diff --git a/SOURCES/0018-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch b/SOURCES/0018-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b56875e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0018-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-From 46e85fee025964dd9a8ce2d615bc5f8ece530519 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Steve Holme <steve_holme@hotmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 23:51:36 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] url: Fixed connection re-use when using different log-in credentials
-In addition to FTP, other connection based protocols such as IMAP, POP3,
-SMTP, SCP, SFTP and LDAP require a new connection when different log-in
-credentials are specified. Fixed the detection logic to include these
-other protocols.
-Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20140326A.html
-[upstream commit 517b06d657aceb11a234b05cc891170c367ab80d]
-Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
- lib/http.c    |    2 +-
- lib/url.c     |    6 +++---
- lib/urldata.h |    2 ++
- 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
-index f4b7a48..c78036b 100644
---- a/lib/http.c
-+++ b/lib/http.c
-@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ const struct Curl_handler Curl_handler_https = {
-   ZERO_NULL,                            /* readwrite */
-   PORT_HTTPS,                           /* defport */
-   CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS,     /* protocol */
--  PROTOPT_SSL                           /* flags */
- };
- #endif
-diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
-index 9690dfa..0174ff4 100644
---- a/lib/url.c
-+++ b/lib/url.c
-@@ -2961,10 +2961,10 @@ ConnectionExists(struct SessionHandle *data,
-               continue;
-             }
-           }
--          if((needle->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_FTP) ||
-+          if((!(needle->handler->flags & PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST)) ||
-              ((needle->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_HTTP) && wantNTLM)) {
--            /* This is FTP or HTTP+NTLM, verify that we're using the same name
--               and password as well */
-+            /* This protocol requires credentials per connection or is HTTP+NTLM,
-+               so verify that we're using the same name and password as well */
-             if(!strequal(needle->user, check->user) ||
-                !strequal(needle->passwd, check->passwd)) {
-               /* one of them was different */
-diff --git a/lib/urldata.h b/lib/urldata.h
-index d597c67..cbf4102 100644
---- a/lib/urldata.h
-+++ b/lib/urldata.h
-@@ -755,6 +755,8 @@ struct Curl_handler {
-                                       gets a default */
- #define PROTOPT_NOURLQUERY (1<<6)   /* protocol can't handle
-                                         url query strings (?foo=bar) ! */
-+#define PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST (1<<7) /* requires login creditials per request
-+                                          as opposed to per connection */
- /* return the count of bytes sent, or -1 on error */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0019-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch b/SOURCES/0019-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56875e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0019-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+From 46e85fee025964dd9a8ce2d615bc5f8ece530519 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Steve Holme <steve_holme@hotmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 23:51:36 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] url: Fixed connection re-use when using different log-in credentials
+In addition to FTP, other connection based protocols such as IMAP, POP3,
+SMTP, SCP, SFTP and LDAP require a new connection when different log-in
+credentials are specified. Fixed the detection logic to include these
+other protocols.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20140326A.html
+[upstream commit 517b06d657aceb11a234b05cc891170c367ab80d]
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http.c    |    2 +-
+ lib/url.c     |    6 +++---
+ lib/urldata.h |    2 ++
+ 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
+index f4b7a48..c78036b 100644
+--- a/lib/http.c
++++ b/lib/http.c
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ const struct Curl_handler Curl_handler_https = {
+   ZERO_NULL,                            /* readwrite */
+   PORT_HTTPS,                           /* defport */
+   CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS,     /* protocol */
+-  PROTOPT_SSL                           /* flags */
+ };
+ #endif
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index 9690dfa..0174ff4 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -2961,10 +2961,10 @@ ConnectionExists(struct SessionHandle *data,
+               continue;
+             }
+           }
+-          if((needle->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_FTP) ||
++          if((!(needle->handler->flags & PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST)) ||
+              ((needle->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_HTTP) && wantNTLM)) {
+-            /* This is FTP or HTTP+NTLM, verify that we're using the same name
+-               and password as well */
++            /* This protocol requires credentials per connection or is HTTP+NTLM,
++               so verify that we're using the same name and password as well */
+             if(!strequal(needle->user, check->user) ||
+                !strequal(needle->passwd, check->passwd)) {
+               /* one of them was different */
+diff --git a/lib/urldata.h b/lib/urldata.h
+index d597c67..cbf4102 100644
+--- a/lib/urldata.h
++++ b/lib/urldata.h
+@@ -755,6 +755,8 @@ struct Curl_handler {
+                                       gets a default */
+ #define PROTOPT_NOURLQUERY (1<<6)   /* protocol can't handle
+                                         url query strings (?foo=bar) ! */
++#define PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST (1<<7) /* requires login creditials per request
++                                          as opposed to per connection */
+ /* return the count of bytes sent, or -1 on error */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0020-curl-7.29.0-d529f388.patch b/SOURCES/0020-curl-7.29.0-d529f388.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5776c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0020-curl-7.29.0-d529f388.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 4274decb62daca78c9d43a025fc08f8d6fd3a341 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 17:33:24 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] curl_easy_perform: gradually increase the delay time
+Instead of going 50,100,150 etc millisecond delay time when nothing has
+been found to do or wait for, we now start lower and double each loop as
+in 4,8,16,32 etc.
+This lowers the minimum wait without sacrifizing the longer wait too
+much with unnecessary CPU cycles burnt.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2013-07/0103.html
+Reported-by: Andreas Malzahn
+[upstream commit d529f3882b9bca2c3eb32295dd6b2609d0c9b51f]
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/easy.c | 4 +---
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/easy.c b/lib/easy.c
+index a7051dd..13801b2 100644
+--- a/lib/easy.c
++++ b/lib/easy.c
+@@ -465,9 +465,7 @@ CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL *easy)
+         if(curlx_tvdiff(after, before) <= 10) {
+           without_fds++;
+           if(without_fds > 2) {
+-            int sleep_ms = without_fds * 50;
+-            if(sleep_ms > 1000)
+-              sleep_ms = 1000;
++            int sleep_ms = without_fds < 10 ? (1 << (without_fds-1)): 1000;
+             Curl_wait_ms(sleep_ms);
+           }
+         }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0021-curl-7.29.0-67061e3f.patch b/SOURCES/0021-curl-7.29.0-67061e3f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad6e8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0021-curl-7.29.0-67061e3f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+From 6c5bb879f09c490ad9aebf50670cbe546d0aba4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:02:03 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] nss: do not enable AES cipher-suites by default
+... but allow them to be enabled/disabled explicitly.  The default
+policy should be maintained at the NSS level.
+Upstream-commit: b4f6cd46eb1b5a98573e0c0e619dc71646affdc8
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 27 ++++-----------------------
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index abc8a91..289c55b 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ static const cipher_s cipherlist[] = {
+   {"rsa_des_56_sha",             TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA},
+   {"rsa_rc4_56_sha",             TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_SHA},
+   /* AES ciphers. */
++  {"dhe_dss_aes_128_cbc_sha",    TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
++  {"dhe_dss_aes_256_cbc_sha",    TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA},
++  {"dhe_rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha",    TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
++  {"dhe_rsa_aes_256_cbc_sha",    TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA},
+   {"rsa_aes_128_sha",            TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
+   {"rsa_aes_256_sha",            TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA},
+   /* ECC ciphers. */
+@@ -152,18 +156,6 @@ static const cipher_s cipherlist[] = {
+   {"ecdh_anon_aes_256_sha",      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA},
+ };
+-/* following ciphers are new in NSS 3.4 and not enabled by default, therefore
+-   they are enabled explicitly */
+-static const int enable_ciphers_by_default[] = {
+ static const char* pem_library = "libnsspem.so";
+ SECMODModule* mod = NULL;
+@@ -1214,7 +1206,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   curl_socket_t sockfd = conn->sock[sockindex];
+   struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = &conn->ssl[sockindex];
+   CURLcode curlerr;
+-  const int *cipher_to_enable;
+   PRSocketOptionData sock_opt;
+   long time_left;
+   PRUint32 timeout;
+@@ -1304,16 +1295,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   /* reset the flag to avoid an infinite loop */
+   data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
+-  /* enable all ciphers from enable_ciphers_by_default */
+-  cipher_to_enable = enable_ciphers_by_default;
+-  while(SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL != *cipher_to_enable) {
+-    if(SSL_CipherPrefSet(model, *cipher_to_enable, PR_TRUE) != SECSuccess) {
+-      curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CIPHER;
+-      goto error;
+-    }
+-    cipher_to_enable++;
+-  }
+   if(data->set.ssl.cipher_list) {
+     if(set_ciphers(data, model, data->set.ssl.cipher_list) != SECSuccess) {
+       curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CIPHER;
+From 0dac41d2469fe2990197912f4e2d58e1de6957e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:10:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] nss: allow to enable/disable new HMAC-SHA256
+ cipher-suites
+... if built against a new enough version of NSS
+Upstream-commit: c864d81289297b04dbbca14e3c5307ef15e6f258
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 10 ++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 289c55b..ea0d4ef 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -154,6 +154,16 @@ static const cipher_s cipherlist[] = {
+   {"ecdh_anon_3des_sha",         TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
+   {"ecdh_anon_aes_128_sha",      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
+   {"ecdh_anon_aes_256_sha",      TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA},
++  /* new HMAC-SHA256 cipher suites specified in RFC */
++  {"rsa_null_sha_256",                TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256},
++  {"rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256",         TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
++  {"rsa_aes_256_cbc_sha_256",         TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256},
++  {"dhe_rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256",     TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
++  {"dhe_rsa_aes_256_cbc_sha_256",     TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256},
++  {"ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256", TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
++  {"ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256",   TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
+ };
+ static const char* pem_library = "libnsspem.so";
+From f9c89d4cf767a7e2ae39ae668ec30a71513a3d98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 13:14:08 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] nss: allow to enable/disable new AES GCM cipher-suites
+... if built against a new enough version of NSS
+Upstream-commit: 67061e3f4ec1c2f3b4bb02bbe2d91ccdeb147c60
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 10 ++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index ea0d4ef..1381dc4 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -164,6 +164,16 @@ static const cipher_s cipherlist[] = {
+   {"ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256", TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
+   {"ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_cbc_sha_256",   TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
+ #endif
++#ifdef TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
++  /* AES GCM cipher suites in RFC 5288 and RFC 5289 */
++  {"rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",         TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"dhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",     TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"dhe_dss_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",     TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256", TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"ecdh_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",  TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",   TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
++  {"ecdh_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha_256",    TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
+ };
+ static const char* pem_library = "libnsspem.so";
diff --git a/SOURCES/0022-curl-7.29.0-24c3cdce.patch b/SOURCES/0022-curl-7.29.0-24c3cdce.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dac548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0022-curl-7.29.0-24c3cdce.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+From ca7b1cd659eb0eb0ef355e3e122742abcea73287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 16:34:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] tool: call PR_Cleanup() on exit if NSPR is used
+This prevents valgrind from reporting possibly lost memory that NSPR
+uses for file descriptor cache and other globally allocated internal
+data structures.
+Upstream-commit: 24c3cdce88f39731506c287cb276e8bf4a1ce393
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ src/tool_main.c | 10 ++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/tool_main.c b/src/tool_main.c
+index 95e9cc7..6a1ed6c 100644
+--- a/src/tool_main.c
++++ b/src/tool_main.c
+@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #endif
++#ifdef USE_NSS
++#include <nspr.h>
+ /* use our own printf() functions */
+ #include "curlx.h"
+@@ -104,6 +108,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     tool_pressanykey();
+ #endif
++#ifdef USE_NSS
++  if(PR_Initialized())
++    /* prevent valgrind from reporting possibly lost memory (fd cache, ...) */
++    PR_Cleanup();
+   free_config_fields(&config);
+ #ifdef __NOVELL_LIBC__
+From 295471f8122cf6522c36f8e3588e5b4d15a691ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alessandro Ghedini <alessandro@ghedini.me>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:37:28 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] build: link curl to NSS libraries when NSS support is
+ enabled
+This fixes a build failure on Debian caused by commit
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2014-07/0209.html
+Upstream-commit: c6e7cbb94e669b85d3eb8e015ec51d0072112133
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ configure       | 5 ++++-
+ configure.ac    | 4 ++++
+ src/Makefile.am | 2 +-
+ src/Makefile.in | 3 ++-
+ 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index 8741e21..c5d1817 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ LIBMETALINK_LIBS
+@@ -23697,6 +23697,9 @@ fi
+         { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: detected NSS version $version" >&5
+ $as_echo "$as_me: detected NSS version $version" >&6;}
++                NSS_LIBS=$addlib
+                                         if test "x$cross_compiling" != "xyes"; then
+           LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$nssprefix/lib$libsuff"
+           export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 70ef0b7..60a6b58 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -2211,6 +2211,10 @@ if test "$curl_ssl_msg" = "$init_ssl_msg"; then
+       if test "x$USE_NSS" = "xyes"; then
+         AC_MSG_NOTICE([detected NSS version $version])
++        dnl needed when linking the curl tool without USE_EXPLICIT_LIB_DEPS
++        NSS_LIBS=$addlib
++        AC_SUBST([NSS_LIBS])
+         dnl when shared libs were found in a path that the run-time
+         dnl linker doesn't search through, we need to add it to
+         dnl LD_LIBRARY_PATH to prevent further configure tests to fail
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
+index af5a488..6863078 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/Makefile.am
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ LIBS = $(BLANK_AT_MAKETIME)
+ curl_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libcurl.la @LIBMETALINK_LIBS@ @LIBCURL_LIBS@
+ else
+-curl_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libcurl.la @LIBMETALINK_LIBS@ @ZLIB_LIBS@ @CURL_NETWORK_AND_TIME_LIBS@
++curl_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libcurl.la @LIBMETALINK_LIBS@ @NSS_LIBS@ @ZLIB_LIBS@ @CURL_NETWORK_AND_TIME_LIBS@
+ endif
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.in b/src/Makefile.in
+index 41fb549..1b578c2 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.in
++++ b/src/Makefile.in
+@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ NMEDIT = @NMEDIT@
+ # Use the C locale to ensure that only ASCII characters appear in the
+ # embedded text.
