diff --git a/SOURCES/ci-Change-netifaces-dependency-to-0.10.4-965.patch b/SOURCES/ci-Change-netifaces-dependency-to-0.10.4-965.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b5deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ci-Change-netifaces-dependency-to-0.10.4-965.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From 67d62f2c0df1fcb5cd86be73cba6064075aa61e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:39:46 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Change netifaces dependency to 0.10.4 (#965)
+RH-Author: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+RH-MergeRequest: 43: Datasource for VMware
+RH-Commit: [3/6] 81f0638e62841bab09b423d9cb5d340026ee87c2
+RH-Bugzilla: 2040704
+RH-Acked-by: Mohamed Gamal Morsy <mmorsy@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
+commit b9d308b4d61d22bacc05bcae59819755975631f8
+Author: Andrew Kutz <101085+akutz@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date:   Tue Aug 10 15:10:44 2021 -0500
+    Change netifaces dependency to 0.10.4 (#965)
+    Change netifaces dependency to 0.10.4
+    Currently versions Ubuntu <=20.10 use netifaces 0.10.4 By requiring
+    netifaces 0.10.9, the VMware datasource omitted itself from cloud-init
+    on Ubuntu <=20.10.
+    This patch changes the netifaces dependency to 0.10.4. While it is true
+    there are patches to netifaces post 0.10.4 that are desirable, testing
+    against the most common network configuration was performed to verify
+    the VMware datasource will still function with netifaces 0.10.4.
+Signed-off-by: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+ requirements.txt | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
+index 41d01d62..c4adc455 100644
+--- a/requirements.txt
++++ b/requirements.txt
+@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ jsonschema
+ # and still participate in instance-data by gathering the network in detail at
+ # runtime and merge that information into the metadata and repersist that to
+ # disk.
diff --git a/SOURCES/ci-Datasource-for-VMware-953.patch b/SOURCES/ci-Datasource-for-VMware-953.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e24674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ci-Datasource-for-VMware-953.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2198 @@
+From 697152978b1194aa10ab39597802bb2b4041773c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:37:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Datasource for VMware (#953)
+RH-Author: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+RH-MergeRequest: 43: Datasource for VMware
+RH-Commit: [2/6] a0999fa63b8117959839f62bd470f9fe632b31cc
+RH-Bugzilla: 2040704
+RH-Acked-by: Mohamed Gamal Morsy <mmorsy@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
+commit 8b4a9bc7b81e61943af873bad92e2133f8275b0b
+Author: Andrew Kutz <101085+akutz@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date:   Mon Aug 9 21:24:07 2021 -0500
+    Datasource for VMware (#953)
+    This patch finally introduces the Cloud-Init Datasource for VMware
+    GuestInfo as a part of cloud-init proper. This datasource has existed
+    since 2018, and rapidly became the de facto datasource for developers
+    working with Packer, Terraform, for projects like kube-image-builder,
+    and the de jure datasource for Photon OS.
+    The major change to the datasource from its previous incarnation is
+    the name. Now named DatasourceVMware, this new version of the
+    datasource will allow multiple transport types in addition to
+    GuestInfo keys.
+    This datasource includes several unique features developed to address
+    real-world situations:
+      * Support for reading any key (metadata, userdata, vendordata) both
+        from the guestinfo table when running on a VM in vSphere as well as
+        from an environment variable when running inside of a container,
+        useful for rapid dev/test.
+      * Allows booting with DHCP while still providing full participation
+        in Cloud-Init instance data and Jinja queries. The netifaces library
+        provides the ability to inspect the network after it is online,
+        and the runtime network configuration is then merged into the
+        existing metadata and persisted to disk.
+      * Advertises the local_ipv4 and local_ipv6 addresses via guestinfo
+        as well. This is useful as Guest Tools is not always able to
+        identify what would be considered the local address.
+    The primary author and current steward of this datasource spoke at
+    Cloud-Init Con 2020 where there was interest in contributing this datasource
+    to the Cloud-Init codebase.
+    The datasource currently lives in its own GitHub repository at
+    https://github.com/vmware/cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo. Once the datasource
+    is merged into Cloud-Init, the old repository will be deprecated.
+Signed-off-by: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+ README.md                                     |   2 +-
+ cloudinit/settings.py                         |   1 +
+ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py         | 871 ++++++++++++++++++
+ doc/rtd/topics/availability.rst               |   1 +
+ doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst                |   2 +-
+ doc/rtd/topics/datasources/vmware.rst         | 359 ++++++++
+ requirements.txt                              |   9 +
+ .../unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py  |   3 +
+ .../unittests/test_datasource/test_vmware.py  | 377 ++++++++
+ tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py           | 279 +++++-
+ tools/.github-cla-signers                     |   1 +
+ tools/ds-identify                             |  76 +-
+ 12 files changed, 1977 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py
+ create mode 100644 doc/rtd/topics/datasources/vmware.rst
+ create mode 100644 tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_vmware.py
+diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
+index 435405da..b98f61d3 100644
+--- a/README.md
++++ b/README.md
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ get in contact with that distribution and send them our way!
+ | Supported OSes | Supported Public Clouds | Supported Private Clouds |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+-| Alpine Linux<br />ArchLinux<br />Debian<br />Fedora<br />FreeBSD<br />Gentoo Linux<br />NetBSD<br />OpenBSD<br />RHEL/CentOS<br />SLES/openSUSE<br />Ubuntu<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> | Amazon Web Services<br />Microsoft Azure<br />Google Cloud Platform<br />Oracle Cloud Infrastructure<br />Softlayer<br />Rackspace Public Cloud<br />IBM Cloud<br />Digital Ocean<br />Bigstep<br />Hetzner<br />Joyent<br />CloudSigma<br />Alibaba Cloud<br />OVH<br />OpenNebula<br />Exoscale<br />Scaleway<br />CloudStack<br />AltCloud<br />SmartOS<br />HyperOne<br />Rootbox<br /> | Bare metal installs<br />OpenStack<br />LXD<br />KVM<br />Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />|
++| Alpine Linux<br />ArchLinux<br />Debian<br />Fedora<br />FreeBSD<br />Gentoo Linux<br />NetBSD<br />OpenBSD<br />RHEL/CentOS<br />SLES/openSUSE<br />Ubuntu<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> | Amazon Web Services<br />Microsoft Azure<br />Google Cloud Platform<br />Oracle Cloud Infrastructure<br />Softlayer<br />Rackspace Public Cloud<br />IBM Cloud<br />Digital Ocean<br />Bigstep<br />Hetzner<br />Joyent<br />CloudSigma<br />Alibaba Cloud<br />OVH<br />OpenNebula<br />Exoscale<br />Scaleway<br />CloudStack<br />AltCloud<br />SmartOS<br />HyperOne<br />Rootbox<br /> | Bare metal installs<br />OpenStack<br />LXD<br />KVM<br />Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS)<br /><br />VMware<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />|
+ ## To start developing cloud-init
+diff --git a/cloudinit/settings.py b/cloudinit/settings.py
+index 2acf2615..d5f32dbb 100644
+--- a/cloudinit/settings.py
++++ b/cloudinit/settings.py
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ CFG_BUILTIN = {
+         'Exoscale',
+         'RbxCloud',
+         'UpCloud',
++        'VMware',
+         # At the end to act as a 'catch' when none of the above work...
+         'None',
+     ],
+diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..22ca63de
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
++# Cloud-Init DataSource for VMware
++# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
++# Authors: Anish Swaminathan <anishs@vmware.com>
++#          Andrew Kutz <akutz@vmware.com>
++# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
++"""Cloud-Init DataSource for VMware
++This module provides a cloud-init datasource for VMware systems and supports
++multiple transports types, including:
++    * EnvVars
++    * GuestInfo
++Netifaces (https://github.com/al45tair/netifaces)
++    Please note this module relies on the netifaces project to introspect the
++    runtime, network configuration of the host on which this datasource is
++    running. This is in contrast to the rest of cloud-init which uses the
++    cloudinit/netinfo module.
++    The reasons for using netifaces include:
++        * Netifaces is built in C and is more portable across multiple systems
++          and more deterministic than shell exec'ing local network commands and
++          parsing their output.
++        * Netifaces provides a stable way to determine the view of the host's
++          network after DHCP has brought the network online. Unlike most other
++          datasources, this datasource still provides support for JINJA queries
++          based on networking information even when the network is based on a
++          DHCP lease. While this does not tie this datasource directly to
++          netifaces, it does mean the ability to consistently obtain the
++          correct information is paramount.
++        * It is currently possible to execute this datasource on macOS
++          (which many developers use today) to print the output of the
++          get_host_info function. This function calls netifaces to obtain
++          the same runtime network configuration that the datasource would
++          persist to the local system's instance data.
++          However, the netinfo module fails on macOS. The result is either a
++          hung operation that requires a SIGINT to return control to the user,
++          or, if brew is used to install iproute2mac, the ip commands are used
++          but produce output the netinfo module is unable to parse.
++          While macOS is not a target of cloud-init, this feature is quite
++          useful when working on this datasource.
