Blob Blame History Raw
# We have to override the new %%install behavior because, well... the kernel is special.
%global __spec_install_pre %{___build_pre}

# At the time of this writing (2019-03), RHEL8 packages use w2.xzdio
# compression for rpms (xz, level 2).
# Kernel has several large (hundreds of mbytes) rpms, they take ~5 mins
# to compress by single-threaded xz. Switch to threaded compression,
# and from level 2 to 3 to keep compressed sizes close to "w2" results.
# NB: if default compression in /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros ever changes,
# this one might need tweaking (e.g. if default changes to w3.xzdio,
# change below to w4T.xzdio):
%define _binary_payload w3T.xzdio

# For a kernel released for public testing, released_kernel should be 1.
# For internal testing builds during development, it should be 0.
%global released_kernel 1

%global distro_build 240

# Sign the x86_64 kernel for secure boot authentication
%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le
%global signkernel 1
%global signkernel 0

# Sign modules on all arches
%global signmodules 1

# Compress modules only for architectures that build modules
%ifarch noarch
%global zipmodules 0
%global zipmodules 1

%if %{zipmodules}
%global zipsed -e 's/\.ko$/\.ko.xz/'

# define buildid .local

%define rpmversion 4.18.0
%define pkgrelease 240.el8

# allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag
%define specrelease 240%{?dist}

%define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid}

# libexec dir is not used by the linker, so the shared object there
# should not be exported to RPM provides
%global __provides_exclude_from ^%{_libexecdir}/kselftests

# What parts do we want to build?  We must build at least one kernel.
# These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
# All should default to 1 (enabled) and be flipped to 0 (disabled)
# by later arch-specific checks.

# The following build options are enabled by default.
# Use either --without <opt> in your rpmbuild command or force values
# to 0 in here to disable them.
# standard kernel
%define with_up        %{?_without_up:        0} %{?!_without_up:        1}
# kernel-debug
%define with_debug     %{?_without_debug:     0} %{?!_without_debug:     1}
# kernel-doc
%define with_doc       %{?_without_doc:       0} %{?!_without_doc:       1}
# realtime
# rhel doesn't incorporate PREEMPT_RT patches, but rhel-rt builds use base
# kernel spec as a template.
%define with_realtime 0
# kernel-headers
%define with_headers   %{?_without_headers:   0} %{?!_without_headers:   1}
%define with_cross_headers   %{?_without_cross_headers:   0} %{?!_without_cross_headers:   1}
# perf
%define with_perf      %{?_without_perf:      0} %{?!_without_perf:      1}
# tools
%define with_tools     %{?_without_tools:     0} %{?!_without_tools:     1}
# bpf tool
%define with_bpftool   %{?_without_bpftool:   0} %{?!_without_bpftool:   1}
# kernel-debuginfo
%define with_debuginfo %{?_without_debuginfo: 0} %{?!_without_debuginfo: 1}
# Want to build a the vsdo directories installed
%define with_vdso_install %{?_without_vdso_install: 0} %{?!_without_vdso_install: 1}
# kernel-zfcpdump (s390 specific kernel for zfcpdump)
%define with_zfcpdump  %{?_without_zfcpdump:  0} %{?!_without_zfcpdump:  1}
# kernel-abi-whitelists
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists %{?_without_kernel_abi_whitelists: 0} %{?!_without_kernel_abi_whitelists: 1}
# internal samples and selftests
%define with_selftests %{?_without_selftests: 0} %{?!_without_selftests: 1}
# Additional options for user-friendly one-off kernel building:
# Only build the base kernel (--with baseonly):
%define with_baseonly  %{?_with_baseonly:     1} %{?!_with_baseonly:     0}
# Only build the debug kernel (--with dbgonly):
%define with_dbgonly   %{?_with_dbgonly:      1} %{?!_with_dbgonly:      0}
# Control whether we perform a compat. check against published ABI.
%define with_kabichk   %{?_without_kabichk:   0} %{?!_without_kabichk:   1}
# Control whether we perform a compat. check against DUP ABI.
%define with_kabidupchk %{?_with_kabidupchk:  1} %{?!_with_kabidupchk:   0}
# Control whether to run an extensive DWARF based kABI check.
# Note that this option needs to have baseline setup in SOURCE300.
%define with_kabidwchk %{?_without_kabidwchk: 0} %{?!_without_kabidwchk: 1}
%define with_kabidw_base %{?_with_kabidw_base: 1} %{?!_with_kabidw_base: 0}
# should we do C=1 builds with sparse
%define with_sparse    %{?_with_sparse:       1} %{?!_with_sparse:       0}
# Cross compile requested?
%define with_cross    %{?_with_cross:         1} %{?!_with_cross:        0}
# build a release kernel on rawhide
%define with_release   %{?_with_release:      1} %{?!_with_release:      0}

# The kernel tarball/base version
%define kversion 4.18

%define with_gcov %{?_with_gcov:1}%{?!_with_gcov:0}

# turn off debug kernel and kabichk for gcov builds
%if %{with_gcov}
%define with_debug 0
%define with_kabichk 0
%define with_kabidupchk 0
%define with_kabidwchk 0
%define with_kabidw_base 0
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0

# turn off kABI DWARF-based check if we're generating the base dataset
%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%define with_kabidwchk 0

# kpatch_kcflags are extra compiler flags applied to base kernel
# -fdump-ipa-clones is enabled only for base kernels on selected arches
%define with_ipaclones %{?_without_ipaclones: 0} %{?!_without_ipaclones: 1}
%if %{with_ipaclones}
%ifarch x86_64 ppc64le
%define kpatch_kcflags -fdump-ipa-clones
%define with_ipaclones 0

%if %{with_realtime}
# The preempt RT patch level
%global rttag %%RTTAG%%
# realtimeN
%global rtbuild %%RTBUILD%%
%define with_doc 0
%define with_headers 0
%define with_cross_headers 0
%define with_perf 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_bpftool 0
%define with_zfcpdump 0
%define with_kabichk  0
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0
%define with_bpf_samples 0
%define with_kabidw_base 0
%define with_ipaclones 0

%define make_target bzImage
%define image_install_path boot

%define KVERREL %{version}-%{release}.%{_target_cpu}
%define KVERREL_RE %(echo %KVERREL | sed 's/+/[+]/g')
%define hdrarch %_target_cpu
%define asmarch %_target_cpu

%if !%{with_debuginfo}
%define _enable_debug_packages 0
%define debuginfodir /usr/lib/debug
# Needed because we override almost everything involving build-ids
# and debuginfo generation. Currently we rely on the old alldebug setting.
%global _build_id_links alldebug

# if requested, only build base kernel
%if %{with_baseonly}
%define with_debug 0
%define with_vdso_install 0
%define with_perf 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_bpftool 0
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0
%define with_selftests 0
%define with_cross 0
%define with_cross_headers 0
%define with_ipaclones 0

# if requested, only build debug kernel
%if %{with_dbgonly}
%define with_up 0
%define with_vdso_install 0
%define with_perf 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_bpftool 0
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0
%define with_selftests 0
%define with_cross 0
%define with_cross_headers 0
%define with_ipaclones 0

# turn off kABI DUP check and DWARF-based check if kABI check is disabled
%if !%{with_kabichk}
%define with_kabidupchk 0
%define with_kabidwchk 0

# selftests require bpftool to be built
%if %{with_selftests}
%define with_bpftool 1

%ifnarch noarch
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0

# Overrides for generic default options

# only package docs noarch
%ifnarch noarch
%define with_doc 0
%define doc_build_fail true

# don't build noarch kernels or headers (duh)
%ifarch noarch
%define with_up 0
%define with_headers 0
%define with_cross_headers 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_perf 0
%define with_bpftool 0
%define with_selftests 0
%define with_debug 0
%define all_arch_configs %{name}-%{version}-*.config

# sparse blows up on ppc
%ifnarch ppc64le
%define with_sparse 0

# zfcpdump mechanism is s390 only
%ifnarch s390x
%define with_zfcpdump 0

# Per-arch tweaks

%ifarch i686
%define asmarch x86
%define hdrarch i386

%ifarch x86_64
%define asmarch x86
%define all_arch_configs %{name}-%{version}-x86_64*.config
%define kernel_image arch/x86/boot/bzImage

%ifarch ppc64le
%define asmarch powerpc
%define hdrarch powerpc
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define all_arch_configs %{name}-%{version}-ppc64le*.config
%define kcflags -O3

%ifarch s390x
%define asmarch s390
%define hdrarch s390
%define all_arch_configs %{name}-%{version}-s390x.config
%define kernel_image arch/s390/boot/bzImage

%ifarch aarch64
%define all_arch_configs %{name}-%{version}-aarch64*.config
%define asmarch arm64
%define hdrarch arm64
%define make_target Image.gz
%define kernel_image arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz

# To temporarily exclude an architecture from being built, add it to
# %%nobuildarches. Do _NOT_ use the ExclusiveArch: line, because if we
# don't build kernel-headers then the new build system will no longer let
# us use the previous build of that package -- it'll just be completely AWOL.
# Which is a BadThing(tm).

# We only build kernel-headers on the following...
%define nobuildarches i386 i686

%ifarch %nobuildarches
%define with_up 0
%define with_debug 0
%define with_debuginfo 0
%define with_perf 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_bpftool 0
%define with_selftests 0
%define _enable_debug_packages 0

# Architectures we build tools/cpupower on
%define cpupowerarchs x86_64 ppc64le aarch64

# Packages that need to be installed before the kernel is, because the %%post
# scripts use them.
%define kernel_prereq  coreutils, systemd >= 203-2, /usr/bin/kernel-install
%define initrd_prereq  dracut >= 027

Name: kernel%{?variant}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted
Version: %{rpmversion}
Release: %{pkg_release}
Summary: The Linux kernel, based on version %{version}, heavily modified with backports
%if %{with_realtime}
ExclusiveArch: x86_64
# SET %%nobuildarches (ABOVE) INSTEAD
ExclusiveArch: noarch i386 i686 x86_64 s390x aarch64 ppc64le
ExclusiveOS: Linux
%ifnarch %{nobuildarches}
Requires: %{name}-core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}
Requires: %{name}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}
%if %{with_realtime}
Requires: rt-setup

# List the packages used during the kernel build
BuildRequires: kmod, patch, bash, coreutils, tar, git, which
BuildRequires: bzip2, xz, findutils, gzip, m4, perl-interpreter, perl-Carp, perl-devel, perl-generators, make, diffutils, gawk
BuildRequires: gcc, binutils, redhat-rpm-config, hmaccalc, python3-devel
BuildRequires: net-tools, hostname, bc, bison, flex, elfutils-devel, dwarves
%if %{with_doc}
BuildRequires: xmlto, asciidoc, python3-sphinx
%if %{with_sparse}
BuildRequires: sparse
%if %{with_perf}
BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel newt-devel perl(ExtUtils::Embed) bison flex xz-devel
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
BuildRequires: java-devel
BuildRequires: libbpf-devel
BuildRequires: libbabeltrace-devel
%ifnarch s390x
BuildRequires: numactl-devel
%if %{with_tools}
BuildRequires: gettext ncurses-devel
%ifnarch s390x
BuildRequires: pciutils-devel
%if %{with_bpftool}
BuildRequires: python3-docutils
BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel
%if %{with_selftests}
BuildRequires: libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel llvm-toolset numactl-devel rsync
BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb
%if %{with_debuginfo}
BuildRequires: rpm-build, elfutils
BuildConflicts: rpm <
BuildConflicts: dwarves < 1.13
# Most of these should be enabled after more investigation
%undefine _include_minidebuginfo
%undefine _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts
%undefine _unique_build_ids
%undefine _unique_debug_names
%undefine _unique_debug_srcs
%undefine _debugsource_packages
%undefine _debuginfo_subpackages
%global _find_debuginfo_opts -r
%global _missing_build_ids_terminate_build 1
%global _no_recompute_build_ids 1
%if %{with_kabidwchk} || %{with_kabidw_base}
BuildRequires: kabi-dw

%if %{signkernel}%{signmodules}
BuildRequires: openssl openssl-devel
%if %{signkernel}
%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
BuildRequires: nss-tools
BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.10-4

%if %{with_cross}
BuildRequires: binutils-%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu, gcc-%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu
%define cross_opts CROSS_COMPILE=%{_build_arch}-linux-gnu-

# These below are required to build man pages
%if %{with_perf}
BuildRequires: xmlto
%if %{with_perf} || %{with_tools}
BuildRequires: asciidoc

Source0: linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}.tar.xz

Source9: x509.genkey

# Name of the packaged file containing signing key
%ifarch ppc64le
%define signing_key_filename kernel-signing-ppc.cer
%ifarch s390x
%define signing_key_filename kernel-signing-s390.cer

%if %{?released_kernel}

Source10: redhatsecurebootca5.cer
Source11: redhatsecurebootca3.cer
Source12: redhatsecureboot501.cer
Source13: redhatsecureboot301.cer
Source14: secureboot_s390.cer
Source15: secureboot_ppc.cer

%define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE11}
%define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE10}
%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE13}
%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot301
%define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE12}
%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot501
%ifarch s390x
%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14}
%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot302
%ifarch ppc64le
%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE15}
%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot303

# released_kernel

Source11: redhatsecurebootca4.cer
Source12: redhatsecurebootca2.cer
Source13: redhatsecureboot401.cer
Source14: redhatsecureboot003.cer

%define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE12}
%define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE11}
%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14}
%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot003
%define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE13}
%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot401

# released_kernel

Source16: mod-extra.list
%define modsign_cmd %{SOURCE18}

Source20: %{name}-aarch64.config
Source21: %{name}-aarch64-debug.config
Source32: %{name}-ppc64le.config
Source33: %{name}-ppc64le-debug.config
Source36: %{name}-s390x.config
Source37: %{name}-s390x-debug.config
Source38: %{name}-s390x-zfcpdump.config
Source39: %{name}-x86_64.config
Source40: %{name}-x86_64-debug.config


Source44: mod-internal.list

%if %{with_kabichk}
Source200: check-kabi

Source201: Module.kabi_aarch64
Source202: Module.kabi_ppc64le
Source203: Module.kabi_s390x
Source204: Module.kabi_x86_64

Source210: Module.kabi_dup_aarch64
Source211: Module.kabi_dup_ppc64le
Source212: Module.kabi_dup_s390x
Source213: Module.kabi_dup_x86_64

Source300: kernel-abi-whitelists-%{rpmversion}-%{distro_build}.tar.bz2
Source301: kernel-kabi-dw-%{rpmversion}-%{distro_build}.tar.bz2

%if %{with_realtime}
Source400: mod-kvm.list

# Sources for kernel-tools
Source2000: cpupower.service
Source2001: cpupower.config

## Patches needed for building this package

# empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches
Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch


BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root

This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for Red Hat Enterprise
Linux. It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI
compatibility of a set of approved symbols, however it is heavily modified with
backports and fixes pulled from newer upstream Linux %{name} releases. This means
this is not a %{version} kernel anymore: it includes several components which come
from newer upstream linux versions, while maintaining a well tested and stable
core. Some of the components/backports that may be pulled in are: changes like
updates to the core kernel (eg.: scheduler, cgroups, memory management, security
fixes and features), updates to block layer, supported filesystems, major driver
updates for supported hardware in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enhancements for
enterprise customers, etc.

# This macro does requires, provides, conflicts, obsoletes for a kernel package.
#	%%kernel_reqprovconf <subpackage>
# It uses any kernel_<subpackage>_conflicts and kernel_<subpackage>_obsoletes
# macros defined above.
%define kernel_reqprovconf \
Provides: %{name} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}\
Provides: %{name}-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: kernel-drm-nouveau = 16\
Provides: %{name}-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires(pre): %{kernel_prereq}\
Requires(pre): %{initrd_prereq}\
Requires(pre): linux-firmware >= 20200619-99.git3890db36\
Requires(preun): systemd >= 200\
Conflicts: xfsprogs < 4.3.0-1\
Conflicts: xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse < 13.0.99\
Conflicts: kexec-tools < 2.0.20-8\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts:Conflicts: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts}}}\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes}}}\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides:Provides: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides}}}\
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up\
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which\
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function\
AutoReq: no\
AutoProv: yes\

%package doc
Summary: Various documentation bits found in the kernel source
Group: Documentation
%description doc
This package contains documentation files from the kernel
source. Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the
device drivers shipped with it are documented in these files.

You'll want to install this package if you need a reference to the
options that can be passed to Linux kernel modules at load time.

%package headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
Group: Development/System
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders < 3.0-46
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46
%if "0%{?variant}"
Obsoletes: kernel-headers < %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Provides: kernel-headers = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
%description headers
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs.  The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
glibc package.

%package cross-headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by cross-glibc
Group: Development/System
%description cross-headers
Kernel-cross-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs.  The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
cross-glibc package.

%package debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
Summary: Kernel source files used by %{name}-debuginfo packages
Group: Development/Debug
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)
%description debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
This package is required by %{name}-debuginfo subpackages.
It provides the kernel source files common to all builds.

%if %{with_perf}
%package -n perf
Summary: Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
Requires: bzip2
License: GPLv2
%description -n perf
This package contains the perf tool, which enables performance monitoring
of the Linux kernel.

%package -n perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf package.

# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/perf(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libexecdir}/perf-core/.*|.*%%{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins/.*|.*%%{_libdir}/\.debug)?|XXX' -o perf-debuginfo.list}

%package -n python3-perf
Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
Group: Development/Libraries
%description -n python3-perf
The python3-perf package contains a module that permits applications
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
to manipulate perf events.

%package -n python3-perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf python bindings
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n python3-perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf python bindings.

# the python_sitearch macro should already be defined from above
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{python3_sitearch}/perf.*so(\.debug)?|XXX' -o python3-perf-debuginfo.list}

# with_perf

%if %{with_tools}
%package -n %{name}-tools
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
Provides:  cpupowerutils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Provides:  cpufreq-utils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Provides:  cpufrequtils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpufreq-utils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpufrequtils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpuspeed < 1:1.5-16
Requires: %{name}-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
%define __requires_exclude ^%{_bindir}/python
%description -n %{name}-tools
This package contains the tools/ directory from the kernel source
and the supporting documentation.

%package -n %{name}-tools-libs
Summary: Libraries for the %{name}-tools
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
%description -n %{name}-tools-libs
This package contains the libraries built from the tools/ directory
from the kernel source.

%package -n %{name}-tools-libs-devel
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
Requires: %{name}-tools = %{version}-%{release}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
Provides:  cpupowerutils-devel = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils-devel < 1:009-0.6.p1
Requires: %{name}-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-tools-devel
%description -n %{name}-tools-libs-devel
This package contains the development files for the tools/ directory from
the kernel source.

%package -n %{name}-tools-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-tools
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n %{name}-tools-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-tools.

# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/centrino-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/cpupower(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libdir}/libcpupower.*|.*%%{_bindir}/turbostat(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/x86_energy_perf_policy(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/tmon(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/lsgpio(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/gpio-hammer(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/gpio-event-mon(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/iio_event_monitor(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/iio_generic_buffer(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/lsiio(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/intel-speed-select(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/page_owner_sort(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/slabinfo(\.debug)?|XXX' -o %{name}-tools-debuginfo.list}

# with_tools

%if !%{with_realtime}
%if %{with_bpftool}

%package -n bpftool
Summary: Inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps
License: GPLv2
%description -n bpftool
This package contains the bpftool, which allows inspection and simple
manipulation of eBPF programs and maps.

%package -n bpftool-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package bpftool
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n bpftool-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the bpftool package.

%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_sbindir}/bpftool(\.debug)?|XXX' -o bpftool-debuginfo.list}

# with_bpftool

%if %{with_selftests}

%package selftests-internal
Summary: Kernel samples and selftests
License: GPLv2
Requires: binutils, bpftool, iproute-tc, nmap-ncat, python3
%if %{with_realtime}
Conflicts: kernel-selftests-internal
Conflicts: kernel-rt-selftests-internal
%description selftests-internal
Kernel sample programs and selftests.

# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '.*%%{_libexecdir}/(ksamples|kselftests)/.*|XXX' -o selftests-debuginfo.list}

# with_selftests

%if %{with_gcov}
%package gcov
Summary: gcov graph and source files for coverage data collection.
Group: Development/System
%description gcov
kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collection.

%package -n %{name}-abi-whitelists
Summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel ABI symbol whitelists
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n %{name}-abi-whitelists
The kABI package contains information pertaining to the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by
external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement.

%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%package kernel-kabidw-base-internal
Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
%description kernel-kabidw-base-internal
The package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool.

# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-debuginfo package.
#	%%kernel_debuginfo_package <subpackage>
%define kernel_debuginfo_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}debuginfo\
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}\
Group: Development/Debug\
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
AutoReqProv: no\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}debuginfo\
This package provides debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}.\
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-%{KVERREL}.\
%{expand:%%global _find_debuginfo_opts %{?_find_debuginfo_opts} -p '/.*/%%{KVERREL_RE}%{?1:[+]%{1}}/.*|/.*%%{KVERREL_RE}%{?1:\+%{1}}(\.debug)?' -o debuginfo%{?1}.list}\

# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-devel package.
#	%%kernel_devel_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
%define kernel_devel_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}devel\
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: %{name}-devel-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
AutoReqProv: no\
Requires(pre): findutils\
Requires: findutils\
Requires: perl-interpreter\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}devel\
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules\
against the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package.\

# kernel-<variant>-ipaclones-internal package
%define kernel_ipaclones_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}ipaclones-internal\
Summary: *.ipa-clones files generated by -fdump-ipa-clones for kernel%{?1:-%{1}}\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
AutoReqProv: no\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}ipaclones-internal\
This package provides *.ipa-clones files.\

# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-modules-internal package.
#	%%kernel_modules_internal_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
%define kernel_modules_internal_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\
Summary: Extra kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-internal-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-internal-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-internal = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-internal-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires: %{name}-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
AutoReq: no\
AutoProv: yes\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\
This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for Red Hat internal usage.\

# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-modules-extra package.
#	%%kernel_modules_extra_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
%define kernel_modules_extra_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra\
Summary: Extra kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-extra-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires: %{name}-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
AutoReq: no\
AutoProv: yes\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra\
This package provides less commonly used kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package.\

# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-modules package.
#	%%kernel_modules_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
%define kernel_modules_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}modules\
Summary: kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2}-}core kernel\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}-modules-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: %{name}-modules = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Requires: %{name}-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
AutoReq: no\
AutoProv: yes\
%description %{?1:%{1}-}modules\
This package provides commonly used kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2}-}core kernel package.\

# this macro creates a kernel-<subpackage> meta package.
#	%%kernel_meta_package <subpackage>
%define kernel_meta_package() \
%package %{1}\
summary: kernel meta-package for the %{1} kernel\
group: system environment/kernel\
Requires: %{name}-%{1}-core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}+%{1}\
Requires: %{name}-%{1}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}+%{1}\
%if %{with_realtime}\
Requires: rt-setup\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
%description %{1}\
The meta-package for the %{1} kernel\

%if %{with_realtime}
# this macro creates a kernel-rt-<subpackage>-kvm package
# %%kernel_kvm_package <subpackage>
%define kernel_kvm_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}kvm\
Summary: KVM modules for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel-module)\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-kvm-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
AutoReq: no\
%description -n %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-kvm\
This package provides KVM modules for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}.\

# This macro creates a %%{name}-<subpackage> and its -devel and -debuginfo too.
#	%%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for <configuration>
#	%%kernel_variant_package [-n <pretty-name>] <subpackage>
%define kernel_variant_package(n:) \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}core\
Summary: %{variant_summary}\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: %{name}-%{?1:%{1}-}core-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\
Provides: installonlypkg(kernel)\
%if %{?1:1} %{!?1:0} \
%{expand:%%kernel_meta_package %{?1:%{1}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?-n:%{?1:%{1}}}%{?-n:%{-n*}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?-n:%{?1:%{1}}}%{?-n:%{-n*}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_extra_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?-n:%{?1:%{1}}}%{?-n:%{-n*}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_internal_package %{?1:%{1}} %{!?-n:%{?1:%{1}}}%{?-n:%{-n*}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_debuginfo_package %{?1:%{1}}}\
%if %{with_realtime} \
%{expand:%%kernel_kvm_package %{?1:%{1}}} %{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}}}\
%endif \

# Now, each variant package.

%if %{with_zfcpdump}
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for zfcpdump usage
%kernel_variant_package zfcpdump
%description zfcpdump-core
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz) for use by the
zfcpdump infrastructure.
# with_zfcpdump

%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled with extra debugging enabled
%kernel_variant_package debug
%description debug-core
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system:  memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.

This variant of the kernel has numerous debugging options enabled.
It should only be installed when trying to gather additional information
on kernel bugs, as some of these options impact performance noticably.

# And finally the main -core package

%define variant_summary The Linux kernel
%description core
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.

%if %{with_ipaclones}

# do a few sanity-checks for --with *only builds
%if %{with_baseonly}
%if !%{with_up}
echo "Cannot build --with baseonly, up build is disabled"
exit 1

# more sanity checking; do it quietly
if [ "%{patches}" != "%%{patches}" ] ; then
  for patch in %{patches} ; do
    if [ ! -f $patch ] ; then
      echo "ERROR: Patch  ${patch##/*/}  listed in specfile but is missing"
      exit 1
fi 2>/dev/null

patch_command='patch -p1 -F1 -s'
  local patch=$1
  if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
    exit 1
  if ! grep -E "^Patch[0-9]+: $patch\$" %{_specdir}/${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME%%%%%{?variant}}.spec ; then
    if [ "${patch:0:8}" != "patch-4." ] ; then
      echo "ERROR: Patch  $patch  not listed as a source patch in specfile"
      exit 1
  fi 2>/dev/null
  case "$patch" in
  *.bz2) bunzip2 < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
  *.gz)  gunzip  < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
  *.xz)  unxz    < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
  *) $patch_command ${1+"$@"} < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" ;;

# don't apply patch if it's empty
  local patch=$1
  if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
    exit 1
  local C=$(wc -l $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch | awk '{print $1}')
  if [ "$C" -gt 9 ]; then
    ApplyPatch $patch ${1+"$@"}

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} -c
mv linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} linux-%{KVERREL}

cd linux-%{KVERREL}

ApplyOptionalPatch linux-kernel-test.patch


# Any further pre-build tree manipulations happen here.

%if %{with_realtime}
# remove the localversion-rt file since it screws around with
# the uname output
if [ -f localversion-rt ]; then
   rm -f localversion-rt

chmod +x scripts/
mv COPYING COPYING-%{version}

# This Prevents scripts/setlocalversion from mucking with our version numbers.
touch .scmversion

# Do not use "ambiguous" python shebangs. RHEL 8 now has a new script
# (/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-mangle-shebangs), which forces us to specify a
# "non-ambiguous" python shebang for scripts we ship in buildroot. This
# script throws an error like below:
# *** ERROR: ambiguous python shebang in /usr/bin/kvm_stat: #!/usr/bin/python. Change it to python3 (or python2) explicitly.
# We patch all sources below for which we got a report/error. -i %{__python3} -p -n \
	scripts/show_delta \
	scripts/diffconfig \
	scripts/bloat-o-meter \
	tools/perf/tests/ \
	tools/perf/scripts/python/ \
	tools/perf/scripts/python/ \

%define make make %{?cross_opts} HOSTCFLAGS="%{?build_hostcflags}" HOSTLDFLAGS="%{?build_hostldflags}"

# only deal with configs if we are going to build for the arch
%ifnarch %nobuildarches

if [ -L configs ]; then
	rm -f configs
mkdir configs
cd configs

# Drop some necessary files from the source dir into the buildroot
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-*.config .
cp %{SOURCE41} .
VERSION=%{version} NAME=%{name} ./

# Note we need to disable these flags for cross builds because the flags
# from redhat-rpm-config assume that host == target so target arch
# flags cause issues with the host compiler.
%if !%{with_cross}
%define build_hostcflags  ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}
%define build_hostldflags %{__global_ldflags}

# enable GCOV kernel config options if gcov is on
%if %{with_gcov}
for i in *.config

cp %{SOURCE42} .
./ -w -c %{name} %{rpmversion} %{?cross_opts}

# end of kernel config

cd ..
# # End of Configs stuff

# get rid of unwanted files resulting from patch fuzz
find . \( -name "*.orig" -o -name "*~" \) -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null

# remove unnecessary SCM files
find . -name .gitignore -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null

cd ..

### build

%if %{with_sparse}
%define sparse_mflags	C=1

  eu-strip --remove-comment -o "$2" "$1"

BuildKernel() {

    if [ "$Flavour" = "zfcpdump" ]; then

    # Pick the right config file for the kernel we're building

    # When the bootable image is just the ELF kernel, strip it.
    # We already copy the unstripped file into the debuginfo package.
    if [ "$KernelImage" = vmlinux ]; then

    echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR ${Flavour} %{_target_cpu}...

    # make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
    perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{release}.%{_target_cpu}${Flav}/" Makefile

    # and now to start the build process

    %{make} -s %{?_smp_mflags} mrproper
    cp configs/$Config .config

    %if %{signkernel}%{signmodules}
    cp %{SOURCE9} certs/.

    Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
    echo USING ARCH=$Arch


    # add kpatch flags for base kernel
    if [ "$Flavour" == "" ]; then
        KCFLAGS="$KCFLAGS %{?kpatch_kcflags}"

    %{make} -s ARCH=$Arch oldnoconfig >/dev/null
    %{make} -s ARCH=$Arch V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} KCFLAGS="$KCFLAGS" WITH_GCOV="%{?with_gcov}" $MakeTarget %{?sparse_mflags} %{?kernel_mflags}
    if [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	%{make} -s ARCH=$Arch V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} KCFLAGS="$KCFLAGS" WITH_GCOV="%{?with_gcov}" modules %{?sparse_mflags} || exit 1

    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer
%if %{with_debuginfo}
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/%{image_install_path}

%ifarch aarch64
    %{make} -s ARCH=$Arch V=1 dtbs dtbs_install INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/dtb-$KernelVer
    cp -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/dtb-$KernelVer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/dtb
    find arch/$Arch/boot/dts -name '*.dtb' -type f | xargs rm -f

    # Start installing the results
    install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/config-$KernelVer
    install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/config
    install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/$KernelVer
    install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/

    # We estimate the size of the initramfs because rpm needs to take this size
    # into consideration when performing disk space calculations. (See bz #530778)
    dd if=/dev/zero of=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initramfs-$KernelVer.img bs=1M count=20

    if [ -f arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub ]; then
      cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :
      cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :

    %if %{signkernel}
    if [ "$KernelImage" = vmlinux ]; then
        # We can't strip and sign $KernelImage in place, because
        # we need to preserve original vmlinux for debuginfo.
        # Use a copy for signing.
        $CopyKernel $KernelImage $KernelImage.tosign

    # Sign the image if we're using EFI
    # aarch64 kernels are gziped EFI images
    if [ "$KernelExtension" == "gz" ]; then

    %ifarch x86_64 aarch64
    %pesign -s -i $SignImage -o vmlinuz.tmp -a %{secureboot_ca_0} -c %{secureboot_key_0} -n %{pesign_name_0}
    %pesign -s -i vmlinuz.tmp -o vmlinuz.signed -a %{secureboot_ca_1} -c %{secureboot_key_1} -n %{pesign_name_1}
    rm vmlinuz.tmp
    %ifarch s390x ppc64le
    if [ -x /usr/bin/rpm-sign ]; then
	rpm-sign --key "%{pesign_name_0}" --lkmsign $SignImage --output vmlinuz.signed
    elif [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	chmod +x scripts/sign-file
	./scripts/sign-file -p sha256 certs/signing_key.pem certs/signing_key.x509 $SignImage vmlinuz.signed
	mv $SignImage vmlinuz.signed

    if [ ! -s vmlinuz.signed ]; then
        echo "pesigning failed"
        exit 1
    mv vmlinuz.signed $SignImage
    if [ "$KernelExtension" == "gz" ]; then
        gzip -f9 $SignImage
    # signkernel

    $CopyKernel $KernelImage \
    chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/$InstallName

    # hmac sign the kernel for FIPS
    echo "Creating hmac file: $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac"
    ls -l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
    sha512hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac;
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/.vmlinuz.hmac

    if [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	# Override $(mod-fw) because we don't want it to install any firmware
	# we'll get it from the linux-firmware package and we don't want conflicts
	%{make} -s %{?_smp_mflags} ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT modules_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer mod-fw=

%if %{with_gcov}
    # install gcov-needed files to $BUILDROOT/$BUILD/...:
    #   gcov_info->filename is absolute path
    #   gcno references to sources can use absolute paths (e.g. in out-of-tree builds)
    #   sysfs symlink targets (set up at compile time) use absolute paths to BUILD dir
    find . \( -name '*.gcno' -o -name '*.[chS]' \) -exec install -D '{}' "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$(pwd)/{}" \;

    if [ $DoVDSO -ne 0 ]; then
        %{make} -s ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT vdso_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer
        if [ ! -s ldconfig-kernel.conf ]; then
          echo > ldconfig-kernel.conf "\
    # Placeholder file, no vDSO hwcap entries used in this kernel."
        %{__install} -D -m 444 ldconfig-kernel.conf \
        rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/vdso/.build-id

    # And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
    # This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
    # * all arch relevant include/ files
    # * all Makefile/Kconfig files
    # * all script/ files

    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/source
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer ; ln -s build source)
    # dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/updates
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/weak-updates
    # first copy everything
    cp --parents `find  -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp Module.symvers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    if [ -s Module.markers ]; then
      cp Module.markers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build

    # create the kABI metadata for use in packaging
    # NOTENOTE: the name symvers is used by the rpm backend
    # NOTENOTE: to discover and run the /usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs/kabi.attr
    # NOTENOTE: script which dynamically adds exported kernel symbol
    # NOTENOTE: checksums to the rpm metadata provides list.
    # NOTENOTE: if you change the symvers name, update the backend too
    echo "**** GENERATING kernel ABI metadata ****"
    gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/symvers-$KernelVer.gz
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/symvers-$KernelVer.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/symvers.gz

%if %{with_kabichk}
    echo "**** kABI checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
    chmod 0755 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi
    if [ -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
        cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
        $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi -k $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi -s Module.symvers || exit 1
        # for now, don't keep it around.
        rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
        echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find reference Module.kabi file. ****"

%if %{with_kabidupchk}
    echo "**** kABI DUP checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
    if [ -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_dup_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
        cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_dup_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
        $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi -k $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi -s Module.symvers || exit 1
        # for now, don't keep it around.
        rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
        echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find DUP reference Module.kabi file. ****"

%if %{with_kabidw_base}
    # Don't build kabi base for debug kernels
    if [ "$Flavour" != "zfcpdump" -a "$Flavour" != "debug" ]; then
        mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
        tar xjvf %{SOURCE301} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf

        mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
        tar xjvf %{SOURCE300} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists

        echo "**** GENERATING DWARF-based kABI baseline dataset ****"
        chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/ generate \
            "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists/kabi-current/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}" \
            "$(pwd)" \
            "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabidw-base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" || :

        rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf

%if %{with_kabidwchk}
    if [ "$Flavour" != "zfcpdump" ]; then
        mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
        tar xjvf %{SOURCE301} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
        if [ -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" ]; then
            mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
            tar xjvf %{SOURCE300} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists

            echo "**** GENERATING DWARF-based kABI dataset ****"
            chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/
            $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/ generate \
                "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists/kabi-current/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}" \
                "$(pwd)" \
                "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}.tmp" || :

            echo "**** kABI DWARF-based comparison report ****"
            $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/ compare \
                "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" \
                "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}.tmp" || :
            echo "**** End of kABI DWARF-based comparison report ****"
            echo "**** Baseline dataset for kABI DWARF-BASED comparison report not found ****"

        rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf

    # then drop all but the needed Makefiles/Kconfig files
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Documentation
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
    cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp -a scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/tracing
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/

    # Files for 'make scripts' to succeed with kernel-devel.
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/security/selinux/include
    cp -a --parents security/selinux/include/classmap.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp -a --parents security/selinux/include/initial_sid_to_string.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/tools/include/tools
    cp -a --parents tools/include/tools/be_byteshift.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
    cp -a --parents tools/include/tools/le_byteshift.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build

    if [ -f tools/objtool/objtool ]; then
      cp -a tools/objtool/objtool $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/tools/objtool/ || :
    if [ -d arch/$Arch/scripts ]; then
      cp -a arch/$Arch/scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch} || :
    if [ -f arch/$Arch/*lds ]; then
      cp -a arch/$Arch/*lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch}/ || :
    if [ -f arch/%{asmarch}/kernel/ ]; then
      cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/kernel/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*.o
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*/*.o
%ifarch ppc64le
    cp -a --parents arch/powerpc/lib/crtsavres.[So] $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    if [ -d arch/%{asmarch}/include ]; then
      cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
%ifarch aarch64
    # arch/arm64/include/asm/xen references arch/arm
    cp -a --parents arch/arm/include/asm/xen $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    # arch/arm64/include/asm/opcodes.h references arch/arm
    cp -a --parents arch/arm/include/asm/opcodes.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
%ifarch x86_64
    # files for 'make prepare' to succeed with kernel-devel
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_32.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_64.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs_common.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/tools/relocs.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents tools/include/tools/le_byteshift.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/purgatory.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/stack.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/setup-x86_64.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/purgatory/entry64.S $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/string.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/string.c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    cp -a --parents arch/x86/boot/ctype.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
    # Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
    # external modules can be built
    touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Makefile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h

    # Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/config/auto.conf

%if %{with_debuginfo}
    eu-readelf -n vmlinux | grep "Build ID" | awk '{print $NF}' >
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/

    # save the vmlinux file for kernel debugging into the kernel-debuginfo rpm
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer
    cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer

    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames

    # mark modules executable so that strip-to-file can strip them
    xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod u+x < modnames

    # Generate a list of modules for block and networking.

    grep -F /drivers/ modnames | xargs --no-run-if-empty nm -upA |
    sed -n 's,^.*/\([^/]*\.ko\):  *U \(.*\)$,\1 \2,p' > drivers.undef

      sed -r -n -e "s/^([^ ]+) \\.?($2)\$/\\1/p" drivers.undef |
        LC_ALL=C sort -u > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
      if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then
        sed -r -e "/^($3)\$/d" -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1

    collect_modules_list networking \
    collect_modules_list block \
      'ata_scsi_ioctl|scsi_add_host|scsi_add_host_with_dma|blk_alloc_queue|blk_init_queue|register_mtd_blktrans|scsi_esp_register|scsi_register_device_handler|blk_queue_physical_block_size' 'pktcdvd.ko|dm-mod.ko'
    collect_modules_list drm \
    collect_modules_list modesetting \
%if %{with_realtime}
    collect_modules_list kvm \

    # detect missing or incorrect license tags
    ( find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name '*.ko' | xargs /sbin/modinfo -l | \
        grep -E -v 'GPL( v2)?$|Dual BSD/GPL$|Dual MPL/GPL$|GPL and additional rights$' ) && exit 1

    # remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
    pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/
        rm -f modules.{alias*,builtin.bin,dep*,*map,symbols*,devname,softdep}

    # Identify modules in the kernel-modules-extras package
    %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT lib/modules/$KernelVer %{SOURCE16}
    # Identify modules in the kernel-modules-internal package
    %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT lib/modules/$KernelVer %{SOURCE44} internal
%if %{with_realtime}
    # Identify modules in the kernel-rt-kvm package
    %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT lib/modules/$KernelVer %{SOURCE400} kvm

    # Generate the kernel-core and kernel-modules files lists

    # Copy the file for depmod to use, and create a backup of the
    # full module tree so we can restore it after we're done filtering
    cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/.
    pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    mkdir restore
    cp -r lib/modules/$KernelVer/* restore/.

    # don't include anything going into kernel-modules-extra in the file lists
    xargs rm -rf < mod-extra.list
    # don't include anything going int kernel-modules-internal in the file lists
    xargs rm -rf < mod-internal.list
%if %{with_realtime}
    # don't include anything going into kernel-rt-kvm in the file lists
    xargs rm -rf < mod-kvm.list

    if [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	# Find all the module files and filter them out into the core and
	# modules lists.  This actually removes anything going into -modules
	# from the dir.
	find lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel -name *.ko | sort -n > modules.list
	cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/filter-*.sh .
	%{SOURCE99} modules.list %{_target_cpu}
	rm filter-*.sh

	# Run depmod on the resulting module tree and make sure it isn't broken
	depmod -b . -aeF ./ $KernelVer &> depmod.out
	if [ -s depmod.out ]; then
	    echo "Depmod failure"
	    cat depmod.out
	    exit 1
	    rm depmod.out
	# Ensure important files/directories exist to let the packaging succeed
	echo '%%defattr(-,-,-)' > modules.list
	echo '%%defattr(-,-,-)' > k-d.list
	mkdir -p lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel
	# Add files usually created by make modules, needed to prevent errors
	# thrown by depmod during package installation
	touch lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.order
	touch lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.builtin

    # remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
    pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/
        rm -f modules.{alias*,builtin.bin,dep*,*map,symbols*,devname,softdep}

    # Go back and find all of the various directories in the tree.  We use this
    # for the dir lists in kernel-core
    find lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel -mindepth 1 -type d | sort -n > module-dirs.list

    # Cleanup
    cp -r restore/* lib/modules/$KernelVer/.
    rm -rf restore

    # Make sure the files lists start with absolute paths or rpmbuild fails.
    # Also add in the dir entries
    sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/k-d.list > ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-modules.list
    sed -e 's/^lib*/%dir \/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list > ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-core.list
    sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list >> ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-core.list
    sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-extra.list >> ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-modules-extra.list
    sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-internal.list >> ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-modules-internal.list
%if %{with_realtime}
    sed -e 's/^lib*/\/lib/' %{?zipsed} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-kvm.list >> ../%{name}${Flavour:+-${Flavour}}-kvm.list

    # Cleanup
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/k-d.list
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/modules.list
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/module-dirs.list
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-extra.list
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-internal.list
%if %{with_realtime}
    rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mod-kvm.list

%if %{signmodules}
    if [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	# Save the signing keys so we can sign the modules in __modsign_install_post
	cp certs/signing_key.pem certs/signing_key.pem.sign${Flav}
	cp certs/signing_key.x509 certs/signing_key.x509.sign${Flav}

    # Move the devel headers out of the root file system
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels
    mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir

    # This is going to create a broken link during the build, but we don't use
    # it after this point.  We need the link to actually point to something
    # when kernel-devel is installed, and a relative link doesn't work across
    # the F17 UsrMove feature.
    ln -sf $DevelDir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build

    # prune junk from kernel-devel
    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels -name ".*.cmd" -exec rm -f {} \;

    # build a BLS config for this kernel
    %{SOURCE43} "$KernelVer" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" "%{?variant}"

    # Red Hat UEFI Secure Boot CA cert, which can be used to authenticate the kernel
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer
    %ifarch x86_64 aarch64
        install -m 0644 %{secureboot_ca_0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/kernel-signing-ca-20200609.cer
        install -m 0644 %{secureboot_ca_1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/kernel-signing-ca-20140212.cer
        ln -s kernel-signing-ca-20200609.cer $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/kernel-signing-ca.cer
        install -m 0644 %{secureboot_ca_0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/kernel-signing-ca.cer
    %ifarch s390x ppc64le
    if [ $DoModules -eq 1 ]; then
	if [ -x /usr/bin/rpm-sign ]; then
	    install -m 0644 %{secureboot_key_0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/%{signing_key_filename}
	    install -m 0644 certs/signing_key.x509.sign${Flav} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/kernel-signing-ca.cer
	    openssl x509 -in certs/signing_key.pem.sign${Flav} -outform der -out $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/%{signing_key_filename}
	    chmod 0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/$KernelVer/%{signing_key_filename}

%if %{with_ipaclones}
    MAXPROCS=$(echo %{?_smp_mflags} | sed -n 's/-j\s*\([0-9]\+\)/\1/p')
    if [ -z "$MAXPROCS" ]; then
    if [ "$Flavour" == "" ]; then
        mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir-ipaclones
        find . -name '*.ipa-clones' | xargs -i{} -r -n 1 -P $MAXPROCS install -m 644 -D "{}" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir-ipaclones/{}"


# DO it...

# prepare directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}

cd linux-%{KVERREL}

%if %{with_debug}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{with_vdso_install} debug

%if %{with_zfcpdump}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{with_vdso_install} zfcpdump

%if %{with_up}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image %{with_vdso_install}

%global perf_make \
  make EXTRA_CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags}" %{?cross_opts} -C tools/perf V=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSOX32=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 NO_BIONIC=1 LIBBPF_DYNAMIC=1 prefix=%{_prefix} PYTHON=%{__python3}
%if %{with_perf}
# perf
# make sure is executable
chmod +x tools/perf/
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT all

%global tools_make \
  %{make} CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags}" V=1

%if %{with_tools}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
# cpupower
# make sure is executable.
chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/
%{tools_make} -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false DEBUG=false
%ifarch x86_64
    pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
    %{tools_make} centrino-decode powernow-k8-decode
%ifarch x86_64
   pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy/
   pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
   pushd tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select
pushd tools/thermal/tmon/
pushd tools/iio/
pushd tools/gpio/
# build VM tools
pushd tools/vm/
%{tools_make} slabinfo page_owner_sort

%global bpftool_make \
%if %{with_bpftool}
pushd tools/bpf/bpftool

%if %{with_selftests}
# Unfortunately, samples/bpf/Makefile expects that the headers are installed
# in the source tree. We installed them previously to $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
# but there's no way to tell the Makefile to take them from there.
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} headers_install
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} ARCH=$Arch V=1 samples/bpf/

# Prevent bpf selftests to build bpftool repeatedly:
export BPFTOOL=$(pwd)/tools/bpf/bpftool/bpftool

pushd tools/testing/selftests
# We need to install here because we need to call make with ARCH set which
# doesn't seem possible to do in the install section.
%{make} %{?_smp_mflags} ARCH=$Arch V=1 TARGETS="bpf livepatch net net/mptcp netfilter" FORCE_TARGETS=1 INSTALL_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests install

# 'make install' for bpf is broken and upstream refuses to fix it.
# Install the needed files manually.
for dir in bpf bpf/no_alu32; do
	mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/$dir
	find $dir -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -executable -o -name '*.py' -o -name settings -o \
		-name '*.o' -exec sh -c 'readelf -h "{}" | grep -q "^  Machine:.*BPF"' \; \) -print0 | \
	xargs -0 cp -t %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/$dir
export -n BPFTOOL

%if %{with_doc}
# Make the HTML pages.
make htmldocs || %{doc_build_fail}

# sometimes non-world-readable files sneak into the kernel source tree
chmod -R a=rX Documentation
find Documentation -type d | xargs chmod u+w

# In the modsign case, we do 3 things.  1) We check the "flavour" and hard
# code the value in the following invocations.  This is somewhat sub-optimal
# but we're doing this inside of an RPM macro and it isn't as easy as it
# could be because of that.  2) We restore the .tmp_versions/ directory from
# the one we saved off in BuildKernel above.  This is to make sure we're
# signing the modules we actually built/installed in that flavour.  3) We
# grab the arch and invoke command to actually sign the modules.
# We have to do all of those things _after_ find-debuginfo runs, otherwise
# that will strip the signature off of the modules.
# Don't sign modules for the zfcpdump flavour as it is monolithic.

%define __modsign_install_post \
  if [ "%{signmodules}" -eq "1" ]; then \
    if [ "%{with_debug}" -ne "0" ]; then \
      %{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign+debug certs/signing_key.x509.sign+debug $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}+debug/ \
    fi \
    if [ "%{with_up}" -ne "0" ]; then \
      %{modsign_cmd} certs/signing_key.pem.sign certs/signing_key.x509.sign $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}/ \
    fi \
  fi \
  if [ "%{zipmodules}" -eq "1" ]; then \
    find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/ -type f -name '*.ko' | %{SOURCE80} %{?_smp_mflags}; \
  fi \

### Special hacks for debuginfo subpackages.

# This macro is used by %%install, so we must redefine it before that.
%define debug_package %{nil}

%if %{with_debuginfo}

%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%files -f debugfiles.list debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}


# We don't want to package debuginfo for self-tests and samples but
# we have to delete them to avoid an error messages about unpackaged
# files.
%define __remove_unwanted_dbginfo_install_post \
  if [ "%{with_selftests}" -ne "0" ]; then \
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/usr/libexec/ksamples; \
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/usr/libexec/kselftests; \
  fi \

# Disgusting hack alert! We need to ensure we sign modules *after* all
# invocations of strip occur, which is in __debug_install_post if
# runs, and __os_install_post if not.
%define __spec_install_post \

### install


cd linux-%{KVERREL}

%if %{with_doc}

# copy the source over
mkdir -p $docdir
tar -h -f - --exclude=man --exclude='.*' -c Documentation | tar xf - -C $docdir

# with_doc

# We have to do the headers install before the tools install because the
# kernel headers_install will remove any header files in /usr/include that
# it doesn't install itself.

%if %{with_headers}
# Install kernel headers
%{make} ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install

find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include \
     \( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
        -name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) | xargs rm -f


%if %{with_cross_headers}
HDR_ARCH_LIST='arm64 powerpc s390 x86'
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers
%{make} ARCH=%{hdrarch} HDR_ARCH_LIST="$HDR_ARCH_LIST" INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers headers_install_all

find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include \
     \( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
        -name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) | xargs rm -f

# Copy all the architectures we care about to their respective asm directories
for arch in $HDR_ARCH_LIST ; do
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/arch-${arch}/asm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/asm-generic $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/.

# Remove the rest of the architectures
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/arch*
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/asm-*

# Copy the rest of the headers over
for arch in $HDR_ARCH_LIST ; do
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers/include/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/${arch}-linux-gnu/include/.

rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/tmp-headers

%if %{with_kernel_abi_whitelists}
# kabi directory

# install kabi releases directories
# with_kernel_abi_whitelists

%if %{with_perf}
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT lib=%{_lib} install-bin install-traceevent-plugins
# remove the 'trace' symlink.
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/trace

# For both of the below, yes, this should be using a macro but right now
# it's hard coded and we don't actually want it anyway right now.
# Whoever wants examples can fix it up!

# remove examples
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/examples/perf
# remove the stray header file that somehow got packaged in examples
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/include/perf/bpf/bpf.h

# remove perf-bpf examples
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/examples
rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/lib/perf/include

# python-perf extension
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-python_ext

# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-man

%if %{with_tools}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
%{make} -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
%find_lang cpupower
mv cpupower.lang ../
%ifarch x86_64
    pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
    install -m755 centrino-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centrino-decode
    install -m755 powernow-k8-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode
chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -m644 %{SOURCE2000} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
install -m644 %{SOURCE2001} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
%ifarch x86_64
   mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8
   pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy
   %{tools_make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
   pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
   %{tools_make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
   pushd tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select
   %{tools_make} CFLAGS+="-D_GNU_SOURCE -Iinclude" DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
pushd tools/thermal/tmon
%{tools_make} INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install
pushd tools/iio
%{tools_make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
pushd tools/gpio
%{tools_make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
pushd tools/kvm/kvm_stat
make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install-tools
make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install-man
# install VM tools
pushd tools/vm/
install -m755 slabinfo %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/slabinfo
install -m755 page_owner_sort %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/page_owner_sort

%if !%{with_realtime}
%if %{with_bpftool}
pushd tools/bpf/bpftool
%{bpftool_make} prefix=%{_prefix} bash_compdir=%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ mandir=%{_mandir} install doc-install

%if %{with_selftests}
pushd samples
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples
# install bpf samples
pushd bpf
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf
find -type f -executable -exec install -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf \;
install -m755 *.sh %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf
# compiles test_lwt_bpf.c when run; this works only from the
# kernel tree. Just remove it.
rm %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf/
install -m644 *_kern.o %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf
install -m644 tcp_bpf.readme %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/bpf
# install pktgen samples
pushd pktgen
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/pktgen
find . -type f -executable -exec install -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/pktgen/{} \;
find . -type f ! -executable -exec install -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/ksamples/pktgen/{} \;
# install drivers/net/mlxsw selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/mlxsw
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/mlxsw/{} \;
# install drivers/net/netdevsim selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/netdevsim
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/netdevsim/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/netdevsim/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/drivers/net/netdevsim/{} \;
# install net/forwarding selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/forwarding/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/forwarding/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/forwarding/{} \;
# install net/mptcp selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/mptcp/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/mptcp/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/net/mptcp/{} \;
# install tc-testing selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/tc-testing/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/tc-testing/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/tc-testing/{} \;
# install livepatch selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/livepatch
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/livepatch/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/livepatch/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/livepatch/{} \;
# install netfilter selftests
pushd tools/testing/selftests/netfilter
find -type d -exec install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/netfilter/{} \;
find -type f -executable -exec install -D -m755 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/netfilter/{} \;
find -type f ! -executable -exec install -D -m644 {} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/kselftests/netfilter/{} \;

# We have to do the headers checksum calculation after the tools install because
# these might end up installing their own set of headers on top of kernel's
%if %{with_headers}
# compute a content hash to export as Provides: kernel-headers-checksum
HEADERS_CHKSUM=$(export LC_ALL=C; find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include -type f -name "*.h" \
			! -path $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/linux/version.h | \
		 sort | xargs cat | sha1sum - | cut -f 1 -d ' ');
# export the checksum via usr/include/linux/version.h, so the dynamic
# find-provides can grab the hash to update it accordingly
echo "#define KERNEL_HEADERS_CHECKSUM \"$HEADERS_CHKSUM\"" >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/linux/version.h

### clean


### scripts

%if %{with_tools}
%post -n %{name}-tools-libs

%postun -n %{name}-tools-libs

# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-devel package.
#	%%kernel_devel_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_devel_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}devel}\
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]\
    . /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ]\
    (cd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} &&\
     /usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do\
       hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*%{?dist}.*/$f $f\

# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-modules-extra package.
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
#	%%kernel_modules_extra_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_modules_extra_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}modules-extra}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\

# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-modules-internal package.
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
#	%%kernel_modules_internal_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_modules_internal_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\

%if %{with_realtime}
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-kvm package.
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
#	%%kernel_kvm_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_kvm_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}kvm}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}kvm}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\

# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-modules package.
# It also defines a %%postun script that does the same thing.
#	%%kernel_modules_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_modules_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}modules}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\
%{expand:%%postun %{?1:%{1}-}modules}\
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}\

# This macro defines a %%posttrans script for a kernel package.
#	%%kernel_variant_posttrans [<subpackage>]
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
%define kernel_variant_posttrans() \
%{expand:%%posttrans %{?1:%{1}-}core}\
%if !%{with_realtime}\
if [ -x %{_sbindir}/weak-modules ]\
    %{_sbindir}/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} || exit $?\
/bin/kernel-install add %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}/vmlinuz || exit $?\

# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel package and its devel package.
#	%%kernel_variant_post [-v <subpackage>] [-r <replace>]
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
%define kernel_variant_post(v:r:) \
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_post %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_post %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_extra_post %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_modules_internal_post %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_variant_posttrans %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%post %{?-v*:%{-v*}-}core}\
if [ `uname -i` == "x86_64" -o `uname -i` == "i386" ] &&\
   [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then\
  /bin/sed -r -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=%{-r*}$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel%{?-v:-%{-v*}}/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\

# This macro defines a %%preun script for a kernel package.
#	%%kernel_variant_preun <subpackage>
%define kernel_variant_preun() \
%{expand:%%preun %{?1:%{1}-}core}\
/bin/kernel-install remove %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}}/vmlinuz || exit $?\
%if !%{with_realtime}\
if [ -x %{_sbindir}/weak-modules ]\
    %{_sbindir}/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVERREL}%{?1:+%{1}} || exit $?\

%kernel_variant_post -r kernel-smp
%if %{with_realtime}

%kernel_variant_preun debug
%kernel_variant_post -v debug
%if %{with_realtime}
%kernel_kvm_post debug

%if %{with_zfcpdump}
%kernel_variant_preun zfcpdump
%kernel_variant_post -v zfcpdump

if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]
    /sbin/ldconfig -X || exit $?

### file lists

%if %{with_headers}
%files headers

%if %{with_cross_headers}
%files cross-headers

%if %{with_kernel_abi_whitelists}
%files -n kernel-abi-whitelists

%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%ifarch x86_64 s390x ppc64 ppc64le aarch64
%files kernel-kabidw-base-internal

# only some architecture builds need kernel-doc
%if %{with_doc}
%files doc
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}/Documentation
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}

%if %{with_perf}
%files -n perf
%dir %{_libdir}/traceevent/plugins
%dir %{_libexecdir}/perf-core
%doc linux-%{KVERREL}/tools/perf/Documentation/examples.txt

%files -n python3-perf

%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f perf-debuginfo.list -n perf-debuginfo

%files -f python3-perf-debuginfo.list -n python3-perf-debuginfo
# with_perf

%if %{with_tools}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
%files -n %{name}-tools -f cpupower.lang
%ifarch x86_64
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
%ifarch x86_64
# !cpupowerarchs
%files -n %{name}-tools
# cpupowerarchs

%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f %{name}-tools-debuginfo.list -n %{name}-tools-debuginfo

%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
%files -n %{name}-tools-libs

%files -n %{name}-tools-libs-devel
# with_tools

%if !%{with_realtime}
%if %{with_bpftool}
%files -n bpftool

%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f bpftool-debuginfo.list -n bpftool-debuginfo

%if %{with_selftests}
%files selftests-internal

# empty meta-package
%ifnarch %nobuildarches noarch

%if %{with_gcov}
%ifarch x86_64 s390x ppc64le aarch64
%files gcov

# This is %%{image_install_path} on an arch where that includes ELF files,
# or empty otherwise.
%define elf_image_install_path %{?kernel_image_elf:%{image_install_path}}

# This macro defines the %%files sections for a kernel package
# and its devel and debuginfo packages.
#	%%kernel_variant_files [-k vmlinux] <condition> <subpackage> <without_modules>
%define kernel_variant_files(k:) \
%if %{2}\
%{expand:%%files -f %{name}-%{?3:%{3}-}core.list %{?3:%{3}-}core}\
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}\
%license linux-%{KVERREL}/COPYING-%{version}\
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/%{?-k:%{-k*}}%{!?-k:vmlinuz}-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/.vmlinuz.hmac \
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}.hmac \
%ifarch aarch64\
/lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/dtb \
%ghost /%{image_install_path}/dtb-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}} \
%attr(0600, root, root) /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/\
%ghost %attr(0600, root, root) /boot/{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
%ghost %attr(0600, root, root) /boot/symvers-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}.gz\
%ghost %attr(0600, root, root) /boot/initramfs-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}.img\
%ghost %attr(0644, root, root) /boot/config-%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
%dir /lib/modules\
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}\
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}%{?3:+%{3}}/kernel\
%if %{1}\
%{expand:%%files -f %{name}-%{?3:%{3}-}modules.list %{?3:%{3}-}modules}\
%{expand:%%files %{?3:%{3}-}devel}\
%defverify(not mtime)\
%{expand:%%files -f %{name}-%{?3:%{3}-}modules-extra.list %{?3:%{3}-}modules-extra}\
%config(noreplace) /etc/modprobe.d/*-blacklist.conf\
%{expand:%%files -f %{name}-%{?3:%{3}-}modules-internal.list %{?3:%{3}-}modules-internal}\
%if %{with_realtime}\
%{expand:%%files -f %{name}-%{?3:%{3}-}kvm.list %{?3:%{3}-}kvm}\
%if %{with_debuginfo}\
%ifnarch noarch\
%{expand:%%files -f debuginfo%{?3}.list %{?3:%{3}-}debuginfo}\
%if %{?3:1} %{!?3:0}\
%{expand:%%files %{3}}\

%kernel_variant_files  %{with_vdso_install} %{with_up}
%kernel_variant_files  %{with_vdso_install} %{with_debug} debug
%kernel_variant_files  %{with_vdso_install} %{with_zfcpdump} zfcpdump 1

%define kernel_variant_ipaclones(k:) \
%if %{1}\
%if %{with_ipaclones}\
%{expand:%%files %{?2:%{2}-}ipaclones-internal}\
%defverify(not mtime)\

%kernel_variant_ipaclones %{with_up}

# plz don't put in a version string unless you're going to tag
# and build.
* Wed Sep 23 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-240.el8]
- [include] block: allow for_each_bvec to support zero len bvec (Ming Lei) [1872032]
- [nvme] nvme-pci: disable the write zeros command for Intel 600P/P3100 (David Milburn) [1875391]

* Sat Sep 19 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-239.el8]
- [init] init/Kconfig: disable io_uring (Jeff Moyer) [1879754]
- [block] blk-mq: always allow reserved allocation in hctx_may_queue (Ming Lei) [1740874]
- [nvme] nvme-rdma: Avoid double freeing of async event data (Gopal Tiwari) [1878140]
- [kernel] printk: queue wake_up_klogd irq_work only if per-CPU areas are ready (Igor Mammedov) [1867022]

* Thu Sep 17 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-238.el8]
- [firmware] efi: don't reserve MOK config table memory region (Kairui Song) [1878584]
- [fs] xfs: fix boundary test in xfs_attr_shortform_verify (Eric Sandeen) [1875316] {CVE-2020-14385}
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Do not initiate shutdown when system is running on UPS (Diego Domingos) [1870477]

* Tue Sep 15 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-237.el8]
- [fs] nfsd: avoid a NULL dereference in __cld_pipe_upcall() (Scott Mayhew) [1847225]
- [net] packet: fix overflow in tpacket_rcv (Hangbin Liu) [1876224] {CVE-2020-14386}
- [net] packet: make tp_drops atomic (Hangbin Liu) [1876224] {CVE-2020-14386}
- [net] espintcp: restore IP CB before handing the packet to xfrm (Sabrina Dubroca) [1868201]
- [fs] Revert "NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID in CLOSE/OPEN_DOWNGRADE" (Benjamin Coddington) [1865978]
- [fs] Revert "NFSv4.x recover from pre-mature loss of openstateid" (Benjamin Coddington) [1865978]
- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx4: Read pkey table length instead of hardcoded value (Alaa Hleihel) [1853564]
- [net] net/smc: set rx_off for SMCR explicitly (Philipp Rudo) [1875833]
- [drm] drm/i915: Auto detect DPCD backlight support by default (Lyude Paul) [1872381]
- [drm] drm/i915: Fix DPCD register order in intel_dp_aux_enable_backlight() (Lyude Paul) [1872381]
- [drm] drm/i915: Assume 100 brightness when not in DPCD control mode (Lyude Paul) [1872381]
- [drm] drm/i915: Fix eDP DPCD aux max backlight calculations (Lyude Paul) [1872381]
- [kernel] tracing: Define MCOUNT_INSN_SIZE when not defined without direct calls (Jiri Olsa) [1857599]
- [kernel] ftrace: Fix function_graph tracer interaction with BPF trampoline (Jiri Olsa) [1857599]
- [x86] x86/function_graph: Simplify with function_graph_enter() (Jiri Olsa) [1857599]
- [kernel] function_graph: Create function_graph_enter() to consolidate architecture code (Jiri Olsa) [1857599]

* Wed Sep 09 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-236.el8]
- [crypto] pefile: Support multiple signatures in verify_pefile_signature (Lenny Szubowicz) [1862072]
- [security] integrity: Load certs from the EFI MOK config table (Lenny Szubowicz) [1868306]
- [security] integrity: Move import of MokListRT certs to a separate routine (Lenny Szubowicz) [1868306]
- [firmware] efi: Support for MOK variable config table (Lenny Szubowicz) [1868306]
- [kernel] Move to dual-signing to split signing keys up better (Frantisek Hrbata) [1837434] {CVE-2020-10713}
- [powerpc] pseries/hotplug-cpu: wait indefinitely for vCPU death (Michael Roth) [1856588]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Rework secure mem slot dropping (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Move kvmppc_svm_page_out up (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Migrate hot plugged memory (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: In H_SVM_INIT_DONE, migrate remaining normal-GFNs to secure-GFNs (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Track the state GFNs associated with secure VMs (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Disable page merging in H_SVM_INIT_START (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix function definition in book3s_hv_uvmem.c (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [kernel] mmap locking api: initial implementation as rwsem wrappers (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [mm] handle multiple owners of device private pages in migrate_vma (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [mm] migrate.c: clean up useless code in migrate_vma_collect_pmd() (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [mm] remove the unused MIGRATE_PFN_DEVICE flag (Michael Roth) [1851259]
- [powerpc] rhel: powerpc: kvm: Increase HDEC threshold to enter guest (David Gibson) [1733467]
- [netdrv] r8152: Add macpassthru support for ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2 (Michal Schmidt) [1851966]
- [fs] ceph: fix inode number handling on arches with 32-bit ino_t (Jeff Layton) [1869679]
- [fs] ceph: don't allow setlease on cephfs (Jeff Layton) [1872382]
- [block] blk-mq: order adding requests to hctx->dispatch and checking SCHED_RESTART (Ming Lei) [1859628]

* Thu Sep 03 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-235.el8]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Move allocation of the shost object to after xconf- and xport-data (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Fence early sysfs interfaces for accesses of shost objects (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Fence adapter status propagation for common statuses (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Move p-t-p port allocation to after xport data (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Fence fc_host updates during link-down handling (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Move fc_host updates during xport data handling into fenced function (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Move shost updates during xconfig data handling into fenced function (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Move shost modification after QDIO (re-)open into fenced function (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix fc_host attributes that should be unknown on local link down (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: wire previously driver-specific sysfs attributes also to fc_host (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: expose fabric name as common fc_host sysfs attribute (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: add diagnostics buffer for exchange config data (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: diagnostics buffer caching and use for exchange port data (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: signal incomplete or error for sync exchange config/port data (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872799]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Fix use-after-free in request timeout handlers (Claudio Imbrenda) [1872796]
- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Update the stack expansion test (Gustavo Duarte) [1869755]
- [mm] powerpc: Allow 4224 bytes of stack expansion for the signal frame (Gustavo Duarte) [1869755]
- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Add test of stack expansion logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1869755]
- [mm] mm: check that mm is still valid in madvise() (Jeff Moyer) [1874560]
- [block] block: virtio_blk: fix handling single range discard request (Ming Lei) [1842035]
- [block] block: respect queue limit of max discard segment (Ming Lei) [1842035]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix NULL pointer dereference in loop_rw_iter() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: return locked and pinned page accounting (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: always allow drain/link/hardlink/async sqe flags (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure double poll additions work with both request types (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix recvmsg memory leak with buffer selection (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix missing msg_name assignment (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix memleak in io_sqe_files_register() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: account user memory freed when exit has been queued (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix memleak in __io_sqe_files_update() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix regression with always ignoring signals in io_cqring_wait() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: use signal based task_work running (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [kernel] task_work: teach task_work_add() to do signal_wake_up() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix missing ->mm on exit (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix potential use after free on fallback request free (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix req->work corruption (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix NULL-mm for linked reqs (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix current->mm NULL dereference on exit (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix hanging iopoll in case of -EAGAIN (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix io_sq_thread no schedule when busy (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix possible race condition against REQ_F_NEED_CLEANUP (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: reap poll completions while waiting for refs to drop on exit (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: acquire 'mm' for task_work for SQPOLL (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: add memory barrier to synchronize io_kiocb's result and iopoll_completed (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: don't fail links for EAGAIN error in IOPOLL mode (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix io_kiocb.flags modification race in IOPOLL mode (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: allow O_NONBLOCK async retry (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: use kvfree() in io_sqe_buffer_register() (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: validate the full range of provided buffers for access (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: re-set iov base/len for buffer select retry (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix {SQ, IO}POLL with unsupported opcodes (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: disallow close of ring itself (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix overflowed reqs cancellation (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: fix flush req->refs underflow (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: async task poll trigger cleanup (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: allow POLL_ADD with double poll_wait() users (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [fs] io_uring: remove 'fd is io_uring' from close path (Jeff Moyer) [1854649]
- [nvme] nvme: allow retry for requests with REQ_FAILFAST_TRANSPORT set (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: decouple basic ANA log page re-read support from native multipathing (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: update failover handling to work with REQ_FAILFAST_TRANSPORT (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: Return BLK_STS_TARGET if the DNR bit is set (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: redirect commands on dying queue (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: just check the status code type in nvme_is_path_error (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme: refactor command completion (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] nvme-multipath: do not reset on unknown status (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] Revert "nvme: allow ANA support to be independent of native multipathing" (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [nvme] Revert "nvme-multipath: do not reset on unknown status" (Mike Snitzer) [1843515]
- [mm] mm, THP, swap: fix allocating cluster for swapfile by mistake (Gao Xiang) [1855474]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Fix skb double-free in tcf_ct_handle_fragments() error flow (Marcelo Leitner) [1866391]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: allow sctp hearbeat after connection re-use (Florian Westphal) [1865798]
- [video] vgacon: Fix for missing check in scrollback handling (Lyude Paul) [1859472] {CVE-2020-14331}
- [scsi] Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Disable T10-DIF feature with FC-NVMe during probe" (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix crash on qla2x00_mailbox_command" (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix null pointer access during disconnect from subsystem (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Check if FW supports MQ before enabling (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix WARN_ON in qla_nvme_register_hba (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Allow ql2xextended_error_logging special value 1 to be set anytime (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Reduce noisy debug message (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix login timeout (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Flush I/O on zone disable (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Flush all sessions on zone disable (Nilesh Javali) [1866744]
- [tools] bpf: selftests: global_funcs: Check err_str before strstr (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1873163]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Specify flow_source for rule with no in_port (Alaa Hleihel) [1869602]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Add misc bit when misc fields changed for mirroring (Alaa Hleihel) [1869602]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: test for map update access from within EXT programs (=?UTF-8?q?Toke=20H=C3=B8iland-J=C3=B8rgensen?=) [1871071]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: test for checking return code for the extended prog (=?UTF-8?q?Toke=20H=C3=B8iland-J=C3=B8rgensen?=) [1871071]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for freplace program with write access (=?UTF-8?q?Toke=20H=C3=B8iland-J=C3=B8rgensen?=) [1871071]
- [net] bpf: verifier: use target program's type for access verifications (=?UTF-8?q?Toke=20H=C3=B8iland-J=C3=B8rgensen?=) [1871071]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix NVMe rport deregister and registration during ADISC (Dick Kennedy) [1871223]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix LUN loss after cable pull (Dick Kennedy) [1871223]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Do not add user qps to flushlist (Selvin Xavier) [1858674]
- [fs] NFSv4.0 allow nconnect for v4.0 (Benjamin Coddington) [1842746]
- [mm] mm/vunmap: add cond_resched() in vunmap_pmd_range (Rafael Aquini) [1871710]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Maintain 8-byte stack alignment (Jiri Olsa) [1871040]

