diff --git a/SOURCES/0044-tc-m_tunnel_key-reformat-the-usage-text.patch b/SOURCES/0044-tc-m_tunnel_key-reformat-the-usage-text.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5530aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0044-tc-m_tunnel_key-reformat-the-usage-text.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 04ecd76fa66c7745529b3b007ad04a307d2b7518 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:31:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: m_tunnel_key: reformat the usage text
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1658506
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 50907a8245ea3
+commit 50907a8245ea37875fb877d6f21f51a1f247b167
+Author: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+Date:   Wed Jun 14 21:29:49 2017 +0200
+    tc: m_tunnel_key: reformat the usage text
+    Adding new tunnel key fields would cause the usage line overflow 80 chars.
+    Make the usage text similar to other commands.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c | 8 +++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index 3ceec1c..5222c25 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -22,7 +22,13 @@
+ static void explain(void)
+ {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tunnel_key unset\n");
+-	fprintf(stderr, "       tunnel_key set id TUNNELID src_ip IP dst_ip IP dst_port UDP_PORT\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "       tunnel_key set <TUNNEL_KEY>\n");
++	fprintf(stderr,
++		"Where TUNNEL_KEY is a combination of:\n"
++		"id <TUNNELID> (mandatory)\n"
++		"src_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
++		"dst_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
++		"dst_port <UDP_PORT>\n");
+ }
+ static void usage(void)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0045-tc-m_tunnel_key-Allow-key-less-tunnels.patch b/SOURCES/0045-tc-m_tunnel_key-Allow-key-less-tunnels.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c2a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0045-tc-m_tunnel_key-Allow-key-less-tunnels.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+From f43f500151a6261e24d89674b0a44f2d84c9e207 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:21:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: m_tunnel_key: Allow key-less tunnels
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1658506
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit dc0332b1e8e4a
+Conflicts: Context change due to missing commit 59eb271d1d259
+           ("tc: m_tunnel_key: add csum/nocsum option").
+commit dc0332b1e8e4ab8771562128993d512986f856e2
+Author: Adi Nissim <adin@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Thu Jan 10 15:03:50 2019 +0200
+    tc: m_tunnel_key: Allow key-less tunnels
+    Change the id parameter of the tunnel_key set action from mandatory to
+    optional.
+    Some tunneling protocols (e.g. GRE) specify the id as an optional field.
+    Signed-off-by: Adi Nissim <adin@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 | 4 ++--
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c        | 6 ++----
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+index 2e56973..52fa585 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ above).
+ .TP
+ .B set
+ Set tunnel metadata to be used by the IP tunnel device. Requires
+-.B id
+ .B src_ip
+ and
+ .B dst_ip
+ options.
++.B id
+ .B dst_port
+ is optional.
+ .RS
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index 5222c25..acbcfc1 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       tunnel_key set <TUNNEL_KEY>\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Where TUNNEL_KEY is a combination of:\n"
+-		"id <TUNNELID> (mandatory)\n"
++		"id <TUNNELID>\n"
+ 		"src_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
+ 		"dst_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
+ 		"dst_port <UDP_PORT>\n");
+@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	int ret;
+ 	int has_src_ip = 0;
+ 	int has_dst_ip = 0;
+-	int has_key_id = 0;
+ 	if (matches(*argv, "tunnel_key") != 0)
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -147,7 +146,6 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"id\"\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+-			has_key_id = 1;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "dst_port") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			ret = tunnel_key_parse_dst_port(*argv,
+@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+ 	if (action == TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ACT_SET &&
+-	    (!has_src_ip || !has_dst_ip || !has_key_id)) {
++	    (!has_src_ip || !has_dst_ip)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "set needs tunnel_key parameters\n");
+ 		explain();
+ 		return -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0046-tc-include-stdint.h-explicitly-for-UINT16_MAX.patch b/SOURCES/0046-tc-include-stdint.h-explicitly-for-UINT16_MAX.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed0d248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0046-tc-include-stdint.h-explicitly-for-UINT16_MAX.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 7a77e4df94a48c35f9a4bf1fc3f8e9d1f72a77b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:50:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: include stdint.h explicitly for UINT16_MAX
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641909
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit ae717baf15fb4
+commit ae717baf15fb4d30749ada3948d9445892bac239
+Author: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date:   Sat May 20 14:28:46 2017 -0700
+    tc: include stdint.h explicitly for UINT16_MAX
+    Fixes
+    | tc_core.c:190:29: error: 'UINT16_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean '__INT16_MAX__'?
+    |    if ((sz >> s->size_log) > UINT16_MAX) {
+    |                              ^~~~~~~~~~
+    Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ tc/tc_core.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_core.c b/tc/tc_core.c
+index 7bbe0d7..821b741 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_core.c
++++ b/tc/tc_core.c
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
diff --git a/SOURCES/0047-Update-kernel-headers.patch b/SOURCES/0047-Update-kernel-headers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..916d932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0047-Update-kernel-headers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5651 @@
+From 007c76937f34c11c4c827373f081a9c4eebf1fc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:50:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Update kernel headers
+This updates kernel headers to upstream commit
+761ec9e29ff867452057f59dc6ca430688b409ea. Update was done via:
+| git checkout 761ec9e29ff867452057f59dc6ca430688b409ea -- include/uapi
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641909
+Upstream Status: RHEL-only
+ include/uapi/linux/atm.h                       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/atmapi.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/atmarp.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/atmdev.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/atmioc.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/atmsap.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/bpf.h                       | 2481 ++++++++++++++++++++----
+ include/uapi/linux/bpf_common.h                |    8 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/btf.h                       |  113 ++
+ include/uapi/linux/can.h                       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/can/netlink.h               |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/can/vxcan.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/devlink.h                   |   82 +
+ include/uapi/linux/elf-em.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/fib_rules.h                 |   12 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/filter.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/fou.h                       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/gen_stats.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/genetlink.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/hdlc/ioctl.h                |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/icmpv6.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if.h                        |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_addr.h                   |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_addrlabel.h              |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_alg.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_bonding.h                |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_bridge.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_ether.h                  |   11 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_link.h                   |   59 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h                 |   10 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_tun.h                    |    5 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h                 |    5 +
+ include/uapi/linux/if_vlan.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/ife.h                       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/ila.h                       |   23 +
+ include/uapi/linux/in.h                        |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/in6.h                       |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/in_route.h                  |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h                 |    3 +
+ include/uapi/linux/ip.h                        |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/ip6_tunnel.h                |    3 +
+ include/uapi/linux/ipsec.h                     |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/kernel.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/l2tp.h                      |    7 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/libc-compat.h               |   56 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/limits.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/lwtunnel.h                  |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/magic.h                     |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/mpls.h                      |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/mpls_iptunnel.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/neighbour.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/net_namespace.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netconf.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netdevice.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h        |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_set.h          |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_tcpudp.h       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4.h            |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h  |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6.h            |    2 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netlink.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/netlink_diag.h              |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/packet_diag.h               |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/param.h                     |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/pfkeyv2.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/pkt_cls.h                   |   15 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/pkt_sched.h                 |  198 ++
+ include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h               |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h                 |   24 +
+ include/uapi/linux/sctp.h                      |   71 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/seg6.h                      |    5 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/seg6_genl.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/seg6_hmac.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/seg6_iptunnel.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/seg6_local.h                |   12 +
+ include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/socket.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/sockios.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/stddef.h                    |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/sysinfo.h                   |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_bpf.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_connmark.h        |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_csum.h            |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_defact.h          |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_gact.h            |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ife.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ipt.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_mirred.h          |    7 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_nat.h             |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h           |   10 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_sample.h          |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbedit.h         |    3 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbmod.h          |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_tunnel_key.h      |   29 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_vlan.h            |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_cmp.h       |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_ipt.h       |   20 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_meta.h      |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_nbyte.h     |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tcp.h                       |   22 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tcp_metrics.h               |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tipc.h                      |  188 +-
+ include/uapi/linux/tipc_netlink.h              |   37 +
+ include/uapi/linux/tipc_sockets_diag.h         |   17 +
+ include/uapi/linux/types.h                     |    3 +
+ include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h                 |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/veth.h                      |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/vm_sockets_diag.h           |    1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/xfrm.h                      |    1 +
+ 114 files changed, 3201 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/btf.h
+ create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_ipt.h
+ create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/tipc_sockets_diag.h
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atm.h b/include/uapi/linux/atm.h
+index 08e27be..e33ff6b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atm.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atm.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atm.h - general ATM declarations */
+ /* Written 1995-2000 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atmapi.h b/include/uapi/linux/atmapi.h
+index 8fe54d9..c9bf5c2 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atmapi.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atmapi.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atmapi.h - ATM API user space/kernel compatibility */
+ /* Written 1999,2000 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atmarp.h b/include/uapi/linux/atmarp.h
+index 231f4bd..8e44d12 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atmarp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atmarp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atmarp.h - ATM ARP protocol and kernel-demon interface definitions */
+ /* Written 1995-1999 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atmdev.h b/include/uapi/linux/atmdev.h
+index 8faa8b9..9bdb96a 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atmdev.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atmdev.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atmdev.h - ATM device driver declarations and various related items */
+ /* Written 1995-2000 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atmioc.h b/include/uapi/linux/atmioc.h
+index 37f67aa..cd7655e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atmioc.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atmioc.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atmioc.h - ranges for ATM-related ioctl numbers */
+ /* Written 1995-1999 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/atmsap.h b/include/uapi/linux/atmsap.h
+index 799b104..fc05248 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/atmsap.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/atmsap.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* atmsap.h - ATM Service Access Point addressing definitions */
+ /* Written 1995-1999 by Werner Almesberger, EPFL LRC/ICA */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h b/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h
+index 0895a52..b9a6367 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* Copyright (c) 2011-2014 PLUMgrid, http://plumgrid.com
+  *
+  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
+ #define BPF_ALU64	0x07	/* alu mode in double word width */
+ /* ld/ldx fields */
+-#define BPF_DW		0x18	/* double word */
++#define BPF_DW		0x18	/* double word (64-bit) */
+ #define BPF_XADD	0xc0	/* exclusive add */
+ /* alu/jmp fields */
+@@ -92,6 +93,11 @@ enum bpf_cmd {
+ };
+ enum bpf_map_type {
+@@ -111,6 +117,9 @@ enum bpf_map_type {
+ };
+ enum bpf_prog_type {
+@@ -129,6 +138,12 @@ enum bpf_prog_type {
+ };
+ enum bpf_attach_type {
+@@ -138,16 +153,63 @@ enum bpf_attach_type {
+ };
+-/* If BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE flag is used in BPF_PROG_ATTACH command
+- * to the given target_fd cgroup the descendent cgroup will be able to
+- * override effective bpf program that was inherited from this cgroup
++/* cgroup-bpf attach flags used in BPF_PROG_ATTACH command
++ *
++ * NONE(default): No further bpf programs allowed in the subtree.
++ *
++ * BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE: If a sub-cgroup installs some bpf program,
++ * the program in this cgroup yields to sub-cgroup program.
++ *
++ * BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI: If a sub-cgroup installs some bpf program,
++ * that cgroup program gets run in addition to the program in this cgroup.
++ *
++ * Only one program is allowed to be attached to a cgroup with
++ * Attaching another program on top of NONE or BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE will
++ * release old program and attach the new one. Attach flags has to match.
++ *
++ * Multiple programs are allowed to be attached to a cgroup with
++ * BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI flag. They are executed in FIFO order
++ * (those that were attached first, run first)
++ * The programs of sub-cgroup are executed first, then programs of
++ * this cgroup and then programs of parent cgroup.
++ * When children program makes decision (like picking TCP CA or sock bind)
++ * parent program has a chance to override it.
++ *
++ * A cgroup with MULTI or OVERRIDE flag allows any attach flags in sub-cgroups.
++ * A cgroup with NONE doesn't allow any programs in sub-cgroups.
++ * Ex1:
++ * cgrp1 (MULTI progs A, B) ->
++ *    cgrp2 (OVERRIDE prog C) ->
++ *      cgrp3 (MULTI prog D) ->
++ *        cgrp4 (OVERRIDE prog E) ->
++ *          cgrp5 (NONE prog F)
++ * the event in cgrp5 triggers execution of F,D,A,B in that order.
++ * if prog F is detached, the execution is E,D,A,B
++ * if prog F and D are detached, the execution is E,A,B
++ * if prog F, E and D are detached, the execution is C,A,B
++ *
++ * All eligible programs are executed regardless of return code from
++ * earlier programs.
+  */
+ #define BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE	(1U << 0)
++#define BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI	(1U << 1)
+ /* If BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT is used in BPF_PROG_LOAD command, the
+  * verifier will perform strict alignment checking as if the kernel
+@@ -156,8 +218,14 @@ enum bpf_attach_type {
+  */
+ #define BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT	(1U << 0)
++/* when bpf_ldimm64->src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD, bpf_ldimm64->imm == fd */
+ #define BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD	1
++/* when bpf_call->src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_CALL, bpf_call->imm == pc-relative
++ * offset to another bpf function
++ */
++#define BPF_PSEUDO_CALL		1
+ /* flags for BPF_MAP_UPDATE_ELEM command */
+ #define BPF_ANY		0 /* create new element or update existing */
+ #define BPF_NOEXIST	1 /* create new element if it didn't exist */
+@@ -175,6 +243,37 @@ enum bpf_attach_type {
+ /* Specify numa node during map creation */
+ #define BPF_F_NUMA_NODE		(1U << 2)
++/* flags for BPF_PROG_QUERY */
++#define BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE	(1U << 0)
++#define BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN 16U
++/* Flags for accessing BPF object */
++#define BPF_F_RDONLY		(1U << 3)
++#define BPF_F_WRONLY		(1U << 4)
++/* Flag for stack_map, store build_id+offset instead of pointer */
++#define BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID	(1U << 5)
++enum bpf_stack_build_id_status {
++	/* user space need an empty entry to identify end of a trace */
++	/* with valid build_id and offset */
++	/* couldn't get build_id, fallback to ip */
++#define BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE 20
++struct bpf_stack_build_id {
++	__s32		status;
++	unsigned char	build_id[BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE];
++	union {
++		__u64	offset;
++		__u64	ip;
++	};
+ union bpf_attr {
+ 	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_MAP_CREATE command */
+ 		__u32	map_type;	/* one of enum bpf_map_type */
+@@ -188,6 +287,11 @@ union bpf_attr {
+ 		__u32	numa_node;	/* numa node (effective only if
+ 					 * BPF_F_NUMA_NODE is set).
+ 					 */
++		char	map_name[BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN];
++		__u32	map_ifindex;	/* ifindex of netdev to create on */
++		__u32	btf_fd;		/* fd pointing to a BTF type data */
++		__u32	btf_key_type_id;	/* BTF type_id of the key */
++		__u32	btf_value_type_id;	/* BTF type_id of the value */
+ 	};
+ 	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_MAP_*_ELEM commands */
+@@ -210,11 +314,19 @@ union bpf_attr {
+ 		__aligned_u64	log_buf;	/* user supplied buffer */
+ 		__u32		kern_version;	/* checked when prog_type=kprobe */
+ 		__u32		prog_flags;
++		char		prog_name[BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN];
++		__u32		prog_ifindex;	/* ifindex of netdev to prep for */
++		/* For some prog types expected attach type must be known at
++		 * load time to verify attach type specific parts of prog
++		 * (context accesses, allowed helpers, etc).
++		 */
++		__u32		expected_attach_type;
+ 	};
+ 	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_OBJ_* commands */
+ 		__aligned_u64	pathname;
+ 		__u32		bpf_fd;
++		__u32		file_flags;
+ 	};
+ 	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_PROG_ATTACH/DETACH commands */
+@@ -240,8 +352,10 @@ union bpf_attr {
+ 			__u32		start_id;
+ 			__u32		prog_id;
+ 			__u32		map_id;
++			__u32		btf_id;
+ 		};
+ 		__u32		next_id;
++		__u32		open_flags;
+ 	};
+ 	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_OBJ_GET_INFO_BY_FD */
+@@ -249,339 +363,1718 @@ union bpf_attr {
+ 		__u32		info_len;
+ 		__aligned_u64	info;
+ 	} info;
++	struct { /* anonymous struct used by BPF_PROG_QUERY command */
++		__u32		target_fd;	/* container object to query */
++		__u32		attach_type;
++		__u32		query_flags;
++		__u32		attach_flags;
++		__aligned_u64	prog_ids;
++		__u32		prog_cnt;
++	} query;
++	struct {
++		__u64 name;
++		__u32 prog_fd;
++	} raw_tracepoint;
++	struct { /* anonymous struct for BPF_BTF_LOAD */
++		__aligned_u64	btf;
++		__aligned_u64	btf_log_buf;
++		__u32		btf_size;
++		__u32		btf_log_size;
++		__u32		btf_log_level;
++	};
++	struct {
++		__u32		pid;		/* input: pid */
++		__u32		fd;		/* input: fd */
++		__u32		flags;		/* input: flags */
++		__u32		buf_len;	/* input/output: buf len */
++		__aligned_u64	buf;		/* input/output:
++						 *   tp_name for tracepoint
++						 *   symbol for kprobe
++						 *   filename for uprobe
++						 */
++		__u32		prog_id;	/* output: prod_id */
++		__u32		fd_type;	/* output: BPF_FD_TYPE_* */
++		__u64		probe_offset;	/* output: probe_offset */
++		__u64		probe_addr;	/* output: probe_addr */
++	} task_fd_query;
+ } __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+-/* BPF helper function descriptions:
++/* The description below is an attempt at providing documentation to eBPF
++ * developers about the multiple available eBPF helper functions. It can be
++ * parsed and used to produce a manual page. The workflow is the following,
++ * and requires the rst2man utility:
++ *
++ *     $ ./scripts/bpf_helpers_doc.py \
++ *             --filename include/uapi/linux/bpf.h > /tmp/bpf-helpers.rst
++ *     $ rst2man /tmp/bpf-helpers.rst > /tmp/bpf-helpers.7
++ *     $ man /tmp/bpf-helpers.7
++ *
++ * Note that in order to produce this external documentation, some RST
++ * formatting is used in the descriptions to get "bold" and "italics" in
++ * manual pages. Also note that the few trailing white spaces are
++ * intentional, removing them would break paragraphs for rst2man.
++ *
++ * Start of BPF helper function descriptions:
++ *
++ * void *bpf_map_lookup_elem(struct bpf_map *map, const void *key)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Perform a lookup in *map* for an entry associated to *key*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		Map value associated to *key*, or **NULL** if no entry was
++ * 		found.
+  *
+- * void *bpf_map_lookup_elem(&map, &key)
+- *     Return: Map value or NULL
++ * int bpf_map_update_elem(struct bpf_map *map, const void *key, const void *value, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Add or update the value of the entry associated to *key* in
++ * 		*map* with *value*. *flags* is one of:
+  *
+- * int bpf_map_update_elem(&map, &key, &value, flags)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
++ * 		**BPF_NOEXIST**
++ * 			The entry for *key* must not exist in the map.
++ * 		**BPF_EXIST**
++ * 			The entry for *key* must already exist in the map.
++ * 		**BPF_ANY**
++ * 			No condition on the existence of the entry for *key*.
+  *
+- * int bpf_map_delete_elem(&map, &key)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
++ * 		Flag value **BPF_NOEXIST** cannot be used for maps of types
++ * 		elements always exist), the helper would return an error.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
+  *
+- * int bpf_probe_read(void *dst, int size, void *src)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
++ * int bpf_map_delete_elem(struct bpf_map *map, const void *key)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Delete entry with *key* from *map*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_probe_read(void *dst, u32 size, const void *src)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		For tracing programs, safely attempt to read *size* bytes from
++ * 		address *src* and store the data in *dst*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
+  *
+  * u64 bpf_ktime_get_ns(void)
+- *     Return: current ktime
+- *
+- * int bpf_trace_printk(const char *fmt, int fmt_size, ...)
+- *     Return: length of buffer written or negative error
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_prandom_u32(void)
+- *     Return: random value
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_raw_smp_processor_id(void)
+- *     Return: SMP processor ID
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_store_bytes(skb, offset, from, len, flags)
+- *     store bytes into packet
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @offset: offset within packet from skb->mac_header
+- *     @from: pointer where to copy bytes from
+- *     @len: number of bytes to store into packet
+- *     @flags: bit 0 - if true, recompute skb->csum
+- *             other bits - reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_l3_csum_replace(skb, offset, from, to, flags)
+- *     recompute IP checksum
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @offset: offset within packet where IP checksum is located
+- *     @from: old value of header field
+- *     @to: new value of header field
+- *     @flags: bits 0-3 - size of header field
+- *             other bits - reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_l4_csum_replace(skb, offset, from, to, flags)
+- *     recompute TCP/UDP checksum
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @offset: offset within packet where TCP/UDP checksum is located
+- *     @from: old value of header field
+- *     @to: new value of header field
+- *     @flags: bits 0-3 - size of header field
+- *             bit 4 - is pseudo header
+- *             other bits - reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_tail_call(ctx, prog_array_map, index)
+- *     jump into another BPF program
+- *     @ctx: context pointer passed to next program
+- *     @prog_array_map: pointer to map which type is BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY
+- *     @index: index inside array that selects specific program to run
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_clone_redirect(skb, ifindex, flags)
+- *     redirect to another netdev
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @ifindex: ifindex of the net device
+- *     @flags: bit 0 - if set, redirect to ingress instead of egress
+- *             other bits - reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Return the time elapsed since system boot, in nanoseconds.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		Current *ktime*.
++ *
++ * int bpf_trace_printk(const char *fmt, u32 fmt_size, ...)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		This helper is a "printk()-like" facility for debugging. It
++ * 		prints a message defined by format *fmt* (of size *fmt_size*)
++ * 		to file *\/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace* from DebugFS, if
++ * 		available. It can take up to three additional **u64**
++ * 		arguments (as an eBPF helpers, the total number of arguments is
++ * 		limited to five).
++ *
++ * 		Each time the helper is called, it appends a line to the trace.
++ * 		The format of the trace is customizable, and the exact output
++ * 		one will get depends on the options set in
++ * 		*\/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_options* (see also the
++ * 		*README* file under the same directory). However, it usually
++ * 		defaults to something like:
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			telnet-470   [001] .N.. 419421.045894: 0x00000001: <formatted msg>
++ *
++ * 		In the above:
++ *
++ * 			* ``telnet`` is the name of the current task.
++ * 			* ``470`` is the PID of the current task.
++ * 			* ``001`` is the CPU number on which the task is
++ * 			  running.
++ * 			* In ``.N..``, each character refers to a set of
++ * 			  options (whether irqs are enabled, scheduling
++ * 			  options, whether hard/softirqs are running, level of
++ * 			  preempt_disabled respectively). **N** means that
++ * 			  are set.
++ * 			* ``419421.045894`` is a timestamp.
++ * 			* ``0x00000001`` is a fake value used by BPF for the
++ * 			  instruction pointer register.
++ * 			* ``<formatted msg>`` is the message formatted with
++ * 			  *fmt*.
++ *
++ * 		The conversion specifiers supported by *fmt* are similar, but
++ * 		more limited than for printk(). They are **%d**, **%i**,
++ * 		**%u**, **%x**, **%ld**, **%li**, **%lu**, **%lx**, **%lld**,
++ * 		**%lli**, **%llu**, **%llx**, **%p**, **%s**. No modifier (size
++ * 		of field, padding with zeroes, etc.) is available, and the
++ * 		helper will return **-EINVAL** (but print nothing) if it
++ * 		encounters an unknown specifier.
++ *
++ * 		Also, note that **bpf_trace_printk**\ () is slow, and should
++ * 		only be used for debugging purposes. For this reason, a notice
++ * 		bloc (spanning several lines) is printed to kernel logs and
++ * 		states that the helper should not be used "for production use"
++ * 		the first time this helper is used (or more precisely, when
++ * 		**trace_printk**\ () buffers are allocated). For passing values
++ * 		to user space, perf events should be preferred.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The number of bytes written to the buffer, or a negative error
++ * 		in case of failure.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_prandom_u32(void)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Get a pseudo-random number.
++ *
++ * 		From a security point of view, this helper uses its own
++ * 		pseudo-random internal state, and cannot be used to infer the
++ * 		seed of other random functions in the kernel. However, it is
++ * 		essential to note that the generator used by the helper is not
++ * 		cryptographically secure.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A random 32-bit unsigned value.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_smp_processor_id(void)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Get the SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) processor id. Note that
++ * 		all programs run with preemption disabled, which means that the
++ * 		SMP processor id is stable during all the execution of the
++ * 		program.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The SMP id of the processor running the program.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_store_bytes(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, const void *from, u32 len, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Store *len* bytes from address *from* into the packet
++ * 		associated to *skb*, at *offset*. *flags* are a combination of
++ * 		**BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM** (automatically recompute the
++ * 		checksum for the packet after storing the bytes) and
++ * 		**BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH** (set *skb*\ **->hash**, *skb*\
++ * 		**->swhash** and *skb*\ **->l4hash** to 0).
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_l3_csum_replace(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, u64 from, u64 to, u64 size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Recompute the layer 3 (e.g. IP) checksum for the packet
++ * 		associated to *skb*. Computation is incremental, so the helper
++ * 		must know the former value of the header field that was
++ * 		modified (*from*), the new value of this field (*to*), and the
++ * 		number of bytes (2 or 4) for this field, stored in *size*.
++ * 		Alternatively, it is possible to store the difference between
++ * 		the previous and the new values of the header field in *to*, by
++ * 		setting *from* and *size* to 0. For both methods, *offset*
++ * 		indicates the location of the IP checksum within the packet.
++ *
++ * 		This helper works in combination with **bpf_csum_diff**\ (),
++ * 		which does not update the checksum in-place, but offers more
++ * 		flexibility and can handle sizes larger than 2 or 4 for the
++ * 		checksum to update.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_l4_csum_replace(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, u64 from, u64 to, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Recompute the layer 4 (e.g. TCP, UDP or ICMP) checksum for the
++ * 		packet associated to *skb*. Computation is incremental, so the
++ * 		helper must know the former value of the header field that was
++ * 		modified (*from*), the new value of this field (*to*), and the
++ * 		number of bytes (2 or 4) for this field, stored on the lowest
++ * 		four bits of *flags*. Alternatively, it is possible to store
++ * 		the difference between the previous and the new values of the
++ * 		header field in *to*, by setting *from* and the four lowest
++ * 		bits of *flags* to 0. For both methods, *offset* indicates the
++ * 		location of the IP checksum within the packet. In addition to
++ * 		the size of the field, *flags* can be added (bitwise OR) actual
++ * 		flags. With **BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0**, a null checksum is left
++ * 		untouched (unless **BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE** is added as well), and
++ * 		for updates resulting in a null checksum the value is set to
++ * 		**CSUM_MANGLED_0** instead. Flag **BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR** indicates
++ * 		the checksum is to be computed against a pseudo-header.
++ *
++ * 		This helper works in combination with **bpf_csum_diff**\ (),
++ * 		which does not update the checksum in-place, but offers more
++ * 		flexibility and can handle sizes larger than 2 or 4 for the
++ * 		checksum to update.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_tail_call(void *ctx, struct bpf_map *prog_array_map, u32 index)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		This special helper is used to trigger a "tail call", or in
++ * 		other words, to jump into another eBPF program. The same stack
++ * 		frame is used (but values on stack and in registers for the
++ * 		caller are not accessible to the callee). This mechanism allows
++ * 		for program chaining, either for raising the maximum number of
++ * 		available eBPF instructions, or to execute given programs in
++ * 		conditional blocks. For security reasons, there is an upper
++ * 		limit to the number of successive tail calls that can be
++ * 		performed.
++ *
++ * 		Upon call of this helper, the program attempts to jump into a
++ * 		program referenced at index *index* in *prog_array_map*, a
++ * 		special map of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY**, and passes
++ * 		*ctx*, a pointer to the context.
++ *
++ * 		If the call succeeds, the kernel immediately runs the first
++ * 		instruction of the new program. This is not a function call,
++ * 		and it never returns to the previous program. If the call
++ * 		fails, then the helper has no effect, and the caller continues
++ * 		to run its subsequent instructions. A call can fail if the
++ * 		destination program for the jump does not exist (i.e. *index*
++ * 		is superior to the number of entries in *prog_array_map*), or
++ * 		if the maximum number of tail calls has been reached for this
++ * 		chain of programs. This limit is defined in the kernel by the
++ * 		macro **MAX_TAIL_CALL_CNT** (not accessible to user space),
++ * 		which is currently set to 32.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_clone_redirect(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 ifindex, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Clone and redirect the packet associated to *skb* to another
++ * 		net device of index *ifindex*. Both ingress and egress
++ * 		interfaces can be used for redirection. The **BPF_F_INGRESS**
++ * 		value in *flags* is used to make the distinction (ingress path
++ * 		is selected if the flag is present, egress path otherwise).
++ * 		This is the only flag supported for now.
++ *
++ * 		In comparison with **bpf_redirect**\ () helper,
++ * 		**bpf_clone_redirect**\ () has the associated cost of
++ * 		duplicating the packet buffer, but this can be executed out of
++ * 		the eBPF program. Conversely, **bpf_redirect**\ () is more
++ * 		efficient, but it is handled through an action code where the
++ * 		redirection happens only after the eBPF program has returned.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
+  *
+  * u64 bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(void)
+- *     Return: current->tgid << 32 | current->pid
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A 64-bit integer containing the current tgid and pid, and
++ * 		created as such:
++ * 		*current_task*\ **->tgid << 32 \|**
++ * 		*current_task*\ **->pid**.
+  *
+  * u64 bpf_get_current_uid_gid(void)
+- *     Return: current_gid << 32 | current_uid
+- *
+- * int bpf_get_current_comm(char *buf, int size_of_buf)
+- *     stores current->comm into buf
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_get_cgroup_classid(skb)
+- *     retrieve a proc's classid
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     Return: classid if != 0
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_vlan_push(skb, vlan_proto, vlan_tci)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_vlan_pop(skb)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key(skb, key, size, flags)
+- * int bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key(skb, key, size, flags)
+- *     retrieve or populate tunnel metadata
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @key: pointer to 'struct bpf_tunnel_key'
+- *     @size: size of 'struct bpf_tunnel_key'
+- *     @flags: room for future extensions
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * u64 bpf_perf_event_read(map, flags)
+- *     read perf event counter value
+- *     @map: pointer to perf_event_array map
+- *     @flags: index of event in the map or bitmask flags
+- *     Return: value of perf event counter read or error code
+- *
+- * int bpf_redirect(ifindex, flags)
+- *     redirect to another netdev
+- *     @ifindex: ifindex of the net device
+- *     @flags:
+- *	  cls_bpf:
+- *          bit 0 - if set, redirect to ingress instead of egress
+- *          other bits - reserved
+- *	  xdp_bpf:
+- *	    all bits - reserved
+- *     Return: cls_bpf: TC_ACT_REDIRECT on success or TC_ACT_SHOT on error
+- *	       xdp_bfp: XDP_REDIRECT on success or XDP_ABORT on error
+- * int bpf_redirect_map(map, key, flags)
+- *     redirect to endpoint in map
+- *     @map: pointer to dev map
+- *     @key: index in map to lookup
+- *     @flags: --
+- *     Return: XDP_REDIRECT on success or XDP_ABORT on error
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_get_route_realm(skb)
+- *     retrieve a dst's tclassid
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     Return: realm if != 0
+- *
+- * int bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, map, flags, data, size)
+- *     output perf raw sample
+- *     @ctx: struct pt_regs*
+- *     @map: pointer to perf_event_array map
+- *     @flags: index of event in the map or bitmask flags
+- *     @data: data on stack to be output as raw data
+- *     @size: size of data
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_get_stackid(ctx, map, flags)
+- *     walk user or kernel stack and return id
+- *     @ctx: struct pt_regs*
+- *     @map: pointer to stack_trace map
+- *     @flags: bits 0-7 - numer of stack frames to skip
+- *             bit 8 - collect user stack instead of kernel
+- *             bit 9 - compare stacks by hash only
+- *             bit 10 - if two different stacks hash into the same stackid
+- *                      discard old
+- *             other bits - reserved
+- *     Return: >= 0 stackid on success or negative error
+- *
+- * s64 bpf_csum_diff(from, from_size, to, to_size, seed)
+- *     calculate csum diff
+- *     @from: raw from buffer
+- *     @from_size: length of from buffer
+- *     @to: raw to buffer
+- *     @to_size: length of to buffer
+- *     @seed: optional seed
+- *     Return: csum result or negative error code
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt(skb, opt, size)
+- *     retrieve tunnel options metadata
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @opt: pointer to raw tunnel option data
+- *     @size: size of @opt
+- *     Return: option size
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_set_tunnel_opt(skb, opt, size)
+- *     populate tunnel options metadata
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @opt: pointer to raw tunnel option data
+- *     @size: size of @opt
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_change_proto(skb, proto, flags)
+- *     Change protocol of the skb. Currently supported is v4 -> v6,
+- *     v6 -> v4 transitions. The helper will also resize the skb. eBPF
+- *     program is expected to fill the new headers via skb_store_bytes
+- *     and lX_csum_replace.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @proto: new skb->protocol type
+- *     @flags: reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_change_type(skb, type)
+- *     Change packet type of skb.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @type: new skb->pkt_type type
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_under_cgroup(skb, map, index)
+- *     Check cgroup2 membership of skb
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @map: pointer to bpf_map in BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY type
+- *     @index: index of the cgroup in the bpf_map
+- *     Return:
+- *       == 0 skb failed the cgroup2 descendant test
+- *       == 1 skb succeeded the cgroup2 descendant test
+- *        < 0 error
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_get_hash_recalc(skb)
+- *     Retrieve and possibly recalculate skb->hash.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     Return: hash
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A 64-bit integer containing the current GID and UID, and
++ * 		created as such: *current_gid* **<< 32 \|** *current_uid*.
++ *
++ * int bpf_get_current_comm(char *buf, u32 size_of_buf)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Copy the **comm** attribute of the current task into *buf* of
++ * 		*size_of_buf*. The **comm** attribute contains the name of
++ * 		the executable (excluding the path) for the current task. The
++ * 		*size_of_buf* must be strictly positive. On success, the
++ * 		helper makes sure that the *buf* is NUL-terminated. On failure,
++ * 		it is filled with zeroes.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_cgroup_classid(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Retrieve the classid for the current task, i.e. for the net_cls
++ * 		cgroup to which *skb* belongs.
++ *
++ * 		This helper can be used on TC egress path, but not on ingress.
++ *
++ * 		The net_cls cgroup provides an interface to tag network packets
++ * 		based on a user-provided identifier for all traffic coming from
++ * 		the tasks belonging to the related cgroup. See also the related
++ * 		kernel documentation, available from the Linux sources in file
++ * 		*Documentation/cgroup-v1/net_cls.txt*.
++ *
++ * 		The Linux kernel has two versions for cgroups: there are
++ * 		cgroups v1 and cgroups v2. Both are available to users, who can
++ * 		use a mixture of them, but note that the net_cls cgroup is for
++ * 		cgroup v1 only. This makes it incompatible with BPF programs
++ * 		run on cgroups, which is a cgroup-v2-only feature (a socket can
++ * 		only hold data for one version of cgroups at a time).
++ *
++ * 		This helper is only available is the kernel was compiled with
++ * 		the **CONFIG_CGROUP_NET_CLASSID** configuration option set to
++ * 		"**y**" or to "**m**".
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The classid, or 0 for the default unconfigured classid.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_vlan_push(struct sk_buff *skb, __be16 vlan_proto, u16 vlan_tci)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Push a *vlan_tci* (VLAN tag control information) of protocol
++ * 		*vlan_proto* to the packet associated to *skb*, then update
++ * 		the checksum. Note that if *vlan_proto* is different from
++ * 		**ETH_P_8021Q** and **ETH_P_8021AD**, it is considered to
++ * 		be **ETH_P_8021Q**.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_vlan_pop(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Pop a VLAN header from the packet associated to *skb*.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bpf_tunnel_key *key, u32 size, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Get tunnel metadata. This helper takes a pointer *key* to an
++ * 		empty **struct bpf_tunnel_key** of **size**, that will be
++ * 		filled with tunnel metadata for the packet associated to *skb*.
++ * 		The *flags* can be set to **BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6**, which
++ * 		indicates that the tunnel is based on IPv6 protocol instead of
++ * 		IPv4.
++ *
++ * 		The **struct bpf_tunnel_key** is an object that generalizes the
++ * 		principal parameters used by various tunneling protocols into a
++ * 		single struct. This way, it can be used to easily make a
++ * 		decision based on the contents of the encapsulation header,
++ * 		"summarized" in this struct. In particular, it holds the IP
++ * 		address of the remote end (IPv4 or IPv6, depending on the case)
++ * 		in *key*\ **->remote_ipv4** or *key*\ **->remote_ipv6**. Also,
++ * 		this struct exposes the *key*\ **->tunnel_id**, which is
++ * 		generally mapped to a VNI (Virtual Network Identifier), making
++ * 		it programmable together with the **bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key**\
++ * 		() helper.
++ *
++ * 		Let's imagine that the following code is part of a program
++ * 		attached to the TC ingress interface, on one end of a GRE
++ * 		tunnel, and is supposed to filter out all messages coming from
++ * 		remote ends with IPv4 address other than
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			int ret;
++ * 			struct bpf_tunnel_key key = {};
++ * 			
++ * 			ret = bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key(skb, &key, sizeof(key), 0);
++ * 			if (ret < 0)
++ * 				return TC_ACT_SHOT;	// drop packet
++ * 			
++ * 			if (key.remote_ipv4 != 0x0a000001)
++ * 				return TC_ACT_SHOT;	// drop packet
++ * 			
++ * 			return TC_ACT_OK;		// accept packet
++ *
++ * 		This interface can also be used with all encapsulation devices
++ * 		that can operate in "collect metadata" mode: instead of having
++ * 		one network device per specific configuration, the "collect
++ * 		metadata" mode only requires a single device where the
++ * 		configuration can be extracted from this helper.
++ *
++ * 		This can be used together with various tunnels such as VXLan,
++ * 		Geneve, GRE or IP in IP (IPIP).
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bpf_tunnel_key *key, u32 size, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Populate tunnel metadata for packet associated to *skb.* The
++ * 		tunnel metadata is set to the contents of *key*, of *size*. The
++ * 		*flags* can be set to a combination of the following values:
++ *
++ * 		**BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6**
++ * 			Indicate that the tunnel is based on IPv6 protocol
++ * 			instead of IPv4.
++ * 		**BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX**
++ * 			For IPv4 packets, add a flag to tunnel metadata
++ * 			indicating that checksum computation should be skipped
++ * 			and checksum set to zeroes.
++ * 			Add a flag to tunnel metadata indicating that the
++ * 			packet should not be fragmented.
++ * 		**BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER**
++ * 			Add a flag to tunnel metadata indicating that a
++ * 			sequence number should be added to tunnel header before
++ * 			sending the packet. This flag was added for GRE
++ * 			encapsulation, but might be used with other protocols
++ * 			as well in the future.
++ *
++ * 		Here is a typical usage on the transmit path:
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			struct bpf_tunnel_key key;
++ * 			     populate key ...
++ * 			bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key(skb, &key, sizeof(key), 0);
++ * 			bpf_clone_redirect(skb, vxlan_dev_ifindex, 0);
++ *
++ * 		See also the description of the **bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key**\ ()
++ * 		helper for additional information.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * u64 bpf_perf_event_read(struct bpf_map *map, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Read the value of a perf event counter. This helper relies on a
++ * 		*map* of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY**. The nature of
++ * 		the perf event counter is selected when *map* is updated with
++ * 		perf event file descriptors. The *map* is an array whose size
++ * 		is the number of available CPUs, and each cell contains a value
++ * 		relative to one CPU. The value to retrieve is indicated by
++ * 		*flags*, that contains the index of the CPU to look up, masked
++ * 		with **BPF_F_INDEX_MASK**. Alternatively, *flags* can be set to
++ * 		**BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU** to indicate that the value for the
++ * 		current CPU should be retrieved.
++ *
++ * 		Note that before Linux 4.13, only hardware perf event can be
++ * 		retrieved.
++ *
++ * 		Also, be aware that the newer helper
++ * 		**bpf_perf_event_read_value**\ () is recommended over
++ * 		**bpf_perf_event_read**\ () in general. The latter has some ABI
++ * 		quirks where error and counter value are used as a return code
++ * 		(which is wrong to do since ranges may overlap). This issue is
++ * 		fixed with **bpf_perf_event_read_value**\ (), which at the same
++ * 		time provides more features over the **bpf_perf_event_read**\
++ * 		() interface. Please refer to the description of
++ * 		**bpf_perf_event_read_value**\ () for details.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The value of the perf event counter read from the map, or a
++ * 		negative error code in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_redirect(u32 ifindex, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Redirect the packet to another net device of index *ifindex*.
++ * 		This helper is somewhat similar to **bpf_clone_redirect**\
++ * 		(), except that the packet is not cloned, which provides
++ * 		increased performance.
++ *
++ * 		Except for XDP, both ingress and egress interfaces can be used
++ * 		for redirection. The **BPF_F_INGRESS** value in *flags* is used
++ * 		to make the distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag
++ * 		is present, egress path otherwise). Currently, XDP only
++ * 		supports redirection to the egress interface, and accepts no
++ * 		flag at all.
++ *
++ * 		The same effect can be attained with the more generic
++ * 		**bpf_redirect_map**\ (), which requires specific maps to be
++ * 		used but offers better performance.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		For XDP, the helper returns **XDP_REDIRECT** on success or
++ * 		**XDP_ABORTED** on error. For other program types, the values
++ * 		are **TC_ACT_REDIRECT** on success or **TC_ACT_SHOT** on
++ * 		error.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_route_realm(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Retrieve the realm or the route, that is to say the
++ * 		**tclassid** field of the destination for the *skb*. The
++ * 		indentifier retrieved is a user-provided tag, similar to the
++ * 		one used with the net_cls cgroup (see description for
++ * 		**bpf_get_cgroup_classid**\ () helper), but here this tag is
++ * 		held by a route (a destination entry), not by a task.
++ *
++ * 		Retrieving this identifier works with the clsact TC egress hook
++ * 		(see also **tc-bpf(8)**), or alternatively on conventional
++ * 		classful egress qdiscs, but not on TC ingress path. In case of
++ * 		clsact TC egress hook, this has the advantage that, internally,
++ * 		the destination entry has not been dropped yet in the transmit
++ * 		path. Therefore, the destination entry does not need to be
++ * 		artificially held via **netif_keep_dst**\ () for a classful
++ * 		qdisc until the *skb* is freed.
++ *
++ * 		This helper is available only if the kernel was compiled with
++ * 		**CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_CLASSID** configuration option.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The realm of the route for the packet associated to *skb*, or 0
++ * 		if none was found.
++ *
++ * int bpf_perf_event_output(struct pt_reg *ctx, struct bpf_map *map, u64 flags, void *data, u64 size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Write raw *data* blob into a special BPF perf event held by
++ * 		*map* of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY**. This perf
++ * 		event must have the following attributes: **PERF_SAMPLE_RAW**
++ * 		as **sample_type**, **PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE** as **type**, and
++ * 		**PERF_COUNT_SW_BPF_OUTPUT** as **config**.
++ *
++ * 		The *flags* are used to indicate the index in *map* for which
++ * 		the value must be put, masked with **BPF_F_INDEX_MASK**.
++ * 		Alternatively, *flags* can be set to **BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU**
++ * 		to indicate that the index of the current CPU core should be
++ * 		used.
++ *
++ * 		The value to write, of *size*, is passed through eBPF stack and
++ * 		pointed by *data*.
++ *
++ * 		The context of the program *ctx* needs also be passed to the
++ * 		helper.
++ *
++ * 		On user space, a program willing to read the values needs to
++ * 		call **perf_event_open**\ () on the perf event (either for
++ * 		one or for all CPUs) and to store the file descriptor into the
++ * 		*map*. This must be done before the eBPF program can send data
++ * 		into it. An example is available in file
++ * 		*samples/bpf/trace_output_user.c* in the Linux kernel source
++ * 		tree (the eBPF program counterpart is in
++ * 		*samples/bpf/trace_output_kern.c*).
++ *
++ * 		**bpf_perf_event_output**\ () achieves better performance
++ * 		than **bpf_trace_printk**\ () for sharing data with user
++ * 		space, and is much better suitable for streaming data from eBPF
++ * 		programs.
++ *
++ * 		Note that this helper is not restricted to tracing use cases
++ * 		and can be used with programs attached to TC or XDP as well,
++ * 		where it allows for passing data to user space listeners. Data
++ * 		can be:
++ *
++ * 		* Only custom structs,
++ * 		* Only the packet payload, or
++ * 		* A combination of both.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_load_bytes(const struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, void *to, u32 len)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		This helper was provided as an easy way to load data from a
++ * 		packet. It can be used to load *len* bytes from *offset* from
++ * 		the packet associated to *skb*, into the buffer pointed by
++ * 		*to*.
++ *
++ * 		Since Linux 4.7, usage of this helper has mostly been replaced
++ * 		by "direct packet access", enabling packet data to be
++ * 		manipulated with *skb*\ **->data** and *skb*\ **->data_end**
++ * 		pointing respectively to the first byte of packet data and to
++ * 		the byte after the last byte of packet data. However, it
++ * 		remains useful if one wishes to read large quantities of data
++ * 		at once from a packet into the eBPF stack.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_get_stackid(struct pt_reg *ctx, struct bpf_map *map, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Walk a user or a kernel stack and return its id. To achieve
++ * 		this, the helper needs *ctx*, which is a pointer to the context
++ * 		on which the tracing program is executed, and a pointer to a
++ * 		*map* of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE**.
++ *
++ * 		The last argument, *flags*, holds the number of stack frames to
++ * 		skip (from 0 to 255), masked with
++ * 		**BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK**. The next bits can be used to set
++ * 		a combination of the following flags:
++ *
++ * 		**BPF_F_USER_STACK**
++ * 			Collect a user space stack instead of a kernel stack.
++ * 			Compare stacks by hash only.
++ * 			If two different stacks hash into the same *stackid*,
++ * 			discard the old one.
++ *
++ * 		The stack id retrieved is a 32 bit long integer handle which
++ * 		can be further combined with other data (including other stack
++ * 		ids) and used as a key into maps. This can be useful for
++ * 		generating a variety of graphs (such as flame graphs or off-cpu
++ * 		graphs).
++ *
++ * 		For walking a stack, this helper is an improvement over
++ * 		**bpf_probe_read**\ (), which can be used with unrolled loops
++ * 		but is not efficient and consumes a lot of eBPF instructions.
++ * 		Instead, **bpf_get_stackid**\ () can collect up to
++ * 		**PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH** both kernel and user frames. Note that
++ * 		this limit can be controlled with the **sysctl** program, and
++ * 		that it should be manually increased in order to profile long
++ * 		user stacks (such as stacks for Java programs). To do so, use:
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			# sysctl kernel.perf_event_max_stack=<new value>
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The positive or null stack id on success, or a negative error
++ * 		in case of failure.
++ *
++ * s64 bpf_csum_diff(__be32 *from, u32 from_size, __be32 *to, u32 to_size, __wsum seed)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Compute a checksum difference, from the raw buffer pointed by
++ * 		*from*, of length *from_size* (that must be a multiple of 4),
++ * 		towards the raw buffer pointed by *to*, of size *to_size*
++ * 		(same remark). An optional *seed* can be added to the value
++ * 		(this can be cascaded, the seed may come from a previous call
++ * 		to the helper).
++ *
++ * 		This is flexible enough to be used in several ways:
++ *
++ * 		* With *from_size* == 0, *to_size* > 0 and *seed* set to
++ * 		  checksum, it can be used when pushing new data.
++ * 		* With *from_size* > 0, *to_size* == 0 and *seed* set to
++ * 		  checksum, it can be used when removing data from a packet.
++ * 		* With *from_size* > 0, *to_size* > 0 and *seed* set to 0, it
++ * 		  can be used to compute a diff. Note that *from_size* and
++ * 		  *to_size* do not need to be equal.
++ *
++ * 		This helper can be used in combination with
++ * 		**bpf_l3_csum_replace**\ () and **bpf_l4_csum_replace**\ (), to
++ * 		which one can feed in the difference computed with
++ * 		**bpf_csum_diff**\ ().
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The checksum result, or a negative error code in case of
++ * 		failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 *opt, u32 size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Retrieve tunnel options metadata for the packet associated to
++ * 		*skb*, and store the raw tunnel option data to the buffer *opt*
++ * 		of *size*.
++ *
++ * 		This helper can be used with encapsulation devices that can
++ * 		operate in "collect metadata" mode (please refer to the related
++ * 		note in the description of **bpf_skb_get_tunnel_key**\ () for
++ * 		more details). A particular example where this can be used is
++ * 		in combination with the Geneve encapsulation protocol, where it
++ * 		allows for pushing (with **bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt**\ () helper)
++ * 		and retrieving arbitrary TLVs (Type-Length-Value headers) from
++ * 		the eBPF program. This allows for full customization of these
++ * 		headers.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The size of the option data retrieved.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_set_tunnel_opt(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 *opt, u32 size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Set tunnel options metadata for the packet associated to *skb*
++ * 		to the option data contained in the raw buffer *opt* of *size*.
++ *
++ * 		See also the description of the **bpf_skb_get_tunnel_opt**\ ()
++ * 		helper for additional information.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_change_proto(struct sk_buff *skb, __be16 proto, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Change the protocol of the *skb* to *proto*. Currently
++ * 		supported are transition from IPv4 to IPv6, and from IPv6 to
++ * 		IPv4. The helper takes care of the groundwork for the
++ * 		transition, including resizing the socket buffer. The eBPF
++ * 		program is expected to fill the new headers, if any, via
++ * 		**skb_store_bytes**\ () and to recompute the checksums with
++ * 		**bpf_l3_csum_replace**\ () and **bpf_l4_csum_replace**\
++ * 		(). The main case for this helper is to perform NAT64
++ * 		operations out of an eBPF program.
++ *
++ * 		Internally, the GSO type is marked as dodgy so that headers are
++ * 		checked and segments are recalculated by the GSO/GRO engine.
++ * 		The size for GSO target is adapted as well.
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_change_type(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 type)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Change the packet type for the packet associated to *skb*. This
++ * 		comes down to setting *skb*\ **->pkt_type** to *type*, except
++ * 		the eBPF program does not have a write access to *skb*\
++ * 		**->pkt_type** beside this helper. Using a helper here allows
++ * 		for graceful handling of errors.
++ *
++ * 		The major use case is to change incoming *skb*s to
++ * 		**PACKET_HOST** in a programmatic way instead of having to
++ * 		recirculate via **redirect**\ (..., **BPF_F_INGRESS**), for
++ * 		example.
++ *
++ * 		Note that *type* only allows certain values. At this time, they
++ * 		are:
++ *
++ * 		**PACKET_HOST**
++ * 			Packet is for us.
++ * 			Send packet to all.
++ * 			Send packet to group.
++ * 			Send packet to someone else.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_under_cgroup(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bpf_map *map, u32 index)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Check whether *skb* is a descendant of the cgroup2 held by
++ * 		*map* of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY**, at *index*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The return value depends on the result of the test, and can be:
++ *
++ * 		* 0, if the *skb* failed the cgroup2 descendant test.
++ * 		* 1, if the *skb* succeeded the cgroup2 descendant test.
++ * 		* A negative error code, if an error occurred.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_hash_recalc(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Retrieve the hash of the packet, *skb*\ **->hash**. If it is
++ * 		not set, in particular if the hash was cleared due to mangling,
++ * 		recompute this hash. Later accesses to the hash can be done
++ * 		directly with *skb*\ **->hash**.
++ *
++ * 		Calling **bpf_set_hash_invalid**\ (), changing a packet
++ * 		prototype with **bpf_skb_change_proto**\ (), or calling
++ * 		**bpf_skb_store_bytes**\ () with the
++ * 		**BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH** are actions susceptible to clear
++ * 		the hash and to trigger a new computation for the next call to
++ * 		**bpf_get_hash_recalc**\ ().
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The 32-bit hash.
+  *
+  * u64 bpf_get_current_task(void)
+- *     Returns current task_struct
+- *     Return: current
+- *
+- * int bpf_probe_write_user(void *dst, void *src, int len)
+- *     safely attempt to write to a location
+- *     @dst: destination address in userspace
+- *     @src: source address on stack
+- *     @len: number of bytes to copy
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_current_task_under_cgroup(map, index)
+- *     Check cgroup2 membership of current task
+- *     @map: pointer to bpf_map in BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY type
+- *     @index: index of the cgroup in the bpf_map
+- *     Return:
+- *       == 0 current failed the cgroup2 descendant test
+- *       == 1 current succeeded the cgroup2 descendant test
+- *        < 0 error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_change_tail(skb, len, flags)
+- *     The helper will resize the skb to the given new size, to be used f.e.
+- *     with control messages.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @len: new skb length
+- *     @flags: reserved
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_pull_data(skb, len)
+- *     The helper will pull in non-linear data in case the skb is non-linear
+- *     and not all of len are part of the linear section. Only needed for
+- *     read/write with direct packet access.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @len: len to make read/writeable
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * s64 bpf_csum_update(skb, csum)
+- *     Adds csum into skb->csum in case of CHECKSUM_COMPLETE.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @csum: csum to add
+- *     Return: csum on success or negative error
+- *
+- * void bpf_set_hash_invalid(skb)
+- *     Invalidate current skb->hash.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *
+- * int bpf_get_numa_node_id()
+- *     Return: Id of current NUMA node.
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_change_head()
+- *     Grows headroom of skb and adjusts MAC header offset accordingly.
+- *     Will extends/reallocae as required automatically.
+- *     May change skb data pointer and will thus invalidate any check
+- *     performed for direct packet access.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @len: length of header to be pushed in front
+- *     @flags: Flags (unused for now)
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_xdp_adjust_head(xdp_md, delta)
+- *     Adjust the xdp_md.data by delta
+- *     @xdp_md: pointer to xdp_md
+- *     @delta: An positive/negative integer to be added to xdp_md.data
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative on error
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A pointer to the current task struct.
++ *
++ * int bpf_probe_write_user(void *dst, const void *src, u32 len)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Attempt in a safe way to write *len* bytes from the buffer
++ * 		*src* to *dst* in memory. It only works for threads that are in
++ * 		user context, and *dst* must be a valid user space address.
++ *
++ * 		This helper should not be used to implement any kind of
++ * 		security mechanism because of TOC-TOU attacks, but rather to
++ * 		debug, divert, and manipulate execution of semi-cooperative
++ * 		processes.
++ *
++ * 		Keep in mind that this feature is meant for experiments, and it
++ * 		has a risk of crashing the system and running programs.
++ * 		Therefore, when an eBPF program using this helper is attached,
++ * 		a warning including PID and process name is printed to kernel
++ * 		logs.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_current_task_under_cgroup(struct bpf_map *map, u32 index)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Check whether the probe is being run is the context of a given
++ * 		subset of the cgroup2 hierarchy. The cgroup2 to test is held by
++ * 		*map* of type **BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY**, at *index*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The return value depends on the result of the test, and can be:
++ *
++ * 		* 0, if the *skb* task belongs to the cgroup2.
++ * 		* 1, if the *skb* task does not belong to the cgroup2.
++ * 		* A negative error code, if an error occurred.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_change_tail(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 len, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Resize (trim or grow) the packet associated to *skb* to the
++ * 		new *len*. The *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		The basic idea is that the helper performs the needed work to
++ * 		change the size of the packet, then the eBPF program rewrites
++ * 		the rest via helpers like **bpf_skb_store_bytes**\ (),
++ * 		**bpf_l3_csum_replace**\ (), **bpf_l3_csum_replace**\ ()
++ * 		and others. This helper is a slow path utility intended for
++ * 		replies with control messages. And because it is targeted for
++ * 		slow path, the helper itself can afford to be slow: it
++ * 		implicitly linearizes, unclones and drops offloads from the
++ * 		*skb*.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_pull_data(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 len)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Pull in non-linear data in case the *skb* is non-linear and not
++ * 		all of *len* are part of the linear section. Make *len* bytes
++ * 		from *skb* readable and writable. If a zero value is passed for
++ * 		*len*, then the whole length of the *skb* is pulled.
++ *
++ * 		This helper is only needed for reading and writing with direct
++ * 		packet access.
++ *
++ * 		For direct packet access, testing that offsets to access
++ * 		are within packet boundaries (test on *skb*\ **->data_end**) is
++ * 		susceptible to fail if offsets are invalid, or if the requested
++ * 		data is in non-linear parts of the *skb*. On failure the
++ * 		program can just bail out, or in the case of a non-linear
++ * 		buffer, use a helper to make the data available. The
++ * 		**bpf_skb_load_bytes**\ () helper is a first solution to access
++ * 		the data. Another one consists in using **bpf_skb_pull_data**
++ * 		to pull in once the non-linear parts, then retesting and
++ * 		eventually access the data.
++ *
++ * 		At the same time, this also makes sure the *skb* is uncloned,
++ * 		which is a necessary condition for direct write. As this needs
++ * 		to be an invariant for the write part only, the verifier
++ * 		detects writes and adds a prologue that is calling
++ * 		**bpf_skb_pull_data()** to effectively unclone the *skb* from
++ * 		the very beginning in case it is indeed cloned.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * s64 bpf_csum_update(struct sk_buff *skb, __wsum csum)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Add the checksum *csum* into *skb*\ **->csum** in case the
++ * 		driver has supplied a checksum for the entire packet into that
++ * 		field. Return an error otherwise. This helper is intended to be
++ * 		used in combination with **bpf_csum_diff**\ (), in particular
++ * 		when the checksum needs to be updated after data has been
++ * 		written into the packet through direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The checksum on success, or a negative error code in case of
++ * 		failure.
++ *
++ * void bpf_set_hash_invalid(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Invalidate the current *skb*\ **->hash**. It can be used after
++ * 		mangling on headers through direct packet access, in order to
++ * 		indicate that the hash is outdated and to trigger a
++ * 		recalculation the next time the kernel tries to access this
++ * 		hash or when the **bpf_get_hash_recalc**\ () helper is called.
++ *
++ * int bpf_get_numa_node_id(void)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Return the id of the current NUMA node. The primary use case
++ * 		for this helper is the selection of sockets for the local NUMA
++ * 		node, when the program is attached to sockets using the
++ * 		**SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF** option (see also **socket(7)**),
++ * 		but the helper is also available to other eBPF program types,
++ * 		similarly to **bpf_get_smp_processor_id**\ ().
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The id of current NUMA node.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_change_head(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 len, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Grows headroom of packet associated to *skb* and adjusts the
++ * 		offset of the MAC header accordingly, adding *len* bytes of
++ * 		space. It automatically extends and reallocates memory as
++ * 		required.
++ *
++ * 		This helper can be used on a layer 3 *skb* to push a MAC header
++ * 		for redirection into a layer 2 device.
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_xdp_adjust_head(struct xdp_buff *xdp_md, int delta)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Adjust (move) *xdp_md*\ **->data** by *delta* bytes. Note that
++ * 		it is possible to use a negative value for *delta*. This helper
++ * 		can be used to prepare the packet for pushing or popping
++ * 		headers.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
+  *
+  * int bpf_probe_read_str(void *dst, int size, const void *unsafe_ptr)
+- *     Copy a NUL terminated string from unsafe address. In case the string
+- *     length is smaller than size, the target is not padded with further NUL
+- *     bytes. In case the string length is larger than size, just count-1
+- *     bytes are copied and the last byte is set to NUL.
+- *     @dst: destination address
+- *     @size: maximum number of bytes to copy, including the trailing NUL
+- *     @unsafe_ptr: unsafe address
+- *     Return:
+- *       > 0 length of the string including the trailing NUL on success
+- *       < 0 error
+- *
+- * u64 bpf_get_socket_cookie(skb)
+- *     Get the cookie for the socket stored inside sk_buff.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     Return: 8 Bytes non-decreasing number on success or 0 if the socket
+- *     field is missing inside sk_buff
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_get_socket_uid(skb)
+- *     Get the owner uid of the socket stored inside sk_buff.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     Return: uid of the socket owner on success or overflowuid if failed.
+- *
+- * u32 bpf_set_hash(skb, hash)
+- *     Set full skb->hash.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @hash: hash to set
+- *
+- * int bpf_setsockopt(bpf_socket, level, optname, optval, optlen)
+- *     Calls setsockopt. Not all opts are available, only those with
+- *     integer optvals plus TCP_CONGESTION.
+- *     Supported levels: SOL_SOCKET and IPROTO_TCP
+- *     @bpf_socket: pointer to bpf_socket
+- *     @level: SOL_SOCKET or IPROTO_TCP
+- *     @optname: option name
+- *     @optval: pointer to option value
+- *     @optlen: length of optval in byes
+- *     Return: 0 or negative error
+- *
+- * int bpf_skb_adjust_room(skb, len_diff, mode, flags)
+- *     Grow or shrink room in sk_buff.
+- *     @skb: pointer to skb
+- *     @len_diff: (signed) amount of room to grow/shrink
+- *     @mode: operation mode (enum bpf_adj_room_mode)
+- *     @flags: reserved for future use
+- *     Return: 0 on success or negative error code
+- *
+- * int bpf_sk_redirect_map(map, key, flags)
+- *     Redirect skb to a sock in map using key as a lookup key for the
+- *     sock in map.
+- *     @map: pointer to sockmap
+- *     @key: key to lookup sock in map
+- *     @flags: reserved for future use
+- *     Return: SK_REDIRECT
+- *
+- * int bpf_sock_map_update(skops, map, key, flags)
+- *	@skops: pointer to bpf_sock_ops
+- *	@map: pointer to sockmap to update
+- *	@key: key to insert/update sock in map
+- *	@flags: same flags as map update elem
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Copy a NUL terminated string from an unsafe address
++ * 		*unsafe_ptr* to *dst*. The *size* should include the
++ * 		terminating NUL byte. In case the string length is smaller than
++ * 		*size*, the target is not padded with further NUL bytes. If the
++ * 		string length is larger than *size*, just *size*-1 bytes are
++ * 		copied and the last byte is set to NUL.
++ *
++ * 		On success, the length of the copied string is returned. This
++ * 		makes this helper useful in tracing programs for reading
++ * 		strings, and more importantly to get its length at runtime. See
++ * 		the following snippet:
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			SEC("kprobe/sys_open")
++ * 			void bpf_sys_open(struct pt_regs *ctx)
++ * 			{
++ * 			        char buf[PATHLEN]; // PATHLEN is defined to 256
++ * 			        int res = bpf_probe_read_str(buf, sizeof(buf),
++ * 				                             ctx->di);
++ *
++ * 				// Consume buf, for example push it to
++ * 				// userspace via bpf_perf_event_output(); we
++ * 				// can use res (the string length) as event
++ * 				// size, after checking its boundaries.
++ * 			}
++ *
++ * 		In comparison, using **bpf_probe_read()** helper here instead
++ * 		to read the string would require to estimate the length at
++ * 		compile time, and would often result in copying more memory
++ * 		than necessary.
++ *
++ * 		Another useful use case is when parsing individual process
++ * 		arguments or individual environment variables navigating
++ * 		*current*\ **->mm->arg_start** and *current*\
++ * 		**->mm->env_start**: using this helper and the return value,
++ * 		one can quickly iterate at the right offset of the memory area.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		On success, the strictly positive length of the string,
++ * 		including the trailing NUL character. On error, a negative
++ * 		value.
++ *
++ * u64 bpf_get_socket_cookie(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		If the **struct sk_buff** pointed by *skb* has a known socket,
++ * 		retrieve the cookie (generated by the kernel) of this socket.
++ * 		If no cookie has been set yet, generate a new cookie. Once
++ * 		generated, the socket cookie remains stable for the life of the
++ * 		socket. This helper can be useful for monitoring per socket
++ * 		networking traffic statistics as it provides a unique socket
++ * 		identifier per namespace.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A 8-byte long non-decreasing number on success, or 0 if the
++ * 		socket field is missing inside *skb*.
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_get_socket_uid(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The owner UID of the socket associated to *skb*. If the socket
++ * 		is **NULL**, or if it is not a full socket (i.e. if it is a
++ * 		time-wait or a request socket instead), **overflowuid** value
++ * 		is returned (note that **overflowuid** might also be the actual
++ * 		UID value for the socket).
++ *
++ * u32 bpf_set_hash(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 hash)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Set the full hash for *skb* (set the field *skb*\ **->hash**)
++ * 		to value *hash*.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0
++ *
++ * int bpf_setsockopt(struct bpf_sock_ops *bpf_socket, int level, int optname, char *optval, int optlen)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Emulate a call to **setsockopt()** on the socket associated to
++ * 		*bpf_socket*, which must be a full socket. The *level* at
++ * 		which the option resides and the name *optname* of the option
++ * 		must be specified, see **setsockopt(2)** for more information.
++ * 		The option value of length *optlen* is pointed by *optval*.
++ *
++ * 		This helper actually implements a subset of **setsockopt()**.
++ * 		It supports the following *level*\ s:
++ *
++ * 		* **SOL_SOCKET**, which supports the following *optname*\ s:
++ * 		  **SO_RCVBUF**, **SO_SNDBUF**, **SO_MAX_PACING_RATE**,
++ * 		  **SO_PRIORITY**, **SO_RCVLOWAT**, **SO_MARK**.
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_TCP**, which supports the following *optname*\ s:
++ * 		  **TCP_CONGESTION**, **TCP_BPF_IW**,
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_IP**, which supports *optname* **IP_TOS**.
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_IPV6**, which supports *optname* **IPV6_TCLASS**.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_adjust_room(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 len_diff, u32 mode, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Grow or shrink the room for data in the packet associated to
++ * 		*skb* by *len_diff*, and according to the selected *mode*.
++ *
++ * 		There is a single supported mode at this time:
++ *
++ * 		* **BPF_ADJ_ROOM_NET**: Adjust room at the network layer
++ * 		  (room space is added or removed below the layer 3 header).
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_redirect_map(struct bpf_map *map, u32 key, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Redirect the packet to the endpoint referenced by *map* at
++ * 		index *key*. Depending on its type, this *map* can contain
++ * 		references to net devices (for forwarding packets through other
++ * 		ports), or to CPUs (for redirecting XDP frames to another CPU;
++ * 		but this is only implemented for native XDP (with driver
++ * 		support) as of this writing).
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		When used to redirect packets to net devices, this helper
++ * 		provides a high performance increase over **bpf_redirect**\ ().
++ * 		This is due to various implementation details of the underlying
++ * 		mechanisms, one of which is the fact that **bpf_redirect_map**\
++ * 		() tries to send packet as a "bulk" to the device.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		**XDP_REDIRECT** on success, or **XDP_ABORTED** on error.
++ *
++ * int bpf_sk_redirect_map(struct bpf_map *map, u32 key, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Redirect the packet to the socket referenced by *map* (of type
++ * 		**BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKMAP**) at index *key*. Both ingress and
++ * 		egress interfaces can be used for redirection. The
++ * 		**BPF_F_INGRESS** value in *flags* is used to make the
++ * 		distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag is present,
++ * 		egress path otherwise). This is the only flag supported for now.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		**SK_PASS** on success, or **SK_DROP** on error.
++ *
++ * int bpf_sock_map_update(struct bpf_sock_ops *skops, struct bpf_map *map, void *key, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Add an entry to, or update a *map* referencing sockets. The
++ * 		*skops* is used as a new value for the entry associated to
++ * 		*key*. *flags* is one of:
++ *
++ * 		**BPF_NOEXIST**
++ * 			The entry for *key* must not exist in the map.
++ * 		**BPF_EXIST**
++ * 			The entry for *key* must already exist in the map.
++ * 		**BPF_ANY**
++ * 			No condition on the existence of the entry for *key*.
++ *
++ * 		If the *map* has eBPF programs (parser and verdict), those will
++ * 		be inherited by the socket being added. If the socket is
++ * 		already attached to eBPF programs, this results in an error.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_xdp_adjust_meta(struct xdp_buff *xdp_md, int delta)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Adjust the address pointed by *xdp_md*\ **->data_meta** by
++ * 		*delta* (which can be positive or negative). Note that this
++ * 		operation modifies the address stored in *xdp_md*\ **->data**,
++ * 		so the latter must be loaded only after the helper has been
++ * 		called.
++ *
++ * 		The use of *xdp_md*\ **->data_meta** is optional and programs
++ * 		are not required to use it. The rationale is that when the
++ * 		packet is processed with XDP (e.g. as DoS filter), it is
++ * 		possible to push further meta data along with it before passing
++ * 		to the stack, and to give the guarantee that an ingress eBPF
++ * 		program attached as a TC classifier on the same device can pick
++ * 		this up for further post-processing. Since TC works with socket
++ * 		buffers, it remains possible to set from XDP the **mark** or
++ * 		**priority** pointers, or other pointers for the socket buffer.
++ * 		Having this scratch space generic and programmable allows for
++ * 		more flexibility as the user is free to store whatever meta
++ * 		data they need.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_perf_event_read_value(struct bpf_map *map, u64 flags, struct bpf_perf_event_value *buf, u32 buf_size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Read the value of a perf event counter, and store it into *buf*
++ * 		of size *buf_size*. This helper relies on a *map* of type
++ * 		**BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY**. The nature of the perf event
++ * 		counter is selected when *map* is updated with perf event file
++ * 		descriptors. The *map* is an array whose size is the number of
++ * 		available CPUs, and each cell contains a value relative to one
++ * 		CPU. The value to retrieve is indicated by *flags*, that
++ * 		contains the index of the CPU to look up, masked with
++ * 		**BPF_F_INDEX_MASK**. Alternatively, *flags* can be set to
++ * 		**BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU** to indicate that the value for the
++ * 		current CPU should be retrieved.
++ *
++ * 		This helper behaves in a way close to
++ * 		**bpf_perf_event_read**\ () helper, save that instead of
++ * 		just returning the value observed, it fills the *buf*
++ * 		structure. This allows for additional data to be retrieved: in
++ * 		particular, the enabled and running times (in *buf*\
++ * 		**->enabled** and *buf*\ **->running**, respectively) are
++ * 		copied. In general, **bpf_perf_event_read_value**\ () is
++ * 		recommended over **bpf_perf_event_read**\ (), which has some
++ * 		ABI issues and provides fewer functionalities.
++ *
++ * 		These values are interesting, because hardware PMU (Performance
++ * 		Monitoring Unit) counters are limited resources. When there are
++ * 		more PMU based perf events opened than available counters,
++ * 		kernel will multiplex these events so each event gets certain
++ * 		percentage (but not all) of the PMU time. In case that
++ * 		multiplexing happens, the number of samples or counter value
++ * 		will not reflect the case compared to when no multiplexing
++ * 		occurs. This makes comparison between different runs difficult.
++ * 		Typically, the counter value should be normalized before
++ * 		comparing to other experiments. The usual normalization is done
++ * 		as follows.
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			normalized_counter = counter * t_enabled / t_running
++ *
++ * 		Where t_enabled is the time enabled for event and t_running is
++ * 		the time running for event since last normalization. The
++ * 		enabled and running times are accumulated since the perf event
++ * 		open. To achieve scaling factor between two invocations of an
++ * 		eBPF program, users can can use CPU id as the key (which is
++ * 		typical for perf array usage model) to remember the previous
++ * 		value and do the calculation inside the eBPF program.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_perf_prog_read_value(struct bpf_perf_event_data *ctx, struct bpf_perf_event_value *buf, u32 buf_size)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		For en eBPF program attached to a perf event, retrieve the
++ * 		value of the event counter associated to *ctx* and store it in
++ * 		the structure pointed by *buf* and of size *buf_size*. Enabled
++ * 		and running times are also stored in the structure (see
++ * 		description of helper **bpf_perf_event_read_value**\ () for
++ * 		more details).
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_getsockopt(struct bpf_sock_ops *bpf_socket, int level, int optname, char *optval, int optlen)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Emulate a call to **getsockopt()** on the socket associated to
++ * 		*bpf_socket*, which must be a full socket. The *level* at
++ * 		which the option resides and the name *optname* of the option
++ * 		must be specified, see **getsockopt(2)** for more information.
++ * 		The retrieved value is stored in the structure pointed by
++ * 		*opval* and of length *optlen*.
++ *
++ * 		This helper actually implements a subset of **getsockopt()**.
++ * 		It supports the following *level*\ s:
++ *
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_TCP**, which supports *optname*
++ * 		  **TCP_CONGESTION**.
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_IP**, which supports *optname* **IP_TOS**.
++ * 		* **IPPROTO_IPV6**, which supports *optname* **IPV6_TCLASS**.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_override_return(struct pt_reg *regs, u64 rc)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Used for error injection, this helper uses kprobes to override
++ * 		the return value of the probed function, and to set it to *rc*.
++ * 		The first argument is the context *regs* on which the kprobe
++ * 		works.
++ *
++ * 		This helper works by setting setting the PC (program counter)
++ * 		to an override function which is run in place of the original
++ * 		probed function. This means the probed function is not run at
++ * 		all. The replacement function just returns with the required
++ * 		value.
++ *
++ * 		This helper has security implications, and thus is subject to
++ * 		restrictions. It is only available if the kernel was compiled
++ * 		with the **CONFIG_BPF_KPROBE_OVERRIDE** configuration
++ * 		option, and in this case it only works on functions tagged with
++ * 		**ALLOW_ERROR_INJECTION** in the kernel code.
++ *
++ * 		Also, the helper is only available for the architectures having
++ * 		the CONFIG_FUNCTION_ERROR_INJECTION option. As of this writing,
++ * 		x86 architecture is the only one to support this feature.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0
++ *
++ * int bpf_sock_ops_cb_flags_set(struct bpf_sock_ops *bpf_sock, int argval)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Attempt to set the value of the **bpf_sock_ops_cb_flags** field
++ * 		for the full TCP socket associated to *bpf_sock_ops* to
++ * 		*argval*.
++ *
++ * 		The primary use of this field is to determine if there should
++ * 		be calls to eBPF programs of type
++ * 		**BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCK_OPS** at various points in the TCP
++ * 		code. A program of the same type can change its value, per
++ * 		connection and as necessary, when the connection is
++ * 		established. This field is directly accessible for reading, but
++ * 		this helper must be used for updates in order to return an
++ * 		error if an eBPF program tries to set a callback that is not
++ * 		supported in the current kernel.
