diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-DatasourceEc2-add-warning-message-when-not-on-AWS.patch b/SOURCES/0023-DatasourceEc2-add-warning-message-when-not-on-AWS.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ae3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0023-DatasourceEc2-add-warning-message-when-not-on-AWS.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+From 75ee377f902082f23de0feea190444e19a942420 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Scott Moser <smoser@brickies.net>
+Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 17:15:27 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 2/5] DatasourceEc2: add warning message when not on AWS.
+Based on the setting Datasource/Ec2/strict_id, the datasource
+will now warn once per instance.
+(cherry picked from commit 9bb55c6c45bcc5e310cf7e4d42cad53759dcca15)
+Resolves: rhbz#1496113
+Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com>
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py |   4 +
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py    | 178 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
+index 2d00255c..9debe947 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
+@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ class DataSourceAliYun(EC2.DataSourceEc2):
+     def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
+         return parse_public_keys(self.metadata.get('public-keys', {}))
++    @property
++    def cloud_platform(self):
++        return EC2.Platforms.ALIYUN
+ def parse_public_keys(public_keys):
+     keys = []
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+index c657fd09..26da263a 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+ import os
++import textwrap
+ import time
+ from cloudinit import ec2_utils as ec2
+@@ -22,12 +23,23 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ # Which version we are requesting of the ec2 metadata apis
+ DEF_MD_VERSION = '2009-04-04'
++STRICT_ID_PATH = ("datasource", "Ec2", "strict_id")
++class Platforms(object):
++    ALIYUN = "AliYun"
++    AWS = "AWS"
++    SEEDED = "Seeded"
++    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
+ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+     # Default metadata urls that will be used if none are provided
+     # They will be checked for 'resolveability' and some of the
+     # following may be discarded if they do not resolve
+     metadata_urls = ["", "http://instance-data.:8773"]
++    _cloud_platform = None
+     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
+         sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
+@@ -41,8 +53,18 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+             self.userdata_raw = seed_ret['user-data']
+             self.metadata = seed_ret['meta-data']
+             LOG.debug("Using seeded ec2 data from %s", self.seed_dir)
++            self._cloud_platform = Platforms.SEEDED
+             return True
++        strict_mode, _sleep = read_strict_mode(
++            util.get_cfg_by_path(self.sys_cfg, STRICT_ID_PATH,
++                                 STRICT_ID_DEFAULT), ("warn", None))
++        LOG.debug("strict_mode: %s, cloud_platform=%s",
++                  strict_mode, self.cloud_platform)
++        if strict_mode == "true" and self.cloud_platform == Platforms.UNKNOWN:
++            return False
+         try:
+             if not self.wait_for_metadata_service():
+                 return False
+@@ -51,8 +73,8 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+                 ec2.get_instance_userdata(self.api_ver, self.metadata_address)
+             self.metadata = ec2.get_instance_metadata(self.api_ver,
+                                                       self.metadata_address)
+-            LOG.debug("Crawl of metadata service took %s seconds",
+-                      int(time.time() - start_time))
++            LOG.debug("Crawl of metadata service took %.3f seconds",
++                      time.time() - start_time)
+             return True
+         except Exception:
+             util.logexc(LOG, "Failed reading from metadata address %s",
+@@ -190,6 +212,158 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+             return az[:-1]
+         return None
++    @property
++    def cloud_platform(self):
++        if self._cloud_platform is None:
++            self._cloud_platform = identify_platform()
++        return self._cloud_platform
++    def activate(self, cfg, is_new_instance):
++        if not is_new_instance:
++            return
++        if self.cloud_platform == Platforms.UNKNOWN:
++            warn_if_necessary(
++                util.get_cfg_by_path(cfg, STRICT_ID_PATH, STRICT_ID_DEFAULT))
++def read_strict_mode(cfgval, default):
++    try:
++        return parse_strict_mode(cfgval)
++    except ValueError as e:
++        LOG.warn(e)
++        return default
++def parse_strict_mode(cfgval):
++    # given a mode like:
++    #    true, false, warn,[sleep]
++    # return tuple with string mode (true|false|warn) and sleep.