* Thu Aug 20 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-234.el8]
- [netdrv] vrf: Fix IPv6 with qdisc and xfrm (Sabrina Dubroca) [1868565]
- [netdrv] vrf: make sure skb->data contains ip header to make routing (Sabrina Dubroca) [1868565]
- [netdrv] vrf: Check skb for XFRM_TRANSFORMED flag (Sabrina Dubroca) [1868565]
- [net] Do not clear the sock TX queue in sk_set_socket() (Andrea Claudi) [1850421]
- [net] Use RCU_INIT_POINTER() to set sk_wq (Andrea Claudi) [1850421]
- [net] netfilter: ip6tables: Add a .pre_exit hook in all ip6table_foo.c. (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: iptables: Add a .pre_exit hook in all iptable_foo.c. (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix an error code in ip_set_sockfn_get() (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Don't account for expired elements on insertion (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Drop spurious condition for overlap detection on insertion (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Detect partial overlaps on insertion (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Introduce and use nft_rbtree_interval_start() (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix nat hook table deletion (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: call ip_set_free() instead of kfree() (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: ip6tables: Split ip6t_unregister_table() into pre_exit and exit helpers. (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: iptables: Split ipt_unregister_table() into pre_exit and exit helpers. (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: Disable preemption before getting per-CPU pointer (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_nat: return EOPNOTSUPP if type or flags are not supported (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: comparison of unsigned in cthelper confirmation (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: refetch conntrack after nf_conntrack_update() (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: Pass value of ctinfo to __nf_conntrack_update (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: make conntrack userspace helpers work again (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cthelper: unbreak userspace helper support (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_pptp: fix compilation warning with W=1 build (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_pptp: prevent buffer overflows in debug code (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_bitmap: initialize set element extension in lookups (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_fwd_netdev: validate family and chain type (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_payload: add missing attribute validation for payload csum flags (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: cthelper: add missing attribute validation for cthelper (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix forceadd evaluation path (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: bridge: make sure to pull arp header in br_nf_forward_arp() (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: bogus lookup/get on consecutive elements in named sets (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: netns exit must wait for callbacks (Florian Westphal) [1862384]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Don't inherit exec permission across page-table levels (Andrew Jones) [1869297]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Flush the instruction cache if not unmapping the VM on reboot (Andrew Jones) [1869297]
- [s390] s390, dcssblk: kaddr and pfn can be NULL to ->direct_access() (Claudio Imbrenda) [1868927]
- [fs] chardev: Avoid potential use-after-free in 'chrdev_open()' (Vladis Dronov) [1866324] {CVE-2020-0305}
- [net] net: accept an empty mask in /sys/class/net/*/queues/rx-*/rps_cpus (Nitesh Narayan Lal) [1868433]
- [x86] Revert "x86/intel: Disable HPET on Intel Ice Lake platforms" (David Arcari) [1868405]
- [kernel] sched: Fix race against ptrace_freeze_trace() (Oleg Nesterov) [1862560]
- [kernel] sched: Fix loadavg accounting race (Oleg Nesterov) [1862560]
- [kernel] kernel/sched/: remove caller signal_pending branch predictions (Oleg Nesterov) [1862560]
- [kernel] locking/spinlock, sched/core: Clarify requirements for smp_mb__after_spinlock() (Oleg Nesterov) [1862560]
- [nvme] nvme: multipath: round-robin: eliminate "fallback" variable (Gopal Tiwari) [1868443]
- [nvme] nvme: multipath: round-robin: fix single non-optimized path case (Gopal Tiwari) [1868443]
- [nvme] nvme-multipath: do not fall back to __nvme_find_path() for non-optimized paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1868443]
- [nvme] nvme-multipath: fix logic for non-optimized paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1868443]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix segmentation fault in test_progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1868494]
- [pci] hv: Fix a timing issue which causes kdump to fail occasionally (Mohammed Gamal) [1861960]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Only notify Hyper-V for die events that are oops (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1868131]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Correctly set the shadow NPT root level in its MMU role (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: x86: drop superfluous mmu_check_root() from fast_pgd_switch() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: use nested_svm_load_cr3() on guest->host switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: implement nested_svm_load_cr3() and use it for host->guest switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: move kvm_set_cr3() after nested_svm_uninit_mmu_context() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: introduce nested_svm_load_cr3()/nested_npt_enabled() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: prepare to handle errors from enter_svm_guest_mode() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: reset nested_run_pending upon nested_svm_vmrun_msrpm() failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: stop dereferencing vcpu->arch.mmu to get the context for MMU init (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: split kvm_init_shadow_npt_mmu() from kvm_init_shadow_mmu() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1845507]
- [security] selinux: compute genfs symlink context in case of CephFS (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1865800]
- [fs] ceph: set sec_context xattr on symlink creation (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1861509]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: define SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO properly for ppc64le (Jiri Benc) [1860386]
- [tools] bpf: Sync RHEL version of asm-generic/socket.h to tools/ (Jiri Benc) [1860386]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: skip tests not working on RHEL (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] Revert "selftests: bpf: disable test_lwt_seg6local" (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] Revert "bpf: selftests: remove from TEST_PROGS" (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: add option to skip specific tests in RHEL (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: switch off timeout (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftest/firmware: Add selftest timeout in settings (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Limit step counter reporting (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Clean up kern-doc for fixtures (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: fix condition in run_tests (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: do not use .ONESHELL (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Report skip reason (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Display signed values correctly (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Refactor XFAIL into SKIP (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Switch to TAP output (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Add header documentation and helpers (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: fix TAP output for skipped tests (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: ksft_test_num return type should be unsigned (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: introduce gen_tar Makefile target (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: add fixture variants (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: run tests by fixture (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: create fixture objects (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: factor out list manipulation to a helper (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: add build/cross-build dependency check script (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest/runner: allow to properly deliver signals to tests (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: fix spelling mistake "SIGARLM" -> "SIGALRM" (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: enforce local header dependency in (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Handle timeouts cleanly (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Move test child waiting logic (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Fix kselftest O=objdir build from cluttering top level objdir (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: allow detection of build failures (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: fix build behaviour on targets' failures (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: Support old perl versions (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest/runner: Print new line in print of timeout log (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Fix dangling documentation references to (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: Fix NULL INSTALL_PATH for TARGETS runlist (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Move into kselftest/ (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Do not clobber kselftest/ (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/kselftest/ Add 45 second timeout per test (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: exclude failed TARGETS from runlist (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: add capability to skip chosen TARGETS (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: Add kselftest-all and kselftest-install targets (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: use "$(MAKE)" instead of "make" (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: save-and-restore errno to allow for m formatting (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 481 (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Allow test to configure timeout (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: avoid KBUILD_OUTPUT dir cluttering with selftest objects (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: fix bpf build/test workflow regression when KBUILD_OUTPUT is set (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: fix install target to use default install path (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: build and run gpio when output directory is the src dir (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [documentation] doc: kselftest: Fix KBUILD_OUTPUT usage instructions (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: fix headers_install circular dependency (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Add 30 second timeout per test (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: Add test module framework header (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] kselftest: Add test runner creation script (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests/harness: Update named initializer syntax (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftest: include stdio.h in kselftest.h (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [tools] selftests: do not macro-expand failed assertion expressions (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [documentation] Documentation/dev-tools: clean up kselftest.rst (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [documentation] doc: dev-tools: kselftest.rst: update config file location (Jiri Benc) [1866908]
- [documentation] doc: dev-tools: kselftest.rst: update contributing new tests (Jiri Benc) [1866908]

* Tue Aug 18 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-233.el8]
- [fs] nfs: ensure correct writeback errors are returned on close() (Scott Mayhew) [1849424]
- [netdrv] net: thunderx: use spin_lock_bh in nicvf_set_rx_mode_task() (Dean Nelson) [1824858]
- [crypto] crypto: ecc - SP800-56A rev 3 local public key validation (Herbert Xu) [1855817]
- [crypto] crypto: dh - SP800-56A rev 3 local public key validation (Herbert Xu) [1855817]
- [crypto] crypto: dh - check validity of Z before export (Herbert Xu) [1855817]
- [lib] lib/mpi: Add mpi_sub_ui() (Herbert Xu) [1855817]
- [crypto] crypto: ecdh - check validity of Z before export (Herbert Xu) [1855817]
- [netdrv] net: thunderx: initialize VF's mailbox mutex before first usage (Dean Nelson) [1866827]
- [kernel] timers: Lower base clock forwarding threshold (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Remove must_forward_clk (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Spare timer softirq until next expiry (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Expand clk forward logic beyond nohz (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Reuse next expiry cache after nohz exit (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Always keep track of next expiry (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Optimize _next_timer_interrupt() level iteration (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Add comments about calc_index() ceiling work (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Move trigger_dyntick_cpu() to enqueue_timer() (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Use only bucket expiry for base->next_expiry value (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timers: Preserve higher bits of expiration on index calculation (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timer: Fix wheel index calculation on last level (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timer: Prevent base->clk from moving backward (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [kernel] timer: Read jiffies once when forwarding base clk (Phil Auld) [1833096]
- [powerpc] powerpc/64: Update Speculation_Store_Bypass in /proc/<pid>/status (Gustavo Duarte) [1773868]
- [scsi] scsi: virtio-scsi: Correctly handle the case where all LUNs are unplugged (Maxim Levitsky) [1756093]
- [kvm] kvm: x86: replace kvm_spec_ctrl_test_value with runtime test on the host (Maxim Levitsky) [1853447]
- [kvm] x86/kvm: Move context tracking where it belongs (Nitesh Narayan Lal) [1854011]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Clear affinity hint (Tomas Henzl) [1828351]
- [netdrv] revert "vxlan: fix tos value before xmit" (Andrea Claudi) [1862166]
- [net] udp: Copy has_conns in reuseport_grow(). (Marcelo Leitner) [1867160]
- [net] dev: Defer free of skbs in flush_backlog (Marcelo Leitner) [1867160]
- [include] net: core: reduce recursion limit value (Marcelo Leitner) [1867160]
- [netdrv] pppoe: only process PADT targeted at local interfaces (Andrea Claudi) [1866850]
- [net] espintcp: count packets dropped in espintcp_rcv (Sabrina Dubroca) [1866393]
- [net] espintcp: handle short messages instead of breaking the encap socket (Sabrina Dubroca) [1866393]
- [net] espintcp: recv() should return 0 when the peer socket is closed (Sabrina Dubroca) [1866393]
- [net] espintcp: support non-blocking sends (Sabrina Dubroca) [1866393]
- [net] mptcp: be careful on subflow creation (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: fix bogus sendmsg() return code under pressure (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: fix joined subflows with unblocking sk (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] subflow: explicitly check for plain tcp rsk (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: silence warning in subflow_data_ready() (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: fix race in subflow_data_ready() (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: fix memory leak in mptcp_subflow_create_socket() (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] mptcp: don't leak msk in token container (Davide Caratti) [1862200]
- [net] ipv4: Silence suspicious RCU usage warning (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] devinet: fix memleak in inetdev_init() (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] ipip: fix wrong address family in init error path (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] inet_csk: Fix so_reuseport bind-address cache in tb->fast* (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] ipmr: Add lockdep expression to ipmr_for_each_table macro (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] ipmr: Fix RCU list debugging warning (Guillaume Nault) [1866430]
- [net] tcp: make sure listeners don't initialize congestion-control state (Paolo Abeni) [1865904]
- [net] sched: The error lable position is corrected in ct_init_module (Davide Caratti) [1865890]
- [net] sched: cls_api: fix nooffloaddevcnt warning dmesg log (Davide Caratti) [1865890]
- [net] tls: fix race condition causing kernel panic (Sabrina Dubroca) [1861756]
- [net] tls: free record only on encryption error (Sabrina Dubroca) [1861756]
- [net] tls: fix encryption error checking (Sabrina Dubroca) [1861756]
- [net] l2tp: add sk_family checks to l2tp_validate_socket (Guillaume Nault) [1861453]
- [net] l2tp: do not use inet_hash()/inet_unhash() (Guillaume Nault) [1861453]
- [net] tipc: allow to build NACK message in link timeout function (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: fix retransmission on unicast links (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: fix NULL pointer dereference in tipc_disc_rcv() (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: remove set but not used variable 'prev' (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: call tsk_set_importance from tipc_topsrv_create_listener (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: add support for broadcast rcv stats dumping (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: enable broadcast retrans via unicast (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: add back link trace events (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: introduce Gap ACK blocks for broadcast link (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: block BH before using dst_cache (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] tipc: fix partial topology connection closure (Xin Long) [1860877]
- [net] xfrm: policy: match with both mark and mask on user interfaces (Xin Long) [1854116]
- [scsi] scsi: dh: Add Fujitsu device to devinfo and dh lists (Ewan Milne) [1861418]
- [x86] kvm: Set KVM_SOFT_MAX_VCPUS to 1024 (Eduardo Habkost) [1856996]
- [md] dm integrity: fix integrity recalculation that is improperly skipped (Mike Snitzer) [1860160]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix IRQ mapping disposal in error path (Steve Best) [1867498]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Do not destroy link_wq when the device is shut down (Kamal Heib) [1858392]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Do not destroy hfi1_wq when the device is shut down (Kamal Heib) [1858392]
- [netdrv] Revert "net/broadcom: Clean broadcom code from driver versions" (Jonathan Toppins) [1867146]
- [net] devmap: Use bpf_map_area_alloc() for allocating hash buckets (Jiri Benc) [1842380]
- [kernel] kexec_file: Correctly output debugging information for the PT_LOAD ELF header (Lianbo Jiang) [1861186]
- [kernel] kexec: Improve & fix crash_exclude_mem_range() to handle overlapping ranges (Lianbo Jiang) [1861186]
- [x86] x86/crash: Correct the address boundary of function parameters (Lianbo Jiang) [1861186]
- [fs] ceph: handle zero-length feature mask in session messages (Jeff Layton) [1866018]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Tolerate not converging code shrinking (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1857120]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Use brcl for jumping to exit_ip if necessary (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1857120]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Fix sign extension in branch_ku (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1857120]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Fix running out of srctree (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1857120]
- [lib] bpf: revert "test_bpf: Flag tests that cannot be jited on s390" (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1857120]
- [kernel] uprobes: ensure that uprobe->offset and ->ref_ctr_offset are properly aligned (Oleg Nesterov) [1848596]

* Mon Aug 10 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-232.el8]
- [fs] nfs: nfs_file_write() should check for writeback errors (Scott Mayhew) [1852788]
- [s390] s390/cpum_cf, perf: change DFLT_CCERROR counter name (Philipp Rudo) [1865794]
- [net] net/smc: unique reason code for exceeded max dmb count (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [s390] s390/ism: indicate correct error reason in ism_alloc_dmb() (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix dmb buffer shortage (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: put slot when connection is killed (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix restoring of fallback changes (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: remove freed buffer from list (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: do not call dma sync for unmapped memory (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix handling of delete link requests (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: move add link processing for new device into llc layer (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: drop out-of-flow llc response messages (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: protect smc ib device initialization (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix link lookup for new rdma connections (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: clear link during SMC client link down processing (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: handle unexpected response types for confirm link (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: switch smcd_dev_list spinlock to mutex (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix sleep bug in smc_pnet_find_roce_resource() (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: fix work request handling (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: separate LLC wait queues for flow and messages (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [net] net/smc: pre-fetch send buffer outside of send_lock (Philipp Rudo) [1865792]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: set max_segments to lldd max value (Ewan Milne) [1853181]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: enable early kernel's OPAL calls (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: fix kexec load failure with lack of memory hole (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: add appropriate regions for memory reserve map (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: prepare elfcore header for crashing kernel (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: setup backup region for kdump kernel (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: restrict memory usage of kdump kernel (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [mm] powerpc/drmem: make lmb walk a bit more flexible (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] ppc64/kexec_file: avoid stomping memory used by special regions (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] powerpc/kexec_file: add helper functions for getting memory ranges (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [powerpc] powerpc/kexec_file: mark PPC64 specific code (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [kernel] kexec_file: allow archs to handle special regions while locating memory hole (Diego Domingos) [1829715]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Support restore ipv6 tunnel (Alaa Hleihel) [1862975]
- [netdrv] ionic: unlock queue mutex in error path (Jonathan Toppins) [1854270]
- [netdrv] ionic: use mutex to protect queue operations (Jonathan Toppins) [1854270]
- [net] xfrm: esp6: fix the location of the transport header with encapsulation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1857653]
- [net] ipv4: fill fl4_icmp_{type, code} in ping_v4_sendmsg (Sabrina Dubroca) [1861324]
- [netdrv] geneve: fix an uninitialized value in geneve_changelink() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1860945]
- [net] ip_tunnel: fix use-after-free in ip_tunnel_lookup() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1860945]
- [netdrv] vxlan: Avoid infinite loop when suppressing NS messages with invalid options (Sabrina Dubroca) [1860945]
- [tools] selftests: mptcp: capture pcap on both sides (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests/net: report etf errors correctly (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: net: ip_defrag: ignore EPERM (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: pedit_dsfield: Check counter value (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: net: tcp_mmap: fix SO_RCVLOWAT setting (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: net: tcp_mmap: clear whole tcp_zerocopy_receive struct (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: A few improvements to (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: Add tests for vrf and xfrms (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: pmtu: implement IPIP, SIT and ip6tnl PMTU discovery tests (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests/net/forwarding: define libs as TEST_PROGS_EXTENDED (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests/net/forwarding: add Makefile to install tests (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: nft_concat_range: Move option for 'list ruleset' before command (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: netfilter: use randomized netns names (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] kselftests: netfilter: fix leftover net/net-next merge conflict (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [tools] selftests: netfilter: missing error check when setting up veth interface (Hangbin Liu) [1859880]
- [net] sctp: Don't advertise IPv4 addresses if ipv6only is set on the socket (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: check assoc before SCTP_ADDR_{MADE_PRIM, ADDED} event (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: fix typo sctp_ulpevent_nofity_peer_addr_change (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: Fix spelling in Kconfig help (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: Start shutdown on association restart if in SHUTDOWN-SENT state and socket is closed (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: Don't add the shutdown timer if its already been added (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: Fix SHUTDOWN CTSN Ack in the peer restart case (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] sctp: Fix bundling of SHUTDOWN with COOKIE-ACK (Xin Long) [1860673]
- [net] ip6_vti: use IS_REACHABLE to avoid some compile errors (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] xfrm: interface: use IS_REACHABLE to avoid some compile errors (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] xfrm: interface: not xfrmi_ipv6/ipip_handler twice (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip6_vti: not register vti_ipv6_handler twice (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip_vti: not register vti_ipip_handler twice (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] xfrm: interface: support IPIP and IPIP6 tunnels processing with .cb_handler (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] xfrm: interface: support IP6IP6 and IP6IP tunnels processing with .cb_handler (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ipcomp: assign if_id to child tunnel from parent tunnel (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip6_vti: support IP6IP tunnel processing (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip6_vti: support IP6IP6 tunnel processing with .cb_handler (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip_vti: support IPIP6 tunnel processing (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] ip_vti: support IPIP tunnel processing with .cb_handler (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] tunnel6: add tunnel6_input_afinfo for ipip and ipv6 tunnels (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] tunnel4: add cb_handler to struct xfrm_tunnel (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] xfrm: add is_ipip to struct xfrm_input_afinfo (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] tunnel6: support for IPPROTO_MPLS (Xin Long) [1840976 1835075]
- [net] virtio_vsock: Enhance connection semantics (Stefano Garzarella) [1861735]
- [net] virtio_vsock: Fix race condition in virtio_transport_recv_pkt (Stefano Garzarella) [1858135]
- [net] vsock/virtio: annotate 'the_virtio_vsock' RCU pointer (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [vhost] vsock/virtio: fix multiple packet delivery to monitoring devices (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [vhost] vsock: fix packet delivery order to monitoring devices (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [vhost] vsock: accept only packets with the right dst_cid (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [vhost] vsock: refuse CID assigned to the guest->host transport (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [vhost] vsock: switch to a mutex for vhost_vsock_hash (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [net] vsock: fix timeout in vsock_accept() (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [net] vsock: Simplify '__vsock_release()' (Stefano Garzarella) [1861762]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix kernel crash when setting vf VLANID on a VF dev (Alaa Hleihel) [1859477]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Modify uplink state on interface up/down (Alaa Hleihel) [1861720 1859477]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix missing cleanup of ethtool steering during rep rx cleanup (Alaa Hleihel) [1859477 1856660]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add ethtool support to enable 2.5 and 5.0 Gbps support (Ken Cox) [1835962]
- [x86] x86/purgatory: Add -fno-stack-protector (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]
- [x86] x86/purgatory: Fail the build if has missing symbols (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]
- [x86] x86/purgatory: Do not use __builtin_memcpy and __builtin_memset (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]
- [x86] x86/boot: Provide KASAN compatible aliases for string routines (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]
- [x86] x86/purgatory: Disable various profiling and sanitizing options (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]
- [x86] x86/boot: Restrict header scope to make Clang happy (Lianbo Jiang) [1857528]

* Wed Aug 05 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-231.el8]
- [x86] x86/entry/64: Update comments and sanity tests for create_gap (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86/alternatives: add missing insn.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86/alternatives: Teach text_poke_bp() to emulate instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86/paravirt: Standardize 'insn_buff' variable names (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86_64: Allow breakpoints to emulate call instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86_64: Add gap to int3 to allow for call emulation (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [x86] x86/alternatives: Sync bp_patching update for avoiding NULL pointer exception (Jiri Olsa) [1850831]
- [nvme] nvme: add a Identify Namespace Identification Descriptor list quirk (Gopal Tiwari) [1862136]
- [nvme] nvme: fix identify error status silent ignore (Gopal Tiwari) [1862136]
- [nvme] nvme: fix possible hang when ns scanning fails during error recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1862136]
- [nvme] nvme: refactor nvme_identify_ns_descs error handling (Gopal Tiwari) [1862136]
- [infiniband] IB/rdmavt: Fix RQ counting issues causing use of an invalid RWQE (Kamal Heib) [1850314]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: PCIE PHB reset (Steve Best) [1747345]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Handle -EINPROGRESS in nouveau_display_acpi_ntfy() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Fix runtime PM leak in nouveau_display_acpi_ntfy() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Invert conditionals in nouveau_display_acpi_ntfy() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Use pm_runtime_put_autosuspend() in hpd_work (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/fbcon: Use pm_runtime_put_autosuspend() in suspend work (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/fbcon: Fix pm_runtime calls in nouveau_fbcon_output_poll_changed() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/fbcon: Correct pm_runtime calls in nouveau_fbcon_release() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Fix rpm leak in nouveau_connector_hotplug() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms: Handle -EINPROGRESS in nouveau_connector_hotplug() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix module unload when fbcon init has failed for some reason (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/tu102: wait for core update to complete when assigning windows (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/gm200-: fix regression from HDA SOR selection changes (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: fix a crash when overclocking Vega M (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Fix NULL dereference in dpm sysfs handlers (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix preemption unit test (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/gfx10: fix race condition for kiq (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: add dmcub check on RENOIR (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Check DMCU Exists Before Loading (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/nouveau: fix page fault on device private memory (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/i2c/g94-: increase NV_PMGR_DP_AUXCTL_TRANSACTREQ timeout (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/perf: Use GTT when saving/restoring engine GPR (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gvt: Fix two CFL MMIO handling caused by regression (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Only swap to a random sibling once upon creation (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Ignore irq enabling on the virtual engines (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Move cec_notifier to intel_hdmi_connector_unregister, v2 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/display: create fake mst encoders ahead of time (v4) (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: handle failed allocation during stream construction (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/sdma5: fix wptr overwritten in ->get_wptr() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/powerplay: Modify SMC message name for setting power profile mode (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Also drop vm.ref along error paths for vma construction (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Drop vm.ref for duplicate vma on construction (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: asd function needs to be unloaded in suspend phase (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: add TMR destory function for psp (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: don't do soft recovery if gpu_recovery=0 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Skip stale object handle for debugfs per-file-stats (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Pin the rings before marking active (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/radeon: fix double free (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Use generic orientation-data for Acer S1003 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Asus T101HA panel (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Don't apply gfx quirks to untrusted devices (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/tegra: hub: Do not enable orphaned window group (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/ttm: Fix dma_fence refcnt leak when adding move fence (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/ttm: Fix dma_fence refcnt leak in ttm_bo_vm_fault_reserved (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/atomfirmware: fix vram_info fetching for renoir (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: use u rather than d for sclk/mclk (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Only revalidate bandwidth on medium and fast updates (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Mark timeline->cacheline as destroyed after rcu grace period (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Fix ineffective setting of max bpc property (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Fix incorrectly pruned modes with deep color (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: add fw release for sdma v5_0 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/radeon: fix fb_div check in ni_init_smc_spll_table() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd: fix potential memleak in err branch (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Enable output_bpc property on all outputs (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Use kfree() to free rgb_user in calculate_user_regamma_ramp() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] Revert "drm/amd/display: disable dcn20 abm feature for bring up" (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move gen4 GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move vlv GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move ilk GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move snb GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move ivb GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Move hsw GT workarounds from init_clock_gating to workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Incrementally check for rewinding (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc: fix the reset of ln0 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/icl+: Fix hotplug interrupt disabling after storm detection (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Use kvfree() to free coeff in build_regamma() (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdkfd: Use correct major in devcgroup check (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/connector: notify userspace on hotplug after register complete (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Whitelist context-local timestamp in the gen9 cmdparser (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gem: Avoid iterating an empty list (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Fix AUX power domain toggling across TypeC mode resets (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/dp_mst: Increase ACT retry timeout to 3s (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/ast: Don't check new mode if CRTC is being disabled (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Replace invalid device ID with a valid device ID (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/display: use blanked rather than plane state for sync groups (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/qxl: Use correct notify port address when creating cursor ring (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/dp_mst: Reformat drm_dp_check_act_status() a bit (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/ast: fix missing break in switch statement for format->cppcase 4 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Revalidate bandwidth before commiting DC updates (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/nouveau: gr/gk20a: Use firmware version 0 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Sync with VM root BO when switching VM to CPU update mode (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerpay: Disable gfxoff when setting manual mode on picasso and raven (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Do not disable pipe split if mode is not supported (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: dmcu wait loop calculation is incorrect in RV (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Correct updating logic of dcn21's pipe VM flags (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/ast: Allocate initial CRTC state of the correct size (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/hisilicon: Enforce 128-byte stride alignment to fix the hardware limitation (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/dp: Lenovo X13 Yoga OLED panel brightness fix (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Unbreak enable_dpcd_backlight modparam (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Force DPCD backlight mode for some Dell CML 2020 panels (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Force DPCD backlight mode on X1 Extreme 2nd Gen 4K AMOLED panel (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/dp: Introduce EDID-based quirks (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Init data to avoid oops while reading pp_num_states (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: fix virtual signal dsc setup (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Force watermark value propagation (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm: bridge: adv7511: Extend list of audio sample rates (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix and cleanup amdgpu_gem_object_close v4 (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/vkms: Hold gem object while still in-use (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Not doing optimize bandwidth if flip pending (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: remove invalid dc_is_hw_initialized function (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: DP training to set properly SCRAMBLING_DISABLE (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/edid: Add Oculus Rift S to non-desktop list (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Fix potential integer wraparound resulting in a hang (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Added locking for atomic update stream and update planes (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Indicate dsc updates explicitly (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Split program front end part that occur outside lock (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: drop cursor position check in atomic test (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/amdgpu: Update update_config() logic (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Use GEM obj reference for KFD BOs (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: perform PG ungate prior to CG ungate (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: drop unnecessary cancel_delayed_work_sync on PG ungate (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915: Propagate error from completed fences (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/i915/gvt: Init DPLL/DDI vreg for virtual display instead of inheritance (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Prevent dpcd reads with passive dongles (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: fix counter in wait_for_no_pipes_pending (Lyude Paul) [1827812]
- [gpu] vgaarb: Keep adding VGA device in queue (Lyude Paul) [1827812]

* Sun Aug 02 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-230.el8]
- [net] openvswitch: fixes potential deadlock in dp cleanup code (Eelco Chaudron) [1845662]
- [net] openvswitch: reorder masks array based on usage (Eelco Chaudron) [1845662]
- [net] openvswitch: ovs_ct_exit to be done under ovs_lock (Eelco Chaudron) [1860853]
- [net] ip6_gre: fix null-ptr-deref in ip6gre_init_net() (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [net] ip6_gre: fix use-after-free in ip6gre_tunnel_lookup() (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [net] mld: fix memory leak in ipv6_mc_destroy_dev() (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [net] ipv6: Fix suspicious RCU usage warning in ip6mr (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [net] ip6mr: Fix RCU list debugging warning (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [net] revert "ipv6: add mtu lock check in __ip6_rt_update_pmtu" (Hangbin Liu) [1860221]
- [netdrv] macsec: avoid to set wrong mtu (Sabrina Dubroca) [1860944]
- [netdrv] team: fix hang in team_mode_get() (Hangbin Liu) [1860219]
- [include] xfrm: Fix crash when the hold queue is used. (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm: policy: fix IPv6-only espintcp compilation (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm: esp6: fix encapsulation header offset computation (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm: Fix double ESP trailer insertion in IPsec crypto offload. (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] esp4: improve xfrm4_beet_gso_segment() to be more readable (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm interface: don't take extra reference to netdev (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm interface: fix oops when deleting a x-netns interface (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm: remove the unnecessary .net_exit for xfrmi (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] xfrm: Always set XFRM_TRANSFORMED in xfrm{4, 6}_output_finish (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [include] xfrm: fix error in comment (Xin Long) [1860672]
- [net] sctp: shrink stream outq when fails to do addstream reconf (Xin Long) [1853535]
- [net] sctp: shrink stream outq only when new outcnt < old outcnt (Xin Long) [1853535]
- [net] tipc: fix kernel WARNING in tipc_msg_append() (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] tipc: fix NULL pointer dereference in streaming (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] tipc: add test for Nagle algorithm effectiveness (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] tipc: fix failed service subscription deletion (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] tipc: fix memory leak in service subscripting (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] tipc: fix large latency in smart Nagle streaming (Xin Long) [1844377]
- [net] mptcp: add receive buffer auto-tuning (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [tools] selftests: mptcp: add option to specify size of file to transfer (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fallback in case of simultaneous connect (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: improve fallback to TCP (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fix unblocking connect() (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: cache msk on MP_JOIN init_req (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: remove msk from the token container at destruction time. (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fix races between shutdown and recvmsg (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fix race between MP_JOIN and close (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: drop MPTCP_PM_MAX_ADDR (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: bugfix for RM_ADDR option parsing (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: drop MP_JOIN request sock on syn cookies (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: avoid NULL-ptr derefence on fallback (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: drop sndr_key in mptcp_syn_options (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: MPTCP_HMAC_TEST should depend on MPTCP (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fix DSS map generation on fin retransmission (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] inet_connection_sock: clear inet_num out of destroy helper (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: fix NULL ptr dereference in MP_JOIN error path (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: avoid blocking in tcp_sendpages (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] mptcp: break and restart in case mptcp sndbuf is full (Florian Westphal) [1858276]
- [net] l2tp: remove skb_dst_set() from l2tp_xmit_skb() (Xin Long) [1832799]
- [net] rtnetlink: prevent underflows in do_setvfinfo() (Davide Caratti) [1854740]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: reintroduce the NFT_SET_CONCAT flag (Phil Sutter) [1847553]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: report EOPNOTSUPP on unsupported flags/object type (Phil Sutter) [1847553]
- [net] openvswitch: take into account de-fragmentation/gso_size in execute_check_pkt_len (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1851888]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: mirror_lib: Use mausezahn (Davide Caratti) [1816443]
- [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Add Ice Lake RAPL support (Michael Petlan) [1841266]
- [arm64] arm64/mm: enable HugeTLB migration (Donghai Qiao) [1758717]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Run queue in case of I/O resource contention failure (Ewan Milne) [1854958]
- [message] scsi: mptscsih: Fix read sense data size (Tomas Henzl) [1850563]
- [netdrv] net: qed: fix buffer overflow on ethtool -d (Manish Chopra) [1858915]
- [x86] sched/cputime: Improve cputime_adjust() (Oleg Nesterov) [1859977]
- [kernel] uprobes: Change handle_swbp() to send SIGTRAP with si_code=SI_KERNEL, to fix GDB regression (Oleg Nesterov) [1855390]
- [x86] x86/asm: Fix MWAITX C-state hint value (Vladis Dronov) [1767064]
- [x86] x86/kexec: Fill in acpi_rsdp_addr from the first kernel (Kairui Song) [1684462]
- [x86] x86/kexec: Don't setup EFI info if EFI runtime is not enabled (Kairui Song) [1684462]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: fix racy on error and request eventfd ctx (Alex Williamson) [1858346]
- [platform] platform/x86: ISST: Increase timeout (Prarit Bhargava) [1854682]
- [mm] x86/mm: split vmalloc_sync_all() (Al Stone) [1851547]
- [acpi] ACPI: watchdog: Fix gas->access_width usage (Al Stone) [1851547]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Introduce ACPI_ACCESS_BYTE_WIDTH() macro (Al Stone) [1851547]

* Thu Jul 30 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-229.el8]
- [virt] kvm: x86: take as_id into account when checking PGD (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1615704]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Stop clobbering x0 for HVC_SOFT_RESTART (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: pmu: Fix per-CPU access in preemptible context (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Fix kvm_reset_vcpu() return code being incorrect with SVE (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Annotate hyp NMI-related functions as __always_inline (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Remove host_cpu_context member from vcpu structure (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Move hyp_symbol_addr() to kvm_asm.h (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Handle PtrAuth traps early (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Save the host's PtrAuth keys in non-preemptible context (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Stop save/restoring ACTLR_EL1 (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [kernel] firmware: smccc: Update link to latest SMCCC specification (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [kernel] arm/arm64: smccc-1.1: Handle function result as parameters (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [kernel] arm/arm64: smccc-1.1: Make return values unsigned long (Andrew Jones) [1855788]
- [video] Revert "hyperv_fb: Fix hibernation for the deferred IO feature" (Mohammed Gamal) [1858755]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Map 128 bits labels to 32 bit map ID (Alaa Hleihel) [1859540]
- [security] ima: move APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM dependency on ARCH_POLICY to runtime (Bruno Meneguele) [1847219]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: NVMe remote port devloss_tmo from lldd (Dick Kennedy) [1859344]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Disable devlink port support for non-switchdev mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858501 1852904 1849623]
- [tools] perf powerpc: Don't ignore sym-handling.c file (Michael Petlan) [1858133]
- [fs] ext4: reserve revoke credits in __ext4_new_inode (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [include] jbd2: make jbd2_handle_buffer_credits() handle reserved handles (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: avoid leaking transaction credits when unreserving handle (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Fine tune estimate of necessary descriptor blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Provide trace event for handle restarts (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Reserve revoke credits for freed blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Make credit checking more strict (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Rename h_buffer_credits to h_total_credits (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: add missing tracepoint for reserved handle (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Reserve space for revoke descriptor blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Drop jbd2_space_needed() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: remove repeated assignments in __jbd2_log_wait_for_space() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Account descriptor blocks into t_outstanding_credits (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [include] jbd2: update locking documentation for transaction_t (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Factor out common parts of stopping and restarting a handle (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Drop pointless wakeup from jbd2_journal_stop() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Drop pointless check from jbd2_journal_stop() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Reorganize jbd2_journal_stop() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4, jbd2: Provide accessor function for handle credits (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Provide function to handle transaction restarts (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Avoid unnecessary revokes in ext4_alloc_branch() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Use ext4_journal_extend() instead of jbd2_journal_extend() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Completely fill journal descriptor blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Fixup stale comment in commit code (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [include] jbd2: Fix possible overflow in jbd2_log_space_left() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4, jbd2: ensure panic by fix a race between jbd2 abort and ext4 error handlers (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: remove set but not used variable 'es' in ext4_jbd2.c (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: remove set but not used variable 'es' (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: save all error info in save_error_info() and drop ext4_set_errno() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: save the error code which triggered an ext4_error() in the superblock (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: clean __jbd2_journal_abort_hard() and __journal_abort_soft() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: stop overwrite the errcode in ext4_setup_super (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix partial cluster initialization when splitting extent (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: avoid ext4_error()'s caused by ENOMEM in the truncate path (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix race between ext4_sync_parent() and rename() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: clean up ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized() error handling (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: clean up GET_BLOCKS_PRE_IO error handling (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix error pointer dereference (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Avoid freeing inodes on dirty list (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] writeback: Export inode_io_list_del() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix buffer_head refcnt leak when ext4_iget() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix EXT_MAX_EXTENT/INDEX to check for zeroed eh_max (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix a style issue in fs/ext4/acl.c (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix return-value types in several function comments (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: use non-movable memory for superblock readahead (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix incorrect group count in ext4_fill_super error message (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix incorrect inodes per group in error message (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: avoid ENOSPC when avoiding to reuse recently deleted inodes (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix a data race at inode->i_disksize (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix a data race at inode->i_blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: clean up error return for convert_initialized_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: force buffer up-to-date while marking it dirty (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix race between writepages and enabling EXT4_EXTENTS_FL (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: rename s_journal_flag_rwsem to s_writepages_rwsem (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: potential crash on allocation error in ext4_alloc_flex_bg_array() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix potential race between s_flex_groups online resizing and access (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix potential race between s_group_info online resizing and access (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix potential race between online resizing and write operations (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: add cond_resched() to __ext4_find_entry() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix a data race in EXT4_I(inode)->i_disksize (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix checksum errors with indexed dirs (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: simplify checking quota limits in ext4_statfs() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: choose hardlimit when softlimit is larger than hardlimit in ext4_statfs_project() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: don't assume that mmp_nodename/bdevname have NUL (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: make sure ESHUTDOWN to be recorded in the journal superblock (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4, jbd2: ensure panic when aborting with zero errno (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: switch to use jbd2_journal_abort() when failed to submit the commit record (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2_seq_info_next should increase position index (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4,jbd2: fix comment and code style (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix extent_status trace points (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix extent_status fragmentation for plain files (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: clear JBD2_ABORT flag before journal_reset to update log tail info when load journal (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix some nonstandard indentation in extents.c (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix documentation for ext4_ext_try_to_merge() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: avoid fetching btime in ext4_getattr() unless requested (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix ext4_dax_read/write inode locking sequence for IOCB_NOWAIT (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: optimize __ext4_check_dir_entry() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: check for directory entries too close to block end (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix a bug in ext4_wait_for_tail_page_commit (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: Fix statistics for the number of logged blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Fix ext4_should_journal_data() for EA inodes (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Fix credit estimate for final inode freeing (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Do not iput inode under running transaction (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: Move marking of handle as sync to ext4_add_nondir() (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: update direct I/O read lock pattern for IOCB_NOWAIT (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] jbd2: flush_descriptor(): Do not decrease buffer head's ref count (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: fix prefetchw of NULL page (Lukas Czerner) [1856760]
- [fs] ext4: check for non-zero journal inum in ext4_calculate_overhead (Lukas Czerner) [1814574]
- [fs] ext4: do not commit super on read-only bdev (Lukas Czerner) [1814574]
- [kernel] isolcpus: Affine unbound kernel threads to housekeeping cpus (Marcelo Tosatti) [1791930]
- [kernel] kthread: Switch to cpu_possible_mask (Marcelo Tosatti) [1791930]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Quieten some printks (Dick Kennedy) [1859338]
- [scsi] Revert "scsi: lpfc: Fix scsi host template for SLI3 vports" (Dick Kennedy) [1851189]
- [md] dm mpath: use double checked locking in fast path (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: rename current_pgpath to pgpath in multipath_prepare_ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: rework __map_bio() (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: factor out multipath_queue_bio (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: push locking down to must_push_back_rq() (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: take m->lock spinlock when testing QUEUE_IF_NO_PATH (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm mpath: changes from initial m->flags locking audit (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm rq: don't call blk_mq_queue_stopped() in dm_stop_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [md] dm: do not use waitqueue for request-based DM (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [block] blk-mq: consider non-idle request as "inflight" in blk_mq_rq_inflight() (Mike Snitzer) [1848651]
- [powerpc] powerpc/fadump: fix race between pstore write and fadump crash trigger (Steve Best) [1820109]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix probe code to return EPERM if encountered (=?UTF-8?q?Toke=20H=C3=B8iland-J=C3=B8rgensen?=) [1856592]
- [tools] tools selftests/bpf: Fix vmlinux test for kprobe and trampoline probes (Jiri Olsa) [1855778]
- [net] net: Restrict receive packets queuing to housekeeping CPUs (Nitesh Narayan Lal) [1844520]
- [pci] PCI: Restrict probe functions to housekeeping CPUs (Nitesh Narayan Lal) [1844520]
- [lib] lib: Restrict cpumask_local_spread to houskeeping CPUs (Nitesh Narayan Lal) [1844520]

* Mon Jul 27 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-228.el8]
- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Purge extra count_pmc() calls of ebb selftests (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1739769]
- [netdrv] bonding: symmetric ICMP transmit (Jarod Wilson) [1760293]
- [netdrv] bonding: balance ICMP echoes in layer3+4 mode (Jarod Wilson) [1760362]
- [powerpc] powerpc/vas: Report proper error code for address translation failure (Steve Best) [1858160]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Fix module use count flaw due to leftover module put calls (Kamal Heib) [1858388]
- [gpu] vgaarb: Add support for 64-bit frame buffer address (Karol Herbst) [1735217]
- [netdrv] ionic: centralize queue reset code (Jonathan Toppins) [1857851]
- [s390] s390/qeth: support net namespaces for L3 devices (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: implement smarter resizing of the RX buffer pool (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: refactor buffer pool code (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: use page pointers to manage RX buffer pool (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: cancel RX reclaim work earlier (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: handle error when backing RX buffer (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: don't reset default_out_queue (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qdio: fill SBALEs with absolute addresses (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: fix off-by-one in RX copybreak check (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: vnicc Fix EOPNOTSUPP precedence (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/qeth: consolidate QDIO queue setup (Philipp Rudo) [1857311]
- [s390] s390/pci: Fix s390_mmio_read/write with MIO (Philipp Rudo) [1857315]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: Fix panic on ERP timeout for previously dismissed ERP action (Philipp Rudo) [1857312]
- [net] net/smc: tolerate future SMCD versions (Philipp Rudo) [1854992]
- [fs] ext4: use RCU API in debug_print_tree (Lukas Czerner) [1837777]
- [fs] ext4: fix potential use after free after remounting with noblock_validity (Lukas Czerner) [1837777]
- [fs] ext4: add cond_resched() to ext4_protect_reserved_inode (Lukas Czerner) [1837777]
- [fs] fibmap: Reject negative block numbers (Carlos Maiolino) [1687121]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: Fix SR-IOV VF handling with MMIO blocking (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio-pci: Invalidate mmaps and block MMIO access on disabled memory (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio-pci: Fault mmaps to enable vma tracking (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio/type1: Support faulting PFNMAP vmas (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio/type1: Fix VA->PA translation for PFNMAP VMAs in vaddr_get_pfn() (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio/pci: call irq_bypass_unregister_producer() before freeing irq (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [vfio] vfio_pci: Enable memory accesses before calling pci_map_rom (Alex Williamson) [1837310] {CVE-2020-12888}
- [x86] mm: Fix mremap not considering huge pmd devmap (Rafael Aquini) [1843441] {CVE-2020-10757}
- [x86] x86/speculation: PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE enforcement for indirect branches (Waiman Long) [1847396 1846029] {CVE-2020-10768}
- [x86] x86/speculation: Prevent rogue cross-process SSBD shutdown (Waiman Long) [1847358 1846029] {CVE-2020-10766}
- [x86] x86/speculation: Avoid force-disabling IBPB based on STIBP and enhanced IBRS (Waiman Long) [1847379 1846029] {CVE-2020-10767}
- [x86] x86/speculation/mds: Mark mds_user_clear_cpu_buffers() __always_inline (Waiman Long) [1846029]
- [arm64] Return ENODEV when the selected speculation misfeature is unsupported (Waiman Long) [1846029]
- [x86] x86/speculation: Add support for STIBP always-on preferred mode (Waiman Long) [1846029]
- [x86] x86/speculation: Change misspelled STIPB to STIBP (Waiman Long) [1846029]

* Mon Jul 20 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-227.el8]
- [powerpc] powernv/iov: Ensure the pdn for VFs always contains a valid PE number (David Gibson) [1848235]
- [powerpc] don't use ioremap_prot() nor __ioremap() unless really needed (Greg Kurz) [1855957]
- [char] tpm: ibmvtpm: Wait for ready buffer before probing for TPM2 attributes (David Gibson) [1837283]
- [powerpc] Check prom_init for disallowed sections (Michael Roth) [1856099]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Move __prombss to it's own section and store it in .bss (Michael Roth) [1856099]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Move const structures to __initconst (Michael Roth) [1856099]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Make "default_colors" const (Michael Roth) [1856099]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Move ibm_arch_vec to __prombss (Michael Roth) [1856099]
- [fs] ext4: unregister sysfs path before destroying jbd2 journal (Lukas Czerner) [1814577]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries/svm: Fix incorrect check for shared_lppaca_size (Steve Best) [1856889]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix NULL dereference in case SR-IOV configuration fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1856372]
- [security] kexec: Allow kexec_file() with appropriate IMA policy when locked down (Bruno Meneguele) [1854097]
- [x86] x86/apic/vector: Warn when vector space exhaustion breaks affinity (Neil Horman) [1714686]
- [tools] perf report TUI: Fix segmentation fault in perf_evsel__hists_browse() (Michael Petlan) [1855737]
- [fs] ext4: do not zeroout extents beyond i_disksize (Lukas Czerner) [1817816]
- [pci] PCI/DPC: Print IRQ number used by port (Myron Stowe) [1855343]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Use "aer" variable for capability offset (Myron Stowe) [1855343]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Remove redundant dev->aer_cap checks (Myron Stowe) [1855343]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Remove redundant pci_is_pcie() checks (Myron Stowe) [1855343]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Remove HEST/FIRMWARE_FIRST parsing for AER ownership (Myron Stowe) [1855343]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: use __u32 for sock::sk_pacing_rate (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1856324]
- [tools] libbpf: Handle GCC noreturn-turned-volatile quirk (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1854327]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix releasing ft entries (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Remove unused function param (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Return err_ptr from internal functions (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Expand tunnel register mappings (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Use mapping for zone restore register (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Re-use tuple modify headers for identical modify actions (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Export sharing of mod headers to a new file (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support for COPY steering action (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Accept flow rules without match (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Restore ct state from lookup in zone instead of tupleid (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Don't offload tuple rewrites for established tuples (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use netdev_info instead of pr_info (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Allow header rewrite of 5-tuple and ct clear action (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Save ct entries tuples in hashtables (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: CT: Remove unused variables (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid eswitch header inclusion in fs core layer (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: vxlan: Use RCU for vxlan table lookup (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove unused mlx5e_xsk_first_unused_channel (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix memory leak in cleanup (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix port buffers cell size value (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix 50G per lane indication (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix CPU mapping after function reload to avoid aRFS RX crash (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix VXLAN configuration restore after function reload (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix eeprom support for SFP module (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Fix 50G per lane indication (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Do not include rwlock.h directly (Alaa Hleihel) [1856057]
- [fs] jbd2: fix data races at struct journal_head (Lukas Czerner) [1792518]
- [fs] jbd2: remove pointless assertion in __journal_remove_journal_head (Lukas Czerner) [1792518]
- [fs] jbd2: improve comments about freeing data buffers whose page mapping is NULL (Lukas Czerner) [1792518]
- [fs] jbd2: do not clear the BH_Mapped flag when forgetting a metadata buffer (Lukas Czerner) [1792518]
- [fs] jbd2: move the clearing of b_modified flag to the journal_unmap_buffer() (Lukas Czerner) [1792518]
- [fs] ext4: unlock on error in ext4_expand_extra_isize() (Lukas Czerner) [1817636] {CVE-2019-19767}
- [fs] ext4: fix support for inode sizes > 1024 bytes (Lukas Czerner) [1817636] {CVE-2019-19767}
- [fs] ext4: validate the debug_want_extra_isize mount option at parse time (Lukas Czerner) [1817636] {CVE-2019-19767}
- [fs] ext4: add more paranoia checking in ext4_expand_extra_isize handling (Lukas Czerner) [1817636] {CVE-2019-19767}
- [fs] ext4: unsigned int compared against zero (Lukas Czerner) [1836666] {CVE-2019-19319}
- [fs] ext4: protect journal inode's blocks using block_validity (Lukas Czerner) [1836666] {CVE-2019-19319}
- [powerpc] powerpc/kernel/sysfs: Add new config option PMU_SYSFS to enable PMU SPRs sysfs file creation (Michael Petlan) [1821284]
- [powerpc] powerpc/kernel/sysfs: Refactor current sysfs.c (Michael Petlan) [1821284]
- [kernel] irqdomain: Add the missing assignment of domain->fwnode for named fwnode (Mohammed Gamal) [1846666]
- [security] lockdown: Allow unprivileged users to see lockdown status (Vladis Dronov) [1805299]
- [edac] EDAC/ghes: Setup DIMM label from DMI and use it in error reports (Robert Richter) [1726153]

* Wed Jul 15 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-226.el8]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fixes for preemption timer migration (Paolo Bonzini) [1854831]
- [powerpc] pci/of: Parse unassigned resources (Greg Kurz) [1849921]
- [video] revert "hyperv: hyperv_fb: Support deferred IO for Hyper-V frame buffer driver" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1848840]
- [video] revert "hyperv: hyperv_fb: Use physical memory for fb on HyperV Gen 1 VMs" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1848840]
- [pci] hv: Retry PCI bus D0 entry on invalid device state (Mohammed Gamal) [1846666]
- [pci] hv: Fix the PCI HyperV probe failure path to release resource properly (Mohammed Gamal) [1846666]
- [pci] hv: Allocate a named fwnode instead of an address-based one (Mohammed Gamal) [1846666]
- [netdrv] tg3: driver sleeps indefinitely when EEH errors exceed eeh_max_freezes (Jonathan Toppins) [1850176]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix kdump hang on PPC (Dick Kennedy) [1722596]
- [fs] nfsd: fix nfsdfs inode reference count leak ("J. Bruce Fields") [1846235]
- [fs] nfsd4: fix nfsdfs reference count loop ("J. Bruce Fields") [1846235]
- [kernel] sched: Defend cfs and rt bandwidth quota against overflow (Phil Auld) [1854180]
- [kernel] sched/core: Make some functions static (Phil Auld) [1854180]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Refill bandwidth before scaling (Phil Auld) [1854180]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Eliminate bandwidth race between throttling and distribution (Phil Auld) [1854180]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Fix race between runtime distribution and assignment (Phil Auld) [1854180]
- [kernel] sched/deadline: Initialize ->dl_boosted (Phil Auld) [1854179]
- [kernel] sched/core: Fix PI boosting between RT and DEADLINE tasks (Phil Auld) [1854179]
- [netdrv] ibmveth: Fix max MTU limit (Diego Domingos) [1846435]
- [kernel] sched/core: Fix ttwu() race (Phil Auld) [1854178]
- [tools] perf flamegraph: Explicitly set utf-8 encoding (Michael Petlan) [1849027]
- [kernel] sched/core: Check cpus_mask, not cpus_ptr in __set_cpus_allowed_ptr(), to fix mask corruption (Phil Auld) [1854174]
- [kernel] workqueue: Remove the warning in wq_worker_sleeping() (Phil Auld) [1854174]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Fix negative imbalance in imbalance calculation (Phil Auld) [1854174]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Optimize select_idle_core() (Phil Auld) [1854174]
- [x86] x86/PCI: Mark Intel C620 MROMs as having non-compliant BARs (Myron Stowe) [1854184]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix firmware not resetting tp->ocp_base (Josef Oskera) [1851960]
- [acpi] ACPI: configfs: Disallow loading ACPI tables when locked down (Lenny Szubowicz) [1852969]
- [arm64] Revert "bpf: Restrict bpf_probe_read{, str}() only to archs where they work" (Jiri Olsa) [1847837]
- [s390] s390/mm: Explicitly compare PAGE_DEFAULT_KEY against zero in storage_key_init_range (Jiri Olsa) [1847837]
- [net] Bluetooth: Modify LE window and interval for suspend (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix incorrect type for window and interval (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Use DEFER_SETUP to group ECRED connections (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: don't assume key size is 16 when the command fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Add get_peer_pid callback (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Restore running state if suspend fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix incorrect branch in connection complete (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Do not cancel advertising when starting a scan (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: remove set but not used variable 'credits' (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix a condition in l2cap_sock_recvmsg() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: handle l2cap config request during open state (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: clean up connection in hci_cs_disconnect (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Pause discovery and advertising during suspend (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Handle LE devices during suspend (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Handle BR/EDR devices during suspend (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Handle PM_SUSPEND_PREPARE and PM_POST_SUSPEND (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: mgmt: add mgmt_cmd_status in add_advertising (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: fix off by one in err_data_reporting cmd masks (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Use bt_dev_err for RPA generation failure message (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: RFCOMM: fix ODEBUG bug in rfcomm_dev_ioctl (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Add module option to enable ECRED mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Add initial code for Enhanced Credit Based Mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: L2CAP: Add definitions (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Increment management interface revision (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Make use of skb_pull to parse L2CAP signaling PDUs (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix calculation of SCO handle for packet processing (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: guard against controllers sending zero'd events (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: During le_conn_timeout disable EXT_ADV (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Remove adv set for directed advertising (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix Suspicious RCU usage warnings (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Use list_for_each_entry_rcu() to traverse RCU list in RCU read-side CS (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: fix passkey uninitialized when used (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Use MTU auto tune logic (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix crash when using new BT_PHY option (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Disable Extended Adv if enabled (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Add BT_PHY socket option (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: secure bluetooth stack from bluedump attack (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: remove __get_channel/dir and __dir (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: prefetch channel before killing sock (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: optimize barrier usage for Rmw atomics (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix refcount use-after-free issue (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: SMP: Fix SALT value in some comments (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix race condition in hci_release_sock() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Move {min, max}_key_size debugfs into hci_debugfs_create_le (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Add missing checks for HCI_ISODATA_PKT packet type (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: fix appearance typo in mgmt.c (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: adding missing const decoration to mgmt_status_table (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Increment management interface revision (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: monitor: Add support for ISO packets (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Make use of __check_timeout on hci_sched_le (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Implementation of MGMT_OP_SET_BLOCKED_KEYS (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: remove redundant assignment to variable icid (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Auto tune if input MTU is set to 0 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Remove usage of BT_ERR_RATELIMITED macro (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Adding a bt_dev_warn_ratelimited macro (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix memory leak in hci_connect_le_scan (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Allow combination of BDADDR_PROPERTY and INVALID_BDADDR quirks (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: delete a stray unlock (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix advertising duplicated flags (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] net: use skb_queue_empty_lockless() in poll() handlers (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix not using LE_ADV_NONCONN_IND for instance 0 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Fix using advertising instance duration as timeout (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [fs] compat_ioctl: move hci_sock handlers into driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [fs] compat_ioctl: move rfcomm handlers into driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: hci_core: fix init for HCI_USER_CHANNEL (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Workaround directed advertising bug in Broadcom controllers (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: missed cpu_to_le16 conversion in hci_init4_req (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [hid] Bluetooth: hidp: Fix assumptions on the return value of hidp_send_message (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: mgmt: Use struct_size() helper (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Add support for utilizing Fast Advertising Interval (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: 6lowpan: Make variable header_ops constant (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Revert "Bluetooth: validate BLE connection interval updates" (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: print Intel fw build version in power-on boot (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h5: Switch from BT_ERR to bt_dev_err where possible (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: bfusb: Switch from BT_ERR to bt_dev_err where possible (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Enable erroneous data reporting if WBS is supported (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Replace devm_gpiod_get() with devm_gpiod_get_optional() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Make bt_en and susclk not mandatory for QCA Rome (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btqca: Fix the NVM baudrate tag offcet for wcn3991 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Not send vendor pre-shutdown command for QCA Rome (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Support querying for WBS support through MGMT (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add flag to define wideband speech capability (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h4: Remove a redundant assignment in 'h4_flush()' (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h4: Fix a typo in a comment (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h5: Move variable into local scope (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Bug fixes while collecting controller memory dump (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h5: btrtl: Add support for RTL8822C (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: Fix a typo in Kconfig (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_uart: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_intel: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btintel: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for 13d3:3548 Realtek 8822CE device (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Optimized code while enabling clocks for BT SOC (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Enable clocks required for BT SOC (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Use kvmalloc for FW allocations (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Enable power off/on support during hci down/up for QCA Rome (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Retry btsoc initialize when it fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Add QCA Rome power off support to the qca_power_shutdown() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: enable IRQ capability from devicetree (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_vhci: Add support for ISO packets (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h4: Add support for ISO packets (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btsdio: Check for valid packet type (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Add definitions (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [net] Bluetooth: Add support for (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_h5: Add support for ISO packets (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Add qca_power_on() API to support both wcn399x and Rome power up (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm : Fix warning about missing blank lines after declarations (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Remove set but not used variable 'opcode' (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Use vfree() instead of kfree() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for 04ca:3021 QCA_ROME device (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Collect controller memory dump during SSR (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Drive RTS only for BCM43438 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Replace of_device_get_match_data with device_get_match_data (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm: Add missing static inline in header (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Disable runtime suspend on Realtek devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: fix memory leak on fw (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: fix non-atomic allocation in completion handler (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Support pcm params in dts (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm: Support pcm configuration (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Disallow set_baudrate for BCM4354 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Edit the logical value for Realtek Bluetooth reset (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm: Use the BDADDR_PROPERTY quirk (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm: Add entry for BCM4335A0 UART bluetooth (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btbcm: Add entry for BCM4334B0 UART Bluetooth (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: fix PM leak in error case of setup (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btqca: Rename ROME specific variables to generic variables (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btmtksdio: add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: Fix invalid-free in bcsp_close() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: add PM support (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Add compatible string for BCM43540 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: remove unneeded semicolon (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Fix RTS handling during startup (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Revert "Bluetooth: hci_qca: Add delay for wcn3990 stability" (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Remove return statement in btintel_reset_to_bootloader (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Split qca_power_setup() (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Use regulator bulk enable/disable (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Don't vote for specific voltage (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Update regulator_set_load() usage (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Add delay for wcn3990 stability (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Trigger Intel FW download error recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btwilink: drop superseded driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Revert "Bluetooth: hci_ll: set operational frequency earlier" (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Fix an issue for the incorrect error return code (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Use IS_ENABLED instead of #ifdef (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: print FW version after FW download (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: avoid unused function warning (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_nokia: Save a few cycles in 'nokia_enqueue()' (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Use cmd_timeout to reset Realtek device (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Fix an issue that failing to download the FW which size is over 32K bytes (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Remove trailing newline from calls to rtl_dev macros (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Set HCI_QUIRK_SIMULTANEOUS_DISCOVERY for QCA UART Radio (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Remove redundant prefix from calls to rtl_dev macros (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Set HCI_QUIRK_SIMULTANEOUS_DISCOVERY (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] bluetooth: bcm: Add support for loading firmware for BCM4345C5 (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Add firmware version print (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] bluetooth: hci_bcm: Give more time to come out of reset (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: wait for Pre shutdown complete event before sending the Power off pulse (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Fix -Wunused-const-variable warnings (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btusb: Fix suspend issue for Realtek devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Remove redundant initializations to zero (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: Make structure qca_proto constant (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: bpa10x: change return value (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: hci_qca: disable irqs when spinlock is acquired (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]
- [bluetooth] Bluetooth: btrtl: Additional Realtek 8822CE Bluetooth devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1838924]

* Mon Jul 13 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-225.el8]
- [powerpc] powerpc/papr_scm: Implement support for PAPR_PDSM_HEALTH (Gustavo Duarte) [1782178]
- [powerpc] ndctl/papr_scm, uapi: Add support for PAPR nvdimm specific methods (Gustavo Duarte) [1782178]
- [powerpc] powerpc/papr_scm: Improve error logging and handling papr_scm_ndctl() (Gustavo Duarte) [1782178]
- [powerpc] powerpc/papr_scm: Fetch nvdimm health information from PHYP (Gustavo Duarte) [1782178]
- [lib] seq_buf: Export seq_buf_printf (Gustavo Duarte) [1782178]
- [firmware] efi: Restrict efivar_ssdt_load when the kernel is locked down (Lenny Szubowicz) [1852949]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: allow rx flow hash ops only when rss is enabled (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] net: vmxnet3: fix possible buffer overflow caused by bad DMA value in vmxnet3_get_rss() (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: use correct hdr reference when packet is encapsulated (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: update to version 4 (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: add geneve and vxlan tunnel offload support (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: add support to get/set rx flow hash (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: prepare for version 4 changes (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: let core reject the unsupported coalescing parameters (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: use new helper tcp_v6_gso_csum_prep (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove always false conditional statement (Cathy Avery) [1845417]
- [kernel] kexec: do not verify the signature without the lockdown or mandatory signature (Lianbo Jiang) [1836148]
- [fs] block: Fix use-after-free in blkdev_get() (Ming Lei) [1847779]
- [kernel] kernel: rh_features: fix reading empty feature list from /proc (Jiri Benc) [1843064] {CVE-2020-10774}
- [netdrv] ice: cleanup unsigned loops (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: fix usage of incorrect variable (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix bad register reads (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: check for compatibility between DDP package and firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Check if unicast MAC exists before setting VF MAC (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: print Rx MDD auto reset message before VF reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Call ice_aq_set_mac_cfg (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Implement aRFS (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Restore filters following reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Enable flex-bytes support (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Support IPv6 Flow Director filters (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Support IPv4 Flow Director filters (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Support displaying ntuple rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Initialize Flow Director resources (Jonathan Toppins) [1781403]
- [netdrv] ice: Rename build_ctob to ice_build_ctob (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: remove unnecessary backslash (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: remove unnecessary check (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: remove unnecessary expression that is always true (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix check for removing/adding mac filters (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: refactor filter functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix resource leak on early exit from function (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: cleanup vf_id signedness (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix casting issues (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Provide more meaningful error message (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix probe/open race condition (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: only drop link once when setting pauseparams (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix check for contiguous TCs (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Don't reset and rebuild for Tx timeout on PFC enabled queue (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Add VF promiscuous support (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: Add support for tunnel offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: report netlist version in .info_get (Jonathan Toppins) [1781405]
- [netdrv] ice: add additional E810 device id (Jonathan Toppins) [1725447]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Update to use X86_MATCH_INTEL_FAM6_MODEL() (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/intel_split_lock: Disable split lock detector by default in RHEL8 (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Provide handle_guest_split_lock() (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Add Tremont family CPU models (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Bits in IA32_CORE_CAPABILITIES are not architectural (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [tools] tools arch x86: Sync asm/cpufeatures.h with the kernel sources (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [tools] tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Avoid runtime reads of the TEST_CTRL MSR (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Rework the initialization flow of split lock detection (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/split_lock: Enable split lock detection by kernel (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [netdrv] drivers/net/b44: Change to non-atomic bit operations on pwol_mask (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/cpu: Align cpu_caps_cleared and cpu_caps_set to unsigned long (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [x86] x86/boot: Make the GDT 8-byte aligned (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [wireless] wlcore: simplify/fix/optimize reg_ch_conf_pending operations (Prarit Bhargava) [1482757]
- [uapi] prctl: PR_{G, S}ET_IO_FLUSHER to support controlling memory reclaim (Waiman Long) [1757240]

* Fri Jul 10 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-224.el8]
- [kernel] kernel: fork: avoid utilizing a non-initialized task_struct_rh pointer in the error exit path (Rafael Aquini) [1838475 1820041]
- [infiniband] RDMA/ipoib: Fix ABBA deadlock with ipoib_reap_ah() (Kamal Heib) [1846063]
- [infiniband] RDMA/ipoib: Return void from ipoib_ib_dev_stop() (Kamal Heib) [1846063]
- [powerpc] mm/pkeys: Make pkey access check work on execute_only_key (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm/book3s64: Fix MADV_DONTNEED and parallel page fault race (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [mm] change pmdp_huge_get_and_clear_full take vm_area_struct as arg (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm/book3s64: Avoid sending IPI on clearing PMD (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] 64s: Fix THP PMD collapse serialisation (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Use pte_present instead of opencoding _PAGE_PRESENT check (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Use find_kvm_host_pte in kvmppc_get_hpa (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: use find_kvm_host_pte in kvmppc_book3s_instantiate_page (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Avoid using rmap to protect parallel page table update (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: use find_kvm_host_pte in pute_tce functions (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Use find_kvm_host_pte in h_enter (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Use find_kvm_host_pte in page fault handler (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Add helper for host page table walk (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Fix nested guest RC bits update (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Use kvm helpers to walk shadow or secondary table (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/nested: Add helper to walk nested shadow linux page table (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: Add helper to walk partition scoped linux page table (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] kvm/book3s: switch from raw_spin_*lock to arch_spin_lock (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] perf/callchain: Use __get_user_pages_fast in read_user_stack_slow (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mce: Don't reload pte val in addr_to_pfn (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] book3s64/hash: Use the pte_t address from the caller (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] hash64: Restrict page table lookup using init_mm with __flush_hash_table_range (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm/hash64: use _PAGE_PTE when checking for pte_present (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] pkeys: Check vma before returning key fault error to the user (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] pkeys: Avoid using lockless page table walk (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mmu: add is_strict_kernel_rwx() helper (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: move update_mmu_cache() into book3s hash utils (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: Move book3s32 specifics in subdirectory mm/book3s64 (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: move FSL_BOOK3 version of update_mmu_cache() (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: define empty update_mmu_cache() as static inline (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] change CONFIG_PPC_STD_MMU to CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: don't use _PAGE_EXEC for calling hash_preload() (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] change CONFIG_PPC_STD_MMU_32 to CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_32 (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] handover page flags with a pgprot_t parameter (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] mm: properly set PAGE_KERNEL flags in ioremap() (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [powerpc] 32: Add ioremap_wt() and ioremap_coherent() (Greg Kurz) [1748772]
- [netdrv] crypto/chcr: error seen if CONFIG_CHELSIO_TLS_DEVICE isn't set (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] cxgb4/chcr: avoid -Wreturn-local-addr warning (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix EOTID leak when disabling TC-MQPRIO offload (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/chcr: Enable ktls settings at run time (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: cleanup error code in setup_sge_queues_uld() (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add adapter hotplug support for ULDs (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] Crypto: chelsio - Fixes a deadlock between rtnl_lock and uld_mutex (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/chcr: nic-tls stats in ethtool (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] crypto/chcr: fix incorrect ipv6 packet length (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] crypto/chcr: Add missing include file <linux/highmem.h> (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] cxgb4/chcr: Add ipv6 support and statistics (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] chcr: Handle first or middle part of record (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] chcr: handle partial end part of a record (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] cxgb4/chcr: complete record tx handling (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] cxgb4/chcr: Save tx keys and handle HW response (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [crypto] cxgb4/chcr : Register to tls add and del callback (Christoph von Recklinghausen) [1797945]
- [hwmon] hwmon: (acpi_power_meter) Change log level for 'unsafe software power cap' (Al Stone) [1749529]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: fix a memory leak bug (Alaa Hleihel) [1846792]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Add missing iounmap() in error path (Alaa Hleihel) [1846792]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Fix error unwinding flow for steering init failure (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Enable chains only if regs loopback is enabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1848830 1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: en_tc: Rely just on register loopback for tunnel restoration (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Skip restore modify header between prios of same chain (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix ipv6 nat header rewrite actions (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Don't fail driver on failure to create debugfs (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add missing mutex destroy (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix devlink objects and devlink device unregister sequence (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Wait for inactive autogroups (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Disable reload while removing the device (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix ethtool hfunc configuration change (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix repeated XSK usage on one channel (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Split RX and TX lock for parallel insertion (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Add a spinlock to protect the send ring (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Fix freeing in dr_create_rc_qp() (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix fatal error handling during device load (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791 1841363]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: drain health workqueue in case of driver load error (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791 1841363]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Drain wq first during PCI device removal (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Have single error unwinding path (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [netdrv] mlx5: reject unsupported coalescing params (Alaa Hleihel) [1846791]
- [crypto] Crypto: chelsio - Fixes a hang issue during driver registration (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - Use multiple txq/rxq per tfm to process the requests (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - Recalculate iv only if it is needed (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - un-register crypto algorithms (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - Endianess bug in create_authenc_wr (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - Print the chcr driver information while module load (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - This fixes the kernel panic which occurs during a libkcapi test (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - This fixes the libkcapi's cbc(aes) aio fail test cases (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - Resetting crypto counters during the driver unregister (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - fix writing tfm flags to wrong place (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [crypto] crypto: chelsio - calculating tx_channel_id as per the max number of channels (Vishal Kulkarni) [1845004]
- [firmware] tpm: check event log version before reading final events (Jerry Snitselaar) [1839284]
- [char] tpm: Fix TIS locality timeout problems (Jerry Snitselaar) [1840789]

