diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823fed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.libblockdev.metadata b/.libblockdev.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68871ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.libblockdev.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+849d4ab5a9b78b568c8928337691a1052bd6ab57 SOURCES/libblockdev-2.19.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-swap-error-codes.patch b/SOURCES/0001-swap-error-codes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f52aa37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-swap-error-codes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+From 3f9f1fa90a087186dcc96060537543d2685616d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018 16:06:42 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Use libblkid to check swap status before swapon
+libblkid probe is more reliable than our custom check.
+ configure.ac            |   2 +-
+ src/plugins/Makefile.am |   4 +-
+ src/plugins/swap.c      | 149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 3 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 6285a48..7ac5089 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ AS_IF([test "x$with_fs" != "xno"],
+               AC_SUBST([PARTED_FS_CFLAGS], [])])],
+       [])
+-AS_IF([test "x$with_fs" != "xno" -o "x$with_crypto" != "xno"],
++AS_IF([test "x$with_fs" != "xno" -o "x$with_crypto" != "xno" -o "x$with_swap" != "xno"],
+       [LIBBLOCKDEV_PKG_CHECK_MODULES([BLKID], [blkid >= 2.23.0])
+       # older versions of libblkid don't support BLKID_SUBLKS_BADCSUM so let's just
+       # define it as 0 (neutral value for bit combinations of flags)
+diff --git a/src/plugins/Makefile.am b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+index e7b4bf0..6219a40 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
+@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ libbd_nvdimm_la_SOURCES = nvdimm.c nvdimm.h check_deps.c check_deps.h
+ endif
+-libbd_swap_la_CFLAGS = $(GLIB_CFLAGS) -Wall -Wextra -Werror
+-libbd_swap_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) ${builddir}/../utils/libbd_utils.la
++libbd_swap_la_CFLAGS = $(GLIB_CFLAGS) $(BLKID_CFLAGS) -Wall -Wextra -Werror
++libbd_swap_la_LIBADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(BLKID_LIBS) ${builddir}/../utils/libbd_utils.la
+ libbd_swap_la_LDFLAGS = -L${srcdir}/../utils/ -version-info 2:0:0 -Wl,--no-undefined
+ libbd_swap_la_CPPFLAGS = -I${builddir}/../../include/
+ libbd_swap_la_SOURCES = swap.c swap.h check_deps.c check_deps.h
+diff --git a/src/plugins/swap.c b/src/plugins/swap.c
+index bc52637..bfe653f 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/swap.c
++++ b/src/plugins/swap.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/swap.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#include <blkid.h>
+ #include <blockdev/utils.h>
+ #include "swap.h"
+@@ -179,13 +181,14 @@ gboolean bd_swap_mkswap (const gchar *device, const gchar *label, const BDExtraA
+  */
+ gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
+-    GIOChannel *dev_file = NULL;
+-    GIOStatus io_status = G_IO_STATUS_ERROR;
+-    GError *tmp_error = NULL;
+-    gsize num_read = 0;
+-    gchar dev_status[11];
+-    dev_status[10] = '\0';
+-    gint page_size;
++    blkid_probe probe = NULL;
++    gint fd = 0;
++    gint status = 0;
++    guint n_try = 0;
++    const gchar *value = NULL;
++    gint64 status_len = 0;
++    gint64 swap_pagesize = 0;
++    gint64 sys_pagesize = 0;
+     gint flags = 0;
+     gint ret = 0;
+     guint64 progress_id = 0;
+@@ -198,53 +201,143 @@ gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
+     bd_utils_report_progress (progress_id, 0, "Analysing the swap device");
+     /* check the device if it is an activatable swap */
+-    dev_file = g_io_channel_new_file (device, "r", error);
+-    if (!dev_file) {
+-        /* error is already populated */
++    probe = blkid_new_probe ();
++    if (!probe) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Failed to create a new probe");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         return FALSE;
+     }
+-    page_size = getpagesize ();
+-    page_size = MAX (2048, page_size);
+-    io_status = g_io_channel_seek_position (dev_file, page_size - 10, G_SEEK_SET, &tmp_error);
+-    if (io_status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) {
++    fd = open (device, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
++    if (fd == -1) {
+         g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
+-                     "Failed to determine device's state: %s", tmp_error->message);
+-        g_clear_error (&tmp_error);
+-        g_io_channel_shutdown (dev_file, FALSE, &tmp_error);
++                     "Failed to open the device '%s'", device);
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
+         return FALSE;
+     }
+-    io_status = g_io_channel_read_chars (dev_file, dev_status, 10, &num_read, &tmp_error);
+-    if ((io_status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) || (num_read != 10)) {
++    /* we may need to try mutliple times with some delays in case the device is
++       busy at the very moment */
++    for (n_try=5, status=-1; (status != 0) && (n_try > 0); n_try--) {
++        status = blkid_probe_set_device (probe, fd, 0, 0);
++        if (status != 0)
++            g_usleep (100 * 1000); /* microseconds */
++    }
++    if (status != 0) {
+         g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
+-                     "Failed to determine device's state: %s", tmp_error->message);
+-        g_clear_error (&tmp_error);
+-        g_io_channel_shutdown (dev_file, FALSE, &tmp_error);
+-        g_clear_error (&tmp_error);
++                     "Failed to create a probe for the device '%s'", device);
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
+         return FALSE;
+     }
+-    g_io_channel_shutdown (dev_file, FALSE, &tmp_error);
+-    g_clear_error (&tmp_error);
++    blkid_probe_enable_superblocks (probe, 1);
++    blkid_probe_set_superblocks_flags (probe, BLKID_SUBLKS_TYPE | BLKID_SUBLKS_MAGIC);
+-    if (g_str_has_prefix (dev_status, "SWAP-SPACE")) {
++    /* we may need to try mutliple times with some delays in case the device is
++       busy at the very moment */
++    for (n_try=5, status=-1; !(status == 0 || status == 1) && (n_try > 0); n_try--) {
++        status = blkid_do_safeprobe (probe);
++        if (status < 0)
++            g_usleep (100 * 1000); /* microseconds */
++    }
++    if (status < 0) {
++        /* -1 or -2 = error during probing*/
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Failed to probe the device '%s'", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    } else if (status == 1) {
++        /* 1 = nothing detected */
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "No superblock detected on the device '%s'", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "TYPE", &value, NULL);
++    if (status != 0) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Failed to get format type for the device '%s'", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    if (g_strcmp0 (value, "swap") != 0) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Device '%s' is not formatted as swap", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "SBMAGIC", &value, NULL);
++    if (status != 0) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Failed to get swap status on the device '%s'", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAP-SPACE") == 0) {
+         g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
+                      "Old swap format, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
+         return FALSE;
+-    } else if (g_str_has_prefix (dev_status, "S1SUSPEND") || g_str_has_prefix (dev_status, "S2SUSPEND")) {
++    } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "S1SUSPEND") == 0 || g_strcmp0 (value, "S2SUSPEND") == 0) {
+         g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
+                      "Suspended system on the swap device, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
+         return FALSE;
+-    } else if (!g_str_has_prefix (dev_status, "SWAPSPACE2")) {
++    } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAPSPACE2") != 0) {
+         g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
+                      "Unknown swap space format, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    status_len = (gint64) strlen (value);
++    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "SBMAGIC_OFFSET", &value, NULL);
++    if (status != 0 || !value) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Failed to get swap status on the device '%s'", device);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
++        blkid_free_probe (probe);
++        close (fd);
++        return FALSE;
++    }
++    swap_pagesize = status_len + g_ascii_strtoll (value, (char **)NULL, 10);
++    blkid_free_probe (probe);
++    close (fd);
++    sys_pagesize = getpagesize ();
++    if (swap_pagesize != sys_pagesize) {
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++                     "Swap format pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") and system pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") don't match",
++                     swap_pagesize, sys_pagesize);
++        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         return FALSE;
+     }
+From f6508829e7cac138e4961a1c3ef6170d6f67bfd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 08:07:55 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add error codes and Python exceptions for swapon fails
+We need to be able to tell why swapon failed so our users can
+decide what to do.
