%global fontname google-noto
%global fontconf 66-%{fontname}
%global common_desc Noto fonts aims to remove tofu from web by providing fonts for all \
Unicode supported scripts. Its design goal is to achieve visual harmonization\
between multiple scripts. Noto family supports almost all scripts available\
in Unicode.\
%global git aae16d0cd626
Name: %{fontname}-fonts
Version: 20141117
Release: 5%{?dist}
Summary: Hinted and Non Hinted OpenType fonts for Unicode scripts
Group: User Interface/X
License: ASL 2.0
URL: https://code.google.com/p/noto
# downloaded from https://code.google.com/p/noto/source/list -> download [zip]
# (NB the download [tar.gz] file seems to have broken headers)
Source0: noto-%{git}.zip
Source2: %{fontconf}-sans.conf
Source3: %{fontconf}-sans-armenian.conf
Source4: %{fontconf}-sans-avestan.conf
Source5: %{fontconf}-sans-bengali.conf
Source6: %{fontconf}-sans-bengali-ui.conf
Source7: %{fontconf}-sans-brahmi.conf
Source8: %{fontconf}-sans-carian.conf
Source9: %{fontconf}-sans-cherokee.conf
Source10: %{fontconf}-sans-coptic.conf
Source11: %{fontconf}-sans-deseret.conf
Source12: %{fontconf}-sans-devanagari.conf
Source13: %{fontconf}-sans-devanagari-ui.conf
Source14: %{fontconf}-sans-egyptian-hieroglyphs.conf
Source15: %{fontconf}-sans-ethiopic.conf
Source16: %{fontconf}-sans-georgian.conf
Source17: %{fontconf}-sans-glagolitic.conf
Source18: %{fontconf}-sans-hebrew.conf
Source19: %{fontconf}-sans-imperial-aramaic.conf
Source20: %{fontconf}-sans-kaithi.conf
Source21: %{fontconf}-sans-kannada.conf
Source22: %{fontconf}-sans-kayah-li.conf
Source23: %{fontconf}-sans-kharoshthi.conf
Source24: %{fontconf}-sans-khmer.conf
Source25: %{fontconf}-sans-khmer-ui.conf
Source26: %{fontconf}-sans-lao.conf
Source27: %{fontconf}-sans-lao-ui.conf
Source28: %{fontconf}-sans-lisu.conf
Source29: %{fontconf}-sans-lycian.conf
Source30: %{fontconf}-sans-lydian.conf
Source31: %{fontconf}-sans-malayalam.conf
Source32: %{fontconf}-sans-malayalam-ui.conf
Source33: %{fontconf}-sans-mandaic.conf
Source34: %{fontconf}-sans-meetei-mayek.conf
Source35: %{fontconf}-sans-nko.conf
Source36: %{fontconf}-sans-old-south-arabian.conf
Source37: %{fontconf}-sans-old-turkic.conf
Source38: %{fontconf}-sans-osmanya.conf
Source39: %{fontconf}-sans-phoenician.conf
Source40: %{fontconf}-sans-shavian.conf
Source41: %{fontconf}-sans-symbols.conf
Source42: %{fontconf}-sans-tagalog.conf
Source43: %{fontconf}-sans-tai-tham.conf
Source44: %{fontconf}-sans-tamil.conf
Source45: %{fontconf}-sans-tamil-ui.conf
Source46: %{fontconf}-sans-telugu.conf
Source47: %{fontconf}-sans-thai.conf
Source48: %{fontconf}-sans-thai-ui.conf
Source49: %{fontconf}-sans-ugaritic.conf
Source50: %{fontconf}-sans-ui.conf
Source51: %{fontconf}-sans-vai.conf
Source52: %{fontconf}-serif-armenian.conf
Source53: %{fontconf}-serif.conf