* Tue Jul 07 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-223.el8]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: Clear error and request eventfd ctx after releasing (Alex Williamson) [1847731]
- [fs] pNFS/flexfiles: Fix list corruption if the mirror count changes (Benjamin Coddington) [1852500]
- [netdrv] ionic: update the queue count on open (Michal Schmidt) [1846879]
- [tools] turbostat: Use sched_getcpu() instead of hardcoded cpu 0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1852123]
- [infiniband] RDMA/hfi1: Fix null-pointer dereference when calling mmu_notifier_register (Kamal Heib) [1850345]
- [platform] Revert "intel-speed-select: Firmware workarounds for Icelake" (Prarit Bhargava) [1820597]
- [powerpc] powerpc/crashkernel: Take "mem=" option into account (Pingfan Liu) [1747969]
- [tools] perf stat: Increase perf metric output resolution (Michael Petlan) [1844632]
- [tools] perf vendor events power9: Add missing metrics to POWER9 'cpi_breakdown' (Michael Petlan) [1844632]
- [tools] perf metrics: Fix parse errors in power8 metrics (Michael Petlan) [1844632]
- [tools] perf metrics: Fix parse errors in power9 metrics (Michael Petlan) [1844632]
- [s390] s390/kaslr: add support for R_390_JMP_SLOT relocation type (Claudio Imbrenda) [1850908]
- [s390] s390: prevent leaking kernel address in BEAR (Claudio Imbrenda) [1850907]
- [s390] s390/cpumf: Adjust registration of s390 PMU device drivers (Claudio Imbrenda) [1850906]
- [firmware] efi/x86: Add TPM related EFI tables to unencrypted mapping checks (Lenny Szubowicz) [1849922]
- [security] selinux: allow reading labels before policy is loaded (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1839819]
- [idle] intel_idle: Introduce 'use_acpi' module parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1849666]
- [net] xsk: Add overflow check for u64 division, stored into u32 (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] selftests: netdevsim: Always initialize 'RET' variable (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Ensure policer drop counter always increases (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Check for correct program attach/detach in xdp_attach test (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix type of old_fd in bpf_xdp_set_link_opts (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] xsk: Add missing check on user supplied headroom size (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] xdp: Reset prog in dev_change_xdp_fd when fd is negative (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: rely on peer veth_rq for ndo_xdp_xmit accounting (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: rely on veth_rq in veth_xdp_flush_bq signature (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] page pool: allow to pass zero flags to page_pool_init() (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add tests for attaching XDP programs (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] libbpf: Add function to set link XDP fd while specifying old program (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [tools] Add EXPECTED_FD-related definitions in if_link.h (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] xdp: Support specifying expected existing program when attaching XDP (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: remove atomic64_add from veth_xdp_xmit hotpath (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: introduce more xdp counters (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: distinguish between rx_drops and xdp_drops (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: introduce more specialized counters in veth_stats (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] veth: move xdp stats in a dedicated structure (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] xdp: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] bpf: inet_diag: Dump bpf_sk_storages in inet_diag_dump() (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] bpf: INET_DIAG support in bpf_sk_storage (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] inet_diag: Move the INET_DIAG_REQ_BYTECODE nlattr to cb->data (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] inet_diag: Refactor inet_sk_diag_fill(), dump(), and dump_one() (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] inet_diag: return classid for all socket types (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] inet_diag: fix reporting cgroup classid and fallback to priority (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] Remove unneeded export of a couple of xdp generic functions (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] page_pool: API cleanup and comments (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jiri Benc) [1838075]
- [netdrv] geneve: allow changing DF behavior after creation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1847861]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add missing ->release_ops() in error path of newrule() (Andrea Claudi) [1846236]
- [net] netfilter: nft_compat: use .release_ops and remove list of extension (Andrea Claudi) [1846236]
- [net] ipv6: fix IPV6_ADDRFORM operation logic (Hangbin Liu) [1842025]
- [net] ipv6: fix restrict IPV6_ADDRFORM operation (Hangbin Liu) [1842025]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fix error handling upon registering inet hook (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix module autoload for redir (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix module autoload with inet family (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nft_chain_nat: inet family is missing module ownership (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Support auto-loading for inet nat (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nft_redir: fix module autoload with ip4 (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fix udp checksum corruption (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [tools] kselftests: extend nft_nat with inet family based nat hooks (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nft_redir: add inet support (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nft_masq: add inet support (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: merge route type into core (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: add inet family nat support (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: don't register device notifier twice (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: merge ipv4 and ipv6 nat chain types (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nat: merge nft_masq protocol specific modules (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nat: merge nft_redir protocol specific modules (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove nf_nat_l3proto.h and nf_nat_core.h (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l3proto struct (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove csum_recalc hook (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove csum_update hook (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l3 manip_pkt hook (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove nf_nat_l4proto.h (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: merge nf_nat_ipv4, 6 into nat core (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fix spurious connection timeouts (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: move nlattr parse and xfrm session decode to core (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: merge ipv4 and ipv6 masquerade functionality (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: kconfig: nat related expression depend on nftables core (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix bogus port values for other l4 protocols (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid unneeded nf_conntrack_l4proto lookups (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove pernet l4 proto register interface (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove remaining l4proto indirect packet calls (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove module owner field (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove invert_tuple callback (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove pkt_to_tuple callback (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: udp: set stream timeout to 2 minutes (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: udp: only extend timeout to stream mode after 2s (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: un-export nf_nat_used_tuple (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fix ICMP header corruption on ICMP errors (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fix icmp id randomization (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove nf_nat_l4proto struct (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l4proto->manip_pkt (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l4proto->nlattr_to_range (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l4proto->in_range (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: fold in_range indirection into caller (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove l4proto->unique_tuple (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: nat: un-export nf_nat_l4proto_unique_tuple (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [net] netfilter: remove NF_NAT_RANGE_PROTO_RANDOM support (Florian Westphal) [1579145]
- [x86] kvm: x86/pmu: Tweak kvm_pmu_get_msr to pass 'struct msr_data' in (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: do not pass poisoned hva to __kvm_set_memory_region (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: fix sync_with_host() in smm_test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: async_pf: Inject 'page ready' event only if 'page not present' was previously injected (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] revert "kvm: async_pf: Fix #DF due to inject "Page not Present" and "Page Ready" exceptions simultaneously" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [virt] kvm: async_pf: Cleanup kvm_setup_async_pf() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: i8254: remove redundant assignment to pointer s (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: respect singlestep when emulating instruction (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Don't probe KVM_CAP_HYPERV_ENLIGHTENED_VMCS when nested VMX is unsupported (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: do not substitute SVM/VMX check with KVM_CAP_NESTED_STATE check (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Consult only the "basic" exit reason when routing nested exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Unexport x86_fpu_cache and make it static (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Ignore KVM 5-level paging support for VM_MODE_PXXV48_4K (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [virt] kvm: x86: Fix APIC page invalidation race (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: svm: fix calls to is_intercept (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: fix vmx_preemption_timer_test build with GCC10 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add x86_64/debug_regs to .gitignore (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] revert "kvm: x86: work around leak of uninitialized stack contents" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Properly handle kvm_read/write_guest_virt*() result (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: emulate reserved nops from 0f/18 to 0f/1f (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Fix build with "make ARCH=x86_64" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: minor code refactor and comments fixup around dirty logging (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: avoid unnecessary rmap walks when creating/moving slots (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: remove unnecessary rmap walk of read-only memslots (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [virt] kvm: Use vmemdup_user() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Move MPK feature detection to common code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Assign correct value to array.maxnent (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: let kvm_destroy_vm_debugfs clean up vCPU debugfs directories (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] kvm: Handle reads of SandyBridge RAPL PMU MSRs rather than injecting #GP (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [documentation] docs: virt/kvm: close inline string literal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [documentation] docs: kvm: Fix KVM_KVMCLOCK_CTRL API doc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [x86] arch/x86/kvm/svm/sev.c: change flag passed to GUP fast in sev_pin_memory() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [virt] kvm/eventfd: remove unneeded conversion to bool (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [tools] selftests: fix kvm relocatable native/cross builds and installs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [virt] kvm: x86: move kvm_create_vcpu_debugfs after last failure point (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1849987]
- [powerpc] xive: Share the event-queue page with the Hypervisor (Michael Roth) [1837232]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Read ibm, secure-memory nodes (Michael Roth) [1837232]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Relax check on H_SVM_INIT_ABORT (Michael Roth) [1837232]

* Wed Jul 01 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-222.el8]
- [scsi] scsi: be2iscsi: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Maurizio Lombardi) [1849586]
- [edac] EDAC/i10nm: Update driver to support different bus number config register offsets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1838508]
- [edac] EDAC, {skx, i10nm}: Make some configurations CPU model specific (Aristeu Rozanski) [1838508]
- [fs] fuse: copy_file_range should truncate cache (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: fix copy_file_range cache issues (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: update attr_version counter on fuse_notify_inval_inode() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: don't check refcount after stealing page (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: fix weird page warning (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: use dump_page (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: always allow query of st_dev (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: always flush dirty data on close(2) (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: invalidate inode attr in writeback cache mode (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] virtiofs: schedule blocking async replies in separate worker (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: Support RENAME_WHITEOUT flag (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: don't overflow LLONG_MAX with end offset (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fix up iter on short count in fuse_direct_io() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: fix fuse_send_readpages() in the syncronous read case (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: fix Kconfig indentation (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] virtiofs: Use completions while waiting for queue to be drained (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] virtiofs: Do not send forget request "struct list_head" element (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] virtiofs: Use a common function to send forget (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] virtiofs: Fix old-style declaration (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: verify nlink (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: verify write return (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: verify attributes (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: redundant get_fuse_inode() calls in fuse_writepages_fill() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: truncate pending writes on O_TRUNC (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] fuse: flush dirty data/metadata before non-truncate setattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1849786]
- [fs] ovl: initialize error in ovl_copy_xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix redirect traversal on metacopy dentries (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: initialize OVL_UPPERDATA in ovl_lookup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: use only uppermetacopy state in ovl_lookup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: simplify setting of origin for index lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix out of bounds access warning in ovl_check_fb_len() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: return required buffer size for file handles (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: sync dirty data when remounting to ro mode (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: resolve more conflicting mount options (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: potential crash in ovl_fid_to_fh() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: clear ATTR_OPEN from attr->ia_valid (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: clear ATTR_FILE from attr->ia_valid (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [documentation] ovl: document xino expected behavior (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: enable xino automatically in more cases (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: avoid possible inode number collisions with xino=on (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: use a private non-persistent ino pool (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix WARN_ON nlink drop to zero (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix a typo in comment (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: ovl_obtain_alias(): don't call d_instantiate_anon() for old (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: strict upper fs requirements for remote upper fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: check if upper fs supports RENAME_WHITEOUT (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: allow remote upper (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: decide if revalidate needed on a per-dentry basis (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: separate detection of remote upper layer from stacked overlay (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: restructure dentry revalidation (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: ignore failure to copy up unknown xattrs (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [documentation] ovl: document permission model (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: simplify i_ino initialization (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: factor out helper ovl_get_root() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix out of date comment and unreachable code (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix value of i_ino for lower hardlink corner case (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix lockdep warning for async write (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix some xino configurations (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix lock in ovl_llseek() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix lseek overflow on 32bit (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [documentation] docs: filesystems: add overlayfs to index.rst (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: add splice file read write helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: implement async IO routines (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] vfs: add vfs_iocb_iter_helper functions (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: layer is const (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix corner case of non-constant st_dev; st_ino (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix corner case of conflicting lower layer uuid (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: generalize the lower_fsarray (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: simplify ovl_same_sb() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: generalize the lower_layersarray (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: improving copy-up efficiency for big sparse file (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: use ovl_inode_lock in ovl_llseek() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: use pr_fmt auto generate prefix (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix wrong WARN_ON() in ovl_cache_update_ino() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] locks: print unsigned ino in /proc/locks (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [documentation] docs: filesystems: overlayfs: Fix restview warnings (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: relax WARN_ON() on rename to self (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix corner case of non-unique st_dev; st_ino (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: don't use a temp buf for encoding real fh (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: make sure that real fid is 32bit aligned in memory (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix lookup failure on multi lower squashfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: filter of trusted xattr results in audit (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: Fix dereferencing possible ERR_PTR() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix regression caused by overlapping layers detection (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: make i_ino consistent with st_ino in more cases (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix typo in MODULE_PARM_DESC (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fix bogus -Wmaybe-unitialized warning (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: don't fail with disconnected lower NFS (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: detect overlapping layers (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: using posix_acl_xattr_size() to get size instead of posix_acl_to_xattr() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: abstract ovl_inode lock with a helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: remove the 'locked' argument of ovl_nlink_{start, end} (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: relax requirement for non null uuid of lower fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: fold copy-up helpers into callers (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: untangle copy up call chain (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [fs] ovl: clean up error handling in ovl_get_tmpfile() (Miklos Szeredi) [1849770]
- [netdrv] ionic: tame the watchdog timer on reconfig (Jonathan Toppins) [1846879 1846280]
- [remoteproc] remoteproc: pull in slab.h (Jarod Wilson) [1849080]

* Thu Jun 25 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-221.el8]
- [x86] revert "kvm: vmx: Micro-optimize vmexit time when not exposing PMU" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1844099]
- [fs] nfsd4: kill warnings on testing stateids with mismatched clientids (Benjamin Coddington) [1765672]
- [fs] NFS: Ensure security label is set for root inode (Scott Mayhew) [1660798]
- [s390] kexec: Fix file verification on S390 (Lianbo Jiang) [1815369]
- [s390] kexec_file: split KEXEC_VERIFY_SIG into KEXEC_SIG and KEXEC_SIG_FORCE (Lianbo Jiang) [1815369]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: continue to init in CRQ reset returns H_CLOSED (Steve Best) [1850179]
- [net] sunrpc: add missing newline when printing parameter 'auth_hashtable_size' by sysfs (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] sunrpc: clean up properly in gss_mech_unregister() (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] sunrpc: svcauth_gss_register_pseudoflavor must reject duplicate registrations (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix backchannel RPC soft lockups (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [fs] NFS: Fix a page leak in nfs_destroy_unlinked_subrequests() (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [fs] nfsd4: make drc_slab global, not per-net (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix GSS privacy computation of auth->au_ralign (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] SUNRPC: Add "@len" parameter to gss_unwrap() (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [fs] NFS: finish_automount() requires us to hold 2 refs to the mount record (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [fs] NFS: Fix use-after-free issues in nfs_pageio_add_request() (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [fs] NFS: alloc_nfs_open_context() must use the file cred when available (Benjamin Coddington) [1849998]
- [net] libceph: don't omit used_replica in target_copy() (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [net] libceph: don't omit recovery_deletes in target_copy() (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [net] libceph: move away from global osd_req_flags (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: skip checking caps when session reconnecting and releasing reqs (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: make sure mdsc->mutex is nested in s->s_mutex to fix dead lock (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: don't return -ESTALE if there's still an open file (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [include] libceph, rbd: replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: allow rename operation under different quota realms (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: normalize 'delta' parameter usage in check_quota_exceeded (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: ceph_kick_flushing_caps needs the s_mutex (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: request expedited service on session's last cap flush (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: convert mdsc->cap_dirty to a per-session list (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: reset i_requested_max_size if file write is not wanted (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: throw a warning if we destroy session with mutex still locked (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: fix potential race in ceph_check_caps (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: document what protects i_dirty_item and i_flushing_item (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: don't take i_ceph_lock in handle_cap_import (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: don't release i_ceph_lock in handle_cap_trunc (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: add comments for handle_cap_flush_ack logic (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: split up __finish_cap_flush (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: reorganize __send_cap for less spinlock abuse (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [fs] ceph: flush release queue when handling caps for unknown inode (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [net] libceph: ignore pool overlay and cache logic on redirects (Jeff Layton) [1847528]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: ensure APIC map is up to date on concurrent update requests (Igor Mammedov) [1835330]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: fix broken vcpu hotplug (Igor Mammedov) [1835330]
- [netdrv] net: hns3: add some error checking in hclge_tm module (Mark Langsdorf) [1809057] {CVE-2019-15925}
- [fs] udf: Fix mounting of Win7 created UDF filesystems (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1842400]
- [netdrv] net: qed: fixes crash while running driver in kdump kernel (Manish Chopra) [1727746]
- [netdrv] net: qed: Disable SRIOV functionality inside kdump kernel (Manish Chopra) [1727746]
- [netdrv] net: qed*: Reduce RX and TX default ring count when running inside kdump kernel (Manish Chopra) [1727746]
- [fs] cifs: dump Security Type info in DebugData (Leif Sahlberg) [1845390]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Make nf_flow_table_offload_add/del_cb inline (Marcelo Leitner) [1840938]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Make tcf_ct_flow_table_restore_skb inline (Marcelo Leitner) [1840938]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Add pending bit for offload work (Marcelo Leitner) [1842670]
- [net] Evict neighbor entries on carrier down (Ivan Vecera) [1845352]
- [net] bridge: explicitly zero is_sticky in fdb_create (Ivan Vecera) [1845350]
- [net] bridge: add support for sticky fdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1845350]
- [net] remove indirect block netdev event registration (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [netdrv] bnxt_tc: update indirect block support (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [netdrv] nfp: update indirect block support (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [netdrv] mlx5: update indirect block support (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [net] use flow_indr_dev_setup_offload() (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [net] cls_api: add tcf_block_offload_init() (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [net] flow_offload: consolidate indirect flow_block infrastructure (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flowtable: expose nf_flow_table_gc_cleanup() (Marcelo Leitner) [1841300]
- [fs] iomap: Handle memory allocation failure in readahead (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: fix comments in iomap_dio_rw (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: Remove pgoff from tracepoints (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] fs: Fix page_mkwrite off-by-one errors (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: stop using ioend after it's been freed in iomap_finish_ioend() (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: fix sub-page uptodate handling (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: remove unneeded variable in iomap_dio_rw() (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: Do not create fake iter in iomap_dio_bio_actor() (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: trace iomap_appply results (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] fs/iomap: remove redundant check in iomap_dio_rw() (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: use a srcmap for a read-modify-write I/O (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: renumber IOMAP_HOLE to 0 (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: use write_begin to read pages to unshare (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the zeroing case out of iomap_read_page_sync (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: ignore non-shared or non-data blocks in xfs_file_dirty (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: always use AOP_FLAG_NOFS in iomap_write_begin (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: remove the unused iomap argument to __iomap_write_end (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: better document the IOMAP_F_* flags (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: enhance writeback error message (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: pass a struct page to iomap_finish_page_writeback (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: cleanup iomap_ioend_compare (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move struct iomap_page out of iomap.h (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: warn on inline maps in iomap_writepage_map (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: lift the xfs writeback code to iomap (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: lift common tracing code from xfs to iomap (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: zero newly allocated mapped blocks (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: remove the fork fields in the writepage_ctx and ioend (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: turn io_append_trans into an io_private void pointer (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: refactor the ioend merging code (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: use a struct iomap in xfs_writepage_ctx (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: set IOMAP_F_NEW more carefully (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: initialize iomap->flags in xfs_bmbt_to_iomap (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] xfs: Use iomap_dio_rw to wait for unaligned direct IO (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: Allow forcing of waiting for running DIO in iomap_dio_rw() (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the iomap_dio_rw ->end_io callback into a structure (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: split size and error for iomap_dio_rw ->end_io (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: fix Invalid License ID (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move internal declarations into fs/iomap/ (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the main iteration code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the buffered IO code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the direct IO code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the SEEK_HOLE code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the file mapping reporting code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move the swapfile code into a separate file (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: start moving code to fs/iomap/ (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: move iomap_read_inline_data around (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: convert to SPDX identifier (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [fs] iomap: remove duplicated include from iomap.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1828792]
- [netdrv] fjes: Handle workqueue allocation failure (Masayoshi Mizuma) [1830565] {CVE-2019-16231}

* Wed Jun 24 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-220.el8]
- [fs] NFSv4: Ensure the delegation cred is pinned when we call delegreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Ensure the delegation is pinned in nfs_do_return_delegation() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4.1 make cachethis=no for writes (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix revalidation of dentries with delegations (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix races between open and dentry revalidation (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Fix up directory verifier races (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] sunrpc: expiry_time should be seconds not timeval (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4.0: nfs4_do_fsinfo() should not do implicit lease renewals (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: try lease recovery on NFS4ERR_EXPIRED (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Fix memory leaks (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: optimise readdir cache page invalidation (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Switch readdir to using iterate_shared() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Use kmemdup_nul() in nfs_readdir_make_qstr() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Directory page cache pages need to be locked when read (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Fix memory leaks and corruption in readdir (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] SUNRPC: Use kmemdup_nul() in rpc_parse_scope_id() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Replace various occurrences of kstrndup() with kmemdup_nul() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Limit the total number of cached delegations (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Add accounting for the number of active delegations held (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Try to return the delegation immediately when marked for return on close (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Clear NFS_DELEGATION_RETURN_IF_CLOSED when the delegation is returned (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4: nfs_inode_evict_delegation() should set NFS_DELEGATION_RETURNING (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: nfs_find_open_context() should use cred_fscmp() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: nfs_access_get_cached_rcu() should use cred_fscmp() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv3: FIx bug when using chacl and chmod to change acl (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFSv4.x recover from pre-mature loss of openstateid (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Trust cached access if we've already revalidated the inode once (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Fix nfs_direct_write_reschedule_io() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: When resending after a short write, reset the reply count to zero (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Improve tracing of permission calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS/pnfs: Fix pnfs_generic_prepare_to_resend_writes() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Fix up fsync() when the server rebooted (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] SUNRPC: Remove broken gss_mech_list_pseudoflavors() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Revalidate the file mapping on all fatal writeback errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Revalidate the file size on a fatal write error (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: NFS_SWAP should depend on SWAP (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] SUNRPC: constify copied structure (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] fs/nfs, swapon: check holes in swapfile (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] SUNRPC: call_connect_status should handle -EPROTO (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: Introduce trace events triggered by page writeback errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] SUNRPC: Capture signalled RPC tasks (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS: move dprintk after nfs_alloc_fattr in nfs3_proc_lookup (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] NFS4: Remove unneeded semicolon (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: encode nfsv4 timestamps as 64-bit (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: remove timespec from xdr_encode_nfstime (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: use timespec64 in nfs_fattr (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] sunrpc: convert to time64_t for expiry (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use true, false for bool variable in nfssvc.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use true, false for bool variable in nfs4proc.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use true, false for bool variable in vfs.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: remove nfs4_reset_lease() declarations (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use ktime_get_real_seconds() in nfs4_verifier (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use boottime for lease expiry calculation (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: fix jiffies/time_t mixup in LRU list (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: fix delay timer on 32-bit architectures (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use time64_t in nfsd_proc_setattr() check (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: pass a 64-bit guardtime to nfsd_setattr() (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: make 'boot_time' 64-bit wide (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use timespec64 in encode_time_delta (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: handle nfs3 timestamps as unsigned (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: print 64-bit timestamps in client_info_show (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: use ktime_get_seconds() for timestamps (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: remove unnecessary assertion in nfsd4_encode_replay (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: Clone should commit src file metadata too (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd4: Remove unneeded semicolon (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfs: fix timstamp debug prints (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [net] nfs: use time64_t internally (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: Return the correct number of bytes written to the file (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [fs] nfsd: Fix up some unused variable warnings (Benjamin Coddington) [1848933]
- [kernel] blktrace: ensure our debugfs dir exists (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [kernel] blktrace: fix debugfs use after free (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [block] loop: be paranoid on exit and prevent new additions / removals (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [kernel] blktrace: annotate required lock on do_blk_trace_setup() (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [block] block: revert back to synchronous request_queue removal (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [block] block: clarify context for refcount increment helpers (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [block] block: add docs for gendisk / request_queue refcount helpers (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [kernel] blktrace: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [kernel] blktrace: Avoid sparse warnings when assigning q->blk_trace (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [kernel] blktrace: break out of blktrace setup on concurrent calls (Ming Lei) [1816559] {CVE-2019-19770}
- [nvme] nvme-fc: don't call nvme_cleanup_cmd() for AENs (Ewan Milne) [1847572]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: convert assoc_active flag to bit op (Ewan Milne) [1847572]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: Ensure private pointers are NULL if no data (Ewan Milne) [1847572]
- [nvme] nvme-multipath: do not reset on unknown status (Ewan Milne) [1847572]
- [documentation] x86/speculation: Add Ivy Bridge to affected list (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [documentation] x86/speculation: Add SRBDS vulnerability and mitigation documentation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [x86] x86/speculation: Add Special Register Buffer Data Sampling (SRBDS) mitigation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [x86] x86/cpu: Add 'table' argument to cpu_matches() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [x86] x86/cpu: Add a steppings field to struct x86_cpu_id (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [x86] x86/cpu/bugs: Convert to new matching macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1827192] {CVE-2020-0543}
- [crypto] crypto: simd - correctly take reqsize of wrapped skcipher into account (Mark Salter) [1830471]
- [fs] nfsd: depend on CRYPTO_MD5 for legacy client tracking (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] nfsd: check for EBUSY from vfs_rmdir/vfs_unink (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Fallocate should use the nfs4_fattr_bitmap (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Return -ETXTBSY when attempting to write to a swapfile (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] fs: nfs: sysfs: Remove NULL check before kfree (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: remove unneeded semicolon (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: add declaration of current_stateid (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [include] sunrpc: remove __KERNEL__ ifdefs (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] nfsd: document callback_wq serialization of callback code (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] nfsd: mark cb path down on unknown errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [net] SUNRPC: Avoid RPC delays when exiting suspend (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Don't retry the GETATTR on old stateid in nfs4_delegreturn_done() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID in delegreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix races between open and delegreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: nfs_inode_find_state_and_recover() fix stateid matching (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix nfs4_inode_make_writeable() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: nfs4_return_incompatible_delegation() should check delegation validity (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Don't reclaim delegations that have been returned or revoked (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Ignore requests to return the delegation if it was revoked (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Revoke the delegation on success in nfs4_delegreturn_done() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Update the stateid seqid in nfs_revoke_delegation() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Clear the NFS_DELEGATION_REVOKED flag in nfs_update_inplace_delegation() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Hold the delegation spinlock when updating the seqid (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Don't remove the delegation from the super_list more than once (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Rename nfs_inode_return_delegation_noreclaim() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: fail nfs4_refresh_delegation_stateid() when the delegation was revoked (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Delegation recalls should not find revoked delegations (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: nfs4_callback_getattr() should ignore revoked delegations (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix delegation handling in update_open_stateid() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4.1: Don't rebind to the same source port when reconnecting to the server (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS/pnfs: Separate NFSv3 DS and MDS traffic (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Add a flag to tell nfs_client to set RPC_CLNT_CREATE_NOPING (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Use non-atomic bit ops when initialising struct nfs_client_initdata (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv3: Clean up timespec encode (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv2: Clean up timespec encode (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv2: Fix a typo in encode_sattr() (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: NFSv4 callbacks also support 64-bit timestamps (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv4: Encode 64-bit timestamps (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: Convert struct nfs_fattr to use struct timespec64 (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFS: If nfs_mountpoint_expiry_timeout < 0, do not expire submounts (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [net] SUNRPC: Add trace points to observe transport congestion control (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [net] SUNRPC: Eliminate log noise in call_reserveresult (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] nfsd: remove private bin2hex implementation (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] nfsd: remove set but not used variable 'len' (Benjamin Coddington) [1847468]
- [fs] NFSv3: fix rpc receive buffer size for MOUNT call (Steve Dickson) [1837034]
- [fs] NFS: remove unused macros (Steve Dickson) [1837034]
- [mm] mm, slab: fix sign conversion problem in memcg_uncharge_slab() (Waiman Long) [1849016]
- [mm] mm: fix false-positive OVERCOMMIT_GUESS failures (Waiman Long) [1849016]
- [mm] mm: remove CONFIG_MIGRATE_VMA_HELPER (Karol Herbst) [1847908]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Export the target_node attribute for regions and namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [dax] dax: Add numa_node to the default device-dax attributes (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Simplify root read-only definition for the 'resource' attribute (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [dax] dax: Simplify root read-only definition for the 'resource' attribute (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [dax] dax: Create a dax device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move nvdimm_bus_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [acpi] libnvdimm: Move nvdimm_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [acpi] libnvdimm: Move nd_mapping_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move nd_region_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move nd_numa_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move nd_device_attribute_group to device_type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move region attribute group definition (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Move attribute groups to device type (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/region: Initialize bad block for volatile namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1783157]
- [x86] x86/mce: Add Xeon Icelake to list of CPUs that support PPIN (Steve Best) [1848710]
- [powerpc] powerpc/kernel: Enables memory hot-remove after reboot on pseries guests (David Gibson) [1848844]
- [fs] cifs: multichannel: try to rebind when reconnecting a channel (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: multichannel: use pointer for binding channel (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: multichannel: move channel selection above transport layer (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: move some variables off the stack in smb2_ioctl_query_info (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: reduce stack use in smb2_compound_op (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: multichannel: always zero struct cifs_io_parms (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] smb3: default to minimum of two channels when multichannel specified (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [fs] cifs: multichannel: move channel selection in function (Leif Sahlberg) [1842759]
- [mm] x86/init: fix build with CONFIG_SWAP=n (Waiman Long) [1839415]
- [netdrv] ionic: add pcie_print_link_status (Jonathan Toppins) [1846506]
- [netdrv] ionic: no link check while resetting queues (Jonathan Toppins) [1846953]
- [netdrv] ionic: export features for vlans to use (Jonathan Toppins) [1846868]
- [netdrv] ionic: remove support for mgmt device (Jonathan Toppins) [1846506]
- [netdrv] ionic: wait on queue start until after IFF_UP (Jonathan Toppins) [1844924]
- [netdrv] ionic: add more ethtool stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: more ionic name tweaks (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: ionic_intr_free parameter change (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: reset device at probe (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: shorter dev cmd wait time (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: add support for more xcvr types (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: protect vf calls from fw reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: updates to ionic FW api description (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: support longer tx sg lists (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] ionic: Use debugfs_create_bool() to export bool (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [netdrv] drivers:Remove inclusion of vermagic header (Jonathan Toppins) [1848149]
- [net] SUNRPC: Destroy the back channel when we destroy the host transport (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] SUNRPC: fix race to sk_err after xs_error_report (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Remove redundant mirror tracking in O_DIRECT (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfs: Fix nfsi->nrequests count error on nfs_inode_remove_request (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] sunrpc: clean up indentation issue (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Optimise the default readahead size (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: fix nfs read eof detection (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: Make nfsd_reset_boot_verifier_locked static (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID in LOCKU (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID in CLOSE/OPEN_DOWNGRADE (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix OPEN_DOWNGRADE error handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] pNFS: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID on layoutreturn by bumping the state seqid (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Add a helper to increment stateid seqids (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle RPC level errors in LAYOUTRETURN (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY correctly in return-on-close (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Clean up pNFS return-on-close error handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: remove unused check for negative dentry (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv3: use nfs_add_or_obtain() to create and reference inodes (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Refactor nfs_instantiate() for dentry referencing callers (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfs_instantiate(): prevent multiple aliases for directory inode (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] SUNRPC: Rename xdr_buf_read_netobj to xdr_buf_read_mic (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: degraded slot-count more gracefully as allocation nears exhaustion (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: handle drc over-allocation gracefully (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] SUNRPC: RPC level errors should always set task->tk_rpc_status (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: Support the server resetting the boot verifier (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] sunrpc: Use kzfree rather than its implementation (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: eliminate an unnecessary acl size limit (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] Deprecate nfsd fault injection (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Have nfs4_proc_get_lease_time() call nfs4_call_sync_custom() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Have nfs41_proc_secinfo_no_name() call nfs4_call_sync_custom() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Have nfs41_proc_reclaim_complete() call nfs4_call_sync_custom() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Have _nfs4_proc_secinfo() call nfs4_call_sync_custom() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Have nfs4_proc_setclientid() call nfs4_call_sync_custom() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFS: Add an nfs4_call_sync_custom() function (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix a memory leak bug (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] xprtrdma: Fix bc_max_slots return value (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] SUNRPC: Inline xdr_commit_encode (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [net] SUNRPC: Remove rpc_wake_up_queued_task_on_wq() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] fs: nfs: Fix possible null-pointer dereferences in encode_attrs() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: Fix the documentation for svcxdr_tmpalloc() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [fs] nfsd: Remove unnecessary NULL checks (Benjamin Coddington) [1846984]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: make vfio_ccw_regops variables declarations static (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Add trace for CRW event (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Wire up the CRW irq and CRW region (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Introduce a new CRW region (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Refactor IRQ handlers (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Introduce a new schib region (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Refactor the unregister of the async regions (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Register a chp_event callback for vfio-ccw (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Introduce new helper functions to free/destroy regions (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [documentation] vfio-ccw: document possible errors (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Enable transparent CCW IPL from DASD (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: generate delayed uevent for vfio-ccw subchannels (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Rework the io_fctl trace (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Add a trace for asynchronous requests (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Trace the FSM jumptable (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Refactor how the traces are built (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: fix error return code in vfio_ccw_sch_init() (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: add some logging (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: make vfio_ccw_async_region_ops static (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [documentation] documentation: fix vfio-ccw doc (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [documentation] vfio-ccw: Update documentation for csch/hsch (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Don't call cp_free if we are processing a channel program (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Set pa_nr to 0 if memory allocation fails for pa_iova_pfn (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Fix memory leak and don't call cp_free in cp_init (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Fix misleading comment when setting orb.cmd.c64 (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Fix the conversion of Format-0 CCWs to Format-1 (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: introduce driver_override on the css bus (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: make convert_ccw0_to_ccw1 static (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Remove copy_ccw_from_iova() (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Factor out the ccw0-to-ccw1 transition (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Copy CCW data outside length calculation (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Skip second copy of guest cp to host (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Move guest_cp storage into common struct (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Combine direct and indirect CCW paths (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Rearrange IDAL allocation in direct CCW (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Remove pfn_array_table (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Adjust the first IDAW outside of the nested loops (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Rearrange pfn_array and pfn_array_table arrays (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Use generalized CCW handler in cp_init() (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Generalize the TIC handler (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Refactor the routine that handles TIC CCWs (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Squash cp_free() and cp_unpin_free() (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Destroy kmem cache region on module exit (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [documentation] docs: s390: convert docs to ReST and rename to *.rst (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Remove vfio-ccw checks of command codes (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Allow zero-length CCWs in vfio-ccw (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Don't pin vfio pages for empty transfers (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Initialize the host addresses in pfn_array (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Split pfn_array_alloc_pin into pieces (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Set vfio-ccw FSM state before ioeventfd (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Update SCSW if it points to the end of the chain (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Prevent quiesce function going into an infinite loop (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Release any channel program when releasing/removing vfio-ccw mdev (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Do not call flush_workqueue while holding the spinlock (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: add handling for async channel instructions (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: export hsch to modules (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: add capabilities chain (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: protect the I/O region (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: rework ssch state handling (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: make it safe to access channel programs (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio: ccw: only free cp on final interrupt (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Use cpa range elsewhere within vfio-ccw (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Fix vfio-ccw handling of recursive TICs (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio-ccw: Don't assume there are more ccws after a TIC (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio: ccw: Merge BUSY and BOXED states (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Fix cleanup when unsupported IDA format is used (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Fix cleanup of pfn_array alloc failure (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] vfio: ccw: Register mediated device once all structures are initialized (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: make vfio_ccw_io_region static (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Fix how vfio-ccw checks pinned pages (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Refactor alloc of ccw_io_region (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [s390] cio: Convert ccw_io_region to pointer (Cornelia Huck) [1660917]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Harden device login requests (Steve Best) [1847183]
- [mm] s390/cmm: fix information leak in cmm_timeout_handler() (Nico Pache) [1846532] {CVE-2020-10773}
- [fs] kernfs: fix potential null pointer dereference (Carlos Maiolino) [1847872]
- [netdrv] net: sfc: reject unsupported coalescing params (Jarod Wilson) [1844659]
- [netdrv] iavf: increase reset complete wait time (Stefan Assmann) [1844598]
- [netdrv] iavf: Fix reporting 2.5 Gb and 5Gb speeds (Stefan Assmann) [1844598]
- [netdrv] iavf: use appropriate enum for comparison (Stefan Assmann) [1844598]
- [netdrv] iavf: fix speed reporting over virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1844598]
- [block] blk-mq: fix blk_mq_all_tag_iter (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: split out a __blk_mq_get_driver_tag helper (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: drain I/O when all CPUs in a hctx are offline (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_all_tag_iter (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: open code __blk_mq_alloc_request in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: use BLK_MQ_NO_TAG in more places (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: rename BLK_MQ_TAG_FAIL to BLK_MQ_NO_TAG (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: move more request initialization to blk_mq_rq_ctx_init (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: simplify the blk_mq_get_request calling convention (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: remove a pointless queue enter pair in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: remove a pointless queue enter pair in blk_mq_alloc_request (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: move the call to blk_queue_enter_live out of blk_mq_get_request (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [nvme] nvme: force complete cancelled requests (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: blk-mq: provide forced completion method (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] block: Limit number of items taken from the I/O scheduler in one go (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [scsi] Revert "scsi: core: run queue if SCSI device queue isn't ready and queue is idle" (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: Rerun dispatching in the case of budget contention (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: Add blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queues() API call (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: In blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() "no budget" is a reason to kick (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: Put driver tag in blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() when no budget (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: don't commit_rqs() if none were queued (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: Remove some unused function arguments (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq-tag: document tag iteration helper return value (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] blk-mq: Document the functions that iterate over requests (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] loop: Better discard support for block devices (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] loop: Report EOPNOTSUPP properly (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] block: keep bdi->io_pages in sync with max_sectors_kb for stacked devices (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] block, zoned: fix integer overflow with BLKRESETZONE et al (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [block] block: Fix use-after-free issue accessing struct io_cq (Ming Lei) [1824037]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add EOTID tracking and software context dump (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: tune burst buffer size for TC-MQPRIO offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: improve credits recovery in TC-MQPRIO Tx path (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix delete filter entry fail in unload path (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix large delays in PTP synchronization (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] net/cxgb4: Check the return from t4_query_params properly (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: free MQPRIO resources in shutdown path (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix MPS index overwrite when setting MAC address (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to catch bits set in INT_CAUSE5 (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: remove set but not used variable 'tab' (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/ptp: pass the sign of offset delta in FW CMD (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix Txq restart check during backpressure (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix throughput drop during Tx backpressure (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: rework TC filter rule insertion across regions (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: update T5/T6 adapter register ranges (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix checks for max queues to allocate (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] net/chelsio: Don't set N/A for not available FW (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Added tls stats prints (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] l2t_seq_next should increase position index (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] seq_tab_next() should increase position index (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: reject overlapped queues in TC-MQPRIO offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix Tx multi channel port rate limit (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: fix flow control display for auto negotiation (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix refcount init for TC-MQPRIO offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/chtls: fix ULD connection failures due to wrong TID base (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix missed high priority region calculation (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix kernel panic while accessing sge_info (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for high priority filters (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add stats for MQPRIO QoS offload Tx path (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add UDP segmentation offload support (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/chcr: update SGL DMA unmap for USO (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add TC-MATCHALL classifier ingress offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: check rule prio conflicts before offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add TC-MATCHALL classifier egress offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: remove unneeded semicolon for switch block (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix an error code in cxgb4_mqprio_alloc_hw_resources() (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: make function 'cxgb4_mqprio_free_hw_resources' static (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: remove redundant assignment to hdr_len (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix 64-bit division on i386 (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Use match_string() helper to simplify the code (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add FLOWC based QoS offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add Tx and Rx path for ETHOFLD traffic (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add ETHOFLD hardware queue support (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: parse and configure TC-MQPRIO offload (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: rework queue config and MSI-X allocation (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: query firmware for QoS offload resources (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Add pci reset handler (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/l2t: Simplify 't4_l2e_free()' and '_t4_l2e_free()' (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix panic when attaching to ULD fail (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: request the TX CIDX updates to status page (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Signedness bug in init_one() (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: smt: Use normal int for refcount (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: smt: Add lock for atomic_dec_and_test (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828665]
- [fs] xfs: clear PF_MEMALLOC before exiting xfsaild thread (Brian Foster) [1827912]

* Tue Jun 23 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-219.el8]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Defer cursor lock until after VUPDATE (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Use cursor locking to prevent flip delays (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/display: Fix Pollock Variant Detection (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Fix RV2 Variant Detection (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/display: fix pci revision id fetching (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/device: detect vGPUs (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/device: detect if changing endianness failed (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/device: rework mmio mapping code to get rid of second map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/gm200-: detect and potentially disable HDA support on some SORs (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/gp100: split SOR implementation from gm200 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp: modify OR allocation policy to account for HDA requirements (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp: split part of OR allocation logic into a function (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp: provide hint to OR allocation about HDA requirements (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/gt215-: fix race with audio driver runpm (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/hda/gv100-: NV_PDISP_SF_AUDIO_CNTRL0 register moved (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/hda/gf119-: select HDA device entry based on bound head (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/hda/gf119-: add HAL for programming device entry in SF (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/hda/gt215-: pass head to nvkm_ior.hda.eld() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/gm200-: fix NV_PDISP_SOR_HDMI2_CTRL(n) selection (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Share DP SST mode_valid() handling with MST (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Move 8BPC limit for MST into nv50_mstc_get_modes() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/gv100-: Add support for interlaced modes (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Probe SOR and PIOR caps for DP interlacing support (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Initialize core channel in nouveau_display_create() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/gv100-: expose capabilities class (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/disp/nv50-: increase timeout on pio channel free() polling (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: wait for FIFO space on PIO channels (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/nvif: protect waits against GPU falling off the bus (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/nvif: access PTIMER through usermode class, if available (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/ttm: evict other IO mappings when running out of BAR1 space (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: clear SW state of disabled windows harder (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen12: Add aux table invalidate for all engines (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen12: Invalidate aux table entries forcibly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen12: Flush L3 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen12: Fix HDC pipeline flush (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] Revert "drm/i915/tgl: Include ro parts of l3 to invalidate" (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Push MST link retraining to the hotplug work (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Flatten intel_dp_check_mst_status() a bit (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc: Do not warn when aux power well of static TC ports timeout (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc: Catch TC users accessing FIA registers without enable aux (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc/tgl: Implement TC cold sequences (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc: Skip ref held check for TC legacy aux power wells (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tc/icl: Implement TC cold sequences (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/display: Split hsw_power_well_enable() into two (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/display: Add intel_legacy_aux_to_power_domain() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/display: Move out code to return the digital_port of the aux ch (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add missing deinitialization cases of load failure (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: split intel_modeset_init() to pre/post irq install (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: split i915_driver_modeset_probe() to pre/post irq install (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: split i915_driver_modeset_remove() to pre/post irq uninstall (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: split intel_modeset_driver_remove() to pre/post irq uninstall (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Extract skl SAGV checking (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Track active_pipes in bw_state (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Use bw state for per crtc SAGV evaluation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Introduce intel_calc_active_pipes() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add pre/post plane updates for SAGV (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Prepare to extract gen specific functions from intel_can_enable_sagv (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add intel_atomic_get_bw_*_state helpers (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Introduce skl_plane_wm_level accessor (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: do AUD_FREQ_CNTRL state save on all gen9+ platforms (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Extend hotplug detect retry on TypeC connectors to 5 seconds (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add a retry counter for hotplug detect retries (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Introduce intel_connector_hpd_pin() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Prefer intel_connector over drm_connector in hotplug code (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Use intel_attached_encoder() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/ehl: Restrict w/a 1607087056 for EHL/JSL (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Initialize multicast register steering for workarounds (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Make Wa_14010229206 permanent (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add Wa_1605460711 / Wa_1408767742 to ICL and EHL (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Apply Wa_1406680159:icl, ehl as an engine workaround (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add Wa_1406306137:icl,ehl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Add Wa_1604278689:icl,ehl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Don't treat unslice registers as masked (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Make Wa_1606700617 permanent (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: WaDisableGPGPUMidThreadPreemption (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Move and restrict Wa_1408615072 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen11: Moving WAs to rcs_engine_wa_init() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: add Wa_14010594013: icl,ehl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add Wa number to WaAllowPMDepthAndInvocationCountAccessFromUMD (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add note about Wa_1409142259 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Fix the Wa number of a fix (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add note about Wa_1607063988 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add note to Wa_1607297627 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Extend Wa_1606931601 for all steppings (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add Wa_1409085225, Wa_14010229206 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Implement Wa_1806527549 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Implement Wa_1409804808 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add Wa_1808121037 to tgl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Use engine wa list for Wa_1607090982 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Implement Wa_1607090982 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Disable tesselation clock gating on tgl A0 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Move ringbuffer WAs to engine workaround list (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Skip rmw for masked registers (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/selftests: Also wait for the scratch buffer to be bound (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/dp: Return the right vswing tables (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/dp/tgl+: Update combo phy vswing tables (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add definitions for VRR registers and bits (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: use forced codec wake on all gen9+ platforms (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add new PCI IDs to TGL (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/perf: Invalidate OA TLB on when closing perf stream (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] Bump DRM backport version to 5.6.14 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl+: Fix interrupt handling for DP AUX transactions (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/amdgpu: add raven1 part to the gfxoff quirk list (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: add basic atomic check for cursor plane (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] Make the "Reducing compressed framebufer size" message be DRM_INFO_ONCE() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Handle idling during i915_gem_evict_something busy loops (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Mark concurrent submissions with a weak-dependency (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gvt: Fix kernel oops for 3-level ppgtt guest (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: force fbdev into vram (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gem: Remove object_is_locked assertion from unpin_from_display_plane (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Don't enable WaIncreaseLatencyIPCEnabled when IPC is disabled (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Make timeslicing an explicit engine property (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/qxl: lost qxl_bo_kunmap_atomic_page in qxl_image_init_helper() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Update downspread percent to match spreadsheet for DCN2.1 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Defer cursor update around VUPDATE for all ASIC (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: check if REFCLK_CNTL register is present (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: avoid using pm_en before it is initialized revised (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: blank dp stream before re-train the link (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/display: Load DP_TP_CTL/STATUS offset before use it (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: TBT AUX should use TC power well ops (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/tgl: Add Wa_14010477008:tgl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: work around fp code being emitted outside of DC_FP_START/END (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: drop redundant cg/pg ungate on runpm enter (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: move kfd suspend after ip_suspend_phase1 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Fix oops when pp_funcs is unset in ACPI event (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: Correctly initialize thermal controller for GPUs with Powerplay table v0 (e.g Hawaii) (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: fix resume failed as smu table initialize early exit (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/bridge: anx6345: set correct BPC for display_info of connector (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Use proper fault mask in interrupt postinstall too (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/selftests: Fix i915_address_space refcnt leak (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/qxl: qxl_release use after free (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/qxl: qxl_release leak in qxl_hw_surface_alloc() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/qxl: qxl_release leak in qxl_draw_dirty_fb() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Check cacheline is valid before acquiring (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gem: Hold obj->vma.lock over for_each_ggtt_vma() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Fix green screen issue after suspend (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/edid: Fix off-by-one in DispID DTD pixel clock (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: invalidate L2 before SDMA IBs (v2) (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [dma-buf] dma-buf: Fix SET_NAME ioctl uapi (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/scheduler: fix drm_sched_get_cleanup_job (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix wrong vram lost counter increment V2 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/dp_mst: Zero assigned PBN when releasing VCPI slots (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Calculate scaling ratios on every medium/full update (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Update stream adjust in dc_stream_adjust_vmin_vmax (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: potential information leak in do_fb_ioctl() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/gr/gp107, gp108: implement workaround for HW hanging during init (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdkfd: kfree the wrong pointer (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau: workaround runpm fail by disabling PCI power management on certain intel bridges (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/svm: fix vma range check for migration (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/svm: check for SVM initialized before migrating (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Don't try hdcp1.4 when content_type is set to type1 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/ttm: flush the fence on the bo after we individualize the reservation object (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/perf: Do not clear pollin for small user read buffers (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/nouveau/sec2/gv100-: add missing MODULE_FIRMWARE() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix the hw hang during perform system reboot and reset (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/gfx9: add gfxoff quirk (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: force the trim of the mclk dpm_levels if OD is enabled (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Fill all the unused space in the GGTT (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/ggtt: do not set bits 1-11 in gen12 ptes (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix gfx hang during suspend with video playback (v2) (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/dp_mst: Fix clearing payload state on topology disable (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] Revert "drm/dp_mst: Remove VCPI while disabling topology mgr" (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gt: Treat idling as a RPS downclock event (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/vboxvideo: Add missing remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers call, v2 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/icl+: Don't enable DDI IO power on a TypeC port in TBT mode (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/display: Check for null fclk voltage when parsing clock table (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: unify fw_write_wait for new gfx9 asics (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amd/powerplay: implement the is_dpm_running() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu/powerplay: using the FCLK DPM table to set the MCLK (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm: Remove PageReserved manipulation from drm_pci_alloc (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/bridge: analogix-anx78xx: Fix drm_dp_link helper removal (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gem: Flush all the reloc_gpu batch (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/gen12: Disable preemption timeout (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915/display: Fix mode private_flags comparison at atomic_check (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/bridge: analogix-anx6345: Avoid duplicate -supply suffix (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Allow for different modes of interruptible i915_active_wait (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [gpu] DRM Backport 5.5 -> 5.6 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: intelfb: use const pointer for fb_ops (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [include] video: fbdev: make fbops member of struct fb_info a const pointer (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: uvesafb: modify the static fb_ops directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: nvidia: modify the static fb_ops directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: mb862xx: modify the static fb_ops directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: atyfb: modify the static fb_ops directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbmem: use const pointer for fb_ops (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fbdev: vesafb: modify the static fb_ops directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: udlfb: don't restore fb_mmap after deferred IO cleanup (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: smscufx: don't restore fb_mmap after deferred IO cleanup (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/fb-helper: don't preserve fb_ops across deferred IO use (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/fb-helper: Remove drm_fb_helper_fbdev_{setup, teardown}() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] video: fb_defio: preserve user fb_ops (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] mm, drm/ttm: Fix vm page protection handling (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [dma-buf] udmabuf: Remove deleted map/unmap handlers (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [include] dma-buf: Remove kernel map/unmap hooks (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Remove udl implementation of GEM's free_object() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Unmap buffer object after damage update (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Fix Kconfig indentation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Replace fbdev code with generic emulation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Remove struct udl_gem_object and functions (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Switch to SHMEM (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Allocate GEM object via struct drm_driver.gem_create_object (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/udl: Remove flags field from struct udl_gem_object (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/armada: Delete dma_buf->k(un)map implemenation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [tee] drm/tee_shm: Drop dma_buf_k(unmap) support (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [samples] sample/vfio-mdev/mbocs: Remove dma_buf_k(un)map support (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media/videobuf2: Drop dma_buf->k(un)map support (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/vmwgfx: Delete mmaping functions (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [dma-buf] dma-buf: Drop dma_buf_k(un)map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/tegra: Remove dma_buf->k(un)map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/omapdrm: Drop dma_buf->k(un)map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Drop dma_buf->k(un)map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [staging] staging/android/ion: delete dma_buf->kmap/unmap implemenation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/i915: Remove dma_buf_kmap selftest (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] drm/tegra: Delete host1x_bo_ops->k(un)map (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [gpu] drm/tegra: Map cmdbuf once for reloc processing (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl: Allow modules to use pinctrl_register_mappings (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [include] lockdep: add might_lock_nested() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [gpu] DRM Backport 5.4 -> 5.5 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [security] device_cgroup: Export devcgroup_check_permission (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: drop res_id parameter from remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: check 'transmit_in_progress', not 'transmitting' (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: avoid decrementing transmit_queue_sz if it is 0 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: CEC 2.0-only bcast messages were ignored (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] cec: add cec_adapter to cec_notifier_cec_adap_unregister() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-pin: add 'received' callback (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: expose the new connector info API (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec/cec-adap.c: use new UI_CMD defines (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-notifier: clear cec_adap in cec_notifier_unregister (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-adap: return from cec_s_conn_info() if adap is invalid (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-notifier: add new notifier functions (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: add struct cec_connector_info support (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-notifier: rename variables, check kstrdup and n->conn_name (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-adap: fix regression in ping sanity check (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: allow any initiator for Ping and Image/Text View On (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: support CEC_MSG_FL_RAW (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: add CEC_MSG_FL_RAW flag and msg_is_raw helper function (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: move check from cec_transmit to cec_transmit_msg_fh (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: cec_transmit_msg_fh: do sanity checks first (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: mark devnode as registered before actually registering it (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-notifier: add cec_notifier_parse_hdmi_phandle helper (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: Kconfig files: use the right help coding style (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: fill in cec chardev kobject to ease debugging (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: fix epoll() by calling poll_wait first (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: keep track of outstanding transmits (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: add debug_phys_addr module option (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: report Vendor ID after initialization (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-pin: fix broken tx_ignore_nack_until_eom error injection (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: increase debug level for 'queue full' (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: check for non-OK/NACK conditions while claiming a LA (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: forgot to cancel delayed work (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: name for RC passthrough device does not need 'RC for' (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec-gpio: select correct Signal Free Time (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: fix the Signal Free Time calculation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: add new tx/rx status bits to detect aborts/timeouts (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: remove cec-edid.c (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec/v4l2: move V4L2 specific CEC functions to V4L2 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: integrate cec_validate_phys_addr() in cec-api.c (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: make cec_get_edid_spa_location() an inline function (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: use strscpy() instead of strlcpy() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: move compat_ioctl handling to cec-api.c (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [media] media: cec: add support for 5V signal testing (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [uapi] media: uapi/linux/cec.h: add 5V events (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [scsi] compat_ioctl: move more drivers to compat_ptr_ioctl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [vhost] compat_ioctl: move drivers to compat_ptr_ioctl (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [rtc] compat_ioctl: move rtc handling into drivers/rtc/dev.c (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] ceph: fix compat_ioctl for ceph_dir_operations (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] compat_sys_ioctl(): make parallel to do_vfs_ioctl() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] compat: move FS_IOC_RESVSP_32 handling to fs/ioctl.c (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] do_vfs_ioctl(): use saner types (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] compat: itanic doesn't have one (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] FIGETBSZ: fix compat (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fs] fix compat handling of FICLONERANGE, FIDEDUPERANGE and FS_IOC_FIEMAP (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [gpu] DRM Backport 5.3 -> 5.4 (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [include] Add wait_var_event_interruptible() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [kernel] kthread: Add __kthread_should_park() (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [kernel] PM / sleep: Refactor filesystems sync to reduce duplication (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [fpga] drivers: Introduce device lookup variants by of_node (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [s390] drivers: Introduce device lookup variants by name (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [base] drivers: Add generic helper to match by of_node (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [drm] kbuild: change *FLAGS_<basetarget>.o to take the path relative to $(obj) (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: lock_fb_info cannot fail (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev/atyfb: lock_fb_info can't fail (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: sysfs files can't disappear before the device is gone (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbcon: call fbcon_fb_(un)registered directly (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbcon: Remove fbcon_has_exited (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbcon: s/struct display/struct fbcon_display/ (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: locking check for fb_set_suspend (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [tty] vt/fbcon: deinitialize resources in visual_init() after failed memory allocation (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbcon: Don't reset logo_shown when logo is currently shown (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: fix WARNING in __alloc_pages_nodemask bug (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: fix divide error in fb_var_to_videomode (Lyude Paul) [1814893]
- [video] fbdev: list all pci memory bars as conflicting apertures (Lyude Paul) [1814893]

* Sun Jun 21 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-218.el8]
- [block] Revert "block: end bio with BLK_STS_AGAIN in case of non-mq devs and REQ_NOWAIT" (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: reset -EBUSY error when io sq thread is waken up (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't add non-IO requests to iopoll pending list (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't use kiocb.private to store buf_index (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cancel work if task_work_add() fails (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove dead check in io_splice() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix FORCE_ASYNC req preparation (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't prepare DRAIN reqs twice (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: initialize ctx->sqo_wait earlier (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: polled fixed file must go through free iteration (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix zero len do_splice() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't use 'fd' for openat/openat2/statx (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] splice: move f_mode checks to do_{splice, tee}() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: handle -EFAULT properly in io_uring_setup() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix mismatched finish_wait() calls in io_uring_cancel_files() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: punt splice async because of inode mutex (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: check non-sync defer_list carefully (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix extra put in sync_file_range() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use cond_resched() in io_ring_ctx_wait_and_kill() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use proper references for fallback_req locking (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only force async punt if poll based retry can't handle it (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: enable poll retry for any file with ->read_iter / ->write_iter (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: statx must grab the file table for valid fd (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only restore req->work for req that needs do completion (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't count rqs failed after current one (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: kill already cached timeout.seq_offset (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix cached_sq_head in io_timeout() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only post events in io_poll_remove_all() if we completed some (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_async_task_func() should check and honor cancelation (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: check for need to re-wait in polled async handling (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: correct O_NONBLOCK check for splice punt (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: restore req->work when canceling poll request (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: move all request init code in one place (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: keep all sqe->flags in req->flags (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: early submission req fail code (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: track mm through current->mm (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove obsolete @mm_fault (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: punt final io_ring_ctx wait-and-free to workqueue (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix fs cleanup on cqe overflow (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't read user-shared sqe flags twice (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove req init from io_get_req() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: alloc req only after getting sqe (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: simplify io_get_sqring (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: do not always copy iovec in io_req_map_rw() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure openat sets O_LARGEFILE if needed (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: initialize fixed_file_data lock (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove redundant variable pointer nxt and io_wq_assign_next call (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix ctx refcounting in io_submit_sqes() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: process requests completed with -EAGAIN on poll list (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove bogus RLIMIT_NOFILE check in file registration (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use io-wq manager as backup task if task is exiting (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: grab task reference for poll requests (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: retry poll if we got woken with non-matching mask (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add missing finish_wait() in io_sq_thread() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: refactor file register/unregister/update handling (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cleanup io_alloc_async_ctx() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix missing 'return' in comment (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: handle hashed writes in chains (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-uring: drop 'free_pfile' in struct io_file_put (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-uring: drop completion when removing file (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix ->data corruption on re-enqueue (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: close cancel gap for hashed linked work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [uapi] io_uring: make happy (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: honor original task RLIMIT_FSIZE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make sure accept honor rlimit nofile (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make sure openat/openat2 honor rlimit nofile (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: hash dependent work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: split hashing and enqueueing (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: don't resched if there is no work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: NULL-deref for IOSQE_{ASYNC,DRAIN} (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove duplicated cancel code (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix truncated async read/readv and write/writev retry (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [uapi] io_uring: dual license io_uring.h uapi header (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_uring_enter(2) don't poll while SETUP_IOPOLL|SETUP_SQPOLL enabled (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix unused function warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add end-of-bits marker and build time verify it (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: provide means of removing buffers (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT support for IORING_OP_RECVMSG (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: abstract out normal and compat msghdr import (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT support for IORING_OP_READV (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: support buffer selection for OP_READ and OP_RECV (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IORING_OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure RCU callback ordering with rcu_barrier() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix lockup with timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: free fixed_file_data after RCU grace period (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: buffer registration infrastructure (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring/io-wq: forward submission ref to async (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: optimise out *next_work() double lock (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: optimise locking in io_worker_handle_work() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: shuffle io_worker_handle_work() code (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: get next work with submission ref drop (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove @nxt from handlers (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make submission ref putting consistent (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: clean up io_close (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Ensure mask is initialized in io_arm_poll_handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove io_prep_next_work() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove extra nxt check after punt (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use poll driven retry for files that support it (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: mark requests that we can do poll async in io_op_defs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add per-task callback handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: store io_kiocb in wait->private (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: use BIT for ulong hash (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove IO_WQ_WORK_CB (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove unused IO_WQ_WORK_HAS_MM (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: extract kmsg copy helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: clean io_poll_complete (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add splice(2) support (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add interface for getting files (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] splice: make do_splice public (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove req->in_async (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't do full *prep_worker() from io-wq (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't call work.func from sync ctx (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_accept() should hold on to submit reference on retry (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: consider any io_read/write -EAGAIN as final (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove io_wq_flush and IO_WQ_WORK_INTERNAL (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: fix IO_WQ_WORK_NO_CANCEL cancellation (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix 32-bit compatability with sendmsg/recvmsg (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: define and set show_fdinfo only if procfs is enabled (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: drop file set ref put/get on switch (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: import_single_range() returns 0/-ERROR (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: pick up link work on submit reference drop (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: ensure work->task_pid is cleared on init (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove spin-for-work optimization (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix poll_list race for SETUP_IOPOLL|SETUP_SQPOLL (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix personality idr leak (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: handle multiple personalities in link chains (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix __io_iopoll_check deadlock in io_sq_thread (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: prevent sq_thread from spinning when it should stop (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix use-after-free by io_cleanup_req() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove unnecessary NULL checks (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add missing io_req_cancelled() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: prune request from overflow list on flush (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: don't call kXalloc_node() with non-online node (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: retain sockaddr_storage across send/recvmsg async punt (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cancel pending async work if task exits (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: add io_wq_cancel_pid() to cancel based on a specific pid (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: make io_wqe_cancel_work() take a match handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix openat/statx's filename leak (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix double prep iovec leak (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix async close() with f_op->flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow AT_FDCWD for non-file openat/openat2/statx (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: grab ->fs as part of async preparation (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: add support for inheriting ->fs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: retry raw bdev writes if we hit -EOPNOTSUPP (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add cleanup for openat()/statx() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix iovec leaks (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove unused struct io_async_open (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: flush overflowed CQ events in the io_uring_poll() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: statx/openat/openat2 don't support fixed files (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix deferred req iovec leak (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix 1-bit bitfields to be unsigned (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: get rid of delayed mm check (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cleanup fixed file data table references (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: spin for sq thread to idle on shutdown (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: put the flag changing code in the same spot (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: iterate req cache backwards (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: punt even fadvise() WILLNEED to async context (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix sporadic double CQE entry for close (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove extra ->file check (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't map read/write iovec potentially twice (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use the proper helpers for io_send/recv (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: prevent potential eventfd recursion on poll (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] eventfd: track eventfd_signal() recursion depth (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add BUILD_BUG_ON() to assert the layout of struct io_uring_sqe (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add ->show_fdinfo() for the io_uring file descriptor (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for epoll_ctl(2) (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] eventpoll: support non-blocking do_epoll_ctl() calls (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] eventpoll: abstract out epoll_ctl() handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix linked command file table usage (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: support using a registered personality for commands (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow registering credentials (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add io-wq workqueue sharing (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: allow grabbing existing io-wq (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring/io-wq: don't use static creds/mm assignments (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: make the io_wq ref counted (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix refcounting with batched allocations at OOM (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add comment for drain_next (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't attempt to copy iovec for READ/WRITE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't cancel all work on process exit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] Revert "io_uring: only allow submit from owning task" (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: honor IOSQE_ASYNC for linked reqs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: prep req when do IOSQE_ASYNC (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use labeled array init in io_op_defs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: optimise sqe-to-req flags translation (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove REQ_F_IO_DRAINED (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: file switch work needs to get flushed on exit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: hide uring_fd in ctx (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove extra check in __io_commit_cqring (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: optimise use of ctx->drain_next (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] RHEL-only: Add IORING_OP_OPENAT2 opcode (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for probing opcodes (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: account fixed file references correctly in batch (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add opcode to issue trace event (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: enable option to only trigger eventfd for async completions (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: change io_ring_ctx bool fields into bit fields (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: file set registration should use interruptible waits (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Remove unnecessary null check (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for send(2) and recv(2) (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove extra io_wq_current_is_worker() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: optimise commit_sqring() for common case (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: optimise head checks in io_get_sqring() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: clamp to_submit in io_submit_sqes() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_SETUP_CLAMP (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: extend batch freeing to cover more cases (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: wrap multi-req freeing in struct req_batch (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: batch getting pcpu references (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [include] pcpu_ref: add percpu_ref_tryget_many() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IORING_OP_MADVISE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [mm] mm: make do_madvise() available internally (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IORING_OP_FADVISE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow use of offset == -1 to mean file position (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add non-vectored read/write commands (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: improve poll completion performance (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: split overflow state into SQ and CQ side (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add lookup table for various opcode needs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove two unnecessary function declarations (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: move *queue_link_head() from common path (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: rename prev to head (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add IOSQE_ASYNC (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: support concurrent non-blocking work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_OP_STATX (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] fs: make two stat prep helpers available (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: avoid ring quiesce for fixed file set unregister and update (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_OP_CLOSE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: add support for uncancellable work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_OP_OPENAT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] fs: make build_open_flags() available internally (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for fallocate() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix compat for IORING_REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only allow submit from owning task (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure workqueue offload grabs ring mutex for poll list (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: clear req->result always before issuing a read/write request (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: be consistent in assigning next work from handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: cancel work if we fail getting a mm reference (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't setup async context for read/write fixed (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove punt of short reads to async context (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: add cond_resched() to worker thread (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove unused busy list from io_sqe (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: pass in 'sqe' to the prep handlers (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: standardize the prep methods (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: read 'count' for IORING_OP_TIMEOUT in prep handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: move all prep state for IORING_OP_{SEND, RECV}_MGS to prep handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: move all prep state for IORING_OP_CONNECT to prep handler (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add and use struct io_rw for read/writes (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use u64_to_user_ptr() consistently (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_wq_submit_work() should not touch req->rw (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't wait when under-submitting (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: warn about unhandled opcode (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: read opcode and user_data from SQE exactly once (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make IORING_OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE deferrable (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make IORING_OP_CANCEL_ASYNC deferrable (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make IORING_POLL_ADD and IORING_POLL_REMOVE deferrable (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make HARDLINK imply LINK (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: any deferred command must have stable sqe data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove 'sqe' parameter to the OP helpers that take it (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix pre-prepped issue with force_nonblock == true (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: re-add io_wq_current_is_worker() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix sporadic -EFAULT from IORING_OP_RECVMSG (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix stale comment and a few typos (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure we return -EINVAL on unknown opcode (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add sockets to list of files that support non-blocking issue (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: make socket read/write_iter() honor IOCB_NOWAIT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only hash regular files for async work execution (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: run next sqe inline if possible (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't dynamically allocate poll data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: deferred send/recvmsg should assign iov (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: sqthread should grab ctx->uring_lock for submissions (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: briefly spin for new work after finishing work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove worker->wait waitqueue (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow unbreakable links (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix a typo in a comment (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: hook all linked requests via link_list (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix error handling in io_queue_link_head (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use hash table for poll command lookups (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: clear node->next on list deletion (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure deferred timeouts copy necessary data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow IO_SQE_* flags on IORING_OP_TIMEOUT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: handle connect -EINPROGRESS like -EAGAIN (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove io_wq_current_is_worker (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove parameter ctx of io_submit_state_start (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: mark us with IORING_FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure async punted connect requests copy data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure async punted sendmsg/recvmsg requests copy data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure async punted read/write requests copy iovec (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add general async offload context (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: transform send/recvmsg() -ERESTARTSYS to -EINTR (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use current task creds instead of allocating a new one (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix missing kmap() declaration on powerpc (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add mapping support for NOMMU archs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make poll->wait dynamically allocated (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: shrink io_wq_work a bit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: fix handling of NUMA node IDs (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use kzalloc instead of kcalloc for single-element allocations (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cleanup io_import_fixed() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: inline struct sqe_submit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: store timeout's sqe->off in proper place (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: disallow ancillary data for __sys_{send, recv}msg_file() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: separate out the msghdr copy from ___sys_{send, recv}msg() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove superfluous check for sqe->off in io_accept() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: async workers should inherit the user creds (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: have io_wq_create() take a 'data' argument (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix dead-hung for non-iter fixed rw (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_OP_CONNECT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: add __sys_connect_file() helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only return -EBUSY for submit on non-flushed backlog (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only !null ptr to io_issue_sqe() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: simplify io_req_link_next() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: pass only !null to io_req_find_next() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove io_free_req_find_next() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add likely/unlikely in io_get_sqring() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: rename __io_submit_sqe() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: improve trace_io_uring_defer() trace point (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: drain next sqe instead of shadowing (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: close lookup gap for dependent next work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow finding next link independent of req reference count (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_allocate_scq_urings() should return a sane state (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Always REQ_F_FREE_SQE for allocated sqe (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_fail_links() should only consider first linked timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix leaking linked timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove redundant check (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: break links for failed defer (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove extra space characters (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: wait for io_wq_create() to setup necessary workers (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: request cancellations should break links (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: correct poll cancel and linked timeout expiration completion (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove dead REQ_F_SEQ_PREV flag (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix sequencing issues with linked timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make req->timeout be dynamically allocated (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make io_double_put_req() use normal completion path (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: cleanup return values from the queueing functions (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_async_cancel() should pass in 'nxt' request pointer (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make POLL_ADD/POLL_REMOVE scale better (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: remove now redundant struct io_wq_nulls_list (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix getting file for non-fd opcodes (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: introduce req_need_defer() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: clean up io_uring_cancel_files() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: ensure free/busy list browsing see all items (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure registered buffer import returns the IO length (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix getting file for timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: ensure we have a stable view of ->cur_work for cancellations (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_wq: add get/put_work handlers to io_wq_create() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: check for validity of ->rings in teardown (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix potential deadlock in io_poll_wake() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use correct "is IO worker" helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make timeout sequence == 0 mean no sequence (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix -ENOENT issue with linked timer with short timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't do flush cancel under inflight_lock (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: flag SQPOLL busy condition to userspace (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make ASYNC_CANCEL work with poll and timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: provide fallback request for OOM situations (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: convert accept4() -ERESTARTSYS into -EINTR (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix error clear of ->file_table in io_sqe_files_register() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: separate the io_free_req and io_free_req_find_next interface (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: keep io_put_req only responsible for release and put req (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove passed in 'ctx' function parameter ctx if possible (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: reduce/pack size of io_ring_ctx (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: properly mark async work as bounded vs unbounded (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: add support for bounded vs unbunded work (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: io_wqe_run_queue() doesn't need to use list_empty_careful() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for backlogged CQ ring (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: pass in io_kiocb to fill/add CQ handlers (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make io_cqring_events() take 'ctx' as argument (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for linked SQE timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: abstract out io_async_cancel_one() helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use inlined struct sqe_submit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Use submit info inlined into req (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allocate io_kiocb upfront (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_queue_link*() right after submit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Merge io_submit_sqes and io_ring_submit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: kill dead REQ_F_LINK_DONE flag (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fixup a few spots where link failure isn't flagged (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: enable optimized link handling for IORING_OP_POLL_ADD (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: use proper nesting IRQ disabling spinlocks for cancel (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add completion trace event (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: use kfree_rcu() to simplify the code (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: set -EINTR directly when a signal wakes up in io_cqring_wait (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: support for generic async request cancel (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure we clear io_kiocb->result before each issue (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_wq_create() returns an error pointer, not NULL (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix race with canceling timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: support for larger fixed file sets (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: protect fixed file indexing with array_index_nospec() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_OP_ACCEPT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [net] net: add __sys_accept4_file() helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: io_uring: add support for async work inheriting files (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: replace workqueue usage with io-wq (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io-wq: small threadpool implementation for io_uring (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix mm_fault with READ/WRITE_FIXED (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove index from sqe_submit (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add set of tracing events (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for canceling timeout requests (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for absolute timeouts (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: replace s->needs_lock with s->in_async (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow application controlled CQ ring size (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for IORING_REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allow sparse fixed file sets (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: run dependent links inline if possible (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: don't touch ctx in setup after ring fd install (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix leaked shadow_req (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix bad inflight accounting for SETUP_IOPOLL|SETUP_SQTHREAD (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: used cached copies of sq->dropped and cq->overflow (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix race for sqes with userspace (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix broken links with offloading (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: Fix corrupted user_data (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: correct timeout req sequence when inserting a new entry (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring : correct timeout req sequence when waiting timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: revert "io_uring: optimize submit_and_wait API" (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix logic error in io_timeout (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix up O_NONBLOCK handling for sockets (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: consider the overflow of sequence for timeout req (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix sequence logic for timeout requests (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: only flush workqueues on fileset removal (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: remove wait loop spurious wakeups (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix reversed nonblock flag for link submission (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use __kernel_timespec in timeout ABI (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make CQ ring wakeups be more efficient (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: compare cached_cq_tail with cq.head in_io_uring_poll (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: correctly handle non ->{read, write}_iter() file_operations (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: IORING_OP_TIMEOUT support (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use cond_resched() in sqthread (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix potential crash issue due to io_get_req failure (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: ensure poll commands clear ->sqe (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix use-after-free of shadow_req (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: use kmemdup instead of kmalloc and memcpy (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: increase IORING_MAX_ENTRIES to 32K (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: make sqpoll wakeup possible with getevents (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: extend async work merging (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: limit parallelism of buffered writes (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add io_queue_async_work() helper (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: optimize submit_and_wait API (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: add support for link with drain (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: fix wrong sequence setting logic (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: expose single mmap capability (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: allocate the two rings together (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [lib] percpu_ref: release percpu memory early without PERCPU_REF_ALLOW_REINIT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] io_uring: initialize percpu refcounters using PERCU_REF_ALLOW_REINIT (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [include] percpu_ref: introduce PERCPU_REF_ALLOW_REINIT flag (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [fs] binder: fix use-after-free due to ksys_close() during fdget() (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [init] RHEL-only: Enable io_uring for x86 builds (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [arm64] compat: ARM64: always include asm-generic/compat.h (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]
- [include] asm-generic: Move common compat types to asm-generic/compat.h (Jeff Moyer) [1784478]