+ src/lib/plugin_apis/swap.api        |  4 ++++
+ src/plugins/swap.c                  | 10 +++++-----
+ src/plugins/swap.h                  |  4 ++++
+ src/python/gi/overrides/BlockDev.py | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
+ tests/swap_test.py                  | 13 +++++++++++++
+ 5 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/lib/plugin_apis/swap.api b/src/lib/plugin_apis/swap.api
+index d0906fe..3fcc0e5 100644
+--- a/src/lib/plugin_apis/swap.api
++++ b/src/lib/plugin_apis/swap.api
+@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ typedef enum {
+ } BDSwapError;
+ typedef enum {
+diff --git a/src/plugins/swap.c b/src/plugins/swap.c
+index bfe653f..28db6f3 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/swap.c
++++ b/src/plugins/swap.c
+@@ -292,21 +292,21 @@ gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
+     }
+     if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAP-SPACE") == 0) {
+-        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_OLD,
+                      "Old swap format, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         blkid_free_probe (probe);
+         close (fd);
+         return FALSE;
+     } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "S1SUSPEND") == 0 || g_strcmp0 (value, "S2SUSPEND") == 0) {
+-        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_SUSPEND,
+                      "Suspended system on the swap device, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         blkid_free_probe (probe);
+         close (fd);
+         return FALSE;
+     } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAPSPACE2") != 0) {
+-        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_UNKNOWN,
+                      "Unknown swap space format, cannot activate.");
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         blkid_free_probe (probe);
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
+     status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "SBMAGIC_OFFSET", &value, NULL);
+     if (status != 0 || !value) {
+-        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_PAGESIZE,
+                      "Failed to get swap status on the device '%s'", device);
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+         blkid_free_probe (probe);
+@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
+     sys_pagesize = getpagesize ();
+     if (swap_pagesize != sys_pagesize) {
+-        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
++        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_PAGESIZE,
+                      "Swap format pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") and system pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") don't match",
+                      swap_pagesize, sys_pagesize);
+         bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
+diff --git a/src/plugins/swap.h b/src/plugins/swap.h
+index a01c873..9947bad 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/swap.h
++++ b/src/plugins/swap.h
+@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ typedef enum {
+ } BDSwapError;
+ typedef enum {
+diff --git a/src/python/gi/overrides/BlockDev.py b/src/python/gi/overrides/BlockDev.py
+index c2ef2f4..e608887 100644
+--- a/src/python/gi/overrides/BlockDev.py
++++ b/src/python/gi/overrides/BlockDev.py
+@@ -1031,7 +1031,17 @@ __all__.append("MpathError")
+ class SwapError(BlockDevError):
+     pass
++class SwapActivateError(SwapError):
++    pass
++class SwapOldError(SwapActivateError):
++    pass
++class SwapSuspendError(SwapActivateError):
++    pass
++class SwapUnknownError(SwapActivateError):
++    pass
++class SwapPagesizeError(SwapActivateError):
++    pass
++__all__.extend(("SwapError", "SwapActivateError", "SwapOldError", "SwapSuspendError", "SwapUnknownError", "SwapPagesizeError"))
+ class KbdError(BlockDevError):
+     pass
+@@ -1070,6 +1080,11 @@ __all__.append("BlockDevNotImplementedError")
+ not_implemented_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, re.compile(r".*The function '.*' called, but not implemented!"), None, BlockDevNotImplementedError)
+ fs_nofs_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 3, FSNoFSError)
++swap_activate_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 1, SwapActivateError)
++swap_old_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 3, SwapOldError)
++swap_suspend_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 4, SwapSuspendError)
++swap_unknown_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 5, SwapUnknownError)
++swap_pagesize_rule = XRule(GLib.Error, None, 6, SwapPagesizeError)
+ btrfs = ErrorProxy("btrfs", BlockDev, [(GLib.Error, BtrfsError)], [not_implemented_rule])
+ __all__.append("btrfs")
+@@ -1092,7 +1107,7 @@ __all__.append("md")
+ mpath = ErrorProxy("mpath", BlockDev, [(GLib.Error, MpathError)], [not_implemented_rule])
+ __all__.append("mpath")
+-swap = ErrorProxy("swap", BlockDev, [(GLib.Error, SwapError)], [not_implemented_rule])
++swap = ErrorProxy("swap", BlockDev, [(GLib.Error, SwapError)], [not_implemented_rule, swap_activate_rule, swap_old_rule, swap_suspend_rule, swap_unknown_rule, swap_pagesize_rule])
+ __all__.append("swap")
+ kbd = ErrorProxy("kbd", BlockDev, [(GLib.Error, KbdError)], [not_implemented_rule])
+diff --git a/tests/swap_test.py b/tests/swap_test.py
+index 05d0c19..395fdf5 100644
+--- a/tests/swap_test.py
++++ b/tests/swap_test.py
+@@ -97,6 +97,19 @@ class SwapTestCase(SwapTest):
+         _ret, out, _err = run_command("blkid -ovalue -sLABEL -p %s" % self.loop_dev)
+         self.assertEqual(out, "BlockDevSwap")
++    def test_swapon_pagesize(self):
++        """Verify that activating swap with different pagesize fails"""
++        # create swap with 64k pagesize
++        ret, out, err = run_command("mkswap --pagesize 65536 %s" % self.loop_dev)
++        if ret != 0:
++            self.fail("Failed to prepare swap for pagesize test: %s %s" % (out, err))
++        # activation should fail because swap has different pagesize
++        with self.assertRaises(BlockDev.SwapPagesizeError):
++            BlockDev.swap.swapon(self.loop_dev)
+ class SwapUnloadTest(SwapTest):
+     def setUp(self):
+         # make sure the library is initialized with all plugins loaded for other
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-major-minor-macros.patch b/SOURCES/0002-major-minor-macros.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c582a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-major-minor-macros.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+From f5585f5839b51e734d28059f8a6b6d92ce036d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:36:49 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Use major/minor macros from sys/sysmacros.h instead of
+ linux/kdev_t.h
+The macros from linux/kdev_t.h don't work for devices with
+minor > 255.
+Resolves: rhbz#1644825
+ src/plugins/mpath.c | 14 +++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/plugins/mpath.c b/src/plugins/mpath.c
+index 4fb75849..639c00b9 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/mpath.c
++++ b/src/plugins/mpath.c
+@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
+  */
+ #include <glib.h>
+-/* provides MAJOR, MINOR macros */
+-#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
++/* provides major and minor macros */
++#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+ #include <libdevmapper.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <blockdev/utils.h>
+@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ static gboolean map_is_multipath (const gchar *map_name, GError **error) {
+ static gchar** get_map_deps (const gchar *map_name, guint64 *n_deps, GError **error) {
+     struct dm_task *task;
+     struct dm_deps *deps;
+-    guint64 major = 0;
+-    guint64 minor = 0;
++    guint64 dev_major = 0;
++    guint64 dev_minor = 0;
+     guint64 i = 0;
+     gchar **dep_devs = NULL;
+     gchar *major_minor = NULL;
+@@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ static gchar** get_map_deps (const gchar *map_name, guint64 *n_deps, GError **er
+     dep_devs = g_new0 (gchar*, deps->count + 1);
+     for (i = 0; i < deps->count; i++) {
+-        major = (guint64) MAJOR(deps->device[i]);
+-        minor = (guint64) MINOR(deps->device[i]);
+-        major_minor = g_strdup_printf ("%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT":%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT, major, minor);
++        dev_major = (guint64) major (deps->device[i]);
++        dev_minor = (guint64) minor (deps->device[i]);
++        major_minor = g_strdup_printf ("%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT":%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT, dev_major, dev_minor);
+         dep_devs[i] = get_device_name (major_minor, error);
+         if (*error) {
+             g_prefix_error (error, "Failed to resolve '%s' to device name",
diff --git a/SPECS/libblockdev.spec b/SPECS/libblockdev.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876fe12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/libblockdev.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,1972 @@
+%define with_python2 1
+%define with_python3 1
+%define with_gtk_doc 1
+%define with_bcache 1
+%define with_btrfs 1
+%define with_crypto 1
+%define with_dm 1
+%define with_loop 1
+%define with_lvm 1
+%define with_lvm_dbus 1
+%define with_mdraid 1
+%define with_mpath 1
+%define with_swap 1
+%define with_kbd 1
+%define with_part 1
+%define with_fs 1
+%define with_nvdimm 1
+%define with_vdo 1
+%define with_gi 1
+%define with_escrow 1
+%define with_dmraid 0
+# python2 is not available on RHEL > 7 and not needed on Fedora > 29
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora} > 29 || %{with_python2} == 0
+%define with_python2 0
+%define python2_copts --without-python2
+# python3 is not available on older RHEL
+%if (! 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7) || %{with_python3} == 0
+%define with_python3 0
+%define python3_copts  --without-python3
+# bcache is not available on RHEL
+%if (0%{?rhel}) || %{with_bcache} == 0
+%define with_bcache 0
+%define bcache_copts --without-bcache
+# lvm_dbus is not available on older RHEL
+%if (! 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7) || %{with_lvm_dbus} == 0
+%define with_lvm_dbus 0
+%define lvm_dbus_copts --without-lvm-dbus
+# vdo is not available on Fedora
+%if (0%{?fedora}) || %{with_vdo} == 0
+%define with_vdo 0
+%define vdo_copts --without-vdo
+# vdo is available only on x86_64, aarch64, s390x and ppc64le
+%ifnarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le
+%define with_vdo 0
+%define vdo_copts --without-vdo
+# btrfs is not available on RHEL > 7
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || %{with_btrfs} == 0
+%define with_btrfs 0
+%define btrfs_copts --without-btrfs
+%if %{with_btrfs} != 1
+%define btrfs_copts --without-btrfs
+%if %{with_crypto} != 1
+%define crypto_copts --without-crypto
+%if %{with_escrow} != 1
+%define crypto_copts --without-escrow
+%if %{with_dm} != 1
+%define dm_copts --without-dm
+%if %{with_dmraid} != 1
+%define dm_copts --without-dmraid
+%if %{with_loop} != 1
+%define loop_copts --without-loop
+%if %{with_lvm} != 1
+%define lvm_copts --without-lvm
+%if %{with_lvm_dbus} != 1
+%define lvm_dbus_copts --without-lvm_dbus
+%if %{with_mdraid} != 1
+%define mdraid_copts --without-mdraid
+%if %{with_mpath} != 1
+%define mpath_copts --without-mpath
+%if %{with_swap} != 1
+%define swap_copts --without-swap
+%if %{with_kbd} != 1
+%define kbd_copts --without-kbd
+%if %{with_part} != 1
+%define part_copts --without-part
+%if %{with_fs} != 1
+%define fs_copts --without-fs
+%if %{with_nvdimm} != 1
+%define nvdimm_copts --without-nvdimm
+%if %{with_vdo} != 1
+%define vdo_copts --without-vdo
+%if %{with_gi} != 1
+%define gi_copts --disable-introspection
+%define configure_opts %{?python2_copts} %{?python3_copts} %{?bcache_copts} %{?lvm_dbus_copts} %{?btrfs_copts} %{?crypto_copts} %{?dm_copts} %{?loop_copts} %{?lvm_copts} %{?lvm_dbus_copts} %{?mdraid_copts} %{?mpath_copts} %{?swap_copts} %{?kbd_copts} %{?part_copts} %{?fs_copts} %{?nvdimm_copts} %{?vdo_copts} %{?gi_copts}
+Name:        libblockdev
+Version:     2.19
+Release:     7%{?dist}
+Summary:     A library for low-level manipulation with block devices
+License:     LGPLv2+
+URL:         https://github.com/storaged-project/libblockdev
+Source0:     https://github.com/storaged-project/libblockdev/releases/download/%{version}-%{release}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Patch0:      0001-swap-error-codes.patch
+Patch1:      0002-major-minor-macros.patch
+BuildRequires: glib2-devel
+%if %{with_gi}
+BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
+%if %{with_python2}
+BuildRequires: python2-devel
+%if %{with_python3}
+BuildRequires: python3-devel
+%if %{with_gtk_doc}
+BuildRequires: gtk-doc
+BuildRequires: glib2-doc
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+# Needed for the escrow tests in tests/crypto_test.py, but not used to build
+# BuildRequires: volume_key
+# BuildRequires: nss-tools
+# Needed for python 2 vs. 3 compatibility in the tests, but not used to build
+# BuildRequires: python2-six
+# BuildRequires: python3-six
+The libblockdev is a C library with GObject introspection support that can be
+used for doing low-level operations with block devices like setting up LVM,
+BTRFS, LUKS or MD RAID. The library uses plugins (LVM, BTRFS,...) and serves as
+a thin wrapper around its plugins' functionality. All the plugins, however, can
+be used as standalone libraries. One of the core principles of libblockdev is
+that it is stateless from the storage configuration's perspective (e.g. it has
+no information about VGs when creating an LV).
+%package devel
+Summary:     Development files for libblockdev
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev library.
+%if %{with_python2}
+%package -n python2-blockdev
+Summary:     Python2 gobject-introspection bindings for libblockdev
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if 0%{?fedora} <= 26 || 0%{?rhel} <= 7
+Requires: pygobject3-base
+Requires: python2-gobject-base
+%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-blockdev}
+%description -n python2-blockdev
+This package contains enhancements to the gobject-introspection bindings for
+libblockdev in Python2.