++ *
++ * 		The supported callback values that *argval* can combine are:
++ *
++ * 		* **BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG** (retransmission time out)
++ * 		* **BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG** (retransmission)
++ * 		* **BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG** (TCP state change)
++ *
++ * 		Here are some examples of where one could call such eBPF
++ * 		program:
++ *
++ * 		* When RTO fires.
++ * 		* When a packet is retransmitted.
++ * 		* When the connection terminates.
++ * 		* When a packet is sent.
++ * 		* When a packet is received.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		Code **-EINVAL** if the socket is not a full TCP socket;
++ * 		otherwise, a positive number containing the bits that could not
++ * 		be set is returned (which comes down to 0 if all bits were set
++ * 		as required).
++ *
++ * int bpf_msg_redirect_map(struct sk_msg_buff *msg, struct bpf_map *map, u32 key, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		This helper is used in programs implementing policies at the
++ * 		socket level. If the message *msg* is allowed to pass (i.e. if
++ * 		the verdict eBPF program returns **SK_PASS**), redirect it to
++ * 		the socket referenced by *map* (of type
++ * 		**BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKMAP**) at index *key*. Both ingress and
++ * 		egress interfaces can be used for redirection. The
++ * 		**BPF_F_INGRESS** value in *flags* is used to make the
++ * 		distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag is present,
++ * 		egress path otherwise). This is the only flag supported for now.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		**SK_PASS** on success, or **SK_DROP** on error.
++ *
++ * int bpf_msg_apply_bytes(struct sk_msg_buff *msg, u32 bytes)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		For socket policies, apply the verdict of the eBPF program to
++ * 		the next *bytes* (number of bytes) of message *msg*.
++ *
++ * 		For example, this helper can be used in the following cases:
++ *
++ * 		* A single **sendmsg**\ () or **sendfile**\ () system call
++ * 		  contains multiple logical messages that the eBPF program is
++ * 		  supposed to read and for which it should apply a verdict.
++ * 		* An eBPF program only cares to read the first *bytes* of a
++ * 		  *msg*. If the message has a large payload, then setting up
++ * 		  and calling the eBPF program repeatedly for all bytes, even
++ * 		  though the verdict is already known, would create unnecessary
++ * 		  overhead.
++ *
++ * 		When called from within an eBPF program, the helper sets a
++ * 		counter internal to the BPF infrastructure, that is used to
++ * 		apply the last verdict to the next *bytes*. If *bytes* is
++ * 		smaller than the current data being processed from a
++ * 		**sendmsg**\ () or **sendfile**\ () system call, the first
++ * 		*bytes* will be sent and the eBPF program will be re-run with
++ * 		the pointer for start of data pointing to byte number *bytes*
++ * 		**+ 1**. If *bytes* is larger than the current data being
++ * 		processed, then the eBPF verdict will be applied to multiple
++ * 		**sendmsg**\ () or **sendfile**\ () calls until *bytes* are
++ * 		consumed.
++ *
++ * 		Note that if a socket closes with the internal counter holding
++ * 		a non-zero value, this is not a problem because data is not
++ * 		being buffered for *bytes* and is sent as it is received.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0
++ *
++ * int bpf_msg_cork_bytes(struct sk_msg_buff *msg, u32 bytes)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		For socket policies, prevent the execution of the verdict eBPF
++ * 		program for message *msg* until *bytes* (byte number) have been
++ * 		accumulated.
++ *
++ * 		This can be used when one needs a specific number of bytes
++ * 		before a verdict can be assigned, even if the data spans
++ * 		multiple **sendmsg**\ () or **sendfile**\ () calls. The extreme
++ * 		case would be a user calling **sendmsg**\ () repeatedly with
++ * 		1-byte long message segments. Obviously, this is bad for
++ * 		performance, but it is still valid. If the eBPF program needs
++ * 		*bytes* bytes to validate a header, this helper can be used to
++ * 		prevent the eBPF program to be called again until *bytes* have
++ * 		been accumulated.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0
++ *
++ * int bpf_msg_pull_data(struct sk_msg_buff *msg, u32 start, u32 end, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		For socket policies, pull in non-linear data from user space
++ * 		for *msg* and set pointers *msg*\ **->data** and *msg*\
++ * 		**->data_end** to *start* and *end* bytes offsets into *msg*,
++ * 		respectively.
++ *
++ * 		If a program of type **BPF_PROG_TYPE_SK_MSG** is run on a
++ * 		*msg* it can only parse data that the (**data**, **data_end**)
++ * 		pointers have already consumed. For **sendmsg**\ () hooks this
++ * 		is likely the first scatterlist element. But for calls relying
++ * 		on the **sendpage** handler (e.g. **sendfile**\ ()) this will
++ * 		be the range (**0**, **0**) because the data is shared with
++ * 		user space and by default the objective is to avoid allowing
++ * 		user space to modify data while (or after) eBPF verdict is
++ * 		being decided. This helper can be used to pull in data and to
++ * 		set the start and end pointer to given values. Data will be
++ * 		copied if necessary (i.e. if data was not linear and if start
++ * 		and end pointers do not point to the same chunk).
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_bind(struct bpf_sock_addr *ctx, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Bind the socket associated to *ctx* to the address pointed by
++ * 		*addr*, of length *addr_len*. This allows for making outgoing
++ * 		connection from the desired IP address, which can be useful for
++ * 		example when all processes inside a cgroup should use one
++ * 		single IP address on a host that has multiple IP configured.
++ *
++ * 		This helper works for IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP sockets. The
++ * 		domain (*addr*\ **->sa_family**) must be **AF_INET** (or
++ * 		**AF_INET6**). Looking for a free port to bind to can be
++ * 		expensive, therefore binding to port is not permitted by the
++ * 		helper: *addr*\ **->sin_port** (or **sin6_port**, respectively)
++ * 		must be set to zero.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_xdp_adjust_tail(struct xdp_buff *xdp_md, int delta)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Adjust (move) *xdp_md*\ **->data_end** by *delta* bytes. It is
++ * 		only possible to shrink the packet as of this writing,
++ * 		therefore *delta* must be a negative integer.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_get_xfrm_state(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 index, struct bpf_xfrm_state *xfrm_state, u32 size, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Retrieve the XFRM state (IP transform framework, see also
++ * 		**ip-xfrm(8)**) at *index* in XFRM "security path" for *skb*.
++ *
++ * 		The retrieved value is stored in the **struct bpf_xfrm_state**
++ * 		pointed by *xfrm_state* and of length *size*.
++ *
++ * 		All values for *flags* are reserved for future usage, and must
++ * 		be left at zero.
++ *
++ * 		This helper is available only if the kernel was compiled with
++ * 		**CONFIG_XFRM** configuration option.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_get_stack(struct pt_regs *regs, void *buf, u32 size, u64 flags)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Return a user or a kernel stack in bpf program provided buffer.
++ * 		To achieve this, the helper needs *ctx*, which is a pointer
++ * 		to the context on which the tracing program is executed.
++ * 		To store the stacktrace, the bpf program provides *buf* with
++ * 		a nonnegative *size*.
++ *
++ * 		The last argument, *flags*, holds the number of stack frames to
++ * 		skip (from 0 to 255), masked with
++ * 		**BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK**. The next bits can be used to set
++ * 		the following flags:
++ *
++ * 		**BPF_F_USER_STACK**
++ * 			Collect a user space stack instead of a kernel stack.
++ * 		**BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID**
++ * 			Collect buildid+offset instead of ips for user stack,
++ * 			only valid if **BPF_F_USER_STACK** is also specified.
++ *
++ * 		**bpf_get_stack**\ () can collect up to
++ * 		**PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH** both kernel and user frames, subject
++ * 		to sufficient large buffer size. Note that
++ * 		this limit can be controlled with the **sysctl** program, and
++ * 		that it should be manually increased in order to profile long
++ * 		user stacks (such as stacks for Java programs). To do so, use:
++ *
++ * 		::
++ *
++ * 			# sysctl kernel.perf_event_max_stack=<new value>
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A non-negative value equal to or less than *size* on success,
++ * 		or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_skb_load_bytes_relative(const struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, void *to, u32 len, u32 start_header)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		This helper is similar to **bpf_skb_load_bytes**\ () in that
++ * 		it provides an easy way to load *len* bytes from *offset*
++ * 		from the packet associated to *skb*, into the buffer pointed
++ * 		by *to*. The difference to **bpf_skb_load_bytes**\ () is that
++ * 		a fifth argument *start_header* exists in order to select a
++ * 		base offset to start from. *start_header* can be one of:
++ *
++ * 		**BPF_HDR_START_MAC**
++ * 			Base offset to load data from is *skb*'s mac header.
++ * 		**BPF_HDR_START_NET**
++ * 			Base offset to load data from is *skb*'s network header.
++ *
++ * 		In general, "direct packet access" is the preferred method to
++ * 		access packet data, however, this helper is in particular useful
++ * 		in socket filters where *skb*\ **->data** does not always point
++ * 		to the start of the mac header and where "direct packet access"
++ * 		is not available.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_fib_lookup(void *ctx, struct bpf_fib_lookup *params, int plen, u32 flags)
++ *	Description
++ *		Do FIB lookup in kernel tables using parameters in *params*.
++ *		If lookup is successful and result shows packet is to be
++ *		forwarded, the neighbor tables are searched for the nexthop.
++ *		If successful (ie., FIB lookup shows forwarding and nexthop
++ *		is resolved), the nexthop address is returned in ipv4_dst
++ *		or ipv6_dst based on family, smac is set to mac address of
++ *		egress device, dmac is set to nexthop mac address, rt_metric
++ *		is set to metric from route (IPv4/IPv6 only), and ifindex
++ *		is set to the device index of the nexthop from the FIB lookup.
++ *
++ *             *plen* argument is the size of the passed in struct.
++ *             *flags* argument can be a combination of one or more of the
++ *             following values:
++ *
++ *			Do a direct table lookup vs full lookup using FIB
++ *			rules.
++ *			Perform lookup from an egress perspective (default is
++ *			ingress).
++ *
++ *             *ctx* is either **struct xdp_md** for XDP programs or
++ *             **struct sk_buff** tc cls_act programs.
++ *     Return
++ *		* < 0 if any input argument is invalid
++ *		*   0 on success (packet is forwarded, nexthop neighbor exists)
++ *		* > 0 one of **BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_** codes explaining why the
++ *		  packet is not forwarded or needs assist from full stack
++ *
++ * int bpf_sock_hash_update(struct bpf_sock_ops_kern *skops, struct bpf_map *map, void *key, u64 flags)
++ *	Description
++ *		Add an entry to, or update a sockhash *map* referencing sockets.
++ *		The *skops* is used as a new value for the entry associated to
++ *		*key*. *flags* is one of:
++ *
++ *		**BPF_NOEXIST**
++ *			The entry for *key* must not exist in the map.
++ *		**BPF_EXIST**
++ *			The entry for *key* must already exist in the map.
++ *		**BPF_ANY**
++ *			No condition on the existence of the entry for *key*.
++ *
++ *		If the *map* has eBPF programs (parser and verdict), those will
++ *		be inherited by the socket being added. If the socket is
++ *		already attached to eBPF programs, this results in an error.
++ *	Return
++ *		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_msg_redirect_hash(struct sk_msg_buff *msg, struct bpf_map *map, void *key, u64 flags)
++ *	Description
++ *		This helper is used in programs implementing policies at the
++ *		socket level. If the message *msg* is allowed to pass (i.e. if
++ *		the verdict eBPF program returns **SK_PASS**), redirect it to
++ *		the socket referenced by *map* (of type
++ *		**BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKHASH**) using hash *key*. Both ingress and
++ *		egress interfaces can be used for redirection. The
++ *		**BPF_F_INGRESS** value in *flags* is used to make the
++ *		distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag is present,
++ *		egress path otherwise). This is the only flag supported for now.
++ *	Return
++ *		**SK_PASS** on success, or **SK_DROP** on error.
++ *
++ * int bpf_sk_redirect_hash(struct sk_buff *skb, struct bpf_map *map, void *key, u64 flags)
++ *	Description
++ *		This helper is used in programs implementing policies at the
++ *		skb socket level. If the sk_buff *skb* is allowed to pass (i.e.
++ *		if the verdeict eBPF program returns **SK_PASS**), redirect it
++ *		to the socket referenced by *map* (of type
++ *		**BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKHASH**) using hash *key*. Both ingress and
++ *		egress interfaces can be used for redirection. The
++ *		**BPF_F_INGRESS** value in *flags* is used to make the
++ *		distinction (ingress path is selected if the flag is present,
++ *		egress otherwise). This is the only flag supported for now.
++ *	Return
++ *		**SK_PASS** on success, or **SK_DROP** on error.
++ *
++ * int bpf_lwt_push_encap(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 type, void *hdr, u32 len)
++ *	Description
++ *		Encapsulate the packet associated to *skb* within a Layer 3
++ *		protocol header. This header is provided in the buffer at
++ *		address *hdr*, with *len* its size in bytes. *type* indicates
++ *		the protocol of the header and can be one of:
++ *
++ *		**BPF_LWT_ENCAP_SEG6**
++ *			IPv6 encapsulation with Segment Routing Header
++ *			(**struct ipv6_sr_hdr**). *hdr* only contains the SRH,
++ *			the IPv6 header is computed by the kernel.
++ *			Only works if *skb* contains an IPv6 packet. Insert a
++ *			Segment Routing Header (**struct ipv6_sr_hdr**) inside
++ *			the IPv6 header.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ *	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_lwt_seg6_store_bytes(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, const void *from, u32 len)
++ *	Description
++ *		Store *len* bytes from address *from* into the packet
++ *		associated to *skb*, at *offset*. Only the flags, tag and TLVs
++ *		inside the outermost IPv6 Segment Routing Header can be
++ *		modified through this helper.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ *	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_lwt_seg6_adjust_srh(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 offset, s32 delta)
++ *	Description
++ *		Adjust the size allocated to TLVs in the outermost IPv6
++ *		Segment Routing Header contained in the packet associated to
++ *		*skb*, at position *offset* by *delta* bytes. Only offsets
++ *		after the segments are accepted. *delta* can be as well
++ *		positive (growing) as negative (shrinking).
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ *	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_lwt_seg6_action(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 action, void *param, u32 param_len)
++ *	Description
++ *		Apply an IPv6 Segment Routing action of type *action* to the
++ *		packet associated to *skb*. Each action takes a parameter
++ *		contained at address *param*, and of length *param_len* bytes.
++ *		*action* can be one of:
++ *
++ *			End.X action: Endpoint with Layer-3 cross-connect.
++ *			Type of *param*: **struct in6_addr**.
++ *			End.T action: Endpoint with specific IPv6 table lookup.
++ *			Type of *param*: **int**.
++ *			End.B6 action: Endpoint bound to an SRv6 policy.
++ *			Type of param: **struct ipv6_sr_hdr**.
++ *			End.B6.Encap action: Endpoint bound to an SRv6
++ *			encapsulation policy.
++ *			Type of param: **struct ipv6_sr_hdr**.
++ *
++ * 		A call to this helper is susceptible to change the underlaying
++ * 		packet buffer. Therefore, at load time, all checks on pointers
++ * 		previously done by the verifier are invalidated and must be
++ * 		performed again, if the helper is used in combination with
++ * 		direct packet access.
++ *	Return
++ * 		0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
++ *
++ * int bpf_rc_keydown(void *ctx, u32 protocol, u64 scancode, u32 toggle)
++ *	Description
++ *		This helper is used in programs implementing IR decoding, to
++ *		report a successfully decoded key press with *scancode*,
++ *		*toggle* value in the given *protocol*. The scancode will be
++ *		translated to a keycode using the rc keymap, and reported as
++ *		an input key down event. After a period a key up event is
++ *		generated. This period can be extended by calling either
++ *		**bpf_rc_keydown** () again with the same values, or calling
++ *		**bpf_rc_repeat** ().
++ *
++ *		Some protocols include a toggle bit, in case the button	was
++ *		released and pressed again between consecutive scancodes.
++ *
++ *		The *ctx* should point to the lirc sample as passed into
++ *		the program.
++ *
++ *		The *protocol* is the decoded protocol number (see
++ *		**enum rc_proto** for some predefined values).
++ *
++ *		This helper is only available is the kernel was compiled with
++ *		the **CONFIG_BPF_LIRC_MODE2** configuration option set to
++ *		"**y**".
++ *	Return
++ *		0
++ *
++ * int bpf_rc_repeat(void *ctx)
++ *	Description
++ *		This helper is used in programs implementing IR decoding, to
++ *		report a successfully decoded repeat key message. This delays
++ *		the generation of a key up event for previously generated
++ *		key down event.
++ *
++ *		Some IR protocols like NEC have a special IR message for
++ *		repeating last button, for when a button is held down.
++ *
++ *		The *ctx* should point to the lirc sample as passed into
++ *		the program.
++ *
++ *		This helper is only available is the kernel was compiled with
++ *		the **CONFIG_BPF_LIRC_MODE2** configuration option set to
++ *		"**y**".
++ *	Return
++ *		0
++ *
++ * uint64_t bpf_skb_cgroup_id(struct sk_buff *skb)
++ * 	Description
++ * 		Return the cgroup v2 id of the socket associated with the *skb*.
++ * 		This is roughly similar to the **bpf_get_cgroup_classid**\ ()
++ * 		helper for cgroup v1 by providing a tag resp. identifier that
++ * 		can be matched on or used for map lookups e.g. to implement
++ * 		policy. The cgroup v2 id of a given path in the hierarchy is
++ * 		exposed in user space through the f_handle API in order to get
++ * 		to the same 64-bit id.
++ *
++ * 		This helper can be used on TC egress path, but not on ingress,
++ * 		and is available only if the kernel was compiled with the
++ * 		**CONFIG_SOCK_CGROUP_DATA** configuration option.
++ * 	Return
++ * 		The id is returned or 0 in case the id could not be retrieved.
++ *
++ * u64 bpf_get_current_cgroup_id(void)
++ * 	Return
++ * 		A 64-bit integer containing the current cgroup id based
++ * 		on the cgroup within which the current task is running.
+  */
+ #define __BPF_FUNC_MAPPER(FN)		\
+ 	FN(unspec),			\
+@@ -638,6 +2131,33 @@ union bpf_attr {
+ 	FN(redirect_map),		\
+ 	FN(sk_redirect_map),		\
+ 	FN(sock_map_update),		\
++	FN(xdp_adjust_meta),		\
++	FN(perf_event_read_value),	\
++	FN(perf_prog_read_value),	\
++	FN(getsockopt),			\
++	FN(override_return),		\
++	FN(sock_ops_cb_flags_set),	\
++	FN(msg_redirect_map),		\
++	FN(msg_apply_bytes),		\
++	FN(msg_cork_bytes),		\
++	FN(msg_pull_data),		\
++	FN(bind),			\
++	FN(xdp_adjust_tail),		\
++	FN(skb_get_xfrm_state),		\
++	FN(get_stack),			\
++	FN(skb_load_bytes_relative),	\
++	FN(fib_lookup),			\
++	FN(sock_hash_update),		\
++	FN(msg_redirect_hash),		\
++	FN(sk_redirect_hash),		\
++	FN(lwt_push_encap),		\
++	FN(lwt_seg6_store_bytes),	\
++	FN(lwt_seg6_adjust_srh),	\
++	FN(lwt_seg6_action),		\
++	FN(rc_repeat),			\
++	FN(rc_keydown),			\
++	FN(skb_cgroup_id),		\
++	FN(get_current_cgroup_id),
+ /* integer value in 'imm' field of BPF_CALL instruction selects which helper
+  * function eBPF program intends to call
+@@ -671,17 +2191,23 @@ enum bpf_func_id {
+ /* BPF_FUNC_skb_set_tunnel_key and BPF_FUNC_skb_get_tunnel_key flags. */
+ #define BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6		(1ULL << 0)
+-/* BPF_FUNC_get_stackid flags. */
++/* flags for both BPF_FUNC_get_stackid and BPF_FUNC_get_stack. */
+ #define BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK		0xffULL
+ #define BPF_F_USER_STACK		(1ULL << 8)
++/* flags used by BPF_FUNC_get_stackid only. */
+ #define BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP		(1ULL << 9)
+ #define BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID		(1ULL << 10)
++/* flags used by BPF_FUNC_get_stack only. */
++#define BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID		(1ULL << 11)
+ /* BPF_FUNC_skb_set_tunnel_key flags. */
+ #define BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX		(1ULL << 1)
+ #define BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT		(1ULL << 2)
++#define BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER		(1ULL << 3)
+-/* BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output and BPF_FUNC_perf_event_read flags. */
++/* BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output, BPF_FUNC_perf_event_read and
++ * BPF_FUNC_perf_event_read_value flags.
++ */
+ #define BPF_F_INDEX_MASK		0xffffffffULL
+ /* BPF_FUNC_perf_event_output for sk_buff input context. */
+@@ -692,6 +2218,18 @@ enum bpf_adj_room_mode {
+ };
++/* Mode for BPF_FUNC_skb_load_bytes_relative helper. */
++enum bpf_hdr_start_off {
++/* Encapsulation type for BPF_FUNC_lwt_push_encap helper. */
++enum bpf_lwt_encap_mode {
+ /* user accessible mirror of in-kernel sk_buff.
+  * new fields can only be added to the end of this structure
+  */
+@@ -715,7 +2253,7 @@ struct __sk_buff {
+ 	__u32 data_end;
+ 	__u32 napi_id;
+-	/* accessed by BPF_PROG_TYPE_sk_skb types */
++	/* Accessed by BPF_PROG_TYPE_sk_skb types from here to ... */
+ 	__u32 family;
+ 	__u32 remote_ip4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
+ 	__u32 local_ip4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
+@@ -723,6 +2261,9 @@ struct __sk_buff {
+ 	__u32 local_ip6[4];	/* Stored in network byte order */
+ 	__u32 remote_port;	/* Stored in network byte order */
+ 	__u32 local_port;	/* stored in host byte order */
++	/* ... here. */
++	__u32 data_meta;
+ };
+ struct bpf_tunnel_key {
+@@ -733,10 +2274,24 @@ struct bpf_tunnel_key {
+ 	};
+ 	__u8 tunnel_tos;
+ 	__u8 tunnel_ttl;
+-	__u16 tunnel_ext;
++	__u16 tunnel_ext;	/* Padding, future use. */
+ 	__u32 tunnel_label;
+ };
++/* user accessible mirror of in-kernel xfrm_state.
++ * new fields can only be added to the end of this structure
++ */
++struct bpf_xfrm_state {
++	__u32 reqid;
++	__u32 spi;	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u16 family;
++	__u16 ext;	/* Padding, future use. */
++	union {
++		__u32 remote_ipv4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
++		__u32 remote_ipv6[4];	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	};
+ /* Generic BPF return codes which all BPF program types may support.
+  * The values are binary compatible with their TC_ACT_* counter-part to
+  * provide backwards compatibility with existing SCHED_CLS and SCHED_ACT
+@@ -760,6 +2315,15 @@ struct bpf_sock {
+ 	__u32 protocol;
+ 	__u32 mark;
+ 	__u32 priority;
++	__u32 src_ip4;		/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
++	__u32 src_ip6[4];	/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
++	__u32 src_port;		/* Allows 4-byte read.
++				 * Stored in host byte order
++				 */
+ };
+@@ -783,12 +2347,31 @@ enum xdp_action {
+ struct xdp_md {
+ 	__u32 data;
+ 	__u32 data_end;
++	__u32 data_meta;
++	/* Below access go through struct xdp_rxq_info */
++	__u32 ingress_ifindex; /* rxq->dev->ifindex */
++	__u32 rx_queue_index;  /* rxq->queue_index  */
+ };
+ enum sk_action {
+-	SK_ABORTED = 0,
++	SK_DROP = 0,
++/* user accessible metadata for SK_MSG packet hook, new fields must
++ * be added to the end of this structure
++ */
++struct sk_msg_md {
++	void *data;
++	void *data_end;
++	__u32 family;
++	__u32 remote_ip4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u32 local_ip4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u32 remote_ip6[4];	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u32 local_ip6[4];	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u32 remote_port;	/* Stored in network byte order */
++	__u32 local_port;	/* stored in host byte order */
+ };
+ #define BPF_TAG_SIZE	8
+@@ -801,6 +2384,19 @@ struct bpf_prog_info {
+ 	__u32 xlated_prog_len;
+ 	__aligned_u64 jited_prog_insns;
+ 	__aligned_u64 xlated_prog_insns;
++	__u64 load_time;	/* ns since boottime */
++	__u32 created_by_uid;
++	__u32 nr_map_ids;
++	__aligned_u64 map_ids;
++	char name[BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN];
++	__u32 ifindex;
++	__u32 gpl_compatible:1;
++	__u64 netns_dev;
++	__u64 netns_ino;
++	__u32 nr_jited_ksyms;
++	__u32 nr_jited_func_lens;
++	__aligned_u64 jited_ksyms;
++	__aligned_u64 jited_func_lens;
+ } __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+ struct bpf_map_info {
+@@ -810,8 +2406,48 @@ struct bpf_map_info {
+ 	__u32 value_size;
+ 	__u32 max_entries;
+ 	__u32 map_flags;
++	char  name[BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN];
++	__u32 ifindex;
++	__u32 :32;
++	__u64 netns_dev;
++	__u64 netns_ino;
++	__u32 btf_id;
++	__u32 btf_key_type_id;
++	__u32 btf_value_type_id;
++} __attribute__((aligned(8)));
++struct bpf_btf_info {
++	__aligned_u64 btf;
++	__u32 btf_size;
++	__u32 id;
+ } __attribute__((aligned(8)));
++/* User bpf_sock_addr struct to access socket fields and sockaddr struct passed
++ * by user and intended to be used by socket (e.g. to bind to, depends on
++ * attach attach type).
++ */
++struct bpf_sock_addr {
++	__u32 user_family;	/* Allows 4-byte read, but no write. */
++	__u32 user_ip4;		/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read and 4-byte write.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
++	__u32 user_ip6[4];	/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read an 4-byte write.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
++	__u32 user_port;	/* Allows 4-byte read and write.
++				 * Stored in network byte order
++				 */
++	__u32 family;		/* Allows 4-byte read, but no write */
++	__u32 type;		/* Allows 4-byte read, but no write */
++	__u32 protocol;		/* Allows 4-byte read, but no write */
++	__u32 msg_src_ip4;	/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read an 4-byte write.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
++	__u32 msg_src_ip6[4];	/* Allows 1,2,4-byte read an 4-byte write.
++				 * Stored in network byte order.
++				 */
+ /* User bpf_sock_ops struct to access socket values and specify request ops
+  * and their replies.
+  * Some of this fields are in network (bigendian) byte order and may need
+@@ -821,8 +2457,9 @@ struct bpf_map_info {
+ struct bpf_sock_ops {
+ 	__u32 op;
+ 	union {
+-		__u32 reply;
+-		__u32 replylong[4];
++		__u32 args[4];		/* Optionally passed to bpf program */
++		__u32 reply;		/* Returned by bpf program	    */
++		__u32 replylong[4];	/* Optionally returned by bpf prog  */
+ 	};
+ 	__u32 family;
+ 	__u32 remote_ip4;	/* Stored in network byte order */
+@@ -831,8 +2468,45 @@ struct bpf_sock_ops {
+ 	__u32 local_ip6[4];	/* Stored in network byte order */
+ 	__u32 remote_port;	/* Stored in network byte order */
+ 	__u32 local_port;	/* stored in host byte order */
++	__u32 is_fullsock;	/* Some TCP fields are only valid if
++				 * there is a full socket. If not, the
++				 * fields read as zero.
++				 */
++	__u32 snd_cwnd;
++	__u32 srtt_us;		/* Averaged RTT << 3 in usecs */
++	__u32 bpf_sock_ops_cb_flags; /* flags defined in uapi/linux/tcp.h */
++	__u32 state;
++	__u32 rtt_min;
++	__u32 snd_ssthresh;
++	__u32 rcv_nxt;
++	__u32 snd_nxt;
++	__u32 snd_una;
++	__u32 mss_cache;
++	__u32 ecn_flags;
++	__u32 rate_delivered;
++	__u32 rate_interval_us;
++	__u32 packets_out;
++	__u32 retrans_out;
++	__u32 total_retrans;
++	__u32 segs_in;
++	__u32 data_segs_in;
++	__u32 segs_out;
++	__u32 data_segs_out;
++	__u32 lost_out;
++	__u32 sacked_out;
++	__u32 sk_txhash;
++	__u64 bytes_received;
++	__u64 bytes_acked;
+ };
++/* Definitions for bpf_sock_ops_cb_flags */
++#define BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG	(1<<0)
++#define BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG	(1<<2)
++#define BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS       0x7		/* Mask of all currently
++							 * supported cb flags
++							 */
+ /* List of known BPF sock_ops operators.
+  * New entries can only be added at the end
+  */
+@@ -859,9 +2533,156 @@ enum {
+ 	BPF_SOCK_OPS_NEEDS_ECN,		/* If connection's congestion control
+ 					 * needs ECN
+ 					 */
++	BPF_SOCK_OPS_BASE_RTT,		/* Get base RTT. The correct value is
++					 * based on the path and may be
++					 * dependent on the congestion control
++					 * algorithm. In general it indicates
++					 * a congestion threshold. RTTs above
++					 * this indicate congestion
++					 */
++	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB,		/* Called when an RTO has triggered.
++					 * Arg1: value of icsk_retransmits
++					 * Arg2: value of icsk_rto
++					 * Arg3: whether RTO has expired
++					 */
++	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB,	/* Called when skb is retransmitted.
++					 * Arg1: sequence number of 1st byte
++					 * Arg2: # segments
++					 * Arg3: return value of
++					 *       tcp_transmit_skb (0 => success)
++					 */
++	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB,		/* Called when TCP changes state.
++					 * Arg1: old_state
++					 * Arg2: new_state
++					 */
++	BPF_SOCK_OPS_TCP_LISTEN_CB,	/* Called on listen(2), right after
++					 * socket transition to LISTEN state.
++					 */
++/* List of TCP states. There is a build check in net/ipv4/tcp.c to detect
++ * changes between the TCP and BPF versions. Ideally this should never happen.
++ * If it does, we need to add code to convert them before calling
++ * the BPF sock_ops function.
++ */
++enum {
++	BPF_TCP_CLOSING,	/* Now a valid state */
++	BPF_TCP_MAX_STATES	/* Leave at the end! */
+ };
+ #define TCP_BPF_IW		1001	/* Set TCP initial congestion window */
+ #define TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP	1002	/* Set sndcwnd_clamp */
++struct bpf_perf_event_value {
++	__u64 counter;
++	__u64 enabled;
++	__u64 running;
++#define BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD	(1ULL << 0)
++#define BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ	(1ULL << 1)
++#define BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE	(1ULL << 2)
++#define BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK	(1ULL << 0)
++#define BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR	(1ULL << 1)
++struct bpf_cgroup_dev_ctx {
++	/* access_type encoded as (BPF_DEVCG_ACC_* << 16) | BPF_DEVCG_DEV_* */
++	__u32 access_type;
++	__u32 major;
++	__u32 minor;
++struct bpf_raw_tracepoint_args {
++	__u64 args[0];
++/* DIRECT:  Skip the FIB rules and go to FIB table associated with device
++ * OUTPUT:  Do lookup from egress perspective; default is ingress
++ */
++enum {
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_SUCCESS,      /* lookup successful */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_BLACKHOLE,    /* dest is blackholed; can be dropped */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_UNREACHABLE,  /* dest is unreachable; can be dropped */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_PROHIBIT,     /* dest not allowed; can be dropped */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_NOT_FWDED,    /* packet is not forwarded */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_FWD_DISABLED, /* fwding is not enabled on ingress */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_UNSUPP_LWT,   /* fwd requires encapsulation */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_NO_NEIGH,     /* no neighbor entry for nh */
++	BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_FRAG_NEEDED,  /* fragmentation required to fwd */
++struct bpf_fib_lookup {
++	/* input:  network family for lookup (AF_INET, AF_INET6)
++	 * output: network family of egress nexthop
++	 */
++	__u8	family;
++	/* set if lookup is to consider L4 data - e.g., FIB rules */
++	__u8	l4_protocol;
++	__be16	sport;
++	__be16	dport;
++	/* total length of packet from network header - used for MTU check */
++	__u16	tot_len;
++	/* input: L3 device index for lookup
++	 * output: device index from FIB lookup
++	 */
++	__u32	ifindex;
++	union {
++		/* inputs to lookup */
++		__u8	tos;		/* AF_INET  */
++		__be32	flowinfo;	/* AF_INET6, flow_label + priority */
++		/* output: metric of fib result (IPv4/IPv6 only) */
++		__u32	rt_metric;
++	};
++	union {
++		__be32		ipv4_src;
++		__u32		ipv6_src[4];  /* in6_addr; network order */
++	};
++	/* input to bpf_fib_lookup, ipv{4,6}_dst is destination address in
++	 * network header. output: bpf_fib_lookup sets to gateway address
++	 * if FIB lookup returns gateway route
++	 */
++	union {
++		__be32		ipv4_dst;
++		__u32		ipv6_dst[4];  /* in6_addr; network order */
++	};
++	/* output */
++	__be16	h_vlan_proto;
++	__be16	h_vlan_TCI;
++	__u8	smac[6];     /* ETH_ALEN */
++	__u8	dmac[6];     /* ETH_ALEN */
++enum bpf_task_fd_type {
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_RAW_TRACEPOINT,	/* tp name */
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_TRACEPOINT,		/* tp name */
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_KPROBE,		/* (symbol + offset) or addr */
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_KRETPROBE,		/* (symbol + offset) or addr */
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_UPROBE,		/* filename + offset */
++	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE,		/* filename + offset */
+ #endif /* __LINUX_BPF_H__ */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/bpf_common.h b/include/uapi/linux/bpf_common.h
+index afe7433..f0fe139 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/bpf_common.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/bpf_common.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_BPF_COMMON_H__
+ #define __LINUX_BPF_COMMON_H__
+@@ -14,9 +15,10 @@
+ /* ld/ldx fields */
+ #define BPF_SIZE(code)  ((code) & 0x18)
+-#define		BPF_W		0x00
+-#define		BPF_H		0x08
+-#define		BPF_B		0x10
++#define		BPF_W		0x00 /* 32-bit */
++#define		BPF_H		0x08 /* 16-bit */
++#define		BPF_B		0x10 /*  8-bit */
++/* eBPF		BPF_DW		0x18    64-bit */
+ #define BPF_MODE(code)  ((code) & 0xe0)
+ #define		BPF_IMM		0x00
+ #define		BPF_ABS		0x20
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/btf.h b/include/uapi/linux/btf.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5dd580a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/btf.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
++/* Copyright (c) 2018 Facebook */
++#ifndef __LINUX_BTF_H__
++#define __LINUX_BTF_H__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#define BTF_MAGIC	0xeB9F
++#define BTF_VERSION	1
++struct btf_header {
++	__u16	magic;
++	__u8	version;
++	__u8	flags;
++	__u32	hdr_len;
++	/* All offsets are in bytes relative to the end of this header */
++	__u32	type_off;	/* offset of type section	*/
++	__u32	type_len;	/* length of type section	*/
++	__u32	str_off;	/* offset of string section	*/
++	__u32	str_len;	/* length of string section	*/
++/* Max # of type identifier */
++#define BTF_MAX_TYPE	0x0000ffff
++/* Max offset into the string section */
++#define BTF_MAX_NAME_OFFSET	0x0000ffff
++/* Max # of struct/union/enum members or func args */
++#define BTF_MAX_VLEN	0xffff
++struct btf_type {
++	__u32 name_off;
++	/* "info" bits arrangement
++	 * bits  0-15: vlen (e.g. # of struct's members)
++	 * bits 16-23: unused
++	 * bits 24-27: kind (e.g. int, ptr, array...etc)
++	 * bits 28-31: unused
++	 */
++	__u32 info;
++	/* "size" is used by INT, ENUM, STRUCT and UNION.
++	 * "size" tells the size of the type it is describing.
++	 *
++	 * "type" is used by PTR, TYPEDEF, VOLATILE, CONST and RESTRICT.
++	 * "type" is a type_id referring to another type.
++	 */
++	union {
++		__u32 size;
++		__u32 type;
++	};
++#define BTF_INFO_KIND(info)	(((info) >> 24) & 0x0f)
++#define BTF_INFO_VLEN(info)	((info) & 0xffff)
++#define BTF_KIND_UNKN		0	/* Unknown	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_INT		1	/* Integer	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_PTR		2	/* Pointer	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_ARRAY		3	/* Array	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_STRUCT		4	/* Struct	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_UNION		5	/* Union	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_ENUM		6	/* Enumeration	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_FWD		7	/* Forward	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_TYPEDEF	8	/* Typedef	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_VOLATILE	9	/* Volatile	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_CONST		10	/* Const	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_RESTRICT	11	/* Restrict	*/
++#define BTF_KIND_MAX		11
++#define NR_BTF_KINDS		12
++/* For some specific BTF_KIND, "struct btf_type" is immediately
++ * followed by extra data.
++ */
++/* BTF_KIND_INT is followed by a u32 and the following
++ * is the 32 bits arrangement:
++ */
++#define BTF_INT_ENCODING(VAL)	(((VAL) & 0x0f000000) >> 24)
++#define BTF_INT_OFFSET(VAL)	(((VAL  & 0x00ff0000)) >> 16)
++#define BTF_INT_BITS(VAL)	((VAL)  & 0x0000ffff)
++/* Attributes stored in the BTF_INT_ENCODING */
++#define BTF_INT_SIGNED	(1 << 0)
++#define BTF_INT_CHAR	(1 << 1)
++#define BTF_INT_BOOL	(1 << 2)
++/* BTF_KIND_ENUM is followed by multiple "struct btf_enum".
++ * The exact number of btf_enum is stored in the vlen (of the
++ * info in "struct btf_type").
++ */
++struct btf_enum {
++	__u32	name_off;
++	__s32	val;
++/* BTF_KIND_ARRAY is followed by one "struct btf_array" */
++struct btf_array {
++	__u32	type;
++	__u32	index_type;
++	__u32	nelems;
++/* BTF_KIND_STRUCT and BTF_KIND_UNION are followed
++ * by multiple "struct btf_member".  The exact number
++ * of btf_member is stored in the vlen (of the info in
++ * "struct btf_type").
++ */
++struct btf_member {
++	__u32	name_off;
++	__u32	type;
++	__u32	offset;	/* offset in bits */
++#endif /* __LINUX_BTF_H__ */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/can.h b/include/uapi/linux/can.h
+index f7a810d..4d1ab8e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/can.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/can.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR BSD-3-Clause) */
+ /*
+  * linux/can.h
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/can/netlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/can/netlink.h
+index b9214bd..f0c5e58 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/can/netlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/can/netlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * linux/can/netlink.h
+  *
+@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/can/vxcan.h b/include/uapi/linux/can/vxcan.h
+index 5b29e8a..b364d77 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/can/vxcan.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/can/vxcan.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _CAN_VXCAN_H
+ #define _CAN_VXCAN_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/devlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/devlink.h
+index a62695e..5ee0e73 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/devlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/devlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * include/uapi/linux/devlink.h - Network physical device Netlink interface
+  * Copyright (c) 2016 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.
+@@ -69,6 +70,24 @@ enum devlink_command {
++	/* Hot driver reload, makes configuration changes take place. The
++	 * devlink instance is not released during the process.
++	 */
++	DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_GET,		/* can dump */
+ 	/* add new commands above here */
+@@ -124,6 +143,26 @@ enum devlink_eswitch_encap_mode {
+ };
++enum devlink_port_flavour {
++	DEVLINK_PORT_FLAVOUR_PHYSICAL, /* Any kind of a port physically
++					* facing the user.
++					*/
++	DEVLINK_PORT_FLAVOUR_DSA, /* Distributed switch architecture
++				   * interconnect port.
++				   */
++enum devlink_param_cmode {
++	/* Add new configuration modes above */
+ enum devlink_attr {
+ 	/* don't change the order or add anything between, this is ABI! */
+@@ -201,6 +240,45 @@ enum devlink_attr {
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE,			/* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM,			/* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_NAME,		/* string */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE,		/* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_NAME,               /* string */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_SIZE,               /* u64 */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_SNAPSHOTS,          /* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_SNAPSHOT,           /* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_CHUNKS,             /* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_CHUNK,              /* nested */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_CHUNK_DATA,         /* binary */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_CHUNK_ADDR,         /* u64 */
++	DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_CHUNK_LEN,          /* u64 */
+ 	/* add new attributes above here, update the policy in devlink.c */
+@@ -244,4 +322,8 @@ enum devlink_dpipe_header_id {
+ };
++enum devlink_resource_unit {
+ #endif /* _LINUX_DEVLINK_H_ */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/elf-em.h b/include/uapi/linux/elf-em.h
+index 9cd1de9..31aa101 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/elf-em.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/elf-em.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_ELF_EM_H
+ #define _LINUX_ELF_EM_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/fib_rules.h b/include/uapi/linux/fib_rules.h
+index bbf02a6..232df14 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/fib_rules.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/fib_rules.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_FIB_RULES_H
+ #define __LINUX_FIB_RULES_H
+@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ struct fib_rule_hdr {
+ 	__u8		tos;
+ 	__u8		table;
+-	__u8		res1;	/* reserved */
++	__u8		res1;   /* reserved */
+ 	__u8		res2;	/* reserved */
+ 	__u8		action;
+@@ -34,6 +35,11 @@ struct fib_rule_uid_range {
+ 	__u32		end;
+ };
++struct fib_rule_port_range {
++	__u16		start;
++	__u16		end;
+ enum {
+ 	FRA_DST,	/* destination address */
+@@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ enum {
+ 	FRA_L3MDEV,	/* iif or oif is l3mdev goto its table */
+ 	FRA_UID_RANGE,	/* UID range */
++	FRA_PROTOCOL,   /* Originator of the rule */
++	FRA_IP_PROTO,	/* ip proto */
++	FRA_SPORT_RANGE, /* sport */
++	FRA_DPORT_RANGE, /* dport */
+ 	__FRA_MAX
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/filter.h b/include/uapi/linux/filter.h
+index e4f2f74..eaef459 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/filter.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/filter.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Linux Socket Filter Data Structures
+  */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/fou.h b/include/uapi/linux/fou.h
+index 744c323..bf022c6 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/fou.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/fou.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* fou.h - FOU Interface */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_FOU_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/gen_stats.h b/include/uapi/linux/gen_stats.h
+index 52deccc..24a861c 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/gen_stats.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/gen_stats.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_GEN_STATS_H
+ #define __LINUX_GEN_STATS_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/genetlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/genetlink.h
+index 08239d8..1317119 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/genetlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/genetlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/hdlc/ioctl.h b/include/uapi/linux/hdlc/ioctl.h
+index 04bc027..0fe4238 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/hdlc/ioctl.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/hdlc/ioctl.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __HDLC_IOCTL_H__
+ #define __HDLC_IOCTL_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/icmpv6.h b/include/uapi/linux/icmpv6.h
+index a2e839e..cb247a5 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/icmpv6.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/icmpv6.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_ICMPV6_H
+ #define _LINUX_ICMPV6_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if.h b/include/uapi/linux/if.h
+index b4ba020..495cdd2 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_addr.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_addr.h
+index 26f0ecf..a924606 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_addr.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_addr.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_IF_ADDR_H
+ #define __LINUX_IF_ADDR_H
+@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ enum {
++	IFA_RT_PRIORITY,  /* u32, priority/metric for prefix route */
+ 	__IFA_MAX,
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_addrlabel.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_addrlabel.h
+index 54580c2..d1f5974 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_addrlabel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_addrlabel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * if_addrlabel.h - netlink interface for address labels
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_alg.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_alg.h
+index f2acd2f..bc2bcde 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_alg.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_alg.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * if_alg: User-space algorithm interface
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h
+index 199f253..cd136a6 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_arp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_bonding.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_bonding.h
+index 9635a62..61a1bf6 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_bonding.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_bonding.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-1.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Bond several ethernet interfaces into a Cisco, running 'Etherchannel'.
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_bridge.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_bridge.h
+index 156f443..bdfecf9 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_bridge.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_bridge.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *	Linux ethernet bridge
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_ether.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_ether.h
+index 7dde037..8c36f63 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_ether.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_ether.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
+  */
+ #define ETH_ALEN	6		/* Octets in one ethernet addr	 */
++#define ETH_TLEN	2		/* Octets in ethernet type field */
+ #define ETH_HLEN	14		/* Total octets in header.	 */
+ #define ETH_ZLEN	60		/* Min. octets in frame sans FCS */
+ #define ETH_DATA_LEN	1500		/* Max. octets in payload	 */
+@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
+ #define ETH_P_PUP	0x0200		/* Xerox PUP packet		*/
+ #define ETH_P_PUPAT	0x0201		/* Xerox PUP Addr Trans packet	*/
+ #define ETH_P_TSN	0x22F0		/* TSN (IEEE 1722) packet	*/
++#define ETH_P_ERSPAN2	0x22EB		/* ERSPAN version 2 (type III)	*/
+ #define ETH_P_IP	0x0800		/* Internet Protocol packet	*/
+ #define ETH_P_X25	0x0805		/* CCITT X.25			*/
+ #define ETH_P_ARP	0x0806		/* Address Resolution packet	*/
+@@ -86,6 +89,7 @@
+ #define ETH_P_AOE	0x88A2		/* ATA over Ethernet		*/
+ #define ETH_P_8021AD	0x88A8          /* 802.1ad Service VLAN		*/
+ #define ETH_P_802_EX1	0x88B5		/* 802.1 Local Experimental 1.  */
++#define ETH_P_PREAUTH	0x88C7		/* 802.11 Preauthentication */
+ #define ETH_P_TIPC	0x88CA		/* TIPC 			*/
+ #define ETH_P_MACSEC	0x88E5		/* 802.1ae MACsec */
+ #define ETH_P_8021AH	0x88E7          /* 802.1ah Backbone Service Tag */
+@@ -148,11 +152,18 @@
+  *	This is an Ethernet frame header.
+  */
++/* allow libcs like musl to deactivate this, glibc does not implement this. */
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_ETHHDR
++#define __UAPI_DEF_ETHHDR		1
+ struct ethhdr {
+ 	unsigned char	h_dest[ETH_ALEN];	/* destination eth addr	*/
+ 	unsigned char	h_source[ETH_ALEN];	/* source ether addr	*/
+ 	__be16		h_proto;		/* packet type ID field	*/
+ } __attribute__((packed));
+ #endif /* _LINUX_IF_ETHER_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_link.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_link.h
+index 1f97d05..1c64ed4 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_link.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_link.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_IF_LINK_H
+ #define _LINUX_IF_LINK_H
+@@ -158,6 +159,11 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -323,6 +329,9 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -460,6 +469,7 @@ enum macsec_validation_type {
+ enum {
+ };
+@@ -472,6 +482,9 @@ enum ipvlan_mode {
+ };
++#define IPVLAN_F_PRIVATE	0x01
++#define IPVLAN_F_VEPA		0x02
+ /* VXLAN section */
+ enum {
+@@ -502,6 +515,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -721,6 +735,8 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -902,6 +918,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+ enum {
+@@ -910,6 +927,9 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -925,4 +945,43 @@ enum {
+ 	IFLA_EVENT_BONDING_OPTIONS,	/* change in bonding options */
+ };
++/* tun section */
++enum {
++#define IFLA_TUN_MAX (__IFLA_TUN_MAX - 1)
++/* rmnet section */
++#define RMNET_FLAGS_INGRESS_MAP_COMMANDS          (1U << 1)
++#define RMNET_FLAGS_INGRESS_MAP_CKSUMV4           (1U << 2)
++#define RMNET_FLAGS_EGRESS_MAP_CKSUMV4            (1U << 3)
++enum {
++struct ifla_rmnet_flags {
++	__u32	flags;
++	__u32	mask;
+ #endif /* _LINUX_IF_LINK_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h
+index 22939a3..7743993 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * include/uapi/linux/if_macsec.h - MACsec device
+  *
+@@ -21,8 +22,13 @@
+ #define MACSEC_KEYID_LEN 16
+-#define MACSEC_DEFAULT_CIPHER_ID   0x0080020001000001ULL
+-#define MACSEC_DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALT  0x0080C20001000001ULL
++/* cipher IDs as per IEEE802.1AEbn-2011 */
++#define MACSEC_CIPHER_ID_GCM_AES_128 0x0080C20001000001ULL
++#define MACSEC_CIPHER_ID_GCM_AES_256 0x0080C20001000002ULL
++/* deprecated cipher ID for GCM-AES-128 */
++#define MACSEC_DEFAULT_CIPHER_ID     0x0080020001000001ULL
+ #define MACSEC_MIN_ICV_LEN 8
+ #define MACSEC_MAX_ICV_LEN 32
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h
+index 4df96a7..67b61d9 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_packet.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_IF_PACKET_H
+ #define __LINUX_IF_PACKET_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_tun.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_tun.h
+index d5ecb42..be9b744 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_tun.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_tun.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *  Universal TUN/TAP device driver.
+  *  Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Maxim Krasnyansky <max_mk@yahoo.com>
+@@ -56,10 +57,14 @@
+  */
+ #define TUNSETVNETBE _IOW('T', 222, int)
+ #define TUNGETVNETBE _IOR('T', 223, int)
++#define TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF _IOR('T', 224, int)
++#define TUNSETFILTEREBPF _IOR('T', 225, int)
+ /* TUNSETIFF ifr flags */
+ #define IFF_TUN		0x0001
+ #define IFF_TAP		0x0002
++#define IFF_NAPI	0x0010
++#define IFF_NAPI_FRAGS	0x0020
+ #define IFF_NO_PI	0x1000
+ /* This flag has no real effect */
+ #define IFF_ONE_QUEUE	0x2000
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h
+index 21834ca..ecdc766 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _IF_TUNNEL_H_
+ #define _IF_TUNNEL_H_
+@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ enum tunnel_encap_types {
+ };
+ #define TUNNEL_ENCAP_FLAG_CSUM		(1<<0)
+@@ -135,6 +137,9 @@ enum {
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/if_vlan.h b/include/uapi/linux/if_vlan.h
+index 24ae007..18a15da 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/if_vlan.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/if_vlan.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * VLAN		An implementation of 802.1Q VLAN tagging.
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/ife.h b/include/uapi/linux/ife.h
+index 2954da3..bdd953c 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/ife.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/ife.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __UAPI_IFE_H
+ #define __UAPI_IFE_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/ila.h b/include/uapi/linux/ila.h
+index 7e328d7..6a6c97c 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/ila.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/ila.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* ila.h - ILA Interface */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_ILA_H
+@@ -16,6 +17,8 @@ enum {
+ 	ILA_ATTR_DIR,				/* u32 */
+ 	ILA_ATTR_CSUM_MODE,			/* u8 */
++	ILA_ATTR_IDENT_TYPE,			/* u8 */
++	ILA_ATTR_HOOK_TYPE,			/* u8 */
+ };
+@@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -40,6 +44,25 @@ enum {
++enum {
++	ILA_ATYPE_USE_FORMAT = 32, /* Get type from type field in identifier */
++enum {
+ };
+ #endif /* _LINUX_ILA_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/in.h b/include/uapi/linux/in.h
+index 9439efa..a4f143b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/in.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/in.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/in6.h b/include/uapi/linux/in6.h
+index 6f3bdee..409bb3f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/in6.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/in6.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *	Types and definitions for AF_INET6 
+  *	Linux INET6 implementation 
+@@ -284,6 +285,7 @@ struct in6_flowlabel_req {
+ #define IPV6_TRANSPARENT        75
+ #define IPV6_UNICAST_IF         76
+ #define IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE	77
++#define IPV6_FREEBIND		78
+ /*
+  * Multicast Routing:
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/in_route.h b/include/uapi/linux/in_route.h
+index b261b8c..0cc2c23 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/in_route.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/in_route.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_IN_ROUTE_H
+ #define _LINUX_IN_ROUTE_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h
+index bada4d7..f98d82d 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _INET_DIAG_H_
+ #define _INET_DIAG_H_
+@@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ enum {
+ 	INET_DIAG_BC_DEV_COND,   /* u32 ifindex */
+ };
+ struct inet_diag_hostcond {
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/ip.h b/include/uapi/linux/ip.h
+index 1907284..883fd33 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/ip.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/ip.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/ip6_tunnel.h b/include/uapi/linux/ip6_tunnel.h
+index 425926c..0245269 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/ip6_tunnel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/ip6_tunnel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _IP6_TUNNEL_H
+ #define _IP6_TUNNEL_H
+@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@
+ #define IP6_TNL_F_RCV_DSCP_COPY 0x10
+ /* copy fwmark from inner packet */
+ #define IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_FWMARK 0x20
++/* allow remote endpoint on the local node */
+ struct ip6_tnl_parm {
+ 	char name[IFNAMSIZ];	/* name of tunnel device */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/ipsec.h b/include/uapi/linux/ipsec.h
+index d17a630..50d8ee1 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/ipsec.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/ipsec.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_IPSEC_H
+ #define _LINUX_IPSEC_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/kernel.h b/include/uapi/linux/kernel.h
+index 527549f..d99ffa1 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/kernel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/kernel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_KERNEL_H
+ #define _LINUX_KERNEL_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/l2tp.h b/include/uapi/linux/l2tp.h
+index 8a80007..1fe52a7 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/l2tp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/l2tp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * L2TP-over-IP socket for L2TPv3.
+  *
+@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ struct sockaddr_l2tpip6 {
+  * TUNNEL_MODIFY	- CONN_ID, udpcsum
+  * TUNNEL_GET		- CONN_ID, (...)
+- * SESSION_CREATE	- SESSION_ID, PW_TYPE, offset, data_seq, cookie, peer_cookie, offset, l2spec
++ * SESSION_CREATE	- SESSION_ID, PW_TYPE, data_seq, cookie, peer_cookie, l2spec
+@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ enum {
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_NONE,			/* no data */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_PW_TYPE,		/* u16, enum l2tp_pwtype */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_ENCAP_TYPE,		/* u16, enum l2tp_encap_type */
+-	L2TP_ATTR_OFFSET,		/* u16 */
++	L2TP_ATTR_OFFSET,		/* u16 (not used) */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_DATA_SEQ,		/* u16 */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_L2SPEC_TYPE,		/* u8, enum l2tp_l2spec_type */
+-	L2TP_ATTR_L2SPEC_LEN,		/* u8, enum l2tp_l2spec_type */
++	L2TP_ATTR_L2SPEC_LEN,		/* u8 (not used) */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_IFNAME,		/* string */
+ 	L2TP_ATTR_CONN_ID,		/* u32 */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/libc-compat.h b/include/uapi/linux/libc-compat.h
+index f38571d..a159991 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/libc-compat.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/libc-compat.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Compatibility interface for userspace libc header coordination:
+  *
+@@ -167,46 +168,99 @@
+ /* If we did not see any headers from any supported C libraries,
+  * or we are being included in the kernel, then define everything
+- * that we need. */
++ * that we need. Check for previous __UAPI_* definitions to give
++ * unsupported C libraries a way to opt out of any kernel definition. */
+ #else /* !defined(__GLIBC__) */
+ /* Definitions for if.h */
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFCONF
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFCONF 1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFMAP
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFMAP 1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFNAMSIZ 1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFREQ
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IF_IFREQ 1
+ /* Everything up to IFF_DYNAMIC, matches net/if.h until glibc 2.23 */
+ /* For the future if glibc adds IFF_LOWER_UP, IFF_DORMANT and IFF_ECHO */
+ /* Definitions for in.h */
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IN_ADDR
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN_ADDR		1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN_IPPROTO		1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN_PKTINFO		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IP_MREQ
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IP_MREQ		1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_SOCKADDR_IN		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IN_CLASS
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN_CLASS		1
+ /* Definitions for in6.h */
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IN6_ADDR
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN6_ADDR		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IN6_ADDR_ALT
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN6_ADDR_ALT		1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_SOCKADDR_IN6		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IPV6_MREQ
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IPV6_MREQ		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IPPROTO_V6
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IPPROTO_V6		1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IPV6_OPTIONS		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IN6_PKTINFO
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IN6_PKTINFO		1
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_IP6_MTUINFO
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IP6_MTUINFO		1
+ /* Definitions for ipx.h */
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_SOCKADDR_IPX			1
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_IPX_ROUTE_DEF		1
+ /* Definitions for xattr.h */
++#ifndef __UAPI_DEF_XATTR
+ #define __UAPI_DEF_XATTR		1
+ #endif /* __GLIBC__ */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/limits.h b/include/uapi/linux/limits.h
+index 2d0f941..c3547f0 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/limits.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/limits.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_LIMITS_H
+ #define _LINUX_LIMITS_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/lwtunnel.h b/include/uapi/linux/lwtunnel.h
+index 3298426..3f3fe6f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/lwtunnel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/lwtunnel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LWTUNNEL_H_
+ #define _LWTUNNEL_H_
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/magic.h b/include/uapi/linux/magic.h
+index e439565..1a6fee9 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/magic.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/magic.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_MAGIC_H__
+ #define __LINUX_MAGIC_H__
+@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
+ #define OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC	0x9fa1
+ #define QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC	0x002f		/* qnx4 fs detection */
+ #define QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC	0x68191122	/* qnx6 fs detection */
++#define AFS_FS_MAGIC		0x6B414653
+ #define REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC	0x52654973	/* used by gcc */
+ 					/* used by file system utilities that
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/mpls.h b/include/uapi/linux/mpls.h
+index bf5b625..9effbf9 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/mpls.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/mpls.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _MPLS_H
+ #define _MPLS_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/mpls_iptunnel.h b/include/uapi/linux/mpls_iptunnel.h
+index 1a0e57b..2c69b7d 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/mpls_iptunnel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/mpls_iptunnel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *	mpls tunnel api
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/neighbour.h b/include/uapi/linux/neighbour.h
+index 3199d28..904db61 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/neighbour.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/neighbour.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/net_namespace.h b/include/uapi/linux/net_namespace.h
+index 9a92b7e..6d64d07 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/net_namespace.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/net_namespace.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* Copyright (c) 2015 6WIND S.A.
+  * Author: Nicolas Dichtel <nicolas.dichtel@6wind.com>
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netconf.h b/include/uapi/linux/netconf.h
+index 4afbd7d..86ac1eb 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netconf.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netconf.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_NETCONF_H_
+ #define _LINUX_NETCONF_H_
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netdevice.h b/include/uapi/linux/netdevice.h
+index 66fceb4..86d961c 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netdevice.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netdevice.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h
+index ff4a4a5..36378a0 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h
+index a6c96b0..13eeada 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/ipset/ip_set.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Joakim Axelsson <gozem@linux.nu>
+  *                         Patrick Schaaf <bof@bof.de>
+  *                         Martin Josefsson <gandalf@wlug.westbo.se>
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h
+index 4120970..ae2fd12 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _X_TABLES_H
+ #define _X_TABLES_H
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_set.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_set.h
+index d4e0234..8c1ca66 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_set.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_set.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _XT_SET_H
+ #define _XT_SET_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_tcpudp.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_tcpudp.h
+index 38aa7b3..658c169 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_tcpudp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_tcpudp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _XT_TCPUDP_H
+ #define _XT_TCPUDP_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4.h
+index a5f4dc7..074e2c8 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* IPv4-specific defines for netfilter. 
+  * (C)1998 Rusty Russell -- This code is GPL.
+  */
+@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
+ enum nf_ip_hook_priorities {
+ 	NF_IP_PRI_RAW = -300,
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h
+index 456fb86..409cff7 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * 25-Jul-1998 Major changes to allow for ip chain table
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6.h
+index 8483d1d..92701fe 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* IPv6-specific defines for netfilter. 
+  * (C)1998 Rusty Russell -- This code is GPL.
+  * (C)1999 David Jeffery
+@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
+ enum nf_ip6_hook_priorities {
+ 	NF_IP6_PRI_RAW = -300,
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h
+index fcc8cca..7ae314b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * 25-Jul-1998 Major changes to allow for ip chain table
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/netlink.h
+index ec0690b..0b2c29b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_NETLINK_H
+ #define __LINUX_NETLINK_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/netlink_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/netlink_diag.h
+index c8c8c7d..4cd0657 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/netlink_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/netlink_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __NETLINK_DIAG_H__
+ #define __NETLINK_DIAG_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/packet_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/packet_diag.h
+index 0c5d5dd..349ddf0 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/packet_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/packet_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __PACKET_DIAG_H__
+ #define __PACKET_DIAG_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/param.h b/include/uapi/linux/param.h
+index 092e92f..94e0c57 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/param.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/param.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_PARAM_H
+ #define _LINUX_PARAM_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/pfkeyv2.h b/include/uapi/linux/pfkeyv2.h
+index ada7f01..d65b117 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/pfkeyv2.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/pfkeyv2.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* PF_KEY user interface, this is defined by rfc2367 so
+  * do not make arbitrary modifications or else this header
+  * file will not be compliant.
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/pkt_cls.h b/include/uapi/linux/pkt_cls.h
+index d5e2bf6..b451225 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/pkt_cls.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/pkt_cls.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_PKT_CLS_H
+ #define __LINUX_PKT_CLS_H
+@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ enum {
+ #define TCA_CLS_FLAGS_SKIP_SW	(1 << 1) /* don't use filter in SW */
+ #define TCA_CLS_FLAGS_IN_HW	(1 << 2) /* filter is offloaded to HW */
+ #define TCA_CLS_FLAGS_NOT_IN_HW (1 << 3) /* filter isn't offloaded to HW */
++#define TCA_CLS_FLAGS_VERBOSE	(1 << 4) /* verbose logging */
+ /* U32 filters */
+@@ -467,6 +469,15 @@ enum {
+ 	TCA_FLOWER_KEY_IP_TTL,		/* u8 */
++	TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_ID,	/* be16 */
+ };
+@@ -474,6 +485,7 @@ enum {
+ enum {
+ };
+ /* Match-all classifier */
+@@ -554,7 +566,8 @@ enum {
+ #define	TCF_EM_VLAN		6
+ #define	TCF_EM_CANID		7
+ #define	TCF_EM_IPSET		8
+-#define	TCF_EM_MAX		8
++#define	TCF_EM_IPT		9
++#define	TCF_EM_MAX		9
+ enum {
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/pkt_sched.h b/include/uapi/linux/pkt_sched.h
+index 099bf55..d9cc9dc 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/pkt_sched.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/pkt_sched.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
+ #define __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
+@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ struct tc_estimator {
+ #define TC_H_INGRESS    (0xFFFFFFF1U)
+ #define TC_H_MIN_INGRESS	0xFFF2U
+ #define TC_H_MIN_EGRESS		0xFFF3U
+@@ -534,6 +536,10 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -571,6 +577,15 @@ struct tc_netem_rate {
+ 	__s32	cell_overhead;
+ };
++struct tc_netem_slot {
++	__s64   min_delay; /* nsec */
++	__s64   max_delay;
++	__s32   max_packets;
++	__s32   max_bytes;
++	__s64	dist_delay; /* nsec */
++	__s64	dist_jitter; /* nsec */
+ enum {
+ 	NETEM_LOSS_GI,		/* General Intuitive - 4 state model */
+@@ -625,6 +640,22 @@ enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++	TC_MQPRIO_SHAPER_BW_RATE,	/* Add new shapers below */
+ struct tc_mqprio_qopt {
+ 	__u8	num_tc;
+ 	__u8	prio_tc_map[TC_QOPT_BITMASK + 1];
+@@ -633,6 +664,22 @@ struct tc_mqprio_qopt {
+ 	__u16	offset[TC_QOPT_MAX_QUEUE];
+ };
++#define TC_MQPRIO_F_MODE		0x1
++#define TC_MQPRIO_F_SHAPER		0x2
++#define TC_MQPRIO_F_MIN_RATE		0x4
++#define TC_MQPRIO_F_MAX_RATE		0x8
++enum {
+ /* SFB */
+ enum {
+@@ -871,4 +918,155 @@ struct tc_pie_xstats {
+ 	__u32 maxq;             /* maximum queue size */
+ 	__u32 ecn_mark;         /* packets marked with ecn*/
+ };
++/* CBS */
++struct tc_cbs_qopt {
++	__u8 offload;
++	__u8 _pad[3];
++	__s32 hicredit;
++	__s32 locredit;
++	__s32 idleslope;
++	__s32 sendslope;
++enum {
++#define TCA_CBS_MAX (__TCA_CBS_MAX - 1)
++/* ETF */
++struct tc_etf_qopt {
++	__s32 delta;
++	__s32 clockid;
++	__u32 flags;
++#define TC_ETF_OFFLOAD_ON	BIT(1)
++enum {
++#define TCA_ETF_MAX (__TCA_ETF_MAX - 1)
++/* CAKE */
++enum {
++#define TCA_CAKE_MAX	(__TCA_CAKE_MAX - 1)
++enum {
++enum {
++#define TC_CAKE_MAX_TINS (8)
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h b/include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h
+index 988f76e..9a7a740 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h
+index 813e9e0..c3a7d8e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+@@ -253,6 +254,11 @@ enum {
+ #define RTPROT_DHCP	16      /* DHCP client */
+ #define RTPROT_MROUTED	17      /* Multicast daemon */
+ #define RTPROT_BABEL	42      /* Babel daemon */
++#define RTPROT_BGP	186     /* BGP Routes */
++#define RTPROT_ISIS	187     /* ISIS Routes */
++#define RTPROT_OSPF	188     /* OSPF Routes */
++#define RTPROT_RIP	189     /* RIP Routes */
++#define RTPROT_EIGRP	192     /* EIGRP Routes */
+ /* rtm_scope
+@@ -326,6 +332,9 @@ enum rtattr_type_t {
+ 	__RTA_MAX
+ };
+@@ -430,6 +439,8 @@ enum {
+ };
+@@ -538,9 +549,19 @@ struct tcmsg {
+ 	int		tcm_ifindex;
+ 	__u32		tcm_handle;
+ 	__u32		tcm_parent;
++/* tcm_block_index is used instead of tcm_parent
++ * in case tcm_ifindex == TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK
++ */
++#define tcm_block_index tcm_parent
+ 	__u32		tcm_info;
+ };
++/* For manipulation of filters in shared block, tcm_ifindex is set to
++ * TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK, and tcm_parent is aliased to tcm_block_index
++ * which is the block index.
++ */
+ enum {
+@@ -554,6 +575,9 @@ enum {
+ 	__TCA_MAX
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/sctp.h b/include/uapi/linux/sctp.h
+index fec24c4..dd164d7 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/sctp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/sctp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* SCTP kernel implementation
+  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004
+  * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Cisco, Inc.
+@@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ typedef __s32 sctp_assoc_t;
++#define SCTP_REUSE_PORT		36
+ /* Internal Socket Options. Some of the sctp library functions are
+  * implemented using these socket options.
+@@ -122,6 +125,10 @@ typedef __s32 sctp_assoc_t;
+ #define SCTP_RESET_ASSOC	120
+ #define SCTP_ADD_STREAMS	121
+ /* PR-SCTP policies */
+ #define SCTP_PR_SCTP_NONE	0x0000
+@@ -256,6 +263,31 @@ struct sctp_nxtinfo {
+ 	sctp_assoc_t nxt_assoc_id;
+ };
++/* 5.3.7 SCTP PR-SCTP Information Structure (SCTP_PRINFO)
++ *
++ *   This cmsghdr structure specifies SCTP options for sendmsg().
++ *
++ *   cmsg_level    cmsg_type      cmsg_data[]
++ *   ------------  ------------   -------------------
++ *   IPPROTO_SCTP  SCTP_PRINFO    struct sctp_prinfo
++ */
++struct sctp_prinfo {
++	__u16 pr_policy;
++	__u32 pr_value;
++/* 5.3.8 SCTP AUTH Information Structure (SCTP_AUTHINFO)
++ *
++ *   This cmsghdr structure specifies SCTP options for sendmsg().
++ *
++ *   cmsg_level    cmsg_type      cmsg_data[]
++ *   ------------  ------------   -------------------
++ *   IPPROTO_SCTP  SCTP_AUTHINFO  struct sctp_authinfo
++ */
++struct sctp_authinfo {
++	__u16 auth_keynumber;
+ /*
+  *  sinfo_flags: 16 bits (unsigned integer)
+  *
+@@ -267,6 +299,8 @@ enum sctp_sinfo_flags {
+ 	SCTP_ADDR_OVER		= (1 << 1), /* Override the primary destination. */
+ 	SCTP_ABORT		= (1 << 2), /* Send an ABORT message to the peer. */
+ 	SCTP_SACK_IMMEDIATELY	= (1 << 3), /* SACK should be sent without delay. */
++	/* 2 bits here have been used by SCTP_PR_SCTP_MASK */
++	SCTP_SENDALL		= (1 << 6),
+ 	SCTP_NOTIFICATION	= MSG_NOTIFICATION, /* Next message is not user msg but notification. */
+ 	SCTP_EOF		= MSG_FIN,  /* Initiate graceful shutdown process. */
+ };
+@@ -289,6 +323,14 @@ typedef enum sctp_cmsg_type {
+ 	SCTP_NXTINFO,		/* 5.3.6 SCTP Next Receive Information Structure */
++	SCTP_PRINFO,		/* 5.3.7 SCTP PR-SCTP Information Structure */
++	SCTP_AUTHINFO,		/* 5.3.8 SCTP AUTH Information Structure */
++	SCTP_DSTADDRV4,		/* 5.3.9 SCTP Destination IPv4 Address Structure */
++	SCTP_DSTADDRV6,		/* 5.3.10 SCTP Destination IPv6 Address Structure */
+ } sctp_cmsg_t;
+ /*
+@@ -376,7 +418,7 @@ struct sctp_remote_error {
+ 	__u16 sre_type;
+ 	__u16 sre_flags;
+ 	__u32 sre_length;
+-	__u16 sre_error;
++	__be16 sre_error;
+ 	sctp_assoc_t sre_assoc_id;
+ 	__u8 sre_data[0];
+ };
+@@ -456,6 +498,8 @@ struct sctp_pdapi_event {
+ 	__u32 pdapi_length;
+ 	__u32 pdapi_indication;
+ 	sctp_assoc_t pdapi_assoc_id;
++	__u32 pdapi_stream;
++	__u32 pdapi_seq;
+ };
+@@ -476,7 +520,12 @@ struct sctp_authkey_event {
+ 	sctp_assoc_t auth_assoc_id;
+ };
+-enum { SCTP_AUTH_NEWKEY = 0, };
++enum {
++#define	SCTP_AUTH_NEWKEY	SCTP_AUTH_NEW_KEY /* compatible with before */
+ /*
+@@ -714,6 +763,8 @@ enum  sctp_spp_flags {
+ 	SPP_SACKDELAY_DISABLE = 1<<6,	/*Disable SACK*/
+ 	SPP_HB_TIME_IS_ZERO = 1<<7,	/* Set HB delay to 0 */
++	SPP_DSCP = 1<<9,
+ };
+ struct sctp_paddrparams {
+@@ -724,6 +775,8 @@ struct sctp_paddrparams {
+ 	__u32			spp_pathmtu;
+ 	__u32			spp_sackdelay;
+ 	__u32			spp_flags;
++	__u32			spp_ipv6_flowlabel;
++	__u8			spp_dscp;
+ } __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)));
+ /*
+@@ -812,6 +865,12 @@ struct sctp_assoc_value {
+     uint32_t                assoc_value;
+ };
++struct sctp_stream_value {
++	sctp_assoc_t assoc_id;
++	uint16_t stream_id;
++	uint16_t stream_value;
+ /*
+  * 7.2.2 Peer Address Information
+  *
+@@ -1082,4 +1141,12 @@ struct sctp_add_streams {
+ 	uint16_t sas_outstrms;
+ };
++/* SCTP Stream schedulers */
++enum sctp_sched_type {
+ #endif /* _SCTP_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/seg6.h b/include/uapi/linux/seg6.h
+index 0715279..329163e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/seg6.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/seg6.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *  SR-IPv6 implementation
+  *
+@@ -25,9 +26,9 @@ struct ipv6_sr_hdr {
+ 	__u8	hdrlen;
+ 	__u8	type;
+ 	__u8	segments_left;
+-	__u8	first_segment;
++	__u8	first_segment; /* Represents the last_entry field of SRH */
+ 	__u8	flags;
+-	__u16	reserved;
++	__u16	tag;
+ 	struct in6_addr segments[0];
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_genl.h b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_genl.h
+index 99382f9..0c23052 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_genl.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_genl.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_SEG6_GENL_H
+ #define _LINUX_SEG6_GENL_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_hmac.h b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_hmac.h
+index 704f93e..3fb3412 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_hmac.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_hmac.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_SEG6_HMAC_H
+ #define _LINUX_SEG6_HMAC_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_iptunnel.h b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_iptunnel.h
+index a5dc05a..3004e98 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_iptunnel.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_iptunnel.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  *  SR-IPv6 implementation
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_local.h b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_local.h
+index 76b90d6..5312de8 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/seg6_local.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/seg6_local.h
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+ #define SEG6_LOCAL_MAX (__SEG6_LOCAL_MAX - 1)
+@@ -59,10 +60,21 @@ enum {
+ 	/* forward to SR-unaware VNF with masquerading */
++	/* custom BPF action */
+ };
++enum {
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h
+index 901231e..a69cf20 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __SOCK_DIAG_H__
+ #define __SOCK_DIAG_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/socket.h b/include/uapi/linux/socket.h
+index 8c1e501..268b948 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/socket.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/socket.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_SOCKET_H
+ #define _LINUX_SOCKET_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/sockios.h b/include/uapi/linux/sockios.h
+index 79d029d..d393e9e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/sockios.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/sockios.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/stddef.h b/include/uapi/linux/stddef.h
+index 4bb69de..23e025f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/stddef.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/stddef.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __always_inline
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/sysinfo.h b/include/uapi/linux/sysinfo.h
+index 934335a..435d5c2 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/sysinfo.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/sysinfo.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_SYSINFO_H
+ #define _LINUX_SYSINFO_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_bpf.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_bpf.h
+index 8dc2ac0..6e89a5d 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_bpf.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_bpf.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2015 Jiri Pirko <jiri@resnulli.us>
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_connmark.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_connmark.h
+index 62a5e94..80caa47 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_connmark.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_connmark.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __UAPI_TC_CONNMARK_H
+ #define __UAPI_TC_CONNMARK_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_csum.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_csum.h
+index a11bb35..0ecf4d2 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_csum.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_csum.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_CSUM_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_CSUM_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_defact.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_defact.h
+index d2a3abb..e3ecd8b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_defact.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_defact.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_DEF_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_DEF_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_gact.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_gact.h
+index 70b536a..94273c3 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_gact.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_gact.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_GACT_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_GACT_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ife.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ife.h
+index 7c28178..2f48490 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ife.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ife.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __UAPI_TC_IFE_H
+ #define __UAPI_TC_IFE_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ipt.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ipt.h
+index 7c6e155..b743c8b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ipt.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_ipt.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_IPT_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_IPT_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_mirred.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_mirred.h
+index 3d7a2b3..5dd671c 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_mirred.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_mirred.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_MIR_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_MIR_H
+@@ -9,13 +10,13 @@
+ #define TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR 2 /* mirror packet to EGRESS */
+ #define TCA_INGRESS_REDIR 3  /* packet redirect to INGRESS*/
+ #define TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR 4 /* mirror packet to INGRESS */
+ struct tc_mirred {
+ 	tc_gen;
+ 	int                     eaction;   /* one of IN/EGRESS_MIRROR/REDIR */
+ 	__u32                   ifindex;  /* ifindex of egress port */
+ };
+ enum {
+@@ -24,5 +25,5 @@ enum {
+ };
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_nat.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_nat.h
+index 923457c..086be84 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_nat.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_nat.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_NAT_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_NAT_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h
+index 143d2b3..24ec792 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_PED_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_PED_H
+@@ -16,13 +17,15 @@ enum {
+ };
+ #define TCA_PEDIT_MAX (__TCA_PEDIT_MAX - 1)
+ enum {
+ };
+  /* TCA_PEDIT_KEY_EX_HDR_TYPE_NETWROK is a special case for legacy users. It
+@@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ enum pedit_header_type {
+ };
+ enum pedit_cmd {
+@@ -44,6 +48,7 @@ enum pedit_cmd {
+ };
+ struct tc_pedit_key {
+@@ -54,13 +59,14 @@ struct tc_pedit_key {
+ 	__u32           offmask;
+ 	__u32           shift;
+ };
+ struct tc_pedit_sel {
+ 	tc_gen;
+ 	unsigned char           nkeys;
+ 	unsigned char           flags;
+ 	struct tc_pedit_key     keys[0];
+ };
+ #define tc_pedit tc_pedit_sel
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_sample.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_sample.h
+index edc9058..bd7e9f0 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_sample.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_sample.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_SAMPLE_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_SAMPLE_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbedit.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbedit.h
+index 2884425..6de6071 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbedit.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbedit.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation.
