diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index da73ba2..601028b 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ SOURCES/kernel-abi-stablelists-4.18.0-305.tar.bz2 SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-305.tar.bz2 -SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4.tar.xz +SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-305.7.1.el8_4.tar.xz SOURCES/rheldup3.x509 SOURCES/rhelkpatch1.x509 diff --git a/.kernel.metadata b/.kernel.metadata index 5233043..7f70a54 100644 --- a/.kernel.metadata +++ b/.kernel.metadata @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ bf2922872b49aeeb6fe4cdb149d4061604ed7488 SOURCES/kernel-abi-stablelists-4.18.0-305.tar.bz2 4d18d659f47e29331ec86f06d9bd64b93dbac657 SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-305.tar.bz2 -d2b288ebb87c686a7c29407664622b9ffce66562 SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4.tar.xz +126a73223304ec88d39b54118a436e877a2d23b0 SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-305.7.1.el8_4.tar.xz 95b9b811c7b0a6c98b2eafc4e7d6d24f2cb63289 SOURCES/rheldup3.x509 d90885108d225a234a5a9d054fc80893a5bd54d0 SOURCES/rhelkpatch1.x509 diff --git a/README.debrand b/README.debrand deleted file mode 100644 index 01c46d2..0000000 --- a/README.debrand +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -Warning: This package was configured for automatic debranding, but the changes -failed to apply. diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der b/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der deleted file mode 100644 index 44a2563..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-kpatch.x509 b/SOURCES/centos-kpatch.x509 deleted file mode 100644 index ca57a43..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-kpatch.x509 and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-ldup.x509 b/SOURCES/centos-ldup.x509 deleted file mode 100644 index 9c65dd3..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-ldup.x509 and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos.pem b/SOURCES/centos.pem deleted file mode 100644 index 82ad817..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centos.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDgTCCAmmgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zGAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjA0MFoXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjA0MFowVTEvMC0GA1UEAwwmQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IERyaXZlciB1cGRhdGUgc2ln -bmluZyBrZXkxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEi -MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD5ECuosQ4HKRRf+Kxfm+BcICBK -PGqB+E/qalqQ3CCM3LWezq0ns/GZTD0CtSAzmOObqJb3gJ9S5gcbaMVBc3JxLlQ+ -RwVy0oNy91uy9TKhYQ3lpHDyujxiFmXPSJLMKOYbOBNObJ7qF6+ptnmDWMu7GWDc -4UGdBdU/evt92LIxsi9ZQCEoZIqdyKBE/Y3V9gBZIZa/4oXMHfW9dWxhy9UszmR9 -hT7ZdgLFpWMFmJW+SS5QEWtp5CpRlcui4QJZl42bMp5JOrVWc+BlKPIsLdY8TqLp -9FdhQ5Ih4auT7zn2V89YgYpq6VMZnPsn/v5piB6i6RK8Falr6SP5SV0cwV/jAgMB -AAGjXTBbMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQpvUwN -BtLpkRBEtdyXMwkTm1HW1TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q6 -8zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAK+f4c4aP9TQDiQM4TDyw8iDapr7eBc+Yr0M5 -ELkWEQu55/OwLQrgCA5bdD86diaAXQAlUOXCtFRrbUQHQACEL77/32YdooHfVZZ7 -04CeE+JWxF/cQ3M5hhJnkyxaqFKC+B+bn7Z6eloMnYUPsXwfQEOuyxKaKergAJdq -KnC0pEG3NGgwlwvnD0dwUqbbEUUqL3UQh96hCYDidhCUmuap1E2OGoxGex3ekszf -ErCgwVYb46cv91ba2KqXVWl1FoO3c5MyZcxL46ihQgiY0BI975+HDFjpUZ69n+Um -OhSscRUiKeEQKMVtHzyQUp5t+HCeaZBRPy3rFoIjTEqijKZ6tQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDejCCAmKgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjAwMloXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjAwMlowTjEoMCYGA1UEAwwfQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IGtwYXRjaCBzaWduaW5nIGtl -eTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTc2VjdXJpdHlAY2VudG9zLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZI -hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMG+5OclqB0NE5azrGkSitqUFcZjpRk/rS2P -CetB6jwxOn06TrLGzqnhcE9VBKyEs7CXBLy6lfnORcYOybcR2XvrgqGa1txOZggl -hc8zCj9X7ZCMK2UsWglxQCOtbo0m/vdor/VO3SFbrf/W9+PXhvNtcxMP9yjydbP+ -lS1St8uQv952hu7C1TevyOQN3jpvWRD7DSJIU/2uRFcdIo2QCGokuB/xESXeuGJ2 -F2P9w0h74V18AlVTxtGp/RSJqZaQ2Gi5h4Oa7UsRmhmCoLdmdBe7xnYJrJ4GhxKQ -yG0kU1ikEhZW3YjoVPgBJzTsIhCAzFrOUq0d67a1wTVMiyL60fUCAwEAAaNdMFsw -DAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADALBgNVHQ8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFLSfCGIFkJ3E2iz6 -mTdvsZHS8J54MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFTsgYWJPuka2wj3RIhUfo4/dDrzMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBcDnjWh8Mx6yaS/OvBOYZprYy5Su0tn+YHiN0czpjVw+zl -NUt2YmRSA/g6xks04CYx+UAL/xnvRcxXd17Ni7eWiROxvgQvBo5nScVkFPq2IIP5 -8aj7LoHR1MUeXfiNqf1JoSlgpRV47wv/+jZD0hmbt1rC2NJp0ZU8OHmt2GWk0jmM -MK72D/pyCUfHetBzPpU9M0cNiukjMUdIL+U7+CXDgKsfdFHcQ76ebWyka7vRSXTs -lBMa2g20Atwz2Hj7tEEAZ74ioQ9029RAlUSNipACe31YdT4/BBWIqHPpeDFkp8W0 -9v4jeTX/2kMBXkjzMfKjhpooa+bFFFLogLeX3P4W ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der deleted file mode 100644 index 321c4ec..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: - b6:16:15:71:72:fb:31:7e - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: CN=CentOS Secure Boot (CA key 1)/emailAddress=security@centos.org - Validity - Not Before: Aug 1 11:47:30 2018 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 11:47:30 2037 GMT - Subject: CN=CentOS Secure Boot (key 1)/emailAddress=security@centos.org - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption - RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) - Modulus (2048 bit): - 00:c1:a3:6a:f4:2d:71:83:6c:21:ca:0c:b7:ac:fa: - 76:80:43:03:40:87:5d:de:e9:1e:df:ad:e7:2b:51: - cb:f8:31:0f:9a:db:ab:23:25:04:11:05:57:7d:f2: - 4b:8d:1e:b3:75:78:1d:b9:57:8b:18:0b:bb:7e:e3: - 24:0f:6a:40:5f:2b:4f:03:a5:85:94:d2:f9:08:a0: - bc:db:a5:ea:4f:7f:e8:7c:d1:a9:f8:f0:9c:25:18: - 00:14:c4:c4:35:7d:1d:4c:8a:8d:95:f8:ed:65:97: - a5:a4:da:7d:cb:f0:33:3b:b7:03:94:68:47:05:57: - 6c:96:91:ac:14:f2:e3:f6:6d:4a:18:cf:68:8a:35: - 6f:8e:26:99:7f:db:c9:83:54:c2:c3:bf:ad:45:a0: - aa:a0:86:5f:20:b1:86:1b:ae:b7:28:15:11:f9:65: - 53:5d:70:33:9b:a3:c7:b5:c8:11:ff:55:3b:e7:46: - f1:6c:6b:8c:bb:f2:9f:36:23:b1:2d:23:2f:8f:4f: - 6c:a8:cc:ae:f5:56:9e:22:6c:0e:9a:4a:b1:bd:b2: - 76:15:5c:05:85:b8:5e:dc:8c:a5:c3:e0:75:51:a4: - 94:9b:03:2e:7b:f8:d3:b9:dd:7f:88:ce:2e:2f:28: - 4c:b4:92:2f:e6:e0:67:0a:d0:ff:c5:d2:79:a6:ef: - 94:0f - Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical - CA:FALSE - X509v3 Key Usage: - Digital Signature - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - F0:37:C6:EA:EC:36:D4:05:7A:52:6C:0E:C6:D5:A9:5B:32:4E:E1:29 - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:54:EC:81:85:89:3E:E9:1A:DB:08:F7:44:88:54:7E:8E:3F:74:3A:F3 - - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - 97:97:ba:a6:0b:5b:bb:84:39:2e:ef:8b:51:9a:89:bb:65:3c: - dc:15:d0:5a:88:c5:af:ce:93:f5:c1:74:98:15:59:a9:38:da: - 11:fd:46:d5:4f:23:7c:03:1f:ae:0c:70:93:94:a7:61:2f:4b: - 2f:5f:bb:cc:8a:d7:4a:24:66:73:85:b4:19:13:fc:6a:61:4a: - 28:1f:a2:38:f4:72:90:03:c4:3e:64:63:8b:fb:15:22:22:4e: - b9:43:d9:b4:3d:3a:60:c1:4d:3a:09:85:68:7a:bc:3b:f9:ef: - f3:f5:e9:c9:4f:80:8c:c6:e9:cb:ef:28:44:b0:5d:d4:9e:4f: - 0f:02:9a:65:aa:98:35:b4:6f:d2:80:e3:08:ef:12:d0:17:56: - a6:a1:42:1e:1d:ab:e5:33:c0:fd:88:0d:40:42:81:c8:27:30: - 17:07:57:3e:05:9d:aa:05:0e:5b:3a:79:b4:29:aa:7c:42:5a: - ad:43:59:fb:34:4d:dc:62:58:63:e4:fb:de:bb:fd:6c:4e:97: - 58:f4:b9:99:4a:71:fe:7f:16:50:55:25:46:39:96:9b:88:6c: - 75:19:33:9e:70:b3:04:82:fe:16:a8:8e:22:47:83:6d:16:77: - da:26:ad:31:d8:06:6d:c5:7e:46:4b:21:ab:ae:ec:2a:93:71: - da:7f:89:1d ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDdTCCAl2gAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF+MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE4MDgwMTExNDczMFoXDTM3MTIzMTEx -NDczMFowSTEjMCEGA1UEAxMaQ2VudE9TIFNlY3VyZSBCb290IChrZXkgMSkxIjAg -BgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB -AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDBo2r0LXGDbCHKDLes+naAQwNAh13e6R7frecrUcv4 -MQ+a26sjJQQRBVd98kuNHrN1eB25V4sYC7t+4yQPakBfK08DpYWU0vkIoLzbpepP -f+h80an48JwlGAAUxMQ1fR1Mio2V+O1ll6Wk2n3L8DM7twOUaEcFV2yWkawU8uP2 -bUoYz2iKNW+OJpl/28mDVMLDv61FoKqghl8gsYYbrrcoFRH5ZVNdcDObo8e1yBH/ -VTvnRvFsa4y78p82I7EtIy+PT2yozK71Vp4ibA6aSrG9snYVXAWFuF7cjKXD4HVR -pJSbAy57+NO53X+Izi4vKEy0ki/m4GcK0P/F0nmm75QPAgMBAAGjXTBbMAwGA1Ud -EwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTwN8bq7DbUBXpSbA7G1alb -Mk7hKTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q68zANBgkqhkiG9w0B -AQsFAAOCAQEAl5e6pgtbu4Q5Lu+LUZqJu2U83BXQWojFr86T9cF0mBVZqTjaEf1G -1U8jfAMfrgxwk5SnYS9LL1+7zIrXSiRmc4W0GRP8amFKKB+iOPRykAPEPmRji/sV -IiJOuUPZtD06YMFNOgmFaHq8O/nv8/XpyU+AjMbpy+8oRLBd1J5PDwKaZaqYNbRv -0oDjCO8S0BdWpqFCHh2r5TPA/YgNQEKByCcwFwdXPgWdqgUOWzp5tCmqfEJarUNZ -+zRN3GJYY+T73rv9bE6XWPS5mUpx/n8WUFUlRjmWm4hsdRkznnCzBIL+FqiOIkeD -bRZ32iatMdgGbcV+Rkshq67sKpNx2n+JHQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der deleted file mode 100644 index f9d9675..