From f5005fc4fae5405edad85f678bfdc9a5a0913fef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CentOS Sources Date: Jan 11 2021 17:21:05 +0000 Subject: import kernel-rt-4.18.0-269.rt7.34.el8 --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a329ca6..61c81b7 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1 +1 @@ -SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-259.rt7.24.el8.tar.xz +SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-269.rt7.34.el8.tar.xz diff --git a/.kernel-rt.metadata b/.kernel-rt.metadata index b708130..9cc2625 100644 --- a/.kernel-rt.metadata +++ b/.kernel-rt.metadata @@ -1 +1 @@ -c1081d139af919e742df5da50031d6a5e6b2dc0e SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-259.rt7.24.el8.tar.xz +7dbae75326478eb478da50e6dc33f0e574aa5ed2 SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-269.rt7.34.el8.tar.xz diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der b/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der deleted file mode 100644 index 44a2563..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos.pem b/SOURCES/centos.pem deleted file mode 100644 index 82ad817..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centos.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDgTCCAmmgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zGAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjA0MFoXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjA0MFowVTEvMC0GA1UEAwwmQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IERyaXZlciB1cGRhdGUgc2ln -bmluZyBrZXkxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEi -MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD5ECuosQ4HKRRf+Kxfm+BcICBK -PGqB+E/qalqQ3CCM3LWezq0ns/GZTD0CtSAzmOObqJb3gJ9S5gcbaMVBc3JxLlQ+ -RwVy0oNy91uy9TKhYQ3lpHDyujxiFmXPSJLMKOYbOBNObJ7qF6+ptnmDWMu7GWDc -4UGdBdU/evt92LIxsi9ZQCEoZIqdyKBE/Y3V9gBZIZa/4oXMHfW9dWxhy9UszmR9 -hT7ZdgLFpWMFmJW+SS5QEWtp5CpRlcui4QJZl42bMp5JOrVWc+BlKPIsLdY8TqLp -9FdhQ5Ih4auT7zn2V89YgYpq6VMZnPsn/v5piB6i6RK8Falr6SP5SV0cwV/jAgMB -AAGjXTBbMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQpvUwN -BtLpkRBEtdyXMwkTm1HW1TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q6 -8zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAK+f4c4aP9TQDiQM4TDyw8iDapr7eBc+Yr0M5 -ELkWEQu55/OwLQrgCA5bdD86diaAXQAlUOXCtFRrbUQHQACEL77/32YdooHfVZZ7 -04CeE+JWxF/cQ3M5hhJnkyxaqFKC+B+bn7Z6eloMnYUPsXwfQEOuyxKaKergAJdq -KnC0pEG3NGgwlwvnD0dwUqbbEUUqL3UQh96hCYDidhCUmuap1E2OGoxGex3ekszf -ErCgwVYb46cv91ba2KqXVWl1FoO3c5MyZcxL46ihQgiY0BI975+HDFjpUZ69n+Um -OhSscRUiKeEQKMVtHzyQUp5t+HCeaZBRPy3rFoIjTEqijKZ6tQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDejCCAmKgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjAwMloXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjAwMlowTjEoMCYGA1UEAwwfQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IGtwYXRjaCBzaWduaW5nIGtl -eTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTc2VjdXJpdHlAY2VudG9zLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZI -hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMG+5OclqB0NE5azrGkSitqUFcZjpRk/rS2P -CetB6jwxOn06TrLGzqnhcE9VBKyEs7CXBLy6lfnORcYOybcR2XvrgqGa1txOZggl -hc8zCj9X7ZCMK2UsWglxQCOtbo0m/vdor/VO3SFbrf/W9+PXhvNtcxMP9yjydbP+ -lS1St8uQv952hu7C1TevyOQN3jpvWRD7DSJIU/2uRFcdIo2QCGokuB/xESXeuGJ2 -F2P9w0h74V18AlVTxtGp/RSJqZaQ2Gi5h4Oa7UsRmhmCoLdmdBe7xnYJrJ4GhxKQ -yG0kU1ikEhZW3YjoVPgBJzTsIhCAzFrOUq0d67a1wTVMiyL60fUCAwEAAaNdMFsw -DAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADALBgNVHQ8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFLSfCGIFkJ3E2iz6 -mTdvsZHS8J54MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFTsgYWJPuka2wj3RIhUfo4/dDrzMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBcDnjWh8Mx6yaS/OvBOYZprYy5Su0tn+YHiN0czpjVw+zl -NUt2YmRSA/g6xks04CYx+UAL/xnvRcxXd17Ni7eWiROxvgQvBo5nScVkFPq2IIP5 -8aj7LoHR1MUeXfiNqf1JoSlgpRV47wv/+jZD0hmbt1rC2NJp0ZU8OHmt2GWk0jmM -MK72D/pyCUfHetBzPpU9M0cNiukjMUdIL+U7+CXDgKsfdFHcQ76ebWyka7vRSXTs -lBMa2g20Atwz2Hj7tEEAZ74ioQ9029RAlUSNipACe31YdT4/BBWIqHPpeDFkp8W0 -9v4jeTX/2kMBXkjzMfKjhpooa+bFFFLogLeX3P4W ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der deleted file mode 100644 index e8216b1..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der deleted file mode 100644 index ca3c134..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der b/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der deleted file mode 100644 index 42bdfcf..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64-debug.config index d3cd08f..5f689a2 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64-debug.config @@ -2541,6 +2541,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_PWM=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3466,6 +3467,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64.config index 1d89833..f380a00 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-aarch64.config @@ -2609,6 +2609,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_PWM=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3485,6 +3486,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le-debug.config index 27c5686..7409e6b 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le-debug.config @@ -2242,6 +2242,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_PWM=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3116,6 +3117,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le.config index 02640fb..ea64800 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-ppc64le.config @@ -2310,6 +2310,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_PWM=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3134,6 +3135,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-debug.config index fa1414b..96ba534 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-debug.config @@ -2378,6 +2378,7 @@ CONFIG_AUDIT_TREE=y CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_GMAC_CMN=y CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO=y @@ -3186,6 +3187,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-zfcpdump.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-zfcpdump.config index 4960463..d2d26a4 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-zfcpdump.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x-zfcpdump.config @@ -872,6 +872,7 @@ # CONFIG_IIO_SW_TRIGGER is not set # CONFIG_IIO_SYSFS_TRIGGER is not set # CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set +# CONFIG_IKHEADERS is not set # CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_SIGNED_INIT is not set # CONFIG_IMA_BLACKLIST_KEYRING is not set # CONFIG_IMA_LOAD_X509 is not set @@ -2611,6 +2612,7 @@ CONFIG_AUDIT_ARCH=y CONFIG_AUDIT_TREE=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BASE_FULL=y CONFIG_BASE_SMALL=0 CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x.config index 2a80755..269e45e 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-s390x.config @@ -2445,6 +2445,7 @@ CONFIG_AUDIT_TREE=y CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_GMAC_CMN=y CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO=y @@ -3204,6 +3205,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_DCA=y CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM=y diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64-debug.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64-debug.config index e099ff2..a95df17 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64-debug.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64-debug.config @@ -1233,14 +1233,9 @@ # CONFIG_NOTIFIER_ERROR_INJECTION is not set # CONFIG_NOUVEAU_LEGACY_CTX_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_AMD is not set # CONFIG_NTB_IDT is not set # CONFIG_NTB_INTEL is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_PERF is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_PINGPONG is not set # CONFIG_NTB_SWITCHTEC is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_TOOL is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_TRANSPORT is not set # CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set # CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING is not set # CONFIG_NVM is not set @@ -2362,6 +2357,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3366,6 +3362,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_ILLEGAL_POINTER_VALUE=0xdead000000000000 CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y @@ -4398,6 +4395,11 @@ CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y CONFIG_NR_CPUS=8192 CONFIG_NTB=m +CONFIG_NTB_AMD=m +CONFIG_NTB_PERF=m +CONFIG_NTB_PINGPONG=m +CONFIG_NTB_TOOL=m +CONFIG_NTB_TRANSPORT=m CONFIG_NUMA=y CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING_DEFAULT_ENABLED=y CONFIG_NUMA_EMU=y @@ -4799,6 +4801,7 @@ CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7462=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7470=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7475=m CONFIG_SENSORS_AMC6821=m +CONFIG_SENSORS_AMD_ENERGY=m CONFIG_SENSORS_APDS990X=m CONFIG_SENSORS_APPLESMC=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ASB100=m diff --git a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64.config b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64.config index 7db2d48..ecea8f5 100644 --- a/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64.config +++ b/SOURCES/kernel-rt-x86_64.config @@ -1292,14 +1292,9 @@ # CONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG_MMU is not set # CONFIG_NOUVEAU_LEGACY_CTX_SUPPORT is not set # CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_AMD is not set # CONFIG_NTB_IDT is not set # CONFIG_NTB_INTEL is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_PERF is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_PINGPONG is not set # CONFIG_NTB_SWITCHTEC is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_TOOL is not set -# CONFIG_NTB_TRANSPORT is not set # CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set # CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING is not set # CONFIG_NVM is not set @@ -2430,6 +2425,7 @@ CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X=m CONFIG_BALLOON_COMPACTION=y +CONFIG_BAREUDP=m CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCM87XX_PHY=m CONFIG_BCMA=m @@ -3384,6 +3380,7 @@ CONFIG_IGB_HWMON=y CONFIG_IGC=m CONFIG_IIO=m CONFIG_IIO_CONSUMERS_PER_TRIGGER=2 +CONFIG_IKHEADERS=m CONFIG_ILLEGAL_POINTER_VALUE=0xdead000000000000 CONFIG_IMA=y CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE=y @@ -4400,6 +4397,11 @@ CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y CONFIG_NR_CPUS=8192 CONFIG_NTB=m +CONFIG_NTB_AMD=m +CONFIG_NTB_PERF=m +CONFIG_NTB_PINGPONG=m +CONFIG_NTB_TOOL=m +CONFIG_NTB_TRANSPORT=m CONFIG_NUMA=y CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING_DEFAULT_ENABLED=y CONFIG_NUMA_EMU=y @@ -4790,6 +4792,7 @@ CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7462=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7470=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7475=m CONFIG_SENSORS_AMC6821=m +CONFIG_SENSORS_AMD_ENERGY=m CONFIG_SENSORS_APDS990X=m CONFIG_SENSORS_APPLESMC=m CONFIG_SENSORS_ASB100=m diff --git a/SOURCES/mod-extra.list b/SOURCES/mod-extra.list index 423ab91..5c88346 100644 --- a/SOURCES/mod-extra.list +++ b/SOURCES/mod-extra.list @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ avm_cs.ko avmfritz.ko ax25.ko b1.ko +bareudp.ko bas_gigaset.ko batman-adv.ko baycom_par.ko diff --git a/SPECS/kernel.spec b/SPECS/kernel.spec index 8e89000..e6fa86e 100644 --- a/SPECS/kernel.spec +++ b/SPECS/kernel.spec @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # For internal testing builds during development, it should be 0. %global released_kernel 0 -%global distro_build 259 +%global distro_build 269 # Sign the x86_64 kernel for secure boot authentication -%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 +%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le %global signkernel 1 %else %global signkernel 0 @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ # define buildid .local %define rpmversion 4.18.0 -%define pkgrelease 259.rt7.24.el8 +%define pkgrelease 269.rt7.34.el8 # allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag -%define specrelease 259.rt7.24%{?dist} +%define specrelease 269.rt7.34%{?dist} %define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid} @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ # The preempt RT patch level %global rttag .rt7 # realtimeN -%global rtbuild .24 +%global rtbuild .34 %define with_doc 0 %define with_headers 0 %define with_cross_headers 0 @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ BuildRequires: python3-docutils BuildRequires: zlib-devel binutils-devel %endif %if %{with_selftests} -BuildRequires: libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel llvm-toolset numactl-devel rsync +BuildRequires: libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel clang llvm numactl-devel rsync %endif BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb %if %{with_debuginfo} @@ -444,34 +444,44 @@ Source9: x509.genkey %if %{?released_kernel} -Source10: centossecurebootca2.der -Source11: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source12: centossecureboot201.der -Source13: centossecureboot001.der +Source10: redhatsecurebootca5.cer +Source11: redhatsecurebootca3.cer +Source12: redhatsecureboot501.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot301.cer +Source14: secureboot_s390.cer +Source15: secureboot_ppc.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE10} %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot301 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE12} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot501 +%endif +%ifarch s390x +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot302 +%endif +%ifarch ppc64le +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE15} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot303 %endif # released_kernel %else -Source11: centossecurebootca2.der -Source12: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source13: centossecureboot201.der -Source14: centossecureboot001.der +Source11: redhatsecurebootca4.cer +Source12: redhatsecurebootca2.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot401.cer +Source14: redhatsecureboot003.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE12} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot003 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot401 # released_kernel %endif @@ -528,8 +538,6 @@ Source400: mod-kvm.list Source2000: cpupower.service Source2001: cpupower.config -Source9000: centos.pem - ## Patches needed for building this package # empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches @@ -540,8 +548,8 @@ Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root %description -This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for CentOS. -It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI +This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for Red Hat Enterprise +Linux. It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI compatibility of a set of approved symbols, however it is heavily modified with backports and fixes pulled from newer upstream Linux %{name} releases. This means this is not a %{version} kernel anymore: it includes several components which come @@ -549,7 +557,7 @@ from newer upstream linux versions, while maintaining a well tested and stable core. Some of the components/backports that may be pulled in are: changes like updates to the core kernel (eg.: scheduler, cgroups, memory management, security fixes and features), updates to block layer, supported filesystems, major driver -updates for supported hardware in CentOS, enhancements for +updates for supported hardware in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enhancements for enterprise customers, etc. # @@ -791,12 +799,12 @@ kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collectio %endif %package -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -Summary: The CentOS kernel ABI symbol whitelists +Summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel ABI symbol whitelists Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -The kABI package contains information pertaining to the CentOS -kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by +The kABI package contains information pertaining to the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement. %if %{with_kabidw_base} @@ -805,8 +813,8 @@ Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description kernel-kabidw-base-internal -The package contains data describing the current ABI of the CentOS -kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. +The package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. %endif # @@ -878,7 +886,7 @@ Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\ AutoReq: no\ AutoProv: yes\ %description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\ -This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for CentOS internal usage.\ +This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for Red Hat internal usage.\ %{nil} # @@ -1076,7 +1084,6 @@ ApplyOptionalPatch() } %setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} -c -cp -v %{SOURCE9000} linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}/certs/rhel.pem mv linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} linux-%{KVERREL} cd linux-%{KVERREL} @@ -2582,6 +2589,2290 @@ fi # # %changelog +* Fri Jan 01 2021 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-269.rt7.34.el8] +- [fs] xfs: force writes to delalloc regions to unwritten (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580] +- [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_iomap_prealloc_size (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580] +- [fs] xfs: measure all contiguous previous extents for prealloc size (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580] +- [fs] xfs: don't fail unwritten extent conversion on writeback due to edquot (Carlos Maiolino) [1696580] +- [trace] SUNRPC: Fix general protection fault in trace_rpc_xdr_overflow() (Dave Wysochanski) [1906309] +- [trace] Revert "SUNRPC: Fix general protection fault in trace_rpc_xdr_overflow()" (Dave Wysochanski) [1906309] +- [uapi] uapi: fix statx attribute value overlap for DAX & MOUNT_ROOT (Eric Sandeen) [1905205] +- [trace] SUNRPC: Fix oops in the rpc_xdr_buf event class (Scott Mayhew) [1900157] +- [fs] NFS: Fix listxattr receive buffer size (Scott Mayhew) [1900157] +- [trace] SUNRPC: Fix general protection fault in trace_rpc_xdr_overflow() (Scott Mayhew) [1900157] +- [net] SUNRPC: fix copying of multiple pages in gss_read_proxy_verf() (Scott Mayhew) [1900157] +- [net] svcrdma: fix bounce buffers for unaligned offsets and multiple pages (Scott Mayhew) [1900157] +- [pci] hv: Document missing hv_pci_protocol_negotiation() parameter (Mohammed Gamal) [1886102] +- [pci] hv: Make some functions static (Mohammed Gamal) [1886102] +- [pci] hv: Use struct_size() helper (Mohammed Gamal) [1886102] +- [pci] hv: Prepare hv_compose_msi_msg() for the VMBus-channel-interrupt-to-vCPU reassignment functionality (Mohammed Gamal) [1886102] +- [fs] xfs: allow individual quota grace period extension (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] xfs: per-type quota timers and warn limits (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] xfs: switch xfs_get_defquota to take explicit type (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] xfs: pass xfs_dquot to xfs_qm_adjust_dqtimers (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] xfs: fix up some whitespace in quota code (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] xfs: preserve default grace interval during quotacheck (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] +- [fs] quota: honor quota type in Q_XGETQSTATcalls (Bill O'Donnell) [1827913] + +* Tue Dec 29 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-268.rt7.33.el8] +- [fs] NFS: Do uncached readdir when we're seeking a cookie in an empty page cache (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Reduce number of RPC calls when doing uncached readdir (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Optimisations for monotonically increasing readdir cookies (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Improve handling of directory verifiers (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Handle NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME and NFSERR_BADCOOKIE from readdir calls (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Allow the NFS generic code to pass in a verifier to readdir (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Cleanup to remove nfs_readdir_descriptor_t typedef (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Reduce readdir stack usage (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: nfs_do_filldir() does not return a value (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: More readdir cleanups (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Support larger readdir buffers (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Simplify struct nfs_cache_array_entry (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Replace kmap() with kmap_atomic() in nfs_readdir_search_array() (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Remove unnecessary kmap in nfs_readdir_xdr_to_array() (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Don't discard readdir results (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Clean up directory array handling (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Clean up nfs_readdir_page_filler() (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Clean up readdir struct nfs_cache_array (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Ensure contents of struct nfs_open_dir_context are consistent (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFSv4.2: condition READDIR's mask for security label based on LSM state (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Remove unnecessary inode lock in nfs_fsync_dir() (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [fs] NFS: Remove unnecessary inode locking in nfs_llseek_dir() (Dave Wysochanski) [1893882] +- [netdrv] net: intel: Remove in_interrupt() warnings (Ken Cox) [1838732] +- [netdrv] intel-ethernet: clean up W=1 warnings in kdoc (Ken Cox) [1838732] +- [netdrv] ixgbevf: use generic power management (Ken Cox) [1838732] +- [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Convert fallthrough code comments (Ken Cox) [1838732] +- [netdrv] net/intel: remove driver versions from Intel drivers (Ken Cox) [1838732] +- [iommu] vt-d: Don't dereference iommu_device if IOMMU_API is not built (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1887216] +- [iommu] vt-d: Gracefully handle DMAR units with no supported address widths (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1887216] +- [iommu] vt-d: Skip TE disabling on quirky gfx dedicated iommu (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1887216] +- [netdrv] Revert "mark the intel igc driver as tech preview" (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] net: intel: Remove in_interrupt() warnings (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean up nvm_info structure (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Reject schedules with a base_time in the future (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Export a way to read the PTP timer (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove reset disable flag (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Save PTP time before a reset (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove references to SYSTIMR register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Expose LPI counters (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean RX descriptor error flags (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove timeout check from ptp_tx work (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Don't reschedule ptp_tx work (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Rename IGC_TSYNCTXCTL_VALID macro (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add new device ID's (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] intel-ethernet: clean up W=1 warnings in kdoc (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix not considering the TX delay for timestamps (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix wrong timestamp latency numbers (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix PTP initialization (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix static checker warning (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean up the hw_stats structure (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean up the mac_info structure (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove ledctl_ fields from the mac_info structure (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix registers definition (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unneeded ICTXQMTC register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold Count to clear HW counters (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unneeded variable (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Convert fallthrough code comments (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove checking media type during MAC initialization (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unneeded check for copper media type (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor the igc_power_down_link() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove TCP segmentation TX fail counter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add LPI counters (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix Rx timestamp disabling (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor igc_ptp_set_timestamp_mode() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove UDP filter setup in PTP code (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Check __IGC_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS instead of ptp_tx_skb (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove duplicate code in Tx timestamp handling (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean up Rx timestamping logic (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add initial LTR support (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add initial EEE support (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] net/intel: remove driver versions from Intel drivers (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix wrong register name (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove Sequence Error Counter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add Receive Error Counter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove symbol error counter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix IGC_MAX_RXNFC_RULES (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Reject NFC rules with multiple matches (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unused flags (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unused descriptor's flags (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove igc_nfc_rule_exit() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Change adapter->nfc_rule_lock to mutex (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Change return type from igc_disable_nfc_rule() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix NFC rule validation (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix NFC rules leak when driver is unloaded (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor igc_ethtool_update_nfc_rule() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix NFC rules restoration (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix NFC rules with multicast addresses (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix NFC rule overwrite cases (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix locking issue when retrieving NFC rules (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix 'sw_idx' type in struct igc_nfc_rule (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor igc_ethtool_add_nfc_rule() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Change byte order in struct igc_nfc_filter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Align terms used in NFC support code (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add 'igc_ethtool_' prefix to functions in igc_ethtool.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Early return in igc_get_ethtool_nfc_entry() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Cleanup _get|set_rxnfc ethtool ops (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Get rid of igc_max_channels() (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unused field from igc_nfc_filter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove per queue good transmited counter register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove header redirection register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove obsolete circuit breaker registers (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Enable NFC rules based source MAC address (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add support for source address filters in core (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove mac_table from igc_adapter (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove IGC_MAC_STATE_SRC_ADDR flag (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unused registers (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unused IGC_ICS_DRSTA define (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Dump ETQF registers (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor ethertype filtering code (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Fix MAX_ETYPE_FILTER value (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove ethertype filter in PTP code (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove duplicated IGC_RXPBS macro (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Refactor VLAN priority filtering code (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Return -EOPNOTSUPP when VLAN mask doesn't match (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Dump VLANPQF register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Rename IGC_VLAPQF macro (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Clean up obsolete NVM defines (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: remove IGC_REMOVED function (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove PCIe Control register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unneeded register (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Remove unneeded definition (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Use netdev log helpers in igc_base.