diff --git a/0011-tests-Wait-for-raid-and-mirrored-LVs-to-be-synced-be.patch b/0011-tests-Wait-for-raid-and-mirrored-LVs-to-be-synced-be.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..938a8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0011-tests-Wait-for-raid-and-mirrored-LVs-to-be-synced-be.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+From d0ba031e679d480855bea61060acea597d5ffbbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:14:19 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] tests: Wait for raid and mirrored LVs to be synced before
+ removing
+Resolves: rhbz#2030647
+ tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ tests/lvm_test.py       | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py b/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
+index 5516afe..5ce653e 100644
+--- a/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
++++ b/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
+@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import six
+ import re
+ import shutil
+ import subprocess
++import time
++from contextlib import contextmanager
+ from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ from itertools import chain
+@@ -18,6 +20,21 @@ sb = dbus.SystemBus()
+ lvm_dbus_running = any("lvmdbus" in name for name in chain(sb.list_names(), sb.list_activatable_names()))
++def wait_for_sync(vg_name, lv_name):
++    try:
++        yield
++    finally:
++        time.sleep(2)
++        while True:
++            ret, out, _err = run_command("LC_ALL=C lvs -o copy_percent --noheadings %s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name))
++            if ret != 0:
++                break
++            if int(float(out)) == 100:
++                break
++            time.sleep(1)
+ class LVMTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+     @classmethod
+     def setUpClass(cls):
+@@ -801,9 +818,10 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvremove("testVG", "testLV", True, None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+-        # try to create a mirrored LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+-        self.assertTrue(succ)
++        with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
++            # try to create a mirrored LV
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+         info = BlockDev.lvm_lvinfo("testVG", "testLV")
+@@ -812,9 +830,10 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvremove("testVG", "testLV", True, None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+-        # try to create a raid1 LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+-        self.assertTrue(succ)
++        with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
++            # try to create a raid1 LV
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+         info = BlockDev.lvm_lvinfo("testVG", "testLV")
+diff --git a/tests/lvm_test.py b/tests/lvm_test.py
+index e349817..12b78ca 100644
+--- a/tests/lvm_test.py
++++ b/tests/lvm_test.py
+@@ -7,12 +7,29 @@ import six
+ import re
+ import shutil
+ import subprocess
++import time
++from contextlib import contextmanager
+ from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ from utils import create_sparse_tempfile, create_lio_device, delete_lio_device, fake_utils, fake_path, TestTags, tag_test, run_command, read_file
+ from gi.repository import BlockDev, GLib
++def wait_for_sync(vg_name, lv_name):
++    try:
++        yield
++    finally:
++        time.sleep(2)
++        while True:
++            info = BlockDev.lvm_lvinfo(vg_name, lv_name)
++            if not info:
++                break
++            if info.copy_percent == 100:
++                break
++            time.sleep(1)
+ class LVMTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+     @classmethod
+@@ -737,9 +754,10 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvremove("testVG", "testLV", True, None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+-        # try to create a mirrored LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+-        self.assertTrue(succ)
++        with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
++            # try to create a mirrored LV
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+         info = BlockDev.lvm_lvinfo("testVG", "testLV")
+@@ -748,9 +766,10 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvremove("testVG", "testLV", True, None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+-        # try to create a raid1 LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+-        self.assertTrue(succ)
++        with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
++            # try to create a raid1 LV
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+         info = BlockDev.lvm_lvinfo("testVG", "testLV")
+From 36dbac970bc4a052dbd97f51eb47379036d15b6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 12:27:33 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] tests: Make smaller images for test_lvcreate_type
+We are now waiting for the initial resync for the RAID/mirror LVs
+which means we are trying to overwrite the entire 1 GB image which
+doesn't fit in /tmp on our CI machines.
+ tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py | 16 +++++++++++-----
+ tests/lvm_test.py       | 15 ++++++++++-----
+ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py b/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
+index 5ce653e..723aabb 100644
+--- a/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
++++ b/tests/lvm_dbus_tests.py
+@@ -313,14 +313,17 @@ class LvmNoDevTestCase(LVMTestCase):
+ @unittest.skipUnless(lvm_dbus_running, "LVM DBus not running")
+ class LvmPVonlyTestCase(LVMTestCase):
++    _sparse_size = 1024**3
+     # :TODO:
+     #     * test pvmove (must create two PVs, a VG, a VG and some data in it
+     #       first)
+     #     * some complex test for pvs, vgs, lvs, pvinfo, vginfo and lvinfo
+     def setUp(self):
+         self.addCleanup(self._clean_up)
+-        self.dev_file = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", 1024**3)
+-        self.dev_file2 = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", 1024**3)
++        self.dev_file = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", self._sparse_size)
++        self.dev_file2 = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", self._sparse_size)
+         try:
+             self.loop_dev = create_lio_device(self.dev_file)
+         except RuntimeError as e:
+@@ -795,6 +798,9 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateWithExtra(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+ @unittest.skipUnless(lvm_dbus_running, "LVM DBus not running")
+ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
++    _sparse_size = 200 * 1024**2
+     def test_lvcreate_type(self):
+         """Verify it's possible to create LVs with various types"""
+@@ -808,7 +814,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # try to create a striped LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "striped", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "striped", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+@@ -820,7 +826,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
+             # try to create a mirrored LV
+-            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+             self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+@@ -832,7 +838,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
+             # try to create a raid1 LV
+-            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+             self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+diff --git a/tests/lvm_test.py b/tests/lvm_test.py
+index 12b78ca..97f6c69 100644
+--- a/tests/lvm_test.py
++++ b/tests/lvm_test.py
+@@ -302,14 +302,17 @@ class LvmNoDevTestCase(LVMTestCase):
+             BlockDev.lvm_cache_get_mode_from_str("bla")
+ class LvmPVonlyTestCase(LVMTestCase):
++    _sparse_size = 1024**3
+     # :TODO:
+     #     * test pvmove (must create two PVs, a VG, a VG and some data in it
+     #       first)
+     #     * some complex test for pvs, vgs, lvs, pvinfo, vginfo and lvinfo
+     def setUp(self):
+         self.addCleanup(self._clean_up)
+-        self.dev_file = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", 1024**3)
+-        self.dev_file2 = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", 1024**3)
++        self.dev_file = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", self._sparse_size)
++        self.dev_file2 = create_sparse_tempfile("lvm_test", self._sparse_size)
+         try:
+             self.loop_dev = create_lio_device(self.dev_file)
+         except RuntimeError as e:
+@@ -731,6 +734,8 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateWithExtra(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
++    _sparse_size = 200 * 1024**2
+     def test_lvcreate_type(self):
+         """Verify it's possible to create LVs with various types"""
+@@ -744,7 +749,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # try to create a striped LV
+-        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "striped", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++        succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "striped", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+         self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+@@ -756,7 +761,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
+             # try to create a mirrored LV
+-            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "mirror", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+             self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
+@@ -768,7 +773,7 @@ class LvmTestLVcreateType(LvmPVVGLVTestCase):
+         with wait_for_sync("testVG", "testLV"):
+             # try to create a raid1 LV
+-            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 512 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
++            succ = BlockDev.lvm_lvcreate("testVG", "testLV", 100 * 1024**2, "raid1", [self.loop_dev, self.loop_dev2], None)
+             self.assertTrue(succ)
+         # verify that the LV has the requested segtype
diff --git a/libblockdev.spec b/libblockdev.spec
index b56671a..9dd4ed4 100644
--- a/libblockdev.spec
+++ b/libblockdev.spec
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 Name:        libblockdev
 Version:     2.25
-Release:     10%{?dist}
+Release:     11%{?dist}
 Summary:     A library for low-level manipulation with block devices
 License:     LGPLv2+
 URL:         https://github.com/storaged-project/libblockdev
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ Patch7:      0007-lvm-devices-file-support.patch
 Patch8:      0008-lvm-Fix-reading-statistics-for-VDO-pools-with-VDO-8.patch
 Patch9:      0009-vdo_stats-Default-to-100-savings-for-invalid-savings.patch
 Patch10:     0010-Add-support-for-creating-and-activating-integrity-de.patch
+Patch11:     0011-tests-Wait-for-raid-and-mirrored-LVs-to-be-synced-be.patch
 BuildRequires: make
 BuildRequires: glib2-devel
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ providing the LVM-related functionality.
 %package lvm-devel
 Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-lvm plugin/library
 Requires: %{name}-lvm%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa}
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: glib2-devel
 %description lvm-devel
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ providing the LVM-related functionality utilizing the LVM DBus API.
 %package lvm-dbus-devel
 Summary:     Development files for the libblockdev-lvm-dbus plugin/library
 Requires: %{name}-lvm-dbus%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} >= 1.4
+Requires: %{name}-utils-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: glib2-devel
 %description lvm-dbus-devel
@@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ A meta-package that pulls all the libblockdev plugins as dependencies.
 %patch8 -p1
 %patch9 -p1
 %patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
 autoreconf -ivf
@@ -1006,6 +1008,12 @@ find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
 %files plugins-all
+* Mon Jan 10 2022 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.25-11
+- tests: Wait for raid and mirrored LVs to be synced before removing
+  Resolves: rhbz#2030647
+- spec: Require the same version of utils for lvm-devel and lvm-dbus-devel
+  Resolves: rhbz#2028113
 * Wed Dec 08 2021 Vojtech Trefny <vtrefny@redhat.com> - 2.25-10
 - Fix reading statistics for VDO pools with VDO 8
   Resolves: rhbz#1994220