diff --git a/.anaconda.metadata b/.anaconda.metadata
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b4a07..0000000
--- a/.anaconda.metadata
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-4d1667231ec79b48ee6603cae290aca1b02e2945 SOURCES/anaconda-
diff --git a/.fmf/version b/.fmf/version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.fmf/version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6e2fd98..61cab55 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,307 @@
diff --git a/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch b/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4273fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+From d67e3423cf96e4b02ea54fcd2158edd210b36857 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
+Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:18:46 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 20001/20004] Revert "Remove kickstart btrfs support"
+Restore Btrfs support for Kickstart so system installations can
+use Btrfs and images can be built using Lorax with Btrfs as the
+This reverts commit 7e1667fbdc289d62f1dc92411a1d263c22e4be52.
+ pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py   | 10 +++++-----
+ pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py |  1 -
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py b/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
+index a6964de8b7..bc52a285c8 100644
+--- a/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
++++ b/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
+@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
+ # Supported kickstart commands.
+ from pykickstart.commands.authconfig import F28_Authconfig as Authconfig
+ from pykickstart.commands.authselect import F28_Authselect as Authselect
+-from pykickstart.commands.autopart import RHEL9_AutoPart as AutoPart
++from pykickstart.commands.autopart import F29_AutoPart as AutoPart
+ from pykickstart.commands.autostep import F34_AutoStep as AutoStep
+ from pykickstart.commands.bootloader import RHEL9_Bootloader as Bootloader
+-from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import RHEL9_BTRFS as BTRFS
++from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import F23_BTRFS as BTRFS
+ from pykickstart.commands.cdrom import FC3_Cdrom as Cdrom
+ from pykickstart.commands.clearpart import F28_ClearPart as ClearPart
+ from pykickstart.commands.displaymode import F26_DisplayMode as DisplayMode
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ from pykickstart.commands.keyboard import F18_Keyboard as Keyboard
+ from pykickstart.commands.lang import F19_Lang as Lang
+ from pykickstart.commands.liveimg import F19_Liveimg as Liveimg
+ from pykickstart.commands.logging import F34_Logging as Logging
+-from pykickstart.commands.logvol import RHEL9_LogVol as LogVol
++from pykickstart.commands.logvol import F29_LogVol as LogVol
+ from pykickstart.commands.mediacheck import FC4_MediaCheck as MediaCheck
+ from pykickstart.commands.method import F34_Method as Method
+ from pykickstart.commands.mount import F27_Mount as Mount
+@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ from pykickstart.commands.network import F27_Network as Network
+ from pykickstart.commands.nfs import FC6_NFS as NFS
+ from pykickstart.commands.nvdimm import F28_Nvdimm as Nvdimm
+ from pykickstart.commands.ostreesetup import RHEL9_OSTreeSetup as OSTreeSetup
+-from pykickstart.commands.partition import RHEL9_Partition as Partition
+-from pykickstart.commands.raid import RHEL9_Raid as Raid
++from pykickstart.commands.partition import F34_Partition as Partition
++from pykickstart.commands.raid import F29_Raid as Raid
+ from pykickstart.commands.realm import F19_Realm as Realm
+ from pykickstart.commands.reboot import F23_Reboot as Reboot
+ from pykickstart.commands.repo import F33_Repo as Repo
+diff --git a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
+index 6386c38cac..0e4dddaf5b 100644
+--- a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
++++ b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
+@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class BTRFS(COMMANDS.BTRFS):
+     def parse(self, args):
+         """Parse the command."""
+-        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
+         retval = super().parse(args)
+         # Check the file system type.
diff --git a/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch b/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc7a049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From c0441afd407a1be5d20a5f02236fcea94efc3e4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
+Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 08:21:49 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 20002/20004] Add product configuration for CentOS Stream
+ Hyperscale variant
+This is a minimal product configuration layered on top of the
+CentOS Stream Hyperscale product configuration that configures
+Anaconda to use Btrfs by default.
+ data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
+diff --git a/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf b/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..88979adb55
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
++# Anaconda configuration file for CentOS Stream Hyperscale
++product_name = CentOS Stream
++variant_name = Hyperscale
++[Base Product]
++product_name = CentOS Stream
++default_scheme = BTRFS
++# RHEL removes btrfs-progs, but we want it back
++ignored_packages =
++    ntfsprogs
++    dmraid
++default_rpm_gpg_keys =
++    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial
++    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-HyperScale
++    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-$releasever
++updates_repositories =
++    centos-hyperscale
++    centos-hyperscale-spin
++    epel
++    epel-next
++    powertools
diff --git a/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch b/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877b730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From d7f5ce82a98b66831edaf6afd194ea43ce107c84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
+Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 21:01:07 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 20003/20004] Add support for detecting the Hyperscale variant
+ in liveinst
+Anaconda does not rely on os-release(5) data directly to determine
+which product data to load, but instead needs either a /.buildstamp
+file or logic to populate environment variables to have Anaconda
+select the right configuration.
+This change adds logic to set the ANACONDA_PRODUCTVARIANT variable
+when the Hyperscale variant is detected on the system.
+ data/liveinst/liveinst | 8 ++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/data/liveinst/liveinst b/data/liveinst/liveinst
+index 5cf32ecccf..cc5872c0ff 100755
+--- a/data/liveinst/liveinst
++++ b/data/liveinst/liveinst
+@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ if [ -f /etc/system-release ]; then
+     export ANACONDA_PRODUCTVERSION=$( cat /etc/system-release | sed -r -e 's/^.* ([0-9\.]+).*$/\1/' )
+ fi
++# set PRODUCTVARIANT if this is a CentOS Stream Hyperscale live image
++if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
++    variantid=$( grep VARIANT_ID /etc/os-release | tail -1 | cut -d= -f2)
++    if [ "$variantid" = "hyperscale" ]; then
++        export ANACONDA_PRODUCTVARIANT="Hyperscale"
++    fi
+ # set PRODUCTVARIANT if this is a Fedora Workstation live image
+ # FIXME really, livemedia-creator should include .buildstamp in live
+ # images, if it did, we could remove this:
diff --git a/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch b/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2539224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+From fbecf007a3285c46852762dfeed0376c95ca6a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
+Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:26:59 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 20004/20004] Change fedora-welcome to centos-welcome
+This is being used for CentOS Stream rather than Fedora Linux,
+so adjust accordingly.
+ data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am                  | 16 ++++++++--------
+ ...ra-welcome.desktop => centos-welcome.desktop} |  4 ++--
+ .../{fedora-welcome.js => centos-welcome.js}     | 12 ++++++------
+ 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+ rename data/liveinst/gnome/{fedora-welcome.desktop => centos-welcome.desktop} (59%)
+ rename data/liveinst/gnome/{fedora-welcome.js => centos-welcome.js} (93%)
+diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am b/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
+index 4f2f90b78d..f7bd07a526 100644
+--- a/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
++++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
+@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@
+ # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ welcomedir              = $(datadir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/gnome
+-dist_welcome_DATA       = fedora-welcome.desktop
+-dist_welcome_SCRIPTS    = fedora-welcome.js
++dist_welcome_DATA       = centos-welcome.desktop
++dist_welcome_SCRIPTS    = centos-welcome.js
+ # Merge the translations into the desktop file
+ # Use the merged translations in $(builddir). If no merged translations exist,
+ # just exit.
+-# Rename fedora-welcome.js to just fedora-welcome
++# Rename centos-welcome.js to just centos-welcome
+ install-data-hook:
+ 	for p in $(top_builddir)/po/*.mpo ; do \
+ 	    [ -e $$p ] || exit 0 ; \
+-	    $(MSGFMT) --desktop --template=$(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop \
++	    $(MSGFMT) --desktop --template=$(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop \
+ 	        --locale=$$(basename $$p .mpo) \
+-		-o $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop.new $$p || exit 1 ; \
+-	    mv $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop.new $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop || exit 1 ; \
++		-o $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop.new $$p || exit 1 ; \
++	    mv $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop.new $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop || exit 1 ; \
+ 	done
+-	cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && mv fedora-welcome.js fedora-welcome
++	cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && mv centos-welcome.js centos-welcome
+ uninstall-hook:
+-	-cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && rm -f fedora-welcome
++	-cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && rm -f centos-welcome
+diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
+similarity index 59%
+rename from data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop
+rename to data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
+index 60e5c385d1..ce68d92641 100644
+--- a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop
++++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+-Name=Welcome to Fedora
++Name=Welcome to CentOS Stream
+ Terminal=false
+ Type=Application
+ StartupNotify=true
+diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
+similarity index 93%
+rename from data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js
+rename to data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
+index 0520557afc..6b04106ac1 100755
+--- a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js
++++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+                                                 default_width: 600,
+                                                 default_height: 550,
+                                                 skip_taskbar_hint: true,
+-                                                title: _("Welcome to Fedora"),
++                                                title: _("Welcome to CentOS Stream"),
+                                                 window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER });
+       this.window.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this,
+           function(w, event) {
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+                                      spacing: 16 });
+       tryContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'media-optical',
+                                      pixel_size: 256 }));
+-      tryContent.add(makeLabel(_("Try Fedora"), true));
++      tryContent.add(makeLabel(_("Try CentOS"), true));
+       let tryButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: tryContent });
+       buttonBox.add(tryButton);
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+       let installContent = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
+                                          spacing: 16 });
+-      // provided by the 'fedora-logos' package
++      // provided by the 'centos-logos' package
+       installContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller',
+                                          pixel_size: 256 }));
+       installContent.add(makeLabel(anacondaApp.get_name(), true));
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+       let installButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: installContent });
+       buttonBox.add(installButton);
+-      this._label = makeLabel(_("You are currently running Fedora from live media.\nYou can install Fedora now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."), false);
++      this._label = makeLabel(_("You are currently running CentOS Stream from live media.\nYou can install CentOS Stream now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."), false);
+       mainGrid.add(this._label);
+       installButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+               buttonBox.destroy();
+               this._label.destroy();
+-              // provided by the 'fedora-logos' package
++              // provided by the 'centos-logos' package
+               let image = new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller',
+                                           pixel_size: 256,
+                                           halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
+ Gettext.bindtextdomain('anaconda', LOCALE_DIR);
+ Gettext.textdomain('anaconda');
+ Gtk.init(null, null);
+ Gtk.Settings.get_default().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = true;
diff --git a/SOURCES/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch b/SOURCES/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b4273fd..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-From d67e3423cf96e4b02ea54fcd2158edd210b36857 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
-Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:18:46 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 20001/20004] Revert "Remove kickstart btrfs support"
-Restore Btrfs support for Kickstart so system installations can
-use Btrfs and images can be built using Lorax with Btrfs as the
-This reverts commit 7e1667fbdc289d62f1dc92411a1d263c22e4be52.
- pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py   | 10 +++++-----
- pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py |  1 -
- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py b/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
-index a6964de8b7..bc52a285c8 100644
---- a/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
-+++ b/pyanaconda/core/kickstart/commands.py
-@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
- # Supported kickstart commands.
- from pykickstart.commands.authconfig import F28_Authconfig as Authconfig
- from pykickstart.commands.authselect import F28_Authselect as Authselect
--from pykickstart.commands.autopart import RHEL9_AutoPart as AutoPart
-+from pykickstart.commands.autopart import F29_AutoPart as AutoPart
- from pykickstart.commands.autostep import F34_AutoStep as AutoStep
- from pykickstart.commands.bootloader import RHEL9_Bootloader as Bootloader
--from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import RHEL9_BTRFS as BTRFS
-+from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import F23_BTRFS as BTRFS
- from pykickstart.commands.cdrom import FC3_Cdrom as Cdrom
- from pykickstart.commands.clearpart import F28_ClearPart as ClearPart
- from pykickstart.commands.displaymode import F26_DisplayMode as DisplayMode
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ from pykickstart.commands.keyboard import F18_Keyboard as Keyboard
- from pykickstart.commands.lang import F19_Lang as Lang
- from pykickstart.commands.liveimg import F19_Liveimg as Liveimg
- from pykickstart.commands.logging import F34_Logging as Logging
--from pykickstart.commands.logvol import RHEL9_LogVol as LogVol
-+from pykickstart.commands.logvol import F29_LogVol as LogVol
- from pykickstart.commands.mediacheck import FC4_MediaCheck as MediaCheck
- from pykickstart.commands.method import F34_Method as Method
- from pykickstart.commands.mount import F27_Mount as Mount
-@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ from pykickstart.commands.network import F27_Network as Network
- from pykickstart.commands.nfs import FC6_NFS as NFS
- from pykickstart.commands.nvdimm import F28_Nvdimm as Nvdimm
- from pykickstart.commands.ostreesetup import RHEL9_OSTreeSetup as OSTreeSetup
--from pykickstart.commands.partition import RHEL9_Partition as Partition
--from pykickstart.commands.raid import RHEL9_Raid as Raid
-+from pykickstart.commands.partition import F34_Partition as Partition
-+from pykickstart.commands.raid import F29_Raid as Raid
- from pykickstart.commands.realm import F19_Realm as Realm
- from pykickstart.commands.reboot import F23_Reboot as Reboot
- from pykickstart.commands.repo import F33_Repo as Repo
-diff --git a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
-index 6386c38cac..0e4dddaf5b 100644
---- a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
-+++ b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/kickstart.py
-@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class BTRFS(COMMANDS.BTRFS):
-     def parse(self, args):
-         """Parse the command."""
--        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
-         retval = super().parse(args)
-         # Check the file system type.
diff --git a/SOURCES/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch b/SOURCES/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cc7a049..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-From c0441afd407a1be5d20a5f02236fcea94efc3e4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
-Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 08:21:49 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 20002/20004] Add product configuration for CentOS Stream
- Hyperscale variant
-This is a minimal product configuration layered on top of the
-CentOS Stream Hyperscale product configuration that configures
-Anaconda to use Btrfs by default.
- data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
-diff --git a/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf b/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000000..88979adb55
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/data/product.d/centos-stream-hyperscale.conf
-@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-+# Anaconda configuration file for CentOS Stream Hyperscale
-+product_name = CentOS Stream
-+variant_name = Hyperscale
-+[Base Product]
-+product_name = CentOS Stream
-+default_scheme = BTRFS
-+# RHEL removes btrfs-progs, but we want it back
-+ignored_packages =
-+    ntfsprogs
-+    dmraid
-+default_rpm_gpg_keys =
-+    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial
-+    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-HyperScale
-+    /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-$releasever
-+updates_repositories =
-+    centos-hyperscale
-+    centos-hyperscale-spin
-+    epel
-+    epel-next
-+    powertools
diff --git a/SOURCES/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch b/SOURCES/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 877b730..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-From d7f5ce82a98b66831edaf6afd194ea43ce107c84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
-Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 21:01:07 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 20003/20004] Add support for detecting the Hyperscale variant
- in liveinst
-Anaconda does not rely on os-release(5) data directly to determine
-which product data to load, but instead needs either a /.buildstamp
-file or logic to populate environment variables to have Anaconda
-select the right configuration.
-This change adds logic to set the ANACONDA_PRODUCTVARIANT variable
-when the Hyperscale variant is detected on the system.
- data/liveinst/liveinst | 8 ++++++++
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/data/liveinst/liveinst b/data/liveinst/liveinst
-index 5cf32ecccf..cc5872c0ff 100755
---- a/data/liveinst/liveinst
-+++ b/data/liveinst/liveinst
-@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ if [ -f /etc/system-release ]; then
-     export ANACONDA_PRODUCTVERSION=$( cat /etc/system-release | sed -r -e 's/^.* ([0-9\.]+).*$/\1/' )
- fi
-+# set PRODUCTVARIANT if this is a CentOS Stream Hyperscale live image
-+if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
-+    variantid=$( grep VARIANT_ID /etc/os-release | tail -1 | cut -d= -f2)
-+    if [ "$variantid" = "hyperscale" ]; then
-+        export ANACONDA_PRODUCTVARIANT="Hyperscale"
-+    fi
- # set PRODUCTVARIANT if this is a Fedora Workstation live image
- # FIXME really, livemedia-creator should include .buildstamp in live
- # images, if it did, we could remove this:
diff --git a/SOURCES/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch b/SOURCES/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2539224..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-From fbecf007a3285c46852762dfeed0376c95ca6a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org>
-Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 23:26:59 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 20004/20004] Change fedora-welcome to centos-welcome
-This is being used for CentOS Stream rather than Fedora Linux,
-so adjust accordingly.
- data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am                  | 16 ++++++++--------
- ...ra-welcome.desktop => centos-welcome.desktop} |  4 ++--
- .../{fedora-welcome.js => centos-welcome.js}     | 12 ++++++------
- 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
- rename data/liveinst/gnome/{fedora-welcome.desktop => centos-welcome.desktop} (59%)
- rename data/liveinst/gnome/{fedora-welcome.js => centos-welcome.js} (93%)
-diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am b/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
-index 4f2f90b78d..f7bd07a526 100644
---- a/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
-+++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/Makefile.am
-@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@
- # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- welcomedir              = $(datadir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/gnome
--dist_welcome_DATA       = fedora-welcome.desktop
--dist_welcome_SCRIPTS    = fedora-welcome.js
-+dist_welcome_DATA       = centos-welcome.desktop
-+dist_welcome_SCRIPTS    = centos-welcome.js
- # Merge the translations into the desktop file
- # Use the merged translations in $(builddir). If no merged translations exist,
- # just exit.
--# Rename fedora-welcome.js to just fedora-welcome
-+# Rename centos-welcome.js to just centos-welcome
- install-data-hook:
- 	for p in $(top_builddir)/po/*.mpo ; do \
- 	    [ -e $$p ] || exit 0 ; \
--	    $(MSGFMT) --desktop --template=$(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop \
-+	    $(MSGFMT) --desktop --template=$(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop \
- 	        --locale=$$(basename $$p .mpo) \
--		-o $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop.new $$p || exit 1 ; \
--	    mv $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop.new $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/fedora-welcome.desktop || exit 1 ; \
-+		-o $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop.new $$p || exit 1 ; \
-+	    mv $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop.new $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir)/centos-welcome.desktop || exit 1 ; \
- 	done
--	cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && mv fedora-welcome.js fedora-welcome
-+	cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && mv centos-welcome.js centos-welcome
- uninstall-hook:
--	-cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && rm -f fedora-welcome
-+	-cd $(DESTDIR)$(welcomedir) && rm -f centos-welcome
-diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
-similarity index 59%
-rename from data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop
-rename to data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
-index 60e5c385d1..ce68d92641 100644
---- a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.desktop
-+++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.desktop
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- [Desktop Entry]
--Name=Welcome to Fedora
-+Name=Welcome to CentOS Stream
- Terminal=false
- Type=Application
- StartupNotify=true
-diff --git a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
-similarity index 93%
-rename from data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js
-rename to data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
-index 0520557afc..6b04106ac1 100755
---- a/data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome.js
-+++ b/data/liveinst/gnome/centos-welcome.js
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
-                                                 default_width: 600,
-                                                 default_height: 550,
-                                                 skip_taskbar_hint: true,
--                                                title: _("Welcome to Fedora"),
-+                                                title: _("Welcome to CentOS Stream"),
-                                                 window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER });
-       this.window.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this,
-           function(w, event) {
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
-                                      spacing: 16 });
-       tryContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'media-optical',
-                                      pixel_size: 256 }));
--      tryContent.add(makeLabel(_("Try Fedora"), true));
-+      tryContent.add(makeLabel(_("Try CentOS"), true));
-       let tryButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: tryContent });
-       buttonBox.add(tryButton);
-@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
-       let installContent = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
-                                          spacing: 16 });
--      // provided by the 'fedora-logos' package
-+      // provided by the 'centos-logos' package
-       installContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller',
-                                          pixel_size: 256 }));
-       installContent.add(makeLabel(anacondaApp.get_name(), true));
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
-       let installButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: installContent });
-       buttonBox.add(installButton);
--      this._label = makeLabel(_("You are currently running Fedora from live media.\nYou can install Fedora now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."), false);
-+      this._label = makeLabel(_("You are currently running CentOS Stream from live media.\nYou can install CentOS Stream now, or choose \"Install to Hard Drive\" in the Activities Overview at any later time."), false);
-       mainGrid.add(this._label);
-       installButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
-@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
-               buttonBox.destroy();
-               this._label.destroy();
--              // provided by the 'fedora-logos' package
-+              // provided by the 'centos-logos' package
-               let image = new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: 'org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller',
-                                           pixel_size: 256,
-                                           halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
-@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ const WelcomeWindow = new Lang.Class({
- Gettext.bindtextdomain('anaconda', LOCALE_DIR);
- Gettext.textdomain('anaconda');
- Gtk.init(null, null);
- Gtk.Settings.get_default().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = true;
diff --git a/SPECS/anaconda.spec b/SPECS/anaconda.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ab1cb..0000000
--- a/SPECS/anaconda.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6862 +0,0 @@
-Summary: Graphical system installer
-Name:    anaconda
-Release: 1.1%{?dist}
-License: GPLv2+ and MIT
-URL:     http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
-# To generate Source0 do:
-# git clone https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda
-# git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%%{version}-%%{release}
-# ./autogen.sh
-# make dist
-Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-## Hyperscale changes
-### Cf. https://pagure.io/centos-sig-hyperscale/anaconda/commits/c9s-hs-v34.25.0.24
-Patch20001: 20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
-Patch20002: 20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
-Patch20003: 20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
-Patch20004: 20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
-# Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires
-# match the requires versions of things).