* Sat Jun 20 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-217.el8]
- [fs] coredump: fix crash when umh is disabled (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] umh: fix memory leak on execve failure (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix returned error sign when link doesn't support updates (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: sockmap: Don't attach programs to UDP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: cgroup: Allow multi-attach program to replace itself (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: use struct timespec instead of __kernel_timespec (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_link leak in ns_current_pid_tgid selftest (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix test_align verifier log patterns (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf, cgroup: Return ENOLINK for auto-detached links on update (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Refactor bpf_link update handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf, selftests: Add a verifier test for assigning 32bit reg states to 64bit ones (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf, selftests: Verifier bounds tests need to be updated (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix a verifier issue when assigning 32bit reg states to 64bit ones (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix use-after-free in fmod_ret check (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] flow_dissector: Drop BPF flow dissector prog ref on netns cleanup (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Prevent mmap()'ing read-only maps as writable (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enforce returning 0 for fentry/fexit progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix register naming in PT_REGS s390 macros (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [samples] samples: bpf: Fix build error (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix error return code in map_lookup_and_delete_elem() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix sk_psock refcnt leak when receiving message (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/runqslower: Ensure own vmlinux.h is picked up first (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Make bpf_link_fops static (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Respect the -d option in struct_ops cmd (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix leak in LINK_UPDATE and enforce empty old_prog_fd (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Fix reStructuredText markup (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Only check mode flags in get_xdp_id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf, selftests: Add test for BPF_STX BPF_B storing R10 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [x86] bpf, x86: Fix encoding for lower 8-bit registers in BPF_STX BPF_B (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Forbid XADD on spilled pointers for unprivileged users (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Always specify expected_attach_type on program load if supported (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: remove unneeded conversion to bool in __mark_reg_unknown (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools, bpftool: Fix struct_ops command invalid pointer free (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix use of sk->sk_reuseport from sk_assign (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for bpf_get_link_xdp_id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix bpf_get_link_xdp_id flags handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix a typo "inacitve" -> "inactive" (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Initialize *nl_pid so gcc 10 is happy (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf, lsm: Fix the file_mprotect LSM test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Fix spelling mistake "arithmatic" -> "arithmetic" in test_verifier (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [lib] kbuild, btf: Fix dependencies for DEBUG_INFO_BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test FD-based cgroup attachment (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for bpf_link-based cgroup attachment (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Implement bpf_prog replacement for an active bpf_cgroup_link (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Implement bpf_link-based cgroup BPF program attachment (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Test_verifier, add alu32 bounds tracking tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Test_verifier, #65 error message updates for trunc of boundary-cross (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Test_verifier, bpf_get_stack return value add <0 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Test_progs, add test to catch retval refine error handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Verifier, refine 32bit bound in do_refine_retval_range (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Verifier, do explicit ALU32 bounds tracking (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Verifier, do_refine_retval_range may clamp umin to 0 incorrectly (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [init] bpf, lsm: Make BPF_LSM depend on BPF_EVENTS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Extend sk_assign tests for UDP (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Add test for sk_assign (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Don't refcount LISTEN sockets in sk_assign() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] net: Track socket refcounts in skb_steal_sock() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add socket assign support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: btf: Fix arg verification in btf_ctx_access() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Simplify reg_set_min_max_inv handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [documentation] bpf: lsm: Add Documentation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: lsm: Add selftests for BPF_PROG_TYPE_LSM (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/libbpf: Add support for BPF_PROG_TYPE_LSM (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: lsm: Implement attach, detach and execution (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: lsm: Provide attachment points for BPF LSM programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF_PROG_TYPE_LSM (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: Add test for overriding global data value before load (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Add setter for initial value for internal maps (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf, net: Fix build issue when net ns not configured (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Fix build warning regarding missing prototypes (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf, xsk: Init all ring members in xsk_umem__create and xsk_socket__create (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Add selftest cases for ctx_or_null argument type (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enable retrival of pid/tgid/comm from bpf cgroup hooks (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enable bpf cgroup hooks to retrieve cgroup v2 and ancestor id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Allow to retrieve cgroup v1 classid from v2 hooks (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add netns cookie and enable it for bpf cgroup hooks (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enable perf event rb output for bpf cgroup progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enable retrieval of socket cookie for bind/post-bind hook (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Remove unused vairable 'bpf_xdp_link_lops' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Factor out attach_type to prog_type mapping for attach/detach (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Factor out cgroup storages operations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Test_verifier, #70 error message updates for 32-bit right shift (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Verifer, adjust_scalar_min_max_vals to always call update_reg_bounds() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Verifer, refactor adjust_scalar_min_max_vals (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Don't allocate 16M for log buffer by default (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Remove unused parameter `def` to get_map_field_int (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [documentation] bpf: Document bpf_inspect drgn tool (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [samples] samples, bpf: Refactor perf_event user program with libbpf bpf_link (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [samples] samples, bpf: Move read_trace_pipe to trace_helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Add tests for bpf_sk_storage to bpf_tcp_ca (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_sk_storage support to bpf_tcp_ca (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix mix of tabs and spaces (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf, tcp: Make tcp_bpf_recvmsg static (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf, tcp: Fix unused function warnings (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Add struct_ops support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Translate prog_id to its bpf prog_name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Print as a string for char array (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Print the enum's name instead of value (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf, libbpf: Fix ___bpf_kretprobe_args1(x) macro definition (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Reset process and thread affinity after each test/sub-test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix test_progs's parsing of test numbers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix race in tcp_rtt test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix nanosleep for real this time (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Fix compilation warning in sockmap_parse_prog.c (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add vmlinux.h selftest exercising tracing of syscalls (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Provide CO-RE variants of PT_REGS macros (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Ignore incompatible types with matching name during CO-RE relocation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Ensure consistent test failure output (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix spurious failures in accept due to EAGAIN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Move linux/types.h for selftests and bpftool (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add missing annotations for __bpf_prog_enter() and __bpf_prog_exit() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [scripts] Fix warning when compiling bpftool (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix usleep() implementation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Remove bpf_image tree (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add dispatchers to kallsyms (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add trampolines to kallsyms (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_ksym_add/del functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add prog flag to struct bpf_ksym object (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Abstract away entire bpf_link clean up procedure (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_ksym_find function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Make tcp_rtt test more robust to failures (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: test_progs: Don't leak server_fd in tcp_rtt (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: test_progs: fix client/server race in tcp_rtt (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Move ksym_tnode to bpf_ksym (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Guarantee that useep() calls nanosleep() syscall (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Move lnode list node to struct bpf_ksym (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools: bpftool: Restore message on failure to guess program type (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Add name to struct bpf_ksym (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add struct bpf_ksym (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Add bpf_trampoline_ name prefix for DECLARE_BPF_DISPATCHER (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [mm] x86/mm: Rename is_kernel_text to __is_kernel_text (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Add bpf_xdp_output() helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/testing/selftests/bpf: Add self-tests for new helper bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Added new helper bpf_get_ns_current_pid_tgid (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [fs] fs/nsfs.c: Added ns_match (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools: bpftool: Fix minor bash completion mistakes (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools: bpftool: Allow all prog/map handles for pinning objects (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Split BTF presence checks into libbpf- and kernel-specific parts (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Add _bpftool and profiler.skel.h to .gitignore (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Skeleton should depend on libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Only build bpftool-prog-profile if supported by clang (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Use linux/types.h from source tree for profiler build (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/runqslower: Add BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU for running selftest on older kernels (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [x86] bpf: Fix trampoline generation for fmod_ret programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_link_new_file that doesn't install FD (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Bash completion for "bpftool prog profile" (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Documentation for bpftool prog profile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Introduce "prog profile" command (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Enable UDP sockmap reuseport tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Add tests for UDP sockets in sockmap (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Don't listen() on UDP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: sockmap: Add UDP support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add sockmap hooks for UDP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: sockmap: Simplify sock_map_init_proto (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: sockmap: Move generic sockmap hooks from BPF TCP (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: tcp: Guard declarations with CONFIG_NET_SOCK_MSG (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: tcp: Move assertions into tcp_bpf_get_proto (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] skmsg: Update saved hooks only once (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: sockmap: Only check ULP for TCP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf: Fix bpf_prog_test_run_tracing for !CONFIG_NET (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Remove unnecessary CAP_MAC_ADMIN check (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Add selftests for BPF_MODIFY_RETURN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Add test ops for BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACING (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/libbpf: Add support for BPF_MODIFY_RETURN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Attachment verification for BPF_MODIFY_RETURN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF_MODIFY_RETURN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [x86] bpf: JIT helpers for fmod_ret progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Refactor trampoline update code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Support out-of-tree vmlinux builds for VMLINUX_BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] tools/runqslower: Drop copy/pasted BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU definiton (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Assume unsigned values for BTF_KIND_ENUM (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Switch BPF UAPI #define constants used from BPF program side to enums (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test new __sk_buff field gso_size (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpf: Sync uapi bpf.h to tools/ (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Add gso_size to __sk_buff (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add link pinning selftests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Add bpf_link pinning/unpinning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Introduce pinnable bpf_link abstraction (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Merge selftests' bpf_trace_helpers.h into libbpf's bpf_tracing.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix use of PT_REGS_PARM macros with vmlinux.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Add header guards to generated vmlinux.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for "bpftool feature" command (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/tpm2: Add log and *.pyc to .gitignore (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Update bash completion for "bpftool feature" command (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Update documentation of "bpftool feature" command (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Make probes which emit dmesg warnings optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Move out sections to separate functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] bpftool: Support struct_ops, tracing, ext prog types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [scripts] scripts/bpf: Switch to more portable python3 shebang (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Print backtrace on SIGSEGV in test_progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Run reuseport tests only with supported socket types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf/stackmap: Dont trylock mmap_sem with PREEMPT_RT and interrupts disabled (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf, lpm: Make locking RT friendly (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Prepare hashtab locking for PREEMPT_RT (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Factor out hashtab bucket lock operations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Replace open coded recursion prevention in sys_bpf() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Use recursion prevention helpers in hashtab code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Provide recursion prevention helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Use migrate_disable/enable in array macros and cgroup/lirc code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Use migrate_disable/enabe() in trampoline code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [lib] bpf/tests: Use migrate disable instead of preempt disable (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Use bpf_prog_run_pin_on_cpu() at simple call sites (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Replace cant_sleep() with cant_migrate() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] bpf: Provide bpf_prog_run_pin_on_cpu() helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] sched/rt: Provide migrate_disable/enable() inlines (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [include] sched: Provide cant_migrate() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Dont iterate over possible CPUs with interrupts disabled (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Remove recursion prevention from rcu free callback (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] perf/bpf: Remove preempt disable around BPF invocation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf/trace: Remove redundant preempt_disable from trace_call_bpf() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf: disable preemption for bpf progs attached to uprobe (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf/trace: Remove EXPORT from trace_call_bpf() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf/tracing: Remove redundant preempt_disable() in __bpf_trace_run() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Update locking comment in hashtab code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Enforce preallocation for instrumentation programs on RT (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [net] bpf: Tighten the requirements for preallocated hash maps (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Tests for sockmap/sockhash holding listening sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Extend SK_REUSEPORT tests to cover SOCKMAP/SOCKHASH (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [documentation] docs/bpf: Update bpf development Q/A file (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Update xdp_bpf2bpf test to use new set_attach_target API (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for dynamic program attach target (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Bump libpf current version to v0.0.8 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] libbpf: Relax check whether BTF is mandatory (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Change llvm flag -mcpu=probe to -mcpu=v3 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add bpf_read_branch_records() selftest (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf: Add bpf_read_branch_records() helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [kernel] bpf: Allow bpf_perf_event_read_value in all BPF programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1845114]
- [dma] dma-direct: improve DMA mask overflow reporting (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: improve swiotlb error reporting (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: relax addressability checks in dma_direct_supported (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-contiguous: CMA: give precedence to cmdline (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [misc] lib/genalloc.c: rename addr_in_gen_pool to gen_pool_has_addr (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [lib] lib/genalloc.c: export symbol addr_in_gen_pool (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [acpi] dma-mapping: treat dev->bus_dma_mask as a DMA limit (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [powerpc] dma-direct: unify the dma_capable definitions (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [of] of/device: Really only set bus DMA mask when appropriate (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: exclude dma_direct_map_resource from the min_low_pfn check (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-debug: clean up put_hash_bucket() (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [iommu] dma-mapping: drop the dev argument to arch_sync_dma_for_* (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [xen] swiotlb-xen: simplify cache maintainance (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [xen] swiotlb-xen: simplify the DMA sync method implementations (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-debug: increase HASH_SIZE (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-debug: reorder struct dma_debug_entry fields (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: merge the generic remapping helpers into dma-direct (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: provide mmap and get_sgtable method overrides (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: remove the dma_handle argument to __dma_direct_alloc_pages (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: remove __dma_direct_free_pages (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] dma/direct: turn ARCH_ZONE_DMA_BITS into a variable (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-direct: check for overflows on 32 bit DMA addresses (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [s390] s390/dma: provide proper ARCH_ZONE_DMA_BITS value (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] powerpc: fix off by one in max_zone_pfn initialization for ZONE_DMA (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [powerpc] powerpc: enable a 30-bit ZONE_DMA for 32-bit pmac (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] arm64: rename variables used to calculate ZONE_DMA32's size (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] arm64: mm: use arm64_dma_phys_limit instead of calling max_zone_dma_phys() (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] arm64: mm: make CONFIG_ZONE_DMA32 configurable (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] kernel: dma-contiguous: mark CMA parameters __initdata/__initconst (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-debug: add a schedule point in debug_dma_dump_mappings() (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-debug: Use pr_warn instead of pr_warning (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: fix false positivse warnings in dma_common_free_remap() (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [xen] swiotlb-xen: ensure we have a single callsite for xen_dma_map_page (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [iommu] dma-mapping: introduce a dma_common_find_pages helper (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [iommu] dma-mapping: always use VM_DMA_COHERENT for generic DMA remap (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] vmalloc: lift the arm flag for coherent mappings to common code (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] dma-mapping: provide a better default ->get_required_mask (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: remove the dma_declare_coherent_memory export (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: remove the dma_mmap_from_dev_coherent export (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: remove CONFIG_ARCH_NO_COHERENT_DMA_MMAP (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: add a dma_can_mmap helper (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [powerpc] dma-mapping: explicitly wire up ->mmap and ->get_sgtable (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] dma-mapping: move the dma_get_sgtable API comments from arm to common code (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [dma] dma-mapping: introduce dma_get_merge_boundary() (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [mm] dma-mapping: make dma_atomic_pool_init self-contained (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [arm64] dma-mapping: remove arch_dma_mmap_pgprot (Don Dutile) [1816437]
- [scsi] scsi: ibmvscsi: Don't send host info in adapter info MAD after LPM (Steve Best) [1847078]
- [fs] NFS: Fix inode fileid checks in attribute revalidation code (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: remove set but not used variable 'mapping' (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv2: Fix write regression (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv2: Fix eof handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Fix writepage(s) error handling to not report errors twice (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Fix spurious EIO read errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] pNFS/flexfiles: Don't time out requests on hard mounts (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Handle EADDRINUSE and ENOBUFS correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] pNFS/flexfiles: Turn off soft RPC calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: On fatal writeback errors, we need to call nfs_inode_remove_request() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Fix initialisation of I/O result struct in nfs_pgio_rpcsetup (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix return value in nfs_finish_open() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix return values for nfs4_file_open() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Don't refresh attributes with mounted-on-file information (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Ensure state recovery handles ETIMEDOUT correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Report the error from nfs4_select_rw_stateid() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Print an error in the syslog when state is marked as irrecoverable (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Optimise transport balancing code (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Don't use the zero stateid with layoutget (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix up backchannel slot table accounting (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Skip zero-refcount transports (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Replace division by multiplication in calculation of queue length (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Validate the stateid before applying it to state recovery (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs4.0: Refetch lease_time after clientid update (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs4: Rename nfs41_setup_state_renewal (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs4: Make nfs4_proc_get_lease_time available for nfs4.0 (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs: Fix copy-and-paste error in debug message (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Replace 16 seq_printf() calls by seq_puts() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Use seq_putc() in nfs_show_stats() (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfsd: Fix misuse of strlcpy (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Drop redundant CONFIG_ from CONFIG_SUNRPC_DISABLE_INSECURE_ENCTYPES (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Cleanup if nfs_match_client is interrupted (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs: disable client side deduplication (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Clean up writeback code (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Remove warning in debugfs.c when compiling with W=1 (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Add sysfs support for per-container identifier (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Remove the bh-safe lock requirement on the rpc_wait_queue->lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Cleanup - add nfs_clients_exit to mirror nfs_clients_init (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFS: Create a root NFS directory in /sys/fs/nfs (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Remove the bh-safe lock requirement on xprt->transport_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Replace direct task wakeups from softirq context (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] SUNRPC: Replace the queue timer with a delayed work function (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] NFSv4: Handle open for execute correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfs: dget_parent() never returns NULL (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] nfs: fix out-of-date connectathon talk URL (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfsd4: remove outdated nfsd4_decode_time comment (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfsd: Spelling s/EACCESS/EACCES/ (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] lockd: Make two symbols static (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] lockd: Show pid of lockd for remote locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] lockd: Remove lm_compare_owner and lm_owner_key (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] lockd: Convert NLM service fl_owner to nlm_lockowner (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] lockd: prepare nlm_lockowner for use by the server (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [net] sunrpc: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] nfsd: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1846295]
- [fs] xfs: add agf freeblocks verify in xfs_agf_verify (Brian Foster) [1837192] {CVE-2020-12655}
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Fix deadlock on recovery path during GFP_IO reclaim (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Register sysfs for iscsi workqueue (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Report unbind session event when the target has been removed (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Fix error count for active session (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Report connection state in sysfs (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Add support for asynchronous iSCSI session destruction (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Perform connection failure entirely in kernel space (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Don't destroy session if there are outstanding connections (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Fix a potential deadlock in the timeout handler (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Don't send data to unbound connection (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: switch to SPDX tags (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Hold back_lock when calling iscsi_complete_task (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Use scsi_et_resid() where appropriate (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi: Capture iscsi debug messages using tracepoints (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Fix NULL pointer dereference in iscsi_eh_session_reset (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: iscsi_tcp: Explicitly cast param in iscsi_sw_tcp_host_get_param (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Annotate fall-through (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: Annotate locking assumptions (Chris Leech) [1830140]
- [nvme] nvmet: fail outstanding host posted AEN req (David Milburn) [1833642]
- [nvme] nvmet: add async event tracing support (David Milburn) [1833642]
- [nvme] nvmet: cleanups the loop in nvmet_async_events_process (David Milburn) [1833642]
- [nvme] nvmet: fix memory leak when removing namespaces and controllers concurrently (David Milburn) [1833642]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Flush existing work items before device removal (Steve Best) [1846761]
- [kernel] signal: Extend exec_id to 64bits (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1834652] {CVE-2020-12826}

* Thu Jun 18 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-216.el8]
- [arm64] docs: fix broken references to text files (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Move __load_guest_stage2 to kvm_mmu.h (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Drop obsolete comment about sys_reg ordering (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Parametrize exception entry with a target EL (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Don't use empty structures as CPU reset state (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Move sysreg reset check to boot time (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Add missing reset handlers for PMU emulation (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Refactor vcpu_{read, write}_sys_reg (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: vgic-v3: Take cpu_if pointer directly instead of vcpu (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Remove obsolete kvm_virt_to_phys abstraction (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Fix incorrect comment on kvm_get_hyp_vector() (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Clean up cpu_init_hyp_mode() (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] cpufeature: Drop open encodings while extracting parange (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Make KVM_CAP_MAX_VCPUS compatible with the selected GIC version (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Support enabling dirty log gradually in small chunks (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Unify handling THP backed host memory (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Clean up the checking for huge mapping (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm/arm64: Release kvm->mmu_lock in loop to prevent starvation (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Sidestep stage2_unmap_vm() on vcpu reset when S2FWB is supported (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: Fix spelling in code comments (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Simplify __kvm_timer_set_cntvoff implementation (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Clean up kvm makefiles (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Change CONFIG_KVM to a menuconfig entry (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Update help text (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Kill off CONFIG_KVM_ARM_HOST (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Move virt/kvm/arm to arch/arm64 (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] Unify WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_AT_{NVHE, VHE} (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [arm64] cpufeature: Add CPU capability for AArch32 EL1 support (Andrew Jones) [1842468]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix a credential refcount leak (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] Revert "SUNRPC: Declare RPC timers as TIMER_DEFERRABLE" (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] net :sunrpc :clnt :Fix xps refcount imbalance on the error path (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Rebalance a kref in auth_gss.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Fix a double unlock from nfs_match, get_client (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] nfs: pass the correct prototype to read_cache_page (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFSv4: don't mark all open state for recovery when handling recallable state revoked flag (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix an error code in gss_alloc_msg() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: task should be exit if encode return EKEYEXPIRED more times (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: make nfs_match_client killable (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] nfsd: update callback done processing (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] lockd: Store the lockd client credential in struct nlm_host (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: When mounting, don't share filesystems between different user namespaces (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Convert NFSv2 to use the container user namespace (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFSv4: Convert the NFS client idmapper to use the container user namespace (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Convert NFSv3 to use the container user namespace (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Use namespace of listening daemon in the client AUTH_GSS upcall (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] net: Remove some unneeded semicolon (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Use the client user namespace when encoding creds (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Store the credential of the mount process in the nfs_server (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] SUNRPC: Cache cred of process creating the rpc_client (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Update comments based on recent changes (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Avoid digging into the ATOMIC pool (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] xprtrdma: Recognize XDRBUF_SPARSE_PAGES (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] Fix nfs4.2 return -EINVAL when do dedupe operation (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Remove redundant open context from nfs_page (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Add a helper to return a pointer to the open context of a struct nfs_page (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Ensure that all nfs lock contexts have a valid open context (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Allow signal interruption of NFS4ERR_DELAYed operations (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] pNFS: Add tracking to limit the number of pNFS retries (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Remove unused argument from nfs_create_request() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Fix up NFS I/O subrequest creation (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Replace custom error reporting mechanism with generic one (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Don't inadvertently clear writeback errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Don't call generic_error_remove_page() while holding locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Don't interrupt file writeout due to fatal errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Add a mount option "softerr" to allow clients to see ETIMEDOUT errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [uapi] NFS: Move internal constants out of uapi/linux/nfs_mount.h (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] NFS: Consider ETIMEDOUT to be a fatal error (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Add the 'softerr' rpc_client flag (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Ensure to ratelimit the "server not responding" syslog messages (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Start the first major timeout calculation at task creation (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Ensure that the transport layer respect major timeouts (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Declare RPC timers as TIMER_DEFERRABLE (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Simplify queue timeouts using timer_reduce() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Fix up tracking of timeouts (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Add function rpc_sleep_on_timeout() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] SUNRPC: Remove unused argument 'action' from rpc_sleep_on_priority() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Refactor rpc_sleep_on() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [net] SUNRPC: Refactor xprt_request_wait_receive() (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] nfsd: fh_drop_write in nfsd_unlink (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [fs] nfsd: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Benjamin Coddington) [1831672]
- [netdrv] Revert "net: phy: realtek: fix using paged operations with RTL8105e / RTL8208" (Josef Oskera) [1846022]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix Tx timeout when link is toggled on a VF's interface (Jonathan Toppins) [1843144]
- [netdrv] ice: add a devlink region for dumping NVM contents (Jonathan Toppins) [1843144]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: print proper nvme-fc devloss_tmo value (Gopal Tiwari) [1846049]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: PM: Avoid flushing EC work when EC GPE is inactive (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: PM: Avoid premature returns from acpi_s2idle_wake() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Add acpi_register_wakeup_handler() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Refine active GPEs check (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Allow acpi_any_gpe_status_set() to skip one GPE (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM: sleep: wakeup: Skip wakeup_source_sysfs_remove() if device is not there (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Check fixed wakeup events in acpi_s2idle_wake() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Fix comment in acpi_s2idle_prepare_late() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] platform/x86: sony-laptop: Make resuming thermal profile safer (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] platform/x86: sony-laptop: SNC calls should handle BUFFER types (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: Update Tiger Lake ACPI device IDs (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: Avoid printing confusing messages in acpi_ec_setup() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: Fix flushing of pending work (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM / wakeup: Register wakeup class kobj after device is added (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM / wakeup: Fix sysfs registration error path (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM / wakeup: Unexport wakeup_source_sysfs_{add, remove}() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [kernel] PM: suspend: Fix platform_suspend_prepare_noirq() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Prevent spurious SCIs from waking up the system (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Introduce acpi_any_gpe_status_set() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Avoid possible race related to the EC GPE (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: watchdog: Allow disabling WDAT at boot (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / APD: Add clock frequency for Hisilicon Hip08-Lite I2C controller (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: thermal: switch to use <linux/units.h> helpers (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI/IORT: Fix 'Number of IDs' handling in iort_id_map() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI/IORT: Parse SSID property of named component node (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Parse PASID devicetree property of platform devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Update version to 20200110 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: All acpica: Update copyrights to 2020 Including tool signons (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Add DMI quirk for Razer Blade Stealth 13 late 2019 lid switch (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PPTT: Consistently use unsigned int as parameter type (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: Reference count query handlers under lock (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Update version to 20191213 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Dispatcher: always generate buffer objects for ASL create_field() operator (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: acpisrc: add unix line ending support for non-windows build (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Disassembler: create buffer fields in ACPI_PARSE_LOAD_PASS1 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: debugger: fix spelling mistake "adress" -> "address" (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: video: Do not export a non working backlight interface on MSI MS-7721 boards (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: fan: Add Tiger Lake ACPI device ID (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: DPTF: Add Tiger Lake ACPI device IDs (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: fan: Expose fan performance state information (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / LPSS: Rename pwm_backlight pwm-lookup to pwm_soc_backlight (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: video: Use native backlight on Lenovo E41-25/45 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: video: fix typo in comment (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / battery: Deal better with neither design nor full capacity not being reported (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / battery: Use design-cap for capacity calculations if full-cap is not available (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / battery: Deal with design or full capacity being reported as -1 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI/sleep: Convert acpi_wakeup_address into a function (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Avoid attaching ACPI PM domain to certain devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Rework ACPI events synchronization (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: Rework flushing of pending work (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: bus: Fix NULL pointer check in acpi_bus_get_private_data() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: Fix Kconfig indentation (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: OSL: only free map once in osl.c (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Add DMI quirk for Acer Switch 10 SW5-032 lid-switch (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: sysfs: Change ACPI_MASKABLE_GPE_MAX to 0x100 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: OSI: Shoot duplicate word (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: HMAT: use u instead of d to print u32 values (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: NUMA: HMAT: fix a section mismatch (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: HMAT: don't mix pxm and nid when setting memory target processor_pxm (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: NUMA: HMAT: Register "soft reserved" memory as an "hmem" device (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: NUMA: HMAT: Register HMAT at device_initcall level (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: NUMA: Establish a new drivers/acpi/numa/ directory (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [x86] x86/efi: EFI soft reservation to E820 enumeration (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [firmware] efi: Common enable/disable infrastructure for EFI soft reservation (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [firmware] efi: Enumerate EFI_MEMORY_SP (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [dax] device-dax: Add a driver for "hmem" devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [nvdimm] lib: Uplevel the pmem "region" ida to a global allocator (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Update version to 20191018 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: debugger: remove leading whitespaces when converting a string to a buffer (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: acpiexec: initialize all simple types and field units from user input (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: debugger: add field unit support for acpi_db_get_next_token (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: debugger: surround field unit output with braces '{' (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: debugger: add command to dump all fields of particular subtype (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: utilities: add flag to only display data when dumping buffers (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: make acpi_load_table() return table index (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Add new external interface, acpi_unload_table() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: More Clang changes (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Win OSL: Replace get_tick_count with get_tick_count64 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Results from Clang (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: add support for hardware-reduced systems (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: tweak naming in preparation for GpioInt support (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Remove unused acpi_lid_notifier_register() functions (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Add DMI quirk for Asus T200TA (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Add DMI quirk for Medion Akoya E2215T (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Turn lid_blacklst DMI table into a generic quirk table (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Allow disabling LID support with the lid_init_state module option (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: button: Refactor lid_init_state module parsing code (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: LPSS: Add dmi quirk for skipping _DEP check for some device-links (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: LPSS: Add LNXVIDEO -> BYT I2C1 to lpss_device_links (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: LPSS: Add LNXVIDEO -> BYT I2C7 to lpss_device_links (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / PMIC: Add Cherry Trail Crystal Cove PMIC OpRegion driver (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / PMIC: Add byt prefix to Crystal Cove PMIC OpRegion driver (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / PMIC: Do not register handlers for unhandled OpRegions (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: processor_idle: Skip dummy wait if kernel is in guest (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] acpi: Use pr_warn instead of pr_warning (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: CPPC: Set pcc_datato NULL in acpi_cppc_processor_exit() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [mfd] rhel: constify some function arguments when searching for devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: platform: Unregister stale platform devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [i2c] i2c: Revert incorrect conversion to use generic helper (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] drivers: Introduce device lookup variants by ACPI_COMPANION device (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [s390] drivers: s390/cio: Fix compilation warning about const qualifiers (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [s390] driver_find_device: Unify the match function with class_find_device() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / LPSS: Switch to use acpi_dev_hid_uid_match() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / utils: Move acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() under CONFIG_ACPI (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / utils: Describe function parameters in kernel-doc (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: Always build evged in (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: video: update doc for acpi_video_bus_DOS() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Drop Dell XPS13 9360 from LPS0 Idle _DSM blacklist (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: HMAT: ACPI_HMAT_MEMORY_PD_VALID is deprecated since ACPI-6.3 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] i2c: imx: ACPI support for NXP i2c controller (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / PCI: fix acpi_pci_irq_enable() memory leak (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: custom_method: fix memory leaks (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: thermal: Remove redundant acpi_has_method() calls (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / property: Fix acpi_graph_get_remote_endpoint() name in kerneldoc (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / CPPC: do not require the _PSD method (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: SBS: remove unused const variable 'SMBUS_PEC' (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Always set up EC GPE for system wakeup (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] intel-hid: Disable button array during suspend-to-idle (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] intel-hid: intel-vbtn: Avoid leaking wakeup_mode set (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] platform/x86: intel-hid: Missing power button release on some Dell models (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] platform/x86: intel-hid: Convert to use SPDX identifier (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [platform] platform/x86: intel-hid: Add support for Device Specific Methods (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Avoid rearming SCI for wakeup unnecessarily (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM / wakeup: Show wakeup sources stats in sysfs (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [kernel] PM / wakeup: Use wakeup_source_register() in wakelock.c (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM / wakeup: Drop wakeup_source_init(), wakeup_source_prepare() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [base] PM: sleep: Fix possible overflow in pm_system_cancel_wakeup() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI/PCI: Remove surplus parentheses from a return statement (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Update version to 20190816 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Add "Windows 2019" string to _OSI support (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Differentiate Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Fully deploy ACPI_PRINTF_LIKE macro (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Fix issues with arg types within printf format strings (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Macros: remove pointer math on a null pointer (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Debugger: remove redundant assignment on obj_desc (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / APEI: Release resources if gen_pool_add() fails (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] acpi: Use built-in RCU list checking for acpi_ioremaps list (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] HMAT: Skip publishing target info for nodes with no online memory (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] HMAT: Register attributes for memory hot add (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] HMAT: Register memory-side cache after parsing (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / processor: don't print errors for processorIDs == 0xff (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Print debug messages on device power state changes (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Execute LPS0 _DSM functions with suspended devices (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: PM: Make acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() print debug message (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: PM: Consolidate some code depending on PM_SLEEP (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Eliminate acpi_sleep_no_ec_events() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Switch EC over to polling during "noirq" suspend (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Add acpi.sleep_no_lps0 module parameter (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: s2idle: Rearrange lps0_device_attach() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI / APEI: Get rid of NULL_UUID_LE constant (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Set up EC GPE for system wakeup from drivers that need it (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] PM: sleep: Simplify suspend-to-idle control flow (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [kernel] PCI: irq: Introduce rearm_wake_irq() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: PM: Set s2idle_wakeup earlier and clear it later (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPI: EC: Return bool from acpi_ec_dispatch_gpe() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [acpi] ACPICA: Return u32 from acpi_dispatch_gpe() (Al Stone) [1803969]
- [kernel] kernel/sysctl.c: ignore out-of-range taint bits introduced via kernel.tainted (Rafael Aquini) [1845358]
- [documentation] kernel: add panic_on_taint (Rafael Aquini) [1845358]
- [mm] hugetlbfs: fix changes to command line processing (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [documentation] hugetlbfs: clean up command line processing (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] hugetlbfs: remove hugetlb_add_hstate() warning for existing hstate (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] hugetlbfs: move hugepagesz= parsing to arch independent code (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] mm: simplify MEMORY_ISOLATION && COMPACTION || CMA into CONTIG_ALLOC (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] hugetlbfs: add arch_hugetlb_valid_size (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] arm64/hugetlb: Use macros for contiguous huge page sizes (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [mm] arm64: hugetlb: Register hugepages during arch init (Baoquan He) [1823769]
- [fs] xfs: prohibit fs freezing when using empty transactions (Brian Foster) [1845099]
- [security] selinux: properly handle multiple messages in selinux_netlink_send() (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1839643] {CVE-2020-10751}
- [mm] bdi: add a ->dev_name field to struct backing_dev_info (Ming Lei) [1788378]
- [block] bdi: use bdi_dev_name() to get device name (Ming Lei) [1788378]
- [mm] bdi: move bdi_dev_name out of line (Ming Lei) [1788378]
- [fs] memcg: fix a crash in wb_workfn when a device disappears (Ming Lei) [1788378]

* Tue Jun 16 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-215.el8]
- [tools] libbpf: provide backported RHEL symbols as upstream aliases 2 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [include] bpf: include/linux/bpf.h: fix spaces (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for freplace program with expected_attach_type (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [scripts] checkpatch: don't warn about new vsprintf pointer extension 'pe' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [s390] s390: enable bpf jit by default when not built as always-on (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Copy runqslower to OUTPUT directory (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix memory leak in test selector (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix huge memory leak in libbpf_find_vmlinux_btf_id() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add runqslower binary to .gitignore (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Change kvfree to kfree in generic_map_lookup_batch() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf, selftests: Use bpf_probe_read_kernel (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf/cgroup: Replace rcu_swap_protected() with rcu_replace_pointer() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix bug in mmap() implementation for BPF array map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Validate frozen map contents stays frozen (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix handling of XADD on BTF memory (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Run SYN cookies with reuseport BPF test only for TCP (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Fix typo in bash-completion (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix handling of optional field_name in btf_dump__emit_type_decl (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Declare bpf_log_buf variables as static (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix a couple of broken test_btf cases (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Enforce returning 0 for fentry/fexit programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix BPF_KRETPROBE macro and use it in attach_probe test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Propagate expected_attach_type when verifying freplace programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix trampoline_count clean up logic (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Explicitly memset some bpf info structures declared on the stack (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Explicitly memset the bpf_attr structure (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Sanitize the bpf_struct_ops tcp-cc name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for the packed enum member in struct/union (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf/btf: Fix BTF verification of enum members in struct/union (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix cgroup ref leak in cgroup_bpf_inherit on out-of-memory (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Initialize storage pointers to NULL to prevent freeing garbage pointer (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Add test for JMP32 JSET BPF_X with upper bits set (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [x86] bpf, x32: Fix bug with JMP32 JSET BPF_X checking upper bits (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Do not allow map_freeze in struct_ops map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Return better error value in delete_elem for struct_ops map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add send_signal_sched_switch test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [kernel] bpf: Fix deadlock with rq_lock in bpf_send_signal() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix a potential deadlock with bpf_map_do_batch (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Do not grab the bucket spinlock by default on htab batch ops (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Sanitise internal map names so they are not rejected by the kernel (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf, uapi: Remove text about bpf_redirect_map() giving higher performance (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf, offload: Replace bitwise AND by logical AND in bpf_prog_offload_info_fill (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Mark SYN cookie test skipped for UDP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix error checking on reading the tcp_fastopen sysctl (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Make btf_check_func_type_match() static (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Selftests build error in sockmap_basic.c (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Improve bucket_log calculation logic (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test freeing sockmap/sockhash with a socket in it (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf/runqslower: Rebuild libbpf.a on libbpf source change (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix trampoline_count.c selftest compilation warning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix modifier skipping logic (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Remove redundant "HAVE" prefix from the large INSN limit check (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] runqslower: Fix Makefile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Reuse log from btf_prase_vmlinux() in btf_struct_ops_init() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test based on port range for BPF flow dissector (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: map_seq_next should always increase position index (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Allow overriding llvm tools for runqslower (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Add test for allowed trampolines count (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Allow to resolve bpf trampoline and dispatcher in unwind (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Allow BTF ctx access for string pointers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Improve handling of failed CO-RE relocations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Reset global state between reuseport test runs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Make reuseport test output more legible (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Ignore FIN packets for reuseport tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Use a temporary file in test_sockmap (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Print function linkage in BTF dump (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Improve bpftool changes detection (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Initialize duration variable before using (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: tcp: Add bpf_cubic example (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Sync uapi bpf.h to tools/ (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add BPF_FUNC_jiffies64 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add tests for program extensions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for program extensions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Introduce dynamic program extensions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [scripts] bpf, btf: Always output invariant hit in pahole DWARF to BTF transform (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Build urandom_read with LDFLAGS and LDLIBS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix error path under memory pressure (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: don't bother with getname/kern_path - use user_path_at (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: Refactor build to remove tools/lib/bpf from include path (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use consistent include paths for libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Use consistent include paths for libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] runsqslower: Support user-specified libbpf include and object paths (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/runqslower: Remove tools/lib/bpf from include path (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: Use consistent include paths for libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/runqslower: Use consistent include paths for libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: Pass VMLINUX_BTF to runqslower Makefile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf/runqslower: Fix override option for VMLINUX_BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Don't try to remove user's homedir on clean (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Skip perf hw events test if the setup disabled it (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Don't check for btf fd in test_btf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix memory leaks in generic update/delete batch ops (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Load btf_vmlinux only once per object (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix potential multiplication overflow in mmap() size calculation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Simplify BTF initialization logic (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix error handling bug in btf_dump__new (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Remove set but not used variable 'first_key' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Revert bpf_helper_defs.h inclusion regression (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix test_progs send_signal flakiness with nmi mode (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix unneeded extra initialization in bpf_map_batch_common (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add whitelist/blacklist of test names to test_progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Support dumping a map with btf_vmlinux_value_type_id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Add struct_ops map name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Expose bpf_find_kernel_btf as a LIBBPF_API (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Fix missing BTF output for json during map dump (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Fix a leak of btf object (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add batch ops testing to array bpf map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add batch ops testing for htab and htab_percpu map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add libbpf support to batch ops (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Sync uapi header bpf.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add batch ops to all htab bpf map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add lookup and update batch ops to arraymap (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add generic support for update and delete batch ops (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add generic support for lookup batch op (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_map_{value_size, update_value, map_copy_value} functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add a test for attaching a bpf fentry/fexit trace to an XDP program (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Add self tests for bpf_send_signal_thread() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [kernel] bpf: Add bpf_send_signal_thread() helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Fix seq_show for BPF_MAP_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Build runqslower from selftests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Add runqslower tool to tools/bpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Apply preserve_access_index attribute to all types in BTF dump (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Conform selftests/bpf Makefile output to libbpf and bpftool (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [scripts] libbpf: Clean up bpf_helper_defs.h generation output (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add BPF_PROG, BPF_KPROBE, and BPF_KRETPROBE macros (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Poison kernel-only integer types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add unit tests for global functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Modify a test to check global functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add a test for a large global function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add fexit-to-skb test for global funcs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Introduce function-by-function verification (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Further clean up Makefile output (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Ensure bpf_helper_defs.h are taken from selftests dir (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf,selftests/bpf: Fix clean targets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Make bpf_map order and indices stable (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Document BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE flag (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Add bpf_dctcp example (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: libbpf: Add STRUCT_OPS support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Synch uapi bpf.h to tools/ (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add BPF_FUNC_tcp_send_ack helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: tcp: Support tcp_congestion_ops in bpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF_MAP_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF_PROG_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Support bitfield read access in btf_struct_access (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Add enum support to btf_ctx_access() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Avoid storing modifier to info->btf_id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Save PTR_TO_BTF_ID register state when spilling to stack (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Restore original comm in test_overhead (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Add misc section and probe for large INSN limit (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add probe for large INSN limit (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Make skeleton C code compilable with C++ compiler (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Print error message for bpftool cgroup show (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Xdp_redirect_cpu fix missing tracepoint attach (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Add option to specify transmit fill pattern (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Add option to specify tx packet size (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Add option to specify number of packets to send (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Add option to specify batch size (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Use common code to handle signal and main exit (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: xdpsock: Add duration option to specify how long to run (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Preserve errno in test_progs CHECK macros (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test BPF_F_REPLACE in cgroup_attach_multi (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Convert test_cgroup_attach to prog_tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Introduce bpf_prog_attach_xattr (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Support replacing cgroup-bpf program in MULTI mode (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Remove unused new_flags in hierarchy_allows_attach() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Simplify __cgroup_bpf_attach (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Remove unnecessary assertion on fp_old (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix another __u64 printf warning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix printing of ulimit value (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: BTF is required when externs are present (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Allow to augment system Kconfig through extra optional config (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Put Kconfig externs into .kconfig section (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add bpf_link__disconnect() API to preserve underlying BPF resource (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpf: Allow to change skb mark in test_run (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Work-around rst2man conversion bug (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Simplify format string to not use positional args (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Add gen subcommand manpage (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Remove BPF_EMBED_OBJ macro from libbpf.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool, selftests/bpf: Embed object file inside skeleton (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Reduce log level for custom section names (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix libbpf_common.h when installing libbpf through 'make install' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: More succinct Makefile output (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add zlib as a dependency in pkg-config template (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Print hint about ulimit when getting permission denied error (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Attach XDP programs in driver mode by default (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Set -fno-stack-protector when building BPF programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add missing -lz to TPROGS_LDLIBS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Fix compilation warning on shadowed variable (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix build by renaming variables (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add flexible array relocation tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Support flexible arrays in CO-RE (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add tests for libbpf-provided externs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Generate externs datasec in BPF skeleton (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Support libbpf-provided extern variables (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Extract internal map names into constants (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Add `gen skeleton` BASH completions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test validating data section to struct convertion layout (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Convert few more selftest to skeletons (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add BPF skeletons selftests and convert attach_probe.c (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Add skeleton codegen command (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add BPF object skeleton support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Reduce log level of supported section names dump (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Postpone BTF ID finding for TRACING programs to load phase (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Refactor global data map initialization (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Expose BPF program's function name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Expose BTF-to-C type declaration emitting API (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Expose btf__align_of() API (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Extract common user-facing helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add BPF_EMBED_OBJ macro for embedding BPF .o files (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Move non-public APIs from libbpf.h to libbpf_internal.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Add generic bpf_program__attach() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Don't require root for bpf_object__open() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Match maps by name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] bpftool: Match programs by name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test wire_len/gso_segs in BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Expose __sk_buff wire_len/gso_segs to BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [x86] bpf, x86: Align dispatcher branch targets to 16B (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Add xdp_perf test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Start using the BPF dispatcher in BPF_TEST_RUN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf, xdp: Start using the BPF dispatcher for XDP (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF dispatcher (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Move trampoline JIT image allocation to a function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix perf_buffer test on systems w/ offline CPUs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add CPU mask parsing tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Switch reuseport tests for test_progs framework (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Move reuseport tests under prog_tests/ (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Pull up printing the test name into test runner (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Propagate errors during setup for reuseport tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Run reuseport tests in a loop (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Unroll the main loop in reuseport test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add helpers for getting socket family & type name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Use sa_family_t everywhere in reuseport tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Let libbpf determine program type from section name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Recognize SK_REUSEPORT programs from section name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [arm64] bpf, x86, arm64: Enable jit by default when not built as always-on (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [net] bpf: Switch to offsetofend in BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [tools] libbpf: Bump libpf current version to v0.0.7 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813372]
- [fs] vmalloc: fix remap_vmalloc_range() bounds checks (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Prevent re-mmap()'ing BPF map as writable for initially r/o mapping (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: fix test_sysctl_prog with alu32 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [powerpc] powerpc/bpf: Enable bpf_probe_read{, str}() on powerpc again (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] bpf: Restrict bpf_trace_printk()'s s usage and add pks, pus specifier (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [lib] printf: add support for printing symbolic error names (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add bpf_probe_read_{user, kernel}_str() to do_refine_retval_range (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [arm64] bpf: Restrict bpf_probe_read{, str}() only to archs where they work (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Fix accounting bug with direct->count in register_ftrace_direct() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Return the first found result in lookup_rec() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Undo incorrect __reg_bound_offset32 handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix tnum constraints for 32-bit comparisons (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] x86: Fix kernel-doc atomic.h warnings (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix trampoline usage in preempt (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Reintroduce missed build targets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [trace] bpf: Reliably preserve btf_trace_xxx types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] bpf: Avoid setting bpf insns pages read-only when prog is jited (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [scripts] bpf: Force .BTF section start to zero when dumping from vmlinux (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [scripts] bpf: Support pre-2.25-binutils objcopy for vmlinux BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpfilter: remove superfluous testing message (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] bpfilter: fix dprintf usage for /dev/kmsg (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Remove bucket->lock from sock_{hash|map}_free (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [netdrv] veth: ignore peer tx_dropped when counting local rx_dropped (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Publish global consumer pointers when NAPI is finished (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] bpf, xdp: Remove no longer required rcu_read_{un}lock() (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [netdrv] bpf, xdp: virtio_net use access ptr macro for xdp enable check (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] bpf, xdp: Update devmap comments to reflect napi/rcu usage (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk, net: Make sock_def_readable() have external linkage (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] devmap: Adjust tracepoint for map-less queue flush (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Use bulking for non-map XDP_REDIRECT and consolidate code paths (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Move devmap bulk queue into struct net_device (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Support allocations of large umems (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [tools] Sync uapi/linux/if_link.h (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] bpf: Return -EBADRQC for invalid map type in __bpf_tx_xdp_map (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] flow_dissector: fix document for skb_flow_get_icmp_tci (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Use struct_size() helper (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Add function naming comments and reorder functions (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Remove unnecessary READ_ONCE of data (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: ixgbe: i40e: ice: mlx5: Xsk_umem_discard_addr to xsk_umem_release_addr (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Change names of validation functions (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Simplify the consumer ring access functions (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Simplify xskq_nb_avail and xskq_nb_free (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Eliminate the RX batch size (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Standardize naming of producer ring access functions (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Consolidate to one single cached producer pointer (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Simplify detection of empty and full rings (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Eliminate the lazy update threshold (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Simplify __bpf_tx_xdp_map() (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Remove map_to_flush and map swap detection (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Make cpumap flush_list common for all map instances (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xdp: Make devmap flush_list common for all map instances (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] xsk: Make xskmap flush_list common for all map instances (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] xdp: Fix graze->grace type-o in cpumap comments (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] xdp: Simplify cpumap cleanup (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [kernel] xdp: Simplify devmap cleanup (Jiri Benc) [1819632]
- [net] sysctl: Fix compiler warning when only cBPF is present (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] dsa: fix flow dissection on Tx path (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] page_pool: add the possibility to sync DMA memory for device (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] xsk: Fix xsk_poll()'s return type (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [tools] net-af_xdp: Use correct number of channels from ethtool (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] xdp: remove memory poison on free for struct xdp_mem_allocator (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [documentation] xsk: Extend documentation for Rx|Tx-only sockets and shared umems (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] xsk: Restructure/inline XSKMAP lookup/redirect/flush (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [kernel] xsk: Store struct xdp_sock as a flexible array member of the XSKMAP (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [include] xdp: Fix type of string pointer in __XDP_ACT_SYM_TAB (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [documentation] xsk: Improve documentation for AF_XDP (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [tools] Sync if_link.h (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] xdp: Trivial, fix spelling in function description (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix ptr_ret.cocci warnings (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: remove unused sdev code (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: use IS_ERR instead of IS_ERR_OR_NULL for debugfs (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix stack-out-of-bounds in nsim_dev_debugfs_init() (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix panic in nsim_dev_take_snapshot_write() (Jiri Benc) [1819631]
- [net] openvswitch: New MPLS actions for layer 2 tunnelling (Guillaume Nault) [1839760]
- [net] Rephrased comments section of skb_mpls_pop() (Guillaume Nault) [1839760]
- [net] skb_mpls_push() modified to allow MPLS header push at start of packet. (Guillaume Nault) [1839760]
- [net] Change in Openvswitch to support MPLS label depth of 3 in ingress direction (Guillaume Nault) [1839182]
- [block] block: fix use-after-free on cached last_lookup partition (Ming Lei) [1787968]

