diff --git a/dracut-kdump.sh b/dracut-kdump.sh
index 352cad5..a785ab9 100755
--- a/dracut-kdump.sh
+++ b/dracut-kdump.sh
@@ -4,13 +4,301 @@
 . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump-logger.sh
 . /lib/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+#initiate the kdump logger
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+    exit 1
+DEFAULT_CORE_COLLECTOR="makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
+DATEDIR=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%T`
+FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
 set -o pipefail
+    local config_opt config_val
+    while read config_opt config_val;
+    do
+        # remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+        case "$config_opt" in
+            path)
+                KDUMP_PATH="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            core_collector)
+                [ -n "$config_val" ] && CORE_COLLECTOR="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            sshkey)
+                if [ -f "$config_val" ]; then
+                    SSH_KEY_LOCATION=$config_val
+                fi
+            ;;
+            kdump_pre)
+                KDUMP_PRE="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            kdump_post)
+                KDUMP_POST="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            fence_kdump_args)
+                FENCE_KDUMP_ARGS="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            fence_kdump_nodes)
+                FENCE_KDUMP_NODES="$config_val"
+            ;;
+            failure_action|default)
+                case $config_val in
+                    shell)
+                        FAILURE_ACTION="kdump_emergency_shell"
+                    ;;
+                    reboot)
+                        FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f && exit"
+                    ;;
+                    halt)
+                        FAILURE_ACTION="halt && exit"
+                    ;;
+                    poweroff)
+                        FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f && exit"
+                    ;;
+                    dump_to_rootfs)
+                        FAILURE_ACTION="dump_to_rootfs"
+                    ;;
+                esac
+            ;;
+            final_action)
+                case $config_val in
+                    reboot)
+                        FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
+                    ;;
+                    halt)
+                        FINAL_ACTION="halt"
+                    ;;
+                    poweroff)
+                        FINAL_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f"
+                    ;;
+                esac
+            ;;
+        esac
+    done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
+    if [ -z "$CORE_COLLECTOR" ]; then
+        if is_ssh_dump_target || is_raw_dump_target; then
+        fi
+    fi
+# store the kexec kernel log to a file.
+    dmesg -T > $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+    if command -v journalctl > /dev/null; then
+        journalctl -ab >> $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+    fi
+    chmod 600 $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+# dump_fs <mount point>
+    local _exitcode
+    local _mp=$1
+    local _op=$(get_mount_info OPTIONS target $_mp -f)
+    ddebug "dump_fs _mp=$_mp _opts=$_op"
+    if ! is_mounted "$_mp"; then
+        dinfo "dump path \"$_mp\" is not mounted, trying to mount..."
+        mount --target $_mp
+        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+            derror "failed to dump to \"$_mp\", it's not a mount point!"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Remove -F in makedumpfile case. We don't want a flat format dump here.
+    [[ $CORE_COLLECTOR = *makedumpfile* ]] && CORE_COLLECTOR=`echo $CORE_COLLECTOR | sed -e "s/-F//g"`
+    local _dump_path=$(echo "$_mp/$KDUMP_PATH/$HOST_IP-$DATEDIR/" | tr -s /)
+    dinfo "saving to $_dump_path"
+    # Only remount to read-write mode if the dump target is mounted read-only.
+    if [[ "$_op" = "ro"* ]]; then
+       dinfo "Remounting the dump target in rw mode."
+       mount -o remount,rw $_mp || return 1
+    fi
+    mkdir -p $_dump_path || return 1
+    save_vmcore_dmesg_fs ${DMESG_COLLECTOR} "$_dump_path"
+    save_opalcore_fs "$_dump_path"
+    dinfo "saving vmcore"
+    $CORE_COLLECTOR /proc/vmcore $_dump_path/vmcore-incomplete
+    _exitcode=$?
+    if [ $_exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
+        mv $_dump_path/vmcore-incomplete $_dump_path/vmcore
+        sync
+        dinfo "saving vmcore complete"
+    else
+        derror "saving vmcore failed, _exitcode:$_exitcode"
+    fi
+    dinfo "saving the $KDUMP_LOG_FILE to $_dump_path/"
+    save_log
+    mv $KDUMP_LOG_FILE $_dump_path/
+    if [ $_exitcode -ne 0 ]; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # improper kernel cmdline can cause the failure of echo, we can ignore this kind of failure
+    return 0
+save_vmcore_dmesg_fs() {
+    local _dmesg_collector=$1
+    local _path=$2
+    dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt to ${_path}"
+    $_dmesg_collector /proc/vmcore > ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt
+    _exitcode=$?
+    if [ $_exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
+        mv ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg.txt
+        chmod 600 ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg.txt
+        # Make sure file is on disk. There have been instances where later
+        # saving vmcore failed and system rebooted without sync and there
+        # was no vmcore-dmesg.txt available.