Source54: %{fontconf}-serif-georgian.conf
Source55: %{fontconf}-serif-khmer.conf
Source56: %{fontconf}-serif-lao.conf
Source57: %{fontconf}-serif-thai.conf
Source58: %{fontconf}-sans-kannada-ui.conf
Source59: %{fontconf}-sans-telugu-ui.conf
Source60: %{fontconf}-sans-gujarati.conf
Source61: %{fontconf}-sans-gujarati-ui.conf
Source62: %{fontconf}-sans-hanunoo.conf
Source63: %{fontconf}-sans-tai-viet.conf
Source64: %{fontconf}-kufi-arabic.conf
Source65: %{fontconf}-naskh-arabic.conf
Source66: %{fontconf}-naskh-arabic-ui.conf
Source67: %{fontconf}-sans-balinese.conf
Source68: %{fontconf}-sans-bamum.conf
Source69: %{fontconf}-sans-batak.conf
Source70: %{fontconf}-sans-buginese.conf
Source71: %{fontconf}-sans-buhid.conf
Source72: %{fontconf}-sans-canadian-aboriginal.conf
Source73: %{fontconf}-sans-cham.conf
Source74: %{fontconf}-sans-cuneiform.conf
Source75: %{fontconf}-sans-cypriot.conf
Source76: %{fontconf}-sans-gothic.conf
Source77: %{fontconf}-sans-gurmukhi.conf
Source78: %{fontconf}-sans-gurmukhi-ui.conf
Source79: %{fontconf}-sans-inscriptional-pahlavi.conf
Source80: %{fontconf}-sans-inscriptional-parthian.conf
Source81: %{fontconf}-sans-javanese.conf
Source82: %{fontconf}-sans-lepcha.conf
Source83: %{fontconf}-sans-limbu.conf
Source84: %{fontconf}-sans-linear-b.conf
Source85: %{fontconf}-sans-mongolian.conf
Source86: %{fontconf}-sans-myanmar.conf
Source87: %{fontconf}-sans-myanmar-ui.conf
Source88: %{fontconf}-sans-new-tai-lue.conf
Source89: %{fontconf}-sans-ogham.conf
Source90: %{fontconf}-sans-ol-chiki.conf
Source91: %{fontconf}-sans-old-italic.conf
Source92: %{fontconf}-sans-old-persian.conf
Source93: %{fontconf}-sans-phags-pa.conf
Source94: %{fontconf}-sans-rejang.conf
Source95: %{fontconf}-sans-runic.conf
Source96: %{fontconf}-sans-samaritan.conf
Source97: %{fontconf}-sans-saurashtra.conf
Source98: %{fontconf}-sans-sinhala.conf
Source99: %{fontconf}-sans-sundanese.conf
Source100: %{fontconf}-sans-syloti-nagri.conf
Source101: %{fontconf}-sans-syriac-eastern.conf
Source102: %{fontconf}-sans-syriac-estrangela.conf
Source103: %{fontconf}-sans-syriac-western.conf
Source104: %{fontconf}-sans-tai-le.conf
Source105: %{fontconf}-sans-tifinagh.conf
Source106: %{fontconf}-sans-yi.conf
Source107: %{fontconf}-sans-tagbanwa.conf
Source108: %{fontconf}-sans-thaana.conf
Source150: %{fontconf}-sans-simplified-chinese.conf
Source151: %{fontconf}-sans-traditional-chinese.conf
Source152: %{fontconf}-sans-japanese.conf
Source153: %{fontconf}-sans-korean.conf
Source154: %{fontconf}-sans-cjk.conf
# Add appstream metadata files
Source200: %{fontname}.metainfo.xml
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: fontforge >= 20080429
BuildRequires: fontpackages-devel
Requires: fontpackages-filesystem
%package common
Summary: Common files for Noto fonts
%description common
Common files for Google Noto fonts.