+ NROFF = env LC_ALL=C @NROFF@ @MANOPT@ # figured out by the configure script
+@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ CURL_HFILES = \
+ 	tool_xattr.h
+ @USE_EXPLICIT_LIB_DEPS_TRUE@curl_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libcurl.la @LIBMETALINK_LIBS@ @LIBCURL_LIBS@
diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-curl-7.29.0-8868a226.patch b/SOURCES/0023-curl-7.29.0-8868a226.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e3ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0023-curl-7.29.0-8868a226.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+From 355f7594877a62f9aa657e8a72d3f92b3c887d73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:12:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] nss: split Curl_nss_connect() into 4 functions
+Upstream-commit: a43bba3a34ed8912c4ca10f213590d1998ba0d29
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 1381dc4..4d57a24 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -1216,9 +1216,62 @@ static CURLcode nss_init_sslver(SSLVersionRange *sslver,
+ }
+-CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
++static CURLcode nss_fail_connect(struct ssl_connect_data *connssl,
++                                 struct SessionHandle *data,
++                                 CURLcode curlerr)
+ {
++  SSLVersionRange sslver;
+   PRErrorCode err = 0;
++  /* reset the flag to avoid an infinite loop */
++  data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
++  if(is_nss_error(curlerr)) {
++    /* read NSPR error code */
++    err = PR_GetError();
++    if(is_cc_error(err))
++      curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM;
++    /* print the error number and error string */
++    infof(data, "NSS error %d (%s)\n", err, nss_error_to_name(err));
++    /* print a human-readable message describing the error if available */
++    nss_print_error_message(data, err);
++  }
++  /* cleanup on connection failure */
++  Curl_llist_destroy(connssl->obj_list, NULL);
++  connssl->obj_list = NULL;
++  if((SSL_VersionRangeGet(connssl->handle, &sslver) == SECSuccess)
++      && (sslver.min == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0)
++      && (sslver.max == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0)
++      && isTLSIntoleranceError(err)) {
++    /* schedule reconnect through Curl_retry_request() */
++    data->state.ssl_connect_retry = TRUE;
++    infof(data, "Error in TLS handshake, trying SSLv3...\n");
++    return CURLE_OK;
++  }
++  return curlerr;
++/* Switch the SSL socket into non-blocking mode. */
++static CURLcode nss_set_nonblock(struct ssl_connect_data *connssl,
++                                 struct SessionHandle *data)
++  static PRSocketOptionData sock_opt;
++  sock_opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
++  sock_opt.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
++  if(PR_SetSocketOption(connssl->handle, &sock_opt) != PR_SUCCESS)
++    return nss_fail_connect(connssl, data, CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR);
++  return CURLE_OK;
++static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   PRFileDesc *model = NULL;
+   PRBool ssl_no_cache;
+   PRBool ssl_cbc_random_iv;
+@@ -1226,9 +1279,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   curl_socket_t sockfd = conn->sock[sockindex];
+   struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = &conn->ssl[sockindex];
+   CURLcode curlerr;
+-  PRSocketOptionData sock_opt;
+-  long time_left;
+-  PRUint32 timeout;
+   SSLVersionRange sslver = {
+     SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0,      /* min */
+@@ -1402,16 +1452,32 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   SSL_SetURL(connssl->handle, conn->host.name);
++  return CURLE_OK;
++  if(model)
++    PR_Close(model);
++  return nss_fail_connect(connssl, data, curlerr);
++static CURLcode nss_do_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
++  struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = &conn->ssl[sockindex];
++  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
++  PRUint32 timeout;
+   /* check timeout situation */
+-  time_left = Curl_timeleft(data, NULL, TRUE);
++  const long time_left = Curl_timeleft(data, NULL, TRUE);
+   if(time_left < 0L) {
+     failf(data, "timed out before SSL handshake");
+     goto error;
+   }
+-  timeout = PR_MillisecondsToInterval((PRUint32) time_left);
+   /* Force the handshake now */
++  timeout = PR_MillisecondsToInterval((PRUint32) time_left);
+   if(SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout(connssl->handle, timeout) != SECSuccess) {
+     if(conn->data->set.ssl.certverifyresult == SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN)
+@@ -1420,12 +1486,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     goto error;
+   }
+-  /* switch the SSL socket into non-blocking mode */
+-  sock_opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+-  sock_opt.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
+-  if(PR_SetSocketOption(connssl->handle, &sock_opt) != PR_SUCCESS)
+-    goto error;
+   connssl->state = ssl_connection_complete;
+   conn->recv[sockindex] = nss_recv;
+   conn->send[sockindex] = nss_send;
+@@ -1453,40 +1513,34 @@ CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   return CURLE_OK;
+-  error:
+-  /* reset the flag to avoid an infinite loop */
+-  data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
++  return nss_fail_connect(connssl, data, curlerr);
+-  if(is_nss_error(curlerr)) {
+-    /* read NSPR error code */
+-    err = PR_GetError();
+-    if(is_cc_error(err))
+-      curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM;
++CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
++  struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = &conn->ssl[sockindex];
++  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
++  CURLcode rv;
+-    /* print the error number and error string */
+-    infof(data, "NSS error %d (%s)\n", err, nss_error_to_name(err));
++  rv = nss_setup_connect(conn, sockindex);
++  if(rv)
++    return rv;
+-    /* print a human-readable message describing the error if available */
+-    nss_print_error_message(data, err);
++  rv = nss_do_connect(conn, sockindex);
++  switch(rv) {
++  case CURLE_OK:
++    break;
++  default:
++    return rv;
+   }
+-  if(model)
+-    PR_Close(model);
+-  /* cleanup on connection failure */
+-  Curl_llist_destroy(connssl->obj_list, NULL);
+-  connssl->obj_list = NULL;
+-  if((sslver.min == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0)
+-      && (sslver.max == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0)
+-      && isTLSIntoleranceError(err)) {
+-    /* schedule reconnect through Curl_retry_request() */
+-    data->state.ssl_connect_retry = TRUE;
+-    infof(data, "Error in TLS handshake, trying SSLv3...\n");
+-    return CURLE_OK;
+-  }
++  /* switch the SSL socket into non-blocking mode */
++  rv = nss_set_nonblock(connssl, data);
++  if(rv)
++    return rv;
+-  return curlerr;
++  return CURLE_OK;
+ }
+ static ssize_t nss_send(struct connectdata *conn,  /* connection data */
+From b5132ce96009510656e5f719c8805647c246685b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:27:39 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] nss: implement non-blocking SSL handshake
+Upstream-commit: 8868a226cdad66a9a07d6e3f168884817592a1df
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c     | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ lib/nssg.h    |  1 +
+ lib/urldata.h |  1 +
+ 3 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 4d57a24..5be1058 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -1479,7 +1479,10 @@ static CURLcode nss_do_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   /* Force the handshake now */
+   timeout = PR_MillisecondsToInterval((PRUint32) time_left);
+   if(SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout(connssl->handle, timeout) != SECSuccess) {
+-    if(conn->data->set.ssl.certverifyresult == SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN)
++    if(PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR)
++      /* TODO: propagate the blocking direction from the NSPR layer */
++      return CURLE_AGAIN;
++    else if(conn->data->set.ssl.certverifyresult == SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN)
+     else if(conn->data->set.ssl.certverifyresult!=0)
+       curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CACERT;
+@@ -1517,32 +1520,68 @@ error:
+   return nss_fail_connect(connssl, data, curlerr);
+ }
+-CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
++static CURLcode nss_connect_common(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex,
++                                   bool *done)
+ {
+   struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = &conn->ssl[sockindex];
+   struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
++  const bool blocking = (done == NULL);
+   CURLcode rv;
+-  rv = nss_setup_connect(conn, sockindex);
+-  if(rv)
+-    return rv;
++  if(connssl->connecting_state == ssl_connect_1) {
++    rv = nss_setup_connect(conn, sockindex);
++    if(rv)
++      /* we do not expect CURLE_AGAIN from nss_setup_connect() */
++      return rv;
++    if(!blocking) {
++      /* in non-blocking mode, set NSS non-blocking mode before handshake */
++      rv = nss_set_nonblock(connssl, data);
++      if(rv)
++        return rv;
++    }
++    connssl->connecting_state = ssl_connect_2;
++  }
+   rv = nss_do_connect(conn, sockindex);
+   switch(rv) {
+   case CURLE_OK:
+     break;
++  case CURLE_AGAIN:
++    if(!blocking)
++      /* CURLE_AGAIN in non-blocking mode is not an error */
++      return CURLE_OK;
++    /* fall through */
+   default:
+     return rv;
+   }
+-  /* switch the SSL socket into non-blocking mode */
+-  rv = nss_set_nonblock(connssl, data);
+-  if(rv)
+-    return rv;
++  if(blocking) {
++    /* in blocking mode, set NSS non-blocking mode _after_ SSL handshake */
++    rv = nss_set_nonblock(connssl, data);
++    if(rv)
++      return rv;
++  }
++  else
++    /* signal completed SSL handshake */
++    *done = TRUE;
++  connssl->connecting_state = ssl_connect_done;
+   return CURLE_OK;
+ }
++CURLcode Curl_nss_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
++  return nss_connect_common(conn, sockindex, /* blocking */ NULL);
++CURLcode Curl_nss_connect_nonblocking(struct connectdata *conn,
++                                      int sockindex, bool *done)
++  return nss_connect_common(conn, sockindex, done);
+ static ssize_t nss_send(struct connectdata *conn,  /* connection data */
+                         int sockindex,             /* socketindex */
+                         const void *mem,           /* send this data */
+diff --git a/lib/nssg.h b/lib/nssg.h
+index a881a9a..6d9aea6 100644
+--- a/lib/nssg.h
++++ b/lib/nssg.h
+@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ void Curl_nss_md5sum(unsigned char *tmp, /* input */
+ #define curlssl_init Curl_nss_init
+ #define curlssl_cleanup Curl_nss_cleanup
+ #define curlssl_connect Curl_nss_connect
++#define curlssl_connect_nonblocking Curl_nss_connect_nonblocking
+ /* NSS has its own session ID cache */
+ #define curlssl_session_free(x) Curl_nop_stmt
+diff --git a/lib/urldata.h b/lib/urldata.h
+index e5d85ff..c91bcff 100644
+--- a/lib/urldata.h
++++ b/lib/urldata.h
+@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ struct ssl_connect_data {
+   struct SessionHandle *data;
+   struct curl_llist *obj_list;
+   PK11GenericObject *obj_clicert;
++  ssl_connect_state connecting_state;
+ #endif /* USE_NSS */
+ #ifdef USE_QSOSSL
+   SSLHandle *handle;
+From 2f1f1b1ca2d9c60c5fca5d73303ae2ec4c3d94b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:37:26 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] nss: propagate blocking direction from NSPR I/O
+... during the non-blocking SSL handshake
+Upstream-commit: 9c941e92c4bd3d2a5dbe243f7517b6a6029afc6e
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http.c |   2 +-
+ lib/nss.c  | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
+index d1b0405..c007226 100644
+--- a/lib/http.c
++++ b/lib/http.c
+@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ static CURLcode https_connecting(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
+ #endif
+ #if defined(USE_SSLEAY) || defined(USE_GNUTLS) || defined(USE_SCHANNEL) || \
+-    defined(USE_DARWINSSL)
++    defined(USE_DARWINSSL) || defined(USE_NSS)
+ /* This function is for OpenSSL, GnuTLS, darwinssl, and schannel only.
+    It should be made to query the generic SSL layer instead. */
+ static int https_getsock(struct connectdata *conn,
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 5be1058..dadeb58 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -179,6 +179,10 @@ static const cipher_s cipherlist[] = {
+ static const char* pem_library = "libnsspem.so";
+ SECMODModule* mod = NULL;
++/* NSPR I/O layer we use to detect blocking direction during SSL handshake */
++static PRDescIdentity nspr_io_identity = PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER;
++static PRIOMethods nspr_io_methods;
+ static const char* nss_error_to_name(PRErrorCode code)
+ {
+   const char *name = PR_ErrorToName(code);
+@@ -861,6 +865,60 @@ isTLSIntoleranceError(PRInt32 err)
+   }
+ }
++/* update blocking direction in case of PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR */
++static void nss_update_connecting_state(ssl_connect_state state, void *secret)
++  struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = (struct ssl_connect_data *)secret;
++  if(PR_GetError() != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR)
++    /* an unrelated error is passing by */
++    return;
++  switch(connssl->connecting_state) {
++  case ssl_connect_2:
++  case ssl_connect_2_reading:
++  case ssl_connect_2_writing:
++    break;
++  default:
++    /* we are not called from an SSL handshake */
++    return;
++  }
++  /* update the state accordingly */
++  connssl->connecting_state = state;
++/* recv() wrapper we use to detect blocking direction during SSL handshake */
++static PRInt32 nspr_io_recv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
++                            PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
++  const PRRecvFN recv_fn = fd->lower->methods->recv;
++  const PRInt32 rv = recv_fn(fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
++  if(rv < 0)
++    /* check for PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR and update blocking direction */
++    nss_update_connecting_state(ssl_connect_2_reading, fd->secret);
++  return rv;
++/* send() wrapper we use to detect blocking direction during SSL handshake */
++static PRInt32 nspr_io_send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
++                            PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
++  const PRSendFN send_fn = fd->lower->methods->send;
++  const PRInt32 rv = send_fn(fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
++  if(rv < 0)
++    /* check for PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR and update blocking direction */
++    nss_update_connecting_state(ssl_connect_2_writing, fd->secret);
++  return rv;
++/* close() wrapper to avoid assertion failure due to fd->secret != NULL */
++static PRStatus nspr_io_close(PRFileDesc *fd)
++  const PRCloseFN close_fn = PR_GetDefaultIOMethods()->close;
++  fd->secret = NULL;
++  return close_fn(fd);
+ static CURLcode nss_init_core(struct SessionHandle *data, const char *cert_dir)
+ {
+   NSSInitParameters initparams;
+@@ -925,6 +983,21 @@ static CURLcode nss_init(struct SessionHandle *data)
+     }
+   }
++  if(nspr_io_identity == PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER) {
++    /* allocate an identity for our own NSPR I/O layer */
++    nspr_io_identity = PR_GetUniqueIdentity("libcurl");
++    if(nspr_io_identity == PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER)
++      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
++    /* the default methods just call down to the lower I/O layer */
++    memcpy(&nspr_io_methods, PR_GetDefaultIOMethods(), sizeof nspr_io_methods);
++    /* override certain methods in the table by our wrappers */
++    nspr_io_methods.recv  = nspr_io_recv;
++    nspr_io_methods.send  = nspr_io_send;
++    nspr_io_methods.close = nspr_io_close;
++  }
+   rv = nss_init_core(data, cert_dir);
+   if(rv)
+     return rv;
+@@ -1273,6 +1346,8 @@ static CURLcode nss_set_nonblock(struct ssl_connect_data *connssl,
+ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+ {
+   PRFileDesc *model = NULL;
++  PRFileDesc *nspr_io = NULL;
++  PRFileDesc *nspr_io_stub = NULL;
+   PRBool ssl_no_cache;
+   PRBool ssl_cbc_random_iv;
+   struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
+@@ -1433,11 +1508,34 @@ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     goto error;
+   }
+-  /* Import our model socket  onto the existing file descriptor */
+-  connssl->handle = PR_ImportTCPSocket(sockfd);
+-  connssl->handle = SSL_ImportFD(model, connssl->handle);
+-  if(!connssl->handle)
++  /* wrap OS file descriptor by NSPR's file descriptor abstraction */
++  nspr_io = PR_ImportTCPSocket(sockfd);
++  if(!nspr_io)
++    goto error;
++  /* create our own NSPR I/O layer */
++  nspr_io_stub = PR_CreateIOLayerStub(nspr_io_identity, &nspr_io_methods);
++  if(!nspr_io_stub) {
++    PR_Close(nspr_io);
+     goto error;
++  }
++  /* make the per-connection data accessible from NSPR I/O callbacks */
++  nspr_io_stub->secret = (void *)connssl;
++  /* push our new layer to the NSPR I/O stack */
++  if(PR_PushIOLayer(nspr_io, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, nspr_io_stub) != PR_SUCCESS) {
++    PR_Close(nspr_io);
++    PR_Close(nspr_io_stub);
++    goto error;
++  }
++  /* import our model socket onto the current I/O stack */
++  connssl->handle = SSL_ImportFD(model, nspr_io);
++  if(!connssl->handle) {
++    PR_Close(nspr_io);
++    goto error;
++  }
+   PR_Close(model); /* We don't need this any more */
+   model = NULL;
+@@ -1480,7 +1578,7 @@ static CURLcode nss_do_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+   timeout = PR_MillisecondsToInterval((PRUint32) time_left);
+   if(SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout(connssl->handle, timeout) != SECSuccess) {
+     if(PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR)
+-      /* TODO: propagate the blocking direction from the NSPR layer */
++      /* blocking direction is updated by nss_update_connecting_state() */
+       return CURLE_AGAIN;
+     else if(conn->data->set.ssl.certverifyresult == SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN)
+From 813f39b34ecc2634aa8ff332709ddde9235f6891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:18:57 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] nss: reset SSL handshake state machine
+... when the handshake succeeds
+This fixes a connection failure when FTPS handle is reused.