-%if ! 0%{?rhel}
-%define blivetguiver 2.1.12-1
-%define dasbusver 1.3
-%define dbusver 1.2.3
-%define dnfver 3.6.0
-%define dracutver 034-7
-%define fcoeutilsver 1.0.12-3.20100323git
-%define gettextver 0.19.8
-%define gtk3ver 3.22.17
-%define helpver 22.1-1
-%define isomd5sumver 1.0.10
-%define langtablever 0.0.54
-%define libarchivever 3.0.4
-%define libblockdevver 2.1
-%define libreportanacondaver 2.0.21-1
-%define libtimezonemapver 0.4.1-2
-%define libxklavierver 5.4
-%define mehver 0.23-1
-%define nmver 1.0
-%define pykickstartver 3.32.2-1
-%define pypartedver 2.5-2
-%define pythonblivetver 1:3.4.0-11.1
-%define rpmver 4.10.0
-%define simplelinever 1.1-1
-%define subscriptionmanagerver 1.26
-%define utillinuxver 2.15.1
-# Because of Patch20004, we need to regenerate autofoo
-BuildRequires: autoconf
-BuildRequires: automake
-BuildRequires: git-core
-BuildRequires: libtool
-BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
-BuildRequires: libtool
-BuildRequires: gettext-devel >= %{gettextver}
-BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= %{gtk3ver}
-BuildRequires: gtk-doc
-BuildRequires: gtk3-devel-docs >= %{gtk3ver}
-BuildRequires: glib2-doc
-BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
-BuildRequires: glade-devel
-BuildRequires: libgnomekbd-devel
-BuildRequires: libxklavier-devel >= %{libxklavierver}
-BuildRequires: make
-BuildRequires: pango-devel
-BuildRequires: python3-devel
-BuildRequires: systemd
-# rpm and libarchive are needed for driver disk handling
-BuildRequires: rpm-devel >= %{rpmver}
-BuildRequires: libarchive-devel >= %{libarchivever}
-%ifarch s390 s390x
-BuildRequires: s390utils-devel
-BuildRequires: libtimezonemap-devel >= %{libtimezonemapver}
-# Tools used by the widgets resource bundle generation
-BuildRequires: gdk-pixbuf2-devel
-BuildRequires: libxml2
-Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
-The anaconda package is a metapackage for the Anaconda installer.
-%package core
-Summary: Core of the Anaconda installer
-Requires: python3-libs
-Requires: python3-dnf >= %{dnfver}
-Requires: python3-blivet >= %{pythonblivetver}
-Requires: python3-blockdev >= %{libblockdevver}
-Requires: python3-meh >= %{mehver}
-Requires: libreport-anaconda >= %{libreportanacondaver}
-Requires: libselinux-python3
-Requires: python3-rpm >= %{rpmver}
-Requires: python3-pyparted >= %{pypartedver}
-Requires: python3-requests
-Requires: python3-requests-file
-Requires: python3-requests-ftp
-Requires: python3-kickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
-Requires: python3-langtable >= %{langtablever}
-Requires: util-linux >= %{utillinuxver}
-Requires: python3-gobject-base
-Requires: python3-dbus
-Requires: python3-pwquality
-Requires: python3-systemd
-Requires: python3-productmd
-Requires: python3-dasbus >= %{dasbusver}
-Requires: flatpak-libs
-%if %{defined rhel} && %{undefined centos}
-Requires: subscription-manager >= %{subscriptionmanagerver}
-# pwquality only "recommends" the dictionaries it needs to do anything useful,
-# which is apparently great for containers but unhelpful for the rest of us
-Requires: cracklib-dicts
-Requires: python3-pytz
-Requires: teamd
-%ifarch s390 s390x
-Requires: openssh
-Requires: NetworkManager >= %{nmver}
-Requires: NetworkManager-libnm >= %{nmver}
-Requires: NetworkManager-team
-Requires: kbd
-Requires: chrony
-Requires: systemd
-Requires: python3-pid
-# Required by the systemd service anaconda-fips.
-Requires: crypto-policies
-Requires: /usr/bin/update-crypto-policies
-# required because of the rescue mode and VNC question
-Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
-# Make sure we get the en locale one way or another
-Requires: (glibc-langpack-en or glibc-all-langpacks)
-# anaconda literally runs its own dbus-daemon, so it needs this,
-# even though the distro default is dbus-broker in F30+
-Requires: dbus-daemon
-# Ensure it's not possible for a version of grubby to be installed
-# that doesn't work with btrfs subvolumes correctly...
-Conflicts: grubby < 8.40-10
-Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10
-Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: booty <= 0.107-1
-%description core
-The anaconda-core package contains the program which was used to install your
-%package live
-Summary: Live installation specific files and dependencies
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-# live installation currently implies a graphical installation
-Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: usermode
-Requires: zenity
-%description live
-The anaconda-live package contains scripts, data and dependencies required
-for live installations.
-%package install-env-deps
-Summary: Installation environment specific dependencies
-Requires: udisks2-iscsi
-Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
-# active directory/freeipa join support
-Requires: realmd
-Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-Recommends: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
-# likely HFS+ resize support
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-%if ! 0%{?rhel}
-Requires: hfsplus-tools
-# kexec support
-Requires: kexec-tools
-# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
-Requires: createrepo_c
-# run's on TTY1 in install env
-Requires: tmux
-# install time crash handling
-Requires: gdb
-# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
-Requires: rsync
-%description install-env-deps
-The anaconda-install-env-deps metapackage lists all installation environment dependencies.
-This makes it possible for packages (such as Initial Setup) to depend on the main Anaconda package without
-pulling in all the install time dependencies as well.
-%package install-img-deps
-Summary: Installation image specific dependencies
-# This package must have no weak dependencies.
-Requires: udisks2-iscsi
-Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
-# active directory/freeipa join support
-Requires: realmd
-Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-Requires: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
-# likely HFS+ resize support
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-%if ! 0%{?rhel}
-Requires: hfsplus-tools
-# kexec support
-Requires: kexec-tools
-# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
-Requires: createrepo_c
-# run's on TTY1 in install env
-Requires: tmux
-# install time crash handling
-Requires: gdb
-# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
-Requires: rsync
-# only WeakRequires elsewhere and not guaranteed to be present
-Requires: device-mapper-multipath
-Requires: zram-generator
-# Submitting bugs to bugzilla
-Requires: libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla
-%description install-img-deps
-The anaconda-install-img-deps metapackage lists all boot.iso installation image dependencies.
-Add this package to an image build (eg. with lorax) to ensure all Anaconda capabilities are supported in the resulting image.
-%package gui
-Summary: Graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer
-Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: anaconda-widgets = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: python3-meh-gui >= %{mehver}
-Requires: adwaita-icon-theme
-Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal
-Requires: libxklavier >= %{libxklavierver}
-Requires: libgnomekbd
-Requires: libtimezonemap >= %{libtimezonemapver}
-Requires: nm-connection-editor
-Requires: keybinder3
-%ifnarch s390 s390x
-Requires: NetworkManager-wifi
-Requires: anaconda-user-help >= %{helpver}
-Requires: yelp
-%if ! 0%{?rhel}
-Requires: blivet-gui-runtime >= %{blivetguiver}
-Requires: system-logos
-# Needed to compile the gsettings files
-BuildRequires: gsettings-desktop-schemas
-%description gui
-This package contains graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer.
-%package tui
-Summary: Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer
-Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: python3-simpleline >= %{simplelinever}
-%description tui
-This package contains textual user interface for the Anaconda installer.
-%package widgets
-Summary: A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anaconda
-Requires: %{__python3}
-%description widgets
-This package contains a set of custom GTK+ widgets used by the anaconda installer.
-%package widgets-devel
-Summary: Development files for anaconda-widgets
-Requires: glade
-Requires: %{name}-widgets%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description widgets-devel
-This package contains libraries and header files needed for writing the anaconda
-installer.  It also contains Python and Glade support files, as well as
-documentation for working with this library.
-%package dracut
-Summary: The anaconda dracut module
-Requires: dracut >= %{dracutver}
-Requires: dracut-network
-Requires: dracut-live
-Requires: xz
-Requires: python3-kickstart
-%description dracut
-The 'anaconda' dracut module handles installer-specific boot tasks and
-options. This includes driver disks, kickstarts, and finding the anaconda
-runtime on NFS/HTTP/FTP servers or local disks.
-%autosetup -S git_am
-# Regenerate autofoo
-autoreconf -fiv
-pushd widgets
-autoreconf -fiv
-# use actual build-time release number, not tarball creation time release number
-%configure ANACONDA_RELEASE=%{release}
-%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
-find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
-# Create an empty directory for addons
-mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/addons
-# required for live installations
-desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop
-# If no langs found, keep going
-%find_lang %{name} || :
-# main package and install-env-deps are metapackages
-%files install-env-deps
-# Allow the lang file to be empty
-%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
-%files install-img-deps
-# Allow the lang file to be empty here too
-%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
-%files core -f %{name}.lang
-%license COPYING
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/gnome
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/pixmaps
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/window-manager
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/anaconda-gtk.css
-%exclude %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_*
-%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/rescue.py*
-%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/__pycache__/rescue.*
-%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/*
-%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/tui/*
-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
-%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/*
-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d
-%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d/*
-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d
-%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d/*
-%files live
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/*
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/*
-%files gui
-%if 0%{?rhel}
-# Remove blivet-gui
-%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
-%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
-%files tui
-%files widgets
-%files widgets-devel
-%files dracut
-%dir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}
-* Mon Jan 17 2022 Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org> -
-- Add changes for CentOS Hyperscale spin
-  + Re-enable Btrfs support
-  + Add CentOS Stream Hyperscale config
-  + Debrand the liveinst welcome widget
-  + Add support for Hyperscale variant in liveinst
-* Tue Jan 11 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
-- Create the LVM devices file (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2011329
-- Update outdated system purpose related strings (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#2015059
-- Always set system purpose from GUI (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2015059
-* Thu Dec 09 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
-- Fix boot options generated by the dracut module (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2003217
-* Thu Dec 02 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
-- Add base repo name for CentOS Stream after repository renaming (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955331
-- The OPAL compatibility with XFS features is mandatory (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2008792
-* Fri Nov 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Wait for all background threads to finish before filling installation task
-  queue (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2017428
-- Check the support for the Subscription module on startup (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1957063
-- Activate DBus modules based on the new configuration options (vponcova)
-  Related: rhbz#1957063
-- Add new configuration options for the DBus module activation (vponcova)
-  Related: rhbz#1957063
-- Add product config for Rocky Linux (tucklesepk)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2019995
-* Fri Nov 05 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Fix application of network --mtu kickstart option in Anaconda (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2019813
-- Print progress dots on one line in TUI (honza.stodola)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1998668
-- Roll back Satellite provisioning if subscription attempt fails with error
-  (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2010865
-* Wed Oct 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Unify GUI & TUI root spoke completeness conditions (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1999646
-- Make network spoke GUI more robust in cases of missing NM Client. (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2014241
-- Do not crash on missing NM Client on --vnc installations (rvykydal)
-  Related: rhbz#2014241
-- In installer environment set static, not transient hostname (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2009403
-- Add AlmaLinux product support (andrew.lukoshko)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2004653
-* Wed Oct 06 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Fix Satellite provisioning rollback after unregistration (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2006718
-- Payload should wait for all storage related threads to finish (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2006786
-- Make organization fetching errors non-fatal (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2006375
-* Thu Sep 23 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Verify the OPAL compatibility with XFS features (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2000923
-- Generate LVM device file after installation (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2005034
-* Wed Sep 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
-- Support multi-org accounts in the GUI (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1965105
-- Pass error instance directly to error callback (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1965105
-- Add the RetrieveOrganizationsTask task (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1965105
-- Unit test adjustments - asynchronous handler (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Unit test adjustments - subscription module (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Unit test adjustments - DBus tasks (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Split system purpose tests to a separate file (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Add tests for the new Satellite helper module (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Reflect Satellite use in source spoke (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Report registration to Satellite in the GUI (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Rename "Custom server URL" to "Satellite URL" (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Add Satellite support to asynchronous registration handler (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1951709
-- Add handler for install time Satellite provisioning error (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Use target system Satellite provisioning DBus task (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Satellite related changes in the Subscription DBus module (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Add Satellite related DBus tasks (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Add Satellite support module (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Remove misleading warning about inst.ks.device replacing ksdevice (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#2000140
-- Create shared constants file for subscription module (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-- Move USER_AGENT to core/constants.py (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1951709
-* Thu Aug 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Add dependency for bugzilla reporting plugin (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1992991
-* Tue Aug 24 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Check source type directly, not via DBus (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955311
-- Move post installation scripts to the end of queue (lveyde)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1983922
-* Wed Aug 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Fix dependency on zram-generator (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1991617
-* Mon Aug 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Make critical warnings from Dracut more visible (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
-- Print Dracut errors encountered during boot after Anaconda starts (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
-- Add function to print critical warnings more visible during boot (jkonecny)
-  Related: rhbz#1983098
-- Add new error reporting hook when Dracut timeout (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
-- Disable built-in help system on RHEL 9 for now (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1949073
-- Make it possible to disable the built-in help system (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1949073
-- Add a mechanism to hide help button per page (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1949073
-- Make sure parent class initialize() method is run in spokes (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1949073
-- Disable anaconda-core's requirement on subscription-manager on CentOS (carl)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1984959
-* Tue Jul 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Run installation tasks from ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
-  Related: rhbz#1977348
-- Add the CollectConfigureBootloaderTasks method (vponcova)
-  Related: rhbz#1977348
-- Add the ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks method (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1977348
-- Show suggestions for an error caused by inconsistent sector sizes (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955514
-- Configure the multilib policy of the target system (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1962026
-- Enable the zram-generator service again (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1975881
-- Enable NM autoconnections only if inst.ks and ip= is not used (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1978264
-- Disable NM autoconnections in Anaconda (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1978264
-* Mon Jun 28 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Remove kickstart btrfs support (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1961087
-- Use RHEL9 versions of commands from RHEL9 handler (mkolman)
-  Related: rhbz#1961087
-- Use RHEL 9 handler (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1961087
-* Tue Jun 22 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Update the pixel depth of xvnc server from 16 to 24 (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1973607
-- Clean up the initialization of PartTypeSpoke (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-- Use C.UTF-8 if the requested locale is unsupported (vponcova)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1958876
-- Don't match a non-POSIX locale with a POSIX langcode (vponcova)
-  Related: rhbz#1958876
-- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-- Make it possible to skip install time Insights errors (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955296
-- Fix literal curly braces in dracut scripts (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-- Fix logging messages (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-- Fix broken hashbang (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
-* Tue Jun 08 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Add unit test for biosdevname package requirement (rvykydal)
-  Related: rhbz#1964455
-- Require biosdevname package if biosdevname=1 boot option is set (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1964455
-- Replace the deprecated syspurpose CLI tool with SetSysrpose DBus call
-  (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1939708
-* Wed Jun 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Revert "Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement"" (jkonecny)
-  Related: rhbz#1947376
-- Revert "Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd
-  services"" (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
-- Revert "Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments" (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
-- Revert "Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from
-  Dracut"" (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
-* Tue May 25 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Revert "Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)"
-  Resolves: rhbz#1855736
-- Add a log message for successful installation (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955312
-- Remove support for metacity (rvykydal)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1961104
-- Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1855736
-* Wed May 19 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Avoid a race condition during Connect to Red Hat spoke initialization
-  (mkolman)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1959383
-* Mon May 17 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Support also gnome-kiosk window manager (rvykydal)
-  Related: rhbz#1960682
-* Tue May 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Add RHEL-specific advice to X timeout message (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- Fix AskVNCSpoke call (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- Improve X startup error messages (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- Terminate X server after timeout and restore crash test handler (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- Reorganize control flow in startX (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- Handle SIGUSR1 correctly after Xorg timeout (vslavik)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1955306
-- Refactor minor details in startX (vslavik)
-  Related: rhbz#1955306
-- subscription: allow dates in ISO 8601 format (ptoscano)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1947447
-* Mon May 10 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement" (rvykydal)
-  Related: rhbz#1947376
-- Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments (jkonecny)
-  Related: rhbz#1947376
-- Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services"
-  (jkonecny)
-  Related: rhbz#1947376
-- Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut"
-  (jkonecny)
-  Related: rhbz#1947376
-- The kernel boot argument sshd is removed and should warn user (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1954672
-* Tue May 04 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
-- Remove support for boot arguments without the "inst." prefix (jkonecny)
-  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
-* Mon Apr 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.9-1
-- Allow to exclude the kernel-lpae package (vponcova)
-* Wed Mar 31 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.8-1
-- ostree: ignore exit code 65 for systemd-tmpfiles (vponcova)
-- Turn off wrapping of the scale values (vponcova)
-- Make the scale visible by default (#1943370) (vponcova)
-* Tue Mar 30 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.7-1
-- network: match also connections named by MAC created by NM in initramfs
-  (rvykydal)
-- Create /tmp with the right permissions (#1937626) (vponcova)
-- Don't recommend zram-generator-defaults (#1938132) (vponcova)
-- Don't automatically execute the default partitioning (vponcova)
-- Fix the warning about working NTP servers (#1889180) (vponcova)
-- Remove implicit dependencies (vponcova)
-- Don't install anaconda-install-env-deps by default (vponcova)
-* Mon Mar 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.6-1
-- Check if the mount point exists before calling statvfs (#1824357) (vponcova)
-- Do not follow symlinks when copying /etc/resolv.conf (#1933454) (rvykydal)
-- Use the volume UUID to search for the GRUB config in btrfs partitions
-  (javierm)
-- Drop python3-syspurpose dependency (mkolman)
-- Fix copypaste typo in github owner tests (vslavik)
-- Modify owner tests for this f34-release branch (vslavik)
-- Fix running tests for the f34-devel branch (vslavik)
-- Wrap text in spoke title labels, if needed (vslavik)
-- Wrap welcome spoke title if needed (vslavik)
-- Choose the best locale more carefully (#1933384) (vponcova)
-- Make the user interface context safe for the initial setup (vponcova)
-- The network spoke should be visible in live spins (#1932961) (vponcova)
-- Ignore Pylint errors on DNF API (vslavik)
-- Ignore Pylint errors for PropertiesChanged.connect (vslavik)
-- Silence false Pylint warning (vslavik)
-- Ignore false Pylint errors for Enum subclasses (vslavik)
-- Determine GRUB directory relative path to use in config file (javierm)
-* Mon Feb 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.5-1
-- Add the "Encrypt my data" checkbox to the custom partitioning spoke
-  (vponcova)
-- Don't translate prompt keys (#1892830) (vponcova)
-- Fix RHEL zram conditional in spec file (mkolman)
-- Remove interactive parameter from container-rpm-test (jkonecny)
-- Add container push for rpm containers (jkonecny)
-- Enable our and blivet COPR repositories for rpm tests (jkonecny)
-- vconsole font selection to cover more langs (suanand)
-* Thu Feb 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.4-1
-- [Storage] add btrfs_compression option (#1928857) (michel)
-- Correct branch config after merge (vslavik)
-- Enable Makefiles and Dockerfiles for branched Fedora (vslavik)
-- packit: make tests ⊂ builds for the chroot set (ttomecek)
-- packit: run all actions in a single action (ttomecek)
-- configure.ac: make the Copyright up to date (ttomecek)
-- ovirt: rebase on CentOS Stream (sbonazzo)
-- Use a custom stylesheet to define RHEL-specific stylesheet data (vponcova)
-- Remove unused variables from Makefile (vslavik)
-- Drop astroid hotfix patch (jkonecny)
-- Don't block the start of the Network module by the hostname service
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove unused variables related to mock (vslavik)
-- Save lorax-packages.log to installed system (rvykydal)
-* Mon Feb 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.3-1
-- Do not hard-require zram-generator-default on RHEL just yet (mkolman)
-- Improve Packit configuration to use fedora-development (jkonecny)
-- Add a kickstart specification for the main process (vponcova)
-- Adapt Packit configuration to a newly branched Fedora (jkonecny)
