diff --git a/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-enable-intel-cet.patch b/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-enable-intel-cet.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e1063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-enable-intel-cet.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2565 @@
+From 71b1812bf9a785b66e3f17175580d3d20cea9c0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daiki Ueno <ueno@gnu.org>
+Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 13:33:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] x86: port Intel CET support
+Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno <ueno@gnu.org>
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86.s       | 30 ++++++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86_64.s    | 26 +++++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s    | 21 ++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86.s           | 39 +++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86_64.s        | 32 +++++++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/ghash-x86_64.s        | 27 +++++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86.s      | 18 +++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86_64.s   | 21 ++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86.s    | 18 +++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86_64.s | 21 ++++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86.s    | 18 +++++++++
+ lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86_64.s | 21 ++++++++++
+ 12 files changed, 292 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86.s
+index 265e28a7ef..7be53059f7 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86.s
+@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+ .type	_vpaes_preheat,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_preheat:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	addl	(%esp),%ebp
+ 	movdqa	-48(%ebp),%xmm7
+ 	movdqa	-16(%ebp),%xmm6
+@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ _vpaes_preheat:
+ .type	_vpaes_encrypt_core,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_encrypt_core:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	$16,%ecx
+ 	movl	240(%edx),%eax
+ 	movdqa	%xmm6,%xmm1
+@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ _vpaes_encrypt_core:
+ .type	_vpaes_decrypt_core,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_decrypt_core:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	leal	608(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	movl	240(%edx),%eax
+ 	movdqa	%xmm6,%xmm1
+@@ -244,6 +247,7 @@ _vpaes_decrypt_core:
+ .type	_vpaes_schedule_core,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_schedule_core:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	addl	(%esp),%ebp
+ 	movdqu	(%esi),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	320(%ebp),%xmm2
+@@ -338,6 +342,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_core:
+ .type	_vpaes_schedule_192_smear,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_schedule_192_smear:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pshufd	$128,%xmm6,%xmm1
+ 	pshufd	$254,%xmm7,%xmm0
+ 	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm6
+@@ -350,6 +355,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_192_smear:
+ .type	_vpaes_schedule_round,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_schedule_round:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movdqa	8(%esp),%xmm2
+ 	pxor	%xmm1,%xmm1
+ .byte	102,15,58,15,202,15
+@@ -399,6 +405,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_round:
+ .type	_vpaes_schedule_transform,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_schedule_transform:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movdqa	-16(%ebp),%xmm2
+ 	movdqa	%xmm2,%xmm1
+ 	pandn	%xmm0,%xmm1
+@@ -414,6 +421,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_transform:
+ .type	_vpaes_schedule_mangle,@function
+ .align	16
+ _vpaes_schedule_mangle:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,%xmm4
+ 	movdqa	128(%ebp),%xmm5
+ 	testl	%edi,%edi
+@@ -475,6 +483,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_mangle:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_set_encrypt_key:
+ .L_vpaes_set_encrypt_key_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -508,6 +517,7 @@ vpaes_set_encrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_set_decrypt_key:
+ .L_vpaes_set_decrypt_key_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -546,6 +556,7 @@ vpaes_set_decrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_encrypt:
+ .L_vpaes_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -575,6 +586,7 @@ vpaes_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_decrypt:
+ .L_vpaes_decrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -604,6 +616,7 @@ vpaes_decrypt:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_cbc_encrypt:
+ .L_vpaes_cbc_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -671,4 +684,21 @@ vpaes_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	ret
+ .size	vpaes_cbc_encrypt,.-.L_vpaes_cbc_encrypt_begin
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86_64.s
+index ea1216baf7..5a3f336f26 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aes-ssse3-x86_64.s
+@@ -635,6 +635,7 @@ _vpaes_schedule_mangle:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_set_encrypt_key:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	%esi,%eax
+ 	shrl	$5,%eax
+ 	addl	$5,%eax
+@@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ vpaes_set_encrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_set_decrypt_key:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	%esi,%eax
+ 	shrl	$5,%eax
+ 	addl	$5,%eax
+@@ -676,6 +678,7 @@ vpaes_set_decrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movdqu	(%rdi),%xmm0
+ 	call	_vpaes_preheat
+ 	call	_vpaes_encrypt_core
+@@ -689,6 +692,7 @@ vpaes_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_decrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movdqu	(%rdi),%xmm0
+ 	call	_vpaes_preheat
+ 	call	_vpaes_decrypt_core
+@@ -701,6 +705,7 @@ vpaes_decrypt:
+ .align	16
+ vpaes_cbc_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	xchgq	%rcx,%rdx
+ 	subq	$16,%rcx
+ 	jc	.Lcbc_abort
+@@ -863,5 +868,26 @@ _vpaes_consts:
+ .byte	86,101,99,116,111,114,32,80,101,114,109,117,116,97,116,105,111,110,32,65,69,83,32,102,111,114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,47,83,83,83,69,51,44,32,77,105,107,101,32,72,97,109,98,117,114,103,32,40,83,116,97,110,102,111,114,100,32,85,110,105,118,101,114,115,105,116,121,41,0
+ .align	64
+ .size	_vpaes_consts,.-_vpaes_consts
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s
+index 461dd026b9..ea5398bc2c 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s
+@@ -826,5 +826,26 @@ aesni_gcm_encrypt:
+ .byte	1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ .byte	65,69,83,45,78,73,32,71,67,77,32,109,111,100,117,108,101,32,102,111,114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .align	64
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86.s
+index 6e4860209f..f41d5f9ef3 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86.s
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ aesni_encrypt:
+ .L_aesni_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%eax
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edx
+ 	movups	(%eax),%xmm2
+@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ aesni_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_decrypt:
+ .L_aesni_decrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%eax
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edx
+ 	movups	(%eax),%xmm2
+@@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ aesni_decrypt:
+ .type	_aesni_encrypt2,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_encrypt2:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -122,6 +125,7 @@ _aesni_encrypt2:
+ .type	_aesni_decrypt2,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_decrypt2:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ _aesni_decrypt2:
+ .type	_aesni_encrypt3,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_encrypt3:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -181,6 +186,7 @@ _aesni_encrypt3:
+ .type	_aesni_decrypt3,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_decrypt3:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -213,6 +219,7 @@ _aesni_decrypt3:
+ .type	_aesni_encrypt4,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_encrypt4:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+@@ -251,6 +258,7 @@ _aesni_encrypt4:
+ .type	_aesni_decrypt4,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_decrypt4:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+@@ -289,6 +297,7 @@ _aesni_decrypt4:
+ .type	_aesni_encrypt6,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_encrypt6:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -343,6 +352,7 @@ _aesni_encrypt6:
