |
- else (
a30de4 |
- let datastore = Str.matched_group 1 path
a30de4 |
- and path = Str.matched_group 2 path in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
- let port =
a30de4 |
- match uri.uri_port with
a30de4 |
- | 443 -> ""
a30de4 |
- | n when n >= 1 -> ":" ^ string_of_int n
a30de4 |
- | _ -> "" in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
- (* XXX Old virt-v2v could also handle snapshots, ie:
a30de4 |
- * "[datastore1] Fedora 20/Fedora 20-NNNNNN.vmdk"
a30de4 |
- * XXX Need to handle templates. The file is called "-delta.vmdk" in
a30de4 |
- * place of "-flat.vmdk".
a30de4 |
- *)
a30de4 |
- sprintf "https://%s%s/folder/%s-flat.vmdk?dcPath=%s&dsName=%s"
a30de4 |
- server port
a30de4 |
- (uri_quote path) (uri_quote dcPath) (uri_quote datastore)
a30de4 |
- ) in
a30de4 |
+ let https_url = get_https_url dcPath uri server path in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
let session_cookie =
a30de4 |
get_session_cookie password scheme uri sslverify https_url in
a30de4 |
@@ -123,6 +102,29 @@ let rec map_source ?readahead ?password dcPath uri scheme server path =
a30de4 |
session_cookie = session_cookie;
a30de4 |
sslverify = sslverify }
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
+and get_https_url dcPath uri server path =
a30de4 |
+ if not (Str.string_match source_re path 0) then
a30de4 |
+ path
a30de4 |
+ else (
a30de4 |
+ let datastore = Str.matched_group 1 path
a30de4 |
+ and path = Str.matched_group 2 path in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
+ let port =
a30de4 |
+ match uri.uri_port with
a30de4 |
+ | 443 -> ""
a30de4 |
+ | n when n >= 1 -> ":" ^ string_of_int n
a30de4 |
+ | _ -> "" in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
+ (* XXX Old virt-v2v could also handle snapshots, ie:
a30de4 |
+ * "[datastore1] Fedora 20/Fedora 20-NNNNNN.vmdk"
a30de4 |
+ * XXX Need to handle templates. The file is called "-delta.vmdk" in
a30de4 |
+ * place of "-flat.vmdk".
a30de4 |
+ *)
a30de4 |
+ sprintf "https://%s%s/folder/%s-flat.vmdk?dcPath=%s&dsName=%s"
a30de4 |
+ server port
a30de4 |
+ (uri_quote path) (uri_quote dcPath) (uri_quote datastore)
a30de4 |
+ )
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
and get_session_cookie password scheme uri sslverify https_url =
a30de4 |
let status, headers, dump_response =
a30de4 |
fetch_headers_from_url password scheme uri sslverify https_url in
a30de4 |
a30de4 |
a30de4 |