diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-fix-pxl-devices-printing.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-fix-pxl-devices-printing.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cad626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-fix-pxl-devices-printing.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+From af6cb84ce3a0b3c26e064dbf0d7514b9260f2ef2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:17:19 -0300
+Subject: [PATCH] pxlcolor/pxlmono output devices: Make MediaPosition,
+ ManualFeed, and MediaType work
+In the pxlcolor and pxlmono output devices (for PCL-XL printers) the
+support for the attributes MediaPosition, ManualFeed, and MediaType
+got broken when ESP Ghostscript got merged into GPL Ghostscript (Bug
+ base/gdevpx.c | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/base/gdevpx.c b/base/gdevpx.c
+index 8647332..82a3af1 100644
+--- a/base/gdevpx.c
++++ b/base/gdevpx.c
+@@ -1394,12 +1394,6 @@ pclxl_open_device(gx_device * dev)
+     xdev->media_size = pxeMediaSize_next;	/* no size selected */
+     memset(&xdev->chars, 0, sizeof(xdev->chars));
+     xdev->chars.next_in = xdev->chars.next_out = 2;
+-    xdev->MediaPosition_set = false;
+-    xdev->MediaType_set = false;
+-    xdev->MediaPosition_old = eAutoSelect;
+-    xdev->MediaPosition = eAutoSelect;
+-    xdev->MediaType_old[0] = '\0';
+-    xdev->MediaType[0] = '\0';
+     return 0;
+ }
+@@ -2185,17 +2179,18 @@ pclxl_get_params(gx_device     *dev,	/* I - Device info */
+   if ((code = param_write_bool(plist, "Duplex", &(xdev->Duplex))) < 0)
+     return (code);
+-  if (xdev->MediaPosition_set)
++    if ((code = param_write_bool(plist, "ManualFeed",
++                                &(xdev->ManualFeed))) < 0)
++        return (code);
+     if ((code = param_write_int(plist, "MediaPosition",
+                                 &(xdev->MediaPosition))) < 0)
+       return (code);
+-  if (xdev->MediaType_set) {
+     if ((code = param_string_from_string(s, xdev->MediaType)) < 0)
+       return (code);
+     if ((code = param_write_string(plist, "MediaType", &s)) < 0)
+       return (code);
+-  }
+   if ((code = param_write_bool(plist, "Tumble", &(xdev->Tumble))) < 0)
+     return (code);
+@@ -2220,6 +2215,10 @@ pclxl_put_params(gx_device     *dev,	/* I - Device info */
+   int			intval;		/* Integer value */
+   bool			boolval;	/* Boolean value */
+   gs_param_string	stringval;	/* String value */
++  bool ManualFeed;
++  bool ManualFeed_set = false;
++  int MediaPosition;
++  bool MediaPosition_set = false;
+  /*
+   * Process PCL-XL driver parameters...
+@@ -2287,15 +2286,19 @@ pclxl_put_params(gx_device     *dev,	/* I - Device info */
+       if_debug0('|', "round up page count\n");
+       xdev->page = (xdev->page+1) & ~1 ;
+     }
+-  intoption(MediaPosition, "MediaPosition", int)
+-  if (code == 0) {
+-    xdev->MediaPosition_set = true;
+-    /* round up for duplex */
+-    if (xdev->MediaPosition_old != xdev->MediaPosition) {
+-      if_debug0('|', "round up page count\n");
+-      xdev->page = (xdev->page+1) & ~1 ;
+-      xdev->MediaPosition_old = xdev->MediaPosition;
+-    }
++  code = param_read_bool(plist, "ManualFeed", &ManualFeed);
++  if (code == 0)
++      ManualFeed_set = true;
++  if (code >= 0) {
++      code = param_read_int(plist, "MediaPosition", &MediaPosition);
++      if (code == 0)
++          MediaPosition_set = true;
++      else if (code < 0) {
++          if (param_read_null(plist, "MediaPosition") == 0) {
++              code = 0;
++          }
++      }
+   }
+   stringoption(MediaType, "MediaType")
+   if (code == 0) {
+@@ -2314,8 +2317,25 @@ pclxl_put_params(gx_device     *dev,	/* I - Device info */
+   * Then process standard page device parameters...