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: - 93:c2:04:d8:bd:77:6b:11 - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: CN=CentOS Secure Boot CA 2/emailAddress=security@centos.org - Validity - Not Before: Jun 9 10:04:20 2020 GMT - Not After : Jan 18 10:04:20 2038 GMT - Subject: CN=CentOS Secure Boot Signing 201/emailAddress=security@centos.org - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption - Public-Key: (2048 bit) - Modulus: - 00:9e:ef:fe:76:1c:9f:9b:3e:f2:e4:c5:29:bd:19: - 32:01:59:f3:e6:99:fa:eb:b5:f8:94:0c:95:3a:65: - 5e:b1:72:d0:50:3e:70:64:8a:1a:d1:f6:4d:af:6d: - 57:ee:40:71:40:09:dd:30:0c:81:a1:8b:26:63:12: - 07:bf:e1:d1:45:9f:9b:09:a6:57:98:9e:ef:97:e9: - bd:68:38:ea:aa:63:92:2e:0d:2f:8e:fb:be:88:40: - 9b:59:e3:bc:b7:6f:e3:bb:6b:1e:6e:9e:ee:57:b8: - 28:c6:d5:d6:bf:47:a6:e9:38:a9:8f:08:73:98:49: - a8:58:d2:62:73:f1:1e:44:d4:88:3d:f9:aa:43:e2: - 72:2e:d7:43:3e:1d:b6:65:f6:d1:2e:ef:31:cb:9f: - 5e:e3:d4:ea:3c:23:9a:07:af:f9:4a:ee:43:9a:75: - 06:ed:9a:54:2c:ed:5b:ca:85:a5:10:16:cd:30:64: - ea:d5:27:7e:23:f6:fc:ec:69:a9:43:2f:78:73:6b: - 33:78:8b:f8:54:db:3f:ce:95:a4:5a:04:9a:15:49: - 98:cd:34:7c:c7:8c:a9:8a:32:82:ae:c0:d6:34:93: - e7:d2:54:82:45:ee:eb:54:9a:96:d4:da:4b:24:f8: - 09:56:d8:cd:7f:ec:7b:f3:bd:db:9b:8c:b6:18:87: - fa:07 - Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical - CA:FALSE - X509v3 Key Usage: critical - Digital Signature - X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical - Code Signing - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - 5D:4B:64:F2:FA:63:1E:5E:5F:DB:AA:DC:14:67:C6:6C:99:21:7A:22 - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:70:00:7F:99:20:9C:12:6B:E1:47:74:EA:EC:7B:6D:96:31:F3:4D:CA - - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - 39:4b:b5:cc:37:3f:cd:db:84:0f:63:7c:c4:e4:53:fb:5e:fd: - db:12:19:23:6f:0a:50:14:fd:4f:7c:f9:87:3d:f9:6d:5b:af: - 07:a5:94:34:1b:84:07:f4:f1:a0:de:cc:73:87:99:31:c3:93: - 66:c0:bc:f2:0f:b2:69:65:8e:da:b9:1a:8e:ae:38:56:f3:7c: - 5a:8d:29:0d:3d:ad:84:e7:86:31:a2:8e:2a:a8:f8:f8:f7:87: - 32:65:5d:81:47:53:b8:40:c5:1b:a7:46:1f:b0:60:a7:b4:97: - 89:51:26:3c:de:46:b9:14:d5:a0:7d:99:cc:a7:7e:ed:89:18: - 02:ce:e6:07:45:49:e2:04:7d:5b:03:65:ec:e6:c3:86:0d:82: - 31:24:45:51:ec:15:ad:31:83:a8:1c:6e:52:4d:b8:0f:5d:0b: - e4:7b:51:49:39:46:8a:0b:fd:0c:46:af:b4:19:65:0f:12:f1: - fc:ee:fd:6b:4f:df:9a:73:7c:e0:c8:3d:c3:d5:b5:ab:4a:86: - 36:97:e8:89:fb:af:f4:f1:c2:05:5d:17:fb:b6:df:a5:0e:45: - 89:db:89:99:93:ce:f0:4e:e9:9c:f4:4a:03:b0:6e:be:a2:69: - ab:b1:f3:3b:ed:c7:97:f4:0e:0a:53:27:5a:7e:70:9a:35:ea: - 7a:76:d1:bc ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDjjCCAnagAwIBAgIJAJPCBNi9d2sRMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEYxIDAeBgNV -BAMMF0NlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCBDQSAyMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNzZWN1 -cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTIwMDYwOTEwMDQyMFoXDTM4MDExODEwMDQyMFow -TTEnMCUGA1UEAwweQ2VudE9TIFNlY3VyZSBCb290IFNpZ25pbmcgMjAxMSIwIAYJ -KoZIhvcNAQkBFhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF -AAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnu/+dhyfmz7y5MUpvRkyAVnz5pn667X4lAyVOmVesXLQ -UD5wZIoa0fZNr21X7kBxQAndMAyBoYsmYxIHv+HRRZ+bCaZXmJ7vl+m9aDjqqmOS -Lg0vjvu+iECbWeO8t2/ju2sebp7uV7goxtXWv0em6TipjwhzmEmoWNJic/EeRNSI -PfmqQ+JyLtdDPh22ZfbRLu8xy59e49TqPCOaB6/5Su5DmnUG7ZpULO1byoWlEBbN -MGTq1Sd+I/b87GmpQy94c2szeIv4VNs/zpWkWgSaFUmYzTR8x4ypijKCrsDWNJPn -0lSCRe7rVJqW1NpLJPgJVtjNf+x7873bm4y2GIf6BwIDAQABo3gwdjAMBgNVHRMB -Af8EAjAAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIHgDAWBgNVHSUBAf8EDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAd -BgNVHQ4EFgQUXUtk8vpjHl5f26rcFGfGbJkheiIwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUcAB/mSCc -EmvhR3Tq7HttljHzTcowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBADlLtcw3P83bhA9jfMTk -U/te/dsSGSNvClAU/U98+Yc9+W1brwellDQbhAf08aDezHOHmTHDk2bAvPIPsmll -jtq5Go6uOFbzfFqNKQ09rYTnhjGijiqo+Pj3hzJlXYFHU7hAxRunRh+wYKe0l4lR -JjzeRrkU1aB9mcynfu2JGALO5gdFSeIEfVsDZezmw4YNgjEkRVHsFa0xg6gcblJN -uA9dC+R7UUk5RooL/QxGr7QZZQ8S8fzu/WtP35pzfODIPcPVtatKhjaX6In7r/Tx -wgVdF/u236UORYnbiZmTzvBO6Zz0SgOwbr6iaaux8zvtx5f0DgpTJ1p+cJo16np2 -0bw= ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der b/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der deleted file mode 100644 index 42bdfcf..