+  *
+@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
+ #define SKBEDIT_F_MARK			0x4
+ #define SKBEDIT_F_PTYPE			0x8
+ #define SKBEDIT_F_MASK			0x10
+ struct tc_skbedit {
+ 	tc_gen;
+@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ enum {
+ };
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbmod.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbmod.h
+index 10fc07d..38c072f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbmod.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_skbmod.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2016, Jamal Hadi Salim
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_tunnel_key.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_tunnel_key.h
+index afcd4be..be384d6 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_tunnel_key.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_tunnel_key.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2016, Amir Vadai <amir@vadai.me>
+  * Copyright (c) 2016, Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.
+@@ -35,9 +36,37 @@ enum {
+ 	TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_NO_CSUM,		/* u8 */
++					 * attributes
++					 */
++	TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TOS,		/* u8 */
++	TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TTL,		/* u8 */
+ };
++enum {
++						 * attributes
++						 */
++enum {
++	TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_OPT_GENEVE_DATA,		/* 4 to 128 bytes */
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_vlan.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_vlan.h
+index bddb272..0d7b5fd 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_vlan.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_vlan.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2014 Jiri Pirko <jiri@resnulli.us>
+  *
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_cmp.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_cmp.h
+index f34bb1b..2549d9d 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_cmp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_cmp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_EM_CMP_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_EM_CMP_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_ipt.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_ipt.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..49a6553
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_ipt.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
++#ifndef __LINUX_TC_EM_IPT_H
++#define __LINUX_TC_EM_IPT_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/pkt_cls.h>
++enum {
++#define TCA_EM_IPT_MAX (__TCA_EM_IPT_MAX - 1)
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_meta.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_meta.h
+index b11f8ce..cf30b5b 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_meta.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_meta.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_EM_META_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_EM_META_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_nbyte.h b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_nbyte.h
+index 7172cfb..c76333f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_nbyte.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tc_ematch/tc_em_nbyte.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __LINUX_TC_EM_NBYTE_H
+ #define __LINUX_TC_EM_NBYTE_H
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tcp.h b/include/uapi/linux/tcp.h
+index 8edad3f..2e766cf 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tcp.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tcp.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /*
+  * INET		An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
+  *		operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
+@@ -119,6 +120,12 @@ enum {
+ #define TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT	30	/* Attempt FastOpen with connect */
+ #define TCP_ULP			31	/* Attach a ULP to a TCP connection */
+ #define TCP_MD5SIG_EXT		32	/* TCP MD5 Signature with extensions */
++#define TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY	33	/* Set the key for Fast Open (cookie) */
++#define TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE	34	/* Enable TFO without a TFO cookie */
++#define TCP_INQ			36	/* Notify bytes available to read as a cmsg on read */
++#define TCP_CM_INQ		TCP_INQ
+ struct tcp_repair_opt {
+ 	__u32	opt_code;
+@@ -221,6 +228,9 @@ struct tcp_info {
+ 	__u64	tcpi_busy_time;      /* Time (usec) busy sending data */
+ 	__u64	tcpi_rwnd_limited;   /* Time (usec) limited by receive window */
+ 	__u64	tcpi_sndbuf_limited; /* Time (usec) limited by send buffer */
++	__u32	tcpi_delivered;
++	__u32	tcpi_delivered_ce;
+ };
+ /* netlink attributes types for SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS */
+@@ -238,6 +248,11 @@ enum {
+ 	TCP_NLA_MIN_RTT,        /* minimum RTT */
+ 	TCP_NLA_RECUR_RETRANS,  /* Recurring retransmits for the current pkt */
+ 	TCP_NLA_DELIVERY_RATE_APP_LMT, /* delivery rate application limited ? */
++	TCP_NLA_SNDQ_SIZE,	/* Data (bytes) pending in send queue */
++	TCP_NLA_CA_STATE,	/* ca_state of socket */
++	TCP_NLA_SND_SSTHRESH,	/* Slow start size threshold */
++	TCP_NLA_DELIVERED,	/* Data pkts delivered incl. out-of-order */
++	TCP_NLA_DELIVERED_CE,	/* Like above but only ones w/ CE marks */
+ };
+@@ -265,4 +280,11 @@ struct tcp_diag_md5sig {
+ 	__u8	tcpm_key[TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN];
+ };
++/* setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE, ...) */
++struct tcp_zerocopy_receive {
++	__u64 address;		/* in: address of mapping */
++	__u32 length;		/* in/out: number of bytes to map/mapped */
++	__u32 recv_skip_hint;	/* out: amount of bytes to skip */
+ #endif /* _LINUX_TCP_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tcp_metrics.h b/include/uapi/linux/tcp_metrics.h
+index 80ad90d..7cb4a17 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tcp_metrics.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tcp_metrics.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* tcp_metrics.h - TCP Metrics Interface */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tipc.h b/include/uapi/linux/tipc.h
+index 924fb5c..7a166a0 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tipc.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tipc.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR BSD-3-Clause) */
+ /*
+  * include/uapi/linux/tipc.h: Header for TIPC socket interface
+  *
+@@ -44,82 +45,38 @@
+  * TIPC addressing primitives
+  */
+-struct tipc_portid {
++struct tipc_socket_addr {
+ 	__u32 ref;
+ 	__u32 node;
+ };
+-struct tipc_name {
++struct tipc_service_addr {
+ 	__u32 type;
+ 	__u32 instance;
+ };
+-struct tipc_name_seq {
++struct tipc_service_range {
+ 	__u32 type;
+ 	__u32 lower;
+ 	__u32 upper;
+ };
+-/* TIPC Address Size, Offset, Mask specification for Z.C.N
+- */
+-#define TIPC_NODE_BITS          12
+-#define TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS       12
+-#define TIPC_ZONE_BITS          8
+-#define TIPC_NODE_OFFSET        0
+-#define TIPC_NODE_SIZE          ((1UL << TIPC_NODE_BITS) - 1)
+-#define TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE       ((1UL << TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS) - 1)
+-#define TIPC_ZONE_SIZE          ((1UL << TIPC_ZONE_BITS) - 1)
+-static __inline__ __u32 tipc_addr(unsigned int zone,
+-			      unsigned int cluster,
+-			      unsigned int node)
+-	return (zone << TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET) |
+-		(cluster << TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET) |
+-		node;
+-static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_zone(__u32 addr)
+-	return addr >> TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET;
+-static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_cluster(__u32 addr)
+-static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_node(__u32 addr)
+-	return addr & TIPC_NODE_MASK;
+ /*
+- * Application-accessible port name types
++ * Application-accessible service types
+  */
+-#define TIPC_CFG_SRV		0	/* configuration service name type */
+-#define TIPC_TOP_SRV		1	/* topology service name type */
+-#define TIPC_LINK_STATE		2	/* link state name type */
+-#define TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES	64	/* lowest user-publishable name type */
++#define TIPC_NODE_STATE		0	/* node state service type */
++#define TIPC_TOP_SRV		1	/* topology server service type */
++#define TIPC_LINK_STATE		2	/* link state service type */
++#define TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES	64	/* lowest user-allowed service type */
+ /*
+- * Publication scopes when binding port names and port name sequences
++ * Publication scopes when binding service / service range
+  */
+-#define TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE		1
+-#define TIPC_NODE_SCOPE		3
++enum tipc_scope {
++	TIPC_CLUSTER_SCOPE = 2, /* 0 can also be used */
+ /*
+  * Limiting values for messages
+@@ -151,28 +108,28 @@ static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_node(__u32 addr)
+  * TIPC topology subscription service definitions
+  */
+-#define TIPC_SUB_PORTS		0x01	/* filter for port availability */
+-#define TIPC_SUB_SERVICE	0x02	/* filter for service availability */
+-#define TIPC_SUB_CANCEL		0x04	/* cancel a subscription */
++#define TIPC_SUB_PORTS          0x01    /* filter: evt at each match */
++#define TIPC_SUB_SERVICE        0x02    /* filter: evt at first up/last down */
++#define TIPC_SUB_CANCEL         0x04    /* filter: cancel a subscription */
+ #define TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER	(~0)	/* timeout for permanent subscription */
+ struct tipc_subscr {
+-	struct tipc_name_seq seq;	/* name sequence of interest */
++	struct tipc_service_range seq;	/* range of interest */
+ 	__u32 timeout;			/* subscription duration (in ms) */
+ 	__u32 filter;			/* bitmask of filter options */
+ 	char usr_handle[8];		/* available for subscriber use */
+ };
+ #define TIPC_PUBLISHED		1	/* publication event */
+-#define TIPC_WITHDRAWN		2	/* withdraw event */
++#define TIPC_WITHDRAWN		2	/* withdrawal event */
+ #define TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT	3	/* subscription timeout event */
+ struct tipc_event {
+ 	__u32 event;			/* event type */
+-	__u32 found_lower;		/* matching name seq instances */
+-	__u32 found_upper;		/*    "      "    "     "      */
+-	struct tipc_portid port;	/* associated port */
++	__u32 found_lower;		/* matching range */
++	__u32 found_upper;		/*    "      "    */
++	struct tipc_socket_addr port;	/* associated socket */
+ 	struct tipc_subscr s;		/* associated subscription */
+ };
+@@ -192,20 +149,20 @@ struct tipc_event {
+ #define SOL_TIPC	271
+ #endif
+-#define TIPC_ADDR_MCAST		1
+-#define TIPC_ADDR_NAME		2
+-#define TIPC_ADDR_ID		3
++#define TIPC_ADDR_MCAST         1
++#define TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE      1
++#define TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR       2
++#define TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR        3
+ struct sockaddr_tipc {
+ 	unsigned short family;
+ 	unsigned char  addrtype;
+ 	signed   char  scope;
+ 	union {
+-		struct tipc_portid id;
+-		struct tipc_name_seq nameseq;
++		struct tipc_socket_addr id;
++		struct tipc_service_range nameseq;
+ 		struct {
+-			struct tipc_name name;
++			struct tipc_service_addr name;
+ 			__u32 domain;
+ 		} name;
+ 	} addr;
+@@ -231,26 +188,103 @@ struct sockaddr_tipc {
+ #define TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH	132	/* Default: none (read only) */
+ #define TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST    133     /* Default: TIPC selects. No arg */
+ #define TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST    134     /* Default: TIPC selects. No arg */
++#define TIPC_GROUP_JOIN         135     /* Takes struct tipc_group_req* */
++#define TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE        136     /* No argument */
++ * Flag values
++ */
++#define TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK     0x1  /* Receive copy of sent msg when match */
++#define TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS  0x2  /* Receive membership events in socket */
++struct tipc_group_req {
++	__u32 type;      /* group id */
++	__u32 instance;  /* member id */
++	__u32 scope;     /* cluster/node */
++	__u32 flags;
+ /*
+  * Maximum sizes of TIPC bearer-related names (including terminating NULL)
+  * The string formatting for each name element is:
+  * media: media
+  * interface: media:interface name
+- * link: Z.C.N:interface-Z.C.N:interface
+- *
++ * link: node:interface-node:interface
+  */
++#define TIPC_NODEID_LEN         16
+ #define TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME	16
+ #define TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME	16
+-#define TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME	60
++#define TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME	68
+ struct tipc_sioc_ln_req {
+ 	__u32 peer;
+ 	__u32 bearer_id;
+ 	char linkname[TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME];
+ };
++struct tipc_sioc_nodeid_req {
++	__u32 peer;
++	char node_id[TIPC_NODEID_LEN];
++/* The macros and functions below are deprecated:
++ */
++#define TIPC_CFG_SRV		0
++#define TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE         1
++#define TIPC_ADDR_NAME		2
++#define TIPC_ADDR_ID		3
++#define TIPC_NODE_BITS          12
++#define TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS       12
++#define TIPC_ZONE_BITS          8
++#define TIPC_NODE_OFFSET        0
++#define TIPC_NODE_SIZE          ((1UL << TIPC_NODE_BITS) - 1)
++#define TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE       ((1UL << TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS) - 1)
++#define TIPC_ZONE_SIZE          ((1UL << TIPC_ZONE_BITS) - 1)
++#define tipc_portid tipc_socket_addr
++#define tipc_name tipc_service_addr
++#define tipc_name_seq tipc_service_range
++static __inline__ __u32 tipc_addr(unsigned int zone,
++			      unsigned int cluster,
++			      unsigned int node)
++	return (zone << TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET) |
++		(cluster << TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET) |
++		node;
++static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_zone(__u32 addr)
++	return addr >> TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET;
++static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_cluster(__u32 addr)
++static __inline__ unsigned int tipc_node(__u32 addr)
++	return addr & TIPC_NODE_MASK;
+ #endif
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tipc_netlink.h b/include/uapi/linux/tipc_netlink.h
+index f9edd20..0ebe02e 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/tipc_netlink.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tipc_netlink.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR BSD-3-Clause) */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2014, Ericsson AB
+  * All rights reserved.
+@@ -113,6 +114,14 @@ enum {
+ 	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_REF,		/* u32 */
+ 	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_CON,		/* nest */
+ 	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_HAS_PUBL,		/* flag */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_STAT,		/* nest */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_TYPE,		/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_INO,		/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_UID,		/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_COOKIE,		/* u64 */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_PAD,		/* flag */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_GROUP,		/* nest */
+@@ -161,6 +170,8 @@ enum {
+ 	TIPC_NLA_NET_ID,		/* u32 */
+ 	TIPC_NLA_NET_ADDR,		/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_NET_NODEID,		/* u64 */
++	TIPC_NLA_NET_NODEID_W1,		/* u64 */
+@@ -223,6 +234,19 @@ enum {
+ };
++/* Nest, socket group info */
++enum {
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_GROUP_ID,			/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_SOCK_GROUP_OPEN,		/* flag */
+ /* Nest, connection info */
+ enum {
+@@ -237,6 +261,18 @@ enum {
+ };
++/* Nest, socket statistics info */
++enum {
+ /* Nest, link propreties. Valid for link, media and bearer */
+ enum {
+@@ -244,6 +280,7 @@ enum {
+ 	TIPC_NLA_PROP_PRIO,		/* u32 */
+ 	TIPC_NLA_PROP_TOL,		/* u32 */
+ 	TIPC_NLA_PROP_WIN,		/* u32 */
++	TIPC_NLA_PROP_MTU,		/* u32 */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/tipc_sockets_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/tipc_sockets_diag.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..21b766e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/tipc_sockets_diag.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
++/* AF_TIPC sock_diag interface for querying open sockets */
++#ifndef __TIPC_SOCKETS_DIAG_H__
++#define __TIPC_SOCKETS_DIAG_H__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/sock_diag.h>
++/* Request */
++struct tipc_sock_diag_req {
++	__u8	sdiag_family;	/* must be AF_TIPC */
++	__u8	sdiag_protocol;	/* must be 0 */
++	__u16	pad;		/* must be 0 */
++	__u32	tidiag_states;	/* query*/
++#endif /* __TIPC_SOCKETS_DIAG_H__ */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/types.h b/include/uapi/linux/types.h
+index c640657..999cb0f 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/types.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/types.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_TYPES_H
+ #define _LINUX_TYPES_H
+@@ -43,5 +44,7 @@ typedef __u32 __bitwise __wsum;
+ #define __aligned_be64 __be64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
+ #define __aligned_le64 __le64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
++typedef unsigned __bitwise __poll_t;
+ #endif /*  __ASSEMBLY__ */
+ #endif /* _LINUX_TYPES_H */
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h
+index 1eb0b8d..5c502fd 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __UNIX_DIAG_H__
+ #define __UNIX_DIAG_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/veth.h b/include/uapi/linux/veth.h
+index 3354c1e..52b58e5 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/veth.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/veth.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef __NET_VETH_H_
+ #define __NET_VETH_H_
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/vm_sockets_diag.h b/include/uapi/linux/vm_sockets_diag.h
+index a732a6f..6da42f9 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/vm_sockets_diag.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/vm_sockets_diag.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ /* AF_VSOCK sock_diag(7) interface for querying open sockets */
+ #ifndef __VM_SOCKETS_DIAG_H__
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/xfrm.h b/include/uapi/linux/xfrm.h
+index 5790293..93fb192 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/xfrm.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/xfrm.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
+ #ifndef _LINUX_XFRM_H
+ #define _LINUX_XFRM_H
diff --git a/SOURCES/0048-tc-flower-Add-match-on-encapsulating-tos-ttl.patch b/SOURCES/0048-tc-flower-Add-match-on-encapsulating-tos-ttl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c608ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0048-tc-flower-Add-match-on-encapsulating-tos-ttl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+From 738c49477eb843b37cb799115e5b562303bfcd9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:51:12 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/flower: Add match on encapsulating tos/ttl
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641909
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 761ec9e29ff86
+Conflicts: Adjusted code to missing commit e28b88a464c49
+           ("tc: jsonify flower filter").
+commit 761ec9e29ff867452057f59dc6ca430688b409ea
+Author: Or Gerlitz <ogerlitz@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Thu Jul 19 14:02:15 2018 +0300
+    tc/flower: Add match on encapsulating tos/ttl
+    Add matching on tos/ttl of the IP tunnel headers.
+    For example, here's decap rule that matches on the tunnel tos:
+    tc filter add dev vxlan_sys_4789 protocol ip parent ffff: prio 10 flower \
+       enc_src_ip enc_dst_ip enc_key_id 100 enc_dst_port 4789 enc_tos 0x30 \
+       src_mac e4:11:22:33:44:70 dst_mac e4:11:22:33:44:50  \
+       action tunnel_key unset \
+       action mirred egress redirect dev eth0_0
+    Signed-off-by: Or Gerlitz <ogerlitz@mellanox.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc-flower.8 | 14 +++++++++++++-
+ tc/f_flower.c        | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-flower.8 b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+index be46f02..af19708 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-flower.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ flower \- flow based traffic control filter
+ .IR ipv4_address " | " ipv6_address " } | "
+ .B enc_dst_port
+ .IR port_number " | "
++.B enc_tos
++.IR TOS " | "
++.B enc_ttl
++.IR TTL " | "
+ .BR ip_flags
+@@ -207,6 +211,10 @@ bits is assumed.
+ .BI enc_src_ip " PREFIX"
+ .TQ
+ .BI enc_dst_port " NUMBER"
++.BI enc_tos " NUMBER"
++.BI enc_ttl " NUMBER"
+ Match on IP tunnel metadata. Key id
+ is a 32 bit tunnel key id (e.g. VNI for VXLAN tunnel).
+@@ -215,7 +223,11 @@ must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address optionally followed by a slash and the
+ prefix length. If the prefix is missing, \fBtc\fR assumes a full-length
+ host match.  Dst port
+-is a 16 bit UDP dst port.
++is a 16 bit UDP dst port. Tos
++is an 8 bit tos (dscp+ecn) value, ttl
++is an 8 bit time-to-live value.
+ .TP
+ .BI ip_flags " IP_FLAGS"
+diff --git a/tc/f_flower.c b/tc/f_flower.c
+index 5be693a..5f5236c 100644
+--- a/tc/f_flower.c
++++ b/tc/f_flower.c
+@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 		"                       enc_dst_ip [ IPV4-ADDR | IPV6-ADDR ] |\n"
+ 		"                       enc_src_ip [ IPV4-ADDR | IPV6-ADDR ] |\n"
+ 		"                       enc_key_id [ KEY-ID ] |\n"
++		"                       enc_tos MASKED-IP_TOS |\n"
++		"                       enc_ttl MASKED-IP_TTL |\n"
+ 		"                       ip_flags IP-FLAGS | \n"
+ 		"                       enc_dst_port [ port_number ] }\n"
+ 		"       FILTERID := X:Y:Z\n"
+@@ -883,6 +885,26 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"enc_dst_port\"\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "enc_tos") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			ret = flower_parse_ip_tos_ttl(*argv,
++						      TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ENC_IP_TOS,
++						      n);
++			if (ret < 0) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"enc_tos\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "enc_ttl") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			ret = flower_parse_ip_tos_ttl(*argv,
++						      TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ENC_IP_TTL,
++						      n);
++			if (ret < 0) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"enc_ttl\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "action") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			ret = parse_action(&argc, &argv, TCA_FLOWER_ACT, n);
+@@ -1296,6 +1318,11 @@ static int flower_print_opt(struct filter_util *qu, FILE *f,
+ 	flower_print_port(f, "enc_dst_port",
++	flower_print_ip_attr(f, "enc_tos", tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ENC_IP_TOS],
++	flower_print_ip_attr(f, "enc_ttl", tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ENC_IP_TTL],
+ 	flower_print_matching_flags(f, "ip_flags",
+ 				    FLOWER_IP_FLAGS,
+ 				    tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_FLAGS],
diff --git a/SOURCES/0049-tc-act_tunnel_key-Enable-setup-of-tos-and-ttl.patch b/SOURCES/0049-tc-act_tunnel_key-Enable-setup-of-tos-and-ttl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a3eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0049-tc-act_tunnel_key-Enable-setup-of-tos-and-ttl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+From 7521695ca299ceb723dc6b17f304b91300b3b16c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:51:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/act_tunnel_key: Enable setup of tos and ttl
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641909
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 9f89b0cc0eda2
+* Context change due to missing commits
+  59eb271d1d259 ("tc: m_tunnel_key: add csum/nocsum option") and
+  6217917a38268 ("tc: m_tunnel_key: Add tunnel option support to act_tunnel_key").
+* Adjusted tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl() to missing commit 8feb516bfcdd9
+  ("tc: jsonify tunnel_key action").
+commit 9f89b0cc0eda2ef52d8850b0610f3e2e09fd7c1c
+Author: Or Gerlitz <ogerlitz@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Thu Jul 19 14:02:14 2018 +0300
+    tc/act_tunnel_key: Enable setup of tos and ttl
+    Allow to set tos and ttl for the tunnel.
+    For example, here's encap rule that sets tos to the tunnel:
+    tc filter add dev eth0_0 protocol ip parent ffff: prio 10 flower \
+       src_mac e4:11:22:33:44:50 dst_mac e4:11:22:33:44:70 \
+       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 100 dst_port 4789 tos 0x30 \
+       action mirred egress redirect dev vxlan_sys_4789
+    Signed-off-by: Or Gerlitz <ogerlitz@mellanox.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 |  8 ++++++++
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c        | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+index 52fa585..5e93c59 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ tunnel_key - Tunnel metadata manipulation
+ .BI id " KEY_ID"
+ .BI dst_port " UDP_PORT"
++.BI tos " TOS"
++.BI ttl " TTL"
+ The
+@@ -77,6 +79,12 @@ Outer header destination IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
+ .TP
+ .B dst_port
+ Outer header destination UDP port
++.B tos
++Outer header TOS
++.B ttl
++Outer header TTL
+ .RE
+ The following example encapsulates incoming ICMP packets on eth0 into a vxlan
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index acbcfc1..60fd1c4 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -80,6 +80,22 @@ static int tunnel_key_parse_dst_port(char *str, int type, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int tunnel_key_parse_tos_ttl(char *str, int type, struct nlmsghdr *n)
++	int ret;
++	__u8 val;
++	ret = get_u8(&val, str, 10);
++	if (ret)
++		ret = get_u8(&val, str, 16);
++	if (ret)
++		return -1;
++	addattr8(n, MAX_MSG, type, val);
++	return 0;
+ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			    int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+@@ -154,6 +170,22 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"dst port\"\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "tos") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			ret = tunnel_key_parse_tos_ttl(*argv,
++							TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TOS, n);
++			if (ret < 0) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"tos\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "ttl") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			ret = tunnel_key_parse_tos_ttl(*argv,
++							TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TTL, n);
++			if (ret < 0) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"ttl\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 			usage();
+ 		} else {
+@@ -231,6 +263,19 @@ static void tunnel_key_print_dst_port(FILE *f, char *name,
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n\t%s %d", name, rta_getattr_be16(attr));
+ }
++static void tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(FILE *f, char *name,
++				     struct rtattr *attr)
++	if (!attr)
++		return;
++	if (matches(name, "tos") == 0 && rta_getattr_u8(attr) != 0) {
++		fprintf(f, "\n\t%s 0x%x", name, rta_getattr_u8(attr));
++	} else if (matches(name, "ttl") == 0 && rta_getattr_u8(attr) != 0) {
++		fprintf(f, "\n\t%s %u", name, rta_getattr_u8(attr));
++	}
+ static int print_tunnel_key(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ {
+ 	struct rtattr *tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_MAX + 1];
+@@ -267,6 +312,10 @@ static int print_tunnel_key(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		tunnel_key_print_dst_port(f, "dst_port",
++		tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(f, "tos",
++					  tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TOS]);
++		tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(f, "ttl",
++					  tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TTL]);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf(f, " %s", action_n2a(parm->action));
diff --git a/SOURCES/0055-ip-Add-violation-counters-to-VF-statisctics.patch b/SOURCES/0055-ip-Add-violation-counters-to-VF-statisctics.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fd54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0055-ip-Add-violation-counters-to-VF-statisctics.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+From 1e22b512374d25b547212bdbe1530ac8de1defdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 11:23:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ip: Add violation counters to VF statisctics
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1471680
+Upstream Status: unknown commit 8c7acf3a
+Conflicts: manually applied due to JSON support
+commit 8c7acf3a7ac265badc287f064614d60119a8072d
+Author: Eran Ben Elisha <eranbe@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sun Jul 22 13:31:12 2018 +0300
+    ip: Add violation counters to VF statisctics
+    Extend VFs statistics by receive and transmit violation counters.
+    Example: "ip -s link show dev enp5s0f0"
+    6: enp5s0f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
+        link/ether 24:8a:07:a5:28:f0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+        RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast
+        0          0        0       0       0       2
+        TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns
+        1406       17       0       0       0       0
+        vf 0 MAC 00:00:ca:fe:ca:fe, vlan 5, spoof checking off, link-state auto, trust off, query_rss off
+        RX: bytes  packets  mcast   bcast   dropped
+        1666       29       14         32      0
+        TX: bytes  packets   dropped
+        2880       44       2412
+    Signed-off-by: Eran Ben Elisha <eranbe@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ ip/ipaddress.c | 14 ++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipaddress.c b/ip/ipaddress.c
+index 14e9e22..44111a2 100644
+--- a/ip/ipaddress.c
++++ b/ip/ipaddress.c
+@@ -471,21 +471,31 @@ static void print_vf_stats64(FILE *fp, struct rtattr *vfstats)
+ 	/* RX stats */
+ 	fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_);
+-	fprintf(fp, "    RX: bytes  packets  mcast   bcast %s", _SL_);
++	fprintf(fp, "    RX: bytes  packets  mcast   bcast ");
++		fprintf(fp, "  dropped ");
++	fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_);
+ 	fprintf(fp, "    ");
+ 	print_num(fp, 10,  rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_RX_BYTES]));
+ 	print_num(fp, 8, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_RX_PACKETS]));
+ 	print_num(fp, 7, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_MULTICAST]));
+ 	print_num(fp, 7, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_BROADCAST]));
++		print_num(fp, 8, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_RX_DROPPED]));
+ 	/* TX stats */
+ 	fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_);
+-	fprintf(fp, "    TX: bytes  packets %s", _SL_);
++	fprintf(fp, "    TX: bytes  packets ");
++		fprintf(fp, "  dropped ");
++	fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_);
+ 	fprintf(fp, "    ");
+ 	print_num(fp, 10, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_TX_BYTES]));
+ 	print_num(fp, 8, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_TX_PACKETS]));
++		print_num(fp, 8, rta_getattr_u64(vf[IFLA_VF_STATS_TX_DROPPED]));
+ }
+ static void print_link_stats64(FILE *fp, const struct rtnl_link_stats64 *s,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0056-devlink-Add-support-for-devlink-resource-abstraction.patch b/SOURCES/0056-devlink-Add-support-for-devlink-resource-abstraction.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3c3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0056-devlink-Add-support-for-devlink-resource-abstraction.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+From 5190aa430d198420679e53163604f7b6860bcd0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:40:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: Add support for devlink resource abstraction
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1644731
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 8cd644095842a
+Conflicts: adjusted help printout due to missing commit
+           3e897912cbff9 ("devlink: add batch command support")
+commit 8cd644095842af3107320e86eeb01be6af6c77bb
+Author: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Wed Feb 14 10:55:18 2018 +0200
+    devlink: Add support for devlink resource abstraction
+    Add support for devlink resource abstraction. The resources are
+    represented by a tree based structure and are identified by a name and
+    a size. Some resources can present their real time occupancy.
+    First the resources exposed by the driver can be observed, for example:
+    $devlink resource show pci/0000:03:00.0
+    pci/0000:03:00.0:
+      name kvd size 245760 unit entry
+        resources:
+          name linear size 98304 occ 0 unit entry size_min 0 size_max 147456 size_gran 128
+          name hash_double size 60416 unit entry size_min 32768 size_max 180224 size_gran 128
+          name hash_single size 87040 unit entry size_min 65536 size_max 212992 size_gran 128
+    Some resource's size can be changed. Examples:
+    $devlink resource set pci/0000:03:00.0 path /kvd/hash_single size 73088
+    $devlink resource set pci/0000:03:00.0 path /kvd/hash_double size 74368
+    The changes do not apply immediately, this can be validate by the 'size_new'
+    attribute, which represents the pending changed size. For example
+    $devlink resource show pci/0000:03:00.0
+    pci/0000:03:00.0:
+      name kvd size 245760 unit entry size_valid false
+      resources:
+        name linear size 98304 size_new 147456 occ 0 unit entry size_min 0 size_max 147456 size_gran 128
+        name hash_double size 60416 unit entry size_min 32768 size_max 180224 size_gran 128
+        name hash_single size 87040 unit entry size_min 65536 size_max 212992 size_gran 128
+    In case of a pending change the nested resources present an indication
+    for a valid configuration of its children (sum of its children sizes
+    doesn't exceed the parent's size).
+    In order for the changes to take place hot reload is needed. The hot
+    reload through devlink will be introduced in the following patch.
+    Signed-off-by: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ devlink/devlink.c | 490 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ include/list.h    |   5 +
+ 2 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index f9bc16c350c40..7f47b79450094 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ static void ifname_map_free(struct ifname_map *ifname_map)
+ struct dl_opts {
+ 	uint32_t present; /* flags of present items */
+@@ -197,6 +199,10 @@ struct dl_opts {
+ 	const char *dpipe_table_name;
+ 	bool dpipe_counters_enable;
+ 	bool eswitch_encap_mode;
++	const char *resource_path;
++	uint32_t resource_size;
++	uint32_t resource_id;
++	bool resource_id_valid;
+ };
+ struct dl {
+@@ -937,6 +943,20 @@ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
+ 			if (err)
+ 				return err;
+ 			o_found |= DL_OPT_ESWITCH_ENCAP_MODE;
++		} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "path") &&
++			   (o_all & DL_OPT_RESOURCE_PATH)) {
++			dl_arg_inc(dl);
++			err = dl_argv_str(dl, &opts->resource_path);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			o_found |= DL_OPT_RESOURCE_PATH;
++		} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "size") &&
++			   (o_all & DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE)) {
++			dl_arg_inc(dl);
++			err = dl_argv_uint32_t(dl, &opts->resource_size);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			o_found |= DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE;
+ 		} else {
+ 			pr_err("Unknown option \"%s\"\n", dl_argv(dl));
+ 			return -EINVAL;
+@@ -1079,6 +1099,12 @@ static void dl_opts_put(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct dl *dl)
+ 	if (opts->present & DL_OPT_ESWITCH_ENCAP_MODE)
+ 		mnl_attr_put_u8(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_ENCAP_MODE,
+ 				opts->eswitch_encap_mode);
++	if ((opts->present & DL_OPT_RESOURCE_PATH) && opts->resource_id_valid)
++		mnl_attr_put_u64(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_ID,
++				 opts->resource_id);
++	if (opts->present & DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE)
++		mnl_attr_put_u64(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE,
++				 opts->resource_size);
+ }
+ static int dl_argv_parse_put(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct dl *dl,
+@@ -2666,6 +2692,91 @@ struct dpipe_header {
+ 	unsigned int fields_count;
+ };
++struct resource {
++	char *name;
++	uint64_t size;
++	uint64_t size_new;
++	uint64_t size_min;
++	uint64_t size_max;
++	uint64_t size_gran;
++	enum devlink_resource_unit unit;
++	bool size_valid;
++	uint64_t size_occ;
++	bool occ_valid;
++	uint64_t id;
++	struct list_head list;
++	struct list_head resource_list;
++	struct resource *parent;
++struct resources {
++	struct list_head resource_list;
++struct resource_ctx {
++	struct dl *dl;
++	int err;
++	struct resources *resources;
++	bool print_resources;
++	bool pending_change;
++static struct resource *resource_alloc(void)
++	struct resource *resource;
++	resource = calloc(1, sizeof(struct resource));
++	if (!resource)
++		return NULL;
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&resource->resource_list);
++	return resource;
++static void resource_free(struct resource *resource)
++	struct resource *child_resource, *tmp;
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(child_resource, tmp, &resource->resource_list,
++				 list) {
++		free(child_resource->name);
++		resource_free(child_resource);
++	}
++	free(resource);
++static struct resources *resources_alloc(void)
++	struct resources *resources;
++	resources = calloc(1, sizeof(struct resources));
++	if (!resources)
++		return NULL;
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&resources->resource_list);
++	return resources;
++static void resources_free(struct resources *resources)
++	struct resource *resource, *tmp;
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(resource, tmp, &resources->resource_list, list)
++		resource_free(resource);
++static int resource_ctx_init(struct resource_ctx *ctx, struct dl *dl)
++	ctx->resources = resources_alloc();
++	if (!ctx->resources)
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	ctx->dl = dl;
++	return 0;
++static void resource_ctx_fini(struct resource_ctx *ctx)
++	resources_free(ctx->resources);
+ struct dpipe_ctx {
+ 	struct dl *dl;
+ 	int err;
+@@ -3203,6 +3314,66 @@ err_match_show:
+ 	return -EINVAL;
+ }
++static struct resource *
++resource_find(struct resources *resources, struct resource *resource,
++	      uint64_t resource_id)
++	struct list_head *list_head;
++	if (!resource)
++		list_head = &resources->resource_list;
++	else
++		list_head = &resource->resource_list;
++	list_for_each_entry(resource, list_head, list) {
++		struct resource *child_resource;
++		if (resource->id == resource_id)
++			return resource;
++		child_resource = resource_find(resources, resource,
++					       resource_id);
++		if (child_resource)
++			return child_resource;
++	}
++	return NULL;
++static void
++resource_path_print(struct dl *dl, struct resources *resources,
++		    uint64_t resource_id)
++	struct resource *resource, *parent_resource;
++	const char del[] = "/";
++	int path_len = 0;
++	char *path;
++	resource = resource_find(resources, NULL, resource_id);
++	if (!resource)
++		return;
++	for (parent_resource = resource; parent_resource;
++	     parent_resource = parent_resource->parent)
++		path_len += strlen(parent_resource->name) + 1;
++	path_len++;
++	path = calloc(1, path_len);
++	if (!path)
++		return;
++	path += path_len - 1;
++	for (parent_resource = resource; parent_resource;
++		parent_resource = parent_resource->parent) {
++		path -= strlen(parent_resource->name);
++		memcpy(path, parent_resource->name,
++		       strlen(parent_resource->name));
++		path -= strlen(del);
++		memcpy(path, del, strlen(del));
++	}
++	pr_out_str(dl, "resource_path", path);
++	free(path);
+ static int dpipe_table_show(struct dpipe_ctx *ctx, struct nlattr *nl)
+ {
+ 	struct nlattr *nla_table[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
+@@ -3617,10 +3788,324 @@ static int cmd_dpipe(struct dl *dl)
+ 	return -ENOENT;
+ }
++static int
++resource_parse(struct resource_ctx *ctx, struct resource *resource,
++	       struct nlattr **nla_resource)
++	if (!nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_NAME] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_ID] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_UNIT] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_MIN] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_MAX] ||
++	    !nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_GRAN]) {
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	resource->name = strdup(mnl_attr_get_str(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_NAME]));
++	resource->size = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE]);
++	resource->id = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_ID]);
++	resource->unit = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_UNIT]);
++	resource->size_min = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_MIN]);
++	resource->size_max = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_MAX]);
++	resource->size_gran = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_GRAN]);
++	if (nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_NEW])
++		resource->size_new = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_NEW]);
++	else
++		resource->size_new = resource->size;
++	if (nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_OCC]) {
++		resource->size_occ = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_OCC]);
++		resource->occ_valid = true;
++	}
++	if (resource->size_new != resource->size)
++		ctx->pending_change = true;
++	return 0;
++static int
++resource_get(struct resource_ctx *ctx, struct resource *resource,
++	     struct resource *parent_resource, struct nlattr *nl)
++	struct nlattr *nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_child_resource;
++	struct nlattr *nla_resources;
++	bool top = false;
++	int err;
++	if (!resource) {
++		nla_resources = nl;
++		top = true;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nl, attr_cb, nla_resource);
++	if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	err = resource_parse(ctx, resource, nla_resource);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	resource->parent = parent_resource;
++	if (!nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_LIST])
++		return 0;
++	resource->size_valid = !!mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE_VALID]);
++	nla_resources = nla_resource[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_LIST];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_child_resource, nla_resources) {
++		struct resource *child_resource;
++		struct list_head *list;
++		child_resource = resource_alloc();
++		if (!child_resource)
++			return -ENOMEM;
++		if (top)
++			list = &ctx->resources->resource_list;
++		else
++			list = &resource->resource_list;
++		list_add_tail(&child_resource->list, list);
++		err = resource_get(ctx, child_resource, resource,
++				   nla_child_resource);
++		if (err)
++			return err;
++	}
++	return 0;
++static const char *resource_unit_str_get(enum devlink_resource_unit unit)
++	switch (unit) {
++	case DEVLINK_RESOURCE_UNIT_ENTRY: return "entry";
++	default: return "<unknown unit>";
++	}
++static void resource_show(struct resource *resource,
++			  struct resource_ctx *ctx)
++	struct resource *child_resource;
++	struct dl *dl = ctx->dl;
++	pr_out_str(dl, "name", resource->name);
++	if (dl->verbose)
++		resource_path_print(dl, ctx->resources, resource->id);
++	pr_out_uint(dl, "size", resource->size);
++	if (resource->size != resource->size_new)
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "size_new", resource->size_new);
++	if (resource->occ_valid)
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "occ", resource->size_occ);
++	pr_out_str(dl, "unit", resource_unit_str_get(resource->unit));
++	if (resource->size_min != resource->size_max) {
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "size_min", resource->size_min);
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "size_max", resource->size_max);
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "size_gran", resource->size_gran);
++	}
++	if (list_empty(&resource->resource_list))
++		return;
++	if (ctx->pending_change)
++		pr_out_str(dl, "size_valid", resource->size_valid ?
++			   "true" : "false");
++	pr_out_array_start(dl, "resources");
++	list_for_each_entry(child_resource, &resource->resource_list, list) {
++		pr_out_entry_start(dl);
++		resource_show(child_resource, ctx);
++		pr_out_entry_end(dl);
++	}
++	pr_out_array_end(dl);
++static void
++resources_show(struct resource_ctx *ctx, struct nlattr **tb)
++	struct resources *resources = ctx->resources;
++	struct resource *resource;
++	list_for_each_entry(resource, &resources->resource_list, list) {
++		pr_out_handle_start_arr(ctx->dl, tb);
++		resource_show(resource, ctx);
++		pr_out_handle_end(ctx->dl);
++	}
++static int resources_get(struct resource_ctx *ctx, struct nlattr **tb)
++	return resource_get(ctx, NULL, NULL, tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_LIST]);
++static int cmd_resource_dump_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct resource_ctx *ctx = data;
++	struct nlattr *tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct genlmsghdr *genl = mnl_nlmsg_get_payload(nlh);
++	int err;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, sizeof(*genl), attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	err = resources_get(ctx, tb);
++	if (err) {
++		ctx->err = err;
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	}
++	if (ctx->print_resources)
++		resources_show(ctx, tb);
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int cmd_resource_show(struct dl *dl)
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	struct resource_ctx ctx = {};
++	int err;
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_RESOURCE_DUMP,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK);
++	err = dl_argv_parse_put(nlh, dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE, 0);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	err = resource_ctx_init(&ctx, dl);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	ctx.print_resources = true;
++	pr_out_section_start(dl, "resources");
++	err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, cmd_resource_dump_cb, &ctx);
++	pr_out_section_end(dl);
++	resource_ctx_fini(&ctx);
++	return err;
++static void cmd_resource_help(void)
++	pr_err("Usage: devlink resource show DEV\n"
++	       "       devlink resource set DEV path PATH size SIZE\n");
++static struct resource *
++resource_find_by_name(struct list_head *list, char *name)
++	struct resource *resource;
++	list_for_each_entry(resource, list, list) {
++		if (!strcmp(resource->name, name))
++			return resource;
++	}
++	return NULL;
++static int
++resource_path_parse(struct resource_ctx *ctx, const char *resource_path,
++		    uint32_t *p_resource_id, bool *p_resource_valid)
++	struct resource *resource;
++	uint32_t resource_id = 0;
++	char *resource_path_dup;
++	struct list_head *list;
++	const char del[] = "/";
++	char *resource_name;
++	resource_path_dup = strdup(resource_path);
++	list = &ctx->resources->resource_list;
++	resource_name = strtok(resource_path_dup, del);
++	while (resource_name != NULL) {
++		resource = resource_find_by_name(list, resource_name);
++		if (!resource)
++			goto err_resource_lookup;
++		list = &resource->resource_list;
++		resource_name = strtok(NULL, del);
++		resource_id = resource->id;
++	}
++	free(resource_path_dup);
++	*p_resource_valid = true;
++	*p_resource_id = resource_id;
++	return 0;
++	free(resource_path_dup);
++	return -EINVAL;
++static int cmd_resource_set(struct dl *dl)
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	struct resource_ctx ctx = {};
++	int err;
++	err = resource_ctx_init(&ctx, dl);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	ctx.print_resources = false;
++	err = dl_argv_parse(dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE | DL_OPT_RESOURCE_PATH |
++			    DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE, 0);
++	if (err)
++		goto out;
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_RESOURCE_DUMP,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST);
++	dl_opts_put(nlh, dl);
++	err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, cmd_resource_dump_cb, &ctx);
++	if (err) {
++		pr_err("error getting resources %s\n", strerror(ctx.err));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	err = resource_path_parse(&ctx, dl->opts.resource_path,
++				  &dl->opts.resource_id,
++				  &dl->opts.resource_id_valid);
++	if (err) {
++		pr_err("error parsing resource path %s\n", strerror(err));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_RESOURCE_SET,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK);
++	dl_opts_put(nlh, dl);
++	err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, NULL, NULL);
++	resource_ctx_fini(&ctx);
++	return err;
++static int cmd_resource(struct dl *dl)
++	if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help") || dl_no_arg(dl)) {
++		cmd_resource_help();
++		return 0;
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "show")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_resource_show(dl);
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "set")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_resource_set(dl);
++	}
++	pr_err("Command \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
++	return -ENOENT;
+ static void help(void)
+ {
+ 	pr_err("Usage: devlink [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }\n"
+-	       "where  OBJECT := { dev | port | sb | monitor | dpipe }\n"
++	       "where  OBJECT := { dev | port | sb | monitor | dpipe | resource }\n"
+ 	       "       OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -n[no-nice-names] | -j[json] | -p[pretty] | -v[verbose] }\n");
+ }
+@@ -3644,6 +4129,9 @@ static int dl_cmd(struct dl *dl)
+ 	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "dpipe")) {
+ 		dl_arg_inc(dl);
+ 		return cmd_dpipe(dl);
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "resource")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_resource(dl);
+ 	}
+ 	pr_err("Object \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
+ 	return -ENOENT;
+diff --git a/include/list.h b/include/list.h
+index 5b529dc6e5211..b2adf55578449 100644
+--- a/include/list.h
++++ b/include/list.h
+@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ static inline void hlist_add_head(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h)
+ 	n->pprev = &h->first;
+ }
++static inline int list_empty(const struct list_head *head)
++	return head->next == head;
+ #define hlist_for_each(pos, head) \
+ 	for (pos = (head)->first; pos ; pos = pos->next)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0057-devlink-Add-support-for-hot-reload.patch b/SOURCES/0057-devlink-Add-support-for-hot-reload.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c804b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0057-devlink-Add-support-for-hot-reload.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From ceaa3a5ecffe0c558c990be6c4ba682be5ce85e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:40:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: Add support for hot reload
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1644731
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 06dd94f952e50
+commit 06dd94f952e50edeffe5ea8b7b95b5cd562b9365
+Author: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Wed Feb 14 10:55:19 2018 +0200
+    devlink: Add support for hot reload
+    Add support for hot reload. It should be used in order for resource
+    updates to take place.
+    Signed-off-by: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ devlink/devlink.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index 7f47b79450094..fc3939e564bc8 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -1163,6 +1163,7 @@ static void cmd_dev_help(void)
+ 	pr_err("                               [ inline-mode { none | link | network | transport } ]\n");
+ 	pr_err("                               [ encap { disable | enable } ]\n");
+ 	pr_err("       devlink dev eswitch show DEV\n");
++	pr_err("       devlink dev reload DEV\n");
+ }
+ static bool cmp_arr_last_handle(struct dl *dl, const char *bus_name,
+@@ -1602,6 +1603,31 @@ static int cmd_dev_show(struct dl *dl)
+ 	return err;
+ }
++static void cmd_dev_reload_help(void)
++	pr_err("Usage: devlink dev reload [ DEV ]\n");
++static int cmd_dev_reload(struct dl *dl)
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	int err;
++	if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help") || dl_no_arg(dl)) {
++		cmd_dev_reload_help();
++		return 0;
++	}
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_RELOAD,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK);
++	err = dl_argv_parse_put(nlh, dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE, 0);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	return _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, NULL, NULL);
+ static int cmd_dev(struct dl *dl)
+ {
+ 	if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help")) {
+@@ -1614,6 +1640,9 @@ static int cmd_dev(struct dl *dl)
+ 	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "eswitch")) {
+ 		dl_arg_inc(dl);
+ 		return cmd_dev_eswitch(dl);
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "reload")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_dev_reload(dl);
+ 	}
+ 	pr_err("Command \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
+ 	return -ENOENT;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0058-devlink-Update-man-pages-and-add-resource-man.patch b/SOURCES/0058-devlink-Update-man-pages-and-add-resource-man.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe2d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0058-devlink-Update-man-pages-and-add-resource-man.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+From edf1a3765c440bdd6a15ca7dd4d52a2264a67f69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:40:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: Update man pages and add resource man
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1644731
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 58b48c5d75e29
+commit 58b48c5d75e2960dfcd947975911a170ae765975
+Author: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Wed Feb 14 10:55:22 2018 +0200
+    devlink: Update man pages and add resource man
+    Add resource man, and update dev manual for reload command.
+    Signed-off-by: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ man/man8/devlink-dev.8      | 15 +++++++
+ man/man8/devlink-resource.8 | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ man/man8/devlink.8          |  1 +
+ 3 files changed, 94 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 man/man8/devlink-resource.8
+diff --git a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8 b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
+index b074d57a19369..7c749ddabaeeb 100644
+--- a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
++++ b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
+@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ devlink-dev \- devlink device configuration
+ .BR "devlink dev eswitch show"
++.ti -8
++.BR "devlink dev reload"
+ .SS devlink dev show - display devlink device attributes
+@@ -94,6 +98,12 @@ Set eswitch encapsulation support
+ .I enable
+ - Enable encapsulation support
++.SS devlink dev reload - perform hot reload of the driver.
++.I "DEV"
++- Specifies the devlink device to reload.
+ .PP
+ devlink dev show
+@@ -114,6 +124,11 @@ Shows the eswitch mode of specified devlink device.
+ devlink dev eswitch set pci/0000:01:00.0 mode switchdev
+ .RS 4
+ Sets the eswitch mode of specified devlink device to switchdev.
++devlink dev reload pci/0000:01:00.0
++.RS 4
++Performs hot reload of specified devlink device.
+ .BR devlink (8),
+diff --git a/man/man8/devlink-resource.8 b/man/man8/devlink-resource.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..b8f788060427b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/man/man8/devlink-resource.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++.TH DEVLINK\-RESOURCE 8 "11 Feb 2018" "iproute2" "Linux"
++devlink-resource \- devlink device resource configuration
++.ad l
++.in +8
++.ti -8
++.B devlink
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
++.B resource
++.RI  " { " COMMAND " | "
++.BR help " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR OPTIONS " := { "
++\fB\-v\fR[\fIerbose\fR] }
++.ti -8
++.B devlink resource show
++.ti -8
++.B devlink resource help
++.ti -8
++.BR "devlink resource set"
++.SS devlink resource show - display devlink device's resosources
++.I "DEV"
++- specifies the devlink device to show.
++.in +4
++Format is:
++.in +2
++.SS devlink resource set - sets resource size of specific resource
++.I "DEV"
++- specifies the devlink device.
++Resource's path.
++The new resource's size.
++devlink resource show pci/0000:01:00.0
++.RS 4
++Shows the resources of the specified devlink device.
++devlink resource set pci/0000:01:00.0 /kvd/linear 98304
++.RS 4
++Sets the size of the specified resource for the specified devlink device.
++.BR devlink (8),
++.BR devlink-port (8),
++.BR devlink-sb (8),
++.BR devlink-monitor (8),
++Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+diff --git a/man/man8/devlink.8 b/man/man8/devlink.8
+index a480766cbbdbe..6bf398274a612 100644
+--- a/man/man8/devlink.8
++++ b/man/man8/devlink.8
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ Exit status is 0 if command was successful or a positive integer upon failure.
+ .BR devlink-port (8),
+ .BR devlink-monitor (8),
+ .BR devlink-sb (8),
++.BR devlink-resource (8),
+ .br
diff --git a/SOURCES/0059-devlink-Add-param-command-support.patch b/SOURCES/0059-devlink-Add-param-command-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a174d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0059-devlink-Add-param-command-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+From 8bd31b6df5fd1da612accbb4d131b3c3bcded079 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:40:58 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: Add param command support
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1644731
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 13925ae9eb38b
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 844646a52837f
+           ("devlink: Change empty line indication with indentations")
+commit 13925ae9eb38b99107be1d3fe21a1b73cf40bd97
+Author: Moshe Shemesh <moshe@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Wed Jul 4 17:12:06 2018 +0300
+    devlink: Add param command support
+    Add support for configuration parameters set and show.
+    Each parameter can be either generic or driver-specific.
+    The user can retrieve data on these configuration parameters by devlink
+    param show command and can set new value to a configuration parameter
+    by devlink param set command.
+    The configuration parameters can be set in different configuration
+    modes:
+      runtime - set while driver is running, no reset required.
+      driverinit - applied while driver initializes, requires restart
+                   driver by devlink reload command.
+      permanent - written to device's non-volatile memory, hard reset
+                  required to apply.
+    New commands added:
+      devlink dev param show [DEV name PARAMETER]
+      devlink dev param set DEV name PARAMETER value VALUE
+                                cmode { permanent | driverinit | runtime }
+    Signed-off-by: Moshe Shemesh <moshe@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ devlink/devlink.c      | 454 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ man/man8/devlink-dev.8 |  57 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 511 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index fc3939e564bc8..92e78c9c8d9f6 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
++#define PARAM_CMODE_RUNTIME_STR "runtime"
++#define PARAM_CMODE_DRIVERINIT_STR "driverinit"
++#define PARAM_CMODE_PERMANENT_STR "permanent"
+ #define pr_err(args...) fprintf(stderr, ##args)
+ #define pr_out(args...)						\
+ 	do {							\
+@@ -179,6 +183,9 @@ static void ifname_map_free(struct ifname_map *ifname_map)
++#define DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME	BIT(18)
++#define DL_OPT_PARAM_VALUE	BIT(19)
++#define DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE	BIT(20)
+ struct dl_opts {
+ 	uint32_t present; /* flags of present items */
+@@ -203,6 +210,9 @@ struct dl_opts {
+ 	uint32_t resource_size;
+ 	uint32_t resource_id;
+ 	bool resource_id_valid;
++	const char *param_name;
++	const char *param_value;
++	enum devlink_param_cmode cmode;
+ };
+ struct dl {
+@@ -340,6 +350,12 @@ static const enum mnl_attr_data_type devlink_policy[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
+ };
+ static int attr_cb(const struct nlattr *attr, void *data)
+@@ -506,6 +522,34 @@ static int strtouint16_t(const char *str, uint16_t *p_val)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int strtouint8_t(const char *str, uint8_t *p_val)
++	char *endptr;
++	unsigned long int val;
++	val = strtoul(str, &endptr, 10);
++	if (endptr == str || *endptr != '\0')
++		return -EINVAL;
++	if (val > UCHAR_MAX)
++		return -ERANGE;
++	*p_val = val;
++	return 0;
++static int strtobool(const char *str, bool *p_val)
++	bool val;
++	if (!strcmp(str, "true") || !strcmp(str, "1"))
++		val = true;
++	else if (!strcmp(str, "false") || !strcmp(str, "0"))
++		val = false;
++	else
++		return -EINVAL;
++	*p_val = val;
++	return 0;
+ static int __dl_argv_handle(char *str, char **p_bus_name, char **p_dev_name)
+ {
+ 	strslashrsplit(str, p_bus_name, p_dev_name);
+@@ -776,6 +820,22 @@ static int eswitch_encap_mode_get(const char *typestr, bool *p_mode)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int param_cmode_get(const char *cmodestr,
++			   enum devlink_param_cmode *cmode)
++	if (strcmp(cmodestr, PARAM_CMODE_RUNTIME_STR) == 0) {
++	} else if (strcmp(cmodestr, PARAM_CMODE_DRIVERINIT_STR) == 0) {
++	} else if (strcmp(cmodestr, PARAM_CMODE_PERMANENT_STR) == 0) {
++	} else {
++		pr_err("Unknown configuration mode \"%s\"\n", cmodestr);
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	return 0;
+ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
+ 			 uint32_t o_optional)
+ {
+@@ -957,6 +1017,32 @@ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
+ 			if (err)
+ 				return err;
+ 			o_found |= DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE;
++		} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "name") &&
++			   (o_all & DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME)) {
++			dl_arg_inc(dl);
++			err = dl_argv_str(dl, &opts->param_name);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			o_found |= DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME;
++		} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "value") &&
++			   (o_all & DL_OPT_PARAM_VALUE)) {
++			dl_arg_inc(dl);
++			err = dl_argv_str(dl, &opts->param_value);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			o_found |= DL_OPT_PARAM_VALUE;
++		} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "cmode") &&
++			   (o_all & DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE)) {
++			const char *cmodestr;
++			dl_arg_inc(dl);
++			err = dl_argv_str(dl, &cmodestr);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			err = param_cmode_get(cmodestr, &opts->cmode);
++			if (err)
++				return err;
++			o_found |= DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE;
+ 		} else {
+ 			pr_err("Unknown option \"%s\"\n", dl_argv(dl));
+ 			return -EINVAL;
+@@ -1041,6 +1127,24 @@ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+ 	}
++	if ((o_required & DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME) &&
++	    !(o_found & DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME)) {
++		pr_err("Parameter name expected.\n");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	if ((o_required & DL_OPT_PARAM_VALUE) &&
++	    !(o_found & DL_OPT_PARAM_VALUE)) {
++		pr_err("Value to set expected.\n");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	if ((o_required & DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE) &&
++	    !(o_found & DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE)) {
++		pr_err("Configuration mode expected.\n");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1105,6 +1209,12 @@ static void dl_opts_put(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct dl *dl)
+ 	if (opts->present & DL_OPT_RESOURCE_SIZE)
+ 		mnl_attr_put_u64(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_RESOURCE_SIZE,
+ 				 opts->resource_size);
++	if (opts->present & DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME)
++		mnl_attr_put_strz(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_NAME,
++				  opts->param_name);
++	if (opts->present & DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE)
++		mnl_attr_put_u8(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_CMODE,
++				opts->cmode);
+ }
+ static int dl_argv_parse_put(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct dl *dl,
+@@ -1163,6 +1273,8 @@ static void cmd_dev_help(void)
+ 	pr_err("                               [ inline-mode { none | link | network | transport } ]\n");
+ 	pr_err("                               [ encap { disable | enable } ]\n");
+ 	pr_err("       devlink dev eswitch show DEV\n");
++	pr_err("       devlink dev param set DEV name PARAMETER value VALUE cmode { permanent | driverinit | runtime }\n");
++	pr_err("       devlink dev param show [DEV name PARAMETER]\n");
+ 	pr_err("       devlink dev reload DEV\n");
+ }
+@@ -1377,6 +1489,14 @@ static void pr_out_str(struct dl *dl, const char *name, const char *val)
+ 	}
+ }
++static void pr_out_bool(struct dl *dl, const char *name, bool val)
++	if (val)
++		pr_out_str(dl, name, "true");
++	else
++		pr_out_str(dl, name, "false");
+ static void pr_out_uint(struct dl *dl, const char *name, unsigned int val)
+ {
+ 	if (dl->json_output) {
+@@ -1449,6 +1569,19 @@ static void pr_out_entry_end(struct dl *dl)
+ 		__pr_out_newline();
+ }
++static const char *param_cmode_name(uint8_t cmode)
++	switch (cmode) {
++	default: return "<unknown type>";
++	}
+ static const char *eswitch_mode_name(uint32_t mode)
+ {
+ 	switch (mode) {
+@@ -1567,6 +1700,304 @@ static int cmd_dev_eswitch(struct dl *dl)
+ 	return -ENOENT;
+ }
++static void pr_out_param_value(struct dl *dl, int nla_type, struct nlattr *nl)
++	struct nlattr *nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct nlattr *val_attr;
++	int err;
++	err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nl, attr_cb, nla_value);
++	if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++		return;
++	if (!nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_CMODE] ||
++	    (nla_type != MNL_TYPE_FLAG &&
++	     !nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA]))
++		return;
++	pr_out_str(dl, "cmode",
++		   param_cmode_name(mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_CMODE])));
++	val_attr = nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA];
++	switch (nla_type) {
++	case MNL_TYPE_U8:
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "value", mnl_attr_get_u8(val_attr));
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_U16:
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "value", mnl_attr_get_u16(val_attr));
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_U32:
++		pr_out_uint(dl, "value", mnl_attr_get_u32(val_attr));
++		break;
++		pr_out_str(dl, "value", mnl_attr_get_str(val_attr));
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_FLAG:
++		pr_out_bool(dl, "value", val_attr ? true : false);
++		break;
++	}
++static void pr_out_param(struct dl *dl, struct nlattr **tb, bool array)
++	struct nlattr *nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct nlattr *param_value_attr;
++	int nla_type;
++	int err;
++	err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM], attr_cb, nla_param);
++	if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++		return;
++	if (!nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_NAME] ||
++	    !nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_TYPE] ||
++		return;
++	if (array)
++		pr_out_handle_start_arr(dl, tb);
++	else
++		__pr_out_handle_start(dl, tb, true, false);
++	nla_type = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_TYPE]);
++	pr_out_str(dl, "name",
++		   mnl_attr_get_str(nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_NAME]));
++	if (!nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_GENERIC])
++		pr_out_str(dl, "type", "driver-specific");
++	else
++		pr_out_str(dl, "type", "generic");
++	pr_out_array_start(dl, "values");
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(param_value_attr,
++		pr_out_entry_start(dl);
++		pr_out_param_value(dl, nla_type, param_value_attr);
++		pr_out_entry_end(dl);
++	}
++	pr_out_array_end(dl);
++	pr_out_handle_end(dl);
++static int cmd_dev_param_show_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct genlmsghdr *genl = mnl_nlmsg_get_payload(nlh);
++	struct nlattr *tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct dl *dl = data;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, sizeof(*genl), attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	pr_out_param(dl, tb, true);
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++struct param_ctx {
++	struct dl *dl;
++	int nla_type;
++	union {
++		uint8_t vu8;
++		uint16_t vu16;
++		uint32_t vu32;
++		const char *vstr;
++		bool vbool;
++	} value;
++static int cmd_dev_param_set_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct genlmsghdr *genl = mnl_nlmsg_get_payload(nlh);
++	struct nlattr *nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct nlattr *tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++	struct nlattr *param_value_attr;
++	enum devlink_param_cmode cmode;
++	struct param_ctx *ctx = data;
++	struct dl *dl = ctx->dl;
++	int nla_type;
++	int err;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, sizeof(*genl), attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM], attr_cb, nla_param);
++	if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	if (!nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_TYPE] ||
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	nla_type = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_param[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_TYPE]);
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(param_value_attr,
++		struct nlattr *nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {};
++		struct nlattr *val_attr;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(param_value_attr,
++					    attr_cb, nla_value);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		if (!nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_CMODE] ||
++		    (nla_type != MNL_TYPE_FLAG &&
++		     !nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA]))
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		cmode = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_CMODE]);
++		if (cmode == dl->opts.cmode) {
++			val_attr = nla_value[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA];
++			switch (nla_type) {
++			case MNL_TYPE_U8:
++				ctx->value.vu8 = mnl_attr_get_u8(val_attr);
++				break;
++			case MNL_TYPE_U16:
++				ctx->value.vu16 = mnl_attr_get_u16(val_attr);
++				break;
++			case MNL_TYPE_U32:
++				ctx->value.vu32 = mnl_attr_get_u32(val_attr);
++				break;
++			case MNL_TYPE_STRING:
++				ctx->value.vstr = mnl_attr_get_str(val_attr);
++				break;
++			case MNL_TYPE_FLAG:
++				ctx->value.vbool = val_attr ? true : false;
++				break;
++			}
++			break;
++		}
++	}
++	ctx->nla_type = nla_type;
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int cmd_dev_param_set(struct dl *dl)
++	struct param_ctx ctx = {};
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	uint32_t val_u32;
++	uint16_t val_u16;
++	uint8_t val_u8;
++	bool val_bool;
++	int err;
++	err = dl_argv_parse(dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE |
++			    DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME |
++			    DL_OPT_PARAM_CMODE, 0);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	/* Get value type */
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_GET,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK);
++	dl_opts_put(nlh, dl);
++	ctx.dl = dl;
++	err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, cmd_dev_param_set_cb, &ctx);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_SET,
++			       NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK);
++	dl_opts_put(nlh, dl);
++	mnl_attr_put_u8(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_TYPE, ctx.nla_type);
++	switch (ctx.nla_type) {
++	case MNL_TYPE_U8:
++		err = strtouint8_t(dl->opts.param_value, &val_u8);
++		if (err)
++			goto err_param_value_parse;
++		if (val_u8 == ctx.value.vu8)
++			return 0;
++		mnl_attr_put_u8(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA, val_u8);
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_U16:
++		err = strtouint16_t(dl->opts.param_value, &val_u16);
++		if (err)
++			goto err_param_value_parse;
++		if (val_u16 == ctx.value.vu16)
++			return 0;
++		mnl_attr_put_u16(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA, val_u16);
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_U32:
++		err = strtouint32_t(dl->opts.param_value, &val_u32);
++		if (err)
++			goto err_param_value_parse;
++		if (val_u32 == ctx.value.vu32)
++			return 0;
++		mnl_attr_put_u32(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA, val_u32);
++		break;
++	case MNL_TYPE_FLAG:
++		err = strtobool(dl->opts.param_value, &val_bool);
++		if (err)
++			goto err_param_value_parse;
++		if (val_bool == ctx.value.vbool)
++			return 0;
++		if (val_bool)
++			mnl_attr_put(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA,
++				     0, NULL);
++		break;
++		mnl_attr_put_strz(nlh, DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM_VALUE_DATA,
++				  dl->opts.param_value);
++		if (!strcmp(dl->opts.param_value, ctx.value.vstr))
++			return 0;
++		break;
++	default:
++		printf("Value type not supported\n");
++		return -ENOTSUP;
++	}
++	return _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, NULL, NULL);
++	pr_err("Value \"%s\" is not a number or not within range\n",
++	       dl->opts.param_value);
++	return err;
++static int cmd_dev_param_show(struct dl *dl)
++	uint16_t flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK;
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	int err;
++	if (dl_argc(dl) == 0)
++		flags |= NLM_F_DUMP;
++	nlh = mnlg_msg_prepare(dl->nlg, DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_GET, flags);
++	if (dl_argc(dl) > 0) {
++		err = dl_argv_parse_put(nlh, dl, DL_OPT_HANDLE |
++					DL_OPT_PARAM_NAME, 0);
++		if (err)
++			return err;
++	}
++	pr_out_section_start(dl, "param");
++	err = _mnlg_socket_sndrcv(dl->nlg, nlh, cmd_dev_param_show_cb, dl);
++	pr_out_section_end(dl);
++	return err;
++static int cmd_dev_param(struct dl *dl)
++	if (dl_argv_match(dl, "help")) {
++		cmd_dev_help();
++		return 0;
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "show") ||
++		   dl_argv_match(dl, "list") || dl_no_arg(dl)) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_dev_param_show(dl);
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "set")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_dev_param_set(dl);
++	}
++	pr_err("Command \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
++	return -ENOENT;
+ static int cmd_dev_show_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
+ {
+ 	struct dl *dl = data;
+@@ -1643,6 +2074,9 @@ static int cmd_dev(struct dl *dl)
+ 	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "reload")) {
+ 		dl_arg_inc(dl);
+ 		return cmd_dev_reload(dl);
++	} else if (dl_argv_match(dl, "param")) {
++		dl_arg_inc(dl);
++		return cmd_dev_param(dl);
+ 	}
+ 	pr_err("Command \"%s\" not found\n", dl_argv(dl));
+ 	return -ENOENT;
+@@ -2586,6 +3020,10 @@ static const char *cmd_name(uint8_t cmd)
+ 	case DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET: return "set";
+ 	case DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW: return "net";
+ 	case DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL: return "del";
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_GET: return "get";
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_SET: return "set";
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_NEW: return "new";
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_DEL: return "del";
+ 	default: return "<unknown cmd>";
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -2604,6 +3042,11 @@ static const char *cmd_obj(uint8_t cmd)
+ 		return "port";
++		return "param";
+ 	default: return "<unknown obj>";
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -2660,6 +3103,17 @@ static int cmd_mon_show_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
+ 		pr_out_mon_header(genl->cmd);
+ 		pr_out_port(dl, tb);
+ 		break;
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_GET: /* fall through */
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_SET: /* fall through */
++	case DEVLINK_CMD_PARAM_NEW: /* fall through */
++		mnl_attr_parse(nlh, sizeof(*genl), attr_cb, tb);
++		    !tb[DEVLINK_ATTR_PARAM])
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		pr_out_mon_header(genl->cmd);
++		pr_out_param(dl, tb, false);
++		break;
+ 	}
+ 	return MNL_CB_OK;
+ }
+diff --git a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8 b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
+index 7c749ddabaeeb..d985da172aa05 100644
+--- a/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
++++ b/man/man8/devlink-dev.8
+@@ -42,6 +42,23 @@ devlink-dev \- devlink device configuration
+ .BR "devlink dev eswitch show"
++.ti -8
++.BR "devlink dev param set"
++.BR name
++.BR value
++.BR cmode " { " runtime " | " driverinit " | " permanent " } "
++.ti -8
++.BR "devlink dev param show"
++.RI "[ "
++.BR name
++.RI "]"
+ .ti -8
+ .BR "devlink dev reload"
+@@ -98,6 +115,36 @@ Set eswitch encapsulation support
+ .I enable
+ - Enable encapsulation support
++.SS devlink dev param set  - set new value to devlink device configuration parameter
++.BI name " PARAMETER"
++Specify parameter name to set.
++.BI value " VALUE"
++New value to set.
++.BR cmode " { " runtime " | " driverinit " | " permanent " } "
++Configuration mode in which the new value is set.
++.I runtime
++- Set new value while driver is running. This configuration mode doesn't require any reset to apply the new value.
++.I driverinit
++- Set new value which will be applied during driver initialization. This configuration mode requires restart driver by devlink reload command to apply the new value.
++.I permanent
++- New value is written to device's non-volatile memory. This configuration mode requires hard reset to apply the new value.
++.SS devlink dev param show - display devlink device supported configuration parameters attributes
++.BR name
++Specify parameter name to show.
++If this argument is omitted all parameters supported by devlink devices are listed.
+ .SS devlink dev reload - perform hot reload of the driver.
+ .PP
+@@ -126,6 +173,16 @@ devlink dev eswitch set pci/0000:01:00.0 mode switchdev
+ Sets the eswitch mode of specified devlink device to switchdev.
+ .RE
+ .PP
++devlink dev param show pci/0000:01:00.0 name max_macs
++.RS 4
++Shows the parameter max_macs attributes.
++devlink dev param set pci/0000:01:00.0 name internal_error_reset value true cmode runtime
++.RS 4
++Sets the parameter internal_error_reset of specified devlink device to true.
+ devlink dev reload pci/0000:01:00.0
+ .RS 4
+ Performs hot reload of specified devlink device.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0060-man-ip-route.8-ssthresh-parameter-is-NUMBER.patch b/SOURCES/0060-man-ip-route.8-ssthresh-parameter-is-NUMBER.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1bbaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0060-man-ip-route.8-ssthresh-parameter-is-NUMBER.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From b6de96b49af2751003d67ed4edbf91fd25cee19c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:52:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] man: ip-route.8: ssthresh parameter is NUMBER
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1593628
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 79f49f58aaefe
+commit 79f49f58aaefe11f677c8e072557b834a19f47f3
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Mar 22 15:00:38 2018 +0100
+    man: ip-route.8: ssthresh parameter is NUMBER
+    Synopsis section was inconsistent with regards to help text and later
+    description of ssthresh parameter.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ man/man8/ip-route.8.in | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/ip-route.8.in b/man/man8/ip-route.8.in
+index d9a547748c017..0616cf01740f3 100644
+--- a/man/man8/ip-route.8.in
++++ b/man/man8/ip-route.8.in
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ replace " } "
+ .B  cwnd
+ .IR NUMBER " ] [ "
+ .B  ssthresh
+-.IR REALM " ] [ "
++.IR NUMBER " ] [ "
+ .B  realms
+ .IR REALM " ] [ "
+ .B  rto_min
diff --git a/SOURCES/0061-man-tc-vlan.8-Fix-for-incorrect-example.patch b/SOURCES/0061-man-tc-vlan.8-Fix-for-incorrect-example.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b299549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0061-man-tc-vlan.8-Fix-for-incorrect-example.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 58fe50b2e23c1b77ed93d242545d0f274f819681 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 11:57:41 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] man: tc-vlan.8: Fix for incorrect example
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1593630
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 8ee38d833ccb1
+commit 8ee38d833ccb1863f06634e12c5236b0ef7c2d76
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 21:18:56 2018 +0100
+    man: tc-vlan.8: Fix for incorrect example
+    This has to be a second match statement to the same u32 filter, not a
+    second one (which tc-filter doesn't support at all).