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Use netdev log helpers in igc_dump.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Use netdev log helpers in igc_ptp.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Use netdev log helpers in igc_ethtool.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: add support to eeprom, registers and link self-tests (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Use netdev log helpers in igc_main.c (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] igc: Add ECN support for TSO (Corinna Vinschen) [1838742] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix mem leak in rx_empty (Jonathan Toppins) [1892492 1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: no rx flush in deinit (Jonathan Toppins) [1892492 1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: clean up sparse complaints (Jonathan Toppins) [1892492 1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: add new bad firmware error code (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: use lif ident for filter count (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: refill lif identity after fw_up (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: disable all queue napi contexts on timeout (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: check qcq ptr in ionic_qcq_disable (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: clear linkcheck bit on alloc fail (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: drain the work queue (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: contiguous memory for notifyq (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: prevent early watchdog check (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: stop watchdog timer earlier on remove (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516 1887263] +- [netdrv] net: ionic: Remove WARN_ON(in_interrupt()) (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] net: ionic: Replace in_interrupt() usage (Jonathan Toppins) [1887516] +- [netdrv] ionic: add DIMLIB to Kconfig (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: add devlink firmware update (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: update the fw update api (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: dynamic interrupt moderation (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix up debugfs after queue swap (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: clarify boolean precedence (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: remove unused variable (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: clean adminq service routine (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: clean up desc_info and cq_info structs (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: struct reorder for faster access (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: clean up page handling code (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix txrx work accounting (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: pull reset_queues into tx_timeout handler (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: change queue count with no reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: change the descriptor ring length without full reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: change mtu without full queue rebuild (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: use index not pointer for queue tracking (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: reduce contiguous memory allocation requirement (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: clean up unnecessary non-static functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: rework and simplify handling of the queue stats block (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: remove lif list concept (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: use kcalloc for new arrays (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix up a couple of debug strings (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: set MTU floor at ETH_MIN_MTU (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic_lif: Use devm_kcalloc() in ionic_qcq_alloc() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: separate interrupt for Tx and Rx (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: tx separate servicing (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: use fewer firmware doorbells on rx fill (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix memory leak of object 'lid' (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: interface file updates (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: rearrange reset and bus-master control (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: update eid test for overflow (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: remove unused ionic_coal_hw_to_usec (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: set netdev default name (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: get MTU from lif identity (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: keep rss hash after fw update (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: update filter id after replay (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: fix up filter locks and debug msgs (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [netdrv] ionic: use offset for ethtool regs data (Jonathan Toppins) [1861520] +- [md] md/raid5: Allow degraded raid6 to do rmw (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5: Fix Force reconstruct-write io stuck in degraded raid5 (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: don't duplicate code for different paths in handle_stripe (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5-cache: hold spinlock instead of mutex in r5c_journal_mode_show (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: print errno in super_written (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5: remove the redundant setting of STRIPE_HANDLE (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: register new md sysfs file 'uuid' read-only (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: fix max sectors calculation for super 1.0 (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5: use do_div() for 64 bit divisions in raid5_sync_request (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid10: avoid deadlock on recovery (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md-cluster: fix rmmod issue when md_cluster convert bitmap to none (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md-cluster: fix safemode_delay value when converting to clustered bitmap (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5: support config stripe_size by sysfs entry (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5: set default stripe_size as 4096 (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid456: convert macro STRIPE_* to RAID5_STRIPE_* (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: remove the meaningless check in raid5_make_request (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: put the comment of clear_batch_ready to the right place (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: call clear_batch_ready before set STRIPE_ACTIVE (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: raid10: Fix compilation warning (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: raid5: Fix compilation warning (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: raid5-cache: Remove set but unused variable (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: Fix compilation warning (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md-cluster: fix wild pointer of unlock_all_bitmaps() (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid5-cache: clear MD_SB_CHANGE_PENDING before flushing stripes (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: fix deadlock causing by sysfs_notify (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: raid0/linear: fix dereference before null check on pointer mddev (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid1: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: add a newline when printing parameter 'start_ro' by sysfs (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: stop using ->queuedata (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md/raid1: release pending accounting for an I/O only after write-behind is also finished (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: remove redundant memalloc scope API usage (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: update code comment of scribble_alloc() (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] raid5: remove gfp flags from scribble_alloc() (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: use memalloc scope APIs in mddev_suspend()/mddev_resume() (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: remove the extra line for ->hot_add_disk (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: flush md_rdev_misc_wq for HOT_ADD_DISK case (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: don't flush workqueue unconditionally in md_open (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: add new workqueue for delete rdev (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: add checkings before flush md_misc_wq (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] +- [md] md: check arrays is suspended in mddev_detach before call quiesce operations (Nigel Croxon) [1856838] + +* Thu Dec 24 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-267.rt7.32.el8] +- [scsi] storvsc: Fix error return in storvsc_probe() (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [scsi] storvsc: Support PAGE_SIZE larger than 4K (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [kernel] hv: hyperv.h: Introduce some hvpfn helper functions (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [scsi] storvsc: Add validation for untrusted Hyper-V values (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [scsi] storvsc: Fix spelling mistake (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [scsi] storvsc: Remove memset before memory freeing in storvsc_suspend() (Cathy Avery) [1895026] +- [net] tipc: fix incorrect setting window for bcast link (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: re-configure queue limit for broadcast link (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix NULL pointer dereference in tipc_named_rcv (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: Supply missing udp_media.h include file (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: add automatic rekeying for encryption key (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: add automatic session key exchange (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: introduce encryption master key (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: optimize key switching time and logic (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: Fix memory leak in tipc_group_create_member() (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix shutdown() of connection oriented socket (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix a deadlock when flushing scheduled work (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix shutdown() of connectionless socket (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix using smp_processor_id() in preemptible (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix use-after-free in tipc_bcast_get_mode (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: call rcu_read_lock() in tipc_aead_encrypt_done() (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: fix uninit skb->data in tipc_nl_compat_dumpit() (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [net] tipc: update a binding service via broadcast (Xin Long) [1893085] +- [hv] hv_balloon: do adjust_managed_page_count() when ballooning/un-ballooning (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1894717] +- [hv] hv_balloon: simplify math in alloc_balloon_pages() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1894717] +- [md] dm integrity: don't use drivers that have CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY (Vladis Dronov) [1903849] +- [md] dm crypt: don't use drivers that have CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY (Vladis Dronov) [1903849] +- [crypto] crypto: drivers - set the flag CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY (Vladis Dronov) [1903849] +- [include] crypto: algapi - introduce the flag CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY (Vladis Dronov) [1903849] +- [fs] iomap: Set all uptodate bits for an Uptodate page (Brian Foster) [1654127] +- [scsi] scsi: ibmvfc: Avoid link down on FS9100 canister reboot (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1882613] +- [scsi] scsi: ibmvfc: Use compiler attribute defines instead of __attribute__() (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1882613] +- [arm64] arm64: Enable PCI write-combine resources under sysfs (Petr Oros) [1872943] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Bump driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Add module parameter multipath_on_hba (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Handle vSES vphy object during HBA reset (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Add bypass_dirty_port_flag parameter (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Handling HBA vSES device (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Set valid PhysicalPort in SMPPassThrough (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Update hba_port objects after host reset (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Get sas_device objects using device's rphy (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Rename transport_del_phy_from_an_existing_port() (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Get device objects using sas_address & portID (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Update hba_port's sas_address & phy_mask (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Rearrange _scsih_mark_responding_sas_device() (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Allocate memory for hba_port objects (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Define hba_port structure (Tomas Henzl) [1888543] + +* Wed Dec 23 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-266.rt7.31.el8] +- [rt] rwsem: Adapt down_read_interruptible for RT (Juri Lelli) +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: Modify 2.5G PHY name to RTL8226 (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: enable ALDPS to save power for RTL8211F (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: fix rtl8211e rx/tx delay config (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add support for RTL8125B-internal PHY (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: add delay to resume path of certain internal PHY's (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] net: phy: realtek: read actual speed to detect downshift (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix issue with forced threading in combination with shared interrupts (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix operation under forced interrupt threading (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: factor out handling rtl8169_stats (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: consider that PHY reset may still be in progress after applying firmware (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix data corruption issue on RTL8402 (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix handling ether_clk (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix RTL8168f/RTL8411 EPHY config (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove member irq_enabled from struct rtl8169_private (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use napi_complete_done return value (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: allow to enable ASPM on RTL8125A (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add support for RTL8125B (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: sync support for RTL8401 with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: merge handling of RTL8101e and RTL8100e (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: rename RTL8125 to RTL8125A (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_runtime_resume (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove driver-specific mutex (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use RTNL to protect critical sections (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add rtl8169_up (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove no longer needed checks for device being runtime-active (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: mark device as not present when in PCI D3 (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: allow setting irq coalescing if link is down (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: move switching optional clock on/off to pll power functions (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: move updating counters to rtl8169_down (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: move napi_disable call and rename rtl8169_hw_reset (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: replace synchronize_rcu with synchronize_net (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve setting WoL on runtime-resume (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove unused constant RsvdMask (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add info for DASH being enabled (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: fix failing WoL (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve handling power management ops (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: make rtl8169_down central chip quiesce function (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: move some calls to rtl8169_hw_reset (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: don't reset tx ring indexes in rtl8169_tx_clear (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: enable WAKE_PHY as only WoL source when runtime-suspending (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: change driver data type (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_remove_one (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: sync RTL8168f/RTL8411 hw config with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: sync RTL8168evl hw config with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: sync RTL8168h hw config with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: sync RTL8168g hw config with vendor driver (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove mask argument from r8168ep_ocp_read (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove mask argument from r8168dp_ocp_read (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove mask argument from rtl_w0w1_eri (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: work around an irq coalescing related tx timeout (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_mark_to_asic (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: make rtl_rx better readable (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove remaining call to mdiobus_unregister (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: don't include linux/moduleparam.h (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove not needed checks in rtl8169_set_eee (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve reset handling for chips from RTL8168g (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add helper rtl_wait_txrx_fifo_empty (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add helper rtl_enable_rxdvgate (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add helper r8168g_wait_ll_share_fifo_ready (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use fsleep in polling functions (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use new helper eth_hw_addr_crc (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: switch from netif_xxx message functions to netdev_xxx (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove "out of memory" error message from rtl_request_firmware (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: simplify counter handling (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove redundant driver message when entering promiscuous mode (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove not needed parameter in rtl8169_set_magic_reg (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: configure PME_SIGNAL for RTL8125 too (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve max jumbo packet size definition (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add check for invalid parameter combination in rtl_set_coalesce (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_set_coalesce (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve interrupt coalescing parameter handling (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_coalesce_choose_scale (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl_get_coalesce (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: merge scale for tx and rx irq coalescing (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: don't pass net_device to irq coalescing sub-functions (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve error message if no dedicated PHY driver is found (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve configuring RxConfig register (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve handling CPCMD_MASK (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use devm_mdiobus_register (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: change wmb to smb_wmb in rtl8169_start_xmit (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: inline rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: inline rtl8169_mark_as_last_descriptor (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove PHY resume delay that is handled in the PHY driver now (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: add workaround for RTL8168evl TSO hw issues (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: improve rtl8169_tso_csum_v2 (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: use rtl8169_set_features in rtl8169_init_one (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: preserve VLAN setting on RTL8125 in rtl_init_rxcfg (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: remove NETIF_F_HIGHDMA from vlan_features (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [netdrv] r8169: move setting OCP base to generic init code (Josef Oskera) [1889854] +- [s390] sclp: provide extended sccb support (Thomas Huth) [1798484] +- [s390] sclp: avoid copy of sclp_info_sccb (Thomas Huth) [1798484] +- [s390] sclp: use memblock for early read cpu info (Thomas Huth) [1798484] +- [include] ptp: add stub function for ptp_get_msgtype() (Ivan Vecera) [1899217] +- [include] ptp: Add generic ptp message type function (Ivan Vecera) [1899217] +- [net] ptp: Add generic ptp v2 header parsing function (Ivan Vecera) [1899217] +- [video] hyperv_fb: Fix the cache type when mapping the VRAM (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [video] hyperv_fb: include vmalloc.h (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [video] hyperv: hyperv_fb: Use physical memory for fb on HyperV Gen 1 VMs (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [video] hyperv_fb: Fix hibernation for the deferred IO feature (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [video] hyperv: hyperv_fb: Support deferred IO for Hyper-V frame buffer driver (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [uio] uio_hv_generic: add missed sysfs_remove_bin_file (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [input] hyperv-keyboard: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() for ringbuffer sizes (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [hid] hyperv: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() for ringbuffer sizes (Mohammed Gamal) [1886106] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add validation for untrusted Hyper-V values (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the queue_mapping in netvsc_vf_xmit() (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Remove "unlikely" from netvsc_select_queue (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: do not use VF device if link is down (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hyperv: dump TX indirection table to ethtool regs (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: add support for vlans in AF_PACKET mode (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix netvsc_start_xmit's return type (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Remove unnecessary round_up for recv_completion_cnt (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use new helper tcp_v6_gso_csum_prep (Mohammed Gamal) [1886097] +- [tools] kvm_stat: add sample systemd unit file (Thomas Huth) [1851123] +- [tools] kvm_stat: Add command line switch '-L' to log to file (Thomas Huth) [1851123] +- [tools] kvm_stat: add command line switch '-z' to skip zero records (Thomas Huth) [1851123] +- [mm] mm/gup: Mark lock taken only after a successful retake (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/filemap.c: fix a data race in filemap_fault() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: fix kthread_use_mm() vs TLB invalidate (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [fs] kernel: set USER_DS in kthread_use_mm (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [drm] kernel: better document the use_mm/unuse_mm API contract (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [kernel] kernel: move use_mm/unuse_mm to kthread.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [drm] drm/i915: convert get_user_pages() --> pin_user_pages() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: introduce pin_user_pages_fast_only() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: refactor and de-duplicate gup_fast() code (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: move __get_user_pages_fast() down a few lines in gup.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] gup: document and work around "COW can break either way" issue (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [vfio] vfio: checking of validity of user vaddr in vfio_dma_rw (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [fs] mm/userfaultfd: honor FAULT_FLAG_KILLABLE in fault path (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: allow to react to fatal signals (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: allow VM_FAULT_RETRY for multiple times (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: allow VM_FAULT_RETRY for multiple times (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [fs] mm: introduce FAULT_FLAG_INTERRUPTIBLE (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: introduce FAULT_FLAG_DEFAULT (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [fs] userfaultfd: don't retake mmap_sem to emulate NOPAGE (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [include] mm: return faster for non-fatal signals in user mode faults (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] powerpc/mm: use helper fault_signal_pending() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] arm64/mm: use helper fault_signal_pending() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] x86/mm: use helper fault_signal_pending() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: introduce fault_signal_pending() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: fix __get_user_pages() on fault retry of hugetlb (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: rename "nonblocking" to "locked" where proper (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: rename nr as nr_pinned in get_user_pages_fast() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: require FOLL_GET for get_user_pages_fast() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/filemap.c: don't bother dropping mmap_sem for zero size readahead (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/slb: export __kmalloc_track(_node)_caller (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: Add vmf_insert_pfn_xxx_prot() for huge page-table entries (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [vfio] vfio: introduce vfio_dma_rw to read/write a range of IOVAs (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [infiniband] mm, tree-wide: rename put_user_page*() to unpin_user_page*() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup_benchmark: use proper FOLL_WRITE flags instead of hard-coding "1" (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] powerpc: book3s64: convert to pin_user_pages() and put_user_page() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [vfio] vfio, mm: pin_user_pages (FOLL_PIN) and put_user_page() conversion (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [media] media/v4l2-core: pin_user_pages (FOLL_PIN) and put_user_page() conversion (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [net] net/xdp: set FOLL_PIN via pin_user_pages() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [drm] drm/via: set FOLL_PIN via pin_user_pages_fast() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/process_vm_access: set FOLL_PIN via pin_user_pages_remote() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [infiniband] IB/{core, hw, umem}: set FOLL_PIN via pin_user_pages*(), fix up ODP (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [documentation] mm/gup: introduce pin_user_pages*() and FOLL_PIN (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [media] media/v4l2-core: set pages dirty upon releasing DMA buffers (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: allow FOLL_FORCE for get_user_pages_fast() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [vfio] vfio: fix FOLL_LONGTERM use, simplify get_user_pages_remote() call (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: fix get_user_pages_remote()'s handling of FOLL_LONGTERM (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm/gup: factor out duplicate code from four routines (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: drop mmap_sem before calling balance_dirty_pages() in write fault (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [vfio] vfio/type1: untag user pointers in vaddr_get_pfn (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: untag user pointers in mm/gup.