+%if %{with_python3}
+%package -n python3-blockdev
+Summary:     Python3 gobject-introspection bindings for libblockdev
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: python3-gobject-base
+%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-blockdev}
+%description -n python3-blockdev
+This package contains enhancements to the gobject-introspection bindings for
+libblockdev in Python3.
+%package utils
+BuildRequires: kmod-devel
+Summary:     A library with utility functions for the libblockdev library
+%description utils
+The libblockdev-utils is a library providing utility functions used by the
+libblockdev library and its plugins.
+%package utils-devel
+Summary:     Development files for libblockdev-utils
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description utils-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-utils library.
+%if %{with_btrfs}
+%package btrfs
+BuildRequires: libbytesize-devel
+Summary:     The BTRFS plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: btrfs-progs
+%description btrfs
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the BTRFS-related functionality.
+%package btrfs-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-btrfs plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-btrfs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description btrfs-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-btrfs plugin/library.
+%if %{with_crypto}
+%package crypto
+BuildRequires: cryptsetup-devel
+BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
+%if %{with_escrow}
+BuildRequires: volume_key-devel >= 0.3.9-7
+BuildRequires: nss-devel
+Summary:     The crypto plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description crypto
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to encrypted devices (LUKS).
+%package crypto-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-crypto plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-crypto%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description crypto-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-crypto plugin/library.
+%if %{with_dm}
+%package dm
+BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
+%if %{with_dmraid}
+BuildRequires: dmraid-devel
+BuildRequires: systemd-devel
+Summary:     The Device Mapper plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: device-mapper
+%if %{with_dmraid}
+Requires: dmraid
+%description dm
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to Device Mapper.
+%package dm-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-dm plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-dm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+Requires: device-mapper-devel
+Requires: systemd-devel
+%if %{with_dmraid}
+Requires: dmraid-devel
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description dm-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-dm plugin/library.
+%if %{with_fs}
+%package fs
+BuildRequires: parted-devel
+BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
+BuildRequires: libmount-devel
+Summary:     The FS plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: device-mapper-multipath
+%description fs
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to operations with file systems.
+%package fs-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-fs plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-fs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+Requires: xfsprogs
+Requires: dosfstools
+%description fs-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-fs plugin/library.
+%if %{with_kbd}
+%package kbd
+BuildRequires: libbytesize-devel
+Summary:     The KBD plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_bcache}
+Requires: bcache-tools >= 1.0.8
+%description kbd
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to kernel block devices (namely zRAM and
+%package kbd-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-kbd plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-kbd%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description kbd-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-kbd plugin/library.
+%if %{with_loop}
+%package loop
+Summary:     The loop plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description loop
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to loop devices.
+%package loop-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-loop plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-loop%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description loop-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-loop plugin/library.
+%if %{with_lvm}
+%package lvm
+BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
+Summary:     The LVM plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: lvm2
+# for thin_metadata_size
+Requires: device-mapper-persistent-data
+%description lvm
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the LVM-related functionality.
+%package lvm-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-lvm plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-lvm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description lvm-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-lvm plugin/library.
+%if %{with_lvm_dbus}
+%package lvm-dbus
+BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
+Summary:     The LVM plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: lvm2-dbusd >= 2.02.156
+# for thin_metadata_size
+Requires: device-mapper-persistent-data
+%description lvm-dbus
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the LVM-related functionality utilizing the LVM DBus API.
+%package lvm-dbus-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-lvm-dbus plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-lvm-dbus%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description lvm-dbus-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-lvm-dbus plugin/library.
+%if %{with_mdraid}
+%package mdraid
+BuildRequires: libbytesize-devel
+Summary:     The MD RAID plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: mdadm
+%description mdraid
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to MD RAID.
+%package mdraid-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-mdraid plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-mdraid%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description mdraid-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-mdraid plugin/library.
+%if %{with_mpath}
+%package mpath
+BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
+Summary:     The multipath plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: device-mapper-multipath
+%description mpath
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to multipath devices.
+%package mpath-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-mpath plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-mpath%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description mpath-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-mpath plugin/library.
+%if %{with_nvdimm}
+%package nvdimm
+BuildRequires: ndctl-devel
+BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
+Summary:     The NVDIMM plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: ndctl
+%description nvdimm
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to operations with NVDIMM devices.
+%package nvdimm-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-nvdimm plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-nvdimm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description nvdimm-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-nvdimm plugin/library.
+%if %{with_part}
+%package part
+BuildRequires: parted-devel
+Summary:     The partitioning plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: device-mapper-multipath
+Requires: gdisk
+Requires: util-linux
+%description part
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to partitioning.
+%package part-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-part plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-part%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description part-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-part plugin/library.
+%if %{with_swap}
+%package swap
+BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
+Summary:     The swap plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: util-linux
+%description swap
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to swap devices.
+%package swap-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-swap plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-swap%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description swap-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-swap plugin/library.
+%if %{with_vdo}
+%package vdo
+BuildRequires: libbytesize-devel
+BuildRequires: libyaml-devel
+Summary:     The vdo plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: vdo
+Requires: kmod-kvdo
+%description vdo
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to VDO devices.
+%package vdo-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-vdo plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-vdo%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description vdo-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-vdo plugin/library.
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+%package s390
+Summary:    The s390 plugin for the libblockdev library
+Requires: s390utils
+Requires: %{name}-utils%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description s390
+The libblockdev library plugin (and in the same time a standalone library)
+providing the functionality related to s390 devices.
+%package s390-devel
+Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-s390 plugin/library
+Requires: %{name}-s390%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: glib2-devel
+%description s390-devel
+This package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development
+with the libblockdev-s390 plugin/library.
+%package plugins-all
+Summary:     Meta-package that pulls all the libblockdev plugins as dependencies
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_btrfs}
+Requires: %{name}-btrfs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_crypto}
+Requires: %{name}-crypto%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_dm}
+Requires: %{name}-dm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_fs}
+Requires: %{name}-fs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_kbd}
+Requires: %{name}-kbd%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_loop}
+Requires: %{name}-loop%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_lvm}
+Requires: %{name}-lvm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_mdraid}
+Requires: %{name}-mdraid%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_mpath}
+Requires: %{name}-mpath%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_nvdimm}
+Requires: %{name}-nvdimm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_part}
+Requires: %{name}-part%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_swap}
+Requires: %{name}-swap%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%if %{with_vdo}
+Requires: %{name}-vdo%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+Requires: %{name}-s390%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugins-all
+A meta-package that pulls all the libblockdev plugins as dependencies.
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+autoreconf -ivf
+%configure %{?configure_opts}
+%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
+find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets utils
+%if %{with_btrfs}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets btrfs
+%if %{with_crypto}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets crypto
+%if %{with_dm}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets dm
+%if %{with_fs}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets fs
+%if %{with_loop}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets loop
+%if %{with_lvm}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets lvm
+%if %{with_lvm_dbus}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets lvm-dbus
+%if %{with_mdraid}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets mdraid
+%if %{with_mpath}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets mpath
+%if %{with_nvdimm}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets nvdimm
