diff --git a/.cogl.metadata b/.cogl.metadata
index 8154318..755dde2 100644
--- a/.cogl.metadata
+++ b/.cogl.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-40be1ceb45701d27d1e506efbbbdea8a06daf354 SOURCES/cogl-1.18.2.tar.xz
+75f464d5156feb1b6c1fb553d543691711ff01a2 SOURCES/cogl-1.22.2.tar.xz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 58f9b30..f5d1e52 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-egl-Use-eglGetPlatformDisplay-not-eglGetDisplay.patch b/SOURCES/0001-egl-Use-eglGetPlatformDisplay-not-eglGetDisplay.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a507b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-egl-Use-eglGetPlatformDisplay-not-eglGetDisplay.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+From 988e021960eb372be50038fdf0b2874f063c02b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 16:16:38 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] egl: Use eglGetPlatformDisplay not eglGetDisplay
+The latter requires the implementation to guess which kind of display it
+is. Different implementations do different thing, in particular glvnd
+does something different from Mesa, and it's better to be explicit about
+what we need.
+Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com>
+ cogl/cogl-egl.h                       |  1 -
+ cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-kms.c     |  3 ++-
+ cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-private.h | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-wayland.c |  3 ++-
+ cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c     |  2 +-
+ 5 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cogl/cogl-egl.h b/cogl/cogl-egl.h
+index cea7b10..5dac55f 100644
+--- a/cogl/cogl-egl.h
++++ b/cogl/cogl-egl.h
+@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ cogl_egl_context_get_egl_display (CoglContext *context);
+ EGLContext
+ cogl_egl_context_get_egl_context (CoglContext *context);
+ /* The gobject introspection scanner seems to parse public headers in
+diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-kms.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-kms.c
+index 4da1f14..ae9f6fc 100644
+--- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-kms.c
++++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-kms.c
+@@ -342,7 +342,8 @@ _cogl_winsys_renderer_connect (CoglRenderer *renderer,
+       goto fail;
+     }
+-  egl_renderer->edpy = eglGetDisplay ((EGLNativeDisplayType)kms_renderer->gbm);
++  egl_renderer->edpy = cogl_winsys_egl_get_display(EGL_PLATFORM_GBM_KHR,
++                                                   kms_renderer->gbm);
+   if (egl_renderer->edpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+     {
+       _cogl_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR,
+diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-private.h b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-private.h
+index 5d21b4f..27ac25c 100644
+--- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-private.h
++++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-private.h
+@@ -200,4 +200,37 @@ CoglBool
+ _cogl_winsys_egl_renderer_connect_common (CoglRenderer *renderer,
+                                           CoglError **error);
++static inline EGLDisplay
++cogl_winsys_egl_get_display (EGLint type, void *native)
++  EGLDisplay dpy = NULL;
++  const char *client_exts = eglQueryString (NULL, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
++  if (g_strstr_len (client_exts, -1, "EGL_KHR_platform_base"))
++    {
++      PFNEGLGETPLATFORMDISPLAYEXTPROC get_platform_display =
++	(void *) eglGetProcAddress ("eglGetPlatformDisplay");
++      if (get_platform_display)
++	dpy = get_platform_display (type, native, NULL);
++      if (dpy)
++	return dpy;
++    }
++  if (g_strstr_len (client_exts, -1, "EGL_EXT_platform_base"))
++    {
++      PFNEGLGETPLATFORMDISPLAYEXTPROC get_platform_display =
++	(void *) eglGetProcAddress ("eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT");
++      if (get_platform_display)
++	dpy = get_platform_display (type, native, NULL);
++      if (dpy)
++	return dpy;
++    }
++  return eglGetDisplay ((EGLNativeDisplayType) native);
+ #endif /* __COGL_WINSYS_EGL_PRIVATE_H */
+diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-wayland.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-wayland.c
+index 2e22052..463041b 100644
+--- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-wayland.c
++++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-wayland.c
+@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ _cogl_winsys_renderer_connect (CoglRenderer *renderer,
+     }
+   egl_renderer->edpy =
+-    eglGetDisplay ((EGLNativeDisplayType) wayland_renderer->wayland_display);
++    cogl_winsys_egl_get_display (EGL_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR,
++                                 wayland_renderer->wayland_display);
+   if (!_cogl_winsys_egl_renderer_connect_common (renderer, error))
+     goto error;
+diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
+index 724a4d0..a7e9c2f 100644
+--- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
++++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
+@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_renderer_connect (CoglRenderer *renderer,
+     goto error;
+   egl_renderer->edpy =
+-    eglGetDisplay ((EGLNativeDisplayType) xlib_renderer->xdpy);
++    cogl_winsys_egl_get_display (EGL_PLATFORM_X11_KHR, xlib_renderer->xdpy);
+   if (!_cogl_winsys_egl_renderer_connect_common (renderer, error))
+     goto error;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-examples-cogl-crate.c-fix-bug-when-waiting-for-next-.patch b/SOURCES/0001-examples-cogl-crate.c-fix-bug-when-waiting-for-next-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1e9f4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-examples-cogl-crate.c-fix-bug-when-waiting-for-next-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 9d33312a2b78960d2cb840f60d2e5d6eb6ac87da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 17:20:00 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 1/6] examples/cogl-crate.c: fix bug when waiting for next
- frame
-The swap_ready variable was never reset, meaning that we weren't
-effectively waiting for SYNC events that signal frame completion.
- examples/cogl-crate.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/examples/cogl-crate.c b/examples/cogl-crate.c
-index 0836b82..1933c7c 100644
---- a/examples/cogl-crate.c
-+++ b/examples/cogl-crate.c
-@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
-         {
-           paint (&data);
-           cogl_onscreen_swap_buffers (COGL_ONSCREEN (fb));
-+          data.swap_ready = FALSE;
-         }
-       cogl_poll_renderer_get_info (cogl_context_get_renderer (ctx),
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-CoglGPUInfo-fix-check-for-NVIDIA.patch b/SOURCES/0002-CoglGPUInfo-fix-check-for-NVIDIA.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dde2625..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-CoglGPUInfo-fix-check-for-NVIDIA.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 30ee61a38eb9098cb45e566bef6c4d5a3a35f14b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 15:06:23 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 2/6] CoglGPUInfo - fix check for NVIDIA
-NVIDIA drivers have a vendor of "NVIDIA Corporation" not "NVIDIA".
-Check for both in case older drivers did use "NVIDIA"
- cogl/cogl-gpu-info.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-gpu-info.c b/cogl/cogl-gpu-info.c
-index 54dfe18..d91830d 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-gpu-info.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-gpu-info.c
-@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ check_qualcomm_vendor (const CoglGpuInfoStrings *strings)
- static CoglBool
- check_nvidia_vendor (const CoglGpuInfoStrings *strings)
- {
--  if (strcmp (strings->vendor_string, "NVIDIA") != 0)
-+  if (strcmp (strings->vendor_string, "NVIDIA") != 0 &&
-+      strcmp (strings->vendor_string, "NVIDIA Corporation") != 0)
-     return FALSE;
-   return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-CoglWinsysGLX-factor-out-some-duplicated-code.patch b/SOURCES/0003-CoglWinsysGLX-factor-out-some-duplicated-code.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index be73758..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-CoglWinsysGLX-factor-out-some-duplicated-code.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-From 603f16c96b2f1e5040d819277602086cc9e03699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:33:03 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 3/7] CoglWinsysGLX: factor out some duplicated code
-Add a helper function for repeated calls to clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c | 24 ++++++++++++------------
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index 34fb071..ed20e81 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -187,6 +187,15 @@ find_onscreen_for_xid (CoglContext *context, uint32_t xid)
-   return NULL;
- }
-+static int64_t
-+get_monotonic_time_ns (void)
-+  struct timespec ts;
-+  clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
-+  return ts.tv_sec * G_GINT64_CONSTANT (1000000000) + ts.tv_nsec;
- static void
- ensure_ust_type (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-                  GLXDrawable drawable)
-@@ -197,7 +206,6 @@ ensure_ust_type (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-   int64_t msc;
-   int64_t sbc;
-   struct timeval tv;
--  struct timespec ts;
-   int64_t current_system_time;
-   int64_t current_monotonic_time;
-@@ -227,9 +235,7 @@ ensure_ust_type (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-   /* This is the time source that the newer (fixed) linux drm
-    * drivers use (Linux >= 3.8) */
--  clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
--  current_monotonic_time = (ts.tv_sec * G_GINT64_CONSTANT (1000000)) +
--    (ts.tv_nsec / G_GINT64_CONSTANT (1000));
-+  current_monotonic_time = get_monotonic_time_ns () / 1000;
-   if (current_monotonic_time > ust - 1000000 &&
-       current_monotonic_time < ust + 1000000)
-@@ -305,10 +311,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_get_clock_time (CoglContext *context)
-       }
-       {
--        struct timespec ts;
--        clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
--        return ts.tv_sec * G_GINT64_CONSTANT (1000000000) + ts.tv_nsec;
-+        return get_monotonic_time_ns ();
-       }
-     }
-@@ -1636,16 +1639,13 @@ _cogl_winsys_wait_for_vblank (CoglOnscreen *onscreen)
-       else
-         {
-           uint32_t current_count;
--          struct timespec ts;
-           glx_renderer->glXGetVideoSync (&current_count);
-           glx_renderer->glXWaitVideoSync (2,
-                                           (current_count + 1) % 2,
-                                           &current_count);
--          clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
--          info->presentation_time =
--            ts.tv_sec * G_GINT64_CONSTANT (1000000000) + ts.tv_nsec;
-+          info->presentation_time = get_monotonic_time_ns ();
-         }
-     }
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-Usability-of-SGI_video_sync-is-per-display-not-per-r.patch b/SOURCES/0004-Usability-of-SGI_video_sync-is-per-display-not-per-r.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b8a59b7..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-Usability-of-SGI_video_sync-is-per-display-not-per-r.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-From 34419e3631d1e7e22441e611f686f6f9ca27b12a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:04:08 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Usability of SGI_video_sync is per-display not
- per-renderer
-As previously commented in the code, SGI_video_sync is per-display, rather
-than per-renderer. The is_direct flag for the renderer was tested before
-it was initialized (per-display) and that resulted in SGI_video_sync
-never being used.
- cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h  |  3 +++
- cogl/cogl-glx-renderer-private.h |  2 --
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c    | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
- 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h b/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-index 133c118..1d1afc0 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ typedef struct _CoglGLXDisplay
-   CoglBool found_fbconfig;
-   CoglBool fbconfig_has_rgba_visual;
-+  CoglBool is_direct;
-+  CoglBool have_vblank_counter;
-+  CoglBool can_vblank_wait;
-   GLXFBConfig fbconfig;
-   /* Single context for all wins */
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-glx-renderer-private.h b/cogl/cogl-glx-renderer-private.h
-index cb8ff97..061f2cc 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-glx-renderer-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-glx-renderer-private.h
-@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ typedef struct _CoglGLXRenderer
-   int glx_error_base;
-   int glx_event_base;
--  CoglBool is_direct;
-   /* Vblank stuff */
-   int dri_fd;
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index 4450365..cd0b211 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -710,23 +710,25 @@ update_base_winsys_features (CoglRenderer *renderer)
-   g_strfreev (split_extensions);
--  /* Note: the GLX_SGI_video_sync spec explicitly states this extension
--   * only works for direct contexts. */
--  if (!glx_renderer->is_direct)
--    {
--      glx_renderer->glXGetVideoSync = NULL;
--      glx_renderer->glXWaitVideoSync = NULL;
--      COGL_FLAGS_SET (glx_renderer->base_winsys_features,
--                      FALSE);
--    }
-+  /* The GLX_SGI_video_sync spec explicitly states this extension
-+   * only works for direct contexts; we don't know per-renderer
-+   * if the context is direct or not, so we turn off the feature
-+   * flag; we still use the extension within this file looking
-+   * instead at glx_display->have_vblank_counter.
-+   */
-+  COGL_FLAGS_SET (glx_renderer->base_winsys_features,
-+                  FALSE);
-   COGL_FLAGS_SET (glx_renderer->base_winsys_features,
-                   TRUE);
--  if (glx_renderer->glXWaitVideoSync ||
--      glx_renderer->glXWaitForMsc)
-+  /* Because of the direct-context dependency, the VBLANK_WAIT feature
-+   * doesn't reflect the presence of GLX_SGI_video_sync.