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [drm] drivers/gpu/drm/via: convert put_page() to put_user_page*() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [fs] fs/io_uring.c: convert put_page() to put_user_page*() (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: mark the page referenced in gup_hugepte (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: switch gup_hugepte to use try_get_compound_head (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: move the powerpc hugepd code to mm/gup.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: validate get_user_pages_fast flags (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: consolidate the get_user_pages* implementations (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: reorder code blocks in gup.c (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: rename CONFIG_HAVE_GENERIC_GUP to CONFIG_HAVE_FAST_GUP (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [x86] mm: lift the x86_32 PAE version of gup_get_pte to common code (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [s390] mm: simplify gup_fast_permitted (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] mm: use untagged_addr() for get_user_pages_fast addresses (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] powerpc/mm: make gup_hugepte() static (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] filemap: drop the mmap_sem for all blocking operations (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] filemap: kill page_cache_read usage in filemap_fault (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] filemap: pass vm_fault to the mmap ra helpers (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] docs/core-api/mm: fix return value descriptions in mm/ (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] docs/mm: vmalloc: re-indent kernel-doc comemnts (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [drm] drm/via: mark expected switch fall-throughs (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [mm] x86/mm: Break out kernel address space handling (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1885412] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Remove reader optimistic spinning (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Enable reader optimistic lock stealing (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Prevent potential lock starvation (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Pass the current atomic count to rwsem_down_read_slowpath() (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Fold __down_{read,write}*() (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Introduce rwsem_write_trylock() (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Better collate rwsem_read_trylock() (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] rwsem: Implement down_read_interruptible (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [kernel] rwsem: Implement down_read_killable_nested (Waiman Long) [1895046] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix crash with is_sier_available when pmu is not set (Steve Best) [1904225] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: xive: Fix vCPU id sanity check (Greg Kurz) [1902709] +- [net] ip6_gre: set dev->hard_header_len when using header_ops (Antoine Tenart) [1895789] +- [fs] xfs: flush new eof page on truncate to avoid post-eof corruption (Brian Foster) [1878495] +- [netdrv] bonding: set dev->needed_headroom in bond_setup_by_slave() (Antoine Tenart) [1903073] +- [net] netfilter: bridge: reset skb->pkt_type after NF_INET_POST_ROUTING traversal (Antoine Tenart) [1901026] +- [infiniband] RDMA/umem: Prevent small pages from being returned by ib_umem_find_best_pgsz() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] IB/hfi1: Fix error return code in hfi1_init_dd() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/pvrdma: Fix missing kfree() in pvrdma_register_device() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/cm: Make the local_id_table xarray non-irq (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] IB/srpt: Fix memory leak in srpt_add_one (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Set queue pair state when being queried (Kamal Heib) [1894681 1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Handle skb_clone() failure in rxe_recv.c (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Fix bug rejecting all multicast packets (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Fix skb lifetime in rxe_rcv_mcast_pkt() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] IB/rdmavt: Fix sizeof mismatch (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/ipoib: Set rtnl_link_ops for ipoib interfaces (Kamal Heib) [1883480 1883478 1857605] +- [infiniband] RDMA/addr: Fix race with netevent_callback()/rdma_addr_cancel() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [rdma] RDMA/umem: Fix signature of stub ib_umem_find_best_pgsz() (Kamal Heib) [1857605] +- [x86] kretprobe: Prevent triggering kretprobe from within kprobe_flush_task (Jerome Marchand) [1821265] +- [netdrv] net: intel: Remove in_interrupt() warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: fix adding IP4 IP6 Flow Director rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix pointer cast warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: refactor devlink_port to be per-VSI (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: add the DDP Track ID to devlink info (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: Change ice_info_get_dsn to be void (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: remove repeated words (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: devlink: use *phD to print small buffer (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: preserve NVM capabilities in safe mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: increase maximum wait time for flash write commands (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: remove unused args from ice_get_open_tunnel_port() (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: fix memory leak in ice_vsi_setup (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: fix memory leak if register_netdev_fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix call trace on suspend (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: simplify the return expression of ice_finalize_update() (Jonathan Toppins) [1891101] +- [netdrv] ice: Misc minor fixes (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: adjust profile ID map locks (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: update PTYPE lookup table (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Graceful error handling in HW table calloc failure (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: port fix for chk_linearlize (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Allow 2 queue pairs per VF on SR-IOV initialization (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Clear and free XLT entries on reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add useful statistics (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: remove page_reuse statistic (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix RSS profile locks (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix the vsi_id mask to be 10 bit for set_rss_lut (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: rename misleading grst_delay variable (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix unused parameter warning (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: disable no longer needed workaround for FW logging (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: reduce scope of variable (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: cleanup VSI on probe fail (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Allow all VLANs in safe mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: need_wakeup flag might not be set for Tx (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: distribute Tx queues evenly (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Adjust scheduler default BW weight (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add RL profile bit mask check (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix overwriting TX/RX descriptor values when rebuilding VSI (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: return correct error code from ice_aq_sw_rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: restore VF MSI-X state during PCI reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix link event handling timing (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix link broken after GLOBR reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Implement LFC workaround (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: implement device flash update via devlink (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add flags indicating pending update of firmware module (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add AdminQ commands for FW update (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add support for unified NVM update flow capability (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add 1G SGMII PHY type (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Report AOC PHY Types as Fiber (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add AQC get link topology handle support (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Rename low_power_ctrl (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: update reporting of autoneg capabilities (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add ice_aq_get_phy_caps() debug logs (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: support Total Port Shutdown on devices that support it (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: add link lenient and default override support (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: restore PHY settings on media insertion (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: move auto FEC checks into ice_cfg_phy_fec() (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: refactor FC functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add advanced power mgmt for WoL (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: split ice_discover_caps into two functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: split ice_parse_caps into separate functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: refactor ice_discover_caps to avoid need to retry (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: replace single-element array used for C struct hack (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: avoid unnecessary single-member variable-length structs (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: implement snapshot for device capabilities (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] net/intel: remove driver versions from Intel drivers (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: protect ring accesses with WRITE_ONCE (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Ignore EMODE when setting PHY config (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix aRFS after flow director delete (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Use coalesce values from q_vector 0 when increasing q_vectors (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix PCI device serial number to be lowercase values (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix function signature style format (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Allow VF to request reset as soon as it's initialized (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix inability to set channels when down (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Always clear QRXFLXP_CNTXT before writing new value (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Reset VF for all port VLAN changes from host (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Update ICE_PHY_TYPE_HIGH_MAX_INDEX value (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Increase timeout after PFR (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix transmit for all software offloaded VLANs (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: support adding 16 unicast/multicast filter on untrusted VF (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: allow host to clear administratively set VF MAC (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Refactor VF VSI release and setup functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Refactor VF reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: remove VM/VF disable command on CORER/GLOBR reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add functions to rebuild host VLAN/MAC config for a VF (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add function to set trust mode bit on reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Renaming and simplification in VF init path (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Separate VF VSI initialization/creation from reset flow (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add helper function for clearing VPGEN_VFRTRIG (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Simplify ice_sriov_configure (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Refactor ice_ena_vf_mappings to split MSIX and queue mappings (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Declare functions static (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix kernel BUG if register_netdev fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix potential double free in probe unrolling (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: cleanup VSI context initialization (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Poll for reset completion when DDP load fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Check UMEM FQ size when allocating bufs (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Refactor Rx checksum checks (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: avoid undefined behavior (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Change number of XDP Tx queues to match number of Rx queues (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add XDP Tx to VSI ring stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Change number of XDP TxQ to 0 when destroying rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Handle critical FW error during admin queue initialization (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Don't allow VLAN stripping change when pvid set (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Add more Rx errors to netdev's rx_error counter (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix for memory leaks and modify ICE_FREE_CQ_BUFS (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix memory leak (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix MAC write command (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: set VF default LAN address (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: remove unused macro (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: fix signed vs unsigned comparisons (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: Fix error return code in ice_add_prof() (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] +- [netdrv] ice: replace "fallthrough" comments with fallthrough reserved word (Jonathan Toppins) [1838737] + +* Sat Dec 19 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-265.rt7.30.el8] +- [kernel] kernel/crash: reserve more memory for fadump (Pingfan Liu) [1891043] +- [powerpc] pseries: Pass MSI affinity to irq_create_mapping() (Laurent Vivier) [1702939] +- [kernel] genirq/irqdomain: Add an irq_create_mapping_affinity() function (Laurent Vivier) [1702939] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Use regs->nip when SIAR is zero (Steve Best) [1903731] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Use the address from SIAR register to set cpumode flags (Steve Best) [1903731] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Drop the check for SIAR_VALID (Steve Best) [1903731] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add new power PMU flag "PPMU_P10_DD1" for power10 DD1 (Steve Best) [1903731] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: fix bpf_prog reference count leaks in mlx5e_alloc_rq (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Initialize QP mutex for the debug kernels (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Allow providing extra scatter CQE QP flag (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Query PPS pin operational status before registering it (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix slab-out-of-bounds in mlx5e_rep_is_lag_netdev (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Verify Hardware supports requested ptp function on a given pin (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix a bug of using ptp channel index as pin index (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix missing cleanup of ethtool steering during rep rx cleanup (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix error path of device attach (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix forward to next namespace (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Destroy TSAR after reload interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Destroy TSAR when fail to enable the mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix prefetch memory leak if get_prefetchable_mr fails (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Prevent prefetch from racing with implicit destruction (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use xa_lock_irq when access to SRQ table (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix usage of rcu-protected pointer (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mxl5e: Verify that rpriv is not NULL (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix vlan or qos setting in legacy mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set PD pointers for the error flow unwind (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix legacy IPoIB QP initialization (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Protect from kernel crash if XRC_TGT doesn't have udata (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix integrity enabled QP creation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove ECE limitation from the RAW_PACKET QPs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix remote gid value in query QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Don't access ib_qp fields in internal destroy QP path (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add missed RST2INIT and INIT2INIT steps during ECE handshake (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix -Wformat warning in check_ucmd_data() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove duplicated assignment to resp.response_length (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix some error pointer dereferences (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Return ECE DC support (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Don't rely on FW to set zeros in ECE response (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Return an error if copy_to_user fails (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Make mlx5e_dcbnl_ops static (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: reduce stack usage in qp_read_field (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] mlx5: fix xdp data_meta setup in mlx5e_fill_xdp_buff (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Support TX port affinity for VF drivers in LAG mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Optimize performance for IPv4/IPv6 ethertype (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Helper function to set ethertype (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use change upper event to setup representors' bond_metadata (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Slave representors sharing unique metadata for match (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Alloc and free unique metadata for match (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add bond_metadata and its slave entries (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Offload flow rules to active lower representor (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support tc block sharing for representors (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use netdev events to set/del egress acl forward-to-vport rule (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce APIs to enable egress acl forward-to-vport rule (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor eswitch ingress acl codes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor eswitch egress acl codes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Return ECE data after modify QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set ECE options during modify QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Convert modify QP to use MLX5_SET macros (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove manually crafted QP context the query call (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use direct modify QP implementation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set ECE options during QP create (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Get ECE options from FW during create QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [include] net/mlx5: Add ability to read and write ECE options (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use IS_ERR() to check and simplify code (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] net/mlx5: Add support for RDMA TX FT headers modifying (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Move iseg access helper routines close to mlx5_core driver (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Cleanup mlx5_ifc_fte_match_set_misc2_bits (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Update mlx5_ib driver name (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Calculate SQ stop room in a robust way (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Move internal timer read function to clock library (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix a bug of releasing wrong chunks on > 4K page size systems (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Dedicate fw page to the requesting function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix query_srq_cmd() function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support for drop action in DV steering (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support in steering default miss (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Refactor DV create flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support in forward to namespace (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] {IB/net}/mlx5: Simplify don't trap code (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [include] net/mlx5: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enhance ICOSQ WQE info fields (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Accel, Remove unnecessary header include (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use struct assignment for WQE info updates (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Take TX WQE info structures out of general EN header (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Do not fill edge for the DUMP WQEs in TX flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fill work queue edge separately in TX flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Split TX acceleration offloads into two phases (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Update UDP fields of the SKB for GSO first (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Make TLS offload independent of wqe and pi (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Pass only eseg to IPSEC offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Return void from mlx5e_sq_xmit and mlx5i_sq_xmit (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Unify checks of TLS offloads (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Return bool from TLS and IPSEC offloads (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net: remove newlines in NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove duplicated assignment to variable rcqe_sz (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Allow only raw Ethernet QPs when RoCE isn't enabled (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Assign profile before calling stages (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Move all WR logic from qp.c to separate file (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Refactor mlx5_post_send() to improve readability (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Update mlx5_ib to use new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set UDP source port based on the grh.flow_label (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560 1851704] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Define RoCEv2 udp source port when set path (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560 1851704] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set lag tx affinity according to slave (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Refactor affinity related code (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support to get lag physical port (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Change lag mutex lock to spin lock (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Consolidate into special function all create QP calls (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove redundant destroy QP call (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Copy response to the user in one place (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Handle udate outlen checks in one place (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Promote RSS RAW QP flags check to higher level (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Group all create QP parameters to simplify in-kernel interfaces (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Reduce amount of duplication in QP destroy (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate to user/kernel create QP flows (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate XRC_TGT QP creation from common flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Globally parse DEVX UID (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete impossible inlen check (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Rely on existence of udata to separate kernel/user flows (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove second user copy in create_user_qp (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Combine copy of create QP command in RSS RAW QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Promote RSS RAW QP attribute check in higher level (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Store QP type in the vendor QP structure (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete unsupported QP types (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Unify reserving space for WQEs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename ICOSQ WQE info struct and field (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fetch WQE: reuse code and enforce typing (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: XDP, Print the offending TX descriptor on error completion (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: TX, Generalise code and usage of error CQE dump (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use proper name field for the UMR key (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support for release all pages event (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Rate limit page not found error messages (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add helper function to release fw page (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Remove unused field in EQ (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove unneeded semicolon (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: IPsec, Fix coverity issue (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Process all vendor flags in one place (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Return all configured create flags through query QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Change scatter CQE flag to be set like other vendor flags (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use flags_en mechanism to mark QP created with WQE signature (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Process create QP flags in one place (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete create QP flags obfuscation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Initial separation of RAW_PACKET QP from common flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove second copy from user for non RSS RAW QPs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Move DRIVER QP flags check into separate function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Update all DRIVER QP places to use QP subtype (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Split scatter CQE configuration for DCT QP (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Separate create QP flows to be based on type (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Set QP subtype immediately when it is known (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Avoid setting redundant NULL for XRC QPs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Prepare QP allocation for future removal (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Perform check if QP creation flow is valid (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete impossible GSI port check (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Organize QP types checks in one place (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [include] net/mlx5: TX WQE Add trailer insertion field (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [include] net/mlx5: Add release all pages capability bit (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Introduce TLS RX offload hardware bits (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add structure and defines for pci sync for fw update event (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add structure layout and defines for MFRL register (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Use aligned variable while allocating ICM memory (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Introduce IPsec Connect-X offload hardware bits and structures (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update transobj.