diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-altfiles.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-altfiles.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c39d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-altfiles.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.altfiles authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.altfiles	2014-09-29 15:27:57.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py	2014-09-29 15:31:41.371715194 +0200
+@@ -1333,6 +1333,9 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 		self.preferDNSinHosts = None
+ 		self.enableSSSD = None
+ 		self.enableIPAv2 = None
++                # This one we don't have a config entry, we just
++                # preserve the entry if we see it.
++		self.enableAltfiles = None
+ 		# Authentication setup.
+ 		self.enableAFS = None
+@@ -2042,7 +2045,7 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 		if nssconfig:
+ 			nssmap = (('Compat', 'compat'), ('DB', 'db'),
+ 				  ('Directories', 'directories'), ('Hesiod', 'hesiod'),
+-				  ('LDAP', 'ldap'), ('NIS', 'nis'),
++				  ('LDAP', 'ldap'), ('NIS', 'nis'), ('Altfiles', 'altfiles'),
+ 				  ('NIS3', 'nisplus'), ('Winbind', 'winbind'))
+ 			for attr, nssentry in nssmap:
+ 				if checkNSS(nssconfig, nssentry):
+@@ -3583,6 +3586,8 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 			if self.enableDB:
+ 				normal += " db"
+ 			normal += " files"
++                        if self.enableAltfiles:
++                                normal += " altfiles"
+ 			services = normal
+ 			if self.enableDirectories:
+ 				normal += " directories"
diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ipav2join.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ipav2join.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2965ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ipav2join.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.ipav2join authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.ipav2join	2014-09-29 15:18:58.252487444 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py	2014-09-29 15:19:15.077867285 +0200
+@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
+ # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+ #
+ # Authconfig - client authentication configuration program
+-# Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Red Hat, Inc.
++# Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+ #
+ # Authors: Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>
+ #          Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+ #          Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
+ #          Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com>
++#          Jan Lieskovsky <jlieskov@redhat.com>
+ #
+ # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		self.oldrealm = ""
+ 		self.oldkdc = ""
+ 		self.oldadminserver = ""
++		self.messageParent = None
+ 	def destroy_widget(self, button, widget):
+ 		widget.destroy()
+@@ -272,7 +274,9 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		response = self.run_on_button(None, "joinwbdomain",
+ 					      "winbindjoin_map", parent)
+ 		if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK):
+-			self.info.joinDomain(True)
++			self.messageParent = parent
++			self.info.joinDomain(False)
++			self.messageParent = None
+ 		self.info.joinUser = None
+ 		self.info.joinPassword = None
+@@ -287,7 +291,9 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		response = self.run_on_button(None, "joinipadomain",
+ 					      "ipav2join_map", parent)
+ 		if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK):
+-			self.info.joinIPADomain(True)
++			self.messageParent = parent
++			self.info.joinIPADomain(False)
++			self.messageParent = None
+ 	def info_apply(self, map, xml):
+ 		for entry in map.keys():
+@@ -796,10 +802,12 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		response = self.run_on_button(None, "ldapcacertdownload",
+ 					      "ldapcacert_map", parent)
+ 		if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK):
++			self.messageParent = parent
+ 			self.info.downloadLDAPCACert()
++			self.messageParent = None
+ 	def message_callback(self, text):
+-		msg = gtk.MessageDialog(None, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, text)
++		msg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.messageParent, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, text)
+ 		msg.set_title(_("Authentication Configuration"))
+ 		msg.run()
+ 		msg.destroy()
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ipav2join authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ipav2join	2014-09-29 15:14:59.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py	2014-09-29 15:15:55.776367966 +0200
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+ #
+ # Authconfig - client authentication configuration program
+-# Copyright (c) 1999-2011 Red Hat, Inc.
++# Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+ #
+ # Authors: Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>
+ #          Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #          Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
+ #          Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
+ #          Miloslav Trmac <mitr@redhat.com>
++#          Jan Lieskovsky <jlieskov@redhat.com>
+ #
+ # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -879,9 +880,17 @@ def feedFork(command, echo, query, respo
+ 		return 255
+ 	if not pid:
+ 		# child
+-		status = os.system(command)
++		if query:
++			child = Popen([command], shell=True)
++		else:
++			child = Popen([command], stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
++			child.communicate(input=(response or '')+'\n')
++		# wait for the child to terminate & set the returncode
++		child.wait()
++		status = child.returncode
+ 		os._exit(status)
+-	output = ""
++	(output, error) = ("","")
+ 	try:
+ 		i = fcntl.fcntl(master, fcntl.F_GETFL)
+ 		fcntl.fcntl(master, fcntl.F_SETFL, i & ~os.O_NONBLOCK)
+@@ -918,13 +927,24 @@ def feedFork(command, echo, query, respo
+ 		if c:
+ 			try:
+ 				output += c
++				error += c
+ 				if echo:
+ 					sys.stderr.write(c)
+-				if query in output:
+-					os.write(master, response)
++				if query and query in output:
++					# Search for password prompt start
++					index = error.rfind("\r\n")
++					os.write(master, response or '')
+ 					os.write(master, "\r\n")
++					if index != -1:
++						# Drop password prompt substring from error
++						error = "\n" + error[:index]
++					else:
++						# Drop whole error content, password prompt
++						# was the first line
++						error = ""
+ 					output = ""
+-					sys.stderr.write("<...>\n")
++					if echo:
++						sys.stderr.write("<...>\n")
+ 			except OSError, (err, text):
+ 				sys.stderr.write("write: " + text + "\n")
+ 				os.close(master)
+@@ -941,7 +961,7 @@ def feedFork(command, echo, query, respo
+ 		(child, status) = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+ 	except OSError, (err, text):
+ 		sys.stderr.write("waitpid: " + text + "\n")
+-	return status
++	return (status, error)
+ def isEmptyDir(path):
+ 	try:
+@@ -4227,17 +4247,26 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 				# Not needed -- "joining" is meaningless for other
+ 				# models.
+ 				return
+-			cmd = "/usr/bin/net join %s%s %s%s -U %s" % (
++			cmd = PATH_WINBIND_NET + " join %s%s %s%s -U %s" % (
+ 				domain and "-w " or "", domain,
+ 				server and "-S " or "", server,
+ 				self.joinUser)
+ 			if echo:
+ 				sys.stderr.write("[%s]\n" % cmd)
+-			if self.joinPassword:
+-				status = feedFork(cmd, echo, "sword:", self.joinPassword)
++				child = Popen([cmd], shell=True)
++				child.communicate()
++				status = child.returncode
++			else:
++				status, error = feedFork(cmd, echo, "sword:", self.joinPassword)
++			if echo:
++				if status != 0:
++					self.messageCB(_("Winbind domain join was not successful."))
+ 			else:
+-				status = os.system(cmd)
++				if status != 0:
++					errmsg = _("Winbind domain join was not successful. The net join command failed with the following error:")
++					errmsg += "\n" + error
++					self.messageCB(errmsg)
+ 		return status == 0
+ 	def joinIPADomain(self, echo):
+@@ -4258,18 +4287,26 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 				realm and "--realm=" or "", realm,
+ 				principal and "--principal=" or "", principal,
+ 				nontp,
+-				password and "-W" or "")
++				not echo and "--unattended" or "-W")
+ 			if echo:
+ 				sys.stderr.write("[%s]\n" % cmd)
+-			if self.joinPassword:
+-				status = feedFork(cmd, echo, "sword:", self.joinPassword)
++				child = Popen([cmd], shell=True)
++				child.communicate()
++				status = child.returncode
+ 			else:
+-				status = os.system(cmd)
++				status, error = feedFork(cmd, echo, '', password)
+ 			if status == 0:
+ 				self.ipaDomainJoined = True
++			if echo:
++				if status != 0:
++					self.messageCB(_("IPAv2 domain join was not successful."))
+ 			else:
+-				self.messageCB(_("IPAv2 domain join was not succesful. The ipa-client-install command failed."))
++				if status != 0:
++					errmsg = _("IPAv2 domain join was not successful. The ipa-client-install command failed with the following error:")
++					errmsg += "\n" + error
++					self.messageCB(errmsg)
+ 		return status == 0
+ 	def uninstallIPA(self):
diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ldapbase.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ldapbase.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43bad99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-ldapbase.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ldapbase authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ldapbase	2014-09-29 15:15:55.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py	2014-09-29 15:27:57.504661297 +0200
+@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ def checkDN(value):
+ 		return False
+ 	return True
++def matchBaseLine(line, key):
++	value = matchKey(line, key)
++	if value:
++		return checkDN(value)
++	else:
++		return False
+ # Check for a string in an nss configuration line.
