diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index db9c048..a1fe0f9 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-269.tar.bz2 -SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-269.tar.bz2 -SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-269.el8.tar.xz +SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-277.tar.bz2 +SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-277.tar.bz2 +SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-277.el8.tar.xz diff --git a/.kernel.metadata b/.kernel.metadata index f6ae4ec..6fbfd30 100644 --- a/.kernel.metadata +++ b/.kernel.metadata @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -9dded0d5afaf1704b0f100b2d20b958c3e7a5a89 SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-269.tar.bz2 -70d064925753ac150c9d5c1b4aec6f1254a8bc7d SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-269.tar.bz2 -586f6cb2d5a45dcf9fb8d753caa604459c081256 SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-269.el8.tar.xz +61321665b696e409e4be8a60c32bdc5660f372a0 SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-277.tar.bz2 +f203fff825d48bdaedbef10a8acc344e06bd15bf SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-277.tar.bz2 +dcd884c2d21306b400e472d1232c5e81ffd5dd71 SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-277.el8.tar.xz diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der b/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der deleted file mode 100644 index 44a2563..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos.pem b/SOURCES/centos.pem deleted file mode 100644 index 82ad817..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centos.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDgTCCAmmgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zGAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjA0MFoXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjA0MFowVTEvMC0GA1UEAwwmQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IERyaXZlciB1cGRhdGUgc2ln -bmluZyBrZXkxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEi -MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD5ECuosQ4HKRRf+Kxfm+BcICBK -PGqB+E/qalqQ3CCM3LWezq0ns/GZTD0CtSAzmOObqJb3gJ9S5gcbaMVBc3JxLlQ+ -RwVy0oNy91uy9TKhYQ3lpHDyujxiFmXPSJLMKOYbOBNObJ7qF6+ptnmDWMu7GWDc -4UGdBdU/evt92LIxsi9ZQCEoZIqdyKBE/Y3V9gBZIZa/4oXMHfW9dWxhy9UszmR9 -hT7ZdgLFpWMFmJW+SS5QEWtp5CpRlcui4QJZl42bMp5JOrVWc+BlKPIsLdY8TqLp -9FdhQ5Ih4auT7zn2V89YgYpq6VMZnPsn/v5piB6i6RK8Falr6SP5SV0cwV/jAgMB -AAGjXTBbMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQpvUwN -BtLpkRBEtdyXMwkTm1HW1TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q6 -8zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAK+f4c4aP9TQDiQM4TDyw8iDapr7eBc+Yr0M5 -ELkWEQu55/OwLQrgCA5bdD86diaAXQAlUOXCtFRrbUQHQACEL77/32YdooHfVZZ7 -04CeE+JWxF/cQ3M5hhJnkyxaqFKC+B+bn7Z6eloMnYUPsXwfQEOuyxKaKergAJdq -KnC0pEG3NGgwlwvnD0dwUqbbEUUqL3UQh96hCYDidhCUmuap1E2OGoxGex3ekszf -ErCgwVYb46cv91ba2KqXVWl1FoO3c5MyZcxL46ihQgiY0BI975+HDFjpUZ69n+Um -OhSscRUiKeEQKMVtHzyQUp5t+HCeaZBRPy3rFoIjTEqijKZ6tQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDejCCAmKgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjAwMloXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjAwMlowTjEoMCYGA1UEAwwfQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IGtwYXRjaCBzaWduaW5nIGtl -eTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTc2VjdXJpdHlAY2VudG9zLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZI -hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMG+5OclqB0NE5azrGkSitqUFcZjpRk/rS2P -CetB6jwxOn06TrLGzqnhcE9VBKyEs7CXBLy6lfnORcYOybcR2XvrgqGa1txOZggl -hc8zCj9X7ZCMK2UsWglxQCOtbo0m/vdor/VO3SFbrf/W9+PXhvNtcxMP9yjydbP+ -lS1St8uQv952hu7C1TevyOQN3jpvWRD7DSJIU/2uRFcdIo2QCGokuB/xESXeuGJ2 -F2P9w0h74V18AlVTxtGp/RSJqZaQ2Gi5h4Oa7UsRmhmCoLdmdBe7xnYJrJ4GhxKQ -yG0kU1ikEhZW3YjoVPgBJzTsIhCAzFrOUq0d67a1wTVMiyL60fUCAwEAAaNdMFsw -DAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADALBgNVHQ8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFLSfCGIFkJ3E2iz6 -mTdvsZHS8J54MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFTsgYWJPuka2wj3RIhUfo4/dDrzMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBcDnjWh8Mx6yaS/OvBOYZprYy5Su0tn+YHiN0czpjVw+zl -NUt2YmRSA/g6xks04CYx+UAL/xnvRcxXd17Ni7eWiROxvgQvBo5nScVkFPq2IIP5 -8aj7LoHR1MUeXfiNqf1JoSlgpRV47wv/+jZD0hmbt1rC2NJp0ZU8OHmt2GWk0jmM -MK72D/pyCUfHetBzPpU9M0cNiukjMUdIL+U7+CXDgKsfdFHcQ76ebWyka7vRSXTs -lBMa2g20Atwz2Hj7tEEAZ74ioQ9029RAlUSNipACe31YdT4/BBWIqHPpeDFkp8W0 -9v4jeTX/2kMBXkjzMfKjhpooa+bFFFLogLeX3P4W ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der deleted file mode 100644 index e8216b1..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der deleted file mode 100644 index ca3c134..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der b/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der deleted file mode 100644 index 42bdfcf..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config index 5f689a2..c0d2e04 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64-debug.config @@ -816,6 +816,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1573,6 +1575,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_CORE is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set # CONFIG_RESET_ATTACK_MITIGATION is not set @@ -3930,6 +3933,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4727,8 +4731,8 @@ CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS=y CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config index f380a00..f421480 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-aarch64.config @@ -866,6 +866,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1642,6 +1644,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set # CONFIG_RESET_ATTACK_MITIGATION is not set @@ -3940,6 +3943,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4721,8 +4725,8 @@ CONFIG_RTL8XXXU=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y CONFIG_RUNTIME_TESTING_MENU=y CONFIG_SATA_AHCI=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config index 7409e6b..4451733 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le-debug.config @@ -737,6 +737,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1433,6 +1435,7 @@ # CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set @@ -3614,6 +3617,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4380,8 +4384,8 @@ CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS=y CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config index ea64800..32b9514 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-ppc64le.config @@ -789,6 +789,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1504,6 +1506,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set @@ -3622,6 +3625,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4374,8 +4378,8 @@ CONFIG_RTL8XXXU=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y CONFIG_RUNTIME_TESTING_MENU=y CONFIG_SATA_AHCI=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config index 96ba534..6189f8a 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-debug.config @@ -784,6 +784,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1532,6 +1534,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_CORE is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REALTEK_PHY is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set @@ -2233,7 +2236,6 @@ # CONFIG_VIDEO_USBTV is not set # CONFIG_VIPERBOARD_ADC is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK_SCSI is not set -# CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO_CMDLINE_DEVICES is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI is not set @@ -3639,6 +3641,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4323,8 +4326,8 @@ CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS=y CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y @@ -5106,6 +5109,7 @@ CONFIG_VIRTIO=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BALLOON=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE=y +CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_INPUT=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_MENU=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config index d2d26a4..6d55816 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x-zfcpdump.config @@ -904,6 +904,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1732,6 +1734,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REALTEK_PHY is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set @@ -2475,7 +2478,6 @@ # CONFIG_VIDEO_USBTV is not set # CONFIG_VIPERBOARD_ADC is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK_SCSI is not set -# CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO_CMDLINE_DEVICES is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI is not set @@ -3751,6 +3753,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4384,8 +4387,8 @@ CONFIG_RTL8XXXU=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y CONFIG_RT_MUTEXES=y CONFIG_RUNTIME_TESTING_MENU=y @@ -5134,6 +5137,7 @@ CONFIG_VIRTIO=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BALLOON=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE=y +CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_INPUT=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_MENU=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config index 269e45e..f8039b8 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-s390x.config @@ -835,6 +835,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1603,6 +1605,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REALTEK_PHY is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set @@ -2308,7 +2311,6 @@ # CONFIG_VIDEO_USBTV is not set # CONFIG_VIPERBOARD_ADC is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK_SCSI is not set -# CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO_CMDLINE_DEVICES is not set # CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI is not set @@ -3646,6 +3648,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4315,8 +4318,8 @@ CONFIG_RTL8XXXU=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y CONFIG_RUNTIME_TESTING_MENU=y CONFIG_S390_AP_IOMMU=y @@ -5089,6 +5092,7 @@ CONFIG_VIRTIO=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_BALLOON=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE=y +CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_INPUT=m CONFIG_VIRTIO_MENU=y CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config index 0fc6e4c..885378c 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64-debug.config @@ -745,6 +745,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1421,6 +1423,7 @@ # CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set @@ -2067,7 +2070,6 @@ # CONFIG_USB_WHCI_HCD is not set # CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HISTB is not set -# CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PLATFORM is not set # CONFIG_USB_YUREX is not set # CONFIG_USELIB is not set # CONFIG_USERIO is not set @@ -2244,6 +2246,7 @@ CONFIG_AMILO_RFKILL=m CONFIG_ANON_INODES=y CONFIG_APDS9802ALS=m CONFIG_APPLE_GMUX=m +CONFIG_APPLE_MFI_FASTCHARGE=m CONFIG_AQTION=m CONFIG_AQUANTIA_PHY=m CONFIG_ARCH_CPUIDLE_HALTPOLL=y @@ -3845,6 +3848,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4483,6 +4487,7 @@ CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_KVM=m CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW=m CONFIG_PVPANIC=y CONFIG_PWM=y +CONFIG_PWM_DWC=m CONFIG_PWM_LPSS_PCI=m CONFIG_PWM_LPSS_PLATFORM=m CONFIG_QED=m @@ -4623,8 +4628,8 @@ CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG=y CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS=y CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y @@ -5233,8 +5238,13 @@ CONFIG_TUN=m CONFIG_TYPEC=y CONFIG_TYPEC_DP_ALTMODE=y CONFIG_TYPEC_FUSB302=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_HD3SS3220=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_MT6360=y +CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_INTEL_PMC=y CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_PI3USB30532=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_QCOM_PMIC=m CONFIG_TYPEC_RT1711H=y +CONFIG_TYPEC_STUSB160X=m CONFIG_TYPEC_TCPCI=y CONFIG_TYPEC_TCPM=y CONFIG_TYPEC_TPS6598X=m @@ -5259,6 +5269,7 @@ CONFIG_UNIX_DIAG=m CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y CONFIG_UPROBE_EVENTS=y CONFIG_USB4=y +CONFIG_USB4_KUNIT_TEST=y CONFIG_USB4_NET=m CONFIG_USB=y CONFIG_USBPCWATCHDOG=m @@ -5272,6 +5283,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_ARMLINUX=y CONFIG_USB_ATM=m CONFIG_USB_BELKIN=y CONFIG_USB_CATC=m +CONFIG_USB_CONN_GPIO=y CONFIG_USB_CXACRU=m CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST=y CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD=y @@ -5281,6 +5293,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_EMI26=m CONFIG_USB_EMI62=m CONFIG_USB_EPSON2888=y CONFIG_USB_EZUSB_FX2=m +CONFIG_USB_FEW_INIT_RETRIES=y CONFIG_USB_FTDI_ELAN=m CONFIG_USB_GL860=m CONFIG_USB_GSPCA=m @@ -5470,6 +5483,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_WUSB=m CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF=m CONFIG_USB_XHCI_DBGCAP=y CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD=y +CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PLATFORM=y CONFIG_USB_XUSBATM=m CONFIG_USB_ZR364XX=m CONFIG_USERFAULTFD=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config index e73730e..9217784 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-x86_64.config @@ -795,6 +795,8 @@ # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_LZO is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_NONE is not set # CONFIG_INITRAMFS_COMPRESSION_XZ is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ON is not set +# CONFIG_INIT_ON_FREE_DEFAULT_ON is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set # CONFIG_INPUT_ATMEL_CAPTOUCH is not set @@ -1488,6 +1490,7 @@ # CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK is not set # CONFIG_RDS is not set # CONFIG_READABLE_ASM is not set +# CONFIG_READ_ONLY_THP_FOR_FS is not set # CONFIG_REFCOUNT_FULL is not set # CONFIG_REGULATOR is not set # CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set @@ -2139,7 +2142,6 @@ # CONFIG_USB_WHCI_HCD is not set # CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HISTB is not set -# CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PLATFORM is not set # CONFIG_USB_YUREX is not set # CONFIG_USELIB is not set # CONFIG_USERIO is not set @@ -2314,6 +2316,7 @@ CONFIG_AMILO_RFKILL=m CONFIG_ANON_INODES=y CONFIG_APDS9802ALS=m CONFIG_APPLE_GMUX=m +CONFIG_APPLE_MFI_FASTCHARGE=m CONFIG_AQTION=m CONFIG_AQUANTIA_PHY=m CONFIG_ARCH_CPUIDLE_HALTPOLL=y @@ -3851,6 +3854,7 @@ CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA=y CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_INFINIBAND=m +CONFIG_MLX5_IPSEC=y CONFIG_MLX5_MPFS=y CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT=y CONFIG_MLX5_TLS=y @@ -4480,6 +4484,7 @@ CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_KVM=m CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW=m CONFIG_PVPANIC=y CONFIG_PWM=y +CONFIG_PWM_DWC=m CONFIG_PWM_LPSS_PCI=m CONFIG_PWM_LPSS_PLATFORM=m CONFIG_QED=m @@ -4615,8 +4620,8 @@ CONFIG_RTL8XXXU=m CONFIG_RTLWIFI=m CONFIG_RTL_CARDS=m CONFIG_RTW88=m -CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=y -CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=y +CONFIG_RTW88_8822BE=m +CONFIG_RTW88_8822CE=m CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=y CONFIG_RUNTIME_TESTING_MENU=y CONFIG_SAMSUNG_LAPTOP=m @@ -5214,8 +5219,13 @@ CONFIG_TUN=m CONFIG_TYPEC=y CONFIG_TYPEC_DP_ALTMODE=y CONFIG_TYPEC_FUSB302=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_HD3SS3220=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_MT6360=y +CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_INTEL_PMC=y CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_PI3USB30532=m +CONFIG_TYPEC_QCOM_PMIC=m CONFIG_TYPEC_RT1711H=y +CONFIG_TYPEC_STUSB160X=m CONFIG_TYPEC_TCPCI=y CONFIG_TYPEC_TCPM=y CONFIG_TYPEC_TPS6598X=m @@ -5238,6 +5248,7 @@ CONFIG_UNIX_DIAG=m CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y CONFIG_UPROBE_EVENTS=y CONFIG_USB4=y +CONFIG_USB4_KUNIT_TEST=y CONFIG_USB4_NET=m CONFIG_USB=y CONFIG_USBPCWATCHDOG=m @@ -5251,6 +5262,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_ARMLINUX=y CONFIG_USB_ATM=m CONFIG_USB_BELKIN=y CONFIG_USB_CATC=m +CONFIG_USB_CONN_GPIO=y CONFIG_USB_CXACRU=m CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST=y CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD=y @@ -5260,6 +5272,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_EMI26=m CONFIG_USB_EMI62=m CONFIG_USB_EPSON2888=y CONFIG_USB_EZUSB_FX2=m +CONFIG_USB_FEW_INIT_RETRIES=y CONFIG_USB_FTDI_ELAN=m CONFIG_USB_GL860=m CONFIG_USB_GSPCA=m @@ -5449,6 +5462,7 @@ CONFIG_USB_WUSB=m CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF=m CONFIG_USB_XHCI_DBGCAP=y CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD=y +CONFIG_USB_XHCI_PLATFORM=y CONFIG_USB_XUSBATM=m CONFIG_USB_ZR364XX=m CONFIG_USERFAULTFD=y diff --git a/SOURCES/x509.genkey b/SOURCES/x509.genkey index dbfe9a7..b1bbe38 100644 --- a/SOURCES/x509.genkey +++ b/SOURCES/x509.genkey @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ prompt = no x509_extensions = myexts [ req_distinguished_name ] -O = CentOS -CN = CentOS kernel signing key -emailAddress = security@centos.org +O = Red Hat +CN = Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel signing key +emailAddress = secalert@redhat.com [ myexts ] basicConstraints=critical,CA:FALSE diff --git a/SPECS/kernel.spec b/SPECS/kernel.spec index 09c0868..3fe515c 100644 --- a/SPECS/kernel.spec +++ b/SPECS/kernel.spec @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # For internal testing builds during development, it should be 0. %global released_kernel 0 -%global distro_build 269 +%global distro_build 277 # Sign the x86_64 kernel for secure boot authentication -%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 +%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le %global signkernel 1 %else %global signkernel 0 @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ # define buildid .local %define rpmversion 4.18.0 -%define pkgrelease 269.el8 +%define pkgrelease 277.el8 # allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag -%define specrelease 269%{?dist} +%define specrelease 277%{?dist} %define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid} @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ BuildRequires: python3-docutils BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel %endif %if %{with_selftests} -BuildRequires: libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel clang llvm numactl-devel rsync +BuildRequires: libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel clang llvm numactl-devel rsync libmnl-devel %endif BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb %if %{with_debuginfo} @@ -444,34 +444,44 @@ Source9: x509.genkey %if %{?released_kernel} -Source10: centossecurebootca2.der -Source11: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source12: centossecureboot201.der -Source13: centossecureboot001.der +Source10: redhatsecurebootca5.cer +Source11: redhatsecurebootca3.cer +Source12: redhatsecureboot501.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot301.cer +Source14: secureboot_s390.cer +Source15: secureboot_ppc.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE10} %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot301 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE12} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot501 +%endif +%ifarch s390x +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot302 +%endif +%ifarch ppc64le +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE15} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot303 %endif # released_kernel %else -Source11: centossecurebootca2.der -Source12: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source13: centossecureboot201.der -Source14: centossecureboot001.der +Source11: redhatsecurebootca4.cer +Source12: redhatsecurebootca2.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot401.cer +Source14: redhatsecureboot003.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE12} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot003 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot401 # released_kernel %endif @@ -528,8 +538,6 @@ Source400: mod-kvm.list Source2000: cpupower.service Source2001: cpupower.config -Source9000: centos.pem - ## Patches needed for building this package # empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches @@ -540,8 +548,8 @@ Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root %description -This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for CentOS. -It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI +This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for Red Hat Enterprise +Linux. It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI compatibility of a set of approved symbols, however it is heavily modified with backports and fixes pulled from newer upstream Linux %{name} releases. This means this is not a %{version} kernel anymore: it includes several components which come @@ -549,7 +557,7 @@ from newer upstream linux versions, while maintaining a well tested and stable core. Some of the components/backports that may be pulled in are: changes like updates to the core kernel (eg.: scheduler, cgroups, memory management, security fixes and features), updates to block layer, supported filesystems, major driver -updates for supported hardware in CentOS, enhancements for +updates for supported hardware in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enhancements for enterprise customers, etc. # @@ -790,12 +798,12 @@ kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collectio %endif %package -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -Summary: The CentOS kernel ABI symbol whitelists +Summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel ABI symbol whitelists Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -The kABI package contains information pertaining to the CentOS -kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by +The kABI package contains information pertaining to the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement. %if %{with_kabidw_base} @@ -804,8 +812,8 @@ Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description kernel-kabidw-base-internal -The package contains data describing the current ABI of the CentOS -kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. +The package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. %endif # @@ -877,7 +885,7 @@ Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\ AutoReq: no\ AutoProv: yes\ %description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\ -This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for CentOS internal usage.\ +This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for Red Hat internal usage.\ %{nil} # @@ -1075,7 +1083,6 @@ ApplyOptionalPatch() } %setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} -c -cp -v %{SOURCE9000} linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}/certs/rhel.pem mv linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} linux-%{KVERREL} cd linux-%{KVERREL} @@ -2579,6 +2586,3744 @@ fi # # %changelog +* Wed Jan 20 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-277.el8] +- [platform] platform/x86: ISST: Add new PCI device ids (Prarit Bhargava) [1836722] +- [net] net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when accessing xps_rxqs_map and num_tc (Antoine Tenart) [1912253] +- [net] net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when storing xps_rxqs (Antoine Tenart) [1912253] +- [net] net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when accessing xps_cpus_map and num_tc (Antoine Tenart) [1912253] +- [net] net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when storing xps_cpus (Antoine Tenart) [1912253] +- [fs] gfs2: Improve mmap write vs. punch_hole consistency (Andreas Grunbacher) [1872043] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: fix spelling mistake "occurd" -> "occurred" (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: Perform Idlechk dump during the debug collection (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for idlechk tests (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: Add Idlechk related register definitions (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: use generic power management (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: allow bnx2x_bsc_read() to schedule (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove unused inline function bnx2x_vf_vlan_credit (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove Comparison to bool in bnx2x_dcb.c (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] bnx2x: correct a comment mistake in grammar (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [netdrv] net: bnx2x: reject unsupported coalescing params (Manish Chopra) [1853224] +- [net] tls: Implement getsockopt SOL_TLS TLS_RX (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: Protect from calling tls_dev_del for TLS RX twice (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: missing received data after fast remote close (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: Fix wrong record sn in async mode of device resync (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: fix corrupted data in recvmsg (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: sendfile fails with ktls offload (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: race causes kernel panic (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: Fix kmap usage (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: allow MSG_CMSG_COMPAT in sendmsg (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: fix sign extension issue when left shifting u16 value (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: Add asynchronous resync (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] revert "net/tls: Add force_resync for driver resync" (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] net/tls: Add force_resync for driver resync (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: Avoid assigning 'const' pointer to non-const pointer (Sabrina Dubroca) [1889664] +- [net] tls: move mark_tech_preview to tls_init (Sabrina Dubroca) [1907477] +- [mm] mm/hmm: do not call hmm_vma_walk_hole() while holding a spinlock (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: pagewalk: add 'depth' parameter to pte_hole (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: pagewalk: don't lock PTEs for walk_page_range_novma() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: pagewalk: allow walking without vma (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: pagewalk: add p4d_entry() and pgd_entry() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [x86] x86: mm: add p?d_leaf() definitions (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [s390] s390: mm: add p?d_leaf() definitions (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [powerpc] powerpc: mm: add p?d_leaf() definitions (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [arm64] arm64: mm: add p?d_leaf() definitions (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: add generic p?d_leaf() macros (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: move_pages: report the number of non-attempted pages (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] autonuma: fix watermark checking in migrate_balanced_pgdat() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm/migrate.c: handle freed page at the first place (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: pagewalk: Take the pagetable lock in walk_pte_range() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: untag user pointers passed to memory syscalls (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: page cache: store only head pages in i_pages (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: migrate: fix reference check race between __find_get_block() and migration (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [fs] mm: migrate: remove unused mode argument (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] powerpc/book3s: Use config independent helpers for page table walk (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm/mmu_notifier: use correct mmu_notifier events for each invalidation (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm/mmu_notifier: contextual information for event triggering invalidation (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] powerpc/mm: move __find_linux_pte() out of hugetlbpage.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm/filemap.c: remove redundant test from find_get_pages_contig (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm/hugetlb: distinguish between migratability and movability (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] numa: change get_mempolicy() to use nr_node_ids instead of MAX_NUMNODES (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: migrate: make buffer_migrate_page_norefs() actually succeed (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: treewide: remove unused address argument from pte_alloc functions (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [fs] mm: migrate: drop unused argument of migrate_page_move_mapping() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: migrate: provide buffer_migrate_page_norefs() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: migrate: move migrate_page_lock_buffers() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: migrate: lock buffers before migrate_page_move_mapping() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: Convert huge_memory to XArray (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: Convert page migration to XArray (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] powerpc/mm/book3s: Check for pmd_large instead of pmd_trans_huge (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [x86] x86/pgtable: Move two more functions from pgtable_64.h to pgtable.h (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [x86] x86/pgtable: Move pti_set_user_pgtbl() to pgtable.h (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [x86] x86/pgtable: Move pgdp kernel/user conversion functions to pgtable.h (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] x86/pgtable: Rename pti_set_user_pgd() to pti_set_user_pgtbl() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890943] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: fix root memcg vmstats (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub: let number of online CPUs determine the slub page order (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, debug_pagealloc: don't rely on static keys too early (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: link page counters to root if use_hierarchy is false (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: unify swap and memsw page counters (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: correct the NR_ANON_THPS counter of hierarchical memcg (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mlock: fix unevictable_pgs event counts on THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/filemap: fix storing to a THP shadow entry (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [lib] XArray: add xas_split (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [lib] XArray: add xa_get_order (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [lib] XArray: Add private interface for workingset node deletion (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] XArray: Fix xas_reload for multi-index entries (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] xarray.h: correct return code documentation for xa_store_{bh, irq}() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: uncharge during kmem_cache_free_bulk() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: fix racy access to page->mem_cgroup in mem_cgroup_from_obj() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: fix missing suffix of workingset_restore (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: fix warning when allocating the root cgroup (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: replace hpage_nr_pages with thp_nr_pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: add thp_size (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm: add thp_order (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] include/linux/huge_mm.h: check PageTail in hpage_nr_pages even when !THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/page_vma_mapped.c: explicitly compare pfn for normal, hugetlbfs and THP page (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/vmscan: restore active/inactive ratio for anonymous LRU (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/swap: implement workingset detection for anonymous LRU (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/swapcache: support to handle the shadow entries (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: fix swap cache node allocation mask (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] include/linux/swap.h: delete meaningless __add_to_swap_cache() declaration (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/swap_state.c: use the same way to count page in_swap_cache (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: shmem: use proper gfp flags for shmem_writepage() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/workingset: prepare the workingset detection infrastructure for anon LRU (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/vmscan: protect the workingset on anonymous LRU (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/vmscan: make active/inactive ratio as 1:1 for anon lru (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [tools] kselftests: cgroup: add perpcu memory accounting test (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: charge memcg percpu memory to the parent cgroup (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/percpu: per-memcg percpu memory statistics (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/percpu: account percpu memory to memory cgroups (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] percpu: return number of released bytes from pcpu_free_area() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] percpu: make pcpu_alloc() aware of current gfp context (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: fix filemap page_to_pgoff(page) != offset (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: restore initial kmem_cache flags (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm: memcg/slab: fix slab statistics in !SMP configuration (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slab: fix potential double free in ___cache_free (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] ksm: reinstate memcg charge on copied pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slub: fix conversion of freelist_corrupted() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg: fix use-after-free in uncharge_batch (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memory: fix IO cost for anonymous page (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: workingset: age nonresident information alongside anonymous pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: cure list_slab_objects() from double fix (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: do_swap_page(): fix up the error code (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [misc] lkdtm/heap: Avoid edge and middle of slabs (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slub: really fix slab walking for init_on_free (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab.c: fix kernel-doc warning for __ksize() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: restore proper dirty throttling when memory.high changes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg, oom: check memcg margin for parallel oom (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: avoid stale protection values when cgroup is above protection (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: unify reclaim retry limits with page allocator (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: reclaim more aggressively before high allocator throttling (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: avoid workload stalls when lowering memory.high (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm: kmem: switch to static_branch_likely() in memcg_kmem_enabled() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slab: rename (un)charge_slab_page() to (un)account_slab_page() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: remove unused argument by charge_slab_page() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [tools] tools/cgroup: add memcg_slabinfo.py tool (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [tools] kselftests: cgroup: add kernel memory accounting tests (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: use a single set of kmem_caches for all allocations (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: remove redundant check in memcg_accumulate_slabinfo() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: deprecate slab_root_caches (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: remove memcg_kmem_get_cache() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: simplify memcg cache creation (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: use a single set of kmem_caches for all accounted allocations (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab_common: fix a typo in comment "eariler"->"earlier" (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: fix memory leak at non-root kmem_cache destroy (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: fix panic in __free_slab() caused by premature memcg pointer release (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: move memcg_kmem_bypass() to memcontrol.h (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: deprecate memory.kmem.slabinfo (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: fix build error around the usage of kmem_caches (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: charge individual slab objects instead of pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: save obj_cgroup for non-root slab objects (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: allocate obj_cgroups for non-root slab pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: obj_cgroup API (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: decouple reference counting from page accounting (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slub: implement SLUB version of obj_to_index() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: convert vmstat slab counters to bytes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: prepare for byte-sized vmstat items (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: factor out memcg- and lruvec-level changes out of __mod_lruvec_state() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: kmem: make memcg_kmem_enabled() irreversible (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab/slub: improve error reporting and overhead of cache_from_obj() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab/slub: move and improve cache_from_obj() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: extend checks guarded by slub_debug static key (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: introduce kmem_cache_debug_flags() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: introduce static key for slub_debug() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: make reclaim_account attribute read-only (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: make remaining slub_debug related attributes read-only (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: remove runtime allocation order changes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slub: make some slub_debug related attributes read-only (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [documentation] mm, slub: extend slub_debug syntax for multiple blocks (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab.c: update outdated kmem_list3 in a comment (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab: check GFP_SLAB_BUG_MASK before alloc_pages in kmalloc_order (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab: add naive detection of double free (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [init] mm/slab: expand CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED to include SLAB (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: ksize() should silently accept a NULL pointer (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] include/linux/vmstat.h: remove unused page state adjustment macro (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm, memcg: fix inconsistent oom event behavior (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: fix refcount error while moving and swapping (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcontrol: fix OOPS inside mem_cgroup_get_nr_swap_pages() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcontrol.c: add missed css_put() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: handle div0 crash race condition in memory.low (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [kernel] mm: memcontrol: recursive memory.low protection (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm, memcg: consider subtrees in memory.events (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [net] mm, treewide: rename kzfree() to kfree_sensitive() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab: use memzero_explicit() in kzfree() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swap: memcg: fix memcg stats for huge pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swap: fix vmstats for huge pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: vmscan: limit the range of LRU type balancing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: vmscan: reclaim writepage is IO cost (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: vmscan: determine anon/file pressure balance at the reclaim root (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: balance LRU lists based on relative thrashing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: only count actual rotations as LRU reclaim cost (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: deactivations shouldn't bias the LRU balance (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: base LRU balancing on an explicit cost model (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: vmscan: drop unnecessary div0 avoidance rounding in get_scan_count() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: remove use-once cache bias from LRU balancing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: workingset: let cache workingset challenge anon (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: fold and remove lru_cache_add_anon() and lru_cache_add_file() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [kernel] mm: allow swappiness that prefers reclaiming anon over the file workingset (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: keep separate anon and file statistics on page reclaim activity (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: fix LRU balancing effect of new transparent huge pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: replace list_move_tail() with add_page_to_lru_list_tail() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: update page->mem_cgroup stability rules (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: delete unused lrucare handling (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [documentation] mm: memcontrol: document the new swap control behavior (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: charge swapin pages on instantiation (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: make swap tracking an integral part of memory control (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: prepare swap controller setup for integration (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: drop unused try/commit/cancel charge API (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: convert anon and file-thp to new mem_cgroup_charge() API (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: switch to native NR_ANON_THPS counter (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: switch to native NR_ANON_MAPPED counter (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: switch to native NR_FILE_PAGES and NR_SHMEM counters (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: prepare cgroup vmstat infrastructure for native anon counters (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: prepare move_account for removal of private page type counters (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: prepare uncharging for removal of private page type counters (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: convert page cache to a new mem_cgroup_charge() API (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: move out cgroup swaprate throttling (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: shmem: remove rare optimization when swapin races with hole punching (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: drop @compound parameter from memcg charging API (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: fix stat-corrupting race in charge moving (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: fix NUMA node file count error in replace_page_cache() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub: fix stack overruns with SLUB_STATS (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: remove kmalloc under list_lock from list_slab_objects() V2 (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: Remove userspace notifier for cache add/remove (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub.c: fix corrupted freechain in deactivate_slab() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub: fix incorrect interpretation of s->offset (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: avoid redzone when choosing freepointer location (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: relocate freelist pointer to middle of object (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] slub: improve bit diffusion for freelist ptr obfuscation (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slb: improve memory accounting (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] thp: change CoW semantics for anon-THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: allow to collapse PTE-mapped compound pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: allow to collapse a page shared across fork (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: drain LRU add pagevec after swapin (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: drain all LRU caches before scanning pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: do not stop collapse if less than half PTEs are referenced (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [tools] khugepaged: add self test (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: code cleanup for MADV_FREE (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp: track fallbacks due to failed memcg charges separately (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, shmem: add vmstat for hugepage fallback (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] autonuma: reduce cache footprint when scanning page tables (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [trace] mm/vmscan: simplify trace_reclaim_flags and trace_shrink_flags (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: optimize memory.numa_stat like memory.stat (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg: fix memcg_kmem_bypass() for remote memcg charging (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: automatically penalize tasks with high swap use (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm/memcg: move cgroup high memory limit setting into struct page_counter (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: move penalty delay clamping out of calculate_high_delay() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcg: prepare for swap over-high accounting and penalty calculation (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg: expose root cgroup's memory.stat (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: add workingset_restore in memory.stat (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [documentation] doc: cgroup: improve formatting of mem stats (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [documentation] docs: cgroup: mm: Fix spelling of "list" (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: fix error return value of mem_cgroup_css_alloc() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] memcontrol.