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update SW steering new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update port.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update rl.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update uar.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update pd.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update pagealloc.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update mr.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update mcg.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update main.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update vxlan.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update mpfs.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update gid.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update lag.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update fw.c new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update fs_core new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update FPGA to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update eswitch to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] ethernet: remove redundant memset (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update statistics to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update eq.c to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update ecpf.c to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update debugfs.c to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Update cq.c to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] net/mlx5: Update vport.c to new cmd interface (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: improve some comments (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Read embedded cpu bit only once (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Handle errors from netif_set_real_num_{tx, rx}_queues (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: IPsec, Refactor SA handle creation and destruction (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: IPSec, Expose IPsec HW stat only for supporting HW (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Refactor mlx5_accel_esp_create_hw_context parameter list (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Use the correct IPsec capability function for FPGA ops (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Enable SW-defined RoCEv2 UDP source port (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Refactor HCA capability set flow (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] net/mlx5: Move QP logic to mlx5_ib (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Alphabetically sort build artifacts (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Delete not-used cmd header (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Delete Q counter allocations command (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Remove Q counter low level helper APIs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Replace hand written QP context struct with automatic getters (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Remove extra indirection while storing QPN (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Open-code modify QP in the IPoIB module (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Open-code modify QP in the FPGA module (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Open-code modify QP in steering module (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Remove empty QP and CQ events handlers (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Open-code create and destroy QP calls (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Provide simplified command interfaces (Alaa Hleihel) [1858560] +- [x86] kvm: x86/mmu: Fix get_mmio_spte() on CPUs supporting 5-level PT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1902184] +- [net] netdevsim: devlink flash timeout message (Petr Oros) [1882019] +- [net] devlink: collect flash notify params into a struct (Petr Oros) [1882019] +- [net] devlink: add timeout information to status_notify (Petr Oros) [1882019] +- [firmware] efi/esrt: Only call efi_mem_reserve() for boot services memory (Kairui Song) [1878024] +- [firmware] efi: Drop type and attribute checks in efi_mem_desc_lookup() (Kairui Song) [1878024] +- [fs] iomap: Fix direct I/O write consistency check (Andreas Grunbacher) [1875556] +- [fs] gfs2: fix O_SYNC write handling (Andreas Grunbacher) [1871923] +- [fs] gfs2: move setting current->backing_dev_info (Andreas Grunbacher) [1871923] +- [fs] gfs2: Don't return NULL from gfs2_inode_lookup (Andreas Grunbacher) [1872061] +- [fs] gfs2: If go_sync returns error, withdraw but skip invalidate (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: Close timing window with GLF_INVALIDATE_IN_PROGRESS (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: Fix refcount leak in gfs2_glock_poke (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: Add missing truncate_inode_pages_final for sd_aspace (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: call truncate_inode_pages_final for address space glocks (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: simplify the logic in gfs2_evict_inode (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: factor evict_linked_inode out of gfs2_evict_inode (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: further simplify gfs2_evict_inode with new func evict_should_delete (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: factor evict_unlinked_inode out of gfs2_evict_inode (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [fs] gfs2: rename variable error to ret in gfs2_evict_inode (Robert S Peterson) [1875035] +- [net] ethtool: Add link extended state (Ivan Vecera) [1894545] +- [documentation] networking: ethtool-netlink: Add link extended state (Ivan Vecera) [1894545] +- [net] ethtool: fix error handling in linkstate_prepare_data() (Ivan Vecera) [1894545] +- [net] ethtool: provide UAPI for PHY Signal Quality Index (SQI) (Ivan Vecera) [1894545] + +* Fri Dec 18 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-264.rt7.29.el8] +- [mm] mm/hugetlb: fix a race between hugetlb sysctl handlers (Julia Denham) [1886241] {CVE-2020-25285} +- [kernel] audit: do not set FS_EVENT_ON_CHILD in audit marks mask (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [net] missing barriers in some of unix_sock ->addr and ->path accesses (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: fix macros warnings (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: trigger accompanying records when no rules present (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: fix a kernel-doc markup (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: Remove redundant null check (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: uninitialize variable audit_sig_sid (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: change unnecessary globals into statics (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: report audit wait metric in audit status reply (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [security] audit: purge audit_log_string from the intra-kernel audit API (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [security] apparmor: Check buffer bounds when mapping permissions mask (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: issue CWD record to accompany LSM_AUDIT_DATA_* records (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [net] audit: use the proper gfp flags in the audit_log_nfcfg() calls (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [include] audit: remove unused !CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL __audit_inode* stubs (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [net] audit: add gfp parameter to audit_log_nfcfg (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: log nftables configuration change events (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] audit: Use struct_size() helper in alloc_chunk (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [kernel] revert: 1320a4052ea1 ("audit: trigger accompanying records when no rules present") (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [include] audit: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Richard Guy Briggs) [1896480] +- [netdrv] net: usb: lan78xx: Disable interrupts before calling generic_handle_irq() (Waiman Long) [1904213] +- [mm] x86/mm/cpa: Prevent large page split when ftrace flips RW on kernel text (Waiman Long) [1904213] +- [mm] x86/mm/cpa: Fix cpa_flush_array() TLB invalidation (Waiman Long) [1904213] +- [net] netlabel: fix an uninitialized warning in netlbl_unlabel_staticlist() (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1901171] +- [net] netlabel: fix our progress tracking in netlbl_unlabel_staticlist() (Ondrej Mosnacek) [1901171] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix packet's addresses for rx_offset feature (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: handle bad request id in ena_netdev (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: Change WARN_ON expression in ena_del_napi_in_range() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: support new LLQ acceleration mode (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: move llq configuration from ena_probe to ena_device_init() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: enable support of rss hash key and function changes (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add support for traffic mirroring (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: change ena_com_stats_admin stats to u64 (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: satisfy gcc warning (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add reserved PCI device ID (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: avoid unnecessary rearming of interrupt vector when busy-polling (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: Fix using plain integer as NULL pointer in ena_init_napi_in_range (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] ena_netdev: use generic power management (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: xdp: update napi budget for DROP and ABORTED (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: xdp: XDP_TX: fix memory leak (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] xdp: Rename convert_to_xdp_frame in xdp_convert_buff_to_frame (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: reduce driver load time (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: minor code changes (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: fix spacing issues (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: code reorderings (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: remove unnecessary code (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: fix line break issues (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: fix spelling and grammar mistakes in comments (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: set queue sizes to u32 for consistency (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: rename ena_update_tx/rx_rings_intr_moderation() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: simplify ena_com_update_intr_delay_resolution() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix ena_com_comp_status_to_errno() return value (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: use explicit variable size for clarity (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: rename ena_com_free_desc to make API more uniform (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add support for the rx offset feature (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] ena: Add XDP frame size to amazon NIC driver (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: extract code to ena_indirection_table_set() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: cosmetic: remove unnecessary spaces and tabs in ena_com.h macros (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: use SHUTDOWN as reset reason when closing interface (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: drop superfluous prototype (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add support for reporting of packet drops (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add unmask interrupts statistics to ethtool (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: remove code that does nothing (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: changes to RSS hash key allocation (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: change default RSS hash function to Toeplitz (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: allow setting the hash function without changing the key (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix error returning in ena_com_get_hash_function() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: avoid unnecessary admin command when RSS function set fails (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net/ena: Fix build warning in ena_xdp_set() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: Make some functions static (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix continuous keep-alive resets (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: avoid memory access violation by validating req_id properly (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix request of incorrect number of IRQ vectors (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix incorrect setting of the number of msix vectors (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ethtool: clean up minor indentation issue (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: reject unsupported coalescing params (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix broken interface between ENA driver and FW (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net/amazon: Ensure that driver version is aligned to the linux kernel (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ethtool: remove redundant non-zero check on rc (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: remove set but not used variable 'hash_key' (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ena-com.c: prevent NULL pointer dereference (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ethtool: use correct value for crc32 hash (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: make ena rxfh support ETH_RSS_HASH_NO_CHANGE (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix corruption of dev_idx_to_host_tbl (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix incorrectly saving queue numbers when setting RSS indirection table (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: rss: store hash function as values and not bits (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: rss: fix failure to get indirection table (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: rss: do not allocate key when not supported (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix incorrect default RSS key (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: add missing ethtool TX timestamping indication (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix uses of round_jiffies() (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix potential crash when rxfh key is NULL (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: remove set but not used variable 'rx_ring' (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix issues in setting interrupt moderation params in ethtool (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix default tx interrupt moderation interval (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: Add first_interrupt field to napi struct (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: Implement XDP_TX action (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: implement XDP drop support (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: fix napi handler misbehavior when the napi budget is zero (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ethtool: support set_channels callback (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: remove redundant print of number of queues (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: make ethtool -l show correct max number of queues (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: ethtool: get_channels: use combined only (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: multiple queue creation related cleanups (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [netdrv] net: ena: change num_queues to num_io_queues for clarity and consistency (Petr Oros) [1861967] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: docs: document bkvcache new members at struct kfree_rcu_cpu (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: don't assume percpu shadow allocations will succeed (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: update required compiler versions in documentation (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: improve and simplify Kconfig.kasan (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: Fix required compiler version (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: Bump required compiler version (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [documentation] kasan: update documentation for generic kasan (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: record and print the free track (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] rcu: kasan: record and print call_rcu() call stack (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Support reclaim for head-less object (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Introduce 2 arg kvfree_rcu() interface (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/list_lru.c: Rename kvfree_rcu() to local variant (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Rename *_kfree_callback/*_kfree_rcu_offset/kfree_call_* (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tiny: support vmalloc in tiny-RCU (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Maintain separate array for vmalloc ptrs (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: cache specified number of objects (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Use static initializer for krc.lock (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Move kfree_rcu_cpu locking/unlocking to separate functions (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Simplify KFREE_BULK_MAX_ENTR macro (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Make debug_objects logic independent of rcu_head (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Repeat the monitor if any free channel is busy (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Skip entry into the page allocator for PREEMPT_RT (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Keep kfree_rcu() awake during lock contention (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Fix a kernel-doc warnings for "count" (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Count number of batched kfree_rcu() locklessly (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu/tree: Add a shrinker to prevent OOM due to kfree_rcu() batching (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcuperf: Measure memory footprint during kfree_rcu() test (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Add a trace event for kfree_rcu() use of kfree_bulk() (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [kernel] rcu: Support kfree_bulk() interface in kfree_rcu() (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: fix clang compilation warning due to stack protector (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: disable branch tracing for core runtime (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: add missing functions declarations to kasan.h (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: consistently disable debugging features (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: unset panic_on_warn before calling panic() (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: detect negative size in memory operation function (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: No KASAN's memmove check if archs don't have it (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: use apply_to_existing_page_range() for releasing vmalloc shadow (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: fix crashes on access to memory mapped by vm_map_ram() (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/kasan/common.c: fix compile error (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: support backing vmalloc space with real shadow memory (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc: rework vmap_area_lock (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc: remove preempt_disable/enable when doing preloading (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: switch to WARN_ON() and move it under unlink_va() (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: get rid of one single unlink_va() when merge (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: preload a CPU with one object for split purpose (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: remove "node" argument (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc: modify struct vmap_area to reduce its size (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc: do not keep unpurged areas in the busy tree (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: fix percpu free VM area search criteria (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: avoid bogus -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmap: add DEBUG_AUGMENT_LOWEST_MATCH_CHECK macro (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmap: add DEBUG_AUGMENT_PROPAGATE_CHECK macro (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: keep track of free blocks for vmap allocation (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/vmalloc.c: convert vmap_lazy_nr to atomic_long_t (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/kasan: change kasan_check_{read, write} to return boolean (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] mm/kasan: introduce __kasan_check_{read, write} (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: fix coccinelle warnings in kasan_p*_table (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [mm] kasan: fix kasan_check_read/write definitions (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: remove use after scope bugs detection (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: remove clang version check for KASAN_STACK (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [lib] kasan: turn off asan-stack for clang-8 and earlier (Nico Pache) [1894223] +- [block] nbd: fix a block_device refcount leak in nbd_release (Ming Lei) [1901400] +- [tools] selftests: Set default protocol for raw sockets in nettest (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests/net: improve descriptions for XFAIL cases in (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: rtnetlink: make kci_test_encap() return sub-test result (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: net: ip_defrag: modprobe missing nf_defrag_ipv6 support (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: use LDLIBS for libraries instead of LDFLAGS (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: tls: run all tests for TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests/net: add definition for SOL_DCCP to fix compilation errors for old libc (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: net: reuseport_addr_any: silence clang warning (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: net: refactor reuseport_addr_any test (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: net: reuseport_addr_any: add DCCP (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: net: test that listening sockets match on address properly (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests/net: make udpgso_bench skip unsupported testcases (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] net/ test fails on error (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] net/ add UDP GSO audit tests (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: extend zerocopy tests to udp (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] net/udpgso_bench_tx: options to exercise TX CMSG (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: fixes for UDP GRO (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests/net: replace obsolete NFT_CHAIN configuration (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: explicitly require kernel features needed by udpgro tests (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: add explicit test for multiple concurrent GRO sockets (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: add functionals test for UDP GRO (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: add some benchmark for UDP GRO (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [tools] selftests: add GRO support to udp bench rx program (Hangbin Liu) [1898813] +- [net] sctp: change to hold/put transport for proto_unreach_timer (Xin Long) [1897084] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Add schedule_hw_err_handler callback for fan failure (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Add support for handling PCIe errors (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Add firmware error recovery invocation support (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Mark all connections for recovery on link down event (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Use snprintf instead of sprintf (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Protect active command list to avoid list corruption (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Fix list_del corruption while removing active I/O (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Skip firmware connection termination for PCI shutdown handler (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Use qed count from set_fp_int in msix allocation (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Remove redundant NULL check (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Staticify non-external function 'qedi_get_iscsi_error' (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Demote seemingly unintentional kerneldoc header (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Remove set but unused variable 'tmp' (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Remove 2 set but unused variables (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Remove unused variable udev & uctrl (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Remove comparison of 0/1 to bool variable (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedi: Check for buffer overflow in qedi_set_path() (Nilesh Javali) [1854121] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Remove