diff --git a/SOURCES/dhclient-script b/SOURCES/dhclient-script
index d985454..7d486cf 100644
--- a/SOURCES/dhclient-script
+++ b/SOURCES/dhclient-script
@@ -127,9 +127,13 @@ make_resolv_conf() {
             echo "options ${RES_OPTIONS}" >> ${rscf}
-        for nameserver in ${new_domain_name_servers} ; do
-            echo "nameserver ${nameserver}" >> ${rscf}
-        done
+        if [ -n "${new_domain_name_servers}" ]; then
+            for nameserver in ${new_domain_name_servers} ; do
+                echo "nameserver ${nameserver}" >> "${rscf}"
+            done
+        else # keep 'old' nameservers
+            sed -n /^\w*[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr]/p /etc/resolv.conf >> "${rscf}"
+        fi
         change_resolv_conf ${rscf}
         rm -f ${rscf}
@@ -159,19 +163,23 @@ make_resolv_conf() {
             echo "options ${RES_OPTIONS}" >> ${rscf}
-        shopt -s nocasematch 
-        for nameserver in ${new_dhcp6_name_servers} ; do
-            # If the nameserver has a link-local address
-            # add a <zone_id> (interface name) to it.
-            if  [[ "$nameserver" =~ ^fe80:: ]]
-            then
-                zone_id="%${interface}"
-            else
-                zone_id=
-            fi
-            echo "nameserver ${nameserver}$zone_id" >> ${rscf}
-        done
-        shopt -u nocasematch 
+        shopt -s nocasematch
+        if [ -n "${new_dhcp6_name_servers}" ]; then
+            for nameserver in ${new_dhcp6_name_servers} ; do
+                # If the nameserver has a link-local address
+                # add a <zone_id> (interface name) to it.
+                if  [[ "$nameserver" =~ ^fe80:: ]]
+                then
+                    zone_id="%${interface}"
+                else
+                    zone_id=
+                fi
+                echo "nameserver ${nameserver}$zone_id" >> "${rscf}"
+            done
+        else # keep 'old' nameservers
+            sed -n /^\w*[Nn][Aa][Mm][Ee][Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ee][Rr]/p /etc/resolv.conf >> "${rscf}"
+        fi
+        shopt -u nocasematch
         change_resolv_conf ${rscf}
         rm -f ${rscf}
@@ -327,6 +335,14 @@ dhconfig() {
         flush_dev ${interface}
+    # make sure the interface is up
+    ip link set dev ${interface} up
+    # replace = add if it doesn't exist or override (update lifetimes) if it's there
+    ip -4 addr replace ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} broadcast ${new_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} \
+       valid_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} preferred_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} >/dev/null 2>&1
     if [ "${reason}" = "BOUND" ] || [ "${reason}" = "REBOOT" ] ||
        [ ! "${old_ip_address}" = "${new_ip_address}" ] ||
        [ ! "${old_subnet_mask}" = "${new_subnet_mask}" ] ||
@@ -334,10 +350,7 @@ dhconfig() {
        [ ! "${old_broadcast_address}" = "${new_broadcast_address}" ] ||
        [ ! "${old_routers}" = "${new_routers}" ] ||
        [ ! "${old_interface_mtu}" = "${new_interface_mtu}" ]; then
-        ip -4 addr add ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} broadcast ${new_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} \
-           valid_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} preferred_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} >/dev/null 2>&1
-        ip link set dev ${interface} up
         # The 576 MTU is only used for X.25 and dialup connections
         # where the admin wants low latency.  Such a low MTU can cause
         # problems with UDP traffic, among other things.  As such,
@@ -352,6 +365,9 @@ dhconfig() {
            [ -n "${new_static_routes}" ]; then
             if [ -n "${new_classless_static_routes}" ]; then
                 IFS=', |' static_routes=(${new_classless_static_routes})
+		# If the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes option and
+                # a Router option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the Router option. (RFC3442)
+                new_routers=""
                 IFS=', |' static_routes=(${new_static_routes})
@@ -360,11 +376,9 @@ dhconfig() {
             for((i=0; i<${#static_routes[@]}; i+=2)); do
                 if [ -n "${new_classless_static_routes}" ]; then
-                    if [ ${target} = "0" ]; then
-                        # If the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes option and
-                        # a Router option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the Router option. (RFC3442)
-                        new_routers=""
-                        prefix="0"
+		    if [ ${target} = "0" ]; then
+                        new_routers="${static_routes[$i+1]}"
+                        continue
@@ -462,17 +476,13 @@ dhconfig() {
-    else # RENEW||REBIND - only update address lifetimes
-        ip -4 addr change ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} broadcast ${new_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} \
-           valid_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} preferred_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} >/dev/null 2>&1
     if [ ! "${new_ip_address}" = "${alias_ip_address}" ] &&
        [ -n "${alias_ip_address}" ]; then
         # Reset the alias address (fix: this should really only do this on changes)
         ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0 >/dev/null 2>&1
-        ip -4 addr add ${alias_ip_address}/${alias_prefix} broadcast ${alias_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
+        ip -4 addr replace ${alias_ip_address}/${alias_prefix} broadcast ${alias_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