+%if %{with_part}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets part
+%if %{with_swap}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets swap
+%if %{with_vdo}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets vdo
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+%ldconfig_scriptlets s390
+%if %{with_kbd}
+%ldconfig_scriptlets kbd
+%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
+%license LICENSE
+%if %{with_gi}
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/libblockdev
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/libblockdev/conf.d
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/libblockdev/conf.d/00-default.cfg
+%files devel
+%doc features.rst specs.rst
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_gtk_doc}
+%if %{with_gi}
+%if %{with_python2}
+%files -n python2-blockdev
+%if %{with_python3}
+%files -n python3-blockdev
+%files utils
+%files utils-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_btrfs}
+%files btrfs
+%files btrfs-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_crypto}
+%files crypto
+%files crypto-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_dm}
+%files dm
+%files dm-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_fs}
+%files fs
+%files fs-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev/fs
+%if %{with_kbd}
+%files kbd
+%files kbd-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_loop}
+%files loop
+%files loop-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_lvm}
+%files lvm
+%files lvm-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_lvm_dbus}
+%files lvm-dbus
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/libblockdev/conf.d/10-lvm-dbus.cfg
+%files lvm-dbus-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_mdraid}
+%files mdraid
+%files mdraid-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_mpath}
+%files mpath
+%files mpath-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_nvdimm}
+%files nvdimm
+%files nvdimm-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_part}
+%files part
+%files part-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_swap}
+%files swap
+%files swap-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%if %{with_vdo}
+%files vdo
+%files vdo-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+%files s390
+%files s390-devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/blockdev
+%files plugins-all
+* Mon Jan 07 2019 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-7
+- Use major/minor macros from sys/sysmacros.h instead of linux/kdev_t.h (vtrefny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1644825
+* Tue Oct 16 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-6
+- Fix 'Require exact version of the utils subpackage' (vtrefny)
+  Related: rhbz#1614328
+* Tue Oct 16 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-5
+- Require exact version of the utils subpackage (vtrefny)
+  Related: rhbz#1614328
+* Mon Oct 08 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-4
+- Use libblkid to check swap status before swapon (vtrefny)
+  Related: rhbz#1634016
+- Add error codes and Python exceptions for swapon fails (vtrefny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1634016
+* Mon Aug 13 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-3
+- Build VDO plugin on all architectures with VDO support (vtrefny)
+  Related: rhbz#1614328
+* Mon Aug 13 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-2
+- Do not require 'dmraid' package (vtrefny)
+  Related: rhbz#1589861
+* Fri Aug 10 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.19-1
+- Use python interpreter explicitly when running boilerplate_generator.py (vtrefny)
+- vdo: Implement bd_vdo_get_stats() (tbzatek)
+- Add test for is_tech_available with multiple dependencies (vtrefny)
+- lvm-dbus.c: Check for 'lvmdbus' dependency in 'bd_lvm_is_tech_avail' (vtrefny)
+- lvm.c: Check for 'lvm' dependency in 'bd_lvm_is_tech_avail' (vtrefny)
+- Fix licence headers in sources (vtrefny)
+- Fix three memory leaks in lvm-dbus.c (vtrefny)
+- Ignore "bad-super-call" pylint warning in BlockDev.py (vtrefny)
+- Fix running pylint in tests (vtrefny)
+- Fix vdo configuration options definition in spec file (vtrefny)
+- Fix calling BlockDev.reinit in swap tests (vtrefny)
+- Fix how we check zram stats from /sys/block/zram0/mm_stat (vtrefny)
+- Skip VDO tests also when the 'kvdo' module is not available (vtrefny)
+- Add version to tests that should be skipped on CentOS/RHEL 7 (vtrefny)
+- Skip btrfs tests if btrfs module is not available (vtrefny)
+- Do not build KBD plugin with bcache support on RHEL (vtrefny)
+- Do not build btrfs plugin on newer RHEL (vtrefny)
+- fs: Properly close both ends of the pipe (tbzatek)
+- Make sure library_test works after fixing -Wstrict-prototypes (vtrefny)
+- Make sure library tests properly clean after themselves (vtrefny)
+- pkg-config: add -L${libdir} and -I${includedir} (max.kellermann)
+- plugins/kbd: make wait_for_file() static (max.kellermann)
+- plugins/lvm{,-dbus}: get_lv_type_from_flags() returns const string (max.kellermann)
+- plugins/dm: add explicit cast to work around -Wdiscarded-qualifiers (max.kellermann)
+- plugins/crypto: work around -Wdiscarded-qualifiers (max.kellermann)
+- plugins/check_deps: make all strings and `UtilDep` instances `const` (max.kellermann)
+- exec: make `msg` parameters const (max.kellermann)
+- fix -Wstrict-prototypes (max.kellermann)
+- module.c: Accept kernel modules if they are built-in (marco.guerri.dev)
+- BlockDev.py Convert dictionary keys to set before using them (vtrefny)
+- Skip 'test_cache_pool_create_remove' on CentOS 7 (vtrefny)
+- Re-order libbd_crypto_la_LIBADD to fix libtool issue (tom)
+- acinclude.m4: Use AS_EXIT to fail in LIBBLOCKDEV_FAILURES (vtrefny)
+- configure.ac: Fix missing parenthesis in blkid version check (vtrefny)
+- Allow specifying extra options for PBKDF when creating LUKS2 (vtrefny)
+- Reintroduce python2 support for Fedora 29 (vtrefny)
+- Use versioned command for Python 2 (vtrefny)
+- Fix few wrong names in doc strings (vtrefny)
+- Make sure all our free and copy functions work with NULL (vtrefny)
+- Use libblkid in bd_crypto_is_luks (vtrefny)
+- vdo: Properly destroy the yaml parser (tbzatek)
+- Add a simple test case for bd_crypto_tc_open (vtrefny)
+- Add Python override for bd_crypto_tc_open_full (vtrefny)
+- Show simple summary after configure (vtrefny)
+- Do not build VDO plugin on non-x86_64 architectures (vtrefny)
+- Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)
+* Thu Jun 28 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.17-3
+- Build kbd plugin withou bcache support
+* Fri Jun 22 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.17-2
+- Do not build btrs plugin on RHEL 8
+* Tue Apr 24 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.17-1
+- Redirect cryptsetup log to libblockdev log (vtrefny)
+- Add a generic logging function for libblockdev (vtrefny)
+- Add functions to resize LUKS 2 (vtrefny)
+- Add function to get information about LUKS 2 integrity devices (vtrefny)
+- Add function to get information about a LUKS device (vtrefny)
+- Add a basic test for creating LUKS 2 format (vtrefny)
+- Use libblockdev function to create LUKS 2 in tests (vtrefny)
+- Add support for creating LUKS 2 format (vtrefny)
+- Skip bcache tests on Rawhide (vtrefny)
+- Allow building libblockdev without Python 2 support (vtrefny)
+- Allow compiling libblockdev crypto plugin without escrow support (vtrefny)
+- Require at least libndctl 58.4 (vtrefny)
+- New function for luks metadata size (japokorn)
+- Add functions to backup and restore LUKS header (vtrefny)
+- Add function for killing keyslot on a LUKS device (vtrefny)
+- Add functions to suspend and resume a LUKS device (vtrefny)
+- Use '=' instead of '==' to compare using 'test' (v.podzimek)
+- lvm-dbus: Check returned job object for error (vtrefny)
+- Get sector size for non-block NVDIMM namespaces too (vtrefny)
+- Fix memory leaks discovered by clang (vtrefny)
+- Add new functions to docs/libblockdev-sections.txt (segfault)
+- Make a link point to the relevant section (segfault)
+- Don't use VeraCrypt PIM if compiled against libcryptsetup < 2.0 (segfault)
+- Make keyfiles parameter to bd_crypto_tc_open_full zero terminated (segfault)
+- Add function bd_crypto_device_seems_encrypted (segfault)
+- Support VeraCrypt PIM (segfault)
+- Support TCRYPT system volumes (segfault)
+- Support TCRYPT hidden containers (segfault)
+- Support TCRYPT keyfiles (segfault)
+- Support unlocking VeraCrypt volumes (segfault)
+- Enforce ZERO_INIT gcc backwards compatibility (bjornpagen)
+- Add function for getting NVDIMM namespace name from devname or path (vtrefny)
+- Add --without-xyz to DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS for disabled plugins (vtrefny)
+- Add tests for the NVDIMM plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add the NVDIMM plugin (vtrefny)
+- Fix build with clang (bjornpagen)
+- s390: don't hardcode paths, search PATH (flokli)
+- Fix build against musl libc (bjornpagen)
+- Fix python2-gobject-base dependency on Fedora 26 and older (vtrefny)
+- Sync the spec file with downstream (vtrefny)
+* Wed Apr 11 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.16-3
+- Add the NVDIMM plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add tests for the NVDIMM plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add --without-xyz to DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS for disabled plugins (vtrefny)
+- Add function for getting NVDIMM namespace name from devname or path (vtrefny)
+* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.16-2
+- Escape macros in %%changelog
+* Thu Feb 08 2018 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.16-1
+- Add tests for progress report (jtulak)
+- Add e2fsck progress (jtulak)
+- Add progress reporting infrastructure for Ext fsck (jtulak)
+- Add a function to test if prog. reporting was initialized (jtulak)
+- Add support for LUKS 2 opening and key management (vtrefny)
+- Fix few more links for project and documentation website (vtrefny)
+- Sync the spec file with downstream (vpodzime)
+- Check if 'journalctl' is available before trying to use it in tests (vtrefny)
+- Update 'Testing libblockdev' section in documentation (vtrefny)
+- Fix link to online documentation (vtrefny)
+- Fix how the new kernel module functions are added to docs (vpodzime)
+* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.15-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Feb 07 2018 Iryna Shcherbina <ishcherb@redhat.com> - 2.15-3
+- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
+  (See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
+* Sat Feb 03 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.15-2
+- Switch to %%ldconfig_scriptlets
+* Fri Dec 01 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.15-1
+- Do not use the 'btrfs' plugin in overrides tests (vpodzime)
+- Do not use the btrfs plugin in library tests (vpodzime)
+- Check for btrfs module availability in btrfs module (vtrefny)
+- Move kernel modules (un)loading and checking into utils (vtrefny)
+- Free locale struct in kbd plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add test for setting partition flags on GPT (vtrefny)
+- Use only sgdisk to set flags on GPT (vtrefny)
+- Move the fs.h file to its original place (vpodzime)
+- Add a HACKING.rst file (vpodzime)
+- Mark bcache tests as unstable (vpodzime)
+- Fix memory leaks in bd_fs_vfat_get_info() (vpodzime)
+- Revert the behaviour of bd_fs_check_deps() (vpodzime)
+- Split the bd_fs_is_tech_avail() implementation (vpodzime)
+- Split the FS plugin source into multiple files (vpodzime)
+- Fix bd_s390_dasd_format (vponcova)
+- Mark unstable tests as such (vpodzime)
+- bd_s390_dasd_is_ldl should be true only for LDL DADSs (vponcova)
+- Do not lie about tag creation (vpodzime)
+* Wed Nov 08 2017 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> - 2.14-2
+- Rebuild for cryptsetup-2.0.0
+* Tue Oct 31 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.14-1
+- Support the legacy boot GPT flag (intrigeri)
+- Respect the version in the blockdev.pc file (vpodzime)
+- Add pkgconfig definitions for the utils library (vpodzime)
+- fs.c: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (vtrefny)
+- dm.c: Fix uninitialized values in various dm plugin functions (vtrefny)
+- dm.c: Check return values of dm_task_set_name/run/get_info functions (vtrefny)