-- Create swap by default in RHEL-based installations (#1915297) (vponcova)
-- Add missing space to a message (vslavik)
-- Use Linux HOST_NAME_MAX hostname length limit (xiaqirong1)
-* Fri Feb 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.2-1
-- Rename pyanaconda.modules.common.typing (vponcova)
-* Thu Feb 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.1-1
-- Adjust configuration options for Fedora 34 (mkolman)
-- Add dependabot support for GitHub actions (jkonecny)
-- Set volume id for iso built for kickstart test (rvykydal)
-- Guess the default product name from the os-release files (vponcova)
-- Apply overrides for the anaconda widgets only in the test environment
-  (vponcova)
-- Create real updates images (vponcova)
-- Remove deprecated support for add-ons (vponcova)
-- Don't run installation tasks of add-ons in a meta task (vponcova)
-- network: wrap IP addresses showed in GUI for wireless devices (#1925781)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Install support for non-ascii keyboard layouts (#1919483) (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 08 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24-1
-- Modify spec file to add patches required on rhel-9 rebuild (#1907566)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Unify GRUB configuration file location across all platforms (javierm)
-- Do not use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR
-  (rvykydal)
-- Move finding flatpak size to a task (vslavik)
-- Move flatpak installation code to a task (vslavik)
-- Move and rename FlatpakPayload (vslavik)
-- Abort with a message on invalid host name in kickstart (vslavik)
-- Use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR (rvykydal)
-- Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement (#1912502) (jkonecny)
-- Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services (#1912502)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Remove check to avoid process of help and version boot args (#1912502)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Remove Anaconda boot arguments without inst. prefix from stage2 (#1912502)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Add support for non-critical installation errors (vponcova)
-- Don't run a canceled task (vponcova)
-- Fix exclude arguments of tar payload extracting. (rvykydal)
-- Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut
-  (#1912502) (jkonecny)
-- Cache flatpak size instead of persistent instance (vslavik)
-* Fri Feb 05 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.23-1
-- Add a metapackage for image (boot.iso) dependencies (vslavik)
-- Take dnf substitutions from installer environment configuration (rvykydal)
-- Fix getting kernel version list for liveimg (rvykydal)
-* Wed Feb 03 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.22-1
-- Don't initialize the software selection if the payload is not set up
-  (#1916114) (vponcova)
-- Unify the ready methods of the software selection spokes (vponcova)
-- Deprecate the interactive-defaults.ks file (vponcova)
-- Deprecate the %%anaconda section and the pwpolicy command (vponcova)
-- Apply the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Upate repo url for kickstart tests run on PR (rvykydal)
-- Adjust RHV-H product config to match real implementation (sbonazzo)
-- Add DBus support for the password policies (vponcova)
-- Don't use the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Create a DBus structure for the password policy (vponcova)
-- Add the password_policies configuration option (vponcova)
-- Move Users module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move Security module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move partitioning specification test to directory (vslavik)
-- Move Payloads module and source tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move Network module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Add the configuration options can_change_root and can_change_users (vponcova)
-- Remove some unused methods from the FSSet class (vponcova)
-- Mount the /tmp of the installed system as a tmpfs (#1306452) (vponcova)
-- Create the get_system_filesystems function (vponcova)
-- Create the collect_filesystems method (vponcova)
-- Do not use cache for container build (jkonecny)
-- Update list of projects to test after move from Zanata to Weblate (vtrefny)
-- Ignore fallback ITS rule warning from gettext (vtrefny)
-- Switch the license to LGPL (dshea)
-* Thu Jan 28 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.21-1
-- Allow to disable the Security module (vponcova)
-- Add important files for container build to rebuild check (jkonecny)
-- Avoid using DockerHub because of limits (jkonecny)
-- anaconda should add only s390utils-core (dan)
-- Fix root password and LUKS passphrase visibility toggle (#1911360) (mkolman)
-- Fix the should_run methods of the network spoke (vponcova)
-- Prevent shell injection from a /kickstart-test comment (jkonecny)
-- network: validate bond options on our side after change in NM (#1918744)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: fix bond confiuration for empty bond options (#1918744) (rvykydal)
-- Allow to disable the Services module (vponcova)
-* Fri Jan 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.20-1
-- Add master unit-tests to contributors (gated) workflow (jkonecny)
-- Add master test execution for owners for this repository (jkonecny)
-- Rename validate-rhel-8 workflow to tests-contributors (jkonecny)
-- Specify version 3 of GTK+ and GDK for fedora-welcome (awilliam)
-* Thu Jan 21 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.19-1
-- Fix nose tests execution command when installed from pip (jkonecny)
-- Add missing nose test dependency back from pip (jkonecny)
-- Use RHEL help content for RHV/Ovirt (mkolman)
-- Remove build-time dependencies for nose tests (vslavik)
-- Allow to disable the Localization module (vponcova)
-- Rename kickstart status reporting to kickstart-test (jkonecny)
-- Skip storage-related spokes in the initial setup (#1918048) (vponcova)
-- Support should_run for standalone GUI spokes (vponcova)
-- GH workflow: do not fail all matrix jobs on failure of one (jkonecny)
-- Update versions of the kickstart commands (vponcova)
-- network: handle wireless configure button sensitiveness (rvykydal)
-- Allow to disable the network installation (vponcova)
-- Allow to disable the Users module (vponcova)
-- Allow to disable the Timezone module (vponcova)
-- Select disks for implicit partitions (vponcova)
-- Extend the PartSpec class (vponcova)
-- for non-ascii keyboard layouts, set 'native' to the virtual console
-  explicitly Resolves: rhbz#1912609 (suanand)
-* Mon Jan 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.18-1
-- Skip payload-related spokes in the initial setup (#1915541) (vponcova)
-- Always show pykickstart parse warnings (vslavik)
-- Grab GitHub notifications for periodic workflows (jkonecny)
-- Split OSTree sysroot-setting to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree pull to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree deployment to a task (vslavik)
-- Stop the timer that calls a callback for clicking on the continue button
-  (vponcova)
-- Formatting fixes (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree bootloader configuration to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree remote changes to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree fs and repo initialization to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OSTree bootloader data copying to a task (vslavik)
-- Split OStree mount target preparation to a task (vslavik)
-- Move the RPM OSTree test to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move the safe_exec_with_redirect function (vslavik)
-- Save logs correctly after container update GH action run (jkonecny)
-* Mon Jan 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.17-1
-- Always report IPMI events from the exit dialog windows (vponcova)
-- Always report IPMI events from the exception handler (vponcova)
-- Always log IPMI events (vponcova)
-- Add a new handler for PayloadSetupError and SourceSetupError (vponcova)
-- Remove the error handlers for removed or unused DNF errors (vponcova)
-- Refactorize the code for handling marking errors (vponcova)
-- Don't run the error handler in the installation code (vponcova)
-- Don't run the error handler if there is no callback (vponcova)
-- Reorganize the mapping of error handlers (vponcova)
-- Remove the error handler for no such group (vponcova)
-- Remove the error handler for invalid image size (vponcova)
-- Flush stdout during the TUI installation (vponcova)
-- Set the PR status ASAP for kickstart tests (jkonecny)
-- Always update container images before running workflow (jkonecny)
-- Solve problem with missing loop device for kstest run (jkonecny)
-- Remove the error handler for the missing image (vponcova)
-- Remove the error handler for the unsupported algorithm (vponcova)
-- Handle errors in the installation tasks (vponcova)
-- Initialize librepo logger (#1908286) (pkratoch)
-- Add rpm-tests support for external contributors (jkonecny)
-- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in TUI by default
-  (vponcova)
-- Don't run spokes that don't support live payloads (vponcova)
-- Don't run spokes that don't support dir installations (vponcova)
-- Don't run spokes that don't support non-package payloads (vponcova)
-- Create a user interface context (vponcova)
-- Add how to run a subset of nosetests to tests README (jkonecny)
-- Fix warning when running a subset of nosetests (jkonecny)
-- network: fix double-free using libnm function filter_connections() (rvykydal)
-- Provide a hint for the desired capacity (vponcova)
-- Fix python3 rpm package name in spec file (jkonecny)
-- Allow to interrupt media verification (#1349152) (honza.stodola)
-- Use correct identity for ELN (sgallagh)
-- virtualization: add missing /var/crash (sbonazzo)
-* Mon Jan 04 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.16-1
-- Enable rpm-tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
-- Fix create_rpm_test on Fedora ELN/RHEL (mpitt)
-- Fix container-rpm-test log output (mpitt)
-- Define container for running rpm-tests (mpitt)
-- Move to official fedora ELN container image (mpitt)
-- Remove 'firstboot --enable' from interactive defaults (vponcova)
-- Build real boot.iso for /kickstart-tests runs (mpitt)
-- Fix artifact name in kickstart-tests.yml workflow (mpitt)
-- Import imp on demand (vponcova)
-- Adapt UI and tests to localhost.localdomain setting removal (rvykydal)
-- Stop trying to set the default hostname (zbyszek)
-- Document how to run kickstart tests in anaconda PRs (mpitt)
-- Update the GitHub workflow documentation (mpitt)
-- Add description of our GH workflow to tests/README file (jkonecny)
-- Remove the support for updates on a floppy disk (vponcova)
-- Fix list of Anaconda tests (jkonecny)
-- Disable the debug solver debugging (vponcova)
-- Select groups from a kickstart file in GUI (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from GUI (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from TUI (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF payload class (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from the installation tasks (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF utilities (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF manager (vponcova)
-- Handle the %%packages section in the DBus module (vponcova)
-- Add the PackagesSeen property (vponcova)
-- Add CentOS Stream config (riehecky)
-- Deprecate the level option of the logging kickstart command (vponcova)
-* Mon Dec 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.15-1
-- Drop old WiFi & geocoding based geolocation support (mkolman)
-- Add bot PR comment to run kickstart tests (mpitt)
-- Migrate Anaconda daily COPR builds to Packit (jkonecny)
-- Fix missing inst. prefixes for bootloader options in documentation (jkonecny)
-- network: make generating of kickstart more robust (#1897832) (rvykydal)
-- Fixup category sorting (mkolman)
-- Place the user tasks into the right task queue (rvykydal)
-- Lower geolocation connection timeout to 5 seconds (#1774873) (mkolman)
-- Remove unused hubQ messages (vponcova)
-- Remove the justUpdate argument (vponcova)
-- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in GUI by default
-  (vponcova)
-- Don't use an empty string as a system root (vponcova)
-- Fix logs from the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
-- Don't enter spokes after we leave the Summary hub (vponcova)
-- network: rename Gtk cell renderer to prevent name collision (rvykydal)
-- network: add unit tests for SecretsAgent (rvykydal)
-- network: make SecretAgentDialog a bit more robust (rvykydal)
-- network: move wireless secret agent bits into a separate file (rvykydal)
-- Fix the logic for enabling latest updates (vponcova)
-- Add better explanation what the `make admin user` means (#1803251) (jkonecny)
-- Define the updates repositories in the Anaconda configuration files
-  (#1642513) (vponcova)
-- Migrate User spoke glade file to 3.38 version (jkonecny)
-- network: migrate SecretAgent from python-dbus to dasbus (rvykydal)
-- Translate spoke category title directly at runtime (mkolman)
-- Add description and links for bug keyword searches (vslavik)
-- Apply pylint excessive memory usage fix (mpitt)
-- Set shorter workflow timeouts (mpitt)
-- Fix issue when ns_info cannot be retrieved for NVDimm namespace (jkonecny)
-- Allow encryption of thin logical volumes (vponcova)
-- Fix error in initrd: shift count out of range (honza.stodola)
-* Tue Nov 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.14-1
-- Set workflow temp mail and user to GH actions rebase (jkonecny)
-- Rebase test pull request also for rhel-8 contributors (jkonecny)
-- Build Anaconda for ELN (jkonecny)
-- Create the get_kernel_version_list function for the DNF payload (vponcova)
-- Create the sort_kernel_version_list function (vponcova)
-- Move the unit tests for the payload base utils to a new file (vponcova)
-- Remove the duplicate code for kernel version lists (vponcova)
-- Move the get_kernel_version_list function to the Live OS utilities (vponcova)
-- network: do not use dialog for just single wireless connection to configure
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add the apply_specs function (vponcova)
-- Add the get_installation_specs function (vponcova)
-- Add the get_default_environment function (vponcova)
-- Add the environments property to the DNF manager (vponcova)
-- Set the RPM macros with an installation task (vponcova)
-- network: fix configuration of wireless networks (rvykydal)
-- Rebase branches to current master before testing (mpitt)
-- network: use dialog instead of combobox to select wireless network (rvykydal)
-- network: deal with obsolete ssid when configuring wireless (rvykydal)
-- network: use function instead of assigned lambda in wireless activation
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: do not update wireless AP combo active item when not necessary
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: do not use obsolete access points in wireless configuration
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add upstream tag hint for Packit (jkonecny)
-- Create an installation task for import of RPM keys (vponcova)
-- Remove leftover bootloader-related code from the Payloads service (vponcova)
-- Add workflow for daily RHEL COPR build (mpitt)
-- Remove the storage logger (vponcova)
-- Remove the loglevel option (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for changing the log level (vponcova)
-- Handle missing spice-vdagent (#1897153) (vponcova)
-- rhbz#1888697 list important major languages (suanand)
-- Run master tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
-- Fix handling of empty $CI_TAG (mpitt)
-- Skip blivet-gui tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
-- Drop obsolete id: from validate workflow (mpitt)
-- Create the get_download_size method (vponcova)
-- Create the get_installation_size method (vponcova)
-- Create the dump_configuration method (vponcova)
-- Create the configure_base function (vponcova)
-- Create the configure_proxy method (vponcova)
-- Create an abstraction of the DNF base (vponcova)
-- Create the configure_dnf_logging function (vponcova)
-- Create the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
-- Create the get_product_release_version function (vponcova)
-- Drop testing in mock (mpitt)
-- Remove the method command (vslavik)
-- Fix incomplete configuration of repositories loaded from treeinfo (#1745064)
-  (honza.stodola)
-- Fix checking ssl certificate for metadata (#1745064) (honza.stodola)
-- Root password is mandatory if there is *not* admin user. (rvykydal)
-* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.13-1
-- Skip add-on modules that failed to start (vponcova)
-- Return the exit status of a Python module that failed to start (vponcova)
-- Fix the priority of the ostreesetup kickstart command (#1896761) (vponcova)
-- Drop obsolete dependency_solver.py script from rpm-tests (mpitt)
-- Run a DBus task to configure FIPS on the installed system (vponcova)
-- Run a DBus task to set up FIPS for the payload installation (vponcova)
-* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.12-1
-- Use podman for pushing the nightly container update (mpitt)
-- Robustify container-autoupdate workflow (mpitt)
-- Disable seccomp profile when running containers on Ubuntu host (mpitt)
-- Use podman in GitHub workflows (mpitt)
-- Remove deviceprobe and install commands (vslavik)
-- Change handling of UID and GID values (vslavik)
-- Send UID and GID over D-Bus as UInt32 (vslavik)
-- Correct limits for UIDs and GIDs in GUI (vslavik)
-- Rename Subscription module tests (vslavik)
-- Rename common module tests (vslavik)
-- Rename Boss module tests (vslavik)
-- Remove autostep functionality (vslavik)
-- Don't include unknown files in the updates image (vponcova)
-- Clean up the code for the platform-specific partitioning requirements
-  (vponcova)
-- Use a property for the platform-specific stage1 constraints (vponcova)
-- Use a property for the stage1 device descriptions (vponcova)
-- Use a property to provide a suggestion for the stage1 device (vponcova)
-- Use a property to define non-linux format types (vponcova)
-- Use a property to define platform-specific packages (vponcova)
-- Do not fail user check job in rhel-8 validate workflow (jkonecny)
-- Move the code that sets up the default disklabel type from platform.py
-  (vponcova)
-- Add unit tests for platform.py (vponcova)
-- Revert "Standardize calls to parent via super()" in platform.py (#1858649)
-  (vponcova)
-* Thu Nov 05 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.11-1
-- Fix user permission checking for rhel-8 validate task (jkonecny)
-- Adjust rhel-8 log retrieval for changed container volume handling (mpitt)
-- Don't clobber host checkout on `make container-ci` (mpitt)
-- Drop anaconda-ci container entrypoint (mpitt)
-- workflows: Add manual triggering of tests (mpitt)
-- Fix and robustify validate workflow (mpitt)
-- Mock os.stat in the unit tests (vponcova)
-- Fix traceback when starting installation with inst.console (no args)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Add container image build badge (jkonecny)
-- Rename our GH action for container build to a better name (jkonecny)
-- Improve the documentation of inst.variant (vponcova)
-- Add selinux=0 boot parameter when SELinux is set to disabled (#1882464)
-  (omosnace)
-- Clean up the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Update the NVDIMM actions before we generate the output kickstart (vponcova)
-- Make the storage available to the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
-- Remove the execWithCaptureBinary function (vponcova)
-- Remove unused getters from the Subscription spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove an unused getter from the NetworkControlBox class (vponcova)
-- Remove the URLType enum (vponcova)
-- Remove the method_type property from the source classes (vponcova)
-- Remove the subscription-related unused code (vponcova)
-- Remove the DBus method GetPartitioned (vponcova)
-- Remove the active attribute from the FSSet class (vponcova)
-- Remove the short_label attribute from the BootLoaderImage class (vponcova)
-- Remove the can_dual_boot attribute from the Bootloader class (vponcova)
-- Remove the langcode_matches_locale function (vponcova)
-- Remove unused properties from the GeocodingResult class (vponcova)
-- Remove payload-related unused code (vponcova)
-- Remove unused code (vponcova)
-- kickstart.py: fix typo (kai.kang)
-- Remove the debug flag (vponcova)
-- Add workaround to fix support for installtree without repo (jkonecny)
-- Build container image only if the container files changed (jkonecny)
-- Names of signal handlers should have the on_ prefix (vponcova)
-- Move UI test to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move Storage module tests to directories (vslavik)
-- Move Localization module tests to directory (vslavik)
-- Change documentation - it's not required to build the container (jkonecny)
-- Push also latest tag just for master container (jkonecny)
-- Push new image only if unit tests went well (jkonecny)
-- Add GH workflow to build and push master container to registry (jkonecny)
-- Add anaconda-ci-push to Makefile to push container (jkonecny)
-- Use our container registry to tag anaconda-ci container (jkonecny)
-- Rename ci-tasks container to anaconda-ci (jkonecny)
-* Fri Oct 23 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.10-1
-- Move the code for the kernel package selection to new functions (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for PAE (vponcova)
-- Move Timezone module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move Subscription module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move Boss module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move common module tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Add directory for module tests (vslavik)
-- Move UI tests to a directory (vslavik)
-- Move core tests to directory (vslavik)
-- Do not exclude English from available languages (vslavik)
-- Add ELN support (sgallagh)
-- Fix testing target branch instead of PR branch (jkonecny)
-- Remove the old support for the requirements (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the requirements of the DBus modules to the Boss module
-  (vponcova)
-- Move the requirements for FIPS to the Security module (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the driver disk requirements to a new function (vponcova)
-- Move the code for platform requirements to a new function (vponcova)
-- Move the code for language requirements to new functions (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for language groups (vponcova)
-- Use constants for the types of requirements (vponcova)
-- Move constants to prevent circular dependency (vslavik)
-- Hardening of our GH action event trigger (jkonecny)
-- network: handle None values of team configuration correctly (rvykydal)
-- Verify RPM exists before running it (vslavik)
-- Relabel the anaconda logs after copying them to the installed system
-  (jstodola)
-- post-scripts need to be sorted (honza.stodola)
-- Fix ci-tasks container shell instructions (mpitt)
-- Collect pylint and nosetests logs in validate workflow (mpitt)
-- Clean up s390 partitioning check (#1855724) (vslavik)
-- Show test-suite.log in validate workflow on failure (mpitt)
-- More aggressive pylint downscaling (mpitt)
-- Fix pylint downscaling (mpitt)
-- fix “0 storage devices selected”abnormality (69908158+xqrustc2020)
-* Wed Oct 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.9-1
-- Add link to metacity enums schema (mpitt)
-- Fix local tests run inside of container (jkonecny)
-- Clean up the live image payload module (vponcova)
-- Calculate required space from sources (vponcova)
-- Provide the set-up and tear-down tasks of the live image source (vponcova)
-- Use sources in the live image payload (vponcova)
-- Create a DBus structure for the live image (vponcova)
-- Create a basic file structure for the live image source (vponcova)
-- Restrict pylint parallelism to available RAM (mpitt)
-- Fix crash on nonexisting network config directories (mpitt)
-- Allow running tests with docker (mpitt)
-- Clean up container build/run rules and variables (mpitt)
-- Robustify GitHub actions runner download in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
-- Add variable for extra labels to GitHub action runner entry point (mpitt)
-- Don't stop unit tests when the tests failed (jkonecny)
-- Document possibility to run container tests without autotools (jkonecny)
-- Make it possible to call make -f Makefile.am (jkonecny)
-- Don't ignore the timezone kickstart command in the tests (vponcova)
-- Run validate workflow in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
-- Fix SECTION headers in docstrings (mpitt)
-- Add GitHub actions runner to ci-tasks container (martin)
-- Make it easier to run make commands (jkonecny)
-- Remove support for the nfsiso: pseudo-protocol (vslavik)
-- Fix formatting of contribution guidelines document (jkonecny)
-- Fix missing space in Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Add more options how to start the tests container (jkonecny)
-- Fix dependency_solver to not require spec file for pip dependencies
-  (jkonecny)
-- Add container workflow to tests README file (jkonecny)
-- Add Makefile target to run tests in container (jkonecny)
-- Add Makefile target to build container (jkonecny)
-- Add Dockerfile for anaconda unit-tests (jkonecny)
-- Allow to format selected DASDs (vponcova)
-- Test for wrong spellings of OSTree (vslavik)
-- network: remove function that is not used anymore (rvykydal)
-- network: do not create ifcfg files in initramfs (rvykydal)
-- network: handle special binding for ifname= also when updating a connection
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: update comments in method for dumping default connections (rvykydal)
-- network: update apply kickstart for everything applied in stage2 (rvykydal)
-- network: remove task for consolidating of initramfs connections (rvykydal)
-- network: remove task for setting real ONBOOT values (rvykydal)
-- Run rpm tests in a GitHub action (martin)
-- Separate RPM installability test from rpm_tests (martin)
-- Define make targets for building source and binary rpms (martin)
-- Drop superfluous build in `make run-rpm-tests-only` (martin)
-- Fix spelling/name of OSTree (vslavik)
-- Remove the inst.singlelang boot option (vslavik)
-- Set up proxy environmental variables with a function (vponcova)
-- Show in the first screen only translated locales (vslavik)
-- Run unit tests in a GitHub action (martin)
-- Mark the ostreesetup kickstart command as useless (vponcova)
-- Use the RPM OSTree module in the UI (vponcova)
-- Implement SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
-- Finalize the code that sets up and tear downs the RPM OS Tree source
-  (vponcova)
-- Improve the string representation of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
-- Implement network_required of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
-- Mock system operations in MountFilesystemsTask task (martin)
-- Add missing "rpm-build" test dependency (martin)
-- Add missing "make" BuildRequires (martin)
-- Fix mock installation/usage instructions (martin)
-- Fix nosetests name in tests/README.rst (martin)
-- Fix tests/README.rst syntax (martin)
-- Stop passing rd.{dm,md,lvm,luks}=0 in installer environment (awilliam)
-* Thu Oct 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.8-1
-- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
-- Fix show missing inst. prefix warning appropriately (#1875561) (jkonecny)
-- Fix unit test dependency installation for boolean expressions (martin)
-- Drop obsolete Py_Initialize link check in configure (martin)
-- Document the mount points of the target system (vponcova)
-- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
-- Import RPM certificates at end of installation (vslavik)
-* Tue Sep 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.7-1
-- Remove the Packages module (vponcova)
-- Handle the %%packages section in the DNF module (vponcova)
-- Create the DBus property Packages (vponcova)
-- Create the DBus structure for the packages configuration (vponcova)
-- network: commit changes synchronously when dumping autoconnections (rvykydal)
-- Run the user instance of systemd (vponcova)
-- network: do not bind virtual devices to mac (rvykydal)
-* Fri Sep 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.6-1
-- network: split add_and_activate_connection_sync function (rvykydal)
-- network: add support for bridged bond to stage 2 kickstart (%%pre) (rvykydal)
-- Never mount partitions on a disk with the iso9660 filesystem (vponcova)
-- packit: use tar-pax instead of tar-ustar (ttomecek)
-- Change default Packit jobs (#1697339) (jkonecny)
-- Enable Packit for Anaconda (#1697339) (jkonecny)
-- Change text on the Reset All button in custom part. (vslavik)
-- Add a rule for translated strings to code conventions (#1619530) (vponcova)
-- Never convert translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
-- Never change first letters of translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
-- network: update docstring of clone_connection_async (rvykydal)
-- network: add support for vlan over bond to stage 2 kickstart (pre) (rvykydal)
-- Move the execute method of the logging command (vponcova)
-* Thu Sep 17 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.5-1
-- Fix the combo box for an URL type of additional repositories (#1879127)
-  (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the ostreesetup kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Create the structure for RPM OSTree configuration (vponcova)
-- Create the RPM OSTree source module (vponcova)
-- Create the RPM OSTree module (vponcova)
-- network: clone connections from intramfs to persistent config (rvykydal)
-- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
-- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
-- Improve the error dialog for storage reset (vponcova)
-- Remove the needs_storage_configuration property (vponcova)
-- Remove the is_hmc_enabled property (vponcova)
-- Remove the install_device attribute (vponcova)
-- Move the proxy property to the base payload class (vponcova)
-- Fix CDN button visibility (mkolman)
-- subscription: Assure payload restart on DVD install after registration
-  (mkolman)
-- Remove the handles_bootloader_configuration property (vponcova)
-- Run the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
-- Add the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
-- Call the DBus method InstallBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
-- Add the CreateRescueImagesTask task (vponcova)
-- Call the DBus method GenerateInitramfsWithTasks (vponcova)
-- Add the RecreateInitrdsTask task (vponcova)
-- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
-- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
-- subscription: Only restart payload when needed (mkolman)
-- Document the restart_payload argument of subscription helper functions
-  (mkolman)
-- network: fix missing log message argument (rvykydal)
-- Propagate verify_ssl to RHSM (mkolman)
-- Check if original partitions are mounted, too (vslavik)
-- network: do not add superfluous quotes to inst.dhcpclass identifier
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add the DBus method IsDeviceShrinkable (#1875677) (vponcova)
-- Show warning message when entered size is not valid (vslavik)
-- Extend unit tests for generate_device_factory_request (vponcova)
-- Differentiate between RAID levels of a device and its container (vponcova)
-- Don't generate container data for non-container device types (vponcova)
-- network: fix parsing of hostname from ip= if mac is defined in dhcp
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: fix inst.dhcpclass boot option (rvykydal)
-- Do not push pot files just tell user that he should update (jkonecny)
-- Add support for booting installation media with plain SquashFS (bkhomuts)
-- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
-- network: apply kickstart network --nodefroute also from stage2 (rvykydal)
-- list major common keyboard layouts first (suanand)
-* Mon Sep 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.4-1
-- Apply onboot policy even when network was configured in UI. (rvykydal)
-- network: fix kickstart network --dhcpclass option (rvykydal)
-- network: use constants instead of enum to hold stirng values of connection
-  type (rvykydal)
-- network: fix using of values of NMConnectionType enum (rvykydal)
-- Always clear treeinfo metadata (#1872056) (jkonecny)
-- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
-- Propagate a lazy proxy of the storage model (vponcova)
-- Add TODO to check if biospart support is required for DUD (jkonecny)
-- Remove failure messages about not supported biospart (jkonecny)
-- Switch to a new HardDrive command version with removed biospart (jkonecny)
-- Make custom storage summary dialog resizeable (1626555) (mkolman)
-- network: add constants for NM connection types (rvykydal)
-- Recognize systemd.unit=anaconda.target in anaconda-generator (m.novosyolov)
-- The underline character should not be displayed (honza.stodola)
-- network: create default connection also for slave devices (rvykydal)
-- network: remove ONBOOT hack for slave connections (rvykydal)
-- network: replace ifcfg module with config_file module (rvykydal)
-- network: remove unused functions from ifcfg module (rvykydal)
-- network: generate kickstart via NM API (connections) (rvykydal)
-- network: get master slaves via NM API (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM API to look for config files for DeviceConfigurations
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting final ONBOOT
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting real ONBOOT
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM API to look for config files when applying kickstart
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM API to look for config files when consolidating connections
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: check for missing device config via NM api (rvykydal)
-- network: use underscore in the names of slave devices created from kickstart
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: log also content of keyfiles (rvykydal)
-- We won't support inst.ks=bd: (jkonecny)
-- network: do not enforce network standalone spoke on default source (rvykydal)
-* Tue Sep 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.3-1
-- Move slower part of Subscription spoke initialization to a thread (mkolman)
-- Add test to detect every RW mount command in Dracut (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Convert the RHSM default config values to expected format
-  (mkolman)
-- Implement get_source_proxy() in payload base class (mkolman)
-- Use spec file macros for all requires version specifications (jkonecny)
-- Fix spec macro for version name (jkonecny)
-- Correctly work with package boolean logic in our setup scripts (jkonecny)
-- Wait for payload initialization to finish in Subscription spoke (mkolman)
-- Unify usage of BootLoaderArguments add() & update() (vslavik)
-- Rename Arguments to BootLoaderArguments (vslavik)
-- Remove usage of OrderedSet (vslavik)
-- Add tests for the boot loader Arguments class (vslavik)
-- Do not mount as RW in Dracut (jkonecny)
-- network: do not crash when updating a connection without wired settings
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix traceback when removing additional repository (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Handle cases where CDN should not be the default (mkolman)
-- subscription: Set DNF payload source via config file option (mkolman)
-- subscription: Manual CDN selection support (mkolman)
-- subscription: Handle source switching at registration/unregistration
-  (mkolman)
-- subscription: Introduce the default_source configuration option (mkolman)
-- Use "raise from" to link exceptions (vslavik)
-- Fix branching documentation (mkolman)
-- Change keyboard ordering to US layout first, 'native' second. Resolves:
-  rhbz#1039185 (suanand)
-- Remove docs where we tell users that inst. prefix is not required (jkonecny)
-- Print warning for boot options without inst. prefix (jkonecny)
-- Add missing dracut commands as missing inst. prefix warning (jkonecny)
-- Enable warning when inst. prefix is not used (jkonecny)
-- Reset the state of the custom partitioning spoke (vponcova)
-- Reset the RAID level of the device request (#1828092) (vponcova)
-- Protect all devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
-- Don't ignore NVDIMM devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the DBus method FindOpticalMedia (vponcova)
-- Fix everything in payload should be mounted as read only (jkonecny)
-- Add support for mount options to device_tree.MountDevice (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests for CDRom for the new inst.stage2 discovery (jkonecny)
-- CDRom source should prioritize stage2 device during discover (jkonecny)
-* Fri Aug 21 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.2-1
-- Fix dependency_solver failure with spec file boolean logic syntax (jkonecny)
-- Avoid unnecessarily pulling in glibc-langpack-en (sgallagh)
-- Set up the ignored_device_names variable (vponcova)
-* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.1-1
-- network: do not try to activate connection that has not been found (rvykydal)
-- network: add timeout for synchronous activation of a connection (rvykydal)
-- network: fix configuration of virtual devices by boot options (rvykydal)
-- Handle exceptions from threads without new instances (vslavik)
-- Do not use disabled --install-scripts command of pip (jkonecny)
-- Use bootlist command to update the PowerPC-64 Boot Order (javierm)
-- Discard current boot list when updating the boot-device NRVAM variable
-  (javierm)
-- Automatically break lines in labels in software selection spoke (vslavik)
-- Set up FIPS in the target system (vponcova)
-- Update the service anaconda-sshd (vponcova)
-- Set up FIPS in the installation environment (vponcova)
-- Add Blivet version to generated kickstart (vslavik)
-- Add Anaconda version to saved kickstart (vslavik)
-- Fix kickstart file error with user groups (kai.kang)
-- Get rid of add_disable_repo (jkonecny)
-- Move parts together in the DNF repo (jkonecny)
-- Fix issue that treeinfo repositories were never disabled (jkonecny)
-- Keep treeinfo repositories disabled after payload reset (jkonecny)
-- Fix crash on first entering of source spoke (jkonecny)
-- Remove treeinfo repositories instead of disabling (jkonecny)
-- Reload treeinfo repositories on every payload reset (jkonecny)
-* Mon Aug 10 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.25-1
-- Fix our tests with a newer rpmfluff library (jkonecny)
-- network: pass also keyfile NM configuration to target system (#1858439)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Unify the indentation in the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
-- Remove the DBus method ConfigureNTPServiceEnablementWithTask (vponcova)
-- Create ssh user using only existing fields (#1860058) (vslavik)
-- Fix the position of the info bar in standalone spokes (vponcova)
-- Add the function is_service_installed (vponcova)
-- Drop the dependency on python3-ntplib (vponcova)
-- Remove Blivet's tests (vponcova)
-- Remove gui tests (vponcova)
-- Generate the coverage report for tests (vponcova)
-- Fix the util tests (vponcova)
-- Simplify the regex tests (vponcova)
-- Fix the module tests (vponcova)
-- Clean up the driver tests (vponcova)
-- Fix the kickstart dispatcher tests (vponcova)
-- Fix the localization tests (vponcova)
-- drop workarounds for the TLS exhaustion issue on aarch64 and ppc64le (dan)
-* Fri Jul 31 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.24-1
-- Run actions of the Resize dialog in the reversed order (#1856496) (vponcova)
-- Reset repositories from the main thread (vponcova)
-- Initialize the closest mirror from the main thread (vponcova)
-- Remove the mirrors_available property (vponcova)
-- Rename ActivateFilesystemsTask (vponcova)
-- Document the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
-- Remove the encrypted attribute (vponcova)
-- subscription: Fix rhsm --proxy kickstart command usage with no username
-  specified (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix RHSM HTTP proxy configuration crash in the GUI (mkolman)
-- Log the information about the original exception (vponcova)
-- Update the documentation of the Anaconda sysconfig file (vponcova)
-- Make spoke tiles stack more tightly (vslavik)
-- Add NTS support to time sources in GUI (mlichvar)
-- Add connection test for NTS (mlichvar)
-- Parse NTP server options from config file (mlichvar)
-- Run bash instead of sh in rescue mode (vslavik)
-* Thu Jul 16 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.23-1
-- Mangle Fedora IoT Edition product identifier to "Fedora-IoT" (ngompa13)
-- Fix creating cached LVs on encrypted PVs (vtrefny)
-- Add Fedora IoT product override (ngompa13)
-* Tue Jul 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.22-1
-- Add support for the timesource kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in GUI (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in TUI (vponcova)
-- Add support for generating a summary of the NTP servers (vponcova)
-- Add support for the NTP server status cache (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in network.py (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in anaconda.py (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in the Timezone module (vponcova)
-- Use the structure for time sources in ntp.py (vponcova)
-- Create a new DBus structure for time sources (vponcova)
-- Replace the zram service (vponcova)
-- Fix software spoke message when source changes (mkolman)
-- ostree: set rootflags when installing on btrfs (#1753485) (dcavalca)
-- Only pass one initrd image to kexec (javierm)
-- Prevent crash on unregistration (mkolman)
-- Add LVM with inconsistent sector size disks to common bugs (jkonecny)
-- Don't create swap by default (vponcova)
-- Don't require fcoe-utils (vponcova)
-- Temporarily ignore the new timezone kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Schedule timed actions with the right selector (#1851647) (vponcova)
-- Reconfigure DNF payload after options are set (vslavik)
-- Fix displaying of empty software group description (rvykydal)
-- Fix passing of arguments when creating dracut arguments for FCoE (rvykydal)
-- network: fix obtaining of s390 options of a wired connection (rvykydal)
-- Exclude stderr from returned output when executing powerpc-utils tools
-  (javierm)
-- Fix imports of Blivet-GUI in unit tests (vponcova)
-- Don't mount DBus sources at /run/install/source (vponcova)
-- Always specify the boot disk (vponcova)
-- Create the initial storage model during the initialization (vponcova)
-- Use LUKSDevice.raw_device instead of LUKSDevice.slave (vtrefny)
-- Use modinfo to check ko before modprobe (t.feng94)
-- Fix EFI bootloader install (#1575957) (butirsky)
-* Wed Jul 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.21-1
-- Use Btrfs for all Fedora variants installed by Anaconda except Server
-  (ngompa13)
-- Remove the support for language filtering (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for locale filtering (vponcova)
-- Don't override the eula command with the same command (vponcova)
-- Improve logs for validation of stage1 and stage2 devices (vponcova)
-- Document an issue with invalid partitioning in the output kickstart file
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove support for check_supported_locales (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for Fedora Atomic Host (vponcova)
-- Move Subscription spoke under Software (vslavik)
-- Update the function get_default_partitioning (vponcova)
-- Update the property default_partitioning (vponcova)
-- Change the default_partitioning option (vponcova)
-- Fix hiding of network device activation switch (#1847493) (rvykydal)
-- Typo fix (sh.yaron)
-* Mon Jun 22 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.20-1
-- Add test for NFS URL with ISO in path (#1848718) (jkonecny)
-- Fix issue when NFS path is pointing directly to ISO (#1848718) (jkonecny)
-- Rename function for a simple check for DNF repository (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for verify_valid_installtree function (#1844287) (jkonecny)
-- Move verify_valid_installtree to source module utils (#1844287) (jkonecny)
-- Do not test if repo is valid based on .treeinfo file (#1844287) (jkonecny)
-- Relabel whole /etc instead of only some parts (vslavik)
-- Clean up lists of files and directories to relabel (vslavik)
-- Use allowlist and blocklist in the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
-- Correctly set up the LUKS version when we click on a mount point (#1689699)
-  (vponcova)
-- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
-- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
-- Simplify the workaround for the RHSM configuration proxy (vponcova)
-- Show pylint version in logs (vslavik)
-- Don't use the private attribute for a message bus (vponcova)
-- Ignore unknown variable (vslavik)
-- Split storage spoke dialogs to a separate module (vslavik)
-- Fix more SElinux contexts (vslavik)
-- Fix regression reading kernel list when collecting configurations (#1846156)
-  (jkonecny)
-* Mon Jun 15 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.19-1
-- Document common issues and bugs (vponcova)
-- Add logging messages to %%post scripts (vslavik)
-- Don't prompt the user to ssh in VNC installations (vponcova)
-- Extend the function prompt_for_ssh (vponcova)
-- Allow having /boot on a btrfs volume (i.gnatenko.brain)
-- network: do not parse IPADDR0 anymore (rvykydal)
-- Do not use kwargs when creating network_data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
-- Extend unit tests for generating network data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
-- Fix updating of user gid/uid value checkbox in gui (rvykydal)
-- Fix crash on user uid/gid unchecked in gui (rvykydal)
-- Add daily build status badge (jkonecny)
-- Fix the pylint warning in the Payloads module (vponcova)
-- Add pointer to kickstart tests to tests README (rvykydal)
-- resolved a user created password verification issue that could not exit
-  (57519382+huzunhao)
-- Don't use data.method.proxy (vponcova)
-- Use sshd_config drop in directory to allow root login (jjelen)
-- localization: do not crash on failed parsing of X layout (#1836047)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Catch Blivet's exceptions when we reset a device (#1843278) (vponcova)
-- Fix wireless network configuration on get_ssid() returning None (#1838357)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Unify definition of directory for ifname and prefixdevname config (rvykydal)
-- Use constants when mocking paths for network installation test (rvykydal)
-- Create /etc/systemd/network dir for ifname= renaming if needed. (rvykydal)
-- Use the Blivet's property is_empty (vponcova)
-* Wed Jun 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.18-1
-- Set up LD_PRELOAD for the Payloads module (vponcova)
-- Extend the start-module script (vponcova)
-- subscription: Fix authentication method switching in GUI (mkolman)
-- subscription: Make sure CDN repos are loaded and usable (mkolman)
-- Add NFS ISO support back to the NFS SetupSourceTask (jkonecny)
-- Add NFS ISO support to the NFSSourceModule (jkonecny)
-- Tear down HDD device mount if no valid installation source is found
-  (jkonecny)
-- Extract ISO find algorith from harddrive (jkonecny)
-* Mon Jun 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.17-1
-- Update required ack in makebumpver script for rhel > 7 (rvykydal)
-- Close responses from session.get (vponcova)
-- Improve the documentation of the SetUpMountTask class (vponcova)
-- Raise an exception if the source's mount point is not unmounted (vponcova)
-- Change the default source to CDROM (vponcova)
-- Don't set up sources in the refresh method of the Source spoke (vponcova)
-- Make cppcheck ignore the G_DEFINE_TYPE macros (vslavik)
-- Fix issue that unified ISO from URL is not loaded (jkonecny)
-- Add split_protocol payload helper function (jkonecny)
-- Fix string based on translator comments (vslavik)
-* Mon May 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.16-1
-- subscription: Only require Insights package if subscribed (mkolman)
-- subscription: Do not pass payload to unregister() helper function (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix typos related to ParseAttachedSubscriptions task (mkolman)
-- subscription: Make sure /etc/yum.repos.d exists (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix disconnect() for RHSM observer (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix SystemPurposeData equality checking (mkolman)
-- subscription: Set RHSM configuration before registration attempt (mkolman)
-- subscription: Initial CDN source switching (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix Insights configuration in GUI (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fix setting username to SubscriptionRequest in GUI (mkolman)
-- Change connection flags for the RHSM private bus (vponcova)
-- Create a proxy of the RHSM Config object for a specific interface (vponcova)
-- Skip the btrfs command if deprecated (vponcova)
-- Use a specific kickstart version in handle-sshpw (vponcova)
-- Avoid concatenation of iso name twice (jkonecny)
-- Do not mount harddrive sources as RO (jkonecny)
-- Fix the access to a DBus proxy of the Subscription module (vponcova)
-- Set up LANG for tests (vponcova)
-- Resolve traceback when HDD ISO is not found (jkonecny)
-- Don't set up the HMC source again (vponcova)
-- Remove the changed property of the Source spoke in GUI (vponcova)
-- Specify the default source type for the DNF payload (vponcova)
-- Support all source types based on repo files (vponcova)
-- Use the closest mirror source in UI (vponcova)
-- Add a new source for the closest mirror (vponcova)
-- Change the description of the repo files source (vponcova)
-- Fix adding to the protected devices list (jkonecny)
-- Remove not used API of dnf payload (jkonecny)
-- Rename GetISOPath to GetIsoPath which is correct API name (jkonecny)
-- Fix python3 requires in spec file (rvykydal)
-- Use the source proxy to get the device name (vponcova)
-- Collect package requirements of the Subscription module (vponcova)
-- Add ignored field to rpm_tests (rvykydal)
-- Require subscription manager on rhel (rvykydal)
-- Remove the property is_iso_mounted (vponcova)
-- Run the set-up tasks of sources with signals enabled (vponcova)
-- Set default url type combobox value (jkonecny)
-- Fix lang_locale_handler have payload property from parents (jkonecny)
-- Remove kickstart sources from GUI (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart sources from TUI (vponcova)
-- Log the result of the HDD set-up task (vponcova)
-- Always try to unmount the HDD ISO (vponcova)
-- Fix typo resulting to use mirrorlist instead of metalink (jkonecny)
-- Handle DBus errors of the task returned by SetUpSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
-- Remove useless attributes from the class Anaconda (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart sources from anaconda.py (vponcova)
-- Remove kickstart sources from the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
-- Call nose python module instead of nosetests binary (jkonecny)
-- root spoke: set value of root ssh login checkbox from module (rvykydal)
-- users module: fix check of existence of admin user (rvykydal)
-- Always clear kickstarted status for GUI time&date spoke (vslavik)
-- Always protect CD-ROM devices (vponcova)
-- Fix the DBus task that sets up the SE/HMC source (vponcova)
-- Move lxml test dependency from pip to RPM (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Show data about attached subscriptions (mkolman)
-- Setup RHEL rebuilds to exclude
-  org.fedoraproject.Anaconda.Modules.Subscription (riehecky)
-- Tear down sources before setting new one in SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
-- Remove unused properties from SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
-- Migrate set Closest mirror of SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
-- Migrate set HMC of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
-- Migrate set CDROM of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
-- Migrate set NFS of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
-- Migrate set URL of SourceSwitchhandler to source modules (jkonecny)
-- Implement the DBus methods SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask
-  (vponcova)
-- Move removal of blivet-gui in rhel upstream (rvykydal)
-- Migrate set HDD of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
-- Migrate SourceSwitchHandler to use module for cleanups (jkonecny)
-- Add payload property to SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
-- Avoid imports from blivet.devicefactory (vponcova)
-- Mark kickstart commands of RPM sources as useless (vponcova)
-- Generate kickstart from the Payloads module (vponcova)
-* Tue May 19 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.15-1
-- Update the bootloader configuration after live installation (javierm)
-- subscription: Registration button sensitivity handling (mkolman)
-- subscription: Make credential checking functions usable in GUI (mkolman)
-- Add exclude to the dependency_solver (jkonecny)
-- Add the method is_complete to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
-- Add the property source_type to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
-- Add the method get_source_proxy to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
-- Fix call to super() with missing parameters (vslavik)
-- Change string according to translator comments (vslavik)
-- Remove gjs dependency exclude which is no more needed with anaconda-live
-  (rvykydal)
-- Remove sphinx test dependency (jkonecny)
-- Extend the objects for parsing the cmdline installation method (vponcova)
-- Add functions to set up and tear down of DBus sources (vponcova)
-- Switch call of pip3 to python3 -m pip (jkonecny)
-- Move for_publication as second method in sources (jkonecny)
-- Move sources private methods on top of the file (jkonecny)
-- Fix RPMSourceMixin class documentation (jkonecny)
-- Switch MountingSourceBase to MountingSourceMixin (jkonecny)
-- Remove tear_down_with_tasks from MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
-- Do not implement get_state in MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
-- Change gui test relative imports to absolute (vslavik)
-- Disable spurious pylint warning (vslavik)
-- Add CDN source (vslavik)
-- Test the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
-- Detect HTTPS as a protocol that requires the network (michel)
-- Remove unused variable (vslavik)
-* Thu May 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.14-1
-- subscription: Hook up state update methods (mkolman)
-- subscription: Make it possible to register/unregister from the GUI (mkolman)
-- subscription: Register & subscribe during automated installation (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add asynchronous registration helper functions (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add IsRegistered property (mkolman)
-- Add functions for DBus sources (vponcova)
-- Implement DeviceName API for CDrom payload source (jkonecny)
-- Return device name from SetUpCdromSourceTask (jkonecny)
-- Add GetISOPath HardDrive payload source API (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add the ParseAttachedSubscriptionsTask (mkolman)
