Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.TH KDUMP.CONF 5 "07/23/2008" "kexec-tools"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump.conf \- configuration file for kdump kernel.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump.conf is a configuration file for the kdump kernel crash
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
collection service.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump.conf provides post-kexec instructions to the kdump kernel. It is
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
stored in the initrd file managed by the kdump service. If you change
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
this file and do not want to reboot in order for the changes to take
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
effect, restart the kdump service to rebuild the initrd.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
For most configurations, you can simply review the examples provided
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
in the stock /etc/kdump.conf.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
For filesystem dumps the dump target must be mounted before building
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump initramfs.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump.conf only affects the behavior of the initramfs. Please read the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump operational flow section of kexec-kdump-howto.txt in the docs to better
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
understand how this configuration file affects the behavior of kdump.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Coiby Xu |
7ac560 |
.B auto_reset_crashkernel <yes|no>
Coiby Xu |
7ac560 |
Pingfan Liu |
cb850a |
determine whether to reset kernel crashkernel parameter to the default value
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
or not when kexec-tools is updated or a new kernel is installed. The default
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
crashkernel values are different for different architectures and also take the
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
following factors into consideration,
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
- AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
- Mellanox 5th generation network driver
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
- aarch64 64k kernel
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
- Firmware-assisted dump (FADump)
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
Since the kernel crasherkernel parameter will be only reset when kexec-tools is
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
updated or a new kernel is installed, you need to call "kdumpctl
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
reset-crashkernel [--kernel=path_to_kernel]" if you want to use the default
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
value set after having enabled features like SME/SEV for a specific kernel. And
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
you should also reboot the system for the new crashkernel value to take effect.
Coiby Xu |
83698d |
Also see kdumpctl(8).
Coiby Xu |
7ac560 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B raw <partition>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Will dd /proc/vmcore into <partition>. Use persistent device names for
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
partition devices, such as /dev/vg/<devname>.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B nfs <nfs mount>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Will mount nfs to <mnt>, and copy /proc/vmcore to <mnt>/<path>/%HOST-%DATE/,
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
supports DNS. Note that a fqdn should be used as the server name in the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
mount point.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B ssh <user@server>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
Will save /proc/vmcore through ssh pipe to <user@server>:<path>/%HOST-%DATE/,
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
supports DNS. NOTE: make sure user has necessary write permissions on
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
server and that a fqdn is used as the server name.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B sshkey <path>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Specify the path of the ssh key to use when dumping via ssh.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
The default value is /root/.ssh/kdump_id_rsa.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B <fs type> <partition>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Will mount -t <fs type> <partition> <mnt>, and copy /proc/vmcore to
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
<mnt>/<path>/%HOST_IP-%DATE/. NOTE: <partition> can be a device node, label
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
or uuid. It's recommended to use persistent device names such as
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
/dev/vg/<devname>. Otherwise it's suggested to use label or uuid.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B path <path>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
"path" represents the file system path in which vmcore will be saved.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
If a dump target is specified in kdump.conf, then "path" is relative to the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
specified dump target.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Interpretation of "path" changes a bit if the user didn't specify any dump
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
target explicitly in kdump.conf. In this case, "path" represents the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
absolute path from root. The dump target and adjusted path are arrived
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
at automatically depending on what's mounted in the current system.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Ignored for raw device dumps. If unset, will use the default "/var/crash".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B core_collector <command> <options>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
This allows you to specify the command to copy the vmcore.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
The default is makedumpfile, which on some architectures can drastically reduce
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
core file size. See /sbin/makedumpfile --help for a list of options.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Note that the -i and -g options are not needed here, as the initrd
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
will automatically be populated with a config file appropriate
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
for the running kernel.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Note 1: About default core collector:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
The default core_collector for raw/ssh dump is:
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
"makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
The default core_collector for other targets is:
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
"makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Even if core_collector option is commented out in kdump.conf, makedumpfile
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
is the default core collector and kdump uses it internally.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
If one does not want makedumpfile as default core_collector, then they
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
need to specify one using core_collector option to change the behavior.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Note 2: If "makedumpfile -F" is used then you will get a flattened format
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
vmcore.flat, you will need to use "makedumpfile -R" to rearrange the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
dump data from standard input to a normal dumpfile (readable with analysis
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
ie. "makedumpfile -R vmcore < vmcore.flat"
DistroBaker |
624a64 |
DistroBaker |
624a64 |
Note 3: If specified core_collector simply copy the vmcore file to the
DistroBaker |
624a64 |
dump target (eg: cp, scp), the vmcore could be significantly large.