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: bypass high reclaim iteration for cgroup hierarchy root (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcg: make memory.oom.group tolerable to task migration (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: prevent memory.swap.max load tearing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: prevent memory.low load/store tearing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: prevent memory.max load tearing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, memcg: prevent memory.high load/store tearing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcontrol.c: make mem_cgroup_id_get_many() __maybe_unused (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg: css_tryget_online cleanups (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcontrol.c: cleanup some useless code (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/memcontrol.c: fix a -Wunused-function warning (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: memcontrol: switch to rcu protection in drain_all_stock() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged.c: fix khugepaged's request size in collapse_file (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: fix null-pointer dereference due to race (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp: stop leaking unreleased file pages (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [trace] mm: khugepaged: add trace status description for SCAN_PAGE_HAS_PRIVATE (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp: recheck each page before collapsing file THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/thp: allow dropping THP from page cache (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/vmscan.c: support removing arbitrary sized pages from mapping (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/thp: fix node page state in split_huge_page_to_list() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] proc/meminfo: fix output alignment (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: shmem: disable interrupt when acquiring info->lock in userfaultfd_copy path (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm, thp: avoid writes to file with THP in pagecache (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp: add read-only THP support for (non-shmem) FS (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] khugepaged: rename collapse_shmem() and khugepaged_scan_shmem() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm,thp: stats for file backed THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] filemap: update offset check in filemap_fault() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] filemap: check compound_head(page)->mapping in pagecache_get_page() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] filemap: check compound_head(page)->mapping in filemap_fault() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: mempolicy: fix the wrong return value and potential pages leak of mbind (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: thp: fix false negative of shmem vma's THP eligibility (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: thp: make transhuge_vma_suitable available for anonymous THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp, proc: report THP eligibility for each vma (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [documentation] mm, proc: be more verbose about unstable VMA flags in /proc//smaps (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: thp: pass correct vm_flags to hugepage_vma_check() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm: /proc/pid/smaps_rollup: convert to single value seq_file (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm: /proc/pid/smaps: factor out common stats printing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm: /proc/pid/smaps: factor out mem stats gathering (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [fs] mm: /proc/pid/*maps remove is_pid and related wrappers (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: workingset: fix vmstat counters for shadow nodes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: workingset: add vmstat counter for shadow nodes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [include] mm/memcg: Document access rule regarding mem_cgroup structure (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/page_alloc: silence a KASAN false positive (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [s390] s390/setup: init jump labels before command line parsing (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] s390/maccess: add no DAT mode to kernel_write (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] s390: Change s390_kernel_write() return type to match memcpy() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [kernel] PM: hibernate: fix crashes with init_on_free=1 (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub.c: init_on_free=1 should wipe freelist ptr for bulk allocations (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/page_alloc.c: fix a crash in free_pages_prepare() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: slub: Fix slab walking for init_on_free (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab: move memcg_cache_params structure to mm/slab.h (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, slab: extend slab/shrink to shrink all memcg caches (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: mempolicy: handle vma with unmovable pages mapped correctly in mbind (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: mempolicy: make the behavior consistent when MPOL_MF_MOVE* and MPOL_MF_STRICT were specified (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [init] init/Kconfig: fix neighboring typos (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: security: introduce init_on_alloc=1 and init_on_free=1 boot options (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memcg, oom: no oom-kill for __GFP_RETRY_MAYFAIL (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/kasan: add object validation in ksize() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab: refactor common ksize KASAN logic into slab_common.c (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slub.c: avoid double string traverse in kmem_cache_flags() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab: sanity-check page type when looking up cache (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/slab: validate cache membership under freelist hardening (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/migrate: add stable check in migrate_vma_insert_page() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/migrate: clean up some minor coding style (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/migrate: remove useless mask of start address (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [kernel] uprobe: use original page when all uprobes are removed (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: move memcmp_pages() and pages_identical() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm, thp: do not queue fully unmapped pages for deferred split (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: fix the xas_create_range() error path (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: collapse_shmem() do not crash on Compound (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: collapse_shmem() without freezing new_page (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: minor reorderings in collapse_shmem() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: collapse_shmem() remember to clear holes (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm/khugepaged: collapse_shmem() stop if punched or truncated (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: Convert khugepaged_scan_shmem to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: Convert collapse_shmem to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: thp: inc counter for collapsed shmem THP (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: thp: register mm for khugepaged when merging vma for shmem (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swapoff: shmem_unuse() stop eviction without igrab() (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swapoff: take notice of completion sooner (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swapoff: remove too limiting SWAP_UNUSE_MAX_TRIES (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: swapoff: shmem_find_swap_entries() filter out other types (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] mm: rid swapoff of quadratic complexity (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] shmem: Comment fixups (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memfd: Convert memfd_tag_pins to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] memfd: Convert memfd_wait_for_pins to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] shmem: Convert shmem_partial_swap_usage to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] shmem: Convert shmem_free_swap to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [lib] shmem: Convert shmem_alloc_hugepage to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [tools] shmem: Convert find_swap_entry to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] +- [mm] shmem: Convert shmem_confirm_swap to XArray (Waiman Long) [1877019] + +* Tue Jan 19 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-276.el8] +- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Do not indicate device ready when device enablement fails (Kamal Heib) [1902144] +- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Clean up cq pool mechanism (Kamal Heib) [1902144] +- [pci] PCI/ASPM: Disable ASPM on ASMedia ASM1083/1085 PCIe-to-PCI bridge (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Make pcie_find_root_port() work for Root Ports (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Add ACS quirk for Intel Root Complex Integrated Endpoints (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Avoid FLR for AMD Starship USB 3.0 (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Avoid FLR for AMD Matisse HD Audio & USB 3.0 (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/switchtec: Correct bool variable type assignment (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Allow pci_resize_resource() for devices on root bus (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/PM: Adjust pcie_wait_for_link_delay() for caller delay (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Avoid Pericom USB controller OHCI/EHCI PME# defect (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [tty] serial: 8250_pci: Move Pericom IDs to pci_ids.h (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/PM: Call .bridge_d3() hook only if non-NULL (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Rename _DSM constants to align with spec (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/PME: Fix kernel-doc of pcie_pme_resume() and pcie_pme_remove() (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Unify pcie_find_root_port() and pci_find_pcie_root_port() (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: shpchp: Make shpchp_unconfigure_device() void (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Use of_node_name_eq() for node name comparisons (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: pciehp: Remove unused EMI() and HP_SUPR_RM() macros (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pcmcia] pcmcia: Use CardBus window names (PCI_CB_BRIDGE_IO_0_WINDOW etc) when freeing (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Use bridge window names (PCI_BRIDGE_IO_WINDOW etc) (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/PTM: Inherit Switch Downstream Port PTM settings from Upstream Port (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Program MPS for RCiEP devices (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Fix pci_host_bridge struct device release/free handling (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI: Fix pci_register_host_bridge() device_register() error handling (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [pci] PCI/ASPM: Allow ASPM on links to PCIe-to-PCI/PCI-X Bridges (Myron Stowe) [1897927] +- [x86] x86/tboot: Don't disable swiotlb when iommu is forced on (Tony Camuso) [1883395] +- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Avoid panic if iommu init fails in tboot system (Tony Camuso) [1883395] +- [pci] PCI/ERR: Clear PCIe Device Status errors only if OS owns AER (Myron Stowe) [1838358] +- [pci] PCI/ERR: Rename pci_aer_clear_device_status() to pcie_clear_device_status() (Myron Stowe) [1838358] +- [pci] PCI/AER: Log correctable errors as warning, not error (Myron Stowe) [1838358] +- [pci] PCI/AER: Simplify __aer_print_error() (Myron Stowe) [1838358] +- [misc] mei: hdcp: fix mei_hdcp_verify_mprime() input parameter (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: add device kind to sysfs (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: hw: don't use one element arrays (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: hw: use sizeof of variable instead of struct type (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: client: use sizeof of variable instead of struct type (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: bus: use sizeof of variable instead of struct type (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: ioctl: use sizeof of variable instead of struct type (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: hbm: use sizeof of variable instead of struct type (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] Revert "mei: Avoid the use of one-element arrays" (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: Avoid the use of one-element arrays (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: hdcp: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: bus: don't clean driver pointer (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: add MEI device for KBP with ITPS capability (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: add MEI device for SPT with ITPS capability (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: add kdoc for mei_me_fw_type_nm() (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: make mei_me_fw_sku_sps_4() less cryptic (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: constify the device parameter to the probe quirk (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: hdcp: Constify struct mei_cl_device_id (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: add tiger lake point device ids for H platforms (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: disable mei interface on Mehlow server platforms (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: release me_cl object reference (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [misc] mei: me: disable mei interface on LBG servers (Tony Camuso) [1874577] +- [fs] NFS4: Fix use-after-free in trace_event_raw_event_nfs4_set_lock (Dave Wysochanski) [1906306] +- [fs] NFS: Adjust fs_context error logging (Scott Mayhew) [1907711] +- [mm] powerpc/book3s64/pkeys: Fix pkey_access_permitted() for execute disable pkey (Steve Best) [1912294] +- [infiniband] IB/isert: add module param to set sg_tablesize for IO cmd (Kamal Heib) [1887359] +- [infiniband] IB/isert: allocate RW ctxs according to max IO size (Kamal Heib) [1887359] +- [net] sched: flower: Mark MPLS multilabel match as Tech Preview (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [net] sched: Fix dump of MPLS_OPT_LSE_LABEL attribute in cls_flower (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [net] cls_flower: remove mpls_opts_policy (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [net] flow_dissector: work around stack frame size warning (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [net] cls_flower: Support filtering on multiple MPLS Label Stack Entries (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [net] flow_dissector: Parse multiple MPLS Label Stack Entries (Guillaume Nault) [1814836] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use generic API to build MPLS label (Alaa Hleihel) [1790220] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support pedit on mpls over UDP decap (Alaa Hleihel) [1790220] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for hw decapsulation of MPLS over UDP (Alaa Hleihel) [1790220] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Allow to match on mpls parameters (Alaa Hleihel) [1790220] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for hw encapsulation of MPLS over UDP (Alaa Hleihel) [1790220] + +* Fri Jan 15 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-275.el8] +- [netdrv] net: intel: Remove in_interrupt() warnings (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] intel-ethernet: clean up W=1 warnings in kdoc (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: use eth_zero_addr() to clear mac address (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unnecessary usages of memset (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: use generic power management (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to new udp_tunnel_nic infra (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: don't clear UDP tunnel ports when RXCSUM is disabled (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup unneeded delay in ethtool test (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Convert fallthrough code comments (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] net: ethernet: ixgbe: don't call devm_mdiobus_free() (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] net: ethernet: ixgbe: check the return value of ixgbe_mii_bus_init() (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] net/intel: remove driver versions from Intel drivers (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: protect ring accesses with READ- and WRITE_ONCE (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unused inline function ixgbe_irq_disable_queues (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Use true, false for bool variable in __ixgbe_enable_sriov() (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove conversion to bool in ixgbe_device_supports_autoneg_fc() (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix signed-integer-overflow warning (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix XDP redirect on archs with PAGE_SIZE above 4K (Ken Cox) [1838731] +- [netdrv] ionic: use mc sync for multicast filters (Jonathan Toppins) [1909329] +- [fs] xfs: always return -ENOSPC on project quota reservation failure (Carlos Maiolino) [1908612] +- [fs] xfs: group quota should return EDQUOT when prj quota enabled (Carlos Maiolino) [1908612] +- [pwm] pwm: Add DesignWare PWM Controller Driver (Steve Best) [1783562] +- [pwm] pwm: Ensure pwm_apply_state() doesn't modify the state argument (Steve Best) [1783562] +- [net] sched: Mark VLAN_ACT_{POP,PUSH}_ETH as Tech Preview (Guillaume Nault) [1909345] +- [vfio] vfio/pci: Decouple PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY bit checks from is_virtfn (Claudio Imbrenda) [1903972] +- [s390] s390/pci: Mark all VFs as not implementing PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY (Claudio Imbrenda) [1903972] +- [pci] PCI/IOV: Mark VFs as not implementing PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY (Claudio Imbrenda) [1903972] +- [iommu] s390/pci: adaptation of iommu to multifunction (Claudio Imbrenda) [1903972] +- [s390] s390/pci: fix leak of DMA tables on hard unplug (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: fix PF/VF linking on hot plug (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: re-introduce zpci_remove_device() (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: fix zpci_bus_link_virtfn() (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: ignore stale configuration request event (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: fix enabling a reserved PCI function (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: create links between PFs and VFs (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [pci] PCI/IOV: Introduce pci_iov_sysfs_link() function (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: removes wrong PCI multifunction assignment (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: Handling multifunctions (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: Adding bus resource (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: adapt events for zbus (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: create zPCI bus (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: define RID and RID available (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: define kernel parameters for PCI multifunction (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [pci] s390/pci: embedding hotplug_slot in zdev (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: Expose new port attribute for PCIe functions (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: Improve handling of unset UID (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [s390] s390/pci: Fix zpci_alloc_domain() over allocation (Claudio Imbrenda) [1853312] +- [arm64] arm64: insn: Fix two bugs in encoding 32-bit logical immediates (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1900977] +- [iommu] iommu/amd: Set DTEto represent 512 IRTEs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1897492 1894769] +- [iommu] iommu/amd: Increase interrupt remapping table limit to 512 entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1897492 1894769] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add MPLS L2VPN test (Guillaume Nault) [1861261] +- [net] sched: act_mpls: Add action to push MPLS LSE before Ethernet header (Guillaume Nault) [1861261] +- [net] sched: act_vlan: Add {POP,PUSH}_ETH actions (Guillaume Nault) [1861261] +- [fs] cifs: Fix incomplete memory allocation on setxattr path (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Fix leak when handling lease break for cached root fid (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] Revert "cifs: Fix the target file was deleted when rename failed." (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: update internal module version number (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: fix reference leak for tlink (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: fix unneeded error message on change notify (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: remove the retry in cifs_poxis_lock_set (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: fix access denied on change notify request to some servers (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones: CIFS (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: prevent truncation from long to int in wait_for_free_credits (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Fix the target file was deleted when rename failed (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Honor 'posix' flag for multiuser mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Honor 'handletimeout' flag for multiuser mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Honor lease disabling for multiuser mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Honor persistent/resilient handle flags for multiuser mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Honor 'seal' flag for multiuser mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Display local UID details for SMB sessions in DebugData (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: misc: Use array_size() in if-statement controlling expression (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: update ctime and mtime during truncate (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs/smb3: Fix data inconsistent when punch hole (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs/smb3: Fix data inconsistent when zero file range (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Fix double add page to memcg when cifs_readpages (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Fix cached_fid refcnt leak in open_shroot (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: Add debug message for new file creation with idsfromsid mount option (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: fix chown and chgrp when idsfromsid mount option enabled (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: allow uid and gid owners to be set on create with idsfromsid mount option (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb311: Add tracepoints for new compound posix query info (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb311: add support for using info level for posix extensions query (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb311: Add support for lookup with posix extensions query info (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb311: Add support for SMB311 query info (non-compounded) (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB311: Add support for query info using posix extensions (level 100) (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: add indatalen that can be a non-zero value to calculation of credit charge in smb2 ioctl (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: fix typo in mount options displayed in /proc/mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Add get_security_type_str function to return sec type (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: extend fscache mount volume coherency check (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: update internal module version number (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: fix incorrect number of credits when ioctl MaxOutputResponse > 64K (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: remove static checker warning (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: fix minor typos in comments and log messages (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: minor update to compression header definitions (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: minor fix to two debug messages (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Standardize logging output (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: Add new parm "nodelete" (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: get rid of unused parameter in reconn_setup_dfs_targets() (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: handle hostnames that resolve to same ip in failover (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: set up next DFS target before generic_ip_connect() (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: remove redundant initialization of variable rc (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: handle "nolease" option for vers=1.0 (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: fix leaked reference on requeued write (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: Fix null pointer check in cifs_read (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] CIFS: Spelling s/EACCESS/EACCES/ (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: fix uninitialised lease_key in open_shroot() (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: ensure correct super block for DFS reconnect (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: do not share tcons with DFS (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: minor update to comments around the cifs_tcp_ses_lock mutex (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: protect updating server->dstaddr with a spinlock (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: remove overly noisy debug line in signing errors (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: improve read performance for page size 64KB & cache=strict & vers=2.1+ (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: dump the session id and keys also for SMB2 sessions (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: enable swap on SMB3 mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: change noisy error message to FYI (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: update internal module version number (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: use SMB2_SIGNATURE_SIZE define (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] CIFS: Fix bug which the return value by asynchronous read is error (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] CIFS: check new file size when extending file by fallocate (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Minor cleanup of protocol definitions (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Additional compression structures (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] SMB3: Add new compression flags (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: smb2pdu.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: clear PF_MEMALLOC before exiting demultiplex thread (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: cifspdu.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] CIFS: Warn less noisily on default mount (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] fs/cifs: fix gcc warning in sid_to_id (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: allow unlock flock and OFD lock across fork (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: do d_move in rename (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: add SMB2_open() arg to return POSIX data (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: plumb smb2 POSIX dir enumeration (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: add smb2 POSIX info level (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: rename posix create rsp (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: print warning mounting with vers=1.0 (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] smb3: fix performance regression with setting mtime (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: make use of cap_unix(ses) in cifs_reconnect_tcon() (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: use mod_delayed_work() for &server->reconnect if already queued (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: call wake_up(&server->response_q) inside of cifs_reconnect() (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [fs] cifs: do not ignore the SYNC flags in getattr (Leif Sahlberg) [1903883] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Update version for v5.10 (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Fix missing base-freq core IDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Update version for v5.9 (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Add retries for mail box commands (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Add option to delay mbox commands (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Ignore -o option processing on error (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Change path for caching topology info (Prarit Bhargava) [1896211] +- [kernel] perf/core: Fix race in the perf_mmap_close() function (Michael Petlan) [1869925] {CVE-2020-14351} +- [kernel] perf: Make struct ring_buffer less ambiguous (Michael Petlan) [1869925] {CVE-2020-14351} +- [arm64] arm64: bpf: Fix branch offset in JIT (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1875342] + +* Thu Jan 14 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-274.el8] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) fix allocation of hwmon_channel_info config (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) Add AMD family 19h model 01h x86 match (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) modify the visibility of the counters (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) Improve the accumulation logic (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) optimize accumulation interval (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) Move label out of accumulation structure (David Arcari) [1911220] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s: Remove TM from Power10 features (Gustavo Duarte) [1892471] +- [netdrv] ionic: start queues before announcing link up (Jonathan Toppins) [1906250] +- [fs] NFSD: fix missing refcount in nfsd4_copy by nfsd4_do_async_copy (Benjamin Coddington) [1873897] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Map Typhoon peak controller to BTUSB_INTEL_NEWGEN (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for Intel Bluetooth Device Typhoon Peak (8087:0032) (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Helper function to download firmware to Intel adapters (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Define a function to construct firmware filename (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add *setup* function for new generation Intel controllers (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btintel: Fix endianness issue for TLV version information (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btintel: Functions to send firmware header / payload (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btintel: Add infrastructure to read controller information (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btintel: Refactor firmware download function (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Update boot parameter specific to SKU (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Refactor of firmware download flow for Intel conrollers (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Enable Intel events even if already in operational mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Configure Intel debug feature based on available support (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add support to read Intel debug feature (Gopal Tiwari) [1900356] +- [kernel] rcuwait: avoid lockdep splats from rcuwait_active() (Auger Eric) [1903095] +- [net] udp: fix the proto value passed to ip_protocol_deliver_rcu for the segments (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: fix IP header access and skb lookup on Fast/frag0 UDP GRO (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: fix UDP header access on Fast/frag0 UDP GRO (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] ethtool: add missing NETIF_F_GSO_FRAGLIST feature string (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] fix fraglist segmentation reference count leak (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: initialize is_flist with 0 in udp_gro_receive (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [include] udp: segment looped gso packets correctly (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: Support UDP fraglist GRO/GSO. (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] Support GRO/GSO fraglist chaining. (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] Add a netdev software feature set that defaults to off. (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] Add fraglist GRO/GSO feature flags (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [include] udp: Avoid post-GRO UDP checksum recalculation (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: fix GRO packet of death (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: fix GRO reception in case of length mismatch (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: cope with UDP GRO packet misdirection (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] ipv6: factor out protocol delivery helper (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] ip: factor out protocol delivery helper (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: add support for UDP_GRO cmsg (Xin Long) [1879403] +- [net] udp: implement GRO for plain UDP sockets. (Xin Long) [1879403] + +* Wed Jan 13 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-273.el8] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix Threshold Event Counter Multiplier width for P10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Exclude kernel samples while counting events in user space (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Invoke per-CPU variable access with disabled interrupts (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: MMCR0 control for PMU registers under PMCC=00 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s: Convert some cpu_setup() and cpu_restore() functions to C (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64: Set up a kernel stack for secondaries before cpu_restore() (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc: Wire up memtest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [mm] powerpc/mm: Don't report hugepage tables as memory leaks when using kmemleak (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix to update cache events with l2l3 events in power10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix to update generic event codes for power10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add generic and cache event list for power10 DD1 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix the PMU group constraints for threshold events in power10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Update the PMU group constraints for l2l3 events in power10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix to update radix_scope_qual in power10 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1906084] +- [nvme] nvme-pci: mark Samsung PM1725a as IGNORE_DEV_SUBNQN (Gopal Tiwari) [1903513] +- [base] driver: core: Fix list corruption after device_del() (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [base] device property: Don't clear secondary pointer for shared primary firmware node (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [base] device property: Keep secondary firmware node secondary by type (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [of] of: property: Fix create device links for all child-supplier dependencies (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [base] drivers/base/test: fix global-out-of-bounds error (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [base] driver core: Fix use-after-free and double free on glue directory (Torez Smith) [1900751] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add uaccess dependency to debugfs interface (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Use "if USB4" instead of "depends on" in Kconfig (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Allow KUnit tests to be built also when CONFIG_USB4=m (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: debugfs: Fix uninitialized return in counters_write() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add debugfs interface (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: cdc-acm: Add DISABLE_ECHO for Renesas USB Download mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Report power supply changes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: hisilicon: fix refercence leak in xhci_histb_probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Tiger Lake-H (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: apple-mfi-fastcharge: fix reference leak in apple_mfi_fc_set_property (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Only configure USB4 wake for lane 0 adapters (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Fix memory leak if ida_simple_get() fails in enumerate_services() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Telit FN980 composition 0x1055 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add LE910Cx compositions 0x1203, 0x1230, 0x1231 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cyberjack: fix write-URB completion race (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Add NO_LPM quirk for Kingston flash drive (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Don't create stream debugfs files with spinlock held (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Workaround for S3 issue on AMD SNPS 3.0 xHC (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix sizeof() mismatch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: stusb160x: fix signedness comparison issue with enum variables (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() to stusb160x (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbcore: Check both id_table and match() when both available (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: stusb160x: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check in probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: reset hard_reset_count for any disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: cdc-acm: fix cooldown mechanism (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: fix kernel-doc markups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: stusb160x: fix some signedness bugs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Quectel EC200T module support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add the missed ida_simple_remove() in ring_request_msix() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [documentation] usb: docs: document altmode register/unregister functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Add QCOM PMIC typec detection driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Cellient MPL200 card (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci_maxim: Add support for Sink FRS (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Implement callbacks for FRS (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: tcpm: Add support for Sink Fast Role SWAP(FRS) (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci_maxim: Chip level TCPC driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Add set_vbus tcpci callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Add a getter method to retrieve tcpm_port reference (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: cdc-acm: add quirk to blacklist ETAS ES58X devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: use cur_altsetting for consistency (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: Add Telit FT980-KS composition (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: remove polling for /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: add support for STUSB160x Type-C controller family (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: add typec_find_pwr_opmode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: hd3ss3220: Use OF graph API to get the connector fwnode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-wdm: Make wdm_flush() interruptible and add wdm_fsync() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: displayport: Reduce noise from the driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Add Kconfig option to reduce number of port initialization retries (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Clean up use of port initialization schemes and retries (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: qcserial: fix altsetting probing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: clean up jtag quirks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: pl2303: add device-id for HP GC device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for FreeCalypso JTAG+UART adapters (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: clean up no-union-descriptor handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: use common data-class define (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: handle broken union descriptors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] Revert "cdc-acm: hardening against malicious devices" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbcore/driver: Accommodate usbip (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] PM: core: introduce pm_ptr() macro (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [kernel] sched: Provide sched_set_fifo() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbcore/driver: Fix incorrect downcast (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbcore/driver: Fix specific driver selection (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [sound] USB: correct API of usb_control_msg_send/recv in sound driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: correct API of usb_control_msg_send/recv (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] Revert "USB: legousbtower: use usb_control_msg_recv()" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] Revert "USB: core: hub.c: use usb_control_msg_send() in a few places" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: pci-quirks: convert to readl_poll_timeout_atomic() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: early: ehci-dbgp: convert to readl_poll_timeout_atomic() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: early: convert to readl_poll_timeout_atomic() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: appledisplay: use module_usb_driver to simplify the code (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: add debugfs support for ep with stream (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: don't create endpoint debugfs entry before ring buffer is set (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Tune interrupt blocking for isochronous transfers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: omit duplicate actions when suspending a runtime suspended host (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: improve the comments for xhci_plat_suspend (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add wakeup entry at sysfs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add priv quirk for skip PHY initialization (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: delete the unnecessary code (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add .suspend_quirk for struct xhci_plat_priv (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add platform data support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: cleanup of data structures (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: adutux: fix