-+   */
-+  if (glx_renderer->glXWaitForMsc)
-     COGL_FLAGS_SET (glx_renderer->base_winsys_features,
-                     COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_WAIT,
-                     TRUE);
-@@ -859,7 +861,7 @@ update_winsys_features (CoglContext *context, CoglError **error)
-    * by the SwapInterval so we have to throttle swap_region requests
-    * manually... */
-   if (_cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_SWAP_REGION) &&
--      _cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_WAIT))
-+      (glx_display->have_vblank_counter || glx_display->can_vblank_wait))
-     COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features,
-@@ -1096,11 +1098,13 @@ create_context (CoglDisplay *display, CoglError **error)
-       return FALSE;
-     }
--  glx_renderer->is_direct =
-+  glx_display->is_direct =
-     glx_renderer->glXIsDirect (xlib_renderer->xdpy, glx_display->glx_context);
-+  glx_display->have_vblank_counter = glx_display->is_direct && glx_renderer->glXWaitVideoSync;
-+  glx_display->can_vblank_wait = glx_renderer->glXWaitForMsc || glx_display->have_vblank_counter;
-   COGL_NOTE (WINSYS, "Setting %s context",
--             glx_renderer->is_direct ? "direct" : "indirect");
-+             glx_display->is_direct ? "direct" : "indirect");
-   /* XXX: GLX doesn't let us make a context current without a window
-    * so we create a dummy window that we can use while no CoglOnscreen
-@@ -1612,12 +1616,13 @@ _cogl_winsys_wait_for_vblank (CoglOnscreen *onscreen)
-   CoglContext *ctx = framebuffer->context;
-   CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer;
-   CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer;
-+  CoglGLXDisplay *glx_display;
-   glx_renderer = ctx->display->renderer->winsys;
-   xlib_renderer = _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (ctx->display->renderer);
-+  glx_display = ctx->display->winsys;
--  if (glx_renderer->glXWaitForMsc ||
--      glx_renderer->glXGetVideoSync)
-+  if (glx_display->can_vblank_wait)
-     {
-       CoglFrameInfo *info = g_queue_peek_tail (&onscreen->pending_frame_infos);
-@@ -1713,6 +1718,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_region (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-   CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer =
-     _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (context->display->renderer);
-   CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys;
-+  CoglGLXDisplay *glx_display = context->display->winsys;
-   CoglOnscreenXlib *xlib_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-   CoglOnscreenGLX *glx_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-   GLXDrawable drawable =
-@@ -1769,9 +1775,8 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_region (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-   if (framebuffer->config.swap_throttled)
-     {
--      have_counter =
--        _cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_COUNTER);
--      can_wait = _cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_WAIT);
-+      have_counter = glx_display->have_vblank_counter;
-+      can_wait = glx_display->can_vblank_wait;
-     }
-   else
-     {
-@@ -1928,6 +1933,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers_with_damage (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-   CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer =
-     _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (context->display->renderer);
-   CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys;
-+  CoglGLXDisplay *glx_display = context->display->winsys;
-   CoglOnscreenXlib *xlib_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-   CoglOnscreenGLX *glx_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-   CoglBool have_counter;
-@@ -1947,8 +1953,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers_with_damage (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-     {
-       uint32_t end_frame_vsync_counter = 0;
--      have_counter =
--        _cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_COUNTER);
-+      have_counter = glx_display->have_vblank_counter;
-       /* If the swap_region API is also being used then we need to track
-        * the vsync counter for each swap request so we can manually
-@@ -1958,8 +1963,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers_with_damage (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-       if (!glx_renderer->glXSwapInterval)
-         {
--          CoglBool can_wait =
--            _cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_VBLANK_WAIT);
-+          CoglBool can_wait = glx_display->can_vblank_wait;
-           /* If we are going to wait for VBLANK manually, we not only
-            * need to flush out pending drawing to the GPU before we
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-Fix-the-get_clock_time-without-GLX_OML_sync_control.patch b/SOURCES/0005-Fix-the-get_clock_time-without-GLX_OML_sync_control.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b174544..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0005-Fix-the-get_clock_time-without-GLX_OML_sync_control.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From 9259fc8ce95e38771e3501bd3936582f9a85b3a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:12:09 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Fix the get_clock_time() without GLX_OML_sync_control
-When we don't have GLX_OML_sync_control, we still can set the
-frame presentation time, but we always use the system monotonic time,
-so return that from get_clock_time().
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index cd0b211..8ce1e37 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -291,6 +291,9 @@ _cogl_winsys_get_clock_time (CoglContext *context)
- {
-   CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys;
-+  if (!glx_renderer->glXWaitForMsc)
-+    return get_monotonic_time_ns ();
-   /* We don't call ensure_ust_type() because we don't have a drawable
-    * to work with. cogl_get_clock_time() is documented to only work
-    * once a valid, non-zero, timestamp has been retrieved from Cogl.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-For-NVIDIA-proprietary-drivers-implement-sync-events.patch b/SOURCES/0006-For-NVIDIA-proprietary-drivers-implement-sync-events.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 445fc23..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0006-For-NVIDIA-proprietary-drivers-implement-sync-events.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-From 062fd3cc6bf40990f748af9244728060f5330109 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:15:13 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 6/7] For NVIDIA proprietary drivers, implement sync events
- with a thread
-It's a good guess that the buffer swap will occur at the next vblank,
-so use glXWaitVideoSync in a separate thread to deliver a sync event
-rather than just letting the client block when frame drawing, which
-can signficantly change app logic as compared to the INTEL_swap_event
- cogl/cogl-private.h           |   3 +
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c | 294 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- examples/cogl-crate.c         |   3 +
- 3 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-private.h.threaded-sync-events cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-private.h
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-private.h.threaded-sync-events	2014-07-02 19:31:31.000000000 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-private.h	2016-06-30 15:44:39.823352236 -0400
-@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ typedef enum
-+  /* This is currently only implemented for GLX, but isn't actually
-+   * that winsys dependent */
- } CoglPrivateFeature;
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c.threaded-sync-events cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c.threaded-sync-events	2016-06-30 15:44:39.822352220 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c	2016-06-30 15:48:22.371948425 -0400
-@@ -65,12 +65,16 @@
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
-+#include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <time.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
- #include <GL/glx.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
-+#include <glib.h>
- /* This is a relatively new extension */
-@@ -100,6 +104,14 @@ typedef struct _CoglOnscreenGLX
-   CoglBool pending_sync_notify;
-   CoglBool pending_complete_notify;
-   CoglBool pending_resize_notify;
-+  GThread *swap_wait_thread;
-+  GQueue *swap_wait_queue;
-+  GCond swap_wait_cond;
-+  GMutex swap_wait_mutex;
-+  int swap_wait_pipe[2];
-+  GLXContext swap_wait_context;
-+  CoglBool closing_down;
- } CoglOnscreenGLX;
- typedef struct _CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX
-@@ -885,6 +897,28 @@ update_winsys_features (CoglContext *con
-                       COGL_FEATURE_ID_PRESENTATION_TIME,
-                       TRUE);
-     }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      CoglGpuInfo *info = &context->gpu;
-+      if (glx_display->have_vblank_counter &&
-+	  info->vendor == COGL_GPU_INFO_VENDOR_NVIDIA)
-+        {
-+          COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features,
-+          COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features,
-+                          COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_SWAP_BUFFERS_EVENT, TRUE);
-+          /* TODO: remove this deprecated feature */
-+          COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->features,
-+                          COGL_FEATURE_ID_SWAP_BUFFERS_EVENT,
-+                          TRUE);
-+          COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->features,
-+                          COGL_FEATURE_ID_PRESENTATION_TIME,
-+                          TRUE);
-+          COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->private_features,
-+                          COGL_PRIVATE_FEATURE_THREADED_SWAP_WAIT,
-+                          TRUE);
-+        }
-+    }
-   /* We'll manually handle queueing dirty events in response to
-    * Expose events from X */
-@@ -1481,7 +1515,8 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_init (CoglOnscreen
-     }
- #ifdef GLX_INTEL_swap_event
--  if (_cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_SYNC_AND_COMPLETE_EVENT))
-+  if (_cogl_winsys_has_feature (COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_SYNC_AND_COMPLETE_EVENT) &&
-+      !_cogl_has_private_feature (context, COGL_PRIVATE_FEATURE_THREADED_SWAP_WAIT))
-     {
-       GLXDrawable drawable =
-         glx_onscreen->glxwin ? glx_onscreen->glxwin : xlib_onscreen->xwin;
-@@ -1524,6 +1559,31 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_deinit (CoglOnscre
-       xlib_onscreen->output = NULL;
-     }
-+  if (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_thread)
-+    {
-+      g_mutex_lock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      glx_onscreen->closing_down = TRUE;
-+      g_cond_signal (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_cond);
-+      g_mutex_unlock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      g_thread_join (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_thread);
-+      glx_onscreen->swap_wait_thread = NULL;
-+      g_cond_clear (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_cond);
-+      g_mutex_clear (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      g_queue_free (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue);
-+      glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue = NULL;
-+      _cogl_poll_renderer_remove_fd (context->display->renderer,
-+                                     glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[0]);
-+      close (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[0]);
-+      close (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[1]);
-+      glx_renderer->glXDestroyContext (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                       glx_onscreen->swap_wait_context);
-+    }
-   _cogl_xlib_renderer_trap_errors (context->display->renderer, &old_state);
-   drawable =
-@@ -1759,6 +1819,199 @@ set_frame_info_output (CoglOnscreen *ons
-     }
- }
-+static gpointer
-+threaded_swap_wait (gpointer data)
-+  CoglOnscreen *onscreen = data;
-+  CoglOnscreenGLX *glx_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-+  CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen);
-+  CoglContext *context = framebuffer->context;
-+  CoglDisplay *display = context->display;
-+  CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer = _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (display->renderer);
-+  CoglGLXDisplay *glx_display = display->winsys;
-+  CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer = display->renderer->winsys;
-+  GLXDrawable dummy_drawable;
-+  if (glx_display->dummy_glxwin)
-+    dummy_drawable = glx_display->dummy_glxwin;
-+  else
-+    dummy_drawable = glx_display->dummy_xwin;
-+  glx_renderer->glXMakeContextCurrent (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                       dummy_drawable,
-+                                       dummy_drawable,
-+                                       glx_onscreen->swap_wait_context);
-+  g_mutex_lock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+  while (TRUE)
-+    {
-+      gpointer queue_element;
-+      uint32_t vblank_counter;
-+      while (!glx_onscreen->closing_down && glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue->length == 0)
-+         g_cond_wait (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_cond, &glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      if (glx_onscreen->closing_down)
-+         break;
-+      queue_element = g_queue_pop_tail (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue);
-+      vblank_counter = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(queue_element);
-+      g_mutex_unlock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      glx_renderer->glXWaitVideoSync (2,
-+                                      (vblank_counter + 1) % 2,
-+                                      &vblank_counter);
-+      g_mutex_lock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      if (!glx_onscreen->closing_down)
-+         {
-+           int bytes_written = 0;
-+           union {
-+             char bytes[8];
-+             int64_t presentation_time;
-+           } u;
-+           u.presentation_time = get_monotonic_time_ns ();
-+           while (bytes_written < 8)
-+             {
-+               int res = write (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[1], u.bytes + bytes_written, 8 - bytes_written);
-+               if (res == -1)
-+                 {
-+                   if (errno != EINTR)
-+                     g_error ("Error writing to swap notification pipe: %s\n",
-+                              g_strerror (errno));
-+                 }
-+               else
-+                 {
-+                   bytes_written += res;
-+                 }
-+             }
-+         }
-+    }
-+  g_mutex_unlock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+  glx_renderer->glXMakeContextCurrent (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                       None,
-+                                       None,
-+                                       NULL);
-+  return NULL;
-+static int64_t
-+threaded_swap_wait_pipe_prepare (void *user_data)
-+  return -1;
-+static void
-+threaded_swap_wait_pipe_dispatch (void *user_data, int revents)
-+  CoglOnscreen *onscreen = user_data;
-+  CoglOnscreenGLX *glx_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-+  CoglFrameInfo *info;
-+  if ((revents & COGL_POLL_FD_EVENT_IN))
-+    {
-+      int bytes_read = 0;
-+      union {
-+         char bytes[8];
-+         int64_t presentation_time;
-+      } u;
-+      while (bytes_read < 8)
-+         {
-+           int res = read (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[0], u.bytes + bytes_read, 8 - bytes_read);
-+           if (res == -1)
-+             {
-+               if (errno != EINTR)
-+                 g_error ("Error reading from swap notification pipe: %s\n",
-+                          g_strerror (errno));
-+             }
-+           else
-+             {
-+               bytes_read += res;
-+             }
-+         }
-+      set_sync_pending (onscreen);
-+      set_complete_pending (onscreen);
-+      info = g_queue_peek_head (&onscreen->pending_frame_infos);
-+      info->presentation_time = u.presentation_time;
-+    }
-+static void
-+start_threaded_swap_wait (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-+                           uint32_t      vblank_counter)
-+  CoglOnscreenGLX *glx_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-+  CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer = COGL_FRAMEBUFFER (onscreen);
-+  CoglContext *context = framebuffer->context;
-+  if (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_thread == NULL)
-+    {
-+      CoglDisplay *display = context->display;
-+      CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer = display->renderer->winsys;
-+      CoglGLXDisplay *glx_display = display->winsys;
-+      CoglOnscreenXlib *xlib_onscreen = onscreen->winsys;
-+      CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer =
-+        _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (display->renderer);
-+      GLXDrawable drawable =
-+        glx_onscreen->glxwin ? glx_onscreen->glxwin : xlib_onscreen->xwin;
-+      int i;
-+      ensure_ust_type (display->renderer, drawable);
-+      if ((pipe (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe) == -1))
-+        g_error ("Couldn't create pipe for swap notification: %s\n",
-+                 g_strerror (errno));
-+      for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+	{
-+	  if (fcntl(glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[i], F_SETFD,
-+		    fcntl(glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[i], F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)
-+	    g_error ("Couldn't set swap notification pipe CLOEXEC: %s\n",
-+		     g_strerror (errno));
-+	}
-+      _cogl_poll_renderer_add_fd (display->renderer,
-+                                  glx_onscreen->swap_wait_pipe[0],
-+                                  COGL_POLL_FD_EVENT_IN,
-+                                  threaded_swap_wait_pipe_prepare,
-+                                  threaded_swap_wait_pipe_dispatch,
-+                                  onscreen);
-+      glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue = g_queue_new ();
-+      g_mutex_init (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+      g_cond_init (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_cond);
-+      glx_onscreen->swap_wait_context =
-+         glx_renderer->glXCreateNewContext (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                            glx_display->fbconfig,
-+                                            GLX_RGBA_TYPE,
-+                                            glx_display->glx_context,
-+                                            True);
-+      glx_onscreen->swap_wait_thread = g_thread_new ("cogl_glx_swap_wait",
-+                                                     threaded_swap_wait,
-+                                                     onscreen);
-+    }
-+  g_mutex_lock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
-+  g_queue_push_head (glx_onscreen->swap_wait_queue, GUINT_TO_POINTER(vblank_counter));
-+  g_cond_signal (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_cond);
-+  g_mutex_unlock (&glx_onscreen->swap_wait_mutex);
- static void
- _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_region (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-                                    const int *user_rectangles,
-@@ -2002,19 +2255,38 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_buffers_with_
-   if (framebuffer->config.swap_throttled)
-     {
--      uint32_t end_frame_vsync_counter = 0;
-       have_counter = glx_display->have_vblank_counter;
--      /* If the swap_region API is also being used then we need to track
--       * the vsync counter for each swap request so we can manually
--       * throttle swap_region requests. */
--      if (have_counter)
--        end_frame_vsync_counter = _cogl_winsys_get_vsync_counter (context);
--      if (!glx_renderer->glXSwapInterval)
-+      if (glx_renderer->glXSwapInterval)
-         {
--          CoglBool can_wait = glx_display->can_vblank_wait;
-+          if (_cogl_has_private_feature (context, COGL_PRIVATE_FEATURE_THREADED_SWAP_WAIT))
-+            {
-+	      /* If we didn't wait for the GPU here, then it's easy to get the case
-+	       * where there is a VBlank between the point where we get the vsync counter
-+	       * and the point where the GPU is ready to actually perform the glXSwapBuffers(),
-+	       * and the swap wait terminates at the first VBlank rather than the one
-+	       * where the swap buffers happens. Calling glFinish() here makes this a
-+	       * rare race since the GPU is already ready to swap when we call glXSwapBuffers().