redundant assignment to variable 'rc' (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Retry qed->probe during recovery (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Add schedule_hw_err_handler callback for fan failure (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Return SUCCESS if stale rport is encountered (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: FDMI attributes correction (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Use pci_get_dsn() (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Fix for the session's E_D_TOV value (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Correct the comment in qedf_initiate_els (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Change the debug parameter permission to read & write (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Fix null ptr reference in qedf_stag_change_work (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Fix race between ELS completion and flushing ELS request (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Don't process ELS completion if event is flushed or cleaned up (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Initiate cleanup for ELS commands as well (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Send cleanup even for RRQ on timeout (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Do not kill timeout work for original I/O on RRQ completion (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Check the validity of rjt frame before processing (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Check for port type and role before processing an event (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Remove a whole host of unused variables (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Remove set but not checked variable 'tmp' (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Demote obvious misuse of kerneldoc to standard comment blocks (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [scsi] scsi: qedf: Remove redundant initialization of variable rc (Nilesh Javali) [1854122] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix memory leak in iWARP CM (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix function prototype parameters alignment (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix inline size returned for iWARP (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix iWARP active mtu display (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: Notify qedr when mtu has changed (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix return code if accept is called on a destroyed qp (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix use of uninitialized field (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix doorbell setting (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix qp structure memory leak (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: RDMA personality shouldn't fail VF load (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: Disable aRFS for NPAR and 100G (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: Disable aRFS for NPAR and 100G (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: use eth_zero_addr() to clear mac address (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: use eth_zero_addr() to clear mac address (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: Use pM format specifier for MAC addresses (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Use pM format specifier for MAC addresses (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] qed: fix assignment of n_rq_elems to incorrect params field (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: fix the allocation of the chains with an external PBL (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: add .ndo_xdp_xmit() and XDP_REDIRECT support (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: refactor XDP Tx processing (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: reformat net_device_ops declarations (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: reformat several structures in "qede.h" (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] qed: introduce qed_chain_get_elem_used{, u32}() (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] qed: optimize common chain accessors (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] qed: add support for different page sizes for chains (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: simplify chain allocation with init params struct (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: simplify initialization of the chains with an external PBL (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: move chain initialization inlines next to allocation functions (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: sanitize PBL chains allocation (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: prevent possible double-frees of the chains (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: move chain methods to a separate file (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: reformat Makefile (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] qed: reformat "qed_chain.h" a bit (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed_hsi.h: Avoid the use of one-element array (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: Remove unneeded cast from memory allocation (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: suppress false-positives interrupt error messages on HW init (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: suppress "don't support RoCE & iWARP" flooding on HW init (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Fix ILT and XRCD bitmap memory leaks (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add support for the extended speed and FEC modes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: populate supported link modes maps on module init (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add missing loopback modes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add support for new port modes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: remove unused qed_hw_info::port_mode and QED_PORT_MODE (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: reformat several structures a bit (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: introduce support for FEC control (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: format qede{,_vf}_ethtool_ops (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add support for Forward Error Correction (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: reformat several structures a bit (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: use transceiver data to fill link partner's advertising speeds (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add support for multi-rate transceivers (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: reformat public_port::transceiver_data a bit (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: populate supported link modes maps on module init (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed, qede, qedf: convert link mode from u32 to ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Add EDPM max size to alloc ucontext response (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Add EDPM mode type for user-fw compatibility (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: SRQ's bug fixes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] net: qed: drop duplicate words in comments (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: convert to new udp_tunnel_nic infra (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Disable "MFW indication via attention" SPAM every 5 minutes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Populate nvm-file attributes while reading nvm config partition (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: fix BE vs CPU comparison (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: fix kernel-doc for qede_ptp_adjfreq() (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: sanitize BE/LE data processing (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: use ptr shortcuts to dedup field accessing in some parts (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: improve indentation of some parts of code (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: address kernel-doc warnings (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: correct qed_hw_err_notify() prototype (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: cleanup global structs declarations (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: move static iro_arrout of header file (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Make symbol 'qed_hw_err_type_descr' static (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: update copyright years (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: convert to SPDX License Identifiers (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: correct existing SPDX tags (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: update copyright years (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: convert to SPDX License Identifiers (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: correct existing SPDX tags (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: add missing error test for DBG_STATUS_NO_MATCHING_FRAMING_MODE (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: fix "maybe uninitialized" warning (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: reset ILT block sizes before recomputing to fix crashes (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: fix use-after-free on recovery and AER handling (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: fix PTP initialization on recovery (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: fix excessive QM ILT lines consumption (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: fix NVMe login fails over VFs (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: stop adding events on an already destroyed workqueue (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: fix async event callbacks unregistering (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] net: qed: fix left elements count calculation (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [infiniband] RDMA/qedr: Fix KASAN: use-after-free in ucma_event_handler+0x532 (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Add EDPM mode type for user-fw compatibility (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Add XRC to RoCE (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: changes to ILT to support XRC (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [include] net: qed: fix bad formatting (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: introduce critical hardware error handler (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: introduce critical fan failure handler (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: Implement ndo_tx_timeout (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: optional hw recovery procedure (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: attention clearing properties (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: cleanup debug related declarations (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: critical err reporting to management firmware (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: invoke err notify on critical areas (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: add hw err scheduled handler (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: adding hw_err states and handling (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: Use true for bool variable in qede_init_fp() (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Make ll2_cbs static (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qede: Add support for handling the pcie errors (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: Enable device error reporting capability (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] qed: use true,false for bool variables (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qed: Remove unneeded cast from memory allocation (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] net: qede: reject unsupported coalescing params (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [scsi] treewide: Replace GPLv2 boilerplate/reference with SPDX - rule 440 (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [scsi] treewide: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Manish Chopra) [1857857] +- [netdrv] sfc: don't double-down() filters in ef100_reset() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: Fix error code in probe (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: fix boolreturn.cocci warning and rename function (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: Use 'pci_channel_state_t' instead of 'enum pci_channel_state' (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: fix build warnings on 32-bit (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: don't free_irq()s if they were never requested (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: null out channel->rps_flow_id after freeing it (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: take correct lock in ef100_reset() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: really check hash is valid before using it (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: check hash is valid before using it (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: fix ef100 design-param checking (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: Fix build with CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL disabled (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: add nic-type for VFs, and bind to them (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: read pf_index at probe time (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: functions for selftests (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: statistics gathering (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: plumb in fini_dmaq (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: RX path for EF100 (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: RX filter table management and related gubbins (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: TX path for EF100 NICs (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: read Design Parameters at probe time (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: fail the probe if NIC uses unsol_ev credits (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: check firmware version at start-of-day (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: remove duplicated include from ef100_netdev.c (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: implement ndo_get_phys_port_{id, name} (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: read device MAC address at probe time (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: probe the PHY and configure the MAC (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: actually perform resets (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: extend ef100_check_caps to cover datapath_caps3 (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: read datapath caps, implement check_caps (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: process events for MCDI completions (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: implement ndo_open/close and EVQ probing (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: implement MCDI transport (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: don't call efx_reset_down()/up() on EF100 (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: PHY probe stub (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: reset-handling stub (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: skeleton EF100 PF driver (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: register accesses on EF100 (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: add EF100 register definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: remove efx_ethtool_nway_reset() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: drop unnecessary list_empty (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: helper function to set default RSS table of given size (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: NVRAM selftest support code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: populate BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES in INIT_RXQ (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc_ef100: add EF100 to NIC-revision enumeration (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: get drvinfo driver name from outside the common code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: initialise RSS context ID to 'no RSS context' in efx_init_struct() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise efx_fini_dmaq (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: factor out efx_mcdi_filter_table_down() from _remove() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: don't call tx_limit_len if NIC type doesn't have one (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: assign TXQs without gaps (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise netif_set_real_numx_queues calls (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: make tx_queues_per_channel variable at runtime (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move modparam 'rss_cpus' out of common channel code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move modparam 'interrupt_mode' out of common channel code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: remove max_interrupt_mode (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: support setting MTU even if not privileged to configure MAC fully (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: don't call tx_remove if there isn't one (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise initialisation of efx->vport_id (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise efx->xq_entries initialisation (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: initialise max_channels in efx_init_channels() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move definition of EFX_MC_STATS_GENERATION_INVALID (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: factor out efx_tx_tso_header_length() and understand encapsulation (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: remove duplicate declaration of efx_enqueue_skb_tso() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise TSO fallback code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise efx_sync_rx_buffer() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise some MAC configuration code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise miscellaneous efx functions (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: add missing licence info to mcdi_filters.c (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise MCDI MAC stats handling (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move NIC-specific mcdi_port declarations out of common header (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: extend common GRO interface to support CHECKSUM_COMPLETE (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise ARFS handling (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise drain event handling (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise PCI error handlers (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: track which BAR is mapped (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise FC advertising (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise other ethtool bits (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise ethtool NFC and RXFH/RSS functions (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: commonise ethtool link handling functions (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: split up nic.h (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: refactor EF10 stats handling (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: don't try to create more channels than we can have VIs (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: extend bitfield macros up to POPULATE_DWORD_13 (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: determine flag word automatically in efx_has_cap() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: update MCDI protocol headers (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: replace '---help---' in Kconfig files with 'help' (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: add missing annotation for efx_ef10_try_update_nic_stats_vf() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: avoid an unused-variable warning (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: fix dereference of table before it is null checked (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: siena_check_caps() can be static (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: actually wire up siena_check_caps() (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: make firmware-variant printing a nic_type function (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: make filter table probe caller responsible for adding VLANs (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move rx_rss_context_exclusive into struct efx_mcdi_filter_table (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: rework handling of (firmware) multicast chaining state (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move 'must restore' flags out of ef10-specific nic_data (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: use efx_has_cap for capability checks outside of NIC-specific code (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: make capability checking a nic_type function (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [netdrv] sfc: move vport_id to struct efx_nic (Jarod Wilson) [1856681] +- [ntb] NTB: Revert "Add Hygon Device ID" (Myron Stowe) [1880468] +- [tools] NTB: ntb_test: Fix bug when counting remote files (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: perf: Fix race condition when run with ntb_test (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: perf: Fix support for hardware that doesn't have port numbers (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: perf: Don't require one more memory window than number of peers (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_pingpong: Choose doorbells based on port number (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Fix the default port and peer numbers for legacy drivers (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Revert the change to use the NTB device dev for DMA allocations (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_tool: reading the link file should not end in a NULL byte (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_perf: avoid false dma unmap of destination address (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_perf: increase sleep time from one milli sec to one sec (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_tool: pass correct struct device to dma_alloc_coherent (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_perf: pass correct struct device to dma_alloc_coherent (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] NTB: correct ntb_peer_spad_addr and ntb_peer_spad_read comment typos (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: intel: fix static declaration (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: intel: add hw workaround for NTB BAR alignment (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: intel: Add Icelake (gen4) support for Intel NTB (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Fix static check warning in perf_clear_test (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] include/ntb: Fix typo in ntb_unregister_device description (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: add pci shutdown handler for AMD NTB (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: send DB event when driver is loaded or un-loaded (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: remove redundant setting of DB valid mask (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: return link up status correctly for PRI and SEC (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: add helper functions to set and clear sideinfo (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: move ntb_ctrl handling to init and deinit (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: handle link up, D0 and D3 events correctly (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: handle link down event correctly (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: remove handling of peer_sta from amd_link_is_up (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: set peer_sta within event handler itself (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: return the side info status from amd_poll_link (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: define a new function to get link status (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Enable link up and down event notification (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: clear interrupt status register (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Fix access to link status and control register (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_transport: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: Fix ntb_mw_clear_trans error if size == 0 (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_tool: Fix printk format (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_perf: Fix address err in perf_copy_chunk (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Fix an error in get link status (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Add Hygon Device ID (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: fix IDT Kconfig typos/spellos (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_amd: Add memory window support for new AMD hardware (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_amd: Add a new NTB PCI device ID (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_transport: remove redundant assignment to rc (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: make ntb_mw_set_trans() work when addr == 0 (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: point to right memory window index (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB/msi: remove incorrect MODULE defines (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [documentation] NTB: Describe the ntb_msi_test client in the documentation (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Add MSI interrupt support to ntb_transport (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [tools] NTB: Add ntb_msi_test support to ntb_test (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Introduce NTB MSI Test Client (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Introduce MSI library (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: Rename ntb.c to support multiple source files in the module (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] NTB: Introduce functions to calculate multi-port resource index (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] NTB: Introduce helper functions to calculate logical port number (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [pci] PCI/switchtec: Add module parameter to request more interrupts (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: Fix setup MW with failure bug (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: Skip unnecessary re-setup of shared memory window for crosslink case (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: Remove redundant steps of switchtec_ntb_reinit_peer() function (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] NTB: correct ntb_dev_ops and ntb_dev comment typos (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: amd: Silence shift wrapping warning in amd_ntb_db_vector_mask() (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: potential shift wrapping bug in switchtec_ntb_init_sndev() (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_transport: Ensure qp->tx_mw_dma_addr is initaliazed (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_hw_amd: set peer limit register (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_perf: Clear stale values in doorbell and command SPAD register (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_perf: Disable NTB link after clearing peer XLAT registers (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_perf: Increased the number of message retries to 1000 (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: intel: Make intel_ntb3_peer_db_addr static (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: add new parameter to peer_db_addr() db_bit and db_data (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_transport: Ensure the destination buffer is mapped for TX DMA (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_transport: Free MWs in ntb_transport_link_cleanup() (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: Added support of >=4G memory windows (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [include] ntb_hw_switchtec: NT req id mapping table register entry number should be 512 (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb_hw_switchtec: debug print 64bit aligned crosslink BAR Numbers (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: idt: Alter the driver info comments (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: idt: Discard temperature sensor IRQ handler (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: idt: Add basic hwmon sysfs interface (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: idt: Alter temperature read method (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [netdrv] ntb_netdev: Simplify remove with client device drvdata (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: transport: Try harder to alloc an aligned MW buffer (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: ntb_transport: Mark expected switch fall-throughs (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: idt: Set PCIe bus address to BARLIMITx (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] NTB: ntb_hw_idt: replace IS_ERR_OR_NULL with regular NULL checks (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [ntb] ntb: intel: fix return value for ndev_vec_mask() (Myron Stowe) [1908031] +- [netdrv] ntb_netdev: fix sleep time mismatch (Myron Stowe) [1908031] + +* Thu Dec 17 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-263.rt7.28.el8] +- [block] block: fix incorrect branching in blk_max_size_offset() (Mike Snitzer) [1903722] +- [md] dm: fix IO splitting (Mike Snitzer) [1903722] +- [block] block: fix get_max_io_size() (Mike Snitzer) [1903722] +- [block] block: Improve physical block alignment of split bios (Mike Snitzer) [1903722] +- [block] block: use gcd() to fix chunk_sectors limit stacking (Mike Snitzer) [1903722] +- [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix priority inheritance with multiple scheduling classes (Phil Auld) [1780490] +- [fs] Convert trailing spaces and periods in path components (Leif Sahlberg) [1882457] +- [block] loop: Fix occasional uevent drop (Ming Lei) [1897401] +- [block] block: add a return value to set_capacity_revalidate_and_notify (Ming Lei) [1897401] +- [fs] fat: truncate inode timestamp updates in setattr (Pavel Reichl) [1533270] +- [fs] fat: change timestamp updates to use fat_truncate_time (Pavel Reichl) [1533270] +- [fs] fat: add functions to update and truncate timestamps appropriately (Pavel Reichl) [1533270] +- [fs] fat: create a function to calculate the timezone offest (Pavel Reichl) [1533270] +- [net] icmp: randomize the global rate limiter (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [net] ipv4: Restore flowi4_oif update before call to xfrm_lookup_route (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [net] ipv4: Update exception handling for multipath routes via same device (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [net] ip: fix tos reflection in ack and reset packets (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [net] initialize fastreuse on inet_inherit_port (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [net] refactor bind_bucket fastreuse into helper (Guillaume Nault) [1899137] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove set but not used variable 'qplib_ctx' (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove the qp from list only if the qp destroy succeeds (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix driver crash on unaligned PSN entry address (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Restrict the max_gids to 256 (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Static NQ depth allocation (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix the qp table indexing (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Do not report transparent vlan from QP1 (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Change wr posting logic to accommodate variable wqes (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Add helper data structures (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Pull psn buffer dynamically based on prod (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: introduce a function to allocate swq (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: introduce wqe mode to select execution path (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt: Delete 'nq_ptr' variable which is not used (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove dead code from rcfw (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Simplify obtaining queue entry from hw ring (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Update missing hsi data structures (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Reduce device page size detection code (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [infiniband] RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unsupported modify_device callback (Selvin Xavier) [1861886] +- [include] net: Add netif_is_bareudp() API to identify bareudp devices (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [net] Removed the device type check to add mpls support for devices (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [tools] selftests: set conf.all.rp_filter=0 in (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [tools] selftests: disable rp_filter when testing bareudp (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [tools] selftests: add test script for bareudp tunnels (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [documentation] bareudp: Corrected description of bareudp module. (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: forbid mixing IP and MPLS in multiproto mode (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Reverted support to enable & disable rx metadata collection (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [documentation] bareudp: update iproute2 sample commands (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Added attribute to enable & disable rx metadata collection (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Fixed multiproto mode configuration (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Fixed configuration to avoid having garbage values (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] net: bareudp: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Fixed bareudp receive handling (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: remove unnecessary udp_encap_enable() in bareudp_socket_create() (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: print error message when command fails (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: add module alias (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] bareudp: Fix uninitialized variable warnings. (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [netdrv] Special handling for IP & MPLS. (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [net] UDP tunnel encapsulation module for tunnelling different protocols like MPLS, IP, NSH etc. (Guillaume Nault) [1839788] +- [arm64] arm64: remove arm64ksyms.c (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: frace: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: string: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: uaccess: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: page: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: smccc: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: tishift: use asm EXPORT_SYMBOL() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: add EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOKASAN() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [mm] arm64: move memstart_addr export inline (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: remove bitop exports (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: lib: use C string functions with KASAN enabled (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] arm64: add (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] locking/atomics/arm64, arm64/bitops: Include (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [arm64] locking/atomics/arm64: Replace our atomic/lock bitop implementations with asm-generic (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [include] locking/atomics, asm-generic/bitops/lock.h: Rewrite using atomic_fetch_*() (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [include] locking/atomics, asm-generic/bitops/atomic.h: Rewrite using atomic_*() APIs (Mark Salter) [1883365] +- [thermal] thermal: rcar_thermal: Add missing braces to conditional statement (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Rename set_mode() to change_mode() (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Simplify or eliminate unnecessary set_mode() methods (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: core: Stop polling DISABLED thermal devices (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Explicitly enable non-changing thermal zone devices (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Use mode helpers in drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Add mode helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: remove get_mode() operation of drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: Store device mode in struct thermal_zone_device (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [include] thermal: Add current mode to thermal zone device (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [acpi] thermal: Store thermal mode in a dedicated enum (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [acpi] acpi: thermal: Fix error handling in the register function (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: core: skip update disabled thermal zones after suspend (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] Thermal: do not clear passive state during system sleep (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [thermal] thermal: of-thermal: disable passive polling when thermal zone is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1894564] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - drop input parameter from adf_enable_aer() (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - fix function parameters descriptions (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - remove unnecessary mutex_init() (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - use PCI_VDEVICE (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - replace device ids defines (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - include domain in top level debugfs path (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - check cipher length for aead AES-CBC-HMAC-SHA (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - add delay before polling mailbox (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [include] PCI: Add Intel QuickAssist device IDs (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - fix double free in qat_uclo_create_batch_init_list (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - fallback for xts with 192 bit keys (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - remove unused field in skcipher ctx (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - validate xts key (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - allow xts requests not multiple of block (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - update timeout logic in put admin msg (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - send admin messages to set of AEs (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - update fw init admin msg (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - remove packed attribute in etr structs (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - replace user types with kernel ABI __u types (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - replace user types with kernel u types (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - convert to SPDX License Identifiers (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - simplify the qat_crypto function (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat - spelling s/Decrytp/Decrypt/ (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [crypto] crypto: qat/adf_aer - Replace GFP_ATOMIC with GFP_KERNEL in adf_dev_aer_schedule_reset() (Vladis Dronov) [1855190] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x: processor_thermal: fix: update Jasper Lake PCI id (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int3403_thermal: Downgrade error message (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal/int340x_thermal: Prevent page fault on .set_mode() op (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal/int340x_thermal: Don't require IDSP to exist (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal/int340x_thermal: Export OEM vendor variables (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal/int340x_thermal: Export GDDV (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int3400_thermal: Statically initialize .get_mode()/.set_mode() ops (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x_thermal: fix: Update Tiger Lake ACPI device IDs (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x_thermal: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x: processor_thermal: Add Tiger Lake support (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [platform] acpi: Remove header dependency (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x: switch to use helpers (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x: processor_thermal: Add Jasper Lake support (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x_thermal: Add Tiger Lake ACPI device IDs (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: intel: int3403: replace printk(KERN_WARN...) with pr_warn(...) (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: intel: int340x_thermal: Remove unnecessary acpi_has_method() uses (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] thermal: int340x: processor_thermal: Add Ice Lake support (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [thermal] drivers: thermal: processor_thermal_device: Export sysfs interface for TCC offset (David Arcari) [1889331] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix arch depending casting issue in FEC (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Kconfig: convert imply usage to weak dependency (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix condition for termination table cleanup (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Use a separate work queue for fib event handling (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Add support for RDMA TX flow table (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support for RDMA TX steering (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Move to fully dynamic UAR mode once user space supports it (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Limit the scope of struct mlx5_bfreg_info to mlx5_ib (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Extend QP creation to get uar page index from user space (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Extend CQ creation to get uar page index from user space (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid group version scan when not necessary (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid incrementing FTE version (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Simplify matching group searches (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Generally use the WC auto detection test result (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid forwarding to other eswitch uplink (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Eswitch, enable forwarding back to uplink port (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for offloading traffic from uplink to uplink (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Don't use termination tables in slow path (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Avoid configuring eswitch QoS if not supported (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559 1851700] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: DR, Add support for flow table id destination action (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor unload all reps per rep type (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Update VF vports config when num of VFs changed (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce per vport configuration for eswitch modes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, Make vport setup/cleanup sequence symmetric (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Prepare for vport enable/disable refactor (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant warning when QoS enable failed (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Remove redundant check of eswitch manager cap (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Allow MRs to be created in the cache synchronously (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Revise how the hysteresis scheme works for cache filling (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix locking in MR cache work queue (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Lock access to ent->available_mrs/limit when doing queue_work (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Fix MR cache size and limit debugfs (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Always remove MRs from the cache before destroying them (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Simplify how the MR cache bucket is located (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Rename the tracking variables for the MR cache (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Replace spinlock protected write with atomic var (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] {IB, net}/mlx5: Move asynchronous mkey creation to mlx5_ib (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] {IB, net}/mlx5: Assign mkey variant in mlx5_ib only (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] {IB, net}/mlx5: Setup mkey variant before mr create command invocation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Use offsetofend() instead of duplicated variant (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx5: Remove duplicate definitions of SW_ICM macros (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-switch, make query inline mode a static function (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Allocate smaller size tables for ft offload (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Introduce TLS and IPSec objects enums (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [include] net/mlx5: Introduce egress acl forward-to-vport capability (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx5: Add np_min_time_between_cnps and rp_max_rate debug params (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix header guard in rsc_dump.h (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Remove a useless 'drain_workqueue()' call in 'mlx5e_ipsec_cleanup()' (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for FEC modes based on 50G per lane links (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlxe5: Separate between FEC and current speed (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Advertise globaly supported FEC modes (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Enforce setting of a single FEC mode (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Set FEC to auto when configured mode is not supported (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] mlx5: Use proper logging and tracing line terminations (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support dump callback in RX reporter (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support dump callback in TX reporter (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Gather reporters APIs together (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5: Add support for resource dump (Alaa Hleihel) [1858559] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix wrong flag value passed to HWRM_PORT_QSTATS_EXT fw call (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix HWRM_FUNC_QSTATS_EXT firmware call (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return -EOPNOTSUPP for ETHTOOL_GREGS on VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Protect bnxt_set_eee() and bnxt_set_pauseparam() with mutex (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: return proper error codes in bnxt_show_temp (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use memcpy to copy VPD field info (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] net: ethernet: broadcom: have drivers select DIMLIB as needed (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix NULL ptr dereference crash in bnxt_fw_reset_task() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Avoid sending firmware messages when AER error is detected (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt: don't enable NAPI until rings are ready (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Setup default RSS map in all scenarios (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: init RSS table for Minimal-Static VF reservation (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix HWRM error when querying VF temperature (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix possible crash in bnxt_fw_reset_task() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix PCI AER error recovery flow (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool -S statitics with XDP or TCs enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check for zero dir entries in NVRAM (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't query FW when netif_running() is false (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove superfluous memset() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for 'ethtool -d' (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Switch over to use the 64-bit software accumulated counters (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Accumulate all counters (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Retrieve hardware masks for port counters (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Retrieve hardware counter masks from firmware if available (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allocate additional memory for all statistics blocks (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor statistics code and structures (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use macros to define port statistics size and offset (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface to (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove PCIe non-counters from ethtool statistics (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] net: bnxt: don't complain if TC flower can't be supported (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix completion ring sizing with TPA enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Init ethtool link settings after reading updated PHY configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix race when modifying pause settings (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt: convert to new udp_tunnel_nic infra (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: allow firmware to disable VLAN offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: clean up VLAN feature bit handling (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement ethtool -X to set indirection table (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return correct RSS indirection table entries to ethtool -x (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fill HW RSS table from the RSS logical indirection table (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add helper function to return the number of RSS contexts (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add logical RSS indirection table structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix up bnxt_get_rxfh_indir_size() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set up the chip specific RSS table size (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Read VPD info only for PFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix statistics counters issue during ifdown with older firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not enable legacy TX push on older firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Store the running firmware version code (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add board.serial_number field to info_get cb (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Return from timer if interface is not in open state (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix AER reset logic on 57500 chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Re-enable SRIOV during resume (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Simplify bnxt_resume() (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix firmware message length endianness (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix return code to "flash_device" (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix accumulation of bp->net_stats_prev (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] net: bnxt: Remove Comparison to bool in bnxt_ethtool.c (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: show only relevant ethtool stats for a TX or RX ring (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Split HW ring statistics strings into RX and TX parts (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor the software ring counters (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add doorbell information to bnxt_en_dev struct (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for L2 doorbell size (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set the db_offset on 57500 chips for the RDMA MSIX entries (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Define the doorbell offsets on 57500 chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve kernel log messages related to ethtool reset (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix ethtool_reset_flags ABI violations (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: refactor ethtool firmware reset types (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: prepare to refactor ethtool reset types (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not include ETH_FCS_LEN in the max packet length sent to fw (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve TQM ring context memory sizing formulas (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allocate TQM ring context memory according to fw specification (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware spec. to (Jonathan Toppins) [1861885] +- [fs] fs/namespace.c: fix mountpoint reference counter race (Pavel Reichl) [1852651] {CVE-2020-12114} + +* Mon Dec 14 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-262.rt7.27.el8] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64: Fix kernel stack 16-byte alignment (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/aout: Fix struct user definition to use user_pt_regs (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/uapi: Fix sigcontext definition to use user_pt_regs (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] bpf: powerpc: fix broken uapi for BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Tests for kernel accessing user memory (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint/ptrace: Introduce PPC_DEBUG_FEATURE_DATA_BP_ARCH_31 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix exception handling for CONFIG_HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT=N (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix length calculation for unaligned target (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Move DAWR detection logic outside of hw_breakpoint.c (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint/ptrace: Fix SETHWDEBUG when CONFIG_HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT=N (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix handling of vector instructions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix quadword instruction handling on p10 predecessors (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/hw_breakpoint.h: delete duplicated word (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Remove 512 byte boundary (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Return available watchpoints dynamically (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Guest support for 2nd DAWR hcall (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Set CPU_FTR_DAWR1 based on pa-features bit (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/dt_cpu_ftrs: Add feature for 2nd DAWR (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Enable watchpoint functionality on power10 guest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix DAWR exception for CACHEOP (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix DAWR exception constraint (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Fix 512 byte boundary limit (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] hw-breakpoints: Fix build warnings with clang (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint/xmon: Support 2nd DAWR (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint/xmon: Don't allow breakpoint overwriting (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Don't allow concurrent perf and ptrace events (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Prepare handler to handle more than one watchpoint (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Use builtin ALIGN*() macros (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Introduce is_ptrace_bp() function (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Use loop for thread_struct->ptrace_bps (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Convert thread_struct->hw_brk to an array (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Disable all available watchpoints when !dawr_force_enable (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Get watchpoint count dynamically while disabling them (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Provide DAWR number to __set_breakpoint (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Provide DAWR number to set_dawr (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint/ptrace: Return actual num of available watchpoints (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Introduce function to get nr watchpoints dynamically (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Add SPRN macros for second DAWR (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: move ptrace_triggered() into hw_breakpoint.c (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: create ppc_gethwdinfo() (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: create ptrace_get_debugreg() (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: split out ADV_DEBUG_REGS related functions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: move register viewing functions out of ptrace.c (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: split out TRANSACTIONAL_MEM related functions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: split out SPE related functions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: split out ALTIVEC related functions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: split out VSX related functions (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: drop PARAMETER_SAVE_AREA_OFFSET (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: drop unnecessary #ifdefs CONFIG_PPC64 (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: remove unused header includes (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc: Move ptrace into a subdirectory (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/watchpoint: Don't call dar_within_range() for Book3S (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Enable range tests on 8xx in ptrace-hwbreak.c selftest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/hw_breakpoints: Rewrite 8xx breakpoints to allow any address range size (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] powerpc/watchpoint: Support for 8xx in ptrace-hwbreak.c selftest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] powerpc/watchpoint: Add DAR outside test in perf-hwbreak.c selftest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] selftests/powerpc: Rewrite ptrace-hwbreak.c selftest (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc: permanently include 8xx registers in reg.h (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: Simplify vr_get/set() to avoid GCC warning (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64: Interrupts save PPR on stack rather than thread_struct (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc: Use SWITCH_FRAME_SIZE for prom and rtas entry (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc/ptrace: Don't use sizeof(struct pt_regs) in ptrace code (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc: Split user/kernel definitions of struct pt_regs (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [powerpc] powerpc: declare set_breakpoint() static (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1854528] +- [tools] perf vendor events power9: Added nest imc metric events (Michael Petlan) [1780258] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix crashes with generic_compat_pmu & BHRB (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Exclude pmc5/6 from the irrelevant PMU group constraints (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/idle: add a basic stop 0-3 driver for POWER10 (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/kernel: Cleanup machine check function declarations (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix soft lockups due to missed interrupt accounting (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc: Add POWER10 raw mode cputable entry (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv: Machine check handler for POWER10 (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add extended regs support for power10 platform (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add support for outputting extended regs in perf intr_regs (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [tools] perf tools powerpc: Add support for extended regs in power10 (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [tools] perf tools powerpc: Add support for extended register capability (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Fix MMCRA_BHRB_DISABLE define for binutils < 2.28 (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Initialize power10 PMU registers in cpu setup routine (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: BHRB control to disable BHRB logic when not used (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add Power10 BHRB filter support for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_IND_CALL/COND (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Ignore the BHRB kernel address filtering for P10 (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: power10 Performance Monitoring support (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Add Power10 PMU feature to DT CPU features (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc/xmon: Add PowerISA v3.1 PMU SPRs (Michael Petlan) [1854525] +- [powerpc] powerpc64: Break asm/percpu.h vs spinlock_types.h dependency (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] watchpoint: Rename current DAWR macros (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Make struct kernel_param_ops definition const (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: simplify kvm_cma_reserve() (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Fix symbol undeclared warnings (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Remove redundant initialization of variable ret (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: xive: Convert to DEFINE_SHOW_ATTRIBUTE (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Set LPCR[HDICE] before writing HDEC (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Do not allocate HPT for a nested guest (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Don't return -ENOTSUPP to userspace in ioctls (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] 64s: handle ISA v3.1 local copy-paste context switches (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] 64s: Move HMI IRQ stat from percpu variable to paca (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm/cma: Improve kernel log during boot (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: Use correct CONFIG symbol in comment (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] watchpoint: Rename current H_SET_MODE DAWR macro (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [tools] kvm: ppc: Fix typo on H_DISABLE_AND_GET hcall (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Clean up redundant kvm_run parameters in assembly (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Save/restore new PMU registers (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] perf: Add support for ISA3.1 PMU SPRs (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] perf: Update Power PMU cache_events to u64 type (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] perf: Update cpu_hw_event to use `struct` for storing MMCR registers (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Cleanup updates for kvm vcpu MMCR (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Protect kvm_vcpu_read_guest with srcu locks (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Increase KVMPPC_NR_LPIDS on POWER8 and POWER9 (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3shv: Enable support for ISA v3.1 guests (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Remove uninitialized_var() usage (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm/book3s64: Fix kernel crash with nested kvm & DEBUG_VIRTUAL (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] book3s64/kvm: Fix secondary page table walk warning during migration (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Fix some RCU-list locks (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Ignore kmemleak false positives (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Clean up redundant 'kvm_run' parameters (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Remove redundant kvm_run from vcpu_arch (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Remove redundant NULL check (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] Fix compile issue with force DAWR (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] silence a -Wcast-function-type warning in dawr_write_file_bool (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix r3 corruption in h_set_dabr() (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] Add force enable of DAWR on P9 option (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [documentation] powerpc: Document issues with the DAWR on POWER9 (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] Replace _ALIGN_UP() by ALIGN() (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [powerpc] Replace _ALIGN_DOWN() by ALIGN_DOWN() (Greg Kurz) [1882796] +- [netdrv] tg3: Fix soft lockup when tg3_reset_task() fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1899595] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: harden against cpu hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: adjust for temperature offset (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Build with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Support AMD Family 19h (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Remove empty columns for Jacobsville (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Add a new GFXAMHz column that exposes gt_act_freq_mhz (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Skip pc8, pc9, pc10 columns, if they are disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Fix output formatting for ACPI CST enumeration (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones: TURBOSTAT UTILITY (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Enable accumulate RAPL display (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Introduce functions to accumulate RAPL consumption (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Make the energy variable to be 64 bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Always print idle in the system configuration header (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Print /dev/cpu_dma_latency (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] turbostat/.gitignore: add SPDX License Identifier (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: update version (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Print cpuidle information (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Fix 32-bit capabilities warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Fix missing SYS_LPI counter on some Chromebooks (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Fix gcc build warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Support Elkhart Lake (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [tools] tools/power turbostat: Support Jasper Lake (Prarit Bhargava) [1857136] +- [scsi] scsi: core: Return BLK_STS_AGAIN for ALUA transitioning (Ewan Milne) [1867264] +- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Set 'transitioning' state on Unit Attention (Ewan Milne) [1867264] +- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Return BLK_STS_AGAIN for ALUA transitioning state (Ewan Milne) [1867264] +- [block] scsi: block: Return status code in blk_mq_end_request() (Ewan Milne) [1867264] +- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Avoid crash during alua_bus_detach() (Ewan Milne) [1877156] +- [fs] gfs2: check for live vs. read-only file system in gfs2_fitrim (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [fs] gfs2: don't initialize statfs_change inodes in spectator mode (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [fs] gfs2: init_journal's undo directive should also undo the statfs inodes (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [fs] gfs2: Recover statfs info in journal head (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [fs] gfs2: lookup local statfs inodes prior to journal recovery (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [fs] gfs2: Add fields for statfs info in struct gfs2_log_header_host (Abhijith Das) [1335139] +- [block] nbd: don't update block size after device is started (Ming Lei) [1891363] +- [platform] platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: lap or desk mode interface (David Arcari) [1889642] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Convert rej_tmout radix-tree to XArray (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Adjust delayed work when a dup is observed (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add support for REJ due to timeout (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Fix starvation in paravirt mux/demux (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Separate tunnel and wire bufs parameters (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add support for MRA (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] IB/mlx4: Add and improve logging (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] net: ethernet: mlx4: Avoid assigning a value to ring_cons but not used it anymore in mlx4_en_xmit() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] net: ethernet: mlx4: Fix memory allocation in mlx4_buddy_init() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [infiniband] treewide: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] net/mlx4: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] mlx4: convert to new udp_tunnel_nic infra (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] mlx4: Mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] mlx4: use generic power management (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564] +- [netdrv] mlx4: disable device on shutdown (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858563] +- [include] IB/mlx4: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858563] +- [netdrv] net: mlx4: remove unneeded variable "err" in mlx4_en_ethtool_add_mac_rule() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858563] +- [netdrv] net: mlx4: remove unneeded variable "err" in mlx4_en_get_rxfh() (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858563] +- [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: use napi_complete_done() in TX completion (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858563] +- [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: avoid indirect call in TX completion (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858562] +- [infiniband] RDMA/mlx4: Delete duplicated offsetofend implementation (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858562] +- [netdrv] net: mlx4: reject unsupported coalescing params (Alaa Hleihel) [1858564 1858562] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) match for supported models (David Arcari) [1860387] +- [hwmon] hwmon: (amd_energy) Missing platform_driver_unregister() on error in amd_energy_init() (David Arcari) [1860387] +- [hwmon] hwmon: Add amd_energy driver to report energy counters (David Arcari) [1860387] +- [include] include/asm-generic/topology.h: guard cpumask_of_node() macro argument (David Arcari) [1860387] + +* Sat Dec 12 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-261.rt7.26.el8] +- [x86] x86/dumpstack: Fix misleading instruction pointer error message (Kenneth Yin) [1903506] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/opal-dump : Use IRQ_HANDLED instead of numbers in interrupt handler (Diego Domingos) [1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/dump: Handle multiple writes to ack attribute (Diego Domingos) [1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/dump: Fix race while processing OPAL dump (Diego Domingos) [1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/opal_elog: Handle multiple writes to ack attribute (Diego Domingos) [1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/elog: Fix race while processing OPAL error log event (Diego Domingos) [1891822] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: Fix an error in mse_bluetooth_descriptor (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: Fix Dinovo Mini when paired with a MX5x00 receiver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: Handle quad/bluetooth keyboards with a builtin trackpad (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: Add PID for MX Anywhere 2 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: wacom: Avoid entering wacom_wac_pen_report for pad / battery (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: ite: Add USB id match for Acer One S1003 keyboard dock (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: multitouch: Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen3 trackpoint and buttons (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-input: fix stylus battery reporting (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: roccat: add bounds checking in kone_sysfs_write_settings() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: core: Sanitize event code and type when mapping input (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: core: Correctly handle ReportSize being zero (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: elan: Fix memleak in elan_input_configured (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: microsoft: Add rumble support for the 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ controller (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Set INCREMENT_USAGE_ON_DUPLICATE for all Saitek X52 devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] Revert "HID: usbhid: do not sleep when opening device" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hiddev: Fix slab-out-of-bounds write in hiddev_ioctl_usage() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Always poll three more Lenovo PixArt mice (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: Always sleep 60ms after I2C_HID_PWR_ON commands (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: macally: Constify macally_id_table (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: cougar: Constify cougar_id_table (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: add NOGET quirk for Logitech GROUP (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: udraw-ps3: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: input: Fix devices that return multiple bytes in battery report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Fix spurious F23 key press report during resume from suspend (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Add ThinkPad 10 Ultrabook Keyboard fn_lock support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Add ThinkPad 10 Ultrabook Keyboard support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Rename fn_lock sysfs attr handlers to make them generic (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Factor out generic parts of the LED code (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lenovo: Merge tpkbd and cptkbd data structures (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: avoid repeated "multiplier = " log messages (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech: Use HIDPP_RECEIVER_INDEX instead of 0xff (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: intel-ish-hid: Replace PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_D3 with pci_save_state (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Ignore Simply Automated UPB PIM (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: apple: Disable Fn-key key-re-mapping on clone keyboards (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Wiimote: Treat the d-pad as an analogue stick (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: steam: fixes race in handling device list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: magicmouse: do not set up autorepeat (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: alps: support devices with report id 2 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Always poll Obins Anne Pro 2 keyboard (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: input: do not run GET_REPORT unless there's a Resolution Multiplier (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: add Mediacom FlexBook edge13 to descriptor override (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: usbhid: remove redundant assignment to variable retval (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: usbhid: do not sleep when opening device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: multitouch: Remove MT_CLS_WIN_8_DUAL (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: sony: Fix for broken buttons on DS3 USB dongles (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Add quirks for Trust Panora Graphic Tablet (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: apple: Swap the Fn and Left Control keys on Apple keyboards (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: add Schneider SCL142ALM to descriptor override (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: intel-ish-hid: avoid bogus uninitialized-variable warning (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Add HID_QUIRK_NO_INIT_REPORTS quirk for Dell K12A keyboard-dock (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: reset Synaptics SYNA2393 on resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: usbhid: Fix race between usbhid_close() and usbhid_stop() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: alps: ALPS_1657 is too specific; use U1_UNICORN_LEGACY instead (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: alps: Add AUI1657 device ID (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: fix typo in Kconfig (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech: Add support for Logitech G11 extra keys (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: multitouch: add eGalaxTouch P80H84 support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech: drop outdated references to unifying receivers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: rmi: Simplify an error handling path in 'rmi_hid_read_block()' (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: intel-ish-hid: hbm.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: intel-ish-hid: ishtp-dev.h: Replace zero-length array with flexible-array member (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Add driver fixing Glorious PC Gaming Race mouse report descriptor (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Do not fail the probe when we fail to disable F# emulation (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: fix Kconfig word ordering (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: add ALWAYS_POLL quirk to lenovo pixart mouse (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: add moonball USB id (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: appleir: Use devm_kzalloc() instead of kzalloc() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: appleir: Remove unnecessary goto label (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-sensor-custom: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-picolcd_fb: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: add support for the static device in the Powerplay mat/receiver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-bigbenff: fix race condition for scheduled work during removal (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-bigbenff: call hid_hw_stop() in case of error (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-bigbenff: fix general protection fault caused by double kfree (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: add Trekstor Surfbook E11B to descriptor override (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: alps: Fix an error handling path in 'alps_input_configured()' (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hiddev: Fix race in in hiddev_disconnect() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: add debug msg when exporting a HID++ report descriptors (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Remove ITE 8595 entry from hid_have_special_driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [include] HID: core: increase HID report buffer size to 8KiB (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: core: fix off-by-one memset in hid_report_raw_event() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: apple: Add support for recent firmware on Magic Keyboards (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: ite: Only bind to keyboard USB interface on Acer SW5-012 keyboard dock (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: BatteryVoltage: only read chargeStatus if extPower is active (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: avoid duplicate error handling code in 'hidpp_probe()' (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hidraw, uhid: Always report EPOLLOUT (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: steam: Fix input device disappearing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] hid-logitech-hidpp: read battery voltage from newer devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech: Add MX Master 3 Mouse (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: Support WirelessDeviceStatus connect events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: Support translations from short to long reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hiddev: fix mess in hiddev_open() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hid-input: clear unmapped usages (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Add quirk for incorrect input length on Lenovo Y720 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: ite: Add USB id match for Acer SW5-012 keyboard dock (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Add quirk for Xin-Mo Dual Controller (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hidraw: add support uniq ioctl (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Fix slab-out-of-bounds read in hid_field_extract (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: picoLCD: constify fb ops (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: uhid: Fix returning EPOLLOUT from uhid_char_poll (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hidraw: Fix returning EPOLLOUT from hidraw_poll (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: rmi: Check that the RMI_STARTED bit is set before unregistering the RMI transport device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: remove hid-led devices from hid_have_special_driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: Reset ALPS touchpads on resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: fix no irq after reset on raydium 3118 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-hidpp: Silence intermittent get_battery_capacity errors (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: remove orphaned member sleep_delay (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: quirks: Add quirk for HP MSU1465 PIXART OEM mouse (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: core: check whether Usage Page item is after Usage ID items (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: Send power-on command after reset (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: Remove runtime power management (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: Detect base folded usage instead of hard-coding whiskers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: add magnemite/masterball USB ids (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech: Add depends on LEDS_CLASS to Logitech Kconfig entry (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Add support for the G510's M1-M3 and MR LEDs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Add support for controlling the G510's RGB backlight (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Add support for the G510 keyboards' gaming keys (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Add support for the M1-M3 and MR LEDs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: lg-g15: Add keyboard and LCD backlight control (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: Add driver for Logitech gaming keyboards (G15, G15 v2) (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: hidraw: replace printk() with corresponding pr_xx() variant (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: prodikeys: make array keys static const, makes object smaller (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: whiskers: signal tablet mode on connect (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: whiskers: signal tablet mode switch on disconnect (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: google: whiskers: more robust tablet mode detection (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: core: fix dmesg flooding if report field larger than 32bit (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [include] HID: core: Add printk_once variants to hid_warn() etc (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [include] HID: core: reformat and reduce hid_printk macros (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: i2c-hid: modify quirks for weida's devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] hid-logitech-dj: add the new Lightspeed receiver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: add support of the G700(s) receiver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: do not call hid_set_drvdata(hdev, NULL) in drivers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] HID: logitech-dj: extend consumer usages range (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] hiddev: Return EPOLLOUT from