+ def checkNSS(configuration, candidate):
+ 	lst = configuration.split(":",1)
+@@ -2636,7 +2643,7 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 				elif matchLine(ls, host):
+ 					if self.ldapServer:
+ 						output += "#" + line 
+-				elif matchLine(ls, base):
++				elif matchBaseLine(ls, base):
+ 					# If it's a 'base' line, insert ours instead.
+ 					if not wrotebasedn and self.ldapBaseDN:
+ 						output += base + " "
diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-multiple-ldap-uris.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-multiple-ldap-uris.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3665c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-multiple-ldap-uris.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.ldap-uris authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.ldap-uris	2014-09-29 15:41:20.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py	2014-09-29 15:49:09.277372121 +0200
+@@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		if not ldapserver:
+ 			return True
+ 		uritovalidate = ldapserver.get_text()
++		uritovalidate = self.info.ldapHostsToURIs(uritovalidate, False)
+ 		return self.info.validateLDAPURI(uritovalidate)
+ 	def enable_cacert_download(self, active, xml):
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ldap-uris authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.ldap-uris	2014-09-29 15:44:28.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py	2014-09-29 15:49:48.156249829 +0200
+@@ -1588,20 +1588,24 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 	def validateLDAPURI(self, s):
+ 		"""
+-		Check LDAP URI provided in the form of literal IPv6 address
+-		for correctness.
+-		Return False if IPv6 valid is invalid or urlparse failed to
+-		obtain integer port value, True otherwise.
++		Check whether LDAP URI is valid.
+ 		"""
+-		try:
+-			p = urlparse.urlparse(s).port
+-			return True
+-		except ValueError:
+-			return False
++		if ',' in s:
++			uris = s.split(',')
++		else:
++			uris = s.split()
++		for uri in uris:
++			try:
++				p = urlparse.urlparse(uri).port
++			except (ValueError, socket.error):
++				return False
++		return True
+-	def ldapHostsToURIs(self, s):
+-		l = s.split(",")
++	def ldapHostsToURIs(self, s, validate):
++		if ',' in s:
++			l = s.split(',')
++		else:
++			l = s.split()
+ 		ret = ""
+ 		for item in l:
+ 			if item:
+@@ -1611,9 +1615,8 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 					ret += item
+ 				else:
+ 					ret += "ldap://" + item + "/"
+-		if not self.validateLDAPURI(ret):
++		if validate and not self.validateLDAPURI(ret):
+ 			self.messageCB(_("Invalid LDAP URI."))
+-			return ""
+ 		return ret
+ 	# Read LDAP setup from /etc/ldap.conf.
+@@ -1669,7 +1672,7 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 			# We'll pull MD5/DES crypt ("pam_password") from the config
+ 			# file, or from the pam_unix PAM config lines.
+-		self.ldapServer = self.ldapHostsToURIs(cleanList(self.ldapServer))
++		self.ldapServer = self.ldapHostsToURIs(cleanList(self.ldapServer), False)
+ 		f.close()
+ 		return True
+@@ -2456,12 +2459,12 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 	# suggestions we "know".  The second case is when the user has just made a
+ 	# change to one field and we need to update another field to somehow
+ 	# compensate for the change.
+-	def update(self):
++	def update(self, validate=False):
+ 		self.smbServers = cleanList(self.smbServers)
+ 		self.ipav2Server = cleanList(self.ipav2Server)
+ 		self.kerberosKDC = cleanList(self.kerberosKDC)
+ 		self.kerberosAdminServer = cleanList(self.kerberosAdminServer)
+-		self.ldapServer = self.ldapHostsToURIs(self.ldapServer)
++		self.ldapServer = self.ldapHostsToURIs(self.ldapServer, validate)
+ 		if self.smbSecurity == "ads":
+ 			# As of this writing, an ADS implementation always
+ 			# upper-cases the realm name, even if only internally,
+@@ -4024,7 +4027,7 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 			self.ipaUninstall = True
+ 	def write(self):
+-		self.update()
++		self.update(True)
+ 		self.prewriteUpdate()
+ 		self.setupBackup(PATH_CONFIG_BACKUPS + "/last")
+ 		try:
+@@ -4064,7 +4067,7 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 	def writeChanged(self, ref):
+ 		self.checkPAMLinked()
+-		self.update()
++		self.update(True)
+ 		self.prewriteUpdate()
+ 		self.setupBackup(PATH_CONFIG_BACKUPS + "/last")
+ 		ret = True
diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-services.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-services.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0182d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-services.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.services authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.services	2014-09-29 15:37:19.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py	2014-09-29 15:41:20.478788789 +0200
+@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 				self.info = backup
+ 			# Save.