debugging (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usblp: fix race between disconnect() and read() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: don't inherity DMA properties for USB devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] ehci-hcd: Move include to keep CRC stable (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Only stop control channel when entering freeze (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Capitalize comment on top of QUIRK_FORCE_POWER_LINK_CONTROLLER (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Correct tb_check_quirks() kernel-doc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Log correct zeroX entries in decode_error() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Handle ERR_LOCK notification (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Handle SCU IPC error conditions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: quirks: Add USB_QUIRK_IGNORE_REMOTE_WAKEUP quirk for BYD zhaoxin notebook (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: update ROLE_CONTROL for DRP (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Add support when hidden tx registers are inaccessible (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Add register definitions to tcpci (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: UAS: use macro for reporting results (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Pass correct USB Type-C port number to SoC (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Add dependency on ACPI (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: microtek: use set_host_byte() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: UAS: fix disconnect by unplugging a hub (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Prevent mode overrun (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Increase command completion timeout value (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: use usb_control_msg_recv() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: hub.c: use usb_control_msg_send() in a few places (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: message.c: use usb_control_msg_send() in a few places (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb typec: mt6360: Add support for mt6360 Type-C driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: ehci-sched: Remove ununsed function tt_start_uframe() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ohci: Make distrust_firmware param default to false (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ohci: Default to per-port over-current protection (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Retry DROM read once if parsing fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Support for device role (UFP) (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Check the port status before connect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Do not configure SBU and HSL Orientation in Alternate modes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Do not configure Altmode HPD High (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] device connection: Remove struct device_connection (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] uas: bump hw_max_sectors to 2048 blocks for SS or faster drives (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] uas: fix sdev->host->dma_dev (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: fix sdev->host->dma_dev (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb/host: ehci-npcm7xx: Use pm_ptr() macro (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb/misc: usb3503: Use pm_ptr() macro (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb/misc: usb4604: Use pm_ptr() macro (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: driver: fix stray tabs in error messages (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Check the _DEP dependencies (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: fix slab-out-of-bounds Read in read_descriptors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: Fix out of sync data toggle if a configured device is reconfigured (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Un-register the USB role switch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_is_ice_lake() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_is_tiger_lake() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Check for Intel vendor ID when identifying controller (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Introduce tb_port_is_nhi() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Create device links from ACPI description (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: No need to warn in TB_CFG_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG_SPACE (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Introduce tb_switch_next_cap() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Introduce tb_port_next_cap() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Move struct tb_cap_any to tb_regs.h (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add runtime PM for Software CM (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [pci] PCI / thunderbolt: Switch to use device links instead of PCI quirk (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Enable wakes from system suspend (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Tear down DP tunnels when suspending (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Disable lane 1 for XDomain connection (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Configure port for XDomain (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Set port configured for both ends of the link (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Configure link after lane bonding is enabled (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Do not change default USB4 router notification timeout (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Initialize TMU again on resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Send reset only to first generation routers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Do not program NFC buffers for USB4 router protocol adapters (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Optimize NHI LC mailbox command processing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Optimize Force Power logic (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Software CM only should set force power in Tiger Lake (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Use bit 31 to check if Firmware CM is running in Tiger Lake (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: No need to log an error if tb_switch_lane_bonding_enable() fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Use kobj_to_dev() instead of container_of() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: support dynamic Quectel USB compositions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for SIM7070/SIM7080/SIM7090 modules (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Migrate workqueue to RT priority for processing events (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: pd: Fix formatting in pd.h header (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: During PR_SWAP, source caps should be sent only after tSwapSourceStart (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblcd: Remove the superfluous break (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: storage: Add unusual_uas entry for Sony PSZ drives (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Ignore UAS for JMicron JMS567 ATA/ATAPI Bridge (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: quirks: Ignore duplicate endpoint on Sound Devices MixPre-D (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: atm: don't use snprintf() for sysfs attrs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Fix Fix source hard reset response for TDA and TDA failures (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Use maximum USB3 link rate when reclaiming if link is not up (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add USB3 bandwidth management (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Disable ports that are not implemented (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add IDs for Xsens Mti USB converter (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Always restore EP_SOFT_CLEAR_TOGGLE even if ep reset failed (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Do warm-reset when both CAS and XDEV_RESUME are set (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci: fix ep context print mismatch in debugfs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: uas: Add quirk for PNY Pro Elite (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Better name for __check_usb_generic() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fix device driver race (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Also match device drivers using the ->match vfunc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: fix tegra_xusb_get_phy() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: otg usb2/usb3 port init (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: pci-quirks: Bypass xHCI quirks for Raspberry Pi 4 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [firmware] Revert "USB: pci-quirks: Add Raspberry Pi 4 quirk" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci-pci: Add support for reset controllers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: Solve race condition in anchor cleanup functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Print error on failure to get VBUS (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Make VBUS supply optional (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: yurex: remove needless check before usb_free_coherent() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: remove a duplicated entry (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: storage: isd200: fix spelling mistake "removeable" -> "removable" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci-mtk: Fix typo (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: hcd: Fix use after free in usb_hcd_pci_remove() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Hold con->lock for the entire duration of ucsi_register_port() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Rework ppm_lock handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Fix 2 unlocked ucsi_run_command calls (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Fix AB BA lock inversion (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: lvtest: return proper error code in probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: rework notification_buffer resizing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for another Raydium touchscreen (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: yurex: Fix bad gfp argument (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: merge fix for kunix_resource changes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Register charger (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Fix ASMedia ASM1142 DMA addressing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: define IDs for various ASMedia host controllers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Simplify USB ID table match (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Add WARN_ON ensure we are not trying to send 2 VDM packets at the same time (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Fix AB BA lock inversion between tcpm code and the alt-mode drivers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Refactor tcpm_handle_vdm_request (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Refactor tcpm_handle_vdm_request payload handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Add tcpm_queue_vdm_unlocked() helper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Move mod_delayed_work(&port->vdm_state_machine) call into tcpm_queue_vdm() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Make function xhci_dbc_ring_alloc() static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbgtty: Make some functions static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for pinctrl-0 through pinctrl-8 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for multiple DT bindings (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: fix up report size handling for some devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: remove tty specific port structure from struct xhci_dbc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbgcap: remove dbc dependency on dbctty specific flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Add a operations structure to access driver functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbctty: split dbc tty driver registration and unregistration functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: remove endpoint pointers from dbc_port structure (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: simplify dbc requests allocation and queueing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Pass dbc pointer to dbc start and stop functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Pass dbc pointer to dbc memory init and cleanup functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: don't use generic xhci ring allocation functions for dbc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Don't use generic xhci context allocation for dbc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Use dbc structure in the request completion instead of xhci_hcd (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Pass dbc pointer to get_in/out_ep() helper functions to get endpoints (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbgtty: Pass dbc pointer when registering a dbctty device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Pass dbc pointer to dbc_handle_xfer_event() instead of xhci_hcd pointer (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Change to pass dbc pointer to xhci_do_dbc_stop() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Pass dbc pointer to endpoint init and exit functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Get the device pointer from dbc structure in dbc_ep_do_queue() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Don't pass the xhci pointer as a parameter to xhci_dbc_init_context() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Don't use xhci_write_64() as it takes xhci as a parameter (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Use dev_info() and similar instead of xhci_info() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Add device pointer to dbc structure (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Remove dbc_dma_free_coherent() wrapper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Remove dbc_dma_alloc_coherent() wrapper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Don't use generic xhci erst allocation and free functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Don't pass struct xhci_hcd pointer to xhci_link_seg() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: dbc: Don't use generic xhci inc_deq() function for dbc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Make debug message consistent with bus and port number (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: tegra: Fix allocation for the FPCI context (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbfs: stop using compat_alloc_user_space (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Fix ASM2142/ASM3142 DMA addressing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci-mtk: fix the failure of bandwidth allocation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: appledisplay: remove needless check before usb_free_coherent() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbtest: reduce stack usage in test_queue (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Stay in BIST mode till hardreset or unattached (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: Support BIST test data mode for compliance (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Support bist test data mode for compliance (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Error handling for tcpm_register_partner_altmodes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Comment correction for typec_partner_register_altmode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Avoid connect request on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: fix quirks_param_set() writing to a const pointer (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: hcd: Try MSI interrupts on PCI devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: qcserial: add EM7305 QDL product ID (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: iuu_phoenix: fix led-activity helpers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: iuu_phoenix: fix memory corruption (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: sisusbvga: Move static const tables out to different include file (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: sisusbvga: sisusb_init: Remove genunine unused static const arrays (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: class: cdc-wdm: Provide description for usb_cdc_wdm_register()'s manage_power arg (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: linux/usb/serial.h: drop duplicated word in comment (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: linux/usb/pd_vdo.h: drop duplicated word in comment (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: linux/usb.h: drop duplicated word in comment (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Remove pci-dma-compat wrapper APIs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: sisusbvga: Fix a potential UB casued by left shifting a negative value (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ohci: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: sierra: clean up special-interface handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: use in-kernel types in port data (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: drop unnecessary packed attributes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: add support for TIOCGICOUNT (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: add support for line-status events (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: disable interface on errors in open (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: OHCI: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: storage: replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: Do not define 'struct acpi_device_id' when !CONFIG_ACPI (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: early: xhci-dbc: File headers are not good candidates for kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: early: xhci-dbc: Supply missing 'xhci-dbgp.h' headerfile (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: early: ehci-dbgp: Remove set but never checked variable 'ret' (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: ucsi: Staticify and stop export of ucsi_init() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: legousbtower: Demote function header which is clearly not kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: legousbtower: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: ldusb: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: iowarrior: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: iowarrior: Fix odd corruption issue in the file header (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: fusb302: Use 'gnu_printf' format notation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: altmodes: displayport: Supply missing displayport.h include file (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: altmodes: displayport: File headers are not good candidates for kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: storage: alauda: Remove set but unchecked variable (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-debugfs: Use 'gnu_printf' format notation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-dbgtty: File headers are not good candidates for kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-dbgcap: File headers are not good candidates for kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-mem: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment block (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment block (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: adutux: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: atm: ueagle-atm: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: ledtrig-usbport: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: drop redundant transfer-buffer casts (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] USB: serial: drop extern keyword from function declarations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] USB: serial: drop unnecessary sysrq include (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: add sysrq break-handler dummy (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: inline sysrq dummy function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: only process sysrq when enabled (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: only set sysrq timestamp for consoles (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix break and sysrq handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: clean up receive processing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: make process-packet buffer unsigned (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Quectel EG95 LTE modem (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: fix missing simulated-break margin (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: re-enable auto-RTS on open (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cp210x: enable usb generic throttle/unthrottle (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: simulate break condition if not supported (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: class: usbtmc: File headers are not good candidates for kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: ohci: Mark cc_to_error as __maybe_unused (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: ulpi: Fix a few kerneldoc related issues (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Demote comment block which is clearly not kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: debug: Demote comment blocks which are obviously not kerneldoc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: pci-quirks: Demote function header from kerneldoc to comment block (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] USB: Fix up terminology in include files (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Fix old style declaration warning (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: console: add support for flow control (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: quatech2: drop two stub functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: kobil_sct: log failure to update line settings (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: keyspan_pda: drop unused firmware reset status (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: iuu_phoenix: drop unused URB submission results (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: garmin_gps: don't compile unused packet definitions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Add support for USB4 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Definitions for response status bits (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Add data structure for Enter_USB message (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Combine the definitions for Accessory and USB modes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fix up terminology (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: fix kernel-doc warnings and formatting in (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add support for authenticate on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add support for separating the flush to SPI and authenticate (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Ensure left shift of 512 does not overflow a 32 bit int (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: add min and max line-speed macros (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: name prescaler, divisor registers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Poll for U0 after disabling USB2 LPM (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Return if xHCI doesn't support LPM (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-mtk: avoid runtime suspend when removing hcd (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix enumeration issue when setting max packet size for FS devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix incorrect EP_STATE_MASK (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: add new Product ID for CH340 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add GosunCn GM500 series (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cypress_m8: enable Simply Automated UPB PIM (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add support for on-board retimers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Implement USB4 port sideband operations for retimer access (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Split common NVM functionality into a separate file (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Retry USB4 block read operation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Generalize usb4_switch_do__data() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add Intel USB-IF ID to the NVM upgrade supported list (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Increase DP DPRX wait timeout (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Make tb_port_get_link_speed() available to other files (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Handle incomplete PCIe/USB3 paths correctly in discovery (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Increase path length in discovery (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add KUnit tests for tunneling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add KUnit tests for path walking (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add DP IN resources for all routers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Report consumed bandwidth in both directions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Make usb4_switch_map_pcie_down() also return enabled ports (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Make usb4_switch_map_usb3_down() also return enabled ports (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Do not tunnel USB3 if link is not USB4 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Implement USB3 bandwidth negotiation routines (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Check that both ports are reachable when allocating path (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Make tb_path_alloc() work with tree topologies (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Make tb_next_port_on_path() work with tree topologies (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Fix path indices used in USB3 tunnel discovery (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [netdrv] thunderbolt: Get rid of E2E workaround (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: NHI can use HopIDs 1-7 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: No need to warn if NHI hop_count != 12 or hop_count != 32 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Build initial XDomain property block upon first connect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: OTG: rename product list of devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: storage: scsi: fix up comment to be more specific (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: storage: fix wording in error message (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: sierra: unify quirk handling logic (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: qcserial: fix up wording in a comment (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: OHCI: remove obsolete FIXME comment (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: rename USB OTG hub configuration option (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: rename USB quirk to USB_QUIRK_ENDPOINT_IGNORE (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [uapi] USB: replace hardcode maximum usb string length by definition (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci_rt1711h: avoid screaming irq causing boot hangs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbtest: fix missing kfree(dev->buf) in usbtest_disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ehci: reopen solution for Synopsys HC bug (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] cdc-acm: Add DISABLE_ECHO quirk for Microchip/SMSC chip (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: add USB_QUIRK_DELAY_INIT for Logitech C922 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: intel_pmc_mux: Fix DP alternate mode entry (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: sisusbvga: change char to u8 for sisusb_copy_memory (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: sisusb_con: Use array_size() helper in memcpy() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: tegra: Remove PLL power supplies (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] drivers: usb: Fix trivial spelling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: additional Device Classes to debug/usb/devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Improve USB4 config symbol help text (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: kcov: collect coverage from usb complete callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: get rid of pointless access_ok() calls (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: fix lockup of devices with limited prescaler (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: add basis for quirk detection (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] CDC-ACM: heed quirk also in error handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910C1-EUX compositions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: qcserial: add DW5816e QDL support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add trivial .shutdown (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Ensure USB_ROLE_SWITCH is set as a dependency for tps6598x (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: make symbols static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: usb_wwan: do not resubmit rx urb on fatal errors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb/xhci-plat: Set PM runtime as active on resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Add support for Renesas controller with memory (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: renesas-xhci: Add the renesas xhci driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: hci: add hc_driver as argument for usb_hcd_pci_probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: hub: limit HUB_QUIRK_DISABLE_AUTOSUSPEND to USB5534B (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbfs: fix mmap dma mismatch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: keep runtime active when removing host (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Fix NULL pointer dereference when enqueuing trbs from urb sg list (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Update Kconfig to allow building on other architectures (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: intel: Fix DP_HPD_LVL bit field (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ehci: Add new EHCI driver for Broadcom STB SoC's (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: xhci-plat: Add support for Broadcom STB SoC's (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tps6598x: Add USB role switching logic (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tps6598x: Add OF probe binding (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Switch on role-switch uevent reporting (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: intel_pmc_mux: Support for static SBU/HSL orientation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Add typec_find_orientation() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usblp: poison URBs upon disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] sierra-ms: do not call scsi_get_host_dev() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [firmware] USB: pci-quirks: Add Raspberry Pi 4 quirk (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] thunderbolt: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbfs: correct kernel->user page attribute mismatch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Fix the property names (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: intel: Handle alt mode HPD_HIGH (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: Fix misleading driver bug report (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: qcserial: Add DW5816e support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: uas: add quirk for LaCie 2Big Quadra (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Do not link to disabled devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Check return value of tb_sw_read() in usb4_switch_op() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: hub: use true, false for bool variable (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Fix the stub for ucsi_register_port_psy() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Convert the Intel PMC Mux driver to use new SCU IPC API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: register with power_supply class (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: save power data objects in PD mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Correct bit-mask for CCI (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: replace magic numbers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Workaround for missed op_mode change (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: set USB data role when partner type is power cable/ufp (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Storage: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: Replace an empty statement with a debug message (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb/early: remove unused including (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: pci-quirks: use true, false for bool variables (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: typec: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: sisusbvga: Change port variable from signed to unsigned (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: Add unusual_devs entry for JMicron JMS566 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Revert commit bd0e6c9614b9 ("usb: hub: try old enumeration scheme first for high speed devices") (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Fix handling of connect changes during sleep (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add support for Intel Tiger Lake (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: altmode: Fix typec_altmode_get_partner sometimes returning an invalid pointer (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: garmin_gps: add sanity checking for data length (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Don't clear hub TT buffer on ep0 protocol stall (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: prevent bus suspend if a roothub port detected a over-current condition (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix handling halted endpoint even if endpoint ring appears empty (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [gpio] usb: fusb302: Convert to use GPIO descriptors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Add USB_QUIRK_DELAY_CTRL_MSG and USB_QUIRK_DELAY_INIT for Corsair K70 RGB RAPIDFIRE (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Ignore CC and vbus changes in PORT_RESET change (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] cdc-acm: introduce a cool down (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] cdc-acm: close race betrween suspend() and acm_softint (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] UAS: fix deadlock in error handling and PM flushing work (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] UAS: no use logging any details in case of ENODEV (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: pi3usb30532: Set switch_ / mux_desc name field to NULL (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: early: Handle AMD's spec-compliant identifiers, too (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: Fix free-while-in-use bug in the USB S-Glibrary (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: misc: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: host: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: early: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] Revert "thunderbolt: Prevent crash if non-active NVMem file is read" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for extcon (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: restore capability check order (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Correct the documentation for typec_cable_put() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix slab-out-of-bounds read in edge_interrupt_callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Wistron Neweb D19Q1 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add BroadMobi BM806U (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for ASKEY WWHC050 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: Add ACPI support for USB interface devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci-tegra: Add OTG support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: add control driver for F81534A (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: fix rounding error in TIOCSSERIAL (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cdc-acm: fix close_delay and closing_wait units in TIOCSSERIAL (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: quirks: add NO_LPM quirk for RTL8153 based ethernet adapters (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: atm: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Tiger Lake xHCI (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Finetune host initiated USB3 rootport link suspend and resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Wait until link state trainsits to U0 after setting USB_SS_PORT_LS_U0 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Ensure link state is U3 after setting USB_SS_PORT_LS_U3 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Tegra186/Tegra194 LPM (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Enable LPM for VIA LABS VL805 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Show host status when watchdog triggers and host is assumed dead (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Add a separate debug message for split transaction errors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: bail out early if driver can't accress host in resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: pl2303: add device-id for HP LD381 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add ME910G1 ECM composition 0x110b (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: mon: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi_ccg: workaround for NVIDIA test device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add a shutdown (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: displayport: Fix a potential race during registration (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: displayport: Fix NULL pointer dereference (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Disable LPM on WD19's Realtek Hub (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: fix tty cleanup-op kernel-doc (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: clean up carrier-detect helper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: apply XHCI_SUSPEND_DELAY to AMD XHCI controller 1022:145c (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Delete of_devlink kernel commandline option (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: driver for Intel PMC mux control (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Add definitions for Thunderbolt 3 Alternate Mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Allow the role switches to be named (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Provide the switch drivers handle to the switch in the API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Leave the private driver data pointer to the drivers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Allow the mux handles to be requested with fwnode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Add helpers for setting the mux state (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Allow the muxes to be named (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: port: do error out if usb_autopm_get_interface() fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: hub: do error out if usb_autopm_get_interface() fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: hub: fix unhandled return by employing a void function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: storage: Add quirk for Samsung Fit flash (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: quirks: add NO_LPM quirk for Logitech Screen Share (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: fix regulator probe and error handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Add sysfs node to show cc orientation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: move to SNK_UNATTACHED if sink removed for DRP (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for power-domains and hwlocks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: set F81534A serial port with RS232 mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: add F81534A support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: use devm_kzalloc for port data (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: add tx_empty function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: extract LSR handler (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-pci: remove useless cast for driver.name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: uhci-pci: remove useless cast for driver.name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: ohci-pci: remove useless cast for driver.name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: ehci-pci: remove useless cast for driver.name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: Use ACPI_SUCCESS() at appropriate places (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: Make use of acpi_evaluate_object() status (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: Use const to reduce object data size (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ucsi: ccg: disable runtime pm during fw flashing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: register DP only for NVIDIA DP VDO (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: misc: iowarrior: add support for the 100 device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Add missing annotation for xhci_enter_test_mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Add missing annotation for xhci_set_port_power() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Do not open code __print_symbolic() in xhci trace events (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: use kobj_to_dev() API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: Add missing kernel-doc parameter descriptions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: set correct data role for non-DRD (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: icm: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [thunderbolt] thunderbolt: eeprom: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: apple-mfi-fastcharge: don't probe unhandled devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: apple-mfi-fastcharge: fix endianess issue in probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Add driver to control USB fast charge for iOS devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fallback to generic driver when specific driver fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Select better matching USB drivers when available (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Implement usb_device_match_id() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Make it possible to "subclass" usb_device_driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Export generic USB device driver functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: atm: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Drop support for device name matching (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: altmode: Remove the notification chain (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Fix the description of struct typec_capability (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Allow power role swapping even without USB PD (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Hide the port_type attribute when it's not supported (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Make the attributes read-only when writing is not possible (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: misc: iowarrior: add support for the 28 and 28L devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: misc: iowarrior: add support for 2 OEMed devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fix novation SourceControl XL after suspend (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak when caching protocol extended capability PSI tables - take 2 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] Revert "xhci: Fix memory leak when caching protocol extended capability PSI tables" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: remove redundant assignment to variable num (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: host: ehci-platform: add a quirk to avoid stuck (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: clean up endpoint-descriptor parsing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: quirks: blacklist duplicate ep on Sound Devices USBPre2 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: add endpoint-blacklist quirk (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [uapi] usb: charger: assign specific number for enum value (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Don't record a connect-change event during reset-resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: uas: fix a plug & unplug racing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: hub: Fix the broken detection of USB3 device in SMSC hub (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: apply XHCI_PME_STUCK_QUIRK to Intel Comet Lake platforms (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: fix runtime pm enabling for quirky Intel hosts (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak when caching protocol extended capability PSI tables (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Force Maximum Packet size for Full-speed bulk devices to valid range (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: digi_acceleport: remove redundant assignment to pointer priv (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: relax unthrottle memory barrier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: fix receiver regression (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: Silence harmless uninitialized variable warning (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: cyberjack: fix spelling mistake "To" -> "Too" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: simplify endpoint check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: make set_termios synchronous (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: fix IrLAP framing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: fix link-speed handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ir-usb: add missing endpoint sanity check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: fix "op-sink-microwatt" default that was in mW (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: wcove: fix "op-sink-microwatt" default that was in mW (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpci: mask event interrupts when remove driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: set MODULE_FIRMWARE for tegra186 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbfs: Always unlink URBs in reverse order (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: quatech2: handle unbound ports (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: keyspan: handle unbound ports (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: io_edgeport: add missing active-port sanity check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: io_edgeport: handle unbound ports on URB completion (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: handle unbound port at reset_resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: garmin_gps: Use flexible-array member (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: opticon: stop all I/O on close() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: opticon: add chars_in_buffer() implementation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: suppress driver bind attributes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for Quectel RM500Q in QDL mode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: hub: Improved device recognition on remote wakeup (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: phy-generic: Delete unused platform data (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: opticon: fix control-message timeouts (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: Add support for Quectel RM500Q (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: simple: Add Motorola Solutions TETRA MTP3xxx and MTP85xx (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: ulpi: Add resource-managed variant of otg_ulpi_create() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Provide definitions for the USB modes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Give the mux drivers all the details regarding the port state (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Add definitions for the latest specification releases (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Add the Product Type VDOs to struct usb_pd_identity (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: pd: Add definition for DFP and UFP1 VDOs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: pd: Add definitions for the Enter_USB message (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: More API for cable handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Add parameter for the VDO to typec_altmode_enter() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Block mode entry if the port has the mode disabled (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: fix spelling mistake "connetor" -> "connector" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: missing parentheses in USE_NEW_SCHEME (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Fix the notification bit offsets (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Actually enable all the interface notifications (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fix non-kernel-doc comments (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fix: Don't skip endpoint descriptors with maxpacket=0 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB-PD tcpm: bad warning+size, PPS adapters (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb3503: Convert to use GPIO descriptors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: add support for separate DP altmode devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Store the notification mask (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: mtk-xhci: Do not explicitly set the DMA mask (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: fix check for duplicate endpoints (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add ZLP support for 0x1bc7/0x9010 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: Fix build warning seen with CONFIG_PM=n (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: Fix an undefined reference to 'extcon_get_state' (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: EHCI: Do not return -EPIPE when hub is disconnected (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Telit ME910G1 0x110a composition (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: make sure interrupts are restored to correct state (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: handle some XHCI_TRUST_TX_LENGTH quirks cases as default behaviour (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Increase STS_HALT timeout in xhci_suspend() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: only set D3hot for pci device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: fix USB3 device initiated resume race with roothub autosuspend (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak in xhci_add_in_port() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Fix incorrect DMA allocations for local memory pool drivers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: idmouse: fix interface sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: adutux: fix interface sanity check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: atm: ueagle-atm: add missing endpoint check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix epic endpoint lookup (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: mon: Fix a deadlock in usbmon between mmap and read (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: Don't log an error on probe deferral (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: urb: fix URB structure initialization function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fix use after free in typec_register_port() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: fix a potential use after free (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Implement basic ELPG support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Add XUSB controller context (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Add support for XUSB context save/restore (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Enable runtime PM as late as possible (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Reuse stored register base address (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Extract firmware enable helper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Use CNR as firmware ready indicator (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Avoid a fixed duration sleep (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Separate firmware request and load (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Fix "tega" -> "tegra" typo (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: drop comment about 2 uhci drivers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb, kcov: collect coverage from hub_event (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for interrupt-parent, dmas and -gpio(s) (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: serial: Fix Kconfig indentation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: misc: Fix Kconfig indentation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for "iommu-map" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Fix the semantics of of_is_ancestor_of() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: Disable UAS on JMicron SATA enclosure (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: uas: heed CAPACITY_HEURISTICS (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: uas: honor flag to avoid CAPACITY16 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Correct phy enable sequence (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-serial: cp201x: support Mark-10 digital force gauge (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Remove tcpc_config configuration mechanism (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default also for Intel Ice Lake xHCI (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci: Support running urb giveback in tasklet context (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Add tracing for xhci doorbell register writes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci: update event ring dequeue pointer on purpose (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Fix documentation for out values (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add device IDs for U-Blox C099-F9P (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for Foxconn T77W968 LTE modules (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] driver core: Clarify documentation for fwnode_operations.add_links() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop port open flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop read-urb check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop port driver data accessors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop serial struct accessor (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop paranoid serial checks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop paranoid port checks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: drop redundant urb context check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: rip out broken interrupt handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: fix probe error handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: document MCS7810 detection hack (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: clean up device-type handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: fix remote wakeup (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7720: fix remote wakeup (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: chaoskey: fix error case of a timeout (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for DW5821e with eSIM support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] appledisplay: fix error handling in the scheduled work (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop superfluous newlines (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop superfluous brackets (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: clean up runaway white space (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop redundant endianness comments (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop unnecessary packed attributes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: clean up pointer declarations in driver data (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: remove tower_abort_transfers() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: stop interrupt-out URB unconditionally (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop redundant interrupt-in running flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop noisy disconnect messages (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop redundant open_count check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: zero driver data at allocation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop redundant NULL check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: drop redundant MODULE_LICENSE ifdef (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: idmouse: clean up runaway white space (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: idmouse: drop redundant open-count check from release (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: idmouse: simplify disconnect handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: Allow USB device to be warm reset in suspended state (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add device link support for iommus, mboxes and io-channels (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Make it easy to add device links from DT properties (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: mos7840: add USB ID to support Moxa UPort 2210 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Optimise ucsi_unregister() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: New error codes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Remove all bit-fields (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Remove struct ucsi_control (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Remove the old API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: ccg: Move to the new API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Move to the new API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Simplified registration and I/O API (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: hd3ss3220: Give the connector fwnode to the port device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: typec: Remove unused members from struct typec_capability (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Remove the callback members from struct typec_capability (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: hd3ss3220: Start using struct typec_operations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: Start using struct typec_operations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tps6598x: Start using struct typec_operations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Start using struct typec_operations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Separate the operations vector (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Introduce typec_get_drvdata() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Copy everything from struct typec_capability during registration (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: Add support for USB2422 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: Drop some unused defines (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Add usb_role_switch_find_by_fwnode() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ch341: reimplement line-speed handling (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: Remove redundant vmap checks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: whiteheat: fix line-speed endianness (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: whiteheat: fix potential slab corruption (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] UAS: Revert commit 3ae62a42090f ("UAS: fix alignment of scatter/gather segments") (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: Revert commit 747668dbc061 ("usb-storage: Set virt_boundary_mask to avoid SG overflows") (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: fix __le32/__le64 accessors in debugfs code (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: fix Immediate Data Transfer endianness (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix use-after-free regression in xhci clear hub TT implementation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: fix control-message timeout (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: use unsigned size format specifiers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: fix ring-buffer locking (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Skip endpoints with 0 maxpacket length (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: pl2303: add support for PL2303HXN (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: fix read info leaks (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] driver: core: Improve documentation for fwnode_operations.add_links() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Minor code formatting/style clean ups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: clean up serial data access (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix port-close races (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbfs: Suppress problematic bind and unbind uevents (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblp: fix use-after-free on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix a signedness bug in tower_probe() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix memleak on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: fix memleak on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in hd3ss3220_probe() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] device property: Fix the description of struct fwnode_operations (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: yurex: fix NULL-derefs on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: use pr_err() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: drop redundant iowarrior mutex (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: drop redundant disconnect mutex (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: fix use-after-free after driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: fix use-after-free on release (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: iowarrior: fix use-after-free on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: chaoskey: fix use-after-free on release (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: adutux: fix use-after-free on release (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix use-after-free on release (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ldusb: fix NULL-derefs on driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usb-skeleton: drop redundant in-urb check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usb-skeleton: fix use-after-free after driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usb-skeleton: fix NULL-deref on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: remove duplicated include from hd3ss3220.c (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: drop OOM message (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: devio.c: Fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: hd3ss3220: hd3ss3220_probe() warn: passing zero to 'PTR_ERR' (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: hub: Check device descriptor before resusciation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: add dependency for TYPEC_HD3SS3220 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: Add Tegra194 XHCI support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: tegra: Parameterize mailbox register addresses (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: image: microtek.c: Remove unused variable (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: hd3ss3220_irq() can be static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] kcov: remote coverage support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Create device links for all child-supplier depencencies (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Add functional dependency link from DT bindings (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: fix runtime PM after driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblp: fix runtime PM after driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usb-skeleton: fix runtime PM after driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci-ext-caps.c: Add missing platform_device_put() on error in xhci_create_intel_xhci_sw_pdev() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix NULL pointer dereference in xhci_clear_tt_buffer_complete() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Increase STS_SAVE timeout in xhci_suspend() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Prevent deadlock when xhci adapter breaks during init (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: wait for CNR controller not ready bit in xhci resume (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix USB 3.1 capability detection on early xHCI 1.1 spec based hosts (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Check all endpoints for LPM timeout (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Prevent device initiated U1/U2 link pm if exit latency is too long (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: Fix false warning message about wrong bounce buffer write length (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: add pm_ops (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: simplify reset helper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb251xb: add vdd supply support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: driver for TI HD3SS3220 USB Type-C DRP port controller (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: use regulator_bulk_set_supply_names() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ftdi-elan: move a couple of statements to next line (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: Fix Kconfig indentation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-tegra: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix open after failed reset request (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix potential NULL-deref on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix deadlock on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: legousbtower: fix slab info leak at probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: displayport: Fix for the mode entering routine (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: ucsi: ccg: Remove run_isr flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblcd: use pr_err() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblcd: drop redundant lcd mutex (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblcd: drop redundant disconnect mutex (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblcd: fix I/O after disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: usb: typec: tcpm: Fix a signedness bug in tcpm_fw_get_caps() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: adutux: fix NULL-derefs on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: adutux: fix use-after-free on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: yurex: Don't retry on unexpected errors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: microtek: fix info-leak at probe (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: keyspan: fix NULL-derefs on open() and write() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion CLS8 devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: SCSI glue: use dev_err instead of printk (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: option: add Telit FN980 compositions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add device IDs for Sienna and Echelon PL-20 (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbcore: Fix slab-out-of-bounds bug during device reset (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: rio500: Fix lockdep violation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: rio500: simplify locking (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: add USB GPIO based connection detection driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: create Kconfig file (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: get usb-role-switch from parent (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: Add fwnode_usb_role_switch_get() function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: roles: Introduce stubs for the exiting functions in role.h (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbip: Implement SG support to vhci-hcd and stub driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: intel: Enable static DRD mode for role switch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci-ext-caps.c: Add property to disable Intel SW switch (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: core: phy: add support for PHY calibration (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-rcar: Add a helper macro to set xhci_plat_priv (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: add quirks member into struct xhci_plat_priv (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: fix possible memleak on setup address fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] xhci: add TSP bitflag to TRB tracing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: dbc: Use GFP_KERNEL instead of GFP_ATOMIC in 'xhci_dbc_alloc_requests()' (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci: dbc: Simplify error handling in 'xhci_dbc_alloc_requests()' (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tps6598x: Fix build error without CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: remove commented out dma wrappers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: remove a stale comment in hcd_alloc_coherent (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: use hcd_uses_dma to check for DMA capabilities (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: Simplify usb_decode_get_set_descriptor function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: Patch simplify usb_decode_set_clear_feature function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: common: Separated decoding functions from dwc3 driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: xhci-mtk: add an optional xhci_ck clock (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for FT232H CBUS gpios (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] device property: Remove duplicate test for NULL (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: roles: intel_xhci: Supplying software node for the role mux (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [phy] phy: core: document phy_calibrate() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usb-skeleton: make comment block in line with coding style (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: usbfs: only account once for mmap()'ed usb memory usage (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: Call fusb302_debugfs_init earlier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: Use usb_debug_root as root for our debugfs entry (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Use usb_debug_root as root for our debugfs entry (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: ohci-nxp: enable compile-testing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: storage: isd200: remove redundant assignment to variable sendToTransport (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: Always provide fwnode for the port (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: fusb302: Remove unused properties (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbfs: Add a capability flag for runtime suspend (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-storage: remove single-use define for debugging (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: Add definitions for the USB2.0 hub TT requests (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: remove ehci-w90x900 driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usbfs: Add ioctls for runtime power management (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbsevseg: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: trancevibrator: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: atm: cxacru: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: lvstest: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cytherm: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: cypress_cy7c63: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbtmc: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usblp: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: ueagle-atm: convert to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: typec: ucsi_ccg: convert i2c driver to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: add support for dev_groups to struct usb_device_driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: add support for dev_groups to struct usb_driver (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: usbip: convert platform driver to use dev_groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: Disable USB2 LPM at shutdown (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-plat: Prevent an abnormally restrictive PHY init skipping (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: Remove dev_err() usage after platform_get_irq() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: xhci-hub: fix extra endianness conversion (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: host: Remove call to memset after dma_alloc_coherent (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: mux: Switch to use fwnode_property_count_uXX() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: tcpm: Switch to use fwnode_property_count_uXX() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] usb: host: oxu210hp-hcd: remove include/linux/oxu210hp.h (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: core: hcd-pci: Use dev_get_drvdata where possible (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: resume ccgx i2c client (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: add runtime pm support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: refactor master_xfer (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb: typec: Registering real device entries for the muxes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: implement break control (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: f81232: add high baud rate support (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: serial: ark3116: drop redundant init_termios (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: Supply CCGx driver the fw build info (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [phy] phy: core: Invoke pm_runtime_get_*/pm_runtime_put_* before invoking reset callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: property: Document that of_graph_get_endpoint_by_regs needs of_node_put (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [phy] phy: make phy-core explicitly non-modular (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] OF: properties: add missing of_node_put (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] USB: xhci: fix 'broken_suspend' placement in struct xchi_hcd (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: mark resume function as __maybe_unused (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [of] of: Use of_node_name_eq for node name comparisons (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: limit reads also for combined messages (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: adhere to I2C fault codes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: nvidia-gpu: make pm_ops static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [i2c] i2c: add i2c bus driver for NVIDIA GPU (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [tty] complete ->et_serial() switchover (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb_wwan: switch to ->et_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] whiteheat: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: switch to ->et_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] ssu100: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] quatech2: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] pl2303: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] opticon: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] mos7840: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] mos7720: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] io_ti: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] io_edgeport: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] fdti_sio: switch to ->et_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] f81232: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] ark3116: switch to ->get_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] cdc-acm: switch to ->et_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [usb] usb-serial: begin switching to ->et_serial() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [tty] tty_ioctl(): start taking TIOCSERIAL into separate methods (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Remove device_connection_add() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Remove device_connection_find() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix device_pm_lock() locking for device links (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver code: print symbolic error code (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Fix the secondary firmware node handling in set_primary_fwnode() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: add device probe log helper (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Change delimiter in devlink device's name to "--" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Avoid NULL pointer dereference in device_get_next_child_node() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix sleeping in invalid context during device link deletion (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add waiting_for_supplier sysfs file for devices (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add state_synced sysfs file for devices that support it (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [documentation] driver core: Expose device link details in sysfs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Avoid deferred probe due to fw_devlink_pause/resume() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Rename dev_links_info.defer_sync to defer_hook (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Don't do deferred probe in parallel with kernel_init thread (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Use software_node_unregister() when unregistering group of nodes (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add device_is_dependent() to linux/device.h (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Update device link status correctly for SYNC_STATE_ONLY links (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: implement software_node_unregister() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [lib] lib/test_printf: Add tests for pfw printk modifier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Remove unnecessary is_fwnode_dev variable in device_add() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers property: When no children in primary, try secondary (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix handling of SYNC_STATE_ONLY + STATELESS device links (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix SYNC_STATE_ONLY device link implementation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Remove check in driver_deferred_probe_force_trigger() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: fw_devlink: Add support for batching fwnode parsing (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Look for waiting consumers only for a fwnode's primary device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Move code to the right part of the file (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add device links from fwnode only for the primary device (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] Revert "Revert "driver core: Set fw_devlink to "permissive" behavior by default"" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix handling of fw_devlink=permissive (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: fw_devlink_flags can be static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add fw_devlink kernel commandline option (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Reevaluate dev->links.need_for_probe as suppliers are added (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Skip unnecessary work when device doesn't have sync_state() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] driver core: Add dev_has_sync_state() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Call sync_state() even if supplier has no consumers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Allow device link operations inside sync_state() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add sync_state driver/bus callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add device link support for SYNC_STATE_ONLY flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix creation of device links with PM-runtime flags (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Remove device link creation limitation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] driver core: Add missing description of new struct device_link field (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add device link flag DL_FLAG_AUTOPROBE_CONSUMER (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Make driver core own stateful device links (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Fix adding device links to probing suppliers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: core: Remove glue dirs from sysfs earlier (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Remove the link if there is no driver with AUTO flag (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: silence device link messages unless debugging (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] base: core: Remove WARN_ON from link dependencies check (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: export set_secondary_fwnode() to modules (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Allow register and unregister software node groups (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Export fwnode_get_name() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] Revert "software node: Simplify software_node_release() function" (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: add basic tests for property entries (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: remove separate handling of references (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: implement reference properties (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: allow embedding of small arrays into property_entry (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: replace is_array with is_inline (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] software node: unify PROPERTY_ENTRY_XXX macros (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: simplify property_entry_read_string_array() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: remove property_entry_read_uNN_array functions (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: get rid of property_set_pointer() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [firmware] efi/apple-properties: use PROPERTY_ENTRY_U8_ARRAY_LEN (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] software node: mark internal macros with double underscores (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] software node: introduce PROPERTY_ENTRY_XXX_ARRAY_LEN() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] software node: remove DEV_PROP_MAX (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: clean up property_copy_string_array() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Allow fwnode_operations.add_links to differentiate errors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Allow a device to wait on optional suppliers (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Add a function to obtain a node's prefix (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Add fwnode_get_name for returning the name of a node (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Add functions for accessing node's parents (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Move fwnode_get_parent() up (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Make argument to to_software_node const (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Get reference to parent swnode in get_parent op (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [include] driver core: Add support for linking devices during device addition (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: Add fwnode_to_dev() to look up device from fwnode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Initialize the return value in software_node_find_by_name() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Initialize the return value in software_node_to_swnode() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Add fwnode_connection_find_match() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Add software_node_find_by_name() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: Introduce device lookup variants by device type (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: Introduce device lookup variants by fwnode (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Find connections also by checking the references (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Introduce fwnode_find_reference() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Add software_node_get_reference_args() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Use kobject name when finding child nodes by name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Add support for static node descriptors (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Simplify software_node_release() function (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Allow node creation without properties (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Add fwnode_graph_get_endpoint_by_id() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: base: swnode: Make two functions static (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] software node: Implement get_named_child_node fwnode callback (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Find device connections also from device graphs (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device connection: Prepare support for firmware described connections (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: drop use of BUS_ATTR() (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] driver core: bus: convert to use BUS_ATTR_WO and RW (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: base: swnode: check if swnode is NULL before dereferencing it (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: base: swnode: check if pointer p is NULL before dereferencing it (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] sysfs: Disable lockdep for driver bind/unbind files (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: fix fwnode_graph_get_next_endpoint() documentation (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: base: swnode: remove need for a temporary string for the node name (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] kobject: return error code if writing /sys/.../uevent fails (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Remove struct property_set (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] device property: Move device_add_properties() to swnode.c (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [base] drivers: base: Introducing software nodes to the firmware node framework (Torez Smith) [1900751 1856683 1838295 1837563 1783493] +- [mm] powerpc/64s/radix: Fix mm_cpumask trimming race vs kthread_use_mm (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1862347] +- [powerpc] powerpc: select ARCH_WANT_IRQS_OFF_ACTIVATE_MM (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1862347] +- [fs] mm: fix exec activate_mm vs TLB shootdown and lazy tlb switching race (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1862347] +- [arm64] arm64: pgtable: Ensure dirty bit is preserved across pte_wrprotect() (Andrew Jones) [1908439] +- [arm64] arm64: pgtable: Fix pte_accessible() (Andrew Jones) [1908439] +- [kernel] kernel: fork: properly initialize task_struct->task_struct_rh (Rafael Aquini) [1895892] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Process FCES path event notification (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Prepare for additional path event handling (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Display FC Endpoint Security information via sysfs (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Fix operational path inconsistency (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Store path configuration data during path handling (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Move duplicate code to separate function (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/dasd: Remove unused parameter from dasd_generic_probe() (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/cio: Add support for FCES status notification (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/cio: Provide Endpoint-Security Mode per CU (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [s390] s390/cio: Export information about Endpoint-Security Capability (Philipp Rudo) [1723823] +- [net] net/af_iucv: fix null pointer dereference on shutdown (Philipp Rudo) [1903966] +- [s390] s390/dasd: fix null pointer dereference for ERP requests (Philipp Rudo) [1903965] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add command usage (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: simplify command testing (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: remove unused variable in make_file() (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: exit on invalid parameters (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: fix header example (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: kill running process only (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add MTU arguments to flowtables (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add checktool function (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add test case for conntrack helper assignment (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: extend nfqueue test case (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add nfqueue test case (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add ipvs tunnel test case (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add ipvs nat test case (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add ipvs test script (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [tools] selftests: netfilter: check icmp pkttoobig errors are set as related (Hangbin Liu) [1899374] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Emmitsburg PCH support (Jiri Olsa) [1838703] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Tiger Lake PCH-H support (Jiri Olsa) [1783492 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Jasper Lake CPU support (Jiri Olsa) [1783097] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Elkhart Lake CPU support (Jiri Olsa) [1783596] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Elkhart Lake SOC support (Jiri Olsa) [1783596] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Ice Lake CPU support (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: Fix a NULL dereference when hub driver is not loaded (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: msu: Make stopping the trace optional (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: Fix user-visible error codes (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: msu: Fix the unexpected state warning (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: Disallow multi mode on devices where it's broken (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: msu: Fix window switching without windows (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: Fix freeing IRQs (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] +- [hwtracing] intel_th: Fix a double put_device() in error path (Jiri Olsa) [1838703 1783596 1783492 1783097 1782729] + +* Sat Jan 09 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-272.el8] +- [idle] intel_idle: Fix intel_idle() vs tracing (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [idle] intel_idle: Fix max_cstate for processor models without C-state tables (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [idle] intel_idle: Ignore _CST if control cannot be taken from the platform (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [idle] intel_idle: mention assumption that WBINVD is not needed (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [idle] intel_idle: Remove uninitialized_var() usage (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [idle] intel_idle: cleanup code to address out of order commits (David Arcari) [1903307] +- [s390] Revert "s390/qeth: phase out OSN support" (Philipp Rudo) [1903962] +- [net] net/smc: fix matching of existing link groups (Philipp Rudo) [1903961] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use variable timeout for EMAD retries (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix firmware flashing (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix use-after-free in mlxsw_emad_trans_finish() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix memory leak on module removal (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Only advertise link modes supported by both driver and device (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a PFC test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add headroom handling test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: qos_lib: Add a wrapper for running mlnx_qos (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: devlink_lib: Support port-less topologies (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: devlink_lib: Add devlink_cell_size_get() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: devlink_lib: Split devlink_..._set() into save & set (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Expose transceiver_overheat counter (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Update module's settings when module is plugged in (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Initialize netdev's module overheat counter (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Enable temperature event for all supported port module sensors (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Update transceiver_overheat counter according to MTWE (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add an infrastructure to track transceiver overheat counter (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_hwmon: Query MTMP before writing to set only relevant fields (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Ports Module Administrative and Operational Status Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Port Module Plug/Unplug Event Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Temperature Warning Event Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Fix mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_group_add()'s error path (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: simplify the return expression of __mlxsw_sp_router_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Disable port buffer autoresize with qdiscs (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Implement dcbnl_setbuffer / getbuffer (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Support two headroom modes (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Manage internal buffer in the hdroom code (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Introduce shared buffer ops (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Convert mlxsw_sp_port_headroom_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Inline mlxsw_sp_sb_max_headroom_cells() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Move here the new headroom code (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move here the three-step headroom configuration from DCB (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Convert mlxsw_sp_port_pg_prio_map() to hdroom code (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Convert ETS handler fully to mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Split headroom autoresize out of buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Track buffer sizes in struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Track lossiness in struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Track priorities in struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Track MTU in struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Unify delay handling between PFC and pause (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Add struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Introduce fw_fatal health reporter (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring FW General Debug Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring FW Debug Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Move fw_load_policy devlink param into core.