diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 94739ac..4e85107 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.libdnf.metadata b/.libdnf.metadata
index c753363..af0f755 100644
--- a/.libdnf.metadata
+++ b/.libdnf.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-95bd8ed682ca9c1b20913afba767c5e91fa3da13 SOURCES/libdnf-0.65.0.tar.gz
+2abb8e24d867da4433345678764163e703b7729f SOURCES/libdnf-0.67.0.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Use-rpmdbCookie-from-librpm-remove-hawkey.Sack._rpmd.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Use-rpmdbCookie-from-librpm-remove-hawkey.Sack._rpmd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d7ded..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-Use-rpmdbCookie-from-librpm-remove-hawkey.Sack._rpmd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-From 5fbecb9533a5584d20a2b76f5816e58c2ffbb6f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jaroslav Rohel <jrohel@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 08:45:36 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Use `rpmdbCookie` from librpm, remove
- `hawkey.Sack._rpmdb_version`
-`dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version` function that computed the hash of installed
-packages was removed. `rpmdbCookie` function from librpm is used in context
-part of libdnf instead.
-The private Python function `hawkey.Sack._rpmdb_version()` was removed too.
-It was used by DNF. The new version of DNF uses
-`rpm.TransactionSet.dbCookie()` function from librpm, which wraps
-the `rpmdbCookie` function. So the same librpm function will be used
-in context part of libdnf (e.g. by microdnf) and in the DNF.
-`rpmdbCookie` funkcion is safer. It also detect reinstalation of package
-as a change. That will be needed in the future to determining if the libsolv
-cache is still valid.
-It also solves the libdnf problem with SHA1 in FIPS mode.
-= changelog =
-msg: Use `rpmdbCookie` from librpm, remove `hawkey.Sack._rpmdb_version`
-type: bugfix
-related: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2043476
- libdnf/dnf-sack-private.hpp | 15 ------------
- libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp         | 40 -------------------------------
- libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp  | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- python/hawkey/sack-py.cpp   |  8 -------
- 4 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libdnf/dnf-sack-private.hpp b/libdnf/dnf-sack-private.hpp
-index 89873534..2db96320 100644
---- a/libdnf/dnf-sack-private.hpp
-+++ b/libdnf/dnf-sack-private.hpp
-@@ -81,19 +81,4 @@ std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>, libdnf::ModulePackageContainer:
- std::vector<libdnf::ModulePackage *> requiresModuleEnablement(DnfSack * sack, const libdnf::PackageSet * installSet);
-- * @brief Return fingerprint of installed RPMs.
-- * The format is <count>:<hash>.
-- * <count> is a count of installed RPMs.
-- * <hash> is a sha1 hash of sorted sha1hdr hashes of installed RPMs.
-- *
-- * The count can be computed from the command line by running:
-- * rpm -qa --qf='%{name}\n' | grep -v '^gpg-pubkey$' | wc -l
-- *
-- * The hash can be computed from the command line by running:
-- * rpm -qa --qf='%{name} %{sha1header}\n' | grep -v '^gpg-pubkey ' \
-- * | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | LC_ALL=C sort | tr -d '\n' | sha1sum
-- */
--std::string dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(DnfSack *sack);
- #endif // HY_SACK_INTERNAL_H
-diff --git a/libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp b/libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp
-index a88e8a1c..13977730 100644
---- a/libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp
-+++ b/libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp
-@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ extern "C" {
- #include "module/ModulePackage.hpp"
- #include "repo/Repo-private.hpp"
- #include "repo/solvable/DependencyContainer.hpp"
--#include "utils/crypto/sha1.hpp"
- #include "utils/File.hpp"
- #include "utils/utils.hpp"
- #include "log.hpp"
-@@ -2535,42 +2534,3 @@ std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>, libdnf::ModulePackageContainer:
-     setModuleExcludes(sack, hotfixRepos, *moduleContainer);
-     return ret;
- }
--std::string dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(DnfSack *sack) {
--    // collect all sha1hdr checksums
--    // they are sufficiently unique IDs that represent installed RPMs
--    std::vector<std::string> checksums;
--    // iterate all @System repo RPMs (rpmdb records)
--    libdnf::Query query{sack, libdnf::Query::ExcludeFlags::IGNORE_EXCLUDES};
--    query.installed();
--    auto pset = query.getResultPset();
--    Id id = -1;
--    while(true) {
--        id = pset->next(id);
--        if (id == -1) {
--            break;
--        }
--        DnfPackage *pkg = dnf_package_new(sack, id);
--        // store pkgid (equals to sha1hdr)
--        checksums.push_back(libdnf::string::fromCstring(dnf_package_get_pkgid(pkg)));
--        g_object_unref(pkg);
--    }
--    // sort checksums to compute the output checksum always the same
--    std::sort(checksums.begin(), checksums.end());
--    SHA1Hash h;
--    for (auto & checksum : checksums) {
--        h.update(checksum.c_str());
--    }
--    // build <count>:<hash> output
--    std::ostringstream result;
--    result << checksums.size();
--    result << ":";
--    result << h.hexdigest();
--    return result.str();
-diff --git a/libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp b/libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp
-index e0966582..d93c5ec6 100644
---- a/libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp
-+++ b/libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp
-@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
-  * This object represents an RPM transaction.
-  */
-+#include <rpm/rpmdb.h>
- #include <rpm/rpmlib.h>
- #include <rpm/rpmlog.h>
- #include <rpm/rpmts.h>
-@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
- #include "transaction/Swdb.hpp"
- #include "transaction/Transformer.hpp"
- #include "utils/bgettext/bgettext-lib.h"
-+#include "utils/utils.hpp"
- typedef enum {
-@@ -1136,9 +1138,8 @@ dnf_transaction_commit(DnfTransaction *transaction, HyGoal goal, DnfState *state
-     libdnf::Swdb *swdb = priv->swdb;
-     PluginHookContextTransactionData data{PLUGIN_HOOK_ID_CONTEXT_PRE_TRANSACTION, transaction, goal, state};
-     DnfSack * sack = hy_goal_get_sack(goal);
--    DnfSack * rpmdb_version_sack = NULL;
--    std::string rpmdb_begin;
--    std::string rpmdb_end;
-+    std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(free)*> rpmdb_cookie_uptr{nullptr, free};
-+    std::string rpmdb_cookie;
-     /* take lock */
-     ret = dnf_state_take_lock(state, DNF_LOCK_TYPE_RPMDB, DNF_LOCK_MODE_PROCESS, error);
-@@ -1431,17 +1432,24 @@ dnf_transaction_commit(DnfTransaction *transaction, HyGoal goal, DnfState *state
-     if (!dnf_context_plugin_hook(priv->context, PLUGIN_HOOK_ID_CONTEXT_PRE_TRANSACTION, &data, nullptr))
-         goto out;
--    // FIXME get commandline
--    if (sack) {
--        rpmdb_begin = dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(sack);
--    } else {
--        // if sack is not available, create a custom instance
--        rpmdb_version_sack = dnf_sack_new();
--        dnf_sack_load_system_repo(rpmdb_version_sack, nullptr, DNF_SACK_LOAD_FLAG_NONE, nullptr);
--        rpmdb_begin = dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(rpmdb_version_sack);
--        g_object_unref(rpmdb_version_sack);
-+    // Open rpm database if it is not already open
-+    if (!rpmtsGetRdb(priv->ts)) {
-+        rc = rpmtsOpenDB(priv->ts, rpmtsGetDBMode(priv->ts));
-+        if (rc != 0) {
-+            ret = FALSE;
-+            g_set_error(
-+                error, DNF_ERROR, DNF_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Error %i opening rpm database"), rc);
-+            goto out;
-+        }
-     }
--    swdb->beginTransaction(_get_current_time(), rpmdb_begin, "", priv->uid);
-+    rpmdb_cookie_uptr.reset(rpmdbCookie(rpmtsGetRdb(priv->ts)));
-+    rpmdb_cookie = libdnf::string::fromCstring(rpmdb_cookie_uptr.get());
-+    if (rpmdb_cookie.empty()) {
-+        g_critical(_("The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."));
-+    }
-+    // FIXME get commandline
-+    swdb->beginTransaction(_get_current_time(), rpmdb_cookie, "", priv->uid);
-     /* run the transaction */
-     priv->state = dnf_state_get_child(state);
-@@ -1481,14 +1489,12 @@ dnf_transaction_commit(DnfTransaction *transaction, HyGoal goal, DnfState *state
-     if (!ret)
-         goto out;
--    // finalize swdb transaction
--    // always load a new sack with rpmdb state after the transaction
--    rpmdb_version_sack = dnf_sack_new();
--    dnf_sack_load_system_repo(rpmdb_version_sack, nullptr, DNF_SACK_LOAD_FLAG_NONE, nullptr);
--    rpmdb_end = dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(rpmdb_version_sack);
--    g_object_unref(rpmdb_version_sack);
--    swdb->endTransaction(_get_current_time(), rpmdb_end.c_str(), libdnf::TransactionState::DONE);
-+    rpmdb_cookie_uptr.reset(rpmdbCookie(rpmtsGetRdb(priv->ts)));
-+    rpmdb_cookie = libdnf::string::fromCstring(rpmdb_cookie_uptr.get());
-+    if (rpmdb_cookie.empty()) {
-+        g_critical(_("The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."));
-+    }
-+    swdb->endTransaction(_get_current_time(), rpmdb_cookie, libdnf::TransactionState::DONE);
-     swdb->closeTransaction();
-diff --git a/python/hawkey/sack-py.cpp b/python/hawkey/sack-py.cpp
-index 4de499cb..fcb5cd61 100644
---- a/python/hawkey/sack-py.cpp
-+++ b/python/hawkey/sack-py.cpp
-@@ -783,13 +783,6 @@ load_repo(_SackObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) try
--static PyObject *
--rpmdb_version(_SackObject *self, PyObject *unused) try
--    auto result = dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version(self->sack);
--    return PyString_FromString(result.c_str());
- static Py_ssize_t
- len(_SackObject *self) try
- {
-@@ -858,7 +851,6 @@ PyMethodDef sack_methods[] = {
-     {"load_repo", (PyCFunction)load_repo, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
-      NULL},
--    {"_rpmdb_version", (PyCFunction)rpmdb_version, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, NULL},
-     {NULL}                      /* sentinel */
- };
-From 3dae1fd8754ec9521e16e2e11a7c4bf2c81bbb02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jaroslav Rohel <jrohel@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 18:00:39 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Remove class `SHA1Hash`, which is no longer used, remove
- OpenSSL require
-The class was used by the `dnf_sack_get_rpmdb_version` function, which was
-removed. The `rpmdbCookie` function from librpm is used instead.
- CMakeLists.txt                     |  1 -
- libdnf.spec                        |  1 -
- libdnf/CMakeLists.txt              |  1 -
- libdnf/utils/CMakeLists.txt        |  1 -
- libdnf/utils/crypto/CMakeLists.txt |  5 -----
- libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.cpp       | 36 ------------------------------
- libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.hpp       | 25 ---------------------
- 7 files changed, 70 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 libdnf/utils/crypto/CMakeLists.txt
- delete mode 100644 libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.cpp
- delete mode 100644 libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.hpp
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 60cf1b8c..7149b9e6 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ endif()
- # build dependencies
- find_package(Gpgme REQUIRED)
- find_package(LibSolv 0.6.30 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ext)
--find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
- # build dependencies via pkg-config
-diff --git a/libdnf.spec b/libdnf.spec
-index 697911f0..89d2fb40 100644
---- a/libdnf.spec
-+++ b/libdnf.spec
-@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(zck) >= 0.9.11
- BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(sqlite3)
- BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(json-c)
- BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cppunit)
--BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcrypto)
- BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(modulemd-2.0) >= %{libmodulemd_version}
- BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(smartcols)
- BuildRequires:  gettext
-diff --git a/libdnf/CMakeLists.txt b/libdnf/CMakeLists.txt
-index 998a6f94..9e71d139 100644
---- a/libdnf/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/libdnf/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ target_link_libraries(libdnf
-     ${SQLite3_LIBRARIES}
-diff --git a/libdnf/utils/CMakeLists.txt b/libdnf/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-index 71a1042c..4ec456ef 100644
---- a/libdnf/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/libdnf/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- add_subdirectory(bgettext)
- add_subdirectory(iniparser)
- add_subdirectory(regex)
- add_subdirectory(sqlite3)
-diff --git a/libdnf/utils/crypto/CMakeLists.txt b/libdnf/utils/crypto/CMakeLists.txt
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 149d100c..00000000
---- a/libdnf/utils/crypto/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/sha1.cpp
-diff --git a/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.cpp b/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.cpp
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 1533ee6b..00000000
---- a/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.cpp
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
--#include <cstring>
--#include <iomanip>
--#include <sstream>
--#include "sha1.hpp"
--    md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
--    EVP_DigestInit_ex(md_ctx, EVP_sha1(), NULL);
--SHA1Hash::update(const char * data)
--    EVP_DigestUpdate(md_ctx, data, strlen(data));
--    unsigned char md[digestLength];
--    EVP_DigestFinal_ex(md_ctx, md, NULL);
--    std::stringstream ss;
--    for(int i=0; i<digestLength; i++) {
--        ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<int>(md[i]);
--    }
--    EVP_MD_CTX_free(md_ctx);
--    return ss.str();
-diff --git a/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.hpp b/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.hpp
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 9f1dfdeb..00000000
---- a/libdnf/utils/crypto/sha1.hpp
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--#include <string>
--#include <openssl/sha.h>
--#include <openssl/evp.h>
--SHA1Hash h;
--std::cout << h.hexdigest() << std::endl;
--class SHA1Hash {
--    SHA1Hash();
--    void update(const char *data);
--    std::string hexdigest();
--    static constexpr int digestLength = SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH;
--    EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-advisory-upgrade-filter-out-advPkgs-with-different-a.patch b/SOURCES/0001-advisory-upgrade-filter-out-advPkgs-with-different-a.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ea2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-advisory-upgrade-filter-out-advPkgs-with-different-a.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+From c17e59faf6075e7ddb803f6393e86653afd6b16d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Ale=C5=A1=20Mat=C4=9Bj?= <amatej@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 08:59:41 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] advisory upgrade: filter out advPkgs with different arch
+This prevents a situation in security upgrades where libsolv cannot
+upgrade dependent pkgs because we ask for an upgrade of different arch:
+We can get the following testcase if libdnf has filtered out
+(because there is an advisory for already installed json-c-1-1.el8.x86_64) but
+json-c-2-2.el8.i686@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms is not filtered out because
+it has different architecture. The resulting transaction doesn't work.
+repo @System -99.-1000 testtags <inline>
+#>=Pkg: bind-libs-lite 1 1.el8 x86_64
+#>=Pkg: json-c 1 1.el8 x86_64
+repo rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms -99.-1000 testtags <inline>
+#>=Pkg: json-c 2 2.el8 x86_64
+#>=Prv: libjson-c.so.4()(64bit)
+#>=Pkg: json-c 2 2.el8 i686
+#>=Prv: libjson-c.so.4()
+#>=Pkg: bind-libs-lite 2 2.el8 x86_64
+#>=Req: libjson-c.so.4()(64bit)
+system x86_64 rpm @System
+job update oneof json-c-1-1.el8.x86_64@@System json-c-2-2.el8.i686@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms bind-libs-lite-2-2.el8.x86_64@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms [forcebest,targeted,setevr,setarch]
+result transaction,problems <inline>
+#>problem f06d81a4 info package bind-libs-lite-2-2.el8.x86_64 requires libjson-c.so.4()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
+#>problem f06d81a4 solution 96f9031b allow bind-libs-lite-1-1.el8.x86_64@@System
+#>problem f06d81a4 solution c8daf94f allow json-c-2-2.el8.x86_64@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
+#>upgrade bind-libs-lite-1-1.el8.x86_64@@System bind-libs-lite-2-2.el8.x86_64@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
+#>upgrade json-c-1-1.el8.x86_64@@System json-c-2-2.el8.x86_64@rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms```
+= changelog =
+msg: Filter out advisory pkgs with different arch during advisory upgrade, fixes possible problems in dependency resulution.
