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Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
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Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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See the License for the specific language overning permissions and
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<title>htcacheclean systemd unit</title>
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<refpurpose>htcacheclean unit file for systemd</refpurpose>
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<para>This manual page describes the <command>systemd</command>
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unit file for the <command>htcacheclean</command> daemon. This
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unit file provides a service which runs
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<command>htcacheclean</command> in daemon mode,
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periodically cleaning the disk cache root to ensure disk space
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usage is within configured limits.</para>
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<para>The service is configured by configuration file
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<filename>/etc/sysconfig/htcacheclean</filename>. The following
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variables are used, following standard <command>systemd</command>
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<varname>EnvironmentFile=</varname> syntax:</para>
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<listitem><para>Sets the interval between cache clean runs, in
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minutes. By default this is configured as
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<listitem><para>Sets the directory name used for the cache
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root. By default this is configured as
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<listitem><para>Sets the total disk cache space limit, in
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bytes. Use a <emphasis>K</emphasis> or <emphasis>M</emphasis>
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suffix to signify kilobytes or megabytes. By default this is
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set to <emphasis>100M</emphasis>.</para></listitem>
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<listitem><para>Any other options to pass to
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<title>See also</title>
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