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Push code doing params register/unregister into separate helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Move fw flashing code into core.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Bump firmware version to XX.2008.1310 (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Derive SBIB from maximum port speed & MTU (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Keep maximum speed around (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Keep maximum MTU around (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Introduce ptys_max_speed callback (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Extract a helper to get Ethernet attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_hwmon: Extend hwmon interface with critical and emergency alarms (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_hwmon: Calculate MLXSW_HWMON_ATTR_COUNT more accurately (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_hwmon: Split temperature querying from show functions (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] treewide: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Remove internal speeds from PTYS register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Reduce runtime of tc-police scale test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Fix mausezahn delay parameter in mirror_test() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Increase burst size for burst test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Increase burst size for rate test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Decrease required rate accuracy (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Adjust default policer burst size for Spectrum-{2, 3} (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ptp: Use generic helper function (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: RED: Test offload of trapping on RED qevents (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Offload action trap for qevents (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Add early_drop trap (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Allow for per-ASIC traps initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Allow for per-ASIC trap groups initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: On policer_id_base_ref_count, use dec_and_test (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Use 'size_t' for array sizes (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] devlink: Pass extack when setting trap's action and group's parameters (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [net] devlink: Add early_drop trap (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Use flex_array_size() helper in memcpy() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix use-after-free in router init / de-init (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Free EMAD transactions using kfree_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Increase scope of RCU read-side critical section (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use different trap group for externally routed packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow programming link-local host routes (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add support for temperature thresholds reading for QSFP-DD transceivers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add ethtool support for QSFP-DD transceivers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: destroy workqueue when trap_register in mlxsw_emad_init (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix wrong SFP EEPROM reading for upper pages 1-3 (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Test policers' occupancy (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add scale test for tc-police (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: tc_restrictions: Test tc-police restrictions (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add tc-police tests (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Offload FLOW_ACTION_POLICE (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Add police action (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Work around hardware limitation (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_policer: Add devlink resource support (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_policer: Add policer core (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: resources: Add resource identifier for global policers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add policer bandwidth limits (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use mirror reason during Rx listener lookup (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Retrieve mirror reason from CQE during receive (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add mirror reason field to CQEv2 (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: trap: Add trap identifiers for mirrored packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Increase trap identifier to 10 bits (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Allow setting policer on a SPAN agent (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Allow passing parameters to SPAN agents (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add support for mirroring towards CPU port (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Do not dereference destination netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add driver private info to parms_set() callback (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add per-ASIC SPAN agent operations (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: add mirroring_pid_base to MOGCR register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add session_id and pid to MPAT register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: RED: Test offload of mirror on RED early_drop qevent (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Offload mirroring on RED qevent early_drop (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flow: Promote binder-type dispatch to spectrum.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Publish matchall data structures (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flow: Drop an unused field (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flow: Convert a goto to a return (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add APIs to enable / disable global mirroring triggers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add support for global mirroring triggers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Prepare for global mirroring triggers (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Move SPAN operations out of global file (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring Port Analyzer Global Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring Mirror Trigger Enable Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix use-after-free in case of failed devlink reload (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove inappropriate usage of WARN_ON() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add tests for ethtool extended state (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: forwarding.config.sample: Add port with no cable connected (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: ethtool: Move different_speeds_get() to ethtool_lib (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Add link extended state (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Port Diagnostics Database Register (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Move mlxsw_sp_port_type_speed_ops structs (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Move ethtool_ops to spectrum_ethtool.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Rename mlxsw_sp_port_headroom_set() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Enforce firmware version for Spectrum-3 (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: Bump firmware version to XX.2007.1168 (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Fix a spelling typo in spectrum_dcb.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add a test for pedit munge tcp, udp sport, dport (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Support FLOW_ACTION_MANGLE for TCP, UDP ports (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Add L4_PORT_ACTION (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Split handling of pedit mangle by chip type (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Do not rely on machine endianness (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Adjust headroom buffers for 8x ports (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use different get_trend() callbacks for different thermal zones (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test for control packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Register ACL control traps (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Register layer 3 control traps (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Register layer 2 control traps (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Factor out common Rx listener function (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Move layer 3 exceptions to exceptions trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: remove redundant initialization of pointer br_dev (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow programming link-local prefix routes (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add packet traps for BFD packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Treat IPv6 link-local SIP as an exception (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Share one group for all locally delivered packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Move all trap groups under the same enum (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Do not hard code "thin" policer identifier (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Move SwitchX-2 trap groups out of main enum (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Reduce priority of locally delivered packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use same trap group for local routes and link-local destination (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use separate trap group for FID miss (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use same trap group for various IPv6 packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename IPv6 ND trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use same switch case for identical groups (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use dedicated trap group for ACL trap (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix spelling mistake in trap's name (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use dedicated trap group for sampled packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use same trap group for IPv6 ND and ARP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename ARP trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Remove unnecessary field (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Align TC and trap priority (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Assign non-zero quotas to TC 0 of the CPU port (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change default rate and priority of DHCP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Trap IPv4 DHCP packets in router (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use same trap group for MLD and IGMP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename IGMP trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Do not hard code trap group name (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: devlink_lib: Remove double blank line (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Store all trap data in one array (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Store all trap group data in one array (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Store all trap policer data in one array (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Move struct definition out of header file (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: tc_restrictions: add couple of test for the correct matchall-flower ordering (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: tc_restrictions: add test to check sample action restrictions (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [] selftests: mlxsw: rename tc_flower_restrictions.sh to tc_restrictions.sh (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Forbid to insert flower rules in collision with matchall rules (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Forbid to insert matchall rules in collision with flower rules (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Expose a function to get min and max rule priority (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Put matchall list into substruct of flow struct (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Expose a function to get min and max rule priority (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Restrict sample action to be allowed only on ingress (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Remove old SPAN API (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Use new analyzed ports list during speed / MTU change (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Convert flower-based mirroring to new SPAN API (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Convert matchall-based mirroring to new SPAN API (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add APIs to bind / unbind a SPAN agent (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Wrap buffer change in a function (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Rename function (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add APIs to get / put an analyzed port (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Add APIs to get / put a SPAN agent (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move flow offload binding into spectrum_flow.c (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Process matchall events from the same cb as flower (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Avoid copying sample values and use RCU pointer direcly instead (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Push per-port rule add/del into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Move ingress indication into mall_entry (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Pass mall_entry as arg to mlxsw_sp_mall_port_sample_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_matchall: Pass mall_entry as arg to mlxsw_sp_mall_port_mirror_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Use block variable in mlxsw_sp_acl_rule_del() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Push matchall bits into a separate file (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Push flow_block related functions into a separate file (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename acl_block to flow_block (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Move block helpers into inline header functions (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Use 'refcount_t' for reference counting (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Remove unnecessary debug prints (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Rename parms() to parms_set() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Reduce nesting in mlxsw_sp_span_entry_configure() (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Remove unneeded semicolon (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Increase register field length to 13 bits (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Re-increase scale of IPv6 nexthop groups (Ivan Vecera) [1857594] +- [net] ipv6: Fix use of anycast address with loopback (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] ipv6: addrconf_f6i_alloc - fix non-null pointer check to !IS_ERR() (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] ipv6: fix excessive RTF_ADDRCONF flag on ::1/128 local route (and others) (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] ipv6: Change addrconf_f6i_alloc to use ip6_route_info_create (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] ipv6: Move setting default metric for routes (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] Add extack argument to ip_fib_metrics_init (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] ipv6: do not leave garbage in rt->fib6_metrics (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] Move free of dst_metrics to helper (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] common metrics init helper for dst_entry (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] Move free of fib_metrics to helper (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] common metrics init helper for FIB entries (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [net] rtmsg_to_fib6_config() - use new style struct initializer instead of memset (Ivan Vecera) [1899591] +- [powercap] powercap/intel_rapl: enumerate Psys RAPL domain together with package RAPL domain (Puneet Sethi) [1893463] +- [powercap] powercap/intel_rapl: Fix domain detection (Puneet Sethi) [1893463] + +* Fri Jan 08 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-271.el8] +- [net] openvswitch: fix TTL decrement exception action execution (Eelco Chaudron) [1902610] +- [net] openvswitch: fix error return code in validate_and_copy_dec_ttl() (Eelco Chaudron) [1902610] +- [net] openvswitch: fix TTL decrement action netlink message format (Eelco Chaudron) [1902610] +- [x86] hyperv: Enable 15-bit APIC ID if the hypervisor supports it (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] kvm: Enable 15-bit extension when KVM_FEATURE_MSI_EXT_DEST_ID detected (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [documentation] x86/kvm: Reserve KVM_FEATURE_MSI_EXT_DEST_ID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [iommu] hyper-v: Disable IRQ pseudo-remapping if 15 bit APIC IDs are available (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] apic: Support 15 bits of APIC ID in MSI where available (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] msi: Provide msi message shadow structs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [kernel] genirq/msi: allow shadow declarations of msi_msg:: $member (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] ioapic: Handle Extended Destination ID field in RTE (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] apic: Always provide irq_compose_msi_msg() method for vector domain (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] apic: Cleanup delivery mode defines (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] apic/uv: Fix inconsistent destination mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] msi: Only use high bits of MSI address for DMAR unit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] msi: Move compose message callback where it belongs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [kernel] genirq/chip: Use the first chip in irq_chip_compose_msi_msg() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [x86] apic: Fix x2apic enablement without interrupt remapping (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1903823] +- [tools] perf test: Fix msan uninitialized use (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Fix the ratio comments of miss-events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Free formats for perf pmu parse test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Do not free metric when failed to resolve (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Free metric when it failed to resolve (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Release expr_parse_ctx after testing (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Fix memory leaks in parse-metric test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-event: Fix memory leak in evsel->unit (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix cpu/thread map leak (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Fix some memory leaks - part 2 (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Fix some memory leaks (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Free aliases for PMU event map aliases test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf vendor events amd: Remove trailing commas (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Leader sampling shouldn't clear sample period (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Prevent override of attr->sample_period for libpfm4 events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Set PERF_RECORD_PERIOD if attr->freq is set (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench: Fix 2 memory sanitizer warnings (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Fix the "signal" test inline assembly (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record/stat: Explicitly call out event modifiers in the documentation (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix build warning on 32-bit arches (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf jevents: Fix suspicious code in fixregex() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Use uintptr_t when casting numbers to pointers (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf report: Disable ordered_events for raw dump (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Correct SNOOPX field offset (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix corrupt data after perf inject from (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf cs-etm: Fix corrupt data after perf inject from (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Avoid an uninitialized read when using fake PMUs (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Fix out of bounds array access in the print_counters() evlist method (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Set NULL sentinel in pmu_events table in "Parse and process metrics" test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Set exclude_guest=1 for user-space counting (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Correct the help info of option "--no-bpf-event" (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Use zd for size_t printf formats on 32-bit (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf: arm-spe: Fix check error when synthesizing events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf symbols: Add mwait_idle_with_hints.constprop.0 to the list of idle symbols (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf sched timehist: Fix use of CPU list with summary option (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Fix basic bpf filtering test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Make option description initials all capital letters (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf build-ids: Fall back to debuginfod query if debuginfo not found (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench numa: Remove dead code in parse_nodes_opt() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Update POWER9 metrics to utilize other metrics (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add change log (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf: ftrace: Add set_tracing_options() to set all trace options (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option --tid to filter by thread id (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option -D/--delay to delay tracing (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf: ftrace: Allow set graph depth by '--graph-opts' (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for trace option tracing_thresh (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option 'verbose' to show more info for graph tracer (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for tracing option 'irq-info' (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for trace option funcgraph-irqs (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for trace option sleep-time (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for tracing option 'func_stack_trace' (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add general function to parse sublevel options (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option '--inherit' to trace children processes (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Show trace column header (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option '-m/--buffer-size' to set per-cpu buffer size (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Factor out function write_tracing_file_int() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Add option '-F/--funcs' to list available functions (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf ftrace: Select function/function_graph tracer automatically (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench numa: Use numa_node_to_cpus() to bind tasks to nodes (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench numa: Fix cpumask memory leak in node_has_cpus() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools build feature: Quote CC and CXX for their arguments (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Fix module symbol processing (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Rename 'enum dso_kernel_type' to 'enum dso_space_type' (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libperf: Fix man page typos (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Allow multiple probes in record+script_probe_vfs_getname.sh (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench mem: Always memset source before memcpy (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf sched: Prefer sched_waking event when it exists (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench: Fix a couple of spelling mistakes in options text (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench numa: Fix benchmark names (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench numa: Fix number of processes in "2x3-convergence" test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf trace beauty: Use the autogenerated protocol family table (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf trace beauty: Add script to autogenerate socket families table (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf script: Add 'tod' field to display time of day (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf script: Change the 'enum perf_output_field' enumerators to be 64 bits (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf data: Add support to store time of day in CTF data conversion (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Move clockid_res_ns under clock struct (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf header: Store clock references for -k/--clockid option (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add clockid_name function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf clockid: Move parse_clockid() to new clockid object (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Handle possible strdup() error in tep_add_plugin_path() API (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Fixed description of tep_add_plugin_path() API (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Fixed type in PRINT_FMT_STING (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Fixed broken indentation in parse_ip4_print_args() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Improve error handling of tep_plugin_add_option() API (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix typo in tep_plugin_add_option() description (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Handle strdup() error in parse_option_name() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libtraceevent: Document tep_load_plugins_hook() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evsel: Extend message to mention CAP_SYS_PTRACE and perf security doc link (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for decoding PSB+ only (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for decoding FUP/TIP only (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add itrace 'q' option for quicker, less detailed decoding (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Time filter logged perf events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Use itrace debug log flags to suppress some messages (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add optional log flags to the itrace 'd' option (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Use itrace error flags to suppress some errors (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add optional error flags to the itrace 'e' option (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add missing itrace options to help text (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Improve aux_output not supported error (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix duplicate branch after CBR (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix FUP packet state (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Introduce --control fd:ctl-fdoptions (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Implement control commands handling (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf record: Extend -D, --delay option with -1 value (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Introduce --control fd:ctl-fdoptions (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench: Add benchmark of find_next_bit (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools build feature: Use CC and CXX from parent (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Rename group_list to metric_list (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Rename struct egroup to metric (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add metric group test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Make compute_single function more precise (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add recursion check when processing nested metrics (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add DCache_L2 to metric parse test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add cache_miss_cycles to metric parse test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add events for the current list (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Compute referenced metrics (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add referenced metrics to hash data (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Collect referenced metrics in struct metric_expr (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Collect referenced metrics in struct metric_ref_node (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Rename __metricgroup__add_metric to __add_metric (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add add_metric function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add macros for iterating map events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add expr__del_id function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Change expr__get_id to return struct expr_id_data (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add expr__add_id function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Fix memory leak in expr__add_id function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf test: Ensure sample_period is set libpfm4 events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Fix term parsing for raw syntax (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Allow r0x event syntax (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: No need to cache the PMUs in ARM SPE auxtrace init routine (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf bench: Add basic syscall benchmark (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Implement control commands handling (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: extend -D, --delay option with -1 value (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Factor out event handling loop into dispatch_events() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Factor out body of event handling loop for fork case (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Move target check to loop control statement (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf stat: Factor out body of event handling loop for system wide (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Implement control command handling functions (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Introduce control file descriptors (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libperf: Avoid counting of nonfilterable fdarray fds (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libperf: Add flags to fdarray fds objects (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] libperf: Avoid internal moving of fdarray fds (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Add 'struct expr_id_data' to keep expr value (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf metric: Rename expr__add_id() to expr__add_val() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf probe: Warn if the target function is a GNU indirect function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf probe: Fix memory leakage when the probe point is not found (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf probe: Fix wrong variable warning when the probe point is not found (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf probe: Avoid setting probes on the same address for the same event (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf kmem: Pass additional arguments to 'perf record' (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Report BPF errors (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf script: Show text poke address symbol (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf script: Add option --show-text-poke-events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for text poke events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add support for PERF_RECORD_TEXT_POKE (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf annotate: Fix non-null terminated buffer returned by readlink() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf inject jit: Remove //anon mmap events (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf symbols: Add s390 idle functions 'psw_idle' and 'psw_idle_exit' to list of idle symbols (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix reporting of unknown SVM exit reasons (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Change to SPDX License format (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add builtin handler for trace_marker_raw (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Move kernel_stack event handler to "function" plugin (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add plugin for decoding syscalls/sys_enter_futex (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add offset option for function plugin (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add more SVM exit reasons (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add plugin for tlb_flush (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Optimize pretty_print() function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add support for more printk format specifiers (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Introduced new traceevent API, for adding new plugins directories (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add interface for options to plugins (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add tep_load_plugins_hook() API (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Disable a subset of bison warnings (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Disable a subset of flex warnings (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Declare bison header file output (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf expr: Add missing headers noticed when building with NO_LIBBPF=1 (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Declare flex header file output (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf pmu: Add flex debug build flag (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf pmu: Add bison debug build flag (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Use automatic variable for yacc input (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse-events: Use automatic variable for flex input (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix the class prefix for 'struct evlist' branch_type methods (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix the class prefix for 'struct evlist' sample_id_all methods (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix the class prefix for 'struct evlist' sample_type methods (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix the class prefix for 'struct evlist' strerror methods (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf evlist: Fix the class prefix for 'struct evlist' 'add' evsel methods (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf pmu: Improve CPU core PMU HW event list ordering (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf pmu: List kernel supplied event aliases for arm64 (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf cs-etm: Allow no CoreSight sink to be specified on command line (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf expr: Add < and > operators (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf expr: Add d_ratio operation (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf script: Fixup some evsel/evlist method names (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tests: Add parse metric test for frontend metric (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tests: Add parse metric test for ipc metric (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add test_generic_metric function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Release metric_events rblist (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Factor out prepare_metric function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add metricgroup__parse_groups_test function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add map to parse_groups() function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add fake_pmu to parse_group() function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse: Factor out parse_groups() function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tests: Add another metric parsing test (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf pmu: Add a perf_pmu__fake object to use with __parse_events() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf parse: Provide a way to pass a fake_pmu to parse_events() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tests: Factor check_parse_id function (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf tools: Add fake pmu support (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] perf annotate: Remove unneeded conversion to bool (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools/: replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [tools] tools, build: Propagate build failures from tools/build/Makefile.build (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] x86/cpufeatures: Add Architectural LBRs feature bit (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Add support for Intel SPR platform (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Support multiple RAPL unit quirks (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Fix missing psys sysfs attributes (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [kernel] perf/core: Take over CAP_SYS_PTRACE creds to CAP_PERFMON capability (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [kernel] perf: Expose get/put_callchain_entry() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [include] perf: : drop a duplicated word (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Remove task_ctx_size (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Create kmem_cache for the LBR context data (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [kernel] perf/core: Use kmem_cache to allocate the PMU specific data (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [kernel] perf/core: Factor out functions to allocate/free the task_ctx_data (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Support Architectural LBR (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Factor out intel_pmu_store_lbr (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Factor out rdlbr_all() and wrlbr_all() (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Mark the {rd, wr}lbr_{to, from} wrappers __always_inline (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Unify the stored format of LBR information (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Support LBR_CTL (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] x86/msr-index: Add bunch of MSRs for Arch LBR (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Expose CPUID enumeration bits for arch LBR (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Use dynamic data structure for task_ctx (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Factor out a new struct for generic optimization (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Add the function pointers for LBR save and restore (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Add a function pointer for LBR read (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Add a function pointer for LBR reset (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Keep LBR records unchanged in host context for guest usage (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Add constraint to create guest LBR event without hw counter (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/lbr: Add interface to get LBR information (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Provide stubs of KVM helpers for non-Intel CPUs (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86/core: Refactor hw->idx checks and cleanup (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] perf/x86: Fix variable types for LBR registers (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [kernel] perf: Add perf text poke event (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [uapi] perf: Add perf_event_mmap_page::cap_user_time_short ABI (Michael Petlan) [1811839 1731571 1838555 1838896 1873271] +- [x86] sev-es: Do not support MMIO to/from encrypted memory (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Check SEV encryption before switching to kernel page-table (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Sanity-check CPUID results in the early #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Check SEV encryption in 64-bit boot-path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Introduce sev_status (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Use GHCB accessor for setting the MMIO scratch buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Disable stack protection for head$(BITS).o (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Check required CPU features for SEV-ES (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] efi: Add GHCB mappings when SEV-ES is active (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle NMI State (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Support CPU offline/online (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Don't call verify_cpu() on starting APs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] smpboot: Load TSS and getcpu GDT entry before loading IDT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] realmode: Setup AP jump table (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] realmode: Add SEV-ES specific trampoline entry point (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] vmware: Add VMware-specific handling for VMMCALL under SEV-ES (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] kvm: Add KVM-specific VMMCALL handling under SEV-ES (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] paravirt: Allow hypervisor-specific VMMCALL handling under SEV-ES (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle #DB Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle #AC Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle VMMCALL Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle MWAIT/MWAITX Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle MONITOR/MONITORX Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle INVD Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle RDPMC Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle RDTSC(P) Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle WBINVD Events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle DR7 read/write events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle MSR events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle MMIO String Instructions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle MMIO events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Handle instruction fetches from user-space (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Wire up existing #VC exit-code handlers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Add a Runtime #VC Exception Handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] entry/64: Add entry code for #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] dumpstack/64: Add noinstr version of get_stack_info() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Adjust #VC IST Stack on entering NMI handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/64: Explicitly map boot_params and command line (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/64: Initialize 5-level paging variables earlier (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Allocate and map an IST stack for #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] debug: Allow a single level of #DB recursion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] entry: Remove DBn stacks (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] entry, nmi: Disable #DB (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] nmi: Protect NMI entry against instrumentation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] entry: Introduce local_db_{save, restore}() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] db: Split out dr6/7 handling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] Replace ist_enter() with nmi_enter() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] traps: Stop using ist_enter/exit() in do_int3() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] entry: Get rid of ist_begin/end_non_atomic() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Setup per-CPU GHCBs for the runtime handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Setup GHCB-based boot #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Setup an early #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Compile early handler code into kernel image (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Print SEV-ES info into the kernel log (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Add SEV-ES Feature Detection (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Move early exception dispatch to C code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] idt: Make IDT init functions static inlines (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Install a CPU bringup IDT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Switch to initial stack earlier (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Load segment registers earlier (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] irq/64: Update stale comment (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Load GDT after switch to virtual addresses (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] head/64: Install startup GDT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] idt: Split idt_data setup out of set_intr_gate() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Add CPUID handling to #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] fpu: Move xgetbv()/xsetbv() into a separate header (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] cpu: Use XGETBV and XSETBV mnemonics in fpu/internal.