+ .type	_aesni_decrypt6,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_decrypt6:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movups	(%edx),%xmm0
+ 	shll	$4,%ecx
+ 	movups	16(%edx),%xmm1
+@@ -399,6 +409,7 @@ _aesni_decrypt6:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ecb_encrypt:
+ .L_aesni_ecb_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -634,6 +645,7 @@ aesni_ecb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks:
+ .L_aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -722,6 +734,7 @@ aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks:
+ .L_aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -845,6 +858,7 @@ aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks:
+ .L_aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -1083,6 +1097,7 @@ aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_xts_encrypt:
+ .L_aesni_xts_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -1443,6 +1458,7 @@ aesni_xts_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_xts_decrypt:
+ .L_aesni_xts_decrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -1833,6 +1849,7 @@ aesni_xts_decrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ocb_encrypt:
+ .L_aesni_ocb_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -2228,6 +2245,7 @@ aesni_ocb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ocb_decrypt:
+ .L_aesni_ocb_decrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -2623,6 +2641,7 @@ aesni_ocb_decrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_cbc_encrypt:
+ .L_aesni_cbc_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -2882,6 +2901,7 @@ aesni_cbc_encrypt:
+ .type	_aesni_set_encrypt_key,@function
+ .align	16
+ _aesni_set_encrypt_key:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	testl	%eax,%eax
+@@ -3217,6 +3237,7 @@ _aesni_set_encrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_set_encrypt_key:
+ .L_aesni_set_encrypt_key_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%eax
+ 	movl	8(%esp),%ecx
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edx
+@@ -3228,6 +3249,7 @@ aesni_set_encrypt_key:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_set_decrypt_key:
+ .L_aesni_set_decrypt_key_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%eax
+ 	movl	8(%esp),%ecx
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edx
+@@ -3275,4 +3297,21 @@ aesni_set_decrypt_key:
+ .byte	115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .comm	_gnutls_x86_cpuid_s,16,4
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86_64.s
+index acc7c2c555..e3f9d5a995 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/aesni-x86_64.s
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ aesni_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm2
+ 	movl	240(%rdx),%eax
+ 	movups	(%rdx),%xmm0
+@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ aesni_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_decrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm2
+ 	movl	240(%rdx),%eax
+ 	movups	(%rdx),%xmm0
+@@ -557,6 +559,7 @@ _aesni_decrypt8:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ecb_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	andq	$-16,%rdx
+ 	jz	.Lecb_ret
+@@ -901,6 +904,7 @@ aesni_ecb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	240(%rcx),%eax
+ 	movdqu	(%r8),%xmm6
+ 	movdqa	.Lincrement64(%rip),%xmm9
+@@ -966,6 +970,7 @@ aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	240(%rcx),%eax
+ 	movups	(%r8),%xmm6
+ 	movdqu	(%r9),%xmm3
+@@ -1065,6 +1070,7 @@ aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	cmpq	$1,%rdx
+ 	jne	.Lctr32_bulk
+@@ -1643,6 +1649,7 @@ aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_xts_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%r11
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register	%r11
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+@@ -2113,6 +2120,7 @@ aesni_xts_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_xts_decrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%r11
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register	%r11
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+@@ -2620,6 +2628,7 @@ aesni_xts_decrypt:
+ .align	32
+ aesni_ocb_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rax
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	8
+@@ -3047,6 +3056,7 @@ __ocb_encrypt1:
+ .align	32
+ aesni_ocb_decrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rax
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	8
+@@ -3484,6 +3494,7 @@ __ocb_decrypt1:
+ .align	16
+ aesni_cbc_encrypt:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	testq	%rdx,%rdx
+ 	jz	.Lcbc_ret
+@@ -4511,5 +4522,26 @@ __aesni_set_encrypt_key:
+ .byte	65,69,83,32,102,111,114,32,73,110,116,101,108,32,65,69,83,45,78,73,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .align	64
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/ghash-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/ghash-x86_64.s
+index 1e4d18b341..8da3f294c7 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/ghash-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/ghash-x86_64.s
+@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ gcm_gmult_4bit:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	8
+ .cfi_offset	%rbx,-16
+@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ gcm_gmult_4bit:
+ .align	16
+ gcm_ghash_4bit:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	8
+ .cfi_offset	%rbx,-16
+@@ -903,6 +905,7 @@ gcm_init_clmul:
+ .align	16
+ gcm_gmult_clmul:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ .L_gmult_clmul:
+ 	movdqu	(%rdi),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	.Lbswap_mask(%rip),%xmm5
+@@ -956,6 +959,7 @@ gcm_gmult_clmul:
+ .align	32
+ gcm_ghash_clmul:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ .L_ghash_clmul:
+ 	movdqa	.Lbswap_mask(%rip),%xmm10
+@@ -1450,6 +1454,7 @@ gcm_init_avx:
+ .align	32
+ gcm_gmult_avx:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	jmp	.L_gmult_clmul
+ .cfi_endproc	
+ .size	gcm_gmult_avx,.-gcm_gmult_avx
+@@ -1458,6 +1463,7 @@ gcm_gmult_avx:
+ .align	32
+ gcm_ghash_avx:
+ .cfi_startproc	
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	vzeroupper
+ 	vmovdqu	(%rdi),%xmm10
+@@ -1884,5 +1890,26 @@ gcm_ghash_avx:
+ .byte	71,72,65,83,72,32,102,111,114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .align	64
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86.s
+index 8bfbcb6b39..57b6ba58f6 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86.s
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ sha1_block_data_order:
+ .L_sha1_block_data_order_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -1417,4 +1418,21 @@ sha1_block_data_order:
+ .byte	89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112
+ .byte	114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86_64.s
+index d34f34497c..54095050c8 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha1-ssse3-x86_64.s
+@@ -5487,5 +5487,26 @@ K_XX_XX:
+ .byte	0xf,0xe,0xd,0xc,0xb,0xa,0x9,0x8,0x7,0x6,0x5,0x4,0x3,0x2,0x1,0x0
+ .byte	83,72,65,49,32,98,108,111,99,107,32,116,114,97,110,115,102,111,114,109,32,102,111,114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .align	64
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86.s
+index 8d9aaa4a81..6d16b9140e 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86.s
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ sha256_block_data_order:
+ .L_sha256_block_data_order_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -3384,4 +3385,21 @@ sha256_block_data_order:
+ 	ret
+ .size	sha256_block_data_order,.-.L_sha256_block_data_order_begin
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86_64.s
+index d196c6a793..1514ee45c0 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha256-ssse3-x86_64.s
+@@ -5493,5 +5493,26 @@ sha256_block_data_order_avx2:
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .cfi_endproc	
+ .size	sha256_block_data_order_avx2,.-sha256_block_data_order_avx2
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86.s
+index 481c777154..afca4eae7b 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86.s
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ .align	16
+ sha512_block_data_order:
+ .L_sha512_block_data_order_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -602,4 +603,21 @@ sha512_block_data_order:
+ .byte	112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103
+ .byte	62,0
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86_64.s
+index 446c06a3e6..a7be2cd444 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/sha512-ssse3-x86_64.s
+@@ -5498,5 +5498,26 @@ sha512_block_data_order_avx2:
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .cfi_endproc	
+ .size	sha512_block_data_order_avx2,.-sha512_block_data_order_avx2
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86.s
+index ed8681ee4..dd56518f6 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86.s
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org>
++# Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org>
+ # All rights reserved.