hiddev_poll (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [hid] hidraw: Return EPOLLOUT from hidraw_poll (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add nopnp quirk for Acer Aspire 5 A515 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add Entroware Proteus EL07R4 to nomux and reset lists (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] input: i8042 - Remove special Cayman handling (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - only increment wakeup count on touch (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - add ic type 0x15 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - add support for high resolution reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - do not constantly re-query pattern ID (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - add firmware update info for ICs 0x11, 0x13, 0x14 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - handle firmware updated on newer ICs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - add support for different firmware page sizes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - fix detecting IAP version on older controllers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - handle devices with patterns above 1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - make fetching IC type of older controllers more robust (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - handle firmware not implementing "get pattern" command (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add Lenovo XiaoXin Air 12 to i8042 nomux list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elantech - remove redundant assignments to variable error (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - enable InterTouch for ThinkPad X1E 1st gen (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: add `SW_MACHINE_COVER` (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] input: i8042 - Remove special PowerPC handling (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - add a second working PNP_ID for Lenovo T470s (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: introduce input_mt_report_slot_inactive() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add ThinkPad S230u to i8042 reset list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Revert "Input: i8042 - add ThinkPad S230u to i8042 nomux list" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - attach fwnode to serio i8042 kbd device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add ThinkPad S230u to i8042 nomux list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: update SPDX tag for input-event-codes.h (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - add Acer Aspire 5738z to nomux list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: move the new KEY_SELECTIVE_SCREENSHOT keycode (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - enable RMI on HP Envy 13-ad105ng (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: allocate keycode for "Selective Screenshot" key (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - remove the LEN0049 dmi id from topbuttonpad list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - enable SMBus on ThinkPad L470 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - switch T470s to RMI4 by default (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: input_event - fix struct padding on sparc64 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: add privacy screen toggle keycode (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - switch another X1 Carbon 6 to RMI/SMbus (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [uapi] Input: Add event-codes for macro keys found on various keyboards (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: i8042 - enable wakeup on a stable struct device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: psmouse - drop all unneeded functions from mouse headers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: remove dev_err() usage after platform_get_irq() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: synaptics - fix a typo (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - switch to using devm_add_action_or_reset() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [input] Input: elan_i2c - switch to using devm_device_add_groups() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [power] power: supply: core: Add Standard, Adaptive, and Custom charge types (Benjamin Tissoires) [1885560] +- [scsi] scsi: mpt3sas: Fix timeouts observed while reenabling IRQ (Tomas Henzl) [1880114] +- [fs] ext4: handle option set by mount flags correctly (Pavel Reichl) [1848084] +- [fs] xfs: preserve inode versioning across remounts (Pavel Reichl) [1848084] +- [kernel] kheaders: explain why include/config/autoconf.h is excluded from md5sum (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: remove the last bashism to allow sh to run it (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: optimize header copy for in-tree builds (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: optimize md5sum calculation for in-tree builds (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: remove unneeded 'cat' command piped to 'head' / 'tail' (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: substituting --sort in archive creation (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: make headers archive reproducible (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: include only headers into kheaders_data.tar.xz (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: remove meaningless -R option of 'ls' (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: Do not regenerate archive if config is not changed (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kheaders: Move from proc to sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] kernel/Makefile: don't assume that kernel/ is executable (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [init] init/config: Do not select BUILD_BIN2C for IKCONFIG (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [kernel] Provide in-kernel headers to make extending kernel easier (Jiri Olsa) [1899585] +- [tty] pty: do tty_flip_buffer_push without port->lock in pty_write (Artem Savkov) [1787975] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix sparse warning (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix up endian-ness for free cmd id (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: Document byte ordering of poison_val (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-mmio: Reject invalid IRQ 0 command line argument (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: Disable free page reporting if page poison reporting is not enabled (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-mmio: Delete an error message in vm_find_vqs() (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: add VIRTIO_RING_NO_LEGACY (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: Avoid using the word 'report' when referring to free page hinting (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: make virtballoon_free_page_report() static (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: switch back to OOM handler for VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_DEFLATE_ON_OOM (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [documentation] mm/page_reporting: add free page reporting documentation (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm/page_reporting: add budget limit on how many pages can be reported per pass (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm/page_reporting: rotate reported pages to the tail of the list (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: add support for providing free page reports to host (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: pull page poisoning config out of free page hinting (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm: introduce Reported pages (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm: add function __putback_isolated_page (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm: use zone and order instead of free area in free_list manipulators (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm: adjust shuffle code to allow for future coalescing (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: Adjust label in virtballoon_probe (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_ring: Fix mem leak with vring_new_virtqueue() (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: Fix memory leaks on errors in virtballoon_probe() (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: Fix memory leak when unloading while hinting is in progress (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: prevent pfn array overflow (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-pci: check name when counting MSI-X vectors (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: initialize all vq callbacks (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-mmio: convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: divide/multiply instead of shifts (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: name cleanups (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix shrinker count (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix shrinker scan number of pages (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-mmio: add error check for platform_get_irq (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: Fix indentation of VIRTIO_MMIO (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio/virtio_ring: do some comment fixes (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_pci: fix a NULL pointer reference in vp_del_vqs (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: hint if callbacks surprisingly might sleep (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: remove the unnecessary 0-initialization (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: improve update_balloon_size_func (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: tweak config_changed implementation (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [misc] virtio: don't allocate vqs when names= NULL (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_pci: use queue idx instead of array idx to set up the vq (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: remove deprecated VIRTIO_PCI_CONFIG() (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm/page_poison: expose page_poisoning_enabled to kernel modules (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_PAGE_POISON (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: VIRTIO_BALLOON_F_FREE_PAGE_HINT (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: pci-legacy: Validate queue pfn (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio: mmio-v1: Validate queue PFN (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio_balloon: replace oom notifier with shrinker (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: kzalloc the vb struct (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [virtio] virtio-balloon: remove BUG() in init_vqs (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm, debug_pagealloc: use a page type instead of page_ext flag (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm, page_alloc: more extensive free page checking with debug_pagealloc (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [mm] mm, debug_pagelloc: use static keys to enable debugging (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [include] include/linux/page_ext.h: drop definition of unused PAGE_EXT_DEBUG_POISON (Nico Pache) [1839055] +- [tty] vt: vt_ioctl: fix use-after-free in vt_in_use() (Vladis Dronov) [1875585] +- [tty] vt: vt_ioctl: fix VT_DISALLOCATE freeing in-use virtual console (Vladis Dronov) [1875585] +- [tty] vt: ioctl, switch VT_IS_IN_USE and VT_BUSY to inlines (Vladis Dronov) [1875585] +- [tty] vt: selection, introduce vc_is_sel (Vladis Dronov) [1875585] +- [fs] gfs2: Don't sleep during glock hash walk (Andreas Grunbacher) [1871173] + +* Thu Dec 10 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-260.rt7.25.el8] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s/hash: Fix hash_preload running with interrupts enabled (Diego Domingos) [1884152] +- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Avoid using addr_to_pfn in real mode (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Handle UE event for memcpy_mcsafe (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries: Fix MCE handling on pseries (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s/pseries: machine check convert to use common event code (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/mce: Print additional information about MCE error (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/mce: Print correct severity for MCE error (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/64s: Report SLB multi-hit rather than parity error (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/mce: Reduce MCE console logs to lesser lines (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries/mce: Improve array initialization (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [powerpc] powerpc/pseries/mce: Fix misleading print for TLB mutlihit (Diego Domingos) [1822675] +- [netdrv] i40e: fix crash when Rx descriptor count is changed (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Fix out of bounds access of sq (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] tools/bpftool: Fix attaching flow dissector (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [docs] bpf: Use valid and new links in index.rst (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] netdevsim: fix unbalaced locking in nsim_create() (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: Allow to build bpfilter_umh as a module without static library (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf, netns: Fix use-after-free in pernet pre_exit callback (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Use dma_need_sync instead of reimplenting it (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Remove a double pool->dev assignment in xp_dma_map (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Replace the cheap_dma flag with a dma_need_sync flag (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] dma-mapping: Add a new dma_need_sync API (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests: bpf: Pass program to bpf_prog_detach in flow_dissector (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests: bpf: Pass program and target_fd in flow_dissector_reattach (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: flow_dissector: Check value of unused flags to BPF_PROG_DETACH (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: flow_dissector: Check value of unused flags to BPF_PROG_ATTACH (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] libbpf: Adjust SEC short cut for expected attach type BPF_XDP_DEVMAP (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Test updating flow_dissector link with same program (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf, netns: Keep a list of attached bpf_link's (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf, netns: Keep attached programs in bpf_prog_array (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] flow_dissector: Pull BPF program assignment up to bpf-netns (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] libbpf: Fix CO-RE relocs against .text section (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Move newer bpf_iter_* type redefining to a new header file (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Handle frame_sz in xdp_convert_zc_to_xdp_frame() (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Fix xsk_generic_xmit errno (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] bpf: Selftests and tools use struct bpf_devmap_val from uapi (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: use shift instead of 64 bit division (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Fix unused-var without NETDEVICES (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] seg6: fix seg6_validate_srh() to avoid slab-out-of-bounds (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] seg6: fix SRH processing to comply with RFC8754 (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Extend test_flow_dissector to cover link creation (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Convert test_flow_dissector to use BPF skeleton (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf, flow_dissector: Close TAP device FD after the test (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Add tests for attaching bpf_link to netns (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] bpftool: Support link show for netns-attached links (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] bpftool: Extract helpers for showing link attach type (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] libbpf: Add support for bpf_link-based netns attachment (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Add link-based BPF program attachment to network namespace (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] flow_dissector: Move out netns_bpf prog callbacks (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] Introduce netns_bpf for BPF programs attached to netns (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] flow_dissector: Pull locking up from prog attach callback (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Allow SO_BINDTODEVICE opt in bpf_setsockopt (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] Make locking in sock_bindtoindex optional (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] add sock_bindtoindex (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftest: Add tests for XDP programs in devmap entries (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Add xdp_txq_info to xdp_buff (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Introduce xdp_convert_frame_to_buff utility routine (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] maintainers: Adjust entry in XDP SOCKETS to actual file name (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] maintainers, xsk: Update AF_XDP section after moves/adds (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Explicitly inline functions and move definitions (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Simplify xdp_return_{frame, frame_rx_napi, buff} (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Remove MEM_TYPE_ZERO_COPY and corresponding code (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] mlx5, xsk: Migrate to new MEM_TYPE_XSK_BUFF_POOL (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ixgbe, xsk: Migrate to new MEM_TYPE_XSK_BUFF_POOL (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ice, xsk: Migrate to new MEM_TYPE_XSK_BUFF_POOL (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] i40e, xsk: Migrate to new MEM_TYPE_XSK_BUFF_POOL (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] i40e: Separate kernel allocated rx_bi rings from AF_XDP rings (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] i40e: Refactor rx_bi accesses (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Introduce AF_XDP buffer allocation API (Jiri Benc) [1867206 1882708] +- [net] xsk: Move defines only used by AF_XDP internals to xsk.h (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Move driver interface to xdp_sock_drv.h (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Move xskmap.c to net/xdp/ (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Fix xsk_umem_xdp_frame_sz() (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Convert bpf_iter_test_kern{3, 4}.c to define own bpf_iter_meta (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftest/bpf: Make bpf_iter selftest compilable against old vmlinux.h (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Fix too large copy from user in bpf_test_init (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Xdp_adjust_tail add grow tail tests (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] selftests/bpf: Adjust BPF selftest for xdp_adjust_tail (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Add xdp.frame_sz in bpf_prog_test_run_xdp(). (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Clear grow memory in bpf_xdp_adjust_tail() (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Allow bpf_xdp_adjust_tail() to grow packet size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] mlx5: Rx queue setup time determine frame_sz for XDP (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] xdp: For Intel AF_XDP drivers add XDP frame_sz (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ice: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] i40e: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add XDP frame size to VF driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix XDP redirect on archs with PAGE_SIZE above 4K (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Add XDP frame size in two code paths (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] vhost_net: Also populate XDP frame size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] tun: Add XDP frame size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] nfp: Add XDP frame size to netronome driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] net: thunderx: Add XDP frame size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] mlx4: Add XDP frame size and adjust max XDP MTU (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] qlogic/qede: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] veth: Xdp using frame_sz in veth driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] veth: Adjust hard_start offset on redirect XDP frames (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Cpumap redirect use frame_sz and increase skb_tailroom (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Xdp_frame add member frame_sz and handle in convert_to_xdp_frame (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] XDP-generic determining XDP frame size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] sfc: Add XDP frame size (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] bnxt: Add XDP frame size to driver (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Add frame size to xdp_buff (Jiri Benc) [1867209 1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: switch to kernel_write (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] bpf: selftests: Add bpf_iter selftests (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [tools] bpf: selftests: Add iterator programs for ipv6_route and netlink (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Enable bpf_iter targets registering ctx argument types (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Change func bpf_iter_unreg_target() signature (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Refactor bpf_iter target registration (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpf: Add netlink and ipv6_route bpf_iter targets (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: check if $(CC) can link static libc in Kconfig (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: document build requirements for bpfilter_umh (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Remove unnecessary member in xdp_umem (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Change two variable names for increased clarity (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: match bit size of bpfilter_umh to that of the kernel (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [docs] networking: convert filter.txt to ReST (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xsk: Fix typo in xsk_umem_consume_tx and xsk_generic_xmit comments (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] introduce SO_BINDTOIFINDEX sockopt (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] netlink: Use sizeof_field() macro (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] xdp: Add SPDX license identifier - Makefile/Kconfig (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [net] bpfilter: prefix header search paths with $(srctree)/ (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Add XDP meta data support (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Keep vnet header zeroed if XDP is loaded for small buffer (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio-net: keep vnet header zeroed after processing XDP (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio-net: get rid of unnecessary container of rq stats (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio-net: correctly update XDP_TX counters (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Add kick stats (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Add XDP related stats (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Factor out the logic to determine xdp sq (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Make drop counter per-queue (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] virtio_net: Use temporary storage for accounting rx stats (Jiri Benc) [1882708] +- [netdrv] bnx2: mark driver deprecated (Jonathan Toppins) [1878183] +- [net] openvswitch: silence suspicious RCU usage warning (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openswitch: reuse the helper variable to improve the code readablity (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: remove unused keep_flows (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: refactor flow free function (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: improve the coding style (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: use skb_list_walk_safe helper for gso segments (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: do not update max_headroom if new headroom is equal to old headroom (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: drop unneeded likely() call around IS_ERR() (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [net] openvswitch: convert to kvmalloc (Eelco Chaudron) [1895862] +- [infiniband] RDMA/rxe: Mark Soft-RoCE driver as unsupported (Kamal Heib) [1878207] +- [net] netfilter: nf_log: missing vlan offload tag and proto (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] ipvs: clear skb->tstamp in forwarding path (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nft_meta: use socket user_ns to retrieve skuid and skgid (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: add a range check for l3/l4 protonum (Florian Westphal) [1889990] {CVE-2020-25211} +- [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: nfnetlink_unicast() reports EAGAIN instead of ENOBUFS (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix destination register zeroing (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add NFTA_SET_USERDATA if not null (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: flowtable: Set offload timeout when adding flow (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: conntrack: Move nf_ct_offload_timeout to header file (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: Handle outcomes of tree rotations in overlap detection (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nft_exthdr: the presence return value should be little-endian (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: Drop useless assignment of scratch map index on insert (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: arp_tables: init netns pointer in xt_tgdtor_param struct (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] netfilter: arp_tables: init netns pointer in xt_tgchk_param struct (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [net] ipvs: do not schedule icmp errors from tunnels (Florian Westphal) [1889990] +- [powercap] powercap: intel_rapl: add support for Sapphire Rapids (Steve Best) [1837373] +- [powercap] powercap/intel_rapl: add support for RocketLake (Steve Best) [1782715] +- [char] ipmi: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi/watchdog: add missing newlines when printing parameters by sysfs (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi: remve duplicate code in __ipmi_bmc_register() (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [documentation] docs: ipmi: Replace HTTP links with HTTPS ones (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi: ssif: Remove finished TODO comment about SMBus alert (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [documentation] Doc: driver-api: ipmi: Add description of alerts_broken module param (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi:ssif: Remove dynamic platform device handing (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] Try to load acpi_ipmi when an SSIF ACPI IPMI interface is added (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi_si: Load acpi_ipmi when ACPI IPMI interface added (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi:bt-bmc: Fix error handling and status check (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi: Replace guid_copy() with import_guid() where it makes sense (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi: use vzalloc instead of kmalloc for user creation (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi:bt-bmc: Fix some format issue of the code (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] ipmi:bt-bmc: Avoid unnecessary check (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [char] docs: fix references for ipmi.rst file (Tony Camuso) [1877848] +- [documentation] docs: move IPMI.txt to the driver API book (Tony Camuso) [1877848] + * Mon Dec 07 2020 Juri Lelli [4.18.0-259.rt7.24.el8] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix 64 bit logical memory block panic (Steve Best) [1894922] - [mm] powerpc/book3s64/radix: Make radix_mem_block_size 64bit (Steve Best) [1894922]