+   */
+-  if ((code = gdev_vector_put_params(dev, plist)) < 0)
+-    return (code);
++  if (code >= 0)
++      if ((code = gdev_vector_put_params(dev, plist)) < 0)
++          return (code);
++  if (code >= 0) {
++      if (ManualFeed_set) {
++          xdev->ManualFeed = ManualFeed;
++          xdev->ManualFeed_set = true;
++      }
++      if (MediaPosition_set) {
++          xdev->MediaPosition = MediaPosition;
++          xdev->MediaPosition_set = true;
++          if (xdev->MediaPosition_old != xdev->MediaPosition) {
++              if_debug0('|', "round up page count\n");
++              xdev->page = (xdev->page+1) & ~1 ;
++              xdev->MediaPosition_old = xdev->MediaPosition;
++          }
++      }
++  }
+   return (0);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/ghostscript-more-than-11-elements-in-array.patch b/SOURCES/ghostscript-more-than-11-elements-in-array.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea4e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ghostscript-more-than-11-elements-in-array.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+From d2423464852664218310ae7c5610fb0b6da4218b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ken Sharp <ken.sharp@artifex.com>
+Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:41:01 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] PS interpreter, vector devices and pdfwrite - remove setdash
+ limit of 11
+Bug #693916 "setdash does not accept more than 11 elements in the array argument"
+The PostScript interpreter was already capable of this, it simply required
+the limit check to be removed. The vector device needed to allocate and
+free an array of floats, rather than maintain a fixed size array.
+pdfwrite was teh most complex as it maintains a stack of gstates, and these
+also needed to be modified to allocate and free the dash array. However the
+gstate stack wasn't already a garbage collecting structure. Rather than going
+to the effort of turning it into one I've opted to allocate the dash pattern
+from non-gc memory.
+A few PCL files show differences with pdfwrite, because previously pdfwrite
+would throw an error (more than 11 elements in the dash array) and the stroked
+lines would degenerate into filled rectangles, whereas now they are drawn as
+stroked lines with a correct dash pattern. This is much more efficient.
+The clist remains unmodified, Ray assures me that it will be handled there
+without problems.
+ Resource/Init/gs_init.ps |  1 -
+ base/gdevpdf.c           |  6 ++++++
+ base/gdevpdfg.c          | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ base/gdevpdfx.h          |  3 ++-
+ base/gdevvec.c           | 14 ++++++++++----
+ base/gdevvec.h           | 13 ++++++-------
+ 6 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps b/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
+index 0083fa3..b4a6c48 100644
+--- a/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
++++ b/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
+@@ -518,7 +518,6 @@ userdict /.echo.mode //true put
+         0 .argindex type dup /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or not {
+           /setdash .systemvar /typecheck signalerror
+         } if
+-        1 .argindex length 11 gt { /setdash .systemvar /limitcheck signalerror } if
+         //setdash
+ } odef
+ /setdevice
+diff --git a/base/gdevpdf.c b/base/gdevpdf.c
+index 8416b51..d740cc1 100644
+--- a/base/gdevpdf.c
++++ b/base/gdevpdf.c
+@@ -2873,6 +2873,12 @@ pdf_close(gx_device * dev)
+     gs_free_object(mem, pdev->Pages, "Free Pages dict");
+     pdev->Pages = 0;
++    {
++        int i;
