diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a7635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.kexec-tools.metadata b/.kexec-tools.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d05e81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.kexec-tools.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+80ac3f5e77d3c79883edadf14428734db4720009 SOURCES/eppic-e8844d3.tar.gz
+c9213672bbc9d08d25f6b1ea0cd9056d2e1c5e73 SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.23.tar.xz
+a931a40b80df204be1b02bfb502921cc618810fd SOURCES/makedumpfile-1.7.0.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/60-kdump.install b/SOURCES/60-kdump.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b0e021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/60-kdump.install
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+if ! [[ ${KERNEL_INSTALL_MACHINE_ID-x} ]]; then
+    exit 0
+if [[ -d "$KDUMP_INITRD_DIR_ABS" ]]; then
+    KDUMP_INITRD="initrdkdump"
+    # If `KDUMP_BOOTDIR` is not writable, then the kdump
+    # initrd must have been placed at `/var/lib/kdump`
+    if [[ ! -w "/boot" ]]; then
+        KDUMP_INITRD_DIR_ABS="/var/lib/kdump"
+    else
+        KDUMP_INITRD_DIR_ABS="/boot"
+    fi
+    KDUMP_INITRD="initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}kdump.img"
+case "$COMMAND" in
+    add)
+        # Do nothing, kdump initramfs is strictly host only
+        # and managed by kdump service
+        ;;
+    remove)
+        ret=$?
+        ;;
+exit $ret
diff --git a/SOURCES/92-crashkernel.install b/SOURCES/92-crashkernel.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d67a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/92-crashkernel.install
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+case "$COMMAND" in
+	kdumpctl reset-crashkernel-for-installed_kernel "$KERNEL_VERSION"
+	exit 0
+	;;
diff --git a/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules b/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73b701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUBSYSTEM=="cpu", ACTION=="add", GOTO="kdump_reload"
+SUBSYSTEM=="cpu", ACTION=="remove", GOTO="kdump_reload"
+SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="online", GOTO="kdump_reload"
+SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="offline", GOTO="kdump_reload"
+# If kdump is not loaded, calling kdump-udev-throttle will end up
+# doing nothing, but systemd-run will always generate extra logs for
+# each call, so trigger the kdump-udev-throttler only if kdump
+# service is active to avoid unnecessary logs
+RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/systemctl is-active kdump.service || exit 0; /usr/bin/systemd-run --quiet --no-block /usr/lib/udev/kdump-udev-throttler'"
diff --git a/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules.ppc64 b/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules.ppc64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c00a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/98-kexec.rules.ppc64
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+SUBSYSTEM=="cpu", ACTION=="online", GOTO="kdump_reload_cpu"
+SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="online", GOTO="kdump_reload_mem"
+SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="offline", GOTO="kdump_reload_mem"
+# If kdump is not loaded, calling kdump-udev-throttle will end up
+# doing nothing, but systemd-run will always generate extra logs for
+# each call, so trigger the kdump-udev-throttler only if kdump
+# service is active to avoid unnecessary logs
+RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/systemctl is-active kdump.service || exit 0; /usr/bin/systemd-run --quiet --no-block /usr/lib/udev/kdump-udev-throttler'"
+RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/systemctl is-active kdump.service || exit 0; ! test -f /sys/kernel/fadump_enabled || cat /sys/kernel/fadump_enabled | grep 0  || exit 0; /usr/bin/systemd-run --quiet --no-block /usr/lib/udev/kdump-udev-throttler'"
diff --git a/SOURCES/crashkernel-howto.txt b/SOURCES/crashkernel-howto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba79ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/crashkernel-howto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+This document describes features the kexec-tools package provides for setting
+and estimating the crashkernel value.
+Kdump lives in a pre-reserved chunk of memory, and the size of the reserved
+memory is specified by the `crashkernel=` kernel parameter. It's hard to
+estimate an accurate `crashkernel=` value, so it's always recommended to test
+kdump after you updated the `crashkernel=` value or changed the dump target.
+Default crashkernel value
+Latest kexec-tools provides "kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel" to retrieve
+the default crashkernel value,
+	$ echo $(kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel)
+	1G-4G:192M,4G-64G:256M,64G-102400T:512M
+It will be taken as the default value of 'crashkernel=', you can use
+this value as a reference for setting crashkernel value manually.
+New installed system
+Anaconda is the OS installer which sets all the kernel boot cmdline on a newly
+installed system. If kdump is enabled during Anaconda installation, Anaconda
+will use the default crashkernel value as the default `crashkernel=` value on
+the newly installed system.
+Users can override the value during Anaconda installation manually.
+Auto update of crashkernel boot parameter
+A new release of kexec-tools could update the default crashkernel value.
+By default, kexec-tools would reset crashkernel to the new default value if it
+detects old default crashkernel value is used by installed kernels. If you don't
+want kexec-tools to update the old default crashkernel to the new default
+crashkernel, you can change auto_reset_crashkernel to no in kdump.conf.
+Supported Bootloaders
+This auto update only works with GRUB2 and ZIPL, as kexec-tools heavily depends
+on `grubby`. If other boot loaders are used, the user will have to update the
+`crashkernel=` value manually.
+Reset crashkernel to default value
+kexec-tools only perform the auto update of crashkernel value when it can
+confirm the boot kernel's crashkernel value is using its corresponding default
+value and auto_reset_crashkernel=yes in kdump.conf. In other cases, the user
+can reset the crashkernel value by themselves.
+Reset using kdumpctl
+To make it easier to reset the `crashkernel=` kernel cmdline to this default
+value properly, `kdumpctl` also provides a sub-command:
+	`kdumpctl reset-crashkernel [--kernel=path_to_kernel] [--reboot]`
+This command will read from the `crashkernel.default` file and reset
+bootloader's kernel cmdline to the default value. It will also update bootloader
+config if the bootloader has a standalone config file. User will have to reboot
+the machine after this command to make it take effect if --reboot is not specified.
+For ppc64le, an optional "[--fadump=[on|off|nocma]]" can also be specified to toggle
+FADump on/off.
+Reset manually
+To reset the crashkernel value manually, it's recommended to use utils like
+`grubby`. A one liner script for resetting `crashkernel=` value of all installed
+kernels to current boot kernel's crashkernel.default` is:
+	grubby --update-kernel ALL --args "crashkernel=$(kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel)"
+Estimate crashkernel
+The best way to estimate a usable crashkernel value is by testing kdump
+manually.  And you can set crashkernel to a large value, then adjust the
+crashkernel value to an acceptable value gradually.
+`kdumpctl` also provides a sub-command for doing rough estimating without
+triggering kdump:
+	`kdumpctl estimate`
+The output will be like this:
+      Encrypted kdump target requires extra memory, assuming using the keyslot with minimun memory requirement
+      Reserved crashkernel:    256M
+      Recommended crashkernel: 655M
+      Kernel image size:   47M
+      Kernel modules size: 12M
+      Initramfs size:      19M
+      Runtime reservation: 64M
+      LUKS required size:  512M
+      Large modules:
+          xfs: 1892352
+          nouveau: 2318336
+      WARNING: Current crashkernel size is lower than recommended size 655M.
+It will generate a summary report about the estimated memory consumption
+of each component of kdump. The value may not be accurate enough, but
+would be a good start for finding a suitable crashkernel value.
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump-module-setup.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump-module-setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0451118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump-module-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+. /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+check() {
+    if [[ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/kdump ]] || [[ ! -f /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh ]] \
+        || [[ -n ${IN_KDUMP} ]]; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 255
+depends() {
+    echo "base shutdown"
+    return 0
+prepare_kernel_initrd() {
+    . /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+    prepare_kdump_bootinfo
+    # $kernel is a variable from dracut
+    if [[ $KDUMP_KERNELVER != "$kernel" ]]; then
+        dwarn "Using kernel version '$KDUMP_KERNELVER' for early kdump," \
+            "but the initramfs is generated for kernel version '$kernel'"
+    fi
+install() {
+    prepare_kernel_initrd
+    if [[ ! -f $KDUMP_KERNEL ]]; then
+        derror "Could not find required kernel for earlykdump," \
+            "earlykdump will not work!"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -f $KDUMP_INITRD ]]; then
+        derror "Could not find required kdump initramfs for earlykdump," \
+            "please ensure kdump initramfs is generated first," \
+            "earlykdump will not work!"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    inst_multiple tail find cut dirname hexdump
+    inst_simple "/etc/sysconfig/kdump"
+    inst_binary "/usr/sbin/kexec"
+    inst_binary "/usr/bin/gawk" "/usr/bin/awk"
+    inst_binary "/usr/bin/logger" "/usr/bin/logger"
+    inst_binary "/usr/bin/printf" "/usr/bin/printf"
+    inst_binary "/usr/bin/xargs" "/usr/bin/xargs"
+    inst_script "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh" "/lib/kdump-lib.sh"
+    inst_script "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh" "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh"
+    inst_script "/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh" "/lib/kdump-logger.sh"
+    inst_hook cmdline 00 "$moddir/early-kdump.sh"
+    inst_binary "$KDUMP_KERNEL"
+    inst_binary "$KDUMP_INITRD"
+    ln_r "$KDUMP_KERNEL" "/boot/kernel-earlykdump"
+    ln_r "$KDUMP_INITRD" "/boot/initramfs-earlykdump"
+    chmod -x "${initdir}/$KDUMP_KERNEL"
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45ee6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-early-kdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+. /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+. /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump-logger.sh
+# initiate the kdump logger
+if ! dlog_init; then
+        echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+        exit 1
+    EARLY_KDUMP_KERNEL="/boot/kernel-earlykdump"
+    EARLY_KDUMP_INITRD="/boot/initramfs-earlykdump"
+    if ! check_kdump_feasibility; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if is_fadump_capable; then
+        dwarn "WARNING: early kdump doesn't support fadump."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if check_current_kdump_status; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    prepare_parameters
+    EARLY_KEXEC_ARGS=$(prepare_kexec_args "${KEXEC_ARGS}")
+    if is_secure_boot_enforced; then
+        dinfo "Secure Boot is enabled. Using kexec file based syscall."
+    fi
+    # Here, only output the messages, but do not save these messages
+    # to a file because the target disk may not be mounted yet, the
+    # earlykdump is too early.
+    ddebug "earlykdump: $KEXEC ${EARLY_KEXEC_ARGS} $standard_kexec_args \
+	--command-line=$EARLY_KDUMP_CMDLINE --initrd=$EARLY_KDUMP_INITRD \
+    if $KEXEC $EARLY_KEXEC_ARGS $standard_kexec_args \
+        --command-line="$EARLY_KDUMP_CMDLINE" \
+        dinfo "kexec: loaded early-kdump kernel"
+        return 0
+    else
+        derror "kexec: failed to load early-kdump kernel"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if getargbool 0 rd.earlykdump; then
+        dinfo "early-kdump is enabled."
+        early_kdump_load
+    else
+        dinfo "early-kdump is disabled."
+    fi
+    return 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-init-fadump.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-init-fadump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94a3751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-init-fadump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
+export SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=lenient
+[ -e /proc/mounts ] ||
+	(mkdir -p /proc && mount -t proc -o nosuid,noexec,nodev proc /proc)
+grep -q '^sysfs /sys sysfs' /proc/mounts ||
+	(mkdir -p /sys && mount -t sysfs -o nosuid,noexec,nodev sysfs /sys)
+grep -q '^none / ' /proc/mounts || grep -q '^rootfs / ' /proc/mounts && ROOTFS_IS_RAMFS=1
+if [ -f /proc/device-tree/rtas/ibm,kernel-dump ] || [ -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,opal/dump/mpipl-boot ]; then
+	mkdir /newroot
+	mount -t ramfs ramfs /newroot
+	if [ $ROOTFS_IS_RAMFS ]; then
+		for FILE in $(ls -A /fadumproot/); do
+			mv /fadumproot/$FILE /newroot/
+		done
+		exec switch_root /newroot /init
+	else
+		mkdir /newroot/sys /newroot/proc /newroot/dev /newroot/run /newroot/oldroot
+		grep -q '^devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs' /proc/mounts && mount --move /dev /newroot/dev
+		grep -q '^tmpfs /run tmpfs' /proc/mounts && mount --move /run /newroot/run
+		mount --move /sys /newroot/sys
+		mount --move /proc /newroot/proc
+		cp --reflink=auto --sparse=auto --preserve=mode,timestamps,links -dfr /fadumproot/. /newroot/
+		cd /newroot && pivot_root . oldroot
+		loop=1
+		while [ $loop ]; do
+			unset loop
+			while read -r _ mp _; do
+				case $mp in
+				/oldroot/*) umount -d "$mp" && loop=1 ;;
+				esac
+			done </proc/mounts
+		done
+		umount -d -l oldroot
+		exec /init
+	fi
+	exec /init.dracut
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-module-setup.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-module-setup.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f062486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-fadump-module-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+check() {
+    return 255
+depends() {
+    return 0
+install() {
+    mv -f "$initdir/init" "$initdir/init.dracut"
+    inst_script "$moddir/init-fadump.sh" /init
+    chmod a+x "$initdir/init"
+    # Install required binaries for the init script (init-fadump.sh)
+    inst_multiple sh modprobe grep mkdir mount
+    if dracut_module_included "squash"; then
+        inst_multiple cp pivot_root umount
+    else
+        inst_multiple ls mv switch_root
+    fi
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-capture.service b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-capture.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f20aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-capture.service
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#  This file is part of systemd.
+#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+Description=Kdump Vmcore Save Service
+After=initrd.target initrd-parse-etc.service sysroot.mount
+After=dracut-initqueue.service dracut-pre-mount.service dracut-mount.service dracut-pre-pivot.service
+# Bash ignores SIGTERM, so we send SIGHUP instead, to ensure that bash
+# terminates cleanly.
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.service b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cf7051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.service
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This service will run the real kdump error handler code. Executing the
+# failure action configured in kdump.conf
+Description=Kdump Error Handler
+ExecStart=/bin/kdump.sh --error-handler
+ExecStopPost=-/bin/rm -f -- /.console_lock
+# Bash ignores SIGTERM, so we send SIGHUP instead, to ensure that bash
+# terminates cleanly.
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.target b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.target
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1bb493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump-emergency.target
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#  This file is part of systemd.
+#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+Description=Emergency Mode
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-kdump.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b69bc98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-kdump.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# The main kdump routine in capture kernel, bash may not be the
+# default shell. Any code added must be POSIX compliant.
+. /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump-logger.sh
+. /lib/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+#initiate the kdump logger
+if ! dlog_init; then
+	echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+	exit 1
+DEFAULT_CORE_COLLECTOR="makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
+DATEDIR=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T)
+FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
+# POSIX doesn't have pipefail, only apply when using bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC3040
+[ -n "$BASH" ] && set -o pipefail
+kdump_read_conf > $KDUMP_CONF_PARSED
+	while read -r config_opt config_val; do
+		# remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+		case "$config_opt" in
+		path)
+			KDUMP_PATH="$config_val"
+			;;
+		core_collector)
+			[ -n "$config_val" ] && CORE_COLLECTOR="$config_val"
+			;;
+		sshkey)
+			if [ -f "$config_val" ]; then
+				SSH_KEY_LOCATION=$config_val
+			fi
+			;;
+		kdump_pre)
+			KDUMP_PRE="$config_val"
+			;;
+		kdump_post)
+			KDUMP_POST="$config_val"
+			;;
+		fence_kdump_args)
+			FENCE_KDUMP_ARGS="$config_val"
+			;;
+		fence_kdump_nodes)
+			FENCE_KDUMP_NODES="$config_val"
+			;;
+		failure_action | default)
+			case $config_val in
+			shell)
+				FAILURE_ACTION="kdump_emergency_shell"
+				;;
+			reboot)
+				FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f && exit"
+				;;
+			halt)
+				FAILURE_ACTION="halt && exit"
+				;;
+			poweroff)
+				FAILURE_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f && exit"
+				;;
+			dump_to_rootfs)
+				FAILURE_ACTION="dump_to_rootfs"
+				;;
+			esac
+			;;
+		final_action)
+			case $config_val in
+			reboot)
+				FINAL_ACTION="systemctl reboot -f"
+				;;
+			halt)
+				FINAL_ACTION="halt"
+				;;
+			poweroff)
+				FINAL_ACTION="systemctl poweroff -f"
+				;;
+			esac
+			;;
+		esac
+	if [ -z "$CORE_COLLECTOR" ]; then
+		if is_ssh_dump_target || is_raw_dump_target; then
+		fi
+	fi
+# store the kexec kernel log to a file.
+	dmesg -T > $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+	if command -v journalctl > /dev/null; then
+		journalctl -ab >> $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+	fi
+	chmod 600 $KDUMP_LOG_FILE
+# $1: dump path, must be a mount point
+	ddebug "dump_fs _mp=$1"
+	if ! is_mounted "$1"; then
+		dinfo "dump path '$1' is not mounted, trying to mount..."
+		if ! mount --target "$1"; then
+			derror "failed to dump to '$1', it's not a mount point!"
+			return 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	# Remove -F in makedumpfile case. We don't want a flat format dump here.
+	*makedumpfile*)
+		CORE_COLLECTOR=$(echo "$CORE_COLLECTOR" | sed -e "s/-F//g")
+		;;
+	esac
+	_dump_fs_path=$(echo "$1/$KDUMP_PATH/$HOST_IP-$DATEDIR/" | tr -s /)
+	dinfo "saving to $_dump_fs_path"
+	# Only remount to read-write mode if the dump target is mounted read-only.
+	_dump_mnt_op=$(get_mount_info OPTIONS target "$1" -f)
+	case $_dump_mnt_op in
+	ro*)
+		dinfo "Remounting the dump target in rw mode."
+		mount -o remount,rw "$1" || return 1
+		;;
+	esac
+	mkdir -p "$_dump_fs_path" || return 1
+	save_vmcore_dmesg_fs ${DMESG_COLLECTOR} "$_dump_fs_path"
+	save_opalcore_fs "$_dump_fs_path"
+	dinfo "saving vmcore"
+	$CORE_COLLECTOR /proc/vmcore "$_dump_fs_path/vmcore-incomplete"
+	_dump_exitcode=$?
+	if [ $_dump_exitcode -eq 0 ]; then
+		mv "$_dump_fs_path/vmcore-incomplete" "$_dump_fs_path/vmcore"
+		sync
+		dinfo "saving vmcore complete"
+	else
+		derror "saving vmcore failed, exitcode:$_dump_exitcode"
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving the $KDUMP_LOG_FILE to $_dump_fs_path/"
+	save_log
+	mv "$KDUMP_LOG_FILE" "$_dump_fs_path/"
+	if [ $_dump_exitcode -ne 0 ]; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+	# improper kernel cmdline can cause the failure of echo, we can ignore this kind of failure
+	return 0
+# $1: dmesg collector
+# $2: dump path
+	dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt to $2"
+	if $1 /proc/vmcore > "$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt"; then
+		mv "$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt" "$2/vmcore-dmesg.txt"
+		chmod 600 "$2/vmcore-dmesg.txt"
+		# Make sure file is on disk. There have been instances where later
+		# saving vmcore failed and system rebooted without sync and there
+		# was no vmcore-dmesg.txt available.
+		sync
+		dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt complete"
+	else
+		if [ -f "$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt" ]; then
+			chmod 600 "$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt"
+		fi
+		derror "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt failed"
+	fi
+# $1: dump path
+	if [ ! -f $OPALCORE ]; then
+		# Check if we are on an old kernel that uses a different path
+		if [ -f /sys/firmware/opal/core ]; then
+			OPALCORE="/sys/firmware/opal/core"
+		else
+			return 0
+		fi
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving opalcore:$OPALCORE to $1/opalcore"
+	if ! cp $OPALCORE "$1/opalcore"; then
+		derror "saving opalcore failed"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	sync
+	dinfo "saving opalcore complete"
+	return 0
+	if [ "$(systemctl status dracut-initqueue | sed -n "s/^\s*Active: \(\S*\)\s.*$/\1/p")" = "inactive" ]; then
+		dinfo "Trying to bring up initqueue for rootfs mount"
+		systemctl start dracut-initqueue
+	fi
+	dinfo "Clean up dead systemd services"
+	systemctl cancel
+	dinfo "Waiting for rootfs mount, will timeout after 90 seconds"
+	systemctl start --no-block sysroot.mount
+	_loop=0
+	while [ $_loop -lt 90 ] && ! is_mounted /sysroot; do
+		sleep 1
+		_loop=$((_loop + 1))
+	done
+	if ! is_mounted /sysroot; then
+		derror "Failed to mount rootfs"
+		return
+	fi
+	dump_fs $NEWROOT
+	ddebug "Switching to kdump emergency shell..."
+	[ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
+	export PS1='kdump:${PWD}# '
+	. /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+	if [ -f /dracut-state.sh ]; then
+		. /dracut-state.sh 2> /dev/null
+	fi
+	source_conf /etc/conf.d
+	type plymouth > /dev/null 2>&1 && plymouth quit
+	source_hook "emergency"
+	while read -r _tty rest; do
+		(
+			echo
+			echo
+			echo 'Entering kdump emergency mode.'
+			echo 'Type "journalctl" to view system logs.'
+			echo 'Type "rdsosreport" to generate a sosreport, you can then'
+			echo 'save it elsewhere and attach it to a bug report.'
+			echo
+			echo
+		) > "/dev/$_tty"
+	done < /proc/consoles
+	sh -i -l
+	/bin/rm -f -- /.console_lock
+	dinfo "Executing failure action $FAILURE_ACTION"
+	dinfo "Executing final action $FINAL_ACTION"
+	_ret=$?
+	if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+		derror "saving vmcore failed"
+	fi
+	return $_ret
+	if [ -n "$KDUMP_PRE" ]; then
+		_ret=$?
+		if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+			derror "$KDUMP_PRE exited with $_ret status"
+			return $_ret
+		fi
+	fi
+	# if any script fails, it just raises warning and continues
+	if [ -d /etc/kdump/pre.d ]; then
+		for file in /etc/kdump/pre.d/*; do
+			"$file"
+			_ret=$?
+			if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+				derror "$file exited with $_ret status"
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	return 0
+	if [ -d /etc/kdump/post.d ]; then
+		for file in /etc/kdump/post.d/*; do
+			"$file" "$1"
+			_ret=$?
+			if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+				derror "$file exited with $_ret status"
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$KDUMP_POST" ]; then
+		"$KDUMP_POST" "$1"
+		_ret=$?
+		if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+			derror "$KDUMP_POST exited with $_ret status"
+		fi
+	fi
+# $1: block target, eg. /dev/sda
+	[ -b "$1" ] || return 1
+	dinfo "saving to raw disk $1"
+	if ! echo "$CORE_COLLECTOR" | grep -q makedumpfile; then
+		_src_size=$(stat --format %s /proc/vmcore)
+		_src_size_mb=$((_src_size / 1048576))
+		/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress $_src_size_mb &
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving vmcore"
+	$CORE_COLLECTOR /proc/vmcore | dd of="$1" bs=$DD_BLKSIZE >> /tmp/dd_progress_file 2>&1 || return 1
+	sync
+	dinfo "saving vmcore complete"
+	return 0
+# $1: ssh key file
+# $2: ssh address in <user>@<host> format
+	_ret=0
+	_ssh_opt="-i $1 -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes"
+	if is_ipv6_address "$2"; then
+		_scp_address=${2%@*}@"[${2#*@}]"
+	else
+		_scp_address=$2
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving to $2:$_ssh_dir"
+	cat /var/lib/random-seed > /dev/urandom
+	ssh -q $_ssh_opt "$2" mkdir -p "$_ssh_dir" || return 1
+	save_vmcore_dmesg_ssh "$DMESG_COLLECTOR" "$_ssh_dir" "$_ssh_opt" "$2"
+	dinfo "saving vmcore"
+	save_opalcore_ssh "$_ssh_dir" "$_ssh_opt" "$2" "$_scp_address"
+	if [ "${CORE_COLLECTOR%%[[:blank:]]*}" = "scp" ]; then
+		scp -q $_ssh_opt /proc/vmcore "$_scp_address:$_ssh_dir/vmcore-incomplete"
+		_ret=$?
+		_vmcore="vmcore"
+	else
+		$CORE_COLLECTOR /proc/vmcore | ssh $_ssh_opt "$2" "umask 0077 && dd bs=512 of='$_ssh_dir/vmcore-incomplete'"
+		_ret=$?
+		_vmcore="vmcore.flat"
+	fi
+	if [ $_ret -eq 0 ]; then
+		ssh $_ssh_opt "$2" "mv '$_ssh_dir/vmcore-incomplete' '$_ssh_dir/$_vmcore'"
+		_ret=$?
+		if [ $_ret -ne 0 ]; then
+			derror "moving vmcore failed, exitcode:$_ret"
+		else
+			dinfo "saving vmcore complete"
+		fi
+	else
+		derror "saving vmcore failed, exitcode:$_ret"
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving the $KDUMP_LOG_FILE to $2:$_ssh_dir/"
+	save_log
+	if ! scp -q $_ssh_opt $KDUMP_LOG_FILE "$_scp_address:$_ssh_dir/"; then
+		derror "saving log file failed, _exitcode:$_ret"
+	fi
+	return $_ret
+# $1: dump path
+# $2: ssh opts
+# $3: ssh address in <user>@<host> format
+# $4: scp address, similar with ssh address but IPv6 addresses are quoted
+	if [ ! -f $OPALCORE ]; then
+		# Check if we are on an old kernel that uses a different path
+		if [ -f /sys/firmware/opal/core ]; then
+			OPALCORE="/sys/firmware/opal/core"
+		else
+			return 0
+		fi
+	fi
+	dinfo "saving opalcore:$OPALCORE to $3:$1"
+	if ! scp $2 $OPALCORE "$4:$1/opalcore-incomplete"; then
+		derror "saving opalcore failed"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	ssh $2 "$3" mv "$1/opalcore-incomplete" "$1/opalcore"
+	dinfo "saving opalcore complete"
+	return 0
+# $1: dmesg collector
+# $2: dump path
+# $3: ssh opts
+# $4: ssh address in <user>@<host> format
+	dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt to $4:$2"
+	if $1 /proc/vmcore | ssh $3 "$4" "umask 0077 && dd of='$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt'"; then
+		ssh -q $3 "$4" mv "$2/vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt" "$2/vmcore-dmesg.txt"
+		dinfo "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt complete"
+	else
+		derror "saving vmcore-dmesg.txt failed"
+	fi
+	if is_nfs_dump_target || is_ssh_dump_target; then
+		kdumpnic=$(getarg kdumpnic=)
+		if [ -z "$kdumpnic" ]; then
+			derror "failed to get kdumpnic!"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		if ! kdumphost=$(ip addr show dev "$kdumpnic" | grep '[ ]*inet'); then
+			derror "wrong kdumpnic: $kdumpnic"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		kdumphost=$(echo "$kdumphost" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
+		kdumphost="${kdumphost%%/*}"
+		if [ -z "$kdumphost" ]; then
+			derror "wrong kdumpnic: $kdumpnic"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		HOST_IP=$kdumphost
+	fi
+	return 0
+	if [ ! -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
+		derror "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE not found"
+		return
+	fi
+	get_kdump_confs
+	# rescan for add code for dump target
+	while read -r config_opt config_val; do
+		# remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+		case "$config_opt" in
+		dracut_args)
+			config_val=$(get_dracut_args_target "$config_val")
+			if [ -n "$config_val" ]; then
+				config_val=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$config_val")
+				DUMP_INSTRUCTION="dump_fs $config_val"
+			fi
+			;;
+		ext[234] | xfs | btrfs | minix | nfs)
+			config_val=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$config_val")
+			DUMP_INSTRUCTION="dump_fs $config_val"
+			;;
+		raw)
+			DUMP_INSTRUCTION="dump_raw $config_val"
+			;;
+		ssh)
+			DUMP_INSTRUCTION="dump_ssh $SSH_KEY_LOCATION $config_val"
+			;;
+		esac
+	if [ -n "$FENCE_KDUMP_NODES" ]; then
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+	fi
+if [ "$1" = "--error-handler" ]; then
+	get_kdump_confs
+	do_failure_action
+	do_final_action
+	exit $?
+# continue here only if we have to save dump.
+if [ -f /etc/fadump.initramfs ] && [ ! -f /proc/device-tree/rtas/ibm,kernel-dump ] && [ ! -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,opal/dump/mpipl-boot ]; then
+	exit 0
+if ! get_host_ip; then
+	derror "get_host_ip exited with non-zero status!"
+	exit 1
+if [ -z "$DUMP_INSTRUCTION" ]; then
+if ! do_kdump_pre; then
+	derror "kdump_pre script exited with non-zero status!"
+	do_final_action
+	# During systemd service to reboot the machine, stop this shell script running
+	exit 1
+make_trace_mem "kdump saving vmcore" '1:shortmem' '2+:mem' '3+:slab'
+if ! do_kdump_post $DUMP_RETVAL; then
+	derror "kdump_post script exited with non-zero status!"
+if [ $DUMP_RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+	exit 1
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-module-setup.sh b/SOURCES/dracut-module-setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c319fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-module-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
+kdump_module_init() {
+    if ! [[ -d "${initdir}/tmp" ]]; then
+        mkdir -p "${initdir}/tmp"
+    fi
+    . /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+check() {
+    [[ $debug ]] && set -x
+    #kdumpctl sets this explicitly
+    if [[ -z $IN_KDUMP ]] || [[ ! -f /etc/kdump.conf ]]; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+depends() {
+    local _dep="base shutdown"
+    kdump_module_init
+    add_opt_module() {
+        [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " != *\ $1\ * ]] && _dep="$_dep $1"
+    }
+    if is_squash_available; then
+        add_opt_module squash
+    else
+        dwarning "Required modules to build a squashed kdump image is missing!"
+    fi
+    if is_wdt_active; then
+        add_opt_module watchdog
+    fi
+    if is_ssh_dump_target; then
+        _dep="$_dep ssh-client"
+    fi
+    if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "s390x" ]]; then
+        _dep="$_dep znet"
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "$(ls -A /sys/class/drm 2> /dev/null)" ]] || [[ -d /sys/module/hyperv_fb ]]; then
+        add_opt_module drm
+    fi
+    if is_generic_fence_kdump || is_pcs_fence_kdump; then
+        _dep="$_dep network"
+    fi
+    echo "$_dep"
+kdump_is_bridge() {
+    [[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bridge ]]
+kdump_is_bond() {
+    [[ -d /sys/class/net/"$1"/bonding ]]
+kdump_is_team() {
+    [[ -f /usr/bin/teamnl ]] && teamnl "$1" ports &> /dev/null
+kdump_is_vlan() {
+    [[ -f /proc/net/vlan/"$1" ]]
+# $1: netdev name
+source_ifcfg_file() {
+    local ifcfg_file
+    dwarning "Network Scripts are deprecated. You are encouraged to set up network by NetworkManager."
+    ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_filename "$1")
+    if [[ -f ${ifcfg_file} ]]; then
+        . "${ifcfg_file}"
+    else
+        dwarning "The ifcfg file of $1 is not found!"
+    fi
+kdump_setup_dns() {
+    local _netdev="$1"
+    local _conpath="$2"
+    local _nameserver _dns _tmp array
+    local _dnsfile=${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42dns.conf
+    _tmp=$(get_nmcli_field_by_conpath "IP4.DNS" "$_conpath")
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2206
+    array=(${_tmp//|/ })
+    if [[ ${array[*]} ]]; then
+        for _dns in "${array[@]}"; do
+            echo "nameserver=$_dns" >> "$_dnsfile"
+        done
+    else
+        dwarning "Failed to get DNS info via nmcli output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script"
+        source_ifcfg_file "$_netdev"
+        [[ -n $DNS1 ]] && echo "nameserver=$DNS1" > "$_dnsfile"
+        [[ -n $DNS2 ]] && echo "nameserver=$DNS2" >> "$_dnsfile"
+    fi
+    while read -r content; do
+        _nameserver=$(echo "$content" | grep ^nameserver)
+        [[ -z $_nameserver ]] && continue
+        _dns=$(echo "$_nameserver" | awk '{print $2}')
+        [[ -z $_dns ]] && continue
+        if [[ ! -f $_dnsfile ]] || ! grep -q "$_dns" "$_dnsfile"; then
+            echo "nameserver=$_dns" >> "$_dnsfile"
+        fi
+    done < "/etc/resolv.conf"
+# $1: repeat times
+# $2: string to be repeated
+# $3: separator
+repeatedly_join_str() {
+    local _count="$1"
+    local _str="$2"
+    local _separator="$3"
+    local i _res
+    if [[ $_count -le 0 ]]; then
+        echo -n ""
+        return
+    fi
+    i=0
+    _res="$_str"
+    ((_count--))
+    while [[ $i -lt $_count ]]; do
+        ((i++))
+        _res="${_res}${_separator}${_str}"
+    done
+    echo -n "$_res"
+# $1: prefix
+# $2: ipv6_flag="-6" indicates it's IPv6
+# Given a prefix, calculate the netmask (equivalent of "ipcalc -m")
+# by concatenating three parts,
+#  1) the groups with all bits set 1
+#  2) a group with partial bits set to 0
+#  3) the groups with all bits set to 0
+cal_netmask_by_prefix() {
+    local _prefix="$1"
+    local _ipv6_flag="$2" _ipv6
+    local _bits_per_octet=8
+    local _count _res _octets_per_group _octets_total _seperator _total_groups
+    local _max_group_value _max_group_value_repr _bits_per_group _tmp _zero_bits
+    if [[ $_ipv6_flag == "-6" ]]; then
+        _ipv6=1
+    else
+        _ipv6=0
+    fi
+    if [[ $_prefix -lt 0 || $_prefix -gt 128 ]] \
+        || ( ((!_ipv6)) && [[ $_prefix -gt 32 ]]); then
+        derror "Bad prefix:$_prefix for calculating netmask"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if ((_ipv6)); then
+        _octets_per_group=2
+        _octets_total=16
+        _seperator=":"
+    else
+        _octets_per_group=1
+        _octets_total=4
+        _seperator="."
+    fi
+    _total_groups=$((_octets_total / _octets_per_group))
+    _bits_per_group=$((_octets_per_group * _bits_per_octet))
+    _max_group_value=$(((1 << _bits_per_group) - 1))
+    if ((_ipv6)); then
+        _max_group_value_repr=$(printf "%x" $_max_group_value)
+    else
+        _max_group_value_repr="$_max_group_value"
+    fi
+    _count=$((_prefix / _octets_per_group / _bits_per_octet))
+    _first_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "$_max_group_value_repr" "$_seperator")
+    _res="$_first_part"
+    _tmp=$((_octets_total * _bits_per_octet - _prefix))
+    _zero_bits=$((_tmp % _bits_per_group))
+    if [[ $_zero_bits -ne 0 ]]; then
+        _second_part=$((_max_group_value >> _zero_bits << _zero_bits))
+        if ((_ipv6)); then
+            _second_part=$(printf "%x" $_second_part)
+        fi
+        ((_count++))
+        if [[ -z $_first_part ]]; then
+            _res="$_second_part"
+        else
+            _res="${_first_part}${_seperator}${_second_part}"
+        fi
+    fi
+    _count=$((_total_groups - _count))
+    if [[ $_count -eq 0 ]]; then
+        echo -n "$_res"
+        return
+    fi
+    if ((_ipv6)) && [[ $_count -gt 1 ]]; then
+        # use condensed notion for IPv6
+        _third_part=":"
+    else
+        _third_part=$(repeatedly_join_str "$_count" "0" "$_seperator")
+    fi
+    if [[ -z $_res ]] && ((!_ipv6)); then
+        echo -n "${_third_part}"
+    else
+        echo -n "${_res}${_seperator}${_third_part}"
+    fi
+#$1: netdev name
+#$2: srcaddr
+#if it use static ip echo it, or echo null
+kdump_static_ip() {
+    local _netdev="$1" _srcaddr="$2" kdumpnic="$3" _ipv6_flag
+    local _netmask _gateway _ipaddr _target _nexthop _prefix
+    _ipaddr=$(ip addr show dev "$_netdev" permanent | awk "/ $_srcaddr\/.* /{print \$2}")
+    if is_ipv6_address "$_srcaddr"; then
+        _ipv6_flag="-6"
+    fi
+    if [[ -n $_ipaddr ]]; then
+        _gateway=$(ip $_ipv6_flag route list dev "$_netdev" \
+            | awk '/^default /{print $3}' | head -n 1)
+        if [[ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]]; then
+            # _ipaddr="2002::56ff:feb6:56d5/64", _netmask is the number after "/"
+            _netmask=${_ipaddr#*\/}
+            _srcaddr="[$_srcaddr]"
+            _gateway="[$_gateway]"
+        else
+            _prefix=$(cut -d'/' -f2 <<< "$_ipaddr")
+            if ! _netmask=$(cal_netmask_by_prefix "$_prefix" "$_ipv6_flag"); then
+                derror "Failed to calculate netmask for $_ipaddr"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        echo -n "${_srcaddr}::${_gateway}:${_netmask}::"
+    fi
+    /sbin/ip $_ipv6_flag route show | grep -v default \
+        | grep ".*via.* $_netdev " | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*nexthop" \
+        | while read -r _route; do
+            _target=$(echo "$_route" | awk '{print $1}')
+            _nexthop=$(echo "$_route" | awk '{print $3}')
+            if [[ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]]; then
+                _target="[$_target]"
+                _nexthop="[$_nexthop]"
+            fi
+            echo "rd.route=$_target:$_nexthop:$kdumpnic"
+        done >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf"
+    kdump_handle_mulitpath_route "$_netdev" "$_srcaddr" "$kdumpnic"
+kdump_handle_mulitpath_route() {
+    local _netdev="$1" _srcaddr="$2" kdumpnic="$3" _ipv6_flag
+    local _target _nexthop _route _weight _max_weight _rule
+    if is_ipv6_address "$_srcaddr"; then
+        _ipv6_flag="-6"
+    fi
+    while IFS="" read -r _route; do
+        if [[ $_route =~ [[:space:]]+nexthop ]]; then
+            _route=${_route##[[:space:]]}
+            # Parse multipath route, using previous _target
+            [[ $_target == 'default' ]] && continue
+            [[ $_route =~ .*via.*\ $_netdev ]] || continue
+            _weight=$(echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f7)
+            if [[ $_weight -gt $_max_weight ]]; then
+                _nexthop=$(echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f3)
+                _max_weight=$_weight
+                if [[ "x" != "x"$_ipv6_flag ]]; then
+                    _rule="rd.route=[$_target]:[$_nexthop]:$kdumpnic"
+                else
+                    _rule="rd.route=$_target:$_nexthop:$kdumpnic"
+                fi
+            fi
+        else
+            [[ -n $_rule ]] && echo "$_rule"
+            _target=$(echo "$_route" | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+            _rule="" _max_weight=0 _weight=0
+        fi
+    done >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf" \
+        <<< "$(/sbin/ip $_ipv6_flag route show)"
+    [[ -n $_rule ]] && echo "$_rule" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/45route-static.conf"
+kdump_get_mac_addr() {
+    cat "/sys/class/net/$1/address"
+#Bonding or team master modifies the mac address
+#of its slaves, we should use perm address
+kdump_get_perm_addr() {
+    local addr
+    addr=$(ethtool -P "$1" | sed -e 's/Permanent address: //')
+    if [[ -z $addr ]] || [[ $addr == "00:00:00:00:00:00" ]]; then
+        derror "Can't get the permanent address of $1"
+    else
+        echo "$addr"
+    fi
+# Prefix kernel assigned names with "kdump-". EX: eth0 -> kdump-eth0
+# Because kernel assigned names are not persistent between 1st and 2nd
+# kernel. We could probably end up with eth0 being eth1, eth0 being
+# eth1, and naming conflict happens.
+kdump_setup_ifname() {
+    local _ifname
+    # If ifname already has 'kdump-' prefix, we must be switching from
+    # fadump to kdump. Skip prefixing 'kdump-' in this case as adding
+    # another prefix may truncate the ifname. Since an ifname with
+    # 'kdump-' is already persistent, this should be fine.
+    if [[ $1 =~ eth* ]] && [[ ! $1 =~ ^kdump-* ]]; then
+        _ifname="kdump-$1"
+    else
+        _ifname="$1"
+    fi
+    echo "$_ifname"
+kdump_setup_bridge() {
+    local _netdev=$1
+    local _brif _dev _mac _kdumpdev
+    for _dev in "/sys/class/net/$_netdev/brif/"*; do
+        [[ -e $_dev ]] || continue
+        _dev=${_dev##*/}
+        _kdumpdev=$_dev
+        if kdump_is_bond "$_dev"; then
+            (kdump_setup_bond "$_dev" "$(get_nmcli_connection_apath_by_ifname "$_dev")") || exit 1
+        elif kdump_is_team "$_dev"; then
+            kdump_setup_team "$_dev"
+        elif kdump_is_vlan "$_dev"; then
+            kdump_setup_vlan "$_dev"
+        else
+            _mac=$(kdump_get_mac_addr "$_dev")
+            _kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_dev")
+            echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/41bridge.conf"
+        fi
+        _brif+="$_kdumpdev,"
+    done
+    echo " bridge=$_netdev:${_brif%,}" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/41bridge.conf"
+# drauct takes bond=<bondname>[:<bondslaves>:[:<options>]] syntax to parse
+#    bond. For example:
+#     bond=bond0:eth0,eth1:mode=balance-rr
+kdump_setup_bond() {
+    local _netdev="$1"
+    local _conpath="$2"
+    local _dev _mac _slaves _kdumpdev _bondoptions
+    for _dev in $(cat "/sys/class/net/$_netdev/bonding/slaves"); do
+        _mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr "$_dev")
+        _kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_dev")
+        echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf"
+        _slaves+="$_kdumpdev,"
+    done
+    echo -n " bond=$_netdev:${_slaves%,}" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf"
+    _bondoptions=$(get_nmcli_field_by_conpath "bond.options" "$_conpath")
+    if [[ -z $_bondoptions ]]; then
+        dwarning "Failed to get bond configuration via nmlci output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script."
+        source_ifcfg_file "$_netdev"
+        _bondoptions="$(echo "$BONDING_OPTS" | xargs echo | tr " " ",")"
+    fi
+    if [[ -z $_bondoptions ]]; then
+        derror "Get empty bond options"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo ":$_bondoptions" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/42bond.conf"
+kdump_setup_team() {
+    local _netdev=$1
+    local _dev _mac _slaves _kdumpdev
+    for _dev in $(teamnl "$_netdev" ports | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do
+        _mac=$(kdump_get_perm_addr "$_dev")
+        _kdumpdev=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_dev")
+        echo -n " ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_mac" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/44team.conf"
+        _slaves+="$_kdumpdev,"
+    done
+    echo " team=$_netdev:${_slaves%,}" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/44team.conf"
+    #Buggy version teamdctl outputs to stderr!
+    #Try to use the latest version of teamd.
+    if ! teamdctl "$_netdev" config dump > "${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf"; then
+        derror "teamdctl failed."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    inst_dir /etc/teamd
+    inst_simple "${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf" "/etc/teamd/$_netdev.conf"
+    rm -f "${initdir}/tmp/$$-$_netdev.conf"
+kdump_setup_vlan() {
+    local _netdev=$1
+    local _phydev
+    local _netmac
+    local _kdumpdev
+    _phydev="$(awk '/^Device:/{print $2}' /proc/net/vlan/"$_netdev")"
+    _netmac="$(kdump_get_mac_addr "$_phydev")"
+    #Just support vlan over bond and team
+    if kdump_is_bridge "$_phydev"; then
+        derror "Vlan over bridge is not supported!"
+        exit 1
+    elif kdump_is_bond "$_phydev"; then
+        (kdump_setup_bond "$_phydev" "$(get_nmcli_connection_apath_by_ifname "$_phydev")") || exit 1
+        echo " vlan=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_netdev"):$_phydev" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/43vlan.conf"
+    else
+        _kdumpdev="$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_phydev")"
+        echo " vlan=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_netdev"):$_kdumpdev ifname=$_kdumpdev:$_netmac" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/43vlan.conf"
+    fi
+# find online znet device
+# return ifname (_netdev)
+# code reaped from the list_configured function of
+# https://github.com/hreinecke/s390-tools/blob/master/zconf/znetconf
+find_online_znet_device() {
+    local CCWGROUPBUS_DEVICEDIR="/sys/bus/ccwgroup/devices"
+    local NETWORK_DEVICES d ifname ONLINE
+    [[ ! -d $CCWGROUPBUS_DEVICEDIR ]] && return
+    for d in $NETWORK_DEVICES; do
+        [[ ! -f "$d/online" ]] && continue
+        read -r ONLINE < "$d/online"
+        if [[ $ONLINE -ne 1 ]]; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        # determine interface name, if there (only for qeth and if
+        # device is online)
+        if [[ -f $d/if_name ]]; then
+            read -r ifname < "$d/if_name"
+        elif [[ -d $d/net ]]; then
+            ifname=$(ls "$d/net/")
+        fi
+        [[ -n $ifname ]] && break
+    done
+    echo -n "$ifname"
+# setup s390 znet cmdline
+# $1: netdev (ifname)
+# $2: nmcli connection path
+kdump_setup_znet() {
+    local _netdev="$1"
+    local _conpath="$2"
+    local s390_prefix="802-3-ethernet.s390-"
+    local _options=""
+    local NETTYPE
+    local SUBCHANNELS
+    NETTYPE=$(get_nmcli_field_by_conpath "${s390_prefix}nettype" "$_conpath")
+    SUBCHANNELS=$(get_nmcli_field_by_conpath "${s390_prefix}subchannels" "$_conpath")
+    _options=$(get_nmcli_field_by_conpath "${s390_prefix}options" "$_conpath")
+    if [[ -z $NETTYPE || -z $SUBCHANNELS || -z $_options ]]; then
+        dwarning "Failed to get znet configuration via nmlci output. Now try sourcing ifcfg script."
