# We have to override the new %%install behavior because, well... the kernel is special.
%global __spec_install_pre %{___build_pre}
Summary: The Linux kernel
%define dist .el7
# % define buildid .local
# For a kernel released for public testing, released_kernel should be 1.
# For internal testing builds during development, it should be 0.
%global released_kernel 1
%global distro_build 862
%define rpmversion 3.10.0
%define pkgrelease 862.3.2.el7
# allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag
%define specrelease 862.3.2%{?dist}
%define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid}
# The kernel tarball/base version
%define rheltarball %{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}
# What parts do we want to build? We must build at least one kernel.
# These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
# All should default to 1 (enabled) and be flipped to 0 (disabled)
# by later arch-specific checks.
# The following build options are enabled by default.
# Use either --without <opt> in your rpmbuild command or force values
# to 0 in here to disable them.
# kernel
%define with_default %{?_without_default: 0} %{?!_without_default: 1}
# kernel-debug
%define with_debug %{?_without_debug: 0} %{?!_without_debug: 1}
# kernel-doc
%define with_doc %{?_without_doc: 0} %{?!_without_doc: 1}
# kernel-headers
%define with_headers %{?_without_headers: 0} %{?!_without_headers: 1}
# perf
%define with_perf %{?_without_perf: 0} %{?!_without_perf: 1}
# tools
%define with_tools %{?_without_tools: 0} %{?!_without_tools: 1}
# kernel-debuginfo
%define with_debuginfo %{?_without_debuginfo: 0} %{?!_without_debuginfo: 1}
# kernel-kdump (only for s390x)
%define with_kdump %{?_without_kdump: 0} %{?!_without_kdump: 0}
# kernel-bootwrapper (for creating zImages from kernel + initrd)
%define with_bootwrapper %{?_without_bootwrapper: 0} %{?!_without_bootwrapper: 0}
# kernel-abi-whitelists
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists %{?_with_kernel_abi_whitelists: 0} %{?!_with_kernel_abi_whitelists: 1}
# In RHEL, we always want the doc build failing to build to be a failure,
# which means settings this to false.
%define doc_build_fail false
# Additional options for user-friendly one-off kernel building:
# Only build the base kernel (--with baseonly):
%define with_baseonly %{?_with_baseonly: 1} %{?!_with_baseonly: 0}
# Only build the debug kernel (--with dbgonly):
%define with_dbgonly %{?_with_dbgonly: 1} %{?!_with_dbgonly: 0}
# Control whether we perform a compat. check against published ABI.
%define with_kabichk %{?_without_kabichk: 0} %{?!_without_kabichk: 1}
# Control whether we perform a compat. check against DUP ABI.
%define with_kabidupchk 1
# Control whether to run an extensive DWARF based kABI check.
# Note that this option needs to have baseline setup in SOURCE30.
%define with_kabidwchk %{?_without_kabidwchk: 0} %{?!_without_kabidwchk: 1}
%define with_kabidw_base %{?_with_kabidw_base: 1} %{?!_with_kabidw_base: 0}
# should we do C=1 builds with sparse
%define with_sparse %{?_with_sparse: 1} %{?!_with_sparse: 0}
# Cross compile requested?
%define with_cross %{?_with_cross: 1} %{?!_with_cross: 0}
# Control wheter we package git stats for the last commit or not
%define with_commitstats %{?_with_commitstats: 1} %{?!_with_commitstats: 0}
# Set debugbuildsenabled to 1 for production (build separate debug kernels)
# and 0 for rawhide (all kernels are debug kernels).
# See also 'make debug' and 'make release'. RHEL only ever does 1.
%define debugbuildsenabled 1
%define with_gcov %{?_with_gcov: 1} %{?!_with_gcov: 0}
# turn off debug kernel and kabichk for gcov builds
%if %{with_gcov}
%define with_debug 0
%define with_kabichk 0
%define with_kabidwchk 0
# turn off kABI DUP check and DWARF-based check if kABI check is disabled
%if !%{with_kabichk}
%define with_kabidupchk 0
%define with_kabidwchk 0
# turn off kABI DWARF-based check if we're generating the base dataset
%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%define with_kabidwchk 0
%define make_target bzImage
# Kernel Version Release + Arch -> KVRA
%define KVRA %{version}-%{release}.%{_target_cpu}
%define hdrarch %{_target_cpu}
%define asmarch %{_target_cpu}
%define cross_target %{_target_cpu}
%if !%{debugbuildsenabled}
%define with_debug 0
%if !%{with_debuginfo}
%define _enable_debug_packages 0
%define debuginfodir /usr/lib/debug
# if requested, only build base kernel
%if %{with_baseonly}
%define with_debug 0
%define with_kdump 0
# if requested, only build debug kernel
%if %{with_dbgonly}
%define with_default 0
%define with_kdump 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_perf 0
# These arches install vdso/ directories.
%define vdso_arches %{all_x86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x
# Overrides for generic default options
# only build kernel-debug on x86_64, s390x, ppc64 ppc64le
%ifnarch x86_64 s390x ppc64 ppc64le
%define with_debug 0
# only package docs noarch
%ifnarch noarch
%define with_doc 0
%define with_kernel_abi_whitelists 0
# don't build noarch kernels or headers (duh)
%ifarch noarch
%define with_default 0
%define with_headers 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_perf 0
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-*.config
# sparse blows up on ppc64
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le ppc
%define with_sparse 0
# Per-arch tweaks
%ifarch i686
%define asmarch x86
%define hdrarch i386
%ifarch x86_64
%define asmarch x86
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-x86_64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define kernel_image arch/x86/boot/bzImage
%ifarch ppc
%define asmarch powerpc
%define hdrarch powerpc
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
%define asmarch powerpc
%define hdrarch powerpc
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-ppc64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define with_bootwrapper 1
%define cross_target powerpc64
%define kcflags -O3
%ifarch s390x
%define asmarch s390
%define hdrarch s390
%define all_arch_configs kernel-%{version}-s390x*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define kernel_image arch/s390/boot/bzImage
%define with_tools 0
%define with_kdump 1
#cross compile make
%if %{with_cross}
%define cross_opts CROSS_COMPILE=%{cross_target}-linux-gnu-
%define with_perf 0
%define with_tools 0
# Should make listnewconfig fail if there's config options
# printed out?
%define listnewconfig_fail 1
# To temporarily exclude an architecture from being built, add it to
# %%nobuildarches. Do _NOT_ use the ExclusiveArch: line, because if we
# don't build kernel-headers then the new build system will no longer let
# us use the previous build of that package -- it'll just be completely AWOL.
# Which is a BadThing(tm).
# We only build kernel-headers on the following...
%define nobuildarches i686 s390 ppc
%ifarch %nobuildarches
%define with_default 0
%define with_debuginfo 0
%define with_kdump 0
%define with_tools 0
%define with_perf 0
%define _enable_debug_packages 0
# Architectures we build tools/cpupower on
%define cpupowerarchs x86_64 ppc64 ppc64le
# Architectures where we compress modules
%ifarch x86_64
%define zipmodules 1
%define zipmodules 0
# Three sets of minimum package version requirements in the form of Conflicts:
# to versions below the minimum
# First the general kernel 2.6 required versions as per
# Documentation/Changes
%define kernel_dot_org_conflicts ppp < 2.4.3-3, isdn4k-utils < 3.2-32, nfs-utils < 1.0.7-12, e2fsprogs < 1.37-4, util-linux < 2.12, jfsutils < 1.1.7-2, reiserfs-utils < 3.6.19-2, xfsprogs < 2.6.13-4, procps < 3.2.5-6.3, oprofile < 0.9.1-2, device-mapper-libs < 1.02.63-2, mdadm < 3.2.1-5
# Then a series of requirements that are distribution specific, either
# because we add patches for something, or the older versions have
# problems with the newer kernel or lack certain things that make
# integration in the distro harder than needed.
%define package_conflicts initscripts < 7.23, udev < 063-6, iptables < 1.3.2-1, ipw2200-firmware < 2.4, iwl4965-firmware < 228.57.2, selinux-policy-targeted < 1.25.3-14, squashfs-tools < 4.0, wireless-tools < 29-3, xfsprogs < 4.3.0, kmod < 20-9, kexec-tools < 2.0.14-3
# We moved the drm include files into kernel-headers, make sure there's
# a recent enough libdrm-devel on the system that doesn't have those.
%define kernel_headers_conflicts libdrm-devel < 2.4.0-0.15
# Packages that need to be installed before the kernel is, because the %%post
# scripts use them.
%define kernel_prereq fileutils, module-init-tools >= 3.16-2, initscripts >= 8.11.1-1, grubby >= 8.28-2
%define initrd_prereq dracut >= 033-502
# This macro does requires, provides, conflicts, obsoletes for a kernel package.
# %%kernel_reqprovconf <subpackage>
# It uses any kernel_<subpackage>_conflicts and kernel_<subpackage>_obsoletes
# macros defined above.
%define kernel_reqprovconf \
Provides: kernel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}\
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}%{?1:.%{1}}\
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0\
Provides: kernel-drm-nouveau = 16\
Provides: kernel-modeset = 1\
Provides: kernel-uname-r = %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}}\
Requires(pre): %{kernel_prereq}\
Requires(pre): %{initrd_prereq}\
Requires(pre): linux-firmware >= 20180113-61\
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg\
Requires(post): system-release\
Requires(preun): %{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg\
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}\
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts:Conflicts: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_conflicts}}}\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_obsoletes}}}\
%{expand:%%{?kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides:Provides: %%{kernel%{?1:_%{1}}_provides}}}\
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up\
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which\
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function\
AutoReq: no\
AutoProv: yes\
Name: kernel%{?variant}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: GPLv2
URL: http://www.kernel.org/
Version: %{rpmversion}
Release: %{pkg_release}
# SET %%nobuildarches (ABOVE) INSTEAD
ExclusiveArch: noarch i686 x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x
ExclusiveOS: Linux
# List the packages used during the kernel build
BuildRequires: module-init-tools, patch >= 2.5.4, bash >= 2.03, sh-utils, tar
BuildRequires: xz, findutils, gzip, m4, perl, make >= 3.78, diffutils, gawk
BuildRequires: gcc >= 4.8.5-28, binutils >= 2.25, redhat-rpm-config >= 9.1.0-55
BuildRequires: hostname, net-tools, bc
BuildRequires: xmlto, asciidoc
BuildRequires: openssl
BuildRequires: hmaccalc
BuildRequires: python-devel, newt-devel, perl(ExtUtils::Embed)
%ifarch x86_64
BuildRequires: pesign >= 0.109-4
%if %{with_sparse}
BuildRequires: sparse >= 0.4.1
%if %{with_perf}
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel zlib-devel binutils-devel bison
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
BuildRequires: java-devel
%ifnarch s390 s390x
BuildRequires: numactl-devel
%if %{with_tools}
BuildRequires: pciutils-devel gettext ncurses-devel
%if %{with_debuginfo}
# Fancy new debuginfo generation introduced in Fedora 8/RHEL 6.
# The -r flag to find-debuginfo.sh invokes eu-strip --reloc-debug-sections
# which reduces the number of relocations in kernel module .ko.debug files and
# was introduced with rpm 4.9 and elfutils 0.153.
BuildRequires: rpm-build >= 4.9.0-1, elfutils >= 0.153-1
%define debuginfo_args --strict-build-id -r
%if %{with_kabidwchk} || %{with_kabidw_base}
BuildRequires: bison flex
%ifarch s390x
# required for zfcpdump
BuildRequires: glibc-static
Source0: linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}.tar.xz
Source1: Makefile.common
Source10: sign-modules
%define modsign_cmd %{SOURCE10}
Source11: x509.genkey
Source12: extra_certificates
%if %{?released_kernel}
Source13: centos.cer
Source14: secureboot.cer
%define pesign_name redhatsecureboot301
Source13: centos.cer
Source14: secureboot.cer
%define pesign_name redhatsecureboot003
Source15: centos-ldup.x509
Source16: centos-kpatch.x509
Source18: check-kabi
Source20: Module.kabi_x86_64
Source21: Module.kabi_ppc64
Source22: Module.kabi_ppc64le
Source23: Module.kabi_s390x
Source24: Module.kabi_dup_x86_64
Source25: Module.kabi_dup_ppc64
Source26: Module.kabi_dup_ppc64le
Source27: Module.kabi_dup_s390x
Source30: kernel-abi-whitelists-%{distro_build}.tar.bz2
Source31: kernel-kabi-dw-%{distro_build}.tar.bz2
Source50: kernel-%{version}-x86_64.config
Source51: kernel-%{version}-x86_64-debug.config
Source60: kernel-%{version}-ppc64.config
Source61: kernel-%{version}-ppc64-debug.config
Source62: kernel-%{version}-ppc64le.config
Source63: kernel-%{version}-ppc64le-debug.config
Source70: kernel-%{version}-s390x.config
Source71: kernel-%{version}-s390x-debug.config
Source72: kernel-%{version}-s390x-kdump.config
# Sources for kernel modprobe config files
Source1000: modprobe-dccp-blacklist.conf
# Sources for kernel-tools
Source2000: cpupower.service
Source2001: cpupower.config
# git stats for last commits can be used as source for smart tests
%if %{with_commitstats}
Source9999: lastcommit.stat
# empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches
Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch
Patch1000: debrand-single-cpu.patch
Patch1001: debrand-rh_taint.patch
Patch1002: debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/kernel-%{KVRA}-root
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.
%package doc
Summary: Various documentation bits found in the kernel source
Group: Documentation
AutoReqProv: no
%description doc
This package contains documentation files from the kernel
source. Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the
device drivers shipped with it are documented in these files.
You'll want to install this package if you need a reference to the
options that can be passed to Linux kernel modules at load time.
%package headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
Group: Development/System
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders < 3.0-46
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46
%description headers
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
glibc package.
%package bootwrapper
Summary: Boot wrapper files for generating combined kernel + initrd images
Group: Development/System
Requires: gzip binutils
%description bootwrapper
Kernel-bootwrapper contains the wrapper code which makes bootable "zImage"
files combining both kernel and initial ramdisk.
%package debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
Summary: Kernel source files used by %{name}-debuginfo packages
Group: Development/Debug
%description debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
This package is required by %{name}-debuginfo subpackages.
It provides the kernel source files common to all builds.
%if %{with_perf}
%package -n perf
Summary: Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
%description -n perf
This package contains the perf tool, which enables performance monitoring
of the Linux kernel.
%package -n perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf package.
# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of find-debuginfo.sh's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/perf(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libexecdir}/perf-core/.*|XXX' -o perf-debuginfo.list}
%package -n python-perf
Summary: Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
Group: Development/Libraries
%description -n python-perf
The python-perf package contains a module that permits applications
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
to manipulate perf events.
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
%package -n python-perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package perf python bindings
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n python-perf-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for the perf python bindings.
# the python_sitearch macro should already be defined from above
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{python_sitearch}/perf.so(\.debug)?|XXX' -o python-perf-debuginfo.list}
%endif # with_perf
%if %{with_tools}
%package -n kernel-tools
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
Provides: cpupowerutils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Provides: cpufreq-utils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Provides: cpufrequtils = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpufreq-utils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpufrequtils < 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpuspeed < 1:2.0
Requires: kernel-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n kernel-tools
This package contains the tools/ directory from the kernel source
and the supporting documentation.
%package -n kernel-tools-libs
Summary: Libraries for the kernels-tools
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
%description -n kernel-tools-libs
This package contains the libraries built from the tools/ directory
from the kernel source.
%package -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
Summary: Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
Group: Development/System
License: GPLv2
Requires: kernel-tools = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: cpupowerutils-devel = 1:009-0.6.p1
Obsoletes: cpupowerutils-devel < 1:009-0.6.p1
Requires: kernel-tools-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: kernel-tools-devel
%description -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
This package contains the development files for the tools/ directory from
the kernel source.
%package -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package kernel-tools
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package kernel-tools.
# Note that this pattern only works right to match the .build-id
# symlinks because of the trailing nonmatching alternation and
# the leading .*, because of find-debuginfo.sh's buggy handling
# of matching the pattern against the symlinks file.
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '.*%%{_bindir}/centrino-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/cpupower(\.debug)?|.*%%{_libdir}/libcpupower.*|.*%%{_libdir}/libcpupower.*|.*%%{_bindir}/turbostat(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/x86_energy_perf_policy(\.debug)?|.*%%{_bindir}/tmon(\.debug)?|XXX' -o kernel-tools-debuginfo.list}
%endif # with_tools
%if %{with_gcov}
%package gcov
Summary: gcov graph and source files for coverage data collection.
Group: Development/System
%description gcov
kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collection.
%package -n kernel-abi-whitelists
Summary: The CentOS Linux kernel ABI symbol whitelists
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n kernel-abi-whitelists
The kABI package contains information pertaining to the CentOS
Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by
external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement.
%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%package kabidw-base
Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
%description kabidw-base
The kabidw-base package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool.
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-debuginfo package.
# %%kernel_debuginfo_package <subpackage>
%define kernel_debuginfo_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}debuginfo\
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}\
Group: Development/Debug\
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
AutoReqProv: no\
%description -n %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-debuginfo\
This package provides debug information for package %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}.\
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-%{KVRA}.\
%{expand:%%global debuginfo_args %{?debuginfo_args} -p '/.*/%%{KVRA}%{?1:\.%{1}}/.*|/.*%%{KVRA}%{?1:\.%{1}}(\.debug)?' -o debuginfo%{?1}.list}\
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage>-devel package.
# %%kernel_devel_package <subpackage> <pretty-name>
%define kernel_devel_package() \
%package %{?1:%{1}-}devel\
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the %{?2:%{2} }kernel\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
Provides: kernel%{?1:-%{1}}-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}\
Provides: kernel-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{version}-%{release}%{?1:.%{1}}\
Provides: kernel-devel-uname-r = %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}}\
AutoReqProv: no\
Requires(pre): /usr/bin/find\
Requires: perl\
%description -n kernel%{?variant}%{?1:-%{1}}-devel\
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules\
against the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package.\
# This macro creates a kernel-<subpackage> and its -devel and -debuginfo too.
# %%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled for <configuration>
# %%kernel_variant_package [-n <pretty-name>] <subpackage>
%define kernel_variant_package(n:) \
%package %1\
Summary: %{variant_summary}\
Group: System Environment/Kernel\
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_package %1 %{!?-n:%1}%{?-n:%{-n*}}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_debuginfo_package %1}\
# First the auxiliary packages of the main kernel package.
# Now, each variant package.
%define variant_summary The Linux kernel compiled with extra debugging enabled
%kernel_variant_package debug
%description debug
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.
This variant of the kernel has numerous debugging options enabled.
It should only be installed when trying to gather additional information
on kernel bugs, as some of these options impact performance noticably.
%define variant_summary A minimal Linux kernel compiled for crash dumps
%kernel_variant_package kdump
%description kdump
This package includes a kdump version of the Linux kernel. It is
required only on machines which will use the kexec-based kernel crash dump
# do a few sanity-checks for --with *only builds
%if %{with_baseonly}
%if !%{with_default}
echo "Cannot build --with baseonly, default kernel build is disabled"
exit 1
# more sanity checking; do it quietly
if [ "%{patches}" != "%%{patches}" ] ; then
for patch in %{patches} ; do
if [ ! -f $patch ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Patch ${patch##/*/} listed in specfile but is missing"
exit 1
fi 2>/dev/null
patch_command='patch -p1 -F1 -s'
local patch=$1
if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
exit 1
if ! grep -E "^Patch[0-9]+: $patch\$" %{_specdir}/${RPM_PACKAGE_NAME%%%%%{?variant}}.spec ; then
if [ "${patch:0:8}" != "patch-3." ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Patch $patch not listed as a source patch in specfile"
exit 1
fi 2>/dev/null
case "$patch" in
*.bz2) bunzip2 < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
*.gz) gunzip < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
*) $patch_command ${1+"$@"} < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" ;;
# don't apply patch if it's empty
local patch=$1
if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
exit 1
local C=$(wc -l $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch | awk '{print $1}')
if [ "$C" -gt 9 ]; then
ApplyPatch $patch ${1+"$@"}
%setup -q -n kernel-%{rheltarball} -c
mv linux-%{rheltarball} linux-%{KVRA}
cd linux-%{KVRA}
# Drop some necessary files from the source dir into the buildroot
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{version}-*.config .
ApplyOptionalPatch linux-kernel-test.patch
ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-single-cpu.patch
ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh_taint.patch
ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch
# Any further pre-build tree manipulations happen here.
chmod +x scripts/checkpatch.pl
# This Prevents scripts/setlocalversion from mucking with our version numbers.
touch .scmversion
# only deal with configs if we are going to build for the arch
%ifnarch %nobuildarches
if [ -L configs ]; then
rm -f configs
mkdir configs
# Remove configs not for the buildarch
for cfg in kernel-%{version}-*.config; do
if [ `echo %{all_arch_configs} | grep -c $cfg` -eq 0 ]; then
rm -f $cfg
%if !%{debugbuildsenabled}
rm -f kernel-%{version}-*debug.config
# enable GCOV kernel config options if gcov is on
%if %{with_gcov}
for i in *.config
# now run oldconfig over all the config files
for i in *.config
mv $i .config
Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
make %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch listnewconfig | grep -E '^CONFIG_' >.newoptions || true
%if %{listnewconfig_fail}
if [ -s .newoptions ]; then
cat .newoptions
exit 1
rm -f .newoptions
make %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch oldnoconfig
echo "# $Arch" > configs/$i
cat .config >> configs/$i
# end of kernel config
# get rid of unwanted files resulting from patch fuzz
find . \( -name "*.orig" -o -name "*~" \) -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null
# remove unnecessary SCM files
find . -name .gitignore -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null
cd ..
### build
%if %{with_sparse}
%define sparse_mflags C=1
%if %{with_debuginfo}
# This override tweaks the kernel makefiles so that we run debugedit on an
# object before embedding it. When we later run find-debuginfo.sh, it will
# run debugedit again. The edits it does change the build ID bits embedded
# in the stripped object, but repeating debugedit is a no-op. We do it
# beforehand to get the proper final build ID bits into the embedded image.
# This affects the vDSO images in vmlinux, and the vmlinux image in bzImage.
export AFTER_LINK='sh -xc "/usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b $$RPM_BUILD_DIR -d /usr/src/debug -i $@ > $@.id"'
eu-strip --remove-comment -o "$2" "$1"
BuildKernel() {
# Pick the right config file for the kernel we're building
# When the bootable image is just the ELF kernel, strip it.
# We already copy the unstripped file into the debuginfo package.
if [ "$KernelImage" = vmlinux ]; then
echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR ${Flavour} %{_target_cpu}...
# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -%{release}.%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}/" Makefile
# and now to start the build process
make %{?cross_opts} -s mrproper
cp %{SOURCE11} . # x509.genkey
cp %{SOURCE12} . # extra_certificates
cp %{SOURCE15} . # rheldup3.x509
cp %{SOURCE16} . # rhelkpatch1.x509
cp configs/$Config .config
Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
echo USING ARCH=$Arch
%ifarch s390x
if [ "$Flavour" == "kdump" ]; then
pushd arch/s390/boot
gcc -static -o zfcpdump zfcpdump.c
make -s %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch oldnoconfig >/dev/null
make -s %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} KCFLAGS="%{?kcflags}" WITH_GCOV="%{?with_gcov}" $MakeTarget %{?sparse_mflags}
if [ "$Flavour" != "kdump" ]; then
make -s %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} KCFLAGS="%{?kcflags}" WITH_GCOV="%{?with_gcov}" modules %{?sparse_mflags} || exit 1
# Start installing the results
%if %{with_debuginfo}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/boot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/%{image_install_path}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}
install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/config-$KernelVer
install -m 644 System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/System.map-$KernelVer
# We estimate the size of the initramfs because rpm needs to take this size
# into consideration when performing disk space calculations. (See bz #530778)
dd if=/dev/zero of=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initramfs-$KernelVer.img bs=1M count=20
if [ -f arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub ]; then
cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :
# EFI SecureBoot signing, x86_64-only
%ifarch x86_64
%pesign -s -i $KernelImage -o $KernelImage.signed -a %{SOURCE13} -c %{SOURCE13}
mv $KernelImage.signed $KernelImage
$CopyKernel $KernelImage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
# hmac sign the kernel for FIPS
echo "Creating hmac file: $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac"
ls -l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer
sha512hmac $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/$InstallName-$KernelVer | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-$KernelVer.hmac;
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/kernel
if [ "$Flavour" != "kdump" ]; then
# Override $(mod-fw) because we don't want it to install any firmware
# we'll get it from the linux-firmware package and we don't want conflicts
make -s %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT modules_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer mod-fw=
%if %{with_gcov}
# install gcov-needed files to $BUILDROOT/$BUILD/...:
# gcov_info->filename is absolute path
# gcno references to sources can use absolute paths (e.g. in out-of-tree builds)
# sysfs symlink targets (set up at compile time) use absolute paths to BUILD dir
find . \( -name '*.gcno' -o -name '*.[chS]' \) -exec install -D '{}' "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$(pwd)/{}" \;
%ifarch %{vdso_arches}
make -s %{?cross_opts} ARCH=$Arch INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT vdso_install KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer
if [ ! -s ldconfig-kernel.conf ]; then
echo > ldconfig-kernel.conf "\
# Placeholder file, no vDSO hwcap entries used in this kernel."
%{__install} -D -m 444 ldconfig-kernel.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ld.so.conf.d/kernel-$KernelVer.conf
# And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
# This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
# * all arch relevant include/ files
# * all Makefile/Kconfig files
# * all script/ files
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/source
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer ; ln -s build source)
# dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/extra
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/updates
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/weak-updates
# first copy everything
cp --parents `find -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp Module.symvers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
if [ -s Module.markers ]; then
cp Module.markers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
# create the kABI metadata for use in packaging
# NOTENOTE: the name symvers is used by the rpm backend
# NOTENOTE: to discover and run the /usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs/kabi.attr
# NOTENOTE: script which dynamically adds exported kernel symbol
# NOTENOTE: checksums to the rpm metadata provides list.
# NOTENOTE: if you change the symvers name, update the backend too
echo "**** GENERATING kernel ABI metadata ****"
gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/symvers-$KernelVer.gz
%if %{with_kabichk}
echo "**** kABI checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
chmod 0755 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi
if [ -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi -k $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi -s Module.symvers || exit 1
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi # for now, don't keep it around.
echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find reference Module.kabi file. ****"
%if %{with_kabidupchk}
echo "**** kABI DUP checking is enabled in kernel SPEC file. ****"
if [ -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_dup_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour ]; then
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/Module.kabi_dup_%{_target_cpu}$Flavour $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi
$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/check-kabi -k $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi -s Module.symvers || exit 1
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/Module.kabi # for now, don't keep it around.
echo "**** NOTE: Cannot find DUP reference Module.kabi file. ****"
%if %{with_kabidw_base}
# Don't build kabi base for debug kernels
if [ "$Flavour" != "kdump" -a "$Flavour" != "debug" ]; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
tar xjvf %{SOURCE31} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
make -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/kabi-dw
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
tar xjvf %{SOURCE30} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
echo "**** GENERATING DWARF-based kABI baseline dataset ****"
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/run_kabi-dw.sh
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/run_kabi-dw.sh generate \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists/kabi-current/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}" \
"$(pwd)" \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabidw-base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" || :
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
%if %{with_kabidwchk}
if [ "$Flavour" != "kdump" ]; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
tar xjvf %{SOURCE31} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
if [ -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" ]; then
make -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/kabi-dw
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
tar xjvf %{SOURCE30} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists
echo "**** GENERATING DWARF-based kABI dataset ****"
chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/run_kabi-dw.sh
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/run_kabi-dw.sh generate \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/whitelists/kabi-current/kabi_whitelist_%{_target_cpu}" \
"$(pwd)" \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}.tmp" || :
echo "**** kABI DWARF-based comparison report ****"
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/run_kabi-dw.sh compare \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}" \
"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf/base/%{_target_cpu}${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}.tmp" || :
echo "**** End of kABI DWARF-based comparison report ****"
echo "**** Baseline dataset for kABI DWARF-BASED comparison report not found ****"
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi-dwarf
# then drop all but the needed Makefiles/Kconfig files
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Documentation
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp -a scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
if [ -d arch/$Arch/scripts ]; then
cp -a arch/$Arch/scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch} || :
if [ -f arch/$Arch/*lds ]; then
cp -a arch/$Arch/*lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch}/ || :
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*.o
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*/*.o
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le
cp -a --parents arch/powerpc/lib/crtsavres.[So] $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
if [ -d arch/%{asmarch}/include ]; then
cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
cp -a include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
# copy objtool for kernel-devel (needed for building external modules)
if grep -q CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION=y .config; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/tools/objtool
cp -a tools/objtool/objtool $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/tools/objtool
# Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
# external modules can be built
touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Makefile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/generated/autoconf.h
# Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/config/auto.conf
%if %{with_debuginfo}
if test -s vmlinux.id; then
cp vmlinux.id $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/vmlinux.id
echo >&2 "*** ERROR *** no vmlinux build ID! ***"
exit 1
# save the vmlinux file for kernel debugging into the kernel-debuginfo rpm
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer
cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{debuginfodir}/lib/modules/$KernelVer
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames
# mark modules executable so that strip-to-file can strip them
xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod u+x < modnames
# Generate a list of modules for block and networking.
grep -F /drivers/ modnames | xargs --no-run-if-empty nm -upA |
sed -n 's,^.*/\([^/]*\.ko\): *U \(.*\)$,\1 \2,p' > drivers.undef
sed -r -n -e "s/^([^ ]+) \\.?($2)\$/\\1/p" drivers.undef |
LC_ALL=C sort -u > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then
sed -r -e "/^($3)\$/d" -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$1
collect_modules_list networking 'register_netdev|ieee80211_register_hw|usbnet_probe|phy_driver_register|rt2x00(pci|usb)_probe|register_netdevice'
collect_modules_list block 'ata_scsi_ioctl|scsi_add_host|scsi_add_host_with_dma|blk_alloc_queue|blk_init_queue|register_mtd_blktrans|scsi_esp_register|scsi_register_device_handler|blk_queue_physical_block_size' 'pktcdvd.ko|dm-mod.ko'
collect_modules_list drm 'drm_open|drm_init'
collect_modules_list modesetting 'drm_crtc_init'
# detect missing or incorrect license tags
rm -f modinfo
while read i
echo -n "${i#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/} " >> modinfo
/sbin/modinfo -l $i >> modinfo
done < modnames
grep -E -v 'GPL( v2)?$|Dual BSD/GPL$|Dual MPL/GPL$|GPL and additional rights$' modinfo && exit 1
rm -f modinfo modnames
# Save off the .tmp_versions/ directory. We'll use it in the
# __debug_install_post macro below to sign the right things
# Also save the signing keys so we actually sign the modules with the
# right key.
cp -r .tmp_versions .tmp_versions.sign${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}
cp signing_key.priv signing_key.priv.sign${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}
cp signing_key.x509 signing_key.x509.sign${Flavour:+.${Flavour}}
# remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
for i in alias alias.bin builtin.bin ccwmap dep dep.bin ieee1394map inputmap isapnpmap ofmap pcimap seriomap symbols symbols.bin usbmap softdep devname
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.$i
# Move the devel headers out of the root file system
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir
ln -sf $DevelDir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
install -Dm644 %{SOURCE1000} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/dccp-blacklist.conf
# prune junk from kernel-devel
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/kernels -name ".*.cmd" -exec rm -f {} \;
# DO it...
# prepare directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}
cd linux-%{KVRA}
%if %{with_default}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image
%if %{with_debug}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image debug
%if %{with_kdump}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image kdump
%global perf_make make %{?_smp_mflags} -C tools/perf -s V=1 WERROR=0 NO_LIBUNWIND=1 HAVE_CPLUS_DEMANGLE=1 NO_GTK2=1 NO_STRLCPY=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32=1 NO_PERF_READ_VDSOX32=1 prefix=%{_prefix} lib=%{_lib}
%if %{with_perf}
# perf
%{perf_make} all
%{perf_make} man || %{doc_build_fail}
%if %{with_tools}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
# cpupower
# make sure version-gen.sh is executable.
chmod +x tools/power/cpupower/utils/version-gen.sh
make %{?cross_opts} %{?_smp_mflags} -C tools/power/cpupower CPUFREQ_BENCH=false
%ifarch x86_64
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
make %{?_smp_mflags} centrino-decode powernow-k8-decode
%ifarch x86_64
pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy/
pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
%endif #turbostat/x86_energy_perf_policy
pushd tools
make tmon
%if %{with_doc}
# Make the HTML and man pages.
make htmldocs mandocs || %{doc_build_fail}
# sometimes non-world-readable files sneak into the kernel source tree
chmod -R a=rX Documentation
find Documentation -type d | xargs chmod u+w
# In the modsign case, we do 3 things. 1) We check the "flavour" and hard
# code the value in the following invocations. This is somewhat sub-optimal
# but we're doing this inside of an RPM macro and it isn't as easy as it
# could be because of that. 2) We restore the .tmp_versions/ directory from
# the one we saved off in BuildKernel above. This is to make sure we're
# signing the modules we actually built/installed in that flavour. 3) We
# grab the arch and invoke 'make modules_sign' and the mod-extra-sign.sh
# commands to actually sign the modules.
# We have to do all of those things _after_ find-debuginfo runs, otherwise
# that will strip the signature off of the modules.
# Finally, pick a module at random and check that it's signed and fail the build
# if it isn't.
%define __modsign_install_post \
if [ "%{with_debug}" -ne "0" ]; then \
Arch=`head -1 configs/kernel-%{version}-%{_target_cpu}-debug.config | cut -b 3-` \
rm -rf .tmp_versions \
mv .tmp_versions.sign.debug .tmp_versions \
mv signing_key.priv.sign.debug signing_key.priv \
mv signing_key.x509.sign.debug signing_key.x509 \
%{modsign_cmd} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVRA}.debug || exit 1 \
fi \
if [ "%{with_default}" -ne "0" ]; then \
Arch=`head -1 configs/kernel-%{version}-%{_target_cpu}.config | cut -b 3-` \
rm -rf .tmp_versions \
mv .tmp_versions.sign .tmp_versions \
mv signing_key.priv.sign signing_key.priv \
mv signing_key.x509.sign signing_key.x509 \
%{modsign_cmd} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{KVRA} || exit 1 \
fi \
if [ "%{zipmodules}" -eq "1" ]; then \
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/ -type f -name '*.ko' | xargs xz; \
fi \
### Special hacks for debuginfo subpackages.
# This macro is used by %%install, so we must redefine it before that.
%define debug_package %{nil}
%if %{with_debuginfo}
%define __debug_install_post \
/usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh %{debuginfo_args} %{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}\
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%files -f debugfiles.list debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu}
# Disgusting hack alert! We need to ensure we sign modules *after* all
# invocations of strip occur, which is in __debug_install_post if
# find-debuginfo.sh runs, and __os_install_post if not.
%define __spec_install_post \
### install
cd linux-%{KVRA}
%if %{with_doc}
# copy the source over
mkdir -p $docdir
tar -f - --exclude=man --exclude='.*' -c Documentation | tar xf - -C $docdir
# Install man pages for the kernel API.
mkdir -p $man9dir
find Documentation/DocBook/man -name '*.9.gz' -print0 |
xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty %{__install} -m 444 -t $man9dir $m
ls $man9dir | grep -q '' || > $man9dir/BROKEN
%endif # with_doc
# We have to do the headers install before the tools install because the
# kernel headers_install will remove any header files in /usr/include that
# it doesn't install itself.
%if %{with_headers}
# Install kernel headers
make %{?cross_opts} ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install
# Do headers_check but don't die if it fails.
make %{?cross_opts} ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_check > hdrwarnings.txt || :
if grep -q exist hdrwarnings.txt; then
sed s:^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/:: hdrwarnings.txt
# Temporarily cause a build failure if header inconsistencies.
# exit 1
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include \( -name .install -o -name .check -o -name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) | xargs rm -f
%if %{with_kernel_abi_whitelists}
# kabi directory
# install kabi releases directories
%endif # with_kernel_abi_whitelists
%if %{with_perf}
# perf tool binary and supporting scripts/binaries
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
# remove the 'trace' symlink.
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/trace
# perf-python extension
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-python_ext
# perf man pages (note: implicit rpm magic compresses them later)
%{perf_make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT try-install-man || %{doc_build_fail}
%if %{with_tools}
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
make -C tools/power/cpupower DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT libdir=%{_libdir} mandir=%{_mandir} CPUFREQ_BENCH=false install
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.{a,la}
%find_lang cpupower
mv cpupower.lang ../
%ifarch x86_64
pushd tools/power/cpupower/debug/x86_64
install -m755 centrino-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centrino-decode
install -m755 powernow-k8-decode %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/powernow-k8-decode
chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libcpupower.so*
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -m644 %{SOURCE2000} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/cpupower.service
install -m644 %{SOURCE2001} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8
pushd tools/power/x86/x86_energy_perf_policy
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
pushd tools/power/x86/turbostat
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
%endif #turbostat/x86_energy_perf_policy
pushd tools/thermal/tmon
make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install
%if %{with_bootwrapper}
make %{?cross_opts} ARCH=%{hdrarch} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT bootwrapper_install WRAPPER_OBJDIR=%{_libdir}/kernel-wrapper WRAPPER_DTSDIR=%{_libdir}/kernel-wrapper/dts
%if %{with_doc}
# Red Hat UEFI Secure Boot CA cert, which can be used to authenticate the kernel
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}
install -m 0644 %{SOURCE13} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}/kernel-signing-ca.cer
### clean
### scripts
%if %{with_tools}
%post -n kernel-tools
%postun -n kernel-tools
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel*-devel package.
# %%kernel_devel_post [<subpackage>]
%define kernel_devel_post() \
%{expand:%%post %{?1:%{1}-}devel}\
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]\
. /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ]\
(cd /usr/src/kernels/%{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}} &&\
/usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do\
hardlink -c /usr/src/kernels/*.%{?dist}.*/$f $f\
# This macro defines a %%posttrans script for a kernel package.
# %%kernel_variant_posttrans [<subpackage>]
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
%define kernel_variant_posttrans() \
%{expand:%%posttrans %{?1}}\
if [ -x %{_sbindir}/weak-modules ]\
%{_sbindir}/weak-modules --add-kernel %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}} || exit $?\
%{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel%{?-v:-%{-v*}} --mkinitrd --dracut --depmod --update %{KVRA}%{?-v:.%{-v*}} || exit $?\
%{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel%{?1:-%{1}} --rpmposttrans %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}} || exit $?\
# This macro defines a %%post script for a kernel package and its devel package.
# %%kernel_variant_post [-v <subpackage>] [-r <replace>]
# More text can follow to go at the end of this variant's %%post.
%define kernel_variant_post(v:r:) \
%{expand:%%kernel_devel_post %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%kernel_variant_posttrans %{?-v*}}\
%{expand:%%post %{?-v*}}\
if [ `uname -i` == "x86_64" ] &&\
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then\
/bin/sed -r -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=%{-r*}$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel%{?-v:-%{-v*}}/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?\
%{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel%{?-v:-%{-v*}} --install %{KVRA}%{?-v:.%{-v*}} || exit $?\
# This macro defines a %%preun script for a kernel package.
# %%kernel_variant_preun <subpackage>
%define kernel_variant_preun() \
%{expand:%%preun %{?1}}\
%{_sbindir}/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}} || exit $?\
if [ -x %{_sbindir}/weak-modules ]\
%{_sbindir}/weak-modules --remove-kernel %{KVRA}%{?1:.%{1}} || exit $?\
%kernel_variant_preun debug
%kernel_variant_post -v debug
%ifarch s390x
%postun kdump
# Create softlink to latest remaining kdump kernel.
# If no more kdump kernel is available, remove softlink.
if [ "$(readlink /boot/zfcpdump)" == "/boot/vmlinuz-%{KVRA}.kdump" ]
vmlinuz_next=$(ls /boot/vmlinuz-*.kdump 2> /dev/null | sort | tail -n1)
if [ $vmlinuz_next ]
ln -sf $vmlinuz_next /boot/zfcpdump
rm -f /boot/zfcpdump
%post kdump
ln -sf /boot/vmlinuz-%{KVRA}.kdump /boot/zfcpdump
%endif # s390x
if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]
/sbin/ldconfig -X || exit $?
### file lists
%if %{with_headers}
%files headers
%if %{with_bootwrapper}
%files bootwrapper
# only some architecture builds need kernel-doc
%if %{with_doc}
%files doc
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}/Documentation
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys/%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-keys
%if %{with_kernel_abi_whitelists}
%files -n kernel-abi-whitelists
%if %{with_kabidw_base}
%ifarch x86_64 s390x ppc64 ppc64le
%files kabidw-base
%if %{with_perf}
%files -n perf
%dir %{_libexecdir}/perf-core
%files -n python-perf
%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f perf-debuginfo.list -n perf-debuginfo
%files -f python-perf-debuginfo.list -n python-perf-debuginfo
%if %{with_tools}
%files -n kernel-tools -f cpupower.lang
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
%ifarch x86_64
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/cpupower
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%if %{with_debuginfo}
%files -f kernel-tools-debuginfo.list -n kernel-tools-debuginfo
%ifarch %{cpupowerarchs}
%files -n kernel-tools-libs
%files -n kernel-tools-libs-devel
%endif # with_tools
%if %{with_gcov}
%ifarch x86_64 s390x ppc64 ppc64le
%files gcov
# This is %%{image_install_path} on an arch where that includes ELF files,
# or empty otherwise.
%define elf_image_install_path %{?kernel_image_elf:%{image_install_path}}
# This macro defines the %%files sections for a kernel package
# and its devel and debuginfo packages.
# %%kernel_variant_files [-k vmlinux] <condition> <subpackage>
%define kernel_variant_files(k:) \
%if %{1}\
%{expand:%%files %{?2}}\
/%{image_install_path}/.vmlinuz-%{KVRA}%{?2:.%{2}}.hmac \
%attr(600,root,root) /boot/System.map-%{KVRA}%{?2:.%{2}}\
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVRA}%{?2:.%{2}}\
%ifarch %{vdso_arches}\
%ghost /boot/initramfs-%{KVRA}%{?2:.%{2}}.img\
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/dccp-blacklist.conf\
%{expand:%%files %{?2:%{2}-}devel}\
%if %{with_debuginfo}\
%ifnarch noarch\
%{expand:%%files -f debuginfo%{?2}.list %{?2:%{2}-}debuginfo}\
%kernel_variant_files %{with_default}
%kernel_variant_files %{with_debug} debug
%kernel_variant_files %{with_kdump} kdump
* Mon May 21 2018 CentOS Sources <bugs@centos.org> - 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7
- Apply debranding changes
* Tue May 15 2018 Rado Vrbovsky <rvrbovsk@redhat.com> [3.10.0-862.3.2.el7]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Fix late microcode problem with AMD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] entry: Add missing "$" in IBRS macros (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Clean up entry code & remove unused APIs (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Mask off SPEC_CTRL MSR bits that are managed by kernel (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add support for SSBD to RHEL IBRS entry/exit macros (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [fs] proc: Use CamelCase for SSBD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] bugs: Rename _RDS to _SSBD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [kernel] seccomp: Enable speculation flaw mitigations (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [fs] proc: Provide details on speculation flaw mitigations (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] nospec: Allow getting/setting on non-current task (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] speculation: Add prctl for Speculative Store Bypass mitigation (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] process: Allow runtime control of Speculative Store Bypass (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [uapi] prctl: Add speculation control prctls (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] kvm/vmx: Expose SPEC_CTRL Bit(2) to the guest (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] bugs/amd: Add support to disable RDS on Fam[15, 16, 17]h if requested (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Sync up RDS setting with IBRS code (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] bugs: Provide boot parameters for the spec_store_bypass_disable mitigation (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] bugs: Expose /sys/../spec_store_bypass (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] bugs: Read SPEC_CTRL MSR during boot and re-use (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Use separate PCP variables for IBRS entry and exit (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
- [x86] cpufeatures: Make CPU bugs sticky (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}
* Thu May 10 2018 Rado Vrbovsky <rvrbovsk@redhat.com> [3.10.0-862.3.1.el7]
- [x86] kpti/kexec: fix wrong page address in clear_page (Dave Young) [1573173 1571162]
- [x86] kvm: fix icebp instruction handling (Paolo Bonzini) [1566849 1566845] {CVE-2018-1087}
- [x86] entry/64: Don't use IST entry for #BP stack (Paolo Bonzini) [1567084 1567083] {CVE-2018-8897}
- [kernel] perf/hwbp: Simplify the perf-hwbp code, fix documentation (Eugene Syromiatnikov) [1569878 1569874] {CVE-2018-1000199}
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Rado Vrbovsky <rvrbovsk@redhat.com> [3.10.0-862.2.1.el7]
- [md] dm: fix dropped return code from dm_get_bdev_for_ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1567746 1562962]
- [crypto] aesni: Add support for 192 & 256 bit keys to AESNI RFC4106 (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1570537 1568167]
* Fri Apr 13 2018 Rado Vrbovsky <rvrbovsk@redhat.com> [3.10.0-862.1.1.el7]
- [x86] kexec/64: Clear control page after PGD init (Waiman Long) [1565700 1540061]
- [x86] pti: Rework the UEFI data corruption fix (Waiman Long) [1565700 1540061]
- [powerpc] tm: Flush TM only if CPU has TM feature (David Gibson) [1563773 1544676] {CVE-2018-1091}
- [gpu] drm/i915/glk: IPC linetime watermark workaround for GLK (Lyude Paul) [1563711 1548651]
- [x86] apic: Remove the (now) unused disable_IO_APIC() function (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003]
- [x86] apic: Fix restoring boot IRQ mode in reboot and kexec/kdump (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003]
- [x86] apic: Split disable_IO_APIC() into two functions to fix CONFIG_KEXEC_JUMP=y (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003]
- [x86] apic: Split out restore_boot_irq_mode() from disable_IO_APIC() (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003]
- [netdrv] i40e: Close client on suspend and restore client MSIx on resume (Stefan Assmann) [1563106 1538847]
- [fs] nfs: Fix unstable write completion (Scott Mayhew) [1563103 1544647]
- [x86] kvm: Fix device passthrough when SME is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1563098 1557911]
- [powerpc] powernv: Support firmware disable of RFI flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927]
- [powerpc] pseries: Support firmware disable of RFI flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927]
- [powerpc] pseries: Add H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS flags & wrapper (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927]
- [nvme] fixup nvme_sysfs_delete() (David Milburn) [1563092 1543716]
- [x86] smpboot: Fix uncore_pci_remove() indexing bug when hot-removing a physical CPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1563091 1527731]
- [x86] tsc: Fix erroneous TSC rate on Skylake Xeon (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058]
- [x86] tsc: Print tsc_khz, when it differs from cpu_khz (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058]
- [x86] tsc: Future-proof native_calibrate_tsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058]
- [scsi] csiostor: add support for 32 bit port capabilities (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163]
- [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgbvf: Handle 32-bit fw port capabilities (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163]
- [netdrv] cxgb4vf: define get_fecparam ethtool callback (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: ethtool forward error correction management support (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: core hardware/firmware support for Forward Error Correction on a link (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163]
- [iscsi-target] Fix panic when adding second TCP connection to iSCSI session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1561900 1544670]
- [crypto] chelsio: Fix src buffer dma length (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [crypto] chelsio: Move DMA un/mapping to chcr from lld cxgb4 driver (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [crypto] chelsio: Remove unused parameter (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [crypto] chelsio: Remove allocation of sg list to implement 2K limit of dsgl header (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [crypto] chelsio: introduce __skb_put_zero() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [crypto] chelsio: make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cfl: Remove alpha support protection (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Map VBT DDC Pin to BSpec DDC Pin (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Add retries for LSPCON detection (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Don't give up waiting on INVALID_MODE (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911]
- [nvme] pci: Fix EEH failure on ppc (Mauricio Oliveira) [1561894 1558499]
- [net] netfilter: ebtables: fix erroneous reject of last rule (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068}
- [net] netfilter: ebtables: CONFIG_COMPAT: don't trust userland offsets (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068}
- [net] netfilter: bridge: ebt_among: add more missing match size checks (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068}
- [net] netfilter: bridge: ebt_among: add missing match size checks (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068}
- [net] ipsec: Fix aborted xfrm policy dump crash (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1517292 1517290] {CVE-2017-16939}
* Wed Mar 21 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-862.el7]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix attach VF to VM issue (Stefan Assmann) [1528123]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add check for ixgbe_mbox_api_13 to ixgbevf_probe when setting max_mtu (Ken Cox) [1556696]
- [md] dm btree: fix serious bug in btree_split_beneath() (Mike Snitzer) [1557849]
- [x86] pti: Disable PTI user page table update in EFI virtual mode (Waiman Long) [1540061]
* Wed Mar 14 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-861.el7]
- [netdrv] tg3: prevent scheduling while atomic splat (Jonathan Toppins) [1554590]
- [nvme] validate admin queue before unquiesce (David Milburn) [1549733]
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-860.el7]
- [acpi] sbshc: remove raw pointer from printk() message (Baoquan He) [1547009] {CVE-2018-5750}
- [fs] gfs2: fixes to "implement iomap for block_map" (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594]
- [x86] kvm: svm: disable virtual GIF and VMLOAD/VMSAVE (Paolo Bonzini) [1552090]
* Mon Mar 05 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-859.el7]
- [media] v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: refactor compat ioctl32 logic fixup (Jarod Wilson) [1548430] {CVE-2017-13166}
- [kernel] futex: Prevent overflow by strengthen input validation (Joe Lawrence) [1547585] {CVE-2018-6927}
- [fs] Revert dcache_readdir back to ->readdir() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1525541]
- [md] dm-raid: fix incorrect sync_ratio when degraded (Mike Snitzer) [1547979]
- [mm] page_alloc: fix memmap_init_zone pageblock alignment (Daniel Vacek) [1525121]
- [mm] revert kvmalloc: stress the vmalloc path in the debugging kernel (Jeff Moyer) [1550094]
- [powerpc] 64s: Allow control of RFI flush via debugfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067]
- [powerpc] 64s: Improve RFI L1-D cache flush fallback (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067]
- [powerpc] 64s: Wire up cpu_show_meltdown() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Cache IA32_DEBUGCTL in memory (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: avoid rmb() on full retpoline kernels (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: replace boot_cpu_has with a static key for IBRS checks (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: actually use static key for retpolines (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: optimize IBRS handling at vmenter/vmexit (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: mark RDMSR path as unlikely (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: use native_read_msr to read SPEC_CTRL (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm/nvmx: Set the CPU_BASED_USE_MSR_BITMAPS if we have a valid L02 MSR bitmap (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] nvmx: Properly set spec_ctrl and pred_cmd before merging MSRs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm/vmx: Allow direct access to MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: Add IBPB support (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: make MSR bitmaps per-VCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Do not disable intercepts for BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: introduce alloc_loaded_vmcs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Eliminate vmcs02 pool (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: single function for switching between vmcs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] kvm: Update the reverse_cpuid list to include CPUID_7_EDX (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpuid: Fix up "virtual" IBRS/IBPB/STIBP feature bits on Intel (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpufeatures: Clean up Spectre v2 related CPUID flags (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpufeatures: Add Intel feature bits for Speculation Control (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpufeatures: Add AMD feature bits for Speculation Control (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpufeatures: Add CPUID_7_EDX CPUID leaf (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
- [x86] cpu: Fill in feature word 13, CPUID_8000_0008_EBX (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]
* Tue Feb 27 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-858.el7]
- [tools] revert perf: Fix swap for samples with raw data (Jiri Olsa) [1458228]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix early release of login buffer (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean RX pool buffers during device close (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free RX socket buffer in case of adapter error (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix NAPI structures memory leak (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix login buffer memory leaks (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait until reset is complete to set carrier on (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578]
- [block] disable runtime-pm for blk-mq (Ming Lei) [1548269]
- [mm] revert memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1548593 1517028]
- [mm] revert cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1548593 1517028]
* Mon Feb 26 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-857.el7]
- [media] v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: refactor compat ioctl32 logic (Jarod Wilson) [1548430] {CVE-2017-13166}
- [sound] alsa: seq: Fix use-after-free at creating a port (CVE-2017-15265) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1503381] {CVE-2017-15265}
- [gpu] drm/radeon: insist on 32-bit DMA for Cedar on PPC64/PPC64LE (Rob Clark) [1546022]
- [edac] disable only ghes_edac by default (Aristeu Rozanski) [1543078]
- [edac] ghes: Model a single, logical memory controller (Aristeu Rozanski) [1543078]
- [fs] cifs: release cifs root_cred after exit_cifs (Leif Sahlberg) [1525874]
- [fs] gfs2: Fix fallocate chunk size (Andreas Grunbacher) [1545329]
- [fs] gfs2: Fixes to "Implement iomap for block_map" (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594]
- [fs] gfs2: Clean up (lookup,fillup)_metapath (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594]
- [fs] iomap: warn on zero-length mappings (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594]
- [md] raid0: remove blank line printk from dump_zones() (John Pittman) [1534272]
- [md] dm: use blkdev_get rather than bdgrab when issuing pass-through ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1513037]
- [mm] kvmalloc: stress the vmalloc path in the debugging kernel (Mikulas Patocka) [1523567]
- [mm] fs: rework do_invalidatepage (Eric Sandeen) [1546079]
- [net] netfilter: fix NULL ptr dereference in nf_send_reset() (Paolo Abeni) [1546148]
* Sun Feb 25 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-856.el7]
- [infiniband] ipoib: Add ipoib_enhanced module parameter (Slava Shwartsman) [1533013]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove skb->protocol checks in ibmvnic_xmit (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset long term map ID counter (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: queue reset when CRQ gets closed during reset (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Ensure that buffers are NULL after free (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix rx queue cleanup for non-fatal resets (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix empty firmware version and errors cleanup (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix firmware version when no firmware level has been provided by the VIOS server (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix offloading of E-Switch TC pedit actions (Slava Shwartsman) [1545640]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct setting the number of completion queues for FCoE functions (Chad Dupuis) [1542188]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix crash in build_skb Rx code path (Ken Cox) [1520428]
- [netdrv] tg3: APE heartbeat changes (Jonathan Toppins) [1546217]
- [powerpc] pseries/vio: Dispose of virq mapping on vdevice unregister (Gustavo Duarte) [1544009]
- [s390] qeth: fix underestimated count of buffer elements (Hendrik Brueckner) [1544698]
- [x86] kvm: fix singlestepping over syscall (Paolo Bonzini) [1464481] {CVE-2017-7518}
- [x86] paravirt: fix kabi breakage in pv_mmu_ops (Jeff Moyer) [1546027]
- [x86] uaccess: introduce copy_from_iter_flushcache for pmem / cache-bypass operations (Jeff Moyer) [1471678]
* Tue Feb 20 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-855.el7]
- [crypto] algif_skcipher: Remove custom release parent function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1529441]
- [crypto] algif_hash: Remove custom release parent function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1537376]
- [mailbox] pcc: Drop uninformative output during boot (Kazuhito Hagio) [1515571]
- [edac] skx_edac: Fix detection of single-rank DIMMs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482248]
- [md] free unused memory after bitmap resize (Nigel Croxon) [1532767]
- [fs] sunrpc: ensure correct error is reported by xs_tcp_setup_socket() (Steve Dickson) [1536582]
- [fs] Revert "fixing infinite OPEN loop in 4.0 stateid recovery" (Steve Dickson) [1542191]
- [scsi] use 'scsi_device_from_queue()' for scsi_dh (Mike Snitzer) [1546212]
- [scsi] dh: add a common helper to get a scsi_device from a request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1546212]
- [scsi] qedi: Drop cqe response during connection recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1543503]
- [scsi] qedi: Fix a possible sleep-in-atomic bug in qedi_process_tmf_resp (Chad Dupuis) [1543503]
- [scsi] qla4xxx: skip error recovery in case of register disconnect (Himanshu Madhani) [1541766]
- [x86] spectre: fix the kernel build without CONFIG_RETPOLINE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1543939]
* Mon Feb 19 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-854.el7]
- [tools] perf: Fix swap for samples with raw data (Jiri Olsa) [1458228]
- [alsa] hda/realtek: Enable Thinkpad Dock device for ALC298 platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1469623]
- [crypto] rng: prevent entry into drbg test path from algif_rng (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1485815]
- [net] macvtap: add namespace support to the sysfs device class (Davide Caratti) [1544499]
- [net] sched: cls_u32: fix cls_u32 on filter replace (Ivan Vecera) [1542013]
- [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: add more sanity tests on tcph->doff (Florian Westphal) [1543088] {CVE-2017-18017}
* Thu Feb 15 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-853.el7]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Make ioctls race-free (CVE-2018-1000004) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1537203] {CVE-2018-1000004}
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: move write protect handler out of mmio emulation function (Paul Lai) [1525419]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Factor intel_vgpu_page_track (Paul Lai) [1525419]
- [fs] xfs: eliminate duplicate icreate tx reservation functions (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: refactor inode chunk alloc/free tx reservation (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: include an allocfree res for inobt modifications (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: truncate transaction does not modify the inobt (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: fix up agi unlinked list reservations (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: include inobt buffers in ifree tx log reservation (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: print transaction log reservation on overrun (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: dump transaction usage details on log reservation overrun (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: refactor xlog_cil_insert_items() to facilitate transaction dump (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [fs] xfs: separate shutdown from ticket reservation print helper (Brian Foster) [1397653]
- [s390] gs: add compat regset for the guarded storage broadcast control block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1537067]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: avoid negative static key counts (Joe Lawrence) [1524901]
- [x86] efi: Fix boot crash by always mapping boot service regions into new EFI page tables (Lenny Szubowicz) [1535243]
* Wed Feb 14 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-852.el7]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix the 'Invalid VF' id check in bnxt_vf_ndo_prep routine (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix population of flow_type in bnxt_hwrm_cfa_flow_alloc() (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix sources of spurious netpoll warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863]
- [mm] memcg, slab: do not destroy children caches if parent has aliases (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818]
- [mm] memcg, slab: fix races in per-memcg cache creation/destruction (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818]
- [mm] memcg, slab: clean up memcg cache initialization/destruction (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818]
- [mm] memcg, slab: kmem_cache_create_memcg(): fix memleak on fail path (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818]
- [block] Invalidate cache on discard v2 (Ming Lei) [1515920]
- [x86] mm: Fix use-after-free of ldt_struct (Oleg Nesterov) [1543352] {CVE-2017-17053}
* Mon Feb 12 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-851.el7]
- [kernel] acct.c: fix the acct->needcheck check in check_free_space() (Oleg Nesterov) [1520791]
- [mm] pm/hibernate: touch NMI watchdog when creating snapshot (Aristeu Rozanski) [1487022]
- [mm] userfaultfd: clear the vma->vm_userfaultfd_ctx if UFFD_EVENT_FORK fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531285]
- [block] blk-mq: Take tagset lock when updating hw queues (Ming Lei) [1528644]
- [kernel] genirq/affinity: avoid deadlock in pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity (Ming Lei) [1528644]
- [block] blk-mq: avoid IO hang during CPU hotplug by freezing queues in order (Ming Lei) [1528644]
- [nvme] kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues (Ming Lei) [1528644]
- [scsi] dual scan thread bug fix (Ewan Milne) [1509331]
- [scsi] fix our current target reap infrastructure (Ewan Milne) [1509331]
- [s390] crypto: fix aes/paes Kconfig dependeny (Hendrik Brueckner) [1538139]
- [s390] mm: fix BUG_ON in crst_table_upgrade (Hendrik Brueckner) [1500580]
- [x86] paravirt: Remove 'noreplace-paravirt' cmdline option (Josh Poimboeuf) [1538911]
- [x86] microcode/amd: Add support for fam17h microcode loading (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] Use __nostackprotect for sme_encrypt_kernel (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] mm: Encrypt the initrd earlier for BSP microcode update (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] mm: Prepare sme_encrypt_kernel() for PAGE aligned encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] mm: Centralize PMD flags in sme_encrypt_kernel() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] mm: Use a struct to reduce parameters for SME PGD mapping (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
- [x86] mm: Clean up register saving in the __enc_copy() assembly code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]
* Sat Feb 10 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-850.el7]
- [crypto] chelsio - Check error code with IS_ERR macro (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [crypto] chelsio - Use x8_ble gf multiplication to calculate IV (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [crypto] gf128mul - The x8_ble multiplication functions (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [crypto] gf128mul - rename the byte overflow tables (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [crypto] gf128mul - remove xx() macro (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [crypto] chelsio - Fix memory leak (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: use GFP_ATOMIC in cxgbi_conn_alloc_pdu() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove the stid on listen create failure (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: when flushing, complete all wrs in a chain (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: reflect the original WR opcode in drain cqes (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Only validate the MSN for successful completions (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only insert drain cqes if wq is flushed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: put ep reference in pass_accept_req() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085]
- [netdrv] be2net: restore properly promisc mode after queues reconfiguration (Ivan Vecera) [1535897]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Set DMA attributes individually (Ken Cox) [1536455]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix security bug in PN checking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1538028]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait for device response when changing MAC (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1540838]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Don't handle RX interrupts when not up (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1532345]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix pending MAC address changes (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1535368]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Include header descriptor support for ARP packets (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Increase maximum number of RX/TX queues (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Rename IBMVNIC_MAX_TX_QUEUES to IBMVNIC_MAX_QUEUES (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748]
- [net] cls_u32: fix use after free in u32_destroy_key() (Paolo Abeni) [1540821]
- [net] properly release sk_frag.page (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1535775]
- [net] netlink: Add netns check on taps (William Townsend) [1538738] {CVE-2017-17449}
- [net] netfilter: xt_osf: Add missing permission checks (Florian Westphal) [1539230] {CVE-2017-17448}
- [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cthelper: Add missing permission checks (Florian Westphal) [1539230] {CVE-2017-17448}
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-849.el7]
- [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: Remove duplicate events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1521091]
- [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: Update POWER9 events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1521091]
- [thermal] doc change updates expected cur_state behavior (Brad Peters) [1211434]
- [hid] Add PCI ID for Cannon Lake and Coffee Lake (Brad Peters) [1530141]
- [edac] sb_edac: Fix missing DIMM sysfs entries with KNL SNC2/SNC4 mode (Aristeu Rozanski) [1536995]
- [fs] sysfs: Use only return value from is_visible for the file mode (Jeff Moyer) [1533361]
- [fs] nfsd: auth: Fix gid sorting when rootsquash enabled (Thiago Becker) [1516978]
- [block] silently forbid sending any ioctl to a partition (Paolo Bonzini) [1438809]
- [mm] fix collision between DAX PMD and PTEs (Jeff Moyer) [1528957]
- [mm] always enable thp for dax mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1472025]
- [mm] improve readability of transparent_hugepage_enabled() (Jeff Moyer) [1472025]
- [acpi] acpi, nfit: validate commands against the device type (Al Stone) [1471819]
- [acpi] acpi, nfit: add support for the _LSI, _LSR, and _LSW label methods (Al Stone) [1471819]
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-848.el7]
- [kernel] lockdep: Increase MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES for debug kernel (Waiman Long) [1532959]
- [kernel] make groups_sort calling a responsibility group_info allocators (Thiago Becker) [1516978]
- [kernel] watchdog: Prevent false positives with turbo modes (Jiri Olsa) [1493859]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront: enable device after manual module load (Eduardo Otubo) [1472220]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix IPv6 packet descriptors (Gustavo Duarte) [1536746]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix IP offload control buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1536746]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't print Link speed -1 no longer supported messages (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Uninitialized variable in bnxt_tc_parse_actions() (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Need to unconditionally shut down RoCE in bnxt_shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: wildcard smac while creating tunnel decap filter (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix dst/src fid for vxlan encap/decap actions (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix a variable scoping in bnxt_hwrm_do_send_msg() (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ETH_RESET_AP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] net: ethtool: add support for reset of AP inside NIC interface (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix an error handling path in 'bnxt_get_module_eeprom()' (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743]
- [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Provide information about hardware/firmware CVE workarounds (Serhii Popovych) [1532077] {CVE-2017-5754}
- [powerpc] powernv/pci: Enable 64-bit devices to access >4GB DMA space (Mauricio Oliveira) [1506259]
- [powerpc] powernv/pci: Add helper to check if a PE has a single vendor (Mauricio Oliveira) [1506259]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Fix up enable_smi_window due to out-of-order backport (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Enable Virtual GIF feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Add Virtual GIF feature definition (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] cpufeature,kvm/svm: Rename (shorten) the new virtualized VMSAVE/VMLOAD CPUID flag (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Enable Virtual VMLOAD VMSAVE feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Add Virtual VMLOAD VMSAVE feature definition (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Rename lbr_ctl field in the vmcb control area (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] kvm: svm: Prepare for new bit definition in lbr_ctl (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003]
- [x86] fpu: Use early_param() for clearcpuid (Scott Wood) [1539423]
* Tue Feb 06 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-847.el7]
- [dma-buf] fix reservation_object_wait_timeout_rcu once more v2 (Lyude Paul) [1535631]
- [fs] nfsd: fix panic in posix_unblock_lock called from nfs4_laundromat (Dave Wysochanski) [1539866]
- [fs] xfs: validate sb_logsunit is a multiple of the fs blocksize (Bill O'Donnell) [1538495]
- [fs] nfsv4: always set NFS_LOCK_LOST when a lock is lost (Steve Dickson) [1540324]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix memory corruption during hba reset test (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix logo flag for qlt_free_session_done() (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717]
- [block] dm: fix incomplete request_queue initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1517771]
- [block] allow gendisk's request_queue registration to be deferred (Mike Snitzer) [1517771]
- [block] Protect less code with sysfs_lock in blk_(un,) register_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1517771]
- [block] properly protect the 'queue' kobj in blk_unregister_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1517771]
* Tue Feb 06 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-846.el7]
- [infiniband] iser-target: avoid reinitializing rdma contexts for isert commands (Don Dutile) [1540434]
- [netdrv] nfp: implement ethtool FEC mode settings (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] nfp: add helpers for FEC support (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] nfp: add get/set link settings ndos to representors (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] nfp: resync repr state when port table sync (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] nfp: refactor nfp_app_reprs_set (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't depend on compiler constant propagation (John Linville) [1519199]
- [netdrv] vmxnet3: repair memory leak (Neil Horman) [1525354]
- [cpufreq] governor: Serialize governor callbacks (David Arcari) [1538572]
- [cpufreq] governor: split cpufreq_governor_dbs() (David Arcari) [1538572]
- [cpufreq] governor: register notifier from cs_init() (David Arcari) [1538572]
- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove use of get_target_pstate_use_cpu_load(() (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502]
- [cpufreq] revert intel_pstate: Use load-based P-state selection more widely (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502]
- [cpufreq] Fix intel_pstate driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502]
- [x86] fpu: Fix get_xsave_addr() behavior under virtualization ("Dr. David Alan Gilbert") [1534309]
- [x86] kvm: fix usage of uninit spinlock in avic_vm_destroy() (Wei Huang) [1537402]
- [x86] KVM: Fix CPUID function for word 6 (80000001_ECX) (Wei Huang) [1533358]
- [kernel] print kdump kernel loaded status in stack dump (Lianbo Jiang) [1535754]
- [kernel] kexec: add a kexec_crash_loaded() function (Lianbo Jiang) [1535754]
* Mon Feb 05 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-845.el7]
- [watchdog] hpwdt: remove indirect call in watchdog/hpwdt.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [kernel] x86/spec_ctrl: cleanup __ptrace_may_access (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] bugs: Drop one "mitigation" from dmesg (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Make indirect call speculation safe (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Make indirect calls in emulator speculation safe (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline: Optimize inline assembler for vmexit_fill_RSB (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] mce: Make machine check speculation protected (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: fix ptrace IBPB optimization (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Avoid returns in IBRS-disabled regions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spectre/meltdown: avoid the vulnerability directory to weaken kernel security (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] unwind: fix livepatch regression with CALL_NOSPEC macro (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Document retpolines and ibrs_enabled=3 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: upgrade GCC retpoline warning to an error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] Use IBRS for firmware update path (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: stuff RSB on context switch with SMEP enabled (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: enforce sane combinations of IBRS and retpoline (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: use upstream RSB stuffing function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add ibrs_enabled=3 (ibrs_user) (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [kernel] x86/jump_label: warn on failed jump label patch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: detect unretpolined modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline: Add LFENCE to the retpoline/RSB filling RSB macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline: Fill return stack buffer on vmexit (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline/xen: Convert Xen hypercall indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline/hyperv: Convert assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline/ftrace: Convert ftrace assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline/entry: Convert entry assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline/crypto: Convert crypto assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] retpoline: Add initial retpoline support (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] jump_label: add asm support for static keys (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] asm: Make asm/alternative.h safe from assembly (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [tools] objtool: Support new GCC 6 switch jump table pattern (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [tools] objtool: Detect jumps to retpoline thunks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spectre: Add boot time option to select Spectre v2 mitigation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: print features changed by microcode loading (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: refactor the init and microcode loading paths (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: move initialization of X86_FEATURE_IBPB_SUPPORT (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove SPEC_CTRL_PCP_IBPB bit (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove ibrs_enabled variable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add ibp_disabled variable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add X86_FEATURE_IBP_DISABLE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove IBP disable for AMD model 0x16 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove performance measurements from documentation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: make ipbp_enabled read-only (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove ibpb_enabled=2 mode (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] cpu: Implement CPU vulnerabilites sysfs functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [base] sysfs/cpu: Add vulnerability folder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
- [x86] cpu: Merge bugs.c and bugs_64.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]
* Fri Feb 02 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-844.el7]
- [tools] perf record: Fix wrong size in perf_record_mmap for last kernel module (Jiri Olsa) [1509073]
- [testmgr] disable ECDH and DH in FIPS mode (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1523357]
- [kernel] cpumask: Fix cpumask leak in partition_sched_domains() (Joe Lawrence) [1534918]
- [kernel] pm / hibernate: Restore processor state before using per-CPU variables (Prarit Bhargava) [1418896]
- [x86] power/64: Fix hibernation return address corruption (Prarit Bhargava) [1418896]
- [x86] pti/mm: Fix trampoline stack problem with XEN PV (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533542]
- [x86] mm: Rework wbinvd, hlt operation in stop_this_cpu() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1522676]
- [mm] swap: zswap: maybe_preload & refactoring (Jerome Marchand) [1532517]
- [mm] ksm: add cond_resched() to the rmap_walks (Rafael Aquini) [1519517]
- [mm] mprotect: add a cond_resched() inside change_pmd_range() (Rafael Aquini) [1519517]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix the RoCE firmware version reported (Selvin Xavier) [1538406]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: fix possible deadlock (Arjun Vynipadath) [1439204]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the receive buffer size limit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1532169]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: vxlan: ensure no sleep in atomic context (John Linville) [1537927]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: prioritize stats updates (John Linville) [1537141]
- [net] Fix double free and memory corruption in get_net_ns_by_id() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1531551] {CVE-2017-15129}
* Wed Jan 31 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-843.el7]
- [media] xc2028: avoid use after free (Torez Smith) [1402893] {CVE-2016-7913}
- [kernel] module: avoid ifdefs for sig_enforce declaration (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1531454]
- [fs] sysfs: Do not warn about missing kernfs_node if kobj is not active (Vivek Goyal) [1534568]
- [md] not clear ->safemode for external metadata array (Xiao Ni) [1526283]
- [md] always clear ->safemode when md_check_recovery gets the mddev lock (Xiao Ni) [1526283]
- [block] blk-mq: don't allow write on attributes of .seq_ops (Ming Lei) [1535949]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix SCSI io host reset causing kernel crash (Dick Kennedy) [1530120]
- [scsi] lpfc: FLOGI failures are reported when connected to a private loop (Dick Kennedy) [1532307]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer crash due to probe failure (Himanshu Madhani) [1525810]
- [scsi] core: check for device state in __scsi_remove_target() (Ewan Milne) [1537459]
- [scsi] fixup kernel warning during rmmod() (Ewan Milne) [1537459]
- [nvme] rdma: fix concurrent reset and reconnect (David Milburn) [1517602]
- [nvdimm] btt: fix uninitialized err_lock (Jeff Moyer) [1524775]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix nfit_test buffer overflow (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix nfit_test shutdown crash (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: make iset cookie predictable (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: support for sub-dividing a pmem region (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix allocation range for mock flush hint tables (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
* Tue Jan 30 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-842.el7]
- [crypto] aesni: add wrapper for generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1525527]
- [crypto] aesni: fix typo in generic_gcmaes_decrypt (Sabrina Dubroca) [1525527]
- [infiniband] iser-target: Fix possible use-after-free in connection establishment error (Don Dutile) [1519131]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Change GPADL teardown order according to Hyper-V version (Mohammed Gamal) [1529436]
- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Split netvsc_revoke_buf() and netvsc_teardown_gpadl() (Mohammed Gamal) [1529436]
- [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix SGE FL buffer initialization logic for 64K pages (Arjun Vynipadath) [1538425]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: export a common switchdev PARENT_ID for all reps of an adapter (Jonathan Toppins) [1536308]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate and request vpd in init_resources (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Revert to previous mtu when unsupported value requested (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Modify buffer size and number of queues on failover (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433]
- [netdrv] revert mlx5: Expose command polling interface (Don Dutile) [1533670]
- [netdrv] revert mlx5: Add fast unload support in shutdown flow (Don Dutile) [1533670]
- [net] ipv4: fib: Fix metrics match when deleting a route (Phil Sutter) [1526442]
- [net] sched: fix use-after-free in tcf_block_put_ext (Ivan Vecera) [1533034]
- [net] sched: get rid of rcu_barrier() in tcf_block_put_ext() (Ivan Vecera) [1533034]
- [net] use for_each_netdev_safe() in rtnl_group_changelink() (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1523618]
- [net] openvswitch: Fix pop_vlan action for double tagged frames (Eric Garver) [1522739]
- [net] openvswitch: fix list corruption on force commit (Eric Garver) [1531680]
- [net] tcp: Split BUG_ON() in tcp_tso_should_defer() into two assertions (Stefano Brivio) [1532373]
- [net] ethtool: add support for forward error correction modes (Ivan Vecera) [1530634]
- [net] vxlan: restore dev->mtu setting based on lower device (Stefano Brivio) [1520310]
- [net] xfrm: add UDP encapsulation port in migrate message (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]
- [net] xfrm: extend MIGRATE with UDP encapsulation port (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]
- [net] xfrm: fix state migration copy replay sequence numbers (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]
- [net] xfrm: Cleanup error handling of xfrm_state_clone (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]
- [net] xfrm: checkpatch errors with foo * bar (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-841.el7]
- [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: fix memory corruption with legacy/sou connectors (Rob Clark) [1525872]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/disp/gf119: add missing drive vfunc ptr (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Apply Display WA #1183 on skl, kbl, and cfl (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Disable DC states around GMBUS on GLK (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/skl+: debugfs entry to control IPC (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/bxt+: Enable IPC support (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gen9+: Add has_ipc flag in device info structure (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gen10: Calculate and enable transition WM (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/skl+: Optimize WM calculation (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Fixed point fixed16 wrapper cleanup (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Flush pending GTT writes before unbinding (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm: Add retries for lspcon mode detection (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: bypass lru touch for KIQ ring submission (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Fix vblank timestamp/frame counter jumps on gen2 (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Use unsigned ring indices in amdgpu_queue_mgr_map (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Prevent zero length "index" write (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Don't try indexed reads to alternate slave addresses (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Correct ADDR_4K/2M/1G_MASK definition (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915/fbdev: Serialise early hotplug events with async fbdev config (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Re-register PMIC bus access notifier on runtime resume (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Fix false-positive assert_rpm_wakelock_held in i915_pmic_bus_access_notifier v2 (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Set adev->vcn.irq.num_types for VCN (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: move UVD/VCE and VCN structure out from union (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/edid: Don't send non-zero YQ in AVI infoframe for HDMI 1.x sinks (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/fb_helper: Disable all crtc's when initial setup fails (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amd/pp: fix typecast error in powerplay (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/ttm: once more fix ttm_buffer_object_transfer (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/radeon: fix atombios on big endian (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/vblank: Tune drm_crtc_accurate_vblank_count() WARN down to a debug (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/vblank: Fix flip event vblank count (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Remove check which is not valid for certain VBIOS (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Properly allocate VM invalidate eng v2 (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: fix error handling in amdgpu_bo_do_create (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: correct reference clock value on vega10 (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Potential uninitialized variable in amdgpu_vm_update_directories() (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: potential uninitialized variable in amdgpu_vce_ring_parse_cs() (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [gpu] revert "drm/radeon: dont switch vt on suspend" (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [x86] gpu: add CFL to early quirks (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [x86] gpu: CNL uses the same GMS values as SKL (Rob Clark) [1532388]
- [x86] gpu: GLK uses the same GMS values as SKL (Rob Clark) [1532388]
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-840.el7]
- [i2c] designware: Find bus speed from ACPI (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Add function for finding the bus speed from ACPI, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Cleanup I2C ACPI namespace, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Enable high speed mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: set the common config before the if else (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Enable fast mode plus (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: get fast plus and high speed *CNT configuration (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Move clk_freq into struct dw_i2c_dev (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] i2c / acpi: add support for ACPI reconfigure notifications (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [acpi] add support for ACPI reconfiguration notifiers (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [acpi] scan: fix enumeration (visited) flags for bus rescans (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] use pr_fmt in the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] print more info when acpi_i2c_space_handler() fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add error message when obtaining idr fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] improve error messages in i2c_register_adapter() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] cleanup i2c_register_adapter() by refactoring recovery init (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] free idr when sanity checks in i2c_register_adapter() fail (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware-pci: Make bus number allocation robust (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] only check scl functions when using generic recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] let I2C masters ignore their children for PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: use new 8 bit address helper function (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [kernel] i2c: introduce helper function to get 8 bit address from a message (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] immediately mark ourselves as registered (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] do not use internal data from driver core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add generic support passing secondary devices addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] always enable RuntimePM for the adapter device (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] i2c / acpi: Rework I2C device scanning (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Add support for best effort block read emulation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] doc: dt: describe generic bindings (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] slave: print warning if slave flag not set (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] support 10 bit and slave (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: add and export of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node() interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: manage i2c bus device refcount in i2c_get/put_adapter (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] fix leaked device refcount on of_find_i2c_* error path (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] take address space into account when checking for used addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] make address check indpendent from client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] rename address check functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: only use set_scl for bus recovery after calling prepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Reduce stack size of acpi_i2c_space_handler() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] check for proper length of the reg property (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: fix typo in comment (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] apply address offset for slaves, too (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [kernel] i2c: add a flag to mark clients as slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] slave: add error messages to slave core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Mark adapter devices with pm_runtime_no_callbacks (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Export bus recovery functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] change input parameter to i2c_adapter for prepare/unprepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] documentation: i2c: describe the new slave mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] clarify comments about the dev_released completion (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Only include slave support if selected (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Do not calculate SCL timing parameters needlessly (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] simplify boilerplate code for attribute groups (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] do not try to load modules for of-registered devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Pick the first address if device has multiple (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Remove support for legacy PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core changes for slave support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: remove unneeded variable initialization (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Fix NULL Pointer dereference (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] move acpi code back into the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add debug info when class instantiation was dropped (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Clean up I2C ACPI code and Add CONFIG_I2C_ACPI config (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Add i2c ACPI operation region support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for SMBUS (ver 2) (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for I2C (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add deprecation warning for class based instantiation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Use stable dev_name for ACPI enumerated I2C slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] attach/detach I2C client device to the ACPI power domain (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [acpi] pm: allow child devices to ignore parent power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Not all adapters have a parent (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Remove redundant 'driver' field from the i2c_client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [media] core: Don't use i2c_client->driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [acpi] pm: Make messages in acpi_device_set_power() print device names (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
* Mon Jan 29 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-839.el7]
- [powerpc] pseries: Make RAS IRQ explicitly dependent on DLPAR WQ (Serhii Popovych) [1533857]
- [s390] cpuinfo: show facilities as reported by stfle (Hendrik Brueckner) [1535082]
- [x86] locking/qspinlock: Fix kabi problem in a non-KVM/XEN VM (Waiman Long) [1533529]
- [x86] platform/uv: Mark tsc_check_sync as an init function (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] platform/uv: Add check of TSC state set by UV BIOS (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] tsc: Provide a means to disable TSC ART (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] tsc: Drastically reduce the number of firmware bug warnings (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] tsc: Skip TSC test and error messages if already unstable (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] tsc: Add option that TSC on Socket 0 being non-zero is valid (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [x86] tsc: Remove the TSC_ADJUST clamp (Frank Ramsay) [1526066]
- [crypto] chcr - Avoid algo allocation in softirq (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Select device in Round Robin fashion (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Ensure Destination sg entry size less than 2k (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Add debug counters (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Add ctr mode and process large sg entries for cipher (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Avoid changing request structure (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Return correct error code (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix fallback key setting (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Pass lcb bit setting to firmware (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix error handling related to 'chcr_alloc_shash' (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Add fallback for AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Set hmac_ctrl bit to use HW register HMAC_CFG 456 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Increase priority of AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix Smatch Complaint (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix wrong typecasting (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Change algo priority (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Change cra_flags for cipher algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Use cipher instead of Block Cipher in gcm setkey (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix key length for RFC4106 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Fix panic on dma_unmap_sg (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] chcr - Add AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] aead - move aead_request_cast helper to aead.h (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [crypto] scatterwalk - Add scatterwalk_ffwd helper (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: fix DMA memory mapping / unmapping (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] ath10k: fix build errors with !CONFIG_PM (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] ath10k: fix core PCI suspend when WoWLAN is supported but disabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] ath9k: fix tx99 potential info leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't remove netdev->dev_addr when syncing uc list (Stefan Assmann) [1469354]
- [netdrv] cxgb3: assign port id to net_device->dev_port (Arjun Vynipadath) [1530123]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Improve reliability in case of nested PCI errors (Michal Schmidt) [1529860]
* Fri Jan 26 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-838.el7]
- [thermal] initialize thermal zone device correctly (Lenny Szubowicz) [1487411]
- [net] bluetooth: Prevent stack info leak from the EFS element (Gopal Tiwari) [1519633] {CVE-2017-1000410}
- [tools] cpupower: fix potential memory leak (Prarit Bhargava) [1422951]
- [tools] cpupower: bench: parse.c: fix several resource leaks (Prarit Bhargava) [1422951]
- [usb] core: prevent malicious bNumInterfaces overflow (Torez Smith) [1536886] {CVE-2017-17558}
- [misc] genwqe: Take R/W permissions into account when dealing with memory pages (Gustavo Duarte) [1528752]
- [md] Call wait_barrier twice when underlaying device is blocked (Xiao Ni) [1527875]
- [ata] ahci: Add Intel Cannon Lake PCH-H PCI ID (David Milburn) [1533333 1457266]
- [block] elevator: lookup mq vs non-mq elevators (Ming Lei) [1526859]
- [block] elevator: remove redundant warnings on IO scheduler switch (Ming Lei) [1526859]
- [block] blk-mq: set mq-deadline as default scheduler for single queue device (Ming Lei) [1154525]
- [nvme] dm mpath: backport blk_path_error() (Mike Snitzer) [1535615]
- [nvme] fabrics: initialize default host->id in nvmf_host_default() (Ewan Milne) [1533963]
- [nvme] fabrics: generate spec-compliant UUID NQNs (Ewan Milne) [1533963]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix ndlp ref count for pt2pt mode issue RSCN (Dick Kennedy) [1532295]
- [scsi] lpfc: Linux LPFC driver does not process all RSCNs (Dick Kennedy) [1532295]
- [scsi] lpfc: Driver fails to detect direct attach storage array (Dick Kennedy) [1532303]
- [fs] gfs2: Use rhashtable walk interface in glock_hash_walk (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134]
- [fs] gfs2: Glock dump performance regression fix (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134]
- [fs] rhashtable: Add rhastable_walk_peek (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134]
- [fs] nfs: commit direct writes even if they fail partially (Benjamin Coddington) [1132610]
- [fs] simple_xattr: permit 0-size extended attributes (Miklos Szeredi) [1532490]
- [fs] xfs: don't change inode mode if ACL update fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1480671]
- [fs] pnfs: fix nfs_direct_req ref leak when i/o falls back to the mds (Scott Mayhew) [1519649]
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-837.el7]
- [mm] cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325]
- [mm] memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325]
- [mm] device-dax: implement ->split() to catch invalid munmap attempts (Jeff Moyer) [1523344]
- [mm] mm, hugetlbfs: introduce ->split() to vm_operations_struct (Jeff Moyer) [1523344]
- [mm] move split_huge_page_pud/pmd sanity checks under the pte lock (Jeff Moyer) [1523344]
- [mm] filemap: get rid of radix tree gfp mask for pagecache_get_page (Yasuyuki Kobayashi) [1469247]
- [iommu] vt-d: Use domain instead of cache fetching (Peter Xu) [1531367]
- [nvme] rdma: don't fully stop the controller in error recovery (David Milburn) [1532621]
- [fs] don't call file_pos_write() if vfs_read/write(, v) fails (Ivan Vecera) [1534483]
- [x86] syscall: int80 must not clobber r12-15 (Oleg Nesterov) [1531686]
- [x86] syscall: change ia32_syscall() to create the full register frame in ia32_do_call() (Oleg Nesterov) [1531686]
- [x86] KVM: VMX: remove I/O port 0x80 bypass on Intel hosts (Radim Krcmar) [1520349] {CVE-2017-1000407}
- [kernel] livepatch: add locking to force and signal functions (Joe Lawrence) [1522957]
- [kernel] livepatch: force transition to finish (Joe Lawrence) [1522957]
- [kernel] livepatch: send a fake signal to all blocking tasks (Joe Lawrence) [1522957]
- [infiniband] hfi1: Prevent a NULL dereference (Alex Estrin) [1535166]
- [infiniband] qib: Fix comparison error with qperf compare/swap test (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402]
- [infiniband] cm: Change sgid to IB GID when handling CM request (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402]
- [infiniband] hfi1: Mask the path bits with the LMC for 16B RC Acks (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402]
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-836.el7]
- [x86] platform/uv/bau: Replace hard-coded values with MMR definitions (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Fix UV4A BAU MMRs (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Fix GAM MMR references in the UV x2apic code (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Fix GAM MMR changes in UV4A (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Add references to access fixed UV4A HUB MMRs (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Fix UV4A support on new Intel Processors (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [x86] platform/uv: Update uv_mmrs.h to prepare for UV4A fixes (Frank Ramsay) [1535031]
- [md] dm raid: use rs_is_raid*() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: simplify rs_get_progress() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: ensure 'a' chars during reshape (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: avoid keeping raid set frozen (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215]
- [md] dm raid: validate current raid sets redundancy (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514500]
- [md] dm-raid: bump target version to reflect numerous fixes (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215]
- [md] dm raid: small cleanup and remove unsed struct raid_set member (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: fix rs_get_progress() synchronization state_ratio (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1508070]
- [md] dm raid: avoid passing array_in_sync variable to raid_status() callees (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: display a consistent copy of the MD status via raid_status() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: fix raid_resume() to keep raid set frozen as needed (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: add component device size checks to avoid runtime failure (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: fix raid set size revalidation (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: correct resizing state relative to reshape space in ctr (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: consume sizes after md_finish_reshape() completes changing them (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [md] dm raid: fix deadlock caused by premature md_stop_writes() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215]
- [md] dm raid: add raid4_5_6 journal write-back support via journal_mode option (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632]
- [tools] power turbostat: Make turbostat quiet by default (Prarit Bhargava) [1531825]
- [acpi] battery: Fix doubly added battery on system suspend (Lenny Szubowicz) [1518210]
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-835.el7]
- [md] limit mdstat resync progress to max_sectors (Nigel Croxon) [1520449]
- [mailbox] acpi/pcc: Use pr_debug() for debug messages in pcc_init() (Prarit Bhargava) [1529885]
- [bluetooth] btusb: Update firmware filename for Intel 9x60 and later (Gopal Tiwari) [1530359]
- [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix ALC700 family no sound issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1520733]
- [pci] Create SR-IOV virtfn/physfn links before attaching driver (Kamal Heib) [1416270]
- [powercap] rapl: handle missing MSRs (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918]
- [powercap] rapl: add package reference per domain (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918]
- [powercap] rapl: reduce ipi calls (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918]
- [block] blk-mq: fix kernel oops in blk_mq_tag_idle() (Ming Lei) [1517640]
- [block] blk-mq: make sure the variable of 'blk_mq_aux_ops' is per variable of 'blk_mq_ops' (Ming Lei) [1525468]
- [usb] core: Don't print a warning if interface driver rebind is deferred at resume (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718]
- [input] serio: drop warnings in case of EPROBE_DEFER from serio_find_driver() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718]
- [base] bus: don't warn on deferred probe (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718]
- [kernel] stop using 'pK' for /proc/kallsyms pointer values (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366]
- [kernel] kallsyms.c: use __seq_open_private() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366]
- [kernel] perf/core: Change the default paranoia level to 2 (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366]
- [powerpc] kvm: book3s hv: Always flush TLB in kvmppc_alloc_reset_hpt() (David Gibson) [1528958]
- [s390] sclp: single increment assignment control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1456517]
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-834.el7]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix mlx5_ib_alloc_mr error flow (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Serialize access to the VMA list (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Stay in polling mode when command EQ destroy fails (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [kernel] mlx5: Cleanup IRQs in case of unload failure (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix steering memory leak (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix error flow in CREATE_QP command (Kamal Heib) [1534242]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent possible races in VXLAN control flow (Kamal Heib) [1533796]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add refcount to VXLAN structure (Kamal Heib) [1533796]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix possible deadlock of VXLAN lock (Kamal Heib) [1533796]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix ETS BW check (Kamal Heib) [1532746]
- [netdrv] revert "mlx5: move affinity hints assignments to generic code" (Kamal Heib) [1532632]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Make room for mapping HW contexts beyond 32 entries (Selvin Xavier) [1532770]
- [infiniband] core: Verify that QP is security enabled in create and destroy (Kamal Heib) [1533205]
- [infiniband] ipoib: Fix for notify send CQ failure messages (Don Dutile) [1528386]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Avoid use after free due to QP/CQ/SRQ destroy (Don Dutile) [1531668]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Call ib_umem_release on destroy QP path (Don Dutile) [1531668]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only clear the ARMED bit if a notification is needed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: atomically flush the qp (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only call the cq comp_handler when the cq is armed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fix possible circular dependency locking warning (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove BUG_ON() usage (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Protect from possible dereference (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: add referencing to wait objects (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each ep object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each qp object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each cq object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each memory object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: change pr_debug to appropriate log level (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Remove __func__ parameter from pr_debug() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove some dead code (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: drop listen destroy replies if no ep found (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: Convert PDBG to pr_debug the second (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: Convert PDBG to pr_debug (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix entries dump of the adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling nexthop counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for adjacency table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for setting counters on nexthops (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add support for counters on RATR (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add initial support for the router adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add helpers for nexthop access (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use helper to check for last neighbor (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Keep nexthops in a linked list (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Add fields for mlxsw's meta header for adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix indentation in header description (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling IPv6 neighbor counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for setting counters on IPv6 neighbors (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for IPv6 host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Make host entry fill handler more generic (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add IPv6 neighbor access helper (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add IPv6 host table initial support (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Export IPv6 link local address check helper (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: compile-in dpipe support only if devlink is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [scripts] kbuild: Allow to specify composite modules with modname-m (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [scripts] kbuild: handle multi-objs dependency appropriately (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling neighbor counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for IPv4 host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for setting counters on neighbors (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Make flow counter set type enum to be shared (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add IPv4 host table initial support (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix label name (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add helpers for neighbor access (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix erif table op name space (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-833.el7]
- [thunderbolt] Mark TB3 as tech_preview (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] introduce a function to find the first physical device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] create empty dmi_table (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpi / scan: Enable GPEs before scanning the namespace (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: Make it possible to enable runtime GPEs earlier (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: Dispatch active GPEs at init time (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: include linux/err.h from header (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpi / sysfs: Provide quirk mechanism to prevent GPE flooding (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] efi: Add device path parser (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] acpi / bus: Make acpi_get_first_physical_node() public (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: events: Introduce acpi_mask_gpe() to implement GPE masking mechanism (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: core: remove regmap dependency (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] device property: don't bother the drivers with struct property_set (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpi / osi: Collect _OSI handling into one single file (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpi / osi: Cleanup _OSI("Linux") related code before introducing new support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: Add backwards compatibility support for older EEPROM drivers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: Add flag to export NVMEM to root only (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [lib] ucs2_string: Add ucs2 -> utf8 helper functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: Add a simple NVMEM framework for consumers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] nvmem: Add a simple NVMEM framework for nvmem providers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: events: Add support to return both enable/status register values for GPE and fixed event (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: events: Cleanup GPE dispatcher type obtaining code (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: Save current masks of enabled GPEs after enable register writes (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] Support _OSI("Darwin") correctly (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [pci] Suspend/resume quirks for Apple thunderbolt (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] pci: Add pci_fixup_suspend_late quirk pass (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: fix divergences of the commit - acpica: Expose OSI version (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [acpi] acpica: Add acpi_update_interfaces() public interface (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix reset response_type (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Allow clearing the key (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Make key root-only accessible (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Remove superfluous check (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Do not enumerate more ports from DROM than the controller has (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] icm: Ignore mailbox errors in icm_suspend() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] use uuid_t instead of uuid_be (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Correct access permissions for active NVM contents (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] fix spelling mistake: "missmatch" -> "mismatch" (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for host and device NVM firmware upgrade (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for Internal Connection Manager (ICM) (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Do not touch the hardware if the NHI is gone on resume (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for DMA configuration based mailbox (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Store Thunderbolt generation in the switch structure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for NHI mailbox (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add new Thunderbolt PCI IDs (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Rework control channel to be more reliable (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Let the connection manager handle all notifications (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Expose make_header() to other files (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Expose get_route() to other files (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Move control channel messages to tb_msgs.h (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Read vendor and device name from DROM (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Refactor and fix parsing of port drom entries (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Do not fail if DROM data CRC32 is invalid (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fail switch adding operation if reading DROM fails (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Convert switch to a device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Introduce thunderbolt bus and connection manager (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Allow passing NULL to tb_ctl_free() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Rework capability handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add MSI-X support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Do not warn about newer DROM versions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Do not try to read UID if DROM offset is read as 0 (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] No need to read UID of the root switch on resume (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use const buffer pointer in write operations (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Macro rename (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Compile on x86 only (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] efi: Fix Kconfig dependencies harder (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] efi: Fix Kconfig dependencies (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use Device ROM retrieved from EFI (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Don't declare Falcon Ridge unsupported (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for INTEL_FALCON_RIDGE_2C controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix double free of drom buffer (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Support 1st gen Light Ridge controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix typos and magic number (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [kernel] pci: Add Intel Thunderbolt device IDs (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Allow loading of module on recent Apple MacBooks with thunderbolt 2 controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Clear hops before overwriting (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use kcalloc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Correct the size argument to devm_kzalloc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] select CRC32 in Kconfig (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Make tb_eeprom_get_drom_offset static (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Make enum tb_drom_entry_type unsigned (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix header declaration of tb_find_cap (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add casts to prevent endianness warnings (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] fix format string for size_t (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] add PCI dependency (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Staticize nhi_ids (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in nhi.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in ctl.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in switch.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix build error in switch.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix build error in eeprom.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Fix nontrivial endpoint devices (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Read port configuration from eeprom (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add suspend/hibernate support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Read switch uid from EEPROM (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add support for simple pci tunnels (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add path setup code (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Handle hotplug events (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Scan for downstream switches (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Enable plug events (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add thunderbolt capability handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Initialize root switch and ports (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add tb_regs.h (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Setup control channel (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add control channel interface (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