+ #
+ # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
+ #
+ # *** This file is auto-generated ***
+ #
+-.file	"devel/perlasm/e_padlock-x86.s"
+ .text
+ .globl	padlock_capability
+ .type	padlock_capability,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_capability:
+ .L_padlock_capability_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushfl
+ 	popl	%eax
+@@ -60,11 +60,20 @@ padlock_capability:
+ 	.byte	0x0f,0xa2
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpl	$0x746e6543,%ebx
+-	jne	.L000noluck
++	jne	.L001zhaoxin
+ 	cmpl	$0x48727561,%edx
+ 	jne	.L000noluck
+ 	cmpl	$0x736c7561,%ecx
+ 	jne	.L000noluck
++	jmp	.L002zhaoxinEnd
++	cmpl	$0x68532020,%ebx
++	jne	.L000noluck
++	cmpl	$0x68676e61,%edx
++	jne	.L000noluck
++	cmpl	$0x20206961,%ecx
++	jne	.L000noluck
+ 	movl	$3221225472,%eax
+ 	.byte	0x0f,0xa2
+ 	movl	%eax,%edx
+@@ -95,15 +104,16 @@ padlock_capability:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_key_bswap:
+ .L_padlock_key_bswap_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	240(%edx),%ecx
+ 	movl	(%edx),%eax
+ 	bswap	%eax
+ 	movl	%eax,(%edx)
+ 	leal	4(%edx),%edx
+ 	subl	$1,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L001bswap_loop
++	jnz	.L003bswap_loop
+ 	ret
+ .size	padlock_key_bswap,.-.L_padlock_key_bswap_begin
+ .globl	padlock_verify_context
+@@ -111,25 +121,27 @@ padlock_key_bswap:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_verify_context:
+ .L_padlock_verify_context_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%edx
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L002verify_pic_point,%eax
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L004verify_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	ret
+ .size	padlock_verify_context,.-.L_padlock_verify_context_begin
+ .type	_padlock_verify_ctx,@function
+ .align	16
+ _padlock_verify_ctx:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	addl	(%esp),%eax
+ 	btl	$30,4(%esp)
+-	jnc	.L003verified
++	jnc	.L005verified
+ 	cmpl	(%eax),%edx
+-	je	.L003verified
++	je	.L005verified
+ 	pushfl
+ 	popfl
+ 	movl	%edx,(%eax)
+ 	ret
+ .size	_padlock_verify_ctx,.-_padlock_verify_ctx
+@@ -138,6 +150,7 @@ _padlock_verify_ctx:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_reload_key:
+ .L_padlock_reload_key_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushfl
+ 	popfl
+ 	ret
+@@ -147,6 +160,7 @@ padlock_reload_key:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_aes_block:
+ .L_padlock_aes_block_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+@@ -167,6 +181,7 @@ padlock_aes_block:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ .L_padlock_ecb_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -176,25 +191,25 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	28(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	32(%esp),%ecx
+ 	testl	$15,%edx
+-	jnz	.L004ecb_abort
++	jnz	.L006ecb_abort
+ 	testl	$15,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L004ecb_abort
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L005ecb_pic_point,%eax
++	jnz	.L006ecb_abort
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L007ecb_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	cld
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%edx)
+-	jnz	.L006ecb_aligned
++	jnz	.L008ecb_aligned
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	setz	%al
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+-	jnz	.L006ecb_aligned
++	jnz	.L008ecb_aligned
+ 	negl	%eax
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+ 	notl	%eax
+@@ -213,7 +228,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	andl	$-16,%esp
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%ebp)
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	ja	.L007ecb_loop
++	ja	.L009ecb_loop
+ 	movl	%esi,%eax
+ 	cmpl	%esp,%ebp
+ 	cmovel	%edi,%eax
+@@ -224,10 +239,10 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	$-128,%eax
+ 	cmovael	%ebx,%eax
+ 	andl	%eax,%ebx
+-	jz	.L008ecb_unaligned_tail
+-	jmp	.L007ecb_loop
++	jz	.L010ecb_unaligned_tail
++	jmp	.L009ecb_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	movl	%edi,(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%esi,4(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%ecx,8(%ebp)
+@@ -236,13 +251,13 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	cmovnzl	%esp,%edi
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+-	jz	.L009ecb_inp_aligned
++	jz	.L011ecb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	%edi,%esi
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+@@ -250,23 +265,23 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	(%ebp),%edi
+ 	movl	12(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+-	jz	.L010ecb_out_aligned
++	jz	.L012ecb_out_aligned
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	leal	(%esp),%esi
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	4(%ebp),%esi
+ 	movl	8(%ebp),%ecx
+ 	addl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	addl	%ebx,%esi
+ 	subl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+-	jz	.L011ecb_break
++	jz	.L013ecb_break
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jae	.L007ecb_loop
++	jae	.L009ecb_loop
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+ 	cmovel	%ecx,%eax
+@@ -279,24 +294,24 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	%esp,%esi
+ 	movl	%eax,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jmp	.L007ecb_loop
++	jmp	.L009ecb_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+-	je	.L012ecb_done
++	je	.L014ecb_done
+ 	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+ 	leal	(%esp),%eax
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,(%eax)
+ 	leal	16(%eax),%eax
+ 	cmpl	%eax,%ebp
+-	ja	.L013ecb_bzero
++	ja	.L015ecb_bzero
+ 	movl	16(%ebp),%ebp
+ 	leal	24(%ebp),%esp
+-	jmp	.L014ecb_exit
++	jmp	.L016ecb_exit
+ .align	16
+ 	leal	(%esi,%ecx,1),%ebp
+ 	negl	%ebp
+ 	andl	$4095,%ebp
+@@ -306,14 +321,14 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	cmovael	%eax,%ebp
+ 	andl	%ecx,%ebp
+ 	subl	%ebp,%ecx
+-	jz	.L015ecb_aligned_tail
++	jz	.L017ecb_aligned_tail
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+ .byte	243,15,167,200
+ 	testl	%ebp,%ebp
+-	jz	.L014ecb_exit
++	jz	.L016ecb_exit
+ 	movl	%ebp,%ecx
+ 	leal	-24(%esp),%ebp
+ 	movl	%ebp,%esp
+@@ -330,11 +345,11 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	%esp,%esi
+ 	movl	%eax,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jmp	.L007ecb_loop
++	jmp	.L009ecb_loop
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	popl	%edi
+ 	popl	%esi
+ 	popl	%ebx
+@@ -346,6 +361,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ .L_padlock_cbc_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -355,25 +371,25 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movl	28(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	32(%esp),%ecx
+ 	testl	$15,%edx
+-	jnz	.L016cbc_abort
++	jnz	.L018cbc_abort
+ 	testl	$15,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L016cbc_abort
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L017cbc_pic_point,%eax