++    if cfgval is True:
++        return 'true', None
++    if cfgval is False:
++        return 'false', None
++    if not cfgval:
++        return 'warn', 0
++    mode, _, sleep = cfgval.partition(",")
++    if mode not in ('true', 'false', 'warn'):
++        raise ValueError(
++            "Invalid mode '%s' in strict_id setting '%s': "
++            "Expected one of 'true', 'false', 'warn'." % (mode, cfgval))
++    if sleep:
++        try:
++            sleep = int(sleep)
++        except ValueError:
++            raise ValueError("Invalid sleep '%s' in strict_id setting '%s': "
++                             "not an integer" % (sleep, cfgval))
++    else:
++        sleep = None
++    return mode, sleep
++def warn_if_necessary(cfgval):
++    try:
++        mode, sleep = parse_strict_mode(cfgval)
++    except ValueError as e:
++        LOG.warn(e)
++        return
++    if mode == "false":
++        return
++    show_warning(sleep)
++def show_warning(sleep):
++    message = textwrap.dedent("""
++        ****************************************************************
++        # This system is using the EC2 Metadata Service, but does not  #
++        # appear to be running on Amazon EC2 or one of cloud-init's    #
++        # known platforms that provide a EC2 Metadata service. In the  #
++        # future, cloud-init may stop reading metadata from the EC2    #
++        # Metadata Service unless the platform can be identified       #
++        #                                                              #
++        # If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against    #
++        # cloud-init at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug #
++        # Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is     #
++        # running on.                                                  #
++        #                                                              #
++        # For more information see                                     #
++        #   https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1660385         #
++        #                                                              #
++        # After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by  #
++        # launching your instance with the cloud-config below, or      #
++        # putting that content into                                    #
++        #    /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-ec2-datasource.cfg              #
++        #                                                              #
++        # #cloud-config                                                #
++        # datasource:                                                  #
++        #  Ec2:                                                        #
++        #   strict_id: false                                           #
++        #                                                              #
++        """)
++    closemsg = ""
++    if sleep:
++        closemsg = "  [sleeping for %d seconds]  " % sleep
++    message += closemsg.center(64, "*")
++    print(message)
++    LOG.warn(message)
++    if sleep:
++        time.sleep(sleep)
++def identify_aws(data):
++    # data is a dictionary returned by _collect_platform_data.
++    if (data['uuid'].startswith('ec2') and
++            (data['uuid_source'] == 'hypervisor' or
++             data['uuid'] == data['serial'])):
++            return Platforms.AWS
++    return None
++def identify_platform():
++    # identify the platform and return an entry in Platforms.
++    data = _collect_platform_data()
++    checks = (identify_aws, lambda x: Platforms.UNKNOWN)
++    for checker in checks:
++        try:
++            result = checker(data)
++            if result:
++                return result
++        except Exception as e:
++            LOG.warn("calling %s with %s raised exception: %s",
++                     checker, data, e)
++def _collect_platform_data():
++    # returns a dictionary with all lower case values:
++    #   uuid: system-uuid from dmi or /sys/hypervisor
++    #   uuid_source: 'hypervisor' (/sys/hypervisor/uuid) or 'dmi'
++    #   serial: dmi 'system-serial-number' (/sys/.../product_serial)
++    data = {}
++    try:
++        uuid = util.load_file("/sys/hypervisor/uuid").strip()
++        data['uuid_source'] = 'hypervisor'
++    except Exception:
++        uuid = util.read_dmi_data('system-uuid')
++        data['uuid_source'] = 'dmi'
++    if uuid is None:
++        uuid = ''
++    data['uuid'] = uuid.lower()
++    serial = util.read_dmi_data('system-serial-number')
++    if serial is None:
++        serial = ''
++    data['serial'] = serial.lower()
++    return data
+ # Used to match classes to dependencies
+ datasources = [
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-Identify-Brightbox-as-an-Ec2-datasource-user.patch b/SOURCES/0024-Identify-Brightbox-as-an-Ec2-datasource-user.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148e7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0024-Identify-Brightbox-as-an-Ec2-datasource-user.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From 9044e39b1db9da242c244202ad649c5f8b05bc12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Scott Moser <smoser@brickies.net>
+Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 14:19:20 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Identify Brightbox as an Ec2 datasource user.
+Brightbox will identify their platform to the guest by setting the
+product serial to a string that ends with 'brightbox.com'.