- [thunderbolt] Add initial cactus ridge NHI support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]
* Fri Jan 19 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-832.el7]
- [x86] x86: vdso: use __pvclock_read_cycles (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321]
- [x86] x86/vdso/pvclock: Protect STABLE check with the seqcount (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321]
- [x86] x86, vdso, pvclock: Simplify and speed up the vdso pvclock reader (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321]
- [x86] fpu: Make XSAVE check the base CPUID features before enabling (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [kernel] bitops: Add clear/set_bit32() to linux/bitops.h (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [x86] fpu: Remove the explicit clearing of XSAVE dependent features (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [x86] cpuid: Prevent out of bound access in do_clear_cpu_cap() (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [x86] fpu: Parse clearcpuid= as early XSAVE argument (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [x86] cpuid: Add generic table for CPUID dependencies (Scott Wood) [1457543]
- [x86] Don't rely on VMWare emulating PAT MSR correctly (Cathy Avery) [1528577]
- [x86] efifb: Add support for 64-bit frame buffer addresses (Rob Clark) [1529100]
- [x86] mm: Change cachemode exports to non-gpl (Alex Williamson) [1528122]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Defer processing of GS IOCB calls (Himanshu Madhani) [1527540]
- [scsi] qedf: Limit number of CQs (Chad Dupuis) [1525916]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: simplify task->hdr allocation for mgmt cmds (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: fix skb use after free (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] cxgb4i: fix Tx skb leak (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: in case of vlan pass 0 as ifindex to find route (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: remove redundant check and close on csk (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] cxgb4i: call neigh_event_send() to update MAC address (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: use ndev->ifindex to find route (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] libcxgbi: add check for valid cxgbi_task_data (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290]
- [scsi] storvsc: Fix scsi_cmd error assignments in storvsc_handle_error (Cathy Avery) [1502601]
- [scsi] storvsc: Avoid excessive host scan on controller change (Cathy Avery) [1502601]
- [scsi] storvsc: Allow only one remove lun work item to be issued per lun (Cathy Avery) [1502601]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Simplify autorelease logic (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support panel front button (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support KEY_ROTATE_LOCK_TOGGLE (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [uapi] input: add KEY_ROTATE_LOCK_TOGGLE (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Support separate press/release events (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support SW_TABLET_MODE (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: reduce unnecessary messages for normal users (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: match power button on press rather than release (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: add volume up and down (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Switch to use devm_input_allocate_device (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] x86: Use ACPI_FAILURE at appropriate places (Scott Wood) [1445052]
- [platform] intel-vbtn: new driver for Intel Virtual Button (Scott Wood) [1445052]
* Wed Jan 17 2018 Bruno E. O. Meneguele <brdeoliv@redhat.com> [3.10.0-831.el7]
- [target] cxgbit: Abort the TCP connection in case of data out timeout (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526291]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Fill all counters under one call of stats lock (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix wrong calculation of free counters (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Fix selftest for small MTUs (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Increase maximal message size under UD QP (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Use __force to fix a sparse warning in TX datapath (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix cast warning in fw.c (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] net/mlx4: Fix endianness issue in qp context params (Kamal Heib) [1525610]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Increment driver version (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix typo in ethtool statistics names (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Update hw counters on hw init (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Improve link state and statistics check interval callback (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fill in multicast counter in ndev stats from hardware (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fill ndev stat couters from hardware (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Extend stat counters to 64bit values (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix hardware DMA stream overload on large MRRS (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix actual speed capabilities reporting (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Make local functions static (David Arcari) [1500365]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: do DCB state reset in couple of places (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid stall while shutting down the adapter (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288]
- [scsi] csiostor: enable PCIe relaxed ordering if supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: Use new PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_RELAXED_ORDERING flag (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951]
- [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use new PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_RELAXED_ORDERING flag (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951]
- [netdrv] add .ndo_size to struct i40evf_netdev_ops (Stefan Assmann) [1520869]
- [netdrv] revert e1000e: Avoid receiver overrun interrupt bursts (David Arcari) [1520875]
- [netdrv] tg3: Fix rx hang on MTU change with 5717/5719 (Jonathan Toppins) [1528017]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix the use of ndo_change_mtu (Kamal Heib) [1528820]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix the use of ndo_change_mtu (Kamal Heib) [1522612]
- [infiniband] mlx5: Fix RoCE Address Path fields (Kamal Heib) [1525603]
- [infiniband] mlx5: Assign send CQ and recv CQ of UMR QP (Kamal Heib) [1525603]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add rollback on add VLAN failure (Kamal Heib) [1525603]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Rename VLAN related variables and functions (Kamal Heib) [1525603]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix port stats for mac representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix vlan receive MAC statistics typo (Jonathan Toppins) [1518337]
- [netdrv] nfp: output control messages to trace_devlink_hwmsg() (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add set tcp and udp header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add set ipv6 source and destination address (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add set ipv4 header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add set ethernet header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add IPv6 ttl and tos match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add IPv4 ttl and tos match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add mpls match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower vxlan neighbour keep-alive (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower vxlan neighbour offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: offload vxlan IPv4 endpoints of flower rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: offload flower vxlan endpoint MAC addresses (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: compile flower vxlan tunnel set actions (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: compile flower vxlan tunnel metadata match fields (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add helper to get flower cmsg length (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: wait for the NSP resource to appear on boot (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: wait for board state before talking to the NSP (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: build the flower offload by default (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: be drop monitor friendly (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: move the start/stop app callbacks back (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: base lifetime of representors on existence of lower vNIC (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: separate app vNIC init/clean from alloc/free (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add basic SR-IOV ndo functions to representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add basic SR-IOV ndo functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix copy paste in names and messages regarding vNICs (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add ethtool statistics for representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add pointer to vNIC config memory to nfp_port structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: report MAC statistics in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: store pointer to MAC statistics in nfp_port (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: split software and hardware vNIC statistics (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: add helper for printing ethtool strings (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't report standard netdev statistics in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: allow retreiving management FW logs on representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: provide ethtool_drvinfo on representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: link basic ethtool ops to representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: process control messages in workqueue in flower app (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: send control message when MAC representors are created (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: only use direct firmware requests (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [kernel] firmware: define a facade for request_firmware_direct() (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [base] firmware loader: simplify holding module for request_firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: look for firmware image by device serial number and PCI name (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove the probe deferral when FW not present (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] nfp: set config bit (ifup/ifdown) on netdev open/close (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286]
- [netdrv] igb: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447]
- [netdrv] igb: Fix TX map failure path (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447]
- [netdrv] igb: check memory allocation failure (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Fix e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan return value (David Arcari) [1532240]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix the use of magic numbers for buffer overrun issue (David Arcari) [1532240]
* Mon Jan 15 2018 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-830.el7]
- [crypto] cryptd: Add cryptd_max_cpu_qlen module parameter (Jon Maxwell) [1522991]
- [netdrv] revert "include linux/if.h, linux/ip.h and linux/in6.h" (Ivan Vecera) [1525606]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: include explicitly linux/if.h to avoid build failure (Ivan Vecera) [1525606]
- [x86] hyper-v: do kaiser_add_mapping() for HVCLOCK_TSC_PAGE (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1533184]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: move vmexit rmb in the last branch before IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533250]
- [x86] spec_ctrl: satisfy the barrier like semantics of IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533250]
- [s390] add ppa to system call and program check path (Jon Masters) [1532708]
- [s390] spinlock: add gmb memory barrier (Jon Masters) [1532708]
- [s390] introduce CPU alternatives (Jon Masters) [1532708]
- [powerpc] spinlock: add gmb memory barrier (Mauricio Oliveira) [1531710]
- [powerpc] Prevent Meltdown attack with L1-D$ flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1531710]
* Tue Jan 09 2018 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-829.el7]
- [kernel] locking/barriers: prevent speculative execution based on Coverity scan results (Josh Poimboeuf) [1519786] {CVE-2017-5753}
- [kernel] x86/spec_ctrl: don't call ptrace_has_cap in the IBPB ctx switch optimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531362]
- [x86] kaiser/efi: unbreak tboot (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531851]
- [x86] cpuidle_idle_call: fix double local_irq_enable() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1528420]
- [x86] x86/kaiser/efi: unbreak EFI old_memmap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531559]
- [x86] kvm: x86: fix RSM when PCID is non-zero (Paolo Bonzini) [1530711]
- [x86] x86/smpboot: Do not use smp_num_siblings in __max_logical_packages calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1519503]
- [x86] x86/topology: Add topology_max_smt_threads() (Prarit Bhargava) [1519503]
- [net] ipv6: fix a potential deadlock in do_ipv6_setsockopt() (Hangbin Liu) [1527255]
- [net] ipv4: fix a potential deadlock in mcast getsockopt() path (Hangbin Liu) [1527255]
- [net] xfrm: fix null pointer dereference on state and tmpl sort (Sabrina Dubroca) [1522665]
- [net] sit: update frag_off info (Hangbin Liu) [1518472]
- [lib] idr_ext: Refactor idr_alloc_ext(), remove cast from idr_get_next_ext() (Ivan Vecera) [1509477]
- [net] netfilter: uapi: correct UNTRACKED conntrack state bit number (Florian Westphal) [1526883]
- [net] preserve behavior of ether_setup and allocate_etherdev_mqs (Ivan Vecera) [1527175]
- [net] remove MTU limits for dummy and ifb device (Ivan Vecera) [1527175]
- [net] dummy: expend mtu range for dummy device (Ivan Vecera) [1527175]
- [net] remove MTU limits on a few ether_setup callers (Ivan Vecera) [1527175]
- [net] dccp: use-after-free in DCCP code (Stefano Brivio) [1526271] {CVE-2017-8824}
- [crypto] aesni: fix ivsize for generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1523032]
- [net] ipv6: set all.accept_dad to 0 by default (Florian Westphal) [1515785]
- [net] vsock: Don't set sk_state to TCP_CLOSE before testing it (Stefano Brivio) [1524204]
- [net] devlink: Fix devlink_dpipe_table_register() stub signature. (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] devlink: Add IPv6 header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] devlink: Move dpipe entry clear function into devlink (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] devlink: Add support for dynamic table size (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] devlink: Add IPv4 header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] devlink: Add Ethernet header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093]
- [net] geneve: only configure or fill UDP_ZERO_CSUM6_RX/TX info when CONFIG_IPV6 (Hangbin Liu) [1520210]
- [net] geneve: fix fill_info when link down (Hangbin Liu) [1520210]
- [net] sched: cbq: create block for q->link.block (Eelco Chaudron) [1515911]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix race between dump and swap (Davide Caratti) [1488131]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: fix race condition in ipset save, swap and delete (Davide Caratti) [1488131]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Make sure listing doesn't grab a set which is just being destroyed. (Davide Caratti) [1487985]
* Mon Jan 08 2018 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-828.el7]
- [fs] mnt: Take unprivileged use of the mntns out of tech preview ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Make may_detach_mounts one-way and use it in copy_mnt_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] selftests/capabilities: Fix the test_execve test ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Make propagate_umount less slow for overlapping mount propagation trees ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: In propgate_umount handle visiting mounts in any order ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: In umount propagation reparent in a separate pass ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] don't forget to put old mntns in mntns_install ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] make sure that mntns_install() doesn't end up with referral for root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] path_init(): don't bother with checking MAY_EXEC for LOOKUP_ROOT ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] make sure that fchdir() won't accept referral points, etc ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Tuck mounts under others instead of creating shadow/side mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Better permission checking for submounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] reorganize do_make_slave() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] namespace.c: constify struct path passed to a bunch of primitives ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Constify path_is_under()'s arguments ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] namespace.c: path_is_under can be boolean ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Add a per mount namespace limit on the number of mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Treat foreign mounts as nosuid ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Limit file caps to the user namespace of the super block ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] userns: Remove the now unnecessary FS_USERNS_DEV_MOUNT flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] userns: Remove implicit MNT_NODEV fragility ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Simplify mount_too_revealing ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: Generalize filesystem nodev handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] ipc/mqueue: The mqueue filesystem should never contain executables ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: The cgroup filesystem also benefits from SB_I_NOEXEC ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Move the FS_USERNS_MOUNT check into sget_userns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Add user namespace member to struct super_block ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] proc: Convert proc_mount to use mount_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: Pass data, ns, and ns->userns to mount_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Refactor fs_fully_visible into mount_too_revealing ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Account for MS_RDONLY in fs_fully_visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: fs_fully_visible test the proper mount for MNT_LOCKED ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: If fs_fully_visible fails call put_filesystem ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] saner calling conventions for copy_mount_options() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] locks: Don't allow mounts in user namespaces to enable mandatory locking ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] locks: Allow disabling mandatory locking at compile time ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: fs_fully_visible enforce noexec and nosuid if !SB_I_NOEXEC ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: Commit to never having exectuables on proc and sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Update fs_fully_visible to test for permanently empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysctl: Allow creating permanently empty directories that serve as mountpoints ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Create mountpoints with sysfs_create_mount_point ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Add support for permanently empty directories to serve as mount points ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: Add support for always empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] proc: Fix unbalanced hard link numbers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] proc: Allow creating permanently empty directories that serve as mount points ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] gut proc_register() a bit ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Add helper functions for permanently empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: Ignore unlocked mounts in fs_fully_visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Modify fs_fully_visible to deal with locked ro nodev and atime ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Refactor the logic for mounting sysfs and proc in a user namespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] new helper: __legitimize_mnt() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Fix fs_fully_visible to verify the root directory is visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] namespace: convert devname allocation to kstrdup_const ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Carefully set CL_UNPRIVILEGED in clone_mnt ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] umount: Disallow unprivileged mount force ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Implicitly add MNT_NODEV on remount when it was implicitly added by mount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: move getname() from callers to do_mount() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] namespace: suppress 'may be used uninitialized' warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Change the default remount atime from relatime to the existing value ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Correct permission checks in do_remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Move the test for MNT_LOCK_READONLY from change_mount_flags into do_remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] mnt: Only change user settable mount flags in remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: Fix a regression in mounting proc ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] fs_is_visible only needs namespace_sem held shared ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix warning when creating a sysfs group without attributes ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] exit: proc: don't try to flush /proc/tgid/task/tgid ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] proc: Have net show up under /proc/<tgid>/task/<tid> ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kobject: fix NULL pointer derefernce in kobj_child_ns_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: don't depend on d_find_any_alias() when generating notifications ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: Now that kernfs has been rebuilt reenable INTEL_RDT ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: kernfs_notify() must be useable from non-sleepable contexts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: introduce kernfs_pin_sb() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: move the last knowledge of sysfs out from kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix attribute_group bin file path on removal ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs.h: don't return a void-valued expression in sysfs_remove_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: make sure read buffer is zeroed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs, sysfs, cgroup: restrict extra perm check on open to sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add back missing error check in kernfs_fop_mmap() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: fix a subdir count leak ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: make kernfs_notify() trigger inotify events too ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_root->supers list ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: protect lazy kernfs_iattrs allocation with mutex ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: cache atomic_write_len in kernfs_open_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: fix off by one error ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix namespace refcnt leak ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: create bin_attributes under the requested group ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: fix kernfs_node_from_dentry() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: fix hash calculation in kernfs_rename_ns() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add CONFIG_KERNFS ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kobject: add sysfs wrapper for kernfs_enable_ns() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_get_parent(), kernfs_name/path() and friends ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_node_from_dentry(), kernfs_root_from_sb() and kernfs_rename() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_open_file->priv ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_ops->atomic_write_len ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: allow nodes to be created in the deactivated state ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add missing kernfs_active() checks in directory operations ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_syscall_ops->remount_fs() and ->show_options() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: rename kernfs_dir_ops to kernfs_syscall_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: invoke dir_ops while holding active ref of the target node ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs, sysfs, driver-core: implement kernfs_remove_self() and its wrappers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_REMOVED ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_ACTIVE_REF and add kernfs_lockdep() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: remove kernfs_addrm_cxt ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: invoke kernfs_unmap_bin_file() directly from kernfs_deactivate() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: restructure removal path to fix possible premature return ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: replace kernfs_node->u.completion with kernfs_root->deactivate_waitq ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: make kernfs_deactivate() honor KERNFS_LOCKDEP flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] fix "queues" uevent between network namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: associate a new kernfs_node with its parent on creation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add struct dentry declaration in kernfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: fix get_active failure handling in kernfs_seq_*() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kobject: Fix source code comment spelling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_dir_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: allow negative dentries ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: update kernfs_rename_ns() to consider KERNFS_STATIC_NAME ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: mark static names with KERNFS_STATIC_NAME ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add REMOVED check to create and rename paths ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: add @mode to kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in internal functions and whatever is left ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in global variables ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in constants ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in various data structures ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: drop s_ prefix from kernfs_node members ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs_dirent/kernfs_node/ and rename its friends accordingly ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix use-after-free in sysfs_kill_sb() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: bail early from kernfs_file_mmap() to avoid spurious lockdep warning ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kobject: fix memory leak in kobject_set_name_vargs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove duplicated include from file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kobject: remove kset from sysfs immediately in kset_unregister() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: implement "trusted.*" xattr support ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: update sysfs_init_inode_attrs() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove cross inclusions of internal headers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_ns_enabled() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make sysfs_dirent definition public ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move mount core code to fs/kernfs/mount.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare mount path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make super_blocks bind to different kernfs_roots ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make inode number ida per kernfs_root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Update __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj to it's upstream form ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_create/destroy_root() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce sysfs_root_sd ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] Don't return 0 from get_anon_bdev ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: no need to kern_mount() sysfs from sysfs_init() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make sysfs_super_info->ns const ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: drop unused params from sysfs_fill_super() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move symlink core code to fs/kernfs/symlink.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move file core code to fs/kernfs/file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move dir core code to fs/kernfs/dir.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move inode code to fs/kernfs/inode.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move internal decls to fs/kernfs/kernfs-internal.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs[_find_and]_get() and kernfs_put() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: revamp sysfs_dirent active_ref lockdep annotation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: reorganize SYSFS_* constants ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_notify() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add kernfs_ops->seq_{start|next|stop}() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove sysfs_add_one() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_file[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove SYSFS_KOBJ_BIN_ATTR ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add sysfs_dirent->s_attr.size ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move sysfs_open_file to linux/kernfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare open, release, poll paths for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare mmap path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare write path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare read path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: replace sysfs_dirent->s_dir.kobj and ->s_attr.[bin_]attr with ->priv ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_setattr() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_rename[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_link() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_remove[_by_name[_ns]]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add skeletons for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kernfs: Temporarily remove kernfs the change from sysfs to kernfs can be replayed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: make __sysfs_add_one() fail if the parent isn't a directory ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling, take #2 ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] revert "sysfs: handle duplicate removal attempts in sysfs_remove_group()" ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: use a separate locking class for open files depending on mmap ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: handle duplicate removal attempts in sysfs_remove_group() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] revert "sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling" ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: rename sysfs_assoc_lock and explain what it's about ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: use generic_file_llseek() for sysfs_file_operations ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: return correct error code on unimplemented mmap() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: separate out dup filename warning into a separate function ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: move sysfs_hash_and_remove() to fs/sysfs/dir.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove unused sysfs_get_dentry() prototype ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: honor bin_attr.attr.ignore_lockdep ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: merge sysfs_elem_bin_attr into sysfs_elem_attr ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix sysfs_write_file for bin file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs/bin: Fix size handling overflow for bin_attribute ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: make sysfs_file_ops() follow ignore_lockdep flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: merge regular and bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: prepare open path for unified regular / bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: copy bin mmap support from fs/sysfs/bin.c to fs/sysfs/file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_bin_read() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: prepare path write for unified regular / bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: collapse fs/sysfs/bin.c::fill_read() into read() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: skip bin_buffer->buffer while reading ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: use seq_file when reading regular files ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: use transient write buffer ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_open_file->sd and ->file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: rename sysfs_buffer to sysfs_open_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_open_file_mutex ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_buffer->ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_buffer->needs_read_fill ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove unused sysfs_buffer->pos ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: introduce [__]sysfs_remove() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: make __sysfs_remove_dir() recursive ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_addrm_cxt->parent_sd ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Allow mounting without CONFIG_NET ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: @name comes before @ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: clean up sysfs_get_dirent() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Remove namespace handling from __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove ktype->namespace() invocations in symlink code ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove ktype->namespace() invocations in directory code ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: make attr namespace interface less convoluted ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: drop semicolon from to_sysfs_dirent() definition ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: Restrict mounting sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] userns: Better restrictions on when proc and sysfs can be mounted ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs.h: remove attr_name() macro ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix up minor coding style issues in sysfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: sysfs.h: fix coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: file.c: fix up broken string warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: dir.c: fix up odd do/while indentation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix up uaccess.h coding style warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix up 80 column coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix up space coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: remove trailing whitespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: fix placement of EXPORT_SYMBOL() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs.h: fix __BIN_ATTR_RW() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] convert sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] kobject: sanitize argument for format string ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs_notify is only possible on file attributes ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: kill sysfs_sb declaration in fs/sysfs/inode.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] sysfs: sysfs_link_sibling(): fix typo in comment ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] overlayfs: Replace vfs_readdir with iterate_dir ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] vfs: delete vfs_readdir function declaration ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] switch dcache_readdir() users to ->iterate() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] introduce ->iterate(), ctx->pos, dir_emit() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] introduce iterate_dir() and dir_context ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] powerpc/pci: Reorder pci bus/bridge unregistration during PHB removal ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] scsi: mpt: Move scsi_remove_host() out of mptscsih_remove_host() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] scsi: sas: move scsi_remove_host call into sas_remove_host ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
- [fs] scsi_transport_sas: move bsg destructor into sas_rphy_remove ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]
* Fri Jan 05 2018 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-827.el7]
- [x86] entry: Invoke TRACE_IRQS_IRETQ in paranoid_userspace_restore_all (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] cpu: fix get_scattered_cpu_leaf for IBPB feature (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: show added cpuid flags in /proc/cpuinfo after late microcode update (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: svm: spec_ctrl at vmexit needs per-cpu areas functional (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: init_tss is supposed to go in the PAGE_ALIGNED per-cpu section (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Eliminate redundnat FEATURE Not Present messages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kaiser/mm: skip IBRS/CR3 restore when paranoid exception returns to userland (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: set IBRS during resume from RAM if ibrs_enabled is 2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: allow use_ibp_disable only if both SPEC_CTRL and IBPB_SUPPORT are missing (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Documentation spec_ctrl.txt (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove irqs_disabled() check from intel_idle() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: use enum when setting ibrs/ibpb_enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: undo speculation barrier for ibrs_enabled and noibrs_cmdline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: introduce ibpb_enabled = 2 for IBPB instead of IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: introduce SPEC_CTRL_PCP_ONLY_IBPB (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: cleanup s/flush/sync/ naming when sending IPIs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: set IBRS during CPU init if in ibrs_enabled == 2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: use IBRS_ENABLED instead of 1 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: allow the IBP disable feature to be toggled at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: always initialize save_reg in ENABLE_IBRS_SAVE_AND_CLOBBER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: ibrs_enabled() is expected to return > 1 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: issue a __spec_ctrl_ibpb if a credential check isn't possible (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] ibpb: don't optimize spec_cntrl_ibpb on PREEMPT_RCU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: clear registers after 32bit syscall stackframe is setup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: reload spec_ctrl cpuid in all microcode load paths (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: Prevent unwanted speculation without IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] entry: Remove trampoline check from paranoid entry path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] entry: Fix paranoid_exit() trampoline clobber (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] entry: Simplify trampoline stack restore code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: remove SPEC_CTRL_DEBUG code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add noibrs noibpb boot options (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] syscall: Clear unused extra registers on 32-bit compatible syscall entrance (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: cleanup unnecessary ptregscall_common function (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: CLEAR_EXTRA_REGS and extra regs save/restore (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] syscall: Clear unused extra registers on syscall entrance (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: rescan cpuid after a late microcode update (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add debugfs ibrs_enabled ibpb_enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: consolidate the spec control boot detection (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm/spec_ctrl: allow IBRS to stay enabled in host userland (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: add debug aid to test the entry code without microcode (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: move stuff_RSB in spec_ctrl.h (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] entry: Stuff RSB for entry to kernel for non-SMEP platform (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Only set IBPB when the new thread cannot ptrace current thread (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Set IBPB upon context switch (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] idle: Disable IBRS when offlining cpu and re-enable on wakeup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] idle: Disable IBRS entering idle and enable it on wakeup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: implement spec ctrl C methods (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: save IBRS MSR value in save_paranoid for NMI (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] enter: Use IBRS on syscall and interrupts (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: swap rdx with rsi for nmi nesting detection (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: spec_ctrl_pcp and kaiser_enabled_pcp in same cachline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] spec_ctrl: use per-cpu knob instead of ALTERNATIVES for ibpb and ibrs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] enter: MACROS to set/clear IBRS and set IBPB (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: x86: add SPEC_CTRL to MSR and CPUID lists (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: svm: add MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL and MSR_IA32_PRED_CMD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] svm: Set IBPB when running a different VCPU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: vmx: add MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL and MSR_IA32_PRED_CMD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Set IBPB when running a different VCPU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: x86: clear registers on VM exit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kvm: Pad RSB on VM transition (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] cpu/amd: Control indirect branch predictor when SPEC_CTRL not available (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] feature: Report presence of IBPB and IBRS control (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] feature: Enable the x86 feature to control Speculation (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [tools] objtool: Don't print 'call dest' warnings for ignored functions (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [fs] udf: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [kernel] fs: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [kernel] userns: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [scsi] qla2xxx: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [netdrv] p54: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [netdrv] carl9170: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [media] uvcvideo: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] cpu/amd: Remove now unused definition of MFENCE_RDTSC feature (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] cpu/amd: Make the LFENCE instruction serialized (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [kernel] locking/barriers: introduce new memory barrier gmb() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kaiser/mm: consider the init_mm.pgd a kaiser pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kaiser/mm: convert userland visible "kpti" name to "pti" (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kaiser/mm: __load_cr3 in resume from RAM after kernel gs has been restored (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] kaiser/mm: fix pgd freeing in error path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: disable global pages by default with KAISER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] revert "x86/mm/kaiser: Disable global pages by default with KAISER" (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: Replace kaiser with kpti to sync with upstream (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: add "kaiser" and "nokaiser" boot options (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map the trace idt tables in userland shadow pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: fix RESTORE_CR3 crash in kaiser_stop_machine (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [security] x86/mm/kaiser: use stop_machine for enable/disable knob (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: use atomic ops to poison/unpoison user pagetables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: use invpcid to flush the two kaiser PCID AISD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: use two PCID ASIDs optimize the TLB during enter/exit kernel (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: stop patching flush_tlb_single (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: use PCID feature to make user and kernel switches faster (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: If INVPCID is available, use it to flush global mappings (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/64: Fix reboot interaction with CR4.PCIDE (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/64: Initialize CR4.PCIDE early (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Add a 'noinvpcid' boot option to turn off INVPCID (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Add the 'nopcid' boot option to turn off PCID (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: validate trampoline stack (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] entry: Move SYSENTER_stack to the beginning of struct tss_struct (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [kernel] x86/mm/kaiser: isolate the user mapped per cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: selective boot time defaults (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: handle call to xen_pv_domain() on PREEMPT_RT (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser/xen: Dynamically disable KAISER when running under Xen PV (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [security] x86/mm/kaiser: add Kconfig (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: avoid false positives during non-kaiser pgd updates (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: Respect disabled CPU features (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: trampoline stack comments (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: stack trampoline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: remove paravirt clock warning (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: re-enable vsyscalls (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: allow to build KAISER with KASRL (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: allow KAISER to be enabled/disabled at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: un-poison PGDs at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: add a function to check for KAISER being enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: add debugfs file to turn KAISER on/off at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: disable native VSYSCALL (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map virtually-addressed performance monitoring buffers (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map debug IDT tables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: add kprobes text section (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map trace interrupt entry (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map entry stack per-cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: map dynamically-allocated LDTs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: make sure static PGDs are 8k in size (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: allow NX poison to be set in p4d/pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: unmap kernel from userspace page tables (core patch) (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: mark per-cpu data structures required for entry/exit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: introduce user-mapped per-cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: add cr3 switches to entry code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: remove scratch registers (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: prepare assembly for entry/exit CR3 switching (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/kaiser: Disable global pages by default with KAISER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Document X86_CR4_PGE toggling behavior (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm/tlb: Make CR4-based TLB flushes more robust (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] mm: Do not set _PAGE_USER for init_mm page tables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] increase robusteness of bad_iret fixup handler (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix memory leaks on allocation failures (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
- [mm] fix bad rss-counter if remap_file_pages raced migration (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}
* Thu Dec 28 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-826.el7]
- [tty] serial: 8250_pci: Add Amazon PCI serial device ID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1527545]
- [tools] perf vendor events: Use more flexible pattern matching for CPU identification for mapfile.csv (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: remove suffix in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf vendor events: Add POWER9 PVRs to mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf vendor events: Add POWER9 PMU events (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf pmu-events: Support additional POWER8+ PVR in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf pmu: Extract function to get JSON alias map (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [tools] perf pmu: Add helper function is_pmu_core to detect PMU CORE devices (Jiri Olsa) [1523766]
- [powerpc] Fix /proc/cpuinfo revision for POWER9 DD2 (David Gibson) [1526339]
- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add support for Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1456555]
- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Broxton support (Steve Best) [1456555]
- [security] ima: log message to module appraisal error (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473]
- [security] ima: check signature enforcement against cmdline param instead of CONFIG (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473]
- [kernel] module: export module signature enforcement status (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473]
- [firmware] fw_cfg: write vmcoreinfo details (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] fw_cfg: do DMA read operation (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] fw_cfg: add DMA register (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] fw_cfg: fix driver remove (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] fw_cfg: fix the command line module name (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: potential unintialized variable (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: hold ACPI global lock during device access (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg: don't leak kobj on init error (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] fw_cfg register offsets on supported architectures only (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: fix typo FW_CFG_DATA_OFF (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] create directory hierarchy for sysfs fw_cfg entries (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [firmware] introduce sysfs driver for QEMU's fw_cfg device (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [acpi] acpi / platform: provide default DMA mask (Baoquan He) [1493125]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add contig support for control objects (Kamal Heib) [1520141]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use optimal numbers of MTT entries (Kamal Heib) [1520141]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS's QPC attributes assignments (Kamal Heib) [1520141]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add report for RSS capabilities by vendor channel (Kamal Heib) [1520141]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Fix general protection fault (Don Dutile) [1523865]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS hash fields restrictions (Don Dutile) [1523865]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Don't enforce PKey security on SMI MADs (Don Dutile) [1523865]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Bound check alternate path port number (Don Dutile) [1523865]
* Tue Dec 26 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-825.el7]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after bad bar setup on driver attachment (Dick Kennedy) [1441965]
- [fs] cifs: fix NULL deref in SMB2_read (Leif Sahlberg) [1508380]
- [fs] nfs: don't wait on commit in nfs_commit_inode() if there were no commit requests (Scott Mayhew) [1514371]
- [fs] cifs: check rsp for NULL before dereferencing in SMB2_open (Leif Sahlberg) [1516680]
- [fs] nfs: fix a deadlock in nfs client initialization (Scott Mayhew) [1506382]
- [fs] nfsv4.0: Fix a lock leak in nfs40_walk_client_list (Scott Mayhew) [1506382]
- [fs] nfs: Create a common nfs4_match_client() function (Scott Mayhew) [1506382]
- [fs] blktrace: use existing disk debugfs directory (Eric Sandeen) [1521092]
- [fs] debugfs: add debugfs_lookup() (Eric Sandeen) [1521092]
- [x86] mm: revert x86_64 and arm64 ELF_ET_DYN_BASE base changes (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288]
- [fs] binfmt_elf: safely increment argv pointers (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288]
- [powerpc] move ELF_ET_DYN_BASE to 4GB / 4MB (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288]
- [x86] binfmt_elf: use ELF_ET_DYN_BASE only for PIE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: support version 7 of the SCAN_REQ_UMAC FW command (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1525027]
- [netdrv] mac80211_hwsim: Fix memory leak in hwsim_new_radio_nl() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] brcmfmac: change driver unbind order of the sdio function devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: enable RX offloading with TKIP and WEP (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1516644 1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix packet injection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 9260 and 22000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: flush queue before deleting ROC (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: don't use transmit queue hang detection when it is not possible (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: mark MIC stripped MPDUs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1516644 1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix PCI IDs and configuration mapping for 9000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 8260 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 8265 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for a000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: sort IDs for the 9000 series for easier comparisons (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: add a new a000 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix wrong struct for a000 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix firmware names for 9000 and A000 series hw (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] rtlwifi: fix uninitialized rtlhal->last_suspend_sec time (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] rtlwifi: rtl8192ee: Fix memory leak when loading firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
- [netdrv] rt2x00usb: mark device removed when get ENOENT usb error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]
* Thu Dec 21 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-824.el7]
- [netdrv] liquidio: do not consider packets dropped by network stack as driver Rx dropped (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Fix an issue with multiple switchdev enable disables (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: bump up driver version to 1.7.0 to match newer NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: synchronize VF representor names with NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove redundant setting of inst_processed to zero (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Configure switchdev with devlink (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: switchdev support for LiquidIO NIC (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: get rid of false alarm "Unknown cmd 27" in dmesg (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix kernel panic in VF driver (Felix Manlunas) [1506085 1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: xmit_more support (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: deprecate 1-bit flag indicating watchdog kernel thread is running (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: pass date and time info to NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix timespec64_to_ns typo (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: mark expected switch fall-through in octeon_destroy_resources (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary NULL check before kfree in delete_glists (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: update module parameter fw_type to reflect firmware type loaded (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: verify firmware version when auto-loaded from flash (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] liquidio: allow override of firmware present in flash (Felix Manlunas) [1510590]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix XPB register reads in debug dump (John Linville) [1525879]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix absolute rtsym handling in debug dump (John Linville) [1525879]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: improve hashing of flows (John Linville) [1525600]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: restore RTNL locking around representor updates (John Linville) [1525600]
- [netdrv] nfp: process MTU updates from firmware flower app (John Linville) [1525600]
- [netdrv] nfp: process control messages in workqueue in flower app (John Linville) [1525600]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump indirect ME CSRs (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump CPP, XPB and direct ME CSRs (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump firmware name (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump single hwinfo field by key (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump all hwinfo (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump rtsyms (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dumpspec TLV traversal (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: dump prolog (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: load debug dump spec (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] nfp: debug dump ethtool ops (John Linville) [1520411]
- [netdrv] qede: Configure UDP ports in local context (Don Dutile) [1462432]
- [netdrv] qede: Move all UDP port notifiers to single function (Don Dutile) [1462432]
* Wed Dec 13 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-823.el7]
- [i2c] revert I2C updates changeset (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [misc] rtsx: Fix symbol clashes (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800]
- [misc] rtsx: Add support for RTS5260 (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800]
- [misc] mfd: rtsx: Do retry when DMA transfer error (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800]
- [misc] mfd: rts5249: Add support for RTS5250S power saving (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800]
- [scsi] run queue if SCSI device queue isn't ready and queue is idle (Ming Lei) [1523029]
- [hwmon] ntc_thermistor: Fix dependencies (Gopal Tiwari) [1524404]
- [block] drain queue before waiting for q_usage_counter becoming zero (Ming Lei) [1523022]
- [target] tcmu: reconfigure netlink attr changes (Maurizio Lombardi) [1507794]
- [target] tcmu: Make dev_size configurable via userspace (Maurizio Lombardi) [1507794]
- [target] tcmu: allow max block and global max blocks to be settable (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] return SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL for TCM_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: fix crash when removing the tcmu device (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: make ring buffer timer configurable (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: Use sense_reason_t in tcmu_queue_cmd_ring (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: sync up configfs attr setup (Mike Christie) [1507794 1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: Fix possbile memory leak / OOPs when recalculating cmd base size (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: Fix flushing cmd entry dcache page (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: Recalculate the tcmu_cmd size to save cmd area memories (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [target] tcmu: add io size helpers (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]
* Wed Dec 13 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-822.el7]
- [fs] ovl: don't follow redirects if redirect_dir=off (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: Put upperdentry if ovl_check_origin() fails (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: lockdep annotate of nested OVL_I(inode)->lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: do not cleanup unsupported index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: handle ENOENT on index lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix EIO from lookup of non-indexed upper (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: Return -ENOMEM if an allocation fails ovl_lookup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: add NULL check in ovl_alloc_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix regression caused by exclusive upper/work dir protection (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix missing unlock_rename() in ovl_do_copy_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix dentry leak in ovl_indexdir_cleanup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix dput() of ERR_PTR in ovl_cleanup_index() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix error value printed in ovl_lookup_index() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix false positive ESTALE on lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check for bad and whiteout index on lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: do not cleanup directory and whiteout index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix xattr get and set with selinux (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: remove unneeded check for IS_ERR() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix origin verification of index dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: mark parent impure on ovl_link() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix random return value on mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: mark parent impure and restore timestamp on ovl_link_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: document copying layers restrictions with inodes index (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: cleanup orphan index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: persistent overlay inode nlink for indexed inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: implement index dir copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: move copy up lock out (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: rearrange copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: add flag for upper in ovl_entry (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use struct copy_up_ctx as function argument (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: base tmpfile in workdir too (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: factor out ovl_copy_up_inode() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: extract helper to get temp file in copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: defer upper dir lock to tempfile link (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: hash overlay non-dir inodes by copy up origin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: cleanup bad and stale index entries on mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: lookup index entry for copy up origin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: verify index dir matches upper dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: verify upper root dir matches lower root dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: introduce the inodes index dir feature (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: generalize ovl_create_workdir() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: relax same fs constrain for ovl_check_origin() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: get exclusive ownership on upper/work dirs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] vfs: introduce inode 'inuse' lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: move cache and version to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use ovl_inode mutex to synchronize concurrent copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: move impure to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: move redirect to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: move __upperdentry to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: compare inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use i_private only as a key (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: simplify getting inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: allocate an ovl_inode struct (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix nlink leak in ovl_rename() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: don't set origin on broken lower hardlink (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: copy-up: don't unlock between lookup and link (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] tmpfs: generate random sb->s_uuid (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: filter trusted xattr for non-admin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: mark upper merge dir with type origin entries "impure" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: mark upper dir with type origin entries "impure" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: remove unused arg from ovl_lookup_temp() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: handle rename when upper doesn't support xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: don't fail copy-up if upper doesn't support xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check on mount time if upper fs supports setting xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix creds leak in copy up error path (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: select EXPORTFS (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: update documentation w.r.t. constant inode numbers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: persistent inode numbers for upper hardlinks (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: merge getattr for dir and nondir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: constant st_ino/st_dev across copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: persistent inode number for directories (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: set the ORIGIN type flag (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: lookup non-dir copy-up-origin by file handle (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use an auxiliary var for overlay root entry (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: store file handle of lower inode on copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check if all layers are on the same fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: do not set overlay.opaque on non-dir create (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check IS_APPEND() on real upper inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] vfs: ftruncate check IS_APPEND() on real upper inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: Use designated initializers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: lockdep annotate of nested stacked overlayfs inode lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: drop CAP_SYS_RESOURCE from saved mounter's credentials (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: properly implement sync_filesystem() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: concurrent copy up of regular files (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: introduce copy up waitqueue (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: copy up regular file using O_TMPFILE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: rearrange code in ovl_copy_up_locked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check if upperdir fs supports O_TMPFILE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix possible use after free on redirect dir lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix reStructuredText syntax errors in documentation (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix return value of ovl_fill_super (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: clean up kstat usage (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fold ovl_copy_up_truncate() into ovl_copy_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: create directories inside merged parent opaque (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: opaque cleanup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: show redirect_dir mount option (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: allow setting max size of redirect (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: allow redirect_dir to default to "on" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check for emptiness of redirect dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: redirect on rename-dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: lookup redirects (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: consolidate lookup for underlying layers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: fix nested overlayfs mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check namelen (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: split super.c (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use d_is_dir() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: simplify lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check lower existence of rename target (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: rename: simplify handling of lower/merged directory (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: get rid of PURE type (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: check lower existence when removing (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: add ovl_dentry_is_whiteout() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: don't check sticky (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: don't check rename to self (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: treat special files like a regular fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: rename ovl_rename2() to ovl_rename() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: use vfs_clone_file_range() for copy up if possible (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] Revert "ovl: get_write_access() in truncate" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] ovl: update doc (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] vfs: fix vfs_clone_file_range() for overlayfs files (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] vfs: wire up compat ioctl for CLONE/CLONE_RANGE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] vfs: allow vfs_clone_file_range() across mount points (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] Revert "vfs: rename: check backing inode being equal" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] overlayfs: VFS: (Scripted) Convert S_ISLNK/DIR/REG(dentry->d_inode) to d_is_*(dentry) (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] overlayfs: Fix setting IOP_XATTR flag (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392]
- [fs] allow O_TMPFILE to work with O_WRONLY (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] autofs - revert: take more care to not update last_used on path walk (Ian Kent) [1489542]
* Wed Dec 13 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-821.el7]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe port discovery and PRLI handling (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe command handling (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe F/W initialization and transport registration (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Send FC4 type NVMe to the management server (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Use FC-NVMe FC4 type for FDMI registration (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert fix a bunch of typos and spelling mistakes (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert avoid unused-function warning (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix NVMe entry_type for iocb packet on BE system (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Cleanup FC-NVMe code (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Move function prototype to correct header (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Added change to enable ZIO for FC-NVMe devices (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Simpify unregistration of FC-NVMe local/remote ports (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix remoteport disconnect for FC-NVMe (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add command completion for error path (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix WWPN/WWNN in debug message (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert add missing includes for qla_isr (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Clear fc4f_nvme flag (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add support for minimum link speed (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add LR distance support from nvram bit (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Allow SCSI-MQ to be enabled selectively (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Move #include qla_nvme.h to fix compile errors on RHEL 7 (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Update driver version to (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add module param ql2xenablemsix (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add ATIO-Q processing for INTx mode (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Allow MBC_GET_PORT_DATABASE to query and save the port states (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Changes to support N2N logins (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Use ql2xnvmeenable to enable Q-Pair for FC-NVMe (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Query FC4 type during RSCN processing (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Update driver version to (Ewan Milne) [1511452]
* Sat Dec 09 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-820.el7]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix incorrect available receive user context count (Don Dutile) [1520270 1452831]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: used RHEL extended struct for min/max_mtu params (Don Dutile) [1520270 1452831]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix use workqueue without WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1523349]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid crash on pkey enforcement failed in received MADs (Don Dutile) [1523349]
- [infiniband] ib/srp: Avoid that a cable pull can trigger a kernel crash (Don Dutile) [1523349]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix memory corruption in handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1523349]
- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Do not accept invalid initiator port names (Don Dutile) [1523349]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Initialize bth1 in 16B rc ack builder (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow MgmtAllowed on B2B setups (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Race condition between user notification and driver state (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow meta version 4 for platform configuration (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add parsing for platform configuration format version 4 (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Use __be32 for LIDs in opa_is_extended_lid (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Do not warn on lid conversions for OPA (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Convert OPA AH to IB for Extended LIDs only (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not warn on lid conversions for OPA (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Mask out A bit from psn trace (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Eliminate allocation while atomic (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Mask upper 16Bits of Extended LID prior to rvt_cq_entry (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Don't wait for resources in QP reset (Alex Estrin) [1519368]
- [scsi] hpsa: bump driver version to 3.4.20-0-RH2 (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538]
- [scsi] hpsa: correct logical volume removal (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538]
- [scsi] hpsa: correct smart path enabled (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538]
- [scsi] hpsa: change timeout for internal cmds (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: remove double put reference if admin connect fails (Ewan Milne) [1520954]
- [char] ipmi: Prefer ACPI system interfaces over SMBIOS ones (Frank Ramsay) [1517935]
- [x86] Mark Cascade Lake as unsupported (David Arcari) [1519949]
- [md] fix deadlock error in recent patch (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] raid1: prevent freeze_array/wait_all_barriers deadlock (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] fix test in md_write_start() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] allow metadata update while suspending (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] use mddev_suspend/resume instead of ->quiesce() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] move suspend_hi/lo handling into core md code (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] don't call bitmap_create() while array is quiesced (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] always hold reconfig_mutex when calling mddev_suspend() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] dm-raid: fix a race condition in request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] fix a race condition for flush request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] separate request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] fix deadlock between mddev_suspend() and md_write_start() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] initialise ->writes_pending in personality modules (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] use per-cpu counter for writes_pending (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] raid5: use md_write_start to count stripes, not bios (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] close a race with setting mddev->in_sync (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] factor out set_in_sync() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] raid5: don't test ->writes_pending in raid5_remove_disk (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] fix relationship between wait_barrier and allow_barrier (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
- [md] mddev->writes_pending is incorrect (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]
* Sat Dec 09 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-819.el7]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Enable Gemini Lake ish driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Enable Cannon Lake ish driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: use dev_groups and not dev_attrs for bus_type (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: enable compile testing (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: fix format string for size_t (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: clarify locking in client code (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: fix potential uninitialized data usage (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: constify device_type structure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: check FW status to distinguish ISH resume paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: format 32-bit integers with X (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: add printf attribute to print_log() (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Remove unneeded linux/miscdevice.h include (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: use pUL for uuid formatting (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix potential race condition (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: use msleep_interrupt() for wait (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: change timed_wait_for_timeout() to be a function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: remove unused macro (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: initialize ts_format.reserved (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: request_irq failure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix driver reinit failure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Move DMA disable code to new function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: consolidate ish wake up operation (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix !CONFIG_PM build warning (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: Remove duplicated include from bus.c (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc/memset (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: Convert list_for_each to entry variant (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: use module_pci_driver to simplify the code (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] maintainers: Add Intel ISH (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Add ISH quirk (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensor-hub: Implement batch mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensor: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_enable error (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensor: Store restore poll and hysteresis on S3 (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Set default unit of measure for report interval (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensor-trigger: Change get poll value function order to avoid sensor properties losing after resume from S3 (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: avoid unused function warning (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: use asynchronous resume (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: common: hid-sensors: use tab for indention (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] hid-sensor: Fix suspend/resume delay (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Enhance feature report set API (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Enhance get feature report API (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Add api to get poll value (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid_sensor_hub: Common PM functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid_sensor_hub: Fix indio_dev->trig assignment (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Get feature report from sensor hub after changing power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Add API to power on/off (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensor-hub: Remove hard coded indexes (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Fix power and report state (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: hid_sensors: fix crash during trigger unregister (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] iio: call sensor hub open close function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ISH HID client driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc layer (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] intel_ish-hid: ISH Transport layer (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] documentation: hid: Intel ISH HID document (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] sensor: fix attributes in HID sensor interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [hid] sensor: Custom and Generic sensor support (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903]
- [gpu] drm/ttm: Always and only destroy bo->ttm_resv in ttm_bo_release_list (Lyude Paul) [1522929]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: reserve root PD while releasing it (Lyude Paul) [1522929]
- [gpu] dma-buf: make reservation_object_copy_fences rcu save (Lyude Paul) [1522929]
- [gpu] drm/ttm: fix ttm_bo_cleanup_refs_or_queue once more (Lyude Paul) [1522929]
- [gpu] drm/i915: avoid division by zero on cnl_calc_wrpll_link (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Do not add an extra page for precaution in the Gen10 LRC size (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: avoid potential uninitialized variable use (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/glk, cnl: Implement WaDisableScalarClockGating (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add support slice/subslice/eu configs (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add Gen10 LRC size (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: display wa #1179: WaHardHangonHotPlug (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Shrink cnl_ddi_buf_trans (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: Don't touch other PCH clock gating bits (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Change the macro name to DPLL_CFGCR0_DCO_FRACTION_SHIFT (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Extend WM workaround with IPC for CNL (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaThrottleEUPerfToAvoidTDBackPressure:cnl(pre-prod) (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Display WA #1133 WaFbcSkipSegments:cnl, glk (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Allow the reg_read ioctl to read the RCS TIMESTAMP register (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: wa 1181: Fix Backlight issue (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix DP max voltage (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix DDI hdmi level selection (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Move ddi buf trans related functions up (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Move voltage check into ddi buf trans functions (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Enable voltage swing before enabling DDI_BUF_CTL (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Align vswing sequences with old ddi buffer registers (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: decouple gen9 and gen10 dp signal levels (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Introduce intel_ddi_dp_level (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Avoid ioremap_wc on Cannonlake as well (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaDisableI2mCycleOnWRPort (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WA FtrEnableFastAnisoL1BankingFix (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Stop using long platform names on clock gating functions (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: don't hardcode DPCLKA_CFGCR0_DDI_CLK_SEL_SHIFT (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaForceContextSaveRestoreNonCoherent (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaPushConstantDereferenceHoldDisable (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cfl: Coffee Lake works on Kaby Lake PCH (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: extract cnl_set_procmon_ref_values (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: simplify cnl_procmon_values handling (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Apply large line width optimization (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaDisableEnhancedSBEVertexCaching (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add WaDisableReplayBufferBankArbitrationOptimization (Rob Clark) [1520639]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Introduce initial Cannonlake Workarounds (Rob Clark) [1520639]
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-818.el7]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Provide offload indication using nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1519937]
- [net] vxlan: fix the issue that neigh proxy blocks all icmpv6 packets (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1512250]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix allocation size of prefixes storage for hash:net, iface.t sets (Stefano Brivio) [1517397]
- [net] gso: fix payload length when gso_size is zero (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1503996]
- [net] ip6_gre: update dst pmtu if dev mtu has been updated by toobig in __gre6_xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1508318]
- [net] ip6_gre: ip6gre_tap device should keep dst (Paolo Abeni) [1508318]
- [net] ip_gre: ipgre_tap device should keep dst (Paolo Abeni) [1508318]
- [net] tun: do not arm flow_gc_timer in tun_flow_init() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281]
- [net] tun: avoid extra timer schedule in tun_flow_cleanup() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281]
- [net] tun: do not block BH again in tun_flow_cleanup() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281]
- [net] tun: Turn tun_flow_init() into void fn (Hangbin Liu) [1510281]
- [net] route: Use ipv4_mtu instead of raw rt_pmtu (Davide Caratti) [1477041]
- [net] ipv4: Don't increase PMTU with Datagram Too Big message (Davide Caratti) [1477041]
- [net] tcp: limit GSO packets to half cwnd (Davide Caratti) [1477041]
- [net] sched: crash on blocks with goto chain action (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] sched: fix crash when deleting secondary chains (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_u32: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_tcindex: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_rsvp: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_route: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_matchall: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_fw: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_flower: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_flow: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_cgroup: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_bpf: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] cls_basic: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: introduce tcf_exts_get_net() and tcf_exts_put_net() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: acquire RTNL in tc_action_net_exit() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [tools] tc-testing: fix arg to ip command: -s -> -n (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: remove tcf_block_put_deferred() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [tools] selftests: Introduce a new test case to tc testsuite (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [tools] selftests: Introduce a new script to generate tc batch file (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [tools] tc-testing: add test for testing ife type (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [tools] selftests: Introduce tc testsuite (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: fix call_rcu() race on act_sample module removal (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: add rtnl assertion to tcf_exts_destroy() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in tcindex filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in rsvp filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in route filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in u32 filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in matchall filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in fw filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in flower filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in flow filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in cgroup filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in bpf filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in basic filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] net_sched: introduce a workqueue for RCU callbacks of tc filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639]
- [net] vsock: add sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-817.el7]
- [mm] devm_memremap_pages: use multi-order radix for ZONE_DEVICE lookups (Jeff Moyer) [1489187]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix SMART Health DSM payload definition (Jeff Moyer) [1457571]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: fix btt claim class crash (Jeff Moyer) [1493833]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix format string warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1493833]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, nfit: move the check on nd_reserved2 to the endpoint (Jeff Moyer) [1455961]
- [acpi] libnvdimm, nfit: export an 'ecc_unit_size' sysfs attribute (Jeff Moyer) [1489186]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: check memory allocation failure (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: fix index block size calculation (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [acpi] nfit: Fix COMPLETION_INITIALIZER_ONSTACK() abuse (Jeff Moyer) [1455958]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, dax: limit namespace alignments to the supported set (Jeff Moyer) [1472049]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, dax: show supported dax/pfn region alignments in sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [1472049]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: rename nd_sector_size_{show, store} to nd_size_select_{show, store} (Jeff Moyer) [1472049]
- [acpi] nfit: cleanup long de-reference chains in acpi_nfit_init_interleave_set (Jeff Moyer) [1471684]
- [nvdimm] nfit, libnvdimm, region: export 'position' in mapping info (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: clean up warning and error messages (Jeff Moyer) [1493833]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix integer overflow static analysis warning (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [dax] convert to bitmask for flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555]
- [kernel] dax, pmem: introduce an optional 'flush' dax_operation (Jeff Moyer) [1457556]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: rework error clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix potential deadlock while clearing errors (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: cache sector_size in arena_info (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: ensure that flags were also unchanged during a map_read (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: refactor map entry operations with macros (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix a missed NVDIMM_IO_ATOMIC case in the write path (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix the clear-error check in nsio_rw_bytes (Jeff Moyer) [1471792]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix btt_rw_page not returning errors (Jeff Moyer) [1471795]
- [nvdimm] acpi, nfit: quiet invalid block-aperture-region warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: BTT updates for UEFI 2.7 format (Jeff Moyer) [1472028 1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, nfit: enable support for volatile ranges (Jeff Moyer) [1455961]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix persistence warning (Jeff Moyer) [1465367]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Stop using HPAGE_SIZE (Jeff Moyer) [1472049]
- [dax] device-dax: fix 'passing zero to ERR_PTR()' warning (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix badblock range handling of ARS range (Jeff Moyer) [1475473 1492054]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: record 'lbasize' for pmem namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] acpi/nfit: Issue Start ARS to retrieve existing records (Jeff Moyer) [1457571]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: New ACPI 6.2 DSM functions (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [acpi] nfit: Show bus_dsm_mask in sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, acpi, nfit: Add bus level dsm mask for pass thru (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [nvdimm] acpi, nfit: Enable DSM pass thru for root functions (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: passthru functions clear to send (Jeff Moyer) [1508785]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: convert some info messages to warn/err (Jeff Moyer) [1493833]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region, pmem: fix 'badblocks' sysfs_get_dirent() reference lifetime (Jeff Moyer) [1457571]
- [acpi] nfit: Add support of NVDIMM memory error notification in ACPI 6.2 (Jeff Moyer) [1457571]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: Add sysfs notifications to badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1457571]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: switch to using v1.2 labels by default (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add address abstraction identifiers (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 label checksum support (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: update 'nlabel' and 'position' handling for local namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: populate 'isetcookie' for blk-aperture namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: populate the type_guid property for v1.2 namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: honor the lba size specified in v1.2 labels (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 interleave-set-cookie algorithm (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 nvdimm label definitions (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [kernel] uuid: Take const on input of uuid_is_null() and guid_is_null() (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [kernel] acpi, nfit: Switch to use new generic UUID API (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [lib] uuid: hoist uuid_is_null() helper from libnvdimm (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [lib] uuid: don't export guid_index and uuid_index (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [lib] uuid: hoist helpers uuid_equal() and uuid_copy() from xfs (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [fs] xfs: use uuid_be to implement the uuid_t type (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [fs] xfs: use uuid_copy() helper to abstract uuid_t (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [lib] uuid: rename uuid types (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] uuid: remove uuid_be defintions from the uapi header (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [block] badblocks: fix overlapping check for clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1504042]
- [block] badblocks: badblocks_set/clear update unacked_exist (Jeff Moyer) [1504042]
- [dax] device-dax: fix sysfs duplicate warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1492048]
- [dax] device-dax: fix 'dax' device filesystem inode destruction crash (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [acpi] nfit: Fix the memory error check in nfit_handle_mce() (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]
- [x86] mce: Export memory_error() (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]
- [dax] fix false CONFIG_BLOCK dependency (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [fs] filesystem-dax: fix broken __dax_zero_page_range() conversion (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: ensure that initializing metadata clears poison (Jeff Moyer) [1472053]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add an atomic vs process context flag to rw_bytes (Jeff Moyer) [1472053]
- [dax] device-dax: kill NR_DEV_DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] block, dax: move "select DAX" from BLOCK to FS_DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix 'npfns' vs section alignment (Jeff Moyer) [1472049]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: handle locked label storage areas (Jeff Moyer) [1457557]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: convert NDD_ flags to use bitops, introduce NDD_LOCKED (Jeff Moyer) [1457557]
- [fs] block, dax: use correct format string in bdev_dax_supported (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [dax] device-dax: fix sysfs attribute deadlock (Jeff Moyer) [1472044]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: restore "libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking" (Jeff Moyer) [1472053]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix nvdimm_bus_lock() vs device_lock() ordering (Jeff Moyer) [1472042]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: rework region badblocks clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix clear poison locking with spinlock and GFP_NOWAIT allocation (Jeff Moyer) [1472053]
- [acpi] nfit: kill ACPI_NFIT_DEBUG (Jeff Moyer) [1457567]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix clear length of nvdimm_forget_poison() (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add support for clear poison list and badblocks for device dax (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix a NULL pointer BUG in nd_pmem_notify (Jeff Moyer) [1472038]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: sysfs trigger for nvdimm_flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1457556]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Add 'resource' sysfs attribute to regions (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add mechanism to publish badblocks at the region level (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [block] hide badblocks attribute by default (Jeff Moyer) [1471822]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix phys_addr for nvdimm_clear_poison (Jeff Moyer) [1457560]
- [kernel] x86, dax, pmem: remove indirection around memcpy_from_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] block: remove block_device_operations ->direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] block, dax: convert bdev_dax_supported() to dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] filesystem-dax: convert to dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] ext2, ext4, xfs: retrieve dax_device for iomap operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] dm: teach dm-targets to use a dax_device + dax_operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: fix flush hint detection crash (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [kernel] dm: add dax_device and dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [md] dm: introduce upstream's cleanup_mapped_device() (Mike Snitzer) [1457559]
- [kernel] dax: introduce dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [s390] dcssblk: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [block] brd: fix uninitialized use of brd->dax_dev (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [block] brd: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [powerpc] axon_ram: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [tools] pmem: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: use devm_add_action_or_reset() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] dax: introduce dax_operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] dax: add a facility to lookup a dax device by 'host' device name (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [x86] mce: Make the MCE notifier a blocking one (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]
- [tools] acpi, nfit: fix module unload vs workqueue shutdown race (Jeff Moyer) [1472037]
- [acpi] nfit: limit ->flush_probe() to initialization work (Jeff Moyer) [1472037]
- [acpi] nfit: collate health state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555]
- [acpi] nfit: support "map failed" dimms (Jeff Moyer) [1457555]
- [acpi] nfit: add support for acpi 6.1 dimm state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555]
- [acpi] nfit: remove unnecessary newline (Jeff Moyer) [1455958]
- [acpi] nfit: allow specifying a default DSM family (Jeff Moyer) [1455958]
- [acpi] nfit: allow override of built-in bitmasks for nvdimm DSMs (Jeff Moyer) [1455958]
- [acpi] nfit, libnvdimm: fix interleave set cookie calculation (64-bit comparison) (Jeff Moyer) [1471684]
- [nvdimm] nfit, libnvdimm: fix interleave set cookie calculation (Jeff Moyer) [1471684]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: test acpi 6.1 health state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: dynamic label support (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: add manufacturing_{date|location} dimm properties (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: add virtual ramdisk range (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [tools] testing/nvdimm: test get_config_size DSM failures (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]
- [nvdimm] revert "libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking" (Jeff Moyer) [1472053]
- [tools] dax: refactor dax-fs into a generic provider of 'struct dax_device' instances (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [dax] device-dax: rename 'dax_dev' to 'dev_dax' (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [dax] device-dax: improve fault handler debug output (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [tools] device-dax, tools/testing/nvdimm: enable device-dax with mock resources (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking (Jeff Moyer) [1465372]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix reconfig_mutex, mmap_sem, and jbd2_handle lockdep splat (Jeff Moyer) [1471676]
- [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix blk free space accounting (Jeff Moyer) [1471683]
- [dax] device-dax: utilize new cdev_device_add helper function (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [dax] device-dax: fix cdev leak (Jeff Moyer) [1457559]
- [edac] x86/ras, edac, acpi: Assign MCE notifier handlers a priority (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]
- [x86] mce: Dump MCE to dmesg if no consumers (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-816.el7]
- [input] Fix device_rh memory leak (Prarit Bhargava) [1510344]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Add support for PCIe extended configuration space (Paul Lai) [1458032]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Add emulation for BAR2 (aperture) with normal file RW approach (Paul Lai) [1458032]
- [gpu] drm/i915/kvmgt: Sanitize PCI bar emulation (Paul Lai) [1458032]
- [pci] Move config space size macros to pci_regs.h (Paul Lai) [1458032]
- [kernel] memremap: don't modify flags (Paul Lai) [1458032]
- [virt] kvm: eventfd: fix NULL deref irqbypass consumer (Radim Krcmar) [1417618]
- [net] vsock: fix outdated sk_state value in hvs_release() (Cathy Avery) [1505839]
- [hv] hv_sock: add locking in the open/close/release code paths (Cathy Avery) [1505839]
- [hv] vmbus: hvsock: add proper sync for vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister() (Cathy Avery) [1505839]
- [mm] revert "memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs" (Rafael Aquini) [1510790]
- [mm] revert "cgroup: kill css_id" (Rafael Aquini) [1510790]
- [fs] ext4: fix fault handling when mounted with -o dax,ro (Eric Sandeen) [1488468]
- [s390] disassembler: increase show_code buffer size (Hendrik Brueckner) [1516667]
- [s390] disassembler: add missing end marker for e7 table (Hendrik Brueckner) [1520837]
- [s390] qeth: unbreak OSM and OSN support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1519447]
- [s390] qeth: handle sysfs error during initialization (Hendrik Brueckner) [1519447]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix error return code in mlxsw_sp_port_create() (Ivan Vecera) [1521069]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure TIGCR on init (Ivan Vecera) [1521069]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Tunneling IPinIP General Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1521069]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix possible deadlock (Ivan Vecera) [1521069]
- [netdrv] nfp: inherit the max_mtu from the PF netdev (John Linville) [1515619]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix flower offload metadata flag usage (John Linville) [1518327]
- [netdrv] nfp: refuse offloading filters that redirects to upper devices (John Linville) [1519464]
- [netdrv] nfp: handle page allocation failures (John Linville) [1519464]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix ethtool stats gather retry (John Linville) [1519464]
- [netdrv] nfp: add whitelist of supported flow dissector (John Linville) [1519464]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix use after free in case of multiple resize requests (Serhii Popovych) [1516238]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Drop prepare_done from struct kvm_resize_hpt (Serhii Popovych) [1516238]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Check for kmalloc errors in ioctl (Serhii Popovych) [1516238]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Set QP state in case of response completion errors (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Flush CQ notification Work Queue before destroying QP (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: synchronize poll_cq and req_notify_cq verbs (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: fix a crash in qp error event processing (Jonathan Toppins) [1515709]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: changing the ip address shouldn't affect new connections (Jonathan Toppins) [1515770]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add memory barriers when processing CQ/EQ entries (Jonathan Toppins) [1515777]
* Thu Dec 07 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-815.el7]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Modify rdma netdev allocate and free to support PKEY (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ethtool ops (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ndos (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface nic profile (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Use hash-table to map between QPN to child netdev (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Support for setting PKEY index to underlay QP (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] ib/ipoib: Add ability to set PKEY index to lower device driver (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] ib/ipoib: Grab rtnl lock on heavy flush when calling ndo_open/stop (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Support for attaching multiple underlay QPs to root flow table (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Move underlay QP init/uninit to separate functions (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: PTP code migration to driver core section (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: File renaming towards ptp core implementation (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add FGs and FTEs memory pool (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Allocate FTE object without lock (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Support multiple updates of steering rules in parallel (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Replace fs_node mutex with reader/writer semaphore (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor FTE and FG creation code (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Export building of matched flow groups list (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Move the entry index allocator to flow group (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid NULL pointer dereference on steering cleanup (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix creating a new FTE when an existing but full FTE exists (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Increase Striding RQ minimum size limit to 4 multi-packet WQEs (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Set page to null in case dma mapping fails (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix napi poll with zero budget (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Stop NAPI when irq balancer changes affinity (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Cancel health poll before sending panic teardown command (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Loop over temp list to release delay events (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e/core/en_fs: fix pointer dereference after free in mlx5e_execute_l2_action (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: DCBNL, Implement tc with ets type and zero bandwidth (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly deal with encap flows add/del under neigh update (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Delay events till mlx5 interface's add complete for pci resume (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix health work queue spin lock to IRQ safe (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix wrong indentation in enable SRIOV code (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix static checker warning on steering tracepoints code (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix calculated checksum offloads counters (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't add/remove 802.1ad rules when changing 802.1Q VLAN filter (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Print netdev features correctly in error message (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Check encap entry state when offloading tunneled flows (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Disallow TC offloading of unsupported match/action combinations (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix erroneous freeing of encap header buffer (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Check device capability for maximum flow counters (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix FPGA capability location (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix access to invalid memory address (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Distribute RSS table among all RX rings (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use kernel's mechanism to avoid missing NAPIs (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Slightly increase RX page-cache size (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't recycle page if moved to far NUMA (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unnecessary fields in ICO SQ (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Type-specific optimizations for RX post WQEs function (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Non-atomic RQ state indicator for UMR WQE in progress (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Non-atomic indicator for ring enabled state (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor data-path lro header function (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Early-return on empty completion queues (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: NAPI busy-poll when UMR post is in progress (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Small enhancements for RX MPWQE allocation and free (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use memset to init skbs_frags array to zeros (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unnecessary wqe_sz field from RQ buffer (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Replace multiplication by stride size with a shift (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Reorganize struct mlx5e_rq (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Support RSS for GRE tunneled packets (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Support TSO and TX checksum offloads for GRE tunnels (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use IP version matching to classify IP traffic (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: make mlx5e_profile const (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add tracepoints (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add hash table for flow groups in flow table (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add hash table to search FTEs in a flow-group (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Don't store reserved part in FTEs and FGs (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Convert linear search for free index to ida (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong code indentation in conditional statement (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Remove a leftover unused variable (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add a blank line after declarations V2 (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use size_t to store byte offset in statistics descriptors (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use kernel types instead of uint*_t in ethtool callbacks (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Place constants on the right side of comparisons (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid using multiple blank lines (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly indent within conditional statements (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add a blank line after declarations (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid blank lines after/before open/close brace (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add outbound PCI buffer overflow counter (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add RX buffer fullness counters (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add RX buffer fullness counters infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add PCIe outbound stalls counters (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add PCIe outbound stalls counters infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add support for get_link_ksettings in ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix driver name retrieved by ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Send PAOS command on interface up/down (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: ensure 0 is returned when vport is zero (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Increase the maximum flow counters supported (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix counter list hardware structure (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Delay events till ib registration ends (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH Kconfig (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Separate between E-Switch and MPFS (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Unify vport manager capability check (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: NIC netdev init flow cleanup (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Rearrange netdevice ops structures (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: fix spelling mistake: "alloated" -> "allocated" (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Enable local loopback in loopback selftest (Kamal Heib) [1456684 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix CQ moderation mode not set properly (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix inline header size for small packets (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Unload the representors in the correct order (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly resolve TC offloaded ipv6 vxlan tunnel source address (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't override user RSS upon set channels (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix dangling page pointer on DMA mapping error (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Remove the flag MLX5_INTERFACE_STATE_SHUTDOWN (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Skip mlx5_unload_one if mlx5_load_one fails (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix arm SRQ command for ISSI version 0 (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix DCB_CAP_ATTR_DCBX capability for DCBNL getcap (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Check for qos capability in dcbnl_initialize (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix mlx5_add_flow_rules call with correct num of dests (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Schedule overflow check work to mlx5e workqueue (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong delay calculation for overflow check scheduling (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add missing support for PTP_CLK_REQ_PPS request (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Change 1PPS out scheme (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix broken disable 1PPS flow (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add field select to MTPPS register (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix mlx5_ifc_mtpps_reg_bits structure size (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix outer_header_zero() check size (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Modify add/remove underlay QPN flows (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix command bad flow on command entry allocation failure (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix command completion after timeout access invalid structure (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Consider tx_enabled in all modes on remap (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Clean SRIOV eswitch resources upon VF creation failure (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: IPSec, fix 64-bit division correctly (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Initialize CEE's getpermhwaddr address buffer to 0xff (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add Makefiles for subdirectories (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Build wq.o even if MLX5_CORE_EN is not selected (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Fix datatype mismatch (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, make mlx5_fpga_device_brb static (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: IPSec, Fix 64-bit division on 32-bit builds (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add missing include in lib/gid.c (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: fix memcpy limit? (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: fix spelling mistake: "Allodating" -> "Allocating" (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add IPSec ethtool stats (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add Innova IPSec offload TX data path (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add Innova IPSec offload RX data path (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Accel, Add IPSec acceleration interface (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add SBU infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add SBU bypass and reset flows (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add high-speed connection routines (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add FW commands for FPGA QPs (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Move FPGA init/cleanup to init_once (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add QP WQ support (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Make get_cqe routine not ethernet-specific (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Respect mlx5_core reserved GIDs (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add support for multiple RoCE enable (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add reserved-gids support (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Set interface flags before cleanup in unload_one (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix TX carrier errors report in get stats ndo (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Cancel delayed recovery work when unloading the driver (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix driver load error flow when firmware is stuck (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use device ID defines (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix offset of hca cap reserved field (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add header re-write offloading of IPv6 hop-limit (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use macro for TC header re-write offload field mapping (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on ip ttl (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Relocate the TC match on ip tos offload code section (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce RX Page-Reuse (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Enhance RX SKB headroom logic (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Build SKB with exact frag_size (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Support bpf_xdp_adjust_head() (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add fast unload support in shutdown flow (Kamal Heib) [1456670 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Expose command polling interface (Kamal Heib) [1456670 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Optimize update stats work (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Move and optimize query out of buffer function (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Reduce number of heap allocated buffers for update stats (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Rename physical symbol errors counter (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix typo in warning if CQ moderation is not supported (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use function to map aRFS into traffic type (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Undo LAG upon request to create virtual functions (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid space after casting (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Align to match opening parenthesis (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid blank lines before/after closing/opening braces (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid using multiple blank lines (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix some spelling mistakes (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Update eqe_type_str() event names (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fill advertised and supported port data from Hardware info (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for reading connector type from PTYS (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Update flow table commands layout (Kamal Heib) [1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Support header re-write of partial fields in TC pedit offload (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use modify header ID cache for offloaded TC NIC flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use modify header ID cache for offloaded TC E-Switch flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add cache for HW modify header IDs (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use short attribute form when adding/deleting offloaded TC flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on ip tos / traffic-class (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on tcp flags (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove TC header re-write offloading of ip tos (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix warnings around parsing of TC pedit actions (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly enforce disallowing of partial field re-write offload (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Allow TC csum offload if applied together with pedit action (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add offloading of NIC TC pedit (header re-write) actions (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add parsing of TC pedit actions to HW format (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]
