diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-16540.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-16540.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788827e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-16540.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+From: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell@artifex.com>
+Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:13:25 +0000 (+0100)
+Subject: Bug 699661: Avoid sharing pointers between pdf14 compositors
+Bug 699661: Avoid sharing pointers between pdf14 compositors
+If a copdevice is triggered when the pdf14 compositor is the device, we make
+a copy of the device, then throw an error because, by default we're only allowed
+to copy the device prototype - then freeing it calls the finalize, which frees
+several pointers shared with the parent.
+Make a pdf14 specific finish_copydevice() which NULLs the relevant pointers,
+before, possibly, throwing the same error as the default method.
+This also highlighted a problem with reopening the X11 devices, where a custom
+error handler could be replaced with itself, meaning it also called itself,
+and infifite recursion resulted.
+Keep a note of if the handler replacement has been done, and don't do it a
+second time.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevp14.c.cve-2018-16540 ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevp14.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevp14.c.cve-2018-16540	2019-01-14 12:57:56.324331784 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevp14.c	2019-01-14 13:00:38.224433442 +0100
+@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ static	dev_proc_fill_mask(pdf14_fill_mas
+ static	dev_proc_stroke_path(pdf14_stroke_path);
+ static	dev_proc_begin_typed_image(pdf14_begin_typed_image);
+ static	dev_proc_text_begin(pdf14_text_begin);
++static  dev_proc_finish_copydevice(pdf14_finish_copydevice);
+ static	dev_proc_create_compositor(pdf14_create_compositor);
+ static	dev_proc_create_compositor(pdf14_forward_create_compositor);
+ static	dev_proc_begin_transparency_group(pdf14_begin_transparency_group);
+@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ static	const gx_color_map_procs *
+         pdf14_create_compositor,	/* create_compositor */\
+         NULL,				/* get_hardware_params */\
+         pdf14_text_begin,		/* text_begin */\
+-        NULL,				/* finish_copydevice */\
++        pdf14_finish_copydevice,        /* finish_copydevice */\
+         pdf14_begin_transparency_group,\
+         pdf14_end_transparency_group,\
+         pdf14_begin_transparency_mask,\
+@@ -3217,6 +3218,19 @@ pdf14_text_begin(gx_device * dev, gs_ima
+     return code;
+ }
++static int
++pdf14_finish_copydevice(gx_device *new_dev, const gx_device *from_dev)
++    pdf14_device *pdev = (pdf14_device*)new_dev;
++    pdev->ctx = NULL;
++    pdev->trans_group_parent_cmap_procs = NULL;
++    pdev->smaskcolor = NULL;
++    /* Only allow copying the prototype. */
++    return (from_dev->memory ? gs_note_error(gs_error_rangecheck) : 0);
+ /*
+  * Implement copy_mono by filling lots of small rectangles.
+  */
+@@ -7499,6 +7513,7 @@ c_pdf14trans_clist_read_update(gs_compos
+                        before reopening the device */
+                     if (p14dev->ctx != NULL) {
+                         pdf14_ctx_free(p14dev->ctx);
++                        p14dev->ctx = NULL;
+                     }
+                     dev_proc(tdev, open_device) (tdev);
+                 }
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevxini.c.cve-2018-16540 ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevxini.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevxini.c.cve-2018-16540	2019-01-14 13:01:43.310670279 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/base/gdevxini.c	2019-01-14 13:04:10.937939293 +0100
+@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ static struct xv_ {
+     Boolean alloc_error;
+     XErrorHandler orighandler;
+     XErrorHandler oldhandler;
+-} x_error_handler;
++    Boolean set;
++} x_error_handler = {0};
+ static int
+ x_catch_alloc(Display * dpy, XErrorEvent * err)
+@@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ x_catch_alloc(Display * dpy, XErrorEvent
+ int
+ x_catch_free_colors(Display * dpy, XErrorEvent * err)
+ {
+-    if (err->request_code == X_FreeColors)
++    if (err->request_code == X_FreeColors ||
++        x_error_handler.orighandler == x_catch_free_colors)
+         return 0;
+     return x_error_handler.orighandler(dpy, err);
+ }
+@@ -274,8 +276,10 @@ gdev_x_open(gx_device_X * xdev)
+         return_error(gs_error_ioerror);
+     }
+     /* Buggy X servers may cause a Bad Access on XFreeColors. */
+-    x_error_handler.orighandler = XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_free_colors);
++    if (!x_error_handler.set) {
++        x_error_handler.orighandler = XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_free_colors);
++        x_error_handler.set = True;
++    }
+     /* Get X Resources.  Use the toolkit for this. */
+     XtToolkitInitialize();
+     app_con = XtCreateApplicationContext();
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19475.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19475.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19475.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell@artifex.com>
+Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 17:21:33 +0000 (+0000)
+Subject: Bug 700153: restore: always check available stack
+Bug 700153: restore: always check available stack
+Previously, we were checking there was enough stack space available when the
+restore operation required a device change, but since we have to use
+Postscript to reset the userparams (ick!), we need the stack check even when
+not changing the device.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zdevice2.c.cve-2018-19475 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zdevice2.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zdevice2.c.cve-2018-19475	2019-01-14 14:28:02.359841826 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zdevice2.c	2019-01-14 14:29:29.939816553 +0100
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ restore_page_device(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, co
+             samepagedevice = false;
+     }
+-    if (LockSafetyParams && !samepagedevice) {
++    if (LockSafetyParams) {
+         const int required_ops = 512;
+         const int required_es = 32;
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19476.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19476.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d2ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19476.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+From: Ken Sharp <ken.sharp@artifex.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 09:25:13 +0000 (+0000)
+Subject: Bug #700169 - unchecked type
+Bug #700169 - unchecked type
+Bug #700169 "Type confusion in setcolorspace"
+In seticc() we extract "Name" from a dictionary, if it succeeds we then
+use it as a string, without checking the type to see if it is in fact
+a string.
+Add a check on the type, and add a couple to check that 'N' is an integer
+in a few places too.
+From: Ken Sharp <ken.sharp@artifex.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 09:31:10 +0000 (+0000)
+Subject: PS interpreter - add some type checking
+PS interpreter - add some type checking
+These were 'probably' safe anyway, since they mostly treat the objects
+as integers without checking, which at least can't result in a crash.
+Nevertheless, we ought to check.