+ 			if (response == 1):
+-				self.apply()
++				self.apply(nostart=True)
+ 				backup = self.info
+ 		return backup
+@@ -266,7 +266,10 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		if not backup:
+ 			return
+ 		self.winbindjoin_launch(button, map, xml, parent)
+-		self.info = backup
++		if self.info != backup:
++			self.info = backup
++		else:
++			self.apply()
+ 	def winbindjoin_launch(self, button, map, xml, parent):
+ 		if not self.info.joinUser:
+@@ -285,7 +288,10 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		if not backup:
+ 			return
+ 		self.ipav2join_launch(button, map, xml, parent)
+-		self.info = backup
++		if self.info != backup:
++			self.info = backup
++		else:
++			self.apply()
+ 	def ipav2join_launch(self, button, map, xml, parent):
+ 		response = self.run_on_button(None, "joinipadomain",
+@@ -772,7 +778,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		return dialog
+ 	# Save changes.
+-	def apply(self):
++	def apply(self, nostart = False):
+ 		self.update_type(self.id_map, self.currid)
+ 		self.update_type(self.auth_map, self.currauth)
+ 		self.apply_idsettings()
+@@ -788,7 +794,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 		else:
+ 			self.info.writeChanged(self.pristineinfo)
+-		self.info.post(False)
++		self.info.post(nostart)
+ 		if "--firstboot" in sys.argv:
+ 			for service in firstbootservices:
+ 				if authinfo.Service.isEnabled(service):
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.services authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py.services	2014-09-29 15:43:38.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authinfo.py	2014-09-29 15:44:28.629036362 +0200
+@@ -4395,15 +4395,15 @@ class AuthInfo:
+ 			"winbind", nostart)
+ 	def toggleSSSDService(self, nostart):
+ 		explicitenable = ((self.enableSSSD and self.enableSSSDAuth) or
+ 			(self.enableSSSD and os.path.exists(PATH_SSSD_CONFIG)) or
+ 			(self.enableSSSDAuth and os.path.exists(PATH_SSSD_CONFIG)))
+-		toggleSplatbindService(self.implicitSSSD or self.implicitSSSDAuth or
+-			self.enableIPAv2 or explicitenable,
++		enable = (self.implicitSSSD or self.implicitSSSDAuth or
++			self.enableIPAv2 or explicitenable)
++		toggleSplatbindService(enable,
+-			"sssd", nostart or not (self.implicitSSSD or self.implicitSSSDAuth
+-			or self.enableIPAv2))
++			"sssd", nostart or (enable and not (self.implicitSSSD or
++			self.implicitSSSDAuth or self.enableIPAv2)))
+ 	def toggleOddjobService(self, nostart):
+ 		if self.enableMkHomeDir and os.access("%s/pam_%s.so"
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/man/en/authconfig.8.services authconfig-6.2.8/man/en/authconfig.8
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/man/en/authconfig.8.services	2013-11-01 16:08:01.000000000 +0100
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/man/en/authconfig.8	2014-09-29 15:40:31.872691485 +0200
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ be restored by the \fB--restorelastbacku
+ If \fB--nostart\fR is specified (which is what the install program does),
+ ypbind or other daemons will not be started or stopped immediately following
+-program execution, but only enabled to start or stop at boot time. 
++program execution, but only enabled to start or stop at boot time.
+ The \fB--enablenis\fP, \fB--enableldap\fP, \fB--enablewinbind\fP,
+ and \fB--enablehesiod\fP options
+@@ -94,6 +94,22 @@ The \fB/usr/bin/authconfig\fR uses the \
+ system user before it starts up. If you want to run it directly without the 
+ authentication as the system user, run the \fB/usr/sbin/authconfig\fR command.