+Upstream-commit: 0aecdf682895b42c25b232e91529f48bdf7738b3
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 17 +++++++++--------
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index dadeb58..36fa097 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -1360,9 +1360,6 @@ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0   /* max */
+   };
+-  if(connssl->state == ssl_connection_complete)
+-    return CURLE_OK;
+   connssl->data = data;
+   /* list of all NSS objects we need to destroy in Curl_nss_close() */
+@@ -1587,10 +1584,6 @@ static CURLcode nss_do_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     goto error;
+   }
+-  connssl->state = ssl_connection_complete;
+-  conn->recv[sockindex] = nss_recv;
+-  conn->send[sockindex] = nss_send;
+   display_conn_info(conn, connssl->handle);
+   if(data->set.str[STRING_SSL_ISSUERCERT]) {
+@@ -1626,6 +1619,9 @@ static CURLcode nss_connect_common(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex,
+   const bool blocking = (done == NULL);
+   CURLcode rv;
++  if(connssl->state == ssl_connection_complete)
++    return CURLE_OK;
+   if(connssl->connecting_state == ssl_connect_1) {
+     rv = nss_setup_connect(conn, sockindex);
+     if(rv)
+@@ -1665,7 +1661,12 @@ static CURLcode nss_connect_common(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex,
+     /* signal completed SSL handshake */
+     *done = TRUE;
+-  connssl->connecting_state = ssl_connect_done;
++  connssl->state = ssl_connection_complete;
++  conn->recv[sockindex] = nss_recv;
++  conn->send[sockindex] = nss_send;
++  /* ssl_connect_done is never used outside, go back to the initial state */
++  connssl->connecting_state = ssl_connect_1;
+   return CURLE_OK;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-curl-7.29.0-68f0166a.patch b/SOURCES/0024-curl-7.29.0-68f0166a.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c6d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0024-curl-7.29.0-68f0166a.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 8f10bf46681c17c7dfc9c9109c36d6e3564bd4ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 23:28:31 +0200
+Commit 517b06d657ace (in 7.36.0) that brought the CREDSPERREQUEST flag
+only set it for HTTPS, making HTTP less good at doing connection re-use
+than it should be. Now set it for HTTP as well.
+Simple test case
+"curl -v -u foo:bar localhost --next -u bar:foo localhos"
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2014-05/0127.html
+Reported-by: Kamil Dudka
+Upstream-commit: 68f0166a92cff3660993645e9ad278b26d295832
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
+index c007226..e2448bc 100644
+--- a/lib/http.c
++++ b/lib/http.c
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ const struct Curl_handler Curl_handler_http = {
+   ZERO_NULL,                            /* readwrite */
+   PORT_HTTP,                            /* defport */
+   CURLPROTO_HTTP,                       /* protocol */
+-  PROTOPT_NONE                          /* flags */
++  PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST               /* flags */
+ };
+ #ifdef USE_SSL
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-curl-7.29.0-3f430c9c.patch b/SOURCES/0025-curl-7.29.0-3f430c9c.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fdbde8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0025-curl-7.29.0-3f430c9c.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+From 7ab0810c977cec1135d9b5bd85b012ca9e6173cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:14:23 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] nss: drop the code for libcurl-level downgrade to SSLv3
+This code was already deactivated by commit
+Upstream-commit: 3f430c9c3a4e3748bc075b633a9324c5037c9fe7
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/nss.c | 52 ----------------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 52 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 36fa097..0691394 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -835,36 +835,6 @@ static SECStatus SelectClientCert(void *arg, PRFileDesc *sock,
+   return SECSuccess;
+ }
+-/* This function is supposed to decide, which error codes should be used
+- * to conclude server is TLS intolerant.
+- *
+- * taken from xulrunner - nsNSSIOLayer.cpp
+- */
+-static PRBool
+-isTLSIntoleranceError(PRInt32 err)
+-  switch (err) {
+-    return PR_TRUE;
+-  default:
+-    return PR_FALSE;
+-  }
+ /* update blocking direction in case of PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR */
+ static void nss_update_connecting_state(ssl_connect_state state, void *secret)
+ {
+@@ -1236,10 +1206,6 @@ static CURLcode nss_init_sslver(SSLVersionRange *sslver,
+   switch (data->set.ssl.version) {
+   default:
+-    if(data->state.ssl_connect_retry) {
+-      infof(data, "TLS disabled due to previous handshake failure\n");
+-      sslver->max = SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0;
+-    }
+     return CURLE_OK;
+@@ -1293,12 +1259,8 @@ static CURLcode nss_fail_connect(struct ssl_connect_data *connssl,
+                                  struct SessionHandle *data,
+                                  CURLcode curlerr)
+ {
+-  SSLVersionRange sslver;
+   PRErrorCode err = 0;
+-  /* reset the flag to avoid an infinite loop */
+-  data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
+   if(is_nss_error(curlerr)) {
+     /* read NSPR error code */
+     err = PR_GetError();
+@@ -1315,17 +1277,6 @@ static CURLcode nss_fail_connect(struct ssl_connect_data *connssl,
+   /* cleanup on connection failure */
+   Curl_llist_destroy(connssl->obj_list, NULL);
+   connssl->obj_list = NULL;
+-  if((SSL_VersionRangeGet(connssl->handle, &sslver) == SECSuccess)
+-      && (sslver.min == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0)
+-      && (sslver.max == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0)
+-      && isTLSIntoleranceError(err)) {
+-    /* schedule reconnect through Curl_retry_request() */
+-    data->state.ssl_connect_retry = TRUE;
+-    infof(data, "Error in TLS handshake, trying SSLv3...\n");
+-    return CURLE_OK;
+-  }
+   return curlerr;
+ }
+@@ -1434,9 +1385,6 @@ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     infof(data, "warning: support for SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV not compiled in\n");
+ #endif
+-  /* reset the flag to avoid an infinite loop */
+-  data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
+   if(data->set.ssl.cipher_list) {
+     if(set_ciphers(data, model, data->set.ssl.cipher_list) != SECSuccess) {
+       curlerr = CURLE_SSL_CIPHER;
+From e21cf86258c3cc2042dfb531cbf94ce2f5405d8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:24:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] transfer: drop the code handling the ssl_connect_retry
+ flag
+Its last use has been removed by the previous commit.
+Upstream-commit: 276741af4ddebe0cc0d446712fb8dfdf0c140e7b
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/transfer.c | 12 ++++--------
+ lib/urldata.h  |  3 ---
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/transfer.c b/lib/transfer.c
+index 330b37a..dff6838 100644
+--- a/lib/transfer.c
++++ b/lib/transfer.c
+@@ -1269,8 +1269,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_pretransfer(struct SessionHandle *data)
+   data->state.errorbuf = FALSE; /* no error has occurred */
+   data->state.httpversion = 0; /* don't assume any particular server version */
+-  data->state.ssl_connect_retry = FALSE;
+   data->state.authproblem = FALSE;
+   data->state.authhost.want = data->set.httpauth;
+   data->state.authproxy.want = data->set.proxyauth;
+@@ -1848,12 +1846,10 @@ CURLcode Curl_retry_request(struct connectdata *conn,
+      !(conn->handler->protocol&(CURLPROTO_HTTP|CURLPROTO_RTSP)))
+     return CURLE_OK;
+-  if(/* workaround for broken TLS servers */ data->state.ssl_connect_retry ||
+-      ((data->req.bytecount +
+-        data->req.headerbytecount == 0) &&
+-        conn->bits.reuse &&
+-        !data->set.opt_no_body &&
+-        data->set.rtspreq != RTSPREQ_RECEIVE)) {
++  if((data->req.bytecount + data->req.headerbytecount == 0) &&
++      conn->bits.reuse &&
++      !data->set.opt_no_body &&
++      (data->set.rtspreq != RTSPREQ_RECEIVE)) {
+     /* We got no data, we attempted to re-use a connection and yet we want a
+        "body". This might happen if the connection was left alive when we were
+        done using it before, but that was closed when we wanted to read from
+diff --git a/lib/urldata.h b/lib/urldata.h
+index c91bcff..04f590d 100644
+--- a/lib/urldata.h
++++ b/lib/urldata.h
+@@ -1288,9 +1288,6 @@ struct UrlState {
+   } proto;
+   /* current user of this SessionHandle instance, or NULL */
+   struct connectdata *current_conn;
+-  /* if true, force SSL connection retry (workaround for certain servers) */
+-  bool ssl_connect_retry;
+ };
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-curl-7.29.0-bc6037ed.patch b/SOURCES/0026-curl-7.29.0-bc6037ed.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dde385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0026-curl-7.29.0-bc6037ed.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From ea3f4adb3c2b10cfb6b7720a3325cb81569a60a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Martin Jansen <martin@divbyzero.net>
+Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 21:20:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Curl_proxyCONNECT: count received headers
+Proxy servers tend to add their own headers at the beginning of
+responses. The size of these headers was not taken into account by
+CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE before this change.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/bug/view.cgi?id=1204
+Upstream-commit: bc6037ed3ec029b9f1372f708521fcada4a74af7
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http_proxy.c | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/lib/http_proxy.c b/lib/http_proxy.c
+index 4f17ce2..c2eb667 100644
+--- a/lib/http_proxy.c
++++ b/lib/http_proxy.c
+@@ -356,6 +356,10 @@ CURLcode Curl_proxyCONNECT(struct connectdata *conn,
+                   result = Curl_client_write(conn, writetype, line_start,
+                                              perline);
++                  data->info.header_size += (long)perline;
++                  data->req.headerbytecount += (long)perline;
+                   if(result)
+                     return result;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0027-curl-7.29.0-63a0bd42.patch b/SOURCES/0027-curl-7.29.0-63a0bd42.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7be0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0027-curl-7.29.0-63a0bd42.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+From 2ac0f436a3ed216d3fc634592d302c6b8efe25d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Frank Meier <frank.meier@ergon.ch>
+Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:54:41 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] NTLM: ignore CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE during NTLM HTTP auth
+Problem: if CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE is set, requests using NTLM failed
+since NTLM requires multiple requests that re-use the same connection
+for the authentication to work
+Solution: Ignore the forbid reuse flag in case the NTLM authentication
+handshake is in progress, according to the NTLM state flag.
+Fixed known bug #77.
+Upstream-commit: 63a0bd4270decef04e64fbe497b42f2c9e26c62b
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ docs/KNOWN_BUGS | 4 ----
+ lib/url.c       | 7 +++++--
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/docs/KNOWN_BUGS b/docs/KNOWN_BUGS
+index d363827..170987e 100644
+--- a/docs/KNOWN_BUGS
++++ b/docs/KNOWN_BUGS
+@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ may have been fixed since this was written!
+   any file at all. Like when using FTP.
+   http://curl.haxx.se/bug/view.cgi?id=3438362
+-77. CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE on a handle prevents NTLM from working since it
+-  "abuses" the underlying connection re-use system and if connections are
+-  forced to close they break the NTLM support.
+ 76. The SOCKET type in Win64 is 64 bits large (and thus so is curl_socket_t on
+   that platform), and long is only 32 bits. It makes it impossible for
+   curl_easy_getinfo() to return a socket properly with the CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index de8e153..5fcef89 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -5252,7 +5252,8 @@ CURLcode Curl_done(struct connectdata **connp,
+   }
+   /* if data->set.reuse_forbid is TRUE, it means the libcurl client has
+-     forced us to close this no matter what we think.
++     forced us to close this connection. This is ignored for requests taking
++     place in a NTLM authentication handshake
+      if conn->bits.close is TRUE, it means that the connection should be
+      closed in spite of all our efforts to be nice, due to protocol
+@@ -5267,7 +5268,9 @@ CURLcode Curl_done(struct connectdata **connp,
+      connection_id == -1 here means that the connection has not been added
+      to the connection cache (OOM) and thus we must disconnect it here.
+   */
+-  if(data->set.reuse_forbid || conn->bits.close || premature ||
++  if((data->set.reuse_forbid && !(conn->ntlm.state == NTLMSTATE_TYPE2 ||
++                                  conn->proxyntlm.state == NTLMSTATE_TYPE2))
++     || conn->bits.close || premature ||
+      (-1 == conn->connection_id)) {
+     CURLcode res2 = Curl_disconnect(conn, premature); /* close connection */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0028-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3613.patch b/SOURCES/0028-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3613.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1973f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0028-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3613.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+From 4ce37d79704623778fbe266397c85ed2b735e4dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 14:18:16 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/7] HTTP proxy: insert slash in URL if missing
+curl has been accepting URLs using slightly wrong syntax for a long
+time, such as when completely missing as slash "http://example.org" or
+missing a slash when a query part is given
+curl would translate these into a legitimate HTTP request to servers,
+although as was shown in bug #1206 it was not adjusted properly in the
+cases where a HTTP proxy was used.
+Test 1213 and 1214 were added to the test suite to verify this fix.
+The test HTTP server was adjusted to allow us to specify test number in
+the host name only without using any slashes in a given URL.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/bug/view.cgi?id=1206
+Reported by: ScottJi
+Upstream-commit: e4b733e3f1a771bd1017cdcfb355fcb9caffe646
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/url.c              | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/FILEFORMAT       |  4 ++++
+ tests/data/Makefile.am |  2 +-
+ tests/data/Makefile.in |  2 +-
+ tests/data/test1213    | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/data/test1214    | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/server/sws.c     | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 7 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test1213
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test1214
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index 181f0a4..77549ba 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -3584,6 +3584,7 @@ static CURLcode parseurlandfillconn(struct SessionHandle *data,
+   char protobuf[16];
+   const char *protop;
+   CURLcode result;
++  bool fix_slash = FALSE;
+   *prot_missing = FALSE;
+@@ -3730,12 +3731,14 @@ static CURLcode parseurlandfillconn(struct SessionHandle *data,
+     memcpy(path+1, query, hostlen);
+     path[0]='/'; /* prepend the missing slash */
++    fix_slash = TRUE;
+     *query=0; /* now cut off the hostname at the ? */
+   }
+   else if(!path[0]) {
+     /* if there's no path set, use a single slash */
+     strcpy(path, "/");
++    fix_slash = TRUE;
+   }
+   /* If the URL is malformatted (missing a '/' after hostname before path) we
+@@ -3748,6 +3751,41 @@ static CURLcode parseurlandfillconn(struct SessionHandle *data,
+        is bigger than the path. Use +1 to move the zero byte too. */
+     memmove(&path[1], path, strlen(path)+1);
+     path[0] = '/';
++    fix_slash = TRUE;
++  }
++  /*
++   * "fix_slash" means that the URL was malformatted so we need to generate an
++   * updated version with the new slash inserted at the right place!  We need
++   * the corrected URL when communicating over HTTP proxy and we don't know at
++   * this point if we're using a proxy or not.
++   */
++  if(fix_slash) {
++    char *reurl;
++    size_t plen = strlen(path); /* new path, should be 1 byte longer than
++                                   the original */
++    size_t urllen = strlen(data->change.url); /* original URL length */
++    reurl = malloc(urllen + 2); /* 2 for zerobyte + slash */
++    if(!reurl)
++      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
++    /* copy the prefix */
++    memcpy(reurl, data->change.url, urllen - (plen-1));
++    /* append the trailing piece + zerobyte */
++    memcpy(&reurl[urllen - (plen-1)], path, plen + 1);
++    /* possible free the old one */
++    if(data->change.url_alloc) {
++      Curl_safefree(data->change.url);
++      data->change.url_alloc = FALSE;
++    }
++    data->change.url = reurl;
++    data->change.url_alloc = TRUE; /* free this later */
+   }
+   /*************************************************************
+diff --git a/tests/FILEFORMAT b/tests/FILEFORMAT
+index d79cbf7..96cd5c8 100644
+--- a/tests/FILEFORMAT
++++ b/tests/FILEFORMAT
+@@ -250,6 +250,10 @@ If a CONNECT is used to the server (to emulate HTTPS etc over proxy), the port
+ number given in the CONNECT request will be used to identify which test that
+ is being run, if the proxy host name is said to start with 'test'.
++If there's no non-zero test number found in the above to places, the HTTP test
++server will use the number following the last dot in the given url so that
++"foo.bar.123" gets treated as test case 123.
+ Set type="perl" to write the test case as a perl script. It implies that
+ there's no memory debugging and valgrind gets shut off for this test.