+The return from comparedictkeys could be wrong if one of the keys had
+a value which was not an array, it could incorrectly decide the two
+were in fact the same.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zbfont.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zbfont.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zbfont.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:06:09.944218434 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zbfont.c	2019-01-14 16:08:36.868448531 +0100
+@@ -618,6 +618,9 @@ sub_font_params(gs_memory_t *mem, const
+         return_error(e_invalidfont);
+     if (dict_find_string(op, "OrigFont", &porigfont) <= 0)
+         porigfont = NULL;
++    if (porigfont != NULL && !r_has_type(porigfont, t_dictionary))
++        return_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     if (pomat!= NULL) {
+         if (porigfont == NULL ||
+             dict_find_string(porigfont, "FontMatrix", &pmatrix) <= 0 ||
+@@ -628,8 +631,8 @@ sub_font_params(gs_memory_t *mem, const
+     /* Use the FontInfo/OrigFontName key preferrentially (created by MS PSCRIPT driver) */
+     if ((dict_find_string((porigfont != NULL ? porigfont : op), "FontInfo", &pfontinfo) > 0) &&
+         r_has_type(pfontinfo, t_dictionary) &&
+-        (dict_find_string(pfontinfo, "OrigFontName", &pfontname) > 0)) {
+-        if ((dict_find_string(pfontinfo, "OrigFontStyle", &pfontstyle) > 0) &&
++        (dict_find_string(pfontinfo, "OrigFontName", &pfontname) > 0) && (r_has_type(pfontname, t_name) || r_has_type(pfontname, t_string))) {
++        if ((dict_find_string(pfontinfo, "OrigFontStyle", &pfontstyle) > 0) && (r_has_type(pfontname, t_name) || r_has_type(pfontname, t_string)) &&
+                 r_size(pfontstyle) > 0) {
+             const byte *tmpStr1 = pfontname->value.const_bytes;
+             const byte *tmpStr2 = pfontstyle->value.const_bytes;
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcolor.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcolor.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcolor.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:09:23.141891105 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcolor.c	2019-01-14 16:27:03.317052840 +0100
+@@ -2059,7 +2059,12 @@ static int comparedictkey(i_ctx_t * i_ct
+     if (r_type(tempref1) == t_null)
+         return 1;
+-    return comparearrays(i_ctx_p, tempref1, tempref2);
++    code = comparearrays(i_ctx_p, tempref1, tempref2);
++    if (code > 0)
++        return 1;
++    else
++        return 0;
+ }
+ /* Check that the WhitePoint of a CIE space is valid */
+@@ -5469,6 +5474,9 @@ static int seticcspace(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p
+                 code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref);
+                 if (code < 0)
+                     return code;
++                if (r_type(tempref) != t_integer)
++                    return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+                 components = tempref->value.intval;
+                 if (components > count_of(range))
+                     return_error(e_rangecheck);
+@@ -5684,6 +5692,8 @@ static int iccalternatespace(i_ctx_t * i
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref);
+     if (code <= 0)
+         return code;
++    if (!r_has_type(tempref, t_integer))
++        return_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     components = tempref->value.intval;
+@@ -5718,6 +5728,9 @@ static int icccomponents(i_ctx_t * i_ctx
+         return code;
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref);
++    if (!r_has_type(tempref, t_integer))
++        return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     *n = tempref->value.intval;
+     return 0;
+ }
+@@ -5730,6 +5743,9 @@ static int iccdomain(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p,
+     if (code < 0)
+         return code;
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref);
++    if (!r_has_type(tempref, t_integer))
++        return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     components = tempref->value.intval;
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "Range", &tempref);
+     if (code >= 0 && !r_has_type(tempref, t_null)) {
+@@ -5759,6 +5775,8 @@ static int iccrange(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p, r
+     if (code < 0)
+         return code;
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref);
++    if (!r_has_type(tempref, t_integer))
++        return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     components = tempref->value.intval;
+     code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "Range", &tempref);
+     if (code >= 0 && !r_has_type(tempref, t_null)) {
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcrd.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcrd.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcrd.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:30:53.508230767 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zcrd.c	2019-01-14 16:31:42.609628795 +0100
+@@ -222,8 +222,10 @@ zcrd1_params(os_ptr op, gs_cie_render *
+         )
+         return code;
+     if (dict_find_string(op, "RenderTable", &pRT) > 0) {
+-        const ref *prte = pRT->value.const_refs;
++        const ref *prte;
++        check_read_type(*pRT, t_array);
++        prte = pRT->value.const_refs;
+         /* Finish unpacking and checking the RenderTable parameter. */
+         check_type_only(prte[4], t_integer);
+         if (!(prte[4].value.intval == 3 || prte[4].value.intval == 4))
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjpx.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjpx.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjpx.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:32:09.315301395 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjpx.c	2019-01-14 16:32:59.902681210 +0100
+@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ z_jpx_decode(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p)
+                                 dict_find_string(csdict, "N", &nref) > 0) {
+                           if_debug1m('w', imemory, "[w] JPX image has an external %"PRIpsint
+                                      " channel colorspace\n", nref->value.intval);
++                          if (r_type(nref) != t_integer)
++                              return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+                           switch (nref->value.intval) {
+                             case 1: state.colorspace = gs_jpx_cs_gray;
+                                 break;
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont0.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont0.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont0.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:34:52.816296934 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont0.c	2019-01-14 16:36:07.581380337 +0100
+@@ -243,6 +243,9 @@ zbuildfont0(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+         array_get(pfont->memory, &fdepvector, i, &fdep);
+         /* The lookup can't fail, because of the pre-check above. */
+         dict_find_string(&fdep, "FID", &pfid);
++        if (!r_has_type(pfid, t_fontID))
++            return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+         data.FDepVector[i] = r_ptr(pfid, gs_font);
+     }
+     pfont->data = data;
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:33:26.705352619 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont.c	2019-01-14 16:34:29.104587630 +0100
+@@ -596,6 +596,9 @@ zfont_info(gs_font *font, const gs_point
+         info->members |= FONT_INFO_FULL_NAME;
+     if ((members & FONT_INFO_EMBEDDING_RIGHTS)
+         && (dict_find_string(pfontinfo, "FSType", &pvalue) > 0)) {
++        if (r_type(pvalue) != t_integer)
++            return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+         info->EmbeddingRights = pvalue->value.intval;
+         info->members |= FONT_INFO_EMBEDDING_RIGHTS;
+     }
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zicc.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zicc.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zicc.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 15:42:17.836379460 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zicc.c	2019-01-14 15:48:50.612698290 +0100
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int seticc(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p, int ncomps
+         want to have this buffer. */
+     /* Check if we have the /Name entry.  This is used to associate with
+        specs that have enumerated types to indicate sRGB sGray etc */
+-    if (dict_find_string(ICCdict, "Name", &pnameval) > 0){
++    if (dict_find_string(ICCdict, "Name", &pnameval) > 0 && r_has_type(pnameval, t_string)){
+         uint size = r_size(pnameval);
+         char *str = (char *)gs_alloc_bytes(gs_state_memory(igs), size+1, "seticc");
+         memcpy(str, (const char *)pnameval->value.bytes, size);
+@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@ zset_outputintent(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p)
+     code = dict_find_string(op, "N", &pnval);
+     if (code < 0)
+         return code;
++    if (r_type(pnval) != t_integer)
++        return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     ncomps = pnval->value.intval;
+     /* verify the DataSource entry. Creat profile from stream */
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zimage3.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zimage3.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zimage3.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:36:31.871082554 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zimage3.c	2019-01-14 16:37:41.626227376 +0100
+@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ zimage3(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+         dict_find_string(op, "MaskDict", &pMaskDict) <= 0
+         )
+         return_error(e_rangecheck);
++    check_type(*pDataDict, t_dictionary);
++    check_type(*pMaskDict, t_dictionary);
+     if ((code = pixel_image_params(i_ctx_p, pDataDict,
+                         (gs_pixel_image_t *)&image, &ip_data,
+                         12, false, gs_currentcolorspace(igs))) < 0 ||
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/ztrans.c.cve-2018-19476 ghostscript-9.07/psi/ztrans.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/ztrans.c.cve-2018-19476	2019-01-14 16:38:14.893819526 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/ztrans.c	2019-01-14 16:42:22.503788524 +0100
+@@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ zimage3x(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+     gs_image3x_t_init(&image, NULL);
+     if (dict_find_string(op, "DataDict", &pDataDict) <= 0)
+         return_error(e_rangecheck);
++    check_type(*pDataDict, t_dictionary);
+     if ((code = pixel_image_params(i_ctx_p, pDataDict,
+                    (gs_pixel_image_t *)&image, &ip_data,
+                    16, false, gs_currentcolorspace(igs))) < 0 ||
+@@ -398,6 +399,9 @@ image_params *pip_data, const char *dict
+     if (dict_find_string(op, dict_name, &pMaskDict) <= 0)
+         return 1;
++    if (!r_has_type(pMaskDict, t_dictionary))
++        return gs_note_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+     if ((mcode = code = data_image_params(mem, pMaskDict, &pixm->MaskDict,
+                                           &ip_mask, false, 1, 16, false, false)) < 0 ||
+         (code = dict_int_param(pMaskDict, "ImageType", 1, 1, 0, &ignored)) < 0 ||
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19477.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19477.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f8f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2018-19477.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From: Ken Sharp <ken.sharp@artifex.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 09:27:00 +0000 (+0000)
+Subject: Bug #700168 - add a type check
+Bug #700168 - add a type check
+Bug #700168 "Type confusion in JBIG2Decode"
+The code was assuming that .jbig2globalctx was a structure allocated
+by the graphics library, without checking.