-- Add new Hard drive source property to tell that iso is used (jkonecny)
-- Change return of SetUpHardDriveSourceTask (jkonecny)
-- Add __repr__ to payload sources (vslavik)
-- Create a DBus proxy of the DNF module (vponcova)
-- Work around pylint 2.5.0 issue with _ in warning id (vslavik)
-- subscription: Add network connectivity check to the Subscription spoke
-  (mkolman)
-- Split find_and_mount_iso_image source helper func (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add main Subscription spoke structure (mkolman)
-- Add the DBus method ActivatePayload (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus property CreatedPayloads (vponcova)
-- Replace the DBus method GetActivePayload with a property (vponcova)
-- subscription: Add helper functions for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
-- Remove the DBus method IsPayloadSet (vponcova)
-- subscription: Add glade file for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
-- subscription: Simplify system purpose configuration (mkolman)
-- subscription: Implement equality testing for SystemPurposeData (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add check_system_purpose_set() helper function (mkolman)
-- Add generate_repo_configuration for URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add gererate_repo_configuration for all mount sources (jkonecny)
-- Add GetRepoConfigurations API for DNF payload (jkonecny)
-- Create ABC class declaring interface for RPM sources (jkonecny)
-- Add the combo box for choosing a LUKS version in the container dialog
-  (#1714120) (vponcova)
-- Use the combo box for choosing a LUKS version only for encrypted devices
-  (vponcova)
-- Provide the LUKS version of the encrypted container (vponcova)
-- Add the function set_container_data (vponcova)
-* Thu May 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.13-1
-- Remove a missed use of has_source() to fix tests (vslavik)
-- Change string to new format (vslavik)
-- Add DBus property Description for all sources (vslavik)
-- subscription: Add AttachedSubscription DBus structure (mkolman)
-- Pre-select disk initialization mode in TUI (honza.stodola)
-- Remove the HasSource D-Bus function (vslavik)
-- Add kickstart support to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add NFS source kickstart support (jkonecny)
-- Add function to create NFS from components (jkonecny)
-- Move ProxyString to core.payload (jkonecny)
-- Move parse_nfs_url to the new core/payload file (jkonecny)
-- Fail on harddrive --biospart in HDD payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add kickstart support for HDD payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add SE/HMC payload source kickstart support (jkonecny)
-- Add CDROM payload source kickstart support (jkonecny)
-- Pick HMC as the last DNF source when processing KS data (jkonecny)
-- Add DNF module kickstart processing for sources (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Run installation tasks of the Subscription module (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add is_module_available() utility function (mkolman)
-- Ignore the required package dmraid in RHEL (honza.stodola)
-- subscription: Attach subscription task (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add unregistration task (mkolman)
-- Activate the set/remove buttons in the "Select disks and boot loader" window
-  only when a disk is selected (honza.stodola)
-- Properly update UI after removing the boot device (honza.stodola)
-- Do not offer disk selection when encrypting existing partition
-  (honza.stodola)
-- Destroy the disk selection dialog on escape (honza.stodola)
-- Add the DBus method GetModules to the Boss service (vponcova)
-- subscription: Fix registration tasks docstring typo (mkolman)
-- Add payload source __repr__ support to improve logging (jkonecny)
-- Fix calling payloads service with empty kickstart (jkonecny)
-- Rename check_set_sources to set_and_check_sources (jkonecny)
-- Create two parts of the set_check_sources payload test (jkonecny)
-- Add payload base add_source() module scope API (jkonecny)
-- Fix payload log message (jkonecny)
-- Add new commands for DNF payload recognition (jkonecny)
-- Disable %%packages from DNF module (jkonecny)
-- Add new supported sources to DNF payload (jkonecny)
-- Add kickstart commands for DNF payload (jkonecny)
-- Use new F33 Repo command from pykickstart (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add subscription related package requirements (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add registration tasks (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add RegistrationError exception (mkolman)
-- network: don't try to use DeviceConfigurations on live cd (#1827999)
-  (rvykydal)
-- subscription: Add TransferSubscriptionTokensTask (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add RestoreRHSMLogLevelTask (mkolman)
-* Wed Apr 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.12-1
-- Add tests for ReadKickstart (vponcova)
-- Remove pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move the initialization functions from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move create_storage from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move the model from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move the utils from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move the installation functions from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move the storage checker from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Move pyanaconda.platform (vponcova)
-- Move PartSpec from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
-- Don't use pyanaconda.platform in UI (vponcova)
-- Separate the "Reset All" button from the edge of the screen (honza.stodola)
-- Fix the warning messages from ReadKickstart (vponcova)
-- Unify module source test variable names (vslavik)
-- Add resolv.conf to log-capture (riehecky)
-- Reload NTP server list in dialog on every run (vslavik)
-- Fix the line number in the kickstart message data (vponcova)
-- Remove TODO to solve is_ready for payload sources (jkonecny)
-- Use the new task class with the harddrive source (vslavik)
-- Detect the live OS image automatically (vponcova)
-- Add constants for the source types (vponcova)
-- Exclude liveimg from the kickstart command method (vponcova)
-- Access the kickstart command liveimg directly (vponcova)
-- Create a base class for live payloads (vponcova)
-- Remove pyanaconda.payload.livepayload (vponcova)
-- Run %%onerror and %%traceback scripts for all types of exceptions (vponcova)
-- gui source spoke: fix the key used to check proxy for additional repo
-  (rvykydal)
-- Respect changesok password policy for root password (#1584145) (rvykydal)
-- rootpw gui: make root spoke insensitive if rootpw is set in ks (#1584145)
-  (rvykydal)
-- subscription: RHSM runtime configuration support (mkolman)
-- Move the bootloader-related code to the module (vponcova)
-- Add the is_ready method to the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Rename NOT_SUPPORTED to NOT_APPLICABLE (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add missing declaration for rhsm_observer property (mkolman)
-- subscription: Fixup a docstring (mkolman)
-- Remove payload tests for empty sources (jkonecny)
-- Improve HDD payload source test (jkonecny)
-- Change tests for new payload ready states (jkonecny)
-- Use new source states in payload sources (jkonecny)
-- Create source state enum (jkonecny)
-- date time gui: no empty space in combo for day and month selection (#1823130)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Reset the partitioning of Blivet-GUI (#1826286) (vponcova)
-- Remove the logic with sources from the network standalone spoke (vponcova)
-- Move remaining DNF-related code to the DNF payload (vponcova)
-- subscription: Add SystemPurposeConfigurationTask (mkolman)
-- Rename payload source is_ready to get_state (jkonecny)
-- Remove the tip about the user name (#1823015) (vponcova)
-- Add payload base tests (jkonecny)
-- Improve payload shared test source creation (jkonecny)
-- Fix exception string when incompatible payload source (jkonecny)
-- Translate names of OS installations on demand (#1823126) (vponcova)
-- subscription: Add helper function to SystemPurposeData DBus structure
-  (mkolman)
-- network tui: fix getting of network device configurations (#1823011)
-  (rvykydal)
-* Tue Apr 21 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.11-1
-- Reset the partitioning of Blivet-GUI (#1826286) (vponcova)
-- Fix the validation of a device label (#1823221) (vponcova)
-- Use the new base classes in sources (vslavik)
-- Add base classes for mounting sources (vslavik)
-- Add test if the spokes ordering is correct (jkonecny)
-- Fix ordering of spokes with the same priority (jkonecny)
-- Fix TUI Kernel and Unsupported HW spokes ordering (jkonecny)
-- Switch collecting & ordering action classes to static (jkonecny)
-- Add TUI/GUI tests for standalone spokes priority (jkonecny)
-- Use join_paths instead of os.path.join in sources (vslavik)
-- Get ui/__init__.py closer to pep8 (jkonecny)
-- Allow to remove incomplete devices (#1823232) (vponcova)
-- subscription: RHSMObserver & StartRHSMTask (mkolman)
-- Make sure that the summary button is really hidden (#1823467) (vponcova)
-- Use default priority in the GUI spokes (jkonecny)
-- Fix TUI spokes priorities (jkonecny)
-- Add back default priority for standalone spokes (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add initial RHSM DBus API identifiers (mkolman)
-- Install scripts at /usr/bin (vponcova)
-- Remove mock from the test dependencies (vponcova)
-- Install test dependencies from pip when possible (vponcova)
-- Fix the indentation of the test dependencies (vponcova)
-- Expand the selector with swap (#1823127) (vponcova)
-- Fix default value for pwpolicy emptyok (#1664704) (mkolman)
-- Only quit GTK mainloop on GUI quit request (#1643111) (mkolman)
-- Print correct message if no linux partitions were found in rescue mode
-  (#1823222) (honza.stodola)
-- Use black color for errors in bottom bar (#1823004) (honza.stodola)
-* Thu Apr 16 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.10-1
-- subscription: Implement install_with_tasks() method (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add the IsSubscriptionAttached property (mkolman)
-- subscription: Add ConnectToInsights task (mkolman)
-- Create product configuration files for Red Hat Virtualization (vponcova)
-- Create the configuration section Storage Constraints (vponcova)
-- Extend tests for the default storage checker (vponcova)
-- Represent the constraint STORAGE_MIN_RAM by an instance of Size (vponcova)
-- Remove the constraint STORAGE_MIN_ROOT (vponcova)
-- Extend support for custom storage checking (vponcova)
-- Add a new type of the default partitioning for virtualizations (vponcova)
-- Add the configuration option default_scheme (vponcova)
-- Add the configuration option help_directory (vponcova)
-- Accept `harddrive --dir` without absolute paths (jkonecny)
-- Make the kickstart support for the btrfs command optional (vponcova)
-- Fix non-root dir of install tree HD installation (#1689194) (jkonecny)
-- subscription: Add missing pieces for the Subscription DBus module (mkolman)
-- Add UI support for the ZIPL Secure boot (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the ZIPL Secure Boot (vponcova)
-- Add code convention to prefer join_paths over os.path.join (jkonecny)
-- Add helper function force_path_join (jkonecny)
-- Fix get anaconda version test after test file rename (vponcova)
-- Rename iutil_test to util_test (jkonecny)
-* Wed Apr 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.9-1
-- Fix bad import of general errors (jkonecny)
-- Improve code convention code formatting (jkonecny)
-* Wed Apr 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.8-1
-- Fix the indentation of false positives (vponcova)
-- Don't try to format FBA DASD devices (#1715303) (vponcova)
-- Disable the SMT warning by default (vponcova)
-- Detect and warn if SMT is enabled (#1684056) (vponcova)
-- Use constants to check the type of the payload object (#1820418) (vponcova)
-- Provide the DBus types of the payloads (vponcova)
-- Add Harddrive (HDD, HDISO) source (vslavik)
-- Add utility functions for sources (vslavik)
-- subscription: SubscriptionRequest DBus structure (mkolman)
-- Remove the abstraction for the event loop (vponcova)
-- Upgrade findFirstIsoImage (vslavik)
-- Make sure that all Anaconda's DBus errors are registered (vponcova)
-- Remove the mapping to a DBus error for KickstartError (vponcova)
-- Don't use the default error register (vponcova)
-- Set new repo configuration after validation is done (jkonecny)
-- Add packaging constrains to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add repo cost to the URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add proxy url to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add ssl configuration structure to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add ssl verification flag to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add Name to the URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add URL repo configuration to the url source (jkonecny)
-- Add empty repository configuration DBus structure (jkonecny)
-- Add install_repo_enabled flag to URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for set up and tear down for url source (jkonecny)
-- Add is_ready tests for URL source module (jkonecny)
-- Add simple tests for a new URL payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add payload URL source base structure (jkonecny)
-* Fri Apr 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.7-1
-- Don't clear errors by expanding pages in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Fix the permission for changing a mount point (#1818500) (vponcova)
-- Allow to use an existing unlocked LUKS in one special case (#1772902)
-  (vponcova)
-- Fix the encryption checkbox in the custom spoke (#1819360) (vponcova)
-- Don't manually trigger a device encryption change (vponcova)
-* Thu Apr 02 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.6-1
-- Fix the test for complex data with secrets (vponcova)
-- Update generate_request_description (vponcova)
-- Add support for secrets in DBus structures (vponcova)
-- Rename _test_dbus_property to _check_dbus_property (jkonecny)
-- Fix text color on info bars (mkolman)
-- Add NFS source (vslavik)
-* Tue Mar 31 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.5-1
-- Don't call the DBus method IsNodeFromIbft from the Storage module (#1817529)
-  (vponcova)
-- Use the right partitioning method in the storage spoke (vponcova)
-- Improve logging of storage spokes in GUI and TUI (vponcova)
-- Don't log an empty string (vponcova)
-- Handle translation of an empty string in widgets (#1815461) (vponcova)
-- Replace lambda by partial (jkonecny)
-- Implement updating changed Anaconda files in a mock (jkonecny)
-- Add possibility to add/remove specific dir in mock (jkonecny)
-- Remove prepare parameter disable when running tests (jkonecny)
-- Add missing arguments from the main command check (jkonecny)
-- Move check for required setup-mock commands (jkonecny)
-- Simplify test calling in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- storage gui: keep expanded mountpoints info on actions in UI by default
-  (#1210944) (rvykydal)
-- Support updating Anaconda files in the mock (jkonecny)
-- Handle invalid disk selection (vponcova)
-- Set up advanced storage on the right device tree (#1812561) (vponcova)
-- Remove storage tests (jkonecny)
-- Use the right field of DiskStoreRow (#1816256) (vponcova)
-- Add Repo files source (vslavik)
-- Clean up and rename parseNfsUrl (vslavik)
-- Do not show quarterly release part of the version in UI. (rvykydal)
-- Add license to the __main__.py file for DBus modules (mkolman)
-- Pass nosmt boot option to installed system (rvykydal)
-- Adapt makebumpver to rhel-devel -> rhel-8 branch renaming. (rvykydal)
-- Revert "Fix PR tests with mock version 2" (jkonecny)
-- Remove the class PackagePayload (vponcova)
-- Remove pyanaconda.payload.dnfpayload (vponcova)
-- Improve help of dd_extract tool (jkonecny)
-- Add missing period in iscsi login failure message. (rvykydal)
-- Rename add-ons to additional software (#1674011) (rvykydal)
-- Fix dd test RPM generation with binary files (jkonecny)
-- Enable back skipped DD test (jkonecny)
-- Fix translation of one nvdimm related GUI string (rvykydal)
-- Fix memory leak in utils (yubihong)
-- Fix code formatting of DUD tests (jkonecny)
-- Fix dud test names (jkonecny)
-- Small optimization in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- Fix setup-test-env for other than pyanaconda tests (jkonecny)
-- Create pyanaconda.payload.dnf (vponcova)
-- Create pyanaconda.payload.__init__ (vponcova)
-- Rename pyanaconda.payload.__init__ (vponcova)
-- subscription: add system purpose support (mkolman)
-- subscription: run Subscription module on RHEL (mkolman)
-- subscription: add initial subscription module structure (mkolman)
-- Wrap iscsi login error messages in GUI (#1811382) (rvykydal)
-- Add tests for CD-ROM source (vslavik)
-- Add CD-ROM source (vslavik)
-- Add tests for the new utils file (vslavik)
-- Move verifyMedia to sources as is_valid_install_disk (vslavik)
-- Add the DBus module for SE/HMC (vponcova)
-- Don't return anything from setup_kickstart (vponcova)
-- Fix fd leak while fchmod failed (yubihong)
-* Tue Mar 17 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.4-1
-- Remove the configuration of the Blivet's logger (vponcova)
-- Support logging of Anaconda DBus modules to files (#1812380) (vponcova)
-- Fix a typo in s390 znet options configuration (rvykydal)
-- Remove empty lines at the test source file (jkonecny)
-- Source type is already tested by Interface (jkonecny)
-- Remove the logging from the method process_kickstart (vponcova)
-- Don't override the method generate_kickstart (vponcova)
-- Show the help again (#1812896) (vponcova)
-- gui: make description column of disk list resizable (#1530410) (rvykydal)
-- gui: add tooltip to descriptions in disk list (#1530410) (rvykydal)
-- gui: ellipsize description in disk list (#1530410) (rvykydal)
-- Fix '\' is correctly forwarded by udev rules (jkonecny)
-- Add debug print to dracut driver_updates (jkonecny)
-- Escape spaces in dracut partition specifications (bcl)
-- Rename the file with unit tests for the Payloads module (vponcova)
-- Split the code for the source and payload factories (vponcova)
-- Remove BaseFactory (vponcova)
-- Simplify kickstart processing in the Payloads module (vponcova)
-- Replace stat.ST_SIZE by .st_size (jkonecny)
-- Module backport to better handling of sparse images (jkonecny)
-- Avoid downloading payload image in set up phase (jkonecny)
-- Add fallbacks for the source and payload factories (vponcova)
-- Test the source and payload factories for all types (vponcova)
-- Rename the file with unit tests for the Live OS module (vponcova)
-- Test the LVM storage check. (vslavik)
-- Verify that LVM destruction is orderly (vslavik)
-- Don't set up the locale if none is selected (#1649956) (vponcova)
-- network: fix crash during connections consolidation (#1811649) (rvykydal)
-- Execute a kickstarted partitioning (#1811242) (vponcova)
-- Remove extra quotes from the doc strings (vponcova)
-- Remove unused code (vponcova)
-- Remove dead dracut code (jkonecny)
-- Set liveimg min_size to be x3 the real size (yturgema)
-* Mon Mar 09 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.3-1
-- Fix typos, comments and style in the storage-related code (vponcova)
-- Don't add None values to a combo box (#1810679) (vponcova)
-- Fix the unit tests for BTRFS (vponcova)
-- Adjust documentation for new localization solution (jkonecny)
-- Check pykickstart imports are correct in branching (jkonecny)
-- Be able to disable correct branch in check-branching (jkonecny)
-- Add check for branch setting (jkonecny)
-- Add localization branch testing (jkonecny)
-- Move functions to pyanaconda.core.storage (vponcova)
-- Move functions to pyanaconda.ui.lib.storage (vponcova)
-- Update action buttons only for the selected row (vponcova)
-- Fix action buttons in the resize dialog (#1809950) (vponcova)
-- Add branch specific configuration to a separate file (jkonecny)
-- Always use the Anaconda's kickstart version (vponcova)
-- Remove the Baz module (vponcova)
-- Add small badges for Read the Docs and translations (vponcova)
-- Remove the temporary workaround for StorageError (vponcova)
-- Remove the error handler from the storage-related code (vponcova)
-- Handle storage installation errors (vponcova)
-- Remove the handler for FSTabTypeMismatchError (vponcova)
-- Handle ZIPL errors as a bootloader installation error (vponcova)
-- Remove the handler for NoDisksError (vponcova)
-- Remove the handler for PartitioningError (vponcova)
-- Handle the unusable storage module in UI (#1808650) (vponcova)
-- Don't mention new-kernel-pkg anymore in /etc/sysconfig/kernel (rvykydal)
-- Don't print warnings for new-kernel-pkg not being present (javierm)
-- Handle the unusable storage module in the DBus Storage module (vponcova)
-- network: add network module tests for installation tasks (rvykydal)
-- Fix incorrect docstrings (vslavik)
-- Use the latest kernel version list (#1807252) (vponcova)
-- Check free space in the correct device tree (#1807339) (vponcova)
-- Change log-capture script date to remove `:` symbol (jkonecny)
-- Add missing logs to the log-capture utility (jkonecny)
-* Tue Mar 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.2-1
-- prefixdevname: add to unit tests (rvykydal)
-- prefixdevname: pass persistent configuration to installed system (rvykydal)
-- Add L10N dir constant to makefile (jkonecny)
-- Remove auto-discover of git branch (jkonecny)
-- Adapt Makefile to new L10N repository structure (jkonecny)
-- prefixdevname: pass net.ifnames.prefix option to installed system (rvykydal)
-- prefixdevname: install package to target system if needed (rvykydal)
-- prefixdevname: import state from initramfs to stage 2 (rvykydal)
-- Handle invalid optical install media (#1806520) (vponcova)
-- Start live CD with explicit GUI (#1765650) (vslavik)
-- network: fix GUI crash on invalid devices in the list (rvykydal)
-- Add translation badge (vslavik)
-- Remove -devel and -release for L10N repository (jkonecny)
-- Use git url instead of http for pot files creation (jkonecny)
-- Fix documentation changes in release.rst (jkonecny)
-- Ignore the required package btrfs-progs in RHEL (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.1-1
-- Fix the multiselection in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Handle installation errors from DBus tasks (vponcova)
-- Wait for entropy in the DBus Storage module (vponcova)
-- Don't remove unknown devices (#1806233) (vponcova)
-- Call GetFormatData instead of GetFormatTypeData (vponcova)
-- Show progress messages from DBus tasks (vponcova)
-- Report Blivet's messages during the storage installation (vponcova)
-- Handle a failed bootloader installation (#1806103) (vponcova)
-- Fix the exit handler (#1805916) (vponcova)
-- Add DBus methods GetDeviceMountOptions and SetDeviceMountOptions (vponcova)
-- Don't show the disk free space in bytes (vponcova)
-- Fix the default disk selection (#1805553) (vponcova)
-* Thu Feb 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.24-1
-- Initialize disks in interactive and Blivet partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Fix the function get_device_partitions (vponcova)
-- Fix the function unlock_device (vponcova)
-- Apply extra arguments before the bootloader installation (vponcova)
-- Remove configure_storage (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for resetting the custom storage data (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for on-disk snapshots of storage (vponcova)
-- Remove collect_selected_disks (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the custom storage helpers (vponcova)
-- Update the storage model of device tree modules (vponcova)
-- Use the exception DeviceSetupError (vponcova)
-- Change the task MountExistingSystemTask (vponcova)
-- Change the task AddDeviceTask (vponcova)
-- Extend the task ChangeDeviceTask (vponcova)
-- Add the container specification to the device factory request (vponcova)
-- Extend the DBus method ValidateContainerName (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method UpdateContainerData (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateContainerData (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateContainerName (vponcova)
-- Add the method reset_container_data to the device factory request (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetContainerFreeSpace (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectContainers (vponcova)
-- Add permissions for changing the container (vponcova)
-- Filter unsupported disklabel devices (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsDeviceEditable (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CheckCompleteness (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsDeviceLocked (vponcova)
-- Add a new permission for changing a list of disks (vponcova)
-- Update the permission for the device encryption (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ResetDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method DestroyDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method SchedulePartitionsWithTask (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the accordion (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the source spoke in GUI (vponcova)
-- TUI: Use get_hdiso_source_description (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the storage spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the advanced storage spoke (vponcova)
-- Use the Blivet partitioning module in Blivet-GUI (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the resize dialog (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the action dialog (vponcova)
-- Extend the class DeviceActionData (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the selected disks dialog (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the refresh dialog (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from dialogs for specialized disks (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from run_installation (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from FileSystemSpaceChecker (vponcova)
-- TUI: Use create_partitioning (vponcova)
-- TUI: Extend apply_disk_selection (vponcova)
-- TUI: Simplify default disk selection in Storage spoke (vponcova)
-- Move is_local_disk to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Use apply_partitioning from pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Move try_populate_devicetree to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Move the UI support for device protection to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Move get_disks_summary to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Move apply_disk_selection to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Move the UI support for storage initizalization to pyanaconda.ui.lib
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove the storage argument from the storage initialization (vponcova)
-- Move the UI support for DASD formatting to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
-- Remove the storage and data arguments from DasdFormatting (vponcova)
-- Add the function find_partitioning (vponcova)
-- Remove the static partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Remove the Enabled property from the partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Mark storage kickstart commands as useless (vponcova)
-- Remove the UI workaround for storage kickstart data (vponcova)