+- fs.c: Fix multiple "forward NULL" warnings in 'bd_fs_ntfs_get_info' (vtrefny)
+- lvm-dbus.c: Fix multiple "use after free" coverity warnings (vtrefny)
+- Fix duplicate 'const' in generated functions (vtrefny)
+- Add some test cases for NTFS (kailueke)
+- Add function wrappers for NTFS tools (kailueke)
+- exec.c: Fix error message in 'bd_utils_exec_and_report_progress' (vtrefny)
+- crypto.c: Fix waiting for enough entropy (vtrefny)
+- Ignore some coverity false positive errors (vtrefny)
+- exec.c: Ignore errors from 'g_io_channel_shutdown' (vtrefny)
+- part.c: Check if we've found a place to put new logical partitions (vtrefny)
+- kbd.c: Fix potential string overflow in 'bd_kbd_bcache_create' (vtrefny)
+- exec.c: Fix resource leaks in 'bd_utils_exec_and_report_progress' (vtrefny)
+- fs.c: Fix "forward null" in 'do_mount' and 'bd_fs_xfs_get_info' (vtrefny)
+- part.c: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference (vtrefny)
+- crypto.c: Use right key buffer in 'bd_crypto_luks_add_key' (vtrefny)
+- exec.c: Fix "use after free" in 'bd_utils_check_util_version' (vtrefny)
+- kbd.c: Fix double free in 'bd_kbd_zram_get_stats' (vtrefny)
+- part.c: Check if file discriptor is >= 0 before closing it (vtrefny)
+- mdraid.c: Fix resource leaks (vtrefny)
+- lvm.c: Fix "use after free" in 'bd_lvm_get_thpool_meta_size' (vtrefny)
+- fs.c: Fix for loop condition in 'bd_fs_get_fstype' (vtrefny)
+- fs.c: Check sscanf return value in 'bd_fs_vfat_get_info' (vtrefny)
+- fs.c: Fix resource leaks in 'bd_fs_get_fstype' (vtrefny)
+- blockdev.c.in: Fix unused variables (vtrefny)
+- Use libbytesize to parse bcache block size (vtrefny)
+- Use system values in KbdTestBcacheStatusTest (vtrefny)
+- Fix BSSize memory leaks in btrfs and mdraid plugins (vtrefny)
+- Skip btrfs subvolume tests with btrfs-progs 4.13.2 (vtrefny)
+- Added function to get DM device subsystem (japokorn)
+- Sync spec with downstream (vpodzime)
+* Fri Sep 29 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.13-1
+- Fix the rpmlog and shortlog targets (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for enabling/disabling plugins' init checks (vpodzime)
+- Assign functions to tech-mode categories (vpodzime)
+- Add missing items to particular sections in the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Add a basic test for the runtime dependency checking (vpodzime)
+- Simplify what WITH_BD_BCACHE changes in the KBD plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for querying available technologies (vpodzime)
+- Dynamically check for the required utilities (vpodzime)
+- Use shorter prefix for tempfiles (vtrefny)
+- Try harder when waiting for lio device to show up (vtrefny)
+- Better handle old and new zram sysfs api in tests (vtrefny)
+- Skip btrfs tests on CentOS 7 aarch64 (vtrefny)
+- Add new function for setting swap label (vtrefny)
+- Use only one git tag for new releases (vtrefny)
+- Fix source URL in spec file (vtrefny)
+- Add NEWS.rst file (vtrefny)
+- Do not include s390utils/vtoc.h in s390 plugin (vtrefny)
+- Use "AC_CANONICAL_BUILD" to check architecture instead of "uname" (vtrefny)
+- Bypass error proxy in s390 test (vtrefny)
+- Fix zFCP LUN max length (vtrefny)
+- Do not run g_clear_error after setting it (vtrefny)
+- Allow compiling libblockdev without s390 plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add a function for getting plugin name (vpodzime)
+* Thu Sep 28 2017 Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com> - 2.12-3
+- Cleanup spec file conditionals correctly
+* Wed Sep 27 2017 Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com> - 2.12-2
+- Cleanup spec file conditionals
+* Wed Aug 30 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.12-1
+- Own directories /etc/libblockdev and /etc/libblockdev/conf.d (vtrefny)
+- Wait for resized partition (kailueke)
+- Make sure the device is opened for libparted (vpodzime)
+- Fix label check in swap_test (vtrefny)
+- Use "run_tests" script for running tests from Makefile (vtrefny)
+- Add a script for running tests (vtrefny)
+- Tests: Move library initialization to setUpClass method (vtrefny)
+- Stop skipping FAT resize tests on rawhide (vtrefny)
+- Close filesystem before closing the partition during FAT resize (vtrefny)
+- Use mountpoint for "xfs_info" calls (vtrefny)
+- Use libmount cache when parsing /proc/mounts (vtrefny)
+- Add some space for the CI status (vpodzime)
+- Confirm the force when creating PVs in FS tests (vpodzime)
+- Skip vgremove tests on 32bit Debian (vtrefny)
+- Fix names of backing files in tests (vtrefny)
+-  Fix checking for available locales (vtrefny)
+- Skip dependency checking in mpath tests on Debian (vtrefny)
+- Skip zRAM tests on Debian (vtrefny)
+- Skip the test for device escrow on Debian too (vtrefny)
+- Skip free region tests on Debian too (vtrefny)
+- Fix redirecting command output to /dev/null in tests (vtrefny)
+- Try harder to unmount devices in test cleanup (vtrefny)
+- Require only plugins that are needed for given test (vtrefny)
+- Try to get distribution info from "PrettyName" if "CPEName" isn't available (vtrefny)
+- Use -ff when creating PVs in FS tests (vpodzime)
+- Sync spec with downstream (vpodzime)
+* Mon Jul 31 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.11-1
+- Make the KbdZRAMDevicesTestCase inherit from KbdZRAMTestCase (vpodzime)
+- Allow non-source directory builds (kailueke)
+- Add a way to disable runtime dependency checks (vpodzime)
+- Link to GObject even if no plugin is activated (kailueke)
+- Skip zram tests on Rawhide (vpodzime)
+- Keep most utilities available for tests (vpodzime)
+- Use new libmount function to get (un)mount error message (vtrefny)
+- Update the documentation URL (vpodzime)
+* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.10-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 05 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.10-1
+- Only enable partition size tolerance with alignment (vpodzime)
+- Limit the requested partition size to maximum possible (vpodzime)
+- Do not verify vfat FS' size after generic resize (vpodzime)
+- Specify tolerance for partition size (kailueke)
+- Only use the exact constraint if not using any other (vpodzime)
+- Check resulting FS size in tests for generic FS resize (vpodzime)
+- Query setting FS label support and generic relabeling (kailueke)
+- Do not strictly require all FS utilities (vpodzime)
+- Compile everything with the C99 standard (vpodzime)
+- Add partition resize function (kailueke)
+- Generic Check and Repair Functions (kailueke)
+- Query functions for FS resize and repair support (kailueke)
+- Update the project/source URL in the spec file (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for opening/closing TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt volumes (vpodzime)
+- Adapt to a change in behaviour in new libmount (vpodzime)
+- Try RO mount also if we get EACCES (vpodzime)
+- Size in bytes for xfs_resize_device (kailueke)
+- src/plugins/Makefile.am: Remove hard coded include path in /usr prefix (tristan.vanberkom)
+- Fixed include for libvolume_key.h (tristan.vanberkom)
+- Ignore parted warnings if possible (squimrel)
+- bcache tests: Remove FEELINGLUCKY checks (tasleson)
+- kbd.c: Code review corrections (tasleson)
+- kbd.c: Make bd_kbd_bcache_create work without abort (tasleson)
+* Tue Jun 13 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.9-1
+- Fix hardcoded reference to gcc (timo.gurr)
+- Catch and ignore partial failures in LVM tests' cleanups (vpodzime)
+- Fix hardcoded reference to pkg-config (timo.gurr)
+- Make GObject introspection optional (vpodzime)
+- Do not link libraries required by plugins to the GI files (vpodzime)
+- Make sure the whole build status image is shown (vpodzime)
+- Show CI status in README (at the GH repo's front page) (vpodzime)
+- Always require the libudev pkg (tgurr)
+- Make sure we give kernel time to fully setup zram device(s) (vpodzime)
+- fs_test.py: Close FDs when calling utilities (tasleson)
+- crypto.c: Correct segmentation fault (tasleson)
+* Tue Jun 06 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.8-1
+- Temporarily skip vfat generic resize test on rawhide (vtrefny)
+- Use "safeprobe" in "bd_fs_wipe" (vtrefny)
+- Add a generic filesystem resize function (vtrefny)
+- Add a function to get mountpoint for a device (vtrefny)
+- Add a function to get filesystem type for a device (vtrefny)
+- Only include the LVM DBus config when shipping LVM DBus (vpodzime)
+- Skip the LVM DBus vgreduce tests on Rawhide (vpodzime)
+- Do not build the lvm-dbus plugin on RHEL/CentOS (vpodzime)
+- Give zRAM more time to settle before trying to remove a device (vpodzime)
+- Put zram tests adding/removing devices into a separate class (vpodzime)
+- Skip LVM cache and RAID tests on Rawhide (vpodzime)
+- Fix the skip_on decorator factory for tests (vpodzime)
+- Use 'blkid -p' instead of lsblk to get device's FS type (vpodzime)
+- Improve the lvm_set_global_config test (vpodzime)
+- Pass '-y' to pvresize (vpodzime)
+- Create a copy of os.environ for a child process (vpodzime)
+- Revert "Use the "C.UTF-8" locale instead of just "C"" (vpodzime)
+- Fix how we create vfat FS in tests (vpodzime)
+- Skip the test if requiring unavailable locales (vpodzime)
+- Use the "C.UTF-8" locale instead of just "C" (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for working with ext2 and ext3 filesystems (vtrefny)
+- Link to gobject when lvm or btrfs is enabled (andreas)
+- Link to libm where needed (andreas)
+- Add a function for cleaning a device (vtrefny)
+- Add few code exaples to documentation (vtrefny)
+- Use a special exception for no fs signature when doing wipe (vpodzime)
+- One more incompatible os.symlink() call (vpodzime)
+- Do not use pass-by-name in the os.symlink() call (vpodzime)
+- Ignore previous errors when falling back to using ioctl() (vpodzime)
+- Use ioctl() call to teardown loop devices (vpodzime)
+- Resolve the device to remove for mdadm (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for getting device symlinks (vpodzime)
+- Use the new resolve_device() function where appropriate (vpodzime)
+- Add the resolve_device() function to the utils library (vpodzime)
+- First try to read the 'autoclear' flag from /sys/ (vpodzime)
+* Wed Apr 26 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.7-1
+- Skip btrfs min size tests on Fedora 25 (vtrefny)
+- Make sure the loop device doesn't disappear during tests (vpodzime)
+- Close the loop device when autoclear is (un)set (vpodzime)
+- Do not enforce Python 3 for running tests in CI (vpodzime)
+- Revert "Use different BTRFS_MIN_MEMBER_SIZE on aarch64" (vtrefny)
+- Use both 'old' and 'new' sysfs files to read zRAM stats (vtrefny)
+- Check if libparted-fs-resize pkgconfig is available (vpodzime)
+- Do not try to get name for inactive partitions (vtrefny)
+- Skip tests for getting free regions on CentOS/RHEL (vpodzime)
+- Free the container holding the specs of free regions (vpodzime)
+- Open loop devices as O_RDONLY when getting flags (vpodzime)
+- Resolve maximum partition size when we know its start (vpodzime)
+- Use --id instead of --part-type when setting partition id (vpodzime)
+- Fix mdadm command for removing failed device from an array (vtrefny)
+- Skip bcache tests on CentOS/RHEL 7 (vpodzime)
+- Use six.assertRaisesRegex in the FS tests (vpodzime)
+- Use mkdtemp() instead of TemporaryDirectory() (vpodzime)
+- Fix installation without specifying --exec-prefix (vpodzime)
+- Add options to force mkfs.ext4/vfat to create a FS on the whole device (vpodzime)
+- Skip the test for device escrow on CentOS/RHEL (vpodzime)
+- Define DEVNULL on our own if not in subprocess (vpodzime)
+- Remove the patches from the spec file (vpodzime)
+- Sync the spec file with downstream (vpodzime)
+- Stop skipping zRAM stats tests (vtrefny)
+- Add more tests for zRAM stats (vtrefny)
+- Fix reading zRAM properties from sysfs (vtrefny)
+* Wed Apr 12 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.6-3
+- Do not try to parse 'raid_spec' for 'bd_md_activate' (vtrefny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1439111
+* Tue Apr 11 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.6-2
+- Make sure the returned thpool MD size is valid (vpodzime)
+* Wed Mar 15 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.6-1
+- Move the  part_err library before part and fs (vtrefny)
+- Fix BuildRequires for crypto and dm packages (vtrefny)
+- Fix mounting read-only devices (vtrefny)