* Thu Dec 07 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-814.el7]
- [i2c] introduce helper function to get 8 bit address from a message (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add a flag to mark clients as slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi / scan: fix enumeration (visited) flags for bus rescans (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: add support for ACPI reconfiguration notifiers (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi / pm: allow child devices to ignore parent power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Find bus speed from ACPI (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi / pm: Make messages in acpi_device_set_power() print device names (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Enable high speed mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: set the common config before the if else (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Enable fast mode plus (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: get fast plus and high speed *CNT configuration (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Move clk_freq into struct dw_i2c_dev (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware-pci: Make bus number allocation robust (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] designware: Do not calculate SCL timing parameters needlessly (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: fix NULL pointer dereference under race condition (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] export i2c_adapter_depth() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Add function for finding the bus speed from ACPI, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Cleanup I2C ACPI namespace, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] use pr_fmt in the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] print more info when acpi_i2c_space_handler() fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add error message when obtaining idr fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] improve error messages in i2c_register_adapter() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] cleanup i2c_register_adapter() by refactoring recovery init (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] free idr when sanity checks in i2c_register_adapter() fail (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] i2c / acpi: add support for ACPI reconfigure notifications (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add generic support passing secondary devices addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] only check scl functions when using generic recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] allow adapter drivers to override the adapter locking (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] let I2C masters ignore their children for PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: use new 8 bit address helper function (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] immediately mark ourselves as registered (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] do not use internal data from driver core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] always enable RuntimePM for the adapter device (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] i2c / acpi: Rework I2C device scanning (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Add support for best effort block read emulation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] slave: print warning if slave flag not set (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] support 10 bit and slave addresses in sysfs 'new_device' (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] take address space into account when checking for used addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] make address check indpendent from client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] rename address check functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] apply address offset for slaves, too (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: add and export of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node() interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: manage i2c bus device refcount in i2c_[get|put]_adapter (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] fix leaked device refcount on of_find_i2c_* error path (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: only use set_scl for bus recovery after calling prepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Reduce stack size of acpi_i2c_space_handler() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: fix typo in comment (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] check for proper length of the reg property (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] slave: add error messages to slave core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Mark adapter devices with pm_runtime_no_callbacks (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core: Export bus recovery functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] change input parameter to i2c_adapter for prepare/unprepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] clarify comments about the dev_released completion (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Only include slave support if selected (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] do not try to load modules for of-registered devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] simplify boilerplate code for attribute groups (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Pick the first address if device has multiple (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Remove support for legacy PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] core changes for slave support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: remove unneeded variable initialization (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Fix NULL Pointer dereference (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] move acpi code back into the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add debug info when class instantiation was dropped (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Clean up I2C ACPI code and Add CONFIG_I2C_ACPI config (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] acpi: Add i2c ACPI operation region support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for SMBUS [ver #2] (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for I2C (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] add deprecation warning for class based instantiation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Use stable dev_name for ACPI enumerated I2C slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] attach/detach I2C client device to the ACPI power domain (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Not all adapters have a parent (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] Remove redundant 'driver' field from the i2c_client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] dt: describe generic bindings (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] documentation: i2c: describe the new slave mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
- [i2c] media: core: Don't use i2c_client->driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]
* Thu Dec 07 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-813.el7]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix vlun resize failure in the shrink path (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid double mutex unlock (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unnecessary existence check (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix an error handling path in 'cxlflash_disk_attach()' (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: return -EFAULT if copy_from_user() fails (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update debug prints in reset handlers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update send_tmf() parameters (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid double free of character device (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update TMF command processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove zeroing of private command data (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support WS16 unmap (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support AFU debug (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support LUN provisioning (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor AFU capability checking (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Introduce host ioctl support (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Separate AFU internal command handling from AFU sync specifics (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Create character device to provide host management interface (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Add scsi command abort handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Flush pending commands in cleanup path (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Track pending scsi commands in each hardware queue (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Handle AFU sync failures (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Schedule asynchronous reset of the host (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Reset hardware queue context via specified register (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update cxlflash_afu_sync() to return errno (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Combine the send queue locks (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Select IRQ_POLL (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Introduce hardware queue steering (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Add hardware queues attribute (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support multiple hardware queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Improve asynchronous interrupt processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix warnings/errors (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix power-of-two validations (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unnecessary DMA mapping (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fence EEH during probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support up to 4 ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: SISlite updates to support 4 ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Hide FC internals behind common access routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove port configuration assumptions (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support dynamic number of FC ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update sysfs helper routines to pass config structure (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Implement IRQ polling for RRQ processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Serialize RRQ access and support offlevel processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Separate RRQ processing from the RRQ interrupt handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Enable PCI device ID for future IBM CXL Flash AFU (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup prints (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Support SQ Command Mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor context reset to share reset logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Migrate scsi command pointer to AFU command (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Migrate IOARRIN specific routines to function pointers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup queuecommand() (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup send_tmf() (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove AFU command lock (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Wait for active AFU commands to timeout upon tear down (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove private command pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Use cmd_size for private commands (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Allocate memory instead of using command pool for AFU sync (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unused buffer from AFU command (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Set sg_tablesize to 1 instead of SG_NONE (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix context reference tracking on detach (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor WWPN setup (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Update documentation (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Remove adapter file descriptor cache (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Transition to application close model (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Add kref to context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Cache owning adapter within context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid mutex when destroying context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
- [scsi] maintainers: Update cxlflash maintainers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]
* Wed Dec 06 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-812.el7]
- [x86] mm: fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings (Luiz Capitulino) [1516984]
- [x86] revert "fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings" (Luiz Capitulino) [1516984]
- [ata] libata: sata_down_spd_limit should return if driver has not recorded sstatus speed (David Milburn) [1457140]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: use kvmalloc_array for mlx5_ib_wq (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: use kvmalloc_array to allocate wrid (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [security] treewide: use kv[mz]alloc* rather than opencoded variants (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [security] keys: use kvfree() in add_key (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [kernel] wait: fix bit_waitqueue() to allow the use of vmalloc'd memory (Mike Snitzer) [1511159]
- [net] use kvmalloc with __GFP_REPEAT rather than open coded variant (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [lib] rhashtable.c: simplify a strange allocation pattern (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [md] dm: allocate struct mapped_device with kvzalloc (Mike Snitzer) [1511159]
- [md] dm ioctl: restore __GFP_HIGH in copy_params() (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [mm] swap: use kvzalloc to allocate some swap data structures (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [md] dm-ioctl.c: use kvmalloc rather than opencoded variant (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [fs] select: add vmalloc fallback for select(2) (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [fs] xattr.c: zero out memory copied to userspace in getxattr (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [fs] xattr: Use kvfree() (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [mm] support __GFP_REPEAT in kvmalloc_node for >32kB (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [mm] vmalloc: properly track vmalloc users (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [kernel] mm: introduce kv[mz]alloc helpers (Don Dutile) [1511159]
- [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Implement hybrid PV queued/unfair locks (Waiman Long) [1511001]
- [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Improve readability (Waiman Long) [1511001]
- [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Move lock stealing count tracking code into pv_queued_spin_steal_lock() (Waiman Long) [1511001]
- [kernel] tracing: Call clear_boot_tracer() at lateinit_sync (Jerome Marchand) [1477115]
- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix increment of vb->num_pfns in fill_balloon() (Andrew Jones) [1517280]
- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix deadlock on OOM (Andrew Jones) [1517280]
- [netdrv] i40evf: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: restore promiscuous after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix client notify of l2 params (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix FLR reset timeout issue (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix the calculation of VFs mac addresses (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix for NUP NVM image downgrade failure (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: revert "i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8" (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: only redistribute MSI-X vectors when needed (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: Add programming descriptors to cleaned_count (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix incorrect use of tx_itr_setting when checking for Rx ITR setup (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: Add pad fields to a couple of structures (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename vf_offload_flags to vf_cap_flags in struct virtchnl_vf_resource (Stefan Assmann) [1517143]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront: remove warning when unloading module (Eduardo Otubo) [1472220]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Only enforce security for InfiniBand (Don Dutile) [1515295]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Only maintain real QPs in the security lists (Don Dutile) [1515295]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid unnecessary return value check (Don Dutile) [1515295]
* Wed Dec 06 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-811.el7]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Deconstruct struct sgt_dma initialiser (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [uapi] drm/i915: Reject unknown syncobj flags (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: Fix Ubuntu 17.10 Wayland black screen issue (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: constify vmw_fence_ops (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: allow harvesting check for Polaris VCE (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: return -ENOENT from uvd 6.0 early init for harvesting (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Check incoming alignment for unfenced buffers (on i915gm) (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Hold rcu_read_lock when iterating over the radixtree (vma idr) (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Hold rcu_read_lock when iterating over the radixtree (objects) (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/edp: read edp display control registers unconditionally (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Do not rely on wm preservation for ILK watermarks (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Cancel the modeset retry work during modeset cleanup (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50: use the correct state for base channel notifier setup (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Adding ACTHD mmio read handler (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Extract mmio_read_from_hw() common function (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Refine MMIO_RING_F() (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: properly check per_ctx bb valid state (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/perf: fix perf enable/disable ioctls with 32bits userspace (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/amd/amdgpu: Remove workaround check for UVD6 on APUs (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/amd/powerplay: fix uninitialized variable (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Use a mask when applying WaProgramL3SqcReg1Default (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Report -EFAULT before pwrite fast path into shmemfs (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix PLL initialization for HDMI (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix PLL mapping (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Use bdw_ddi_translations_fdi for Broadwell (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Fix eviction when the GGTT is idle but full (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] revert "drm/amdgpu: discard commands of killed processes" (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix oops without fbdev emulation (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50: fix oops during DP IRQ handling on non-MST boards (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/bsp/g92: disable by default (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/nouveau/mmu: flush tlbs before deleting page tables (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/bios: parse DDI ports also for CHV for HDMI DDC pin and DP AUX channel (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Read timings from the correct transcoder in intel_crtc_mode_get() (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Order two completing nop_submit_request (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Silence compiler warning for hsw_power_well_enable() (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915: Use crtc_state_is_legacy_gamma in intel_color_check (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/edp: Increase the T12 delay quirk to 1300ms (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/i915/edp: Get the Panel Power Off timestamp after panel is off (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/amdgpu: fix placement flags in amdgpu_ttm_bind (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [gpu] drm/atomic: Unref duplicated drm_atomic_state in drm_atomic_helper_resume() (Rob Clark) [1512612]
- [drm] qxl: alloc & use shadow for dumb buffers (Rob Clark) [1512097]
- [drm] qxl: replace QXL_INFO with DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER (Rob Clark) [1512097]
* Tue Dec 05 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-810.el7]
- [fs] dcache.c: avoid soft-lockup in dput() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] dealing with the rest of shrink_dentry_list() livelock (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] dcache: add missing lockdep annotation (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] shrink_dentry_list(): take parent's ->d_lock earlier (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] expand dentry_kill(dentry, 0) in shrink_dentry_list() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] split dentry_kill() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] fold d_kill() and d_free() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] fold try_prune_one_dentry() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297]
- [fs] fanotify: fix fsnotify_prepare_user_wait() failure (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: fix pinning group in fsnotify_prepare_user_wait() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: pin both inode and vfsmount mark (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: clean up fsnotify_prepare/finish_user_wait() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: make dnotify_fsnotify_ops const (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] maintainers: Update entries for notification subsystem (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] audit: Receive unmount event (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] audit: Fix use after free in audit_remove_watch_rule() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: don't expose EOPENSTALE to userspace (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: remove a stray unlock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move ->free_mark callback to fsnotify_ops (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Add group pointer in fsnotify_init_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Drop inode_mark.c (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_find_{inode|vfsmount}_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_detach_group_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Rename fsnotify_clear_marks_by_group_flags() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Inline fsnotify_clear_{inode|vfsmount}_mark_group() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_recalc_{inode|vfsmount}_mask() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_set_mark_{, ignored_}mask_locked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: Release SRCU lock when waiting for userspace response (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Pass fsnotify_iter_info into handle_event handler (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Provide framework for dropping SRCU lock in ->handle_event (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove special handling of mark destruction on group shutdown (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Detach mark from object list when last reference is dropped (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move queueing of mark for destruction into fsnotify_put_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] inotify: Do not drop mark reference under idr_lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: fix up KABI breakage due to mnt_fsnotify_marks type change (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: fix up KABI breakage due to i_fsnotify_marks type change (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Free fsnotify_mark_connector when there is no mark attached (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Lock object list with connector lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove useless list deletion and comment (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Avoid double locking in fsnotify_detach_from_object() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove indirection from fsnotify_detach_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Determine lock in fsnotify_destroy_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move locking into fsnotify_find_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move locking into fsnotify_recalc_mask() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move fsnotify_destroy_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove indirection from mark list addition (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Make fsnotify_mark_connector hold inode reference (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move object pointer to fsnotify_mark_connector (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Move mark list head from object into dedicated structure (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Update comments (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] audit_tree: Use mark flags to check whether mark is alive (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] audit: Abstract hash key handling (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: Move recalculation of inode / vfsmount mask under mark_mutex (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] inotify: Remove inode pointers from debug messages (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fsnotify: Remove unnecessary tests when showing fdinfo (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] fanotify: simplify the code of fanotify_merge (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] trim fsnotify hooks a bit (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] undo "fs: allow d_instantiate to be called with negative parent dentry" (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] untangle fsnotify_d_instantiate() a bit (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260]
- [fs] sysctl: check for UINT_MAX before unsigned int min/max (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] pipe: add proc_dopipe_max_size() to safely assign pipe_max_size (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] pipe: avoid round_pipe_size() nr_pages overflow on 32-bit (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] pipe: match pipe_max_size data type with procfs (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: add unsigned int range support (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: simplify unsigned int support (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: fold sysctl_writes_strict checks into helper (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: kdoc'ify sysctl_writes_strict (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: fix lax sysctl_check_table() sanity check (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: don't print negative flag for proc_douintvec (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: add sanity check for proc_douintvec (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: handle error writing UINT_MAX to u32 fields (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: enable strict writes (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: allow for strict write position handling (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: refactor sysctl string writing logic (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] sysctl: clean up char buffer arguments (Joe Lawrence) [1488518]
- [fs] pipe: cap initial pipe capacity according to pipe-max-size limit (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: make account_pipe_buffers() return a value, and use it (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: fix limit checking in alloc_pipe_info() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: simplify logic in alloc_pipe_info() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: fix limit checking in pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: refactor argument for account_pipe_buffers() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: move limit checking logic into pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
- [fs] pipe: relocate round_pipe_size() above pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]
* Tue Dec 05 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-809.el7]
- [block] wake up all tasks blocked in get_request() (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] blk-mq: Avoid that request queue removal can trigger list corruption (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] scsi: Make SCSI quiesce and resume work reliably (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] Add the QUEUE_FLAG_PREEMPT_ONLY request queue flag (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] ide, scsi: Tell the block layer at request allocation time about preempt requests (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] Introduce BLK_MQ_REQ_PREEMPT (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] Introduce blk_get_request_flags() (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] Make q_usage_counter also track legacy requests (Ming Lei) [1491296]
- [block] blk-mq: don't allocate driver tag upfront for flush rq (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: move blk_mq_put_driver_tag*() into blk-mq.h (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: decide how to handle flush rq via RQF_FLUSH_SEQ (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-flush: use blk_mq_request_bypass_insert() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] pass 'run_queue' to blk_mq_request_bypass_insert (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-flush: don't run queue for requests bypassing flush (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: put the driver tag of nxt rq before first one is requeued (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] directly insert blk-mq request from blk_insert_cloned_request() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: improve tag waiting setup for non-shared tags (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: fix issue with shared tag queue re-running (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: put driver tag if dispatch budget can't be got (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: don't handle failure in .get_budget (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] scsi: don't get target/host busy_count in scsi_mq_get_budget() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: don't restart queue when .get_budget returns BLK_STS_RESOURCE (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] scsi: implement .get_budget and .put_budget for blk-mq (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] scsi: allow passing in null rq to scsi_prep_state_check() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: improve dispatching from sw queue (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: introduce .get_budget and .put_budget in blk_mq_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] kyber: check if there are requests in ctx in kyber_has_work() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] sbitmap: introduce __sbitmap_for_each_set() (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: move actual dispatching into one helper (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: dispatch from scheduler IFF progress is made in ->dispatch (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: move .map_queues into aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: move .reinit_request into aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: introduce blk_mq_aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956]
- [block] blk-mq: allocate space of 'request_aux' for flush rq (Ming Lei) [1471956]
* Tue Dec 05 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-808.el7]
- [x86] Mark Intel Gemini Lake supported (Steve Best) [1471103]
- [x86] cpufeature: Add feature bit for Intel's Silicon Debug CPUID bit (Mohammed Gamal) [1517830]
- [x86] x86/entry: add a few missing unwinder annotations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139]
- [x86] x86/unwind: fix interrupt unwinding (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Handle NULL stack pointer in show_trace_log_lvl() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix vmx->nested freeing when no SMI handler (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: svm: detect opening of SMI window using STGI intercept (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: fix SMI injection in guest mode (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nsvm: refactor nested_svm_vmrun (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix SMI injection in guest mode (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: set IDTR and GDTR limits when loading L1 host state (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: x86: introduce ISA specific smi_allowed callback (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: x86: introduce ISA specific SMM entry/exit callbacks (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor nested_vmx_run() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Split VMCS checks from nested_vmx_run() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor nested_get_vmcs12_pages() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Prepare for checkpointing L2 state (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix instruction skipping during emulated vm-entry (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Move skip_emulated_instruction out of nested_vmx_check_vmcs12 (Ladi Prosek) [1488203]
- [fs] ext4: Switch to iomap for SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] Do not defer completion for fs without FS_HAS_DIO_IODONE2 (Lukas Czerner) [1518054]
- [fs] xfs: truncate pagecache before writeback in xfs_setattr_size() (Bill O'Donnell) [1516604]
- [fs] more bio_map_user_iov() leak fixes (Ming Lei) [1503592] {CVE-2017-12190}
- [fs] fix unbalanced page refcounting in bio_map_user_iov (Ming Lei) [1503592] {CVE-2017-12190}
- [x86] kvm: svm: obey guest PAT (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1478185]
- [pci] pciehp: Fix race condition handling surprise link down (Myron Stowe) [1435819]
- [crypto] shash - Fix has_key setting (Herbert Xu) [1505817]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix dma_mapping_error call (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1515843]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Feature implementation of Vital Product Data (VPD) for the ibmvnic driver (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1515843]
- [kernel] kbuild: Fix tar-pkg with relative $(objtree) (Don Zickus) [1518298]
- [kernel] mm: cma: fix incorrect type conversion for size during dma allocation (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1495406] {CVE-2017-9725}
- [kernel] mm: Sanitize 'move_pages()' permission checks (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140}
- [kernel] ptrace: use fsuid, fsgid, effective creds for fs access checks (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140}
- [kernel] __ptrace_may_access() should not deny sub-threads (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140}
- [kernel] x86/mm/32: Enable full randomization on i386 and X86_32 (Bhupesh Sharma) [1495406] {CVE-2017-9725}
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix host crash on changing HPT size (David Gibson) [1512780]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix exclusion between HPT resizing and other HPT updates (Serhii Popovych) [1512780 1510771]
- [powerpc] pseries: Report DLPAR capabilities (Gustavo Duarte) [1182019]
* Fri Dec 01 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-807.el7]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Don't issue cmd to delete GID for QP1 GID entry before the QP is destroyed (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix memory leak in FRMR path (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Remove RTNL lock dependency in bnxt_re_query_port (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix race between the netdev register and unregister events (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Free up devices in module_exit path (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix compare and swap atomic operands (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Stop issuing further cmds to FW once a cmd times out (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix update of qplib_qp.mtu when modified (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: remove unnecessary call to memset (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Implement the alloc/get_hw_stats callback (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Allocate multiple notification queues (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: fix spelling mistake: "Deallocte" -> "Deallocate" (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Allow posting when QPs are in error (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add vlan tag for untagged RoCE traffic when PFC is configured (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Delete unsupported modify_port function (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix the value reported for local ack delay (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Report MISSED_EVENTS in req_notify_cq (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix return value of poll routine (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Enable atomics only if host bios supports (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Specify RDMA component when allocating stats context (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fixed the max_rd_atomic support for initiator and destination QP (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Report supported value to IB stack in query_device (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Do not free the ctx_tbl entry if delete GID fails (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix WQE Size posted to HW to prevent it from throwing error (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Free doorbell page index (DPI) during dealloc ucontext (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR() (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Remove FMR support (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix RQE posting logic (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add HW workaround for avoiding stall for UD QPs (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Dereg MR in FW before freeing the fast_reg_page_list (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: HW workarounds for handling specific conditions (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fixing the Control path command and response handling (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL where appropriate (Don Dutile) [1384857]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: remove redundant initialization of rc to zero (Don Dutile) [1384857]
* Fri Dec 01 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-806.el7]
- [netdrv] revert "ath10k: fix napi_poll budget overflow" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] ath10k: rebuild crypto header in rx data frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] mac80211: don't compare TKIP TX MIC key in reinstall (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] mac80211: validate user rate mask before configuring driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] cfg80211: fix connect/disconnect edge cases (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] mac80211: use constant time comparison with keys (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] nl80211: Define policy for packet pattern attributes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [net] mac80211: accept key reinstall without changing anything (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: nvm: set the correct offsets to 3168 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: nvm-parse: unify channel flags printing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: return -ENODATA when reading the temperature (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: stop dbgc recording before stopping DMA (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: do not print security error in monitor mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] brcmsmac: make some local variables 'static const' to reduce (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] brcmfmac: Add check for short event packets (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] rtlwifi: rtl8821ae: Fix connection lost problem (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] ath10k: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] brcmfmac: setup passive scan if requested by user-space (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] brcmfmac: add length check in brcmf_cfg80211_escan_handler() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix reorder buffer for 9000 devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: set status before calling (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: initialize status in (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: handle FIF_ALLMULTI when setting multicast (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: use IWL_HCMD_NOCOPY for MCAST_FILTER_CMD (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: wake the correct mac80211 queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: change state when queueing agg start work (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: send all non-bufferable frames on the probe (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: Flush non STA TX queues (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix wowlan resume failed to load INIT ucode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877]
- [netdrv] mac80211: fix STA_SLOW_THRESHOLD htmldocs failure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport mac80211_hwsim driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1486746 1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport brcmsmac driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport brcmfmac driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport rtlwifi driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport rtl8187 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport mwl8k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport marvell driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport carl9170 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport wil6210 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport ath10k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport ath9k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport iwlegacy driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495 1486992 1486999]
- [netdrv] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport mac80211 from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
- [netdrv] Backport wireless core from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]
* Fri Dec 01 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-805.el7]
- [kernel] Enable -Werror also for s390 builds in the main Makefile (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [kernel] crash_core: Fix warning about CRASH_CORE_NOTE_BYTES redefinition (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [kernel] time/timekeeping: Work around false positive GCC warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [kernel] module: Fix downstream-only compiler warning in find_module_sections() (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [security] selinux: security_load_policy: Silence frame-larger-than warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [s390] Wire up seccomp syscall (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [s390] kernel/ptrace: Move NT_S390_GS_CB/BC hunks to right table (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [pci] msi: Silence compiler warning about unused variable on s390x (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [fs] gfs2/dir: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170]
- [fs] mpage.c: fix mpage_writepage() for pages with buffers (Eric Sandeen) [1476389]
- [fs] nfsd: Incoming xdr_bufs may have content in tail buffer (Steve Dickson) [1515992]
- [hv] hv_netvsc: hide warnings about uninitialized/missing rndis device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618]
- [hv] hv_netvsc: netvsc_teardown_gpadl() split (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618]
- [hv] vmbus: Fix bugs in rescind handling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618]
- [hv] vmbus: Fix rescind handling issues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618]
- [hv] hv_netvsc: preserve hw_features on mtu/channels/ringparam changes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1513264]
- [usb] xhci: Identify USB 3.1 capable hosts by their port protocol capability (Torez Smith) [1456724]
- [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix hung task messages when a cleanup response is not received during abort (Chad Dupuis) [1515346]
- [block] nvme-pci: avoid dereference of symbol from unloaded module (Ming Lei) [1508298]
- [block] Fix a race between blk_cleanup_queue() and timeout handling (Ming Lei) [1513725]
- [block] blk-mq-tag: check for NULL rq when iterating tags (Ming Lei) [1513419]
- [infiniband] vmw_pvrdma: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Don Dutile) [1454965]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Change number of TX wqe to 64 (Honggang Li) [1445667]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use NAPI in UD/TX flows (Honggang Li) [1445667]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Get rid of the tx_outstanding variable in all modes (Honggang Li) [1445667]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Convert timers to use timer_setup() (Honggang Li) [1445667]
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-804.el7]
- [netdrv] bnxt_re: add MAY_USE_DEVLINK dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] rdma/bnxt_re: add DCB dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix IRQ coalescing regression (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix typo in bnxt_set_coalesce (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix randconfig build errors (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: alloc tc_info{} struct only when tc flower is enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: query cfa flow stats periodically to compute 'lastused' attribute (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add hwrm FW cmds for cfa_encap_record and decap_filter (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support for Flower based vxlan encap/decap offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor and simplify coalescing code (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reorganize the coalescing parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool reset method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check maximum supported MTU from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Optimize .ndo_set_mac_address() for VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Get firmware package version one time (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check for zero length value in bnxt_get_nvram_item() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface to (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt: Move generic devlink code to new file (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix possible corruption in DCB parameters from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix possible corrupted NVRAM parameters from firmware response (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF resource checking (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF PCIe link speed and width logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't use rtnl lock to protect link change logic in workqueue (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve VF/PF link change logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: don't consider building bnxt_tc.o if option not enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove redundant unlikely() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt: use setup_timer() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: check for ingress qdisc in flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add a dummy definition for bnxt_vf_rep_get_fid() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add code to query TC flower offload stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add TC flower offload flow_alloc/free FW cmds (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: bnxt: add TC flower filter offload support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix clearing devlink ptr from bnxt struct (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reduce default rings on multi-port cards (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve -ENOMEM logic in NAPI poll loop (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt: initialize board_info values with proper enums (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: assign CPU affinity hints to bnxt_en IRQs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve tx ring reservation logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec. to (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not setup MAC address in bnxt_hwrm_func_qcaps() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Free MSIX vectors when unregistering the device from bnxt_re (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix .ndo_setup_tc() to include XDP rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix spelling mistake: "swtichdev" -> "switchdev" (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix switchdev port naming for external-port-rep and vf-reps (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: use SWITCHDEV_SET_OPS() for setting vf_rep_switchdev_ops (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: include bnxt_vfr.c code under CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV switch (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt: fix unused variable warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt: fix unsigned comparsion with 0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use SWITCHDEV_SET_OPS() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support for port_attr_get and and get_phys_port_name (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add vf-rep RX/TX and netdev implementation (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support to enable VF-representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set ETS min_bw parameter for older firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Report firmware DCBX agent (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow the user to set ethtool stats-block-usecs to 0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add bnxt_get_num_stats() to centrally get the number of ethtool stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement ndo_bridge_{get|set}link methods (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Retrieve the hardware bridge mode from the firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec to 1.8.0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix SRIOV on big-endian architecture (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix bug in ethtool -L (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix race conditions in .ndo_get_stats64() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix netpoll handling (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add missing logic to handle TPA end error conditions (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bpf: bnxt: Report bpf_prog ID during XDP_QUERY_PROG (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix xmit_more with BQL (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Pass in sh parameter to bnxt_set_dflt_rings() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement xmit_more (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Optimize doorbell write operations for newer chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add additional chip ID definitions (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add a callback to inform RDMA driver during PCI shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PCI IDs for BCM57454 VF devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Support for Short Firmware Message (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Restrict a PF in Multi-Host mode from changing port PHY configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add 100G link speed reporting for BCM57454 ASIC in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Pass DCB RoCE app priority to firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use short TX BDs for the XDP TX ring (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add interrupt test to ethtool -t selftest (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PHY loopback to ethtool self-test (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool mac loopback self test (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic ethtool -t selftest support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add suspend/resume callbacks (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool set_wol method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool get_wol method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add pci shutdown method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic WoL infrastructure (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix DMA unmapping of the RX buffers in XDP mode during shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Added PCI IDs for BCM57452 and BCM57454 ASICs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add hardware NTUPLE filter for encapsulated packets (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool -l pre-set max combined channel (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for XDP_TX action (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic XDP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor tx completion path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add a set of TX rings to support XDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add tx ring mapping logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Centralize logic to reserve rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use event bit map in RX path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add RX page mode support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Parameterize RX buffer offsets (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add bp->rx_dir field for rx buffer DMA direction (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't use DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR to store DMA address in RX path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor rx SKB function (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add IPV6 hardware RFS support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use napi_complete_done() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
- [netdrv] broadcom: use core min/max MTU checking (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-803.el7]
- [netdrv] nfp: convert to use .ndo_setup_tc_rh (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: enable CONFIG_NFP_APP_FLOWER (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: double free on error in probe (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove incorrect mask check for vlan matching (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix supported key layers calculation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix unchecked flow dissector use (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: TX time stamp packets before HW doorbell is rung (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: avoid buffer leak when representor is missing (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: make sure representors are destroyed before their lower netdev (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't hold PF lock while enabling SR-IOV (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix infinite loop on umapping cleanup (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: do not update MTU from BH in flower app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: Initialize RX and TX ring 64-bit stats seqcounts (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: freeing the wrong variable (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: add missing clean up call to avoid memory leaks (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: default to chained metadata prepend format (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove legacy MAC address lookup (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: improve order of interfaces in breakout mode (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add control message passing capabilities to flower offloads (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add a stats handler for flower offloads (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add metadata to each flow offload (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add basic action capabilities to flower offloads (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: extend flower matching capabilities (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: extend flower add flow offload (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: provide infrastructure for offloading flower based TC filters (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add phys_switch_id support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: flower: add Kconfig for flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: allocate a private workqueue for driver work (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: reorder SR-IOV config and nfp_app SR-IOV callbacks (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: handle SR-IOV already enabled when driver is probing (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: wire get_phys_port_name on representors (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: allow converting representor's netdev into nfp_port (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move representors' struct net_device_ops to shared code (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: make the representor get stats app-independent (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: spawn nfp_ports for PF and VF ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_app cleanup callback and make flower use it (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove unused nfp_cpp_area_check_range() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add helper for mapping runtime symbols (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move area mapping helper into nfpcore (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: explicitly check if application FW is loaded (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add VF and PF representors to flower app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for control messages for flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for tx/rx with metadata portid (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: provide nfp_port to of nfp_net_get_mac_addr() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: app callbacks for SRIOV (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add stats and xmit helpers for representors (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: general representor implementation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: map mac_stats and vf_cfg BARs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move physical port init into a helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: devlink add support for getting eswitch mode (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: xdp: report if program is offloaded (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add support for XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: release the reference on offloaded programs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: don't offload XDP programs in DRV_MODE (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: xdp: move driver XDP setup into a separate function (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add VLAN filtering support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] bpf: nfp: Report bpf_prog ID during XDP_QUERY_PROG (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: report application FW build name in ethtool -i (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: keep MIP object around (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove automatic caching of HWInfo (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove automatic caching of RTsym table (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: make sure to cancel port refresh on the error path (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: advertise support for NFD ABI 0.5 (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: create control vNICs and wire up rx/tx (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: allow non-equal distribution of IRQs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: slice the netdev spawning function (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't clutter init code passing fw_ver around (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: map all queue controllers at once (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: make vNIC ctrl memory mapping function reusable (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add control vNIC datapath (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: prepare config and enable for working without netdevs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: allow allocation and initialization of netdev-less vNICs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: make sure debug accesses don't depend on netdevs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: prepare print macros for use without netdev (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move nfp_net_vecs_init() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: reuse ring free code on close (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: split out the allocation part of open (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: reorder open and close functions (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: move basic eBPF stats to app-specific code (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: move bpf offload code to the BPF app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: move eBPF offload files to BPF app directory (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: report app name in ethtool -i (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: move port init to apps (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: turn reading PCIe RTsym parameters into a helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add missing fall through statements (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't keep count for free buffers delayed kick (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't add ring size to index calculations (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix print format for ring pointers in ring dumps (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't wait for resources indefinitely (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: support variable NSP response lengths (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: shorten CPP core probe logs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: support long reads and writes with the cpp helpers (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: only try to get to PCIe ctrl memory if BARs are wide enough (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't set aux pointers if ioremap failed (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: set driver VF limit (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add set_mac_address support while the interface is up (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add MAY_USE_DEVLINK dependency (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: support port splitting via devlink (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: calculate total port lanes for split (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: register ports as devlink ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add helper for cleaning up vNICs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add devlink support (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move mutex init out of net code (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: refresh port state before reporting autonegotiation (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: mark port state as stale if update failed (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: mark port state as stale after reconfig (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: provide linking on port structures (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move refresh tracking into the port structure (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: update port state in place (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: introduce nfp_port (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: disallow mixing vNICs with and without NSP port entry (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: introduce very minimal nfp_app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_net_pf_free_vnic() function (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: rename netdev/port to vNIC (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: make nfp_net alloc/init/cleanup/free not depend on netdevs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_cppcore_pcie_unit() helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: eliminate an if statement in calculation of completed frames (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add a helper for wrapping descriptor index (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: complete the XDP TX ring only when it's full (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add CHECKSUM_COMPLETE support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: version independent support for chained RSS metadata (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't assume RSS and IRQ moderation are always enabled (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: support LSO2 capability (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: rename l4_offset in struct nfp_net_tx_desc to lso_hdrlen (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't enable TSO on the device when disabled (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: provide 256 bytes of XDP headroom in all configurations (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't completely refuse to work with old flashes (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: avoid reading TX queue indexes from the device (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: do simple XDP TX buffer recycling (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: drop rx_ring param from buffer allocation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: replace -ENOTSUPP with -EOPNOTSUPP (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove the refresh of all ports optimization (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix free list buffer size reporting (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add NSP routine to get static information (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: parse metadata prepend before XDP runs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: make use of the DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC attr (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't dereference a null nn->eth_port to print a warning (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for .set_link_ksettings() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: NSP backend for link configuration operations (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add extended error messages (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: turn NSP port entry into a union (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: allow multi-stage NSP configuration (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: separate high level and low level NSP headers (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: report port type in ethtool (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: report auto-negotiation in ethtool (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: report link speed from NSP (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add port state refresh (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: track link state changes (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add mutex protection for the port list (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't spawn netdevs for reconfigured ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for .get_link_ksettings() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: disable FW on reconfiguration errors (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove defensive checks around ndo_open()/ndo_close() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: flush xmit_more on error paths (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove RX queue pointers (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't use netdev_warn() before netdev is registered (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix nfp_cpp_read()/nfp_cpp_write() error paths (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix invalid area detection (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: don't ignore return value of wait_event_interruptible (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: correct return codes when msleep gets interrupted (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: lock area cache earlier (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: document expected locking in the core (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move mutex code out of nfp_cppcore.c (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove cpp mutex cache (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: fail graciously when someone tries to grab global lock (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: disallow sharing mutexes on the same machine (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for xdp_adjust_head() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: prepare metadata handling for xdp_adjust_head() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: reorganize pkt_off variable (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: validate rx offset from the BAR and size down it's field (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: store dma direction in data path structure (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: switch to using data path structures for reconfiguration (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry xdp_prog at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry mtu at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry fl_bufsz at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry number of stack tx rings and vectors (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: pass new data path to ring reconfig (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: move control BAR pointer into data path structure (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: separate data path information from the reset of adapter structure (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: prevent theoretical buffer overrun in nfp_eth_read_ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: add metadata format bit (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: avoid rearming the interrupts when in busy poll (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: store device pointer for the fastpath (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: reorder variables in nfp_net_tx() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760]
- [netdrv] nfp: move more ring debug info to debugfs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: implement .ndo_get_phys_port_name() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for reporting CRC32 hash function (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: fix potential use after free on xdp prog (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: correct DMA direction in XDP DMA sync (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: Use PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETRONOME_NFP* defines (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] bpf: add initial bpf tracepoints (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] bpf, xdp: drop rcu_read_lock from bpf_prog_run_xdp and move to caller (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] bpf: drop unnecessary context cast from BPF_PROG_RUN (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add support for offload of XDP programs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: remove unnecessary parameters from nfp_net_bpf_offload() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add XDP support in the driver (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] sched: tc_mirred: Rename public predicates 'is_tcf_mirred_redirect' and 'is_tcf_mirred_mirror' (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: zero extend 4 byte context loads (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: improve handling for disabled BPF syscall (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add offload of TC direct action mode (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add support for legacy redirect action (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add packet marking support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: allow offloaded filters to update stats (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add hardware bpf offload (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: add BPF to NFP code translator (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
- [netdrv] nfp: use centralized net_device min/max MTU checking (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-802.el7]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Avoid expensive lookup during route removal (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Track RIF of IPIP next hops (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move VRF refcounting (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Only handle IPv4 and IPv6 events (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Prevent mirred-related crash on removal (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix EEPROM access in case of SFP/SFP+ (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h: include linux/if.h, linux/ip.h and linux/in6.h (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support GRE tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add loopback accessors (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Register for IPIP_DECAP_ERROR trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use existing decap route (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv4 underlay decap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv6 overlay encap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv4 overlay encap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make nexthops typed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extract mlxsw_sp_rt6_is_gateway() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extract mlxsw_sp_fi_is_gateway() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Introduce loopback RIFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support FID-less RIFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add mlxsw_sp_ipip_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Publish mlxsw_sp_l3proto (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Give mlxsw_reg_ratr_pack a type parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extract mlxsw_reg_ritr_mac_pack() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Routing Tunnel Decap Properties Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add mlxsw_reg_ralue_act_ip2me_tun_pack() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Move enum mlxsw_reg_ratr_trap_id (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RATR to support IP-in-IP tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RITR to support loopback device (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set abort trap in all virtual routers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Forbid linking to devices that have uppers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Offload goto_chain termination action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Provide helper to lookup ruleset (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Allow to get group_id value for a ruleset (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Offload multichain TC rules (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Fix mrouter flag update (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use correct config option (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for nexthop group consolidation for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Prepare nexthop group's hash table for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use one LPM tree for all virtual routers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Pass argument explicitly (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Return void from deletion functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: make mlxsw_config_profile const (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Release multicast groups during fini (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't warn about valid situations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't ignore IPv6 notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Abort on source-specific routes (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for route replace (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for IPv6 routes addition / deletion (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Sanitize IPv6 FIB rules (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Demultiplex FIB event based on family (Ivan Vecera) [1452524]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Refresh offload indication upon group refresh (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't check state when refreshing offload indication (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Provide offload indication using nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use correct EMAD transaction ID in debug message (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Clarify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg.h: Namespace IP2ME registers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Update specification of reg_ritr_type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg.h: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix build when IPv6 isn't enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't batch neighbour deletion (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't offload routes next in list (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Update prefix count for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Rename functions to add / delete a FIB entry (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Drop unnecessary parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Mark IPv4 specific function accordingly (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Create IPv4 specific entry struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set abort trap for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow IPv6 routes to be programmed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RALUE register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extend virtual routers with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make FIB node retrieval family agnostic (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't create FIB node during lookup (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't assume neighbour type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set activity interval according to both neighbour tables (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Periodically dump active IPv6 neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RAUHTD register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Reflect IPv6 neighbours to the device (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RAUHT register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure RIFs based on IPv6 addresses (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flood unregistered multicast packets to router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for IPv6 traps (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Enable IPv6 on router interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Enable IPv6 router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Improve IPv6 unregistered multicast flooding (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for IPv6 MLDv1/2 traps (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Trap IPv4 packets with Router Alert option (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mark packets trapped in router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for ip tos (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add tos to the ipv4 acl block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add ip tos acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for ip ttl (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add ttl to the ipv4 acl block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add ip ttl acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Check status of memory allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Remove unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix use-after-free in route replace (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add missing rollback (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix NULL pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for access cable info via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add MCIA register for cable info access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Pass port argument to module mapping functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Simplify port split flow (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Mark only first LPM tree as reserved (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bridge bypass FDB add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Add support for learning FDB through notification (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Change switchdev notifier API (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bypass bridge port attributes/vlan set (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Add support for querying supported bridge flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bridge FDB learning sync (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] spectrum_flower: Implement gact trap TC action offload (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] acl: Introduce ACL trap action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce ACL trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix size of trap_id field in CQE (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Align RIF index allocation with existing code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix typo inside enumeration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Tidy up header file (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename the firmware file (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement the ethtool flash_device callback (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add bridge dependency for spectrum (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: add helper for updating statistics on all actions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement common RIF core (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement common FID core (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Determine VR first when creating RIF (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flood packets to router after RIF creation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Destroy RIF only based on its struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure RIFs based on RIF struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extend the RIF struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allocate RIF prior to its configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allocate FID prior to RIF configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Replace vPorts with Port-VLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't create FIDs upon creation of VLAN uppers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't lose bridge port device during enslavement (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Replace vPorts with Port-VLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change signature of FID leave function (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce Port-VLAN structure (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set port's mode according to FID mappings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Adjust RIF configuration for new firmware versions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Validate firmware revision on init (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Create the mlxsw_fw_rev struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add the needed callbacks for mlxfw integration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Data Access register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Control register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Query Information register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for tcp flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add acl block containing tcp flags for ipv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add tcp flags acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Avoid possible NULL pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix rif counter freeing routine (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix incorrect entry index (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Default ports to non-virtual mode (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move PVID code to appropriate place (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch learning operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch STP operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch VLAN operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Remove redundant check (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Initialize RIFs in a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move FIB notification block to router struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move RIFs array to its rightful place (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Reduce scope of bridge struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Reduce scope of router struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffer: Reduce scope of shared buffer struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify VRF enslavement (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add FID miss trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow ports to work under OVS master (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] add netif_is_ovs_port helper (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Teach mlxsw_sp_port_vlan_set to accept any vlan range (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Set dummy FID before forward action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add dummy FID initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement action to set FID (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix indent in mlxsw_sp_netdevice_port_upper_event (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: convert to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add Support for erif table entries access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add rif helper functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Support for counters on router interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Interface Counter Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add definition for egress rif table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add placeholder for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add counter fields to RITR register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_kvdl: Cosmetic kvdl allocator API change (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Query cell size from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Refactor port buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Query shared buffer size from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Query maximum number of ports from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Query number of LPM trees from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Remove debugfs interface (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: fix swapped order of arguments packets and bytes (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Cosmetic naming change (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't abort on l3mdev rules (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for VRFs on top of bridges (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for VRFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't destroy RIF if L3 slave (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Associate RIFs with correct VR (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix SPVMLR max record count (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix SPVM max record count (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for TC flower offload statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for counters on TCAM entries (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for Policing and Counting action block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add periodic ACL rule activity update (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for direct rule access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl_tcam: Add support for retrieving TCAM entry activity (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for generic flow counter allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring General Purpose Counter Set register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for counter allocator (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make abort mechanism VR-aware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Explicitly Associate RIFs with VRs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Refactor virtual router handling (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify LPM tree allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Place RIF related code with router code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow more route types to be programmed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Destroy RIFs based on last removed address (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Associate PVID vPort with appropriate netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't assume upper device's type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Sanitize bridge's upper devices (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for flower matches on VLAN ID, PCP (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for vlan modify TC action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Remove unused bit (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix helper function and port variable names (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change ipv6 unregistered mc table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Update mc_disabled flag by switchdev attr (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Extend port_orig_get for bridge devices (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add an option to flood mc by mc_router_port (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Separate bc and mc floods (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change max vfid (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make port flood update more generic (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Break flood set func to be per table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mellanox: switchx2: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: add psample dependency for spectrum (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix HTGT register length (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add packet sample offloading support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: add the Monitoring Packet Sampling Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Fix API name comments for event-queues (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix mlxsw_i2c_write return value (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Adjust placement of FIB abort warning (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-801.el7]
- [x86] mm: Unbreak modules that rely on external PAGE_KERNEL availability (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Perform a single memremap() of efi memmap (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Mark any EFI boot services areas as encrypted before freeing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add invalid memory type to memremap_should_map_decrypted() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use FIXMAP_PAGE_NOCACHE in set_fixmap_nocache() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] serial/8250/8250_early: Use set_fixmap_io in serial driver (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] realmode: Fix decryption of trampoline area (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] iommu/amd: Do not disable SWIOTLB if SME is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Avoid clearing the C-bit in rsvd_bits() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Make the SME mask a u64 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] xen: do not use _PAGE_IOMAP PTE flag for I/O mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] xen: do not use _PAGE_IOMAP in xen_remap_domain_mfn_range() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Fix SME encryption stack ptr handling (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Fix regression with huge pages on PAE (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Enable PAT to use cache mode translation tables (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] acpi, x86/mm: Remove encryption mask from ACPI page protection type (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm, kexec: Fix memory corruption with SME on successive kexecs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support to make use of Secure Memory Encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [kernel] compiler-gcc.h: Introduce __nostackprotector function attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Add early cmdline parsing for options with arguments (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Pass in size to early cmdline parsing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Simplify early command line parsing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Fix early command-line parsing when partial word matches (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Fix early command-line parsing when matching at end (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support to encrypt the kernel in-place (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Use proper encryption attributes with /dev/mem (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Clean up types in xlate_dev_mem_ptr() some more (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Clean up types in xlate_dev_mem_ptr() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] xen/x86: Remove SME feature in PV guests (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm, kexec: Allow kexec to be used with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] kvm/x86/svm: Support Secure Memory Encryption within KVM (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] drm, fbdev: Do not specify encrypted memory for video mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/realmode: Check for memory encryption on the APs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] iommu/amd: Allow the AMD IOMMU to work with memory encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] cpu/amd: Make the microcode level available earlier in the boot (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] swiotlb: Add warnings for use of bounce buffers with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] swiotlb: Add memory encryption support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] arch/x86/kernel/pci-dma.c: fix dma_generic_alloc_coherent() when CONFIG_DMA_CMA is enabled (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] dma-mapping: fix GFP_ATOMIC macro usage (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] realmode: Decrypt trampoline area if memory encryption is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support for changing the memory encryption attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support to access persistent memory in the clear (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Use memremap() to map the MPF and MPC data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support to access boot related data in the clear (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] memremap: add arch specific hook for MEMREMAP_WB mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] memremap: check pfn validity before passing to pfn_to_page() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] memremap: add MEMREMAP_WC flag (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Update EFI pagetable creation to work with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm/pat: Don't implicitly allow _PAGE_RW in kernel_map_pages_in_pgd() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Update efi_mem_type() to return an error rather than 0 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Add an EFI table address match function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/e820: Add support to determine the E820 type of an address (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Insure that boot memory areas are mapped properly (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support for early encryption/decryption of memory (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Extend early_memremap() support with additional attrs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add SME support for read_cr3_pa() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Provide general kernel support for memory encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in memtype related functions (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in setting page attributes (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in arch/x86/mm/init_64.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in track_pfn_remap() and track_pfn_insert() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in mm/ioremap.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in mm/iomap_32.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] Use new cache mode type in asm/pgtable.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Simplify p[g4um]d_page() macros (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] asm: Move PUD_PAGE macros to page_types.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] asm: Add pud/pmd mask interfaces to handle large PAT bit (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] asm: Fix pud/pmd interfaces to handle large PAT bit (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add support to enable SME in early boot processing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Split read_cr3() into read_cr3_pa() and __read_cr3() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] init: Clear 'init_level4_pgt' earlier (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Micro-optimize reset_early_page_tables() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Remove phys_to_virt() usage in ioremap() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Add Secure Memory Encryption (SME) support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] cpu/amd: Handle SME reduction in physical address size (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] cpu/amd: Add the Secure Memory Encryption CPU feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mpparse, x86/acpi, x86/pci, x86/dmi, sfi: Use memremap() for RAM mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm/pat: Set write-protect cache mode for full PAT support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] cpu/amd: Document AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME) (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] efi: Add NV memory attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/64: Put __startup_64() into .head.text (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/64: Rewrite startup_64() in C (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot: Simplify kernel load address alignment check (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/64: Use 'push' instead of 'call' in start_cpu() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/64: Optimize fixmap page fixup (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] boot/64: Use defines for page size (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] head: Remove useless zeroed word (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Remove flush_tlb() and flush_tlb_current_task() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] mm: Audit and remove any unnecessary uses of module.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
- [x86] asm: Make sure verify_cpu() has a good stack (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-800.el7]
- [net] ipv4: fib: Only flush FIB aliases belonging to currently flushed table (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Dump tables during registration to FIB chain (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] Add module reference to FIB notifiers (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Add helpers to hold / drop a reference on rt6_info (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: Regenerate host route according to node pointer upon loopback up (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Unlink replaced routes from their nodes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Don't assume only nodes hold a reference on routes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Add offload indication to routes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib_rules: Dump rules during registration to FIB chain (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Add in-kernel notifications for route add / delete (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib: Add FIB notifiers callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv6: fib_rules: Check if rule is a default rule (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] fib_rules: Implement notification logic in core (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] rocker: Ignore address families other than IPv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Ignore address families other than IPv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] core: Make the FIB notification chain generic (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib: Set offload indication according to nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Dump FIB rules when registering FIB notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Add notifier info to FIB rules notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Check if rule is a default rule (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib: Remove redundant argument (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] ipv4: fib: Move FIB notification code to a separate file (Ivan Vecera) [1500886]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix race between nf_conntrack proc read and hash resize (Matteo Croce) [1487465]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix lookup race during hash resize (Matteo Croce) [1487465]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: move generation seqcnt out of netns_ct (Matteo Croce) [1487465]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix mismatch in big-endian system (lorenzo bianconi) [1451551]
- [net] xdp: Build a facade of the driver facing xdp code to ease backports (Neil Horman) [1510502]
* Mon Nov 27 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-799.el7]
- [fs] ext4: Don't clear SGID when inheriting ACLs (Lukas Czerner) [1473480]
- [fs] ext4: preserve i_mode if __ext4_set_acl() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1473480]
- [fs] Avoid invalidation in interrupt context in dio_complete() (Lukas Czerner) [1457517]
- [fs] Fix page cache inconsistency when mixing buffered and AIO DIO (Lukas Czerner) [1457517]
- [fs] nfs: revert "nfs: Move the flock open mode check into nfs_flock()" (Benjamin Coddington) [1497225]
- [fs] xfs: trim writepage mapping to within eof (Brian Foster) [1472081]
- [fs] gfs2: Add calls to gfs2_holder_uninit in two error handlers (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505889]
- [fs] ext4: fix data corruption for mmap writes (Lukas Czerner) [1461267]
- [fs] gfs2: Implement SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA via iomap (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] gfs2: Switch fiemap implementation to use iomap (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] gfs2: Implement iomap for block_map (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] gfs2: Make height info part of metapath (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] gfs2: Clarify gfs2_block_map (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] iomap: Add IOMAP_F_DATA_INLINE flag (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] iomap: Switch from blkno to disk offset (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508]
- [fs] xfs: fix contiguous dquot chunk iteration livelock (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] vfs: in iomap seek_{hole, data}, return -ENXIO for negative offsets (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] xfs: Switch to iomap for SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] xfs: rewrite xfs_dq_get_next_id using xfs_iext_lookup_extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] vfs: Add iomap_seek_hole and iomap_seek_data helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] vfs: Add page_cache_seek_hole_data helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] xfs: new inode extent list lookup helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] xfs: provide helper for counting extents from if_bytes (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359]
- [fs] xfs: wait on new inodes during quotaoff dquot release (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193]
- [fs] xfs: update ag iterator to support wait on new inodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193]
- [fs] xfs: support ability to wait on new inodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193]
- [fs] ext4: prevent data corruption with inline data + DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1493850]
- [fs] ext4: prevent data corruption with journaling + DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1493850]
- [fs] ext4: add ext4_should_use_dax() (Eric Sandeen) [1493850]
- [fs] rbd: use GFP_NOIO for parent stat and data requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1510600]
- [fs] ceph: unlock dangling spinlock in try_flush_caps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1510600]
- [fs] kabi: Adjust O_TMPFILE support to use kABI safe struct inode_operations_wrapper (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] xfs: initialize default acls for ->tmpfile() (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] xfs: add O_TMPFILE support (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] ext[34]: fix double put in tmpfile (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] ext4: fix a BUG when opening a file with O_TMPFILE flag (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] ext4: ->tmpfile() support (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] Fix file mode for O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] path_openat(): fix double fput() (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] allow build_open_flags() to return an error (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] Safer ABI for O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] Allow do_tmpfile set I_LINKABLE inode state (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] Implement O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677]
- [fs] fuse: allow server to run in different pid_ns (Miklos Szeredi) [1438767]
- [fs] fuse: Add support for pid namespaces (Miklos Szeredi) [1438767]
- [fs] cifs: fix oplock break deadlocks (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: Fix some return values in case of error in 'crypt_message' (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: Improve readdir verbosity (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: transport: Use time_after for time comparison (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] smb2: Fix share type handling (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: cifsacl: Use a temporary ops variable to reduce code length (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] Don't delay freeing mids when blocked on slow socket write of request (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: silence lockdep splat in cifs_relock_file() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: add misssing SFM mapping for doublequote (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: fix CIFS_IOC_GET_MNT_INFO oops (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: fix mapping of SFM_SPACE and SFM_PERIOD (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: fix CIFS_ENUMERATE_SNAPSHOTS oops (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: fix leak in FSCTL_ENUM_SNAPS response handling (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: fix IPv6 link local, with scope id, address parsing (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: small underflow in cnvrtDosUnixTm() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
- [fs] cifs: don't check for failure from mempool_alloc() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]
* Fri Nov 24 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-798.el7]
- [net] rtnetlink: fix missing size for IFLA_IF_NETNSID (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] rtnetlink: use netnsid to query interface (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: reliable interface indentification in port dumps (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] export peernet2id_alloc (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] rtnetlink: advertise the new nsid when the netns iface changes (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] rtnelink: Move link dump consistency check out of the loop (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] rtnetlink: Improve handling of failures on link and route dumps (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Fix an error handling path in 'ovs_nla_init_match_and_action()' (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: fix skb_panic due to the incorrect actions attrlen (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Remove unnecessary newlines from OVS_NLERR uses (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: fix potential out of bound access in parse_ct (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Optimize operations for OvS flow_stats (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Optimize updating for OvS flow_stats (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Fix for force/commit action failures (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: fix mis-ordered comment lines for ovs_skb_cb (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Avoid using stack larger than 1024 (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: warn about missing first netlink attribute (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add eventmask support to CT action (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Typo fix (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Delete conntrack entry clashing with an expectation (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_flow_key_update() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Fix refcount leak on force commit (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Refactor sample and recirc actions implementation (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Optimize sample action for the clone use cases (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Refactor recirc key allocation (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Deferred fifo API change (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add missing case OVS_TUNNEL_KEY_ATTR_PAD (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Set the ipv6 source tunnel key address attribute correctly (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: actions: fixed a brace coding style warning (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Set event bit after initializing labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Set internal device max mtu to ETH_MAX_MTU (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Pack struct sw_flow_key (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add force commit (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add original direction conntrack tuple to sw_flow_key (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Inherit master's labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Refactor labels initialization (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Simplify labels length logic (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Unionize ovs_key_ct_label with a u32 array (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Do not trigger events for unconfirmed connections (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Simplify do_execute_actions() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: upcall: Fix vlan handling (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add a missing break statement (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: allow L3 netdev ports (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: add Ethernet push and pop actions (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: netlink: support L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: add processing of L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: support MPLS push and pop for L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: pass mac_proto to ovs_vport_send (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: add mac_proto field to the flow key (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: use hard_header_len instead of hardcoded ETH_HLEN (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: remove unnecessary EXPORT_SYMBOLs (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: remove unused functions (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: use alias for genetlink family names (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: 802.1ad uapi changes (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Free tmpl with tmpl_free (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: use __u32 from linux/types.h (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Only set mark and labels with a commit flag (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Set mark and labels before confirming (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add packet len info to upcall (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: Add packet truncation support (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] ip_tunnels: define IP_TUNNEL_OPTS_MAX and use it (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] oenvswitch: Change pseudohdr argument of inet_proto_csum_replace* to be a bool (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: remove extraneous include (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] ipv6: orphan skbs in reassembly unit (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove unused netns_ct member (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid excess memory allocation (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netfilter: conntrack: support a fixed size of 128 distinct labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netfilter: connlabels: move helpers to xt_connlabel (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: correctly fragment packet with mpls headers (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: use mpls_hdr (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: move mpls_hdr to a common location (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: mpls: set network header correctly on key extract (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] veth: Set features for MPLS (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: Fixups for GSO (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: Allow mpls_gso and mpls_router to be built as modules (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: spelling: s/conceved/conceived/, s/as/a/ (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: Refactor how the mpls module is built (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] Remove MPLS GSO feature (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: Allow mpls_gso to be built as module (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] mpls: Fix mpls_gso handler (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: Make family a signed integer (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: Fix generic netlink family unregister (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: fix counting regression on ctrl_dumpfamily() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: fix error return code in genl_register_family() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: use idr to track families (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [kernel] kabi: add RH_KABI_CONST (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: statically initialize families (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] drop_monitor: fix the value of maxattr (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: no longer support using static family IDs (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: introduce and use genl_family_attrbuf() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] nfnetlink: remove nfnetlink_alloc_skb (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] revert "genl: Add genlmsg_new_unicast() for unicast message allocation" (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] openvswitch: revert: "Enable memory mapped Netlink i/o" (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netlink: remove mmapped netlink support (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: simplify genl_notify (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: synchronize socket closing and family removal (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] genetlink: document parallel_ops (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netlink: call unbind when releasing socket (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netlink: update listeners directly when removing socket (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netlink: rename netlink_unbind() to netlink_undo_bind() (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
- [net] netlink: implement unbind to netlink_setsockopt NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP (Jiri Benc) [1497774]
* Wed Nov 22 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-797.el7]
- [md] dm bufio: fix integer overflow when limiting maximum cache size (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm: clear all discard attributes in queue_limits when discards are disabled (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm: do not set 'discards_supported' in targets that do not need it (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm: discard support requires all targets in a table support discards (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm mpath: remove annoying message of 'blk_get_request() returned -11' (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm space map metadata: use ARRAY_SIZE (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm: small cleanup in dm_get_md() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm: fix race between dm_get_from_kobject() and __dm_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache: lift common migration preparation code to alloc_migration() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache: remove usused deferred_cells member from struct cache (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache policy smq: allocate cache blocks in order (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache policy smq: change max background work from 10240 to 4096 blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache background tracker: limit amount of background work that may be issued at once (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache policy smq: take origin idle status into account when queuing writebacks (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache policy smq: handle races with queuing background_work (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache: pass cache structure to mode functions (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [md] dm cache: fix race condition in the writeback mode overwrite_bio optimisation (Mike Snitzer) [1512095]
- [md] dm raid: fix panic when attempting to force a raid to sync (Mike Snitzer) [1512096]
- [x86] x86/smpboot: Fix __max_logical_packages estimate (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709]
- [x86] x86/topology: Avoid wasting 128k for package id array (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709]
- [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Cache logical pkg id in uncore driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: always terminate page walks at level 1 (Paolo Bonzini) [1500381] {CVE-2017-12188}
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: update last_nonleaf_level when initializing nested EPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1500381] {CVE-2017-12188}
- [net] act_tunnel_key: fix NULL pointer dereference in tunnel_key_release() (Davide Caratti) [1511309]
- [net] act_tunnel_key: fix wrong pointer dereference in tcf_idr_create() (Davide Caratti) [1511309]
- [net] packet: in packet_do_bind, test fanout with bind_lock held (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649}
- [net] packet: hold bind lock when rebinding to fanout hook (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649}
- [net] packet: Do not call fanout_release from atomic contexts (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649}
- [net] packet: fix races in fanout_add() (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649}
- [net] bonding: remove rtmsg_ifinfo called after bond_lower_state_changed (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGELOWERSTATE event process back to rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] bonding: remove rtmsg_ifinfo called in bond_master_upper_dev_link (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: do not set notification for tx_queue_len in do_setlink (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: check DO_SETLINK_NOTIFY correctly in do_setlink (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGEUPPER event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_POST_TYPE_CHANGE event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGE_TX_QUEUE_LEN event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGEMTU event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] revert "rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGEADDR event" (Stefano Brivio) [1505975]