         ip -4 route replace ${alias_ip_address}/32 dev ${interface}
@@ -528,7 +538,7 @@ dhconfig() {
 # the addresses in any IAs it receives in the Reply message before
 # using that address for traffic.
 add_ipv6_addr_with_DAD() {
-            ip -6 addr add ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen} \
+            ip -6 addr replace ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen} \
                 dev ${interface} scope global valid_lft ${new_max_life} \
                                           preferred_lft ${new_preferred_life}
@@ -586,12 +596,11 @@ dh6config() {
             if [[ -n "${new_ip6_address}" ]] &&
                [[ -n "${new_ip6_prefixlen}" ]]; then
                if [[  ! "${new_ip6_address}" = "${old_ip6_address}" ]]; then
+		   [[ -n "${old_ip6_address}" ]] && ip -6 addr del ${old_ip6_address} dev ${interface}
-               else # only update address lifetimes
-                   ip -6 addr change ${new_ip6_address}/${new_ip6_prefixlen} \
-                      dev ${interface} scope global valid_lft ${new_max_life} \
-                                                preferred_lft ${new_preferred_life}
+               # call it even if new_ip6_address = old_ip6_address to update lifetimes
+               add_ipv6_addr_with_DAD
             if [ ! "${new_dhcp6_name_servers}" = "${old_dhcp6_name_servers}" ] ||
@@ -766,7 +775,7 @@ case "${reason}" in
         if [ -n "${alias_ip_address}" ]; then
-            ip -4 addr add ${alias_ip_address}/${alias_prefix} broadcast ${alias_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
+            ip -4 addr replace ${alias_ip_address}/${alias_prefix} broadcast ${alias_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0
             ip -4 route replace ${alias_ip_address}/32 dev ${interface}
@@ -779,7 +788,7 @@ case "${reason}" in
                 ip -4 addr flush dev ${interface} label ${interface}:0 >/dev/null 2>&1
-            ip -4 addr add ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} \
+            ip -4 addr replace ${new_ip_address}/${new_prefix} \
                 broadcast ${new_broadcast_address} dev ${interface} \
                 valid_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time} preferred_lft ${new_dhcp_lease_time}
             set ${new_routers}
diff --git a/SOURCES/dhcp-4.2.5-centos-branding.patch b/SOURCES/dhcp-4.2.5-centos-branding.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f3e7113..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/dhcp-4.2.5-centos-branding.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff -uNrp dhcp-4.1.1-P1.orig/omapip/errwarn.c dhcp-4.1.1-P1/omapip/errwarn.c
---- dhcp-4.1.1-P1.orig/omapip/errwarn.c 2012-08-15 14:04:33.149141000 +0000
-+++ dhcp-4.1.1-P1/omapip/errwarn.c      2012-08-15 14:13:05.582416057 +0000
-@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ void log_fatal (const char * fmt, ... )
-   log_error ("have been made to the base software release in order to make");
-   log_error ("it work better with this distribution.");
-   log_error ("%s", "");
--  log_error ("Please report for this software via the Red Hat Bugzilla site:");
--  log_error ("    http://bugzilla.redhat.com");
-+  log_error ("Please report for this software via the CentOS Bugs Database:");
-+  log_error ("    http://bugs.centos.org/");
-   log_error ("%s", "");
-   log_error ("exiting.");