-+	       * The glFinish() also prevents any serious damage if the rare race happens,
-+	       * since it will wait for the preceding glXSwapBuffers() and prevent us from
-+	       * getting premanently ahead. (For NVIDIA drivers, glFinish() after glXSwapBuffers()
-+	       * waits for the buffer swap to happen.)
-+	       */
-+              _cogl_winsys_wait_for_gpu (onscreen);
-+              start_threaded_swap_wait (onscreen, _cogl_winsys_get_vsync_counter (context));
-+            }
-+        }
-+      else
-+        {
-+          CoglBool can_wait = have_counter || glx_display->can_vblank_wait;
-+          uint32_t end_frame_vsync_counter = 0;
-+          /* If the swap_region API is also being used then we need to track
-+           * the vsync counter for each swap request so we can manually
-+           * throttle swap_region requests. */
-+          if (have_counter)
-+            end_frame_vsync_counter = _cogl_winsys_get_vsync_counter (context);
-           /* If we are going to wait for VBLANK manually, we not only
-            * need to flush out pending drawing to the GPU before we
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c.threaded-sync-events cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c
---- cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c.threaded-sync-events	2016-06-30 15:44:39.804351929 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c	2016-06-30 15:44:39.824352252 -0400
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- #include <cogl/cogl.h>
- #include <cogl-pango/cogl-pango.h>
-+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- /* The state for this example... */
- typedef struct _Data
-@@ -153,6 +154,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
-   float fovy, aspect, z_near, z_2d, z_far;
-   CoglDepthState depth_state;
-+  XInitThreads ();
-   ctx = cogl_context_new (NULL, &error);
-   if (!ctx) {
-       fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create context: %s\n", error->message);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-Add-cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enable.patch b/SOURCES/0007-Add-cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enable.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3141576..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0007-Add-cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enable.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-From e31a4722c43db908e1831f77559d7a721cc08c1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 13:52:59 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Add cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled()
-Because the threaded-swap-wait functionality requires XInitThreads(),
-and because it isn't clear that it is a win for all applications,
-add a API function to conditionally enable it.
-Fix the cogl-crate example not to just have a hard-coded dependency
-on libX11.
- cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h  |  1 +
- cogl/cogl-renderer.c          | 11 +++++++++++
- cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h     | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c |  4 +++-
- examples/cogl-crate.c         | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 5 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer.c.swap-wait-setter cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer.c
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer.c.swap-wait-setter	2016-06-30 15:58:16.047534998 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer.c	2016-06-30 15:58:16.084535595 -0400
-@@ -357,6 +357,17 @@ cogl_xlib_renderer_request_reset_on_vide
-   renderer->xlib_want_reset_on_video_memory_purge = enable;
- }
-+cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-+						   CoglBool enable)
-+  _COGL_RETURN_IF_FAIL (cogl_is_renderer (renderer));
-+  /* NB: Renderers are considered immutable once connected */
-+  _COGL_RETURN_IF_FAIL (!renderer->connected);
-+  renderer->xlib_enable_threaded_swap_wait = enable;
- #endif /* COGL_HAS_XLIB_SUPPORT */
- CoglBool
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h.swap-wait-setter cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h.swap-wait-setter	2016-06-30 15:58:16.047534998 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h	2016-06-30 15:58:16.084535595 -0400
-@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ struct _CoglRenderer
-   Display *foreign_xdpy;
-   CoglBool xlib_enable_event_retrieval;
-   CoglBool xlib_want_reset_on_video_memory_purge;
-+  CoglBool xlib_enable_threaded_swap_wait;
- #endif
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h.swap-wait-setter cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h.swap-wait-setter	2016-06-30 15:58:16.047534998 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h	2016-06-30 15:58:16.084535595 -0400
-@@ -166,6 +166,36 @@ void
- cogl_xlib_renderer_set_event_retrieval_enabled (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-                                                 CoglBool enable);
-+ * cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled:
-+ * @renderer: a #CoglRenderer
-+ * @enable: The new value
-+ *
-+ * Sets whether Cogl is allowed to use a separate threaded to wait for the
-+ * completion of glXSwapBuffers() and call the frame callback for the
-+ * corresponding #CoglOnscreen. This is a way of emulating the
-+ * INTEL_swap_event extension, and will only ever be used if
-+ * INTEL_swap_event is not present; it will also only be used for
-+ * specific white-listed drivers that are known to work correctly with
-+ * multiple contexts sharing state between threads.
-+ *
-+ * The advantage of enabling this is that it will allow your main loop
-+ * to do other work while waiting for the system to be ready to draw
-+ * the next frame, instead of blocking in glXSwapBuffers(). A disadvantage
-+ * is that the driver will be prevented from buffering up multiple frames
-+ * even if it thinks that it would be advantageous. In general, this
-+ * will work best for something like a system compositor that is doing
-+ * simple drawing but handling lots of other complex tasks.
-+ * 
-+ * If you enable this, you must call XInitThreads() before any other
-+ * X11 calls in your program. (See the documentation for XInitThreads())
-+ *
-+ * Stability: unstable
-+ */
-+cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-+						   CoglBool enable);
- Display *
- cogl_xlib_renderer_get_display (CoglRenderer *renderer);
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c.swap-wait-setter cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
---- cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c.swap-wait-setter	2016-06-30 15:58:16.085535611 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c	2016-06-30 15:58:55.708175372 -0400
-@@ -901,6 +901,7 @@ update_winsys_features (CoglContext *con
-     {
-       CoglGpuInfo *info = &context->gpu;
-       if (glx_display->have_vblank_counter &&
-+	  context->display->renderer->xlib_enable_threaded_swap_wait &&
- 	  info->vendor == COGL_GPU_INFO_VENDOR_NVIDIA)
-         {
-           COGL_FLAGS_SET (context->winsys_features,
-diff -up cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c.swap-wait-setter cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c
---- cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c.swap-wait-setter	2016-06-30 15:58:16.082535563 -0400
-+++ cogl-1.18.2/examples/cogl-crate.c	2016-06-30 15:58:16.085535611 -0400
-@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- #include <cogl/cogl.h>
- #include <cogl-pango/cogl-pango.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
-+#include <cogl/cogl-xlib.h>
-+#endif /* COGL_HAS_XLIB_SUPPORT */
- /* The state for this example... */
- typedef struct _Data
-@@ -145,6 +148,8 @@ frame_event_cb (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
- int
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
-+  CoglRenderer *renderer;
-+  CoglDisplay *display;
-   CoglContext *ctx;
-   CoglOnscreen *onscreen;
-   CoglFramebuffer *fb;
-@@ -154,9 +159,32 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
-   float fovy, aspect, z_near, z_2d, z_far;
-   CoglDepthState depth_state;
--  XInitThreads ();
-+  renderer = cogl_renderer_new ();
--  ctx = cogl_context_new (NULL, &error);
-+  /* Guess if we're using the GLX renderer; we could just blindly
-+   * call XInitThreads() as long as we're linked against Xlib
-+   * but it's a bit cleaner not to if we're not going to even
-+   * open a display.
-+   */
-+  if (g_getenv("DISPLAY") != NULL)
-+    {
-+      const char *renderer_environment = g_getenv("COGL_RENDERER_NEW");
-+      if (renderer_environment == NULL || g_strcmp0 (renderer_environment, "GLX") == 0)
-+	{
-+	  XInitThreads ();
-+	  cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enabled (renderer, TRUE);
-+	}
-+    }
-+#endif /* COGL_HAS_XLIB_SUPPORT */
-+  if (!cogl_renderer_connect (renderer, &error)) {
-+      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to connect CoglRenderer: %s\n", error->message);
-+      return 1;
-+  }
-+  display = cogl_display_new (renderer, NULL);
-+  ctx = cogl_context_new (display, &error);
-   if (!ctx) {
-       fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create context: %s\n", error->message);
-       return 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/Add-support-for-setting-up-stereo-CoglOnscreens.patch b/SOURCES/Add-support-for-setting-up-stereo-CoglOnscreens.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f39b62c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/Add-support-for-setting-up-stereo-CoglOnscreens.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-From d16df5a5aab126d8114b932ba8abab05ff242026 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 12:37:32 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Add support for setting up stereo CoglOnscreens
-If we want to show quad-buffer stereo with Cogl, we need to pick an
-appropriate fbconfig for creating the CoglOnscreen objects. Add
-cogl_onscreen_template_set_stereo_enabled() to indicate whether
-stereo support is needed.
-Add cogl_framebuffer_get_stereo_mode() to see if a framebuffer was
-created with stereo support.
-Add cogl_framebuffer_get_stereo_mode() to pick whether to draw to
-the left, right, or both buffers.
-Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert.bragg@intel.com>
- cogl/cogl-context-private.h                     |  1 +
- cogl/cogl-framebuffer-private.h                 |  8 +++-
- cogl/cogl-framebuffer.c                         | 41 +++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/cogl-framebuffer.h                         | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.c                   |  8 ++++
- cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.h                   | 18 +++++++++
- cogl/cogl-types.h                               | 15 +++++++
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c            | 36 +++++++++++++++++
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx-feature-functions.h |  1 +
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c                   |  8 +++-
- 10 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-context-private.h b/cogl/cogl-context-private.h
-index 1000ee5..9e66207 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-context-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-context-private.h
-@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ struct _CoglContext
-   CoglBool current_gl_dither_enabled;
-   CoglColorMask current_gl_color_mask;
-+  GLenum current_gl_draw_buffer;
-   /* Clipping */
-   /* TRUE if we have a valid clipping stack flushed. In that case
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer-private.h b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer-private.h
-index 4891d53..99ac2fb 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer-private.h
-@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ typedef struct
-   int samples_per_pixel;
-   CoglBool swap_throttled;
-   CoglBool depth_texture_enabled;
-+  CoglBool stereo_enabled;
- } CoglFramebufferConfig;
- /* Flags to pass to _cogl_offscreen_new_with_texture_full */
-@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ typedef enum _CoglFramebufferStateIndex
-+  COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_STATE_INDEX_MAX                = 10
- } CoglFramebufferStateIndex;
- typedef enum _CoglFramebufferState
-@@ -99,7 +101,8 @@ typedef enum _CoglFramebufferState
- } CoglFramebufferState;
-@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ struct _CoglFramebuffer
-   CoglBool            dither_enabled;
-   CoglBool            depth_writing_enabled;
-   CoglColorMask       color_mask;
-+  CoglStereoMode      stereo_mode;
-   /* We journal the textured rectangles we want to submit to OpenGL so
-    * we have an oppertunity to batch them together into less draw
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.c b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.c
-index 135b873..1f70d3d 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.c
-@@ -907,6 +907,14 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_compare_depth_write_state (CoglFramebuffer *a,
- }
-+static unsigned long
-+_cogl_framebuffer_compare_stereo_mode (CoglFramebuffer *a,
-+				       CoglFramebuffer *b)
-+  return a->stereo_mode != b->stereo_mode ?