++	jnz	.L018cbc_abort
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L019cbc_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	cld
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%edx)
+-	jnz	.L018cbc_aligned
++	jnz	.L020cbc_aligned
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	setz	%al
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+-	jnz	.L018cbc_aligned
++	jnz	.L020cbc_aligned
+ 	negl	%eax
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+ 	notl	%eax
+@@ -392,7 +408,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	andl	$-16,%esp
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%ebp)
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	ja	.L019cbc_loop
++	ja	.L021cbc_loop
+ 	movl	%esi,%eax
+ 	cmpl	%esp,%ebp
+ 	cmovel	%edi,%eax
+@@ -403,10 +419,10 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movl	$-64,%eax
+ 	cmovael	%ebx,%eax
+ 	andl	%eax,%ebx
+-	jz	.L020cbc_unaligned_tail
+-	jmp	.L019cbc_loop
++	jz	.L022cbc_unaligned_tail
++	jmp	.L021cbc_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	movl	%edi,(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%esi,4(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%ecx,8(%ebp)
+@@ -415,13 +431,13 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	cmovnzl	%esp,%edi
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+-	jz	.L021cbc_inp_aligned
++	jz	.L023cbc_inp_aligned
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	%edi,%esi
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+@@ -431,23 +447,23 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movl	(%ebp),%edi
+ 	movl	12(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+-	jz	.L022cbc_out_aligned
++	jz	.L024cbc_out_aligned
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	leal	(%esp),%esi
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	4(%ebp),%esi
+ 	movl	8(%ebp),%ecx
+ 	addl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	addl	%ebx,%esi
+ 	subl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+-	jz	.L023cbc_break
++	jz	.L025cbc_break
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jae	.L019cbc_loop
++	jae	.L021cbc_loop
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+ 	cmovel	%ecx,%eax
+@@ -460,24 +476,24 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movl	%esp,%esi
+ 	movl	%eax,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jmp	.L019cbc_loop
++	jmp	.L021cbc_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+-	je	.L024cbc_done
++	je	.L026cbc_done
+ 	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+ 	leal	(%esp),%eax
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,(%eax)
+ 	leal	16(%eax),%eax
+ 	cmpl	%eax,%ebp
+-	ja	.L025cbc_bzero
++	ja	.L027cbc_bzero
+ 	movl	16(%ebp),%ebp
+ 	leal	24(%ebp),%esp
+-	jmp	.L026cbc_exit
++	jmp	.L028cbc_exit
+ .align	16
+ 	leal	(%esi,%ecx,1),%ebp
+ 	negl	%ebp
+ 	andl	$4095,%ebp
+@@ -487,7 +503,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	cmovael	%eax,%ebp
+ 	andl	%ecx,%ebp
+ 	subl	%ebp,%ecx
+-	jz	.L027cbc_aligned_tail
++	jz	.L029cbc_aligned_tail
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+@@ -495,8 +511,8 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movaps	(%eax),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,-16(%edx)
+ 	testl	%ebp,%ebp
+-	jz	.L026cbc_exit
++	jz	.L028cbc_exit
+ 	movl	%ebp,%ecx
+ 	leal	-24(%esp),%ebp
+ 	movl	%ebp,%esp
+@@ -513,11 +529,11 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movl	%esp,%esi
+ 	movl	%eax,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jmp	.L019cbc_loop
++	jmp	.L021cbc_loop
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	popl	%edi
+ 	popl	%esi
+ 	popl	%ebx
+@@ -529,6 +545,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ .L_padlock_cfb_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -538,25 +555,25 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	28(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	32(%esp),%ecx
+ 	testl	$15,%edx
+-	jnz	.L028cfb_abort
++	jnz	.L030cfb_abort
+ 	testl	$15,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L028cfb_abort
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L029cfb_pic_point,%eax
++	jnz	.L030cfb_abort
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L031cfb_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	cld
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%edx)
+-	jnz	.L030cfb_aligned
++	jnz	.L032cfb_aligned
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	setz	%al
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+-	jnz	.L030cfb_aligned
++	jnz	.L032cfb_aligned
+ 	negl	%eax
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+ 	notl	%eax
+@@ -574,9 +591,9 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	andl	$-16,%ebp
+ 	andl	$-16,%esp
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%ebp)
+-	jmp	.L031cfb_loop
++	jmp	.L033cfb_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	movl	%edi,(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%esi,4(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%ecx,8(%ebp)
+@@ -585,13 +602,13 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	cmovnzl	%esp,%edi
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+-	jz	.L032cfb_inp_aligned
++	jz	.L034cfb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	%edi,%esi
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+@@ -601,45 +618,45 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	(%ebp),%edi
+ 	movl	12(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+-	jz	.L033cfb_out_aligned
++	jz	.L035cfb_out_aligned
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	leal	(%esp),%esi
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	4(%ebp),%esi
+ 	movl	8(%ebp),%ecx
+ 	addl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	addl	%ebx,%esi
+ 	subl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+-	jnz	.L031cfb_loop
++	jnz	.L033cfb_loop
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+-	je	.L034cfb_done
++	je	.L036cfb_done
+ 	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+ 	leal	(%esp),%eax
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,(%eax)
+ 	leal	16(%eax),%eax
+ 	cmpl	%eax,%ebp
+-	ja	.L035cfb_bzero
++	ja	.L037cfb_bzero
+ 	movl	16(%ebp),%ebp
+ 	leal	24(%ebp),%esp
+-	jmp	.L036cfb_exit
++	jmp	.L038cfb_exit
+ .align	16
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+ .byte	243,15,167,224
+ 	movaps	(%eax),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,-16(%edx)
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	popl	%edi
+ 	popl	%esi
+ 	popl	%ebx
+@@ -651,6 +668,7 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ .L_padlock_ofb_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -660,25 +678,25 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	28(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	32(%esp),%ecx
+ 	testl	$15,%edx
+-	jnz	.L037ofb_abort
++	jnz	.L039ofb_abort
+ 	testl	$15,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L037ofb_abort
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L038ofb_pic_point,%eax
++	jnz	.L039ofb_abort