++          For more information about this behavior, please see the following
++          PR comment, https://bit.ly/3fG7OVh.
++    The authors of this datasource are not opposed to moving away from
++    netifaces. The goal may be to eventually do just that. This proviso was
++    added to the top of this module as a way to remind future-us and others
++    why netifaces was used in the first place in order to either smooth the
++    transition away from netifaces or embrace it further up the cloud-init
++    stack.
++import collections
++import copy
++from distutils.spawn import find_executable
++import ipaddress
++import json
++import os
++import socket
++import time
++from cloudinit import dmi, log as logging
++from cloudinit import sources
++from cloudinit import util
++from cloudinit.subp import subp, ProcessExecutionError
++import netifaces
++PRODUCT_UUID_FILE_PATH = "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid"
++LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
++NOVAL = "No value found"
++VMWARE_RPCTOOL = find_executable("vmware-rpctool")
++REDACT = "redact"
++CLEANUP_GUESTINFO = "cleanup-guestinfo"
++LOCAL_IPV4 = "local-ipv4"
++LOCAL_IPV6 = "local-ipv6"
++WAIT_ON_NETWORK = "wait-on-network"
++class DataSourceVMware(sources.DataSource):
++    """
++    Setting the hostname:
++        The hostname is set by way of the metadata key "local-hostname".
++    Setting the instance ID:
++        The instance ID may be set by way of the metadata key "instance-id".
++        However, if this value is absent then the instance ID is read
++        from the file /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid.
++    Configuring the network:
++        The network is configured by setting the metadata key "network"
++        with a value consistent with Network Config Versions 1 or 2,
++        depending on the Linux distro's version of cloud-init:
++            Network Config Version 1 - http://bit.ly/cloudinit-net-conf-v1
++            Network Config Version 2 - http://bit.ly/cloudinit-net-conf-v2
++        For example, CentOS 7's official cloud-init package is version
++        0.7.9 and does not support Network Config Version 2. However,
++        this datasource still supports supplying Network Config Version 2
++        data as long as the Linux distro's cloud-init package is new
++        enough to parse the data.
++        The metadata key "network.encoding" may be used to indicate the
++        format of the metadata key "network". Valid encodings are base64
++        and gzip+base64.
++    """
++    dsname = "VMware"
++    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths, ud_proc=None):
++        sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths, ud_proc)
++        self.data_access_method = None
++        self.vmware_rpctool = VMWARE_RPCTOOL
++    def _get_data(self):
++        """
++        _get_data loads the metadata, userdata, and vendordata from one of
++        the following locations in the given order:
++            * envvars
++            * guestinfo
++        Please note when updating this function with support for new data
++        transports, the order should match the order in the dscheck_VMware
++        function from the file ds-identify.
++        """
++        # Initialize the locally scoped metadata, userdata, and vendordata
++        # variables. They are assigned below depending on the detected data
++        # access method.
++        md, ud, vd = None, None, None
++        # First check to see if there is data via env vars.
++        if os.environ.get(VMX_GUESTINFO, ""):
++            md = guestinfo_envvar("metadata")
++            ud = guestinfo_envvar("userdata")
++            vd = guestinfo_envvar("vendordata")
++            if md or ud or vd:
++                self.data_access_method = DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_ENVVAR
++        # At this point, all additional data transports are valid only on
++        # a VMware platform.
++        if not self.data_access_method:
++            system_type = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name")
++            if system_type is None:
++                LOG.debug("No system-product-name found")
++                return False
++            if "vmware" not in system_type.lower():
++                LOG.debug("Not a VMware platform")
++                return False
++        # If no data was detected, check the guestinfo transport next.
++        if not self.data_access_method:
++            if self.vmware_rpctool:
++                md = guestinfo("metadata", self.vmware_rpctool)
++                ud = guestinfo("userdata", self.vmware_rpctool)
++                vd = guestinfo("vendordata", self.vmware_rpctool)
++                if md or ud or vd:
++                    self.data_access_method = DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_GUESTINFO
++        if not self.data_access_method:
++            LOG.error("failed to find a valid data access method")
++            return False
++        LOG.info("using data access method %s", self._get_subplatform())
++        # Get the metadata.
++        self.metadata = process_metadata(load_json_or_yaml(md))
++        # Get the user data.
++        self.userdata_raw = ud
++        # Get the vendor data.
++        self.vendordata_raw = vd
++        # Redact any sensitive information.
++        self.redact_keys()
++        # get_data returns true if there is any available metadata,
++        # userdata, or vendordata.
++        if self.metadata or self.userdata_raw or self.vendordata_raw:
++            return True
++        else:
++            return False
++    def setup(self, is_new_instance):
++        """setup(is_new_instance)
++        This is called before user-data and vendor-data have been processed.
++        Unless the datasource has set mode to 'local', then networking
++        per 'fallback' or per 'network_config' will have been written and
++        brought up the OS at this point.
++        """
++        host_info = wait_on_network(self.metadata)
++        LOG.info("got host-info: %s", host_info)
++        # Reflect any possible local IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in the guest
++        # info.
++        advertise_local_ip_addrs(host_info)
++        # Ensure the metadata gets updated with information about the
++        # host, including the network interfaces, default IP addresses,
++        # etc.
++        self.metadata = util.mergemanydict([self.metadata, host_info])
++        # Persist the instance data for versions of cloud-init that support
++        # doing so. This occurs here rather than in the get_data call in
++        # order to ensure that the network interfaces are up and can be
++        # persisted with the metadata.
++        self.persist_instance_data()
++    def _get_subplatform(self):
++        get_key_name_fn = None
++        if self.data_access_method == DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_ENVVAR:
++            get_key_name_fn = get_guestinfo_envvar_key_name
++        elif self.data_access_method == DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_GUESTINFO:
++            get_key_name_fn = get_guestinfo_key_name
++        else:
++            return sources.METADATA_UNKNOWN
++        return "%s (%s)" % (
++            self.data_access_method,
++            get_key_name_fn("metadata"),
++        )
++    @property
++    def network_config(self):
++        if "network" in self.metadata:
++            LOG.debug("using metadata network config")
++        else:
++            LOG.debug("using fallback network config")
++            self.metadata["network"] = {
++                "config": self.distro.generate_fallback_config(),
++            }
++        return self.metadata["network"]["config"]
++    def get_instance_id(self):
++        # Pull the instance ID out of the metadata if present. Otherwise
++        # read the file /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid for the instance ID.
++        if self.metadata and "instance-id" in self.metadata:
++            return self.metadata["instance-id"]
++        with open(PRODUCT_UUID_FILE_PATH, "r") as id_file:
++            self.metadata["instance-id"] = str(id_file.read()).rstrip().lower()
++            return self.metadata["instance-id"]
++    def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
++        for key_name in (
++            "public-keys-data",
++            "public_keys_data",
++            "public-keys",
++            "public_keys",
++        ):
++            if key_name in self.metadata:
++                return sources.normalize_pubkey_data(self.metadata[key_name])
++        return []
++    def redact_keys(self):
++        # Determine if there are any keys to redact.
++        keys_to_redact = None
++        if REDACT in self.metadata:
++            keys_to_redact = self.metadata[REDACT]
++        elif CLEANUP_GUESTINFO in self.metadata:
++            # This is for backwards compatibility.
++            keys_to_redact = self.metadata[CLEANUP_GUESTINFO]
++        if self.data_access_method == DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_GUESTINFO:
++            guestinfo_redact_keys(keys_to_redact, self.vmware_rpctool)
++def decode(key, enc_type, data):
++    """
++    decode returns the decoded string value of data
++    key is a string used to identify the data being decoded in log messages
++    """
++    LOG.debug("Getting encoded data for key=%s, enc=%s", key, enc_type)
++    raw_data = None
++    if enc_type in ["gzip+base64", "gz+b64"]:
++        LOG.debug("Decoding %s format %s", enc_type, key)
++        raw_data = util.decomp_gzip(util.b64d(data))
++    elif enc_type in ["base64", "b64"]:
++        LOG.debug("Decoding %s format %s", enc_type, key)
++        raw_data = util.b64d(data)
++    else:
++        LOG.debug("Plain-text data %s", key)
++        raw_data = data
++    return util.decode_binary(raw_data)
++def get_none_if_empty_val(val):
++    """
++    get_none_if_empty_val returns None if the provided value, once stripped
++    of its trailing whitespace, is empty or equal to GUESTINFO_EMPTY_YAML_VAL.
++    The return value is always a string, regardless of whether the input is
++    a bytes class or a string.
++    """
++    # If the provided value is a bytes class, convert it to a string to
++    # simplify the rest of this function's logic.
++    val = util.decode_binary(val)
++    val = val.rstrip()
++    if len(val) == 0 or val == GUESTINFO_EMPTY_YAML_VAL:
++        return None
++    return val
++def advertise_local_ip_addrs(host_info):
++    """
++    advertise_local_ip_addrs gets the local IP address information from
++    the provided host_info map and sets the addresses in the guestinfo
++    namespace
++    """
++    if not host_info:
++        return
++    # Reflect any possible local IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in the guest
++    # info.
