diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-branding-syspurpose-doesn-t-make-sense-for-CentOS.patch b/SOURCES/0001-branding-syspurpose-doesn-t-make-sense-for-CentOS.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad6d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-branding-syspurpose-doesn-t-make-sense-for-CentOS.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From baa49690977c02b258bcd4e7c274ecc46919856a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pat Riehecky <riehecky@fnal.gov>
+Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 09:48:12 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] branding: syspurpose doesn't make sense for CentOS
+ pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.py | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.py
+index 98664de..a73d6f9 100644
+--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.py
++++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.py
+@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ class SystemPurposeSpoke(NormalSpoke):
+         # record if the spoke has been visited by the user at least once
+         self._spoke_visited = False
++    @property
++    def showable(self):
++        return False
+     def initialize(self):
+         NormalSpoke.initialize(self)
+         self.initialize_start()
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-add-centos-background-color.patch b/SOURCES/0002-add-centos-background-color.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d45c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-add-centos-background-color.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- anaconda-	2019-07-12 01:08:43.579816964 -0300
++++ anaconda-	2019-07-12 01:09:52.994191971 -0300
+@@ -81,10 +81,11 @@
+ @define-color redhat #2d2d2d;
+ @define-color fedora #2f4265;
++@define-color centos #000a38;
+ /* theme colors/images */
+-@define-color theme_bg_color @redhat;
++@define-color theme_bg_color @centos;
+ /* logo and sidebar classes */
diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-l10n.patch b/SOURCES/centos-l10n.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8bc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/centos-l10n.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+diff -uNrp anaconda- anaconda-
+--- anaconda-	2019-08-27 02:41:03.000000000 -0500
++++ anaconda-	2019-10-07 10:12:23.876293108 -0500
+@@ -6525,7 +6525,7 @@ msgid "SYSTEM PURPOSE"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:98
+-msgid "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
++msgid "Support"
+ msgstr "Умова ўзроўню паслугаў Red Hat"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:118
+@@ -7109,24 +7109,24 @@ msgstr "anaconda"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.desktop:3
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:62
+-msgid "Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
+-msgstr "Вітаем у сістэме Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
++msgid "Welcome to CentOS Linux"
++msgstr "Вітаем у сістэме CentOS Linux"
+ #: data/liveinst/liveinst-setup.desktop:4
+ msgid "Liveinst Setup"
+ msgstr "Наладка інсталяцыі Live"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:91
+-msgid "Try RHEL"
+-msgstr "Паспрабуйце RHEL"
++msgid "Try CentOS"
++msgstr "Паспрабуйце CentOS"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:107
+ msgid ""
+-"You are currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux from live media.\n"
+-"You can install Red Hat Enterprise Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
++"You are currently running CentOS Linux from live media.\n"
++"You can install CentOS Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Цяпер вы запусцілі Red Hat Enterprise Linux з live носьбіта.\n"
+-"Можна зараз інсталяваць Red Hat Enterprise Linux альбо у любы пазнейшы час выберыце \"Інсталяваць на цвёрды дыск\" у аглядзе дзеянняў."
++"Цяпер вы запусцілі CentOS Linux з live носьбіта.\n"
++"Можна зараз інсталяваць CentOS Linux альбо у любы пазнейшы час выберыце \"Інсталяваць на цвёрды дыск\" у аглядзе дзеянняў."
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:125
+ msgid ""
+diff -uNrp anaconda- anaconda-
+--- anaconda-	2019-08-27 02:39:42.000000000 -0500
++++ anaconda-	2019-10-07 10:12:11.359293162 -0500
+@@ -6508,8 +6508,8 @@ msgid "SYSTEM PURPOSE"
+ msgstr "ÚČEL SYSTÉMU"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:98
+-msgid "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
+-msgstr "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
++msgid "Support"
++msgstr "Support"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:118
+ msgid "Usage"
+@@ -7095,24 +7095,24 @@ msgstr "anaconda"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.desktop:3
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:62
+-msgid "Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
+-msgstr "Vítejte v Red Hat Enterprise Linuxu"
++msgid "Welcome to CentOS Linux"
++msgstr "Vítejte v CentOS Linuxu"
+ #: data/liveinst/liveinst-setup.desktop:4
+ msgid "Liveinst Setup"
+ msgstr "Nastavení Liveinst"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:91
+-msgid "Try RHEL"
+-msgstr "Zkuste RHEL"
++msgid "Try CentOS"
++msgstr "Zkuste CentOS"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:107
+ msgid ""
+-"You are currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux from live media.\n"
+-"You can install Red Hat Enterprise Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
++"You are currently running CentOS Linux from live media.\n"
++"You can install CentOS Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Máte Red Hat Enterprise Linux spuštěný z LIVE média.\n"
+-"Můžete instalovat Red Hat Enterprise Linux hned, nebo vybrat \"Instalovat na pevný disk\" v Přehledu Aktivit kdykoli později."