- [net] rtnetlink: use the new rtnl_get_event() interface (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnl: Add support for netdev event to link messages (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for NETDEV_CHANGE_TX_QUEUE_LEN event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for NETDEV_CHANGEUPPER event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGELOWERSTATE event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for PRECHANGEUPPER event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for POST_TYPE_CHANGE event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGEADDR event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notification for UDP_TUNNEL_PUSH_INFO (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for MTU events (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [net] rtnetlink: Convert rtnetlink_event to white list (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106]
- [crypto] rsa: Disable fips admission of rsa crypto (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] testmgr - add test cases for CRC32 (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] Add missing chunk from addition of zlib tests (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] acomp - update testmgr with support for acomp (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - avoid an uninitialized variable warning (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - comply with crypto_akcipher_maxsize() (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - comply with crypto_kpp_maxsize() (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] testmgr - fix !x==y confusion (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] scomp - add support for deflate rfc1950 (zlib) (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] scomp - allow registration of multiple scomps (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] acomp - allow registration of multiple acomps (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] kpp - constify buffer passed to crypto_kpp_set_secret() (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - increase number of supported devices (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - modify format of dev top level debugfs entries (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - replace hardcoded BIT(0) in vf_isr (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - fix comments describing adf_disable_sriov() (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] qat - fix indentation (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] acomp - add support for deflate via scomp (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] acomp - add driver-side scomp interface (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [crypto] acomp - add asynchronous compression api (Neil Horman) [1475478]
- [kernel] audit: Record fanotify access control decisions (Steve Grubb) [1451872]
* Tue Nov 21 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-796.el7]
- [fs] vfs: fix softlockup in shrink_dcache_for_umount() (Miklos Szeredi) [1471875]
- [fs] cifs: check MaxPathNameComponentLength != 0 before using it (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619]
- [fs] cifs: remove endian related sparse warning (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619]
- [fs] cifs: return ENAMETOOLONG for overlong names in cifs_open()/cifs_lookup() (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619]
- [fs] dlm: Eliminate CF_CONNECT_PENDING flag (Robert S Peterson) [1498538]
- [fs] dlm: use sock_create_lite inside tcp_accept_from_sock (Robert S Peterson) [1498538]
- [fs] dlm: Fix saving of NULL callbacks (Robert S Peterson) [1498538]
- [pci] Detach driver before procfs & sysfs teardown on device remove (Alex Williamson) [1447196]
- [hid] wacom: switch Dell canvas into highres mode (Benjamin Tissoires) [1507821]
- [x86] module: Detect and skip invalid relocations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1512763]
- [x86] kvm: svm: add support for RDTSCP (Eduardo Habkost) [1511805]
- [x86] tsc: Force TSC_ADJUST register to value >= zero (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Validate cpumask pointer before accessing it (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Try to adjust TSC if sync test fails (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Prepare warp test for TSC adjustment (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Move sync cleanup to a safe place (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Sync test only for the first cpu in a package (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Verify TSC_ADJUST from idle (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Store and check TSC ADJUST MSR (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [x86] tsc: Detect random warps (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055]
- [s390] noexec: execute kexec datamover without DAT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1513893]
- [s390] fix transactional execution control register handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1513894]
- [nvme] update timeout module parameter type (David Milburn) [1507889]
- [virt] kvm: make pid available for uevents without debugfs (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484]
- [virt] revert "kvm: introduce guest count uevent" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484]
- [virt] kvm: trigger uevents when creating or destroying a VM (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484]
- [netdrv] bonding: fix slave stuck in BOND_LINK_FAIL state (Jarod Wilson) [1500430 1496837 1493777]
- [netdrv] bonding: discard lowest hash bit for 802.3ad layer 3+4 (Jarod Wilson) [1493777]
- [netdrv] bonding: speed/duplex update at NETDEV_UP event (Jarod Wilson) [1493777]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Be drop monitor friendly (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: apply burst mode settings only on default (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix buffer overrun while the I219 is processing DMA transactions (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Avoid receiver overrun interrupt bursts (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Separate signaling for link check/link up (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Fix return value test (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Fix wrong comment related to link detection (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Fix error path in link detection (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] e1000e: use setup_timer() helper (David Arcari) [1505547]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add vnic client data to login buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Set state UP (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix failover error path for non-fatal resets (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Update reset infrastructure to support tunable parameters (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Let users change net device features (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Enable TSO support (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Enable scatter-gather support (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]
* Tue Nov 21 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-795.el7]
- [mm] huge pagecache: mmap_sem is unlocked when truncation splits pmd (Eric Sandeen) [1514874]
- [mm] thp: skip file huge pmd on copy_huge_pmd() (Jeff Moyer) [1513722]
- [mm] fix memory leak in copy_huge_pmd() (Jeff Moyer) [1513722]
- [mm] dax: fix DAX PMD pgoff usage (Jeff Moyer) [1513605]
- [kernel] fix device-dax pud write-faults triggered by get_user_pages() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] explicitly set noop_backing_dev_info (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [tools] fix mock pmem_direct_access() implementation (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [x86] Remove paravirt ops pmd_update[_defer] and pte_update_defer (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] switch to srcu, fix rcu_read_lock() vs pte allocation (Larry Woodman) [1471656 1457572 1457561]
- [mm] fix cache mode tracking in vm_insert_mixed() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [kernel] fix cache mode of dax pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] update with WRITE_ONCE/READ_ONCE (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [kernel] do not hint for NUMA balancing on VM_MIXEDMAP mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] skip VM_HUGETLB and VM_MIXEDMAP VMA for lazy mbind (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [x86] Honour passed pgprot in track_pfn_insert() and track_pfn_remap() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] revert "rhel: device-dax: only support page-sized faults" (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [x86] fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] fix pud fault fallback handling (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] fix pmd/pte fault fallback handling (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] replace FAULT_FLAG_SIZE with parameter to huge_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [dax] Support for transparent PUD pages for device DAX (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] dd support for PUD-sized transparent hugepages (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] change ->pmd_fault to ->huge_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] change pmd_fault() to take only vmf parameter (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] make pmd_fault() and friends be the same as fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] join struct fault_env and vm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
- [mm] do not pass mm_struct into handle_mm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]
* Tue Nov 21 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-794.el7]
- [security] keys: trusted: fix writing past end of buffer in trusted_read() (David Howells) [1509152 1503242]
- [security] keys: return full count in keyring_read() if buffer is too small (David Howells) [1509152 1503242]
- [lib] assoc_array: Fix a buggy node-splitting case (David Howells) [1503242 1501286] {CVE-2017-1219}
- [security] keys: load key flags and expiry time atomically in proc_keys_show() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: Load key expiry time atomically in keyring_search_iterator() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: load key flags and expiry time atomically in key_validate() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: don't let add_key() update an uninstantiated key (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: Fix race between updating and finding a negative key (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: encrypted: fix dereference of NULL user_key_payload (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: big_key: Use key preparsing (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: properly zero out sensitive key material in big_key (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: use kmemdup() in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: reset parent each time before searching key_user_tree (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: prevent KEYCTL_READ on negative key (David Howells) [1503242 1498371]
- [security] keys: prevent creating a different user's keyrings (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix writing past end of user-supplied buffer in keyring_read() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix key refcount leak in keyctl_read_key() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix key refcount leak in keyctl_assume_authority() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: don't revoke uninstantiated key in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix cred refcount leak in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [lib] oid_registry.c: x.509: fix the buffer overflow in the utility function for OID string (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] crypto : asymmetric_keys : verify_pefile:zero memory content before freeing (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: sanitize key structs before freeing (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: trusted: sanitize all key material (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: encrypted: sanitize all key material (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: user_defined: sanitize key payloads (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: sanitize add_key() and keyctl() key payloads (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix freeing uninitialized memory in key_update() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: encrypted: use constant-time HMAC comparison (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] hash - Add helpers to zero stack request/descriptor (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: encrypted: fix race causing incorrect HMAC calculations (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: Fix stale key registration at error path (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: encrypted: fix buffer overread in valid_master_desc() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: put keyring if install_session_keyring_to_cred() fails (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in get_derived_key() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] use READ_ONCE instead of deprecated ACCESS_ONCE (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: add CONFIG_KEYS_COMPAT to Kconfig (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] pkcs#7: pkcs7_validate_trust(): initialize the _trusted output argument (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] x.509: Handle midnight alternative notation in GeneralizedTime (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] x.509: Support leap seconds (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] x.509: Fix leap year handling again (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] x.509: Fix the time validation [ver #2] (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] pkcs#7: Improve and export the X.509 ASN.1 time object decoder (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] asymmetric_keys - Fix unaligned access in x509_get_sig_params() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] pkcs7 - Fix unaligned access in pkcs7_verify() (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] pkcs#7: Handle PKCS#7 messages that contain no X.509 certs (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] pkcs#7: Better handling of unsupported crypto (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] keys: Set pr_fmt() in asymmetric key signature handling (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] keys: Fix public_key asymmetric key subtype name (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] rsa: Don't select non-existent symbol (David Howells) [1503242]
- [crypto] keys: The RSA public key algorithm needs to select MPILIB (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] ima: provide support for arbitrary hash algorithms (David Howells) [1503242]
- [security] keys: fix dereferencing NULL payload with nonzero length (David Howells) [1464851]
- [security] keys: Fix handling of stored error in a negatively instantiated user key (David Howells) [1466457 1411622] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}
- [security] keys: fix keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring() to not leak thread keyrings (David Howells) [1466457 1450158] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}
- [security] keys: Differentiate uses of rcu_dereference_key() and user_key_payload() (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}
- [security] keys: Use memzero_explicit() for secret data (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}
- [security] keys: Fix an error code in request_master_key() (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}
* Mon Nov 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-793.el7]
- [fs] writeback: fix a subtle race condition in I_DIRTY clearing (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] ext4: fix data corruption with EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_ZERO (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] dax: fix deadlock due to misaligned PMD faults (Eric Sandeen) [1492040]
- [fs] fs/dax.c: fix inefficiency in dax_writeback_mapping_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] dax: fix race between colliding PMD & PTE entries (Eric Sandeen) [1492052]
- [fs] dax: fix PMD data corruption when fault races with write (Eric Sandeen) [1492051]
- [fs] dax: fix data corruption when fault races with write (Eric Sandeen) [1492051]
- [fs] ext4: return to starting transaction in ext4_dax_huge_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1492051]
- [fs] mm: fix data corruption due to stale mmap reads (Eric Sandeen) [1492051]
- [fs] Revert "block: use DAX for partition table reads" (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] dax: prevent invalidation of mapped DAX entries (Eric Sandeen) [1492051]
- [fs] dax: fix radix tree insertion race (Eric Sandeen) [1473838]
- [fs] mm,fs,dax: mark dax_iomap_pmd_fault as const (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] iomap: constify struct iomap_ops (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] dax: fix build warnings with FS_DAX and !FS_IOMAP (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [fs] ext4: Add select for CONFIG_FS_IOMAP (Eric Sandeen) [1492058]
- [mm] dax: wrprotect pmd_t in dax_mapping_entry_mkclean (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] add follow_pte_pmd() (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] x86/include/asm/pgtable.h: add pmd_[dirty|mkclean] for THP (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] mincore: add support for DAX huge page mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] ext2/4, xfs: call thp_get_unmapped_area() for pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] thp, dax: add thp_get_unmapped_area for pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572]
- [mm] dax: re-enable dax pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493]
- [mm] allow GFP_{FS, IO} for page_cache_read page cache allocation (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493]
- [mm] fix compilation issues is DAX PMD code (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493]
- [mm] mm, x86: get_user_pages() for dax mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493]
- [mm] mm, dax: dax-pmd vs thp-pmd vs hugetlbfs-pmd (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoint to dax_insert_mapping() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoint to dax_writeback_one() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_writeback_mapping_range() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_load_hole() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pfn_mkwrite() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_iomap_pte_fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] ext4: Simplify DAX fault path (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: Call ->iomap_begin without entry lock during dax fault (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: Finish fault completely when loading holes (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: Avoid page invalidation races and unnecessary radix tree traversals (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] Invalidate DAX radix tree entries only if appropriate (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pmd_insert_mapping() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pmd_load_hole() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: update MAINTAINERS entries for FS DAX (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: add tracepoint infrastructure, PMD tracing (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] tracing: add __print_flags_u64() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: clear dirty entry tags on cache flush (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: protect PTE modification on WP fault by radix tree entry lock (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] dax: make cache flushing protected by entry lock (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] export follow_pte() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] change return values of finish_mkwrite_fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] provide helper for finishing mkwrite faults (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] pass vm_fault structure into do_page_mkwrite() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] move handling of COW faults into DAX code (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] allow full handling of COW faults in ->fault handlers (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] factor out functionality to finish page faults (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
- [mm] extend struct vm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]
* Mon Nov 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-792.el7]
- [tools] revert "tools/power turbostat: stop migrating, unless '-m'" (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: decode MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE only on Intel (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: stop migrating, unless '-m' (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: if --debug, print sampling overhead (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: hide SKL counters, when not requested (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: fix impossibly large CPUc1 value (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: turbostat.8 add missing column definitions (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: update HWP dump to decimal from hex (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: enable package THERM_INTERRUPT dump (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: show missing Core and GFX power on SKL and KBL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: GFXMHz column not changing (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: version 17.02.24 (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: --add u32 was printed as u64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: show error on exec (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: dump p-state software config (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: show package number, even without --debug (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: support "--hide C1" etc (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: move --Package and --processor into the --cpu option (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: turbostat.8 update (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: update --list feature (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: use wide columns to display large numbers (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: Add --list option to show available header names (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: fix zero IRQ count shown in one-shot command mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: add --cpu parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: print sysfs C-state stats (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: extend --add option to accept /sys path (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: skip unused counters on BDX (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: fix decoding for GLM, DNV, SKX turbo-ratio limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: skip unused counters on SKX (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] turbostat: Move functions to correct location (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: use tsc_tweak everwhere it is needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: Baytrail c-state support (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: print system config, unless --quiet (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: decode MSR_MISC_FEATURE_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: decode CPUID(6).TURBO (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [x86] x86 msr_index.h: Define MSR_MISC_FEATURE_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: dump Atom P-states correctly (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [x86] x86 msr-index.h: Define Atom specific core ratio MSR locations (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: add precision to --debug frequency output (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: use new name for MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [x86] msr-index.h: Define MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: update MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL decoding (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: decode Baytrail CC6 and MC6 demotion configuration (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: BYT does not have MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [powercap] x86/cpu: Rename Merrifield2 to Moorefield (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: Display HWP OOB status (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
- [tools] power turbostat: Replace MSR_NHM_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]
* Mon Nov 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-791.el7]
- [infiniband] rdma/nldev: Enforce device index check for port callback (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: OOPs in rdma_nl_rcv_msg() from misinterpreted flag (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Parse vlan priority as sl (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Parse VLAN ID correctly and ignore the value of zero (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix label order in error path handling (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] rdma/iwpm: Properly mark end of NL messages (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Unsuccessful PCIe caps tuning should not fail driver load (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: On error, fix use after free during user context setup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return correct value in general interrupt handler (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check eeprom config partition validity (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Only reset QSFP after link up and turn off AOC TX (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Turn off AOC TX after offline substates (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix NULL deference on mlx5_ib_update_xlt failure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Simplify mlx5_ib_cont_pages (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix inconsistency with free_netdev and free_rdma_netdev (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix sysfs Pkey create<->remove possible deadlock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib: Correct MR length field to be 64-bit (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix qp_sec use after free access (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix typo in the name of the tag-matching cap struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Fix reporting correct opcodes for completion (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: fix debugfs cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: fix incorrect fall-through on switch statement (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Suppress the retry related completion errors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix for core panic (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: remove unnecessary call to memset (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: fix sprintf format warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: clean up message validity array initializer (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdam/netlink: Fix out-of-bound access while checking message validity (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Use xprt_pin_rqst in rpcrdma_reply_handler (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] sunrpc: fix a list corruption issue in xprt_release() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] sunrpc: Add a separate spinlock to protect the RPC request receive list (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] sunrpc: Don't hold the transport lock across socket copy operations (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] sunrpc: Fix up socket autodisconnect (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] svcrdma: Estimate Send Queue depth properly (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma core: Add rdma_rw_mr_payload() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] svcrdma: Limit RQ depth (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] svcrdma: Populate tail iovec when receiving (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use ARRAY_SIZE macro (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix incorrect size allocation for dev->caps.spec_qps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix memory leaks on error exit path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Expose ioctl interface through experimental Kconfig (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Assign root to all drivers (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add completion queue (cq) object actions (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add legacy driver's user-data (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Export ioctl enum types to user-space (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Explicitly destroy an object while keeping uobject (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add macros for declaring methods and attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add uverbs merge trees functionality (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add DEVICE object and root tree structure (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Declare an object instead of declaring only type attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add new ioctl interface (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Fix a signedness (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Report network header type in WC (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add might_sleep() annotation to ib_init_ah_from_wc() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix sleeping in atomic when RoCE is used (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: fix spelling mistake: "calescing" -> "coalescing" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add support to finalize objects in one transaction (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add a generic way to execute an operation on a uobject (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4: Add user mac FW update support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix misplaced brackets of sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Make explicit conversion to 64bit value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Dynamically allocate structs at mlx4_slave_cap (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] documentation: Hardware tag matching (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add XRQ support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fill XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Expose XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Add new SRQ type IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Add XRQ creation parameter to UAPI (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add new SRQ type IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Separate CQ handle in SRQ context (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Update HW layout definitions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Handle NETDEV_CHANGE events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Avoid ICRC errors by copying into the skb first (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Another fix for broken receive queue draining (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove unneeded initialization in prepare6() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix up rxe_qp_cleanup() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add dst_clone() in prepare_ipv6_hdr() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix destination cache for IPv6 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix up the responder's find_resources() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove dangling prototype (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Disable completion upcalls when a CQ is destroyed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Move refcounting earlier in rxe_send() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Handle dereg of inuse MRs properly (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Convert qp_stats debugfs interface to use new iterator API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert qp_stats debugfs interface to use new iterator API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert hfi1_error_port_qps() to use new QP iterator (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add QP iterator API for QPs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use accessor to determine ring size (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Stricter bounds checking for copy to buffer (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hif1: Remove static tracing from SDMA hot path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Acquire QSFP cable information on loopback (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: constify vm_operations_struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/usnic: check for allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add opcode states to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add received request info to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix whitespace alignment issue for MAD (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move structure and MACRO definitions in user_sdma.c to user_sdma.h (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move structure definitions from user_exp_rcv.c to user_exp_rcv.h (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove duplicate definitions of num_user_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix the bail out code in pin_vector_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up pin_vector_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up user_sdma_send_pkts() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up hfi1_user_exp_rcv_setup function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve local kmem_cache_alloc performance (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ratelimit prints from sdma_interrupt (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Stricter bounds checking for copy and array access (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove unnecessary memory allocation for boardname (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/{qib, hfi1}: Avoid flow control testing for RDMA write operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use rvt_put_swqe() in rvt_clear_mr_ref() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 enhanced multi packet WQE capability (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allow posting multi packet send WQEs if hardware supports (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for multi underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix integer overflow when page_shift == 31 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix memory leak in clean_mr error path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Decouple MR allocation and population flows (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable UMR for MRs created with reg_create (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose software parsing for Raw Ethernet QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1462433]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: fix spelling mistake: "invlaid" -> "invalid" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib: Avoid ib_modify_port() failure for RoCE devices (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Update device query parameters and port caps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Add RoCEv2 support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Enable ioctl for to IPoIB rdma netdevs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] rdma/nes: Remove zeroed parameter from port query callback (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Properly annotate link layer variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx5: Limit scope of get vector affinity local function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Make rxe_counter_name static (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Sync between remove_one to sysfs calls that use rtnl_lock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Check that reserved fields in mlx4_ib_create_qp_rss are zero (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove redundant attribute in mlx4_ib_create_qp_rss struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix struct mlx4_ib_create_wq alignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS QP type in creation verb (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add necessary delay drop assignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix some spelling mistakes (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix some spelling mistakes (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/mthca: Make explicit conversion to 64bit value (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/usnic: Fix remove address space warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Remove gfp_mask argument from acquire_group call (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Refactor get link layer wrapper (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Delete BUG() from unreachable flow (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] core: Cleanup device capability enum (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] (core, ulp): Convert register/unregister event handler to be void (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Fix create qp command alignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Don't use uninitialized variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Introduce and use helper functions to copy ah attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix erroneous validation of supported default GID type (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: make mlx4_profile const (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] Autoload netlink client modules (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma: Allow demand loading of NETLINK_RDMA (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma: Fix return value check for ib_get_eth_speed() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Re-arrange struct rx_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] ib/pvrdma: Remove unused function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add kernel receive context info to debugfs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove HFI1_VERBS_31BIT_PSN option (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove pstate from hfi1_pportdata (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Stricter bounds checking of MAD trap index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Load fallback platform configuration per HFI device (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add flag for platform config scratch register read (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Document phys port state bits not used in IB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check xchg returned value for queuing link down entry (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: fix spelling mistake: "Maximim" -> "Maximum" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Enable RDMA_CAP_OPA_AH in hfi driver to support extended LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Enhance PIO/SDMA send for 16B (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B RC/UC support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, hfi1, qib: Enhance rdmavt and hfi1 to use 32 bit lids (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B trace support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B UD support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Determine 9B/16B L2 header type based on Address handle (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to process 16B header errors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to send 16B bypass packets (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to receive 16B bypass packets (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, hfi1, qib: Modify check_ah() to account for extended LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hf1: User context locking is inconsistent (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Protect context array set/clear with spinlock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use host_link_state to read state when DC is shut down (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove lstate from hfi1_pportdata (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove pmtu from the QP structure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Revert egress pkey check enforcement (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix input len in multiple user verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mthca: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] Add OPA extended LID support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: add const to bin_attribute structures (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: add const to bin_attribute structures (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799]
- [infiniband] infiniband: avoid overflow warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove unneeded check (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Convert pr_info to pr_warn (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1454965]
- [infiniband] pvrdma: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965]
- [infiniband] nes: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] mthca: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: fix spelling mistake in variable name continious (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: fix spelling mistake: "failng" -> "failing" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799]
- [infiniband] iwcm: Don't allocate iwcm workqueue with WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] cm: Don't allocate ib_cm workqueue with WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: make ib_device.add method optional (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "availible" -> "available" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4: sizeof style usage (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove imul instructions from chunk list encoders (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove imul instructions from rpcrdma_convert_iovs() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [netdrv] Change Kconfig description (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [netdrv] Allow Mellanox switch devices to be configured if only I2C bus is set (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Clean up rpcrdma_bc_marshal_reply() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Harden chunk list encoding against send buffer overflow (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Set up an xdr_stream in rpcrdma_marshal_req() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpclen from rpcrdma_marshal_req (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Clean up rpcrdma_marshal_req() synopsis (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export node_type (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Provide port state and physical link state (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export LID mask control (LMC) (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netink: Export lids and sm_lids (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Advertise IB subnet prefix (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export node_guid and sys_image_guid (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export FW version (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] Simplify get firmware interface (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Expose device and port capability masks (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Implement nldev port doit callback (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev port dumpit implementation (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev device doit implementation (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Implement nldev device dumpit calback (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev initialization flows (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add netlink device definitions to UAPI (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Update copyright (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Convert LS to doit callback (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Reduce indirection access to cb_table (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Add and implement doit netlink callback (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] core: Add and expose static device index (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Add iterator over ib_devices (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Rename netlink callback struct (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Simplify and rename ibnl_chk_listeners (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Rename and remove redundant parameter from ibnl_multicast (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Rename and remove redundant parameter from ibnl_unicast* (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Simplify the put_msg and put_attr (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Add flag to consolidate common handling (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/iwcm: Remove extra EXPORT_SYMBOLS (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/iwcm: Remove useless check of netlink client validity (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Avoid double pass for RDMA netlink messages (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Remove redundant owner option for netlink callbacks (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] netlink: Remove netlink clients infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] core: Add wait/retry version of ibnl_unicast (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] mlx5: support ->get_vector_affinity (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] core: expose affinity mappings per completion vector (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: move affinity hints assignments to generic code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [kernel] pci: add an API to get node from vector (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: don't assume anything on the irq affinity mappings of the device (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: convert to generic pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Set appropriate slid and dlid when handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Create appropriate path records when handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Add OPA Path record support to CM (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Change wc.slid from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Change port_attr.sm_lid from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Change port_attr.lid size from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/mad: Change slid in RMPP recv from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Increase local_lid to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Increase lid and sm_lid to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Convert ah_attr from OPA to IB when copying to user (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Clean up XDR decoding in rpcrdma_update_granted_credits() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_rep::rr_len (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove opcode check in Receive completion handler (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Replace rpcrdma_count_chunks() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] sunrpc: Add generic helpers for xdr_stream encode/decode (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_reply_handler() (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Harden backchannel call decoding (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [net] xprtrdma: Add xdr_init_decode to rpcrdma_reply_handler() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Always perform offline transition (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent link down request double queuing (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Create workqueue for link events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/{rdmavt, hfi1, qib}: Fix panic with post receive and SGE compression (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Disambiguate corruption and uninitialized error cases (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Only set fd pointer when base context is completely initialized (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not enable disabled port on cable insert (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Harden state transition to Armed and Active (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Split copy_to_user data copy for better security (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Verify port data VLs credits on transition to Armed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move saving PCI values to a separate function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix initialization failure for debug firmware (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix code consistency for if/else blocks in chip.c (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Send MAD traps until repressed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Pass the context pointer rather than the index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use context pointer rather than context index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Size rcd array index correctly and consistently (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused user context data members (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Assign context does not clean up file descriptor correctly on error (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Serve the most starved iowait entry first (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix bar0 mapping to use write combining (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check return values from PCI config API calls (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix default RoCE type setting (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: notify user application of supported WIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: notify user application if DPM is supported (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: enhanced per queue max coalesce value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Read per queue coalesce from hardware (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add support for vf coalesce configuration (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Add ethtool support for Energy efficient ethernet (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add support for Energy efficient ethernet (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed/qede: Add setter APIs support for RX flow classification (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Add getter APIs support for RX flow classification (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary error check (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary returned value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add receiving queue info to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Expose RSS capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for RSS QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for WQ indirection table related verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for WQ related verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] (ib, net)/mlx4: Add resource utilization support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add inline-receive support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose extended error counters (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix cached MR allocation flow (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report RX checksum capabilities for IPoIB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Report enhanced capabilities for IPoIB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add multicast flow steering support for underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for QP with a given source QPN (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Enable QP creation with a given source QP number (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Enable QP creation with a given source QP number (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for RoCEv2 multicast (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Set RoCEv2 MGID according to spec (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix the validations of a multicast LID in attach or detach operations (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add delay drop configuration and statistics (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support to dropless RQ (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce general notification event (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce set delay drop command (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce delay drop for a WQ (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Restore IB guid/policy for virtual functions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add debug control parameters for congestion control (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Change logic for dispatching IB events for port state (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add raw ethernet local loopback support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add raw ethernet local loopback firmware command (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694]
- [infiniband] rdma: Remove useless MODULE_VERSION (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add generic function to extract IB speed from netdev (Don Dutile) [1499364]
- [infiniband] ib/usnic: Implement get_netdev hook (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: remove duplicate code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Set default gid type to RoCEv2 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Constify static rxe_vm_ops (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use __func__ to print function's name (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use DEVICE_ATTR_RO macro to show parent field (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Prefer 'unsigned int' to bare use of 'unsigned' (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use "foo *bar" instead of "foo * bar" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Handle missing magic values in config file (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Resolve kernel panics by reference counting receive contexts (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Initialize TID lists to avoid crash on cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Replace deprecated pci functions with new API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add traces for TID operations (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use a template for tid reg/unreg (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove reading platform configuration from EFI variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Create common expected receive verbs/PSM code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Set proper logging levels on QSFP cable error events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix DC 8051 host info flag array (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib: Do not send QKey trap for UD qps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Modify handling of physical link state by Host Driver (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Allow QP state transition from reset to error (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add error checking for buffer overrun in OPA aggregate (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove subtraction of uninitialized value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use QPN mask to avoid overflow (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix spelling mistake in linkdown reason (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove duplicated functions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix up sdma_init function comment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reclassify type of messages printed for platform config logic (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic SDMA_REQ_HAS_ERROR bit operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic SDMA_REQ_SEND_DONE bit operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452831 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/core, rdmavt, hfi1, opa-vnic: Send OPA cap_mask3 in trap (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452831 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Replace deprecated pci functions with new API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Name function prototype parameters for affinity module (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Optimize cachelines for user SDMA request structure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't remove RB entry when not needed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Compress adjacent SGEs in rvt_lkey_ok() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Setup common IB fields in hfi1_packet struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Separate input/output header tracing (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add functions to parse BTH/IB headers (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused mk_qpn function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unnecessary initialization from tx request (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789]
- [net] sunrpc: Allow xprt->ops->timer method to sleep (Don Dutile) [1499364]
* Mon Nov 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-790.el7]
- [x86] mce/amd: Always give panic severity for UC errors in kernel context (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1493197]
- [x86] acpi/cstate: Allow ACPI C1 FFH MWAIT use on AMD systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508650]
- [x86] kvm: x86: don't print warning messages for unimplemented msrs (Bandan Das) [1297021]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix erp_action use-before-initialize in REC action trace (Hendrik Brueckner) [1503935]
- [scsi] sd: Do not override max_sectors_kb sysfs setting (Ewan Milne) [1507941]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix hard lock up NMI in els timeout handling (Dick Kennedy) [1503933]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix a precedence bug in lpfc_nvme_io_cmd_wqe_cmpl() (Dick Kennedy) [1513061]
- [nvme] fixup wwid_show() check for null_uuid (David Milburn) [1513142]
- [nvme] lpfc: tie in to new dev_loss_tmo interface in nvme transport (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: decouple ns references from lldd references (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: fix localport resume using stale values (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvmet: fix fatal_err_work deadlock (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: add dev_loss_tmo timeout and remoteport resume support (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] allow controller RESETTING to RECONNECTING transition (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: check connectivity before initiating reconnects (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: add a dev_loss_tmo field to the remoteport (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: change ctlr state assignments during reset/reconnect (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: merge __nvme_fc_schedule_delete_work into __nvme_fc_del_ctrl (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: avoid workqueue flush stalls (David Milburn) [1508583]
- [iommu] amd: Free already flushed ring-buffer entries before full-check (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Remove amd_iommu_disabled check from amd_iommu_detect() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Free IOMMU resources when disabled on command line (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Set global pointers to NULL after freeing them (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Check for error states first in iommu_go_to_state() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Add new init-state IOMMU_CMDLINE_DISABLED (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Rename free_on_init_error() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Suppress IO_PAGE_FAULTs in kdump kernel (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Remove queue_release() function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Add per-domain timer to flush per-cpu queues (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Add flush counters to struct dma_ops_domain (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Add locking to per-domain flush-queue (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Make use of the per-domain flush queue (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Add per-domain flush-queue data structures (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Rip out old queue flushing code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Reduce delay waiting for command buffer space (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [iommu] amd: Reduce amount of MMIO when submitting commands (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: remove redundant zero check on retries counter (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: add const to bin_attribute structure (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unnecessary static in qlcnic_dump_fw() (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix tunnel offload for 82xx adapters (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug in qlcnic_82xx_hw_write_wx_2M and qlcnic_82xx_hw_read_wx_2M (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.66 (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix link configuration with autoneg disabled (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: fix unchecked return value (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlogic: qlcnic_sysfs: constify bin_attribute structures (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlogic: qlcnic: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix a memory leak in error handling path (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Harish Patil) [1479140]
- [netdrv] qlogic: use core min/max MTU checking (Harish Patil) [1479140]
* Fri Nov 17 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-789.el7]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: update to new mmu_notifier semantic (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/umem: update to new mmu_notifier semantic (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Always return success for RoCE modify port (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix Raw Packet QP event handler assignment (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid accessing non-allocated memory when inferring port type (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enable 4K UAR if SRIOV module parameter is not enabled (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix NULL pointer dereference during device removal (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Protect sysfs entry on ib_unregister_device (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Report CQ missed events (Don Dutile) [1499363 1454965]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix a memory allocation failure test in 'qed_mcp_cmd_init()' (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] rdma/mlx5: Fix existence check for extended address vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix device cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Prevent leak of reserved field (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix race condition in resolving IP to MAC (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fixes missing capability bit in flags2 capability dump (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix namespace misalignment in QinQ VST support commit (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix sl_to_vl_change bit offset in flags2 dump (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix wrong indication of Wake-on-LAN (WoL) support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Notify on modify QP failure only when relevant (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove double pointer assigning (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Clean error paths in add port (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add get statistics support to SRIOV VF (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add multicast packets statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Set IPOIB_NEIGH_TBL_FLUSH after flushed completion initialization (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Prevent setting negative values to max_nonsrq_conn_qp (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Make sure no in-flight joins while leaving that mcast (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use cancel_delayed_work_sync when needed (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix race between light events and interface restart (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Initialize port_num in qp_attr (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Fix the check for port number (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix reference count leak when no ipv4 addresses are set (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/iser: don't send an rkey if all data is written as immadiate-data (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rxe: fix broken receive queue draining (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Prevent memory overrun in verbs' user responses (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix CM REQ retries in paravirt mode (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Setting of QP timeout can overflow jiffies computation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix a warning message (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix error codes in ocrdma_create_srq() (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix an error code in ocrdma_alloc_pd() (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix error code in ipoib_add_port() (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Set dma_mask and coherent_dma_mask (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kernel panic from skb destructor (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456704]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Let lower driver handle get_stats64 call (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add ordered workqueue for RoCE GID management (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Clean mr_cache debugfs in case of failure (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Remove NOIO QP create flag (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] {net, ib}/mlx4: Remove gfp flags argument (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/{rdmavt, qib, hfi1}: Remove gfp flags argument (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Convert IPoIB to memalloc_noio_* calls (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Forward MTU change to driver below (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699]
- [infiniband] ib: Convert msleep below 20ms to usleep_range (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Make use of ib_modify_qp variant to avoid resolving DMAC (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce modify QP operation with udata (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Don't resolve IP address to the loopback device (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Namespace is mandatory input for address resolution (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix connection teardown race condition (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Document confusing code (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] mlx5: Avoid that mlx5_ib_sg_to_klms() overflows the klms[] array (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure dd->gi_mask can not be overflowed (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary returned value check (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [net] xprtrdma: Fix documenting comments in frwr_ops.c (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Replace PAGE_MASK with offset_in_page() (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: FMR does not need list_del_init() (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Demote "connect" log messages (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Don't defer MR recovery if ro_map fails (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Fix FRWR invalidation error recovery (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Fix client lock-up after application signal fires (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Rename rpcrdma_req::rl_free (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Pass only the list of registered MRs to ro_unmap_sync (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: Pre-mark remotely invalidated MRs (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] xprtrdma: On invalidation failure, remove MWs from rl_registered (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: fix an incorrect check on -E2BIG and -EINVAL (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: do not copy extra stack memory to skb (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_chunk_ctxt::cc_dir field (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: use offset_in_page() macro (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean up after converting svc_rdma_recvfrom to rdma_rw API (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean-up svc_rdma_unmap_dma (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove frmr cache (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove unused Read completion handlers (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Properly compute .len and .buflen for received RPC Calls (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Use generic RDMA R/W API in RPC Call path (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean up svc_rdma_build_read_chunk() (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Add recvfrom helpers to svc_rdma_rw.c (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix printk option passed when printing ipv6 addresses (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib/iser: Handle lack of memory management extentions correctly (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] iser-target: Avoid isert_conn->cm_id dereference in isert_login_recv_done (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Make a debug statement in srpt_abort_cmd() more informative (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] ib/core, opa_vnic, hfi1, mlx5: Properly free rdma_netdev (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Check port number supplied by user verbs cmds (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: make mlx4_log_num_mgm_entry_size static (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP support for physical queue allocation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP protocol support in context allocation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add error handling (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP implement disconnect flows (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add active side connect (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add passive side connect (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: initialize ll2_syn_handle at start of function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add listener functions and initial SYN processing (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM - setup a ll2 connection for handling SYN packets (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP support in ll2 connections (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: Rename some ll2 related defines (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: Implement iWARP initialization, teardown and qp operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] qed: Introduce iWARP personality (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Do not allocate redundant TX queues when TC is disabled (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add dynamic variable to hold the number of user priorities (UP) (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [infiniband] ib/opa_vnic: Use spinlock instead of mutex for stats_lock (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452831]
- [infiniband] ib/opa_vnic: Use GFP_ATOMIC while sending trap (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452831]
- [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "enforcment" -> "enforcement" (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [net] svcrdma: Don't account for Receive queue "starvation" (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Improve Reply chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Improve Write chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Improve Read chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_marshal.c (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Avoid Send Queue overflow (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [net] svcrdma: Squelch disconnection messages (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Innova IPSec offload infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "coalesing" -> "coalescing" (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Support the flash device ethtool callback (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Support the flash device ethtool callback (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add mlxfw callbacks (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add helper functions to set/query MCC/MCDA/MCQI registers (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Enhance MCAM reg to allow query on access reg support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add MCC (Management Component Control) register definitions (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] qed*: Rename qed_roce_if.h to qed_rdma_if.h (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Split rdma content between qed_rdma and qed_roce (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Duplicate qed_roce.[ch] to qed_rdma.[ch] (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Cleanup qed_roce before duplicating it (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Fix compilation without QED_RDMA (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: SPQ async callback registration (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Wait for resources before FUNC_CLOSE (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed*: Set rdma generic functions prefix (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed*: qede_roce.[ch] -> qede_rdma.[ch] (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Disable RoCE dpm when DCBx change occurs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: RoCE EDPM to honor PFC (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Chain support for external PBL (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add ioctl support to IPoIB device driver (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PTP support to IPoIB device driver (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Get more TX statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Handle change_mtu (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use hard_mtu as part of the mlx5e_priv struct (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Change parameters default values (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add new profile function update_carrier (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add ethtool support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent PFC call for non ethernet ports (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Move to a separate directory (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Refactor mlx4_en_free_tx_desc (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Replace TXBB_SIZE multiplications with shift operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Increase default TX ring size (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve stack xmit function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve transmit CQ polling (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve receive data-path (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Optimized single ring steering (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove unused argument in TX datapath function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix an off by one bug (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib: nes: convert to use DRIVER_ATTR_RW (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: add qed_int_sb_init() stub function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: collect GSI port statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Call rx_release_cb() when flushing LL2 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: No need for LL2 frags indication (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed*: LL2 callback operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: LL2 code relocations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Cleaner seperation of LL2 inputs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Revise ll2 Rx completion (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: LL2 to use packed information for tx (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove limitation of single NIC offloaded TC action per rule (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692]
- [netdrv] qed: VFs to try utilizing the doorbell bar (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Multiple qzone queues for VFs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: IOV db support multiple queues per qzone (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Make VF legacy a bitfield (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Assign a unique per-queue index to queue-cid (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Pass vf_params when creating a queue-cid (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed*: L2 interface to use the SB structures directly (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Create L2 queue database (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add bitmaps for VF CIDs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add support for changing iSCSI mac (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: No need to reset SBs on IOV init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Reset IGU CAM to default on init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Hold a single array for SBs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Provide auxiliary for getting free VF SB (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Remove assumption on SB order in IGU (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Encapsulate interrupt counters in struct (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add aux. function translating sb_id -> igu_sb_id (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Distinguish between sb_id and igu_sb_id (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] qed: IGU read revised (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Minor refactoring in interrupt code (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Make qed_int_cau_conf_pi() static (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Cache alignemnt padding to match host (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Mask parities after occurance (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Print multi-bit attentions properly (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Diffrentiate adapter-specific attentions (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Get rid of the attention-arrays (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Support dynamic s-tag change (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: QL41xxx VF MSI-x table (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Don't inherit RoCE DCBx for V2 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct DCBx update scheme (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Add missing static/local dcbx info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] mlxfw: Properly handle dependancy with non-loadable mlx5 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlxfw: Make the module selectable (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlxfw: fix a NULL dereference (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlxfw: remove redundant goto on error check (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] mlxfw: select CONFIG_XZ_DEC (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] Add the mlxfw module for Mellanox firmware flash process (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367]
- [netdrv] qed: Replace set_id() api with set_name() (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Log probe of PCI device (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Provide MBI information in dev_info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Enable RoCE parser searching on fp init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Flush slowpath tasklet on stop (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Remove BB_A0 references (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Drop the 's' from num_ports_in_engines (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Log incorrectly installed board (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: !main_ptt for tunnel configuration (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Align DP_ERR style with other DP macros (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Fix sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] update drivers to handle HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] qede: Support 1G advertisment (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix setting of Management bitfields (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: qedr closure after setting state (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct print in iscsi error-flow (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Revise alloc/setup/free flow (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Free previous connections when releasing iSCSI (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] qede: Don't use an internal MAC field (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Add missing Status-block free (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Honor user request for Tx buffers (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qede: Allow WoL to activate by default (Don Dutile) [1499363]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix possible memory leak (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [netdrv] qed: Remove unused including <linux/version.h> (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [netdrv] qed: Utilize FW (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add basic support for Innova (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456672]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce trigger_health_work function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Update the list of the PCI supported devices (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456690]
- [netdrv] {net, ib}/mlx5: Replace mlx5_vzalloc with kvzalloc (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix static analysis warning in ib_policy_change_task (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix uninitialized variable use in check_qp_port_pkey_settings (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Add a cache for quicker retreival of PKey SIDs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Add IB Port SMP access vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Implement Infiniband PKey "Access" access vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Allocate and free infiniband security hooks (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Create policydb version for Infiniband support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Enforce security on management datagrams (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux lsm ib/core: Implement LSM notification system (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Enforce PKey security on QPs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [infiniband] ib/core: IB cache enhancements to support Infiniband security (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
- [security] selinux: Update policy version to support constraints info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]
* Fri Nov 17 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-788.el7]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix port number for query QP (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing memory barriers (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Add support for port reuse on active side connections (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing VLAN priority (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Call i40iw_cm_disconn on modify QP to disconnect (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Prevent multiple netdev event notifier registrations (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fail open if there are no available MSI-X vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: make some structures const (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Remove unused argument (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Improve CQP timeout logic (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix potential fcn_id_array out of bounds (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Use correct alignment for CQ0 memory (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix typecast of tcp_seq_num (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Correct variable names (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix parsing of query/commit FPM buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: fix spelling mistake: "allloc_buf" -> "alloc_buf" (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fixes for static checker warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Simplify code (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] ib/i40iw: Fix error code in i40iw_create_cq() (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Free QP PBLEs when the QP is destroyed (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Avoid memory leak of CQP request objects (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Update list correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing memory barrier (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Free QP resources on CQP destroy QP failure (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Release cm_id ref on PCI function reset (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Utilize iwdev->reset during PCI function reset (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Do not poll CCQ after it is destroyed (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix order of cleanup in close (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: fix duplicated code for different branches (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix device initialization error path (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: ACK MPA Reject frame (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Don't set 0-length FULPDU RTR indication control flag (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
- [infiniband] ib/i40iw: use setup_timer (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]
* Thu Nov 16 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-787.el7]
- [scsi] remove various unused blist flags (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: remove synchronous STPG support (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_devinfo: remove synchronous ALUA for NETAPP devices (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh: move .rescan to an auxiliary structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh: fix RHEL7 kABI breakage (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [scsi] revert: scsi: handle more device handler setup/teardown in common code (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [scsi] Add scsi_vpd_tpg_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [scsi] Add scsi_vpd_lun_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Warn if the first argument of alua_rtpg_queue() is NULL (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Ensure that alua_activate() calls the completion function (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Check scsi_device_get() return value (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix RCU annotations (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix a reference counting bug (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix missing kref_put() in alua_rtpg_work() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_rtpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: do not fail for unknown VPD identification (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: uninitialized variable in alua_rtpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Declare local functions static (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Update version to 2.0 (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh: add 'rescan' callback (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Send TEST UNIT READY to poll for transitioning (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: update all port states (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Recheck state on unit attention (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Add new blacklist flag 'BLIST_SYNC_ALUA' (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Allow workqueue to run synchronously (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use workqueue for RTPG (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: remove 'rel_port' from alua_dh_data structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: move optimize_stpg evaluation (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] revert commit a8e5a2d593cb ("[scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA handler attach should succeed while TPG is transitioning") (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: simplify alua_initialize() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use unique device id (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use separate alua_port_group structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: allocate RTPG buffer separately (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: switch to scsi_execute_req_flags() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: call alua_rtpg() if stpg fails (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Make stpg synchronous (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: separate out alua_stpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Pass buffer as function argument (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Remove stale variables (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use scsi_vpd_tpg_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: simplify sense code handling (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: rework alua_check_tpgs() to return the tpgs mode (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use unaligned access macros (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use flag for RTPG extended header (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fixup description of stpg_endio() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: return standard SCSI return codes in submit_rtpg (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use standard logging functions (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: sanitze sense code handling (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: improved logging (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use vpd_pg83 information (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Disable ALUA handling for non-disk devices (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] fix device handler detach oops (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] handle more device handler setup_teardown in common code (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] device handlers must have attach and detach methods (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] remove struct scsi_dh_devlist (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] use container_of to get at device handler private data (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh: get module reference outside of device handler (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_hp_sw: fix return value on failed allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
- [scsi] revert "scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_bus_attach()" (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]
* Thu Nov 16 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-786.el7]
- [pinctrl] intel: Read back TX buffer state (Xiaolong Wang) [1511744]
- [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Denverton pin controller support (Xiaolong Wang) [1384731]
- [net] revert "net: use lib/percpu_counter API for fragmentation mem accounting" (Jesper Brouer) [1508499]
- [net] inet_diag: Fix up addresses in v4-mapped SYN-RECV TCP pseudo sockets (Stefano Brivio) [1372520]
- [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: allow tab character in SIP headers (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: correct allowed characters in Call-ID SIP header (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: correct parsing of continuation lines in SIP headers (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: update real-server binding of outgoing connections in SIP-pe (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: make drop_entry protection effective for SIP-pe (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: don't alter conntrack in OPS mode (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: optimize release of connections in OPS mode (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: handle connections started by real-servers (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipvs: rerouting to local clients is not needed anymore (Davide Caratti) [1461348]
- [net] ipv4: Namespecify the tcp_keepalive_intvl sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667]
- [net] ipv4: Namespecify tcp_keepalive_probes sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667]
- [net] ipv4: Namespaceify tcp_keepalive_time sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667]
- [mm] mm/memory_hotplug: define find_{smallest|biggest}_section_pfn as unsigned long (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1500440]
- [mm] mm/memory_hotplug: change pfn_to_section_nr/section_nr_to_pfn macro to inline function (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1500440]
- [mm] filemap: don't plant shadow entries without radix tree node (Waiman Long) [1509891]
- [mm] Fix panic due to NULL pointer dereference in __memcg_kmem_get_cache() (Larry Woodman) [1490495]
- [usb] xhci: set missing SuperSpeedPlus Link Protocol bit in roothub descriptor (Torez Smith) [1496645]
- [drm] i915: Add interface to reserve fence registers for vGPU (Paul Lai) [1449711]
- [drm] i915/gvt: Fix GPU hang after reusing vGPU instance across different guest OS (Paul Lai) [1458689]
- [pci] pci/msi: Ignore affinity if pre/post vector count is more than min_vecs (Myron Stowe) [1509390]
- [pci] pci/msi: fix the pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity stub (Myron Stowe) [1509390]
- [virt] vfio/pci: Virtualize Maximum Read Request Size (Alex Williamson) [1499021]
- [virt] vfio/pci: Virtualize Maximum Payload Size (Alex Williamson) [1499021]
- [virt] vfio: Stall vfio_del_group_dev() for container group detach (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio: fix noiommu vfio_iommu_group_get reference count (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio/pci: Fix handling of RC integrated endpoint PCIe capability size (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio/pci: Use pci_try_reset_function() on initial open (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio: Remove unnecessary uses of vfio_container.group_lock (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio: New external user group/file match (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] kvm-vfio: Decouple only when we match a group (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio: Fix group release deadlock (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [virt] vfio: fix a typo in comment of function vfio_pin_pages (Alex Williamson) [1499022]
- [scsi] virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling (Paolo Bonzini) [1501309]
- [edac] skx_edac: Handle systems with segmented PCI busses (Yasuyuki Kobayashi) [1492511 1500572]
- [block] loop: Add PF_LESS_THROTTLE to block/loop device thread (Ming Lei) [1511107]
- [crypto] x86/sha1 - Fix reads beyond the number of blocks passed (Herbert Xu) [1469200]
- [netdrv] sfc: remove redundant variable start (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: don't warn on successful change of MAC (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: support rx-fcs and rx-all (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [kernel] percpu-refcount: support synchronous switch to atomic mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
- [kernel] percpu_ref: allow operation mode switching operations to be called concurrently (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
- [kernel] percpu_ref: restructure operation mode switching (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
- [kernel] percpu_ref: unify staggered atomic switching wait behavior (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
- [kernel] percpu_ref: reorganize __percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic() and relocate percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic() (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
- [kernel] percpu_ref: remove unnecessary RCU grace period for staggered atomic switching confirmation (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]
* Wed Nov 15 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-785.el7]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid doing a cleanup call if the profile doesn't have it (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Properly check applicability of devlink eswitch commands (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix min inline value for VF rep SQs (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix timestamping capabilities reporting (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Wait for FW readiness before initializing command interface (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix memory leak in create child syscall (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix access to un-initialized napi struct (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Delete napi in device uninit default (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Limit call to free rdma_netdev for capable devices (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix memory leaks for child interfaces priv (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] rxe: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug in post_one_send (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Add 64KB PAGE_SIZE support to user-space queues (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Initialize byte_len in WC of READ and SEND commands (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: fix dump of context data (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Enable 4K UAR only when page size is bigger than 4K (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong indications in DIM due to counter wraparound (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Added BW check for DIM decision mechanism (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Remove several module events out of ethtool stats (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Continue health polling until it is explicitly stopped (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Fix create vport flow table flow (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: Check if Granular QoS per VF has been enabled before updating QP qos_vport (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: Fix the check in attaching steering rules (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/sa: Fix kernel panic in CMA request handler flow (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/umem: Fix missing mmap_sem in get umem ODP call (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: not to set page dirty bit if it's already set (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Declare local function static and add brackets to sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Reduce exposure of RDMA netlink functions (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/srp: Fix NULL deref at srp_destroy_qp() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/ipoib: Limit the ipoib_dev_uninit_default scope (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/ipoib: Replace netdev_priv with ipoib_priv for ipoib_get_link_ksettings (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: add null check before pointer dereference (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx5: set UMR wqe fence according to HCA cap (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Define interface bits for fencing UMR wqe (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Fix MAD tunneling when SRIOV is enabled (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: change PCI bar addr assignments to Linux API functions (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: fix array termination by appending NULL to attr array (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/nes: ACK MPA Reply frame (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/nes: Don't set 0-length FULPDU RTR indication control flag (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: avoid build warning for uniprocessor (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in xprt_rdma_bc_setup() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: fix bug reading rss_hash_type from CQE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, handle RX packet correctly (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use the correct delete call on offloaded TC encap entry detach (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: add CONFIG_INET dependency (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix uninitialized data in aRFS infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use min3 to select number of MSI-X vectors (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Use underlay QPN from the root name space (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Only support regular RQ for now (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix setup TC ndo (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix ethtool pause support and advertise reporting (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use the correct pause values for ethtool advertising (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [uapi] smc_diag.h: fix include from userland (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [uapi] includes linux/types.h before exporting files (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Split PF/VF ndos (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct doorbell configuration for !4Kb pages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Tell QM the number of tasks (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix VF removal sequence (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reduce harmless SRIOV error message to debug level (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid adding steering rules with invalid ring (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [kernel] treewide: spelling: correct diffrent[iate] and banlance typos (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Avoid that aborting a command triggers a kernel warning (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix abort handling (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] rxe: expose num_possible_cpus() cnum_comp_vectors (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Update caller's CRC for RXE_MEM_TYPE_DMA memory type (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up on context initialization failure (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix an assign/ordering issue with shared context IDs (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up context initialization (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correctly clear the pkey (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Search shared contexts on the opened device, not all devices (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic operations for SDMA_REQ_HAVE_AHG bit (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use filedata rather than filepointer (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Name function prototype parameters (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix a subcontext memory leak (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return an error on memory allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust default eager_buffer_size to 8MB (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Get rid of divide when setting the tx request header (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix yield logic in send engine (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, ib/rdmavt: Move r_adefered to r_lock cache line (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix checks for Offline transient state (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Enable IPoIB acceleration (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Fix possible misconfiguration of advertised autoneg value (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix overriding of supported autoneg value (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed*: Fix possible overflow for status block id field (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed*: Fix issues in the ptp filter config implementation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Fix concurrency issue in PTP Tx path processing (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: fix out of bounds access to local buffer (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix incorrect order of formal and actual parameters (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Change flush logic so it adheres to the variable name (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] mlx5: Fix mlx5_ib_map_mr_sg mr length (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Don't clamp residual length to mtu (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Add support to query OPA path records (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Add OPA path record type (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Add OPA addr header (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Split struct sa_path_rec based on IB and ROCE specific fields (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Introduce path record specific types (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Rename ib_sa_path_rec to sa_path_rec (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/cm: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Define 'opa' rdma_ah_attr type (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Define 'ib' and 'roce' rdma_ah_attr types (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Use rdma_ah_attr accessor functions (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add accessor functions for rdma_ah_attr fields (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/pvrdma: Rename ib_ah_attr related functions (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mthca: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_destroy_ah to rdma_destroy_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_query_ah to rdma_query_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_modify_ah to rdma_modify_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_create_ah to rdma_create_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename struct ib_ah_attr to rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Initialize ib_ah_attr during query_ah (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Check for global flag when using ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove 'else' when the 'if' has a return (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Add identifier names to function definitions (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Prevent warning without CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: output the DPM status and WID count (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: align DPI configuration to HW requirements (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: verify RoCE resource bitmaps are released (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: add error handling flow to TID deregistratin posting failure (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: remove unused SQ error state (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: configure the RoCE max message size (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Unlock on error in qed_vf_pf_acquire() (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Avoid redundant memory allocation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable HW LRO when PCI is slower than link on striding RQ (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use u8 as ownership type in mlx5e_get_cqe() (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use prefetchw when a write is to follow (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Optimize poll ICOSQ completion queue (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Act on delay probe time updates (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [kernel] [netdrv] mlx5e: Update neighbour 'used' state using HW flow rules counters (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support to neighbour update flow (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add neighbour hash table to the representors (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [net] add addrconf.h to ip6_route.h (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [kernel] locking/refcount: Remove the half-implemented refcount_sub() API (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [lib] locking/refcount: Create unchecked atomic_t implementation (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [lib] refcount: change EXPORT_SYMBOL markings (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [lib] locking/refcount: Add refcount_t API kernel-doc comments (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687]
- [lib] locking/refcounts: Change WARN() to WARN_ONCE() (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687]
- [kernel] locking/refcounts: Add missing kernel.h header to have UINT_MAX defined (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [lib] locking/refcounts: Out-of-line everything (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [lib] refcount_t: Introduce a special purpose refcount type (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [kernel] locking/atomics: Add _{acquire|release|relaxed}() variants of some atomic operations (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Read neigh parameters with proper locking (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use flag to properly monitor a flow rule offloading state (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove output device parameter from create encap header helpers definition (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Move the encap entry structure from the eswitch header (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Remove encap entry pointer from the eswitch flow attributes (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Extendable vport representor netdev private data (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456694]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Add support to query opa classport info (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [trace] iommu: Remove pci.h include from trace/events/iommu.h (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Move opa_class_port_info definition to header file (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add rdma_cap_opa_ah to expose opa address handles (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Modify SA to implicitly cache Class Port info (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Move functions update_sm_ah() and ib_sa_event() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Remove unwanted braces (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/sa: Fix lines longer than 80 columns (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use bool in process_ecn (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi: Protect against writable mmap (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix unbalanced braces around else (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert Lx to llx (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix misspelling in comment (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Permanently enable P_Key checking in HFI (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cache neighbor secure data after link up (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust high temperature warning for QSFP cable (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix softlockup issue (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use defines from common headers (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add functions to parse 9B headers (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rename hdr2sc to hfi1_9B_get_sc5 (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return SC2VL mappings to FM with VL15 instead of ILLEGAL_VL (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Validate the TID count before using it (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt/hfi1/qib: Use the MGID and MLID for multicast addressing (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: For multicast functions, verify that LIDs are multicast LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct MulticastMask/CollectiveMask info to SMA output (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: If the MGID/MLID pair is not on the list return an error (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/nes: use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/nes: Fix incorrect type in assignment (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/usnic: Simplify the code to balance loc/unlock calls (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/usnic: Explicitly include usnic headers (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Mark local uverbs_std_types functions to be static (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: fix typo: "algorithmi" -> "algorithm" (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: restore IRQs on error path in rvt_create_ah() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: add support for send+invalidate in poll CQ (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: destroy CQ only after HW releases it (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: enhance destroy flow for GSI QP (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: properly check atomic capabilities (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: reset access control when registering a MR (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Acquire/release ptt_ptp lock when enabling/disabling PTP (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Remove the un-needed ptp header file (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Add support for PTP resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Add support for PTP resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Add support for MFW resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean out old XDR encoders (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove the req_map cache (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Remove unused RDMA Write completion handler (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Reduce size of sge array in struct svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA backchannel reply processing (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Report Write/Reply chunk overruns (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean up RDMA_ERROR path (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Use rdma_rw API in RPC reply path (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Introduce local rdma_rw API helpers (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Clean up svc_rdma_get_inv_rkey() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Add helper to save pages under I/O (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Eliminate RPCRDMA_SQ_DEPTH_MULT (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Add svc_rdma_map_reply_hdr() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] svcrdma: Move send_wr to svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_buffer::rb_pool (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Squelch ENOBUFS warnings (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Annotate receive workqueue (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Revert commit d0f36c46deea (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Restore transport after device removal (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_ep_connect (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Support unplugging an HCA from under an NFS mount (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Use same device when mapping or syncing DMA buffers (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_ia_open() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Detect unreachable NFS/RDMA servers more reliably (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] sunrpc: Export xprt_force_disconnect() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: Cancel refresh worker during buffer shutdown (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Spare annotate imm_data (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add ODP support to MW (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Extract page fault code (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/umem: Add support to huge ODP (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add contiguous ODP support (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/umem: Add contiguous ODP support (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Decrease verbosity level of ODP errors (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix implicit MR GC (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix UMR size calculation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix function updating xlt emergency path (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib: Replace ib_umem page_size by page_shift (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use pcie_flr() instead of duplicating it (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [kernel] pci: Export pcie_flr() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: change the return type to void (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi: Fix up comments in engine mapping (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] uverbs: Fix integer overflows (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] {net, ib}/{rxe, usnic}: Utilize generic mac to eui32 function (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/usnic: Remove unused functions (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/iser: fix spelling mistake: "unexepected" -> "unexpected" (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: fix invalid use of sizeof in qed_alloc_qm_data() (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed - VF tunnelling support [VXLAN/GENEVE/GRE] (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed/qede: Add UDP ports in bulletin board (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Disable tunnel offloads for non offloaded UDP ports (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed/qede: Enable tunnel offloads based on hw configuration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: refactor tunnelling - API/Structs (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [kernel] [netdrv] qed: Add support for static dcbx (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Support dcbnl IEEE selector field (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Add additional DCBx debug messages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Separate RoCE DCBx support for V2 (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Cleanup DCBx unnecessary parameters (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: fix warning about missing prototype (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: hide unused functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add control for encapsulation (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor fast path FDB table creation in switchdev mode (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for active_width and active_speed in RoCE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set mlx5_query_roce_port's return value to void (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add HDR speed enum (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set correct SL in completion for RoCE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Send MRA for reply messages (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support congestion related counters (Don Dutile) [1456663 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mthca: Check validity of output parameter pointer (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add drop flow steering rule support (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce drop flow specification (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use IP version matching to classify IP traffic (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add inner spec and IPv6 validation in user's flow attribute list (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix wrong use of kfree at bad flow in create_cq_user (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enlarge autogroup flow table (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Check supported flow table size (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Change vma from shared to private (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Take write semaphore when changing the vma struct (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Change vma from shared to private (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Take write semaphore when changing the vma struct (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Reduce SRIOV multicast cleanup warning message to debug level (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix ib device initialization error flow (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support RAW Ethernet when RoCE is disabled (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix sysfs registration error flow (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix kernel crash during fail to initialize device (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock between ipoib_stop and mcast join flow (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Cache dst in QP instead of getting it for each send (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Offload CRC calculation when possible (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Do not export module's private function (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Avoid accessing timers for non RC QPs (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add port protocol stats (Don Dutile) [1456664 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix error handling in mlx5_rdma_netdev_alloc() (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Coding style improvement (make sizeof use safer) (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove intermediate var in hfi1_user_sdma_alloc_queues() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use kcalloc() in hfi1_user_sdma_alloc_queues() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use kcalloc() in hfi1_user_exp_rcv_init() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: allocate enough data for ->arfs_fltr_bmap (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] cxgb3: Convert PDBG to pr_debug (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [net] locking/atomic, kref: Add kref_read() (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] cxgb3: Use more common logging style (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Support acceleration options callbacks (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use defined function for netdev_priv function (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Rename qpn to be dqpn in ipoib_send and post_send functions (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Separate control from HW operation on ipoib_open/stop ndo (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Separate control and data related initializations (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Introduce RDMA netdev interface and IPoIB structs (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: VNIC SDMA support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) HW support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: suppress 'may be used uninitialized' warning (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: OPA_VNIC RDMA netdev support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management Agent (VEMA) function (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management Agent (VEMA) interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC MAC table support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC statistics support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management (EM) structure definitions (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) netdev (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: RDMA NETDEV interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362]
- [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Initialize cq_context appropriately (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename uverbs event file structure (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Don't use is_async in event files to infer events size (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: A small refactor in destroy WQ handler (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Nullify ib_uobject during allocation (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Don't pass the lock state to _rdma_remove_commit_uobject (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Rename write flag to exclusive in rdma_core (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Add aRFS support (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: aRFS infrastructure support (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] hw/mlx5: Add New bit to check over QP creation (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: E-switch vport manager is valid for ethernet only (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RX handler (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: RX handlers per netdev profile (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Xmit flow (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Xmit flow break down (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Basic netdev ndos open/close (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, TX TIS creation (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RSS flow steering tables (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RX steering RSS RQTs and TIRs (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add netdevice profile skeleton (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: More generic netdev management API (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Enable flow-steering for IB link (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor create flow table method to accept underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add IPoIB enhanced offloads bits to mlx5_ifc (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362]
