diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-arm64-Support-overflow-stack-panic.patch b/SOURCES/0001-arm64-Support-overflow-stack-panic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8cb3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-arm64-Support-overflow-stack-panic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+From c05db8d7d83389a342664073547bd29eda900158 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hong YANG <hong.yang3@nio.com>
+Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:41:01 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] arm64: Support overflow stack panic
+Kernel commit <872d8327ce89> ("arm64: add VMAP_STACK overflow detection")
+has supported the overflow stack exception handling. Without the patch, the
+"bt" command will make crash generate a core dump because of segmentation
+fault. With the patch, the "bt" command can display the overflow stack.
+crash> bt
+PID: 3607   TASK: ffffffcbf9a4da00  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "sh"
+Segmentation fault (core dumped)
+crash> bt
+PID: 3607   TASK: ffffffcbf9a4da00  CPU: 2   COMMAND: "sh"
+ #0 [ffffffccbfd85f50] __delay at ffffff8008ceded8
+ #5 [ffffffccbfd85fd0] emergency_restart at ffffff80080d49fc
+ #6 [ffffffccbfd86140] panic at ffffff80080af4c0
+ #7 [ffffffccbfd86150] nmi_panic at ffffff80080af150
+ #8 [ffffffccbfd86190] handle_bad_stack at ffffff800808b0b8
+ #9 [ffffffccbfd862d0] __bad_stack at ffffff800808285c
+     PC: ffffff8008082e80  [el1_sync]
+     LR: ffffff8000d6c214  [stack_overflow_demo+84]
+     SP: ffffff1a79930070  PSTATE: 204003c5
+    X29: ffffff8011b03d00  X28: ffffffcbf9a4da00  X27: ffffff8008e02000
+    X26: 0000000000000040  X25: 0000000000000124  X24: ffffffcbf9a4da00
+    X23: 0000007daec2e288  X22: ffffffcbfe03b800  X21: 0000007daec2e288
+    X20: 0000000000000002  X19: 0000000000000002  X18: 0000000000000002
+    X17: 00000000000003e7  X16: 0000000000000000  X15: 0000000000000000
+    X14: ffffffcc17facb00  X13: ffffffccb4c25c00  X12: 0000000000000000
+    X11: ffffffcc17fad660  X10: 0000000000000af0   X9: 0000000000000000
+     X8: ffffff1a799334f0   X7: 0000000000000000   X6: 000000000000003f
+     X5: 0000000000000040   X4: 0000000000000010   X3: 00000065981d07f0
+     X2: 00000065981d07f0   X1: 0000000000000000   X0: ffffff1a799334f0
+Signed-off-by: Hong YANG <hong.yang3@nio.com>
+ arm64.c | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+ defs.h  |   6 ++
+ 2 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/arm64.c b/arm64.c
+index 94681d1a37db..23c3d75d85aa 100644
+--- a/arm64.c
++++ b/arm64.c
+@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ static int arm64_vtop_3level_4k(ulong, ulong, physaddr_t *, int);
+ static int arm64_vtop_4level_4k(ulong, ulong, physaddr_t *, int);
+ static ulong arm64_get_task_pgd(ulong);
+ static void arm64_irq_stack_init(void);
++static void arm64_overflow_stack_init(void);
+ static void arm64_stackframe_init(void);
+ static int arm64_eframe_search(struct bt_info *);
+ static int arm64_is_kernel_exception_frame(struct bt_info *, ulong);
+@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ static int arm64_get_dumpfile_stackframe(struct bt_info *, struct arm64_stackfra
+ static int arm64_in_kdump_text(struct bt_info *, struct arm64_stackframe *);
+ static int arm64_in_kdump_text_on_irq_stack(struct bt_info *);
+ static int arm64_switch_stack(struct bt_info *, struct arm64_stackframe *, FILE *);
++static int arm64_switch_stack_from_overflow(struct bt_info *, struct arm64_stackframe *, FILE *);
+ static int arm64_get_stackframe(struct bt_info *, struct arm64_stackframe *);
+ static void arm64_get_stack_frame(struct bt_info *, ulong *, ulong *);
+ static void arm64_gen_hidden_frame(struct bt_info *bt, ulong, struct arm64_stackframe *);
+@@ -78,8 +80,11 @@ static int arm64_get_smp_cpus(void);
+ static void arm64_clear_machdep_cache(void);
+ static int arm64_on_process_stack(struct bt_info *, ulong);
+ static int arm64_in_alternate_stack(int, ulong);
++static int arm64_in_alternate_stackv(int cpu, ulong stkptr, ulong *stacks, ulong stack_size);
+ static int arm64_on_irq_stack(int, ulong);
++static int arm64_on_overflow_stack(int, ulong);
+ static void arm64_set_irq_stack(struct bt_info *);
++static void arm64_set_overflow_stack(struct bt_info *);
+ static void arm64_set_process_stack(struct bt_info *);
+ static int arm64_get_kvaddr_ranges(struct vaddr_range *);
+ static void arm64_get_crash_notes(void);
+@@ -463,6 +468,7 @@ arm64_init(int when)
+ 			machdep->hz = 100;
+ 		arm64_irq_stack_init();
++		arm64_overflow_stack_init();
+ 		arm64_stackframe_init();
+ 		break;
+@@ -1715,6 +1721,49 @@ arm64_irq_stack_init(void)
+ 	} 
+ }
++ *  Gather Overflow stack values.