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ man/man8/tc-vlan.8 | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-vlan.8 b/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
+index af3de1c54e343..a526f66b60b4c 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ into VLAN ID 123:
+ #tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
+ #tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: pref 11 protocol ip \\
+ 	u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:1 \\
+-	u32 match ip src flowid 1:1 \\
++	    match ip src flowid 1:1 \\
+ 	action vlan push id 123
+ .EE
+ .RE
diff --git a/SOURCES/0062-tc-flower-Add-support-for-QinQ.patch b/SOURCES/0062-tc-flower-Add-support-for-QinQ.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f17a40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0062-tc-flower-Add-support-for-QinQ.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+From dfbec1b67fc02a5af0d5cc30328b918902f20717 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 12:19:05 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: flower: Add support for QinQ
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642347
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 1f0a5dfd388cd
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commits
+           7638ee13c1586 ("tc: flower: support for matching MPLS labels")
+           e28b88a464c49 ("tc: jsonify flower filter")
+           also adjust code to use fprintf instead of print_string due to
+           missing commit d0e720111aad2 ("ip: ipaddress.c: add support for json output")
+commit 1f0a5dfd388cd5c25f6a24247667e04b2346e568
+Author: Jianbo Liu <jianbol@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sat Jun 30 10:01:33 2018 +0000
+    tc: flower: Add support for QinQ
+    To support matching on both outer and inner vlan headers,
+    we add new cvlan_id/cvlan_prio/cvlan_ethtype for inner vlan header.
+    Example:
+    # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol 802.1ad parent ffff: \
+        flower vlan_id 1000 vlan_ethtype 802.1q \
+            cvlan_id 100 cvlan_ethtype ipv4 \
+        action vlan pop \
+        action vlan pop \
+        action mirred egress redirect dev eth1
+    # tc filter show dev eth0 ingress
+    filter protocol 802.1ad pref 1 flower chain 0
+    filter protocol 802.1ad pref 1 flower chain 0 handle 0x1
+      vlan_id 1000
+      vlan_ethtype 802.1Q
+      cvlan_id 100
+      cvlan_ethtype ip
+      eth_type ipv4
+      in_hw
+    Signed-off-by: Jianbo Liu <jianbol@mellanox.com>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc-flower.8 | 23 ++++++++++
+ tc/f_flower.c        | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-flower.8 b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+index af19708d9649e..387f73f5cd2e9 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-flower.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ flower \- flow based traffic control filter
+ .IR PRIORITY " | "
+ .BR vlan_ethtype " { " ipv4 " | " ipv6 " | "
+ .IR ETH_TYPE " } | "
++.B cvlan_id
++.IR VID " | "
++.B cvlan_prio
++.IR PRIORITY " | "
++.BR cvlan_ethtype " { " ipv4 " | " ipv6 " | "
++.IR ETH_TYPE " } | "
+ .BR ip_proto " { " tcp " | " udp " | " sctp " | " icmp " | " icmpv6 " | "
+ .IR IP_PROTO " } | "
+ .B ip_tos
+@@ -121,6 +127,23 @@ Match on layer three protocol.
+ may be either
+ .BR ipv4 ", " ipv6
++or an unsigned 16bit value in hexadecimal format. To match on QinQ packet, it must be 802.1Q or 802.1AD.
++.BI cvlan_id " VID"
++Match on QinQ inner vlan tag id.
++.I VID
++is an unsigned 12bit value in decimal format.
++.BI cvlan_prio " PRIORITY"
++Match on QinQ inner vlan tag priority.
++is an unsigned 3bit value in decimal format.
++.BI cvlan_ethtype " VLAN_ETH_TYPE"
++Match on QinQ layer three protocol.
++may be either
++.BR ipv4 ", " ipv6
+ or an unsigned 16bit value in hexadecimal format.
+ .TP
+ .BI ip_proto " IP_PROTO"
+diff --git a/tc/f_flower.c b/tc/f_flower.c
+index 5f5236ca523f8..40dcfbd687a20 100644
+--- a/tc/f_flower.c
++++ b/tc/f_flower.c
+@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 		"                       vlan_id VID |\n"
+ 		"                       vlan_prio PRIORITY |\n"
+ 		"                       vlan_ethtype [ ipv4 | ipv6 | ETH-TYPE ] |\n"
++		"                       cvlan_id VID |\n"
++		"                       cvlan_prio PRIORITY |\n"
++		"                       cvlan_ethtype [ ipv4 | ipv6 | ETH-TYPE ] |\n"
+ 		"                       dst_mac MASKED-LLADDR |\n"
+ 		"                       src_mac MASKED-LLADDR |\n"
+ 		"                       ip_proto [tcp | udp | sctp | icmp | icmpv6 | IP-PROTO ] |\n"
+@@ -126,15 +129,21 @@ err:
+ 	return err;
+ }
++static bool eth_type_vlan(__be16 ethertype)
++	return ethertype == htons(ETH_P_8021Q) ||
++	       ethertype == htons(ETH_P_8021AD);
+ static int flower_parse_vlan_eth_type(char *str, __be16 eth_type, int type,
+ 				      __be16 *p_vlan_eth_type,
+ 				      struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+ 	__be16 vlan_eth_type;
+-	if (eth_type != htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) {
+-		fprintf(stderr,
+-			"Can't set \"vlan_ethtype\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q\n");
++	if (!eth_type_vlan(eth_type)) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "Can't set \"%s\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n",
++			type == TCA_FLOWER_KEY_VLAN_ETH_TYPE ? "vlan_ethtype" : "cvlan_ethtype");
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+@@ -583,6 +592,7 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 	struct rtattr *tail;
+ 	__be16 eth_type = TC_H_MIN(t->tcm_info);
+ 	__be16 vlan_ethtype = 0;
++	__be16 cvlan_ethtype = 0;
+ 	__u8 ip_proto = 0xff;
+ 	__u32 flags = 0;
+ 	__u32 mtf = 0;
+@@ -640,9 +650,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			__u16 vid;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (eth_type != htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,
+-					"Can't set \"vlan_id\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q\n");
++			if (!eth_type_vlan(eth_type)) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Can't set \"vlan_id\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			ret = get_u16(&vid, *argv, 10);
+@@ -655,9 +664,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			__u8 vlan_prio;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (eth_type != htons(ETH_P_8021Q)) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,
+-					"Can't set \"vlan_prio\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q\n");
++			if (!eth_type_vlan(eth_type)) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Can't set \"vlan_prio\" if ethertype isn't 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			ret = get_u8(&vlan_prio, *argv, 10);
+@@ -674,6 +682,42 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 						 &vlan_ethtype, n);
+ 			if (ret < 0)
+ 				return -1;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "cvlan_id") == 0) {
++			__u16 vid;
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (!eth_type_vlan(vlan_ethtype)) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Can't set \"cvlan_id\" if inner vlan ethertype isn't 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			ret = get_u16(&vid, *argv, 10);
++			if (ret < 0 || vid & ~0xfff) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"cvlan_id\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			addattr16(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_ID, vid);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "cvlan_prio") == 0) {
++			__u8 cvlan_prio;
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (!eth_type_vlan(vlan_ethtype)) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Can't set \"cvlan_prio\" if inner vlan ethertype isn't 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			ret = get_u8(&cvlan_prio, *argv, 10);
++			if (ret < 0 || cvlan_prio & ~0x7) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"cvlan_prio\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			addattr8(n, MAX_MSG,
++				 TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_PRIO, cvlan_prio);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "cvlan_ethtype") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			ret = flower_parse_vlan_eth_type(*argv, vlan_ethtype,
++						 &cvlan_ethtype, n);
++			if (ret < 0)
++				return -1;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "dst_mac") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			ret = flower_parse_eth_addr(*argv,
+@@ -696,7 +740,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "ip_proto") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			ret = flower_parse_ip_proto(*argv, vlan_ethtype ?
++			ret = flower_parse_ip_proto(*argv, cvlan_ethtype ?
++						    cvlan_ethtype : vlan_ethtype ?
+ 						    vlan_ethtype : eth_type,
+ 						    &ip_proto, n);
+@@ -726,7 +771,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "dst_ip") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			ret = flower_parse_ip_addr(*argv, vlan_ethtype ?
++			ret = flower_parse_ip_addr(*argv, cvlan_ethtype ?
++						   cvlan_ethtype : vlan_ethtype ?
+ 						   vlan_ethtype : eth_type,
+@@ -739,7 +785,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "src_ip") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			ret = flower_parse_ip_addr(*argv, vlan_ethtype ?
++			ret = flower_parse_ip_addr(*argv, cvlan_ethtype ?
++						   cvlan_ethtype : vlan_ethtype ?
+ 						   vlan_ethtype : eth_type,
+@@ -1234,6 +1281,34 @@ static int flower_print_opt(struct filter_util *qu, FILE *f,
+ 		fprintf(f, "\n  vlan_prio %d", rta_getattr_u8(attr));
+ 	}
++		SPRINT_BUF(buf);
++		struct rtattr *attr = tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_VLAN_ETH_TYPE];
++		fprintf(f, "\n  vlan_ethtype %s",
++                        ll_proto_n2a(rta_getattr_u16(attr), buf, sizeof(buf)));
++	}
++		struct rtattr *attr = tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_ID];
++		fprintf(f, "\n  cvlan_id %u", rta_getattr_u16(attr));
++	}
++		struct rtattr *attr = tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_PRIO];
++		fprintf(f, "\n  cvlan_prio %d", rta_getattr_u8(attr));
++	}
++		SPRINT_BUF(buf);
++		struct rtattr *attr = tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_CVLAN_ETH_TYPE];
++		fprintf(f, "\n  cvlan_ethtype %s",
++                        ll_proto_n2a(rta_getattr_u16(attr), buf, sizeof(buf)));
++	}
+ 	flower_print_eth_addr(f, "dst_mac", tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ETH_DST],
+ 			      tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ETH_DST_MASK]);
+ 	flower_print_eth_addr(f, "src_mac", tb[TCA_FLOWER_KEY_ETH_SRC],
diff --git a/SOURCES/0063-utils-Move-BIT-macro-to-common-header.patch b/SOURCES/0063-utils-Move-BIT-macro-to-common-header.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bfee1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0063-utils-Move-BIT-macro-to-common-header.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From 42a457a97118379936cdeb20eef1d116e858d4c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:30:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] utils: Move BIT macro to common header
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641914
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit afdc119410efe
+commit afdc119410efe2a5e826c660446b1e4e1a72793d
+Author: Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sun Aug 20 12:58:21 2017 +0300
+    utils: Move BIT macro to common header
+    BIT() macro was implemented and used by devlink for now, but following
+    patches of rdmatool will reuse the same macro, so put it in common
+    header file.
+    Signed-off-by: Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+ devlink/devlink.c | 2 +-
+ include/utils.h   | 2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index 92e78c9c8d9f6..2000db81aabb0 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include "list.h"
+ #include "mnlg.h"
+ #include "json_writer.h"
++#include "utils.h"
+ #define ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY "legacy"
+ #define ESWITCH_MODE_SWITCHDEV "switchdev"
+@@ -164,7 +165,6 @@ static void ifname_map_free(struct ifname_map *ifname_map)
+ 	free(ifname_map);
+ }
+-#define BIT(nr)                 (1UL << (nr))
+ #define DL_OPT_HANDLE		BIT(0)
+ #define DL_OPT_HANDLEP		BIT(1)
+ #define DL_OPT_PORT_TYPE	BIT(2)
+diff --git a/include/utils.h b/include/utils.h
+index 8c12e1e2a60c2..d707a9dacdb85 100644
+--- a/include/utils.h
++++ b/include/utils.h
+@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ static inline void __jiffies_to_tv(struct timeval *tv, unsigned long jiffies)
+ int print_timestamp(FILE *fp);
+ void print_nlmsg_timestamp(FILE *fp, const struct nlmsghdr *n);
++#define BIT(nr)                 (1UL << (nr))
+ #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+ #define BUILD_BUG_ON(cond) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2 * !!(cond)]))
diff --git a/SOURCES/0064-lib-make-resolve_hosts-variable-common.patch b/SOURCES/0064-lib-make-resolve_hosts-variable-common.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529ffcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0064-lib-make-resolve_hosts-variable-common.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+From c74a0bcb2e9c88b2ee166afc08574141a6a288b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:30:43 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] lib: make resolve_hosts variable common
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641914
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6648853975332
+commit 6648853975332e5f34d03a1e2a6e09f5e1742099
+Author: Ivan Vecera <ivecera@redhat.com>
+Date:   Fri Nov 10 07:20:13 2017 +0100
+    lib: make resolve_hosts variable common
+    Any iproute utility that uses any function from lib/utils.c needs
+    to declare its own resolve_hosts variable instance although it does
+    not need/use hostname resolving functionality (currently only 'ip'
+    and 'ss' commands uses this).
+    The patch declares single common instance of resolve_hosts directly
+    in utils.c so the existing ones can be removed (the same approach
+    that is used for timestamp_short).
+    Cc: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Cc: Arkadi Sharshevsky <arkadis@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Ivan Vecera <ivecera@redhat.com>
+ bridge/bridge.c | 1 -
+ genl/genl.c     | 1 -
+ ip/ip.c         | 1 -
+ ip/rtmon.c      | 1 -
+ lib/utils.c     | 1 +
+ misc/arpd.c     | 2 --
+ misc/ss.c       | 1 -
+ tc/tc.c         | 1 -
+ 8 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/bridge/bridge.c b/bridge/bridge.c
+index 5ff038d672ad2..6658cb8fd801d 100644
+--- a/bridge/bridge.c
++++ b/bridge/bridge.c
+@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
+ struct rtnl_handle rth = { .fd = -1 };
+ int preferred_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ int oneline;
+ int show_stats;
+ int show_details;
+diff --git a/genl/genl.c b/genl/genl.c
+index 747074b029a7b..7e4a208d449f2 100644
+--- a/genl/genl.c
++++ b/genl/genl.c
+@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
+ int show_stats = 0;
+ int show_details = 0;
+ int show_raw = 0;
+-int resolve_hosts = 0;
+ static void *BODY;
+ static struct genl_util * genl_list;
+diff --git a/ip/ip.c b/ip/ip.c
+index 07050b07592ac..0c0ad1bde7cb6 100644
+--- a/ip/ip.c
++++ b/ip/ip.c
+@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ int human_readable;
+ int use_iec;
+ int show_stats;
+ int show_details;
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ int oneline;
+ int brief;
+ int timestamp;
+diff --git a/ip/rtmon.c b/ip/rtmon.c
+index 1c2981f79d3d1..94baa38e3b7cb 100644
+--- a/ip/rtmon.c
++++ b/ip/rtmon.c
+@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "libnetlink.h"
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ static int init_phase = 1;
+ static void write_stamp(FILE *fp)
+diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c
+index 9f55391d3c1ea..fc9c575ba0c7d 100644
+--- a/lib/utils.c
++++ b/lib/utils.c
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "namespace.h"
++int resolve_hosts;
+ int timestamp_short;
+ int get_hex(char c)
+diff --git a/misc/arpd.c b/misc/arpd.c
+index bfab44544ee1d..c9d86475e5995 100644
+--- a/misc/arpd.c
++++ b/misc/arpd.c
+@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "rt_names.h"
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ DB	*dbase;
+ char	*dbname = "/var/lib/arpd/arpd.db";
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index e92266539e6b5..c0cb33e96d9ec 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ static int security_get_initial_context(char *name,  char **context)
+ }
+ #endif
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ int resolve_services = 1;
+ int preferred_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ int show_options;
+diff --git a/tc/tc.c b/tc/tc.c
+index 360c9f11c235b..11a364fabbbea 100644
+--- a/tc/tc.c
++++ b/tc/tc.c
+@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ int show_graph;
+ int timestamp;
+ int batch_mode;
+-int resolve_hosts;
+ int use_iec;
+ int force;
+ int ok;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0065-json_writer-add-new-json-handlers-null-float-with-fo.patch b/SOURCES/0065-json_writer-add-new-json-handlers-null-float-with-fo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5f307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0065-json_writer-add-new-json-handlers-null-float-with-fo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+From b4b11394d071810d694b66962e8d48cb866af473 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:30:53 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] json_writer: add new json handlers (null, float with format,
+ lluint, hu)
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641914
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 7252f16b2d191
+commit 7252f16b2d1919b31f0a2ec094dd3516b1e33a55
+Author: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 10:35:50 2017 -0700
+    json_writer: add new json handlers (null, float with format, lluint, hu)
+    Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
+ include/json_writer.h |  9 +++++++++
+ lib/json_writer.c     | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/json_writer.h b/include/json_writer.h
+index ab9a008a67994..1516aafba59df 100644
+--- a/include/json_writer.h
++++ b/include/json_writer.h
+@@ -33,20 +33,29 @@ void jsonw_pretty(json_writer_t *self, bool on);
+ void jsonw_name(json_writer_t *self, const char *name);
+ /* Add value  */
++void jsonw_printf(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, ...);
+ void jsonw_string(json_writer_t *self, const char *value);
+ void jsonw_bool(json_writer_t *self, bool value);
+ void jsonw_float(json_writer_t *self, double number);
++void jsonw_float_fmt(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, double num);
+ void jsonw_uint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t number);
++void jsonw_hu(json_writer_t *self, unsigned short number);
+ void jsonw_int(json_writer_t *self, int64_t number);
+ void jsonw_null(json_writer_t *self);
++void jsonw_lluint(json_writer_t *self, unsigned long long int num);
+ /* Useful Combinations of name and value */
+ void jsonw_string_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, const char *val);
+ void jsonw_bool_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, bool value);
+ void jsonw_float_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, double num);
+ void jsonw_uint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num);
++void jsonw_hu_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, unsigned short num);
+ void jsonw_int_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, int64_t num);
+ void jsonw_null_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop);
++void jsonw_lluint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop,
++			unsigned long long int num);
++void jsonw_float_field_fmt(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop,
++			   const char *fmt, double val);
+ /* Collections */
+ void jsonw_start_object(json_writer_t *self);
+diff --git a/lib/json_writer.c b/lib/json_writer.c
+index 9fc05e96b605f..6b77d288cce2b 100644
+--- a/lib/json_writer.c
++++ b/lib/json_writer.c
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void jsonw_name(json_writer_t *self, const char *name)
+ 		putc(' ', self->out);
+ }
+-static void jsonw_printf(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, ...)
++void jsonw_printf(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+ 	va_list ap;
+@@ -199,23 +199,38 @@ void jsonw_bool(json_writer_t *self, bool val)
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%s", val ? "true" : "false");
+ }
+-#ifdef notused
+ void jsonw_null(json_writer_t *self)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "null");
+ }
++void jsonw_float_fmt(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, double num)
++	jsonw_printf(self, fmt, num);
++#ifdef notused
+ void jsonw_float(json_writer_t *self, double num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%g", num);
+ }
+ #endif
++void jsonw_hu(json_writer_t *self, unsigned short num)
++	jsonw_printf(self, "%hu", num);
+ void jsonw_uint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%"PRIu64, num);
+ }
++void jsonw_lluint(json_writer_t *self, unsigned long long int num)
++	jsonw_printf(self, "%llu", num);
+ void jsonw_int(json_writer_t *self, int64_t num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%"PRId64, num);
+@@ -242,25 +257,46 @@ void jsonw_float_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, double val)
+ }
+ #endif
++void jsonw_float_field_fmt(json_writer_t *self,
++			   const char *prop,
++			   const char *fmt,
++			   double val)
++	jsonw_name(self, prop);
++	jsonw_float_fmt(self, fmt, val);
+ void jsonw_uint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_name(self, prop);
+ 	jsonw_uint(self, num);
+ }
++void jsonw_hu_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, unsigned short num)
++	jsonw_name(self, prop);
++	jsonw_hu(self, num);
++void jsonw_lluint_field(json_writer_t *self,
++			const char *prop,
++			unsigned long long int num)
++	jsonw_name(self, prop);
++	jsonw_lluint(self, num);
+ void jsonw_int_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, int64_t num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_name(self, prop);
+ 	jsonw_int(self, num);
+ }
+-#ifdef notused
+ void jsonw_null_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_name(self, prop);
+ 	jsonw_null(self);
+ }
+ #ifdef TEST
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0066-rdma-Add-MR-resource-tracking-information.patch b/SOURCES/0066-rdma-Add-MR-resource-tracking-information.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c39d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0066-rdma-Add-MR-resource-tracking-information.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From a7f1b85b6838bdab705aef188bb0c86626bc3391 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:31:02 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] rdma: Add MR resource tracking information
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641914
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 8958a15c040e0
+Conflicts: remove rdma chunks due to missing files
+commit 8958a15c040e05f4f2c6f3946322202fdb875348
+Author: Steve Wise <swise@opengridcomputing.com>
+Date:   Thu Mar 29 09:10:41 2018 -0700
+    rdma: Add MR resource tracking information
+    Sample output:
+    Without CAP_NET_ADMIN:
+    $ rdma resource show mr mrlen 65536
+    dev mlx4_0 mrlen 65536 pid 0 comm [nvme_rdma]
+    dev cxgb4_0 mrlen 65536 pid 0 comm [nvme_rdma]
+    With CAP_NET_ADMIN:
+    # rdma resource show mr mrlen 65536
+    dev mlx4_0 rkey 0x12702 lkey 0x12702 iova 0x85724a000 mrlen 65536 pid 0 comm [nvme_rdma]
+    dev cxgb4_0 rkey 0x68fe4e9 lkey 0x68fe4e9 iova 0x835b91000 mrlen 65536 pid 0 comm [nvme_rdma]
+    Signed-off-by: Steve Wise <swise@opengridcomputing.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ include/json_writer.h |  2 ++
+ lib/json_writer.c     | 11 +++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/include/json_writer.h b/include/json_writer.h
+index 1516aafba59df..34f2ccc2f5423 100644
+--- a/include/json_writer.h
++++ b/include/json_writer.h
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ void jsonw_bool(json_writer_t *self, bool value);
+ void jsonw_float(json_writer_t *self, double number);
+ void jsonw_float_fmt(json_writer_t *self, const char *fmt, double num);
+ void jsonw_uint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t number);
++void jsonw_xint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t number);
+ void jsonw_hu(json_writer_t *self, unsigned short number);
+ void jsonw_int(json_writer_t *self, int64_t number);
+ void jsonw_null(json_writer_t *self);
+@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ void jsonw_string_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, const char *val);
+ void jsonw_bool_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, bool value);
+ void jsonw_float_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, double num);
+ void jsonw_uint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num);
++void jsonw_xint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num);
+ void jsonw_hu_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, unsigned short num);
+ void jsonw_int_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, int64_t num);
+ void jsonw_null_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop);
+diff --git a/lib/json_writer.c b/lib/json_writer.c
+index 6b77d288cce2b..6aaa6b4170711 100644
+--- a/lib/json_writer.c
++++ b/lib/json_writer.c
+@@ -226,6 +226,11 @@ void jsonw_uint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t num)
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%"PRIu64, num);
+ }
++void jsonw_xint(json_writer_t *self, uint64_t num)
++	jsonw_printf(self, "%"PRIx64, num);
+ void jsonw_lluint(json_writer_t *self, unsigned long long int num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_printf(self, "%llu", num);
+@@ -272,6 +277,12 @@ void jsonw_uint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num)
+ 	jsonw_uint(self, num);
+ }
++void jsonw_xint_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, uint64_t num)
++	jsonw_name(self, prop);
++	jsonw_xint(self, num);
+ void jsonw_hu_field(json_writer_t *self, const char *prop, unsigned short num)
+ {
+ 	jsonw_name(self, prop);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0067-rdma-add-infrastructure-for-RDMA-tool.patch b/SOURCES/0067-rdma-add-infrastructure-for-RDMA-tool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e30744c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0067-rdma-add-infrastructure-for-RDMA-tool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5287 @@
+From 6ca04b58fcbaeaa5c8848e77ae0cfcf8b5f4c9ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:31:34 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] rdma: add infrastructure for RDMA tool
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1641914
+Upstream Status: RHEL-only
+commit de87313c8cd0399fd803fcaa8dfaa4aa27912f79
+Author: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date:   Thu Mar 21 17:24:12 2019 +0100
+    rdma: add infrastructure for RDMA tool
+    Checkout to the v5.0.0 upstream tag.
+    Conflicts:
+      - add rdma on base Makefile
+      - fix config path and libmnl cflags and libs on rdma/Makefile
+    Signed-off-by: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+ Makefile                               |    2 +-
+ rdma/.gitignore                        |    1 +
+ rdma/Makefile                          |   27 +
+ rdma/dev.c                             |  312 ++++++
+ rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_sa.h    |   77 ++
+ rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_verbs.h | 1302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_netlink.h  |  438 ++++++++
+ rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_user_cm.h  |  324 ++++++
+ rdma/link.c                            |  355 +++++++
+ rdma/rdma.c                            |  203 ++++
+ rdma/rdma.h                            |  131 +++
+ rdma/res.c                             | 1111 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ rdma/utils.c                           |  868 ++++++++++++++++
+ 13 files changed, 5150 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 rdma/.gitignore
+ create mode 100644 rdma/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 rdma/dev.c
+ create mode 100644 rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_sa.h
+ create mode 100644 rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_verbs.h
+ create mode 100644 rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_netlink.h
+ create mode 100644 rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_user_cm.h
+ create mode 100644 rdma/link.c
+ create mode 100644 rdma/rdma.c
+ create mode 100644 rdma/rdma.h
+ create mode 100644 rdma/res.c
+ create mode 100644 rdma/utils.c
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index df2fa33630e65..aea12423166cd 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ WFLAGS += -Wmissing-declarations -Wold-style-definition -Wformat=2
+ CFLAGS := $(WFLAGS) $(CCOPTS) -I../include -I../include/uapi $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)
+ YACCFLAGS = -d -t -v
+-SUBDIRS=lib ip tc bridge misc netem genl tipc devlink man
++SUBDIRS=lib ip tc bridge misc netem genl tipc devlink rdma man
+ LIBNETLINK=../lib/libnetlink.a ../lib/libutil.a
+diff --git a/rdma/.gitignore b/rdma/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..51fb172baa216
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/rdma/Makefile b/rdma/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..0830c82f77edb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
++include ../Config
++ifeq ($(HAVE_MNL),y)
++CFLAGS += -I./include/uapi/
++CFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) libmnl --cflags)
++LDLIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) libmnl --libs)
++RDMA_OBJ = rdma.o utils.o dev.o link.o res.o
++TARGETS += rdma
++all:	$(TARGETS) $(LIBS)
++rdma:	$(RDMA_OBJ) $(LIBS)
++	$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
++install: all
++	for i in $(TARGETS); \
++	do install -m 0755 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR); \
++	done
++	rm -f $(RDMA_OBJ) $(TARGETS)
+diff --git a/rdma/dev.c b/rdma/dev.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..60ff4b31e3204
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/dev.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
++ * dev.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#include "rdma.h"
++static int dev_help(struct rd *rd)
++	pr_out("Usage: %s dev show [DEV]\n", rd->filename);
++	pr_out("       %s dev set [DEV] name DEVNAME\n", rd->filename);
++	return 0;
++static const char *dev_caps_to_str(uint32_t idx)
++#define RDMA_DEV_FLAGS_LOW(x) \
++	x(RESIZE_MAX_WR, 0) \
++	x(BAD_PKEY_CNTR, 1) \
++	x(BAD_QKEY_CNTR, 2) \
++	x(RAW_MULTI, 3) \
++	x(AUTO_PATH_MIG, 4) \
++	x(CHANGE_PHY_PORT, 5) \
++	x(CURR_QP_STATE_MOD, 7) \
++	x(SHUTDOWN_PORT, 8) \
++	x(INIT_TYPE, 9) \
++	x(SYS_IMAGE_GUID, 11) \
++	x(RC_RNR_NAK_GEN, 12) \
++	x(SRQ_RESIZE, 13) \
++	x(N_NOTIFY_CQ, 14) \
++	x(LOCAL_DMA_LKEY, 15) \
++	x(MEM_WINDOW, 17) \
++	x(UD_IP_CSUM, 18) \
++	x(UD_TSO, 19) \
++	x(XRC, 20) \
++	x(MEM_WINDOW_TYPE_2A, 23) \
++	x(MEM_WINDOW_TYPE_2B, 24) \
++	x(RC_IP_CSUM, 25) \
++	x(RAW_IP_CSUM, 26) \
++	x(CROSS_CHANNEL, 27) \
++#define RDMA_DEV_FLAGS_HIGH(x) \
++	x(SG_GAPS_REG, 0) \
++	x(RAW_SCATTER_FCS, 2) \
++	/*
++	 * Separation below is needed to allow compilation of rdmatool
++	 * on 32bits systems. On such systems, C-enum is limited to be
++	 * int and can't hold more than 32 bits.
++	 */
++	static const char * const
++		rdma_dev_names_low[] = { RDMA_DEV_FLAGS_LOW(RDMA_BITMAP_NAMES) };
++	static const char * const
++		rdma_dev_names_high[] = { RDMA_DEV_FLAGS_HIGH(RDMA_BITMAP_NAMES) };
++	uint32_t high_idx;
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_dev_names_low) && rdma_dev_names_low[idx])
++		return rdma_dev_names_low[idx];
++	high_idx = idx - ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_dev_names_low);
++	if (high_idx <  ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_dev_names_high) &&
++	    rdma_dev_names_high[high_idx])
++		return rdma_dev_names_high[high_idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void dev_print_caps(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint64_t caps;
++	uint32_t idx;
++		return;
++	caps = mnl_attr_get_u64(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_CAP_FLAGS]);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_name(rd->jw, "caps");
++		jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("\n    caps: <");
++	}
++	for (idx = 0; caps; idx++) {
++		if (caps & 0x1) {
++			if (rd->json_output) {
++				jsonw_string(rd->jw, dev_caps_to_str(idx));
++			} else {
++				pr_out("%s", dev_caps_to_str(idx));
++				if (caps >> 0x1)
++					pr_out(", ");
++			}
++		}
++		caps >>= 0x1;
++	}
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_array(rd->jw);
++	else
++		pr_out(">");
++static void dev_print_fw(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	const char *str;
++		return;
++	str = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_FW_VERSION]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "fw", str);
++	else
++		pr_out("fw %s ", str);
++static void dev_print_node_guid(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint64_t node_guid;
++	uint16_t vp[4];
++	char str[32];
++		return;
++	node_guid = mnl_attr_get_u64(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_NODE_GUID]);
++	memcpy(vp, &node_guid, sizeof(uint64_t));
++	snprintf(str, 32, "%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x", vp[3], vp[2], vp[1], vp[0]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "node_guid", str);
++	else
++		pr_out("node_guid %s ", str);
++static void dev_print_sys_image_guid(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint64_t sys_image_guid;
++	uint16_t vp[4];
++	char str[32];
++		return;
++	sys_image_guid = mnl_attr_get_u64(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_SYS_IMAGE_GUID]);
++	memcpy(vp, &sys_image_guid, sizeof(uint64_t));
++	snprintf(str, 32, "%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x", vp[3], vp[2], vp[1], vp[0]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "sys_image_guid", str);
++	else
++		pr_out("sys_image_guid %s ", str);
++static const char *node_type_to_str(uint8_t node_type)
++	static const char * const node_type_str[] = { "unknown", "ca",
++						      "switch", "router",
++						      "rnic", "usnic",
++						      "usnic_dp" };
++	if (node_type < ARRAY_SIZE(node_type_str))
++		return node_type_str[node_type];
++	return "unknown";
++static void dev_print_node_type(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	const char *node_str;
++	uint8_t node_type;
++		return;
++	node_type = mnl_attr_get_u8(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NODE_TYPE]);
++	node_str = node_type_to_str(node_type);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "node_type", node_str);
++	else
++		pr_out("node_type %s ", node_str);
++static int dev_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "ifindex", idx);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ifname", name);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("%u: %s: ", idx, name);
++	}
++	dev_print_node_type(rd, tb);
++	dev_print_fw(rd, tb);
++	dev_print_node_guid(rd, tb);
++	dev_print_sys_image_guid(rd, tb);
++	if (rd->show_details)
++		dev_print_caps(rd, tb);
++	if (!rd->json_output)
++		pr_out("\n");
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int dev_no_args(struct rd *rd)
++	uint32_t seq;
++	int ret;
++	rd_prepare_msg(rd, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_GET,
++		       &seq, (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK));
++	mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, rd->dev_idx);
++	ret = rd_send_msg(rd);
++	if (ret)
++		return ret;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_start_object(rd->jw);
++	ret = rd_recv_msg(rd, dev_parse_cb, rd, seq);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_object(rd->jw);
++	return ret;
++static int dev_one_show(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		dev_no_args},
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "parameter");
++static int dev_set_name(struct rd *rd)
++	uint32_t seq;
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++		pr_err("Please provide device new name.\n");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	rd_prepare_msg(rd, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_SET,
++		       &seq, (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK));
++	mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, rd->dev_idx);
++	mnl_attr_put_strz(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME, rd_argv(rd));
++	return rd_send_msg(rd);
++static int dev_one_set(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		dev_help},
++		{ "name",	dev_set_name},
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "parameter");
++static int dev_show(struct rd *rd)
++	return rd_exec_dev(rd, dev_one_show);
++static int dev_set(struct rd *rd)
++	return rd_exec_require_dev(rd, dev_one_set);
++int cmd_dev(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		dev_show },
++		{ "show",	dev_show },
++		{ "list",	dev_show },
++		{ "set",	dev_set },
++		{ "help",	dev_help },
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "dev command");
+diff --git a/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_sa.h b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_sa.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..435155d6e1c6a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_sa.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR Linux-OpenIB) */
++ * Copyright (c) 2005 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
++ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
++ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
++ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
++ * OpenIB.org BSD license below:
++ *
++ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
++ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
++ *     conditions are met:
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer.
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
++ *        provided with the distribution.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef IB_USER_SA_H
++#define IB_USER_SA_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++enum {
++	IB_PATH_GMP		= 1,
++	IB_PATH_PRIMARY		= (1<<1),
++	IB_PATH_ALTERNATE	= (1<<2),
++	IB_PATH_OUTBOUND	= (1<<3),
++	IB_PATH_INBOUND		= (1<<4),
++struct ib_path_rec_data {
++	__u32	flags;
++	__u32	reserved;
++	__u32	path_rec[16];
++struct ib_user_path_rec {
++	__u8	dgid[16];
++	__u8	sgid[16];
++	__be16	dlid;
++	__be16	slid;
++	__u32	raw_traffic;
++	__be32	flow_label;
++	__u32	reversible;
++	__u32	mtu;
++	__be16	pkey;
++	__u8	hop_limit;
++	__u8	traffic_class;
++	__u8	numb_path;
++	__u8	sl;
++	__u8	mtu_selector;
++	__u8	rate_selector;
++	__u8	rate;
++	__u8	packet_life_time_selector;
++	__u8	packet_life_time;
++	__u8	preference;
++#endif /* IB_USER_SA_H */
+diff --git a/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_verbs.h b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_verbs.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..480d9a60b68e4
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/ib_user_verbs.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR Linux-OpenIB) */
++ * Copyright (c) 2005 Topspin Communications.  All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Cisco Systems.  All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (c) 2005 PathScale, Inc.  All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (c) 2006 Mellanox Technologies.  All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
++ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
++ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
++ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
++ * OpenIB.org BSD license below:
++ *
++ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
++ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
++ *     conditions are met:
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer.
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
++ *        provided with the distribution.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef IB_USER_VERBS_H
++#define IB_USER_VERBS_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++ * Increment this value if any changes that break userspace ABI
++ * compatibility are made.
++ */
++enum ib_uverbs_write_cmds {
++enum {
++ * Make sure that all structs defined in this file remain laid out so
++ * that they pack the same way on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures (to
++ * avoid incompatibility between 32-bit userspace and 64-bit kernels).
++ * Specifically:
++ *  - Do not use pointer types -- pass pointers in __u64 instead.
++ *  - Make sure that any structure larger than 4 bytes is padded to a
++ *    multiple of 8 bytes.  Otherwise the structure size will be
++ *    different between 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
++ */
++struct ib_uverbs_async_event_desc {
++	__aligned_u64 element;
++	__u32 event_type;	/* enum ib_event_type */
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_comp_event_desc {
++	__aligned_u64 cq_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_cq_moderation_caps {
++	__u16     max_cq_moderation_count;
++	__u16     max_cq_moderation_period;
++	__u32     reserved;
++ * All commands from userspace should start with a __u32 command field
++ * followed by __u16 in_words and out_words fields (which give the
++ * length of the command block and response buffer if any in 32-bit
++ * words).  The kernel driver will read these fields first and read
++ * the rest of the command struct based on these value.
++ */
++#define IB_USER_VERBS_CMD_FLAG_EXTENDED 0x80000000u
++struct ib_uverbs_cmd_hdr {
++	__u32 command;
++	__u16 in_words;
++	__u16 out_words;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_cmd_hdr {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u16 provider_in_words;
++	__u16 provider_out_words;
++	__u32 cmd_hdr_reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_get_context {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_get_context_resp {
++	__u32 async_fd;
++	__u32 num_comp_vectors;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_device {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_device_resp {
++	__aligned_u64 fw_ver;
++	__be64 node_guid;
++	__be64 sys_image_guid;
++	__aligned_u64 max_mr_size;
++	__aligned_u64 page_size_cap;
++	__u32 vendor_id;
++	__u32 vendor_part_id;
++	__u32 hw_ver;
++	__u32 max_qp;
++	__u32 max_qp_wr;
++	__u32 device_cap_flags;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 max_sge_rd;
++	__u32 max_cq;
++	__u32 max_cqe;
++	__u32 max_mr;
++	__u32 max_pd;
++	__u32 max_qp_rd_atom;
++	__u32 max_ee_rd_atom;
++	__u32 max_res_rd_atom;
++	__u32 max_qp_init_rd_atom;
++	__u32 max_ee_init_rd_atom;
++	__u32 atomic_cap;
++	__u32 max_ee;
++	__u32 max_rdd;
++	__u32 max_mw;
++	__u32 max_raw_ipv6_qp;
++	__u32 max_raw_ethy_qp;
++	__u32 max_mcast_grp;
++	__u32 max_mcast_qp_attach;
++	__u32 max_total_mcast_qp_attach;
++	__u32 max_ah;
++	__u32 max_fmr;
++	__u32 max_map_per_fmr;
++	__u32 max_srq;
++	__u32 max_srq_wr;
++	__u32 max_srq_sge;
++	__u16 max_pkeys;
++	__u8  local_ca_ack_delay;
++	__u8  phys_port_cnt;
++	__u8  reserved[4];
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_query_device {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_odp_caps {
++	__aligned_u64 general_caps;
++	struct {
++		__u32 rc_odp_caps;
++		__u32 uc_odp_caps;
++		__u32 ud_odp_caps;
++	} per_transport_caps;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_rss_caps {
++	/* Corresponding bit will be set if qp type from
++	 * 'enum ib_qp_type' is supported, e.g.
++	 * supported_qpts |= 1 << IB_QPT_UD
++	 */
++	__u32 supported_qpts;
++	__u32 max_rwq_indirection_tables;
++	__u32 max_rwq_indirection_table_size;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_tm_caps {
++	/* Max size of rendezvous request message */
++	__u32 max_rndv_hdr_size;
++	/* Max number of entries in tag matching list */
++	__u32 max_num_tags;
++	/* TM flags */
++	__u32 flags;
++	/* Max number of outstanding list operations */
++	__u32 max_ops;
++	/* Max number of SGE in tag matching entry */
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_query_device_resp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_query_device_resp base;
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++	struct ib_uverbs_odp_caps odp_caps;
++	__aligned_u64 timestamp_mask;
++	__aligned_u64 hca_core_clock; /* in KHZ */
++	__aligned_u64 device_cap_flags_ex;
++	struct ib_uverbs_rss_caps rss_caps;
++	__u32  max_wq_type_rq;
++	__u32 raw_packet_caps;
++	struct ib_uverbs_tm_caps tm_caps;
++	struct ib_uverbs_cq_moderation_caps cq_moderation_caps;
++	__aligned_u64 max_dm_size;
++struct ib_uverbs_query_port {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u8  port_num;
++	__u8  reserved[7];
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_port_resp {
++	__u32 port_cap_flags;		/* see ib_uverbs_query_port_cap_flags */
++	__u32 max_msg_sz;
++	__u32 bad_pkey_cntr;
++	__u32 qkey_viol_cntr;
++	__u32 gid_tbl_len;
++	__u16 pkey_tbl_len;
++	__u16 lid;
++	__u16 sm_lid;
++	__u8  state;
++	__u8  max_mtu;
++	__u8  active_mtu;
++	__u8  lmc;
++	__u8  max_vl_num;
++	__u8  sm_sl;
++	__u8  subnet_timeout;
++	__u8  init_type_reply;
++	__u8  active_width;
++	__u8  active_speed;
++	__u8  phys_state;
++	__u8  link_layer;
++	__u8  flags;			/* see ib_uverbs_query_port_flags */
++	__u8  reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_alloc_pd {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_alloc_pd_resp {
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_dealloc_pd {
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_open_xrcd {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 fd;
++	__u32 oflags;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_open_xrcd_resp {
++	__u32 xrcd_handle;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_close_xrcd {
++	__u32 xrcd_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_reg_mr {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 start;
++	__aligned_u64 length;
++	__aligned_u64 hca_va;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 access_flags;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_reg_mr_resp {
++	__u32 mr_handle;
++	__u32 lkey;
++	__u32 rkey;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_rereg_mr {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 mr_handle;
++	__u32 flags;
++	__aligned_u64 start;
++	__aligned_u64 length;
++	__aligned_u64 hca_va;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 access_flags;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_rereg_mr_resp {
++	__u32 lkey;
++	__u32 rkey;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_dereg_mr {
++	__u32 mr_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_alloc_mw {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u8  mw_type;
++	__u8  reserved[3];
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp {
++	__u32 mw_handle;
++	__u32 rkey;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_dealloc_mw {
++	__u32 mw_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_comp_channel {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_comp_channel_resp {
++	__u32 fd;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_cq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 cqe;
++	__u32 comp_vector;
++	__s32 comp_channel;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++enum ib_uverbs_ex_create_cq_flags {
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_cq {
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 cqe;
++	__u32 comp_vector;
++	__s32 comp_channel;
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 flags;  /* bitmask of ib_uverbs_ex_create_cq_flags */
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_cq_resp {
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 cqe;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_cq_resp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_create_cq_resp base;
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++struct ib_uverbs_resize_cq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 cqe;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_resize_cq_resp {
++	__u32 cqe;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_poll_cq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 ne;
++struct ib_uverbs_wc {
++	__aligned_u64 wr_id;
++	__u32 status;
++	__u32 opcode;
++	__u32 vendor_err;
++	__u32 byte_len;
++	union {
++		__be32 imm_data;
++		__u32 invalidate_rkey;
++	} ex;
++	__u32 qp_num;
++	__u32 src_qp;
++	__u32 wc_flags;
++	__u16 pkey_index;
++	__u16 slid;
++	__u8 sl;
++	__u8 dlid_path_bits;
++	__u8 port_num;
++	__u8 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_poll_cq_resp {
++	__u32 count;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	struct ib_uverbs_wc wc[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_req_notify_cq {
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 solicited_only;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_cq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_cq_resp {
++	__u32 comp_events_reported;
++	__u32 async_events_reported;
++struct ib_uverbs_global_route {
++	__u8  dgid[16];
++	__u32 flow_label;
++	__u8  sgid_index;
++	__u8  hop_limit;
++	__u8  traffic_class;
++	__u8  reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_ah_attr {
++	struct ib_uverbs_global_route grh;
++	__u16 dlid;
++	__u8  sl;
++	__u8  src_path_bits;
++	__u8  static_rate;
++	__u8  is_global;
++	__u8  port_num;
++	__u8  reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_qp_attr {
++	__u32	qp_attr_mask;
++	__u32	qp_state;
++	__u32	cur_qp_state;
++	__u32	path_mtu;
++	__u32	path_mig_state;
++	__u32	qkey;
++	__u32	rq_psn;
++	__u32	sq_psn;
++	__u32	dest_qp_num;
++	__u32	qp_access_flags;
++	struct ib_uverbs_ah_attr ah_attr;
++	struct ib_uverbs_ah_attr alt_ah_attr;
++	/* ib_qp_cap */
++	__u32	max_send_wr;
++	__u32	max_recv_wr;
++	__u32	max_send_sge;
++	__u32	max_recv_sge;
++	__u32	max_inline_data;
++	__u16	pkey_index;
++	__u16	alt_pkey_index;
++	__u8	en_sqd_async_notify;
++	__u8	sq_draining;
++	__u8	max_rd_atomic;
++	__u8	max_dest_rd_atomic;
++	__u8	min_rnr_timer;
++	__u8	port_num;
++	__u8	timeout;
++	__u8	retry_cnt;
++	__u8	rnr_retry;
++	__u8	alt_port_num;
++	__u8	alt_timeout;
++	__u8	reserved[5];
++struct ib_uverbs_create_qp {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 send_cq_handle;
++	__u32 recv_cq_handle;
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 max_send_wr;
++	__u32 max_recv_wr;
++	__u32 max_send_sge;
++	__u32 max_recv_sge;
++	__u32 max_inline_data;
++	__u8  sq_sig_all;
++	__u8  qp_type;
++	__u8  is_srq;
++	__u8  reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++enum ib_uverbs_create_qp_mask {
++enum {
++enum {
++	/*
++	 * This value is equal to IB_QP_DEST_QPN.
++	 */
++enum {
++	/*
++	 * This value is equal to IB_QP_RATE_LIMIT.
++	 */
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_qp {
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 send_cq_handle;
++	__u32 recv_cq_handle;
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 max_send_wr;
++	__u32 max_recv_wr;
++	__u32 max_send_sge;
++	__u32 max_recv_sge;
++	__u32 max_inline_data;
++	__u8  sq_sig_all;
++	__u8  qp_type;
++	__u8  is_srq;
++	__u8 reserved;
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 create_flags;
++	__u32 rwq_ind_tbl_handle;
++	__u32  source_qpn;
++struct ib_uverbs_open_qp {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 qpn;
++	__u8  qp_type;
++	__u8  reserved[7];
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++/* also used for open response */
++struct ib_uverbs_create_qp_resp {
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 qpn;
++	__u32 max_send_wr;
++	__u32 max_recv_wr;
++	__u32 max_send_sge;
++	__u32 max_recv_sge;
++	__u32 max_inline_data;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_qp_resp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_create_qp_resp base;
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++ * This struct needs to remain a multiple of 8 bytes to keep the
++ * alignment of the modify QP parameters.
++ */
++struct ib_uverbs_qp_dest {
++	__u8  dgid[16];
++	__u32 flow_label;
++	__u16 dlid;
++	__u16 reserved;
++	__u8  sgid_index;
++	__u8  hop_limit;
++	__u8  traffic_class;
++	__u8  sl;
++	__u8  src_path_bits;
++	__u8  static_rate;
++	__u8  is_global;
++	__u8  port_num;
++struct ib_uverbs_query_qp {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 attr_mask;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_qp_resp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_qp_dest dest;
++	struct ib_uverbs_qp_dest alt_dest;
++	__u32 max_send_wr;
++	__u32 max_recv_wr;
++	__u32 max_send_sge;
++	__u32 max_recv_sge;
++	__u32 max_inline_data;
++	__u32 qkey;
++	__u32 rq_psn;
++	__u32 sq_psn;
++	__u32 dest_qp_num;
++	__u32 qp_access_flags;
++	__u16 pkey_index;
++	__u16 alt_pkey_index;
++	__u8  qp_state;
++	__u8  cur_qp_state;
++	__u8  path_mtu;
++	__u8  path_mig_state;
++	__u8  sq_draining;
++	__u8  max_rd_atomic;
++	__u8  max_dest_rd_atomic;
++	__u8  min_rnr_timer;
++	__u8  port_num;
++	__u8  timeout;
++	__u8  retry_cnt;
++	__u8  rnr_retry;
++	__u8  alt_port_num;
++	__u8  alt_timeout;
++	__u8  sq_sig_all;
++	__u8  reserved[5];
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_modify_qp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_qp_dest dest;
++	struct ib_uverbs_qp_dest alt_dest;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 attr_mask;
++	__u32 qkey;
++	__u32 rq_psn;
++	__u32 sq_psn;
++	__u32 dest_qp_num;
++	__u32 qp_access_flags;
++	__u16 pkey_index;
++	__u16 alt_pkey_index;
++	__u8  qp_state;
++	__u8  cur_qp_state;
++	__u8  path_mtu;
++	__u8  path_mig_state;
++	__u8  en_sqd_async_notify;
++	__u8  max_rd_atomic;
++	__u8  max_dest_rd_atomic;
++	__u8  min_rnr_timer;
++	__u8  port_num;
++	__u8  timeout;
++	__u8  retry_cnt;
++	__u8  rnr_retry;
++	__u8  alt_port_num;
++	__u8  alt_timeout;
++	__u8  reserved[2];
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_modify_qp {
++	struct ib_uverbs_modify_qp base;
++	__u32	rate_limit;
++	__u32	reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_modify_qp_resp {
++	__u32  comp_mask;
++	__u32  response_length;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_qp {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_qp_resp {
++	__u32 events_reported;
++ * The ib_uverbs_sge structure isn't used anywhere, since we assume
++ * the ib_sge structure is packed the same way on 32-bit and 64-bit
++ * architectures in both kernel and user space.  It's just here to
++ * document the ABI.
++ */
++struct ib_uverbs_sge {
++	__aligned_u64 addr;
++	__u32 length;
++	__u32 lkey;
++enum ib_uverbs_wr_opcode {
++	/* Review enum ib_wr_opcode before modifying this */
++struct ib_uverbs_send_wr {
++	__aligned_u64 wr_id;
++	__u32 num_sge;
++	__u32 opcode;		/* see enum ib_uverbs_wr_opcode */
++	__u32 send_flags;
++	union {
++		__be32 imm_data;
++		__u32 invalidate_rkey;
++	} ex;
++	union {
++		struct {
++			__aligned_u64 remote_addr;
++			__u32 rkey;
++			__u32 reserved;
++		} rdma;
++		struct {
++			__aligned_u64 remote_addr;
++			__aligned_u64 compare_add;
++			__aligned_u64 swap;
++			__u32 rkey;
++			__u32 reserved;
++		} atomic;
++		struct {
++			__u32 ah;
++			__u32 remote_qpn;
++			__u32 remote_qkey;
++			__u32 reserved;
++		} ud;
++	} wr;
++struct ib_uverbs_post_send {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 wr_count;
++	__u32 sge_count;
++	__u32 wqe_size;
++	struct ib_uverbs_send_wr send_wr[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_post_send_resp {
++	__u32 bad_wr;
++struct ib_uverbs_recv_wr {
++	__aligned_u64 wr_id;
++	__u32 num_sge;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_post_recv {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u32 wr_count;
++	__u32 sge_count;
++	__u32 wqe_size;
++	struct ib_uverbs_recv_wr recv_wr[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_post_recv_resp {
++	__u32 bad_wr;
++struct ib_uverbs_post_srq_recv {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 wr_count;
++	__u32 sge_count;
++	__u32 wqe_size;
++	struct ib_uverbs_recv_wr recv[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_post_srq_recv_resp {
++	__u32 bad_wr;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_ah {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	struct ib_uverbs_ah_attr attr;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_create_ah_resp {
++	__u32 ah_handle;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_ah {
++	__u32 ah_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_attach_mcast {
++	__u8  gid[16];
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u16 mlid;
++	__u16 reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_detach_mcast {
++	__u8  gid[16];
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	__u16 mlid;
++	__u16 reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr {
++	__u32 type;
++	__u16 size;
++	__u16 reserved;
++	/* followed by flow_spec */
++	__aligned_u64 flow_spec_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_eth_filter {
++	__u8  dst_mac[6];
++	__u8  src_mac[6];
++	__be16 ether_type;
++	__be16 vlan_tag;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_eth {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_eth_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_eth_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv4_filter {
++	__be32 src_ip;
++	__be32 dst_ip;
++	__u8	proto;
++	__u8	tos;
++	__u8	ttl;
++	__u8	flags;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_ipv4 {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv4_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv4_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_tcp_udp_filter {
++	__be16 dst_port;
++	__be16 src_port;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_tcp_udp {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_tcp_udp_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_tcp_udp_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv6_filter {
++	__u8    src_ip[16];
++	__u8    dst_ip[16];
++	__be32	flow_label;
++	__u8	next_hdr;
++	__u8	traffic_class;
++	__u8	hop_limit;
++	__u8	reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_ipv6 {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv6_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_ipv6_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_action_tag {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	__u32			      tag_id;
++	__u32			      reserved1;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_action_drop {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_action_handle {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	__u32			      handle;
++	__u32			      reserved1;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_action_count {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	__u32			      handle;
++	__u32			      reserved1;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_tunnel_filter {
++	__be32 tunnel_id;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_tunnel {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_tunnel_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_tunnel_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_esp_filter {
++	__u32 spi;
++	__u32 seq;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_esp {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_esp_filter val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_esp_filter mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_gre_filter {
++	/* c_ks_res0_ver field is bits 0-15 in offset 0 of a standard GRE header:
++	 * bit 0 - C - checksum bit.
++	 * bit 1 - reserved. set to 0.
++	 * bit 2 - key bit.
++	 * bit 3 - sequence number bit.
++	 * bits 4:12 - reserved. set to 0.
++	 * bits 13:15 - GRE version.
++	 */
++	__be16 c_ks_res0_ver;
++	__be16 protocol;
++	__be32 key;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_gre {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_gre_filter     val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_gre_filter     mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_mpls_filter {
++	/* The field includes the entire MPLS label:
++	 * bits 0:19 - label field.
++	 * bits 20:22 - traffic class field.
++	 * bits 23 - bottom of stack bit.
++	 * bits 24:31 - ttl field.
++	 */
++	__be32 label;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_mpls {
++	union {
++		struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr hdr;
++		struct {
++			__u32 type;
++			__u16 size;
++			__u16 reserved;
++		};
++	};
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_mpls_filter     val;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_mpls_filter     mask;
++struct ib_uverbs_flow_attr {
++	__u32 type;
++	__u16 size;
++	__u16 priority;
++	__u8  num_of_specs;
++	__u8  reserved[2];
++	__u8  port;
++	__u32 flags;
++	/* Following are the optional layers according to user request
++	 * struct ib_flow_spec_xxx
++	 * struct ib_flow_spec_yyy
++	 */
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_spec_hdr flow_specs[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_create_flow  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 qp_handle;
++	struct ib_uverbs_flow_attr flow_attr;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_flow_resp {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 flow_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_flow  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 flow_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_create_srq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 srq_limit;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_create_xsrq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 srq_type;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 srq_limit;
++	__u32 max_num_tags;
++	__u32 xrcd_handle;
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_create_srq_resp {
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 srqn;
++	__u32 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_modify_srq {
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 attr_mask;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 srq_limit;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_srq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	__aligned_u64 driver_data[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_query_srq_resp {
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 srq_limit;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_srq {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 srq_handle;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_destroy_srq_resp {
++	__u32 events_reported;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_wq  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 wq_type;
++	__aligned_u64 user_handle;
++	__u32 pd_handle;
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 create_flags; /* Use enum ib_wq_flags */
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_wq_resp {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++	__u32 wq_handle;
++	__u32 max_wr;
++	__u32 max_sge;
++	__u32 wqn;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_destroy_wq  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 wq_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_destroy_wq_resp {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++	__u32 events_reported;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_modify_wq  {
++	__u32 attr_mask;
++	__u32 wq_handle;
++	__u32 wq_state;
++	__u32 curr_wq_state;
++	__u32 flags; /* Use enum ib_wq_flags */
++	__u32 flags_mask; /* Use enum ib_wq_flags */
++/* Prevent memory allocation rather than max expected size */
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_rwq_ind_table  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 log_ind_tbl_size;
++	/* Following are the wq handles according to log_ind_tbl_size
++	 * wq_handle1
++	 * wq_handle2
++	 */
++	__u32 wq_handles[0];
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_create_rwq_ind_table_resp {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 response_length;
++	__u32 ind_tbl_handle;
++	__u32 ind_tbl_num;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_destroy_rwq_ind_table  {
++	__u32 comp_mask;
++	__u32 ind_tbl_handle;
++struct ib_uverbs_cq_moderation {
++	__u16 cq_count;
++	__u16 cq_period;
++struct ib_uverbs_ex_modify_cq {
++	__u32 cq_handle;
++	__u32 attr_mask;
++	struct ib_uverbs_cq_moderation attr;
++	__u32 reserved;
++#define IB_DEVICE_NAME_MAX 64
++#endif /* IB_USER_VERBS_H */
+diff --git a/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_netlink.h b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_netlink.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..04c80cebef49f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_netlink.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
++#ifndef _RDMA_NETLINK_H
++#define _RDMA_NETLINK_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++enum {
++	RDMA_NL_LS,	/* RDMA Local Services */
++	RDMA_NL_NLDEV,	/* RDMA device interface */
++enum {
++#define RDMA_NL_GET_CLIENT(type) ((type & (((1 << 6) - 1) << 10)) >> 10)
++#define RDMA_NL_GET_OP(type) (type & ((1 << 10) - 1))
++#define RDMA_NL_GET_TYPE(client, op) ((client << 10) + op)
++enum {
++enum {
++/* iwarp port mapper op-codes */
++enum {
++struct rdma_cm_id_stats {
++	__u32	qp_num;
++	__u32	bound_dev_if;
++	__u32	port_space;
++	__s32	pid;
++	__u8	cm_state;
++	__u8	node_type;
++	__u8	port_num;
++	__u8	qp_type;
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++enum {
++ * Local service operations:
++ *   RESOLVE - The client requests the local service to resolve a path.
++ *   SET_TIMEOUT - The local service requests the client to set the timeout.
++ *   IP_RESOLVE - The client requests the local service to resolve an IP to GID.
++ */
++enum {
++/* Local service netlink message flags */
++#define RDMA_NL_LS_F_ERR	0x0100	/* Failed response */
++ * Local service resolve operation family header.
++ * The layout for the resolve operation:
++ *    nlmsg header
++ *    family header
++ *    attributes
++ */
++ * Local service path use:
++ * Specify how the path(s) will be used.
++ *   ALL - For connected CM operation (6 pathrecords)
++ *   UNIDIRECTIONAL - For unidirectional UD (1 pathrecord)
++ *   GMP - For miscellaneous GMP like operation (at least 1 reversible
++ *         pathrecord)
++ */
++enum {
++#define LS_DEVICE_NAME_MAX 64
++struct rdma_ls_resolve_header {
++	__u8 device_name[LS_DEVICE_NAME_MAX];
++	__u8 port_num;
++	__u8 path_use;
++struct rdma_ls_ip_resolve_header {
++	__u32 ifindex;
++/* Local service attribute type */
++#define RDMA_NLA_F_MANDATORY	(1 << 13)
++ * Local service attributes:
++ *   Attr Name       Size                       Byte order
++ *   -----------------------------------------------------
++ *   PATH_RECORD     struct ib_path_rec_data
++ *   TIMEOUT         u32                        cpu
++ *   SERVICE_ID      u64                        cpu
++ *   DGID            u8[16]                     BE
++ *   SGID            u8[16]                     BE
++ *   TCLASS          u8
++ *   PKEY            u16                        cpu
++ *   QOS_CLASS       u16                        cpu
++ *   IPV4            u32                        BE
++ *   IPV6            u8[16]                     BE
++ */
++enum {
++/* Local service DGID/SGID attribute: big endian */
++struct rdma_nla_ls_gid {
++	__u8		gid[16];
++enum rdma_nldev_command {
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_GET, /* can dump */
++	/* 3 - 4 are free to use */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_PORT_GET = 5, /* can dump */
++	/* 6 - 8 are free to use */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_GET = 9, /* can dump */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_QP_GET, /* can dump */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_CM_ID_GET, /* can dump */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_CQ_GET, /* can dump */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_MR_GET, /* can dump */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_PD_GET, /* can dump */
++enum {
++enum rdma_nldev_print_type {
++enum rdma_nldev_attr {
++	/* don't change the order or add anything between, this is ABI! */
++	/* Pad attribute for 64b alignment */
++	/* Identifier for ib_device */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME,		/* string */
++	/*
++	 * Device index together with port index are identifiers
++	 * for port/link properties.
++	 *
++	 * For RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_GET commamnd, port index will return number
++	 * of available ports in ib_device, while for port specific operations,
++	 * it will be real port index as it appears in sysfs. Port index follows
++	 * sysfs notation and starts from 1 for the first port.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Device and port capabilities
++	 *
++	 * When used for port info, first 32-bits are CapabilityMask followed by
++	 * 16-bit CapabilityMask2.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * FW version
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_FW_VERSION,		/* string */
++	/*
++	 * Node GUID (in host byte order) associated with the RDMA device.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * System image GUID (in host byte order) associated with
++	 * this RDMA device and other devices which are part of a
++	 * single system.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Subnet prefix (in host byte order)
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Local Identifier (LID),
++	 * According to IB specification, It is 16-bit address assigned
++	 * by the Subnet Manager. Extended to be 32-bit for OmniPath users.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LID,			/* u32 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_SM_LID,			/* u32 */
++	/*
++	 * LID mask control (LMC)
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LMC,			/* u8 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SUMMARY,		/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SUMMARY_ENTRY,	/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_QP,			/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_QP_ENTRY,		/* nested table */
++	/*
++	 * Local QPN
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Remote QPN,
++	 * Applicable for RC and UC only IBTA QUERY QUEUE PAIR
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Receive Queue PSN,
++	 * Applicable for RC and UC only QUERY QUEUE PAIR
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Send Queue PSN
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * QP types as visible to RDMA/core, the reserved QPT
++	 * are not exported through this interface.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * Process ID which created object,
++	 * in case of kernel origin, PID won't exist.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID,		/* u32 */
++	/*
++	 * The name of process created following resource.
++	 * It will exist only for kernel objects.
++	 * For user created objects, the user is supposed
++	 * to read /proc/PID/comm file.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CM_ID,		/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CM_ID_ENTRY,	/* nested table */
++	/*
++	 * rdma_cm_id port space.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PS,			/* u32 */
++	/*
++	 * Source and destination socket addresses
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SRC_ADDR,		/* __kernel_sockaddr_storage */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_DST_ADDR,		/* __kernel_sockaddr_storage */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQ,			/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQ_ENTRY,		/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQE,		/* u32 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_MR,			/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_MR_ENTRY,		/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PD,			/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PD_ENTRY,		/* nested table */
++	/*
++	 * Provides logical name and index of netdevice which is
++	 * connected to physical port. This information is relevant
++	 * for RoCE and iWARP.
++	 *
++	 * The netdevices which are associated with containers are
++	 * supposed to be exported together with GID table once it
++	 * will be exposed through the netlink. Because the
++	 * associated netdevices are properties of GIDs.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_NDEV_NAME,		/* string */
++	/*
++	 * driver-specific attributes.
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER,			/* nested table */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER_ENTRY,		/* nested table */
++	/*
++	 * u8 values from enum rdma_nldev_print_type
++	 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER_S32,		/* s32 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER_U32,		/* u32 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER_S64,		/* s64 */
++	RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER_U64,		/* u64 */
++	/*
++	 * Always the end
++	 */
++#endif /* _RDMA_NETLINK_H */
+diff --git a/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_user_cm.h b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_user_cm.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..0d1e78ebad051
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/include/uapi/rdma/rdma_user_cm.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
++/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR Linux-OpenIB) */
++ * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
++ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
++ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
++ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
++ * OpenIB.org BSD license below:
++ *
++ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
++ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
++ *     conditions are met:
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer.
++ *
++ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
++ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
++ *        provided with the distribution.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef RDMA_USER_CM_H
++#define RDMA_USER_CM_H
++#include <linux/types.h>
++#include <linux/socket.h>
++#include <linux/in6.h>
++#include <rdma/ib_user_verbs.h>
++#include <rdma/ib_user_sa.h>
++#define RDMA_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA		256
++enum {
++/* See IBTA Annex A11, servies ID bytes 4 & 5 */
++enum rdma_ucm_port_space {
++	RDMA_PS_IPOIB = 0x0002,
++	RDMA_PS_IB    = 0x013F,
++	RDMA_PS_TCP   = 0x0106,
++	RDMA_PS_UDP   = 0x0111,
++ * command ABI structures.
++ */
++struct rdma_ucm_cmd_hdr {
++	__u32 cmd;
++	__u16 in;
++	__u16 out;
++struct rdma_ucm_create_id {
++	__aligned_u64 uid;
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u16 ps;                  /* use enum rdma_ucm_port_space */
++	__u8  qp_type;
++	__u8  reserved[5];
++struct rdma_ucm_create_id_resp {
++	__u32 id;
++struct rdma_ucm_destroy_id {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct rdma_ucm_destroy_id_resp {
++	__u32 events_reported;
++struct rdma_ucm_bind_ip {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
++	__u32 id;
++struct rdma_ucm_bind {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u16 addr_size;
++	__u16 reserved;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage addr;
++struct rdma_ucm_resolve_ip {
++	struct sockaddr_in6 src_addr;
++	struct sockaddr_in6 dst_addr;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 timeout_ms;
++struct rdma_ucm_resolve_addr {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 timeout_ms;
++	__u16 src_size;
++	__u16 dst_size;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage src_addr;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage dst_addr;
++struct rdma_ucm_resolve_route {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 timeout_ms;
++enum {
++struct rdma_ucm_query {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 option;
++struct rdma_ucm_query_route_resp {
++	__aligned_u64 node_guid;
++	struct ib_user_path_rec ib_route[2];
++	struct sockaddr_in6 src_addr;
++	struct sockaddr_in6 dst_addr;
++	__u32 num_paths;
++	__u8 port_num;
++	__u8 reserved[3];
++struct rdma_ucm_query_addr_resp {
++	__aligned_u64 node_guid;
++	__u8  port_num;
++	__u8  reserved;
++	__u16 pkey;
++	__u16 src_size;
++	__u16 dst_size;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage src_addr;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage dst_addr;
++struct rdma_ucm_query_path_resp {
++	__u32 num_paths;
++	__u32 reserved;
++	struct ib_path_rec_data path_data[0];
++struct rdma_ucm_conn_param {
++	__u32 qp_num;
++	__u32 qkey;
++	__u8  private_data[RDMA_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA];
++	__u8  private_data_len;
++	__u8  srq;
++	__u8  responder_resources;
++	__u8  initiator_depth;
++	__u8  flow_control;
++	__u8  retry_count;
++	__u8  rnr_retry_count;
++	__u8  valid;
++struct rdma_ucm_ud_param {
++	__u32 qp_num;
++	__u32 qkey;
++	struct ib_uverbs_ah_attr ah_attr;
++	__u8  private_data[RDMA_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA];
++	__u8  private_data_len;
++	__u8  reserved[7];
++struct rdma_ucm_connect {
++	struct rdma_ucm_conn_param conn_param;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct rdma_ucm_listen {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 backlog;
++struct rdma_ucm_accept {
++	__aligned_u64 uid;
++	struct rdma_ucm_conn_param conn_param;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 reserved;
++struct rdma_ucm_reject {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u8  private_data_len;
++	__u8  reserved[3];
++	__u8  private_data[RDMA_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA];
++struct rdma_ucm_disconnect {
++	__u32 id;
++struct rdma_ucm_init_qp_attr {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 qp_state;
++struct rdma_ucm_notify {
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 event;
++struct rdma_ucm_join_ip_mcast {
++	__aligned_u64 response;		/* rdma_ucm_create_id_resp */
++	__aligned_u64 uid;
++	struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
++	__u32 id;
++/* Multicast join flags */
++enum {
++struct rdma_ucm_join_mcast {
++	__aligned_u64 response;		/* rdma_ucma_create_id_resp */
++	__aligned_u64 uid;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u16 addr_size;
++	__u16 join_flags;
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage addr;
++struct rdma_ucm_get_event {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++struct rdma_ucm_event_resp {
++	__aligned_u64 uid;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 event;
++	__u32 status;
++	/*
++	 * NOTE: This union is not aligned to 8 bytes so none of the union
++	 * members may contain a u64 or anything with higher alignment than 4.
++	 */
++	union {
++		struct rdma_ucm_conn_param conn;
++		struct rdma_ucm_ud_param   ud;
++	} param;
++	__u32 reserved;
++/* Option levels */
++enum {
++/* Option details */
++enum {
++struct rdma_ucm_set_option {
++	__aligned_u64 optval;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 level;
++	__u32 optname;
++	__u32 optlen;
++struct rdma_ucm_migrate_id {
++	__aligned_u64 response;
++	__u32 id;
++	__u32 fd;
++struct rdma_ucm_migrate_resp {
++	__u32 events_reported;
++#endif /* RDMA_USER_CM_H */
+diff --git a/rdma/link.c b/rdma/link.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..c064be627be2c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/link.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
++ * link.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#include "rdma.h"
++static int link_help(struct rd *rd)
++	pr_out("Usage: %s link show [DEV/PORT_INDEX]\n", rd->filename);
++	return 0;
++static const char *caps_to_str(uint32_t idx)
++#define RDMA_PORT_FLAGS_LOW(x) \
++	x(RESERVED, 0) \
++	x(SM, 1) \
++	x(NOTICE, 2) \
++	x(TRAP, 3) \
++	x(OPT_IPD, 4) \
++	x(AUTO_MIGR, 5) \
++	x(SL_MAP, 6) \
++	x(MKEY_NVRAM, 7) \
++	x(PKEY_NVRAM, 8) \
++	x(LED_INFO, 9) \
++	x(SM_DISABLED, 10) \
++	x(SYS_IMAGE_GUID, 11) \
++	x(CABLE_INFO, 13) \
++	x(CAP_MASK2, 15) \
++	x(CM, 16) \
++	x(SNMP_TUNNEL, 17) \
++	x(REINIT, 18) \
++	x(DEVICE_MGMT, 19) \
++	x(VENDOR_CLASS, 20) \
++	x(DR_NOTICE, 21) \
++	x(CAP_MASK_NOTICE, 22) \
++	x(BOOT_MGMT, 23) \
++	x(LINK_LATENCY, 24) \
++	x(CLIENT_REG, 25) \
++	x(LINK_SPPED_WIDTH, 27) \
++	x(MULT_PKER_TRAP, 29) \
++	x(MULT_FDB, 30) \
++#define RDMA_PORT_FLAGS_HIGH(x) \
++	x(SET_NODE_DESC, 0) \
++	x(EXT_INFO, 1) \
++	x(VIRT, 2) \
++	x(LINK_WIDTH_2X, 4) \
++	/*
++	 * Separation below is needed to allow compilation of rdmatool
++	 * on 32bits systems. On such systems, C-enum is limited to be
++	 * int and can't hold more than 32 bits.