- [netdrv] cxgb3: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Add support for ingress headroom (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qede: Update receive statistic once per NAPI (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Set default RX moderation parameters on driver load (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Reuse alloc cq code for all CQs allocation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Show board id in ethtool driver information (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Change FW sub_minor display to 4 zeros padding (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Make mlx5e_modify_rqs_vsd a static function (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for RXFCS feature flag (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Update the list of the PCI supported devices (Don Dutile) [1481607 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Make OOO archipelagos into an array (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Provide iSCSI statistics to management (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Add missing stat for new isles (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Don't close the OUT_EN during init (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Configure cacheline size in HW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Don't use main-ptt in unrelated flows (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Warn PTT usage by wrong hw-function (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: trust shinfo->gso_segs (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: fix missing break in OOO_LB_TC case (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: fix build error without CONFIG_SYSFS (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Eliminate synchronize_rcu() in mr delete (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add transmit fault injection feature (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add receive fault injection feature (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [lib] fault-inject: add ratelimit option (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure VL index is within bounds (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Avoid reseting wqe send_flags in unreserve (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1: Fix timer migration regressions (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add a patch value to the firmware version string (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check for QSFP presence before attempting reads (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check device id early during init (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add swqe completion trace (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add tracing for cq entry and poll (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add additional fields to post send trace (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Make wc opcode translation driver dependent (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: NULL pointer dereference when freeing rhashtable (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cache registers during state change (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Race hazard avoidance in user SDMA driver (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Force logical link down (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: ibx: failed to create mcg debug file (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Change completion channel to use the reworked objects schema (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for fd objects (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add lock to multicast handlers (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Change idr objects to use the new schema (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add idr based standard types (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for idr types (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Refactor idr to be per uverbs_file (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Add a missing error code (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Manage with less memory regions for RoCE (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: RoCE doesn't need to use SRC (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct TM ILT lines in presence of VFs (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Fix TM block ILT allocation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Revise QM cofiguration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_ethtool.c: fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_main.c: fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [net] add explicit interrupt.h includes (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Use BDQ resource for storage protocols (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Utilize resource-lock based scheme (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Support management-based resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Send pf-flr as part of initialization (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Move to new load request scheme (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: hw_init() to receive parameter-struct (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct HW stop flow (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add offloading of E-Switch TC pedit (header re-write) actions (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce alloc/dealloc modify header context commands (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce modify header structures, commands and steering action definitions (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Reorder few command cases to reflect their natural order (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5: Add helper to initialize a flow steering actions struct instance (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly deal with resource cleanup when adding TC flow fails (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add intermediate struct for TC flow parsing attributes (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add NIC attributes for offloaded TC flows (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Add prefix for e-switch offloaded TC flow attributes (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe mtu and lro setting (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456659]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe tc setup (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456659]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe cqe compressing/moderation mode setting (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe ethtool settings (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce switch channels (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Minimize mlx5e_{open/close}_locked (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: CQ and RQ don't need priv pointer (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Isolate open_channels from priv->params (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Split open/close channels to stages (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor refresh TIRs (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Redirect RQT refactoring (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce mlx5e_channels (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Set netdev->rx_cpu_rmap on netdev creation (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Set SQ max rate on mlx5e_open_txqsq rather on open_channel (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Different SQ types (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Generalize SQ create/modify/destroy functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Proper names for SQ/RQ/CQ functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Generalize tx helper functions for different SQ types (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Move mlx5e_rq struct declaration (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: XDP TX forwarding support (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Single bfreg (UAR) for all mlx5e SQs and netdevs (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Xmit, no write combining (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: Use dma_rmb rather than rmb in CQE fetch routine (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Reserve VF feature before PF (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Don't waste SBs unused by RoCE (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Reduce verbosity of unimplemented MFW messages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct endian order of MAC passed to MFW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Pass src/dst sizes when interacting with MFW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Revise MFW command locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Always publish VF link from leading hwfn (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Raise verbosity of Malicious VF indications (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Make qed_iov_mark_vf_flr() return bool (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Deprecate VF multiple queue-stop (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Uniform IOV queue validation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Correct default VF coalescing configuration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Set HW-channel to ready before ACKing VF (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Clean VF malicious indication when disabling IOV (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [netdrv] qed: Increase verbosity of VF -> PF errors (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362]
- [infiniband] utilize the new cdev_set_parent function (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/ucm: utilize new cdev_device_add helper function (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [kernel] chardev: add helper function to register char devs with a struct device (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: remove duplicate code in mlx4_en_process_rx_cq() (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: make validate_loopback() more generic (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: factorize page_address() calls (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: do not access rx_desc from mlx4_en_process_rx_cq() (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: add rx_alloc_pages counter in ethtool -S (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: add page recycling in receive path (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: use order-0 pages for RX (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: removal of frag_sizes[] (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: reduce rx ring page_cache size (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: rx_headroom is a per port attribute (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: get rid of frag_prefix_size (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: remove order field from mlx4_en_frag_info (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: dma_dir is a mlx4_en_priv attribute (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4: xdp: Reserve headroom for receiving packet when XDP prog is active (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mellanox: use core min/max MTU checking (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [netdrv] mlx4_en: use napi_complete_done() return value (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: double free on error (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Suppress sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362]
- [infiniband] ib/bnxt_re: Fix frame stack compilation warning (Don Dutile) [1384857 1499362]
- [net] xprtrdma: fix double include of module.h (Don Dutile) [1499362]
- [infiniband] vmw_pvrdma: fix [un]register_netdevice_notifier (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362]
* Tue Nov 14 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-784.el7]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Turn off most RDT features on Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1486121]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Add command line options for resource director technology (Jiri Olsa) [1486121]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Move special case code for Haswell to a quirk function (Jiri Olsa) [1486121]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Remove redundant ternary operator on return (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Improve limbo list processing (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Fix MBM overflow handler during CPU hotplug (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Modify the intel_pqr_state for better performance (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Clear the default RMID during hotcpu (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Show bitmask of shareable resource with other executing units (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Documentation for resctrl based RDT Monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Fix a typo in Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] documentation, x86, resctrl: Recommend locking for resctrlfs (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Handle counter overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Add mbm counter initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Basic counting of MBM events (total and local) (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add CPU hotplug support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add sched_in support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Introduce rdt_enable_key for scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mount,umount support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add rmdir support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Separate the ctrl bits from rmdir (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mon_data (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare for RDT monitor data support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add cpus file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare to add RDT monitor cpus file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add tasks file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Change closid type from int to u32 (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mkdir support for RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare for RDT monitoring mkdir support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add info files for RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Simplify info and base file lists (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add RMID (Resource monitoring ID) management (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add RDT monitoring initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Make rdt_resources_all more readable (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup namespace to support RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Mark rdt_root and closid_alloc as static (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Change file names to accommodate RDT monitor code (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] maintainers: Add maintainer for Intel RDT resource allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Introduce a common compile option for RDT (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Select KERNFS when enabling INTEL_RDT_A (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] perf/cqm: Wipe out perf based cqm (Jiri Olsa) [1457533]
- [x86] documentation, x86: Intel Memory bandwidth allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Fix memory leak on mount failure (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Return error for incorrect resource names in schemata (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Trim whitespace while parsing schemata input (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Fix padding when resource is enabled via mount (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Get rid of anon union (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add schemata file support for MBA (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Make schemata file parsers resource specific (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add info directory files for Memory Bandwidth Allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Make information files resource specific (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add primary support for Memory Bandwidth Allocation (MBA) (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Memory bandwith allocation feature detect (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Add resource specific msr update function (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Move CBM specific data into a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup namespace to support multiple resource types (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Organize code properly (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Init padding only if a device exists (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Add cpus_list rdtgroup file (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup kernel-doc (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Update schemata read to show data in tabular format (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [x86] intel_rdt: Implement "update" mode when writing schemata file (Jiri Olsa) [1379551]
- [kernel] tracing/kprobes: Allow to create probe with a module name starting with a digit (Jiri Olsa) [1422117]
- [kernel] trace/kprobes: Allow return probes with offsets and absolute addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1422117]
* Tue Nov 14 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-783.el7]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix calculation of number of TX header descriptors (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: generalize napi_complete_done() (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: constify vio_device_id (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct 'unused variable' warning in build (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add netdev_dbg output for debugging (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean up resources on probe failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Report rx buffer return codes as netdev_dbg (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement .get_channels (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement .get_ringparam (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Convert vnic server reported statistics to cpu endian (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement per-queue statistics reporting (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Initialize SCRQ's during login renegotiation (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check for transport event on driver resume (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix assignment of RX/TX IRQ's (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct return code checking for ibmvnic_init during probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix error handling when registering long-term-mapped buffers (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix incorrectly defined ibmvnic_request_map_rsp structure (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Return from ibmvnic_resume if not in VNIC_OPEN state (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: driver initialization for kdump/kexec (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Exit polling routine correctly during adapter reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove VNIC_CLOSING check from pending_scrq (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Sanitize entire SCRQ buffer on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Ensure that TX queues are disabled in __ibmvnic_close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Activate disabled RX buffer pools on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove netdev notify for failover resets (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Client-initiated failover (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Return failure on attempted mtu change (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove module author mailing address (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset sub-crqs during driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset tx/rx pools on driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset the CRQ queue during driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check adapter state during ibmvnic_poll (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Deactivate RX pool buffer replenishment on H_CLOSED (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Halt TX and report carrier off on H_CLOSED return code (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Non-fatal error handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix cleanup of SKB's on driver close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Send gratuitous arp on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Handle failover after failed init crq (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Track state of adapter napis (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix missing unlock on error in __ibmvnic_reset() (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move queue restarting in ibmvnic_tx_complete (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Record SKB RX queue during poll (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Continue skb processing after skb completion error (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check for driver reset first in ibmvnic_xmit (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait for any pending scrqs entries at driver close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean up tx pools when closing (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Whitespace correction in release_rx_pools (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Delete napi's when releasing driver resources (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Updated reset handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Replace is_closed with state field (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move resource initialization to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move initialization of sub crqs to ibmvnic_init (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Split initialization of scrqs to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free skb's in cases of failure in transmit (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Validate napi exist before disabling them (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add set_link_state routine for setting adapter link state (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move initialization of the stats token to ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Only retrieve error info if present (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Insert header on VLAN tagged received frame (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Set real number of rx queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove unused bouce buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate zero-filled memory for sub crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Disable irq prior to close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct crq and resource releasing (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove inflight list (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Do not disable IRQ after scheduling tasklet (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fixup atomic API usage (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Unmap longer term buffer before free (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix ibmvnic_change_mac_addr struct format (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Report errors when failing to release sub-crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Cleanup failure path in ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init/release routines for stats token (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Merge the two release_sub_crq_queue routines (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the rx pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the tx pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the bounce buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Update main crq initialization and release (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove debugfs support (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove unused net_stats member from struct ibmvnic_adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct ibmvnic handling of device open/close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move ibmvnic adapter intialization to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move login to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move login and queue negotiation into ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free tx/rx scrq pointer array when releasing sub-crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate number of rx/tx buffers agreed on by firmware (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix overflowing firmware/hardware TX queue (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Make CRQ interrupt tasklet wait for all capabilities crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Use common counter for capabilities checks (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Handle processing of CRQ messages in a tasklet (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix endian errors in error reporting output (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix endian error when requesting device capabilities (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix initial MTU settings (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Call napi_disable instead of napi_enable in failure path (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Initialize completion variables before starting work (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: drop duplicate header seq_file.h (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix size of debugfs name buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
- [netdrv] ibmvnic: use net core MTU range checking (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]
* Mon Nov 13 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-782.el7]
- [fs] gfs2: Take inode off order_write list when setting jdata flag (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] gfs2: flush the log and all pages for jdata as we do for WB_SYNC_ALL (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] gfs2: Move log buffer accounting to transaction (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] gfs2: Move log buffer lists into transaction (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] gfs2: Fix use-after-free race when calling gfs2_remove_from_ail (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] gfs2: aggressively issue revokes in gfs2_log_flush (Robert S Peterson) [1492678]
- [fs] xfs: reinit btree pointer on attr tree inactivation walk (Carlos Maiolino) [1469296]
- [fs] xfs: toggle readonly state around xfs_log_mount_finish (Eric Sandeen) [1395978]
- [fs] xfs: write unmount record for ro mounts (Eric Sandeen) [1395978]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront: reset skb network header before checksum (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront: add support for IPv6 offloads (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront: use new skb_checksum_setup function (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [net] consolidate duplicate code is skb_checksum_setup() helpers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [net] add skb_checksum_setup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [xen] xen-netback: handle IPv6 TCP GSO packets from the guest (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854]
- [x86] x86/vmware: Skip timer_irq_works() check on VMware (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1507026 1507025]
- [x86] x86/vmware: Skip lapic calibration on VMware (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1507026 1507025]
- [scsi] ipr: Set no_report_opcodes for RAID arrays (Gustavo Duarte) [1456498]
- [scsi] ipr: Fix scsi-mq lockdep issue (Gustavo Duarte) [1456498]
- [s390] mm: fix write access check in gup_huge_pmd() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1506126]
- [s390] cpcmd, vmcp: avoid GFP_DMA allocations (Hendrik Brueckner) [1496111]
- [powerpc] hotplug-mem: Fix missing endian conversion of aa_index (Serhii Popovych) [1508331]
- [security] Introduce v3 namespaced file capabilities ("Eric W. Biederman") [1467386]
- [security] selinux: Perform both commoncap and selinux xattr checks ("Eric W. Biederman") [1467386]
* Fri Nov 10 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-781.el7]
- [mm] userfaultfd: provide pid in userfault msg - add feat union (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: provide pid in userfault msg (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: add feature to request for a signal delivery (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] fs/userfaultfd.c: drop dead code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: report UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE as available for shmem VMAs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: wire up shmem_mfill_zeropage_pte (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: mcopy_atomic: introduce mfill_atomic_pte helper (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: add shmem_mfill_zeropage_pte for userfaultfd support (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] shmem: introduce shmem_inode_acct_block (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: notify about unmap of destination during mremap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: closing the uffd without triggering SIGBUS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: flush event_wqh at release time (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: replace ENOSPC with ESRCH in case mm has gone during copy/zeropage (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd_zeropage: return -ENOSPC in case mm has gone (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: prevent UFFDIO_COPY to fill beyond the end of i_size (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: fix fork use after free (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: remove superfluous page unlock in VM_SHARED case (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833]
- [mm] zram, ppc64: enable zram on ppc64 (Jerome Marchand) [1441166]
- [mm] mm/zsmalloc: simplify zs_max_alloc_size handling (Jerome Marchand) [1441166]
- [kernel] cpuset: Allow v2 behavior in v1 cgroup (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cgroup: Add mount flag to enable cpuset to use v2 behavior in v1 cgroup (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: fix the WARN_ON() in update_nodemasks_hier() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: export effective masks to userspace (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: allow writing offlined masks to cpuset.cpus/mems (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: enable onlined cpu/node in effective masks (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: refactor cpuset_hotplug_update_tasks() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: make cs->{cpus, mems}_allowed as user-configured masks (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: apply cs->effective_{cpus,mems} (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: initialize top_cpuset's configured masks at mount (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: use effective cpumask to build sched domains (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: inherit ancestor's masks if effective_{cpus, mems} becomes empty (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: update cs->effective_{cpus, mems} when config changes (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: update cpuset->effective_{cpus, mems} at hotplug (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: add cs->effective_cpus and cs->effective_mems (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: Add a dummy cgroup_on_dfl() function (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: fix a regression in validating config change (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: rename @cont to @cgrp (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: fix to migrate mm correctly in a corner case (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: allow to move tasks to empty cpusets (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: allow to keep tasks in empty cpusets (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: introduce effective_{cpumask|nodemask}_cpuset() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: record old_mems_allowed in struct cpuset (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: remove async hotplug propagation work (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: let hotplug propagation work wait for task attaching (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: re-structure update_cpumask() a bit (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: remove cpuset_test_cpumask() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: remove unnecessary variable in cpuset_attach() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: cleanup guarantee_online_{cpus|mems}() (Waiman Long) [947004]
- [kernel] cpuset: remove redundant check in cpuset_cpus_allowed_fallback() (Waiman Long) [947004]
* Fri Nov 10 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-780.el7]
- [fs] xfs: add support for superblock writeback list (Brian Foster) [1497235]
- [fs] fs/fs-writeback.c: add a new writeback list for sync (Brian Foster) [1497235]
- [fs] inode: rename i_wb_list to i_io_list (Brian Foster) [1497235]
- [fs] sync: serialise per-superblock sync operations (Brian Foster) [1497235]
- [fs] inode: convert inode_sb_list_lock to per-sb (Brian Foster) [1497235]
- [fs] xfs: use iomap new flag for newly allocated delalloc blocks (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: Honor FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE when punching ends of files (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: resurrect debug mode drop buffered writes mechanism (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: clear delalloc and cache on buffered write failure (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: defer should abort intent items if the trans roll fails (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: add xfs_trim_extent (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] libxfs: v3 inodes are only valid on crc-enabled filesystems (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: unset MS_ACTIVE if mount fails (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: don't take the IOLOCK exclusive for direct I/O page invalidation (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: add some 'static' annotations (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: refactor swapext code (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: various swapext cleanups (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: return work remaining at the end of a bunmapi operation (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: update atime before I/O in xfs_file_dio_aio_read (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remote attribute blocks aren't really userdata (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: Propagate dentry down to inode_change_ok() (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: defer should allow ->finish_item to request a new transaction (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: count the blocks in a btree (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: create a standard btree size calculator code (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: track log done items directly in the deferred pending work item (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: don't log the entire end of the AGF (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: don't perform lookups on zero-height btrees (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: fix bogus space reservation in xfs_iomap_write_allocate (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: move (and rename) the deferred bmap-free tracepoints (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: collapse single use static functions (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove unnecessary parentheses from log redo item recovery functions (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove unnecesary lshift/rshift key initialization (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: add tracepoints and error injection for deferred extent freeing (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: refactor redo intent item processing (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: rename flist/free_list to dfops (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: change xfs_bmap_{finish, cancel, init, free} -> xfs_defer_* (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: rework xfs_bmap_free callers to use xfs_defer_ops (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: enable the xfs_defer mechanism to process extents to free (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: clean up typedef usage in the EFI/EFD handling code (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: add tracepoints for the deferred ops mechanism (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: move deferred operations into a separate file (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: refactor btree owner change into a separate visit-blocks function (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: add function pointers for get/update keys to the btree (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: during btree split, save new block key & ptr for future insertion (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: set *stat=1 after iroot realloc (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: fix locking of the rt bitmap/summary inodes (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: fix attr shortform structure alignment on cris (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove EXPERIMENTAL tag from sparse inode feature (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] libxfs: directory node splitting does not have an extra block (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove dax code from object file when disabled (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove __arch_pack (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: kill xfs_dir2_inou_t (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: kill xfs_dir2_sf_off_t (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove the magic numbers in xfs_btree_block-related len macros (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: indentation fix in xfs_btree_get_iroot() (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: don't allow negative error tags (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: refactor btree maxlevels computation (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: convert list of extents to free into a regular list (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: separate freelist fixing into a separate helper (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: rearrange xfs_bmap_add_free parameters (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: check for a valid error_tag in errortag_add (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: enable buffer deadlock postmortem diagnosis via ftrace (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: check offsets of variable length structures (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_reserve_blocks() to handle ENOSPC correctly (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: reduce lock hold times in buffer writeback (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: define XFS_IOC_FREEZE even if FIFREEZE is defined (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: make several functions static (Brian Foster) [1479473]
- [fs] xfs: remove spurious shutdown type check from xfs_bmap_finish() (Brian Foster) [1479473]
* Fri Nov 10 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-779.el7]
- [fs] xfs: report zeroed or not correctly in xfs_zero_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: fix integer truncation issues in the zeroing and dirtying helpers (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: disable per-inode DAX flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: actually report xattr extents via iomap (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] mm, fs: check for fatal signals in do_generic_file_read() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: break out of iomap_file_buffered_write on fatal signals (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: Fix sleep in atomic contex in grab_mapping_entry() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: rip out get_block based IO support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: rip out DAX handling from direct IO path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: convert DAX faults to iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: avoid split extents for DAX writes (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: DAX iomap write support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: use iomap for zeroing blocks in DAX mode (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: factor out checks from ext4_file_write_iter() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] ext4: convert DAX reads to iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: Introduce IOMAP_FAULT flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: use struct iomap based DAX PMD fault path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: add struct iomap based DAX PMD support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: dax_iomap_fault() needs to call iomap_end() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: add dax_iomap_sector() helper function (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: correct dax iomap code namespace (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: use iomap to implement DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_setfilesize (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: take the ilock shared if possible in xfs_file_iomap_begin (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: provide an iomap based fault handler (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] dax: provide an iomap based dax read/write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: Do to trim high file position bits in iomap_page_mkwrite_actor (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: add IOMAP_REPORT (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: expose iomap_apply outside iomap.c (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: add IOMAP_F_NEW flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: Add buffered IO support back to get_block for splice (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: rewrite and optimize the delalloc write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: make xfs_inode_set_eofblocks_tag cheaper for the common case (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: factor our a helper to calculate the EOF alignment (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: move xfs_bmbt_to_iomap up (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: add a flag to report shared extents (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: add iomap_file_dirty (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: don't set FIEMAP_EXTENT_MERGED for extent based filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: (re-)implement FIEMAP_FLAG_XATTR (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_file_iomap_begin (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: mark ->iomap_end as optional (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: prepare iomap_fiemap for attribute mappings (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] iomap: fiemap should honor the FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: kill xfs_zero_remaining_bytes (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: split xfs_free_file_space in manageable pieces (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: use xfs_zero_range in xfs_zero_eof (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: handle 64-bit length in xfs_iozero (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: use iomap infrastructure for DAX zeroing (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: use iomap fiemap implementation (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: implement iomap based buffered write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: reorder zeroing and flushing sequence in truncate (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] xfs: make xfs_bmbt_to_iomap available outside of xfs_pnfs.c (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: iomap based fiemap implementation (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: support DAX based iomap zeroing (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: introduce iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] fs: move struct iomap from exportfs.h to a separate header (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] block_dev: remove DAX leftovers (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
- [fs] block: remove BLK_DEV_DAX config option (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]
* Thu Nov 09 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-778.el7]
- [kernel] livepatch: __klp_disable_patch() should never be called for disabled patches (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Correctly call klp_post_unpatch_callback() in error paths (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add transition notices (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: move transition "complete" notice into klp_complete_transition() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add (un)patch callbacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add more checks for FTRACE_FL_DISABLED in processing ip records (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] stacktrace: Avoid recording save_stack_trace() wrappers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] unwind: Fix oprofile module link error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Fix show_stack() task pointer regression (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Remove dump_trace() and related callbacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Convert show_trace_log_lvl() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] oprofile/x86: Convert x86_backtrace() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] stacktrace: Convert save_stack_trace_*() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] perf/x86: Convert perf_callchain_kernel() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Remove NULL task pointer convention (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Remove unnecessary stack pointer arguments (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] oprofile/x86: Add regs->ip to oprofile trace (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] perf/x86: Check perf_callchain_store() error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: unpatch all klp_objects if klp_module_coming fails (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Small shadow variable documentation fixes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: __klp_shadow_get_or_alloc() is local to shadow.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: introduce shadow variable API (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Fix interrupt and exception stack boundary checks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Fix stacking of patches with respect to RCU (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Make livepatch dependent on !TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Reduce the time of finding module symbols (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add missing printk newlines (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Cancel transition a safe way for immediate patches (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: make klp_mutex proper part of API (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: allow removal of a disabled patch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add /proc/<pid>/patch_state (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: change to a per-task consistency model (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: store function sizes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: use kstrtobool() in enabled_store() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: move patching functions into patch.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: remove unnecessary object loaded check (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: separate enabled and patched states (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch/x86: add TIF_PATCH_PENDING thread flag (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: create temporary klp_update_patch_state() stub (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/entry: define _TIF_ALLWORK_MASK flags explicitly (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] stacktrace/x86: add function for detecting reliable stack traces (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/unwind: update unwinder for livepatch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/entry: annotate entry code call locations for livepatch unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: doc: remove the limitation for schedule() patching (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] documentation/livepatch: Fix stale link to gmame (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/boot: Move the _stext marker to before the boot code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/boot/64: Put a real return address on the idle task stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/boot/64: Use a common function for starting CPUs (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/unwind: Add new unwind interface and implementations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Add recursion checking for all stacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Add support for unwinding empty IRQ stacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Add get_stack_info() interface (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Simplify in_exception_stack() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Allow preemption in show_stack_log_lvl() and dump_trace() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Add get_stack_pointer() and get_frame_pointer() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Make printk_stack_address() more generally useful (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Don't print unreliable addresses in print_context_stack_bp() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Mark function graph handler function as unreliable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] ftrace/x86: Implement HAVE_FUNCTION_GRAPH_RET_ADDR_PTR (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Convert dump_trace() callbacks to use ftrace_graph_ret_addr() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add ftrace_graph_ret_addr() stack unwinding helpers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add return address pointer to ftrace_ret_stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Remove CONFIG_HAVE_FUNCTION_GRAPH_FP_TEST from config (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Only allocate the ret_stack 'fp' field when needed (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Remove 64-byte gap at end of irq stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Remove extra brackets around "<EOE>" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/asm/head: Rename 'stack_start' -> 'initial_stack' (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Remove show_trace() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: use arch_klp_init_object_loaded() to finish arch-specific tasks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Try harder to get a call trace on stack overflow (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Honor supplied @regs arg (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86: avoid avoid passing around 'thread_info' in stack dumping code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: make object/func-walking helpers more robust (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Add some basic livepatch documentation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: robustify klp_register_patch() API error checking (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Allow architectures to specify an alternate ftrace location (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: reuse module loader code to write relocations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] module: preserve Elf information for livepatch modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] elf: add livepatch-specific Elf constants (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] sscanf: implement basic character sets (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch/module: remove livepatch module notifier (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] modules: split part of complete_formation() into prepare_coming_module() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Fix the error message about unresolvable ambiguity (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] klp: remove CONFIG_LIVEPATCH dependency from klp headers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] klp: remove superfluous errors in asm/livepatch.h (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] perf: generalize perf_callchain (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace/module: remove ftrace module notifier (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace/module: Call clean up function when module init fails early (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: change the error message in asm/livepatch.h header files (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Fix the race between ftrace and insmod (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Add infrastructure for delayed enabling of module functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Cleanup of global variables ftrace_new_pgs and ftrace_update_cnt (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Cleanup module page permission changes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: function, sympos scheme in livepatch sysfs directory (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add sympos as disambiguator field to klp_reloc (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add old_sympos as disambiguator field to klp_func (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] module: Add module_{enable,disable}_ro() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] module: Use the same logic for setting and unsetting RO/NX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: x86: fix relocation computation with kASLR (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Fix crash with !CONFIG_DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Improve error handling in klp_disable_func() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] ftrace: Format MCOUNT_ADDR address as type unsigned long (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add module locking around kallsyms calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: annotate klp_init() with __init (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: introduce patch/func-walking helpers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: make kobject in klp_object statically allocated (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Prevent patch inconsistencies if the coming module notifier fails (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: match return value to function signature (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: x86: make kASLR logic more accurate (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add support on s390 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: Fix subtle race with coming and going modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: remove unnecessary call to klp_find_object_module() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: fix RCU usage in klp_find_external_symbol() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86/kernel: Fix output of show_stack_log_lvl() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: RCU protect struct klp_func all the time when used in klp_ftrace_handler() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: remove extern specifier from header files (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: fix format string in kobject_init_and_add() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: simplify disable error path (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: add missing newline to error message (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: rename config to CONFIG_LIVEPATCH (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: fix uninitialized return value (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: change ARCH_HAVE_LIVE_PATCHING to HAVE_LIVE_PATCHING (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: support for repatching a function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: enforce patch stacking semantics (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: fix deferred module patching order (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: handle ancient compilers with more grace (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: kconfig: use bool instead of boolean (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: samples: fix usage example comments (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: use FTRACE_OPS_FL_IPMODIFY (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: move x86 specific ftrace handler code to arch/x86 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: samples: add sample live patching module (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] livepatch: kernel: add support for live patching (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] powerpc/ftrace: simplify prepare_ftrace_return (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86: Fix dumpstack_64 irq stack handling (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86: Fix dumpstack_64 to keep state of "used" variable in loop (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] x86: Clean up dumpstack_64.c code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] dumpstack: Fix printk_address for direct addresses (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [kernel] s390/ftrace: prepare_ftrace_return() function call order (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
- [x86] revert "dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]
* Thu Nov 09 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-777.el7]
- [usb] xhci: Bad Ethernet performance plugged in ASM1042A host (Torez Smith) [1459020]
- [usb] lib/string: add sysfs_match_string helper (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: include linux/device.h in ucsi.h (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: ucsi: Add ACPI driver (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: Add support for UCSI interface (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: Add a sysfs node to manage port type (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: update partner power delivery support with opmode (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: Don't prevent using constant typec_mode_desc initializers (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] typec: add driver for Intel Whiskey Cove PMIC USB Type-C PHY (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] USB Type-C connector class (Torez Smith) [1456565]
- [usb] usb-storage: enable use of host wide tags for UAS driver (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] hso: register netdev later to avoid a race condition (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] hso: fix module unloading (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] plusb: Add support for PL-27A1 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] kaweth: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] ch9200: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] lan78xx: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] sr9700: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] cx82310_eth: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] smsc75xx: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] smsc95xx: Use skb_cow_head to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] qmi_wwan: add QMI_QUIRK_SET_DTR for Telit PID 0x1201 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usbnet: make sure no NULL pointer is passed through (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: The Microsoft Surface docks also use R8152 v2 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Manually give back cancelled URB if we can't queue it for cancel (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Set URB actual length for stopped control transfers (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] fix linked-list corruption in rh_call_control() (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: prevent the driver from transmitting packets with carrier off (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: fix the rx early size of RTL8153 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: set the RMS of RTL8153 according to the mtu (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] qmi_wwan: Add USB IDs for MDM6600 modem on Motorola Droid 4 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] qmi_wwan: add Dell DW5811e (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: fix the list rx_done may be used without initialization (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: qcserial: add Dell DW5811e (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] hub: Fix crash after failure to read BOS descriptor (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usbtmc: fix probe error path (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usbtmc: add missing endpoint sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: option: add Quectel UC15, UC20, EC21, and EC25 modems (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usb-core: Add LINEAR_FRAME_INTR_BINTERVAL USB quirk (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] wusbcore: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] uss720: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] lvtest: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] idmouse: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] scripts/spelling.txt: add "disble(d)" pattern and fix typo instances (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci-dbg: HCIVERSION should be a binary number (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: remove dummy extra_priv_size for size of xhci_hcd struct (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci-mtk: check hcc_params after adding primary hcd (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usb-storage: Add ignore-residue quirk for Initio INIC-3619 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] iowarrior: fix NULL-deref in write (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] iowarrior: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: safe_serial: fix information leak in completion handler (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: io_ti: fix information leak in completion handler (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: omninet: drop open callback (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: omninet: fix reference leaks at open (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: io_ti: fix NULL-deref in interrupt callback (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB-event processing (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] asix_devices: fix missing return code check on call to asix_write_medium_mode (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] cdc-wdm: remove logically dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: keyspan: drop header file (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: io_edgeport: drop io-tables header file (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] misc: usbtest: remove redundant check on retval < 0 (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: upd78f0730: sort device ids (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: upd78f0730: add ID for EVAL-ADXL362Z (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] lan78xx: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from dsa.h (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] ohci-hub: fix typo in dbg_port macro (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: mos7840: fix another NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: console: clean up sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop redundant URB reinitialisation (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop function-tracing debugging (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop redundant URB unlink (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop unused interrupt-out callback (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci-mtk: make the reference clock optional (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: remove dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: sierra: fix bogus alternate-setting assumption (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix line-status over-reporting (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: cp210x: add new IDs for GE Bx50v3 boards (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] misc: adutux: remove redundant error check on copy_to_user return code (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: keyspan_pda: fix receive sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix incomplete rx sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB data sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ark3116: use port device for info and error messages (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ark3116: remove redundant interrupt-urb check (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ark3116: fix endpoint-check return value (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] uvcvideo: (cosmetic) Remove a superfluous assignment (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] cdc-acm: fix TIOCGSERIAL flags (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: add uPD78F0730 USB to Serial Adaptor Driver (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: drop unused ASYNC flags (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: clean up ioctl handler (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: fix the wrong spelling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix extreme low-latency setting (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: refactor xhci_urb_enqueue (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: simplify how we store TDs in urb private data (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Rename variables related to transfer descritpors (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: rename size variable to num_tds (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: add xhci_virt_device tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: remove newline from tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: convert several if() to a single switch statement (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: add urb_enqueue/dequeue/giveback tracers (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: make a generic TRB tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: combine event TRB completion debugging messages (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: convert to list_for_each_entry_safe() (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: use the trb_to_noop() helper for command trbs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Introduce helper to turn one TRB into a no-op (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: unconditionally call xhci_unmap_td_bounce_buffer() (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: check for a valid ring when unmapping bounce buffer (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: remove bogus __releases()/__acquires() annotation (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: introduce xhci_td_cleanup() (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: reorder variable definitions (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: use slightly better list helpers (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: remove unneded semicolon (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: simplify irq handler return (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: rename completion codes to match spec (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: print HCIVERSION on debug (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: change pre-increments to post-increments (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary return in xhci_pci_setup() (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: use list_is_singular for cmd_list (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: avoid unnecessary calculation (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary assignment (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: add quirk flag for broken PED bits (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Put warning message on a single line (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] host: xhci: Remove unused 'addr_64' variable in xhci_hcd structure (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary second abort try (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary check for pending timer (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: detect stop endpoint race using pending timer instead of counter (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: rename EP_HALT_PENDING to EP_STOP_CMD_PENDING (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: simplify if statement to make it more readable (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] storage: sddr09: Remove a set-but-not-used variable (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] ulpi: Support device discovery via DT (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci-mtk: add reference clock (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] hcd: initialize hcd->flags to 0 when rm hcd (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] storage: ene_ub6250: remove unused variable (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] core: update comments for send message functions (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: opticon: fix CTS retrieval at open (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ssu100: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: spcp8x5: fix modem-status handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: quatech2: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: pl2303: fix line-setting error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: mos7840: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: mos7720: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: mct_u232: fix modem-status error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: iuu_phoenix: remove unused buffer from open (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix descriptor error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix epic-descriptor handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix latency-timer error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix modem-status error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ark3116: fix open error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ark3116: fix register-accessor error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: remove unused termios structure (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: clean up struct definition (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: remove dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: make logging less verbose (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: change initial line-control settings (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: rename LCR variable in set_termios (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: rename modem-status register (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: rename shadow modem-control register (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: clean up control debug messages (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: ch341: fix modem-status handling (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] serial: cypress_m8: remove unused variable (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] locking/atomic, kref: Avoid more abuse (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] cdc-ether: usbnet_cdc_zte_status() can be static (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] Increase usbfs transfer limit (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] make the MTK XHCI driver compile for older MIPS SoCs (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] Replace <asm/uaccess.h> with <linux/uaccess.h> globally (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] treewide: remove redundant #include <linux/kconfig.h> (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] Skip auto handoff for TI and RENESAS usb controllers (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Fix race related to abort operation (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] xhci: Use delayed_work instead of timer for command timeout (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] tty: vt, cleanup and document con_scroll (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] r8152: reset the bmu (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] uas: remove can_queue set in host template (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] scsi: rename SCSI_MAX_{SG, SG_CHAIN}_SEGMENTS (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] uas: Limit qdepth at the scsi-host level (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] uas: Fix slave queue_depth not being set (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] usb-storage: Fix scsi-sd failure "Invalid field in cdb" for USB adapter JMicron (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] scsi: use host wide tags by default (Torez Smith) [1435752]
- [usb] scsi: always assign block layer tags if enabled (Torez Smith) [1435752]
* Wed Nov 08 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-776.el7]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't trust VF to reset itself (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Retry AQC GetPhyAbilities to overcome I2CRead hangs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bundle more descriptors when allocating buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: always set the CLEARPBA flag when re-enabling interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix incorrect default ITR values on driver load (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix mac filter removal timing issue (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: organize and re-number feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: enable support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Display error message if module does not meet thermal requirements (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: redfine I40E_PHY_TYPE_MAX (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: spread CPU affinity hints across online CPUs only (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Stop dropping 802.1ad tags - eth proto 0x88a8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: make i40evf_map_rings_to_vectors void (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: Enable VF to request an alternate queue allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: use admin queue for setting LEDs behavior (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 'ethtool -m' (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix reporting of supported link modes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: refactor FW version checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix ring to vector mapping (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: shutdown all IRQs and disable MSI-X when suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: lower message level (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename bytes_per_int to bytes_per_usec (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid dynamic ITR updates when polling or low packet rate (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove ULTRA latency mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: invert logic for checking incorrect cpu vs irq affinity (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: initialize our affinity_mask based on cpu_possible_mask (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix possible snprintf truncation of q_vector->name (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: prevent snprintf format specifier truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Store the requested FEC information (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: use netdev variable in reset task (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use cmpxchg64 when updating private flags in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: separate hw_features from runtime changing flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: prevent VF close returning before state transitions to DOWN (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust packet size to account for double VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: remove unnecessary __packed (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: Use le32_to_cpu before evaluating HW desc fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: add some missing includes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove mismatched type warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: update WOL and I40E_AQC_ADDR_VALID_MASK flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: assign num_active_queues inside i40evf_alloc_queues (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: proper update of the page_offset field (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: Add support for Adaptive Virtual Function (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: finish conversion to virtchnl interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf/virtchnl: whitespace cleanups (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: rename i40e to generic virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: create and use new unified header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: drop i40e_type.h include (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: disable unused flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix merge error in older patch (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: fix duplicate lines (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: hide unused variable (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: allocate queues before we setup the interrupts and q_vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: remove I40E_FLAG_FDIR_ATR_ENABLED (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: remove needless min_t() on num_online_cpus()*2 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: separate PF and VSI state flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary msleep() delay in i40e_free_vfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL entirely (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: new AQ commands (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add tracepoints (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix support for flow director programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove VF Rx csum offload for tunneled packets (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use build_skb to build frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for padding start of frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for using order 1 pages with a 3K buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability exchange for outer checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change the way we limit the maximum frame size for Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add legacy-rx private flag to allow fallback to old Rx flow (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break i40e_fetch_rx_buffer up to allow for reuse of frag code (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull out code for cleaning up Rx buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull code for grabbing and syncing rx_buffer from fetch_buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: use register for XL722 control register read/write (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: enforce descriptor write-back mechanism for VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: dereference VSI after VSI has been null checked (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code from core driver files (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up process_skb_fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix use after free in Rx cleanup path (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change version from 1.6.27 to 2.1.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for mapping pages with DMA attributes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] i40evf: add client interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]
* Wed Nov 08 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-775.el7]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't trust VF to reset itself (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix link reporting (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix memory leak related filter programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix comment about locking for __i40e_read_nvm_word() (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Avoid some useless variables and initializers in NVM functions (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix a typo (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use a local variable instead of calculating multiple times (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Retry AQC GetPhyAbilities to overcome I2CRead hangs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add check for return from find_first_bit call (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: allow XPS with QoS enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bundle more descriptors when allocating buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: reduce lrxqthresh from 2 to 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: always set the CLEARPBA flag when re-enabling interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix incorrect default ITR values on driver load (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use the safe hash table iterator when deleting mac filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix flags declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: organize and re-number feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: ignore skb->xmit_more when deciding to set RS bit (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: do not enter PHY debug mode while setting LEDs behaviour (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: implement split PCI error reset handler (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Properly maintain flow director filters list (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Display error message if module does not meet thermal requirements (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix merge error (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix incorrect register definition (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: redfine I40E_PHY_TYPE_MAX (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: re-enable PTP L4 capabilities for XL710 if FW >6.0 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: spread CPU affinity hints across online CPUs only (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add private flag to control source pruning (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix a typo in i40e_pf documentation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Stop dropping 802.1ad tags - eth proto 0x88a8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix client notify of VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix handling of vf_states variable (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: ensure reset occurs when disabling VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: make use of i40e_vc_disable_vf (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: drop i40e_pf *pf from i40e_vc_disable_vf() (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't hold spinlock while resetting VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use admin queue for setting LEDs behavior (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 'ethtool -m' (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix reporting of supported link modes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix a potential NULL pointer dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove logically dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: limit lan queue count in large CPU count machine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: refactor FW version checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Enable VF to negotiate number of allocated queues (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: Add compile time static asserts to validate structure sizes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: shutdown all IRQs and disable MSI-X when suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: prevent service task from running while we're suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't clear suspended state until we finish resuming (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use newer generic PM support instead of legacy PM callbacks (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use separate state bit for miscellaneous IRQ setup (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix for flow director counters not wrapping as expected (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: relax warning message in case of version mismatch (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: simplify member variable accesses (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix link down message when interface is brought up (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix unqualified module message while bringing link up (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename bytes_per_int to bytes_per_usec (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid dynamic ITR updates when polling or low packet rate (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove ULTRA latency mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: invert logic for checking incorrect cpu vs irq affinity (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: initialize our affinity_mask based on cpu_possible_mask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: move enabling icr0 into i40e_update_enable_itr (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove workaround for resetting XPS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix for unused value issue found by static analysis (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: 25G FEC status improvements (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: force VMDQ device name truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Use correct flag to enable egress traffic for unicast promisc (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: prevent snprintf format specifier truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Store the requested FEC information (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Update state variable for adminq subtask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: synchronize nvmupdate command and adminq subtask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: prevent changing ITR if adaptive-rx/tx enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: move check for avoiding VID=0 filters into i40e_vsi_add_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use cmpxchg64 when updating private flags in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Detect ATR HW Evict NVM issue and disable the feature (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove workaround for Open Firmware MAC address (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: separate hw_features from runtime changing flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix a bug with VMDq RSS queue allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust packet size to account for double VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Initialize 64-bit statistics TX ring seqcount (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: handle setting administratively set MAC address back to zero (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: display correct UDP tunnel type name (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove mismatched type warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: make IPv6 ATR code clearer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix odd formatting and indent (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix up 32 bit timespec references (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Handle admin Q timeout when releasing NVM (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove WQ_UNBOUND and the task limit of our workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix for trace found with S4 state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix incorrect variable assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't hold RTNL lock for the entire reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Handle PE_CRITERR properly with IWARP enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: clear only cause_ena bit (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix disabling overflow promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Add support for OEM firmware version (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: genericize the partition bandwidth control (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Add message for unsupported MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Support firmware CEE DCB UP to TC map re-definition (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix potential out of bound array access (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: comment that udp_port must be in host byte order (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use dev_dbg instead of dev_info when warning about missing routine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: update WOL and I40E_AQC_ADDR_VALID_MASK flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] networking: make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix handling of HW ATR eviction (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: proper update of the page_offset field (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix state flags for bit set and clean operations of PF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/virtchnl: move function to virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: finish conversion to virtchnl interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40evf/virtchnl: whitespace cleanups (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/virtchnl: refactor code for validate checks (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: convert to new macros (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: move some code to core driver (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] virtchnl: rename i40e to generic virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use new unified virtchnl header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: create and use new unified header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Check for memory allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use pf data structure directly in i40e_ptp_rx_hang (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove hw_disabled_flags in favor of using separate flag bits (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: separate PF and VSI state flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary msleep() delay in i40e_free_vfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: amortize wait time when disabling lots of VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Reprogram port offloads after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: rename index to port to avoid confusion (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: make use of i40e_reset_all_vfs when initializing new VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: properly spell I40E_VF_STATE_* flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use i40e_stop_rings_no_wait to implement PORT_SUSPENDED state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: reset all VFs in parallel when rebuilding PF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: split some code in i40e_reset_vf into helpers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix CONFIG_BUSY checks in i40e_set_settings function (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: factor out queue control from i40e_vsi_control_(tx|rx) (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't hold RTNL lock while waiting for VF reset to finish (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: new AQ commands (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add tracepoints (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: dump VF information in debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fix support for flow director programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use build_skb to build frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for padding start of frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for using order 1 pages with a 3K buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: clean up historic deprecated flag definitions (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove extraneous loop in i40e_vsi_wait_queues_disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: allow look-up of MAC address from Open Firmware or IDPROM (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Simplify i40e_detect_recover_hung_queue logic (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Decrease the scope of rtnl lock (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Swap use of pf->flags and pf->hw_disabled_flags for ATR Eviction (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: update error message when trying to add invalid filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability exchange for outer checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix for queue timing delays (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change the way we limit the maximum frame size for Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add legacy-rx private flag to allow fallback to old Rx flow (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break i40e_fetch_rx_buffer up to allow for reuse of frag code (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull out code for cleaning up Rx buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull code for grabbing and syncing rx_buffer from fetch_buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove FDIR_REQUIRES_REINIT driver flag (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove a useless goto statement (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Check for new arq elements before leaving the adminq subtask loop (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use register for XL722 control register read/write (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Clean up handling of private flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code that always evaluates to false or 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code from core driver files (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up process_skb_fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: removed no longer needed delays (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Fixed race conditions in VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix use after free in Rx cleanup path (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix configuration of RSS table with DCB (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: make use of hlist_for_each_entry_continue (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add support for SCTPv4 FDir filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: implement support for flexible word payload (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add parsing of flexible filter fields from userdef (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: partition the ring_cookie to get VF index (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: allow changing input set for ntuple filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: restore default input set for each flow type (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: check current configured input set when adding ntuple filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: correctly honor the mask fields for ETHTOOL_SRXCLSRLINS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: always remove old filter when adding new FDir filter (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: explicitly fail on extended MAC field for ethtool_rx_flow_spec (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: add counters for UDP/IPv4 and IPv4 filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't re-enable ATR when flushing filters if SB has TCP4/IPv4 rules (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: reset fd_tcp_rule count when restoring filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: remove redundant check for fd_tcp_rule when restoring filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: exit ATR mode only when adding TCP/IPv4 filter succeeds (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: return immediately when failing to add fdir filter (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: rework exit flow of i40e_add_fdir_ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: don't use arrays for (src|dst)_ip (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: send correct port number to AdminQ when enabling UDP tunnels (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: rename auto_disable_flags to hw_disabled_flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change version from 1.6.27 to 2.1.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Allow untrusted VFs to have more filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for mapping pages with DMA attributes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: Clarify steps in MAC/VLAN filters initialization routine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] i40e: fix ethtool to get EEPROM data from X722 interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]
* Tue Nov 07 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-774.el7]
- [net] rename ndo_setup_tc callback and remove it from kABI (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: avoid matching qdisc with zero handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_flower: Set egress_dev mark when calling into the HW driver (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove cls_flower idr on failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: don't use GFP_KERNEL under spin lock (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix use-after-free in tcf_action_destroy and tcf_del_walker (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Change act_api and act_xxx modules to use IDR (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Change cls_flower to use IDR (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [lib] idr: implement extended variant of idr (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [lib] idr: fix NULL pointer dereference when ida_remove(unallocated_id) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [lib] idr: fix unexpected ID-removal when idr_remove(unallocated_id) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [lib] idr: fix overflow bug during maximum ID calculation at maximum height (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix order of queue length updates in qdisc_replace() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: hfsc: fix curve activation in hfsc_change_class() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: always reset qdisc backlog in qdisc_reset() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: fix scaling error in bytes/packets samples (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: carefully handle tcf_block_put() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix reference counting of tc filter chain (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: get rid of tcfa_rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix pointer check in gen_handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix memleak for chain zero (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Use __qdisc_drop instead of kfree_skb in sch_prio and sch_qfq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: add reverse binding for tc class (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_tbf: fix two null pointer dereferences on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_sfq: fix null pointer dereference on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: avoid null pointer deref on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_fq_codel: avoid double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_cbq: fix null pointer dereferences on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_hfsc: fix null pointer deref and double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_hhf: fix null pointer dereference on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_multiq: fix double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_htb: fix crash on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: use registered ife_type as fallback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] if_ether: add forces ife lfb type (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sfq: drop packets after root qdisc lock is released (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix a refcount_t issue with noop_qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: kill u32_node pointer in Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove tc class reference counting (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: introduce tclass_del_notify() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: get rid of more forward declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add couple of goto_chain helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: don't do tcf_chain_flush from tcf_chain_destroy (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix use after free when tcf_chain_destroy is called multiple times (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Fix the logic error to decide the ingress qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix p_filter_chain check in tcf_chain_flush (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Add the invalid handle check in qdisc_class_find (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix NULL pointer dereference when action calls some targets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_flower: fix ndo_setup_tc type for stats call (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: add tracepoint qdisc:qdisc_dequeue for dequeued SKBs (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: hfsc: opencode trivial set_active() and set_passive() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: call qlen_notify only if child qdisc is empty (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove warning from qdisc_hash_add (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sfq: update hierarchical backlog when drop packet (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: reset pointers to tcf blocks in classful qdiscs' destructors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: hfsc: allocate tcf block for hfsc root class (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove cops->tcf_cl_offload (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use newly added classid identity helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: propagate classid down to offload drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Add helpers to identify classids (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: set xt_tgchk_param par.nft_compat as 0 in ipt_init_target (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: set xt_tgchk_param par.net properly in ipt_init_target (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: get rid of some forward declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: get rid of struct tc_to_netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: change return value of ndo_setup_tc for driver supporting mqprio only (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: move prio into cls_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: push cls related args into cls_common structure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: rename cls arg in matchall processing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: push cls_flower and cls_matchall setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] mlx5e_rep: push cls_flower setup_tc processing into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] mlx5e: push cls_flower and mqprio setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: push cls_u32 and mqprio setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [netdrv] cxgb4: push cls_u32 setup_tc processing into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: make egress_dev flag part of flower offload struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: rename TC_SETUP_MATCHALL to TC_SETUP_CLSMATCHALL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: make type an argument for ndo_setup_tc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: use void pointer for filter handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: refactor notification code for RTM_DELTFILTER (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: avoid atomic swap in tcf_exts_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_u32: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_route: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_flow: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_cgroup: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_bpf: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_basic: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_matchall: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_fw: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_flower: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_fw: rename fw_change_attrs function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_bpf: rename cls_bpf_modify_existing function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use tcf_exts_has_actions instead of exts->nr_actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove check for number of actions in tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix return value of tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove redundant helpers tcf_exts_is_predicative and tcf_exts_is_available (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use tcf_exts_has_actions in tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: change names of action number helpers to be aligned with the rest (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove unneeded tcf_em_tree_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_atm: use Qdisc_class_common structure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: add time filter for action dumping (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: dump more than TCA_ACT_MAX_PRIO actions per batch (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: Use proper root attribute table for actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netlink: Add new type NLA_BITFIELD32 (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: rename act_get_notify() to tcf_get_notify() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Fix one possible panic when no destroy callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: make UDP checksum configurable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: request UDP checksum by default (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_pedit: fix an error code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: move tcf_lock down after gen_replace_estimator() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] propagate tc filter chain index down the ndo_setup_tc call (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: introduce helper to identify gact trap action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: introduce a TRAP control action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: select cls when cls_act is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_flower: add support for matching on ip tos and ttl (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add helper for updating statistics on all actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: only create filter chains for new filters/actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: flower: add support for matching on tcp flags (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_api: make reclassify return all the way back to the original tp (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_matchall: fix null pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix filter flushing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: properly assign RCU pointer in tcf_chain_tp_insert/remove (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add termination action to allow goto chain (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: push tp down to action init (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: introduce multichain support for filters (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: push chain dump to a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: introduce helpers to work with filter chains (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: move TC_H_MAJ macro call into tcf_auto_prio (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: replace nprio by a bool to make the function more readable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: rename tcf_destroy_chain helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: introduce tcf block infractructure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: move tc_classify function to cls_api.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] fix compile error in skb_orphan_partial() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: fix skb_orphan_partial() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: optimize class dumps (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_csum: Add accessors for offloading drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove redundant null check on head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add helpers to handle extended actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] flower: check unused bits in MPLS fields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: Complete the JUMPX opcode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_flower: add support for matching MPLS fields (v2) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove useless NULL to tp->root (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: move the empty tp check from ->destroy() to ->delete() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] allow configuring default qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: check noop_qdisc before qdisc_hash_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: choke: remove some dead code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: use setup_deferrable_timer (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: choke: remove dead filter classify code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_csum: don't mangle TCP and UDP GSO packets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_dsmark: fix invalid skb_cow() usage (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fq_codel: Avoid set-but-unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_ife: Staticfy find_decode_metaid() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] mqprio: Modify mqprio to pass user parameters via ndo_setup_tc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] mqprio: Change handling of hw u8 to allow for multiple hardware offload modes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] replace callings of .ndo_setup_tc by wrapper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: apply correct delay when rate throttling (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_tbf: Remove bogus semicolon in if() conditional. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_connmark: avoid crashing on malformed nlattrs with null parms (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: make default fifo qdiscs appear in the dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_skbmod: remove unneeded rcu_read_unlock in tcf_skbmod_dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: decrement module reference count after table flush. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: Remove useless qdisc_stab_lock (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_u32: Reflect HW offload status (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: have stub for tcf_destroy_chain in case NET_CLS is not configured (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Fix accidental removal of errout goto (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix error recovery at qdisc creation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: check negative err value to safe one level of indent (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add missing curly braces in else branch in tc_ctl_tfilter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: move err set right before goto errout in tc_ctl_tfilter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: push TC filter protocol creation into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: move tcf_proto_destroy and tcf_destroy_chain helpers into cls_api (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: rename tcf_destroy to tcf_destroy_proto (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_pedit: Introduce 'add' operation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_pedit: Support using offset relative to the conventional network headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_mirred: remove duplicated include from act_mirred.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_ife: Change to use ife module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Introduce ife encapsulation module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_ife: Unexport ife_tlv_meta_encode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_psample: Remove unnecessary ASSERT_RTNL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_sample: Fix error path in init (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Introduce sample tc action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Introduce psample, a new genetlink channel for packet sampling (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Add accessor functions to pedit keys for offloading drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] fq_codel: Avoid regenerating skb flow hash unless necessary (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: fix refcnt when GETing of action after bind (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_csum: compute crc32c on SCTP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Kconfig: select LIBCRC32C if NET_ACT_CSUM is selected (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_u32: don't bother explicitly initializing ->divisor to zero (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: convert tc_at to tc_at_ingress (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: convert tc_verd to integer bitfields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: extract skip classify bit from tc_verd (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: make MAX_RECLASSIFY_LOOP local (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: remove unused tc_verd fields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] dev_weight: TX/RX orthogonality (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix soft lockup in tc_classify (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_netem: use rb_entry() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: use rb_entry() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: complete rewrite of rate estimators (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] uapi: export tc_skbmod.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: account for timer drifts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: pedit: make sure that offset is valid (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Export tc_tunnel_key so its UAPI accessible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] bpf: reuse dev_is_mac_header_xmit for redirect (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: filters: fix filter handle ID in tfilter_notify_chain() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: use hash_ptr() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: filters: pass netlink message flags in event notification (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc_act: Remove tcf_act macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: catch misconfig of attaching qdisc to tx_queue_len zero device (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: IFF_NO_QUEUE drivers should use consistent TX queue len (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] make default TX queue length a defined constant (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: actions: use nla_parse_nested() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: filters: fix notification of filter delete with proper handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] skbedit: allow the user to specify bitmask for mark (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_htb: do not report fake rate estimators (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: em_meta: Fix 'meta vlan' to correctly recognize zero VID frames (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_mirred: Implement ingress actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_mirred: Refactor detection whether dev needs xmit at mac header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_mirred: Rename tcfm_ok_push to tcfm_mac_header_xmit and make it a bool (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: reorder pernet ops and act ops registrations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: do not broadcast RTM_GETTFILTER result (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] skbuff: Limit skb_vlan_pop/push() to expect skb->data at mac header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_vlan: Push skb->data to mac_header prior calling skb_vlan_*() functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: pkt_cls: change tc actions order to be as the user sets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: Fix false encoding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: Fix external mac header on encode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: account for schedule/timers drifts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: add low_rate_threshold parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: fix GETing actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_vlan: Introduce TCA_VLAN_ACT_MODIFY vlan action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] skbuff: Export __skb_vlan_pop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: check NULL on error path in route4_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions police: peg drop stats for conforming traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: ife action: Introduce skb tcindex metadata encap decap (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: ife action: add 16 bit helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add and use qdisc_skb_head helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: replace __skb_dequeue with __qdisc_dequeue_head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove qdisc arg from __qdisc_dequeue_head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: don't use skb queue helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pie: use qdisc_dequeue_head wrapper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: fq: use proper locking in fq_dump_stats() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: Introduce skbmod action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] minor optimization in qdisc_qstats_cpu_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: fix a module refcount leak in qdisc_create_dflt() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix encoding to use real length (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: properly handle failure case of tcf_exts_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: avoid duplicates in qdisc dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix handling of singleton qdiscs with qdisc_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: allow flushing tc police actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: unify the init logic for act_police (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: convert tcf_exts from list to pointer array (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove an unnecessary list_del() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove the leftover cleanup_a() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] fix up a few missing hashtable.h conflict resolutions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: convert qdisc linked list to hashtable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] resolve symbol conflicts with generic hashtable.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: remove unused cl_myfadj (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: keep fsc and virtual times in sync; fix an old bug (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: get rid of struct tcf_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: move tc_action into tcf_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_htb: clamp xstats tokens to fit into 32-bit int (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] hfsc: reduce hfsc_sched to 14 cachelines (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: skbedit convert to use more modern nla_put_xxx (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: actions: skbedit add support for mod-ing skb pkt_type (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] simplify and make pkt_type_ok() available for other users (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: anchor virtual curve at proper vt in hfsc_change_fsc() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: go passive after vt update (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: remove leftover dlist and droplist (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: add unlikely() in qdisc_peek_len() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_hfsc: handle corner cases where head may change invalidating calculated deadline (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: netem: do not call qdisc_drop() with a NULL skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: generalize bulk dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_htb: export class backlog in dumps (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fq_codel: cache skb->truesize into skb->cb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: drop packets after root qdisc lock is released (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: acquire ife_mod_lock before reading ifeoplist (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: only acquire tcf_lock for existing actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] htb: call qdisc_root with rcu read lock held (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_pie: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_netem: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_htb: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_hhf: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fq_codel: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_fq: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_codel: defer skb freeing in codel_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_choke: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: add the ability to defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched actions: bug fix dumping actions directly didnt produce NLMSG_DONE (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: make tcf_hash_check() boolean (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ipt: fix a bind refcnt leak (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: prio: insure proper transactional behavior (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_police: rename tcf_act_police_locate() to tcf_act_police_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove internal use of TC_POLICE_* (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: prio: properly report out of memory errors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove NET_XMIT_POLICED (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove generic throttled management (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: netem: remove qdisc_is_throttled() use (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: cbq: remove a flaky use of qdisc_is_throttled() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sch_plug: use a private throttled status (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix qdisc->running lockdep annotations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: place state, next_sched and gso_skb in same cacheline again (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove qdisc->drop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: remove qdisc_rehape_fail (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cbq: remove TCA_CBQ_POLICE support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cbq: remove TCA_CBQ_OVL_STRATEGY support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qfq: don't leak skb if kzalloc fails (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_u32: be more strict about skip-sw flag for knodes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_u32: catch all hardware offload errors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix missing doc annotations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: add missing paddattr description (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix tc_should_offload for specific clsact classes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_police: fix a crash during removal (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: do not acquire qdisc spinlock in qdisc/class stats dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: transform qdisc running bit into a seqcount (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_u32: fix error code for invalid flags (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: avoid too many hrtimer_start() calls (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] also make sch_handle_egress() drop monitor ready (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: ife action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: skbedit action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: simple action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: mirred action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: ipt action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net sched: vlan action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] export tc ife uapi header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] make sch_handle_ingress() drop monitor ready (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] add __sock_wfree() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: constify meta_type_ops structures (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix a memory leak in tc action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: dsmark: use qdisc_dequeue_peeked() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_ife: fix a typo in kmemdup() parameters (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use pfifo_fast for non real queues (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_mqprio: Fix build with older gcc. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Support to encoding decoding skb prio on IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Support to encoding decoding skb mark on IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] introduce IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: update hierarchical backlog too (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: add network namespace support for tc actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: prepare tcf_hashinfo_destroy() for netns support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] bpf: try harder on clones when writing into skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: Improve readability of filter processing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched fix: reclassification needs to consider ether protocol changes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pack tc_cls_u32_knode struct slighter better (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: drr: check for NULL pointer in drr_dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [kernel] timer: add setup_deferrable_timer macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add clsact qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: add skb_at_tc_ingress helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: make qdisc_tree_decrease_qlen() work for non mq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix qdisc_tree_decrease_qlen() races (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: kill dead code in sch_choke.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_hhf: fix return value of hhf_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: make sch_blackhole.c explicitly non-modular (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_mirred: always release tcf hash (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] revert "net_sched: move tp->root allocation into fw_init()" (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_connmark: Remember the struct net instead of guessing it. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_dsmark: improve memory locality (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: don't break line in tc_classify loop notification (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: consolidate tc_classify{, _compat} (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: convert rsvp to call tcf_exts_destroy from rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: convert tcindex to call tcf_exts_destroy from rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: make tcf_hash_destroy() static (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: add direction support for zones (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_mirred: avoid calling tcf_hash_release() when binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_choke: drop all packets in queue during reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_plug: purge buffered packets during reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: fix a use-after-free in sfq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove unused member of struct qfq_sched (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: extend pps limit (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Simplify em_ipset_match (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove redundant -if- control statement (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: pkt_cls: remove unused macros from uapi (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] dev: reduce both ingress hook ifdefs (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] add CONFIG_NET_INGRESS to enable ingress filtering (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: deprecate enqueue_root() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: gred: use correct backlog value in WRED mode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Call skb_get_hash_perturb in sch_hhf (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: act_connmark: don't zap skb->nfct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: move tp->root allocation into fw_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: move tp->root allocation into route4_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: export tc_connmark.h so it is uapi accessible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Remove state argument from skb_find_text() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] ematch: Fix auto-loading of ematch modules. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] gen_stats.c: Duplicate xstats buffer for later use (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_connmark: fix dependencies better (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_basic: return from walking on match in basic_get (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_bpf: fix auto generation of per list handles (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cls_bpf: fix size mismatch on filter preparation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_connmark: Add missing dependency on NF_CONNTRACK_MARK (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Introduce connmark action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: sch_teql: Remove unused function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] skbuff: don't zero tc members when freeing skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] kconfig: use bool instead of boolean for type definition attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Update old iproute2 and Xen Remus links (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc_act: export uapi header file (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix act file names in header comment (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] add rbnode to struct sk_buff (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_pie: schedule the timer after all init succeed (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: restore qdisc quota fairness limits after bulk dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] ematch: Fix early ending of inverted containers. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: implement qstat helper routines (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] ematch: Fix matching of inverted containers. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: fix compile warning in cls_u32 (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: cls_u32: rcu can not be last node (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: use __skb_queue_head_init() where applicable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sfq: remove unused macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netfilter: xt_string: Remove unnecessary initialization of struct ts_state (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cbq: now_rt removal (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] cbq: incorrectly low bandwidth setting blocks limited traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: remove exceptional & on function name (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: cancel nest attribute on failure in tcf_exts_dump() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] em_canid: remove useless statements from em_canid_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: drr: warn when qdisc is not work conserving (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] use the new API kvfree() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_hhf: fix comparison of qlen and limit (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: lock imbalance in hhf qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Allow tc changes in user namespaces (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: return nla_nest_end() instead of skb->len (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_tbf: Remove holes in struct tbf_sched_data. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate in get_loss_clg (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate in GE model (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: change some func's param from "struct Qdisc *" to "struct netem_sched_data *" (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: return errcode before setting params (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Cleanup PIE comments (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] add and use skb_gso_transport_seglen() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: act: pick a different type for act_xt (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] replace macros net_random and net_srandom with direct calls to prandom (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] hhf qdisc: fix jiffies-time conversion. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: PIE AQM scheme (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch: fix the typo in register_qdisc() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] hhf: make qdisc ops static (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_dsmark: use correct func name in print messages (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_htb: use /* comments (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: replace pr_warning with pr_warn (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_cbq: remove unnecessary null pointer check (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] act_police: remove unnecessary null pointer check (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: hhf: Heavy-Hitter Filter (HHF) qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sch_htb: remove unnecessary NULL pointer judgment (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: expand control flow of macro SKIP_NONLOCAL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: sfq: put sfq_unlink in a do - while loop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: add space around '>' and before '(' (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] net_sched: cls_bpf: use tabs to do indent (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: htb: fix the calculation of quantum (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] Fix FSF address in file headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] include/net/: Fix FSF address in file headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: fix loss 4 state model (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: markov loss model transition fix (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: free skb's in tree on reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] tc: export tc_defact.h to userspace (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: basic classifier - remove unnecessary initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] qdisc: meta return ENOMEM on alloc failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] netem: Introduce skb_orphan_partial() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove forward declaration of qfq_update_agg_ts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: improve efficiency of make_eligible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] sched: Add __GFP_NOWARN to k.alloc calls with v.alloc fallbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] kabi: prepare protection for struct Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] kabi: remove RH_KABI_ macros from sch_generic.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] kabi: use different sch_generic.h for checksums generation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