+- Fix the bd_s390_dasd_is_ldl function. (vponcova)
+- Add the bd_s390_dasd_is_fba function to check if DASD is FBA (vponcova)
+- Disable MD RAID tests on 32bit systems (vpodzime)
+- Fix error message when mounting with a wrong fs type (vtrefny)
+- Only create RPMs for requested/configured  plugins (vpodzime)
+- Only check dependencies of plugins to be built (vpodzime)
+- Only build and distribute plugins if configured so (vpodzime)
+- Fix format-security and unused-result compiler warnings (vtrefny)
+- Add an AC macro for modular builds (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for mounting and unmounting filesystems (vtrefny)
+* Mon Mar 06 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.5-1
+- Do not try to get GVariant after not adding anything to its builder (vpodzime)
+- Replace NULL with "" when building ExtraArg (vpodzime)
+- Replace NULL with "" when adding it as a 's' GVariant (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we don't try to add NULL as GVariant to DBus params (vpodzime)
+- Add function for getting recommended thpool metadata size (vpodzime)
+- Make udev settle after we create a LIO device (vpodzime)
+- Always use '--yes' for lvremove (vpodzime)
+* Tue Feb 21 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.4-1
+- Update specs.rst to use present-tense and current API (agrover)
+- Add functions using BLOBs as LUKS passphrases (vpodzime)
+- Make sure the _error_quark() functions are in the library (vtrefny)
+- Return a special error when trying to wipe empty device (vtrefny)
+- Adapt tests to use LIO devices instead of loop devices (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for creating and deleting LIO devices (vpodzime)
+- MDRAID: Allow path as input for functions that work with sysfs (vtrefny)
+* Wed Feb 15 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.3-3
+- Rebuild with changelog fixed up
+* Tue Feb 14 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.3-1
+- Allow specifying raid 'name' in multiple way when calling md functions (vtrefny)
+- Allow using both path and raid name in bd_md_set_bitmap_location (vtrefny)
+- Fix potential memory issues in s390 sanitizate functions (vpodzime)
+- Try multiple times when probing device for wiping (vpodzime)
+- Check for libvolume_key.h and dmraid.h in configure.ac (vpodzime)
+- Define our own macro for testing required header files (vpodzime)
+- Include blockdev/utils.h in mdraid.h (vtrefny)
+- Fix misspelling (agrover)
+- Skip the bcache tests even on x86_64 (vpodzime)
+- Take a break between bcache creation tests (vpodzime)
+- Make sure ./configure fails if there are some soft failures (vpodzime)
+- Improve the error message on missing GI support (vpodzime)
+- Only require bcache-tools if supporting bcache (vpodzime)
+- Skip bcache tests on non-x86_64 architectures (vpodzime)
+- Try harder to register a new bcache device (vpodzime)
+- Reimplement swapon/swapoff functions by using syscalls (vpodzime)
+- Make sure bcache functions are correctly provided or not (vpodzime)
+- Changelog fixup (vpodzime)
+* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.2-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jan 11 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.2-2
+- Rebuild with changelog fixed up
+* Wed Jan 11 2017 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.2-1
+- Use the .in file as source when bumping version (vpodzime)
+- Run pylint based on the python version and make it optional (vpodzime)
+- Disable python3 and bcache on RHEL (vpodzime)
+- Make bcache support optional (vpodzime)
+- Teach boileplate_generator.py to skip things based on patterns (vpodzime)
+- Require lower versions of some utilities (vpodzime)
+- Do not require python3 for the boilerplate generation script (vpodzime)
+- Use a proper initialization value for 'GPollFD fds[2]' (vpodzime)
+- Deal with older parted and libblkid (vpodzime)
+- Make python3 and gtk-doc optional (vpodzime)
+- Bump the version of the utils library (vpodzime)
+- Fix docstring for 'bd_md_node_from_name' (vtrefny)
+- Add tests for added mdraid methods (vtrefny)
+- Skip 'MDTestNominateDenominateActive' unless feeling lucky (vtrefny)
+- MDRaid tests: change 'wait_for_resync' to wait for given action (vtrefny)
+- Add functionality need by storaged to mdraid plugin (vtrefny)
+- Move 'echo_str_to_file' method to utils (vtrefny)
+- Add a function to setup a loop device from a file descriptor (vpodzime)
+- Add functions to get/set the autoclear flag on a loop device (vpodzime)
+- Fix checking /proc/mdstat for resync action (vtrefny)
+- Adapt the test config files to version 2.x (vpodzime)
+* Mon Dec 12 2016 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 2.1-3
+- Rebuild for Python 3.6
+* Tue Nov 15 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.1-2
+- Rebuild for a chain-build with storaged (vpodzime)
+* Thu Nov 10 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 2.1-1
+- Do not require an exclusive lock on the device to commit part stuff (vpodzime)
+- Prevent failure if there are no btrfs subvolumes (vpodzime)
+- Fix the test for getting version of a failing utility (vpodzime)
+- Also run the utils tests (vpodzime)
+- Bump the version of the pkgconfig module (vpodzime)
+- Include utils.h in plugins that need it (vpodzime)
+- Fix dependency check in fs plugin (vtrefny)
+- Add support for setting part id (part type) on msdos part tables (vtrefny)
+- Trim the extra info for MD RAID's name (vpodzime)
+- Add xfsprogs and dosfstools as dependencies of the fs plugin (vpodzime)
+- Fix md_name_from_node to work with the "/dev/" prefix (vpodzime)
+- New major upstream release
+* Wed Nov  9 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-8
+- Revert "Prevent issues between libparted and udev" (vpodzime)
+- Revert "Open the device file as RDWR when committing parts" (vpodzime)
+* Thu Oct 27 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-7
+- Open the device file as RDWR when committing parts (vpodzime)
+- Handle mdadm --examine output during migration (adamw)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1381996
+* Mon Oct 24 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-6
+- Prevent issues between libparted and udev (vpodzime)
+* Mon Oct 10 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-5
+- Make sure all object paths are passed and extracted as such (vpodzime)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1374973
+* Tue Oct  4 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-4
+- Do not report volume name for FW RAID container device (vpodzime)
+  Related: rhbz#1379865
+- Search for just "UUID" in mdadm --examine output (vpodzime)
+  Related: rhbz#1379865
+- Use 'mdadm --examine --export' to get MD RAID level (vpodzime)
+  Related: rhbz#1379865
+* Mon Oct  3 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-3
+- Try to search for "RAID Level" in mdadm's output (vpodzime)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1379865
+- Fix the number passed to LVM DBus as a job-creation timeout (vpodzime)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1378970
+* Mon Aug 29 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-2
+- Explicitly cast number constants for GVariants (vpodzime)
+* Wed Jul 27 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.9-1
+- Add functions for creating thin/cache pools from existing LVs (vpodzime)
+- Add the new mpath_get_members() function to the docs (vpodzime)
+* Tue Jul 19 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.8-2
+- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
+* Wed Jun 29 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.8-1
+- Add a function to get all mpath member devices (vpodzime)
+- Fix backport issues in the zfcp-related functionality (#1348442) (vpodzime)
+- Revert "Fix a few const params in the s390 plugin." (vpodzime)
+- Fix creation of the version-only tags (vpodzime)
+* Wed Jun 15 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.7-1
+- Include the LV roles in the LVdata (vpodzime)
+- Add a few missing items to the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Document fields of the structures (vpodzime)
+- Report (meta)data LV name properly for cache pools in lvm-dbus (vpodzime)
+- Add information about related LVs to LVMLVdata (vpodzime)
+- Remove unused code for getting supported functions (vpodzime)
+- Add zFCP functionality to s390 plugin (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix a few const params in the s390 plugin. (sbueno+anaconda)
+* Wed Jun 01 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.6-1
+- Ignore merge commits when creating changelog (vpodzime)
+- Only take the number of the first %%changelog line found (vpodzime)
+- Add some more detailed description to the part plugin (vpodzime)
+- Fix a few extra issues with the const types (vpodzime)
+- Add function for getting best free region (vpodzime)
+- Add function for getting free regions (vpodzime)
+- Fix the error message when setting part flag fails (vpodzime)
+- Add function for setting disk flags (vpodzime)
+- Add function for getting information about disk(s) (vpodzime)
+- Do not set nonsense partition paths (vpodzime)
+- Add function for getting partition by position (vpodzime)
+- Indicate if there was error from parted or not in set_parted_error() (vpodzime)
+- Minor fixes for the bd_part_get_part_spec() function (vpodzime)
+- Add support for extra GPT flags (vpodzime)
+- Add functionality for partition types (GUIDs) (vpodzime)
+- Add functionality for partition names (vpodzime)
+- Do not destroy disk objects we didn't get (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for setting multiple partition flags at once (vpodzime)
+- Remove the unused definition USE_PYTHON3 from configure.ac (vpodzime)
+- Use different BTRFS_MIN_MEMBER_SIZE on aarch64 (vpodzime)
+- Better release memory from parted objects on failures (vpodzime)
+- Rework how we do optimal alignment (vpodzime)
+- Do not try to destroy object we didn't get (vpodzime)
+- Don't pass sizes in bytes to LVM (#1317373) (vpodzime)
+- Add the libbytesize-devel build requires (vpodzime)
+- Search for the LVM DBus service in both active and activatable names (vpodzime)
+- Adapt to another stupid change in btrfs-progs (vpodzime)
+- Add the XFS-related functions to the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for the XFS-related functions (vpodzime)
+- Add support for the XFS file system to the FS plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add chunk_size to BDMDExamineData (vtrefny)
+- Add the subpackage for the FS plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add the FS plugin to the docs (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for the ext4 functionality in the fs plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add the FS plugin and the ext4 support (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for running utility reporting error and exit code (vpodzime)
+- Add the subpackage for the part plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add a missing BuildRequires for parted-devel (vpodzime)
+- Tag as both libblockdev-$version and just $version (vpodzime)
+- Add the 'part' plugin to documentation (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for the newly added part plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add the part plugin with storaged-required functionality (vpodzime)
+* Mon Mar 21 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.5-1
+- Merge pull request #72 from vpodzime/master-faster_tests (vpodzime)
+- Ignore all .bak files (vpodzime)
+- Use python3-pylint and skip Python 2 tests (vpodzime)
+- Try a bit harder when deactivating MD arrays in tests (vpodzime)
+- Recompile only the LVM plugin in tests (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #65 from vpodzime/master-loc_indep_error (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #70 from vojtechtrefny/master-chunk_size (vpodzime)
+- Add bd_md_create_with_chunk_size() function (vtrefny)
+- Merge pull request #68 from vpodzime/master-no_intro_data (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #71 from vpodzime/master-ipython3 (vpodzime)
+- Run coverage with the right config directories (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #67 from phatina/master (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #69 from vpodzime/master-lvm_dbus_autostart (vpodzime)
+- Use ipython3 for debugging and testing sessions (vpodzime)
