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This document describes features the kexec-tools package provides for setting
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and estimating the crashkernel value.
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Kdump lives in a pre-reserved chunk of memory, and the size of the reserved
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memory is specified by the `crashkernel=` kernel parameter. It's hard to
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estimate an accurate `crashkernel=` value, so it's always recommended to test
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kdump after you updated the `crashkernel=` value or changed the dump target.
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Default crashkernel value
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Latest kernel packages includes a `crashkernel.default` file installed in kernel
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modules folder, available as:
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The content of the file will be taken as the default value of 'crashkernel=', or
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take this file as a reference for setting crashkernel value manually.
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New installed system
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Anaconda is the OS installer which sets all the kernel boot cmdline on a new
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installed system. If kdump is set enabled during Anaconda installation, Anaconda
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will use the `crashkernel.default` file as the default `crashkernel=` value on
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the new installed system.
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Users can also override the value during Anaconda installation manually.
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Auto update of crashkernel boot parameter
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Following context in this section assumes all kernel packages have a
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`crashkernel.default` file bundled, which is true for the latest official kernel
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packages. For kexec-tools behavior with a kernel that doesn't have a
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`crashkernel.default` file, please refer to the “Custom Kernel” section of this
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When `crashkernel=` is using the default value, kexec-tools will need to update
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the `crashkernel=` value of new installed kernels, since the default value may
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change in new kernel packages.
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kexec-tools does so by adding a kernel installation hook, which gets triggered
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every time a new kernel is installed, so kexec-tools can do necessary checks and
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Supported Bootloaders
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This auto update only works with GRUB2 and ZIPL, as kexec-tools heavily depends
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on `grubby`. If other boot loaders are used, the user will have to update the
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`crashkernel=` value manually.
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Updating kernel package
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When a new version of package kernel is released in the official repository, the
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package will always come with a `crashkernel.default` file bundled. Kexec-tools
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will act with following rules:
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If current boot kernel is using the default `crashkernel=` boot param value from
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its `crashkernel.default` file, then kexec-tools will update new installed
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kernel’s `crashkernel=` boot param using the value from the new installed
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kernel’s `crashkernel.default` file. This ensures `crashkernel=` is always using
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the latest default value.
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If current boot kernel's `crashkernel=` value is set to a non-default value, the
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new installed kernel simply inherits this value.
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On systems using GRUB2 as the bootloader, each kernel has its own boot entry,
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making it possible to set different `crashkernel=` boot param values for
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different kernels. So kexec-tools won’t touch any already installed kernel's
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boot param, only new installed kernel's `crashkernel=` boot param value will be
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But some utilities like `grub2-mkconfig` and `grubby` can override all boot
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entry's boot params with the boot params value from the GRUB config file
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`/etc/defaults/grub`, so kexec-tools will also update the GRUB config file in
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case old `crashkernel=` value overrides new installed kernel’s boot param.
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Downgrading kernel package
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When upgrading a kernel package, kexec-tools may update the `crashkernel=` value
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in GRUB2 config file to the new value. So when downgrading the kernel package,
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kexec-tools will also try to revert that update by setting GRUB2 config file’s
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`crashkernel=` value back to the default value in the older kernel package. This
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will only occur when the GRUB2 config file is using the default `crashkernel=`
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Custom kernel
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To make auto crashkernel update more robust, kexec-tools will try to keep
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tracking the default 'crashkernel=` value with kernels that don’t have a
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`crashkernel.default` file, such kernels are referred to as “custom kernel” in
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this doc. This is only a best-effort support to make it easier debugging and
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testing the system.
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When installing a custom kernel that doesn’t have a `crashkernel.default` file,
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the `crashkernel=` value will be simply inherited from the current boot kernel.
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When installing a new official kernel package and current boot kernel is a
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custom kernel, since the boot kernel doesn’t have a `crashkernel.default` file,
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kexec-tools will iterate installed kernels and check if the boot kernel
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inherited the default value from any other existing kernels’
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`crashkernel.default` file. If a matching `crashkernel.default` file is found,
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kexec-tools will update the new installed kernel `crashkernel=` boot param using
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the value from the new installed kernel’s `crashkernel.default` file, ensures
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the auto crashkernel value update won’t break over one or two custom kernel
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It is possible that the auto crashkernel value update will fail when custom
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kernels are used. One example is a custom kernel inheriting the default
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`crashkernel=` value from an older official kernel package, but later that
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kernel package is uninstalled. So when booted with the custom kernel,
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kexec-tools can't determine if the boot kernel is inheriting a default
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`crashkernel=` value from any official build. In such a case, please refer to
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the "Reset crashkernel to default value" section of this doc.
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Reset crashkernel to default value
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kexec-tools only perform the auto update of crashkernel value when it can
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confirm the boot kernel's crashkernel value is using its corresponding default
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value or inherited from any installed kernel.
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kexec-tools may fail to determine if the boot kernel is using default
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crashkernel value in some use cases:
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- kexec-tools package is absent during a kernel package upgrade, and the new
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  kernel package’s `crashkernel.default` value has changed.
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- Custom kernel is used and the kernel it inherits `crashkernel=`  value from is
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So it's recommended to reset the crashkernel value if users have uninstalled
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kexec-tools or using a custom kernel.
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Reset using kdumpctl
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To make it easier to reset the `crashkernel=` kernel cmdline to this default
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value properly, `kdumpctl` also provides a sub-command:
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	`kdumpctl reset-crashkernel [<kernel version>]`
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This command will read from the `crashkernel.default` file and reset
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bootloader's kernel cmdline to the default value. It will also update bootloader
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config if the bootloader has a standalone config file. User will have to reboot
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the machine after this command to make it take effect.
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Reset manually
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To reset the crashkernel value manually, it's recommended to use utils like
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`grubby`. A one liner script for resetting `crashkernel=` value of all installed
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kernels to current boot kernel's  crashkernel.default` is:
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	grubby --update-kernel ALL --args "$(cat /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/crashkernel.default)"
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Estimate crashkernel
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The best way to estimate a usable crashkernel value is by testing kdump
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manually.  And you can set crashkernel to a large value, then adjust the
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crashkernel value to an acceptable value gradually.
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`kdumpctl` also provides a sub-command for doing rough estimating without
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triggering kdump:
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	`kdumpctl estimate`
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The output will be like this:
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      Encrypted kdump target requires extra memory, assuming using the keyslot with minimun memory requirement
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      Reserved crashkernel:    256M
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      Recommended crashkernel: 655M
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      Kernel image size:   47M
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      Kernel modules size: 12M
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      Initramfs size:      19M
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      Runtime reservation: 64M
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      LUKS required size:  512M
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      Large modules:
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          xfs: 1892352
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          nouveau: 2318336
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      WARNING: Current crashkernel size is lower than recommended size 655M.
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It will generate a summary report about the estimated memory consumption
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of each component of kdump. The value may not be accurate enough, but
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would be a good start for finding a suitable crashkernel value.