++The SSSD service is enabled and possibly started by authconfig when at least two of
++the following three conditions are met:
++1) /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file exists (or is configured via the implicit SSSD support)
++2) SSSD authentication is enabled (pam_sss.so is used in PAM configuration)
++3) SSSD is enabled for user identity (nsswitch.conf contains sss)
++When \fB--update\fR action is used the enablement or disablement and possible restart
++of services happens only in case the changed configuration options affect the
++service to be restarted. This means that if for example the ypbind service is
++enabled with \fBauthconfig --update --nostart --enablenis\fR but not started
++and you run the same command without the \fB--nostart\fR later the ypbind
++service will not be started because no configuration change affecting ypbind
+ .PD
+ \fBauthconfig\fR returns 0 on success, 1 on backup operation errors,
diff --git a/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-winbind-client.patch b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-winbind-client.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1150d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/authconfig-6.2.8-winbind-client.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.winbind-client authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py
+--- authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py.winbind-client	2014-09-29 15:19:15.000000000 +0200
++++ authconfig-6.2.8/authconfig-gtk.py	2014-09-29 15:37:19.586350537 +0200
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class Authconfig:
+ 			 "nisoptions", "nis_map", authinfo.PATH_LIBNSS_NIS, "ypbind"),
+ 			"Winbind":
+ 			(_("Winbind"), ("WinbindAuth",),
+-			 "winbindoptions", "winbind_map", authinfo.PATH_WINBIND, "samba-winbind-clients"),
++			 "winbindoptions", "winbind_map", authinfo.PATH_WINBIND, "samba-winbind"),
+ 			"IPAv2":
+ 			(_("IPAv2"), ("IPAv2Auth",),
+ 			 "ipav2options", "ipav2_map", authinfo.PATH_IPA_CLIENT_INSTALL, "freeipa-client")
diff --git a/SPECS/authconfig.spec b/SPECS/authconfig.spec
index 65b10cb..9431ed0 100644
--- a/SPECS/authconfig.spec
+++ b/SPECS/authconfig.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
 Name: authconfig
 Version: 6.2.8
-Release: 8%{?dist}
+Release: 9%{?dist}
 License: GPLv2+
 ExclusiveOS: Linux
 Group: System Environment/Base
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ Patch6: authconfig-6.2.8-notraceback.patch
 Patch7: authconfig-6.2.8-restorecon.patch
 Patch8: authconfig-6.2.8-sssd-enable.patch
 Patch9: authconfig-6.2.8-translation-updates-2.patch
+Patch10: authconfig-6.2.8-ipav2join.patch
+Patch11: authconfig-6.2.8-ldapbase.patch
+Patch12: authconfig-6.2.8-altfiles.patch
+Patch13: authconfig-6.2.8-winbind-client.patch
+Patch14: authconfig-6.2.8-services.patch
+Patch15: authconfig-6.2.8-multiple-ldap-uris.patch
 Requires: newt-python, pam >=, python, libpwquality > 0.9
 Conflicts: pam_krb5 < 1.49, samba-common < 3.0, samba-client < 3.0
 Conflicts: nss_ldap < 254, sssd < 0.99.1
@@ -23,6 +29,7 @@ Conflicts: freeipa-client < 2.2.0, ipa-client < 2.2.0
 BuildRequires: glib2-devel, python >= 2.6, python-devel
 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils, intltool, gettext, perl-XML-Parser
 Requires: /usr/bin/openssl
+Requires: policycoreutils
 Authconfig is a command line utility which can configure a workstation
@@ -53,6 +60,12 @@ authentication schemes.
 %patch7 -p1 -b .restorecon
 %patch8 -p1 -b .sssd-enable
 %patch9 -p1 -b .translations2
+%patch10 -p1 -b .ipav2join
+%patch11 -p1 -b .ldapbase
+%patch12 -p1 -b .altfiles
+%patch13 -p1 -b .winbind-client
+%patch14 -p1 -b .services
+%patch15 -p1 -b .ldap-uris
@@ -135,6 +148,15 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+* Mon Sep 29 2014 Tomáš Mráz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 6.2.8-9
+- do not overwrite special ldap base values
+- display error message if winbind or IPA domain join fails
+- fix invocation of IPA domain join from GUI
+- keep altfiles in nsswitch.conf if present (#1134084)
+- the winbind client is now in samba-winbind package (#1084997)
+- correct handling of SSSD enablement during IPA domain joins
+- do not bail out if multiple LDAP URIs are specified (#1142830)
 * Tue Feb 11 2014 Tomáš Mráz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 6.2.8-8
 - enable/start sssd only when config exists or enabled
   for both pam and nsswitch.conf