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#! /usr/bin/perl
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my @args=@ARGV;
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my %configvalues;
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my @configoptions;
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my $configcounter = 0;
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# optionally print out the architecture as the first line of our output
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my $arch = $args[2];
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if (defined $arch) {
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	print "# $arch\n";
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# first, read the override file
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open (FILE,"$args[0]") || die "Could not open $args[0]";
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while (<FILE>) {
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	my $str = $_;
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	my $configname;
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	if (/\# ([\w]+) is not set/) {
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		$configname = $1;
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	} elsif (/^\#/) {
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		# fall through on comments like 'avoid CONFIG_FOO=y'
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	} elsif (/([\w]+)=/) {
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		$configname = $1;
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	if (defined($configname) && !exists($configvalues{$configname})) {
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		$configvalues{$configname} = $str;
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		$configoptions[$configcounter] = $configname;
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		$configcounter ++;
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# now, read and output the entire configfile, except for the overridden
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# parts... for those the new value is printed.
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open (FILE2,"$args[1]") || die "Could not open $args[1]";
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while (<FILE2>) {
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	my $configname;
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	if (/\# ([\w]+) is not set/) {
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		$configname = $1;
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	} elsif (/^\#/) {
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		# fall through on comments like 'avoid CONFIG_FOO=y'
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	} elsif (/([\w]+)=/) {
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		$configname  = $1;
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	if (defined($configname) && exists($configvalues{$configname})) {
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		print "$configvalues{$configname}";
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	} else {
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		print "$_";
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# now print the new values from the overridden configfile
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my $counter = 0;
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while ($counter < $configcounter) {
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	my $configname = $configoptions[$counter];
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	if (exists($configvalues{$configname})) {
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		print "$configvalues{$configname}";
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