+Add a check to see that it is a structure and that its the correct
+type of structure.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjbig2.c.cve-2018-19477 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjbig2.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjbig2.c.cve-2018-19477	2019-01-15 10:36:23.973538520 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfjbig2.c	2019-01-15 10:37:16.897897568 +0100
+@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ z_jbig2decode(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p)
+     if (r_has_type(op, t_dictionary)) {
+         check_dict_read(*op);
+         if ( dict_find_string(op, ".jbig2globalctx", &sop) > 0) {
++            if (!r_is_struct(sop) || !r_has_stype(sop, imemory, st_jbig2_global_data_t))
++                return_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+             gref = r_ptr(sop, s_jbig2_global_data_t);
+             s_jbig2decode_set_global_data((stream_state*)&state, gref);
+         }
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2019-6116.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2019-6116.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c026749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-cve-2019-6116.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+commit 30cd347f37bfb293ffdc407397d1023628400b81
+Author: Ken Sharp <ken.sharp@artifex.com>
+Date:   Mon Oct 15 13:35:15 2018 +0100
+    font parsing - prevent SEGV in .cffparse
+    Bug #699961 "currentcolortransfer procs crash .parsecff"
+    zparsecff checked the operand for being an array (and not a packed
+    array) but the returned procedures from the default currentcolortransfer
+    are arrays, not packed arrays. This led to the code trying to
+    dereference a NULL pointer.
+    Add a specific check for the 'refs' pointer being NULL before we try
+    to use it.
+    Additionally, make the StartData procedure in the CFF Font Resource
+    executeonly to prevent pulling the hidden .parsecff operator out and
+    using it. Finally, extend this to other resource types.
+commit 8e18fcdaa2e2247363c4cc8f851f3096cc5756fa
+Author: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell@artifex.com>
+Date:   Fri Oct 19 13:14:24 2018 +0100
+    "Hide" a final use of a .force* operator
+    There was one use of .forceput remaining that was in a regular procedure
+    rather than being "hidden" behind an operator.
+    In this case, it's buried in the resource machinery, and hard to access (I
+    would not be confident in claiming it was impossible). This ensures it's
+    not accessible.
+From d3537a54740d78c5895ec83694a07b3e4f616f61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell@artifex.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2018 12:22:13 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug700317: Address .force* operators exposure
+Fix logic for an older change: unlike almost every other function in gs, dict_find_string() returns 1 on
+success 0 or <0 on failure. The logic for this case was wrong.
+Sanitize op stack for error conditions
+We save the stacks to an array and store the array for the error handler to
+For SAFER, we traverse the array, and deep copy any op arrays (procedures). As
+we make these copies, we check for operators that do *not* exist in systemdict,
+when we find one, we replace the operator with a name object (of the form
+Any transient procedures that call .force* operators
+(i.e. for conditionals or loops) make them executeonly.
+Harden some uses of .force* operators
+by adding a few immediate evalutions
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/interp.c.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/psi/interp.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/interp.c.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.802913354 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/interp.c	2019-01-24 12:20:06.843912826 +0100
+@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ again:
+                  * i.e. it's an internal operator we have hidden
+                  */
+                 code = dict_find_string(systemdict, (const char *)bufptr, &tobj);
+-                if (code < 0) {
++                if (code <= 0) {
+                     buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[rlen + 2] = buf[rlen + 3] = '-';
+                     rlen += 4;
+                     bufptr = buf;
+@@ -751,6 +751,7 @@ copy_stack(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const ref_s
+     uint size = ref_stack_count(pstack) - skip;
+     uint save_space = ialloc_space(idmemory);
+     int code, i;
++    ref *safety, *safe;
+     if (size > 65535)
+         size = 65535;
+@@ -768,6 +769,13 @@ copy_stack(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const ref_s
+                 make_null(&arr->value.refs[i]);
+         }
+     }
++    if (pstack == &o_stack && dict_find_string(systemdict, "SAFETY", &safety) > 0 &&
++        dict_find_string(safety, "safe", &safe) > 0 && r_has_type(safe, t_boolean) &&
++        safe->value.boolval == true) {
++        code = ref_stack_array_sanitize(i_ctx_p, arr, arr);
++        if (code < 0)
++            return code;
++    }
+     ialloc_set_space(idmemory, save_space);
+     return code;
+ }
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.824913071 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak	2019-01-24 12:20:06.843912826 +0100
+@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ $(PSOBJ)iparam.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)iparam.c
+ $(PSOBJ)istack.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)istack.c $(GH) $(memory__h)\
+  $(ierrors_h) $(gsstruct_h) $(gsutil_h)\
+  $(ialloc_h) $(istack_h) $(istkparm_h) $(istruct_h) $(iutil_h) $(ivmspace_h)\
+- $(store_h)
++ $(store_h) $(icstate_h) $(iname_h) $(dstack_h) $(idict_h)
+ 	$(PSCC) $(PSO_)istack.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(PSSRC)istack.c
+ $(PSOBJ)iutil.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)iutil.c $(GH) $(math__h) $(memory__h) $(string__h)\
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.c.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.c.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:13.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.c	2019-01-24 12:20:06.844912813 +0100
+@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
+ #include "iutil.h"
+ #include "ivmspace.h"		/* for local/global test */
+ #include "store.h"
++#include "icstate.h"
++#include "iname.h"
++#include "dstack.h"
++#include "idict.h"
+ /* Forward references */
+ static void init_block(ref_stack_t *pstack, const ref *pblock_array,
+@@ -283,6 +287,80 @@ ref_stack_store_check(const ref_stack_t
+     return 0;
+ }
++ref_stack_array_sanitize(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, ref *sarr, ref *darr)
++    int i, code;
++    ref obj, arr2;
++    ref *pobj2;
++    gs_memory_t *mem = (gs_memory_t *)idmemory->current;
++    if (!r_is_array(sarr) || !r_has_type(darr, t_array))
++        return_error(gs_error_typecheck);
++    for (i = 0; i < r_size(sarr); i++) {
++        code = array_get(mem, sarr, i, &obj);
++        if (code < 0)
++            make_null(&obj);
++        switch(r_type(&obj)) {
++          case t_operator:
++          {
++            int index = op_index(&obj);
++            if (index > 0 && index < op_def_count) {
++                const byte *data = (const byte *)(op_index_def(index)->oname + 1);
++                if (dict_find_string(systemdict, (const char *)data, &pobj2) <= 0) {
++                    byte *s = gs_alloc_bytes(mem, strlen((char *)data) + 5, "ref_stack_array_sanitize");
++                    if (s) {
++                        s[0] =  '\0';
++                        strcpy((char *)s, "--");
++                        strcpy((char *)s + 2, (char *)data);
++                        strcpy((char *)s + strlen((char *)data) + 2, "--");
++                    }
++                    else {
++                        s = (byte *)data;
++                    }
++                    code = name_ref(imemory, s, strlen((char *)s), &obj, 1);