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 5592a59..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- a/arch/x86/boot/main.c 2019-03-13 04:04:53.000000000 -0700 -+++ b/arch/x86/boot/main.c 2019-05-25 14:31:21.043272496 -0700 -@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void main(void) - - /* Make sure we have all the proper CPU support */ - if (validate_cpu()) { -- puts("This processor is not supported in this version of RHEL.\n"); -+ puts("This processor is not supported in this version of CentOS Linux.\n"); - die(); - } - diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 74f2e15..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ ---- a/kernel/rh_taint.c 2020-10-16 10:41:51.000000000 -0500 -+++ b/kernel/rh_taint.c 2020-11-19 10:50:24.853039167 -0600 -@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ - #include - - /* -- * The following functions are used by Red Hat to indicate to users that -- * hardware and drivers are unsupported, or have limited support in RHEL major -+ * The following functions are used by CentOS Linux to indicate to users that -+ * hardware and drivers are unsupported, or have limited support in CentOS Linux major - * and minor releases. These functions output loud warning messages to the end - * user and should be USED WITH CAUTION. - * -- * Any use of these functions _MUST_ be documented in the RHEL Release Notes, -+ * Any use of these functions _MUST_ be documented in the CentOS Linux Release Notes, - * and have approval of management. - */ - -@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ - * @msg: Hardware name, class, or type - * - * Called to mark a device, class of devices, or types of devices as not having -- * support in any RHEL minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. Red Hat -- * will not fix bugs against this hardware in this minor release. Red Hat may -+ * support in any CentOS Linux minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. CentOS Linux -+ * will not fix bugs against this hardware in this minor release. CentOS Linux may - * declare support in a future major or minor update release. This cannot be - * used to mark drivers unsupported. - */ - void mark_hardware_unsupported(const char *msg) - { - /* Print one single message */ -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware has not undergone testing by Red Hat and might not be certified. Please consult https://catalog.redhat.com for certified hardware.\n", msg); -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware has not undergone testing by CentOS Linux and might not be certified. Please consult https://catalog.redhat.com for certified hardware.\n", msg); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_unsupported); - -@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_unsupported) - * Called to minimize the support status of a previously supported device in - * a minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. Marking hardware - * deprecated is usually done in conjunction with the hardware vendor. Future -- * RHEL major releases may not include this driver. Driver updates and fixes -+ * CentOS Linux major releases may not include this driver. Driver updates and fixes - * for this device will be limited to critical issues in future minor releases. - */ - void mark_hardware_deprecated(const char *msg) - { -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware is not recommended for new deployments. It continues to be supported in this RHEL release, but it is likely to be removed in the next major release. Driver updates and fixes for this device will be limited to critical issues. Please contact Red Hat Support or your device's hardware vendor for additional information.