Blame 0053-fix-execvp-No-such-file-or-directory-in-emergency_sh.patch

Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
From 8cd592dfcb6a5c41ae0dae0b4ec7571fdfa36f92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
From: Will Woods <>
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 17:09:40 -0400
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Subject: [PATCH] fix "execvp: No such file or directory" in emergency_shell
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Older versions of setsid emit this message on stderr if you try to run
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
"setsid --help". Redirect it to /dev/null.
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
 modules.d/99base/ |    2 +-
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
diff --git a/modules.d/99base/ b/modules.d/99base/
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
index a6c4e24..f0d426c 100755
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
--- a/modules.d/99base/
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
+++ b/modules.d/99base/
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ emergency_shell()
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
         [ -c "$_ctty" ] || _ctty=/dev/tty1
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
-        strstr "$(setsid --help)" "control" && CTTY="-c"
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
+        strstr "$(setsid --help 2>/dev/null)" "control" && CTTY="-c"
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
         setsid $CTTY /bin/sh -i -l 0<$_ctty 1>$_ctty 2>&1
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
Harald Hoyer 1ee1e3
         warn "Boot has failed. To debug this issue add \"rdshell\" to the kernel command line."