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.am b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+index 4e37ed9..5e12f62 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ test1110 test1111 test1112 test1113 test1114 test1115 test1116 test1117	\
+ test1118 test1119 test1120 test1121 test1122 test1123 test1124 test1125	\
+ test1126 test1127 test1128 test1129 test1130 test1131 test1132 test1133 \
+ test1200 test1201 test1202 test1203 test1204 test1205 test1206 test1207 \
+-test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1216 test1218 \
++test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1213 test1214 test1216 test1218 \
+ test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 test1233 \
+ test1300 test1301 test1302 test1303 test1304 test1305	\
+ test1306 test1307 test1308 test1309 test1310 test1311 test1312 test1313 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.in b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+index d7f9ac2..597c1fb 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.in
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ test1110 test1111 test1112 test1113 test1114 test1115 test1116 test1117	\
+ test1118 test1119 test1120 test1121 test1122 test1123 test1124 test1125	\
+ test1126 test1127 test1128 test1129 test1130 test1131 test1132 test1133 \
+ test1200 test1201 test1202 test1203 test1204 test1205 test1206 test1207 \
+-test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1216 test1218 \
++test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1213 test1214 test1216 test1218 \
+ test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 \
+ test1300 test1301 test1302 test1303 test1304 test1305	\
+ test1306 test1307 test1308 test1309 test1310 test1311 test1312 test1313 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1213 b/tests/data/test1213
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d0d12b4
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test1213
+@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
++HTTP proxy
++# Server-side
++HTTP/1.1 200 OK
++Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
++Server: test-server/fake
++Content-Type: text/html
++Funny-head: yesyes
++Content-Length: 22
++the content goes here
++# Client-side
++ <name>
++HTTP with proxy and host-only URL
++ </name>
++# the thing here is that this sloppy form is accepted and we convert it
++# for normal server use, and we need to make sure it gets converted to
++# RFC style even for proxies
++ <command>
++-x %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT we.want.that.site.com.1213
++# Verify data after the test has been "shot"
++GET HTTP://we.want.that.site.com.1213/ HTTP/1.1
++Host: we.want.that.site.com.1213
++Accept: */*
++Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1214 b/tests/data/test1214
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8c36ade
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test1214
+@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
++HTTP proxy
++# Server-side
++HTTP/1.1 200 OK
++Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
++Server: test-server/fake
++Content-Type: text/html
++Funny-head: yesyes
++Content-Length: 22
++the content goes here
++# Client-side
++ <name>
++HTTP with proxy and URL with ? and no slash separator
++ </name>
++# the thing here is that this sloppy form is accepted and we convert it
++# for normal server use, and we need to make sure it gets converted to
++# RFC style even for proxies
++ <command>
++-x %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT http://we.want.that.site.com.1214?moo=foo
++# Verify data after the test has been "shot"
++GET http://we.want.that.site.com.1214/?moo=foo HTTP/1.1
++Host: we.want.that.site.com.1214
++Accept: */*
++Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
+diff --git a/tests/server/sws.c b/tests/server/sws.c
+index a7de09f..aef55ea 100644
+--- a/tests/server/sws.c
++++ b/tests/server/sws.c
+@@ -507,15 +507,24 @@ static int ProcessRequest(struct httprequest *req)
+       else
+         req->partno = 0;
+-      sprintf(logbuf, "Requested test number %ld part %ld",
+-              req->testno, req->partno);
+-      logmsg("%s", logbuf);
++      if(req->testno) {
++        sprintf(logbuf, "Requested test number %ld part %ld",
++                req->testno, req->partno);
++        logmsg("%s", logbuf);
+-      /* find and parse <servercmd> for this test */
+-      parse_servercmd(req);
++        /* find and parse <servercmd> for this test */
++        parse_servercmd(req);
++      }
++      else
++        req->testno = DOCNUMBER_NOTHING;
+     }
+-    else {
++    if(req->testno == DOCNUMBER_NOTHING) {
++      /* didn't find any in the first scan, try alternative test case
++         number placements */
+       if(sscanf(req->reqbuf, "CONNECT %" MAXDOCNAMELEN_TXT "s HTTP/%d.%d",
+                 doc, &prot_major, &prot_minor) == 3) {
+         char *portp = NULL;
+@@ -563,8 +572,39 @@ static int ProcessRequest(struct httprequest *req)
+         parse_servercmd(req);
+       }
+       else {
+-        logmsg("Did not find test number in PATH");
+-        req->testno = DOCNUMBER_404;
++        /* there was no trailing slash and it wasn't CONNECT, then we get the
++           the number off the last dot instead, IE we consider the TLD to be
++           the test number. Test 123 can then be written as
++           "example.com.123". */
++        /* find the last dot */
++        ptr = strrchr(doc, '.');
++        /* get the number after it */
++        if(ptr) {
++          ptr++; /* skip the dot */
++          req->testno = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10);
++          if(req->testno > 10000) {
++            req->partno = req->testno % 10000;
++            req->testno /= 10000;
++          }
++          else
++            req->partno = 0;
++          sprintf(logbuf, "Requested test number %ld part %ld (from host name)",
++                  req->testno, req->partno);
++          logmsg("%s", logbuf);
++        }
++        if(!req->testno) {
++          logmsg("Did not find test number in PATH");
++          req->testno = DOCNUMBER_404;
++        }
++        else
++          parse_servercmd(req);
+       }
+     }
+   }
+From 052143a4aaac9ce91ffdb6ae88eb5888c54d66aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: YAMADA Yasuharu <yasuharu.yamada@access-company.com>
+Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 22:51:31 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/7] cookies: only consider full path matches
+I found a bug which cURL sends cookies to the path not to aim at.
+For example:
+- cURL sends a request to http://example.fake/hoge/
+- server returns cookie which with path=/hoge;
+  the point is there is NOT the '/' end of path string.
+- cURL sends a request to http://example.fake/hogege/ with the cookie.
+The reason for this old "feature" is because that behavior is what is
+described in the original netscape cookie spec:
+The current cookie spec (RFC6265) clarifies the situation:
+Upstream-commit: 04f52e9b4db01bcbf672c9c69303a4e4ad0d0fb9
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/cookie.c           | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ tests/data/Makefile.am |  2 +-
+ tests/data/Makefile.in |  2 +-
+ tests/data/test1228    | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/data/test46      |  8 ++++----
+ tests/data/test8       |  2 +-
+ 6 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test1228
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index ac4d89c..a4480c0 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -143,6 +143,34 @@ static bool tailmatch(const char *cooke_domain, const char *hostname)
+   return FALSE;
+ }
++static bool pathmatch(const char* cookie_path, const char* url_path)
++  size_t cookie_path_len = strlen(cookie_path);
++  size_t url_path_len = strlen(url_path);
++  if(url_path_len < cookie_path_len)
++    return FALSE;
++  /* not using checkprefix() because matching should be case-sensitive */
++  if(strncmp(cookie_path, url_path, cookie_path_len))
++    return FALSE;
++  /* it is true if cookie_path and url_path are the same */
++  if(cookie_path_len == url_path_len)
++    return TRUE;
++  /* here, cookie_path_len < url_path_len */
++  /* it is false if cookie path is /example and url path is /examples */
++  if(cookie_path[cookie_path_len - 1] != '/') {
++    if(url_path[cookie_path_len] != '/') {
++      return FALSE;
++    }
++  }
++  /* matching! */
++  return TRUE;
+ /*
+  * Load cookies from all given cookie files (CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE).
+  */
+@@ -841,10 +869,7 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+         /* now check the left part of the path with the cookies path
+            requirement */
+-        if(!co->path ||
+-           /* not using checkprefix() because matching should be
+-              case-sensitive */
+-           !strncmp(co->path, path, strlen(co->path)) ) {
++        if(!co->path || pathmatch(co->path, path) ) {
+           /* and now, we know this is a match and we should create an
+              entry for the return-linked-list */
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.am b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+index 4e37ed9..64662c6 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test1118 test1119 test1120 test1121 test1122 test1123 test1124 test1125	\
+ test1126 test1127 test1128 test1129 test1130 test1131 test1132 test1133 \
+ test1200 test1201 test1202 test1203 test1204 test1205 test1206 test1207 \
+ test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1213 test1214 test1216 test1218 \
+-test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 test1233 \
++test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 test1233 test1236 \
+ test1300 test1301 test1302 test1303 test1304 test1305	\
+ test1306 test1307 test1308 test1309 test1310 test1311 test1312 test1313 \
+ test1314 test1315 test1316 test1317 test1318 test1319 test1320 test1321 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.in b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+index 1e6d679..5296c09 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.in
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ test1118 test1119 test1120 test1121 test1122 test1123 test1124 test1125	\
+ test1126 test1127 test1128 test1129 test1130 test1131 test1132 test1133 \
+ test1200 test1201 test1202 test1203 test1204 test1205 test1206 test1207 \
+ test1208 test1209 test1210 test1211 test1213 test1214 test1216 test1218 \
+-test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 \
++test1220 test1221 test1222 test1223 test1233 test1236 \
+ test1300 test1301 test1302 test1303 test1304 test1305	\
+ test1306 test1307 test1308 test1309 test1310 test1311 test1312 test1313 \
+ test1314 test1315 test1316 test1317 test1318 test1319 test1320 test1321 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1228 b/tests/data/test1228
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0a76b87
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test1228
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++cookie path
++HTTP/1.1 200 OK
++Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:37:44 GMT
++Set-Cookie: path1=root; domain=.example.fake; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: path2=depth1; domain=.example.fake; path=/hoge;
++Content-Length: 34
++This server says cookie path test
++# Client-side
++ <name>
++HTTP cookie path match
++ </name>
++ <command>
++http://example.fake/hoge/1228 http://example.fake/hogege/ -b nonexisting -x %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT
++# Verify data after the test has been "shot"
++GET http://example.fake/hoge/1228 HTTP/1.1
++Host: example.fake
++Accept: */*
++Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
++GET http://example.fake/hogege/ HTTP/1.1
++Host: example.fake
++Accept: */*
++Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
++Cookie: path1=root
+diff --git a/tests/data/test46 b/tests/data/test46
+index f73acde..b6f8f83 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test46
++++ b/tests/data/test46
+@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ TZ=GMT
+ www.fake.come	FALSE	/	FALSE	1022144953	cookiecliente	si
+ www.loser.com	FALSE	/	FALSE	1139150993	UID	99
+ %HOSTIP	FALSE	/	FALSE	1439150993	mooo	indeed
+-#HttpOnly_%HOSTIP	FALSE	/w	FALSE	1439150993	mooo2	indeed2
+-%HOSTIP	FALSE	/wa	FALSE	0	empty	
++#HttpOnly_%HOSTIP	FALSE	/want	FALSE	1439150993	mooo2	indeed2
++%HOSTIP	FALSE	/want	FALSE	0	empty	
+ </file>
+ </client>
+@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ Cookie: empty=; mooo2=indeed2; mooo=indeed
+ www.fake.come	FALSE	/	FALSE	1022144953	cookiecliente	si
+ www.loser.com	FALSE	/	FALSE	1139150993	UID	99
+ %HOSTIP	FALSE	/	FALSE	1439150993	mooo	indeed
+-#HttpOnly_%HOSTIP	FALSE	/w	FALSE	1439150993	mooo2	indeed2
+-%HOSTIP	FALSE	/wa	FALSE	0	empty	
++#HttpOnly_%HOSTIP	FALSE	/want	FALSE	1439150993	mooo2	indeed2
++%HOSTIP	FALSE	/want	FALSE	0	empty	
+ %HOSTIP	FALSE	/	FALSE	2054030187	ckyPersistent	permanent
+ %HOSTIP	FALSE	/	FALSE	0	ckySession	temporary
+diff --git a/tests/data/test8 b/tests/data/test8
+index c36408a..4d54541 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test8
++++ b/tests/data/test8
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ perl -e 'if ("%HOSTIP" !~ /\.0\.0\.1$/) {print "Test only works for HOSTIPs endi
+ GET /we/want/8 HTTP/1.1
+ Accept: */*
+-Cookie: cookie=perhaps; cookie=yes; partmatch=present; foobar=name; blexp=yesyes
++Cookie: cookie=perhaps; cookie=yes; foobar=name; blexp=yesyes
+ </protocol>
+ </verify>
+From 847085920706380e75f8cb23f2a161cdcdfcb384 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: YAMADA Yasuharu <yasuharu.yamada@access-company.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 11:19:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/7] cookies: follow-up fix for path checking
+The initial fix to only compare full path names were done in commit
+04f52e9b4db0 but found out to be incomplete. This takes should make the
+change more complete and there's now two additional tests to verify
+(test 31 and 62).
+Upstream-commit: f24dc09d209a2f91ca38d854f0c15ad93f3d7e2d
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/cookie.c      | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ lib/cookie.h      |   3 +-
+ tests/data/test31 |   3 ++
+ 3 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index a4480c0..1d226cf 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ static void freecookie(struct Cookie *co)
+     free(co->domain);
+   if(co->path)
+     free(co->path);
++  if(co->spath)
++    free(co->spath);
+   if(co->name)
+     free(co->name);
+   if(co->value)
+@@ -143,32 +145,114 @@ static bool tailmatch(const char *cooke_domain, const char *hostname)
+   return FALSE;
+ }
+-static bool pathmatch(const char* cookie_path, const char* url_path)
++ * matching cookie path and url path
++ * RFC6265 5.1.4 Paths and Path-Match
++ */
++static bool pathmatch(const char* cookie_path, const char* request_uri)
+ {
+-  size_t cookie_path_len = strlen(cookie_path);
+-  size_t url_path_len = strlen(url_path);
++  size_t cookie_path_len;
++  size_t uri_path_len;
++  char* uri_path = NULL;
++  char* pos;
++  bool ret = FALSE;
++  /* cookie_path must not have last '/' separator. ex: /sample */
++  cookie_path_len = strlen(cookie_path);
++  if(1 == cookie_path_len) {
++    /* cookie_path must be '/' */
++    return TRUE;
++  }
+-  if(url_path_len < cookie_path_len)
++  uri_path = strdup(request_uri);
++  if(!uri_path)
+     return FALSE;
++  pos = strchr(uri_path, '?');
++  if(pos)
++    *pos = 0x0;
++  /* #-fragments are already cut off! */
++  if(0 == strlen(uri_path) || uri_path[0] != '/') {
++    free(uri_path);
++    uri_path = strdup("/");
++    if(!uri_path)
++      return FALSE;
++  }
++  /* here, RFC6265 5.1.4 says
++     4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up
++        to, but not including, the right-most %x2F ("/").
++     but URL path /hoge?fuga=xxx means /hoge/index.cgi?fuga=xxx in some site
++     without redirect.
++     Ignore this algorithm because /hoge is uri path for this case
++     (uri path is not /).
