a2bb9d |
diff -r 0f7c3698a961 java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPConnection.java
a2bb9d |
--- a/mozilla/directory/java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPConnection.java Fri Feb 27 03:58:00 2015 -0500
a2bb9d |
+++ b/mozilla/directory/java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPConnection.java Mon Aug 08 12:01:38 2016 -0400
a2bb9d |
@@ -879,12 +879,14 @@
a2bb9d |
* @param host host name of the LDAP server to which you want to connect.
a2bb9d |
* This value can also be a space-delimited list of hostnames or
a2bb9d |
* hostnames and port numbers (using the syntax
a2bb9d |
- * hostname:portnumber). For example, you can specify
a2bb9d |
- * the following values for the host argument:
a2bb9d |
+ * hostname:portnumber). For IPv6 enclose the address in square brackets.
a2bb9d |
+ * For example, you can specify the following values for the
a2bb9d |
+ * host argument:
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
* myhost
a2bb9d |
* myhost hishost:389 herhost:5000 whathost
a2bb9d |
* myhost:686 myhost:389 hishost:5000 whathost:1024
a2bb9d |
+ * [::1]:389 [2620:52:0:102f:5054:1ff:fe2c:e12d]:636
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
* If multiple servers are specified in the host list, the connection
a2bb9d |
* setup policy specified with the ConnSetupDelay property controls
a2bb9d |
@@ -934,13 +936,32 @@
a2bb9d |
int i = 0;
a2bb9d |
while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
a2bb9d |
String s = st.nextToken();
a2bb9d |
- int colon = s.indexOf( ':' );
a2bb9d |
- if ( colon > 0 ) {
a2bb9d |
- hostList[i] = s.substring( 0, colon );
a2bb9d |
- portList[i] = Integer.parseInt( s.substring( colon+1 ) );
a2bb9d |
+ int colon;
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
+ if ( s.startsWith( "[" ) ) {
a2bb9d |
+ // We have an ipv6 address
a2bb9d |
+ int end = s.indexOf( ']' );
a2bb9d |
+ if ( end == -1 ) {
a2bb9d |
+ throw new LDAPException ( "invalid URL for IPv6 address",
a2bb9d |
+ LDAPException.PARAM_ERROR );
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
+ String remainder = s.substring( end+1 );
a2bb9d |
+ hostList[i] = s.substring( 0, end+1 );
a2bb9d |
+ colon = remainder.indexOf( ':' );
a2bb9d |
+ if ( colon >= 0 ){
a2bb9d |
+ portList[i] = Integer.parseInt( remainder.substring( colon+1 ) );
a2bb9d |
+ } else {
a2bb9d |
+ portList[i] = defaultPort;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
} else {
a2bb9d |
- hostList[i] = s;
a2bb9d |
- portList[i] = defaultPort;
a2bb9d |
+ colon = s.indexOf( ':' );
a2bb9d |
+ if ( colon > 0 ) {
a2bb9d |
+ hostList[i] = s.substring( 0, colon );
a2bb9d |
+ portList[i] = Integer.parseInt( s.substring( colon+1 ) );
a2bb9d |
+ } else {
a2bb9d |
+ hostList[i] = s;
a2bb9d |
+ portList[i] = defaultPort;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
diff -r 0f7c3698a961 java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPUrl.java
a2bb9d |
--- a/mozilla/directory/java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPUrl.java Fri Feb 27 03:58:00 2015 -0500
a2bb9d |
+++ b/mozilla/directory/java-sdk/ldapjdk/netscape/ldap/LDAPUrl.java Mon Aug 08 12:01:38 2016 -0400
a2bb9d |
@@ -135,9 +135,11 @@
a2bb9d |
* (ldaps) is also supported.