# notopkg [-c] [-a AltFontName] [-o old-name] Font Name
# -c is for *.*tc fonts instead of *.*tf
# -a overrides the FontName
# -o adds an obsoletes for an older package name
%define notopkg(ca:o:)\
%define pname %(echo %{*} | tr "A-Z " "a-z-")\
%define fname %(echo %{*} | sed -e "s/ //g")\
%define subpkg %{fontname}-%{pname}\
%package -n %{subpkg}-fonts\
Summary: %{*} font\
Requires: fontpackages-filesystem\
Requires: %{name}-common = %{version}-%{release}\
%{?-o:Obsoletes: %{fontname}-%{-o*}-fonts < %{version}-%{release}}\
%description -n %{subpkg}-fonts\
Noto %1 font%{?2: for %(echo %* | sed -e "s/%1 //")}.\
%post -n %{subpkg}-fonts \
if [ -x %{_bindir}/fc-cache ]; then \
%{_bindir}/fc-cache %{_fontdir} || : \
fi \
%postun -n %{subpkg}-fonts \
if [ $1 -eq 0 -a -x %{_bindir}/fc-cache ] ; then \
%{_bindir}/fc-cache %{_fontdir} || : \
%files -n %{subpkg}-fonts \
%dir %{_fontdir} \
%config(noreplace) %{_fontconfig_confdir}/%{fontconf}-%{pname}.conf\
#%%_font_pkg -n %{pname} -f %{fontconf}-%{pname}.conf Noto%{-a*}%{!-a:%fname}*.*t%{-c:c}%{!-c:f}\
%notopkg Kufi Arabic
%notopkg Naskh Arabic
%notopkg Naskh Arabic UI
%notopkg Sans
%notopkg Sans UI
%notopkg Sans Armenian
%notopkg Sans Avestan
%notopkg Sans Balinese
%notopkg Sans Bamum
%notopkg Sans Batak
%notopkg Sans Bengali
%notopkg Sans Bengali UI
%notopkg Sans Brahmi
%notopkg Sans Buginese
%notopkg Sans Buhid
%notopkg Sans Canadian Aboriginal
%notopkg Sans Carian
%notopkg Sans Cham
%notopkg Sans Cherokee
%notopkg -c Sans CJK
%notopkg Sans Coptic
%notopkg Sans Cuneiform
%notopkg Sans Cypriot
%notopkg Sans Deseret
%notopkg Sans Devanagari
%notopkg Sans Devanagari UI
%notopkg Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs
%notopkg Sans Ethiopic
%notopkg Sans Georgian
%notopkg Sans Glagolitic
%notopkg Sans Gothic
%notopkg Sans Gujarati
%notopkg Sans Gujarati UI
%notopkg Sans Gurmukhi
%notopkg Sans Gurmukhi UI
%notopkg -o sans-hanunno Sans Hanunoo
%notopkg Sans Hebrew
%notopkg Sans Imperial Aramaic
%notopkg Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi
%notopkg Sans Inscriptional Parthian
%notopkg -a SansJP Sans Japanese
%notopkg Sans Javanese
%notopkg Sans Kaithi
%notopkg Sans Kannada
%notopkg Sans Kannada UI
%notopkg Sans Kayah Li
%notopkg Sans Kharoshthi
%notopkg Sans Khmer
%notopkg Sans Khmer UI
%notopkg -a SansKR Sans Korean
%notopkg Sans Lao
%notopkg Sans Lao UI
%notopkg Sans Lepcha
%notopkg Sans Limbu
%notopkg -o sans-linearb Sans Linear B
%notopkg Sans Lisu
%notopkg Sans Lycian
%notopkg Sans Lydian
%notopkg Sans Malayalam
%notopkg Sans Malayalam UI
%notopkg Sans Mandaic
%notopkg -o sans-meeteimayek Sans Meetei Mayek
%notopkg Sans Mongolian
%notopkg Sans Myanmar
%notopkg Sans Myanmar UI
%notopkg Sans New Tai Lue
%notopkg Sans NKo
%notopkg Sans Ogham
%notopkg Sans Ol Chiki
%notopkg Sans Old Italic
%notopkg Sans Old Persian
%notopkg Sans Old South Arabian
%notopkg Sans Old Turkic
%notopkg Sans Osmanya
%notopkg Sans Phags Pa
%notopkg Sans Phoenician
%notopkg Sans Rejang
%notopkg Sans Runic
%notopkg Sans Shavian
%notopkg Sans Samaritan
%notopkg Sans Saurashtra
%notopkg -a SansSC Sans Simplified Chinese
%notopkg Sans Sinhala
%notopkg Sans Sundanese
%notopkg Sans Syloti Nagri
%notopkg Sans Symbols
%notopkg Sans Syriac Eastern
%notopkg Sans Syriac Estrangela
%notopkg Sans Syriac Western
%notopkg Sans Tagalog
%notopkg Sans Tagbanwa
%notopkg Sans Tai Le
%notopkg Sans Tai Tham
%notopkg Sans Tai Viet
%notopkg Sans Tamil
%notopkg Sans Tamil UI