++   */
++  uri_path_len = strlen(uri_path);
++  if(uri_path_len < cookie_path_len) {
++    ret = FALSE;
++    goto pathmatched;
++  }
+   /* not using checkprefix() because matching should be case-sensitive */
+-  if(strncmp(cookie_path, url_path, cookie_path_len))
+-    return FALSE;
++  if(strncmp(cookie_path, uri_path, cookie_path_len)) {
++    ret = FALSE;
++    goto pathmatched;
++  }
+-  /* it is true if cookie_path and url_path are the same */
+-  if(cookie_path_len == url_path_len)
+-    return TRUE;
++  /* The cookie-path and the uri-path are identical. */
++  if(cookie_path_len == uri_path_len) {
++    ret = TRUE;
++    goto pathmatched;
++  }
+   /* here, cookie_path_len < url_path_len */
++  if(uri_path[cookie_path_len] == '/') {
++    ret = TRUE;
++    goto pathmatched;
++  }
+-  /* it is false if cookie path is /example and url path is /examples */
+-  if(cookie_path[cookie_path_len - 1] != '/') {
+-    if(url_path[cookie_path_len] != '/') {
+-      return FALSE;
+-    }
++  ret = FALSE;
++  free(uri_path);
++  return ret;
++ * cookie path sanitize
++ */
++static char *sanitize_cookie_path(const char *cookie_path)
++  size_t len;
++  char *new_path = strdup(cookie_path);
++  if(!new_path)
++    return NULL;
++  /* some stupid site sends path attribute with '"'. */
++  if(new_path[0] == '\"') {
++    memmove((void *)new_path, (const void *)(new_path + 1), strlen(new_path));
++  }
++  if(new_path[strlen(new_path) - 1] == '\"') {
++    new_path[strlen(new_path) - 1] = 0x0;
++  }
++  /* RFC6265 5.2.4 The Path Attribute */
++  if(new_path[0] != '/') {
++    /* Let cookie-path be the default-path. */
++    free(new_path);
++    new_path = strdup("/");
++    return new_path;
++  }
++  /* convert /hoge/ to /hoge */
++  len = strlen(new_path);
++  if(1 < len && new_path[len - 1] == '/') {
++    new_path[len - 1] = 0x0;
+   }
+-  /* matching! */
+-  return TRUE;
++  return new_path;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -316,6 +400,11 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+             badcookie = TRUE; /* out of memory bad */
+             break;
+           }
++          co->spath = sanitize_cookie_path(co->path);
++          if(!co->spath) {
++            badcookie = TRUE; /* out of memory bad */
++            break;
++          }
+         }
+         else if(Curl_raw_equal("domain", name)) {
+           /* note that this name may or may not have a preceding dot, but
+@@ -489,6 +578,9 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+         if(co->path) {
+           memcpy(co->path, path, pathlen);
+           co->path[pathlen]=0; /* zero terminate */
++          co->spath = sanitize_cookie_path(co->path);
++          if(!co->spath)
++            badcookie = TRUE; /* out of memory bad */
+         }
+         else
+           badcookie = TRUE;
+@@ -580,12 +672,21 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+           co->path = strdup(ptr);
+           if(!co->path)
+             badcookie = TRUE;
++          else {
++            co->spath = sanitize_cookie_path(co->path);
++            if(!co->spath) {
++              badcookie = TRUE; /* out of memory bad */
++            }
++          }
+           break;
+         }
+         /* this doesn't look like a path, make one up! */
+         co->path = strdup("/");
+         if(!co->path)
+           badcookie = TRUE;
++        co->spath = strdup("/");
++        if(!co->spath)
++          badcookie = TRUE;
+         fields++; /* add a field and fall down to secure */
+         /* FALLTHROUGH */
+       case 3:
+@@ -656,14 +757,14 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+       if(replace_old) {
+         /* the domains were identical */
+-        if(clist->path && co->path) {
+-          if(Curl_raw_equal(clist->path, co->path)) {
++        if(clist->spath && co->spath) {
++          if(Curl_raw_equal(clist->spath, co->spath)) {
+             replace_old = TRUE;
+           }
+           else
+             replace_old = FALSE;
+         }
+-        else if(!clist->path && !co->path)
++        else if(!clist->spath && !co->spath)
+           replace_old = TRUE;
+         else
+           replace_old = FALSE;
+@@ -692,6 +793,8 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+           free(clist->domain);
+         if(clist->path)
+           free(clist->path);
++        if(clist->spath)
++          free(clist->spath);
+         if(clist->expirestr)
+           free(clist->expirestr);
+@@ -869,7 +972,7 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+         /* now check the left part of the path with the cookies path
+            requirement */
+-        if(!co->path || pathmatch(co->path, path) ) {
++        if(!co->spath || pathmatch(co->spath, path) ) {
+           /* and now, we know this is a match and we should create an
+              entry for the return-linked-list */
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.h b/lib/cookie.h
+index d3b63f7..bd89082 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.h
++++ b/lib/cookie.h
+@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ struct Cookie {
+   struct Cookie *next; /* next in the chain */
+   char *name;        /* <this> = value */
+   char *value;       /* name = <this> */
+-  char *path;         /* path = <this> */
++  char *path;         /* path = <this> which is in Set-Cookie: */
++  char *spath;        /* sanitized cookie path */
+   char *domain;      /* domain = <this> */
+   curl_off_t expires;  /* expires = <this> */
+   char *expirestr;   /* the plain text version */
+diff --git a/tests/data/test31 b/tests/data/test31
+index b1171d8..38af83b 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test31
++++ b/tests/data/test31
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Content-Type: text/html
+ Funny-head: yesyes
+ Set-Cookie: foobar=name; domain=anything.com; path=/ ; secure
+ Set-Cookie:ismatch=this  ; domain=; path=/silly/
++Set-Cookie: overwrite=this  ; domain=; path=/overwrite/
++Set-Cookie: overwrite=this2  ; domain=; path=/overwrite
+ Set-Cookie: sec1value=secure1  ; domain=; path=/secure1/ ; secure
+ Set-Cookie: sec2value=secure2  ; domain=; path=/secure2/ ; secure=
+ Set-Cookie: sec3value=secure3  ; domain=; path=/secure3/ ; secure=
+@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ Accept: */*
+ # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
+ .	TRUE	/silly/	FALSE	0	ismatch	this
++.	TRUE	/overwrite	FALSE	0	overwrite	this2
+ .	TRUE	/secure1/	TRUE	0	sec1value	secure1
+ .	TRUE	/secure2/	TRUE	0	sec2value	secure2
+ .	TRUE	/secure3/	TRUE	0	sec3value	secure3
+From ffe02d8f3950b5fcf0470890a112125327606f35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: YAMADA Yasuharu <yasuharu.yamada@access-company.com>
+Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:51:22 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 4/7] cookies: add expiration
+Implement: Expired Cookies These following situation, curl removes
+cookie(s) from struct CookieInfo if the cookie expired.
+ - Curl_cookie_add()
+ - Curl_cookie_getlist()
+ - cookie_output()
+Upstream-commit: 4cfbb201c4f823ba31ba4b895044088fba6ae535
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/cookie.c           | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/data/Makefile.am |  2 +-
+ tests/data/Makefile.in |  2 +-
+ tests/data/test1415    | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test1415
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index 1d226cf..0ca0829 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -289,6 +289,34 @@ static void strstore(char **str, const char *newstr)
+   *str = strdup(newstr);
+ }
++ * remove_expired() removes expired cookies.
++ */
++static void remove_expired(struct CookieInfo *cookies)
++  struct Cookie *co, *nx, *pv;
++  curl_off_t now = (curl_off_t)time(NULL);
++  co = cookies->cookies;
++  pv = NULL;
++  while(co) {
++    nx = co->next;
++    if((co->expirestr || co->maxage) && co->expires < now) {
++      if(co == cookies->cookies) {
++        cookies->cookies = co->next;
++      }
++      else {
++        pv->next = co->next;
++      }
++      cookies->numcookies--;
++      freecookie(co);
++    }
++    else {
++      pv = co;
++    }
++    co = nx;
++  }
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+@@ -740,6 +768,9 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+      superceeds an already existing cookie, which it may if the previous have
+      the same domain and path as this */
++  /* at first, remove expired cookies */
++  remove_expired(c);
+   clist = c->cookies;
+   replace_old = FALSE;
+   while(clist) {
+@@ -954,6 +985,9 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+   if(!c || !c->cookies)
+     return NULL; /* no cookie struct or no cookies in the struct */
++  /* at first, remove expired cookies */
++  remove_expired(c);
+   co = c->cookies;
+   while(co) {
+@@ -1196,6 +1230,9 @@ static int cookie_output(struct CookieInfo *c, const char *dumphere)
+        destination file */
+     return 0;
++  /* at first, remove expired cookies */
++  remove_expired(c);
+   if(strequal("-", dumphere)) {
+     /* use stdout */
+     out = stdout;
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.am b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+index 64662c6..f34268c 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ test1371 test1372 test1373 test1374 test1375 test1376 test1377 test1378 \
+ test1379 test1380 test1381 test1382 test1383 test1384 test1385 test1386 \
+ test1387 test1388 test1389 test1390 test1391 test1392 test1393 \
+ test1400 test1401 test1402 test1403 test1404 test1405 test1406 test1407 \
+-test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 \
++test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 test1415 \
+ test1500 test1501 test1502 test1503 test1504 test1505 test1506 test1507 \
+ test1508 \
+ test2000 test2001 test2002 test2003 test2004 test2005 test2006 test2007 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.in b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+index 791fa1e..cd2c322 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.in
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ test1371 test1372 test1373 test1374 test1375 test1376 test1377 test1378 \
+ test1379 test1380 test1381 test1382 test1383 test1384 test1385 test1386 \
+ test1387 test1388 test1389 test1390 test1391 test1392 test1393 \
+ test1400 test1401 test1402 test1403 test1404 test1405 test1406 test1407 \
+-test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 \
++test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 test1415 \
+ test1500 test1501 test1502 test1503 test1504 test1505 test1506 test1507 \
+ test1508 \
+ test2000 test2001 test2002 test2003 test2004 test2005 test2006 test2007 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1415 b/tests/data/test1415
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cc6bd70
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test1415
+@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
++delete expired cookie
++# Server-side
++HTTP/1.1 200 OK
++Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
++Server: test-server/fake
++Content-Length: 4
++Content-Type: text/html
++Funny-head: yesyes
++Set-Cookie: test1value=test1; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test2value=test2; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test3value=test3; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test4value=test4; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test5value=test5; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test6value=test6; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test7value=test7; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test8value=test8; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++# Client-side
++Delete expired cookies
++http://example.com/we/want/1415 -b none -c log/jar1415.txt -x %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT
++# Verify data after the test has been "shot"
++GET http://example.com/we/want/1415 HTTP/1.1
++Host: example.com
++Accept: */*
++Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
++<file name="log/jar1415.txt" mode="text">
++# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
++# http://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html
++# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	test1value	test1
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test2value	test2
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test4value	test4
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test7value	test7
+From f866a6369316df97b777289a34db03444f7dedbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:43:39 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 5/7] test1415: adjusted to work for 32bit time_t
+The libcurl date parser returns INT_MAX for all dates > 2037 so this
+test is now made to use 2037 instead of 2038 to work the same for both
+32bit and 64bit time_t systems.
+Upstream-commit: 34df869f99477edda61d639151b1edf75998abd9
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ tests/data/test1415 | 12 ++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1415 b/tests/data/test1415
+index cc6bd70..51eed3e 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test1415
++++ b/tests/data/test1415
+@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ Content-Length: 4
+ Content-Type: text/html
+ Funny-head: yesyes
+ Set-Cookie: test1value=test1; domain=example.com; path=/;
+-Set-Cookie: test2value=test2; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test2value=test2; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+ Set-Cookie: test3value=test3; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+-Set-Cookie: test4value=test4; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test4value=test4; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+ Set-Cookie: test5value=test5; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+ Set-Cookie: test6value=test6; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+-Set-Cookie: test7value=test7; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
++Set-Cookie: test7value=test7; expires=Friday, 01-Jan-2037 00:00:00 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+ Set-Cookie: test8value=test8; expires=Monday, 13-Jun-1988 03:04:55 GMT; domain=example.com; path=/;
+ boo
+@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
+ # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
+ .example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	test1value	test1
+-.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test2value	test2
+-.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test4value	test4
+-.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2145916800	test7value	test7
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2114380800	test2value	test2
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2114380800	test4value	test4
++.example.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	2114380800	test7value	test7
+ </file>
+ </verify>
+ </testcase>
+From 8471ac93e881f7f17fe598086b6b548289716279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 08:51:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 6/7] cookie: max-age fixes
+1 - allow >31 bit max-age values
+2 - don't overflow on extremely large max-age values when we add the
+value to the current time
+3 - make sure max-age takes precedence over expires as dictated by
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2014-01/0130.html
+Reported-by: Chen Prog
+Upstream-commit: ecaf2f02f1df70f0bbcbbbf48914bfc83c8f2a56
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/cookie.c | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
+ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index 0ca0829..d4fe9a3 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -523,9 +523,6 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+             badcookie = TRUE;
+             break;
+           }
+-          co->expires =
+-            strtol((*co->maxage=='\"')?&co->maxage[1]:&co->maxage[0],NULL,10)
+-            + (long)now;
+         }
+         else if(Curl_raw_equal("expires", name)) {
+           strstore(&co->expirestr, whatptr);
+@@ -533,17 +530,6 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+             badcookie = TRUE;
+             break;
+           }
+-          /* Note that if the date couldn't get parsed for whatever reason,
+-             the cookie will be treated as a session cookie */
+-          co->expires = curl_getdate(what, &now);
+-          /* Session cookies have expires set to 0 so if we get that back
+-             from the date parser let's add a second to make it a
+-             non-session cookie */
+-          if(co->expires == 0)
+-            co->expires = 1;
+-          else if(co->expires < 0)
+-            co->expires = 0;
+         }
+         else if(!co->name) {
+           co->name = strdup(name);
+@@ -578,6 +564,30 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+         semiptr=strchr(ptr, '\0');
+     } while(semiptr);
++    if(co->maxage) {
++      co->expires =
++        curlx_strtoofft((*co->maxage=='\"')?
++                        &co->maxage[1]:&co->maxage[0], NULL, 10);
++      if(CURL_OFF_T_MAX - now < co->expires)
++        /* avoid overflow */
++        co->expires = CURL_OFF_T_MAX;
++      else
++        co->expires += now;
++    }
++    else if(co->expirestr) {
++      /* Note that if the date couldn't get parsed for whatever reason,
++         the cookie will be treated as a session cookie */
++      co->expires = curl_getdate(co->expirestr, NULL);
++      /* Session cookies have expires set to 0 so if we get that back
++         from the date parser let's add a second to make it a
++         non-session cookie */
++      if(co->expires == 0)
++        co->expires = 1;
++      else if(co->expires < 0)
++        co->expires = 0;
++    }
+     if(!badcookie && !co->domain) {
+       if(domain) {
+         /* no domain was given in the header line, set the default */
+From ee52a81c23b918895b363b904ebb5fc9908b55cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tim Ruehsen <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
+Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 21:01:28 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 7/7] cookies: only use full host matches for hosts used as IP
+ address
+By not detecting and rejecting domain names for partial literal IP
+addresses properly when parsing received HTTP cookies, libcurl can be
+fooled to both send cookies to wrong sites and to allow arbitrary sites
+to set cookies for others.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20140910A.html
+Upstream-commit: 8a75dbeb2305297640453029b7905ef51b87e8dd
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/cookie.c        | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ tests/data/test1105 |  3 +--
+ tests/data/test31   | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
+ tests/data/test8    |  3 ++-
+ 4 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/cookie.c b/lib/cookie.c
+index d4fe9a3..956efd4 100644
+--- a/lib/cookie.c
++++ b/lib/cookie.c
+@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Example set of cookies:
+ #include "strtoofft.h"
+ #include "rawstr.h"
+ #include "curl_memrchr.h"
++#include "inet_pton.h"
+ /* The last #include file should be: */
+ #include "memdebug.h"
+@@ -318,6 +319,28 @@ static void remove_expired(struct CookieInfo *cookies)
+   }
+ }
++ * Return true if the given string is an IP(v4|v6) address.
++ */
++static bool isip(const char *domain)
++  struct in_addr addr;
++#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
++  struct in6_addr addr6;
++  if(Curl_inet_pton(AF_INET, domain, &addr)
++#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
++     || Curl_inet_pton(AF_INET6, domain, &addr6)
++    ) {
++    /* domain name given as IP address */
++    return TRUE;
++  }
++  return FALSE;
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Curl_cookie_add()
+@@ -472,24 +495,27 @@ Curl_cookie_add(struct SessionHandle *data,
+                   whatptr);
+           }
+           else {
++            bool is_ip;
+             /* Now, we make sure that our host is within the given domain,
+                or the given domain is not valid and thus cannot be set. */
+             if('.' == whatptr[0])
+               whatptr++; /* ignore preceding dot */
+-            if(!domain || tailmatch(whatptr, domain)) {
+-              const char *tailptr=whatptr;
+-              if(tailptr[0] == '.')