++    local_ipv4 = host_info.get(LOCAL_IPV4)
++    if local_ipv4:
++        guestinfo_set_value(LOCAL_IPV4, local_ipv4)
++        LOG.info("advertised local ipv4 address %s in guestinfo", local_ipv4)
++    local_ipv6 = host_info.get(LOCAL_IPV6)
++    if local_ipv6:
++        guestinfo_set_value(LOCAL_IPV6, local_ipv6)
++        LOG.info("advertised local ipv6 address %s in guestinfo", local_ipv6)
++def handle_returned_guestinfo_val(key, val):
++    """
++    handle_returned_guestinfo_val returns the provided value if it is
++    not empty or set to GUESTINFO_EMPTY_YAML_VAL, otherwise None is
++    returned
++    """
++    val = get_none_if_empty_val(val)
++    if val:
++        return val
++    LOG.debug("No value found for key %s", key)
++    return None
++def get_guestinfo_key_name(key):
++    return "guestinfo." + key
++def get_guestinfo_envvar_key_name(key):
++    return ("vmx." + get_guestinfo_key_name(key)).upper().replace(".", "_", -1)
++def guestinfo_envvar(key):
++    val = guestinfo_envvar_get_value(key)
++    if not val:
++        return None
++    enc_type = guestinfo_envvar_get_value(key + ".encoding")
++    return decode(get_guestinfo_envvar_key_name(key), enc_type, val)
++def guestinfo_envvar_get_value(key):
++    env_key = get_guestinfo_envvar_key_name(key)
++    return handle_returned_guestinfo_val(key, os.environ.get(env_key, ""))
++def guestinfo(key, vmware_rpctool=VMWARE_RPCTOOL):
++    """
++    guestinfo returns the guestinfo value for the provided key, decoding
++    the value when required
++    """
++    val = guestinfo_get_value(key, vmware_rpctool)
++    if not val:
++        return None
++    enc_type = guestinfo_get_value(key + ".encoding", vmware_rpctool)
++    return decode(get_guestinfo_key_name(key), enc_type, val)
++def guestinfo_get_value(key, vmware_rpctool=VMWARE_RPCTOOL):
++    """
++    Returns a guestinfo value for the specified key.
++    """
++    LOG.debug("Getting guestinfo value for key %s", key)
++    try:
++        (stdout, stderr) = subp(
++            [
++                vmware_rpctool,
++                "info-get " + get_guestinfo_key_name(key),
++            ]
++        )
++        if stderr == NOVAL:
++            LOG.debug("No value found for key %s", key)
++        elif not stdout:
++            LOG.error("Failed to get guestinfo value for key %s", key)
++        return handle_returned_guestinfo_val(key, stdout)
++    except ProcessExecutionError as error:
++        if error.stderr == NOVAL:
++            LOG.debug("No value found for key %s", key)
++        else:
++            util.logexc(
++                LOG,
++                "Failed to get guestinfo value for key %s: %s",
++                key,
++                error,
++            )
++    except Exception:
++        util.logexc(
++            LOG,
++            "Unexpected error while trying to get "
++            + "guestinfo value for key %s",
++            key,
++        )
++    return None
++def guestinfo_set_value(key, value, vmware_rpctool=VMWARE_RPCTOOL):
++    """
++    Sets a guestinfo value for the specified key. Set value to an empty string
++    to clear an existing guestinfo key.
++    """
++    # If value is an empty string then set it to a single space as it is not
++    # possible to set a guestinfo key to an empty string. Setting a guestinfo
++    # key to a single space is as close as it gets to clearing an existing
++    # guestinfo key.
++    if value == "":
++        value = " "
++    LOG.debug("Setting guestinfo key=%s to value=%s", key, value)
++    try:
++        subp(
++            [
++                vmware_rpctool,
++                ("info-set %s %s" % (get_guestinfo_key_name(key), value)),
++            ]
++        )
++        return True
++    except ProcessExecutionError as error:
++        util.logexc(
++            LOG,
++            "Failed to set guestinfo key=%s to value=%s: %s",
++            key,
++            value,
++            error,
++        )
++    except Exception:
++        util.logexc(
++            LOG,
++            "Unexpected error while trying to set "
++            + "guestinfo key=%s to value=%s",
++            key,
++            value,
++        )
++    return None
++def guestinfo_redact_keys(keys, vmware_rpctool=VMWARE_RPCTOOL):
++    """
++    guestinfo_redact_keys redacts guestinfo of all of the keys in the given
++    list. each key will have its value set to "---". Since the value is valid
++    YAML, cloud-init can still read it if it tries.
++    """
++    if not keys:
++        return
++    if not type(keys) in (list, tuple):
++        keys = [keys]
++    for key in keys:
++        key_name = get_guestinfo_key_name(key)
++        LOG.info("clearing %s", key_name)
++        if not guestinfo_set_value(
++            key, GUESTINFO_EMPTY_YAML_VAL, vmware_rpctool
++        ):
++            LOG.error("failed to clear %s", key_name)
++        LOG.info("clearing %s.encoding", key_name)
++        if not guestinfo_set_value(key + ".encoding", "", vmware_rpctool):
++            LOG.error("failed to clear %s.encoding", key_name)
++def load_json_or_yaml(data):
++    """
++    load first attempts to unmarshal the provided data as JSON, and if
++    that fails then attempts to unmarshal the data as YAML. If data is
++    None then a new dictionary is returned.
++    """
++    if not data:
++        return {}
++    try:
++        return util.load_json(data)
++    except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError):
++        return util.load_yaml(data)
++def process_metadata(data):
++    """
++    process_metadata processes metadata and loads the optional network
++    configuration.
++    """
++    network = None
++    if "network" in data:
++        network = data["network"]
++        del data["network"]
++    network_enc = None
++    if "network.encoding" in data:
++        network_enc = data["network.encoding"]
++        del data["network.encoding"]
++    if network:
++        if isinstance(network, collections.abc.Mapping):
++            LOG.debug("network data copied to 'config' key")
++            network = {"config": copy.deepcopy(network)}
++        else:
++            LOG.debug("network data to be decoded %s", network)
++            dec_net = decode("metadata.network", network_enc, network)
++            network = {
++                "config": load_json_or_yaml(dec_net),
++            }
++        LOG.debug("network data %s", network)
++        data["network"] = network
++    return data
++# Used to match classes to dependencies
++datasources = [
++    (DataSourceVMware, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)),  # Run at init-local
++    (DataSourceVMware, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),
++def get_datasource_list(depends):
++    """
++    Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
++    """
++    return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)
++def get_default_ip_addrs():
++    """
++    Returns the default IPv4 and IPv6 addresses based on the device(s) used for
++    the default route. Please note that None may be returned for either address
++    family if that family has no default route or if there are multiple
++    addresses associated with the device used by the default route for a given
++    address.
++    """
++    # TODO(promote and use netifaces in cloudinit.net* modules)
++    gateways = netifaces.gateways()
++    if "default" not in gateways:
++        return None, None
++    default_gw = gateways["default"]
++    if (
++        netifaces.AF_INET not in default_gw
++        and netifaces.AF_INET6 not in default_gw
++    ):
++        return None, None
++    ipv4 = None
++    ipv6 = None
++    gw4 = default_gw.get(netifaces.AF_INET)
++    if gw4:
++        _, dev4 = gw4
++        addr4_fams = netifaces.ifaddresses(dev4)
++        if addr4_fams:
++            af_inet4 = addr4_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET)
++            if af_inet4:
++                if len(af_inet4) > 1:
++                    LOG.warning(
++                        "device %s has more than one ipv4 address: %s",
++                        dev4,
++                        af_inet4,
++                    )
++                elif "addr" in af_inet4[0]:
++                    ipv4 = af_inet4[0]["addr"]
++    # Try to get the default IPv6 address by first seeing if there is a default
++    # IPv6 route.
++    gw6 = default_gw.get(netifaces.AF_INET6)
++    if gw6:
++        _, dev6 = gw6
++        addr6_fams = netifaces.ifaddresses(dev6)
++        if addr6_fams:
++            af_inet6 = addr6_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET6)
++            if af_inet6:
++                if len(af_inet6) > 1:
++                    LOG.warning(
++                        "device %s has more than one ipv6 address: %s",
++                        dev6,
++                        af_inet6,
++                    )
++                elif "addr" in af_inet6[0]:
++                    ipv6 = af_inet6[0]["addr"]
++    # If there is a default IPv4 address but not IPv6, then see if there is a
++    # single IPv6 address associated with the same device associated with the
++    # default IPv4 address.
++    if ipv4 and not ipv6:
++        af_inet6 = addr4_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET6)
++        if af_inet6:
++            if len(af_inet6) > 1:
++                LOG.warning(
++                    "device %s has more than one ipv6 address: %s",
++                    dev4,
++                    af_inet6,
++                )
++            elif "addr" in af_inet6[0]:
++                ipv6 = af_inet6[0]["addr"]
++    # If there is a default IPv6 address but not IPv4, then see if there is a
++    # single IPv4 address associated with the same device associated with the
++    # default IPv6 address.