* Fri Jun 12 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-214.el8]
- [drm] drm/prime: fix extracting of the DMA addresses from a scatterlist (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Check for deferred attach in iommu_group_do_dma_attach() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Add get_domain_info() helper (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Don't take group reference in iommu_alloc_default_domain() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Don't call .probe_finalize() under group->mutex (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Apply per-device dma_ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Allow PCI sub-hierarchy to use DMA domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Allow 32bit devices to uses DMA domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Do not probe devices on IOMMU-less busses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix variable "iommu" set but not used (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Unexport iommu_group_get_for_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Move more initialization to __iommu_probe_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Remove add_device()/remove_device() code-paths (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Convert to probe/release_device() call-backs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Axe a useless test in 'arm_smmu_master_alloc_smes()' (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/s390: Convert to probe/release_device() call-backs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Convert to probe/release_device() call-backs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Convert to probe/release_device() call-backs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove dev_data->passthrough (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Export bus_iommu_probe() and make is safe for re-probing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Move iommu_group_create_direct_mappings() out of iommu_group_add_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Split off default domain allocation from group assignment (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Move new probe_device path to separate function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Keep a list of allocated groups in __iommu_probe_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Move default domain allocation to iommu_probe_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Add probe_device() and release_device() call-backs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Return -ENODEV in add_device when device is not handled by IOMMU (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove dma_mask check from check_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Wire up iommu_ops->def_domain_type (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Implement iommu_ops->def_domain_type call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Add def_domain_type() callback in iommu_ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Move default domain allocation to separate function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Fix reference count leak in iommu_group_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Remove real DMA lookup in find_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Allocate domain info for real DMA sub-devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Only clear real DMA device's context entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix get_acpihid_device_id() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Switch to use acpi_dev_hid_uid_match() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix over-read of ACPI UID from IVRS table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Fix deferred domain attachment (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: Move fwspec->iommu_priv to struct dev_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Use accessor functions for iommu private data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Refactor master_cfg/fwspec usage (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Use accessor functions for iommu private data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Improve add_device() error handling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Return -EBUSY when trying to re-add a device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix resource_size check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Populate VMID field for CMDQ_OP_TLBI_NH_VA (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Drop __GFP_ZERO flag from DMA allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: Introduce accessors for iommu private data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [acpi] ACPI/IORT: Remove direct access of dev->iommu_fwspec (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: Define dev_iommu_fwspec_get() for !CONFIG_IOMMU_API (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Do not flush Device Table in iommu_map_page() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Update Device Table in increase_address_space() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Call domain_flush_complete() in update_domain() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Do not loop forever when trying to increase address space (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix race in increase_address_space()/fetch_pte() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix legacy interrupt remapping for x2APIC-enabled system (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Fix the memory leak in dev_iommu_free() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: Move iommu_fwspec to struct dev_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: Rename struct iommu_param to dev_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/of: Take a ref to the IOMMU driver during ->of_xlate() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] drivers/iommu: Take a ref to the IOMMU driver prior to ->add_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix mm reference leak (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix the configuration of GCR3 table root pointer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Silence RCU-list debugging warning in dmar_find_atsr() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix page request descriptor size (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Populate debugfs if IOMMUs are detected (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Ignore devices with out-of-spec domain number (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix the wrong printing in RHSA parsing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix debugfs register reads (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: quirk_ioat_snb_local_iommu: replace WARN_TAINT with pr_warn + add_taint (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: dmar_parse_one_rmrr: replace WARN_TAINT with pr_warn + add_taint (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: dmar: replace WARN_TAINT with pr_warn + add_taint (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Silence RCU-list debugging warnings (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix RCU-list bugs in intel_iommu_init() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma: Fix MSI reservation allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix a bug in intel_iommu_iova_to_phys() for huge page (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Disable IOMMU on Stoney Ridge systems (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: intel: Use generic_iommu_put_resv_regions() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: amd: Use generic_iommu_put_resv_regions() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: arm: Use generic_iommu_put_resv_regions() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Implement generic_iommu_put_resv_regions() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/iova: Silence warnings under memory pressure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Fix Kconfig indentation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Remove unnecessary WARN_ON_ONCE() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Unnecessary to handle default identity domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Add RMRR base and end addresses sanity check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Mark firmware tainted if RMRR fails sanity check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Don't reject Host Bridge due to scope mismatch (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Loose requirement for flush queue initializaton (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Avoid iova flush queue in strict mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: trace: Extend map_sg trace event (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Avoid sending invalid page response (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix off-by-one in PASID allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Avoid duplicated code for PASID setup (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Reject SVM bind for failed capability check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Match CPU and IOMMU paging mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix CPU and IOMMU SVM feature matching checks (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Remove VMD child device sanity check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Use pci_real_dma_dev() for mapping (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [pci] PCI: Introduce pci_real_dma_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove the unnecessary assignment (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove unused struct member (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Replace two consecutive readl calls with one readq (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix typos for PPR macros (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove local variables (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove unused variable (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Only support x2APIC with IVHD type 11h/40h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Check feature support bit before accessing MSI capability registers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Treat per-device exclusion ranges as r/w unity-mapped regions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Use C99 flexible array in fwspec (Jerry Snitselaar) [1833512 1815610]
- [iommu] drivers/iommu: Allow IOMMU bus ops to be unregistered (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/of: Request ACS from the PCI core when configuring IOMMU linkage (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] drivers/iommu: Export core IOMMU API symbols to permit modular drivers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Fix IOMMU perf counter clobbering during init (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma: fix variable 'cookie' set but not used (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Unlink device if failed to add to group (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Remove device link to group on failure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Fix adding non-PCI devices to Intel IOMMU (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma: Relax locking in iommu_dma_prepare_msi() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Remove incorrect PSI capability check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma: Rationalise types for DMA masks (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/iova: Init the struct iova to fix the possible memleak (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Check VT-d RMRR region in BIOS is reported as reserved (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Turn off translations at shutdown (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Support multiple PCI DMA aliases in IRQ Remapping (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Support multiple PCI DMA aliases in device table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Do not re-fetch iommu->cmd_buf_tail (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Pass gfp flags to iommu_map_page() in amd_iommu_map() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Simpify decoding logic for INVALID_PPR_REQUEST event (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [drm] drm/prime: use dma length macro when mapping sg (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [drm] drm/amdgpu: fix scatter-gather mapping with user pages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [drm] drm/radeon: fix scatter-gather mapping with user pages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Convert AMD iommu driver to the dma-iommu api (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma-iommu: Use the dev->coherent_dma_mask (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma-iommu: Handle deferred devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu: KABI cleanup (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Add gfp parameter to iommu_ops::map (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Remove unnecessary locking from AMD iommu driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] drivers: iommu: hyperv: Make HYPERV_IOMMU only available on x86 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] iommu/vt-d: Fix QI_DEV_IOTLB_PFSID and QI_DEV_EIOTLB_PFSID macros (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: pass cell_count = -1 to of_for_each_phandle with cells_name (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Free context bitmap in the err path of arm_smmu_init_domain_context (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Return the correct dma mask when we are bypassing the IOMMU (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Apply the same IVRS IOAPIC workaround to Acer Aspire A315-41 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/arm-smmu: Mask TLBI address correctly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Remove wrong default domain comments (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/dma: Fix for dereferencing before null checking (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Declare Broadwell igfx dmar support snafu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Add Scalable Mode fault information (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Use bounce buffer for untrusted devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Add trace events for device dma map/unmap (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Don't switch off swiotlb if bounce page is used (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Check whether device requires bounce buffer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [dma] swiotlb: Split size parameter to map/unmap APIs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [xen] swiotlb-xen: use ->map_page to implement ->map_sg (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [xen] swiotlb-xen: make instances match their method names (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [uapi] iommu: Add padding to struct iommu_fault (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Add recoverable fault reporting (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu: Introduce device fault report API (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [include] driver core: Add per device iommu param (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [uapi] iommu: Introduce device fault data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Silence warnings under memory pressure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/amd: Override wrong IVRS IOAPIC on Raven Ridge systems (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Use dma_direct for bypass devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [dma] dma-direct: don't check swiotlb=force in dma_direct_map_resource (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [mm] dma-mapping: remove the default map_resource implementation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [iommu] Revert "iommu/vt-d: Fix lock inversion between iommu->lock and device_domain_lock" (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610 1813666]
- [dma] dma-direct: don't truncate dma_required_mask to bus addressing capabilities (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [acpi] ACPI / utils: Introduce acpi_dev_hid_uid_match() helper (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815610]
- [security] efi: Only print errors about failing to get certs if EFI vars are found (Lenny Szubowicz) [1804969]
- [infiniband] RDMA/iw_cxgb4: Fix incorrect function parameters (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828676]
- [infiniband] RDMA/iw_cxgb4: initiate CLOSE when entering TERM (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828676]
- [infiniband] RDMA/iw_cgxb4: Fix an error handling path in 'c4iw_connect()' (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828676]
- [infiniband] RDMA/iw_cxgb4: Avoid freeing skb twice in arp failure case (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828676]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: fix ECN check on the passive accept (Vishal Kulkarni) [1828676]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: fix memory leaks of eventfd ctx (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: fix memory leaks in alloc_perm_bits() (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio: avoid possible overflow in vfio_iommu_type1_pin_pages (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: make create attribute static (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/type1: remove hugepage checks in is_invalid_reserved_pfn() (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/type1: Initialize resv_msi_base (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio_pci: Restore original state on release (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [uapi] vfio: re-arrange vfio region definitions (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] mdev: Send uevents around parent device registration (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Synchronize device create/remove with parent removal (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Avoid creating sysfs remove file on stale device removal (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Improve the create/remove sequence (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Avoid inline get and put parent helpers (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Fix aborting mdev child device removal if one fails (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Follow correct remove sequence (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Avoid masking error code to EBUSY (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Removed unused kref (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: Avoid release parent reference during error path (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [uapi] vfio-ccw: add handling for async channel instructions (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [uapi] vfio-ccw: add capabilities chain (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio: Fix WARNING "do not call blocking ops when !TASK_RUNNING" (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: use correct format characters (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio: expand minor range when registering chrdev region (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/mdev: add static modifier to add_mdev_supported_type (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/type1: Remove map_try_harder() code path (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio/pci: Fix potential memory leak in vfio_msi_cap_len (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [vfio] vfio: Mark expected switch fall-throughs (Alex Williamson) [1837678]
- [fs] gfs2: Only do glock put in gfs2_create_inode for free inodes (Robert S Peterson) [1831666]
- [fs] gfs2: Grab glock reference sooner in gfs2_add_revoke (Robert S Peterson) [1831666]
- [fs] Revert "gfs2: Don't demote a glock until its revokes are written" (Robert S Peterson) [1831666]
- [fs] signal: Fix wrong PIDTYPE_TGID check in send_sigio() & send_sigurg() (Waiman Long) [1845597]
- [md] dm mpath: add DM device name to Failing/Reinstating path log messages (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm mpath: enhance queue_if_no_path debugging (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm mpath: restrict queue_if_no_path state machine (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm mpath: simplify __must_push_back (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm: use DMDEBUG macros now that they use pr_debug variants (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [include] dm: use dynamic debug instead of compile-time config option (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm mpath: switch paths in dm_blk_ioctl() code path (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [md] dm multipath: use updated MPATHF_QUEUE_IO on mapping for bio-based mpath (Mike Snitzer) [1822975]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: qos_mc_aware: Specify arping timeout as an integer (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix use-after-free of split/unsplit/type_set in case reload fails (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl_tcam: Position vchunk in a vregion list properly (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix some IS_ERR() vs NULL bugs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Do not stop at FLOW_ACTION_VLAN_MANGLE (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Do not stop at FLOW_ACTION_PRIORITY (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: fix unintention integer overflow on left shift (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test cases for devlink-trap policers (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Add support for setting of packet trap group parameters (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Switch to use correct packet trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Do not initialize dedicated discard policer (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Add devlink-trap policer support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Prepare policers for registration with devlink (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Track used packet trap policer IDs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extend QPCR register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_ptp: Fix build warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Avoid uninitialized symbol errors (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Remove unnecessary conversion to bool (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl: Avoid defining static variable in header file (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unused RIF and FID families (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add proper function documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: i2c: Add missing field documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_mr: Fix list iteration in error path (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: qos_dscp_router: Test no DSCP rewrite after pedit (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Offload FLOW_ACTION_MANGLE (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add DSCP, ECN, dscp_rw to QOS_ACTION (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Rename mlxsw_afa_qos_cmd to mlxsw_afa_qos_switch_prio_cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Explicitly register packet trap groups (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Fix 64-bit division in mlxsw_sp_counter_resources_register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Offload FLOW_ACTION_PRIORITY (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add QOS_ACTION (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Only issue reset when system is ready (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add tc action hw_stats tests (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Expose devlink resource occupancy for counters (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Consolidate subpools initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Move config validation along with resource register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Expose subpool sizes over devlink resources (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Add entry_size_res_id for each subpool and use it to query entry size (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Move sub_pools under per-instance pool struct (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: spectrum-2: Adjust tc_flower_scale limit according to current counter count (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Query bank size from FW resources (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Increase register field length to 31 bits (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: RED: Test RED ECN nodrop offload (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Offload RED ECN nodrop mode (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Ask device for rule stats only if counter was created (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Support offloading of FIFO Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Add handle parameter to ..._ops.replace (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Introduce struct mlxsw_sp_qdisc_state (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net: mlxfw: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: qos_defprio: Use until_counter_is (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Wait longer before accessing the device after reset (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update module_type values in PMTM register and map them to width (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: resource_scale: Invoke for Spectrum-3 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Reduce router scale running time using offload indication (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Reduce running time using offload indication (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add shared buffer traffic test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add mlxsw lib (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_lib: Add devlink port helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_lib: Check devlink info command is supported (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add shared buffer configuration test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Use busywait helper in rtnetlink test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Use busywait helper in vxlan test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Use busywait helper in blackhole routes test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_l3_drops: Avoid race condition (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: add a mirror test to mlxsw tc flower restrictions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: add egress redirect test to mlxsw tc flower restrictions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add mlxsw_sp_span_ops.buffsize_get for Spectrum-3 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Initialize advertised speeds to supported speeds (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move the ECN-marked packet counter to ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Optimize SFN records processing (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Lookup and pass cookie down to devlink_trap_report() (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Extract cookie index for ACL discard trap packets (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Implement flow_offload action cookie offload (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Add trap with userdef action (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: fix spelling mistake: "progamming" -> "programming" (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_acl_drops: Add ACL traps test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: pass pref and handle to devlink_trap_drop_* helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: introduce test for mlxsw tc flower restrictions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Add ACL devlink-trap support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Introduce dummy group with thin policer (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Extend MLXSW_RXL_DIS to register disabled trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Allow to enable/disable rx_listener for trap (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: acl_flex_actions: Trap all ACL dropped packets to DISCARD_*_ACL traps (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Pass the ingress indication down to flex action (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Disable mixed bound blocks to contain action drop (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Track ingress and egress block bindings (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Prepare mlxsw_core_trap_action_set() to handle not only action (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Use listener->en/dis_action instead of hard-coded values (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Allow to register disabled traps using MLXSW_RXL_DIS (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Set unreg_action to be SET_FW_DEFAULT (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Remove unused values (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Remove priv from listener equality comparison (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Make block arg const where appropriate (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Make global arrays const as they should be (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Remove initialization to false of mlxsw_listener struct (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Convert is_event and is_ctrl bools to be single bits (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Remove dummy union name from struct mlxsw_listener (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Remove unused action field from mlxsw_rx_listener struct (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Move policer initialization to mlxsw_sp_trap_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core_acl_flex_actions: Rename Trap / Discard Action to Trap Action (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Move functions to avoid their forward declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Use err variable instead of directly checking func return value (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add fsm_reactivate callback support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Add reactivate flow support to FSM burn flow (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Use MLXFW_ERR_MSG macro for error reporting (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Convert pr_* to dev_* in mlxfw_fsm.c (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: More error messages coverage (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Improve FSM err message reporting and return codes (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Generic mlx FW flash status notify (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove RTNL where possible (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Take router lock from exported helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Take router lock from inetaddr listeners (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Take router lock from netdev listener (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Take router lock from dpipe code (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Take router lock from inside routing code (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Introduce router lock (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Store NVE decapsulation configuration in router (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Expose router struct to internal users (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_mr: Protect multicast route list with a lock (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_mr: Protect multicast table list with a lock (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_mr: Publish multicast route after writing it to the device (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_nve: Make tunnel initialization symmetric (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Export function to check if RIF exists (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Prevent RIF access outside of routing code (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Prepare function for router lock introduction (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Prepare function for router lock introduction (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Do not assume RTNL is taken when resolving underlay device (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Do not assume RTNL is taken during RIF teardown (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Do not assume RTNL is taken during nexthop init (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Only update mirroring agents if present (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Convert callers to use new mirroring API (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Prepare work item to update mirroring agents (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Use struct_size() to simplify allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Do no expose mirroring agents to entire driver (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Protect counter pool with a lock (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_kvdl: Protect allocations with a lock (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: vxlan: Add test for error path (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: vxlan: Adjust test to recent changes (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: extack: Test creation of multiple VLAN-aware bridges (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: extack: Test bridge creation with VXLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Remove deprecated test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Reduce dependency between bridge and router code (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Remove VXLAN checks during FID membership (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Have VXLAN device take reference on FID (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Propagate extack to bridge creation function (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_fid: Use 'refcount_t' for FID reference counting (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add missing error path (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add validation of hardware device types for MGPIR register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Clear offload indication from IPv6 nexthops on abort (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test cases for local table route replacement (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Fix 64-bit division error in mlxsw_sp_qdisc_tbf_rate_kbps (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: minimal: Fix an error handling path in 'mlxsw_m_port_create()' (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Support offloading of TBF Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Configure shaper rate and burst size together (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add lowest_shaper_bs to struct mlxsw_sp (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Increase MLXSW_REG_QEEC_MAS_DIS (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add max_shaper_bs to QoS ETS Element Configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Extract a common leaf unoffload function (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Add mlxsw_sp_qdisc_get_class_stats() (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Extract a per-TC stat function (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Fix use-after-free during reload (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] spectrum: Add a delayed work to update SPAN buffsize according to speed (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix SPAN egress mirroring buffer size for Spectrum-2 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_span: Put buffsize update code into helper function (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Push code getting port speed into a helper (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_tunnel_vxlan: Add test case for overlay_smac_is_mc (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add OVERLAY_SMAC_MC trap (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_tunnel_ipip: Add test case for decap_error (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_tunnel_vxlan: Add test case for decap_error (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add tunnel devlink-trap support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Reorder cases according to enum order (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add ECN configurations with IPinIP tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Tunneling IPinIP Decapsulation ECN Mapping Register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Tunneling IPinIP Encapsulation ECN Mapping Register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add NON_ROUTABLE trap (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink_trap_l3_drops: Add test cases of irif and erif disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add irif and erif disabled traps (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Include MC TCs in Qdisc counters (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Wipe xstats.backlog of down ports (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: qos_mc_aware: Fix mausezahn invocation (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Do not modify cloned SKBs during xmit (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Do not modify cloned SKBs during xmit (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Do not enforce same firmware version for multiple ASICs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test for FIB offload API (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set hardware flags for routes (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Separate nexthop offload indication from route (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Only require minimum firmware version (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Update firmware version to xx.2000.2714 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Ignore grafting of invisible FIFO (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Disable DIP_LINK_LOCAL check in hardware pipeline (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Disable SIP_DIP check in hardware pipeline (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Disable MC_DMAC check in hardware pipeline (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Disable SIP_CLASS_E check in hardware pipeline (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Allow setting default port priority (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add QoS Port DSCP to Priority Mapping Register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Support offloading of ETS Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Generalize PRIO offload to support ETS (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename MLXSW_REG_QEEC_HIERARCY_* enumerators (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_qdisc: Clarify a comment (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use dedicated policer for VRRP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Skip loopback RIFs during MAC validation (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Fix out-of-memory error in mfa2 flash burning (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix use of uninitialized adjacency index (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: After underlay moves, demote conflicting tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Check devlink device before running test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add router scale test for Spectrum-2 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix determining underlay for a GRE tunnel (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] net/mlxfw: Verify FSM error code translation doesn't exceed array size (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allocate discard adjacency entry when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Enable EMAD string TLV (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add support for using EMAD string TLV (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Extend EMAD information reported to devlink hwerr (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add support for EMAD string TLV parsing (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add EMAD string TLV (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: emad: Remove deprecated EMAD TLVs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Parse TLVs' offsets of incoming EMADs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Enable devlink reload only on probe (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test cases for devlink-trap layer 3 exceptions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: devlink: Add functionality for trap exceptions test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add layer 3 devlink-trap exceptions support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add specific trap for packets routed via invalid nexthops (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add new FIB entry type for reject routes (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test cases for devlink-trap layer 3 drops (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink: Make devlink_trap_cleanup() more generic (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: devlink: Export functions to devlink library (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add layer 3 devlink-trap support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix error return code in mlxsw_sp_port_module_info_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Generalize split count check (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Iterate over all ports in gap during unsplit create (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix base port get for split count 4 and 8 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use port_module_max_width to compute base port index (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remember split base local port and use it in unsplit (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce resource for getting offset of 4 lanes split port (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Push getting offsets of split ports into a helper (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add sanity checks into module info get (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Pass mapping values in port mapping structure (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use mapping of port being split for creating split ports (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Replace port_to_module array with array of structs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Distinguish between unsplittable and split port (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move max_width check up before count check (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use PMTM register to get max module width (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Port Module Type Mapping Register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extend PMLP tx/rx lane value size to 4 bits (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix 64-bit division in mlxsw_sp_sb_prs_init (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Enforce firmware version for Spectrum-2 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Bump firmware version to 13.2000.2308 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Increase PCI reset timeout for SN3800 systems (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Increase size of MPAR register (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Unpublish devlink parameters during reload (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: remove unneeded semicolon (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Calculate the size of the main pool (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use guaranteed buffer size as pool size limit (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Extend QSFP EEPROM size for ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add macro for getting QSFP module EEPROM page number (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_trap: Push Ethernet header before reporting trap (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add Spectrum-2 target scale for tc flower scale test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a resource scale test for Spectrum-2 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add Spectrum-2 mirror-to-gretap target scale test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Generalize the parameters of mirror_gre test (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Register switched port analyzers (SPAN) as resource (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for 400Gbps (50Gbps per lane) link modes (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: minimal: Add validation for FW version (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Push minor/subminor fw version check into helper (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: thermal: Provide optimization for QSFP modules number detection (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: hwmon: Provide optimization for QSFP modules number detection (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extend MGPIR register with new field exposing the number of QSFP modules (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Propagate extack down to register_fib_notifier() (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Register port netdevices into net of core (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Take devlink net instead of init_net (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: PCI: Send EMAD traffic on a separate queue (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use per-netns netdevice notifier registration (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Fail in case user specifies multiple mirror actions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Clear VLAN filters during port initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Add the ability to query the CPU port's shared buffer (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Register CPU port with devlink (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Prevent changing CPU port's configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a test case for devlink-trap (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add test cases for devlink-trap L2 drops (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add devlink-trap support (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add trap group for layer 2 discards (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add layer 2 discard trap IDs (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add new trap actions (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add API to set trap action (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Extend to support Spectrum-3 ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Forbid to offload match on reserved TCP flags bits (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Track rules that forbid egress block bind (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Forbid to offload mirred redirect on egress (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Increase scale of IPv6 nexthop groups (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Expose KVD size for Spectrum-2 (Ivan Vecera) [1821646]
- [netdrv] geneve: change from tx_error to tx_dropped on missing metadata (Jiri Benc) [1843412]
- [net] mptcp: use untruncated hash in ADD_ADDR HMAC (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: use rightmost 64 bits in ADD_ADDR HMAC (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [tools] selftests: mptcp: pm: rm the right tmp file (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: cope better with MP_JOIN failure (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] inet_connection_sock: factor out destroy helper. (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add new sock flag to deal with join subflows (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Initialize map_seq upon subflow establishment (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: set correct vfs info for subflows (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix uninitialized value access (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: initialize the data_fin field for mpc packets (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix 'use_ack' option access. (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: avoid a WARN on bad input. (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: move option parsing into mptcp_incoming_options() (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: consolidate synack processing. (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: replace mptcp_disconnect with a stub (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix race in msk status update (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] tcp: mptcp: use mptcp receive buffer space to select rcv window (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp/pm_netlink.c : add check for nla_put_in/6_addr (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix data_fin handing in RX path (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: drop req socket remote_key* fields (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: avoid flipping mp_capable field in syn_recv_sock() (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: handle mptcp listener destruction via rcu (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix 'Attempt to release TCP socket in state' warnings (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix splat when incoming connection is never accepted before exit/close (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix double-unlock in mptcp_poll (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add some missing pr_fmt defines (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix "fn parameter not described" warnings (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: re-check dsn before reading from subflow (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: subflow: check parent mptcp socket on subflow state change (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: fix tcp fallback crash (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [tools] selftests:mptcp: fix failure due to whitespace damage (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [tools] selftests: add test-cases for MPTCP MP_JOIN (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [tools] selftests: add PM netlink functional tests (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add netlink-based PM (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add and use MIB counter infrastructure (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: allow dumping subflow context to userspace (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: implement and use MPTCP-level retransmission (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: rework mptcp_sendmsg_frag to accept optional dfrag (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: allow partial cleaning of rtx head dfrag (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: implement memory accounting for mptcp rtx queue (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: introduce MPTCP retransmission timer (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: queue data for mptcp level retransmission (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: update per unacked sequence on pkt reception (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Implement path manager interface commands (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Add handling of outgoing MP_JOIN requests (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Add handling of incoming MP_JOIN requests (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Add path manager interface (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Add ADD_ADDR handling (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] tcp: annotate sk->sk_wmem_queued lockless reads (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: don't hang in mptcp_sendmsg() after TCP fallback (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Remove set but not used variable 'can_ack' (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: rename fourth ack field (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: move msk state update to subflow_syn_recv_sock() (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: drop unneeded checks (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: create msk early (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: don't hang before sending 'MP capable with data' (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: don't grow mptcp socket receive buffer when rcvbuf is locked (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [tools] mptcp: selftests: add rcvbuf set option (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: always include dack if possible. (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Only send DATA_FIN with final mapping (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Use per-subflow storage for DATA_FIN sequence number (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: Check connection state before attempting send (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add dummy icsk_sync_mss() (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: defer work schedule until mptcp lock is released (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: avoid work queue scheduling if possible (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: remove mptcp_read_actor (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add rmem queue accounting (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: update mptcp ack sequence from work queue (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add work queue skeleton (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] mptcp: add and use mptcp_data_ready helper (Florian Westphal) [1840167]
- [net] xfrm: fix a NULL-ptr deref in xfrm_local_error (Xin Long) [1835208]
- [net] xfrm: add IPv6 support for espintcp (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: add support for UDPv6 encapsulation of ESP (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: ifdef setsockopt(UDP_ENCAP_ESPINUDP/UDP_ENCAP_ESPINUDP_NON_IKE) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] esp: Export esp_output_fill_trailer function (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] udp: fix jump label misuse (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] udp: implement complete book-keeping for encap_needed (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: espintcp: save and call old ->sk_destruct (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: add espintcp (RFC 8229) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] esp4: split esp_output_udp_encap and introduce esp_output_encap (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] esp4: prepare esp_input_done2 for non-UDP encapsulation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: add route lookup to xfrm4_rcv_encap (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] xfrm: introduce xfrm_trans_queue_net (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] add queue argument to __skb_wait_for_more_packets and __skb_{, try_}recv_datagram (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] use skb_queue_empty_lockless() in busy poll contexts (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [include] net: add skb_queue_empty_lockless() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] add READ_ONCE() annotation in __skb_wait_for_more_packets() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [net] datagram: remove rendundant 'peeked' argument (Sabrina Dubroca) [1446392]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: fix rdtsc() for vmx_tsc_adjust_test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: Also cancel preemption timer when disarm LAPIC timer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [s390] kvm_host: unify VM_STAT and VCPU_STAT definitions in a single place (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Remove redundant function implementations (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: VMX preemption timer migration test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] tools arch kvm: Sync kvm headers with the kernel sources (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] tools headers uapi: Update tools's copy of kvm.h headers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] tools headers: Sync the various kvm.h header copies (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix VMX preemption timer migration (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [uapi] x86/kvm/hyper-v: Explicitly align hcall param for kvm_hyperv_exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: introduce kvm_read_guest_offset_cached() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: rename kvm_arch_can_inject_async_page_present() to kvm_arch_can_dequeue_async_page_present() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] revert "kvm: No need to retry for hva_to_pfn_remapped()" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: implement KVM_GET_NESTED_STATE and KVM_SET_NESTED_STATE (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm: fix smm test on SVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm: add a SVM version of state-test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm: introduce cpu_has_svm() check (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: pass arbitrary CR0/CR4/EFER to kvm_init_shadow_mmu (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: leave guest mode when clearing EFER.SVME (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: split nested_vmcb_check_controls (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove HF_HIF_MASK (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove HF_VINTR_MASK (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: synthesize correct EXITINTINFO on vmexit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: preserve VGIF across VMCB switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: extract svm_set_gif (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove unnecessary if (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: synchronize VMCB controls updated by the processor on every vmexit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: restore clobbered INT_CTL fields after clearing VINTR (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: save all control fields in svm->nested (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove trailing padding for struct vmcb_control_area (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: pass vmcb_control_area to copy_vmcb_control_area (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: clean up tsc_offset update (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: move MMU setup to nested_prepare_vmcb_control (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: extract preparation of VMCB for nested run (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: extract load_nested_vmcb_control (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: move map argument out of enter_svm_guest_mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: check userspace_addr for all memslots (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: always update CR3 in VMCS (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: always update CR3 in VMCB (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: correctly inject INIT vmexits (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove exit_required (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: inject exceptions via svm_check_nested_events (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: enable event window in inject_pending_event (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: track manually whether an event has been injected (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Preserve registers modifications done before nested_svm_vmexit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Initialize tdp_level during vCPU creation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: leave ASID aside in copy_vmcb_control_area (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: fix condition for filtering async PF (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: Fix the indentation to match coding style (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: replace "fall through" with "return" to indicate different case (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Take an unsigned 32-bit int for has_emulated_msr()'s index (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Remove superfluous brackets from case statement (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: allow KVM_STATE_NESTED_MTF_PENDING in kvm_state flags (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: simplify is_mmio_spte (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: don't expose MSR_IA32_UMWAIT_CONTROL unconditionally (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: enable X86_FEATURE_WAITPKG in KVM capabilities (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Set mmio_value to '0' if reserved #PF can't be generated (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: only do L1TF workaround on affected processors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix off-by-one error in kvm_vcpu_ioctl_x86_setup_mce (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Migrate the VMX-preemption timer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Change emulated VMX-preemption timer hrtimer to absolute (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Really make emulated nested preemption timer pinned (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Remove unused 'ops' param from nested_vmx_hardware_setup() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Remove unnecessary V_IRQ unsetting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Merge svm_enable_vintr into svm_set_vintr (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Handle preemption timer fastpath (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: TSCDEADLINE MSR emulation fastpath (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: introduce kvm_can_use_hv_timer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Optimize posted-interrupt delivery for timer fastpath (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Introduce more exit_fastpath_completion enum values (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Introduce kvm_vcpu_exit_request() helper (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Print symbolic names of VMX VM-Exit flags in traces (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Introduce generic fastpath handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Drop superfluous VMREAD of vmcs02.GUEST_SYSENTER_* (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Truncate writes to vmcs.SYSENTER_EIP/ESP for 32-bit vCPU (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Improve handle_external_interrupt_irqoff inline assembly (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [documentation] kvm: documentation: Fix up cpuid page (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Sanity check on gfn before removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: No need to retry for hva_to_pfn_remapped() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Force ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU to be power of two (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Remove unneeded __ASM_SIZE usage with POP instruction (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Add a helper to consolidate root sp allocation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Drop KVM's hugepage enums in favor of the kernel's enums (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Move max hugepage level to a separate #define (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Tweak PSE hugepage handling to avoid 2M vs 4M conundrum (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Cleanup vcpu->arch.guest_xstate_size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Tweak handling of failure code for nested VM-Enter failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Capture TDP level when updating CPUID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Move nested EPT out of kvm_x86_ops.get_tdp_level() hook (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Add proper cache tracking for CR0 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Add proper cache tracking for CR4 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Unconditionally validate CR3 during nested transitions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Save L1 TSC offset in 'struct kvm_vcpu_arch' (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Skip IBPB when temporarily switching between vmcs01 and vmcs02 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Skip IBPB when switching between vmcs01 and vmcs02 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Use accessor to read vmcs.INTR_INFO when handling exception (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: handle wrap around 32-bit address space (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Replace late check_nested_events() hack with more precise fix (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Use vmx_get_rflags() to query RFLAGS in vmx_interrupt_blocked() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Use vmx_interrupt_blocked() directly from vmx_handle_exit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: WARN on injected+pending exception even in nested case (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Preserve IRQ/NMI/SMI priority irrespective of exiting behavior (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Report interrupts as allowed when in L2 and exit-on-interrupt is set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Prioritize SMI over nested IRQ/NMI (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Preserve IRQ/NMI priority irrespective of exiting behavior (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Split out architectural interrupt/NMI/SMI blocking checks (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Split out architectural interrupt/NMI blocking checks (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Move SMI vmexit handling to svm_check_nested_events() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Report NMIs as allowed when in L2 and Exit-on-NMI is set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Report NMIs as allowed when in L2 and Exit-on-NMI is set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: replace is_smm checks with kvm_x86_ops.smi_allowed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Make return for {interrupt_nmi, smi}_allowed() a bool instead of int (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Set KVM_REQ_EVENT if run is canceled with req_immediate_exit set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Open a window for pending nested VMX preemption timer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Preserve exception priority irrespective of exiting behavior (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Implement check_nested_events for NMI (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: immediately inject INTR vmexit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: leave halted state on vmexit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: introduce nested_run_pending (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix pkru save/restore when guest CR4.PKE=0, move it to x86.c (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Disable AVIC before setting V_IRQ (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: Introduce kvm_make_all_cpus_request_except() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: vmx: pass correct DR6 for GD userspace exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86, svm: isolate vcpu->arch.dr6 from vmcb->save.dr6 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: keep DR6 synchronized with vcpu->arch.dr6 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: trap #DB and #BP to userspace if guest debugging is on (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix single-step with KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Set RTM for DB_VECTOR too for KVM_EXIT_DEBUG (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: fix DR6 delivery for various cases of #DB injection (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Declare KVM_CAP_SET_GUEST_DEBUG properly (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Fix build for evmcs.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Use KVM CPU capabilities to determine CR4 reserved bits (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Explicitly clear RFLAGS.CF and RFLAGS.ZF in VM-Exit RSB path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: ioapic: Restrict lazy EOI update to edge-triggered interrupts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fixes posted interrupt check for IRQs delivery modes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: fill in kvm_run->debug.arch.dr[67] (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Replace a BUG_ON(1) with BUG() to squash clang warning (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: do not allow VMRUN inside SMM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: add capability for halt polling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Store vmcs.EXIT_QUALIFICATION as an unsigned long, not u32 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Drop a redundant call to vmx_get_intr_info() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: move nested-related kvm_x86_ops to a separate struct (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: evmcs: check if nesting is enabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: check_nested_events is never NULL (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm/set_memory_region_test: do not check RIP if the guest shuts down (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: avoid infinite loop on NPF from bad address (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: Remove redundant argument to kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Check for CR0.CD and CR0.NW on VMRUN of nested guests (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Improve latency for single target IPI fastpath (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Optimize handling of VM-Entry failures in vmx_vcpu_run() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Remove non-functional "support" for CR3 target values (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Avoid an extra memslot lookup in try_async_pf() for L2 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Set @writable to false for non-visible accesses by L2 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Cache vmcs.EXIT_INTR_INFO using arch avail_reg flags (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Cache vmcs.EXIT_QUALIFICATION using arch avail_reg flags (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Drop manual clearing of segment cache on nested VMCS switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Reset register cache (available and dirty masks) on VMCS switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Invoke ept_save_pdptrs() if and only if PAE paging is enabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Rename exit_reason to vm_exit_reason for nested VM-Exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Cast exit_reason to u16 to check for nested EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Pull exit_reason from vcpu_vmx in nested_vmx_reflect_vmexit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Drop a superfluous WARN on reflecting EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Split VM-Exit reflection logic into L0 vs. L1 wants (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: match comment with return type for nested_vmx_exit_reflected (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Move nested VM-Exit tracepoint into nested_vmx_reflect_vmexit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Move VM-Fail check out of nested_vmx_exit_reflected() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Uninline nested_vmx_reflect_vmexit(), i.e. move it to nested.c (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Move reflection check into nested_vmx_reflect_vmexit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Use do_machine_check to pass MCE to the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Clean cr3/pgd handling in vmx_load_mmu_pgd() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Replace "cr3" with "pgd" in "new cr3/pgd" related code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Free only the affected contexts when emulating INVEPT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Don't flush TLB on nested VMX transition (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Skip MMU sync on nested VMX transition when possible (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Add module param to force TLB flush on root reuse (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Add separate override for MMU sync during fast CR3 switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Move fast_cr3_switch() side effects to __kvm_mmu_new_cr3() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Don't reload APIC access page if its control is disabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Retrieve APIC access page HPA only when necessary (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Reload APIC access page on nested VM-Exit only if necessary (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Selectively use TLB_FLUSH_CURRENT for nested VM-Enter/VM-Exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Use KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH_CURRENT for MMU specific flushes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Introduce KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH_CURRENT to flush current ASID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Add helper to handle TLB flushes on nested VM-Enter/VM-Exit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Rename ->tlb_flush() to ->tlb_flush_all() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Document the ASID logic in svm_flush_tlb() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Introduce vmx_flush_tlb_current() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Move nested_get_vpid02() to vmx/nested.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Move vmx_flush_tlb() to vmx.c (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Wire up ->tlb_flush_guest() directly to svm_flush_tlb() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Drop @invalidate_gpa param from kvm_x86_ops' tlb_flush() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Clean up vmx_flush_tlb_gva() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: make Hyper-V PV TLB flush use tlb_flush_guest() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Move "flush guest's TLB" logic to separate kvm_x86_ops hook (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Use vpid_sync_vcpu_addr() to emulate INVVPID with address (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Drop redundant capability checks in low level INVVPID helpers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Handle INVVPID fallback logic in vpid_sync_vcpu_addr() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Move vpid_sync_vcpu_addr() down a few lines (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Use vpid_sync_context() directly when possible (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Skip global INVVPID fallback if vpid==0 in vpid_sync_context() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Sync SPTEs when injecting page/EPT fault into L1 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: cleanup kvm_inject_emulated_page_fault (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: introduce kvm_mmu_invalidate_gva (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: Disable objtool frame pointer checking for vmenter.S (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: Remove CREATE_IRQCHIP/SET_PIT2 race (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Export kvm_propagate_fault() (as kvm_inject_emulated_page_fault) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Invalidate all roots when emulating INVVPID without EPT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Invalidate all EPTP contexts when emulating INVEPT for L1 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Validate the EPTP when emulating INVEPT(EXTENT_CONTEXT) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Flush all EPTP/VPID contexts on remote TLB flush (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm: Add testcase for creating max number of memslots (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Make set_memory_region_test common to all architectures (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add "zero" testcase to set_memory_region_test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] selftests: kvm: Add vm_get_fd() in kvm_util (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add "delete" testcase to set_memory_region_test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: sefltests: Add explicit synchronization to move mem region test (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add GUEST_ASSERT variants to pass values to host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Add util to delete memory region (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Use kernel's list instead of homebrewed replacement (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: Take vcpu pointer instead of id in vm_vcpu_rm() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: pass through CPUID(0x80000006) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Return updated timer current count register from KVM_GET_LAPIC (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [virt] kvm: remove redundant assignment to variable r (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Fix __svm_vcpu_run declaration (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Do not setup frame pointer in __svm_vcpu_run (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Do not mark svm_vcpu_run with STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: reflect MTF VM-exits if injected by L1 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [kernel] kvm: Check validity of resolved slot when searching memslots (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Enable machine check support for 32bit targets (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: move more vmentry code to assembly (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] kvm: svm: fix compilation with modular PSP and non-modular KVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1841490]
- [x86] Increase KVM_MAX_VCPUS to 1024, KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID to 2048 (Eduardo Habkost) [1810811]
- [scsi] scsi: core: avoid host-wide host_busy counter for scsi_mq (Ewan Milne) [1761928]
- [gpio] gpio: xgene-sb: set valid IRQ type in to_irq() (Brian Masney) [1802402]
- [block] rbd: compression_hint option (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [include] libceph: support for alloc hint flags (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [net] libceph: read_from_replica option (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [net] libceph: support for balanced and localized reads (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [net] libceph: crush_location infrastructure (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [net] libceph: decode CRUSH device/bucket types and names (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [net] libceph: add non-asserting rbtree insertion helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1835925]
- [pci] PCI: pciehp: Fix MSI interrupt race (Myron Stowe) [1779610]
- [security] ima: Remove __init annotation from ima_pcrread() (Bruno Meneguele) [1843774]
- [security] ima: Call ima_calc_boot_aggregate() in ima_eventdigest_init() (Bruno Meneguele) [1843774]
- [security] ima: Directly assign the ima_default_policy pointer to ima_rules (Bruno Meneguele) [1843774]
- [documentation] powerpc/fadump: sysfs for fadump memory reservation (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [documentation] Documentation/ABI: Mark /sys/kernel/fadump_* sysfs files deprecated (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [documentation] powerpc/powernv: Move core and fadump_release_opalcore under new kobject (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [powerpc] powerpc/fadump: Reorganize /sys/kernel/fadump_* sysfs files (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [fs] sysfs: wrap __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj function to change the symlink name (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [documentation] Documentation/ABI: Add ABI documentation for /sys/kernel/fadump_* (Diego Domingos) [1804202]
- [hwtracing] intel_th: pci: Add Tiger Lake CPU support (Jiri Olsa) [1483079]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix S0ix flows for cable connected case (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: reject unsupported coalescing params (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Add support for Tiger Lake device (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Add support for Alder Lake (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] net: intel: e1000e: fix possible sleep-in-atomic-context bugs in e1000e_get_hw_semaphore() (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix missing cpu_to_le64 on buffer_addr (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000(e): use new helper tcp_v6_gso_csum_prep (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Revert "e1000e: Make watchdog use delayed work" (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Use netdev_info instead of pr_info for link messages (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] net: ethernet: intel: Demote MTU change prints to debug (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Fix compiler warning when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is not set (Ken Cox) [1781385]
- [netdrv] net: ixgbevf: reject unsupported coalescing params (Ken Cox) [1781379]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove limit of 10 entries for unicast filter list (Ken Cox) [1781379]
- [netdrv] net: ixgbe: reject unsupported coalescing params (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Use pci_get_dsn() (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] intel: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix calculation of queue with VFs and flow director on interface flap (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] net: ethernet: intel: Demote MTU change prints to debug (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: protect TX timestamping from API misuse (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Make use of cpumask_local_spread to improve RSS locality (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove duplicate clear_bit() call (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add UDP segmentation offload support (Ken Cox) [1781378]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix invalid attempt at removing the default resource group (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Clean up unused function parameter in mkdir path (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix a deadlock due to inaccurate reference (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix use-after-free due to inaccurate refcount of rdtgroup (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix use-after-free when deleting resource groups (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Add task resctrl information display (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Check monitoring static key in the MBM overflow handler (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Do not reconfigure exiting tasks (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix potential memory leak (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix an imbalance in domain_remove_cpu() (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Fix potential lockdep warning (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Prevent NULL pointer dereference when reading mondata (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Cleanup cbm_ensure_valid() (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Prevent possible overrun during bitmap operations (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Don't stop walking closids when a locksetup group is found (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Use _ASM_BX to avoid ifdeffery (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Remove unused variable (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Remove duplicate MSR_MISC_FEATURE_CONTROL definition (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/resctrl: Avoid confusion over the new X86_RESCTRL config (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [x86] x86/cache: Rename config option to CONFIG_X86_RESCTRL (Alexander Beregalov) [1830948]
- [tools] perf flamegraph: Use /bin/bash for report and record scripts (Michael Petlan) [1281843]
- [tools] perf script: Add script (Michael Petlan) [1281843]
- [tools] perf script: Avoid NULL dereference on symbol (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] tools/build: tweak unused value workaround (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf stat: Fix no metric header if --per-socket and --metric-only set (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf python: Check if clang supports -fno-semantic-interposition (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Support Python 3.8+ in Makefile (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script: Fix invalid read of directory entry after closedir() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script report: Fix SEGFAULT when using DWARF mode (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script: add -S/--symbols documentation (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf pmu-events x86: Use CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD in Kernel_Utilization metric (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf events parser: Add missing Intel CPU events to parser (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script: Allow --symbol to accept hexadecimal addresses (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf top: Support hotkey to change sort order (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf top: Support --group-sort-idx to change the sort order (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf symbols: Fix arm64 gap between kernel start and module end (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf build-test: Honour JOBS to override detection of number of cores (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script: Add --show-cgroup-events option (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf top: Add --all-cgroups option (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf record: Add --all-cgroups option (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf record: Support synthesizing cgroup events (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Add 'cgroup' sort key (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cgroup: Maintain cgroup hierarchy (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Basic support for CGROUP event (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Add file-handle feature test (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf python: Include rwsem.c in the pythong biding (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] tools headers UAPI: Update tools's copy of linux/perf_event.h (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf script: Introduce --deltatime option (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf: Normalize gcc parameter when generating arch errno table (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf parse-events: Add defensive NULL check (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf callchain: Update docs regarding kernel/user space unwinding (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cpumap: Fix snprintf overflow check (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf test: Test pmu-events aliases (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf pmu: Make pmu_uncore_alias_match() public (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf pmu: Add is_pmu_core() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf test: Add pmu-events test (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf pmu: Refactor pmu_add_cpu_aliases() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf jevents: Support test events folder (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf jevents: Add some test events (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Unify a bit the build directory output (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf metricgroup: Fix printing event names of metric group with multiple events incase of overlapping events (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf stat: Align the output for interval aggregation mode (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report/top TUI: Support hotkeys to let user select any event for sorting (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Support a new key to reload the browser (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Allow specifying event to be used as sort key in --group output (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report/top TUI: Support hotkey 'a' for annotation of unresolved addresses (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Support interactive annotation of code without symbols (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Print al_addr when symbol is not found (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf symbols: Consolidate symbol fixup issue (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf parse-events: Fix 3 use after frees found with clang ASAN (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf/tests: Add CET instructions to the new instructions test (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Fix copy/paste mistake (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf report: Fix no branch type statistics report issue (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Give synthetic mmap events an inode generation (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf test: Print if shell directory isn't present (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf record: Fix binding of AIO user space buffers to nodes (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Update intel-pt.txt file with new location of the documentation (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add Intel PT man page references (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Rename intel-pt.txt and put it in man page format (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf doc: Set man page date to last git commit (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Fix unsigned variable comparison to zero (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Optimize copying last branches (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Correct synthesizing instruction samples (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Continuously record last branch (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Swap packets for instruction samples (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf map: Use strstarts() to look for Android libraries (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add NO_NMI_WATCHDOG metric constraint (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf metricgroup: Support metric constraint (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf util: Factor out sysctl__nmi_watchdog_enabled() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf metricgroup: Factor out metricgroup__add_metric_weak_group() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf jevents: Support metric constraint (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf block-info: Support color ops to print block percents in color (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf block-info: Allow selecting which columns to report and its order (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf diff: Use __block_info__cmp() to replace block_pair_cmp() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Make expr__parse() return -1 on error (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Straighten expr__parse()/expr__find_other() interface (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Increase EXPR_MAX_OTHER to support metrics with more than 15 variables (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Move expr lexer to flex (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf expr: Add expr.c object (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf header: Add check for unexpected use of reserved membrs in event attr (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf evsel: Support PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_HW_INDEX (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf tools: Add hw_idx in struct branch_stack (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] tools headers UAPI: Update tools's copy of linux/perf_event.h (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Remove extra '\n' in print_event_time() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf annotate: Get rid of annotation->nr_jumps (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf llvm: Add debug hint message about missing kernel-devel package (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] perf stat: Show percore counts in per CPU output (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [tools] tools lib api fs: Move cgroupsfs_find_mountpoint() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: fix parent pid/tid in task exit events (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/cstate: Add Jasper Lake CPU support (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Disable page faults when getting phys address (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Ice Lake server uncore support (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/cgroup: Correct indirection in perf_less_group_idx() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix event cgroup tracking (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [init] perf/core: Add PERF_SAMPLE_CGROUP feature (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Add PERF_RECORD_CGROUP event (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] x86 user stack frame reads: switch to explicit __get_user() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Factor out __snr_uncore_mmio_init_box (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add box_offsets for free-running counters (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix reversed NULL check in perf_event_groups_less() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix endless multiplex timer (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/cgroup: Order events in RB tree by cgroup id (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/cgroup: Grow per perf_cpu_context heap storage (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Add per perf_cpu_context min_heap storage (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Use min_heap in visit_groups_merge() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [lib] lib: Introduce generic min-heap (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/cgroup: Reorder perf_cgroup_connect() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Remove 'struct sched_in_data' (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [kernel] perf/core: Unify {pinned, flexible}_sched_in() (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86: Add Intel Tiger Lake uncore support (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Output LBR TOS information correctly (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [powerpc] perf/core: Add new branch sample type for HW index of raw branch records (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Avoid unnecessary PEBS_ENABLE MSR access in PMI (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [x86] x86/cpu: Add Jasper Lake to Intel family (Michael Petlan) [1841130]
- [fs] pstore/ram: Run without kernel crash dump region (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1824906]
- [fs] pstore/ram: Avoid NULL deref in ftrace merging failure path (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1824906]
- [fs] pstore: Convert buf_lock to semaphore (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1824906]
- [fs] pstore/ram: Correctly calculate usable PRZ bytes (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1824906]
- [drm] memremap: add an owner field to struct dev_pagemap (Don Dutile) [1816441]
- [mm] mm: devmap: refactor 1-based refcounting for ZONE_DEVICE pages (Don Dutile) [1816441]
- [mm] mm/swap: fix release_pages() when releasing devmap pages (Don Dutile) [1816441]
- [mm] mm: revert remove MEMORY_DEVICE_PUBLIC support in swap.c (Don Dutile) [1816441]
- [nvdimm] mm: Cleanup __put_devmap_managed_page() vs ->page_free() (Don Dutile) [1816441]
- [documentation] hv_netvsc: Update document for XDP support (Mohammed Gamal) [1815497]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix XDP refcnt for synthetic and VF NICs (Mohammed Gamal) [1815497]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add XDP support (Mohammed Gamal) [1815497]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Remove user-triggerable WARN_ON (Laurent Vivier) [1784050]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Close race with page faults around memslot flushes (Laurent Vivier) [1784050]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Allow IOMMU to work in SVM (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/iommu: Separate FW_FEATURE_MULTITCE to put/stuff features (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries: Allow not having ibm, hypertas-functions::hcall-multi-tce for DDW (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] revert "powerpc/pseries/iommu: Don't use dma_iommu_ops on secure guests" (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] ultravisor: Add PPC_UV config option (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] ksm: Export ksm_madvise() (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] configs: Enable secure guest support in pseries and ppc64 defconfigs (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Undo relocation before entering secure mode (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Force SWIOTLB for secure guests (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/iommu: Don't use dma_iommu_ops on secure guests (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Disable doorbells in SVM guests (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Export guest SVM status to user space via sysfs (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Use shared memory for Debug Trace Log (DTL) (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Pass the "os-term" message to hypervisor (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] Add support for adding an ESM blob to the zImage wrapper (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] pseries: Introduce option to build secure virtual machines (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [s390] mm: Remove sev_active() function (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] fs/core/vmcore: Move sev_active() reference to x86 arch code (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] x86, s390/mm: Move sme_active() and sme_me_mask to x86-specific header (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] dma-mapping: Remove dma_check_mask() (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] swiotlb: Remove call to sme_active() (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [x86] s390: Move ARCH_HAS_MEM_ENCRYPT definition to arch/Kconfig (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] xmon: don't access ASDR in VMs (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [powerpc] xmon: Fix compile error in print_insn* functions (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] memremap: provide a not device managed memremap_pages (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] memremap: don't use a separate devm action for devmap_managed_enable_get (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] memremap: remove the dev field in struct dev_pagemap (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] resource: add a not device managed request_free_mem_region variant (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] turn migrate_vma upside down (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] mm: simplify ZONE_DEVICE page private data (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [kernel] mm: remove hmm_devmem_add (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] remove hmm_vma_alloc_locked_page (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [dax] device-dax: use the dev_pagemap internal refcount (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [mm] export alloc_pages_vma (Michael Roth) [1730194]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Kconfig: Fix spelling typo (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Introduce kconfig var for TC support (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move TC-specific code from en_main.c to en_tc.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Extract neigh-specific code from en_rep.c to rep/neigh.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Extract TC-specific code from en_rep.c to rep/tc.c (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [infiniband] net/mlx5: Refactor imm_inval_pkey field in cqe struct (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Take DCBNL-related definitions into dedicated files (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch: Move eswitch chains to a new directory (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: remove duplicated check chain_index in mlx5e_rep_setup_ft_cb (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: add mlx5e_rep_indr_setup_ft_cb support (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: refactor indr setup block (Alaa Hleihel) [1843359]
- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Fix DEVX support for MLX5_CMD_OP_INIT2INIT_QP command (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove warning "devices are not on same switch HW" (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add init2init as a modify command (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: replace EINVAL in mlx5e_flower_parse_meta() (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix MLX5_TC_CT dependencies (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Properly set default values when disabling adaptive moderation (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix stats update for matchall classifier (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net: sched: expose HW stats types per action used by drivers (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: en_tc: Fix cast to restricted __be32 warning (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: en_tc: Fix incorrect type in initializer warnings (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Allow partial data mask for tunnel options (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [include] net/mlx5: IPSec: Fix incorrect type for spi (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Accel: fpga tls fix cast to __be64 and incorrect argument types (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: cmd: Fix memset with byte count warning (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR: Fix incorrect type in return expression (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR: Fix cast to restricted __be32 (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR: Fix incorrect type in argument (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Drop multicast packets that this interface sent (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Enable loopback packets for IPoIB interfaces (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix error flow in case of function_setup failure (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Correctly get flow rule (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1840408]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Update netdev txq on completions during closure (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Annotate mutex destroy for root ns (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1840408]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Don't maintain a case of del_sw_func being null (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1840408]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix cleaning unmanaged flow tables (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1840408]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix memory leak in mlx5_events_init (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix inner tirs handling (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Destroy key object after destroying the TIS (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix allowed tc redirect merged eswitch offload cases (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid processing commands before cmdif is ready (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix a race when moving command interface to events mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add command entry handling completion (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix NULL pointer dereference in destroy_prefetch_work (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix crash upon suspend/resume (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1841973]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix devlink port netdev unregistration sequence (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1790226]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix devlink port register sequence (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1790226]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use devlink virtual flavour for VF devlink port (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1790226]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for devlink-port in non-representors mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1790226]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename representor get devlink port function (Alaa Hleihel) [1842258 1790226]
- [fs] nfsd4: add filename to states output ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: stid display should preserve on-the-wire byte order ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: common stateid-printing code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: remove read permission bit for ctl sysctl ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: "\s" should be "s" ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: initialize i_private before d_add ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: use i_wrlock instead of rcu for nfsdfs i_private ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: fix dentry leak upon mkdir failure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: Make __get_nfsdfs_client() static ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: Make two functions static ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: decode implementation id ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: use 64-bit seconds fields in nfsd v4 code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: create xdr_netobj_dup helper ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: allow forced expiration of NFSv4 clients ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: create get_nfsdfs_clp helper ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: show layout stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: show lock and deleg stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: add file to display list of client's opens ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: add more information to client info file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [include] nfsd: escape high characters in binary data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: copy client's address including port number to cl_addr ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: add a client info file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: make client/ directory names small ints ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: add nfsd/clients directory ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd4: use reference count to free client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: rename cl_refcount ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]
- [fs] nfsd: persist nfsd filesystem across mounts ("J. Bruce Fields") [1475182]

* Tue Jun 09 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-213.el8]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: handle QuZ configs with killer NICs as well (Jarod Wilson) [1844129 1842382]
- [net] mac80211: add ieee80211_is_any_nullfunc() (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [net] mac80211: sta_info: Add lockdep condition for RCU list usage (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [net] mac80211: fix channel switch trigger from unknown mesh peer (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] rtw88: avoid unused function warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] brcmfmac: add stub for monitor interface xmit (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: actually check allocated conf_tlv pointer (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: fix WGDS check when WRDS is disabled (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: fix inactive TID removal return value usage (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: Do not declare support for ACK Enabled Aggregation (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: limit maximum queue appropriately (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: indicate correct RB size to device (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: mvm: beacon statistics shouldn't go backwards (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] iwlwifi: pcie: actually release queue memory in TVQM (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [wireless] mac80211: populate debugfs only after cfg80211 init (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [net] mac80211: fix race in ieee80211_register_hw() (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [net] nl80211: fix NL80211_ATTR_FTM_RESPONDER policy (Jarod Wilson) [1844129]
- [powerpc] powerpc/fadump: Account for memory_limit while reserving memory (Steve Best) [1840646]
- [mm] mm: make deferred init's max threads arch-specific (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: parallelize deferred_init_memmap() (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: don't track number of pages during deferred initialization (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [kernel] padata: add basic support for multithreaded jobs (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [kernel] padata: allocate work structures for parallel jobs from a pool (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [init] padata: initialize earlier (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [kernel] padata: remove exit routine (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [documentation] padata: update documentation (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: call cond_resched() from deferred_init_memmap() (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: initialize deferred pages with interrupts enabled (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm/pagealloc.c: call touch_nmi_watchdog() on max order boundaries in deferred init (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm/page_alloc: fix watchdog soft lockups during set_zone_contiguous() (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm/page_alloc.c: fix regression with deferred struct page init (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: initialize MAX_ORDER_NR_PAGES at a time instead of doing larger sections (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: implement new zone specific memblock iterator (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [mm] mm: drop meminit_pfn_in_nid as it is redundant (David Hildenbrand) [1818764]
- [kernel] audit: add subj creds to NETFILTER_CFG record to (Richard Guy Briggs) [1478533]
- [kernel] audit: make symbol 'audit_nfcfgs' static (Richard Guy Briggs) [1478533]
- [net] netfilter: add audit table unregister actions (Richard Guy Briggs) [1478533]
- [net] audit: tidy and extend netfilter_cfg x_tables (Richard Guy Briggs) [1478533]
- [x86] x86/efi: Allocate e820 buffer before calling efi_exit_boot_service (Lenny Szubowicz) [1824005]
- [mm] hugetlb_cgroup: fix possible illegal access to memory (Joel Savitz) [1835398]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Remove false WARN_ON_ONCE for the PQAP instruction (Claudio Imbrenda) [1836184]
- [sound] ASoC: Intel: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [thermal] thermal: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [powercap] powercap/intel_rapl: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [platform] platform/x86: Convert to new CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [pci] PCI: intel-mid: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [mmc] mmc: sdhci-acpi: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [idle] intel_idle: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [extcon] extcon: axp288: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [edac] EDAC: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [acpi] ACPI: Convert to new X86 CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [x86] x86/platform: Convert to new CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [x86] x86/kernel: Convert to new CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [x86] x86/perf/events: Convert to new CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [x86] x86/cpu: Add consistent CPU match macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1841649]
- [fs] fix autofs regression caused by follow_managed() changes (Miklos Szeredi) [1784857]
- [fs] fs/namei.c: fix missing barriers when checking positivity (Miklos Szeredi) [1784857]
- [fs] fix dget_parent() fastpath race (Miklos Szeredi) [1784857]
- [fs] new helper: lookup_positive_unlocked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1784857]
- [fs] fs/namei.c: pull positivity check into follow_managed() (Miklos Szeredi) [1784857]
- [mm] x86/kasan: Fix boot with 5-level paging and KASAN (Baoquan He) [1838418]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VLAN acceleration handling in bnxt_fix_features() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return error when allocating zero size context memory (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve AER slot reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reduce BNXT_MSIX_VEC_MAX value to supported CQs per PF (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF anti-spoof filter setup (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix "fw.mgmt" and "fw.nsci" info via devlink info_get cb (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add partno to devlink info_get cb (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Read partno and serialno of the board from VPD (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add fw.mgmt.api version to devlink info_get cb (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reset rings if ring reservation fails during open() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Free context memory after disabling PCI in probe error path (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return error if bnxt_alloc_ctx_mem() fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix memory leaks in bnxt_dcbnl_ieee_getets() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix Priority Bytes and Packets counters in ethtool -S (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call devlink_port_type_clear() in remove() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return -EAGAIN if fw command returns BUSY (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Modify some bnxt_hwrm_*_free() functions to void (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove unnecessary assignment of return code (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Clear DCB settings after firmware reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Process the NQ under NAPI continuous polling (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Simplify __bnxt_poll_cqs_done() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Handle all NQ notifications in bnxt_poll_p5() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use pci_get_dsn() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt: reject unsupported coalescing params (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] net/broadcom: Clean broadcom code from driver versions (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix error handling when flashing from file (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: reinitialize IRQs when MTU is modified (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add newline to netdev_*() format strings (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Issue PCIe FLR in kdump kernel to cleanup pending DMAs (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve device shutdown method (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for devlink info command (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Rename switch_id to dsn (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support to update progress of flash update (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Move devlink_register before registering netdev (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Register devlink irrespective of firmware spec version (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor bnxt_dl_register() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Disable workaround for lost interrupts on 575XX B0 and newer chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Periodically check and remove aged-out ntuple filters (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not accept fragments for aRFS flow steering (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Support UDP RSS hashing on 575XX chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve bnxt_probe_phy() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve link up detection (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call recovery done after reset is successfully done (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove unnecessary NULL checks for fw_health (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for flashing the device via devlink (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow PHY settings on multi-function or NPAR PFs if allowed by FW (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add async. event logic for PHY configuration changes (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor the initialization of the ethtool link settings (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Skip disabling autoneg before PHY loopback when appropriate (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Assign more RSS context resources to the VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Initialize context memory to the value specified by firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add chip IDs for 57452 and 57454 chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Report health status update after reset is done (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set MASTER flag during driver registration (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec to (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix array overrun in bnxt_fill_l2_rewrite_fields() (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for NAT(L3/L4 rewrite) (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for L2 rewrite (Jonathan Toppins) [1790621]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Protect eswitch mode changes (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Extend eswitch enable to handle num_vfs change (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Split eswitch mode check to different helper function (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Simplify mlx5_unload_one() and its callers (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Simplify mlx5_register_device to return void (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid deriving mlx5_core_dev second time (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Annotate esw state_lock mutex destroy (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Annotate termtbl_mutex mutex destroy (Alaa Hleihel) [1835595 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix offload with CT action after CT NAT action (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix missing pedit action after ct clear action (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: remove set but not used variable 'unnew' (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix insert rules when TC_CT config isn't enabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix actions_match_supported() return (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Avoid false warning about rule may be used uninitialized (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use correct type for chain, prio and level values (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Fix printing wrong error value (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix rejecting all egress rules not on vlan (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch: Fix using fwd and modify when firmware doesn't support it (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add missing inline to stub esw_add_restore_rule (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Enable restore table only if reg_c1 is supported (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, free flow_group_in after creating the restore table (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Fix mutex init order (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: CT: Change idr to xarray to protect parallel tuple id allocation (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Use rhashtable's ct entries instead of a separate list (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Fix stack usage compiler warning (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Support clear action (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Handle misses after executing CT action (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Offload established flows (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: CT: Introduce connection tracking (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Support getting chain mapping (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Add support for offloading rules with no in_port (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce global tables (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: en_rep: Create uplink rep root table after eswitch offloads table (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Enable reg c1 loopback when possible (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Restore tunnel metadata on miss (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Get reg_c1 value on miss (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support inner header rewrite with goto action (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Disallow inserting vxlan/vlan egress rules without decap/pop (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Move tc tunnel parsing logic with the rest at tc_tun module (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Allow re-allocating mod header actions (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Restore chain id on miss (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rx, Split rep rx mpwqe handler from nic (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Mark miss packets with new chain id mapping (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Get reg_c0 value on CQE (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [infiniband] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Move source port on reg_c0 to the upper 16 bits (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Introduce mapping infra for mapping unique ids to data (Alaa Hleihel) [1790219 1790218 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add devlink fdb_large_groups parameter (Alaa Hleihel) [1790203 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Change the name of steering mode param id (Alaa Hleihel) [1790203 1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Verify goto chain offload support (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [include] net/mlx5: HW bit for goto chain offload support (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove redundant comment about goto slow path (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Reduce number of arguments in slow path handling (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD() extack for errors (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Allow goto earlier chain if FW supports it (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Eswitch, Use per vport tables for mirroring (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: make the symbol 'ESW_POOLS' static (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Increase number of chains and priorities (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor chains and priorities (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: ft: Check prio and chain sanity for ft offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: ft: Use getter function to get ft chain (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]
- [netdrv] net/mlx5: TC: Offload flow table rules (Alaa Hleihel) [1663246]

* Sun Jun 07 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-212.el8]
- [net] neigh: fix ARP retransmit timer guard (Hangbin Liu) [1767282]
- [net] xfrm: fix a warning in xfrm_policy_insert_list (Xin Long) [1820956]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix subcounter update skip (Phil Sutter) [1834881]
- [netdrv] macvlan: return correct error value (Matteo Croce) [1806146]
- [net] core: properly remove skb from list (Ivan Vecera) [1839657]
- [tools] selftests: fix flower parent qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_choke: Remove classid from choke_skb_cb. (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: choke: Remove unused inline function choke_set_classid (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] schedule: add action gate offloading (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] qos: introduce a gate control flow action (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: fallback to qdisc noqueue if default qdisc setup fail (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: add matchall mirror test (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: report ndo_setup_tc failures via extack (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched : Remove unnecessary cast in kfree (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: tc-testing: Add a TDC test for pedit munge ip6 dsfield (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: pedit_dsfield: Add pedit munge ip6 dsfield (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: update nf_conn_acct for act_ct SW offload in flowtable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: extend packet counter to 64bit (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] flow_offload: skip hw stats check for FLOW_ACTION_HW_STATS_DONT_CARE (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: sch_skbprio: add message validation to skbprio_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: fix tcm_parent in tc filter dump (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_sfq: validate silly quantum values (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_choke: avoid potential panic in choke_reset() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] fq_codel: fix TCA_FQ_CODEL_DROP_BATCH_SIZE sanity checks (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: etf: do not assume all sockets are full blown (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: remove duplicate code in (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Fix setting last executed chain on skb extension (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: fix a missing refcnt in tcindex_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: add a temporary refcnt for struct tcindex_data (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: expose HW stats types per action used by drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] introduce nla_put_bitfield32() helper and use it (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: skbedit_priority: Test counters at the skbedit rule (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_pedit: Implement stats_update callback (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_skbedit: Implement stats_update callback (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add a forwarding test for pedit munge dsfield (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] flow_offload.h: Fix a comment at flow_action_entry.mangle (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] Fix CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT=n and CONFIG_NFT_FWD_NETDEV={y, m} build (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] netfilter: nft_fwd_netdev: allow to redirect to ifb via ingress (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] cbs: Fix software cbs to consider packet sending time (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] taprio: do not use BIT() in TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_FLAG_* definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] cls_flower: Add extack support for flags key (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] cls_flower: Add extack support for src and dst port range options (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] cls_flower: Add extack support for mpls options (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] net: sched: refine extack messages in tcf_change_indev (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: rename more stats_types (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add an skbedit priority selftest (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] tc_skbedit: Make the skbedit priority offloadable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] tc_skbedit: Factor a helper out of is_tcf_skbedit_{mark, ptype}() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] net: sched: Do not assume RTNL is held in tunnel key action helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Fix leak of ct zone template on replace (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: enable use of hrtimer slack (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: do not reprogram a timer about to expire (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: add qdisc_watchdog_schedule_range_ns() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] rename flow_action_hw_stats_types* -> flow_action_hw_stats* (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: cls_route: remove the right filter from hashtable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: qdiscs: RED: Add nodrop tests (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: RED: Introduce an ECN nodrop mode (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Allow extending set of supported RED flags (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: qdiscs: Add TDC test for RED (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: add ETS scheduler to tdc build configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Enable hardware offload of flow table entires (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Support refreshing the flow table entries (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Support restoring conntrack info on skbs (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Instantiate flow table entry actions (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: keep alloc_hash updated after hash allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: hold rtnl lock in tcindex_partial_destroy_work() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] flow_offload: restrict driver to pass one allowed bit to flow_action_hw_stats_types_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [netdrv] flow_offload: introduce "delayed" HW stats type and allow it in mlx5 (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] flow_offload: turn hw_stats_type into dedicated enum (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] flow_offload: use flow_action_for_each in flow_action_mixed_hw_stats_types_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: change tc_pie_xstats->prob (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Fix sending packets without dequeueing them (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: fix lockdep splat in tcf_ct_flow_table_get (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: ETS: Use Qdisc counters (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Make FIFO Qdisc offloadable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] pie: realign comment (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] pie: remove pie_vars->accu_prob_overflows (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] pie: remove unnecessary type casting (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] pie: use term backlog instead of qlen (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: updated tdc tests for basic filter with canid extended match rules (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: list kernel options for basic filter with canid ematch. (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Use pskb_network_may_pull() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Fix ipv6 lookup of offloaded connections (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Software offload of established flows (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Offload established connections to flow table (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Create nf flow table per zone (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: add missing attribute validation for txtime delay (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] fq: add missing attribute validation for orphan mask (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: tc_common: Convert to use busywait (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Convert until_counter_is() to take expression (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: lib: Add tc_rule_handle_stats_get() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] net: flow_offload: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act: count in the size of action flags bitfield (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: updated tdc tests for basic filter with u32 extended match rules (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: updated tdc tests for basic filter with u16 extended match rules (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: updated tdc tests for basic filter (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: correct flower port blocking (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Support specifying a starting chain via tc skb ext (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Change the block's chain list to an rcu list (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Pass ingress block to tcf_classify_ingress (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Introduce ingress classification function (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: flower: add missing validation of TCA_FLOWER_FLAGS (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: matchall: add missing validation of TCA_MATCHALL_FLAGS (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Fix dropping packets when using taprio + ETF offloading (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Use taprio_reset_tc() to reset Traffic Classes configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Add missing policy validation for flags (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Fix still allowing changing the flags during runtime (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: Fix enabling offload with wrong number of traffic classes (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: prevent a use after free (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: add missing 'nsPlugin' to basic.json (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_choke: Use kvcalloc (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a RED selftest (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add start_tcp_traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a TBF selftest (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: lib: Allow reading TC rule byte counters (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: lib: Add helpers for busywaiting (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: Move two functions from mlxsw's qos_lib to lib (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Make TBF Qdisc offloadable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: sch_tbf: Don't overwrite backlog before dumping (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: add Flow Queue PIE packet scheduler (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: export symbols to be reused by FQ-PIE (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: fix alignment in struct instances (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: fix commenting (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] pie: improve comments and commenting style (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] pie: rearrange structure members and their initializations (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] pie: use u8 instead of bool in pie_vars (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] pie: rearrange macros in order of length (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] pie: use U64_MAX to denote (2^64 - 1) (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: move common code to pie.h (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: use skb_list_walk_safe helper for gso segments (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: qdiscs: Add test coverage for ETS Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: sch_ets: Add test coverage for ETS Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Move start_/stop_traffic from mlxsw to (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_ets: Make the ETS qdisc offloadable (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_ets: Add a new Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] net: pkt_cls: Clarify a comment (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_cake: drop unused variable tin_quantum_prio (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ctinfo: fix memory leak (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ife: initalize ife->metalist earlier (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_cake: avoid possible divide by zero in cake_enqueue() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: initial tdc selftests for cls_u32 (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] treewide: Use sizeof_field() macro (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: unbreak full listing of tdc testcases (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] act_ct: support asymmetric conntrack (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sch_cake: Add missing NLA policy entry TCA_CAKE_SPLIT_GSO (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] remove the unnecessary strict_start_type in some policies (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: pie: enable timestamp based delay calculation (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: don't reject same mqprio settings (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: Introduced tdc tests for basic filter (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: updated pedit TDC tests (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: add TCA_STATS_PKT64 attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: extend packet counter to 64bit (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] net_sched: do not export gnet_stats_basic_packed to uapi (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [tools] tc-testing: added tests with cookie for mpls TC action (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] icmp: remove duplicate code (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [include] icmp: add helpers to recognize ICMP error packets (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] taprio: fix panic while hw offload sched list swap (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: Replace rcu_swap_protected() with rcu_replace_pointer() (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: avoid calling ktime_get_ns() if not needed (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: add dctcp-like marking (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: remove dead code dealing with retransmits (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] sched: act_ct: fix build failure in RHEL8 (Ivan Vecera) [1824071]
- [net] don't return invalid table id error when we fall back to PF_UNSPEC (Sabrina Dubroca) [1814093]
- [net] netfilter: update include directives. (Marcelo Leitner) [1837856]
- [include] netfilter: fix include guards. (Marcelo Leitner) [1837856]
- [include] netfilter: add include guard to xt_connlabel.h (Marcelo Leitner) [1837856]
- [net] sk_msg: Don't use RCU_INIT_POINTER on sk_user_data (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix build of sockmap_ktls.c (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] Generate reuseport group ID on group creation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf: Allow selecting reuseport socket from a SOCKMAP/SOCKHASH (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Let all kernel-land lookup values in SOCKMAP/SOCKHASH (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Return socket cookie on lookup from syscall (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Don't set up upcalls and progs for listening sockets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: Allow inserting listening TCP sockets into sockmap (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tcp_bpf: Don't let child socket inherit parent protocol ops on copy (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] net, sk_msg: Clear sk_user_data pointer on clone if tagged (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] net, sk_msg: Annotate lockless access to sk_prot on clone (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: bpf_tcp_ingress needs to subtract bytes from sg.size (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] bpf, sockmap: msg_pop_data can incorrecty set an sge length (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: fix const assignment warning (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Fix sk_psock refcnt leak in bpf_exec_tx_verdict() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Fix sk_psock refcnt leak when in tls_data_ready() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test unhashing kTLS socket after removing from map (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [include] bpf, sk_msg: Don't clear saved sock proto on restore (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [include] bpf, sk_msg: Let ULP restore sk_proto and write_space callback (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Annotate access to sk_prot with READ_ONCE/WRITE_ONCE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Read sk_prot once when building tls proto ops (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Constify base proto ops used for building tls proto (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Fix to avoid gettig invalid tls record (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: avoid spurious decryption error with HW resync (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add helper for testing if socket is RX offloaded (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [tools] selftests: net: tls: remove recv_rcvbuf test (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: use sg_next() to walk sg entries (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: remove the dead inplace_crypto code (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [tools] selftests/tls: add a test for fragmented messages (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: Fix unused function warning (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: store decrypted on a single bit (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: store async_capable on a single bit (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: pass context to tls_device_decrypted() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: make allocation failure unlikely (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: mark sk->err being set as unlikely (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] sockmap: use bitmap for copy info (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add TlsDeviceRxResync statistic (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add TlsDecryptError stat (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add statistics for installed sessions (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add skeleton of MIB statistics (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add device decrypted trace point (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: add tracing for device/offload events (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: allow compiling TLS TOE out (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: rename tls_hw_* functions tls_toe_* (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: move TOE-related code to a separate file (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: move tls_build_proto() on init path (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: use the full sk_proto pointer (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: rename tls_device to tls_toe_device (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: move TOE-related structures to a separate header (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] tls: sleeping function from invalid context (Sabrina Dubroca) [1819627]
- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Add missing expired checks (Phil Sutter) [1778020]
- [tools] selftests: netfilter: extend flowtable test script with dnat rule (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [tools] selftests: netfilter: extend flowtable test script for ipsec (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [tools] selftests: netfilter: add flowtable test script (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: set NF_FLOW_TEARDOWN flag on entry expiration (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Remove WQ_MEM_RECLAIM from workqueue (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: add IPS_HW_OFFLOAD status bit (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Free block_cb when being deleted (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add counter support in HW offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: add nf_ct_acct_add() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: export nf_ct_acct_update() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Use work entry per offload command (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Use rw sem as flow block lock (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add counter support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add enum nft_flowtable_flags to uapi (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Fix incorrect tc_setup_type type (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: populate addr_type mask (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Fix flushing of offloaded flows on free (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: fix NULL pointer dereference in tunnel offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: reload ip{v6}h in nf_flow_tuple_ip{v6} (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: reload ip{v6}h in nf_flow_nat_ip{v6} (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: dump NFTA_CHAIN_FLAGS attribute (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: free flowtable hooks on hook register error (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add tunnel encap/decap action offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add indr block setup support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flow_table_block_offload_init() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add tunnel match offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: skip offload setup if disabled (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Use nf_flow_offload_tuple for stats as well (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] flow_offload: Add flow_match_ct to get rule ct match (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [include] net/sched: act_ct: Enable hardware offload of flow table entires (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [include] net/sched: act_ct: Support refreshing the flow table entries (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [include] net/sched: act_ct: Support restoring conntrack info on skbs (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] sched: act_ct: Instantiate flow table entry actions (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Add API for registering to flow table events (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Fix setting forgotten NF_FLOW_HW_DEAD flag (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Fix missing flush hardware on table free (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Fix hardware flush order on nf_flow_table_cleanup (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: fix check the chain offload flag (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix memory leak in nf_tables_parse_netdev_hooks() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flow_table_offload_cmd() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flow_offload_tuple() helper (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: refresh flow if hardware offload fails (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flowtable_hw_offload() helper function (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: use atomic bitwise operations for flow flags (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: remove dying bit, use teardown bit instead (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flow_offload_work_alloc() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: restrict flow dissector match on meta ingress device (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: fetch stats only if flow is still alive (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: flowtable: add nf_flowtable_time_stamp (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: unbind callbacks from flowtable destroy path (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: fix the nat port mangle. (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: check the status of dst_neigh (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: fix incorrect ethernet dst address (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: fix big-endian integer overflow (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Correct memcpy size for flow_overload_mangle() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: return EOPNOTSUPP if rule specifies no actions (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: add IPv6 match description (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Don't use offset uninitialized in flow_offload_port_{d, s}nat (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Fix block_cb tc_setup_type as TC_SETUP_CLSFLOWER (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Fix block setup as TC_SETUP_FT cmd (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: check if bind callback fails and unbind if hook registration fails (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nft_unregister_flowtable_hook() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: undo updates if transaction fails (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: release flow_rule on error from commit path (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: remove reference to flow rule from deletion path (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: add IPv6 support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: add flow_action_entry_next() and use it (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove unnecessary parameter in flow_offload_fill_dir (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Fix check ndo_setup_tc when setup_block (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: Check for the NETDEV_UNREGISTER event (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: hardware offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add flowtable offload control plane (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: detach routing information from flow description (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: skip tcp rst and fin packets (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flowtable: remove flow_offload_entry structure (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [include] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove union from flow_offload structure (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: move conntrack object to struct flow_offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: skip EBUSY on chain update (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: bogus EOPNOTSUPP on basechain update (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: pass extack to nft_flow_cls_offload_setup() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_meta: offload support for interface index (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: white-space fixes. (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: check for register data length mismatches (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_bitwise: Adjust parentheses to fix memcmp size argument (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_bitwise: add offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: unbind if multi-device binding fails (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: add nft_flow_block_offload_init() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: add nft_chain_offload_cmd() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: restore basechain deletion (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: support for multiple devices per netdev hook (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix base chain stat rcu_dereference usage (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: remove rules on unregistered device only (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: add nft_flow_cls_offload_setup() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: Pass callback list to nft_setup_cb_call() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: add nft_flow_block_chain() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: increase maximum devices number per flowtable (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: allow netdevice to be used only once per flowtable (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: dynamically allocate hooks per net_device in flowtables (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove flowtable hook flush routine in netns exit routine (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: move priority to struct nf_flowtable (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_payload: fix missing check for matching length in offloads (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: set timeout before insertion into hashes (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: fix always true policy is unset check (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add NFT_CHAIN_POLICY_UNSET and use it (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: remove rules when the device unregisters (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: refactor the nft_flow_offload_rule function (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: refactor the nft_flow_offload_chain function (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: add __nft_offload_get_chain function (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_{fwd, dup}_netdev: add offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: avoid excessive stack usage (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: move indirect flow_block callback logic to core (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: set default timeout after successful insertion (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: honor IPS_OFFLOAD flag (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: clear skb tstamp before xmit (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: map basechain priority to hardware priority (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: teardown flow timeout race (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: conntrack picks up expired flows (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables_offload: support indr block call (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] flow_offload: add flow_block structure and use it (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: store data in offload context registers (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: fix offload for flows that are subject to xfrm (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: don't fail when updating base chain policy (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add hardware offload support (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: delay chain policy update until transaction is complete (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: IPCB is only valid for ipv4 family (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: don't offload when sequence numbers need adjustment (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: set liberal tracking mode for tcp (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: ignore DF bit setting (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove unnecessary variable in flow_offload_tuple (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: add entry to flowtable after confirmation (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: fix checking method of conntrack helper (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: fix missing error check for rhashtable_insert_fast (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: do not flow offload deleted conntrack entries (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: simplify nf_flow_offload_gc_step() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: check ttl value in flow offload data path (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: fix netdev refcnt leak (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flowtable: skip device lookup from interface index (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix IPV6=n builds (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: fix interaction with vrf slave device (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nft_flow_offload: Fix reverse route lookup (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: make nf_flow_table_iterate() static (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: do not remove offload when other netns's interface is down (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove unnecessary parameter of nf_flow_table_cleanup() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use rhashtable_lookup() instead of rhashtable_lookup_fast() (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] netfilter: nf_flow_table: remove unnecessary nat flag check code (Marcelo Leitner) [1811193]
- [net] mptcp: mark tech preview and disable by default (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: fix bogus socket flag values (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: select CRYPTO (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Protect subflow socket options before connection completes (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: make the symbol 'mptcp_sk_clone_lock' static (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: fix use-after-free for ipv6 (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: fix use-after-free on tcp fallback (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Fix undefined mptcp_handle_ipv6_mapped for modular IPV6 (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Fix incorrect IPV6 dependency check (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: handle tcp fallback when using syn cookies (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: avoid a lockdep splat when mcast group was joined (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: fix panic on user pointer access (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: defer freeing of cached ext until last moment (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Fix build with PROC_FS disabled. (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [tools] selftests: settings: tests can be in subsubdirs (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Fix code formatting (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: do not inherit inet proto ops (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] add and use MPTCP_PROTO_KERN (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: cope with later TCP fallback (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: process MP_CAPABLE data option (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: parse and emit MP_CAPABLE option according to v1 spec (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: move from sha1 (v0) to sha256 (v1) (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [tools] mptcp: add basic kselftest for mptcp (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: new sysctl to control the activation per NS (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: allow collapsing consecutive sendpages on the same substream (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: recvmsg() can drain data from multiple subflows (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: add subflow write space signalling and mptcp_poll (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Implement MPTCP receive path (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Write MPTCP DSS headers to outgoing data packets (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Add setsockopt()/getsockopt() socket operations (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Add shutdown() socket operation (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Add key generation and token tree (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Create SUBFLOW socket for incoming connections (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Handle MP_CAPABLE options for outgoing connections (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Associate MPTCP context with TCP socket (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Handle MPTCP TCP options (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] mptcp: Add MPTCP socket stubs (Florian Westphal) [1835796]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix infinite loop on rmmod (Florian Westphal) [1832381]
- [tools] selftests: add netdevsim devlink dev info test (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [tools] selftests: test netdevsim reload forbid and fail (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [netdrv] mlx4: fix "initializer element not constant" compiler error (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: dev: Fix memory leak in nsim_dev_take_snapshot_write (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: fix return value after hitting end in region read (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: Fix reporter's recovery condition (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [documentation] docs: devlink: clarify the scope of snapshot id (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: let kernel allocate region snapshot id (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: factor out building a snapshot notification (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [documentation] devlink: fix broken link warning (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: use NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD instead of NL_SET_ERR_MSG (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [include] devlink: Add macro for "fw.mgmt.api" to info_get cb. (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: support taking immediate snapshot via devlink (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: implement DEVLINK_CMD_REGION_NEW (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: track snapshot id usage count using an xarray (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: report error once U32_MAX snapshot ids have been used (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: extract snapshot id allocation to helper function (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: use -ENOSPC to indicate no more room for snapshots (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: add function to take snapshot while locked (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: trivial: fix tab in function documentation (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: convert snapshot destructor callback to region op (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: prepare to support region operations (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [documentation] devlink: expand the devlink-info documentation (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: Introduce devlink port flavour virtual (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: validate length of region addr/len (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: validate length of param values (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] core: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] core: devlink.c: Use built-in RCU list checking (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: Rely on driver eswitch thread safety instead of devlink (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] core: devlink.c: Hold devlink->lock from the beginning of devlink_dpipe_table_register() (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: Force enclosing array on binary fmsg data (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: report 0 after hitting end in region read (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: correct misspelling of snapshot (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [tools] selftests: Add a test of large binary to devlink health test (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Update dummy reporter's devlink binary interface (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [net] devlink: Allow large formatted message of binary output (Petr Oros) [1830928]
- [tools] selftests: netdevsim: Add test cases for devlink-trap policers (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Add support for setting of packet trap group parameters (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Allow setting of packet trap group parameters (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Add packet trap group parameters support (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Add devlink-trap policer support (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [documentation] Add description of packet trap policers (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Add packet trap policers support (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Add auto dump flag to health reporter (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Implicitly set auto recover flag when registering health reporter (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Change dummy reporter auto recover default (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Only pass packet trap group identifier in trap structure (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Stop reference counting packet trap groups (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: Explicitly register packet trap groups (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] devlink: Add API to register packet trap groups (Petr Oros) [1823743]
- [net] esp6: calculate transport_header correctly when != AF_INET6 (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] esp4: support ipv6 nexthdrs process for beet gso segment (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] esp6: support ipv6 nexthdrs process for beet gso segment (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove the xfrm_state_put call becofe going to out_reset (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] esp6: get the right proto for transport mode in esp6_gso_encap (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: do pskb_pull properly in __xfrm_transport_prep (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: allow to accept packets with ipv6 NEXTHDR_HOP in xfrm_input (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: add prep for esp beet mode offload (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] esp6: add gso_segment for esp6 beet mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] esp4: add gso_segment for esp4 beet mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: kconfig: make xfrm depend on inet (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: make xfrm modes builtin (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove afinfo pointer from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove output2 indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove input2 indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove gso_segment indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove xmit indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove output indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: remove input indirection from xfrm_mode (Xin Long) [1761579 1815980]
- [net] xfrm: prefer family stored in xfrm_mode struct (Xin Long) [1815980 1761579]
- [net] xfrm: place af number into xfrm_mode struct (Xin Long) [1761579 1815980]
- [net] xfrm: gso partial offload support (Xin Long) [1761579 1815980]
- [net] netfilter: cttimeout: remove set but not used variable 'l3num' (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: handle icmp pkt_to_tuple helper via direct calls (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: handle builtin l4proto packet functions via direct calls (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove net_id (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: gre: switch module to be built-in (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: remove unused parameters in nf_ct_l4proto_[un]register_sysctl() (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: gre: convert rwlock to rcu (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cttimeout: fetch timeouts for udplite and gre, too (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cttimeout: pass default timeout policy to obj_to_nlattr (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: add nf_{tcp, udp, sctp, icmp, dccp, icmpv6, generic}_pernet() (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: clamp l4proto array size at largers supported protocol (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove l3->l4 mapping information (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove unused proto arg from netns init functions (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove error callback and handle icmp from core (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid using ->error callback if possible (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: deconstify packet callback skb pointer (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove the l4proto->new() function (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: timeout interface depend on CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_TIMEOUT (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: pass nf_hook_state to packet and error handlers (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: place 'new' timeout in first location too (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_h323: Remove deprecated config check (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [include] netfilter: nf_tables: merge route type into core (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: ipv6: avoid indirect calls for IPV6=y case (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: nat: remove module dependency on ipv6 core (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: remove obsolete need_conntrack stub (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid use-after free on rmmod (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: dccp, sctp: handle null timeout argument (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove duplicated include from nf_conntrack_proto_udp.c (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove l3proto abstraction (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove get_timeout() indirection (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid l4proto pkt_to_tuple calls (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid calls to l4proto invert_tuple (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove get_l4proto indirection from l3 protocol trackers (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove invert_tuple indirection from l3 protocol trackers (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove pkt_to_tuple indirection from l3 protocol trackers (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove ctnetlink callbacks from l3 protocol trackers (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] openvswitch: use nf_ct_get_tuplepr, invert_tuplepr (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: utils: move nf_ip6_checksum* from ipv6 to utils (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: utils: move nf_ip_checksum* from ipv4 to utils (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [net] netfilter: flowtables: use fixed renew timeout on teardown (Florian Westphal) [1822085]
- [netdrv] geneve: use the correct nlattr array in NL_SET_ERR_MSG_ATTR (Xin Long) [1809503]
- [netdrv] vxlan: use the correct nlattr array in NL_SET_ERR_MSG_ATTR (Xin Long) [1809503]
- [netdrv] geneve: Allow configuration of DF behaviour (Xin Long) [1809503]
- [netdrv] vxlan: Allow configuration of DF behaviour (Xin Long) [1809503]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: fix using paged operations with RTL8105e / RTL8208 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix OCP access on RTL8117 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: re-establish support for RTL8401 chip version (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: change back SG and TSO to be disabled by default (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: factor out rtl8169_tx_map (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve handling of TD_MSS_MAX (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix PHY driver check on platforms w/o module softdeps (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: re-enable MSI on RTL8168c (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: don't use MSI before RTL8168d (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve RTL8168b FIFO overflow workaround (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_schedule_task (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: simplify rtl_task (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add new helper rtl8168g_enable_gphy_10m (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] net: r8169: reject unsupported coalescing params (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: simplify getting stats by using netdev_stats_to_stats64 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: let rtl8169_mark_to_asic clear rx descriptor field opts2 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove now unneeded barrier in rtl_tx (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: simplify usage of rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: ensure tx_skb is fully reset after calling rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: convert while to for loop in rtl_tx (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use pci_status_get_and_clear_errors (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add PCI_STATUS_PARITY to PCI status error bits (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_start_xmit (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove RTL_EVENT_NAPI constants (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use new helper tcp_v6_gso_csum_prep (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve statistics of missed rx packets (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_jumbo_config (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_get_mac_version (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add helper rtl_pci_commit (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: simplify setting netdev features (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove setting PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE in rtl_hw_start_8169 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove unneeded check from rtl_link_chg_patch (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix performance regression related to PCIe max read request size (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: don't set min_mtu/max_mtu if not needed (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: factor out PHY configuration to r8169_phy_config.c (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add r8169.h (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: rename rtl_apply_firmware (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add phydev argument to rtl8168d_apply_firmware_cond (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use phy_read/write instead of rtl_readphy/writephy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: replace rtl_w0w1_phy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: replace rtl_patchphy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: move disabling MAC EEE for RTL8402/RTL8106e (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: move setting ERI register 0x1d0 for RTL8106 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: switch to phylib functions in rtl_writephy_batch (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: change argument type of RTL8168g-specific PHY config functions (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: change argument type of EEE PHY functions (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: move RTL8169scd Gigabyte PHY quirk (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove not needed debug print in rtl8169_init_phy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: prepare for exporting rtl_hw_phy_config (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add constant EnAnaPLL (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: move enabling EEE to rtl8169_init_phy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove MAC workaround in rtl8168e_2_hw_phy_config (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: factor out rtl8168h_2_get_adc_bias_ioffset (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: check that Realtek PHY driver module is loaded (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] treewide: Use sizeof_field() macro (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix rtl_hw_jumbo_disable for RTL8168evl (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add missing RX enabling for WoL on RTL8125 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix jumbo configuration for RTL8168evl (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add check for PHY_MDIO_CHG to rtl_nic_fw_data_ok (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use macro FIELD_SIZEOF in definition of FW_OPCODE_SIZE (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: change mdelay to msleep in rtl_fw_write_firmware (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: load firmware for RTL8168fp/RTL8117 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve conditional firmware loading for RTL8168d (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use r8168d_modify_extpage in rtl8168f_config_eee_phy (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add support for RTL8117 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: respect EEE user setting when restarting network (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove rtl8168c_4_hw_phy_config (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add helper r8168d_modify_extpage (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: switch to phylib functions in more places (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add helper r8168d_phy_param (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add helper r8168g_phy_param (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix page read in r8168g_mdio_read (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix wrong PHY ID issue with RTL8168dp (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use helper rtl_hw_aspm_clkreq_enable also in rtl_hw_start_8168g_2 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_rx_fill (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: align fix_features callback with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: never set PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove rtl_hw_start_8168bef (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove rtl_hw_start_8168dp (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: simplify setting PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_NOSNOOP_EN (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: remove fiddling with the PCIe max read request size (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix jumbo packet handling on resume from suspend (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: don't set bit RxVlan on RTL8125 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add support for EEE on RTL8125 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add RTL8125 PHY initialization (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: add support for RTL8125 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: don't use bit LastFrag in tx descriptor after send (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: read common register for PCI commit (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: move disabling interrupt coalescing to RTL8169/RTL8168 init (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: factor out reading MAC address from registers (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: restrict rtl_is_8168evl_up to RTL8168 chip versions (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: change interrupt mask type to u32 (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: improve DMA handling in rtl_rx (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix DMA issue on MIPS platform (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: sync EEE handling for RTL8168h with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [netdrv] r8169: use the generic EEE management functions (Josef Oskera) [1841511]
- [fs] gfs2: Even more gfs2_find_jhead fixes (Abhijith Das) [1828653]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Don't NUMA balance for kthreads (Phil Auld) [1842543]
- [kernel] sched/core: Offload wakee task activation if it the wakee is descheduling (Phil Auld) [1842543]
- [kernel] sched/core: Optimize ttwu() spinning on p->on_cpu (Phil Auld) [1842543]
- [fs] gfs2: Smarter iopen glock waiting (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Wake up when setting GLF_DEMOTE (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Check inode generation number in delete_work_func (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Move inode generation number check into gfs2_inode_lookup (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Minor gfs2_lookup_by_inum cleanup (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Try harder to delete inodes locally (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Give up the iopen glock on contention (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Turn gl_delete into a delayed work (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Keep track of deleted inode generations in LVBs (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Allow ASPACE glocks to also have an lvb (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Avoid access time thrashing in gfs2_inode_lookup (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fs] gfs2: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL (Andreas Grunbacher) [1582655]
- [fpga] fpga: mark the intel fpga drivers as tech preview (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [firmware] firmware: stratix10-svc: Remove unneeded semicolon (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [firmware] firmware: Fix incompatible function behavior for RSU driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [firmware] firmware: add Intel Stratix10 remote system update driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [include] firmware: stratix10-svc: extend svc to support new RSU features (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [edac] EDAC/altera, firmware/intel: Add Stratix10 ECC DBE SMC call (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [firmware] firmware: stratix10-svc: fix wrong of_node_put() in init function (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [include] firmware: add remote status update client support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [firmware] firmware: add Intel Stratix10 service layer driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: pci: fix return value of cci_pci_sriov_configure (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: xilinx-pr-decoupler: Remove clk_get error message for probe defer (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: remove redundant dev_err message (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: remove set but not used variable 'afu' (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: remove set but not used variable 'fme' (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add power management support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add thermal management support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [documentation] Documentation: fpga: dfl: add descriptions for thermal/power management interfaces (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: Remove dev_err() usage after platform_get_irq() (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [documentation] Documentation: fpga: dfl: add descriptions for virtualization and new interfaces (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add global error reporting support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add STP (SignalTap) support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add error reporting support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: expose __afu_port_enable/disable function (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add userclock sysfs interfaces (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: convert platform_driver to use dev_groups (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: convert platform_driver to use dev_groups (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: make init callback optional (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: Add Stratix10 (V2) Support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: Preparation for V2 parts (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: Discover Vendor Specific offset (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-ps-spi: Fix getting of optional confd gpio (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add capability sysfs interfaces (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: make uinit callback optional (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add id_table for dfl private feature driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add AFU state related sysfs interfaces (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: pci: enable SRIOV support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add DFL_FPGA_FME_PORT_RELEASE/ASSIGN ioctl support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: use driver core functions, not sysfs ones (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-pr-ip: Make alt_pr_unregister function void (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: Fix function definition argument (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga-manager: altera-ps-spi: Fix build error (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: align PR buffer size per PR datawidth (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: remove copy_to_user() in ioctl for PR (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl-fme-mgr: fix FME_PR_INTFC_ID register address (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] drivers: fpga: Kconfig: pedantic cleanups (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [documentation] docs: fpga: convert docs to ReST and rename to *.rst (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 441 (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 422 (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 285 (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: zynqmp-fpga: Correctly handle error pointer (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [include] include: fpga: adi-axi-common.h: add common regs & defs header (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: expand minor range when registering chrdev region (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: Add lockdep classes for pdata->lock (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: Pass the correct device to dma_mapping_error() (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: stratix10-soc: fix use-after-free on s10_init() (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] mm/gup: change GUP fast to use flags rather than a write 'bool' (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga manager: Adding FPGA Manager support for Xilinx zynqmp (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera_freeze_bridge: remove restriction to socfpga (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: mgr: altera-ps-spi: make array dummy static, shrinks object size (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: stratix10-soc: fix wrong of_node_put() in init function (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] Remove 'type' argument from access_ok() function (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: of-fpga-region: Use platform_set_drvdata (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl-fme-region: Use platform_get_drvdata() (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: add intel stratix10 soc fpga manager driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: mgr: altera-ps-spi: enable usage on non-dt platforms (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: fix probing for multiple FPGAs on the bus (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] zynq-fpga: Only route PR via PCAP when required (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: Fix registration for CvP incapable devices (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: remove set but not used variable 'priv' (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: altera-cvp: fix 'bad IO access' on x86_64 (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: add devm_fpga_region_create (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: bridge: add devm_fpga_bridge_create (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: mgr: add devm_fpga_mgr_create (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [documentation] docs: fpga: document fpga manager flags (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: bridge: fix obvious function documentation error (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: do not access region struct after fpga_region_unregister (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] drivers: fpga: fix two trivial spelling mistakes (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: fix return value check in in pr_mgmt_init() (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add DFL_FPGA_PORT_DMA_MAP/UNMAP ioctls support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add afu sub feature support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add DFL_FPGA_GET_API_VERSION/CHECK_EXTENSION ioctls support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add header sub feature support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: afu: add port ops support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add FPGA Accelerated Function Unit driver basic framework (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme-region: add support for compat_id (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add fpga region platform driver for FME (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add fpga bridge platform driver for FME (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme-mgr: add compat_id support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add fpga manager platform driver for FME (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add partial reconfiguration sub feature support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add DFL_FPGA_GET_API_VERSION/CHECK_EXTENSION ioctls support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: fme: add header sub feature support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add FPGA Management Engine driver basic framework (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl-pci: add enumeration for feature devices (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: add FPGA DFL PCIe device driver (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add dfl_fpga_check_port_id function (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add dfl_fpga_port_ops support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add feature device infrastructure (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add dfl_fpga_cdev_find_port (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: dfl: add chardev support for feature devices (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: add device feature list support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: region: add compat_id support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [include] fpga: mgr: add compat_id support (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [fpga] fpga: mgr: add status for fpga-manager (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [include] fpga: mgr: add region_id to fpga_image_info (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [documentation] docs: fpga: add a document for FPGA Device Feature List (DFL) Framework Overview (Luis Goncalves) [1689274 1660310 1494701 1494699]
- [mm] mm: Add a vmf_insert_mixed_prot() function (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm: Add write-protect and clean utilities for address space ranges (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm: Add a walk_page_mapping() function to the pagewalk code (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] pagewalk: separate function pointers from iterator data (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm: split out a new pagewalk.h header from mm.h (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm: update ptep_modify_prot_commit to take old pte value as arg (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [x86] mm: update ptep_modify_prot_start/commit to take vm_area_struct as arg (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifier: add an interval tree notifier (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifier: define the header pre-processor parts even if disabled (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifiers: add a lockdep map for invalidate_range_start/end (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [misc] misc/sgi-gru: use mmu_notifier_get/put for struct gru_mm_struct (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [drm] drm/backport: add mmu notifier get/put support to drm backport (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifiers: add a get/put scheme for the registration (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifiers: do not speculatively allocate a mmu_notifier_mm (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifiers: hoist do_mmu_notifier_register down_write to the caller (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/mmu_notifier.c: remove mmu_notifier_synchronize() (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [infiniband] locking/lockdep: Rename lockdep_assert_held_exclusive() -> lockdep_assert_held_write() (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [include] mm/mmu_notifier: contextual information for event enums (Dave Airlie) [1838335]
- [mm] mm/memory_hotplug.c: only respect mem= parameter during boot stage (Baoquan He) [1838809 1781472]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Remove unused including <linux/version.h> (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Fix double free warnings (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Disable DIF when prot_mask set to zero (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Capture IOC data for debugging purposes (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Use true, false for ioc->use_32bit_dma (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Remove NULL check before freeing function (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Update mpt3sas version to (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix memset in non-rdpq mode (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Fix reply queue count in non RDPQ mode (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Handle RDPQ DMA allocation in same 4G region (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Separate out RDPQ allocation to new function (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Rename function name is_MSB_are_same (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Don't change the DMA coherent mask after allocations (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: use true, false for bool variables (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic observed on soft HBA unplug (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Update drive version to (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Remove usage of device_busy counter (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Print function name in which cmd timed out (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Optimize mpt3sas driver logging (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: print in which path firmware fault occurred (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Handle CoreDump state from watchdog thread (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Add support IOCs new state named COREDUMP (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: renamed _base_after_reset_handler function (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Add support for NVMe shutdown (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Update MPI Headers to v02.00.57 (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Fix double free in attach error handling (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Clean up some indenting (Tomas Henzl) [1790760]
- [crypto] crypto: af_alg - cast ki_complete ternary op to int (Herbert Xu) [1837499]
- [netdrv] virtio-net: per-queue RPS config (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: Differentiate sk_buff and xdp_frame on freeing (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: Use xdp_return_frame to free xdp_frames on destroying vqs (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: enable napi_tx by default (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: Don't call free_old_xmit_skbs for xdp_frames (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: Don't enable NAPI when interface is down (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [include] cpumask: make cpumask_next_wrap available without smp (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [netdrv] virtio_net: Stripe queue affinities across cores (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]
- [virtio] virtio: Make vp_set_vq_affinity() take a mask (Eugenio Perez) [1718086]

