Blob Blame History Raw
# centos-release-okd

## Creating a package for a new release

* Join the CentOS Extras SIG
* Create a new branch `c9s-sig-cloud-okd-<OKD_VERSION>` and push changes
* Add package permissions for user and run and tag the build:
for level in candidate testing release ; do
    cbs add-pkg --owner=<FAS_NAME> extras9s-extras-common-${level} centos-release-okd-<OKD_VERSION>
cbs build extras9s-extras-common-el9s git+<commit_hash>
for level in testing release ; do
    cbs tag-build extras9s-extras-common-${level} centos-release-okd-<OKD_VERSION>-1-1.el9s