++    if not ipv4 and ipv6:
++        af_inet4 = addr6_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET)
++        if af_inet4:
++            if len(af_inet4) > 1:
++                LOG.warning(
++                    "device %s has more than one ipv4 address: %s",
++                    dev6,
++                    af_inet4,
++                )
++            elif "addr" in af_inet4[0]:
++                ipv4 = af_inet4[0]["addr"]
++    return ipv4, ipv6
++# patched socket.getfqdn() - see https://bugs.python.org/issue5004
++def getfqdn(name=""):
++    """Get fully qualified domain name from name.
++    An empty argument is interpreted as meaning the local host.
++    """
++    # TODO(may want to promote this function to util.getfqdn)
++    # TODO(may want to extend util.get_hostname to accept fqdn=True param)
++    name = name.strip()
++    if not name or name == "":
++        name = util.get_hostname()
++    try:
++        addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(
++            name, None, 0, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, socket.AI_CANONNAME
++        )
++    except socket.error:
++        pass
++    else:
++        for addr in addrs:
++            if addr[3]:
++                name = addr[3]
++                break
++    return name
++def is_valid_ip_addr(val):
++    """
++    Returns false if the address is loopback, link local or unspecified;
++    otherwise true is returned.
++    """
++    # TODO(extend cloudinit.net.is_ip_addr exclude link_local/loopback etc)
++    # TODO(migrate to use cloudinit.net.is_ip_addr)#
++    addr = None
++    try:
++        addr = ipaddress.ip_address(val)
++    except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
++        addr = ipaddress.ip_address(str(val))
++    except Exception:
++        return None
++    if addr.is_link_local or addr.is_loopback or addr.is_unspecified:
++        return False
++    return True
++def get_host_info():
++    """
++    Returns host information such as the host name and network interfaces.
++    """
++    # TODO(look to promote netifices use up in cloud-init netinfo funcs)
++    host_info = {
++        "network": {
++            "interfaces": {
++                "by-mac": collections.OrderedDict(),
++                "by-ipv4": collections.OrderedDict(),
++                "by-ipv6": collections.OrderedDict(),
++            },
++        },
++    }
++    hostname = getfqdn(util.get_hostname())
++    if hostname:
++        host_info["hostname"] = hostname
++        host_info["local-hostname"] = hostname
++        host_info["local_hostname"] = hostname
++    default_ipv4, default_ipv6 = get_default_ip_addrs()
++    if default_ipv4:
++        host_info[LOCAL_IPV4] = default_ipv4
++    if default_ipv6:
++        host_info[LOCAL_IPV6] = default_ipv6
++    by_mac = host_info["network"]["interfaces"]["by-mac"]
++    by_ipv4 = host_info["network"]["interfaces"]["by-ipv4"]
++    by_ipv6 = host_info["network"]["interfaces"]["by-ipv6"]
++    ifaces = netifaces.interfaces()
++    for dev_name in ifaces:
++        addr_fams = netifaces.ifaddresses(dev_name)
++        af_link = addr_fams.get(netifaces.AF_LINK)
++        af_inet4 = addr_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET)
++        af_inet6 = addr_fams.get(netifaces.AF_INET6)
++        mac = None
++        if af_link and "addr" in af_link[0]:
++            mac = af_link[0]["addr"]
++        # Do not bother recording localhost
++        if mac == "00:00:00:00:00:00":
++            continue
++        if mac and (af_inet4 or af_inet6):
++            key = mac
++            val = {}
++            if af_inet4:
++                af_inet4_vals = []
++                for ip_info in af_inet4:
++                    if not is_valid_ip_addr(ip_info["addr"]):
++                        continue
++                    af_inet4_vals.append(ip_info)
++                val["ipv4"] = af_inet4_vals
++            if af_inet6:
++                af_inet6_vals = []
++                for ip_info in af_inet6:
++                    if not is_valid_ip_addr(ip_info["addr"]):
++                        continue
++                    af_inet6_vals.append(ip_info)
++                val["ipv6"] = af_inet6_vals
++            by_mac[key] = val
++        if af_inet4:
++            for ip_info in af_inet4:
++                key = ip_info["addr"]
++                if not is_valid_ip_addr(key):
++                    continue
++                val = copy.deepcopy(ip_info)
++                del val["addr"]
++                if mac:
++                    val["mac"] = mac
++                by_ipv4[key] = val
++        if af_inet6:
++            for ip_info in af_inet6:
++                key = ip_info["addr"]
++                if not is_valid_ip_addr(key):
++                    continue
++                val = copy.deepcopy(ip_info)
++                del val["addr"]
++                if mac:
++                    val["mac"] = mac
++                by_ipv6[key] = val
++    return host_info
++def wait_on_network(metadata):
++    # Determine whether we need to wait on the network coming online.
++    wait_on_ipv4 = False
++    wait_on_ipv6 = False
++    if WAIT_ON_NETWORK in metadata:
++        wait_on_network = metadata[WAIT_ON_NETWORK]
++        if WAIT_ON_NETWORK_IPV4 in wait_on_network:
++            wait_on_ipv4_val = wait_on_network[WAIT_ON_NETWORK_IPV4]
++            if isinstance(wait_on_ipv4_val, bool):
++                wait_on_ipv4 = wait_on_ipv4_val
++            else:
++                wait_on_ipv4 = util.translate_bool(wait_on_ipv4_val)
++        if WAIT_ON_NETWORK_IPV6 in wait_on_network:
++            wait_on_ipv6_val = wait_on_network[WAIT_ON_NETWORK_IPV6]
++            if isinstance(wait_on_ipv6_val, bool):
++                wait_on_ipv6 = wait_on_ipv6_val
++            else:
++                wait_on_ipv6 = util.translate_bool(wait_on_ipv6_val)
++    # Get information about the host.
++    host_info = None
++    while host_info is None:
++        # This loop + sleep results in two logs every second while waiting
++        # for either ipv4 or ipv6 up. Do we really need to log each iteration
++        # or can we log once and log on successful exit?
++        host_info = get_host_info()
++        network = host_info.get("network") or {}
++        interfaces = network.get("interfaces") or {}
++        by_ipv4 = interfaces.get("by-ipv4") or {}
++        by_ipv6 = interfaces.get("by-ipv6") or {}
++        if wait_on_ipv4:
++            ipv4_ready = len(by_ipv4) > 0 if by_ipv4 else False
++            if not ipv4_ready:
++                host_info = None
++        if wait_on_ipv6:
++            ipv6_ready = len(by_ipv6) > 0 if by_ipv6 else False
++            if not ipv6_ready:
++                host_info = None
++        if host_info is None:
++            LOG.debug(
++                "waiting on network: wait4=%s, ready4=%s, wait6=%s, ready6=%s",
++                wait_on_ipv4,
++                ipv4_ready,
++                wait_on_ipv6,
++                ipv6_ready,
++            )
++            time.sleep(1)
++    LOG.debug("waiting on network complete")
++    return host_info
++def main():
++    """
++    Executed when this file is used as a program.
++    """
++    try:
++        logging.setupBasicLogging()
++    except Exception:
++        pass
++    metadata = {
++        "wait-on-network": {"ipv4": True, "ipv6": "false"},
++        "network": {"config": {"dhcp": True}},
++    }
++    host_info = wait_on_network(metadata)
++    metadata = util.mergemanydict([metadata, host_info])
++    print(util.json_dumps(metadata))
++if __name__ == "__main__":
++    main()
++# vi: ts=4 expandtab
+diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/availability.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/availability.rst
+index f58b2b38..6606367c 100644
+--- a/doc/rtd/topics/availability.rst
++++ b/doc/rtd/topics/availability.rst
+@@ -64,5 +64,6 @@ Additionally, cloud-init is supported on these private clouds:
+ - LXD
+ - KVM
+ - Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS)
++- VMware
+ .. vi: textwidth=79
+diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
+index 228173d2..8afed470 100644
+--- a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
++++ b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ The following is a list of documents for each supported datasource:
+    datasources/smartos.rst
+    datasources/upcloud.rst
+    datasources/zstack.rst
++   datasources/vmware.rst
+ Creation
+ ========
+diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/vmware.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/vmware.rst
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..996eb61f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/vmware.rst
+@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
++.. _datasource_vmware:
++This datasource is for use with systems running on a VMware platform such as
++vSphere and currently supports the following data transports:
++* `GuestInfo <https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/blob/master/govc/USAGE.md#vmchange>`_ keys
++The configuration method is dependent upon the transport:
++GuestInfo Keys
++One method of providing meta, user, and vendor data is by setting the following
++key/value pairs on a VM's ``extraConfig`` `property <https://vdc-repo.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/723e7f8b-4f21-448b-a830-5f22fd931b01/5a8257bd-7f41-4423-9a73-03307535bd42/doc/vim.vm.ConfigInfo.html>`_ :
++.. list-table::
++   :header-rows: 1
++   * - Property
++     - Description
++   * - ``guestinfo.metadata``
++     - A YAML or JSON document containing the cloud-init metadata.