+type: bugfix
+resolves: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2088149
+ libdnf/sack/query.cpp | 25 +++++++++++++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libdnf/sack/query.cpp b/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
+index ac2736b5..03d39659 100644
+--- a/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
++++ b/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
+@@ -1877,12 +1877,6 @@ Query::Impl::filterAdvisory(const Filter & f, Map *m, int keyname)
+         std::vector<Solvable *> candidates;
+         std::vector<Solvable *> installed_solvables;
+-        Id id = -1;
+-        while ((id = resultPset->next(id)) != -1) {
+-            candidates.push_back(pool_id2solvable(pool, id));
+-        }
+-        NameArchEVRComparator cmp_key(pool);
+         if (cmp_type & HY_UPGRADE) {
+             Query installed(sack, ExcludeFlags::IGNORE_EXCLUDES);
+             installed.installed();
+@@ -1893,6 +1887,18 @@ Query::Impl::filterAdvisory(const Filter & f, Map *m, int keyname)
+                 installed_solvables.push_back(pool_id2solvable(pool, installed_id));
+             }
+             std::sort(installed_solvables.begin(), installed_solvables.end(), NameArchSolvableComparator);
++            Id id = -1;
++            while ((id = resultPset->next(id)) != -1) {
++                Solvable * s = pool_id2solvable(pool, id);
++                // When doing HY_UPGRADE consider only candidate pkgs that have matching Name and Arch
++                // with some already installed pkg (in other words: some other version of the pkg is already installed).
++                // Otherwise a pkg with different Arch than installed can end up in upgrade set which is wrong.
++                // It can result in dependency issues, reported as: RhBug:2088149.
++                auto low = std::lower_bound(installed_solvables.begin(), installed_solvables.end(), s, NameArchSolvableComparator);
++                if (low != installed_solvables.end() && s->name == (*low)->name && s->arch == (*low)->arch) {
++                    candidates.push_back(s);
++                }
++            }
+             // Apply security filters only to packages with lower priority - to unify behaviour upgrade
+             // and upgrade-minimal
+@@ -1915,7 +1921,14 @@ Query::Impl::filterAdvisory(const Filter & f, Map *m, int keyname)
+                 }
+             }
+             std::swap(candidates, priority_candidates);
++        } else {
++            Id id = -1;
++            while ((id = resultPset->next(id)) != -1) {
++                candidates.push_back(pool_id2solvable(pool, id));
++            }
+         }
++        NameArchEVRComparator cmp_key(pool);
+         std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), cmp_key);
+         for (auto & advisoryPkg : pkgs) {
+             if (cmp_type & HY_UPGRADE) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Add-obsoletes-to-filtering-for-advisory-candidates.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Add-obsoletes-to-filtering-for-advisory-candidates.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf2e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-Add-obsoletes-to-filtering-for-advisory-candidates.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From 549d248c9b331d19a0fd355fc605ab8912ed50f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Ale=C5=A1=20Mat=C4=9Bj?= <amatej@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 09:02:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Add obsoletes to filtering for advisory candidates
+Patch https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/pull/1526
+introduced a regression where we no longer do a security upgrade if a
+package A is installed and package B obsoletes A and B is available in two
+versions while there is an advisory for the second version.
+Test: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/ci-dnf-stack/pull/1130
+ libdnf/sack/query.cpp | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libdnf/sack/query.cpp b/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
+index 03d39659..5355f9f7 100644
+--- a/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
++++ b/libdnf/sack/query.cpp
+@@ -1878,6 +1878,13 @@ Query::Impl::filterAdvisory(const Filter & f, Map *m, int keyname)
+         std::vector<Solvable *> installed_solvables;
+         if (cmp_type & HY_UPGRADE) {
++            // When doing HY_UPGRADE consider only candidate pkgs that have matching Name and Arch with:
++            // * some already installed pkg (in other words: some other version of the pkg is already installed)
++            // or
++            // * with pkg that obsoletes some already installed (or to be installed in this transaction) pkg
++            // Otherwise a pkg with different Arch than installed can end up in upgrade set which is wrong.
++            // It can result in dependency issues, reported as: RhBug:2088149.
+             Query installed(sack, ExcludeFlags::IGNORE_EXCLUDES);
+             installed.installed();
+             installed.addFilter(HY_PKG_LATEST_PER_ARCH, HY_EQ, 1);
+@@ -1887,13 +1894,30 @@ Query::Impl::filterAdvisory(const Filter & f, Map *m, int keyname)
+                 installed_solvables.push_back(pool_id2solvable(pool, installed_id));
+             }
+             std::sort(installed_solvables.begin(), installed_solvables.end(), NameArchSolvableComparator);
++            Query obsoletes(sack, ExcludeFlags::IGNORE_EXCLUDES);
++            obsoletes.addFilter(HY_PKG, HY_EQ, resultPset);
++            obsoletes.available();
++            Query possibly_obsoleted(sack, ExcludeFlags::IGNORE_EXCLUDES);
++            possibly_obsoleted.addFilter(HY_PKG, HY_EQ, resultPset);
++            possibly_obsoleted.addFilter(HY_PKG_UPGRADES, HY_EQ, 1);
++            possibly_obsoleted.queryUnion(installed);
++            possibly_obsoleted.apply();
++            obsoletes.addFilter(HY_PKG_OBSOLETES, HY_EQ, possibly_obsoleted.runSet());
++            obsoletes.apply();
++            Id obsoleted_id = -1;
++            // Add to candidates resultPset pkgs that obsolete some installed (or to be installed in this transaction) pkg
++            while ((obsoleted_id = obsoletes.pImpl->result->next(obsoleted_id)) != -1) {
++                Solvable * s = pool_id2solvable(pool, obsoleted_id);
++                candidates.push_back(s);
++            }
+             Id id = -1;
++            // Add to candidates resultPset pkgs that match name and arch with some already installed pkg
+             while ((id = resultPset->next(id)) != -1) {
+                 Solvable * s = pool_id2solvable(pool, id);
+-                // When doing HY_UPGRADE consider only candidate pkgs that have matching Name and Arch
+-                // with some already installed pkg (in other words: some other version of the pkg is already installed).
+-                // Otherwise a pkg with different Arch than installed can end up in upgrade set which is wrong.
+-                // It can result in dependency issues, reported as: RhBug:2088149.
+                 auto low = std::lower_bound(installed_solvables.begin(), installed_solvables.end(), s, NameArchSolvableComparator);
+                 if (low != installed_solvables.end() && s->name == (*low)->name && s->arch == (*low)->arch) {
+                     candidates.push_back(s);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Skip-rich-deps-for-autodetection-of-unmet-dependencies-RhBug2033130-2048394.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Skip-rich-deps-for-autodetection-of-unmet-dependencies-RhBug2033130-2048394.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a8770c6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-Skip-rich-deps-for-autodetection-of-unmet-dependencies-RhBug2033130-2048394.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-From 025d477f63baf3df2f6da3b10a21f00d4a339073 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jaroslav Mracek <jmracek@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 09:30:03 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Skip rich deps for autodetection of unmet dependencies (RhBug:2033130, 2048394)
-Rich dependencies are difficult to properly evaluate because we do not
-have enough information about past and only libsolv is capable to
-evaluate it in comparison to present state of the system.
-Additionally - rich deps are used for langpacks therefore disabling
-unmet rich deps will have a negative impact on UX.
- libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp | 22 +++++++++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp b/libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp
-index 2b698f7..ebe2fbd 100644
---- a/libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp
-+++ b/libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp
-@@ -835,8 +835,12 @@ Goal::exclude_from_weak_autodetect()
-         installed_names.push_back(dnf_package_get_name(pkg));
-         std::unique_ptr<libdnf::DependencyContainer> recommends(dnf_package_get_recommends(pkg));
-         for (int i = 0; i < recommends->count(); ++i) {
--            Query query(base_query);
-             std::unique_ptr<libdnf::Dependency> dep(recommends->getPtr(i));
-+            const char * dep_string = dep->toString();
-+            if (dep_string[0] == '(') {
-+                continue;
-+            }
-+            Query query(base_query);
-             const char * version = dep->getVersion();
-             //  There can be installed provider in different version or upgraded packed can recommend a different version
-             //  Ignore version and search only by reldep name
-@@ -858,7 +862,7 @@ Goal::exclude_from_weak_autodetect()
-         }
-     }
--    // Invesigate supplements of only available packages with a different name to installed packages
-+    // Investigate supplements of only available packages with a different name to installed packages
-     installed_names.push_back(nullptr);
-     base_query.addFilter(HY_PKG_NAME, HY_NEQ, installed_names.data());
-     auto * available_pset = base_query.getResultPset();
-@@ -870,8 +874,20 @@ Goal::exclude_from_weak_autodetect()
-         if (supplements->count() == 0) {
-             continue;
-         }
-+        libdnf::DependencyContainer supplements_without_rich(getSack());
-+        for (int i = 0; i < supplements->count(); ++i) {
-+            std::unique_ptr<libdnf::Dependency> dep(supplements->getPtr(i));
-+            const char * dep_string = dep->toString();
-+            if (dep_string[0] == '(') {
-+                continue;
-+            }
-+            supplements_without_rich.add(dep.get());
-+        }
-+        if (supplements_without_rich.count() == 0) {
-+            continue;
-+        }
-         Query query(installed_query);
--        query.addFilter(HY_PKG_PROVIDES, supplements.get());
-+        query.addFilter(HY_PKG_PROVIDES, &supplements_without_rich);
-         // When supplemented package already installed, exclude_from_weak available package
-         if (!query.empty()) {
-             add_exclude_from_weak(pkg);
-libgit2 1.1.0
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Update-translations-RhBug-2017349.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Update-translations-RhBug-2017349.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a182..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-Update-translations-RhBug-2017349.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4689 +0,0 @@
-From 8db854d225eebe0929a2fa9cdb003f0fa4847a3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 10:15:10 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Update translations (RhBug:2017349)
- po/fr.po      | 421 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
- po/ja.po      | 471 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
- po/ko.po      | 407 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
- po/libdnf.pot | 247 +++++++++++++-----------
- po/zh_CN.po   | 519 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
- 5 files changed, 1140 insertions(+), 925 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
-index f89cdfa8..d0b10345 100644
---- a/po/fr.po
-+++ b/po/fr.po
-@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
--# Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>, 2016. #zanata, 2021.
-+# Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>, 2016. #zanata
- # José Fournier <jaaf64@zoraldia.com>, 2016. #zanata
- # José Fournier <jaaf64@zoraldia.com>, 2017. #zanata
- # Jérôme Fenal <jfenal@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
--# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata
--# Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>, 2019. #zanata, 2021.
--# Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>, 2020, 2021.
--# Arnaud T. <listes.00@gmail.com>, 2020.
-+# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata, 2021.
-+# Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>, 2019. #zanata
-+# Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>, 2020.
-+# Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>, 2021, 2022.
-+# Titouan Bénard <itotutona@evta.fr>, 2021.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-16 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-17 03:02+0000\n"
--"Last-Translator: Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>\n"
--"Language-Team: French <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/libdnf-dnf-4-master/fr/>\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-28 10:38+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-02 10:16+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>\n"
-+"Language-Team: French <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/"
- "Language: fr\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 4.6.2\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:62 libdnf/conf/OptionSeconds.cpp:40
- msgid "no value specified"
-@@ -51,9 +53,9 @@ msgstr "la valeur 1 n’est pas autorisée"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:209
- msgid "negative value is not allowed"
--msgstr "une valeur négative n’est pas autorisée"
-+msgstr "la valeur négative n'est pas autorisée"
--#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:341
-+#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:343
- #, c-format
- msgid "percentage '%s' is out of range"
- msgstr "le pourcentage « %s » est en dehors des limites"
-@@ -108,140 +110,161 @@ msgstr "n’a pu convertir « %s » en secondes"
- msgid "GetValue(): Value not set"
- msgstr "GetValue() : valeur non définie"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3170 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3179
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3178 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3187
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable more streams from module '%s' at the same time"
--msgstr "Impossible d’activer plus de flux du module « %s » en même temps"
-+msgstr "Ne peut pas activer plus de flux du module '%s' en même temps"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3188 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3206
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3196 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3214
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot enable module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
--"Impossible d'activer le module « %1$s » flux « %2$s » : Etat du module déjà "
-+"Impossible d'activer le flux de module '%1$s' stream '%2$s' : état du module "
-+"déjà modifié"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3253
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3263
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults: %s"
--msgstr "Problème de dépendance Modular avec Defaults : %s"
-+msgstr "Problème de dépendance modulaire avec les valeurs par défaut : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3256
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3266
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with the latest modules: %s"
--msgstr "Problème de dépendance modulaire avec les derniers modules : %s"
-+msgstr "Problème de dépendance modulaire avec les derniers modules : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3260
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3270
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem: %s"
--msgstr "Problème de dépendances Modular : %s"
-+msgstr "Problème de dépendance modulaire : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3294 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3318
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3329 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3368
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3384 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3416
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3460 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3470
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3293 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3317
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3328 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3383 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3415
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3464 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3474
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument '%s'"
--msgstr "Impossible de résoudre l’argument « %s »"
-+msgstr "Impossible de résoudre le paramètre ’%s’"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3301
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3300
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
-+"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr ""
- "Seul le nom du module est nécessaire. Les paramètres inutiles ont été "
--"ignorés : « %s »"
-+"ignorés : ’%s’"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3315
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3314
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot reset module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
--"Impossible de réinitialiser le module « %s » : Etat du module déjà modifié"
-+"Impossible de réinitialiser le module '%s' : État du module déjà modifié"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot disable module '%s': State of module already modified"
--msgstr ""
--"Impossible de désactiver le module « %s » : Etat du module déjà modifié"
-+msgstr "Impossible de désactiver le module '%s' : État du module déjà modifié"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3357 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3449
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3559
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3356 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3452
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3633
- msgid "No modular data available"
- msgstr "Aucune donnée modulaire disponible"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3374
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3373
- #, c-format
- msgid "Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
--msgstr "Ces informations inutiles ont été ignorées dans l'argument : « %s »"
-+msgstr "Ignorer les informations inutiles dans l'argumentation : '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3412
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3411
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Problem during enablement of dependency tree for module '%1$s' stream "
- "'%2$s': %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--"Problème durant l'activation de l'arbre de dépendances pour le module « %1$s"
--" » du flux « %2$s » : %3$s"
-+"Problème lors de l'activation de l'arbre des dépendances pour le module "
-+"'%1$s' flux '%2$s' : %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3424
--msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request"
--msgstr "Des problèmes sont apparus durant la requête d’activation du module"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3423
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request:"
-+msgstr "Des problèmes sont apparus pour la demande d'activation du module :"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No active module packages found for module spec '%s'"
-+msgstr "Aucun paquetage de module actif n'a été trouvé pour le module spec '%s'"
--#. this really should never happen; unless the modular repodata is corrupted
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3496
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3523
- #, c-format
--msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
--msgstr "Échec de l’analyse du module d’artéfact NEVRA : %s"
-+msgid "Cannot install module '%s' from fail-safe repository"
-+msgstr "Impossible d'installer le module '%s' à partir du dépôt de sécurité"
- #: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3530
--msgid "Problems appeared for module install request"
--msgstr "Des problèmes sont apparus durant la requête d’installation du module"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No profile found matching '%s'"
-+msgstr "Aucun profil trouvé correspondant à '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3590
--msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request"
--msgstr ""
--"Des problèmes sont apparus durant la requête de réinitialisation du module"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3584
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No match for package '%s' for module spec %s"
-+msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour le paquet '%s' pour le module spec %s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3595
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem during install for module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': %3$s"
-+msgstr "Problème lors de l'installation du module '%1$s' stream '%2$s' : %3$s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3604
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module install request:"
-+msgstr "Des problèmes sont apparus pour la demande d'installation du module :"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3592
--msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3663
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request:"
- msgstr ""
--"Des problèmes sont apparus durant la requête de désactivation du module"
-+"Des problèmes sont apparus pour la demande de réinitialisation des modules :"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3628
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3664 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3723
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request:"
-+msgstr "Des problèmes sont apparus pour la demande de désactivation du module :"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3755
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream"
--" '%s'"
-+"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream "
- msgstr ""
--"Le résultat de l’opération sera le basculement du flux « %s » du module "
--"« %s » vers le flux « %s »"
-+"Le résultat de l’opération sera le basculement du flux « %s » du module « %s "
-+"» vers le flux « %s »"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3632
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3759
- msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
--"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
-+"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset "
-+"the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you "
-+"reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
--"Il n’est pas possible de basculer les flux actifs d’un module.\n"
--"Il est recommandé de retirer tout le contenu installé du module, et de réinitialiser le module en utilisant la commande « dnf module reset <nom_du_module> ». Après la réinitialisation, vous pourrez installer les autres flux."