\n", msg); -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware is not recommended for new deployments. It continues to be supported in this CentOS Linux release, but it is likely to be removed in the next major release. Driver updates and fixes for this device will be limited to critical issues. Please contact CentOS Linux Support or your device's hardware vendor for additional information.\n", msg); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_deprecated); - -@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_deprecated); - * - * Called to minimize the support status of a new driver. This does TAINT the - * kernel. Calling this function indicates that the driver or subsystem has -- * had limited testing and is not marked for full support within this RHEL -- * minor release. The next RHEL minor release may contain full support for -- * this driver. Red Hat does not guarantee that bugs reported against this -+ * had limited testing and is not marked for full support within this CentOS Linux -+ * minor release. The next CentOS Linux minor release may contain full support for -+ * this driver. CentOS Linux does not guarantee that bugs reported against this - * driver or subsystem will be resolved. - */ - void mark_tech_preview(const char *msg, struct module *mod) -@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_tech_preview); - * mark_driver_unsupported - drivers that we know we don't want to support - * @name: the name of the driver - * -- * In some cases Red Hat has chosen to build a driver for internal QE -+ * In some cases CentOS Linux has chosen to build a driver for internal QE - * use. Use this function to mark those drivers as unsupported for - * customers. - */ - void mark_driver_unsupported(const char *name) - { -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - This driver has not undergone sufficient testing by Red Hat for this release and therefore cannot be used in production systems.\n", -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - This driver has not undergone sufficient testing by CentOS Linux for this release and therefore cannot be used in production systems.\n", - name ? name : "kernel"); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_driver_unsupported); diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch deleted file mode 100644 index b3eed51..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- a/arch/x86/kernel/setup.c 2019-03-13 04:04:53.000000000 -0700 -+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/setup.c 2019-05-27 08:35:54.580595314 -0700 -@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ static void rh_check_supported(void) - if (((boot_cpu_data.x86_max_cores * smp_num_siblings) == 1) && - !guest && is_kdump_kernel()) { - pr_crit("Detected single cpu native boot.\n"); -- pr_crit("Important: In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, single threaded, single CPU 64-bit physical systems are unsupported by Red Hat. Please contact your Red Hat support representative for a list of certified and supported systems."); -+ pr_crit("Important: In CentOS Linux 8, single threaded, single CPU 64-bit physical systems are unsupported. Please see http://wiki.centos.org/FAQ for more information"); - } - - /* diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config index 72d265b..0bdb444 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config @@ -2094,6 +2094,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_KEYRING is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_SYS_HYPERVISOR is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config index 9d228dd..9b55408 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config @@ -2167,6 +2167,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_KEYRING is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_SYS_HYPERVISOR is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config index 731cc76..5f2d495 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config @@ -1838,6 +1838,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSCON_REBOOT_MODE is not set # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config index 2f4b90b..08e0df7 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config @@ -1912,6 +1912,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSCON_REBOOT_MODE is not set # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config index e09ebe0..58ef57c 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config @@ -1955,6 +1955,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config index cdbc7a5..366b5a0 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config @@ -2184,6 +2184,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_KEYRING is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_DATA_VERIFICATION is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSVIPC is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config index 5247f4e..e8fcb53 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config @@ -2028,6 +2028,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config index ed64f0a..fff0707 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config @@ -1850,6 +1850,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config index 2cce5dd..515c23b 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config @@ -1920,6 +1920,8 @@ # CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEMPORT is not set # CONFIG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_CERTIFICATE is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS is not set +# CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST is not set # CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set # CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set # CONFIG_T5403 is not set diff --git a/SOURCES/x509.genkey b/SOURCES/x509.genkey index dbfe9a7..b1bbe38 100644 --- a/SOURCES/x509.genkey +++ b/SOURCES/x509.genkey @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ prompt = no x509_extensions = myexts [ req_distinguished_name ] -O = CentOS -CN = CentOS kernel signing key -emailAddress = security@centos.org +O = Red Hat +CN = Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel signing key +emailAddress = secalert@redhat.com [ myexts ] basicConstraints=critical,CA:FALSE diff --git a/SPECS/kernel.spec b/SPECS/kernel.spec index f436d33..0f88913 100644 --- a/SPECS/kernel.spec +++ b/SPECS/kernel.spec @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ %global distro_build 305 # Sign the x86_64 kernel for secure boot authentication -%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 +%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le %global signkernel 1 %else %global signkernel 0 @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ # define buildid .local %define rpmversion 4.18.0 -%define pkgrelease 305.3.1.el8_4 +%define pkgrelease 305.7.1.el8_4 # allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag -%define specrelease 305.3.1%{?dist} +%define specrelease 305.7.1%{?dist} %define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid} @@ -445,34 +445,44 @@ Source9: x509.genkey %if %{?released_kernel} -Source10: centossecurebootca2.der -Source11: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source12: centossecureboot201.der -Source13: centossecureboot001.der +Source10: redhatsecurebootca5.cer +Source11: redhatsecurebootca3.cer +Source12: redhatsecureboot501.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot301.cer +Source14: secureboot_s390.cer +Source15: secureboot_ppc.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE10} %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot301 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE12} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot501 +%endif +%ifarch s390x +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot302 +%endif +%ifarch ppc64le +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE15} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot303 %endif # released_kernel %else -Source11: centossecurebootca2.der -Source12: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source13: centossecureboot201.der -Source14: centossecureboot001.der +Source11: redhatsecurebootca4.cer +Source12: redhatsecurebootca2.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot401.cer +Source14: redhatsecureboot003.