++   * - ``guestinfo.metadata.encoding``
++     - The encoding type for ``guestinfo.metadata``.
++   * - ``guestinfo.userdata``
++     - A YAML document containing the cloud-init user data.
++   * - ``guestinfo.userdata.encoding``
++     - The encoding type for ``guestinfo.userdata``.
++   * - ``guestinfo.vendordata``
++     - A YAML document containing the cloud-init vendor data.
++   * - ``guestinfo.vendordata.encoding``
++     - The encoding type for ``guestinfo.vendordata``.
++All ``guestinfo.*.encoding`` values may be set to ``base64`` or
++This section reviews several features available in this datasource, regardless
++of how the meta, user, and vendor data was discovered.
++Instance data and lazy networks
++One of the hallmarks of cloud-init is `its use of instance-data and JINJA
++queries <../instancedata.html#using-instance-data>`_
++-- the ability to write queries in user and vendor data that reference runtime
++information present in ``/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json``. This works well
++when the metadata provides all of the information up front, such as the network
++configuration. For systems that rely on DHCP, however, this information may not
++be available when the metadata is persisted to disk.
++This datasource ensures that even if the instance is using DHCP to configure
++networking, the same details about the configured network are available in
++``/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json`` as if static networking was used. This
++information collected at runtime is easy to demonstrate by executing the
++datasource on the command line. From the root of this repository, run the
++following command:
++.. code-block:: bash
++   PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)" python3 cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py
++The above command will result in output similar to the below JSON:
++.. code-block:: json
++   {
++       "hostname": "akutz.localhost",
++       "local-hostname": "akutz.localhost",
++       "local-ipv4": "",
++       "local_hostname": "akutz.localhost",
++       "network": {
++           "config": {
++               "dhcp": true
++           },
++           "interfaces": {
++               "by-ipv4": {
++                   "": {
++                       "netmask": "",
++                       "peer": ""
++                   },
++                   "": {
++                       "broadcast": "",
++                       "mac": "64:4b:f0:18:9a:21",
++                       "netmask": ""
++                   }
++               },
++               "by-ipv6": {
++                   "fd8e:d25e:c5b6:1:1f5:b2fd:8973:22f2": {
++                       "flags": 208,
++                       "mac": "64:4b:f0:18:9a:21",
++                       "netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::/64"
++                   }
++               },
++               "by-mac": {
++                   "64:4b:f0:18:9a:21": {
++                       "ipv4": [
++                           {
++                               "addr": "",
++                               "broadcast": "",
++                               "netmask": ""
++                           }
++                       ],
++                       "ipv6": [
++                           {
++                               "addr": "fd8e:d25e:c5b6:1:1f5:b2fd:8973:22f2",
++                               "flags": 208,
++                               "netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::/64"
++                           }
++                       ]
++                   },
++                   "ac:de:48:00:11:22": {
++                       "ipv6": []
++                   }
++               }
++           }
++       },
++       "wait-on-network": {
++           "ipv4": true,
++           "ipv6": "false"
++       }
++   }
++Redacting sensitive information
++Sometimes the cloud-init userdata might contain sensitive information, and it
++may be desirable to have the ``guestinfo.userdata`` key (or other guestinfo
++keys) redacted as soon as its data is read by the datasource. This is possible
++by adding the following to the metadata:
++.. code-block:: yaml
++   redact: # formerly named cleanup-guestinfo, which will also work
++   - userdata
++   - vendordata
++When the above snippet is added to the metadata, the datasource will iterate
++over the elements in the ``redact`` array and clear each of the keys. For
++example, when the guestinfo transport is used, the above snippet will cause
++the following commands to be executed:
++.. code-block:: shell
++   vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.userdata ---"
++   vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.userdata.encoding  "
++   vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.vendordata ---"
++   vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.vendordata.encoding  "
++Please note that keys are set to the valid YAML string ``---`` as it is not
++possible remove an existing key from the guestinfo key-space. A key's analogous
++encoding property will be set to a single white-space character, causing the
++datasource to treat the actual key value as plain-text, thereby loading it as
++an empty YAML doc (hence the aforementioned ``---``\ ).
++Reading the local IP addresses
++This datasource automatically discovers the local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for
++a guest operating system based on the default routes. However, when inspecting
++a VM externally, it's not possible to know what the *default* IP address is for
++the guest OS. That's why this datasource sets the discovered, local IPv4 and
++IPv6 addresses back in the guestinfo namespace as the following keys:
++* ``guestinfo.local-ipv4``
++* ``guestinfo.local-ipv6``
++It is possible that a host may not have any default, local IP addresses. It's
++also possible the reported, local addresses are link-local addresses. But these
++two keys may be used to discover what this datasource determined were the local
++IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a host.
++Waiting on the network
++Sometimes cloud-init may bring up the network, but it will not finish coming
++online before the datasource's ``setup`` function is called, resulting in an
++``/var/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json`` file that does not have the correct
++network information. It is possible to instruct the datasource to wait until an
++IPv4 or IPv6 address is available before writing the instance data with the
++following metadata properties:
++.. code-block:: yaml
++   wait-on-network:
++     ipv4: true
++     ipv6: true
++If either of the above values are true, then the datasource will sleep for a
++second, check the network status, and repeat until one or both addresses from
++the specified families are available.
++The following series of steps is a demonstration on how to configure a VM with
++this datasource:
++#. Create the metadata file for the VM. Save the following YAML to a file named
++   ``metadata.yaml``\ :
++   .. code-block:: yaml
++       instance-id: cloud-vm
++       local-hostname: cloud-vm
++       network:
++         version: 2
++         ethernets:
++           nics:
++             match:
++               name: ens*
++             dhcp4: yes
++#. Create the userdata file ``userdata.yaml``\ :
++   .. code-block:: yaml
++       #cloud-config
++       users:
++       - default
++       - name: akutz
++           primary_group: akutz
++           sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
++           groups: sudo, wheel
++           ssh_import_id: None
++           lock_passwd: true
++           ssh_authorized_keys:
++           - ssh-rsa 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 sakutz@gmail.com
++#. Please note this step requires that the VM be powered off. All of the
++   commands below use the VMware CLI tool, `govc <https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/blob/master/govc>`_.
++   Go ahead and assign the path to the VM to the environment variable ``VM``\ :
++   .. code-block:: shell
++      export VM="/inventory/path/to/the/vm"
++#. Power off the VM:
++   .. raw:: html
++      <hr />
++      &#x26a0;&#xfe0f; <strong>First Boot Mode</strong>
++   To ensure the next power-on operation results in a first-boot scenario for
++   cloud-init, it may be necessary to run the following command just before
++   powering off the VM:
++   .. code-block:: bash
++      cloud-init clean
++   Otherwise cloud-init may not run in first-boot mode. For more information
++   on how the boot mode is determined, please see the
++   `First Boot Documentation <../boot.html#first-boot-determination>`_.
++   .. raw:: html
++      <hr />
++   .. code-block:: shell
++      govc vm.power -off "${VM}"
++   Export the environment variables that contain the cloud-init metadata and
++   userdata:
++   .. code-block:: shell
++      export METADATA=$(gzip -c9 <metadata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; }) \
++           USERDATA=$(gzip -c9 <userdata.yaml | { base64 -w0 2>/dev/null || base64; })
++   Assign the metadata and userdata to the VM:
++   .. code-block:: shell
++       govc vm.change -vm "${VM}" \
++       -e guestinfo.metadata="${METADATA}" \
++       -e guestinfo.metadata.encoding="gzip+base64" \
++       -e guestinfo.userdata="${USERDATA}" \
++       -e guestinfo.userdata.encoding="gzip+base64"
++   Please note the above commands include specifying the encoding for the
++   properties. This is important as it informs the datasource how to decode
++   the data for cloud-init. Valid values for ``metadata.encoding`` and
++   ``userdata.encoding`` include:
++   * ``base64``
++   * ``gzip+base64``
++   Power on the VM:
++   .. code-block:: shell
++       govc vm.power -vm "${VM}" -on
++If all went according to plan, the CentOS box is:
++* Locked down, allowing SSH access only for the user in the userdata
++* Configured for a dynamic IP address via DHCP
++* Has a hostname of ``cloud-vm``
++This section reviews common configurations:
++Setting the hostname
++The hostname is set by way of the metadata key ``local-hostname``.
++Setting the instance ID
++The instance ID may be set by way of the metadata key ``instance-id``. However,
++if this value is absent then then the instance ID is read from the file
++Providing public SSH keys
++The public SSH keys may be set by way of the metadata key ``public-keys-data``.
++Each newline-terminated string will be interpreted as a separate SSH public
++key, which will be placed in distro's default user's
++``~/.ssh/authorized_keys``. If the value is empty or absent, then nothing will
++be written to ``~/.ssh/authorized_keys``.