-+"Il n’est pas possible de basculer les flux actifs d’un module. \n"
-+"Il est recommandé de retirer tout contenu installé par le module, et de "
-+"réinitialiser le mode en utilisant la commande 'microdnf module reset "
-+"<module_name>’. Après la réinitialisation du module, vous pouvez installer "
-+"les autres flux."
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:85
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:107
- msgid "Could not depsolve transaction; "
- msgstr "Impossible de depsolve la transaction ; "
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:87
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "%i problem detected:\n"
- msgid_plural "%i problems detected:\n"
- msgstr[0] "%i problème détecté :\n"
- msgstr[1] "%i problèmes détectés :\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:95
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:117
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem %1$i: %2$s\n"
- msgstr " Problème %1$i : %2$s\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:97
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:119
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem: %s\n"
- msgstr " Problème : %s\n"
-@@ -308,84 +331,84 @@ msgstr "n’a pas pu trouver le package %s"
- msgid "could not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu ajouter d’élément pour effacer %1$s(%2$i)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:395
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:394
- msgid "failed to add solv"
- msgstr "n’a pu ajouter solv"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:414
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:413
- #, c-format
- msgid "no %1$s string for %2$s"
- msgstr "aucune chaine %1$s pour %2$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:424
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to open: %s"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu ouvrir : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:503
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:502
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot create temporary file: %s"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu créer le fichier temporaire : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:512
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed opening tmp file: %s"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu ouvrir le fichier tmp : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_main() failed writing data: %i"
- msgstr "write_main() n’a pu écrire les données : %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:542
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:541
- msgid "write_main() failed to re-load written solv file"
- msgstr "write_main() n’a pas pu charger à nouveau le fichier solv"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:607
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:606
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not create temporary file %s"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu créer le fichier temporaire %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:625
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:624
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$d"
- msgstr "write_ext(%1$d) a échoué : %2$d"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:680
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:679
- msgid "null repo md file"
--msgstr "null repo md file"
-+msgstr "fichier md de dépôt nul"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:688
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not read file %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "n’a pu lire le fichier %1$s : %2$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:703
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:702
- msgid "repo_add_solv() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_solv() a échoué."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:716
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:715
- msgid "loading of MD_TYPE_PRIMARY has failed."
- msgstr "échec du chargement du MD_TYPE_PRIMARY."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:729
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:728
- msgid "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() a échoué."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:796
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:795
- msgid "failed to auto-detect architecture"
- msgstr "n’a pu auto-détecter l’architecture"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:961
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:960
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed creating cachedir %s"
- msgstr "n’a pu créer le cachedir %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1738
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1737
- msgid "failed loading RPMDB"
- msgstr "n’a pu télécharger RPMDB"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2462
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2521
- #, c-format
- msgid "No module defaults found: %s"
- msgstr "Aucun module par défaut n’a été trouvé : %s"
-@@ -414,68 +437,78 @@ msgstr "effectué sur un état %1$p qui n’avait pas de taille définie [%2$s]"
- msgid "already at 100%% state [%s]"
- msgstr "déjà en état à 100%% [%s]"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:300
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:302
- #, c-format
- msgid "Sources not set when trying to ensure package %s"
- msgstr "Sources non définies quand vous essayez d’assurer paquet %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:328
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)"
- msgstr "N’a pu assurer %1$s comme dépôt %2$s non trouvé (%3$i dépôts chargés)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:369
- msgid "Failed to check untrusted: "
- msgstr "Échec de la vérification d’untrusted : "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:377
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:379
- #, c-format
- msgid "Downloaded file for %s not found"
- msgstr "Fichier téléchargé pour %s non trouvé"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:397
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:399
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$s"
- msgstr ""
- "le paquet %1$s ne peut être vérifié et le dépôt %2$s est activé GPG : %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:831 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:903
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:833 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:905
- msgid "Failed to get value for CacheDir"
- msgstr "N’a pas pu obtenir la valeur de CacheDir"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:911
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:913
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s: "
- msgstr ""
- "Échec de l’obtention de l’espace libre du système de fichiers pour %s : "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:919
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:921
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s"
- msgstr "N’a pas pu obtenir la taille libre du système de fichiers pour %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:935
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:937
- #, c-format
- msgid "Not enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--"Pas suffisamment d’espace libre dans %1$s : a besoin de %2$s, disponible "
-+"Pas suffisamment d’espace libre dans %1$s : a besoin de %2$s, disponible %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1195
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1196
- msgid "failed to set root"
- msgstr "n’a pu réussi à définir root"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1416
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1417
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction test"
- msgstr "Erreur %i lors du test transactionnel"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1456
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1441
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error %i opening rpm database"
-+msgstr "Erreur %i lors de l’ouverture de la base de données rpm"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1449 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1495
-+msgid "The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."
-+msgstr ""
-+"La fonction rpmdbCookie() n'a pas retourné le cookie de la base de données "
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1464
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction"
- msgstr "Erreur %i pendant la transaction"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1472
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1480
- #, c-format
- msgid "Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -501,8 +534,7 @@ msgstr ""
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:79
- msgid "Ill-formed Selector used for the operation, incorrect comparison type"
- msgstr ""
--"Sélecteur Ill-formed utilisé pour l’opération, type de comparaison "
-+"Sélecteur Ill-formed utilisé pour l’opération, type de comparaison incorrecte"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:90 libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:117
- msgid " does not belong to a distupgrade repository"
-@@ -690,42 +722,42 @@ msgstr "le module %s est en conflit avec %s fourni par lui-même"
- msgid "both module %s and %s obsolete %s"
- msgstr "à la fois le module %s et %s rendent obsolète %s"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1055
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1141
- msgid "no solver set"
- msgstr "aucun solveur défini"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1060
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1146
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to make %s absolute"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu rendre %s absolu"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1067
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1153
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "échec de l’écriture des debugdata dans %1$s : %2$s"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1079
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1165
- msgid "no solv in the goal"
- msgstr "pas de solv dans l’objectif"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1081
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1167
- msgid "no solution, cannot remove protected package"
- msgstr "aucune solution, n’a pas pu supprimer le package protégé"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1084
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1170
- msgid "no solution possible"
- msgstr "aucune solution n’est possible"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1296
- msgid "Problem: "
--msgstr "Problème : "
-+msgstr "Problème : "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1215
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1301
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem %d: "
--msgstr "Problème %d : "
-+msgstr "Probléme %d : "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1542
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1634
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: "
- msgstr ""
-@@ -751,33 +783,33 @@ msgstr "impossible de créer le dossier %1$s : %2$s"
- msgid "cannot stat path %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "impossible de stat le chemin %1$s : %2$s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:573
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:604
- #, c-format
- msgid "Invalid format of Platform module: %s"
- msgstr "Format invalide du module de plateforme : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:588
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:619
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by available packages\n"
- msgstr ""
- "De multiples modules de plateformes sont fournis par les paquets "
- "disponibles\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:601
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:632
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by installed packages\n"
- msgstr ""
- "De multiples modules de plateformes sont fournis par les paquets installés\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:628
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:659
- #, c-format
- msgid "Detection of Platform Module in %s failed: %s"
- msgstr "La détection des modules de plateformes dans %s a échoué : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:637
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:668
- #, c-format
- msgid "Missing PLATFORM_ID in %s"
- msgstr "L'identifiant de la platforme est manquant dans %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:642
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:673
- msgid "No valid Platform ID detected"
- msgstr "Aucun identifiant de plateforme n'a été détecté"
-@@ -791,69 +823,68 @@ msgstr "Impossible d’activer les flux pour le module « %s »"
- msgid "Conflicting defaults with repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "Valeurs par défaut en conflit avec le dépôt « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:918
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:917
- msgid "Installing module profiles:\n"
--msgstr "Installation des profils de module :\n"
-+msgstr "Installation des profils de module :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:933
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:932
- msgid "Disabling module profiles:\n"
--msgstr "Désactivation des profils de module\n"
-+msgstr "Désactivation des profils de module :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:948
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:947
- msgid "Enabling module streams:\n"
--msgstr "Activation des flux de modules :\n"
-+msgstr "Activation des flux de modules :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:962
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:961
- msgid "Switching module streams:\n"
--msgstr "Basculement des flux de modules :\n"
-+msgstr "Basculement des flux de modules :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:980
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:979
- msgid "Disabling modules:\n"
--msgstr "Désactivation des modules :\n"
-+msgstr "Désactivation des modules :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:991
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:990
- msgid "Resetting modules:\n"
--msgstr "Réinitialisation des modules :\n"
-+msgstr "Réinitialisation des modules :\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1674
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1704
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data at '%s'"
- msgstr "Impossible de charger les données de sécurité à « %s »"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1680
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1710
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data for module '%s:%s'"
- msgstr ""
- "Impossible de charger les données de sécurité modulaires pour le module "
- "« %s : %s »"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1763
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1791
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to create directory \"%s\" for modular Fail Safe data: %s"
- msgstr ""
- "Impossible de créer le dossier « %s » pour les données de sécurité "
- "modulaires : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1779
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1807
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to save a modular Fail Safe data to '%s'"
- msgstr ""
- "Impossible d’enregistrer les données de sécurité modulaires vers « %s »"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1802
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1830
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to remove a modular Fail Safe data in '%s'"
--msgstr ""
--"Impossible de supprimer les données de sécurité modulaires dans « %s »"
-+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer les données de sécurité modulaires dans « %s »"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1834
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1862
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Unable to apply modular obsoletes to '%s:%s' because target module '%s' is "
- "disabled"
- msgstr ""
--"Impossible d'appliquer les obsolescences modulaires à « %s:%s » car le "
--"module cible « %s » est désactivé"
-+"Impossible d'appliquer les obsolètes modulaires à '%s:%s' car le module "
-+"cible '%s' est désactivé"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:86
- #, c-format
-@@ -881,12 +912,12 @@ msgstr "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres par défaut : %s"
- msgid "Failed to upgrade streams: %s"
- msgstr "Échec de la mise à jour des flux : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:219
-+#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:221
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot retrieve module obsoletes because no stream matching %s: %s"
- msgstr ""
--"Impossible de récupérer les obsolescences modulaires aucun flux ne "
--"correspond à « %s:%s »"
-+"Impossible de récupérer les modules obsolètes car aucune correspondance de "
-+"flux %s : %s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:46
- #, c-format
-@@ -931,8 +962,8 @@ msgid ""
- "operator instead."
- msgstr ""
- "L’utilisation de l’opérateur « == » dans reldeps peut entraîner un "
--"comportement indéfini. Il est déprécié et le support sera abandonné dans les"
--" prochaines versions. Utilisez plutôt l’opérateur « = »."
-+"comportement indéfini. Il est déprécié et le support sera abandonné dans les "
-+"prochaines versions. Utilisez plutôt l’opérateur « = »."
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:321
- #, c-format
-@@ -946,15 +977,15 @@ msgstr ""
- "Le dépôt « %s » n’a pas de type pris en charge : « type=%s », passer outre."
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:489 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:610 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:641
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1382
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1400
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' is not set"
--msgstr "dépôt « %s » : 'basecachedir' n'est pas défini"
-+msgstr "repo '%s' : 'basecachedir' n'est pas fixé"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:512
- msgid ""
--"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of"
--" minrate or throttle"
-+"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of "
-+"minrate or throttle"
- msgstr ""
- "La vitesse de téléchargement maximale est plus basse que le minimum. "
- "Veuillez modifier les paramètres minrate ou throttle"
-@@ -962,11 +993,13 @@ msgstr ""
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:546
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
--msgstr "dépôt « %s » : 'proxy_username' est défini mais pas 'proxy_password'"
-+msgstr "repo '%s' : 'proxy_username' est défini mais pas 'proxy_password'"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:548
- msgid "'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
--msgstr "'proxy_username' est défini mais pas 'proxy_password'"
-+msgstr ""
-+"Le nom d'utilisateur \"proxy_username\" est défini mais pas le mot de passe "
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:629
- #, c-format
-@@ -983,129 +1016,135 @@ msgstr "%s : gpgme_data_new_from_fd() : %s"
- msgid "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
- msgstr "%s : gpgme_op_import() : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:713 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:779 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:907
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:709 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1236
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1279
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
-+msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire temporaire du dépôt « %s » : %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:717 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:783 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:917
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
- msgstr "%s : gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info() : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:740 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:804
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:744 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:808
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not list keys: %s"
- msgstr "n’a pas pu lister les clés : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:833
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:837
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to retrieve GPG key for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de récupérer la clé GPG pour le dépôt « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:886
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:890
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
- msgstr "dépôt %s : 0x%s déjà importé"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:914
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:904 libdnf/utils/filesystem.cpp:79
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire \"%s« :%d - %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:924
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "dépôt %s : clé importée 0x%s."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1176
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink."
- msgstr "relance : dépôt « %s » ignoré, pas de méta-lien."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1181
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1195
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash."
- msgstr "relance : dépôt « %s » ignoré, pas de hachage utilisable."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1204
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1218
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum."
- msgstr "relance : échec pour « %s », la somme de %s ne correspond pas."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1224
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match."
- msgstr ""
- "relance : « %s » peut être relancé - la somme de contrôle du méta-lien "
- "correspond."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1235
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1253
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches."
- msgstr "relance : « %s » peut être relancé - le repomd correspond."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1237
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd."
- msgstr "relance : échec pour « %s », le repomd ne correspond pas."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1273
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create repo destination directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire de destination du dépôt « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1261
--#, c-format
--msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire temporaire du dépôt « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1275
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1293
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1298
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1316
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de renommer le répertoire « %s » en « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1321
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1339
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: using cache for: %s"
- msgstr "dépôt : utilisation du cache pour : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1333
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1351
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'"
- msgstr "« cache uniquement » activé, mais pas de cache pour « %s »"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1337
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1355
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: downloading from remote: %s"
- msgstr "dépôt : téléchargement à distance en provenance de : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1344
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1362
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to download metadata for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "Échec du téléchargement des métadonnées pour le dépôt « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1370
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1388
- msgid "getCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failed"
- msgstr "getCachedir() : échec du calcul de SHA256"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1398
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1416
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create persistdir \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de créer le dossier persistant « %s » : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1775
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1793
- msgid "resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart param"
- msgstr ""
- "« resume » (reprise) ne peut pas être utilisé avec le paramètre "
- "byterangestart"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1792
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1810
- #, c-format
- msgid "PackageTarget initialization failed: %s"
- msgstr "L’initialisation de Package Target a échoué : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1898
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1916
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot open %s: %s"
- msgstr "impossible d’ouvrir %s : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1942
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1960
- #, c-format
- msgid "Log handler with id %ld doesn't exist"
- msgstr "Log handler ayant pour id %ld n’existe pas"
-@@ -1164,8 +1203,8 @@ msgid "Can't add console output to unsaved transaction"
- msgstr ""
- "Ne peut pas ajouter une sortie de console à une transaction non enregistrée"
-+#~ msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
-+#~ msgstr "Échec de l'analyse de l'artefact de module '%s'"
- #~ msgid "Bad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %d"
- #~ msgstr "ID erroné pour le dépôt : %s, byte = %s %d"
--#~ msgid "failed calculating RPMDB checksum"
--#~ msgstr "n’a pu calculer la somme de contrôle RPMDB"
-diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
-index 3d6f5c5b..de74c431 100644
---- a/po/ja.po
-+++ b/po/ja.po
-@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
- # Casey Jones <nahareport@live.com>, 2018. #zanata
--# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata
-+# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata, 2021.
- # Casey Jones <nahareport@yahoo.com>, 2020.
-+# Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>, 2021, 2022.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-16 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-05 09:40+0000\n"
--"Last-Translator: Casey Jones <nahareport@yahoo.com>\n"
--"Language-Team: Japanese <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/libdnf-dnf-4-master/ja/>\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-28 10:38+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-02 10:16+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>\n"
-+"Language-Team: Japanese <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/"
- "Language: ja\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 4.0.3\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:62 libdnf/conf/OptionSeconds.cpp:40
- msgid "no value specified"
-@@ -41,16 +43,14 @@ msgid "invalid value"
- msgstr "無効な値"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:207
--#, fuzzy
--#| msgid "'%s' is not an allowed value"
- msgid "value 1 is not allowed"
--msgstr "'%s' 値は許可されていない値です"
-+msgstr "値 1 は許可されません"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:209
- msgid "negative value is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "負の値は許可されていません"
--#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:341
-+#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:343
- #, c-format
- msgid "percentage '%s' is out of range"
- msgstr "パーセンテージ '%s' が範囲外にあります"
-@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ msgstr "'%s' 値は許可されていない値です"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionNumber.cpp:73
- #, c-format
- msgid "given value [%d] should be less than allowed value [%d]."