+-                tailptr++;
+-              strstore(&co->domain, tailptr); /* don't prefix w/dots
+-                                                 internally */
++            is_ip = isip(domain ? domain : whatptr);
++            if(!domain
++               || (is_ip && !strcmp(whatptr, domain))
++               || (!is_ip && tailmatch(whatptr, domain))) {
++              strstore(&co->domain, whatptr);
+               if(!co->domain) {
+                 badcookie = TRUE;
+                 break;
+               }
+-              co->tailmatch=TRUE; /* we always do that if the domain name was
+-                                     given */
++              if(!is_ip)
++                co->tailmatch=TRUE; /* we always do that if the domain name was
++                                       given */
+             }
+             else {
+               /* we did not get a tailmatch and then the attempted set domain
+@@ -991,6 +1017,7 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+   time_t now = time(NULL);
+   struct Cookie *mainco=NULL;
+   size_t matches = 0;
++  bool is_ip;
+   if(!c || !c->cookies)
+     return NULL; /* no cookie struct or no cookies in the struct */
+@@ -998,6 +1025,9 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+   /* at first, remove expired cookies */
+   remove_expired(c);
++  /* check if host is an IP(v4|v6) address */
++  is_ip = isip(host);
+   co = c->cookies;
+   while(co) {
+@@ -1009,8 +1039,8 @@ struct Cookie *Curl_cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *c,
+       /* now check if the domain is correct */
+       if(!co->domain ||
+-         (co->tailmatch && tailmatch(co->domain, host)) ||
+-         (!co->tailmatch && Curl_raw_equal(host, co->domain)) ) {
++         (co->tailmatch && !is_ip && tailmatch(co->domain, host)) ||
++         ((!co->tailmatch || is_ip) && Curl_raw_equal(host, co->domain)) ) {
+         /* the right part of the host matches the domain stuff in the
+            cookie data */
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1105 b/tests/data/test1105
+index 922346f..ea7b198 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test1105
++++ b/tests/data/test1105
+@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ userid=myname&password=mypassword
+ # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
+	FALSE	/we/want/	FALSE	0	foobar	name
+-.	TRUE	"/silly/"	FALSE	0	mismatch	this
+-.0.0.1	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	partmatch	present
++	FALSE	"/silly/"	FALSE	0	mismatch	this
+ </file>
+ </verify>
+ </testcase>
+diff --git a/tests/data/test31 b/tests/data/test31
+index 38af83b..dfcac04 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test31
++++ b/tests/data/test31
+@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ Set-Cookie: novalue; domain=reallysilly
+ Set-Cookie: test=yes; domain=foo.com; expires=Sat Feb 2 11:56:27 GMT 2030
+ Set-Cookie: test2=yes; domain=se; expires=Sat Feb 2 11:56:27 GMT 2030
+ Set-Cookie: magic=yessir; path=/silly/; HttpOnly
+-Set-Cookie: blexp=yesyes; domain=.0.0.1; domain=.0.0.1; expiry=totally bad;
++Set-Cookie: blexp=yesyes; domain=; domain=; expiry=totally bad;
++Set-Cookie: partialip=nono; domain=.0.0.1;
+ boo
+ </data>
+@@ -95,34 +96,34 @@ Accept: */*
+ # http://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html
+ # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
+-.	TRUE	/silly/	FALSE	0	ismatch	this
+-.	TRUE	/overwrite	FALSE	0	overwrite	this2
+-.	TRUE	/secure1/	TRUE	0	sec1value	secure1
+-.	TRUE	/secure2/	TRUE	0	sec2value	secure2
+-.	TRUE	/secure3/	TRUE	0	sec3value	secure3
+-.	TRUE	/secure4/	TRUE	0	sec4value	secure4
+-.	TRUE	/secure5/	TRUE	0	sec5value	secure5
+-.	TRUE	/secure6/	TRUE	0	sec6value	secure6
+-.	TRUE	/secure7/	TRUE	0	sec7value	secure7
+-.	TRUE	/secure8/	TRUE	0	sec8value	secure8
+-.	TRUE	/secure9/	TRUE	0	secure	very1
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p1/	FALSE	0	httpo1	value1
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p2/	FALSE	0	httpo2	value2
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p3/	FALSE	0	httpo3	value3
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	FALSE	0	httpo4	value4
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	FALSE	0	httponly	myvalue1
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec	myvalue2
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec2	myvalue3
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec3	myvalue4
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec4	myvalue5
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec5	myvalue6
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec6	myvalue7
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec7	myvalue8
+-#HttpOnly_.	TRUE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec8	myvalue9
+-.	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	partmatch	present
++	FALSE	/silly/	FALSE	0	ismatch	this
++	FALSE	/overwrite	FALSE	0	overwrite	this2
++	FALSE	/secure1/	TRUE	0	sec1value	secure1
++	FALSE	/secure2/	TRUE	0	sec2value	secure2
++	FALSE	/secure3/	TRUE	0	sec3value	secure3
++	FALSE	/secure4/	TRUE	0	sec4value	secure4
++	FALSE	/secure5/	TRUE	0	sec5value	secure5
++	FALSE	/secure6/	TRUE	0	sec6value	secure6
++	FALSE	/secure7/	TRUE	0	sec7value	secure7
++	FALSE	/secure8/	TRUE	0	sec8value	secure8
++	FALSE	/secure9/	TRUE	0	secure	very1
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p1/	FALSE	0	httpo1	value1
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p2/	FALSE	0	httpo2	value2
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p3/	FALSE	0	httpo3	value3
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	FALSE	0	httpo4	value4
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	FALSE	0	httponly	myvalue1
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec	myvalue2
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec2	myvalue3
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec3	myvalue4
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec4	myvalue5
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec5	myvalue6
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec6	myvalue7
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec7	myvalue8
++#HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/p4/	TRUE	0	httpandsec8	myvalue9
++	FALSE	/	FALSE	0	partmatch	present
+	FALSE	/we/want/	FALSE	2054030187	nodomain	value
+ #HttpOnly_127.0.0.1	FALSE	/silly/	FALSE	0	magic	yessir
+-.0.0.1	TRUE	/we/want/	FALSE	0	blexp	yesyes
++	FALSE	/we/want/	FALSE	0	blexp	yesyes
+ </file>
+ </verify>
+ </testcase>
+diff --git a/tests/data/test8 b/tests/data/test8
+index 4d54541..030fd55 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test8
++++ b/tests/data/test8
+@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ Set-Cookie: duplicate=test; domain=.0.0.1; domain=.0.0.1; path=/donkey;
+ Set-Cookie: cookie=yes; path=/we;
+ Set-Cookie: cookie=perhaps; path=/we/want;
+ Set-Cookie: nocookie=yes; path=/WE;
+-Set-Cookie: blexp=yesyes; domain=.0.0.1; domain=.0.0.1; expiry=totally bad;
++Set-Cookie: blexp=yesyes; domain=%HOSTIP; domain=%HOSTIP; expiry=totally bad;
++Set-Cookie: partialip=nono; domain=.0.0.1;
+ </file>
+ <precheck>
diff --git a/SOURCES/0029-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3707.patch b/SOURCES/0029-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3707.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524f276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0029-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3707.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+From 45a125c1d6aaa2352c5ec04eecba322930e6d169 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:59:32 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] curl_easy_duphandle: CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS read out of
+ bounds
+When duplicating a handle, the data to post was duplicated using
+strdup() when it could be binary and contain zeroes and it was not even
+zero terminated! This caused read out of bounds crashes/segfaults.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20141105.html
+CVE: CVE-2014-3707
+Reported-By: Symeon Paraschoudis
+Upstream-commit: b3875606925536f82fc61f3114ac42f29eaf6945
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/formdata.c   | 50 ++++++++------------------------------------------
+ lib/strdup.c     | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ lib/strdup.h     |  1 +
+ lib/url.c        | 19 +++++++++++++++----
+ lib/urldata.h    | 11 +++++++++--
+ src/Makefile.in  |  3 +--
+ src/Makefile.inc |  1 -
+ 7 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/formdata.c b/lib/formdata.c
+index 3260928..050f538 100644
+--- a/lib/formdata.c
++++ b/lib/formdata.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include "strequal.h"
+ #include "curl_memory.h"
+ #include "sendf.h"
++#include "strdup.h"
+ #define _MPRINTF_REPLACE /* use our functions only */
+ #include <curl/mprintf.h>
+@@ -216,46 +217,6 @@ static const char * ContentTypeForFilename (const char *filename,
+ /***************************************************************************
+  *
+- * memdup()
+- *
+- * Copies the 'source' data to a newly allocated buffer buffer (that is
+- * returned). Uses buffer_length if not null, else uses strlen to determine
+- * the length of the buffer to be copied
+- *
+- * Returns the new pointer or NULL on failure.
+- *
+- ***************************************************************************/
+-static char *memdup(const char *src, size_t buffer_length)
+-  size_t length;
+-  bool add = FALSE;
+-  char *buffer;
+-  if(buffer_length)
+-    length = buffer_length;
+-  else if(src) {
+-    length = strlen(src);
+-    add = TRUE;
+-  }
+-  else
+-    /* no length and a NULL src pointer! */
+-    return strdup("");
+-  buffer = malloc(length+add);
+-  if(!buffer)
+-    return NULL; /* fail */
+-  memcpy(buffer, src, length);
+-  /* if length unknown do null termination */
+-  if(add)
+-    buffer[length] = '\0';
+-  return buffer;
+- *
+  * FormAdd()
+  *
+  * Stores a formpost parameter and builds the appropriate linked list.
+@@ -684,7 +645,10 @@ CURLFORMcode FormAdd(struct curl_httppost **httppost,
+              app passed in a bad combo, so we better check for that first. */
+           if(form->name)
+             /* copy name (without strdup; possibly contains null characters) */
+-            form->name = memdup(form->name, form->namelength);
++            form->name = Curl_memdup(form->name, form->namelength?
++                                     form->namelength:
++                                     strlen(form->name)+1);
+           if(!form->name) {
+             return_value = CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY;
+             break;
+@@ -695,7 +659,9 @@ CURLFORMcode FormAdd(struct curl_httppost **httppost,
+                             HTTPPOST_PTRCONTENTS | HTTPPOST_PTRBUFFER |
+                             HTTPPOST_CALLBACK)) ) {
+           /* copy value (without strdup; possibly contains null characters) */
+-          form->value = memdup(form->value, form->contentslength);
++          form->value = Curl_memdup(form->value, form->contentslength?
++                                    form->contentslength:
++                                    strlen(form->value)+1);
+           if(!form->value) {
+             return_value = CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY;
+             break;
+diff --git a/lib/strdup.c b/lib/strdup.c
+index 3b776b1..14f370f 100644
+--- a/lib/strdup.c
++++ b/lib/strdup.c
+@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
+  * KIND, either express or implied.
+  *
+  ***************************************************************************/
+- * This file is 'mem-include-scan' clean. See test 1132.
+- */
+ #include "curl_setup.h"
+ #include "strdup.h"
++#include "curl_memory.h"
++/* The last #include file should be: */
++#include "memdebug.h"
+ #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
+ char *curlx_strdup(const char *str)
+@@ -50,3 +51,25 @@ char *curlx_strdup(const char *str)
+ }
+ #endif
++ *
++ * Curl_memdup(source, length)
++ *
++ * Copies the 'source' data to a newly allocated buffer (that is
++ * returned). Copies 'length' bytes.
++ *
++ * Returns the new pointer or NULL on failure.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++char *Curl_memdup(const char *src, size_t length)
++  char *buffer = malloc(length);
++  if(!buffer)
++    return NULL; /* fail */
++  memcpy(buffer, src, length);
++  /* if length unknown do null termination */
++  return buffer;
+diff --git a/lib/strdup.h b/lib/strdup.h
+index 49af911..36cc430 100644
+--- a/lib/strdup.h
++++ b/lib/strdup.h
+@@ -26,5 +26,6 @@
+ #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
+ extern char *curlx_strdup(const char *str);
+ #endif
++char *Curl_memdup(const char *src, size_t buffer_length);
+ #endif /* HEADER_CURL_STRDUP_H */
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index b0aade1..0aa5a33 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ int curl_win32_idn_to_ascii(const char *in, char **out);
+ #include "bundles.h"
+ #include "conncache.h"
+ #include "multihandle.h"
++#include "strdup.h"
+ #define _MPRINTF_REPLACE /* use our functions only */
+ #include <curl/mprintf.h>
+@@ -344,14 +345,24 @@ CURLcode Curl_dupset(struct SessionHandle * dst, struct SessionHandle * src)
+   memset(dst->set.str, 0, STRING_LAST * sizeof(char *));
+   /* duplicate all strings */
+-  for(i=(enum dupstring)0; i< STRING_LAST; i++) {
++  for(i=(enum dupstring)0; i< STRING_LASTZEROTERMINATED; i++) {
+     r = setstropt(&dst->set.str[i], src->set.str[i]);
+     if(r != CURLE_OK)
+-      break;
++      return r;
+   }
+-  /* If a failure occurred, freeing has to be performed externally. */
+-  return r;
++  /* duplicate memory areas pointed to */
++  if(src->set.postfieldsize && src->set.str[i]) {
++    /* postfieldsize is curl_off_t, Curl_memdup() takes a size_t ... */
++    dst->set.str[i] = Curl_memdup(src->set.str[i], src->set.postfieldsize);
++    if(!dst->set.str[i])
++      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
++    /* point to the new copy */
++    dst->set.postfields = dst->set.str[i];
++  }
++  return CURLE_OK;
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/lib/urldata.h b/lib/urldata.h
+index 640cbb1..d03440b 100644
+--- a/lib/urldata.h
++++ b/lib/urldata.h
+@@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ enum dupstring {
+   STRING_KRB_LEVEL,       /* krb security level */
+   STRING_NETRC_FILE,      /* if not NULL, use this instead of trying to find
+                              $HOME/.netrc */
+-  STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS,  /* if POST, set the fields' values here */
+   STRING_PROXY,           /* proxy to use */
+   STRING_SET_RANGE,       /* range, if used */
+   STRING_SET_REFERER,     /* custom string for the HTTP referer field */
+@@ -1376,7 +1375,15 @@ enum dupstring {
+   STRING_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD,     /* TLS auth <password> */
+ #endif
+-  /* -- end of strings -- */
++  /* -- end of zero-terminated strings -- */
++  /* -- below this are pointers to binary data that cannot be strdup'ed.
++     Each such pointer must be added manually to Curl_dupset() --- */
++  STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS,  /* if POST, set the fields' values here */
+   STRING_LAST /* not used, just an end-of-list marker */
+ };
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.in b/src/Makefile.in
+index 86e3d3a..74e8b9e 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.in
++++ b/src/Makefile.in
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ am__objects_1 = curl-tool_binmode.$(OBJEXT) curl-tool_bname.$(OBJEXT) \
+ 	curl-tool_urlglob.$(OBJEXT) curl-tool_util.$(OBJEXT) \
+ 	curl-tool_vms.$(OBJEXT) curl-tool_writeenv.$(OBJEXT) \
+ 	curl-tool_writeout.$(OBJEXT) curl-tool_xattr.$(OBJEXT)
+-am__objects_2 = curl-strtoofft.$(OBJEXT) curl-strdup.$(OBJEXT) \
++am__objects_2 = curl-strtoofft.$(OBJEXT) \
+ 	curl-rawstr.$(OBJEXT) curl-nonblock.$(OBJEXT)
+ am__objects_3 =
+ am_curl_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) $(am__objects_2) $(am__objects_3)
+@@ -376,7 +376,6 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/include/curl -I$(top_builddir)/include \
+ # the official API, but we re-use the code here to avoid duplication.
+ 	../lib/strtoofft.c \
+-	../lib/strdup.c \
+ 	../lib/rawstr.c \
+ 	../lib/nonblock.c
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.inc b/src/Makefile.inc
+index 3f9044d..ea81000 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.inc
++++ b/src/Makefile.inc
+@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
+ # the official API, but we re-use the code here to avoid duplication.
+ 	../lib/strtoofft.c \
+-	../lib/strdup.c \
+ 	../lib/rawstr.c \
+ 	../lib/nonblock.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/0030-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-8150.patch b/SOURCES/0030-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-8150.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d23afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0030-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-8150.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+From 77ed36a0e1f604957054a2c25b6556acbd1c9f29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:55:03 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] url-parsing: reject CRLFs within URLs
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20150108B.html
+Reported-by: Andrey Labunets
+Upstream-commit: 178bd7db34f77e020fb8562890c5625ccbd67093
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/url.c | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index 0aa5a33..736d5d9 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -3599,6 +3599,13 @@ static CURLcode parseurlandfillconn(struct SessionHandle *data,
+   *prot_missing = FALSE;
++  /* We might pass the entire URL into the request so we need to make sure
++   * there are no bad characters in there.*/
++  if(strpbrk(data->change.url, "\r\n")) {
++    failf(data, "Illegal characters found in URL");
++  }
+   /*************************************************************
+    * Parse the URL.
