%{?scl:%scl_package httpcomponents-core}
%{!?scl:%global pkg_name %{name}}
%{!?maven_scl:%global maven_scl_prefix %{nil}}
%global base_name httpcomponents
Name: %{?scl_prefix}httpcomponents-core
Summary: Set of low level Java HTTP transport components for HTTP services
Version: 4.3.2
Release: 1%{?dist}
# The project is licensed under ASL 2.0, but it contains annotations
# in the package org.apache.http.annotation which are derived
# from JCIP-ANNOTATIONS project (CC-BY licensed)
License: ASL 2.0 and CC-BY
URL: http://hc.apache.org/
Source0: http://www.apache.org/dist/httpcomponents/httpcore/source/httpcomponents-core-%{version}-src.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: %{maven_scl_prefix}maven-local
BuildRequires: %{maven_scl_prefix}httpcomponents-project
BuildRequires: java >= 1.6.0
BuildRequires: jpackage-utils
BuildRequires: %{maven_scl_prefix}maven-surefire-provider-junit
BuildRequires: apache-commons-logging
BuildRequires: %{maven_scl_prefix}junit
BuildRequires: %{maven_scl_prefix}maven-plugin-build-helper
%if 0%{?rhel} <= 0
BuildRequires: mockito
Requires: java >= 1.6.0
Requires: jpackage-utils
%{?scl:Requires: %scl_runtime}
HttpCore is a set of low level HTTP transport components that can be
used to build custom client and server side HTTP services with a
minimal footprint. HttpCore supports two I/O models: blocking I/O
model based on the classic Java I/O and non-blocking, event driven I/O
model based on Java NIO.
The blocking I/O model may be more appropriate for data intensive, low
latency scenarios, whereas the non-blocking model may be more
appropriate for high latency scenarios where raw data throughput is
less important than the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous
HTTP connections in a resource efficient manner.
%package javadoc
Summary: API documentation for %{pkg_name}
Group: Documentation
Requires: jpackage-utils
%description javadoc
%setup -q -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}
%pom_remove_plugin :maven-checkstyle-plugin
# we don't need these artifacts right now
%pom_disable_module httpcore-osgi
%pom_disable_module httpcore-ab
%pom_remove_dep :mockito-core httpcore
# OSGify modules
for module in httpcore httpcore-nio; do
%pom_xpath_remove "pom:project/pom:packaging" $module
%pom_xpath_inject "pom:project" "bundle" $module
%pom_xpath_inject "pom:build/pom:plugins" "
" $module
# install JARs to httpcomponents/ for compatibility reasons
# several other packages expect to find the JARs there
scl enable %{scl} - <> %{_builddir}/%{pkg_name}-%{version}/.mfiles-javadoc;
%files -f .mfiles
%dir %{_javadir}/httpcomponents
%files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc
%doc LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt
* Mon May 19 2014 Sami Wagiaalla 4.3.2-1
- Build for DTS 3.
- Import latest spec file and sources from RAWHIDE.
- Install javadoc manually.
* Fri Mar 29 2013 Krzysztof Daniel 4.2.3-3
- Build for java 1.6
* Mon Feb 18 2013 Krzysztof Daniel 4.2.3-2
- Initial contribution to SCL.
* Mon Dec 3 2012 Mikolaj Izdebski - 4.2.3-1
- Update to upstream version 4.2.3
* Fri Oct 5 2012 Mikolaj Izdebski - 4.2.2-1
- Update to upstream version 4.2.2
* Mon Aug 27 2012 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.2.1-3
- Remove mockito from Requires (not needed really)
- BR on mockito is now conditional on Fedora
* Fri Jul 27 2012 Mikolaj Izdebski - 4.2.1-2
- Install NOTICE.txt file
- Fix javadir directory ownership
- Preserve timestamps
* Mon Jul 23 2012 Mikolaj Izdebski - 4.2.1-1
- Update to upstream version 4.2.1
- Convert patches to POM macros
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.4-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Mar 23 2012 Krzysztof Daniel 4.1.4-1
- Update to latest upstream (4.1.4)
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1.3-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Aug 16 2011 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1.3-1
- Update to latest upstream (4.1.3)
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1.2-1
- Update to latest upstream (4.1.2)
* Mon Jul 4 2011 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1.1-2
- Fix forgotten add_to_maven_depmap
* Fri Jul 1 2011 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1.1-1
- Update to latest upstream (4.1.1)
- Use new maven macros
- Tweaks according to new guidelines
- Enable tests again (seem to work OK even in koji now)
* Tue Mar 15 2011 Severin Gehwolf 4.1-6
- Explicitly set PrivatePackage to the empty set, so as to
export all packages.
* Fri Mar 11 2011 Alexander Kurtakov 4.1-5
- Bump release to fix my mistake with the release.
* Thu Mar 10 2011 Alexander Kurtakov 4.1-3
- Export all packages.
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Alexander Kurtakov 4.1-2
- Don't use basename it's part of coreutils.
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Alexander Kurtakov 4.1-4
- Install into %{_javadir}/httpcomponents. We will use it for client libs too.
- Proper osgi info.
* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.1-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Dec 22 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1-2
- Added license to javadoc subpackage
* Fri Dec 17 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 4.1-1
- Initial package