++Configuring the network
++The network is configured by setting the metadata key ``network`` with a value
++consistent with Network Config Versions
++`1 <../network-config-format-v1.html>`_ or
++`2 <../network-config-format-v2.html>`_\ , depending on the Linux
++distro's version of cloud-init.
++The metadata key ``network.encoding`` may be used to indicate the format of
++the metadata key "network". Valid encodings are ``base64`` and ``gzip+base64``.
+diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
+index 5817da3b..41d01d62 100644
+--- a/requirements.txt
++++ b/requirements.txt
+@@ -32,3 +32,12 @@ jsonpatch
+ # For validating cloud-config sections per schema definitions
+ jsonschema
++# Used by DataSourceVMware to inspect the host's network configuration during
++# the "setup()" function.
++# This allows a host that uses DHCP to bring up the network during BootLocal
++# and still participate in instance-data by gathering the network in detail at
++# runtime and merge that information into the metadata and repersist that to
++# disk.
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
+index 5912f7ee..475a2cf8 100644
+--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_common.py
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from cloudinit.sources import (
+     DataSourceScaleway as Scaleway,
+     DataSourceSmartOS as SmartOS,
+     DataSourceUpCloud as UpCloud,
++    DataSourceVMware as VMware,
+ )
+ from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceNone as DSNone
+@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ DEFAULT_LOCAL = [
+     RbxCloud.DataSourceRbxCloud,
+     Scaleway.DataSourceScaleway,
+     UpCloud.DataSourceUpCloudLocal,
++    VMware.DataSourceVMware,
+ ]
+@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ DEFAULT_NETWORK = [
+     OpenStack.DataSourceOpenStack,
+     OVF.DataSourceOVFNet,
+     UpCloud.DataSourceUpCloud,
++    VMware.DataSourceVMware,
+ ]
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_vmware.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_vmware.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 00000000..597db7c8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_vmware.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
++# Copyright (c) 2021 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
++# Authors: Andrew Kutz <akutz@vmware.com>
++# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
++import base64
++import gzip
++from cloudinit import dmi, helpers, safeyaml
++from cloudinit import settings
++from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceVMware
++from cloudinit.tests.helpers import (
++    mock,
++    CiTestCase,
++    FilesystemMockingTestCase,
++    populate_dir,
++import os
++PRODUCT_NAME_FILE_PATH = "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name"
++PRODUCT_NAME = "VMware7,1"
++PRODUCT_UUID = "82343CED-E4C7-423B-8F6B-0D34D19067AB"
++    "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA... test1@vmw.com",
++    "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA... test2@vmw.com",
++VMW_SINGLE_KEY = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA... test@vmw.com"
++VMW_METADATA_YAML = """instance-id: cloud-vm
++local-hostname: cloud-vm
++  version: 2
++  ethernets:
++    nics:
++      match:
++        name: ens*
++      dhcp4: yes
++VMW_USERDATA_YAML = """## template: jinja
++- default
++VMW_VENDORDATA_YAML = """## template: jinja
++- echo "Hello, world."
++class TestDataSourceVMware(CiTestCase):
++    """
++    Test common functionality that is not transport specific.
++    """
++    def setUp(self):
++        super(TestDataSourceVMware, self).setUp()
++        self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
++    def test_no_data_access_method(self):
++        ds = get_ds(self.tmp)
++        ds.vmware_rpctool = None
++        ret = ds.get_data()
++        self.assertFalse(ret)
++    def test_get_host_info(self):
++        host_info = DataSourceVMware.get_host_info()
++        self.assertTrue(host_info)
++        self.assertTrue(host_info["hostname"])
++        self.assertTrue(host_info["local-hostname"])
++        self.assertTrue(host_info["local_hostname"])
++        self.assertTrue(host_info[DataSourceVMware.LOCAL_IPV4])
++class TestDataSourceVMwareEnvVars(FilesystemMockingTestCase):
++    """
++    Test the envvar transport.
++    """
++    def setUp(self):
++        super(TestDataSourceVMwareEnvVars, self).setUp()
++        self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
++        os.environ[DataSourceVMware.VMX_GUESTINFO] = "1"
++        self.create_system_files()
++    def tearDown(self):
++        del os.environ[DataSourceVMware.VMX_GUESTINFO]
++        return super(TestDataSourceVMwareEnvVars, self).tearDown()
++    def create_system_files(self):
++        rootd = self.tmp_dir()
++        populate_dir(
++            rootd,
++            {
++                DataSourceVMware.PRODUCT_UUID_FILE_PATH: PRODUCT_UUID,
++            },
++        )
++        self.assertTrue(self.reRoot(rootd))
++    def assert_get_data_ok(self, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=6):
++        ds = get_ds(self.tmp)
++        ds.vmware_rpctool = None
++        ret = ds.get_data()
++        self.assertTrue(ret)
++        self.assertEqual(m_fn_call_count, m_fn.call_count)
++        self.assertEqual(
++            ds.data_access_method, DataSourceVMware.DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_ENVVAR
++        )
++        return ds
++    def assert_metadata(self, metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=6):
++        ds = self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count)
++        assert_metadata(self, ds, metadata)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_subplatform(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = [VMW_METADATA_YAML, "", "", "", "", ""]
++        ds = self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++        self.assertEqual(
++            ds.subplatform,
++            "%s (%s)"
++            % (
++                DataSourceVMware.DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_ENVVAR,
++                DataSourceVMware.get_guestinfo_envvar_key_name("metadata"),
++            ),
++        )
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_metadata_only(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = [VMW_METADATA_YAML, "", "", "", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_userdata_only(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = ["", VMW_USERDATA_YAML, "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_vendordata_only(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = ["", "", VMW_VENDORDATA_YAML, ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_metadata_base64(self, m_fn):
++        data = base64.b64encode(VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8"))
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "base64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_metadata_b64(self, m_fn):
++        data = base64.b64encode(VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8"))
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "b64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_metadata_gzip_base64(self, m_fn):
++        data = VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8")
++        data = gzip.compress(data)
++        data = base64.b64encode(data)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "gzip+base64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_get_data_metadata_gz_b64(self, m_fn):
++        data = VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8")
++        data = gzip.compress(data)
++        data = base64.b64encode(data)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "gz+b64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_metadata_single_ssh_key(self, m_fn):
++        metadata = DataSourceVMware.load_json_or_yaml(VMW_METADATA_YAML)
++        metadata["public_keys"] = VMW_SINGLE_KEY
++        metadata_yaml = safeyaml.dumps(metadata)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [metadata_yaml, "", "", ""]
++        self.assert_metadata(metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch(
++        "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_envvar_get_value"
++    )
++    def test_metadata_multiple_ssh_keys(self, m_fn):
++        metadata = DataSourceVMware.load_json_or_yaml(VMW_METADATA_YAML)
++        metadata["public_keys"] = VMW_MULTIPLE_KEYS
++        metadata_yaml = safeyaml.dumps(metadata)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [metadata_yaml, "", "", ""]
++        self.assert_metadata(metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++class TestDataSourceVMwareGuestInfo(FilesystemMockingTestCase):
++    """
++    Test the guestinfo transport on a VMware platform.
++    """
++    def setUp(self):
++        super(TestDataSourceVMwareGuestInfo, self).setUp()
++        self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
++        self.create_system_files()
++    def create_system_files(self):
++        rootd = self.tmp_dir()
++        populate_dir(
++            rootd,
++            {
++                DataSourceVMware.PRODUCT_UUID_FILE_PATH: PRODUCT_UUID,
++            },
++        )
++        self.assertTrue(self.reRoot(rootd))
++    def assert_get_data_ok(self, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=6):
++        ds = get_ds(self.tmp)
++        ds.vmware_rpctool = "vmware-rpctool"
++        ret = ds.get_data()
++        self.assertTrue(ret)
++        self.assertEqual(m_fn_call_count, m_fn.call_count)
++        self.assertEqual(
++            ds.data_access_method,
++            DataSourceVMware.DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_GUESTINFO,
++        )
++        return ds
++    def assert_metadata(self, metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=6):
++        ds = self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count)
++        assert_metadata(self, ds, metadata)
++    def test_ds_valid_on_vmware_platform(self):
++        system_type = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name")
++        self.assertEqual(system_type, PRODUCT_NAME)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_subplatform(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = [VMW_METADATA_YAML, "", "", "", "", ""]
++        ds = self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++        self.assertEqual(
++            ds.subplatform,
++            "%s (%s)"
++            % (
++                DataSourceVMware.DATA_ACCESS_METHOD_GUESTINFO,
++                DataSourceVMware.get_guestinfo_key_name("metadata"),
++            ),
++        )
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_userdata_only(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = ["", VMW_USERDATA_YAML, "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_vendordata_only(self, m_fn):
++        m_fn.side_effect = ["", "", VMW_VENDORDATA_YAML, ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_metadata_single_ssh_key(self, m_fn):
++        metadata = DataSourceVMware.load_json_or_yaml(VMW_METADATA_YAML)
++        metadata["public_keys"] = VMW_SINGLE_KEY
++        metadata_yaml = safeyaml.dumps(metadata)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [metadata_yaml, "", "", ""]
++        self.assert_metadata(metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_metadata_multiple_ssh_keys(self, m_fn):
++        metadata = DataSourceVMware.load_json_or_yaml(VMW_METADATA_YAML)
++        metadata["public_keys"] = VMW_MULTIPLE_KEYS
++        metadata_yaml = safeyaml.dumps(metadata)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [metadata_yaml, "", "", ""]
++        self.assert_metadata(metadata, m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_metadata_base64(self, m_fn):
++        data = base64.b64encode(VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8"))
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "base64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_metadata_b64(self, m_fn):
++        data = base64.b64encode(VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8"))
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "b64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_metadata_gzip_base64(self, m_fn):
++        data = VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8")
++        data = gzip.compress(data)
++        data = base64.b64encode(data)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "gzip+base64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_get_data_metadata_gz_b64(self, m_fn):
++        data = VMW_METADATA_YAML.encode("utf-8")
++        data = gzip.compress(data)
++        data = base64.b64encode(data)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [data, "gz+b64", "", ""]
++        self.assert_get_data_ok(m_fn, m_fn_call_count=4)
++class TestDataSourceVMwareGuestInfo_InvalidPlatform(FilesystemMockingTestCase):
++    """
++    Test the guestinfo transport on a non-VMware platform.