* Thu Jun 04 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-211.el8]
- [netdrv] ice: add board identifier info to devlink .info_get (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: add basic handler for devlink .info_get (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: enable initial devlink support (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: implement full NVM read from ETHTOOL_GEEPROM (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: discover and store size of available flash (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: store NVM version info in extracted format (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: create function to read a section of the NVM and Shadow RAM (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: use __le16 types for explicitly Little Endian values (Jonathan Toppins) [1796682]
- [netdrv] ice: fix incorrect size description of ice_get_nvm_version (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: use variable name more descriptive than type (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Use EOPNOTSUPP instead of ENOTSUPP (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix format specifier (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix use of deprecated strlcpy() (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Increase mailbox receive queue length to maximum (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Correct setting VLAN pruning (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: renegotiate link after FW DCB on (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix corner case when switching from IEEE to CEE (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Display Link detected via Ethtool in safe mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix removing driver while bare-metal VFs pass traffic (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Improve clarity of prints and variables (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: allow bigger VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Cleanup unneeded parenthesis (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Use pci_get_dsn() (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: let core reject the unsupported coalescing parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix define for E822 backplane device (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add support for E823 devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1795812]
- [netdrv] ice: add backslash-n to strings (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: increase PF reset wait timeout to 300 milliseconds (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Support XDP UMEM wake up mechanism (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: SW DCB, report correct max TC value (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Report correct DCB mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add DCBNL ops required to configure ETS in CEE for SW DCB (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Always clear the QRXFLXP_CNTXT register for VF Rx queues (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix for TCAM entry management (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: update malicious driver detection event handling (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Validate config for SW DCB map (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Wait for VF to be reset/ready before configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1792691]
- [netdrv] ice: Don't reject odd values of usecs set by user (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: use true/false for bool types (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add function argument description to function header comment (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: use proper format for function pointer as a function parameter (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: remove unnecessary fallthrough comments (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix virtchnl_queue_select bitmap validation (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix and refactor Rx queue disable for VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Handle LAN overflow event for VF queues (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix implicit queue mapping mode in ice_vsi_get_qs (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add support to enable/disable all Rx queues before waiting (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Only allow tagged bcast/mcast traffic for VF in port VLAN (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix Port VLAN priority bits (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add helper to determine if VF link is up (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Refactor port vlan configuration for the VF (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add initial support for QinQ (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Trivial fixes (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Use correct netif error function (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Cleanup ice_vsi_alloc_q_vectors (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Make print statements more compact (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Use ice_pf_to_dev (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Remove possible null dereference (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: update Unit Load Status bitmask to check after reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix and consolidate logging of NVM/firmware version information (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Modify link message logging (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Remove CONFIG_PCI_IOV wrap in ice_set_pf_caps (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Remove ice_dev_onetime_setup() (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Don't allow same value for Rx tail to be written twice (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: display supported and advertised link modes (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix switch between FW and SW LLDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix DCB rebuild after reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Bump version (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Implement ethtool get/set rx-flow-hash (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Initilialize VF RSS tables (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Optimize table usage (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Enable writing filtering tables (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Populate TCAM filter software structures (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Allocate flow profile (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: Enable writing hardware filtering tables (Jonathan Toppins) [1781401]
- [netdrv] ice: remove redundant assignment to variable xmit_done (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Removing hung_queue variable to use txqueue function parameter (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add device ids for E822 devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1781951]
- [netdrv] ice: Suppress Coverity warnings for xdp_rxq_info_reg (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add a boundary check in ice_xsk_umem() (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add extra check for null Rx descriptor (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: suppress checked_return error (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Demote MTU change print to debug (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Enable ip link show on the PF to display VF unicast MAC(s) (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix VF link state when it's IFLA_VF_LINK_STATE_AUTO (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Remove Rx flex descriptor programming (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Return error on not supported ethtool -C parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Restore interrupt throttle settings after VSI rebuild (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Set default value for ITR in alloc function (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add ice_for_each_vf() macro (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add code to keep track of current dflt_vsi (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix VF spoofchk (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Support UDP segmentation offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Update FW API minor version (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: remove pointless NULL check of port_info (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Implement ethtool ops for channels (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: implement VF stats NDO (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add helpers for virtchnl (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add ice_pf_to_dev(pf) macro (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Do not use devm* functions for local uses (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Refactor removal of VLAN promiscuous rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix setting coalesce to handle DCB configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Only disable VF state when freeing each VF resources (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix stack leakage (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Don't modify stripping for add/del VLANs on VF (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Disallow VF VLAN opcodes if VLAN offloads disabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Correct capabilities reporting of max TCs (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Store number of functions for the device (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix potential infinite loop because loop counter being too small (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: print opcode when printing controlq errors (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: use more accurate ICE_DBG mask types (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Introduce and use ice_vsi_type_str (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: remove unnecessary conditional check (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Update enum ice_flg64_bits to current specification (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: delay less (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: use pkg_dwnld_status instead of sq_last_status (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Change max MSI-x vector_id check in cfg_irq_map (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Check if VF is disabled for Opcode and other operations (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: configure software LLDP in ice_init_pf_dcb (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix to change Rx/Tx ring descriptor size via ethtool with DCBx (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: avoid setting features during reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Implement DCBNL support (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add NDO callback to set the maximum per-queue bitrate (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Use ice_ena_vsi and ice_dis_vsi in DCB configuration flow (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Fix return value when SR-IOV is not supported (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Rename VF function ice_vc_dis_vf to match its behavior (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Get rid of ice_cleanup_header (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: print PCI link speed and width (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: print unsupported module message (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: write register with correct offset (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Check for null pointer dereference when setting rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: save PCI state in probe (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Adjust DCB INIT for SW mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: fix driver unload flow (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: handle DCBx non-contiguous TC request (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Update Boot Configuration Section read of NVM (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add ethtool -m support for reading i2c eeprom modules (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: allow 3k MTU for XDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: add build_skb() support (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: introduce frame padding computation logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: introduce legacy Rx flag (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add support for AF_XDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1730487]
- [netdrv] ice: Move common functions to ice_txrx_lib.c (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Add support for XDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1730487]
- [netdrv] ice: get rid of per-tc flow in Tx queue configuration routines (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] ice: Introduce ice_base.c (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [netdrv] net:Use skb accessors in network drivers (Jonathan Toppins) [1781388]
- [powerpc] powerpc/eeh: Remove eeh_add_device_tree_late() (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc/eeh: Add sysfs files in late probe (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc: Drop using struct of_pci_range.pci_space field (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pci: Fold pcibios_setup_device() into pcibios_bus_add_device() (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pci: Remove pcibios_setup_bus_devices() (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pci: Fix pcibios_setup_device() ordering (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pci: Remove legacy debug code (Myron Stowe) [1840904]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Increase microcode PATCH_MAX_SIZE (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Make stub function static inline (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/intel: Issue the revision updated message only on the BSP (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode: Update late microcode in parallel (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/amd: Fix two -Wunused-but-set-variable warnings (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode: Fix the microcode load on CPU hotplug for real (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode, cpuhotplug: Add a microcode loader CPU hotplug callback (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 353 (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 152 (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode: Fix the ancient deprecated microcode loading method (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/intel: Refactor Intel microcode blob loading (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode: Announce reload operation's completion (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Update copyright (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Check the equivalence table size when scanning it (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Convert CPU equivalence table variable into a struct (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Check microcode container data in the late loader (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Fix container size's type (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Convert early parser to the new verification routines (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Change verify_patch()'s return value (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Move chipset-specific check into verify_patch() (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Move patch family check to verify_patch() (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Simplify patch family detection (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Concentrate patch verification (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Cleanup verify_patch_size() more (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Clean up per-family patch size checks (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Move verify_patch_size() up in the file (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Add microcode container verification (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode/AMD: Subtract SECTION_HDR_SIZE from file leftover length (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [x86] x86/microcode: Make revision and processor flags world-readable (David Arcari) [1826966]
- [pci] PCI: Add pci_status_get_and_clear_errors (Josef Oskera) [1840535]
- [pci] PCI: Add constant PCI_STATUS_ERROR_BITS (Josef Oskera) [1840535]
- [arm64] arm64: dts: ls1046ardb: set RGMII interfaces to RGMII_ID mode (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [arm64] arm64: dts: ls1043a-rdb: correct RGMII delay mode to rgmii-id (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: Fix pause frame negotiation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: propagate an error back to the callers of phy_sfp_probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: fix clock sink configuration on ATH8030 and ATH8035 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] r8169: fix resume on cable plug-in (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: net: remove un-implemented property (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: mdio-bcm-unimac: Fix clock handling (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: w/a for fld detect threshold bootstrapping issue (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: sfp-bus.c: get rid of docs warnings (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: mdio-mux-bcm-iproc: check clk_prepare_enable() return value (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: fix MDIO bus PM PHY resuming (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [of] drivers/of/of_mdio.c:fix of_mdiobus_register() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: bcm63xx: fix OOPS due to missing driver name (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phylink: Improve error message when validate failed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: avoid clearing PHY interrupts twice in irq handler (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: don't interpret PHY status unless resolved (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: mscc: fix firmware paths (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: corrected the return value for genphy_check_and_restart_aneg and genphy_c45_check_and_restart_aneg (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] docs: networking: phy: Rephrase paragraph for clarity (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Avoid multiple suspends (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: broadcom: Fix a typo ("firsly") (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: restore mdio regs in the iproc mdio driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: disable vddio regulator (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: mii_timestamper: fix static allocation by PHY driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [of] net: mdio: of: fix potential NULL pointer derefernce (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add default ARCH_BCM_IPROC for MDIO_BCM_IPROC (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: DP83822: Add support for additional DP83825 devices (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: dp83826: Add phy IDs for DP83826N and 826NC (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add new version of phy_do_ioctl (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: rename phy_do_ioctl to phy_do_ioctl_running (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] r8169: use generic ndo_do_ioctl handler phy_do_ioctl (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add generic ndo_do_ioctl handler phy_do_ioctl (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: allow in-band AN for USXGMII (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: fix a warning about msleep (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: don't crash in phy_read/_write_mmd without a PHY driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Allow 2.5BASE-T, 5GBASE-T and 10GBASE-T for the 10G link modes (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: const-ify static data (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Set FORCE_LINK_GOOD to default after reset (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Maintain MDIO device and bus statistics (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [powerpc] powerpc: Add const qual to local_read() parameter (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] u64_stats: provide u64_stats_t type (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] Documentation: net-sysfs: Remove duplicate PHY device documentation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] mdio_bus: Simplify reset handling and extend to non-DT systems (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Added IRQ print to phylink_bringup_phy() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: DP83822: Update Kconfig with DP83825I support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: DP83TC811: Fix typo in Kconfig (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: add support for polling MAC PCS (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: make QSGMII a valid PHY mode for in-band AN (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [uapi] mii: Add helpers for parsing SGMII auto-negotiation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: fix failure to register on x86 systems (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: fixed_phy: switch to using fwnode_gpiod_get_index (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: fixed_phy: fix use-after-free when checking link GPIO (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: switch to using fwnode_gpiod_get_index() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add support for configuring the RX delay on RTL8211F (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add logging for the RGMII TX delay configuration (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: mdio: of: Register discovered MII time stampers (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: ptp: Introduce MII time stamping devices (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: Add a layer for non-PHY MII time stamping drivers (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: Introduce a new MII time stamping interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83640: Move the probe and remove methods around (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: netcp_ethss: Use the PHY time stamping interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [net] net: ethtool: Use the PHY time stamping interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [net] net: vlan: Use the PHY time stamping interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: macvlan: Use the PHY time stamping interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] net: phy: Introduce helper functions for time stamping support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] of: mdio: Add missing inline to of_mdiobus_child_is_phy() dummy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: aquantia: add suspend / resume ops for AQR105 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: ensure that phy IDs are correctly typed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] mod_devicetable: fix PHY module format (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [of] of: mdio: export of_mdiobus_child_is_phy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: report error on failure to read sfp soft status (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: use genphy_check_and_restart_aneg() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: use phy_modify_changed() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: use existing clause 37 definitions (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: consolidate phy status reading (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: use positive logic for link state (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: initialise link partner state earlier (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: rearrange to use genphy_read_lpa() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: provide and use genphy_read_status_fixed() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add genphy_check_and_restart_aneg() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: use phy_resolve_aneg_pause() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: remove redundant .aneg_done initialisers (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83869: Remove unneeded semicolon (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: extend clause 45 PHY validation workaround (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: improve clause 45 PHY ksettings_set implementation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: fix interface passed to mac_link_up (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: propagate phy_attach_direct() return code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Add rx-fifo-depth and tx-fifo-depth (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: dp83867: Convert fifo-depth to common fifo-depth and make optional (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: re-attempt probing for phy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: error handling for phy probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: rename sm_retries (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: use a definition for the fault recovery attempts (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add support for Clause 45 PHYs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add Broadcom BCM84881 PHY driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: make Broadcom BCM84881 based SFPs work (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: delay MAC configuration for copper SFP modules (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: split phylink_sfp_module_insert() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: split link_an_mode configured and current settings (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: support Clause 45 PHYs on SFP+ modules (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: re-split __phylink_connect_phy() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: mdio-i2c: add support for Clause 45 accesses (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: move phy_start()/phy_stop() to phylink (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add module start/stop upstream notifications (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: derive interface mode from ethtool link modes (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: remove incomplete 100BASE-FX and 100BASE-LX support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: avoid tx-fault with Nokia GPON module (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: fix hfs boot in rgmii mode (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-thunder: add missed pci_release_regions in remove (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: fix hwmon (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: fix unbind (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: fix using paged operations with RTL8105e / RTL8208 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Use the correct style for SPDX License Identifier (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83869: Fix return paths to return proper values (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add helpers phy_(un)lock_mdio_bus (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] mdio_bus: don't use managed reset-controller (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: initialise phydev speed and duplex sanely (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: remove phy_ethtool_sset() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: soft status and control support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add some quirks for GPON modules (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add support for module quirks (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: fix link mode modification in PHY mode (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: update documentation on create and destroy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] mdio_bus: Fix init if CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER=n (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83869: fix return of uninitialized variable ret (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-sun4i: add missed regulator_disable in remove (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] mscc.c: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: avoid matching all-ones clause 45 PHY IDs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: update to use phy_support_asym_pause() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell10g: add SFP+ support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add core phylib sfp support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83869: Add TI dp83869 phy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: net: dp83869: Add TI dp83869 phy (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] mscc.c: Add support for additional VSC PHYs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: fix spelling mistake "requies" -> "requires" (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: allow modules with slow diagnostics to probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: allow sfp to probe slow to initialise GPON modules (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: move module insert reporting out of probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: split power mode switching from probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: track upstream's attachment state in state machine (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: ensure TX_FAULT has deasserted before probing the PHY (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: allow fault processing to transition to other states (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: eliminate mdelay() from PHY probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: split the PHY probe from sfp_sm_mod_init() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: control TX_DISABLE and phy only from main state machine (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: avoid power switch on address-change modules (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: parse SFP power requirement earlier (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: rename T_PROBE_WAIT to T_SERIAL (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: handle module remove outside state machine (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: rename sfp_sm_ins_next() as sfp_sm_mod_next() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: move tx disable on device down to main state machine (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: move sfp sub-state machines into separate functions (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: fix sfp_bus_put() kernel documentation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] net: sfp: fix sfp_bus_add_upstream() warning (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: rework upstream interface (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: add missing dependency on CONFIG_REGULATOR (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: remove config_init for AR9331 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: fix the PHY names (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: mention AR8033 as same as AR8031 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: add device tree binding (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: net: phy: Add support for AT803X (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: fix Kconfig description (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Fix phylink_dbg() macro (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: add downshift support for 88E1145 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: add PHY tunable support for more PHY versions (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: add downshift support for M88E1111 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: fix downshift function naming (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: fix typo in constant MII_M1011_PHY_SRC_DOWNSHIFT_MASK (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: support Wake on LAN (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: move dt parsing to probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: enable robust auto-mdix (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: smsc: LAN8740: add PHY_RST_AFTER_CLK_EN flag (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: broadcom: add 1000Base-X support for BCM54616S (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add support for clause 37 auto-negotiation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: modify assignment to OR for dev_flags in phy_attach_direct (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: remove superseded function marvell_set_downshift (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: marvell: support downshift as PHY tunable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: avoid NPE if read_page/write_page callbacks are not available (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: micrel: Update KSZ87xx PHY name (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: micrel: Discern KSZ8051 and KSZ8795 PHYs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Fix "link partner" information disappear issue (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: move fwnode parsing into sfp-bus layer (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: use more linkmode_* (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phylink: fix kernel-doc warnings (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: mscc: make arrays static, makes object smaller (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: use operating parameters from PHY-specific status (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: extract pause mode (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: extract link partner advertisement reading (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: allow for reset line to be tied to a sleepy GPIO controller (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] docs: networking: phy: Improve phrasing (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: broadcom: Use bcm54xx_config_clock_delay() for BCM54612E (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: broadcom: Fix RGMII delays configuration for BCM54210E (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: remove probe and struct at803x_priv (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: add ar9331 support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [of] of: mdio: Fix a signedness bug in of_phy_get_and_connect() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net/phy: fix DP83865 10 Mbps HDX loopback disable function (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: implement Energy Detect Powerdown mode via phy-tunable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [net] ethtool: implement Energy Detect Powerdown support via phy-tunable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: mdio: switch to using gpiod_get_optional() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Add SGMII mode type switching (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] net: phy: dp83867: Add documentation for SGMII mode type (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Fix flow control resolution (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Do not check Link status when loopback is enabled (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: gmii2rgmii: Dont use priv field in phy device (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] include: mdio: Add driver data helpers (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: force phy suspend when calling phy_stop (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-sun4i: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-mux-meson-g12a: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-moxart: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-hisi-femac: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] phy: mdio-bcm-iproc: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: sfp: Add labels to hwmon sensors (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: remove genphy_config_init (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: remove calls to genphy_config_init (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: support NBase-T MMD EEE registers on RTL8125 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [uapi] net: phy: add EEE-related constants (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: net: add bindings for ADIN PHY driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add ethtool get_stats support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: implement downshift configuration via phy-tunable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: implement PHY subsystem software reset (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add EEE translation layer from Clause 45 to Clause 22 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add support MDI/MDIX/Auto-MDI selection (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: make RMII fifo depth configurable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: make RGMII internal delays configurable (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: configure RGMII/RMII/MII modes on config (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add {write,read}_mmd hooks (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add support for interrupts (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: hook genphy_{suspend, resume} into the driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: adin: add support for Analog Devices PHYs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add support for EEE registers on integrated PHY's (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: swphy: emulate register MII_ESTATUS (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: read MII_CTRL1000 in genphy_read_status only if needed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add NBase-T PHY auto-detection (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: let phy_speed_down/up support speeds >1Gbps (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add phy_speed_down_core and phy_resolve_min_speed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add __set_linkmode_max_speed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add support for the 2.5Gbps PHY in RTL8125 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add phy_modify_paged_changed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: prepare phylib to deal with PHY's extending Clause 22 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: simplify genphy_config_advert by using the linkmode_adv_to_xxx_t functions (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: at803x: stop switching phy delay config needlessly (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: mdio-octeon: Fix Kconfig warnings and build errors (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: xgene: use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Add mdio-aspeed (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: phy_led_triggers: Fix a possible null-pointer dereference in phy_led_trigger_change_speed() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Fix flow control for fixed-link (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: don't start and stop SGMII PHYs in SFP modules twice (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Make use of linkmode_mod_bit helper (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: stmmac: enable clause 45 mdio support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] doc: phy: document some PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_xxx settings (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] Revert "net: phylink: set the autoneg state in phylink_phy_change" (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: sfp: clean up a condition (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: set the autoneg state in phylink_phy_change (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Add more 1000BaseX support detection (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: broadcom: Add genphy_suspend and genphy_resume for BCM5464 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add mutex to prevent concurrent state checks (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: Stop SFP polling and interrupt handling during shutdown (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Add detection of 1000BaseX link mode support (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: remove state PHY_FORCING (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: export phy_queue_state_machine (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: add callback for custom interrupt handler to struct phy_driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: enable interrupts when PHY is attached already (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: sfp: enable i2c-bus detection on ACPI based systems (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: tja11xx: Switch to HWMON_CHANNEL_INFO() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Add phylink_{printk, err, warn, info, dbg} macros (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Add PHYLINK_DEV operation type (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Add struct phylink_config to PHYLINK API (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: Add phylink_mac_link_{up, down} wrapper functions (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Add phy_standalone sysfs entry (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Check against net_device being NULL (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Guard against the presence of a netdev (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Add phy_sysfs_create_links helper function (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: remove sfp-bus use of netdevs (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: sfp: add mandatory attach/detach methods for sfp buses (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: allow Clause 45 access via mii ioctl (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: support for link gpio interrupt (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phylink: remove netdev from phylink mii ioctl emulation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: bcm87xx: improve bcm87xx_config_init and feature detection (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: tja11xx: Add TJA11xx PHY driver (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: aquantia: add USXGMII support and warn if XGMII mode is set (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: net: document new usxgmii phy mode (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] net: phy: add interface mode PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_USXGMII (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: lxt: Add suspend/resume support to LXT971 and LXT973 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: Make phy_basic_t1_features use base100t1 (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Allocate state struct in probe (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Validate FIFO depth property (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: IO impedance is not dependent on RGMII delay (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Use unsigned variables to store unsigned properties (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Rework delay rgmii delay handling (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [netdrv] net: phy: dp83867: Add ability to disable output clock (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: phy: dp83867: Add documentation for disabling clock output (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] dt-bindings: phy: dp83867: Describe how driver behaves w.r.t rgmii delay (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] Documentation: net: phy: switch documentation to rst format (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [of] of: mdio: Support fixed links in of_phy_get_and_connect() (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [documentation] doc: add phylink documentation to the networking book (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [include] net: phylink: update mac_config() documentation (Petr Oros) [1816982]
- [tools] libbpf: use .so dynamic symbols for abi check (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Install generated test progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Fix memory leak caused by not freeing entry in unregister_ftrace_direct() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Support CO-RE relocations for LDX/ST/STX instructions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] bpf: Add bpf_jit_blinding_enabled for !CONFIG_BPF_JIT (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] tools, bpf_asm: Warn when jumps are out of range (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] bpf: Add typecast to bpf helpers to help BTF generation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [trace] bpf: Add typecast to raw_tracepoints to help BTF generation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix build on read-only filesystems (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf: Add further test_verifier cases for record_func_key (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix record_func_key to perform backtracking on r3 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix missing prog untrack in release_maps (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples: bpf: fix syscall_tp due to unused syscall (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples: bpf: Replace symbol compare of trace_event (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test function_graph tracer and bpf trampoline together (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Make BPF trampoline use register_ftrace_direct() API (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add modify_ftrace_direct() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add information on number of page groups allocated (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] ftrace/x86: Tell objtool to ignore nondeterministic ftrace stack layout (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] ftrace/x86: Add a counter to test function_graph with direct (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] ftrace/x86: Add register_ftrace_direct() for custom trampolines (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add another check for match in register_ftrace_direct() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add ftrace_find_direct_func() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add register_ftrace_direct() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Separate out the copying of a ftrace_hash from __ftrace_hash_move() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] ftrace: Separate out functionality from ftrace_location_range() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix build in minimal configurations, again (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add a fexit/bpf2bpf test with target bpf prog no callees (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix a bug when getting subprog 0 jited image in check_attach_btf_id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Bring back c++ include/link test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Don't hard-code root cgroup id (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Fix broken xdp_rxq_info due to map order assumptions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix readelf output parsing for Fedora (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix readelf output parsing on powerpc with recent binutils (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: correct perror strings (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: test_sockmap: handle file creation failures gracefully (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix build in minimal configurations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix up generation of bpf_helper_defs.h (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix global variable relocation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix static checker warning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix usage of u32 in userspace code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Simplify __bpf_arch_text_poke poke type handling (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf: Introduce BPF_TRACE_x helper for the tracing tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, testing: Add various tail call test cases (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf, x86: Emit patchable direct jump as tail call (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Constant map key tracking for prog array pokes (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add poke dependency tracking for prog array maps (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] bpf: Add initial poke descriptor table for jit images (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Move owner type, jited info into array auxiliary data (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Move bpf_free_used_maps into sleepable section (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf, x86: Generalize and extend bpf_arch_text_poke for direct jumps (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add BPF trampoline performance test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Ensure core_reloc_kernel is reading test_progs's data only (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add verifier tests for better jmp32 register bounds (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Provide better register bounds after jmp32 instructions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Integrate verbose verifier log into test_progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Support initialized global variables (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests, bpftool: Skip the build test if not in tree (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix various errors and warning reported by (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests, bpftool: Set EXIT trap after usage function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Ensure no DWARF relocations for BPF object files (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] tools, bpftool: Fix warning on ignored return value for 'read' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Switch bpf_map_{area_alloc, area_mmapable_alloc}() to u64 size (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Make array_map_mmap static (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Enforce no-ALU32 for test_progs-no_alu32 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Remove JITed image size limitations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Use lg(f)rl when long displacement cannot be used (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Use lgrl instead of lg where possible (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Load literal pool register using larl (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Align literal pool entries (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Use relative long branches (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix memory leak on object 'data' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests, bpf: Workaround an alu32 sub-register spilling issue (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add BPF_TYPE_MAP_ARRAY mmap() tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Make global data internal arrays mmap()-able, if possible (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add mmap() support for BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [netdrv] bpf: Convert bpf_prog refcnt to atomic64_t (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [netdrv] net: thunderx: set xdp_prog to NULL if bpf_prog_add fails (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Switch bpf_map ref counter to atomic64_t so bpf_map_inc() never fails (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [lib] locking/atomic: Use s64 for atomic64 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make conditional inc/dec ops optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make unconditional inc/dec ops optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make test ops optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make atomic64_fetch_add_unless() optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [powerpc] atomics/powerpc: Define atomic64_fetch_add_unless() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [lib] atomics/generic: Define atomic64_fetch_add_unless() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics: Prepare for atomic64_fetch_add_unless() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make atomic_fetch_add_unless() optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics/treewide: Make atomic64_inc_not_zero() optional (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] atomics: Make conditional ops return 'bool' (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] atomics/treewide: Remove atomic_inc_not_zero_hint() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] atomics/treewide: Rename __atomic_add_unless() => atomic_fetch_add_unless() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add a test for attaching BPF prog to another BPF prog and subprog (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Extend test_pkt_access test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for attaching BPF programs to other BPF programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Support attaching tracing BPF program to other BPF programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Compare BTF types of functions arguments with actual types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Annotate context types (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix race in btf_resolve_helper_id() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf: Reserve space for BPF trampoline in BPF programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add stress test for maximum number of progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add combined fentry/fexit test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add fexit tests for BPF trampoline (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add test for BPF trampoline (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add kernel test functions for fentry testing (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Simple test for fentry/fexit (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support to attach to fentry/fexit tracing progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Introduce btf__find_by_name_kind() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Introduce BPF trampoline (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf: Add bpf_arch_text_poke() helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf: Refactor x86 JIT into helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [documentation] bpf, doc: Change right arguments for JIT example code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add missing option to xdpsock usage (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Remove duplicate option from xdpsock (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Make sure JIT passes do not increase code size (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Support doubleword alignment in bpf_jit_binary_alloc (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: adjust Makefile and README.rst (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, testing: Add missing object file to TEST_FILES (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, testing: Workaround a verifier failure for test_progs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use Rx-only and Tx-only sockets in xdpsock (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Allow for creating Rx or Tx only AF_XDP sockets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add XDP_SHARED_UMEM support to xdpsock (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Support XDP_SHARED_UMEM with external XDP program (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add tests for automatic map unpinning on load failure (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples: bpf: update map definition to new syntax BTF-defined map (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples: bpf: Update outdated error message (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf: Add cb access in kfree_skb test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add array support to btf_struct_access (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Remove unused SEEN_RET0, SEEN_REG_AX and ret0_ip (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Wrap JIT macro parameter usages in parentheses (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [s390] s390/bpf: Use kvcalloc for addrs array (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Account for insn->off when doing bpf_probe_read_kernel (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Simplify BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD_PROBED usage (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bps: Clean up removed ints relocations negative tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: log direct file writes (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add field size relocation tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Add relocatable bitfield reading tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for field size relocations (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for relocatable bitfields (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Remove too strict field offset relo test cases (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, testing: Add selftest to read/write sockaddr from user space (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, testing: Convert prog tests to probe_read_{user, kernel}{, _str} helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] bpf, samples: Use bpf_probe_read_user where appropriate (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Switch BPF probe insns to bpf_probe_read_kernel (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] bpf: Add probe_read_{user, kernel} and probe_read_{user, kernel}_str helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] bpf: Make use of probe_user_write in probe write helper (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [mm] uaccess: Add strict non-pagefault kernel-space read function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [mm] uaccess: Add non-pagefault user-space write function (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [mm] uaccess: Add non-pagefault user-space read functions (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests: Add tests for automatic map pinning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Implement map_gen_lookup() callback for XSKMAP (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add support for prog_tracing (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Replace prog_raw_tp+btf_id with prog_tracing (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix bpf jit kallsym access (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [documentation] bpf: Add s390 testing documentation (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test narrow load from bpf_sysctl.write (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Enforce 'return 0' in BTF-enabled raw_tp programs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Restore $(OUTPUT)/test_stub.o rule (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Use -m{little, big}-endian for clang (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix .gitignore to ignore no_alu32/ (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Prepare btf_ctx_access for non raw_tp use case (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Fix strncat bounds error in libbpf_prog_type_by_name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix LDLIBS order (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Move test_section_names into test_progs and fix it (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] tools/bpf: Turn on llvm alu32 attribute by default (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Get rid of a bunch of explicit BPF program type setting (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Make reference_tracking test use subtests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Make a copy of subtest name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add uprobe/uretprobe and tp/raw_tp section suffixes (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf, libbpf: Add kernel version section parsing back (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [kernel] bpf: Fix build error without CONFIG_NET (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix bpf_attr.attach_btf_id check (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftest/bpf: Remove and test_libbpf_open (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Move test_queue_stack_map.h into progs/ where it belongs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Replace test_progs and test_maps w/ general rule (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add simple per-test targets to Makefile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Switch test_maps to test_progs' test.h format (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Teach test_progs to cd into subdir (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Restore the netns after flow dissector reattach test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add kfree_skb raw_tp test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Check types of arguments passed into helpers (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add support for BTF pointers to x86 JIT (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add support for BTF pointers to interpreter (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Attach raw_tp program with BTF via type name (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Implement accurate raw_tp context access via BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Auto-detect btf_id of BTF-based raw_tracepoints (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Add attach_btf_id attribute to program load (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Process in-kernel BTF (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests: bpf: Add selftest for __sk_buff tstamp (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Allow __sk_buff tstamp in BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Remove obsolete pahole/BTF support detection (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Enforce libbpf build before BPF programs are built (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add preparation steps and sysroot info to readme (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add sysroot support (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Provide C/LDFLAGS to libbpf (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add C/LDFLAGS to and test_libpf targets (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Don't use cxx to test_libpf target (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use target CC environment for HDR_PROBE (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use own flags but not HOSTCFLAGS (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Base target programs rules on (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Add for separate CC target build (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Drop unnecessarily inclusion for bpf_load (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ selector for arm (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use own EXTRA_CFLAGS for clang commands (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Use --target from cross-compile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Fix cookie_uid_helper_example obj build (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Fix HDR_PROBE "echo" (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Handle invalid typedef emitted by old GCC (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Generate more efficient BPF_CORE_READ code (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Fix cast to pointer from integer of different size warning (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Check that flow dissector can be re-attached (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] flow_dissector: Allow updating the flow dissector program atomically (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [include] bpf: Align struct bpf_prog_stats (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add read-only map values propagation tests (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf: Track contents of read-only maps as scalars (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Convert test_btf_dump into test_progs test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples: bpf: Add max_pckt_size option at xdp_adjust_tail (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: add test for BPF flow dissector in the root namespace (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] bpf/flow_dissector: add mode to enforce global BPF flow dissector (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [samples] samples/bpf: Trivial - fix spelling mistake in usage (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Fix dependency ordering for attach_probe test (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Add cscope and tags targets to Makefile (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: switch tests to new bpf_object__open_{file, mem}() APIs (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] bpf: Add loop test case with 32 bit reg comparison against 0 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [x86] bpf, x86: Small optimization in comparing against imm0 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Correct path to include msg + path (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add static to enable_all_controllers() (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: provide backported RHEL symbols as upstream aliases (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: Bump current version to v0.0.6 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [tools] libbpf: bump up version, 0.0.5 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1813370]
- [net] cpumap: Avoid warning when CONFIG_DEBUG_PER_CPU_MAPS is enabled (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1823623 1813370]
- [vfio] vfio-pci: Mask cap zero (Alex Williamson) [1840248]
- [vfio] spapr_tce: Fix incorrect tce_iommu_group memory free (David Gibson) [1832386]
- [fs] CIFS: fiemap: do not return EINVAL if get nothing (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] CIFS: Increment num_remote_opens stats counter even in case of smb2_query_dir_first (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: potential unintitliazed error code in cifs_getattr() (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Use #define in cifs_dbg (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix rename() by ensuring source handle opened with DELETE bit (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: add missing mount option to /proc/mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix potential mismatch of UNC paths (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: enable change notification for SMB2.1 dialect (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Fix mode output in debugging statements (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix mount option display for sec=krb5i (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] smb3: Add defines for new information level, FileIdInformation (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] smb3: print warning once if posix context returned on open (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] smb3: add one more dynamic tracepoint missing from strict fsync path (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix mode bits from dir listing when mounted with modefromsid (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix channel signing (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: add SMB3 change notification support (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: make multichannel warning more visible (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Add tracepoints for errors on flush or fsync (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: log warning message (once) if out of disk space (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] smb3: fix problem with null cifs super block with previous patch (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] SMB3: Backup intent flag missing from some more ops (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: update internal module version number (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] CIFS: Fix task struct use-after-free on reconnect (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO() to simplify code (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: add support for fallocate mode 0 for non-sparse files (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] CIFS: Add support for setting owner info, dos attributes, and create time (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: remove set but not used variable 'server' (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: fix unitialized variable poential problem with network I/O cache lock patch (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Fix return value in __update_cache_entry (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Avoid doing network I/O while holding cache lock (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Fix potential deadlock when updating vol in cifs_reconnect() (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Merge is_path_valid() into get_normalized_path() (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Introduce helpers for finding TCP connection (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Get rid of kstrdup_const()'d paths (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Clean up DFS referral cache (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: Don't use iov_iter::type directly (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] cifs: set correct max-buffer-size for smb2_ioctl_init() (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] fs/cifs/cifssmb.c: use true, false for bool variable (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]
- [fs] fs/cifs/smb2ops.c: use true, false for bool variable (Leif Sahlberg) [1837180]

* Wed Jun 03 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-210.el8]
- [lib] XArray: Optimise xas_sibling() if !CONFIG_XARRAY_MULTI (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [include] XArray: Fix incorrect comment in header file (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xas_pause for large multi-index entries (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xa_find_next for large multi-index entries (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray tests: Add check_insert (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [documentation] XArray: Add xa_for_each_range (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [documentation] XArray: Improve documentation of search marks (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [documentation] docs: remove :c:func: annotations from xarray.rst (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xas_find returning too many entries (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xa_find_after with multi-index entries (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix infinite loop with entry at ULONG_MAX (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [include] XArray: Add wrappers for nested spinlocks (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xas_pause at ULONG_MAX (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [include] xarray.h: fix kernel-doc warning (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [lib] XArray: Fix xas_next() with a single entry at 0 (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [fs] mm: fix page cache convergence regression (Don Dutile) [1840916]
- [netdrv] ionic: call ionic_port_init after fw-upgrade (Jonathan Toppins) [1830969]
- [netdrv] ionic: leave netdev mac alone after fw-upgrade (Jonathan Toppins) [1830969]
- [netdrv] ionic: add device reset to fw upgrade down (Jonathan Toppins) [1830969]
- [netdrv] ionic: refresh devinfo after fw-upgrade (Jonathan Toppins) [1830969]
- [netdrv] ionic: no link check until after probe (Jonathan Toppins) [1830969]
- [netdrv] phy: avoid unnecessary link-up delay in polling mode (Petr Oros) [1785663]
- [x86] x86: Select HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND on x86 (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Fix the broken interrupt injection (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [kernel] genirq: Provide interrupt injection mechanism (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [kernel] genirq: Sanitize state handling in check_irq_resend() (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [kernel] genirq: Add return value to check_irq_resend() (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [x86] x86/apic/vector: Force interupt handler invocation to irq context (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [kernel] genirq: Add protection against unsafe usage of generic_handle_irq() (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [kernel] genirq/debugfs: Add missing sanity checks to interrupt injection (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [include] genirq/irqdomain: Make sure all irq domain flags are distinct (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [x86] x86/apic/msi: Plug non-maskable MSI affinity race (David Arcari) [1840433]
- [char] char: ipmi: convert to use i2c_new_client_device() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi: kcs: Fix aspeed_kcs_probe_of_v1() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi: Add missing annotation for ipmi_ssif_lock_cond() and ipmi_ssif_unlock_cond() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi: kcs: aspeed: Implement v2 bindings (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi: kcs: Finish configuring ASPEED KCS device before enable (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi: fix hung processes in __get_guid() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] drivers: char: ipmi: ipmi_msghandler: Pass lockdep expression to RCU lists (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [char] ipmi_si: Avoid spurious errors for optional IRQs (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [base] driver core: platform: Export platform_get_irq_optional() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [base] driver core: platform: Introduce platform_get_irq_optional() (Tony Camuso) [1832408]
- [x86] x86/efi: Update e820 with reserved EFI boot services data to fix kexec breakage (Kairui Song) [1779544]
- [powerpc] powerpc/nvdimm: use H_SCM_QUERY hcall on H_OVERLAP error (Pingfan Liu) [1792125]
- [powerpc] powerpc/nvdimm: Use HCALL error as the return value (Pingfan Liu) [1792125]
- [scsi] scsi: sd: Signal drive managed SMR disks (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: free sgtables in case command setup fails (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Allow the state change from SDEV_QUIESCE to SDEV_BLOCK (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: add sg_remove_request in sg_write (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: add sg_remove_request in sg_common_write (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sd: Fix optimal I/O size for devices that change reported values (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: move scsicam_bios_param to the end of scsicam.c (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: simplify scsi_bios_ptable (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: avoid repetitive logging of device offline messages (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: use kobj_to_dev (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sd: Clear sdkp->protection_type if disk is reformatted without PI (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Fix a compiler warning triggered by the SCSI logging code (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Adjust DBD setting in MODE SENSE for caching mode page per LLD (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sd_zbc: Improve report zones error printout (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: scsi_transport_sas: Fix memory leak when removing devices (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: scsi_debug: num_tgts must be >= 0 (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: Handle drivers which set sg_tablesize to zero (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: tracing: Fix handling of TRANSFER LENGTH == 0 for READ(6) and WRITE(6) (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_ioctl(): get rid of access_ok() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_write(): get rid of access_ok()/__copy_from_user()/__get_user() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_read(): get rid of access_ok()/__copy_..._user() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_new_write(): don't bother with access_ok (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_write(): __get_user() can fail.. (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_new_write(): replace access_ok() + __copy_from_user() with copy_from_user() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sg: sg_ioctl(): fix copyout handling (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: scsi_trace: Use get_unaligned_be*() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] drivers/scsi: Replace rcu_swap_protected() with rcu_replace_pointer() (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: sd: define variable dif as unsigned int instead of bool (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: core: try to get module before removing device (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: handle RTPG sense code correctly during state transitions (Ewan Milne) [1838784]
- [powerpc] powerpc/64: flush_inval_dcache_range() becomes flush_dcache_range() (Gustavo Duarte) [1834180]
- [x86] x86/ima: use correct identifier for SetupMode variable (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [lib] kobject: fix dereference before null check on kobj (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [include] MODSIGN: make new include file self contained (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: initialize the "template" field with the default template (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: Check EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES before using (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: check EFI SetupMode too (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Set file->f_mode instead of file->f_flags in ima_calc_file_hash() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] evm: check hash algorithm passed to init_desc() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [base] firmware: improve LSM/IMA security behaviour (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [lib] kobject: Add support for default attribute groups to kobj_type (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [samples] samples/kobject: Replace foo_ktype's default_attrs field with groups (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: require signed kernel modules (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] powerpc: Load firmware trusted keys/hashes into kernel keyring (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc: expose secure variables to userspace via sysfs (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv: Add OPAL API interface to access secure variable (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/ima: fix secure boot rules in ima arch policy (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Set again build_ima_appraise variable (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Remove redundant policy rule set in add_rules() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/ima: Indicate kernel modules appended signatures are enforced (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/ima: Update ima arch policy to check for blacklist (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Check against blacklisted hashes for files with modsig (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: prevent a file already mmap'ed write to be mmap'ed execute (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [certs] certs: Add wrapper function to check blacklisted binary hash (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Make process_buffer_measurement() generic (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/ima: Define trusted boot policy (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc: Detect the trusted boot state of the system (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/ima: Add support to initialize ima policy rules (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc: Detect the secure boot mode of the system (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: use struct_size() in kzalloc() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] sefltest/ima: support appended signatures (modsig) (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Fix use after free in ima_read_modsig() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: fix freeing ongoing ahash_request (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: always return negative code for error (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Store the measurement again when appraising a modsig (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Define ima-modsig template (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Collect modsig (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Implement support for module-style appended signatures (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Factor xattr_verify() out of ima_appraise_measurement() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] integrity: Introduce struct evm_xattr (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Add modsig appraise_type option for module-style appended signatures (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [kernel] MODSIGN: Export module signature definitions (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [kernel] modsign: log module name in the event of an error (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [kernel] KEXEC: Call ima_kexec_cmdline to measure the boot command line args (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] IMA: Define a new template field buf (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] IMA: Define a new hook to measure the kexec boot command line arguments (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] IMA: support for per policy rule template formats (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] integrity: Fix __integrity_init_keyring() section mismatch (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] x86/ima: fix the Kconfig dependency for IMA_ARCH_POLICY (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Make arch_policy_entry static (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: show rules with IMA_INMASK correctly (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: fix wrong signed policy requirement when not appraising (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: update get_secureboot_mode (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: make kexec_load test independent of IMA being enabled (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: check kexec_load and kexec_file_load are enabled (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: Add missing '=y' to config options (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: kexec_file_load syscall test (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: define "require_root_privileges" (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: define common logging functions (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: define a set of common functions (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: cleanup the kexec selftest (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/kexec: move the IMA kexec_load selftest to selftests/kexec (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] evm: remove set but not used variable 'xattr' (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: integrity: partial revert of make ima_main explicitly non-modular (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: cleanup the match_token policy code (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Use inode_is_open_for_write (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: fs: make inode explicitly non-modular (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: audit and remove any unnecessary uses of module.h (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: integrity: make evm_main explicitly non-modular (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: integrity: make ima_main explicitly non-modular (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [tools] selftests/ima: kexec_load syscall test (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: don't measure/appraise files on efivarfs (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: retry detecting secure boot mode (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: define arch_get_ima_policy() for x86 (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [kernel] kernel/kexec_file.c: remove some duplicated includes (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: open a new file instance if no read permissions (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security/integrity: constify some read-only data (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [documentation] security: fix LSM description location (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] evm: Allow non-SHA1 digital signatures (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] security: export security_kernel_load_data function (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: based on policy warn about loading firmware (pre-allocated buffer) (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: prevent kexec_load syscall based on runtime secureboot flag (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] module: replace the existing LSM hook in init_module (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: based on policy require signed firmware (sysfs fallback) (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: add support for arch specific policies (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: based on policy require signed kexec kernel images (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: refactor ima_init_policy() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [include] sysfs: Fixes __BIN_ATTR_WO() macro (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [include] security: define new LSM hook named security_kernel_load_data (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [kernel] kexec: add call to LSM hook in original kexec_load syscall (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [base] firmware: add call to LSM hook before firmware sysfs fallback (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: add build time policy (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Support platform keyring for kernel appraisal (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] integrity: Remove references to module keyring (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/kexec: Fix loading of kernel + initramfs with kexec_file_load() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Use designated initializers for struct ima_event_data (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] ima: Update MAX_TEMPLATE_NAME_LEN to fit largest reasonable definition (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [certs] PKCS#7: Refactor verify_pkcs7_signature() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [crypto] PKCS#7: Introduce pkcs7_get_digest() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] integrity: Select CONFIG_KEYS instead of depending on it (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv: Move opal_power_control_init() call in opal_init() (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] x86/efi: move common keyring handler functions to new file (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [security] x86/efi: remove unused variables (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [include] sysfs: add BIN_ATTR_WO() macro (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [x86] x86/ima: define arch_ima_get_secureboot (Diego Domingos) [1781925]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pci: unmap legacy INTx interrupts of passthrough IO adapters (Steve Best) [1840279]
- [powerpc] powerpc/xive: Clear the page tables for the ESB IO mapping (Steve Best) [1840279]
- [hv] hyper-v: Use UUID API for exporting the GUID (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [kernel] uuid: Add inline helpers to import / export UUIDs (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: Move AEOI determination to architecture dependent code (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [x86] hyper-v: Report crash data in die() when panic_on_oops is set (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] x86/hyper-v: Report crash register data when sysctl_record_panic_msg is not set (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [x86] hyper-v: Report crash register data or kmsg before running crash kernel (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] x86/hyper-v: Trigger crash enlightenment only once during system crash (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] x86/hyper-v: Free hv_panic_page when fail to register kmsg dump (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] x86/hyper-v: Unload vmbus channel in hv panic callback (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv_debugfs: Make hv_debug_root static (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hyperv_vmbus.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Ignore CHANNELMSG_TL_CONNECT_RESULT(23) (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv_balloon: Balloon up according to request page number (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv_balloon: use generic_online_page() (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [mm] memory_hotplug: export generic_online_page() (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Fix crash handler reset of Hyper-V synic (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: Replace binary semaphore with mutex (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: balloon: Remove dependencies on guest page size (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Remove dependencies on guest page size (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: util: Specify ring buffer size using Hyper-V page size (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: Specify receive buffer size using Hyper-V page size (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Add module parameter to cap the VMBus version (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Enable VMBus protocol versions 4.1, 5.1 and 5.2 (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Introduce table of VMBus protocol versions (Mohammed Gamal) [1828451 1815498]
- [pci] hv: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [pci] hv: Decouple the func definition in hv_dr_state from VSP message (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [pci] hv: Add support for protocol 1.3 and support PCI_BUS_RELATIONS2 (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [pci] hv: Add missing kfree(hbus) in hv_pci_probe()'s error handling path (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [pci] hv: Remove unnecessary type casting from kzalloc (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [pci] hv: Avoid a kmemleak false positive caused by the hbus buffer (Mohammed Gamal) [1793636]
- [infiniband] RDMA/srpt: Fix disabling device management (Kamal Heib) [1840016]
- [misc] vhost: disable for OABI (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [include] virtio: drop vringh.h dependency (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] virtio_input: pull in slab.h (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [char] virtio-rng: pull in slab.h (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [block] virtio_blk: add a missing include (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vdpa] vdpa: fix comment of vdpa_register_device() (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vdpa: make vhost, virtio depend on menu (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [include] vdpa: allow a 32 bit vq alignment (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vdpa] vdpasim: Return status in vdpasim_get_status (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vdpa] vdpa: remove unused variables 'ifcvf' and 'ifcvf_lm' (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vdpa] vdpa-sim: depend on HAS_DMA (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] vdpa: move to drivers/vdpa (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] virtio: Intel IFC VF driver for VDPA (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] vdpasim: vDPA device simulator (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: introduce vDPA-based backend (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] virtio: introduce a vDPA based transport (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] vDPA: introduce vDPA bus (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vringh: IOTLB support (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: factor out IOTLB (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: allow per device message handler (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [misc] vhost: refine vhost and vringh kconfig (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vringh: fix copy direction of vringh_iov_push_kern() (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: factor out setting vring addr and num (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: introduce helpers to get the size of metadata area (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: rename vq_iotlb_prefetch() to vq_meta_prefetch() (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: fine grain userspace memory accessors (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: generalize adding used elem (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [misc] mic: vop: Allow building on more systems (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [virtio] virtio: support VIRTIO_F_ORDER_PLATFORM (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [uapi] vhost: split structs into a separate header file (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [fs] compat_ioctl: add compat_ptr_ioctl() (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [vhost] vhost: allow vhost-scsi driver to be built-in (Jason Wang) [1771441]
- [x86] arch/x86: Remove vendor specific CPU ID checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1840145]
- [tools] perf vendor events amd: Update Zen1 events to V2 (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [tools] perf vendor events amd: Add Zen2 events (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [tools] perf vendor events amd: Restrict model detection for zen1 based processors (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [x86] perf/amd/uncore: Add support for Family 19h L3 PMU (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [x86] perf/amd/uncore: Make L3 thread mask code more readable (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [x86] perf/amd/uncore: Prepare L3 thread mask code for Family 19h (Wei Huang) [1790641]
- [scsi] scsi: fnic: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797808]
- [scsi] scsi: fnic: do not queue commands during fwreset (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797808]
- [scsi] scsi: fnic: fix invalid stack access (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797808]
- [scsi] scsi: fnic: fix use after free (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797808]
- [scsi] scsi: fnic: make array dev_cmd_err static const, makes object smaller (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797808]

* Tue Jun 02 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-209.el8]
- [media] media: v4l: fix uapi mpeg slice params definition (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] v4l2-controls: add a missing include (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [dma] dma-mapping: remove dma_release_declared_memory (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb/ohci-tmio: remove the HCD_DMA flag (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb: add a HCD_DMA flag instead of guestimating DMA capabilities (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb: add a hcd_uses_dma helper (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb: don't create dma pools for HCDs with a localmem_pool (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb: host: ohci-tmio: Mark expected switch fall-throughs (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] USB: drop HCD_LOCAL_MEM flag (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] usb: host: ohci-tmio: init genalloc for local memory (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [usb] dma-mapping: remove the DMA_MEMORY_EXCLUSIVE flag (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: xirlink_cit: add missing descriptor sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: ttusb-dec: Fix info-leak in ttusb_dec_send_command() (Torez Smith) [1788005 1825410 1821835] {CVE-2019-19533}
- [media] media: usb: fix memory leak in af9005_identify_state (Torez Smith) [1825141 1825410 1821835] {CVE-2019-18809}
- [netdrv] cdc_ether: fix rndis support for Mediatek based smartphones (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: remove calling netif_napi_del (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] Revert "r8152: napi hangup fix after disconnect" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: Set memory to all 0xFFs on failed reg reads (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: kalmia: fix memory leaks (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] cx82310_eth: fix a memory leak bug (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] lan78xx: Fix memory leaks (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: fix typo in register name (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: peak_usb: pcan_usb_pro: Fix info-leaks to USB devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: peak_usb: pcan_usb_fd: Fix info-leaks to USB devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: peak_usb: force the string buffer NULL-terminated (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: pegasus: fix improper read if get_registers() fail (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add the BroadMobi BM818 card (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: mark expected switch fall-throughs (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: peak_usb: fix potential double kfree_skb() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usb: qmi_wwan: add D-Link DWM-222 A2 device ID (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: videodev2.h: change V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGRA444 define: fourcc was already in use (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: set RTL8152_UNPLUG only for real disconnection (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: move calling r8153b_rx_agg_chg_indicate() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: asix: init MAC address buffers (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: fix the setting of detecting the linking change for runtime suspend (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: hdpvr: fix locking and a missing msleep (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Fix out-of-bounds read (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: videodev2.h: Fix shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits problem (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 468 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 238 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 235 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: extend permitted QMAP mux_id value range (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: avoid RCU stalls on device disconnect when in QMAP mode (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add network device usage statistics for qmimux devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add support for QMAP padding in the RX path (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx-cards: Add Hauppauge 955Q variant (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: Add Hauppauge HVR1955/1975 devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: Add i2c client demod/tuner support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: Add multiple dvb frontend support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix access to uninitialized fields on probe error (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Include streaming interface number in debugfs dir name (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: usb: Kconfig: Remove duplicate menu entry (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: fix null-ptr-deref in class_unregister() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb: Revert "media: cxusb: add raw mode support for, Medion MD95700" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 412 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 286 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 258 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: media/usb: set device_caps in struct video_device (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb/cxusb-analog.c: fix coccinelle warning, use ktime.h (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 174 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 164 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 157 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 156 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 152 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 131 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx-dvb: fix memory leak in dvb_fini() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: use usb_to_input_id() rather than handrolling it (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: use common code for decoding nec scancodes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: give RC device proper name (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb: fix several coding style issues (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb-analog: Fix some coding style issues (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb: add raw mode support for Medion MD95700 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb: add analog mode support for Medion MD95700 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cxusb: implement Medion MD95700 digital / analog coexistence (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb:zr364xx:Fix KASAN:null-ptr-deref Read in zr364xx_vidioc_querycap (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pwc: convert to BIT macro (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cpia2_usb: first wake up, then free in disconnect (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: use a different format for warnings (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: smsusb: better handle optional alignment (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 118 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 65 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 61 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [input] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 55 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: remove redundant 'default n' from Kconfig-s (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: af9035: Remove duplicate error reporting for dvbsky_usb_generic_rw (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvbsky: Remove duplicate error reporting for dvbsky_usb_generic_rw (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb-v2: Report error on all error paths (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: fix null dereference in error path (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb: usb: fix use after free in dvb_usb_device_exit (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: siano: Fix false-positive "uninitialized variable" warning (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: fix kernel crash after disconnect (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: ipheth: fix racing condition (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 24 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 17 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 13 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 1 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier for more missed files (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: siano: Fix general protection fault in smsusb (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: prefix header search paths with $(srctree)/ (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: remove unneeded header search paths (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] aqc111: cleanup mtu related logic (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] Revert "aqc111: fix writing to the phy on BE" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] Revert "aqc111: fix double endianness swap on BE" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1260 and 0x1261 compositions (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] aqc111: fix double endianness swap on BE (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] aqc111: fix writing to the phy on BE (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] aqc111: fix endianness issue in aqc111_change_mtu (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: smsc: fix warning reported by kbuild test robot (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: support of_get_mac_address new ERR_PTR error (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: ipheth: Remove unnecessary NULL pointer check (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: ipheth: Simplify device detection (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: new Wistron, ZTE and D-Link devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: v4l: Add definitions for missing 16-bit RGB555 formats (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: v4l: Add definitions for missing 16-bit RGB4444 formats (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: v4l: Add definitions for missing 32-bit RGB formats (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: sync sa_family with the media type of network device (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: Prevent a buffer overflow (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: stop video streaming only when last user stops (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: Fix NULL pointer dereference in au0828_analog_stream_enable() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: fix enable and disable source audio and video inconsistencies (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Add quirk for Quectel dynamic config (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: Refresh MAC address during USBDEVFS_RESET (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: remove extra action copying ethernet address (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: replace strncpy() by strscpy() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usbvision: fix a potential NULL pointer dereference (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: Kill URBs on USB device disconnect (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add Olicard 600 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Extend HWID table by QNAP device (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pwc-ctl: pChoose can't be NULL (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: Kconfig files: use the right help coding style (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx-input: make const array addr_list static (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb: Add support for the Avermedia TD310 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb: init i2c already in it930x_frontend_attach (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvbsky: Avoid leaking dvb frontend (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: do not resubmit URBs when streaming has stopped (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: minor fix to a misleading comment in _close() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: go7007: avoid clang frame overflow warning with KASAN (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cpia2: Fix use-after-free in cpia2_exit (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] peak_usb: fix clang build warning (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Add support for Quectel EG12/EM12 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: a few more typos at staging, pci, platform, radio and usb (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: fix several typos (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Use usb_make_path to fill in usb_info (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix smatch warning (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l: Add 32-bit packed YUV formats (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: cdc-phonet: use struct_size() in alloc_netdev() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: rtl8150: mark expected switch fall-through (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: pegasus: Mark expected switch fall-through (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: hdpvr: fix smatch warning (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usbvision: use u64 for the timestamp internally (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: stkwebcam: use u64 for the timestamp internally (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cpia2: use u64 for the timestamp internally (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Avoid NULL pointer dereference at the end of streaming (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix 'type' check leading to overflow (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: asix: ax88772_bind return error when hw_reset fail (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: rtl8150: remove set but not used variable 'rx_stat' (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Extend HWID table by TRENDnet device (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: videodev2.h: Add more field helper macros (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov534-ov772x: remove unnecessary COM3 initialization (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov534-ov722x: remove camera clock setup from bridge_init (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov534-ov722x: remove mode specific video data registers from bridge_init (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov534-ov772x: add SGBRG8 bayer mode support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov543-ov772x: move video format specific registers into bridge_start (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: support multiple pixel formats in TRY_FMT (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: support multiple pixel formats in ENUM_FRAMEINTERVALS (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: ov534: replace msleep(10) with usleep_range (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: v4l: uAPI: V4L2_BUF_TYPE_META_OUTPUT is an output buffer type (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: mt9m111: Check write_bridge for timeout (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: Check the return value of write_bridge for timeout (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: gspca: add a missed check for goto_low_power (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: gspca: add a missed return-value check for do_command (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l2-ctrls.c/uvc: zero v4l2_event (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: pwc: Don't use coherent DMA buffers for ISO transfer (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: pwc: Introduce TRACE_EVENTs for pwc_isoc_handler() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] cdc_ether: trivial whitespace readability fix (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add MTU default to qmap network interface (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Fix qmap header retrieval in qmimux_rx_fixup (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Add support for Fibocom NL678 series (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] lan78xx: Resolve issue with changing MAC address (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Added support for Telit LN940 series (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Added support for Fibocom NL668 series (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l: Add support for V4L2_BUF_TYPE_META_OUTPUT (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: siano: Use kmemdup instead of duplicating its function (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: fix spelling mistake "statuss" -> "status" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: lmedm04: Move interrupt buffer to priv buffer (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: lmedm04: Add missing usb_free_urb to free interrupt urb (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: stkwebcam: Bugfix for wrong return values (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: stkwebcam: Support for ASUS A6VM notebook added (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: dvb-usb: remove old friio driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: lmedm04: use dvb_usbv2_generic_rw_locked (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: lmedm04: Move usb buffer to lme2510_state (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: rtl28xxu: add support for Sony CXD2837ER slave demod (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Utilise for_each_uvc_urb iterator (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Rename uvc_{un, }init_video() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Split uvc_video_enable into two (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Move decode processing to process context (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Abstract streaming object lifetime (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: queue: Support asynchronous buffer handling (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: queue: Simplify spin-lock usage (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Protect queue internals with helper (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Convert decode functions to use new context structure (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Refactor URB descriptors (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: fix spelling mistake, "Cinnergy" -> "Cinergy" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Refactor teardown of uvc on USB disconnect (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Add support for the CNF4 format (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [documentation] media: v4l: Add 4bpp packed depth confidence format CNF4 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: Use kmemdup instead of duplicating its function (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb: Use WARM definition from identify_state() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dib0700: fix spelling mistake "Amplifyer" -> "Amplifier" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb-v2: Fix incorrect use of transfer_flags URB_FREE_BUFFER (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Initialize wol_cfg with memset in aqc111_suspend (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: Don't default Aquantia USB driver to 'y' (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: ucan: fix spelling mistake: "resumbmitting" -> "resubmitting" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Extend cdc_ether blacklist (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add ASIX's HW ids (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for wake on LAN by MAGIC packet (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Implement get/set_link_ksettings callbacks (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Initialize ethtool_ops structure (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add RX VLAN filtering support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for VLAN_CTAG_TX/RX offload (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Implement set_rx_mode callback (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for TSO (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for enable/disable checksum offload (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for changing MTU (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add checksum offload support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Implement RX data path (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Implement TX data path (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add support for getting and setting of MAC address (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Introduce link management (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Introduce PHY access (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Various callbacks implementation (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add implementation of read and write commands (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Add bind and empty unbind callbacks (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: aqc111: Driver skeleton for Aquantia AQtion USB to 5GbE (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: ipheth: fix potential recvmsg bug and recvmsg bug 2 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pulse8-cec: return 0 when invalidating the logical address (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: fix frame overflow error (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cropcap/g_selection split (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: check for csum being in last four bytes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: fix memcpy for accessing rx-data (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: simplify tx_fixup code (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: fix rx packet alignment (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: ucan: remove duplicated include from ucan.c (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: ucan: remove set but not used variable 'udev' (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Fix accessing freed memory in kvaser_usb_start_xmit() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Fix potential uninitialized variable use (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: smsc95xx: Fix MTU range (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: disable carrier check while suspending (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: remove set but not used variable 'ctx' (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: use tasklet_init() for tasklet_struct init (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Added support for Gemalto's Cinterion ALASxx WWAN interface (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: pvrusb2: replace `printk` with `pr_*` (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx: fix potential sign-extension overflow on large shift (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] Revert "media: dvbsky: use just one mutex for serializing device R/W ops" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net/usb: cancel pending work when unbinding smsc75xx (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] smsc95xx: Check for Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] smsc75xx: Check for Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: Check for supported Wake-on-LAN Modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] sr9800: Check for supported Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] lan78xx: Check for supported Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Check for supported Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] asix: Check for supported Wake-on-LAN modes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l: Add definition for the Sunxi tiled NV12 format (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [documentation] media: v4l: Add definitions for MPEG-2 slice format and metadata (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: Fix incorrect error messages (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: cannot kfree dev before usb disconnect (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Avoid unnecessary self assignment (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: set DTR for modems in forced USB2 mode (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: mxl111sf: declare its own pads (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: use signals instead of hardcoding a pad number (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l2: taint pads with the signal types for consumer devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: make v4l2-compliance happier by starting sequence on zero (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: fix input name for Terratec AV 350 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: use a default format if TRY_FMT fails (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: fix handler for vidioc_s_input() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: remove redundant null pointer check before of_node_put (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usbvision: remove time_in_irq (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca: sq930x: use GFP_KERNEL in sd_dq_callback() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: replace strcpy() by strscpy() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: use strscpy() instead of strlcpy() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [documentation] media: videodev2.h: add new capabilities for buffer types (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Store device information pointer in struct uvc_device (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Rename UVC_QUIRK_INFO to UVC_INFO_QUIRK (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix uvc_alloc_entity() allocation alignment (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix spelling mistake: "entites" -> "entities" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Remove unnecessary NULL check before debugfs_remove_recursive (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Make uvc_control_mapping menu_info field const (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Make some structs const (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Support dynamic config on Quectel EP06 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] lan78xx: Do not access skb_queue_head list pointers directly (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Make declaration style consistent (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Switch to SPDX identifier (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Drop unnecessary strcpy in lan78xx_probe (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Bail out if lan78xx_get_endpoints fails (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usbnet: mark expected switch fall-through (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: v4l2-ctrls: v4l2_ctrl_add_handler: add from_other_dev (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: videodev2.h: add request_fd field to v4l2_ext_controls (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: videodev2.h: Add new DV flag CAN_DETECT_REDUCED_FPS (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: af9035: prevent buffer overflow on write (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] r8152: disable RX aggregation on new Dell TB16 dock (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] drivers/net/usb/r8152: remove the unneeded variable "ret" in rtl8152_system_suspend (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: rtl28xxu: be sure that it won't go past the array size (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net:usb: Use ARRAY_SIZE instead of calculating the array size (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: au0828: fix spelling mistake: "completition" -> "completion" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx: fix spelling mistake: "completition" -> "completion" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb-v2: fix spelling mistake: "completition" -> "completion" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb: fix spelling mistake: "completition" -> "completion" (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: hackrf: Replace GFP_ATOMIC with GFP_KERNEL (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: em28xx: Replace mdelay() with msleep() in em28xx_pre_card_setup() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usb: em28xx: Replace GFP_ATOMIC with GFP_KERNEL in em28xx_init_usb_xfer() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dw2102: Fix memleak on sequence of probes (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: usbtv: use irqsave() in USB's complete callback (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: go7007: use irqsave() in USB's complete callback (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx: use irqsave() in USB's complete callback (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [documentation] media: v4l: Add new 10-bit packed grayscale format (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [documentation] media: doc-rst: Add packed Bayer raw14 pixel formats (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: disable null packet filter for WinTVdualHD (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [uapi] media: videodev2: get rid of VIDIOC_RESERVED (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: explicitly disable TS packet filter (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb/friio, dvb-usb-v2/gl861: decompose friio and merge with gl861 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: sr9700: Replace mdelay() with msleep() in sr9700_bind() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: pegasus: Replace mdelay() with msleep() in setup_pegasus_II() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Send a control event when a Control Change interrupt arrives (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Handle control pipe protocol STALLs (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Remove a redundant check (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Also validate buffers in BULK mode (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Add KSMedia 8-bit IR format support (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: uvcvideo: Fix minor spelling (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx-cards: disable V4L2 mode for dual tuners (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: Remove duplicate PID (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: Fix DualHD disconnect oops (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: Fix dual transport stream operation (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dib0700: add code comment (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: cx231xx: don't check number of messages in the driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: em28xx: don't check number of messages in the driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: hdpvr: don't check number of messages in the driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: dvb-usb: don't check number of messages in the driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: tm6000: don't check number of messages in the driver (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gl861: fix probe of dvb_usb_gl861 (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Simplify struct kvaser_cmd_cardinfo (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Add support for Kvaser USB hydra family (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Split driver into kvaser_usb_core.c and kvaser_usb_leaf.c (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Add SPDX GPL-2.0 license identifier (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Fix typos (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Improve logging messages (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Refactor kvaser_usb_init_one() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Refactor kvaser_usb_get_endpoints() (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Add pointer to struct usb_interface into struct kvaser_usb (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Replace USB timeout constants with one define (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Rename message/msg to command/cmd (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Remove unused commands and defines (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Remove unnecessary return (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: peak_usb: mark expected switch fall-throughs (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: ucan: add driver for Theobroma Systems UCAN devices (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] can: usb: Kconfig/Makefile: sort alphabetically (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: gspca_kinect: cast sizeof to int for comparison (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [media] media: videodev.h: add PIX_FMT_FWHT for use with vicodec (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: hso: use swap macro in hso_kick_transmit (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]
- [netdrv] net: usb: asix: allow optionally getting mac address from device tree (Torez Smith) [1825410 1821835]