++        for (i=0;i < pdev->vgstack_depth;i++)
++            gs_free_object(pdev->memory->non_gc_memory, pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern, "pdfwrite final free stored dash in gstate");
++    }
+     cos_release((cos_object_t *)pdev->NI_stack, "Release Name Index stack");
+     gs_free_object(mem, pdev->NI_stack, "Free Name Index stack");
+     pdev->NI_stack = 0;
+diff --git a/base/gdevpdfg.c b/base/gdevpdfg.c
+index 2d4e040..56b24f7 100644
+--- a/base/gdevpdfg.c
++++ b/base/gdevpdfg.c
+@@ -71,8 +71,19 @@ pdf_save_viewer_state(gx_device_pdf *pdev, stream *s)
+     pdev->vgstack[i].saved_stroke_color = pdev->saved_stroke_color;
+     pdev->vgstack[i].line_params = pdev->state.line_params;
+     pdev->vgstack[i].line_params.dash.pattern = 0; /* Use pdev->dash_pattern instead. */
+-    memcpy(pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern, pdev->dash_pattern,
+-                sizeof(pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern));
++    if (pdev->dash_pattern) {
++        if (pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern)
++            gs_free_object(pdev->memory->non_gc_memory, pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern, "free gstate copy dash");
++        pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern = (float *)gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory->non_gc_memory, pdev->dash_pattern_size * sizeof(float), "gstate copy dash");
++        memcpy(pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern, pdev->dash_pattern, pdev->dash_pattern_size * sizeof(float));
++        pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern_size = pdev->dash_pattern_size;
++    } else {
++        if (pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern) {
++            gs_free_object(pdev->memory->non_gc_memory, pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern, "free gstate copy dash");
++            pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern = 0;
++            pdev->vgstack[i].dash_pattern_size = 0;
++        }
++    }
+     pdev->vgstack_depth++;
+     if (s)
+         stream_puts(s, "q\n");
+@@ -106,8 +117,18 @@ pdf_load_viewer_state(gx_device_pdf *pdev, pdf_viewer_state *s)
+     pdev->saved_fill_color = s->saved_fill_color;
+     pdev->saved_stroke_color = s->saved_stroke_color;
+     pdev->state.line_params = s->line_params;
+-    memcpy(pdev->dash_pattern, s->dash_pattern,
+-                sizeof(s->dash_pattern));
++    if (s->dash_pattern) {
++        if (pdev->dash_pattern)
++            gs_free_object(pdev->memory->stable_memory, pdev->dash_pattern, "vector free dash pattern");
++        pdev->dash_pattern = (float *)gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory->stable_memory, s->dash_pattern_size * sizeof(float), "vector allocate dash pattern");
++        pdev->dash_pattern_size  = s->dash_pattern_size;
++    } else {
++        if (pdev->dash_pattern) {
++            gs_free_object(pdev->memory->stable_memory, pdev->dash_pattern, "vector free dash pattern");
++            pdev->dash_pattern = 0;
++            pdev->dash_pattern_size = 0;
++        }
++    }
+ }
+ /* Restore the viewer's graphic state. */
+@@ -178,7 +199,8 @@ pdf_viewer_state_from_imager_state_aux(pdf_viewer_state *pvs, const gs_imager_st
+     pvs->line_params.dot_length_absolute = pis->line_params.dot_length_absolute;
+     pvs->line_params.dot_orientation = pis->line_params.dot_orientation;
+     memset(&pvs->line_params.dash, 0 , sizeof(pvs->line_params.dash));
+-    memset(pvs->dash_pattern, 0, sizeof(pvs->dash_pattern));
++    pvs->dash_pattern = 0;
++    pvs->dash_pattern_size = 0;