++ *
++ *  Overflow stack supported since 4.14, in commit 872d8327c
++ */
++static void
++	int i;
++	struct syment *sp;
++	struct gnu_request request, *req;
++	struct machine_specific *ms = machdep->machspec;
++	req = &request;
++	if (symbol_exists("overflow_stack") &&
++	    (sp = per_cpu_symbol_search("overflow_stack")) &&
++	    get_symbol_type("overflow_stack", NULL, req)) {
++		if (CRASHDEBUG(1)) {
++			fprintf(fp, "overflow_stack: \n");
++			fprintf(fp, "  type: %x, %s\n",
++				(int)req->typecode,
++				(req->typecode == TYPE_CODE_ARRAY) ?
++						"TYPE_CODE_ARRAY" : "other");
++			fprintf(fp, "  target_typecode: %x, %s\n",
++				(int)req->target_typecode,
++				req->target_typecode == TYPE_CODE_INT ?
++						"TYPE_CODE_INT" : "other");
++			fprintf(fp, "  target_length: %ld\n",
++						req->target_length);
++			fprintf(fp, "  length: %ld\n", req->length);
++		}
++		if (!(ms->overflow_stacks = (ulong *)malloc((size_t)(kt->cpus * sizeof(ulong)))))
++			error(FATAL, "cannot malloc overflow_stack addresses\n");
++		ms->overflow_stack_size = ARM64_OVERFLOW_STACK_SIZE;
++		machdep->flags |= OVERFLOW_STACKS;
++		for (i = 0; i < kt->cpus; i++)
++			ms->overflow_stacks[i] = kt->__per_cpu_offset[i] + sp->value;
++	}
+ /*
+  *  Gather and verify all of the backtrace requirements.
+  */
+@@ -1960,6 +2009,7 @@ static char *arm64_exception_functions[] = {
+         "do_mem_abort",
+         "do_el0_irq_bp_hardening",
+         "do_sp_pc_abort",
++        "handle_bad_stack",
+         NULL
+ };
+@@ -1978,7 +2028,10 @@ arm64_in_exception_text(ulong ptr)
+ 		if ((ptr >= ms->__exception_text_start) &&
+ 		    (ptr < ms->__exception_text_end))
+ 			return TRUE;
+-	} else if ((name = closest_symbol(ptr))) {  /* Linux 5.5 and later */
++	}
++	name = closest_symbol(ptr);
++	if (name != NULL) { /* Linux 5.5 and later */
+ 		for (func = &arm64_exception_functions[0]; *func; func++) {
+ 			if (STREQ(name, *func))
+ 				return TRUE;
+@@ -2252,15 +2305,14 @@ arm64_unwind_frame(struct bt_info *bt, struct arm64_stackframe *frame)
+ 	if ((frame->fp == 0) && (frame->pc == 0))
+ 		return FALSE;
+-	if (!(machdep->flags & IRQ_STACKS))
+-		return TRUE;
+-	if (!(machdep->flags & IRQ_STACKS))
++	if (!(machdep->flags & (IRQ_STACKS | OVERFLOW_STACKS)))
+ 		return TRUE;
+ 	if (machdep->flags & UNW_4_14) {
+-		if ((bt->flags & BT_IRQSTACK) &&
+-		    !arm64_on_irq_stack(bt->tc->processor, frame->fp)) {
++		if (((bt->flags & BT_IRQSTACK) &&
++		     !arm64_on_irq_stack(bt->tc->processor, frame->fp)) ||
++		    ((bt->flags & BT_OVERFLOW_STACK) &&
++		     !arm64_on_overflow_stack(bt->tc->processor, frame->fp))) {
+ 			if (arm64_on_process_stack(bt, frame->fp)) {
+ 				arm64_set_process_stack(bt);
+@@ -2677,6 +2729,9 @@ arm64_back_trace_cmd(struct bt_info *bt)
+ 		if (arm64_on_irq_stack(bt->tc->processor, bt->frameptr)) {
+ 			arm64_set_irq_stack(bt);
+ 			bt->flags |= BT_IRQSTACK;
++		} else if (arm64_on_overflow_stack(bt->tc->processor, bt->frameptr)) {
++			arm64_set_overflow_stack(bt);
++			bt->flags |= BT_OVERFLOW_STACK;