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L040ofb_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	cld
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%edx)
+-	jnz	.L039ofb_aligned
++	jnz	.L041ofb_aligned
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	setz	%al
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+-	jnz	.L039ofb_aligned
++	jnz	.L041ofb_aligned
+ 	negl	%eax
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+ 	notl	%eax
+@@ -696,9 +714,9 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	andl	$-16,%ebp
+ 	andl	$-16,%esp
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%ebp)
+-	jmp	.L040ofb_loop
++	jmp	.L042ofb_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	movl	%edi,(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%esi,4(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%ecx,8(%ebp)
+@@ -707,13 +725,13 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+ 	cmovnzl	%esp,%edi
+ 	testl	$15,%esi
+-	jz	.L041ofb_inp_aligned
++	jz	.L043ofb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	%edi,%esi
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+@@ -723,45 +741,45 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	movl	(%ebp),%edi
+ 	movl	12(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	testl	$15,%edi
+-	jz	.L042ofb_out_aligned
++	jz	.L044ofb_out_aligned
+ 	movl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	leal	(%esp),%esi
+ 	shrl	$2,%ecx
+ .byte	243,165
+ 	subl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	movl	4(%ebp),%esi
+ 	movl	8(%ebp),%ecx
+ 	addl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	addl	%ebx,%esi
+ 	subl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+-	jnz	.L040ofb_loop
++	jnz	.L042ofb_loop
+ 	cmpl	%ebp,%esp
+-	je	.L043ofb_done
++	je	.L045ofb_done
+ 	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+ 	leal	(%esp),%eax
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,(%eax)
+ 	leal	16(%eax),%eax
+ 	cmpl	%eax,%ebp
+-	ja	.L044ofb_bzero
++	ja	.L046ofb_bzero
+ 	movl	16(%ebp),%ebp
+ 	leal	24(%ebp),%esp
+-	jmp	.L045ofb_exit
++	jmp	.L047ofb_exit
+ .align	16
+ 	leal	-16(%edx),%eax
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%ebx
+ 	shrl	$4,%ecx
+ .byte	243,15,167,232
+ 	movaps	(%eax),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,-16(%edx)
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	popl	%edi
+ 	popl	%esi
+ 	popl	%ebx
+@@ -773,6 +791,7 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ .L_padlock_ctr32_encrypt_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%ebp
+ 	pushl	%ebx
+ 	pushl	%esi
+@@ -782,14 +801,14 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	movl	28(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	32(%esp),%ecx
+ 	testl	$15,%edx
+-	jnz	.L046ctr32_abort
++	jnz	.L048ctr32_abort
+ 	testl	$15,%ecx
+-	jnz	.L046ctr32_abort
+-	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L047ctr32_pic_point,%eax
++	jnz	.L048ctr32_abort
++	leal	.Lpadlock_saved_context-.L049ctr32_pic_point,%eax
+ 	pushfl
+ 	cld
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leal	16(%edx),%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	movq	-16(%edx),%mm0
+@@ -809,9 +828,9 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	andl	$-16,%ebp
+ 	andl	$-16,%esp
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%ebp)
+-	jmp	.L048ctr32_loop
++	jmp	.L050ctr32_loop
+ .align	16
+ 	movl	%edi,(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%esi,4(%ebp)
+ 	movl	%ecx,8(%ebp)
+@@ -820,7 +839,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	movl	-4(%edx),%ecx
+ 	xorl	%edi,%edi
+ 	movl	-8(%edx),%eax
+ 	movl	%ecx,12(%esp,%edi,1)
+ 	bswap	%ecx
+ 	movq	%mm0,(%esp,%edi,1)
+@@ -829,7 +848,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	bswap	%ecx
+ 	leal	16(%edi),%edi
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%edi
+-	jb	.L049ctr32_prepare
++	jb	.L051ctr32_prepare
+ 	movl	%ecx,-4(%edx)
+ 	leal	(%esp),%esi
+ 	leal	(%esp),%edi
+@@ -842,33 +861,33 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	movl	12(%ebp),%ebx
+ 	movl	4(%ebp),%esi
+ 	xorl	%ecx,%ecx
+ 	movups	(%esi,%ecx,1),%xmm1
+ 	leal	16(%ecx),%ecx
+ 	pxor	-16(%esp,%ecx,1),%xmm1
+ 	movups	%xmm1,-16(%edi,%ecx,1)
+ 	cmpl	%ebx,%ecx
+-	jb	.L050ctr32_xor
++	jb	.L052ctr32_xor
+ 	movl	8(%ebp),%ecx
+ 	addl	%ebx,%edi
+ 	addl	%ebx,%esi
+ 	subl	%ebx,%ecx
+ 	movl	$512,%ebx
+-	jnz	.L048ctr32_loop
++	jnz	.L050ctr32_loop
+ 	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+ 	leal	(%esp),%eax
+ 	movaps	%xmm0,(%eax)
+ 	leal	16(%eax),%eax
+ 	cmpl	%eax,%ebp
+-	ja	.L051ctr32_bzero
++	ja	.L053ctr32_bzero
+ 	movl	16(%ebp),%ebp
+ 	leal	24(%ebp),%esp
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	leal	4(%esp),%esp
+ 	emms
+ 	popl	%edi
+ 	popl	%esi
+ 	popl	%ebx
+@@ -880,6 +899,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_xstore:
+ .L_padlock_xstore_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	movl	8(%esp),%edi
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edx
+@@ -890,14 +910,15 @@ padlock_xstore:
+ .type	_win32_segv_handler,@function
+ .align	16
+ _win32_segv_handler:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	movl	$1,%eax
+ 	movl	4(%esp),%edx
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%ecx
+ 	cmpl	$3221225477,(%edx)
+-	jne	.L053ret
++	jne	.L055ret
+ 	addl	$4,184(%ecx)
+ 	movl	$0,%eax
+ 	ret
+ .size	_win32_segv_handler,.-_win32_segv_handler
+ .globl	padlock_sha1_oneshot
+@@ -905,6 +926,7 @@ _win32_segv_handler:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha1_oneshot:
+ .L_padlock_sha1_oneshot_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+@@ -936,6 +958,7 @@ padlock_sha1_oneshot:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha1_blocks:
+ .L_padlock_sha1_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edi
+@@ -966,6 +989,7 @@ padlock_sha1_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha256_oneshot:
+ .L_padlock_sha256_oneshot_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+@@ -997,6 +1021,7 @@ padlock_sha256_oneshot:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha256_blocks:
+ .L_padlock_sha256_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edi
+@@ -1027,6 +1052,7 @@ padlock_sha256_blocks:
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha512_blocks:
+ .L_padlock_sha512_blocks_begin:
++.byte	243,15,30,251
+ 	pushl	%edi
+ 	pushl	%esi
+ 	movl	12(%esp),%edi
+@@ -1069,7 +1095,21 @@ padlock_sha512_blocks:
+ .Lpadlock_saved_context:
+ .long	0
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	.asciz "GNU"
++	.p2align 2
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 2
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+diff --git a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86_64.s b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86_64.s
+index c161f0a73..f92da756c 100644
+--- a/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86_64.s
++++ b/lib/accelerated/x86/elf/e_padlock-x86_64.s
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org>
++# Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org>
+ # All rights reserved.