- #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/dhcp-addignore.patch b/SOURCES/dhcp-addignore.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97e979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dhcp-addignore.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+diff -Naur ./common/conflex.c ../dhcp-4.2.5/common/conflex.c
+--- ./common/conflex.c	2016-02-11 13:03:38.892135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/common/conflex.c	2016-02-11 13:05:18.447135723 +0100
+@@ -1067,6 +1067,8 @@
+ 			return IF;
+ 		if (!strcasecmp (atom + 1, "s"))
+ 			return IS;
++		if (!strcasecmp (atom + 1, "gnore-client-uids"))
+ 		if (!strcasecmp (atom + 1, "gnore"))
+ 			return IGNORE;
+ 		break;
+diff -Naur ./includes/dhcpd.h ../dhcp-4.2.5/includes/dhcpd.h
+--- ./includes/dhcpd.h	2016-02-11 13:03:38.903135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/includes/dhcpd.h	2016-02-11 13:12:20.398135723 +0100
+@@ -766,6 +766,8 @@
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+diff -Naur ./includes/dhctoken.h ../dhcp-4.2.5/includes/dhctoken.h
+--- ./includes/dhctoken.h	2016-02-11 13:03:38.901135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/includes/dhctoken.h	2016-02-11 13:13:09.958135723 +0100
+@@ -366,7 +366,8 @@
+ 	SECONDARY6 = 667,
+ };
+ #define is_identifier(x)	((x) >= FIRST_TOKEN &&	\
+diff -Naur ./server/confpars.c ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/confpars.c
+--- ./server/confpars.c	2016-02-11 13:03:38.915135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/confpars.c	2016-02-11 13:15:48.269135723 +0100
+@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@
+ 	       | ONE_LEASE_PER_CLIENT boolean
+ 	       | GET_LEASE_HOSTNAMES boolean
+ 	       | USE_HOST_DECL_NAME boolean
++	       | IGNORE_CLIENT_UIDS boolean
+ 	       | NEXT_SERVER ip-addr-or-hostname SEMI
+ 	       | option_parameter
+ 	       | SERVER-IDENTIFIER ip-addr-or-hostname SEMI
+@@ -4125,6 +4126,10 @@
+ 		code = SV_LEASEQUERY;
+ 		break;
++	      case IGNORE_CLIENT_UIDS:
++		break;
+ 	      default:
+ 		parse_warn (cfile, "expecting allow/deny key");
+ 		skip_to_semi (cfile);
+@@ -4138,7 +4143,6 @@
+ 	status = option_cache(oc, NULL, data, option, MDL);
+ 	expression_dereference (&data, MDL);
+ 	parse_semi (cfile);
+-	return status;
+ }
+ void
+diff -Naur ./server/dhcp.c ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/dhcp.c
+--- ./server/dhcp.c	2016-02-11 13:03:38.916135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/dhcp.c	2016-02-11 13:24:06.173135723 +0100
+@@ -2393,34 +2393,39 @@
+ 	/* Update Client Last Transaction Time. */
+ 	lt->cltt = cur_time;
+-	/* Record the uid, if given... */
+-	oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
+-	if (!oc)
++	/* See if we want to record the uid for this client */
++	oc = lookup_option(&server_universe, state->options,
++	if ((oc == NULL) ||
++		!evaluate_boolean_option_cache(&ignorep, packet, lease, NULL,
++			packet->options, state->options,
++			&lease->scope, oc, MDL)) {
++		/* Record the uid, if given... */
+ 		oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
+-				    DHO_PXE_CLIENT_ID);
+-	if (oc &&
+-	    evaluate_option_cache (&d1, packet, lease,
+-				   (struct client_state *)0,
+-				   packet -> options, state -> options,
+-				   &lease -> scope, oc, MDL)) {
+-		if (d1.len <= sizeof lt -> uid_buf) {
+-			memcpy (lt -> uid_buf, d1.data, d1.len);
+-			lt -> uid = lt -> uid_buf;
+-			lt -> uid_max = sizeof lt -> uid_buf;
+-			lt -> uid_len = d1.len;
+-		} else {
+-			unsigned char *tuid;
+-			lt -> uid_max = d1.len;
+-			lt -> uid_len = d1.len;