- [net] kabi: introduce shadow sch_generic.h for generating correct checksums (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]
* Tue Nov 07 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-773.el7]
- [fs] nfs: RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE is in bytes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1495321]
- [fs] gfs2: Support negative atimes (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505849]
- [fs] gfs2: Update ctime in setflags ioctl (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505822]
- [fs] gfs2: Fix xattr fsync (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505552]
- [fs] locks: Remove fl_nspid and use fs-specific l_pid for remote locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486]
- [fs] locks: Filter /proc/locks output on proc pid ns (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486]
- [fs] Make file credentials available to the seqfile interfaces (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486]
- [fs] locks: Use allocation rather than the stack in fcntl_getlk() (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486]
- [fs] locks: pass kernel struct flock to fcntl_getlk/setlk (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486]
- [x86] perf/x86: Fix incorrect use of do_div() in NMI warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1501587]
- [iommu] amd: don't sleep in invalid context (Jerry Snitselaar) [1505837]
- [block] blktrace: Fix potential deadlock between delete & sysfs ops (Waiman Long) [1351904]
- [video] video/logo: tidyup fb_logo_late_init initcall timing (Rob Clark) [1509707]
- [video] video/logo: prevent use of logos after they have been freed (Rob Clark) [1509707]
- [video] fbdev: Nuke FBINFO_MODULE (Rob Clark) [1509707]
- [netdrv] xen-netfront, xen-netback: Use correct minimum MTU values (Mohammed Gamal) [1502554]
- [netdrv] use core MTU range checking in virt drivers (Mohammed Gamal) [1502554 1497228]
- [netdrv] cxgb3: Check and handle the dma mapping errors (Arjun Vynipadath) [1459387 953400]
- [netdrv] amd: fix pci device ids (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046]
- [kernel] module_device_table: fix some callsites (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046]
- [kernel] module: fix types of device tables aliases (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046]
- [kernel] module: remove MODULE_GENERIC_TABLE (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046]
- [kernel] module: allow multiple calls to MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() per module (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Fix memory leak in __sdt_alloc() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Simplify sched_group_mask() usage (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Rewrite get_group() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched: Use cached value of span instead of calling sched_domain_span() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched: Fix memory leakage in build_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Add a few comments (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Fix overlapping sched_group_capacity (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Small cleanup (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Fix overlapping sched_group_mask (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Remove FORCE_SD_OVERLAP (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Move comment about asymmetric node setups (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Optimize build_group_mask() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Verify the first group matches the child domain (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Simplify build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Fix building of overlapping sched-groups (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/fair, cpumask: Export for_each_cpu_wrap() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched/topology: Refactor function build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [kernel] sched: Rename a misleading variable in build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534]
- [powerpc] uprobes: Implement arch_uretprobe_is_alive() (Gustavo Duarte) [1357435]
- [security] capabilities: fix logic for effective root or real root (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465626]
* Mon Nov 06 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-772.el7]
- [md] raid5-ppl: check recovery_offset when performing ppl recovery (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: don't resync after rebuild (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5: preserve STRIPE_ON_UNPLUG_LIST in break_stripe_batch_list (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5: fix a race condition in stripe batch (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] bitmap: disable bitmap_resize for file-backed bitmaps (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: Recovery support for multiple partial partiy logs (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] Runtime support for multiple ppls (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] cleanup mddev flag clear for takeover (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] notify about new spare disk in the container (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5: add thread_group worker async_tx_issue_pending_all (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] Raid5 should update rdev->sectors after reshape (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] don't use flush_signals in userspace processes (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] md0: optimize raid0 discard handling (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] don't return -EAGAIN in md_allow_write for external metadata arrays (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: use a single mempool for ppl_io_unit and header_page (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: partial parity calculation optimization (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: use resize_stripes() when enabling or disabling ppl (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5: use consistency_policy to remove journal feature (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid5-ppl: move no_mem_stripes to struct ppl_conf (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] add raid4/5/6 journal mode switching API (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid1: stop using bi_phys_segment (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] raid1, raid10: move rXbio accounting closer to allocation (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] r5cache: disable write back for degraded array (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] revert "fix suspend/write deadlock" (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
- [md] revert "fix single core deadlock" (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]
* Fri Nov 03 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-771.el7]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version 07.702.06.00-rh2 (Tomas Henzl) [1506606]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Resize MFA frame used for IOC INIT to 4k (Tomas Henzl) [1506606]
- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update current host time to FW during IOC Init (Tomas Henzl) [1506606]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: remove NVME_FC_MAX_SEGMENTS (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: add support for duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] nvme-rdma: add support for duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] nvme-fabrics: fixup "nvme: add helper to compare options to controller" (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] add helper to compare options to controller (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] add duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] nvme-fabrics: fixup "nvme: add hostid token to fabric options" (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] add hostid token to fabric options (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: fix backporting error (Ewan Milne) [1508065]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to v16.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Adding support for SAS3616 HBA device (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix possibility of using invalid Enclosure Handle for SAS device after host reset (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Display chassis slot information of the drive (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Updated MPI headers to v2.00.48 (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix IO error occurs on pulling out a drive from RAID1 volume created on two SATA drive (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix removal and addition of vSES device during host reset (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Reduce memory footprint in kdump kernel (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fixed memory leaks in driver (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Processing of Cable Exception events (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: remove redundant copy_from_user in _ctl_getiocinfo (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: fix pr_info message continuation (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix memory allocation failure test in 'mpt3sas_base_attach()' (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: fix format overflow warning (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: Replace PCI pool old API (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] mpt3sas: remove redundant wmb (Tomas Henzl) [1458161]
- [scsi] libfc: fix a deadlock in fc_rport_work (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105]
- [scsi] libfc: Fixup disc_mutex handling (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105]
- [scsi] fcoe: Stop fc_rport_priv structure leak (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105]
- [scsi] libfc: Update rport reference counting (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105]
* Fri Nov 03 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-770.el7]
- [net] ipv6: remove from fib tree aged out RTF_CACHE dst (Paolo Abeni) [1412920]
- [net] netfilter: allow logging from non-init namespaces (Stefano Brivio) [1506324]
- [net] openvswitch: add ct_clear action (Eric Garver) [1501415]
- [net] geneve: Fix function matching VNI and tunnel ID on big-endian (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: maximum value of VNI cannot be used (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: add missing rx stats accounting (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: fix needed_headroom and max_mtu for collect_metadata (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: fix fill_info when using collect_metadata (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: fix incorrect setting of UDP checksum flag (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: lock RCU on TX path (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: fix ip_hdr_len reserved for geneve6 tunnel (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: Optimize geneve device lookup (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: Remove redundant socket checks (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: Merge ipv4 and ipv6 geneve_build_skb() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: Unify LWT and netdev handling (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: avoid using stale geneve socket (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] geneve: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288]
- [net] devlink: Prevent port_type_set() callback when it's not needed (Ivan Vecera) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: rename devlink_eswitch_fill to devlink_nl_eswitch_fill (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: use nla_put_failure goto label instead of out (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: allow to fillup eswitch attrs even if mode_get op does not exist (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: fix potential memort leak (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: fix return value check in devlink_dpipe_header_put() (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: Support for pipeline debug (dpipe) (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: Add E-Switch encapsulation control (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [net] devlink: fix the name of eswitch commands (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105]
- [crypto] aesni: add generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] scatterwalk: Remove unnecessary BUG in scatterwalk_start (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make AVX2 AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make AVX2 AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make AVX AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make AVX AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make non-AVX AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: make non-AVX AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: fix build on x86 (32bit) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [crypto] aesni: AVX and AVX2 version of AESNI-GCM encode and decode (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112]
- [net] vsock: always call vsock_init_tables() (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
- [tools] vsock: add tools/testing/vsock/vsock_diag_test (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
- [net] vsock: add sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
- [net] vsock: use TCP state constants for sk_state (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
- [net] vsock: move __vsock_in_bound/connected_table() to af_vsock.h (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
- [net] vsock: export socket tables for sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]
* Fri Nov 03 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-769.el7]
- [drm] upstream sync to v4.14-rc4 (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Register multiple PCM devices for the LPE audio card (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [sound] drm/i915: Clean up the LPE audio platform data (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [sound] drm/i915: Remove hdmi_connected from LPE audio pdata (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [sound] drm/i915: Replace tmds_clock_speed and link_rate with just ls_clock (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [drm] upstream sync to v4.13 (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097]
- [kernel] workqueue: Provide destroy_delayed_work_on_stack() (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [lib] bitmap: add alignment offset for bitmap_find_next_zero_area() (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/intel/iosf_mbi: Add a PMIC bus access notifier (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/intel/iosf_mbi: Add a mutex for P-Unit access (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/iosf_mbi: Source cleanup (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/iosf_mbi: Move to dedicated folder (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/intel/iosf: Add debugfs config option for IOSF (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] platform/intel/iosf: Add Braswell PCI ID (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [x86] iosf: Add debugfs support (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] workqueue: declare system_highpri_wq (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] linux/kernel.h: Add ALIGN_DOWN macro (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to <uapi/linux/sched/types.h> (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to <linux/sched/clock.h> (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to <linux/sched/mm.h> (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to <linux/sched/signal.h> (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] pci: Recognize Thunderbolt devices (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [kernel] locking/atomic, kref: Add kref_read() (Rob Clark) [1470097]
- [dma] dma-buf: avoid scheduling on fence status query v2 (Rob Clark) [1478422]
* Thu Nov 02 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-768.el7]
- [acpi] ghes: invert logic for enabling GHES (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916]
- [edac] Fix PAGES_TO_MiB macro misuse (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916]
- [edac] ghes_edac: Remove redundant memory_type array (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916]
- [edac] ghes_edac: Use snprintf() to silence a static checker warning (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916]
- [x86] x86: kvm: use alternatives for VMCALL vs. VMMCALL if kernel text is read-only (Rafael Aquini) [1048983]
- [x86] x86: cpufeature: Fix AMD AVIC bit (Rafael Aquini) [1048983]
- [mm] configs: Enable DEBUG_PAGEALLOC on debug kernels (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] s390: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] powerpc: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] x86/mm: Disable 1GB direct mappings when disabling 2MB mappings (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] x86: also use debug_pagealloc_enabled() for free_init_pages (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] x86: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] x86/mm/pat: Make split_page_count() check for empty levels to fix /proc/meminfo output (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] sound: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] vmalloc: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] slub: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] slab: clean up DEBUG_PAGEALLOC processing code (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] debug_pagealloc: ask users for default setting of debug_pagealloc (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] debug-pagealloc: make debug-pagealloc boottime configurable (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] debug-pagealloc: prepare boottime configurable on/off (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] page_ext: resurrect struct page extending code for debugging (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] debug-pagealloc: cleanup page guard code (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [mm] debug-pagealloc: correct freepage accounting and order resetting (Waiman Long) [1481847]
- [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_bus_attach() (Waiman Long) [1448308]
- [kernel] module: Fix memory leakage of module_ext structure (Waiman Long) [1448308]
- [kernel] debugobjects: Make kmemleak ignore debug objects (Waiman Long) [1452625 1448308]
- [kernel] s390/kexec: consolidate crash_map/unmap_reserved_pages() and arch_kexec_protect(unprotect)_crashkres() (Xunlei Pang) [1486982]
- [kernel] kexec: do a cleanup for function kexec_load (Xunlei Pang) [1486982]
- [kernel] kexec: make a pair of map/unmap reserved pages in error path (Xunlei Pang) [1486982]
- [kernel] kexec: provide arch_kexec_protect(unprotect)_crashkres() (Xunlei Pang) [1486982]
- [kernel] kexec: introduce a protection mechanism for the crashkernel reserved memory (Xunlei Pang) [1486982]
- [kernel] ptrace: fix wait_on_bit(JOBCTL_TRAPPING_BIT) on big endian machines (Oleg Nesterov) [1481590]
* Thu Nov 02 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-767.el7]
- [fs] nfsv4.2: fix size storage for nfs42_proc_copy (Steve Dickson) [1468276]
- [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a race where CB_NOTIFY_LOCK fails to wake a waiter (Benjamin Coddington) [1476344]
- [fs] xfs: Capture state of the right inode in xfs_iflush_done (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385]
- [fs] xfs: Properly retry failed inode items in case of error during buffer writeback (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385]
- [fs] xfs: Add infrastructure needed for error propagation during buffer IO failure (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385]
- [fs] xfs: remove xfs_trans_ail_delete_bulk (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385]
- [fs] smb3: Work around mount failure when using SMB3 dialect to Macs (Leif Sahlberg) [1506433]
- [fs] Set unicode flag on cifs echo request to avoid Mac error (Leif Sahlberg) [1506433]
- [mm] filemap: fix mapping->nrpages double accounting in fuse (Waiman Long) [1493455]
- [mm] Using BUG_ON() as an assert() is _never_ acceptable (Waiman Long) [1493455]
- [mm] fix deadlock when using dm-thin on loopback device (Mikulas Patocka) [1382654]
- [mm] memcg, slab: never try to merge memcg caches (Aristeu Rozanski) [1442618]
- [x86] boot/kaslr: Work around firmware bugs by excluding EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_* and EFI_LOADER_* from KASLR's choice (Kazuhito Hagio) [1458129]
- [net] netfilter: x_tables: don't use seqlock when fetching old counters (Florian Westphal) [1503702]
- [net] netfilter: x_tables: make xt_replace_table wait until old rules are not used anymore (Florian Westphal) [1503702]
- [edac] edac, skx_edac: Fix non static symbol warnings (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253]
- [edac] edac, ie31200: Add Intel Kaby Lake CPU support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253]
- [edac] edac, ie31200_edac: Add Skylake support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253]
- [tools] perf scripting python: Add ppc64le to audit uname list (Gustavo Duarte) [1487498]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Abort capability probe on invalid capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1456631]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Abort capability probe at invalid register read (Jaroslav Kysela) [1456631]
- [virtio] virtio-balloon: coding format cleanup (David Hildenbrand) [1503473]
- [virtio] virtio-balloon: deflate via a page list (David Hildenbrand) [1503473]
- [virtio] virtio_balloon: disable VIOMMU support (David Hildenbrand) [1503473]
- [virtio] allow drivers to validate features (David Hildenbrand) [1503473]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Bad udp rate on default interrupt coalescing (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Enable coalescing management via ethtool interface (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [netdrv] aquantia: mmio unmap was not performed on driver removal (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fixed transient link up/down/up notification (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Add queue restarts stats counter (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Reset nic statistics on interface up/down (David Arcari) [1505539]
- [kernel] sched: Move h_load calculation to task_h_load() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1460641]
- [powerpc] mm/hugetlb: Filter out hugepage size not supported by page table layout (Steve Best) [1495748]
* Wed Nov 01 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-766.el7]
- [hid] wacom: Always increment hdev refcount within wacom_get_hdev_data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Clear ABS_MISC when tool leaves proximity (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Send MSC_SERIAL and ABS_MISC when leaving prox (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Correct coordinate system of touchring and pen twist (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Properly report negative values from Intuos Pro 2 Bluetooth (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: leds: Dont try to control the EKRs read-only LEDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: bits shifted too much for 9th and 10th buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] hid_wacom: revert hid_wacom: temporaly disable power_supply usage from driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Do not completely map WACOM_HID_WD_TOUCHRINGSTATUS usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Improve generic name generation (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] introduce hid_is_using_ll_driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Remove comparison of u8 mode with zero and simplify (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: fix mistake in printk (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Refactor generic battery handling (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Add ability to provide explicit battery status info (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Report AES battery information (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Ignore HID_DG_BATTERYSTRENTH == 0 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Scale battery capacity measurements to percentages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Have wacom_tpc_irq guard against possible NULL dereference (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Override incorrect logical maximum contact identifier (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Treat HID_DG_TOOLSERIALNUMBER as unsigned (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Move wacom_remote_irq and wacom_remote_status_irq (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: sync pad events only for actual packets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Bamboo One Medium does not have touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: call _query_tablet_data() for BAMBOO_TOUCH (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Dont add ghost interface as shared data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Wacom mouse is only provided for opaque tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: dont manually release resources for the EKR (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Correct Intuos Pro 2 resolution (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: support touch on/off softkey (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: add mode change touch key (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: add 3 tablet touch keys (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Bluetooth IRQ for Intuos Pro should handle prox/range (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: dont apply generic settings to old devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Fix poor prox handling in wacom_pl_irq (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: support generic touch switch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: add vendor defined touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: add support for touchring (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: remove input_event_flag (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Support 2nd-gen Intuos Pros Bluetooth classic interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Move WAC_CMD_* into wacom_wac.h (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Enable HID_GENERIC codepath for Bluetooth devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: do not attempt to switch mode while in probe (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: remove warning while disconnecting devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: release the resources before leaving despite devm (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Fix sibling detection regression (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] remove use of DRIVER_LICENSE (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Dont sync input on empty input packets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Pad supports more than buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Send data only when the interface is defined (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Dont return a value for wacom_wac_event (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Declare tool ID 0x84a as an Intuos eraser (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Dont clear bits unintentionally (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Extend pad support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for battery status on pen and pad interfaces (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Introduce pad support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for sensor offsets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Fix sensor outbounds and redefine as offsets from each edge (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Support tool ID and additional tool types (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Read and internally use corrected Intuos tool IDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Sense" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Fingerwheel" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Distance" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Support and use Custom HID mode and usages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for height, tilt, and twist usages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: generic: Strip off excessive name prefixing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Detect and correct descriptors missing HID_DG_BARRELSWITCH2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Refactor button-to-key translation into function (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Have WACOM_PEN_FIELD and WACOM_FINGER_FIELD recgonize more fields (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: Update vendor-defined usage names to better match standards (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: fix return value of get_property (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference on early uevent (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Fix NULL pointer dereference during bq27x00_battery probe (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Increment power supply use counter when obtaining references (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Add power_supply_put for decrementing device reference counter (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] wacom: switch battery to devres (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Change ownership from driver to core (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Add API for safe access of power supply function attrs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Move run-time configuration to separate structure (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Add driver private data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
- [hid] power_supply: Move of_node out of the #ifdef CONFIG_OF (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]
* Tue Oct 31 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-765.el7]
- [s390] hwrng: remember rng chosen by user (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] hwrng: use rng source with best quality (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] trng: Introduce s390 TRNG device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] crypto: Provide s390 specific arch random functionality (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] crypto: Add new subfunctions to the cpacf PRNO function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] crypto: Renaming PPNO to PRNO (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266]
- [s390] qeth: use diag26c to get MAC address on L2 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479463]
- [s390] diag: add diag26c support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479463]
- [s390] qeth: no ETH header for outbound AF_IUCV (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479461]
- [s390] qeth: size calculation outbound buffers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479461]
- [s390] qdio: clear DSCI prior to scanning multiple input queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1467954]
- [s390] pageattr: handle numpages parameter correctly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] pageattr: avoid unnecessary page table splitting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] add no-execute support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] mm: align swapper_pg_dir to 16k (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] vmem: simplify vmem code for read-only mappings (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] pageattr: allow kernel page table splitting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] pgtable: make pmd and pud helper functions available (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] mm: always use PAGE_KERNEL when mapping pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] vmem: introduce and use SEGMENT_KERNEL and REGION3_KERNEL (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] vmem: align segment and region tables to 16k (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] pgtable: introduce and use generic csp inline asm (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] pageattr: do a single TLB flush for change_page_attr (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] mm: make use of ipte range facility (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] mm: remove change bit override support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] mm: implement dirty bits for large segment table entries (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742]
- [s390] s390/ptrace: guarded storage regset for the current task (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261]
- [s390] s390/gs: add regset for the guarded storage broadcast control block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261]
- [s390] add a system call for guarded storage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261]
- [s390] s390/3270: fix allocation of tty3270_screen structure (Daniel Vacek) [1495587]
- [s390] s390/3270: fix use after free of tty3270_screen structure (Daniel Vacek) [1495587]
- [s390] s390/3270: fix return value check in tty3270_resize_work() (Daniel Vacek) [1495587]
* Tue Oct 31 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-764.el7]
- [net] netfilter: ipset: pernet ops must be unregistered last (Florian Westphal) [1505215]
- [net] ipvs: fix ipv6 route unreach panic (Davide Caratti) [1503766]
- [net] macsec: add genl family module alias (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: double accounting of dropped rx/tx packets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: fix validation failed in asynchronous operation. (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: remove first zero and add attribute name in comments (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: Fix header length if SCI is added if explicitly disabled (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: set network devtype (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] macsec: enable GRO and RPS on macsec devices (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] gro_cells: gro_cells_receive now return error code (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335]
- [net] bridge: switchdev: Use an helper to clear forward mark (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: switchdev: Clear forward mark when transmitting packet (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: add tracepoint in br_fdb_update (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fdb add and delete tracepoints (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: check for null fdb->dst before notifying switchdev drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fix dest lookup when vlan proto doesn't match (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: mdb: fix leak on complete_info ptr on fail path (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: allow ext learned entries to change ports (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: constify attribute_group structures. (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Receive notification about successful FDB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Add support for notifying devices about FDB add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] switchdev: Change notifier chain to be atomic (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Add support for calling FDB external learning under rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Add support for offloading port attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] switchdev: Add support for querying supported bridge flags by hardware (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fix a null pointer dereference in br_afspec (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Export multicast enabled state (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Export VLAN filtering state (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: netlink: account for IFLA_BRPORT_{B, M}CAST_FLOOD size and policy (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Fix improper taking over HW learned FDB (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: add per-port broadcast flood flag (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: notify on hw fdb takeover (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: allow to add externally learned entries from user-space (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: allow SW learn to take over HW fdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: resolve a false alarm of lockdep (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Fix error path in nbp_vlan_init (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: don't indicate expiry on NTF_EXT_LEARNED fdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: vlan_tunnel: explicitly reset metadata attrs to NULL on failure (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fdb: converge fdb_delete_by functions into one (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fdb: add proper lock checks in searching functions (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fdb: converge fdb searching functions into one (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] switchdev: bridge: Offload mc router ports (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: mcast: Merge the mc router ports deletions to one function (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] switchdev: bridge: Offload multicast disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: vlan tunnel id info range fill size calc cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: avoid unnecessary read of jiffies (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: remove unnecessary check for vtbegin in br_fill_vlan_tinfo_range (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: tunnel: fix attribute checks in br_parse_vlan_tunnel_info (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: remove redundant check to see if err is set (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: fdb: write to used and updated at most once per jiffy (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: move write-heavy fdb members in their own cache line (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: move to workqueue gc (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: modify bridge and port to have often accessed fields in one cache line (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: vlan dst_metadata hooks in ingress and egress paths (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: per vlan dst_metadata netlink support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: uapi: add per vlan tunnel info (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: move maybe_deliver_addr() inside #ifdef (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: multicast to unicast (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: sparse fixes in br_ip6_multicast_alloc_query() (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: Replace <asm/uaccess.h> with <linux/uaccess.h> globally (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: shorten ageing time on topology change (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: add helper to set topology change (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: add helper to offload ageing time (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: mcast: add MLDv2 querier support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: mcast: add IGMPv3 query support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] switchdev: Remove redundant variable (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] bridge: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Ivan Vecera) [1500896]
- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: set pktinfo->thoff at AH header if found (Stefano Brivio) [1358624]
- [net] nf_log: Report attempt to load conflicting logger (Stefano Brivio) [1349358]
- [net] arp: fixed -Wuninitialized compiler warning (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] arp: always override existing neigh entries with gratuitous ARP (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] arp: postpone addr_type calculation to as late as possible (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] arp: decompose is_garp logic into a separate function (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] arp: fixed error in a comment (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] neighbour: update neigh timestamps iff update is effective (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] arp: honour gratuitous ARP _replies_ (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] ipv4: arp: update neighbour address when a gratuitous arp is received and arp_accept is set (Eric Garver) [1450205]
- [net] vxlan: factor out VXLAN-GPE next protocol (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] ether: add NSH ethertype (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix remcsum when GRO on and CHECKSUM_PARTIAL boundary is outer UDP (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] geneve/vxlan: offload ports on register/unregister events (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] geneve/vxlan: add support for NETDEV_UDP_TUNNEL_DROP_INFO (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] call udp_tunnel_get_rx_info when NETIF_F_RX_UDP_TUNNEL_PORT is toggled (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] add infrastructure to un-offload UDP tunnel port (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] check UDP tunnel RX port offload feature before calling tunnel ndo ndo (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] add new netdevice feature for offload of RX port for UDP tunnels (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280]
- [net] vxlan: correctly set vxlan->net when creating the device in a netns (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix incorrect nlattr access in MTU check (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: allow multiple VXLANs with same VNI for IPv6 link-local addresses (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix snooping for link-local IPv6 addresses (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: check valid combinations of address scopes (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: improve validation of address family configuration (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: get rid of redundant vxlan_dev.flags (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: refactor verification and application of configuration (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: dont migrate permanent fdb entries during learn (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: use a more suitable function when assigning NULL (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix ND proxy when skb doesn't have transport header offset (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: vxlan dev should inherit lowerdev's gso_max_size (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: don't age NTF_EXT_LEARNED fdb entries (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix ovs support (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: use appropriate family on L3 miss (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: lock RCU on TX path (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: don't allow overwrite of config src addr (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: correctly validate VXLAN ID against VXLAN_N_VID (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: remove unused variable saddr in neigh_reduce (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: add changelink support (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: remove vni zero check and drop for COLLECT_METADATA (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: support fdb and learning in COLLECT_METADATA mode (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] ip_tunnels: new IP_TUNNEL_INFO_BRIDGE flag for ip_tunnel_info mode (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: do not age static remote mac entries (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: don't flush static fdb entries on admin down (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: preserve type of dst_port parm for encap_bypass_if_local() (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix byte order of vxlan-gpe port number (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: Set ports in flow key when doing route lookups (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: fix a potential issue when create a new vxlan fdb entry (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: Fix uninitialized variable warnings (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: remove unsed vxlan_dev_dst_port() (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: simplify vxlan xmit (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: simplify RTF_LOCAL handling (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: improve vxlan route lookup checks (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: simplify exception handling (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: avoid checking socket multiple times (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: avoid vlan processing in vxlan device (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: hide unused local variable (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: avoid using stale vxlan socket (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: Update tx_errors statistics if vxlan_build_skb return err (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: call peernet2id() in fdb notification (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: remove the useless header file protocol.h (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: lwt: Fix vxlan local traffic (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan: lwt: Use source ip address during route lookup (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] fixup comments after "Future-proof tunnel offload handlers" (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] vxlan/geneve: Remove deprecated tunnel specific UDP offload functions (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [netdrv] fm10k: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Jiri Benc) [1467280]
- [net] ipv6: fix net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_dad behaviour for real (Matteo Croce) [1334439]
- [net] ipv6: fix net.ipv6.conf.all interface DAD handlers (Matteo Croce) [1334439]
- [net] ipv6: addrconf: Fix recursive spin lock call (Matteo Croce) [1334439]
- [net] ipv6: Add a sysctl to make optimistic addresses useful candidates (Matteo Croce) [1334439]
* Mon Oct 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-763.el7]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Limit reads to wMaxInputLength bytes for input events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: do not blindly set EV_KEY or EV_ABS bits (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: optimize the sticky fingers timer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: fix rare Win 8 cases when the touch up event gets missing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: use BIT macro (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: Support PTP Stick and Touchpad device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: change for touch height/width (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: fix LG Melfas touchscreen (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: do not retrieve all reports for all devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: handle external buttons for Precision Touchpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: enable palm rejection for Windows Precision Touchpad (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] input: automatically set EV_ABS bit in input_set_abs_params (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] revert "hid: multitouch: enable palm rejection if device implements confidence usage" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] multitouch: Add MT_QUIRK_NOT_SEEN_MEANS_UP to Surface Pro 3 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237]
- [hid] alps: fix multitouch cursor issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: fix error return code in alps_input_configured() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: fix stick device not working after resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: Fix memory leak (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: a few cleanups (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: pass correct sizes to hid_hw_raw_request() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: struct u1_dev *priv is internal to the driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] alps: match alps devices in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] add Alps I2C HID Touchpad-Stick support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630]
- [hid] i2c: Call acpi_device_fix_up_power for ACPI-enumerated devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: move header file out of I2C realm (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] remove initial reading of reports at connect (Benjamin Tissoires) [1411429]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Add sleep between POWER ON and RESET (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] fix missing irq field (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: fix build (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Disable IRQ before freeing buffers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: force the IRQ level trigger only when not set (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: add a simple quirk to fix device defects (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: set power sleep before shutdown (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c_hid: enable i2c-hid devices to suspend/resume asynchronously (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: fix OOB write in i2c_hid_set_or_send_report() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Add hid-over-i2c name to i2c id table (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Prevent sending reports from racing with device reset (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Fill in physical device providing HID functionality (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Do not set the ACPI companion field in the HID device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: fix harmless test_bit() issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: The interrupt should be level sensitive (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Do not free buffers in i2c_hid_stop() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: prevent buffer overflow in early IRQ (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: fix race condition reading reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: print the correct data in dbg msg (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: hid report descriptor retrieval changes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: don't push static constants on stack for *ph (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] acpi / i2c-hid: replace open-coded _DSM code with helper functions (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: Stop querying for init reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: convert acpi_evaluate_object() to acpi_evaluate_integer() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
- [hid] i2c-hid: use correct type for ACPI _DSM parameter (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]
* Mon Oct 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-762.el7]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Merge fixes (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Add missing Intel models (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Use Intel family macros for MSR events code (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Fix SMI overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Add AMD PTSC (Performance Time-Stamp Counter) support (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_msr.c .............. => x86/events/msr.c (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_msr.c: use sign_extend64() for sign extension (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86: Change test_aperfmperf() and test_intel() to static (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Fix the MSR driver build (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86: Fix MSR PMU driver (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86: Add an MSR PMU driver (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf stat: Add support to measure SMI cost (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] tools lib api fs: Add sysfs__write_int function (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [x86] perf/x86: Add sysfs entry to freeze counters on SMI (Jiri Olsa) [1457458]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Make hw events optional (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix group stat tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf test attr: Fix ignored test case result (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf test attr: Fix python error on empty result (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix task term values (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Add optional term (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix stat sample_type setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix precise_ip setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix sample_period setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix cpu test disabled term setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Add proper return values (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix no-delay test (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Fix record dwarf test (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Add 1s for exclude_kernel and task base bits (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Rename compare_data to data_equal (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Make compare_data global (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Add test_attr__ready function (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests attr: Do not store failed events (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
- [tools] perf tests: Add platform dependency to test 15 (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]
* Mon Oct 30 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-761.el7]
- [block] fix warning when I/O elevator is changed as request_queue is being removed (Ming Lei) [1492441]
- [block] warn if sharing request queue across gendisks (Ming Lei) [1492441]
- [block] move .issue_stat from request to request_aux (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] disable blk-stat (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: use rq_aux()->internal_tag (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: introduce request_aux (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-tag: don't touch .internal_tag (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] configs: add CONFIG_BLK_DEBUG_FS (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] configs: add CONFIG_MQ_IOSCHED_KYBER (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] configs: add CONFIG_MQ_IOSCHED_DEADLINE (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: mark_tech_preview on mq-deadline and kyber (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix another kabi warning (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix kabi warning (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] avoid to break kabi for blk-mq io scheduler backporting (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] call elevator callback via aux->ops (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] kyber: pass mq callback to aux->ops.mq (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mq-deadline: pass mq callback to aux->ops.mq (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] cfq: pass new callback to aux->ops.sq (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] introduce elevator_type_aux for fixing kabi violation (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: use RH_KABI_EXTEND for sched_data and sched_tags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: remove poll_stat (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] scsi_error: fix nasty allocating request on stack (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: fix device sched directory for default scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mq-deadline: add debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] kyber: add debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: allow schedulers to register debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: untangle debugfs and sysfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move debugfs declarations to a separate header file (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Do not invoke queue operations on a dead queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: get rid of a bunch of boilerplate (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: rename hw queue directories from <n> to hctx<n> (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: don't open code strstrip() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: error on long write to queue "state" file (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: clean up flag definitions (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: separate flags with | (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Show operation, cmd_flags and rq_flags names (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Make blk_flags_show() callers append a newline character (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Move the "state" debugfs attribute one level down (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Unregister debugfs attributes earlier (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Only unregister hctxs for which registration succeeded (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: Rename functions for registering and unregistering the mq directory (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Let blk_mq_debugfs_register() look up the queue name (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Register <dev>/queue/mq after having registered <dev>/queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: register device instead of disk (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Show symbolic names for hctx state and flags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Export queue state through /sys/kernel/debug/block/*/state (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mq-deadline: Enable auto-loading when built as module (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] add code to track actual device queue depth (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: merge bio into sw queue before plugging (Ming Lei) [1458104 1154525]
- [block] blk-mq: ensure that bd->last is always set correctly (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix performance regression with shared tags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Restart a single queue if tag sets are shared (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Make it safe to use RCU to iterate over blk_mq_tag_set.tag_list (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: avoid to read HOST_CAP from HW in .queue_rq() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: fix performance regression of mq-deadline (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: convert blk-stat bucket callback to signed (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: introduce Kyber multiqueue I/O scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: make completed_request() callback more useful (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: export helpers (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: add shallow depth option for blk_mq_get_tag() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: add sbitmap_get_shallow() operation (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] scsi: add new scsi-command flag for tagged commands (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix leak of q->stats (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] fix stacked driver stats init and free (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: convert to callback-based statistics reporting (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: move BLK_RQ_STAT_BATCH definition to blk-stat.c (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: use READ and WRITE instead of BLK_STAT_{READ, WRITE} (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: fix blk_stat_sum() if all samples are batched (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move debugfs_remove() of disk dir to blk_release_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] use same block debugfs directory for blk-mq and blktrace (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blktrace: make do_blk_trace_setup() static (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] fix debugfs config conditional in struct request_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debug: Introduce debugfs_create_files() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debug: Make show() operations interruptible (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debug: Avoid that sparse complains about req_flags_t usage (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-debugfs: Add missing __acquires() / __releases() annotations (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix debugfs compilation issues (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move hctx and ctx counters from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move hctx io_poll, stats, and dispatched from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: add tags and sched_tags bitmaps to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move tags and sched_tags info from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: export software queue pending map to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: add helpers for dumping to a seq_file (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: add extra request information to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move hctx->dispatch and ctx->rq_list from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: add hctx->{state,flags} to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: create debugfs directory tree (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: fix a few cases of missing batch flushing (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-stat: fix a typo (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] add scalable completion tracking of requests (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: convert internal command issue to block IO path (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: abstract out "are any commands active" helper (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: kill atomic argument to mtip_quiesce_io() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: get rid of 'atomic' argument to mtip_exec_internal_command() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mtip32xx: use runtime tag to initialize command header (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix direct issue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: pass correct hctx to blk_mq_try_issue_directly (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] get rid of blk-mq default scheduler choice Kconfig entries (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: Fix preempt count imbalance (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix schedule-while-atomic with scheduler attached (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: use true instead of 1 for blk_mq_queue_data.last (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: make driver tag failure path easier to follow (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: provide hooks for initializing hardware queue data (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: separate mark hctx and queue restart operations (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: use sbq wait queues instead of restart for driver tags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix schedule-under-preempt for blocking drivers (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] block-mq: don't re-queue if we get a queue error (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: streamline blk_mq_make_request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: split the plug and sync cases in blk_mq_make_request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: improve blk_mq_try_issue_directly (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: merge mq and sq make_request instances (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] deal with stale req count of plug list (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: remove BLK_MQ_F_DEFER_ISSUE (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: immediately dispatch big size request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] immediately dispatch big size request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: remap queues when adding/removing hardware queues (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: fix crash in switch error path (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: set up scheduler tags when bringing up new queues (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: refactor scheduler initialization (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: use the right hctx when getting a driver tag fails (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: errors in did_work calculation (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] do not put mq context in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: don't run the queue async from blk_mq_try_issue_directly() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: move update of tags->rqs to __blk_mq_alloc_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: kill blk_mq_set_alloc_data() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: make blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx() allocate a scheduler request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: Allocate sched reserved tags as specified in the original queue tagset (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] don't defer flushes on blk-mq + scheduling (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: ask scheduler for work, if we failed dispatching leftovers (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: don't special case flush inserts for blk-mq-sched (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: don't add flushes to the head of requeue queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: have blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() return if we queued IO or not (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] do not allow updates through sysfs until registration completes (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: don't hold queue_lock when calling exit_icq (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] set make_request_fn manually in blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: pass bio to blk_mq_sched_get_rq_priv (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] move req_set_nomerge to blk.h (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] factor out req_set_nomerge (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: (un)register elevator when (un)registering queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] free merged request in the caller (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: bypass the scheduler for flushes entirely (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-merge: return the merged request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] elevator: fix loading wrong elevator type for blk-mq devices (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: don't fail allocating driver tag for stopped hw queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: add flush insertion into blk_mq_sched_insert_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: change ->dispatch_requests() to ->dispatch_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: fix starvation for multiple hardware queues and shared tags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: release driver tag on a requeue event (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: fix potential race in queue restart and driver tag allocation (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: improve scheduler queue sync/async running (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: check for successful allocation before assigning tag (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: don't lose flags passed in to blk_mq_alloc_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: only apply active queue tag throttling for driver tags (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: allow resize of scheduler requests (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: stop hardware queue in blk_mq_delay_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-tag: remove redundant check for 'data->hctx' being non-NULL (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] elevator: fix unnecessary put of elevator in failure case (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-cgroup: don't quiesce the queue on policy activate/deactivate (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: fix wakeup hang after sbq resize (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: use smp_mb__after_atomic() in sbq_wake_up() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-cgroup: ensure that we clear the stop bit on quiesced queues (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: allow setting of default IO scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] mq-deadline: add blk-mq adaptation of the deadline IO scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-sched: add framework for MQ capable IO schedulers (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: split tag ->rqs[] into two (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: abstract out helpers for allocating/freeing tag maps (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq-tag: cleanup the normal/reserved tag allocation (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: export some helpers we need to the scheduling framework (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: un-export blk_mq_free_hctx_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] move rq_ioc() to blk.h (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] move existing elevator ops to union (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-flush: run the queue when inserting blk-mq flush (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] elevator: make the rqhash helpers exported (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: abstract out blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() helper (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] Make CFQ default to IOPS mode on SSDs (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] do not merge requests without consulting with io scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: get rid of confusing blk_map_ctx structure (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: remove non-blocking pass in blk_mq_map_request (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: get rid of manual run of queue with __blk_mq_run_hw_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: initialize weight to zero (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: don't update the allocation hint on clear after resize (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: re-initialize allocation hints after resize (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: randomize initial alloc_hint values (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: push alloc policy into sbitmap_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: push per-cpu last_tag into sbitmap_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] sbitmap: allocate wait queues on a specific node (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: abstract tag allocation out into sbitmap library (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] blk-mq: add tag allocation policy (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] support different tag allocation policy (Ming Lei) [1458104]
- [block] revert "blk-mq-tag: fix wakeup hang after tag resize" (Ming Lei) [1458104]
* Fri Oct 27 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-760.el7]
- [scsi] fnic: do not call host reset from command abort (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: fix format string overflow warning (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: changing queue command to return result DID_IMM_RETRY when rport is init (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: correct speed display and add support for 25, 40 and 100G (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: added timestamp reporting in fnic debug stats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Zero io_cmpl_skip on fw reset completion (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Adding debug IO and Abort latency counter to fnic stats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Adding Check Condition counter to misc fnicstats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Avoid false out-of-order detection for aborted command (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Fix for "Number of Active IOs" in fnicstats becoming negative (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: minor cleanup in fnic_fcpio_itmf_cmpl_handler, removing else case (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: Ratelimit printks to avoid flooding when vlan is not set by the switch.i (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [scsi] fnic: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553]
- [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Convert nvmf_transports_mutex to an rwsem (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: retry initial controller connections 3 times (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: fix iowait hang (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet: synchronize sqhd update (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: correct io timeout behavior (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: correct io termination handling (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: move remote port get/put/free location (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: create fc class and transport device (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: add uevent for auto-connect (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet: bump NVMET_NR_QUEUES to 128 (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fcloop: fix port deletes and callbacks (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: sync header templates with comments (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: ensure target queue id within range (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: on port remove call put outside lock (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] fix sqhd reference when admin queue connect fails (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet: implement valid sqhd values in completions (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] allow timed-out ios to retry (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] stop aer posting if controller state not live (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: fix failing max io queue connections (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: use transport-specific sgl format (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme: add transport SGL definitions (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] remove FC transport-specific error values (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fcloop: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fc: simplify sg list handling (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvme-fc: Reattach to localports on re-registration (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [nvme] nvmet-fcloop: remove ALL_OPTS define (Ewan Milne) [1503181]
- [scsi] sd: Implement blacklist option for WRITE SAME w/ UNMAP (Ewan Milne) [1462594]
* Thu Oct 26 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-759.el7]
- [x86] dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump (Scott Wood) [1479560]
- [x86] kvm: hyperv: fix locking of struct kvm_hv fields (Ladi Prosek) [1504524]
- [x86] kvm: document lock orders (Ladi Prosek) [1504524]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Hyper-V tsc page setup (Ladi Prosek) [1504524]
- [x86] kvm: x86: always fill in vcpu->arch.hv_clock (Ladi Prosek) [1504524]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V internal helper to read MSR HV_X64_MSR_TIME_REF_COUNT (Ladi Prosek) [1504524]
- [x86] mm: add page_cache_get_speculative() protection when .flush_tlb_others is overridden (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] mm: add IPIs to pmdp_invalidate() when .flush_tlb_others is overridden (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyperv: Fix hypercalls with extended CPU ranges for TLB flushing (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyperv: Don't use percpu areas for pcpu_flush/pcpu_flush_ex structures (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyperv: Clear vCPU banks between calls to avoid flushing unneeded vCPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] tracing/hyper-v: Trace hyperv_mmu_flush_tlb_others() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Support extended CPU ranges for TLB flush hypercalls (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Use hypercall for remote TLB flush (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] mm: Enable RCU based page table freeing (CONFIG_HAVE_RCU_TABLE_FREE=y) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Globalize vp_index (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Implement rep hypercalls (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Use fast hypercall for HVCALL_SIGNAL_EVENT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Introduce fast hypercall implementation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Make hv_do_hypercall() inline (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyper-v: Include hyperv/ only when CONFIG_HYPERV is set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hv: Issue explicit EOI when autoeoi is not enabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hyperv: fix warning about missing prototype (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] vmbus: remove no longer used signal_policy (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Rename Hyper-V long spin wait hypercall (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
- [x86] hv: Move VMBus hypercall codes into Hyper-V UAPI header (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]
* Thu Oct 26 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-758.el7]
- [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Gemini Lake pin controller support (Steve Best) [1457198]
- [char] Do not disable driver and bus shutdown hook when class shutdown hook is set (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155]
- [char] tpm: Issue a TPM2_Shutdown for TPM2 devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155]
- [drivers] Add "shutdown" to "struct class" (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155]
- [kernel] rh_taint: Add management approval to documentation (Prarit Bhargava) [1505972]
- [kernel] cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325]
- [mm] memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325]
- [mm] memcg: fix thresholds for 32b architectures (Waiman Long) [1487852]
- [mm] hmm: synchronize hmm with upstream (Jerome Glisse) [1470733]
- [nvme] revert "kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues" (David Milburn) [1504584]
- [nvme] nvmet: preserve controller serial number between reboots (David Milburn) [1480179]
- [nvme] fix uninitialized prp2 value on small transfers (David Milburn) [1493707]
- [netdrv] tun: add device name(iff) field to proc fdinfo entry (John Linville) [1503209]
- [netdrv] tg3: use setup_timer() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662]
- [netdrv] tg3: clean up redundant initialization of tnapi (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662]
- [netdrv] tg3: Be drop monitor friendly (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662]
- [netdrv] tg3: Add the ability to conditionally build w/ HWMON (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662]
- [netdrv] enic: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1448560]
- [netdrv] enic: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1448560]
- [netdrv] cisco: enic: Fic an error handling path in 'vnic_dev_init_devcmd2()' (Stefan Assmann) [1448560]
- [netdrv] enic: Fix format truncation warning (Stefan Assmann) [1448560]
- [netdrv] enic: unmask intr only when napi is complete (Stefan Assmann) [1448560]
- [security] selinux: Generalize support for NNP/nosuid SELinux domain transitions (Paul Moore) [1480521]
- [security] selinux: allow per-file labeling for cgroupfs (Paul Moore) [1429573]
- [security] selinux: wrap cgroup seclabel support with its own policy capability (Paul Moore) [1429573]
- [security] selinux: allow changing labels for cgroupfs (Paul Moore) [1429573]
- [security] selinux: renumber the superblock options (Paul Moore) [1429573]
- [security] selinux: rename SE_SBLABELSUPP to SBLABEL_MNT (Paul Moore) [1429573]
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-757.el7]
- [bluetooth] Add support for Intel Bluetooth device 9460/9560 [8087:0aaa] (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_tx_wakeup() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_dequeue() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_send_frame() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add missing clear HCI_UART_PROTO_READY (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Ensure hu->hdev set to NULL before freeing hdev (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add missing return in hci_uart_init_work() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_uart: remove unused hci_uart_init_tty (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_uart: add support for word alignment (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btmrvl: remove unnecessary wakeup interrupt number sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btmrvl: disable platform wakeup interrupt in suspend failure path (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_intel: add missing tty-device sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_bcm: add missing tty-device sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btmrvl: cleanup code in return from btmrvl_sdio_suspend() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Support platform enumeration (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btrtl: Change message for missing config file (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] Added support for Rivet Networks Killer 1535 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_intel: Add support Intel Bluetooth device 9160/9260 for UART (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_intel: Fix firmware file name to use hw_variant (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btusb: Add support for Intel Bluetooth devices 9160/9260 [8087:0025] (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] Use switch statement for Intel hardware variants (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] bluecard: use setup_timer (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Fix clock (un)prepare (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btmrvl: fix spelling mistake: "unregester" -> "unregister" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: fix compile-test dependency (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_qca: fix spelling mistake: "Spurrious" -> "Spurious" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btmrvl: fix spelling mistake: "caibration" -> "calibration" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: Allow driver to build if COMPILE_TEST is enabled (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] Add another AR3012 04ca:3018 device (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add support for BCM2E95 and BCM2E96 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btbcm: Add a delay for module reset (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btusb: Add support for 413c:8143 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btusb: Use an error label for error paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: Fix module autoload (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
- [bluetooth] btusb: add support for 0bb4:0306 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-756.el7]
- [md] dm ioctl: fix alignment of event number in the device list (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [md] dm raid: fix incorrect status output at the end of a "recover" process (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm ioctl: constify ioctl lookup table (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: constify argument arrays (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm rq: do not update rq partially in each ending bio (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm rq: make dm-sq requeuing behavior consistent with dm-mq behavior (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: do not lock up a CPU with requeuing activity (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm raid: avoid mddev->suspended access (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm raid: fix activation check in validate_raid_redundancy() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm raid: remove WARN_ON() in raid10_md_layout_to_format() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm raid: stop using BUG() in __rdev_sectors() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: fix printk() rate limiting code (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: convert DM printk macros to pr_<level> macros (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm bio prison: use rb_entry() rather than container_of() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm ioctl: report event number in DM_LIST_DEVICES (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [md] dm ioctl: add a new DM_DEV_ARM_POLL ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [md] dm: add basic support for using the select or poll function (Mike Snitzer) [1475380]
- [md] dm thin: do not queue freed thin mapping for next stage processing (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm bufio: make the parameter 'retain_bytes' unsigned long (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm bufio: check new buffer allocation watermark every 30 seconds (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm bufio: avoid a possible ABBA deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: make it easier to detect unintended I_O request flushes (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: cleanup QUEUE_IF_NO_PATH bit manipulation by introducing assign_bit() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: micro-optimize the hot path relative to MPATHF_QUEUE_IF_NO_PATH (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: introduce enum dm_queue_mode to cleanup related code (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: verify __pg_init_all_paths locking assumptions at runtime (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: verify suspend_locking assumptions at runtime (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm rq: check blk_mq_register_dev() return value in dm_mq_init_request_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: delay requeuing while path initialization is in progress (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: avoid that path removal can trigger an infinite loop (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm mpath: split and rename activate_path() to prepare for its expanded use (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm ioctl: remove double parentheses (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm: remove dummy dm_table definition (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm table: replace while loops with for loops (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm raid: select the Kconfig option CONFIG_MD_RAID0 (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm crypt: replace custom implementation of hex2bin() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm crypt: remove obsolete references to per-CPU state (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm crypt: use WQ_HIGHPRI for the IO and crypt workqueues (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
- [md] dm block manager: remove an unused argument from dm_block_manager_create() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-755.el7]
- [net] udp: fix bcast packet reception (Paolo Abeni) [1493238]
- [net] udp: perform source validation for mcast early demux (Paolo Abeni) [1493238]
- [net] ipv4: early demux can return an error code (Paolo Abeni) [1493238]
- [net] ipv6: expose RFC4191 route preference via rtnetlink (Hangbin Liu) [1500463]
- [net] check type when freeing metadata dst (Paolo Abeni) [1497116]
- [net] store port/representator id in metadata_dst (Paolo Abeni) [1497116]
- [net] tcp: avoid fragmenting peculiar skbs in SACK (Hangbin Liu) [1499039]
- [net] handle NAPI_GRO_FREE_STOLEN_HEAD case also in napi_frags_finish() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [net] Drop secpath on free after gro merge (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [net] adjust skb->truesize in ___pskb_trim() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [net] tcp: do not underestimate skb->truesize in tcp_trim_head() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [net] skb_condense() can also deal with empty skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [net] udp: under rx pressure, try to condense skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1469357]
- [drm] i915: Revert "don't rcu-sync from shrinker" (Waiman Long) [1488956]
- [kernel] cpu/hotplug: Disable prove_locking for cpu_hotplug.mutex (Waiman Long) [1488956]
- [kernel] rcu: Eliminate deadlock between CPU hotplug and expedited grace periods (Waiman Long) [1488956]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Prevent double-free on HPT resize commit path (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Advertise availablity of HPT resizing on KVM HV (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: KVM-HV HPT resizing implementation (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Outline of KVM-HV HPT resizing implementation (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Create kvmppc_unmap_hpte_helper() (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Allow KVM_PPC_ALLOCATE_HTAB ioctl() to change HPT size (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Split HPT allocation from activation (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Don't store values derivable from HPT order (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Gather HPT related variables into sub-structure (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Rename kvm_alloc_hpt() for clarity (David Gibson) [1305400]
- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: HPT resizing documentation and reserved numbers (David Gibson) [1305400]
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-754.el7]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: fix permission_fault() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: use ept a/d in vmcs02 iff used in vmcs12 (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix AD condition when handling EPT violation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Don't use INVVPID when EPT is enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: allow A/D bits to be disabled in an mmu (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: make spte mmio mask more explicit (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: dead code thanks to access tracking (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] mmu: don't pass *kvm to spte_write_protect and spte_*_dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix EPT permissions as reported in exit qualification (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: off by one in vmx_write_pml_buffer() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] nvmx: Advertise PML to L1 hypervisor (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] nvmx: Implement emulated Page Modification Logging (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Add a hook for arch specific dirty logging emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: support EPT accessed/dirty bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: MMU support for EPT accessed/dirty bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: remove bogus check for invalid EPT violation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] vmx: refine validity check for guest linear address (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Verify that restored PTE has needed perms in fast page fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Move pgtbl walk inside retry loop in fast_page_fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Update comment in mark_spte_for_access_track (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Set SPTE_SPECIAL_MASK within mmu.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Rename EPT_VIOLATION_READ/WRITE/INSTR constants (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Lockless access tracking for Intel CPUs without EPT A bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Do not use bit 63 for tracking special SPTEs (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Introduce a no-tracking version of mmu_spte_update (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix typos (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Refactor accessed/dirty checks in mmu_spte_update/clear (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Fast Page Fault path retries (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Use symbolic constants for EPT Violation Exit Qualifications (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: hyperv: support HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY and HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_VP_RUNTIME support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX export for QEMU (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_RESET msr (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: speedup update_permission_bitmask (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] doc: add "an user" pattern and fix typo instances (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Correct a VMX instruction error code for VMPTRLD (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Don't validate disabled secondary controls (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Shadow "high" parts of shadowed 64-bit VMCS fields (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Check memory operand to INVVPID (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDSEED (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDRAND (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: cache secondary exec controls (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: use general helpers for some cpuid manipulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: generalize guest_cpuid_has_ helpers (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: X86_FEATURE_NRIPS is not scattered anymore (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: allow host to access guest MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Check value written to IA32_BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Guest BNDCFGS requires guest MPX support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: INVPCID support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: don't flush VMCS12 during VMXOFF or VCPU teardown (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: do not pin the VMCS12 (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor handle_vmptrld() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: mark vmcs12 pages dirty on L2 exit (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix interrupt window request with "Acknowledge interrupt on exit" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: support RDRAND and RDSEED exiting (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: add missing exit reasons (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix posted intr delivery when vcpu is in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] irq: Define a global vector for nested posted interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: vmx_complete_nested_posted_interrupt() can't fail (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: kmap() can't fail (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: remove unused field (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix loss of L2's NMI blocking state (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: track NMI blocking state separately for each VMCS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix invalid guest state detection after task-switch emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: async_pf: avoid async pf injection when in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: we support 1GB EPT pages (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: keep preemption timer enabled during L2 execution (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: introduce vm_{entry, exit}_control_reset_shadow (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] revert "kvm: nested vmx: disable perf cpuid reporting" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix exception injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Don't enable EPT A/D feature if EPT feature is disabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix nested EPT detection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix enable VPID conditions (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix nested VPID vmx exec control (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: reset nested_run_pending if the vCPU is going to be reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix pending events injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: do not warn when MSR bitmap address is not backed (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: advertise support for ept execute only (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: track read permission explicitly for shadow EPT page tables (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: don't set the present bit unconditionally (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: remove is_present_gpte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: extend the is_present check to 32 bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Consolidate BUG_ON checks for reverse-mapped sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Remove is_rmap_spte() and use is_shadow_present_pte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
- [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Rename spte_is_locklessly_modifiable() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-753.el7]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Update driver version (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove A-circumflex character in copyright marking (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix misc static analysis errors (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Add cmd to set host data (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Modify IOCTL to fetch user configured IQN (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix _get_initname buffer overflow (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix _modify_eq_delay buffer overflow (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Free msi_name and disable HW intr (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix return value in mgmt_open_connection (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix boot flags in sysfs (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Replace PCI pool old API (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Update driver version (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Update Copyright (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Check size before copying ASYNC handle (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove free_list for ASYNC handles (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Use num_cons field in Rx CQE (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] be2iscsi: Increase HDQ default queue size (Chris Leech) [1457833]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Query FC4 type during RSCN processing (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Use ql2xnvmeenable to enable Q-Pair for FC-NVMe (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Changes to support N2N logins (Chad Dupuis) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow MBC_GET_PORT_DATABASE to query and save the port states (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ATIO-Q processing for INTx mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add module param ql2xenablemsix (Chad Dupuis) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Move #include qla_nvme.h to fix compile errors on RHEL 7 (Chad Dupuis) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow SCSI-MQ to be enabled selectively (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add LR distance support from nvram bit (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for minimum link speed (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear fc4f_nvme flag (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: add missing includes for qla_isr (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix WWPN/WWNN in debug message (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add command completion for error path (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix remoteport disconnect for FC-NVMe (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Simpify unregistration of FC-NVMe local/remote ports (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Added change to enable ZIO for FC-NVMe devices (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Move function prototype to correct header (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup FC-NVMe code (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NVMe entry_type for iocb packet on BE system (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: avoid unused-function warning (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: fix a bunch of typos and spelling mistakes (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Use FC-NVMe FC4 type for FDMI registration (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Send FC4 type NVMe to the management server (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe F/W initialization and transport registration (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe command handling (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe port discovery and PRLI handling (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281]
- [target] iscsi-target: Set session_fall_back_to_erl0 when forcing reinstatement (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Always wait for kthread_should_stop() before kthread exit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Fix initial login PDU asynchronous socket close OOPs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iscsi: Fix indentation in iscsi_target_start_negotiation() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Fix early sk_data_ready LOGIN_FLAGS_READY race (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix missing complete during ABORT_TASK + CMD_T_FABRIC_STOP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iscsi: Fix double free in lio_target_tiqn_addtpg() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix race between iscsi-target connection shutdown + ABORT_TASK (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix missing complete during ABORT_TASK + CMD_T_FABRIC_STOP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] configfs: make configfs compatible with new API (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] allow ALUA setup for some passthrough backends (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcmu: Allow cmd_time_out to be set to zero (disabled) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/user: PGR Support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcmu: Convert cmd_time_out into backend device attribute (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] export lio pgr/alua support as device attr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] add a new add_wwn_groups fabrics method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] initialize the nacl base CIT begfore init_nodeacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove ->fabric_cleanup_nodeacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] ib_srpt: Convert acl lookup to modern get_initiator_node_acl usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] configfs: switch ->default groups to a linked list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix target_release_cmd_kref shutdown comp leak (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Avoid DataIN transfers for non-GOOD SAM status (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove enum transport_lunflags_table (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iblock: pass WRITE_SAME to device if possible (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_fc: Convert to TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF I/O + TMR krefs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] sbp-target: Convert to TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF I/O krefs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] sbp-target: Conversion to percpu_ida tag pre-allocation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_fc: Convert to target_alloc_session usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert demo-mode only drivers to target_alloc_session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add target_alloc_session() helper function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop incorrect ABORT_TASK put for completed commands (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/transport: add flag to indicate CPU Affinity is observed (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix incorrect unmap_zeroes_data_store return (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop legacy se_cmd->task_stop_comp + REQUEST_STOP usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix race with SCF_SEND_DELAYED_TAS handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix remote-port TMR ABORT + se_cmd fabric stop (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix TAS handling for multi-session se_node_acls (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix LUN_RESET active TMR descriptor handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix LUN_RESET active I/O handling for ACK_KREF (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix WRITE_SAME/DISCARD conversion to linux 512b sectors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Obtain se_node_acl->acl_kref during get_initiator_node_acl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert ACL change queue_depth se_session reference usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Fix potential dead-lock during node acl delete (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_fc: Convert acl lookup to modern get_initiator_node_acl usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_fc: Wait for command completion before freeing a session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix a memory leak in target_dev_lba_map_store() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Support aborting tasks with a 64-bit tag (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove an unused variable (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix indentation in target_core_configfs.c (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/fcoe: Add tag support to tcm_fc (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] qla2xxx: Add selective command queuing (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] use offset_in_page macro (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] fix deprecated attribute names in dmesg (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/sbc: Add LBPRZ attribute + control CDB emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] sbp-target: Remove a superfluous forward declaration (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Fix indentation + spelling + unreachable code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix spelling + remove set-but-not-used variables (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [kernel] configfs: Drop unused parameter from configfs_undepend_item() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: Show address of tpg in configfs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] fix COMPARE_AND_WRITE non zero SGL offset data corruption (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Invoke release_cmd() callback without holding a spinlock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix race for SCF_COMPARE_AND_WRITE_POST checking (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: return -ENOMEM instead of -1 in case of failed kmalloc() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] use per-attribute show and store methods (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Avoid OFMarker + IFMarker negotiation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Make TCM_WRITE_PROTECT failure honor D_SENSE bit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix target_sense_desc_format NULL pointer dereference (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Propigate backend read-only to core_tpg_add_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix PR registration + APTPL RCU conversion regression (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove no-op conditional (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix max_cmd_sn increment w/o cmdsn mutex regressions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Attach EXTENDED_COPY local I/O descriptors to xcopy_pt_sess (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/qla2xxx: Honor max_data_sg_nents I/O transfer limit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop iSCSI use of mutex around max_cmd_sn increment (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop unlikely before IS_ERR(_OR_NULL) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Shrink struct se_cmd by rearranging fields (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove cmd->se_ordered_id (unused except debug log lines) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] add support for START_STOP_UNIT SCSI opcode (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] improve unsupported opcode message (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] allow underflow/overflow for PR OUT etc. commands (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove initiatorname field in se_acl_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove unused lun_flags field from se_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Return descriptor format sense data in case the LU spans 64bit sectors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Return ABORTED_COMMAND sense key for PI errors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Split transport_send_check_condition_and_sense() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Inline transport_get_sense_codes() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: Send I_T_NEXUS_LOSS_OCCURRED UA (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: Remove SAS vestigies (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/rd: always chain S/G list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix handling of small allocation lengths in REPORT LUNS (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] REPORT LUNS should return LUN 0 even for dynamic ACLs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iscsi: Fix double free of a TUR followed by a solicited NOPOUT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Perform RCU callback barrier before backend/fabric unload (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/configfs: handle match_int() errors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Do not return 0 from aptpl and alua configfs store functions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Indicate success if writing 0 to pi_prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/rd: Set ramdisk as non rotational device (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add extra TYPE_DISK + protection checks for INQUIRY SPT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/spc: Set SPT correctly in Extended INQUIRY Data VPD page (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/pr: Fix possible uninitialized variable usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Bump core version to v5.0 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove target_core_configfs.h (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove unused TARGET_CORE_CONFIG_ROOT define (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] consolidate version defines (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] implement WRITE_SAME with UNMAP bit using ->execute_unmap (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] simplify UNMAP handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] replace se_cmd->execute_rw with a protocol_data field (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Send UA when changing LUN inventory (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Send UA upon LUN RESET tmr completion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Send UA on ALUA target port group change (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert se_lun->lun_deve_lock to normal spinlock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] use 'se_dev_entry' when allocating UAs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove 'ua_nacl' pointer from se_ua structure (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove TARGET_MAX_LUNS_PER_TRANSPORT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] use 64-bit LUNs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop duplicate + unused se_dev_check_wce (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop unnecessary core_tpg_register TFO parameter (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop se_lun->lun_active for existing percpu lun_ref (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop lun_sep_lock for se_lun->lun_se_dev RCU usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Subsume se_port + t10_alua_tg_pt_gp_member into se_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Simplify LUN shutdown code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] simplify backend attribute implementation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] consolidate backend attribute implementations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] simplify backend driver registration (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop left-over se_lun->lun_status (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Only reset specific dynamic entries during lun_group creation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop unused se_lun->lun_acl_list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert core_tpg_deregister to use list splice (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert se_tpg->acl_node_lock to ->acl_node_mutex (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert se_portal_group->tpg_lun_list to RCU hlist (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/pr: cleanup core_scsi3_pr_seq_non_holder (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/pr: Change alloc_registration to avoid pr_reg_tg_pt_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/pr: Use atomic bitop for se_dev_entry->deve_flags reservation check (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert se_node_acl->device_list to RCU hlist (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: fix variable name typo in iscsi_check_acceptor_state() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] fix a log message in se_dev_set_emulate_rest_reord() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove ->put_session method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target_core_configfs.h is not needed in fabric drivers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove struct target_fabric_configfs_template (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] put struct target_fabric_configfs on a diet (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] don't copy fabric ops (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove set-but-not-used-variables (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Move task tag into struct se_cmd + support 64-bit tags (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] move transport ID handling to the core (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [lib] introduce crc_t10dif_update() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove the get_fabric_proto_ident method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] change core_tpg_register prototype (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_fc: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iscsi: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] handle odd SG mapping for data transfer memory (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix inconsistent address passed to kunmap_atomic() in sbc_dif_copy_prot() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] move node ACL allocation to core code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] refactor node ACL allocation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] refactor init/drop_nodeacl methods (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] make the tpg_get_default_depth method optional (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] sbp_target: remove struct sbp_nacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: remove struct tcm_loop_nacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/transport: Always initialize bidi fields in se_cmd (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/loop: Enable VARLEN CDB support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: remove support for obsolete markers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] fix DPO and FUA bit checks (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/sbc: Fix sbc_dif_verify inconsistent map/unmap (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/file: Remove fd_prot bounce buffer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Merge sbc_verify_dif_read|write (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] use kvfree() in session alloc and free (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Correct a comment (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Move passthrough CDB parsing into a common function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix se_tpg_tfo->tf_subsys regression + remove tf_subsystem (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Drop signal_pending checks after interruptible lock acquire (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add missing parentheses (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Fix bidi command handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi: fix minor memory leak (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Make core_tmr_abort_task() skip TMFs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/sbc: Update sbc_dif_generate pr_debug output (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/sbc: Make internal DIF emulation honor ->prot_checks (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/sbc: Return INVALID_CDB_FIELD if DIF + sess_prot_type disabled (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Ensure sess_prot_type is saved across session restart (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/rd: Don't pass incomplete scatterlist entries to sbc_dif_verify_* (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Remove the unused flag SCF_ACK_KREF (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] simplify the target template registration API (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Update fabric_ops to latest code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] simplify target_xcopy_init_pt_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] remove the unused SCF_CMD_XCOPY_PASSTHROUGH flag (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/rd: reduce code duplication in rd_execute_rw() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] tcm_loop: fixup tpgt string to integer conversion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi/iser-target: Add fabric_prot_type attribute support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] loopback: Add fabric_prot_type attribute support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/rd: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/iblock: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] target/file: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add internal READ_INSERT support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Move cmd->prot_op check into target_read_prot_action (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add internal WRITE_STRIP support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Move cmd->prot_op check into target_write_prot_action (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Update SPC/SBC emulation for sess_prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add protected fabric + unprotected device support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert DIF emulation to use cmd->prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] add missing sense_reason_t annotations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] add __releases annotation to target_release_cmd_kref (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] mark tcm_loop_primary static (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] move external declarations to a headers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Better handling of AllRegistrants reservations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Drop legacy iscsi_target_tq.c logic (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: don't export static symbol (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Convert fabric module autoload failures to pr_debug (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] iscsi-target: Expose per endpoint dynamic_sessions attribute (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