++    """
++    def setUp(self):
++        super(TestDataSourceVMwareGuestInfo_InvalidPlatform, self).setUp()
++        self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
++        self.create_system_files()
++    def create_system_files(self):
++        rootd = self.tmp_dir()
++        populate_dir(
++            rootd,
++            {
++                DataSourceVMware.PRODUCT_UUID_FILE_PATH: PRODUCT_UUID,
++            },
++        )
++        self.assertTrue(self.reRoot(rootd))
++    @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.DataSourceVMware.guestinfo_get_value")
++    def test_ds_invalid_on_non_vmware_platform(self, m_fn):
++        system_type = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name")
++        self.assertEqual(system_type, None)
++        m_fn.side_effect = [VMW_METADATA_YAML, "", "", "", "", ""]
++        ds = get_ds(self.tmp)
++        ds.vmware_rpctool = "vmware-rpctool"
++        ret = ds.get_data()
++        self.assertFalse(ret)
++def assert_metadata(test_obj, ds, metadata):
++    test_obj.assertEqual(metadata.get("instance-id"), ds.get_instance_id())
++    test_obj.assertEqual(metadata.get("local-hostname"), ds.get_hostname())
++    expected_public_keys = metadata.get("public_keys")
++    if not isinstance(expected_public_keys, list):
++        expected_public_keys = [expected_public_keys]
++    test_obj.assertEqual(expected_public_keys, ds.get_public_ssh_keys())
++    test_obj.assertIsInstance(ds.get_public_ssh_keys(), list)
++def get_ds(temp_dir):
++    ds = DataSourceVMware.DataSourceVMware(
++        settings.CFG_BUILTIN, None, helpers.Paths({"run_dir": temp_dir})
++    )
++    ds.vmware_rpctool = "vmware-rpctool"
++    return ds
++# vi: ts=4 expandtab
+diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py b/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py
+index 1d8aaf18..8617d7bd 100644
+--- a/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py
++++ b/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py
+@@ -649,6 +649,50 @@ class TestDsIdentify(DsIdentifyBase):
+         """EC2: bobrightbox.com in product_serial is not brightbox'"""
+         self._test_ds_not_found('Ec2-E24Cloud-negative')
++    def test_vmware_no_valid_transports(self):
++        """VMware: no valid transports"""
++        self._test_ds_not_found('VMware-NoValidTransports')
++    def test_vmware_envvar_no_data(self):
++        """VMware: envvar transport no data"""
++        self._test_ds_not_found('VMware-EnvVar-NoData')
++    def test_vmware_envvar_no_virt_id(self):
++        """VMware: envvar transport success if no virt id"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-EnvVar-NoVirtID')
++    def test_vmware_envvar_activated_by_metadata(self):
++        """VMware: envvar transport activated by metadata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-EnvVar-Metadata')
++    def test_vmware_envvar_activated_by_userdata(self):
++        """VMware: envvar transport activated by userdata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-EnvVar-Userdata')
++    def test_vmware_envvar_activated_by_vendordata(self):
++        """VMware: envvar transport activated by vendordata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-EnvVar-Vendordata')
++    def test_vmware_guestinfo_no_data(self):
++        """VMware: guestinfo transport no data"""
++        self._test_ds_not_found('VMware-GuestInfo-NoData')
++    def test_vmware_guestinfo_no_virt_id(self):
++        """VMware: guestinfo transport fails if no virt id"""
++        self._test_ds_not_found('VMware-GuestInfo-NoVirtID')
++    def test_vmware_guestinfo_activated_by_metadata(self):
++        """VMware: guestinfo transport activated by metadata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-GuestInfo-Metadata')
++    def test_vmware_guestinfo_activated_by_userdata(self):
++        """VMware: guestinfo transport activated by userdata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-GuestInfo-Userdata')
++    def test_vmware_guestinfo_activated_by_vendordata(self):
++        """VMware: guestinfo transport activated by vendordata"""
++        self._test_ds_found('VMware-GuestInfo-Vendordata')
+ class TestBSDNoSys(DsIdentifyBase):
+     """Test *BSD code paths
+@@ -1136,7 +1180,240 @@ VALID_CFG = {
+     'Ec2-E24Cloud-negative': {
+         'ds': 'Ec2',
+         'files': {P_SYS_VENDOR: 'e24cloudyday\n'},
+-    }
++    },
++    'VMware-NoValidTransports': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-EnvVar-NoData': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-EnvVar-NoVirtID': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-EnvVar-Metadata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-EnvVar-Userdata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-EnvVar-Vendordata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 0,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-GuestInfo-NoData': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_rpctool',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '/usr/bin/vmware-rpctool',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-GuestInfo-NoVirtID': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_rpctool',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '/usr/bin/vmware-rpctool',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '---',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-GuestInfo-Metadata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_rpctool',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '/usr/bin/vmware-rpctool',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '---',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-GuestInfo-Userdata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_rpctool',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '/usr/bin/vmware-rpctool',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '---',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
++    'VMware-GuestInfo-Vendordata': {
++        'ds': 'VMware',
++        'mocks': [
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_has_rpctool',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '/usr/bin/vmware-rpctool',
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata',
++                'ret': 1,
++            },
++            {
++                'name': 'vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata',
++                'ret': 0,
++                'out': '---',
++            },
++            MOCK_VIRT_IS_VMWARE,
++        ],
++    },
+ }
+ # vi: ts=4 expandtab
+diff --git a/tools/.github-cla-signers b/tools/.github-cla-signers
+index 689d7902..cbfa883c 100644
+--- a/tools/.github-cla-signers
++++ b/tools/.github-cla-signers
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ ader1990
+ ajmyyra
+ AlexBaranowski
+ Aman306
+ andrewbogott
+diff --git a/tools/ds-identify b/tools/ds-identify
+index 2f2486f7..c01eae3d 100755
+--- a/tools/ds-identify
++++ b/tools/ds-identify
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ DI_DSNAME=""
+ # be searched if there is no setting found in config.
+ DI_DSLIST_DEFAULT="MAAS ConfigDrive NoCloud AltCloud Azure Bigstep \
+ CloudSigma CloudStack DigitalOcean AliYun Ec2 GCE OpenNebula OpenStack \
+-OVF SmartOS Scaleway Hetzner IBMCloud Oracle Exoscale RbxCloud UpCloud"
++OVF SmartOS Scaleway Hetzner IBMCloud Oracle Exoscale RbxCloud UpCloud VMware"
+ DI_MODE=""
+@@ -1350,6 +1350,80 @@ dscheck_IBMCloud() {
+     return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
+ }
++vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo() {
++    [ -n "${VMX_GUESTINFO:-}" ]
++vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata() {
++    [ -n "${VMX_GUESTINFO_METADATA:-}" ]
++vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata() {
++    [ -n "${VMX_GUESTINFO_USERDATA:-}" ]
++vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata() {
++    [ -n "${VMX_GUESTINFO_VENDORDATA:-}" ]
++vmware_has_rpctool() {
++    command -v vmware-rpctool >/dev/null 2>&1
++vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata() {
++    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.metadata"
++vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata() {
++    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.userdata"
++vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata() {
++    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.vendordata"
++dscheck_VMware() {
++    # Checks to see if there is valid data for the VMware datasource.
++    # The data transports are checked in the following order:
++    #
++    #   * envvars
++    #   * guestinfo
++    #
++    # Please note when updating this function with support for new data
++    # transports, the order should match the order in the _get_data
++    # function from the file DataSourceVMware.py.
++    # Check to see if running in a container and the VMware
++    # datasource is configured via environment variables.
