diff --git a/kdump.conf.5 b/kdump.conf.5
index e3e9900..ec28552 100644
--- a/kdump.conf.5
+++ b/kdump.conf.5
@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ understand how this configuration file affects the behavior of kdump.
 .B auto_reset_crashkernel <yes|no>
-determine whether to reset kernel crashkernel to new default value
-or not when kexec-tools updates the default crashkernel value and
-existing kernels using the old default kernel crashkernel value
+determine whether to reset kernel crashkernel parameter to the default value
+or not when kexec-tools is updated or a new kernel is installed.
 .B raw <partition>
diff --git a/kdumpctl b/kdumpctl
index 61cdfe0..bd3e8fc 100755
--- a/kdumpctl
+++ b/kdumpctl
@@ -1735,72 +1735,37 @@ _is_bootloader_installed()
-# update the crashkernel value in GRUB_ETC_DEFAULT if necessary
-# called by reset_crashkernel_after_update and inherit its array variable
-# _crashkernel_vals
-	local _crashkernel _fadump_val
-	local _dump_mode _old_default_crashkernel _new_default_crashkernel
-	if [[ $(uname -m) == s390x ]]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	_crashkernel=$(_read_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default crashkernel)
-	if [[ -z $_crashkernel ]]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	_fadump_val=$(_read_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default fadump)
-	_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_fadump_val "$_fadump_val")
-	_old_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[old_${_dump_mode}]}
-	_new_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[new_${_dump_mode}]}
-	if [[ $_crashkernel == auto ]] ||
-		  [[ $_crashkernel == "$_old_default_crashkernel" &&
-		     $_new_default_crashkernel != "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]]; then
-			_update_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default crashkernel "$_new_default_crashkernel"
+	local _kernel _dump_mode _old_default_crashkernel _new_default_crashkernel _fadump_val _msg
+	_kernel=$1
+	_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_kernel")
+	_old_default_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" crashkernel)
+	_new_default_crashkernel=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel "$_dump_mode")
+	if [[ $_old_default_crashkernel != "$_new_default_crashkernel" ]]; then
+		_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
+		if _update_kernel_cmdline "$_kernel" "$_new_default_crashkernel" "$_dump_mode" "$_fadump_val"; then
+			_msg="For kernel=$_kernel, crashkernel=$_new_default_crashkernel now. Please reboot the system for the change to take effet."
+			_msg+=" Note if you don't want kexec-tools to manage the crashkernel kernel parameter, please set auto_reset_crashkernel=no in /etc/kdump.conf."
+			dinfo "$_msg"
+		fi
 # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # false positive when dereferencing an array
-	local _kernel _crashkernel _dump_mode _fadump_val _old_default_crashkernel _new_default_crashkernel
-	declare -A _crashkernel_vals
+	local _kernel
 	if ! _is_bootloader_installed; then
-	_crashkernel_vals[old_kdump]=$(cat /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2> /dev/null)
-	_crashkernel_vals[old_fadump]=$(cat /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2> /dev/null)
-	_crashkernel_vals[new_kdump]=$(get_default_crashkernel kdump)
-	_crashkernel_vals[new_fadump]=$(get_default_crashkernel fadump)
 	for _kernel in $(_get_all_kernels_from_grubby ALL); do
-		_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" crashkernel)
-		if [[ $_crashkernel == auto ]]; then
-			reset_crashkernel "--kernel=$_kernel"
-		elif [[ -n $_crashkernel ]]; then
-			_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_kernel")
-			_old_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[old_${_dump_mode}]}
-			_new_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[new_${_dump_mode}]}
-			if [[ $_crashkernel == "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]] &&
-				[[ $_new_default_crashkernel != "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]]; then
-				_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
-				if _update_kernel_cmdline "$_kernel" "$_new_default_crashkernel" "$_dump_mode" "$_fadump_val"; then
-					echo "For kernel=$_kernel, crashkernel=$_new_default_crashkernel now."
-				fi
-			fi
-		fi
+		_update_crashkernel "$_kernel"
-	update_crashkernel_in_grub_etc_default_after_update
 # read the value of an environ variable from given environ file path
@@ -1824,8 +1789,7 @@ _is_osbuild()
-	local _installed_kernel _running_kernel _crashkernel _crashkernel_running
-	local _dump_mode_running _fadump_val_running
+	local _installed_kernel
 	# During package install, only try to reset crashkernel for osbuild
 	# thus to avoid calling grubby when installing os via anaconda
@@ -1844,23 +1808,7 @@ reset_crashkernel_for_installed_kernel()
-	if ! _running_kernel=$(_get_current_running_kernel_path); then
-		ddebug "Couldn't find current running kernel"
-		exit
-	fi
-	_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_installed_kernel" crashkernel)
-	_crashkernel_running=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_running_kernel" crashkernel)
-	_dump_mode_running=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_running_kernel")
-	_fadump_val_running=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
-	if [[ $_crashkernel != "$_crashkernel_running" ]]; then
-		if _update_kernel_cmdline "$_installed_kernel" "$_crashkernel_running" "$_dump_mode_running" "$_fadump_val_running"; then
-			echo "kexec-tools has reset $_installed_kernel to use the new default crashkernel value $_crashkernel_running"
-		fi
-	elif [[ $_crashkernel == auto ]]; then
-		reset_crashkernel "--kernel=$_installed_kernel"
-	fi
+	_update_crashkernel "$_installed_kernel"
 if [[ ! -f $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then
diff --git a/kexec-tools.spec b/kexec-tools.spec
index e4f7d97..04248bd 100644
--- a/kexec-tools.spec
+++ b/kexec-tools.spec
@@ -278,21 +278,6 @@ chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpini
 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/
 mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/
-# Save the old default crashkernel values to /tmp/ when upgrading the package
-# so kdumpctl later can tell if it should update the kernel crashkernel
-# parameter in the posttrans scriptlet.  Note this feauture of auto-updating
-# the kernel crashkernel parameter currently doesn't support ostree, so skip it
-# for ostree.
-if [ ! -f /run/ostree-booted ] && [ $1 == 2 ] && grep -q get-default-crashkernel /usr/bin/kdumpctl; then
-  kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel kdump > /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2>/dev/null
-%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
-  kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel fadump > /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2>/dev/null
-# don't block package update
 # Initial installation
 %systemd_post kdump.service
@@ -359,21 +344,15 @@ do
-# Try to reset kernel crashkernel value to new default value based on the old
-# default value or set up crasherkernel value for osbuild
+# Try to reset kernel crashkernel value to new default value or set up
+# crasherkernel value for new install
 # Note
 #  1. Skip ostree systems as they are not supported.
-#  2. "[ $1 == 1 ]" in posttrans scriptlet means both install and upgrade. The
-#     former case is used to set up crashkernel for osbuild
-if [ ! -f /run/ostree-booted ] && [ $1 == 1 ]; then
+#  2. For Fedora 36 and RHEL9, "[ $1 == 1 ]" in posttrans scriptlet means both install and upgrade;
+#     For Fedora > 36, "[ $1 == 1 ]" only means install and "[ $1 == 2 ]" means upgrade
+if [ ! -f /run/ostree-booted ] && [ $1 == 1 -o $1 == 2 ]; then
   kdumpctl _reset-crashkernel-after-update
-  rm /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2>/dev/null
-%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
-  rm /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2>/dev/null
-  # dnf would complain about the exit code not being 0. To keep it happy,
-  # always return 0