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE12} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot003 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot401 # released_kernel %endif @@ -504,8 +514,8 @@ Source43: generate_bls_conf.sh Source44: mod-internal.list -Source100: centos-ldup.x509 -Source101: centos-kpatch.x509 +Source100: rheldup3.x509 +Source101: rhelkpatch1.x509 %if %{with_kabichk} Source200: check-kabi @@ -533,24 +543,18 @@ Source2000: cpupower.service Source2001: cpupower.config Source2002: kvm_stat.logrotate -Source9000: centos.pem - ## Patches needed for building this package # empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch -Patch1000: debrand-single-cpu.patch -Patch1001: debrand-rh_taint.patch -Patch1002: debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch - # END OF PATCH DEFINITIONS BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root %description -This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for CentOS. -It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI +This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for Red Hat Enterprise +Linux. It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI compatibility of a set of approved symbols, however it is heavily modified with backports and fixes pulled from newer upstream Linux %{name} releases. This means this is not a %{version} kernel anymore: it includes several components which come @@ -558,7 +562,7 @@ from newer upstream linux versions, while maintaining a well tested and stable core. Some of the components/backports that may be pulled in are: changes like updates to the core kernel (eg.: scheduler, cgroups, memory management, security fixes and features), updates to block layer, supported filesystems, major driver -updates for supported hardware in CentOS, enhancements for +updates for supported hardware in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enhancements for enterprise customers, etc. # @@ -799,14 +803,14 @@ kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collectio %endif %package -n %{name}-abi-stablelists -Summary: The CentOS kernel ABI symbol stablelists +Summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel ABI symbol stablelists Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no Obsoletes: %{name}-abi-whitelists < %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release} Provides: %{name}-abi-whitelists %description -n %{name}-abi-stablelists -The kABI package contains information pertaining to the CentOS -kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by +The kABI package contains information pertaining to the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement. %if %{with_kabidw_base} @@ -815,8 +819,8 @@ Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description kernel-kabidw-base-internal -The package contains data describing the current ABI of the CentOS -kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. +The package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. %endif # @@ -888,7 +892,7 @@ Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\ AutoReq: no\ AutoProv: yes\ %description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\ -This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for CentOS internal usage.\ +This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for Red Hat internal usage.\ %{nil} # @@ -1086,14 +1090,10 @@ ApplyOptionalPatch() } %setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} -c -cp -v %{SOURCE9000} linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}/certs/rhel.pem mv linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} linux-%{KVERREL} cd linux-%{KVERREL} -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-single-cpu.patch -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh_taint.patch -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch ApplyOptionalPatch linux-kernel-test.patch # END OF PATCH APPLICATIONS @@ -2612,8 +2612,59 @@ fi # # %changelog -* Tue Jun 01 2021 CentOS Sources - 4.18.0-305.3.1.el8.centos -- Apply debranding changes +* Mon Jun 14 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-305.7.1.el8_4] +- net: zero-initialize tc skb extension on allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1965457 1946986] +- net/sched: cls_flower: fix only mask bit check in the validate_ct_state (Ivan Vecera) [1965457 1946986] +- net: cls_api: Fix uninitialised struct field bo->unlocked_driver_cb (Ivan Vecera) [1965457 1946986] +- net/sched: act_api: fix miss set post_ct for ovs after do conntrack in act_ct (Ivan Vecera) [1965457 1946986] +- net/sched: cls_flower: validate ct_state for invalid and reply flags (Ivan Vecera) [1965457 1946986] +- flow_dissector: fix TTL and TOS dissection on IPv4 fragments (Paolo Abeni) [1963952 1950288] +- Revert "sctp: Fix