++                    if (code < 0) make_null(&obj);
++                    if (s != data)
++                        gs_free_object(mem, s, "ref_stack_array_sanitize");
++                }
++            }
++            else {
++                make_null(&obj);
++            }
++            ref_assign(darr->value.refs + i, &obj);
++            break;
++          }
++          case t_array:
++          case t_shortarray:
++          case t_mixedarray:
++          {
++            int attrs = r_type_attrs(&obj) & (a_write | a_read | a_execute | a_executable);
++            /* We only want to copy executable arrays */
++            if (attrs & (a_execute | a_executable)) {
++                code = ialloc_ref_array(&arr2, attrs, r_size(&obj), "ref_stack_array_sanitize");
++                if (code < 0) {
++                    make_null(&arr2);
++                }
++                else {
++                    code = ref_stack_array_sanitize(i_ctx_p, &obj, &arr2);
++                }
++                ref_assign(darr->value.refs + i, &arr2);
++            }
++            else {
++                ref_assign(darr->value.refs + i, &obj);
++            }
++            break;
++          }
++          default:
++            ref_assign(darr->value.refs + i, &obj);
++        }
++    }
++    return 0;
+ /*
+  * Store the top 'count' elements of a stack, starting 'skip' elements below
+  * the top, into an array, with or without store/undo checking.  age=-1 for
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.h.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.h
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.h.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:13.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/istack.h	2019-01-24 12:20:06.844912813 +0100
+@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ int ref_stack_store(const ref_stack_t *p
+                     uint skip, int age, bool check,
+                     gs_dual_memory_t *idmem, client_name_t cname);
++ref_stack_array_sanitize(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, ref *sarr, ref *darr);
+ /*
+  * Pop the top N elements off a stack.
+  * The number must not exceed the number of elements in use.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont2.c.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont2.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont2.c.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.601915943 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfont2.c	2019-01-24 12:20:06.844912813 +0100
+@@ -2718,9 +2718,13 @@ zparsecff(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+     ref blk_wrap[1];
+     check_read(*op);
+     if (r_has_type(op, t_array)) {  /* no packedarrays */
+         int i, blk_sz, blk_cnt;
++        if (op->value.refs == NULL)
++            return_error(gs_error_typecheck);
+         data.blk_ref = op->value.refs;
+         blk_cnt  = r_size(op);
+         blk_sz = r_size(data.blk_ref);
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cff.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cff.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cff.ps.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cff.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.845912801 +0100
+@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ dup							% Format 2
+ % ordinary CFF font.
+ /StartData {          % <resname> <nbytes> StartData -
+   currentfile exch subfilefilter //false //false ReadData pop
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ /ReadData {           % <resname> <file> <forceresname> <forcecid> ReadData <fontset>
+         % Initialize.
+@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ systemdict /OLDCFF known {
+   end		% FontSetInit ProcSet
+   /FontSet defineresource
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ % ---------------- Resource category definition ---------------- %
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cidcm.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cidcm.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cidcm.ps.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cidcm.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.845912801 +0100
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ currentdict end def
+       //FindResource exec
+     } ifelse
+   } ifelse
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ /ResourceStatus {  % <InstName> ResourceStatus <nStatus> <nSize> true
+                    % <InstName> ResourceStatus false
+@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ currentdict end def
+       //false
+     } ifelse
+   } ifelse
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ /ResourceForAll { % <template> <proc> <scratch> ResourceForAll -
+@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ currentdict end def
+   % Make the enumerator and apply it :
+   /MappedCategoryRedefiner /ProcSet findresource /MakeResourceEnumerator get exec exec
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ currentdict end /Font exch /Category defineresource pop
+ end
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_ciddc.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_ciddc.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_ciddc.ps.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_ciddc.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.845912801 +0100
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ begin
+     exch pop begin                                   %
+     .GetCIDDecoding
+     end
+-  } bind def
++  } bind executeonly def
+   /FindResource      % <name> FindResource <dict>
+   { currentglobal exch                               % bGlobal /InstName
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ begin
+     dup //.MakeInstance exec                         % bGlobal /InstName <Inst>
+     DefineResource                                   % bGlobal <Inst>
+     exch setglobal                                   % <Inst>
+-  } bind def
++  } bind executeonly def
+ currentdict end
+ /CIDDecoding exch /Category defineresource pop
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cmap.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cmap.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cmap.ps.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_cmap.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.845912801 +0100
+@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ dup /DefineResource {
+   } if
+   dup /CodeMap .knownget { //null eq { .buildcmap } if } if
+   /Generic /Category findresource /DefineResource get exec
+-} bind put
++} bind executeonly put
+ /Category defineresource pop
+         % We might have loaded CID font support already.
+ /CIDInit /ProcSet 2 copy { findresource } .internalstopped
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.813913213 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.845912801 +0100
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ systemdict begin
+     mark 5 1 roll ] mark exch { { } forall } forall ]
+     //systemdict /.searchabledevs 2 index .forceput
+     exch .setglobal
+-  }
++  } executeonly
+   if
+ } .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.798913406 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.846912788 +0100
+@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ level2dict begin
+  } odef
+ % undefinefont has to take local/global VM into account.
+ /undefinefont		% <fontname> undefinefont -
+- { .FontDirectory 1 .argindex .forceundef	% FontDirectory is readonly
++ { //.FontDirectory 1 .argindex .forceundef	% FontDirectory is readonly
+    .currentglobal
+     {		% Current mode is global; delete from local directory too.
+       //systemdict /LocalFontDirectory .knownget
+-       { 1 index .forceundef }		% LocalFontDirectory is readonly
++       { 1 index .forceundef } executeonly		% LocalFontDirectory is readonly
+       if
+     }
+     {		% Current mode is local; if there was a shadowed global
+                 % definition, copy it into the local directory.