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
private void parseUrl(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
a2bb9d |
- StringTokenizer urlParser = new StringTokenizer (url, ":/?", true);
a2bb9d |
+ StringTokenizer urlParser = new StringTokenizer (url, ":/?[]", true);
a2bb9d |
+ StringTokenizer markParser = new StringTokenizer (url, ":/?[]", true);
a2bb9d |
String currentToken;
a2bb9d |
String str = null;
a2bb9d |
+ boolean usingIPv6 = false;
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
try {
a2bb9d |
currentToken = urlParser.nextToken();
a2bb9d |
@@ -160,8 +162,10 @@
a2bb9d |
if (!currentToken.equals("/")) {
a2bb9d |
throw new MalformedURLException ();
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
currentToken = urlParser.nextToken();
a2bb9d |
+ if (currentToken.equals("[")) {
a2bb9d |
+ usingIPv6 = true;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
a2bb9d |
throw new MalformedURLException ();
a2bb9d |
@@ -176,36 +180,48 @@
a2bb9d |
throw new MalformedURLException ("No hostname");
a2bb9d |
} else if (currentToken.equals ("?")) {
a2bb9d |
throw new MalformedURLException ("No host[:port]");
a2bb9d |
+ } else if (usingIPv6){
a2bb9d |
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
a2bb9d |
+ while (urlParser.hasMoreElements()) {
a2bb9d |
+ currentToken = urlParser.nextToken();
a2bb9d |
+ if (currentToken.equals("]")) {
a2bb9d |
+ break;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
+ sb.append(currentToken);
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
+ m_hostName = sb.toString();
a2bb9d |
} else {
a2bb9d |
m_hostName = currentToken;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
+ // Set the port
a2bb9d |
+ if (urlParser.countTokens() == 0) {
a2bb9d |
+ m_portNumber = m_secure ? DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT : LDAPv2.DEFAULT_PORT;
a2bb9d |
+ return;
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
+ currentToken = urlParser.nextToken (); // either ":" or "/"
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
+ if (currentToken.equals (":")) {
a2bb9d |
+ try {
a2bb9d |
+ m_portNumber = Integer.parseInt (urlParser.nextToken());
a2bb9d |
+ } catch (NumberFormatException nf) {
a2bb9d |
+ throw new MalformedURLException ("Port not a number");
a2bb9d |
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
a2bb9d |
+ throw new MalformedURLException ("No port number");
a2bb9d |
+ }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
if (urlParser.countTokens() == 0) {
a2bb9d |
- m_portNumber = m_secure ? DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT : LDAPv2.DEFAULT_PORT;
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
- currentToken = urlParser.nextToken (); // either ":" or "/"
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
- if (currentToken.equals (":")) {
a2bb9d |
- try {
a2bb9d |
- m_portNumber = Integer.parseInt (urlParser.nextToken());
a2bb9d |
- } catch (NumberFormatException nf) {
a2bb9d |
- throw new MalformedURLException ("Port not a number");
a2bb9d |
- } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
a2bb9d |
- throw new MalformedURLException ("No port number");
a2bb9d |
- }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
- if (urlParser.countTokens() == 0) {
a2bb9d |
- return;
a2bb9d |
- }
a2bb9d |
- else if (! urlParser.nextToken().equals("/")) {
a2bb9d |
- throw new MalformedURLException ();
a2bb9d |
- }
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
- } else if (currentToken.equals ("/")) {
a2bb9d |
- m_portNumber = m_secure ? DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT : LDAPv2.DEFAULT_PORT;
a2bb9d |
- } else {
a2bb9d |
- // expecting ":" or "/"
a2bb9d |
+ else if (! urlParser.nextToken().equals("/")) {
a2bb9d |
throw new MalformedURLException ();
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
a2bb9d |
+ } else if (currentToken.equals ("/")) {
a2bb9d |
+ m_portNumber = m_secure ? DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT : LDAPv2.DEFAULT_PORT;
a2bb9d |
+ } else {
a2bb9d |
+ // expecting ":" or "/"
a2bb9d |
+ throw new MalformedURLException ();
a2bb9d |