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] fpu: Reset MXCSR to default in kernel_fpu_begin() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] sev-es: Add support for handling IOIO exceptions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Unmap GHCB page before booting the kernel (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Setup a GHCB-based VC Exception handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Add set_page_en/decrypted() helpers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Check return value of kernel_ident_mapping_init() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Call set_sev_encryption_mask() earlier (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Add stage1 #VC handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Change add_identity_map() to take start and end (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Don't pre-map memory in KASLR code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Always switch to own page table (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Add page-fault handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Rename kaslr_64.c to ident_map_64.c (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Add IDT Infrastructure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] traps: Split trap numbers out in a separate header (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Disable red-zone usage (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] insn: Add insn_has_rep_prefix() helper (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] insn: Add insn_get_modrm_reg_off() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] umip: Factor out instruction decoding (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] umip: Factor out instruction fetch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [tools] x86/insn: Make inat-tables.c suitable for pre-decompression code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] traps: Move pf error codes to (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] cpufeatures: Add SEV-ES CPU feature (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Use __packed shorthand (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Add GHCB Accessor functions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] cpu: Unify cpu_init() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] insn-eval: Add support for 64-bit kernel mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed: Get rid of GOT fixup code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [kernel] x86/boot/compressed: Force hidden visibility for all symbol references (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed: Move .got.plt entries out of the .got section (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot: Correct relocation destination on old linkers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed/64: Switch to __KERNEL_CS after GDT is loaded (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed: Fix reloading of GDTR post-relocation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot: Reload GDTR after copying to the end of the buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [x86] boot/compressed: Don't declare __force_order in kaslr_64.c (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868080] +- [mm] mm/userfaultfd: do not access vma->vm_mm after calling handle_userfault() (Philipp Rudo) [1903968] +- [s390] s390/ap: fix ap devices reference counting (Philipp Rudo) [1903967] +- [infiniband] RDMA/cxgb4: Validate the number of CQEs (Kamal Heib) [1894720] +- [net] treewide: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Remove overzealous WARN_ON with snapshots (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: ignore -EOPNOTSUPP errors on dumpit (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Always use user_ptr[0] for devlink and simplify post_doit (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Constify devlink instance pointer (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Add comment for devlink instance lock (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Do not hold devlink mutex when initializing devlink fields (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [docs] ice: add documentation for device-caps region (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: remove new uninitialized_var() usage (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [docs] networking: convert sja1105's devlink info to RTS (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: refactor end checks in devlink_nl_cmd_region_read_dumpit (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [docs] ice: cleanup language in ice.rst for fw.app (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [docs] devlink: don't wrap commands in rST shell blocks (Petr Oros) [1892748] +- [net] devlink: Protect devlink port list traversal (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Fix per port reporter fields initialization (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Fix use-after-free when destroying health reporters (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: introduce the health reporter test command (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Add devlink health port reporters API (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Implement devlink health reporters on per-port basis (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Create generic devlink health reporter search function (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Rework devlink health reporter destructor (Petr Oros) [1895042] +- [net] devlink: Refactor devlink health reporter constructor (Petr Oros) [1895042] + +* Wed Jan 06 2021 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-270.el8] +- [md] dm writecache: fix the maximum number of arguments (Mike Snitzer) [1895117] +- [md] dm writecache: advance the number of arguments when reporting max_age (Mike Snitzer) [1895117] +- [x86] x86/cpu/amd: Make erratum #1054 a legacy erratum (Michael Petlan) [1791459] +- [x86] x86/cpu/amd: Enable the fixed Instructions Retired counter IRPERF (Michael Petlan) [1791459] +- [s390] s390/early: improve machine detection (Claudio Imbrenda) [1896307] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix corruption of reg_pages in mlx5_ib_rereg_user_mr() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Properly convey driver version to firmware (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Proper handling of unsupported Connect-X6DX SW steering (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Enforce HW TX csum offload with kTLS (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net: mlx5e: fix fs_tcp.c build when IPV6 is not enabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix wrong address reclaim when command interface is down (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fail mlx5_esw_modify_vport_rate if qos disabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Disable QoS when min_rates on all VFs are zero (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Clear bw_share upon VF disable (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add handling of port type in rule deletion (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix check if netdev is bond slave (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Set IPsec WAs only in IP's non checksum partial case (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix incorrect access of RCU-protected xdp_prog (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix VXLAN synchronization after function reload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Avoid extack error log for disabled vport (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix deletion of duplicate rules (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Protect encap route dev from concurrent release (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix modify header actions memory leak (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix devlink deadlock on net namespace deletion (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix type warning of sizeof in __mlx5_ib_alloc_counters() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Clarify what the UMR is for when creating MRs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Disable IB_DEVICE_MEM_MGT_EXTENSIONS if IB_WR_REG_MR can't work (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Make mkeys always owned by the kernel's PD when not enabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use set_mkc_access_pd_addr_fields() in reg_create() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove dead check for EAGAIN after alloc_mr_from_cache() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix potential race between destroy and CQE poll (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Use kvfree() for memory allocated with kvzalloc() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: TC: Remove unused parameter from mlx5_tc_ct_add_no_trk_match() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Setup all vports' metadata to support peer miss rule (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Dedicated metadata for uplink vport (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check and enable metadata support flag before using (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Don't call timecounter cyc2time directly from 1PPS flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Release clock lock before scheduling a PPS work (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Rename ptp clock info (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Always use container_of to find mdev pointer from clock struct (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix uninitialized variable warning (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Add Connect-X IPsec Tx data path offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Add TX steering rule per IPsec state (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add NIC TX domain namespace (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enhanced TX MPWQE for SKBs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move TX code into functions to be used by MPWQE (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename xmit-related structs to generalize them (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Generalize TX MPWQE checks for full session (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support multiple SKBs in a TX WQE (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move the TLS resync check out of the function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Unify constants for WQE_EMPTY_DS_COUNT (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Small improvements for XDP TX MPWQE logic (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Refactor xmit functions (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move mlx5e_tx_wqe_inline_mode to en_tx.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use struct assignment to initialize mlx5e_tx_wqe_info (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Refactor inline header size calculation in the TX path (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add IPv6 traffic class (DSCP) header rewrite support (Alaa Hleihel) [1889981 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add LAG warning if bond slave is not lag master (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1851709] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add LAG warning for unsupported tx type (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1851709] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Return a valid errno if can't get lag device index (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1851709] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix race condition on nhe->n pointer in neigh update (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix VLAN create flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix VLAN cleanup flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix return status when setting unsupported FEC mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix driver's declaration to support GRE offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1819619] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT, Fix coverity issue (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add resiliency in Striding RQ mode for packets larger than MTU (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix error path for RQ alloc (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix request_irqs error flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: cmdif, Avoid skipping reclaim pages if FW is not accessible (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add retry mechanism to the command entry index allocation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: poll cmd EQ in case of command timeout (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid possible free of command entry while timeout comp handler (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix a race when moving command interface to polling mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: mlx5e_fec_in_caps() returns a boolean (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: TLS, Do not expose FPGA TLS counter if not supported (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix using wrong stats_grps in mlx5e_update_ndo_stats() (Alaa Hleihel) [1870593 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix multicast counter not up-to-date in "ip -s" (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1693130] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix endianness when calculating pedit mask first bit (Alaa Hleihel) [1889981 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enable adding peer miss rules only if merged eswitch is supported (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix freeing ct_label mapping (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix memory leak of tunnel info when rule under multipath not ready (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use synchronize_rcu to sync with NAPI (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use RCU to protect rq->xdp_prog (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix FTE cleanup (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] mlx5: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix flow destination setting for RDMA TX flow table (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Delete extra dump stack that gives nothing (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: convert to new udp_tunnel infrastructure (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Change push vlan action sequence (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enable users to change VF/PF representors carrier state (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete unreachable code (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: drop unnecessary list_empty (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Reduce print level for matcher print (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for PCI relaxed ordering (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use indirect call wrappers for RX post WQEs functions (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move exposure of datapath function to txrx header (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: RX, Re-work initializaiton of RX function pointers (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Use eswitch total_vports (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Reuse total_vports and avoid duplicate nvports (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Consider maximum vf vports for steering init (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add function ID to reclaim pages debug log (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Hold pages RB tree per VF (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set mkey relaxed ordering by UMR with ConnectX-7 (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use MLX5_SET macro instead of local structure (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add missing srcu_read_lock in ODP implicit flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [include] RDMA/mlx5: ConnectX-7 new capabilities to set relaxed ordering by UMR (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Allow SQ modification (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Do not request completion on every single UMR WQE (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: RX, Avoid indirect call in representor CQE handling (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: XDP, Avoid indirect call in TX flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Add Connect-X IPsec ESN update offload support (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Add Connect-X IPsec Rx data path offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPsec: Add IPsec steering in local NIC RX (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [include] net/mlx5: Add IPsec related Flow steering entry's fields (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: IPsec: Add HW crypto offload support (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Accel, Add core IPsec support for the Connect-X family (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561 1790222] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Reduce dependency on num_vfs during mode set (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Avoid function change handler for non ECPF (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Make MLX5_EN_TLS non-prompt (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Enable count action for rules with allow action (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add interface changes required for VDPA (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add VDPA interface type to supported enumerations (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Support setting access rights of dma addresses (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move devlink port register and unregister calls (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove unused to_mibmr function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, When eswitch is unsupported, return -EOPNOTSUPP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Added support for 100Gbps per lane link modes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete one-time used functions (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Cleanup DEVX initialization flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate flow steering logic from main.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate counters from main.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate restrack callbacks initialization from main.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Limit the scope of mlx5_ib_enable_driver function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA: Move XRCD to be under ib_core responsibility (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Introduce UAPI to query PD attributes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Implement the query ucontext functionality (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Refactor mlx5_ib_alloc_ucontext() response (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Optimize XRC target lookup (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Get XRCD number directly for the internal use (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Enable QP number request when creating IPoIB underlay QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Introduce ODP prefetch counter (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enhance TX timeout recovery (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enhance ICOSQ data on RX reporter's diagnose (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add EQ info to TX/RX reporter's diagnose (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enhance CQ data on diagnose output (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename reporter's helpers (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add helper to get the RQ WQE counter (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add helper to get RQ WQE's head (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move RQ helpers to txrx.h (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Align RX/TX reporters diagnose output format (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove redundant RQ state query (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add a flush timeout define (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Change reporters create functions to return void (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: fix memory leak of tls (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix build break when CONFIG_XPS is not set (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Add kTLS RX HW offload support (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Use kernel API to extract private offload context (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Improve TLS feature modularity (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Accel, Expose flow steering API for rules add/del (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Receive flow steering framework for accelerated TCP flows (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: API to manipulate TTC rules destinations (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Refactor build channel params (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Turn XSK ICOSQ into a general asynchronous one (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: kTLS, Improve TLS params layout structures (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [include] net/mlx5: Avoid RDMA file inclusion in core driver (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: vxlan: Return bool instead of opaque ptr in port_lookup() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move TC-specific function definitions into MLX5_CLS_ACT (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Use kfree(ft->g) in arfs_create_groups() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: FWTrace: Add missing space (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support to get MR resource in RAW format (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support to get CQ resource in RAW format (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support to get QP resource in RAW format (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support in query QP, CQ and MKEY segments (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Export resource dump interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Supporting setting devlink port function mac address (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Split mac address setting function for using state_lock (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Support querying port function mac address (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Move helper to eswitch layer (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Introduce and use eswitch support check helper (Alaa Hleihel) [1858583 1858561] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Constify mac address pointer (Alaa Hleihel) [1858561] +- [tty] serial: 8250: export serial8250_do_set_divisor() (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250: introduce get_divisor() and set_divisor() hook (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250: let serial8250_get_divisor() get uart_port * as param (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: Add ->setup() for Elkhart Lake ports (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: Switch over to MSI interrupts (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: Enable HS UART on Elkhart Lake (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: Get rid of custom LPSS_DEVICE() macro (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: register DMA IRQ and pool with instance ID (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: add fractional divisor support (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_lpss: switch to use 8250_dwlib library (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] tty: serial: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250_dw: split Synopsys DesignWare 8250 common functions (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] 8250_lpss: check null return when calling pci_ioremap_bar (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [dma] dmaengine: dw: Remove misleading is_private property (Steve Best) [1784119] +- [tty] serial: 8250: fix null-ptr-deref in serial8250_start_tx() (John Linville) [1903272] {CVE-2020-15437} +- [i2c] i2c: designware-pci: Fix BUG_ON during device removal (Steve Best) [1784122] +- [i2c] i2c: designware-pci: Add support for Elkhart Lake PSE I2C (Steve Best) [1784122] +- [i2c] i2c: designware-pci: Switch over to MSI interrupts (Steve Best) [1784122] +- [mmc] mmc: sdhci: Add LTR support for some Intel BYT based controllers (Steve Best) [1906791] +- [mmc] mmc: sdhci-pci: Add max-frequency device property for Intel controllers (Steve Best) [1906791] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s: Trim offlined CPUs from mm_cpumasks (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [kernel] kernel/cpu: add arch override for clear_tasks_mm_cpumask() mm handling (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [mm] powerpc/64s/pseries: Fix hash tlbiel_all_isa300 for guest kernels (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [mm] powerpc/64s: Fix hash ISA v3.0 TLBIEL instruction generation (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [mm] powerpc/64s: Add cp_abort after tlbiel to invalidate copy-buffer address (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [powerpc] powerpc: untangle cputable mce include (Steve Best) [1905892] +- [mmc] mmc: sdhci-pci: Add support for Intel EHL (Steve Best) [1783588] +- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version to (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix device loss on 4G and older HBAs (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: If fcport is undergoing deletion complete I/O with retry (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix the call trace for flush workqueue (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix flash update in 28XX adapters on big endian machines (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Handle aborts correctly for port undergoing deletion (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix N2N and NVMe connect retry failure (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix FW initialization error on big endian machines (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix crash during driver load on big endian machines (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix compilation issue in PPC systems (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Don't check for fw_started while posting NVMe command (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Tear down session if FW say it is down (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Limit interrupt vectors to number of CPUs (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Change post del message from debug level to log level (Nilesh Javali) [1905493] +- [s390] s390/qeth: Remove pnso workaround (Philipp Rudo) [1903964] +- [s390] s390/purgatory: do not build purgatory with kcov, kasan and friends (Philipp Rudo) [1900550] +- [fs] iomap: Fix misplaced page flushing (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Use round_down/round_up macros in __iomap_write_begin (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Mark read blocks uptodate in write_begin (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Clear page error before beginning a write (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: fix WARN_ON_ONCE() from unprivileged users (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: fall back to buffered writes for invalidation failures (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Only invalidate page cache pages on direct IO writes (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Make sure iomap_end is called after iomap_begin (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: Fix unsharing of an extent >2GB on a 32-bit machine (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: fix the iomap_fiemap prototype (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [fs] iomap: remove lockdep_assert_held() (Carlos Maiolino) [1868429] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Fix a regression on memoryless node 0 (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Offline memoryless cpuless node 0 (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Prefer node id queried from vphn (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Set numa_node for all possible cpus (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [powerpc] powerpc/numa: Remove late request for home node associativity (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Early request for home node associativity (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [mm] powerpc/numa: Use cpu node map of first sibling thread (Steve Best) [1903613] +- [x86] xen: don't unbind uninitialized lock_kicker_irq (Brian Masney) [1896786] +- [net] Bluetooth: Acquire sk_lock.slock without disabling interrupts (Ivan Vecera) [1889859] +- [wireless] mwifiex: fix double free (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg: run init_cfg function once per driver load (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg: remove no filter condition (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: split a print to avoid a WARNING in ROC (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] qtnfmac: fix resource leaks on unsupported iftype error return path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: fix OBSS PD min and max offset validation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Fix potential probe error handling race with wow firmware loading (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Fix probe error handling race with firmware loading (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath6kl: wmi: prevent a shift wrapping bug in ath6kl_wmi_delete_pstream_cmd() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add checked value for ath11k_ahb_remove (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: remove function pointer check (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix uninitialized return in ath11k_spectral_process_data() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix a double free and a memory leak (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix compile warning: (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Remove unnecessary braces from HostCmd_SET_SEQ_NO_BSS_INFO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: don't treat NULL pointer as an array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Do not use GFP_KERNEL in atomic context (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: check ndev pointer (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fix possible memleak in ath11k_qmi_init_service (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fix the size used in a 'dma_free_coherent()' call in an error handling path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix potential out of bounds in ath9k_htc_txcompletion_cb() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k_htc: Use appropriate rs_datalen type (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath6kl: prevent potential array overflow in ath6kl_add_new_sta() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] net: wireless: nl80211: fix out-of-bounds access in nl80211_del_key() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: reduce maximum VHT MPDU length to 7991 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix 80 MHz association to 160/80+80 AP on 6 GHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: do not allow bigger VHT MPDUs than the hardware supports (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix 6 GHz channel conversion (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: do not disable HE if HT is missing on 2.4 GHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Fix radiotap header channel flag for 6GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] lib80211: fix unmet direct dependendices config warning when !CRYPTO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add AQL support for VHT160 tx rates (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: extend AQL aggregation estimation to HE and fix unit mismatch (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Increase AES key storage size to 256 bits (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: use ieee80211_free_txskb to free tx skbs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: use v1 MCU API on MT7615 to fix issues with adding/removing stations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Adjust 6 GHz frequency to channel conversion (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: reduce packet loss event false positives (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: regulatory: reject invalid hints (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] wireless: fix wrong 160/80+80 MHz setting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: improve AQL aggregation estimation for low data rates (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: factor out code to look up the average packet length duration for a rate (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: use rate provided via status->rate on ieee80211_tx_status_ext for AQL (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: fix NL80211_ATTR_HE_6GHZ_CAPABILITY usage (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: reserve tx credit only when txctl is ready to send (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] wireless: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl818x: constify ioreadX() iomem argument (as in generic implementation) (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Do not report beacon loss if beacon filtering enabled (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix misplaced while instead of if (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: use eth_zero_addr() to clear mac address (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: use eth_zero_addr() to clear mac address (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac8211: fix struct initialisation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Handle special status codes in SAE commit (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Set timeout value when configuring power save (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] hostap: use generic power management (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rt2x00: pci: use generic power management (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt7601u: add missing release on skb in mt7601u_mcu_msg_send (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: don't print failure if debug firmware is missing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: coex: add functions and parameters (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: make symbol 'rtw8821c_rtw_pwr_track_tbl' static (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add h2c command in debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: allows driver to enable/disable beacon (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add ieee80211_ops::change_interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: coex: only skip coex triggered by BT info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: update tx descriptor of mgmt and reserved page packets (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix short GI capability based on current bandwidth (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix LDPC field for RA info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] prism54: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] prism54: islpci_hotplug: use generic power management (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] prism54: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] p54: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: 11n_rxreorder: Remove unnecessary cast in kfree() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: btcoex: use *ph to print small buffer (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: btcoex: remove redundant initialization of variables ant_num and single_ant_path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: warn only once in check_sdata_in_driver() at each caller (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: support 4-way handshake offloading for WPA/WPA2-PSK in AP mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: invert HE BSS color 'disabled' to 'enabled' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add a function for running rx without passing skbs to the stack (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: parse radiotap header when selecting Tx queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: remove unused flags argument in transmit functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: use same flag everywhere to avoid sequence number overwrite (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: do not overwrite the sequence number if requested (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add radiotap flag to prevent sequence number overwrite (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: never drop injected frames even if normally not allowed (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [uapi] cfg80211: Add support to advertize OCV support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211/mac80211: avoid bss color setting in non-HE modes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: calculate skb hash early when using itxq (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: improve AQL tx airtime estimation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211/mac80211: add connected to auth server to station info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211/mac80211: add connected to auth server to meshconf (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211/mac80211: add mesh_param "mesh_nolearn" to skip path discovery (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: allow the low level driver to flush the BSS table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Simplify error handling path in 'nl80211_trigger_scan()' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Remove a misleading label in 'nl80211_trigger_scan()' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [uapi] net/wireless: wireless.h: drop duplicate word in comments (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [uapi] net/wireless: nl80211.h: drop duplicate words in comments (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: allow vendor dumpit to terminate by returning 0 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: remove the need for variable rates_idx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: S1G band and channel definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add missing release on skb in __mt76x02u_mcu_send_msg (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix possible memory leak in mt7615_mcu_wtbl_sta_add (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix potential memory leak in mcu message handler (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76s: move queue accounting in mt76s_tx_queue_skb (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7663s support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: introduce mt76_sdio module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7663-usb-sdio-common module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: sdio code must access rate/key regs in preocess context (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add mt76_skb_adjust_pad utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: take into account sdio bus configuring txwi (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add missing CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: potential array overflow in mt7915_mcu_tx_rate_report() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix potential memory leak in mcu message handler (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: fix potential memory leak in mcu message handler (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: fix memory leak in set key (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: reschedule ps work according to last activity (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: avoid scheduling runtime-pm during hw scan (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: sync probe sampling with rate configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: improve mt7615_driver_own reliability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add idle-timeout knob in mt7615 debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: enable beacon hw filter for runtime-pm (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add runtime-pm knob in mt7615 debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: do not request {driver, fw}_own if already granted (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: check MT76_STATE_PM flag before accessing the device (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: run mt7615_pm_wake in mt7615_mac_sta_{add, remove} (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device before pushing frames in mt7615_tx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device before pulling packets from mac80211 queues (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: run mt7615_mcu_set_roc holding mt76 mutex (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: run mt7615_mcu_set_wmm holding mt76 mutex (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add missing lock in mt7615_regd_notifier (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device before performing freq scan (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: acquire driver_own before configuring device for suspend (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device in mt7615_update_channel before access regmap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce pm_power_save delayed work (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device before configuring hw keys (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: wake device before accessing regmap in debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mutex_{acquire, release} utilities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add mt7615_pm_wake utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move mt76 workqueue in common code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: avoid polling in fw_own for mt7663 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: avoid memcpy in rxv operation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2u: enable HC-M7662BU1 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2: fix pci suspend/resume on mt7612e (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: update HE capabilities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: implement testmode support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add API for testmode support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: vif_mask to struct mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: use full on-chip memory address for WF_PHY registers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for accessing RF registers via MCU (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for accessing mapped registers via bus ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: schedule tx tasklet and sta poll on mac tx free (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2e: rename routines in pci.c (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: overwrite qid for non-bufferable mgmt frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: use ieee80211_tx_queue_params to avoid open coded (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add MU-MIMO support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add a fixed AC queue mapping (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add .set_tsf callback (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add U-APSD support on AP side (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: rely on register macros (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix include in pci.h (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: allow more channels, allowed in ETSI domain (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix up typo in Kconfig for MT7663U (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: introduce ARP filter offload (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: usb: rely on mt76_for_each_q_rx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: re-enable offloading of sequence number assignment (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: Fix trivial spelling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: 8821ae: remove unused path B parameters from swing table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: Use const in 8188ee/8723be/8821ae swing_table declarations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl818x_pci: use generic power management (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Free ieee80211_hw if probing fails (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Prevent leaking urb (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix deadlock (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Remove uninitialized_var() usage (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] orinoco_usb: fix spelling mistake (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8188ee: Fix endian issue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: Fix endian issue in ps.c (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] broadcom: fix wiki website url (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: fix wiki website url in main Kconfig (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: coex: Fix ACL Tx pause during BT inquiry/page (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Prevent memory corruption handling keys (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Fix reporting 'operation not supported' error code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Use macro MWIFIEX_MAX_BSS_NUM for specifying limit of interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: add new RFE type 6 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822ce: add support for device ID 0xc82f (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: pci: disable aspm for platform inter-op with module parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: Add 8821CE to Kconfig and Makefile (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: single rf path chips don't support TX STBC (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add beamformee support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add power tracking (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add cck pd settings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add phy calibration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add false alarm statistics (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add query rx desc support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add set channel support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add dig related settings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add set tx power index (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8821c: add basic functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcm80211: brcmsmac: Move LEDs to GPIO descriptors (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Transform compatible string for FW loading (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: set pacing shift before transmitting skb to bus (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: set state of hanger slot to FREE when flushing PSQ (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: reset SDIO bus on a firmware crash (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: do not disconnect for disassoc frame from unconnected AP (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Fix for wrong disconnection event source information (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Fix for unable to return to visible SSID (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: initialize the requested dwell time (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix throughput zero stalls on PM 1 mode due to credit map (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: update tx status flags to sync with firmware (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: reserve 2 credits for host tx control path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: increase message buffer size for control packets (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: allow credit borrowing for all access categories (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: To fix Bss Info flag definition Bug (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: reduce maximum station interface from 2 to 1 in RSDB mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: keep SDIO watchdog running when console_interval is non-zero (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix invalid permanent MAC address in wiphy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: To fix kernel crash on out of boundary access (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] net: wireless: kerneldoc fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] net: mac80211: kerneldoc fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix wmi peer flags in peer assoc command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add support for ring backpressure stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add dp tx err stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: removing redundant reo unlock followed by immediate lock (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add support for spectral scan (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add direct buffer ring support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: build HE 6 GHz capability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add support for 6g scan hint (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Send multiple scan_chan_list messages if required (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add 6G scan dwell time parameter in scan request command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: set psc channel flag when sending channel list to firmware (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: extend peer_assoc_cmd for 6GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Use freq instead of channel number in rx path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add support for 6GHz radio in driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add 6G frequency list supported by driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] net: wireless: intel: fix wiki website url (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: Remove unused inline function iwl_mvm_tid_to_ac_queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix gcc-10 zero-length-bounds warning (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath: fix wiki website url (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Acquire tx_lock in tx error paths (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: remove redundant assignment to variable ret (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: fix config variable name in comment (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: Fix avg-power report (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: Don't IWL_WARN on FW reconfiguration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: Extended Key ID support for mvm and dvm (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Fix firmware filename for sd8997 chipset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Fix firmware filename for sd8977 chipset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: remove STA txq pending airtime underflow warning (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Fix bug in Tx ack status reporting in 802.3 xmit path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: check vendor command doit pointer before use (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: mesh: Free pending skb when destroying a mpath (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: mesh: Free ie data when leaving mesh (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix warning in 6 GHz IE addition in mesh mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fix NULL pointer dereference in AHB device probe (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: Make some Killer Wireless-AC 1550 cards work again (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix regression with Atheros 9271 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: fix memory leak when parsing NL80211_ATTR_HE_BSS_COLOR (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: don't return err unconditionally in nl80211_start_ap() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: allow rx of mesh eapol frames with default rx key (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: skip mpath lookup also for control port tx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Fix dropping broadcast packets in 802.11 encap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: simplify mesh code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix control port tx status check (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: Add missing and new AKM suite selector definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix EEPROM buffer size (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: fix memory leaks in mt7663u_probe (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: do not access uninitialized NAPI structs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: fix crash in iwl_dbg_tlv_alloc_trigger (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: don't call iwl_mvm_free_inactive_queue() under RCU (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: replace '---help---' in Kconfig files with 'help' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] net: fix wiki website url mac80211 and wireless files (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [uapi] include: fix wiki website url in netlink interface header (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: overwrite qid for non-bufferable mgmt frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix hw queue mapping (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix lmac queue debugsfs entry (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add missing lock configuring coverage class (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: initialize return flags in HE 6 GHz operation parsing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix management registrations deadlock (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: support bigger kek/kck key length (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: set short_slot for 6 GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Consider 6 GHz band when handling power constraint (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: accept aggregation sessions on 6 GHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: require HE capabilities for 6 GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: reject HT/VHT capabilities on 6 GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: treat 6 GHz channels as valid regardless of capability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Add HE 6GHz capabilities element to probe request (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: use HE 6 GHz band capability and pass it to the driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: check the correct bit for EMA AP (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: determine chandef from HE 6 GHz operation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: avoid using ext NSS high BW if not supported (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: do not allow HT/VHT IEs in 6 GHz mesh mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: build HE operation with 6 GHz oper information (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add HE 6 GHz Band Capability element (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: add and expose HE 6 GHz band capabilities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities into parse extension (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: handle 6 GHz capability of new station (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: add HE ext EIDs and 6 GHz capability defines (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: add code to obtain and parse 6 GHz operation field (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: definitions for reduced neighbor reports (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: add a helper to identify 6 GHz PSCs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: really allow client-only BIGTK support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: adapt to new channelization of the 6GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix 6 GHz frequencies to kHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: clear DCM max constellation tx value (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: reset trigger frame MAC padding duration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Remove ath10k_qmi_register_service_notifier() declaration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k_htc: Set RX filter based to allow broadcast Action frame RX (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Set RX filter based to allow broadcast Action frame RX (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Add support for NL80211_ATTR_MAX_AP_ASSOC_STA (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Parse all API_VER_ID properties (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: 43012 Update MES Watermark (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix 43455 CRC error under SDIO 3.0 SDR104 mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: set F2 blocksize and watermark for 4354/4356 SDIO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix 4339 CRC error under SDIO 3.0 SDR104 mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: set F2 blocksize for 4373 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: remove CCK TX setting when switch channel (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: fix missing brace warning for old compilers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix EAPOL 4-way failure by finish IQK earlier (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: coex: 8723d: handle BT inquiry cases (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: coex: 8723d: set antanna control owner (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] Revert "rtw88: no need to set registers for SDIO" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rt2800: enable MFP support unconditionally (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mmc: sdio: Fix Cypress SDIO IDs macros in common include file (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mmc: sdio: Move SDIO IDs from b43-sdio driver to common include file (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mmc: sdio: Move SDIO IDs from ath10k driver to common include file (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mmc: sdio: Move SDIO IDs from mwifiex driver to common include file (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mmc: sdio: Change macro names for Marvell 8688 modules (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [mmc] mmc: sdio: Fix macro name for Marvell device with ID 0x9134 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: bump FW API to 56 for AX devices (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add support for range request version 10 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix aux station leak (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move txq-specific from trans_pcie to common trans (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move iwl_txq and substructures to a common trans header (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: gen3: indicate 8k/12k RB size to device (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: acpi: evaluate dsm to enable 5.2 bands in Indonesia (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: acpi: support device specific method (DSM) (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: keep trans instead of trans_pcie in iwl_txq (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: don't count on the FW to set persistence mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: set NO_HE if the regulatory domain forbids it (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: remove set but not used variable 'msta' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: Use kmemdup in mt7615_queue_key_update() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: only iterate over initialized rx queues (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for MT7611N (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix wcid allocation issues (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in mt7915_register_ext_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix hw_scan with ssid_type for specified SSID only (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix a handful of spelling mistakes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: switch to per-vif power_save support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix some sparse warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix per-driver wcid range checks after wcid array size bump (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix decoded radiotap HE flags (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix NULL pointer deref in mt7615_register_ext_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix sparse warnings: incorrect type initializer (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix some sparse warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add spatial reuse support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: remove check in mt76x02_mcu_msg_send (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce remain_on_channel support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: support control port TX status reporting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix HT-Control field reception for management frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix CFG82011_CRDA_SUPPORT still mentioning internal regdb (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Add support to configure TID specific Tx rate configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: allow SA-QUERY processing in userspace (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: add ability to report TX status for control port TX (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] mac80211: Add new AMPDU factor macro for HE peer caps (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: S1G defines (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: support scan frequencies in KHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: add KHz frequency offset for most wifi commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: add KHz variants of frame RX API (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: simplify peer specific TID configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: add support for TID specific AMSDU configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix variable names in TID config methods (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix mask type in cfg80211_tid_cfg structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix debugfs rename crash (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: Fix incorrect mask for default PE duration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: mesh: fix discovery timer re-arming issue / crash (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: Fix build error (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fix some resource leaks in error path in 'ath11k_thermal_register()' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192ee: remove redundant for-loop (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: Fix memory corruption in dump_station (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: no need to set registers for SDIO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: fix incorrect setting of ldo_pwr (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: rename rtw88.ko/rtwpci.ko to rtw88_core.ko/rtw88_pci.ko (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: remove the unused after extracting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: make 8723d an individual kernel module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: make 8822b an individual kernel module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: make 8822c an individual kernel module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: export symbols about pci interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract: export symbols used in chip functionalities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: Fix a double free in _rtl_usb_tx_urb_setup() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix typo defining ps work (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: configure bss info adding the interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: enable p2p support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: reduce hw scan timeout (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: do not report scan_complete twice to mac80211 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix the usage WoW with net detect support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix htt stats module not handle multiple skbs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl8187: Remove unused variable rtl8225z2_tx_power_ofdm (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: fix sparse warnings for power tracking (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add 8723DE to Kconfig and Makefile (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fill zeros to words 0x06 and 0x07 of security cam entry (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add coex support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: set ltecoex register address in chip_info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: implement flush queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add shutdown callback to disable BT USB suspend (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add power tracking (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: add IQ calibration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add LC calibration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix WPA/WPA2-PSK 4-way handshake offload and SAE offload failures (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: fix possible deadlock in mt7915_stop (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: allocate proper size for tlv tags (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add debugfs to track TxBF status (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add TxBF capabilities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add Tx beamformee support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add Tx beamformer support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: introduce mt7915_get_he_phy_cap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: usb: cancel ps work stopping the vif (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: add missing register definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: copy key pointer in mt7663u_mac_write_txwi (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: set runtime stream caps by mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: enable firmware module debug support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add tsf related callbacks (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: set peer Tx fixed rate through debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add .sta_statistics support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add .sta_add_debugfs support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add Rx radiotap header support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add HE capabilities support for peers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: add HE bss_conf support for interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: register per-phy HE capabilities for each interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: implement HE per-rate tx power support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7915: enable Rx HE rate reporting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add mac80211 driver for MT7915 PCIe-based chipsets (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add HE phy modes and hardware queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: adjust wcid size to support new 802.11ax generation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add Rx stats support for radiotap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add support for HE RX rate reporting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: avoid rx reorder buffer overflow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: scan all channels if not specified (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: add support to sched scan with randomise addr (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: introduce WoW with net detect support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix delta tx power for mt7663 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix target power parsing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix ibss mode for mt7663 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: check return value of mt7615_eeprom_get_power_index (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: read tx streams from eeprom (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce beacon_loss mcu event (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add gtk rekey offload support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce PM support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: introduce suspend/resume to mt7663u (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add WoW support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mcu_set_hif_suspend mcu command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce support for hardware beacon filter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: free pci_vector if mt7615_pci_probe fails (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add passive mode for hw scan (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: do not mark sched_scan disabled in mt7615_scan_work (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_check_offload_capability routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix ssid configuration in mt7615_mcu_hw_scan (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: remove duplicate error message (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix getting maximum tx power from eeprom (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: set spatial extension index (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: remove check in mt7663_load_n9 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: add the possibility to load firmware v2 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x0: enable MCS 8 and MCS9 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix event report in mt7615_mcu_bss_event (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add sta pointer to mt7615_mcu_add_bss_info signature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix up BMC entry indicated to unicmd firmware (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: enable TDLS support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move mcu bss upload before creating the sta (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: fix tx status rate index calculation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix tx status rate index calculation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: do not adjust MAC timings if the device is not running (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: adjust timing in mt7615_mac_set_timing to match fw/hw values (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: never use an 802.11b CF-End rate on 5GHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: never use an 802.11b CF-End rate on 5GHz (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: use larger rx buffers if VHT is supported (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix A-MPDU density handling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix sta ampdu factor for VHT (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663u: enable AirTimeFairness (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework mt7615_mac_sta_poll for usb code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix aid configuration in mt7615_mcu_wtbl_generic_tlv (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix mt7615_driver_own routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix max wtbl size for 7663 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix mt7615_firmware_own for mt7663e (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: parse mcu return code for unified commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add rx queues info to mt76 debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: make Kconfig entry obvious for MT7663E (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: introduce 802.11 PS support in sta mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: remove PS_NULLFUNC_STACK capability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: provide aid info to the mcu (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: disable aspm by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: enable scs for mt7663 driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7663u support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move core shared code in mt7615-common module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix possible deadlock in mt7615_stop (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: remove unnecessary annotations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: enable MSI by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework IRQ handling to prepare for MSI support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix DMA unmap length (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7622: fix DMA unmap length (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: set hw scan limits only for firmware with offload support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: disable hw/sched scan ops for non-offload firmware (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix aggr range entry in debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix possible division by 0 in mt7615_mac_update_mib_stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2: disable merge of OTP ROM data by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: disable merge of OTP ROM data by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for applying tx DPD calibration from EEPROM (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for applying DC offset calibration from EEPROM (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: disable merge of OTP ROM data by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: Delete an error message in mt7622_wmac_probe() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: do not always reset the dfs state setting the channel (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: correct the name of the rom patch (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add address parameter to mt7615_eeprom_init (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_wtbl_desc data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework wtbl key configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: rely on mt7622 queue scheme for mt7663u (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move mt7615_mac_wtbl_addr in mac.h (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce __mt7663_load_firmware routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mac_update_rate_desc routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7663u support to mt7615_write_txwi (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add headroom and tailroom to mt76_mcu_ops data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: remove unnecessary register operations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce rlm tlv in bss_info mcu command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce BSS absence event (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce scheduled scan support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce hw scan support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: keep Rx filters as the default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mcu_set_channel_domain mcu command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add ethool support to mt7663 driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: disable RDD commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: make scs configurable per phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: enable nf estimation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7663: fix mt7615_mac_cca_stats_reset routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add more useful Tx mib counters (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: cleanup mib related defines and structs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: enable aggr_stats for both phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: modify mt7615_ampdu_stat_read for each phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x0: pci: add mt7610 PCI ID (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2u: introduce Mercury UD13 support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02u: Add support for newer versions of the XBox One wifi adapter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: fix handling MCU timeouts during hw restart (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rndis_wlan: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwl8k: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rndis_wlan: Remove logically dead code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: remove Comparison to bool in brcmf_p2p_send_action_frame() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: make non-global functions static (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Use seq/seq_len and set iv_initialize when plumbing of rxiv in (GTK) keys (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: use actframe_abort to cancel ongoing action frame (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: set security after reiniting interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix 802.1d priority to ac mapping for pcie dongles (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: map 802.1d priority to precedence level based on AP WMM params (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: convert to devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: remove redundant initialization of pointer info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix ath10k_pci struct layout (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix gcc-10 zero-length-bounds warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: remove experimental tag from SDIO and SNOC busses in Kconfig (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Remove bus layer includes from upper layer (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add drv private for bus opaque struct (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add support for multibus support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix __le32 warning in ath10k_wmi_tlv_op_gen_request_peer_stats_info() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Remove msdu from idr when management pkt send fails (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Skip handling del_server during driver exit (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: remove stale monitor status descriptor (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg_ini: differentiate ax210 hw with same hw type (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: skip fragmented receive buffers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove outdated copyright print/module statement (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: don't transmit on unallocated queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: tx: enable A-MSDU in low latency mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: use longer queues for 256-BA (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: gen2: use DMA pool for byte-count tables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: remove some dead code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg: mark a variable __maybe_unused (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: attempt to allocate smaller queues (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: allocate much smaller byte-count table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dump api version in yaml format (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: convert all AX101 devices to the device tables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: remove occurrences of 22000 in the FW name defines (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: convert QnJ with Hr to the device table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: remove mangling for iwl_ax101_cfg_qu_hr (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: remove outdated comment about PCI RTPM reference (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add IML/ROM information to the assertion dumps (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move iwl_set_soc_latency to iwl-drv to be used by other op_modes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: remove magic number (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: initialize iwl_dev_tx_power_cmd to zero (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg: set debug descriptor to NULL outside of iwl_fw_free_dump_desc (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: bump FW API to 55 for AX devices (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: add D3 resume timepoint (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: set properly station flags in STA_HE_CTXT_CMD (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: avoid debug max amsdu config overwriting itself (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: remove iwlmvm's tfd_q_hang_detect module parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: stop supporting swcrypto and bt_coex_active module parameters (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add support for range request command version 9 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: don't access TLV before verifying len (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove antenna_coupling module parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: use hweight_long instead of bit manipulating (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: add support for parsing SHARED_MEM_ALLOC version 4 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: fw api: fix PHY data 2/3 position (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8188ee: remove Comparison to bool in rf.c (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: avoid -Wstringop-overflow warning (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: remove comparison of 0/1 to bool variable (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmsmac: remove Comparison to bool in brcms_b_txstatus() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Add P2P Action Frame retry delay to fix GAS Comeback Response failure issue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Fix P2P Group Formation failure via Go-neg method (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: support the second p2p connection (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix an issue about leak system resources (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: add interface configurations table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Set IG register for CCK rate (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add chip_ops::false_alarm_statistics (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: some chips don't support LDPC (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: handle C2H_CCX_TX_RPT to know if packet TX'ed successfully (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add set_channel (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add query_rx_desc (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add DIG parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: use true, false for bool variable in rtl_init_rfkill() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Use udelay instead of usleep in atomic context (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k_htc: Silence undersized packet warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath6kl: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix kernel panic by freeing the msdu received with invalid length (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add support to reset htt peer stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add tx hw 802.11 encapsulation offloading support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix resource unavailability for htt stats after peer stats display (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: use true,false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Add support for targets without trustzone (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Setup the msa resources before qmi init (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: remove the max_sched_scan_reqs value (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Avoid override CE5 configuration for QCA99X0 chipsets (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: remove comparison to bool in brcmf_fws_attach() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: add vendor ie for association responses (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: only generate random p2p address when needed (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: p2p cert 6.1.9-support GOUT handling p2p presence request (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: remove arp_hostip_clear from brcmf_netdev_stop (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: keep apsta enabled when AP starts with MCHAN feature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix spelling mistake "fimrware" -> "firmware" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: update phy parameter tables to v50 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add DBG_MAC prints to track vdev events (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix mgmt_tx_wmi cmd sent to FW for deleted vdev (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix error return code in ath11k_dp_alloc() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix possible memory leak in ath10k_bmi_lz_data_large() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mac80211: fix memory overlap due to variable length param (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: TX legacy rate control for Beacon frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: use GFP_ATOMIC under spin lock (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: correct tx bitrate of iw for SDIO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add bitrate parse for peer stats info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add rx bitrate report for SDIO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: enable firmware peer stats info for wmi tlv (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath5k: remove conversion to bool in ath5k_ani_calibration() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: add calibration timeout for AR9002 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: invalidate all calibrations at once (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: interleaved NF calibration on AR9002 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: do not miss longcal on AR9002 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: remove needless NFCAL_PENDING flag setting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: fix AR9002 ADC and NF calibrations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix sparse warnings for download firmware routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add statistics of tx retries and tx failed when tx complete disable (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: enable rx duration report default for wmi tlv (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix reo flush send (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: debug: set NPK buffer in context info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: add new structs for So devices with long latency (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: add new structure for Qu devices with medium latency (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: tell firmware about required LTR delay (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: update few product names in AX family (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: add cfgs for SoCs with device ID 0x4FD0 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add new cards for AX family (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: acpi: read TAS table from ACPI and send it to the FW (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove fw_monitor module parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove deprecated and unused iwl_mvm_keyinfo struct (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add framework for specific phy configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: move iwl_pcie_ctxt_info_alloc_dma() to user (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: support IWL_FW_INI_TIME_POINT_HOST_ALIVE_TIMEOUT time point (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add DCM flag to rate pretty-print (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: gen2: minor code cleanups in byte table update (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: add n_window/ampdu to tx_queue debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: use seq_file for tx_queue debugfs file (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: support version 9 of WOWLAN_GET_STATUS notification (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: dbg: support multiple dumps in legacy dump flow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move API version lookup to common code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: nvm: use iwl_nl80211_band_from_channel_idx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix two missing documentation entries (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: reject channels/chandefs with KHz offset >= 1000 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add freq_offset to RX status (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: handle channel frequency offset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: express channels with a KHz component (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] ieee80211: share 802.11 unit conversion helpers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: minstrel_ht_assign_best_tp_rates: remove redundant test (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Fail association when AP has no legacy rates (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: agg-tx: add an option to defer ADDBA transmit (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: agg-tx: refactor sending addba (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Skip entries with HE membership selector (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Parse HE membership selector (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Don't destroy auth data in case of anti-clogging (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add twt_protected flag to the bss_conf structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: implement Operating Mode Notification extended NSS support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Process multicast RX registration for Action frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: allow client-only BIGTK support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: support multicast RX registration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: change internal management frame registration API (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Report beacon protection failures to user space (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Unprotected Beacon frame RX indication (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: scan: remove support for fw scan api v13 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix drv_config_iface_filter() behaviour (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: mlme: remove duplicate AID bookkeeping (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: drop the TX packet which size exceed credit size for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fix the invalid tx/rx chainmask configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: initialize mac/bb/rf basic functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Organize chip TX/RX FIFO (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: implement set_tx_power_index ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: 11N chips don't support H2C queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: decompose while(1) loop of power sequence polling command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add mac power-on/-off function (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: no need to send additional information to legacy firmware (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add legacy firmware download for 8723D devices (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add flush tx packets for SDIO chip (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: enable alt data of TX path for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add htt TX bundle for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: remove conversion to bool in ath11k_debug_fw_stats_process() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: remove conversion to bool in ath11k_dp_rxdesc_mpdu_valid() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: set power trim according to efuse PG values (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add read_efuse to recognize efuse info from map (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add new chip op efuse_grant() to control efuse access (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add cfg_ldo25 to control LDO25 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add mac/bb/rf/agc/power_limit tables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add RF read/write ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add power sequence (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: add beamform wrapper functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8723d: Add basic chip capabilities (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8723ae: fix warning comparison to bool (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8821ae: use true, false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8723be: use true, false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8192ee: use true, false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8723ae: use true, false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8188ee: use true, false for bool variables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: hif: make send_complete_check op optional (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: sdio: remove _hif_ prefix from functions not part of hif interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: improve power save performance for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: rename ath10k_hif_swap_mailbox() to ath10k_hif_start_post() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: remove leading space (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmsmac: make brcms_c_stf_ss_update() void (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmsmac: Add missing annotation for brcms_down() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmsmac: Add missing annotation for brcms_rfkill_set_hw_state() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] hostap: Add missing annotations for prism2_bss_list_proc_start() and prism2_bss_list_proc_stop (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add support for set/get antennas (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: make rtw_chip_ops::set_antenna return int (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add dynamic tcl ring selection logic with retry mechanism (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: cleanup reo command error code overwritten (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fix typo in warning messages (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fix rx_filter flags setting for per peer rx_stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fix fw assert by setting proper vht cap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Cleanup in pdev destroy and mac register during crash on recovery (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmsmac: make brcms_c_set_mac() void (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Add delay on polling h2c command status bit (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcm80211: remove redundant pointer 'address' (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtlwifi: rtl8723ae: fix spelling mistake "chang" -> "change" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix wrong location to get firmware feature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Make two functions static (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix kernel-doc notation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: rx path optimizations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: set IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY flag for DP interrupts (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fix TWT radio count (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Modify the interrupt timer threshold (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix duplication peer create on same radio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: change ATH10K_SDIO_BUS_REQUEST_MAX_NUM from 64 to 1024 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: disable TX complete indication of htt for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix general protection fault in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_cb (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9x: Fix stack-out-of-bounds Write in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_cb (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix use-after-free Write in ath9k_htc_rx_msg (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix use-after-free Read in ath9k_wmi_ctrl_rx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath9k: Fix use-after-free Read in htc_connect_service (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix kernel null pointer dereference (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: enable radar detection in secondary segment (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: enable VHT160 and VHT80+80 modes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Avoid mgmt tx count underflow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Increase the tx completion ring size (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix error message to correctly report the command that failed (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add pktlog checksum in trace events to support pktlog (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fix the race condition in firmware dump work queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Add sta debugfs support to configure ADDBA and DELBA (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix compiler warnings without CONFIG_THERMAL (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: remove newline from rs_pretty_print_rate() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: make iwl_pcie_cmdq_reclaim static (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: bump FW API to 53 for 22000 series (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove IWL_FW_DBG_DOMAIN macro (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: enable yoyo by default (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: scan: support FW APIs with variable number of profiles (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: don't block dumping internal memory when not in SRAM mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove support for QnJ HR FPGA (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove support for QnJ Hr STEP A (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add trans_cfg for devices with long latency (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add support for version 2 of SOC_CONFIGURATION_CMD (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add support for non EDCA based measurements (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove unnecessary cfg mangling for Qu C and QuZ with Jf (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: convert QnJ with Jf devices to new config table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: convert all Qu with Jf devices to the new config table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add HW step to new cfg device table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove some unused extern declarations from iwl-config.h (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move integrated, extra_phy and soc_latency to trans_cfg (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: enable SF also when we have HE (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove redundant iwl9560_2ac_cfg struct (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: rs-fw: fix some indentation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: scan: support scan req cmd ver 14 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pass trans and NVM data to HE capability parsing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: implement read_config32 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: yoyo: add PCI config space region type (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: add soc latency support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] hostap: convert to struct proc_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: fix non-increase management packet sequence number (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: add USB autosuspend feature support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: increase max hanger slots from 1K to 3K in fws layer (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: fix the incorrect return value in brcmf_inform_single_bss() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Fix double freeing in the fmac usb data path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Fix driver crash on USB control transfer timeout (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl8xxxu: Feed current txrate information for mac80211 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl8xxxu: add enumeration for channel bandwidth (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add a debugfs entry to enable/disable coex mechanism (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add a debugfs entry to dump coex's info (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtl8xxxu: Fix sparse warning: cast from restricted __le16 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add missing declaration in mt7615.h (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix endianness in unified command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix mt7663e firmware struct endianness (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: config RF table path B before path A (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: kick off TX packets once for higher efficiency (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: pci: define a mask for TX/RX BD indexes (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: associate reserved pages with each vif (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: extract alloc rsvd_page and h2c skb routines (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: marvell: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] hostap: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: ti: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] wireless: realtek: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Fill GCMP MIC length for PMF (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: driver can remain on channel if not using chan_ctx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: clarify code in nl80211_del_station() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Configure PMK lifetime and reauth threshold for PMKSA entries (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Read rx_stats with perCPU pointers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Allow deleting stations in ibss mode to reset their state (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Add support for userspace to reset stations in IBSS mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: consider WLAN_EID_EXT_HE_OPERATION for parsing CRC (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [uapi] nl80211: add PROTECTED_TWT nl80211 extended feature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: HE: set missing bss_conf fields in AP mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: pass HE operation element to the driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211/cfg80211: add support for non EDCA based ranging measurement (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: don't leave skb->next/prev pointing to stack (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: update documentation about tx power (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: handle no-preauth flag for control port (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: add no pre-auth attribute and ext. feature flag for ctrl. port (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix documentation format (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Perform per-msdu rx processing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Configure hash based reo destination ring selection (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Adding proper validation before accessing tx_stats (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: dump SRNG stats during FW assert (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fill channel info from rx channel (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Supporting RX ring backpressure HTT event and stats handling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move AX200 devices to the new table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove trans entries from COMMON 9260 macro (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move shared clock entries to new table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move pu devices to new table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: remove 9260 devices with 0x1010 and 0x1210 subsytem IDs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: convert the 9260-1x1 device to use the new parameters (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move TH1 devices to the new table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: map 9461 and 9462 using RF type and RF ID (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add Pu/PnJ/Th device values to differentiate them (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add GNSS differentiation to the device tables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: add mac/rf types and 160MHz to the device tables (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: combine 9260 cfgs that only change names (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] iwlwifi: move the remaining 0x2526 configs to the new table (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7663e support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: get rid of sta_rec_wtbl data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce set_ba uni command (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add more uni mcu commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce set_bmc and st_sta for uni commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce uni cmd command types (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_init_mac_chain routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_eeprom_parse_hw_band_cap routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add mt7663e support to mt7615_mcu_set_eeprom (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add mt7663e support to mt7615_{driver, firmware}_own (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add mt7663e support to mt7615_reg_map (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_register_map (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce MCU_FW_PREFIX for fw mcu commands (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move more mcu commands in mt7615_mcu_ops data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework mt7615_mcu_set_bss_info using skb APIs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rely on skb API for mt7615_mcu_set_eeprom (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move mt7615_mcu_set_sta in mt7615_mcu_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move mt7615_mcu_set_bmc to mt7615_mcu_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add mt7615_mcu_ops data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mcu_send_message routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: always init to 0 mcu messages (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_init_device routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: cleanup fw queue just for mmio devices (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mcu_wait_response (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce mt7615_mcu_fill_msg (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: remove variable 'val' set but not used (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: remove a stray if statement (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: reset MCU timeout counter earlier in watchdog reset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix monitor injection of beacon frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: make dynamic sensitivity adjustment configurable via debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: add upper limit for dynamic sensitivity minimum receive power (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix antenna mask initialization in DBDC mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: rely only on data buffer for usb control messagges (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: fix a possible memory leak in mt76u_init (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: loop over all possible rx queues in mt76u_rx_tasklet (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add handling for BSS color (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add WMI calls required for handling BSS color (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: set queue_len to 4096 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: enable PN offload (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: handle RX fragments (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: remove unused member of struct rtw_hal (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath5k: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: allow qca988x family to support ack rssi of tx data packets (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath5k: Add proper dependency for ATH5K_AHB (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add thermal sensor device support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add thermal cooling device support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix not registering airtime of 11a station with WMM disable (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: config reorder queue for all tids during peer setup (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix unsupported chip reset debugs file write (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: use kzalloc to read for ath10k_sdio_hif_diag_read (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: start recovery process when read int status fail for sdio (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: add QCA9377 sdio hw_param item (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: avoid consecutive OTP download to reduce boot time (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Add api to support configuring TID specific configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Add support to configure TID specific RTSCTS configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Add support to configure TID specific AMPDU configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Add support to configure TID specific retry configuration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: modify TID-config API (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: Add NL command to support TID speicific configurations (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Beacon protection using the new BIGTK (STA) (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Beacon protection using the new BIGTK (AP) (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Update BIP to support Beacon frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Support BIGTK configuration for Beacon protection (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Support key configuration for Beacon protection (BIGTK) (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: More error messages for key addition failures (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: fix indentation errors (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: merge documentations of field "dev" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: merge documentations of field "debugfsdir" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "reg_notifier" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "perm_addr" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "_net" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "registered" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "privid" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: drop duplicated documentation of field "probe_resp_offload" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] Revert "nl80211: add src and dst addr attributes for control port tx/rx" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] Revert "mac80211: support NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211_MAC_ADDRS" (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: remove support for adjacent channel compensation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: check vif pointer before airtime calculation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Pass lockdep expression to RCU lists (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mwifiex: change license text from MARVELL to NXP (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: Introduce mt76_mcu data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: remove rx_mask in mt7615_eeprom_parse_hw_cap (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: rename stat_wq in wq (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: extend RX scatter gather number (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rely on mt76_queues_read for mt7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: do not set HOST_BROADCAST_PS_BUFFERING for mt7615 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework rx phy index handling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix rounding issues on converting per-chain and combined txpower (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2: avoid starting the MAC too early (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: avoid extra RCU synchronization on station removal (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix monitor mode on second PHY (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix adding active monitor interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: switch mt7615_mcu_set_rx_ba to v2 format (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: switch mt7615_mcu_set_tx_ba to v2 format (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: use new tag sta_rec_wtbl (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add starec operating flow for firmware v2 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add a helper to encapsulate sta_rec operation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: simplify mcu_set_sta flow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: simplify mcu_set_bmc flow (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for testing hardware reset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: implement hardware reset support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: report firmware log event messages (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix and rework tx power handling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add Kconfig entry for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: disable DBDC on MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: decrease rx ring size for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: implement DMA support for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: implement probing and firmware loading on MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: disable 5 GHz on MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add calibration free support for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add eeprom support for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add dma and tx queue initialization for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix MT_INT_TX_DONE_ALL definition for MT7622 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: store N9 firmware version instead of CR4 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: split up firmware loading functions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move mmio related code from pci.c to mmio.c (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add __aligned(4) to txp structs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: enable Airtime Queue Limit support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: increase dma mcu rx ring size (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: dma: do not write cpu_idx on rx queue reset until after refill (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix handling full tx queues in mt76_dma_tx_queue_skb_raw (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: set dma-done flag for flushed descriptors (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: introduce MT_DRV_RX_DMA_HDR flag (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add endpoint to mt76u_bulk_msg signature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: introduce mt76u_skb_dma_info routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: take into account different queue mapping for 7663 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add {read/write}_extended utility routines (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: introduce mt76u_alloc_mcu_queue utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: resume all rx queue in mt76u_resume_rx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add queue parameter to mt76u_rx_urb_alloc (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add mt76u_alloc_rx_queue utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: stop/free all possible rx queues (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: introduce mt76u_free_rx_queue utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: move mcu buffer allocation in mt76x02u drivers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add queue id parameter to mt76u_submit_rx_buffers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: use mt76_queue as mt76u_complete_rx context (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add mt76_queue to mt76u_refill_rx signature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add mt76_queue to mt76u_get_next_rx_entry signature (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: add mt76u_process_rx_queue utility routine (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76u: check tx_status_data pointer in mt76u_tx_tasklet (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02u: avoid overwrite max_tx_fragments (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: rely on mac80211 utility routines to compute airtime (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: remove leftover routine declaration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move WIPHY_FLAG_HAS_CHANNEL_SWITCH in mt76_phy_init (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix endianness in mt7615_mcu_set_eeprom (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: initialize radar specs from host driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x2: get rid of leftover target (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add tracing support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move mac_txdone tracepoint in mt76 module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move dev_irq tracepoint in mt76 module (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add a get_stats() callback (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add per-phy mib statistics (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: report TSF information (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add set_antenna callback (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework set_channel function (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add missing settings for simultaneous dual-band support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix compilation warning in mt76_eeprom_override() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: simplify led reg definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: simplify led reg definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: introduce LED support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: clear skb pointers from rx aggregation reorder buffer during cleanup (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: fix input validation issues for powersave-filtered frames (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: increase MCU command timeout (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: measure channel noise and report it via survey (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: fix MT7615_CFEND_RATE_DEFAULT value (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: minor mt76x02_mac_set_beacon optimization (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02u: do not set NULL beacons (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: usb: use max packet length for m76u_copy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: add channel switch support for usb interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: speed up usb bulk copy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: remove a copy call for usb speedup (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: add check for invalid vif idx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: split beaconing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt76x02: omit beacon slot clearing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: use AC specific reorder timeout (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add set_coverage class support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: set 0 as min coverage_class value (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: report firmware version using ethtool (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: Fix build with older compilers (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: eeprom: add support for big endian eeprom partition (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7603: reset STA_CCA counter setting the channel (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix possible undetected invalid MAC address (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: disable bh in mt76_dma_rx_poll (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: fix rx dma ring descriptor state on reset (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt7615: replace sta_state callback with sta_add/sta_remove (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: defer mcu initialization via workqueue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: update beacon contents on BSS_CHANGED_BEACON (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add support for registering a second wiphy via debugfs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: select the correct tx queue for frames sent to the second phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: move radio/mac initialization to .start/stop callbacks (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: initialize dbdc settings on interface add (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add multiple wiphy support to the rx path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: rework chainmask handling (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add multiple wiphy support to the dfs support code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: remove useless MT_HW_RDD0/1 enum (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add missing register init for dual-wiphy support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add multiple wiphy support for smart carrier sense (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: mt7615: add dual-phy support for mac80211 ops (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: do not overwrite max_tx_fragments if it has been set (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move ampdu_ref from mt76_dev to driver struct (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add ext_phy field to struct mt76_wcid (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add function for allocating an extra wiphy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add priv pointer to struct mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add multiple wiphy support to mt76_get_min_avg_rssi (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move txpower and antenna mask to struct mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move txpower_conf back to driver specific structs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move chainmask back to driver specific structs (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move state from struct mt76_dev to mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: keep a set of software tx queues per phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move channel state to struct mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add support for an extra wiphy in mt76_sta_state() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add support for an extra wiphy in the tx status path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: allow setting queue_len for drivers not using wake_tx_queue (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: add WPA3 OWE AKM suite selector (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mac80211: Fix setting txpower to zero (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add support for an extra wiphy in the main tx path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: add support for an extra wiphy in the rx path (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: introduce struct mt76_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] mt76: move initialization of some struct members to mt76_alloc_device (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Fix incorrect beamformee role setting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822: Make tables const, reduce data object size (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: disable TX-AMSDU on 2.4G band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: modify rf protection setting (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: Use secondary channel offset enumeration (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: 8822c: update power sequence to v16 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add ciphers to suppress error message (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: avoid holding mutex for cancel_delayed_work_sync() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: move rtw_enter_ips() to the last when config (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: pci: 8822c should set clock delay to zero (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: add rtw_read8_mask and rtw_read16_mask (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] rtw88: remove unused parameter vif in rtw_lps_pg_info_get() (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] brcmfmac: add the BRCM 4364 found in MacBook Pro 15, 2 (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix incorrect peer stats counters update (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: Fixing dangling pointer issue upon peer delete failure (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix parsing PPDU_CTRL type in pktlog (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix warn-on in disassociation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: fix rcu lock protect in peer assoc confirmation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: add HE rate accounting to driver (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath11k: drop tx_info from ath11k_sta (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: Add support to read btcoex related data from DT (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [wireless] ath10k: fix few checkpatch warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: support NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211_MAC_ADDRS (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: add src and dst addr attributes for control port tx/rx (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: parse also the RSNXE IE (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211/mac80211: Allow user space to register for station Rx authentication (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] ieee80211: fix 'the' doubling in comments (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Remove support for changing AP SMPS mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Handle SMPS mode changes only in AP mode (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Accept broadcast probe responses on 6GHz band (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: HE: set RX NSS (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: set station bandwidth from HE capability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: remove supported channels element in 6 GHz if ECSA support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: update condition for HE disablement (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: make ieee80211_wep_init() return void (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: allow changing TX-related netdev features (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: check whether HE connection is allowed by the reg domain (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: refactor extended element parsing (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: simplify and improve HT/VHT/HE disable code (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: Enhance the AKM advertizement to support per interface (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] cfg80211: add no HE indication to the channel flag (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix 11w when using encapsulation offloading (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: fix tx status for no ack cases (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add handling for BSS color (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] nl80211: add handling for BSS color (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: debugfs: improve airtime_flags handler readability (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Remove redundant assertion (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: add 802.11 encapsulation offloading support (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [net] mac80211: Always show airtime debugfs file when TXQs are enabled (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] +- [include] trivial: mac80211: fix indentation (Jarod Wilson) [1860496] + * Thu Dec 31 2020 Jan Stancek [4.18.0-269.el8] - [fs] xfs: force writes to delalloc regions to unwritten (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_iomap_prealloc_size (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580]