-- Remove the UI code for the storage configuration (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from TUI (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage object in storage utils (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage object for the installation (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage object for formatting DASDs from UI (vponcova)
-- Remove automatic push of pot files during release (jkonecny)
-- Remove zanata from release.rst (jkonecny)
-- Remove deprecated translations.txt document (jkonecny)
-- Update Readme link to translation project (jkonecny)
-- Remove Zanata from translation canary (jkonecny)
-- Remove zanata from setup test env scripts (jkonecny)
-- Remove zanata from makebumpver (jkonecny)
-- Remove zanata configuration file (jkonecny)
-- Remove Zanata from po/Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Remove zanata from Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Remove unnecessary sed from configure.ac (jkonecny)
-- Use l10n repository for pushing changed pot file (jkonecny)
-- Pull po files from our l10n repo instead of Zanata (jkonecny)
-- Offer only supported sector sizes in NVDIMM reconfiguration dialog (rvykydal)
-- Fix PR tests with mock version 2 (jkonecny)
-- Don't use the local storage object for the storage initialization (vponcova)
-- Don't use device objects in the payload classes (vponcova)
-- Remove the attribute for storage from the payload classes (vponcova)
-- Don't use local storage objects in the image utils (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage objects in the payload utils (vponcova)
-- Run a DBus task to create the pre-installation snapshot (vponcova)
-- Don't set up the local storage checker object (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage object during the start of anaconda (vponcova)
-- Remove the local storage object from the rescue mode (vponcova)
-- Don't use the local storage object to initialize time (vponcova)
-- Don't reset the local storage object (vponcova)
-- Don't create the local storage object (vponcova)
-- Don't modify the list of device names (vponcova)
-* Thu Feb 13 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.23-1
-- Test kickstart warnings from modules (vslavik)
-- Use kickstart parsing warnings coming from boss (vslavik)
-- Log kickstart warnings in modules (vslavik)
-- Disable package download to / /tmp (#1781517) (jkonecny)
-- Handle the variant in SetConstraint (vponcova)
-- Handle the variant from GetResult (#1798392) (vponcova)
-- Fix the function _del_xdg_runtime_dir (vponcova)
-- Do not crash on adding fcoe device in gui when there are no nics (#1798402)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix checking of network device type in Add FCoE gui dialog (#1798876)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Use check_task_creation_task in timezone tests (rvykydal)
-- Move timezone setup kickstart method to dbus module (rvykydal)
-- Do not restart NTP service during its installation (rvykydal)
-- Add fixme to ntp from dhcp setting (rvykydal)
-- Change "not...in" to "...not in" (vslavik)
-- Line length fixes (PEP8) + typos (vslavik)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceFactoryPermissions (vponcova)
-- Generate the device factory permissions (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus structure DeviceFactoryPermissions (vponcova)
-- Move the class DeviceFactoryRequest to a new file (vponcova)
-- Set up the environment for pylint (vponcova)
-- Unify geoloc logging and enable/disable decision logic (vslavik)
-- Disable geoloc by opts.geoloc instead of kernel cmdline (vslavik)
-- Add a fallback for a disk of the live device (vponcova)
-- If no usable boot drive is found, raise an exception (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.22-1
-- Don't set the device names (#1797274) (vponcova)
-- Fix line spacing in UI (vslavik)
-- Fix line spacing in pyanaconda (vslavik)
-- Extend the start-module script (vponcova)
-- Remove start() from pylint defining attrs methods (jkonecny)
-- Refactor pylintrc file a bit (jkonecny)
-- Remove pylint CVS ignore directory (jkonecny)
-- Add TODO to enable C and R in pylint (jkonecny)
-- Remove bad-option-value disables from pylint (jkonecny)
-- Add TODO for future work (jkonecny)
-- Remove use of eval from pylint disabled (jkonecny)
-- Ignore attributes of Namespace class (jkonecny)
-- Fix GError message False positive (jkonecny)
-- Move unnecessary pass statement from false positives (jkonecny)
-- Add mock to the list of pylint deprecated modules (jkonecny)
-- Fix pylint errors (jkonecny)
-- Adapt runpylint to use pocketlint replacement (jkonecny)
-- Add pylint censorship - replacement of pocketlint (jkonecny)
-* Wed Jan 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.21-1
-- Add the path-id attribute to the DBus structure for device data (vponcova)
-- Use id_path as a long identifier of a disk (vponcova)
-- Migrate authselect to dbus tasks (mkolman)
-- Remove pyanaconda.flags.cmdline and KernelArguments.getbool() (vslavik)
-- Remove duplicated definition of PayloadContainer (vslavik)
-- Fix typos in docstrings (vslavik)
-- Fix setup-mock-test-env with multiple test commands (jkonecny)
-- Add support to run pylint only check (jkonecny)
-- Fix most of pep8 issues in pyanaconda/modules subfolder (rvykydal)
-- Convert VG reserved_space to Size (vtrefny)
-- Do not set default fstype for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
-* Mon Jan 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.20-1
-- Add the DBus method ChangeDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the task ChangeDeviceTask (vponcova)
-- Add pep8 check (rvykydal)
-- Fix max-line-length setting for pep8speaks (rvykydal)
-- Extend PayloadFactory tests (jkonecny)
-- Add test for payload type DBus API (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload shared testing objects (jkonecny)
-- Add type property to payloads (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload dnf tests to packages tests (jkonecny)
-- Add FIXME/TODO about GetActivePayload (jkonecny)
-- Move Publishable to PayloadBase (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests to a new Payload publishing (jkonecny)
-- Generate %%packages only when DNF module was used (jkonecny)
-- Fix payloads shared testing class (jkonecny)
-- Move payload Packages kickstart processing to Payloads (jkonecny)
-- Change GetActivePayloadPath to GetActivePayload (jkonecny)
-- Publish payload instead of payload path (jkonecny)
-- Change payloads objects to interfaces (jkonecny)
-- Migrate LiveOS payload to dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
-- Migrate LiveImage payload to dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
-- Migrate DNF payload for dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
-- Use container to publish payloads (jkonecny)
-- Add payload container (jkonecny)
-- Rename PAYLOAD_BASE to PAYLOAD (jkonecny)
-- Remove unnecessary space (jkonecny)
-- Remove DNF DBus namespace (jkonecny)
-- Move Packages module publishing to Payloads service (jkonecny)
-- Move payload packages out of DNF module (jkonecny)
-- Add basic configuration for pep8speaks github app (rvykydal)
-- Be more strict when checking for mounted dvd source (rvykydal)
-- Protect cdroms during tree population for image installs (rvykydal)
-- Finish code conventions rules migration to upstream (jkonecny)
-- Require new pykickstart version (jkonecny)
-- Revert "Revert "Fix Timezone pykickstart command version"" (jkonecny)
-- Add the task AddDeviceTask (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ValidateDeviceFactoryRequest (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus field 'reformat' to the device factory request (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetDeviceTypesForDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetFileSystemsForDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetRawDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceName (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetDefaultLUKSVersion (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceFactoryRequest (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ValidateRaidLevel (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ValidateContainerName (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method AddDevice (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ValidateMountPoint (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectUnusedMountPoints (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetSupportedRaidLevels (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetDefaultFileSystem (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectSupportedSystems (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetDiskTotalSpace (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectBootLoaderDevices (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectUnusedDevices (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method CollectNewDevices (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GetPartitioned (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateSystemData (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method GenerateSystemName (vponcova)
-- Create the device tree scheduler (vponcova)
-- Always create and publish the DASD and ZFCP modules (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the zFCP module (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the DASD module (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the iSCSI module (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the FCoE module (vponcova)
-- Allow arch filtering for comps (jmracek)
-- Remove duplicated exception handler usage (vslavik)
-* Mon Jan 13 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.19-1
-- Revert "Fix Timezone pykickstart command version" (vponcova)
-- Improve payload packages test for languages (jkonecny)
-- Update payload Packages properties tests (jkonecny)
-- Update payload LiveImage properties tests (jkonecny)
-- Fix Timezone pykickstart command version (jkonecny)
-- Fix failed tests introduced by merging multiple PRs (jkonecny)
-- Clean up for PEP257, PEP8, etc. in localization and its tests (vslavik)
-- Add tests for the rewritten localization module (vslavik)
-- Fix wrong code in localization found while writing tests (vslavik)
-- Remove parse_langcode(), LANGCODE_RE, and associated tests (vslavik)
-- Fix dosctrings by removing mentions of LANGCODE_RE (vslavik)
-- Replace remaining uses of parse_langcode by langtable's parsing (vslavik)
-- Add and use a convenience function to get language id (vslavik)
-- Add and use a mechanism for aborting early with invalid locale (vslavik)
-- Add failure tests for %%packages --ignorebroken (jkonecny)
-- Raise error on --ignorebroken when is disabled (jkonecny)
-- Fail to set packages IgnoreBroken when disabled (jkonecny)
-- Add enable_ignore_broken_packages configuration (jkonecny)
-- Add test for the new Packages API (jkonecny)
-- Support --ignorebroken by packages module (#1642013) (jkonecny)
-- Support possibility to skip broken packages (#1642013) (jkonecny)
-- Do not crash on disk.wwn value being None (#1711571) (rvykydal)
-- Fix a callback of the PropertiesChanged signal (vponcova)
-- Test unwrapped DBus values (vponcova)
-- Replace the default DBus error (vponcova)
-- Extend check_task_creation_list (vponcova)
-- Simplify langtable method calls (vslavik)
-- Require langtable 0.0.49 for its new parsing method (vslavik)
-- Fix import, add license statement in dracut driver updates test (vslavik)
-* Tue Jan 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.18-1
-- Fix cppcheck problem with undefined macros (jkonecny)
-- Fix C variable use before check for NULL (jkonecny)
-- Calculate ip address for kickstart URL ending in / (imsedgar)
-- Enable /boot on btrfs subvolume with GRUB2 (ngompa13)
-- Remove the workaround in the Resize dialog (vponcova)
-- Move the support for resizing devices (vponcova)
-- Add KernelArguments.is_enabled() as a replacement for getbool() (vslavik)
-- Fix tests broken by renamed modules (vslavik)
-- keyboard: pass shared module instance of localed wrapper to tasks (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: replace safe_dbus with dasbus in LocaledWrapper (rvykydal)
-- Add tests for the KernelArguments class (vslavik)
-- Stop KernelArguments inheriting from a dictionary (vslavik)
-- Change tests to use kernel.cmdline instead of flags.cmdline (vslavik)
-- Change all uses of flags.cmdline to kernel.kernel_arguments (vslavik)
-- Rename variables to prevent conflict with importing "kernel_arguments"
-  (vslavik)
-- Change flags.cmdline to use kernel.kernel_arguments (vslavik)
-- Add kernel.kernel_arguments providing same functionality as flags.cmdline
-  (vslavik)
-- Only attempt to open the ibm,max-boot-devices sysfs entry if it exists
-  (javierm)
-- Don't add more devices in boot-device NVRAM than the maximum allowed
-  (javierm)
-* Thu Dec 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.17-1
-- Calculate the space on uninitialized disks (#1782449) (vponcova)
-- Define a method required by _schedule_actions (#1782463) (vponcova)
-- Split the partitioning code (vponcova)
-- Add the attribute children to the device data (vponcova)
-* Tue Dec 10 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.16-1
-- Add a DBus method for checking resizable devices (vponcova)
-- Add DBus methods for partitioned devices (vponcova)
-- Add a DBus method for getting device size limits (vponcova)
-- Add the attribute protected to the device data (vponcova)
-- keyboard: make populating of missing values part of installation task
-  (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: fix write_x_configuration method (rvykydal)
-- Reduce progress spinner repaints to save CPU (rhbz#1204242) (vslavik)
-- Document the storage setters (vponcova)
-- Rename the file with tests for the Blivet partitioning method (vponcova)
-- Change the type of AppliedPartitioning (vponcova)
-- Rename the callbacks on_storage_reset (vponcova)
-- Add the DBus method ResetPartitioning (vponcova)
-- Rename the DBus method for resetting the storage (vponcova)
-- Test the boot loader factory (vponcova)
-- Set up the boot loader factory (vponcova)
-- Create the boot loader factory (vponcova)
-- Add a new configuration option for the type of the bootloader (vponcova)
-- network: wrap IPv4 addresses showed in GUI (#1777706) (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: do not return None value from apply configuration task (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: fix reference before assignment in apply keyboard task (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: add localization module unit tests for keyboard (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: fix return value of LocaledWrapper.layouts_variants property
-  (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: fix setting from generic keyboard in ks parsing (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: move setting of default value into related task (rvykydal)
-- Raise MountFilesystemError from DBus methods (vponcova)
-- keyboard: make update_settings_from_task private (rvykydal)
-- Add the mount point attribute to the device format data (vponcova)
-- Change mock imports to use the unittest.mock full import path (vslavik)
-- Rename an attribute of the action data structure (vponcova)
-- Change service_start_timeout (vponcova)
-- keyboard: update a comment for future refactorisations (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: remove superfluous call to write_x_configuration (rvykydal)
-- Calculate the space on disks with supported disk labels (vponcova)
-- keyboard: guard activation of keyboard configuration in the module (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: when converting values restore both console and X (#1775712)
-  (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: do not store generic keyboard setting at all (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: split populating of missing keyboard values (rvykydal)
-- Fix __all__ in pyanaconda.modules.common.structure.* (vponcova)
-- keyboard: do not convert from X value if we have vconsole in apply (#1776148)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Change the DBus support for collecting ancestors (vponcova)
-- Add the attribute removable to the device data (vponcova)
-- Extend the attributes of the device data (vponcova)
-- keyboard: fix getting options from LocaledWrapper (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: move LocaledWrapper into localization module (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: apply configuration with a task (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: populate missing keyboard items with a task (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: write configuration with module task (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: split out populating of missing values into separate task
-  (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: remove doc for unused weight parameter. (rvykydal)
-- keyboard: remove keyboard command from anaconda (rvykydal)
-- Rename payload sources to source (jkonecny)
-- Rename PayloadService to PayloadsService (jkonecny)
-- Rename payloads.payloads to payload.payload (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload to payloads for DBus services (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload module to payloads (jkonecny)
-- Publish main payload under Payloads (jkonecny)
-- Create PayloadContainer for dynamic provisioning (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload base to payload (jkonecny)
-- Use a variable when calling Zanata client in makefile (mkolman)
-- Clean up the spoke for the advanced storage (vponcova)
-- Rename payload DBus constants (jkonecny)
-- Remove handler word from payload leftovers (jkonecny)
-- Remove handler word from tests (jkonecny)
-- Rename LiveOSHandler* classes to LiveOS* (jkonecny)
-- Rename LiveImageHandler* classes to LiveImage* (jkonecny)
-- Rename DNFHandler* classes to DNF* (jkonecny)
-- Rename handlers from DNF internal variables (jkonecny)
-- Rename PackagesHandler* classes to Packages* (jkonecny)
-- Rename handler to payload in PayloadBase class (jkonecny)
-- Rename publish_handler to publish_payload (jkonecny)
-- Rename create_handler to create_payload (jkonecny)
-- Rename get_active_handler_path to payload path (jkonecny)
-- Rename is_handler_set to is_payload_set (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload handler getter and setter to payload (jkonecny)
-- Rename HandlerFactory to PayloadFactory (jkonecny)
-- Rename HandlerType to PayloadType (jkonecny)
-- Remove handler from factories variables (jkonecny)
-- Rename HandlerNotSetError to PayloadNotSetError (jkonecny)
-- Rename handler in logs for payload service class (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload handler internals in payload service (jkonecny)
-* Mon Nov 18 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.15-1
-- Fix wrong kdump boot option in boot options docs (vslavik)
-- Remove unused pylint false positive (jkonecny)
-- Remove the DBus library (vponcova)
-- Remove the extra support for PropertiesChanged (vponcova)
-- Normalize the pretty XML output (vponcova)
-- Update the unit tests (vponcova)
-- Reorganize the DBus library (vponcova)
-- Remove signal subscriptions from anaconda (vponcova)
-- Add support for disconnection of a DBus proxy (vponcova)
-- Clean up the anaconda's signal (vponcova)
-- Remove the anaconda's DBus from the DBus library (vponcova)
-- Remove the anaconda's signal from the DBus library (vponcova)
-- Remove the anaconda's logger from DBus library (vponcova)
-- Create the DBus library (vponcova)
-* Tue Nov 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.14-1
-- network: restrict applying of config from ks in initramfs with NM (#1768791)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: try to apply kickstart in initramfs only if neeeded (#1768791)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Use default required space solution for LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
-- Fix Live Image module required value default (jkonecny)
-- Add defaults to payload required space base (jkonecny)
-- Move set up and tear down sources to payload base (jkonecny)
-- Move installation task API to base payload (jkonecny)
-- Move SpaceRequired API to payload base (jkonecny)
-- Add tests payload shared API for sources handling (jkonecny)
-- Add payload shared test API for sources (jkonecny)
-- Tweak payload_shared test class (jkonecny)
-- Use payload base interface for existing payloads (jkonecny)
-- Add payload base interface implementation (jkonecny)
-- Move payload base to payloads folder (jkonecny)
-- Move source base classes to payload.sources (jkonecny)
-- Add names to the network tests (vslavik)
-- Forbid trailing period (dot) in hostname (#1648107) (vslavik)
-- Remove the enum PartitioningMethod from the Storage spoke in GUI (vponcova)
-- Collections of callbacks in signals can be changed during emitting (vponcova)
-- Run the installation tasks of the DBus addons (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons in the Boss (vponcova)
-- Provide fake installation tasks for the Baz addon (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons (vponcova)
-- Add support for running DBus tasks in one task (vponcova)
-- Don't enable BLS for Xen machines (javierm)
-* Tue Nov 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.13-1
-- Clean up ancient timezone tests (vslavik)
-- Add missing quotation mark to tmux.conf (jkonecny)
-- Fix too long lines in timezone module tests for PEP8 compliance (vslavik)
-- Add timezone interface tests for creation of timezone and NTP tasks (vslavik)
-- Add tests for the NTP D-Bus task (timezone module) (vslavik)
-- Add tests for the timezone D-Bus task (timezone module) (vslavik)
-- Move timezone and NTP from execute() to D-Bus configuration tasks (vslavik)
-- Add Neal Gompa as community feature maintainer (jkonecny)
-- Add pure community features documentation (jkonecny)
-* Tue Oct 29 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.12-1
-- Add a temporary hack to fix installations on ppc64le and aarch64 (#1764666)
-  (mkolman)
-* Thu Oct 24 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.11-1
-- Fix the timeout of DBus calls (vponcova)
-- Remove pydbus from the spec file (vponcova)
-- Test DBus support with Gio.TestDBus (vponcova)
-- Update the support for DBus properties (vponcova)
-- Create variants for the signal PropertiesChanged (vponcova)
-- Test the extended support for the DBus observer (vponcova)
-- Remove PropertiesCache (vponcova)
-- Extend the DBus observer (vponcova)
-- Test the extended support for DBus connection (vponcova)
-- Extend the support for DBus connections (vponcova)
-- Don't use pydbus in the function get_object_path (vponcova)
-- Test the client support for DBus objects (vponcova)
-- Add the client support for DBus objects (vponcova)
-- Test the server support for DBus objects (vponcova)
-- Add the server support for DBus objects (vponcova)
-- Extend DBus constants (vponcova)
-- Test the extended support for DBus specification (vponcova)
-- Extend the support for DBus specification (vponcova)
-- Test the support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova)
-- Add support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova)
-- Test the DBus signals (vponcova)
-- Extend the Signal class (vponcova)
-- Don't use signals from pydbus (vponcova)
-- Test the DBus error registration (vponcova)
-- Don't use DBus error registration from pydbus (vponcova)
-- Remove pydbus from the comments (vponcova)
-- Test the extended support for DBus typing (vponcova)
-- Extend the support for DBus typing (vponcova)
-- Don't import Variant from pydbus (vponcova)
-- Fix other payload module cyclic imports (vponcova)
-- Add code conventions to upstream (jkonecny)
-- Fix payload module cyclic imports (jkonecny)
-- Enable networking in the testing environment by default (vponcova)
-- network: adapt network config via kickstart from disk to NM in initramfs
-  (#1757781) (rvykydal)
-- network: fix handling of ksdevice=bootif in initramfs (rvykydal)
-- Make sure we work with fresh data when trying to do netroot (vpodzime)
-- Make our manual triggering on network in dracut work (#1082500) (vpodzime)
-- iscsi: do not generate initiator for generated kickstart if iscsi is not used
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: remove useless function (rvykydal)
-- network: remove Network command from anaconda (rvykydal)
-- network: remove parse method from Network command (rvykydal)
-- network: remove packages attribute from Network command (rvykydal)
-- Move payload live_os source under its directory (jkonecny)
-- Create an empty payload source live_os folder (jkonecny)
-- Move payload service constants to the main dir (jkonecny)
-- Remove modules.payload.live folder (jkonecny)
-- Move rest of payload utils to live_image utils (jkonecny)
-- Move create_rescue_image to payload base utils (jkonecny)
-- Move get_kernel_version_list to payload base (jkonecny)
-- Move InstallFromTarTask to live_image payload (jkonecny)
-- Move InstallFromImageTask to payload.base (jkonecny)
-- Move UpdateBLSConfigurationTask to payload base (jkonecny)
-- Move DownloadProgress to payload live_image (jkonecny)
-- Move TeardownInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
-- Move SetupInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
-- Move CheckInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
-- Fix imports after move of live_image payload (jkonecny)
-- Move lime_image code to the payloads folder (jkonecny)
-- Fix imports after move of live_os payload (jkonecny)
-- Move live_os code to the payloads folder (jkonecny)
-- Fix imports after move of DNF payload (jkonecny)
-- Move DNF handler to payloads folder (jkonecny)
-- Remove useless support for boot loader update (vponcova)
-* Fri Oct 18 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.10-1
-- Return back AutoPart kickstart command (#1761901) (jkonecny)
-- Update pyanaconda/exception.py (japokorn)
-- Fix links to a new pykickstart GitHub group (jkonecny)
-- Rename main modules to services (vponcova)
-- don't treat s390 as headless when selecting UI mode (dan)
-- Add link to the blog website to our README (jkonecny)
-- Add links on our blog to upstream documentation (jkonecny)
-- Add PARTUUID to lsblk_output log (japokorn)
-- Fix a unit test for a boot loader task (vponcova)
-- Test the DBus method FindFormattable (vponcova)
-- Add DBus method that finds DASDs for formatting (vponcova)
-- Move tests for the zFCP module (vponcova)
-- Move tests for the FCoE module (vponcova)
-- Move tests for the ISCSI module (vponcova)
-- Move tests for the DASD module (vponcova)
-* Tue Oct 15 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.9-1
-- Don't mark the network command as removed (vponcova)
-* Mon Oct 14 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.8-1
-- Do not use module_debsolv_errors DNF method (jkonecny)
-- Update pyanaconda/rescue.py (slavik.vladimir)
-- Make small fixes in the errors file code (jkonecny)
-- Make error string wrap more sane (jkonecny)
-- Remove make updates (jkonecny)
-- Fix regexp for iscsi initiator iqn name validation (#1750865) (rvykydal)
-- Disable kickstart output from the Payload module (vponcova)
-- Extend the tests for the Boss module (vponcova)
-- Mark the network command as removed (vponcova)
-- Generate the complete kickstart using the Boss (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for generating a complete kickstart (vponcova)
-- Improve the DBus return value for reading a kickstart file (vponcova)
-- Add DBus structure for a kickstart report (vponcova)
-- Simplify the DBus support for reading a kickstart file (vponcova)
-- Don't reimplement the run method in the Boss (vponcova)
-- Start DBus modules in a task (vponcova)
-- Remove AnacondaBossInterface (vponcova)