--msgstr "指定された値 [%d] は許可された値 [%d]より小さくしてください"
-+msgstr "指定された値 [%d] は許可された値 [%d]より小さくしてください。"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionNumber.cpp:76
- #, c-format
- msgid "given value [%d] should be greater than allowed value [%d]."
--msgstr "指定された値 [%d] は許可された値 [%d]より大きくしてください"
-+msgstr "指定された値 [%d] は許可された値 [%d]より大きくしてください。"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionPath.cpp:78
- #, c-format
-@@ -105,130 +105,158 @@ msgstr "'%s' を 秒に変換できません"
- msgid "GetValue(): Value not set"
- msgstr "GetValue(): 値は設定されていません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3170 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3179
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "Cannot enable multiple streams for module '%s'"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3178 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3187
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable more streams from module '%s' at the same time"
--msgstr "モジュール '%s' の複数ストリームを有効化できません"
-+msgstr "モジュール '%s' から、さらにストリームを同時に有効にできません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3188 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3206
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3196 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3214
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot enable module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュール '%1$s' ストリーム '%2$s' を有効にできません。モジュールの状態はす"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3253
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3263
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "デフォルトのモジュラー依存問題: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3256
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "some dependency problem"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3266
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with the latest modules: %s"
--msgstr "いくつかの依存問題"
-+msgstr "最新のモジュールでモジュールの依存関係の問題: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3260
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "some dependency problem"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3270
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem: %s"
--msgstr "いくつかの依存問題"
-+msgstr "モジュラーの依存に関する問題: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3294 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3318
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3329 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3368
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3384 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3416
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3460 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3470
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "Failed to resolve: %s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3293 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3317
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3328 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3383 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3415
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3464 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3474
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument '%s'"
--msgstr "名前解決に失敗しました: %s"
-+msgstr "引数 '%s' を解決できません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3301
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3300
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
--msgstr ""
-+"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
-+msgstr "モジュール名のみが必要です。引数の不必要な情報は無視します: '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3315
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3314
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot reset module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュール '%s' をリセットできません。モジュールの状態はすでに変更されていま"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot disable module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュール '%s' を無効にできません。モジュールの状態はすでに変更されています"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3357 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3449
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3559
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3356 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3452
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3633
- msgid "No modular data available"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールデータは利用できません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3374
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3373
- #, c-format
- msgid "Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "引数の不要な情報は無視します: '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3412
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3411
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Problem during enablement of dependency tree for module '%1$s' stream "
- "'%2$s': %3$s"
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュール '%1$s' ストリーム '%2$s' の依存関係ツリーの有効化中に問題: %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3424
--msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3423
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request:"
-+msgstr "モジュール有効化リクエストに発生する問題:"
--#. this really should never happen; unless the modular repodata is corrupted
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3496
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "Failed to upgrade defaults: %s"
--msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
--msgstr "デフォルトのアップグレードに失敗しました: %s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No active module packages found for module spec '%s'"
-+msgstr "モジュール仕様 '%s' "
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3523
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot install module '%s' from fail-safe repository"
-+msgstr "フェイルセーフリポジトリーからモジュール '%s' をインストールできません"
- #: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3530
--msgid "Problems appeared for module install request"
--msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No profile found matching '%s'"
-+msgstr "'%s' にマッチするプロファイルが見つかりません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3590
--msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3584
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No match for package '%s' for module spec %s"
-+msgstr "モジュール仕様 %s について、パッケージ '%s' にマッチする項目はありません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3592
--msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3595
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem during install for module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': %3$s"
-+msgstr "モジュール '%1$s' ストリーム '%2$s' のインストール中に問題: %3$s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3604
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module install request:"
-+msgstr "モジュールインストールリクエストに発生する問題:"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3628
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3663
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request:"
-+msgstr "モジュールリセットリクエストに発生する問題:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3664 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3723
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request:"
-+msgstr "モジュール無効化リクエストに発生する問題:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3755
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream"
--" '%s'"
-+"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream "
- msgstr ""
-+"オペレーションは、モジュール '%s' ストリーム '%s' を ストリーム '%s' へと切り"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3632
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3759
- msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
--"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
-+"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset "
-+"the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you "
-+"reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュールからすべてのインストールされたコンテンツを削除し、'microdnf module "
-+"reset <module_name>' コマンドを使用してモジュールをリセットすることを推奨しま"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:85
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:107
- msgid "Could not depsolve transaction; "
- msgstr "トランザクションを depsolve できませんでした; "
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:87
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "%i problem detected:\n"
- msgid_plural "%i problems detected:\n"
- msgstr[0] "%i 問題を検出:\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:95
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:117
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem %1$i: %2$s\n"
- msgstr " 問題 %1$i: %2$s\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:97
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:119
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem: %s\n"
- msgstr " 問題: %s\n"
-@@ -238,7 +266,9 @@ msgstr " 問題: %s\n"
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '%s'; cannot be installed "
- "on the system"
--msgstr "モジュラーパッケージ '%s' のモジュラーメタデータは利用不可です; システムにインストールはできません"
-+msgstr ""
-+"モジュラーパッケージ '%s' のモジュラーメタデータは利用不可です; システムにイ"
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:121 libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:166
- #, c-format
-@@ -277,7 +307,8 @@ msgstr "トランザクションの実行中にエラーが発生しました: %
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:283
- msgid "Error running transaction and no problems were reported!"
--msgstr "トランザクションの実行中にエラーが発生しましたが、問題は報告されませんでした!"
-+msgstr ""
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:346
- msgid "Fatal error, run database recovery"
-@@ -293,87 +324,87 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s を見つけることができませんでした"
- msgid "could not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)"
- msgstr "erase 要素 %1$s(%2$i) を追加することができません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:395
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:394
- msgid "failed to add solv"
- msgstr "solv の追加に失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:414
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:413
- #, c-format
- msgid "no %1$s string for %2$s"
- msgstr "%2$s の %1$s 文字列はありません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:424
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to open: %s"
- msgstr "開くことに失敗しました: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:503
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:502
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot create temporary file: %s"
- msgstr "一時ファイルを作成できません: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:512
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed opening tmp file: %s"
- msgstr "tmp ファイルを開くことに失敗しました: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_main() failed writing data: %i"
- msgstr "write_main() はデータの書き込みに失敗しました: %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:542
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:541
- msgid "write_main() failed to re-load written solv file"
- msgstr "write_main() は、書き込みされた solv ファイルの再ロードに失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:607
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:606
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not create temporary file %s"
- msgstr "一時ファイル %s を作成できません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:625
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:624
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$d"
- msgstr "write_ext(%1$d) は失敗しました: %2$d"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:680
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:679
- msgid "null repo md file"
- msgstr "null repo md ファイル"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:688
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not read file %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "ファイル %1$s を読み込みできません: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:703
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:702
- msgid "repo_add_solv() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_solv() は失敗しました。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:716
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:715
- msgid "loading of MD_TYPE_PRIMARY has failed."
- msgstr "MD_TYPE_PRIMARY のロードに失敗しました。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:729
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:728
- msgid "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() は失敗しました。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:796
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:795
- msgid "failed to auto-detect architecture"
- msgstr "アーキテクチャーの自動検出に失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:961
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:960
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed creating cachedir %s"
- msgstr "cachedir %s の作成に失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1738
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1737
- msgid "failed loading RPMDB"
- msgstr "RPMDB のロードに失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2462
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2521
- #, c-format
- msgid "No module defaults found: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールのデフォルトは見つかりませんでした: %s"
- #: libdnf/dnf-state.cpp:1184
- #, c-format
-@@ -399,67 +430,82 @@ msgstr "サイズ設定のない状態 %1$p で実行されました! [%2$s]"
- msgid "already at 100%% state [%s]"
- msgstr "すでに 100%% の状態 [%s] にあります"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:300
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:302
- #, c-format
- msgid "Sources not set when trying to ensure package %s"
- msgstr "パッケージ %s を確実にしようとする場合、ソースは設定されません"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:328
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)"
--msgstr "repo %2$s が見つからないため、%1$s を確実にすることに失敗しました (%3$i repo はロード済み)"
-+msgstr ""
-+"repo %2$s が見つからないため、%1$s を確実にすることに失敗しました (%3$i repo "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:369
- msgid "Failed to check untrusted: "
- msgstr "untrusted の確認に失敗しました: "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:377
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:379
- #, c-format
- msgid "Downloaded file for %s not found"
- msgstr "%s にダウンロードしたファイルが見つかりませんでした"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:397
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:399
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$s"
--msgstr "パッケージ %1$s は確認できず、repo %2$s は GPG が有効になっています: %3$s"
-+msgstr ""
-+"パッケージ %1$s は確認できず、repo %2$s は GPG が有効になっています: %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:831 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:903
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:833 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:905
- msgid "Failed to get value for CacheDir"
- msgstr "CacheDir の値の取得に失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:911
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:913
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s: "
- msgstr "%s に filesystem をフリーサイズで取得することに失敗しました: "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:919
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:921
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s"
- msgstr "%s に filesystem をフリーサイズで取得することに失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:935
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:937
- #, c-format
- msgid "Not enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$s"
--msgstr "%1$s に十分なスペースがありません: %2$s 必要で、利用可能なのは %3$s です"
-+msgstr ""
-+"%1$s に十分なスペースがありません: %2$s 必要で、利用可能なのは %3$s です"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1195
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1196
- msgid "failed to set root"
- msgstr "root の設定に失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1416
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1417
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction test"
- msgstr "トランザクションテストの実行中にエラー %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1456
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1441
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error %i opening rpm database"
-+msgstr "rpm データベースを開く際にエラー %i"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1449 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1495
-+msgid "The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."
-+msgstr "rpmdbCookie() 関数は rpm データベースのクッキーを返しませんでした。"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1464
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction"
- msgstr "トランザクションの実行中にエラー %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1472
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1480
- #, c-format
- msgid "Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)"
--msgstr "トランザクションは書き込みフェーズまで行きませんでしたが、エラー(%i) は返しませんでした"
-+msgstr ""
-+"トランザクションは書き込みフェーズまで行きませんでしたが、エラー(%i) は返しま"
- #: libdnf/dnf-utils.cpp:111 libdnf/hy-iutil.cpp:403
- #, c-format
-@@ -567,7 +613,9 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "installed package %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr "インストール済パッケージ %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により提供されます"
-+msgstr ""
-+"インストール済パッケージ %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により提供されま"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:110
- #, c-format
-@@ -577,7 +625,9 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s は %s を暗に廃止しました。これは %s に
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:111
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"
--msgstr "パッケージ %s には %s が必要ですが、どのプロバイダーからもインストールできません"
-+msgstr ""
-+"パッケージ %s には %s が必要ですが、どのプロバイダーからもインストールできま"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:112
- #, c-format
-@@ -640,7 +690,9 @@ msgstr "モジュール %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:136
- #, c-format
- msgid "installed module %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr "インストール済モジュール %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により提供されます"
-+msgstr ""
-+"インストール済モジュール %s は %s を廃止しました。これは %s により提供されま"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:137
- #, c-format
-@@ -650,7 +702,9 @@ msgstr "モジュール %s は %s を暗に廃止しました。これは %s に
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:138
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"
--msgstr "モジュール %s には %s が必要ですが、どのプロバイダーからもインストールできません"
-+msgstr ""
-+"モジュール %s には %s が必要ですが、どのプロバイダーからもインストールできま"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:139
- #, c-format
-@@ -662,45 +716,42 @@ msgstr "モジュール %s は自己提供される %s と競合しています"
- msgid "both module %s and %s obsolete %s"
- msgstr "モジュール %s と %s 両方は %s を廃止しました"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1055
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1141
- msgid "no solver set"
- msgstr "設定されたソルバーはありません"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1060
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1146
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to make %s absolute"
- msgstr "%s を絶対的にすることに失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1067
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1153
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "debugdata を %1$s へ書き込むことに失敗しました: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1079
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1165
- msgid "no solv in the goal"
- msgstr "目標に solv がありません"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1081
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1167
- msgid "no solution, cannot remove protected package"
- msgstr "ソリューションがなく、保護されたパッケージを削除できません"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1084
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1170
- msgid "no solution possible"
- msgstr "可能なソリューションがありません"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1210
--#, fuzzy
--#| msgid " Problem: %s\n"
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1296
- msgid "Problem: "
--msgstr "問題: %s "
-+msgstr "問題: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1215
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid " Problem: %s\n"
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1301
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Problem %d: "
--msgstr "問題: %s "
-+msgstr "問題 %d: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1542
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1634
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: "
- msgstr "操作は結果的に以下の保護されたパッケージを削除します: "
-@@ -725,30 +776,30 @@ msgstr "ディレクトリー %1$s を作成できません : %2$s"
- msgid "cannot stat path %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "パス %1$s のstatを調べられません : %2$s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:573
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:604
- #, c-format
- msgid "Invalid format of Platform module: %s"
- msgstr "不正なプラットフォームモジュールのフォーマット: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:588
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:619
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by available packages\n"
- msgstr "利用可能パッケージに提供される複数のモジュールプラットフォーム\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:601
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:632
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by installed packages\n"
- msgstr "インストール済パッケージに提供される複数のモジュールプラットフォーム\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:628
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:659
- #, c-format
- msgid "Detection of Platform Module in %s failed: %s"
- msgstr "%s のプラットフォームモジュールの検出に失敗しました: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:637
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:668
- #, c-format
- msgid "Missing PLATFORM_ID in %s"
- msgstr "%s に PLATFORM_ID が見つかりません"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:642
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:673
- msgid "No valid Platform ID detected"
- msgstr "有効な Platform ID が検出されませんでした"
-@@ -762,61 +813,65 @@ msgstr "モジュール '%s' の複数ストリームを有効化できません
- msgid "Conflicting defaults with repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "repo '%s' のデフォルトが競合: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:918
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:917
- msgid "Installing module profiles:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールプロファイルのインストール中:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:933
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:932
- msgid "Disabling module profiles:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールプロファイルの無効化中:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:948
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:947
- msgid "Enabling module streams:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールストリームの有効化中:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:962
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:961
- msgid "Switching module streams:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールストリームの切り替え中:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:980
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:979
- msgid "Disabling modules:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールの無効化:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:991
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:990
- msgid "Resetting modules:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールの再設定中:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1674
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1704
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data at '%s'"
- msgstr "'%s' のモジュラーフェイルセーフデータをロードできません"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1680
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1710
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data for module '%s:%s'"
- msgstr "モジュール '%s:%s' のモジュラーフェイルセーフデータをロードできません"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1763
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1791
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to create directory \"%s\" for modular Fail Safe data: %s"
--msgstr "ディレクトリー \"%s\" を作成できません。対象モジュラーフェイルセーフデータ: %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+"ディレクトリー \"%s\" を作成できません。対象モジュラーフェイルセーフデータ: "
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1779
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1807
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to save a modular Fail Safe data to '%s'"
- msgstr "'%s' のモジュラーフェイルセーフデータを保存できません"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1802
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1830
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to remove a modular Fail Safe data in '%s'"
- msgstr "'%s' のモジュラーフェイルセーフデータを削除できません"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1834
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1862
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Unable to apply modular obsoletes to '%s:%s' because target module '%s' is "
- "disabled"
- msgstr ""
-+"ターゲットモジュール '%s' が無効であるため、モジュラーの廃止を '%s:%s' に適用"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:86
- #, c-format
-@@ -831,7 +886,7 @@ msgstr "名前解決に失敗しました: %s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:115
- #, c-format
- msgid "There were errors while resolving modular defaults: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュラーデフォルトの解決中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:120
- #, c-format
-@@ -843,10 +898,11 @@ msgstr "デフォルトのアップグレードに失敗しました: %s"
- msgid "Failed to upgrade streams: %s"
- msgstr "ストリームのアップグレードに失敗しました: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:219
-+#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:221
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot retrieve module obsoletes because no stream matching %s: %s"
- msgstr ""
-+"%s に一致するストリームがないため、モジュールの廃止を取得できません: %s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:46
- #, c-format
-@@ -889,6 +945,9 @@ msgid ""
- "deprecated and the support will be dropped in future versions. Use '=' "
- "operator instead."