++"Máte CentOS Linux spuštěný z LIVE média.\n"
++"Můžete instalovat CentOS Linux hned, nebo vybrat \"Instalovat na pevný disk\" v Přehledu Aktivit kdykoli později."
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:125
+ msgid ""
+diff -uNrp anaconda- anaconda-
+--- anaconda-	2019-08-27 02:40:55.000000000 -0500
++++ anaconda-	2019-10-07 10:13:01.923292945 -0500
+@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgid "SYSTEM PURPOSE"
+ msgstr "SYSTEEMDOEL"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:98
+-msgid "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
+-msgstr "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
++msgid "Support"
++msgstr "Support"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:118
+ msgid "Usage"
+@@ -7132,24 +7132,24 @@ msgstr "anaconda"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.desktop:3
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:62
+-msgid "Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
+-msgstr "Welkom bij Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
++msgid "Welcome to CentOS Linux"
++msgstr "Welkom bij CentOS Linux"
+ #: data/liveinst/liveinst-setup.desktop:4
+ msgid "Liveinst Setup"
+ msgstr "Liveinst instelling"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:91
+-msgid "Try RHEL"
+-msgstr "Probeer RHEL"
++msgid "Try CentOS"
++msgstr "Probeer CentOS"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:107
+ msgid ""
+-"You are currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux from live media.\n"
+-"You can install Red Hat Enterprise Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
++"You are currently running CentOS Linux from live media.\n"
++"You can install CentOS Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Je draait Red Hat Enterprise Linux op dit moment vanaf live-media.\n"
+-"Je kunt Red Hat Enterprise Linux nu installeren, of je kiest \"Naar harde schijf installeren\" in het 'Activiteiten'-overzicht op een later moment."
++"Je draait CentOS Linux op dit moment vanaf live-media.\n"
++"Je kunt CentOS Linux nu installeren, of je kiest \"Naar harde schijf installeren\" in het 'Activiteiten'-overzicht op een later moment."
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:125
+ msgid ""
+diff -uNrp anaconda- anaconda-
+--- anaconda-	2019-08-27 02:41:33.000000000 -0500
++++ anaconda-	2019-10-07 10:13:32.832292813 -0500
+@@ -6508,8 +6508,8 @@ msgid "SYSTEM PURPOSE"
+ msgstr "ÚČEL SYSTÉMU"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:98
+-msgid "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
+-msgstr "Red Hat Service Level Agreement"
++msgid "Support"
++msgstr "Support"
+ #: pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/system_purpose.glade:118
+ msgid "Usage"
+@@ -7098,23 +7098,23 @@ msgstr "anaconda"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.desktop:3
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:62
+-msgid "Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
+-msgstr "Vitajte v Red Hat Enterprise Linuxe"
++msgid "Welcome to CentOS Linux"
++msgstr "Vitajte v CentOS Linuxe"
+ #: data/liveinst/liveinst-setup.desktop:4
+ msgid "Liveinst Setup"
+ msgstr "Nastavenie Liveinst"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:91
+-msgid "Try RHEL"
+-msgstr "Vyskúšajte RHEL"
++msgid "Try CentOS"
++msgstr "Vyskúšajte CentOS"
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:107
+ msgid ""
+-"You are currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux from live media.\n"
+-"You can install Red Hat Enterprise Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
++"You are currently running CentOS Linux from live media.\n"
++"You can install CentOS Linux now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Momentálne máte spustený systém Red Hat Enterprise Linux z live média.\n"
++"Momentálne máte spustený systém CentOS Linux z live média.\n"
+ "Môžete ho nainštalovať ihneď alebo kedykoľvek neskôr spustením odkazu „Inštalovať na pevný disk“ v prehľade Aktivít."
+ #: data/liveinst/gnome/rhel-welcome.js:125
diff --git a/SPECS/anaconda.spec b/SPECS/anaconda.spec
index ffb80f8..69a55d2 100644
--- a/SPECS/anaconda.spec
+++ b/SPECS/anaconda.spec
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ License: GPLv2+ and MIT
 Group:   Applications/System
 URL:     http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
+Patch100: centos-l10n.patch
+Patch101: 0001-branding-syspurpose-doesn-t-make-sense-for-CentOS.patch
+Patch102: 0002-add-centos-background-color.patch
 # To generate Source0 do:
 # git clone https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda
 # git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%%{version}-%%{release}