%notopkg Sans Telugu
%notopkg Sans Telugu UI
%notopkg Sans Thaana
%notopkg Sans Thai
%notopkg Sans Thai UI
%notopkg Sans Tifinagh
%notopkg -a SansTC Sans Traditional Chinese
%notopkg Sans Ugaritic
%notopkg Sans Vai
%notopkg Sans Yi
%notopkg Serif
%notopkg Serif Armenian
%notopkg Serif Georgian
%notopkg Serif Khmer
%notopkg Serif Lao
%notopkg Serif Thai
%setup -q -n noto-%{git}
install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}
install -m 0644 -p fonts/individual/unhinted/Noto*.ttf %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}
install -m 0644 -p fonts/individual/hinted/Noto*.ttf %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}
# for cjk fonts
install -m 0644 -p third_party/noto_cjk/NotoSans{JP,KR,SC,TC}*.otf %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}
install -m 0644 -p third_party/noto_cjk/NotoSansCJK-*.ttc %{buildroot}%{_fontdir}
install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir} \
# Add appstream metadata
install -Dm 0644 -p %{SOURCE200} \
for f in \
kufi-arabic naskh-arabic naskh-arabic-ui \
sans sans-armenian sans-avestan sans-balinese sans-bamum \
sans-batak sans-bengali sans-bengali-ui sans-brahmi \
sans-buginese sans-buhid sans-canadian-aboriginal sans-carian \
sans-cham sans-cherokee sans-cjk sans-coptic sans-cuneiform \
sans-cypriot sans-deseret sans-devanagari sans-devanagari-ui \
sans-egyptian-hieroglyphs sans-ethiopic sans-georgian \
sans-glagolitic sans-gothic sans-gujarati sans-gujarati-ui \
sans-gurmukhi sans-gurmukhi-ui sans-hanunoo sans-hebrew \
sans-imperial-aramaic sans-inscriptional-pahlavi \
sans-inscriptional-parthian sans-japanese sans-javanese \
sans-kaithi sans-kannada sans-kannada-ui sans-kayah-li \
sans-kharoshthi sans-khmer sans-khmer-ui sans-korean sans-lao \
sans-lao-ui sans-lepcha sans-limbu sans-linear-b sans-lisu \
sans-lycian sans-lydian sans-malayalam sans-malayalam-ui \
sans-mandaic sans-meetei-mayek sans-mongolian sans-myanmar \
sans-myanmar-ui sans-new-tai-lue sans-nko sans-ogham \
sans-ol-chiki sans-old-italic sans-old-persian \
sans-old-south-arabian sans-old-turkic sans-osmanya \
sans-phags-pa sans-phoenician sans-rejang sans-runic \
sans-samaritan sans-saurashtra sans-shavian \
sans-simplified-chinese sans-sinhala sans-sundanese \
sans-syloti-nagri sans-symbols sans-syriac-eastern \
sans-syriac-estrangela sans-syriac-western sans-tagalog \
sans-tagbanwa sans-tai-le sans-tai-tham sans-tai-viet \
sans-tamil sans-tamil-ui sans-telugu sans-telugu-ui \
sans-thaana sans-thai sans-thai-ui sans-tifinagh \
sans-traditional-chinese sans-ugaritic sans-ui sans-vai sans-yi \
serif serif-armenian serif-georgian serif-khmer serif-lao serif-thai \
; do
install -m 0644 -p %{_sourcedir}/%{fontconf}-$f.conf \
ln -s %{_fontconfig_templatedir}/%{fontconf}-$f.conf \
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $meta
echo '<!-- Copyright 2014 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> -->' >> $meta
echo '<component type="font">' >> $meta
echo " <id>google-noto-$f</id>" >> $meta
echo ' <metadata_license>CC-BY-3.0</metadata_license>' >> $meta
echo ' <extends>google-noto</extends>' >> $meta
echo '</component>' >> $meta
install -Dm 0644 -p %{fontname}-$f.metainfo.xml \
%files common
%license LICENSE
* Thu Mar 10 2016 Pravin Satpute <petersen@redhat.com> - 20141117-5
- Resolves: #1269444: including CJK subpackage
- Rebase from Fedora 22 - 20141117-5 SRPM
- improve generated font subpackage descriptions
- it is Hanunoo not Hanuno!