- msgstr ""
-+"reldeps で '==' 演算子を使用すると、未定義の動作が発生する可能性があります。"
-+"これは非推奨で、将来のバージョンではサポートされなくなります。代わりに '=' 演"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:321
- #, c-format
-@@ -898,28 +957,35 @@ msgstr "リポジトリー %s にはミラーまたは baseurl セットがあ
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:330
- #, c-format
- msgid "Repository '%s' has unsupported type: 'type=%s', skipping."
--msgstr "リポジトリー '%s' にはサポートされていないタイプがあります: 'type=%s'、スキッピング。"
-+msgstr ""
-+"リポジトリー '%s' にはサポートされていないタイプがあります: 'type=%s'、スキッ"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:489 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:610 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:641
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1382
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1400
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' is not set"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' が設定されていません"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:512
- msgid ""
--"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of"
--" minrate or throttle"
--msgstr "ダウンロードの最高速度は、最低速度よりも低いです。minrate またはスロットルの設定を変更してください。"
-+"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of "
-+"minrate or throttle"
-+msgstr ""
-+"ダウンロードの最高速度は、最低速度よりも低いです。minrate またはスロットルの"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:546
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
- msgstr ""
-+"repo '%s': 'proxy_username' は設定済みですが、'proxy_password' は設定されてい"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:548
- msgid "'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
- msgstr ""
-+"'proxy_username' は設定済みですが、'proxy_password' は設定されていません"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:629
- #, c-format
-@@ -936,125 +1002,133 @@ msgstr "%s: gpgme_data_new_from_fd(): %s"
- msgid "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:713 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:779 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:907
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:709 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1236
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1279
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
-+msgstr "repo 一時ディレクトリー \"%s\" を作成できません: %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:717 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:783 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:917
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:740 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:804
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:744 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:808
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not list keys: %s"
- msgstr "キーを一覧表示できません: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:833
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:837
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to retrieve GPG key for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "repo '%s' のGPG鍵の回収に失敗しました : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:886
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:890
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
- msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s はインポート済みです"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:914
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:904 libdnf/utils/filesystem.cpp:79
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+msgstr "ディレクトリー \"%s\" の作成に失敗しました: %d - %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:924
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "repo %s: インポート済みのキー 0x%s。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1176
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink."
- msgstr "復元中: repo '%s' はスキップされました、metalink はありません。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1181
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1195
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash."
--msgstr "復元中: repo '%s' はスキップされました、使用可能なハッシュはありません。"
-+msgstr ""
-+"復元中: repo '%s' はスキップされました、使用可能なハッシュはありません。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1204
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1218
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum."
- msgstr "復元中: '%s' は失敗しました、%s の合計は一致しません。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1224
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match."
- msgstr "復元中: '%s' は復元できます - metalink チェックサムが一致します。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1235
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1253
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches."
- msgstr "復元中: '%s' は復元できます - repomd が一致します。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1237
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd."
--msgstr "復元中:  '%s' に失敗しました、repomd が一致しません。"
-+msgstr "復元中: '%s' に失敗しました、repomd が一致しません。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1273
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create repo destination directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "repo 送信先ディレクトリ \"%s\" を作成できません : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1261
--#, c-format
--msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "repo 一時ディレクトリー \"%s\" を作成できません: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1275
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1293
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "ディレクトリー \"%s\" を作成できません: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1298
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1316
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "ディレクトリー名を \"%s\" から \"%s\" へと変更できません: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1321
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1339
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: using cache for: %s"
- msgstr "repo: キャッシュを使用: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1333
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1351
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'"
--msgstr "キャッシュオンリーが有効になっていますが、'%s' に対するキャッシュはありません"
-+msgstr ""
-+"キャッシュオンリーが有効になっていますが、'%s' に対するキャッシュはありません"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1337
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1355
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: downloading from remote: %s"
- msgstr "repo: リモートからダウンロード中: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1344
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1362
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to download metadata for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "repo '%s' のメタデータのダウンロードに失敗しました : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1370
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1388
- msgid "getCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failed"
- msgstr "getCachedir(): SHA256 のコンピュテーションに失敗しました"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1398
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1416
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create persistdir \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "persistdir \"%s\" を作成できません : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1775
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1793
- msgid "resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart param"
- msgstr "resume は byterangestart param と同時に使用できません"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1792
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1810
- #, c-format
- msgid "PackageTarget initialization failed: %s"
- msgstr "PackageTarget の初期化に失敗しました: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1898
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1916
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot open %s: %s"
- msgstr "%s を開くことができません: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1942
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1960
- #, c-format
- msgid "Log handler with id %ld doesn't exist"
- msgstr "id %ld を伴うログハンドラーは存在しません"
-@@ -1084,6 +1158,7 @@ msgstr "完了したトランザクションにトランザクションアイテ
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:76
- msgid "Database Corrupted: no row 'version' in table 'config'"
- msgstr ""
-+"データベースが破損しています。テーブル 'config' の行 'version' がありません"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:681
- msgid "Transformer: can't open history persist dir"
-@@ -1106,8 +1181,8 @@ msgstr "TransactionItem の状態は設定されていません: %s"
- msgid "Can't add console output to unsaved transaction"
- msgstr "未保存のトランザクションにコンソールの出力を追加できません"
-+#~ msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
-+#~ msgstr "モジュールアーティファクト NEVRA '%s' の解析に失敗しました"
- #~ msgid "Bad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %d"
- #~ msgstr "repo に対する不正な id: %s, byte = %s %d"
--#~ msgid "failed calculating RPMDB checksum"
--#~ msgstr "RPMDB チェックサムの計算に失敗しました"
-diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
-index 505d1e15..5c972958 100644
---- a/po/ko.po
-+++ b/po/ko.po
-@@ -3,20 +3,22 @@
- # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
- # Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata
- # simmon <simmon@nplob.com>, 2021.
-+# Kim InSoo <simmon@nplob.com>, 2022.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-16 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-24 16:02+0000\n"
--"Last-Translator: simmon <simmon@nplob.com>\n"
--"Language-Team: Korean <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/libdnf-dnf-4-master/ko/>\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-28 10:38+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-01 07:37+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Kim InSoo <simmon@nplob.com>\n"
-+"Language-Team: Korean <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/"
- "Language: ko\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 4.6\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:62 libdnf/conf/OptionSeconds.cpp:40
- msgid "no value specified"
-@@ -44,13 +46,13 @@ msgstr "잘못된 값"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:207
- msgid "value 1 is not allowed"
--msgstr "값 1은 허용하지 않습니다"
-+msgstr "값 1은 허용되지 않습니다"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:209
- msgid "negative value is not allowed"
--msgstr "음수 값은 허용하지 않습니다"
-+msgstr "음수 값은 허용되지 않습니다"
--#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:341
-+#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:343
- #, c-format
- msgid "percentage '%s' is out of range"
- msgstr "백분율 '%s' 범위를 벗어났습니다"
-@@ -105,127 +107,153 @@ msgstr "변환 할 수 없습니다 '%s'초까지"
- msgid "GetValue(): Value not set"
- msgstr "GetValue () : 값이 설정되지 않았습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3170 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3179
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3178 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3187
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable more streams from module '%s' at the same time"
- msgstr "동시에 모듈 '%s’에서 다른 스트림을 활성화 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3188 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3206
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3196 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3214
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot enable module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': State of module already modified"
--msgstr "모듈 '%1$s' 스트림 '%2$s 을 활성화 할 수 없습니다: 모듈 상태가 이미 변경되었습니다"
-+msgstr ""
-+"모듈 '%1$s' 스트림 '%2$s 을 활성화 할 수 없습니다: 모듈 상태가 이미 변경되었"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3253
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3263
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults: %s"
- msgstr "기본설정에 모듈 의존성 문제: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3256
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3266
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with the latest modules: %s"
--msgstr "최신 모듈: %s 에 모듈러 의존성 문제"
-+msgstr "최신 모듈에 모듈 의존성 문제: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3260
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3270
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem: %s"
- msgstr "모듈러 의존성 문제: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3294 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3318
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3329 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3368
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3384 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3416
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3460 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3470
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3293 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3317
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3328 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3383 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3415
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3464 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3474
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument '%s'"
- msgstr "인수 %s를 해결 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3301
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3300
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
-+"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr "모듈 이름만 필요합니다. 인수에서 불필요한 정보를 무시합니다: '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3315
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3314
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot reset module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr "모듈 '%s 를 재설정 할 수 없습니다: 모듈 상태가 이미 변경되었습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot disable module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr "모듈 '%s'사용 할 수 없습니다: 모듈 상태는 이미 적재되었습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3357 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3449
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3559
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3356 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3452
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3633
- msgid "No modular data available"
- msgstr "모듈러 자료를 이용 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3374
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3373
- #, c-format
- msgid "Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr "인수: '%s'에 불필요한 정보를 무시하기"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3412
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3411
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Problem during enablement of dependency tree for module '%1$s' stream "
- "'%2$s': %3$s"
--msgstr "모듈 '%1$s' 스트림 '%2$s': %3$s 위해 의존성 트리의 활성화하는 동안에 발생하는 문제"
-+msgstr ""
-+"모듈 '%1$s' 스트림 '%2$s': %3$s 위해 의존성 트리의 활성화하는 중에 발생하는 "
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3424
--msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request"
--msgstr "모듈 활성화 요청에 나타난 문제"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3423
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request:"
-+msgstr "모듈 활성화 요청에 나타난 문제:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No active module packages found for module spec '%s'"
-+msgstr "모듈 상세 '%s'를 위한 활성 모듈 꾸러미가 없습니다"
--#. this really should never happen; unless the modular repodata is corrupted
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3496
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3523
- #, c-format
--msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
--msgstr "모듈 artifact NERVRA '%s'를 구문 분석하는데 실패하였습니다"
-+msgid "Cannot install module '%s' from fail-safe repository"
-+msgstr "실패-방지 저장소에서 모듈 '%s'를 설치 할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3530
--msgid "Problems appeared for module install request"
--msgstr "모듈 설치 요청을 위해 나타난 문제"
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No profile found matching '%s'"
-+msgstr "'%s'와 일치하는 프로파일을 찾을 수 없습니다"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3584
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No match for package '%s' for module spec %s"
-+msgstr "꾸러미 '%s'가(모듈 상세 %s에 대한) 일치하지 않습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3590
--msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request"
--msgstr "모듈 초기화 요청을 위해 나나탄 문제"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3595
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem during install for module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': %3$s"
-+msgstr "모듈 '%1$s' 스트림 '%2$s': %3$s 위해 설치 중에 발생하는 문제"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3592
--msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request"
--msgstr "모듈 비활성화 요청을 위해 나타난 문제"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3604
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module install request:"
-+msgstr "모듈 설치 요청을 위해 나타난 문제:"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3628
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3663
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request:"
-+msgstr "모듈 초기화 요청을 위해 나타난 문제:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3664 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3723
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request:"
-+msgstr "모듈 비활성화 요청을 위해 나타난 문제:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3755
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream"
--" '%s'"
-+"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream "
- msgstr "이 동작은 모듈 '%s'' 스트림 ‘%s'에서 스트림 '%s'로의 전환 결과입니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3632
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3759
- msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
--"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
-+"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset "
-+"the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you "
-+"reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
- "활성화된 모듈 스트림을 전환 할 수 없습니다.\n"
--"설치된 모든 내용을 모듈에서 제거하고 ‘<module_name>' 명령을 사용하여 모듈을 재설정하는 것이 좋습니다. 모듈을 재설정한 후, 다른 스트림을 설치할 수 있습니다."
-+"설치된 모든 내용을 모듈에서 제거하고 ‘<module_name>' 명령을 사용하여 모듈을 "
-+"재설정하는 것이 좋습니다. 모듈을 재설정한 후, 다른 스트림을 설치 할 수 있습니"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:85
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:107
- msgid "Could not depsolve transaction; "
- msgstr "연결을 해제 할 수 없습니다; "
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:87
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "%i problem detected:\n"
- msgid_plural "%i problems detected:\n"
- msgstr[0] "%i 발견 된 문제 :\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:95
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:117
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem %1$i: %2$s\n"
- msgstr " 문제 %1$i: %2$s\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:97
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:119
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem: %s\n"
- msgstr " 문제: %s\n"
-@@ -235,7 +263,9 @@ msgstr " 문제: %s\n"
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '%s'; cannot be installed "
- "on the system"
--msgstr "모듈 꾸러미 '%s'를 위하여 사용 가능한 메타 데이터가 없으며; 시스템에 설치할 수 없습니다"
-+msgstr ""
-+"모듈러 꾸러미 '%s'에 사용 가능한 모듈러 메타데이터가 없으며; 시스템에 설치 "
-+"할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:121 libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:166
- #, c-format
-@@ -274,7 +304,8 @@ msgstr "연결 실행 오류 : %s"
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:283
- msgid "Error running transaction and no problems were reported!"
--msgstr "연결을 실행하는 중 오류가 발생했으며 아무런 문제도 보고되지 않았습니다!"
-+msgstr ""
-+"연결을 실행하는 중 오류가 발생했으며 아무런 문제도 보고되지 않았습니다!"
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:346
- msgid "Fatal error, run database recovery"
-@@ -290,84 +321,84 @@ msgstr "꾸러미를 찾지 못했습니다. %s"
- msgid "could not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)"
- msgstr "요소 지우기를 추가 할 수 없습니다. %1$s(%2$i)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:395
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:394
- msgid "failed to add solv"
- msgstr "solv를 추가하지 못했습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:414
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:413
- #, c-format
- msgid "no %1$s string for %2$s"
- msgstr "%2$s에 %1$s 문자열이 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:424
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to open: %s"
- msgstr "열지 못했습니다 : %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:503
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:502
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot create temporary file: %s"
- msgstr "임시 파일을 만들 수 없습니다. %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:512
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed opening tmp file: %s"
- msgstr "여는 tmp 파일을 열지 못했습니다. %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_main() failed writing data: %i"
- msgstr "write_main() 실패한 쓰기 자료: %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:542
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:541
- msgid "write_main() failed to re-load written solv file"
- msgstr "write_main ()이 작성된 solv 파일을 다시 적재하지 못했습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:607
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:606
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not create temporary file %s"
- msgstr "임시 파일을 만들 수 없습니다. %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:625
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:624
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$d"
- msgstr "write_ext(%1$d) 실패하였습니다: %2$d"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:680
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:679
- msgid "null repo md file"
- msgstr "null repo md 파일"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:688
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not read file %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "파일을 읽을 수 없습니다. %1$s: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:703
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:702
- msgid "repo_add_solv() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_solv() 실패하였습니다."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:716
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:715
- msgid "loading of MD_TYPE_PRIMARY has failed."
- msgstr "MD_TYPE_PRIMARY를 적재하지 못했습니다."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:729
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:728
- msgid "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() 실패하였습니다."
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:796
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:795
- msgid "failed to auto-detect architecture"
- msgstr "구조 자동 검색에 실패했습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:961
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:960
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed creating cachedir %s"
- msgstr "캐시 된 생성 실패 %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1738
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1737
- msgid "failed loading RPMDB"
- msgstr "RPMDB로드 실패"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2462
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2521
- #, c-format
- msgid "No module defaults found: %s"
- msgstr "모듈 기본 설정을 찾을 수 없습니다: %s"
-@@ -396,64 +427,73 @@ msgstr "국가에서 행해진 %1$p 크기가 설정되지 않았습니다. [%2$
- msgid "already at 100%% state [%s]"
- msgstr "이미 100 %% 상태 [%s]"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:300
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:302
- #, c-format
- msgid "Sources not set when trying to ensure package %s"
- msgstr "꾸러미를 만들 때 소스가 설정되지 않았습니다. %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:328
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)"
- msgstr "보장하지 못함 %1$s 레포로서 %2$s 찾을 수 없음 (%3$i repos loaded)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:369
- msgid "Failed to check untrusted: "
- msgstr "신뢰할 수 없는지 확인하지 못했습니다. "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:377
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:379
- #, c-format
- msgid "Downloaded file for %s not found"
- msgstr "에 대한 내려받기 파일 %s 찾을 수 없음"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:397
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:399
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$s"
- msgstr "꾸러미 %1$s 확인 및 복구 할 수 없습니다. %2$s GPG 사용 설정 됨 : %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:831 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:903
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:833 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:905
- msgid "Failed to get value for CacheDir"
- msgstr "CacheDir에 대한 값을 가져 오는 데 실패했습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:911
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:913
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s: "
- msgstr "에 대한 파일 시스템 크기를 가져 오는 데 실패했습니다. %s: "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:919
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:921
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s"
- msgstr "에 대한 파일 시스템 크기를 가져 오는 데 실패했습니다. %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:935
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:937
- #, c-format
- msgid "Not enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$s"
- msgstr "여유 공간이 부족합니다. %1$s: 필요 %2$s, 이용 가능 %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1195
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1196
- msgid "failed to set root"
- msgstr "루트를 설정하지 못했습니다"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1416
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1417
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction test"
- msgstr "%i 연결 실행 중 오류"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1456
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1441
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error %i opening rpm database"
-+msgstr "rpm 데이타베이스를 여는 동안 오류 %i가 발생했습니다"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1449 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1495
-+msgid "The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."