+        sync
+        dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt complete"
+    else
+        if [ -f ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt ]; then
+            chmod 600 ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt
+        fi
+        derror "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt failed"
+    fi
+save_opalcore_fs() {
+    local _path=$1
+    if [ ! -f $OPALCORE ]; then
+        # Check if we are on an old kernel that uses a different path
+        if [ -f /sys/firmware/opal/core ]; then
+            OPALCORE="/sys/firmware/opal/core"
+        else
+            return 0
+        fi
+    fi
+    dinfo "saving opalcore:$OPALCORE to ${_path}/opalcore"
+    cp $OPALCORE ${_path}/opalcore
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        derror "saving opalcore failed"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    sync
+    dinfo "saving opalcore complete"
+    return 0
+    if [[ $(systemctl status dracut-initqueue | sed -n "s/^\s*Active: \(\S*\)\s.*$/\1/p") == "inactive" ]]; then
+        dinfo "Trying to bring up initqueue for rootfs mount"
+        systemctl start dracut-initqueue
+    fi
+    dinfo "Clean up dead systemd services"
+    systemctl cancel
+    dinfo "Waiting for rootfs mount, will timeout after 90 seconds"
+    systemctl start --no-block sysroot.mount
+    _loop=0
+    while [ $_loop -lt 90 ] && ! is_mounted /sysroot; do
+        sleep 1
+        _loop=$((_loop + 1))
+    done
+    if ! is_mounted /sysroot; then
+        derror "Failed to mount rootfs"
+        return
+    fi
+    ddebug "NEWROOT=$NEWROOT"
+    dump_fs $NEWROOT
+    ddebug "Switching to kdump emergency shell..."
+    [ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
+    export PS1='kdump:${PWD}# '
+    . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+    if [ -f /dracut-state.sh ]; then
+        . /dracut-state.sh 2>/dev/null
+    fi
+    source_conf /etc/conf.d
+    type plymouth >/dev/null 2>&1 && plymouth quit
+    source_hook "emergency"
+    while read _tty rest; do
+        (
+        echo
+        echo
+        echo 'Entering kdump emergency mode.'
+        echo 'Type "journalctl" to view system logs.'
+        echo 'Type "rdsosreport" to generate a sosreport, you can then'
+        echo 'save it elsewhere and attach it to a bug report.'
+        echo
+        echo
+        ) > /dev/$_tty
+    done < /proc/consoles
+    sh -i -l
+    /bin/rm -f -- /.console_lock
+    dinfo "Executing failure action $FAILURE_ACTION"
+    dinfo "Executing final action $FINAL_ACTION"
+    eval $FINAL_ACTION
     local _ret
diff --git a/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh b/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
index 73b2699..b30b024 100755
--- a/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+++ b/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
@@ -3,35 +3,9 @@
 # Function and variables used in initramfs environment, POSIX compatible
-. /lib/kdump-logger.sh
-DEFAULT_CORE_COLLECTOR="makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
-FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
-DATEDIR=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%T`
-FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
-#initiate the kdump logger
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
-    exit 1
 # Read kdump config in well formated style
@@ -156,266 +130,3 @@ is_fs_dump_target()
     [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix") ]]
-    local config_opt config_val
-    while read config_opt config_val;
-    do
-        # remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
-        case "$config_opt" in
-            path)
-                KDUMP_PATH="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            core_collector)
-                [ -n "$config_val" ] && CORE_COLLECTOR="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            sshkey)
-                if [ -f "$config_val" ]; then
-                    SSH_KEY_LOCATION=$config_val
-                fi
-            ;;
-            kdump_pre)
-                KDUMP_PRE="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            kdump_post)
-                KDUMP_POST="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            fence_kdump_args)
-                FENCE_KDUMP_ARGS="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            fence_kdump_nodes)
-                FENCE_KDUMP_NODES="$config_val"
-            ;;
-            failure_action|default)
-                case $config_val in
-                    shell)
-                        FAILURE_ACTION="kdump_emergency_shell"
-                    ;;
-                    reboot)
-                        FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f && exit"
-                    ;;
-                    halt)
-                        FAILURE_ACTION="halt && exit"
-                    ;;
-                    poweroff)
-                        FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f && exit"
-                    ;;
-                    dump_to_rootfs)
-                        FAILURE_ACTION="dump_to_rootfs"
-                    ;;
-                esac
-            ;;
-            final_action)
-                case $config_val in
-                    reboot)
-                        FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
-                    ;;
-                    halt)
-                        FINAL_ACTION="halt"
-                    ;;
-                    poweroff)
-                        FINAL_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f"
-                    ;;
-                esac
-            ;;
-        esac
-    done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
-    if [ -z "$CORE_COLLECTOR" ]; then
-        if is_ssh_dump_target || is_raw_dump_target; then
-        fi
-    fi
-# store the kexec kernel log to a file.
-    dmesg -T > $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
-    if command -v journalctl > /dev/null; then
-        journalctl -ab >> $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
-    fi
-    chmod 600 $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
-# dump_fs <mount point>
-    local _exitcode
-    local _mp=$1
-    local _op=$(get_mount_info OPTIONS target $_mp -f)
-    ddebug "dump_fs _mp=$_mp _opts=$_op"
-    if ! is_mounted "$_mp"; then
-        dinfo "dump path \"$_mp\" is not mounted, trying to mount..."