++	 */
++	static const char * const
++		rdma_port_names_low[] = { RDMA_PORT_FLAGS_LOW(RDMA_BITMAP_NAMES) };
++	static const char * const
++		rdma_port_names_high[] = { RDMA_PORT_FLAGS_HIGH(RDMA_BITMAP_NAMES) };
++	uint32_t high_idx;
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_port_names_low) && rdma_port_names_low[idx])
++		return rdma_port_names_low[idx];
++	high_idx = idx - ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_port_names_low);
++	if (high_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(rdma_port_names_high) &&
++	    rdma_port_names_high[high_idx])
++		return rdma_port_names_high[high_idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void link_print_caps(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint64_t caps;
++	uint32_t idx;
++		return;
++	caps = mnl_attr_get_u64(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_CAP_FLAGS]);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_name(rd->jw, "caps");
++		jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("\n    caps: <");
++	}
++	for (idx = 0; caps; idx++) {
++		if (caps & 0x1) {
++			if (rd->json_output) {
++				jsonw_string(rd->jw, caps_to_str(idx));
++			} else {
++				pr_out("%s", caps_to_str(idx));
++				if (caps >> 0x1)
++					pr_out(", ");
++			}
++		}
++		caps >>= 0x1;
++	}
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_array(rd->jw);
++	else
++		pr_out(">");
++static void link_print_subnet_prefix(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint64_t subnet_prefix;
++	uint16_t vp[4];
++	char str[32];
++		return;
++	subnet_prefix = mnl_attr_get_u64(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_SUBNET_PREFIX]);
++	memcpy(vp, &subnet_prefix, sizeof(uint64_t));
++	snprintf(str, 32, "%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x", vp[3], vp[2], vp[1], vp[0]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "subnet_prefix", str);
++	else
++		pr_out("subnet_prefix %s ", str);
++static void link_print_lid(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint32_t lid;
++	if (!tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LID])
++		return;
++	lid = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LID]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "lid", lid);
++	else
++		pr_out("lid %u ", lid);
++static void link_print_sm_lid(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint32_t sm_lid;
++		return;
++	sm_lid = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_SM_LID]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "sm_lid", sm_lid);
++	else
++		pr_out("sm_lid %u ", sm_lid);
++static void link_print_lmc(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint8_t lmc;
++	if (!tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LMC])
++		return;
++	lmc = mnl_attr_get_u8(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LMC]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "lmc", lmc);
++	else
++		pr_out("lmc %u ", lmc);
++static const char *link_state_to_str(uint8_t link_state)
++	static const char * const link_state_str[] = { "NOP", "DOWN",
++						       "INIT", "ARMED",
++						       "ACTIVE",
++						       "ACTIVE_DEFER" };
++	if (link_state < ARRAY_SIZE(link_state_str))
++		return link_state_str[link_state];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void link_print_state(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint8_t state;
++		return;
++	state = mnl_attr_get_u8(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_STATE]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "state", link_state_to_str(state));
++	else
++		pr_out("state %s ", link_state_to_str(state));
++static const char *phys_state_to_str(uint8_t phys_state)
++	static const char * const phys_state_str[] = { "NOP", "SLEEP",
++						       "POLLING", "DISABLED",
++						       "ARMED", "LINK_UP",
++						       "LINK_ERROR_RECOVER",
++						       "PHY_TEST", "UNKNOWN",
++						       "OPA_OFFLINE",
++						       "UNKNOWN", "OPA_TEST" };
++	if (phys_state < ARRAY_SIZE(phys_state_str))
++		return phys_state_str[phys_state];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void link_print_phys_state(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	uint8_t phys_state;
++		return;
++	phys_state = mnl_attr_get_u8(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_PHYS_STATE]);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "physical_state",
++				   phys_state_to_str(phys_state));
++	else
++		pr_out("physical_state %s ", phys_state_to_str(phys_state));
++static void link_print_netdev(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	const char *netdev_name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++		return;
++	netdev_name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_NDEV_NAME]);
++	idx = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_NDEV_INDEX]);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "netdev", netdev_name);
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "netdev_index", idx);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("netdev %s ", netdev_name);
++		if (rd->show_details)
++			pr_out("netdev_index %u ", idx);
++	}
++static int link_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	uint32_t port, idx;
++	char name[32];
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		pr_err("This tool doesn't support switches yet\n");
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	}
++	idx = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	port = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX]);
++	snprintf(name, 32, "%s/%u",
++		 mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]), port);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "ifindex", idx);
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "port", port);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ifname", name);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("%u/%u: %s: ", idx, port, name);
++	}
++	link_print_subnet_prefix(rd, tb);
++	link_print_lid(rd, tb);
++	link_print_sm_lid(rd, tb);
++	link_print_lmc(rd, tb);
++	link_print_state(rd, tb);
++	link_print_phys_state(rd, tb);
++	link_print_netdev(rd, tb);
++	if (rd->show_details)
++		link_print_caps(rd, tb);
++	if (!rd->json_output)
++		pr_out("\n");
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int link_no_args(struct rd *rd)
++	uint32_t seq;
++	int ret;
++	rd_prepare_msg(rd, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_PORT_GET, &seq,
++		       (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK));
++	mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, rd->dev_idx);
++	mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX, rd->port_idx);
++	ret = rd_send_msg(rd);
++	if (ret)
++		return ret;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_start_object(rd->jw);
++	ret = rd_recv_msg(rd, link_parse_cb, rd, seq);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_object(rd->jw);
++	return ret;
++static int link_one_show(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		link_no_args},
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	if (!rd->port_idx)
++		return 0;
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "parameter");
++static int link_show(struct rd *rd)
++	return rd_exec_link(rd, link_one_show, true);
++int cmd_link(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		link_show },
++		{ "show",	link_show },
++		{ "list",	link_show },
++		{ "help",	link_help },
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "link command");
+diff --git a/rdma/rdma.c b/rdma/rdma.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..010e98371ef09
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/rdma.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
++ * rdma.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#include "rdma.h"
++#include "SNAPSHOT.h"
++static void help(char *name)
++	pr_out("Usage: %s [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }\n"
++	       "       %s [ -f[orce] ] -b[atch] filename\n"
++	       "where  OBJECT := { dev | link | resource | help }\n"
++	       "       OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -d[etails] | -j[son] | -p[retty]}\n", name, name);
++static int cmd_help(struct rd *rd)
++	help(rd->filename);
++	return 0;
++static int rd_cmd(struct rd *rd, int argc, char **argv)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		cmd_help },
++		{ "help",	cmd_help },
++		{ "dev",	cmd_dev },
++		{ "link",	cmd_link },
++		{ "resource",	cmd_res },
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	rd->argc = argc;
++	rd->argv = argv;
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "object");
++static int rd_batch(struct rd *rd, const char *name, bool force)
++	char *line = NULL;
++	size_t len = 0;
++	int ret = 0;
++	if (name && strcmp(name, "-") != 0) {
++		if (!freopen(name, "r", stdin)) {
++			pr_err("Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading: %s\n",
++			       name, strerror(errno));
++			return errno;
++		}
++	}
++	cmdlineno = 0;
++	while (getcmdline(&line, &len, stdin) != -1) {
++		char *largv[512];
++		int largc;
++		largc = makeargs(line, largv, ARRAY_SIZE(largv));
++		if (!largc)
++			continue;	/* blank line */
++		ret = rd_cmd(rd, largc, largv);
++		if (ret) {
++			pr_err("Command failed %s:%d\n", name, cmdlineno);
++			if (!force)
++				break;
++		}
++	}
++	free(line);
++	return ret;
++static int rd_init(struct rd *rd, char *filename)
++	uint32_t seq;
++	int ret;
++	rd->filename = filename;
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rd->dev_map_list);
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rd->filter_list);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		rd->jw = jsonw_new(stdout);
++		if (!rd->jw) {
++			pr_err("Failed to create JSON writer\n");
++			return -ENOMEM;
++		}
++		jsonw_pretty(rd->jw, rd->pretty_output);
++	}
++	rd->buff = malloc(MNL_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE);
++	if (!rd->buff)
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	rd_prepare_msg(rd, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_GET,
++		       &seq, (NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | NLM_F_DUMP));
++	ret = rd_send_msg(rd);
++	if (ret)
++		return ret;
++	return rd_recv_msg(rd, rd_dev_init_cb, rd, seq);
++static void rd_cleanup(struct rd *rd)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_destroy(&rd->jw);
++	rd_free(rd);
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++	static const struct option long_options[] = {
++		{ "version",		no_argument,		NULL, 'V' },
++		{ "help",		no_argument,		NULL, 'h' },
++		{ "json",		no_argument,		NULL, 'j' },
++		{ "pretty",		no_argument,		NULL, 'p' },
++		{ "details",		no_argument,		NULL, 'd' },
++		{ "force",		no_argument,		NULL, 'f' },
++		{ "batch",		required_argument,	NULL, 'b' },
++		{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
++	};
++	bool show_driver_details = false;
++	const char *batch_file = NULL;
++	bool pretty_output = false;
++	bool show_details = false;
++	bool json_output = false;
++	bool force = false;
++	struct rd rd = {};
++	char *filename;
++	int opt;
++	int err;
++	filename = basename(argv[0]);
++	while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":Vhdpjfb:",
++				  long_options, NULL)) >= 0) {
++		switch (opt) {
++		case 'V':
++			printf("%s utility, iproute2-ss%s\n",
++			       filename, SNAPSHOT);
++			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
++		case 'p':
++			pretty_output = true;
++			break;
++		case 'd':
++			if (show_details)
++				show_driver_details = true;
++			else
++				show_details = true;
++			break;
++		case 'j':
++			json_output = true;
++			break;
++		case 'f':
++			force = true;
++			break;
++		case 'b':
++			batch_file = optarg;
++			break;
++		case 'h':
++			help(filename);
++			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
++		case ':':
++			pr_err("-%c option requires an argument\n", optopt);
++			return EXIT_FAILURE;
++		default:
++			pr_err("Unknown option.\n");
++			help(filename);
++			return EXIT_FAILURE;
++		}
++	}
++	argc -= optind;
++	argv += optind;
++	rd.show_details = show_details;
++	rd.show_driver_details = show_driver_details;
++	rd.json_output = json_output;
++	rd.pretty_output = pretty_output;
++	err = rd_init(&rd, filename);
++	if (err)
++		goto out;
++	if (batch_file)
++		err = rd_batch(&rd, batch_file, force);
++	else
++		err = rd_cmd(&rd, argc, argv);
++	/* Always cleanup */
++	rd_cleanup(&rd);
++	return err ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+diff --git a/rdma/rdma.h b/rdma/rdma.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..547bb5749a39f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/rdma.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
++ * rdma.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#ifndef _RDMA_TOOL_H_
++#define _RDMA_TOOL_H_
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <getopt.h>
++#include <netinet/in.h>
++#include <libmnl/libmnl.h>
++#include <rdma/rdma_netlink.h>
++#include <rdma/rdma_user_cm.h>
++#include <time.h>
++#include <net/if_arp.h>
++#include "list.h"
++#include "utils.h"
++#include "json_writer.h"
++#define pr_err(args...) fprintf(stderr, ##args)
++#define pr_out(args...) fprintf(stdout, ##args)
++#define RDMA_BITMAP_ENUM(name, bit_no) RDMA_BITMAP_##name = BIT(bit_no),
++#define RDMA_BITMAP_NAMES(name, bit_no) [bit_no] = #name,
++struct filters {
++	const char *name;
++	bool is_number;
++struct filter_entry {
++	struct list_head list;
++	char *key;
++	char *value;
++struct dev_map {
++	struct list_head list;
++	char *dev_name;
++	uint32_t num_ports;
++	uint32_t idx;
++struct rd {
++	int argc;
++	char **argv;
++	char *filename;
++	bool show_details;
++	bool show_driver_details;
++	struct list_head dev_map_list;
++	uint32_t dev_idx;
++	uint32_t port_idx;
++	struct mnl_socket *nl;
++	struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
++	char *buff;
++	json_writer_t *jw;
++	bool json_output;
++	bool pretty_output;
++	struct list_head filter_list;
++struct rd_cmd {
++	const char *cmd;
++	int (*func)(struct rd *rd);
++ * Parser interface
++ */
++bool rd_no_arg(struct rd *rd);
++void rd_arg_inc(struct rd *rd);
++char *rd_argv(struct rd *rd);
++ * Commands interface
++ */
++int cmd_dev(struct rd *rd);
++int cmd_link(struct rd *rd);
++int cmd_res(struct rd *rd);
++int rd_exec_cmd(struct rd *rd, const struct rd_cmd *c, const char *str);
++int rd_exec_dev(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd));
++int rd_exec_require_dev(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd));
++int rd_exec_link(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd), bool strict_port);
++void rd_free(struct rd *rd);
++int rd_set_arg_to_devname(struct rd *rd);
++int rd_argc(struct rd *rd);
++int strcmpx(const char *str1, const char *str2);
++ * Device manipulation
++ */
++struct dev_map *dev_map_lookup(struct rd *rd, bool allow_port_index);
++ * Filter manipulation
++ */
++int rd_build_filter(struct rd *rd, const struct filters valid_filters[]);
++bool rd_check_is_filtered(struct rd *rd, const char *key, uint32_t val);
++bool rd_check_is_string_filtered(struct rd *rd, const char *key, const char *val);
++bool rd_check_is_key_exist(struct rd *rd, const char *key);
++ * Netlink
++ */
++int rd_send_msg(struct rd *rd);
++int rd_recv_msg(struct rd *rd, mnl_cb_t callback, void *data, uint32_t seq);
++void rd_prepare_msg(struct rd *rd, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t *seq, uint16_t flags);
++int rd_dev_init_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data);
++int rd_attr_cb(const struct nlattr *attr, void *data);
++int rd_attr_check(const struct nlattr *attr, int *typep);
++ * Print helpers
++ */
++void print_driver_table(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr *tb);
++void newline(struct rd *rd);
++void newline_indent(struct rd *rd);
++#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 80
++#endif /* _RDMA_TOOL_H_ */
+diff --git a/rdma/res.c b/rdma/res.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..cbb2efe6c7235
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/res.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
++ * res.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#include "rdma.h"
++#include <inttypes.h>
++static int res_help(struct rd *rd)
++	pr_out("Usage: %s resource\n", rd->filename);
++	pr_out("          resource show [DEV]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show [qp|cm_id|pd|mr|cq]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show qp link [DEV/PORT]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show qp link [DEV/PORT] [FILTER-NAME FILTER-VALUE]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show cm_id link [DEV/PORT]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show cm_id link [DEV/PORT] [FILTER-NAME FILTER-VALUE]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show cq link [DEV/PORT]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show cq link [DEV/PORT] [FILTER-NAME FILTER-VALUE]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show pd dev [DEV]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show pd dev [DEV] [FILTER-NAME FILTER-VALUE]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show mr dev [DEV]\n");
++	pr_out("          resource show mr dev [DEV] [FILTER-NAME FILTER-VALUE]\n");
++	return 0;
++static int res_print_summary(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr **tb)
++	struct nlattr *nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SUMMARY];
++	struct nlattr *nla_entry;
++	const char *name;
++	uint64_t curr;
++	int err;
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		char json_name[32];
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return -EINVAL;
++			return -EINVAL;
++		}
++		name = mnl_attr_get_str(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SUMMARY_ENTRY_NAME]);
++		curr = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SUMMARY_ENTRY_CURR]);
++		if (rd->json_output) {
++			snprintf(json_name, 32, "%s", name);
++			jsonw_lluint_field(rd->jw, json_name, curr);
++		} else {
++			pr_out("%s %"PRId64 " ", name, curr);
++		}
++	}
++	return 0;
++static int res_no_args_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "ifindex", idx);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ifname", name);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("%u: %s: ", idx, name);
++	}
++	res_print_summary(rd, tb);
++	if (!rd->json_output)
++		pr_out("\n");
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int _res_send_msg(struct rd *rd, uint32_t command, mnl_cb_t callback)
++	uint32_t flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK;
++	uint32_t seq;
++	int ret;
++	if (command != RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_GET)
++		flags |= NLM_F_DUMP;
++	rd_prepare_msg(rd, command, &seq, flags);
++	mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, rd->dev_idx);
++	if (rd->port_idx)
++		mnl_attr_put_u32(rd->nlh,
++				 RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX, rd->port_idx);
++	ret = rd_send_msg(rd);
++	if (ret)
++		return ret;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_start_object(rd->jw);
++	ret = rd_recv_msg(rd, callback, rd, seq);
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_object(rd->jw);
++	return ret;
++#define RES_FUNC(name, command, valid_filters, strict_port) \
++	static int _##name(struct rd *rd)\
++	{ \
++		return _res_send_msg(rd, command, name##_parse_cb); \
++	} \
++	static int name(struct rd *rd) \
++	{\
++		int ret = rd_build_filter(rd, valid_filters); \
++		if (ret) \
++			return ret; \
++		if ((uintptr_t)valid_filters != (uintptr_t)NULL) { \
++			ret = rd_set_arg_to_devname(rd); \
++			if (ret) \
++				return ret;\
++		} \
++		if (strict_port) \
++			return rd_exec_dev(rd, _##name); \
++		else \
++			return rd_exec_link(rd, _##name, strict_port); \
++	}
++static const char *path_mig_to_str(uint8_t idx)
++	static const char * const path_mig_str[] = { "MIGRATED",
++						     "REARM", "ARMED" };
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(path_mig_str))
++		return path_mig_str[idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static const char *qp_states_to_str(uint8_t idx)
++	static const char * const qp_states_str[] = { "RESET", "INIT",
++						      "RTR", "RTS", "SQD",
++						      "SQE", "ERR" };
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(qp_states_str))
++		return qp_states_str[idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static const char *qp_types_to_str(uint8_t idx)
++	static const char * const qp_types_str[] = { "SMI", "GSI", "RC",
++						     "UC", "UD", "RAW_IPV6",
++						     "RAW_ETHERTYPE",
++						     "UNKNOWN", "RAW_PACKET",
++						     "XRC_INI", "XRC_TGT" };
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(qp_types_str))
++		return qp_types_str[idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void print_lqpn(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "lqpn", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("lqpn %u ", val);
++static void print_rqpn(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val, struct nlattr **nla_line)
++	if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQPN])
++		return;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "rqpn", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("rqpn %u ", val);
++static void print_type(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "type",
++				   qp_types_to_str(val));
++	else
++		pr_out("type %s ", qp_types_to_str(val));
++static void print_state(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "state",
++				   qp_states_to_str(val));
++	else
++		pr_out("state %s ", qp_states_to_str(val));
++static void print_rqpsn(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val, struct nlattr **nla_line)
++	if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQ_PSN])
++		return;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "rq-psn", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("rq-psn %u ", val);
++static void print_sqpsn(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "sq-psn", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("sq-psn %u ", val);
++static void print_pathmig(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val,
++			  struct nlattr **nla_line)
++		return;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw,
++				   "path-mig-state",
++				   path_mig_to_str(val));
++	else
++		pr_out("path-mig-state %s ", path_mig_to_str(val));
++static void print_pid(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "pid", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("pid %u ", val);
++static void print_comm(struct rd *rd, const char *str,
++		       struct nlattr **nla_line)
++	char tmp[18];
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		/* Don't beatify output in JSON format */
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "comm", str);
++		return;
++	}
++	if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++		snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s", str);
++	else
++		snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "[%s]", str);
++	pr_out("comm %s ", tmp);
++static void print_dev(struct rd *rd, uint32_t idx, const char *name)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "ifindex", idx);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ifname", name);
++	} else {
++		pr_out("dev %s ", name);
++	}
++static void print_link(struct rd *rd, uint32_t idx, const char *name,
++		       uint32_t port, struct nlattr **nla_line)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "ifindex", idx);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX])
++			jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "port", port);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ifname", name);
++	} else {
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX])
++			pr_out("link %s/%u ", name, port);
++		else
++			pr_out("link %s/- ", name);
++	}
++static char *get_task_name(uint32_t pid)
++	char *comm;
++	FILE *f;
++	if (asprintf(&comm, "/proc/%d/comm", pid) < 0)
++		return NULL;
++	f = fopen(comm, "r");
++	free(comm);
++	if (!f)
++		return NULL;
++	if (fscanf(f, "%ms\n", &comm) != 1)
++		comm = NULL;
++	fclose(f);
++	return comm;
++static int res_qp_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_table, *nla_entry;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_QP];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		uint32_t lqpn, rqpn = 0, rq_psn = 0, sq_psn;
++		uint8_t type, state, path_mig_state = 0;
++		uint32_t port = 0, pid = 0;
++		char *comm = NULL;
++		int err;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LQPN] ||
++		    !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SQ_PSN] ||
++		    !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_TYPE] ||
++		    !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_STATE] ||
++		    (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID] &&
++		     !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])) {
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX])
++			port = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX]);
++		if (port != rd->port_idx)
++			continue;
++		lqpn = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LQPN]);
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "lqpn", lqpn))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQPN]) {
++			rqpn = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQPN]);
++			if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "rqpn", rqpn))
++				continue;
++		} else {
++			if (rd_check_is_key_exist(rd, "rqpn"))
++				continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQ_PSN]) {
++			rq_psn = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RQ_PSN]);
++			if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "rq-psn", rq_psn))
++				continue;
++		} else {
++			if (rd_check_is_key_exist(rd, "rq-psn"))
++				continue;
++		}
++		sq_psn = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SQ_PSN]);
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "sq-psn", sq_psn))
++			continue;
++			path_mig_state = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PATH_MIG_STATE]);
++			if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "path-mig-state", path_mig_to_str(path_mig_state)))
++				continue;
++		} else {
++			if (rd_check_is_key_exist(rd, "path-mig-state"))
++				continue;
++		}
++		type = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_TYPE]);
++		if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "type", qp_types_to_str(type)))
++			continue;
++		state = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_STATE]);
++		if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "state", qp_states_to_str(state)))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]) {
++			pid = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]);
++			comm = get_task_name(pid);
++		}
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "pid", pid)) {
++			free(comm);
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])
++			/* discard const from mnl_attr_get_str */
++			comm = (char *)mnl_attr_get_str(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME]);
++		if (rd->json_output)
++			jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++		print_link(rd, idx, name, port, nla_line);
++		print_lqpn(rd, lqpn);
++		print_rqpn(rd, rqpn, nla_line);
++		print_type(rd, type);
++		print_state(rd, state);
++		print_rqpsn(rd, rq_psn, nla_line);
++		print_sqpsn(rd, sq_psn);
++		print_pathmig(rd, path_mig_state, nla_line);
++		print_pid(rd, pid);
++		print_comm(rd, comm, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++			free(comm);
++		print_driver_table(rd, nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER]);
++		newline(rd);
++	}
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static void print_qp_type(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "qp-type",
++				   qp_types_to_str(val));
++	else
++		pr_out("qp-type %s ", qp_types_to_str(val));
++static const char *cm_id_state_to_str(uint8_t idx)
++	static const char * const cm_id_states_str[] = {
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(cm_id_states_str))
++		return cm_id_states_str[idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static const char *cm_id_ps_to_str(uint32_t ps)
++	switch (ps) {
++	case RDMA_PS_IPOIB:
++		return "IPoIB";
++	case RDMA_PS_IB:
++		return "IPoIB";
++	case RDMA_PS_TCP:
++		return "TCP";
++	case RDMA_PS_UDP:
++		return "UDP";
++	default:
++		return "---";
++	}
++static void print_cm_id_state(struct rd *rd, uint8_t state)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "state", cm_id_state_to_str(state));
++		return;
++	}
++	pr_out("state %s ", cm_id_state_to_str(state));
++static void print_ps(struct rd *rd, uint32_t ps)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "ps", cm_id_ps_to_str(ps));
++		return;
++	}
++	pr_out("ps %s ", cm_id_ps_to_str(ps));
++static void print_ipaddr(struct rd *rd, const char *key, char *addrstr,
++			 uint16_t port)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		int name_size = INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+strlen(":65535");
++		char json_name[name_size];
++		snprintf(json_name, name_size, "%s:%u", addrstr, port);
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, key, json_name);
++		return;
++	}
++	pr_out("%s %s:%u ", key, addrstr, port);
++static int ss_ntop(struct nlattr *nla_line, char *addr_str, uint16_t *port)
++	struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage *addr;
++	addr = (struct __kernel_sockaddr_storage *)
++						mnl_attr_get_payload(nla_line);
++	switch (addr->ss_family) {
++	case AF_INET: {
++		struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr;
++		if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, (const void *)&sin->sin_addr, addr_str,
++			       INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))
++			return -EINVAL;
++		*port = ntohs(sin->sin_port);
++		break;
++	}
++	case AF_INET6: {
++		struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr;
++		if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (const void *)&sin6->sin6_addr,
++			       addr_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))
++			return -EINVAL;
++		*port = ntohs(sin6->sin6_port);
++		break;
++	}
++	default:
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	return 0;
++static int res_cm_id_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_table, *nla_entry;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	int idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CM_ID];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		char src_addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++		char dst_addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++		uint16_t src_port, dst_port;
++		uint32_t port = 0, pid = 0;
++		uint8_t type = 0, state;
++		uint32_t lqpn = 0, ps;
++		char *comm = NULL;
++		int err;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return -EINVAL;
++		if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_STATE] ||
++		    !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PS] ||
++		    (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID] &&
++		     !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])) {
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX])
++			port = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX]);
++		if (port && port != rd->port_idx)
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LQPN]) {
++			lqpn = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LQPN]);
++			if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "lqpn", lqpn))
++				continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_TYPE]) {
++			type = mnl_attr_get_u8(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_TYPE]);
++			if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "qp-type",
++							qp_types_to_str(type)))
++				continue;
++		}
++		ps = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PS]);
++		if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "ps", cm_id_ps_to_str(ps)))
++			continue;
++		state = mnl_attr_get_u8(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_STATE]);
++		if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "state",
++						cm_id_state_to_str(state)))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SRC_ADDR]) {
++			if (ss_ntop(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SRC_ADDR],
++				    src_addr_str, &src_port))
++				continue;
++			if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "src-addr",
++							src_addr_str))
++				continue;
++			if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "src-port", src_port))
++				continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_DST_ADDR]) {
++			if (ss_ntop(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_DST_ADDR],
++				    dst_addr_str, &dst_port))
++				continue;
++			if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "dst-addr",
++							dst_addr_str))
++				continue;
++			if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "dst-port", dst_port))
++				continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]) {
++			pid = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]);
++			comm = get_task_name(pid);
++		}
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "pid", pid)) {
++			free(comm);
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME]) {
++			/* discard const from mnl_attr_get_str */
++			comm = (char *)mnl_attr_get_str(
++		}
++		if (rd->json_output)
++			jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++		print_link(rd, idx, name, port, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LQPN])
++			print_lqpn(rd, lqpn);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_TYPE])
++			print_qp_type(rd, type);
++		print_cm_id_state(rd, state);
++		print_ps(rd, ps);
++		print_pid(rd, pid);
++		print_comm(rd, comm, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_SRC_ADDR])
++			print_ipaddr(rd, "src-addr", src_addr_str, src_port);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_DST_ADDR])
++			print_ipaddr(rd, "dst-addr", dst_addr_str, dst_port);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++			free(comm);
++		print_driver_table(rd, nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER]);
++		newline(rd);
++	}
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static void print_cqe(struct rd *rd, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "cqe", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("cqe %u ", val);
++static void print_users(struct rd *rd, uint64_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "users", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("users %" PRIu64 " ", val);
++static const char *poll_ctx_to_str(uint8_t idx)
++	static const char * const cm_id_states_str[] = {
++	if (idx < ARRAY_SIZE(cm_id_states_str))
++		return cm_id_states_str[idx];
++	return "UNKNOWN";
++static void print_poll_ctx(struct rd *rd, uint8_t poll_ctx)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, "poll-ctx",
++				   poll_ctx_to_str(poll_ctx));
++		return;
++	}
++	pr_out("poll-ctx %s ", poll_ctx_to_str(poll_ctx));
++static int res_cq_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_table, *nla_entry;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQ];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		char *comm = NULL;
++		uint32_t pid = 0;
++		uint8_t poll_ctx = 0;
++		uint64_t users;
++		uint32_t cqe;
++		int err;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQE] ||
++		    !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_USECNT] ||
++		    (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID] &&
++		     !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])) {
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		}
++		cqe = mnl_attr_get_u32(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_CQE]);
++		users = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_USECNT]);
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "users", users))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_POLL_CTX]) {
++			poll_ctx = mnl_attr_get_u8(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_POLL_CTX]);
++			if (rd_check_is_string_filtered(rd, "poll-ctx",
++						poll_ctx_to_str(poll_ctx)))
++				continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]) {
++			pid = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]);
++			comm = get_task_name(pid);
++		}
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "pid", pid)) {
++			free(comm);
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])
++			/* discard const from mnl_attr_get_str */
++			comm = (char *)mnl_attr_get_str(
++		if (rd->json_output)
++			jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++		print_dev(rd, idx, name);
++		print_cqe(rd, cqe);
++		print_users(rd, users);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_POLL_CTX])
++			print_poll_ctx(rd, poll_ctx);
++		print_pid(rd, pid);
++		print_comm(rd, comm, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++			free(comm);
++		print_driver_table(rd, nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER]);
++		newline(rd);
++	}
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static void print_key(struct rd *rd, const char *name, uint32_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_xint_field(rd->jw, name, val);
++	else
++		pr_out("%s 0x%x ", name, val);
++static void print_iova(struct rd *rd, uint64_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_xint_field(rd->jw, "iova", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("iova 0x%" PRIx64 " ", val);
++static void print_mrlen(struct rd *rd, uint64_t val)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_uint_field(rd->jw, "mrlen", val);
++	else
++		pr_out("mrlen %" PRIu64 " ", val);
++static int res_mr_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_table, *nla_entry;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_MR];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		uint32_t rkey = 0, lkey = 0;
++		uint64_t iova = 0, mrlen;
++		char *comm = NULL;
++		uint32_t pid = 0;
++		int err;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_MRLEN] ||
++		    (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID] &&
++		     !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])) {
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RKEY])
++			rkey = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RKEY]);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LKEY])
++			lkey = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LKEY]);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_IOVA])
++			iova = mnl_attr_get_u64(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_IOVA]);
++		mrlen = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_MRLEN]);
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "mrlen", mrlen))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]) {
++			pid = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++					nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]);
++			comm = get_task_name(pid);
++		}
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "pid", pid)) {
++			free(comm);
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])
++			/* discard const from mnl_attr_get_str */
++			comm = (char *)mnl_attr_get_str(
++		if (rd->json_output)
++			jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++		print_dev(rd, idx, name);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_RKEY])
++			print_key(rd, "rkey", rkey);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_LKEY])
++			print_key(rd, "lkey", lkey);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_IOVA])
++			print_iova(rd, iova);
++		print_mrlen(rd, mrlen);
++		print_pid(rd, pid);
++		print_comm(rd, comm, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++			free(comm);
++		print_driver_table(rd, nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER]);
++		newline(rd);
++	}
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++static int res_pd_parse_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct nlattr *nla_table, *nla_entry;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *name;
++	uint32_t idx;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	idx =  mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	nla_table = tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PD];
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(nla_entry, nla_table) {
++		uint32_t local_dma_lkey = 0, unsafe_global_rkey = 0;
++		struct nlattr *nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++		char *comm = NULL;
++		uint32_t pid = 0;
++		uint64_t users;
++		int err;
++		err = mnl_attr_parse_nested(nla_entry, rd_attr_cb, nla_line);
++		if (err != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		if (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_USECNT] ||
++		    (!nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID] &&
++		     !nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])) {
++			return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		}
++			local_dma_lkey = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++		users = mnl_attr_get_u64(nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_USECNT]);
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "users", users))
++			continue;
++			unsafe_global_rkey = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]) {
++			pid = mnl_attr_get_u32(
++				nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID]);
++			comm = get_task_name(pid);
++		}
++		if (rd_check_is_filtered(rd, "pid", pid))
++			continue;
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_KERN_NAME])
++			/* discard const from mnl_attr_get_str */
++			comm = (char *)mnl_attr_get_str(
++		if (rd->json_output)
++			jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++		print_dev(rd, idx, name);
++			print_key(rd, "local_dma_lkey", local_dma_lkey);
++		print_users(rd, users);
++			print_key(rd, "unsafe_global_rkey", unsafe_global_rkey);
++		print_pid(rd, pid);
++		print_comm(rd, comm, nla_line);
++		if (nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_RES_PID])
++			free(comm);
++		print_driver_table(rd, nla_line[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DRIVER]);
++		newline(rd);
++	}
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++RES_FUNC(res_no_args,	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_GET,	NULL, true);
++static const struct
++filters qp_valid_filters[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS] = {{ .name = "link",
++						   .is_number = false },
++						   { .name = "lqpn",
++						   .is_number = true },
++						   { .name = "rqpn",
++						   .is_number = true },
++						   { .name = "pid",
++						   .is_number = true },
++						   { .name = "sq-psn",
++						   .is_number = true },
++						   { .name = "rq-psn",
++						   .is_number = true },
++						   { .name = "type",
++						   .is_number = false },
++						   { .name = "path-mig-state",
++						   .is_number = false },
++						   { .name = "state",
++						   .is_number = false } };
++RES_FUNC(res_qp,	RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_QP_GET, qp_valid_filters, false);
++static const
++struct filters cm_id_valid_filters[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS] = {
++	{ .name = "link", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "lqpn", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "qp-type", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "state", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "ps", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "dev-type", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "transport-type", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "pid", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "src-addr", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "src-port", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "dst-addr", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "dst-port", .is_number = true }
++RES_FUNC(res_cm_id, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_CM_ID_GET, cm_id_valid_filters, false);
++static const
++struct filters cq_valid_filters[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS] = {
++	{ .name = "dev", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "users", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "poll-ctx", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "pid", .is_number = true }
++RES_FUNC(res_cq, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_CQ_GET, cq_valid_filters, true);
++static const
++struct filters mr_valid_filters[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS] = {
++	{ .name = "dev", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "rkey", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "lkey", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "mrlen", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "pid", .is_number = true }
++RES_FUNC(res_mr, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_MR_GET, mr_valid_filters, true);
++static const
++struct filters pd_valid_filters[MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS] = {
++	{ .name = "dev", .is_number = false },
++	{ .name = "users", .is_number = true },
++	{ .name = "pid", .is_number = true }
++RES_FUNC(res_pd, RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_RES_PD_GET, pd_valid_filters, true);
++static int res_show(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		res_no_args	},
++		{ "qp",		res_qp		},
++		{ "cm_id",	res_cm_id	},
++		{ "cq",		res_cq		},
++		{ "mr",		res_mr		},
++		{ "pd",		res_pd		},
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	/*
++	 * Special case to support "rdma res show DEV_NAME"
++	 */
++	if (rd_argc(rd) == 1 && dev_map_lookup(rd, false))
++		return rd_exec_dev(rd, _res_no_args);
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "parameter");
++int cmd_res(struct rd *rd)
++	const struct rd_cmd cmds[] = {
++		{ NULL,		res_show },
++		{ "show",	res_show },
++		{ "list",	res_show },
++		{ "help",	res_help },
++		{ 0 }
++	};
++	return rd_exec_cmd(rd, cmds, "resource command");
+diff --git a/rdma/utils.c b/rdma/utils.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..069d44fece101
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rdma/utils.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
++ * utils.c	RDMA tool
++ *
++ *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
++ *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * Authors:     Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
++ */
++#include "rdma.h"
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++int rd_argc(struct rd *rd)
++	return rd->argc;
++char *rd_argv(struct rd *rd)
++	if (!rd_argc(rd))
++		return NULL;
++	return *rd->argv;
++int strcmpx(const char *str1, const char *str2)
++	if (strlen(str1) > strlen(str2))
++		return -1;
++	return strncmp(str1, str2, strlen(str1));
++static bool rd_argv_match(struct rd *rd, const char *pattern)
++	if (!rd_argc(rd))
++		return false;
++	return strcmpx(rd_argv(rd), pattern) == 0;
++void rd_arg_inc(struct rd *rd)
++	if (!rd_argc(rd))
++		return;
++	rd->argc--;
++	rd->argv++;
++bool rd_no_arg(struct rd *rd)
++	return rd_argc(rd) == 0;
++ * Possible input:output
++ * dev/port    | first port | is_dump_all
++ * mlx5_1      | 0          | true
++ * mlx5_1/     | 0          | true
++ * mlx5_1/0    | 0          | false
++ * mlx5_1/1    | 1          | false
++ * mlx5_1/-    | 0          | false
++ *
++ * In strict mode, /- will return error.
++ */
++static int get_port_from_argv(struct rd *rd, uint32_t *port,
++			      bool *is_dump_all, bool strict_port)
++	char *slash;
++	*port = 0;
++	*is_dump_all = true;
++	slash = strchr(rd_argv(rd), '/');
++	/* if no port found, return 0 */
++	if (slash++) {
++		if (*slash == '-') {
++			if (strict_port)
++				return -EINVAL;
++			*is_dump_all = false;
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (isdigit(*slash)) {
++			*is_dump_all = false;
++			*port = atoi(slash);
++		}
++		if (!*port && strlen(slash))
++			return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	return 0;
++static struct dev_map *dev_map_alloc(const char *dev_name)
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	dev_map = calloc(1, sizeof(*dev_map));
++	if (!dev_map)
++		return NULL;
++	dev_map->dev_name = strdup(dev_name);
++	if (!dev_map->dev_name) {
++		free(dev_map);
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	return dev_map;
++static void dev_map_cleanup(struct rd *rd)
++	struct dev_map *dev_map, *tmp;
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(dev_map, tmp,
++				 &rd->dev_map_list, list) {
++		list_del(&dev_map->list);
++		free(dev_map->dev_name);
++		free(dev_map);
++	}
++static int add_filter(struct rd *rd, char *key, char *value,
++		      const struct filters valid_filters[])
++	char cset[] = "1234567890,-";
++	struct filter_entry *fe;
++	bool key_found = false;
++	int idx = 0;
++	int ret;
++	fe = calloc(1, sizeof(*fe));
++	if (!fe)
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	while (idx < MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILTERS && valid_filters[idx].name) {
++		if (!strcmpx(key, valid_filters[idx].name)) {
++			key_found = true;
++			break;
++		}
++		idx++;
++	}
++	if (!key_found) {
++		pr_err("Unsupported filter option: %s\n", key);
++		ret = -EINVAL;
++		goto err;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Check the filter validity, not optimal, but works
++	 *
++	 * Actually, there are three types of filters
++	 *  numeric - for example PID or QPN
++	 *  string  - for example states
++	 *  link    - user requested to filter on specific link
++	 *            e.g. mlx5_1/1, mlx5_1/-, mlx5_1 ...
++	 */
++	if (valid_filters[idx].is_number &&
++	    strspn(value, cset) != strlen(value)) {
++		pr_err("%s filter accepts \"%s\" characters only\n", key, cset);
++		ret = -EINVAL;
++		goto err;
++	}
++	fe->key = strdup(key);
++	fe->value = strdup(value);
++	if (!fe->key || !fe->value) {
++		ret = -ENOMEM;
++		goto err_alloc;
++	}
++	for (idx = 0; idx < strlen(fe->value); idx++)
++		fe->value[idx] = tolower(fe->value[idx]);
++	list_add_tail(&fe->list, &rd->filter_list);
++	return 0;
++	free(fe->value);
++	free(fe->key);
++	free(fe);
++	return ret;
++int rd_build_filter(struct rd *rd, const struct filters valid_filters[])
++	int ret = 0;
++	int idx = 0;
++	if (!valid_filters || !rd_argc(rd))
++		goto out;
++	if (rd_argc(rd) == 1) {
++		pr_err("No filter data was supplied to filter option %s\n", rd_argv(rd));
++		ret = -EINVAL;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (rd_argc(rd) % 2) {
++		pr_err("There is filter option without data\n");
++		ret = -EINVAL;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	while (idx != rd_argc(rd)) {
++		/*
++		 * We can do micro-optimization and skip "dev"
++		 * and "link" filters, but it is not worth of it.
++		 */
++		ret = add_filter(rd, *(rd->argv + idx),
++				 *(rd->argv + idx + 1), valid_filters);
++		if (ret)
++			goto out;
++		idx += 2;
++	}
++	return ret;
++bool rd_check_is_key_exist(struct rd *rd, const char *key)
++	struct filter_entry *fe;
++	list_for_each_entry(fe, &rd->filter_list, list) {
++		if (!strcmpx(fe->key, key))
++			return true;
++	}
++	return false;
++ * Check if string entry is filtered:
++ *  * key doesn't exist -> user didn't request -> not filtered
++ */
++bool rd_check_is_string_filtered(struct rd *rd,
++				 const char *key, const char *val)
++	bool key_is_filtered = false;
++	struct filter_entry *fe;
++	char *p = NULL;
++	char *str;
++	list_for_each_entry(fe, &rd->filter_list, list) {
++		if (!strcmpx(fe->key, key)) {
++			/* We found the key */
++			p = strdup(fe->value);
++			key_is_filtered = true;
++			if (!p) {
++				/*
++				 * Something extremely wrong if we fail
++				 * to allocate small amount of bytes.
++				 */
++				pr_err("Found key, but failed to allocate memory to store value\n");
++				return key_is_filtered;
++			}
++			/*
++			 * Need to check if value in range
++			 * It can come in the following formats
++			 * and their permutations:
++			 * str
++			 * str1,str2
++			 */
++			str = strtok(p, ",");
++			while (str) {
++				if (strlen(str) == strlen(val) &&
++				    !strcasecmp(str, val)) {
++					key_is_filtered = false;
++					goto out;
++				}
++				str = strtok(NULL, ",");
++			}
++			goto out;
++		}
++	}
++	free(p);
++	return key_is_filtered;
++ * Check if key is filtered:
++ * key doesn't exist -> user didn't request -> not filtered
++ */
++bool rd_check_is_filtered(struct rd *rd, const char *key, uint32_t val)
++	bool key_is_filtered = false;
++	struct filter_entry *fe;
++	list_for_each_entry(fe, &rd->filter_list, list) {
++		uint32_t left_val = 0, fe_value = 0;
++		bool range_check = false;
++		char *p = fe->value;
++		if (!strcmpx(fe->key, key)) {
++			/* We found the key */
++			key_is_filtered = true;
++			/*
++			 * Need to check if value in range
++			 * It can come in the following formats
++			 * (and their permutations):
++			 * numb
++			 * numb1,numb2
++			 * ,numb1,numb2
++			 * numb1-numb2
++			 * numb1,numb2-numb3,numb4-numb5
++			 */
++			while (*p) {
++				if (isdigit(*p)) {
++					fe_value = strtol(p, &p, 10);
++					if (fe_value == val ||
++					    (range_check && left_val < val &&
++					     val < fe_value)) {
++						key_is_filtered = false;
++						goto out;
++					}
++					range_check = false;
++				} else {
++					if (*p == '-') {
++						left_val = fe_value;
++						range_check = true;
++					}
++					p++;
++				}
++			}
++			goto out;
++		}
++	}
++	return key_is_filtered;
++static void filters_cleanup(struct rd *rd)
++	struct filter_entry *fe, *tmp;
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(fe, tmp,
++				 &rd->filter_list, list) {
++		list_del(&fe->list);
++		free(fe->key);
++		free(fe->value);
++		free(fe);
++	}
++static const enum mnl_attr_data_type nldev_policy[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {
++int rd_attr_check(const struct nlattr *attr, int *typep)
++	int type;
++	if (mnl_attr_type_valid(attr, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX) < 0)
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	type = mnl_attr_get_type(attr);
++	if (mnl_attr_validate(attr, nldev_policy[type]) < 0)
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	*typep = nldev_policy[type];
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++int rd_attr_cb(const struct nlattr *attr, void *data)
++	const struct nlattr **tb = data;
++	int type;
++	if (mnl_attr_type_valid(attr, RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX - 1) < 0)
++		/* We received unknown attribute */
++		return MNL_CB_OK;
++	type = mnl_attr_get_type(attr);
++	if (mnl_attr_validate(attr, nldev_policy[type]) < 0)
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	tb[type] = attr;
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++int rd_dev_init_cb(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *data)
++	struct nlattr *tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_MAX] = {};
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	struct rd *rd = data;
++	const char *dev_name;
++	mnl_attr_parse(nlh, 0, rd_attr_cb, tb);
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++		pr_err("This tool doesn't support switches yet\n");
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	}
++	dev_name = mnl_attr_get_str(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME]);
++	dev_map = dev_map_alloc(dev_name);
++	if (!dev_map)
++		/* The main function will cleanup the allocations */
++		return MNL_CB_ERROR;
++	list_add_tail(&dev_map->list, &rd->dev_map_list);
++	dev_map->num_ports = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_PORT_INDEX]);
++	dev_map->idx = mnl_attr_get_u32(tb[RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX]);
++	return MNL_CB_OK;
++void rd_free(struct rd *rd)
++	if (!rd)
++		return;
++	free(rd->buff);
++	dev_map_cleanup(rd);
++	filters_cleanup(rd);
++int rd_set_arg_to_devname(struct rd *rd)
++	int ret = 0;
++	while (!rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++		if (rd_argv_match(rd, "dev") || rd_argv_match(rd, "link")) {
++			rd_arg_inc(rd);
++			if (rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++				pr_err("No device name was supplied\n");
++				ret = -EINVAL;
++			}
++			goto out;
++		}
++		rd_arg_inc(rd);
++	}
++	return ret;
++int rd_exec_link(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd), bool strict_port)
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	uint32_t port;
++	int ret = 0;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++		list_for_each_entry(dev_map, &rd->dev_map_list, list) {
++			rd->dev_idx = dev_map->idx;
++			port = (strict_port) ? 1 : 0;
++			for (; port < dev_map->num_ports + 1; port++) {
++				rd->port_idx = port;
++				ret = cb(rd);
++				if (ret)
++					goto out;
++			}
++		}
++	} else {
++		bool is_dump_all;
++		dev_map = dev_map_lookup(rd, true);
++		ret = get_port_from_argv(rd, &port, &is_dump_all, strict_port);
++		if (!dev_map || port > dev_map->num_ports || (!port && ret)) {
++			pr_err("Wrong device name\n");
++			ret = -ENOENT;
++			goto out;
++		}
++		rd_arg_inc(rd);
++		rd->dev_idx = dev_map->idx;
++		rd->port_idx = port;
++		for (; rd->port_idx < dev_map->num_ports + 1; rd->port_idx++) {
++			ret = cb(rd);
++			if (ret)
++				goto out;
++			if (!is_dump_all)
++				/*
++				 * We got request to show link for devname
++				 * with port index.
++				 */
++				break;
++		}
++	}
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_array(rd->jw);
++	return ret;
++int rd_exec_dev(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd))
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	int ret = 0;
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_start_array(rd->jw);
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++		list_for_each_entry(dev_map, &rd->dev_map_list, list) {
++			rd->dev_idx = dev_map->idx;
++			ret = cb(rd);
++			if (ret)
++				goto out;
++		}
++	} else {
++		dev_map = dev_map_lookup(rd, false);
++		if (!dev_map) {
++			pr_err("Wrong device name - %s\n", rd_argv(rd));
++			ret = -ENOENT;
++			goto out;
++		}
++		rd_arg_inc(rd);
++		rd->dev_idx = dev_map->idx;
++		ret = cb(rd);
++	}
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_array(rd->jw);
++	return ret;
++int rd_exec_require_dev(struct rd *rd, int (*cb)(struct rd *rd))
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd)) {
++		pr_err("Please provide device name.\n");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	return rd_exec_dev(rd, cb);
++int rd_exec_cmd(struct rd *rd, const struct rd_cmd *cmds, const char *str)
++	const struct rd_cmd *c;
++	/* First argument in objs table is default variant */
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd))
++		return cmds->func(rd);
++	for (c = cmds + 1; c->cmd; ++c) {
++		if (rd_argv_match(rd, c->cmd)) {
++			/* Move to next argument */
++			rd_arg_inc(rd);
++			return c->func(rd);
++		}
++	}
++	pr_err("Unknown %s '%s'.\n", str, rd_argv(rd));
++	return 0;
++void rd_prepare_msg(struct rd *rd, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t *seq, uint16_t flags)
++	*seq = time(NULL);
++	rd->nlh = mnl_nlmsg_put_header(rd->buff);
++	rd->nlh->nlmsg_type = RDMA_NL_GET_TYPE(RDMA_NL_NLDEV, cmd);
++	rd->nlh->nlmsg_seq = *seq;
++	rd->nlh->nlmsg_flags = flags;
++int rd_send_msg(struct rd *rd)
++	int ret;
++	rd->nl = mnl_socket_open(NETLINK_RDMA);
++	if (!rd->nl) {
++		pr_err("Failed to open NETLINK_RDMA socket\n");
++		return -ENODEV;
++	}
++	ret = mnl_socket_bind(rd->nl, 0, MNL_SOCKET_AUTOPID);
++	if (ret < 0) {
++		pr_err("Failed to bind socket with err %d\n", ret);
++		goto err;
++	}
++	ret = mnl_socket_sendto(rd->nl, rd->nlh, rd->nlh->nlmsg_len);
++	if (ret < 0) {
++		pr_err("Failed to send to socket with err %d\n", ret);
++		goto err;
++	}
++	return 0;
++	mnl_socket_close(rd->nl);
++	return ret;
++int rd_recv_msg(struct rd *rd, mnl_cb_t callback, void *data, unsigned int seq)
++	int ret;
++	unsigned int portid;
++	portid = mnl_socket_get_portid(rd->nl);
++	do {
++		ret = mnl_socket_recvfrom(rd->nl, buf, sizeof(buf));
++		if (ret <= 0)
++			break;
++		ret = mnl_cb_run(buf, ret, seq, portid, callback, data);
++	} while (ret > 0);
++	mnl_socket_close(rd->nl);
++	return ret;
++static struct dev_map *_dev_map_lookup(struct rd *rd, const char *dev_name)
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	list_for_each_entry(dev_map, &rd->dev_map_list, list)
++		if (strcmp(dev_name, dev_map->dev_name) == 0)
++			return dev_map;
++	return NULL;
++struct dev_map *dev_map_lookup(struct rd *rd, bool allow_port_index)
++	struct dev_map *dev_map;
++	char *dev_name;
++	char *slash;
++	if (rd_no_arg(rd))
++		return NULL;
++	dev_name = strdup(rd_argv(rd));
++	if (allow_port_index) {
++		slash = strrchr(dev_name, '/');
++		if (slash)
++			*slash = '\0';
++	}
++	dev_map = _dev_map_lookup(rd, dev_name);
++	free(dev_name);
++	return dev_map;
++#define nla_type(attr) ((attr)->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK)
++void newline(struct rd *rd)
++	if (rd->json_output)
++		jsonw_end_array(rd->jw);
++	else
++		pr_out("\n");
++void newline_indent(struct rd *rd)
++	newline(rd);
++	if (!rd->json_output)
++		pr_out("    ");
++static int print_driver_string(struct rd *rd, const char *key_str,
++				 const char *val_str)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_string_field(rd->jw, key_str, val_str);
++		return 0;
++	} else {
++		return pr_out("%s %s ", key_str, val_str);
++	}
++static int print_driver_s32(struct rd *rd, const char *key_str, int32_t val,
++			      enum rdma_nldev_print_type print_type)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_int_field(rd->jw, key_str, val);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	switch (print_type) {
++		return pr_out("%s %d ", key_str, val);
++		return pr_out("%s 0x%x ", key_str, val);
++	default:
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++static int print_driver_u32(struct rd *rd, const char *key_str, uint32_t val,
++			      enum rdma_nldev_print_type print_type)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_int_field(rd->jw, key_str, val);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	switch (print_type) {
++		return pr_out("%s %u ", key_str, val);
++		return pr_out("%s 0x%x ", key_str, val);
++	default:
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++static int print_driver_s64(struct rd *rd, const char *key_str, int64_t val,
++			      enum rdma_nldev_print_type print_type)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_int_field(rd->jw, key_str, val);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	switch (print_type) {
++		return pr_out("%s %" PRId64 " ", key_str, val);
++		return pr_out("%s 0x%" PRIx64 " ", key_str, val);
++	default:
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++static int print_driver_u64(struct rd *rd, const char *key_str, uint64_t val,
++			      enum rdma_nldev_print_type print_type)
++	if (rd->json_output) {
++		jsonw_int_field(rd->jw, key_str, val);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	switch (print_type) {
++		return pr_out("%s %" PRIu64 " ", key_str, val);
++		return pr_out("%s 0x%" PRIx64 " ", key_str, val);
++	default:
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++static int print_driver_entry(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr *key_attr,
++				struct nlattr *val_attr,
++				enum rdma_nldev_print_type print_type)
++	const char *key_str = mnl_attr_get_str(key_attr);
++	int attr_type = nla_type(val_attr);
++	switch (attr_type) {
++		return print_driver_string(rd, key_str,
++				mnl_attr_get_str(val_attr));
++		return print_driver_s32(rd, key_str,
++				mnl_attr_get_u32(val_attr), print_type);
++		return print_driver_u32(rd, key_str,
++				mnl_attr_get_u32(val_attr), print_type);
++		return print_driver_s64(rd, key_str,
++				mnl_attr_get_u64(val_attr), print_type);
++		return print_driver_u64(rd, key_str,
++				mnl_attr_get_u64(val_attr), print_type);
++	}
++	return -EINVAL;
++void print_driver_table(struct rd *rd, struct nlattr *tb)
++	int print_type = RDMA_NLDEV_PRINT_TYPE_UNSPEC;
++	struct nlattr *tb_entry, *key = NULL, *val;
++	int type, cc = 0;
++	int ret;
++	if (!rd->show_driver_details || !tb)
++		return;
++	if (rd->pretty_output)
++		newline_indent(rd);
++	/*
++	 * Driver attrs are tuples of {key, [print-type], value}.
++	 * The key must be a string.  If print-type is present, it
++	 * defines an alternate printf format type vs the native format
++	 * for the attribute.  And the value can be any available
++	 * driver type.
++	 */
++	mnl_attr_for_each_nested(tb_entry, tb) {
++		if (cc > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
++			if (rd->pretty_output)
++				newline_indent(rd);
++			cc = 0;
++		}
++		if (rd_attr_check(tb_entry, &type) != MNL_CB_OK)
++			return;
++		if (!key) {
++			if (type != MNL_TYPE_NUL_STRING)
++				return;
++			key = tb_entry;
++		} else if (type == MNL_TYPE_U8) {
++			print_type = mnl_attr_get_u8(tb_entry);
++		} else {
++			val = tb_entry;
++			ret = print_driver_entry(rd, key, val, print_type);
++			if (ret < 0)
++				return;
++			cc += ret;
++			key = NULL;
++		}
++	}
++	return;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0068-rdma-add-man-pages-for-RDMA-tool.patch b/SOURCES/0068-rdma-add-man-pages-for-RDMA-tool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec21dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0068-rdma-add-man-pages-for-RDMA-tool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+From 4bee4617fa17405a52e11ed47e21feb20a277cc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 15:00:33 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] rdma: add man pages for RDMA tool
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642479
+Upstream Status: RHEL-only
+commit 379afb6274462dee196d5909f6988b1ce5466c0b
+Author: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date:   Thu Mar 28 13:02:20 2019 +0100
+    rdma: add man pages for RDMA tool
+    Checkout to the v5.0.0 upstream tag and update man8 Makefile
+    Signed-off-by: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+ man/man8/Makefile        |   2 +-
+ man/man8/rdma-dev.8      |  69 +++++++++++++++++++++++
+ man/man8/rdma-link.8     |  56 ++++++++++++++++++
+ man/man8/rdma-resource.8 | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ man/man8/rdma.8          | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 5 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 man/man8/rdma-dev.8
+ create mode 100644 man/man8/rdma-link.8
+ create mode 100644 man/man8/rdma-resource.8
+ create mode 100644 man/man8/rdma.8
+diff --git a/man/man8/Makefile b/man/man8/Makefile
+index f33186446819e..416443f3f5361 100644
+--- a/man/man8/Makefile
++++ b/man/man8/Makefile
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MAN8PAGES = $(TARGETS) ip.8 arpd.8 lnstat.8 routel.8 rtacct.8 rtmon.8 rtpr.8 ss.
+ 	tc-simple.8 tc-skbedit.8 tc-vlan.8 tc-xt.8 tc-skbmod.8 tc-ife.8 \
+ 	tc-tunnel_key.8 tc-sample.8 \
+ 	devlink.8 devlink-dev.8 devlink-monitor.8 devlink-port.8 devlink-sb.8 \
+-	ifstat.8
++	ifstat.8 rdma.8 rdma-dev.8 rdma-link.8 rdma-resource.8
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+diff --git a/man/man8/rdma-dev.8 b/man/man8/rdma-dev.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..069f471791904
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/man/man8/rdma-dev.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
++.TH RDMA\-DEV 8 "06 Jul 2017" "iproute2" "Linux"
++rdma-dev \- RDMA device configuration
++.ad l
++.in +8
++.ti -8
++.B rdma
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
++.B dev
++.RI  " { " COMMAND " | "
++.BR help " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR OPTIONS " := { "
++\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
++\fB\-d\fR[\fIetails\fR] }
++.ti -8
++.B rdma dev show
++.RI "[ " DEV " ]"
++.ti -8
++.B rdma dev set
++.RI "[ " DEV " ]"
++.BR name
++.ti -8
++.B rdma dev help
++.SS rdma dev set - rename rdma device
++.SS rdma dev show - display rdma device attributes
++.I "DEV"
++- specifies the RDMA device to show.
++If this argument is omitted all devices are listed.
++rdma dev
++.RS 4
++Shows the state of all RDMA devices on the system.
++rdma dev show mlx5_3
++.RS 4
++Shows the state of specified RDMA device.
++rdma dev set mlx5_3 name rdma_0
++.RS 4
++Renames the mlx5_3 device to rdma_0.
++.BR rdma (8),
++.BR rdma-link (8),
++.BR rdma-resource (8),
++Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+diff --git a/man/man8/rdma-link.8 b/man/man8/rdma-link.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..bddf34746e8b2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/man/man8/rdma-link.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++.TH RDMA\-LINK 8 "06 Jul 2017" "iproute2" "Linux"
++rdma-link \- rdma link configuration
++.ad l
++.in +8
++.ti -8
++.B devlink
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
++.B link
++.RI  " { " COMMAND " | "
++.BR help " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR OPTIONS " := { "
++\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
++\fB\-d\fR[\fIetails\fR] }
++.ti -8
++.B rdma link show
++.RI "[ " DEV/PORT_INDEX " ]"
++.ti -8
++.B rdma link help
++.SS rdma link show - display rdma link attributes
++- specifies the RDMA link to show.
++If this argument is omitted all links are listed.
++rdma link show
++.RS 4
++Shows the state of all rdma links on the system.
++rdma link show mlx5_2/1
++.RS 4
++Shows the state of specified rdma link.
++.BR rdma (8),
++.BR rdma-dev (8),
++.BR rdma-resource (8),
++Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+diff --git a/man/man8/rdma-resource.8 b/man/man8/rdma-resource.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..40b073dbfcf24
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/man/man8/rdma-resource.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++.TH RDMA\-RESOURCE 8 "26 Dec 2017" "iproute2" "Linux"
++rdma-resource \- rdma resource configuration
++.ad l
++.in +8
++.ti -8
++.B rdma
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ] " RESOURCE " { " COMMAND " | "
++.BR help " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR RESOURCE " := { "
++.BR cm_id " | " cq " | " mr " | " pd " | " qp " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR OPTIONS " := { "
++\fB\-j\fR[\fIson\fR] |
++\fB\-d\fR[\fIetails\fR] }
++.ti -8
++.B rdma resource show
++.RI "[ " DEV/PORT_INDEX " ]"
++.ti -8
++.B rdma resource help
++.SS rdma resource show - display rdma resource tracking information
++- specifies the RDMA link to show.
++If this argument is omitted all links are listed.
++rdma resource show
++.RS 4
++Shows summary for all devices on the system.
++rdma resource show mlx5_2
++.RS 4
++Shows the state of specified rdma device.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4
++.RS 4
++Get all QPs for the specific device.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/1
++.RS 4
++Get QPs of specific port.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/0
++.RS 4
++Provide illegal port number (0 is illegal).
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/-
++.RS 4
++Get QPs which have not assigned port yet.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/- -d
++.RS 4
++Detailed view.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/- -dd
++.RS 4
++Detailed view including driver-specific details.
++rdma res show qp link mlx5_4/1 lqpn 0-6
++.RS 4
++Limit to specific Local QPNs.
++rdma resource show cm_id dst-port 7174
++.RS 4
++Show CM_IDs with destination ip port of 7174.
++rdma resource show cm_id src-addr
++.RS 4
++Show CM_IDs bound to local ip address
++rdma resource show cq pid 30489
++.RS 4
++Show CQs belonging to pid 30489
++.BR rdma (8),
++.BR rdma-dev (8),
++.BR rdma-link (8),
++Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
+diff --git a/man/man8/rdma.8 b/man/man8/rdma.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..b2b5aef866ab0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/man/man8/rdma.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++.TH RDMA 8 "28 Mar 2017" "iproute2" "Linux"
++rdma \- RDMA tool
++.ad l
++.in +8
++.ti -8
++.B rdma
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ] " OBJECT " { " COMMAND " | "
++.BR help " }"
++.ti -8
++.B rdma
++.RB "[ " -force " ] "
++.BI "-batch " filename
++.ti -8
++.IR OBJECT " := { "
++.BR dev " | " link " }"
++.ti -8
++.IR OPTIONS " := { "
++\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
++\fB\-d\fR[\fIetails\fR] }
++\fB\-j\fR[\fIson\fR] }
++\fB\-p\fR[\fIretty\fR] }
++.BR "\-V" , " -Version"
++Print the version of the
++.B rdma
++tool and exit.
++.BR "\-b", " \-batch " <FILENAME>
++Read commands from provided file or standard input and invoke them.
++First failure will cause termination of rdma.
++.BR "\-force"
++Don't terminate rdma on errors in batch mode.
++If there were any errors during execution of the commands, the application return code will be non zero.
++.BR "\-d" , " --details"
++Output detailed information.  Adding a second \-d includes driver-specific details.
++.BR "\-p" , " --pretty"
++When combined with -j generate a pretty JSON output.
++.BR "\-j" , " --json"
++Generate JSON output.
++.B dev
++- RDMA device.
++.B link
++- RDMA port related.
++The names of all objects may be written in full or
++abbreviated form, for example
++.B stats
++can be abbreviated as
++.B stat
++or just
++.B s.
++Specifies the action to perform on the object.
++The set of possible actions depends on the object type.
++As a rule, it is possible to
++.B show
++.B list
++) objects, but some objects do not allow all of these operations
++or have some additional commands. The
++.B help
++command is available for all objects. It prints
++out a list of available commands and argument syntax conventions.
++If no command is given, some default command is assumed.
++Usually it is
++.B list
++or, if the objects of this class cannot be listed,
++.BR "help" .
++Exit status is 0 if command was successful or a positive integer upon failure.
++.BR rdma-dev (8),
++.BR rdma-link (8),
++.BR rdma-resource (8),
++Report any bugs to the Linux RDMA mailing list
++.B <linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org>
++where the development and maintenance is primarily done.
++You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.
++Leon Romanovsky <leonro@mellanox.com>
diff --git a/SOURCES/0069-tc-f_flower-Add-support-for-matching-first-frag-pack.patch b/SOURCES/0069-tc-f_flower-Add-support-for-matching-first-frag-pack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c83a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0069-tc-f_flower-Add-support-for-matching-first-frag-pack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+From 69685a7aa7fb408cce256e469430e10e99a43e2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 16:54:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: f_flower: Add support for matching first frag packets
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1559814
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit fb4e6abfca2c4
+commit fb4e6abfca2c48380210d48c1e7f3685f8bb58fd
+Author: Pieter Jansen van Vuuren <pieter.jansenvanvuuren@netronome.com>
+Date:   Fri Mar 9 11:07:22 2018 +0100
+    tc: f_flower: Add support for matching first frag packets
+    Add matching support for distinguishing between first and later fragmented
+    packets.
+     # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent ffff: \
+         flower indev eth0 \
+            ip_flags firstfrag \
+            ip_proto udp \
+        action mirred egress redirect dev eth1
+     # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent ffff: \
+         flower indev eth0 \
+            ip_flags nofirstfrag \
+            ip_proto udp \
+        action mirred egress redirect dev eth1
+    Signed-off-by: Pieter Jansen van Vuuren <pieter.jansenvanvuuren@netronome.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Jakub Kicinski <jakub.kicinski@netronome.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc-flower.8 | 8 ++++++--
+ tc/f_flower.c        | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-flower.8 b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+index 387f73f5cd2e9..661f42200bdfb 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-flower.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-flower.8
+@@ -255,8 +255,12 @@ is an 8 bit time-to-live value.
+ .BI ip_flags " IP_FLAGS"
+ may be either
+-.BR frag " or " nofrag
+-to match on fragmented packets or not respectively.
++.BR frag ", " nofrag ", " firstfrag " or " nofirstfrag
++where frag and nofrag could be used to match on fragmented packets or not,
++respectively. firstfrag and nofirstfrag can be used to further distinguish
++fragmented packet. firstfrag can be used to indicate the first fragmented
++packet. nofirstfrag can be used to indicates subsequent fragmented packets
++or non-fragmented packets.
+ As stated above where applicable, matches of a certain layer implicitly depend
+ on the matches of the next lower layer. Precisely, layer one and two matches
+diff --git a/tc/f_flower.c b/tc/f_flower.c
+index 40dcfbd687a20..e2c7daa0b8e03 100644
+--- a/tc/f_flower.c
++++ b/tc/f_flower.c
+@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ struct flag_to_string {
+ static struct flag_to_string flags_str[] = {
+ };
+ static int flower_parse_matching_flags(char *str,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0070-ss-enclose-IPv6-address-in-brackets.patch b/SOURCES/0070-ss-enclose-IPv6-address-in-brackets.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c82bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0070-ss-enclose-IPv6-address-in-brackets.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From 765baea7751f7140571dfb0285b1fca974b3450b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 18:03:01 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: enclose IPv6 address in brackets
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1588122
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit aba9c23a6e1cb
+commit aba9c23a6e1cb134840c998df14888dca469a485
+Author: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+Date:   Fri Aug 4 12:02:41 2017 -0700
+    ss: enclose IPv6 address in brackets
+    Based on patch by Lehner Florian <dev@der-flo.net>
+    Adds support for RFC2732 IPv6 address format with brackets.
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ misc/ss.c | 25 +++++++++++++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index c0cb33e96d9ec..86defc71fabc4 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -1093,12 +1093,25 @@ static void inet_addr_print(const inet_prefix *a, int port, unsigned int ifindex
+ 			ap = format_host(AF_INET, 4, a->data);
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+-		ap = format_host(a->family, 16, a->data);
+-		est_len = strlen(ap);
+-		if (est_len <= addr_width)
+-			est_len = addr_width;
+-		else
+-			est_len = addr_width + ((est_len-addr_width+3)/4)*4;
++		if (!memcmp(a->data, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any))) {
++			buf[0] = '*';
++			buf[1] = 0;
++		} else {
++			ap = format_host(a->family, 16, a->data);
++			/* Numeric IPv6 addresses should be bracketed */
++			if (strchr(ap, ':')) {
++				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
++					 "[%s]", ap);
++				ap = buf;
++			}
++			est_len = strlen(ap);
++			if (est_len <= addr_width)
++				est_len = addr_width;
++			else
++				est_len = addr_width + ((est_len-addr_width+3)/4)*4;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (ifindex) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0071-ip-address-Use-correct-max-attribute-value-in-print_.patch b/SOURCES/0071-ip-address-Use-correct-max-attribute-value-in-print_.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..111178e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0071-ip-address-Use-correct-max-attribute-value-in-print_.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 861fe3293afa0907f9883df005e7a09a5f4b710b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 18:14:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ip-address: Use correct max attribute value in
+ print_vf_stats64()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1679749
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d7cf2416fc3a0
+commit d7cf2416fc3a08b411beffb93a9e118f6593892d
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Feb 21 19:37:51 2019 +0100
+    ip-address: Use correct max attribute value in print_vf_stats64()
+    IFLA_VF_MAX is larger than the highest valid index in vf array.
+    Fixes: a1b99717c7cd7 ("Add displaying VF traffic statistics")
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ ip/ipaddress.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipaddress.c b/ip/ipaddress.c
+index 44111a27501a9..bed2d3801809b 100644
+--- a/ip/ipaddress.c
++++ b/ip/ipaddress.c
+@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ static void print_vf_stats64(FILE *fp, struct rtattr *vfstats)
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	parse_rtattr_nested(vf, IFLA_VF_MAX, vfstats);
++	parse_rtattr_nested(vf, IFLA_VF_STATS_MAX, vfstats);
+ 	/* RX stats */
+ 	fprintf(fp, "%s", _SL_);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0072-examples-Some-shell-fixes-to-cbq.init.patch b/SOURCES/0072-examples-Some-shell-fixes-to-cbq.init.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..116adf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0072-examples-Some-shell-fixes-to-cbq.init.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+From c1aa1bc599f0ced53b5e9d21d01a03d78ae2b37f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:05:37 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] examples: Some shell fixes to cbq.init
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 2313b6bfe4f5e
+commit 2313b6bfe4f5e6b60fcdfaaeaa1eabcfd3f550f4
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:31 2017 +0200
+    examples: Some shell fixes to cbq.init
+    This addresses the following issues:
+    - $@ is an array, so don't use it in quoted strings - use $* instead.
+    - Add missing quotes to components of [ ] expressions. These are not
+      strictly necessary since the output of 'wc -l' should be a single word
+      only, but in case of errors, bash prints "integer expression expected"
+      instead of "too many arguments".
+    - Use -print0/-0 when piping from find to xargs to allow for filenames
+      which contain whitespace.
+    - Quote arguments to 'eval' to prevent word-splitting.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ examples/cbq.init-v0.7.3 | 24 ++++++++++++------------
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/examples/cbq.init-v0.7.3 b/examples/cbq.init-v0.7.3
+index 1bc0d446f8983..66448d88f0053 100644
+--- a/examples/cbq.init-v0.7.3
++++ b/examples/cbq.init-v0.7.3
+@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ cbq_off () {
+ ### Prefixed message
+ cbq_message () {
+-	echo -e "**CBQ: $@"
++	echo -e "**CBQ: $*"
+ } # cbq_message
+ ### Failure message
+@@ -560,15 +560,15 @@ cbq_time2abs () {
+ ### Display CBQ setup
+ cbq_show () {
+ 	for dev in `cbq_device_list`; do
+-		[ `tc qdisc show dev $dev| wc -l` -eq 0 ] && continue
++		[ "`tc qdisc show dev $dev| wc -l`" -eq 0 ] && continue
+ 		echo -e "### $dev: queueing disciplines\n"
+ 		tc $1 qdisc show dev $dev; echo
+-		[ `tc class show dev $dev| wc -l` -eq 0 ] && continue
++		[ "`tc class show dev $dev| wc -l`" -eq 0 ] && continue
+ 		echo -e "### $dev: traffic classes\n"
+ 		tc $1 class show dev $dev; echo
+-		[ `tc filter show dev $dev| wc -l` -eq 0 ] && continue
++		[ "`tc filter show dev $dev| wc -l`" -eq 0 ] && continue
+ 		echo -e "### $dev: filtering rules\n"
+ 		tc $1 filter show dev $dev; echo
+ 	done
+@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ cbq_init () {
+ 	### Gather all DEVICE fields from $1/cbq-*
+ 	DEVFIELDS=`find $1 -maxdepth 1 \( -type f -or -type l \) -name 'cbq-*' \
+-		  -not -name '*~' | xargs sed -n 's/#.*//; \
++		  -not -name '*~' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -n 's/#.*//; \
+ 		  s/[[:space:]]//g; /^DEVICE=[^,]*,[^,]*\(,[^,]*\)\?/ \
+ 		  { s/.*=//; p; }'| sort -u`
+ 	[ -z "$DEVFIELDS" ] &&
+@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ cbq_init () {
+ 	### Check for different DEVICE fields for the same device
+ 	DEVICES=`echo "$DEVFIELDS"| sed 's/,.*//'| sort -u`
+-	[ `echo "$DEVICES"| wc -l` -ne `echo "$DEVFIELDS"| wc -l` ] &&
++	[ "`echo "$DEVICES"| wc -l`" -ne "`echo "$DEVFIELDS"| wc -l`" ] &&
+ 		cbq_failure "different DEVICE fields for single device!\n$DEVFIELDS"
+ } # cbq_init
+@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ cbq_load_class () {
+-	eval `echo "$CFILE"| grep -E "^($CBQ_WORDS)="`
++	eval "`echo "$CFILE"| grep -E "^($CBQ_WORDS)="`"
+ 	### Require RATE/WEIGHT
+ 	[ -z "$RATE" -o -z "$WEIGHT" ] &&
+@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ if [ "$1" = "compile" ]; then
+ 	### echo-only version of "tc" command
+ 	tc () {
+-		echo "$TC $@"
++		echo "$TC $*"
+ 	} # tc
+ elif [ -n "$CBQ_DEBUG" ]; then
+@@ -669,13 +669,13 @@ elif [ -n "$CBQ_DEBUG" ]; then
+ 	### Logging version of "ip" command
+ 	ip () {
+-		echo -e "\n# ip $@" >> $CBQ_DEBUG
++		echo -e "\n# ip $*" >> $CBQ_DEBUG
+ 		$IP "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a $CBQ_DEBUG
+ 	} # ip
+ 	### Logging version of "tc" command
+ 	tc () {
+-		echo -e "\n# tc $@" >> $CBQ_DEBUG
++		echo -e "\n# tc $*" >> $CBQ_DEBUG
+ 		$TC "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a $CBQ_DEBUG
+ 	} # tc
+ else
+@@ -711,8 +711,8 @@ if [ "$1" != "compile" -a "$2" != "nocache" -a -z "$CBQ_DEBUG" ]; then
+ 	### validate the cache
+ 	[ "$2" = "invalidate" -o ! -f $CBQ_CACHE ] && VALID=0
+ 	if [ $VALID -eq 1 ]; then
+-		[ `find $CBQ_PATH -maxdepth 1 -newer $CBQ_CACHE| \
+-		  wc -l` -gt 0 ] && VALID=0
++		[ "`find $CBQ_PATH -maxdepth 1 -newer $CBQ_CACHE| \
++		  wc -l`" -gt 0 ] && VALID=0
+ 	fi
+ 	### compile the config if the cache is invalid
diff --git a/SOURCES/0073-ifcfg-Quote-left-hand-side-of-expression.patch b/SOURCES/0073-ifcfg-Quote-left-hand-side-of-expression.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14be257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0073-ifcfg-Quote-left-hand-side-of-expression.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 955ce06f1f4be5a8733e5829e3c8cadf9fc68c40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:05:37 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ifcfg: Quote left-hand side of [ ] expression
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 1e3197e0fdbf2
+commit 1e3197e0fdbf299fe24cdba7c0d613317ed82063
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:32 2017 +0200
+    ifcfg: Quote left-hand side of [ ] expression
+    This prevents word-splitting and therefore leads to more accurate error
+    message in case 'grep -c' prints something other than a number.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ifcfg | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ifcfg b/ip/ifcfg
+index 083d9df36742f..30a2dc49816cd 100644
+--- a/ip/ifcfg
++++ b/ip/ifcfg
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ noarp=$?