- unsigned long
- _cogl_framebuffer_compare (CoglFramebuffer *a,
-                            CoglFramebuffer *b,
-@@ -959,6 +967,10 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_compare (CoglFramebuffer *a,
-           differences |=
-             _cogl_framebuffer_compare_depth_write_state (a, b);
-           break;
-+          differences |=
-+            _cogl_framebuffer_compare_stereo_mode (a, b);
-+          break;
-         default:
-           g_warn_if_reached ();
-         }
-@@ -1046,6 +1058,12 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_get_stencil_bits (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
-   return bits.stencil;
- }
-+cogl_framebuffer_get_is_stereo (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
-+  return framebuffer->config.stereo_enabled;
- CoglColorMask
- cogl_framebuffer_get_color_mask (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
- {
-@@ -1069,6 +1087,29 @@ cogl_framebuffer_set_color_mask (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer,
- }
-+cogl_framebuffer_get_stereo_mode (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
-+  return framebuffer->stereo_mode;
-+cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer,
-+				  CoglStereoMode   stereo_mode)
-+  if (framebuffer->stereo_mode == stereo_mode)
-+    return;
-+  /* Stereo mode changes don't go through the journal */
-+  _cogl_framebuffer_flush_journal (framebuffer);
-+  framebuffer->stereo_mode = stereo_mode;
-+  if (framebuffer->context->current_draw_buffer == framebuffer)
-+    framebuffer->context->current_draw_buffer_changes |=
- CoglBool
- cogl_framebuffer_get_depth_write_enabled (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
- {
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.h b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.h
-index 347284f..58d65a8 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-framebuffer.h
-@@ -737,6 +737,23 @@ cogl_framebuffer_get_alpha_bits (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer);
- int
- cogl_framebuffer_get_depth_bits (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer);
-+ * cogl_framebuffer_get_is_stereo:
-+ * @framebuffer: a pointer to a #CoglFramebuffer
-+ *
-+ * Retrieves whether @framebuffer has separate left and right
-+ * buffers for use with stereo drawing. See
-+ * cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode().
-+ *
-+ * Return value: %TRUE if @framebuffer has separate left and
-+ * right buffers.
-+ *
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: unstable
-+ */
-+cogl_framebuffer_get_is_stereo (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer);
- /**
-  * cogl_framebuffer_get_dither_enabled:
-  * @framebuffer: a pointer to a #CoglFramebuffer
-@@ -847,6 +864,41 @@ cogl_framebuffer_set_color_mask (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer,
-                                  CoglColorMask color_mask);
- /**
-+ * cogl_framebuffer_get_stereo_mode:
-+ * @framebuffer: a pointer to a #CoglFramebuffer
-+ *
-+ * Gets the current #CoglStereoMode, which defines which stereo buffers
-+ * should be drawn to. See cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode().
-+ *
-+ * Returns: A #CoglStereoMode
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: unstable
-+ */
-+cogl_framebuffer_get_stereo_mode (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer);
-+ * cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode:
-+ * @framebuffer: a pointer to a #CoglFramebuffer
-+ * @stereo_mode: A #CoglStereoMode specifying which stereo buffers
-+ *               should be drawn tow.
-+ *
-+ * Sets which stereo buffers should be drawn to. The default
-+ * is %COGL_STEREO_BOTH, which means that both the left and
-+ * right buffers will be affected by drawing. For this to have
-+ * an effect, the display system must support stereo drawables,
-+ * and the framebuffer must have been created with stereo
-+ * enabled. (See cogl_onscreen_template_set_stereo_enabled(),
-+ * cogl_framebuffer_get_is_stereo().)
-+ *
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: unstable
-+ */
-+cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer,
-+				  CoglStereoMode stereo_mode);
-  * cogl_framebuffer_set_depth_texture_enabled:
-  * @framebuffer: A #CoglFramebuffer
-  * @enabled: TRUE or FALSE
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.c b/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.c
-index 5a5e54c..3940627 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.c
-@@ -95,3 +95,11 @@ cogl_onscreen_template_set_swap_throttled (
- {
-   onscreen_template->config.swap_throttled = throttled;
- }
-+cogl_onscreen_template_set_stereo_enabled (
-+					   CoglOnscreenTemplate *onscreen_template,
-+					   CoglBool enabled)
-+  onscreen_template->config.stereo_enabled = enabled;
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.h b/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.h
-index cd1d853..d8714fa 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-onscreen-template.h
-@@ -107,6 +107,24 @@ cogl_onscreen_template_set_swap_throttled (
-                                           CoglBool throttled);
- /**
-+ * cogl_onscreen_template_set_stereo_enabled:
-+ * @onscreen_template: A #CoglOnscreenTemplate template framebuffer
-+ * @enabled: Whether framebuffers are created with stereo buffers
-+ *
-+ * Sets whether future #CoglOnscreen framebuffers derived from this
-+ * template are attempted to be created with both left and right
-+ * buffers, for use with stereo display. If the display system
-+ * does not support stereo, then creation of the framebuffer will
-+ * fail.
-+ *
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: unstable
-+ */
-+cogl_onscreen_template_set_stereo_enabled (
-+					   CoglOnscreenTemplate *onscreen_template,
-+					   CoglBool enabled);
-  * cogl_is_onscreen_template:
-  * @object: A #CoglObject pointer
-  *
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-types.h b/cogl/cogl-types.h
-index b4d79c7..6accf8d 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-types.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-types.h
-@@ -920,6 +920,21 @@ typedef enum { /*< prefix=COGL_READ_PIXELS >*/
- } CoglReadPixelsFlags;
-+ * CoglStereoMode:
-+ * @COGL_STEREO_BOTH: draw to both stereo buffers
-+ * @COGL_STEREO_LEFT: draw only to the left stereo buffer
-+ * @COGL_STEREO_RIGHT: draw only to the left stereo buffer
-+ *
-+ * Represents how draw should affect the two buffers
-+ * of a stereo framebuffer. See cogl_framebuffer_set_stereo_mode().
-+ */
-+typedef enum {
-+} CoglStereoMode;
- #endif /* __COGL_TYPES_H__ */
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-index c0f094d..793b10b 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-@@ -236,6 +236,39 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_gl_flush_front_face_winding_state (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffe
-   context->current_pipeline_age--;
- }
-+static void
-+_cogl_framebuffer_gl_flush_stereo_mode_state (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
-+  CoglContext *ctx = framebuffer->context;
-+  GLenum draw_buffer = GL_BACK;
-+  if (framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_OFFSCREEN)
-+    return;
-+  /* The one-shot default draw buffer setting in _cogl_framebuffer_gl_bind
-+   * must have already happened. If not it would override what we set here. */
-+  g_assert (ctx->was_bound_to_onscreen);
-+  switch (framebuffer->stereo_mode)
-+    {
-+    case COGL_STEREO_BOTH:
-+      draw_buffer = GL_BACK;
-+      break;
-+    case COGL_STEREO_LEFT:
-+      draw_buffer = GL_BACK_LEFT;
-+      break;
-+      draw_buffer = GL_BACK_RIGHT;
-+      break;
-+    }
-+  if (ctx->current_gl_draw_buffer != draw_buffer)
-+    {
-+      GE (ctx, glDrawBuffer (draw_buffer));
-+      ctx->current_gl_draw_buffer = draw_buffer;
-+    }
- void
- _cogl_framebuffer_gl_bind (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer, GLenum target)
- {
-@@ -406,6 +439,9 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_gl_flush_state (CoglFramebuffer *draw_buffer,
-           /* Nothing to do for depth write state change; the state will always
-            * be taken into account when flushing the pipeline's depth state. */
-           break;
-+          _cogl_framebuffer_gl_flush_stereo_mode_state (draw_buffer);
-+          break;
-         default:
-           g_warn_if_reached ();
-         }
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx-feature-functions.h b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx-feature-functions.h
-index 1e2cec1..ed9df70 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx-feature-functions.h
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx-feature-functions.h
-@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE_BEGIN (255, 255,
-                            "swap_event\0",
-                            0,
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index 3095acf..bf2b5be 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -909,6 +909,11 @@ glx_attributes_from_framebuffer_config (CoglDisplay *display,
-   attributes[i++] = 1;
-   attributes[i++] = GLX_STENCIL_SIZE;
-   attributes[i++] = config->need_stencil ? 1: GLX_DONT_CARE;
-+  if (config->stereo_enabled)
-+    {
-+      attributes[i++] = GLX_STEREO;
-+      attributes[i++] = TRUE;
-+    }
-   if (glx_renderer->glx_major == 1 && glx_renderer->glx_minor >= 4 &&
-       config->samples_per_pixel)
-@@ -948,6 +953,7 @@ find_fbconfig (CoglDisplay *display,
-                                              xscreen_num,
-                                              attributes,
-                                              &n_configs);
-   if (!configs || n_configs == 0)
-     {
-       _cogl_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR,
-@@ -1856,7 +1862,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_onscreen_swap_region (CoglOnscreen *onscreen,
-                                       rect[0], rect[1], x2, y2,
-                                       GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
-         }
--      context->glDrawBuffer (GL_BACK);
-+      context->glDrawBuffer (context->current_gl_draw_buffer);
-     }
-   /* NB: unlike glXSwapBuffers, glXCopySubBuffer and
diff --git a/SOURCES/CoglTexturePixmapX11-add-support-for-stereo-content.patch b/SOURCES/CoglTexturePixmapX11-add-support-for-stereo-content.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 597b587..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/CoglTexturePixmapX11-add-support-for-stereo-content.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-From 4d8771a8c2ea11e37db8f86153286c741576b8ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
-Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 16:38:58 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] CoglTexturePixmapX11: add support for stereo content
-Add cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left() and
-cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_right() (which takes the left texture
-as an argument) for texture pixmap rendering with stereo content.
-The underlying GLXPixmap is created using a stereo visual and shared
-between the left and right textures.
-Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert.bragg@intel.com>
- cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h               |   3 +-
- cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11-private.h |  18 ++++
- cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c         |  99 ++++++++++++++++++++--
- cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.h         |  56 +++++++++++++
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c             |   4 +-
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c                 | 113 ++++++++++++++++++--------
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-private.h             |   4 +-
- 7 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h b/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-index 20b7e67..133c118 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-glx-display-private.h
-@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ typedef struct _CoglGLXCachedConfig
-   int depth;
-   CoglBool found;
-   GLXFBConfig fb_config;
-+  CoglBool stereo;
-   CoglBool can_mipmap;
- } CoglGLXCachedConfig;
- typedef struct _CoglGLXDisplay
- {
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11-private.h b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11-private.h
-index 948e67b..5da998f 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11-private.h
-@@ -55,10 +55,27 @@ struct _CoglDamageRectangle
-   unsigned int y2;
- };
-+/* For stereo, there are a pair of textures, but we want to share most
-+ * other state (the GLXPixmap, visual, etc.) The way we do this is that
-+ * the left-eye texture has all the state (there is in fact, no internal
-+ * difference between the a MONO and a LEFT texture ), and the
-+ * right-eye texture simply points to the left eye texture, with all
-+ * other fields ignored.
-+ */
-+typedef enum
-+} CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode;
- struct _CoglTexturePixmapX11
- {
-   CoglTexture _parent;
-+  CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode;
-+  CoglTexturePixmapX11 *left; /* Set only if stereo_mode=RIGHT */
-   Pixmap pixmap;
-   CoglTexture *tex;
-@@ -82,4 +99,5 @@ struct _CoglTexturePixmapX11
-   CoglBool use_winsys_texture;
- };
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c
-index 6c1edeb..398c357 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c
-@@ -284,11 +284,12 @@ set_damage_object_internal (CoglContext *ctx,
-                                    tex_pixmap);
- }
--CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
--cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *ctxt,
--                             uint32_t pixmap,
--                             CoglBool automatic_updates,
--                             CoglError **error)
-+static CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+_cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *ctxt,
-+                              uint32_t pixmap,
-+                              CoglBool automatic_updates,
-+                              CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode,
-+                              CoglError **error)
- {
-   CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap = g_new (CoglTexturePixmapX11, 1);
-   Display *display = cogl_xlib_renderer_get_display (ctxt->display->renderer);
-@@ -327,6 +328,8 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *ctxt,
-                       &cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_vtable);
-   tex_pixmap->pixmap = pixmap;
-+  tex_pixmap->stereo_mode = stereo_mode;
-+  tex_pixmap->left = NULL;
-   tex_pixmap->image = NULL;
-   tex_pixmap->shm_info.shmid = -1;
-   tex_pixmap->tex = NULL;
-@@ -387,6 +390,59 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *ctxt,
-   return _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_object_new (tex_pixmap);
- }
-+CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *ctxt,
-+                             uint32_t pixmap,
-+                             CoglBool automatic_updates,
-+                             CoglError **error)
-+  return _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (ctxt, pixmap,
-+                                       automatic_updates, COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_MONO,
-+                                       error);
-+CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left (CoglContext *ctxt,
-+                                  uint32_t pixmap,
-+                                  CoglBool automatic_updates,
-+                                  CoglError **error)
-+  return _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (ctxt, pixmap,
-+                                       automatic_updates, COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_LEFT,
-+                                       error);
-+CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_right (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tfp_left)
-+  CoglTexture *texture_left = COGL_TEXTURE (tfp_left);
-+  CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tfp_right;
-+  CoglPixelFormat internal_format;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (tfp_left->stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_LEFT, NULL);
-+  tfp_right = g_new0 (CoglTexturePixmapX11, 1);
-+  tfp_right->stereo_mode = COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT;
-+  tfp_right->left = cogl_object_ref (tfp_left);
-+  internal_format = (tfp_left->depth >= 32
-+		     : COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888);
-+  _cogl_texture_init (COGL_TEXTURE (tfp_right),
-+		      texture_left->context,
-+		      texture_left->width,
-+		      texture_left->height,
-+		      internal_format,
-+		      NULL, /* no loader */
-+		      &cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_vtable);
-+  _cogl_texture_set_allocated (COGL_TEXTURE (tfp_right), internal_format,
-+                               texture_left->width, texture_left->height);
-+  return _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_object_new (tfp_right);
- static CoglBool
- _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_allocate (CoglTexture *tex,
-                                    CoglError **error)
-@@ -478,6 +534,9 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update_area (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-      texture because we can't determine which will be needed until we
-      actually render something */
-+  if (tex_pixmap->stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->left;
-   if (tex_pixmap->winsys)
-     {
-       const CoglWinsysVtable *winsys;
-@@ -492,6 +551,9 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update_area (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
- CoglBool
- cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_is_using_tfp_extension (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- {
-+  if (tex_pixmap->stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->left;
-   return !!tex_pixmap->winsys;
- }
-@@ -505,6 +567,8 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_set_damage_object (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+  g_return_if_fail (tex_pixmap->stereo_mode != COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT);
-   damage_base = _cogl_xlib_get_damage_base ();
-   if (damage_base >= 0)
-     set_damage_object_internal (ctxt, tex_pixmap, damage, report_level);
-@@ -717,12 +781,16 @@ static void
- _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-                                  CoglBool needs_mipmap)
- {
-+  CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode = tex_pixmap->stereo_mode;
-+  if (stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->left;
-   if (tex_pixmap->winsys)
-     {
-       const CoglWinsysVtable *winsys =
-         _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_get_winsys (tex_pixmap);
--      if (winsys->texture_pixmap_x11_update (tex_pixmap, needs_mipmap))
-+      if (winsys->texture_pixmap_x11_update (tex_pixmap, stereo_mode, needs_mipmap))
-         {
-           _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_set_use_winsys_texture (tex_pixmap, TRUE);
-           return;
-@@ -739,8 +807,13 @@ _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
- static CoglTexture *
- _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- {
-+  CoglTexturePixmapX11 *original_pixmap = tex_pixmap;
-   CoglTexture *tex;
-   int i;
-+  CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode = tex_pixmap->stereo_mode;
-+  if (stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->left;
-   /* We try getting the texture twice, once without flushing the
-      updates and once with. If pre_paint has been called already then
-@@ -757,7 +830,7 @@ _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-         {
-           const CoglWinsysVtable *winsys =
-             _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_get_winsys (tex_pixmap);
--          tex = winsys->texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (tex_pixmap);
-+          tex = winsys->texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (tex_pixmap, stereo_mode);
-         }
-       else
-         tex = tex_pixmap->tex;
-@@ -765,7 +838,7 @@ _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-       if (tex)
-         return tex;
--      _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update (tex_pixmap, FALSE);
-+      _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update (original_pixmap, FALSE);
-     }
-   g_assert_not_reached ();
-@@ -1047,6 +1120,16 @@ _cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_free (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-+  if (tex_pixmap->stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    {
-+      cogl_object_unref (tex_pixmap->left);
-+      /* Chain up */
-+      _cogl_texture_free (COGL_TEXTURE (tex_pixmap));
-+      return;
-+    }
-   display = cogl_xlib_renderer_get_display (ctxt->display->renderer);
-   set_damage_object_internal (ctxt, tex_pixmap, 0, 0);
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.h b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.h
-index 35155cd..6340bb5 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.h
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.h
-@@ -138,6 +138,62 @@ cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new (CoglContext *context,
-                              CoglError **error);
- /**
-+ * cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left:
-+ * @context: A #CoglContext
-+ * @pixmap: A X11 pixmap ID
-+ * @automatic_updates: Whether to automatically copy the contents of
-+ * the pixmap to the texture.
-+ * @error: A #CoglError for exceptions
-+ *
-+ * Creates one of a pair of textures to contain the contents of @pixmap,
-+ * which has stereo content. (Different images for the right and left eyes.)
-+ * The left image is drawn using this texture; the right image is drawn
-+ * using a texture created by calling
-+ * cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_right() and passing in this texture as an
-+ * argument.
-+ *
-+ * In general, you should not use this function unless you have
-+ * queried the %GLX_STEREO_TREE_EXT attribute of the corresponding
-+ * window using glXQueryDrawable() and determined that the window is
-+ * stereo. Note that this attribute can change over time and
-+ * notification is also provided through events defined in the
-+ * EXT_stereo_tree GLX extension. As long as the system has support for
-+ * stereo content, drawing using the left and right pixmaps will not
-+ * produce an error even if the window doesn't have stereo
-+ * content any more, but drawing with the right pixmap will produce
-+ * undefined output, so you need to listen for these events and
-+ * re-render to avoid race conditions. (Recreating a non-stereo
-+ * pixmap is not necessary, but may save resources.)
-+ *
-+ * Return value: a new #CoglTexturePixmapX11 instance
-+ *
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: Unstable
-+ */
-+CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left (CoglContext *context,
-+                                  uint32_t pixmap,
-+                                  CoglBool automatic_updates,
-+                                  CoglError **error);
-+ * cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_right:
-+ * @left_texture: A #CoglTexturePixmapX11 instance created with
-+ *                cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left().
-+ *
-+ * Creates a texture object that corresponds to the right-eye image
-+ * of a pixmap with stereo content. @left_texture must have been
-+ * created using cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_left().
-+ *
-+ * Return value: a new #CoglTexturePixmapX11 instance
-+ *
-+ * Since: 1.20
-+ * Stability: Unstable
-+ */
-+CoglTexturePixmapX11 *
-+cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_new_right (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *left_texture);
-  * cogl_texture_pixmap_x11_update_area:
-  * @texture: A #CoglTexturePixmapX11 instance
-  * @x: x coordinate of the area to update
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
-index 26c9606..0e55d41 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl-x11.c
-@@ -784,6 +784,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_free (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- static CoglBool
- _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                        CoglBool right,
-                                         CoglBool needs_mipmap)
- {
-   if (needs_mipmap)
-@@ -798,7 +799,8 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_damage_notify (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- }
- static CoglTexture *
--_cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-+_cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                             CoglBool right)
- {
-   CoglTexturePixmapEGL *egl_tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->winsys;
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index bf2b5be..0487b79 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -97,16 +97,21 @@ typedef struct _CoglOnscreenGLX
-   CoglBool pending_resize_notify;
- } CoglOnscreenGLX;
-+typedef struct _CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX
-+  CoglTexture *glx_tex;
-+  CoglBool bind_tex_image_queued;
-+  CoglBool pixmap_bound;
-+} CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX;
- typedef struct _CoglTexturePixmapGLX
- {
-   GLXPixmap glx_pixmap;
-   CoglBool has_mipmap_space;
-   CoglBool can_mipmap;
--  CoglTexture *glx_tex;
--  CoglBool bind_tex_image_queued;
--  CoglBool pixmap_bound;
-+  CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX left;
-+  CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX right;
- } CoglTexturePixmapGLX;
- /* Define a set of arrays containing the functions required from GL
-@@ -2101,6 +2106,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_xlib_get_visual_info (void)
- static CoglBool
- get_fbconfig_for_depth (CoglContext *context,
-                         unsigned int depth,
-+                        CoglBool stereo,
-                         GLXFBConfig *fbconfig_ret,
-                         CoglBool *can_mipmap_ret)
- {
-@@ -2118,11 +2124,12 @@ get_fbconfig_for_depth (CoglContext *context,
-   glx_renderer = context->display->renderer->winsys;
-   glx_display = context->display->winsys;
--  /* Check if we've already got a cached config for this depth */
-+  /* Check if we've already got a cached config for this depth and stereo */
-   for (i = 0; i < COGL_GLX_N_CACHED_CONFIGS; i++)
-     if (glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].depth == -1)
-       spare_cache_slot = i;
--    else if (glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].depth == depth)
-+    else if (glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].depth == depth &&
-+             glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].stereo == stereo)
-       {
-         *fbconfig_ret = glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].fb_config;
-         *can_mipmap_ret = glx_display->glx_cached_configs[i].can_mipmap;
-@@ -2166,6 +2173,13 @@ get_fbconfig_for_depth (CoglContext *context,
-       if (value != depth && (value - alpha) != depth)
-         continue;
-+      glx_renderer->glXGetFBConfigAttrib (dpy,
-+                                          fbconfigs[i],
-+                                          GLX_STEREO,
-+                                          &value);
-+      if (!!value != !!stereo)
-+        continue;
-       if (glx_renderer->glx_major == 1 && glx_renderer->glx_minor >= 4)
-         {
-           glx_renderer->glXGetFBConfigAttrib (dpy,
-@@ -2323,7 +2337,9 @@ try_create_glx_pixmap (CoglContext *context,
-   glx_renderer = renderer->winsys;
-   dpy = xlib_renderer->xdpy;
--  if (!get_fbconfig_for_depth (context, depth, &fb_config,
-+  if (!get_fbconfig_for_depth (context, depth,
-+                               tex_pixmap->stereo_mode != COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_MONO,
-+                               &fb_config,
-                                &glx_tex_pixmap->can_mipmap))
-     {
-       COGL_NOTE (TEXTURE_PIXMAP, "No suitable FBConfig found for depth %i",
-@@ -2412,10 +2428,13 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_create (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-   glx_tex_pixmap->can_mipmap = FALSE;
-   glx_tex_pixmap->has_mipmap_space = FALSE;
--  glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex = NULL;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->left.glx_tex = NULL;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->right.glx_tex = NULL;
--  glx_tex_pixmap->bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
--  glx_tex_pixmap->pixmap_bound = FALSE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->left.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->right.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->left.pixmap_bound = FALSE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->right.pixmap_bound = FALSE;
-   tex_pixmap->winsys = glx_tex_pixmap;
-@@ -2442,10 +2461,14 @@ free_glx_pixmap (CoglContext *context,
-   xlib_renderer = _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (renderer);
-   glx_renderer = renderer->winsys;
--  if (glx_tex_pixmap->pixmap_bound)
-+  if (glx_tex_pixmap->left.pixmap_bound)
-     glx_renderer->glXReleaseTexImage (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-                                       glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap,
-                                       GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT);
-+  if (glx_tex_pixmap->right.pixmap_bound)
-+    glx_renderer->glXReleaseTexImage (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                      glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap,
-+                                      GLX_FRONT_RIGHT_EXT);
-   /* FIXME - we need to trap errors and synchronize here because
-    * of ordering issues between the XPixmap destruction and the
-@@ -2470,7 +2493,8 @@ free_glx_pixmap (CoglContext *context,
-   _cogl_xlib_renderer_untrap_errors (renderer, &trap_state);
-   glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap = None;
--  glx_tex_pixmap->pixmap_bound = FALSE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->left.pixmap_bound = FALSE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->right.pixmap_bound = FALSE;
- }
- static void
-@@ -2485,8 +2509,11 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_free (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-   free_glx_pixmap (COGL_TEXTURE (tex_pixmap)->context, glx_tex_pixmap);
--  if (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex)
--    cogl_object_unref (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex);
-+  if (glx_tex_pixmap->left.glx_tex)
-+    cogl_object_unref (glx_tex_pixmap->left.glx_tex);
-+  if (glx_tex_pixmap->right.glx_tex)
-+    cogl_object_unref (glx_tex_pixmap->right.glx_tex);
-   tex_pixmap->winsys = NULL;
-   g_free (glx_tex_pixmap);
-@@ -2494,13 +2521,27 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_free (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- static CoglBool
- _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                        CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode,
-                                         CoglBool needs_mipmap)
- {
-   CoglTexture *tex = COGL_TEXTURE (tex_pixmap);
-   CoglContext *ctx = COGL_TEXTURE (tex_pixmap)->context;
-   CoglTexturePixmapGLX *glx_tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->winsys;
-+  CoglPixmapTextureEyeGLX *texture_info;
-+  int buffer;
-   CoglGLXRenderer *glx_renderer;
-+  if (stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    {
-+      texture_info = &glx_tex_pixmap->right;
-+      buffer = GLX_FRONT_RIGHT_EXT;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      texture_info = &glx_tex_pixmap->left;
-+      buffer = GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT;
-+    }
-   /* If we don't have a GLX pixmap then fallback */
-   if (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap == None)
-     return FALSE;
-@@ -2508,7 +2549,7 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-   glx_renderer = ctx->display->renderer->winsys;
-   /* Lazily create a texture to hold the pixmap */
--  if (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex == NULL)
-+  if (texture_info->glx_tex == NULL)
-     {
-       CoglPixelFormat texture_format;
-       CoglError *error = NULL;
-@@ -2519,14 +2560,14 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-       if (should_use_rectangle (ctx))
-         {
--          glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex = COGL_TEXTURE (
-+          texture_info->glx_tex = COGL_TEXTURE (
-             cogl_texture_rectangle_new_with_size (ctx,
-                                                   tex->width,
-                                                   tex->height));
-           _cogl_texture_set_internal_format (tex, texture_format);
--          if (cogl_texture_allocate (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex, &error))
-+          if (cogl_texture_allocate (texture_info->glx_tex, &error))
-             COGL_NOTE (TEXTURE_PIXMAP, "Created a texture rectangle for %p",
-                        tex_pixmap);
-           else
-@@ -2541,14 +2582,14 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-         }
-       else
-         {
--          glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex = COGL_TEXTURE (
-+          texture_info->glx_tex = COGL_TEXTURE (
-             cogl_texture_2d_new_with_size (ctx,
-                                            tex->width,
-                                            tex->height));
-           _cogl_texture_set_internal_format (tex, texture_format);
--          if (cogl_texture_allocate (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex, &error))
-+          if (cogl_texture_allocate (texture_info->glx_tex, &error))
-             COGL_NOTE (TEXTURE_PIXMAP, "Created a texture 2d for %p",
-                        tex_pixmap);
-           else
-@@ -2586,36 +2627,37 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-                          "updates for %p because creating the GLXPixmap "
-                          "with mipmap support failed", tex_pixmap);
--              if (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex)
--                cogl_object_unref (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex);
-+              if (texture_info->glx_tex)
-+                cogl_object_unref (texture_info->glx_tex);
-               return FALSE;
-             }
--          glx_tex_pixmap->bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+          glx_tex_pixmap->left.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+          glx_tex_pixmap->right.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-         }
-     }
--  if (glx_tex_pixmap->bind_tex_image_queued)
-+  if (texture_info->bind_tex_image_queued)
-     {
-       GLuint gl_handle, gl_target;
-       CoglXlibRenderer *xlib_renderer =
-         _cogl_xlib_renderer_get_data (ctx->display->renderer);
--      cogl_texture_get_gl_texture (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex,
-+      cogl_texture_get_gl_texture (texture_info->glx_tex,
-                                    &gl_handle, &gl_target);
-       COGL_NOTE (TEXTURE_PIXMAP, "Rebinding GLXPixmap for %p", tex_pixmap);
-       _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, FALSE);
--      if (glx_tex_pixmap->pixmap_bound)
-+      if (texture_info->pixmap_bound)
-         glx_renderer->glXReleaseTexImage (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-                                           glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap,
--                                          GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT);
-+                                          buffer);
-       glx_renderer->glXBindTexImage (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-                                      glx_tex_pixmap->glx_pixmap,
--                                     GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT,
-+                                     buffer,
-                                      NULL);
-       /* According to the recommended usage in the spec for
-@@ -2628,10 +2670,10 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_update (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-        * on Mesa and NVidia drivers and it is also what Compiz does so
-        * it is probably ok */
--      glx_tex_pixmap->bind_tex_image_queued = FALSE;
--      glx_tex_pixmap->pixmap_bound = TRUE;
-+      texture_info->bind_tex_image_queued = FALSE;
-+      texture_info->pixmap_bound = TRUE;
--      _cogl_texture_2d_externally_modified (glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex);
-+      _cogl_texture_2d_externally_modified (texture_info->glx_tex);
-     }
-   return TRUE;
-@@ -2642,15 +2684,20 @@ _cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_damage_notify (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
- {
-   CoglTexturePixmapGLX *glx_tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->winsys;
--  glx_tex_pixmap->bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->left.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
-+  glx_tex_pixmap->right.bind_tex_image_queued = TRUE;
- }
- static CoglTexture *
--_cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap)
-+_cogl_winsys_texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                             CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode)
- {
-   CoglTexturePixmapGLX *glx_tex_pixmap = tex_pixmap->winsys;
--  return glx_tex_pixmap->glx_tex;
-+  if (stereo_mode == COGL_TEXTURE_PIXMAP_RIGHT)
-+    return glx_tex_pixmap->right.glx_tex;
-+  else
-+    return glx_tex_pixmap->left.glx_tex;
- }
- static CoglWinsysVtable _cogl_winsys_vtable =
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-private.h b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-private.h
-index d6ff165..2c9cc98 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-private.h
-@@ -166,13 +166,15 @@ typedef struct _CoglWinsysVtable
-   CoglBool
-   (*texture_pixmap_x11_update) (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode,
-                                 CoglBool needs_mipmap);
-   void
-   (*texture_pixmap_x11_damage_notify) (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap);
-   CoglTexture *
--  (*texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture) (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap);
-+  (*texture_pixmap_x11_get_texture) (CoglTexturePixmapX11 *tex_pixmap,
-+                                     CoglTexturePixmapStereoMode stereo_mode);
- #endif
-   void
diff --git a/SOURCES/cogl-1.22.2-fix-ifdef.patch b/SOURCES/cogl-1.22.2-fix-ifdef.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..544e09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/cogl-1.22.2-fix-ifdef.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From b583e21d8698dbd58013320cfb47739102efdea7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 23:38:28 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix an incorrect preprocessor conditional
+This fixes the build with wayland wayland egl server support disabled.
+ cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl.c
+index 39bfd88..4a9f3aa 100644
+--- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl.c
++++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-egl.c
+@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ _cogl_egl_create_image (CoglContext *ctx,
+     egl_ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
+   else
+ #endif
+   /* The WL_bind_wayland_display spec states that EGL_NO_CONTEXT is to be used
+    * in conjunction with the EGL_WAYLAND_BUFFER_WL target */
+   if (target == EGL_WAYLAND_BUFFER_WL)
diff --git a/SOURCES/video-memory-purge.patch b/SOURCES/video-memory-purge.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 619e6eb..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/video-memory-purge.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-From c0bc9bef7fb7bb416acff6160338664a17874773 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Adel Gadllah <adel.gadllah@gmail.com>
-Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 11:27:00 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/5] winsys-glx: Add error traps in create_context
-Both create_gl3_context and glXCreateNewContext can fail with an X error.
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index 0487b79..4f7abfb 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -1075,6 +1075,8 @@ create_context (CoglDisplay *display, CoglError **error)
-   COGL_NOTE (WINSYS, "Creating GLX Context (display: %p)",
-              xlib_renderer->xdpy);
-+  _cogl_xlib_renderer_trap_errors (display->renderer, &old_state);
-   if (display->renderer->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GL3)
-     glx_display->glx_context = create_gl3_context (display, config);
-   else
-@@ -1085,7 +1087,8 @@ create_context (CoglDisplay *display, CoglError **error)
-                                          NULL,
-                                          True);
--  if (glx_display->glx_context == NULL)
-+  if (_cogl_xlib_renderer_untrap_errors (display->renderer, &old_state) ||
-+      glx_display->glx_context == NULL)
-     {
-       _cogl_set_error (error, COGL_WINSYS_ERROR,
-From 55af12d4ec146c610dd3c05d777f1ae33738c218 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi@gnome.org>
-Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 12:19:52 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 2/5] gl: Do not use deprecated constants with the GL3 driver
-glGetIntegerv (GL_DEPTH_BITS, ...) and friends are deprecated in GL3; we
-have to use glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv() instead, like we do
-for offscreen framebuffers.
-Based on a patch by: Adel Gadllah <adel.gadllah@gmail.com>
-Signed-off-by: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi@gnome.org>
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-index 793b10b..26bcc5f 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-framebuffer-gl.c
-@@ -1028,29 +1028,35 @@ _cogl_framebuffer_init_bits (CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer)
-                                  COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_STATE_BIND);
- #ifdef HAVE_COGL_GL
--  if (_cogl_has_private_feature
--      framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_OFFSCREEN)
-+  if ((ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GL3 &&
-+       framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_ONSCREEN) ||
-+      (_cogl_has_private_feature (ctx, COGL_PRIVATE_FEATURE_QUERY_FRAMEBUFFER_BITS) &&
-+       framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_OFFSCREEN))
-     {
--      static const struct
--      {
-+      gboolean is_offscreen = framebuffer->type == COGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE_OFFSCREEN;
-+      const struct {
-         GLenum attachment, pname;
-         size_t offset;
--      } params[] =
--          {
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, red) },
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, green) },
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, blue) },
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, alpha) },
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, depth) },
--              offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, stencil) },
--          };
-+      } params[] = {
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : GL_BACK_LEFT,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, red) },
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : GL_BACK_LEFT,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, green) },
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : GL_BACK_LEFT,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, blue) },
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : GL_BACK_LEFT,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, alpha) },
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT : GL_DEPTH,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, depth) },
-+        { is_offscreen ? GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT : GL_STENCIL,
-+          offsetof (CoglFramebufferBits, stencil) },
-+      };
-       int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (params); i++)
-From 067d3cb0f8a67a1c5ba144505c124ec42f409aaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Rui Matos <tiagomatos@gmail.com>
-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 15:37:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/5] cogl-winsys-glx: Add support for
- NV_robustness_video_memory_purge
-This adds API to allow callers to specify that they're interested in
-video memory purge errors.
- cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h            |  1 +
- cogl/cogl-renderer.c                    | 10 ++++++++
- cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h               | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/cogl.symbols                       |  1 +
- cogl/gl-prototypes/cogl-all-functions.h |  8 ++++++
- cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c           | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 6 files changed, 104 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h b/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h
-index 3871d91..4a2fa6e 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-renderer-private.h
-@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ struct _CoglRenderer
-   Display *foreign_xdpy;
-   CoglBool xlib_enable_event_retrieval;
-+  CoglBool xlib_want_reset_on_video_memory_purge;
- #endif
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-renderer.c b/cogl/cogl-renderer.c
-index ef6e900..52a4732 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-renderer.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-renderer.c
-@@ -347,6 +347,16 @@ cogl_xlib_renderer_set_event_retrieval_enabled (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-   renderer->xlib_enable_event_retrieval = enable;
- }
-+cogl_xlib_renderer_request_reset_on_video_memory_purge (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-+                                                        CoglBool enable)
-+  _COGL_RETURN_IF_FAIL (cogl_is_renderer (renderer));
-+  _COGL_RETURN_IF_FAIL (!renderer->connected);
-+  renderer->xlib_want_reset_on_video_memory_purge = enable;
- #endif /* COGL_HAS_XLIB_SUPPORT */
- CoglBool
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h b/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h
-index 6318957..a81f275 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-xlib-renderer.h
-@@ -169,6 +169,47 @@ cogl_xlib_renderer_set_event_retrieval_enabled (CoglRenderer *renderer,
- Display *
- cogl_xlib_renderer_get_display (CoglRenderer *renderer);
-+ * cogl_xlib_renderer_request_reset_on_video_memory_purge:
-+ * @renderer: a #CoglRenderer
-+ * @enable: The new value
-+ *
-+ * Sets whether Cogl should make use of the
-+ * NV_robustness_video_memory_purge extension, if exposed by the
-+ * driver, by initializing the GLX context appropriately.
-+ *
-+ * The extension is only useful when running on certain versions of
-+ * the NVIDIA driver. Quoting from the spec:
-+ *
-+ * "The NVIDIA OpenGL driver architecture on Linux has a limitation:
-+ *  resources located in video memory are not persistent across certain
-+ *  events. VT switches, suspend/resume events, and mode switching
-+ *  events may erase the contents of video memory. Any resource that
-+ *  is located exclusively in video memory, such as framebuffer objects
-+ *  (FBOs), will be lost."
-+ *
-+ * "This extension provides a way for applications to discover when video
-+ *  memory content has been lost, so that the application can re-populate
-+ *  the video memory content as necessary."
-+ *
-+ * "Any driver that exposes this extension is a driver that considers
-+ *  video memory to be volatile. Once the driver stack has been
-+ *  improved, the extension will no longer be exposed."
-+ *
-+ * cogl_get_graphics_reset_status() needs to be called at least once
-+ * every frame to find out if video memory was purged.
-+ *
-+ * Note that this doesn't cause Cogl to enable robust buffer access
-+ * but other context reset errors may still happen and be reported via
-+ * cogl_get_graphics_reset_status() if external factors cause the
-+ * driver to trigger them.
-+ *
-+ * This defaults to %FALSE and is effective only if called before
-+ * cogl_display_setup() .
-+ */
-+cogl_xlib_renderer_request_reset_on_video_memory_purge (CoglRenderer *renderer,
-+                                                        CoglBool enable);
- /* The gobject introspection scanner seems to parse public headers in
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl.symbols b/cogl/cogl.symbols
-index c48314a..feb9e65 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl.symbols
-+++ b/cogl/cogl.symbols
-@@ -1065,6 +1065,7 @@ cogl_xlib_renderer_get_display
- cogl_xlib_renderer_get_foreign_display
- cogl_xlib_renderer_handle_event
- cogl_xlib_renderer_remove_filter
- cogl_xlib_renderer_set_event_retrieval_enabled
- cogl_xlib_renderer_set_foreign_display
- cogl_xlib_set_display
-diff --git a/cogl/gl-prototypes/cogl-all-functions.h b/cogl/gl-prototypes/cogl-all-functions.h
-index dda08f7..c1c5462 100644
---- a/cogl/gl-prototypes/cogl-all-functions.h
-+++ b/cogl/gl-prototypes/cogl-all-functions.h
-@@ -326,3 +326,11 @@ COGL_EXT_BEGIN (draw_buffers, 2, 0,
- COGL_EXT_FUNCTION (void, glDrawBuffers,
-                    (GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs))
-+COGL_EXT_BEGIN (robustness, 255, 255,
-+                0,
-+                "ARB\0",
-+                "robustness\0")
-+COGL_EXT_FUNCTION (GLenum, glGetGraphicsResetStatus,
-+                   (void))
-diff --git a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-index 4f7abfb..097589f 100644
---- a/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-+++ b/cogl/winsys/cogl-winsys-glx.c
-@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@
- #include <GL/glx.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
-+/* This is a relatively new extension */
- #define COGL_ONSCREEN_X11_EVENT_MASK (StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask)
-@@ -1025,12 +1030,50 @@ create_gl3_context (CoglDisplay *display,
-       None
-     };
-+  /* NV_robustness_video_memory_purge relies on GLX_ARB_create_context
-+     and in part on ARB_robustness. Namely, it needs the notification
-+     strategy to be set to GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB and that the
-+     driver exposes the GetGraphicsResetStatusARB function. This means
-+     we don't actually enable robust buffer access. */
-+  static const int attrib_list_reset_on_purge[] =
-+    {
-+                                     GL_TRUE,
-+                                     GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB,
-+      None
-+    };
-   /* Make sure that the display supports the GLX_ARB_create_context
-      extension */
-   if (glx_renderer->glXCreateContextAttribs == NULL)
-     return NULL;
-+  /* We can't check the presence of this extension with the usual
-+     COGL_WINSYS_FEATURE machinery because that only gets initialized
-+     later when the CoglContext is created. */
-+  if (display->renderer->xlib_want_reset_on_video_memory_purge &&
-+      strstr (glx_renderer->glXQueryExtensionsString (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                                      DefaultScreen (xlib_renderer->xdpy)),
-+              "GLX_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge"))
-+    {
-+      CoglXlibTrapState old_state;
-+      GLXContext ctx;
-+      _cogl_xlib_renderer_trap_errors (display->renderer, &old_state);
-+      ctx = glx_renderer->glXCreateContextAttribs (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-+                                                   fb_config,
-+                                                   NULL /* share_context */,
-+                                                   True, /* direct */
-+                                                   attrib_list_reset_on_purge);
-+      if (!_cogl_xlib_renderer_untrap_errors (display->renderer, &old_state) && ctx)
-+        return ctx;
-+    }
-   return glx_renderer->glXCreateContextAttribs (xlib_renderer->xdpy,
-                                                 fb_config,
-                                                 NULL /* share_context */,
-From e91a1f5217d28e8e181e4fd98b78ec180d601228 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Rui Matos <tiagomatos@gmail.com>
-Date: Sun, 29 May 2016 20:30:36 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/5] cogl-context: Add a cogl_get_graphics_reset_status API
-If the driver supports the GL_ARB_robustness extension we can expose
-the graphics reset status this way.
- cogl/cogl-context.c | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/cogl-context.h | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- cogl/cogl.symbols   |  1 +
- 3 files changed, 73 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-context.c b/cogl/cogl-context.c
-index a7eed29..4b1af61 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-context.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-context.c
-@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
- #define GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS 0x821D
- #endif
-+/* This is a relatively new extension */
- static void _cogl_context_free (CoglContext *context);
- COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE (Context, context);
-@@ -784,3 +789,28 @@ cogl_get_clock_time (CoglContext *context)
-   else
-     return 0;
- }
-+cogl_get_graphics_reset_status (CoglContext *context)
-+  if (!context->glGetGraphicsResetStatus)
-+  switch (context->glGetGraphicsResetStatus ())
-+    {
-+    default:
-+    }
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-context.h b/cogl/cogl-context.h
-index 07badeb..cab586b 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-context.h
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-context.h
-@@ -393,6 +393,48 @@ cogl_foreach_feature (CoglContext *context,
- int64_t
- cogl_get_clock_time (CoglContext *context);
-+ * CoglGraphicsResetStatus:
-+ *
-+ * All the error values that might be returned by
-+ * cogl_get_graphics_reset_status(). Each value's meaning corresponds
-+ * to the similarly named value defined in the ARB_robustness and
-+ * NV_robustness_video_memory_purge extensions.
-+ */
-+typedef enum _CoglGraphicsResetStatus
-+} CoglGraphicsResetStatus;
-+ * cogl_get_graphics_reset_status:
-+ * @context: a #CoglContext pointer
-+ *
-+ * Returns the graphics reset status as reported by
-+ * GetGraphicsResetStatusARB defined in the ARB_robustness extension.
-+ *
-+ * Note that Cogl doesn't normally enable the ARB_robustness
-+ * extension in which case this will only ever return
-+ *
-+ * Applications must explicitly use a backend specific method to
-+ * request that errors get reported such as X11's
-+ * cogl_xlib_renderer_request_reset_on_video_memory_purge().
-+ *
-+ * Return value: a #CoglGraphicsResetStatus
-+ */
-+cogl_get_graphics_reset_status (CoglContext *context);
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl.symbols b/cogl/cogl.symbols
-index feb9e65..eb72407 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl.symbols
-+++ b/cogl/cogl.symbols
-@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ cogl_get_clock_time
- cogl_get_depth_test_enabled
- cogl_get_draw_framebuffer
- cogl_get_features
- cogl_get_modelview_matrix
- cogl_get_option_group
- cogl_get_proc_address
-From 6361d971c0775b4d7c20e3c2deb8c87ce546a94d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Rui Matos <tiagomatos@gmail.com>
-Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 19:37:02 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 5/5] cogl: Ignore GL_CONTEXT_LOST when checking for GL errors
-When using a context with robustness, glGetError() may return
-GL_CONTEXT_LOST at any time and this error doesn't get cleared until
-the application calls glGetGraphicsResetStatus() . This means that our
-error checking can't call glGetError() in a loop without checking for
-that return value and returning in that case.
- cogl/cogl-texture-3d.c                          |  4 +---
- cogl/cogl-texture-rectangle.c                   | 10 +++-------
- cogl/deprecated/cogl-shader.c                   |  5 ++---
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-buffer-gl.c                 | 15 ++++-----------
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-pipeline-opengl.c           |  7 ++-----
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-texture-2d-gl.c             | 16 +++++-----------
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl-private.h           | 10 ++++++++--
- cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl.c                   | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
- cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp.c |  6 ++----
- cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-texture-driver-gl.c      | 12 +++---------
- cogl/driver/gl/gles/cogl-texture-driver-gles.c  | 18 +++++-------------
- 11 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-texture-3d.c b/cogl/cogl-texture-3d.c
-index 8e2ff08..31d2941 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-texture-3d.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-texture-3d.c
-@@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTexture3D *tex_3d,
-   GLenum gl_intformat;
-   GLenum gl_format;
-   GLenum gl_type;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   GLenum gl_texture;
-   internal_format =
-@@ -387,8 +386,7 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTexture3D *tex_3d,
-                                    gl_texture,
-                                    FALSE);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage3D (GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, gl_intformat,
-                      width, height, depth,
-diff --git a/cogl/cogl-texture-rectangle.c b/cogl/cogl-texture-rectangle.c
-index 65d2f06..da5f1f0 100644
---- a/cogl/cogl-texture-rectangle.c
-+++ b/cogl/cogl-texture-rectangle.c
-@@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTextureRectangle *tex_rect,
-   GLenum gl_intformat;
-   GLenum gl_format;
-   GLenum gl_type;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   GLenum gl_texture;
-   internal_format =
-@@ -256,8 +255,7 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTextureRectangle *tex_rect,
-                                    tex_rect->is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, gl_intformat,
-                      width, height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, NULL);
-@@ -361,7 +359,6 @@ allocate_from_gl_foreign (CoglTextureRectangle *tex_rect,
-   CoglTexture *tex = COGL_TEXTURE (tex_rect);
-   CoglContext *ctx = tex->context;
-   CoglPixelFormat format = loader->src.gl_foreign.format;
--  GLenum gl_error = 0;
-   GLint gl_compressed = GL_FALSE;
-   GLenum gl_int_format = 0;
-@@ -377,12 +374,11 @@ allocate_from_gl_foreign (CoglTextureRectangle *tex_rect,
-     }
-   /* Make sure binding succeeds */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB,
-                                    loader->src.gl_foreign.gl_handle, TRUE);
--  if (ctx->glGetError () != GL_NO_ERROR)
-+  if (_cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx) != GL_NO_ERROR)
-     {
-       _cogl_set_error (error,
-                        COGL_SYSTEM_ERROR,
-diff --git a/cogl/deprecated/cogl-shader.c b/cogl/deprecated/cogl-shader.c
-index 08dcb82..d4b687c 100644
---- a/cogl/deprecated/cogl-shader.c
-+++ b/cogl/deprecated/cogl-shader.c
-@@ -213,15 +213,14 @@ _cogl_shader_compile_real (CoglHandle handle,
-         g_message ("user ARBfp program:\n%s", shader->source);
- #ifdef COGL_GL_DEBUG
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
- #endif
-       ctx->glProgramString (GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB,
-                             GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB,
-                             strlen (shader->source),
-                             shader->source);
- #ifdef COGL_GL_DEBUG
--      gl_error = ctx->glGetError ();
-+      gl_error = _cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx);
-       if (gl_error != GL_NO_ERROR)
-         {
-           g_warning ("%s: GL error (%d): Failed to compile ARBfp:\n%s\n%s",
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-buffer-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-buffer-gl.c
-index 0f98406..b8cd03f 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-buffer-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-buffer-gl.c
-@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ recreate_store (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-   CoglContext *ctx = buffer->context;
-   GLenum gl_target;
-   GLenum gl_enum;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   /* This assumes the buffer is already bound */
-@@ -150,8 +149,7 @@ recreate_store (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-   gl_enum = update_hints_to_gl_enum (buffer);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glBufferData (gl_target,
-                      buffer->size,
-@@ -216,7 +214,6 @@ _cogl_buffer_gl_map_range (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-   CoglBufferBindTarget target;
-   GLenum gl_target;
-   CoglContext *ctx = buffer->context;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   if (((access & COGL_BUFFER_ACCESS_READ) &&
-        !cogl_has_feature (ctx, COGL_FEATURE_ID_MAP_BUFFER_FOR_READ)) ||
-@@ -282,8 +279,7 @@ _cogl_buffer_gl_map_range (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-         }
-       /* Clear any GL errors */
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-       data = ctx->glMapBufferRange (gl_target,
-                                     offset,
-@@ -314,8 +310,7 @@ _cogl_buffer_gl_map_range (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-         }
-       /* Clear any GL errors */
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-       data = ctx->glMapBuffer (gl_target,
-                                _cogl_buffer_access_to_gl_enum (access));
-@@ -363,7 +358,6 @@ _cogl_buffer_gl_set_data (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-   CoglBufferBindTarget target;
-   GLenum gl_target;
-   CoglContext *ctx = buffer->context;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-   CoglError *internal_error = NULL;
-@@ -384,8 +378,7 @@ _cogl_buffer_gl_set_data (CoglBuffer *buffer,
-   gl_target = convert_bind_target_to_gl_target (target);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glBufferSubData (gl_target, offset, size, data);
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-pipeline-opengl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-pipeline-opengl.c
-index c7b44ee..52c2392 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-pipeline-opengl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-pipeline-opengl.c
-@@ -253,12 +253,9 @@ set_glsl_program (GLuint gl_program)
-   if (ctx->current_gl_program != gl_program)
-     {
--      GLenum gl_error;
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-       ctx->glUseProgram (gl_program);
--      if (ctx->glGetError () == GL_NO_ERROR)
-+      if (_cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx) == GL_NO_ERROR)
-         ctx->current_gl_program = gl_program;
-       else
-         {
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-texture-2d-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-texture-2d-gl.c
-index 8675f52..1cae680 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-texture-2d-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-texture-2d-gl.c
-@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTexture2D *tex_2d,
-   GLenum gl_intformat;
-   GLenum gl_format;
-   GLenum gl_type;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   GLenum gl_texture;
-   internal_format =
-@@ -149,8 +148,7 @@ allocate_with_size (CoglTexture2D *tex_2d,
-                                    tex_2d->is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_intformat,
-                      width, height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, NULL);
-@@ -286,18 +284,16 @@ allocate_from_egl_image (CoglTexture2D *tex_2d,
-   CoglTexture *tex = COGL_TEXTURE (tex_2d);
-   CoglContext *ctx = tex->context;
-   CoglPixelFormat internal_format = loader->src.egl_image.format;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   tex_2d->gl_texture =
-     ctx->texture_driver->gen (ctx, GL_TEXTURE_2D, internal_format);
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (GL_TEXTURE_2D,
-                                    tex_2d->gl_texture,
-                                    FALSE);
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-   ctx->glEGLImageTargetTexture2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, loader->src.egl_image.image);
--  if (ctx->glGetError () != GL_NO_ERROR)
-+  if (_cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx) != GL_NO_ERROR)
-     {
-       _cogl_set_error (error,
-                        COGL_TEXTURE_ERROR,
-@@ -327,7 +323,6 @@ allocate_from_gl_foreign (CoglTexture2D *tex_2d,
-   CoglTexture *tex = COGL_TEXTURE (tex_2d);
-   CoglContext *ctx = tex->context;
-   CoglPixelFormat format = loader->src.gl_foreign.format;
--  GLenum gl_error = 0;
-   GLint gl_compressed = GL_FALSE;
-   GLenum gl_int_format = 0;
-@@ -342,12 +337,11 @@ allocate_from_gl_foreign (CoglTexture2D *tex_2d,
-     }
-   /* Make sure binding succeeds */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (GL_TEXTURE_2D,
-                                    loader->src.gl_foreign.gl_handle, TRUE);
--  if (ctx->glGetError () != GL_NO_ERROR)
-+  if (_cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx) != GL_NO_ERROR)
-     {
-       _cogl_set_error (error,
-                        COGL_SYSTEM_ERROR,
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl-private.h b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl-private.h
-index dcc61c0..1407e0f 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl-private.h
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl-private.h
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ _cogl_gl_error_to_string (GLenum error_code);
- #define GE(ctx, x)                      G_STMT_START {  \
-   GLenum __err;                                         \
-   (ctx)->x;                                             \
--  while ((__err = (ctx)->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR) \
-+  while ((__err = (ctx)->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR && __err != GL_CONTEXT_LOST) \
-     {                                                   \
-       g_warning ("%s: GL error (%d): %s\n",             \
-                  G_STRLOC,                              \
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ _cogl_gl_error_to_string (GLenum error_code);
- #define GE_RET(ret, ctx, x)             G_STMT_START {  \
-   GLenum __err;                                         \
-   ret = (ctx)->x;                                       \
--  while ((__err = (ctx)->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR) \
-+  while ((__err = (ctx)->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR && __err != GL_CONTEXT_LOST) \
-     {                                                   \
-       g_warning ("%s: GL error (%d): %s\n",             \
-                  G_STRLOC,                              \
-@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ _cogl_gl_error_to_string (GLenum error_code);
- #endif /* COGL_GL_DEBUG */
-+_cogl_gl_util_get_error (CoglContext *ctx);
-+_cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (CoglContext *ctx);
- CoglBool
- _cogl_gl_util_catch_out_of_memory (CoglContext *ctx, CoglError **error);
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl.c
-index 814621a..f136673 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/cogl-util-gl.c
-@@ -77,13 +77,33 @@ _cogl_gl_error_to_string (GLenum error_code)
- }
- #endif /* COGL_GL_DEBUG */
-+_cogl_gl_util_get_error (CoglContext *ctx)
-+  GLenum gl_error = ctx->glGetError ();
-+  if (gl_error != GL_NO_ERROR && gl_error != GL_CONTEXT_LOST)
-+    return gl_error;
-+  else
-+    return GL_NO_ERROR;
-+_cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (CoglContext *ctx)
-+  GLenum gl_error;
-+  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR && gl_error != GL_CONTEXT_LOST)
-+    ;
- CoglBool
- _cogl_gl_util_catch_out_of_memory (CoglContext *ctx, CoglError **error)
- {
-   GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool out_of_memory = FALSE;
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
-+  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR && gl_error != GL_CONTEXT_LOST)
-     {
-       if (gl_error == GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
-         out_of_memory = TRUE;
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp.c b/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp.c
-index 16b13be..7be4a3f 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-pipeline-fragend-arbfp.c
-@@ -837,7 +837,6 @@ _cogl_pipeline_fragend_arbfp_end (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
-   if (shader_state->source)
-     {
--      GLenum gl_error;
-       COGL_STATIC_COUNTER (fragend_arbfp_compile_counter,
-                            "arbfp compile counter",
-                            "Increments each time a new ARBfp "
-@@ -857,14 +856,13 @@ _cogl_pipeline_fragend_arbfp_end (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
-       GE (ctx, glBindProgram (GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB,
-                               shader_state->gl_program));
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-       ctx->glProgramString (GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB,
-                             GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB,
-                             shader_state->source->len,
-                             shader_state->source->str);
--      if (ctx->glGetError () != GL_NO_ERROR)
-+      if (_cogl_gl_util_get_error (ctx) != GL_NO_ERROR)
-         {
-           g_warning ("\n%s\n%s",
-                      shader_state->source->str,
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-texture-driver-gl.c b/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-texture-driver-gl.c
-index 109af81..1113966 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-texture-driver-gl.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/gl/cogl-texture-driver-gl.c
-@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_subregion_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   uint8_t *data;
-   CoglPixelFormat source_format = cogl_bitmap_get_format (source_bmp);
-   int bpp = _cogl_pixel_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (source_format);
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-   CoglError *internal_error = NULL;
-   int level_width;
-@@ -237,8 +236,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_subregion_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   _cogl_texture_get_level_size (texture,
-                                 level,
-@@ -315,7 +313,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   uint8_t *data;
-   CoglPixelFormat source_format = cogl_bitmap_get_format (source_bmp);
-   int bpp = _cogl_pixel_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (source_format);
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-   CoglError *internal_error = NULL;
-@@ -341,8 +338,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage2D (gl_target, 0,
-                      internal_gl_format,
-@@ -377,7 +373,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-   uint8_t *data;
-   CoglPixelFormat source_format = cogl_bitmap_get_format (source_bmp);
-   int bpp = _cogl_pixel_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (source_format);
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-   data = _cogl_bitmap_gl_bind (source_bmp, COGL_BUFFER_ACCESS_READ, 0, error);
-@@ -394,8 +389,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage3D (gl_target,
-                      0, /* level */
-diff --git a/cogl/driver/gl/gles/cogl-texture-driver-gles.c b/cogl/driver/gl/gles/cogl-texture-driver-gles.c
-index f87f1e9..85412a8 100644
---- a/cogl/driver/gl/gles/cogl-texture-driver-gles.c
-+++ b/cogl/driver/gl/gles/cogl-texture-driver-gles.c
-@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_subregion_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   int bpp = _cogl_pixel_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (source_format);
-   CoglBitmap *slice_bmp;
-   int rowstride;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-   CoglError *internal_error = NULL;
-   int level_width;
-@@ -265,8 +264,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_subregion_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, is_foreign);
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   _cogl_texture_get_level_size (texture,
-                                 level,
-@@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-   int bmp_height = cogl_bitmap_get_height (source_bmp);
-   CoglBitmap *bmp;
-   uint8_t *data;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   CoglError *internal_error = NULL;
-   CoglBool status = TRUE;
-@@ -379,8 +376,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl (CoglContext *ctx,
-     }
-   /* Clear any GL errors */
--  while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--    ;
-+  _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-   ctx->glTexImage2D (gl_target, 0,
-                      internal_gl_format,
-@@ -419,7 +415,6 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-   int bmp_width = cogl_bitmap_get_width (source_bmp);
-   int bmp_height = cogl_bitmap_get_height (source_bmp);
-   uint8_t *data;
--  GLenum gl_error;
-   _cogl_bind_gl_texture_transient (gl_target, gl_handle, is_foreign);
-@@ -440,8 +435,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-          image with a sub-region update */
-       /* Clear any GL errors */
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-       ctx->glTexImage3D (gl_target,
-                          0, /* level */
-@@ -488,8 +482,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-             }
-           /* Clear any GL errors */
--          while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--            ;
-+          _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-           ctx->glTexSubImage3D (gl_target,
-                                 0, /* level */
-@@ -524,8 +517,7 @@ _cogl_texture_driver_upload_to_gl_3d (CoglContext *ctx,
-       _cogl_texture_driver_prep_gl_for_pixels_upload (ctx, rowstride, bpp);
-       /* Clear any GL errors */
--      while ((gl_error = ctx->glGetError ()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
--        ;
-+      _cogl_gl_util_clear_gl_errors (ctx);
-       ctx->glTexImage3D (gl_target,
-                          0, /* level */
diff --git a/SPECS/cogl.spec b/SPECS/cogl.spec
index 0cbb489..1959580 100644
--- a/SPECS/cogl.spec
+++ b/SPECS/cogl.spec
@@ -2,34 +2,23 @@
 %global with_wayland 1
-#global with_tests 1
+%global with_tests 1
 Name:          cogl
-Version:       1.18.2
-Release:       12%{?dist}
+Version:       1.22.2
+Release:       1%{?dist}
 Summary:       A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures
-Group:         Development/Libraries
 License:       LGPLv2+
 URL:           http://www.clutter-project.org/
-Source0:       http://download.gnome.org/sources/cogl/1.18/cogl-%{version}.tar.xz
+Source0:       http://download.gnome.org/sources/cogl/1.22/cogl-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Support for quadbuffer stereo (patches upstream as of the Cogl 1.20
-# development branch)
-Patch10: Add-support-for-setting-up-stereo-CoglOnscreens.patch
-Patch11: CoglTexturePixmapX11-add-support-for-stereo-content.patch
-Patch12: video-memory-purge.patch
-# See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=768190
-Patch21: 0001-examples-cogl-crate.c-fix-bug-when-waiting-for-next-.patch
-Patch22: 0002-CoglGPUInfo-fix-check-for-NVIDIA.patch
-Patch23: 0003-CoglWinsysGLX-factor-out-some-duplicated-code.patch
-Patch24: 0004-Usability-of-SGI_video_sync-is-per-display-not-per-r.patch
-Patch25: 0005-Fix-the-get_clock_time-without-GLX_OML_sync_control.patch
-Patch26: 0006-For-NVIDIA-proprietary-drivers-implement-sync-events.patch
-Patch27: 0007-Add-cogl_xlib_renderer_set_threaded_swap_wait_enable.patch
-BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool gettext-devel
+# Vaguely related to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=772419
+# but on the 1.22 branch, and the static inline in the header is gross
+# ajax promises he'll clean this up.
+Patch0: 0001-egl-Use-eglGetPlatformDisplay-not-eglGetDisplay.patch
+# Backported from upstream to fix the build
+Patch1: cogl-1.22.2-fix-ifdef.patch
 BuildRequires: cairo-devel
 BuildRequires: chrpath
@@ -79,7 +68,6 @@ options we are interested in for the future.
 %package devel
 Summary:       %{name} development environment
-Group:         Development/Libraries
 Requires:      %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description devel
@@ -87,7 +75,6 @@ Header files and libraries for building and developing apps with %{name}.
 %package       doc
 Summary:       Documentation for %{name}
-Group:         Documentation
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 BuildArch:     noarch
@@ -97,7 +84,6 @@ This package contains documentation for %{name}.
 %if 0%{?with_tests}
 %package       tests
 Summary:       Tests for %{name}
-Group:         Development/Tools
 %description   tests
 This package contains the installable tests for %{cogl}.
@@ -105,22 +91,11 @@ This package contains the installable tests for %{cogl}.
 %setup -q
-%patch10 -p1
-%patch11 -p1
-%patch12 -p1
-%patch21 -p1 -b .cogl-crate
-%patch22 -p1 -b .gpuinfo
-%patch23 -p1 -b .duplicated-code
-%patch24 -p1 -b .video-sync
-%patch25 -p1 -b .clock-time
-%patch26 -p1 -b .threaded-sync-events
-%patch27 -p1 -b .swap-wait-setter
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
-autoreconf -vif
 %configure \
   --enable-cairo=yes \
   --enable-cogl-pango=yes \
@@ -139,7 +114,7 @@ autoreconf -vif
 make %{?_smp_mflags} V=1
-make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} INSTALL='install -p'
 #Remove libtool archives.
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -delete
@@ -153,12 +128,16 @@ chrpath --delete $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libcogl-pango.so
 %find_lang %{name}
+# make check
 %post -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %files -f %{name}.lang
+%license COPYING
@@ -179,6 +158,10 @@ chrpath --delete $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libcogl-pango.so
+* Fri Aug 26 2016 Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com> - 1.22.2-1
+- Update to 1.22.2
+- Resolves: #1386835
 * Wed Jun 29 2016 Owen Taylor <otaylor@redhat.com> - 1.18.2-12
 - Add patches to improve display synchronization on NVIDIA