Blame tests/upstream-test-suite/050/indexpage.xml

Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
<doxygen xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="compound.xsd" version="">
Than Ngo b7bcaa
  <compounddef id="indexpage" kind="page">
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
    <title>My Project</title>
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
      <para>Some normal text. <verbatim>A verbatim section with a /* C comment */ in it
Than Ngo b7bcaa
</verbatim> Showing a file as verbatim <verbatim>@book{knuth79,
Than Ngo b7bcaa
        author = "Donald E. Knuth",
Than Ngo b7bcaa
        title = "Tex and Metafont, New Directions in Typesetting",
Than Ngo b7bcaa
        year = "1979",
Than Ngo b7bcaa
        publisher = "American Mathematical Society and Digital Press",
Than Ngo b7bcaa
        address = "Stanford"
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
</verbatim> More text after the verbatim section. </para>
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa
Than Ngo b7bcaa