+-			tuid = (unsigned char *)dmalloc (lt -> uid_max, MDL);
+-			/* XXX inelegant */
+-			if (!tuid)
+-				log_fatal ("no memory for large uid.");
+-			memcpy (tuid, d1.data, lt -> uid_len);
+-			lt -> uid = tuid;
++		if (oc &&
++		    evaluate_option_cache(&d1, packet, lease, NULL,
++					packet->options, state->options,
++					&lease->scope, oc, MDL)) {
++			if (d1.len <= sizeof(lt->uid_buf)) {
++				memcpy(lt->uid_buf, d1.data, d1.len);
++				lt->uid = lt->uid_buf;
++				lt->uid_max = sizeof(lt->uid_buf);
++				lt->uid_len = d1.len;
++			} else {
++				unsigned char *tuid;
++				lt->uid_max = d1.len;
++				lt->uid_len = d1.len;
++				tuid = (unsigned char *)dmalloc(lt->uid_max, MDL);
++				/* XXX inelegant */
++				if (!tuid)
++					log_fatal ("no memory for large uid.");
++				memcpy(tuid, d1.data, lt->uid_len);
++				lt->uid = tuid;
++			}
++			data_string_forget (&d1, MDL);
+ 		}
+-		data_string_forget (&d1, MDL);
+ 	}
+ 	if (host) {
+diff -Naur ./server/stables.c ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/stables.c
+--- ./server/stables.c	2016-02-11 13:03:38.909135723 +0100
++++ ../dhcp-4.2.5/server/stables.c	2016-02-11 13:25:00.081135723 +0100
+@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@
+ 	{ "ldap-tls-randfile", "t",		&server_universe,  77, 1 },
+ #endif /* LDAP_USE_SSL */
++	{ "ignore-client-uids", "f", &server_universe, 78, 1 },
+ 	{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
+ };
diff --git a/SOURCES/dhcp-max-fd-value.patch b/SOURCES/dhcp-max-fd-value.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9bb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dhcp-max-fd-value.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+diff -up dhcp-4.2.5/includes/site.h.max-fd dhcp-4.2.5/includes/site.h
+--- dhcp-4.2.5/includes/site.h.max-fd	2016-04-21 15:15:14.618846830 +0200
++++ dhcp-4.2.5/includes/site.h	2016-04-21 15:17:06.529731652 +0200
+@@ -275,3 +275,9 @@
+    Care should be taken before enabling this option. */
+ /* #define SERVER_ID_CHECK */
++/* Limit the value of a file descriptor the serve will use
++   when accepting a connecting request.  This can be used to
++   limit the number of TCP connections that the server will
++   allow at one time.  A value of 0 means there is no limit.*/
++#define MAX_FD_VALUE 200
+diff -up dhcp-4.2.5/omapip/listener.c.max-fd dhcp-4.2.5/omapip/listener.c
+--- dhcp-4.2.5/omapip/listener.c.max-fd	2013-01-03 01:02:24.000000000 +0100
++++ dhcp-4.2.5/omapip/listener.c	2016-04-21 15:15:14.618846830 +0200
+@@ -239,7 +239,12 @@ isc_result_t omapi_accept (omapi_object_
+ 			return ISC_R_NORESOURCES;
+ 		return ISC_R_UNEXPECTED;
+ 	}
++	if ((MAX_FD_VALUE != 0) && (socket > MAX_FD_VALUE)) {
++		close(socket);
++		return (ISC_R_NORESOURCES);
++	}
+ #if defined (TRACING)
+ 	/* If we're recording a trace, remember the connection. */
+ 	if (trace_record ()) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/dhcp-prepend.patch b/SOURCES/dhcp-prepend.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0662f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/dhcp-prepend.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+diff -up dhcp-4.2.5/client/dhc6.c.prepend dhcp-4.2.5/client/dhc6.c
+--- dhcp-4.2.5/client/dhc6.c.prepend	2016-04-18 14:21:41.062502036 +0200
++++ dhcp-4.2.5/client/dhc6.c	2016-04-18 14:25:11.683732506 +0200
+@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ dhc6_dup_addr(struct dhc6_addr *addr, co
+  * Parsed options are deleted in order to not save them in the lease file.