+ }
+ /* Copy viewer state from images state. */
+diff --git a/base/gdevpdfx.h b/base/gdevpdfx.h
+index bc0545d..69a8257 100644
+--- a/base/gdevpdfx.h
++++ b/base/gdevpdfx.h
+@@ -500,7 +500,8 @@ typedef struct pdf_viewer_state_s {
+     gx_hl_saved_color saved_fill_color;
+     gx_hl_saved_color saved_stroke_color;
+     gx_line_params line_params;
+-    float dash_pattern[max_dash];
++    float *dash_pattern;
++    uint dash_pattern_size;
+     gs_id soft_mask_id;
+ } pdf_viewer_state;
+diff --git a/base/gdevvec.c b/base/gdevvec.c
+index ddf787e..ac006f5 100644
+--- a/base/gdevvec.c
++++ b/base/gdevvec.c
+@@ -457,24 +457,26 @@ gdev_vector_prepare_stroke(gx_device_vector * vdev,
+         float dash_offset = pis->line_params.dash.offset * scale;
+         float half_width = pis->line_params.half_width * scale;
+-        if (pattern_size > max_dash)
+-            return_error(gs_error_limitcheck);
+         if (dash_offset != vdev->state.line_params.dash.offset ||
+             pattern_size != vdev->state.line_params.dash.pattern_size ||
+             (pattern_size != 0 &&
+              !dash_pattern_eq(vdev->dash_pattern, &pis->line_params.dash,
+                               scale))
+             ) {
+-            float pattern[max_dash];
++            float *pattern;
+             int i, code;
++            pattern = gs_alloc_bytes(vdev->memory->stable_memory, pattern_size * sizeof(float), "vector allocate dash pattern");
+             for (i = 0; i < pattern_size; ++i)
+                 pattern[i] = pis->line_params.dash.pattern[i] * scale;
+             code = (*vdev_proc(vdev, setdash))
+                 (vdev, pattern, pattern_size, dash_offset);
+             if (code < 0)
+                 return code;
+-            memcpy(vdev->dash_pattern, pattern, pattern_size * sizeof(float));
++            if (vdev->dash_pattern)
++                gs_free_object(vdev->memory->stable_memory, vdev->dash_pattern, "vector free old dash pattern");
++            vdev->dash_pattern = pattern;
++            vdev->dash_pattern_size = pattern_size;
+             vdev->state.line_params.dash.pattern_size = pattern_size;
+             vdev->state.line_params.dash.offset = dash_offset;
+@@ -816,6 +818,10 @@ gdev_vector_close_file(gx_device_vector * vdev)
+     FILE *f = vdev->file;
+     int err;
++    if (vdev->dash_pattern) {
++        gs_free_object(vdev->memory->stable_memory, vdev->dash_pattern, "vector free dash pattern");
++        vdev->dash_pattern = 0;
++    }
+     if (vdev->bbox_device) {
+         rc_decrement(vdev->bbox_device->icc_struct, "vector_close(bbox_device->icc_struct");
+         vdev->bbox_device->icc_struct = NULL;
+diff --git a/base/gdevvec.h b/base/gdevvec.h
+index 1a3eece..385e126 100644
+--- a/base/gdevvec.h
++++ b/base/gdevvec.h
+@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ typedef struct gx_device_vector_s gx_device_vector;
+ /* Define the maximum size of the output file name. */
+ #define fname_size (gp_file_name_sizeof - 1)
+-/* Define the longest dash pattern we can remember. */
+-#define max_dash 11
+ /*
+  * Define procedures for writing common output elements.  Not all devices
+  * will support all of these elements.  Note that these procedures normally
+@@ -168,7 +165,8 @@ int gdev_vector_dorect(gx_device_vector * vdev, fixed x0, fixed y0,
+         int open_options;	/* see below */\
+                 /* Graphics state */\
+         gs_imager_state state;\
+-        float dash_pattern[max_dash];\
++        float *dash_pattern;\
++        uint dash_pattern_size;\
+         bool fill_used_process_color;\
+         bool stroke_used_process_color;\