+    *
+From 916b5628b33bbc8bcad0f4b491089ba555c3dac6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:51:43 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] tests: make sure CRLFs can't be used in URLs passed to
+ proxy
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20150108B.html
+Upstream-commit: 3df8e78860d3a3d3cf95252bd2b4ad5fd53360cd
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ tests/data/Makefile.am     |  2 +-
+ tests/data/Makefile.in     |  2 +-
+ tests/data/test1529        | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tests/libtest/Makefile.in  | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ tests/libtest/Makefile.inc |  7 ++++-
+ tests/libtest/lib1529.c    | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 6 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tests/data/test1529
+ create mode 100644 tests/libtest/lib1529.c
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.am b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+index 0a767b3..0bb8ffd 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.am
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ test1387 test1388 test1389 test1390 test1391 test1392 test1393 \
+ test1400 test1401 test1402 test1403 test1404 test1405 test1406 test1407 \
+ test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 test1415 \
+ test1500 test1501 test1502 test1503 test1504 test1505 test1506 test1507 \
+-test1508 \
++test1508 test1529 \
+ test2000 test2001 test2002 test2003 test2004 test2005 test2006 test2007 \
+ test2008 test2009 test2010 test2011 test2012 test2013 test2014 test2015 \
+ test2016 test2017 test2018 test2019 test2020 test2021 test2022 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/Makefile.in b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+index 2256422..e73ca96 100644
+--- a/tests/data/Makefile.in
++++ b/tests/data/Makefile.in
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ test1387 test1388 test1389 test1390 test1391 test1392 test1393 \
+ test1400 test1401 test1402 test1403 test1404 test1405 test1406 test1407 \
+ test1408 test1409 test1410 test1411 test1412 test1413 test1415 \
+ test1500 test1501 test1502 test1503 test1504 test1505 test1506 test1507 \
+-test1508 \
++test1508 test1529 \
+ test2000 test2001 test2002 test2003 test2004 test2005 test2006 test2007 \
+ test2008 test2009 test2010 test2011 test2012 test2013 test2014 test2015 \
+ test2016 test2017 test2018 test2019 test2020 test2021 test2022 \
+diff --git a/tests/data/test1529 b/tests/data/test1529
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..33df268
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/data/test1529
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++HTTP proxy
++# Server-side
++HTTP/1.1 200 OK
++We-are: good
++# Client-side
++ <name>
++HTTP request-injection in URL sent over proxy
++ </name>
++ <command>
++ "http://the.old.moo:%HTTPPORT/1529" %HOSTIP:%PROXYPORT
++# it should be detected and an error should be reported
+diff --git a/tests/libtest/Makefile.in b/tests/libtest/Makefile.in
+index ed4d69f..124a276 100644
+--- a/tests/libtest/Makefile.in
++++ b/tests/libtest/Makefile.in
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ noinst_PROGRAMS = chkhostname$(EXEEXT) libauthretry$(EXEEXT) \
+ 	lib599$(EXEEXT) lib1500$(EXEEXT) lib1501$(EXEEXT) \
+ 	lib1502$(EXEEXT) lib1503$(EXEEXT) lib1504$(EXEEXT) \
+ 	lib1505$(EXEEXT) lib1506$(EXEEXT) lib1507$(EXEEXT) \
+-	lib1508$(EXEEXT)
++	lib1508$(EXEEXT) lib1529$(EXEEXT)
+ subdir = tests/libtest
+ ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/curl-compilers.m4 \
+@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ am_lib1508_OBJECTS = lib1508-lib1508.$(OBJEXT) $(am__objects_151) \
+ 	$(am__objects_152) $(am__objects_153)
+ lib1508_OBJECTS = $(am_lib1508_OBJECTS)
++am__objects_X60 = lib1529-first.$(OBJEXT)
++am__objects_X61 = lib1529-testutil.$(OBJEXT)
++am__objects_X62 = ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.$(OBJEXT)
++am_lib1529_OBJECTS = lib1529-lib1529.$(OBJEXT) $(am__objects_X60) \
++	$(am__objects_X61) $(am__objects_X62)
++lib1529_OBJECTS = $(am_lib1529_OBJECTS)
+ am__objects_21 = lib500-first.$(OBJEXT)
+ am__objects_22 = lib500-testutil.$(OBJEXT)
+ am__objects_23 = lib500-testtrace.$(OBJEXT)
+@@ -648,6 +655,7 @@ SOURCES = $(libhostname_la_SOURCES) $(chkhostname_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1500_SOURCES) $(lib1501_SOURCES) $(lib1502_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1503_SOURCES) $(lib1504_SOURCES) $(lib1505_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1506_SOURCES) $(lib1507_SOURCES) $(lib1508_SOURCES) \
++	$(lib1529_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib500_SOURCES) $(lib501_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib502_SOURCES) $(lib503_SOURCES) $(lib504_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib505_SOURCES) $(lib506_SOURCES) $(lib507_SOURCES) \
+@@ -679,6 +687,7 @@ DIST_SOURCES = $(libhostname_la_SOURCES) $(chkhostname_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1500_SOURCES) $(lib1501_SOURCES) $(lib1502_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1503_SOURCES) $(lib1504_SOURCES) $(lib1505_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib1506_SOURCES) $(lib1507_SOURCES) $(lib1508_SOURCES) \
++	$(lib1529_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib500_SOURCES) $(lib501_SOURCES)  \
+ 	$(lib502_SOURCES) $(lib503_SOURCES) $(lib504_SOURCES) \
+ 	$(lib505_SOURCES) $(lib506_SOURCES) $(lib507_SOURCES) \
+@@ -1178,6 +1187,9 @@ lib1507_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1507
+ lib1508_LDADD = $(TESTUTIL_LIBS)
+ lib1508_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1508
++lib1529_LDADD = $(TESTUTIL_LIBS)
++lib1529_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1529
+ # Makefile.inc provides the source defines (TESTUTIL, SUPPORTFILES,
+@@ -1282,6 +1294,9 @@ lib1507$(EXEEXT): $(lib1507_OBJECTS) $(lib1507_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_lib1507_DEP
+ lib1508$(EXEEXT): $(lib1508_OBJECTS) $(lib1508_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_lib1508_DEPENDENCIES) 
+ 	@rm -f lib1508$(EXEEXT)
+ 	$(LINK) $(lib1508_OBJECTS) $(lib1508_LDADD) $(LIBS)
++lib1529$(EXEEXT): $(lib1529_OBJECTS) $(lib1529_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_lib1529_DEPENDENCIES) 
++	@rm -f lib1529$(EXEEXT)
++	$(LINK) $(lib1529_OBJECTS) $(lib1529_LDADD) $(LIBS)
+ lib500$(EXEEXT): $(lib500_OBJECTS) $(lib500_DEPENDENCIES) $(EXTRA_lib500_DEPENDENCIES) 
+ 	@rm -f lib500$(EXEEXT)
+ 	$(LINK) $(lib500_OBJECTS) $(lib500_LDADD) $(LIBS)
+@@ -1557,6 +1572,10 @@ distclean-compile:
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1508-lib1508.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1508-testutil.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1508-warnless.Po@am__quote@
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Po@am__quote@
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Po@am__quote@
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Po@am__quote@
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib500-first.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib500-lib500.Po@am__quote@
+ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/lib500-testtrace.Po@am__quote@
+@@ -2312,6 +2331,62 @@ lib1508-warnless.obj: ../../lib/warnless.c
+ @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1508_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1508-warnless.obj `if test -f '../../lib/warnless.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '../../lib/warnless.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/../../lib/warnless.c'; fi`
++lib1529-lib1529.o: lib1529.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-lib1529.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Tpo -c -o lib1529-lib1529.o `test -f 'lib1529.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`lib1529.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='lib1529.c' object='lib1529-lib1529.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-lib1529.o `test -f 'lib1529.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`lib1529.c
++lib1529-lib1529.obj: lib1529.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-lib1529.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Tpo -c -o lib1529-lib1529.obj `if test -f 'lib1529.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'lib1529.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/lib1529.c'; fi`
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-lib1529.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='lib1529.c' object='lib1529-lib1529.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-lib1529.obj `if test -f 'lib1529.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'lib1529.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/lib1529.c'; fi`
++lib1529-first.o: first.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-first.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Tpo -c -o lib1529-first.o `test -f 'first.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`first.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='first.c' object='lib1529-first.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-first.o `test -f 'first.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`first.c
++lib1529-first.obj: first.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-first.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Tpo -c -o lib1529-first.obj `if test -f 'first.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'first.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/first.c'; fi`
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-first.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='first.c' object='lib1529-first.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-first.obj `if test -f 'first.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'first.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/first.c'; fi`
++lib1529-testutil.o: testutil.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-testutil.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Tpo -c -o lib1529-testutil.o `test -f 'testutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`testutil.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='testutil.c' object='lib1529-testutil.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-testutil.o `test -f 'testutil.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`testutil.c
++lib1529-testutil.obj: testutil.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib1529-testutil.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Tpo -c -o lib1529-testutil.obj `if test -f 'testutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'testutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/testutil.c'; fi`
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib1529-testutil.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='testutil.c' object='lib1529-testutil.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o lib1529-testutil.obj `if test -f 'testutil.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'testutil.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/testutil.c'; fi`
++../../lib/lib1529-warnless.o: ../../lib/warnless.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.o -MD -MP -MF ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Tpo -c -o ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.o `test -f '../../lib/warnless.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`../../lib/warnless.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Tpo ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='../../lib/warnless.c' object='../../lib/lib1529-warnless.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.o `test -f '../../lib/warnless.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`../../lib/warnless.c
++../../lib/lib1529-warnless.obj: ../../lib/warnless.c
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.obj -MD -MP -MF ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Tpo -c -o ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.obj `if test -f '../../lib/warnless.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '../../lib/warnless.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/../../lib/warnless.c'; fi`
++@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Tpo ../../lib/$(DEPDIR)/lib1529-warnless.Po
++@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC)source='../../lib/warnless.c' object='../../lib/lib1529-warnless.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
++@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(AM_V_CC@am__nodep@)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib1529_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o ../../lib/lib1529-warnless.obj `if test -f '../../lib/warnless.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) '../../lib/warnless.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/../../lib/warnless.c'; fi`
+ lib500-lib500.o: lib500.c
+ @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(lib500_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT lib500-lib500.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/lib500-lib500.Tpo -c -o lib500-lib500.o `test -f 'lib500.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`lib500.c
+ @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/lib500-lib500.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/lib500-lib500.Po
+diff --git a/tests/libtest/Makefile.inc b/tests/libtest/Makefile.inc
+index bf73036..4f3ef6f 100644
+--- a/tests/libtest/Makefile.inc
++++ b/tests/libtest/Makefile.inc
+@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ noinst_PROGRAMS = chkhostname libauthretry libntlmconnect \
+                 lib582 lib583        lib585 lib586 lib587               \
+   lib590 lib591                                    lib597 lib598 lib599 \
+   \
+-  lib1500 lib1501 lib1502 lib1503 lib1504 lib1505 lib1506 lib1507 lib1508
++  lib1500 lib1501 lib1502 lib1503 lib1504 lib1505 lib1506 lib1507 lib1508 \
++  lib1529
+ chkhostname_SOURCES = chkhostname.c ../../lib/curl_gethostname.c
+ chkhostname_LDADD = @CURL_NETWORK_LIBS@
+@@ -320,3 +321,7 @@ lib1507_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1507
+ lib1508_LDADD = $(TESTUTIL_LIBS)
+ lib1508_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1508
++lib1529_LDADD = $(TESTUTIL_LIBS)
++lib1529_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) -DLIB1529
+diff --git a/tests/libtest/lib1529.c b/tests/libtest/lib1529.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3def142
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/libtest/lib1529.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++ *                                  _   _ ____  _
++ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
++ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
++ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
++ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2014, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
++ *
++ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
++ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
++ * are also available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
++ *
++ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
++ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
++ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
++ *
++ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
++ * KIND, either express or implied.
++ *
++ ***************************************************************************/
++#include "test.h"
++#include "memdebug.h"
++int test(char *URL)
++  CURL *curl = NULL;
++  char bURL[512];
++  snprintf(bURL, sizeof(bURL), "%s HTTP/1.1\r\nGET http://1529.com/1529", URL);
++  if(curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != CURLE_OK) {
++    fprintf(stderr, "curl_global_init() failed\n");
++    return TEST_ERR_MAJOR_BAD;
++  }
++  if((curl = curl_easy_init()) == NULL) {
++    fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_init() failed\n");
++    curl_global_cleanup();
++    return TEST_ERR_MAJOR_BAD;
++  }
++  test_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, bURL);
++  test_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, libtest_arg2);
++  test_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
++  test_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1L);
++  res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
++  curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
++  curl_global_cleanup();
++  return (int)res;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0031-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3143.patch b/SOURCES/0031-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3143.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2e2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0031-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3143.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From a4c6f86f94e7b86026770e8b9da034daf514e5bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 13:26:46 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ConnectionExists: for NTLM re-use, require credentials to
+ match
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20150422A.html
+Reported-by: Paras Sethia
+Upstream-commit: 31be461c6b659312100c47be6ddd5f0f569290f6
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/url.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/url.c b/lib/url.c
+index 22e3856..2dc56ae 100644
+--- a/lib/url.c
++++ b/lib/url.c
+@@ -2973,7 +2973,7 @@ ConnectionExists(struct SessionHandle *data,
+             }
+           }
+           if((!(needle->handler->flags & PROTOPT_CREDSPERREQUEST)) ||
+-             ((needle->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_HTTP) && wantNTLM)) {
++             (wantNTLM || check->ntlm.state != NTLMSTATE_NONE)) {
+             /* This protocol requires credentials per connection or is HTTP+NTLM,
+                so verify that we're using the same name and password as well */
+             if(!strequal(needle->user, check->user) ||
diff --git a/SOURCES/0032-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3148.patch b/SOURCES/0032-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3148.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55883d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0032-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3148.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+From 55689681595d76ee53d76d6698f5a99e18395857 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Woodhouse <David.Woodhouse@intel.com>
+Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:09:34 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Don't clear GSSAPI state between each exchange in the
+ negotiation
+GSSAPI doesn't work very well if we forget everything ever time.
+XX: Is Curl_http_done() the right place to do the final cleanup?
+Upstream-commit: f78ae415d24b9bd89d6c121c556e411fdb21c6aa
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http.c                | 6 ++++++
+ lib/http_negotiate.c      | 1 -
+ lib/http_negotiate_sspi.c | 1 -
+ 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
+index e2448bc..c32eae0 100644
+--- a/lib/http.c
++++ b/lib/http.c
+@@ -1404,6 +1404,12 @@ CURLcode Curl_http_done(struct connectdata *conn,
+   Curl_unencode_cleanup(conn);
++  if(data->state.proxyneg.state == GSS_AUTHSENT ||
++      data->state.negotiate.state == GSS_AUTHSENT)
++    Curl_cleanup_negotiate(data);
+   /* set the proper values (possibly modified on POST) */
+   conn->fread_func = data->set.fread_func; /* restore */
+   conn->fread_in = data->set.in; /* restore */
+diff --git a/lib/http_negotiate.c b/lib/http_negotiate.c
+index 535a427..b56e7d0 100644
+--- a/lib/http_negotiate.c
++++ b/lib/http_negotiate.c
+@@ -343,7 +343,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_output_negotiate(struct connectdata *conn, bool proxy)
+   else
+     conn->allocptr.userpwd = userp;
+   free(encoded);
+-  Curl_cleanup_negotiate (conn->data);
+   return (userp == NULL) ? CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY : CURLE_OK;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/http_negotiate_sspi.c b/lib/http_negotiate_sspi.c
+index 1381d52..678e605 100644
+--- a/lib/http_negotiate_sspi.c
++++ b/lib/http_negotiate_sspi.c
+@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ CURLcode Curl_output_negotiate(struct connectdata *conn, bool proxy)
+   else
+     conn->allocptr.userpwd = userp;
+   free(encoded);
+-  Curl_cleanup_negotiate (conn->data);
+   return (userp == NULL) ? CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY : CURLE_OK;
+ }
+From 28e84254779c0d4b31844d928e5dae8941128f05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 23:50:16 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] http_done: close Negotiate connections when done
+When doing HTTP requests Negotiate authenticated, the entire connnection
+may become authenticated and not just the specific HTTP request which is
+otherwise how HTTP works, as Negotiate can basically use NTLM under the
+hood. curl was not adhering to this fact but would assume that such
+requests would also be authenticated per request.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20150422B.html
+Reported-by: Isaac Boukris
+Upstream-commit: 79b9d5f1a42578f807a6c94914bc65cbaa304b6d
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/http.c | 8 +++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/http.c b/lib/http.c
+index c32eae0..04beeb1 100644
+--- a/lib/http.c
++++ b/lib/http.c
+@@ -1406,8 +1406,14 @@ CURLcode Curl_http_done(struct connectdata *conn,
+   if(data->state.proxyneg.state == GSS_AUTHSENT ||
+-      data->state.negotiate.state == GSS_AUTHSENT)
++     data->state.negotiate.state == GSS_AUTHSENT) {
++    /* add forbid re-use if http-code != 401/407 as a WA only needed for
++     * 401/407 that signal auth failure (empty) otherwise state will be RECV
++     * with current code */
++    if((data->req.httpcode != 401) && (data->req.httpcode != 407))
++      conn->bits.close = TRUE; /* Negotiate transfer completed */
+     Curl_cleanup_negotiate(data);
++  }
+ #endif
+   /* set the proper values (possibly modified on POST) */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0033-curl-7.29.0-29bf0598.patch b/SOURCES/0033-curl-7.29.0-29bf0598.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d34cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0033-curl-7.29.0-29bf0598.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+From f9ebe8047f5f62dfcee379b010d8207f0d6985b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:19:51 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/5] curl_multi_wait: reduce timeout if the multi handle wants
+ to
+If the multi handle's pending timeout is less than what is passed into
+this function, it will now opt to use the shorter time anyway since it
+is a very good hint that the handle wants to process something in a
+shorter time than what otherwise would happen.