+        source_ifcfg_file "$_netdev"
+        for i in $OPTIONS; do
+            _options=${_options},$i
+        done
+    fi
+    if [[ -z $NETTYPE || -z $SUBCHANNELS || -z $_options ]]; then
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "rd.znet=${NETTYPE},${SUBCHANNELS},${_options} rd.znet_ifname=$_netdev:${SUBCHANNELS}" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/30znet.conf"
+kdump_get_ip_route() {
+    local _route
+    if ! _route=$(/sbin/ip -o route get to "$1" 2>&1); then
+        derror "Bad kdump network destination: $1"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "$_route"
+kdump_get_ip_route_field() {
+    echo "$1" | sed -n -e "s/^.*\<$2\>\s\+\(\S\+\).*$/\1/p"
+kdump_get_remote_ip() {
+    local _remote _remote_temp
+    _remote=$(get_remote_host "$1")
+    if is_hostname "$_remote"; then
+        _remote_temp=$(getent ahosts "$_remote" | grep -v : | head -n 1)
+        if [[ -z $_remote_temp ]]; then
+            _remote_temp=$(getent ahosts "$_remote" | head -n 1)
+        fi
+        _remote=$(echo "$_remote_temp" | awk '{print $1}')
+    fi
+    echo "$_remote"
+# Setup dracut to bring up network interface that enable
+# initramfs accessing giving destination
+# $1: destination host
+kdump_install_net() {
+    local _destaddr _srcaddr _route _netdev _conpath kdumpnic
+    local _static _proto _ip_conf _ip_opts _ifname_opts
+    local _znet_netdev _znet_conpath
+    _destaddr=$(kdump_get_remote_ip "$1")
+    _route=$(kdump_get_ip_route "$_destaddr")
+    _srcaddr=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "src")
+    _netdev=$(kdump_get_ip_route_field "$_route" "dev")
+    _conpath=$(get_nmcli_connection_apath_by_ifname "$_netdev")
+    _netmac=$(kdump_get_mac_addr "$_netdev")
+    kdumpnic=$(kdump_setup_ifname "$_netdev")
+    _znet_netdev=$(find_online_znet_device)
+    if [[ -n $_znet_netdev ]]; then
+        _znet_conpath=$(get_nmcli_connection_apath_by_ifname "$_znet_netdev")
+        if ! (kdump_setup_znet "$_znet_netdev" "$_znet_conpath"); then
+            derror "Failed to set up znet"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    _static=$(kdump_static_ip "$_netdev" "$_srcaddr" "$kdumpnic")
+    if [[ -n $_static ]]; then
+        _proto=none
+    elif is_ipv6_address "$_srcaddr"; then
+        _proto=auto6
+    else
+        _proto=dhcp
+    fi
+    _ip_conf="${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/40ip.conf"
+    _ip_opts=" ip=${_static}$kdumpnic:${_proto}"
+    # dracut doesn't allow duplicated configuration for same NIC, even they're exactly the same.
+    # so we have to avoid adding duplicates
+    # We should also check /proc/cmdline for existing ip=xx arg.
+    # For example, iscsi boot will specify ip=xxx arg in cmdline.
+    if [[ ! -f $_ip_conf ]] || ! grep -q "$_ip_opts" "$_ip_conf" \
+        && ! grep -q "ip=[^[:space:]]*$_netdev" /proc/cmdline; then
+        echo "$_ip_opts" >> "$_ip_conf"
+    fi
+    if kdump_is_bridge "$_netdev"; then
+        kdump_setup_bridge "$_netdev"
+    elif kdump_is_bond "$_netdev"; then
+        (kdump_setup_bond "$_netdev" "$_conpath") || exit 1
+    elif kdump_is_team "$_netdev"; then
+        kdump_setup_team "$_netdev"
+    elif kdump_is_vlan "$_netdev"; then
+        kdump_setup_vlan "$_netdev"
+    else
+        _ifname_opts=" ifname=$kdumpnic:$_netmac"
+        echo "$_ifname_opts" >> "$_ip_conf"
+    fi
+    kdump_setup_dns "$_netdev" "$_conpath"
+    if [[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf ]]; then
+        # network-manager module needs this parameter
+        echo "rd.neednet" >> "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50neednet.conf"
+    fi
+    # Save netdev used for kdump as cmdline
+    # Whoever calling kdump_install_net() is setting up the default gateway,
+    # ie. bootdev/kdumpnic. So don't override the setting if calling
+    # kdump_install_net() for another time. For example, after setting eth0 as
+    # the default gate way for network dump, eth1 in the fence kdump path will
+    # call kdump_install_net again and we don't want eth1 to be the default
+    # gateway.
+    if [[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpnic.conf ]] \
+        && [[ ! -f ${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/70bootdev.conf ]]; then
+        echo "kdumpnic=$kdumpnic" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/60kdumpnic.conf"
+        echo "bootdev=$kdumpnic" > "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/70bootdev.conf"
+    fi
+# install etc/kdump/pre.d and /etc/kdump/post.d
+kdump_install_pre_post_conf() {
+    if [[ -d /etc/kdump/pre.d ]]; then
+        for file in /etc/kdump/pre.d/*; do
+            if [[ -x $file ]]; then
+                dracut_install "$file"
+            elif [[ $file != "/etc/kdump/pre.d/*" ]]; then
+                echo "$file is not executable"
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    if [[ -d /etc/kdump/post.d ]]; then
+        for file in /etc/kdump/post.d/*; do
+            if [[ -x $file ]]; then
+                dracut_install "$file"
+            elif [[ $file != "/etc/kdump/post.d/*" ]]; then
+                echo "$file is not executable"
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+default_dump_target_install_conf() {
+    local _target _fstype
+    local _mntpoint _save_path
+    is_user_configured_dump_target && return
+    _save_path=$(get_bind_mount_source "$(get_save_path)")
+    _target=$(get_target_from_path "$_save_path")
+    _mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")
+    _fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target "$_target")
+    if is_fs_type_nfs "$_fstype"; then
+        kdump_install_net "$_target"
+        _fstype="nfs"
+    else
+        _target=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_target")
+    fi
+    echo "$_fstype $_target" >> "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+    # don't touch the path under root mount
+    if [[ $_mntpoint != "/" ]]; then
+        _save_path=${_save_path##"$_mntpoint"}
+    fi
+    #erase the old path line, then insert the parsed path
+    sed -i "/^path/d" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+    echo "path $_save_path" >> "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+#install kdump.conf and what user specifies in kdump.conf
+kdump_install_conf() {
+    local _opt _val _pdev
+    kdump_read_conf > "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+    while read -r _opt _val; do
+        # remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+        case "$_opt" in
+            raw)
+                _pdev=$(persistent_policy="by-id" kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_val")
+                sed -i -e "s#^${_opt}[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+                ;;
+            ext[234] | xfs | btrfs | minix)
+                _pdev=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_val")
+                sed -i -e "s#^${_opt}[[:space:]]\+$_val#$_opt $_pdev#" "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+                ;;
+            ssh | nfs)
+                kdump_install_net "$_val"
+                ;;
+            dracut_args)
+                if [[ $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$_val") == nfs* ]]; then
+                    kdump_install_net "$(get_dracut_args_target "$_val")"
+                fi
+                ;;
+            kdump_pre | kdump_post | extra_bins)
+                # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                dracut_install $_val
+                ;;
+            core_collector)
+                dracut_install "${_val%%[[:blank:]]*}"
+                ;;
+        esac
+    done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
+    kdump_install_pre_post_conf
+    default_dump_target_install_conf
+    kdump_configure_fence_kdump "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+    inst "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf" "/etc/kdump.conf"
+    rm -f "${initdir}/tmp/$$-kdump.conf"
+# Default sysctl parameters should suffice for kdump kernel.
+# Remove custom configurations sysctl.conf & sysctl.d/*
+remove_sysctl_conf() {
+    # As custom configurations like vm.min_free_kbytes can lead
+    # to OOM issues in kdump kernel, avoid them
+    rm -f "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.conf"
+    rm -rf "${initdir}/etc/sysctl.d"
+    rm -rf "${initdir}/run/sysctl.d"
+    rm -rf "${initdir}/usr/lib/sysctl.d"
+kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val() {
+    local result
+    # The open-iscsi 742 release changed to using flat files in
+    # /var/lib/iscsi.
+    result=$(/sbin/iscsiadm --show -m session -r "$1" | grep "^${2} = ")
+    result=${result##* = }
+    echo "$result"
+kdump_get_iscsi_initiator() {
+    local _initiator
+    local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi"
+    [[ -f $initiator_conf ]] || return 1
+    while read -r _initiator; do
+        [[ -z ${_initiator%%#*} ]] && continue # Skip comment lines
+        case $_initiator in
+            InitiatorName=*)
+                initiator=${_initiator#InitiatorName=}
+                echo "rd.iscsi.initiator=${initiator}"
+                return 0
+                ;;
+            *) ;;
+        esac
+    done < ${initiator_conf}
+    return 1
+# Figure out iBFT session according to session type
+is_ibft() {
+    [[ "$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$1" "node.discovery_type")" == fw ]]
+kdump_setup_iscsi_device() {
+    local path=$1
+    local tgt_name
+    local tgt_ipaddr
+    local username
+    local password
+    local userpwd_str
+    local username_in
+    local password_in
+    local userpwd_in_str
+    local netroot_str
+    local initiator_str
+    local netroot_conf="${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/50iscsi.conf"
+    local initiator_conf="/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi"
+    dinfo "Found iscsi component $1"
+    # Check once before getting explicit values, so we can bail out early,
+    # e.g. in case of pure-hardware(all-offload) iscsi.
+    if ! /sbin/iscsiadm -m session -r "$path" &> /dev/null; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if is_ibft "$path"; then
+        return
+    fi
+    # Remove software iscsi cmdline generated by 95iscsi,
+    # and let kdump regenerate here.
+    rm -f "${initdir}/etc/cmdline.d/95iscsi.conf"
+    tgt_name=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.name")
+    tgt_ipaddr=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.conn\[0\].address")
+    # get and set username and password details
+    username=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.username")
+    [[ $username == "<empty>" ]] && username=""
+    password=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.password")
+    [[ $password == "<empty>" ]] && password=""
+    username_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.username_in")
+    [[ -n $username ]] && userpwd_str="$username:$password"
+    # get and set incoming username and password details
+    [[ $username_in == "<empty>" ]] && username_in=""
+    password_in=$(kdump_iscsi_get_rec_val "$path" "node.session.auth.password_in")
+    [[ $password_in == "<empty>" ]] && password_in=""
+    [[ -n $username_in ]] && userpwd_in_str=":$username_in:$password_in"
+    kdump_install_net "$tgt_ipaddr"
+    # prepare netroot= command line
+    # FIXME: Do we need to parse and set other parameters like protocol, port
+    #        iscsi_iface_name, netdev_name, LUN etc.
+    if is_ipv6_address "$tgt_ipaddr"; then
+        tgt_ipaddr="[$tgt_ipaddr]"
+    fi
+    netroot_str="netroot=iscsi:${userpwd_str}${userpwd_in_str}@$tgt_ipaddr::::$tgt_name"
+    [[ -f $netroot_conf ]] || touch "$netroot_conf"
+    # If netroot target does not exist already, append.
+    if ! grep -q "$netroot_str" "$netroot_conf"; then
+        echo "$netroot_str" >> "$netroot_conf"
+        dinfo "Appended $netroot_str to $netroot_conf"
+    fi
+    # Setup initator
+    if ! initiator_str=$(kdump_get_iscsi_initiator); then
+        derror "Failed to get initiator name"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # If initiator details do not exist already, append.
+    if ! grep -q "$initiator_str" "$netroot_conf"; then
+        echo "$initiator_str" >> "$netroot_conf"
+        dinfo "Appended $initiator_str to $netroot_conf"
+    fi
+kdump_check_iscsi_targets() {
+    # If our prerequisites are not met, fail anyways.
+    type -P iscsistart > /dev/null || return 1
+    kdump_check_setup_iscsi() (
+        local _dev
+        _dev=$1
+        [[ -L /sys/dev/block/$_dev ]] || return
+        cd "$(readlink -f "/sys/dev/block/$_dev")" || return 1
+        until [[ -d sys || -d iscsi_session ]]; do
+            cd ..
+        done
+        [[ -d iscsi_session ]] && kdump_setup_iscsi_device "$PWD"
+    )
+    [[ $hostonly ]] || [[ $mount_needs ]] && {
+        for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all kdump_check_setup_iscsi
+    }
+# hostname -a is deprecated, do it by ourself
+get_alias() {
+    local ips
+    local entries
+    local alias_set
+    ips=$(hostname -I)
+    for ip in $ips; do
+        # in /etc/hosts, alias can come at the 2nd column
+        if entries=$(grep "$ip" /etc/hosts | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }'); then
+            alias_set="$alias_set $entries"
+        fi
+    done
+    echo "$alias_set"
+is_localhost() {
+    local hostnames
+    local shortnames
+    local aliasname
+    local nodename=$1
+    hostnames=$(hostname -A)
+    shortnames=$(hostname -A -s)
+    aliasname=$(get_alias)
+    hostnames="$hostnames $shortnames $aliasname"
+    for name in ${hostnames}; do
+        if [[ $name == "$nodename" ]]; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    return 1
+# retrieves fence_kdump nodes from Pacemaker cluster configuration
+get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes() {
+    local nodes
+    pcs cluster sync > /dev/null 2>&1 && pcs cluster cib-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1
+    # get cluster nodes from cluster cib, get interface and ip address
+    nodelist=$(pcs cluster cib | xmllint --xpath "/cib/status/node_state/@uname" -)
+    # nodelist is formed as 'uname="node1" uname="node2" ... uname="nodeX"'
+    # we need to convert each to node1, node2 ... nodeX in each iteration
+    for node in ${nodelist}; do
+        # convert $node from 'uname="nodeX"' to 'nodeX'
+        eval "$node"
+        nodename="$uname"
+        # Skip its own node name
+        if is_localhost "$nodename"; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        nodes="$nodes $nodename"
+    done
+    echo "$nodes"
+# retrieves fence_kdump args from config file
+get_pcs_fence_kdump_args() {
+    if [[ -f $FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then
+        echo "$FENCE_KDUMP_OPTS"
+    fi
+get_generic_fence_kdump_nodes() {
+    local filtered
+    local nodes
+    nodes=$(kdump_get_conf_val "fence_kdump_nodes")
+    for node in ${nodes}; do
+        # Skip its own node name
+        if is_localhost "$node"; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        filtered="$filtered $node"
+    done
+    echo "$filtered"
+# setup fence_kdump in cluster
+# setup proper network and install needed files
+kdump_configure_fence_kdump() {
+    local kdump_cfg_file=$1
+    local nodes
+    local args
+    if is_generic_fence_kdump; then
+        nodes=$(get_generic_fence_kdump_nodes)
+    elif is_pcs_fence_kdump; then
+        nodes=$(get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes)
+        # set appropriate options in kdump.conf
+        echo "fence_kdump_nodes $nodes" >> "${kdump_cfg_file}"
+        args=$(get_pcs_fence_kdump_args)
+        if [[ -n $args ]]; then
+            echo "fence_kdump_args $args" >> "${kdump_cfg_file}"
+        fi
+    else
+        # fence_kdump not configured
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # setup network for each node
+    for node in ${nodes}; do
+        kdump_install_net "$node"
+    done
+    dracut_install /etc/hosts
+    dracut_install /etc/nsswitch.conf
+    dracut_install "$FENCE_KDUMP_SEND"
+# Install a random seed used to feed /dev/urandom
+# By the time kdump service starts, /dev/uramdom is already fed by systemd
+kdump_install_random_seed() {
+    local poolsize
+    poolsize=$(< /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize)
+    if [[ ! -d "${initdir}/var/lib/" ]]; then
+        mkdir -p "${initdir}/var/lib/"
+    fi
+    dd if=/dev/urandom of="${initdir}/var/lib/random-seed" \
+        bs="$poolsize" count=1 2> /dev/null
+kdump_install_systemd_conf() {
+    # Kdump turns out to require longer default systemd mount timeout
+    # than 1st kernel(90s by default), we use default 300s for kdump.
+    if ! grep -q -r "^[[:space:]]*DefaultTimeoutStartSec=" "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf"*; then
+        mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d"
+        echo "[Manager]" > "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+        echo "DefaultTimeoutStartSec=300s" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/system.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+    fi
+    # Forward logs to console directly, and don't read Kmsg, this avoids
+    # unneccessary memory consumption and make console output more useful.
+    # Only do so for non fadump image.
+    mkdir -p "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d"
+    echo "[Journal]" > "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+    echo "Storage=volatile" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+    echo "ReadKMsg=no" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+    echo "ForwardToConsole=yes" >> "${initdir}/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/kdump.conf"
+remove_cpu_online_rule() {
+    local file=${initdir}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/40-redhat.rules
+    sed -i '/SUBSYSTEM=="cpu"/d' "$file"
+install() {
+    local arch
+    kdump_module_init
+    kdump_install_conf
+    remove_sysctl_conf
+    # Onlining secondary cpus breaks kdump completely on KVM on Power hosts
+    # Though we use maxcpus=1 by default but 40-redhat.rules will bring up all
+    # possible cpus by default. (rhbz1270174 rhbz1266322)
+    # Thus before we get the kernel fix and the systemd rule fix let's remove
+    # the cpu online rule in kdump initramfs.
+    arch=$(uname -m)
+    if [[ "$arch" = "ppc64le" ]] || [[ "$arch" = "ppc64" ]]; then
+        remove_cpu_online_rule
+    fi
+    if is_ssh_dump_target; then
+        kdump_install_random_seed
+    fi
+    dracut_install -o /etc/adjtime /etc/localtime
+    inst "$moddir/monitor_dd_progress" "/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress"
+    chmod +x "${initdir}/kdumpscripts/monitor_dd_progress"
+    inst "/bin/dd" "/bin/dd"
+    inst "/bin/tail" "/bin/tail"
+    inst "/bin/date" "/bin/date"
+    inst "/bin/sync" "/bin/sync"
+    inst "/bin/cut" "/bin/cut"
+    inst "/bin/head" "/bin/head"
+    inst "/bin/awk" "/bin/awk"
+    inst "/bin/sed" "/bin/sed"
+    inst "/bin/stat" "/bin/stat"
+    inst "/sbin/makedumpfile" "/sbin/makedumpfile"
+    inst "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg" "/sbin/vmcore-dmesg"
+    inst "/usr/bin/printf" "/sbin/printf"
+    inst "/usr/bin/logger" "/sbin/logger"
+    inst "/usr/bin/chmod" "/sbin/chmod"
+    inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh" "/lib/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh"
+    inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh" "/lib/kdump-logger.sh"
+    inst "$moddir/kdump.sh" "/usr/bin/kdump.sh"
+    inst "$moddir/kdump-capture.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/kdump-capture.service"
+    systemctl -q --root "$initdir" add-wants initrd.target kdump-capture.service
+    # Replace existing emergency service and emergency target
+    cp "$moddir/kdump-emergency.service" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service"
+    cp "$moddir/kdump-emergency.target" "$initdir/$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.target"
+    # Also redirect dracut-emergency to kdump error handler
+    ln_r "$systemdsystemunitdir/emergency.service" "$systemdsystemunitdir/dracut-emergency.service"
+    # Check for all the devices and if any device is iscsi, bring up iscsi
+    # target. Ideally all this should be pushed into dracut iscsi module
+    # at some point of time.
+    kdump_check_iscsi_targets
+    kdump_install_systemd_conf
+    # nfs/ssh dump will need to get host ip in second kernel and need to call 'ip' tool, see get_host_ip for more detail
+    if is_nfs_dump_target || is_ssh_dump_target; then
+        inst "ip"
+    fi
+    # For the lvm type target under kdump, in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf we can
+    # safely replace "reserved_memory=XXXX"(default value is 8192) with
+    # "reserved_memory=1024" to lower memory pressure under kdump. We do
+    # it unconditionally here, if "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" doesn't exist, it
+    # actually does nothing.
+    sed -i -e \
+        's/\(^[[:space:]]*reserved_memory[[:space:]]*=\)[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*/\1 1024/' \
+        "${initdir}/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" &> /dev/null
+    # Save more memory by dropping switch root capability
+    dracut_no_switch_root
diff --git a/SOURCES/dracut-monitor_dd_progress b/SOURCES/dracut-monitor_dd_progress
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e139d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dracut-monitor_dd_progress
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+while true
+    DD_PID=`pidof dd`
+    if [ -n "$DD_PID" ]; then
+        break
+    fi
+while true
+    sleep 5
+    if [ ! -d /proc/$DD_PID ]; then
+        break
+    fi
+    kill -s USR1 $DD_PID
+    CURRENT_SIZE=`tail -n 1 /tmp/dd_progress_file | sed "s/[^0-9].*//g"`
+    [ -n "$CURRENT_SIZE" ] && {
+        CURRENT_MB=$(($CURRENT_SIZE / 1048576))
+        echo -e "Copied $CURRENT_MB MB / $SRC_FILE_MB MB\r"
+    }
+rm -f /tmp/dd_progress_file
diff --git a/SOURCES/early-kdump-howto.txt b/SOURCES/early-kdump-howto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b23c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/early-kdump-howto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Early Kdump HOWTO
+Early kdump is a mechanism to make kdump operational earlier than normal kdump
+service.  The kdump service starts early enough for general crash cases, but
+there are some cases where it has no chance to make kdump operational in boot
+sequence, such as detecting devices and starting early services.  If you hit
+such a case, early kdump may allow you to get more information of it.
+Early kdump is implemented as a dracut module.  It adds a kernel (vmlinuz) and
+initramfs for kdump to your system's initramfs in order to load them as early
+as possible.  After that, if you provide "rd.earlykdump" in kernel command line,
+then in the initramfs, early kdump will load those files like the normal kdump
+service.  This is disabled by default.
+For the normal kdump service, it can check whether the early kdump has loaded
+the crash kernel and initramfs. It has no conflict with the early kdump.
+How to configure early kdump
+We assume if you're reading this document, you should already have kexec-tools
+You can rebuild the initramfs with earlykdump support with below steps:
+1. start kdump service to make sure kdump initramfs is created.
+    # systemctl start kdump
+    NOTE: If a crash occurs during boot process, early kdump captures a vmcore
+    and reboot the system by default, so the system might go into crash loop.
+    You can avoid such a crash loop by adding the following settings, which
+    power off the system after dump capturing, to kdump.conf in advance:
+        final_action poweroff
+        failure_action poweroff
+    For the failure_action, you can choose anything other than "reboot".
+2. rebuild system initramfs with earlykdump support.
+    # dracut --force --add earlykdump
+    NOTE: Recommend to backup the original system initramfs before performing
+    this step to put it back if something happens during boot-up.
+3. add rd.earlykdump in grub kernel command line.
+After making said changes, reboot your system to take effect. Of course, if you
+want to disable early kdump, you can simply remove "rd.earlykdump" from kernel
+boot parameters in grub, and reboot system like above.
+Once the boot is completed, you can check the status of the early kdump support
+on the command prompt:
+    # journalctl -b | grep early-kdump
+Then, you will see some useful logs, for example:
+- if early kdump is successful.
+Mar 09 09:57:56 localhost dracut-cmdline[190]: early-kdump is enabled.
+Mar 09 09:57:56 localhost dracut-cmdline[190]: kexec: loaded early-kdump kernel
+- if early kdump is disabled.
+Mar 09 10:02:47 localhost dracut-cmdline[189]: early-kdump is disabled.
+- The size of early kdump initramfs will be large because it includes vmlinuz
+  and kdump initramfs.
+- Early kdump inherits the settings of normal kdump, so any changes that
+  caused normal kdump rebuilding also require rebuilding the system initramfs
+  to make sure that the changes take effect for early kdump. Therefore, after
+  the rebuilding of kdump initramfs is completed, provide a prompt message to
+  tell the fact.
+- If you install an updated kernel and reboot the system with it, the early
+  kdump will be disabled by default.  To enable it with the new kernel, you
+  need to take the above steps again.
+- At present, early kdump doesn't support fadump.
+- Early kdump loads a crash kernel and initramfs at the beginning of the
+  process in system's initramfs, so a crash at earlier than that (e.g. in
+  kernel initialization) cannot be captured even with the early kdump.
diff --git a/SOURCES/fadump-howto.txt b/SOURCES/fadump-howto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc87644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/fadump-howto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Firmware assisted dump (fadump) HOWTO
+Firmware assisted dump is a new feature in the 3.4 mainline kernel supported
+only on powerpc architecture. The goal of firmware-assisted dump is to enable
+the dump of a crashed system, and to do so from a fully-reset system, and to
+minimize the total elapsed time until the system is back in production use. A
+complete documentation on implementation can be found at
+Documentation/powerpc/firmware-assisted-dump.txt in upstream linux kernel tree
+from 3.4 version and above.
+Please note that the firmware-assisted dump feature is only available on Power6
+and above systems with recent firmware versions.
+Fadump is a robust kernel crash dumping mechanism to get reliable kernel crash
+dump with assistance from firmware. This approach does not use kexec, instead
+firmware assists in booting the kdump kernel while preserving memory contents.
+Unlike kdump, the system is fully reset, and loaded with a fresh copy of the
+kernel. In particular, PCI and I/O devices are reinitialized and are in a
+clean, consistent state.  This second kernel, often called a capture kernel,
+boots with very little memory and captures the dump image.
+The first kernel registers the sections of memory with the Power firmware for
+dump preservation during OS initialization. These registered sections of memory
+are reserved by the first kernel during early boot. When a system crashes, the
+Power firmware fully resets the system, preserves all the system memory
+contents, save the low memory (boot memory of size larger of 5% of system
+RAM or 256MB) of RAM to the previous registered region. It will also save
+system registers, and hardware PTE's.
+Fadump is supported only on ppc64 platform. The standard kernel and capture
+kernel are one and the same on ppc64.
+If you're reading this document, you should already have kexec-tools
+installed. If not, you install it via the following command:
+    # yum install kexec-tools
+Fadump Operational Flow:
+Like kdump, fadump also exports the ELF formatted kernel crash dump through
+/proc/vmcore. Hence existing kdump infrastructure can be used to capture fadump
+vmcore. The idea is to keep the functionality transparent to end user. From
+user perspective there is no change in the way kdump init script works.
+However, unlike kdump, fadump does not pre-load kdump kernel and initrd into
+reserved memory, instead it always uses default OS initrd during second boot
+after crash. Hence, for fadump, we rebuild the new kdump initrd and replace it
+with default initrd. Before replacing existing default initrd we take a backup
+of original default initrd for user's reference. The dracut package has been
+enhanced to rebuild the default initrd with vmcore capture steps. The initrd
+image is rebuilt as per the configuration in /etc/kdump.conf file.
+The control flow of fadump works as follows:
+01. System panics.
+02. At the crash, kernel informs power firmware that kernel has crashed.
+03. Firmware takes the control and reboots the entire system preserving
+    only the memory (resets all other devices).
+04. The reboot follows the normal booting process (non-kexec).
+05. The boot loader loads the default kernel and initrd from /boot
+06. The default initrd loads and runs /init
+07. dracut-kdump.sh script present in fadump aware default initrd checks if
+    '/proc/device-tree/rtas/ibm,kernel-dump'  file exists  before executing
+    steps to capture vmcore.
+    (This check will help to bypass the vmcore capture steps during normal boot
+     process.)
+09. Captures dump according to /etc/kdump.conf
+10. Is dump capture successful (yes goto 12, no goto 11)
+11. Perform the failure action specified in /etc/kdump.conf
+    (The default failure action is reboot, if unspecified)
+12. Perform the final action specified in /etc/kdump.conf
+    (The default final action is reboot, if unspecified)
+How to configure fadump:
+Again, we assume if you're reading this document, you should already have
+kexec-tools installed. If not, you install it via the following command:
+    # yum install kexec-tools
+Make the kernel to be configured with FADump as the default boot entry, if
+it isn't already:
+   # grubby --set-default=/boot/vmlinuz-<kver>
+Boot into the kernel to be configured for FADump. To be able to do much of
+anything interesting in the way of debug analysis, you'll also need to install
+the kernel-debuginfo package, of the same arch as your running kernel, and the
+crash utility:
+    # yum --enablerepo=\*debuginfo install kernel-debuginfo.$(uname -m) crash
+Next up, we need to modify some boot parameters to enable firmware assisted
+dump. With the help of grubby, it's very easy to append "fadump=on" to the end
+of your kernel boot parameters. To reserve the appropriate amount of memory
+for boot memory preservation, pass 'crashkernel=X' kernel cmdline parameter.
+For the recommended value of X, see 'FADump Memory Requirements' section.
+   # grubby --args="fadump=on crashkernel=6G" --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`
+By default, FADump reserved memory will be initialized as CMA area to make the
+memory available through CMA allocator on the production kernel. We can opt out
+of this, making reserved memory unavailable to production kernel, by booting the
+linux kernel with 'fadump=nocma' instead of 'fadump=on'.
+The term 'boot memory' means size of the low memory chunk that is required for
+a kernel to boot successfully when booted with restricted memory.  By default,
+the boot memory size will be the larger of 5% of system RAM or 256MB.
+Alternatively, user can also specify boot memory size through boot parameter
+'fadump_reserve_mem=' which will override the default calculated size. Use this
+option if default boot memory size is not sufficient for second kernel to boot
+After making said changes, reboot your system, so that the specified memory is
+reserved and left untouched by the normal system. Take note that the output of
+'free -m' will show X MB less memory than without this parameter, which is
+expected. If you see OOM (Out Of Memory) error messages while loading capture
+kernel, then you should bump up the memory reservation size.
+Now that you've got that reserved memory region set up, you want to turn on
+the kdump init script:
+    # systemctl enable kdump.service
+Then, start up kdump as well:
+    # systemctl start kdump.service
+This should turn on the firmware assisted functionality in kernel by
+echo'ing 1 to /sys/kernel/fadump_registered, leaving the system ready
+to capture a vmcore upon crashing. For journaling filesystems like XFS an
+additional step is required to ensure bootloader does not pick the
+older initrd (without vmcore capture scripts):
+  * If /boot is a separate partition, run the below commands as the root user,
+    or as a user with CAP_SYS_ADMIN rights:
+        # fsfreeze -f
+        # fsfreeze -u
+  * If /boot is not a separate partition, reboot the system.
+After reboot check if the kdump service is up and running with:
+  # systemctl status kdump.service
+To test out whether FADump is configured properly, you can force-crash your
+system by echo'ing a 'c' into /proc/sysrq-trigger:
+    # echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
+You should see some panic output, followed by the system reset and booting into
+fresh copy of kernel. When default initrd loads and runs /init, vmcore should
+be copied out to disk (by default, in /var/crash/<YYYY.MM.DD-HH:MM:SS>/vmcore),
+then the system rebooted back into your normal kernel.
+Once back to your normal kernel, you can use the previously installed crash
+kernel in conjunction with the previously installed kernel-debuginfo to
+perform postmortem analysis:
+    # crash /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/2.6.17-1.2621.el5/vmlinux
+    /var/crash/2006-08-23-15:34/vmcore
+    crash> bt
+and so on...
+Saving vmcore-dmesg.txt
+Kernel log bufferes are one of the most important information available
+in vmcore. Now before saving vmcore, kernel log bufferes are extracted
+from /proc/vmcore and saved into a file vmcore-dmesg.txt. After
+vmcore-dmesg.txt, vmcore is saved. Destination disk and directory for
+vmcore-dmesg.txt is same as vmcore. Note that kernel log buffers will
+not be available if dump target is raw device.
+FADump Memory Requirements:
+  System Memory          Recommended memory
+--------------------- ----------------------
+    4 GB - 16 GB     :        768 MB
+   16 GB - 64 GB     :       1024 MB
+   64 GB - 128 GB    :          2 GB
+  128 GB - 1 TB      :          4 GB
+    1 TB - 2 TB      :          6 GB
+    2 TB - 4 TB      :         12 GB
+    4 TB - 8 TB      :         20 GB
+    8 TB - 16 TB     :         36 GB
+   16 TB - 32 TB     :         64 GB
+   32 TB - 64 TB     :        128 GB
+   64 TB & above     :        180 GB
+Things to remember:
+1) The memory required to boot capture Kernel is a moving target that depends
+   on many factors like hardware attached to the system, kernel and modules in
+   use, packages installed and services enabled, there is no one-size-fits-all.
+   But the above recommendations are based on system memory. So, the above
+   recommendations for FADump come with a few assumptions, based on available
+   system memory, about the resources the system could have. So, please take
+   the recommendations with a pinch of salt and remember to try capturing dump
+   a few times to confirm that the system is configured successfully with dump
+   capturing support.
+2) Though the memory requirements for FADump seem high, this memory is not
+   completely set aside but made available for userspace applications to use,
+   through the CMA allocator.
+3) As the same initrd is used for booting production kernel as well as capture
+   kernel and with dump being captured in a restricted memory environment, few
+   optimizations (like not inclding network dracut module, disabling multipath
+   and such) are applied while building the initrd. In case, the production
+   environment needs these optimizations to be avoided, dracut_args option in
+   /etc/kdump.conf file could be leveraged. For example, if a user wishes for
+   network module to be included in the initrd, adding the below entry in
+   /etc/kdump.conf file and restarting kdump service would take care of it.
+   dracut_args --add "network"
+4) If FADump is configured to capture vmcore to a remote dump target using SSH
+   or NFS protocol, the corresponding network interface '<interface-name>' is
+   renamed to 'kdump-<interface-name>', if it is generic (like *eth# or net#).
+   It happens because vmcore capture scripts in the initial RAM disk (initrd)
+   add the 'kdump-' prefix to the network interface name to secure persistent
+   naming. And as capture kernel and production kernel use the same initrd in
+   case of FADump, the interface name is changed for the production kernel too.
+   This is likely to impact network configuration setup for production kernel.
+   So, it is recommended to use a non-generic name for a network interface,
+   before setting up FADump to capture vmcore to a remote dump target based on
+   that network interface, to avoid running into network configuration issues.
+Dump Triggering methods:
+This section talks about the various ways, other than a Kernel Panic, in which
+fadump can be triggered. The following methods assume that fadump is configured
+on your system, with the scripts enabled as described in the section above.
+1) AltSysRq C
+FAdump can be triggered with the combination of the 'Alt','SysRq' and 'C'
+keyboard keys. Please refer to the following link for more details:
+In addition, on PowerPC boxes, fadump can also be triggered via Hardware
+Management Console(HMC) using 'Ctrl', 'O' and 'C' keyboard keys.
+2) Kernel OOPs
+If we want to generate a dump everytime the Kernel OOPses, we can achieve this
+by setting the 'Panic On OOPs' option as follows:
+    # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops
+3) PowerPC specific methods:
+On IBM PowerPC machines, issuing a soft reset invokes the XMON debugger(if
+XMON is configured). To configure XMON one needs to compile the kernel with
+the CONFIG_XMON and CONFIG_XMON_DEFAULT options, or by compiling with
+CONFIG_XMON and booting the kernel with xmon=on option.
+Following are the ways to remotely issue a soft reset on PowerPC boxes, which
+would drop you to XMON. Pressing a 'X' (capital alphabet X) followed by an
+'Enter' here will trigger the dump.
+3.1) HMC
+Hardware Management Console(HMC) available on Power4 and Power5 machines allow
+partitions to be reset remotely. This is specially useful in hang situations
+where the system is not accepting any keyboard inputs.
+Once you have HMC configured, the following steps will enable you to trigger
+fadump via a soft reset:
+On Power4
+  Using GUI
+    * In the right pane, right click on the partition you wish to dump.
+    * Select "Operating System->Reset".
+    * Select "Soft Reset".
+    * Select "Yes".
+  Using HMC Commandline
+    # reset_partition -m <machine> -p <partition> -t soft
+On Power5
+  Using GUI
+    * In the right pane, right click on the partition you wish to dump.
+    * Select "Restart Partition".
+    * Select "Dump".
+    * Select "OK".
+  Using HMC Commandline
+    # chsysstate -m <managed system name> -n <lpar name> -o dumprestart -r lpar
+3.2) Blade Management Console for Blade Center
+To initiate a dump operation, go to Power/Restart option under "Blade Tasks" in
+the Blade Management Console. Select the corresponding blade for which you want
+to initate the dump and then click "Restart blade with NMI". This issues a
+system reset and invokes xmon debugger.
+Advanced Setups & Failure action:
+Kdump and fadump exhibit similar behavior in terms of setup & failure action.
+For fadump advanced setup related information see section "Advanced Setups" in
+"kexec-kdump-howto.txt" document. Refer to "Failure action" section in "kexec-
+kdump-howto.txt" document for fadump failure action related information.
+Compression and filtering
+Refer "Compression and filtering" section in "kexec-kdump-howto.txt" document.
+Compression and filtering are same for kdump & fadump.
+Notes on rootfs mount:
+Dracut is designed to mount rootfs by default. If rootfs mounting fails it
+will refuse to go on. So fadump leaves rootfs mounting to dracut currently.
+We make the assumtion that proper root= cmdline is being passed to dracut
+initramfs for the time being. If you need modify "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE=" in
+/etc/sysconfig/kdump, you will need to make sure that appropriate root=
+options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=" instead of replacing
+the original command line completely.
+How to disable FADump:
+Remove "fadump=on"/"fadump=nocma" from kernel cmdline parameters OR replace
+it with "fadump=off" kernel cmdline parameter:
+   # grubby --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` --remove-args="fadump=on"
+   # grubby --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` --remove-args="fadump=nocma"
+   # grubby --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` --args="fadump=off"
+Remove "crashkernel=" from kernel cmdline parameters:
+   # grubby --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` --remove-args="crashkernel"
+If KDump is to be used as the dump capturing mechanism, reset the crashkernel parameter:
+   # kdumpctl reset-crashkernel `uname -r`
+Reboot the system for the settings to take effect.
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-dep-generator.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-dep-generator.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f48c8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-dep-generator.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# More details about systemd generator:
+# http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Generators/
+. /usr/lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+. /usr/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh
+# If invokded with no arguments for testing purpose, output to /tmp to
+# avoid overriding the existing.
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+    dest_dir=$1
+if is_ssh_dump_target; then
+    mkdir -p $kdump_wants
+    ln -sf $systemd_dir/network-online.target $kdump_wants/
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt b/SOURCES/kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1eb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Kdump-in-cluster-environment HOWTO
+Kdump is a kexec based crash dumping mechansim for Linux. This docuement 
+illustrate how to configure kdump in cluster environment to allow the kdump 
+crash recovery service complete without being preempted by traditional power
+fencing methods. 
+Details about Kexec/Kdump are available in Kexec-Kdump-howto file and will not
+be described here.
+fence_kdump is an I/O fencing agent to be used with the kdump crash recovery 
+service. When the fence_kdump agent is invoked, it will listen for a message 
+from the failed node that acknowledges that the failed node is executing the 
+kdump crash kernel. Note that fence_kdump is not a replacement for traditional
+fencing methods. The fence_kdump agent can only detect that a node has entered
+the kdump crash recovery service. This allows the kdump crash recovery service
+complete without being preempted by traditional power fencing methods. 
+fence_kdump_send is a utility used to send messages that acknowledge that the 
+node itself has entered the kdump crash recovery service. The fence_kdump_send
+utility is typically run in the kdump kernel after a cluster node has 
+encountered a kernel panic. Once the cluster node has entered the kdump crash 
+recovery service, fence_kdump_send will periodically send messages to all 
+cluster nodes. When the fence_kdump agent receives a valid message from the 
+failed nodes, fencing is complete.
+How to configure Pacemaker cluster environment:
+If we want to use kdump in Pacemaker cluster environment, fence-agents-kdump
+should be installed in every nodes in the cluster. You can achieve this via
+the following command:
+  # yum install -y fence-agents-kdump
+Next is to add kdump_fence to the cluster. Assuming that the cluster consists 
+of three nodes, they are node1, node2 and node3, and use Pacemaker to perform
+resource management and pcs as cli configuration tool. 
+With pcs it is easy to add a stonith resource to the cluster. For example, add
+a stonith resource named mykdumpfence with fence type of fence_kdump via the 
+following commands:
+   # pcs stonith create mykdumpfence fence_kdump \
+     pcmk_host_check=static-list pcmk_host_list="node1 node2 node3"
+   # pcs stonith update mykdumpfence pcmk_monitor_action=metadata --force
+   # pcs stonith update mykdumpfence pcmk_status_action=metadata --force
+   # pcs stonith update mykdumpfence pcmk_reboot_action=off --force
+Then enable stonith
+   # pcs property set stonith-enabled=true
+How to configure kdump:
+Actually there are two ways how to configure fence_kdump support:
+1) Pacemaker based clusters
+     If you have successfully configured fence_kdump in Pacemaker, there is
+     no need to add some special configuration in kdump. So please refer to
+     Kexec-Kdump-howto file for more information.
+2) Generic clusters
+     For other types of clusters there are two configuration options in
+     kdump.conf which enables fence_kdump support:
+       fence_kdump_nodes <node(s)>
+            Contains list of cluster node(s) separated by space to send
+            fence_kdump notification to (this option is mandatory to enable
+            fence_kdump)
+       fence_kdump_args <arg(s)>
+            Command line arguments for fence_kdump_send (it can contain
+            all valid arguments except hosts to send notification to)
+     These options will most probably be configured by your cluster software,
+     so please refer to your cluster documentation how to enable fence_kdump
+     support.
+Please be aware that these two ways cannot be combined and 2) has precedence
+over 1). It means that if fence_kdump is configured using fence_kdump_nodes
+and fence_kdump_args options in kdump.conf, Pacemaker configuration is not
+used even if it exists.
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9be0fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# The code in this file will be used in initramfs environment, bash may
+# not be the default shell. Any code added must be POSIX compliant.
+# Read kdump config in well formated style
+	# Following steps are applied in order: strip trailing comment, strip trailing space,
+	# strip heading space, match non-empty line, remove duplicated spaces between conf name and value
+	[ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] && sed -n -e "s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;s/^\s*//;s/\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)/\1 \2/p" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
+# Retrieves config value defined in kdump.conf
+# $1: config name, sed regexp compatible
+	# For lines matching "^\s*$1\s+", remove matched part (config name including space),
+	# remove tailing comment, space, then store in hold space. Print out the hold buffer on last line.
+	[ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] &&
+		sed -n -e "/^\s*\($1\)\s\+/{s/^\s*\($1\)\s\+//;s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;h};\${x;p}" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
+	findmnt -k -n "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+# $1: info type
+# $2: mount source type
+# $3: mount source
+# $4: extra args
+	__kdump_mnt=$(findmnt -k -n -r -o "$1" "--$2" "$3" $4)
+	[ -z "$__kdump_mnt" ] && [ -e "/etc/fstab" ] && __kdump_mnt=$(findmnt -s -n -r -o "$1" "--$2" "$3" $4)
+	echo "$__kdump_mnt"
+	echo "$1" | grep -q ":"
+	[ "$1" = "nfs" ] || [ "$1" = "nfs4" ]
+# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <filesystem type>
+	echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f3
+# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <device>
+	echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f1
+	__kdump_path=$(kdump_get_conf_val path)
+	[ -z "$__kdump_path" ] && __kdump_path=$DEFAULT_PATH
+	# strip the duplicated "/"
+	echo "$__kdump_path" | tr -s /
+	findmnt -k -f -n -o SOURCE /
+# Return the current underlying device of a path, ignore bind mounts
+	__kdump_target=$(df "$1" 2> /dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
+	[ "$__kdump_target" = "/dev/root" ] && [ ! -e /dev/root ] && __kdump_target=$(get_root_fs_device)
+	echo "$__kdump_target"
+	get_mount_info FSTYPE source "$1" -f
+	# --source is applied to ensure non-bind mount is returned
+	get_mount_info TARGET source "$1" -f
+	kdump_get_conf_val ssh | grep -q @
+	[ -n "$(kdump_get_conf_val raw)" ]
+	if [ -n "$(kdump_get_conf_val nfs)" ]; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if is_fs_type_nfs "$(get_dracut_args_fstype "$(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)")"; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if is_fs_type_nfs "$(get_fs_type_from_target "$(get_target_from_path "$(get_save_path)")")"; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	return 1
+	[ -n "$(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix")" ]
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-lib.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-lib.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d9fed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-lib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+# Kdump common variables and functions
+. /usr/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+	# Check if firmware-assisted dump is enabled
+	# if no, fallback to kdump check
+	if [[ -f $FADUMP_ENABLED_SYS_NODE ]]; then
+		[[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && return 0
+	fi
+	return 1
+	for kmodule in squashfs overlay loop; do
+		if [[ -z $KDUMP_KERNELVER ]]; then
+			modprobe --dry-run $kmodule &> /dev/null || return 1
+		else
+			modprobe -S "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" --dry-run $kmodule &> /dev/null || return 1
+		fi
+	done
+	[[ -x "$(command -v zstd)" ]]
+	derror "$@"
+	exit 1
+# Check if fence kdump is configured in Pacemaker cluster
+	# no pcs or fence_kdump_send executables installed?
+	type -P pcs > /dev/null || return 1
+	[[ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ]] || return 1
+	# fence kdump not configured?
+	(pcs cluster cib | grep 'type="fence_kdump"') &> /dev/null || return 1
+# Check if fence_kdump is configured using kdump options
+	[[ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ]] || return 1
+	[[ $(kdump_get_conf_val fence_kdump_nodes) ]]
+	local dev="${1//\"/}"
+	case "$dev" in
+	UUID=*)
+		blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}"
+		;;
+	LABEL=*)
+		blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "$dev"
+		;;
+	esac
+	[[ $(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix\|raw\|nfs\|ssh") ]] || is_mount_in_dracut_args
+	local _target
+	_target=$(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix\|raw")
+	[[ -n $_target ]] && echo "$_target" && return
+	_target=$(get_dracut_args_target "$(kdump_get_conf_val "dracut_args")")
+	[[ -b $_target ]] && echo "$_target"
+	local _target _path
+	if is_ssh_dump_target || is_nfs_dump_target; then
+		return
+	fi
+	_target=$(get_user_configured_dump_disk)
+	[[ -n $_target ]] && to_dev_name "$_target" && return
+	# Get block device name from local save path
+	_path=$(get_save_path)
+	_target=$(get_target_from_path "$_path")
+	[[ -b $_target ]] && to_dev_name "$_target"
+	[[ $(kdump_get_conf_val 'failure_action\|default') == dump_to_rootfs ]]
+	local _target
+	if is_dump_to_rootfs; then
+		# Get rootfs device name
+		_target=$(get_root_fs_device)
+		[[ -b $_target ]] && to_dev_name "$_target" && return
+		# Then, must be nfs root
+		echo "nfs"
+	fi
+# Get kdump targets(including root in case of dump_to_rootfs).
+	local _target _root
+	local kdump_targets
+	_target=$(get_block_dump_target)
+	if [[ -n $_target ]]; then
+		kdump_targets=$_target
+	elif is_ssh_dump_target; then
+		kdump_targets="ssh"
+	else
+		kdump_targets="nfs"
+	fi
+	# Add the root device if dump_to_rootfs is specified.
+	_root=$(get_failure_action_target)
+	if [[ -n $_root ]] && [[ $kdump_targets != "$_root" ]]; then
+		kdump_targets="$kdump_targets $_root"
+	fi
+	echo "$kdump_targets"
+# Return the bind mount source path, return the path itself if it's not bind mounted
+# Eg. if /path/to/src is bind mounted to /mnt/bind, then:
+# /mnt/bind -> /path/to/src, /mnt/bind/dump -> /path/to/src/dump
+# findmnt uses the option "-v, --nofsroot" to exclusive the [/dir]
+# in the SOURCE column for bind-mounts, then if $_src equals to
+# $_src_nofsroot, the mountpoint is not bind mounted directory.
+# Below is just an example for mount info
+# /dev/mapper/atomicos-root[/ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/var], if the
+# directory is bind mounted. The former part represents the device path, rest
+# part is the bind mounted directory which quotes by bracket "[]".
+	local _mnt _path _src _opt _fstype
+	local _fsroot _src_nofsroot
+	_mnt=$(df "$1" | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')
+	_path=${1#$_mnt}
+	_src=$(get_mount_info SOURCE target "$_mnt" -f)
+	_opt=$(get_mount_info OPTIONS target "$_mnt" -f)
+	_fstype=$(get_mount_info FSTYPE target "$_mnt" -f)
+	# bind mount in fstab
+	if [[ -d $_src ]] && [[ $_fstype == none ]] && (echo "$_opt" | grep -q "\bbind\b"); then
+		echo "$_src$_path" && return
+	fi
+	# direct mount
+	_src_nofsroot=$(get_mount_info SOURCE target "$_mnt" -v -f)
+	if [[ $_src_nofsroot == "$_src" ]]; then
+		echo "$_mnt$_path" && return
+	fi
+	_fsroot=${_src#${_src_nofsroot}[}
+	_fsroot=${_fsroot%]}
+	_mnt=$(get_mount_info TARGET source "$_src_nofsroot" -f)
+	# for btrfs, _fsroot will also contain the subvol value as well, strip it
+	if [[ $_fstype == btrfs ]]; then
+		local _subvol
+		_subvol=${_opt#*subvol=}
+		_subvol=${_subvol%,*}
+		_fsroot=${_fsroot#$_subvol}
+	fi
+	echo "$_mnt$_fsroot$_path"
+	get_mount_info OPTIONS source "$1" -f
+# Get the path where the target will be mounted in kdump kernel
+# $1: kdump target device
+	local _mntpoint
+	_mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$1")
+	# mount under /sysroot if dump to root disk or mount under
+	# mount under /kdumproot if dump target is not mounted in first kernel
+	# mount under /kdumproot/$_mntpoint in other cases in 2nd kernel.
+	# systemd will be in charge to umount it.
+	if [[ -z $_mntpoint ]]; then
+		_mntpoint="/kdumproot"
+	else
+		if [[ $_mntpoint == "/" ]]; then
+			_mntpoint="/sysroot"
+		else
+			_mntpoint="/kdumproot/$_mntpoint"
+		fi
+	fi
+	# strip duplicated "/"
+	echo $_mntpoint | tr -s "/"
+	local dev="${1//\"/}"
+	case "$dev" in
+	UUID=*)
+		dev=$(blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}")
+		;;
+	LABEL=*)
+		dev=$(blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}")
+		;;
+	esac
+	echo $(get_persistent_dev "$dev")
+	grep -q "ostree" /proc/cmdline
+# get ip address or hostname from nfs/ssh config value
+	local _config_val=$1
+	# ipv6 address in kdump.conf is around with "[]",
+	# factor out the ipv6 address
+	_config_val=${_config_val#*@}
+	_config_val=${_config_val%:/*}
+	_config_val=${_config_val#[}
+	_config_val=${_config_val%]}
+	echo "$_config_val"
+	local _hostname
+	_hostname=$(echo "$1" | grep ":")
+	if [[ -n $_hostname ]]; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+	echo "$1" | grep -q "[a-zA-Z]"
+# Copied from "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions"
+	if [[ -f "/sys/class/net/$1/address" ]]; then
+		awk '{ print toupper($0) }' < "/sys/class/net/$1/address"
+	elif [[ -d "/sys/class/net/$1" ]]; then
+		LC_ALL="" LANG="" ip -o link show "$1" 2> /dev/null |
+			awk '{ print toupper(gensub(/.*link\/[^ ]* ([[:alnum:]:]*).*/,
+                                        "\\1", 1)); }'
+	fi
+# Get value by a field using "nmcli -g"
+# Usage: get_nmcli_value_by_field <field> <nmcli command>
+# "nmcli --get-values" allows us to retrive value(s) by field, for example,
+# nmcli --get-values <field> connection show /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1
+# returns the following value for the corresponding field respectively,
+#   Field                                  Value
+#   IP4.DNS                                " | |"
+#   802-3-ethernet.s390-subchannels        ""
+#   bond.options                           "mode=balance-rr"
+	LANG=C nmcli --get-values "$@"
+# Get nmcli field value of an connection apath (a D-Bus active connection path)
+# Usage: get_nmcli_field_by_apath <field> <apath>
+	local _field=$1 _apath=$2
+	get_nmcli_value_by_field "$_field" connection show "$_apath"
+# Get nmcli connection apath (a D-Bus active connection path ) by ifname
+# apath is used for nmcli connection operations, e.g.
+#  $ nmcli connection show $apath
+	local _ifname=$1
+	get_nmcli_value_by_field "GENERAL.CON-PATH" device show "$_ifname"
+	grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*DEVICE=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
+		/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2> /dev/null | head -1
+	grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*HWADDR=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
+		/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2> /dev/null | head -1
+	grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*UUID=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
+		/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2> /dev/null | head -1
+	grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*NAME=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
+		/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2> /dev/null | head -1
+	[[ "$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields running general status 2> /dev/null)" == "running" ]]
+	LANG=C nmcli -t --fields device,state dev status 2> /dev/null |
+		grep -q "^\(${1}:connected\)\|\(${1}:connecting.*\)$"
+# $1: netdev name
+	local nm_uuid nm_name
+	local ifcfg_file
+	# Get the active nmcli config name of $1
+	if is_nm_running && is_nm_handling "${1}"; then
+		# The configuration "uuid" and "name" generated by nm is wrote to
+		# the ifcfg file as "UUID=<nm_uuid>" and "NAME=<nm_name>".
+		nm_uuid=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields uuid,device c show --active 2> /dev/null |
+			grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1)
+		nm_name=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields name,device c show --active 2> /dev/null |
+			grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1)
+		ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_uuid "${nm_uuid}")
+		[[ -z ${ifcfg_file} ]] && ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${nm_name}")
+	fi
+	echo -n "${ifcfg_file}"
+# $1: netdev name
+	local ifcfg_file hwaddr
+	ifcfg_file="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${1}"
+	[[ -f ${ifcfg_file} ]] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
+	ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${1}")
+	[[ -f ${ifcfg_file} ]] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
+	hwaddr=$(get_hwaddr "${1}")
+	if [[ -n $hwaddr ]]; then
+		ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_hwaddr "${hwaddr}")
+		[[ -f ${ifcfg_file} ]] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
+	fi
+	ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_device "${1}")
+	echo -n "${ifcfg_file}"
+# $1: netdev name
+# Return the ifcfg file whole name(including the path) of $1 if any.
+	local ifcfg_file
+	ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_nmcli "${1}")
+	if [[ -z ${ifcfg_file} ]]; then
+		ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_legacy "${1}")
+	fi
+	echo -n "${ifcfg_file}"
+# returns 0 when omission of a module is desired in dracut_args
+# returns 1 otherwise
+	local dracut_args dracut_mod=$1
+	set -- $(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)
+	while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+		case $1 in
+		-o | --omit)
+			[[ " ${2//[^[:alnum:]]/ } " == *" $dracut_mod "* ]] && return 0
+			;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	return 1
+	local active
+	[[ -d /sys/class/watchdog ]] || return 1
+	for dir in /sys/class/watchdog/*; do
+		[[ -f "$dir/state" ]] || continue
+		active=$(< "$dir/state")
+		[[ $active == "active" ]] && return 0
+	done
+	return 1
+	[[ "$(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)" =~ \
+		(^|[[:space:]])--(gzip|bzip2|lzma|xz|lzo|lz4|zstd|no-compress|compress)([[:space:]]|$) ]]
+# If "dracut_args" contains "--mount" information, use it
+# directly without any check(users are expected to ensure
+# its correctness).
+	[[ " $(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)" =~ .*[[:space:]]--mount[=[:space:]].* ]]
+	local mem_reserved
+	mem_reserved=$(< /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size)
+	if [[ $mem_reserved -eq 0 ]]; then
+		derror "No memory reserved for crash kernel"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+	if [[ ! -e /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded ]]; then
+		derror "Kdump is not supported on this kernel"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	check_crash_mem_reserved
+	return $?
+	if [[ ! -f /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded ]]; then
+		derror "Perhaps CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP is not enabled in kernel"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	rc=$(< /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded)
+	if [[ $rc == 1 ]]; then
+		return 0
+	else
+		return 1
+	fi
+# remove_cmdline_param <kernel cmdline> <param1> [<param2>] ... [<paramN>]
+# Remove a list of kernel parameters from a given kernel cmdline and print the result.
+# For each "arg" in the removing params list, "arg" and "arg=xxx" will be removed if exists.
+	local cmdline=$1
+	shift
+	for arg in "$@"; do
+		cmdline=$(echo "$cmdline" |
+			sed -e "s/\b$arg=[^ ]*//g" \
+				-e "s/^$arg\b//g" \
+				-e "s/[[:space:]]$arg\b//g" \
+				-e "s/\s\+/ /g")
+	done
+	echo "$cmdline"
+# This function returns the "apicid" of the boot
+# cpu (cpu 0) if present.
+	awk '                                                       \
+        BEGIN { CPU = "-1"; }                                   \
+        $1=="processor" && $2==":"      { CPU = $NF; }          \
+        CPU=="0" && /^apicid/           { print $NF; }          \
+        ' \
+		/proc/cpuinfo
+# append_cmdline <kernel cmdline> <parameter name> <parameter value>
+# This function appends argument "$2=$3" to string ($1) if not already present.
+	local cmdline=$1
+	local newstr=${cmdline/$2/""}
+	# unchanged str implies argument wasn't there
+	if [[ $cmdline == "$newstr" ]]; then
+		cmdline="${cmdline} ${2}=${3}"
+	fi
+	echo "$cmdline"
+# This function check iomem and determines if we have more than
+# 4GB of ram available. Returns 1 if we do, 0 if we dont
+	return "$(tail -n 1 /proc/iomem | awk '{ split ($1, r, "-");
+        print (strtonum("0x" r[2]) > strtonum("0xffffffff")); }')"
+# Check if secure boot is being enforced.
+# Per Peter Jones, we need check efivar SecureBoot-$(the UUID) and
+# SetupMode-$(the UUID), they are both 5 bytes binary data. The first four
+# bytes are the attributes associated with the variable and can safely be
+# ignored, the last bytes are one-byte true-or-false variables. If SecureBoot
+# is 1 and SetupMode is 0, then secure boot is being enforced.
+# Assume efivars is mounted at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars.
+	local secure_boot_file setup_mode_file
+	local secure_boot_byte setup_mode_byte
+	# On powerpc, secure boot is enforced if:
+	#   host secure boot: /ibm,secure-boot/os-secureboot-enforcing DT property exists
+	#   guest secure boot: /ibm,secure-boot >= 2
+	if [[ -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,secureboot/os-secureboot-enforcing ]]; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if [[ -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,secure-boot ]] &&
+		[[ $(lsprop /proc/device-tree/ibm,secure-boot | tail -1) -ge 2 ]]; then
+			return 0
+	fi
+	# Detect secure boot on x86 and arm64
+	secure_boot_file=$(find /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -name "SecureBoot-*" 2> /dev/null)
+	setup_mode_file=$(find /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -name "SetupMode-*" 2> /dev/null)
+	if [[ -f $secure_boot_file ]] && [[ -f $setup_mode_file ]]; then
+		secure_boot_byte=$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%d\ "' "$secure_boot_file" | cut -d' ' -f 5)
+		setup_mode_byte=$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%d\ "' "$setup_mode_file" | cut -d' ' -f 5)
+		if [[ $secure_boot_byte == "1" ]] && [[ $setup_mode_byte == "0" ]]; then
+			return 0
+		fi
+	fi
+	# Detect secure boot on s390x
+	if [[ -e "/sys/firmware/ipl/secure" && "$(< /sys/firmware/ipl/secure)" == "1" ]]; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	return 1
+# prepare_kexec_args <kexec args>
+# This function prepares kexec argument.
+	local kexec_args=$1
+	local found_elf_args
+	ARCH=$(uname -m)
+	if [[ $ARCH == "i686" ]] || [[ $ARCH == "i386" ]]; then
+		need_64bit_headers
+		if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+			found_elf_args=$(echo "$kexec_args" | grep elf32-core-headers)
+			if [[ -n $found_elf_args ]]; then
+				dwarn "Warning: elf32-core-headers overrides correct elf64 setting"
+			else
+				kexec_args="$kexec_args --elf64-core-headers"
+			fi
+		else
+			found_elf_args=$(echo "$kexec_args" | grep elf64-core-headers)
+			if [[ -z $found_elf_args ]]; then
+				kexec_args="$kexec_args --elf32-core-headers"
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo "$kexec_args"
+# Detect initrd and kernel location, results are stored in global enviromental variables:
+# Expectes KDUMP_BOOTDIR, KDUMP_IMG, KDUMP_IMG_EXT, KDUMP_KERNELVER to be loaded from config already
+# and will prefer already set values so user can specify custom kernel/initramfs location
+	local boot_img boot_imglist boot_dirlist boot_initrdlist
+	local machine_id
+	if [[ -z $KDUMP_KERNELVER ]]; then
+		KDUMP_KERNELVER="$(uname -r)"
+	fi
+	read -r machine_id < /etc/machine-id
+	boot_dirlist=${KDUMP_BOOTDIR:-"/boot /boot/efi /efi /"}
+	# Use BOOT_IMAGE as reference if possible, strip the GRUB root device prefix in (hd0,gpt1) format
+	boot_img="$(sed "s/^BOOT_IMAGE=\((\S*)\)\?\(\S*\) .*/\2/" /proc/cmdline)"
+	if [[ -n $boot_img ]]; then
+		boot_imglist="$boot_img $boot_imglist"
+	fi
+	for dir in $boot_dirlist; do
+		for img in $boot_imglist; do
+			if [[ -f "$dir/$img" ]]; then
+				KDUMP_KERNEL=$(echo "$dir/$img" | tr -s '/')
+				break 2
+			fi
+		done
+	done
+	if ! [[ -e $KDUMP_KERNEL ]]; then
+		derror "Failed to detect kdump kernel location"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	# Set KDUMP_BOOTDIR to where kernel image is stored
+	# Default initrd should just stay aside of kernel image, try to find it in KDUMP_BOOTDIR
+	boot_initrdlist="initramfs-$KDUMP_KERNELVER.img initrd"
+	for initrd in $boot_initrdlist; do
+		if [[ -f "$KDUMP_BOOTDIR/$initrd" ]]; then
+			defaut_initrd_base="$initrd"
+			DEFAULT_INITRD="$KDUMP_BOOTDIR/$defaut_initrd_base"
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	# Create kdump initrd basename from default initrd basename
+	# initramfs-5.7.9-200.fc32.x86_64.img => initramfs-5.7.9-200.fc32.x86_64kdump.img
+	# initrd => initrdkdump
+	if [[ -z $defaut_initrd_base ]]; then
+		kdump_initrd_base=initramfs-${KDUMP_KERNELVER}kdump.img
+	elif [[ $defaut_initrd_base == *.* ]]; then
+		kdump_initrd_base=${defaut_initrd_base%.*}kdump.${DEFAULT_INITRD##*.}
+	else
+		kdump_initrd_base=${defaut_initrd_base}kdump
+	fi
+	# Place kdump initrd in $(/var/lib/kdump) if $(KDUMP_BOOTDIR) not writable
+	if [[ ! -w $KDUMP_BOOTDIR ]]; then
+		var_target_initrd_dir="/var/lib/kdump"
+		mkdir -p "$var_target_initrd_dir"
+		KDUMP_INITRD="$var_target_initrd_dir/$kdump_initrd_base"
+	else
+		KDUMP_INITRD="$KDUMP_BOOTDIR/$kdump_initrd_base"
+	fi
+	local _wdtdrvs _drv _dir
+	for _dir in /sys/class/watchdog/*; do
+		# device/modalias will return driver of this device
+		[[ -f "$_dir/device/modalias" ]] || continue
+		_drv=$(< "$_dir/device/modalias")
+		_drv=$(modprobe --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" -R "$_drv" 2> /dev/null)
+		for i in $_drv; do
+			if ! [[ " $_wdtdrvs " == *" $i "* ]]; then
+				_wdtdrvs="$_wdtdrvs $i"
+			fi
+		done
+	done
+	echo "$_wdtdrvs"
+# prepare_cmdline <commandline> <commandline remove> <commandline append>
+# This function performs a series of edits on the command line.
+# Store the final result in global $KDUMP_COMMANDLINE.
+	local cmdline id arg
+	if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+		cmdline=$(< /proc/cmdline)
+	else
+		cmdline="$1"
+	fi
+	# These params should always be removed
+	cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" crashkernel panic_on_warn)
+	# These params can be removed configurably
+	while read -r arg; do
+		cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" "$arg")
+	done <<< "$(echo "$2" | xargs -n 1 echo)"
+	# Always remove "root=X", as we now explicitly generate all kinds
+	# of dump target mount information including root fs.
+	#
+	# We do this before KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND, if one really cares
+	# about it(e.g. for debug purpose), then can pass "root=X" using
+	cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" root)
+	# With the help of "--hostonly-cmdline", we can avoid some interitage.
+	cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" rd.lvm.lv rd.luks.uuid rd.dm.uuid rd.md.uuid fcoe)
+	# Remove netroot, rd.iscsi.initiator and iscsi_initiator since
+	# we get duplicate entries for the same in case iscsi code adds
+	# it as well.
+	cmdline=$(remove_cmdline_param "$cmdline" netroot rd.iscsi.initiator iscsi_initiator)
+	cmdline="${cmdline} $3"
+	id=$(get_bootcpu_apicid)
+	if [[ -n ${id} ]]; then
+		cmdline=$(append_cmdline "$cmdline" disable_cpu_apicid "$id")
+	fi
+	# If any watchdog is used, set it's pretimeout to 0. pretimeout let
+	# watchdog panic the kernel first, and reset the system after the
+	# panic. If the system is already in kdump, panic is not helpful
+	# and only increase the chance of watchdog failure.
+	for i in $(get_watchdog_drvs); do
+		cmdline+=" $i.pretimeout=0"
+		if [[ $i == hpwdt ]]; then
+			# hpwdt have a special parameter kdumptimeout, is's only suppose
+			# to be set to non-zero in first kernel. In kdump, non-zero
+			# value could prevent the watchdog from resetting the system.
+			cmdline+=" $i.kdumptimeout=0"
+		fi
+	done
+	echo "$cmdline"
+#get system memory size in the unit of GB
+	result=$(grep "System RAM" /proc/iomem | awk -F ":" '{ print $1 }' | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" | paste -sd+)
+	result="+$result"
+	# replace '-' with '+0x' and '+' with '-0x'
+	sum=$(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/-/K0x/g' -e 's/+/-0x/g' -e 's/K/+/g')
+	size=$(printf "%d\n" $((sum)))
+	size=$((size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024))
+	echo "$size"
+	local mem_size=$1
+	local _ck_cmdline=$2
+	local OLDIFS="$IFS"
+	start=${_ck_cmdline::1}
+	if [[ $mem_size -lt $start ]]; then
+		echo "0M"
+		return
+	fi
+	IFS=','
+	for i in $_ck_cmdline; do
+		end=$(echo "$i" | awk -F "-" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F ":" '{ print $1 }')
+		recommend=$(echo "$i" | awk -F "-" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F ":" '{ print $2 }')
+		size=${end::-1}
+		unit=${end: -1}
+		if [[ $unit == 'T' ]]; then
+			size=$((size * 1024))
+		fi
+		if [[ $mem_size -lt $size ]]; then
+			echo "$recommend"
+			return
+		fi
+	done
+# get default crashkernel
+# $1 dump mode, if not specified, dump_mode will be judged by is_fadump_capable
+	local _arch _ck_cmdline _dump_mode
+	if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
+		if is_fadump_capable; then
+			_dump_mode=fadump
+		else
+			_dump_mode=kdump
+		fi
+	else
+		_dump_mode=$1
+	fi
+	_arch=$(uname -m)
+	if [[ $_arch == "x86_64" ]] || [[ $_arch == "s390x" ]]; then
+		_ck_cmdline="1G-4G:192M,4G-64G:256M,64G-:512M"
+	elif [[ $_arch == "aarch64" ]]; then
+		_ck_cmdline="2G-:448M"
+	elif [[ $_arch == "ppc64le" ]]; then
+		if [[ $_dump_mode == "fadump" ]]; then
+			_ck_cmdline="4G-16G:768M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-1T:4G,1T-2T:6G,2T-4T:12G,4T-8T:20G,8T-16T:36G,16T-32T:64G,32T-64T:128G,64T-:180G"
+		else
+			_ck_cmdline="2G-4G:384M,4G-16G:512M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-:4G"
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo -n "$_ck_cmdline"
+# return recommended size based on current system RAM size
+# $1: kernel version, if not set, will defaults to $(uname -r)
+	local _ck_cmdline _sys_mem
+	if ! [[ -r "/proc/iomem" ]]; then
+		echo "Error, can not access /proc/iomem."
+		return 1
+	fi
+	_sys_mem=$(get_system_size)
+	_ck_cmdline=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel)
+	_ck_cmdline=${_ck_cmdline//-:/-102400T:}
+	get_recommend_size "$_sys_mem" "$_ck_cmdline"
+# Print all underlying crypt devices of a block device
+# print nothing if device is not on top of a crypt device
+# $1: the block device to be checked in maj:min format
+	local _type
+	[[ -b /dev/block/$1 ]] || return 1
+	_type=$(eval "$(blkid -u filesystem,crypto -o export -- "/dev/block/$1"); echo \$TYPE")
+	[[ $_type == "crypto_LUKS" ]] && echo "$1"
+	for _x in "/sys/dev/block/$1/slaves/"*; do
+		[[ -f $_x/dev ]] || continue
+		[[ $_x/subsystem -ef /sys/class/block ]] || continue
+		get_luks_crypt_dev "$(< "$_x/dev")"
+	done
+# kdump_get_maj_min <device>
+# Prints the major and minor of a device node.
+# Example:
+# $ get_maj_min /dev/sda2
+# 8:2
+	local _majmin
+	_majmin="$(stat -L -c '%t:%T' "$1" 2> /dev/null)"
+	printf "%s" "$((0x${_majmin%:*})):$((0x${_majmin#*:}))"
+	local _dev
+	for _dev in $(get_block_dump_target); do
+		get_luks_crypt_dev "$(kdump_get_maj_min "$_dev")"
+	done
+	# Use readelf to check if it's a valid ELF
+	readelf -h "$1" &> /dev/null || return 1
+	local size=0 _msize
+	while read -r _msize; do
+		size=$((size + _msize))
+	done <<< "$(readelf -l -W "$1" | awk '/^  LOAD/{print $6}' 2> /dev/stderr)"
+	echo $size
+	# The obscure use of the "tr" filter is to work around older versions of
+	# "grep" that report the byte offset of the line instead of the pattern.
+	# Try to find the header ($1) and decompress from here
+	for pos in $(tr "$1\n$2" "\n$2=" < "$4" | grep -abo "^$2"); do
+		if ! type -P "$3" > /dev/null; then
+			ddebug "Signiature detected but '$3' is missing, skip this decompressor"
+			break
+		fi
+		pos=${pos%%:*}
+		tail "-c+$pos" "$img" | $3 > "$5" 2> /dev/null
+		if check_vmlinux "$5"; then
+			ddebug "Kernel is extracted with '$3'"
+			return 0
+		fi
+	done
+	return 1
+# Borrowed from linux/scripts/extract-vmlinux
+	# Prepare temp files:
+	local tmp img=$1
+	tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/vmlinux-XXX)
+	trap 'rm -f "$tmp"' 0
+	# Try to check if it's a vmlinux already
+	check_vmlinux "$img" && get_vmlinux_size "$img" && return 0
+	# That didn't work, so retry after decompression.
+	try_decompress '\037\213\010' xy gunzip "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress '\3757zXZ\000' abcde unxz "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress 'BZh' xy bunzip2 "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress '\135\0\0\0' xxx unlzma "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress '\211\114\132' xy 'lzop -d' "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress '\002!L\030' xxx 'lz4 -d' "$img" "$tmp" ||
+		try_decompress '(\265/\375' xxx unzstd "$img" "$tmp"
+	# Finally check for uncompressed images or objects:
+	[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && get_vmlinux_size "$tmp" && return 0
+	# Fallback to use iomem
+	local _size=0 _seg
+	while read -r _seg; do
+		_size=$((_size + 0x${_seg#*-} - 0x${_seg%-*}))
+	done <<< "$(grep -E "Kernel (code|rodata|data|bss)" /proc/iomem | cut -d ":" -f 1)"
+	echo $_size
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-logger.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-logger.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fd433d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-logger.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# This comes from the dracut-logger.sh
+# The logger defined 4 logging levels:
+#   - ddebug (4)
+#     The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most
+#     useful to debug an application.
+#   - dinfo (3)
+#     The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the
+#     progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
+#   - dwarn (2)
+#     The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
+#   - derror (1)
+#     The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the
+#     application to continue running.
+# Logging is controlled by following global variables:
+#   - @var kdump_stdloglvl - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var kdump_sysloglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var kdump_kmsgloglvl - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# If any of the variables is not set, the function dlog_init() sets it to default:
+#   - In the first kernel:
+#     - @var kdump_stdloglvl = 3 (info)
+#     - @var kdump_sysloglvl = 0 (no logging)
+#     - @var kdump_kmsgloglvl = 0 (no logging)
+#   -In the second kernel:
+#    - @var kdump_stdloglvl = 0 (no logging)
+#    - @var kdump_sysloglvl = 3 (info)
+#    - @var kdump_kmsgloglvl = 0 (no logging)
+# First of all you have to start with dlog_init() function which initializes
+# required variables. Don't call any other logging function before that one!
+# The code in this file might be run in an environment without bash.
+# Any code added must be POSIX compliant.
+# Define vairables for the log levels in this module.
+# The dracut-lib.sh is only available in the second kernel, and it won't
+# be used in the first kernel because the dracut-lib.sh is invisible in
+# the first kernel.
+if [ -f /lib/dracut-lib.sh ]; then
+    . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
+# @brief Get the log level from kernel command line.
+# @retval 1 if something has gone wrong
+# @retval 0 on success.
+    [ -f /lib/dracut-lib.sh ] && kdump_sysloglvl=$(getarg rd.kdumploglvl)
+    [ -z "$kdump_sysloglvl" ] && return 1;
+    if [ -f /lib/dracut-lib.sh ] && ! isdigit "$kdump_sysloglvl"; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+# @brief Check the log level.
+# @retval 1 if something has gone wrong
+# @retval 0 on success.
+    case "$1" in
+        0|1|2|3|4)
+            return 0
+           ;;
+        *)
+            return 1
+            ;;
+        esac
+# @brief Initializes Logger.
+# @retval 1 if something has gone wrong
+# @retval 0 on success.
+dlog_init() {
+    ret=0
+    if [ -s /proc/vmcore ];then
+        if ! get_kdump_loglvl; then
+            logger -t "kdump[$$]" -p warn -- "Kdump is using the default log level(3)."
+            kdump_sysloglvl=3
+        fi
+        kdump_stdloglvl=0
+        kdump_kmsgloglvl=0
+    else
+        kdump_stdloglvl=$KDUMP_STDLOGLVL
+        kdump_sysloglvl=$KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL
+        kdump_kmsgloglvl=$KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL
+    fi
+    [ -z "$kdump_stdloglvl" ] && kdump_stdloglvl=3
+    [ -z "$kdump_sysloglvl" ] && kdump_sysloglvl=0
+    [ -z "$kdump_kmsgloglvl" ] && kdump_kmsgloglvl=0
+    for loglvl in "$kdump_stdloglvl" "$kdump_kmsgloglvl" "$kdump_sysloglvl"; do
+        if ! check_loglvl "$loglvl"; then
+            echo "Illegal log level: $kdump_stdloglvl $kdump_kmsgloglvl $kdump_sysloglvl"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    done
+    # Skip initialization if it's already done.
+    [ -n "$kdump_maxloglvl" ] && return 0
+    if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ]; then
+        kdump_kmsgloglvl=0
+        kdump_sysloglvl=0
+    fi
+    if [ "$kdump_sysloglvl" -gt 0 ]; then
+        if [ -d /run/systemd/journal ] \
+            && systemd-cat --version 1>/dev/null 2>&1 \
+            && systemctl --quiet is-active systemd-journald.socket 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+            readonly _systemdcatfile="/var/tmp/systemd-cat"
+            mkfifo "$_systemdcatfile" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+            readonly _dlogfd=15
+            systemd-cat -t 'kdump' --level-prefix=true <"$_systemdcatfile" &
+            exec 15>"$_systemdcatfile"
+        elif ! [ -S /dev/log ] && [ -w /dev/log ] || ! command -v logger >/dev/null; then
+            # We cannot log to syslog, so turn this facility off.
+            kdump_kmsgloglvl=$kdump_sysloglvl
+            kdump_sysloglvl=0
+            ret=1
+            errmsg="No '/dev/log' or 'logger' included for syslog logging"
+        fi
+    fi
+    kdump_maxloglvl=0
+    for _dlog_lvl in $kdump_stdloglvl $kdump_sysloglvl $kdump_kmsgloglvl; do
+        [ $_dlog_lvl -gt $kdump_maxloglvl ] && kdump_maxloglvl=$_dlog_lvl
+    done
+    readonly kdump_maxloglvl
+    export kdump_maxloglvl
+    if [ $kdump_stdloglvl -lt 4 ] && [ $kdump_kmsgloglvl -lt 4 ] && [ $kdump_sysloglvl -lt 4 ]; then
+        unset ddebug
+        ddebug() { :; };
+    fi
+    if [ $kdump_stdloglvl -lt 3 ] && [ $kdump_kmsgloglvl -lt 3 ] && [ $kdump_sysloglvl -lt 3 ]; then
+        unset dinfo
+        dinfo() { :; };
+    fi
+    if [ $kdump_stdloglvl -lt 2 ] && [ $kdump_kmsgloglvl -lt 2 ] && [ $kdump_sysloglvl -lt 2 ]; then
+        unset dwarn
+        dwarn() { :; };
+        unset dwarning
+        dwarning() { :; };
+    fi
+    if [ $kdump_stdloglvl -lt 1 ] && [ $kdump_kmsgloglvl -lt 1 ] && [ $kdump_sysloglvl -lt 1 ]; then
+        unset derror
+        derror() { :; };
+    fi
+    [ -n "$errmsg" ] && derror "$errmsg"
+    return $ret
+## @brief Converts numeric level to logger priority defined by POSIX.2.
+# @param $1: Numeric logging level in range from 1 to 4.
+# @retval 1 if @a lvl is out of range.
+# @retval 0 if @a lvl is correct.
+# @result Echoes logger priority.
+_lvl2syspri() {
+    case "$1" in
+        1) echo error;;
+        2) echo warning;;
+        3) echo info;;
+        4) echo debug;;
+        *) return 1;;
+    esac
+## @brief Converts logger numeric level to syslog log level
+# @param $1: Numeric logging level in range from 1 to 4.
+# @retval 1 if @a lvl is out of range.
+# @retval 0 if @a lvl is correct.
+# @result Echoes kernel console numeric log level
+# Conversion is done as follows:
+# <tt>
+#   none     -> LOG_EMERG (0)
+#   none     -> LOG_ALERT (1)
+#   none     -> LOG_CRIT (2)
+#   ERROR(1) -> LOG_ERR (3)
+#   WARN(2)  -> LOG_WARNING (4)
+#   none     -> LOG_NOTICE (5)
+#   INFO(3)  -> LOG_INFO (6)
+#   DEBUG(4) -> LOG_DEBUG (7)
+# </tt>
+# @see /usr/include/sys/syslog.h
+_dlvl2syslvl() {
+    case "$1" in
+        1) set -- 3;;
+        2) set -- 4;;
+        3) set -- 6;;
+        4) set -- 7;;
+        *) return 1;;
+    esac
+    # The number is constructed by multiplying the facility by 8 and then
+    # adding the level.
+    # About The Syslog Protocol, please refer to the RFC5424 for more details.
+    echo $((24 + $1))
+## @brief Prints to stderr, to syslog and/or /dev/kmsg given message with
+#  given level (priority).
+# @param $1: Numeric logging level.
+# @param $2: Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+# @note This function is not supposed to be called manually. Please use
+# dinfo(), ddebug(), or others instead which wrap this one.
+# This is core logging function which logs given message to standard error
+# and/or syslog (with POSIX shell command <tt>logger</tt>) and/or to /dev/kmsg.
+# The format is following:
+# <tt>X: some message</tt>
+# where @c X is the first letter of logging level. See module description for
+# details on that.
+# Message to syslog is sent with tag @c kdump. Priorities are mapped as
+# following:
+#   - @c ERROR to @c error
+#   - @c WARN to @c warning
+#   - @c INFO to @c info
+#   - @c DEBUG to @c debug
+_do_dlog() {
+    [ "$1" -le $kdump_stdloglvl ] && printf -- 'kdump: %s\n' "$2" >&2
+    if [ "$1" -le $kdump_sysloglvl ]; then
+        if [ "$_dlogfd" ]; then
+            printf -- "<%s>%s\n" "$(($(_dlvl2syslvl "$1") & 7))" "$2" 1>&$_dlogfd
+        else
+            logger -t "kdump[$$]" -p "$(_lvl2syspri "$1")" -- "$2"
+        fi
+    fi
+    [ "$1" -le $kdump_kmsgloglvl ] && \
+        echo "<$(_dlvl2syslvl "$1")>kdump[$$] $2" >/dev/kmsg
+## @brief Internal helper function for _do_dlog()
+# @param $1: Numeric logging level.
+# @param $2 [...]: Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+# @note This function is not supposed to be called manually. Please use
+# dinfo(), ddebug(), or others instead which wrap this one.
+# This function calls _do_dlog() either with parameter msg, or if
+# none is given, it will read standard input and will use every line as
+# a message.
+# This enables:
+# dwarn "This is a warning"
+# echo "This is a warning" | dwarn
+dlog() {
+    [ -z "$kdump_maxloglvl" ] && return 0
+    [ "$1" -le "$kdump_maxloglvl" ] || return 0
+    if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
+        _dlog_lvl=$1; shift
+        _do_dlog "$_dlog_lvl" "$*"
+    else
+        while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
+            _do_dlog "$1" "$line"
+        done
+    fi
+## @brief Logs message at DEBUG level (4)
+# @param msg Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+ddebug() {
+    set +x
+    dlog 4 "$@"
+    if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
+## @brief Logs message at INFO level (3)
+# @param msg Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+dinfo() {
+    set +x
+    dlog 3 "$@"
+    if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
+## @brief Logs message at WARN level (2)
+# @param msg Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+dwarn() {
+    set +x
+    dlog 2 "$@"
+    if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
+## @brief It's an alias to dwarn() function.
+# @param msg Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+dwarning() {
+    set +x
+    dwarn "$@"
+    if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
+## @brief Logs message at ERROR level (1)
+# @param msg Message.
+# @retval 0 It's always returned, even if logging failed.
+derror() {
+    set +x
+    dlog 1 "$@"
+    if [ -n "$debug" ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-migrate-action.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-migrate-action.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c516639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-migrate-action.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+systemctl is-active kdump
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        exit 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-restart.sh b/SOURCES/kdump-restart.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ecfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-restart.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
+exec >>/var/log/kdump-migration.log 2>&1
+echo "kdump: Partition Migration detected. Rebuilding initramfs image to reload."
+/usr/bin/kdumpctl rebuild
+/usr/bin/kdumpctl reload
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump-udev-throttler b/SOURCES/kdump-udev-throttler
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd77a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump-udev-throttler
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This util helps to reduce the workload of kdump service restarting
+# on udev event. When hotplugging memory / CPU, multiple udev
+# events may be triggered concurrently, and obviously, we don't want
+# to restart kdump service for each event.
+# This script will be called by udev, and make sure kdump service is
+# restart after all events we are watching are settled.
+# On each call, this script will update try to aquire the $throttle_lock
+# The first instance acquired the file lock will keep waiting for events
+# to settle and then reload kdump. Other instances will just exit
+# In this way, we can make sure kdump service is restarted immediately
+# and for exactly once after udev events are settled.
+exec 9>$throttle_lock
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Failed to create the lock file! Fallback to non-throttled kdump service restart"
+        /bin/kdumpctl reload
+        exit 1
+flock -n 9
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Throttling kdump restart for concurrent udev event"
+        exit 0
+# Wait for at least 1 second, at most 4 seconds for udev to settle
+# Idealy we will have a less than 1 second lag between udev events settle
+# and kdump reload
+sleep 1 && udevadm settle --timeout 3
+# Release the lock, /bin/kdumpctl will block and make the process
+# holding two locks at the same time and we might miss some events
+exec 9>&-
+/bin/kdumpctl reload
+exit 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.conf b/SOURCES/kdump.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fc78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# This file contains a series of commands to perform (in order) in the kdump
+# kernel after a kernel crash in the crash kernel(1st kernel) has happened.
+# Directives in this file are only applicable to the kdump initramfs, and have
+# no effect once the root filesystem is mounted and the normal init scripts are
+# processed.
+# Currently, only one dump target and path can be specified.  If the dumping to
+# the configured target fails, the failure action which can be configured via
+# the "failure_action" directive will be performed.
+# Supported options:
+# auto_reset_crashkernel <yes|no>
+#           - whether to reset kernel crashkernel to new default value
+#             or not when kexec-tools updates the default crashkernel value and
+#             existing kernels using the old default kernel crashkernel value.
+#             The default value is yes.
+# raw <partition>
+#           - Will dd /proc/vmcore into <partition>.
+#             Use persistent device names for partition devices,
+#             such as /dev/vg/<devname>.
+# nfs <nfs mount>
+#           - Will mount nfs to <mnt>, and copy /proc/vmcore to
+#             <mnt>/<path>/%HOST-%DATE/, supports DNS.
+# ssh <user@server>
+#           - Will save /proc/vmcore to <user@server>:<path>/%HOST-%DATE/,
+#             supports DNS.
+#             NOTE: make sure the user has write permissions on the server.
+# sshkey <path>
+#           - Will use the sshkey to do ssh dump.
+#             Specify the path of the ssh key to use when dumping
+#             via ssh. The default value is /root/.ssh/kdump_id_rsa.
+# <fs type> <partition>
+#           - Will mount -t <fs type> <partition> <mnt>, and copy
+#             /proc/vmcore to <mnt>/<path>/%HOST_IP-%DATE/.
+#             NOTE: <partition> can be a device node, label or uuid.
+#             It's recommended to use persistent device names
+#             such as /dev/vg/<devname>.
+#             Otherwise it's suggested to use label or uuid.
+# path <path>
+#           - "path" represents the file system path in which vmcore
+#             will be saved.  If a dump target is specified in
+#             kdump.conf, then "path" is relative to the specified
+#             dump target.
+#             Interpretation of "path" changes a bit if the user didn't
+#             specify any dump target explicitly in kdump.conf.  In this
+#             case, "path" represents the absolute path from root. The
+#             dump target and adjusted path are arrived at automatically
+#             depending on what's mounted in the current system.
+#             Ignored for raw device dumps.  If unset, will use the default
+#             "/var/crash".
+# core_collector <command> <options>
+#           - This allows you to specify the command to copy
+#             the vmcore.  The default is makedumpfile, which on
+#             some architectures can drastically reduce vmcore size.
+#             See /sbin/makedumpfile --help for a list of options.
+#             Note that the -i and -g options are not needed here,
+#             as the initrd will automatically be populated with a
+#             config file appropriate for the running kernel.
+#             The default core_collector for raw/ssh dump is:
+#             "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+#             The default core_collector for other targets is:
+#             "makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+#             "makedumpfile -F" will create a flattened vmcore.
+#             You need to use "makedumpfile -R" to rearrange the dump data to
+#             a normal dumpfile readable with analysis tools.  For example:
+#             "makedumpfile -R vmcore < vmcore.flat".
+#             For core_collector format details, you can refer to
+#             kexec-kdump-howto.txt or kdump.conf manpage.
+# kdump_post <binary | script>
+#           - This directive allows you to run a executable binary
+#             or script after the vmcore dump process terminates.
+#             The exit status of the current dump process is fed to
+#             the executable binary or script as its first argument.
+#             All files under /etc/kdump/post.d are collectively sorted
+#             and executed in lexical order, before binary or script
+#             specified kdump_post parameter is executed.
+# kdump_pre <binary | script>
+#           - Works like the "kdump_post" directive, but instead of running
+#             after the dump process, runs immediately before it.
+#             Exit status of this binary is interpreted as follows:
+#               0 - continue with dump process as usual
+#               non 0 - run the final action (reboot/poweroff/halt)
+#             All files under /etc/kdump/pre.d are collectively sorted and
+#             executed in lexical order, after binary or script specified
+#             kdump_pre parameter is executed.
+#             Even if the binary or script in /etc/kdump/pre.d directory
+#             returns non 0 exit status, the processing is continued.
+# extra_bins <binaries | shell scripts>
+#           - This directive allows you to specify additional binaries or
+#             shell scripts to be included in the kdump initrd.
+#             Generally they are useful in conjunction with a kdump_post
+#             or kdump_pre binary or script which depends on these extra_bins.
+# extra_modules <module(s)>
+#           - This directive allows you to specify extra kernel modules
+#             that you want to be loaded in the kdump initrd.
+#             Multiple modules can be listed, separated by spaces, and any
+#             dependent modules will automatically be included.
+# failure_action <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
+#           - Action to perform in case dumping fails.
+#             reboot:   Reboot the system.
+#             halt:     Halt the system.
+#             poweroff: Power down the system.
+#             shell:    Drop to a bash shell.
+#                       Exiting the shell reboots the system by default,
+#                       or perform "final_action".
+#             dump_to_rootfs:  Dump vmcore to rootfs from initramfs context and
+#                       reboot by default or perform "final_action".
+#                       Useful when non-root dump target is specified.
+#             The default option is "reboot".
+# default <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
+#           - Same as the "failure_action" directive above, but this directive
+#             is obsolete and will be removed in the future.
+# final_action <reboot | halt | poweroff>
+#           - Action to perform in case dumping succeeds. Also performed
+#             when "shell" or "dump_to_rootfs" failure action finishes.
+#             Each action is same as the "failure_action" directive above.
+#             The default is "reboot".
+# force_rebuild <0 | 1>
+#           - By default, kdump initrd will only be rebuilt when necessary.
+#             Specify 1 to force rebuilding kdump initrd every time when kdump
+#             service starts.
+# force_no_rebuild <0 | 1>
+#           - By default, kdump initrd will be rebuilt when necessary.
+#             Specify 1 to bypass rebuilding of kdump initrd.
+#             force_no_rebuild and force_rebuild options are mutually
+#             exclusive and they should not be set to 1 simultaneously.
+# override_resettable <0 | 1>
+#           - Usually an unresettable block device can't be a dump target.
+#             Specifying 1 when you want to dump even though the block
+#             target is unresettable
+#             By default, it is 0, which will not try dumping destined to fail.
+# dracut_args <arg(s)>
+#           - Pass extra dracut options when rebuilding kdump initrd.
+# fence_kdump_args <arg(s)>
+#           - Command line arguments for fence_kdump_send (it can contain
+#             all valid arguments except hosts to send notification to).
+# fence_kdump_nodes <node(s)>
+#           - List of cluster node(s) except localhost, separated by spaces,
+#             to send fence_kdump notifications to.
+#             (this option is mandatory to enable fence_kdump).
+#raw /dev/vg/lv_kdump
+#ext4 /dev/vg/lv_kdump
+#ext4 LABEL=/boot
+#ext4 UUID=03138356-5e61-4ab3-b58e-27507ac41937
+#nfs my.server.com:/export/tmp
+#nfs [2001:db8::1:2:3:4]:/export/tmp
+#ssh user@my.server.com
+#ssh user@2001:db8::1:2:3:4
+#sshkey /root/.ssh/kdump_id_rsa
+auto_reset_crashkernel yes
+path /var/crash
+core_collector makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31
+#core_collector scp
+#kdump_post /var/crash/scripts/kdump-post.sh
+#kdump_pre /var/crash/scripts/kdump-pre.sh
+#extra_bins /usr/bin/lftp
+#extra_modules gfs2
+#failure_action shell
+#force_rebuild 1
+#force_no_rebuild 1
+#dracut_args --omit-drivers "cfg80211 snd" --add-drivers "ext2 ext3"
+#fence_kdump_args -p 7410 -f auto -c 0 -i 10
+#fence_kdump_nodes node1 node2
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.conf.5 b/SOURCES/kdump.conf.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e9900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.conf.5
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+.TH KDUMP.CONF 5 "07/23/2008" "kexec-tools"
+kdump.conf \- configuration file for kdump kernel.
+kdump.conf is a configuration file for the kdump kernel crash
+collection service.
+kdump.conf provides post-kexec instructions to the kdump kernel. It is
+stored in the initrd file managed by the kdump service. If you change
+this file and do not want to reboot in order for the changes to take
+effect, restart the kdump service to rebuild the initrd.
+For most configurations, you can simply review the examples provided
+in the stock /etc/kdump.conf.
+.B NOTE: 
+For filesystem dumps the dump target must be mounted before building
+kdump initramfs.
+kdump.conf only affects the behavior of the initramfs.  Please read the
+kdump operational flow section of kexec-kdump-howto.txt in the docs to better
+understand how this configuration file affects the behavior of kdump.
+.B auto_reset_crashkernel <yes|no>
+determine whether to reset kernel crashkernel to new default value
+or not when kexec-tools updates the default crashkernel value and
+existing kernels using the old default kernel crashkernel value
+.B raw <partition>
+Will dd /proc/vmcore into <partition>.  Use persistent device names for
+partition devices, such as /dev/vg/<devname>.
+.B nfs <nfs mount>
+Will mount nfs to <mnt>, and copy /proc/vmcore to <mnt>/<path>/%HOST-%DATE/,
+supports DNS. Note that a fqdn should be used as the server name in the 
+mount point.
+.B ssh <user@server>
+Will save /proc/vmcore through ssh pipe to <user@server>:<path>/%HOST-%DATE/,
+supports DNS. NOTE: make sure user has necessary write permissions on
+server and that a fqdn is used as the server name.
+.B sshkey <path>
+Specify the path of the ssh key to use when dumping via ssh.
+The default value is /root/.ssh/kdump_id_rsa.
+.B <fs type> <partition>
+Will mount -t <fs type> <partition> <mnt>, and copy /proc/vmcore to
+<mnt>/<path>/%HOST_IP-%DATE/.  NOTE: <partition> can be a device node, label
+or uuid.  It's recommended to use persistent device names such as
+/dev/vg/<devname>.  Otherwise it's suggested to use label or uuid.
+.B path <path>
+"path" represents the file system path in which vmcore will be saved.
+If a dump target is specified in kdump.conf, then "path" is relative to the
+specified dump target.
+Interpretation of "path" changes a bit if the user didn't specify any dump
+target explicitly in kdump.conf. In this case, "path" represents the
+absolute path from root.  The dump target and adjusted path are arrived
+at automatically depending on what's mounted in the current system.
+Ignored for raw device dumps.  If unset, will use the default "/var/crash".
+.B core_collector <command> <options>
+This allows you to specify the command to copy the vmcore.
+The default is makedumpfile, which on some architectures can drastically reduce
+core file size. See /sbin/makedumpfile --help for a list of options.
+Note that the -i and -g options are not needed here, as the initrd
+will automatically be populated with a config file appropriate
+for the running kernel.
+Note 1: About default core collector:
+The default core_collector for raw/ssh dump is:
+"makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+The default core_collector for other targets is:
+"makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+Even if core_collector option is commented out in kdump.conf, makedumpfile
+is the default core collector and kdump uses it internally.
+If one does not want makedumpfile as default core_collector, then they
+need to specify one using core_collector option to change the behavior.
+Note 2: If "makedumpfile -F" is used then you will get a flattened format
+vmcore.flat, you will need to use "makedumpfile -R" to rearrange the
+dump data from standard input to a normal dumpfile (readable with analysis
+ie. "makedumpfile -R vmcore < vmcore.flat"
+Note 3: If specified core_collector simply copy the vmcore file to the
+dump target (eg: cp, scp), the vmcore could be significantly large.
+Please make sure the dump target has enough space, at leaset larger
+than the system's RAM.
+.B kdump_post <binary | script>
+This directive allows you to run a specified executable
+just after the vmcore dump process terminates.  The exit
+status of the current dump process is fed to the kdump_post
+executable as its first argument($1).  Executable can modify
+it to indicate the new exit status of succeeding dump process,
+All files under /etc/kdump/post.d are collectively sorted
+and executed in lexical order, before binary or script
+specified kdump_post parameter is executed.
+Note that scripts written for use with this directive must use the /bin/bash
+interpreter. And since these scripts run in kdump enviroment, the reference to
+the storage or network device in the scripts should adhere to the section
+'Supported dump target types and requirements' in kexec-kdump-howto.txt.
+.B kdump_pre <binary | script>
+Works just like the "kdump_post" directive, but instead
+of running after the dump process, runs immediately
+before.  Exit status of this binary is interpreted
+as follows:
+0 - continue with dump process as usual
+non 0 - run the final action (reboot/poweroff/halt)
+All files under /etc/kdump/pre.d are collectively sorted and
+executed in lexical order, after binary or script specified
+kdump_pre parameter is executed.
+Even if the binary or script in /etc/kdump/pre.d directory
+returns non 0 exit status, the processing is continued.
+Note that scripts written for use with this directive must use the /bin/bash
+interpreter. And since these scripts run in kdump enviroment, the reference to
+the storage or network device in the scripts should adhere to the section
+'Supported dump target types and requirements' in kexec-kdump-howto.txt.
+.B extra_bins <binaries | shell scripts>
+This directive allows you to specify additional
+binaries or shell scripts you'd like to include in
+your kdump initrd. Generally only useful in
+conjunction with a kdump_post binary or script that
+relies on other binaries or scripts.
+.B extra_modules <module(s)>
+This directive allows you to specify extra kernel
+modules that you want to be loaded in the kdump
+initrd, typically used to set up access to
+non-boot-path dump targets that might otherwise
+not be accessible in the kdump environment. Multiple
+modules can be listed, separated by spaces, and any
+dependent modules will automatically be included.
+.B failure_action <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
+Action to perform in case dumping to the intended target fails. The default is "reboot".
+reboot: Reboot the system (this is what most people will want, as it returns the system
+to a normal state).  halt: Halt the system and lose the vmcore.  poweroff: The system
+will be powered down.  shell: Drop to a shell session inside the initramfs, from which
+you can manually perform additional recovery actions.  Exiting this shell reboots the
+system by default or performs "final_action".
+Note: kdump uses bash as the default shell.  dump_to_rootfs: If non-root dump
+target is specified, the failure action can be set as dump_to_rootfs.  That means when
+dumping to target fails, dump vmcore to rootfs from initramfs context and reboot
+by default or perform "final_action".
+.B default <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
+Same as the "failure_action" directive above, but this directive is obsolete
+and will be removed in the future.
+.B final_action <reboot | halt | poweroff>
+Action to perform in case dumping to the intended target succeeds.
+Also performed when "shell" or "dump_to_rootfs" failure action finishes.
+Each action is same as the "failure_action" directive above.
+The default is "reboot".
+.B force_rebuild <0 | 1>
+By default, kdump initrd will only be rebuilt when necessary.
+Specify 1 to force rebuilding kdump initrd every time when kdump service starts.
+.B force_no_rebuild <0 | 1>
+By default, kdump initrd will be rebuilt when necessary.
+Specify 1 to bypass rebuilding of kdump initrd.
+force_no_rebuild and force_rebuild options are mutually exclusive and
+they should not be set to 1 simultaneously.
+.B override_resettable <0 | 1>
+Usually an unresettable block device can't be a dump target. Specifying 1 means
+that even though the block target is unresettable, the user wants to try dumping anyway.
+By default, it's set to 0, which will not try something destined to fail.
+.B dracut_args <arg(s)>
+Kdump uses dracut to generate initramfs for second kernel. This option
+allows a user to pass arguments to dracut directly.
+.B fence_kdump_args <arg(s)>
+Command line arguments for fence_kdump_send (it can contain all valid
+arguments except hosts to send notification to).
+.B fence_kdump_nodes <node(s)>
+List of cluster node(s) except localhost, separated by spaces, to send fence_kdump notification
+to (this option is mandatory to enable fence_kdump).
+.B net <nfs mount>|<user@server>
+net option is replaced by nfs and ssh options. Use nfs or ssh options
+.B options <module> <option list>
+Use KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/kdump to add module options as
+kernel command line parameters. For example, specify 'loop.max_loop=1' to limit
+maximum loop devices to 1.
+.B link_delay <seconds>
+link_delay was used to wait for a network device to initialize before using it.
+Now dracut network module takes care of this issue automatically.
+.B disk_timeout <seconds>
+Similar to link_delay, dracut ensures disks are ready before kdump uses them.
+.B debug_mem_level <0-3>
+Turn on verbose debug output of kdump scripts regarding free/used memory at
+various points of execution.  This feature has been
+moved to dracut now.
+Use KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/kdump and
+append dracut cmdline param rd.memdebug=[0-3] to enable the debug output.
+Higher level means more debugging output.
+0 - no output
+1 - partial /proc/meminfo
+2 - /proc/meminfo
+3 - /proc/meminfo + /proc/slabinfo
+.B blacklist <list of kernel modules>
+blacklist option was recently being used to prevent loading modules in
+initramfs. General terminology for blacklist has been that module is
+present in initramfs but it is not actually loaded in kernel. Hence
+retaining blacklist option creates more confusing behavior. It has been
+Instead, use rd.driver.blacklist option on second kernel to blacklist
+a certain module. One can edit /etc/sysconfig/kdump.conf and edit
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND to pass kernel command line options. Refer
+to dracut.cmdline man page for more details on module blacklist option.
+Here are some examples for core_collector option:
+Core collector command format depends on dump target type. Typically for
+filesystem (local/remote), core_collector should accept two arguments.
+First one is source file and second one is target file. For ex.
+core_collector "cp --sparse=always"
+Above will effectively be translated to:
+cp --sparse=always /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
+core_collector "makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+Above will effectively be translated to:
+makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31 /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
+For dump targets like raw and ssh, in general, core collector should expect
+one argument (source file) and should output the processed core on standard
+output (There is one exception of "scp", discussed later). This standard
+output will be saved to destination using appropriate commands.
+raw dumps examples:
+core_collector "cat"
+Above will effectively be translated to.
+cat /proc/vmcore | dd of=<target-device>
+core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+Above will effectively be translated to.
+makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | dd of=<target-device>
+ssh dumps examples
+core_collector "cat"
+Above will effectively be translated to.
+cat /proc/vmcore | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
+core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+Above will effectively be translated to.
+makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
+There is one exception to standard output rule for ssh dumps. And that is
+scp. As scp can handle ssh destinations for file transfers, one can
+specify "scp" as core collector for ssh targets (no output on stdout).
+core_collector "scp"
+Above will effectively be translated to.
+scp /proc/vmcore <user@host>:path/vmcore
+examples for other options please see
+.I /etc/kdump.conf
+kexec(8) mkdumprd(8) dracut.cmdline(7)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.service b/SOURCES/kdump.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99feed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.service
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description=Crash recovery kernel arming
+After=network.target network-online.target remote-fs.target basic.target
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/kdumpctl start
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/kdumpctl stop
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/kdumpctl reload
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ebf04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb cma hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll maxcpus=1 reset_devices novmcoredd cma=0 hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.aarch64 b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.aarch64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67a2af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.aarch64
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb cma hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll nr_cpus=1 reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory udev.children-max=2 panic=10 swiotlb=noforce novmcoredd cma=0 hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.i386 b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.i386
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e18c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.i386
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb cma hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll nr_cpus=1 reset_devices numa=off udev.children-max=2 panic=10 transparent_hugepage=never novmcoredd cma=0 hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+#What is the images extension.  Relocatable kernels don't have one
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64 b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb22f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll maxcpus=1 noirqdistrib reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory numa=off udev.children-max=2 ehea.use_mcs=0 panic=10 kvm_cma_resv_ratio=0 transparent_hugepage=never novmcoredd hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+#What is the images extension.  Relocatable kernels don't have one
+#Specify the action after failure
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64le b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64le
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270a2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.ppc64le
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll maxcpus=1 noirqdistrib reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory numa=off udev.children-max=2 ehea.use_mcs=0 panic=10 kvm_cma_resv_ratio=0 transparent_hugepage=never novmcoredd hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+KEXEC_ARGS="--dt-no-old-root -s"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+#What is the images extension.  Relocatable kernels don't have one
+#Specify the action after failure
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.s390x b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.s390x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234cfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.s390x
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb vmcp_cma cma hugetlb_cma prot_virt"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="nr_cpus=1 cgroup_disable=memory numa=off udev.children-max=2 panic=10 transparent_hugepage=never novmcoredd vmcp_cma=0 cma=0 hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional /sbin/mkdumprd arguments required.
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+#What is the images extension.  Relocatable kernels don't have one
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.x86_64 b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.x86_64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188ba3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdump.sysconfig.x86_64
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Kernel Version string for the -kdump kernel, such as 2.6.13-1544.FC5kdump
+# If no version is specified, then the init script will try to find a
+# kdump kernel with the same version number as the running kernel.
+# The kdump commandline is the command line that needs to be passed off to
+# the kdump kernel.  This will likely match the contents of the grub kernel
+# line.  For example:
+# Dracut depends on proper root= options, so please make sure that appropriate
+# root= options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+# command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=".
+# If a command line is not specified, the default will be taken from
+# /proc/cmdline
+# This variable lets us remove arguments from the current kdump commandline
+# as taken from either KDUMP_COMMANDLINE above, or from /proc/cmdline
+# NOTE: some arguments such as crashkernel will always be removed
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb cma hugetlb_cma"
+# This variable lets us append arguments to the current kdump commandline
+# after processed by KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll nr_cpus=1 reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory mce=off numa=off udev.children-max=2 panic=10 acpi_no_memhotplug transparent_hugepage=never nokaslr hest_disable novmcoredd cma=0 hugetlb_cma=0"
+# Any additional kexec arguments required.  In most situations, this should
+# be left empty
+# Example:
+#   KEXEC_ARGS="--elf32-core-headers"
+#Where to find the boot image
+#What is the image type used for kdump
+#What is the images extension.  Relocatable kernels don't have one
+# Logging is controlled by following variables in the first kernel:
+#   - @var KDUMP_STDLOGLVL - logging level to standard error (console output)
+#   - @var KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - @var KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL - logging level to /dev/kmsg (only for boot-time)
+# In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the
+# log level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+#   - @var rd.kdumploglvl - logging level to syslog (by logger command)
+#   - for example: add the rd.kdumploglvl=3 option to KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+# Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdumpctl b/SOURCES/kdumpctl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d169089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kdumpctl
@@ -0,0 +1,1820 @@
+MKDUMPRD="/sbin/mkdumprd -f"
+#kdump shall be the default dump mode
+standard_kexec_args="-d -p"
+# Some default values in case /etc/sysconfig/kdump doesn't include
+KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug"
+if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kdump ]]; then
+	. /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+[[ $dracutbasedir ]] || dracutbasedir=/usr/lib/dracut
+. $dracutbasedir/dracut-functions.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh
+#initiate the kdump logger
+if ! dlog_init; then
+	echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+	exit 1
+	local rc timeout=5
+	if ! exec 9> /var/lock/kdump; then
+		derror "Create file lock failed"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	flock -n 9
+	rc=$?
+	while [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; do
+		dinfo "Another app is currently holding the kdump lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+		flock -w $timeout 9
+		rc=$?
+	done
+	# Check if firmware-assisted dump is enabled
+	# if yes, set the dump mode as fadump
+	if is_fadump_capable; then
+		dinfo "Dump mode is fadump"
+	fi
+	coredir="/var/crash/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")"
+	mkdir -p "$coredir"
+	ddebug "cp --sparse=always /proc/vmcore $coredir/vmcore-incomplete"
+	if cp --sparse=always /proc/vmcore "$coredir/vmcore-incomplete"; then
+		mv "$coredir/vmcore-incomplete" "$coredir/vmcore"
+		dinfo "saved a vmcore to $coredir"
+	else
+		derror "failed to save a vmcore to $coredir"
+	fi
+	# pass the dmesg to Abrt tool if exists, in order
+	# to collect the kernel oops message.
+	# https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/
+	if [[ -x /usr/bin/dumpoops ]]; then
+		ddebug "makedumpfile --dump-dmesg $coredir/vmcore $coredir/dmesg"
+		makedumpfile --dump-dmesg "$coredir/vmcore" "$coredir/dmesg" > /dev/null 2>&1
+		ddebug "dumpoops -d $coredir/dmesg"
+		if dumpoops -d "$coredir/dmesg" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+			dinfo "kernel oops has been collected by abrt tool"
+		fi
+	fi
+		derror "mkfadumprd: failed to make fadump initrd"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+	grep -q -w "rd.earlykdump" /proc/cmdline
+	return $?
+	ddebug "rebuild kdump initrd: $MKDUMPRD $TARGET_INITRD $KDUMP_KERNELVER"
+		derror "mkdumprd: failed to make kdump initrd"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if check_earlykdump_is_enabled; then
+		dwarn "Tips: If early kdump is enabled, also require rebuilding the system initramfs to make the changes take effect for early kdump."
+	fi
+	return 0
+	if [[ ! -w $(dirname "$TARGET_INITRD") ]]; then
+		derror "$(dirname "$TARGET_INITRD") does not have write permission. Cannot rebuild $TARGET_INITRD"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		rebuild_fadump_initrd
+	else
+		rebuild_kdump_initrd
+	fi
+	return $?
+#$1: the files to be checked with IFS=' '
+	for file in $1; do
+		if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then
+			derror "Error: $file not found."
+			return 1
+		fi
+	done
+#$1: the files to be checked with IFS=' '
+	for file in $1; do
+		if [[ ! -x $file ]]; then
+			derror "Error: $file is not executable."
+			return 1
+		fi
+	done
+	ddebug "backup default initrd: $DEFAULT_INITRD"
+	if [[ ! -f $DEFAULT_INITRD ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	if [[ ! -e $DEFAULT_INITRD_BAK ]]; then
+		dinfo "Backing up $DEFAULT_INITRD before rebuild."
+		# save checksum to verify before restoring
+			dwarn "WARNING: failed to backup $DEFAULT_INITRD."
+		fi
+	fi
+	ddebug "restore default initrd: $DEFAULT_INITRD"
+	if [[ ! -f $DEFAULT_INITRD ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	# If a backup initrd exists, we must be switching back from
+	# fadump to kdump. Restore the original default initrd.
+	if [[ -f $DEFAULT_INITRD_BAK ]] && [[ -f $INITRD_CHECKSUM_LOCATION ]]; then
+		# verify checksum before restoring
+		backup_checksum=$(sha1sum "$DEFAULT_INITRD_BAK" | awk '{ print $1 }')
+		default_checksum=$(awk '{ print $1 }' "$INITRD_CHECKSUM_LOCATION")
+		if [[ $default_checksum != "$backup_checksum" ]]; then
+			dwarn "WARNING: checksum mismatch! Can't restore original initrd.."
+		else
+				derror "Restoring original initrd as fadump mode is disabled."
+				sync
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+	local -A _opt_rec
+	while read -r config_opt config_val; do
+		case "$config_opt" in
+		dracut_args)
+			if [[ $config_val == *--mount* ]]; then
+				if [[ $(echo "$config_val" | grep -o "\-\-mount" | wc -l) -ne 1 ]]; then
+					derror 'Multiple mount targets specified in one "dracut_args".'
+					return 1
+				fi
+				config_opt=_target
+			fi
+			;;
+		raw)
+			if [[ -d "/proc/device-tree/ibm,opal/dump" ]]; then
+				dwarn "WARNING: Won't capture opalcore when 'raw' dump target is used."
+			fi
+			config_opt=_target
+			;;
+		ext[234] | minix | btrfs | xfs | nfs | ssh)
+			config_opt=_target
+			;;
+		sshkey | path | core_collector | kdump_post | kdump_pre | extra_bins | extra_modules | failure_action | default | final_action | force_rebuild | force_no_rebuild | fence_kdump_args | fence_kdump_nodes | auto_reset_crashkernel) ;;
+		net | options | link_delay | disk_timeout | debug_mem_level | blacklist)
+			derror "Deprecated kdump config option: $config_opt. Refer to kdump.conf manpage for alternatives."
+			return 1
+			;;
+		'')
+			continue
+			;;
+		*)
+			derror "Invalid kdump config option $config_opt"
+			return 1
+			;;
+		esac
+		if [[ -z $config_val ]]; then
+			derror "Invalid kdump config value for option '$config_opt'"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		if [[ -n ${_opt_rec[$config_opt]} ]]; then
+			if [[ $config_opt == _target ]]; then
+				derror "More than one dump targets specified"
+			else
+				derror "Duplicated kdump config value of option $config_opt"
+			fi
+			return 1
+		fi
+		_opt_rec[$config_opt]="$config_val"
+	done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
+	check_failure_action_config || return 1
+	check_final_action_config || return 1
+	check_fence_kdump_config || return 1
+	return 0
+# get_pcs_cluster_modified_files <image timestamp>
+# return list of modified file for fence_kdump modified in Pacemaker cluster
+	local time_stamp
+	local modified_files
+	is_generic_fence_kdump && return 1
+	is_pcs_fence_kdump || return 1
+	time_stamp=$(pcs cluster cib | xmllint --xpath 'string(/cib/@cib-last-written)' - | xargs -0 date +%s --date)
+	if [[ -n $time_stamp ]] && [[ $time_stamp -gt $image_time ]]; then
+		modified_files="cluster-cib"
+	fi
+	if [[ -f $FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then
+		time_stamp=$(stat -c "%Y" "$FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE")
+		if [[ $time_stamp -gt $image_time ]]; then
+			modified_files="$modified_files $FENCE_KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE"
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo "$modified_files"
+	if ! prepare_kdump_bootinfo; then
+		derror "failed to prepare for kdump bootinfo."
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		# backup initrd for reference before replacing it
+		# with fadump aware initrd
+		backup_default_initrd
+	else
+		# check if a backup of default initrd exists. If yes,
+		# it signifies a switch from fadump mode. So, restore
+		# the backed up default initrd.
+		restore_default_initrd
+	fi
+	local modified_files=""
+	#also rebuild when Pacemaker cluster conf is changed and fence kdump is enabled.
+	modified_files=$(get_pcs_cluster_modified_files)
+	EXTRA_BINS=$(kdump_get_conf_val kdump_post)
+	CHECK_FILES=$(kdump_get_conf_val kdump_pre)
+	HOOKS="/etc/kdump/post.d/ /etc/kdump/pre.d/"
+	if [[ -d /etc/kdump/post.d ]]; then
+		for file in /etc/kdump/post.d/*; do
+			if [[ -x $file ]]; then
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	if [[ -d /etc/kdump/pre.d ]]; then
+		for file in /etc/kdump/pre.d/*; do
+			if [[ -x $file ]]; then
+				PRE_FILES="$PRE_FILES $file"
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	CORE_COLLECTOR=$(kdump_get_conf_val core_collector | awk '{print $1}')
+	# POST_FILES and PRE_FILES are already checked against executable, need not to check again.
+	CHECK_FILES=$(kdump_get_conf_val extra_bins)
+	[[ -e /etc/fstab ]] && files="$files /etc/fstab"
+	# Check for any updated extra module
+	EXTRA_MODULES="$(kdump_get_conf_val extra_modules)"
+	if [[ -n $EXTRA_MODULES ]]; then
+		if [[ -e /lib/modules/$KDUMP_KERNELVER/modules.dep ]]; then
+			files="$files /lib/modules/$KDUMP_KERNELVER/modules.dep"
+		fi
+		for _module in $EXTRA_MODULES; do
+			if _module_file="$(modinfo --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" --filename "$_module" 2> /dev/null)"; then
+				files="$files $_module_file"
+				for _dep_modules in $(modinfo -F depends "$_module" | tr ',' ' '); do
+					files="$files $(modinfo --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" --filename "$_dep_modules" 2> /dev/null)"
+				done
+			else
+				# If it's not a module nor builtin, give an error
+				if ! (modprobe --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" --dry-run "$_module" &> /dev/null); then
+					dwarn "Module $_module not found"
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	# HOOKS is mandatory and need to check the modification time
+	files="$files $HOOKS"
+	check_exist "$files" && check_executable "$EXTRA_BINS" || return 2
+	for file in $files; do
+		if [[ -e $file ]]; then
+			time_stamp=$(stat -c "%Y" "$file")
+			if [[ $time_stamp -gt $image_time ]]; then
+				modified_files="$modified_files $file"
+			fi
+			if [[ -L $file ]]; then
+				file=$(readlink -m "$file")
+				time_stamp=$(stat -c "%Y" "$file")
+				if [[ $time_stamp -gt $image_time ]]; then
+					modified_files="$modified_files $file"
+				fi
+			fi
+		else
+			dwarn "$file doesn't exist"
+		fi
+	done
+	if [[ -n $modified_files ]]; then
+		dinfo "Detected change(s) in the following file(s): $modified_files"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+	local _target _new_drivers _old_drivers _module_name _module_filename
+	# If it's dump target is on block device, detect the block driver
+	_target=$(get_block_dump_target)
+	if [[ -n $_target ]]; then
+		_record_block_drivers()
+		{
+			local _drivers
+			_drivers=$(udevadm info -a "/dev/block/$1" | sed -n 's/\s*DRIVERS=="\(\S\+\)"/\1/p')
+			for _driver in $_drivers; do
+				if ! [[ " $_new_drivers " == *" $_driver "* ]]; then
+					_new_drivers="$_new_drivers $_driver"
+				fi
+			done
+			ddebug "MAJ:MIN=$1 drivers='$_drivers'"
+		}
+		check_block_and_slaves_all _record_block_drivers "$(get_maj_min "$_target")"
+	fi
+	# Include watchdog drivers if watchdog module is not omitted
+	is_dracut_mod_omitted watchdog || _new_drivers+=" $(get_watchdog_drvs)"
+	[[ -z $_new_drivers ]] && return 0
+	if is_fadump_capable; then
+		_old_drivers="$(lsinitrd "$TARGET_INITRD" -f /usr/lib/dracut/fadump-kernel-modules.txt | tr '\n' ' ')"
+	else
+		_old_drivers="$(lsinitrd "$TARGET_INITRD" -f /usr/lib/dracut/hostonly-kernel-modules.txt | tr '\n' ' ')"
+	fi
+	ddebug "Modules required for kdump: '$_new_drivers'"
+	ddebug "Modules included in old initramfs: '$_old_drivers'"
+	for _driver in $_new_drivers; do
+		# Skip deprecated/invalid driver name or built-in module
+		_module_name=$(modinfo --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" -F name "$_driver" 2> /dev/null)
+		_module_filename=$(modinfo --set-version "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" -n "$_driver" 2> /dev/null)
+		if [[ -z $_module_name ]] || [[ -z $_module_filename ]] || [[ $_module_filename == *"(builtin)"* ]]; then
+			continue
+		fi
+		if ! [[ " $_old_drivers " == *" $_module_name "* ]]; then
+			dinfo "Detected change in block device driver, new loaded module: $_module_name"
+			return 1
+		fi
+	done
+	local _old_dev _old_mntpoint _old_fstype
+	local _new_dev _new_mntpoint _new_fstype
+	local _target _dracut_args
+	# No need to check in case of mount target specified via "dracut_args".
+	if is_mount_in_dracut_args; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	# No need to check in case of raw target.
+	# Currently we do not check also if ssh/nfs target is specified
+	if is_ssh_dump_target || is_nfs_dump_target || is_raw_dump_target; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	_target=$(get_block_dump_target)
+	_new_fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target "$_target")
+	if [[ -z $_target ]] || [[ -z $_new_fstype ]]; then
+		derror "Dump target is invalid"
+		return 2
+	fi
+	ddebug "_target=$_target _new_fstype=$_new_fstype"
+	_new_dev=$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_target")
+	if [[ -z $_new_dev ]]; then
+		perror "Get persistent device name failed"
+		return 2
+	fi
+	_new_mntpoint="$(get_kdump_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")"
+	_dracut_args=$(lsinitrd "$TARGET_INITRD" -f usr/lib/dracut/build-parameter.txt)
+	if [[ -z $_dracut_args ]]; then
+		dwarn "Warning: No dracut arguments found in initrd"
+		return 0
+	fi
+	# if --mount argument present then match old and new target, mount
+	# point and file system. If any of them mismatches then rebuild
+	if echo "$_dracut_args" | grep -q "\-\-mount"; then
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2046
+		set -- $(echo "$_dracut_args" | awk -F "--mount '" '{print $2}' | cut -d' ' -f1,2,3)
+		_old_dev=$1
+		_old_mntpoint=$2
+		_old_fstype=$3
+		[[ $_new_dev == "$_old_dev" && $_new_mntpoint == "$_old_mntpoint" && $_new_fstype == "$_old_fstype" ]] && return 0
+	# otherwise rebuild if target device is not a root device
+	else
+		[[ $_target == "$(get_root_fs_device)" ]] && return 0
+	fi
+	dinfo "Detected change in File System"
+	return 1
+# returns 0 if system is not modified
+# returns 1 if system is modified
+# returns 2 if system modification is invalid
+	local ret
+	[[ -f $TARGET_INITRD ]] || return 1
+	check_files_modified
+	ret=$?
+	if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+		return $ret
+	fi
+	check_fs_modified
+	ret=$?
+	if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+		return $ret
+	fi
+	check_drivers_modified
+	ret=$?
+	if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+		return $ret
+	fi
+	return 0
+	local capture_capable_initrd="1"
+	local force_rebuild force_no_rebuild
+	local ret system_modified="0"
+	setup_initrd || return 1
+	force_no_rebuild=$(kdump_get_conf_val force_no_rebuild)
+	force_no_rebuild=${force_no_rebuild:-0}
+	if [[ $force_no_rebuild != "0" ]] && [[ $force_no_rebuild != "1" ]]; then
+		derror "Error: force_no_rebuild value is invalid"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	force_rebuild=$(kdump_get_conf_val force_rebuild)
+	force_rebuild=${force_rebuild:-0}
+	if [[ $force_rebuild != "0" ]] && [[ $force_rebuild != "1" ]]; then
+		derror "Error: force_rebuild value is invalid"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if [[ $force_no_rebuild == "1" && $force_rebuild == "1" ]]; then
+		derror "Error: force_rebuild and force_no_rebuild are enabled simultaneously in kdump.conf"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	# Will not rebuild kdump initrd
+	if [[ $force_no_rebuild == "1" ]]; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	#check to see if dependent files has been modified
+	#since last build of the image file
+	if [[ -f $TARGET_INITRD ]]; then
+		image_time=$(stat -c "%Y" "$TARGET_INITRD" 2> /dev/null)
+		#in case of fadump mode, check whether the default/target
+		#initrd is already built with dump capture capability
+		if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+			capture_capable_initrd=$(lsinitrd -f $DRACUT_MODULES_FILE "$TARGET_INITRD" | grep -c -e ^kdumpbase$ -e ^zz-fadumpinit$)
+		fi
+	fi
+	check_system_modified
+	ret=$?
+	if [[ $ret -eq 2 ]]; then
+		return 1
+	elif [[ $ret -eq 1 ]]; then
+		system_modified="1"
+	fi
+	if [[ $image_time -eq 0 ]]; then
+		dinfo "No kdump initial ramdisk found."
+	elif [[ $capture_capable_initrd == "0" ]]; then
+		dinfo "Rebuild $TARGET_INITRD with dump capture support"
+	elif [[ $force_rebuild != "0" ]]; then
+		dinfo "Force rebuild $TARGET_INITRD"
+	elif [[ $system_modified != "0" ]]; then
+		:
+	else
+		return 0
+	fi
+	dinfo "Rebuilding $TARGET_INITRD"
+	rebuild_initrd
+	return $?
+# On ppc64le LPARs, the keys trusted by firmware do not end up in
+# .builtin_trusted_keys. So instead, add the key to the .ima keyring
+function load_kdump_kernel_key()
+	# this is only called inside is_secure_boot_enforced,
+	# no need to retest
+        # this is only required if DT /ibm,secure-boot is a file.
+        # if it is a dir, we are on OpenPower and don't need this.
+        if ! [[ -f /proc/device-tree/ibm,secure-boot ]]; then
+                return
+        fi
+	KDUMP_KEY_ID=$(keyctl padd asymmetric kernelkey-$RANDOM %:.ima < "/usr/share/doc/kernel-keys/$KDUMP_KERNELVER/kernel-signing-ppc.cer")
+# remove a previously loaded key. There's no real security implication
+# to leaving it around, we choose to do this because it makes it easier
+# to be idempotent and so as to reduce the potential for confusion.
+function remove_kdump_kernel_key()
+	if [[ -z $KDUMP_KEY_ID ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	keyctl unlink "$KDUMP_KEY_ID" %:.ima
+# Load the kdump kernel specified in /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+# If none is specified, try to load a kdump kernel with the same version
+# as the currently running kernel.
+	local ret
+	KEXEC_ARGS=$(prepare_kexec_args "${KEXEC_ARGS}")
+	# For secureboot enabled machines, use new kexec file based syscall.
+	# Old syscall will always fail as it does not have capability to
+	# to kernel signature verification.
+	if is_secure_boot_enforced; then
+		dinfo "Secure Boot is enabled. Using kexec file based syscall."
+		load_kdump_kernel_key
+	fi
+	ddebug "$KEXEC $KEXEC_ARGS $standard_kexec_args --command-line=$KDUMP_COMMANDLINE --initrd=$TARGET_INITRD $KDUMP_KERNEL"
+	# The '12' represents an intermediate temporary file descriptor
+	# to store the standard error file descriptor '2', and later
+	# restore the error file descriptor with the file descriptor '12'
+	# and release it.
+	exec 12>&2
+	exec 2>> $KDUMP_LOG_PATH/kdump.log
+	PS4='+ $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ${BASH_SOURCE}@${LINENO}: '
+	set -x
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+	$KEXEC $KEXEC_ARGS $standard_kexec_args \
+		--command-line="$KDUMP_COMMANDLINE" \
+	ret=$?
+	set +x
+	exec 2>&12 12>&-
+	remove_kdump_kernel_key
+	if [[ $ret == 0 ]]; then
+		dinfo "kexec: loaded kdump kernel"
+		return 0
+	else
+		derror "kexec: failed to load kdump kernel"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	local SSH_TARGET
+	while read -r config_opt config_val; do
+		case "$config_opt" in
+		sshkey)
+			# remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+			if [[ -f $config_val ]]; then
+				# canonicalize the path
+				SSH_KEY_LOCATION=$(/usr/bin/readlink -m "$config_val")
+			else
+				dwarn "WARNING: '$config_val' doesn't exist, using default value '$SSH_KEY_LOCATION'"
+			fi
+			;;
+		path)
+			SAVE_PATH=$config_val
+			;;
+		ssh)
+			DUMP_TARGET=$config_val
+			;;
+		*) ;;
+		esac
+	done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
+	#make sure they've configured kdump.conf for ssh dumps
+	SSH_TARGET=$(echo -n "$DUMP_TARGET" | sed -n '/.*@/p')
+	if [[ -z $SSH_TARGET ]]; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+# ipv6 host address may takes a long time to be ready.
+# Instead of checking against ipv6 address, we just check the network reachable
+# by the return val of 'ssh'
+	local start_time
+	local warn_once=1
+	local cur
+	local diff
+	local retval
+	local errmsg
+	start_time=$(date +%s)
+	while true; do
+		errmsg=$(ssh -i "$SSH_KEY_LOCATION" -o BatchMode=yes "$DUMP_TARGET" mkdir -p "$SAVE_PATH" 2>&1)
+		retval=$?
+		# ssh exits with the exit status of the remote command or with 255 if an error occurred
+		if [[ $retval -eq 0 ]]; then
+			return 0
+		elif [[ $retval -ne 255 ]]; then
+			derror "Could not create $DUMP_TARGET:$SAVE_PATH, you should check the privilege on server side"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		# if server removes the authorized_keys or, no /root/.ssh/kdump_id_rsa
+		ddebug "$errmsg"
+		if echo "$errmsg" | grep -q "Permission denied\|No such file or directory\|Host key verification failed"; then
+			derror "Could not create $DUMP_TARGET:$SAVE_PATH, you probably need to run \"kdumpctl propagate\""
+			return 1
+		fi
+		if [[ $warn_once -eq 1 ]]; then
+			dwarn "Network dump target is not usable, waiting for it to be ready..."
+			warn_once=0
+		fi
+		cur=$(date +%s)
+		diff=$((cur - start_time))
+		# 60s time out
+		if [[ $diff -gt 180 ]]; then
+			break
+		fi
+		sleep 1
+	done
+	dinfo "Could not create $DUMP_TARGET:$SAVE_PATH, ipaddr is not ready yet. You should check network connection"
+	return 1
+	check_and_wait_network_ready
+	if ! check_ssh_config; then
+		derror "No ssh config specified in $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE.  Can't propagate"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	local errmsg="Failed to propagate ssh key"
+	#Check to see if we already created key, if not, create it.
+	if [[ -f $KEYFILE ]]; then
+		dinfo "Using existing keys..."
+	else
+		dinfo "Generating new ssh keys... "
+		/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa -f "$KEYFILE" -N "" 2>&1 > /dev/null
+		dinfo "done."
+	fi
+	#now find the target ssh user and server to contact.
+	SSH_USER=$(echo "$DUMP_TARGET" | cut -d@ -f1)
+	SSH_SERVER=$(echo "$DUMP_TARGET" | sed -e's/\(.*@\)\(.*$\)/\2/')
+	#now send the found key to the found server
+	ssh-copy-id -i "$KEYFILE" "$SSH_USER@$SSH_SERVER"
+	RET=$?
+	if [[ $RET == 0 ]]; then
+		dinfo "$KEYFILE has been added to ~$SSH_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys on $SSH_SERVER"
+		return 0
+	else
+		derror "$errmsg, $KEYFILE failed in transfer to $SSH_SERVER"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	local mem
+	local mem_mb
+	mem=$(< /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size)
+	mem_mb=$((mem / 1024 / 1024))
+	dinfo "Reserved ${mem_mb}MB memory for crash kernel"
+	# Check if firmware-assisted dump has been registered.
+	[[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && return 0
+	return 1
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		check_current_fadump_status
+	else
+		check_current_kdump_status
+	fi
+	return $?
+	local kdump_dir
+	local raw_target
+	raw_target=$(kdump_get_conf_val raw)
+	[[ -z $raw_target ]] && return 0
+	[[ -b $raw_target ]] || {
+		derror "raw partition $raw_target not found"
+		return 1
+	}
+	check_fs=$(lsblk --nodeps -npo FSTYPE "$raw_target")
+	if [[ $(echo "$check_fs" | wc -w) -ne 0 ]]; then
+		dwarn "Warning: Detected '$check_fs' signature on $raw_target, data loss is expected."
+		return 0
+	fi
+	kdump_dir=$(kdump_get_conf_val path)
+	if [[ -z ${kdump_dir} ]]; then
+		coredir="/var/crash/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")"
+	else
+		coredir="${kdump_dir}/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")"
+	fi
+	mkdir -p "$coredir"
+	[[ -d $coredir ]] || {
+		derror "failed to create $coredir"
+		return 1
+	}
+	if makedumpfile -R "$coredir/vmcore" < "$raw_target" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+		# dump found
+		dinfo "Dump saved to $coredir/vmcore"
+		# wipe makedumpfile header
+		dd if=/dev/zero of="$raw_target" bs=1b count=1 2> /dev/null
+	else
+		rm -rf "$coredir"
+	fi
+	return 0
+	local _target
+	if _target=$(grep -E "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix" /etc/kdump.conf); then
+		echo "$_target" | awk '{print $2}'
+	fi
+	local _path _target _mnt="/" _rmnt
+	if is_user_configured_dump_target; then
+		if is_mount_in_dracut_args; then
+			return
+		fi
+		_target=$(local_fs_dump_target)
+		if [[ -n $_target ]]; then
+			_mnt=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")
+			if ! is_mounted "$_mnt"; then
+				return
+			fi
+		else
+			return
+		fi
+	fi
+	_path=$(get_save_path)
+	# if $_path is masked by other mount, we will not relabel it.
+	_rmnt=$(df "$_mnt/$_path" 2> /dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{ print $NF }')
+	if [[ $_rmnt == "$_mnt" ]]; then
+		echo "$_mnt/$_path"
+	fi
+	local _path _i _attr
+	_path=$(path_to_be_relabeled)
+	if [[ -z $_path ]] || ! [[ -d $_path ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	while IFS= read -r -d '' _i; do
+		_attr=$(getfattr -m "security.selinux" "$_i" 2> /dev/null)
+		if [[ -z $_attr ]]; then
+			restorecon "$_i"
+		fi
+	done < <(find "$_path" -print0)
+	local hostname
+	local ipaddrs
+	local nodes
+	hostname=$(hostname)
+	ipaddrs=$(hostname -I)
+	nodes=$(kdump_get_conf_val "fence_kdump_nodes")
+	for node in $nodes; do
+		if [[ $node == "$hostname" ]]; then
+			derror "Option fence_kdump_nodes cannot contain $hostname"
+			return 1
+		fi
+		# node can be ipaddr
+		if echo "$ipaddrs " | grep -q "$node "; then
+			derror "Option fence_kdump_nodes cannot contain $node"
+			return 1
+		fi
+	done
+	return 0
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		return 0
+	fi
+	check_kdump_feasibility
+	return $?
+	if ! check_current_fadump_status; then
+		derror "fadump: failed to register"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "fadump: registered successfully"
+	return 0
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		start_fadump
+	else
+		load_kdump
+	fi
+	return $?
+	local default_option
+	local failure_action
+	local option="failure_action"
+	default_option=$(kdump_get_conf_val default)
+	failure_action=$(kdump_get_conf_val failure_action)
+	if [[ -z $failure_action ]] && [[ -z $default_option ]]; then
+		return 0
+	elif [[ -n $failure_action ]] && [[ -n $default_option ]]; then
+		derror "Cannot specify 'failure_action' and 'default' option together"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if [[ -n $default_option ]]; then
+		option="default"
+		failure_action="$default_option"
+	fi
+	case "$failure_action" in
+	reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs)
+		return 0
+		;;
+	*)
+		dinfo $"Usage kdump.conf: $option {reboot|halt|poweroff|shell|dump_to_rootfs}"
+		return 1
+		;;
+	esac
+	local final_action
+	final_action=$(kdump_get_conf_val final_action)
+	if [[ -z $final_action ]]; then
+		return 0
+	else
+		case "$final_action" in
+		reboot | halt | poweroff)
+			return 0
+			;;
+		*)
+			dinfo $"Usage kdump.conf: final_action {reboot|halt|poweroff}"
+			return 1
+			;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	if ! check_dump_feasibility; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if ! check_config; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if sestatus 2> /dev/null | grep -q "SELinux status.*enabled"; then
+		selinux_relabel
+	fi
+	if ! save_raw; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if check_current_status; then
+		dwarn "Kdump already running: [WARNING]"
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if check_ssh_config; then
+		if ! check_ssh_target; then
+			derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+			return 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	if ! check_rebuild; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if ! start_dump; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "Starting kdump: [OK]"
+	if ! check_current_status; then
+		dwarn "Kdump was not running: [WARNING]"
+	fi
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		reload_fadump
+		return $?
+	else
+		if ! stop_kdump; then
+			derror "Stopping kdump: [FAILED]"
+			return 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	dinfo "Stopping kdump: [OK]"
+	if ! setup_initrd; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	if ! start_dump; then
+		derror "Starting kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "Starting kdump: [OK]"
+	if check_current_fadump_status; then
+		derror "fadump: failed to unregister"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "fadump: unregistered successfully"
+	return 0
+	if is_secure_boot_enforced; then
+		$KEXEC -s -p -u
+	else
+		$KEXEC -p -u
+	fi
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2181
+	if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+		derror "kexec: failed to unload kdump kernel"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "kexec: unloaded kdump kernel"
+	return 0
+	if echo 1 > $FADUMP_REGISTER_SYS_NODE; then
+		dinfo "fadump: re-registered successfully"
+		return 0
+	else
+		# FADump could fail on older kernel where re-register
+		# support is not enabled. Try stop/start from userspace
+		# to handle such scenario.
+		if stop_fadump; then
+			start_fadump
+			return $?
+		fi
+	fi
+	return 1
+	if [[ $DEFAULT_DUMP_MODE == "fadump" ]]; then
+		stop_fadump
+	else
+		stop_kdump
+	fi
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2181
+	if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+		derror "Stopping kdump: [FAILED]"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	dinfo "Stopping kdump: [OK]"
+	return 0
+	check_config || return 1
+	if check_ssh_config; then
+		if ! check_ssh_target; then
+			return 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	setup_initrd || return 1
+	dinfo "Rebuilding $TARGET_INITRD"
+	rebuild_initrd
+	return $?
+	local kdump_mods
+	local -A large_mods
+	local baseline
+	local kernel_size mod_size initrd_size baseline_size runtime_size reserved_size estimated_size recommended_size
+	local size_mb=$((1024 * 1024))
+	setup_initrd
+	if [[ ! -f $TARGET_INITRD ]]; then
+		derror "kdumpctl estimate: kdump initramfs is not built yet."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	kdump_mods="$(lsinitrd "$TARGET_INITRD" -f /usr/lib/dracut/hostonly-kernel-modules.txt | tr '\n' ' ')"
+	baseline=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_size)
+	if [[ ${baseline: -1} == "M" ]]; then
+		baseline=${baseline%M}
+	elif [[ ${baseline: -1} == "G" ]]; then
+		baseline=$((${baseline%G} * 1024))
+	elif [[ ${baseline: -1} == "T" ]]; then
+		baseline=$((${baseline%Y} * 1048576))
+	fi
+	# The default pre-reserved crashkernel value
+	baseline_size=$((baseline * size_mb))
+	# Current reserved crashkernel size
+	reserved_size=$(< /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_size)
+	# A pre-estimated value for userspace usage and kernel
+	# runtime allocation, 64M should good for most cases
+	runtime_size=$((64 * size_mb))
+	# Kernel image size
+	kernel_size=$(get_kernel_size "$KDUMP_KERNEL")
+	# Kdump initramfs size
+	initrd_size=$(du -b "$TARGET_INITRD" | awk '{print $1}')
+	# Kernel modules static size after loaded
+	mod_size=0
+	while read -r _name _size _; do
+		if [[ " $kdump_mods " != *" $_name "* ]]; then
+			continue
+		fi
+		mod_size=$((mod_size + _size))
+		# Mark module with static size larger than 2M as large module
+		if [[ $((_size / size_mb)) -ge 1 ]]; then
+			large_mods[$_name]=$_size
+		fi
+	done <<< "$(< /proc/modules)"
+	# Extra memory usage required for LUKS2 decryption
+	crypt_size=0
+	for _dev in $(get_all_kdump_crypt_dev); do
+		_crypt_info=$(cryptsetup luksDump "/dev/block/$_dev")
+		[[ $(echo "$_crypt_info" | sed -n "s/^Version:\s*\(.*\)/\1/p") == "2" ]] || continue
+		for _mem in $(echo "$_crypt_info" | sed -n "s/\sMemory:\s*\(.*\)/\1/p" | sort -n); do
+			crypt_size=$((crypt_size + _mem * 1024))
+			break
+		done
+	done
+	[[ $crypt_size -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "Encrypted kdump target requires extra memory, assuming using the keyslot with minimun memory requirement\n"
+	estimated_size=$((kernel_size + mod_size + initrd_size + runtime_size + crypt_size))
+	if [[ $baseline_size -gt $estimated_size ]]; then
+		recommended_size=$baseline_size
+	else
+		recommended_size=$estimated_size
+	fi
+	echo "Reserved crashkernel:    $((reserved_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo "Recommended crashkernel: $((recommended_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo
+	echo "Kernel image size:   $((kernel_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo "Kernel modules size: $((mod_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo "Initramfs size:      $((initrd_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo "Runtime reservation: $((runtime_size / size_mb))M"
+	[[ $crypt_size -ne 0 ]] &&
+		echo "LUKS required size:  $((crypt_size / size_mb))M"
+	echo -n "Large modules:"
+	if [[ ${#large_mods[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
+		echo " <none>"
+	else
+		echo ""
+		for _mod in "${!large_mods[@]}"; do
+			echo "    $_mod: ${large_mods[$_mod]}"
+		done
+	fi
+	if [[ $reserved_size -lt $recommended_size ]]; then
+		echo "WARNING: Current crashkernel size is lower than recommended size $((recommended_size / size_mb))M."
+	fi
+	local _dump_mode=$1
+	kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel "$_dump_mode"
+# Read kernel cmdline parameter for a specific kernel
+# $1: kernel path, DEFAULT or kernel path, ALL not accepted
+# $2: kernel cmldine parameter
+	local _kernel_path=$1 _para=$2
+	[[ $_kernel_path == ALL ]] && derror "kernel_path=ALL invalid for get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter" && return 1
+	grubby --info="$_kernel_path" | sed -En -e "/^args=.*$/{s/^.*(\s|\")${_para}=(\S*).*\"$/\2/p;q}"
+# get dump mode by fadump value
+# return
+#  - fadump, if fadump=on or fadump=nocma
+#  - kdump, if fadump=off or empty fadump, return kdump
+#  - error if otherwise
+	local _fadump_val=$1
+	if [[ -z $_fadump_val ]] || [[ $_fadump_val == off ]]; then
+		echo -n kdump
+	elif [[ $_fadump_val == on ]] || [[ $_fadump_val == nocma ]]; then
+		echo -n fadump
+	else
+		derror "invalid fadump=$_fadump_val"
+		return 1
+	fi
+# get dump mode of a specific kernel
+# based on its fadump kernel cmdline parameter
+	local _kernel_path=$1 _fadump_val _dump_mode
+	_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel_path" fadump)
+	if _dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_fadump_val "$_fadump_val"); then
+		echo -n "$_dump_mode"
+	else
+		derror "failed to get dump mode for kernel $_kernel_path"
+		exit
+	fi
+	local _grubby_kernel_str=$1
+	echo -n "$_grubby_kernel_str" | sed -n -e 's/^kernel="\(.*\)"/\1/p'
+	local _release="$1" _grubby_kernel_str _kernel_path
+	_grubby_kernel_str=$(grubby --info ALL | grep "^kernel=.*$_release")
+	_kernel_path=$(_filter_grubby_kernel_str "$_grubby_kernel_str")
+	if [[ -z $_kernel_path ]]; then
+		derror "kernel $_release doesn't exist"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	echo -n "$_kernel_path"
+	local _release _path
+	_release=$(uname -r)
+	if _path=$(_find_kernel_path_by_release "$_release"); then
+		echo -n "$_path"
+	else
+		return 1
+	fi
+	local _kernel_path=$1 _crashkernel=$2 _dump_mode=$3 _fadump_val=$4
+	if is_atomic; then
+		if rpm-ostree kargs | grep -q "crashkernel="; then
+			rpm-ostree kargs --replace="crashkernel=$_crashkernel"
+		else
+			rpm-ostree kargs --append="crashkernel=$_crashkernel"
+		fi
+	else
+		[[ -f /etc/zipl.conf ]] && zipl_arg="--zipl"
+		grubby --args "crashkernel=$_crashkernel" --update-kernel "$_kernel_path" $zipl_arg
+		if [[ $_dump_mode == kdump ]]; then
+			grubby --remove-args="fadump" --update-kernel "$_kernel_path"
+		else
+			grubby --args="fadump=$_fadump_val" --update-kernel "$_kernel_path"
+		fi
+	fi
+	[[ $zipl_arg ]] && zipl > /dev/null
+	[[ -n "$1" ]] && grubby --info="$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+# return all the kernel paths given a grubby kernel-path
+# $1: kernel path accepted by grubby, e.g. DEFAULT, ALL,
+#     /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`
+# return: kernel paths separated by space
+	local _kernels _line _kernel_path _grubby_kernel_path=$1
+	for _line in $(grubby --info "$_grubby_kernel_path" | grep "^kernel="); do
+		_kernel_path=$(_filter_grubby_kernel_str "$_line")
+		_kernels="$_kernels $_kernel_path"
+	done
+	echo -n "$_kernels"
+# Update a kernel parameter in default grub conf
+# If a value is specified, it will be inserted in the end. Otherwise it
+# would remove given kernel parameter.
+# Note this function doesn't address the following cases,
+# 1. The kernel ignores everything on the command line after a '--'. So
+#    simply adding the new entry to the end will fail if the cmdline
+#    contains a --.
+# 2. If the value for a parameter contains spaces it can be quoted using
+#    double quotes, for example param="value with spaces". This will
+#    break the [^[:space:]\"] regex for the value.
+# 3. Dashes and underscores in the parameter name are equivalent. So
+#    some_parameter and some-parameter are identical.
+# 4. Some parameters, e.g. efivar_ssdt, can be given multiple times.
+# 5. Some kernel parameters, e.g. quiet, doesn't have value
+# $1: the name of the kernel command line parameter
+# $2: new value. If empty, given parameter would be removed
+	local _para=$1 _val=$2 _para_val
+	if [[ -n $_val ]]; then
+		_para_val="$_para=$_val"
+	fi
+	# Update the command line /etc/default/grub, i.e.
+	# on the line that starts with 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=',
+	#       1) remove $para=$val if the it's the first arg
+	#       2) remove all occurences of $para=$val
+	#       3) insert $_para_val to end
+	#       4) remove duplicate spaces left over by 1) or 2) or 3)
+	#       5) remove space at the beginning of the string left over by 1) or 2) or 3)
+	#       6) remove space at the end of the string left over by 1) or 2) or 3)
+	sed -i -E "/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/ {
+         s/\"${_para}=[^[:space:]\"]*/\"/g;
+         s/[[:space:]]+${_para}=[^[:space:]\"]*/ /g;
+         s/\"$/ ${_para_val}\"/
+         s/[[:space:]]+/ /g;
+         s/(\")[[:space:]]+/\1/g;
+         s/[[:space:]]+(\")/\1/g;
+         }" "$GRUB_ETC_DEFAULT"
+# Read the kernel arg in default grub conf.
+# Note reading a kernel parameter that doesn't have a value isn't supported.
+# $1: the name of the kernel command line parameter
+	sed -n -E "s/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*[[:space:]\"]${1}=([^[:space:]\"]*).*$/\1/p" "$GRUB_ETC_DEFAULT"
+	local _opt _val _dump_mode _fadump_val _reboot _grubby_kernel_path _kernel _kernels
+	local _old_crashkernel _new_crashkernel _new_dump_mode _crashkernel_changed
+	local _new_fadump_val _old_fadump_val _what_is_updated
+	for _opt in "$@"; do
+		case "$_opt" in
+			--fadump=*)
+				_val=${_opt#*=}
+				if _dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_fadump_val $_val); then
+					_fadump_val=$_val
+				else
+					derror "failed to determine dump mode"
+					exit
+				fi
+				;;
+			--kernel=*)
+				_val=${_opt#*=}
+				if ! _valid_grubby_kernel_path $_val; then
+					derror "Invalid $_opt, please specify a valid kernel path, ALL or DEFAULT"
+					exit
+				fi
+				_grubby_kernel_path=$_val
+				;;
+			--reboot)
+				_reboot=yes
+				;;
+			*)
+				derror "$_opt not recognized"
+				exit 1
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+	# 1. CoreOS uses "rpm-ostree kargs" instead of grubby to manage kernel command
+	#    line. --kernel=ALL doesn't make sense for CoreOS.
+	# 2. CoreOS doesn't support POWER so the dump mode is always kdump.
+	# 3. "rpm-ostree kargs" would prompt the user to reboot the system after
+	#    modifying the kernel command line so there is no need for kexec-tools
+	#    to repeat it.
+	if is_atomic; then
+		_old_crashkernel=$(rpm-ostree kargs | sed -n -E 's/.*(^|\s)crashkernel=(\S*).*/\2/p')
+		_new_dump_mode=kdump
+		_new_crashkernel=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel "$_new_dump_mode")
+		if [[ $_old_crashkernel != "$_new_crashkernel" ]]; then
+			_update_grub "" "$_new_crashkernel" "$_new_dump_mode" ""
+			if [[ $_reboot == yes ]]; then
+				systemctl reboot
+			fi
+		fi
+		return
+	fi
+	# For non-ppc64le systems, the dump mode is always kdump since only ppc64le
+	# has FADump.
+	if [[ -z $_dump_mode && $(uname -m) != ppc64le ]]; then
+		_dump_mode=kdump
+		_fadump_val=off
+	fi
+	# If the dump mode is determined, we can also know the default crashkernel value
+	if [[ -n $_dump_mode ]]; then
+		_crashkernel=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel "$_dump_mode")
+	fi
+	# If --kernel-path=ALL, update GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub.
+	#
+	# An exception case is when the ppc64le user doesn't specify the fadump value.
+	# In this case, the dump mode would be determined by parsing the kernel
+	# command line of the kernel(s) to be updated thus don't update GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.
+	#
+	# The following code has been simplified because of what has been done early,
+	#   - set the dump mode as kdump for non-ppc64le cases
+	#   - retrieved the default crashkernel value for given dump mode
+	if [[ $_grubby_kernel_path == ALL && -n $_dump_mode ]]; then
+		_update_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default crashkernel "$_crashkernel"
+		# remove the fadump if fadump is disabled
+		if [[ $_fadump_val == off ]]; then
+			_fadump_val=""
+		fi
+		_update_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default fadump "$_fadump_val"
+	fi
+	# If kernel-path not specified, either
+	#  - use KDUMP_KERNELVER if it's defined
+	#  - use current running kernel
+	if [[ -z $_grubby_kernel_path ]]; then
+		if [[ -z $KDUMP_KERNELVER ]] ||
+			! _kernel_path=$(_find_kernel_path_by_release "$KDUMP_KERNELVER"); then
+					if ! _kernel_path=$(_get_current_running_kernel_path); then
+						derror "no running kernel found"
+						exit 1
+					fi
+		fi
+		_kernels=$_kernel_path
+	else
+		_kernels=$(_get_all_kernels_from_grubby "$_grubby_kernel_path")
+	fi
+	for _kernel in $_kernels; do
+		if [[ -z $_dump_mode ]]; then
+			_new_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_kernel")
+			_new_crashkernel=$(kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel "$_new_dump_mode")
+			_new_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
+		else
+			_new_dump_mode=$_dump_mode
+			_new_crashkernel=$_crashkernel
+			_new_fadump_val=$_fadump_val
+		fi
+		_old_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" crashkernel)
+		_old_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
+		if [[ $_old_crashkernel != "$_new_crashkernel" || $_old_fadump_val != "$_new_fadump_val" ]]; then
+			_update_grub "$_kernel" "$_new_crashkernel" "$_new_dump_mode" "$_new_fadump_val"
+			if [[ $_reboot != yes ]]; then
+				if [[ $_old_crashkernel != "$_new_crashkernel" ]]; then
+					_what_is_updated="Updated crashkernel=$_new_crashkernel"
+				else
+					# This case happens only when switching between fadump=on and fadump=nocma
+					_what_is_updated="Updated fadump=$_new_fadump_val"
+				fi
+				dwarn "$_what_is_updated for kernel=$_kernel. Please reboot the system for the change to take effect."
+			fi
+			_crashkernel_changed=yes
+		fi
+	done
+	if [[ $_reboot == yes && $_crashkernel_changed == yes ]]; then
+		reboot
+	fi
+# update the crashkernel value in GRUB_ETC_DEFAULT if necessary
+# called by reset_crashkernel_after_update and inherit its array variable
+# _crashkernel_vals
+	local _crashkernel _fadump_val
+	local _dump_mode _old_default_crashkernel _new_default_crashkernel
+	_crashkernel=$(_read_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default crashkernel)
+	if [[ -z $_crashkernel ]]; then
+		return
+	fi
+	_fadump_val=$(_read_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default fadump)
+	_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_fadump_val "$_fadump_val")
+	_old_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[old_${_dump_mode}]}
+	_new_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[new_${_dump_mode}]}
+	if [[ $_crashkernel == auto ]] ||
+		  [[ $_crashkernel == "$_old_default_crashkernel" &&
+		     $_new_default_crashkernel != "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]]; then
+			_update_kernel_arg_in_grub_etc_default crashkernel "$_new_default_crashkernel"
+	fi
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154 # false positive when dereferencing an array
+	local _kernel _crashkernel _dump_mode _fadump_val _old_default_crashkernel _new_default_crashkernel
+	declare -A _crashkernel_vals
+	_crashkernel_vals[old_kdump]=$(cat /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2> /dev/null)
+	_crashkernel_vals[old_fadump]=$(cat /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2> /dev/null)
+	_crashkernel_vals[new_kdump]=$(get_default_crashkernel kdump)
+	_crashkernel_vals[new_fadump]=$(get_default_crashkernel fadump)
+	for _kernel in $(_get_all_kernels_from_grubby ALL); do
+		_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" crashkernel)
+		if [[ $_crashkernel == auto ]]; then
+			reset_crashkernel "--kernel=$_kernel"
+		elif [[ -n $_crashkernel ]]; then
+			_dump_mode=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_kernel")
+			_old_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[old_${_dump_mode}]}
+			_new_default_crashkernel=${_crashkernel_vals[new_${_dump_mode}]}
+			if [[ $_crashkernel == "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]] &&
+				[[ $_new_default_crashkernel != "$_old_default_crashkernel" ]]; then
+				_fadump_val=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
+				if _update_grub "$_kernel" "$_new_default_crashkernel" "$_dump_mode" "$_fadump_val"; then
+					echo "For kernel=$_kernel, crashkernel=$_new_default_crashkernel now."
+				fi
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
+	update_crashkernel_in_grub_etc_default_after_update
+# read the value of an environ variable from given environ file path
+# The environment variable entries in /proc/[pid]/environ are separated
+# by null bytes instead of by spaces.
+# $1: environment variable
+# $2: environ file path
+	local _var=$1 _environ_path=$2
+	sed -n -E "s/.*(^|\x00)${_var}=([^\x00]*).*/\2/p" < "$_environ_path"
+	[[ $(read_proc_environ_var container "$_OSBUILD_ENVIRON_PATH") == bwrap-osbuild ]]
+	local _installed_kernel _running_kernel _crashkernel _crashkernel_running
+	local _dump_mode_running _fadump_val_running
+	if ! _installed_kernel=$(_find_kernel_path_by_release "$1"); then
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if _is_osbuild; then
+		if ! grep -qs crashkernel= /etc/kernel/cmdline; then
+			reset_crashkernel "--kernel=$_installed_kernel"
+		fi
+		return
+	fi
+	if ! _running_kernel=$(_get_current_running_kernel_path); then
+		derror "Couldn't find current running kernel"
+		exit
+	fi
+	_crashkernel=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_installed_kernel" crashkernel)
+	_crashkernel_running=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_running_kernel" crashkernel)
+	_dump_mode_running=$(get_dump_mode_by_kernel "$_running_kernel")
+	_fadump_val_running=$(get_grub_kernel_boot_parameter "$_kernel" fadump)
+	if [[ $_crashkernel != "$_crashkernel_running" ]]; then
+		if _update_grub "$_installed_kernel" "$_crashkernel_running" "$_dump_mode_running" "$_fadump_val_running"; then
+			echo "kexec-tools has reset $_installed_kernel to use the new default crashkernel value $_crashkernel_running"
+		fi
+	fi
+if [[ ! -f $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE ]]; then
+	derror "Error: No kdump config file found!"
+	exit 1
+	# Determine if the dump mode is kdump or fadump
+	determine_dump_mode
+	case "$1" in
+	start)
+		if [[ -s /proc/vmcore ]]; then
+			save_core
+			reboot
+		else
+			start
+		fi
+		;;
+	stop)
+		stop
+		;;
+	status)
+		check_current_status
+		case "$?" in
+		0)
+			dinfo "Kdump is operational"
+			;;
+		1)
+			dinfo "Kdump is not operational"
+			;;
+		esac
+		exit $EXIT_CODE
+		;;
+	reload)
+		reload
+		;;
+	restart)
+		stop
+		start
+		;;
+	rebuild)
+		rebuild
+		;;
+	condrestart) ;;
+	propagate)
+		propagate_ssh_key
+		;;
+	showmem)
+		show_reserved_mem
+		;;
+	estimate)
+		do_estimate
+		;;
+	get-default-crashkernel)
+		get_default_crashkernel "$2"
+		;;
+	reset-crashkernel)
+		shift
+		reset_crashkernel "$@"
+		;;
+	reset-crashkernel-after-update)
+		if [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val auto_reset_crashkernel) != no ]]; then
+			reset_crashkernel_after_update
+		fi
+		;;
+	reset-crashkernel-for-installed_kernel)
+		if [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val auto_reset_crashkernel) != no ]]; then
+			reset_crashkernel_for_installed_kernel "$2"
+		fi
+		;;
+	*)
+		dinfo $"Usage: $0 {estimate|start|stop|status|restart|reload|rebuild|reset-crashkernel|propagate|showmem}"
+		exit 1
+		;;
+	esac
+# Other kdumpctl instances will block in queue, until this one exits
+# To avoid fd 9 leaking, we invoke a subshell, close fd 9 and call main.
+# So that fd isn't leaking when main is invoking a subshell.
+	exec 9<&-
+	main "$@"
+exit $?
diff --git a/SOURCES/kdumpctl.8 b/SOURCES/kdumpctl.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..067117b
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+++ b/SOURCES/kdumpctl.8
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.TH KDUMPCTL 8 2015-07-13 kexec-tools
+kdumpctl \- control interface for kdump
+.B kdumpctl
+.B kdumpctl
+is used to check or control the kdump service.
+In most cases, you should use
+.B systemctl
+to start / stop / enable kdump service instead. However,
+.B kdumpctl
+provides more details for debug and a helper to setup ssh key authentication.
+.I start
+Start the service.
+.I stop
+Stop the service.
+.I status
+Prints the current status of kdump service.
+It returns non-zero value if kdump is not operational.
+.I restart
+Is equal to
+.I start; stop
+.I reload
+reload crash kernel image and initramfs without triggering a rebuild.
+.I rebuild
+rebuild the crash kernel initramfs.
+.I propagate
+Helps to setup key authentication for ssh storage since it's
+impossible to use password authentication during kdump.
+.I showmem
+Prints the size of reserved memory for crash kernel in megabytes.
+.I estimate
+Estimate a suitable crashkernel value for current machine. This is a
+best-effort estimate. It will print a recommanded crashkernel value
+based on current kdump setup, and list some details of memory usage.
+.I reset-crashkernel [--kernel=path_to_kernel] [--reboot]
+Reset crashkernel to default value recommended by kexec-tools. If no kernel
+is specified, will reset KDUMP_KERNELVER if it's defined in /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+or current running kernel's crashkernel value if KDUMP_KERNELVER is empty. You can
+also specify --kernel=ALL and --kernel=DEFAULT which have the same meaning as
+grubby's kernel-path=ALL and kernel-path=DEFAULT. ppc64le supports FADump and
+supports an additonal [--fadump=[on|off|nocma]] parameter to toggle FADump
+Note: The memory requirements for kdump varies heavily depending on the
+used hardware and system configuration. Thus the recommended
+crashkernel might not work for your specific setup. Please test if
+kdump works after resetting the crashkernel value.
+.BR kdump.conf (5),
+.BR mkdumprd (8)
diff --git a/SOURCES/kexec-kdump-howto.txt b/SOURCES/kexec-kdump-howto.txt
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+++ b/SOURCES/kexec-kdump-howto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+Kexec/Kdump HOWTO
+Kexec and kdump are new features in the 2.6 mainstream kernel. These features
+are included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The purpose of these features
+is to ensure faster boot up and creation of reliable kernel vmcores for
+diagnostic purposes.
+Kexec is a fastboot mechanism which allows booting a Linux kernel from the
+context of already running kernel without going through BIOS. BIOS can be very
+time consuming especially on the big servers with lots of peripherals. This can
+save a lot of time for developers who end up booting a machine numerous times.
+Kdump is a new kernel crash dumping mechanism and is very reliable because
+the crash dump is captured from the context of a freshly booted kernel and
+not from the context of the crashed kernel. Kdump uses kexec to boot into
+a second kernel whenever system crashes. This second kernel, often called
+a capture kernel, boots with very little memory and captures the dump image.
+The first kernel reserves a section of memory that the second kernel uses
+to boot. Kexec enables booting the capture kernel without going through BIOS
+hence contents of first kernel's memory are preserved, which is essentially
+the kernel crash dump.
+Kdump is supported on the i686, x86_64, ia64 and ppc64 platforms. The
+standard kernel and capture kernel are one in the same on i686, x86_64,
+ia64 and ppc64.
+If you're reading this document, you should already have kexec-tools
+installed. If not, you install it via the following command:
+    # yum install kexec-tools
+Now load a kernel with kexec:
+    # kver=`uname -r` # kexec -l /boot/vmlinuz-$kver
+    --initrd=/boot/initrd-$kver.img \
+        --command-line="`cat /proc/cmdline`"
+NOTE: The above will boot you back into the kernel you're currently running,
+if you want to load a different kernel, substitute it in place of `uname -r`.
+Now reboot your system, taking note that it should bypass the BIOS:
+    # reboot
+How to configure kdump
+Again, we assume if you're reading this document, you should already have
+kexec-tools installed. If not, you install it via the following command:
+    # yum install kexec-tools
+To be able to do much of anything interesting in the way of debug analysis,
+you'll also need to install the kernel-debuginfo package, of the same arch
+as your running kernel, and the crash utility:
+    # yum --enablerepo=\*debuginfo install kernel-debuginfo.$(uname -m) crash
+Next up, we need to modify some boot parameters to reserve a chunk of memory for
+the capture kernel. With the help of grubby, it's very easy to append
+"crashkernel=128M" to the end of your kernel boot parameters. Note that the X
+values are such that X = the amount of memory to reserve for the capture kernel.
+And based on arch and system configuration, one might require more than 128M to
+be reserved for kdump. One need to experiment and test kdump, if 128M is not
+sufficient, try reserving more memory.
+   # grubby --args="crashkernel=128M" --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`
+Note that there is an alternative form in which to specify a crashkernel
+memory reservation, in the event that more control is needed over the size and
+placement of the reserved memory.  The format is:
+Where range<n> specifies a range of values that are matched against the amount
+of physical RAM present in the system, and the corresponding size<n> value
+specifies the amount of kexec memory to reserve.  For example:
+This line tells kexec to reserve 64M of ram if the system contains between
+512M and 2G of physical memory.  If the system contains 2G or more of physical
+memory, 128M should be reserved.
+Besides, since kdump needs to access /proc/kallsyms during a kernel
+loading if KASLR is enabled, check /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict to
+make sure that the content of /proc/kallsyms is exposed correctly.
+We recommend to set the value of kptr_restrict to '1'. Otherwise
+capture kernel loading could fail.
+After making said changes, reboot your system, so that the X MB of memory is
+left untouched by the normal system, reserved for the capture kernel. Take note
+that the output of 'free -m' will show X MB less memory than without this
+parameter, which is expected. You may be able to get by with less than 128M, but
+testing with only 64M has proven unreliable of late. On ia64, as much as 512M
+may be required.
+Now that you've got that reserved memory region set up, you want to turn on
+the kdump init script:
+    # chkconfig kdump on
+Then, start up kdump as well:
+    # systemctl start kdump.service
+This should load your kernel-kdump image via kexec, leaving the system ready
+to capture a vmcore upon crashing. To test this out, you can force-crash
+your system by echo'ing a c into /proc/sysrq-trigger:
+    # echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
+You should see some panic output, followed by the system restarting into
+the kdump kernel. When the boot process gets to the point where it starts
+the kdump service, your vmcore should be copied out to disk (by default,
+in /var/crash/<YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM>/vmcore), then the system rebooted back into
+your normal kernel.
+Once back to your normal kernel, you can use the previously installed crash
+kernel in conjunction with the previously installed kernel-debuginfo to
+perform postmortem analysis:
+    # crash /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/2.6.17-1.2621.el5/vmlinux
+    /var/crash/2006-08-23-15:34/vmcore
+    crash> bt
+and so on...
+Notes on kdump
+When kdump starts, the kdump kernel is loaded together with the kdump
+initramfs. To save memory usage and disk space, the kdump initramfs is
+generated strictly against the system it will run on, and contains the
+minimum set of kernel modules and utilities to boot the machine to a stage
+where the dump target could be mounted.
+With kdump service enabled, kdumpctl will try to detect possible system
+change and rebuild the kdump initramfs if needed. But it can not guarantee
+to cover every possible case. So after a hardware change, disk migration,
+storage setup update or any similar system level changes, it's highly
+recommended to rebuild the initramfs manually with following command:
+    # kdumpctl rebuild
+Saving vmcore-dmesg.txt
+Kernel log bufferes are one of the most important information available
+in vmcore. Now before saving vmcore, kernel log bufferes are extracted
+from /proc/vmcore and saved into a file vmcore-dmesg.txt. After
+vmcore-dmesg.txt, vmcore is saved. Destination disk and directory for
+vmcore-dmesg.txt is same as vmcore. Note that kernel log buffers will
+not be available if dump target is raw device.
+Dump Triggering methods
+This section talks about the various ways, other than a Kernel Panic, in which
+Kdump can be triggered. The following methods assume that Kdump is configured
+on your system, with the scripts enabled as described in the section above.
+1) AltSysRq C
+Kdump can be triggered with the combination of the 'Alt','SysRq' and 'C'
+keyboard keys. Please refer to the following link for more details:
+In addition, on PowerPC boxes, Kdump can also be triggered via Hardware
+Management Console(HMC) using 'Ctrl', 'O' and 'C' keyboard keys.
+In case a machine has a hard hang, it is quite possible that it does not
+respond to keyboard interrupts. As a result 'Alt-SysRq' keys will not help
+trigger a dump. In such scenarios Nmi Watchdog feature can prove to be useful.
+The following link has more details on configuring Nmi watchdog option.
+Once this feature has been enabled in the kernel, any lockups will result in an
+OOPs message to be generated, followed by Kdump being triggered.
+3) Kernel OOPs
+If we want to generate a dump everytime the Kernel OOPses, we can achieve this
+by setting the 'Panic On OOPs' option as follows:
+    # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops
+This is enabled by default on RHEL5.
+4) NMI(Non maskable interrupt) button
+In cases where the system is in a hung state, and is not accepting keyboard
+interrupts, using NMI button for triggering Kdump can be very useful. NMI
+button is present on most of the newer x86 and x86_64 machines. Please refer
+to the User guides/manuals to locate the button, though in most occasions it
+is not very well documented. In most cases it is hidden behind a small hole
+on the front or back panel of the machine. You could use a toothpick or some
+other non-conducting probe to press the button.
+For example, on the IBM X series 366 machine, the NMI button is located behind
+a small hole on the bottom center of the rear panel.
+To enable this method of dump triggering using NMI button, you will need to set
+the 'unknown_nmi_panic' option as follows:
+   # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/unknown_nmi_panic
+5) PowerPC specific methods:
+On IBM PowerPC machines, issuing a soft reset invokes the XMON debugger(if
+XMON is configured). To configure XMON one needs to compile the kernel with
+the CONFIG_XMON and CONFIG_XMON_DEFAULT options, or by compiling with
+CONFIG_XMON and booting the kernel with xmon=on option.
+Following are the ways to remotely issue a soft reset on PowerPC boxes, which
+would drop you to XMON. Pressing a 'X' (capital alphabet X) followed by an
+'Enter' here will trigger the dump.
+5.1) HMC
+Hardware Management Console(HMC) available on Power4 and Power5 machines allow
+partitions to be reset remotely. This is specially useful in hang situations
+where the system is not accepting any keyboard inputs.
+Once you have HMC configured, the following steps will enable you to trigger
+Kdump via a soft reset:
+On Power4
+  Using GUI
+    * In the right pane, right click on the partition you wish to dump.
+    * Select "Operating System->Reset".
+    * Select "Soft Reset".
+    * Select "Yes".
+  Using HMC Commandline
+    # reset_partition -m <machine> -p <partition> -t soft
+On Power5
+  Using GUI
+    * In the right pane, right click on the partition you wish to dump.
+    * Select "Restart Partition".
+    * Select "Dump".
+    * Select "OK".
+  Using HMC Commandline
+    # chsysstate -m <managed system name> -n <lpar name> -o dumprestart -r lpar
+5.2) Blade Management Console for Blade Center
+To initiate a dump operation, go to Power/Restart option under "Blade Tasks" in
+the Blade Management Console. Select the corresponding blade for which you want
+to initate the dump and then click "Restart blade with NMI". This issues a
+system reset and invokes xmon debugger.
+Dump targets
+In addition to being able to capture a vmcore to your system's local file
+system, kdump can be configured to capture a vmcore to a number of other
+locations, including a raw disk partition, a dedicated file system, an NFS
+mounted file system, or a remote system via ssh/scp. Additional options
+exist for specifying the relative path under which the dump is captured,
+what to do if the capture fails, and for compressing and filtering the dump
+(so as to produce smaller, more manageable, vmcore files, see "Advanced Setups"
+for more detail on these options).
+In theory, dumping to a location other than the local file system should be
+safer than kdump's default setup, as its possible the default setup will try
+dumping to a file system that has become corrupted. The raw disk partition and
+dedicated file system options allow you to still dump to the local system,
+but without having to remount your possibly corrupted file system(s),
+thereby decreasing the chance a vmcore won't be captured. Dumping to an
+NFS server or remote system via ssh/scp also has this advantage, as well
+as allowing for the centralization of vmcore files, should you have several
+systems from which you'd like to obtain vmcore files. Of course, note that
+these configurations could present problems if your network is unreliable.
+Kdump target and advanced setups are configured via modifications to
+/etc/kdump.conf, which out of the box, is fairly well documented itself.
+Any alterations to /etc/kdump.conf should be followed by a restart of the
+kdump service, so the changes can be incorporated in the kdump initrd.
+Restarting the kdump service is as simple as '/sbin/systemctl restart kdump.service'.
+There are two ways to config the dump target, config dump target only
+using "path", and config dump target explicitly. Interpretation of "path"
+also differs in two config styles.
+Config dump target only using "path"
+You can change the dump target by setting "path" to a mount point where
+dump target is mounted. When there is no explicitly configured dump target,
+"path" in kdump.conf represents the current file system path in which vmcore
+will be saved.  Kdump will automatically detect the underlying device of
+"path" and use that as the dump target.
+In fact, upon dump, kdump creates a directory $hostip-$date with-in "path"
+and saves vmcore there. So practically dump is saved in $path/$hostip-$date/.
+Kdump will only check current mount status for mount entry corresponding to
+"path". So please ensure the dump target is mounted on "path" before kdump
+service starts.
+- It's strongly recommanded to put an mount entry for "path" in /etc/fstab
+  and have it auto mounted on boot. This make sure the dump target is
+  reachable from the machine and kdump's configuration is stable.
+- path /var/crash/
+  This is the default configuration. Assuming there is no disk mounted
+  on /var/ or on /var/crash, dump will be saved on disk backing rootfs
+  in directory /var/crash.
+- path /var/crash/ (A separate disk mounted on /var/crash)
+  Say a disk /dev/sdb is mounted on /var. In this case dump target will
+  become /dev/sdb and path will become "/" and dump will be saved
+  on "sdb:/var/crash/" directory.
+- path /var/crash/ (NFS mounted on /var)
+  Say foo.com:/export/tmp is mounted on /var. In this case dump target is
+  nfs server and path will be adjusted to "/crash" and dump will be saved to
+  foo.com:/export/tmp/crash/ directory.
+Config dump target explicitely
+You can set the dump target explicitly in kdump.conf, and "path" will be
+the relative path in the specified dump target. For example, if dump
+target is "ext4 /dev/sda", then dump will be saved in "path" directory
+on /dev/sda.
+Same is the case for nfs dump. If user specified "nfs foo.com:/export/tmp/"
+as dump target, then dump will effectively be saved in
+"foo.com:/export/tmp/var/crash/" directory.
+If the dump target is "raw", then "path" is ignored.
+If it's a filesystem target, kdump will need to know the right mount option.
+Kdump will check current mount status, and then /etc/fstab for mount options
+corresponding to the specified dump target and use it. If there are
+special mount option required for the dump target, it could be set by put
+an entry in fstab.
+If there are no related mount entry, mount option is set to "defaults".
+- It's recommended to put an entry for the dump target in /etc/fstab
+  and have it auto mounted on boot. This make sure the dump target is
+  reachable from the machine and kdump won't fail.
+- Kdump ignores some mount options, including "noauto", "ro". This
+  make it possible to keep the dump target unmounted or read-only
+  when not used.
+- ext4 /dev/sda (mounted)
+  path /var/crash/
+  In this case dump target is set to /dev/sdb, path is the absolute path
+  "/var/crash" in /dev/sda, vmcore path will saved on
+  "sda:/var/crash" directory.
+- nfs foo.com:/export/tmp (mounted)
+  path /var/crash/
+  In this case dump target is nfs server, path is the absolute path
+  "/var/crash", vmcore path will saved on "foo.com:/export/tmp/crash/" directory.
+- nfs foo.com:/export/tmp (not mounted)
+  path /var/crash/
+  Same with above case, kdump will use "defaults" as the mount option
+  for the dump target.
+- nfs foo.com:/export/tmp (not mounted, entry with option "noauto,nolock" exists in /etc/fstab)
+  path /var/crash/
+  In this case dump target is nfs server, vmcore path will saved on
+  "foo.com:/export/tmp/crash/" directory, and kdump will inherit "nolock" option.
+Dump target and mkdumprd
+MKdumprd is the tool used to create kdump initramfs, and it may change
+the mount status of the dump target in some condition.
+Usually the dump target should be used only for kdump. If you worry about
+someone uses the filesystem for something else other than dumping vmcore
+you can mount it as read-only or make it a noauto mount. Mkdumprd will
+mount/remount it as read-write for creating dump directory and will
+move it back to it's original state afterwards.
+Supported dump target types and requirements
+1) Raw partition
+Raw partition dumping requires that a disk partition in the system, at least
+as large as the amount of memory in the system, be left unformatted. Assuming
+/dev/vg/lv_kdump is left unformatted, kdump.conf can be configured with
+'raw /dev/vg/lv_kdump', and the vmcore file will be copied via dd directly
+onto partition /dev/vg/lv_kdump. Restart the kdump service via
+'/sbin/systemctl restart kdump.service' to commit this change to your kdump
+initrd. Dump target should be persistent device name, such as lvm or device
+mapper canonical name.
+2) Dedicated file system
+Similar to raw partition dumping, you can format a partition with the file
+system of your choice, Again, it should be at least as large as the amount
+of memory in the system. Assuming it should be at least as large as the
+amount of memory in the system. Assuming /dev/vg/lv_kdump has been
+formatted ext4, specify 'ext4 /dev/vg/lv_kdump' in kdump.conf, and a
+vmcore file will be copied onto the file system after it has been mounted.
+Dumping to a dedicated partition has the advantage that you can dump multiple
+vmcores to the file system, space permitting, without overwriting previous ones,
+as would be the case in a raw partition setup. Restart the kdump service via
+'/sbin/systemctl restart kdump.service' to commit this change to
+your kdump initrd.  Note that for local file systems ext4 and ext2 are
+supported as dumpable targets.  Kdump will not prevent you from specifying
+other filesystems, and they will most likely work, but their operation
+cannot be guaranteed.  for instance specifying a vfat filesystem or msdos
+filesystem will result in a successful load of the kdump service, but during
+crash recovery, the dump will fail if the system has more than 2GB of memory
+(since vfat and msdos filesystems do not support more than 2GB files).
+Be careful of your filesystem selection when using this target.
+It is recommended to use persistent device names or UUID/LABEL for file system
+dumps. One example of persistent device is /dev/vg/<devname>.
+3) NFS mount
+Dumping over NFS requires an NFS server configured to export a file system
+with full read/write access for the root user. All operations done within
+the kdump initial ramdisk are done as root, and to write out a vmcore file,
+we obviously must be able to write to the NFS mount. Configuring an NFS
+server is outside the scope of this document, but either the no_root_squash
+or anonuid options on the NFS server side are likely of interest to permit
+the kdump initrd operations write to the NFS mount as root.
+Assuming your're exporting /dump on the machine nfs-server.example.com,
+once the mount is properly configured, specify it in kdump.conf, via
+'nfs nfs-server.example.com:/dump'. The server portion can be specified either
+by host name or IP address. Following a system crash, the kdump initrd will
+mount the NFS mount and copy out the vmcore to your NFS server. Restart the
+kdump service via '/sbin/systemctl restart kdump.service' to commit this change
+to your kdump initrd.
+4) Special mount via "dracut_args"
+You can utilize "dracut_args" to pass "--mount" to kdump, see dracut manpage
+about the format of "--mount" for details. If there is any "--mount" specified
+via "dracut_args", kdump will build it as the mount target without doing any
+validation (mounting or checking like mount options, fs size, save path, etc),
+so you must test it to ensure all the correctness. You cannot use other targets
+in /etc/kdump.conf if you use "--mount" in "dracut_args". You also cannot specify
+mutliple "--mount" targets via "dracut_args".
+One use case of "--mount" in "dracut_args" is you do not want to mount dump target
+before kdump service startup, for example, to reduce the burden of the shared nfs
+server. Such as the example below:
+dracut_args --mount " /mnt/test nfs4 defaults"
+- <mountpoint> must be specified as an absolute path.
+5) Remote system via ssh/scp
+Dumping over ssh/scp requires setting up passwordless ssh keys for every
+machine you wish to have dump via this method. First up, configure kdump.conf
+for ssh/scp dumping, adding a config line of 'ssh user@server', where 'user'
+can be any user on the target system you choose, and 'server' is the host
+name or IP address of the target system. Using a dedicated, restricted user
+account on the target system is recommended, as there will be keyless ssh
+access to this account.
+Once kdump.conf is appropriately configured, issue the command
+'kdumpctl propagate' to automatically set up the ssh host keys and transmit
+the necessary bits to the target server. You'll have to type in 'yes'
+to accept the host key for your targer server if this is the first time
+you've connected to it, and then input the target system user's password
+to send over the necessary ssh key file. Restart the kdump service via
+'/sbin/systemctl restart kdump.service' to commit this change to your kdump initrd.
+Advanced Setups
+About /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+Currently, there are a few options in /etc/sysconfig/kdump, which are
+usually used to control the behavior of kdump kernel. Basically, all of
+these options have default values, usually we do not need to change them,
+but sometimes, we may modify them in order to better control the behavior
+of kdump kernel such as debug, etc.
+Usually kdump kernel is the same as 1st kernel. So kdump will try to find
+kdump kernel under /boot according to /proc/cmdline. E.g we execute below
+command and get an output:
+	cat /proc/cmdline
+	BOOT_IMAGE=/xxx/vmlinuz-3.yyy.zzz  root=xxxx .....
+Then kdump kernel will be /boot/xxx/vmlinuz-3.yyy.zzz. However, this option
+is provided to user if kdump kernel is put in a different directory.
+This represents the image type used for kdump. The default value is "vmlinuz".
+This represents the images extension. Relocatable kernels don't have one.
+Currently, it is a null string by default.
+Any additional kexec arguments required. For example:
+In most situations, this should be left empty. But, sometimes we hope to get
+additional kexec loading debugging information, we can add the '-d' option
+for the debugging.
+This is a kernel version string for the kdump kernel. If the version is not
+specified, the init script will try to find a kdump kernel with the same
+version number as the running kernel.
+The value of 'KDUMP_COMMANDLINE' will be passed to kdump kernel as command
+line parameters, this will likely match the contents of the grub kernel line.