+- Don't expect to always get introspection data from DBus (vpodzime)
+- Make invocation of tests configurable (phatina)
+- Make error messages locale agnostic (vpodzime)
+* Tue Mar 15 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.4-5
+- Search for the LVM DBus service in activatable names (vpodzime)
+- Better check for the LVM DBus API (vpodzime)
+* Wed Mar  9 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.4-4
+- Do not try to get object path of NULL in vgreduce (vpodzime)
+* Tue Mar  1 2016 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 1.4-3
+- Depend on python3-gobject-base not python3-gobject so as to not pull in X components
+* Thu Feb 25 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.4-2
+- Add/fix the requirement for the LVM DBus daemon
+* Thu Feb 25 2016 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.4-1
+- Merge pull request #62 from vpodzime/master-clean_up (vpodzime)
+- Use addCleanup() instead of tearDown() in tests (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #58 from vpodzime/master-lvm_dbus_pr (vpodzime)
+- Add the VG renaming functionality (vpodzime)
+- Packaging of the lvm-dbus plugin (vpodzime)
+- The LVM DBus plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add more generic functions for logging (vpodzime)
+- Use MAX(a, b) instead of CLAMP(b, a, b) (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #59 from vpodzime/master-vgrename (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for renaming VGs (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #57 from clumens/master (vpodzime)
+- Fix error reporting when running "make test". (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #54 from vojtechtrefny/master-pvsize (vpodzime)
+- Do not try to create a PV with 4KiB metadata space (vpodzime)
+- Add pv_info to BDLVMPVdata (vtrefny)
+- btrfs now requires at least 128MiB device(s) (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #52 from vpodzime/master (vpodzime)
+- Round size in thpoolcreate() to KiB (vpodzime)
+- Sync the %%changelog in spec with downstream (vpodzime)
+* Wed Nov 25 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.3-4
+- Create the cache pool before the to-be-cached LV (vpodzime)
+* Thu Nov 05 2015 Robert Kuska <rkuska@redhat.com> - 1.3-3
+- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
+* Wed Nov 04 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.3-2
+- Fix the annotation of bd_try_init in blockdev.c (vpodzime)
+* Mon Oct 26 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.3-1
+- Add missing python GI requires (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #49 from dashea/libblockdev-python (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #50 from vpodzime/master-fix_striped_lv (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #46 from vpodzime/master-bcache_destroy (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #39 from vpodzime/master-lvm_physical_space (vpodzime)
+- Add a missing ldconfig that rpmlint found. (dshea)
+- Move python files to separate packages (#1256758) (dshea)
+- Fix lvcreate calls for striped LVs (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #48 from vojtechtrefny/master_pvfree (vpodzime)
+- Add pv_free to BDLVMPVdata (vtrefny)
+- Merge pull request #47 from atodorov/add_coverage_report (vpodzime)
+- Produce coverage report in CI (atodorov)
+- Check bcache device's state before trying to detach the cache in destroy() (vpodzime)
+- Fix URLs in the spec (vpodzime)
+- Fix the int-float less-than comparison (vpodzime)
+- Fix the calculation of physical space taken by an LV (vpodzime)
+* Wed Sep 23 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.2-1
+- Merge pull request #40 from vpodzime/master-config_support (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for configuration support (vpodzime)
+- Add a function for getting the loaded soname for a plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add the default configuration (vpodzime)
+- Load and respect configuration files when loading plugins (vpodzime)
+- Add functions for finding and processing configuration files (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #38 from vpodzime/master-md_superblock_size (vpodzime)
+- Better document how MD RAID superblock size should be calculated (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #36 from phatina/master (vpodzime)
+- BTRFS: allow an arbitrary label to be set for a btrfs volume (phatina)
+- Merge pull request #32 from phatina/master (vpodzime)
+- BTRFS: fix parsing empty partition label (phatina)
+- Merge pull request #35 from vpodzime/master (vpodzime)
+- Define env variables for sudo via the env utility (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #34 from dashea/python3-tests (vpodzime)
+- Use unittest.addCleanup to simplify crypto_test. (dshea)
+- Run tests with both python2 and python3 in the ci target. (dshea)
+- Fix python3 issues in the unittests. (dshea)
+- Do not run all tests in the 'ci' target (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #33 from clumens/master (vpodzime)
+- Add a new makefile target that does everything needed for jenkins. (clumens)
+- Synchronize the .spec file with downstream (vpodzime)
+* Fri Jul 24 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.1-2
+- Explicitly specify the type of the cert_data parameter (#1246096) (vpodzime)
+* Fri Jun 19 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.1-1
+- Clean generated boilerplate code on 'make clean' (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #31 from atodorov/use_lang_c (vpodzime)
+- tests: use LANG=C in test_backup_passphrase() (atodorov)
+- Merge pull request #30 from atodorov/makefile_updates (vpodzime)
+- Makefile.am:   - add separate check target   - add coverage targets   - make it possible to test with Python3 (atodorov)
+- Merge pull request #29 from atodorov/fix_issue_28 (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #27 from atodorov/fix_docs_url (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #26 from atodorov/test_docs (vpodzime)
+- Change the modified sources back in tearDown() method as well. Closes #28. (atodorov)
+- update URL to on-line documentation (atodorov)
+- add test documentation (atodorov)
+- Merge pull request #22 from dashea/escrow-tests (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #25 from dashea/python-dep (vpodzime)
+- Filter the python files from automatic rpm requires (dshea)
+- Added tests for escrow packets and backup passphrases (dshea)
+- Free leaked contexts from crypto_init (dshea)
+- Cooperate with volume_key's memory management (dshea)
+- Fix inheritance in the LVM tests to prevent multiple runs of some tests (vpodzime)
+- Make the regexp for testing crypto_generate_backup_passphrase() stricter (vpodzime)
+- Leave room in the backup passphrase for a trailing 0 (dshea)
+- Add functions to get names of data/metadata internal LVs (vpodzime)
+- Allow getting info for an internal LV (vpodzime)
+- Gather information about all LVs (vpodzime)
+- Round requested size to KBs in lvresize() (#1221247) (vpodzime)
+- Add overrides for the ensure_init() function (vpodzime)
+- Change the default value of the 'reload' parameter of try_reinit() (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #21 from vpodzime/master-thpool_size_discard (vpodzime)
+- Add overrides for the lvm_is_valid_thpool_chunk_size() function (vpodzime)
+* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.0-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu May 21 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 1.0-1
+- Adapt the release helper targets to autotools (vpodzime)
+- Fixes of paths in Makefile.am's inspired by build failures on s390 (vpodzime)
+- Add an s390-specific BuildRequires (vpodzime)
+- Distribute also the boilerplate_generator.py script (vpodzime)
+- Fix path to the generated blockdev.pc file (vpodzime)
+- Adapt tests that compile stuff to autotools (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #18 from vpodzime/master-autotools (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #20 from dashea/gtkdoc-sections (vpodzime)
+- Use the autotools building system instead of scons (vpodzime)
+- Add the two new functions to the 'blockdev' docs section (vpodzime)
+- Fix the line defining the docs file for the s390 section (vpodzime)
+- Add a missing #include to the kbd.api file (vpodzime)
+- Prevent s390-specific stuff from being used on other architectures (vpodzime)
+- Update the documentation of the is_initialized() function (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #19 from vpodzime/master-ensure_init (vpodzime)
+- Remove private macros from the gtkdoc sections file. (dshea)
+- Terminate ifdef statements for arch check. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Return early from the init functions if setting up logging fails (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for the new and modified init functions (vpodzime)
+- Add new try_init() and try_reinit() functions (vpodzime)
+- Fix for adding number of loaded plugins (vpodzime)
+- Fix for ensure_init() (vpodzime)
+- Rename the try_init() function to ensure_init() and improve it (vpodzime)
+- Check number of loaded plugins and library initialization state (vpodzime)
+- Make 'reload' default to True instead of False in overrides (vpodzime)
+- Add the s390 plugin test file. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add the s390 plugin functions. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add the s390 plugin. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix a typo in the spec file. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Require the kmod-devel package for the build process (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #16 from dashea/escrow-encoding (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #13 from vpodzime/master-lvm_cache (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #12 from vpodzime/master-kbd_plugin (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #14 from vpodzime/master-better_is_multipath (vpodzime)
+- Use g_strdup() instead of g_strdup_printf() to just dup a string (vpodzime)
+- Fix the spelling of "escrow" (dshea)
+- Make the crypto plugin string parameters const (dshea)
+- Set encoding to NULL before writing the escrow packet. (dshea)
+- Get cache stats directly from the device mapper (vpodzime)
+- Reimplement the is_mpath_member() function using device mapper (vpodzime)
+- Add the LVM cache related symbols to the LVM section in the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Update the list of LVM cache related functions in features.rst (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for functions related to the LVM cache technology (vpodzime)
+- Implement the lvm_cache_stats() function (vpodzime)
+- Implement the lvm_cache_pool_name function (vpodzime)
+- Implement the lvm_cache_create_cached_lv() function (vpodzime)
+- Implement lvm_cache_attach/detach() functions (vpodzime)
+- Implement the lvm_cache_create_pool() function plus two support functions (vpodzime)
+- Implement the lvm_cache_get_default_md_size() function (vpodzime)
+- Add the 'type' parameter to the lvm_lvcreate function (vpodzime)
+- Teach boilerplate_generator to work with enum return types (vpodzime)
+- Teach boilerplate_generator to work with 'const' return types (vpodzime)
+- Add subpackages for the KBD plugin and its devel files (vpodzime)
+- Add provided symbols to the documentation section of the KBD plugin (vpodzime)
+- Implement the bcache_get_backing/cache_device functions (vpodzime)
+- Exclude bcache tests from the normal 'test' target (vpodzime)
+- Add some more and prolong some of the waits in KBD tests (vpodzime)
+- Zero all newly allocated structures (vpodzime)
+- Implement the bcache_status function and all it wants (vpodzime)
+- Fix for the zram stats (vpodzime)
+- Add bcache_get_mode and bcache_set_mode functions (vpodzime)
+- Teach boilerplate_generator to work with enum return types (vpodzime)
+- Teach boilerplate_generator to work with 'const' return types (vpodzime)
+- Add the zram_get_stats function (vpodzime)
+- Add the check() function for the KBD plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add ErrorProxy instance for the KBD plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for bcache_create/attach/detach/destroy functions (vpodzime)
+- Add the 'rebuild' Makefile target (vpodzime)
+- Add bcache_create, bcache_attach, bcache_detach and bcache_destroy functions (vpodzime)