* Thu May 28 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-208.el8]
- [hid] HID: Improve Windows Precision Touchpad detection (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] HID: multitouch: enable multi-input as a quirk for some devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c: fix a possible null pointer access (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] HID: multitouch: Add LG MELF0410 I2C touchscreen support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] HID: multitouch: add support for the Smart Tech panel (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] HID: multitouch: do not filter mice nodes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1811209]
- [hid] HID: wacom: Report 2nd-gen Intuos Pro S center button status over BT (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] Revert "HID: wacom: generic: read the number of expected touches on a per collection basis" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: Read HID_DG_CONTACTMAX directly for non-generic devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: Recognize new MobileStudio Pro PID (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: generic: Treat serial number and related fields as unsigned (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: add new MobileStudio Pro 13 support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: do not call hid_set_drvdata(hdev, NULL) (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [hid] HID: wacom: support named keys on older devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1835753]
- [target] scsi: target: iscsi: calling iscsit_stop_session() inside iscsit_close_session() has no effect (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [target] scsi: target: fix hang when multiple threads try to destroy the same iscsi session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [target] scsi: target: remove boilerplate code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [target] scsi: target: use an enum to track emulate_ua_intlck_ctrl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [target] scsi: target: convert boolean se_dev_attrib types to bool (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [target] scsi: target: fix unmap_zeroes_data boolean initialisation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1840024]
- [fs] page cache: Finish XArray conversion (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: Convert __do_page_cache_readahead to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: Convert is_page_cache_freeable to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcontrol: clean up and document effective low/min calculations (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcontrol: fix memory.low proportional distribution (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: kmem: rename (__)memcg_kmem_(un)charge_memcg() to __memcg_kmem_(un)charge() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: cache page number in memcg_(un)charge_slab() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: kmem: switch to nr_pages in (__)memcg_kmem_charge_memcg() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: kmem: rename memcg_kmem_(un)charge() into memcg_kmem_(un)charge_page() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: kmem: cleanup memcg_kmem_uncharge_memcg() arguments (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: kmem: cleanup (__)memcg_kmem_charge_memcg() arguments (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcg/slab: use mem_cgroup_from_obj() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] mm: fork: fix kernel_stack memcg stats for various stack implementations (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] memcg: fix NULL pointer dereference in __mem_cgroup_usage_unregister_event (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: clean up and clarify lruvec lookup procedure (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcontrol: try harder to set a new memory.high (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcontrol: remove dead code from memory_max_write() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm, memcg: clean up reclaim iter array (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm, memcg: make scan aggression always exclude protection (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm, memcg: make memory.emin the baseline for utilisation determination (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm, memcg: proportional memory.{low, min} reclaim (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] memcg, kmem: do not fail __GFP_NOFAIL charges (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: workingset: fix vmstat counters for shadow nodes (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: memcontrol: use CSS_TASK_ITER_PROCS at mem_cgroup_scan_tasks() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] fork, memcg: alloc_thread_stack_node needs to set tsk->stack (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm/memcontrol.c: fix bad line in comment (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] fork, memcg: fix cached_stacks case (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: don't raise MEMCG_OOM event due to failed high-order allocation (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: vmscan: memcontrol: remove mem_cgroup_select_victim_node() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: vmscan: do not share cgroup iteration between reclaimers (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: vmscan: do not iterate all mem cgroups for global direct reclaim (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] mm: workingset: use cheaper __inc_lruvec_state in irqsafe node reclaim (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [tools] xarray: Fix early termination of xas_for_each_marked (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [lib] mm: Convert workingset to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert filemap_range_has_page to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Remove stray radix comment (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert delete_batch to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert filemap_map_pages to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert find_get_entries_tag to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache; Convert find_get_pages_range_tag to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert find_get_pages_contig to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert find_get_pages_range to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert find_get_entries to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert find_get_entry to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert page deletion to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [include] page cache: Add and replace pages using the XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [mm] page cache: Convert hole search to XArray (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] docs: cgroup-v1: Document the cpuset_v2_mode mount option (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup1: don't call release_agent when it is "" (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Iterate tasks that did not finish do_exit() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: cgroup_procs_next should increase position index (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup-v1: cgroup_pidlist_next should update position index (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: init_tasks shouldn't be linked to the root cgroup (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Prevent double killing of css when enabling threaded cgroup (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: fix function name in comment (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: freezer: don't change task and cgroups status unnecessarily (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: use cgroup->last_bstat instead of cgroup->bstat_pending for consistency (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: remove cgroup_enable_task_cg_lists() optimization (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: pids: use atomic64_t for pids->limit (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Optimize single thread migration (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Update comments about task exit path (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: short-circuit current_cgns_cgroup_from_root() on the default hierarchy (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] Use kvmalloc in cgroups-v1 (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: minor tweak for logic to get cgroup css (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Replace a seq_printf() call by seq_puts() in cgroup_print_ss_mask() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Fix css_task_iter_advance_css_set() cset skip condition (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: css_task_iter_skip()'d iterators must be advanced before accessed (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [include] cgroup: Include dying leaders with live threads in PROCS iterations (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup: Implement css_task_iter_skip() (Waiman Long) [1812073]
- [kernel] cgroup/pids: turn cgroup_subsys->free() into cgroup_subsys->release() to fix the accounting (Waiman Long) [1586281 1812073]
- [platform] intel-speed-select: Firmware workarounds for Icelake (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Fix invalid core mask (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Increase CPU count (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Fix json perf-profile output output (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Update version (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Enable clos for turbo-freq enable (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Check support status before enable (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [tools] tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Change debug to error (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]
- [platform] intel_speed_select: internal-only-debug-patch (Prarit Bhargava) [1840289]

* Wed May 27 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-207.el8]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/region: Fix build error (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/region: Introduce an 'align' attribute (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/region: Introduce NDD_LABELING (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/namespace: Enforce memremap_compat_align() (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm/pfn: Prevent raw mode fallback if pfn-infoblock valid (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [mm] mm/memremap_pages: Introduce memremap_compat_align() (Diego Domingos) [1779218]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Fix unwind_get_return_address_ptr() for inactive tasks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Fix error handling in __unwind_start() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Fix premature unwind stoppage due to IRET frames (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Fix error path for bad ORC entry type (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Prevent unwinding before ORC initialization (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Don't skip the first frame for inactive tasks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind: Prevent false warnings for non-current tasks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/unwind/orc: Convert global variables to static (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/entry/64: Fix unwind hints in rewind_stack_do_exit() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/entry/64: Fix unwind hints in __switch_to_asm() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/entry/64: Fix unwind hints in kernel exit path (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [x86] x86/entry/64: Fix unwind hints in register clearing code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [tools] objtool: Fix stack offset tracking for indirect CFAs (Josh Poimboeuf) [1755143]
- [s390] s390: nvme reipl (Philipp Rudo) [1525179]
- [s390] s390: nvme ipl (Philipp Rudo) [1525179]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: make bnxt_re_ib_init static (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Wait for all the CQ events before freeing CQ data structures (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unnecessary sched count (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix lifetimes in bnxt_re_task (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Use ib_device_try_get() (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove a redundant 'memset' (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove set but not used variables 'pg' and 'idx' (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove set but not used variable 'dev_attr' (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove set but not used variable 'pg_size' (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Use driver_unregister and unregistration API (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor device add/remove functionalities (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Using vmalloc requires including vmalloc.h (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: use ibdev based message printing functions (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor doorbell management functions (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor notification queue management code (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor command queue management code (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor net ring allocation function (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor hardware queue memory allocation (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Replace chip context structure with pointer (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Refactor queue pair creation code (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: remove ioremap_nocache and devm_ioremap_nocache (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable SRIOV VF support on Broadcom's 57500 adapter series (Selvin Xavier) [1790622]
- [netdrv] net: be2net: reject unsupported coalescing params (Petr Oros) [1790633]
- [netdrv] treewide: Use sizeof_field() macro (Petr Oros) [1790633]
- [netdrv] net: emulex: benet: indent a Kconfig depends continuation line (Petr Oros) [1790633]
- [infiniband] i40iw: fix null pointer dereference on a null wqe pointer (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] RDMA/providers: Fix return value when QP type isn't supported (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] RDMA: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Do an RCU lookup in i40iw_add_ipv4_addr (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] IB/core: Introduce ib_reg_user_mr (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] RDMA/i40iw: fix a potential NULL pointer dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Remove setting of VMA private data and use rdma_user_mmap_io (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [infiniband] RDMA/i40iw: Fix potential use after free (Stefan Assmann) [1839718]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Fix of_read_drc_info_cell() to point at next record (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Enable support for ibm, drc-info property (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Correctly match ibm, my-drc-index to drc-name when using drc-info (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Avoid a sometimes-uninitialized warning (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Annotate and correctly byte swap DRC properties (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Add drc-info support for hotplug slot registration (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Don't rely on firmware feature to imply drc-info support (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [pci] PCI: rpaphp: Fix up pointer to first drc-info entry (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Add cpu DLPAR support for drc-info property (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Fix drc-info mappings of logical cpus to drc-index (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Fix bad drc_index_start value parsing of drc-info entry (Diego Domingos) [1779198]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Optimize enqueue_task_fair() (Phil Auld) [1780466]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Fix enqueue_task_fair() warning some more (Phil Auld) [1780466]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Fix enqueue_task_fair warning (Phil Auld) [1780466]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Fix reordering of enqueue/dequeue_task_fair() (Phil Auld) [1780466]
- [kernel] sched/fair: Reorder enqueue/dequeue_task_fair path (Phil Auld) [1780466]
- [fs] ceph: demote quotarealm lookup warning to a debug message (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix double unlock in handle_cap_export() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix special error code in ceph_try_get_caps() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix endianness bug when handling MDS session feature bits (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix potential bad pointer deref in async dirops cb's (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: don't mess with a page vector in rbd_notify_op_lock() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: don't test rbd_dev->opts in rbd_dev_image_release() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: call rbd_dev_unprobe() after unwatching and flushing notifies (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: avoid a deadlock on header_rwsem when flushing notifies (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix snapshot directory timestamps (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: wait for async creating inode before requesting new max size (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't skip updating wanted caps when cap is stale (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: request new max size only when there is auth cap (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: cleanup return error of try_get_cap_refs() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: return ceph_mdsc_do_request() errors from __get_parent() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: check all mds' caps after page writeback (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: update i_requested_max_size only when sending cap msg to auth mds (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: simplify calling of ceph_get_fmode() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: remove delay check logic from ceph_check_caps() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: consider inode's last read/write when calculating wanted caps (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: always renew caps if mds_wanted is insufficient (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: update dentry lease for async create (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: attempt to do async create when possible (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: cache layout in parent dir on first sync create (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add new MDS req field to hold delegated inode number (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: decode interval_sets for delegated inos (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: make ceph_fill_inode non-static (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: perform asynchronous unlink if we have sufficient caps (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't take refs to want mask unless we have all bits (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: cap tracking for async directory operations (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: make __take_cap_refs non-static (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add infrastructure for waiting for async create to complete (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: track primary dentry link (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add flag to designate that a request is asynchronous (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: more caps.c lockdep assertions (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: clean up kick_flushing_inode_caps() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [net] libceph: directly skip to the end of redirect reply (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [net] libceph: simplify ceph_monc_handle_map() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: return ETIMEDOUT errno to userland when request timed out (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: re-org copy_file_range and fix some error paths (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: move to a dedicated slabcache for mds requests (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: reorganize fields in ceph_mds_request (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: enable multiple blk-mq queues (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: embed image request in blk-mq pdu (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: acquire header_rwsem just once in rbd_queue_workfn() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: get rid of img_request_layered_clear() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: kill img_request kref (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: check if file lock exists before sending unlock request (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: move ceph_osdc_{read, write}pages to ceph.ko (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't ClearPageChecked in ceph_invalidatepage() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: remove barriers from img_request_layered_{set, clear, test}() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] libceph: drop CEPH_DEFINE_SHOW_FUNC (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: check inode type for CEPH_CAP_FILE_{CACHE, RD, REXTEND, LAZYIO} (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add refcounting for Fx caps (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: register MDS request with dir inode from the start (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix memory leak in ceph_cleanup_snapid_map() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [net] libceph: fix alloc_msg_with_page_vector() memory leaks (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [include] ceph: check POOL_FLAG_FULL/NEARFULL in addition to OSDMAP_FULL/NEARFULL (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: canonicalize server path in place (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: do not execute direct write in parallel if O_APPEND is specified (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: set the 'device' link in sysfs (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: move net/ceph/ceph_fs.c to fs/ceph/util.c (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: print name of xattr in __ceph_{get, set}xattr() douts (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: print r_direct_hash in hex in __choose_mds() dout (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: use copy-from2 op in copy_file_range (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: close holes in structs ceph_mds_session and ceph_mds_request (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: work around -Wuninitialized warning (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: allocate the correct amount of extra bytes for the session features (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: rename get_session and switch to use ceph_get_mds_session (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: remove the extra slashes in the server path (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add possible_max_rank and make the code more readable (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: print dentry offset in hex and fix xattr_version type (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: only touch the caps which have the subset mask requested (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't clear I_NEW until inode metadata is fully populated (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: retry the same mds later after the new session is opened (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: check availability of mds cluster on mount after wait timeout (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: keep the session state until it is released (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add __send_request helper (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: ensure we have a new cap before continuing in fill_inode (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: drop unused ttl_from parameter from fill_inode (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix possible long time wait during umount (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: only choose one MDS who is in up:active state without laggy (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix mdsmap cluster available check based on laggy number (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: remove unnecessary assignment in ceph_pre_init_acls() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: delete redundant douts in con_get/put() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: hold extra reference to r_parent over life of request (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add more debug info when decoding mdsmap (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: switch to global cap helper (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: trigger the reclaim work once there has enough pending caps (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: show tasks waiting on caps in debugfs caps file (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] fs: ceph: Delete timespec64_trunc() usage (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: ask for a weaker incompat mask for read-only mappings (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: don't query snapshot features (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: remove snapshot existence validation code (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: don't establish watch for read-only mappings (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: don't acquire exclusive lock for read-only mappings (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: disallow read-write partitions on images mapped read-only (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: treat images mapped read-only seriously (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: introduce RBD_DEV_FLAG_READONLY (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: introduce rbd_is_snap() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't leave ino field in ceph_mds_request_head uninitialized (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: tone down loglevel on ceph_mdsc_build_path warning (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: fix geting random mds from mdsmap (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [block] rbd: fix spelling mistake "requeueing" -> "requeuing" (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: make several helper accessors take const pointers (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [net] libceph: drop unnecessary check from dispatch() in mon_client.c (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: don't allow copy_file_range when stripe_count != 1 (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: allow object copies across different filesystems in the same cluster (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: pass filp to ceph_get_caps() (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: allow copy_file_range when src and dst inode are same (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: increment change_attribute on local changes (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: make 'nocopyfrom' a default mount option (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] vfs: allow copy_file_range to copy across devices (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] vfs: no fallback for ->copy_file_range (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: add destination file data sync before doing any remote copy (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: new mount option to disable usage of copy-from op (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] ceph: support copy_file_range file operation (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [include] libceph: support the RADOS copy-from operation (Jeff Layton) [1827767]
- [fs] cachefiles: Fix race between read_waiter and read_copier involving op->to_do (Dave Wysochanski) [1832644]
- [char] security: keys: trusted: fix lost handle flush (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [security] KEYS: trusted: Remove set but not used variable 'keyhndl' (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] KEYS: trusted: Move TPM2 trusted keys code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [security] KEYS: trusted: Create trusted keys subsystem (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [security] KEYS: Use common tpm_buf for trusted and asymmetric keys (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: Move tpm_buf code to include/linux/ (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm/tpm_tis: Free IRQ if probing fails (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: Revert tpm_tis_spi_mod.ko to tpm_tis_spi.ko (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: Add tpm_version_major sysfs file (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: Handle negative priv->response_len in tpm_common_read() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: fix invalid locking in NONBLOCKING mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm_crb: fix fTPM on AMD Zen+ CPUs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: use GFP_KERNEL instead of GFP_HIGHMEM for tpm_buf (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: add check after commands attribs tab allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: tpm_tis_spi: Drop THIS_MODULE usage from driver struct (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: tpm_tis_spi: Cleanup includes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: tpm_tis_spi: Support cr50 devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: tpm_tis_spi: Introduce a flow control callback (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: Add a flag to indicate TPM power is managed by firmware (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm_tis: override durations for STM tpm with firmware (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: provide a way to override the chip returned durations (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609]
- [char] tpm: Remove duplicate code from caps_show() in tpm-sysfs.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1788758]
- [char] tpm: tpm2_bios_measurements_next should increase position index (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: tpm1_bios_measurements_next should increase position index (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: Don't make log failures fatal (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: Initialize crypto_id of allocated_banks to HASH_ALGO__LAST (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [include] efi/tpm: Don't access event->count when it isn't mapped (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] efi/tpm: Return -EINVAL when determining tpm final events log size fails (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] efi/tpm: Fix sanity check of unsigned tbl_size being less than zero (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] efi/tpm: Only set 'efi_tpm_final_log_size' after successful event log parsing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] efi/tpm: Don't traverse an event log with no events (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: Don't duplicate events from the final event log in the TCG2 log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] Abstract out support for locating an EFI config table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] efi: Attempt to get the TCG2 event log in the boot stub (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: Append the final event log to the TPM event log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [firmware] tpm: Reserve the TPM final events table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [char] tpm: Abstract crypto agile event size calculations (Jerry Snitselaar) [1815609 1795739]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix accounting of vlan resources among the PFs (Manish Chopra) [1791026]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Use appropriate define for vlan credit (Manish Chopra) [1791026]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix logic to get total no. of PFs per engine (Manish Chopra) [1791026]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Do not handle requests from VFs after parity (Manish Chopra) [1791026]
- [netdrv] qed: remove redundant assignment to variable 'rc' (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix use after free in qed_chain_free (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix race condition between scheduling and destroying the slowpath workqueue (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qede: remove some unused code in function qede_selftest_receive_traffic (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qede: Fix race between rdma destroy workqueue and link change event (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix timestamping issue for L2 unicast ptp packets (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Remove set but not used variable 'p_link' (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix a error code in qed_hw_init() (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW debug features (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: rt init valid initialization changed (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Debug feature: ilt and mdump (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Add fw overlay feature (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW HSI changes (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW iscsi/fcoe changes (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Add abstraction for different hsi values per chip (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Additional ll2 type (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Use dmae to write to widebus registers in fw_funcs (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Parser offsets modified (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Queue Manager changes (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Expose new registers and change windows (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: FW Internal ram offsets modifications (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qede: Disable hardware gro when xdp prog is installed (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: remove redundant assignments to rc (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: Optimize execution time for nvm attributes configuration (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [netdrv] qed: fix spelling mistake "queuess" -> "queues" (Manish Chopra) [1791024]
- [fs] fs/binfmt_elf.c: allocate initialized memory in fill_thread_core_info() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1832060] {CVE-2020-10732}
- [tty] vt: selection, push sel_lock up (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: selection, push console lock down (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [staging] staging: speakup: refactor to use existing code in vt (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: selection: allow functions to be called from inside kernel (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: don't reinvent min() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: selection, close sel_buffer race (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: fix broken display when running aptitude (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: selection: take screen contents from uniscr if available (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [tty] vt: preserve unicode values corresponding to screen characters (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1831037] {CVE-2020-8648}
- [input] Input: add safety guards to input_set_keycode() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1828223] {CVE-2019-20636}

* Tue May 26 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-206.el8]
- [scsi] scsi: bnx2i: fix potential use after free (Nilesh Javali) [1792114]
- [tools] perf python: Fix clang detection to strip out options passed in $CC (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] libperf: Add counting example (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top TUI: Fix title line formatting (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf probe: Do not depend on dwfl_module_addrsym() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf probe: Fix to delete multiple probe event (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf parse-events: Fix reading of invalid memory in event parsing (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf python: Fix clang detection when using CC=clang-version (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf map: Fix off by one in strncpy() size argument (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools: Let O= makes handle a relative path with -C option (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools: Fix off-by 1 relative directory includes (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf jevents: Fix leak of mapfile memory (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf bench: Clear struct sigaction before sigaction() syscall (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf bench futex-wake: Restore thread count default to online CPU count (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf top: Fix stdio interface input handling with glibc 2.28+ (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf diff: Fix undefined string comparision spotted by clang's -Wstring-compare (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf symbols: Don't try to find a vmlinux file when looking for kernel modules (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf bench: Share some global variables to fix build with gcc 10 (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf parse-events: Use asprintf() instead of strncpy() to read tracepoint files (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf env: Do not return pointers to local variables (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf tests bp_account: Make global variable static (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix segfault with source toggle (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Align struct annotate_args (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Simplify disasm_line allocation and freeing code (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Remove privsize from symbol__annotate() args (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf probe: Check return value of strlist__add() for -ENOMEM (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf config: Document missing config options (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix perf config option description (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Prefer cmdline option over default config (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Make perf config effective (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf config: Introduce perf_config_u8() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix --show-nr-samples for tui/stdio2 (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix --show-total-period for tui/stdio2 (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf annotate/tui: Re-render title bar after switching back from script browser (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf arch powerpc: Sync powerpc syscall.tbl with the kernel sources (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add auxtrace_record__read_finish() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf arm-spe: Fix endless record after being terminated (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Fix endless record after being terminated (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf intel-bts: Fix endless record after being terminated (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix endless record after being terminated (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf test: Fix test on s390 (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf bpf: Remove bpf/ subdir from bpf.h headers used to build bpf events (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf llvm: Fix script used to obtain kernel make directives to work with new kbuild (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf tools: Add arm64 version of get_cpuid() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf trace: Resolve prctl's 'option' arg strings to numbers (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf beauty prctl: Export the 'options' strarray (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf maps: Move kmap::kmaps setup to maps__insert() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf maps: Fix map__clone() for struct kmap (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf maps: Mark ksymbol DSOs with kernel type (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf maps: Mark module DSOs with kernel type (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf symbols: Convert symbol__is_idle() to use strlist (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf symbols: Update the list of kernel idle symbols (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf stat: Don't report a null stalled cycles per insn metric (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf probe: Add ustring support for perf probe command (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf: Make perf able to build with latest libbfd (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf test: Fix test case Merge cpu map (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf parse: Copy string to perf_evsel_config_term (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf parse: Refactor 'struct perf_evsel_config_term' (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf: Use consistent include paths for libbpf (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf beauty sockaddr: Fix augmented syscall format warning (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Fix gtk2 build (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf ui gtk: Add missing zalloc object (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf tools: Use define api.pure full instead of pure-parser (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf tools: Support --prefix/--prefix-strip (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report: Clarify in help that --children is default (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools build: Fix test-clang.cpp with Clang 8+ (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf clang: Fix build with Clang 9 (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools lib: Fix builds when glibc contains strlcpy() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Make 'e' visible in the help and make it toggle showing callchains (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Do not offer annotation for symbols without samples (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Allow pressing hotkeys in the options popup menu (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools ui popup: Allow returning hotkeys (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf hists browser: Allow passing an initial hotkey (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Add 'k' hotkey to zoom directly into the kernel map (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf hists browser: Generalize the do_zoom_dso() function (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Improve toggle callchain menu option (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Add menu entry for toggling callchain expansion (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf report/top: Make ENTER consistently bring up menu (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf hists browser: Restore ESC as "Zoom out" of DSO/thread/etc (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools lib api fs: Fix gcc9 stringop-truncation compilation error (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] libperf: Add man pages (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] libperf: Move to tools/lib/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf tests bp_signal: Show expected versus obtained values (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf sched timehist: Add support for filtering on CPU (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf record: Adapt affinity to machines with #CPUs > 1K (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] perf mmap: Declare type for cpu mask of arbitrary length (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [tools] tools bitmap: Implement bitmap_equal() operation at bitmap API (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/amd/uncore: Replace manual sampling check with CAP_NO_INTERRUPT flag (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix inaccurate period in context switch for auto-reload (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/amd: Add missing L2 misses event spec to AMD Family 17h's event map (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Add Tremont support (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/cstate: Add Tremont support (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add Elkhart Lake support (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [include] kernel/events: Add a missing prototype for arch_perf_update_userpage() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/amd: Add support for Large Increment per Cycle Events (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/amd: Constrain Large Increment per Cycle events (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add Comet Lake support (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Explicitly include asm/io.h to use virt_to_phys() (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] x86/cpu: Add Elkhart Lake to Intel family (Michael Petlan) [1818841]
- [x86] x86/timer: Don't skip PIT setup when APIC is disabled or in legacy mode (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [x86] x86/intel: Disable HPET on Intel Ice Lake platforms (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [x86] x86/timer: Force PIT initialization when !X86_FEATURE_ARAT (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [x86] x86/timer: Skip PIT initialization on modern chipsets (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [x86] x86/apic: Rename 'lapic_timer_frequency' to 'lapic_timer_period' (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [x86] x86/apic: Unify duplicated local apic timer clockevent initialization (David Arcari) [1837490]
- [vhost] vsock: kick send_pkt worker once device is started (Stefano Garzarella) [1835651]
- [tools] redhat: update kvm/{arm, arm64} headers in tools (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [tools] kvm: selftests: aarch64: Use stream when given (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: Fix 32bit PC wrap-around (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: vgic-v4: Initialize GICv4.1 even in the absence of a virtual ITS (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: Save/restore sp_el0 as part of __guest_enter (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: vgic-its: Fix memory leak on the error path of vgic_add_lpi() (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: vgic-v3: Retire all pending LPIs on vcpu destroy (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm: vgic-v2: Only use the virtual state when userspace accesses pending bits (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm: vgic: Only use the virtual state when userspace accesses enable bits (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm: vgic: Synchronize the whole guest on GIC{D, R}_I{S, C}ACTIVER read (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: psci: Forbid 64bit functions for 32bit guests (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: psci: Narrow input registers when using 32bit functions (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Update effective affinity of virtual SGIs (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Add support for VPENDBASER's Dirty+Valid signaling (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm: vgic: Fix limit condition when writing to GICD_I[CS]ACTIVER (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Expose HW-based SGIs in debugfs (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Eagerly vmap vPEs (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [arm64] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Allow non-trapping WFI when using HW SGIs (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Add VSGI property setup (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Reload VLPI configuration on distributor enable/disable (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Add VSGI allocation/teardown (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Plumb SGI implementation selection in the distributor (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Move doorbell management to the GICv4 abstraction layer (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Allow SGIs to switch between HW and SW interrupts (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Plumb set_vcpu_affinity SGI callbacks (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Add direct injection capability to SGI registers (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [virt] kvm: arm64: gicv4.1: Let doorbells be auto-enabled (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Plumb get/set_irqchip_state SGI callbacks (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Plumb mask/unmask SGI callbacks (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Add initial SGI configuration (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Plumb skeletal VSGI irqchip (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v3: Move irq_domain_update_bus_token to after checking for NULL domain (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [kernel] irqchip/gic-v4: Use Inner-Shareable attributes for virtual pending tables (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Map the ITS SGIR register page (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Advertise support v4.1 to KVM (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Ensure mutual exclusion betwen invalidations on the same RD (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Wait for completion of redistributor's INVALL operation (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Ensure mutual exclusion between vPE affinity change and RD access (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4.1: Skip absent CPUs while iterating over redistributors (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v3: Use SGIs without active state if offered (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v4: Provide irq_retrigger to avoid circular locking dependency (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v3-its: Probe ITS page size for all GITS_BASERn registers (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [irqchip] gic-v3-its: Fix access width for gicr_syncr (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [documentation] kvm: arm/arm64: Always capitalize ITS (Gavin Shan) [1833572]
- [nvme] nvme-pci: align io queue count with allocted nvme_queue in nvme_probe (Gopal Tiwari) [1837824]
- [rtc] rtc: cmos: Stop using shared IRQ (Pingfan Liu) [1829667]

* Mon May 25 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-205.el8]
- [netdrv] enic: prevent waking up stopped tx queues over watchdog reset (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1797807]
- [kernel] crash_core: Increase crashkernel=auto size for x86_64 & S390 (Kairui Song) [1746644]
- [netdrv] net: iavf: reject unsupported coalescing params (Stefan Assmann) [1781341]
- [netdrv] iavf: Enable support for up to 16 queues (Stefan Assmann) [1781341]
- [netdrv] iavf: use tc_cls_can_offload_and_chain0() instead of chain check (Stefan Assmann) [1781341]
- [netdrv] treewide: Use sizeof_field() macro (Stefan Assmann) [1781341]
- [netdrv] i40e: Remove unneeded conversion to bool (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] net: i40e: reject unsupported coalescing params (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] intel: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix the conditional for i40e_vc_validate_vqs_bitmaps (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix spelling mistake "to" -> "too" (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: Set PHY Access flag on X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix virtchnl_queue_select bitmap validation (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: Removing hung_queue variable to use txqueue function parameter (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] treewide: Use sizeof_field() macro (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: need_wakeup flag might not be set for Tx (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix receive buffer starvation for AF_XDP (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix potential RX buffer starvation for AF_XDP (Stefan Assmann) [1781334]
- [block] null_blk: Fix changing the number of hardware queues (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [block] block: reset mapping if failed to update hardware queue count (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [block] block: alloc map and request for new hardware queue (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [block] block: save previous hardware queue count before udpate (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [block] block: free both rq_map and request (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [block] blk-mq: Fix a recently introduced regression in blk_mq_realloc_hw_ctxs() (Ming Lei) [1835602]
- [documentation] Documentation: admin-guide: PM: Add intel_idle document (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [idle] intel_idle: Use ACPI _CST on server systems (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [idle] intel_idle: Add module parameter to prevent ACPI _CST from being used (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [idle] intel_idle: Allow ACPI _CST to be used for selected known processors (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [idle] intel_idle: Use ACPI _CST for processor models without C-state tables (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [idle] intel_idle: Refactor intel_idle_cpuidle_driver_init() (Steve Best) [1485545]
- [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Move IB_EVENT_DEVICE_FATAL to destroy_uobj (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Do not discard the IB_EVENT_DEVICE_FATAL event (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Fix double put of resource (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/core: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in pkey cache (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Fix another case where pq is left on waitlist (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Always return ERR_PTR from rxe_create_mmap_info() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Fix race between destroy and release FD object (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/rdmavt: Always return ERR_PTR from rvt_create_mmap_info() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Fix overwriting of uobj in case of error (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Prevent mixed use of FDs between shared ufiles (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/uverbs: Fix a race with disassociate and exit_mmap() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/siw: Fix potential siw_mem refcnt leak in siw_fastreg_mr() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Fix an error check in cm_alloc_id_priv() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [net] svcrdma: Fix trace point use-after-free race (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Call kobject_put() when kobject_init_and_add() fails (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Set sys_image_guid to be aligned with HW IB devices (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Remove kobj from hfi1_devdata (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/rdmavt: Delete unused routine (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Fix configuration of atomic queue pair attributes (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Fix memory leaks in sysfs registration and unregistration (Kamal Heib) [1819051 1786608]
- [net] svcrdma: Fix leak of transport addresses (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Update num_paths in cma_resolve_iboe_route error flow (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/siw: Suppress uninitialized var warning (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Add missing locking around id.state in cm_dup_req_handler (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Read id.state under lock when doing pr_debug() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Remove a race freeing timewait_info (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Fix checking for allowed duplicate listens (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Fix ordering of xa_alloc_cyclic() in ib_create_cm_id() (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [net] svcrdma: Fix double svc_rdma_send_ctxt_put() in an error path (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/core: Remove the duplicate header file (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/siw: Fix passive connection establishment (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/ucma: Put a lock around every call to the rdma_cm layer (Kamal Heib) [1786608]
- [infiniband] RDMA/siw: Fix setting active_{speed, width} attributes (Kamal Heib) [1798583 1786608]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Delete all sessions before unregister local nvme port (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix hang when issuing nvme disconnect-all in NPIV (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: make 1-bit bit-fields unsigned int (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix MPI failure AEN (8200) handling (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Move free of fcport out of interrupt context (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix I/Os being passed down when FC device is being deleted (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Set Nport ID for N2N (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Handle NVME status iocb correctly (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Remove restriction of FC T10-PI and FC-NVMe (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize fc_port alloc in N2N (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix NPIV instantiation after FW dump (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Force semaphore on flash validation failure (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: add more FW debug information (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Update BPM enablement semantics (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use a dedicated interrupt handler for 'handshake-required' ISPs (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Return appropriate failure through BSG Interface (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix FCP-SCSI FC4 flag passing error (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add 16.0GT for PCI String (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use QLA_FW_STOPPED macro to propagate flag (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add fixes for mailbox command (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix control flags for login/logout IOCB (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Save rscn_gen for new fcport (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use correct ISP28xx active FW region (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use endian macros to assign static fields in fwdump header (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add endianizer macro calls to fc host stats (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use get_unaligned_*() instead of open-coding these functions (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix the endianness of the qla82xx_get_fw_size() return type (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Improve readability of the code that handles qla_flt_header (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mtcp dump collection failure (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix stuck session in GNL (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix RIDA Format-2 (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Consolidate fabric scan (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Correct fcport flags handling (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix stuck login session using prli_pend_timer (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use common routine to free fcport struct (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add D-Port Diagnostic reason explanation logs (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix update_fcport for current_topology (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Cleanup unused async_logout_done (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add a shadow variable to hold disc_state history of fcport (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Retry PLOGI on FC-NVMe PRLI failure (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix fabric scan hang (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Remove defer flag to indicate immeadiate port loss (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Add debug dump of LOGO payload and ELS IOCB (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Ignore PORT UPDATE after N2N PLOGI (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Don't defer relogin unconditonally (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Send Notify ACK after N2N PLOGI (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Configure local loop for N2N target (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix PLOGI payload and ELS IOCB dump length (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Don't call qlt_async_event twice (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Allow PLOGI in target mode (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Change discovery state before PLOGI (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Drop superfluous INIT_WORK of del_work (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Initialize free_work before flushing it (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Use explicit LOGO in target mode (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Ignore NULL pointer in tcm_qla2xxx_free_mcmd (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: Fix qla2x00_request_irqs() for MSI (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: unregister ports after GPN_FT failure (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [scsi] scsi: qla2xxx: fix rports not being mark as lost in sync fabric scan (Nilesh Javali) [1789526]
- [s390] s390/kexec_file: fix initrd location for kdump kernel (Lianbo Jiang) [1835097]

* Sat May 23 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-204.el8]
- [sound] ALSA: ALSA - update sound configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Revert "ALSA: Use the legacy HDA driver as default for Intel DSP platforms" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: IPC: dai-intel: move ALH declarations in header file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: add core id to sof_ipc_comp (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: compress: bump the version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: compress: add alac & ape decoder params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: compress: Add wma decoder params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: compress: add wma codec profiles (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: remove X86 dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: depend on ACPI || OF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: depend on ACPI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix regmap dependencies and align with other serial links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix kconfig help format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: Kconfig: fix help format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: remove useless prototypes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi_disco: Switch to use fwnode_property_count_uXX() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: don't program ports when a stream that has not been prepared (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: fix support for multiple Slaves on the same link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: do not update parameters during DISABLED-PREPARED transition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: only prepare stream when it is configured (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: update state machine and add state checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Documentation: soundwire: Ensure that code is inside the code blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Documentation: soundwire: fix stream.rst markup warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Documentation: soundwire: Add documentation for multi link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: remove redundant pr_err traces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: remove unnecessary variable initializations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: fix disable sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: fix bad unlock balance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: use sdw_write instead of update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix PDI/stream mapping for Bulk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus_type: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: export helpers to find row and column values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: check first if Slaves become UNATTACHED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: Add read_only_wordlength flag to port properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix device number leak on errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: sdw_slave: track unattach_request to handle all init sequences (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: sdw_slave: add initialization_complete definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: sdw_slave: add enumeration_complete structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: sdw_slave: add probe_complete structure and new fields (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: remove bitfield for unique_id, use u8 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: make stream name a const pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: Add compute_params callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: provide correct return value on error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add helper macros for devID fields (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: don't treat CMD_IGNORED as error on ClockStop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: add clock stop helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix io error when processing alert event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: avoid multiple assignments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: disable pm_runtime in sdw_slave_delete (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: add helper to clear Slave status to UNATTACHED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: write Slave Device Number without runtime_pm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: add PM/no-PM versions of read/write functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: improve dynamic debug comments for enumeration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: split handling of Device0 events (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix race condition with initialization_complete signaling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix race condition with enumeration_complete signaling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix race condition with probe_complete signaling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: ignore uniqueID when irrelevant (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: slave: add helper to extract slave ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: slave: fix scanf format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: slave: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: core: add device tree support for slave devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: set initial value to port_status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: clear FIFO to avoid pop noise issue on playback start (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: multi-link support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: commit changes in the exit_reset() sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: remove automatic command retries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: remove PREQ_DELAY assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: enable NORMAL operation in cdns_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: reorder MCP_CONFIG settings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: make SSP interval programmable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: move clock/SSP related inits to dedicated function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: merge routines to clear/set bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: mask Slave interrupt before stopping clock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: fix a io timeout issue in S3 test (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: add clock_stop/restart routines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: handle error cases with CONFIG_UPDATE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: add interface to check clock status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: simplifiy cdns_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: s/update_config/config_update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: fix kernel-doc parameter descriptions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: remove useless variable incrementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: update kernel-doc parameter descriptions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: handle multiple status reports per Slave (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: remove config update for interrupt setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: log more useful information during timeouts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: clear interrupt status before enabling interrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: filter out bad interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: make clock stop exit configurable on init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: free all resources on hw_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add sdw_stream_setup helper for .startup callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add trigger support in sdw dai driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add prepare support in sdw dai driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: rename res field as link_res (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix factor of two in MCLK handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: update stream callbacks for hwparams/free stream operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: update interfaces between ASoC and SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix typo in comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: use correct header for io calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel_init: add kernel module parameter to filter out links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel_init: add checks on link numbers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: filter SoundWire controller device search (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: remove empty line after braces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel_init: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add helper for initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix intel_register_dai PDI offsets and numbers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel/cadence: add flag for interrupt enable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: remove playback/capture stream_name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: remove DAI_ID_RANGE definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add missing headers for cross-compilation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: handle disabled links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: add debugfs register dump (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: remove unused variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: more alignment fixes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: add hw_reset capability in debugfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel/cadence: fix startup sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: improve PDI allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: don't filter out PDI0/1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence/intel: simplify PDI/port mapping (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: add debugfs register dump (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: move shutdown() callback and don't export symbol (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix alignment issues in header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix SPDX license for header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: add kernel parameter to override interrupt mask (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: fix divider setting in clock register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: make use of mclk_freq property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: use firmware defaults for frame shape (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: revisit interrupt settings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: fix definitions for INTSTAT0/1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: fix register definition for SLAVE_STATE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: simplify bus clash interrupt clear (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: check the number of bidir PDIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: log Slave status mask on errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: use rate_limited dynamic debug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: remove spurious newline (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: fix boolean comparisons (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: balance parentheses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence_master: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cdns: Fix compilation error on arm64 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: cadence: remove empty line after braces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: read mclk_freq property from firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix channel number reported by hardware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: prevent possible dereference in hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: remove BIOS work-arounds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: set dai min and max channels correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: Intel: add log for number of PCM and PDM PDIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add debugfs support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add new mclk_freq field for properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: include mod_devicetable.h to avoid compiling warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: rename/clarify MIPI DisCo properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: clarify comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi-disco: fix clock stop modes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi-disco: remove master_count property for masters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: remove master data port properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add port-related definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: wrap macro argument in parenthesis (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: rename 'freq' fields (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi_disco: fix master/link error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi_disco: fix boolean comparisons (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: mipi_disco: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: fix out of boundary access on port properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add a blank line between functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix more typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: more alignment fixes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: remove empty line before/after braces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: add missing newlines in dynamic debug logs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: stream: remove useless initialization of local variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix boolean comparison (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: protect macro parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix implicit header use of module.h/export.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: intel: fix inversion in devm_kcalloc parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: remove spurious newline (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix boolean comparisons (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: remove useless parentheses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix typos in comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: bus: fix alignment issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: remove useless initializations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: fix SPDX license for header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm-dai: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm-dai: add support for ALAC and APE decoders (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm-dai: add support to wma decoder (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm-dai: only enable dais from device tree (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm: add support for alac and ape configs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm: add support to wma config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm: pass codec profile to q6asm_open_write (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: remove default routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sprd: Allow the MCDT driver to build into modules (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: q6dsp6: q6afe-dai: add missing channels to MI2S DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: lpass-platform: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: common: Silence duplicate parse error messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: sdm845: handle soundwire stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: Update dependencies for Arizona machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: qcom: add support for get_sdw_stream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: use for_each_rtd_codecs/cpus_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soundwaire: qcom: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soundwire: qcom: add support for SoundWire controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: sdm845: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rockchip: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: s3c24xx-i2s: Fix build after removal of DAI suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: Silence warnings during deferred probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: fsi: Restore devm_ioremap() alignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: dma: set bus width to data width for monaural data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Fix "status check failed" spam for multi-SSI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Don't treat master SSI in multi SSI setup as parent (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Fix parent SSI start/stop in multi-SSI mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Fix HDMI channel mapping for multi-SSI mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sprd: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: i2s: manage rebind issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: i2s: improve error management on probe deferral (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: i2s: manage error when getting reset controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: manage error when getting reset controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: improve error management on probe deferral (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: fix sai probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: soc/stm/stm32_sub_sai: Add missing '\n' in log messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: Add missing cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: manage rebind issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: fix regmap status check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: improve error management on probe deferral (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: manage error when getting reset controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sunxi: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sun8i-codec: Remove unused dev from codec struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tegra: tegra_wm8903: Support DAPM events for built-in microphone (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tegra: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: remove redundant assignment to variable ret (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Add support for platforms using UDMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: Add udma-pcm platform driver for UDMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: txx9: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: uniphier: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ux500: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xtensa: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: zte: zx-spdif: remove redundant dev_err message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: zte: zx-tdm: remove redundant variables dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: apq8016_sbc: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mxs: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: use for_each_rtd_codecs/cpus_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219-max98357: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: use SND_SOC_DAPM_PINCTRL in TDM out (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: apply some refactors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: pull TDM GPIO pins down when probed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: change supported formats of DL2 and UL1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: add speaker switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8173-rt5650: support HDMI jack reporting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: kirkwood: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add support for the JZ4770 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add support for the JZ4760 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Avoid passing enum as match data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Add local dev variable in probe function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740: Use of_device_get_match_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740-i2s: Fix divider written at incorrect offset in register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: img: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: generic: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: simple-card-utils: use for_each_pcm_streams() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: simple-card: Add support for codec2codec DAI links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: fsl_asrc_dma: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: dwc-i2s: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: cirrus: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bcm: Fix pointer cast warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bcm: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: brcm: Add DSL/PON SoC audio driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: au1x: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mchp-i2s-mcc: make signed 1 bit bitfields unsigned (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Allow I2S wake event after ACP is powerd On (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: acp3x-pcm-dma: clean up two indentation issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: AMD: Clear format bits before setting them (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Adding TDM support in hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Fix button configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoc: amd: acp3x: Add missing include <linux/io.h> (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Fix compile warning of argument type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoc: amd: Add DMIC switch capability to machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Add machine driver for Raven based platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: Fix potential NULL dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for Kingston HyperX Cloud Alpha S (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Apply async workaround for Scarlett 2i4 2nd gen (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Correct a typo of NuPrime DAC-10 USB ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add Pioneer DJ DJM-250MK2 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Use pcm_for_each_format() macro for PCM format iterations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix missing braces in some struct inits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix usb audio refcnt leak when getting spdif (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add connector notifier delegation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add static mapping table for ALC1220-VB-based mobos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Check mapping at creating connector controls, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add mixer workaround for TRX40 and co (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Don't create jack controls for PCM terminals (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Don't override ignore_ctl_error value from the map (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Filter error from connector kctl ops, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix mixer controls' USB interface for Kingston HyperX Amp (0951:16d8) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Parse source ID of UAC2 effect unit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: audio-v2: Add uac2_effect_unit_descriptor definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Don't create a mixer element with bogus volume range (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix case when USB MIDI interface has more than one extra endpoint descriptor (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-midi: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: line6: Fix POD HD500 audio playback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: line6: Fix endless MIDI read loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Filter out unsupported sample rates on Focusrite devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for Presonus Studio 1810c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add support for MOTU MicroBook IIc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Inform devices that need delayed registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add delayed_register option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Rewrite registration quirk handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Create a registration quirk for Kingston HyperX Amp (0951:16d8) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd9335: fix address map representation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: Remove some unnecessary NULL checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: remove unused headers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: fix High Accuracy Buck enable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: Remove set but not unused variable 'hph_comp_ctrl7' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm0010: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8960: Fix wrong clock after suspend & resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: remove soundwire stream handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: request gpio direction before setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wsa881x: mark read_only_wordlength flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8974: remove unused variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm_adsp: Use scnprintf() for the limited buffer output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas571x: disable regulators on failed probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Fixed incorrect amp_level setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Add support for ISENSE and VSENSE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Add entries for the TAS2563 audio amplifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Add support for digital volume control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix VAG power-on handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: modify some structure to be static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS imply ac97 fallout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm89xx: Add missing dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: fix unmet dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS imply misc fallout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: adau7118: Fix Kconfig warning without CONFIG_I2C (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS imply I2C fallout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS imply SPI fallout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682-sdw: fix 'defined but not used' pm functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Make rt5682_clock_config static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Fix build error without CONFIG_I2C (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: move DAI clock registry to I2S mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Add a property for DMIC delay (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Add a property for DMIC clock rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: remove noisy debug messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: fix the random recording noise of headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Fine tune the HP performance in soundwire mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Revise the DAC1 volume setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Revise the function name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Add the soundwire support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Use imply for SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Add CCF usage for providing I2S clks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Enable PLL2 function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: Add the field "is_sdw" of private data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5659: remove redundant assignment to variable idx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5645: Add platform-data for Medion E1239T (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1308-sdw: use slot and rx_mask to configure stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1308-sdw: add set_tdm_slot() support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: fix typo for bypass boost control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rl6231: Add new supports on rl6231 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rockchip: Make RK3328 GPIO_MUTE control explicit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: MT6660: make happy (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: MT6660 update to 1.0.8_G (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98357a: Add ACPI HID MAX98360A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98357a: move control of SD_MODE to DAPM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: hdac_hdmi: Fix incorrect use of list_for_each_entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: hdac_hdmi: (cosmetic) remove redundant variable initialisations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: cs4270: pull reset GPIO low then high (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: allow operation without i915 gfx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix ordering bug in resume flow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add parameter to control SoundWire clock stop quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: initial SoundWire machine driver autodetect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add SoundWire stream config/free callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Account for compress streams when servicing IRQs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix stream cleanup on hw free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: clear the IPC ack bit after FW_PURGE done (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Asoc: SOF: Intel: hda: check SoundWire wakeen interrupt in irq thread (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: add WAKEEN interrupt support for SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: merge IPC, stream and SoundWire interrupt handlers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: add SoundWire configuration interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Expose SDnFMT helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Fix probe point getter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: pcm: skip DMA buffer pre-allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Turn "firmware boot complete" message into a dbg message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: ipc: check ipc return value before data copy (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sof: sof-audio: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Do not reset hw_params for streams that ignored suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: audio: Add helper to check if only D0i3 streams are active (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Add i.MX8QM device descriptor (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Remove SOF_IPC_EXT_DMA_BUFFER (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Make sof_ipc_ext_data enum more rigid (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: fix uninitialised "work" with VirtIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: (cosmetic) use for_each_pcm_streams() in sof_dai_load() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: connect dai widget to all cpu-dais (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: remove unnecessary ROM IPC filter function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: add stream capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-ctrl: add reset cycle before parsing capabilities (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: call codec wake at chip init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: do not leave clock gating off upon error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: disable SoundWire interrupts on suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sof: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Improve DSP state logging (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: use snd_sof_dsp_set_power_state() op (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Allow trace DMA in S0 when DSP is in D0I3 for debug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Amend the DSP state transition diagram (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: cnl: Implement feature to support DSP D0i3 in S0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: remove unnecessary waitq before loading firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: add min/max channels for SSP on Baytrail/Broadwell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: remove SND_SOC_SOF_HDA_COMMON_HDMI_CODEC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Probe compress operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix Kconfig indentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx8: Add ops for i.MX8QM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Rename i.MX8 platform to i.MX8X (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Provide probe debugfs support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Move DSP power state transitions to platform-specific ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: pm: Introduce DSP power states (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: pm: Unify suspend/resume routines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Add Probe compress CPU DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Generic probe compress operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Implement Probe IPC API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: use for_each_rtd_codecs/cpus_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: cml_rt1011_rt5682: use for_each_rtd_codec_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: haswell: Remove ignore_suspend flag from SSP0 dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: BXT: switch pcm512x based boards to sof_pcm512x (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: CHT: add support for pcm512x boards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: soc-acpi-intel-icl-match: remove useless 'rt1308_2_adr' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi-intel-cml-match: remove useless 'rt1308_2_adr' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_pcm512x: drop reverse deps for SND_HDA_CODEC_HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Add support for tgl-max98373-rt5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Add rt1015 speaker amp support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: drop reverse deps for SND_HDA_CODEC_HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: Add Volteer support with RT5682 SNDW helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: add sof_sdw machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: add match table for TGL RT5682 SoundWire driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: update topology and driver name for SoundWire platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: Add mach table for tgl-max98373-rt5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-acpi: expand description of _ADR-based devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Await purge request ack on CNL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Allow for ROM init retry on CNL platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skylake: (cosmetic) remove redundant variable initialisations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Enable codec wakeup during chip init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select hda configuration permissively (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Remove superfluous chip initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Shield against no-NHLT configurations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sof_da7219_max98373: Add speaker switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_da7219_max98373: Add support for max98360a speaker amp (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skl_nau88l25_ssm4567: disable route checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel/skl/hda - add no-HDMI cases to generic HDA driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Make glk+rt5682 echo ref dynamic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: don't use GFP_ATOMIC for machine driver contexts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for MPMAN MPWIN895CL tablet (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: broadwell: Remove ignore_suspend flag from SSP0 dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: broadwell: Revert back SSP0 link to use dummy components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5677: Remove ignore_suspend flag from SSP0 dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5677: Revert SSP0 link to use dummy components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5650: Remove ignore_suspend flag from SSP0 dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5650: Revert SSP0 link to use dummy components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: (cosmetic) simplify structure member access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: atom: Fix uninitialized variable compiler warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: mrfld: return error codes when an error occurs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: use asoc_rtd_to_cpu() / asoc_rtd_to_codec() macro for DAI pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_pcm512x: make HDMI optional for all platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_pcm512x: add support for SOF platforms with pcm512x (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: mrfld: fix incorrect check on p->sink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: atom: Check drv->lock is locked in sst_fill_and_send_cmd_unlocked (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: atom: Take the drv->lock mutex before calling sst_send_slot_map() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Use scnprintf() for string truncation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Allow setting preallocation again for x86 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Fix endianness issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value of soc_tplg_dai_config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value of pcm_new_ver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Add missing memory checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check soc_tplg_add_route return value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value of soc_tplg_*_create (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value of soc_tplg_create_tlv (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: use name_prefix for new kcontrol (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Perform component check upfront (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fix regwmask (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-generic-dmaengine-pcm: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dapm: Merge for_each_rtd_cpu/codec_dais() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: Remove dapm_connect_dai_link_widgets helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: Move error message to avoid some duplication (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: select sleep_state when initializing PINCTRL widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: connect virtual mux with default value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: fixup dapm kcontrol widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dai: revert all changes to DAI startup/shutdown sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dai: fix DAI startup/shutdown sequence (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dai: return proper error for get_sdw_stream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dai: add get_sdw_stream() callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: export DPCM runtime update functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dpcm: allow start or stop during pause for backend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: Merge for_each_rtd_cpu/codec_dais() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: (cosmetic) simplify dpcm_prune_paths() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: Merge for_each_rtd_cpu/codec_dais() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: Merge CPU/Codec for soc_dai_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: Fix regression introducing multiple copies of DAI widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add asoc_rtd_to_cpu/codec() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: Merge CPU/Codec DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dapm: add for_each_card_widgets() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dapm: add for_each_card_dapms() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc.h: remove non plural form for_each_xxx macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc.h: add for_each_rtd_codecs/cpus_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc: use for_each_rtd_codecs/cpus_dai() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: disable route checks for legacy devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add initial support for multiple CPU DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fix card registration regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dapm: don't use rtd->cpu_dai on for_each_rtd_cpu_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add multiple CPU DAI support in DAPM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add dapm_add_valid_dai_widget helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: Do Digital Mute for both CPU/Codec in same timing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: check DAI's activity more simply (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: tidyup dulicate handing at dpcm_fe_dai_startup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use snd_soc_dai_get_pcm_stream() at dpcm_set_fe_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add dpcm_fe_dai_cleanup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: move dpcm_fe_dai_close() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm: Export parameter intersection logic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: remove duplicate be check from dpcm_add_paths() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use defined stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm: check if cpu-dai supports a given stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Return error if the function does not support multi-cpu (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add multiple CPU DAI support for PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: fix state tracking error in snd_soc_component_open/close() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: move dpcm_path_put() to soc-pcm.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: merge dpcm_run_new/old_update() into dpcm_fe_runtime_update() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add snd_soc_dai_get_widget() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: cleanup soc_pcm_apply_msb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add snd_soc_dai_get_pcm_stream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm/soc-compress: don't use snd_soc_dapm_stream_stop() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dpcm: remove confusing trace in dpcm_get_be() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm: Fix possible buffer overflow in dpcm state sysfs output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use for_each_pcm_streams() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: merge playback/cature_active into stream_active (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use goto and remove multi return (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add snd_soc_dpcm_can_be() and remove duplicate code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: remove snd_soc_dpcm_be_get/set_state() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: remove soc_dpcm_be_digital_mute() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use dpcm_get_be() at dpcm_end_walk_at_be() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use dai_get_widget() at dpcm_end_walk_at_be() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: use dai_get_widget() at dpcm_get_be() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: move dai_get_widget() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: fix regression in soc_new_pcm() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: tidyup soc_pcm_open() order (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: move soc_pcm_close() next to soc_pcm_open() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: adjustment for DAI member 0 reset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: call snd_soc_component_open/close() once (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: don't use bit-OR'ed error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm/soc-compress: use snd_soc_dapm_stream_stop() for SND_SOC_DAPM_STREAM_STOP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add for_each_dapm_widgets() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add snd_soc_runtime_action() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: call snd_soc_dai_startup()/shutdown() once (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: ensure component names are unique (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: allow a dt node to provide several components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu8000: Fix the cast to __user pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opti9xx: shut up gcc-10 range warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire-tascam: Add missing annotation for tscm_hwdep_read_queue() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire-tascam: Add missing annotation for tscm_hwdep_read_locked() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire: use KBUILD_MODNAME for struct instead of string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: via82xx: Fix endianness annotations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdsp: remove redundant assignment to variable err (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: korg1212: fix if-statement empty body warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1724: Fix invalid access for enumerated ctl items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Two front mics on a Lenovo ThinkCenter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add new codec supported for ALC245 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix unexpected init_amp override (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset mic on Asus FX505DT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add quirk for MSI GL63 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add HP new mute led supported for ALC236 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add supported new mute Led for HP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add quirk for Lenovo Carbon X1 8th gen (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Remove now-unnecessary XPS 13 headphone noise fixups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Set principled PC Beep configuration for ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - a fake key event is triggered by running shutup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute LED on an HP system (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset of Acer N50-600 with ALC662 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable headset mic of Acer X2660G with ALC662 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix pop noise on ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: Move ELD parse and jack reporting into update_eld() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: Move runtime PM resume into hdmi_present_sense_via_verbs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: Don't use standard hda_jack for generic HDMI jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: Reduce hda_jack_tbl lookup at unsol event handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drm/nouveau: Fix regression by audio component transition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: fix without unlocked before return (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: fix race in monitor detection during probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add module option to disable audio component binding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Add Recon3Di quirk to handle integrated sound on EVGA X99 Classified motherboard (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Match both PCI ID and SSID for driver blacklist (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Remove ASUS ROG Zenith from the blacklist (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: call runtime_allow() for all hda controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Explicitly permit using autosuspend if runtime PM is supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Keep the controller initialization even if no codecs found (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Release resources at error in delayed probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Honor PM disablement in PM freeze and thaw_noirq ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Don't release card at firmware loading error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Add driver blacklist (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: remove redundant assignment to variable timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda_codec: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Always use jackpoll helper for jack update after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Skip controller resume if not needed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Fix potential access overflow in beep helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: default enable CA0132 DSP support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Fix endianness annotations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctxfi: Remove unnecessary cast in kfree (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ali5451: remove redundant variable capture_flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dummy: Use standard macros for fixing PCM format cast (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Fix PCM format assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Use a macro for parameter masks to reduce the needed cast (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Minor refactoring (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dmaengine_pcm: No need to take runtime reference twice in pcm_pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dmaengine_pcm: Consider DMA cache caused delay in pointer callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dmaengine_pcm: Consider DMA cache caused delay in pointer callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm_dmaengine: Use pcm_for_each_format() macro for PCM format iteration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Fix superfluous snprintf() usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Place the plugin buffer overflow checks correctly (for 5.7) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix regression by buffer overflow fix (again) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Remove WARNING from snd_pcm_plug_alloc() checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Simplify plugin frame size calculations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Avoid plugin buffer overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: info: remove redundant assignment to variable c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Unlock mutex temporarily for sleeping at read/write (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Use standard macros for fixing PCM format cast (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Add a standalone version of snd_pcm_limit_hw_rates (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: More helper macros for reducing snd_pcm_format_t cast (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm.h: add for_each_pcm_streams() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Add snd_device_get_state() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Implement compress page allocation and free routines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Expand DMA buffer information (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: uapi: Fix sparse warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: control: Fix incompatible protocol error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctl: bump protocol version up to v2.1.0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctl: remove unused macro for timestamping of elem_value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: use __u32 instead of uint32_t in uapi headers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: uapi: remove unused sof header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: uapi: Drop unneeded typedefs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: uapi: Add linux/types.h include back (but carefully) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdspm: Drop linux/types.h inclusion in uapi header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Spelling s/configr/configur/ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: fix for_rtd_codec_dai_rollback() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dpcm: tidyup for_each_dpcm_xx() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: simple_card_utils.h: Fix potential multiple redefinition error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rawmidi: Avoid bit fields for state flags (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: memalloc: Drop snd_dma_pci_data() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: solo6x10: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: cs231xx: Clean up ALSA PCM API usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: em28xx: Clean up ALSA PCM API usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: delete unused proc_fs.h include (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: em28xx-audio: use GFP_KERNEL for memory allocation during init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: go7007: Clean up ALSA PCM API usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: tm6000: Clean up ALSA PCM API usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: usbtv: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: solo6x10: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: tw686x: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: Drop superfluous PCM preallocation error checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: media: tw686x: audio: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Allow const arrays for legacy resource management helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcmcia: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pdaudiocf: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pdaudiocf: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pdaudiocf: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcmcia: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pdaudiocf: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: parisc: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: parisc: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: parisc: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire-tascam: fix corruption due to spin lock without restoration in SoftIRQ context (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxfw: fix for Stanton SCS.1d (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxfw: don't add MIDI/PCM interface when packet streaming is unavailable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxfw: fix return value in error path of isochronous resources reservation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxfw: use ENXIO for not-supported cases (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire-motu: fix double unlocked 'motu->mutex' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: fireface: fix return value in error path of isochronous resources reservation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dice: loosen stream format check for MIDI conformant data channel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dice: fix fallback from protocol extension into limited functionality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dice: add support for Alesis MasterControl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: firewire: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emux: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sparc: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Apply 48kHz fixed rate playback for Jabra Evolve 65 headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: add quirks for Line6 Helix devices fw>=2.82 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add clock validity quirk for Denon MC7000/MCX8000 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Apply sample rate quirk for Audioengine D1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix UAC2/3 effect unit parsing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Annotate endianess in Scarlett gen2 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix endianess in descriptor validation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: add implicit fb quirk for MOTU M Series (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: unlock on error in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: fix sync-ep altsetting sanity check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add boot quirk for MOTU M Series (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: update old-style static const declaration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: bcd2000: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: caiaq: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Use lower hex numbers for IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Apply the sample rate quirk for Bose Companion 5 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: Constify struct snd_usb_audio_quirk entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: line6: Constify snd_ratden definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: Constify snd_pcm_hardware definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: fix Corsair Virtuoso mixer label collision (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: fix set_format altsetting sanity check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: set the interface format after resume on Dell WD19 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: Adjust indentation in snd_usX2Y_hwdep_dsp_status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usx2y: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ua101: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: line6: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hiface: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: caiaq: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: 6fire: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 gen1 - input handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix NULL dereference at parsing BADD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix Scarlett 6i6 Gen 2 port data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Add skip_validation option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix incorrect size check for processing/extension units (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix incorrect NULL check in create_yamaha_midi_quirk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: not submit urb for stopped endpoint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Fix missing error check at mixer resolution test (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ua101: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hiface: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: caiaq: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: 6fire: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb-audio: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: 6fire: Drop the dead code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: usb: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: intel_hdmi: Remove dev_err() on platform_get_irq() failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: x86: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdml-lpe-audio: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: xen: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atmel: Constify snd_ac97_bus_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: arm: Constify snd_ac97_bus_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: arm: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ac97: Constify snd_ac97_bus_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: wss: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: wss: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: wavefront: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sc6000: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sb: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sb: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opti9xx: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opti9xx: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opl3sa2: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: msnd: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: gus: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: gus: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es18xx: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es18xx: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1688: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1688: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1688: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs423x: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs4236: fix error return comparison of an unsigned integer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmi8330: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmi8328: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: isa: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: isa: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ad1816a: constify copied structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ad1816a: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: isa: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xlnx: Use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() in xlnx_formatter_pcm_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xtensa: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xtensa: xtfpga-i2s: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xilinx: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xilinx: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xilinx: xlnx_formatter_pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: uniphier: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: uniphier: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: uniphier: aio-dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: txx9: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: txx9: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: txx9: txx9aclc: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: sdma-pcm: Add back the flags parameter for non standard dma names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tegra: disable rx_fifo after disable stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tegra: add a TDM configuration callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sunxi: sun4i-codec: remove unneeded semicolon (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: fix race condition in irq handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: retry synchronization in sync state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: manage rebind issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: fix possible circular locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: add restriction on mmap support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: fix sysclk management on shutdown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: sai: clean up indentation issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: dfsdm: fix 16 bits record (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm: stm32_adfsdm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sprd: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sprd: sprd-pcm-dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: ipc: Fix memory leak in sof_set_get_large_ctrl_data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: fix the CONFIG_ prefix missing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx8: fix memory allocation failure check on priv->pd_dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: utils: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-utils: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-ops: use snd_soc_card_get_kcontrol() at snd_soc_limit_volume() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: generic-dmaengine-pcm: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: generic-dmaengine: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-generic-dmaengine-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: do error check after rsnd_channel_normalization() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: dma: fix SSI9 4/5/6/7 busif dma address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: fsi: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rcar: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: core.c: add WARN_ON() on rsnd_channel_normalization() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: add missing of_node_put() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Reinitialize bit clock inversion flag for every format setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: rsnd: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: siu_pcm: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: siu_pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dma-sh7760: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sh: dma-sh7760: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: Use pr_warn instead of pr_warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: idma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: Rename Arndale card driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: arndale: Add support for WM1811 CODEC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: arndale: Simplify DAI link initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rockchip: rockchip_max98090: Enable SHDN to fix headset detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rockchip_max98090: Add HDMI jack support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rockchip_max98090: Optionally support HDMI use case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6routing: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm-dai: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: lpass-platform: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: pxa2xx-i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: pxa-ssp: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: poodle: Spelling s/enpoints/endpoints/, s/connetion/connection/ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: spi: pxa2xx: No need to keep pointer to platform device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pxa: mmp-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: g12a: add tohdmitx reset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: axg-fifo: relax period size constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: axg-fifo: improve depth handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: axg-fifo: fix fifo threshold setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: meson: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183: support WoV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mt8183: fix audio playback slowly after playback during bootup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mtk-btcvsd: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: kirkwood: fix device remove ordering (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740: Remove unused match variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: kirkwood: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: kirkwood: fix IRQ error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: kirkwood: kirkwood-dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740: Drop lb60 board code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: simple-card: fixup simple_dai_link_of_dpcm() comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: audio-graph: fixup graph_dai_link_of_dpcm() comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_sai: Fix noise when using EDMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_mqs: Move static keyword to the front of declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_mqs: Fix error handling in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_mqs: remove set but not used variable 'bclk' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_esai: Add spin lock to protect reset, stop and start (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: fsl_dma: fix build failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: fsl_dma: don't use snd_soc_rtdcom_lookup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: imx-pcm-fiq: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: mpc5200_dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: fsl_dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: fsl_asrc_dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8958: use <asm/unaligned.h> to simplify code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: add a check for devm_clk_get (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd9335: clean up indentation issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoc: tas2770: Remove unused defines and variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Fix misuse of GENMASK macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt6358: support WoV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: add missing MIX2 path for RX1/2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Add earpiece (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Fix RX1 selection in RDAC2 MUX (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_asrc: refine the setting of internal clock divider (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_asrc: Fix error with S24_3LE format bitstream in i.MX8 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_asrc: update supported sample format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_asrc: Use in(out)put_format instead of in(out)put_word_width (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_mqs: Add MQS component driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: dwc-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8994: Add support for MCLKn clock gating (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8994: Add support for setting MCLK clock rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Fix sample rate error message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Return invalid for when bitwidth is invalid (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2562: Introduce the TAS2562 amplifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2770: clean up an indentation issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2770: Fix snd_soc_update_bits error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tas2770: Remove unneeded read of the TDM_CFG3 register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoc: tas2770: Fix build error without GPIOLIB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: tas2770: fix platform_no_drv_owner.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: tas2770: add tas2770 smart PA kernel driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5663: clean up indentation issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5650: Add Kahlee platform specfic changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm3168a: Fix serial mode dependent format support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm3168a: Use fixup instead of constraint for channels and formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm3168a: The codec does not support S32_LE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASOC: adau7118: Change regulators id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASOC: Add ADAU7118 8 Channel PDM-to-I2S/TDM Converter driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: adau1761: Add ALC controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: adau1761: Add PGA Slew time control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bcm: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bcm: cygnus-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: au1x: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: au1x: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: au1x: dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: au1x: dbdma2: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel_ssc_dai: Remove wrong spinlock usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: atmel-pcm-pdc: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: ACP needs to be powered off in BIOS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Additional DAI for I2S SP instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Fix simultaneous playback and capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: acp3x: Fix return value check in acp3x_dai_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: add ACP3x TDM mode support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Buffer Size instead of MAX Buffer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Fix for Subsequent Playback issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd MMAP_INTERLEAVED Support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Added ACP3x system resume and runtime pm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Handle ACP3x I2S-SP Interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Enabling I2S instance in DMA and DAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Refactoring of DAI from DMA driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: acp3x-pcm-dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: acp3x: clean up indentation issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: acp-pcm-dma: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8741: Fix typo in Kconfig prompt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Fix snd_sof_ipc_stream_posn() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: modify pre-divider for sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: add operation callback function for rt1015_dai (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-component: tidyup snd_soc_pcm_component_sync_stop() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: Correct DAPM handling of active widgets during shutdown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix available clock counter incrementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm/soc-compress: don't use snd_soc_dapm_stream_stop() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm512x: Fix unbalanced regulator enable call in probe error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Fix memleak in soc_tplg_manifest_load() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Fix memleak in soc_tplg_link_elems_load() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skl: Fix possible buffer overflow in debug outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skl: Fix pin debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sun8i-codec: Fix setting DAI data format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: remove snd_soc_dapm_put_enum_double_locked (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: revert invalid fix for handling SHDN (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codec2codec: avoid invalid/double-free of pcm runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: move i915 init earlier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Add system_suspend_target field to struct snd_sof_dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: fix atmel_ssc_set_audio link failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_sai: Fix exiting path on probing failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: Add missing COMMON_CLK dependency to SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: Add missing COMMON_CLK dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: treewide: remove redundant IS_ERR() before error code check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: add PCI ID for JasperLake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: Add __maybe_unused to PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt711: Add __maybe_unused to PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt700: Add __maybe_unused to PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1308-sdw: Add __maybe_unused to PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: consistent HDMI codec probing code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: soc-acpi-intel-icl-match: fix rt715 ADR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: pci: add missing default_fw_name of JasperLake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: trace: fix unconditional free in trace release (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: core: release resources on errors in probe_continue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: core: free trace on errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: fix an Oops, caused by invalid topology (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: do not disable i915 power during probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: refactor i915_get/put functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: silence lockdep warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove null_snd_soc_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_trigger() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_hw_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_hw_params() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_prepare() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_shutdown() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: add soc_rtd_startup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1015: add rt1015 amplifier driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: fix soc_tplg_fe_link_create() - link->dobj initialization order (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skl_hda_dsp_common: Fix global-out-of-bounds bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add MediaTek MT6660 Speaker Amp Driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: fix deadlock in max98090_dapm_put_enum_double() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dapm: add snd_soc_dapm_put_enum_double_locked (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: revert "ASoC: max98090: fix lockdep warning" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove bus_control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove DAI suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ux500: ux500_msp_dai: remove unused DAI .suspend/.resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dwc: dwc-i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: uniphier: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: omap-mcpdm: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sti: sti_uniperif: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: spdif: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: s3c24xx-i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: jz4740: jz4740-i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: cirrus: ep93xx-i2s: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: atmel_ssc_dai: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bcm: cygnus-ssp: move .suspend/.resume to component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-generic-dmaengine-pcm: Fix error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: crash in snd_soc_dapm_new_dai (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: cht_bsw_rt5645: Remove unnecessary string buffers and snprintf calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Remove unnecessary string buffers and snprintf calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Remove code duplication in byt_rt5640_codec_fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Add MIC BIAS Internal3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Simplify MIC BIAS Internal (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: fix return value check in rt715_sdw_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt711: fix return value check in rt711_sdw_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt700: fix return value check in rt700_sdw_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: remove unused including <linux/version.h> (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Fix SKL dai count (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm_adsp: Correct cache handling of new kernel control API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sgtl5000: add multi endpoint support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_asrc: Add support for imx8qm & imx8qxp (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix VDDA and VDDIO comparison (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: Add jz4770-codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: removed unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skl_rt286: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skl_nau88l25_ssm4567: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: skl_nau88l25_max98357a: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASOC: Intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: remove useless initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_rt5663_max98927: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_rt5660: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: remove unnecessary initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: test return value on route add (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: glk_rt5682_max98357a: removed unused variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: glk_rt5682_max98357a: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bxt_rt298: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bxt_da7219_max98357a: rename shadowed variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix compilation warning in pcm_prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: remove warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: use dev_to_sdw_dev() instead of to_sdw_slave_device() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt700: remove unused including <linux/version.h> (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1308-sdw: add rt1308 SdW amplifier driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: atmel: fix build error with CONFIG_SND_ATMEL_SOC_DMA=m (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: Reset RX interpolation path after use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Fix MIC BIAS Internal1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sti: fix possible sleep-in-atomic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Fix selected events for MIC BIAS External1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdac_hda: Fix error in driver removal after failed probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix HDA codec driver probe with multiple controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: lower print level to dbg if we will reinit DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: reference SoundWire machine lists (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: support alternate list of machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: add match tables for TGL w/ SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: add match tables for CNL/CFL/CML w/ SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: add match tables for ICL w/ SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: soc-acpi: declare new tables for SoundWire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-acpi: add _ADR-based link descriptors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-acpi: add link_mask field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: fix PCM playback through ALSA OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5650: change cpu_dai and platform components for SOF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: broadwell: change cpu_dai and platform components for SOF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5677: change cpu_dai and platform components for SOF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bdw-rt5677: fix Kconfig dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt711: remove unused including <linux/version.h> (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt715: add RT715 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: txx9: Remove unused rtd variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm/soc-compress: use snd_soc_dapm_stream_stop() for SND_SOC_DAPM_STREAM_STOP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-dapm: add snd_soc_dapm_stream_stop() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add snd_soc_close_delayed_work() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: do pinctrl_pm_select_xxx() as component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove duplicate pinctrl operation when suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: care .ignore_suspend for Component suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: rename snd_soc_rtdcom_add() to snd_soc_rtd_add_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt700: add rt700 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove snd_soc_rtdcom_list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: Drop incorrectly applied duplicate commit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt711: add rt711 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: codecs: add wsa881x amplifier support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: fix lockdep warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: fix incorrect helper in max98090_dapm_put_enum_double() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: fix incorrect helper in max98090_dapm_put_enum_double() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: gtm601: fix build warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: loader: add dynamic debug trace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: pci: change the default firmware path when the community key is used (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Fix NULL dereference at freeing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: Ignore the speaker amp when there isn't one (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Fix Irbis NB41 netbook quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5640: Fix NULL dereference on module unload (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-topology: fix endianness issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: hda_dsp_common: use NULL pointer assignment, not 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix compile-testing RT1011/RT5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx8: use resource_size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm-dai: constify copied structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: amd: Create multiple I2S platform device endpoint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: sdm845: add support to DB845c and Lenovo Yoga (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: add audio routings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: add capture dapm widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: add playback dapm widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: add basic controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wcd934x: add support to wcd9340/wcd9341 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: gtm601: add Broadmobi bm818 sound profile (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: remove unused variable 'constraints_16000' and 'ch_mono' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdac_hda: Update hdac hda dai table to include intel-hdmi-hifi4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Add iDisp4 DAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx8: Fix dsp_box offset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_audmix: add missed pm_runtime_disable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: fix input pin state management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: stm32: spdifrx: fix inconsistent lock state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: Fix access to uninitialized list heads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: Set dpcm_playback / dpcm_capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: Remove empty suspend function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: Add Broadwell rt5650 machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: move arch_ops under ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Prevent use-after-free in snd_soc_get_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx: Read SAI parameters and send them to DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx: Describe SAI parameters to be sent to DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: fix incorrect HDMI Kconfig dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: drop HDA codec upon probe failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Add machine driver for da7219_max98373 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: log compiler name and version information (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: define struct with compiler name and version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Introduce state machine for FW boot (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: remove references to Haswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: cml_rt1011_rt5682: fix codec_conf by removing legacy style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: hda-dai: fix oops on hda_link .hw_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: fix fault at driver unload after failed probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: compress: Add pm_runtime support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skylake: Remove superfluous bus ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove legacy style of codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: rx51: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: speyside: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: neo1973_wm8753: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: lowland: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: samsung: bells: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219-max98357: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8173-rt5650-rt5676: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: mt8173-rt5650-rt5514: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skl_nau88l25_ssm4567: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: kbl_rt5663_max98927: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl: imx-audmix: use snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: support snd_soc_dai_link_component for codec_conf (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8962: fix lambda value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Drop snd_soc_pcm_lib_ioctl() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: haswell: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: baytrail: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: xtensa: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5514-spi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup for CONFIG_DEBUG_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup for CONFIG_DMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge soc_set_name_prefix() and soc_set_of_name_prefix() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: byt: fixup topology filename for BYT-CR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: soc_set_name_prefix(): get component device_node at out of loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: soc_set_name_prefix(): tidyup loop condition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: rename soc_link_init() to soc_init_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add missing return value check for soc_link_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move soc_link_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: rename soc_link_dai_pcm_new() to soc_dai_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move soc_link_dai_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: rename snd_soc_remove_dai_link() to snd_soc_remove_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: rename snd_soc_add_dai_link() to snd_soc_add_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_find_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: find rtd via dai_link pointer at snd_soc_get_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_get_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove snd_soc_get_dai_substream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove snd_soc_disconnect_sync() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove dai_link_list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc.h: dobj is used only when SND_SOC_TOPOLOGY (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: add SND_SOC_BYTES_E (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: add codec_mask module parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Add asynchronous sample rate converter topology support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: work-around incorrect ACPI HID for CML boards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: split cht and byt debug window sizes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: loader: fix snd_sof_fw_parse_ext_data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: loader: snd_sof_fw_parse_ext_data log warning on unknown header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: simple-card: Don't create separate link when platform is present (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value for soc_tplg_pcm_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: topology: Check return value for snd_soc_add_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Explicitly include linux/io.h for virt_to_phys() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: nocodec: Amend arguments for sof_nocodec_setup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Remove unused drv_name in sof_pdata (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: remove nocodec_fw_filename (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Make creation of machine device from SOF core optional (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: Modify signature for hda_codec_probe_bus() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: partition audio-related parts from SOF core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Drop superfluous snd_pcm_sgbuf_ops_page (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Introduce default_fw_filename member in sof_dev_desc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: core: move check for runtime callbacks to core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: core: modify the signature for snd_sof_create_page_table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: sof: pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: remove snd_sof_init_topology() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5651: Remove unnecessary string buffers and snprintf calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5651: remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel/skl/hda - export number of digital microphones via control components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdmi-codec: set plugged_cb to NULL when component removing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdmi-codec: re-introduce mutex locking again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdmi-codec: drop mutex locking again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fix soc-core.c kernel-doc warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: solve MSI issues by merging ipc and stream irq handlers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Improve the sysclk selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: cs42l51: add dac mux widget in codec routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: Calculate DALIGN inversion at run-time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tlv320aic31xx: Add Volume Soft Stepping control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: save and restore SHDN when changing sensitive registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_sai: add IRQF_SHARED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tlv320aic31xx: Add HP output driver pop reduction controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: common: refine hw_params and hw_prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: mediatek: common: add some helpers to control mtk_memif (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdac_hdmi: Drop support for Icelake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: make common HDMI driver default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: common: Add mach table for tgl-max98357a-rt5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sof_rt5682: Add support for tgl-max98357a-rt5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sof_rt5682: Add quirk for number of HDMI DAI's (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: only flush inited work during free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Update quirk for Teclast X89 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: Init pcm runtime work early to avoid warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: sst: Add missing include <linux/io.h> (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: fix possible race conditions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: exit workaround earlier if PLL is locked (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98090: remove msleep in PLL unlocked workaround (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8904: fix automatic sysclk configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Fix build error without CONFIG_SPI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: Fix unload for SAI/ESAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: BYT: fix a copy/paste mistake in byt_dump() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: AMD: Enable clk in startup intead of hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: fix i2c arbitration lost issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: DMI long name - avoid to add board name if matches with product name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: improve the DMI long card code in asoc-core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rsnd: fix DALIGN register for SSIU (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: component: Add sync_stop PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm: Make ioctl ops optional (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: check symmetry before hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm3168a: Update the RST gpio handling to align with documentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: add control components management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: remove soc_pcm_private_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: fixup dead-lock at snd_soc_unregister_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: fix RIP warning on card removal (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-component: tidyup snd_soc_pcm_component_new/free() parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Update quirk for Acer Switch 10 SW5-012 2-in-1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm_adsp: Expose mixer control API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: tlv320aic31xx: configure output common-mode voltage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix CFL and CML FW nocodec binary names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix build break (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm3168a: Add support for optional RST gpio handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm5100: add missed pm_runtime_disable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm2200: add missed operations in remove and probe failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm-dai: add support to flac decoder (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: compress: add flac decoder params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: qcom: q6asm: add support to flac config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: rt5677_check_hotword() can be static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: fix the charge pump capacitor discharges (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ti: davinci-mcasp: Use dma_request_chan() directly for channel request (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: dmaengine: Use dma_request_chan() directly for channel request (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: care card_probed at soc_cleanup_card_resources() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_unbind_card() next to snd_soc_bind_card() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: call snd_soc_dapm_shutdown() at soc_cleanup_card_resources() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5645: Fixed typo for buddy jack support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8904: fix regcache handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup soc_probe_aux_devices() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_soc_bind_card() and snd_soc_instantiate_card() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge soc_remove_component() and soc_cleanup_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_soc_remove_dai_link() and soc_unbind_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_soc_add_dai_link() and soc_bind_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_soc_unregister_dai() and soc_del_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_soc_register_dai() and soc_add_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove soc_is_dai_link_bound() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Jack: Fix NULL pointer dereference in snd_soc_jack_report (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: free kcontrol memory on error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: PM: only suspend to D0I3 when needed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: add helper to check if we should enter d0i3 suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: PM: add check before setting d0_substate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: PM: add state machine to comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: use fallback for firmware name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: acpi-match: split CNL tables in three (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix CFL and CML FW nocodec binary names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5682: cancel jack_detect_work if hs_jack is set to null (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5645: Fixed buddy jack support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: wm8904: configure sysclk/FLL automatically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: Add dmic format constraint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Add DA7213 audio codec as selectable option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Wait for DSP to boot before loading firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Set ADC clock to use PLL and enable ASRC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bdw-rt5677: Turn on MCLK1 for DSP via DAPM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Allow VAD to be shut on/off at all times (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Disable irq at suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Stop and restart DSP over suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Mark reg RT5677_PWR_ANLG2 as volatile (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Add DAPM audio path for hotword stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Enable jack detect while DSP is running (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: bdw-rt5677: Add a DAI link for rt5677 SPI PCM device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: fsl_audmix: Add spin lock to protect tdms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5514-spi: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5514-spi: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: set L1SEN on S0ix suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: fix missing NULL pointer check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: Fix compile warning with CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: Fix bytes control size checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove topology specific operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: call snd_soc_register_dai() from snd_soc_register_dais() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: don't call snd_soc_dapm_new_dai_widgets() at snd_soc_register_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: have legacy_dai_naming at snd_soc_register_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add snd_soc_unregister_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_unregister_dais() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_register_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: use snd_soc_lookup_component() at snd_soc_unregister_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove snd_soc_component_add/del() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add snd_soc_del_component_unlocked() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup snd_soc_lookup_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move snd_soc_lookup_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add soc_unbind_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: call soc_bind_dai_link() under snd_soc_add_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove duplicated soc_is_dai_link_bound() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: typo fix at soc_dai_link_sanity_check() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup soc_init_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move soc_init_dai_link() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add for_each_rtd_components() and replace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove for_each_rtdcom_safe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: Use different sequence for start/stop trigger (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: snd_soc_unbind_card() cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add snd_soc_pcm_lib_ioctl() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: setup card->rtd_num at snd_soc_instantiate_card() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: use devm_xxx for component related resource (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add soc_setup_card_name() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove soc_remove_dai_links() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: use devm_kzalloc() for rtd (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: Clarify usage of ignore_machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove snd_soc_rtdcom_del_all() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: tidyup soc_new_pcm_runtime() alloc order (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: topology: set trigger order for FE DAI link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm: update FE/BE trigger order based on the command (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: max98373: replace gpio_request with devm_gpio_request (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Skylake: mark HDAudio codec support as deprecated (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: use def_tristate, avoid using select (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: imx: fix reverse CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_OF dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Kconfig: add EXPERT dependency for developer options, clarify help (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: add mutual exclusion between SOF and legacy Baytrail driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Broadwell: clarify mutual exclusion with legacy driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: Baytrail: clarify mutual exclusion with Atom/SST driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Simplify the hda_dsp_wait_d0i3c_done() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: Add acpi match for rt1011 based m/c driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: ux500: Remove redundant variable "status" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: hdac_hda: fix race in device removal (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: set the different setting for QFN/WLCSP package (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: some minor changes to improve readability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: add the range check for temperature_calib from device property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: remove unnecessary tabs using spaces instead (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: fix spelling mistake "temperture" -> "temperature" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: Read and apply r0 and temperature device property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: set tx/rx slots from tx/rx_mask in TDM case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: improve the rt1011_set_dai_fmt() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt1011: remove redundant code in kcontrol (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: remove unneeded snd_soc_tplg_component_remove() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677-spi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Load firmware via SPI using delayed work (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677-spi: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677-spi: fixup compile warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677-spi: fix sparse warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Add missing null check for failed allocation of rt5677_dsp (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: rt5677: Add a PCM device for streaming hotword via SPI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: serial-u16550: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opl4: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: oss: Constify snd_seq_oss_callback definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opl3: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: opl3: Constify snd_opl3_drum_voice definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: mts64: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dummy: Constify snd_pcm_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dummy: Fix PCM format loop in proc output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dummy: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drivers: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Fix dependency on timer API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: do not override bus codec_mask in link_get() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Reset stream if DMA RUN bit not cleared (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: No preallocation on x86 platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Update kernel-doc function parameter descriptions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Comment about snd_hdac_bus_update_rirb() and spinlock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: via82xx: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: trident: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme32: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcxhr: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: intel8x0: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Apply aligned MMIO access only conditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: remove ioremap_nocache and devm_ioremap_nocache (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: au88x0: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atiixp: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: asihpi: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset of ASUS B9450FA with ALC294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Headset Button supported for ThinkPad X1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Headset Mic supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix a regression for mute led on Lenovo Carbon X1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Use scnprintf() for printing texts for sysfs/procfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Apply quirk for yet another MSI laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Apply quirk for MSI GP63, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix silent output on MSI-GL73 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add more codec supported Headset Button (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Clear RIRB status before reading WP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed one of HP ALC671 platform Headset Mic supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Fix DP-MST support for NVIDIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdsp: Make the firmware loading ioctl a bit more readable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Fix annotation and cast for the recent uapi header change (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Add JasperLake PCI ID and codec vid (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Add Clevo W65_67SB the power_save blacklist (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs46xx: fix spelling mistake "to" -> "too" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Add docking station support for Lenovo Thinkpad T420s (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - add retry logic to parse_intel_hdmi() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Headset Mic supported for HP cPC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/analog - Minor optimization for SPDIF mux connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: patch_hdmi: remove warnings with empty body (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: correct kernel-doc parameter descriptions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Manage concurrent reg access more properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: enable regmap internal locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Fix a typo in comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Disable regmap internal locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: patch_realtek: fix empty macro usage in if block (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Rename back to dmic_detect option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: echoaudio: remove set but not used variable 'chip' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add quirk for the bass speaker on Lenovo Yoga X1 7th gen (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Set EAPD control to default for ALC222 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: via82xx: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: fm801: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ens137x: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: echoaudio: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs4281: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: azt3328: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ak4531: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: lx6464es: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aw2: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmipci: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1968: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1938: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atiixp: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: asihpi: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctxfi: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ca0106: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs46xx: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: korg1212: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: nm256: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ymfpci: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: mixart: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcxhr: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme9652: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdspm: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdsp: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1712: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: riptide: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: au88x0: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ac97: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: intel8x0: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: vx: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Apply mic mute LED quirk for Dell E7xx laptops, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add new codec supported for ALCS1200A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - constify and cleanup static NodeID tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Constify snd_pci_quirk tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Constify snd_pci_quirk tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: fm801: Constify snd_fm801_tea575x_gpios (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1968: Constify snd_es1968_tea575x_gpios (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Constify snd_emu_chip_details (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: bt87x: Constify snd_bt87x_boards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1712: Constify wm-specific tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice17xx: Constify snd_ice1712_card_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ca0106: Constify snd_ca0106_details (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ca0106: Constify snd_ca0106_category_str items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ac97: Constify snd_ac97_res_table definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Constify snd_kcontrol_new items (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: vx: Constify snd_vx_hardware and snd_vx_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: info: Make snd_info_entry_ops as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Constify snd_ac97_bus_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ac97: Treat snd_ac97_bus_ops as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Constify snd_timer_hardware definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Constify snd_pcm_hardware definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: constify copied structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the bass speaker of ASUS UX431FLC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1724: Fix sleep-in-atomic in Infrasonic Quartet support code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add Bass Speaker and fixed dac for bass speaker (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Apply sync-write workaround to old Intel platforms, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: echoaudio: remove usage of dimen menber of elem_value structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - fix atpx_present when CLASS is not VGA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Make uapi/emu10k1.h compilable again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic no shutup for ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmipci: Allow disabling MPU port via module option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Downgrade error message for single-cmd fallback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Fix regression by strip mask fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Fix work handling in delayed HP detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Avoid endless loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Keep power on during processing DSP response (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Unify get_response handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Use waitqueue for RIRB in HDA-core helper, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: tegra: Fix unused variable compile warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hdsp: Make uapi/hdsp.h compilable again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: vx222: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcxhr: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: mixart: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: lx6464es: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ymfpci: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: via82xx: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: trident: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sonicvibes: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sis7019: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme9652: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme96: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme32: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: riptide: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxygen: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: nm256: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: maestro3: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: lola: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: korg1212: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: intel8x0: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1724: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1712: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: fm801: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1968: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1938: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ens137x: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: echoaudio: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctxfi: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs5535audio: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs46xx: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs4281: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmipci: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ca0106: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: bt87x: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: azt3328: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aw2: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: au88x0: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atiixp: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: als300: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ali5451: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ad1889: Support PCM sync_stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Line-out jack doesn't work on a Dell AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - Fix duplicate unref of pci_dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: echoaudio: simplify get_audio_levels (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - Keep old slot assignment behavior for Intel platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Modify stream stripe mask only when needed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - fixup for the bass speaker on Lenovo Carbon X1 7th gen (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - preserve non-MST PCM routing for Intel platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - fix kernel oops caused by invalid PCM idx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix inverted bass GPIO pin on Acer 8951G (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Dell headphone has noise on unmute for ALC236 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - fix regression in connect list handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - enable automatic runtime pm for AMD HDMI codecs by default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - enable runtime pm for newer AMD display audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - Add new pci ids for AMD GPU display audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - fix vgaswitcheroo detection for AMD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable internal speaker of ASUS UX431FLC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - Clear codec->relaxed_resume flag at unbinding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Disable audio component for legacy Nvidia HDMI codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Move some alc236 pintbls to fallback table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/realtek - Move some alc256 pintbls to fallback table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Add mute led support for HP ProBook 645 G4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Add DP-MST support for NVIDIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Add DP-MST support for non-acomp codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Add DP-MST jack support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - Rename snd_hda_pin_sense to snd_hda_jack_pin_sense (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda - remove forced polling workaround for CFL and CNL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - remove redundant code comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - fix port numbering for ICL and TGL platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/hdmi - Clean up Intel platform-specific fixup checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: au88x0: Fix incorrect device pointer for preallocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - fix pin setup on Tigerlake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Add Cometlake-S PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme32: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: hdmi - add Tigerlake support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda/ca0132 - Fix possible workqueue stall (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: Fix concurrent access to queue current tick/time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: Avoid concurrent access to queue flags (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Fix double hw_free calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Fix sparse warnings wrt snd_pcm_state_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Fix memory leak at closing a stream without hw_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Set per-card upper limit of PCM buffer allocations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Make snd_pcm_hw_constraints_init() and _complete() static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: Fix racy access for queue timer in proc read (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: fix nsec/sec initialization confusion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: control: potential uninitialized return value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rawmidi: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oss: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: jack: More constification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: info: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: More constifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: control: Add verification for kctl accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: mixer: oss: Constify snd_mixer_oss_assign_table definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: seq: Constify struct snd_midi_op (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Constify snd_timer_hardware definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: core: Treat snd_device_ops as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctl: allow TLV read operation for callback type of element in locked case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctl: remove dimen member from elem_info structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Avoid possible info leaks from PCM stream buffers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: control: remove useless assignment in .info callback of PCM chmap element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: uapi: Fix typos and header inclusion in asound.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: bump uapi version numbers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: add new 32-bit layout for snd_pcm_mmap_status/control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: move snd_pcm_ioctl_sync_ptr_compat into pcm_native.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Avoid using timespec for struct snd_ctl_elem_value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Avoid using timespec for struct snd_timer_tread (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Avoid using timespec for struct snd_rawmidi_status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Avoid using timespec for struct snd_pcm_status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Avoid using timespec for struct snd_timer_status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Replace timespec with timespec64 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-pcm: fixup dpcm_prune_paths() loop continue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ps3: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pmac: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ymfpci: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: via82xx: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: trident: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sonicvibes: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sis7019: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: riptide: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: oxygen: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: mixart: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: maestro3: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: lx6464es: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: lola: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: intel8x0: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1724: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ice1712: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: fm801: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1938: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ens137x: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: emu10k1x: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: echoaudio: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ctxfi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs5535: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cs4281: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmipci: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ca0106: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: bt87x: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: azt3328: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aw2: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atiixp: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: asihpi: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: als4000: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: parisc: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: wss: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: gus: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: sb: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es18xx: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1688: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: cmi8330: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ad1816a: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcsp: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: atmel: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aaci: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aoa: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: echoaudio: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: es1968: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: rme: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: als300: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ali5451: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ad1889: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: hda: Use standard waitqueue for RIRB wakeup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pci: Drop superfluous snd_pcm_sgbuf_ops_page (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: atom: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sst-mfld-platform-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sst-baytrail-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: Drop superfluous snd_pcm_sgbuf_ops_page (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: sst-haswell-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skylake: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: Avoid non-standard macro usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: intel: skl-pcm: remove snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drivers: Constify snd_ac97_bus_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drivers: Constify snd_device_ops definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drivers: Drop superfluous ioctl PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ml403: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: vx: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: vx: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: dummy: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: drivers: Remove superfluous snd_dma_continuous_data() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Use managed buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Avoid pointer dereference before null-check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Avoid unexpected timer event callback tasklets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Remove redundant locking in timer open function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Support runtime change of snd_timer via info interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Support selection of snd_timer instead of jiffies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Move CABLE_VALID_BOTH to the top of file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Rename all jiffies timer specific functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Use callback functions for timer specific implementations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Support return of error code for timer start and stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Describe units of variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: aloop: Convert to the common vmalloc memalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge soc_free_pcm_runtime() and soc_rtd_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge soc_new_pcm_runtime() and soc_rtd_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: create rtd->codec_dais first (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: call list_del(&rtd->list) at soc_free_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge soc_add_pcm_runtime() into soc_new_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: move soc_free_pcm_runtime() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: use list_del_init and move it back to soc_cleanup_component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: core: delete component->card_list in soc_remove_component only (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-component: remove snd_pcm_ops from component driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: add new pcm_construct/pcm_destruct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-core: merge snd_pcm_ops member to component driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: soc-component.h: remove GPL explanation from header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: oss: Avoid potential buffer overflows (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Add card sync_irq field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Add the support for sync-stop operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Move PCM_RUNTIME_CHECK() macro into local header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Allow NULL ioctl ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Introduce managed buffer allocation mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Fix stream lock usage in snd_pcm_period_elapsed() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Fix the breakage of slave link open (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Unexport snd_pcm_sgbuf_ops_page (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Yet another missing check of non-cached buffer type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Fix possible race at assigning a timer instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Make snd_timer_close() returning void (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Unify master/slave linking code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Fix incorrectly assigned timer instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: timer: Limit max amount of slave instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Create proc files only for non-empty preallocations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Warn if doubly preallocated (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: pcm: Handle special page mapping in the default mmap handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: memalloc: Add vmalloc buffer allocation support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: memalloc: Allow NULL device for SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_CONTINUOUS type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: pcm_dmaengine: Extract snd_dmaengine_pcm_refine_runtime_hwparams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel - do not describe I/O configuration in the long card name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel - use control components to describe card config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: make common HDMI driver the default for SOF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_rt5682: use dependency on SOF_HDA_LINK (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: Geminilake is only supported by SOF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: fix configs for bxt-da7219-max98057a (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: remove select SND_HDA_DSP_LOADER (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: Intel: boards: Add CML m/c using RT1011 and RT5682 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: ASoC: compress: fix unsigned integer overflow check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]
- [sound] ALSA: Revert "ALSA: usb-audio: set the interface format after resume on Dell WD19" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1797509]