+ ip route add unreachable >& /dev/null
+ ip route add unreachable >& /dev/null
+-if [ `ip link ls $dev | grep -c MULTICAST` -ge 1 ]; then
++if [ "`ip link ls $dev | grep -c MULTICAST`" -ge 1 ]; then
+   ip route add dev $dev scope global >& /dev/null
+ fi
diff --git a/SOURCES/0074-tipc-node-Fix-socket-fd-check-in-cmd_node_get_addr.patch b/SOURCES/0074-tipc-node-Fix-socket-fd-check-in-cmd_node_get_addr.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7192ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0074-tipc-node-Fix-socket-fd-check-in-cmd_node_get_addr.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 8743a7a8978270195693441f370cea552f100cae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:05:38 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tipc/node: Fix socket fd check in cmd_node_get_addr()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 436270a45dea2
+commit 436270a45dea2fe5dbc4680f9c8e31f07d167f20
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:32 2017 +0200
+    tipc/node: Fix socket fd check in cmd_node_get_addr()
+    socket() returns -1 on error, not 0.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tipc/node.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tipc/node.c b/tipc/node.c
+index 201fe1a4df3bd..fe085aec9b4ac 100644
+--- a/tipc/node.c
++++ b/tipc/node.c
+@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ static int cmd_node_get_addr(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, const struct cmd *cmd,
+ 	socklen_t sz = sizeof(struct sockaddr_tipc);
+ 	struct sockaddr_tipc addr;
+-	if (!(sk = socket(AF_TIPC, SOCK_RDM, 0))) {
++	sk = socket(AF_TIPC, SOCK_RDM, 0);
++	if (sk < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "opening TIPC socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0075-iproute_lwtunnel-Argument-to-strerror-must-be-positi.patch b/SOURCES/0075-iproute_lwtunnel-Argument-to-strerror-must-be-positi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c715e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0075-iproute_lwtunnel-Argument-to-strerror-must-be-positi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 4e55e568493084c458ef96f10a2a3dab93e8464a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:05:38 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iproute_lwtunnel: Argument to strerror must be positive
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 58a15e6c7e7cb
+commit 58a15e6c7e7cb4c0d25e6bb3762ac2b1c94ff523
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:31 2017 +0200
+    iproute_lwtunnel: Argument to strerror must be positive
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c b/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
+index b6f08f073ef02..92ea2c87787ec 100644
+--- a/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
++++ b/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
+@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ static int lwt_parse_bpf(struct rtattr *rta, size_t len,
+ 	err = bpf_parse_common(bpf_type, &cfg, &bpf_cb_ops, &x);
+ 	if (err < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse eBPF program: %s\n",
+-			strerror(err));
++			strerror(-err));
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+ 	rta_nest_end(rta, nest);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0076-iproute_lwtunnel-csum_mode-value-checking-was-ineffe.patch b/SOURCES/0076-iproute_lwtunnel-csum_mode-value-checking-was-ineffe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df39404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0076-iproute_lwtunnel-csum_mode-value-checking-was-ineffe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From db11067fb37cc3a77cc70fb9233a454102c4854c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:05:38 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iproute_lwtunnel: csum_mode value checking was ineffective
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 08806fb0191e9
+Conflicts: adjust rta_addattr8() call to handle return value
+commit 08806fb0191e9ee8769507dc93b722fd021feb34
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:30 2017 +0200
+    iproute_lwtunnel: csum_mode value checking was ineffective
+    ila_csum_name2mode() returning -1 on error but being declared as
+    returning __u8 doesn't make much sense. Change the code to correctly
+    detect this issue. Checking for __u8 overruns shouldn't be necessary
+    though since ila_csum_name2mode() return values are well-defined.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c b/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
+index 92ea2c87787ec..5da3a1b488cbd 100644
+--- a/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
++++ b/ip/iproute_lwtunnel.c
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ static char *ila_csum_mode2name(__u8 csum_mode)
+ 	}
+ }
+-static __u8 ila_csum_name2mode(char *name)
++static int ila_csum_name2mode(char *name)
+ {
+ 	if (strcmp(name, "adj-transport") == 0)
+@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ static int parse_encap_ila(struct rtattr *rta, size_t len,
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (strcmp(*argv, "csum-mode") == 0) {
+-			__u8 csum_mode;
++			int csum_mode;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ static int parse_encap_ila(struct rtattr *rta, size_t len,
+ 				invarg("\"csum-mode\" value is invalid\n",
+ 				       *argv);
+-			ret = rta_addattr8(rta, len, ILA_ATTR_CSUM_MODE,
+-					   (__u8)csum_mode);
++			ret = rta_addattr8(rta, 1024, ILA_ATTR_CSUM_MODE,
++				     (__u8)csum_mode);
+ 			argc--; argv++;
+ 		} else {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0077-ss-Don-t-leak-fd-in-tcp_show_netlink_file.patch b/SOURCES/0077-ss-Don-t-leak-fd-in-tcp_show_netlink_file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ae8c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0077-ss-Don-t-leak-fd-in-tcp_show_netlink_file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+From fa8b9f8fa8a6762bb0151e65a11eca9dca7aca83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Don't leak fd in tcp_show_netlink_file()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 4b45ae221e949
+commit 4b45ae221e949b604d968a10d5d996c7c7cec1a6
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:30 2017 +0200
+    ss: Don't leak fd in tcp_show_netlink_file()
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index 86defc71fabc4..eb46e0c4b95fb 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -2764,41 +2764,44 @@ static int tcp_show_netlink_file(struct filter *f)
+ {
+ 	FILE	*fp;
+ 	char	buf[16384];
++	int	err = -1;
+ 	if ((fp = fopen(getenv("TCPDIAG_FILE"), "r")) == NULL) {
+ 		perror("fopen($TCPDIAG_FILE)");
+-		return -1;
++		return err;
+ 	}
+ 	while (1) {
+-		int status, err;
++		int status, err2;
+ 		struct nlmsghdr *h = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf;
+ 		struct sockstat s = {};
+ 		status = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(*h), fp);
+ 		if (status < 0) {
+ 			perror("Reading header from $TCPDIAG_FILE");
+-			return -1;
++			break;
+ 		}
+ 		if (status != sizeof(*h)) {
+ 			perror("Unexpected EOF reading $TCPDIAG_FILE");
+-			return -1;
++			break;
+ 		}
+ 		status = fread(h+1, 1, NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len-sizeof(*h)), fp);
+ 		if (status < 0) {
+ 			perror("Reading $TCPDIAG_FILE");
+-			return -1;
++			break;
+ 		}
+ 		if (status + sizeof(*h) < h->nlmsg_len) {
+ 			perror("Unexpected EOF reading $TCPDIAG_FILE");
+-			return -1;
++			break;
+ 		}
+ 		/* The only legal exit point */
+-		if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
+-			return 0;
++		if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) {
++			err = 0;
++			break;
++		}
+ 		if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) {
+ 			struct nlmsgerr *err = (struct nlmsgerr *)NLMSG_DATA(h);
+@@ -2809,7 +2812,7 @@ static int tcp_show_netlink_file(struct filter *f)
+ 				errno = -err->error;
+ 				perror("TCPDIAG answered");
+ 			}
+-			return -1;
++			break;
+ 		}
+ 		parse_diag_msg(h, &s);
+@@ -2818,10 +2821,15 @@ static int tcp_show_netlink_file(struct filter *f)
+ 		if (f && f->f && run_ssfilter(f->f, &s) == 0)
+ 			continue;
+-		err = inet_show_sock(h, &s);
+-		if (err < 0)
+-			return err;
++		err2 = inet_show_sock(h, &s);
++		if (err2 < 0) {
++			err = err2;
++			break;
++		}
+ 	}
++	fclose(fp);
++	return err;
+ }
+ static int tcp_show(struct filter *f)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0078-tc-em_ipset-Don-t-leak-sockfd-on-error-path.patch b/SOURCES/0078-tc-em_ipset-Don-t-leak-sockfd-on-error-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c146e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0078-tc-em_ipset-Don-t-leak-sockfd-on-error-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From d28ee4b622ad9fa10a81d88bb6b5ded02c085acd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/em_ipset: Don't leak sockfd on error path
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 3e587d9f43891
+commit 3e587d9f438910df6c1751c45fd898cec1477ae6
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:31 2017 +0200
+    tc/em_ipset: Don't leak sockfd on error path
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/em_ipset.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/tc/em_ipset.c b/tc/em_ipset.c
+index fab975f5ea563..b59756515d239 100644
+--- a/tc/em_ipset.c
++++ b/tc/em_ipset.c
+@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ static int get_version(unsigned int *version)
+ 	res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_IP, SO_IP_SET, &req_version, &size);
+ 	if (res != 0) {
+ 		perror("xt_set getsockopt");
++		close(sockfd);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0079-ipvrf-Fix-error-path-of-vrf_switch.patch b/SOURCES/0079-ipvrf-Fix-error-path-of-vrf_switch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf3bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0079-ipvrf-Fix-error-path-of-vrf_switch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From 7ea6dbec34ae5166dd93fd4dbfcab35512e86e94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipvrf: Fix error path of vrf_switch()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6ac5943bdd5ac
+commit 6ac5943bdd5ac5bb8c22b99f5a1d5907ebbcae2b
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:27 2017 +0200
+    ipvrf: Fix error path of vrf_switch()
+    Apart from trying to close(-1), this also leaked memory.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipvrf.c | 9 +++++----
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipvrf.c b/ip/ipvrf.c
+index 0f611b44b78ab..ae3b48fa81996 100644
+--- a/ip/ipvrf.c
++++ b/ip/ipvrf.c
+@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ static int vrf_switch(const char *name)
+ 	/* -1 on length to add '/' to the end */
+ 	if (ipvrf_get_netns(netns, sizeof(netns) - 1) < 0)
+-		return -1;
++		goto out;
+ 	if (vrf_path(vpath, sizeof(vpath)) < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get base cgroup path: %s\n",
+ 			strerror(errno));
+-		return -1;
++		goto out;
+ 	}
+ 	/* if path already ends in netns then don't add it again */
+@@ -425,13 +425,14 @@ static int vrf_switch(const char *name)
+ 	snprintf(pid, sizeof(pid), "%d", getpid());
+ 	if (write(fd, pid, strlen(pid)) < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to join cgroup\n");
+-		goto out;
++		goto out2;
+ 	}
+ 	rc = 0;
++	close(fd);
+ out:
+ 	free(mnt);
+-	close(fd);
+ 	return rc;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0080-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-error-case.patch b/SOURCES/0080-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-error-case.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac3573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0080-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-error-case.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 78ff1fa1a2ff22e6fb7dc0a689e5a4861826431e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ifstat: Fix memleak in error case
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 35f6adefb8f9d
+commit 35f6adefb8f9d56437f5455ac8c0c3cc329e3317
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:28 2017 +0200
+    ifstat: Fix memleak in error case
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ifstat.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ifstat.c b/misc/ifstat.c
+index a853ee6d7e3b3..8fa354265a9a1 100644
+--- a/misc/ifstat.c
++++ b/misc/ifstat.c
+@@ -143,8 +143,10 @@ static int get_nlmsg_extended(const struct sockaddr_nl *who,
+ 		struct rtattr *attr;
+ 		attr = parse_rtattr_one_nested(sub_type, tb[filter_type]);
+-		if (attr == NULL)
++		if (attr == NULL) {
++			free(n);
+ 			return 0;
++		}
+ 		memcpy(&n->val, RTA_DATA(attr), sizeof(n->val));
+ 	}
+ 	memset(&n->rate, 0, sizeof(n->rate));
diff --git a/SOURCES/0081-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-dump_kern_db-for-json-output.patch b/SOURCES/0081-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-dump_kern_db-for-json-output.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520bac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0081-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-dump_kern_db-for-json-output.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 3f74fdcd943982101775db3b4240a6f953d1198d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ifstat: Fix memleak in dump_kern_db() for json output
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit b530cef0e3bbd
+commit b530cef0e3bbd27510e19f5f720a7ec94f3fa723
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:29 2017 +0200
+    ifstat: Fix memleak in dump_kern_db() for json output
+    Looks like this was forgotten when converting to common json output
+    formatter.
+    Fixes: fcc16c2287bf8 ("provide common json output formatter")
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ifstat.c | 8 ++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ifstat.c b/misc/ifstat.c
+index 8fa354265a9a1..1be21703bf14c 100644
+--- a/misc/ifstat.c
++++ b/misc/ifstat.c
+@@ -535,8 +535,12 @@ static void dump_kern_db(FILE *fp)
+ 		else
+ 			print_one_if(fp, n, n->val);
+ 	}
+-	if (json_output)
+-		fprintf(fp, "\n} }\n");
++	if (jw) {
++		jsonw_end_object(jw);
++		jsonw_end_object(jw);
++		jsonw_destroy(&jw);
++	}
+ }
+ static void dump_incr_db(FILE *fp)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0082-ss-Fix-potential-memleak-in-unix_stats_print.patch b/SOURCES/0082-ss-Fix-potential-memleak-in-unix_stats_print.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57bec49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0082-ss-Fix-potential-memleak-in-unix_stats_print.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 125c0e845acd690c9dce5702413294304a328fd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Fix potential memleak in unix_stats_print()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 46131577cf1ba
+commit 46131577cf1ba37198c82e1ce89c9bbca2153ef4
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:30 2017 +0200
+    ss: Fix potential memleak in unix_stats_print()
+    Fixes: 2d0e538f3e1cd ("ss: Drop list traversal from unix_stats_print()")
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index eb46e0c4b95fb..c97f05a4c7033 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -3258,8 +3258,10 @@ static int unix_show(struct filter *f)
+ 		if (name[0]) {
+ 			u->name = strdup(name);
+-			if (!u->name)
++			if (!u->name) {
++				free(u);
+ 				break;
++			}
+ 		}
+ 		if (u->rport) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0083-tipc-bearer-Fix-resource-leak-in-error-path.patch b/SOURCES/0083-tipc-bearer-Fix-resource-leak-in-error-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1fd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0083-tipc-bearer-Fix-resource-leak-in-error-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From b6bf156c4d4abab8176112e48a595c3e7bb7f825 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tipc/bearer: Fix resource leak in error path
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit be55416addf76
+commit be55416addf76e76836af6a4dd94b19c4186e1b2
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:31 2017 +0200
+    tipc/bearer: Fix resource leak in error path
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tipc/bearer.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tipc/bearer.c b/tipc/bearer.c
+index 810344f672af1..c3d4491f8f6ef 100644
+--- a/tipc/bearer.c
++++ b/tipc/bearer.c
+@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ static int nl_add_udp_enable_opts(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct opt *opts,
+ 	if (!remip) {
+ 		if (generate_multicast(loc->ai_family, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to generate multicast address\n");
++			freeaddrinfo(loc);
+ 			return -EINVAL;
+ 		}
+ 		remip = buf;
+@@ -177,6 +178,8 @@ static int nl_add_udp_enable_opts(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct opt *opts,
+ 	if (rem->ai_family != loc->ai_family) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "UDP local and remote AF mismatch\n");
++		freeaddrinfo(rem);
++		freeaddrinfo(loc);
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0084-devlink-No-need-for-this-self-assignment.patch b/SOURCES/0084-devlink-No-need-for-this-self-assignment.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7809ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0084-devlink-No-need-for-this-self-assignment.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 1fe740ceabb0b965224678a69a02255e20d5a47a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: No need for this self-assignment
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 8579a398c5ab0
+commit 8579a398c5ab0d26bce0ed9b4b6b6e5d62fcc89d
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:25 2017 +0200
+    devlink: No need for this self-assignment
+    dl_argv_handle_both() will either assign to handle_bit or error out in
+    which case the variable is not used by the caller.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+    Acked-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+ devlink/devlink.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index 2000db81aabb0..ae295b5632e8c 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ static int dl_argv_parse(struct dl *dl, uint32_t o_required,
+ 	int err;
+ 	if (o_required & DL_OPT_HANDLE && o_required & DL_OPT_HANDLEP) {
+-		uint32_t handle_bit = handle_bit;
++		uint32_t handle_bit;
+ 		err = dl_argv_handle_both(dl, &opts->bus_name, &opts->dev_name,
+ 					  &opts->port_index, &handle_bit);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0085-ipntable-No-need-to-check-and-assign-to-parms_rta.patch b/SOURCES/0085-ipntable-No-need-to-check-and-assign-to-parms_rta.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d26732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0085-ipntable-No-need-to-check-and-assign-to-parms_rta.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From d62d2ffc71194068af509ec3285ecd6823d883fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipntable: No need to check and assign to parms_rta
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 2869262144271
+commit 28692621442710f4a67fe33742f56efc582ee33a
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:26 2017 +0200
+    ipntable: No need to check and assign to parms_rta
+    This variable is initialized at declaration and nowhere else does any
+    assignment to it happen, so just drop the check.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipntable.c | 2 --
+ 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipntable.c b/ip/ipntable.c
+index 65063321c85f8..ae8c74ead2cb8 100644
+--- a/ip/ipntable.c
++++ b/ip/ipntable.c
+@@ -202,8 +202,6 @@ static int ipntable_modify(int cmd, int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			if (get_u32(&queue, *argv, 0))
+ 				invarg("\"queue\" value is invalid", *argv);
+-			if (!parms_rta)
+-				parms_rta = (struct rtattr *)&parms_buf;
+ 			rta_addattr32(parms_rta, sizeof(parms_buf),
+ 				      NDTPA_QUEUE_LEN, queue);
+ 			parms_change = 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0086-iproute-Fix-for-missing-Oifs-display.patch b/SOURCES/0086-iproute-Fix-for-missing-Oifs-display.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32254db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0086-iproute-Fix-for-missing-Oifs-display.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 2cb971cefe001a66677c2d1d23b1596cbffb3989 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iproute: Fix for missing 'Oifs:' display
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 2a866256197f8
+commit 2a866256197f8b86e61fa1afc99b11d7056d5686
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:27 2017 +0200
+    iproute: Fix for missing 'Oifs:' display
+    Covscan complained about dead code but after reading it, I assume the
+    author's intention was to prefix the interface list with 'Oifs: '.
+    Initializing first to 1 and setting it to 0 after above prefix was
+    printed should fix it.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/iproute.c | 8 +++++---
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iproute.c b/ip/iproute.c
+index d4db035fc7b24..6ebc6214c45ee 100644
+--- a/ip/iproute.c
++++ b/ip/iproute.c
+@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ int print_route(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+ 	}
+ 	if (tb[RTA_MULTIPATH]) {
+ 		struct rtnexthop *nh = RTA_DATA(tb[RTA_MULTIPATH]);
+-		int first = 0;
++		int first = 1;
+@@ -628,10 +628,12 @@ int print_route(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+ 			if (nh->rtnh_len > len)
+ 				break;
+ 			if (r->rtm_flags&RTM_F_CLONED && r->rtm_type == RTN_MULTICAST) {
+-				if (first)
++				if (first) {
+ 					fprintf(fp, "Oifs: ");
+-				else
++					first = 0;
++				} else {
+ 					fprintf(fp, " ");
++				}
+ 			} else
+ 				fprintf(fp, "%s\tnexthop ", _SL_);
+ 			if (nh->rtnh_len > sizeof(*nh)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0087-lib-rt_names-Drop-dead-code-in-rtnl_rttable_n2a.patch b/SOURCES/0087-lib-rt_names-Drop-dead-code-in-rtnl_rttable_n2a.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f32b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0087-lib-rt_names-Drop-dead-code-in-rtnl_rttable_n2a.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From cd4f6a9976a969d4981b3b3d09b60ed311f3e9a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/rt_names: Drop dead code in rtnl_rttable_n2a()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit b3c5f84493d33
+commit b3c5f84493d3399a546566475203207aa5b64d54
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:28 2017 +0200
+    lib/rt_names: Drop dead code in rtnl_rttable_n2a()
+    Since 'id' is 32bit unsigned, it can never exceed RT_TABLE_MAX (which is
+    defined to 0xFFFFFFFF). Therefore drop that never matching conditional.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/rt_names.c | 4 ----
+ 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/rt_names.c b/lib/rt_names.c
+index 04c15ff5b15f8..e5efd78e6f810 100644
+--- a/lib/rt_names.c
++++ b/lib/rt_names.c
+@@ -410,10 +410,6 @@ const char *rtnl_rttable_n2a(__u32 id, char *buf, int len)
+ {
+ 	struct rtnl_hash_entry *entry;
+-	if (id > RT_TABLE_MAX) {
+-		snprintf(buf, len, "%u", id);
+-		return buf;
+-	}
+ 	if (!rtnl_rttable_init)
+ 		rtnl_rttable_initialize();
+ 	entry = rtnl_rttable_hash[id & 255];
diff --git a/SOURCES/0088-ss-Skip-useless-check-in-parse_hostcond.patch b/SOURCES/0088-ss-Skip-useless-check-in-parse_hostcond.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce300e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0088-ss-Skip-useless-check-in-parse_hostcond.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 4b2f0a5a479f2714b8b44932ba961ba8cf07e18e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Skip useless check in parse_hostcond()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 44448a90eab34
+commit 44448a90eab34713af019356926828720c67a268
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:29 2017 +0200
+    ss: Skip useless check in parse_hostcond()
+    The passed 'addr' parameter is dereferenced by caller before and in
+    parse_hostcond() multiple times before this check, so assume it is
+    always true.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index c97f05a4c7033..38f4017e4a8c8 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ void *parse_hostcond(char *addr, bool is_port)
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (!is_port && addr && *addr && *addr != '*') {
++	if (!is_port && *addr && *addr != '*') {
+ 		if (get_prefix_1(&a.addr, addr, fam)) {
+ 			if (get_dns_host(&a, addr, fam)) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Error: an inet prefix is expected rather than \"%s\".\n", addr);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0089-ss-Drop-useless-assignment.patch b/SOURCES/0089-ss-Drop-useless-assignment.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c406ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0089-ss-Drop-useless-assignment.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 23e13f60728a68b2c4a5b3656a1ce79affaafc6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Drop useless assignment
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit e469523e8e8d1
+commit e469523e8e8d1d31c3b35251105e2a843216d687
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:30 2017 +0200
+    ss: Drop useless assignment
+    After '*b = *a', 'b->next' already has the same value as 'a->next'.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index 38f4017e4a8c8..cc38fc499c210 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -1476,7 +1476,6 @@ static int remember_he(struct aafilter *a, struct hostent *he)
+ 			if ((b = malloc(sizeof(*b))) == NULL)
+ 				return cnt;
+ 			*b = *a;
+-			b->next = a->next;
+ 			a->next = b;
+ 		}
+ 		memcpy(b->addr.data, *ptr, len);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0090-tc-m_gact-Drop-dead-code.patch b/SOURCES/0090-tc-m_gact-Drop-dead-code.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3702ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0090-tc-m_gact-Drop-dead-code.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From c6e0fc7a5ec0b890c35a3b5d4cc5e1f7794cc47f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:07:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/m_gact: Drop dead code
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 73aa988868e7e
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commits:
+* e67aba5595811 ("tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions")
+* 18f05d06016d9 ("tc: gact: fix control action parsing")
+commit 73aa988868e7e068b4fc0daaca7cfdb3e07fe744
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 17 19:09:31 2017 +0200
+    tc/m_gact: Drop dead code
+    The use of 'ok' variable in parse_gact() is ineffective: The second
+    conditional increments it either if *argv is 'gact' or if
+    parse_action_control() doesn't fail (in which case exit() is called).
+    So this is effectively an unconditional increment and since no decrement
+    happens anywhere, all remaining checks for 'ok != 0' can be dropped.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/m_gact.c | 18 +++++-------------
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index 755a3bee2c2f2..0cb5222fd3817 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ {
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+-	int ok = 0;
+ 	int action = TC_POLICE_RECLASSIFY;
+ 	struct tc_gact p = { .action = TC_POLICE_RECLASSIFY };
+@@ -100,25 +99,22 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (matches(*argv, "gact") == 0) {
+-		ok++;
++		argc--;
++		argv++;
+ 	} else {
+ 		action = get_act(&argv);
+ 		if (action != -10) {
+ 			p.action = action;
+-			ok++;
++			argc--;
++			argv++;
+ 		} else {
+ 			explain();
+ 			return action;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (ok) {
+-		argc--;
+-		argv++;
+-	}
+-	if (ok && argc > 0) {
++	if (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "random") == 0) {
+ 			rd = 1;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+@@ -167,15 +163,11 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			}
+ 			argc--;
+ 			argv++;
+-			ok++;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 				usage();
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (!ok)
+-		return -1;
+ 	tail = NLMSG_TAIL(n);
+ 	addattr_l(n, MAX_MSG, tca_id, NULL, 0);
+ 	addattr_l(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_GACT_PARMS, &p, sizeof(p));
diff --git a/SOURCES/0091-ipaddress-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-variable-lcl.patch b/SOURCES/0091-ipaddress-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-variable-lcl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcf2770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0091-ipaddress-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-variable-lcl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From a7150dc1d46b73f65bfedd728aeca1dcf5ec20eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipaddress: Avoid accessing uninitialized variable lcl
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d044ea3e784d1
+commit d044ea3e784d1a4f0a61f306b86ce95c9a26b0b5
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:26:59 2017 +0200
+    ipaddress: Avoid accessing uninitialized variable lcl
+    If no address was given, ipaddr_modify() accesses uninitialized data
+    when assigning to req.ifa.ifa_prefixlen.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipaddress.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipaddress.c b/ip/ipaddress.c
+index bed2d3801809b..2c27da3a1f079 100644
+--- a/ip/ipaddress.c
++++ b/ip/ipaddress.c
+@@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ static int ipaddr_modify(int cmd, int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	char  *lcl_arg = NULL;
+ 	char  *valid_lftp = NULL;
+ 	char  *preferred_lftp = NULL;
+-	inet_prefix lcl;
++	inet_prefix lcl = {};
+ 	inet_prefix peer;
+ 	int local_len = 0;
+ 	int peer_len = 0;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0092-iplink_can-Prevent-overstepping-array-bounds.patch b/SOURCES/0092-iplink_can-Prevent-overstepping-array-bounds.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0804c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0092-iplink_can-Prevent-overstepping-array-bounds.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+From 4c775c035e2751b1aec52dcc2ca0e4fc99bac793 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iplink_can: Prevent overstepping array bounds
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 258b7c0fa70c2
+commit 258b7c0fa70c2d6b5f9776cc35c38c80b4ee5752
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:27:00 2017 +0200
+    iplink_can: Prevent overstepping array bounds
+    can_state_names array contains at most CAN_STATE_MAX fields, so allowing
+    an index to it to be equal to that number is wrong. While here, also
+    make sure the array is indeed that big so nothing bad happens if
+    CAN_STATE_MAX ever increases.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/iplink_can.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iplink_can.c b/ip/iplink_can.c
+index 20d4d37d0d087..4133a658a059e 100644
+--- a/ip/iplink_can.c
++++ b/ip/iplink_can.c
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ static int can_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-static const char *can_state_names[] = {
++static const char *can_state_names[CAN_STATE_MAX] = {
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[])
+ 	if (tb[IFLA_CAN_STATE]) {
+ 		uint32_t state = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_CAN_STATE]);
+-		fprintf(f, "state %s ", state <= CAN_STATE_MAX ?
++		fprintf(f, "state %s ", state < CAN_STATE_MAX ?
+ 			can_state_names[state] : "UNKNOWN");
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0093-ipmaddr-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-data.patch b/SOURCES/0093-ipmaddr-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-data.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b06ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0093-ipmaddr-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-data.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From e5d32611010d4694562980b790ed7849342f594b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipmaddr: Avoid accessing uninitialized data
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit b48a1161f5f9b
+commit b48a1161f5f9b6a0cda399a224bbbf72eba4a5c6
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:27:01 2017 +0200
+    ipmaddr: Avoid accessing uninitialized data
+    Looks like this can only happen if /proc/net/igmp is malformed, but
+    better be sure.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipmaddr.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipmaddr.c b/ip/ipmaddr.c
+index 4f726fdd976f1..85a69e779563d 100644
+--- a/ip/ipmaddr.c
++++ b/ip/ipmaddr.c
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static void read_igmp(struct ma_info **result_p)
+ 	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
+ 		struct ma_info *ma;
+-		size_t len;
++		size_t len = 0;
+ 		if (buf[0] != '\t') {
+ 			sscanf(buf, "%d%s", &m.index, m.name);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0094-ss-Use-C99-initializer-in-netlink_show_one.patch b/SOURCES/0094-ss-Use-C99-initializer-in-netlink_show_one.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4914cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0094-ss-Use-C99-initializer-in-netlink_show_one.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+From 60a5c300c8cd0fbd4c378900d298eb2444c0343d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Use C99 initializer in netlink_show_one()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 301826beb3baa
+commit 301826beb3baa902e2057d81912d1586459f605f
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:27:02 2017 +0200
+    ss: Use C99 initializer in netlink_show_one()
+    This has the additional benefit of initializing st.ino to zero which is
+    used later in is_sctp_assoc() function.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 13 +++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index cc38fc499c210..7a38e9d830e8d 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -3567,17 +3567,18 @@ static int netlink_show_one(struct filter *f,
+ 				int rq, int wq,
+ 				unsigned long long sk, unsigned long long cb)
+ {
+-	struct sockstat st;
++	struct sockstat st = {
++		.state		= SS_CLOSE,
++		.rq		= rq,
++		.wq		= wq,
++		.local.family	= AF_NETLINK,
++		.remote.family	= AF_NETLINK,
++	};
+ 	SPRINT_BUF(prot_buf) = {};
+ 	const char *prot_name;
+ 	char procname[64] = {};
+-	st.state = SS_CLOSE;
+-	st.rq	 = rq;
+-	st.wq	 = wq;
+-	st.local.family = st.remote.family = AF_NETLINK;
+ 	if (f->f) {
+ 		st.rport = -1;
+ 		st.lport = pid;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0095-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fstat.patch b/SOURCES/0095-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fstat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c71a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0095-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fstat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 56c1a9e6c4d7d54ee27472428bcb33be471b3346 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] netem/maketable: Check return value of fstat()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d304b05c12b3a
+commit d304b05c12b3a0247b627ebc8e4477520bb4b969
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:27:03 2017 +0200
+    netem/maketable: Check return value of fstat()
+    Otherwise info.st_size may contain garbage.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ netem/maketable.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/netem/maketable.c b/netem/maketable.c
+index 6aff927be7040..ad660e7d457f0 100644
+--- a/netem/maketable.c
++++ b/netem/maketable.c
+@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ readdoubles(FILE *fp, int *number)
+ 	int limit;
+ 	int n=0, i;
+-	fstat(fileno(fp), &info);
+-	if (info.st_size > 0) {
++	if (!fstat(fileno(fp), &info) &&
++	    info.st_size > 0) {
+ 		limit = 2*info.st_size/sizeof(double);	/* @@ approximate */
+ 	} else {
+ 		limit = 10000;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0096-tc-q_multiq-Don-t-pass-garbage-in-TCA_OPTIONS.patch b/SOURCES/0096-tc-q_multiq-Don-t-pass-garbage-in-TCA_OPTIONS.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb63ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0096-tc-q_multiq-Don-t-pass-garbage-in-TCA_OPTIONS.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 8a115584261b32308d604063b56f25330ce8adaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/q_multiq: Don't pass garbage in TCA_OPTIONS
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 82ed9ffa2bb86
+commit 82ed9ffa2bb86eea653f68a0ade945b7708818c9
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 11:27:04 2017 +0200
+    tc/q_multiq: Don't pass garbage in TCA_OPTIONS
+    multiq_parse_opt() doesn't change 'opt' at all. So at least make sure
+    it doesn't fill TCA_OPTIONS attribute with garbage from stack.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/q_multiq.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/q_multiq.c b/tc/q_multiq.c
+index 7823931494563..9c09c9a7748f6 100644
+--- a/tc/q_multiq.c
++++ b/tc/q_multiq.c
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static void explain(void)
+ static int multiq_parse_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 			    struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+-	struct tc_multiq_qopt opt;
++	struct tc_multiq_qopt opt = {};
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (strcmp(*argv, "help") == 0) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0097-iproute-Check-mark-value-input.patch b/SOURCES/0097-iproute-Check-mark-value-input.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c7ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0097-iproute-Check-mark-value-input.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From ce3460e0a39948054139e5bcf72130e82bf2da8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iproute: Check mark value input
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 7c66d89828a6e
+commit 7c66d89828a6ee4c5a4e3f48ef4a4cb07b50013d
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 18:36:50 2017 +0200
+    iproute: Check mark value input
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/iproute.c | 6 ++++--
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iproute.c b/ip/iproute.c
+index 6ebc6214c45ee..1d92530fd3421 100644
+--- a/ip/iproute.c
++++ b/ip/iproute.c
+@@ -1481,7 +1481,8 @@ static int iproute_list_flush_or_save(int argc, char **argv, int action)
+ 			id = *argv;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "mark") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			get_unsigned(&mark, *argv, 0);
++			if (get_unsigned(&mark, *argv, 0))
++				invarg("invalid mark value", *argv);
+ 			filter.markmask = -1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "via") == 0) {
+ 			int family;
+@@ -1698,7 +1699,8 @@ static int iproute_get(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			idev = *argv;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "mark") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			get_unsigned(&mark, *argv, 0);
++			if (get_unsigned(&mark, *argv, 0))
++				invarg("invalid mark value", *argv);
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "oif") == 0 ||
+ 			   strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
diff --git a/SOURCES/0098-iplink_vrf-Complain-if-main-table-is-not-found.patch b/SOURCES/0098-iplink_vrf-Complain-if-main-table-is-not-found.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42872e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0098-iplink_vrf-Complain-if-main-table-is-not-found.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From b9d228a8c22f1d9069fa0c8f98e6bd94011c5714 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] iplink_vrf: Complain if main table is not found
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 84b6a3f4b5720
+commit 84b6a3f4b5720aaf673c2eaad2cf60f786de077b
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 18:36:51 2017 +0200
+    iplink_vrf: Complain if main table is not found
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+    Acked-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ ip/iplink_vrf.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ip/iplink_vrf.c b/ip/iplink_vrf.c
+index 370bb86815a80..9c2de2732a88e 100644
+--- a/ip/iplink_vrf.c
++++ b/ip/iplink_vrf.c
+@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ __u32 ipvrf_get_table(const char *name)
+ 	if (rtnl_talk_suppress_rtnl_errmsg(&rth, &req.n, &answer) < 0) {
+ 		/* special case "default" vrf to be the main table */
+ 		if (errno == ENODEV && !strcmp(name, "default"))
+-			rtnl_rttable_a2n(&tb_id, "main");
++			if (rtnl_rttable_a2n(&tb_id, "main"))
++				fprintf(stderr,
++					"BUG: RTTable \"main\" not found.\n");
+ 		return tb_id;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0099-devlink-Check-return-code-of-strslashrsplit.patch b/SOURCES/0099-devlink-Check-return-code-of-strslashrsplit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa717f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0099-devlink-Check-return-code-of-strslashrsplit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From ea11b95042171f254fe0127ea0f1f2786d81dc83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] devlink: Check return code of strslashrsplit()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6e33f7b0f6e04
+commit 6e33f7b0f6e04dd46bea24c3ab28d61e54625dd7
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 18:36:52 2017 +0200
+    devlink: Check return code of strslashrsplit()
+    This function shouldn't fail because all callers of
+    __dl_argv_handle_port() make sure the passed string contains enough
+    slashes already, but better make sure if this changes in future the
+    function won't access uninitialized data.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ devlink/devlink.c | 16 ++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/devlink/devlink.c b/devlink/devlink.c
+index ae295b5632e8c..082eeafa1146a 100644
+--- a/devlink/devlink.c
++++ b/devlink/devlink.c
+@@ -576,18 +576,26 @@ static int __dl_argv_handle_port(char *str,
+ 				 char **p_bus_name, char **p_dev_name,
+ 				 uint32_t *p_port_index)
+ {
+-	char *handlestr = handlestr;
+-	char *portstr = portstr;
++	char *handlestr;
++	char *portstr;
+ 	int err;
+-	strslashrsplit(str, &handlestr, &portstr);
++	err = strslashrsplit(str, &handlestr, &portstr);
++	if (err) {
++		pr_err("Port identification \"%s\" is invalid\n", str);
++		return err;
++	}
+ 	err = strtouint32_t(portstr, p_port_index);
+ 	if (err) {
+ 		pr_err("Port index \"%s\" is not a number or not within range\n",
+ 		       portstr);
+ 		return err;
+ 	}
+-	strslashrsplit(handlestr, p_bus_name, p_dev_name);
++	err = strslashrsplit(handlestr, p_bus_name, p_dev_name);
++	if (err) {
++		pr_err("Port identification \"%s\" is invalid\n", str);
++		return err;
++	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0100-lib-bpf-Don-t-leak-fp-in-bpf_find_mntpt.patch b/SOURCES/0100-lib-bpf-Don-t-leak-fp-in-bpf_find_mntpt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e22047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0100-lib-bpf-Don-t-leak-fp-in-bpf_find_mntpt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From bafabe7a067e647f97ae0df277bded8b9349db50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/bpf: Don't leak fp in bpf_find_mntpt()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit c3724e4bc3a6c
+commit c3724e4bc3a6c40dc846f0c3b02934d711bf81fb
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Aug 21 16:46:51 2017 +0200
+    lib/bpf: Don't leak fp in bpf_find_mntpt()
+    If fopen() succeeded but len != PATH_MAX, the function leaks the open
+    FILE pointer. Fix this by checking len value before calling fopen().
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+    Acked-by: Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net>
+ lib/bpf.c | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/bpf.c b/lib/bpf.c
+index 3aabf44d1abf8..33c5288e82187 100644
+--- a/lib/bpf.c
++++ b/lib/bpf.c
+@@ -432,8 +432,11 @@ static const char *bpf_find_mntpt(const char *fstype, unsigned long magic,
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	if (len != PATH_MAX)
++		return NULL;
+ 	fp = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r");
+-	if (fp == NULL || len != PATH_MAX)
++	if (fp == NULL)
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	while (fscanf(fp, "%*s %" textify(PATH_MAX) "s %99s %*s %*d %*d\n",
diff --git a/SOURCES/0101-ifstat-nstat-Check-fdopen-return-value.patch b/SOURCES/0101-ifstat-nstat-Check-fdopen-return-value.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792575a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0101-ifstat-nstat-Check-fdopen-return-value.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+From 5ae0f31d9c5d40dbf9eaf00435b9df1968109f5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ifstat, nstat: Check fdopen() return value
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6d02518fdc37e
+commit 6d02518fdc37eb12abff67b6f8c741fbd81dce72
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:46:31 2017 +0200
+    ifstat, nstat: Check fdopen() return value
+    Prevent passing NULL FILE pointer to fgets() later.
+    Fix both tools in a single patch since the code changes are basically
+    identical.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ifstat.c | 16 +++++++++++-----
+ misc/nstat.c  | 16 +++++++++++-----
+ 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ifstat.c b/misc/ifstat.c
+index 1be21703bf14c..ac3eff6b870a9 100644
+--- a/misc/ifstat.c
++++ b/misc/ifstat.c
+@@ -992,12 +992,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	    && verify_forging(fd) == 0) {
+ 		FILE *sfp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+-		load_raw_table(sfp);
+-		if (hist_db && source_mismatch) {
+-			fprintf(stderr, "ifstat: history is stale, ignoring it.\n");
+-			hist_db = NULL;
++		if (!sfp) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "ifstat: fdopen failed: %s\n",
++				strerror(errno));
++			close(fd);
++		} else  {
++			load_raw_table(sfp);
++			if (hist_db && source_mismatch) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "ifstat: history is stale, ignoring it.\n");
++				hist_db = NULL;
++			}
++			fclose(sfp);
+ 		}
+-		fclose(sfp);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if (fd >= 0)
+ 			close(fd);
+diff --git a/misc/nstat.c b/misc/nstat.c
+index 1212b1f2c8128..a4dd405d43a93 100644
+--- a/misc/nstat.c
++++ b/misc/nstat.c
+@@ -706,12 +706,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	    && verify_forging(fd) == 0) {
+ 		FILE *sfp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+-		load_good_table(sfp);
+-		if (hist_db && source_mismatch) {
+-			fprintf(stderr, "nstat: history is stale, ignoring it.\n");
+-			hist_db = NULL;
++		if (!sfp) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "nstat: fdopen failed: %s\n",
++				strerror(errno));
++			close(fd);
++		} else {
++			load_good_table(sfp);
++			if (hist_db && source_mismatch) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "nstat: history is stale, ignoring it.\n");
++				hist_db = NULL;
++			}
++			fclose(sfp);
+ 		}
+-		fclose(sfp);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if (fd >= 0)
+ 			close(fd);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0102-tc-q_netem-Don-t-dereference-possibly-NULL-pointer.patch b/SOURCES/0102-tc-q_netem-Don-t-dereference-possibly-NULL-pointer.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b35e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0102-tc-q_netem-Don-t-dereference-possibly-NULL-pointer.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From a7329f9d8681bdbd2d8257b152ae6b4959232e67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/q_netem: Don't dereference possibly NULL pointer
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit a754de3ccd937
+commit a754de3ccd937500940c6fcd0ad043855f56862d
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:46:32 2017 +0200
+    tc/q_netem: Don't dereference possibly NULL pointer
+    Assuming 'opt' might be NULL, move the call to RTA_PAYLOAD to after the
+    check since it dereferences its parameter.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/q_netem.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/q_netem.c b/tc/q_netem.c
+index 0975ae111de97..5a9e747411e85 100644
+--- a/tc/q_netem.c
++++ b/tc/q_netem.c
+@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ static int netem_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt)
+ 	int *ecn = NULL;
+ 	struct tc_netem_qopt qopt;
+ 	const struct tc_netem_rate *rate = NULL;
+-	int len = RTA_PAYLOAD(opt) - sizeof(qopt);
++	int len;
+ 	__u64 rate64 = 0;
+ 	SPRINT_BUF(b1);
+@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ static int netem_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt)
+ 	if (opt == NULL)
+ 		return 0;
++	len = RTA_PAYLOAD(opt) - sizeof(qopt);
+ 	if (len < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "options size error\n");
+ 		return -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0103-tc-tc_filter-Make-sure-filter-name-is-not-empty.patch b/SOURCES/0103-tc-tc_filter-Make-sure-filter-name-is-not-empty.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74eae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0103-tc-tc_filter-Make-sure-filter-name-is-not-empty.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From a4c190565a85db814ad1185ada5382e7fb8707a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/tc_filter: Make sure filter name is not empty
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 75716932a0af2
+commit 75716932a0af28da207aa57c212794ab28ce9036
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:46:33 2017 +0200
+    tc/tc_filter: Make sure filter name is not empty
+    The later check for 'k[0] != 0' requires a non-empty filter name,
+    otherwise NULL pointer dereference in 'q' might happen.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/tc_filter.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_filter.c b/tc/tc_filter.c
+index e640492b25ba6..a6bb73d12eaba 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_filter.c
++++ b/tc/tc_filter.c
+@@ -380,6 +380,9 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			usage();
+ 			return 0;
+ 		} else {
++			if (!**argv)
++				invarg("invalid filter name", *argv);
+ 			strncpy(k, *argv, sizeof(k)-1);
+ 			q = get_filter_kind(k);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0104-tipc-bearer-Prevent-NULL-pointer-dereference.patch b/SOURCES/0104-tipc-bearer-Prevent-NULL-pointer-dereference.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4530f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0104-tipc-bearer-Prevent-NULL-pointer-dereference.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 73b2d3ee4bbdbfba7db035d9b89a2bcffc15e1ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tipc/bearer: Prevent NULL pointer dereference
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 70a6df3962b84
+commit 70a6df3962b8448fc9c28d72606828a004ed5b6b
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:46:34 2017 +0200
+    tipc/bearer: Prevent NULL pointer dereference
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tipc/bearer.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tipc/bearer.c b/tipc/bearer.c
+index c3d4491f8f6ef..0d84570150624 100644
+--- a/tipc/bearer.c
++++ b/tipc/bearer.c
+@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ static int cmd_bearer_enable(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, const struct cmd *cmd,
+ 		return err;
+ 	opt = get_opt(opts, "media");
+-	if (strcmp(opt->val, "udp") == 0) {
++	if (opt && strcmp(opt->val, "udp") == 0) {
+ 		err = nl_add_udp_enable_opts(nlh, opts, cmdl);
+ 		if (err)
+ 			return err;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0105-ipntable-Avoid-memory-allocation-for-filter.name.patch b/SOURCES/0105-ipntable-Avoid-memory-allocation-for-filter.name.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da866f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0105-ipntable-Avoid-memory-allocation-for-filter.name.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+From c176919cbf8f11f666c2281785e58fd147ecfea0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipntable: Avoid memory allocation for filter.name
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 45c2ec9e95fef
+commit 45c2ec9e95fef8eb6f0807d9a7e5f14c14313c7e
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:45 2017 +0200
+    ipntable: Avoid memory allocation for filter.name
+    The original issue was that filter.name might end up unterminated if
+    user provided string was too long. But in fact it is not necessary to
+    copy the commandline parameter at all: just make filter.name point to it
+    instead.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipntable.c | 6 +++---
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipntable.c b/ip/ipntable.c
+index ae8c74ead2cb8..2f72c989f35df 100644
+--- a/ip/ipntable.c
++++ b/ip/ipntable.c
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static struct
+ 	int family;
+ 	int index;
+ #define NONE_DEV	(-1)
+-	char name[1024];
++	const char *name;
+ } filter;
+ static void usage(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
+@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ static int print_ntable(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void
+ 	if (tb[NDTA_NAME]) {
+ 		const char *name = rta_getattr_str(tb[NDTA_NAME]);
+-		if (strlen(filter.name) > 0 && strcmp(filter.name, name))
++		if (filter.name && strcmp(filter.name, name))
+ 			return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	if (tb[NDTA_PARMS]) {
+@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ static int ipntable_show(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(filter.name, *argv, sizeof(filter.name));
++			filter.name = *argv;
+ 		} else
+ 			invarg("unknown", *argv);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0106-lib-fs-Fix-format-string-in-find_fs_mount.patch b/SOURCES/0106-lib-fs-Fix-format-string-in-find_fs_mount.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d8032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0106-lib-fs-Fix-format-string-in-find_fs_mount.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From dfc6dc25fcc666ed3fa938bca5ccd87d6cf4a99e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/fs: Fix format string in find_fs_mount()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit eab450789829e
+commit eab450789829e33a64dbd08dced3438d580d5179
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:46 2017 +0200
+    lib/fs: Fix format string in find_fs_mount()
+    A field width of 4096 allows fscanf() to store that amount of characters
+    into the given buffer, though that doesn't include the terminating NULL
+    byte. Decrease the value by one to leave space for it.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/fs.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/fs.c b/lib/fs.c
+index c59ac564581d0..1ff881ecfcd8c 100644
+--- a/lib/fs.c
++++ b/lib/fs.c
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static char *find_fs_mount(const char *fs_to_find)
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	while (fscanf(fp, "%*s %4096s %127s %*s %*d %*d\n",
++	while (fscanf(fp, "%*s %4095s %127s %*s %*d %*d\n",
+ 		      path, fstype) == 2) {
+ 		if (strcmp(fstype, fs_to_find) == 0) {
+ 			mnt = strdup(path);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0107-lib-inet_proto-Review-inet_proto_-a2n-n2a.patch b/SOURCES/0107-lib-inet_proto-Review-inet_proto_-a2n-n2a.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bce03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0107-lib-inet_proto-Review-inet_proto_-a2n-n2a.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From e47b57df11565c51b9d8a5307a63d93f8e9a061b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/inet_proto: Review inet_proto_{a2n,n2a}()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit cfda500a7d808
+commit cfda500a7d808a6e0f3eca47abd75c22cfe716e5
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:47 2017 +0200
+    lib/inet_proto: Review inet_proto_{a2n,n2a}()
+    The original intent was to make sure strings written by those functions
+    are NUL-terminated at all times, though it was suggested to get rid of
+    the 15 char protocol name limit as well which this patch accomplishes.
+    In addition to that, simplify inet_proto_a2n() a bit: Use the error
+    checking in get_u8() to find out whether passed 'buf' contains a valid
+    decimal number instead of checking the first character's value manually.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/inet_proto.c | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/inet_proto.c b/lib/inet_proto.c
+index ceda082b12a2e..53c029039b6d5 100644
+--- a/lib/inet_proto.c
++++ b/lib/inet_proto.c
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ const char *inet_proto_n2a(int proto, char *buf, int len)
+ {
+-	static char ncache[16];
++	static char *ncache;
+ 	static int icache = -1;
+ 	struct protoent *pe;
+@@ -34,9 +34,12 @@ const char *inet_proto_n2a(int proto, char *buf, int len)
+ 	pe = getprotobynumber(proto);
+ 	if (pe) {
++		if (icache != -1)
++			free(ncache);
+ 		icache = proto;
+-		strncpy(ncache, pe->p_name, 16);
+-		strncpy(buf, pe->p_name, len);
++		ncache = strdup(pe->p_name);
++		strncpy(buf, pe->p_name, len - 1);
++		buf[len - 1] = '\0';
+ 		return buf;
+ 	}
+ 	snprintf(buf, len, "ipproto-%d", proto);
+@@ -45,24 +48,23 @@ const char *inet_proto_n2a(int proto, char *buf, int len)
+ int inet_proto_a2n(const char *buf)
+ {
+-	static char ncache[16];
++	static char *ncache;
+ 	static int icache = -1;
+ 	struct protoent *pe;
++	__u8 ret;
+-	if (icache>=0 && strcmp(ncache, buf) == 0)
++	if (icache != -1 && strcmp(ncache, buf) == 0)
+ 		return icache;
+-	if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] <= '9') {
+-		__u8 ret;
+-		if (get_u8(&ret, buf, 10))
+-			return -1;
++	if (!get_u8(&ret, buf, 10))
+ 		return ret;
+-	}
+ 	pe = getprotobyname(buf);
+ 	if (pe) {
++		if (icache != -1)
++			free(ncache);
+ 		icache = pe->p_proto;
+-		strncpy(ncache, pe->p_name, 16);
++		ncache = strdup(pe->p_name);
+ 		return pe->p_proto;
+ 	}
+ 	return -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0108-lnstat_util-Simplify-alloc_and_open-a-bit.patch b/SOURCES/0108-lnstat_util-Simplify-alloc_and_open-a-bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7541c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0108-lnstat_util-Simplify-alloc_and_open-a-bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 5cdf4d78d15b127d0f4a7a09e4700d7df16dda19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lnstat_util: Simplify alloc_and_open() a bit
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit bc27878d21909
+commit bc27878d21909b110dd21eea0c3505d023f29dc2
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:48 2017 +0200
+    lnstat_util: Simplify alloc_and_open() a bit
+    Relying upon callers and using unsafe strcpy() is probably not the best
+    idea. Aside from that, using snprintf() allows to format the string for
+    lf->path in one go.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/lnstat_util.c | 7 ++-----
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/lnstat_util.c b/misc/lnstat_util.c
+index cc54598fe1bef..ec19238c24b94 100644
+--- a/misc/lnstat_util.c
++++ b/misc/lnstat_util.c
+@@ -180,11 +180,8 @@ static struct lnstat_file *alloc_and_open(const char *path, const char *file)
+ 	}
+ 	/* initialize */
+-	/* de->d_name is guaranteed to be <= NAME_MAX */
+-	strcpy(lf->basename, file);
+-	strcpy(lf->path, path);
+-	strcat(lf->path, "/");
+-	strcat(lf->path, lf->basename);
++	snprintf(lf->basename, sizeof(lf->basename), "%s", file);
++	snprintf(lf->path, sizeof(lf->path), "%s/%s", path, file);
+ 	/* initialize to default */
+ 	lf->interval.tv_sec = 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0109-tc-m_xt-Fix-for-potential-string-buffer-overflows.patch b/SOURCES/0109-tc-m_xt-Fix-for-potential-string-buffer-overflows.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c411268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0109-tc-m_xt-Fix-for-potential-string-buffer-overflows.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 8ac8129d710b8a084ce213791874330aa30ec70e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/m_xt: Fix for potential string buffer overflows
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 56270e54661e8
+commit 56270e54661e8ca51d4b3661b9f9bb12a0a40d95
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:49 2017 +0200
+    tc/m_xt: Fix for potential string buffer overflows
+    - Use strncpy() when writing to target->t->u.user.name and make sure the
+      final byte remains untouched (xtables_calloc() set it to zero).
+    - 'tname' length sanitization was completely wrong: If it's length
+      exceeded the 16 bytes available in 'k', passing a length value of 16
+      to strncpy() would overwrite the previously NULL'ed 'k[15]'. Also, the
+      sanitization has to happen if 'tname' is exactly 16 bytes long as
+      well.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/m_xt.c | 7 ++++---
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_xt.c b/tc/m_xt.c
+index ad52d239caf61..9218b14594403 100644
+--- a/tc/m_xt.c
++++ b/tc/m_xt.c
+@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ build_st(struct xtables_target *target, struct xt_entry_target *t)
+ 	if (t == NULL) {
+ 		target->t = xtables_calloc(1, size);
+ 		target->t->u.target_size = size;
+-		strcpy(target->t->u.user.name, target->name);
++		strncpy(target->t->u.user.name, target->name,
++			sizeof(target->t->u.user.name) - 1);
+ 		target->t->u.user.revision = target->revision;
+ 		if (target->init != NULL)
+@@ -277,8 +278,8 @@ static int parse_ipt(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p,
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf(stdout, " index %d\n", index);
+-	if (strlen(tname) > 16) {
+-		size = 16;
++	if (strlen(tname) >= 16) {
++		size = 15;
+ 		k[15] = 0;
+ 	} else {
+ 		size = 1 + strlen(tname);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0110-lib-ll_map-Choose-size-of-new-cache-items-at-run-tim.patch b/SOURCES/0110-lib-ll_map-Choose-size-of-new-cache-items-at-run-tim.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea22e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0110-lib-ll_map-Choose-size-of-new-cache-items-at-run-tim.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From 6ab89ff96d59c90cd6227399a065d52cc38e0ee7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/ll_map: Choose size of new cache items at run-time
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 4b9e91782269f
+commit 4b9e91782269fc871d158ed4f11bfcfe4e3b8bf7
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:51:50 2017 +0200
+    lib/ll_map: Choose size of new cache items at run-time
+    Instead of having a fixed buffer of 16 bytes for the interface name,
+    tailor size of new ll_cache entry using the interface name's actual
+    length. This also makes sure the following call to strcpy() is safe.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/ll_map.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/ll_map.c b/lib/ll_map.c
+index 4e4556c9ac80b..70684b02042b6 100644
+--- a/lib/ll_map.c
++++ b/lib/ll_map.c
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ struct ll_cache {
+ 	unsigned	flags;
+ 	unsigned 	index;
+ 	unsigned short	type;
+-	char		name[IFNAMSIZ];
++	char		name[];
+ };
+ #define IDXMAP_SIZE	1024
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ int ll_remember_index(const struct sockaddr_nl *who,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	im = malloc(sizeof(*im));
++	im = malloc(sizeof(*im) + strlen(ifname) + 1);
+ 	if (im == NULL)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	im->index = ifi->ifi_index;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0111-ss-Make-struct-tcpstat-fields-timer-and-timeout-unsi.patch b/SOURCES/0111-ss-Make-struct-tcpstat-fields-timer-and-timeout-unsi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0561037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0111-ss-Make-struct-tcpstat-fields-timer-and-timeout-unsi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+From ca6a2e6f21fc48b494216a095f5bd792a0c6e35d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Make struct tcpstat fields 'timer' and 'timeout' unsigned
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 4cbf5224f2b50
+commit 4cbf5224f2b50a24e1873508e7a0f1f81cc81a81
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:26 2017 +0200
+    ss: Make struct tcpstat fields 'timer' and 'timeout' unsigned
+    Both 'timer' and 'timeout' variables of struct tcpstat are either
+    scanned as unsigned values from /proc/net/tcp{,6} or copied from
+    'idiag_timer' and 'idiag_expries' fields of struct inet_diag_msg, which
+    itself are unsigned. Therefore they may be unsigned as well, which
+    eliminates the need to check for negative values.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 8 +++-----
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index 7a38e9d830e8d..2a981d8b06918 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ struct dctcpstat {
+ struct tcpstat {
+ 	struct sockstat	    ss;
+-	int		    timer;
+-	int		    timeout;
++	unsigned int	    timer;
++	unsigned int	    timeout;
+ 	int		    probes;
+ 	char		    cong_alg[16];
+ 	double		    rto, ato, rtt, rttvar;
+@@ -903,13 +903,11 @@ static void sock_addr_print(const char *addr, char *delim, const char *port,
+ 	sock_addr_print_width(addr_width, addr, delim, serv_width, port, ifname);
+ }
+-static const char *print_ms_timer(int timeout)
++static const char *print_ms_timer(unsigned int timeout)
+ {
+ 	static char buf[64];
+ 	int secs, msecs, minutes;
+-	if (timeout < 0)
+-		timeout = 0;
+ 	secs = timeout/1000;
+ 	minutes = secs/60;
+ 	secs = secs%60;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0112-ss-Make-sure-scanned-index-value-to-unix_state_map-i.patch b/SOURCES/0112-ss-Make-sure-scanned-index-value-to-unix_state_map-i.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48630b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0112-ss-Make-sure-scanned-index-value-to-unix_state_map-i.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From f92edf9b3d088bf8a5619073de43b2f693590be8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: Make sure scanned index value to unix_state_map is sane
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 0aa03350c00d7
+commit 0aa03350c00d70edbbdab0662a2d8262be2bb68d
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:27 2017 +0200
+    ss: Make sure scanned index value to unix_state_map is sane
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/ss.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index 2a981d8b06918..fdb00a9f3f696 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -3236,7 +3236,8 @@ static int unix_show(struct filter *f)
+ 		if (flags & (1 << 16)) {
+ 			u->state = SS_LISTEN;
+-		} else {
++		} else if (u->state > 0 &&
++			   u->state <= ARRAY_SIZE(unix_state_map)) {
+ 			u->state = unix_state_map[u->state-1];
+ 			if (u->type == SOCK_DGRAM && u->state == SS_CLOSE && u->rport)
+ 				u->state = SS_ESTABLISHED;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0113-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fscanf.patch b/SOURCES/0113-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fscanf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2b9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0113-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fscanf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From d533a60518e79593c6a1813a6f44aa3889045120 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] netem/maketable: Check return value of fscanf()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 92963d136de8c
+commit 92963d136de8c370324716add98888b2ce6e6a94
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:28 2017 +0200
+    netem/maketable: Check return value of fscanf()
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ netem/maketable.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/netem/maketable.c b/netem/maketable.c
+index ad660e7d457f0..ccb8f0c68b062 100644
+--- a/netem/maketable.c
++++ b/netem/maketable.c
+@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ readdoubles(FILE *fp, int *number)
+ 	}
+ 	for (i=0; i<limit; ++i){
+-		fscanf(fp, "%lf", &x[i]);
+-		if (feof(fp))
++		if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &x[i]) != 1 ||
++		    feof(fp))
+ 			break;
+ 		++n;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0114-lib-bpf-Check-return-value-of-write.patch b/SOURCES/0114-lib-bpf-Check-return-value-of-write.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..728cf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0114-lib-bpf-Check-return-value-of-write.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 78f4b87c3f014e378377d3ecc55d1ec46cd57b51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/bpf: Check return value of write()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit b5c78e1b2c868
+commit b5c78e1b2c8681e82684f47563acd3d383893658
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:29 2017 +0200
+    lib/bpf: Check return value of write()
+    This is merely to silence the compiler warning. If write to stderr
+    failed, assume that printing an error message will fail as well so don't
+    even try.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/bpf.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/bpf.c b/lib/bpf.c
+index 33c5288e82187..7eb754ad7cb56 100644
+--- a/lib/bpf.c
++++ b/lib/bpf.c
+@@ -486,7 +486,8 @@ int bpf_trace_pipe(void)
+ 		ret = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
+ 		if (ret > 0) {
+-			write(2, buff, ret);
++			if (write(STDERR_FILENO, buff, ret) != ret)
++				return -1;
+ 			fflush(stderr);
+ 		}
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0115-lib-fs-Fix-and-simplify-make_path.patch b/SOURCES/0115-lib-fs-Fix-and-simplify-make_path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3137352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0115-lib-fs-Fix-and-simplify-make_path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 7ab899539b920609712ad24f871b50a19fd8189f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/fs: Fix and simplify make_path()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit ac3415f5c1b1d
+commit ac3415f5c1b1df2d6a4bf770ad52e2e14c09e58e
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:30 2017 +0200
+    lib/fs: Fix and simplify make_path()
+    Calling stat() before mkdir() is racey: The entry might change in
+    between. Also, the call to stat() seems to exist only to check if the
+    directory exists already. So simply call mkdir() unconditionally and
+    catch only errors other than EEXIST.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/fs.c | 20 +++++---------------
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/fs.c b/lib/fs.c
+index 1ff881ecfcd8c..ebe05cd44e11b 100644
+--- a/lib/fs.c
++++ b/lib/fs.c
+@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ out:
+ int make_path(const char *path, mode_t mode)
+ {
+ 	char *dir, *delim;
+-	struct stat sbuf;
+ 	int rc = -1;
+ 	delim = dir = strdup(path);
+@@ -120,20 +119,11 @@ int make_path(const char *path, mode_t mode)
+ 		if (delim)
+ 			*delim = '\0';
+-		if (stat(dir, &sbuf) != 0) {
+-			if (errno != ENOENT) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,
+-					"stat failed for %s: %s\n",
+-					dir, strerror(errno));
+-				goto out;
+-			}
+-			if (mkdir(dir, mode) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,
+-					"mkdir failed for %s: %s\n",
+-					dir, strerror(errno));
+-				goto out;
+-			}
++		rc = mkdir(dir, mode);
++		if (mkdir(dir, mode) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "mkdir failed for %s: %s\n",
++				dir, strerror(errno));
++			goto out;
+ 		}
+ 		if (delim == NULL)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0116-lib-libnetlink-Don-t-pass-NULL-parameter-to-memcpy.patch b/SOURCES/0116-lib-libnetlink-Don-t-pass-NULL-parameter-to-memcpy.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcbfc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0116-lib-libnetlink-Don-t-pass-NULL-parameter-to-memcpy.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+From 8af39fdff4f966d00571bda2610eac8fae2f7482 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lib/libnetlink: Don't pass NULL parameter to memcpy()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 893deac4c43b5
+commit 893deac4c43b57ae49f736ec050724b6de181062
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Thu Aug 24 11:41:31 2017 +0200
+    lib/libnetlink: Don't pass NULL parameter to memcpy()
+    Both addattr_l() and rta_addattr_l() may be called with NULL data
+    pointer and 0 alen parameters. Avoid calling memcpy() in that case.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/libnetlink.c | 6 ++++--
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/libnetlink.c b/lib/libnetlink.c
+index 75e20abf0b97f..ff26ddf50552b 100644
+--- a/lib/libnetlink.c
++++ b/lib/libnetlink.c
+@@ -898,7 +898,8 @@ int addattr_l(struct nlmsghdr *n, int maxlen, int type, const void *data,
+ 	rta = NLMSG_TAIL(n);
+ 	rta->rta_type = type;
+ 	rta->rta_len = len;
+-	memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), data, alen);
++	if (alen)
++		memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), data, alen);
+ 	n->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len) + RTA_ALIGN(len);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -985,7 +986,8 @@ int rta_addattr_l(struct rtattr *rta, int maxlen, int type,
+ 	subrta = (struct rtattr *)(((char *)rta) + RTA_ALIGN(rta->rta_len));
+ 	subrta->rta_type = type;
+ 	subrta->rta_len = len;
+-	memcpy(RTA_DATA(subrta), data, alen);
++	if (alen)
++		memcpy(RTA_DATA(subrta), data, alen);
+ 	rta->rta_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(rta->rta_len) + RTA_ALIGN(len);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0117-utils-Implement-strlcpy-and-strlcat.patch b/SOURCES/0117-utils-Implement-strlcpy-and-strlcat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660b433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0117-utils-Implement-strlcpy-and-strlcat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 3bcdea42e7402e79a914fe3cbefdcc1caa89464c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] utils: Implement strlcpy() and strlcat()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 8d15e012a3227
+commit 8d15e012a3227d79295cd95582bb6d8a6f0bdc92
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:51 2017 +0200
+    utils: Implement strlcpy() and strlcat()
+    By making use of strncpy(), both implementations are really simple so
+    there is no need to add libbsd as additional dependency.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ include/utils.h |  3 +++
+ lib/utils.c     | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/include/utils.h b/include/utils.h
+index d707a9dacdb85..d596a6fc10574 100644
+--- a/include/utils.h
++++ b/include/utils.h
+@@ -264,4 +264,7 @@ int make_path(const char *path, mode_t mode);
+ char *find_cgroup2_mount(void);
+ int get_command_name(const char *pid, char *comm, size_t len);
++size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
++size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);
+ #endif /* __UTILS_H__ */
+diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c
+index fc9c575ba0c7d..c9ba2f332c2a7 100644
+--- a/lib/utils.c
++++ b/lib/utils.c
+@@ -1228,3 +1228,22 @@ int get_real_family(int rtm_type, int rtm_family)
+ 	return rtm_family;
+ }
++size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
++	if (size) {
++		strncpy(dst, src, size - 1);
++		dst[size - 1] = '\0';
++	}
++	return strlen(src);
++size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
++	size_t dlen = strlen(dst);
++	if (dlen > size)
++		return dlen + strlen(src);
++	return dlen + strlcpy(dst + dlen, src, size - dlen);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0118-Convert-the-obvious-cases-to-strlcpy.patch b/SOURCES/0118-Convert-the-obvious-cases-to-strlcpy.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200a2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0118-Convert-the-obvious-cases-to-strlcpy.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+From e557cf7984d2f06aff158a9089e714e5f445d3ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:08:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Convert the obvious cases to strlcpy()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 18f156bfecda2
+* on iproute_lwtunnel.c, due to missing commit
+  e8493916a8ede ("iproute: add support for SR-IPv6 lwtunnel encapsulation")
+* on lib/bpf.c, due to missing commit
+  95ae9a4870e7d ("bpf: fix mnt path when from env")
+  fix bpf_find_mntpt() in this case, instead.
+commit 18f156bfecda20166c2fb543ba8c9c6559edef9c
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:52 2017 +0200
+    Convert the obvious cases to strlcpy()
+    This converts the typical idiom of manually terminating the buffer after
+    a call to strncpy().
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipnetns.c     | 3 +--
+ ip/ipvrf.c       | 3 +--
+ lib/bpf.c        | 3 +--
+ lib/fs.c         | 3 +--
+ lib/inet_proto.c | 3 +--
+ misc/ss.c        | 3 +--
+ tc/em_ipset.c    | 3 +--
+ 7 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipnetns.c b/ip/ipnetns.c
+index 1c0ade90dee5e..427b59c57381d 100644
+--- a/ip/ipnetns.c
++++ b/ip/ipnetns.c
+@@ -523,8 +523,7 @@ int netns_identify_pid(const char *pidstr, char *name, int len)
+ 		if ((st.st_dev == netst.st_dev) &&
+ 		    (st.st_ino == netst.st_ino)) {
+-			strncpy(name, entry->d_name, len - 1);
+-			name[len - 1] = '\0';
++			strlcpy(name, entry->d_name, len);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	closedir(dir);
+diff --git a/ip/ipvrf.c b/ip/ipvrf.c
+index ae3b48fa81996..f58c8df728265 100644
+--- a/ip/ipvrf.c
++++ b/ip/ipvrf.c
+@@ -333,8 +333,7 @@ static int vrf_path(char *vpath, size_t len)
+ 		if (vrf)
+ 			*vrf = '\0';
+-		strncpy(vpath, start, len - 1);
+-		vpath[len - 1] = '\0';
++		strlcpy(vpath, start, len);
+ 		/* if vrf path is just / then return nothing */
+ 		if (!strcmp(vpath, "/"))
+diff --git a/lib/bpf.c b/lib/bpf.c
+index 7eb754ad7cb56..e072cba214067 100644
+--- a/lib/bpf.c
++++ b/lib/bpf.c
+@@ -424,8 +424,7 @@ static const char *bpf_find_mntpt(const char *fstype, unsigned long magic,
+ 		ptr = known_mnts;
+ 		while (*ptr) {
+ 			if (bpf_valid_mntpt(*ptr, magic) == 0) {
+-				strncpy(mnt, *ptr, len - 1);
+-				mnt[len - 1] = 0;
++				strlcpy(mnt, *ptr, len);
+ 				return mnt;
+ 			}
+ 			ptr++;
+diff --git a/lib/fs.c b/lib/fs.c
+index ebe05cd44e11b..86efd4ed2ed80 100644
+--- a/lib/fs.c
++++ b/lib/fs.c
+@@ -172,8 +172,7 @@ int get_command_name(const char *pid, char *comm, size_t len)
+ 		if (nl)
+ 			*nl = '\0';
+-		strncpy(comm, name, len - 1);
+-		comm[len - 1] = '\0';
++		strlcpy(comm, name, len);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/lib/inet_proto.c b/lib/inet_proto.c
+index 53c029039b6d5..bdfd52fdafe5a 100644
+--- a/lib/inet_proto.c
++++ b/lib/inet_proto.c
+@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ const char *inet_proto_n2a(int proto, char *buf, int len)
+ 			free(ncache);
+ 		icache = proto;
+ 		ncache = strdup(pe->p_name);
+-		strncpy(buf, pe->p_name, len - 1);
+-		buf[len - 1] = '\0';
++		strlcpy(buf, pe->p_name, len);
+ 		return buf;
+ 	}
+ 	snprintf(buf, len, "ipproto-%d", proto);
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index fdb00a9f3f696..6aaae1b5390e4 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -444,8 +444,7 @@ static void user_ent_hash_build(void)
+ 	user_ent_hash_build_init = 1;
+-	strncpy(name, root, sizeof(name)-1);
+-	name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0;
++	strlcpy(name, root, sizeof(name));
+ 	if (strlen(name) == 0 || name[strlen(name)-1] != '/')
+ 		strcat(name, "/");
+diff --git a/tc/em_ipset.c b/tc/em_ipset.c
+index b59756515d239..48b287f5ba3b2 100644
+--- a/tc/em_ipset.c
++++ b/tc/em_ipset.c
+@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ get_set_byname(const char *setname, struct xt_set_info *info)
+ 	int res;
+ 	req.op = IP_SET_OP_GET_BYNAME;
+-	strncpy(req.set.name, setname, IPSET_MAXNAMELEN);
+-	req.set.name[IPSET_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
++	strlcpy(req.set.name, setname, IPSET_MAXNAMELEN);
+ 	res = do_getsockopt(&req);
+ 	if (res != 0)
+ 		return -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0119-Convert-harmful-calls-to-strncpy-to-strlcpy.patch b/SOURCES/0119-Convert-harmful-calls-to-strncpy-to-strlcpy.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6b156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0119-Convert-harmful-calls-to-strncpy-to-strlcpy.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From 9556150792daf8f2fbea934bcb77b4b74a21b2e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:12 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Convert harmful calls to strncpy() to strlcpy()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 532b8874fe545
+commit 532b8874fe545acaa8d45c4dd3b54b8f3bb41d9f
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:53 2017 +0200
+    Convert harmful calls to strncpy() to strlcpy()
+    This patch converts spots where manual buffer termination was missing to
+    strlcpy() since that does what is needed.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ genl/ctrl.c     | 2 +-
+ ip/ipvrf.c      | 2 +-
+ ip/xfrm_state.c | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/genl/ctrl.c b/genl/ctrl.c
+index 21e857cfcfc25..a6d31b04e5679 100644
+--- a/genl/ctrl.c
++++ b/genl/ctrl.c
+@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static int ctrl_list(int cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(d, *argv, sizeof (d) - 1);
++			strlcpy(d, *argv, sizeof(d));
+ 			addattr_l(nlh, 128, CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME,
+ 				  d, strlen(d) + 1);
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "id") == 0) {
+diff --git a/ip/ipvrf.c b/ip/ipvrf.c
+index f58c8df728265..406cddbcd44ca 100644
+--- a/ip/ipvrf.c
++++ b/ip/ipvrf.c
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static int vrf_identify(pid_t pid, char *name, size_t len)
+ 			if (end)
+ 				*end = '\0';
+-			strncpy(name, vrf, len - 1);
++			strlcpy(name, vrf, len);
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+diff --git a/ip/xfrm_state.c b/ip/xfrm_state.c
+index 04ed3492ad3b5..2222737cdd98d 100644
+--- a/ip/xfrm_state.c
++++ b/ip/xfrm_state.c
+@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static int xfrm_algo_parse(struct xfrm_algo *alg, enum xfrm_attr_type_t type,
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "warning: ALGO-NAME/ALGO-KEYMAT values will be sent to the kernel promiscuously! (verifying them isn't implemented yet)\n");
+ #endif
+-	strncpy(alg->alg_name, name, sizeof(alg->alg_name));
++	strlcpy(alg->alg_name, name, sizeof(alg->alg_name));
+ 	if (slen > 2 && strncmp(key, "0x", 2) == 0) {
+ 		/* split two chars "0x" from the top */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0120-ipxfrm-Replace-STRBUF_CAT-macro-with-strlcat.patch b/SOURCES/0120-ipxfrm-Replace-STRBUF_CAT-macro-with-strlcat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea251a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0120-ipxfrm-Replace-STRBUF_CAT-macro-with-strlcat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From 65d69021e5b8998cec1e7a13b8b297bfc606f9fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:12 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ipxfrm: Replace STRBUF_CAT macro with strlcat()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 44cc6c792a650
+commit 44cc6c792a6503e024f042c65f35cd44b3283b20
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:54 2017 +0200
+    ipxfrm: Replace STRBUF_CAT macro with strlcat()
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ipxfrm.c | 21 +++++----------------
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ipxfrm.c b/ip/ipxfrm.c
+index b0cfac178f8bc..df72a0c0bf88e 100644
+--- a/ip/ipxfrm.c
++++ b/ip/ipxfrm.c
+@@ -40,17 +40,6 @@
+ #include "ip_common.h"
+ #define STRBUF_SIZE	(128)
+-#define STRBUF_CAT(buf, str) \
+-	do { \
+-		int rest = sizeof(buf) - 1 - strlen(buf); \
+-		if (rest > 0) { \
+-			int len = strlen(str); \
+-			if (len > rest) \
+-				len = rest; \
+-			strncat(buf, str, len); \
+-			buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; \
+-		} \
+-	} while (0);
+ struct xfrm_filter filter;
+@@ -883,8 +872,8 @@ void xfrm_state_info_print(struct xfrm_usersa_info *xsinfo,
+ 			   prefix, title);
+ 	if (prefix)
+-		STRBUF_CAT(buf, prefix);
+-	STRBUF_CAT(buf, "\t");
++		strlcat(buf, prefix, sizeof(buf));
++	strlcat(buf, "\t", sizeof(buf));
+ 	fputs(buf, fp);
+ 	fprintf(fp, "replay-window %u ", xsinfo->replay_window);
+@@ -925,7 +914,7 @@ void xfrm_state_info_print(struct xfrm_usersa_info *xsinfo,
+ 		char sbuf[STRBUF_SIZE];
+ 		memcpy(sbuf, buf, sizeof(sbuf));
+-		STRBUF_CAT(sbuf, "sel ");
++		strlcat(sbuf, "sel ", sizeof(sbuf));
+ 		xfrm_selector_print(&xsinfo->sel, xsinfo->family, fp, sbuf);
+ 	}
+@@ -973,8 +962,8 @@ void xfrm_policy_info_print(struct xfrm_userpolicy_info *xpinfo,
+ 	}
+ 	if (prefix)
+-		STRBUF_CAT(buf, prefix);
+-	STRBUF_CAT(buf, "\t");
++		strlcat(buf, prefix, sizeof(buf));
++	strlcat(buf, "\t", sizeof(buf));
+ 	fputs(buf, fp);
+ 	if (xpinfo->dir >= XFRM_POLICY_MAX) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0121-tc_util-No-need-to-terminate-an-snprintf-ed-buffer.patch b/SOURCES/0121-tc_util-No-need-to-terminate-an-snprintf-ed-buffer.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da2efeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0121-tc_util-No-need-to-terminate-an-snprintf-ed-buffer.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From 42b9cc605f54f2a3ad75a29b5f2fc308bfe5fc61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:12 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc_util: No need to terminate an snprintf'ed buffer
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 9376314b49a47
+commit 9376314b49a47eb42ade3fc0d41cb51438f8dbc6
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:55 2017 +0200
+    tc_util: No need to terminate an snprintf'ed buffer
+    snprintf() won't leave the buffer unterminated, so manually terminating
+    is not necessary here.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/tc_util.c | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 24ca1f1c1c040..296825ae174e0 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -430,7 +430,6 @@ const char *action_n2a(int action)
+ 		return "stolen";
+ 	default:
+ 		snprintf(buf, 64, "%d", action);
+-		buf[63] = '\0';
+ 		return buf;
+ 	}
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0122-lnstat_util-Make-sure-buffer-is-NUL-terminated.patch b/SOURCES/0122-lnstat_util-Make-sure-buffer-is-NUL-terminated.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ccdc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0122-lnstat_util-Make-sure-buffer-is-NUL-terminated.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From ed508c9ee5991655039d2b080191b1c70680b5c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:12 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] lnstat_util: Make sure buffer is NUL-terminated
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit bc4a57b87990b
+commit bc4a57b87990b30c85fdf0efbc1f8f219466daf4
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Fri Sep 1 18:52:56 2017 +0200
+    lnstat_util: Make sure buffer is NUL-terminated
+    Can't use strlcpy() here since lnstat is not linked against libutil.