+ #
+ # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+@@ -42,36 +42,50 @@
+ .type	padlock_capability,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_capability:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r8
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cpuid
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+-	cmpl	$1953391939,%ebx
++	cmpl	$0x746e6543,%ebx
++	jne	.Lzhaoxin
++	cmpl	$0x48727561,%edx
+ 	jne	.Lnoluck
+-	cmpl	$1215460705,%edx
++	cmpl	$0x736c7561,%ecx
+ 	jne	.Lnoluck
+-	cmpl	$1936487777,%ecx
++	jmp	.LzhaoxinEnd
++	cmpl	$0x68532020,%ebx
+ 	jne	.Lnoluck
+-	movl	$3221225472,%eax
++	cmpl	$0x68676e61,%edx
++	jne	.Lnoluck
++	cmpl	$0x20206961,%ecx
++	jne	.Lnoluck
++	movl	$0xC0000000,%eax
+ 	cpuid
+ 	movl	%eax,%edx
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+-	cmpl	$3221225473,%edx
++	cmpl	$0xC0000001,%edx
+ 	jb	.Lnoluck
+-	movl	$3221225473,%eax
++	movl	$0xC0000001,%eax
+ 	cpuid
+ 	movl	%edx,%eax
+-	andl	$4294967279,%eax
+-	orl	$16,%eax
++	andl	$0xffffffef,%eax
++	orl	$0x10,%eax
+ .Lnoluck:
+ 	movq	%r8,%rbx
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_capability,.-padlock_capability
+ .globl	padlock_key_bswap
+ .type	padlock_key_bswap,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_key_bswap:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	240(%rdi),%edx
+ .Lbswap_loop:
+ 	movl	(%rdi),%eax
+@@ -81,23 +95,29 @@ padlock_key_bswap:
+ 	subl	$1,%edx
+ 	jnz	.Lbswap_loop
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_key_bswap,.-padlock_key_bswap
+ .globl	padlock_verify_context
+ .type	padlock_verify_context,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_verify_context:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	pushf
+ 	leaq	.Lpadlock_saved_context(%rip),%rax
+ 	call	_padlock_verify_ctx
+ 	leaq	8(%rsp),%rsp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_verify_context,.-padlock_verify_context
+ .type	_padlock_verify_ctx,@function
+ .align	16
+ _padlock_verify_ctx:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	8(%rsp),%r8
+ 	btq	$30,%r8
+ 	jnc	.Lverified
+@@ -108,43 +128,55 @@ _padlock_verify_ctx:
+ .Lverified:
+ 	movq	%rdx,(%rax)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	_padlock_verify_ctx,.-_padlock_verify_ctx
+ .globl	padlock_reload_key
+ .type	padlock_reload_key,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_reload_key:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushf
+ 	popf
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_reload_key,.-padlock_reload_key
+ .globl	padlock_aes_block
+ .type	padlock_aes_block,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_aes_block:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r8
+ 	movq	$1,%rcx
+ 	leaq	32(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rdx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,0xc8	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,0xc8
+ 	movq	%r8,%rbx
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_aes_block,.-padlock_aes_block
+ .globl	padlock_xstore
+ .type	padlock_xstore,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_xstore:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movl	%esi,%edx
+-.byte	0x0f,0xa7,0xc0		
++.byte	0x0f,0xa7,0xc0
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_xstore,.-padlock_xstore
+ .globl	padlock_sha1_oneshot
+ .type	padlock_sha1_oneshot,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha1_oneshot:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm0
+@@ -154,19 +186,22 @@ padlock_sha1_oneshot:
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rdi
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%rsp)
+ 	xorq	%rax,%rax
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xc8	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xc8
+ 	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm0
+ 	movl	16(%rsp),%eax
+ 	addq	$128+8,%rsp
+ 	movups	%xmm0,(%rdx)
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%rdx)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_sha1_oneshot,.-padlock_sha1_oneshot
+ .globl	padlock_sha1_blocks
+ .type	padlock_sha1_blocks,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha1_blocks:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm0
+@@ -176,19 +211,22 @@ padlock_sha1_blocks:
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rdi
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%rsp)
+ 	movq	$-1,%rax
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xc8	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xc8
+ 	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm0
+ 	movl	16(%rsp),%eax
+ 	addq	$128+8,%rsp
+ 	movups	%xmm0,(%rdx)
+ 	movl	%eax,16(%rdx)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_sha1_blocks,.-padlock_sha1_blocks
+ .globl	padlock_sha256_oneshot
+ .type	padlock_sha256_oneshot,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha256_oneshot:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm0
+@@ -198,19 +236,22 @@ padlock_sha256_oneshot:
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rdi
+ 	movaps	%xmm1,16(%rsp)
+ 	xorq	%rax,%rax
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xd0	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xd0
+ 	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	16(%rsp),%xmm1
+ 	addq	$128+8,%rsp
+ 	movups	%xmm0,(%rdx)
+ 	movups	%xmm1,16(%rdx)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_sha256_oneshot,.-padlock_sha256_oneshot
+ .globl	padlock_sha256_blocks
+ .type	padlock_sha256_blocks,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha256_blocks:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm0
+@@ -220,19 +261,22 @@ padlock_sha256_blocks:
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rdi
+ 	movaps	%xmm1,16(%rsp)
+ 	movq	$-1,%rax
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xd0	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xd0
+ 	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	16(%rsp),%xmm1
+ 	addq	$128+8,%rsp
+ 	movups	%xmm0,(%rdx)
+ 	movups	%xmm1,16(%rdx)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_sha256_blocks,.-padlock_sha256_blocks
+ .globl	padlock_sha512_blocks
+ .type	padlock_sha512_blocks,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_sha512_blocks:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rdx
+ 	movups	(%rdi),%xmm0
+@@ -245,7 +289,7 @@ padlock_sha512_blocks:
+ 	movaps	%xmm1,16(%rsp)
+ 	movaps	%xmm2,32(%rsp)
+ 	movaps	%xmm3,48(%rsp)
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xe0	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa6,0xe0
+ 	movaps	(%rsp),%xmm0
+ 	movaps	16(%rsp),%xmm1
+ 	movaps	32(%rsp),%xmm2
+@@ -256,11 +300,14 @@ padlock_sha512_blocks:
+ 	movups	%xmm2,32(%rdx)
+ 	movups	%xmm3,48(%rdx)
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_sha512_blocks,.-padlock_sha512_blocks
+ .globl	padlock_ecb_encrypt
+ .type	padlock_ecb_encrypt,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+@@ -278,9 +325,9 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%rdx)
+ 	jnz	.Lecb_aligned
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	setz	%al
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lecb_aligned
+@@ -304,7 +351,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	cmoveq	%rdi,%rax
+ 	addq	%rcx,%rax
+ 	negq	%rax
+-	andq	$4095,%rax
++	andq	$0xfff,%rax
+ 	cmpq	$128,%rax
+ 	movq	$-128,%rax
+ 	cmovaeq	%rbx,%rax
+@@ -320,12 +367,12 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	movq	%rcx,%r10
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r11
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	cmovnzq	%rsp,%rdi
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	jz	.Lecb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rsi
+@@ -333,15 +380,15 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,200	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,200
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%r11,%rbx
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	jz	.Lecb_out_aligned
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ .Lecb_out_aligned:
+ 	movq	%r9,%rsi
+@@ -362,7 +409,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rax,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rsi
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -388,7 +435,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ .Lecb_aligned:
+ 	leaq	(%rsi,%rcx,1),%rbp
+ 	negq	%rbp
+-	andq	$4095,%rbp
++	andq	$0xfff,%rbp
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpq	$128,%rbp
+ 	movq	$128-1,%rbp
+@@ -399,7 +446,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,200	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,200
+ 	testq	%rbp,%rbp
+ 	jz	.Lecb_exit
+@@ -411,7 +458,7 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rcx,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	leaq	(%r8),%rdi
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -423,11 +470,14 @@ padlock_ecb_encrypt:
+ 	popq	%rbx
+ 	popq	%rbp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_ecb_encrypt,.-padlock_ecb_encrypt