-+msgstr "rpmdbCookie() 함수는 rpm 데이타베이스의 쿠키를 반환하지 않습니다."
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1464
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction"
- msgstr "오류 %i 실행중인 연결"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1472
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1480
- #, c-format
- msgid "Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)"
- msgstr "연결이 쓰기 단계로 이동하지 않았지만 오류를 반환하지 않았습니다 (%i)"
-@@ -554,7 +594,7 @@ msgstr "%s 와 %s 모두 설치 할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:107
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s conflicts with %s provided by %s"
--msgstr "제공된 꾸러미 %s 은 %s에 의해 %s 와 충돌합니다"
-+msgstr "꾸러미 %s은 %s에서 제공된 %s와 충돌합니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:108
- #, c-format
-@@ -574,12 +614,12 @@ msgstr "꾸러미 %s가 %s에 의해 %s가 암시적으로 폐기되었습니다
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:111
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s에 %s가 필요하지만 공급 업체 없어 설치할 수 없습니다"
-+msgstr "꾸러미 %s는 %s가 필요하지만, 공급자가 없어 설치 할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:112
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s conflicts with %s provided by itself"
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s가 %s와 자체적으로 충돌합니다"
-+msgstr "꾸러미 %s가 자체적으로 제공된 %s와 충돌합니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:113
- #, c-format
-@@ -622,12 +662,12 @@ msgstr "모듈 %s 에 필요한 %s 가 제공되지 않았습니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:133
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot install both modules %s and %s"
--msgstr "%s 와 %s 모듈을 모두 설치할 수 없습니다"
-+msgstr "모듈 %s 와 %s를 모두 설치 할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:134
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s conflicts with %s provided by %s"
--msgstr "모듈 %s 가 %s와 함께 %s와 충돌합니다"
-+msgstr "모듈 %s가 %s에 의해 제공된 %s와 충돌합니다"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:135
- #, c-format
-@@ -659,42 +699,42 @@ msgstr "모듈 %s가 자체적으로 제공된 %s와 충돌합니다"
- msgid "both module %s and %s obsolete %s"
- msgstr "모듈 %s와 %s가 %s에서 폐기되었습니다"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1055
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1141
- msgid "no solver set"
- msgstr "solver 설정 없음"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1060
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1146
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to make %s absolute"
- msgstr "%s 절대값을 생성을 실패하였습니다"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1067
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1153
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "%1$s: %2$s에 디버그자료 쓰기를 실패했습니다"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1079
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1165
- msgid "no solv in the goal"
- msgstr "목표에 solv가 없다"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1081
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1167
- msgid "no solution, cannot remove protected package"
- msgstr "해결책 없음, 보호 된 꾸러미를 제거 할 수 없음"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1084
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1170
- msgid "no solution possible"
- msgstr "해결책 없음"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1296
- msgid "Problem: "
- msgstr "문제: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1215
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1301
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem %d: "
- msgstr "문제 %d: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1542
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1634
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: "
- msgstr "이 작업으로 인해 다음과 같은 보호 꾸러미가 제거됩니다. "
-@@ -719,30 +759,30 @@ msgstr "디렉토리를 생성 할 수 없습니다 %1$s: %2$s"
- msgid "cannot stat path %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "경로 %1$s: %2$s stat 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:573
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:604
- #, c-format
- msgid "Invalid format of Platform module: %s"
- msgstr "잘못된 형식의 기반 모듈: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:588
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:619
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by available packages\n"
- msgstr "사용 가능한 꾸러미로 제공되는 다중 모듈 기반\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:601
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:632
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by installed packages\n"
- msgstr "설치된 꾸러미로 제공되는 다중 모듈 기반\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:628
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:659
- #, c-format
- msgid "Detection of Platform Module in %s failed: %s"
- msgstr "%s 실패한: %s 에서 기반(Platform) 모듈 감지"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:637
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:668
- #, c-format
- msgid "Missing PLATFORM_ID in %s"
- msgstr "%s에서 PLATFORM_ID가 누락됨"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:642
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:673
- msgid "No valid Platform ID detected"
- msgstr "유효한 기반(Platform) ID가 없습니다"
-@@ -754,63 +794,65 @@ msgstr "모듈 '%s’를 위해 다중 스트림을 활성화 할 수 없습니
- #: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:346
- #, c-format
- msgid "Conflicting defaults with repo '%s': %s"
--msgstr "repo '%s: %s'와 기본 설정이 충돌합니다"
-+msgstr "저장소 '%s: %s'와 기본 설정이 충돌합니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:918
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:917
- msgid "Installing module profiles:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 프로파일 설치:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:933
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:932
- msgid "Disabling module profiles:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 프로파일 비활성화:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:948
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:947
- msgid "Enabling module streams:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 스트림 활성화:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:962
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:961
- msgid "Switching module streams:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 스트림 전환:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:980
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:979
- msgid "Disabling modules:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 비활성화:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:991
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:990
- msgid "Resetting modules:\n"
- msgstr "모듈 재설정:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1674
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1704
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data at '%s'"
- msgstr "'%s'에서 모듈식 Fail-Safe 자료를 적재 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1680
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1710
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data for module '%s:%s'"
- msgstr "모듈 '%s:%s'에 대해 모듈식 Fail-Safe 자료를 적재 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1763
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1791
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to create directory \"%s\" for modular Fail Safe data: %s"
- msgstr "모듈식 Fail-Safe 데이터에 대한 “%s\" 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1779
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1807
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to save a modular Fail Safe data to '%s'"
- msgstr "모듈식 Fail Safe 자료를 '%s'에 저장 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1802
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1830
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to remove a modular Fail Safe data in '%s'"
- msgstr "'%s'에서 모듈식 Fail Safe 자료를 제거 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1834
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1862
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Unable to apply modular obsoletes to '%s:%s' because target module '%s' is "
- "disabled"
--msgstr "'%s:%s'에 모듈 폐기를 적용 할 수 없다 왜냐하면 목표 모듈 '%s' 을 사용 할 수 없기 때문입니다"
-+msgstr ""
-+"'%s:%s'에 사용되지 않는 모듈을 적용할 수 없습니다(대상 모듈 '%s'가 비활성화 "
-+"되어 있기 때문에)"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:86
- #, c-format
-@@ -837,10 +879,10 @@ msgstr "기본값을 최신화에 실패하였습니다: %s"
- msgid "Failed to upgrade streams: %s"
- msgstr "스트림 최신화에 실패하였습니다: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:219
-+#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:221
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot retrieve module obsoletes because no stream matching %s: %s"
--msgstr "모듈 폐기를 검색 할 수 없습니다 왜냐하면 스트림 일치 %s: %s 가 없습니다"
-+msgstr "%s: %s 일치하는 스트림이 없기 때문에 구식 모듈을 검색 할 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:46
- #, c-format
-@@ -883,8 +925,9 @@ msgid ""
- "deprecated and the support will be dropped in future versions. Use '=' "
- "operator instead."
- msgstr ""
--"reldeps에 '=='연산자를 사용하면 정의되지 않은 동작이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 연산자는 더 이상 사용되지 않으며, 향후 "
--"버전에서는 지원이 중단됩니다. 대신 '=' 연산자를 사용하세요."
-+"reldeps에 '=='연산자를 사용하면 정의되지 않은 동작이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 "
-+"연산자는 더 이상 사용되지 않으며, 향후 버전에서는 지원이 중단됩니다. 대신 "
-+"'=' 연산자를 사용하세요."
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:321
- #, c-format
-@@ -897,21 +940,24 @@ msgid "Repository '%s' has unsupported type: 'type=%s', skipping."
- msgstr "저장소 '%s'는 지원하지 않는 유형: 'type=%s'이며, 건너뜁니다."
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:489 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:610 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:641
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1382
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1400
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' is not set"
- msgstr "repo '%s': 'basecachedir가 구성되어 있지 않습니다"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:512
- msgid ""
--"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of"
--" minrate or throttle"
--msgstr "최대 내려받기 속도는 최저보다 낮습니다. 최저속도나 변환 환경구성을 변경해 주세요"
-+"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of "
-+"minrate or throttle"
-+msgstr ""
-+"최대 내려받기 속도는 최저보다 낮습니다. 최저속도나 변환 환경구성을 변경해 주"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:546
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
--msgstr "repo '%s': 'proxy_username' 는 구성되어 있지만 'proxy_password'가 없습니다"
-+msgstr ""
-+"repo '%s': 'proxy_username' 는 구성되어 있지만 'proxy_password'가 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:548
- msgid "'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
-@@ -932,128 +978,134 @@ msgstr "%s: gpgme_data_new_from_fd(): %s"
- msgid "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:713 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:779 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:907
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:709 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1236
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1279
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
-+msgstr "임시 저장소 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다 \"%s\": %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:717 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:783 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:917
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:740 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:804
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:744 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:808
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not list keys: %s"
- msgstr "열쇠를 나열 할 수 없습니다 : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:833
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:837
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to retrieve GPG key for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr "repo '%s': %sf 를 위해 GPG key 가져오기에 실패하였습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:886
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:890
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
- msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s를 이미 가져왔습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:914
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:904 libdnf/utils/filesystem.cpp:79
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+msgstr "디렉토리를 생성 할 수 없습니다 \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:924
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s 키를 가져왔습니다."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1176
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink."
--msgstr "부활 : repo '%s'건너 뛰었습니다."
-+msgstr "부활: repo '%s' 건너 뛰었으며, 메타링크가 없습니다."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1181
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1195
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash."
--msgstr "부활 : repo '%s'건너 뛰었습니다. 사용 가능한 해시가 없습니다."
-+msgstr "부활: repo '%s'건너 뛰었으며, 사용 가능한 해쉬가 없습니다."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1204
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1218
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum."
--msgstr "되살리기 : 실패한 '%s', 불일치 %s 합집합."
-+msgstr "부활 : '%s'에 실패하고, %s 합과 일치하지 않음."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1224
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match."
--msgstr "되살아 난다 : '%s'부활 할 수 있습니다 - metalink 체크섬이 일치합니다."
-+msgstr "부활: '%s'는 부활 할 수 있습니다 - 메타링크 체크섬이 일치합니다."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1235
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1253
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches."
--msgstr "되살아 난다 : '%s'부활 할 수 있습니다 - repomd가 일치합니다."
-+msgstr "부활: '%s'는 부활 할 수 있습니다 - repomd가 일치합니다."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1237
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd."
--msgstr "되살리기 : 실패한 '%s', 일치하지 않는 repomd."
-+msgstr "부활: '%s'에 실패하고, 일치하지 않은 repomd."
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1273
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create repo destination directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "repo 목적지 디렉토리 \"%s\": %s 를 생성 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1261
--#, c-format
--msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "임시 저장소 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1275
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1293
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1298
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1316
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "디렉터리 이름을 바꿀 수 없습니다 \"%s\"~\"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1321
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1339
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: using cache for: %s"
--msgstr "repo : 캐시 사용 : %s"
-+msgstr "repo: 캐쉬 사용: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1333
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1351
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'"
--msgstr "캐시 만 사용 가능하지만 '%s'"
-+msgstr "캐쉬만 사용 가능하지만 '%s'를 위해 캐쉬가 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1337
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1355
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: downloading from remote: %s"
--msgstr "repo : 원격에서 내려받기 중 : %s"
-+msgstr "repo: 원격에서 내려받기 중: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1344
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1362
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to download metadata for repo '%s': %s"
--msgstr "repo '%s': %s 를 위해 메타데이타 내려받기에 실패하였습니다"
-+msgstr "repo를 위한 메타자료 내려받기에 실패하였습니다 '%s': %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1370
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1388
- msgid "getCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failed"
--msgstr "getCachedir () : SHA256 계산에 실패했습니다"
-+msgstr "getCachedir(): SHA256 계산에 실패했습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1398
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1416
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create persistdir \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "persistdir \"%s\": %s 를 생성 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1775
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1793
- msgid "resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart param"
- msgstr "이력서는 byterangestart 매개 변수와 동시에 사용 할 수 없습니다"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1792
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1810
- #, c-format
- msgid "PackageTarget initialization failed: %s"
--msgstr "PackageTarget 초기화에 실패했습니다 : %s"
-+msgstr "PackageTarget 초기화에 실패했습니다: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1898
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1916
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot open %s: %s"
--msgstr "열 수 없다 %s: %s"
-+msgstr "열 수 없습니다 %s: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1942
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1960
- #, c-format
- msgid "Log handler with id %ld doesn't exist"
--msgstr "ID가 있는 로그 처리기 %ld 존재하지 않는다"
-+msgstr "ID가 있는 로그 처리기 %ld가 존재하지 않습니다"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Swdb.cpp:173
- msgid "In progress"
-@@ -1079,11 +1131,12 @@ msgstr "완료된 연결에서 연결 항목 최신화를 시도합니다"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:76
- msgid "Database Corrupted: no row 'version' in table 'config'"
--msgstr "데이타베이스가 오염되었습니다: 테이블 'config'에 'version' 행이 없습니다"
-+msgstr ""
-+"데이타베이스가 오염되었습니다: 테이블 'config'에 'version' 행이 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:681
- msgid "Transformer: can't open history persist dir"
--msgstr "변형 : persist dir 기록을 열 수 없습니다"
-+msgstr "변형: persist dir 기록을 열 수 없습니다"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:694
- msgid "Couldn't find a history database"
-@@ -1102,5 +1155,5 @@ msgstr "TransactionItem 상태가 설정되지 않았습니다. %s"
- msgid "Can't add console output to unsaved transaction"
- msgstr "저장되지 않은 연결에 콘솔 출력을 추가 할 수 없습니다"
--#~ msgid "failed calculating RPMDB checksum"
--#~ msgstr "RPMDB 체크섬 계산 실패"
-+#~ msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
-+#~ msgstr "모듈 artifact NERVE '%s' 구분 분석에 실패함"
-diff --git a/po/libdnf.pot b/po/libdnf.pot
-index 7ab5b67e..d7fb56ad 100644
---- a/po/libdnf.pot
-+++ b/po/libdnf.pot
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-13 09:18-0400\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-28 10:38+0100\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
- "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
- "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "negative value is not allowed"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:341
-+#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:343
- #, c-format
- msgid "percentage '%s' is out of range"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -105,122 +105,122 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "GetValue(): Value not set"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3173 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3182
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3178 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3187
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable more streams from module '%s' at the same time"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3191 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3209
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3196 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3214
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot enable module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3258
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3263
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3261
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3266
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with the latest modules: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3265
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3270
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3288 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3312
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3323 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3362
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3378 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3410
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3459 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3469
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3293 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3317
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3328 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3383 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3415
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3464 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3474
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3295
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3300
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3309
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3314
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot reset module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3320
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot disable module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3351 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3447
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3620
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3356 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3452
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3633
- msgid "No modular data available"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3368
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3373
- #, c-format
- msgid "Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3406
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3411
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Problem during enablement of dependency tree for module '%1$s' stream "
- "'%2$s': %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3418
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3423
- msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request:"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
- #, c-format
- msgid "No active module packages found for module spec '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3523
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot install module '%s' from fail-safe repository"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3530
- #, c-format
- msgid "No profile found matching '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3571
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3584
- #, c-format
- msgid "No match for package '%s' for module spec %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3582
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3595
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem during install for module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3591
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3604
- msgid "Problems appeared for module install request:"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3650
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3663
- msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request:"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3651
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3664 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3723
- msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request:"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3755
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream "
- "'%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3693
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3759
- msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
- "It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset "
-@@ -228,23 +228,23 @@ msgid ""
- "reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:85
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:107
- msgid "Could not depsolve transaction; "
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:87
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "%i problem detected:\n"
- msgid_plural "%i problems detected:\n"
- msgstr[0] ""
- msgstr[1] ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:95
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:117
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem %1$i: %2$s\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:97
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:119
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem: %s\n"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -309,84 +309,84 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "could not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:395
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:394
- msgid "failed to add solv"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:414
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:413
- #, c-format
- msgid "no %1$s string for %2$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:424
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to open: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:503
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:502
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot create temporary file: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:512
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed opening tmp file: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_main() failed writing data: %i"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:542
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:541
- msgid "write_main() failed to re-load written solv file"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:607
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:606
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not create temporary file %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:625
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:624
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$d"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:680
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:679
- msgid "null repo md file"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:688
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not read file %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:703
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:702
- msgid "repo_add_solv() has failed."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:716
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:715
- msgid "loading of MD_TYPE_PRIMARY has failed."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:729
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:728
- msgid "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:796
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:795
- msgid "failed to auto-detect architecture"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:961
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:960
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed creating cachedir %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1738
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1737
- msgid "failed loading RPMDB"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2462
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2521
- #, c-format
- msgid "No module defaults found: %s"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -415,64 +415,73 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "already at 100%% state [%s]"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:300
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:302
- #, c-format
- msgid "Sources not set when trying to ensure package %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:328
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:369
- msgid "Failed to check untrusted: "
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:377
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:379
- #, c-format
- msgid "Downloaded file for %s not found"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:397
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:399
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:831 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:903
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:833 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:905
- msgid "Failed to get value for CacheDir"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:911
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:913
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s: "
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:919
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:921
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:935
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:937
- #, c-format
- msgid "Not enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1195
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1196
- msgid "failed to set root"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1416
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1417
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction test"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1456
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1441
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error %i opening rpm database"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1449 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1495
-+msgid "The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."