+       //systemdict /SharedFontDirectory .knownget
+        { 1 index .knownget
+-          { .FontDirectory 2 index 3 -1 roll { put } //superexec } % readonly
++          { //.FontDirectory 2 index 3 -1 roll { put } //superexec } % readonly
+          if
+        }
+       if
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ level2dict begin
+           }
+          ifelse
+        } forall
+-      pop counttomark 2 idiv { .forceundef } repeat pop		% readonly
++      pop counttomark 2 idiv { .forceundef } executeonly repeat pop		% readonly
+     }
+    if
+    //SharedFontDirectory exch .forcecopynew pop
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.813913213 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.846912788 +0100
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
+   .dicttomark readonly /localdicts exch put
+                 % localdicts is now defined in userdict.
+                 % Copy the definitions into systemdict.
+-  localdicts { .forcedef } forall
++  localdicts { .forcedef } executeonly forall
+                 % Set the user parameters.
+   userparams readonly .setuserparams
+                 % Establish the initial gstate(s).
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.807913290 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.846912788 +0100
+@@ -425,12 +425,12 @@ currentdict end def
+       .forceput % FontInfo can be read-only.
+       pop                                                        % bool <font>
+       exit
+-    } if
++    } executeonly if
+     dup /FontInfo get                                            % bool <font> <FI>
+     /GlyphNames2Unicode /Unicode /Decoding findresource
+     .forceput % FontInfo can be read-only.
+     exit
+-  } loop
++  } executeonly loop
+   exch setglobal
+ } .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.814913200 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.846912788 +0100
+@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ buildfontdict 3 /.buildfont3 cvx put
+       if
+     }
+    if
+-   dup .FontDirectory 4 -2 roll { .growput } //superexec	% readonly
++   dup //.FontDirectory 4 -2 roll { .growput } //superexec	% readonly
+                 % If the font originated as a resource, register it.
+    currentfile .currentresourcefile eq { dup .registerfont } if
+    readonly
+@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+ % Try to find a font using only the present contents of Fontmap.
+ /.tryfindfont {         % <fontname> .tryfindfont <font> true
+                         % <fontname> .tryfindfont false
+-  .FontDirectory 1 index .fontknownget
++  //.FontDirectory 1 index .fontknownget
+     {                   % Already loaded
+       exch pop //true
+     }
+@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+                {                % Font with a procedural definition
+                  exec           % The procedure will load the font.
+                                 % Check to make sure this really happened.
+-                 .FontDirectory 1 index .knownget
++                 //.FontDirectory 1 index .knownget
+                   { exch pop //true exit }
+                  if
+                }
+@@ -980,11 +980,11 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+ { 2 index gcheck currentglobal
+   2 copy eq {
+     pop pop .forceput
+-  } {
++  } executeonly {
+     5 1 roll setglobal
+     dup length string copy
+     .forceput setglobal
+-  } ifelse
++  } executeonly ifelse
+ } .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
+ % Attempt to load a font from a file.
+@@ -1060,11 +1060,11 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+                 % because it's different depending on language level.
+            .currentglobal exch /.setglobal .systemvar exec
+                 % Remove the fake definition, if any.
+-           .FontDirectory 3 index .forceundef		% readonly
+-           1 index (r) file .loadfont .FontDirectory exch
++           //.FontDirectory 3 index .forceundef		% readonly
++           1 index (r) file .loadfont //.FontDirectory exch
+            /.setglobal .systemvar exec
+-         }
+-         { .loadfont .FontDirectory
++         } executeonly
++         { .loadfont //.FontDirectory
+          }
+         ifelse
+                 % Stack: fontname fontfilename fontdirectory
+@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+         dup 3 index .fontknownget
+          { dup /PathLoad 4 index //.putgstringcopy
+            4 1 roll pop pop pop //true exit
+-         } if
++         } executeonly if
+                 % Maybe the file had a different FontName.
+                 % See if we can get a FontName from the file, and if so,
+@@ -1108,9 +1108,9 @@ $error /SubstituteFont { } put
+               ifelse  % Stack: origfontname fontdict
+               exch pop //true exit
+                       % Stack: fontdict
+-            }
++            } executeonly
+            if pop % Stack: origfontname fontdirectory path
+-         }
++         } executeonly
+         if pop pop  % Stack: origfontname
+                 % The font definitely did not load correctly.
+@@ -1146,10 +1146,10 @@ currentdict /.putgstringcopy .forceundef
+       (gs_fonts FAKEFONTS) VMDEBUG
+       Fontmap {
+         pop dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if
+-        .FontDirectory 1 index known not {
++        //.FontDirectory 1 index known not {
+           2 dict dup /FontName 3 index put
+           dup /FontType 1 put
+-          .FontDirectory 3 1 roll { put } //superexec	% readonly
++          //.FontDirectory 3 1 roll { put } //superexec	% readonly
+         } {
+           pop
+         } ifelse
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.826913045 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.846912788 +0100
+@@ -1157,8 +1157,8 @@ errordict /unknownerror .undef
+   {dup errordict exch get 2 index 3 1 roll put} forall
+   noaccess pop
+-  systemdict /.setsafeerrors .forceundef
+-  systemdict /.SAFERERRORLIST .forceundef
++  //systemdict /.setsafeerrors .forceundef
++  //systemdict /.SAFERERRORLIST .forceundef
+ } bind executeonly odef
+ SAFERERRORS {.setsafererrors} if
+@@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ readonly def
+       /LockFilePermissions //true
+     >> setuserparams
+   }
+-  systemdict /getenv {pop //false} .forceput
++  //systemdict /getenv {pop //false} .forceput
+   if
+   % setpagedevice has the side effect of clearing the page, but
+   % we will just document that. Using setpagedevice keeps the device
+@@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ SAFER { .setsafe } if
+         % Update the copy of the user parameters.
+   mark .currentuserparams counttomark 2 idiv {
+     userparams 3 1 roll .forceput	% userparams is read-only
+-  } repeat pop
++  } executeonly repeat pop
+         % Turn on idiom recognition, if available.
+   currentuserparams /IdiomRecognition known {
+     /IdiomRecognition //true .definepsuserparam
+@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@ SAFER { .setsafe } if
+         % Remove real system params from pssystemparams.