+ .globl	padlock_cbc_encrypt
+ .type	padlock_cbc_encrypt,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+@@ -445,9 +495,9 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%rdx)
+ 	jnz	.Lcbc_aligned
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	setz	%al
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lcbc_aligned
+@@ -471,7 +521,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	cmoveq	%rdi,%rax
+ 	addq	%rcx,%rax
+ 	negq	%rax
+-	andq	$4095,%rax
++	andq	$0xfff,%rax
+ 	cmpq	$64,%rax
+ 	movq	$-64,%rax
+ 	cmovaeq	%rbx,%rax
+@@ -487,12 +537,12 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	movq	%rcx,%r10
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r11
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	cmovnzq	%rsp,%rdi
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	jz	.Lcbc_inp_aligned
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rsi
+@@ -500,17 +550,17 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,208	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,208
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%r11,%rbx
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	jz	.Lcbc_out_aligned
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ .Lcbc_out_aligned:
+ 	movq	%r9,%rsi
+@@ -531,7 +581,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rax,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rsi
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -557,7 +607,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ .Lcbc_aligned:
+ 	leaq	(%rsi,%rcx,1),%rbp
+ 	negq	%rbp
+-	andq	$4095,%rbp
++	andq	$0xfff,%rbp
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpq	$64,%rbp
+ 	movq	$64-1,%rbp
+@@ -568,7 +618,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,208	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,208
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ 	testq	%rbp,%rbp
+@@ -582,7 +632,7 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rcx,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	leaq	(%r8),%rdi
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -594,11 +644,14 @@ padlock_cbc_encrypt:
+ 	popq	%rbx
+ 	popq	%rbp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_cbc_encrypt,.-padlock_cbc_encrypt
+ .globl	padlock_cfb_encrypt
+ .type	padlock_cfb_encrypt,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+@@ -616,9 +669,9 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%rdx)
+ 	jnz	.Lcfb_aligned
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	setz	%al
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lcfb_aligned
+@@ -645,12 +698,12 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	movq	%rcx,%r10
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r11
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	cmovnzq	%rsp,%rdi
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	jz	.Lcfb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rsi
+@@ -658,17 +711,17 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,224	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,224
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%r11,%rbx
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	jz	.Lcfb_out_aligned
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ .Lcfb_out_aligned:
+ 	movq	%r9,%rsi
+@@ -698,7 +751,7 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,224	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,224
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ .Lcfb_exit:
+@@ -708,11 +761,14 @@ padlock_cfb_encrypt:
+ 	popq	%rbx
+ 	popq	%rbp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_cfb_encrypt,.-padlock_cfb_encrypt
+ .globl	padlock_ofb_encrypt
+ .type	padlock_ofb_encrypt,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+@@ -730,9 +786,9 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%rdx)
+ 	jnz	.Lofb_aligned
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	setz	%al
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lofb_aligned
+@@ -759,12 +815,12 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	movq	%rcx,%r10
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r11
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	cmovnzq	%rsp,%rdi
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	jz	.Lofb_inp_aligned
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rsi
+@@ -772,17 +828,17 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,232	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,232
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%r11,%rbx
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	jz	.Lofb_out_aligned
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ .Lofb_out_aligned:
+ 	movq	%r9,%rsi
+@@ -812,7 +868,7 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,232	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,232
+ 	movdqa	(%rax),%xmm0
+ 	movdqa	%xmm0,-16(%rdx)
+ .Lofb_exit:
+@@ -822,11 +878,14 @@ padlock_ofb_encrypt:
+ 	popq	%rbx
+ 	popq	%rbp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_ofb_encrypt,.-padlock_ofb_encrypt
+ .globl	padlock_ctr32_encrypt
+ .type	padlock_ctr32_encrypt,@function
+ .align	16
+ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
++.byte	243,15,30,250
+ 	pushq	%rbp
+ 	pushq	%rbx
+@@ -844,9 +903,9 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
+ 	testl	$32,(%rdx)
+ 	jnz	.Lctr32_aligned
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	setz	%al
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	setz	%bl
+ 	testl	%ebx,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lctr32_aligned
+@@ -881,7 +940,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	cmoveq	%rdi,%rax
+ 	addq	%rcx,%rax
+ 	negq	%rax
+-	andq	$4095,%rax
++	andq	$0xfff,%rax
+ 	cmpq	$32,%rax
+ 	movq	$-32,%rax
+ 	cmovaeq	%rbx,%rax
+@@ -897,12 +956,12 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	movq	%rcx,%r10
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rbx,%r11
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	cmovnzq	%rsp,%rdi
+-	testq	$15,%rsi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rsi
+ 	jz	.Lctr32_inp_aligned
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	movq	%rdi,%rsi
+@@ -910,23 +969,23 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216
+ 	movl	-4(%rdx),%eax
+-	testl	$4294901760,%eax
++	testl	$0xffff0000,%eax
+ 	jnz	.Lctr32_no_carry
+ 	bswapl	%eax
+-	addl	$65536,%eax
++	addl	$0x10000,%eax
+ 	bswapl	%eax
+ 	movl	%eax,-4(%rdx)
+ .Lctr32_no_carry:
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%r11,%rbx
+-	testq	$15,%rdi
++	testq	$0x0f,%rdi
+ 	jz	.Lctr32_out_aligned
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	subq	%rbx,%rdi
+ .Lctr32_out_aligned:
+ 	movq	%r9,%rsi
+@@ -944,7 +1003,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	cmoveq	%rdi,%rax
+ 	addq	%rcx,%rax
+ 	negq	%rax
+-	andq	$4095,%rax
++	andq	$0xfff,%rax
+ 	cmpq	$32,%rax
+ 	movq	$-32,%rax
+ 	cmovaeq	%rbx,%rax
+@@ -959,7 +1018,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rax,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	movq	%rsp,%rsi
+ 	movq	%r8,%rdi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -986,7 +1045,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	movl	-4(%rdx),%eax
+ 	bswapl	%eax
+ 	negl	%eax
+-	andl	$65535,%eax
++	andl	$0xffff,%eax
+ 	movq	$1048576,%rbx
+ 	shll	$4,%eax
+ 	cmovzq	%rbx,%rax
+@@ -1003,11 +1062,11 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216
+ 	movl	-4(%rdx),%eax
+ 	bswapl	%eax
+-	addl	$65536,%eax
++	addl	$0x10000,%eax
+ 	bswapl	%eax
+ 	movl	%eax,-4(%rdx)
+@@ -1021,7 +1080,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ .Lctr32_aligned_skip:
+ 	leaq	(%rsi,%rcx,1),%rbp
+ 	negq	%rbp
+-	andq	$4095,%rbp
++	andq	$0xfff,%rbp
+ 	xorl	%eax,%eax
+ 	cmpq	$32,%rbp
+ 	movq	$32-1,%rbp
+@@ -1032,7 +1091,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	leaq	-16(%rdx),%rax
+ 	leaq	16(%rdx),%rbx
+ 	shrq	$4,%rcx
+-.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216	
++.byte	0xf3,0x0f,0xa7,216
+ 	testq	%rbp,%rbp
+ 	jz	.Lctr32_exit
+@@ -1044,7 +1103,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	subq	%rcx,%rsp
+ 	shrq	$3,%rcx
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rdi
+-.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5		
++.byte	0xf3,0x48,0xa5
+ 	leaq	(%r8),%rdi
+ 	leaq	(%rsp),%rsi
+ 	movq	%rbx,%rcx
+@@ -1056,6 +1115,7 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ 	popq	%rbx
+ 	popq	%rbp
+ 	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+ .size	padlock_ctr32_encrypt,.-padlock_ctr32_encrypt
+ .byte	86,73,65,32,80,97,100,108,111,99,107,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,32,109,111,100,117,108,101,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+ .align	16
+@@ -1063,8 +1123,26 @@ padlock_ctr32_encrypt:
+ .align	8
+ .Lpadlock_saved_context:
+ .quad	0
++	.section ".note.gnu.property", "a"
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 1f - 0f
++	.long 4f - 1f
++	.long 5
++	# "GNU" encoded with .byte, since .asciz isn't supported
++	# on Solaris.