+    While being at it, fix coding style in that chunk as well.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ misc/lnstat_util.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/misc/lnstat_util.c b/misc/lnstat_util.c
+index ec19238c24b94..c2dc42ec1ff12 100644
+--- a/misc/lnstat_util.c
++++ b/misc/lnstat_util.c
+@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ static int lnstat_scan_compat_rtstat_fields(struct lnstat_file *lf)
+ {
+ 	char buf[FGETS_BUF_SIZE];
+-	strncpy(buf, RTSTAT_COMPAT_LINE, sizeof(buf)-1);
++	strncpy(buf, RTSTAT_COMPAT_LINE, sizeof(buf) - 1);
++	buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ 	return __lnstat_scan_fields(lf, buf);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0123-utils-strlcpy-and-strlcat-don-t-clobber-dst.patch b/SOURCES/0123-utils-strlcpy-and-strlcat-don-t-clobber-dst.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230f3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0123-utils-strlcpy-and-strlcat-don-t-clobber-dst.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From 866b995355894ab8f20d22a554d47322dcf1029a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:13 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] utils: strlcpy() and strlcat() don't clobber dst
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 50ea3c64384b1
+commit 50ea3c64384b1d1bfa9c96de86c21ac8e9fef183
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Wed Sep 6 18:51:42 2017 +0200
+    utils: strlcpy() and strlcat() don't clobber dst
+    As David Laight correctly pointed out, the first version of strlcpy()
+    modified dst buffer behind the string copied into it. Fix this by
+    writing NUL to the byte immediately following src string instead of to
+    the last byte in dst. Doing so also allows to reduce overhead by using
+    memcpy().
+    Improve strlcat() by avoiding the call to strlcpy() if dst string is
+    already full, not just as sanity check.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ lib/utils.c | 12 ++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c
+index c9ba2f332c2a7..228d97bfe5e9b 100644
+--- a/lib/utils.c
++++ b/lib/utils.c
+@@ -1231,18 +1231,22 @@ int get_real_family(int rtm_type, int rtm_family)
+ size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
+ {
++	size_t srclen = strlen(src);
+ 	if (size) {
+-		strncpy(dst, src, size - 1);
+-		dst[size - 1] = '\0';
++		size_t minlen = min(srclen, size - 1);
++		memcpy(dst, src, minlen);
++		dst[minlen] = '\0';
+ 	}
+-	return strlen(src);
++	return srclen;
+ }
+ size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
+ {
+ 	size_t dlen = strlen(dst);
+-	if (dlen > size)
++	if (dlen >= size)
+ 		return dlen + strlen(src);
+ 	return dlen + strlcpy(dst + dlen, src, size - dlen);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0124-ip-6-tunnel-Avoid-copying-user-supplied-interface-na.patch b/SOURCES/0124-ip-6-tunnel-Avoid-copying-user-supplied-interface-na.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8881924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0124-ip-6-tunnel-Avoid-copying-user-supplied-interface-na.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+From 74331750f118690ca3c375e52b10272b992320e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:13 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ip{6, }tunnel: Avoid copying user-supplied interface name
+ around
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 26111ab1dba82
+commit 26111ab1dba820421ccaf283ac097a79b95023a2
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Oct 2 13:46:35 2017 +0200
+    ip{6, }tunnel: Avoid copying user-supplied interface name around
+    In both files' parse_args() functions as well as in iptunnel's do_prl()
+    and do_6rd() functions, a user-supplied 'dev' parameter is uselessly
+    copied into a temporary buffer before passing it to ll_name_to_index()
+    or copying into a struct ifreq.  Avoid this by just caching the argv
+    pointer value until the later lookup/strcpy.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ ip/ip6tunnel.c |  6 +++---
+ ip/iptunnel.c  | 22 +++++++++-------------
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/ip6tunnel.c b/ip/ip6tunnel.c
+index b4a7def144226..c12d700e74189 100644
+--- a/ip/ip6tunnel.c
++++ b/ip/ip6tunnel.c
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static void print_tunnel(struct ip6_tnl_parm2 *p)
+ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip6_tnl_parm2 *p)
+ {
+ 	int count = 0;
+-	char medium[IFNAMSIZ] = {};
++	const char *medium = NULL;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (strcmp(*argv, "mode") == 0) {
+@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip6_tnl_parm2 *p)
+ 			memcpy(&p->laddr, &laddr.data, sizeof(p->laddr));
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(medium, *argv, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
++			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "encaplimit") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (strcmp(*argv, "none") == 0) {
+@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip6_tnl_parm2 *p)
+ 		count++;
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+-	if (medium[0]) {
++	if (medium) {
+ 		p->link = ll_name_to_index(medium);
+ 		if (p->link == 0) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", medium);
+diff --git a/ip/iptunnel.c b/ip/iptunnel.c
+index 105d0f5576f1a..0acfd0793d3cd 100644
+--- a/ip/iptunnel.c
++++ b/ip/iptunnel.c
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ static void set_tunnel_proto(struct ip_tunnel_parm *p, int proto)
+ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
+ {
+ 	int count = 0;
+-	char medium[IFNAMSIZ] = {};
++	const char *medium = NULL;
+ 	int isatap = 0;
+ 	memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
+ 				p->iph.saddr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(medium, *argv, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
++			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "ttl") == 0 ||
+ 			   strcmp(*argv, "hoplimit") == 0 ||
+ 			   strcmp(*argv, "hlim") == 0) {
+@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (medium[0]) {
++	if (medium) {
+ 		p->link = ll_name_to_index(medium);
+ 		if (p->link == 0) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", medium);
+@@ -465,9 +465,8 @@ static int do_prl(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ 	struct ip_tunnel_prl p = {};
+ 	int count = 0;
+-	int devname = 0;
+ 	int cmd = 0;
+-	char medium[IFNAMSIZ] = {};
++	const char *medium = NULL;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (strcmp(*argv, "prl-default") == 0) {
+@@ -488,8 +487,7 @@ static int do_prl(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			count++;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(medium, *argv, IFNAMSIZ-1);
+-			devname++;
++			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else {
+ 			fprintf(stderr,
+ 				"Invalid PRL parameter \"%s\"\n", *argv);
+@@ -502,7 +500,7 @@ static int do_prl(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		}
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+-	if (devname == 0) {
++	if (!medium) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify device\n");
+ 		exit(-1);
+ 	}
+@@ -513,9 +511,8 @@ static int do_prl(int argc, char **argv)
+ static int do_6rd(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ 	struct ip_tunnel_6rd ip6rd = {};
+-	int devname = 0;
+ 	int cmd = 0;
+-	char medium[IFNAMSIZ] = {};
++	const char *medium = NULL;
+ 	inet_prefix prefix;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+@@ -537,8 +534,7 @@ static int do_6rd(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			cmd = SIOCDEL6RD;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(medium, *argv, IFNAMSIZ-1);
+-			devname++;
++			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else {
+ 			fprintf(stderr,
+ 				"Invalid 6RD parameter \"%s\"\n", *argv);
+@@ -546,7 +542,7 @@ static int do_6rd(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		}
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+-	if (devname == 0) {
++	if (!medium) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify device\n");
+ 		exit(-1);
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0125-tc-flower-No-need-to-cache-indev-arg.patch b/SOURCES/0125-tc-flower-No-need-to-cache-indev-arg.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6312ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0125-tc-flower-No-need-to-cache-indev-arg.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From 85bcdf3ca3a76ce3b4f62769aa64adcb1c849082 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:13 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: flower: No need to cache indev arg
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit ee474849c8511
+commit ee474849c85116ec36e387882447f737ac3fdefb
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Oct 2 13:46:36 2017 +0200
+    tc: flower: No need to cache indev arg
+    Since addattrstrz() will copy the provided string into the attribute
+    payload, there is no need to cache the data.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/f_flower.c | 5 +----
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/f_flower.c b/tc/f_flower.c
+index e2c7daa0b8e03..34249254603ff 100644
+--- a/tc/f_flower.c
++++ b/tc/f_flower.c
+@@ -642,11 +642,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "skip_sw") == 0) {
+ 			flags |= TCA_CLS_FLAGS_SKIP_SW;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "indev") == 0) {
+-			char ifname[IFNAMSIZ] = {};
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(ifname, *argv, sizeof(ifname) - 1);
+-			addattrstrz(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_FLOWER_INDEV, ifname);
++			addattrstrz(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_FLOWER_INDEV, *argv);
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "vlan_id") == 0) {
+ 			__u16 vid;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0126-Check-user-supplied-interface-name-lengths.patch b/SOURCES/0126-Check-user-supplied-interface-name-lengths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada9ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0126-Check-user-supplied-interface-name-lengths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+From 358ca205cfc9646aefae6572607a0a1363086e51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 20:09:13 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Check user supplied interface name lengths
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 625df645b703d
+commit 625df645b703dc858d54784c35beff64464afae2
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Mon Oct 2 13:46:37 2017 +0200
+    Check user supplied interface name lengths
+    The original problem was that something like:
+    | strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ);
+    might leave ifr.ifr_name unterminated if length of *argv exceeds
+    IFNAMSIZ. In order to fix this, I thought about replacing all those
+    cases with (equivalent) calls to snprintf() or even introducing
+    strlcpy(). But as Ulrich Drepper correctly pointed out when rejecting
+    the latter from being added to glibc, truncating a string without
+    notifying the user is not to be considered good practice. So let's
+    excercise what he suggested and reject empty, overlong or otherwise
+    invalid interface names right from the start - this way calls to
+    strncpy() like shown above become safe and the user has a chance to
+    reconsider what he was trying to do.
+    Note that this doesn't add calls to check_ifname() to all places where
+    user supplied interface name is parsed. In many cases, the interface
+    must exist already and is therefore looked up using ll_name_to_index(),
+    so if_nametoindex() will perform the necessary checks already.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ include/utils.h |  2 ++
+ ip/ip6tunnel.c  |  3 ++-
+ ip/ipl2tp.c     |  4 +++-
+ ip/iplink.c     | 31 ++++++++++++-------------------
+ ip/ipmaddr.c    |  3 ++-
+ ip/iprule.c     | 10 ++++++++--
+ ip/iptunnel.c   |  7 ++++++-
+ ip/iptuntap.c   |  6 ++++--
+ lib/utils.c     | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ misc/arpd.c     |  3 ++-
+ tc/f_flower.c   |  2 ++
+ 11 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/utils.h b/include/utils.h
+index d596a6fc10574..0382460136180 100644
+--- a/include/utils.h
++++ b/include/utils.h
+@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ void missarg(const char *) __attribute__((noreturn));
+ void invarg(const char *, const char *) __attribute__((noreturn));
+ void duparg(const char *, const char *) __attribute__((noreturn));
+ void duparg2(const char *, const char *) __attribute__((noreturn));
++int check_ifname(const char *);
++int get_ifname(char *, const char *);
+ int matches(const char *arg, const char *pattern);
+ int inet_addr_match(const inet_prefix *a, const inet_prefix *b, int bits);
+diff --git a/ip/ip6tunnel.c b/ip/ip6tunnel.c
+index c12d700e74189..bc44bef7f030c 100644
+--- a/ip/ip6tunnel.c
++++ b/ip/ip6tunnel.c
+@@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip6_tnl_parm2 *p)
+ 				usage();
+ 			if (p->name[0])
+ 				duparg2("name", *argv);
+-			strncpy(p->name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
++			if (get_ifname(p->name, *argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			if (cmd == SIOCCHGTUNNEL && count == 0) {
+ 				struct ip6_tnl_parm2 old_p = {};
+diff --git a/ip/ipl2tp.c b/ip/ipl2tp.c
+index 742adbe4f9c3a..7c5ed313b186f 100644
+--- a/ip/ipl2tp.c
++++ b/ip/ipl2tp.c
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ static int create_session(struct l2tp_parm *p)
+ 	if (p->peer_cookie_len)
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, 1024, L2TP_ATTR_PEER_COOKIE,
+ 			  p->peer_cookie,  p->peer_cookie_len);
+-	if (p->ifname && p->ifname[0])
++	if (p->ifname)
+ 		addattrstrz(&req.n, 1024, L2TP_ATTR_IFNAME, p->ifname);
+ 	if (rtnl_talk(&genl_rth, &req.n, NULL) < 0)
+@@ -545,6 +545,8 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct l2tp_parm *p)
+ 			}
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			p->ifname = *argv;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "remote") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/ip/iplink.c b/ip/iplink.c
+index db5b2c9645ba8..50f1075d94171 100644
+--- a/ip/iplink.c
++++ b/ip/iplink.c
+@@ -581,6 +581,8 @@ int iplink_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct iplink_req *req,
+ 			req->i.ifi_flags &= ~IFF_UP;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			*name = *argv;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+@@ -848,6 +850,8 @@ int iplink_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct iplink_req *req,
+ 				NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (*dev)
+ 				duparg2("dev", *argv);
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			*dev = *argv;
+ 			dev_index = ll_name_to_index(*dev);
+ 		}
+@@ -870,7 +874,6 @@ int iplink_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct iplink_req *req,
+ static int iplink_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+-	int len;
+ 	char *dev = NULL;
+ 	char *name = NULL;
+ 	char *link = NULL;
+@@ -960,13 +963,8 @@ static int iplink_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	}
+ 	if (name) {
+-		len = strlen(name) + 1;
+-		if (len == 1)
+-			invarg("\"\" is not a valid device identifier\n",
+-			       "name");
+-		if (len > IFNAMSIZ)
+-			invarg("\"name\" too long\n", name);
+-		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), IFLA_IFNAME, name, len);
++		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req),
++			  IFLA_IFNAME, name, strlen(name) + 1);
+ 	}
+ 	if (type) {
+@@ -1016,7 +1014,6 @@ static int iplink_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ int iplink_get(unsigned int flags, char *name, __u32 filt_mask)
+ {
+-	int len;
+ 	struct iplink_req req = {
+ 		.n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)),
+ 		.n.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | flags,
+@@ -1026,13 +1023,8 @@ int iplink_get(unsigned int flags, char *name, __u32 filt_mask)
+ 	struct nlmsghdr *answer;
+ 	if (name) {
+-		len = strlen(name) + 1;
+-		if (len == 1)
+-			invarg("\"\" is not a valid device identifier\n",
+-				   "name");
+-		if (len > IFNAMSIZ)
+-			invarg("\"name\" too long\n", name);
+-		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), IFLA_IFNAME, name, len);
++		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req),
++			  IFLA_IFNAME, name, strlen(name) + 1);
+ 	}
+ 	addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req), IFLA_EXT_MASK, filt_mask);
+@@ -1256,6 +1248,8 @@ static int do_set(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			flags &= ~IFF_UP;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			newname = *argv;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "address") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+@@ -1346,6 +1340,8 @@ static int do_set(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			if (dev)
+ 				duparg2("dev", *argv);
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			dev = *argv;
+ 		}
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+@@ -1374,9 +1370,6 @@ static int do_set(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	}
+ 	if (newname && strcmp(dev, newname)) {
+-		if (strlen(newname) == 0)
+-			invarg("\"\" is not a valid device identifier\n",
+-			       "name");
+ 		if (do_changename(dev, newname) < 0)
+ 			return -1;
+ 		dev = newname;
+diff --git a/ip/ipmaddr.c b/ip/ipmaddr.c
+index 85a69e779563d..5683f6fa830c1 100644
+--- a/ip/ipmaddr.c
++++ b/ip/ipmaddr.c
+@@ -284,7 +284,8 @@ static int multiaddr_modify(int cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (ifr.ifr_name[0])
+ 				duparg("dev", *argv);
+-			strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ);
++			if (get_ifname(ifr.ifr_name, *argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 		} else {
+ 			if (matches(*argv, "address") == 0) {
+ 				NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/ip/iprule.c b/ip/iprule.c
+index e64b4d7db2815..201d3bdc20427 100644
+--- a/ip/iprule.c
++++ b/ip/iprule.c
+@@ -472,11 +472,13 @@ static int iprule_list_flush_or_save(int argc, char **argv, int action)
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0 ||
+ 			   strcmp(*argv, "iif") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(filter.iif, *argv, IFNAMSIZ);
++			if (get_ifname(filter.iif, *argv))
++				invarg("\"iif\"/\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			filter.iifmask = 1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "oif") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(filter.oif, *argv, IFNAMSIZ);
++			if (get_ifname(filter.oif, *argv))
++				invarg("\"oif\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			filter.oifmask = 1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "l3mdev") == 0) {
+ 			filter.l3mdev = 1;
+@@ -695,10 +697,14 @@ static int iprule_modify(int cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0 ||
+ 			   strcmp(*argv, "iif") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"iif\"/\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), FRA_IFNAME,
+ 				  *argv, strlen(*argv)+1);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "oif") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"oif\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), FRA_OIFNAME,
+ 				  *argv, strlen(*argv)+1);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "l3mdev") == 0) {
+diff --git a/ip/iptunnel.c b/ip/iptunnel.c
+index 0acfd0793d3cd..208a1f06ab12f 100644
+--- a/ip/iptunnel.c
++++ b/ip/iptunnel.c
+@@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int cmd, struct ip_tunnel_parm *p)
+ 			if (p->name[0])
+ 				duparg2("name", *argv);
+-			strncpy(p->name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
++			if (get_ifname(p->name, *argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			if (cmd == SIOCCHGTUNNEL && count == 0) {
+ 				struct ip_tunnel_parm old_p = {};
+@@ -487,6 +488,8 @@ static int do_prl(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			count++;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else {
+ 			fprintf(stderr,
+@@ -534,6 +537,8 @@ static int do_6rd(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			cmd = SIOCDEL6RD;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			medium = *argv;
+ 		} else {
+ 			fprintf(stderr,
+diff --git a/ip/iptuntap.c b/ip/iptuntap.c
+index 451f7f0eac6bb..b46e452f21278 100644
+--- a/ip/iptuntap.c
++++ b/ip/iptuntap.c
+@@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv,
+ 			ifr->ifr_flags |= IFF_MULTI_QUEUE;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			strncpy(ifr->ifr_name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ-1);
++			if (get_ifname(ifr->ifr_name, *argv))
++				invarg("\"dev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 		} else {
+ 			if (matches(*argv, "name") == 0) {
+ 				NEXT_ARG();
+@@ -184,7 +185,8 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv,
+ 				usage();
+ 			if (ifr->ifr_name[0])
+ 				duparg2("name", *argv);
+-			strncpy(ifr->ifr_name, *argv, IFNAMSIZ);
++			if (get_ifname(ifr->ifr_name, *argv))
++				invarg("\"name\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 		}
+ 		count++;
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c
+index 228d97bfe5e9b..0c56f0b478f23 100644
+--- a/lib/utils.c
++++ b/lib/utils.c
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include <asm/types.h>
+@@ -697,6 +698,34 @@ void duparg2(const char *key, const char *arg)
+ 	exit(-1);
+ }
++int check_ifname(const char *name)
++	/* These checks mimic kernel checks in dev_valid_name */
++	if (*name == '\0')
++		return -1;
++	if (strlen(name) >= IFNAMSIZ)
++		return -1;
++	while (*name) {
++		if (*name == '/' || isspace(*name))
++			return -1;
++		++name;
++	}
++	return 0;
++/* buf is assumed to be IFNAMSIZ */
++int get_ifname(char *buf, const char *name)
++	int ret;
++	ret = check_ifname(name);
++	if (ret == 0)
++		strncpy(buf, name, IFNAMSIZ);
++	return ret;
+ int matches(const char *cmd, const char *pattern)
+ {
+ 	int len = strlen(cmd);
+diff --git a/misc/arpd.c b/misc/arpd.c
+index c9d86475e5995..67d86b67957b8 100644
+--- a/misc/arpd.c
++++ b/misc/arpd.c
+@@ -662,7 +662,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		struct ifreq ifr = {};
+ 		for (i = 0; i < ifnum; i++) {
+-			strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifnames[i], IFNAMSIZ);
++			if (get_ifname(ifr.ifr_name, ifnames[i]))
++				invarg("not a valid ifname", ifnames[i]);
+ 			if (ioctl(udp_sock, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr)) {
+ 				perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX)");
+ 				exit(-1);
+diff --git a/tc/f_flower.c b/tc/f_flower.c
+index 34249254603ff..f3f8d3427c761 100644
+--- a/tc/f_flower.c
++++ b/tc/f_flower.c
+@@ -643,6 +643,8 @@ static int flower_parse_opt(struct filter_util *qu, char *handle,
+ 			flags |= TCA_CLS_FLAGS_SKIP_SW;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "indev") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (check_ifname(*argv))
++				invarg("\"indev\" not a valid ifname", *argv);
+ 			addattrstrz(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_FLOWER_INDEV, *argv);
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "vlan_id") == 0) {
+ 			__u16 vid;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0127-bpf-minor-cleanups-for-bpf_trace_pipe.patch b/SOURCES/0127-bpf-minor-cleanups-for-bpf_trace_pipe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96efb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0127-bpf-minor-cleanups-for-bpf_trace_pipe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From edf0ae950c5b9d3c5eed29a40f5669cf657995e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 15:43:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] bpf: minor cleanups for bpf_trace_pipe
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1465646
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 1b736dc469dca
+commit 1b736dc469dcabd4180848a1f1b3d1fef2b84dbc
+Author: Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net>
+Date:   Tue Sep 5 02:24:31 2017 +0200
+    bpf: minor cleanups for bpf_trace_pipe
+    Just minor nits, e.g. no need to fflush() and instead of returning
+    right away, just break and close the fd.
+    Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net>
+ lib/bpf.c | 19 +++++++++----------
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/bpf.c b/lib/bpf.c
+index e072cba214067..f0e6c6fb732ee 100644
+--- a/lib/bpf.c
++++ b/lib/bpf.c
+@@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ int bpf_trace_pipe(void)
+ 		"/trace",
+ 		0,
+ 	};
++	int fd_in, fd_out = STDERR_FILENO;
+ 	char tpipe[PATH_MAX];
+ 	const char *mnt;
+-	int fd;
+ 	mnt = bpf_find_mntpt("tracefs", TRACEFS_MAGIC, tracefs_mnt,
+ 			     sizeof(tracefs_mnt), tracefs_known_mnts);
+@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ int bpf_trace_pipe(void)
+ 	snprintf(tpipe, sizeof(tpipe), "%s/trace_pipe", mnt);
+-	fd = open(tpipe, O_RDONLY);
+-	if (fd < 0)
++	fd_in = open(tpipe, O_RDONLY);
++	if (fd_in < 0)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Running! Hang up with ^C!\n\n");
+@@ -483,15 +483,14 @@ int bpf_trace_pipe(void)
+ 		static char buff[4096];
+ 		ssize_t ret;
+-		ret = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
+-		if (ret > 0) {
+-			if (write(STDERR_FILENO, buff, ret) != ret)
+-				return -1;
+-			fflush(stderr);
+-		}
++		ret = read(fd_in, buff, sizeof(buff));
++		if (ret > 0 && write(fd_out, buff, ret) == ret)
++			continue;
++		break;
+ 	}
+-	return 0;
++	close(fd_in);
++	return -1;
+ }
+ static int bpf_gen_global(const char *bpf_sub_dir)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0128-ip-tunnel-Use-tnl_parse_key-to-parse-tunnel-key.patch b/SOURCES/0128-ip-tunnel-Use-tnl_parse_key-to-parse-tunnel-key.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537029f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0128-ip-tunnel-Use-tnl_parse_key-to-parse-tunnel-key.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+From 8f2338a51859158b8699e0736f84ab1e42a3da97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:05:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ip/tunnel: Use tnl_parse_key() to parse tunnel key
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 1f44b93744f11
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 2a80154fde40b
+           ("vti6: fix local/remote any addr handling")
+commit 1f44b93744f11f2a8249e3c13751ab7debebaa5f
+Author: Serhey Popovych <serhe.popovych@gmail.com>
+Date:   Mon Dec 18 19:48:03 2017 +0200
+    ip/tunnel: Use tnl_parse_key() to parse tunnel key
+    It is added with
+    commit a7ed1520ee96 ("ip/tunnel: introduce tnl_parse_key()")
+    to avoid code duplication in ip6?tunnel.c.
+    Reuse it for gre/gre6 and vti/vti6 tunnel rtnl
+    configuration interface with the same purpose
+    it is used in tunnel ioctl interface in ip6?tunnel.c.
+    While there change type of key variables from
+    unsigned integer to __be32 to reflect nature of the
+    value they store and place error message in
+    tnl_parse_key() on a single line to make single
+    call to fprintf().
+    Signed-off-by: Serhey Popovych <serhe.popovych@gmail.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ ip/link_gre.c  | 45 +++++----------------------------------------
+ ip/link_gre6.c | 45 +++++----------------------------------------
+ ip/link_vti.c  | 45 +++++----------------------------------------
+ ip/link_vti6.c | 45 +++++----------------------------------------
+ ip/tunnel.c    |  5 +++--
+ 5 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/link_gre.c b/ip/link_gre.c
+index ced993692e6f6..1376d2e3af7de 100644
+--- a/ip/link_gre.c
++++ b/ip/link_gre.c
+@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ static int gre_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	struct rtattr *greinfo[IFLA_GRE_MAX + 1];
+ 	__u16 iflags = 0;
+ 	__u16 oflags = 0;
+-	unsigned int ikey = 0;
+-	unsigned int okey = 0;
++	__be32 ikey = 0;
++	__be32 okey = 0;
+ 	unsigned int saddr = 0;
+ 	unsigned int daddr = 0;
+ 	unsigned int link = 0;
+@@ -167,53 +167,18 @@ get_failed:
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (!matches(*argv, "key")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr,
+-						"Invalid value for \"key\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = okey = uval;
++			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"ikey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = uval;
++			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"okey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			okey = uval;
++			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "seq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+diff --git a/ip/link_gre6.c b/ip/link_gre6.c
+index a9d18ee954641..22e6e44aae29b 100644
+--- a/ip/link_gre6.c
++++ b/ip/link_gre6.c
+@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ static int gre_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	struct rtattr *greinfo[IFLA_GRE_MAX + 1];
+ 	__u16 iflags = 0;
+ 	__u16 oflags = 0;
+-	unsigned int ikey = 0;
+-	unsigned int okey = 0;
++	__be32 ikey = 0;
++	__be32 okey = 0;
+ 	struct in6_addr raddr = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
+ 	struct in6_addr laddr = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
+ 	unsigned int link = 0;
+@@ -181,53 +181,18 @@ get_failed:
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (!matches(*argv, "key")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr,
+-						"Invalid value for \"key\"\n");
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = okey = uval;
++			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value of \"ikey\"\n");
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = uval;
++			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value of \"okey\"\n");
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			okey = uval;
++			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "seq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+diff --git a/ip/link_vti.c b/ip/link_vti.c
+index d2aacbe78ded1..6e4234170bb50 100644
+--- a/ip/link_vti.c
++++ b/ip/link_vti.c
+@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ static int vti_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	struct rtattr *tb[IFLA_MAX + 1];
+ 	struct rtattr *linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_MAX+1];
+ 	struct rtattr *vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_MAX + 1];
+-	unsigned int ikey = 0;
+-	unsigned int okey = 0;
++	__be32 ikey = 0;
++	__be32 okey = 0;
+ 	unsigned int saddr = 0;
+ 	unsigned int daddr = 0;
+ 	unsigned int link = 0;
+@@ -116,49 +116,14 @@ get_failed:
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (!matches(*argv, "key")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr,
+-						"Invalid value for \"key\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = okey = uval;
++			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"ikey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = uval;
++			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"okey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			okey = uval;
++			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "remote")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (!strcmp(*argv, "any")) {
+diff --git a/ip/link_vti6.c b/ip/link_vti6.c
+index aedfbeaeea0e1..e246cedbcb7a7 100644
+--- a/ip/link_vti6.c
++++ b/ip/link_vti6.c
+@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ static int vti6_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	struct rtattr *vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_MAX + 1];
+ 	struct in6_addr saddr;
+ 	struct in6_addr daddr;
+-	unsigned int ikey = 0;
+-	unsigned int okey = 0;
++	__be32 ikey = 0;
++	__be32 okey = 0;
+ 	unsigned int link = 0;
+ 	int len;
+@@ -111,49 +111,14 @@ get_failed:
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (!matches(*argv, "key")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr,
+-						"Invalid value for \"key\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = okey = uval;
++			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"ikey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			ikey = uval;
++			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+-			unsigned int uval;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
+-				uval = get_addr32(*argv);
+-			else {
+-				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) {
+-					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"okey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv);
+-					exit(-1);
+-				}
+-				uval = htonl(uval);
+-			}
+-			okey = uval;
++			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "remote")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (!strcmp(*argv, "any")) {
+diff --git a/ip/tunnel.c b/ip/tunnel.c
+index 7956d71aa7334..3967d5df3ca1c 100644
+--- a/ip/tunnel.c
++++ b/ip/tunnel.c
+@@ -189,8 +189,9 @@ __be32 tnl_parse_key(const char *name, const char *key)
+ 		return get_addr32(key);
+ 	if (get_unsigned(&uval, key, 0) < 0) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"%s\": \"%s\";", name, key);
+-		fprintf(stderr, " it should be an unsigned integer\n");
++		fprintf(stderr,
++			"invalid value for \"%s\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n",
++			name, key);
+ 		exit(-1);
+ 	}
+ 	return htonl(uval);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0129-man-ip-link-document-GRE-tunnels.patch b/SOURCES/0129-man-ip-link-document-GRE-tunnels.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b36b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0129-man-ip-link-document-GRE-tunnels.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+From 266b19dec4b79c4f63118dd6151c1b0a80f521f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:08:00 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] man: ip link: document GRE tunnels
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d21c028cf7414
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 1eccc5734148c
+           ("ip: add vxcan/veth to ip-link man page")
+commit d21c028cf74147360c530a4c53063bbe677dbe73
+Author: Sabrina Dubroca <sd@queasysnail.net>
+Date:   Fri Apr 20 10:31:59 2018 +0200
+    man: ip link: document GRE tunnels
+    GRE tunnels are currently only documented together with IPIP and SIT
+    tunnels, but they actually have very different configuration
+    options. Let's separate them.
+    Signed-off-by: Sabrina Dubroca <sd@queasysnail.net>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/ip-link.8.in | 152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+index 48417dbce80aa..cfea1bdfdc030 100644
+--- a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
++++ b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+@@ -643,15 +643,88 @@ keyword.
+ .in -8
+ .TP
+-GRE, IPIP, SIT Type Support
+-For a link of types
++IPIP, SIT Type Support
++For a link of type
++the following additional arguments are supported:
++.BI "ip link add " DEVICE
++.BR type " { " ipip " | " sit " }"
++.BI " remote " ADDR " local " ADDR
++.BR encap " { " fou " | " gue " | " none " }"
++] [
++.BR encap-sport " { " \fIPORT " | " auto " }"
++] [
++.BI "encap-dport " PORT
++] [
++.RB [ no ] encap-csum
++] [
++.RB [ no ] encap-remcsum
++.in +8
++.BI  remote " ADDR "
++- specifies the remote address of the tunnel.
++.BI  local " ADDR "
++- specifies the fixed local address for tunneled packets.
++It must be an address on another interface on this host.
++.BR encap " { " fou " | " gue " | " none " }"
++- specifies type of secondary UDP encapsulation. "fou" indicates
++Foo-Over-UDP, "gue" indicates Generic UDP Encapsulation.
++.BR encap-sport " { " \fIPORT " | " auto " }"
++- specifies the source port in UDP encapsulation.
++indicates the port by number, "auto"
++indicates that the port number should be chosen automatically
++(the kernel picks a flow based on the flow hash of the
++encapsulated packet).
++.RB [ no ] encap-csum
++- specifies if UDP checksums are enabled in the secondary
++.RB [ no ] encap-remcsum
++- specifies if Remote Checksum Offload is enabled. This is only
++applicable for Generic UDP Encapsulation.
++.in -8
++GRE Type Support
++For a link of type
++.IR GRE " or " GRETAP
+ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ .BI "ip link add " DEVICE
+-.BR type " { " gre " | " ipip " | " sit " }"
++.BR type " { " gre " | " gretap " }"
+ .BI " remote " ADDR " local " ADDR
+ [
++.RB [ i | o ] seq
++] [
++.RB [ i | o ] key
++.I KEY
++] [
++.RB [ i | o ] csum
++] [
++.BI ttl " TTL "
++] [
++.BI tos " TOS "
++] [
++.RB [ no ] pmtudisc
++] [
++.RB [ no ] ignore-df
++] [
++.BI dev " PHYS_DEV "
++] [
+ .BR encap " { " fou " | " gue " | " none " }"
+ ] [
+ .BR encap-sport " { " \fIPORT " | " auto " }"
+@@ -661,6 +734,8 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ .RB [ no ] encap-csum
+ ] [
+ .RB [ no ] encap-remcsum
++] [
++.BR external
+ ]
+ .in +8
+@@ -673,6 +748,70 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ - specifies the fixed local address for tunneled packets.
+ It must be an address on another interface on this host.
++.RB [ i | o ] seq
++- serialize packets.
++.B oseq
++flag enables sequencing of outgoing packets.
++.B iseq
++flag requires that all input packets are serialized.
++.RB [ i | o ] key
++.I KEY
++- use keyed GRE with key
++.IR KEY ". "KEY
++is either a number or an IPv4 address-like dotted quad.
++.B key
++parameter specifies the same key to use in both directions.
++.BR ikey " and " okey
++parameters specify different keys for input and output.
++.RB  [ i | o ] csum
++- generate/require checksums for tunneled packets.
++.B ocsum
++flag calculates checksums for outgoing packets.
++.B icsum
++flag requires that all input packets have the correct
++checksum. The
++.B csum
++flag is equivalent to the combination
++.B "icsum ocsum" .
++.BI ttl " TTL"
++- specifies the TTL value to use in outgoing packets.
++.BI tos " TOS"
++- specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets.
++.RB [ no ] pmtudisc
++- enables/disables Path MTU Discovery on this tunnel.
++It is enabled by default. Note that a fixed ttl is incompatible
++with this option: tunneling with a fixed ttl always makes pmtu
++.RB [ no ] ignore-df
++- enables/disables IPv4 DF suppression on this tunnel.
++Normally datagrams that exceed the MTU will be fragmented; the presence
++of the DF flag inhibits this, resulting instead in an ICMP Unreachable
++(Fragmentation Required) message.  Enabling this attribute casues the
++DF flag to be ignored.
++.BI dev " PHYS_DEV"
++- specifies the physical device to use for tunnel endpoint communication.
+ .sp
+ .BR encap " { " fou " | " gue " | " none " }"
+ - specifies type of secondary UDP encapsulation. "fou" indicates
+@@ -697,6 +836,11 @@ encapsulation.
+ - specifies if Remote Checksum Offload is enabled. This is only
+ applicable for Generic UDP Encapsulation.
++.BR external
++- make this tunnel externally controlled
++.RB "(e.g. " "ip route encap" ).
+ .in -8
+ .TP
diff --git a/SOURCES/0130-gre-gre6-allow-clearing-i-o-key-seq-csum-flags.patch b/SOURCES/0130-gre-gre6-allow-clearing-i-o-key-seq-csum-flags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4af18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0130-gre-gre6-allow-clearing-i-o-key-seq-csum-flags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+From 24eec64aa52b65b606d8cc0b03619f3974f12484 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:08:41 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] gre/gre6: allow clearing {,i,o}{key,seq,csum} flags
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 7f520601f59ee
+Conflicts: context change on ip/link_gre?.c due to missing commit
+           ae91205c4d2a7 ("gre/gre6: Unify gre_print_help()")
+commit 7f520601f59ee35da2fc48b3f1b39ed2b80c9efa
+Author: Sabrina Dubroca <sd@queasysnail.net>
+Date:   Fri Apr 20 10:32:00 2018 +0200
+    gre/gre6: allow clearing {,i,o}{key,seq,csum} flags
+    Currently, iproute allows setting those flags, but it's impossible to
+    clear them, since their current value is fetched from the kernel and
+    then we OR in the additional flags passed on the command line.
+    Add no* variants to allow clearing them.
+    Signed-off-by: Sabrina Dubroca <sd@queasysnail.net>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ ip/link_gre.c         | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ ip/link_gre6.c        | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ man/man8/ip-link.8.in | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/link_gre.c b/ip/link_gre.c
+index 1376d2e3af7de..41e2edbedb6eb 100644
+--- a/ip/link_gre.c
++++ b/ip/link_gre.c
+@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ static void print_usage(FILE *f)
+ 	fprintf(f,
+ 		"Usage: ... { gre | gretap } [ remote ADDR ]\n"
+ 		"                            [ local ADDR ]\n"
+-		"                            [ [i|o]seq ]\n"
+-		"                            [ [i|o]key KEY ]\n"
+-		"                            [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
++		"                            [ [no][i|o]seq ]\n"
++		"                            [ [i|o]key KEY | no[i|o]key ]\n"
++		"                            [ [no][i|o]csum ]\n"
+ 		"                            [ ttl TTL ]\n"
+ 		"                            [ tos TOS ]\n"
+ 		"                            [ [no]pmtudisc ]\n"
+@@ -171,28 +171,52 @@ get_failed:
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nokey")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			ikey = okey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noikey")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			ikey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nookey")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			okey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "seq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noseq")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "iseq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noiseq")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "oseq")) {
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nooseq")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "csum")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_CSUM;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nocsum")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "icsum")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noicsum")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ocsum")) {
+ 			oflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noocsum")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nopmtudisc")) {
+ 			pmtudisc = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "pmtudisc")) {
+diff --git a/ip/link_gre6.c b/ip/link_gre6.c
+index 22e6e44aae29b..127e51de4ab73 100644
+--- a/ip/link_gre6.c
++++ b/ip/link_gre6.c
+@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ static void print_usage(FILE *f)
+ 	fprintf(f,
+ 		"Usage: ... { ip6gre | ip6gretap } [ remote ADDR ]\n"
+ 		"                                  [ local ADDR ]\n"
+-		"                                  [ [i|o]seq ]\n"
+-		"                                  [ [i|o]key KEY ]\n"
+-		"                                  [ [i|o]csum ]\n"
++		"                                  [ [no][i|o]seq ]\n"
++		"                                  [ [i|o]key KEY | no[i|o]key ]\n"
++		"                                  [ [no][i|o]csum ]\n"
+ 		"                                  [ hoplimit TTL ]\n"
+ 		"                                  [ encaplimit ELIM ]\n"
+ 		"                                  [ tclass TCLASS ]\n"
+@@ -185,28 +185,52 @@ get_failed:
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nokey")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			ikey = okey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			iflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noikey")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			ikey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			oflags |= GRE_KEY;
+ 			okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv);
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nookey")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_KEY;
++			okey = 0;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "seq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noseq")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "iseq")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noiseq")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "oseq")) {
+ 			oflags |= GRE_SEQ;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nooseq")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_SEQ;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "csum")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_CSUM;
+ 			oflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "nocsum")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
++			oflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "icsum")) {
+ 			iflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noicsum")) {
++			iflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "ocsum")) {
+ 			oflags |= GRE_CSUM;
++		} else if (!matches(*argv, "noocsum")) {
++			oflags &= ~GRE_CSUM;
+ 		} else if (!matches(*argv, "remote")) {
+ 			inet_prefix addr;
+diff --git a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+index cfea1bdfdc030..8be5d5e1e9fd6 100644
+--- a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
++++ b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+@@ -708,12 +708,14 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ .BR type " { " gre " | " gretap " }"
+ .BI " remote " ADDR " local " ADDR
+ [
+-.RB [ i | o ] seq
++.RB [ no ] "" [ i | o ] seq
+ ] [
+ .RB [ i | o ] key
+ .I KEY
++.BR no [ i | o ] key
+ ] [
+-.RB [ i | o ] csum
++.RB [ no ] "" [ i | o ] csum
+ ] [
+ .BI ttl " TTL "
+ ] [
+@@ -749,7 +751,7 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ It must be an address on another interface on this host.
+ .sp
+-.RB [ i | o ] seq
++.RB  [ no ] "" [ i | o ] seq
+ - serialize packets.
+ The
+ .B oseq
+@@ -761,6 +763,8 @@ flag requires that all input packets are serialized.
+ .sp
+ .RB [ i | o ] key
+ .I KEY
++.BR no [ i | o ] key
+ - use keyed GRE with key
+ .IR KEY ". "KEY
+ is either a number or an IPv4 address-like dotted quad.
+@@ -772,7 +776,7 @@ The
+ parameters specify different keys for input and output.
+ .sp
+-.RB  [ i | o ] csum
++.RB  [ no ] "" [ i | o ] csum
+ - generate/require checksums for tunneled packets.
+ The
+ .B ocsum
+@@ -853,12 +857,14 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ .BR type " { " ip6gre " | " ip6gretap " }"
+ .BI remote " ADDR " local " ADDR"
+ [
+-.RB [ i | o ] seq
++.RB [ no ] "" [ i | o ] seq
+ ] [
+ .RB [ i | o ] key
+ .I KEY
++.BR no [ i | o ] key
+ ] [
+-.RB [ i | o ] csum
++.RB [ no ] "" [ i | o ] csum
+ ] [
+ .BI hoplimit " TTL "
+ ] [
+@@ -884,7 +890,7 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ It must be an address on another interface on this host.
+ .sp
+-.RB  [ i | o ] seq
++.RB  [ no ] "" [ i | o ] seq
+ - serialize packets.
+ The
+ .B oseq
+@@ -894,7 +900,10 @@ The
+ flag requires that all input packets are serialized.
+ .sp
+-.RB  [ i | o ] key " \fIKEY"
++.RB [ i | o ] key
++.I KEY
++.BR no [ i | o ] key
+ - use keyed GRE with key
+ .IR KEY ". "KEY
+ is either a number or an IPv4 address-like dotted quad.
+@@ -906,7 +915,7 @@ The
+ parameters specify different keys for input and output.
+ .sp
+-.RB  [ i | o ] csum
++.RB  [ no ] "" [ i | o ] csum
+ - generate/require checksums for tunneled packets.
+ The
+ .B ocsum
diff --git a/SOURCES/0131-tc_filter-add-support-for-chain-index.patch b/SOURCES/0131-tc_filter-add-support-for-chain-index.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe63f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0131-tc_filter-add-support-for-chain-index.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+From 55c511b5caab0bfb9997bca9031947a45fe7854b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:09:39 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc_filter: add support for chain index
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 732f03461bc48
+commit 732f03461bc48cf94946ee3cc92ab5832862b989
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Tue May 16 19:29:35 2017 +0200
+    tc_filter: add support for chain index
+    Allow user to put filter to a specific chain identified by index.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+ tc/tc_filter.c | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_filter.c b/tc/tc_filter.c
+index a6bb73d12eaba..8dbebf1ffa32a 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_filter.c
++++ b/tc/tc_filter.c
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static void usage(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Usage: tc filter [ add | del | change | replace | show ] dev STRING\n"
+ 		"Usage: tc filter get dev STRING parent CLASSID protocol PROTO handle FILTERID pref PRIO FILTER_TYPE\n"
+-		"       [ pref PRIO ] protocol PROTO\n"
++		"       [ pref PRIO ] protocol PROTO [ chain CHAIN_INDEX ]\n"
+ 		"       [ estimator INTERVAL TIME_CONSTANT ]\n"
+ 		"       [ root | ingress | egress | parent CLASSID ]\n"
+ 		"       [ handle FILTERID ] [ [ FILTER_TYPE ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ]\n"
+@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	__u32 prio = 0;
+ 	__u32 protocol = 0;
+ 	int protocol_set = 0;
++	__u32 chain_index;
++	int chain_index_set = 0;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	char  d[16] = {};
+ 	char  k[16] = {};
+@@ -127,6 +129,13 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 				invarg("invalid protocol", *argv);
+ 			protocol = id;
+ 			protocol_set = 1;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "chain") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (chain_index_set)
++				duparg("chain", *argv);
++			if (get_u32(&chain_index, *argv, 0))
++				invarg("invalid chain index value", *argv);
++			chain_index_set = 1;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "estimator") == 0) {
+ 			if (parse_estimator(&argc, &argv, &est) < 0)
+ 				return -1;
+@@ -146,6 +155,9 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	req.t.tcm_info = TC_H_MAKE(prio<<16, protocol);
++	if (chain_index_set)
++		addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_CHAIN, chain_index);
+ 	if (k[0])
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_KIND, k, strlen(k)+1);
+@@ -167,6 +179,7 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			return -1;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (est.ewma_log)
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_RATE, &est, sizeof(est));
+@@ -193,6 +206,8 @@ static __u32 filter_parent;
+ static int filter_ifindex;
+ static __u32 filter_prio;
+ static __u32 filter_protocol;
++static __u32 filter_chain_index;
++static int filter_chain_index_set;
+ __u16 f_proto;
+ int print_filter(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+@@ -270,6 +285,15 @@ int print_filter(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf(fp, "%s ", rta_getattr_str(tb[TCA_KIND]));
++	if (tb[TCA_CHAIN]) {
++		__u32 chain_index = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_CHAIN]);
++		if (!filter_chain_index_set ||
++		    filter_chain_index != chain_index)
++			fprintf(fp, "chain %u ", chain_index);
++	}
+ 	q = get_filter_kind(RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND]));
+ 	if (tb[TCA_OPTIONS]) {
+ 		if (q)
+@@ -312,6 +336,8 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	__u32 prio = 0;
+ 	__u32 protocol = 0;
+ 	int protocol_set = 0;
++	__u32 chain_index;
++	int chain_index_set = 0;
+ 	__u32 parent_handle = 0;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	char  d[16] = {};
+@@ -376,6 +402,13 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 				invarg("invalid protocol", *argv);
+ 			protocol = id;
+ 			protocol_set = 1;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "chain") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (chain_index_set)
++				duparg("chain", *argv);
++			if (get_u32(&chain_index, *argv, 0))
++				invarg("invalid chain index value", *argv);
++			chain_index_set = 1;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 			usage();
+ 			return 0;
+@@ -405,6 +438,9 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	req.t.tcm_info = TC_H_MAKE(prio<<16, protocol);
++	if (chain_index_set)
++		addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_CHAIN, chain_index);
+ 	if (req.t.tcm_parent == TC_H_UNSPEC) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify filter parent\n");
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -462,10 +498,20 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+-	struct tcmsg t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC };
++	struct {
++		struct nlmsghdr n;
++		struct tcmsg t;
++		char buf[MAX_MSG];
++	} req = {
++		.n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct tcmsg)),
++		.n.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETTFILTER,
++		.t.tcm_parent = TC_H_UNSPEC,
++		.t.tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
++	};
+ 	char d[16] = {};
+ 	__u32 prio = 0;
+ 	__u32 protocol = 0;
++	__u32 chain_index;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+@@ -475,39 +521,39 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 				duparg("dev", *argv);
+ 			strncpy(d, *argv, sizeof(d)-1);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "root") == 0) {
+-			if (t.tcm_parent) {
++			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+ 					"Error: \"root\" is duplicate parent ID\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+-			filter_parent = t.tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT;
++			filter_parent = req.t.tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "ingress") == 0) {
+-			if (t.tcm_parent) {
++			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+ 					"Error: \"ingress\" is duplicate parent ID\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			filter_parent = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT,
+ 						  TC_H_MIN_INGRESS);
+-			t.tcm_parent = filter_parent;
++			req.t.tcm_parent = filter_parent;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "egress") == 0) {
+-			if (t.tcm_parent) {
++			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+ 					"Error: \"egress\" is duplicate parent ID\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			filter_parent = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT,
+ 						  TC_H_MIN_EGRESS);
+-			t.tcm_parent = filter_parent;
++			req.t.tcm_parent = filter_parent;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "parent") == 0) {
+ 			__u32 handle;
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (t.tcm_parent)
++			if (req.t.tcm_parent)
+ 				duparg("parent", *argv);
+ 			if (get_tc_classid(&handle, *argv))
+ 				invarg("invalid parent ID", *argv);
+-			filter_parent = t.tcm_parent = handle;
++			filter_parent = req.t.tcm_parent = handle;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "handle") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (fhandle)
+@@ -531,6 +577,14 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 				invarg("invalid protocol", *argv);
+ 			protocol = res;
+ 			filter_protocol = protocol;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "chain") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (filter_chain_index_set)
++				duparg("chain", *argv);
++			if (get_u32(&chain_index, *argv, 0))
++				invarg("invalid chain index value", *argv);
++			filter_chain_index_set = 1;
++			filter_chain_index = chain_index;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 			usage();
+ 		} else {
+@@ -543,20 +597,23 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+-	t.tcm_info = TC_H_MAKE(prio<<16, protocol);
++	req.t.tcm_info = TC_H_MAKE(prio<<16, protocol);
+ 	ll_init_map(&rth);
+ 	if (d[0]) {
+-		t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
+-		if (t.tcm_ifindex == 0) {
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
++		if (req.t.tcm_ifindex == 0) {
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+-		filter_ifindex = t.tcm_ifindex;
++		filter_ifindex = req.t.tcm_ifindex;
+ 	}
+-	if (rtnl_dump_request(&rth, RTM_GETTFILTER, &t, sizeof(t)) < 0) {
++	if (filter_chain_index_set)
++		addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_CHAIN, chain_index);
++	if (rtnl_dump_request_n(&rth, &req.n) < 0) {
+ 		perror("Cannot send dump request");
+ 		return 1;
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0132-tc-actions-add-helpers-to-parse-and-print-control-ac.patch b/SOURCES/0132-tc-actions-add-helpers-to-parse-and-print-control-ac.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1a3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0132-tc-actions-add-helpers-to-parse-and-print-control-ac.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+From 23f1822fa8129326de4709d643f41cf26b6bae88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:09:39 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit e67aba5595811
+Conflicts: context change due to out-of-order cherry-pick of
+           commit 73aa988868e7e ("tc/m_gact: Drop dead code")
+commit e67aba559581143f9bc34f0706b0c3feeeab08fa
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Tue May 16 19:29:36 2017 +0200
+    tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions
+    Each tc action is terminated by a control action. Each action parses and
+    prints then intividually. Introduce set of helpers and allow to share
+    this code.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+ tc/m_bpf.c        |   8 +--
+ tc/m_connmark.c   |   4 +-
+ tc/m_csum.c       |   9 ++-
+ tc/m_gact.c       |  45 ++++-----------
+ tc/m_ife.c        |  10 ++--
+ tc/m_mirred.c     |  10 ++--
+ tc/m_nat.c        |  11 ++--
+ tc/m_pedit.c      |   8 +--
+ tc/m_police.c     |  50 +++++------------
+ tc/m_sample.c     |   4 +-
+ tc/m_simple.c     |   3 -
+ tc/m_skbedit.c    |   7 +--
+ tc/m_skbmod.c     |  30 +---------
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c |   8 +--
+ tc/m_vlan.c       |   9 ++-
+ tc/tc_util.c      | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ tc/tc_util.h      |  11 +++-
+ 17 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_bpf.c b/tc/m_bpf.c
+index 1ddc334f2f21b..57283030a35f5 100644
+--- a/tc/m_bpf.c
++++ b/tc/m_bpf.c
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static int bpf_parse_opt(struct action_util *a, int *ptr_argc, char ***ptr_argv,
+ 			 int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+ 	const char *bpf_obj = NULL, *bpf_uds_name = NULL;
+-	struct tc_act_bpf parm = { .action = TC_ACT_PIPE };
++	struct tc_act_bpf parm = {};
+ 	struct bpf_cfg_in cfg = {};
+ 	bool seen_run = false;
+ 	struct rtattr *tail;
+@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ opt_bpf:
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &parm.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
++				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ static int bpf_print_opt(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 				      b, sizeof(b)));
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "default-action %s\n", action_n2a(parm->action));
++	print_action_control(f, "default-action ", parm->action, "\n");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\tindex %u ref %d bind %d", parm->index, parm->refcnt,
+ 		parm->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_connmark.c b/tc/m_connmark.c
+index 295f90d52eefd..3c2274bc0d2af 100644
+--- a/tc/m_connmark.c
++++ b/tc/m_connmark.c
+@@ -80,9 +80,7 @@ parse_connmark(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	sel.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_csum.c b/tc/m_csum.c
+index 0ee8cad3fbe4c..7b156734f64c5 100644
+--- a/tc/m_csum.c
++++ b/tc/m_csum.c
+@@ -123,8 +123,7 @@ parse_csum(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p,
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -200,10 +199,10 @@ print_csum(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		uflag_1 = "?empty";
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "csum (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) action %s\n",
++	fprintf(f, "csum (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) ",
+ 		uflag_1, uflag_2, uflag_3,
+-		uflag_4, uflag_5, uflag_6, uflag_7,
+-		action_n2a(sel->action));
++		uflag_4, uflag_5, uflag_6, uflag_7);
++	print_action_control(f, "action ", sel->action, "\n");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\tindex %u ref %d bind %d", sel->index, sel->refcnt,
+ 		sel->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index 0cb5222fd3817..bc3860bbe4441 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -68,26 +68,13 @@ usage(void)
+ 	exit(-1);
+ }
+-static int
+-get_act(char ***argv_p)
+-	int n;
+-	if (action_a2n(**argv_p, &n, false)) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "bad action type %s\n", **argv_p);
+-		return -10;
+-	}
+-	return n;
+ static int
+ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	   int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+-	int action = TC_POLICE_RECLASSIFY;
+-	struct tc_gact p = { .action = TC_POLICE_RECLASSIFY };
++	struct tc_gact p = { 0 };
+ 	int rd = 0;
+ 	struct tc_gact_p pp;
+@@ -101,16 +88,8 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (matches(*argv, "gact") == 0) {
+ 		argc--;
+ 		argv++;
+-	} else {
+-		action = get_act(&argv);
+-		if (action != -10) {
+-			p.action = action;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		} else {
+-			explain();
+-			return action;
+-		}
++	} else if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false) == -1) {
++		usage();
+ 	}
+@@ -129,13 +108,9 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+-			action = get_act(&argv);
+-			if (action != -10) { /* FIXME */
+-				pp.paction = action;
+-			} else {
+-				explain();
+-				return -1;
+-			}
++			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv,
++						 &pp.paction, false) == -1)
++				usage();
+ 			argc--;
+ 			argv++;
+ 			if (get_u16(&pp.pval, *argv, 10)) {
+@@ -204,7 +179,8 @@ print_gact(struct action_util *au, FILE * f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "gact action %s", action_n2a(p->action));
++	fprintf(f, "gact ");
++	print_action_control(f, "action ", p->action, "");
+ 	if (tb[TCA_GACT_PROB] != NULL) {
+ 		pp = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_GACT_PROB]);
+@@ -213,8 +189,9 @@ print_gact(struct action_util *au, FILE * f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		memset(&pp_dummy, 0, sizeof(pp_dummy));
+ 		pp = &pp_dummy;
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "\n\t random type %s %s val %d",
+-		prob_n2a(pp->ptype), action_n2a(pp->paction), pp->pval);
++	fprintf(f, "\n\t random type %s", prob_n2a(pp->ptype));
++	print_action_control(f, " ", pp->paction, " ");
++	fprintf(f, "val %d", pp->pval);
+ #endif
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n\t index %u ref %d bind %d", p->index, p->refcnt,
+ 		p->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_ife.c b/tc/m_ife.c
+index f6131b1332324..e3521e62c178c 100644
+--- a/tc/m_ife.c
++++ b/tc/m_ife.c
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static int parse_ife(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+ 	int ok = 0;
+-	struct tc_ife p = { .action = TC_ACT_PIPE };	/* good default */
++	struct tc_ife p = { 0 };
+ 	struct rtattr *tail;
+ 	struct rtattr *tail2;
+ 	char dbuf[ETH_ALEN];
+@@ -156,8 +156,7 @@ static int parse_ife(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		argv++;
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &p.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -245,9 +244,8 @@ static int print_ife(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "ife %s action %s ",
+-		(p->flags & IFE_ENCODE) ? "encode" : "decode",
+-		action_n2a(p->action));
++	fprintf(f, "ife %s ", p->flags & IFE_ENCODE ? "encode" : "decode");
++	print_action_control(f, "action ", p->action, " ");
+ 	if (tb[TCA_IFE_TYPE]) {
+ 		ife_type = rta_getattr_u16(tb[TCA_IFE_TYPE]);
+diff --git a/tc/m_mirred.c b/tc/m_mirred.c
+index e9438904fdf50..2384bda1ff045 100644
+--- a/tc/m_mirred.c
++++ b/tc/m_mirred.c
+@@ -170,10 +170,8 @@ parse_direction(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+-	if (argc &&
+-	    (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR)
+-	    && !action_a2n(*argv, &p.action, false))
+-		NEXT_ARG();
++	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR)
++		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (iok && matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -272,8 +270,8 @@ print_mirred(struct action_util *au, FILE * f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, "mirred (%s to device %s) %s",
+-		mirred_n2a(p->eaction), dev, action_n2a(p->action));
++	fprintf(f, "mirred (%s to device %s)", mirred_n2a(p->eaction), dev);
++	print_action_control(f, " ", p->action, "");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n ");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\tindex %u ref %d bind %d", p->index, p->refcnt,
+diff --git a/tc/m_nat.c b/tc/m_nat.c
+index 525f185e2c082..31b68fb6bd784 100644
+--- a/tc/m_nat.c
++++ b/tc/m_nat.c
+@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ parse_nat(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id, struct
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -164,12 +163,12 @@ print_nat(struct action_util *au, FILE * f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 	len = ffs(sel->mask);
+ 	len = len ? 33 - len : 0;
+-	fprintf(f, " nat %s %s/%d %s %s", sel->flags & TCA_NAT_FLAG_EGRESS ?
+-					  "egress" : "ingress",
++	fprintf(f, " nat %s %s/%d %s", sel->flags & TCA_NAT_FLAG_EGRESS ?
++				       "egress" : "ingress",
+ 		format_host_r(AF_INET, 4, &sel->old_addr, buf1, sizeof(buf1)),
+ 		len,
+-		format_host_r(AF_INET, 4, &sel->new_addr, buf2, sizeof(buf2)),
+-		action_n2a(sel->action));
++		format_host_r(AF_INET, 4, &sel->new_addr, buf2, sizeof(buf2)));
++	print_action_control(f, " ", sel->action, "");
+ 	if (show_stats) {
+ 		if (tb[TCA_NAT_TM]) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_pedit.c b/tc/m_pedit.c
+index dfa6b2c4835e9..b7d26b4540beb 100644
+--- a/tc/m_pedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_pedit.c
+@@ -670,8 +670,7 @@ int parse_pedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.sel.action, false))
+-		NEXT_ARG();
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -776,8 +775,9 @@ int print_pedit(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, " pedit action %s keys %d\n ",
+-		action_n2a(sel->action), sel->nkeys);
++	fprintf(f, " pedit ");
++	print_action_control(f, "action ", sel->action, " ");
++	fprintf(f,"keys %d\n ", sel->nkeys);
+ 	fprintf(f, "\t index %u ref %d bind %d", sel->index, sel->refcnt,
+ 		sel->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_police.c b/tc/m_police.c
+index 226e20e4e8005..2b73969de5daf 100644
+--- a/tc/m_police.c
++++ b/tc/m_police.c
+@@ -50,27 +50,6 @@ static void explain1(char *arg)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"%s\"\n", arg);
+ }
+-static int get_police_result(int *action, int *result, char *arg)
+-	char *p = strchr(arg, '/');
+-	if (p)
+-		*p = 0;
+-	if (action_a2n(arg, action, true)) {
+-		if (p)
+-			*p = '/';
+-		return -1;
+-	}
+-	if (p) {
+-		*p = '/';
+-		if (action_a2n(p+1, result, true))
+-			return -1;
+-	}
+-	return 0;
+ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		     int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+@@ -166,23 +145,19 @@ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 				explain1("peakrate");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "reclassify") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_POLICE_RECLASSIFY;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "drop") == 0 ||
+-			   matches(*argv, "shot") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_POLICE_SHOT;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "continue") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_POLICE_UNSPEC;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "pass") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_POLICE_OK;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_POLICE_PIPE;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "reclassify") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "drop") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "shot") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "continue") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "pass") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0) {
++			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false))
++				return -1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "conform-exceed") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (get_police_result(&p.action, &presult, *argv)) {
+-				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"action\"\n");
++			if (parse_action_control_slash(&argc, &argv, &p.action,
++						       &presult, true))
+ 				return -1;
+-			}
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "overhead") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (get_u16(&overhead, *argv, 10)) {
+@@ -318,12 +293,13 @@ int print_police(struct action_util *a, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		fprintf(f, "avrate %s ",
+ 			sprint_rate(rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_POLICE_AVRATE]),
+ 				    b1));
+-	fprintf(f, "action %s", action_n2a(p->action));
++	print_action_control(f, "action ", p->action, "");
+ 	if (tb[TCA_POLICE_RESULT]) {
+ 		__u32 action = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_POLICE_RESULT]);
+-		fprintf(f, "/%s ", action_n2a(action));
++		print_action_control(f, "/", action, " ");
+ 	} else
+ 		fprintf(f, " ");
+diff --git a/tc/m_sample.c b/tc/m_sample.c
+index 9291109071a89..ff5ee6bd1ef63 100644
+--- a/tc/m_sample.c
++++ b/tc/m_sample.c
+@@ -98,9 +98,7 @@ static int parse_sample(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+-	p.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &p.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_simple.c b/tc/m_simple.c
+index 65e48addf161b..f8937bcabb7ae 100644
+--- a/tc/m_simple.c
++++ b/tc/m_simple.c
+@@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ parse_simple(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.action, false))
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbedit.c b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+index 638715f679d37..aa374fcb33ed9 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+@@ -120,9 +120,8 @@ parse_skbedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 		argv++;
+ 	}
+-	sel.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &sel.action, false))
+-		NEXT_ARG();
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action,
++				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ static int print_skbedit(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 			fprintf(f, " ptype %d", *ptype);
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, " %s", action_n2a(p->action));
++	print_action_control(f, " ", p->action, "");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n\t index %u ref %d bind %d",
+ 		p->index, p->refcnt, p->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbmod.c b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+index acb7771d2901b..1ccd474309348 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbmod.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ static int parse_skbmod(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	char *saddr = NULL;
+ 	memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
+-	p.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;	/* good default */
+ 	if (argc <= 0)
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -123,31 +122,7 @@ static int parse_skbmod(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		argv++;
+ 	}
+-	if (argc) {
+-		if (matches(*argv, "reclassify") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_ACT_RECLASSIFY;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "drop") == 0 ||
+-			   matches(*argv, "shot") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_ACT_SHOT;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "continue") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_ACT_UNSPEC;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		} else if (matches(*argv, "pass") == 0 ||
+-			   matches(*argv, "ok") == 0) {
+-			p.action = TC_ACT_OK;
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+-		}
+-	}
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -206,7 +181,8 @@ static int print_skbmod(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+-	fprintf(f, "skbmod action %s ", action_n2a(p->action));
++	fprintf(f, "skbmod ");
++	print_action_control(f, "", p->action, " ");
+ 	if (tb[TCA_SKBMOD_ETYPE]) {
+ 		skbmod_etype = rta_getattr_u16(tb[TCA_SKBMOD_ETYPE]);
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index 60fd1c464e531..cdde64a15b929 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static int tunnel_key_parse_tos_ttl(char *str, int type, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			    int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+ {
+-	struct tc_tunnel_key parm = { .action = TC_ACT_PIPE };
++	struct tc_tunnel_key parm = {};
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	struct rtattr *tail;
+@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &parm.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
++				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ static int print_tunnel_key(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 					  tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TTL]);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, " %s", action_n2a(parm->action));
++	print_action_control(f, " ", parm->action, "");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n\tindex %d ref %d bind %d", parm->index, parm->refcnt,
+ 		parm->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/m_vlan.c b/tc/m_vlan.c
+index 44b9375966da3..2441b06847ecd 100644
+--- a/tc/m_vlan.c
++++ b/tc/m_vlan.c
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static int parse_vlan(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	int proto_set = 0;
+ 	__u8 prio;
+ 	int prio_set = 0;
+-	struct tc_vlan parm = { 0 };
++	struct tc_vlan parm = {};
+ 	if (matches(*argv, "vlan") != 0)
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -133,9 +133,8 @@ static int parse_vlan(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		argv++;
+ 	}
+-	parm.action = TC_ACT_PIPE;
+-	if (argc && !action_a2n(*argv, &parm.action, false))
++	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
++				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ static int print_vlan(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		}
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+-	fprintf(f, " %s", action_n2a(parm->action));
++	print_action_control(f, " ", parm->action, "");
+ 	fprintf(f, "\n\t index %u ref %d bind %d", parm->index, parm->refcnt,
+ 		parm->bindcnt);
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 296825ae174e0..840222832690b 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ char *sprint_qdisc_handle(__u32 h, char *buf)
+ 	return buf;
+ }
+-const char *action_n2a(int action)
++static const char *action_n2a(int action)
+ {
+ 	static char buf[64];
+@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ const char *action_n2a(int action)
+  *
+  * In error case, returns -1 and does not touch @result. Otherwise returns 0.
+  */
+-int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num)
++static int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num)
+ {
+ 	int n;
+ 	char dummy;
+@@ -474,6 +474,139 @@ int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++/* Parse action control including possible options.
++ *
++ * Parameters:
++ * @argc_p - pointer to argc to parse
++ * @argv_p - pointer to argv to parse
++ * @result_p - pointer to output variable
++ * @allow_num - whether action may be in numeric format already
++ *
++ * In error case, returns -1 and does not touch @result_1p. Otherwise returns 0.
++ */
++int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			 int *result_p, bool allow_num)
++	int argc = *argc_p;
++	char **argv = *argv_p;
++	int result;
++	if (!argc)
++		return -1;
++	if (action_a2n(*argv, &result, allow_num) == -1) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "Bad action type %s\n", *argv);
++		return -1;
++	}
++	*argc_p = argc;
++	*argv_p = argv;
++	*result_p = result;
++	return 0;
++/* Parse action control including possible options.
++ *
++ * Parameters:
++ * @argc_p - pointer to argc to parse
++ * @argv_p - pointer to argv to parse
++ * @result_p - pointer to output variable
++ * @allow_num - whether action may be in numeric format already
++ * @default_result - set as a result in case of parsing error
++ *
++ * In case there is an error during parsing, the default result is used.
++ */
++void parse_action_control_dflt(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			       int *result_p, bool allow_num,
++			       int default_result)
++	if (parse_action_control(argc_p, argv_p, result_p, allow_num))
++		*result_p = default_result;
++static int parse_action_control_slash_spaces(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++					     int *result1_p, int *result2_p,
++					     bool allow_num)
++	int argc = *argc_p;
++	char **argv = *argv_p;
++	int result1, result2;
++	int *result_p = &result1;
++	int ok = 0;
++	int ret;
++	while (argc > 0) {
++		switch (ok) {
++		case 1:
++			if (strcmp(*argv, "/") != 0)
++				goto out;
++			result_p = &result2;
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			/* fall-through */
++		case 0: /* fall-through */
++		case 2:
++			ret = parse_action_control(&argc, &argv,
++						   result_p, allow_num);
++			if (ret)
++				return ret;
++			ok++;
++			break;
++		default:
++			goto out;
++		}
++	}
++	*result1_p = result1;
++	if (ok == 2)
++		*result2_p = result2;
++	*argc_p = argc;
++	*argv_p = argv;
++	return 0;
++/* Parse action control with slash including possible options.
++ *
++ * Parameters:
++ * @argc_p - pointer to argc to parse
++ * @argv_p - pointer to argv to parse
++ * @result1_p - pointer to the first (before slash) output variable
++ * @result2_p - pointer to the second (after slash) output variable
++ * @allow_num - whether action may be in numeric format already
++ *
++ * In error case, returns -1 and does not touch @result*. Otherwise returns 0.