+LP: #1661693
+(cherry picked from commit 5dd5b2cb539a84ed59f2b3181020d2bd18989718)
+Resolves: rhbz#1496113
+Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com>
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py | 8 +++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+index 26da263a..c7df8060 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ STRICT_ID_DEFAULT = "warn"
+ class Platforms(object):
+     ALIYUN = "AliYun"
+     AWS = "AWS"
++    BRIGHTBOX = "Brightbox"
+     SEEDED = "Seeded"
+     UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
+@@ -325,10 +326,15 @@ def identify_aws(data):
+     return None
++def identify_brightbox(data):
++    if data['serial'].endswith('brightbox.com'):
++        return Platforms.BRIGHTBOX
+ def identify_platform():
+     # identify the platform and return an entry in Platforms.
+     data = _collect_platform_data()
+-    checks = (identify_aws, lambda x: Platforms.UNKNOWN)
++    checks = (identify_aws, identify_brightbox, lambda x: Platforms.UNKNOWN)
+     for checker in checks:
+         try:
+             result = checker(data)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-AliYun-Enable-platform-identification-and-enable-by-.patch b/SOURCES/0025-AliYun-Enable-platform-identification-and-enable-by-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac01a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0025-AliYun-Enable-platform-identification-and-enable-by-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+From a7727ecf117a2bc02f68405823796afe1d76d3e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Junjie Wang <jingni.wjj@alibaba-inc.com>
+Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 20:06:09 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 4/5] AliYun: Enable platform identification and enable by
+ default.
+AliYun cloud platform is now identifying themselves by setting the dmi
+product id to the well known value "Alibaba Cloud ECS". The changes here
+identify that properly in tools/ds-identify and in the DataSourceAliYun.
+Since the 'get_data' for AliYun now identifies itself correctly, we can
+enable AliYun by default.
+LP: #1638931
+(cherry picked from commit 4a60af54957634920e84a928aa22b4fc9a6dfd11)
+Resolves: rhbz#1496113
+Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com>
+ cloudinit/settings.py                          |  1 +
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py          | 14 ++++++-
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py             |  7 ++++
+ tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py |  1 +
+ 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cloudinit/settings.py b/cloudinit/settings.py
+index 0d39aab7..d6046dc6 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/settings.py
++++ b/cloudinit/settings.py
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ CFG_BUILTIN = {
+         'MAAS',
+         'GCE',
+         'OpenStack',
++        'AliYun',
+         'Ec2',
+         'CloudSigma',
+         'CloudStack',
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
+index 9debe947..380e27cb 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
+@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import os
+ from cloudinit import sources
+ from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceEc2 as EC2
++from cloudinit import util
+ DEF_MD_VERSION = "2016-01-01"
++ALIYUN_PRODUCT = "Alibaba Cloud ECS"
+ class DataSourceAliYun(EC2.DataSourceEc2):
+@@ -24,7 +26,17 @@ class DataSourceAliYun(EC2.DataSourceEc2):
+     @property
+     def cloud_platform(self):
+-        return EC2.Platforms.ALIYUN
++        if self._cloud_platform is None:
++            if _is_aliyun():
++                self._cloud_platform = EC2.Platforms.ALIYUN
++            else:
++                self._cloud_platform = EC2.Platforms.NO_EC2_METADATA
++        return self._cloud_platform
++def _is_aliyun():
++    return util.read_dmi_data('system-product-name') == ALIYUN_PRODUCT
+ def parse_public_keys(public_keys):
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+index c7df8060..31825665 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+@@ -32,7 +32,12 @@ class Platforms(object):
+     AWS = "AWS"
+     BRIGHTBOX = "Brightbox"
+     SEEDED = "Seeded"
++    # UNKNOWN indicates no positive id.  If strict_id is 'warn' or 'false',
++    # then an attempt at the Ec2 Metadata service will be made.
+     UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
++    # NO_EC2_METADATA indicates this platform does not have a Ec2 metadata
++    # service available. No attempt at the Ec2 Metadata service will be made.