+   mark .currentsystemparams counttomark 2 idiv {
+     pop pssystemparams exch .forceundef
+-  } repeat pop
++  } executeonly repeat pop
+ } if
+ % Set up AlignToPixels :
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.808913277 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.854912684 +0100
+@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ end
+       % protect top level of parameters that we copied
+       dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /stringtype eq or { readonly } if
+       /userparams .systemvar 3 1 roll .forceput  % userparams is read-only
+-    } {
++    } executeonly
++    {
+       pop pop
+     } ifelse
+   } forall
+@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ end
+          % protect top level parameters that we copied
+          dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /stringtype eq or { readonly } if
+          //pssystemparams 3 1 roll .forceput	% pssystemparams is read-only
+-       }
++       } executeonly
+        { pop pop
+        }
+       ifelse
+@@ -911,7 +912,7 @@ mark
+   dup /PaintProc get
+   1 index /Implementation known not {
+     1 index dup /Implementation //null .forceput readonly pop
+-  } if
++  } executeonly if
+   exec
+ } .bind odef	% must bind .forceput
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.808913277 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.855912672 +0100
+@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ currentdict /.pdfmarkparams .undef
+             resourcestatus
+           } ifelse
+         } bind .makeoperator .forceput
+-      } if
++      } executeonly if
+       pop
+     } if
+   } {
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_res.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_res.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_res.ps.cve-2019-6116	2013-02-14 08:58:16.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_res.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.857912646 +0100
+@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ setglobal
+         } {
+           /defineresource cvx /typecheck signaloperror
+         } ifelse
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /FindResource		% (redefined below)
+         { .Instances exch get 0 get
+-        } bind def
++        } bind executeonly def
+                 % Additional entries
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def
+       /findresource .systemvar /typecheck signalerror
+     } if
+     /findresource cvx //.findresource .errorexec
+-} odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /defineresource {	% <key> <instance> <category> defineresource <instance>
+     2 .argindex 2 index 2 index	% catch stackunderflow
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def
+         /DefineResource .resourceexec
+         4 1 roll pop pop pop
+     } .errorexec
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ % We must prevent resourceforall from automatically restoring the stacks,
+ % because we don't want the stacks restored if proc causes an error or
+ % executes a 'stop'. On the other hand, resourceforall is defined in the
+@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ def
+         % Stack: <template> <proc> <scratch> <category> proc
+         exch pop		% pop the category
+         exec end
+-} bind def
++} bind executeonly def
+ /resourceforall {	% <template> <proc> <scratch> <category> resourceforall1 -
+         //resourceforall1 exec		% see above
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /resourcestatus {	% <key> <category> resourcestatus <status> <size> true
+                         % <key> <category> resourcestatus false
+   {
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ def
+     % for error reporting. CET 23-26
+     /resourcestatus cvx $error /errorname get signalerror
+   } if
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /undefineresource {	% <key> <category> undefineresource -
+   0 .argindex type /nametype ne {
+     /undefinedresource cvx /typecheck signaloperror
+@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def
+     % here but uses operator for the errors above. CET 23-33
+     /undefineresource cvx $error /errorname get signalerror
+   } if
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ % Define the system parameters used for the Generic implementation of
+ % ResourceFileName.
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ status {
+   } ifelse
+ } bind def
+-/DefineResource {
++/DefineResource dup {
+         .CheckResource
+            { dup [ exch 0 -1 ]
+                         % Stack: key value instance
+@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ status {
+                         % As noted above, Category dictionaries are read-only,
+                         % so we have to use .forcedef here.
+                   /.Instances 1 index .forcedef	% Category dict is read-only
+-                } if
++                } executeonly if
+               }
+               { .LocalInstances dup //.emptydict eq
+                  { pop 3 dict localinstancedict Category 2 index put
+@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ status {
+            { /defineresource cvx /typecheck signaloperror
+            }
+         ifelse
+-} .bind executeonly		% executeonly to prevent access to .forcedef
++} .bind executeonly .makeoperator		% executeonly to prevent access to .forcedef
+ /UndefineResource
+         {  { dup 2 index .knownget
+               { dup 1 get 1 ge
+@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ status {
+            { 2 copy .Instances exch exec
+            }
+           if .LocalInstances exch exec
+-        } bind
++        } bind executeonly
+ % Because of some badly designed code in Adobe's CID font downloader that
+ % makes findresource and resourcestatus deliberately inconsistent with each
+ % other, the default FindResource must not call ResourceStatus if there is
+@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ status {
+            /findresource cvx .undefinedresource
+           } ifelse
+         } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ % Because of some badly designed code in Adobe's CID font downloader, the
+ % definition of ResourceStatus for Generic and Font must be the same (!).
+ % We patch around this by using an intermediate .ResourceFileStatus procedure.
+@@ -493,10 +493,10 @@ status {
+         } {
+           .ResourceFileStatus
+         } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /.ResourceFileStatus {
+         .ResourceFile { closefile 2 -1 //true } { pop //false } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /ResourceForAll {
+                 % Construct a new procedure to hold the arguments.
+                 % All objects constructed here must be in local VM to avoid
+@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ status {
+         3 2 roll pop % args
+         { forall } 0 get
+         currentdict end 2 .execn begin
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /ResourceFileName  {                          % /in (scr) --> (p/c/n)
+   exch //.rfnstring cvs                       % (scr) (n)
+@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ status {
+     } ifelse
+   } ifelse
+   exch copy                                   % (p/c/n)
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+                 % Additional entries
+@@ -743,17 +743,17 @@ counttomark 2 idiv
+              ifelse
+            }
+           ifelse
+-        } bind
++        } bind executeonly
+    /UndefineResource
+-        { /undefineresource cvx /invalidaccess signaloperror } bind
++        { /undefineresource cvx /invalidaccess signaloperror } bind executeonly
+    /FindResource
+         { .Instances 1 index .knownget
+            { exch pop }
+            { /findresource cvx .undefinedresource }
+           ifelse
+-        } bind
++        } bind executeonly
+    /ResourceStatus
+-        { .Instances exch known { 0 0 //true } { //false } ifelse } bind
++        { .Instances exch known { 0 0 //true } { //false } ifelse } bind executeonly
+    /ResourceForAll
+         /Generic .findcategory /ResourceForAll load end
+@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ userdict /.localcsdefaults //false put
+     1 index .definedefaultcs
+     currentglobal not { .userdict /.localcsdefaults //true put } if
+   } if
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /UndefineResource {
+   dup /Generic /Category findresource /UndefineResource get exec
+@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ userdict /.localcsdefaults //false put
+   } {
+     pop
+   } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ .definecategory			% ColorSpace
+@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ userdict /.localcsdefaults //false put
+     { exch copy exch pop }
+     { /Generic /Category findresource /ResourceFileName get exec }
+    ifelse
+- } bind
++ } bind executeonly
+ .definecategory			% Encoding
+@@ -945,11 +945,11 @@ userdict /.localcsdefaults //false put
+ /DefineResource
+         { 2 copy //definefont exch pop
+           /Generic /Category findresource /DefineResource get exec
+-        } bind
++        } bind executeonly
+ /UndefineResource
+         { dup //undefinefont
+           /Generic /Category findresource /UndefineResource get exec
+-        } bind
++        } bind executeonly
+ /FindResource {
+         dup .getvminstance {
+           exch pop 0 get
+@@ -960,14 +960,14 @@ userdict /.localcsdefaults //false put
+             .loadfontresource
+           } ifelse
+         } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /ResourceForAll {
+         { .scannextfontdir not { exit } if } loop
+         /Generic /Category findresource /ResourceForAll get exec
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /.ResourceFileStatus {
+         .fontstatus { pop 2 -1 //true } { pop //false } ifelse
+-} bind
++} bind executeonly
+ /.loadfontresource {
+         dup .vmused exch
+@@ -1017,20 +1017,20 @@ end
+   { /Font defineresource } stopped {
+       /definefont cvx $error /errorname get signalerror
+   } if
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /undefinefont {
+   /Font undefineresource
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ % The Red Book requires that findfont be a procedure, not an operator,
+ % but it still needs to restore the stacks reliably if it fails.
+ /.findfontop {
+   { /Font findresource } stopped {
+     pop /findfont $error /errorname get signalerror
+   } if
+-} bind odef
++} bind executeonly odef
+ /findfont {
+   .findfontop
+-} bind def	% Must be a procedure, not an operator
++} bind executeonly def	% Must be a procedure, not an operator
+ % Remove initialization utilities.