+         gx_hl_saved_color saved_fill_color;\
+@@ -194,7 +192,8 @@ int gdev_vector_dorect(gx_device_vector * vdev, fixed x0, fixed y0,
+         0,		/* strmbuf_size */\
+         0,		/* open_options */\
+          { 0 },		/* state */\
+-         { 0 },		/* dash_pattern */\
++        0,      /* dash_pattern */\
++        0,      /* dash pattern size */\
+         true,		/* fill_used_process_color */\
+         true,		/* stroke_used_process_color */\
+          { 0 },		/* fill_color ****** WRONG ****** */\
+@@ -216,10 +215,10 @@ struct gx_device_vector_s {
+ /* extern its descriptor for the sake of subclasses. */
+ extern_st(st_device_vector);
+ #define public_st_device_vector()	/* in gdevvec.c */\
+-  gs_public_st_suffix_add3_final(st_device_vector, gx_device_vector,\
++  gs_public_st_suffix_add4_final(st_device_vector, gx_device_vector,\
+     "gx_device_vector", device_vector_enum_ptrs,\
+     device_vector_reloc_ptrs, gx_device_finalize, st_device, strm, strmbuf,\
+-    bbox_device)
++    dash_pattern, bbox_device)
+ #define st_device_vector_max_ptrs (st_device_max_ptrs + 3)
+ /* ================ Utility procedures ================ */
diff --git a/SPECS/ghostscript.spec b/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
index fac7b34..a5ea54c 100644
--- a/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
+++ b/SPECS/ghostscript.spec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Summary: A PostScript interpreter and renderer
 Name: ghostscript
 Version: %{gs_ver}
-Release: 29%{?dist}.2
+Release: 31%{?dist}
 # Included CMap data is Redistributable, no modification permitted,
 # see http://bugzilla.redhat.com/487510
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ Patch29: ghostscript-fix-locksafe.patch
 Patch30: ghostscript-fix-infinite-for-loop.patch
 Patch33: ghostscript-cope-with-negative-run-length.patch
 Patch34: ghostscript-raise-VMThreshold-limit.patch
+Patch35: ghostscript-fix-pxl-devices-printing.patch
+Patch36: ghostscript-more-than-11-elements-in-array.patch
 # Security patches:
 # -----------------
@@ -252,7 +254,13 @@ rm -rf expat freetype icclib jasper jpeg lcms lcms2 libpng openjpeg zlib cups/li
 # Raise the default VMThreshold from 1Mb to 8Mb (bug #1479852):
 %patch34 -p1
-# CVE-2018-10194 (bug #1629842):
+# Fix MediaPosition, ManualFeed and MediaType with pxl devices (bug #1551782):
+%patch35 -p1
+# Allow more than 11 elements in array for setdash (bug #1432209):
+%patch36 -p1
+# CVE-2018-10194 (bug #1569819):
 %patch37 -p1
 # CVE-2018-16509 (bug #1621158):
@@ -463,14 +471,14 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-* Mon Sep 17 2018 David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] <dkaspar@redhat.com> - 9.07-29.el7_5.2
-- Fix MediaPosition, ManualFeed and MediaType with pxl devices (bug #1629842)
-* Mon Sep 10 2018 David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] <dkaspar@redhat.com> - 9.07-29.el7_5.1
+* Mon Sep 10 2018 David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] <dkaspar@redhat.com> - 9.07-31
 - Added security fixes for:
-  - CVE-2018-16509 (bug #1621156)
-  - CVE-2018-15910 (bug #1621157)
-  - CVE-2018-16542 (bug #1621380)
+  - CVE-2018-16509 (bug #1621158)
+  - CVE-2018-15910 (bug #1621160)
+  - CVE-2018-16542 (bug #1621382)
+* Tue Apr 17 2018 David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] <dkaspar@redhat.com> - 9.07-30
+- Fix MediaPosition, ManualFeed and MediaType with pxl devices (bug #1551782)
 * Tue Jul 25 2017 David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] <dkaspar@redhat.com> - 9.07-29
 - Fix rare Segmentation fault when converting PDF to PNG (bug #1473337)