- specify font filenames more precisely
* Mon Dec 15 2014 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 20141117-4
- add obsoletes to cover the change of package names for Hanuno, Linear B,
and Meetei Mayek
* Tue Dec 2 2014 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 20141117-3
- create the fonts subpackages with a macro
* Fri Nov 21 2014 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 20141117-2
- move cjk fonts fontconfig priority from 65-0 to 66
- generate the appinfo metainfo for the subpackages
- use a single for-loop to install the font config and appdata files
- move parent appinfo metainfo to common (Parag Nemade)
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> - 20141117-1
- update to latest git (aae16d0cd626)
- package Japanese, Korean, and CJK fonts
- add Thaana font
- add common subpackage for license and doc files
- order spec subpackages lexically
* Wed Nov 19 2014 Peng Wu <pwu@redhat.com> - 20141001-5
- Rename Chinese sub-packages
* Wed Nov 12 2014 Peng Wu <pwu@redhat.com> - 20141001-4
- Add Chinese fonts
* Tue Nov 11 2014 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 20141001-3
- Add metainfo file to show this font in gnome-software
* Mon Nov 03 2014 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20141001-2
- Resolves #1159562: Typo in fontconfig file
* Wed Oct 01 2014 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20141001-1
- Google stops release tarball. Zip file derived from git Download zip.
- 45 new packages added as follows.
- kufi-arabic-fonts, naskh-arabic-fonts, naskh-arabic-ui-fonts, sans-balinese-fonts,
- sans-bamum-fonts, sans-batak-fonts, sans-buginese-fonts, sans-buhid-fonts,
- sans-canadian-aboriginal-fonts, sans-cham-fonts, sans-cuneiform-fonts, sans-cypriot-fonts,
- sans-gothic-fonts, sans-gurmukhi-fonts, sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts,
- sans-inscriptional-pahlavi-fonts, sans-inscriptional-parthian-fonts, sans-javanese-fonts,
- sans-lepcha-fonts, sans-limbu-fonts, sans-linearb-fonts, sans-mongolian-fonts,
- sans-myanmar-fonts, sans-myanmar-ui-fonts, sans-new-tai-lue-fonts, sans-ogham-fonts,
- sans-ol-chiki-fonts, sans-old-italic-fonts, sans-old-persian-fonts, sans-phags-pa-fonts,
- sans-rejang-fonts, sans-runic-fonts, sans-samaritan-fonts, sans-saurashtra-fonts,
- sans-sinhala-fonts, sans-sundanese-fonts, sans-syloti-nagri-fonts, sans-syriac-eastern-fonts,
- sans-syriac-estrangela-fonts, sans-syriac-western-fonts, sans-tagbanwa-fonts,
- sans-tai-le-fonts, sans-tifinagh-fonts, sans-yi-fonts
- Resolves #1148413
* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 20130807-2
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
* Mon Oct 28 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130807-1
- Resolves: rh#1023312 Upstream new release of 20130807 tarball.
- Packages unhinted upstream tarball.
- This pulled fonts for number of missing Unicode scripts in Fedora
* Mon Jun 24 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130411-5
- Resolved #971886 :- Georgian Serif fontconfig file error
* Mon Jun 10 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130411-4
- Resolved #971886 :- Georgian fontconfig file error
* Mon May 06 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130411-3
- Initial import
- Updated spec file
* Fri Apr 19 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130411-2
- Updated package as per 3rd comment on review request #953859
* Fri Apr 19 2013 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@redhat.com> - 20130411-1
- Initial packaging