-- Don't represent the modules observers by their DBus path (vponcova)
-- Use a signal to propagate the module observers in the Boss (vponcova)
-- Make the nomount boot option work again (vslavik)
-- Skip buildins when processing kernel boot args (#1637472) (jkonecny)
-- Remove ldconfig scriptlet from a spec file (jkonecny)
-- Switch the makeupdates script to Python 3 (mkolman)
-- Fix a couple issues identified by Pylint (mkolman)
-- PEP8 for function names (mkolman)
-- Remove disused support for automatically fetching packages from Koji
-  (mkolman)
-- Support basic nested DBus structures (vponcova)
-- Support resolving of simple type hints (vponcova)
-- Generate DBus fields with DBusFieldFactory (vponcova)
-- Fix a missing patch in unit tests (vponcova)
-- Increase test coverage for payload sources (jkonecny)
-- Improve docstring on payload source (jkonecny)
-- Add logging to the payload source ready state (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests to a new is_ready solution (jkonecny)
-- Implement is_ready for live os payload source (jkonecny)
-- Switch payload source ready property to method (jkonecny)
-- Remove payload source ready setter (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for payload sources error propagation (jkonecny)
-- Raise exception at the end of sources tear down (jkonecny)
-- Payload sources can't be set when initialized (jkonecny)
-- Fix doc strings in Live OS payload source (jkonecny)
-- Fix doc strings in Payload module (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests to a new payload grouping tasks (jkonecny)
-- Use TearDownSourcesTask in LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
-- Add tear down payload sources task (jkonecny)
-- Use SetUpSourcesTask in LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
-- Add set up payload sources task (jkonecny)
-- Rename Live OS Source specific tasks (jkonecny)
-- Change test for Live payload source readiness (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests to new Installation task with source (jkonecny)
-- Check source readiness in Payload install task (jkonecny)
-- Remove handler check for source readiness (jkonecny)
-- Remove payload sources validate API (jkonecny)
-- Replace payload attach_source by set_sources (jkonecny)
-- Rename kind to type (jkonecny)
-- Rename tear down Live OS source task (jkonecny)
-- Add source tests to Live OS (jkonecny)
-- Adapt tests to the new Live OS source solution (jkonecny)
-- Add check_task_creation_list helper function (jkonecny)
-- Add source checkers to Live OS handler (jkonecny)
-- Use source object in the Live OS handler (jkonecny)
-- Add is source set method to payload handler base (jkonecny)
-- Adapt Live OS test for detect image migration (jkonecny)
-- Move Live OS image detection to source (jkonecny)
-- Adapt payload Live OS handler/source tests (jkonecny)
-- Migrate image path from Live OS handler to source (jkonecny)
-- Live OS source can have only one source attached (jkonecny)
-- Fix line longer than 99 characters in payload (jkonecny)
-- Add check if payload source is supported (jkonecny)
-- Add payload source type tests (jkonecny)
-- Implement type to the payload source base (jkonecny)
-- Move payload handler/sources types to constants (jkonecny)
-- Implement source attach to the payload handlers (jkonecny)
-- Add test for payload CreateSource API (jkonecny)
-- Wrap payload source creation to DBusContainer (jkonecny)
-- Add support for source creation to Payload module (jkonecny)
-- Add payload SourceFactory test (jkonecny)
-- Add payload source factory (jkonecny)
-- Add test for the payload HandlerFactory class (jkonecny)
-- Make payload HandlerFactory class more generic (jkonecny)
-- Remove required parameter from the Live OS Source (jkonecny)
-- Add Live OS source tear down test (jkonecny)
-- Use moved tear down task in Live OS source (jkonecny)
-- Move Live OS tear down task to Live OS source (jkonecny)
-- Add test for Live OS source validation method (jkonecny)
-- Learn Live OS source how to validate source (jkonecny)
-- Add Validate API to the payload source base (jkonecny)
-- Add test for Live OS Source set up task (jkonecny)
-- Move and fix Live OS init source test (jkonecny)
-- Use set up source task in the Live OS source (jkonecny)
-- Rename set up task for live os source (jkonecny)
-- Move set up source live os image task to sources (jkonecny)
-- Add empty classes for Live OS payload interface (jkonecny)
-- Add base payload source module (jkonecny)
-- Add a new python module for payload sources (jkonecny)
-* Fri Oct 04 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.7-1
-- network: split configure hostname task out of network installation task
-  (#1757960) (rvykydal)
-- Switch to pypi pylint from RPM (jkonecny)
-- Allow to handle the return value of subprocess.run (vponcova)
-- Remove the unexpected keyword argument 'env' (vponcova)
-- Remove the assignment of the same variable to itself (vponcova)
-- Remove unused false positives (vponcova)
-- Improve updates repo configuration in GUI (#1670471) (mkolman)
-- Don't touch storage until it is ready (vponcova)
-- Run the manual partitioning task for the given requests (vponcova)
-- Set the locale for unit tests (vponcova)
-- Deprecate the current kickstart support for addons (vponcova)
-- Add kickstart support for the Baz module (vponcova)
-- Support the %%addon sections in the kickstart specification (vponcova)
-- Handle the bootloader reset in the partitioning task (vponcova)
-- Fix the DBus patching functions (vponcova)
-- Patch DBus proxies in GUI and TUI simple import tests (vponcova)
-- Add DBus method for validation of selected disks (vponcova)
-- Enable faulthandler in DBus modules (vponcova)
-- Reset the storage and the playground of partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Add support for getting an object path of a DBus proxy (vponcova)
-- Remove pointless '../../' to clean up NFS mounts (riehecky)
-* Wed Sep 25 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.6-1
-- Switch between layouts without confirmation (#1333984) (vponcova)
-- Remove the old and broken zram-stats script (#1561773) (mkolman)
-- Rename _test_dbus_partitioning and _test_dbus_property (vponcova)
-- Remove attributes for the static partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Test the custom partitioning from kickstart (vponcova)
-- Test the property AppliedPartitioning (vponcova)
-- Test the property CreatedPartitioning (vponcova)
-- Test the dynamic partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Test the partitioning factory with kickstart (vponcova)
-- Generate kickstart from the applied partitioning (vponcova)
-- Create a partitioning module for the kickstart data (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the storage installation tasks (vponcova)
-- Add the installation task for BTRFS (vponcova)
-- Add a simple import test for pyanaconda (vponcova)
-- Fix the implementation of patch_dbus_publish_object (vponcova)
-- Use the validation report for the storage validation (vponcova)
-- Remove get_object_path of TaskInterface (vponcova)
-- Add support for validation tasks (vponcova)
-- Move the partitioning validation to the base class (vponcova)
-- Add the installation task for ZIPL (vponcova)
-- Improve installation tasks of the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Don't initialize PartTypeSpoke from the Summary hub (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the device ancestors (vponcova)
-- Fix the DBus method GetUsableDisks (vponcova)
-- network: split function for generating dracut arguments (#1751189) (rvykydal)
-- network: generate dracut arguments from connections (#1751189) (rvykydal)
-- network: do not touch iBFT connections created in initramfs (#1751189)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Increase EFI System Partition (ESP) size to 200-600 MiB (javierm)
-* Tue Sep 17 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.5-1
-- payload module: update live image tar payload options with --numeric-owner
-  (rvykydal)
-- payload module: add tests for live image payload interface (rvykydal)
-- Only partitions have the is_magic attribute (#1625154) (vponcova)
-- network gui: wrap multiple IP addresses in network spoke (#1593561)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Don't use update_storage_ksdata in tests (vponcova)
-- Verify existing unlocked LUKS devices without keys (#1624617) (vponcova)
-- network tui: fix addr_str referenced before assignment (#1731415) (rvykydal)
-- Fix the second screen of Welcome to Fedora (#1748203) (vponcova)
-- Add a space after the comma in the description (junjieyuanxiling)
-- Use numbers for user/group names when unpacking tar live image (356889)
-* Thu Sep 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.4-1
-- Add tests for the device factory requests (vponcova)
-- Raise an exception if the device type is unsupported (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for getting the device LUKS versions (vponcova)
-- Use a device factory request to populate the right side (vponcova)
-- Improve logging of the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Use the device factory request to change devices (vponcova)
-- Generate a device factory request (vponcova)
-- Use a device factory request to add a mount point (vponcova)
-- Add support for transforming device factory requests to arguments (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the device factory request (vponcova)
-- Fix tests after using flatpak format_ref method (jkonecny)
-- Use flatpak API to create ref string (jkonecny)
-- network: make sure configuration from boot options has ONBOOT=yes (#1727904)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: fix dumping of generic "Wired connection" created in initramfs
-  (#1727904) (rvykydal)
-- Make clear where repo names are used not objects (jkonecny)
-- Remove __main__ functions for testing (vponcova)
-- Drop dhclient requirement (pbrobinson)
-- Compare normalized XML strings (vponcova)
-- Add temporal pylint false positive (jkonecny)
-- Make default state of treeinfo repos configurable by product (riehecky)
-- Fix pylint test by loading C extensions (jkonecny)
-- Drop dhclient requirement (pbrobinson)
-- Fall back to a boot drive with a valid stage1 device (#1168118) (vponcova)
-- Use test dependencies from Fedora instead of pip (jkonecny)
-- Do not crash test env setup in case of empty list (jkonecny)
-- Fix parsing of hostname from cmdline for ipv6. (rvykydal)
-- dnfpayload: repo in _fetch_md is a dnf repo not ksrepo (awilliam)
-- Don't set up a warning label to None (#1745933) (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for shrinking devices (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for removing devices (vponcova)
-- Devices to be shrinked are always resizable (vponcova)
-- Identify devices by theirs names in the resize dialog (vponcova)
-- Refactorize the ResizeDialog (vponcova)
-- network module: guard onboot configuration task by environment (rvykydal)
-- network: modify autoactivate via NM API with a separate task (rvykydal)
-- network: get ONBOOT values from NM connections (rvykydal)
-- network: activate connections during initramfs consolidation synchronously
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: block autoactivation also when updating iniramfs connection
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: find initramfs connections even without ifcfg files (#1727904)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: block autoactivation when adding connection from kickstart
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: split the function for adding a connection from kickstart (rvykydal)
-- network: implement NM connection change commit using Update2() (rvykydal)
-- network: fix setting real ONBOOT for inactive vlan devices (rvykydal)
-- network: modify ONBOOT via libnm during network initialization (rvykydal)
-- network: set autoconnect/ONBOOT to yes for default connection in tui
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: get rid of ONBOOT workaround in tui (rvykydal)
-- More detailed addon logging (riehecky)
-- Revert "Keep getSysroot for kdump-anaconda-addon" (vponcova)
-* Mon Aug 26 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.3-1
-- Use the task container to publish tasks (vponcova)
-- Remove publish_task (vponcova)
-- Make tasks publishable (vponcova)
-- Create and set up the DBus container for tasks (vponcova)
-- Add note to fix time consuming live os dbus task (jkonecny)
-- Add notes for the future work on the module payloads (jkonecny)
-- Move constants specific for copy dd task (jkonecny)
-- Add test for updating bls entries task (jkonecny)
-- Add test for Live OS post installation task (jkonecny)
-- Add test for create_rescue_image function (jkonecny)
-- Add Live OS handler test for install with task (jkonecny)
-- Add live payload handler test for InstallWithImageTask (jkonecny)
-- Improve tests for live os image detection code (jkonecny)
-- Add live os test for kernel version list (jkonecny)
-- Make consistent imports (jkonecny)
-- Replace getSysroot by conf value (jkonecny)
-- Move get_dir_size test to the payload module tests (jkonecny)
-- Move get_dir_size function to the payload.base.utils (jkonecny)
-- Rename GetDirSize to get_dir_size (jkonecny)
-- Add sysroot param to the copy DD files task (jkonecny)
-- Change write module blacklist to take sysroot param (jkonecny)
-- Change create root dir func to take sysroot param (jkonecny)
-- Add sysroot param to prepare installation task (jkonecny)
-- Rename payload shared to base (jkonecny)
-- Add Live OS handler space required test (jkonecny)
-- Inline copy driver disk payload function to task (jkonecny)
-- Add API for required space to live os payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Add copy DD files task to live image payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Use new task copy driver disks files to old payload (jkonecny)
-- Add copy DD files as post install task to live os handler (jkonecny)
-- Add post-installation task to live os payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Do a facelift to the old copy driver disk function (jkonecny)
-- Moved copy driver disk to the payload module shared (jkonecny)
-- Use new shared task in the old payload module (jkonecny)
-- Add test for prepare installation payload task (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for payload module shared utils (jkonecny)
-- Create and use task to prepare installation for LiveOS (jkonecny)
-- Move payload shared code for handlers to a directory (jkonecny)
-- Move write module blacklist to paylod module (jkonecny)
-- Move create root directory to its own function (jkonecny)
-- Add install task with API to Live OS handler (jkonecny)
-- Add kernel version list support to live os handler (jkonecny)
-- Fix noverifyssl when downloading .treeinfo file (#1723811) (jkonecny)
-- Add the DBus property PartitioningMethod (vponcova)
-- Add support for dynamic partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Make partitioning modules publishable (vponcova)
-- Create the partitioning factory (vponcova)
-- Use a DBus container for the device trees (vponcova)
-- Add support for DBus containers (vponcova)
-- Add a simple unit test for TUI and GUI (vponcova)
-- Add logic to create flatpaks rpmostree payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Move flatpak code to a new ostree payload class (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Create flatpak in ostree payload only if available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Update tests for new class method is_available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Make flatpak is_available() a static method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Remove the fixed file:// from the flatpak remote (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Fix payload prepare mount targets install task (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Merge rpmostreepayload installation under one task (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Move progress messaging from flatpak to rpmostree (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add test for flatpak change remote for refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Replace remote for installed refs in rpmpayload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Use new flatpak replace remote on installed refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak remote replace for installed refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Make flatpak ref full format method more generic (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Create an flatpak base ref list object (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Use flatpak add/remove remotes in ostree payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak tests for adding and removing remotes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Implement flatpak adding and removing remotes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Adapt flatpak tests to the new changes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Change flatpak remote logic (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Rename flatpak REMOTE_NAME to LOCAL_REMOTE_NAME (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Make flatpak ref lists object consistent (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Implement object to get installed flatpak refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak error reporting implementation (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Cleanup temp repository of flatpak before install (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add and fix tests for newly added flatpak cleanup (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak cleanup method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Split flatpak setup to two initialization methods (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Fix tests after connecting to flatpak signals (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add callbacks to monitor flatpak transactions (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Install flatpaks as part of ostree installation (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add test for the flatpak install method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add support to install all remote flatpaks (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak required space test (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add get_required_space to the flatpak payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak object to abstract flatpak Ref list (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Don't configure the default target without systemd (#1744115) (vponcova)
-- Change flatpak remote name to constant (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Use FlatpakPayload from the RPMOStreePayload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add test for the flatpak setup method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add method to setup flatpak objects (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add flatpak test for remote availability (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add check if flatpak remote repo is available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add libflatpak dependency to the anaconda spec (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Add an empty class to handle flatpak (#1734970) (jkonecny)
-- Look for existing installations on existing devices (vponcova)
-- Require a mount point only for mountable formats (vponcova)
-- Handle the missing mountpoint attribute (#1743853) (vponcova)
-* Mon Aug 19 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 32.2-1
-- Set the minimum required entropy only once (vponcova)
-- Rename the icon (#1740864) (vponcova)
-- Format strings with format in interactive utils (vponcova)
-- Rename _get_device_info_description in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove pyanaconda.storage.partitioning (vponcova)
-- Use the partitioning request in TUI (vponcova)
-- Use the partitioning request in GUI (vponcova)
-- Update the storage initialization and configuration (vponcova)
-- Use the partitioning request in the tests (vponcova)
-- Use the partitioning request in the automatic partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Use the partitioning request in the automatic partitioning task (vponcova)
-- Exclude mount points from the automatic partitioning (vponcova)
-- Create a DBus structure for the partitioning request (vponcova)
-- Don't load the repo device path twice in the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Rename device_path to repo_device_path in the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Rename get_mount_device in payload utils (vponcova)
-- Remove a redundant condition in the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Specify types of arguments in the payload utils (vponcova)
-- Use the payload utils in UI (vponcova)
-- Add a new function unmount_device to payload utils (vponcova)
-- Add a new function setup_device to payload utils (vponcova)
-- Add a new function mount_device to payload utils (vponcova)
-- Add a new function teardown_device to payload utils (vponcova)
-- Move the support methods for image installations (vponcova)
-- Change the method for finding potential HDISO sources (vponcova)
-- Change the method for finding a valid optical install media (vponcova)
-- Add a new function resolve_device to payload utils (vponcova)
-- Rename variables and arguments in the Payload class (vponcova)
-- Provide a documentation for the payload utils (vponcova)
-- Don't propagate the storage and data to the payload again (vponcova)
-- Collect addons after running the %%pre section (vponcova)
-- Fix: Merge the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
-- Fix: Generate the device info in interactive utils (vponcova)
-- Fix: Simplify the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
-- Handle a missing value of the mount point attribute (vponcova)
-- Improve logging of the device info changes (vponcova)
-- Remove the constants for the device type strings (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting supported RAID levels (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the raid level validation (vponcova)
-- Simplify the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
-- Move the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
-- Generate the device info in interactive utils (vponcova)
-- Simplify overriding disk set with container's (vponcova)
-- Simplify the removal of the device (vponcova)
-- Merge the code for changing the size (vponcova)
-- Move code to the function revert_reformat (vponcova)
-- Change arguments of the method for reformatting (vponcova)
-- Merge the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
-- Split the code for collecting the new device info (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting the new device info (vponcova)
-- Apply the device info changes in new methods (vponcova)
-- Remove the code for comparing the device info (vponcova)
-- Remove variables for new device info (vponcova)
-- Remove variables for old device info (vponcova)
-- Move the code for comparing the device info (vponcova)
-- Simplify logging of the device infos (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the new device info (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the old device info (vponcova)
-- Add squashfs+overlayfs base live image detection (bcl)
-- liveinst: Add support for plain squashfs root filesystem (bcl)
-* Wed Aug 14 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.1-1
-- Use append_dbus_tasks() for DBus Task scheduling (mkolman)
-- Add append_dbus_task method to TaskQueue (mkolman)
-- Replace Firewall and Network command setup() method (mkolman)
-- Add support for localization of modules (rvykydal)
-- Don't measure code coverage during the installation (vponcova)
-- Use the new discovery & join DBUS tasks (mkolman)
-- Increase network timeout constant (jkonecny)
-- Add DBUS Tasks for realm discovery & joining a realm (mkolman)
-- Add the add_requirements() method for PayloadRequirements (mkolman)
-- Extend RealmData (mkolman)
-- Set timeout for all session.get calls (jkonecny)
-- Add support for disabling modules via module --disable (mkolman)
-- Don't check the format status in UI (vponcova)
-- Fix updating of ifcfg files for ifname= bound devices (#1727904) (rvykydal)
-- network module: be more strict when adding physical device configuration
-  (#1727904) (rvykydal)
-- Adapt to changes caused by NM in initramfs (#1727904) (rvykydal)
-- Change the documentation of the 'reason' attribute (vponcova)
-- Fix traceback in network module installation task. (rvykydal)
-- Remove the connect method of DBusObserver (vponcova)
-- Remember which modules are addons (vponcova)
-- Simplify the initialization of the module observer (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for the object observer (vponcova)
-- Move the module manager to a new subpackage (vponcova)
-* Wed Jul 31 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.22-1
-- Fix pylint warning (vponcova)
-- Keep getSysroot for kdump-anaconda-addon (vponcova)
-- Specify sizes of nonexistent devices in tests (vponcova)
-- network tui: fix a typo concerning inifiniband device configuration
-  (rvykydal)
-- Remove the object observers from UI (vponcova)
-- Remove the method changed (vponcova)
-- Move the preserved arguments to the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
-- Remove system root from DBus methods (vponcova)
-- Rename setSysroot (vponcova)
-- Replace getSysroot (vponcova)
-- Replace getTargetPhysicalRoot (vponcova)
-- Replace publisher patches with the new solution (jkonecny)
-- Handle disk selection errors in get_candidate_disks (vponcova)
-- Don't verify mounted partitions of protected disks (vponcova)
-- Always protect the live backing device (#1706335) (vponcova)
-- Don't change the storage if the reset fails (vponcova)
-- Remove support for teardown before storage reset (vponcova)
-* Thu Jul 25 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.21-1
-- Always schedule the installation task for joining realm (#1732620) (vponcova)
-- Fix issue raised by giving publisher as last parameter (jkonecny)
-- Use the new publisher patch decorator in a tests (jkonecny)
-- Add decorator as shortcut for a publisher patching (jkonecny)
-- Add test for creating invalid payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Fix tests after removing handlers publish method (jkonecny)
-- Remove _publish_handler method from payload module (jkonecny)
-- Fix tests because of new payload API change (jkonecny)
-- Remove get_handler_path from payload handlers (jkonecny)
-- Return path from payload handler publish methods (jkonecny)
-- Join all the payload handler create methods (jkonecny)
-- Publish payload handler after KS data are parsed (jkonecny)
-- Add handler factory and use that in payload module (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for new payload API (jkonecny)
-- Do not create payload handler if already set (jkonecny)
-- Add API to test if there is a payload handler set (jkonecny)
-- Do not set default payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Don't prune and sort actions in the partitioning task (vponcova)
-- Fix imports in the tests (jkonecny)
-- Adapt payload tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
-- Adapt network tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
-- Adapt localization tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
-- Adapt bootloader test to a new task check function (jkonecny)
-- Adapt storage tests to a new check task function (jkonecny)
-- Make a new test func to check task creation (jkonecny)
-- Add test for new payload API on live image creation (jkonecny)
-- Add new payload API to create live image handler (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for new payload handlers solution (jkonecny)