DistroBaker |
624a64 |
Please make sure the dump target has enough space, at leaset larger
DistroBaker |
624a64 |
than the system's RAM.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B kdump_post <binary | script>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
This directive allows you to run a specified executable
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
just after the vmcore dump process terminates. The exit
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
status of the current dump process is fed to the kdump_post
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
executable as its first argument($1). Executable can modify
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
it to indicate the new exit status of succeeding dump process,
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
All files under /etc/kdump/post.d are collectively sorted
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
and executed in lexical order, before binary or script
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
specified kdump_post parameter is executed.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
e38a68 |
Note that scripts written for use with this directive must use the /bin/bash
e38a68 |
interpreter. And since these scripts run in kdump enviroment, the reference to
e38a68 |
the storage or network device in the scripts should adhere to the section
e38a68 |
'Supported dump target types and requirements' in kexec-kdump-howto.txt.
e38a68 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B kdump_pre <binary | script>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Works just like the "kdump_post" directive, but instead
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
of running after the dump process, runs immediately
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
before. Exit status of this binary is interpreted
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
as follows:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
0 - continue with dump process as usual
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
non 0 - run the final action (reboot/poweroff/halt)
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
All files under /etc/kdump/pre.d are collectively sorted and
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
executed in lexical order, after binary or script specified
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kdump_pre parameter is executed.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Even if the binary or script in /etc/kdump/pre.d directory
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
returns non 0 exit status, the processing is continued.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
e38a68 |
Note that scripts written for use with this directive must use the /bin/bash
e38a68 |
interpreter. And since these scripts run in kdump enviroment, the reference to
e38a68 |
the storage or network device in the scripts should adhere to the section
e38a68 |
'Supported dump target types and requirements' in kexec-kdump-howto.txt.
e38a68 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B extra_bins <binaries | shell scripts>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
This directive allows you to specify additional
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
binaries or shell scripts you'd like to include in
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
your kdump initrd. Generally only useful in
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
conjunction with a kdump_post binary or script that
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
relies on other binaries or scripts.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B extra_modules <module(s)>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
This directive allows you to specify extra kernel
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
modules that you want to be loaded in the kdump
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
initrd, typically used to set up access to
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
non-boot-path dump targets that might otherwise
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
not be accessible in the kdump environment. Multiple
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
modules can be listed, separated by spaces, and any
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
dependent modules will automatically be included.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B failure_action <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Action to perform in case dumping to the intended target fails. The default is "reboot".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
reboot: Reboot the system (this is what most people will want, as it returns the system
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
to a normal state). halt: Halt the system and lose the vmcore. poweroff: The system
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
will be powered down. shell: Drop to a shell session inside the initramfs, from which
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
you can manually perform additional recovery actions. Exiting this shell reboots the
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
system by default or performs "final_action".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Note: kdump uses bash as the default shell. dump_to_rootfs: If non-root dump
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
target is specified, the failure action can be set as dump_to_rootfs. That means when
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
dumping to target fails, dump vmcore to rootfs from initramfs context and reboot
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
by default or perform "final_action".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B default <reboot | halt | poweroff | shell | dump_to_rootfs>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Same as the "failure_action" directive above, but this directive is obsolete
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
and will be removed in the future.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B final_action <reboot | halt | poweroff>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Action to perform in case dumping to the intended target succeeds.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Also performed when "shell" or "dump_to_rootfs" failure action finishes.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Each action is same as the "failure_action" directive above.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
The default is "reboot".