+- Implement a helper function to echo string into a file (vpodzime)
+- Add tests for zram_create_devices and zram_destroy_devices functions (vpodzime)
+- Add the zram_destroy_devices function to the KBD plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add first function to the KBD plugin: zram_create_devices (vpodzime)
+- Add the KernelBlockDevices plugin (vpodzime)
+* Wed May 13 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.13-1
+- Prevent a leaky test from running in Jenkins (vpodzime)
+- Try harder when cleaning up after MD RAID tests (vpodzime)
+- Improve the MD RAID activate/deactivate test (vpodzime)
+- One more @contextmanager that needs try-finally (vpodzime)
+- Do not require metadata version to be reported by 'mdadm --examine' (#1217900) (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we always set things back in context managers (vpodzime)
+- Make the release date for version 1.0 more realistic (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #11 from vpodzime/master (vpodzime)
+- Run utilities with LC_ALL=C (vpodzime) (#1219033)
+- Free GMatchInfo instance even in case of no match (vpodzime)
+- Resolve /dev/md/ symlinks when checking swap status. (dlehman)
+* Fri Apr 24 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.12-1
+- Require minimum version of libblockdev-utils in some plugins (vpodzime)
+- Report both stdout and stderr if exit code != 0 (vpodzime)
+* Fri Apr 17 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.11-1
+- Fix issues with using overriden functions over ErrorProxy (vpodzime)
+- Update the roadmap.rst and features.rst with new stuff (vpodzime)
+- Fix two minor issues with docs generation (vpodzime)
+* Thu Apr 16 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.10-1
+- Fix return type of the unload_plugins() function (vpodzime)
+- Close the DL handle when check() or init() fail (vpodzime)
+- Add one more check to the reload test (vpodzime)
+- Drop reference to check() and init() functions (vpodzime)
+- Add more cats to tests (vpodzime)
+- Make regexp for getting btrfs version more generic (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #8 from vpodzime/master-check_functions (vpodzime)
+- Fix parameters passed to unoverridden swapon function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test swap plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test MD RAID plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test mpath plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Try harder to get util's version (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test loop plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test DM plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test BTRFS plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Implement and test LVM plugin's check function (vpodzime)
+- Init logging before loading plugins (vpodzime)
+- Add function for utility availability checking (vpodzime)
+- Fix default value for the fake_utils' path argument (vpodzime)
+- Add ErrorProxy instance for the utils functions (vpodzime)
+- Add function for version comparison (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #9 from clumens/master (vpodzime)
+- Disable pylint checking on the new exception proxy. (clumens)
+- Fix XRules application and add a test for it (vpodzime)
+- Raise NotImplementedError when an unavailable function is called (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #4 from vpodzime/master-error_proxy (vpodzime)
+- Merge branch 'master' into master-error_proxy (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #5 from vpodzime/master-not_implemented_error (vpodzime)
+- Add a simple test for unloaded/unavailable functions (vpodzime)
+- Unload the plugins properly when reinit() is called (vpodzime)
+- Raise error/exception when an unimplemented function is called (#1201475) (vpodzime)
+- Do an ugly but necessary hack to make local GI overrides work (vpodzime)
+- Add the __dir__ method to ErrorProxy (vpodzime)
+- Add a rationale for the ErrorProxy to the overrides' docstring (vpodzime)
+- Add some basic info about GI overrides to the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Use pylint to check for errors in python overrides (vpodzime)
+- Add the first small test for the ErrorProxy (vpodzime)
+- Put the GI overrides in a special dir so that they are preferred (vpodzime)
+- Add a cache for attributes already resolved by ErrorProxy (vpodzime)
+- Implement the ErrorProxy python class and use it (vpodzime)
+* Tue Apr 07 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.9-1
+- Merge pull request #7 from vpodzime/master-fw_raid_fixes (vpodzime)
+- Try a bit harder when trying to determine MD RAID name (#1207317) (vpodzime)
+- Don't be naïve about mdadm --detail telling us what we want (#1207317) (vpodzime)
+- Ignore libblockdev tarballs (vpodzime)
+- Implement a test of btrfs_list_subvolumes on data from bug report (vpodzime)
+- Implement a context manager for running tests with fake utils (vpodzime)
+- Do not try to cannonicalize MD UUIDs if we didn't get them (#1207317) (vpodzime)
+- Fix the table in roadmap.rst (vpodzime)
+- Enrich the roadmap.rst file and add info about new plans (vpodzime)
+- Sync spec file with downstream (vpodzime)
+* Fri Mar 27 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.8-1
+- Merge pull request #6 from vpodzime/master-sort_btrfs_subvolumes (vpodzime)
+- Don't be naïve about mdadm providing us data we would like (#1206394) (vpodzime)
+- Sort BTRFS subvolumes in a way that child never appears before parent (#1201120) (vpodzime)
+- Let libcryptsetup handle LUKSname->/dev/mapper/LUKSname for us (vpodzime)
+- Fix the crypto_luks_resize and create a test for it (vpodzime)
+- Add targets to create the SRPM and RPM files easily (vpodzime)
+- Don't round up to multiple of PE size bigger than max value of the rtype (vpodzime)
+- Mark majority of MD RAID tests as slow (vpodzime)
+- Merge pull request #1 from dashea/file-paths (vpodzime)
+- Don't report error for no loop device associated with given file (vpodzime)
+- Skip the detail_data.clean check when running tests in Jenkins (vpodzime)
+- Make package file paths more specific (dshea)
+- Implement and use MD RAID-specific wait for tests (vpodzime)
+- Try to give MD RAID time to sync things before querying them (vpodzime)
+- Fix the default value of the BDMDDetailData.clean field (vpodzime)
+- Do cleanup after every single MD RAID tests (vpodzime)
+- Do cleanup after every single LVM test (vpodzime)
+- Do cleanup after every single BTRFS test (vpodzime)
+- Make sure the LUKS device is closed and removed after tests (vpodzime)
+- Make sure DM maps from tests are removed after tests (vpodzime)
+- Make sure that loop devices are deactivated after tests (vpodzime)
+- Make the tearDown method of the mpath test case better visible (vpodzime)
+- Make sure that the swap is deactivated after tests (vpodzime)
+- Fix docstrings in tests' utils helper functions (vpodzime)
+- Improve the logging tests in utils_test.py (vpodzime)
+- Update the features.rst file (vpodzime)
+- Update the roadmap (vpodzime)
+- Don't check if we get a mountpoint for BTRFS operations (vpodzime)
+* Sun Mar 22 2015 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 0.7-2
+- Ship license as per packaging guidelines
+- plugins-all should depend on base library too
+- Add dev docs
+* Fri Feb 27 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.7-1
+- Be ready for mdadm --examine to not provide some of the values we want (vpodzime)
+- Add exit code information to exec logging (vpodzime)
+- Improve and add tests (vpodzime)
+- Mark the test_force_plugin and test_reload as slow (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we get some devices when creating btrfs volume (vpodzime)
+- Add override for the lvremove function (vpodzime)
+- Do not create LUKS format with no passphrase and no key file (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we use the /dev/mapper/... path for luks_status (vpodzime)
+* Thu Feb 19 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.6-1
+- Don't report error when non-existing swap's status is queried (vpodzime)
+- Make libblockdev-plugins-all pull the same version of plugins (vpodzime)
+- Don't report error when asked for a backing file of an uknown loop (vpodzime)
+- Fix accidental change in the spec's changelog (vpodzime)
+* Mon Feb 16 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.5-1
+- Add tests for what we can easily test from the mpath plugin (vpodzime)
+- Add link to sources to the documentation (vpodzime)
+- Add missing symbols into the libblockdev-sections.txt file (vpodzime)
+- Do not build docs for testing (vpodzime)
+- Add the bd_try_init function (vpodzime)
+- Log stdout and stderr output when running processes (vpodzime)
+- Allow a subset of plugins to be load instead of all (vpodzime)
+- Make sure devmapper doesn't spam stdout with tons of messages (vpodzime)
+- Let debug messages go to stderr when running ipython (vpodzime)
+- Give plugins a way to initialize themselves (vpodzime)
+- Give plugins a way how to check if they could run properly (vpodzime)
+- Allow a subset of plugins to be load instead of all [TEST NEEDED] (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we use the whole /dev/mapper path for cryptsetup (vpodzime)
+- Fix vg_pv_count parsing when getting info about PV (vpodzime)
+- Set default values to data structures if real values are not available (vpodzime)
+- Fix the parameter name specifying pool metadata size (vpodzime)
+- Activate LUKS as ReadWrite in luks_open (vpodzime)
+- Make sure we pass key_size to cryptsetup in bytes (vpodzime)
+- Add the min_entropy parameter to luks_format Python overrides (vpodzime)
+- Pass size in KiB instead of B to lvcreate (vpodzime)
+- Add underscore into dataalignment and metadatasize parameter names (vpodzime)
+- Don't report error if non-mpath device is tested for being mpath member (vpodzime)
+- Fix name of the invoked utility in mpath_set_friendly_names (vpodzime)
+* Sat Jan 31 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.4-1
+- Improve the test for lvm_set_global_config (vpodzime)
+- Fix some minor issues in the spec file (vpodzime)
+- Fix issues with the LVM global config str (vpodzime)
+- Add couple more Python overrides (vpodzime)
+- Fix the name of the lvm_thlvpoolname() function in the header file (vpodzime)
+- Use assertEqual instead of assertTrue(a == b) (vpodzime)
+- Add the min_entropy parameter to luks_format (vpodzime)
+- Move internal dmraid-related macros into the source file (vpodzime)
+- Add an override for the md_add function (vpodzime)
+- Fix parameters in luks_open python overrides (vpodzime)
+- Prevent init() from being done multiple times and provide a test function (vpodzime)
+- Add the roadmap.rst document (vpodzime)
+- Remove an extra parenthesis in one of the docstrings (vpodzime)
+- Move the mddetail function next to the mdexamine function (vpodzime)
+- Add some more constants required by blivet (vpodzime)
+* Wed Jan 21 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.3-1
+- Require volume_key-devel in a version that fixes build issues (vpodzime)
+- Fix Python 2 devel package name in BuildRequires (vpodzime)
+- Generate docs for the library and all plugins (vpodzime)
+- Make doc comments better for documentation generation (vpodzime)
+- Fix parameter names in function prototypes (vpodzime)
+- Add the metadatasize parameter to pvcreate (vpodzime)
+- Add the dataalignment parameter to lvm_pvcreate (vpodzime)
+- Export non-internal constants via introspection (vpodzime)
+- Expand size constants in the GI-scanned files (vpodzime)
+- Fix usage printing in the boilerplate_generator (vpodzime)
+- Add the build directory to .gitignore (vpodzime)
+- Add the md_run function (vpodzime)
+- Fix some issues in Python overrides (vpodzime)
+- Add the escrow_device function to the crypto plugin (vpodzime)
+- Fix version of GI files in the Makefile (vpodzime)
+- Make the order of release target's dependencies more explicit (vpodzime)
+* Mon Jan 12 2015 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.2-1
+- Fix dependencies of the release target (vpodzime)
+- Python overrides for the GI-generated bindings (vpodzime)
+- Pass version info to the code and use it to load plugins (vpodzime)
+* Wed Dec 10 2014 Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime@redhat.com> - 0.1-1
+- Initial release