++    NO_EC2_METADATA = "No-EC2-Metadata"
+ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+@@ -65,6 +70,8 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
+                   strict_mode, self.cloud_platform)
+         if strict_mode == "true" and self.cloud_platform == Platforms.UNKNOWN:
+             return False
++        elif self.cloud_platform == Platforms.NO_EC2_METADATA:
++            return False
+         try:
+             if not self.wait_for_metadata_service():
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
+index c16d1a6e..990bff2c 100644
+--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ import functools
+ import httpretty
++import mock
+ import os
+ from .. import helpers as test_helpers
+@@ -111,15 +112,29 @@ class TestAliYunDatasource(test_helpers.HttprettyTestCase):
+         self.assertEqual(self.default_metadata['hostname'],
+                          self.ds.get_hostname())
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceAliYun._is_aliyun")
+     @httpretty.activate
+-    def test_with_mock_server(self):
++    def test_with_mock_server(self, m_is_aliyun):
++        m_is_aliyun.return_value = True
+         self.regist_default_server()
+-        self.ds.get_data()
++        ret = self.ds.get_data()
++        self.assertEqual(True, ret)
++        self.assertEqual(1, m_is_aliyun.call_count)
+         self._test_get_data()
+         self._test_get_sshkey()
+         self._test_get_iid()
+         self._test_host_name()
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceAliYun._is_aliyun")
++    @httpretty.activate
++    def test_returns_false_when_not_on_aliyun(self, m_is_aliyun):
++        """If is_aliyun returns false, then get_data should return False."""
++        m_is_aliyun.return_value = False
++        self.regist_default_server()
++        ret = self.ds.get_data()
++        self.assertEqual(1, m_is_aliyun.call_count)
++        self.assertEqual(False, ret)
+     def test_parse_public_keys(self):
+         public_keys = {}
+         self.assertEqual(ay.parse_public_keys(public_keys), [])
+@@ -149,4 +164,36 @@ class TestAliYunDatasource(test_helpers.HttprettyTestCase):
+         self.assertEqual(ay.parse_public_keys(public_keys),
+                          public_keys['key-pair-0']['openssh-key'])
++class TestIsAliYun(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
++    ALIYUN_PRODUCT = 'Alibaba Cloud ECS'
++    read_dmi_data_expected = [mock.call('system-product-name')]
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceAliYun.util.read_dmi_data")
++    def test_true_on_aliyun_product(self, m_read_dmi_data):
++        """Should return true if the dmi product data has expected value."""
++        m_read_dmi_data.return_value = self.ALIYUN_PRODUCT
++        ret = ay._is_aliyun()
++        self.assertEqual(self.read_dmi_data_expected,
++                         m_read_dmi_data.call_args_list)
++        self.assertEqual(True, ret)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceAliYun.util.read_dmi_data")
++    def test_false_on_empty_string(self, m_read_dmi_data):
++        """Should return false on empty value returned."""
++        m_read_dmi_data.return_value = ""
++        ret = ay._is_aliyun()
++        self.assertEqual(self.read_dmi_data_expected,
++                         m_read_dmi_data.call_args_list)
++        self.assertEqual(False, ret)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceAliYun.util.read_dmi_data")
++    def test_false_on_unknown_string(self, m_read_dmi_data):
++        """Should return false on an unrelated string."""