- [target] Add target_show_dynamic_sessions attribute helper (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-752.el7]
- [kernel] radix-tree: RHEL-only kABI patch (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree tests: properly initialize mutex (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree tests: add iteration test (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree: fix sibling entry handling in radix_tree_descend() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: Test radix_tree_replace_slot() for multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix comment about "exceptional" bits (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] tools/testing/radix-tree/linux/gfp.h: fix bitrotted value (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: implement radix_tree_maybe_preload_order() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] testing/radix-tree: fix a macro expansion bug (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_iter_retry() for tagged iterators (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: free up the bottom bit of exceptional entries for reuse (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: make radix_tree_descend() more useful (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_replace_clear_tags() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up __radix_tree_create() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up range_tag_if_tagged (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up next_chunk (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: change naming conventions in radix_tree_shrink (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rename radix_tree_is_indirect_ptr() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rename indirect_to_ptr() to entry_to_node() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rename ptr_to_indirect() to node_to_entry() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rename INDIRECT_PTR to INTERNAL_NODE (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: remove root->height (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: remove dependencies on height (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: remove a use of root->height from delete_node (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: replace node->height with node->shift (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: split node->path into offset and height (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: miscellaneous fixes (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: add copyright statements (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_dump() for multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged() for multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: add test for radix_tree_locate_item() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_locate_item (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_create for sibling entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree test suite: add multi-order tag test (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_get (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_clear (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_set (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: multi-order iteration test (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: add support for multi-order iterating (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix multiorder BUG_ON in radix_tree_insert (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite __radix_tree_lookup (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix several shrinking bugs with multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: start adding multiorder tests (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix extending the tree for multi-order entries at offset 0 (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_load_root() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: remove restriction on multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix deleting a multi-order entry through an alias (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix sibling entry insertion (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: add missing sibling entry functionality (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: introduce CONFIG_RADIX_TREE_MULTIORDER (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: remove unused looping macros (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: rebuild when headers change (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: keep regression test runs short (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: allow testing other fan-out values (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: add tests for radix_tree_locate_item() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test suite: fix build (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_empty (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree tests: add test for radix_tree_iter_next (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree tests: add regression3 test (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree, shmem: introduce radix_tree_iter_next() (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix_tree: add radix_tree_dump (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix_tree: add support for multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix_tree: loop based on shift count, not height (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix_tree: tag all internal tree nodes as indirect pointers (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix tree test harness (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: add an explicit of bitops.h (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: fix oops after radix_tree_iter_retry (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] linux/radix-tree.h: fix error in docs about locks (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] radix-tree: replace preallocated node array with linked list (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: change to simpler include (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: kernel-doc warning fix (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] mm: replace __get_cpu_var uses with this_cpu_ptr (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
- [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: swapoff tmpfs radix_tree: remember to rcu_read_unlock (Larry Woodman) [1383492]
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-751.el7]
- [powerpc] perf: Cleanup of PM_BR_CMPL vs. PM_BRU_CMPL in Power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add PM_LD_MISS_L1 and PM_BR_2PATH to power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Factor out PPMU_ONLY_COUNT_RUN check code from power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Update default sdar_mode value for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add POWER9 alternate PM_RUN_CYC and PM_RUN_INST_CMPL events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix SDAR_MODE value for continous sampling on Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix branch event code for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix oops when kthread execs user process (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix Power9 test_adder fields (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add Power8 mem_access event to sysfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Support to export SIERs bit in Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Support to export SIERs bit in Power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Support to export MMCRA[TEC*] field to userspace (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Export memory hierarchy info to user space (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Handle sdar_mode for marked event in power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix perf_get_data_addr() for power9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: use is_kernel_addr macro in perf_get_misc_flags() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Avoid FAB_*_MATCH checks for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add restrictions to PMC5 in power9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Use Instruction Counter value (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Use PM_INST_DISP for generic instructions sample (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add alternative event table and function for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add PM_INST_DISP event to Power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Factor out event_alternative function (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Use MSR to report privilege level on P9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix PM_BRU_CMPL event code for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: macros for power9 format encoding (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: power9 raw event format encoding (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: update attribute_group data structure (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: factor out the event format field (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] sparse: Make a bunch of things static (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix incorrect event codes in power9-event-list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Export Power9 generic and cache events to sysfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Power9 PMU support (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Add power9 event list macros for generic and cache events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: factor out power8 pmu functions (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: factor out power8 pmu macros and defines (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix ABIv2 kernel backtraces (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Clear all MMCR settings before calling compute_mmcr() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Replace raw event hex values with #defines (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Fix misleading comment in pmao_restore_workaround() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf/hv-gpci: Increase request buffer size (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Remove PPMU_HAS_SSLOT flag for Power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf/powerpc: Add support for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_CALL (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] perf: Change type of the bhrb_users variable (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] book3s: Add a cpu table entry for different POWER9 revs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] Add POWER9 cputable entry (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] Add HWCAP bits for Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] Use defines for __init_tlb_power[78] (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
- [powerpc] book3s: Fix flush_tlb cpu_spec hook to take a generic argument (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]
* Tue Oct 24 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-750.el7]
- [s390] virtio/s390: deprecate old transport (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio: change virtio_feature_desc:features type to __le32 (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: virtio: constify virtio_config_ops structures (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: add missing \n to end of dev_err message (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: support READ_STATUS command for virtio-ccw (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio: make ccw explicitly non-modular (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: size of SET_IND payload (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: use dev_to_virtio (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio: make find_vqs() checkpatch.pl-friendly [s390x part] (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: handle error values in irb (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: handle failures of READ_VQ_CONF ccw (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] virtio/s390: rename s390/kvm -> drivers/s390/virtio (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] kvm: s390: virtio-ccw: don't overwrite config space values (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] kvm: s390: virtio_ccw: remove unused variable (Thomas Huth) [1495285]
- [s390] s390/crypt: use the correct module alias for paes_s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348]
- [s390] s390/crypt: fix missing unlock in ctr_paes_crypt on error path (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348]
- [s390] s390/crypt: Add protected key AES module (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348]
- [iommu] vt-d: Tylersburg isoch identity map check is done too late (Jerry Snitselaar) [1457037]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: save pin registers over suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl: amd: fix error return code in amd_gpio_probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: Use regular interrupt instead of chained (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: Update contact information for AMD pinctrl/amd (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279]
- [pinctrl] pinctrl: amd: make use of raw_spinlock variants (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279]
- [cpufreq] Fix suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1499802]
* Mon Oct 23 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-749.el7]
- [iommu] kvm: svm: Add irqchip_split() checks before enabling AVIC (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757]
- [iommu] kvm: Add struct kvm_vcpu pointer parameter to get_enable_apicv() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757]
- [iommu] kvm: svm: Refactor AVIC vcpu initialization into avic_init_vcpu() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757]
- [iommu] amd: Check if domain is NULL in get_domain() and return -EBUSY (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Fix section mismatch warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Fix compiler warning in copy_device_table() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Disable iommu only if amd_iommu=off is specified (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Disable IOMMUs at boot if they are enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Don't copy GCR3 table root pointer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Allocate memory below 4G for dev table if translation pre-enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Use is_attach_deferred call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] Add is_attach_deferred call-back to iommu-ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Do sanity check for address translation and irq remap of old dev table entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Copy old trans table from old kernel (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Add function copy_dev_tables() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Define bit fields for DTE particularly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Add several helper functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Detect pre enabled translation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729]
- [iommu] amd: Enable ga_log_intr when enabling guest_mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix interrupt remapping when disable guest_mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix IOMMU lookup for SR-IOV Virtual Functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Make sure RMRRs are mapped before domain goes public (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Split up get_domain_for_dev function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] kvm: svm: fix unsigned compare less than zero comparison (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711]
- [iommu] svm: Implements update_pi_irte hook to setup posted interrupt (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711]
- [iommu] svm: Introduce AMD IOMMU avic_ga_log_notifier (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711]
- [iommu] svm: Introduces AVIC per-VM ID (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711]
- [iommu] kvm: Provide function for VCPU lookup by id (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix the left value check of cmd buffer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Missing error code in amd_iommu_init_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix group refcounting (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Tell kmemleak about the irq_remap_table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Allow taking a reference on a group directly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Use irte_ops->set_affinity() function hook (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Handle 32 and 128-bit interrupt remapping table entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Enable vAPIC interrupt remapping mode by default (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Implements irq_set_vcpu_affinity() hook to setup vapic mode for pass-through devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Introduce amd_iommu_update_ga() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Adding GALOG interrupt handler (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Detect and initialize guest vAPIC log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Add support for multiple IRTE formats (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] x86/irq: Add struct amd_ir_data pointer in struct irq_2_irte (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Introduce interrupt remapping ops structure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Move and introduce new IRTE-related unions and structures (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Detect and enable guest vAPIC support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix boot warning when device 00:00.0 is not iommu covered (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Adding Extended Feature Register check for PC support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: No need to wait iommu completion if no dte irq entry change (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Free domain id when free a domain of struct dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Use standard bitmap operation to set bitmap (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Clean up the cmpxchg64 invocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Don't put completion-wait semaphore on stack (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove AMD_IOMMU_STATS (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix non static symbol warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Simplify and fix ida handling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Simplify init function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Remove unnecassary qi clflushes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Don't reject NTB devices due to scope mismatch (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Initialize dma-ops domains with 3-level page-table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Update Alias-DTE in update_device_table() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Use container_of to get dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Flush iova queue before releasing dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Handle IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA in ops->domain_free call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Use dev_data->domain in get_domain() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Optimize map_sg and unmap_sg (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Introduce dir2prot() helper (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Implement timeout to flush unmap queues (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Implement flush queue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Allow NULL pointer parameter for domain_flush_complete() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Set up data structures for flush queue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove align-parameter from __map_single() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove other remains of old address allocator (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Make use of the generic IOVA allocator (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove special mapping code for dma_ops path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Pass gfp-flags to iommu_map_page() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Implement apply_dm_region call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Create a list of reserved iova addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Allocate iova_domain for dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Select IOMMU_IOVA for AMD IOMMU (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Add apply_dm_region call-back to iommu-ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] remove unused priv field from struct iommu_ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Add MMIO mapping type (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] provide of_xlate pointer unconditionally (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Update struct iommu_ops comments (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Init unity mappings only for dma_ops domains (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove create_workqueue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Set AMD iommu callbacks for platform bus driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix infinite loop in free_all_cpu_cached_iovas (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Initialize devid variable before using it (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix overflow of iommu->domains array (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] iova: Disable preemption around use of this_cpu_ptr() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Enable QI on all IOMMUs before setting root entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Use per-cpu IOVA caching (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] iova: introduce per-cpu caching to iova allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: change intel-iommu to use IOVA frame numbers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: only unmap mapped entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] intel-iommu: integrate DMA CMA (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: correct flush_unmaps pfn usage (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: per-cpu deferred invalidation queues (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: refactoring of deferred flush entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Remove statistics code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Don't use IS_ERR_VALUE to check integer values (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Signedness bug in acpihid_device_group() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Set AMD iommu callbacks for amba bus (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Manage iommu_group for ACPI HID devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Add iommu support for ACPI HID devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] acpi: Add acpi_device_uid() for convenience (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Make call-sites of get_device_id aware of its return value (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Introduces ivrs_acpihid kernel parameter (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Add new map for storing IVHD dev entry type HID (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix checking of pci dma aliases (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Use the most comprehensive IVHD type that the driver can support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Modify ivhd_header structure to support type 11h and 40h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Allow selecting page sizes per domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] x86/vt-d: Fix comment for dma_pte_free_pagetable() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Improve fault handler error messages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Ratelimit fault handler (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Silence an uninitialized variable warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Don't overwrite domain pointer when there is no default_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Fix second argument of trace_map() to report correct paddr (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Make a symbol static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] perf/x86/amd: Add IOMMU Performance Counter resource management (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Use BUS_NOTIFY_REMOVED_DEVICE in hotplug path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Detach device from domain before removal (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Apply workaround for ATS write permission check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Correct the wrong setting of alias DTE in do_attach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix 64-bit accesses to 32-bit DMAR_GSTS_REG (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix up error handling in alloc_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Check the return value of iommu_device_create() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Preallocate dma_ops apertures based on dma_mask (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Use trylock to aquire bitmap_lock (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Make dma_ops_domain->next_index percpu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Relax locking in dma_ops path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Initialize new aperture range before making it visible (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Build io page-tables with cmpxchg64 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Allocate new aperture ranges in dma_ops_alloc_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Optimize dma_ops_free_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove need_flush from struct dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Iterate over all aperture ranges in dma_ops_area_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Flush iommu tlb in dma_ops_free_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Rename dma_ops_domain->next_address to next_index (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove 'start' parameter from dma_ops_area_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Flush iommu tlb in dma_ops_aperture_alloc() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Retry address allocation within one aperture (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Move aperture_range.offset to another cache-line (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Add dma_ops_aperture_alloc() function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Pass correct shift to iommu_area_alloc() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Flush the IOMMU TLB before the addresses are freed (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Flush IOMMU TLB on __map_single error path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Introduce bitmap_lock in struct aperture_range (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Move 'struct dma_ops_domain' definition to amd_iommu.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Warn only once on unexpected pte value (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Constify mmu_notifier_ops structures (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Cleanup error handling in do_fault() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Do proper access checking before calling handle_mm_fault() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Move default domain allocation to iommu_group_get_for_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Remove is_pci_dev() fall-back from iommu_group_get_for_dev (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Add device_group call-back to x86 iommu drivers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Add generic_device_group() function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Export and rename iommu_group_get_for_pci_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] Revive device_group iommu-ops call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove find_last_devid_on_pci() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove first/last_device handling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Initialize amd_iommu_last_bdf for DEV_ALL (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Cleanup buffer allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove cmd_buf_size and evt_buf_size from struct amd_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Align DTE flag definitions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Remove old alias handling code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Set alias DTE in do_attach/do_detach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: WARN when __[attach|detach]_device are called with irqs enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Don't disable IRQs in __detach_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Do not iterate over alias-list in __[attach|detach]_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Do not BUG_ON in __detach_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix return value check of parse_ioapics_under_ir() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Propagate error-value from ir_parse_ioapic_hpet_scope() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Adjust the return value of the parse_ioapics_under_ir (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix ATSR handling for Root-Complex integrated endpoints (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Switch from ioremap_cache to memremap (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Don't clear DTE flags when modifying it (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix BUG when faulting a PROT_NONE VMA (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Fix NULL pointer deref on device detach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Prevent binding other PCI drivers to IOMMU PCI devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Drop null test before destroy functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] amd: Return positive value in amd_iommu_detect() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Fix memory leak in dmar_insert_one_dev_info() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Access iomem correctly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Make two functions static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Use BUG_ON instead of if () BUG() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Return false instead of 0 in irq_remapping_cap() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] amd: Use BUG_ON instead of if () BUG() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] vt-d: Report domain usage in sysfs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] vt-d: Avoid format string leaks into iommu_device_create (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
- [iommu] Make the iova library a module (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] iova: Export symbols (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] iova: Move iova cache management to the iova library (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581]
- [iommu] iova: Avoid over-allocating when size-aligned (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]
* Mon Oct 23 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-748.el7]
- [netdrv] igbvf: convert msleep to mdelay in atomic context (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igbvf: after mailbox write, wait for reply (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igbvf: add lock around mailbox ops (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igbvf: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add VF MAC filter request capabilities (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igbvf: use new API ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905]
- [netdrv] igb: do not drop PF mailbox lock after read of VF message (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: expose mailbox unlock method (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: add argument names to mailbox op function declarations (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Remove incorrect "unexpected SYS WRAP" log message (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: protect TX timestamping from API misuse (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Fix error of RX network flow classification (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: make a few local functions static (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Remove useless argument (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Explicitly select page 0 at initialization (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Enable reading of wake up packet (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add VF MAC filter request capabilities (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: improve MAC filter handling (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: use new API ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb/ixgbe: Fix typo in igb_build_skb and/or ixgbe_build_skb code comment (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Re-add support for build_skb in igb (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Break out Rx buffer page management (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Add support for padding packet (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Add support for using order 1 pages to receive large frames (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Add support for ethtool private flag to allow use of legacy Rx (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Use page_address offset from page instead of masking virtual address (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Only sync size of expected frame in ethtool testing (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Limit maximum frame Rx based on MTU (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Don't bother clearing Tx buffer_info in igb_clean_tx_ring (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Clear Rx buffer_info in configure instead of clean (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: Add support for DMA_ATTR_WEAK_ORDERING (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] scripts/spelling.txt: add "overwritting" pattern and fix typo instances (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] mm: rename __page_frag functions to __page_frag_cache, drop order from drain (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: update code to better handle incrementing page count (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] igb: update driver to make use of DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] ptp: igb: Use the high resolution frequency method (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]
* Fri Oct 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-747.el7]
- [netdrv] netxen_nic: netxen_netdev_ops fields for MTU range checking (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] qlogic: make device_attribute const (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] netxen: fix incorrect loop counter decrement (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] netxen_nic: Remove unused pointer hdr in netxen_setup_minidump() (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] netxen_nic: set rcode to the return status from the call to netxen_issue_cmd (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] netxen_nic: remove redundant check if retries is zero (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] qlogic: netxen: constify bin_attribute structures (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] qlogic: netxen: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Tony Camuso) [1457478]
- [netdrv] be2net: fix TSO6/GSO issue causing TX-stall on Lancer/BEx (Ivan Vecera) [1449601]
- [netdrv] benet: fix set but not used warning (Ivan Vecera) [1449601]
- [netdrv] benet: Use time_before_eq for time comparison (Ivan Vecera) [1449601]
- [netdrv] ethernet: use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1449601]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Use pci_ari_enabled() instead of local copy (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: use setup_timer() helper (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: use core min/max MTU checking (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: fix format overflow warning (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: make a couple of const arrays static (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't log mc removal needlessly (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: fix pf2vf bulletin DMA mapping leak (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix Multi-Cos (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove open coded carrier check (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: spelling: correct diffrent[iate] and banlance typos (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Get rid of useless temporary variable (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Reuse bnx2x_null_format_ver() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: Replace custom scnprintf() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: fix spelling mistake in macros HW_INTERRUT_ASSERT_SET_* (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typos in comment (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: generalize napi_complete_done() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] bnx2x: switch to napi_complete_done() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Bump version number (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Resolve warnings for -Wimplicit-fallthrough (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Resolve truncation warning for q_vector->name (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Enables TSO for MPLS encapsulated packets (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Check for RSS key before setting value (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix errors in retrieving RETA and RSS from PF (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix size of queue stats length (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbevf: get rid of custom busy polling code (Ken Cox) [1454899]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Return error when getting PHY address if PHY access is not supported (Ken Cox) [1372079]
- [netdrv] i40e: use cpumask_copy instead of direct assignment (Stefano Brivio) [1483724]
* Fri Oct 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-746.el7]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Don't allow L2 to access the hardware CR8 (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: do not use KVM_REQ_EVENT for APICv interrupt injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm/x86: update the comment of memory barrier in the vcpu_enter_guest() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Call smp_wmb() before increasing tlbs_dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: do not scan IRR twice on APICv vmentry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: move sync_pir_to_irr from apic_find_highest_irr to callers (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: preparatory changes for APICv cleanups (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: avoid atomic operations on APICv vmentry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: move nested events check to kvm_vcpu_running (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: do not scan IRR when delivering an interrupt (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: do not set KVM_REQ_EVENT unnecessarily on PPR update (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: remove unnecessary KVM_REQ_EVENT on PPR update (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: speed up TPR below threshold vmexits (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: add VCPU stat for KVM_REQ_EVENT processing (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: clear pending interrupts on KVM_SET_LAPIC (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: make hwapic_isr_update and hwapic_irr_update look the same (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: Fix reentrancy issues with preempt notifiers (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: Fix lapic timer injection delay (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: reorganize restart_apic_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: reorganize start_hv_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix preempt the preemption timer cancel (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: make function static to avoid compiling warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: use ktime_get instead of seeking the hrtimer_clock_base (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: add APIC Timer periodic/oneshot mode VMX preemption timer support (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: rename start/cancel_hv_tscdeadline to start/cancel_hv_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: introduce kvm_get_lapic_target_expiration_tsc() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: guarantee the timer is in tsc-deadline mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: extract start_sw_period() to handle periodic/oneshot mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: adjust preemption timer correctly when goes TSC backward (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: fix access preemption timer stuff even if kernel_irqchip=off (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: avoid incorrect preemption timer vmexit in nested guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: fix missed cancellation of TSC deadline timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: introduce cancel_hv_tscdeadline (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: fix underflow in TSC deadline calculation (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: hook preemption timer support (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: support using the vmx preemption timer for tsc deadline timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: lapic: separate start_sw_tscdeadline from start_apic_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: make backwards_tsc_observed a per-VM variable (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: Introduce kvm_write_guest_offset_cached() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix residual mmio emulation request to userspace (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: mmu: Fix softlockup due to mmu_lock is held too long (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: use list_last_entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix load damaged SSEx MXCSR register (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: fix maintaining of kvm_clock stability on guest CPU hotplug (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: remaster kvm_write_tsc code (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Disallow userspace-injected exceptions in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: fix user triggerable warning in kvm_apic_accept_events() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: x86: cleanup the page tracking SRCU instance (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Avoid async PF to end RCU read-side critical section early in PREEMPT=n kernel (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm/x86: Handle async PF in RCU read-side critical sections (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: async_pf: make rcu irq exit if not triggered from idle task (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: async_pf: fix rcu_irq_enter() with irqs enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm, powerpc: Serialize wq active checks in ops->vcpu_kick (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: Serialize wq active checks in kvm_vcpu_wake_up() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm,async_pf: Use swq_has_sleeper() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] sched/wait: Add swq_has_sleeper() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm, x86: Fix apf_task_wake_one() wq serialization (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm,lapic: Justify use of swait_active() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] sched/wait: Remove the lockless swait_active() check in swake_up*() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm, rt: change async pagefault code locking for PREEMPT_RT (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: Use simple waitqueue for vcpu->wq (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] wait.[ch]: Introduce the simple waitqueue (swait) implementation (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] iommu/vt-d: Add a command line parameter for VT-d posted-interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: simplify and fix vmx_vcpu_pi_load (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: avoid double list add with VT-d posted interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: extract __pi_post_block (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: rename vmx_pre/post_block to pi_pre/post_block (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] kvm: vmx: do not change SN bit in vmx_update_pi_irte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
- [x86] fix hot-unplug races in VT-d posted interrupt patches (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]
* Fri Oct 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-745.el7]
- [net] xfrm: move xfrm_garbage_collect out of xfrm_policy_flush (Paul Moore) [1453103]
- [net] l2tp: initialise session's refcount before making it reachable (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006]
- [net] l2tp: fix race condition in l2tp_tunnel_delete (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006]
- [net] l2tp: prevent creation of sessions on terminated tunnels (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006]
- [net] l2tp: fix duplicate session creation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006]
- [net] l2tp: fix race in l2tp_recv_common() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006]
- [net] ipv6: do not set sk_destruct in IPV6_ADDRFORM sockopt (Xin Long) [1499475]
- [net] use is_vlan_dev() helper function (Ivan Vecera) [1500976]
- [net] constify netif_is_* helpers net_device param (Ivan Vecera) [1500976]
- [net] hyper-v: hv_sock mark as Tech Preview (Cathy Avery) [1485358]
- [netdrv] vmbus: don't acquire the mutex in vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister() (Cathy Avery) [1485358]
- [net] hv_sock: implements Hyper-V transport for Virtual Sockets (AF_VSOCK) (Cathy Avery) [1485358]
- [net] sk_buff: remove support for csum_bad in sk_buff (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497092]
- [net] switchdev: add SET_SWITCHDEV_OPS helper (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] introduce __skb_put_[zero, data, u8] (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] add and use skb_put_u8() (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] make skb_push & __skb_push return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] make skb_pull & friends return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] pktgen: use reset to set mac header (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] move pskb_put() to core code (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] introduce and use skb_put_data() (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] convert many more places to skb_put_zero() (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] skbuff: make skb_put_zero() return void (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] skbuff: introduce skb_put_zero() (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] ether: MAC address helpers (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [kernel] params: Add module param type 'ullong' (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [kernel] params: improve standard definitions (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [kernel] params: fix handling of signed integer types (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [kernel] replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Jiri Benc) [1497085]
- [net] flow_dissector: add support for dissection of misc ip header fields (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: add support for dissection of tcp flags (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: add mpls support (v2) (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: correct size of storage for ARP (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: Move GRE dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: rename "proto again" goto label (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: Fix GRE header error path (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: Move MPLS dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] flow_dissector: Move ARP dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] tcp: __tcp_hdrlen() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129]
- [net] tun: handle register_netdevice() failures properly (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100]
- [net] mac80211: free netdev on dev_alloc_name() error (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100]
- [net] Fix inconsistent teardown and release of private netdev state (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100]
- [net] vsock: Add virtio vsock vsockmon hooks (Stefano Brivio) [1470219]
- [net] vsock: Add vsockmon device (Stefano Brivio) [1470219]
- [net] vsock: Add vsockmon tap functions (Stefano Brivio) [1470219]
- [net] ethtool: add CRC32 as an RSS hash function (Ivan Vecera) [1481580]
* Fri Oct 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-744.el7]
- [s390] pkey: Introduce new API for secure key verification (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] pkey: Fix wrong handling of secure key with old MKVP (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] pkey: Introduce pkey kernel module (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: Add PCKMO inline function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: simplify CPACF encryption / decryption functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: cpacf function detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: simplify init / exit functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: simplify return code handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: cleanup cpacf function codes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: allow to query all known cpacf functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: cleanup and move the header with the cpacf definitions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix missing newlines at some debug feature messages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Add some debug messages on failure (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Removed unneeded debug feature directory creation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: tracepoint definitions for zcrypt device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Rework ap init in case of out of range domain param (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Rework debug feature invocations (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix blocking queue device after unbind/bind (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: export additional symbols (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Enable request count reset for cards and queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: use spin_lock_bh for all queue locks and unlocks (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: get rid of variable length arrays (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: add missing memory clobber to ap_qci inline assembly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix ap_max_domain_id for older machine types (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Correct function bits for CEX2x and CEX3x cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fixed attrition of AP adapters and domains (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Introduce new zcrypt device status API (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: add multi domain support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Introduce workload balancing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: get rid of ap_poll_requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: header for the AP inline assmblies (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: simplify message type handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Move the ap bus into kernel (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix zcrypt suspend/resume behavior (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] crypto: use basic blocks for ap bus inline assemblies (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix cryptographic device id in kernel messages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix AP queue handling if queue is full (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix initialisation when zcrypt is built-in (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix kernel crash on systems without AP bus support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: use system work queue for ap_scan_bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: remove support for PCICC and PCICA cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: introduce state machine for the AP bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: use explicit return code for flushed requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: cleanup AP bus timer code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: fix suspend/resume of AP bus devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: fix memory leak with ap configuration data (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: remove duplicate low level functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: enable odd RSA modulus sizes in CRT format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: enable s390 hwrng to seed kernel entropy (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fix invalid domain handling during ap module unload (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: fixed ap poll timer behavior (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] ap_bus: remove 31 bit support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: Fixed possible race condition in zcrypt module handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] ap_bus: Make modules parameters visible in sysfs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: add length check for aligned data to avoid overflow in msg-type 6 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
- [s390] zcrypt: additional check to avoid overflow in msg-type 6 requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]
* Fri Oct 20 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-743.el7]
- [fs] nfsd: Fix general protection fault in release_lock_stateid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1500815]
- [fs] nfs/filelayout: fix oops when freeing filelayout segment (Steve Dickson) [1463784]
- [fs] nfs/filelayout: Fix racy setting of fl->dsaddr in filelayout_check_deviceid() (Steve Dickson) [1463784]
- [fs] nfs/filelayout: fix NULL pointer dereference in fl_pnfs_update_layout() (Steve Dickson) [1463784]
- [fs] nfs/filelayout: call GETDEVICEINFO after pnfs_layout_process completes (Steve Dickson) [1463784]
- [fs] NFS store nfs4_deviceid in struct nfs4_filelayout_segment (Steve Dickson) [1463784]
- [fs] nfs: flexfilelayout: remove v3-only data server limitation (Scott Mayhew) [1495198]
- [mm] mm, hugetlb: use pte_present() instead of pmd_present() in follow_huge_pmd() (Rafael Aquini) [1472460]
- [mm] fix invalid node in alloc_migrate_target() (Rafael Aquini) [1472460]
- [mm] add !pte_present() check on existing hugetlb_entry callbacks (Rafael Aquini) [1472460]
- [mm] fs/proc/meminfo.c: include cma info in proc/meminfo (Serhii Popovych) [1430990]
- [mm] cma: split cma-reserved in dmesg log (Serhii Popovych) [1430990]
- [lib] swiotlb: ensure that page-sized mappings are page-aligned (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1487054]
- [sound] alsa - fix saa7134-alsa module unload oops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1474569]
- [block] blk-mq: map all HWQ also in hyperthreaded system (Ming Lei) [1489737]
- [x86] pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Lewisburg GPIO support (Prarit Bhargava) [1490513]
- [x86] apic: Update TSC_DEADLINE quirk with additional SKX stepping (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] apic: Silence "FW_BUG TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata" on hypervisors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] apic: Silence "FW_BUG TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata" on CPUs without the feature (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] apic: Add TSC_DEADLINE quirk due to errata (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] apic: Change the lapic name in deadline mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] timers/apic: Fix imprecise timer interrupts by eliminating TSC clockevents frequency roundoff error (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] apic: Serialize LVTT and TSC_DEADLINE writes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160]
- [x86] kaslr: Enable KASLR by default (Baoquan He) [1491226]
- [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Prefer mirrored memory regions for the kernel physical address (Baoquan He) [1446684]
- [x86] efi: Introduce efi_early_memdesc_ptr to get pointer to memmap descriptor (Baoquan He) [1446684]
- [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Rename process_e820_entry() into process_mem_region() (Baoquan He) [1446684]
- [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Switch to pass struct mem_vector to process_e820_entry() (Baoquan He) [1446684]
- [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Wrap e820 entries walking code into new function process_e820_entries() (Baoquan He) [1446684]
- [x86] ftrace/x86: Set ftrace_stub to weak to prevent gcc from using short jumps to it (Jerome Marchand) [1502872]
- [x86] pci: vmd: Free up IRQs on suspend path (Myron Stowe) [1498945]
- [x86] x86/intel_idle: add Gemini Lake support (Steve Best) [1464886]
- [x86] intel_idle: add BXT support (Steve Best) [1464886]
- [mfd] intel-lpss: Add Intel Gemini Lake PCI IDs (Steve Best) [1457134]
- [mfd] lpss: Add PCI IDs for Intel Broxton B-Step platform (Steve Best) [1457134]
- [mfd] lpss: Add Intel Broxton PCI IDs (Steve Best) [1457134]
- [kernel] audit: add ambient capabilities to CAPSET and BPRM_FCAPS records (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465614]
- [kernel] audit: remove unnecessary curly braces from switch/case statements (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465614]
- [kernel] sched: add macros to define bitops for task atomic flags (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: Replace BUG(!spin_is_locked()) with assert_spin_lock (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] sched: fix confusing PFA_NO_NEW_PRIVS constant (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: implement SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: allow mode setting across threads (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: introduce writer locking (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: split filter prep from check and apply (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] sched: move no_new_privs into new atomic flags (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: add "seccomp" syscall (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: split mode setting routines (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: extract check/assign mode helpers (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] seccomp: create internal mode-setting function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
- [kernel] maintainers: create seccomp entry (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]
* Thu Oct 19 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-742.el7]
- [net] netfilter: xtables: add scheduling opportunity in get_counters (Florian Westphal) [1485515]
- [net] netfilter: x_tables: pack percpu counter allocations (Florian Westphal) [1485515]
- [net] netfilter: x_tables: pass xt_counters struct to counter allocator (Florian Westphal) [1485515]
- [net] netfilter: x_tables: pass xt_counters struct instead of packet counter (Florian Westphal) [1485515]
- [net] sched: cls_matchall: fix crash when used with classful qdisc (Davide Caratti) [1460213]
- [net] Define SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO on all architectures (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] ethernet: update drivers to make both SW and HW TX timestamps (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] allow simultaneous SW and HW transmit timestamping (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] add new control message for incoming HW-timestamped packets (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] add function to retrieve original skb device using NAPI ID (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] tcp: fix SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS for normal skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] skbuff: Introduce skb_mac_offset() (Hangbin Liu) [1421164]
- [net] ip6_tunnel: do not allow loading ip6_tunnel if ipv6 is disabled in cmdline (Xin Long) [1491091]
- [net] ip6_gre: skb_push ipv6hdr before packing the header in ip6gre_header (Xin Long) [1491105]
- [net] ipv6: avoid unregistering inet6_dev for loopback (Hangbin Liu) [1491465]
- [net] ipv4: do metrics match when looking up and deleting a route (Xin Long) [1475642]
- [net] udp: force symbol checksum change for lookup functions (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: inuse checks can quit early for reuseport (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp reuseport: fix packet of same flow hashed to different socket (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] soreuseport: Resolve merge conflict for v4/v6 ordering fix (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] revert: "udp_offload: put sk before returning" (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: no longer use SLAB_DESTROY_BY_RCU (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] add SOCK_RCU_FREE socket flag (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] sock: introduce sk_destruct() (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] soreuseport: fix ordering for mixed v4/v6 sockets (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] soreuseport: fix NULL ptr dereference SO_REUSEPORT after bind (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: fix potential infinite loop in SO_REUSEPORT logic (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] soreuseport: fast reuseport UDP socket selection (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] soreuseport: define reuseport groups (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp6: Drop SCORE2_MAX optimization in socket lookup (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: Neaten and reduce size of compute_score functions (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: Neaten function pointer calls and add braces (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: remove blank line between set and test (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
- [net] udp: remove else after return (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]
* Thu Oct 19 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-741.el7]
- [sound] alsa: SoC - codecs - regmap fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: SoC - codecs - fix the of header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: uapi: Add new tokens for module common data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: SoC - Intel SST Haswell - add missing trace header file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: add const to snd_soc_codec_driver structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Add DMI match for Geminilake reference platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: disable IRQ when jack is NULL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix jack type detect error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Add DMI match for Broxton-P reference platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix null deref on acpi driver data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix capture doesn't work at some cases (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: reset AD dilter is there is no MCLK (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Don't enable IRQ in i2c_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: enable IRQ for jack detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix remove unnedded clk setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix wrong setting of gpio2_en (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Make rt298_index_def const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: correct index default value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: set register non-volatile by default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rl6347a: Clean up unneeded inclusion of header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: remove meanless pr_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add rt298 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Allow bespoke configuration post widget creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: make function stub static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix boot warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Constify reg_default tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmi: Mark all struct dmi_system_id instances const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: constify gpio_chip structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Constify snd_soc_dai_ops variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: add const to snd_soc_codec_driver structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: reset dma_offset at hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the sanity checks of the buffer related address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Support the DSP recording continuously after the hotwording triggered (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514-spi: Remove unneeded linux/miscdevice.h include (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Remove superfluous linux/kthread.h inclusion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514-spi: Convert to use devm_* API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Fix the issue that the variable dereferenced before checking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Guard Hotword Model bytes loading (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: expose Hotword Model control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: make array rt5514_dai static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Eliminate the noise in the ASRC case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Use the IS_ENABLED to supports the module build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: constify acpi_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the I2S ASRC support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Support the TDM docking mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Move the auto disable DSP function to set_bias_level() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add ACPI match ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add more width and channels support in the TDM mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: fix gcc-7 warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Unconfuse the rt5514 at probe / resume time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Avoid relying on uninitialized "val" value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Mark rt5514_i2c_driver as static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the DMIC initial delay to wait it ready (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: make the volume TLV to match the units 0.01dB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5514 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the MCLK handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: add rt5514 SPI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: add rt5514 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Changed device property read function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Modified DAPM widget and map to enable/disable VI sense path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Added PM suspend and resume function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Modified chip default register values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Added missing \n to end of dev_err messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Updated volatile register list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove cache_bypass from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add support for Maxim Integrated MAX98927 Amplifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add delay for jack plug in (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Fine tune for the headphone output pop sound (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Seprate the DC offset between headphone and headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add the delay time to correct the calibration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: constify acpi_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Correct the mixer switch setting and remove redundant routing path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Modify the default value for ASRC function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add the manual offset field to compensate the DC offset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: add in missing loop counter to avoid infinite loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Modify the power sequence for reducing the pop sound (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Optimize the Jack Type detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Update the calibration funciton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Update the HW default values based on the shipping version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Check the JD status in the resume function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Fix the IRQ issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: rename rt5668 as rt5663 v2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add jd function for rt5663 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix a debug statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix platform_no_drv_owner.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix sparse warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: refine error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add rt5663 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add es8316 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Update driver to use device_property* FW functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Fix incorrect usage of bitwise '&' operator for SRM check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: add ACPI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on da7213 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Improve 32KHz mode PLL locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Refactor sysclk(), pll() functions to improve handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Improve driver efficiency with regards to MCLK usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Default to 64 BCLKs per WCLK to support all formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Allow PLL disable/bypass when using 32KHz sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Update PLL ranges to improve locking at frequency boundary (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Default PC counter to free-running when DAI disabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add checking of SRM lock status before enabling DAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add DAI DAPM event to control DAI clocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add support to handle mclk data provided to driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add DT support to codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Replace TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD with DECLARE_TLV_DB_RANGE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Replace direct snd_soc_codec dapm field access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Move bias level update to the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add snd_soc_kcontrol_codec() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: Simplify ASoC probe code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Use SOC_ENUM_SINGLE_DECL() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Use params_width() rather than memory format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Fix setting dmic_samplephase and dmic_clk_rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: Add da7213 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: max98090: remove superflous check for 'micbias' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: spi: Drop owner assignment from spi_drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Revise the wrong name in the header file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove never used variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Refactor code to avoid comparison unsigned >= 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Hide platform data in the module sources (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Move platform code to board file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Introduce proper table for ACPI enumeration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add ACPI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5677 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: use gpiochip data pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Avoid duplicate the same test in each switch case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: set PLL_CTRL2 non-volatile (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Reconfigure PLL1 after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: use 'active low' logic for reset pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Avoid the pop sound that comes from the filter power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Allow arbitrary block read/write via SPI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix rt5677 spi driver build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD with DECLARE_TLV_DB_RANGE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add function "rl6231_get_pre_div" to correct the dmic clock calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Return error if devm_gpiod_get_optional return ERR_PTR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove NULL test for desc before gpiod_set_value_cansleep call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Switch to use unified device property API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Switch to use descriptor-based gpiod API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Include gpio driver header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Prefix hexadecimal ID register value with 0x in error print (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace direct snd_soc_codec dapm field access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add reset-gpio dts option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add DMIC ASRC detect function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add i2s asrc clk src selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fixed wrong DMIC ref clock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Move bias level update to the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Route all bias level updates through the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add register patch for PLL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add API to select ASRC clock source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Keep the LDO2 powered while used in the suspend mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the chip type to distinguish the setting of the clock source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Correct the routing paths of that after IF1/2 DACx Mux (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix SPI dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace w->codec snd_soc_dapm_to_codec(w->dapm) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the slot_width "25" support in the TDM mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Use the regmap functions instead of the snd_soc functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the behavior that updates the PLL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the MICBIAS VDD setting in the platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Adjust the routing of "PLL1" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the ASRC support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Revise the filter powers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fixed rt5677_dsp_vad_put rt5677_dsp_vad_get panic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: make volume TLV closer to reality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Fix the issue that the regmap_range "rt5677_ranges" cannot be accessed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Set the slow charge of the vref in the end of the power sequences (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Follow the gpio naming rule to rename the irq function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Align the reg_default table with tab character (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the default value of the MX-8E[4] for ASRC function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add TDM channel mux in DAC side of IF1 and IF2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Use specific r/w function for DSP mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Minor coding style and typo fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add TDM channel mapping function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: rt5677_irq_init() can be static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add GPIO IRQ support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix build when kernel compiled without GPIOLIB support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Print more information if setting DAI clock failed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Support DSP function for VAD application (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add option to configure gpio as floating/pullup/pulldown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add dts properties for input/output differential configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add a configuration option for LDO2_POW pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add sidetone function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the TDM function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Remove return value checking for gpiochip_remove() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the GPIO function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add DMIC2 clock selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove the redundant definition in head file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: correct mismatch widget name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the voltage level in the BIAS OFF stage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_pll_calc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add a PMD case to MICBIAS1 event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "Gain" to "Volume" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "source" to "Source" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "micbias1" to "MICBIAS1" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove unneeded goto in rt5677_i2c_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_calc_dmic_clk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_get_clk_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use module_i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add RT5677 CODEC driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix HP detection procedure for all MCLK frequencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Connect output enable register to DAIOUT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve pop/click performance for sensitive HPs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: fix inappropriate condition statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disable AAD if codec is not a wake-up source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Reset codec gracefully, if still active (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Support HP detect procedure when MCLK not present (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: software reset codec at probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on da7219 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Make more efficient use of MCLK within driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Convert driver to use generic device/fwnode functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7129: Add missing of acpi.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add initial ACPI id for device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disallow unsupported 32KHz clock setting in set_dai_sysclk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Update PLL ranges and dividers to improve locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Correct BCLK inversion for DSP DAI format mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add regmap patch to support old silicon (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Remove support for 32KHz PLL mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add support for 1.6V micbias level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Remove internal LDO features of codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Update REFERENCES reg default, in-line with HW (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disable regulators on probe() failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix Sidetone to work regardless of DAI capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Use logical instead of bitwise OR for boolean expression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix da7219->alc_en state when enabling ALC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve error checking of mclk enable/disable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Use of_match_ptr() when assigning match table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve error handling for regulator supplies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: Add da7219 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: correct typo of semaphore comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: change crosstalk-bypass property to bool type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: debug message of crosstalk bypass (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: make crosstalk function optional (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix jack type detection issue after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: default value for property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: automatic BCLK and LRC divde in master mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rt286: add Thinkpad Helix 2 to force_combo_jack_table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: Add "10EC3276" ACPI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: use msleep() for long delays (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: move DAC2 Power to rt5640_dapm_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: set high voltage for capless power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add jack detection workaround for MINIX Z83-4 based devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: make rt5645_platform_data const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5645: add quirks for Asus T100HA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add quirk override by module option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: enable speaker protection features (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: del btn_check_timer on remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add jack detection workaround for GPD Win (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add inv_jd1_1 flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: rename jd_invert flag in platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: read jd1_1 status for jd detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: fix error handling for gpio detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add ACPI ID 10EC3270 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add jack detection quirk for Dell Venue 5585 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: add symmetric_rates flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: merge ADC L/R Mux (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: fix incompatible pointer type of set_sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: move set_sysclk to codec level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: remove duplicate route (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: fix wrong audio route (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: fix jd mode for Lenovo Miix 2 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add Thinkpad Tablet 10 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5651: remove unexisting Muxes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: ssm4567: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add the vendor nid for Geminilake HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Update sig_bits based on converter capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: don't update the iterator in pcm list remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: avoid reference to invalid variable of the pin list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add device id for Geminilake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add machine pin widget for each port (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Use ASoC jack instead of snd_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add support for multiple ports to a PCM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Configure pin verbs for MST (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Handle MST pin jack detection at boot/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add MST verb support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add support to handle MST capable pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Begin to add support for DP Multi-stream audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Move channel info from pin to PCM structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Register widget event handlers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: use audio component framework to read ELD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Enable pin and converter in prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: use enable pin to control dmic start and stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: add DT support in dmic codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-utils: make snd_soc_platform_driver const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: show index in debug when adding DAPM routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Dont free template strings whilst they are in use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: rephrase deferred binding warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix usage of SND_SOC_TPLG_INDEX_ALL during load (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: remove unused 'err' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Add new widget type for constructing DAPM graphs on DSPs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Allow bespoke configuration post widget creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: use j for internal loop counter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix to store enum text values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: do not close shared backend dailink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: Manage gpios via devres (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: fix snd_soc_codec_set_jack return error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: handle probe deferrals (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: fix some pointer error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: device property: Fix usecount for of_graph_get_port_parent() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: snd_soc_unregister_component() unregister all component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: use snd_soc_component_get_dapm() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add a sanity check before using dai driver name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Allow searching dai driver name in snd_soc_find_dai (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_pll (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of dapm_routes/num_dapm_routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of dapm_widgets/num_dapm_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of controls/num_controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: use snd_soc_rtdcom_add() and convert to consistent operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: add snd_soc_rtdcom_xxx() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: bunch up bit field for snd_soc_pcm_runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove snd_soc_platform_trigger() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove .bespoke_trigger from snd_soc_platform_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove .delay from snd_soc_platform_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Introduce SOC_SINGLE_S8_TLV() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove snd_soc_pcm_set/get_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: jack - check status of GPIO-based pins on resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: add snd_soc_codec_set_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-pcm: Remove unused 'debugfs_dpcm_state' entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: remove cache_bypass from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove duplicate mutex_unlock from snd_soc_unregister_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: rename "cmpnt" to "component" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Remove unneeded dentry member from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: fix pcm-creation regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop invalid DMI fields when setting card long name from DMI info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add snd_soc_get_dai_id() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Provide a dummy wrapper of snd_soc_set_dmi_name() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: verify Sound Card normality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: core: remove pointless auxiliary from snd_soc_component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: don't dereference NULL pcm_{new,free} (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Add space around '=' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop unnecessary debugfs ifdef (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_card_name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_simple_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: core: add optional pcm_new callback for DAI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: core: Add API to use DMI name in sound card long name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Fixup some small kernel-doc typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level pcm_new/pcm_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Fix use-after-free at card unregistration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: enable "dai-format" on snd_soc_of_parse_daifmt() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Set reasonable compress id string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Delete error messages for a failed memory allocation in snd_soc_new_compress() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Derive substream from stream based on direction (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add IPC to configure the copier secondary pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add map for Maxim IV Feedback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add jack port initialize in kbl machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add MST route change to kbl machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update module id in pin connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse and update module config structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Populate module data from topology manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add driver structures to be filled from topology manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Commonize parsing of format tokens (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse multiple manifest data blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix uninitialized return (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix DSP core ref count for init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free correct dev id in free_irq (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free resources for dsp_init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free dsp resource on ipc_init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: Fix GPIO headset detection regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Remove superfluous snd_soc_jack_free_gpios() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Headset button support in kabylake machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Enabling ASRC for RT5663 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: Add rt5514 spi dailink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: medfield: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mfld_mc_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify snd_compr_codec_caps structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: make skl_dsp_fw_ops const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: make snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: make snd_soc_platform_driver const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify pci_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: add pci id for cnl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: add dsp ops for cannonlake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Add sst library functions for cnl platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Unstatify common ipc functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move platform specific init to platform dsp_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Add cnl dsp functions and registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add dsp cores management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use num_core to allocate instead of macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add num of cores in dsp ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add map for new DAIs for Multi-Playback & Echo Ref (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add DAI links for Multi-Playback & Echo-reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add new FEs for Multi-Playback & Echo-Reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use correct nuvoton codec ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix potential null pointer dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove return check for skl_codec_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Remove code loader reference in cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Reset the controller in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enabling 4 slot IV feedback for max98927 on Kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Use MCLK instead of BLCK as the sysclock for RT5514 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enabling ASRC for RT5663 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake machine driver for RT5663 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Fix missing sentinel for bxt_board_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix missing sentinels in sst_acpi_mach (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Add Geminilake platform support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Remove .owner initialization in bxt_rt298 driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix type in debug message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix default dma_buffer_size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove driver debugfs exit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: explicitly add the headers sst-dsp.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support to read firmware registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add sram address to sst_addr structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Debugfs facility to dump module config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add debugfs support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5672: 19.2MHz clock for Baytrail platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Move codec sysclk config to codec_init function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: skl_rt286: Add deepbuffer dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix dma buffer size calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add deep buffer support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663+RT5514+MAX98927 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert all sst_codecs data definition to c99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake machine driver for RT5514, RT5663 and MAX98927 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: byt-max98090: Add GPIO ACPI mapping table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skl: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: byt: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add machine driver for BYT/CHT + ES8316 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Add 4-channel DMIC fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add enum control for mic selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add mic-select module type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: Delete sst_shim_regs64; saved regs are never used (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663+MAX98927 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake Realtek Maxim machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Improve machine driver selection based on quirk data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Move quirk to identify correct machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Create a helper to search for matching machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert skl machine data to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert atom machine data to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Support for multiple data blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to parse consecutive string tkns in manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix IPC rx_list corruption (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: Remove unused function sst_restore_shim64() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: cht_bsw_max98090_ti: Remove unused function cht_get_codec_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: fix spelling mistake: "allocationf" -> "allocation" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: localize variable without external linkage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix typo for token d0i3 caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move i915 registration to worker thread (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Return negative error code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix unused variable warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix uninitialized pointer use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add loadable module support on KBL platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Modify load_lib_ipc arguments for a nowait version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Register dsp_fw_ops for kabylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Modify arguments to reuse module transfer function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Commonize library load (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move sst common initialization to a helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: log quirk configuration errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: Fix a typo and quirk parameter type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix PM and non-atomic crash in bytcr drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: Allow quirk set via module option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: Call snd_soc_set_dmi_name() unconditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix a couple user after free bugs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Uninitialized variable in probe_codec() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: update Thinkpad 10 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support for deferred DSP module bind (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: fix spelling mistake: "Timout" -> "Timeout" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix module state after unbind and delete (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix DMA position reporting for capture stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Rearrangement of code to cleanup SKL SST library (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove hard coded ACPI path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove redundant vmixer handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't unload module when in use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add 16-bit constraint to FE bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use the sig_bits to define dai bps capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove unused variable data and associated code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Don't print FW version repeatedly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Update bxt_da7219_max98357a to add a new (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix parameter overwrite for KPB Module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix module load when module size > DMA buffer size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove get dsp_ops in cleanup routine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Disable notifications at boot after DSP FW init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove BE prepare ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Reload the firmware in case of D3 failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Update DSP core state in D0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Disable interrupt when DSP is in D3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix not to stop src pipe in pre pmd event handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to delete DSP pipe after stopping pipe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enable bytcht_nocodec machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: add card for MinnowBoardMax/Up I2S access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: enable BYT/CHT+DA7213 machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add machine driver for BYT/CHT + DA7213 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: code cleanup for pin fixup limitation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: use a helper macro to rounding-up calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix invalid memory access due to wrong reference of pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: optimize ROM init retries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Store the FW/Library context at boot (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bdw-rt5677: Use devm_gpiod_get() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix spelling mistake: "allocationf" -> "allocation" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add jack port initialize in bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add Geminlake IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Check device type to get endpoint configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add jack port initialize in da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in bxt_da7219_max98357 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in skl_nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add route change to rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Report Platform ID info from NHLT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: add channel map support in bxt_da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add route change to da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: add channel map support in rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: cht-bsw-rt5645: fix unused variable compiler warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: fix DAI formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add support for ALC3270 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: select ASRC source based on routing quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: add quirks for SSP0/AIF1/AIF2 routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: baytrail: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5645: harden ACPI device detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add machine driver for baytrail-rt5645 hardware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add support for RT5648 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add support for Realtek 5651 on Cherrytrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Add HP Pavilion x2 10-p000 machine entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5645: add Baytrail MCLK support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix frame polarity (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: remove .pm_ops in all Atom/DPCM machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Configure media_loop1 and sprot_loop in stereo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use set_tdm_slot to set the dma channel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Remove ignore_suspend for WoV streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: set the resume point to LPIB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't reset pass-through pipe in BE prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Use DMI name for sound card long name in Broadwell machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove ignored dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: select DW_DMAC_CORE since it's mandatory (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: rename SND_SST_MFLD_PLATFORM to SND_SST_ATOM_HIFI2_PLATFORM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove redundant select SND_SOC_INTEL_SST (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Use DSP poll API to poll FW status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: common: Update dsp register poll implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Clean up manifest info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: quirks for Insyde devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Removed unused skl_get_format() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add helper function to setup host/link dma (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Configure DMA in PRE_PMD handler of Mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update link_index and format in pipe params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'ret_val' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'msg_high' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'ops' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove unused 'ret' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: revert "[sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: pass platform data via struct dw_dma_chip" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: export probe()/remove() and Co to users (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: some Intel devices has no memcpy support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: define DW_DMA_MAX_NR_MASTERS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: amend description of dma_dev field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: split dma-dw.h to platform and private parts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move private definitions to regs.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move dw_dmac.h to where it belongs to (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: pci: add ID for WildcatPoint PCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: use dw_dmac autoconfiguration in PCI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: always export dw_dma_{en,dis}able (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: add PCI IDs for Braswell DMAs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: convert to use SET_LATE_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: Add suspend and resume handling for PCI mode DW_DMAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: add a PCI ID for Intel Haswell SoC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: add PCI part of the driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce dw_dma_on() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move clock operations to platform.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce generic filter function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: apply both HS interfaces and remove slave_id usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: convert dw_dma_slave to use explicit HS interfaces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: avr32: at32ap700x: don't rely on default DMA masters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: don't perform DMA when dmaengine_submit is called (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: add debug message to dwc_dostart_first_queued (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce dwc_dostart_first_queued() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: check return code of dma_async_device_register() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: fix regression in dw_probe() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: enable clock before access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: went back to plain {request,free}_irq() calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: allocate memory in two stages in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: remove leftovers in the comment blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: use pad instead of casting dma_addr_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: join split up messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: fix style of multiline comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: use DMA_COMPLETE for dma completion status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: return DMA_PAUSED only if cookie status is DMA_IN_PROGRESS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: return DMA_SUCCESS immediately from device_tx_status() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: allow shared interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: improve comparison with ~0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: dw: split driver to library part and platform code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dma: move dw_dmac driver to an own directory (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: gpio: acpi: Add managed variant of acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: acpi / gpio: Driver GPIO mappings for ACPI GPIOs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: regmap: Mark reg_defaults in regmap_multi_reg_write as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: regmap: new API regmap_multi_reg_write() definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: device property: Add function to search for named child of device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_endpoint_count() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_port_parent() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_remote_endpoint() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: introduce of_graph_get_remote_node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: errno.h in of_graph.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: fix a build error to of_graph_get_endpoint_by_regs function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: add helper for getting endpoint node of specific identifiers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: Explicitly linux/types.h in of_graph.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: Add of_graph_get_port_by_id function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: Add for_each_endpoint_of_node helper macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: Fix of_graph_parse_endpoint stub for !CONFIG_OF builds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: move common endpoint parsing to of (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: v4l: of: Remove struct v4l2_of_endpoint remote field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: of: move graph helpers from media/v4l2-core to of (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: v4l: of: Return an int in v4l2_of_parse_endpoint() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Avoid MST pipe handling for LPE audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Remove the unused pending_notify from LPE platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Stop pretending to mask/unmask LPE audio interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Split snd_intelhad into card and PCM specific structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Prepare LPE audio ctls for multiple PCMs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Clear the pdata.notify_lpe_audio pointer before teardown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Fix runtime PM for LPE audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't enable runtime PM as default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Use runtime PM autosuspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't bail out from PCM ops when disconnected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Minor code rearrangement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Stop the stream when buffer is processed after disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Avoid register accesses during disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't return an error from chmap ctl at disconnected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix memory leak in had_build_channel_allocation_map() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Use snd_pcm_stop_xrun() for connection / disconnection paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Implement jack control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused stream.running field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Handle reset at prepare callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Support S16 format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Support S32 format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Allow no-period-wakeup setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Allow single period PCM operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't pass SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Cache AUD_CONFIG register value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Rearrange defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: mark hdmi suspend/resume functions as __maybe_unused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix driver name string overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Rename had_enable_audio_int() to had_ack_irqs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop suspicious U24 format support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Refactor PCM process engine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Unify local function prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Minor cleanup of reset buffer procedure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't check connection in lowlevel accessors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Explicit specify 32bit DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Rename drv_status to connected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Yet more tidy-up and clean-ups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Simplify comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Set CA bits for DisplayPort too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Create ELD control element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Clean up unused defines and inclusions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Reduce redundant register field names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Use the standard ELD bytes definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Move stream status into pcm_stream_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Implement runtime PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Properly manage PCM substream lifetype (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused fields from pcm_stream_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop redundant had_stream_pvt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop superfluous state field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop flag_underrun field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix racy access to chmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Remove superfluous irqsave flags (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Constfy tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Remove _v[12] suffices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Tidy up codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop had_get_hwstate() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Remove superfluous check at resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix sleep-in-atomic via i915 notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop superfluous PCM private_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused fields from snd_intelhad struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Remove indirect call of snd_pcm_period_elapsed() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix for CONFIG_PM=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Replace pr_xxx() with dev_xxx() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fold intel_hdmi_audio_if.c into main file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Flatten two abstraction layers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused hdmi_audio_query() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Call snd_card_register() at the end (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Embed snd_intelhad into snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Move dma_mask debug print into intel_hdmi_lpe_audio.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused hw_silence field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Move the global underrun_count to struct snd_intelhad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop the global platform device reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Fix possible stale interrupt calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Fix use after free in lpe_audio_platdev_destroy() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: gpu: drm: i915l intel_lpe_audio: Fix kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Pass platform device to LPE audio notifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Pass pipe to LPE audio notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: add DisplayPort amp unmute for LPE audio mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: add DP support in LPE audio mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Add support for audio driver notifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: drm/i915: setup bridge for HDMI LPE audio driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Handle the error from hdmi_audio_probe() properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Use config base depending on the pipe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: fix resource_size.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused mid_hdmi_audio_is_busy() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Call event callback directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop useless mutex at probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Pass snd_intelhad object to helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop snd_intel_had_interface indirect calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Replace indirect query_ops with direct calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Replace indirect register ops with direct calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Don't set PCM state to DISCONNECTED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: fix returnvar.