* Fri May 22 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-203.el8]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - use file mode for sev ioctl permissions (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Cleanup sp_dev_master in psp_dev_destroy() (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Cleanup misc_dev on sev_exit() (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: remove CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - move SEV vdata to a dedicated data structure (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - create a generic psp-dev file (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - rename psp-dev files to sev-dev (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - set max RSA modulus size for v3 platform devices as well (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - add SEV command privilege separation (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - fix uninitialized list head (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: user - fix memory leak in crypto_report (Vladis Dronov) [1829808 1765717] {CVE-2019-19062}
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Release all allocated memory if sha type is invalid (Vladis Dronov) [1825134 1765717] {CVE-2019-18808}
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - invoke fallback for XTS ciphertext stealing (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Remove unnecessary linux/pci.h include (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Include DMA declarations explicitly (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - use devm_platform_ioremap_resource() to simplify code (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Clean up and exit correctly on allocation failure (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Log an error message when ccp-crypto fails to load (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Ignore tag length when decrypting GCM ciphertext (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Add support for valid authsize values less than 16 (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Fix oops by properly managing allocated structures (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Reduce maximum stack usage (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Include the module name in system log messages (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Add a module parameter to control registration for DMA (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - module parameter to limit the number of enabled CCPs (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Add a module parameter to specify a queue count (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Make CCP debugfs support optional (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ctr - add helper for performing a CTR encryption walk (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - memset structure fields to zero before reuse (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Fix 3DES complaint from ccp-crypto module (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - fix AES CFB error exposed by new test vectors (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - AES CFB mode is a stream cipher (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: shash - remove shash_desc::flags (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Remove forward declaration (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: ccp - Remove VLA usage of skcipher (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [crypto] crypto: skcipher - Introduce crypto_sync_skcipher (Vladis Dronov) [1765717]
- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Test return value of calls to ib_get_cached_pkey (Alaa Hleihel) [1767259]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix use of ENOSPC around mlx4_counter_alloc() (Alaa Hleihel) [1767259]
- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx4: Initialize ib_spec on the stack (Alaa Hleihel) [1767259]
- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv: Re-enable imc trace-mode in kernel (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Implement a global lock to avoid races between trace, core and thread imc events (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Return accordingly on invalid chip-id in (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Remove PM_BR_CMPL_ALT from power9 event list (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add generic compat mode pmu driver (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: init pmu from core-book3s (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1725201]
- [fs] NFS: Fix fscache super_cookie index_key from changing after umount (Dave Wysochanski) [1790933]
- [fs] NFSv4: Fix fscache cookie aux_data to ensure change_attr is included (Dave Wysochanski) [1793560]
- [fs] nfs: fscache: use timespec64 in inode auxdata (Dave Wysochanski) [1793560]
- [documentation] i2c: replace i2c_new_probed_device with an ERR_PTR variant (David Arcari) [1835245]
- [documentation] docs: stop suggesting strlcpy (David Arcari) [1835245]
- [scsi] scsi: hpsa: Update driver version (Joseph Szczypek) [1815628]
- [scsi] scsi: hpsa: correct race condition in offload enabled (Joseph Szczypek) [1815628]
- [kernel] audit: log audit netlink multicast bind and unbind (Richard Guy Briggs) [1829622]
- [ipc] ipc/mqueue.c: change __do_notify() to bypass check_kill_permission() (Oleg Nesterov) [1808931]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Update driver version to 07.714.04.00-rc1 (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: TM command refire leads to controller firmware crash (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Replace undefined MFI_BIG_ENDIAN macro with __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD macro (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Remove IO buffer hole detection logic (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Limit device queue depth to controller queue depth (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid: Use true, false for bool variables (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid: make two symbols static in megaraid_sas_base.c (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid: make some symbols static in megaraid_sas_fusion.c (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid: make some symbols static in megaraid_sas_fp.c (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: silence a warning (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: fix indentation issue (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Update driver version to 07.713.01.00-rc1 (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Use Block layer API to check SCSI device in-flight IO requests (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Limit the number of retries for the IOCTLs causing firmware fault (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Do not initiate OCR if controller is not in ready state (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Re-Define enum DCMD_RETURN_STATUS (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Do not set HBA Operational if FW is not in operational state (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Do not kill HBA if JBOD Seqence map or RAID map is disabled (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Do not kill host bus adapter, if adapter is already dead (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Update optimal queue depth for SAS and NVMe devices (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Set no_write_same only for Virtual Disk (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Reset adapter if FW is not in READY state after device resume (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Make poll_aen_lock static (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: remove unused variables 'debugBlk', 'fusion' (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]
- [scsi] scsi: megaraid_sas: Unique names for MSI-X vectors (Tomas Henzl) [1791041]

* Wed May 20 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-202.el8]
- [crypto] crypto: drbg - fix error return code in drbg_alloc_state() (Vladis Dronov) [1822458]
- [fs] fs: call fsnotify_sb_delete after evict_inodes (Jay Shin) [1834741]
- [fs] fs: avoid softlockups in s_inodes iterators (Jay Shin) [1834741]
- [fs] fs/drop_caches.c: avoid softlockups in drop_pagecache_sb() (Jay Shin) [1834741]
- [net] net/smc: remove set but not used variables 'del_llc, del_llc_resp' (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remove unused inline function smc_curs_read (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: log important pnetid and state change events (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: save SMC-R peer link_uid (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: create improved SMC-R link_uid (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: improve termination processing (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add termination reason and handle LLC protocol violation (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: asymmetric link tagging (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: assign link to a new connection (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: send DELETE_LINK, ALL message and wait for send to complete (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: wait for departure of an IB message (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: handle incoming CDC validation message (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: send failover validation message (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: switch connections to alternate link (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: save state of last sent CDC message (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: enqueue local LLC messages (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: delete link processing as SMC server (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: delete link processing as SMC client (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: llc_del_link_work and use the LLC flow for delete link (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: delete an asymmetric link as SMC server (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: final part of add link processing as SMC server (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: rkey processing for a new link as SMC server (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: first part of add link processing as SMC server (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: final part of add link processing as SMC client (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: rkey processing for a new link as SMC client (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: first part of add link processing as SMC client (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] smc: Remove unused function (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: llc_add_link_work to handle ADD_LINK LLC requests (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: allocate index for a new link (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: introduce smc_pnet_find_alt_roce() (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remove DELETE LINK processing from smc_core.c (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: take link down instead of terminating the link group (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add smcr_port_err() and smcr_link_down() processing (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add smcr_port_add() and smcr_link_up() processing (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remember PNETID of IB device for later device matching (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: mutex to protect the lgr against parallel reconfigurations (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: extend smc_llc_send_add_link() and smc_llc_send_delete_link() (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: map and register buffers for a new link (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: unmapping of buffers to support multiple links (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: multiple link support for rmb buffer registration (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remove obsolete link state DELETING (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remove handling of CONFIRM_RKEY_CONTINUE (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: adapt SMC remote DELETE_RKEY processing to use the LLC flow (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: adapt SMC remote CONFIRM_RKEY processing to use the LLC flow (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: new smc_rtoken_set functions for multiple link support (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: move the TEST_LINK response processing into event handler (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: multiple link support and LLC flow for smc_llc_do_delete_rkey (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: multiple link support and LLC flow for smc_llc_do_confirm_rkey (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: adapt SMC client code to use the LLC flow (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: adapt SMC server code to use the LLC flow (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add logic to evaluate CONFIRM_LINK messages to LLC layer (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: introduce link group type (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: enqueue all received LLC messages (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add event-based llc_flow framework (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: move llc layer related init and clear into smc_llc.c (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: use mutex instead of rwlock_t to protect buffers (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: process llc responses in tasklet context (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: use worker to process incoming llc messages (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: simplify link deactivation (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: move testlink work to system work queue (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: add new link state and related helpers (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: multi-link support for smc_rmb_rtoken_handling() (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: convert static link ID instances to support multiple links (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: convert static link ID to dynamic references (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: introduce link_idx for link group array (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: separate function for link initialization (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: rework pnet table to support SMC-R failover (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: improve peer ID in CLC decline for SMC-R (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: rework peer ID handling (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: reduce port_event scheduling (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: simplify normal link termination (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: remove unused parameter of smc_lgr_terminate() (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: do not delete lgr from list twice (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: use termination worker under send_lock (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [net] net/smc: improve smc_lgr_cleanup() (Philipp Rudo) [1725886]
- [pci] PCI: Add new PCI_VPD_RO_KEYWORD_SERIALNO macro (Jonathan Toppins) [1834900]
- [pci] PCI: Introduce pci_get_dsn (Jonathan Toppins) [1834900]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Remove redundant initialization to variable rc (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Update lpfc version to (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix MDS Diagnostic Enablement definition (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix noderef and address space warnings (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Remove unnecessary lockdep_assert_held calls (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Change default queue allocation for reduced memory consumption (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Fix negation of else clause in lpfc_prep_node_fc4type (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Remove re-binding of nvme rport during registration (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: Maintain atomic consistency of queue_claimed flag (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: lpfc: remove duplicate unloading checks (Dick Kennedy) [1835310]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Get dev info after updating the params (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Fix crash when MFW calls for protocol stats while function is still probing (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Add schedule recovery handler (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Implement callback for bw_update (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [netdrv] scsi: qed: Send BW update notifications to the protocol drivers (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Honor status qualifier in FCP_RSP per spec (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Acquire rport_lock for resetting the delay_timestamp (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Increase the upper limit of retry delay (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Keep track of num of pending flogi (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Simplify mutex_unlock() usage (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Add port_id getter (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Remove always false 'tmp_prio < 0' statement (Nilesh Javali) [1792113]
- [include] NFSv4.1: fix handling of backchannel binding in BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION (Steve Dickson) [1828592]
- [edac] EDAC/amd64: Drop some family checks for newer systems (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [edac] EDAC/amd64: Add family ops for Family 19h Models 00h-0Fh (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [x86] x86/amd_nb: Add Family 19h PCI IDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [edac] EDAC/mce_amd: Always load on SMCA systems (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [x86] x86/MCE/AMD, EDAC/mce_amd: Add new Load Store unit McaType (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [edac] EDAC/amd64: Save max number of controllers to family type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [edac] EDAC/amd64: Gather hardware information early (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [edac] EDAC/amd64: Make struct amd64_family_type global (Aristeu Rozanski) [1779822 1735611]
- [fs] nfsd: Add tracepoints for update of the expkey and export cache entries (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] nfsd: Add tracepoints for exp_find_key() and exp_get_by_name() (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] nfsd: Add tracing to nfsd_set_fh_dentry() (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [net] SUNRPC: Clean up: Replace dprintk and BUG_ON call sites in svcauth_gss.c (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [net] svcrdma: Create a generic tracing class for displaying xdr_buf layout (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [net] SUNRPC: Capture completion of all RPC tasks (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [net] SUNRPC: Trace gssproxy upcall results (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [trace] fix null pointer deref in tracepoints in back channel (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Clean up generic file commit tracepoint (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Clean up generic writeback tracepoints (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Clean up generic file read tracepoints (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] pNFS/flexfiles: Add tracing for layout errors (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] pNFS/flexfiles: Record resend attempts on I/O failure (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Fix fix of show_nfs_errors (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFSv4: Improve read/write/commit tracing (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS4: Report callback authentication errors (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS4: Trace lock reclaims (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS4: Trace state recovery operation (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Add a tracepoint in nfs_fh_to_dentry() (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Add tracepoints for detecting pnfs fallback to MDS (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Record task, client ID, and XID in xdr_status trace points (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Display symbolic status code names in trace log (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS: Fix show_nfs_errors macros again (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [fs] NFS4: Add a trace event to record invalid CB sequence IDs (Dave Wysochanski) [1775408]
- [media] media: v4l: event: Add subscription to list before calling "add" operation (Jarod Wilson) [1828805] {CVE-2019-9458}
- [media] media: v4l: event: Prevent freeing event subscriptions while accessed (Jarod Wilson) [1828805] {CVE-2019-9458}
- [vhost] vhost: Check docket sk_family instead of call getname (Vladis Dronov) [1823301] {CVE-2020-10942}
- [documentation] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Add a capability for enabling secure guests (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: H_SVM_INIT_START must call UV_RETURN (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Check caller of H_SVM_* Hcalls (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] Introduce the MSR_S bit (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Skip kvmppc_uvmem_free if Ultravisor is not supported (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Kill kvmppc_ops::mmu_destroy() and kvmppc_mmu_destroy() (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Move kvmppc_mmu_init() into PR KVM (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Treat TM-related invalid form instructions on P9 like the valid ones (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Use RADIX_PTE_INDEX_SIZE in Radix MMU code (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: no need to check return value of debugfs_create functions (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Fix -Werror=return-type build failure (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Release lock on page-out failure path (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] mm: Remove kvm radix prefetch workaround for Power9 DD2.2 (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: xive: Fix typo in comment (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [documentation] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Implement H_SVM_INIT_ABORT hcall (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Add skip_page_out parameter to uvmem functions (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3e: Replace current->mm by kvm->mm (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Replace current->mm by kvm->mm (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [mm] add account_locked_vm utility function (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Remove set but not used variable 'ra', 'rs', 'rt' (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Don't do ultravisor calls on systems without ultravisor (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Support reset of secure guest (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Handle memory plug/unplug to secure VM (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Radix changes for secure guest (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Shared pages support for secure guests (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Support for running secure guests (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Unshare all pages before kexecing a new kernel (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Use shared memory for LPPACA structures (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] pseries: Add and use LPPACA_SIZE constant (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] pseries/svm: Add helpers for UV_SHARE_PAGE and UV_UNSHARE_PAGE (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] prom_init: Add the ESM call to prom_init (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Reject mflags=2 (LPCR[AIL]=2) ADDR_TRANS_MODE mode (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Implement LPCR[AIL]=3 mode for injected interrupts (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Reuse kvmppc_inject_interrupt for async guest delivery (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Replace reset_msr mmu op with inject_interrupt arch op (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Define and use SRR1_MSR_BITS (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: xive: Show VP id in debugfs (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: e500: Replace current->mm by kvm->mm (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Report single stepping capability (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: Fix kvmppc_vcore->in_guest value in kvmhv_switch_to_host (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: use smp_mb() when setting/clearing host_ipi flag (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] 64s: Set reserved PCR bits (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] Fix definition of PCR bits to work with old binutils (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Invalidate multiple TCEs at once (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] powernv/ioda: Split out TCE invalidation from TCE updates (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Don't lose pending doorbell request on migration on P9 (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Check for MMU ready on piggybacked virtual cores (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Define usage types for rmap array in guest memslot (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Don't push XIVE context when not using XIVE device (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix race in re-enabling XIVE escalation interrupts (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Fix software breakpoints (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Remove leftover comment from emulate_loadstore.c (David Gibson) [1814624]
- [x86] hyperv: Properly suspend/resume reenlightenment notifications (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [kernel] pm: hibernate: Freeze kernel threads in software_resume() (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [kernel] pm: hibernate: Propagate the return value of hibernation_restore() (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [x86] hyperv: Suspend/resume the VP assist page for hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Fix Suspend-to-Idle for Generation-2 VM (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [net] hv_sock: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [video] hyperv_fb: Fix hibernation for the deferred IO feature (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [video] hyperv_fb: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [scsi] storvsc: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [pci] hv: Change pci_protocol_version to per-hbus (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [pci] hv: Add hibernation support (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [input] hyperv-keyboard: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hid] hyperv: NULL check before some freeing functions is not needed (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hid] hyperv: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [clocksource] hyper-v: Suspend/resume Hyper-V clocksource for hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [x86] hyperv: Suspend/resume the hypercall page for hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [x86] hyperv: Implement hv_is_hibernation_supported() (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv_utils: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv_utils: Support host-initiated hibernation request (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv_utils: Support host-initiated restart request (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv_balloon: Add the support of hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Fix harmless building warnings without CONFIG_PM_SLEEP (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Resume after fixing up old primary channels (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Suspend after cleaning up hv_sock and sub channels (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Clean up hv_sock channels by force upon suspend (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Suspend/resume the vmbus itself for hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Ignore the offers when resuming from hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [hv] hv: vmbus: Implement suspend/resume for VSC drivers for hibernation (Mohammed Gamal) [1815475]
- [net] ipv4: really enforce backoff for redirects (Paolo Abeni) [1834184]
- [net] netfilter: nat: never update the UDP checksum when it's 0 (Guillaume Nault) [1794714]
- [net] sched: allow flower to match erspan options (Xin Long) [1830482]
- [net] sched: allow flower to match vxlan options (Xin Long) [1830482]
- [net] sched: add erspan option support to act_tunnel_key (Xin Long) [1830482]
- [net] sched: add vxlan option support to act_tunnel_key (Xin Long) [1830482]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: disable devlink reload when resources are being used (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix using uninitialized resources (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [netdrv] drivers/net: netdevsim depends on INET (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix nsim_fib6_rt_create() error path (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [tools] selftests: netdevsim: Add test for FIB offload API (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [tools] selftests: forwarding: Add helpers and tests for FIB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [tools] selftests: mlxsw: Add a self-test for port-default priority (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: fib: Add dummy implementation for FIB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [net] ipv6: Add "offload" and "trap" indications to routes (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [net] ipv4: Add "offload" and "trap" indications to routes (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [net] ipv4: Encapsulate function arguments in a struct (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [net] ipv4: Replace route in list before notifying (Ivan Vecera) [1829778]
- [tools] selftests: netdevsim: Extend devlink trap test to include flow action cookie (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [netdrv] netdevsim: add ACL trap reporting cookie as a metadata (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: extend devlink_trap_report() to accept cookie and pass (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] drop_monitor: extend by passing cookie from driver (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: add trap metadata type for cookie (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: add ACL generic packet traps (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: Add overlay source MAC is multicast trap (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: Add tunnel generic packet traps (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [net] devlink: Add non-routable packet trap (Petr Oros) [1823745]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Prevent incorrect replacement of local table routes (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove FIB entry list from FIB node (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Consolidate identical functions (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make route creation and destruction symmetric (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Eliminate dead code (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove unnecessary checks (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Remove old route notifications and convert listeners (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Start using new IPv6 route notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Handle multipath route deletion notification (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Handle route deletion notification (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Only Replay routes of interest to new listeners (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Notify multipath route if should be offloaded (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Notify route if replacing currently offloaded one (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv6: Notify newly added route if should be offloaded (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [include] net: fib_notifier: Add temporary events to the FIB notification chain (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Remove old route notifications and convert listeners (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Start using new IPv4 route notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't rely on missing extack to symbolize dump (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Only Replay routes of interest to new listeners (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Handle route deletion notification during flush (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Handle route deletion notification (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Notify newly added route if should be offloaded (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Notify route if replacing currently offloaded one (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Extend FIB alias find function (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] ipv4: Notify route after insertion to the routing table (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [include] net: fib_notifier: Add temporary events to the FIB notification chain (Ivan Vecera) [1828994]
- [net] vti6: Fix memory leak of skb if input policy check fails (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [net] xfrm: policy: Fix doulbe free in xfrm_policy_timer (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [net] xfrm: add the missing verify_sec_ctx_len check in xfrm_add_acquire (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [net] xfrm: fix uctx len check in verify_sec_ctx_len (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [net] xfrm: handle NETDEV_UNREGISTER for xfrm device (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [net] xfrm: interface: do not confirm neighbor when do pmtu update (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [documentation] xfrm: update doc about xfrm[46]_gc_thresh (Xin Long) [1829720]
- [documentation] devlink: remove trigger command from devlink-region.rst (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [include] devlink: promote "fw.bundle_id" to a generic info version (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: document devlink info versions reported by bnxt_en driver (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [include] devlink: add macro for "fw.roce" (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] Fix typo in devlink documentation (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: fix typos in qed documentation (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: document region snapshot triggering from userspace (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: introduce devlink-dpipe.rst documentation file (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add a devlink-resource.rst documentation file (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [netdrv] devlink: rename and expand devlink-trap-netdevsim.rst (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add documentation for ionic device driver (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add a file documenting devlink regions (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add a driver-specific file for the qed driver (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add parameter documentation for the mlx4 driver (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: document info versions for each driver (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: convert driver-specific files to reStructuredText (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: mention reloading in devlink-params.rst (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: add documentation for generic devlink parameters (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: convert devlink-params.txt to reStructuredText (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: rename devlink-info-versions.rst and add a header (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: convert devlink-health.txt to rst format (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [documentation] devlink: move devlink documentation to subfolder (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [include] devlink: add macro for "fw.psid" (Petr Oros) [1822570]
- [netdrv] ethtool: Add support for 400Gbps (50Gbps per lane) link modes (Ivan Vecera) [1828942]
- [netdrv] phy: Add support for 100BaseT1 and 1000BaseT1 (Ivan Vecera) [1828942]
- [net] phy: improve definition of __ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_MASK_NBITS (Ivan Vecera) [1828942]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: simplify NLM_F_CREATE handling (Phil Sutter) [1812666]
- [net] devlink: Add layer 3 generic packet exception traps (Petr Oros) [1828737]
- [net] devlink: Add layer 3 generic packet traps (Petr Oros) [1828737]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix infinite loop when expr is not available (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: autoload modules from the abort path (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove WARN and add NLA_STRING upper limits (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: store transaction list locally while requesting module (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use-after-free in failing rule with bound set (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nft_meta: skip EAGAIN if nft_meta_bridge is not a module (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: force module load in case select_ops() returns -EAGAIN (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nft_expr_type_request_module() (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: bogus EBUSY in helper removal from transaction (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix set double-free in abort path (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nft_compat: don't use refcount_inc on newly allocated entry (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: unbind set in rule from commit path (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nft_compat: destroy function must not have side effects (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nft_compat: make lists per netns (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nft_compat: use refcnt_t type for nft_xt reference count (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix suspicious RCU usage in nft_chain_stats_replace() (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: asynchronous release (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: split set destruction in deactivate and destroy phase (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: flow event notifier must use transaction mutex (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use dedicated mutex to guard transactions (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: avoid global info storage (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: take module reference when starting a batch (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: make valid_genid callback mandatory (Phil Sutter) [1757933]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add and use helper for module autoload (Phil Sutter) [1757933]

* Tue May 19 2020 Frantisek Hrbata <> [4.18.0-201.el8]
- [kernel] sched: Fix missing bracket in membarrier_switch_mm from mismerge (Phil Auld) [1745111]
- [fs] nfs: fix NULL deference in nfs4_get_valid_delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1831553]
- [acpi] PCI/AER: Use only _OSC to determine AER ownership (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/EDR: Log only ACPI_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT_RECOVER events (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Rationalize error status register clearing (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/DPC: Add Error Disconnect Recover (EDR) support (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/DPC: Expose dpc_process_error(), dpc_reset_link() for use by EDR (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Add pci_aer_raw_clear_status() to unconditionally clear Error Status (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/DPC: Cache DPC capabilities in pci_init_capabilities() (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ERR: Return status of pcie_do_recovery() (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ERR: Remove service dependency in pcie_do_recovery() (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/DPC: Move DPC data into struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ERR: Update error status after reset_link() (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ERR: Combine pci_channel_io_frozen cases (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ASPM: Reduce severity of common clock config message (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/ASPM: Clear the correct bits when enabling L1 substates (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/PM: Print config space of devices before suspend (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Initialize aer_fifo (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Factor message prefixes with dev_fmt() (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [pci] PCI/AER: Log which device prevents error recovery (Myron Stowe) [1712820]
- [security] ima: Switch to ima_hash_algo for boot aggregate (Jerry Snitselaar) [1786441]
- [mm] mm: mempolicy: require at least one nodeid for MPOL_PREFERRED (Rafael Aquini) [1834435] {CVE-2020-11565}
- [tools] perf maps: Add missing unlock to maps__insert() error case (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf dso: Fix dso comparison (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf block-info: Fix wrong block address comparison in block_info__cmp() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Setup initial evlist::all_cpus value (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Fix no libunwind compiled warning break s390 issue (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf hists: Fix variable name's inconsistency in hists__for_each() macro (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Set kmap->kmaps backpointer for main kernel map chunks (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Fix incorrectly added dimensions as switch perf data file (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix memory leakage in filter_event (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events s390: Remove name from L1D_RO_EXCL_WRITES description (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events s390: Fix counter long description for DTLB1_GPAGE_WRITES (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Allow custom libdir path (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf top: Do not bail out when perf_env__read_cpuid() returns ENOSYS (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf arch: Make the default get_cpuid() return compatible error (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf inject: Fix processing of ID index for injected instruction tracing (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Bail out --mem-mode if mem info is not available (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Make -F more strict like -s (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report/top TUI: Replace pr_err() with ui__error() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Copy pkg-config file to output folder when using O= (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix lib installation with O= (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf kvm: Clarify the 'perf kvm' -i and -o command line options (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf machine: Fill map_symbol->maps in append_inlines() to fix segfault (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf jit: Move test functionality in to a test (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Use affinity for enabling/disabling events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evsel: Add functions to enable/disable for a specific CPU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Use affinity for reading (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Use affinity for opening events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Factor out open error handling (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Use affinity for closing file descriptors (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evsel: Add functions to close evsel on a CPU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evsel: Add iterator to iterate over events ordered by CPU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Maintain evlist->all_cpus (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf cpumap: Maintain cpumaps ordered and without dups (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf script: Fix brstackinsn for AUXTRACE (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf affinity: Add infrastructure to save/restore affinity (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf pmu: Use file system cache to optimize sysfs access (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf regs: Make perf_reg_name() return "unknown" instead of NULL (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf diff: Use llabs() with 64-bit values (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf diff: Use llabs() with 64-bit values (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Rename tests/map_groups.c to tests/maps.c (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Rename thread-mg-share to thread-maps-share (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Rename map_groups.h to maps.h (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Rename 'mg' variables to 'maps' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map_symbol: Rename ms->mg to ms->maps (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf addr_location: Rename al->mg to al->maps (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf thread: Rename thread->mg to thread->maps (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Merge 'struct maps' with 'struct map_groups' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add some more instructions to the new instructions test (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Remove unused functions (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Remove needless struct forward declarations (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Ditch leftover map__reloc_vmlinux() prototype (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf script: Move map__fprintf_srccode() to near its only user (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Fix potential memory leak when handling tracepoint errors (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix memory leakage in copy_filter_type (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix header installation (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf intel-bts: Does not support AUX area sampling (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for decoding AUX area samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for recording AUX area samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf pmu: When using default config, record which bits of config were changed by the user (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add support for queuing AUX area samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf session: Add facility to peek at all events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add support for dumping AUX area samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf inject: Cut AUX area samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: Add aux-sample-size config term (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: Add support for AUX area sampling (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add support for AUX area sample recording (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Move perf_evsel__find_pmu() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: Add a function to test for kernel support for AUX area sampling (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Add kernel AUX area sampling definitions (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Jump to symbol source view from total cycles view (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf util: Move block TUI function to ui browsers (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf dso: Move dso_id from 'struct map' to 'struct dso' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf dsos: Remove unused dsos__find() method (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Move comparision of map's dso_id to a separate function (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Pass a dso_id to map__new() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Move maj/min/ino/ino_generation to separate struct (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Report initial event parsing error (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add some instructions to the new instructions test (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Move seldom used ->flags field to second cacheline (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Use bitmap for booleans (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libtraceevent: Fix parsing of event o and X argument types (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf callchain: Fix segfault in thread__resolve_callchain_sample() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map_groups: Auto sort maps by name, if needed (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf machine: No need to check if kernel module maps pre-exist (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: No need to process the synthesized MMAP events twice (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: No need to adjust the long name of modules (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map_groups: Add a front end cache for map lookups by name (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Do not use an rbtree to sort by map name (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Purge the entries from maps->names in __maps__purge() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events power9: Fix commas so PMU event files are valid JSON (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events power8: Fix commas so PMU event files are valid JSON (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events arm64: Fix commas so PMU event files are valid JSON (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Use YYABORT to clear stack after failure, plugging leaks (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tool: Provide an option to print perf_event_open args and return value (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Remove ->groups from 'struct map' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Combine maps__fixup_overlappings with its only use (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Stop using map->groups, use map_symbol->mg instead (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Add a 'struct map_groups' pointer to 'struct map_symbol' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf symbols: Use kmaps(map)->machine when we know its a kernel map (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] pref tools: Make 'struct addr_map_symbol' contain 'struct map_symbol' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf callchain: Use 'struct map_symbol' in 'struct callchain_cursor_node' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf unwind: Use 'struct map_symbol' in 'struct unwind_entry' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Pass a 'map_symbol' in places receiving a pair of 'map' and 'symbol' pointers (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Add map_groups to 'struct addr_location' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map_groups: Pass the object to map_groups__find_ams() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf symbols: Stop using map->groups, we can use kmaps instead (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Use map->dso->kernel + map__kmaps() in map__kmaps() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Sort by sampled cycles percent per block for tui (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Support --percent-limit for --total-cycles (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Sort by sampled cycles percent per block for stdio (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf hist: Support block formats with compare/sort/display (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf hist: Count the total cycles of all samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf block: Cleanup and refactor block info functions (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf diff: Don't use hack to skip column length calculation (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Fix out of bounds memory access (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: Add support for limit perf output file size (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix heap overflow (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf machine: Add kernel_dso() method (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf symbols: Remove needless checks for map->groups->machine (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Add a deep delete for parse event terms (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: If pmu configuration fails free terms (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Before yyabort-ing free components (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Add destructors for parse event terms (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Ensure config and str in terms are unique (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf parse: Add parse events handle error (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf inject: Make --strip keep evsels (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Fix cross compile for ARM64 (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Add --per-node agregation support (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf env: Add perf_env__numa_node() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Splice events onto evlist even on error (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libsubcmd: Use -O0 with DEBUG=1 (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libsubcmd: Move EXTRA_FLAGS to the end to allow overriding existing flags (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map_groups: Introduce for_each_entry() and for_each_entry_safe() iterators (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf maps: Add for_each_entry()/_safe() iterators (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Allow map__next() to receive a NULL arg (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf map: Check if the map still has some refcounts on exit (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf dso: Add dso__data_write_cache_addr() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf dso: Refactor dso_cache__read() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf auxtrace: Add auxtrace_cache__remove() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf jevents: Fix resource leak in process_mapfile() and main() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf kvm: Use evlist layer api when possible (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Fix a typo (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Avoid a malloc() for array events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Move ALLOC_LIST into a function (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evsel: Avoid close(-1) (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evsel: Always preserve errno while cleaning up perf_event_open failures (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf cs-etm: Fix definition of macro TO_CS_QUEUE_NR (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf llvm: Make .o saving a debug message, not an info one (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf record: Put a copy of kcore into the directory (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf data: Support single file directory (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf session: Fix indent in perf_session__new()" (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf data: Rename directory "header" file to "data" (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf data: Move perf_dir_version into data.h (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf data: Correctly identify directory data files (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Use STUL_STRARRAY_FLAGS with mmap (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Wire up strarray__strtoul_flags() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Introduce strarray__strtoul_flags() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Make the mmap_flags strarray visible outside of its beautifier (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Use strtoul for the fcntl 'cmd' argument (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Introduce syscall_arg__strtoul_strarrays() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add pr_err() macro (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Do not export perf_evsel__init()/perf_evlist__init() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Keep count of failed tests (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add tests_mmap_cpus test (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add tests_mmap_thread test (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Link static tests with libapi.a (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Move mask setup to perf_evlist__mmap_ops() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Move mmap allocation to perf_evlist__mmap_ops::get (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist__for_each_mmap() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Disable bp_signal testing for arm64 (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests bp_account: Add dedicated checking helper is_supported() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tests: Remove needless headers for bp_account (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf list: Hide deprecated events by default (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Pass a syscall_arg to syscall_arg_fmt->strtoul() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Honour --max-events in processing syscalls:sys_enter_* (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Introduce syscall_arg__strtoul_strarray() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Initialize evsel_trace->fmt for syscalls:sys_enter_* tracepoints (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Introduce 'struct evsel__trace' for evsel->priv needs (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Hide evsel->access further, simplify code (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Introduce accessors to trace specific evsel->priv (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Show error message when not finding a field used in a filter expression (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Hook the 'vec' tracepoint argument with the x86 IRQ vectors scnprintf/strtoul (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace beauty: Add the glue for the autogenerated x86 IRQ vector array (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Add a strarray__scnprintf_suffix() method (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Hook up the x86 irq_vectors table generator (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libbeauty: Add a generator for x86's IRQ vectors -> strings (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] tools arch x86: Grab a copy of the file containing the IRQ vector defines (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events arm64: Add some missing events for Hisi hip08 HHA PMU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events arm64: Add some missing events for Hisi hip08 L3C PMU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events arm64: Add some missing events for Hisi hip08 DDRC PMU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf vendor events arm64: Fix Hisi hip08 DDRC PMU eventname (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Support tracepoint dynamic char arrays (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Filter own pid to avoid a feedback look in 'perf trace record -a' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf string: Export asprintf__tp_filter_pids() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Introduce --errno-summary (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Add syscall failure stats to -s/--summary and -S/--with-summary (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf stat: Support --all-kernel/--all-user (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Fix objdump --no-show-raw-insn flag (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Don't pipe objdump output through 'expand' command (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Don't pipe objdump output through 'grep' command (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Use libsubcmd's run-command.h to fork objdump (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf annotate: Avoid reallocation in objdump parsing (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf report: Add warning when libunwind not compiled in (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf test: Avoid infinite loop for task exit case (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf test: Report failure for mmap events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf script: Fix --reltime with --time (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Allow to build with -ltcmalloc (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf diff: Report noisy for cycles diff (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Propagate CFLAGS to libperf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_evlist__filter_pollfd() from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist__purge() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist__exit() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Move the pollfd allocation from tools/perf to libperf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Centralize map refcnt setting (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Switch to libperf's mmap interface (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__mmap_cb_mmap() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__mmap_cb_get() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf_evlist__mmap_cb_idx() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist_mmap_ops::mmap callback (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add perf_evlist_mmap_ops::get callback (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist_mmap_ops::idx callback (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Introduce perf_evlist__mmap_ops() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_evlist__mmap()/munmap() from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__read_event() from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__read_done() from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__read_init() from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__consume() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Use perf_mmap way to detect aux mmap (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__put() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__unmap() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__get() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__mmap() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Adopt perf_mmap__mmap_len() function from tools/perf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add 'struct perf_mmap_param' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] libperf: Add perf_mmap__init() function (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf tools: Avoid 'sample_reg_masks' being const + weak (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf beauty: Introduce strtoul() for x86 MSRs (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Expand strings in filters to integers (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Introduce a strtoul() method for 'struct strarrays' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Add a strtoul() method to 'struct syscall_arg_fmt' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Introduce --filter for tracepoint events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Introduce append_tp_filter_pid() and append_tp_filter_pids() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Introduce append_tp_filter() method (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Factor out asprintf routine to build a tracepoint pid filter (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Associate the "msr" tracepoint arg name with x86_MSR__scnprintf() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace beauty: Add the glue for the autogenerated MSR arrays (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Allow associating scnprintf routines with well known arg names (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf beauty: Hook up the x86 MSR table generator (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace beauty: Add a x86 MSR cmd id->str table generator (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf beauty: Make strarray's offset be u64 (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Allow choosing how to augment the tracepoint arguments (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Enclose all events argument lists with () (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Add array of chars scnprintf beautifier (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Add the syscall_arg_fmt pointer to syscall_arg (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Move some scnprintf methods from syscall to syscall_arg_fmt (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Allocate an array of beautifiers for tracepoint args (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Factor out the initialization of syscal_arg_fmt->scnprintf (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf script: Allow --time with --reltime (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Add Time chart by CPU (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Add ability for Call tree to open at a specified task and time (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Tidy up Call tree call_time (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Add global time range calculations (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Add HBoxLayout and VBoxLayout (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf scripts python: Add LookupModel() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace augmented_syscalls: Do not show syscalls when none was asked for (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Postpone parsing .perfconfig trace.add_events to after --verbose is processed (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Generalize the syscall_fmt find routines (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Separate 'struct syscall_fmt' definition from syscall_fmts variable (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf trace: Make evlist__set_evsel_handler() affect just entries without a handler (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf evlist: Adopt __set_tracepoint_handlers method from perf_session (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf top: Initialize perf_env->cpuid, needed by the per arch annotation init routine (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [tools] perf env: Add routine to read the env->cpuid from the running machine (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/cgroups: Install cgroup events to correct cpuctx (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix mlock accounting in perf_mmap() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove PCIe3 unit for SNR (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix missing marker for snr_uncore_imc_freerunning_events (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add PCI ID of IMC for Xeon E3 V5 Family (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf: Correctly handle failed perf_get_aux_event() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix PT PMI handling (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Fix the use of page_private() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86: Fix potential out-of-bounds access (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86: Implement immediate enforcement of /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc value of 0 (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Make the mlock accounting simple again (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix the mlock accounting, again (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Prevent redundant WRMSRs (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Opportunistically use single range output mode (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add sampling support (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Factor out pt_config_start() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/aux: Allow using AUX data in perf samples (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Fix unlock balance in perf_init_event() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/amd: Remove set but not used variable 'active' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Optimize perf_init_event() for TYPE_SOFTWARE (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Optimize perf_init_event() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/core: Optimize perf_install_in_event() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86: Synchronize PMU task contexts on optimized context switches (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Implement LBR callstack context synchronization (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/x86: Install platform specific ->swap_task_ctx() adapter (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [x86] perf/core, perf/x86: Introduce swap_task_ctx() method at 'struct pmu' (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Matching the memory allocate and free, in rb_alloc() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Modify the parameter type of perf_mmap_free_page() (Michael Petlan) [1818838]
- [documentation] Documentation: Document sysfs interfaces purr, spurr, idle_purr, idle_spurr (Steve Best) [1783286]
- [powerpc] powerpc/sysfs: Show idle_purr and idle_spurr for every CPU (Steve Best) [1783286]
- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Account for SPURR ticks on idle CPUs (Steve Best) [1783286]
- [powerpc] powerpc/idle: Store PURR snapshot in a per-cpu global variable (Steve Best) [1783286]
- [powerpc] powerpc: Move idle_loop_prolog()/epilog() functions to header file (Steve Best) [1783286]
- [kernel] padata: add separate cpuhp node for CPUHP_PADATA_DEAD (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: fix uninitialized return value in padata_replace() (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: remove reorder_objects (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] padata: remove cpumask change notifier (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: always acquire cpu_hotplug_lock before pinst->lock (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: validate cpumask without removed CPU during offline (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] crypto: pcrypt - Avoid deadlock by using per-instance padata queues (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: Remove unused padata_remove_cpu (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] crypto: pcrypt - Fix user-after-free on module unload (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: Remove broken queue flushing (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: remove cpu_index from the parallel_queue (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: unbind parallel jobs from specific CPUs (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: use separate workqueues for parallel and serial work (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] padata, pcrypt: take CPU hotplug lock internally in padata_alloc_possible (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] crypto: pcrypt - remove padata cpumask notifier (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] padata: make padata_do_parallel find alternate callback CPU (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] workqueue: require CPU hotplug read exclusion for apply_workqueue_attrs (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] workqueue: unconfine alloc/apply/free_workqueue_attrs() (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [crypto] padata: allocate workqueue internally (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: initialize pd->cpu with effective cpumask (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: purge get_cpu and reorder_via_wq from padata_do_serial (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: Replace delayed timer with immediate workqueue in padata_reorder (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] padata: use smp_mb in padata_reorder to avoid orphaned padata jobs (Herbert Xu) [1671674]
- [kernel] tracing: Avoid memory leak in process_system_preds() (Jerome Marchand) [1829953] {CVE-2019-19072}
- [kernel] tracing: Have error path in predicate_parse() free its allocated memory (Jerome Marchand) [1829953] {CVE-2019-19072}
- [kernel] tracing: Avoid memory leak in predicate_parse() (Jerome Marchand) [1829953] {CVE-2019-19072}
- [kernel] tracing: Fix memory leak in create_filter() (Jerome Marchand) [1829953] {CVE-2019-19072}
- [tools] KVM: selftests: s390x: Provide additional num-guest-pages adjustment (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/protvirt: fix compilation issue (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Fix PV check in deliverable_irqs() (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Return last valid slot if approx index is out-of-bounds (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: vsie: Fix delivery of addressing exceptions (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [mm] s390/gmap: return proper error code on ksm unsharing (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] KVM: s390: mark sie block as 512 byte aligned (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: s390: check for registers to NOT change on reset (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: s390: test more register variants for the reset ioctl (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: s390: fix early guest crash (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: s390: fixup fprintf format error in reset.c (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Also reset registers in sync regs for initial cpu reset (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: introduce module parameter kvm.use_gisa (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [documentation] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add KVM api documentation (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: introduce and enable KVM_CAP_S390_PROTECTED (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [documentation] DOCUMENTATION: Protected virtual machine introduction and IPL (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add UV cpu reset calls (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: do not inject interrupts after start (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Mask PSW interrupt bits for interception 104 and 112 (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Support cmd 5 operation state (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Report CPU state to Ultravisor (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: UV calls in support of diag308 0, 1 (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add program exception injection (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Only sync fmt4 registers (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Do only reset registers that are accessible (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: disallow one_reg (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: STSI handling (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Write sthyi data to instruction data area (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390/mm: handle guest unpin events (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: handle secure guest prefix pages (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: S390: protvirt: Introduce instruction data area bounce buffer (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add new gprs location handling (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Handle spec exception loops (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add SCLP interrupt handling (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Implement interrupt injection (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Instruction emulation (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Handle SE notification interceptions (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [mm] KVM: s390/mm: Make pages accessible before destroying the guest (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [mm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Secure memory is not mergeable (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add initial vm and cpu lifecycle handling (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] KVM: s390: add new variants of UV CALL (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: protvirt: Add UV debug trace (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390/interrupt: do not pin adapter interrupt pages (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/protvirt: Add sysfs firmware interface for Ultravisor information (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/mm: add (non)secure page access exceptions handlers (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/mm: provide memory management functions for protected KVM guests (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/protvirt: add ultravisor initialization (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/protvirt: introduce host side setup (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [documentation] KVM: s390: rstify new ioctls in api.rst (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/uv: Fix handling of length extensions (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: testing the local IRQs resets (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [tools] selftests: KVM: s390x: Add reset tests (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Add new reset vcpu API (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Cleanup initial cpu reset (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: do not clobber registers during guest reset/store status (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: ENOTSUPP -> EOPNOTSUPP fixups (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [s390] s390/uv: use EOPNOTSUPP instead of ENOTSUPP (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Do not yield when target is already running (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: count invalid yields (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: mark __insn32_query() as __always_inline (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: fix __insn32_query() inline assembly (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Cleanup kvm_arch_init error path (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [kvm] KVM: s390: Remove unused parameter from __inject_sigp_restart() (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [mm] mm/gup/writeback: add callbacks for inaccessible pages (Philipp Rudo) [1792266]
- [scsi] scsi: libiscsi: fall back to sendmsg for slab pages (Maurizio Lombardi) [1825775]
- [fs] smb3: fix default permissions on new files when mounting with modefromsid (Leif Sahlberg) [1833374]
- [fs] gfs2: don't call quota_unhold if quotas are not locked (Robert S Peterson) [1830043]
- [fs] gfs2: move privileged user check to gfs2_quota_lock_check (Robert S Peterson) [1830043]
- [fs] gfs2: remove check for quotas on in gfs2_quota_check (Robert S Peterson) [1830043]
- [fs] gfs2: Change BUG_ON to an assert_withdraw in gfs2_quota_change (Robert S Peterson) [1830043]
- [fs] gfs2: Fix problems regarding gfs2_qa_get and _put (Robert S Peterson) [1830043]
- [powerpc] powerpc/eeh: Fix deadlock handling dead PHB (Sam Bobroff) [1774820]
- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/eeh: Fix oops when probing cxl devices (Sam Bobroff) [1774820]
- [powerpc] powerpc/eeh: Slightly simplify eeh_add_to_parent_pe() (Sam Bobroff) [1774820]
- [powerpc] powerpc/eeh: Remove u