++        m_read_dmi_data.return_value = "cubs win"
++        ret = ay._is_aliyun()
++        self.assertEqual(self.read_dmi_data_expected,
++                         m_read_dmi_data.call_args_list)
++        self.assertEqual(False, ret)
+ # vi: ts=4 expandtab
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
+index c08717f3..7649b9ae 100644
+--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
+@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ DEFAULT_LOCAL = [
+ ]
++    AliYun.DataSourceAliYun,
+     AltCloud.DataSourceAltCloud,
+     Azure.DataSourceAzureNet,
+     Bigstep.DataSourceBigstep,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-Fix-alibaba-cloud-unit-tests-to-work-with-0.7.9.patch b/SOURCES/0026-Fix-alibaba-cloud-unit-tests-to-work-with-0.7.9.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1755547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0026-Fix-alibaba-cloud-unit-tests-to-work-with-0.7.9.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From b87c46fe008dc4df50b0103d598d218f8dd26735 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 13:02:00 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Fix alibaba cloud unit tests to work with 0.7.9
+Resolves: rhbz#1496113
+X-downstream-only: Yes
+Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com>
+ tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
+index 990bff2c..90454c8d 100644
+--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_aliyun.py
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class TestAliYunDatasource(test_helpers.HttprettyTestCase):
+                          public_keys['key-pair-0']['openssh-key'])
+-class TestIsAliYun(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
++class TestIsAliYun(test_helpers.HttprettyTestCase):
+     ALIYUN_PRODUCT = 'Alibaba Cloud ECS'
+     read_dmi_data_expected = [mock.call('system-product-name')]
diff --git a/SOURCES/cloud-init-add-centos-os.patch b/SOURCES/cloud-init-add-centos-os.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 977c156..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/cloud-init-add-centos-os.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py b/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py
-index f56c0cf..1fd48a7 100755
---- a/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py
-+++ b/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from cloudinit.distros.parsers import hosts
-     'debian': ['debian', 'ubuntu'],
--    'redhat': ['fedora', 'rhel'],
-+    'redhat': ['centos', 'fedora', 'rhel'],
-     'gentoo': ['gentoo'],
-     'freebsd': ['freebsd'],
-     'suse': ['sles'],
-diff --git a/cloudinit/distros/centos.py b/cloudinit/distros/centos.py
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..4b803d2
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/cloudinit/distros/centos.py
-@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-+from cloudinit.distros import rhel
-+from cloudinit import log as logging
-+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-+class Distro(rhel.Distro):
-+    pass
-+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
-diff -uNr cloud-init-0.7.9__orig/rhel/cloud.cfg cloud-init-0.7.9/rhel/cloud.cfg
---- cloud-init-0.7.9__orig/rhel/cloud.cfg	2017-09-05 22:20:14.302075947 +0100
-+++ cloud-init-0.7.9/rhel/cloud.cfg	2017-09-05 22:20:37.912076373 +0100
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- system_info:
-   default_user:
--    name: cloud-user
-+    name: centos
-     lock_passwd: true
-     gecos: Cloud User
-     groups: [wheel, adm, systemd-journal]
diff --git a/SOURCES/cloud-init-rhel.cfg b/SOURCES/cloud-init-rhel.cfg
index d097c1d..986f241 100644
--- a/SOURCES/cloud-init-rhel.cfg
+++ b/SOURCES/cloud-init-rhel.cfg
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ cloud_final_modules:
-    name: centos 
+    name: cloud-user
     lock_passwd: true
     gecos: Cloud User
     groups: [wheel, adm, systemd-journal]
diff --git a/SPECS/cloud-init.spec b/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
index 89691ae..5d1f07c 100644
--- a/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
+++ b/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Name:           cloud-init
 Version:        0.7.9
-Release:        9%{?dist}.2
+Release:        9%{?dist}.1
 Summary:        Cloud instance init scripts
 Group:          System Environment/Base
@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ Patch0019: 0019-Add-missing-sysconfig-unit-test-data.patch
 Patch0020: 0020-Fix-ipv6-subnet-detection.patch
 Patch0021: 0021-azure-ensure-that-networkmanager-hook-script-runs.patch
 Patch0022: 0022-RHEL-CentOS-Fix-default-routes-for-IPv4-IPv6-configu.patch
-Patch9999: cloud-init-add-centos-os.patch
+Patch0023: 0023-DatasourceEc2-add-warning-message-when-not-on-AWS.patch
+Patch0024: 0024-Identify-Brightbox-as-an-Ec2-datasource-user.patch
+Patch0025: 0025-AliYun-Enable-platform-identification-and-enable-by-.patch
+Patch0026: 0026-Fix-alibaba-cloud-unit-tests-to-work-with-0.7.9.patch
 # Deal with noarch -> arch
 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1067089
@@ -180,10 +183,8 @@ fi
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rsyslog.d/21-cloudinit.conf
-* Tue Sep  5 2017 Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@centos.org> 0.7.9-9.el7.centos.1
-- Roll in CentOS Branding
-- set default user to centos
-- assume Red Hat compatibility
+* Tue Sep 26 2017 Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@redhat.com> 0.7.9-9.1
+- Support AliCloud datasource (rhbz#1496113)
 * Thu Jun 22 2017 Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@redhat.com> 0.7.9-9
 - RHEL/CentOS: Fix default routes for IPv4/IPv6 configuration. (rhbz#1438082)