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Drop indirect calls of had_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: Remove v1 ops and structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: intel_hdmi: add definitions and logic for DP audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: continue playback even when display resolution changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: Add audio support for BYT and CHT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: add Intel HDMI LPE audio driver for BYT/CHT-T (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: 6fire: Use common error handling code in usb6fire_chip_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usx2y: Use common error handling code in submit_urbs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: us122l: Use common error handling code in us122l_create_card() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usx2y: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-midi: Use common error handling code in __snd_usbmidi_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add delay quirk for H650e/Jabra 550a USB headsets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add DSD support for new Amanero PID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: don't retry snd_usb_ctl_msg after timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add mute TLV for playback volumes on C-Media devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Apply sample rate quirk to Sennheiser headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: caiaq: audio: Delete two error messages for a failed memory allocation in alloc_urbs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usx2y: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: line6: remove unnecessary initialization to PODHD500X (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: line6: add support for POD HD500X (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: Avoid VLA in mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: Fix a typo in Tascam US-16x08 mixer element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: revert "alsa: usb-audio: purge needless variable length array" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: us122l: enable compile testing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: us122l: clean up US144 handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: fix Amanero Combo384 quirk on big-endian hosts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: replace /proc/bus/usb by /dev/bus/usb (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fake also USB device id when alias is given (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: lib/vsprintf.c: remove Z support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Tidy up mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix memory leak and corruption in mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: purge needless variable length array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: localize function without external linkage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: localize one-referrer variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Tascam US-16x08 DSP mixer quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Implement mic-mute LED mode enum (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - rename dell_led_set_func to dell_micmute_led_set_func (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - use dell_micmute_led_set() instead of dell_app_wmi_led_set() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda_intel: add card number to irq description (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Remove superfluous header inclusions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - Fix memory leak at error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Fix forget to free resource in error handling code path in hda_codec_driver_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Enable jack detection function for Intel ALC700 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Fix regression of hdmi eld control created based on invalid pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add stereo mic quirk for Lenovo G50-70 (17aa:3978) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix pincfg for Dell XPS 13 9370 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: 6fire: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Add Cannonlake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix speaker output from VAIO VPCL14M1R (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add mute led support for HP ProBook 440 G4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - No loopback on ALC225/ALC295 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Update headset mode for ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Update headset mode for ALC298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add missing NVIDIA GPU codec IDs to patch table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add hdmi id for a Geminilake variant (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codec device ID for ALC1220 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Protect call to dma_mmap_coherent() by check for HAS_DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - change the location for one of two front microphones (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix unbalance of i915 module refcount (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Remove GPIO_MASK (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix typo of pincfg for Dell quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codecs support for ALC215/ALC285/ALC289 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Remove ALC285 device ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix doubly initialization of i915 component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: constify attribute_group structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC3271 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Minor code refactoring for Intel HDMI codec parsers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Bind with i915 component before codec binding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Skip card registration when no codec is found (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix endless loop of codec configure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - set input_path bitmap to zero after moving it to new place (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - There is no loopback mixer in the ALC234/274/294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add default procedure for suspend and resume state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC234/ALC274/ALC294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Fix potential race at unregistration and unsol events (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add AZX_DRIVER_SKL for simplification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Apply quirks to Broxton-T, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add ALC256 HP depop function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add Coffelake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Reorder ALC269 ASUS quirk entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/realtek: Fix mic and headset jack sense on Asus X705UD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix applying MSI dual-codec mobo quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - apply STAC_9200_DELL_M22 quirk for Dell Latitude D430 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Provide dual-codecs model option for a few Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Apply dual-codec quirk for MSI Z270-Gaming mobo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: opl3: Kill unused set_fs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Fix a typo in comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Remove the use of set_fs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Remove the generic bind ctl helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Move bind-mixer switch codes to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Fix cpu lockup when stopping the cmd dmas (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add mute led support for HP EliteBook 840 G3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add HP ZBook 15u G3 Conexant CX20724 GPIO mute leds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Move common haswell init to a helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - add DP MST audio support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Add Geminilake id to SKL_PLUS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Allow to enable/disable vmaster build explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - set intel audio clock to a proper value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - add more ML register definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Improved position reporting on SKL+ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Move SKL+ vendor specific register definitions to hda_register.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Avoid tricky macros (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132: Limit values for chip addresses to 32-bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Fix LLCH register read (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132: Remove double parentheses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: platform/x86: dell-laptop: import dell_micmute_led_set() from leds/dell-led.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Add Geminilake HDMI codec ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda - Add Geminilake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: check stream decoupled register state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: Fix forgotten dependency fix for tristate OSS sequencer kconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emux: Fix/cleanup old ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: atmel: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: atmel_abdac: clk_round_rate() can return a zero upon error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: atmel: Fix possible array overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: oxygen: xonar dg(x): make model_xonar_dg const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asihpi: Kill BUG_ON() usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ymfpci: Use common error handling code in snd_ymfpci_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ymfpci: Use common error handling code in snd_card_ymfpci_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hdspm: Use common error handling code in snd_hdspm_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Use common code in hdsp_get_iobox_version() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: maestro3: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Remove null check before kfree (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: asihpi: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: vx: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: opl3: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cmipci: Use common error handling code in snd_cmipci_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcsp: Use common error handling code in snd_card_pcsp_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1712: Add support for STAudio ADCIII (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Fix forgotten user-copy conversion in init code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mpu401: Adjust four checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mpu401: Use common error handling code in snd_mpu401_uart_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mpu401: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mpu401_uart_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: opl3: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_opl3_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ca0106: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_ca0106_pcm_open_capture_channel() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mixart: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mixart_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcxhr: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in pcxhr_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Adjust seven checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Improve eight size determinations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_hdspm_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme96: Adjust five checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme96: Use common error handling code in snd_rme96_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme96: Delete two error messages for a failed memory allocation in snd_rme96_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: trident: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_trident_tlb_alloc() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcxhr: fix string overflow warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: fix format overflow warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mixart: fix string overflow warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: fm801: Initialize chip after IRQ handler is registered (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: opl4: Move inline before return type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: synth: Select snd-emux-synth explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: vx: vx_pcm: constify vx_pcm_playback_ops and vx_pcm_capture_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: alsa : pcsp: pcsp_lib: constify snd_pcsp_playback_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme32: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Get rid of set_fs() usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs4281: Fix the leftover comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ak411x: Use array instead of offsetof() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: vx222: Use container_of() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ali5451: fix spelling mistake in "ali_capture_preapre" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: oxygen: simply setting of the shortname for Xonar DG cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: au88x0: avoid theoretical uninitialized access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Fix the incorrect check of dma_set_mask() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Fallback DMA mask to 32bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: vx: remove 'out of memory' message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "overwriten" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "an union" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "swith" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: nm256: constify snd_ac97_res_table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: make hw structures const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: intel8x0: constify ac97_pcm structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: atiixp: constify ac97_pcm structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mpu401: constify pnp_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: make snd_kcontrol_new const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcxhr: make snd_kcontrol_new const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ymfpci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: trident: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: riptide: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcxhr: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ctxfi: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mixart: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: lx6464es: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: lola: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs5535audio: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: korg1212: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs46xx: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ca0106: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: aw2: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: trident: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: sis7019: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: intel8x0m: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: intel8x0: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: echoaudio: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: au88x0: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ali5451: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usbusx2y: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: us122l: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ua101: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: snd-usb-caiaq: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: bcd2000: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1712: add const to snd_akm4xxx structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1712: add const to snd_ak4xxx_private structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: constify pci_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: via82xx: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: sonicvibes: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hdspm: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hdsp: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme96: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme32: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: nm256: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: intel8x0: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1724: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1712: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hda: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: es1938: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ens137x: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: fm801: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cmipci: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: bt87x: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: azt3328: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: au88x0: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: atiixp: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ali5451: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: mixart: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: cs46xx: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: ice1712: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-line6: constify snd_kcontrol_new strucutre array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: line6: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pci: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: emu10k1: constify snd_emux_operators structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: cage TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD in kernel land because it was obsoleted (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rename TLV-related macros so that they're friendly to user applications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: move layout of TLV payload to UAPI header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: topology: Export ID types for TLV controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix negative appl_ptr handling in pcm-indirect helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: doc: Fix enum snd_jack_types comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: compress: fix documentation errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: memalloc.h - fix wrong truncation of dma_addr_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: probe events when parameters are changed actually (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add tracepoints for final selection process of hardware parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Skip ack callback without actual appl_ptr update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add 'applptr' event of tracepoint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: unify codes to operate application-side position on PCM buffer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: localize snd_pcm_hw_params_choose() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add local header file for snd-pcm module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove unused functions declaration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove unused SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL1_{FALSE,TRUE} defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: fix the comments that refers to kernel-doc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Use static inline for snd_pcm_lib_alloc_vmalloc_buffer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix kerneldoc for params_*() functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Convert params_*() with static inline functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Define dummy snd_pcm_suspend() for CONFIG_PM=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: Use IS_ENABLED() in common headers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: compress: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hwdep: prevent a harmless shift wrapping bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Cancel pending autoload work at unbinding device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: core: Use pS printk format for direct addresses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Unify ioctl functions for playback and capture streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: Get rid of card power_lock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix power lock unbalance via OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Correct broken procfs set up (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: TLV data is unavailable at initial state of user-defined element set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: queue TLV event for a set of user-defined element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: delegate TLV eventing to each driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Adjust nine function calls together with a variable assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Use common error handling code in _snd_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: core: Fix unexpected error at replacing user TLV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: use counting semaphore as write lock for ELEM_WRITE operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring for ELEM_READ/ELEM_WRITE operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: queue events within locking of controls_rwsem for ELEM_WRITE operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: 2nd attempt at fixing race creating a queue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Fix CONFIG_SND_SEQ_MIDI dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring for TLV request handler to user element set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring TLV ioctl handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: obsolete user_ctl_lock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: use counting semaphore as write lock for TLV write/command operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: queue events within locking of controls_rwsem for TLV operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify check for dma_mmap_coherent() availability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: constify attribute_group structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Disable only control mmap for explicit appl_ptr sync (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Add an ioctl to specify the supported protocol version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Add the explicit appl_ptr sync support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix possible inconsistent appl_ptr update via mmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: core: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Don't treat NULL chmap as a fatal error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: remove SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL1_INFO internal command (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Use common PCM_RUNTIME_CHECK() for sanity checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Preprocess PAUSED or SUSPENDED stream before PREPARE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Allow dropping stream directly after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Apply power lock globally to common ioctls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Clean up SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PAUSE code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use s instead of c for format of PCM buffer tracepoints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Allow the modular sequencer registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: return error immediately for parameters handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Reorganize kconfig and build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Allow the tristate build of OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: Make CONFIG_SND_OSSEMUL user-selectable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use friendly name for id of PCM substream in trace print (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: move fixup of info flag after selecting single parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: calculate non-mask/non-interval parameters always when possible (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper functions to refer parameters as constants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add comment about application of rule to PCM parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper functions to check whether parameters are determined (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: adaption of code formatting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: remove function local variable with alternative evaluation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use goto statement instead of while statement to reduce indentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to apply parameter rules (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to constrain interval-type parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to constrain mask-type parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: obsolete RULES_DEBUG local macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: enable parameter tracepoints only when CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: tracepoints for refining PCM parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Build OSS writev/readv helpers conditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Kill set_fs() in PCM OSS layer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Direct in-kernel read/write support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify snd_pcm_playback_silence() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Unify read/write loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: More unification of PCM transfer codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Call directly the common read/write helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Shuffle codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Check PCM state by a common helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Drop the old copy and silence ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: hdsp: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme9652: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme96: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: rme32: Convert to the new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: korg1212: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: nm256: Convert to new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: es1938: Convert to the new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: dummy: Convert to new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Introduce copy_user, copy_kernel and fill_silence ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: pcm_local.h and remove some extraneous tabs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: declare snd_kcontrol_new structures as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Call ack() whenever appl_ptr is updated (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: remove entry limitation for list operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove set_fs() in PCM core code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: control: Simplify snd_ctl_elem_list() implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify forward/rewind codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Use a common helper for PCM state check and hwsync (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm/oss: mark snd_pcm_plug_slave_format arg as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use "do {} while (0)" for empty macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: constify function local and read-only table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm/oss: refer to parameters instead of copying to reduce usage of kernel stack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper function to refer parameter as read-only (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: add const qualifier for read-only table for sampling rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: opl4: Use IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: pcm: Build pcm notifier code conditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Don't break snd_use_lock_sync() loop by timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Fix race during FIFO resize (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Fix racy cell insertions during snd_seq_pool_done() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
- [sound] alsa: seq: Fix link corruption by event error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]
* Thu Oct 19 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-740.el7]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Move initialization of work element earlier (Himanshu Madhani) [1500417]
- [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix uninitialized work element (Himanshu Madhani) [1500417]
- [scsi] lpfc: change version to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: correct nvme sg segment count check (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops of nvme host during driver unload (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Extend RDP support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Ensure io aborts interlocked with the target (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix secure firmware updates (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc_nvme_fcp_io_submit during LIP (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Disable NPIV support if NVME is enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops if nvmet_fc_register_targetport fails (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Revise NVME module parameter descriptions for better clarity (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Set missing abort context (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Reduce log spew on controller reconnects (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCP hba_wqidx assignment (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Move CQ processing to a soft IRQ (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Make ktime sampling more accurate (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: PLOGI failures during NPIV testing (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix warning messages when NVME_TARGET_FC not defined (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix lpfc nvme host rejecting IO with Not Ready message (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash receiving ELS while detaching driver (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix pci hot plug crash in list_add call (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix pci hot plug crash in timer management routines (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Cocci spatch "pool_zalloc-simple" (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove redundant null check on eqe (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: use proper format string for dma_addr_t (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: avoid false-positive gcc-8 warning (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: avoid an unused function warning (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: lpfc version bump (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix "integer constant too large" error on 32bit archs (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add Buffer to Buffer credit recovery support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove console log clutter (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix bad sgl reposting after 2nd adapter reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme target failure after 2nd adapter reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix relative offset error on large nvmet target ios (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix MRQ > 1 context list handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Limit amount of work processed in IRQ (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Correct issues with FAWWN and FDISCs (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME PRLI handling during RSCN (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc nvmet when fc port is reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix duplicate NVME rport entries and namespaces (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix handling of FCP and NVME FC4 types in Pt2Pt topology (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Correct return error codes to align with nvme_fc transport (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: convert info messages to standard messages (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops when NVME Target is discovered in a nonNVME environment (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix rediscovery on switch blade pull (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix loop mode target discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix plogi collision that causes illegal state transition (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove useless code in lpfc_sli4_bsg_link_diag_test (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Replace PCI pool old API (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: support nvmet_fc defer_rcv callback (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: don't double count abort errors (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: spin_lock_irq() is not nestable (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix refcount error on node list (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme io stoppage after link bounce (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: update to revision to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Driver responds LS_RJT to Beacon Off ELS - Linux (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put when nvmet gets an abort request (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash doing IO with resets (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after firmware flash when IO is running (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI3 drivers attempting NVME ELS commands (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Break up IO ctx list into a separate get and put list (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Reduce time spent in IRQ for received NVME commands (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Vport creation is failing with "Link Down" error (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme_info sysfs output to be consistent (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix system panic when express lane enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: update to revision to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add auto EQ delay logic (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix defects reported by Coverity Scan (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix vports not logging into target (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix PRLI retry handling when target rejects it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix System panic after loading the driver (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash on powering off BFS VM with passthrough device (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix return value of board_mode store routine in case of online failure (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix counters so outstandng NVME IO count is accurate (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix Port going offline after multiple resets (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvmet node ref count handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix Lun Priority level shown as NA (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add changes to assist in NVMET debugging (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme port role handling in sysfs and debugfs handlers (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix transition nvme-i rport handling to nport only (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add nvme initiator devloss support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: make a couple of functions static (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix spelling mistake "entrys" -> "entries" (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: debugfs: get rid of pointless access_ok() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: prevent potential null pointer dereference (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Avoid NULL pointer dereference in lpfc_els_abort() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvmet_fc: fix format string (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] nvmet-fc: remove target cpu scheduling flag (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix build issue if NVME_FC_TARGET is not defined (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NULL pointer dereference during PCI error recovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: update version to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add MDS Diagnostic support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVMEI's handling of NVMET's PRLI response attributes (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Cleanup entry_repost settings on SLI4 queues (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix debugfs root inode "lpfc" not getting deleted on driver unload (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME I+T not registering NVME as a supported FC4 type (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Added recovery logic for running out of NVMET IO context resources (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Separate NVMET RQ buffer posting from IO resources SGL/iocbq/context (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Separate NVMET data buffer pool fir ELS/CT (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NMI watchdog assertions when running nvmet IOPS tests (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVMEI driver not decrementing counter causing bad rport state (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvmet RQ resource needs for large block writes (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Adding additional stats counters for nvme (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix system crash when port is reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix used-RPI accounting problem (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: ensure els_wq is being checked before destroying it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: double lock typo in lpfc_ns_rsp() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: lpfc_get_wwpn at wrong offset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix memory corruption of the lpfc_ncmd->list pointers (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: revison (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Update ABORT processing for NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix implicit logo and RSCN handling for NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add Fabric assigned WWN support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix max_sgl_segments settings for NVME / NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after issuing lip reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver load issues when MRQ=8 (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Remove hba lock from NVMET issue WQE (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] Fix nvme initiator handling when not enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver usage of 128B WQEs when WQ_CREATE is V1 (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver unload/reload operation (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix PRLI ACC rsp for NVME (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix extra line print in rqpair debug print (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Remove NULL ptr check before kfree (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Remove unused defines for NVME PostBuf (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix spelling in comments (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Add debug messages for nvme/fcp resource allocation (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix log message in completion path (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix rejected nvme LS Req (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme unregister port timeout (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Standardize nvme SGL segment count (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] nvmet_fc: Rework target side abort handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] nvmet_fc: add req_release to lldd api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] nvmet_fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix potential buffer overflow (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix building without debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix PT2PT PRLI reject (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc version bump for rhel7.5 nvme to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Finalize Kconfig options for nvme (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Rework lpfc Kconfig for NVME options (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: add missing Kconfig NVME dependencies (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: replace init_timer by setup_timer (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: use div_u64 for 64-bit division (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator base (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove dead sli3 nvme code (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: correct double print (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Rename LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY to LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY_EQID_CNT (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: add NVME exchange aborts (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme allocation bug on failed nvme_fc_register_localport (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix IO submission if WQ is full (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME CMD IU byte swapped word 1 problem (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Fix RCTL value on NVME LS request and response (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [lpfc] Fix crash during Hardware error recovery on SLI3 adapters (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: fix missing spin_unlock on sql_list_lock (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: don't dereference dma_buf-> iocbq before null check (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: sanity check hrq is null before dereferencing it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: remove redundant assignment of sgel (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] Update lpfc version to for rhel7.5 with NVME support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: Update copyrights (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: NVME: Target: Add debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: NVME: Target: bind to nvmet_fc api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Merge into FC discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Receive buffer updates (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Base modifications (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Add debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: bind to nvme_fc api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Merge into FC discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Base modifications (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue dump routines (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue prints (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
- [scsi] lpfc: minor code cleanups (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]
* Wed Oct 18 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-739.el7]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Fix race in mlx5e_sw_stats and mlx5e_vport_stats (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Fix ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Fix small packet threshold (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Fix UAR memory leak (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Make sure the FW max encap size is enough for ipv6 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Make sure the FW max encap size is enough for ipv4 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Fix driver load bad flow when having fw initializing timeout (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix issue in populating the PFC config paramters (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix possible system hang in the dcbnl-getdcbx() path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix sending an invalid PFC error mask to MFW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix possible error in populating max_tc field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: set XPT_CONG_CTRL flag for bc xprt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: fix false-postive maybe-uninitialized warning (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cq: Don't process more than the given budget (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: increment msn only when completing a request (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] uapi: fix rdma/mlx5-abi.h userspace compilation errors (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Update documentation link (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: fix a type issue in ocrdma_put_pd_num() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Activate device on link up (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Dont hardcode QP header page (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Cleanup unused variables (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] Fix alignment of mmap cookies to support VIPT caching (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Protect against self-requeue of a cq work item (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Avoid supporting udp tunnel port ndo for VF reps (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Use the proper UAPI values when offloading TC vlan actions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] xprtrdma: Squelch kbuild sparse complaint (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix interrupt flags on Rx LL2 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Prevent creation of too-big u32-chains (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: add IPV6 dependency (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Don't use attention PTT for configuring BW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Fix race with multiple VFs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] sunrpc: flag transports as having congestion control (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_en: Use __skb_fill_page_desc() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4: Change ENOTSUPP to EOPNOTSUPP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma_cm: fail iwarp accepts w/o connection params (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed*: Fix link indication race (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Don't allocate SBs using main PTT (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qede: Prevent index problems in loopback test (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Reflect PF link when initializing VF (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qede: Free netdevice only after stoping slowpath (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qede: Initialize lock and slowpath workqueue early (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Reserve doorbell BAR space for present CPUs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Read queue state before releasing buffer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Release CQ resource under lock on failure (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] mlx4: fix potential divide by 0 in mlx4_en_auto_moderation() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/srp: Drain the send queue before destroying a QP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for draining IB_POLL_DIRECT completion queues (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/srp: Improve an error path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/srp: Make a diagnostic message more informative (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/srp: Document locking conventions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix some error handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Expose vendor error to ULPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: use size_t for passing array length (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove redudant label (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: remove the unnecessary memory free (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Code reuse with memdup_copy (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move AETH defines to rdma/ib_hdrs.h (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add rvt_rnr_tbl_to_usec function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not set physical link state if DC is in the shutdown state (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Modify logging frequency of DCC errors (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Correct ack count for passive (RTR) QPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Updates to use rdmavt's SGE helper routines (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, rdmavt: Move SGE state helper routines into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, rdmavt: Update copy_sge to use boolean arguments (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Use new rdmavt timers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use new rdmavt timers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Adding timer logic to rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move AETH credit functions into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move two IB event functions into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check upper-case EFI variables (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reduce oversized fields in struct hfi1_packet (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add additional fields to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allocate context data on memory node (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use per-CPU reference count for MRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Access hfi1_ibport through rcd pointer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct error calldown locking (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use static CTLE with Preset 6 for integrated HFIs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure read of producer s_head is correct (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct defered count after processing qp_wait_list (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: use setup_timer to simplify the code (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/iser: Protect completion context active_qps update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] mlx4: do not fire tasklet unless necessary (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qede: Add driver support for PTP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Add infrastructure for PTP support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] mlx4: do not use rwlock in fast path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Destination and source addr families must match (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Add default RoCE TOS to CMA configfs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Remove pointer casting from void to net_device (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix configuration of port capabilities (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix blue flame buffer size calculation (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove unused variable from function declaration (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib: Query ports via the core instead of direct into the driver (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib: Add protocol for USNIC (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add implicit MR support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose MR cache for mlx5_ib (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add null_mkey access (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/umem: Indicate that process is being terminated (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/umem: Update on demand page (ODP) support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add implicit MR flag (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add port counter support for Receive WQs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose Q counters groups only if they are supported by FW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove deprecated module parameter (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Assign DSCP for R-RoCE QPs Address Path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Avoid SMP MADs from VFs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add additional checks before processing MADs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Return error for unsupported signature type (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix out-of-bound access (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rhel-only: Add CONFIG_INFINIBAND_BNXT_RE (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: fix for "bnxt_en: Update to firmware interface spec 1.7.0." (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add bnxt_re driver build support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add bnxt_re RoCE driver (Don Dutile) [1456687 1456667 1409099 1386645 1385649 1385309]
- [infiniband] xprtrdma: Refactor management of mw_list field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] xprtrdma: Handle stale connection rejection (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] xprtrdma: Properly recover FRWRs with in-flight FASTREG WRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] sunrpc: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from sa.h (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Poll CQs in "workqueue" mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Combine list fields in struct svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Remove unused sc_dto_q field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up backchannel send header encoding (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA Call header decoder (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA Reply header encoder (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] svcrdma: Another sendto chunk list parsing update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: fix another maybe-uninitialized false-positive (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_en: fix a condition (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Bring back bfreg uar map dedicated pointer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Tx, no inline copy on ConnectX-5 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: TX WQE update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Configure cache line size for start and end padding (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Fix static checker warnings (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: get rid of custom busy poll code (Don Dutile) [1456687 1456667 1409099 1386645 1385649 1385309]
- [infiniband] lx4_en: Check the enabling pptx/pprx flags in SET_PORT wrapper flow (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_en: Check the enabling mtu flag in SET_PORT wrapper flow (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_en: Pass user MTU value to Firmware at set port command (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_core: Get num_tc using netdev_get_num_tc (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_core: Add resource alloc/dealloc debugging (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4_core: Device revision support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4: Replace ENOSYS with better fitting error codes (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Add inline function to validate port (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix reversed test (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove the unnecessary error check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove empty function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: create struct ib_port_cache (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: function interface change (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Allow port reuse for rdma_id (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/cma: Add debug messages to error flows (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove unnecessary returned value check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/isert: fix spelling mistake: "teminating" -> "terminating" (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mad: Add port_num to error message (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Remove unused qp_type (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/core: Fix typo in comment (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: CQE compression control code reuse (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Reduce memory consumption on kdump kernel (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable Eth VFs to query their min-inline value for user-space (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Push min-inline mode resolution helper into the core (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Add support for setting VF min rate (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Support SRIOV TC encapsulation offloads for IPv6 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Maximize ip tunnel key usage on the TC offloading path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Use the full tunnel key info for encapsulation offload house-keeping (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: TC ipv4 tunnel encap offload cosmetic changes (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Add TC offloads matching on IPv6 encapsulation headers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Use exact encap header size for the FW input buffer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx4: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] mlx4: support __GFP_MEMALLOC for rx (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5e: Receive s-tagged packets in promiscuous mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Add support to s-tag in mlx5 firmware interface (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Fix version printout in case of health issue (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Remove information print after attempt to load mlx5_ib module (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed: Replace memset with eth_zero_addr (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/cma: use cached port state when bind loopback (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/cma: resolve to first active ib port (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: export ib_get_cached_port_state (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: add port state cache (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Change list_del to list_del_init in the tx object (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Replace list_del of the neigh->list with list_del_init (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use debug prints instead of warnings in RNR WC status (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add detailed error message to dev_queue_xmit call (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: rtnl_unlock can not come after free_netdev (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock between rmmod and set_mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock over vlan_mutex (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Set device connection mode only when needed (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/ipoib: When given an invalid UD MTU, give debug msg (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Replace BUG() with BUG_ON() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Fix incorrect structure packing for booleans (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: restructure functions that create/destroy QPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/qib: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: drop pci_link_reset() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/qib: drop qib_pci_link_reset() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/nes: use designated initializers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix an skb leak (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix reference leaks in memory key invalidation code (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix a MR reference leak in check_rkey() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Generate a completion for all failed work requests (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Introduce functions for queue draining (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add a runtime check in alloc_index() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Issue warnings once (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Let the compiler check the type of the cleanup functions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Enable type checking on SKB_TO_PKT() and PKT_TO_SKB() arguments (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove superfluous casts (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove an unused variable and an unused argument (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove an unused function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/rxe: Constify the pool name (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma: Adding ethertype ETH_P_IBOE (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Unify style of IOCTL commands (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Rename RDMA magic number (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Move HFI1 IOCTL declarations to common file (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Avoid redeclaration error (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Move legacy MAD IOCTL declarations to common file (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] rdma/core: Commonize RDMA IOCTL declarations location (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Activate support for 4K UARs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support 4k UAR for libmlx5 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allow future extension of libmlx5 input data (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use blue flame register allocator in mlx5_ib (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Add interface to get reference to a UAR (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Introduce blue flame register allocator (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix retrieval of index to first hi class bfreg (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] mlx5: Fix naming convention with respect to UARs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix error handling order in create_kernel_qp (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix kernel to user leak prevention logic (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Improve MR check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add ODP atomics support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] {net,ib}/mlx5: Refactor page fault handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Update PAGE_FAULT_RESUME layout (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add MR cache for large UMR regions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for big MRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactor UMR post send format (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Support new MR features (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add helper mlx5_ib_post_send_wait (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Reorder code in query device command (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] lx5: Fix offset naming for reserved fields in hca_cap_bits (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
- [infiniband] qed*: Add support for ndo_set_vf_trust (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]
* Tue Oct 17 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-738.el7]
- [kernel] audit: ensure that 'audit=1' actually enables audit for PID 1 (Paul Moore) [1487352]
- [tools] perf c2c: Fix remote HITM detection for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1485994]
- [tools] perf test: Add test cases for new data source encoding (Jiri Olsa) [1485994]
- [tools] perf tools: Add support for printing new mem_info encodings (Jiri Olsa) [1485994]
- [uapi] perf/x86: Fix data source decoding for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1485994]
- [x86] perf/x86: Move Nehalem PEBS code to flag (Jiri Olsa) [1485994]
- [x86] kvm: x86: Fix potential preemption when get the current kvmclock timestamp (Marcelo Tosatti) [1496522]
- [x86] kvm: x86: remove irq disablement around KVM_SET_CLOCK/KVM_GET_CLOCK (Marcelo Tosatti) [1496522]
- [x86] nmi: Use raw lock (Scott Wood) [1465546]
- [dma] s390, ppc: Remove dma_supported for s390 and powerpc (Don Dutile) [1499440]
- [s390] Cleanup arch/s390/Kconfig DMA_ATTRS (Don Dutile) [1499440]
- [s390] qdio: avoid reschedule of outbound tasklet once killed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1499699]
- [s390] lib: export udelay_simple for systemtap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1499014]
- [scsi] csiostor: fail probe if fw does not support FCoE (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: update module version (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: add check for supported fw version (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Avoid content leaks and casts (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: add support for Chelsio T6 adapters (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: fix use after free in csio_hw_use_fwconfig() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Fix completion usage (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: fix an error code in csio_hw_init() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Use firmware version from cxgb4/t4fw_version.h (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: T5 Firmware fix and cleanup (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Removed file csio_hw_t4.c (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Remove T4 FCoE Support (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: fix sparse warnings (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: firmware upgrade fix (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [scsi] csiostor: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msix() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318]
- [char] ipmi:ssif: Add missing unlock in error branch (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: constify bmc_dev_attr_group and bmc_device_type (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: get rid of field-by-field __get_user() (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: get COMPAT_IPMICTL_RECEIVE_MSG in sync with the native one (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi:ssif: Use i2c_adapter_id instead of adapter->nr (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: Use the proper default value for register size in ACPI (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi_ssif: remove redundant null check on array client->adapter->name (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: Pick up slave address from SMBIOS on an ACPI device (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi/watchdog: fix watchdog timeout set on reboot (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi_ssif: unlock on allocation failure (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi/watchdog: fix wdog hang on panic waiting for ipmi response (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi_si: use smi_num for init_name (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] Move platform device creation earlier in the initialization (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: bt-bmc: Add ast2500 compatible string (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi/bt-bmc: change compatible node to 'aspeed, ast2400-ibt-bmc' (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi_ssif: use setup_timer (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi: Fix kernel panic at ipmi_ssif_thread() (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [char] ipmi_si: Clean up printks (Tony Camuso) [1457807]
- [mm] page_cgroup: Fix Kernel bug during boot with memory cgroups enabled (Larry Woodman) [1483747]
- [fs] ext4: fix off-by-one on max nr_pages in ext4_find_unwritten_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1458728]
- [fs] flexfiles: fix leak of nfs4_ff_ds_version arrays (Steve Dickson) [1496533]
- [fs] nfs: Fix 2 use after free issues in the I/O code (Steve Dickson) [1496506]
- [fs] pnfs: Use the standard I/O stateid when calling LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1496503]
- [fs] nfsv4: Use correct inode in _nfs4_opendata_to_nfs4_state() (Steve Dickson) [1496500]
- [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a race in nfs4_proc_layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1478509]
- [fs] nfsv4: fix a reference leak caused WARNING messages (Steve Dickson) [1478507]
- [fs] nfsv4: Fix an rcu lock leak (Steve Dickson) [1478505]
- [fs] nfs: Don't write back further requests if there is a pending write error (Steve Dickson) [1478486]
- [fs] nfs: flexfiles: fix kernel OOPS if MDS returns unsupported DS type (Steve Dickson) [1478511]
- [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Handle expired layout segments in ff_layout_initiate_commit() (Steve Dickson) [1478511]
- [fs] nfs: Fix another COMMIT race in pNFS (Steve Dickson) [1478511]
- [fs] nfs: Fix a COMMIT race in pNFS (Steve Dickson) [1478511]
- [fs] pnfs: Ensure we commit the layout if it has been invalidated (Steve Dickson) [1478487]
- [fs] flexfiles: Fix up the ff_layout_write_pagelist failure path (Steve Dickson) [1478487]
- [fs] PNFS for stateid errors retry against MDS first (Steve Dickson) [1458863]
- [fs] PNFS fix EACCESS on commit to DS handling (Steve Dickson) [1458863]
- [fs] PNFS fix fallback to MDS if got error on commit to DS (Steve Dickson) [1458863]
- [fs] pnfs: Fix a deadlock when coalescing writes and returning the layout (Steve Dickson) [1478500]
- [fs] pnfs: Don't clear the layout return info if there are segments to return (Steve Dickson) [1478500]
* Fri Oct 13 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-737.el7]
- [nvme] fix the definition of the doorbell buffer config support bit (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] pci: use dma memory for the host memory buffer descriptors (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: default MR page size to 4k (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: set cqe_seen on polled completions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fabrics: fix reporting of unrecognized options (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: eliminate incorrect static markers on local variables (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: correct use after free on list teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] don't overwrite identify sn/fr with 0-bytes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fix nvme reset command timeout handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: fix CMB sysfs file removal in reset path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add defer_req callback for deferment of cmd buffer return (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] strip trailing 0-bytes in wwid_show (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: fix HMB size calculation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: revise TRADDR parsing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: address target disconnect race conditions in fcp io submit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fabrics commands should use the fctype field for data direction (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] also provide a UUID in the WWID sysfs attribute (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] don't report 0-bytes in serial number (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Move serial number from controller to subsystem (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] prefix version configfs file with attr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Fix an error handling path in 'nvme_probe()' (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Remove nvme_setup_prps BUG_ON (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix byte swapping in nvmet_fc_ls_create_association (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: add module parameter for io queue depth (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: compile warnings in nvme_alloc_host_mem() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Accept variable pad lengths on Create Association LS (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: revise Create Association descriptor length (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: unconditionally recycle the request mr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] split nvme_uninit_ctrl into stop and uninit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: remove race conditions from IB signalling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: use blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue instead of open-coding it (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: update tagset nr_hw_queues after queues reinit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: update tagset nr_hw_queues after reconnecting/resetting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: update tagset nr_hw_queues after reconnecting/resetting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: don't override opts->nr_io_queues (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: rename to nvme_pci_configure_admin_queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move ctrl cap to struct nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move queue_count to the nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Quirks for PM1725 controllers (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: register ib_client to not deadlock in device removal (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix error recovery on link down (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix crashes on bad opcodes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Fix crash when nvme controller connection fails (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: replace ioabort msleep loop with completion (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix double calls to nvme_cleanup_cmd() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fabrics: verify that a controller returns the correct NQN (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] simplify nvme_dev_attrs_are_visible (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] read the subsystem NQN from Identify Controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1454365 1456486]
- [nvme] remove a misleading comment on struct nvme_ns (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] explicitly disable APST on quirked devices (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] use a single NVME_AQ_DEPTH and relax it to 32 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: factor out the cqe reading mechanics from __nvme_process_cq (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: factor out cqe handling into a dedicated routine (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Introduce nvme_ring_cq_doorbell (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Fix stuck nvme reset (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] implement NS Optimal IO Boundary from 1.3 Spec (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] no need to wait for the reset when keepalive fails (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move reset workqueue handling to common code (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] pci: Remove watchdog timer (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move protection information check into nvme_setup_rw (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] mark shutdown_timeout static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: fix error code in nvme_rdma_create_ctrl() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fabrics: keep track of nvmet connect error status (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add fields into identify controller data structure (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Remove a set-but-not-used variable (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] use ctrl->device consistently for logging (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] allow overriding the NVMe VS via configfs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add uuid field to nvme_ns and populate via configfs (David Milburn) [1451199]
- [nvme] implement namespace identify descriptor list (David Milburn) [1451199]
- [nvme] provide UUID value to userspace (David Milburn) [1451199]
- [nvme] get list of namespace descriptors (David Milburn) [1451199]
- [nvme] rename uuid to nguid in nvme_ns (David Milburn) [1451199]
- [nvme] introduce NVMe Namespace Identification Descriptor structures (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] use NVME_IDENTIFY_DATA_SIZE (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] [lib] add sg_zero_buffer() helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] nvme-pci: remove redundant includes (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] nvme-pci: remap BAR0 to cover admin CQ doorbell for large stride (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move nr_reconnects to nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] queue ns scanning and async request from nvme_wq (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Move transports to use nvme-core workqueue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Don't allow to reset a reconnecting controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: Get rid of CONNECTED state (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: rework rdma connection establishment error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: make nvme_rdma_(create|destroy)_queue_ib symmetrical (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: Make queue flags bit numbers and not shifts (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: get rid of unused ctrl lock (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: get rid of unused controller lock (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: implement host memory buffer support (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] [kernel] dma-mapping: introduce the DMA_ATTR_NO_WARN attribute (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] save hmpre and hmmin in struct nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add dword 12 - 15 fields to struct nvme_features (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add struct nvme_host_mem_buf_desc and HMB flags (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] relax APST default max latency to 100ms (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] only consider exit latency when choosing useful non-op power states (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix missing put reference on controller create failure (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: on lldd/transport io error, terminate association (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: fast fail incoming requests while we reconnect (David Milburn) [1468743]
- [nvme] pci: fix multiple ctrl removal scheduling (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] fix hang in remove path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Quirk APST on Intel 600P/P3100 devices (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] replace is_flags field in nvme_ctrl_ops with a flags field (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: consistencly use ctrl->device for logging (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: remove extra controller reference taken on reconnect (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: correct nvme status set on abort (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: set logging level on resets/deletes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: revise comment on teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Support ctrl_loss_tmo (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: get rid of local reconnect_delay (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: support devices with queue size < 32 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] release the sq ref on rdma read errors (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: remove target cpu scheduling flag (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: stop queues on error detection (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: require target or discovery role for fc-nvme targets (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: correct port role bits (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] unmap CMB and remove sysfs file in reset path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] scsi: remove nvme_trans_security_protocol (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] scsi: Consider LBA format in IO splitting calculation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: avoid memory corruption caused by calling nvmf_free_options() twice (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Add nvme_core.force_apst to ignore the NO_APST quirk (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] Display raw APST configuration via DYNAMIC_DEBUG (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] Fix APST comment (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] fcloop: mark two symbols static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: properly endian swap sq_head (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: mark the sqhd field as __le16 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix endianess annoations for nvmet_fc_format_rsp_hdr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: mark nvmet_fc_handle_fcp_rqst static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: mark two symbols static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add controller reset support (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add aen abort to teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix command id check (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Change traddr field separator to a colon (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Add ls aborts on remote port teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Move LS's to rport (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add missing reference in add_port (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Rework target side abort handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fcloop: split job struct from transport for req_release (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add req_release to lldd api (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] convert from kmap to nvmet_copy_from_sgl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] improve performance for virtual NVMe devices (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] pci: Don't set reserved SQ create flags (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Quirk APST off on THNSF5256GPUK TOSHIBA (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] Adjust the Samsung APST quirk (David Milburn) [1389600]
- [nvme] make nvme_error_status private (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] split nvme status from block req->errors (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] fc: fix status code handling in nvme_fc_fcpio_done (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move the retries count to struct nvme_request (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] mark nvme_max_retries static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] cleanup nvme_req_needs_retry (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] move ->retries setup to nvme_setup_cmd (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] factor request completion code into a common helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: drop ctrl for all command completions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Clean up host fcpio done status handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Clear SG list to avoid double frees (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: correct LS validation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Sync NVME LS reject reasons with spec (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Add check of status_code in ERSP_IU (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: Sync FC-NVME header with standard (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: retrieve iod from the cqe command_id (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: remove unneeded (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] use symbolic constants for log identifiers (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Introduced helper routine for controller status check (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fixed avoided printing nvmet: twice in error logs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: remove some code duplication (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: Give some more grace for rdma connection establishment (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fix byte swap in nvmet_parse_io_cmd (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add missing byte swap in nvmet_get_smart_log (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: handle cpu unplug when re-establishing the controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: handle cpu unplug when re-establishing the controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] confirm sq percpu has scheduled and switched to atomic (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] loop: fix a possible use-after-free when destroying the admin queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: add support for host_traddr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: Fix error handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: use nvme cm status helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: move nvme cm status helper to .h file (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] rdma: use rdma connection reject helper functions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: don't bother to validate ioccsz and iorcsz (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: No special case for queue busy on IO (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] core: Fix race kicking freed request_queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Disable on removal when disconnected (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Enable autonomous power state transitions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Export dev_pm_qos_update_user_latency_tolerance (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Fix writing 'auto' to pm_qos_latency_tolerance_us (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Improve sysfs pm_qos_latency_tolerance validation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Add a quirk mechanism that uses identify_ctrl (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880]
- [nvme] make nvmf_register_transport require a create_ctrl callback (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Use CNS as 8-bit field and avoid endianness conversion (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] add semicolon in nvme_command setting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] avoid dereferencing nvmet_req (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Make controller state visible via sysfs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] Make cntlid globally unique (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] fc: cleanup of abort flag processing in fcp_op_done (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] admin-cmd: fix spelling mistake: Counld -> Could (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] pci: Don't mark IOD as aborted if abort wasn't sent (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
- [nvme] scsi: don't rely on BLK_MAX_CDB (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]
* Thu Oct 12 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-736.el7]
- [s390] pci: correct hotplug related issues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: recognize name clashes with uids (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: provide more debug information (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: fix handling of PEC 306 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: improve pci hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: introduce clp_get_state (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: improve error handling during fmb (de)registration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: improve unreg_ioat error handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: improve error handling during interrupt deregistration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] pci: don't cleanup in arch_setup_msi_irqs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: trace HBA FSF response by default on dismiss or timedout late response (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix payload with full FCP_RSP IU in SCSI trace records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix missing trace records for early returns in TMF eh handlers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix passing fsf_req to SCSI trace on TMF to correlate with HBA (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix capping of unsuccessful GPN_FT SAN response trace records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576]
- [media] stk1160: Remove '.' from Kconfig (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: Regenerate *.c_shipped files after previous changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: Introduce the "imply" keyword (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: Regenerate shipped zconf.{hash, lex}.c files (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: warn of unhandled characters in Kconfig commands (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: allow use of relations other than (in)equality (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: re-generate *.c_shipped files after previous change (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: don't silently ignore unhandled characters (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kbuild: trivial - use tabs for code indent where possible (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: make allnoconfig disable options behind EMBEDDED and EXPERT (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: remove unused definition from scanner (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: regenerate bison parser (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [scripts] kconfig: do not special-case 'MODULES' symbol (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [kernel] modules: do not depend on kconfig to set 'modules' option to symbol MODULES (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552]
- [acpi] acpi / dptf: move int340x_thermal.c to the DPTF folder (Prarit Bhargava) [1496811]
- [acpi] acpi / dptf: Add DPTF power participant driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1496811]
- [scsi] storvsc: fix memory leak on ring buffer busy (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] storvsc: use default I/O timeout handler for FC devices (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] storvsc: remove unnecessary channel inbound lock (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] storvsc: use in place iterator function (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] storvsc: Add support for FC rport (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Add dummy initiator role to rport (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [scsi] storvsc: remove return at end of void function (Cathy Avery) [1469095]
- [tools] perf bench: Copy kernel files needed to build mem{cpy, set} x86_64 benchmarks (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mce: Fix copy/paste error in exception table entries (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mce: Improve memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mm, x86/mce: Fix return type/value for memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mm, x86/mce: Add memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mce: Check for faults tagged in EXTABLE_CLASS_FAULT exception table entries (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] mce: Add PCI quirks to identify Xeons with machine check recovery (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] x86/cpufeature: Carve out X86_FEATURE_* (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] x86/headers: Don't asm/processor.h in asm/atomic.h (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [kernel] jump_label: remove bug.h, atomic.h dependencies for HAVE_JUMP_LABEL (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [x86] x86/mm: add mcsafe exception table mechanism (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [tools] perf bench mem: Prepare the x86-64 build for upstream memcpy_mcsafe() changes (Jeff Moyer) [1437205]
- [pci] dpc: Add local struct device pointers (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] dpc: Add eDPC support (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] dpc: Fix control register setting (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] dpc: Skip DPC event if device is not present (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] dpc: Wait for Root Port busy to clear (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] dpc: Decode extended reasons (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] Make DPC explicitly non-modular (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] Remove DPC tristate module option (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] Bind DPC to Root Ports as well as Downstream Ports (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] Fix whitespace in struct dpc_dev (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [pci] Convert Downstream Port Containment driver to use devm_* functions (Myron Stowe) [1499031]
- [security] selinux: fix double free in selinux_parse_opts_str() (Paul Moore) [1456843]
- [s390] report new vector facilities (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375265]
- [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix queuecommand for scsi_eh commands when DIX enabled (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494577]
- [s390] qeth: fix L3 next-hop in xmit qeth hdr (Hendrik Brueckner) [1490787]
- [ata] libata: Fix device_rh removal warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1455942]
- [i2c] i801: Add support for Intel Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1457268]
- [tools] power turbostat: initial Gemini Lake SOC support (Steve Best) [1465246]
- [powercap] intel_rapl: Add support for Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1464887]
* Wed Oct 11 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-735.el7]
- [fs] ext4: in ext4_seek_{hole, data}, return -ENXIO for negative offsets (Bill O'Donnell) [1494317]
- [fs] cifs: show 'soft' in the mount options for hard mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1490774]
- [fs] cifs: Reconnect expired SMB sessions (Leif Sahlberg) [1477052]
- [fs] nfsd: give out fewer session slots as limit approaches (Dave Wysochanski) [1492234]
- [fs] nfsd: increase DRC cache limit (Dave Wysochanski) [1492234]
- [fs] ext4: fix off-by-in loop termination in ext4_find_unwritten_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1469363]
- [fs] ext4: fix SEEK_HOLE (Bill O'Donnell) [1469363]
- [netdrv] atlantic: fix iommu errors (David Arcari) [1490698]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix transient invalid link down/up indications (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix Tx queue hangups (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: use centralized core mtu check (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Setup max_mtu in ndev to enable jumbo frames (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: set net_device mtu when mtu is changed (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fixes for aq_ndev_change_mtu (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Show info message if bad firmware version detected (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for multicast filter handling (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for incorrect speed index (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Workaround for HW checksum bug (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for number of RSS queues (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: Extra spinlocks removed (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: atlantic: remove declaration of hw_atl_utils_hw_set_power (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] aquantia: remove redundant checks on error status (David Arcari) [1452077]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Initial Support for IceLake (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: add check on e1e_wphy() return value (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: Undo e1000e_pm_freeze if __e1000_shutdown fails (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix race condition around skb_tstamp_tx() (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] update drivers to make both SW and HW TX timestamps (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] e1000e: fix PTP on e1000_pch_lpt variants (David Arcari) [1454906]
- [netdrv] sfc: don't try and read ef10 data on non-ef10 NIC (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: Add ethtool -m support for QSFP modules (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: don't read beyond unicast address list (Jarod Wilson) [1474250 1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: correct comment on efx_mcdi_process_event (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: change Unknown MCDI event message to print full event (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: fix attempt to translate invalid filter ID (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: Fix MCDI command size for filter operations (Jarod Wilson) [1449449 1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: remove duplicate up_write on VF filter_sem (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: revert changes to NIC revision numbers (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: don't rearm interrupts if busy polling (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [netdrv] sfc: use core min/max MTU checking (Jarod Wilson) [1479400]
- [scsi] cxgb4i: assign rxqs in round robin mode (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307]
- [scsi] cxgbi: fix build with EXTRA_CFLAGS (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307]
- [scsi] cxgb4i: Call into recently added cxgb4 ipv6 api (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307]
- [iscsi] target: fix invalid flags in text response (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312]
- [iscsi] target: fix memory leak in iscsit_setup_text_cmd() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312]
- [iscsi] cxgbit: add missing __kfree_skb() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312]
- [iscsi] cxgbit: fix sg_nents calculation (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312]
- [iscsi] cxgbit: Add an #include directive (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: don't use WR keys/addrs for 0 byte reads (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix error codes in c4iw_create_cq() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Fix memory leaks during module exit (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Avoid touch after free error in ARP failure handlers (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: check return value of alloc_skb (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] cxgb4: Use more common logging style (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: clean up send_connect() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Use AF_INET for sin_family field (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Handle NET_XMIT return codes (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Wake up waiters after flushing the qp (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
- [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Limit MRs to < 8GB for T4/T5 devices (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]
* Wed Oct 11 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-734.el7]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Disable flow control for XFI (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not support flow control autonegotiation for X553 (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Update NW_MNG_IF_SEL support for X553 (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable LASI interrupts for X552 devices (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Ensure MAC filter was added before setting MACVLAN (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: pci_set_drvdata must be called before register_netdev (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve cppcheck format string warning (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix writes to PFQDE (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Bump version number (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve warnings for -Wimplicit-fallthrough (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve truncation warning for q_vector->name (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add error checking to setting VF MAC (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct thermal sensor event check (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: enable L3/L4 filtering for Tx switched packets (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove MAC X550EM_X 1Gbase-t led_[on|off] support (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: initialize u64_stats_sync structures early at ixgbe_probe (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Enables TSO for MPLS encapsulated packets (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Check for RSS key before setting value (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add 1000Base-T device based on X550EM_X MAC (Ken Cox) [1452905 1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow setting zero MAC address for VF (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: clean macvlan MAC filter table on VF reset (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Acquire PHY semaphore before device reset (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix output from ixgbe_dump (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for maximum headroom when using build_skb (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: add check for VETO bit when configuring link for KR (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unused define (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: do not use adapter->num_vfs when setting VFs via module parameter (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: return early instead of wrap block in if statement (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: move num_vfs_macvlans allocation into separate function (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: add default setup_link for x550em_a MAC type (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: list X553 backplane speeds correctly (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X552 XFI backplane support (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Complete support for X553 sgmii (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove driver config for KX4 PHY (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove pr_cont uses (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Avoid Tx hang by not allowing more than the number of VFs supported (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] igb/ixgbe: Fix typo in igb_build_skb and/or ixgbe_build_skb code comment (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] intel: ixgbe: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit use of 2K buffers on architectures with 256B or larger cache lines (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: update the rss key on h/w, when ethtool ask for it (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] scripts/spelling.txt: add "applys" pattern and fix typo instances (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Don't bother clearing buffer memory for descriptor rings (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for build_skb (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add private flag to control buffer mode (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for padding packet (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Break out Rx buffer page management (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Make use of order 1 pages and 3K buffers independent of FCoE (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Update driver to make use of DMA attributes in Rx path (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Only DMA sync frame length (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add function for checking to see if we can reuse page (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: prefix Data Center Bridge ops struct (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Support 2.5Gb and 5Gb speed (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: get rid of custom busy polling code (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Flip to the new dev walk API (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Error handler for duplicate filter locations in hardware for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix deleting link filters for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Match on multiple headers for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for redirect action to cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Extend cls_u32 offload to support UDP headers (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix cls_u32 offload support for L4 ports (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix cls_u32 offload support for fields with masks (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix error handling in TC cls_u32 offload routines (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] cls_u32: move TC offload feature bit into cls_u32 offload logic (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: abort with cls u32 divisor groups greater than 1 (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for tc_u32 offload (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] ixgbe: limit combined total of macvlan and SR-IOV VFs (Ken Cox) [1452423]
- [netdrv] bnx2: use setup_timer() helper (Ken Cox) [1479143]
- [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Ken Cox) [1479143]
- [netdrv] bnx2: use READ_ONCE() instead of barrier() (Ken Cox) [1479143]
- [netdrv] bnx2: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1479143]
- [netdrv] bnx2: Wait for in-flight DMA to complete at probe stage (Ken Cox) [1374594 1479143]
- [netdrv] bnx2: RHEL only patch to use new min/max MTU code without breaking KABI (Ken Cox) [1479143]
- [netdrv] ethernet/broadcom: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1479143]
* Tue Oct 10 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-733.el7]
- [fs] ceph: fix __choose_mds() for LSSNAP request (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: avoid panic in create_session_open_msg() if utsname() returns NULL (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: don't allow bidirectional swap of pg-upmap-items (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: stop on-going cached readdir if mds revokes FILE_SHARED cap (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: fix message order check in handle_cap_export() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: fix NULL pointer dereference in ceph_flush_snaps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: adjust 36 checks for NULL pointers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: delete an unnecessary return statement in update_dentry_lease() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: ENOMEM pr_err in __get_or_create_frag() is redundant (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: check negative offsets in ceph_llseek() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: more accurate statfs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: properly set snap follows for cap reconnect (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: don't use CEPH_OSD_FLAG_ORDERSNAP (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: include snapc in debug message of write (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: make sure flushsnap messages are sent in proper order (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: fix -EOLDSNAPC handling (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: send LSSNAP request to auth mds of directory inode (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: cleanup ceph_readdir_prepopulate() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: new cap message flags indicate if there is pending capsnap (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: nuke startsync op (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] rbd: silence bogus uninitialized use warning in rbd_acquire_lock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: validate correctness of some mount options (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: limit osd write size (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: limit osd read size to CEPH_MSG_MAX_DATA_LEN (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: remove unused cap_release_safety mount option (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: make RECOVERY_DELETES feature create a new interval (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: upmap semantic changes (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] crush: assume weight_set != null imples weight_set_size > 0 (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: fallback for when there isn't a pool-specific choose_arg (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: don't call ->reencode_message() more than once per message (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: make encode_request_*() work with r_mempool requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: potential NULL dereference in ceph_msg_data_create() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: fix race in concurrent readdir (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: don't call encode_request_finish() on MOSDBackoff messages (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: use alloc_pg_mapping() in __decode_pg_upmap_items() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: set -EINVAL in one place in crush_decode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: NULL deref on osdmap_apply_incremental() error path (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: fix old style declaration warnings (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: advertise support for NEW_OSDOP_ENCODING and SERVER_LUMINOUS (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: osd_state is 32 bits wide in luminous (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] crush: remove an obsolete comment (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] crush: crush_init_workspace starts with struct crush_work (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph, crush: per-pool crush_choose_arg_map for crush_do_rule() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] crush: implement weight and id overrides for straw2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: apply_upmap() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: compute actual pgid in ceph_pg_to_up_acting_osds() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: pg_upmap[_items] infrastructure (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: ceph_decode_skip_* helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: kill __{insert, lookup, remove}_pg_mapping() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: introduce and switch to decode_pg_mapping() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: don't pass pgid by value (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: respect RADOS_BACKOFF backoffs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: make DEFINE_RB_* helpers more general (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: avoid unnecessary pi lookups in calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: use target pi for calc_target() calculations (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: always populate t->target_{oid, oloc} in calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: make sure need_resend targets reflect latest map (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: delete from need_resend_linger before check_linger_pool_dne() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: resend on PG splits if OSD has RESEND_ON_SPLIT (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: drop need_resend from calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: MOSDOp v8 encoding (actual spgid + full hash) (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: ceph_connection_operations::reencode_message() method (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: encode_{pgid,oloc}() helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_spg, ceph_pg_to_primary_shard() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: new pi->last_force_request_resend (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: fold [l]req->last_force_resend into ceph_osd_request_target (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: support SERVER_JEWEL feature bits (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: advertise support for OSD_POOLRESEND (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: handle non-empty dest in ceph_{oloc, oid}_copy() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: new features macros (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: remove ceph_sanitize_features() workaround (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: update ceph_dentry_info::lease_session when necessary (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: avoid accessing freeing inode in ceph_check_delayed_caps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: avoid invalid memory dereference in the middle of umount (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: getattr before read on ceph.* xattrs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: don't re-send interrupted flock request (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: cleanup writepage_nounlock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: redirty page when writepage_nounlock() skips unwritable page (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: remove useless page->mapping check in writepage_nounlock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: update the 'approaching max_size' code (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: re-request max size after importing caps (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: unify inode i_ctime update (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: check i_nlink while converting a file handle to dentry (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] ceph: check that the new inode size is within limits in ceph_fallocate() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: cleanup old messages according to reconnect seq (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: NULL deref on crush_decode() error path (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: fix error handling in process_one_ticket() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: validate blob_struct_v in process_one_ticket() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: drop version variable from ceph_monmap_decode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: make ceph_msg_data_advance() return void (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
- [fs] libceph: use kbasename() and kill ceph_file_part() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]
* Mon Oct 09 2017 Rafael Aquini <aquini@redhat.com> [3.10.0-732.el7]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix build errors when CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG=y and both PF and VF drivers are built as loadable modules (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix crash in presence of zeroed-out base address regs (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: show NIC's U-Boot version in a dev_info() message (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: change manner of detecting whether or not NIC firmware is loaded (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: make VF driver notify NIC firmware of MTU change (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: move macro definition to a proper place (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix use of pf in pass-through mode in a virtual machine (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove support for deprecated f/w cmd OCTNET_CMD_RESET_PF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix Smatch error (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: with embedded f/w, issue droq credits before enablement (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: with embedded f/w, don't reload f/w, issue pf flr at exit (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix spelling mistake: "interuupt" -> "interrupt" (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: update VF's netdev->extended->max_mtu if there's a change in PF's MTU (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: added support for ethtool --set-channels feature (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved octeon_setup_interrupt to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_legacy_intr_handler to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_msix_intr_handler to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix issues with fw_type module parameter (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: added support for ethtool --set-ring feature (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_setup_io_queues to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_napi_poll to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_napi_drv_callback to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_push_packet to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved octeon_setup_droq to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved update_txq_status to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved wait_for_pending_requests to octeon_network.h (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix duplicated code for different branches (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: update debug console logging mechanism (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved ptp_enable to octeon_device structure (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: removed check for queue size alignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: rx/tx queue cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: napi cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix misspelled firmware image filenames (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong info about vf rx/tx ring parameters reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: moved console_bitmask module param to lio_main.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: add missing strings in oct_dev_state_str array (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: set sriov_totalvfs correctly (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: bump up driver version to match newer NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: cleanup: removed cryptic and misleading macro (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: standardization: use min_t instead of custom macro (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix implicit irq include causing build failures (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: lio_main: remove unnecessary static in setup_io_queues() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: lio_vf_main: remove unnecessary static in setup_io_queues() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: init allocated memory to 0 (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: do not dereference null ptr (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: init allocated memory to 0 (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: support new firmware statistic fw_err_pki (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix possible eeprom format string overflow (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix bug in soft reset failure detection (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: stop using huge static buffer, save 4096k in .data (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: replace info-pointer mode with buffer-pointer-only mode (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: implement vlan filter enable and disable (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix VF driver off-by-one bug when setting ethtool -C ethX rx-frames (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: disallow enabling firmware debug from a VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Fix checkpatch errors with references crossing single line (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: VF interrupt initialization cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix inaccurate count of napi-processed rx packets reported to Octeon (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix rare pci_driver.probe failure of VF driver (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: handle HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: make the spinlock octeon_devices_lock static (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix PF falsely indicating success at setting MAC address of a nonexistent VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix insmod failure when multiple NICs are plugged in (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: silence a locking static checker warning (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary variable assignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix VF incorrectly indicating that it successfully set its VLAN (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix Octeon core watchdog timeout false alarm (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: clear the correct memory (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: add explicit interrupt.h includes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: refactor interrupt moderation code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: do not reset Octeon if NIC firmware was preloaded (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix tx completions in napi poll (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: allocate RX buffers in OOM conditions in PF and VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix Coverity scan errors (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix for vf mac addr command sent to nic firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: add debug error messages to report command timeout (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove duplicate code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong information about link modes reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: use meaningful names for IRQs (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove/replace invalid code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: optimize DMA in NUMA systems (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: add support for XPS (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: improve UDP TX performance (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from dsa.h (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: do not dereference pointer if it's NULL (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix for iq and droq cnts going negative (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: generalize napi_complete_done() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Avoid accessing skb after submitting to input queue (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Remove usage of net_device last_rx member (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: use fallback for selecting txq (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio vf: reduce load time of module (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: store the L4 hash of rx packets in skb (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: simplify octeon_flush_iq() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong information about channels reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio vf: fix incorrect struct being used (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: remove PTP support in 23XX adapters (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: optimize reads from Octeon PCI console (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF error handling (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF timestamp (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF ethtool stats (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF vxlan (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF vlan support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio VF rx data and ctl path (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF TX buffers (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF xmit (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF scatter gather lists (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF mac address (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF link status (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF offload features (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF init and destroy (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF interrupt (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF mailbox (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: init VF softcommand queues (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF register access (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF queue setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF config setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF registration (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF register definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: bitwise vs logical AND typo (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: fix for new check patch errors (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: copyrights changes and alignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: code cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: device states (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF related operations (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: mailbox interrupt processing (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: Mailbox support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: sysfs VF config support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: HW config for VF support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: use core min/max MTU checking (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: cn23xx: fix a loop timeout (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX pause frame support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX napi support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX health monitoring (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: ethtool and led control support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX octeon3 instruction (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX IQ access (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: RX control commands (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: link and control commands (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX firmware download (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: MSIX support for CN23XX (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX queue manipulation (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX register setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX device init and sriov config (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX queue definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX register definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Common enable irq function (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: Firmware version management (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]
- [netdrv] liquidio: