diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index bd8fc8c..87c4f98 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ binary_next_line   = false
 space_redirects    = true
 # Some scripts will only run with bash
 shell_variant = bash
 # Use dracut code style for *-module-setup.sh
diff --git a/dracut-module-setup.sh b/dracut-module-setup.sh
index 8bbf0cf..4fb013d 100755
--- a/dracut-module-setup.sh
+++ b/dracut-module-setup.sh
@@ -1034,7 +1034,6 @@ install() {
     inst "/usr/bin/printf" "/sbin/printf"
     inst "/usr/bin/logger" "/sbin/logger"
     inst "/usr/bin/chmod" "/sbin/chmod"
-    inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib.sh" "/lib/kdump-lib.sh"
     inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh" "/lib/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh"
     inst "/lib/kdump/kdump-logger.sh" "/lib/kdump-logger.sh"
     inst "$moddir/kdump.sh" "/usr/bin/kdump.sh"
diff --git a/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh b/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
index 50443e5..73b2699 100755
--- a/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
+++ b/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-# These variables and functions are useful in 2nd kernel
+# Function and variables used in initramfs environment, POSIX compatible
-. /lib/kdump-lib.sh
 . /lib/kdump-logger.sh
@@ -20,6 +23,7 @@ KDUMP_PRE=""
 #initiate the kdump logger
@@ -28,6 +32,131 @@ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     exit 1
+# Read kdump config in well formated style
+    # Following steps are applied in order: strip trailing comment, strip trailing space,
+    # strip heading space, match non-empty line, remove duplicated spaces between conf name and value
+    [ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] && sed -n -e "s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;s/^\s*//;s/\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)/\1 \2/p" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
+# Retrieves config value defined in kdump.conf
+# $1: config name, sed regexp compatible
+kdump_get_conf_val() {
+    # For lines matching "^\s*$1\s+", remove matched part (config name including space),
+    # remove tailing comment, space, then store in hold space. Print out the hold buffer on last line.
+    [ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] && \
+        sed -n -e "/^\s*\($1\)\s\+/{s/^\s*\($1\)\s\+//;s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;h};\${x;p}" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
+    findmnt -k -n $1 &>/dev/null
+    local _info_type=$1 _src_type=$2 _src=$3; shift 3
+    local _info=$(findmnt -k -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
+    [ -z "$_info" ] && [ -e "/etc/fstab" ] && _info=$(findmnt -s -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
+    echo $_info
+    echo $1 | grep -q ":"
+    [ "$1" = "nfs" ] || [ "$1" = "nfs4" ]
+# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <filesystem type>
+    echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f3
+# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <device>
+    echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f1
+    local _save_path=$(kdump_get_conf_val path)
+    [ -z "$_save_path" ] && _save_path=$DEFAULT_PATH
+    # strip the duplicated "/"
+    echo $_save_path | tr -s /
+    findmnt -k -f -n -o SOURCE /
+# Return the current underlying device of a path, ignore bind mounts
+    local _target
+    _target=$(df $1 2>/dev/null | tail -1 |  awk '{print $1}')
+    [[ "$_target" == "/dev/root" ]] && [[ ! -e /dev/root ]] && _target=$(get_root_fs_device)
+    echo $_target
+    get_mount_info FSTYPE source $1 -f
+    # --source is applied to ensure non-bind mount is returned
+    get_mount_info TARGET source $1 -f
+    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val ssh) == *@* ]]
+    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val raw) ]]
+    if [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val nfs) ]]; then
+        return 0;
+    fi
+    if is_fs_type_nfs $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)"); then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    local _save_path=$(get_save_path)
+    local _target=$(get_target_from_path $_save_path)
+    local _fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target $_target)
+    if is_fs_type_nfs $_fstype; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    return 1
+    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix") ]]
     local config_opt config_val
diff --git a/kdump-lib.sh b/kdump-lib.sh
index ba4f9b4..947e866 100755
--- a/kdump-lib.sh
+++ b/kdump-lib.sh
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Kdump common variables and functions
+. /usr/lib/kdump/kdump-lib-initramfs.sh
@@ -35,64 +35,6 @@ perror_exit() {
     exit 1
-    [ "$1" = "nfs" ] || [ "$1" = "nfs4" ]
-    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val ssh) == *@* ]]
-    if [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val nfs) ]]; then
-        return 0;
-    fi
-    if is_fs_type_nfs $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)"); then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    local _save_path=$(get_save_path)
-    local _target=$(get_target_from_path $_save_path)
-    local _fstype=$(get_fs_type_from_target $_target)
-    if is_fs_type_nfs $_fstype; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    return 1
-    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val raw) ]]
-    [[ $(kdump_get_conf_val "ext[234]\|xfs\|btrfs\|minix") ]]
-# Read kdump config in well formatted style
-    # Following steps are applied in order: strip trailing comment, strip trailing space,
-    # strip heading space, match non-empty line, remove duplicated spaces between conf name and value
-    [ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] && sed -n -e "s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;s/^\s*//;s/\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)/\1 \2/p" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
-# Retrieves config value defined in kdump.conf
-# $1: config name, sed regexp compatible
-kdump_get_conf_val() {
-    # For lines matching "^\s*$1\s+", remove matched part (config name including space),
-    # remove tailing comment, space, then store in hold space. Print out the hold buffer on last line.
-    [ -f "$KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE" ] && \
-        sed -n -e "/^\s*\($1\)\s\+/{s/^\s*\($1\)\s\+//;s/#.*//;s/\s*$//;h};\${x;p}" $KDUMP_CONFIG_FILE
 # Check if fence kdump is configured in Pacemaker cluster
@@ -142,20 +84,6 @@ get_user_configured_dump_disk()
     [ -b "$_target" ] && echo $_target
-    findmnt -k -f -n -o SOURCE /
-    local _save_path=$(kdump_get_conf_val path)
-    [ -z "$_save_path" ] && _save_path=$DEFAULT_PATH
-    # strip the duplicated "/"
-    echo $_save_path | tr -s /
     local _target _path
@@ -261,46 +189,10 @@ get_bind_mount_source()
     echo $_mnt$_fsroot$_path
-# Return the current underlaying device of a path, ignore bind mounts
-    local _target
-    _target=$(df $1 2>/dev/null | tail -1 |  awk '{print $1}')
-    [[ "$_target" == "/dev/root" ]] && [[ ! -e /dev/root ]] && _target=$(get_root_fs_device)
-    echo $_target
-    findmnt -k -n $1 &>/dev/null
-    local _info_type=$1 _src_type=$2 _src=$3; shift 3
-    local _info=$(findmnt -k -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
-    [ -z "$_info" ] && [ -e "/etc/fstab" ] && _info=$(findmnt -s -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
-    echo $_info
-    get_mount_info FSTYPE source $1 -f
     get_mount_info OPTIONS source $1 -f
-# Find the general mount point of a dump target, not the bind mount point
-    # Expcilitly specify --source to findmnt could ensure non-bind mount is returned
-    get_mount_info TARGET source $1 -f
 # Get the path where the target will be mounted in kdump kernel
 # $1: kdump target device
@@ -345,11 +237,6 @@ is_atomic()
     grep -q "ostree" /proc/cmdline
-    echo $1 | grep -q ":"
 # get ip address or hostname from nfs/ssh config value
@@ -562,18 +449,6 @@ is_mount_in_dracut_args()
     [[ " $(kdump_get_conf_val dracut_args)" =~ .*[[:space:]]--mount[=[:space:]].* ]]
-# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <filesystem type>
-    echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f3
-# If $1 contains dracut_args "--mount", return <device>
-    echo $1 | grep "\-\-mount" | sed "s/.*--mount .\(.*\)/\1/" | cut -d' ' -f1
     local mem_reserved