-        mount --target $_mp
-        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            derror "failed to dump to \"$_mp\", it's not a mount point!"
-            return 1
-        fi
-    fi
-    # Remove -F in makedumpfile case. We don't want a flat format dump here.
-    [[ $CORE_COLLECTOR = *makedumpfile* ]] && CORE_COLLECTOR=`echo $CORE_COLLECTOR | sed -e "s/-F//g"`
-    local _dump_path=$(echo "$_mp/$KDUMP_PATH/$HOST_IP-$DATEDIR/" | tr -s /)
-    dinfo "saving to $_dump_path"
-    # Only remount to read-write mode if the dump target is mounted read-only.
-    if [[ "$_op" = "ro"* ]]; then
-       dinfo "Remounting the dump target in rw mode."
-       mount -o remount,rw $_mp || return 1
-    fi
-    mkdir -p $_dump_path || return 1
-    save_vmcore_dmesg_fs ${DMESG_COLLECTOR} "$_dump_path"
-    save_opalcore_fs "$_dump_path"
-    dinfo "saving vmcore"
-    $CORE_COLLECTOR /proc/vmcore $_dump_path/vmcore-incomplete
-    _exitcode=$?
-    if [ $_exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
-        mv $_dump_path/vmcore-incomplete $_dump_path/vmcore
-        sync
-        dinfo "saving vmcore complete"
-    else
-        derror "saving vmcore failed, _exitcode:$_exitcode"
-    fi
-    dinfo "saving the $KDUMP_LOG_FILE to $_dump_path/"
-    save_log
-    mv $KDUMP_LOG_FILE $_dump_path/
-    if [ $_exitcode -ne 0 ]; then
-        return 1
-    fi
-    # improper kernel cmdline can cause the failure of echo, we can ignore this kind of failure
-    return 0
-save_vmcore_dmesg_fs() {
-    local _dmesg_collector=$1
-    local _path=$2
-    dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt to ${_path}"
-    $_dmesg_collector /proc/vmcore > ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt
-    _exitcode=$?
-    if [ $_exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
-        mv ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg.txt
-        chmod 600 ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg.txt
-        # Make sure file is on disk. There have been instances where later
-        # saving vmcore failed and system rebooted without sync and there
-        # was no vmcore-dmesg.txt available.
-        sync
-        dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt complete"
-    else
-        if [ -f ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt ]; then
-            chmod 600 ${_path}/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt
-        fi
-        derror "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt failed"
-    fi
-save_opalcore_fs() {
-    local _path=$1
-    if [ ! -f $OPALCORE ]; then
-        # Check if we are on an old kernel that uses a different path
-        if [ -f /sys/firmware/opal/core ]; then
-            OPALCORE="/sys/firmware/opal/core"
-        else
-            return 0
-        fi
-    fi
-    dinfo "saving opalcore:$OPALCORE to ${_path}/opalcore"
-    cp $OPALCORE ${_path}/opalcore
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-        derror "saving opalcore failed"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    sync
-    dinfo "saving opalcore complete"
-    return 0
-    if [[ $(systemctl status dracut-initqueue | sed -n "s/^\s*Active: \(\S*\)\s.*$/\1/p") == "inactive" ]]; then
-        dinfo "Trying to bring up initqueue for rootfs mount"
-        systemctl start dracut-initqueue
-    fi
-    dinfo "Clean up dead systemd services"
-    systemctl cancel
-    dinfo "Waiting for rootfs mount, will timeout after 90 seconds"
-    systemctl start --no-block sysroot.mount
-    _loop=0
-    while [ $_loop -lt 90 ] && ! is_mounted /sysroot; do
-        sleep 1
-        _loop=$((_loop + 1))
-    done
-    if ! is_mounted /sysroot; then
-        derror "Failed to mount rootfs"
-        return
-    fi
-    ddebug "NEWROOT=$NEWROOT"
-    dump_fs $NEWROOT
-    ddebug "Switching to kdump emergency shell..."
-    [ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
-    export PS1='kdump:${PWD}# '
-    . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
-    if [ -f /dracut-state.sh ]; then
-        . /dracut-state.sh 2>/dev/null
-    fi
-    source_conf /etc/conf.d
-    type plymouth >/dev/null 2>&1 && plymouth quit
-    source_hook "emergency"
-    while read _tty rest; do
-        (
-        echo
-        echo
-        echo 'Entering kdump emergency mode.'
-        echo 'Type "journalctl" to view system logs.'
-        echo 'Type "rdsosreport" to generate a sosreport, you can then'
-        echo 'save it elsewhere and attach it to a bug report.'
-        echo
-        echo
-        ) > /dev/$_tty
-    done < /proc/consoles
-    sh -i -l
-    /bin/rm -f -- /.console_lock
-    dinfo "Executing failure action $FAILURE_ACTION"
-    dinfo "Executing final action $FINAL_ACTION"
-    eval $FINAL_ACTION