Revert "- Rebuild"
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
Revert "Removed a line"
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
- Rebuild
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
Removed a line
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
Own /usr/bin/emacs (rhbz#614935)
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
Added Fedora conditionals
Karel Klic • 14 years ago  
dist-git conversion
Fedora Release Engineering • 14 years ago  
Fixed handling of dual spacing fonts
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Add patch to fix rhbz#595546
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Add emacs terminal mode to desktop menu
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
patch accepted
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Update to 23.2
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Update to the newest prerelease
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
- Fix typo in spec file changelog
Jonathan G. Underwood • 14 years ago  
- Remove unnecessary buildroot tag
Jonathan G. Underwood • 14 years ago  
Update to 23.2 pretest version
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Remove PreReq from spec file
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Simpler fix for rhbz#517272
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Better solution for #517272
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
Fix for #517272
Karel Klíč • 14 years ago  
- fixed FTBFS in F12 and higher (#540921)
Daniel Novotny • 14 years ago  
fixed update-directory-autoloads (#474958)
Daniel Novotny • 14 years ago