+ currentdict /.definecategory .undef
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.815913187 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.856912659 +0100
+@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ NOMEDIAATTRS {
+   SETPDDEBUG { (Rolling back.) = pstack flush } if
+   3 index 2 index 3 -1 roll .forceput
+   4 index 1 index .knownget
+-  { 4 index 3 1 roll .forceput }
++  { 4 index 3 1 roll .forceput } executeonly
+   { 3 index exch .undef }
+   ifelse
+ } bind executeonly odef
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.809913264 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.856912659 +0100
+@@ -125,26 +125,26 @@ currentdict /num-chars-dict .undef
+ /.pdfexectoken {		% <count> <opdict> <exectoken> .pdfexectoken ?
+-    pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount known not { pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount 1 .forceput } if
++    pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount known not { pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount 1 .forceput } executeonly if
+     PDFSTEP {
+       pdfdict /PDFtokencount 2 copy .knownget { 1 add } { 1 } ifelse .forceput
+       PDFSTEPcount 1 gt {
+         pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount PDFSTEPcount 1 sub .forceput
+-      } {
++      } executeonly {
+         dup ==only
+         (    step # ) print PDFtokencount =only
+         ( ? ) print flush 1 //false .outputpage
+         (%stdin) (r) file 255 string readline {
+           token {
+             exch pop pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount 3 -1 roll .forceput
+-          } {
++          } executeonly {
+             pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount 1 .forceput
+-          } ifelse % token
++          } executeonly ifelse % token
+         } {
+           pop /PDFSTEP //false def	 % EOF on stdin
+         } ifelse % readline
+       } ifelse % PDFSTEPcount > 1
+-    } {
++    } executeonly {
+       dup ==only () = flush
+     } ifelse % PDFSTEP
+   } if % PDFDEBUG
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps.cve-2019-6116 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps.cve-2019-6116	2019-01-24 12:20:06.810913251 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps	2019-01-24 12:20:06.857912646 +0100
+@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ currentdict end readonly def
+             currentglobal 2 index dup gcheck setglobal
+             /FontInfo 5 dict dup 5 1 roll .forceput
+             setglobal
+-          } if
++          } executeonly if
+           dup /GlyphNames2Unicode .knownget not {
+             //true			    % No existing G2U, make one
+           } {
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ currentdict end readonly def
+             currentglobal exch dup gcheck setglobal
+             dup /GlyphNames2Unicode 100 dict dup 4 1 roll .forceput
+             3 2 roll setglobal
+-          } if                                 % font-res font-dict encoding|null font-info g2u
++          } executeonly if                     % font-res font-dict encoding|null font-info g2u
+           exch pop exch                        % font-res font-dict g2u encoding|null
+           userdict /.lastToUnicode get         % font-res font-dict g2u Encoding|null CMap
+           .convert_ToUnicode-into-g2u          % font-res font-dict
+@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ currentdict /CMap_read_dict undef
+               /CIDFallBack /CIDFont findresource
+             } if
+             exit
+-          } if
++          } executeonly if
+         } if
+       } if
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-pdf2ps-reports-error-when-reading-stdin.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-pdf2ps-reports-error-when-reading-stdin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b915d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-pdf2ps-reports-error-when-reading-stdin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+From: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell@artifex.com>
+Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 16:50:05 +0000 (+0100)
+Subject: Bug 699658(related): Move recording of temp file names into C
+Bug 699658(related): Move recording of temp file names into C
+When we successfully create a temporary file from Postscript, either doing so
+when SAFER is not in force, or when SAFER is in force, and creating it in
+a write permitted directory, we record the file name so we can later delete
+the file, even is SAFER has been engaged, or if the PermitWriting list has
+changed to no longer the directory in question.
+Previously the recording of the name was done in Postscript, even though the
+checking was done in C.
+This moves the recording of the names to C, meaning we can remove the Postscript
+redefinitions of .tempfile and deletfile, and make the dictionary in question
+Also, tidy up the adding of the temporary file directory to the list of
+permitted directories, and include the list in all of the categories
+(PermitFileWriting, PermitFileReading and PermitFileControl) - it was only
+previously adding to writing.
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak.bz1661210 ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak.bz1661210	2018-12-20 17:38:21.683312408 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/int.mak	2018-12-20 17:38:40.583083097 +0100
+@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ $(PSOBJ)zfile.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)zfile.c $
+  $(memory__h) $(string__h) $(unistd__h) $(stat__h) $(gp_h) $(gpmisc_h)\
+  $(gscdefs_h) $(gsfname_h) $(gsstruct_h) $(gsutil_h) $(gxalloc_h) $(gxiodev_h)\
+  $(dstack_h) $(estack_h) $(files_h)\
+- $(ialloc_h) $(idict_h) $(ilevel_h) $(iname_h) $(iutil_h)\
++ $(ialloc_h) $(idict_h) $(iddict_h) $(ilevel_h) $(iname_h) $(iutil_h)\
+  $(isave_h) $(main_h) $(sfilter_h) $(stream_h) $(strimpl_h) $(store_h)\
+  $(zfile_h)
+ 	$(PSCC) $(PSO_)zfile.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(PSSRC)zfile.c
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfile.c.bz1661210 ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfile.c
+--- ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfile.c.bz1661210	2018-12-20 17:39:09.975726450 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/psi/zfile.c	2018-12-20 17:44:50.698592208 +0100
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ #include "iname.h"
+ #include "isave.h"              /* for restore */
+ #include "idict.h"
++#include "iddict.h"
+ #include "iutil.h"
+ #include "stream.h"
+ #include "strimpl.h"
+@@ -290,6 +291,28 @@ file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const
+     return true;
+ }
++static int
++record_file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const uchar *fname, int len, bool add)
++    ref *SAFETY;
++    ref *tempfiles;
++    ref kname, bref;
++    int code = 0;
++    if (dict_find_string(systemdict, "SAFETY", &SAFETY) <= 0 ||
++            dict_find_string(SAFETY, "tempfiles", &tempfiles) <= 0) {
++        return 0;
++    }
++    if ((code = name_ref(imemory, fname, len, &kname, 1)) < 0) {
++        return code;
++    }
++    make_bool(&bref, true);
++    if (add)
++        return idict_put(tempfiles, &kname, &bref);
++    else
++        return idict_undef(tempfiles, &kname);