+  */
+ static struct dhc6_lease *
+-dhc6_leaseify(struct packet *packet)
++dhc6_leaseify(struct packet *packet, struct client_state* client)
+ {
+ 	struct data_string ds;
+ 	struct dhc6_lease *lease;
+@@ -687,6 +687,11 @@ dhc6_leaseify(struct packet *packet)
+ 				      lease->server_id.data, 52));
+ 	}
++	execute_statements_in_scope(NULL, (struct packet *)packet, NULL,
++				    client, lease->options, lease->options,
++				    &global_scope, client->config->on_receipt,
++				    NULL);
+ 	return lease;
+ }
+@@ -2892,7 +2897,7 @@ init_handler(struct packet *packet, stru
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet);
++	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet, client);
+ 	if (dhc6_check_advertise(lease) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ 		log_debug("PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.");
+@@ -2975,6 +2980,12 @@ info_request_handler(struct packet *pack
+ 	option_state_reference(&client->active_lease->options,
+ 			       packet->options, MDL);
++	execute_statements_in_scope(NULL, (struct packet *)packet, NULL, client,
++				    client->active_lease->options,
++				    client->active_lease->options,
++				    &global_scope, client->config->on_receipt,
++				    NULL);
+ 	start_informed(client);
+ }
+@@ -3009,7 +3020,7 @@ rapid_commit_handler(struct packet *pack
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet);
++	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet, client);
+ 	/* This is an out of memory condition...hopefully a temporary
+ 	 * problem.  Returning now makes us try to retransmit later.
+@@ -3823,7 +3834,7 @@ reply_handler(struct packet *packet, str
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet);
++	lease = dhc6_leaseify(packet, client);
+ 	/* This is an out of memory condition...hopefully a temporary
+ 	 * problem.  Returning now makes us try to retransmit later.
+diff -up dhcp-4.2.5/RELNOTES.prepend dhcp-4.2.5/RELNOTES
diff --git a/SPECS/dhcp.spec b/SPECS/dhcp.spec
index 6fff925..87da074 100644
--- a/SPECS/dhcp.spec
+++ b/SPECS/dhcp.spec
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 Summary:  Dynamic host configuration protocol software
 Name:     dhcp
 Version:  4.2.5
-Release:  42%{?dist}
+Release:  47%{?dist}
 # NEVER CHANGE THE EPOCH on this package.  The previous maintainer (prior to
 # dcantrell maintaining the package) made incorrect use of the epoch and
 # that's why it is at 12 now.  It should have never been used, but it was.
@@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ Patch56:  dhcp-vlanfilter.patch
 Patch57:  dhcp-option97-pxe-client-id.patch
 Patch58:  dhcp-client-request-release-bind-iface.patch
 Patch59:  dhcp-dns_client_cancelupdate.patch
-Patch60:  dhcp-4.2.5-centos-branding.patch
+Patch60:  dhcp-prepend.patch
+Patch61:  dhcp-addignore.patch
+Patch62:  dhcp-max-fd-value.patch
 BuildRequires: autoconf
 BuildRequires: automake
@@ -388,7 +390,15 @@ rm -rf includes/isc-dhcp
 # dhclient crashes in dns_client_cancelupdate (#1187856)
 %patch59 -p1 -b .dns_client_cancelupdate
-%patch60 -p1
+# dhclient refuses to prepend ipv6 nameserver (#1234251)
+%patch60 -p1 -b .prepend
+# [FEAT] Add ignore-client-uids option to dhcpd (#1306608)
+%patch61 -p1 -b .addignore
+# unclosed TCP connections to OMAPI or failover ports can cause DoS (CVE-2016-2774)
+%patch62 -p1 -b .max-fd
 # Update paths in all man pages
 for page in client/dhclient.conf.5 client/dhclient.leases.5 \
@@ -656,8 +666,23 @@ done
-* Thu Nov 19 2015 CentOS Sources <bugs@centos.org> - 4.2.5-42.el7.centos
-- Roll in CentOS Branding
+* Tue Aug 09 2016 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-47
+- 1269596 - fix undefined variable in dhclient-script
+* Thu Apr 21 2016 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-46
+- unclosed TCP connections to OMAPI or failover ports can cause DoS (CVE-2016-2774)
+* Mon Apr 18 2016 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-45
+- 1267489 - dhclient-script does not respect DEFROUTE/GATEWAYDEV patched 
+* Mon Apr 18 2016 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-44
+- 1269596 - dhclient-script doesn't keep old nameservers
+- 1193586 - DHCP renewal does not update lifetimes if MTU has changed
+- 1306608 - Add ignore-client-uids option to dhcpd
+- 1267489 - dhclient-script does not respect DEFROUTE/GATEWAYDEV 
+* Mon Apr 18 2016 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-43
+- Fixing bug 1234251
 * Tue Oct 13 2015 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 12:4.2.5-42
 - regenerate dhcp-vlanfilter.patch (#1175350)