+curl_multi_wait.3 was updated accordingly to clarify
+This is the reason for bug #1224
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/bug/view.cgi?id=1224
+Reported-by: Andrii Moiseiev
+Upstream-commit: 29bf0598aad58d9da5dd8c5358f5175dae49026d
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ docs/libcurl/curl_multi_wait.3 | 3 +++
+ lib/multi.c                    | 9 +++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_wait.3 b/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_wait.3
+index b14760b..57c40f0 100644
+--- a/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_wait.3
++++ b/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_wait.3
+@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ CURLMcode curl_multi_wait(CURLM *multi_handle,
+ This function polls on all file descriptors used by the curl easy handles
+ contained in the given multi handle set.  It will block until activity is
+ detected on at least one of the handles or \fItimeout_ms\fP has passed.
++Alternatively, if the multi handle has a pending internal timeout that has a
++shorter expiry time than \fItimeout_ms\fP, that shorter time will be used
++instead to make sure timeout accuracy is reasonably kept.
+ The calling application may pass additional curl_waitfd structures which are
+ similar to \fIpoll(2)\fP's pollfd structure to be waited on in the same call.
+diff --git a/lib/multi.c b/lib/multi.c
+index 9a8e68e..c8dd97d 100644
+--- a/lib/multi.c
++++ b/lib/multi.c
+@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ static bool isHandleAtHead(struct SessionHandle *handle,
+ static CURLMcode add_next_timeout(struct timeval now,
+                                   struct Curl_multi *multi,
+                                   struct SessionHandle *d);
++static CURLMcode multi_timeout(struct Curl_multi *multi,
++                               long *timeout_ms);
+ static const char * const statename[]={
+@@ -804,10 +806,17 @@ CURLMcode curl_multi_wait(CURLM *multi_handle,
+   unsigned int i;
+   unsigned int nfds = extra_nfds;
+   struct pollfd *ufds = NULL;
++  long timeout_internal;
+   if(!GOOD_MULTI_HANDLE(multi))
+     return CURLM_BAD_HANDLE;
++  /* If the internally desired timeout is actually shorter than requested from
++     the outside, then use the shorter time! */
++  (void)multi_timeout(multi, &timeout_internal);
++  if(timeout_internal < (long)timeout_ms)
++    timeout_ms = (int)timeout_internal;
+   /* Count up how many fds we have from the multi handle */
+   easy=multi->easy.next;
+   while(easy != &multi->easy) {
+From 3db7d3959815224b7a618860be783fed44fab72a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 13:22:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/5] curl_multi_wait: only use internal timer if not -1
+commit 29bf0598aad5 introduced a problem when the "internal" timeout is
+prefered to the given if shorter, as it didn't consider the case where
+-1 was returned. Now the internal timeout is only considered if not -1.
+Reported-by: Tor Arntsen
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2013-06/0015.html
+Upstream-commit: 0bf5ce77aabe7307e41db13a0d03a63517fdc366
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/multi.c | 5 +++--
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/multi.c b/lib/multi.c
+index c8dd97d..6dfce9b 100644
+--- a/lib/multi.c
++++ b/lib/multi.c
+@@ -812,9 +812,10 @@ CURLMcode curl_multi_wait(CURLM *multi_handle,
+     return CURLM_BAD_HANDLE;
+   /* If the internally desired timeout is actually shorter than requested from
+-     the outside, then use the shorter time! */
++     the outside, then use the shorter time! But only if the internal timer
++     is actually larger than 0! */
+   (void)multi_timeout(multi, &timeout_internal);
+-  if(timeout_internal < (long)timeout_ms)
++  if((timeout_internal > 0) && (timeout_internal < (long)timeout_ms))
+     timeout_ms = (int)timeout_internal;
+   /* Count up how many fds we have from the multi handle */
+From 761d88bb94e33a119f8e10083c33acf6fe216c79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:45:47 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/5] FTP: fix getsock during DO_MORE state
+... when doing upload it would return the wrong values at times. This
+commit attempts to cleanup the mess.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2013-08/0109.html
+Reported-by: Mike Mio
+Upstream-commit: c4a7ca038e26a57df952b4ea560f9b718a5ebd1d
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ lib/ftp.c | 24 ++++++++++--------------
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/ftp.c b/lib/ftp.c
+index 4501116..63d1e64 100644
+--- a/lib/ftp.c
++++ b/lib/ftp.c
+@@ -877,14 +877,9 @@ static int ftp_domore_getsock(struct connectdata *conn, curl_socket_t *socks,
+     return GETSOCK_BLANK;
+   /* When in DO_MORE state, we could be either waiting for us to connect to a
+-     remote site, or we could wait for that site to connect to us. Or just
+-     handle ordinary commands.
+-     When waiting for a connect, we will be in FTP_STOP state and then we wait
+-     for the secondary socket to become writeable. If we're in another state,
+-     we're still handling commands on the control (primary) connection.
+-  */
++   * remote site, or we could wait for that site to connect to us. Or just
++   * handle ordinary commands.
++   */
+   switch(ftpc->state) {
+   case FTP_STOP:
+@@ -893,13 +888,12 @@ static int ftp_domore_getsock(struct connectdata *conn, curl_socket_t *socks,
+     return Curl_pp_getsock(&conn->proto.ftpc.pp, socks, numsocks);
+   }
+-  socks[0] = conn->sock[SECONDARYSOCKET];
+-  if(ftpc->wait_data_conn) {
+-    socks[1] = conn->sock[FIRSTSOCKET];
+-  }
++  /* if stopped and still in this state, then we're also waiting for a
++     connect on the secondary connection */
++  socks[0] = conn->sock[FIRSTSOCKET];
++  socks[1] = conn->sock[SECONDARYSOCKET];
+-  return GETSOCK_READSOCK(0);
+ }
+ /* This is called after the FTP_QUOTE state is passed.
+@@ -2421,6 +2415,8 @@ static CURLcode ftp_state_stor_resp(struct connectdata *conn,
+   if(data->set.ftp_use_port) {
+     bool connected;
++    state(conn, FTP_STOP); /* no longer in STOR state */
+     result = AllowServerConnect(conn, &connected);
+     if(result)
+       return result;
+From 5b18b86746cf09208e57adb69edcf411b10f5e30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 17:49:58 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/5] ftp tests: libcurl returns CURLE_FTP_ACCEPT_FAILED better
+ now
+Since commit 57aeabcc1a20f, it handles errors on the control connection
+while waiting for the data connection better.
+Test 591 and 592 are updated accordingly.
+Upstream-commit: 18f0ab7bd353289049ca06c4a7105473e37a8f20
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ tests/data/test591 | 4 ++--
+ tests/data/test592 | 5 +++--
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/data/test591 b/tests/data/test591
+index 42a2271..1455a38 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test591
++++ b/tests/data/test591
+@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ TYPE I
+ STOR 591
+ </protocol>
+ <errorcode>
+ </errorcode>
+ <upload>
+ </upload>
+diff --git a/tests/data/test592 b/tests/data/test592
+index 23aa6c4..f443205 100644
+--- a/tests/data/test592
++++ b/tests/data/test592
+@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@ EPRT |1|
+ STOR 592
+ </protocol>
+ <errorcode>
+ </errorcode>
+ <upload>
+ </upload>
+From 599ef7d7ec8ed7a979df1cd3180819359e6af97f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
+Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 22:20:39 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 5/5] lib1500: remove bad check
+After curl_multi_wait() returns, this test checked that we got exactly
+one file descriptor told to read from, but we cannot be sure that is
+true. curl_multi_wait() will sometimes return earlier without any file
+descriptor to handle, just just because it is a suitable time to call
+This problem showed up with commit 29bf0598.
+Bug: http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2013-06/0029.html
+Reported-by: Fabian Keil
+Upstream-commit: 87cf677eca55abee88f0a9dced9e6fa570143873
+Signed-off-by: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+ tests/libtest/lib1500.c | 5 -----
+ 1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/libtest/lib1500.c b/tests/libtest/lib1500.c
+index 784bdb2..736a817 100644
+--- a/tests/libtest/lib1500.c
++++ b/tests/libtest/lib1500.c
+@@ -61,11 +61,6 @@ int test(char *URL)
+       res = -1;
+       goto test_cleanup;
+     }
+-    if (num != 1) {
+-      printf("curl_multi_wait() returned on %d handle(s), expected 1\n", num);
+-      res = -1;
+-      goto test_cleanup;
+-    }
+     abort_on_test_timeout();
diff --git a/SOURCES/0103-curl-7.29.0-default-tls-version.patch b/SOURCES/0103-curl-7.29.0-default-tls-version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259fd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0103-curl-7.29.0-default-tls-version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From ebe7a9186469a5901a91469d107851abfdaa3993 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 18:59:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] nss: use the default min/max TLS version provided by NSS
+ lib/nss.c | 12 +++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/nss.c b/lib/nss.c
+index 0691394..6b7c309 100644
+--- a/lib/nss.c
++++ b/lib/nss.c
+@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ static CURLcode nss_init_sslver(SSLVersionRange *sslver,
+   switch (data->set.ssl.version) {
+   default:
+-    return CURLE_OK;
++    break;
+     sslver->min = SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0;
+@@ -1368,10 +1368,12 @@ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+     goto error;
+   /* enable/disable the requested SSL version(s) */
+-  if(nss_init_sslver(&sslver, data) != CURLE_OK)
+-    goto error;
+-  if(SSL_VersionRangeSet(model, &sslver) != SECSuccess)
+-    goto error;
++  if(data->set.ssl.version != CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT) {
++    if(nss_init_sslver(&sslver, data) != CURLE_OK)
++      goto error;
++    if(SSL_VersionRangeSet(model, &sslver) != SECSuccess)
++      goto error;
++  }
+   ssl_cbc_random_iv = !data->set.ssl_enable_beast;
diff --git a/SPECS/curl.spec b/SPECS/curl.spec
index e7c93e2..34022fd 100644
--- a/SPECS/curl.spec
+++ b/SPECS/curl.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
 Name: curl
 Version: 7.29.0
-Release: 19%{?dist}
+Release: 25%{?dist}
 License: MIT
 Group: Applications/Internet
 Source: http://curl.haxx.se/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.lzma
@@ -62,7 +62,49 @@ Patch17: 0017-curl-7.29.0-ffb8a21d.patch
 Patch18: 0018-curl-7.29.0-03c28820.patch
 # fix connection re-use when using different log-in credentials (CVE-2014-0138)
-Patch19: 0018-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
+Patch19: 0019-curl-7.29.0-517b06d6.patch
+# eliminate unnecessary delay when resolving host from /etc/hosts (#1130239)
+Patch20: 0020-curl-7.29.0-d529f388.patch
+# allow to enable/disable new AES cipher-suites (#1066065)
+Patch21: 0021-curl-7.29.0-67061e3f.patch
+# call PR_Cleanup() on curl tool exit if NSPR is used (#1071254)
+Patch22: 0022-curl-7.29.0-24c3cdce.patch
+# implement non-blocking TLS handshake (#1091429)
+Patch23: 0023-curl-7.29.0-8868a226.patch
+# fix limited connection re-use for unencrypted HTTP (#1101092)
+Patch24: 0024-curl-7.29.0-68f0166a.patch
+# disable libcurl-level downgrade to SSLv3 (#1154060)
+Patch25: 0025-curl-7.29.0-3f430c9c.patch
+# include response headers added by proxy in CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE (#1161182)
+Patch26: 0026-curl-7.29.0-bc6037ed.patch
+# ignore CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE during NTLM HTTP auth (#1166264)
+Patch27: 0027-curl-7.29.0-63a0bd42.patch
+# use only full matches for hosts used as IP address in cookies (CVE-2014-3613)
+Patch28: 0028-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3613.patch
+# fix handling of CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS in curl_easy_duphandle (CVE-2014-3707)
+Patch29: 0029-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-3707.patch
+# reject CRLFs in URLs passed to proxy (CVE-2014-8150)
+Patch30: 0030-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2014-8150.patch
+# require credentials to match for NTLM re-use (CVE-2015-3143)
+Patch31: 0031-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3143.patch
+# close Negotiate connections when done (CVE-2015-3148)
+Patch32: 0032-curl-7.29.0-CVE-2015-3148.patch
+# improve handling of timeouts and blocking direction to speed up FTP (#1218272)
+Patch33: 0033-curl-7.29.0-29bf0598.patch
 # patch making libcurl multilib ready
 Patch101: 0101-curl-7.29.0-multilib.patch
@@ -70,6 +112,9 @@ Patch101: 0101-curl-7.29.0-multilib.patch
 # prevent configure script from discarding -g in CFLAGS (#496778)
 Patch102: 0102-curl-7.29.0-debug.patch
+# use the default min/max TLS version provided by NSS (#1170339)
+Patch103: 0103-curl-7.29.0-default-tls-version.patch
 # use localhost6 instead of ip6-localhost in the curl test-suite
 Patch104: 0104-curl-7.19.7-localhost6.patch
@@ -195,10 +240,25 @@ documentation of the library, too.
 %patch18 -p1
 %patch105 -p1
 %patch19 -p1
-# Fedora patches
+%patch20 -p1
+%patch21 -p1
+%patch22 -p1
+%patch23 -p1
+%patch24 -p1
+%patch25 -p1
+%patch26 -p1
+%patch27 -p1
+%patch28 -p1
+%patch29 -p1
+%patch30 -p1
+%patch31 -p1
+%patch32 -p1
+%patch33 -p1
+# Fedora/RHEL patches
 %patch101 -p1
 %patch102 -p1
+%patch103 -p1
 %patch104 -p1
 %patch106 -p1
 %patch107 -p1
@@ -312,6 +372,34 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Mon May 11 2015 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-25
+- fix spurious failure of test 1500 on ppc64le (#1218272)
+* Tue May 05 2015 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-24
+- use the default min/max TLS version provided by NSS (#1170339)
+- improve handling of timeouts and blocking direction to speed up FTP (#1218272)
+* Mon Apr 27 2015 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-23
+- require credentials to match for NTLM re-use (CVE-2015-3143)
+- close Negotiate connections when done (CVE-2015-3148)
+* Thu Jan 08 2015 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-22
+- reject CRLFs in URLs passed to proxy (CVE-2014-8150)
+* Thu Dec 18 2014 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-21
+- use only full matches for hosts used as IP address in cookies (CVE-2014-3613)
+- fix handling of CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS in curl_easy_duphandle (CVE-2014-3707)
+* Thu Nov 27 2014 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-20
+- eliminate unnecessary delay when resolving host from /etc/hosts (#1130239)
+- allow to enable/disable new AES cipher-suites (#1066065)
+- call PR_Cleanup() on curl tool exit if NSPR is used (#1071254)
+- implement non-blocking TLS handshake (#1091429)
+- fix limited connection re-use for unencrypted HTTP (#1101092)
+- disable libcurl-level downgrade to SSLv3 (#1154060)
+- include response headers added by proxy in CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE (#1161182)
+- ignore CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE during NTLM HTTP auth (#1166264)
 * Wed Mar 26 2014 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> 7.29.0-19
 - fix connection re-use when using different log-in credentials (CVE-2014-0138)