SHUTDOWN CTSN Ack in the peer restart case" (Xin Long) [1965632 1953839] +- sctp: do asoc update earlier in sctp_sf_do_dupcook_b (Xin Long) [1965632 1953839] +- sctp: do asoc update earlier in sctp_sf_do_dupcook_a (Xin Long) [1965632 1953839] +- Bluetooth: verify AMP hci_chan before amp_destroy (Gopal Tiwari) [1962544 1962546] {CVE-2021-33034} +- x86/kvm: Unify kvm_pv_guest_cpu_reboot() with kvm_guest_cpu_offline() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1964930 1934273] +- x86/kvm: Disable all PV features on crash (Lenny Szubowicz) [1964930 1934273] +- x86/kvm: Disable kvmclock on all CPUs on shutdown (Lenny Szubowicz) [1964930 1934273] +- x86/kvm: Teardown PV features on boot CPU as well (Lenny Szubowicz) [1964930 1934273] +- x86/kvm: Fix pr_info() for async PF setup/teardown (Lenny Szubowicz) [1964930 1934273] +- net/sched: act_ct: Fix ct template allocation for zone 0 (Marcelo Ricardo Leitner) [1965150 1881824] + +* Mon Jun 07 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-305.6.1.el8_4] +- openvswitch: fix stack OOB read while fragmenting IPv4 packets (Davide Caratti) [1963940 1924608] +- net/sched: sch_frag: fix stack OOB read while fragmenting IPv4 packets (Davide Caratti) [1963940 1924608] +- net/sched: act_ct: fix wild memory access when clearing fragments (Davide Caratti) [1963940 1924608] +- net: Treat __napi_schedule_irqoff() as __napi_schedule() on PREEMPT_RT (Ivan Vecera) +- redhat/configs: Add CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_KEYS and CONFIG_SYSTEM_REVOCATION_LIST (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- certs: add 'x509_revocation_list' to gitignore (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- integrity: Load mokx variables into the blacklist keyring (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- certs: Add ability to preload revocation certs (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- certs: Move load_system_certificate_list to a common function (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- certs: Add EFI_CERT_X509_GUID support for dbx entries (Vladis Dronov) [1965270 1893793] {CVE-2020-26541} +- net/sched: cls_api: increase max_reclassify_loop (Davide Caratti) [1965148 1955136] +- dm writecache: fix performance degradation in ssd mode (Mike Snitzer) [1962241 1961859] +- scsi: fnic: Use scsi_host_busy_iter() to traverse commands (Ewan D. Milne) [1961705 1949250] +- scsi: fnic: Kill 'exclude_id' argument to fnic_cleanup_io() (Ewan D. Milne) [1961705 1949250] + +* Tue Jun 01 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-305.5.1.el8_4] +- gfs2: report "already frozen/thawed" errors (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: move freeze glock outside the make_fs_rw and _ro functions (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: Add common helper for holding and releasing the freeze glock (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: in signal_our_withdraw wait for unfreeze of _this_ fs only (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: Don't freeze the file system during unmount (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: Fix regression in freeze_go_sync (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: The freeze glock should never be frozen (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: When freezing gfs2, use GL_EXACT and not GL_NOCACHE (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: read-only mounts should grab the sd_freeze_gl glock (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: freeze should work on read-only mounts (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- gfs2: Abort gfs2_freeze if io error is seen (Bob Peterson) [1961849 1932236] +- CI: Disable result checking for realtime check (Veronika Kabatova) +- CI: Explicitly disable result checking for private CI (Veronika Kabatova) +- CI: Rename variable (Veronika Kabatova) +- CI: Update builder containers (Veronika Kabatova) + +* Tue May 25 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-305.4.1.el8_4] +- vmxnet3: Set the default of vxlan overlay offload to disabled (Cathy Avery) [1960702 1941714] * Mon May 17 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4] - Revert "uio: use request_threaded_irq instead" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1952952 1946644]