++    if vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo; then
++        if vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_metadata || \
++            vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_userdata || \
++            vmware_has_envvar_vmx_guestinfo_vendordata; then
++            return "${DS_FOUND}"
++        fi
++    fi
++    # Do not proceed unless the detected platform is VMware.
++    if [ ! "${DI_VIRT}" = "vmware" ]; then
++        return "${DS_NOT_FOUND}"
++    fi
++    # Do not proceed if the vmware-rpctool command is not present.
++    if ! vmware_has_rpctool; then
++        return "${DS_NOT_FOUND}"
++    fi
++    # Activate the VMware datasource only if any of the fields used
++    # by the datasource are present in the guestinfo table.
++    if { vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata || \
++         vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata || \
++         vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata; } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
++        return "${DS_FOUND}"
++    fi
++    return "${DS_NOT_FOUND}"
+ collect_info() {
+     read_uname_info
+     read_virt
diff --git a/SOURCES/ci-Revert-unnecesary-lcase-in-ds-identify-978.patch b/SOURCES/ci-Revert-unnecesary-lcase-in-ds-identify-978.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5349c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ci-Revert-unnecesary-lcase-in-ds-identify-978.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From 532a36edf0dea2b98835bd08e285bec9c50eb0f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:42:41 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Revert unnecesary lcase in ds-identify (#978)
+RH-Author: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+RH-MergeRequest: 43: Datasource for VMware
+RH-Commit: [5/6] 95634e4b42e3abfb91182b090c312eef29c63e54
+RH-Bugzilla: 2040704
+RH-Acked-by: Mohamed Gamal Morsy <mmorsy@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
+commit f516a7d37c1654addc02485e681b4358d7e7c0db
+Author: Andrew Kutz <101085+akutz@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date:   Fri Aug 13 14:30:55 2021 -0500
+    Revert unnecesary lcase in ds-identify (#978)
+    This patch reverts an unnecessary lcase optimization in the
+    ds-identify script. SystemD documents the values produced by
+    the systemd-detect-virt command are lower case, and the mapping
+    table used by the FreeBSD check is also lower-case.
+    The optimization added two new forked processes, needlessly
+    causing overhead.
+Signed-off-by: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+ tools/ds-identify | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tools/ds-identify b/tools/ds-identify
+index 0e12298f..7b782462 100755
+--- a/tools/ds-identify
++++ b/tools/ds-identify
+@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ detect_virt() {
+ read_virt() {
+     cached "$DI_VIRT" && return 0
+     detect_virt
+-    DI_VIRT="$(echo "${_RET}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
++    DI_VIRT="${_RET}"
+ }
+ is_container() {
diff --git a/SOURCES/ci-Update-dscheck_VMware-s-rpctool-check-970.patch b/SOURCES/ci-Update-dscheck_VMware-s-rpctool-check-970.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..492f1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ci-Update-dscheck_VMware-s-rpctool-check-970.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+From cc79cb3958b943b755a9b11b3e87ce820058ccaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:41:47 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Update dscheck_VMware's rpctool check (#970)
+RH-Author: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+RH-MergeRequest: 43: Datasource for VMware
+RH-Commit: [4/6] 6f4d732c55c521869210d8aeedfa1150ea5a92f8
+RH-Bugzilla: 2040704
+RH-Acked-by: Mohamed Gamal Morsy <mmorsy@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
+commit 7781dec3306e9467f216cfcb36b7e10a8b38547a
+Author: Shreenidhi Shedi <53473811+sshedi@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date:   Fri Aug 13 00:40:39 2021 +0530
+    Update dscheck_VMware's rpctool check (#970)
+    This patch updates the dscheck_VMware function's use of "vmware-rpctool".
+    When checking to see if a "guestinfo" property is set.
+    Because a successful exit code can occur even if there is an empty
+    string returned, it is possible that the VMware datasource will be
+    loaded as a false-positive. This patch ensures that in addition to
+    validating the exit code, the emitted output is also examined to ensure
+    a non-empty value is returned by rpctool before returning "${DS_FOUND}"
+    from "dscheck_VMware()".
+Signed-off-by: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eesposit@redhat.com>
+ tools/ds-identify | 15 +++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/ds-identify b/tools/ds-identify
+index c01eae3d..0e12298f 100755
+--- a/tools/ds-identify
++++ b/tools/ds-identify
+@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ error() {
+     debug 0 "$@"
+     stderr "$@"
+ }
+ warn() {
+     set -- "WARN:" "$@"
+     debug 0 "$@"
+@@ -344,7 +345,6 @@ geom_label_status_as() {
+     return $ret
+ }
+ read_fs_info_freebsd() {
+     local oifs="$IFS" line="" delim=","
+     local ret=0 labels="" dev="" label="" ftype="" isodevs=""
+@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@ cached() {
+     [ -n "$1" ] && _RET="$1" && return || return 1
+ }
+ detect_virt() {
+     local virt="${UNAVAILABLE}" r="" out=""
+     if [ -d /run/systemd ]; then
+@@ -450,7 +449,7 @@ detect_virt() {
+ read_virt() {
+     cached "$DI_VIRT" && return 0
+     detect_virt
+-    DI_VIRT=${_RET}
++    DI_VIRT="$(echo "${_RET}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+ }
+ is_container() {
+@@ -1370,16 +1369,20 @@ vmware_has_rpctool() {
+     command -v vmware-rpctool >/dev/null 2>&1
+ }
++vmware_rpctool_guestinfo() {
++    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.${1}" 2>/dev/null | grep "[[:alnum:]]"
+ vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_metadata() {
+-    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.metadata"
++    vmware_rpctool_guestinfo "metadata"
+ }
+ vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_userdata() {
+-    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.userdata"
++    vmware_rpctool_guestinfo "userdata"
+ }
+ vmware_rpctool_guestinfo_vendordata() {
+-    vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.vendordata"
++    vmware_rpctool_guestinfo "vendordata"
+ }
+ dscheck_VMware() {
diff --git a/SPECS/cloud-init.spec b/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
index 425df39..d6ae704 100644
--- a/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
+++ b/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Name:           cloud-init
 Version:        21.1
-Release:        7%{?dist}.3
+Release:        7%{?dist}.4
 Summary:        Cloud instance init scripts
 Group:          System Environment/Base
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@ Patch15: ci-cc_ssh.py-fix-private-key-group-owner-and-permission.patch
 Patch16: ci-fix-error-on-upgrade-caused-by-new-vendordata2-attri.patch
 # For bz#2028756 - [RHEL-8] Above 19.2 of cloud-init fails to configure routes when configuring static and default routes to the same destination IP [rhel-8.5.0.z]
 Patch17: ci-cloudinit-net-handle-two-different-routes-for-the-sa.patch
+# For bz#2040690 - [RHEL8] [Azure] cloud-init fails to configure the system [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+#Patch18: ci-Add-gdisk-and-openssl-as-deps-to-fix-UEFI-Azure-init.patch
+# For bz#2040704 - [cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+Patch19: ci-Datasource-for-VMware-953.patch
+# For bz#2040704 - [cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+Patch20: ci-Change-netifaces-dependency-to-0.10.4-965.patch
+# For bz#2040704 - [cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+Patch21: ci-Update-dscheck_VMware-s-rpctool-check-970.patch
+# For bz#2040704 - [cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+Patch22: ci-Revert-unnecesary-lcase-in-ds-identify-978.patch
+# For bz#2040704 - [cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z]
+#Patch23: ci-Add-netifaces-package-as-a-Requires-in-cloud-init.sp.patch
 BuildArch:      noarch
@@ -88,6 +100,10 @@ Requires:       shadow-utils
 Requires:       util-linux
 Requires:       xfsprogs
 Requires:       dhcp-client
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2040690
+Requires:       gdisk
+Requires:       openssl
+Requires:       python3-netifaces
@@ -231,6 +247,18 @@ fi
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/rsyslog.d/21-cloudinit.conf
+* Wed Jan 19 2022 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 21.1-7.el8_5.4
+- ci-Add-gdisk-and-openssl-as-deps-to-fix-UEFI-Azure-init.patch [bz#2040690]
+- ci-Datasource-for-VMware-953.patch [bz#2040704]
+- ci-Change-netifaces-dependency-to-0.10.4-965.patch [bz#2040704]
+- ci-Update-dscheck_VMware-s-rpctool-check-970.patch [bz#2040704]
+- ci-Revert-unnecesary-lcase-in-ds-identify-978.patch [bz#2040704]
+- ci-Add-netifaces-package-as-a-Requires-in-cloud-init.sp.patch [bz#2040704]
+- Resolves: bz#2040690
+  ([RHEL8] [Azure] cloud-init fails to configure the system [rhel-8.5.0.z])
+- Resolves: bz#2040704
+  ([cloud-init][RHEL8] Support for cloud-init datasource 'cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo' [rhel-8.5.0.z])
 * Wed Dec 08 2021 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 21.1-7.el8_5.3
 - ci-cloudinit-net-handle-two-different-routes-for-the-sa.patch [bz#2028756]
 - Resolves: bz#2028756