+ /* ------ Level 2 extensions ------ */
+ /* <string> deletefile - */
+@@ -299,17 +322,22 @@ zdeletefile(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+     os_ptr op = osp;
+     gs_parsed_file_name_t pname;
+     int code = parse_real_file_name(op, &pname, imemory, "deletefile");
++    bool is_temp = false;
+     if (code < 0)
+         return code;
+     if (pname.iodev == iodev_default(imemory)) {
+         if ((code = check_file_permissions(i_ctx_p, pname.fname, pname.len,
+                 pname.iodev, "PermitFileControl")) < 0 &&
+-                 !file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_p, op->value.bytes, r_size(op))) {
++                 !(is_temp = file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_p, op->value.bytes, r_size(op)))) {
+             return code;
+         }
+     }
+     code = (*pname.iodev->procs.delete_file)(pname.iodev, pname.fname);
++    if (code >= 0 && is_temp)
++        code = record_file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_p, (unsigned char *)pname.fname, strlen(pname.fname), false);
+     gs_free_file_name(&pname, "deletefile");
+     if (code < 0)
+         return code;
+@@ -757,6 +785,7 @@ ztempfile(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
+     }
+     make_string(op - 1, a_readonly | icurrent_space, fnlen, sbody);
+     make_stream_file(op, s, fmode);
++    code = record_file_is_tempfile(i_ctx_p, (unsigned char *)fname, fnlen, true);
+     return code;
+ }
+diff -up ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.bz1661210 ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
+--- ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.bz1661210	2018-12-20 17:33:51.469591104 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.07/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps	2018-12-20 17:35:36.694314341 +0100
+@@ -2030,15 +2030,30 @@ systemdict /EPSBoundingBoxInit known { E
+ .currentglobal //true .setglobal
+ /SAFETY 2 dict
+   dup /safe //false put
+-  dup /tempfiles 10 dict readonly put
++  dup /tempfiles 10 dict noaccess put
+ readonly def
+ .setglobal
++  (TMPDIR) getenv not
++  {
++    (TEMP) getenv not
++    {
++      (TMP) getenv not
++      {
++        (/temp) (/tmp)
++      } if
++    } if
++  } if
++] def
+ /.locksafe {
+   SAFETY /safe get not {
+     <<
+       /PermitFileReading [
+         currentuserparams /PermitFileReading get aload pop
++        //tempfilepaths aload pop
+         /FONTPATH .systemvar (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+           % Library files :
+         /LIBPATH  .systemvar (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+@@ -2056,16 +2071,11 @@ readonly def
+       ]
+       /PermitFileWriting [
+           currentuserparams /PermitFileWriting get aload pop
+-          (TMPDIR) getenv not
+-          {
+-            (TEMP) getenv not
+-            {
+-              (TMP) getenv not
+-              {
+-                (/temp) (/tmp)
+-              } if
+-            } if
+-          } if
++          //tempfilepaths aload pop
++      ]
++      /PermitFileControl [
++          currentuserparams /PermitFileControl get aload pop
++          //tempfilepaths aload pop
+       ]
+       /LockFilePermissions //true
+     >> setuserparams
+@@ -2082,6 +2092,8 @@ readonly def
+   //SAFETY /safe //true .forceput % overrides readonly
+ } .bind executeonly odef
++currentdict /tempfilepaths undef
+ /.setsafe
+ {
+   SAFETY /safe get not {
+@@ -2095,30 +2107,6 @@ readonly def
+   .locksafe
+ } .bind executeonly odef
+-/deletefile {
+-  dup { deletefile } stopped {
+-    pop //deletefile $error /errorname get signalerror
+-  } {
+-    % deletefile succeeded. Remove from tempfile list if present
+-    //SAFETY /tempfiles get exch cvn 2 copy known {
+-      .forceundef
+-    } {
+-      pop pop
+-    }
+-    ifelse
+-  }
+-  ifelse
+-} .bind executeonly odef
+-% If a file is opened with .tempfile with SAFER not (yet) set,
+-% the file can be deleted later, even if SAFER is set.
+-/.tempfile {
+-  .tempfile	% filename file
+-    //SAFETY /safe get not { % only add the filename if we're not yet safe
+-    //SAFETY /tempfiles get 2 .argindex //true .forceput
+-  } if
+-} .bind executeonly odef
+ % If we are running in SAFER mode, lock things down
+ SAFER { .setsafe } if
diff --git a/SPECS/ghostscript.spec b/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
index 47efee6..38f9e4e 100644
--- a/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
+++ b/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Summary: A PostScript interpreter and renderer
 Name: ghostscript
 Version: %{gs_ver}
-Release: 31%{?dist}.6
+Release: 31%{?dist}.9
 # Included CMap data is Redistributable, no modification permitted,
 # see http://bugzilla.redhat.com/487510
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Patch35: ghostscript-fix-pxl-devices-printing.patch
 Patch36: ghostscript-more-than-11-elements-in-array.patch
 Patch41: ghostscript-remove-as-many-non-standard-operators-as-possible.patch
 Patch47: ghostscript-restore-flushpage.patch
+Patch57: ghostscript-pdf2ps-reports-error-when-reading-stdin.patch
 # Security patches:
 # -----------------
@@ -80,6 +81,11 @@ Patch53: ghostscript-cve-2018-18073.patch
 Patch54: ghostscript-cve-2018-17961.patch
 Patch55: ghostscript-cve-2018-18284.patch
 Patch56: ghostscript-cve-2018-19134.patch
+Patch58: ghostscript-cve-2018-16540.patch
+Patch59: ghostscript-cve-2018-19475.patch
+Patch60: ghostscript-cve-2018-19476.patch
+Patch61: ghostscript-cve-2018-19477.patch
+Patch62: ghostscript-cve-2019-6116.patch
 # Upstream is not versioning the SONAME correctly, thus the rpmbuild is unable
 # to recognize we need a newer version of lcms2. This 'hackish' workaround
@@ -337,6 +343,24 @@ rm -rf expat freetype icclib jasper jpeg lcms lcms2 libpng openjpeg zlib cups/li
 # CVE-2018-19134 (bug #1655937):
 %patch56 -p1
+# pdf2ps reports an error when reading from stdin (bug #1665919):
+%patch57 -p1
+# CVE-2018-16540 (bug #1657333):
+%patch58 -p1
+# CVE-2018-19475 (bug #1660569):
+%patch59 -p1
+# CVE-2018-19476 (bug #1660828):
+%patch60 -p1
+# CVE-2018-19477 (bug #1661278):
+%patch61 -p1
+# CVE-2019-6116 (bug 1667442):
+%patch62 -p1
 # Remove pdfopt man pages which were mistakenly left in (bug #963882).
 rm man/{de/,}pdfopt.1
@@ -536,6 +560,24 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Thu Jan 24 2019 Martin Osvald <mosvald@redhat.com> - 9.07-31.el7_6.9
+- Related: #1667442 - CVE-2019-6116 - added missing parts of patch
+* Fri Jan 18 2019 Martin Osvald <mosvald@redhat.com> - 9.07-31.el7_6.8
+- Resolves: #1667442 - CVE-2019-6116 ghostscript: subroutines within
+  pseudo-operators must themselves be pseudo-operators
+* Thu Dec 20 2018 Martin Osvald <mosvald@redhat.com> - 9.07-31.el7_6.7
+- Resolves: #1665919 pdf2ps reports an error when reading from stdin
+- Resolves: #1657333 - CVE-2018-16540 ghostscript: use-after-free in
+  copydevice handling (699661)
+- Resolves: #1660569 - CVE-2018-19475 ghostscript: access bypass in
+  psi/zdevice2.c (700153)
+- Resolves: #1660828 - CVE-2018-19476 ghostscript: access bypass in
+  psi/zicc.c
+- Resolves: #1661278 - CVE-2018-19477 ghostscript: access bypass in
+  psi/zfjbig2.c (700168)
 * Mon Dec 10 2018 Martin Osvald <mosvald@redhat.com> - 9.07-31.el7_6.6
 - Resolves: #1657822 - ghostscript: Regression: Warning: Dropping incorrect
   smooth shading object (Error: /rangecheck in --run--)