-+msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1464
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1472
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1480
- #, c-format
- msgid "Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -678,42 +687,42 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "both module %s and %s obsolete %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1055
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1141
- msgid "no solver set"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1060
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1146
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to make %s absolute"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1067
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1153
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1079
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1165
- msgid "no solv in the goal"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1081
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1167
- msgid "no solution, cannot remove protected package"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1084
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1170
- msgid "no solution possible"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1296
- msgid "Problem: "
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1215
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1301
- #, c-format
- msgid "Problem %d: "
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1542
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1634
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: "
- msgstr ""
-@@ -738,30 +747,30 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "cannot stat path %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:573
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:604
- #, c-format
- msgid "Invalid format of Platform module: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:588
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:619
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by available packages\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:601
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:632
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by installed packages\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:628
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:659
- #, c-format
- msgid "Detection of Platform Module in %s failed: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:637
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:668
- #, c-format
- msgid "Missing PLATFORM_ID in %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:642
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:673
- msgid "No valid Platform ID detected"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -799,32 +808,32 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "Resetting modules:\n"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1673
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1704
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data at '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1679
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1710
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data for module '%s:%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1762
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1791
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to create directory \"%s\" for modular Fail Safe data: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1778
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1807
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to save a modular Fail Safe data to '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1801
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1830
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to remove a modular Fail Safe data in '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1833
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1862
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Unable to apply modular obsoletes to '%s:%s' because target module '%s' is "
-@@ -856,7 +865,7 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "Failed to upgrade streams: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:219
-+#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:221
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot retrieve module obsoletes because no stream matching %s: %s"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -914,7 +923,7 @@ msgid "Repository '%s' has unsupported type: 'type=%s', skipping."
- msgstr ""
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:489 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:610 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:641
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1382
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1400
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' is not set"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -949,125 +958,131 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:713 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:779 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:907
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:709 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1236
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1279
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:717 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:783 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:917
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:740 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:804
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:744 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:808
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not list keys: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:833
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:837
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to retrieve GPG key for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:886
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:890
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:914
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:904 libdnf/utils/filesystem.cpp:79
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:924
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1176
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1181
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1195
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1204
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1218
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1224
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1235
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1253
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1237
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd."
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1273
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create repo destination directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1261
--#, c-format
--msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1275
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1293
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1298
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1316
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1321
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1339
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: using cache for: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1333
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1351
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1337
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1355
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: downloading from remote: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1344
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1362
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to download metadata for repo '%s': %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1370
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1388
- msgid "getCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failed"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1398
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1416
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create persistdir \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1775
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1793
- msgid "resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart param"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1792
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1810
- #, c-format
- msgid "PackageTarget initialization failed: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1898
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1916
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot open %s: %s"
- msgstr ""
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1942
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1960
- #, c-format
- msgid "Log handler with id %ld doesn't exist"
- msgstr ""
-diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
-index 9fb6834d..864983a9 100644
---- a/po/zh_CN.po
-+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
-@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
- # Charles Lee <lchopn@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata, 2020, 2021.
--# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata
--# Qiyu Yan <yanqiyu01@gmail.com>, 2021.
-+# Ludek Janda <ljanda@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata, 2021.
-+# Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>, 2021, 2022.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-16 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-23 08:02+0000\n"
--"Last-Translator: Charles Lee <lchopn@gmail.com>\n"
--"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/libdnf-dnf-4-master/zh_CN/>\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-28 10:38+0100\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-02 10:16+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Sundeep Anand <suanand@redhat.com>\n"
-+"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/"
- "Language: zh_CN\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 4.6\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:62 libdnf/conf/OptionSeconds.cpp:40
- msgid "no value specified"
-@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "无法把 '%s' 转换为字节"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:83 libdnf/conf/OptionSeconds.cpp:66
- #, c-format
- msgid "unknown unit '%s'"
--msgstr "未知单元 “%s”"
-+msgstr "未知单元 '%s'"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:204 libdnf/conf/OptionEnum.cpp:83
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionNumber.cpp:88
-@@ -41,16 +42,14 @@ msgid "invalid value"
- msgstr "无效值"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:207
--#, fuzzy
--#| msgid "'%s' is not an allowed value"
- msgid "value 1 is not allowed"
--msgstr "'%s'  不是一个允许的值"
-+msgstr "1 不是一个被允许的值"
- #: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:209
- msgid "negative value is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "负数值不被允许"
--#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:341
-+#: libdnf/conf/ConfigMain.cpp:343
- #, c-format
- msgid "percentage '%s' is out of range"
- msgstr "百分数 '%s' 超出范围"
-@@ -58,23 +57,23 @@ msgstr "百分数 '%s' 超出范围"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionBinds.cpp:85
- #, c-format
- msgid "Configuration: OptionBinding with id \"%s\" does not exist"
--msgstr "配置:ID 为 \"%s\"  的 OptionBinding 不存在"
-+msgstr "配置:ID 为 \"%s\" 的 OptionBinding 不存在"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionBinds.cpp:97
- #, c-format
- msgid "Configuration: OptionBinding with id \"%s\" already exists"
--msgstr "配置:ID 为 \"%s\"  的 OptionBinding 已存在"
-+msgstr "配置:ID 为 \"%s\" 的 OptionBinding 已存在"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionBool.cpp:47
- #, c-format
- msgid "invalid boolean value '%s'"
--msgstr "无效的布尔值“%s”"
-+msgstr "无效的布尔值 '%s'"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionEnum.cpp:72 libdnf/conf/OptionEnum.cpp:158
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionString.cpp:64 libdnf/conf/OptionStringList.cpp:59
- #, c-format
- msgid "'%s' is not an allowed value"
--msgstr "'%s'  不是一个允许的值"
-+msgstr "'%s' 不是一个允许的值"
- #: libdnf/conf/OptionNumber.cpp:73
- #, c-format
-@@ -105,128 +104,148 @@ msgstr "无法把 '%s' 转换为秒"
- msgid "GetValue(): Value not set"
- msgstr "GetValue(): 值没有设置"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3170 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3179
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3178 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3187
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable more streams from module '%s' at the same time"
- msgstr "无法同时从模块 '%s' 中启用更多流"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3188 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3206
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3196 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3214
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot enable module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr "无法启用模块 '%1$s' 流 '%2$s':已经修改的模块状态"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3253
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3263
- #, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults: %s"
- msgstr "默认设置的模块依赖性问题:%s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3256
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "some dependency problem"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3266
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with the latest modules: %s"
--msgstr "一些依赖问题"
-+msgstr "最新模块的模块化依赖关系问题: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3260
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "some dependency problem"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3270
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Modular dependency problem: %s"
--msgstr "一些依赖问题"
-+msgstr "模块依赖问题:%s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3294 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3318
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3329 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3368
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3384 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3416
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3460 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3470
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid "Failed to resolve: %s"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3293 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3317
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3328 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3383 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3415
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3464 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3474
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument '%s'"
--msgstr "无法解析: %s"
-+msgstr "无法解析参数 '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3301
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3300
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
-+"Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
- msgstr "只需要模块名。忽略参数 '%s' 中的无用信息"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3315
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3314
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot reset module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr "无法重置模块 '%s':已修改的模块状态"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3325
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot disable module '%s': State of module already modified"
- msgstr "无法禁用模块 '%s':已经修改的模块状态"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3357 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3449
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3559
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3356 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3452
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3633
- msgid "No modular data available"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有可用的模块数据"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3374
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3373
- #, c-format
- msgid "Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "忽略参数:\"%s\" 中不需要的信息"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3412
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3411
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Problem during enablement of dependency tree for module '%1$s' stream "
- "'%2$s': %3$s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "为模块 '%1$s' 流 '%2$s' 启用依赖树时出现问题: %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3424
--msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3423
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module enable request:"
-+msgstr "模块启用请求出现问题:"
--#. this really should never happen; unless the modular repodata is corrupted
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3496
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3518
- #, c-format
--msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgid "No active module packages found for module spec '%s'"
-+msgstr "未找到模块规范 '%s' 的活动模块包"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3523
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot install module '%s' from fail-safe repository"
-+msgstr "无法从故障保护存储库安装模块 '%s'"
- #: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3530
--msgid "Problems appeared for module install request"
--msgstr ""
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No profile found matching '%s'"
-+msgstr "未找到匹配 '%s' 的配置文件"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3590
--msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3584
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "No match for package '%s' for module spec %s"
-+msgstr "没有匹配模块规范 %s 的包 '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3592
--msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request"
--msgstr ""
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3595
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Problem during install for module '%1$s' stream '%2$s': %3$s"
-+msgstr "在安装模块 '%1$s' 流 '%2$s'时的问题:%3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3628
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3604
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module install request:"
-+msgstr "模块安装请求出现问题:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3663
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module reset request:"
-+msgstr "模块重置请求出现问题:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3664 libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3723
-+msgid "Problems appeared for module disable request:"
-+msgstr "模块禁用请求出现问题:"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3755
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
--"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream"
--" '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+"The operation would result in switching of module '%s' stream '%s' to stream "
-+msgstr "这个操作会把模块 '%s' 从流 '%s' 切换到流 '%s'"
--#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3632
-+#: libdnf/dnf-context.cpp:3759
- msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
--"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
-+"It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset "
-+"the module using 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' command. After you "
-+"reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
-+"无法切换一个模块已启用的流。 \n"
-+"推荐从模块中删除所有已安装的内容,使用 'microdnf module reset <module_name>' "
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:85
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:107
- msgid "Could not depsolve transaction; "
--msgstr "无法 depsolve 事务: "
-+msgstr "无法 depsolve 事务; "
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:87
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "%i problem detected:\n"
- msgid_plural "%i problems detected:\n"
- msgstr[0] "发现 %i 问题:\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:95
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:117
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem %1$i: %2$s\n"
- msgstr " 问题 %1$i: %2$s\n"
--#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:97
-+#: libdnf/dnf-goal.cpp:119
- #, c-format
- msgid " Problem: %s\n"
- msgstr " 问题: %s\n"
-@@ -236,7 +255,7 @@ msgstr " 问题: %s\n"
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '%s'; cannot be installed "
- "on the system"
--msgstr "对于模块软件包 '%s' 没有可用的模块元数据,它将不能被安装至此系统上"
-+msgstr "模块软件包 '%s' 没有可用的模块元数据,它将不能被安装至此系统上"
- #: libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:121 libdnf/dnf-rpmts.cpp:166
- #, c-format
-@@ -291,87 +310,87 @@ msgstr "无法找到软件包 %s"
- msgid "could not add erase element %1$s(%2$i)"
- msgstr "无法添加删除元素 %1$s(%2$i)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:395
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:394
- msgid "failed to add solv"
- msgstr "添加 solv 失败"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:414
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:413
- #, c-format
- msgid "no %1$s string for %2$s"
- msgstr "没有为 %2$s 的 %1$s 字符串"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:424
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:423
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to open: %s"
- msgstr "打开失败:%s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:503
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:502
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot create temporary file: %s"
- msgstr "不能创建临时文件: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:513
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:512
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed opening tmp file: %s"
- msgstr "打开 tmp 文件失败: %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:525
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:524
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_main() failed writing data: %i"
- msgstr "write_main() 写数据失败: %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:542
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:541
- msgid "write_main() failed to re-load written solv file"
- msgstr "write_main() 重新加载写的 solv 文件失败"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:607
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:606
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not create temporary file %s"
- msgstr "不能创建临时文件 %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:625
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:624
- #, c-format
- msgid "write_ext(%1$d) has failed: %2$d"
- msgstr "write_ext(%1$d) 已失败: %2$d"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:680
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:679
- msgid "null repo md file"
- msgstr "null repo md 文件"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:689
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:688
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not read file %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "不能读文件 %1$s: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:703
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:702
- msgid "repo_add_solv() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_solv() 已失败。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:716
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:715
- msgid "loading of MD_TYPE_PRIMARY has failed."
- msgstr "加载 MD_TYPE_PRIMARY 失败。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:729
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:728
- msgid "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() has failed."
- msgstr "repo_add_repomdxml/rpmmd() 已失败。"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:796
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:795
- msgid "failed to auto-detect architecture"
- msgstr "自动检测架构失败"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:961
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:960
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed creating cachedir %s"
- msgstr "无法创建 cachedir %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1738
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:1737
- msgid "failed loading RPMDB"
- msgstr "无法加载 RPMDB"
--#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2462
-+#: libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:2521
- #, c-format
- msgid "No module defaults found: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有找到模块默认设置:%s"
- #: libdnf/dnf-state.cpp:1184
- #, c-format
-@@ -397,64 +416,73 @@ msgstr "在一个没有设置大小的状态 %1$p 中做! [%2$s]"
- msgid "already at 100%% state [%s]"
- msgstr "已是 100%% 状态 [%s]"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:300
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:302
- #, c-format
- msgid "Sources not set when trying to ensure package %s"
- msgstr "在尝试确保软件包 %s 时源没有设置"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:326
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:328
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to ensure %1$s as repo %2$s not found(%3$i repos loaded)"
- msgstr "无法确保 %1$s,因为 repo %2$s 没有找到 (%3$i repos 已加载)"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:367
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:369
- msgid "Failed to check untrusted: "
--msgstr "检查不被信任失败: "
-+msgstr "检查不被信任失败 : "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:377
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:379
- #, c-format
- msgid "Downloaded file for %s not found"
- msgstr "没有找到下载的文件 %s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:397
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:399
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %1$s cannot be verified and repo %2$s is GPG enabled: %3$s"
- msgstr "软件包 %1$s 不能被验证,repo %2$s 启用了 GPG: %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:831 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:903
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:833 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:905
- msgid "Failed to get value for CacheDir"
- msgstr "无法为 CacheDir 获得值"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:911
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:913
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s: "
--msgstr "无法为 %s 获得文件系统可用空间的大小: "
-+msgstr "无法为 %s 获得文件系统可用空间的大小: "
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:919
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:921
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to get filesystem free size for %s"
- msgstr "无法为 %s 获得文件系统可用空间的大小"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:935
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:937
- #, c-format
- msgid "Not enough free space in %1$s: needed %2$s, available %3$s"
- msgstr "%1$s 没有足够的空闲空间: 需要 %2$s,可用 %3$s"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1195
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1196
- msgid "failed to set root"
- msgstr "设置 root 失败"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1416
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1417
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction test"
--msgstr "错误 %i 运行事务测试"
-+msgstr "运行事务测试时错误 %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1456
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1441
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Error %i opening rpm database"
-+msgstr "打开 rpm 数据库时错误 %i"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1449 libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1495
-+msgid "The rpmdbCookie() function did not return cookie of rpm database."