+ 		}
+ 		stackframe.sp = bt->stkptr;
+ 		stackframe.pc = bt->instptr;
+@@ -2731,7 +2786,9 @@ arm64_back_trace_cmd(struct bt_info *bt)
+ 			break;
+ 		if (arm64_in_exception_text(bt->instptr) && INSTACK(stackframe.fp, bt)) {
+-			if (!(bt->flags & BT_IRQSTACK) ||
++			if (bt->flags & BT_OVERFLOW_STACK) {
++				exception_frame = stackframe.fp - KERN_EFRAME_OFFSET;
++			} else if (!(bt->flags & BT_IRQSTACK) ||
+ 			    ((stackframe.sp + SIZE(pt_regs)) < bt->stacktop)) {
+ 				if (arm64_is_kernel_exception_frame(bt, stackframe.fp - KERN_EFRAME_OFFSET))
+ 					exception_frame = stackframe.fp - KERN_EFRAME_OFFSET;
+@@ -2745,6 +2802,12 @@ arm64_back_trace_cmd(struct bt_info *bt)
+ 				break;
+ 		}
++		if ((bt->flags & BT_OVERFLOW_STACK) &&
++		    !arm64_on_overflow_stack(bt->tc->processor, stackframe.fp)) {
++			bt->flags &= ~BT_OVERFLOW_STACK;
++			if (arm64_switch_stack_from_overflow(bt, &stackframe, ofp) == USER_MODE)
++				break;
++		}
+ 		level++;
+ 	}
+@@ -3131,6 +3194,43 @@ arm64_switch_stack(struct bt_info *bt, struct arm64_stackframe *frame, FILE *ofp
+ 	return KERNEL_MODE;
+ }
++static int
++arm64_switch_stack_from_overflow(struct bt_info *bt, struct arm64_stackframe *frame, FILE *ofp)
++	int i;
++	ulong stacktop, words, addr;
++	ulong *stackbuf;
++	char buf[BUFSIZE];
++	struct machine_specific *ms = machdep->machspec;
++	if (bt->flags & BT_FULL) {
++		stacktop = ms->overflow_stacks[bt->tc->processor] + ms->overflow_stack_size;
++		words = (stacktop - bt->bptr) / sizeof(ulong);
++		stackbuf = (ulong *)GETBUF(words * sizeof(ulong));
++		readmem(bt->bptr, KVADDR, stackbuf, words * sizeof(long),
++			"top of overflow stack", FAULT_ON_ERROR);
++		addr = bt->bptr;
++		for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
++			if (!(i & 1))
++				fprintf(ofp, "%s    %lx: ", i ? "\n" : "", addr);
++			fprintf(ofp, "%s ", format_stack_entry(bt, buf, stackbuf[i], 0));
++			addr += sizeof(ulong);
++		}
++		fprintf(ofp, "\n");
++		FREEBUF(stackbuf);
++	}
++	fprintf(ofp, "--- <Overflow stack> ---\n");
++	if (frame->fp == 0)
++		return USER_MODE;
++	if (!(machdep->flags & UNW_4_14))
++		arm64_print_exception_frame(bt, frame->sp, KERNEL_MODE, ofp);
++	return KERNEL_MODE;
+ static int
+ arm64_get_dumpfile_stackframe(struct bt_info *bt, struct arm64_stackframe *frame)
+ {
+@@ -3682,6 +3782,16 @@ arm64_display_machine_stats(void)
+ 				machdep->machspec->irq_stacks[i]);
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	if (machdep->machspec->overflow_stack_size) {
++		fprintf(fp, "OVERFLOW STACK SIZE: %ld\n",
++			machdep->machspec->overflow_stack_size);
++		fprintf(fp, "    OVERFLOW STACKS:\n");
++		for (i = 0; i < kt->cpus; i++) {
++			pad = (i < 10) ? 3 : (i < 100) ? 2 : (i < 1000) ? 1 : 0;
++			fprintf(fp, "%s           CPU %d: %lx\n", space(pad), i,
++				machdep->machspec->overflow_stacks[i]);
++		}
++	}
+ }
+ static int
+@@ -3875,24 +3985,41 @@ arm64_on_process_stack(struct bt_info *bt, ulong stkptr)
+ }
+ static int
+-arm64_on_irq_stack(int cpu, ulong stkptr)
