diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3897627..c4caee6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -262,3 +262,4 @@
diff --git a/anaconda.spec b/anaconda.spec
index 028cfc3..cdeaa10 100644
--- a/anaconda.spec
+++ b/anaconda.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Summary: Graphical system installer
 Name:    anaconda
-Version: 34.13
+Version: 34.14
 Release: 1%{?dist}
 License: GPLv2+ and MIT
 URL:     http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
 %define gtk3ver 3.22.17
 %define helpver 22.1-1
 %define isomd5sumver 1.0.10
-%define langtablever 0.0.53
+%define langtablever 0.0.54
 %define libarchivever 3.0.4
 %define libblockdevver 2.1
 %define libreportanacondaver 2.0.21-1
@@ -369,6 +369,61 @@ desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_d
+* Tue Nov 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.14-1
+- Set workflow temp mail and user to GH actions rebase (jkonecny)
+- Rebase test pull request also for rhel-8 contributors (jkonecny)
+- Build Anaconda for ELN (jkonecny)
+- Create the get_kernel_version_list function for the DNF payload (vponcova)
+- Create the sort_kernel_version_list function (vponcova)
+- Move the unit tests for the payload base utils to a new file (vponcova)
+- Remove the duplicate code for kernel version lists (vponcova)
+- Move the get_kernel_version_list function to the Live OS utilities (vponcova)
+- network: do not use dialog for just single wireless connection to configure
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add the apply_specs function (vponcova)
+- Add the get_installation_specs function (vponcova)
+- Add the get_default_environment function (vponcova)
+- Add the environments property to the DNF manager (vponcova)
+- Set the RPM macros with an installation task (vponcova)
+- network: fix configuration of wireless networks (rvykydal)
+- Rebase branches to current master before testing (mpitt)
+- network: use dialog instead of combobox to select wireless network (rvykydal)
+- network: deal with obsolete ssid when configuring wireless (rvykydal)
+- network: use function instead of assigned lambda in wireless activation
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: do not update wireless AP combo active item when not necessary
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: do not use obsolete access points in wireless configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add upstream tag hint for Packit (jkonecny)
+- Create an installation task for import of RPM keys (vponcova)
+- Remove leftover bootloader-related code from the Payloads service (vponcova)
+- Add workflow for daily RHEL COPR build (mpitt)
+- Remove the storage logger (vponcova)
+- Remove the loglevel option (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for changing the log level (vponcova)
+- Handle missing spice-vdagent (#1897153) (vponcova)
+- rhbz#1888697 list important major languages (suanand)
+- Run master tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
+- Fix handling of empty $CI_TAG (mpitt)
+- Skip blivet-gui tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
+- Drop obsolete id: from validate workflow (mpitt)
+- Create the get_download_size method (vponcova)
+- Create the get_installation_size method (vponcova)
+- Create the dump_configuration method (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_base function (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_proxy method (vponcova)
+- Create an abstraction of the DNF base (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_dnf_logging function (vponcova)
+- Create the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
+- Create the get_product_release_version function (vponcova)
+- Drop testing in mock (mpitt)
+- Remove the method command (vslavik)
+- Fix incomplete configuration of repositories loaded from treeinfo (#1745064)
+  (honza.stodola)
+- Fix checking ssl certificate for metadata (#1745064) (honza.stodola)
+- Root password is mandatory if there is *not* admin user. (rvykydal)
 * Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.13-1
 - Skip add-on modules that failed to start (vponcova)
 - Return the exit status of a Python module that failed to start (vponcova)
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index b818afb..07c9db4 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-SHA512 (anaconda-34.13.tar.bz2) = d96af420eda3e4af088478a0c976bfb35376259a370dc9aa53e71696be5ea2342c29de39b486630ab8863de33897bff1f536aa2521769b72624934fc4b3c69b8
+SHA512 (anaconda-34.14.tar.bz2) = b7f6d97e28152baf64c9869a6253128fd07e7c7e869486ce15eb160f148227d1cb2252de9aa2d396df1b0a6d4091f01086ffc4afa6dfa9706f5d523a31756d64