-+msgstr "rpmdbCookie()函数没有返回 rpm 数据库的 cookie。"
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1464
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error %i running transaction"
--msgstr "错误 %i 运行事务"
-+msgstr "运行事务时错误 %i"
--#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1472
-+#: libdnf/dnf-transaction.cpp:1480
- #, c-format
- msgid "Transaction did not go to writing phase, but returned no error(%i)"
- msgstr "事务没有进入写阶段,但没有返回错误(%i)"
-@@ -545,51 +573,51 @@ msgstr "软件包 %s 被排除过滤过滤掉"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:105
- #, c-format
- msgid "nothing provides %s needed by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有东西可提供 %s(%s 需要)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:106
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot install both %s and %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法同时安装 %s 和 %s"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:107
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s conflicts with %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 与 %s(由 %s 提供)冲突"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:108
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:109
- #, c-format
- msgid "installed package %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "已安装的软件包 %s 取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:110
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s implicitly obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 隐式地取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:111
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 需要 %s,但没有提供者可以被安装"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:112
- #, c-format
- msgid "package %s conflicts with %s provided by itself"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 与自己提供的 %s 冲突"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:113
- #, c-format
- msgid "both package %s and %s obsolete %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包 %s 和 %s 同时取代了 %s"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:119
- msgid "problem with installed module "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "已安装模块的问题 "
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:123
- #, c-format
-@@ -598,110 +626,107 @@ msgstr "模块 %s 不存在"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:126
- msgid "cannot install the best update candidate for module "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为模块安装最佳更新候选 "
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:128 libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:131
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s is disabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 被禁用"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:129
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s does not have a compatible architecture"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 没有兼容的架构"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:130
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s is not installable"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 不可安装"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:132
- #, c-format
- msgid "nothing provides %s needed by module %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有东西提供 %s(模块 %s 需要它)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:133
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot install both modules %s and %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法同时安装模块 %s 和 %s"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:134
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s conflicts with %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 与 %s (由 %s 提供)冲突"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:135
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:136
- #, c-format
- msgid "installed module %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "已安装的模块 %s 取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:137
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s implicitly obsoletes %s provided by %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 隐式地取代了 %s(由 %s 提供)"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:138
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 需要 %s,但没有提供者可以被安装"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:139
- #, c-format
- msgid "module %s conflicts with %s provided by itself"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 与自己提供的 %s 冲突"
- #: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:140
- #, c-format
- msgid "both module %s and %s obsolete %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 %s 和 %s 同时取代了 %s"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1055
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1141
- msgid "no solver set"
- msgstr "无 solver 设置"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1060
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1146
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed to make %s absolute"
- msgstr "无法使 %s 绝对"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1067
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1153
- #, c-format
- msgid "failed writing debugdata to %1$s: %2$s"
- msgstr "把 debugdata 写入到 %1$s 失败: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1079
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1165
- msgid "no solv in the goal"
- msgstr "在目标中没有 solv"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1081
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1167
- msgid "no solution, cannot remove protected package"
- msgstr "没有解决方案,不能删除保护的软件包"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1084
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1170
- msgid "no solution possible"
- msgstr "没有可能的解决方案"
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1210
--#, fuzzy
--#| msgid " Problem: %s\n"
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1296
- msgid "Problem: "
--msgstr "问题: %s "
-+msgstr "问题: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1215
--#, fuzzy, c-format
--#| msgid " Problem: %s\n"
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1301
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Problem %d: "
--msgstr "问题: %s "
-+msgstr "问题 %d: "
--#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1542
-+#: libdnf/goal/Goal.cpp:1634
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: "
--msgstr "这个操作可能会导致删除以下受保护的软件包: "
-+msgstr "这个操作将会导致删除以下受保护的软件包: "
- #: libdnf/hy-iutil.cpp:326
- #, c-format
-@@ -721,105 +746,105 @@ msgstr "无法创建目录 %1$s: %2$s"
- #: libdnf/hy-iutil.cpp:415
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot stat path %1$s: %2$s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法 stat 路径 %1$s: %2$s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:573
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:604
- #, c-format
- msgid "Invalid format of Platform module: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Platform 模块格式无效 : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:588
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:619
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by available packages\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "可用软件包提供了多个模块平台\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:601
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:632
- msgid "Multiple module platforms provided by installed packages\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "已安装的软件包提供了多个模块平台\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:628
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:659
- #, c-format
- msgid "Detection of Platform Module in %s failed: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "检测 %s 中的 Platform 模块失败: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:637
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:668
- #, c-format
- msgid "Missing PLATFORM_ID in %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "在 %s 中缺少 PLATFORM_ID"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:642
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackage.cpp:673
- msgid "No valid Platform ID detected"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有检测到有效的 Platform ID"
- #: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:107
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot enable multiple streams for module '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为模块 '%s' 启用多个流"
- #: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:346
- #, c-format
- msgid "Conflicting defaults with repo '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "默认设置与 repo '%s' 冲突 : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:918
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:917
- msgid "Installing module profiles:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "安装模块配置档案:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:933
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:932
- msgid "Disabling module profiles:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用模块配置档案:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:948
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:947
- msgid "Enabling module streams:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "启用模块流:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:962
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:961
- msgid "Switching module streams:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "切换模块流:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:980
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:979
- msgid "Disabling modules:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用模块:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:991
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:990
- msgid "Resetting modules:\n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "重置模块:\n"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1674
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1704
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data at '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法加载位于 '%s' 的模块 Fail-Safe 数据"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1680
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1710
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to load modular Fail-Safe data for module '%s:%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为模块 '%s:%s' 加载模块 Fail-Safe 数据"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1763
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1791
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to create directory \"%s\" for modular Fail Safe data: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为模块 Fail Safe 数据创建目录 \"%s\" : %s"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1779
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1807
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to save a modular Fail Safe data to '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法把模块 Fail Safe 数据保存到 '%s'"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1802
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1830
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unable to remove a modular Fail Safe data in '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法删除 '%s' 处的模块 Fail Safe 数据"
--#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1834
-+#: libdnf/module/ModulePackageContainer.cpp:1862
- #, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Unable to apply modular obsoletes to '%s:%s' because target module '%s' is "
- "disabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法将模块化过时应用到 '%s:%s',因为目标模块 '%s' 被禁用"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:86
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to update from string: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法从字符串更新: %s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:110
- #, c-format
-@@ -829,57 +854,57 @@ msgstr "无法解析: %s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:115
- #, c-format
- msgid "There were errors while resolving modular defaults: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "在解析模块默认值时出现了错误:%s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:120
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to upgrade defaults: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法升级默认值: %s"
- #: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:123
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to upgrade streams: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "升级流失败: %s"
--#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:219
-+#: libdnf/module/modulemd/ModuleMetadata.cpp:221
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot retrieve module obsoletes because no stream matching %s: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法获取模块过时,因为没有流匹配 %s:%s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:46
- #, c-format
- msgid "Can't load shared library \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法加载共享库 \"%s\": %s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:61 libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:67
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:73 libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:79
- #, c-format
- msgid "Can't obtain address of symbol \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法获取符号 \"%s\" 的地址: %s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:86
- #, c-format
- msgid "Loading plugin file=\"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "正在加载插件文件=\"%s\""
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:89
- #, c-format
- msgid "Loaded plugin name=\"%s\", version=\"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "已加载插件名=\"%s\", 版本=\"%s\""
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:96
- msgid "Plugins::loadPlugins() dirPath cannot be empty"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Plugins::loadPlugins() dirPath 不能为空"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:105
- #, c-format
- msgid "Can't read plugin directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法读取插件目录 \"%s\": %s"
- #: libdnf/plugin/plugin.cpp:114
- #, c-format
- msgid "Can't load plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法加载插件 \"%s\": %s"
- #: libdnf/repo/DependencySplitter.cpp:50
- msgid ""
-@@ -887,6 +912,8 @@ msgid ""
- "deprecated and the support will be dropped in future versions. Use '=' "
- "operator instead."
- msgstr ""
-+"在 reldeps 中使用 '==' 操作符可能导致一个未定义的行为。这个操作符已被废弃,并"
-+"且在未来的版本中会取消对它的支持。请使用 '=' 操作符代替。"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:321
- #, c-format
-@@ -899,25 +926,25 @@ msgid "Repository '%s' has unsupported type: 'type=%s', skipping."
- msgstr "仓库 '%s' 有不被支持的类型: 'type=%s', 忽略。"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:489 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:610 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:641
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1382
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1400
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'basecachedir' is not set"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo '%s': 'basecachedir' 没有设置"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:512
- msgid ""
--"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of"
--" minrate or throttle"
-+"Maximum download speed is lower than minimum. Please change configuration of "
-+"minrate or throttle"
- msgstr "最大下载速度低于最小值。请修改 minrate 或 throttle 的配置"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:546
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo '%s': 'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo '%s': 'proxy_username' 已被设置,但没有设置 'proxy_password'"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:548
- msgid "'proxy_username' is set but not 'proxy_password'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "'proxy_username' 已被设置,但没有设置 'proxy_password'"
- #: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:629
- #, c-format
-@@ -934,125 +961,131 @@ msgstr "%s: gpgme_data_new_from_fd(): %s"
- msgid "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_op_import(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:713 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:779 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:907
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:709 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1236
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1279
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
-+msgstr "无法创建 repo 临时目录 \"%s\": %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:717 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:783 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:917
- #, c-format
- msgid "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
- msgstr "%s: gpgme_ctx_set_engine_info(): %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:740 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:804
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:744 libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:808
- #, c-format
- msgid "can not list keys: %s"
- msgstr "不能列出 key: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:833
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:837
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to retrieve GPG key for repo '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "为仓库 '%s' 获取 GPG 密钥失败 : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:886
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:890
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
- msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s 已被导入"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:914
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:904 libdnf/utils/filesystem.cpp:79
-+#, c-format
-+msgid "Failed to create directory \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+msgstr "无法创建目录 \"%s\": %d - %s"
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:924
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "repo %s: 已导入密钥 0x%s。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1162
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1176
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no metalink."
- msgstr "恢复中: 仓库 '%s' 已被跳过,无 metalink。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1181
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1195
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: repo '%s' skipped, no usable hash."
- msgstr "恢复中: 仓库 '%s' 已被跳过,无可用 hash。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1204
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1218
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched %s sum."
- msgstr "恢复: '%s' 失败,不匹配的 %s sum。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1210
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1224
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - metalink checksums match."
- msgstr "恢复中: '%s' 可以被恢复 - metalink 校验和匹配。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1235
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1253
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: '%s' can be revived - repomd matches."
- msgstr "恢复: '%s' 可用被恢复 - repomd 匹配。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1237
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
- #, c-format
- msgid "reviving: failed for '%s', mismatched repomd."
- msgstr "恢复: '%s' 失败,不匹配的 repomd。"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1255
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1273
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create repo destination directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "无法创建仓库目标目录 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1261
--#, c-format
--msgid "Cannot create repo temporary directory \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "无法创建 repo 临时目录 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1275
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1293
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create directory \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "无法创建目录 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1298
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1316
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s"
- msgstr "无法把目录 \"%s\" 重命名为 \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1321
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1339
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: using cache for: %s"
- msgstr "仓库: 正在为 %s 使用缓存"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1333
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1351
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cache-only enabled but no cache for '%s'"
- msgstr "仅使用缓存已开启但没有 '%s' 的缓存"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1337
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1355
- #, c-format
- msgid "repo: downloading from remote: %s"
- msgstr "repo: 从远程下载: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1344
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1362
- #, c-format
- msgid "Failed to download metadata for repo '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "为仓库 '%s' 下载元数据失败 : %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1370
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1388
- msgid "getCachedir(): Computation of SHA256 failed"
- msgstr "getCachedir(): 计算 SHA256 失败"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1398
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1416
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot create persistdir \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法创建 persistdir \"%s\": %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1775
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1793
- msgid "resume cannot be used simultaneously with the byterangestart param"
- msgstr "resume 不能和 the byterangestart 参数同时使用"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1792
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1810
- #, c-format
- msgid "PackageTarget initialization failed: %s"
- msgstr "PackageTarget 初始失败: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1898
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1916
- #, c-format
- msgid "Cannot open %s: %s"
- msgstr "无法打开 %s: %s"
--#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1942
-+#: libdnf/repo/Repo.cpp:1960
- #, c-format
- msgid "Log handler with id %ld doesn't exist"
- msgstr "id 为 %ld 的日志处理器不存在"
-@@ -1081,7 +1114,7 @@ msgstr "试图在已完成的事务中更新事务"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:76
- msgid "Database Corrupted: no row 'version' in table 'config'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "数据库损坏:表 'config' 中没有 'version' 行"
- #: libdnf/transaction/Transformer.cpp:681
- msgid "Transformer: can't open history persist dir"
-@@ -1104,8 +1137,8 @@ msgstr "TransactionItem 状态没有设置:%s"
- msgid "Can't add console output to unsaved transaction"
- msgstr "无法向未保存的事务中添加控制台输出"
-+#~ msgid "Failed to parse module artifact NEVRA '%s'"
-+#~ msgstr "无法解析模块工件 NEVRA '%s'"
- #~ msgid "Bad id for repo: %s, byte = %s %d"
- #~ msgstr "repo 的 id 无效: %s, byte = %s %d"
--#~ msgid "failed calculating RPMDB checksum"
--#~ msgstr "无法计算 RPMDB checksum"
diff --git a/SPECS/libdnf.spec b/SPECS/libdnf.spec
index dbb0e58..7b34472 100644
--- a/SPECS/libdnf.spec
+++ b/SPECS/libdnf.spec
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-%global libsolv_version 0.7.20
+%global libsolv_version 0.7.21
 %global libmodulemd_version 2.13.0
 %global librepo_version 1.13.1
 %global dnf_conflict 4.10.0-4
 %global swig_version 3.0.12
 %global libdnf_major_version 0
-%global libdnf_minor_version 65
+%global libdnf_minor_version 67
 %global libdnf_micro_version 0
 %define __cmake_in_source_build 1
@@ -56,14 +56,13 @@
 Name:           libdnf
 Version:        %{libdnf_major_version}.%{libdnf_minor_version}.%{libdnf_micro_version}
-Release:        5%{?dist}
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
 License:        LGPLv2+
 URL:            https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf
 Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Patch1:         0001-Use-rpmdbCookie-from-librpm-remove-hawkey.Sack._rpmd.patch
-Patch2:         0002-Skip-rich-deps-for-autodetection-of-unmet-dependencies-RhBug2033130-2048394.patch
-Patch3:         0003-Update-translations-RhBug-2017349.patch
+Patch1:         0001-advisory-upgrade-filter-out-advPkgs-with-different-a.patch
+Patch2:         0002-Add-obsoletes-to-filtering-for-advisory-candidates.patch
 BuildRequires:  cmake
 BuildRequires:  gcc
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ BuildRequires:  valgrind
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) >= 2.46.0
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gtk-doc)
-BuildRequires:  rpm-devel >= 4.11.0
+BuildRequires:  rpm-devel >= 4.15.0
 %if %{with rhsm}
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(librhsm) >= 0.0.3
@@ -307,11 +306,18 @@ popd
-* Mon Mar 21 2022 Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com> - 0.65.0-5
-- Update translations
-* Fri Mar 11 2022 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 0.65.0-4
-- Skip rich deps for autodetection of unmet dependencies (RhBug:2048394)
+* Thu Jul 21 2022 Lukas Hrazky <lhrazky@redhat.com> - 0.67.0-2
+- Add obsoletes to filtering for advisory candidates
+- advisory upgrade: filter out advPkgs with different arch
+* Thu Apr 28 2022 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 0.67.0-1
+- Fix handling transaction id in resolveTransactionItemReason (RhBug:2010259,2053014)
+- Remove deprecated assertions (RhBug:2027383)
+- Skip rich deps for autodetection of unmet dependencies (RhBug:2033130, 2048394)
+- Increase required rpm version since we use `rpmdbCookie()`
+- Add 'loongarch' support
+- Use dnf solv userdata to check versions and checksum (RhBug:2027445)
+- context: Substitute all repository config options (RhBug:2076853)
 * Mon Feb 07 2022 Pavla Kratochvilova <pkratoch@redhat.com> - 0.65.0-3
 - Use `rpmdbCookie` from librpm, remove `hawkey.Sack._rpmdb_version`