++ */
++int parse_action_control_slash(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			       int *result1_p, int *result2_p, bool allow_num)
++	char **argv = *argv_p;
++	int result1, result2;
++	char *p = strchr(*argv, '/');
++	if (!p)
++		return parse_action_control_slash_spaces(argc_p, argv_p,
++							 result1_p, result2_p,
++							 allow_num);
++	*p = 0;
++	if (action_a2n(*argv, &result1, allow_num)) {
++		if (p)
++			*p = '/';
++		return -1;
++	}
++	*p = '/';
++	if (action_a2n(p + 1, &result2, allow_num))
++		return -1;
++	*result1_p = result1;
++	*result2_p = result2;
++	return 0;
++void print_action_control(FILE *f, const char *prefix,
++			  int action, const char *suffix)
++	fprintf(f, "%s%s%s", prefix, action_n2a(action), suffix);
+ int get_linklayer(unsigned int *val, const char *arg)
+ {
+ 	int res;
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.h b/tc/tc_util.h
+index 4db26c6d5e25b..5c54ad384eae6 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.h
++++ b/tc/tc_util.h
+@@ -100,8 +100,15 @@ char *sprint_tc_classid(__u32 h, char *buf);
+ int tc_print_police(FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb);
+ int parse_police(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n);
+-const char *action_n2a(int action);
+-int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num);
++int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			 int *result_p, bool allow_num);
++void parse_action_control_dflt(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			       int *result_p, bool allow_num,
++			       int default_result);
++int parse_action_control_slash(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			       int *result1_p, int *result2_p, bool allow_num);
++void print_action_control(FILE *f, const char *prefix,
++			  int action, const char *suffix);
+ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p,
+ 		     char ***argv_p, int tca_id, struct nlmsghdr *n);
+ int print_police(struct action_util *a, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0133-tc-actions-introduce-support-for-goto-chain-action.patch b/SOURCES/0133-tc-actions-introduce-support-for-goto-chain-action.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd60875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0133-tc-actions-introduce-support-for-goto-chain-action.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+From eaccce1b85efafbea1607ff88d7259541f311ee2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:10:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc/actions: introduce support for goto chain action
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d19f72f7898a7
+commit d19f72f7898a78ef76628833c204afb96f9a05cd
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Tue May 16 19:29:37 2017 +0200
+    tc/actions: introduce support for goto chain action
+    Allow user to set control action "goto" with filter chain index as
+    a parameter.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+ man/man8/tc-ife.8    |  2 +-
+ man/man8/tc-pedit.8  |  2 +-
+ man/man8/tc-police.8 |  2 +-
+ man/man8/tc-vlan.8   |  2 +-
+ tc/m_connmark.c      |  3 ++-
+ tc/m_gact.c          |  6 ++++--
+ tc/m_pedit.c         |  3 ++-
+ tc/m_police.c        |  6 ++++--
+ tc/m_skbmod.c        |  3 ++-
+ tc/m_vlan.c          |  3 ++-
+ tc/tc_util.c         | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 11 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-ife.8 b/man/man8/tc-ife.8
+index a8f1f287d1502..24595cc6d615c 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-ife.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-ife.8
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ IFE - encapsulate/decapsulate metadata
+ .ti -8
+ .IR CONTROL " := { "
+-.BR reclassify " | " use " | " pipe " | " drop " | " continue " | " ok " }"
++.BR reclassify " | " use " | " pipe " | " drop " | " continue " | " ok " | " goto " " chain " " CHAIN_INDEX " }"
+ The
+ .B ife
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-pedit.8 b/man/man8/tc-pedit.8
+index 82d4217bc9589..bbd725c4d0ba1 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-pedit.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-pedit.8
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pedit - generic packet editor action
+ .ti -8
+ .IR CONTROL " := {"
+-.BR reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " shot " | " continue " | " pass " }"
++.BR reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " shot " | " continue " | " pass " | " goto " " chain " " CHAIN_INDEX " }"
+ The
+ .B pedit
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-police.8 b/man/man8/tc-police.8
+index 620c28813fc7e..bcc5f438825d1 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-police.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-police.8
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ police - policing action
+ .ti -8
+-.BR pipe " | " ok " | " reclassify " | " drop " | " continue " }"
++.BR pipe " | " ok " | " reclassify " | " drop " | " continue " | " goto " " chain " " CHAIN_INDEX " }"
+ The
+ .B police
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-vlan.8 b/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
+index a526f66b60b4c..f5ffc25f054ed 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-vlan.8
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ vlan - vlan manipulation module
+ .ti -8
+ .IR CONTROL " := { "
+-.BR reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " continue " | " pass " }"
++.BR reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " continue " | " pass " | " goto " " chain " " CHAIN_INDEX " }"
+ The
+ .B vlan
+diff --git a/tc/m_connmark.c b/tc/m_connmark.c
+index 3c2274bc0d2af..37d7185415490 100644
+--- a/tc/m_connmark.c
++++ b/tc/m_connmark.c
+@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ explain(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... connmark [zone ZONE] [CONTROL] [index <INDEX>]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "where :\n"
+ 		"\tZONE is the conntrack zone\n"
+-		"\tCONTROL := reclassify|pipe|drop|continue|ok\n");
++		"\tCONTROL := reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | ok |\n"
++		"\t           goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n");
+ }
+ static void
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index bc3860bbe4441..c04c00bbded3c 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ explain(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... gact <ACTION> [RAND] [INDEX]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+-		"Where: \tACTION := reclassify | drop | continue | pass | pipe\n"
++		"Where: \tACTION := reclassify | drop | continue | pass | pipe |\n"
++		"       \t          goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n"
+ 			"\tRAND := random <RANDTYPE> <ACTION> <VAL>\n"
+ 			"\tRANDTYPE := netrand | determ\n"
+ 			"\tVAL : = value not exceeding 10000\n"
+@@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ explain(void)
+ #else
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... gact <ACTION> [INDEX]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+-		"Where: \tACTION := reclassify | drop | continue | pass | pipe\n"
++		"Where: \tACTION := reclassify | drop | continue | pass | pipe |\n"
++		"       \t          goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n"
+ 		"\tINDEX := index value used\n"
+ 		"\n");
+ #endif
+diff --git a/tc/m_pedit.c b/tc/m_pedit.c
+index b7d26b4540beb..5d89ab1d832ab 100644
+--- a/tc/m_pedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_pedit.c
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 		"\t\tCMD:= clear | invert | set <setval>| add <addval> | retain\n"
+ 		"\t<LAYERED>:= ip <ipdata> | ip6 <ip6data>\n"
+ 		" \t\t| udp <udpdata> | tcp <tcpdata> | icmp <icmpdata>\n"
+-		"\tCONTROL:= reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | pass\n"
++		"\tCONTROL:= reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | pass |\n"
++		"\t          goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n"
+ 		"\tNOTE: if 'ex' is set, extended functionality will be supported (kernel >= 4.11)\n"
+ 		"For Example usage look at the examples directory\n");
+diff --git a/tc/m_police.c b/tc/m_police.c
+index 2b73969de5daf..86117db0482ec 100644
+--- a/tc/m_police.c
++++ b/tc/m_police.c
+@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ static void usage(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Where: CONTROL := conform-exceed <EXCEEDACT>[/NOTEXCEEDACT]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "                  Define how to handle packets which exceed (<EXCEEDACT>)\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "                  or conform (<NOTEXCEEDACT>) the configured bandwidth limit.\n");
+-	fprintf(stderr, "       EXCEEDACT/NOTEXCEEDACT := { pipe | ok | reclassify | drop | continue }\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "       EXCEEDACT/NOTEXCEEDACT := { pipe | ok | reclassify | drop | continue |\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "                                   goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX> }\n");
+ 	exit(-1);
+ }
+@@ -150,7 +151,8 @@ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			   matches(*argv, "shot") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "continue") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "pass") == 0 ||
+-			   matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0) {
++			   matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "goto") == 0) {
+ 			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false))
+ 				return -1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "conform-exceed") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbmod.c b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+index 1ccd474309348..ba79308ba8354 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbmod.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ static void skbmod_explain(void)
+ 		"\tDMAC := 6 byte Destination MAC address\n"
+ 		"\tSMAC := optional 6 byte Source MAC address\n"
+ 		"\tETYPE := optional 16 bit ethertype\n"
+-		"\tCONTROL := reclassify|pipe|drop|continue|ok\n"
++		"\tCONTROL := reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | ok |\n"
++		"\t           goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n"
+ 		"\tINDEX := skbmod index value to use\n");
+ }
+diff --git a/tc/m_vlan.c b/tc/m_vlan.c
+index 2441b06847ecd..cccb4996b05f3 100644
+--- a/tc/m_vlan.c
++++ b/tc/m_vlan.c
+@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       vlan modify [ protocol VLANPROTO ] id VLANID [ priority VLANPRIO ] [CONTROL]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       VLANPROTO is one of 802.1Q or 802.1AD\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "            with default: 802.1Q\n");
+-	fprintf(stderr, "       CONTROL := reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | pass\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "       CONTROL := reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | pass |\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "                  goto chain <CHAIN_INDEX>\n");
+ }
+ static void usage(void)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 840222832690b..194185a0fa1d8 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ static const char *action_n2a(int action)
+ {
+ 	static char buf[64];
++		return "goto";
+ 	switch (action) {
+ 	case TC_ACT_UNSPEC:
+ 		return "continue";
+@@ -458,6 +460,7 @@ static int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num)
+ 		{"ok", TC_ACT_OK},
+ 		{"reclassify", TC_ACT_RECLASSIFY},
+ 		{"pipe", TC_ACT_PIPE},
++		{"goto", TC_ACT_GOTO_CHAIN},
+ 		{ NULL },
+ 	}, *iter;
+@@ -497,6 +500,22 @@ int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Bad action type %s\n", *argv);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
++	if (result == TC_ACT_GOTO_CHAIN) {
++		__u32 chain_index;
++		NEXT_ARG();
++		if (matches(*argv, "chain") != 0) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "\"chain index\" expected\n");
++			return -1;
++		}
++		NEXT_ARG();
++		if (get_u32(&chain_index, *argv, 10) ||
++		    chain_index > TC_ACT_EXT_VAL_MASK) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"chain index\"\n");
++			return -1;
++		}
++		result |= chain_index;
++	}
+ 	*argc_p = argc;
+ 	*argv_p = argv;
+@@ -604,7 +623,10 @@ int parse_action_control_slash(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ void print_action_control(FILE *f, const char *prefix,
+ 			  int action, const char *suffix)
+ {
+-	fprintf(f, "%s%s%s", prefix, action_n2a(action), suffix);
++	fprintf(f, "%s%s", prefix, action_n2a(action));
++		fprintf(f, " chain %u", action & TC_ACT_EXT_VAL_MASK);
++	fprintf(f, "%s", suffix);
+ }
+ int get_linklayer(unsigned int *val, const char *arg)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0134-tc-gact-fix-control-action-parsing.patch b/SOURCES/0134-tc-gact-fix-control-action-parsing.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e953c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0134-tc-gact-fix-control-action-parsing.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+From 46ce82dd840a158c8fe80842ac808b1df425e216 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:10:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: gact: fix control action parsing
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 18f05d06016d9
+Conflicts: context change due to out-of-order cherry-pick of
+           commit 73aa988868e7e ("tc/m_gact: Drop dead code")
+commit 18f05d06016d9492c87fd105d831de0d6d858f43
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Mon Jun 5 16:22:03 2017 +0200
+    tc: gact: fix control action parsing
+    parse_action_control helper does advancing of the arg inside. So don't
+    do it outside.
+    Fixes: e67aba559581 ("tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions")
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+ tc/m_gact.c | 2 --
+ 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index c04c00bbded3c..73346d4e9333b 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -113,8 +113,6 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv,
+ 						 &pp.paction, false) == -1)
+ 				usage();
+-			argc--;
+-			argv++;
+ 			if (get_u16(&pp.pval, *argv, 10)) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal probability val 0x%x\n", pp.pval);
+ 				return -1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0135-tc-don-t-print-error-message-on-miss-when-parsing-ac.patch b/SOURCES/0135-tc-don-t-print-error-message-on-miss-when-parsing-ac.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d32538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0135-tc-don-t-print-error-message-on-miss-when-parsing-ac.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+From 8efbb8de949eedd4341d075175f932245a9f142c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:11:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: don't print error message on miss when parsing action
+ with default
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit c794b7b179026
+commit c794b7b17902627b19ddc00699d89ea7b6b1edf7
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Thu Jun 15 14:10:51 2017 +0200
+    tc: don't print error message on miss when parsing action with default
+    In case default control action parsing takes place, it is ok to miss.
+    So don't print error message.
+    Fixes: e67aba559581 ("tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions")
+    Reported-by: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Tested-by: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+ tc/tc_util.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
+ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 194185a0fa1d8..cdc23477ada53 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -477,18 +477,8 @@ static int action_a2n(char *arg, int *result, bool allow_num)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-/* Parse action control including possible options.
+- *
+- * Parameters:
+- * @argc_p - pointer to argc to parse
+- * @argv_p - pointer to argv to parse
+- * @result_p - pointer to output variable
+- * @allow_num - whether action may be in numeric format already
+- *
+- * In error case, returns -1 and does not touch @result_1p. Otherwise returns 0.
+- */
+-int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+-			 int *result_p, bool allow_num)
++static int __parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int *result_p,
++				  bool allow_num, bool ignore_a2n_miss)
+ {
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+@@ -497,7 +487,8 @@ int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (!argc)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	if (action_a2n(*argv, &result, allow_num) == -1) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Bad action type %s\n", *argv);
++		if (!ignore_a2n_miss)
++			fprintf(stderr, "Bad action type %s\n", *argv);
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+ 	if (result == TC_ACT_GOTO_CHAIN) {
+@@ -523,6 +514,23 @@ int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++/* Parse action control including possible options.
++ *
++ * Parameters:
++ * @argc_p - pointer to argc to parse
++ * @argv_p - pointer to argv to parse
++ * @result_p - pointer to output variable
++ * @allow_num - whether action may be in numeric format already
++ *
++ * In error case, returns -1 and does not touch @result_1p. Otherwise returns 0.
++ */
++int parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
++			 int *result_p, bool allow_num)
++	return __parse_action_control(argc_p, argv_p, result_p,
++				      allow_num, false);
+ /* Parse action control including possible options.
+  *
+  * Parameters:
+@@ -538,7 +546,7 @@ void parse_action_control_dflt(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			       int *result_p, bool allow_num,
+ 			       int default_result)
+ {
+-	if (parse_action_control(argc_p, argv_p, result_p, allow_num))
++	if (__parse_action_control(argc_p, argv_p, result_p, allow_num, true))
+ 		*result_p = default_result;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0136-tc-util-Don-t-call-NEXT_ARG_FWD-in-__parse_action_co.patch b/SOURCES/0136-tc-util-Don-t-call-NEXT_ARG_FWD-in-__parse_action_co.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b806df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0136-tc-util-Don-t-call-NEXT_ARG_FWD-in-__parse_action_co.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+From 1a12c7c90330410171007ada7513247fda5a1c57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:11:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: util: Don't call NEXT_ARG_FWD() in
+ __parse_action_control()
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 3572e01a090a2
+Conflicts: context change mainly due to missing commit 35f2a7639dca4
+           ("tc/actions: introduce support for jump action")
+commit 3572e01a090a298e2f4c4f796bad6639b652e031
+Author: Michal Privoznik <mprivozn@redhat.com>
+Date:   Fri Dec 8 11:18:07 2017 +0100
+    tc: util: Don't call NEXT_ARG_FWD() in __parse_action_control()
+    Not all callers want parse_action_control*() to advance the
+    arguments. For instance act_parse_police() does the argument
+    advancing itself.
+    Fixes: e67aba559581 ("tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions")
+    Signed-off-by: Michal Privoznik <mprivozn@redhat.com>
+ tc/m_bpf.c        |  1 +
+ tc/m_connmark.c   |  1 +
+ tc/m_csum.c       |  1 +
+ tc/m_gact.c       | 12 ++++++------
+ tc/m_ife.c        |  1 +
+ tc/m_mirred.c     |  4 +++-
+ tc/m_nat.c        |  1 +
+ tc/m_pedit.c      |  1 +
+ tc/m_sample.c     |  1 +
+ tc/m_skbedit.c    |  1 +
+ tc/m_skbmod.c     |  1 +
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c |  1 +
+ tc/m_vlan.c       |  1 +
+ tc/tc_util.c      |  1 -
+ 14 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_bpf.c b/tc/m_bpf.c
+index 57283030a35f5..c2bad5640707c 100644
+--- a/tc/m_bpf.c
++++ b/tc/m_bpf.c
+@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ opt_bpf:
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_connmark.c b/tc/m_connmark.c
+index 37d7185415490..47c7a8c2b17e7 100644
+--- a/tc/m_connmark.c
++++ b/tc/m_connmark.c
+@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ parse_connmark(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	}
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_csum.c b/tc/m_csum.c
+index 7b156734f64c5..e1352c0820f69 100644
+--- a/tc/m_csum.c
++++ b/tc/m_csum.c
+@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ parse_csum(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p,
+ 	}
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index 73346d4e9333b..dd9542a5cc644 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -86,14 +86,13 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (argc < 0)
+ 		return -1;
+-	if (matches(*argv, "gact") == 0) {
+-		argc--;
+-		argv++;
+-	} else if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false) == -1) {
+-		usage();
++	if (matches(*argv, "gact") != 0 &&
++		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false) == -1) {
++		usage();	/* does not return */
+ 	}
+ 	if (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "random") == 0) {
+@@ -113,6 +112,7 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv,
+ 						 &pp.paction, false) == -1)
+ 				usage();
++			NEXT_ARG_FWD();
+ 			if (get_u16(&pp.pval, *argv, 10)) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal probability val 0x%x\n", pp.pval);
+ 				return -1;
+diff --git a/tc/m_ife.c b/tc/m_ife.c
+index e3521e62c178c..54fad8f70e73a 100644
+--- a/tc/m_ife.c
++++ b/tc/m_ife.c
+@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ static int parse_ife(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_mirred.c b/tc/m_mirred.c
+index 2384bda1ff045..b09b016c2ca39 100644
+--- a/tc/m_mirred.c
++++ b/tc/m_mirred.c
+@@ -170,8 +170,10 @@ parse_direction(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+-	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR)
++	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR) {
+ 		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false);
++	}
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (iok && matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_nat.c b/tc/m_nat.c
+index 31b68fb6bd784..bb455f080b3a4 100644
+--- a/tc/m_nat.c
++++ b/tc/m_nat.c
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ parse_nat(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id, struct
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_pedit.c b/tc/m_pedit.c
+index 5d89ab1d832ab..3391be95da38c 100644
+--- a/tc/m_pedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_pedit.c
+@@ -673,6 +673,7 @@ int parse_pedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_sample.c b/tc/m_sample.c
+index ff5ee6bd1ef63..31774c0e806b4 100644
+--- a/tc/m_sample.c
++++ b/tc/m_sample.c
+@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ static int parse_sample(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbedit.c b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+index aa374fcb33ed9..c41a7bb082dad 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ parse_skbedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbmod.c b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+index ba79308ba8354..00318d42642a5 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbmod.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ static int parse_skbmod(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index cdde64a15b929..0ff3f1a2b9876 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_vlan.c b/tc/m_vlan.c
+index cccb4996b05f3..0b2966ce82e53 100644
+--- a/tc/m_vlan.c
++++ b/tc/m_vlan.c
+@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ static int parse_vlan(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index cdc23477ada53..4584d4a448fb4 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -507,7 +507,6 @@ static int __parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int *result_p,
+ 		}
+ 		result |= chain_index;
+ 	}
+ 	*argc_p = argc;
+ 	*argv_p = argv;
+ 	*result_p = result;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0137-tc-fix-parsing-of-the-control-action.patch b/SOURCES/0137-tc-fix-parsing-of-the-control-action.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b9286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0137-tc-fix-parsing-of-the-control-action.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+From cb73324026eb3f9c315735b9020890f43eeaac43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:12:06 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: fix parsing of the control action
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 75ef7b18d2a13
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 35f2a7639dca4
+           ("tc/actions: introduce support for jump action")
+commit 75ef7b18d2a13657056706895bf8d8dd3ac93e46
+Author: Davide Caratti <dcaratti@redhat.com>
+Date:   Fri Mar 2 19:36:16 2018 +0100
+    tc: fix parsing of the control action
+    If the user didn't specify any control action, don't pop the command line
+    arguments: otherwise, parsing of the next argument (tipically the 'index'
+    keyword) results in an error, causing the following 'tc-testing' failures:
+     Test a6d6: Add skbedit action with index
+     Test 38f3: Delete skbedit action
+     Test a568: Add action with ife type
+     Test b983: Add action without ife type
+     Test 7d50: Add skbmod action to set destination mac
+     Test 9b29: Add skbmod action to set source mac
+     Test e93a: Delete an skbmod action
+    Also, add missing parse for 'ok' control action to m_police, to fix the
+    following 'tc-testing' failure:
+     Test 8dd5: Add police action with control ok
+    tested with:
+     # ./tdc.py
+    test results:
+     all tests ok using kernel 4.16-rc2, except 9aa8 "Get a single skbmod
+     action from a list" (which is failing also before this commit)
+    Fixes: 3572e01a090a ("tc: util: Don't call NEXT_ARG_FWD() in __parse_action_control()")
+    Cc: Michal Privoznik <mprivozn@redhat.com>
+    Cc: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller@proxmox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Davide Caratti <dcaratti@redhat.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ tc/m_bpf.c        |  1 -
+ tc/m_connmark.c   |  1 -
+ tc/m_csum.c       |  1 -
+ tc/m_gact.c       |  9 +++------
+ tc/m_ife.c        |  1 -
+ tc/m_mirred.c     |  5 ++---
+ tc/m_nat.c        |  1 -
+ tc/m_pedit.c      |  1 -
+ tc/m_police.c     | 16 ++++++++++------
+ tc/m_sample.c     |  1 -
+ tc/m_skbedit.c    |  1 -
+ tc/m_skbmod.c     |  1 -
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c |  1 -
+ tc/m_vlan.c       |  1 -
+ tc/tc_util.c      |  6 +++++-
+ 15 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_bpf.c b/tc/m_bpf.c
+index c2bad5640707c..57283030a35f5 100644
+--- a/tc/m_bpf.c
++++ b/tc/m_bpf.c
+@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ opt_bpf:
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_connmark.c b/tc/m_connmark.c
+index 47c7a8c2b17e7..37d7185415490 100644
+--- a/tc/m_connmark.c
++++ b/tc/m_connmark.c
+@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ parse_connmark(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	}
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_csum.c b/tc/m_csum.c
+index e1352c0820f69..7b156734f64c5 100644
+--- a/tc/m_csum.c
++++ b/tc/m_csum.c
+@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ parse_csum(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p,
+ 	}
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_gact.c b/tc/m_gact.c
+index dd9542a5cc644..45eecf7ea1647 100644
+--- a/tc/m_gact.c
++++ b/tc/m_gact.c
+@@ -86,12 +86,10 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (argc < 0)
+ 		return -1;
+-	if (matches(*argv, "gact") != 0 &&
+-		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false) == -1) {
++	if (!matches(*argv, "gact"))
++	if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false))
+ 		usage();	/* does not return */
+-	}
+ 	if (argc > 0) {
+@@ -112,7 +110,6 @@ parse_gact(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv,
+ 						 &pp.paction, false) == -1)
+ 				usage();
+-			NEXT_ARG_FWD();
+ 			if (get_u16(&pp.pval, *argv, 10)) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal probability val 0x%x\n", pp.pval);
+ 				return -1;
+diff --git a/tc/m_ife.c b/tc/m_ife.c
+index 54fad8f70e73a..e3521e62c178c 100644
+--- a/tc/m_ife.c
++++ b/tc/m_ife.c
+@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ static int parse_ife(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_mirred.c b/tc/m_mirred.c
+index b09b016c2ca39..b1f45f1e6ecb0 100644
+--- a/tc/m_mirred.c
++++ b/tc/m_mirred.c
+@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ parse_direction(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "action") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			break;
+ 		} else if (!egress && matches(*argv, "egress") == 0) {
+ 			egress = 1;
+@@ -170,10 +171,8 @@ parse_direction(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
+-	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR) {
++	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR)
+ 		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false);
+-	}
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (iok && matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+diff --git a/tc/m_nat.c b/tc/m_nat.c
+index bb455f080b3a4..31b68fb6bd784 100644
+--- a/tc/m_nat.c
++++ b/tc/m_nat.c
+@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ parse_nat(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id, struct
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_pedit.c b/tc/m_pedit.c
+index 3391be95da38c..5d89ab1d832ab 100644
+--- a/tc/m_pedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_pedit.c
+@@ -673,7 +673,6 @@ int parse_pedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.sel.action, false, TC_ACT_OK);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_police.c b/tc/m_police.c
+index 86117db0482ec..b79545961f4d7 100644
+--- a/tc/m_police.c
++++ b/tc/m_police.c
+@@ -151,15 +151,18 @@ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			   matches(*argv, "shot") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "continue") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "pass") == 0 ||
++			   matches(*argv, "ok") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "pipe") == 0 ||
+ 			   matches(*argv, "goto") == 0) {
+-			if (parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false))
+-				return -1;
++			if (!parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false))
++				goto action_ctrl_ok;
++			return -1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "conform-exceed") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+-			if (parse_action_control_slash(&argc, &argv, &p.action,
+-						       &presult, true))
+-				return -1;
++			if (!parse_action_control_slash(&argc, &argv, &p.action,
++							&presult, true))
++				goto action_ctrl_ok;
++			return -1;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "overhead") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (get_u16(&overhead, *argv, 10)) {
+@@ -175,8 +178,9 @@ int act_parse_police(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 		} else {
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		ok++;
+-		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+ 	if (!ok)
+diff --git a/tc/m_sample.c b/tc/m_sample.c
+index 31774c0e806b4..ff5ee6bd1ef63 100644
+--- a/tc/m_sample.c
++++ b/tc/m_sample.c
+@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ static int parse_sample(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbedit.c b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+index c41a7bb082dad..aa374fcb33ed9 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbedit.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbedit.c
+@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ parse_skbedit(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int tca_id,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &sel.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_skbmod.c b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+index 00318d42642a5..ba79308ba8354 100644
+--- a/tc/m_skbmod.c
++++ b/tc/m_skbmod.c
+@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ static int parse_skbmod(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index 0ff3f1a2b9876..cdde64a15b929 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/m_vlan.c b/tc/m_vlan.c
+index 0b2966ce82e53..cccb4996b05f3 100644
+--- a/tc/m_vlan.c
++++ b/tc/m_vlan.c
+@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ static int parse_vlan(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 4584d4a448fb4..65695ea592ed8 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ static int __parse_action_control(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p, int *result_p,
+ 		}
+ 		result |= chain_index;
+ 	}
+ 	*argc_p = argc;
+ 	*argv_p = argv;
+ 	*result_p = result;
+@@ -603,8 +604,8 @@ out:
+ int parse_action_control_slash(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 			       int *result1_p, int *result2_p, bool allow_num)
+ {
++	int result1, result2, argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+-	int result1, result2;
+ 	char *p = strchr(*argv, '/');
+ 	if (!p)
+@@ -624,6 +625,9 @@ int parse_action_control_slash(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	*result1_p = result1;
+ 	*result2_p = result2;
++	*argc_p = argc;
++	*argv_p = argv;
+ 	return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0138-m_mirred-don-t-bail-if-the-control-action-is-missing.patch b/SOURCES/0138-m_mirred-don-t-bail-if-the-control-action-is-missing.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87d77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0138-m_mirred-don-t-bail-if-the-control-action-is-missing.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From e4526cbbfb6151e87e493a7fecfe2384a3751100 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:12:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] m_mirred: don't bail if the control action is missing
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6eccf7ecdb010
+commit 6eccf7ecdb010a90e5271942748ef4338ddb61ae
+Author: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@redhat.com>
+Date:   Mon May 20 11:56:52 2019 +0200
+    m_mirred: don't bail if the control action is missing
+    The mirred act admits an optional control action, defaulting
+    to TC_ACT_PIPE. The parsing code currently emits an error message
+    if the control action is not provided on the command line, even
+    if the command itself completes with no error.
+    This change shuts down the error message, using the appropriate
+    parsing helper.
+    Fixes: e67aba559581 ("tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions")
+    Signed-off-by: Paolo Abeni <pabeni@redhat.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
+ tc/m_mirred.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/m_mirred.c b/tc/m_mirred.c
+index b1f45f1e6ecb0..90d0b633c1318 100644
+--- a/tc/m_mirred.c
++++ b/tc/m_mirred.c
+@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ parse_direction(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	if (p.eaction == TCA_EGRESS_MIRROR || p.eaction == TCA_INGRESS_MIRROR)
+-		parse_action_control(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false);
++		parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &p.action, false,
++					  TC_ACT_PIPE);
+ 	if (argc) {
+ 		if (iok && matches(*argv, "index") == 0) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0139-tc-m_tunnel_key-add-csum-nocsum-option.patch b/SOURCES/0139-tc-m_tunnel_key-add-csum-nocsum-option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aa571a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0139-tc-m_tunnel_key-add-csum-nocsum-option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+From 0152070641c58eccf6c6d9981a33f17ada23996f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:12:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: m_tunnel_key: add csum/nocsum option
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 59eb271d1d259
+Conflicts: context change due to out-of-order cherry-pick of
+           commit 9f89b0cc0eda2 ("tc/act_tunnel_key: Enable
+           setup of tos and ttl")
+commit 59eb271d1d259da21372d222a2d995e57ef648a9
+Author: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+Date:   Wed Jun 14 21:30:18 2017 +0200
+    tc: m_tunnel_key: add csum/nocsum option
+    Allows control of UDP zero checksum.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Benc <jbenc@redhat.com>
+ man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
+ tc/m_tunnel_key.c        | 21 ++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8 b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+index 5e93c59d49465..0cd792a66d185 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc-tunnel_key.8
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ tunnel_key - Tunnel metadata manipulation
+ .BI dst_port " UDP_PORT"
+ .BI tos " TOS"
+ .BI ttl " TTL"
++.RB "[ " csum " | " nocsum " ]"
+ The
+@@ -85,6 +86,23 @@ Outer header TOS
+ .TP
+ .B ttl
+ Outer header TTL
++.RB [ no ] csum
++Controlls outer UDP checksum. When set to
++.B csum
++(which is default), the outer UDP checksum is calculated and included in the
++packets. When set to
++.BR nocsum ,
++outer UDP checksum is zero. Note that when using zero UDP checksums with
++IPv6, the other tunnel endpoint must be configured to accept such packets.
++In Linux, this would be the
++.B udp6zerocsumrx
++option for the VXLAN tunnel interface.
++If using
++.B nocsum
++with IPv6, be sure you know what you are doing. Zero UDP checksums provide
++weaker protection against corrupted packets. See RFC6935 for details.
+ .RE
+ The following example encapsulates incoming ICMP packets on eth0 into a vxlan
+diff --git a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+index cdde64a15b929..992adc51c28ab 100644
+--- a/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
++++ b/tc/m_tunnel_key.c
+@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ static void explain(void)
+ 		"id <TUNNELID>\n"
+ 		"src_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
+ 		"dst_ip <IP> (mandatory)\n"
+-		"dst_port <UDP_PORT>\n");
++		"dst_port <UDP_PORT>\n"
++		"csum | nocsum (default is \"csum\")\n");
+ }
+ static void usage(void)
+@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	int ret;
+ 	int has_src_ip = 0;
+ 	int has_dst_ip = 0;
++	int csum = 1;
+ 	if (matches(*argv, "tunnel_key") != 0)
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -186,6 +188,10 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 				fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"ttl\"\n");
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "csum") == 0) {
++			csum = 1;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "nocsum") == 0) {
++			csum = 0;
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 			usage();
+ 		} else {
+@@ -194,6 +200,8 @@ static int parse_tunnel_key(struct action_util *a, int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ 	}
++	addattr8(n, MAX_MSG, TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_NO_CSUM, !csum);
+ 	parse_action_control_dflt(&argc, &argv, &parm.action,
+ 				  false, TC_ACT_PIPE);
+@@ -276,6 +284,15 @@ static void tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(FILE *f, char *name,
+ 	}
+ }
++static void tunnel_key_print_flag(FILE *f, const char *name_on,
++				  const char *name_off,
++				  struct rtattr *attr)
++	if (!attr)
++		return;
++	fprintf(f, "\n\t%s", rta_getattr_u8(attr) ? name_on : name_off);
+ static int print_tunnel_key(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ {
+ 	struct rtattr *tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_MAX + 1];
+@@ -312,6 +329,8 @@ static int print_tunnel_key(struct action_util *au, FILE *f, struct rtattr *arg)
+ 		tunnel_key_print_dst_port(f, "dst_port",
++		tunnel_key_print_flag(f, "nocsum", "csum",
++				      tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_NO_CSUM]);
+ 		tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(f, "tos",
+ 					  tb[TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_ENC_TOS]);
+ 		tunnel_key_print_tos_ttl(f, "ttl",
diff --git a/SOURCES/0140-gre6-add-collect-metadata-support.patch b/SOURCES/0140-gre6-add-collect-metadata-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ec1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0140-gre6-add-collect-metadata-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+From b9961cdb54c22fa1b3f1eac5446a008fde7532e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:13:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] gre6: add collect metadata support
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 6231c5bec6d25
+* Context change due to missing commit
+  ad4b1425c3182 ("iplink: Expose IFLA_*_FWMARK attributes for supported link types")
+* Adjusted gre_print_opt() to missing commit 6856fb65484ba
+  ("ip: link_gre6.c: add json output support")
+commit 6231c5bec6d256f7861f39d3a578f5259f274cc4
+Author: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
+Date:   Tue Dec 12 18:22:52 2017 -0800
+    gre6: add collect metadata support
+    The patch adds 'external' option to support collect metadata
+    gre6 tunnel.  The 'external' keyword is already used to set the
+    device into collect metadata mode such as vxlan, geneve, ipip,
+    etc.  This patch extends support for ipv6 gre and gretap.
+    Example of L3 and L2 gre device:
+    bash:~# ip link add dev ip6gre123 type ip6gre external
+    bash:~# ip link add dev ip6gretap123 type ip6gretap external
+    Signed-off-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
+    Cc: Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net>
+ ip/link_gre6.c        | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ man/man8/ip-link.8.in | 17 +++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ip/link_gre6.c b/ip/link_gre6.c
+index 127e51de4ab73..ea42fb1a9f664 100644
+--- a/ip/link_gre6.c
++++ b/ip/link_gre6.c
+@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ static int gre_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv,
+ 	__u16 encapflags = TUNNEL_ENCAP_FLAG_CSUM6;
+ 	__u16 encapsport = 0;
+ 	__u16 encapdport = 0;
++	__u8 metadata = 0;
+ 	int len;
+ 	if (!(n->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_CREATE)) {
+@@ -173,6 +174,9 @@ get_failed:
+ 		if (greinfo[IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_SPORT])
+ 			encapsport = rta_getattr_u16(greinfo[IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_SPORT]);
++			metadata = 1;
+ 		if (greinfo[IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_DPORT])
+ 			encapdport = rta_getattr_u16(greinfo[IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_DPORT]);
+@@ -333,6 +337,8 @@ get_failed:
+ 			encapflags |= TUNNEL_ENCAP_FLAG_REMCSUM;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "noencap-remcsum") == 0) {
+ 			encapflags &= ~TUNNEL_ENCAP_FLAG_REMCSUM;
++		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "external") == 0) {
++			metadata = 1;
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "encaplimit") == 0) {
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (strcmp(*argv, "none") == 0) {
+@@ -350,23 +356,27 @@ get_failed:
+ 		argc--; argv++;
+ 	}
+-	addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_IKEY, ikey);
+-	addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_OKEY, okey);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_IFLAGS, &iflags, 2);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_OFLAGS, &oflags, 2);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_LOCAL, &laddr, sizeof(laddr));
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_REMOTE, &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
+-	if (link)
+-		addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_LINK, link);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_TTL, &hop_limit, 1);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_LIMIT, &encap_limit, 1);
+-	addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_FLOWINFO, &flowinfo, 4);
+-	addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_FLAGS, flags);
+-	addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_TYPE, encaptype);
+-	addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_FLAGS, encapflags);
+-	addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_SPORT, htons(encapsport));
+-	addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_DPORT, htons(encapdport));
++	if (!metadata) {
++		addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_IKEY, ikey);
++		addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_OKEY, okey);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_IFLAGS, &iflags, 2);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_OFLAGS, &oflags, 2);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_LOCAL, &laddr, sizeof(laddr));
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_REMOTE, &raddr, sizeof(raddr));
++		if (link)
++			addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_LINK, link);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_TTL, &hop_limit, 1);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_LIMIT, &encap_limit, 1);
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_FLOWINFO, &flowinfo, 4);
++		addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_FLAGS, flags);
++		addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_TYPE, encaptype);
++		addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_FLAGS, encapflags);
++		addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_SPORT, htons(encapsport));
++		addattr16(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_ENCAP_DPORT, htons(encapdport));
++	} else {
++		addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_GRE_COLLECT_METADATA, NULL, 0);
++	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -385,6 +395,11 @@ static void gre_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[])
+ 	if (!tb)
+ 		return;
++		fprintf(f, "external");
++		return;
++	}
+ 	if (tb[IFLA_GRE_FLAGS])
+ 		flags = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_GRE_FLAGS]);
+diff --git a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+index 8be5d5e1e9fd6..612bd8ce92696 100644
+--- a/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
++++ b/man/man8/ip-link.8.in
+@@ -877,6 +877,8 @@ the following additional arguments are supported:
+ .BI "dscp inherit"
+ ] [
+ .BI dev " PHYS_DEV "
++] [
++.RB external
+ ]
+ .in +8
+@@ -958,6 +960,21 @@ or
+ .IR 00 ".." ff
+ when tunneling non-IP packets. The default value is 00.
++.RB external
++- make this tunnel externally controlled (or not, which is the default).
++In the kernel, this is referred to as collect metadata mode.  This flag is
++mutually exclusive with the
++.BR remote ,
++.BR local ,
++.BR seq ,
++.BR key,
++.BR csum,
++.BR hoplimit,
++.BR encaplimit,
++.BR flowlabel " and " tclass
+ .in -8
+ .TP
diff --git a/SOURCES/0141-tc_util-Silence-spurious-compiler-warning.patch b/SOURCES/0141-tc_util-Silence-spurious-compiler-warning.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b345515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0141-tc_util-Silence-spurious-compiler-warning.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 774b1c35d4515434e979d9090960ad3293bfe12e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:18:27 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc_util: Silence spurious compiler warning
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1714660
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 66942e522e54d
+commit 66942e522e54d9f96153590b7c1c7830b8f73f5c
+Author: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+Date:   Wed Nov 15 15:01:31 2017 +0100
+    tc_util: Silence spurious compiler warning
+    GCC version 7.2.1 complains that 'result1' may be used uninitialized in
+    parse_action_control_slash_spaces(). This should not be possible in
+    practice, so the actual value 'result1' is initialized with does not
+    matter.
+    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <phil@nwl.cc>
+ tc/tc_util.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.c b/tc/tc_util.c
+index 65695ea592ed8..e115e5a70e3a1 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.c
++++ b/tc/tc_util.c
+@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ static int parse_action_control_slash_spaces(int *argc_p, char ***argv_p,
+ {
+ 	int argc = *argc_p;
+ 	char **argv = *argv_p;
+-	int result1, result2;
++	int result1 = -1, result2;
+ 	int *result_p = &result1;
+ 	int ok = 0;
+ 	int ret;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0142-ss-use-for-any-address-any-family-sockets.patch b/SOURCES/0142-ss-use-for-any-address-any-family-sockets.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e97133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0142-ss-use-for-any-address-any-family-sockets.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+From 04453080a3a92071227fd79a039137f72fa82e15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:00:33 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ss: use [::] for any address/any family sockets
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1588122
+Upstream Status: RHEL-only
+commit d981824803999a339f4b8fb9ad36d9d5990d9eab
+Author: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date:   Wed Jun 12 14:49:07 2019 +0200
+    ss: use [::] for any address/any family sockets
+    commit aba9c23a6e1cb ("ss: enclose IPv6 address in brackets")
+    brings in the unintended side effect of showing as "*" sockets
+    listening to any address in any family. This is consistent with
+    upstream iproute and RHEL 8 iproute version, but not with
+    previous versions of RHEL 7 iproute.
+    This commit partially reverts aba9c23a6e1cb using "[::]" for
+    any family sockets when -f inet6 is used.
+    Tested with
+    # ss -ln -f inet6
+    ("ss: enclose IPv6 address in brackets")
+ misc/ss.c | 29 ++++++++++++-----------------
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/misc/ss.c b/misc/ss.c
+index 6aaae1b5390e4..8f184fb929d31 100644
+--- a/misc/ss.c
++++ b/misc/ss.c
+@@ -1090,25 +1090,20 @@ static void inet_addr_print(const inet_prefix *a, int port, unsigned int ifindex
+ 			ap = format_host(AF_INET, 4, a->data);
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+-		if (!memcmp(a->data, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any))) {
+-			buf[0] = '*';
+-			buf[1] = 0;
+-		} else {
+-			ap = format_host(a->family, 16, a->data);
+-			/* Numeric IPv6 addresses should be bracketed */
+-			if (strchr(ap, ':')) {
+-				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+-					 "[%s]", ap);
+-				ap = buf;
+-			}
++		ap = format_host(a->family, 16, a->data);
+-			est_len = strlen(ap);
+-			if (est_len <= addr_width)
+-				est_len = addr_width;
+-			else
+-				est_len = addr_width + ((est_len-addr_width+3)/4)*4;
++		/* Numeric IPv6 addresses should be bracketed */
++		if (strchr(ap, ':')) {
++			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
++				 "[%s]", ap);
++			ap = buf;
+ 		}
++		est_len = strlen(ap);
++		if (est_len <= addr_width)
++			est_len = addr_width;
++		else
++			est_len = addr_width + ((est_len-addr_width+3)/4)*4;
+ 	}
+ 	if (ifindex) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0143-tc-introduce-tc_qdisc_block_exists-helper.patch b/SOURCES/0143-tc-introduce-tc_qdisc_block_exists-helper.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5bbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0143-tc-introduce-tc_qdisc_block_exists-helper.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+From 2e2ac620670997b59d65a73b0af3e77431be3c18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 20:01:45 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: introduce tc_qdisc_block_exists helper
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1721291
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit d0bcedd549566
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 6f7df6b2a1fef
+           ("tc: Optimize gact action lookup")
+commit d0bcedd549566a87354aa804df3be6be80681ee9
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sat Jan 20 11:00:27 2018 +0100
+    tc: introduce tc_qdisc_block_exists helper
+    This hepler used qdisc dump to list all qdisc and find if block index in
+    question is used by any of them. That means the block with specified
+    index exists.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ tc/tc_qdisc.c | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tc/tc_util.h  |  2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_qdisc.c b/tc/tc_qdisc.c
+index 8b0c5c72dbad1..f8e06ccf205a0 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_qdisc.c
++++ b/tc/tc_qdisc.c
+@@ -366,3 +366,64 @@ int do_qdisc(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Command \"%s\" is unknown, try \"tc qdisc help\".\n", *argv);
+ 	return -1;
+ }
++struct tc_qdisc_block_exists_ctx {
++	__u32 block_index;
++	bool found;
++static int tc_qdisc_block_exists_cb(const struct sockaddr_nl *who,
++				    struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
++	struct tc_qdisc_block_exists_ctx *ctx = arg;
++	struct tcmsg *t = NLMSG_DATA(n);
++	struct rtattr *tb[TCA_MAX+1];
++	int len = n->nlmsg_len;
++	if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWQDISC)
++		return 0;
++	len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*t));
++	if (len < 0)
++		return -1;
++	parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_MAX, TCA_RTA(t), len);
++	if (tb[TCA_KIND] == NULL)
++		return -1;
++	if (tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK] &&
++	    RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK]) >= sizeof(__u32)) {
++		__u32 block = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK]);
++		if (block == ctx->block_index)
++			ctx->found = true;
++	}
++	if (tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK] &&
++	    RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK]) >= sizeof(__u32)) {
++		__u32 block = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK]);
++		if (block == ctx->block_index)
++			ctx->found = true;
++	}
++	return 0;
++bool tc_qdisc_block_exists(__u32 block_index)
++	struct tc_qdisc_block_exists_ctx ctx = { .block_index = block_index };
++	struct tcmsg t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC };
++	if (rtnl_dump_request(&rth, RTM_GETQDISC, &t, sizeof(t)) < 0) {
++		perror("Cannot send dump request");
++		return false;
++	}
++	if (rtnl_dump_filter(&rth, tc_qdisc_block_exists_cb, &ctx) < 0) {
++		perror("Dump terminated\n");
++		return false;
++	}
++	return ctx.found;
+diff --git a/tc/tc_util.h b/tc/tc_util.h
+index 5c54ad384eae6..8344c11833ee8 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_util.h
++++ b/tc/tc_util.h
+@@ -122,4 +122,6 @@ int prio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt);
+ int cls_names_init(char *path);
+ void cls_names_uninit(void);
++bool tc_qdisc_block_exists(__u32 block_index);
+ #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0144-tc_filter-resolve-device-name-before-parsing-filter.patch b/SOURCES/0144-tc_filter-resolve-device-name-before-parsing-filter.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c8eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0144-tc_filter-resolve-device-name-before-parsing-filter.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 83b78ff645260a51ff5d643169009faeb3032d3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 20:02:54 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc_filter: resolve device name before parsing filter
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1721291
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 01ea76b1cf545
+commit 01ea76b1cf54516c71a9a54fba672410ada2cccb
+Author: Jakub Kicinski <jakub.kicinski@netronome.com>
+Date:   Thu Nov 23 18:12:06 2017 -0800
+    tc_filter: resolve device name before parsing filter
+    Move resolving device name into an ifindex before calling filter
+    specific callbacks.  This way if filters need the ifindex, they
+    can read it from the request.
+    Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <jakub.kicinski@netronome.com>
+    Reviewed-by: Quentin Monnet <quentin.monnet@netronome.com>
+    Acked-by: Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net>
+ tc/tc_filter.c | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tc/tc_filter.c b/tc/tc_filter.c
+index 8dbebf1ffa32a..e479039159df6 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_filter.c
++++ b/tc/tc_filter.c
+@@ -161,6 +161,16 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	if (k[0])
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_KIND, k, strlen(k)+1);
++	if (d[0])  {
++		ll_init_map(&rth);
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
++		if (req.t.tcm_ifindex == 0) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
++			return 1;
++		}
++	}
+ 	if (q) {
+ 		if (q->parse_fopt(q, fhandle, argc, argv, &req.n))
+ 			return 1;
+@@ -183,17 +193,6 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	if (est.ewma_log)
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_RATE, &est, sizeof(est));
+-	if (d[0])  {
+-		ll_init_map(&rth);
+-		req.t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
+-		if (req.t.tcm_ifindex == 0) {
+-			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
+-			return 1;
+-		}
+-	}
+ 	if (rtnl_talk(&rth, &req.n, NULL) < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "We have an error talking to the kernel\n");
+ 		return 2;
+@@ -453,10 +452,23 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
++	if (d[0])  {
++		ll_init_map(&rth);
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
++		if (req.t.tcm_ifindex  == 0) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
++			return 1;
++		}
++		filter_ifindex = req.t.tcm_ifindex;
++	} else {
++		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify netdevice \"dev\"\n");
++		return -1;
++	}
+ 	if (q->parse_fopt(q, fhandle, argc, argv, &req.n))
+ 		return 1;
+ 	if (!fhandle) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify filter \"handle\"\n");
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -471,20 +483,6 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	if (d[0])  {
+-		ll_init_map(&rth);
+-		req.t.tcm_ifindex = ll_name_to_index(d);
+-		if (req.t.tcm_ifindex  == 0) {
+-			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
+-			return 1;
+-		}
+-		filter_ifindex = req.t.tcm_ifindex;
+-	} else {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify netdevice \"dev\"\n");
+-		return -1;
+-	}
+ 	if (rtnl_talk(&rth, &req.n, &answer) < 0) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "We have an error talking to the kernel\n");
+ 		return 2;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0145-tc-introduce-support-for-block-handle-for-filter-ope.patch b/SOURCES/0145-tc-introduce-support-for-block-handle-for-filter-ope.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe56ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0145-tc-introduce-support-for-block-handle-for-filter-ope.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+From 13e1ae7b588c723091f81538bb5834b274f0b0c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 20:02:54 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: introduce support for block-handle for filter operations
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1721291
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 0c7cef9669a82
+Conflicts: context change due to missing commit 485d0c6001c4a
+           ("tc: Add batchsize feature for filter and actions"),
+           also adjust code to use fprintf instead of print_string
+           due to missing commit 249284ff5a44a ("tc: jsonify filter core")
+commit 0c7cef9669a82d4ad0438922f7ce57c18100d6b8
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sat Jan 20 11:00:28 2018 +0100
+    tc: introduce support for block-handle for filter operations
+    So far, qdisc was the only handle that could be used to manipulate
+    filters. Kernel added support for using block to manipulate it. So add
+    the support to use block index to manipulate filters. The magic
+    TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK indicates the block index is in use.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc.8  |  18 +++++++++
+ tc/tc_filter.c | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 2 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc.8 b/man/man8/tc.8
+index a341a8f995f85..c493ccfa7c900 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc.8
+@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@ tc \- show / manipulate traffic control settings
+ .B flowid
+ \fIflow-id\fR
++.B tc
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
++.B filter [ add | change | replace | delete | get ] block
++.B [ handle \fIfilter-id\fR ]
++.B protocol
++.B prio
++\fIpriority\fR filtertype
++[ filtertype specific parameters ]
++.B flowid
+ .B tc
+ .RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
+ .RI "[ " FORMAT " ]"
+@@ -58,6 +71,11 @@ tc \- show / manipulate traffic control settings
+ .RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
+ .B filter show dev
+ \fIDEV\fR
++.B tc
++.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
++.B filter show block
+ .P
+ .ti 8
+diff --git a/tc/tc_filter.c b/tc/tc_filter.c
+index e479039159df6..5676ed3a74383 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_filter.c
++++ b/tc/tc_filter.c
+@@ -29,14 +29,17 @@
+ static void usage(void)
+ {
+ 	fprintf(stderr,
+-		"Usage: tc filter [ add | del | change | replace | show ] dev STRING\n"
+-		"Usage: tc filter get dev STRING parent CLASSID protocol PROTO handle FILTERID pref PRIO FILTER_TYPE\n"
++		"Usage: tc filter [ add | del | change | replace | show ] [ dev STRING ]\n"
++		"       tc filter [ add | del | change | replace | show ] [ block BLOCK_INDEX ]\n"
++		"       tc filter get dev STRING parent CLASSID protocol PROTO handle FILTERID pref PRIO FILTER_TYPE\n"
++		"       tc filter get block BLOCK_INDEX protocol PROTO handle FILTERID pref PRIO FILTER_TYPE\n"
+ 		"       [ pref PRIO ] protocol PROTO [ chain CHAIN_INDEX ]\n"
+ 		"       [ estimator INTERVAL TIME_CONSTANT ]\n"
+ 		"       [ root | ingress | egress | parent CLASSID ]\n"
+ 		"       [ handle FILTERID ] [ [ FILTER_TYPE ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ]\n"
+ 		"\n"
+ 		"       tc filter show [ dev STRING ] [ root | ingress | egress | parent CLASSID ]\n"
++		"       tc filter show [ block BLOCK_INDEX ]\n"
+ 		"Where:\n"
+ 		"FILTER_TYPE := { rsvp | u32 | bpf | fw | route | etc. }\n"
+ 		"FILTERID := ... format depends on classifier, see there\n"
+@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	int protocol_set = 0;
+ 	__u32 chain_index;
+ 	int chain_index_set = 0;
++	__u32 block_index = 0;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	char  d[16] = {};
+ 	char  k[16] = {};
+@@ -74,7 +78,21 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (d[0])
+ 				duparg("dev", *argv);
++			if (block_index) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"dev\" and \"block\" are mutually exlusive\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
+ 			strncpy(d, *argv, sizeof(d)-1);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "block") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (block_index)
++				duparg("block", *argv);
++			if (d[0]) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"dev\" and \"block\" are mutually exlusive\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			if (get_u32(&block_index, *argv, 0) || !block_index)
++				invarg("invalid block index value", *argv);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "root") == 0) {
+ 			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+@@ -169,6 +187,9 @@ static int tc_filter_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", d);
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
++	} else if (block_index) {
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK;
++		req.t.tcm_block_index = block_index;
+ 	}
+ 	if (q) {
+@@ -207,6 +228,7 @@ static __u32 filter_prio;
+ static __u32 filter_protocol;
+ static __u32 filter_chain_index;
+ static int filter_chain_index_set;
++static __u32 filter_block_index;
+ __u16 f_proto;
+ int print_filter(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+@@ -251,19 +273,25 @@ int print_filter(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg)
+ 		fprintf(fp, "added ");
+ 	fprintf(fp, "filter ");
+-	if (!filter_ifindex || filter_ifindex != t->tcm_ifindex)
+-		fprintf(fp, "dev %s ", ll_index_to_name(t->tcm_ifindex));
+-	if (!filter_parent || filter_parent != t->tcm_parent) {
+-		if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_ROOT)
+-			fprintf(fp, "root ");
+-		else if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_INGRESS))
+-			fprintf(fp, "ingress ");
+-		else if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_EGRESS))
+-			fprintf(fp, "egress ");
+-		else {
+-			print_tc_classid(abuf, sizeof(abuf), t->tcm_parent);
+-			fprintf(fp, "parent %s ", abuf);
++	if (t->tcm_ifindex == TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK) {
++		if (!filter_block_index ||
++		    filter_block_index != t->tcm_block_index)
++			fprintf(fp, "block %u ", t->tcm_block_index);
++	} else {
++		if (!filter_ifindex || filter_ifindex != t->tcm_ifindex)
++			fprintf(fp, "dev %s ", ll_index_to_name(t->tcm_ifindex));
++		if (!filter_parent || filter_parent != t->tcm_parent) {
++			if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_ROOT)
++				fprintf(fp, "root ");
++			else if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_INGRESS))
++				fprintf(fp, "ingress ");
++			else if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_EGRESS))
++				fprintf(fp, "egress ");
++			else {
++				print_tc_classid(abuf, sizeof(abuf), t->tcm_parent);
++				fprintf(fp, "parent %s ", abuf);
++			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+@@ -337,6 +365,7 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	int protocol_set = 0;
+ 	__u32 chain_index;
+ 	int chain_index_set = 0;
++	__u32 block_index = 0;
+ 	__u32 parent_handle = 0;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	char  d[16] = {};
+@@ -347,7 +376,21 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (d[0])
+ 				duparg("dev", *argv);
++			if (block_index) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"dev\" and \"block\" are mutually exlusive\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
+ 			strncpy(d, *argv, sizeof(d)-1);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "block") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (block_index)
++				duparg("block", *argv);
++			if (d[0]) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"dev\" and \"block\" are mutually exlusive\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			if (get_u32(&block_index, *argv, 0) || !block_index)
++				invarg("invalid block index value", *argv);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "root") == 0) {
+ 			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+@@ -461,8 +504,12 @@ static int tc_filter_get(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+ 		filter_ifindex = req.t.tcm_ifindex;
++	} else if (block_index) {
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK;
++		req.t.tcm_block_index = block_index;
++		filter_block_index = block_index;
+ 	} else {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify netdevice \"dev\"\n");
++		fprintf(stderr, "Must specify netdevice \"dev\" or block index \"block\"\n");
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+@@ -510,6 +557,7 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	__u32 prio = 0;
+ 	__u32 protocol = 0;
+ 	__u32 chain_index;
++	__u32 block_index = 0;
+ 	char *fhandle = NULL;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+@@ -517,7 +565,21 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			NEXT_ARG();
+ 			if (d[0])
+ 				duparg("dev", *argv);
++			if (block_index) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"dev\" cannot be used in the same time as \"block\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
+ 			strncpy(d, *argv, sizeof(d)-1);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "block") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (block_index)
++				duparg("block", *argv);
++			if (d[0]) {
++				fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"block\" cannot be used in the same time as \"dev\"\n");
++				return -1;
++			}
++			if (get_u32(&block_index, *argv, 0) || !block_index)
++				invarg("invalid block index value", *argv);
+ 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "root") == 0) {
+ 			if (req.t.tcm_parent) {
+ 				fprintf(stderr,
+@@ -606,6 +668,14 @@ static int tc_filter_list(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+ 		filter_ifindex = req.t.tcm_ifindex;
++	} else if (block_index) {
++		if (!tc_qdisc_block_exists(block_index)) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find block \"%u\"\n", block_index);
++			return 1;
++		}
++		req.t.tcm_ifindex = TCM_IFINDEX_MAGIC_BLOCK;
++		req.t.tcm_block_index = block_index;
++		filter_block_index = block_index;
+ 	}
+ 	if (filter_chain_index_set)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0146-tc-implement-ingress-egress-block-index-attributes-f.patch b/SOURCES/0146-tc-implement-ingress-egress-block-index-attributes-f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0aa77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0146-tc-implement-ingress-egress-block-index-attributes-f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+From f38f33f8693ed7a4f883b18862e47f822ff8a62d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 20:04:42 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tc: implement ingress/egress block index attributes for
+ qdiscs
+Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1721291
+Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit 063463efd7f0d
+Conflicts: adjust the code to make it compile due to missing
+           commit c91d262f414d2 ("tc: jsonify qdisc core")
+commit 063463efd7f0d91b7372b089a7b7aff7fc9ac0f6
+Author: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+Date:   Sat Jan 20 11:00:29 2018 +0100
+    tc: implement ingress/egress block index attributes for qdiscs
+    During qdisc creation it is possible to specify shared block for bot
+    ingress and egress. Pass this values to kernel according to the command
+    line options.
+    Signed-off-by: Jiri Pirko <jiri@mellanox.com>
+    Signed-off-by: David Ahern <dsahern@gmail.com>
+ man/man8/tc.8 |  6 +++++-
+ tc/tc_qdisc.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/man/man8/tc.8 b/man/man8/tc.8
+index c493ccfa7c900..c89a7a8ecf83b 100644
+--- a/man/man8/tc.8
++++ b/man/man8/tc.8
+@@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ tc \- show / manipulate traffic control settings
+ \fIqdisc-id\fR
+ .B | root ]
+ .B [ handle
+-\fIqdisc-id\fR ] qdisc
++\fIqdisc-id\fR ]
++.B [ ingress_block
++.B [ egress_block
++\fIBLOCK_INDEX\fR ] qdisc
+ [ qdisc specific parameters ]
+ .P
+diff --git a/tc/tc_qdisc.c b/tc/tc_qdisc.c
+index f8e06ccf205a0..26d23f43007ae 100644
+--- a/tc/tc_qdisc.c
++++ b/tc/tc_qdisc.c
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ static int usage(void)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       [ handle QHANDLE ] [ root | ingress | clsact | parent CLASSID ]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       [ estimator INTERVAL TIME_CONSTANT ]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       [ stab [ help | STAB_OPTIONS] ]\n");
++	fprintf(stderr, "       [ ingress_block BLOCK_INDEX ] [ egress_block BLOCK_INDEX ]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       [ [ QDISC_KIND ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ]\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "       tc qdisc show [ dev STRING ] [ ingress | clsact ]\n");
+@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ static int tc_qdisc_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		.n.nlmsg_type = cmd,
+ 		.t.tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
+ 	};
++	__u32 ingress_block = 0;
++	__u32 egress_block = 0;
+ 	while (argc > 0) {
+ 		if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) {
+@@ -122,6 +125,14 @@ static int tc_qdisc_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			if (parse_size_table(&argc, &argv, &stab.szopts) < 0)
+ 				return -1;
+ 			continue;
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "ingress_block") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (get_u32(&ingress_block, *argv, 0) || !ingress_block)
++				invarg("invalid ingress block index value", *argv);
++		} else if (matches(*argv, "egress_block") == 0) {
++			NEXT_ARG();
++			if (get_u32(&egress_block, *argv, 0) || !egress_block)
++				invarg("invalid egress block index value", *argv);
+ 		} else if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+ 			usage();
+ 		} else {
+@@ -139,6 +150,13 @@ static int tc_qdisc_modify(int cmd, unsigned int flags, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	if (est.ewma_log)
+ 		addattr_l(&req.n, sizeof(req), TCA_RATE, &est, sizeof(est));
++	if (ingress_block)
++		addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req),
++			  TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK, ingress_block);
++	if (egress_block)
++		addattr32(&req.n, sizeof(req),
++			  TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK, egress_block);
+ 	if (q) {
+ 		if (q->parse_qopt) {
+ 			if (q->parse_qopt(q, argc, argv, &req.n))
+@@ -252,6 +270,22 @@ int print_qdisc(const struct sockaddr_nl *who,
+ 	if (t->tcm_info != 1)
+ 		fprintf(fp, "refcnt %d ", t->tcm_info);
++	if (tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK] &&
++	    RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK]) >= sizeof(__u32)) {
++		__u32 block = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_INGRESS_BLOCK]);
++		if (block)
++			fprintf(fp, "ingress_block %u ", block);
++	}
++	if (tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK] &&
++	    RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK]) >= sizeof(__u32)) {
++		__u32 block = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_EGRESS_BLOCK]);
++		if (block)
++			fprintf(fp, "egress_block %u ", block);
++	}
+ 	/* pfifo_fast is generic enough to warrant the hardcoding --JHS */
+ 	if (strcmp("pfifo_fast", RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND])) == 0)
+ 		q = get_qdisc_kind("prio");
diff --git a/SPECS/iproute.spec b/SPECS/iproute.spec
index 0f0a78e..9c0adae 100644
--- a/SPECS/iproute.spec
+++ b/SPECS/iproute.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 %define rpmversion 4.11.0
 %define baserelease 0.el7
-%define specrelease 14%{?dist}.2
+%define specrelease 25%{?dist}
 %define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid}
 Summary:            Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
@@ -58,11 +58,109 @@ Patch39:            0040-link_gre6-Detect-invalid-encaplimit-values.patch
 Patch40:            0041-man-tc-csum.8-Fix-inconsistency-in-example-descripti.patch
 Patch41:            0042-tc-fix-command-tc-actions-del-hang-issue.patch
 Patch42:            0043-ip-link-Fix-use-after-free-in-nl_get_ll_addr_len.patch
-Patch43:            0050-iproute-Abort-if-nexthop-cannot-be-parsed.patch
-Patch44:            0051-ip-route-Fix-segfault-with-many-nexthops.patch
-Patch45:            0052-man-ip-route.8-Document-nexthop-limit.patch
-Patch46:            0053-ip-route-Fix-nexthop-encap-parsing.patch
-Patch47:            0054-ip-link-Fix-listing-of-alias-interfaces.patch
+Patch43:            0044-tc-m_tunnel_key-reformat-the-usage-text.patch
+Patch44:            0045-tc-m_tunnel_key-Allow-key-less-tunnels.patch
+Patch45:            0046-tc-include-stdint.h-explicitly-for-UINT16_MAX.patch
+Patch46:            0047-Update-kernel-headers.patch
+Patch47:            0048-tc-flower-Add-match-on-encapsulating-tos-ttl.patch
+Patch48:            0049-tc-act_tunnel_key-Enable-setup-of-tos-and-ttl.patch
+Patch49:            0050-iproute-Abort-if-nexthop-cannot-be-parsed.patch
+Patch50:            0051-ip-route-Fix-segfault-with-many-nexthops.patch
+Patch51:            0052-man-ip-route.8-Document-nexthop-limit.patch
+Patch52:            0053-ip-route-Fix-nexthop-encap-parsing.patch
+Patch53:            0054-ip-link-Fix-listing-of-alias-interfaces.patch
+Patch54:            0055-ip-Add-violation-counters-to-VF-statisctics.patch
+Patch55:            0056-devlink-Add-support-for-devlink-resource-abstraction.patch
+Patch56:            0057-devlink-Add-support-for-hot-reload.patch
+Patch57:            0058-devlink-Update-man-pages-and-add-resource-man.patch
+Patch58:            0059-devlink-Add-param-command-support.patch
+Patch59:            0060-man-ip-route.8-ssthresh-parameter-is-NUMBER.patch
+Patch60:            0061-man-tc-vlan.8-Fix-for-incorrect-example.patch
+Patch61:            0062-tc-flower-Add-support-for-QinQ.patch
+Patch62:            0063-utils-Move-BIT-macro-to-common-header.patch
+Patch63:            0064-lib-make-resolve_hosts-variable-common.patch
+Patch64:            0065-json_writer-add-new-json-handlers-null-float-with-fo.patch
+Patch65:            0066-rdma-Add-MR-resource-tracking-information.patch
+Patch66:            0067-rdma-add-infrastructure-for-RDMA-tool.patch
+Patch67:            0068-rdma-add-man-pages-for-RDMA-tool.patch
+Patch68:            0069-tc-f_flower-Add-support-for-matching-first-frag-pack.patch
+Patch69:            0070-ss-enclose-IPv6-address-in-brackets.patch
+Patch70:            0071-ip-address-Use-correct-max-attribute-value-in-print_.patch
+Patch71:            0072-examples-Some-shell-fixes-to-cbq.init.patch
+Patch72:            0073-ifcfg-Quote-left-hand-side-of-expression.patch
+Patch73:            0074-tipc-node-Fix-socket-fd-check-in-cmd_node_get_addr.patch
+Patch74:            0075-iproute_lwtunnel-Argument-to-strerror-must-be-positi.patch
+Patch75:            0076-iproute_lwtunnel-csum_mode-value-checking-was-ineffe.patch
+Patch76:            0077-ss-Don-t-leak-fd-in-tcp_show_netlink_file.patch
+Patch77:            0078-tc-em_ipset-Don-t-leak-sockfd-on-error-path.patch
+Patch78:            0079-ipvrf-Fix-error-path-of-vrf_switch.patch
+Patch79:            0080-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-error-case.patch
+Patch80:            0081-ifstat-Fix-memleak-in-dump_kern_db-for-json-output.patch
+Patch81:            0082-ss-Fix-potential-memleak-in-unix_stats_print.patch
+Patch82:            0083-tipc-bearer-Fix-resource-leak-in-error-path.patch
+Patch83:            0084-devlink-No-need-for-this-self-assignment.patch
+Patch84:            0085-ipntable-No-need-to-check-and-assign-to-parms_rta.patch
+Patch85:            0086-iproute-Fix-for-missing-Oifs-display.patch
+Patch86:            0087-lib-rt_names-Drop-dead-code-in-rtnl_rttable_n2a.patch
+Patch87:            0088-ss-Skip-useless-check-in-parse_hostcond.patch
+Patch88:            0089-ss-Drop-useless-assignment.patch
+Patch89:            0090-tc-m_gact-Drop-dead-code.patch
+Patch90:            0091-ipaddress-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-variable-lcl.patch
+Patch91:            0092-iplink_can-Prevent-overstepping-array-bounds.patch
+Patch92:            0093-ipmaddr-Avoid-accessing-uninitialized-data.patch
+Patch93:            0094-ss-Use-C99-initializer-in-netlink_show_one.patch
+Patch94:            0095-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fstat.patch
+Patch95:            0096-tc-q_multiq-Don-t-pass-garbage-in-TCA_OPTIONS.patch
+Patch96:            0097-iproute-Check-mark-value-input.patch
+Patch97:            0098-iplink_vrf-Complain-if-main-table-is-not-found.patch
+Patch98:            0099-devlink-Check-return-code-of-strslashrsplit.patch
+Patch99:            0100-lib-bpf-Don-t-leak-fp-in-bpf_find_mntpt.patch
+Patch100:           0101-ifstat-nstat-Check-fdopen-return-value.patch
+Patch101:           0102-tc-q_netem-Don-t-dereference-possibly-NULL-pointer.patch
+Patch102:           0103-tc-tc_filter-Make-sure-filter-name-is-not-empty.patch
+Patch103:           0104-tipc-bearer-Prevent-NULL-pointer-dereference.patch
+Patch104:           0105-ipntable-Avoid-memory-allocation-for-filter.name.patch
+Patch105:           0106-lib-fs-Fix-format-string-in-find_fs_mount.patch
+Patch106:           0107-lib-inet_proto-Review-inet_proto_-a2n-n2a.patch
+Patch107:           0108-lnstat_util-Simplify-alloc_and_open-a-bit.patch
+Patch108:           0109-tc-m_xt-Fix-for-potential-string-buffer-overflows.patch
+Patch109:           0110-lib-ll_map-Choose-size-of-new-cache-items-at-run-tim.patch
+Patch110:           0111-ss-Make-struct-tcpstat-fields-timer-and-timeout-unsi.patch
+Patch111:           0112-ss-Make-sure-scanned-index-value-to-unix_state_map-i.patch
+Patch112:           0113-netem-maketable-Check-return-value-of-fscanf.patch
+Patch113:           0114-lib-bpf-Check-return-value-of-write.patch
+Patch114:           0115-lib-fs-Fix-and-simplify-make_path.patch
+Patch115:           0116-lib-libnetlink-Don-t-pass-NULL-parameter-to-memcpy.patch
+Patch116:           0117-utils-Implement-strlcpy-and-strlcat.patch
+Patch117:           0118-Convert-the-obvious-cases-to-strlcpy.patch
+Patch118:           0119-Convert-harmful-calls-to-strncpy-to-strlcpy.patch
+Patch119:           0120-ipxfrm-Replace-STRBUF_CAT-macro-with-strlcat.patch
+Patch120:           0121-tc_util-No-need-to-terminate-an-snprintf-ed-buffer.patch
+Patch121:           0122-lnstat_util-Make-sure-buffer-is-NUL-terminated.patch
+Patch122:           0123-utils-strlcpy-and-strlcat-don-t-clobber-dst.patch
+Patch123:           0124-ip-6-tunnel-Avoid-copying-user-supplied-interface-na.patch
+Patch124:           0125-tc-flower-No-need-to-cache-indev-arg.patch
+Patch125:           0126-Check-user-supplied-interface-name-lengths.patch
+Patch126:           0127-bpf-minor-cleanups-for-bpf_trace_pipe.patch
+Patch127:           0128-ip-tunnel-Use-tnl_parse_key-to-parse-tunnel-key.patch
+Patch128:           0129-man-ip-link-document-GRE-tunnels.patch
+Patch129:           0130-gre-gre6-allow-clearing-i-o-key-seq-csum-flags.patch
+Patch130:           0131-tc_filter-add-support-for-chain-index.patch
+Patch131:           0132-tc-actions-add-helpers-to-parse-and-print-control-ac.patch
+Patch132:           0133-tc-actions-introduce-support-for-goto-chain-action.patch
+Patch133:           0134-tc-gact-fix-control-action-parsing.patch
+Patch134:           0135-tc-don-t-print-error-message-on-miss-when-parsing-ac.patch
+Patch135:           0136-tc-util-Don-t-call-NEXT_ARG_FWD-in-__parse_action_co.patch
+Patch136:           0137-tc-fix-parsing-of-the-control-action.patch
+Patch137:           0138-m_mirred-don-t-bail-if-the-control-action-is-missing.patch
+Patch138:           0139-tc-m_tunnel_key-add-csum-nocsum-option.patch
+Patch139:           0140-gre6-add-collect-metadata-support.patch
+Patch140:           0141-tc_util-Silence-spurious-compiler-warning.patch
+Patch141:           0142-ss-use-for-any-address-any-family-sockets.patch
+Patch142:           0143-tc-introduce-tc_qdisc_block_exists-helper.patch
+Patch143:           0144-tc_filter-resolve-device-name-before-parsing-filter.patch
+Patch144:           0145-tc-introduce-support-for-block-handle-for-filter-ope.patch
+Patch145:           0146-tc-implement-ingress-egress-block-index-attributes-f.patch
 License:            GPLv2+ and Public Domain
 BuildRequires:      bison
 BuildRequires:      flex
@@ -175,14 +273,130 @@ cat %{SOURCE3} >>%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/iproute2/rt_dsfield
-* Tue Mar 12 2019 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-14.el7_6.2]
-- ip-link: Fix listing of alias interfaces (Phil Sutter) [1687717]
-* Fri Mar 01 2019 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-14.el7_6.1]
-- ip-route: Fix nexthop encap parsing (Phil Sutter) [1679996]
-- man: ip-route.8: Document nexthop limit (Phil Sutter) [1679996]
-- ip-route: Fix segfault with many nexthops (Phil Sutter) [1679996]
-- iproute: Abort if nexthop cannot be parsed (Phil Sutter) [1679996]
+* Fri Jun 21 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-25.el7]
+- tc: implement ingress/egress block index attributes for qdiscs (Andrea Claudi) [1721291]
+- tc: introduce support for block-handle for filter operations (Andrea Claudi) [1721291]
+- tc_filter: resolve device name before parsing filter (Andrea Claudi) [1721291]
+- tc: introduce tc_qdisc_block_exists helper (Andrea Claudi) [1721291]
+* Wed Jun 12 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-24.el7]
+- ss: use [::] for any address/any family sockets (Andrea Claudi) [1588122]
+* Wed Jun 05 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-23.el7]
+- tc_util: Silence spurious compiler warning (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- gre6: add collect metadata support (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: m_tunnel_key: add csum/nocsum option (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- m_mirred: don't bail if the control action is missing (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: fix parsing of the control action (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: util: Don't call NEXT_ARG_FWD() in __parse_action_control() (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: don't print error message on miss when parsing action with default (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: gact: fix control action parsing (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc/actions: introduce support for goto chain action (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc: actions: add helpers to parse and print control actions (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- tc_filter: add support for chain index (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- gre/gre6: allow clearing {,i,o}{key,seq,csum} flags (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- man: ip link: document GRE tunnels (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+- ip/tunnel: Use tnl_parse_key() to parse tunnel key (Andrea Claudi) [1714660]
+* Tue Apr 30 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-22.el7]
+- bpf: minor cleanups for bpf_trace_pipe (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+* Mon Apr 29 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-21.el7]
+- Check user supplied interface name lengths (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc: flower: No need to cache indev arg (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ip{6, }tunnel: Avoid copying user-supplied interface name around (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- utils: strlcpy() and strlcat() don't clobber dst (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lnstat_util: Make sure buffer is NUL-terminated (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc_util: No need to terminate an snprintf'ed buffer (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipxfrm: Replace STRBUF_CAT macro with strlcat() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- Convert harmful calls to strncpy() to strlcpy() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- Convert the obvious cases to strlcpy() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- utils: Implement strlcpy() and strlcat() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/libnetlink: Don't pass NULL parameter to memcpy() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/fs: Fix and simplify make_path() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/bpf: Check return value of write() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- netem/maketable: Check return value of fscanf() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Make sure scanned index value to unix_state_map is sane (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Make struct tcpstat fields 'timer' and 'timeout' unsigned (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/ll_map: Choose size of new cache items at run-time (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/m_xt: Fix for potential string buffer overflows (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lnstat_util: Simplify alloc_and_open() a bit (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/inet_proto: Review inet_proto_{a2n,n2a}() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/fs: Fix format string in find_fs_mount() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipntable: Avoid memory allocation for filter.name (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tipc/bearer: Prevent NULL pointer dereference (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/tc_filter: Make sure filter name is not empty (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/q_netem: Don't dereference possibly NULL pointer (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ifstat, nstat: Check fdopen() return value (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/bpf: Don't leak fp in bpf_find_mntpt() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- devlink: Check return code of strslashrsplit() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iplink_vrf: Complain if main table is not found (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iproute: Check mark value input (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/q_multiq: Don't pass garbage in TCA_OPTIONS (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- netem/maketable: Check return value of fstat() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Use C99 initializer in netlink_show_one() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipmaddr: Avoid accessing uninitialized data (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iplink_can: Prevent overstepping array bounds (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipaddress: Avoid accessing uninitialized variable lcl (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/m_gact: Drop dead code (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Drop useless assignment (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Skip useless check in parse_hostcond() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- lib/rt_names: Drop dead code in rtnl_rttable_n2a() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iproute: Fix for missing 'Oifs:' display (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipntable: No need to check and assign to parms_rta (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- devlink: No need for this self-assignment (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tipc/bearer: Fix resource leak in error path (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Fix potential memleak in unix_stats_print() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ifstat: Fix memleak in dump_kern_db() for json output (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ifstat: Fix memleak in error case (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ipvrf: Fix error path of vrf_switch() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tc/em_ipset: Don't leak sockfd on error path (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ss: Don't leak fd in tcp_show_netlink_file() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iproute_lwtunnel: csum_mode value checking was ineffective (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- iproute_lwtunnel: Argument to strerror must be positive (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- tipc/node: Fix socket fd check in cmd_node_get_addr() (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ifcfg: Quote left-hand side of [ ] expression (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- examples: Some shell fixes to cbq.init (Andrea Claudi) [1465646]
+- ip-address: Use correct max attribute value in print_vf_stats64() (Andrea Claudi) [1679749]
+- ss: enclose IPv6 address in brackets (Andrea Claudi) [1588122]
+- tc: f_flower: Add support for matching first frag packets (Andrea Claudi) [1559814]
+* Thu Mar 28 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-20.el7]
+- rdma: add man pages for RDMA tool (Andrea Claudi) [1642479]
+* Wed Mar 27 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-19.el7]
+- rdma: add infrastructure for RDMA tool (Andrea Claudi) [1642479 1641914]
+- rdma: Add MR resource tracking information (Andrea Claudi) [1642479 1641914]
+- json_writer: add new json handlers (null, float with format, lluint, hu) (Andrea Claudi) [1642479 1641914]
+- lib: make resolve_hosts variable common (Andrea Claudi) [1642479 1641914]
+- utils: Move BIT macro to common header (Andrea Claudi) [1642479 1641914]
+- tc: flower: Add support for QinQ (Andrea Claudi) [1642347]
+- man: tc-vlan.8: Fix for incorrect example (Andrea Claudi) [1593630]
+- man: ip-route.8: ssthresh parameter is NUMBER (Andrea Claudi) [1593628]
+- devlink: Add param command support (Andrea Claudi) [1644731]
+- devlink: Update man pages and add resource man (Andrea Claudi) [1644731]
+- devlink: Add support for hot reload (Andrea Claudi) [1644731]
+- devlink: Add support for devlink resource abstraction (Andrea Claudi) [1644731]
+* Mon Mar 18 2019 Andrea Claudi <aclaudi@redhat.com> [4.11.0-18.el7]
+- ip: Add violation counters to VF statisctics (Andrea Claudi) [1471680]
+* Mon Mar 11 2019 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-17.el7]
+- ip-link: Fix listing of alias interfaces (Phil Sutter) [1673226]
+* Thu Feb 21 2019 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-16.el7]
+- ip-route: Fix nexthop encap parsing (Phil Sutter) [1624656]
+- man: ip-route.8: Document nexthop limit (Phil Sutter) [1624656]
+- ip-route: Fix segfault with many nexthops (Phil Sutter) [1624656]
+- iproute: Abort if nexthop cannot be parsed (Phil Sutter) [1624656]
+* Wed Feb 06 2019 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-15.el7]
+- tc/act_tunnel_key: Enable setup of tos and ttl (Phil Sutter) [1641909]
+- tc/flower: Add match on encapsulating tos/ttl (Phil Sutter) [1641909]
+- Update kernel headers (Phil Sutter)
+- tc: include stdint.h explicitly for UINT16_MAX (Phil Sutter) [1641909]
+- tc: m_tunnel_key: Allow key-less tunnels (Phil Sutter) [1658506]
+- tc: m_tunnel_key: reformat the usage text (Phil Sutter) [1658506]
 * Tue Mar 06 2018 Phil Sutter <psutter@redhat.com> [4.11.0-14.el7]
 - ip-link: Fix use after free in nl_get_ll_addr_len() (Phil Sutter) [1550097]