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B force_rebuild <0 | 1>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
By default, kdump initrd will only be rebuilt when necessary.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Specify 1 to force rebuilding kdump initrd every time when kdump service starts.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B force_no_rebuild <0 | 1>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
By default, kdump initrd will be rebuilt when necessary.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Specify 1 to bypass rebuilding of kdump initrd.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
force_no_rebuild and force_rebuild options are mutually exclusive and
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
they should not be set to 1 simultaneously.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B override_resettable <0 | 1>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Usually an unresettable block device can't be a dump target. Specifying 1 means
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
that even though the block target is unresettable, the user wants to try dumping anyway.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
By default, it's set to 0, which will not try something destined to fail.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B dracut_args <arg(s)>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Kdump uses dracut to generate initramfs for second kernel. This option
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
allows a user to pass arguments to dracut directly.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B fence_kdump_args <arg(s)>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Command line arguments for fence_kdump_send (it can contain all valid
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
arguments except hosts to send notification to).
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B fence_kdump_nodes <node(s)>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
List of cluster node(s) except localhost, separated by spaces, to send fence_kdump notification
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
to (this option is mandatory to enable fence_kdump).
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B net <nfs mount>|<user@server>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
net option is replaced by nfs and ssh options. Use nfs or ssh options
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B options <module> <option list>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Use KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/kdump to add module options as
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kernel command line parameters. For example, specify 'loop.max_loop=1' to limit
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
maximum loop devices to 1.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B link_delay <seconds>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
link_delay was used to wait for a network device to initialize before using it.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Now dracut network module takes care of this issue automatically.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B disk_timeout <seconds>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Similar to link_delay, dracut ensures disks are ready before kdump uses them.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B debug_mem_level <0-3>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Turn on verbose debug output of kdump scripts regarding free/used memory at
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
various points of execution. This feature has been
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
moved to dracut now.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Use KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/kdump and
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
append dracut cmdline param rd.memdebug=[0-3] to enable the debug output.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Higher level means more debugging output.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
0 - no output
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
1 - partial /proc/meminfo
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
2 - /proc/meminfo
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
3 - /proc/meminfo + /proc/slabinfo
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.B blacklist <list of kernel modules>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
blacklist option was recently being used to prevent loading modules in
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
initramfs. General terminology for blacklist has been that module is
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
present in initramfs but it is not actually loaded in kernel. Hence
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
retaining blacklist option creates more confusing behavior. It has been
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Instead, use rd.driver.blacklist option on second kernel to blacklist
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
a certain module. One can edit /etc/sysconfig/kdump.conf and edit
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND to pass kernel command line options. Refer
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
to dracut.cmdline man page for more details on module blacklist option.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Here are some examples for core_collector option:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Core collector command format depends on dump target type. Typically for
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
filesystem (local/remote), core_collector should accept two arguments.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
First one is source file and second one is target file. For ex.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
core_collector "cp --sparse=always"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
cp --sparse=always /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
core_collector "makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31 /proc/vmcore <dest-path>/vmcore
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
For dump targets like raw and ssh, in general, core collector should expect
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
one argument (source file) and should output the processed core on standard
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
output (There is one exception of "scp", discussed later). This standard
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
output will be saved to destination using appropriate commands.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
raw dumps examples:
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
core_collector "cat"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
cat /proc/vmcore | dd of=<target-device>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | dd of=<target-device>
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
ssh dumps examples
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
core_collector "cat"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
cat /proc/vmcore | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
core_collector "makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
DistroBaker |
5cac7c |
makedumpfile -F -l --message-level 7 -d 31 | ssh <options> <remote-location> "dd of=path/vmcore"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
There is one exception to standard output rule for ssh dumps. And that is
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
scp. As scp can handle ssh destinations for file transfers, one can
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
specify "scp" as core collector for ssh targets (no output on stdout).
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
core_collector "scp"
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Above will effectively be translated to.
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
scp /proc/vmcore <user@host>:path/vmcore
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
examples for other options please see
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
.I /etc/kdump.conf
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
Petr Šabata |
f5bf49 |
kexec(8) mkdumprd(8) dracut.cmdline(7)