++	.byte 0x47
++	.byte 0x4e
++	.byte 0x55
++	.byte 0
++	.p2align 3
++	.long 0xc0000002
++	.long 3f - 2f
++	.long 3
++	.p2align 3
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff --git a/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-libopts-covscan.patch b/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-libopts-covscan.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85738f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/gnutls-3.7.2-libopts-covscan.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+From de11338de900f5c8840268264bceccbf76cca34f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 12:19:30 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] autoopts: makeshell: use ferror before fclose
+Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+ src/libopts/makeshell.c | 3 +--
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/libopts/makeshell.c b/src/libopts/makeshell.c
+index b6cb441a..7eb17a1f 100644
+--- a/src/libopts/makeshell.c
++++ b/src/libopts/makeshell.c
+@@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ optionParseShell(tOptions * opts)
+ #ifdef HAVE_FCHMOD
+     fchmod(STDOUT_FILENO, 0755);
+ #endif
+-    fclose(stdout);
+-    if (ferror(stdout))
++    if (ferror(stdout) || fclose(stdout))
+         fserr_exit(opts->pzProgName, zwriting, zstdout_name);
+     AGFREE(script_text);
+From 161097d36b608b615482e42e56a465c9fd740c26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 12:43:07 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] autoopts: load: fix resource leak in error path
+Signed-off-by: Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+ src/libopts/load.c | 10 ++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/libopts/load.c b/src/libopts/load.c
+index 3f1ce2e6..ad1c4584 100644
+--- a/src/libopts/load.c
++++ b/src/libopts/load.c
+@@ -219,8 +219,11 @@ add_prog_path(char * buf, int b_sz, char const * fname, char const * prg_path)
+      *  IF we cannot find a directory name separator,
+      *  THEN we do not have a path name to our executable file.
+      */
+-    if (pz == NULL)
++    if (pz == NULL) {
++        if (path != prg_path)
++            AGFREE(path);
+         return false;
++    }
+     fname    += skip;
+     fname_len = strlen(fname) + 1; // + NUL byte
+@@ -230,8 +233,11 @@ add_prog_path(char * buf, int b_sz, char const * fname, char const * prg_path)
+      *  Concatenate the file name to the end of the executable path.
+      *  The result may be either a file or a directory.
+      */
+-    if (dir_len + fname_len > (unsigned)b_sz)
++    if (dir_len + fname_len > (unsigned)b_sz) {
++        if (path != prg_path)
++            AGFREE(path);
+         return false;
++    }
+     memcpy(buf, path, dir_len);
+     memcpy(buf + dir_len, fname, fname_len);
diff --git a/SPECS/gnutls.spec b/SPECS/gnutls.spec
index b872a80..b5e6c20 100644
--- a/SPECS/gnutls.spec
+++ b/SPECS/gnutls.spec
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 # This spec file has been automatically updated
 Version:	3.7.2
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 8%{?dist}
 Patch1:	gnutls-3.6.7-no-now-guile.patch
 Patch2:	gnutls-3.2.7-rpath.patch
 Patch3:	gnutls-3.7.2-config-allowlisting.patch
 Patch4:	gnutls-3.7.2-key-share-ecdhx.patch
+Patch5:	gnutls-3.7.2-enable-intel-cet.patch
+Patch6: gnutls-3.7.2-libopts-covscan.patch
 %bcond_with bootstrap
 %bcond_without dane
 %if 0%{?rhel}
@@ -168,7 +170,17 @@ echo "SYSTEM=NORMAL" >> tests/system.prio
 %if !%{with bootstrap}
 # These are ordered by dependency:
 touch doc/functions/* doc/enums/*
-touch doc/enums.texi doc/invoke*.texi doc/gnutls-api.texi
+touch doc/enums.texi doc/gnutls-api.texi
+touch doc/invoke-gnutls-cli.texi
+touch doc/invoke-gnutls-cli-debug.texi
+touch doc/invoke-gnutls-serv.texi
+touch doc/invoke-certtool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-ocsptool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-danetool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-srptool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-psktool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-p11tool.texi
+touch doc/invoke-tpmtool.texi
 touch doc/stamp_functions doc/stamp_enums
 touch doc/gnutls.info doc/gnutls.html doc/manpages/stamp_mans
@@ -177,8 +189,9 @@ touch doc/gnutls.info doc/gnutls.html doc/manpages/stamp_mans
 # via the crypto policies
-CCASFLAGS="$CCASFLAGS -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes"
+%ifarch aarch64 ppc64le
+%define _lto_cflags %{nil}
 %if %{with guile}
 # These should be checked by m4/guile.m4 instead of configure.ac
@@ -309,6 +322,21 @@ make check %{?_smp_mflags} GNUTLS_SYSTEM_PRIORITY_FILE=/dev/null
+* Thu Oct 21 2021 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-8
+- Fix issues in bundled libopts, spotted by covscan (#1938730)
+* Tue Oct 12 2021 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-7
+- Enable Intel CET
+- Remove unnecessary CCASFLAGS setting for annocheck
+* Thu Aug 19 2021 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-6
+- Reorder doc/invoke-*.texi generation (#1975482)
+- Temporarily disable LTO for aarch64 and ppc64le
+* Mon Aug 09 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-5
+- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
+  Related: rhbz#1991688
 * Mon Aug  2 2021 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.7.2-4
 - Disable GOST cryptography by default (#1945292)
 - Tighten timestamp adjustment when not bootstrapping (#1975482)