++arm64_in_alternate_stackv(int cpu, ulong stkptr, ulong *stacks, ulong stack_size)
+ {
+-	return arm64_in_alternate_stack(cpu, stkptr);
++	if ((cpu >= kt->cpus) || (stacks == NULL) || !stack_size)
++		return FALSE;
++	if ((stkptr >= stacks[cpu]) &&
++	    (stkptr < (stacks[cpu] + stack_size)))
++		return TRUE;
++	return FALSE;
+ }
+ static int
+ arm64_in_alternate_stack(int cpu, ulong stkptr)
++	return (arm64_on_irq_stack(cpu, stkptr) ||
++		arm64_on_overflow_stack(cpu, stkptr));
++static int
++arm64_on_irq_stack(int cpu, ulong stkptr)
+ {
+ 	struct machine_specific *ms = machdep->machspec;
+-	if (!ms->irq_stack_size || (cpu >= kt->cpus))
+-		return FALSE;
++	return arm64_in_alternate_stackv(cpu, stkptr,
++			ms->irq_stacks, ms->irq_stack_size);
+-	if ((stkptr >= ms->irq_stacks[cpu]) &&
+-	    (stkptr < (ms->irq_stacks[cpu] + ms->irq_stack_size)))
+-		return TRUE;
++static int
++arm64_on_overflow_stack(int cpu, ulong stkptr)
++	struct machine_specific *ms = machdep->machspec;
+-	return FALSE;
++	return arm64_in_alternate_stackv(cpu, stkptr,
++			ms->overflow_stacks, ms->overflow_stack_size);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -3905,6 +4032,16 @@ arm64_set_irq_stack(struct bt_info *bt)
+ 	alter_stackbuf(bt);
+ }
++static void
++arm64_set_overflow_stack(struct bt_info *bt)
++	struct machine_specific *ms = machdep->machspec;
++	bt->stackbase = ms->overflow_stacks[bt->tc->processor];
++	bt->stacktop = bt->stackbase + ms->overflow_stack_size;
++	alter_stackbuf(bt);
+ static void
+ arm64_set_process_stack(struct bt_info *bt)
+ {
+diff --git a/defs.h b/defs.h
+index 43eff46b105d..caaa11e50c87 100644
+--- a/defs.h
++++ b/defs.h
+@@ -3218,6 +3218,7 @@ typedef signed int s32;
+ #define UNW_4_14      (0x200)
+ #define FLIPPED_VM    (0x400)
+ #define HAS_PHYSVIRT_OFFSET (0x800)
++#define OVERFLOW_STACKS     (0x1000)
+ /*
+  * Get kimage_voffset from /dev/crash
+@@ -3260,6 +3261,7 @@ typedef signed int s32;
+ #define ARM64_STACK_SIZE   (16384)
++#define ARM64_OVERFLOW_STACK_SIZE   (4096)
+ #define _SECTION_SIZE_BITS           30
+ #define _SECTION_SIZE_BITS_5_12      27
+@@ -3332,6 +3334,9 @@ struct machine_specific {
+ 	char  *irq_stackbuf;
+ 	ulong __irqentry_text_start;
+ 	ulong __irqentry_text_end;
++	ulong overflow_stack_size;
++	ulong *overflow_stacks;
++	char  *overflow_stackbuf;
+ 	/* for exception vector code */
+ 	ulong exp_entry1_start;
+ 	ulong exp_entry1_end;
+@@ -5778,6 +5783,7 @@ ulong cpu_map_addr(const char *type);
+ #define BT_CPUMASK        (0x1000000000000ULL)
+ #define BT_SHOW_ALL_REGS  (0x2000000000000ULL)
+ #define BT_REGS_NOT_FOUND (0x4000000000000ULL)
++#define BT_OVERFLOW_STACK (0x8000000000000ULL)
+ #define BT_REF_HEXVAL         (0x1)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-defs.h-fix-breakage-of-compatibility-of-struct-symbo.patch b/SOURCES/0002-defs.h-fix-breakage-of-compatibility-of-struct-symbo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1415a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-defs.h-fix-breakage-of-compatibility-of-struct-symbo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+From a0eec39c14ee1db95a6c1a649a8f69b97e260dc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: HATAYAMA Daisuke <d.hatayama@fujitsu.com>
+Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 12:07:34 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] defs.h: fix breakage of compatibility of struct
+ symbol_table_data for extension modules
+Commit <3ab39203ddd9> ("symbols: Implement install and remove operations
+for mod_symname_hash") added new member variable mod_symname_hash in the
+middle of struct symbol_table_date, which breaks compatibility of struct
+symbol_table_data for extension modules. As the result, crash trace command
+results in segmentation fault.
+Fixes: 3ab39203ddd9 ("symbols: Implement install and remove operations for mod_symname_hash")
+Signed-off-by: HATAYAMA Daisuke <d.hatayama@fujitsu.com>
+ defs.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/defs.h b/defs.h
+index caaa11e50c87..41b6cbc6cc85 100644
+--- a/defs.h
++++ b/defs.h
+@@ -2753,7 +2753,6 @@ struct symbol_table_data {
+         double val_hash_searches;
+         double val_hash_iterations;
+         struct syment *symname_hash[SYMNAME_HASH];
+-	struct syment *mod_symname_hash[SYMNAME_HASH];
+ 	struct symbol_namespace kernel_namespace;
+ 	struct syment *ext_module_symtable;
+ 	struct syment *ext_module_symend;
+@@ -2780,6 +2779,7 @@ struct symbol_table_data {
+ 	ulong kaiser_init_vmlinux;
+ 	int kernel_symbol_type;
+ 	ulong linux_banner_vmlinux;
++	struct syment *mod_symname_hash[SYMNAME_HASH];
+ };
+ /* flags for st */
diff --git a/SPECS/crash.spec b/SPECS/crash.spec
index b187d45..efcdfd2 100644
--- a/SPECS/crash.spec
+++ b/SPECS/crash.spec
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Summary: Kernel analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
 Name: crash
 Version: 7.3.1
-Release: 2%{?dist}
+Release: 3%{?dist}
 License: GPLv3
 Group: Development/Debuggers
 Source0: https://github.com/crash-utility/crash/archive/crash-%{version}.tar.gz
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Provides: bundled(gdb) = 7.6
 Patch0: lzo_snappy_zstd.patch
 Patch1: rhel8_build.patch
 Patch2: rhel8_freepointer.patch
+Patch3: 0001-arm64-Support-overflow-stack-panic.patch
+Patch4: 0002-defs.h-fix-breakage-of-compatibility-of-struct-symbo.patch
 The core analysis suite is a self-contained tool that can be used to
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ offered by Mission Critical Linux, or the LKCD kernel patch.
 %patch0 -p1 -b lzo_snappy_zstd.patch
 %patch1 -p1 -b rhel8_build.patch
 %patch2 -p1 -b rhel8_freepointer.patch
+%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
 cp %{SOURCE1} .
@@ -72,6 +76,10 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Mon Dec 13 2021 Lianbo Jiang <lijiang@redhat.com> - 7.3.1-3
+- Fix segmentation fault caused by crash extension modules
+- Support the overflow stack exception handling on aarch64
 * Tue Dec 07 2021 Lianbo Jiang <lijiang@redhat.com> - 7.3.1-2
 - Enable ZSTD feature support