+In general, if a command line is not specified, which means that it is a null
+string such as KDUMP_COMMANDLINE="", the default will be taken automatically
+from the '/proc/cmdline'.
+This option allows us to remove arguments from the current kdump command line.
+If we don't specify any parameters for the KDUMP_COMMANDLINE, it will inherit
+all values from the '/proc/cmdline', which is not expected. As you know, some
+default kernel parameters could affect kdump, furthermore, that could cause
+the failure of kdump kernel boot.
+In addition, the option is also helpful to debug the kdump kernel, we can use
+this option to change kdump kernel command line.
+For more kernel parameters, please refer to kernel document.
+This option allows us to append arguments to the current kdump command line
+after processed by the KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE. For kdump kernel, some
+specific modules require to be disabled like the mce, cgroup, numa, hest_disable,
+etc. Those modules may waste memory or kdump kernel doesn't need them,
+furthermore, there may affect kdump kernel boot.
+Just like above option, it can be used to disable or enable some kernel
+modules so that we can exclude any errors for kdump kernel, this is very
+meaningful for debugging.
+These variables are used to control the kdump log level in the first kernel.
+In the second kernel, kdump will use the rd.kdumploglvl option to set the log
+level in the above KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.
+Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1), warn(2), info(3), debug(4)
+Kdump Post-Capture Executable
+It is possible to specify a custom script or binary you wish to run following
+an attempt to capture a vmcore. The executable is passed an exit code from
+the capture process, which can be used to trigger different actions from
+within your post-capture executable.
+If /etc/kdump/post.d directory exist, All files in the directory are
+collectively sorted and executed in lexical order, before binary or script
+specified kdump_post parameter is executed.
+In these scripts, the reference to the storage or network device should adhere
+to the section 'Supported dump target types and requirements'
+Kdump Pre-Capture Executable
+It is possible to specify a custom script or binary you wish to run before
+capturing a vmcore. Exit status of this binary is interpreted:
+0 - continue with dump process as usual
+non 0 - run the final action (reboot/poweroff/halt)
+If /etc/kdump/pre.d directory exists, all files in the directory are collectively
+sorted and executed in lexical order, after binary or script specified
+kdump_pre parameter is executed.
+Even if the binary or script in /etc/kdump/pre.d directory returns non 0
+exit status, the processing is continued.
+In these scripts, the reference to the storage or network device should adhere
+to the section 'Supported dump target types and requirements'
+Extra Binaries
+If you have specific binaries or scripts you want to have made available
+within your kdump initrd, you can specify them by their full path, and they
+will be included in your kdump initrd, along with all dependent libraries.
+This may be particularly useful for those running post-capture scripts that
+rely on other binaries.
+Extra Modules
+By default, only the bare minimum of kernel modules will be included in your
+kdump initrd. Should you wish to capture your vmcore files to a non-boot-path
+storage device, such as an iscsi target disk or clustered file system, you may
+need to manually specify additional kernel modules to load into your kdump
+Failure action
+Failure action specifies what to do when dump to configured dump target
+fails. By default, failure action is "reboot" and that is system reboots
+if attempt to save dump to dump target fails.
+There are other failure actions available though.
+- dump_to_rootfs
+  This option tries to mount root and save dump on root filesystem
+  in a path specified by "path". This option will generally make
+  sense when dump target is not root filesystem. For example, if
+  dump is being saved over network using "ssh" then one can specify
+  failure action to "dump_to_rootfs" to try saving dump to root
+  filesystem if dump over network fails.
+- shell
+  Drop into a shell session inside initramfs.
+- halt
+  Halt system after failure
+- poweroff
+  Poweroff system after failure.
+Compression and filtering
+The 'core_collector' parameter in kdump.conf allows you to specify a custom
+dump capture method. The most common alternate method is makedumpfile, which
+is a dump filtering and compression utility provided with kexec-tools. On
+some architectures, it can drastically reduce the size of your vmcore files,
+which becomes very useful on systems with large amounts of memory.
+A typical setup is 'core_collector makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31',
+but check the output of '/sbin/makedumpfile --help' for a list of all available
+options (-i and -g don't need to be specified, they're automatically taken care
+of). Note that use of makedumpfile requires that the kernel-debuginfo package
+corresponding with your running kernel be installed.
+Core collector command format depends on dump target type. Typically for
+filesystem (local/remote), core_collector should accept two arguments.
+First one is source file and second one is target file. For ex.
+- ex1.
+  core_collector "cp --sparse=always"
+  Above will effectively be translated to:
+  cp --sparse=always /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
+- ex2.
+  core_collector "makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+  Above will effectively be translated to:
+  makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31 /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
+For dump targets like raw and ssh, in general, core collector should expect
+one argument (source file) and should output the processed core on standard
+output (There is one exception of "scp", discussed later). This standard
+output will be saved to destination using appropriate commands.
+raw dumps core_collector examples:
+- ex3.
+  core_collector "cat"
+  Above will effectively be translated to.
+  cat /proc/vmcore | dd of=<target-device>
+- ex4.
+  core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+  Above will effectively be translated to.
+  makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | dd of=<target-device>
+ssh dumps core_collector examples:
+- ex5.
+  core_collector "cat"
+  Above will effectively be translated to.
+  cat /proc/vmcore | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
+- ex6.
+  core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
+  Above will effectively be translated to.
+  makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
+There is one exception to standard output rule for ssh dumps. And that is
+scp. As scp can handle ssh destinations for file transfers, one can
+specify "scp" as core collector for ssh targets (no output on stdout).
+- ex7.
+  core_collector "scp"
+  Above will effectively be translated to.
+  scp /proc/vmcore <user@host>:path/vmcore
+About default core collector
+Default core_collector for ssh/raw dump is:
+"makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+Default core_collector for other targets is:
+"makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
+Even if core_collector option is commented out in kdump.conf, makedumpfile
+is default core collector and kdump uses it internally.
+If one does not want makedumpfile as default core_collector, then they
+need to specify one using core_collector option to change the behavior.
+Note: If "makedumpfile -F" is used then you will get a flattened format
+vmcore.flat, you will need to use "makedumpfile -R" to rearrange the
+dump data from stdard input to a normal dumpfile (readable with analysis
+For example: "makedumpfile -R vmcore < vmcore.flat"
+Console frame-buffers and X are not properly supported. If you typically run
+with something along the lines of "vga=791" in your kernel config line or
+have X running, console video will be garbled when a kernel is booted via
+kexec. Note that the kdump kernel should still be able to create a dump,
+and when the system reboots, video should be restored to normal.
+Notes on resetting video:
+Video is a notoriously difficult issue with kexec.  Video cards contain ROM code
+that controls their initial configuration and setup.  This code is nominally
+accessed and executed from the Bios, and otherwise not safely executable. Since
+the purpose of kexec is to reboot the system without re-executing the Bios, it
+is rather difficult if not impossible to reset video cards with kexec.  The
+result is, that if a system crashes while running in a graphical mode (i.e.
+running X), the screen may appear to become 'frozen' while the dump capture is
+taking place.  A serial console will of course reveal that the system is
+operating and capturing a vmcore image, but a casual observer will see the
+system as hung until the dump completes and a true reboot is executed.
+There are two possiblilties to work around this issue.  One is by adding
+--reset-vga to the kexec command line options in /etc/sysconfig/kdump.  This
+tells kdump to write some reasonable default values to the video card register
+file, in the hopes of returning it to a text mode such that boot messages are
+visible on the screen.  It does not work with all video cards however.
+Secondly, it may be worth trying to add vga15fb.ko to the extra_modules list in
+/etc/kdump.conf.  This will attempt to use the video card in framebuffer mode,
+which can blank the screen prior to the start of a dump capture.
+Notes on rootfs mount
+Dracut is designed to mount rootfs by default. If rootfs mounting fails it
+will refuse to go on. So kdump leaves rootfs mounting to dracut currently.
+We make the assumtion that proper root= cmdline is being passed to dracut
+initramfs for the time being. If you need modify "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE=" in
+/etc/sysconfig/kdump, you will need to make sure that appropriate root=
+options are copied from /proc/cmdline. In general it is best to append
+command line options using "KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=" instead of replacing
+the original command line completely.
+Notes on watchdog module handling
+If a watchdog is active in first kernel then, we must have it's module
+loaded in crash kernel, so that either watchdog is deactivated or started
+being kicked in second kernel. Otherwise, we might face watchdog reboot
+when vmcore is being saved. When dracut watchdog module is enabled, it
+installs kernel watchdog module of active watchdog device in initrd.
+kexec-tools always add "-a watchdog" to the dracut_args if there exists at
+least one active watchdog and user has not added specifically "-o watchdog"
+in dracut_args of kdump.conf. If a watchdog module (such as hp_wdt) has
+not been written in watchdog-core framework then this option will not have
+any effect and module will not be added. Please note that only systemd
+watchdog daemon is supported as watchdog kick application.
+Notes for disk images
+Kdump initramfs is a critical component for capturing the crash dump.
+But it's strictly generated for the machine it will run on, and have
+no generality. If you install a new machine with a previous disk image
+(eg. VMs created with disk image or snapshot), kdump could be broken
+easily due to hardware changes or disk ID changes. So it's strongly
+recommended to not include the kdump initramfs in the disk image in the
+first place, this helps to save space, and kdumpctl will build the
+initramfs automatically if it's missing. If you have already installed
+a machine with a disk image which have kdump initramfs embedded, you
+should rebuild the initramfs using "kdumpctl rebuild" command manually,
+or else kdump may not work as expeceted.
+Notes on encrypted dump target
+Currently, kdump is not working well with encrypted dump target.
+First, user have to give the password manually in capture kernel,
+so a working interactive terminal is required in the capture kernel.
+And another major issue is that an OOM problem will occur with certain
+encryption setup. For example, the default setup for LUKS2 will use a
+memory hard key derivation function to mitigate brute force attach,
+it's impossible to reduce the memory usage for mounting the encrypted
+target. In such case, you have to either reserved enough memory for
+crash kernel according, or update your encryption setup.
+It's recommanded to use a non-encrypted target (eg. remote target)
+Notes on device dump
+Device dump allows drivers to append dump data to vmcore, so you can
+collect driver specified debug info. The drivers could append the
+data without any limit, and the data is stored in memory, this may
+bring a significant memory stress. So device dump is disabled by default
+by passing "novmcoredd" command line option to the kdump capture kernel.
+If you want to collect debug data with device dump, you need to modify
+"KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND=" value in /etc/sysconfig/kdump and remove the
+"novmcoredd" option. You also need to increase the "crashkernel=" value
+accordingly in case of OOM issue.
+Besides, kdump initramfs won't automatically include the device drivers
+which support device dump, only device drivers that are required for
+the dump target setup will be included. To ensure the device dump data
+will be included in the vmcore, you need to force include related
+device drivers by using "extra_modules" option in /etc/kdump.conf
+Parallel Dumping Operation
+Kexec allows kdump using multiple cpus. So parallel feature can accelerate
+dumping substantially, especially in executing compression and filter.
+For example:
+	1."makedumpfile -c --num-threads [THREAD_NUM] /proc/vmcore dumpfile"
+	2."makedumpfile -c /proc/vmcore dumpfile",
+	1 has better performance than 2, if THREAD_NUM is larger than two
+	and the usable cpus number is larger than THREAD_NUM.
+Notes on how to use multiple cpus on a capture kernel on x86 system:
+Make sure that you are using a kernel that supports disable_cpu_apicid
+kernel option as a capture kernel, which is needed to avoid x86 specific
+hardware issue (*). The disable_cpu_apicid kernel option is automatically
+appended by kdumpctl script and is ignored if the kernel doesn't support it.
+You need to specify how many cpus to be used in a capture kernel by specifying
+the number of cpus in nr_cpus kernel option in /etc/sysconfig/kdump. nr_cpus
+is 1 at default.
+You should use necessary and sufficient number of cpus on a capture kernel.
+Warning: Don't use too many cpus on a capture kernel, or the capture kernel
+may lead to panic due to Out Of Memory.
+(*) Without disable_cpu_apicid kernel option, capture kernel may lead to
+hang, system reset or power-off at boot, depending on your system and runtime
+situation at the time of crash.
+Debugging Tips
+- One can drop into a shell before/after saving vmcore with the help of
+  using kdump_pre/kdump_post hooks. Use following in one of the pre/post
+  scripts to drop into a shell.
+  #!/bin/bash
+  _ctty=/dev/ttyS0
+  setsid /bin/sh -i -l 0<>$_ctty 1<>$_ctty 2<>$_ctty
+  One might have to change the terminal depending on what they are using.
+- Serial console logging for virtual machines
+  I generally use "virsh console <domain-name>" to get to serial console.
+  I noticed after dump saving system reboots and when grub menu shows up
+  some of the previously logged messages are no more there. That means
+  any important debugging info at the end will be lost.
+  One can log serial console as follows to make sure messages are not lost.
+  virsh ttyconsole <domain-name>
+  ln -s <name-of-tty> /dev/modem
+  minicom -C /tmp/console-logs
+  Now minicom should be logging serial console in file console-logs.
+- Using the logger to output kdump log messages
+  You can configure the kdump log level for the first kernel in the
+  /etc/sysconfig/kdump. For example:
+  The above configurations indicate that kdump messages will be printed
+  to the console, and the KDUMP_STDLOGLVL is set to 3(info), but the
+  KDUMP_SYSLOGLVL and KDUMP_KMSGLOGLVL are set to 0(no logging). This
+  is also the current default log levels in the first kernel.
+  In the second kernel, you can add the 'rd.kdumploglvl=X' option to the
+  KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in the /etc/sysconfig/kdump so that you can also
+  set the log levels for the second kernel. The 'X' represents the logging
+  levels, the default log level is 3(info) in the second kernel, for example:
+  # cat /etc/sysconfig/kdump |grep rd.kdumploglvl
+  KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll nr_cpus=1 reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory mce=off numa=off udev.children-max=2 panic=10 acpi_no_memhotplug transparent_hugepage=never nokaslr hest_disable novmcoredd rd.kdumploglvl=3"
+  Logging levels: no logging(0), error(1),warn(2),info(3),debug(4)
+  The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application
+  to continue running.
+  The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
+  The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress
+  of the application at coarse-grained level.
+  The DEBUG level designates fine-grained informational events that are most
+  useful to debug an application.
+  Note: if you set the log level to 0, that will disable the logs at the
+  corresponding log level, which indicates that it has no log output.
+  At present, the logger works in both the first kernel(kdump service debugging)
+  and the second kernel.
+  In the first kernel, you can find the historical logs with the journalctl
+  command and check kdump service debugging information. In addition, the
+  'kexec -d' debugging messages are also saved to /var/log/kdump.log in the
+  first kernel. For example:
+  [root@ibm-z-109 ~]# ls -al /var/log/kdump.log
+  -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 63238 Oct 28 06:40 /var/log/kdump.log
+  If you want to get the debugging information of building kdump initramfs, you
+  can enable the '--debug' option for the dracut_args in the /etc/kdump.conf, and
+  then rebuild the kdump initramfs as below:
+  # systemctl restart kdump.service
+  That will rebuild the kdump initramfs and gerenate some logs to journald, you
+  can find the dracut logs with the journalctl command.
+  In the second kernel, kdump will automatically put the kexec-dmesg.log to a same
+  directory with the vmcore, the log file includes the debugging messages like dmesg
+  and journald logs. For example:
+  [root@ibm-z-109 ~]# ls -al /var/crash/\:01\:23/
+  drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root       67 Oct 28 02:02 .
+  drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root      154 Oct 28 02:01 ..
+  -rw-r--r--. 1 root root    21164 Oct 28 02:01 kexec-dmesg.log
+  -rw-------. 1 root root 74238698 Oct 28 02:01 vmcore
+  -rw-r--r--. 1 root root    17532 Oct 28 02:01 vmcore-dmesg.txt
+  If you want to get more debugging information in the second kernel, you can add
+  the 'rd.debug' option to the KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in the /etc/sysconfig/kdump,
+  and then reload them in order to make the changes take effect.
+  In addition, you can also add the 'rd.memdebug=X' option to the KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND
+  in the /etc/sysconfig/kdump in order to output the additional information about
+  kernel module memory consumption during loading.
+  For more details, please refer to the /etc/sysconfig/kdump, or the man page of
+  dracut.cmdline and kdump.conf.
diff --git a/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.22-01-s390_handle_R_390_PLT32DBL_reloc_entries_in_machine_apply_elf_rel_.patch b/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.22-01-s390_handle_R_390_PLT32DBL_reloc_entries_in_machine_apply_elf_rel_.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10bc5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.22-01-s390_handle_R_390_PLT32DBL_reloc_entries_in_machine_apply_elf_rel_.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+commit 186e7b0752d8fce1618fa37519671c834c46340e
+Author: Alexander Egorenkov <egorenar@linux.ibm.com>
+Date:   Wed Dec 15 18:48:53 2021 +0100
+    s390: handle R_390_PLT32DBL reloc entries in machine_apply_elf_rel()
+    Starting with gcc 11.3, the C compiler will generate PLT-relative function
+    calls even if they are local and do not require it. Later on during linking,
+    the linker will replace all PLT-relative calls to local functions with
+    PC-relative ones. Unfortunately, the purgatory code of kexec/kdump is
+    not being linked as a regular executable or shared library would have been,
+    and therefore, all PLT-relative addresses remain in the generated purgatory
+    object code unresolved. This in turn lets kexec-tools fail with
+    "Unknown rela relocation: 0x14 0x73c0901c" for such relocation types.
+    Furthermore, the clang C compiler has always behaved like described above
+    and this commit should fix the purgatory code built with the latter.
+    Because the purgatory code is no regular executable or shared library,
+    contains only calls to local functions and has no PLT, all R_390_PLT32DBL
+    relocation entries can be resolved just like a R_390_PC32DBL one.
+    * https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/ELF/zSeries/lzsabi0_zSeries/x1633.html#AEN1699
+    Relocation entries of purgatory code generated with gcc 11.3
+    ------------------------------------------------------------
+    $ readelf -r purgatory/purgatory.o
+    Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x6e8 contains 27 entries:
+      Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
+    00000000000c  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 2
+    00000000001a  001000000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 sha256_starts + 2
+    000000000030  001100000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 sha256_update + 2
+    000000000046  001200000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 sha256_finish + 2
+    000000000050  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 102
+    00000000005a  001300000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 memcmp + 2
+    ...
+    000000000118  001600000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 setup_arch + 2
+    00000000011e  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 2
+    00000000012c  000f00000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000 verify_sha256_digest + 2
+    000000000142  001700000014 R_390_PLT32DBL    0000000000000000
+    post_verification[...] + 2
+    Relocation entries of purgatory code generated with gcc 11.2
+    ------------------------------------------------------------
+    $ readelf -r purgatory/purgatory.o
+    Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x6e8 contains 27 entries:
+      Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
+    00000000000e  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 2
+    00000000001c  001000000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 sha256_starts + 2
+    000000000036  001100000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 sha256_update + 2
+    000000000048  001200000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 sha256_finish + 2
+    000000000052  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 102
+    00000000005c  001300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 memcmp + 2
+    ...
+    00000000011a  001600000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 setup_arch + 2
+    000000000120  000300000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 .data + 122
+    000000000130  000f00000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 verify_sha256_digest + 2
+    000000000146  001700000013 R_390_PC32DBL     0000000000000000 post_verification[...] + 2
+    Corresponding s390 kernel discussion:
+    * https://lore.kernel.org/linux-s390/20211208105801.188140-1-egorenar@linux.ibm.com/T/#u
+    Signed-off-by: Alexander Egorenkov <egorenar@linux.ibm.com>
+    Reported-by: Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com>
+    Suggested-by: Philipp Rudo <prudo@redhat.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Philipp Rudo <prudo@redhat.com>
+    [hca@linux.ibm.com: changed commit message as requested by Philipp Rudo]
+    Signed-off-by: Heiko Carstens <hca@linux.ibm.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <horms@verge.net.au>
+diff --git a/kexec/arch/s390/kexec-elf-rel-s390.c b/kexec/arch/s390/kexec-elf-rel-s390.c
+index a5e1b73455785ae3bc3aa72b3beee13ae202e82f..91ba86a9991dad4271b834fc3b24861c40309e52 100644
+--- a/kexec/arch/s390/kexec-elf-rel-s390.c
++++ b/kexec/arch/s390/kexec-elf-rel-s390.c
+@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ void machine_apply_elf_rel(struct mem_ehdr *UNUSED(ehdr),
+ 	case R_390_PC16:	/* PC relative 16 bit.  */
+ 	case R_390_PC16DBL:	/* PC relative 16 bit shifted by 1.  */
+ 	case R_390_PC32DBL:	/* PC relative 32 bit shifted by 1.  */
++	case R_390_PLT32DBL:	/* 32 bit PC rel. PLT shifted by 1.  */
+ 	case R_390_PC32:	/* PC relative 32 bit.  */
+ 	case R_390_PC64:	/* PC relative 64 bit.	*/
+ 		val -= address;
+@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ void machine_apply_elf_rel(struct mem_ehdr *UNUSED(ehdr),
+ 			*(unsigned short *) loc = val;
+ 		else if (r_type == R_390_PC16DBL)
+ 			*(unsigned short *) loc = val >> 1;
+-		else if (r_type == R_390_PC32DBL)
++		else if (r_type == R_390_PC32DBL || r_type == R_390_PLT32DBL)
+ 			*(unsigned int *) loc = val >> 1;
+ 		else if (r_type == R_390_PC32)
+ 			*(unsigned int *) loc = val;
diff --git a/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.23-makedumpfile-sadump-kaslr-fix-failure-of-calculating-kaslr_.patch b/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.23-makedumpfile-sadump-kaslr-fix-failure-of-calculating-kaslr_.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a47b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kexec-tools-2.0.23-makedumpfile-sadump-kaslr-fix-failure-of-calculating-kaslr_.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+From 59b1726fbcc251155140c8a1972384498fee4daf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: HATAYAMA Daisuke <d.hatayama@fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 12:55:15 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] [PATCH] sadump, kaslr: fix failure of calculating
+ kaslr_offset
+On kernels v5.8 or later, makedumpfile fails for memory dumps in the
+sadump-related formats as follows:
+    # makedumpfile -f -l -d 31 -x ./vmlinux /dev/sdd4 /root/vmcore-ld31
+    __vtop4_x86_64: Can't get a valid pud_pte.
+    ...110 lines of the same message...
+    __vtop4_x86_64: Can't get a valid pud_pte.
+    calc_kaslr_offset: failed to calculate kaslr_offset and phys_base; default to 0
+    readmem: type_addr: 1, addr:ffffffff85411858, size:8
+    __vtop4_x86_64: Can't get pgd (page_dir:ffffffff85411858).
+    readmem: Can't convert a virtual address(ffffffff059be980) to physical address.
+    readmem: type_addr: 0, addr:ffffffff059be980, size:1024
+    cpu_online_mask_init: Can't read cpu_online_mask memory.
+    makedumpfile Failed.
+This is caused by the kernel commit 9d06c4027f21 ("x86/entry: Convert
+Divide Error to IDTENTRY") that renamed divide_error to
+asm_exc_divide_error, breaking logic for calculating kaslr offset.
+Fix this by adding initialization of asm_exc_divide_error.
+Signed-off-by: HATAYAMA Daisuke <d.hatayama@fujitsu.com>
+ makedumpfile.c | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/makedumpfile-1.7.0/makedumpfile.c b/makedumpfile-1.7.0/makedumpfile.c
+index a51bdaf..7ed9756 100644
+--- a/makedumpfile-1.7.0/makedumpfile.c
++++ b/makedumpfile-1.7.0/makedumpfile.c
+@@ -1667,6 +1667,8 @@ get_symbol_info(void)
+ 	SYMBOL_INIT(cur_cpu_spec, "cur_cpu_spec");
+ 	SYMBOL_INIT(divide_error, "divide_error");
++	if (SYMBOL(divide_error) == NOT_FOUND_SYMBOL)
++		SYMBOL_INIT(divide_error, "asm_exc_divide_error");
+ 	SYMBOL_INIT(idt_table, "idt_table");
+ 	SYMBOL_INIT(saved_command_line, "saved_command_line");
+ 	SYMBOL_INIT(pti_init, "pti_init");
diff --git a/SOURCES/live-image-kdump-howto.txt b/SOURCES/live-image-kdump-howto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1695a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/live-image-kdump-howto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Kdump now works on live images with some manual configurations. Here is the step
+by step guide.
+1. Enable crashkernel reservation
+Since there isn't any config file that can be used to configure kernel
+parameters for live images before booting them, we have to append 'crashkernel'
+argument in boot menu every time we boot a live image.
+2. Change dump target in /etc/kdump.conf
+When kdump kernel boots in a live environment, the default target /var/crash is
+in RAM so you need to change the dump target to an external disk or a network
+dump target.
+Besides, make sure that "default dump_to_rootfs" is not specified.
+3. Start kdump service
+    $ kdumpctl start
+4. Trigger a kdump test
+    $ echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
+    $ echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
diff --git a/SOURCES/mkdumprd b/SOURCES/mkdumprd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500146b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/mkdumprd
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+#!/bin/bash --norc
+# New mkdumprd
+# Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Cong Wang <amwang@redhat.com>
+if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kdump ]]; then
+	. /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+[[ $dracutbasedir ]] || dracutbasedir=/usr/lib/dracut
+. $dracutbasedir/dracut-functions.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh
+export IN_KDUMP=1
+#initiate the kdump logger
+if ! dlog_init; then
+	echo "failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+	exit 1
+dracut_args=(--add kdumpbase --quiet --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline --hostonly-i18n --hostonly-mode strict -o "plymouth resume ifcfg earlykdump")
+MKDUMPRD_TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t mkdumprd.XXXXXX)"
+[ -d "$MKDUMPRD_TMPDIR" ] || perror_exit "dracut: mktemp -p -d -t dracut.XXXXXX failed."
+trap '
+    ret=$?;
+    is_mounted $MKDUMPRD_TMPMNT && umount -f $MKDUMPRD_TMPMNT;
+    [[ -d $MKDUMPRD_TMPDIR ]] && rm --one-file-system -rf -- "$MKDUMPRD_TMPDIR";
+    exit $ret;
+    ' EXIT
+# clean up after ourselves no matter how we die.
+trap 'exit 1;' SIGINT
+	dracut_args+=("$@")
+	add_dracut_arg "--mount" "$1"
+	add_dracut_arg "--sshkey" "$1"
+# caller should ensure $1 is valid and mounted in 1st kernel
+	local _target=$1 _fstype=$2 _options=$3 _sed_cmd _new_mntpoint _pdev
+	_new_mntpoint=$(get_kdump_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")
+	_fstype="${_fstype:-$(get_fs_type_from_target "$_target")}"
+	_options="${_options:-$(get_mntopt_from_target "$_target")}"
+	_options="${_options:-defaults}"
+	if [[ $_fstype == "nfs"* ]]; then
+		_pdev=$_target
+		_sed_cmd+='s/,\(mount\)\?addr=[^,]*//g;'
+		_sed_cmd+='s/,\(mount\)\?proto=[^,]*//g;'
+		_sed_cmd+='s/,clientaddr=[^,]*//;'
+	else
+		# for non-nfs _target converting to use udev persistent name
+		_pdev="$(kdump_get_persistent_dev "$_target")"
+		if [[ -z $_pdev ]]; then
+			return 1
+		fi
+	fi
+	# mount fs target as rw in 2nd kernel
+	_sed_cmd+='s/\(^\|,\)ro\($\|,\)/\1rw\2/g;'
+	# with 'noauto' in fstab nfs and non-root disk mount will fail in 2nd
+	# kernel, filter it out here.
+	_sed_cmd+='s/\(^\|,\)noauto\($\|,\)/\1/g;'
+	# drop nofail or nobootwait
+	_sed_cmd+='s/\(^\|,\)nofail\($\|,\)/\1/g;'
+	_sed_cmd+='s/\(^\|,\)nobootwait\($\|,\)/\1/g;'
+	_options=$(echo "$_options" | sed "$_sed_cmd")
+	echo "$_pdev $_new_mntpoint $_fstype $_options"
+#Function: get_ssh_size
+#$1=dump target
+#called from while loop and shouldn't read from stdin, so we're using "ssh -n"
+	local _out
+	local _opt=("-i" "$SSH_KEY_LOCATION" "-o" "BatchMode=yes" "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes")
+	if ! _out=$(ssh -q -n "${_opt[@]}" "$1" "df" "--output=avail" "$SAVE_PATH"); then
+		perror_exit "checking remote ssh server available size failed."
+	fi
+	echo -n "$_out" | tail -1
+#mkdir if save path does not exist on ssh dump target
+#$1=ssh dump target
+#caller should ensure write permission on $1:$SAVE_PATH
+#called from while loop and shouldn't read from stdin, so we're using "ssh -n"
+	local _opt _dir
+	_opt=(-i "$SSH_KEY_LOCATION" -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes)
+	ssh -qn "${_opt[@]}" "$1" mkdir -p "$SAVE_PATH" &> /dev/null ||
+		perror_exit "mkdir failed on $1:$SAVE_PATH"
+	# check whether user has write permission on $1:$SAVE_PATH
+	_dir=$(ssh -qn "${_opt[@]}" "$1" mktemp -dqp "$SAVE_PATH" 2> /dev/null) ||
+		perror_exit "Could not create temporary directory on $1:$SAVE_PATH. Make sure user has write permission on destination"
+	ssh -qn "${_opt[@]}" "$1" rmdir "$_dir"
+	return 0
+#Function: get_fs_size
+#$1=dump target
+	df --output=avail "$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$1")/$SAVE_PATH" | tail -1
+#Function: get_raw_size
+#$1=dump target
+	fdisk -s "$1"
+#Function: check_size
+#$1: dump type string ('raw', 'fs', 'ssh')
+#$2: dump target
+	local avail memtotal
+	memtotal=$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)
+	case "$1" in
+	raw)
+		avail=$(get_raw_size "$2")
+		;;
+	ssh)
+		avail=$(get_ssh_size "$2")
+		;;
+	fs)
+		avail=$(get_fs_size "$2")
+		;;
+	*)
+		return
+		;;
+	esac || perror_exit "Check dump target size failed"
+	if [[ $avail -lt $memtotal ]]; then
+		dwarn "Warning: There might not be enough space to save a vmcore."
+		dwarn "         The size of $2 should be greater than $memtotal kilo bytes."
+	fi
+	local _path=$1
+	if [[ ! -d $_path ]]; then
+		perror_exit "Dump path $_path does not exist."
+	fi
+	local _target=$1
+	local _mnt=$2
+	local _fstype=$3
+	local msg="Failed to mount $_target"
+	if [[ -n $_mnt ]]; then
+		msg="$msg on $_mnt"
+	fi
+	msg="$msg for kdump preflight check."
+	if [[ $_fstype == "nfs" ]]; then
+		msg="$msg Please make sure nfs-utils has been installed."
+	fi
+	perror_exit "$msg"
+	local _target=$1 _cfg_fs_type=$2 _mounted
+	local _mnt _opt _fstype
+	_mnt=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")
+	_opt=$(get_mntopt_from_target "$_target")
+	_fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target "$_target")
+	if [[ -n $_fstype ]]; then
+		# In case of nfs4, nfs should be used instead, nfs* options is deprecated in kdump.conf
+		[[ $_fstype == "nfs"* ]] && _fstype=nfs
+		if [[ -n $_cfg_fs_type ]] && [[ $_fstype != "$_cfg_fs_type" ]]; then
+			perror_exit "\"$_target\" have a wrong type config \"$_cfg_fs_type\", expected \"$_fstype\""
+		fi
+	else
+		_fstype="$_cfg_fs_type"
+		_fstype="$_cfg_fs_type"
+	fi
+	# For noauto mount, mount it inplace with default value.
+	# Else use the temporary target directory
+	if [[ -n $_mnt ]]; then
+		if ! is_mounted "$_mnt"; then
+			if [[ $_opt == *",noauto"* ]]; then
+				mount "$_mnt" || mount_failure "$_target" "$_mnt" "$_fstype"
+				_mounted=$_mnt
+			else
+				perror_exit "Dump target \"$_target\" is neither mounted nor configured as \"noauto\""
+			fi
+		fi
+	else
+		mkdir -p "$_mnt"
+		mount "$_target" "$_mnt" -t "$_fstype" -o defaults || mount_failure "$_target" "" "$_fstype"
+		_mounted=$_mnt
+	fi
+	# For user configured target, use $SAVE_PATH as the dump path within the target
+	if [[ ! -d "$_mnt/$SAVE_PATH" ]]; then
+		perror_exit "Dump path \"$_mnt/$SAVE_PATH\" does not exist in dump target \"$_target\""
+	fi
+	check_size fs "$_target"
+	# Unmount it early, if function is interrupted and didn't reach here, the shell trap will clear it up anyway
+	if [[ -n $_mounted ]]; then
+		umount -f -- "$_mounted"
+	fi
+# $1: core_collector config value
+	local _cmd="${1%% *}"
+	local _params="${1#* }"
+	if [[ $_cmd != "makedumpfile" ]]; then
+		if is_raw_dump_target; then
+			dwarn "Warning: specifying a non-makedumpfile core collector, you will have to recover the vmcore manually."
+		fi
+		return
+	fi
+	if is_ssh_dump_target || is_raw_dump_target; then
+		if ! strstr "$_params" "-F"; then
+			perror_exit 'The specified dump target needs makedumpfile "-F" option.'
+		fi
+		_params="$_params vmcore"
+	else
+		_params="$_params vmcore dumpfile"
+	fi
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+	if ! $_cmd --check-params $_params; then
+		perror_exit "makedumpfile parameter check failed."
+	fi
+	local _mnt
+	_mnt=$(to_mount "$@") || exit 1
+	add_dracut_mount "$_mnt"
+#handle the case user does not specify the dump target explicitly
+	local _target
+	local _mntpoint
+	is_user_configured_dump_target && return
+	check_save_path_fs "$SAVE_PATH"
+	_save_path=$(get_bind_mount_source "$SAVE_PATH")
+	_target=$(get_target_from_path "$_save_path")
+	_mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target "$_target")
+	SAVE_PATH=${_save_path##"$_mntpoint"}
+	add_mount "$_target"
+	check_size fs "$_target"
+# $1: function name
+	local dev majmin
+	for dev in $(get_kdump_targets); do
+		[[ -b $dev ]] || continue
+		majmin=$(get_maj_min "$dev")
+		check_block_and_slaves "$1" "$majmin" && return 1
+	done
+	return 0
+#judge if a specific device with $1 is unresettable
+#return false if unresettable.
+	local path device resettable=1
+	path="/sys/$(udevadm info --query=all --path="/sys/dev/block/$1" | awk '/^P:/ {print $2}' | sed -e 's/\(cciss[0-9]\+\/\).*/\1/g' -e 's/\/block\/.*$//')/resettable"
+	if [[ -f $path ]]; then
+		resettable="$(< "$path")"
+		[[ $resettable -eq 0 ]] && [[ $OVERRIDE_RESETTABLE -eq 0 ]] && {
+			device=$(udevadm info --query=all --path="/sys/dev/block/$1" | awk -F= '/DEVNAME/{print $2}')
+			derror "Error: Can not save vmcore because device $device is unresettable"
+			return 0
+		}
+	fi
+	return 1
+#check if machine is resettable.
+#return true if resettable
+	local _target _override_resettable
+	_override_resettable=$(kdump_get_conf_val override_resettable)
+	if [ "$OVERRIDE_RESETTABLE" != "0" ] && [ "$OVERRIDE_RESETTABLE" != "1" ]; then
+		perror_exit "override_resettable value '$OVERRIDE_RESETTABLE' is invalid"
+	fi
+	for_each_block_target is_unresettable && return
+	return 1
+	local _dev
+	for _dev in $(get_kdump_targets); do
+		if [[ -n $(get_luks_crypt_dev "$(get_maj_min "$_dev")") ]]; then
+			derror "Device $_dev is encrypted." && return 1
+		fi
+	done
+if ! check_resettable; then
+	exit 1
+if ! check_crypt; then
+	dwarn "Warning: Encrypted device is in dump path, which is not recommended, see kexec-kdump-howto.txt for more details."
+# firstly get right SSH_KEY_LOCATION
+keyfile=$(kdump_get_conf_val sshkey)
+if [[ -f $keyfile ]]; then
+	# canonicalize the path
+	SSH_KEY_LOCATION=$(/usr/bin/readlink -m "$keyfile")
+while read -r config_opt config_val; do
+	# remove inline comments after the end of a directive.
+	case "$config_opt" in
+	extra_modules)
+		extra_modules="$extra_modules $config_val"
+		;;
+	ext[234] | xfs | btrfs | minix | nfs)
+		check_user_configured_target "$config_val" "$config_opt"
+		add_mount "$config_val" "$config_opt"
+		;;
+	raw)
+		# checking raw disk writable
+		dd if="$config_val" count=1 of=/dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+			perror_exit "Bad raw disk $config_val"
+		}
+		_praw=$(persistent_policy="by-id" kdump_get_persistent_dev "$config_val")
+		if [[ -z $_praw ]]; then
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		add_dracut_arg "--device" "$_praw"
+		check_size raw "$config_val"
+		;;
+	ssh)
+		if strstr "$config_val" "@"; then
+			mkdir_save_path_ssh "$config_val"
+			check_size ssh "$config_val"
+			add_dracut_sshkey "$SSH_KEY_LOCATION"
+		else
+			perror_exit "Bad ssh dump target $config_val"
+		fi
+		;;
+	core_collector)
+		verify_core_collector "$config_val"
+		;;
+	dracut_args)
+		while read -r dracut_arg; do
+			add_dracut_arg "$dracut_arg"
+		done <<< "$(echo "$config_val" | xargs -n 1 echo)"
+		;;
+	*) ;;
+	esac
+done <<< "$(kdump_read_conf)"
+if ! have_compression_in_dracut_args; then
+	# Here zstd is set as the default compression method. If squash module
+	# is available for dracut, libzstd will be used by mksquashfs. If
+	# squash module is unavailable, command zstd will be used instead.
+	if is_squash_available || is_zstd_command_available; then
+		add_dracut_arg "--compress" "zstd"
+	fi
+if [[ -n $extra_modules ]]; then
+	add_dracut_arg "--add-drivers" "$extra_modules"
+# TODO: The below check is not needed anymore with the introduction of
+#       'zz-fadumpinit' module, that isolates fadump's capture kernel initrd,
+#       but still sysroot.mount unit gets generated based on 'root=' kernel
+#       parameter available in fadump case. So, find a way to fix that first
+#       before removing this check.
+if ! is_fadump_capable; then
+	# The 2nd rootfs mount stays behind the normal dump target mount,
+	# so it doesn't affect the logic of check_dump_fs_modified().
+	is_dump_to_rootfs && add_mount "$(to_dev_name "$(get_root_fs_device)")"
+	add_dracut_arg "--no-hostonly-default-device"
+# This is RHEL-only to work around nvme problem, then real fix should go to dracut
+if [[ -d /sys/module/nvme ]]; then
+	add_dracut_arg "--add-drivers" "nvme"
+dracut "${dracut_args[@]}" "$@"
+exit $_rc
diff --git a/SOURCES/mkdumprd.8 b/SOURCES/mkdumprd.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac3d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/mkdumprd.8
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+.TH MKDUMRD 8 "Fri Feb 9 2007"
+mkdumprd \- creates initial ramdisk images for kdump crash recovery 
+\fBmkdumprd\fR [OPTION]
+\fBmkdumprd\fR creates an initial ram file system for use in conjunction with
+the booting of a kernel within the kdump framework for crash recovery.
+\fBmkdumprds\fR purpose is to create an initial ram filesystem capable of copying
+the crashed systems vmcore image to a location specified in \fI/etc/kdump.conf 
+\fBmkdumprd\fR interrogates the running system to understand what modules need to
+be loaded in the initramfs (based on configuration retrieved from
+\fBmkdumprd\fR add a new \fBdracut\fR module 99kdumpbase and use \fBdracut\fR
+utility to generate the initramfs. When generating a kdump initramfs, \fBmkdumprd\fR
+will determine how much disk space is available, if the dump target's available
+space is not greater than the total system memory, \fBmkdumprd\fR will print a
+warning to remind that there might not be enough space to save a vmcore. The
+warning covers extreme scenarios such as the slab explodes with non-zero data or
+a full vmcore, etc. Therefore, need to prevent users from having minimum disk
+space for crash dump.
+\fBmkdumprd\fR was not intended for casual use outside of the service
+initialization script for the kdump utility, and should not be run manually.  If
+you require a custom kdump initramfs image, it is suggested that you use the
+kdump service infrastructure to create one, and then manually unpack, modify and
+repack the image.
+All options here are passed to dracut directly, please refer \fBdracut\fR docs
+for the info.
+.BR dracut (8)
diff --git a/SOURCES/mkfadumprd b/SOURCES/mkfadumprd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86dfcee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/mkfadumprd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/bin/bash --norc
+# Generate an initramfs image that isolates dump capture capability within
+# the default initramfs using zz-fadumpinit dracut module.
+if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kdump ]]; then
+	. /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+[[ $dracutbasedir ]] || dracutbasedir=/usr/lib/dracut
+. $dracutbasedir/dracut-functions.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+. /lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh
+#initiate the kdump logger
+if ! dlog_init; then
+	echo "mkfadumprd: failed to initiate the kdump logger."
+	exit 1
+MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t mkfadumprd.XXXXXX)"
+[ -d "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR" ] || perror_exit "mkfadumprd: mktemp -d -t mkfadumprd.XXXXXX failed."
+trap '
+    ret=$?;
+    [[ -d $MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR ]] && rm --one-file-system -rf -- "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR";
+    exit $ret;
+    ' EXIT
+# clean up after ourselves no matter how we die.
+trap 'exit 1;' SIGINT
+MKDUMPRD="/sbin/mkdumprd -f"
+# Default boot initramfs to be rebuilt
+REBUILD_INITRD="$1" && shift
+TARGET_INITRD="$1" && shift
+### First build an initramfs with dump capture capability
+# this file tells the initrd is fadump enabled
+touch "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadump.initramfs"
+ddebug "rebuild fadump initrd: $FADUMP_INITRD $DEFAULT_INITRD $KDUMP_KERNELVER"
+if ! $MKDUMPRD "$FADUMP_INITRD" -i "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadump.initramfs" /etc/fadump.initramfs; then
+	perror_exit "mkfadumprd: failed to build image with dump capture support"
+### Unpack the initramfs having dump capture capability
+mkdir -p "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadumproot"
+if ! (pushd "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadumproot" > /dev/null && lsinitrd --unpack "$FADUMP_INITRD" &&
+	popd > /dev/null); then
+	derror "mkfadumprd: failed to unpack '$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR'"
+	exit 1
+### Pack it into the normal boot initramfs with zz-fadumpinit module
+	--rebuild "$REBUILD_INITRD" --add zz-fadumpinit
+	-i "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadumproot" /fadumproot
+	-i "$MKFADUMPRD_TMPDIR/fadumproot/usr/lib/dracut/hostonly-kernel-modules.txt"
+	/usr/lib/dracut/fadump-kernel-modules.txt
+if is_squash_available; then
+	_dracut_isolate_args+=(--add squash)
+# Same as setting zstd in mkdumprd
+if ! have_compression_in_dracut_args; then
+	if is_squash_available || is_zstd_command_available; then
+		_dracut_isolate_args+=(--compress zstd)
+	fi
+if ! dracut --force --quiet "${_dracut_isolate_args[@]}" "$@" "$TARGET_INITRD"; then
+	perror_exit "mkfadumprd: failed to setup '$TARGET_INITRD' with dump capture capability"
diff --git a/SOURCES/supported-kdump-targets.txt b/SOURCES/supported-kdump-targets.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..640fabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/supported-kdump-targets.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Supported Kdump Targets
+This document try to list all supported kdump targets, and those supported
+or unknown/tech-preview targets, this can help users to decide whether a dump
+solution is available.
+Dump Target support status
+This section tries to come up with some kind of guidelines in terms of
+what dump targets are supported/not supported. Whatever is listed here
+is not binding in any manner. It is just sharing of current understanding
+and if something is not right, this section needs to be edited.
+Following are 3 lists. First one contains supported targets. These are
+generic configurations which should work and some configuration most
+likely has worked in testing. Second list is known unsupported targets.
+These targets we know either don't work or we don't support. And third
+list is unknown/tech-preview. We either don't yet know the status of kdump
+on these targets or these are under tech-preview.
+Note, these lists are not set in stone and can be changed at any point of
+time. Also these lists might not be complete. We will add/remove items to
+it as we get more testing information. Also, there are many corner cases
+which can't possibly be listed. For example in general we might be
+supporting software iscsi but there might be some configurations of it
+which don't work.
+So if any target is listed in supported section, it does not mean it works
+in all possible configurations. It just means that in common configurations
+it should work but there can be issues with particular configurations which
+are not supported. As we come to know of particular issues, we will keep on
+updating lists accordingly.
+Supported Dump targets
+        LVM volume (no thinp)
+        FC disks (qla2xxx, lpfc, bnx2fc, bfa)
+        software initiator based iSCSI
+        software RAID (mdraid)
+        hardware RAID (smartpqi, hpsa, megaraid, mpt3sas, aacraid, mpi3mr)
+        SCSI/SATA disks
+        iSCSI HBA (all offload)
+        hardware FCoE (qla2xxx, lpfc)
+        software FCoE (bnx2fc) (Extra configuration required,
+            please read "Note on FCoE" section below)
+        Hardware using kernel modules: (igb, ixgbe, ice, i40e, e1000e, igc,
+              tg3, bnx2x, bnxt_en, qede, cxgb4, be2net, enic, sfc, mlx4_en,
+              mlx5_core, r8169, atlantic, nfp, ionic; nicvf (aarch64 only))
+        protocol: ipv4
+        bonding
+        vlan
+        bridge
+        vlan tagged bonding
+        bridge over bond/vlan
+        kvm
+        xen (Supported in select configurations only)
+        ext[234]
+        xfs
+        nfs
+        BIOS
+        UEFI
+        VMWare ESXi 4.x 5.x would not be tested/supported any more.
+            only support ESXi 6.6, 6.7, 7.0
+        Hyper-V 2012 R2 (RHEL Gen1 UP Guest only), later version will
+	    also be tested/supported
+Unsupported Dump targets
+        BIOS RAID
+        Thin provisioning volume
+        Software iSCSI with iBFT (bnx2i, cxgb3i, cxgb4i)
+        Software iSCSI with hybrid (be2iscsi)
+        FCoE
+        legacy IDE
+        glusterfs
+        gfs2/clvm/halvm
+        hardware using kernel modules: (sfc SRIOV, cxgb4vf, pch_gbe)
+        protocol: ipv6
+        wireless
+        Infiniband (IB)
+        vlan over bridge/team
+        btrfs
+        PCI Express based SSDs
+        Hyper-V 2008
+        Hyper-V 2012
+Note on FCoE
+If you are trying to dump to a software FCoE target, you may encounter OOM
+issue, because some software FCoE requires more memory to work. In such case,
+you may need to increase the kdump reserved memory size in "crashkernel="
+kernel parameter.
+For hardware FCoE, kdump should work naturally as firmware will do the
+initialization job. The capture kernel and kdump tools will run just fine.
diff --git a/SPECS/kexec-tools.spec b/SPECS/kexec-tools.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9c8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/kexec-tools.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,2402 @@
+%global eppic_ver e8844d3793471163ae4a56d8f95897be9e5bd554
+%global eppic_shortver %(c=%{eppic_ver}; echo ${c:0:7})
+%global mkdf_ver 1.7.0
+%global mkdf_shortver %(c=%{mkdf_ver}; echo ${c:0:7})
+Name: kexec-tools
+Version: 2.0.23
+Release: 9_1%{?dist}
+License: GPLv2
+Summary: The kexec/kdump userspace component
+Source0: http://kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/kexec/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+Source1: kdumpctl
+Source2: kdump.sysconfig
+Source3: kdump.sysconfig.x86_64
+Source4: kdump.sysconfig.i386
+Source5: kdump.sysconfig.ppc64
+Source7: mkdumprd
+Source8: kdump.conf
+Source9: https://github.com/makedumpfile/makedumpfile/archive/%{mkdf_ver}/makedumpfile-%{mkdf_shortver}.tar.gz
+Source10: kexec-kdump-howto.txt
+Source11: fadump-howto.txt
+Source12: mkdumprd.8
+Source13: 98-kexec.rules
+Source14: 98-kexec.rules.ppc64
+Source15: kdump.conf.5
+Source16: kdump.service
+Source18: kdump.sysconfig.s390x
+Source19: https://github.com/lucchouina/eppic/archive/%{eppic_ver}/eppic-%{eppic_shortver}.tar.gz
+Source20: kdump-lib.sh
+Source21: kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt
+Source22: kdump-dep-generator.sh
+Source23: kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+Source24: kdump.sysconfig.ppc64le
+Source25: kdumpctl.8
+Source26: live-image-kdump-howto.txt
+Source27: early-kdump-howto.txt
+Source28: kdump-udev-throttler
+Source29: kdump.sysconfig.aarch64
+Source30: 60-kdump.install
+Source31: kdump-logger.sh
+Source32: mkfadumprd
+Source33: 92-crashkernel.install
+Source34: crashkernel-howto.txt
+Source35: kdump-migrate-action.sh
+Source36: kdump-restart.sh
+Source37: supported-kdump-targets.txt
+# These are sources for mkdumpramfs
+# Which is currently in development
+Source100: dracut-kdump.sh
+Source101: dracut-module-setup.sh
+Source102: dracut-monitor_dd_progress
+Source104: dracut-kdump-emergency.service
+Source106: dracut-kdump-capture.service
+Source107: dracut-kdump-emergency.target
+Source108: dracut-early-kdump.sh
+Source109: dracut-early-kdump-module-setup.sh
+Source200: dracut-fadump-init-fadump.sh
+Source201: dracut-fadump-module-setup.sh
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+Requires(post): servicelog
+Recommends: keyutils
+Requires(pre): coreutils sed zlib
+Requires: dracut >= 050
+Requires: dracut-network >= 050
+Requires: dracut-squash >= 050
+Requires: ethtool
+Recommends: zstd
+Recommends: grubby
+Recommends: hostname
+BuildRequires: make
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel elfutils-devel glib2-devel bzip2-devel ncurses-devel bison flex lzo-devel snappy-devel libzstd-devel
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig intltool gettext
+BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros
+BuildRequires: automake autoconf libtool
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 ppc s390x ppc64le
+Obsoletes: diskdumputils netdump kexec-tools-eppic
+%ifnarch s390x
+Requires:       systemd-udev%{?_isa}
+# Patches 0 through 100 are meant for x86 kexec-tools enablement
+# Patches 101 through 200 are meant for x86_64 kexec-tools enablement
+# Patches 301 through 400 are meant for ppc64 kexec-tools enablement
+# Patches 401 through 500 are meant for s390 kexec-tools enablement
+# Patches 501 through 600 are meant for ARM kexec-tools enablement
+# Patches 601 onward are generic patches
+Patch601: ./kexec-tools-2.0.22-01-s390_handle_R_390_PLT32DBL_reloc_entries_in_machine_apply_elf_rel_.patch
+Patch602: ./kexec-tools-2.0.23-makedumpfile-sadump-kaslr-fix-failure-of-calculating-kaslr_.patch
+kexec-tools provides /sbin/kexec binary that facilitates a new
+kernel to boot using the kernel's kexec feature either on a
+normal or a panic reboot. This package contains the /sbin/kexec
+binary and ancillary utilities that together form the userspace
+component of the kernel's kexec feature.
+%setup -q
+mkdir -p -m755 kcp
+tar -z -x -v -f %{SOURCE9}
+tar -z -x -v -f %{SOURCE19}
+%patch601 -p1
+%patch602 -p1
+%ifarch ppc
+%define archdef ARCH=ppc
+%configure \
+%ifarch ppc64
+    --host=powerpc64-redhat-linux-gnu \
+    --build=powerpc64-redhat-linux-gnu \
+%ifarch ppc64le
+    --host=powerpc64le-redhat-linux-gnu \
+    --build=powerpc64le-redhat-linux-gnu \
+    --sbindir=/usr/sbin
+rm -f kexec-tools.spec.in
+# setup the docs
+cp %{SOURCE10} .
+cp %{SOURCE11} .
+cp %{SOURCE21} .
+cp %{SOURCE26} .
+cp %{SOURCE27} .
+cp %{SOURCE34} .
+cp %{SOURCE37} .
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+make -C eppic-%{eppic_ver}/libeppic
+make -C makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver} LINKTYPE=dynamic USELZO=on USESNAPPY=on USEZSTD=on
+make -C makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver} LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -I../eppic-%{eppic_ver}/libeppic -L../eppic-%{eppic_ver}/libeppic" eppic_makedumpfile.so
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/kdump
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/kdump/pre.d
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/kdump/post.d
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/crash
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/kdump
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sharedstatedir}/kdump
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/kdumpctl
+install -m 755 build/sbin/kexec $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/kexec
+install -m 755 build/sbin/vmcore-dmesg $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/vmcore-dmesg
+install -m 644 build/man/man8/kexec.8  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/
+install -m 644 build/man/man8/vmcore-dmesg.8  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/
+[ -f $SYSCONFIG ] || SYSCONFIG=$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kdump.sysconfig.%{_arch}
+[ -f $SYSCONFIG ] || SYSCONFIG=$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kdump.sysconfig
+install -m 644 $SYSCONFIG $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/kdump
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/mkdumprd
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE32} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/mkfadumprd
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/kdump.conf
+install -m 644 kexec/kexec.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/kexec.8
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE12} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/mkdumprd.8
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE25} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/kdumpctl.8
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE20} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE23} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE31} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE35} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump/kdump-migrate-action.sh
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE36} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kdump/kdump-restart.sh
+%ifnarch s390x
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE28} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}/../kdump-udev-throttler
+%ifnarch s390x ppc64 ppc64le
+# For s390x the ELF header is created in the kdump kernel and therefore kexec
+# udev rules are not required
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE13} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}/98-kexec.rules
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE14} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}/98-kexec.rules
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE15} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/kdump.conf.5
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE16} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/kdump.service
+install -m 755 -D %{SOURCE22} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-generators/kdump-dep-generator.sh
+install -m 755 -D %{SOURCE30} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/60-kdump.install
+install -m 755 -D %{SOURCE33} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/kernel/install.d/92-crashkernel.install
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+install -m 755 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/makedumpfile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/makedumpfile
+install -m 644 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/makedumpfile.8.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man8/makedumpfile.8.gz
+install -m 644 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/makedumpfile.conf.5.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man5/makedumpfile.conf.5.gz
+install -m 644 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/makedumpfile.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/makedumpfile.conf.sample
+install -m 755 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/eppic_makedumpfile.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/eppic_makedumpfile.so
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/makedumpfile/eppic_scripts/
+install -m 644 makedumpfile-%{mkdf_ver}/eppic_scripts/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/makedumpfile/eppic_scripts/
+%define remove_dracut_prefix() %(echo -n %1|sed 's/.*dracut-//g')
+%define remove_dracut_early_kdump_prefix() %(echo -n %1|sed 's/.*dracut-early-kdump-//g')
+%define remove_dracut_fadump_prefix() %(echo -n %1|sed 's/.*dracut-fadump-//g')
+# deal with dracut modules
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase
+cp %{SOURCE100} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE100}}
+cp %{SOURCE101} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE101}}
+cp %{SOURCE102} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE102}}
+cp %{SOURCE104} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE104}}
+cp %{SOURCE106} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE106}}
+cp %{SOURCE107} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE107}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE100}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99kdumpbase/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE101}}
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99earlykdump
+cp %{SOURCE108} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99earlykdump/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE108}}
+cp %{SOURCE109} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99earlykdump/%{remove_dracut_early_kdump_prefix %{SOURCE109}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99earlykdump/%{remove_dracut_prefix %{SOURCE108}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99earlykdump/%{remove_dracut_early_kdump_prefix %{SOURCE109}}
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpinit
+cp %{SOURCE200} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpinit/%{remove_dracut_fadump_prefix %{SOURCE200}}
+cp %{SOURCE201} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpinit/%{remove_dracut_fadump_prefix %{SOURCE201}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpinit/%{remove_dracut_fadump_prefix %{SOURCE200}}
+chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/99zz-fadumpinit/%{remove_dracut_fadump_prefix %{SOURCE201}}
+%define dracutlibdir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut
+#and move the custom dracut modules to the dracut directory
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/kdump-adv-conf/kdump_dracut_modules/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/
+# save the old default crashkernel values to /tmp/ when upgrading the package
+if ! grep -qs "ostree" /proc/cmdline && [ $1 == 2 ] && grep -q get-default-crashkernel /usr/bin/kdumpctl; then
+  kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel kdump > /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2>/dev/null
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+  kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel fadump > /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2>/dev/null
+# Initial installation
+%systemd_post kdump.service
+touch /etc/kdump.conf
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+servicelog_notify --remove --command=/usr/lib/kdump/kdump-migrate-action.sh 2>/dev/null
+servicelog_notify --add --command=/usr/lib/kdump/kdump-migrate-action.sh --match='refcode="#MIGRATE" and serviceable=0' --type=EVENT --method=pairs_stdin
+# This portion of the script is temporary.  Its only here
+# to fix up broken boxes that require special settings 
+# in /etc/sysconfig/kdump.  It will be removed when 
+# These systems are fixed.
+if [ -d /proc/bus/mckinley ]
+	# This is for HP zx1 machines
+	# They require machvec=dig on the kernel command line
+	sed -e's/\(^KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND.*\)\("$\)/\1 machvec=dig"/' \
+	/etc/sysconfig/kdump > /etc/sysconfig/kdump.new
+	mv /etc/sysconfig/kdump.new /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+elif [ -d /proc/sgi_sn ]
+	# This is for SGI SN boxes
+	# They require the --noio option to kexec 
+	# since they don't support legacy io
+	sed -e's/\(^KEXEC_ARGS.*\)\("$\)/\1 --noio"/' \
+	/etc/sysconfig/kdump > /etc/sysconfig/kdump.new
+	mv /etc/sysconfig/kdump.new /etc/sysconfig/kdump
+%systemd_postun_with_restart kdump.service
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+servicelog_notify --remove --command=/usr/lib/kdump/kdump-migrate-action.sh
+%systemd_preun kdump.service
+%triggerin -- kernel-kdump
+touch %{_sysconfdir}/kdump.conf
+%triggerpostun -- kernel kernel-xen kernel-debug kernel-PAE kernel-kdump
+# List out the initrds here, strip out version nubmers
+# and search for corresponding kernel installs, if a kernel
+# is not found, remove the corresponding kdump initrd
+for i in `ls $IMGDIR/initramfs*kdump.img 2>/dev/null`
+	KDVER=`echo $i | sed -e's/^.*initramfs-//' -e's/kdump.*$//'`
+	if [ ! -e $IMGDIR/vmlinuz-$KDVER ]
+	then
+		# We have found an initrd with no corresponding kernel
+		# so we should be able to remove it
+		rm -f $i
+	fi
+# try to reset kernel crashkernel value to new default value when upgrading
+# the package
+if ! grep -qs "ostree" /proc/cmdline && [ $1 == 1 ]; then
+  kdumpctl reset-crashkernel-after-update
+  rm /tmp/old_default_crashkernel 2>/dev/null
+%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
+  rm /tmp/old_default_crashkernel_fadump 2>/dev/null
+  # dnf would complain about the exit code not being 0. To keep it happy,
+  # always return 0
+  :
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+%config(noreplace,missingok) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/kdump
+%config(noreplace,missingok) %verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/kdump.conf
+%ifnarch s390x
+%config %{_udevrulesdir}
+%dir %{_localstatedir}/crash
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/kdump
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/kdump/pre.d
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/kdump/post.d
+%dir %{_sharedstatedir}/kdump
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+%doc News
+%license COPYING
+%doc TODO
+%doc kexec-kdump-howto.txt
+%doc early-kdump-howto.txt
+%doc fadump-howto.txt
+%doc kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt
+%doc live-image-kdump-howto.txt
+%doc crashkernel-howto.txt
+%doc supported-kdump-targets.txt
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
+* Mon Mar 7 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-9_1
+- try to update the crashkernel in GRUB_ETC_DEFAULT after kexec-tools updates the default crashkernel value
+- address the case where there are multiple values for the same kernel arg
+* Fri Feb 25 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-9
+- makedumpfile: sadump, kaslr: fix failure of calculating kaslr_offset
+* Mon Feb 21 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-8
+- update kernel crashkernel in posttrans RPM scriptlet when updating kexec-tools
+* Mon Feb 14 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-7
+- fix incorrect usage of _get_all_kernels_from_grubby
+- fix the mistake of swapping function parameters of read_proc_environ_var
+* Wed Jan 26 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-6
+- Revert "Remove trace_buf_size and trace_event from the kernel bootparameters of the kdump kernel"
+- fix broken kdump_get_arch_recommend_size
+- remove the upper bound of 102400T for the range in default crashkernel
+- fix the error of parsing the container environ variable for osbuild
+- mkdumprd (RHEL-only): add nvme module by force
+- Remove dropped patches
+- s390: handle R_390_PLT32DBL reloc entries in machine_apply_elf_rel()
+- spec: add hostname.rpm into Recommends list
+- move variable FENCE_KDUMP_SEND from kdump-lib.sh to kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+* Tue Jan 11 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-5
+- Set zstd as recommented for kexec-tools
+- fix "kdump: Invalid kdump config option auto_reset_crashkernel" error
+- use grep -s to suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files
+* Thu Jan 6 2022 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-4
+- Set zstd as the default compression method for kdump initrd
+- kdump-lib.sh: Escape '|' for 'failure_action|default' in is_dump_to_rootfs
+- dracut-early-kdump-module-setup.sh: install xargs and kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+- update crashkernel-howto
+- set up kernel crashkernel for osbuild in kernel hook
+- reset kernel crashkernel for the special case where the kernel is updated right after kexec-tools
+- try to reset kernel crashkernel when kexec-tools updates the default crashkernel value
+- introduce the auto_reset_crashkernel option to kdump.conf
+- rewrite reset_crashkernel to support fadump and to used by RPM scriptlet
+- fix incorrect usage of rpm-ostree to update kernel command line parameters
+- add helper functions to get kernel path by kernel release and the path of current running kernel
+- add helper functions to get dump mode
+- add a helper function to read kernel cmdline parameter from grubby --info
+- provide kdumpctl get-default-crashkernel for kdump_anaconda_addon and RPM scriptlet
+- factor out kdump_get_arch_recommend_crashkernel
+- update default crashkernel value
+- ppc64/ppc64le: drop cpu online rule in 40-redhat.rules in kdump initramfs
+* Wed Dec 8 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-3
+- Update eppic to latest upstream snapshot
+- Update crashkernel-howto.txt
+- Remove references to systemd-sysv-convert
+- kdump/ppc64: suppress the error message "Could not find a registered notification tool" from servicelog_notify
+- fadump: improve fadump-howto.txt about remote dump target setup
+- Don't exit 1 from 92-crashkernel.install if zipl is absent (#1993505)
+- Document/kexec-kdump-howto.txt: improve notes for kdump_pre and kdump_post scripts
+* Fri Dec 3 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-2
+- kdump/ppc64: migration action registration clean up
+- kdump/ppc64: rebuild initramfs image after migration
+- Update supported-kdump-targets.txt
+- add keyutils as a weak dependency for POWER
+- kdumpctl: enable secure boot on ppc64le LPARs
+- kdump.sysconfig: make kexec_file_load as default option on arm64
+- kdump.sysconfig: make kexec_file_load as default option on ppc64le
+* Thu Nov 11 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.23-1
+- Enable zstd compression for makedumpfile in kexec-tools.spec
+- Update makedumpfile to 1.7.0
+* Wed Nov 10 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-16
+- fix broken extra_bins when installing multiple binaries
+- mkdumprd: drop mountaddr/mountproto nfs mount options
+- 92-crashkernel.install: fix exit code
+- dracut-early-kdump.sh: make it POSIX compatible
+- Add header comment for POSIX compliant scripts
+- mkdumprd: allow using dash
+- kdump-logger.sh: make it POSIX compatible
+- kdump-lib.sh: reformat with shfmt
+- kdump-lib.sh: declare and assign separately
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix variable quoting issue
+- Remove trace_buf_size and trace_event from the kernel bootparameters of the kdump kernel
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix a few ambiguous or redundant code
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix arithmetic operation syntax
+- kdump-lib.sh: remove useless echo and cat
+- kdump-lib.sh: rework nmcli related functions
+- kdump-lib.sh: replace '[ ]' with '[[ ]]' and get rid of legacy ``
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: make it POSIX compatible
+- dracut-kdump.sh: reformat with shfmt
+- dracut-kdump.sh: make it POSIX compatible
+- dracut-kdump.sh: POSIX doesn't support pipefail
+- dracut-kdump.sh: Use stat instead of ls to get vmcore size
+- dracut-kdump.sh: simplify dump_ssh
+- dracut-kdump.sh: remove add_dump_code
+- dracut-kdump.sh: don't put KDUMP_SCRIPT_DIR in PATH
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: move dump related functions to kdump.sh
+- Merge kdump-error-handler.sh into kdump.sh
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: prepare to be a POSIX compatible lib
+- bash scripts: reformat with shfmt
+- bash scripts: declare and assign separately
+- bash scripts: fix redundant exit code check
+- bash scripts: fix variable quoting issue
+- Don't use die in dracut-module-setup.sh
+- bash scripts: replace '[ ]' with '[[ ]]' for bash scripts
+- mkdumprd: display the absolute path of dump location in the check_user_configured_target()
+- Don't iterate the whole /sys/devices just to find drm device
+- mkdumprd: prompt the user to install nfs-utils when mounting NFS fs failed
+- bash scripts: use $(...) notation instead of legacy `...`
+- bash scripts: always use "read -r"
+- bash scripts: get rid of unnecessary sed calls
+- bash scripts: get rid of expr and let
+- bash scripts: remove useless cat
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: remove surrounding $() for subshell
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: make iscsi check fail early if cd failed
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: fix a loop over ls issue
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: fix a ambiguous variable reference
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: use "*" to expend array as string
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: fix _bondoptions wrong references
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: remove an unused variable
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: rework kdump_get_ip_route_field
+- mkfadumprd: make _dracut_isolate_args an array
+- mkdumprd: use array to store ssh arguments in mkdir_save_path_ssh
+- mkdumprd: remove an awk call in get_fs_size
+- mkdumprd: fix multiple issues with get_ssh_size
+- mkdumprd: remove some redundant echo
+- mkdumprd: make dracut_args an array again
+- mkdumprd: use kdump_get_conf_val to read config values
+- kdumpctl: refine grep usage
+- kdumpctl: fix fragile loops over find output
+- kdumpctl: use kdump_get_conf_val to read config values
+- kdump-lib.sh: use kdump_get_conf_val to read config values
+- kdump-lib.sh: add a config value retrive helper
+- kdump-lib.sh: add a config format and read helper
+- Add a .editorconfig file
+- Remove hard requirement on grubby
+* Wed Sep 8 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-15
+- Add file supported-kdump-targets.txt to kexec-tools
+* Mon Aug 09 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-14
+- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
+  Related: rhbz#1991688
+* Mon Aug 9 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-13
+- Clear old crashkernl=auto in comment and doc
+* Mon Aug 2 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-12
+- kdumpctl: fix a typo
+- kdump_get_arch_recommend_size uses crashkernel.default
+* Mon Jul 26 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-11
+- Make `dump_to_rootfs` wait for 90s for real
+- Check the existence of /sys/bus/ccwgroup/devices/*/online beforehand
+- kdump.sysconfig.s390: Remove "prot_virt" from kdump kernel cmdline
+* Tue Jul 20 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-10
+- fadump-init: clean up mount points properly
+- fadump: kdumpctl should check the modules used by the fadump initramfs
+- fadump: isolate fadump initramfs image within the default one
+- Cleanup dead systemd services before start sysroot.mount
+- Revert "Revert "x86_64: enable the kexec file load by default""
+* Tue Jun 29 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-9
+- Add a crashkernel-howto.txt doc
+- Add a new hook: 92-crashkernel.install
+- kdumpctl: Add kdumpctl reset-crashkernel
+- Revert "kdump-lib.sh: Remove is_atomic"
+- fix format issue in find_online_znet_device
+- check the existence of /sys/bus/ccwgroup/devices before trying to find online network device
+* Tue Jun 29 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-8
+- check for invalid physical address of /proc/kcore when making ELF dumpfile
+- Increase SECTION_MAP_LAST_BIT to 5
+- kdumpctl: fix check_config error when kdump.conf is empty
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix a warning in prepare_kdump_bootinfo()
+* Wed Jun 23 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-7
+- Write to `/var/lib/kdump` if $KDUMP_BOOTDIR not writable
+* Wed Jun 16 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-6
+- Add gating.yaml to RHEL-9 kexec-tools
+- Iterate /sys/bus/ccwgroup/devices to tell if we should set up rd.znet
+* Mon Jun 7 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-5
+- Use a customized emergency shell
+- Remove the kdump error handler isolation wrapper
+- Don's try to restart dracut-initqueue if it's already there
+* Thu May 27 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-4
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix the case if no enough total RAM for kdump in get_recommend_size()
+* Mon May 24 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-3
+- kdumpctl: Add kdumpctl estimate
+- mkdumprd: make use of the new get_luks_crypt_dev helper
+- kdump-lib.sh: introduce a helper to get all crypt dev used by kdump
+- kdump-lib.sh: introduce a helper to get underlying crypt device
+- Revert "Always set vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 3 in kdump kernel"
+* Fri May 14 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-2
+- Stop reloading kdump service on CPU hotplug event for FADump
+- Make dracut-squash required for kexec-tools
+- Fix incorrect file permissions of vmcore-dmesg-incomplete.txt
+- Disable CMA in kdump 2nd kernel
+- update makedumpfile to v1.6.9
+- (upstream/c9s) Warn the user if network scripts are used
+- Set up bond cmdline by "nmcli --get-values"
+- Set up dns cmdline by parsing "nmcli --get-values"
+- Set up s390 znet cmdline by "nmcli --get-values"
+- Add helper to get nmcli connection show cmd by ifname
+- Add helper to get nmcli connection apath by ifname
+- Add helper to get value by field using "nmcli --get-values"
+* Thu May 13 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.22-1
+- Update to kexec-tools 2.0.22
+- rd.route should use the name from kdump_setup_ifname
+- get kdump ifname once in kdump_install_net
+- Implement IP netmask calculation to replace "ipcalc -m"
+- kdump-lib.sh: introduce functions to return recommened mem size
+* Sun Apr 25 2021 Tao Liu <ltao@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-7
+- Fix incorrect vmcore permissions when dumped through ssh
+- Fix incorrect permissions on kdump dmesg file
+* Fri Apr 16 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-6
+- Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937
+* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.21-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 22 2021 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-4
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: enable ForwardToConsole=yes in fadump mode
+- kdump.conf: add ipv6 example for nfs and ssh dump
+- fix kdump failure of saving vmcore with the scp + ipv6 method
+* Wed Jan 20 2021 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-3
+- module-setup.sh: don't polute the namespace unnecessarily
+- module-setup.sh: don't source $dracutfunctions
+- logger: source the logger file individually
+- Fix dump_fs mount point detection and fallback mount
+- Revert "Don's try to restart dracut-initqueue if it's already failed"
+- Revert "Append both nofail and x-systemd.before to kdump mount target"
+- Doc: Improve the kdump sysconfig document
+- kdump.conf: Update doc about core_collector for ssh target
+- Merge #4 `Make dracut-squash a weak dep`
+- Fix a date error in the change log
+* Fri Jan 08 2021 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-2
+- makedumpfile: make use of 'uts_namespace.name' offset in VMCOREINFO
+- kdumpctl: fix a variable expansion in check_fence_kdump_config()
+- Add BuildRequires: make
+- Save the final failure information to log file if saving vmcore failed
+* Wed Dec 23 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.21-1
+- makedumpfile: printk: use committed/finalized state values
+- makedumpfile: printk: add support for lockless ringbuffer
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: Use systemctl call to replace ln_r
+- Doc: improve mkdumprd man page
+- Don's try to restart dracut-initqueue if it's already failed
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: use auto6 for ipv6
+* Mon Nov 30 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-21
+- Rebase makedumpfile to 1.6.8
+- fadump-howto: update about 'nocma' and 'off' options for 'fadump=' parameter
+- module-setup.sh: enable vlan on team interface
+- kdump-lib: Fix get_bind_mount_source to support btrfs and fstab
+- Make get_mount_info work with bind mount
+- Set watchdog's pretimeout to zero in kdump kernel
+- kdump-lib.sh: Use a more generic helper to detect omitted dracut module
+- Fix the watchdog drivers detection code
+- Add a helper for detecting watchdog drivers
+- Remove a redundant nfs check
+- kdumpctl: split the driver detection from fs dection function
+* Thu Nov 19 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-20
+- selftest: Fix several test issue with Fedora 33
+- selftest: add more detailed log and fix a test failure issue
+- selftest: Update test base image to Fedora 33
+- selftest: Fix qcow2 image format detect
+- selftest: Always use the get_image_fmt helper
+- Doc: improve the usage documentation of the logger
+- Update the kdump sysconfig
+- Capitalize the configuration name of log level
+- Add the rd.kdumploglvl option to control log level in the second kernel
+- Appropriately converts logger numeric level to syslog log level
+- Remove unused log levels for kdump logger
+- Add sanity checks for the log levels
+- Move watchdog detect and install code to module-setup.sh
+- Add a helper to omit non-mandatory dracut module
+- Move some dracut module dependencies checks to module-setup.sh
+- Add code comments to help better understanding
+* Thu Nov 05 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-19
+- Fix comment about ssh dump target
+- mkdumprd: Ensure kdumpbase is added
+- kdump.service: use ConditionKernelCommandLine=crashkernel
+- Revert "Revert "s390x: enable the kexec file load by def
+- increase makdumpfile default message level to 7
+- Fix error when using raw target with opalcore
+- module-setup.sh: Instead of drop journalctl log, just don't read kmsg
+- Doc: add a documentation for the usage of logger
+- Improve debugging in the kdump kernel
+- kdumpctl: add the '-d' option to enable the kexec loading debugging messages
+- kdump.sysconfig: add the kdump logger configurations
+- enable the logger for kdump
+- introduce the kdump logger from the dracut
+- Rework check_config and warn on any duplicated option
+- (watchdog) kdump-lib.sh: detect secure boot on s390
+- Don't drop journalctl content if failure action is "shell"
+- dracut-module-install: Move systemd conf install code to a function
+- selftest: Show the path of dumped vmcore on test end
+- selftest: Add document for selftests
+- selftest: Add basic test framework
+- selftest: Add basic infrastructure to build test image
+* Thu Aug 27 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-18
+- mkdumprd: Improve the warning message when using encrypted target
+- kdump-lib.sh: Remove is_atomic
+- Refactor kernel image and initrd detection code
+- early-kdump: Use consistent symbol link for kernel and initramfs
+- Add a kernel install hook to clean up kdump initramfs
+* Tue Aug 04 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-17
+- Drop static lib dependencies
+- Revert "x86_64: enable the kexec file load by default"
+- Revert "s390x: enable the kexec file load by default"
+- kdumpctl: exit if either pre.d or post.d is missing
+- kdump_pre: make notes more precise
+- dracut-kdump.sh: exit shell when machine reboot
+- kdumpctl: detect modification of scripts by its directory's timestamp
+- module-setup.sh: suppress false alarm
+- kexec-tools.spec: make the existence of pre.d and post.d mandatory
+- ppc64/kdump: use kexec_file_load when secureboot is enabled
+* Sat Aug 01 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.20-16
+- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.20-15
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 1 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-14
+- s390x: enable the kexec file load by default
+- x86_64: enable the kexec file load by default
+- Revert "s390x: add kdump sysconfig option to use the kexec_file_load() syscall"
+- Revert "kdump-lib: switch to the kexec_file_load() syscall on x86_64 by default"
+- kdump.conf: fix a grammar issue
+- man: improve description about /etc/kdump/{pre.d,post.d}interface
+- mkdumprd: Improve the error message for umounted dump target
+- mkdumprd: Fix nfs detection in to_mount
+- Always wrap up call to dracut get_persistent_dev function
+- s390x: add kdump sysconfig option to use the kexec_file_load() syscall
+- mkdumprd: Fix dracut error on multiple extra_modules
+- Fix kdump failure when mount target specified by dracut_args
+- kdump.conf: Specify /etc/kdump/{pre.d,post.d}interface
+- dracut-kdump.sh: Execute the binary and script filesin /etc/kdump/{pre.d,post.d}
+- kdumpctl: Check the update of the binary and script files in /etc/kdump/{pre.d,post.d}
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: Install files under /etc/kdump/{pre.d,post.d} into kdump initramfs
+- Drop switch root capability for non fadump initramfs
+- fadump: update fadump-howto.txt with some more troubleshooting help
+- fadump-howto.txt: source it in spec file
+- Don't inherit swiotlb parameter form 1st kernel by default
+- module-setup.sh: Add "rd.neednet" parameter if network is needed
+- Revert "Add a hook to wait for kdump target in initqueue"
+- kdump.sysconfig: Remove the option 'log_buf_len' from kdump command line
+* Fri May 22 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-13
+- Update docs for the new noauto dump target support
+- kexec-kdump-howto.txt: Add some format to the document
+- mkdumprd: generate usable kdump initramfs even target is not mounted
+- User get_mount_info to replace findmnt calls
+- kdump-lib.sh: add fstab failback helper for getting mount info
+- Allow calling mkdumprd from kdumpctl even if targat not mounted
+- Add a is_mounted helper
+- Introduce get_kdump_mntpoint_from_target and fix duplicated /
+- Append both nofail and x-systemd.before to kdump mount target
+- Fix the problem that kdump prints redundant /
+- Partially Revert "Don't mount the dump target unless needed"
+- fadump: update fadump-howto.txt with some troubleshooting help
+- Add a new option 'rd.znet_ifname' in order to use it in udev rules
+- Don't unmount the dump target just after saving vmcore
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: fix breakage in get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes()
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: ensure cluster info is ready before query
+* Thu Apr 2 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-12
+- Remove adjust_bind_mount_path call
+- No longer treat atomic/silverblue specially
+- mkdumprd: Simplify handling of user specified target
+- mkdumprd: Use get_save_path instead of parsing config
+- Remove is_dump_target_configured
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: improve get_alias()
+* Tue Mar 24 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-11
+- Fix a potential syntax error
+- Use read_strip_comments to filter the installed kdump.conf
+- kdumpctl: fix driver change detection on latest Fedora
+- kdumpctl: check hostonly-kernel-modules.txt for kernel module
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: Ensure initrd.target.wants dir exists
+- mkdumprd: Use DUMP_TARGET which printing error message during ssh
+- kdump-lib.sh: Fix is_user_configured_dump_target()
+- mkdumprd: Use makedumpfile --check-params option
+- makedumpfile: Introduce --check-params option
+- Improves the early-kdump-howto.txt document in several points:
+* Thu Feb 13 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-10
+- Add --force option to step 2 in early-kdump-howto.txt
+- Fix typo in early-kdump-howto.txt
+- kexec-tools/module-setup: Ensure eth devices get IP address for VLAN
+- powerpc: enable the scripts to capture dump on POWERNV platform
+- kdump-lib: switch to the kexec_file_load() syscall on x86_64 by default
+* Wed Jan 29 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-9
+- Fix building failure
+* Wed Jan 29 2020 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-8
+- Update makedumpfile to 1.6.7
+- Add a hook to wait for kdump target in initqueue
+- Always install sed and awk
+- Fix potential ssh/nfs kdump failure of missing "ip" command
+- kdump-lib.sh: Fix is_nfs_dump_target
+- Always use get_save_path to get the 'path' option
+- kdump-lib: Don't abuse echo, and clean up
+* Sun Dec 29 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-7
+- Fix building failure due to makedumpfile's compile flag
+- mkdumprd: Fix dracut args parsing
+* Thu Nov 28 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-6
+- kdump-error-handler.service: Remove ExecStopPost
+- mkdumprd: simplify dracut args parsing
+- Always set vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 3 in kdump kernel
+- kdumpctl: make reload fail proof
+- spec: move binaries from /sbin to /usr/sbin
+- Don't execute final_action if failure_action terminates the system
+- module-setup.sh: Simplify the network setup code
+- mkdumprd: ensure ssh path exists before check size
+- module-setup: re-fix 99kdumpbase network dependency
+- kdumpctl: bail out immediately if host key verification failed
+* Tue Oct 15 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-5
+- Don't mount the dump target unless needed
+- kdump-lib: strip grub device from kdump_bootdir
+- Add systemd-udev require.
+* Tue Sep 24 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-4
+- kdumpctl: echo msg when waiting for connection
+- makedumpfile: Fix inconsistent return value from find_vmemmap()
+- makedumpfile: Fix exclusion range in find_vmemmap_pages()
+- makedumpfile: x86_64: Fix incorrect exclusion by -e option with KASLR
+- kdumpctl: distinguish the failed reason of ssh
+- kexec-kdump-howto.txt: Add notes about device dump
+- Disable device dump by default
+- dracut-module-setup: fix bond ifcfg processing
+- dracut-module-setup: filter out localhost for generic_fence_kdump
+- dracut-module-setup: get localhost alias by manual
+* Mon Aug 12 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-3
+- kdumpctl: wait a while for network ready if dump target is ssh
+- makedumpfile: Increase SECTION_MAP_LAST_BIT to 4
+- makedumpfile: Do not proceed when get_num_dumpable_cyclic() fails
+- Don't forward and drop journalctl logs for fadump
+* Fri Aug 02 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-2
+- x86: Fix broken multiboot2 buliding for i386
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: skip alias of localhost in get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes()
+* Wed Jul 31 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.20-1
+- Update makedumpfile to 1.6.6
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: Don't use squash module for fadump
+- Forward logs in kdump kernel to console directly
+- kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Disable HEST by default
+- dracut-kdump-capture.service: Use OnFailureJobMode instead of deprecated OnFailureIsolate
+- makedumpfile: x86_64: Add support for AMD Secure Memory Encryption
+- aarch64/kdump.sysconfig: Make config options similar to x86_64
+- Add aarch64 specific kdump.sysconfig and use 'nr_cpus' instead of 'maxcpus'
+- kdumpctl: check for ssh path availability when rebuild
+- kdumpctl: Check kdump.conf for error when rebuild is called
+* Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.19-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon May 20 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.19-2
+- kdumpctl: don't always rebuild when extra_modules is set
+- kdumpctl: follow symlink when checking for modified files
+- Get rid of duplicated strip_comments when reading config
+- earlykdump: provide a prompt message after the rebuilding of kdump initramfs.
+- kexec-kdump-howto.txt: Add document about encrypted targets
+- kexec-kdump-howto.txt: Add document about initramfs rebiuld
+- kdumpctl: Detect block device driver change for initramfs rebuild
+- Revert "kdumpctl: Rebuild initramfs if loaded kernel modules changed"
+- kexec.rules: create dedicated udev rules for ppc64
+- kexec-kdump-howto: Add note on setting correct value of kptr_restrict
+- Update man page for new kdumpctl command: reload / rebuild
+- kdumpctl: add rebuild support
+- mkdumprd: Improve the config reading logic
+* Fri Mar 22 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.19-1
+- Update eppic to latest snapshot
+- fadump: leverage kernel support to re-regisgter FADump
+- fadump: use the original initrd to rebuild fadump initrdfrom
+* Fri Feb 22 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.18-5
+- Update eppic to latest upstream snapshot
+- Enable building with hardening flags
+- Remove unused patches
+- Remove obsolete Group tag
+- mkdumprd: refine regex on dropping mount options
+* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.18-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jan 22 2019 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.18-3
+- earlykdump: Add a note of final_action option to avoid crash loop
+- Add final_action option to kdump.conf
+- Add failure_action as alias of default and make default obsolete
+- mkdumprd: force drop earlykdump module
+- earlykdump: warn when installed kernel version differs from dracut target
+- earlykdump: add more sanity check when generating initramfs
+- earlykdump: generate symlink with stable name to kernel image and iniramfs
+- earlykdump: fix kexec fails to load the early kdump kernel
+- mkdumprd: allow spaces after 'path' config phrase with network dump setting
+- dracut-module-setup: Don't build squashed image if required modules are missing
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: using -force option when poweroff
+* Fri Dec 7 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.18-2
+- Update makedumpfile 1.6.5
+- Make udev reload rules quiet during bootup
+- dracut-module-setup: Fix routing failure on multipath route
+- mkdumprd: drop some nfs mount options when reading from kernel
+- doc/kdump.conf: Local dump path should be <mnt>/<path>/%HOST_IP-%DATE
+- As /etc/kdump.conf timestamp is updated do not compare it when doing rpm --verify
+- Add missing usage info
+* Mon Nov 5 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.18-1
+- Update to kexec-tools 2.0.18
+* Thu Nov 1 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-12
+- Throttle kdump reload request triggered by udev event
+- Rewrite kdump's udev rules
+- kdumpctl: Add reload support
+* Mon Oct 15 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-11
+- Enable dracut squash module
+- kdumpctl: Print warning in case the raw device is formatted and contains filesystem
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: Add check to remount to rw mode only if dump target is ro
+* Wed Aug 22 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-10
+- kexec: fix for "Unhandled rela relocation: R_X86_64_PLT32" error
+- kdumpctl: Error out if path is set more than once
+- Always drop nofail or nobootwait options
+* Tue Aug 07 2018 Kairui Song <kasong@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-9
+- Remove redundant kdump-anaconda-addon source codes
+- dracut-module-setup: Fix DRM module inclusion test for hyper-v
+- Remove kdump-anaconda subpackage
+* Thu Jul 26 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-8
+- Fix armv7hl build failure
+* Thu Jul 26 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-7
+- Remove koji build workaround patch
+- kexec-tools.spec: Drop kexec-tools-2.0.3-disable-kexec-test.patch
+- Remove obsolete kdump tool
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: don't include multipath-hostonly
+- kdumpctl: Rebuild initramfs if loaded kernel modules changed
+* Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.17-6
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul 9 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-5
+- Update makedumpfile 1.6.4
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: pass ip=either6 param for ipv6
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: install /etc/hosts when using fence_kdump
+* Wed Jun 27 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-4
+- kdump anaconda addon fix for rhbz1594827
+* Wed May 30 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-3
+- Add early kdump support in initramfs.
+- move some common functions from kdumpctl to kdump-lib.sh
+- Fix kdumpctl showmem
+- kdumpctl: Remove 'netroot' and 'iscsi initiator' entries from kdump
+- kdumpctl: add showmem cmd
+- Revert "dracut-module-setup.sh: pass correct ip= param for ipv6"
+* Sat Apr 28 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-2
+- pull in makedumpfile 1.6.3 
+* Sat Apr 28 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.17-1
+- pull in 2.0.17
+* Sun Apr 08 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.16-6
+- kdump.sysconfig.ppc64(le): remove "root=" param from ppc64(le) 2nd kernel
+- kdumpctl: Check the modification time of core_collector
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: pass correct ip= param for ipv6
+* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.16-5
+- Escape macros in %%changelog
+* Wed Feb 7 2018 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.16-4
+- update anaconda addon migrate with Anaconda changes.
+* Fri Dec 8 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.16-3
+- workaround koji build failure (rhbz1520805)
+* Mon Dec 4 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.16-2
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: check whether to include multipath-hostonly or not
+- Revert "kdumpctl: sanity check of nr_cpus for x86_64 in case running out of vectors"
+- kdumpctl: skip selinux-relabel for dracut_args --mount dump target
+* Tue Nov 21 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.16-1
+- update to kexec-tools 2.0.16
+* Thu Nov 9 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-15
+- Use absolute path /usr/bin/dracut in mkdumprd
+* Wed Oct 11 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-14
+- kdumpctl: Error out in case there are white spaces before an option name
+* Wed Sep 6 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-13
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: eliminate redundant kdump_get_mac_addr call
+- mkdumprd: use --quiet dracut argument to speedup initramfs build
+- mkdumprd: fix patterns to modify mount options
+- fadump: rebuild default initrd with dump capture capability
+- module-setup: remove software iscsi cmdline generated by dracut
+- kdumpctl: remove some cmdline inheritage from 1st kernel
+- mkdumprd: apply dracut "--hostonly-cmdline" and "--no-hostonly-default-device"
+- Change dump_to_rootfs to use "--mount" instead of "root=X"
+- kdumpctl: move is_fadump_capable() to kdump-lib.sh
+- Revert "kdumpctl: use generated rd.lvm.lv=X"
+- Revert "mkdumprd: omit crypt when there is no crypt kdump target"
+- Revert "mkdumprd: omit dracut modules in case of no dm target"
+- Revert "mkdumprd: omit dracut modules in case of network dumping"
+- update bogus date in rpm spec
+* Thu Aug 17 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-12
+- makedumpfile: fix 4.13 kernel larget vmcore bug
+- Revert "Improve 'cpu add' udev rules"
+* Tue Aug 15 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-11
+- Own the /usr/share/makedumpfile dir
+- Mark COPYING as %%license
+* Tue Aug 8 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-10
+- Improve 'cpu add' udev rules
+- module-setup: suppress the early iscsi error messages
+- mkdumprd: use 300s as the default systemd unit timeout for kdump mount 
+* Mon Aug 7 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-9
+- fix makedumpfile bug 1474706 
+* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.15-8
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sun Jul 30 2017 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-7
+- Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)
+* Fri Jul 28 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-6
+- update upstream makedumpfile 1.6.2
+* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.15-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 19 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-4
+- mkdumprd: remove useless "x-initrd.mount"
+- kdumpctl: use "apicid" other than "initial apicid"
+* Fri Jul 14 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-3
+- module-setup: fix 99kdumpbase network dependency
+- mkdumprd: omit dracut modules in case of network dumping
+- mkdumprd: omit dracut modules in case of no dm target
+- mkdumprd: omit crypt when there is no crypt kdump target
+- kdumpctl: use generated rd.lvm.lv=X
+- mkdumprd: change for_each_block_target() to use get_kdump_targets()
+- kdump-lib.sh: introduce get_kdump_targets()
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix improper get_block_dump_target()
+- kdumpctl: fix infinite loop caused by running under bash
+* Wed Jun 28 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-2
+- enable makedumpfile for arm64
+* Fri Jun 23 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.15-1
+- rebase kexec-tools-2.0.15
+* Thu Jun 15 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-13
+- kexec-tools.spec: Fix whitespace errors
+- dracut-module-setup: Fix test for inclusion of DRM modules
+- kdump.conf.5: clarify the fence_kdump_nodes option
+* Thu May 18 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-12
+- kdumpctl: for fence_kdump, the ipaddr of this node should be excluded
+* Fri May 12 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-11
+- kdumpctl: change the shebang header to use /bin/bash
+- kdumpctl: call strip_comments only when necessary to speedup
+- Revert "kdumpctl: improve "while read" time for /etc/kdump.conf" (rhbz1449801)
+* Fri May 5 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-10
+- kdumpctl: improve "while read" time for /etc/kdump.conf
+- kdumpctl: update check_dump_fs_modified() to use "lsinitrd -f"
+- kdumpctl: improve check_wdt_modified()
+- kdumpctl: remove is_mode_switched()
+- kdumpctl: bail out earlier in case of no reserved memory
+* Thu Apr 27 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-9
+- kdump: Introduce 'force_no_rebuild' option
+- kdump-lib-initramfs.sh: ignore the failure of echo
+- kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Add nokaslr to kdump kernel cmdline
+* Tue Apr 11 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-8
+- kdumpctl: fix status check when CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP is not enabled in kernel
+- kdumpctl: fix a bug in remove_cmdline_param()
+- kdumpctl: remove "root=X" for kdump boot
+- Revert "kdumpctl: filter 'root' kernel parameter when running in live images"
+* Fri Mar 31 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-7
+- kdump-emergency: fix "Transaction is destructive" emergency failure
+- mkdumprd: reduce lvm2 memory under kdump
+* Fri Mar 17 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-6
+- Fix kernel kaslr caused regressions (kexec -p and makedumpfile --mem-usage)
+* Thu Mar 9 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-5
+- kdump-lib.sh: fix incorrect usage with pipe as input for grep -q in is_pcs_fence_kdump()
+- Document: fix incorrect link in fadump-how.txt
+* Mon Jan 23 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-4
+- drop kdump script rhcrashkernel-param in kexec-tools repo
+- kdumpctl: sanity check of nr_cpus for x86_64 in case running out of vectors
+- kdumpctl: change prepare_cmdline() to operate KDUMP_COMMANDLINE directly
+- use --hostonly-i18n for dracut
+* Wed Jan 4 2017 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-3
+- Rebase makedumpfile 1.6.1
+- Delete unused patches
+* Tue Dec 20 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-2
+- rebase upstream kexec-tools 2.0.14
+- update kdump anaconda addon
+- cleanup sources file
+* Mon Nov 28 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.14-1
+- kexec-tools 2.0.14-1
+* Mon Nov 28 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-9
+- rename function kdump_to_udev_name
+- Raw dump: use by-id as persistent policy in 2nd kernel
+- drop dracut duplicate functions
+- dracut-kdump: use POSIX shell syntax
+- Correct two typos in kdumpctl and kdump.conf
+* Fri Nov 11 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-8
+- kexec/arch/i386: Add support for KASLR memory randomization
+- Update kdump anaconda addon
+- fadump: restore default initrd when fadump mode is disabled
+- kdump/fadump: fix network interface name when switching from fadump to kdump
+- kdumpctl: filter 'root' kernel parameter when running in live images
+- Documentation: step by step guide on confiuring kdump in live images
+* Thu Oct 27 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-7
+- fix wrong page_offset added in 2.0.13-6
+* Wed Oct 26 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-6
+- add kexec support for arm64
+- support x86 kaslr which is enabled by default in F25 kernel
+* Fri Sep 16 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-5
+- Fix bug 1373958 for system boot without initrd
+- Do not depend on /etc/fstab in kdumpctl in case it does not exist
+* Fri Aug 26 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-4
+- Add special dump target "--mount" in dracut_args
+* Tue Aug 9 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-3
+- Fix armv7 build failure
+* Tue Aug 9 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-2
+- Drop old patches for 2.0.12
+* Tue Aug 9 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.13-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools 2.0.13
+* Thu Jul 21 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-10
+- kdump.conf manpage and kdump.conf comments fixes.
+- kdump watchdog support.
+* Wed Jul 13 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-9
+- Update kdump anaconda addon
+- makedumpfile: Support _count -> _refcount rename in struct page
+- module-setup: Don't handle iBFT in kdump
+* Wed Jul 6 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-8
+- Rebase makedumpfile 1.6.0
+* Mon Jun 27 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-7
+- Fix date format in spec file.
+* Mon Jun 27 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-6
+- get_persistent_dev(): fix name contention with dracut's similar function
+* Mon Jun 6 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-5
+- kdump-lib: Add get_ifcfg_filename() to get the proper ifcfg file
+- module-setup: Use get_ifcfg_filename() to get the proper ifcfg file
+* Mon May 30 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-4
+- update kdump anaconda addon to add mem range in tui 
+- .gitignore: Update to make it more generic
+- kdumpctl: check_rebuild improvement 
+- kdumpctl: Do not rebuild initramfs when $KDUMP_BOOTDIR is read only
+* Tue Mar 29 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-3
+- update kdump anaconda addon to adapt to blivet-2.0 API
+* Thu Mar 24 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-2
+- Release 2.0.12-2
+- ppc64le: fix kexec hang due to ppc64 elf abi breakage
+* Tue Mar 22 2016 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.12-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools to 2.0.12 
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.11-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Dec 11 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.11-3
+- use "systemctl reboot -f" for reboot action
+- Remove kernel param "quiet" from kdump kernel cmdline
+- kdump.sysconfig: add KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE
+- Add missing prefixes in default sysconfig file
+- fix bogus date in changelog
+* Thu Nov 19 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.11-2
+- Rebase to upstream makedumpfile 1.5.9 
+* Mon Nov 9 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.11-1
+- Rebase to upstream kexec-tools 2.0.11
+* Mon Oct 19 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-9
+- kexec-kdump-howto:Add introduction of parallel dumping
+- Remove duplicate prefix path ${initdir}
+* Tue Sep 8 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-8
+- update kdump addon to fix a kickstart installationi issue 
+* Wed Aug 19 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-7
+- add man page for kdumpctl
+* Thu Aug 13 2015 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-6
+- mkdumprd: Remove ifcfg from dracut's modules
+- module-setup: Choose the first matched gateway in kdump_static_ip
+- module-setup: Add permanent option to detect static ip address or not
+* Tue Aug 4 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-5
+- Update kdump addon to fix an installation hang issue.
+* Tue Jul 28 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-4
+- ipv6 support (except for link scope addresses)
+- Apply the manual DNS to the 2nd kernel
+- load iTCO_wdt early in cmdline hook
+* Thu Jul 23 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-3
+- Update kdump addon icon
+- Revert static route corner case patches per bhe. He discussed with Marc
+  it is just a corner case.
+* Mon Jul 13 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-2
+- update kdump addon icon
+* Thu Jul 9 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.10-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools 2.0.10
+- Rebase eppic git tree 050615
+- Enhance kdump.conf "default" parameters check
+* Thu Jul 2 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.9-2
+- Resolve bug 1236456, kexec load fail because koji add extra gcc flags.
+- Remove -FPIC for makedumpfile since it is not necessary without harden build
+* Tue Jun 23 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.9-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools 2.0.9
+- Rebase makedumpfile 1.5.8
+- revert 6347630 since ipv6 patches has not been reviewed.
+* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.8-13
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jun 11 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> -2.0.8-13
+- Update kdump anaconda addon icon again.
+* Wed Jun 10 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> -2.0.8-12
+- Update kdump anaconda addon, change an icon.
+* Wed Jun 03 2015 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> -2.0.8-11
+- make kdump work when kernel crash after shutdown
+- Disable transparent hugepages in second kernel
+- Filtered out "noauto" options in 2nd kernel fstab
+* Tue Apr 21 2015 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> -2.0.8-10
+- add fPIC to makefumpfile CFLAGS to support hardening
+- dracut-module-setup: Enhance kdump to support the bind mounted feature in Atomic
+- Fix the warning if the target path is bind mount in Atomic
+- Get the mount point correctly, if the device has several mount point
+- kdump-lib: Add new function to judge the system is Atomic or not
+- kdump-lib: Add the new function to enhance bind mounted judgement
+- Remove duplicate slash in save path
+* Thu Apr 09 2015 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> -2.0.8-9
+- Revert "execute kdump_post after do_default_action"
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: change the insecure use of /tmp/*$$* filenames
+- make kdump saving directory name consistent with RHEL6
+* Sun Feb 15 2015 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-8
+- execute kdump_post after do_default_action
+- update kdump anaconda addon (translations/help text issus)
+* Fri Jan 30 2015 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-7
+- kdumpctl: adjust the boot dir if kernel is put in sub dir of /boot
+* Tue Jan 13 2015 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-6
+- mount fail if its mount point doesn't exist in /sysroot
+- rebuild initrd dependency during kdump restart
+- fix a dump path issue
+* Tue Jan 06 2015 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-5
+- remove panic_on_warn kernel param in 2nd kernel
+- remove sysctl.conf to restore sysctl default values in 2nd kernel
+- fix a core_collector issue in ssh and raw dump case
+- update to kdump-anaconda-addon-005-2-g86366ae.tar.gz
+- some cleanups
+* Tue Nov 04 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-4
+- Fix ppc64le installation issue
+- Fix get_option_value function
+* Tue Oct 28 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-3
+- fix static route corner case
+- fadump fix
+* Tue Oct 21 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-2
+- Fix build issue on ARM
+* Mon Oct 20 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.8-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools-2.0.8
+- Remove subpackage kexec-tools-eppic
+- Rebase kdump-anaconda-addon-005
+* Fri Sep 26 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-11
+- Fix build failure on ppc64le
+- Fix an issue on iscsi boot environment
+* Tue Sep 23 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-10
+- Enable ppc64le arch.
+- Rebase makedumpfile-1.5.7
+- add sample eppic scripts to kexec-tools-eppic package
+- Restart kdump service on cpu ADD/REMOVE events
+* Wed Sep 10 2014 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-9
+- kdumpctl: Use kexec file based syscall for secureboot enabled machines
+- kdumpctl: Use kexec file based mode to unload kdump kernel
+- kdumpctl: Do not redirect error messages to /dev/null
+- kexec: Provide an option to use new kexec system call
+* Fri Aug 29 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-8
+- use absolute path for executable in systemd service
+- update to kdump-anaconda-addon-003
+- remove dead kdump firstboot module and po files
+* Thu Aug 21 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-7
+- install 98-kexec.rules to /usr/lib/
+- update kdump-anaconda-addon-0.2
+* Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.7-6
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Aug 06 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-5
+- rework of kdump error handling
+- add fadump support
+- add static route support
+- systemd will take care of shutdown and umount filesystems
+* Thu Jul 24 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-4
+- update to kdump-anaconda-addon-001-4-g03898ef.tar.gz
+- prefix "kdump-" to eth name
+* Mon Jul 21 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-3
+- update to kdump-anaconda-addon-20140721.tar.gz
+* Wed Jul 16 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-2
+- Fix makedumpfile OOM issue
+* Tue Jun 10 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.7-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools-2.0.7
+* Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.6-9
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu May 22 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-8
+- re-construct anaconda-addon file hierarchy
+* Wed May 21 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-7
+- fix a typo in kexec-tools.spec
+* Tue May 20 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-6
+- New package kdump-anaconda-addon
+- fixes for udev event based service restart
+* Wed Apr 30 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-5
+- Remove nofail mount option
+- Rebase makedumpfile-1.5.6
+* Thu Apr 17 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-4
+- generate kdump service dependencies on the fly
+- kdump.conf: a standalone path directive becomes a relative path to it's backed disk.
+* Wed Apr 02 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-3
+- Add README to git repo
+- Add fence_kdump support for generic clusters
+* Thu Mar 27 2014 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 2.0.6-2
+- Exclude AArch64
+* Wed Mar 26 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.6-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools-2.0.6
+- fix an issue when dump path is mounted on nfs
+- vmcore-dmesg: stack smashing fix
+- get_ssh_size fix for localized df output
+* Mon Mar 10 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.5-2
+- Warn about save vmcore patch mounted by another disk
+- Omit dracut resume module
+* Tue Mar 04 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.5-1
+- Rebase kexec-tools-2.0.5
+- backport several patches from upstream for i386 build
+* Mon Mar 03 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-25
+- Pass disable_cpu_apicid to kexec of capture kernel
+- Relax restriction of dumping on encrypted target
+- regression fix on wdt kernel drivers instal
+* Mon Feb 17 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-24
+- add kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt to rpm pkg
+- Secure Boot status check warning
+- Some watchdog driver support
+* Wed Jan 29 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-23
+- ssh dump: create random-seed manually
+- makedumpfile: memset() in cyclic bitmap initialization introduce segment fault.
+- Add acpi_no_memhotplug to kdump kernel
+- Add fence kdump support
+* Tue Jan 28 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-22
+- Rebase makedumpfile-1.5.5
+* Wed Jan 22 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-21
+- makedumpfile: Improve progress information for huge memory system
+- s390: use nr_cpus=1 instead of maxcpus=1
+* Fri Jan 17 2014 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-20
+- vmcore-dmesg: fix timestamp error in vmcore-dmesg.txt
+- makedumpfile: re-enable mmap() and introduce --non-mmap
+- kdump.conf uncomment default core_collector line
+- fix an issue when 'ssh' directive appearing in kdump.conf, the rest part of
+  lines in this file are ignored
+* Tue Dec 24 2013 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-18
+- update translation files
+- makedumpfile: default to lzo compression
+- makedumpfile: add makedumpfile.conf.sample and its manpage
+* Sat Dec 21 2013 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi> - 2.0.4-15
+- Fix Tamil (India) locale subdir name.
+- Fix bogus date in %%changelog.
+* Tue Dec 03 2013 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-14
+- Add rd.memdebug in kdump module
+- kdumpctl: Avoid leaking fd to subshell
+- makedumpfile: Understand >= v3.11-rc4 dmesg
+- makedumpfile, ppc: Support to filter dump for kernels that use CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP.
+* Fri Nov 15 2013 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-13
+- makedumpfile: disable mmap()
+* Tue Oct 29 2013 WANG Chao <chaowang@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-12
+- fix sadump format phys_base calculating error
+- kdump, x86: Process multiple Crash kernel in /proc/iomem
+- makedumpfile: wrong cyclic buffer size recalculation causes bitmap data corruption
+- Fix max_mapnr issue on system has over 44-bit addressing.
+* Sat Oct 12 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> -2.0.4-11
+- kdump-lib.sh: strip_comments is not implemented correcty
+* Fri Sep 27 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-10
+- Back port 2 revert commits
+- kdump.sysconfig: default to "nofail" mount
+* Fri Sep 27 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-9
+- Strip inline comments from the kdump config file before use
+- kdump-lib.sh: add common function strip_comments
+- Introduce kdump-lib.sh for kdump shared functions
+- kdump.service: Start kdump after network is online and remote fs is mounted
+- dracut-module-setup: _dev to be a local variable
+- kdumpctl: Run multiple kdumpctl instances one by one in serial order
+* Wed Aug 21 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-8
+- remove 98selinux dependency
+* Fri Aug 2  2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-7
+- dracut-kdump.sh: add do_dump() and error out if dump vmcore fails
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: setup correct system time and time zone in 2nd kernel.
+- kernel cmdline: Remove hugepage allocations
+- Use /lib/dracut/no-emergency-shell to control action on fail
+- Revert: kdump.sysconfig: Add option action_on_fail and set its default as continue
+- dracut-kdump.sh: Redirect kdump script stdout/stderr to /dev/console
+- makedumpfile: Add vmap_area_list definition for ppc/ppc64.
+* Fri Jul 12 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-6
+- add snappy build
+- add lzo build
+- pull makedumpfile-1.5.4
+- mkdumprd: check return value of subshell
+- mkdumprd: get_persistent_dev() return original dev if no persistent dev exists.
+- dracut-kdump.sh: Merge dump_to_rootfs() to dump_fs()
+- dracut-kdump.sh: explicitly sync after each dump
+- Correct wrong weekday of changelog
+- kexec-tools.spec: Remove incorrect description in changelog
+* Tue Jun 25 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-5
+- monitor-dd-progress fix
+- rawdump: only show dd progress bar when core_collector is not makedumpfile
+- kexec-tools.spec: replaces scriptlets with new systemd macros
+- dracut-kdump.sh: umount fs right before kdump exit
+- dracut-kdump.sh: recursively umount fs and its submounts
+- dracut-kdump.sh: cleanup - using local variable names instead of $1/$2 in functions
+- dracut-kdump.sh: name the invalid vmcore to vmcore-incomplete
+- dracut-kdump.sh: Output top level information about the kdump progress.
+- kexec-kdump-howto: Add a section for debugging tips
+* Tue Jun 18 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-4
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: improve the approach to get a bridged interface list
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: cleanup - use kdump_get_mac_addr() function
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: use kernel exported mac address in kdump_get_mac_addr()
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: use perm addr of slaves to setup bonding network
+- kdump: Do not output debug messages by default
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: kdump module depends on drm module
+- mkdumprd: return error if no write permission on save path of server for ssh
+* Thu Jun 13 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-3
+- mkdumprd: remove -M option for dracut
+- kdumpctl: add selinux relabel when service startup
+- depends on dracut selinux module
+- dracut-kdump.sh: umount rootfs after dump_to_rootfs
+- kdump.sysconfig: append "panic=10" to kdump cmdline
+- kexec-kdump-howto: grubby is suggested modifing kernel cmdline
+- kexec-tools.spec: removes kexec udev rules for s390
+- kdump.sysconfig: Add option action_on_fail and set its default as continue
+- Add tab key as delimiter for core_collector in kdump.conf
+- redirect stdout to stderr
+* Tue May 14 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-2
+- kdump: Save vmcore-dmesg.txt before saving vmcore
+- Remove "ip=" overwrite to 40ip.conf
+- Add support for bridge over bond/team/vlan.
+- Fix bonding options syntax and get all specified options from ifcfg file.
+- add dracut_args option to kdump.conf
+- kexec-tools.spec: Add ethtool to dependency.
+- error out if dump target is encrypted
+* Wed Apr  3 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.4-1
+- Delete several patches which have been merged into kexec-tools-2.0.4
+- Revert: Release 2.0.3-72
+- Release 2.0.3-72
+- Pull kexec-tools-2.0.4
+- Check if block device as dump target is resettable
+- mkdumprd: add function perror_exit
+- Deprecate blacklist option
+* Wed Mar 27 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-71
+- Remove eppic support on ppc and s390 arch
+* Mon Mar 18 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-70
+- Change rules related to eppic in kexec-tools.spec
+* Thu Mar 14 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-69
+- Support for eppic language as a subpackage
+* Thu Mar 14 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-68
+- tune sysconfig to save memory usage
+- Remove useless codes related to LOGGER in kdumpctl
+- kdumpctl:print out the service status
+- Return to start() function when check_ssh_target failed
+- use findmnt instead of blkid in mkdumprd
+- check dump target mounting earlier
+- kdumpctl: rename function name check_config
+- add function to check kdump config file
+- dracut-module-setup.sh: remove UUID/LABEL quotes before using it
+- Change dump_to_rootfs to be a default option and reboot to be default action
+- Remove "-F" in CORE_COLLECTOR when dump_to_rootfs
+* Tue Feb 19 2013 Baoquan He <bhe@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-67
+- Remove comma which is redundant
+- Modify codes related to dump dir to make it clearer
+- Rectify the get_host_ip implementation
+- Revert: Merge an upstream patch for fix a ppc64 makedumpfile bug with with CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_EXTREME
+- pull makedumpfile 1.5.3
+* Tue Feb 5 2013 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-66
+- Spec: remove kdump image when a corresponding kernel is removed
+- Merge an upstream patch for fix a ppc64 makedumpfile bug
+* Mon Jan 28 2013 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-65
+- Add support for team devices
+- Update translation file po/it.po
+- remove wait for net ok function
+- add bootdev cmdline param
+- kdumpnic cmdline file name cleanup
+* Fri Jan 4 2013 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-64
+- fix issue of exec on stack for ppc32
+* Fri Dec 21 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-63
+- revert explictly handling of PIPESTATUS
+- enable pipefail bash option
+- wrong ssh key fix
+- build fix: Update 3 po files: po/gu.po po/or.po po/zh_CN.po
+* Fri Dec 21 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-62
+- Pull translated po files from zanata
+- Optimize redundent code fetching server of network dump
+- change the dump dir format to be more readable
+* Wed Dec 12 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-61
+- firstboot:fix reserve mem ui spinbox step size
+- handle readonly mounted filesystem
+* Mon Dec 10 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-60
+- makedumpfile 1.5.1
+- Update po tar.gz
+- Add a notes for zanata process
+- Add two xmls file for po zanata translation
+- Cleanup and recreate po files
+* Fri Nov 16 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-59
+- Enable kdump service after installation
+- get MEM_RESERVED from sysfs attribute
+- get_ssh_size: use -n to redirect stdin from /dev/null
+- add random feeding code for ssh dump
+- kdump option space checking improvement
+- kdumpctl: multi dump target checking fix
+* Thu Oct 25 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-58
+- pull in two upstream patches
+* Thu Oct 11 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-57
+- improve persistent name handling
+* Sat Sep 29 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-56
+- Pull vmcore-dmesg patches from vivek
+- ppc/ppc64: compile purgatory with gcc option msoft-float
+- Update to support f18 grub2 efi config file
+- pass persistent name to dracut --device
+- pass persistent name to dracut --mount
+- use persistent name in kdump.conf of initramfs
+- mkdumprd: add function get_persistent_dev
+- remove useless uuid and label handling
+* Thu Sep 06 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-55
+- doc fix for mount dump target before mkdumprd
+- pull makedumpfile 1.5.0
+* Wed Aug 29 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-54
+- pass raw device as dracut argument
+- iscsi setup fix
+- firstboot: add automatic and manual memory reservation for rhel
+- firstboot: remove unnecessary underline shortkey
+- firstboot: fix gtk warning about non-zero page size
+- firstboot: update all kernels config in grubbyCmd
+- firstboot: add actual reserved memory widget
+- firstboot code cleanup
+- rhcrashkernel-param: echo crashkernel=auto for rhel7
+- Remove the kernel-kdump handling
+- s390x firstboot fix
+- remove elilo support
+- grub2 fix in firstboot
+- Take closing the reboot dialog as no
+- Handle new crashkernel= syntax in firstboot
+- Fix a localized string in firstboot
+- Configure kdump in firstboot
+- fix firstboot to ensure kdump svc is disabled properly
+- firstboot text domain fix
+- Update to use systemctl instead of sysv chkconfig
+- port force_rebuild kdump.conf option
+- Change return value to indicate the result of dump_raw() correctly.
+- call dracut function for default shell
+* Mon Jul 23 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-53
+- refactor net option
+- use fstab-sys to mount nfs
+- rename function dump_localfs
+- dump_localfs error path fix
+- update kexec-kdump-howto.txt about systemctl commands
+- ssh propagate alert message fix
+- remove useless dracut cmdline '-c /dev/null'
+- remove useless dracut cmdline for kernel-modules and kdumpbase
+- install core_collector in module-setup.sh
+- install extra_bins in module-setup.sh
+- remove busybox dependency
+- improve warning message of space checking
+- do not mount root twice
+- do not add fstab-sys module in dracut cmdline
+- omit dash module
+- network dns config fix
+- shell exit value fix 
+* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.3-52
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jul 5 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-51
+- add s390x netdev setup
+- Add s390x support
+- Cleanup temp file leaved at /tmp/
+- add check_size function for fs dump
+- add ssh check_size
+- blacklist patch apply fix
+- Respect bonding mode
+- Support dump over vlan tagged bonding
+* Fri Jun 22 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-50
+- add blacklist option, Resolves: bz805774
+- Add kdump_post and kdump_pre support, Resolves: bz805773
+- Port check_config from rhel6, Resolves: bz805778
+- raw core_collector fix
+- ssh core_collector fix
+- drcut-kdump.sh: cleanup kdump.conf check
+* Tue Jun 12 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-49
+- cleanup DUMP_INSTRUCTION handling
+- final reboot behavior fix
+- dump_rootfs for default target fix
+- add vlan support
+- fix and refactor bond handling code
+- fix and refactor bridge handling code
+- core_collector doc basic fix
+- omit plymouth module, Resolves: bz821997
+- mkdumprd manpage cleanup manpage
+- mkdumprd: remove --debug
+- mkdumprd: remove noconf
+- makedumprd: remove -d
+- kdump.conf add sshkey
+- kdump.conf remove disk_timeout
+- kdump.conf make path uncommented
+- kdump.conf.5 add default poweroff
+- kdump.conf default shell fix
+- kdump.conf default default action fix
+- kdump.conf.5 remove module option
+- kdump.conf remove kdump_pre/kdump_post
+- kdump.conf: remove link_delay
+* Mon May 28 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-48
+- do_default_action cleanup, Resolves: bz805773
+- add rhcrashkernel-param for anaconda use, Resolves: bz707441
+- Basic iscsi target dump support (software initiator), Resolves bz822701
+- Static ip configuratio support, Resolves: bz822739
+- udev rules fix, Resolves: bz808817
+* Thu May 3 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-47
+- remove dracut-files.tgz2
+* Wed May 2 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-46
+- mkdumprd: Start using --hostonly and --add kdumpbase while calling dracut
+- get_mp function cleanup
+- move kdump script order to the end of pre pivot
+- port raw dump from rhel6
+- remove multi dump
+* Mon Apr 23 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-45
+- update dracut-files.tbz2
+* Thu Apr 19 2012 Dave Young <dyoung@redhat.com> - 2.0.3-44
+- update ppc64 sysconfig, resolve bug 811449
+- deal with nic rename issue, resolve bug 810107
+- update x86_64 sysconfig, resolve bug 813711
+* Wed Apr 11 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.3-43
+- variable name fix from Dave Young.
+* Fri Mar 30 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.3-42
+- get ip addr with getent
+- spec: depends on dracut-network
+- Handle net option for nfs in kdump.conf correctly
+* Mon Feb 27 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.3-41
+- Bump this version.
+* Wed Feb 22 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-40
+- Fixup sysytemd service file.
+* Wed Feb 22 2012 Dave Young <ruyang@redhat.com> - 2.0.2-39
+- Add ssh dump support, resolve bug 789253.
+* Fri Jan 27 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-38
+- Pull the latest makedumpfile release, 1.4.2.
+* Fri Jan 27 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-37
+- Add initial NFS dump support, experimental.
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-36
+- Really upload the dracut module.
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-35
+- Fix various bugs for nfs dump.
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-34
+- kdump.sh cleanup for fstab handling, from Dave Young.
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-33
+- Handle rootfs correctly.
+* Tue Jan 10 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-32
+- Fix add_dracut_arg in mkdumprd.
+* Tue Jan 10 2012 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-31
+- Update kdump dracut module with the latest dracut kdump branch.
+* Fri Dec 16 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-30
+- Update kdump dracut module to use the latest dracut feature.
+* Fri Sep 9 2011 Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.2-29
+- fix systemd scriptlets
+* Wed Sep 7 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-28
+- Rename mkdumprd2 to mkdumpramfs.
+* Wed Aug 31 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-27
+- Add debug_mem_level debugging option, from Jan Stancek.
+  Resolve Bug 731395.
+* Mon Aug 15 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-26
+- Fix several issues caused by the previous revert.
+* Mon Aug 15 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-25
+- Switch back to old mkdumprd and also keep the new one.
+* Tue Aug 2 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-24
+- Fix default action handling.
+* Tue Aug 2 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-23
+- Install modified kdump.conf in initrd.
+* Tue Aug 2 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-22
+- Handle lvm in pre-pivot hook.
+* Tue Aug 2 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-21
+- Fix udev rules in module-setup.sh
+* Mon Aug 1 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-20
+- Generate udev rules in module-setup.sh
+* Mon Aug 1 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-19
+- Generate udev rules to handle device names.
+* Mon Aug 1 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-18
+- Fix dump to local filesystem and raw dump.
+* Mon Aug 1 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-17
+- Depend on dracut-network.
+* Mon Aug 1 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-16
+- Move dracut module detection code to module-setup.sh.
+* Thu Jul 28 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-15
+- Use shutdown module of dracut to handle reboot/shutdown/halt.
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-14
+- Wait for loginit.
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-13
+- Use absolute path of reboot/halt/poweroff.
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-12
+- Don't use consolehelper, use real reboot/halt/poweroff.
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-11
+- Rename initrd to initramfs.
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-10
+- Don't depend on busybox, as it doesn't save much space.
+* Tue Jul 26 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-9
+- Parse default action.
+* Mon Jul 25 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-8
+- Move path/core_collector/default parsing code to initrd.
+* Mon Jul 25 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-7
+- Remove obsolete code in kdumpctl.
+* Mon Jul 25 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-6
+- Support core_collector and extran_bins.
+* Thu Jul 21 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-5
+- Bypass '-d' option.
+* Thu Jul 21 2011 Cong Wang <xiyou.wangcong@gmail.com> - 2.0.2-4
+- Update initramfs infrastructure to make it working
+  with dracut.
+* Wed Jul 06 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.2-3
+- Removed sysv init script from package
+* Mon Jul 04 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.2-2
+- Added systemd unit file (bz 716994)
+* Fri Jun 24 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.2-1
+- Updated to upstream version 2.0.2
+* Thu Jun 02 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-47
+- Fixed misuse of readlink command after directory change (bz 710744)
+* Tue Apr 26 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-46
+- Fix some grammer in man page (bz 673817)
+* Mon Mar 28 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-45
+- Fix misuse of basename in mkdumprd (bz 683769)
+* Thu Mar 10 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-44
+- Fix build break in purgatory makefile
+* Thu Mar 10 2011 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-43
+- Remove vestigual emitdms code and call from mkdumprd
+* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-42
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Oct 22 2010 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-41
+- Fixed dhcp retry mechanism (bz 645734)
+* Wed Sep 29 2010 jkeating - 2.0.0-40
+- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757
+* Wed Sep 22 2010 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-39
+- fix finding modalias/mkdumprd hang (bz 635893)
+* Wed Aug 11 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-38
+- recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623327)
+* Sun Jun 13 2010 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 2.0.0-37
+- Fix a syntax error in kdump init script
+* Sun Jun 13 2010 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 2.0.0-36
+- Cosmetic mkdumprd fixes (drop an unused function, streamline another)
+* Sat May 29 2010 CAI Qian <caiqian@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-35
+- Forward-port from F13
+- Fixed kernel text area search in kcore (bz 587750)
+* Sat May 29 2010 CAI Qian <caiqian@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-34
+- Massive forward-port from RHEL6
+- Update kexec-kdump-howto.txt
+- Update docs to reflect use of ext4
+- Update mkdumprd to pull in all modules needed
+- Fix mkdumprd typo
+- Removed universal add of ata_piix from mkdumprd
+- Fix infinite loop from modprobe changes
+- Fixed kexec-kdump-howto.doc for RHEL6
+- Update makedumpfile to 1.3.5
+- Improved mkdumprd run time
+- Cai's fix for broken regex
+- Fixing crashkernel syntax parsing
+- Fix initscript to return proper LSB return codes
+- Fixed bad call to resolve_dm_name
+- Added poweroff option to mkdumprd
+- Fixed readlink issue
+- Fixed x86_64 page_offset specifictaion
+- Fixed lvm setup loop to not hang
+- Added utsname support to makedumpfile for 2.6.32
+- Fix critical_disks list to exclude cciss/md
+- Add help info for -b option
+- Add ability to handle firmware hotplug events
+- Update mkdumprd to deal with changes in busybox fsck
+- Vitaly's fix to detect need for 64 bit elf
+- Fix major/minor numbers on /dev/rtc
+- Fix ssh id propogation w/ selinux
+- Add blacklist feature to kdump.conf
+- Removed rhpl code from firstboot
+- Fixed firstboot enable sense
+- Remove bogus debug comment from mkdumprd.
+- Handle SPARSEMEM properly
+- Fix scp monitoring script
+- Fix firstboot to find grub on EFI systems
+- Fixed mkdumprd to remove dup insmod
+- Fixed kdump fsck pause
+- Fixed kdump option handling
+- fixed raid5 module detection
+* Thu Mar 11 2010 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-33
+- Remove nash references from mkdumprd
+* Wed Feb 17 2010 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-32
+- Fixed spec file error
+* Wed Feb 17 2010 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-31
+- Adding kdump.conf man page
+- Adding disk timeout parameter (bz 566135)
+* Tue Dec 01 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-30
+- Fix raid support in mkdumprd (bz 519767)
+* Mon Nov 23 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-29
+- Updating firstboot script to RHEL-6 version (bz 539812)
+* Fri Nov 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-28
+- Added abrt infrastructure to kdump init script (bz 533370)
+* Tue Sep 15 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-27
+- Fixing permissions on dracut module files
+* Fri Sep 11 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-26
+- Rebuild for translation team (bz 522415)
+* Thu Sep 10 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-25
+- Fix dracut module check file (bz 522486)
+* Thu Aug 13 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-24
+- update kdump adv conf init script & dracut module
+* Wed Jul 29 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0,0-23
+- Remove mkdumprd2 and start replacement with dracut
+* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-22
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-21
+- Fixed build break
+* Mon Jul 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-20
+- Make makedumpfile a dynamic binary
+* Mon Jul 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-19
+- Fix build issue 
+* Mon Jul 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-18
+- Updated initscript to use mkdumprd2 if manifest is present
+- Updated spec to require dash
+- Updated sample manifest to point to correct initscript
+- Updated populate_std_files helper to fix sh symlink
+* Mon Jul 06 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-17
+- Fixed mkdumprd2 tarball creation
+* Tue Jun 23 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-16
+- Fix up kdump so it works with latest firstboot
+* Mon Jun 15 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-15
+- Fixed some stat drive detect bugs by E. Biederman (bz505701)
+* Wed May 20 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 2.0.0-14
+- Put early copy of mkdumprd2 out in the wild (bz 466392)
+* Fri May 08 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-13
+- Update makedumpfile to v 1.3.3 (bz 499849)
+* Tue Apr 07 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-12
+- Simplifed rootfs mounting code in mkdumprd (bz 494416)
+* Sun Apr 05 2009 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 2.0.0-11
+- Install the correct configuration for i586
+* Fri Apr 03 2009 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-10
+- Fix problem with quoted CORE_COLLECTOR string (bz 493707)
+* Thu Apr 02 2009 Orion Poplawski <orion@cora.nwra.com> - 2.0.0-9
+- Add BR glibc-static
+* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-8
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Dec 04 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.0.0-7
+- Rebuild for Python 2.6
+* Mon Dec 01 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> -
+- adding makedumpfile man page updates (bz 473212)
+* Mon Dec 01 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.0.0-5
+- Rebuild for Python 2.6
+* Wed Nov 05 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-3
+- Correct source file to use proper lang package (bz 335191)
+* Wed Oct 29 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-2
+- Fix mkdumprd typo (bz 469001)
+* Mon Sep 15 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-2
+- Fix sysconfig files to not specify --args-linux on x86 (bz 461615)
+* Wed Aug 27 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 2.0.0-1
+- Update kexec-tools to latest upstream version
+* Wed Aug 27 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-16
+- Fix mkdumprd to properly use UUID/LABEL search (bz 455998)
+* Tue Aug  5 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-15
+- fix license tag
+* Mon Jul 28 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-14
+- Add video reset section to docs (bz 456572)
+* Fri Jul 11 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-13
+- Fix mkdumprd to support dynamic busybox (bz 443878)
+* Wed Jun 11 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-12
+- Added lvm to bin list (bz 443878)
+* Thu Jun 05 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-11
+- Update to latest makedumpfile from upstream
+- Mass import of RHEL fixes missing in rawhide
+* Thu Apr 24 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-10
+- Fix mkdumprd to properly pull in libs for lvm/mdadm (bz 443878)
+* Wed Apr 16 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-9
+- Fix cmdline length issue
+* Tue Mar 25 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-8
+- Fixing ARCH definition for bz 438661
+* Mon Mar 24 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-7
+- Adding patches for bz 438661
+* Fri Feb 22 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-6
+- Bringing rawhide up to date with bugfixes from RHEL5
+- Adding patch to prevent kexec buffer overflow on ppc (bz 428684)
+* Tue Feb 19 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-5
+- Modifying mkdumprd to include dynamic executibles (bz 433350)
+* Tue Feb 12 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-4
+- bumping rev number for rebuild
+* Wed Jan 02 2008 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-3
+- Fix ARCH placement in kdump init script (bz 427201)
+- Fix BuildRequires
+- Fix Makedumpfile to build with new libelf
+* Mon Oct 01 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-2
+- Fix triggerpostun script (bz 308151)
+* Thu Aug 30 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.102pre-1
+- Bumping kexec version to latest horms tree (bz 257201)
+- Adding trigger to remove initrds when a kernel is removed
+* Wed Aug 22 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-81
+- Add xen-syms patch to makedumpfile (bz 250341)
+* Wed Aug 22 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-80
+- Fix ability to determine space on nfs shares (bz 252170)
+* Tue Aug 21 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-79
+- Update kdump.init to always create sparse files (bz 253714)
+* Fri Aug 10 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-78
+- Update init script to handle xen kernel cmdlnes (bz 250803)
+* Wed Aug 01 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-77
+- Update mkdumprd to suppres notifications /rev makedumpfile (bz 250341)
+* Thu Jul 19 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-76
+- Fix mkdumprd to suppress informative messages (bz 248797)
+* Wed Jul 18 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-75
+- Updated fr.po translations (bz 248287)
+* Tue Jul 17 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-74
+- Fix up add_buff to retry locate_hole on segment overlap (bz 247989)
+* Mon Jul 09 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-73
+- Fix up language files for kexec (bz 246508)
+* Thu Jul 05 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-72
+- Fixing up initscript for LSB (bz 246967)
+* Tue Jun 19 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-71
+- Fixed conflict in mkdumprd in use of /mnt (bz 222911)
+* Mon Jun 18 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-70
+- Fixed kdump.init to properly read cmdline (bz 244649)
+* Wed Apr 11 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-69
+- Fixed up kdump.init to enforce mode 600 on authorized_keys2 (bz 235986)
+* Tue Apr 10 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-68
+- Fix alignment of bootargs and device-tree structures on ppc64
+* Tue Apr 10 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-67
+- Allow ppc to boot ppc64 kernels (bz 235608)
+* Tue Apr 10 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-66
+- Reduce rmo_top to 0x7c000000 for PS3 (bz 235030)
+* Mon Mar 26 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-65
+- Fix spec to own kexec_tools directory (bz 219035)
+* Wed Mar 21 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-64
+- Add fix for ppc memory region computation (bz 233312)
+* Thu Mar 15 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-63
+- Adding extra check to avoid oom kills on nfs mount failure (bz 215056)
+* Tue Mar 06 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-62
+- Updating makedumpfile to version 1.1.1 (bz 2223743)
+* Thu Feb 22 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-61
+- Adding multilanguage infrastructure to firstboot_kdump (bz 223175)
+* Mon Feb 12 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-60
+- Fixing up file permissions on kdump.conf (bz 228137)
+* Fri Feb 09 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-59
+- Adding mkdumprd man page to build
+* Thu Jan 25 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-58
+- Updating kdump.init and mkdumprd with most recent RHEL5 fixes
+- Fixing BuildReq to require elfutils-devel-static
+* Thu Jan 04 2007 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-56
+- Fix option parsing problem for bzImage files (bz 221272)
+* Fri Dec 15 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-55
+- Wholesale update of RHEL5 revisions 55-147
+* Tue Aug 29 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-54
+- integrate default elf format patch
+* Tue Aug 29 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-53
+- Taking Viveks x86_64 crashdump patch (rcv. via email)
+* Tue Aug 29 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-52
+- Taking ia64 tools patch for bz 181358
+* Mon Aug 28 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-51
+- more doc updates
+- added patch to fix build break from kernel headers change
+* Thu Aug 24 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-50
+- repo patch to enable support for relocatable kernels.
+* Thu Aug 24 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-49
+- rewriting kcp to properly do ssh and scp
+- updating mkdumprd to use new kcp syntax
+* Wed Aug 23 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-48
+- Bumping revision number 
+* Tue Aug 22 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> - 1.101-47
+- ppc64 no-more-platform fix
+* Mon Aug 21 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> - 1.101-46
+- ppc64 fixups:
+  - actually build ppc64 binaries (bug 203407)
+  - correct usage output
+  - avoid segfault in command-line parsing
+- install kexec man page
+- use regulation Fedora BuildRoot
+* Fri Aug 18 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-45
+- fixed typo in mkdumprd for bz 202983
+- fixed typo in mkdumprd for bz 203053
+- clarified docs in kdump.conf with examples per bz 203015
+* Tue Aug 15 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-44
+- updated init script to implement status function/scrub err messages
+* Wed Aug 09 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> - 1.101-43
+- Misc spec cleanups and macro-ifications
+* Wed Aug 09 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> - 1.101-42
+- Add %%dir /var/crash, so default kdump setup works
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-41
+- fix another silly makefile error for makedumpfile 
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-40
+- exclude makedumpfile from build on non-x86[_64] arches 
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-39
+- exclude makedumpfile from build on non-x86[_64] arches 
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-38
+- updating makedumpfile makefile to use pkg-config on glib-2.0
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-37
+- updating makedumpfile makefile to use pkg-config
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-36
+- Removing unneeded deps after Makefile fixup for makedumpfile
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-35
+- fixing up FC6/RHEL5 BuildRequires line to build in brew
+* Wed Aug 02 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-34
+- enabling makedumpfile in build
+* Wed Aug 02 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-33
+- added makedumpfile source to package
+* Mon Jul 31 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-32
+- added et-dyn patch to allow loading of relocatable kernels
+* Thu Jul 27 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-30
+- fixing up missing patch to kdump.init
+* Wed Jul 19 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> - 1.101-30
+- add kexec frontend (bz 197695)
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.101-29
+- rebuild
+* Fri Jul 07 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> 1.101-27.fc6
+- Buildrequire zlib-devel
+* Thu Jun 22 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> -1.101-19
+- Bumping rev number
+* Thu Jun 22 2006 Neil Horman <nhorman@redhat.com> -1.101-17
+- Add patch to allow ppc64 to ignore args-linux option
+* Wed Mar 08 2006 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 1.101-16
+- fix scriptlet - call chkconfig --add, change the default in the
+  script itself (#183633)
+* Wed Mar 08 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-15
+- Don't add kdump service by default, let the user manually add it to
+  avoid everyone seeing a warning.
+* Tue Mar 07 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-14
+- Fix kdump.init to call kexec from its new location
+* Mon Mar  6 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 1.101-13
+- proper requires for scriptlets
+* Mon Mar 06 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-12
+- Move kexec and kdump binaries to /sbin
+* Thu Mar 02 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-11
+- Fix argument order when stopping kexec
+* Mon Feb 27 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-10
+- kdump7.patch
+   o Remove elf32 core headers support for x86_64
+   o Fix x86 prepare elf core header routine
+   o Fix ppc64 kexec -p failure for gcc 4.10
+   o Fix few warnings for gcc 4.10
+   o Add the missing --initrd option for ppc64
+   o Fix ppc64 persistent root device bug
+- Remove --elf32-core-headers from default configuration, users
+  may re-add it via KEXEC_ARGS.
+- Remove obsolete KEXEC_HEADERS
+* Wed Feb 22 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-9
+- Remove wrong quotes around --command-line in kdump.init
+* Fri Feb 17 2006 Jeff Moyer <jmoyer@redhat.com> - 1.101-8
+- Fix the service stop case.  It was previously unloading the wrong kernel.
+- Implement the "restart" function.
+- Add the "irqpoll" option as a default kdump kernel commandline parameter.
+- Create a default kernel command line in the sysconfig file upon rpm install.
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.101-7.1.1
+- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
+* Thu Feb 02 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-7.1
+- Add patch to enable the kdump binary for x86_64
+* Wed Feb 01 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com>
+- New kdump patch to support s390 arch + various fixes
+- Include kdump in x86_64 builds
+* Mon Jan 30 2006 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com>
+- New kdump patch to support x86_64 userspace
+* Fri Dec 16 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt for new gcj
+* Wed Nov 16 2005 Thomas Graf <tgraf@redhat.com> - 1.101-5
+- Report missing kdump kernel image as warning
+* Thu Nov  3 2005 Jeff Moyer <jmoyer@redhat.com> - 1.101-4
+- Build for x86_64 as well.  Kdump support doesn't work there, but users
+  should be able to use kexec.
+* Fri Sep 23 2005 Jeff Moyer <jmoyer@redhat.com> - 1.101-3
+- Add a kdump sysconfig file and init script
+- Spec file additions for pre/post install/uninstall
+* Thu Aug 25 2005 Jeff Moyer <jmoyer@redhat.com>
+- Initial prototype for RH/FC5