-- Fix tests after payload handler logic change (jkonecny)
-- Add support to create DNF payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Improve payload handler creation abstraction (jkonecny)
-- Publish payload handler before it is set (jkonecny)
-- Fix payload generate_kickstart with no handler (jkonecny)
-- Add payload module API to get active handler (jkonecny)
-- Publish handler in the creation method call (jkonecny)
-- Propagate DBus path when creating handler (jkonecny)
-- Use base handler class by the handler modules (jkonecny)
-- Add payload handler base class (jkonecny)
-- Change main payload handlers to property (jkonecny)
-- Add root password SSH login override checkbox (#1716282) (mkolman)
-* Mon Jul 22 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.20-1
-- Move code to exctract kernel version from tar to utils (jkonecny)
-- Add link for our translations to README (#1729788) (jkonecny)
-- Change Makefile zanata client check from pkg to bin (jkonecny)
-- Add recommendation to release process guide (jkonecny)
-- Remove unnecessary step from release in mock doc (jkonecny)
-- Fix mock release dependency in a mock (jkonecny)
-- Fix: Simplify the code for creating container store rows (vponcova)
-- Fix a docstring of add_device (vponcova)
-- Get the current device type only once (vponcova)
-- Move the code for getting the name of the new root (vponcova)
-- LiveImagePayload: move some functions to utils.py (rvykydal)
-- LiveImagePayload: replace PostInstallTask with UpdateBLSConfigurationTask
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: make API and implementation method names consistent
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: use more descriptive names for installation tasks
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImagePayload: Do not provide API for setting of required space (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: prevent reusing of DownloadProgress instance (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: simplify using of SetupInstallationSourceImageTask result
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: simplify using of CheckInstallationSourceImageTask result
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: remove interfaces for task results we don't need (rvykydal)
-- Add logging to interactive utils (vponcova)
-- Fix the FIXME comment for collect_selected_disks (vponcova)
-- Rename the argument for the boot drive (vponcova)
-- Remove empty lines in collect_used_devices (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for completing the device info (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for hiding protected disks to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Move the code for suggesting device names (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for getting a container device (vponcova)
-- Fix: Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
-- Fix pylint issues in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Move the code for label validation (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting supported mount points (vponcova)
-- Show a detailed warning in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Show a detailed error in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting containers (vponcova)
-- Move the code for getting a container device (vponcova)
-- Populate a container for the given device (vponcova)
-- Simplify the code for creating container store rows (vponcova)
-- Move the code for renaming containers (vponcova)
-- Move the code for destroying devices (vponcova)
-- Remove the method for removing empty parents (vponcova)
-- Move the code for completing the device info (vponcova)
-- Move the code for creating devices (vponcova)
-- Move the function get_device_raid_level (vponcova)
-- Refactor the code for setting up the device types (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting file system types (vponcova)
-- Move the code for getting the device LUKS version (vponcova)
-- Move the code for the device reformatting (vponcova)
-- Move the code for changed encryption (vponcova)
-- Move the code for changing the device size (vponcova)
-- Move the code for reverting reformat (vponcova)
-- Collect roots with supported devices (vponcova)
-- Move the code for adding the unknown page (vponcova)
-- Move the code for adding the root page (vponcova)
-- Move the code for creating a new root (vponcova)
-- Move the code for adding the initial page (vponcova)
-- Move the code for collecting roots to interactive utils (vponcova)
-- Move constants and function from custom_storage.py (vponcova)
-- Optimize the method _update_space_display of the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the method _current_total_space from the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the method _set_current_free_space of the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Move the code for hiding protected disks to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Don't check if disks have media present (vponcova)
-- Rename _clearpart_devices in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Rename get_new_devices in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Fix: Remove bootloader_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Fix: Remove unused_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Remove bootloader_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the attribute _devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Remove unused_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Remove the property unused_devices from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove banners (vponcova)
-- Replace the Progress hub (vponcova)
-- Remove useless class attributes from SpokeCategory (vponcova)
-- LiveImageHandler: add progress reporting of download (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: split out Teardown task from PostInstall (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: pass source image mount point as argument to tasks
-  (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: PostInstallWithTask() 2/2 (rvykydal)
-- LiveImagehandler: InstallWithTask() (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: UpdateKernelVersionList() (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: PostInstallWithTask() 1/2 (rvykydal)
-- Change the sort order of the User Settings category (vponcova)
-- Move all spokes to the Summary hub (vponcova)
-- LiveImageHandler: PreInstallWithTask() (rvykydal)
-- LiveImageHandler: SetupWithTask() (CheckInstallationSourceImage) (rvykydal)
-* Thu Jul 11 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.19-1
-- Call teardown_all explicitly (vponcova)
-- Don't publish the module in the loop (vponcova)
-- Start swap on ZRAM service (cmurf)
-- Use %%autosetup instead of %%setup (mkolman)
-- Adjust the exclude arguments for livepayloads (bcl)
-- Recreate the BLS entries when using liveimg (bcl)
-- Cache the liveimg tar kernel list (bcl)
-- Add common function for creating rescue images (bcl)
-- move comment into docstring for PowerNVGRUB2 install method (dan)
-- add PowerNV into BootloaderClassTestCase (dan)
-- LiveImage payload: clean up directory used for image mounting (rvykydal)
-- LiveImage payload: mount live image privately (rvykydal)
-- introduce PowerNV variant for grub2 class (dan)
-- initial PowerNV class support (dan)
-- Add the option decorated_window to the Anaconda configuration (vponcova)
-- Add test for Live OS detect live os image feature (jkonecny)
-- Add Live OS base image detection code (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for the new Live OS tasks (jkonecny)
-- Add Live OS handler tests for ImagePath property (jkonecny)
-- Implement teardown to Live OS payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Add support to create Live OS handler manually (jkonecny)
-- Implement SetupInstallationSource Live OS task (jkonecny)
-- Add ImagePath property to the Live OS handler (jkonecny)
-- Add an empty LiveOS payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Don't use the auto partitioning module in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Add support for decomposing DBus values (vponcova)
-- Use the default file system type for /boot (vponcova)
-- Move updates reponames to constants (riehecky)
-- Fix setting and reporting ready state in Source Spoke. (rvykydal)
-* Tue Jun 25 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.18-1
-- Add comprehensive unit tests for ConfigureFirewallTask (mkolman)
-- Fix a typo (mkolman)
-- Use FirewallMode enum firewall configuration DBus Task (#1722979) (mkolman)
-- Don't encrypt devices in the interactive partitioning by default (vponcova)
-- Provide a default passphrase for the PassphraseDialog (vponcova)
-- Set the passphrase for the automatic partitioning from the dialog (vponcova)
-- Don't use the global encryption passphrase (vponcova)
-- Add support for passphrases in the device tree module (vponcova)
-- Handle the passphrase requirements in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Use _get_passphrase in the custom partitioning task (vponcova)
-- Don't generate passphrases in a kickstart file (vponcova)
-- Fix the unit tests for the Services module (vponcova)
-- Convert names of attributes and variables in custom storage helpers
-  (vponcova)
-- Fix code alignment in the custom storage helpers (vponcova)
-- Convert names of attributes and variables in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Remove local variables with unused values in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Fix code alignment in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Initialize attributes in the __init__ method of the custom spoke (vponcova)
-- Reorganize imports in the custom spoke (vponcova)
-* Mon Jun 24 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.17-1
-- Move graphical login detection to a DBus Task (#1722950) (mkolman)
-- Add DBus support for device trees of partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Create the interactive partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Fix misleading comment (riehecky)
-* Thu Jun 20 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.16-1
-- Replace the XConfig execute() method by DBus Tasks (mkolman)
-- Fix list-screens script reference (gpchelkin)
-- Fix protecting of the live device (#1699387) (vponcova)
-- Adapt tests for new Live payload handler changes (jkonecny)
-- Add setters to LiveImage payload handler (jkonecny)
-- Rename Live payload handler to LiveImage (jkonecny)
-- Extend payload live handler with new properties (jkonecny)
-- Add read only properties to payload Live handler (jkonecny)
-- Add the apply-updates script (vponcova)
-- Add payload live handler tests (jkonecny)
-- Update payload DNF handler tests (jkonecny)
-- Create a new payload handler mixin class for tests (jkonecny)
-- Improve the documentation of inst.stage2.all and inst.ks.all (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for teardown tasks (vponcova)
-- Tear down images with teardown_disk_images (vponcova)
-- Move get_anaconda_version_string to util (vponcova)
-- Support multiple payload handlers (jkonecny)
-- Add kickstart processing to payload live handler (jkonecny)
-- Create Live payload handler module (jkonecny)
-- Deprecate the method changed (vponcova)
-- Calculate free space for the physical root in dir installations (vponcova)
-- Use the actual sysroot to pick up a mount point for downloading (vponcova)
-- Use the physical root for mounting existing systems (vponcova)
-- Change the path to the system root (vponcova)
-- Read files in /etc/anaconda/conf.d on demand (vponcova)
-* Thu Jun 13 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.15-1
-- iscsi: require relevant blivet version for iscsi module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: add unit tests for iscsi module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: fix name of some method arguments (target -> portal) (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: use proper iscsi interface mode constants in ui (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: update the CanSetInitiator docstring to reflect the reality (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: move conversion to IscsiInterfacesMode from implementation to
-  interface (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: use better name for a NodeIsFromIbft method (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: move kickstart iscsi processing into the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: attach iBFT targets in early kickstart by the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi gui: show target in Target column (not initiator) (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: rename iSCSI node info attribute holding name of iscsi interface
-  (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: move dracut argument generating into the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: get info about target being added from iBFT from the iSCSI module
-  (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: use attributes added blivet iscsi device replacing iscsi node object
-  (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: rename Target to Portal where appropriate (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: move kickstart data update to the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: write configuration by the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: use the iSCSI module by kickstart iscsi command (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: use the iSCSI module in GUI (rvykydal)
-- Adapt iSCSI structures to dbus structure updates (rvykydal)
-- Use the ISCSI module in the ISCSIDialog (vponcova)
-- Create DBus tasks for discovering iSCSI nodes (vponcova)
-- Create the basic structure for the iSCSI module (vponcova)
-- Hide spokes in Silverblue and Workstation (vponcova)
-- Remove the screen access management (vponcova)
-- Hide spokes with the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
-- Run the DBus task for configuration of post-installation tools (vponcova)
-- Replace the lang execute() method (mkolman)
-- Collect requirements of the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for module requirements (vponcova)
-- Replace the Services execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
-- Replace the SELinux execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
-- Replace the Firewall execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
-- Add FirewallConfigurationTask DBus Task (mkolman)
-- Add root parameter to execInSysroot utility function (mkolman)
-- Improve post install tools configuration (mkolman)
-* Fri May 31 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.14-1
-- Require langtable-0.0.44, drop langtable-data requirement (mfabian)
-- Extend the format data with the mountable property (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for supported file system types (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for getting format type data (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for gathering mount point requests (vponcova)
-- Move tests for partitioning modules to new files (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for populating a device tree (vponcova)
-- Don't define the __eq__ method of DBusData (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for mounting the existing system (vponcova)
-- Extend the function mount_existing_system (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for finding existing operating system (vponcova)
-- Simplify generate_string_from_data (vponcova)
-- Define the __eq__ method of DBusData (vponcova)
-* Mon May 27 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.13-1
-- Parse the output of df correctly (#1708701) (vponcova)
-- Skip scaling if there is no primary monitor (#1592014) (vponcova)
-- Document how to report a bug (vponcova)
-- Handle post inst tools toggling in screen access manager (mkolman)
-- Fix a typo in Initial Setup configuration task (mkolman)
-- Remove methods _setup_mount_data and _process_mount_data (vponcova)
-- Rename MountPoint to MountPointRequest (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the storage checker module (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for setting a constraint (vponcova)
-- Don't check the storage in a separate thread (vponcova)
-- Remove HMC from flags (jkonecny)
-- Rename the method add_new_constraint (vponcova)
-- Rename the method add_constraint (vponcova)
-- Remove the update_constraint method (vponcova)
-- Create the DBus module for the storage checker (vponcova)
-- Use MountPoint in TUI (vponcova)
-- Use MountPoint in ManualPartitioningTask (vponcova)
-- Use MountPoint in tests (vponcova)
-- Use MountPoint as DBus structure (vponcova)
-- Cleanup long removed "headless" option from docs (mkolman)
-* Wed May 15 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.12-1
-- Fix condition for running GUI User spoke in Initial Setup (mkolman)
-- Expose individual user group, user and root password DBus tasks (mkolman)
-- Use a DBus task for Initial Setup configuration (mkolman)
-- Add ConfigureInitialSetupTask (mkolman)
-- Sysroot support for enable_service() and disable_service() (mkolman)
-- Fix documentation for nosslverify (jkonecny)
-- Replace noverifyssl flag in anaconda (jkonecny)
-- Adjust verify_ssl config from cmdline (jkonecny)
-- Move payload nosslverify to the config files (jkonecny)
-- Skip some of the driver disk tests (vponcova)
-- Use the absolute paths to set the testing environment (vponcova)
-- Use DBus consistently (mkolman)
-- Test generate_string_from_data with invalid argument (vponcova)
-- Make from_structure and to_structure more strict (vponcova)
-* Thu May 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.11-1
-- Remove no longer needed kickstart command overrides (mkolman)
-- Use Users DBUS module for user configuration in GUI (mkolman)
-- Use Users DBUS module for user configuration in TUI (mkolman)
-- Adjust Users module DBus API for better kickstart root configuration
-  (mkolman)
-- Use DBusData base class for data holders (mkolman)
-- Add a string representation for UserData (mkolman)
-- Add ui/lib/users.py (mkolman)
-- Use a constant for the UID/GID not set value (mkolman)
-- Improve ksdata <-> user data methods in Users DBUS module (mkolman)
-- Do root, group, user and SSH key configuration with DBUS tasks (mkolman)
-- Add tasks for root, user, group and ssh key configuration (mkolman)
-- Fix indentation for user creation method docstring (mkolman)
-- Drop support for using custom password crypt algorithm (mkolman)
-- Make clear_root_password() into set_root_password() alias (mkolman)
-- Lock root & user accounts if password in kickstart is empty (mkolman)
-- Convert create_user() from kwargs to optional args (mkolman)
-- Convert create_group() from kwargs to optional args (mkolman)
-- Mark the root account as locked by default (mkolman)
-- Add docstrings & some signature tweaking in users.py (mkolman)
-- Move methods from User class to module top-level (mkolman)
-- Apply PEP8 for method names in users.py (mkolman)
-- Move user management code to core (mkolman)
-- Use Pykickstart data classes via handler (mkolman)
-- Add API for easy admin user detection (mkolman)
-- Add support for SSH key management via the users DBUS module (mkolman)
-- Add support for group management via the users DBUS module (mkolman)
-- Add support for managing multiple users to the users module (mkolman)
-* Tue Apr 30 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.10-1
-- get_iface_from_hwaddr: be more careful about hwaddr (#1703152) (awilliam)
-- network: fix a typo in infiniband connections creating (#1698937) (rvykydal)
-- network: do not crash on --device bootif when BOOTIF is not specified
-  (#1699091) (rvykydal)
-- Add DBus support for the device specifier for use in /etc/fstab (vponcova)
-- Set swap devices for fstab in the interactive partitioning (vponcova)
-- Refactor the passphrase setup on unconfigured LUKS devices (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for UUID (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for device format (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for unlocking LUKS devices (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for finding mountable partitions (vponcova)
-- We inherit self.data.repo.dataList() from parent class. (riehecky)
-* Thu Apr 11 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.9-1
-- Remove the function get_structure (vponcova)
-- Remove the function apply_structure (vponcova)
-- Remove the decorator (vponcova)
-- Add the class DBusData (vponcova)
-- Give payload a hook for adding disabled repos. (riehecky)
-- Extend the function generate_string_from_data (vponcova)
-- Blivet-GUI should wait for the storage threads to finish (#1696478)
-  (vponcova)
-- network: do not pass None value from NM device object to data holder
-  (#1695967) (rvykydal)
-- Handle bytes and strings from RPM (#1693766) (vponcova)
-- network module: add network module unit tests (rvykydal)
-* Tue Apr 09 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.8-1
-- network: create systemd .link files for ifname= boot options (#1695894)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Bump Workstation root partition max size to 70 GiB (klember)
-- Add DBus support for finding optical media (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for handling a device (vponcova)
-- Do not use ISO source as install tree root (#1691832) (jkonecny)
-- Fix bad assumption about base repo identification (#1691832) (jkonecny)
-- network tui: fix updating of a connection from UI (#1692677) (rvykydal)
-- network: fix copying of resolv.conf for cases where target /etc does not
-  exist (#1695990) (rvykydal)
-- network: fix crash ensuring single connections for unplugged devices
-  (#1695899) (rvykydal)
-- Add support for skipping attributes in the string representation (vponcova)
-- Raise the UnknownDeviceError exception (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for resolving devices (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the available space (vponcova)
-- Move GetRequiredDeviceSize to the device tree module (vponcova)
-- Create the device tree module (vponcova)
-- Don't set the __repr__ methods of data classes (vponcova)
-- network: for vlan set DEVICE only if interfacename is specified in kickstart
-  (rvykydal)
-- Change fips package requirement reason (jkonecny)
-- payload: raise exception on invalid Languages (jkonecny)
-- payload: Mark DefaultEnvironment API as temporary (jkonecny)
-- payload: fix default values for packages section (jkonecny)
-- Remove unused import for DNF (jkonecny)
-- payload: add converter for kickstart groups (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch multilib policy to names (jkonecny)
-- payload: add rest of the DNF/Packages attributes (jkonecny)
-- payload: add packages controlling properties (jkonecny)
-- payload: add package groups interface to Packages (jkonecny)
-- payload: adjust packages section attributes (jkonecny)
-- payload: move %%packages parsing to DNF/Packages (jkonecny)
-- payload: add DBus packages dnf submodule (jkonecny)
-- payload: add the empty DNF handler (jkonecny)
-- payload: create internal Packages class (jkonecny)
-- payload: parse %%packages section in module (jkonecny)
-* Tue Apr 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.7-1
-- Create the initialization config in _get_initialization_config (vponcova)
-- Remove config from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Update DiskInitializationConfig only before clearpart (vponcova)
-- Create the method can_initialize (vponcova)
-- Remove should_clear from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove clear_partitions from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Replace StorageDiscoveryConfig (vponcova)
-- Update the protected devices in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Import the bootloader classes on demand (vponcova)
-- Remove bootloader_device from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove update_bootloader_disk_list from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove boot_fstypes of InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove set_up_bootloader from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Define all bootloader attributes in the __init__ method (vponcova)
-- Remove workarounds for the unset bootloader (vponcova)
-- Clean up the do_it method of the storage (vponcova)
-- Validate the GRUB2 configuration in the Bootloader module (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the bootloader arguments (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for detecting Windows OS (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for EFI (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the bootloader installation tasks (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for usable disks (vponcova)
-- Apply the disks selection in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Remove the function get_available_disks (vponcova)
-- Organize actions in InteractivePartitioningTask (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for device actions (vponcova)
-- Simplify ActionSummaryDialog (vponcova)
-- Set up the clearpart command from the storage (vponcova)
-- payload: request /usr/bin/fips-mode-setup (zbyszek)
-- Fix the entry for swap in /etc/fstab (#1258322) (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for disk images (vponcova)
-- Remove askmethod flag (jkonecny)
-- Fix two typos (zbyszek)
-- Disable updates-testing (#1670091) (vponcova)
-- network module: return slaves in set and order them predictably in generated
-  ks (rvykydal)
-- network module: update ifcfg.py unit tests for getting ifcfg file on s390
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix getting ifcfg file for s390 (rvykydal)
-- network module: remove unused functionality from get_ifcfg_file (rvykydal)
-- network module: unit tests for update onboot functions in ifcfg.py (rvykydal)
-- network module: add TODO to ifcfg.py tests (rvykydal)
-- network module: ifcfg.py tests - no need for ifcfg for vlan bound to device
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: add ifcfg.py unit tests (rvykydal)
-- network module: do not try to generate ksdata from wireless device ifcfg
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix a typo in function name (rvykydal)
-- network module: allow to generate ifcfg files in optional root (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix thinko (rvykydal)
-- network module: rename _ifcfg_files method (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix a super call (rvykydal)
-- Fix the unit tests (vponcova)
-* Thu Mar 21 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.6-1
-- Test the DBus support for the device tree (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for the device tree (vponcova)
-- Fix the initialization of BootInfo (#1599378) (vponcova)
-- network module: update module API unit tests (rvykydal)
-- network module: guard some methods on NM availability (rvykydal)
-- Remove useless swapoff (vponcova)
-- Always specify the LUKS version in CustomPartitioningSpoke (#1689699)
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove the property free_space_snapshot from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- network: fix setting of NetworkDeviceInfo from NM Device (rvykydal)
-- Hide the encryption checkbox for the interactive partitioning (vponcova)
-- Deprecate DBusObjectObserver (vponcova)
-- Remove DBusCachedObserver (vponcova)
-- Add the method get_file_system_free_space to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Use get_disk_free_space and get_disk_reclaimable_space in StorageSpoke
-  (vponcova)
-- Use get_disk_free_space in ResizeDialog (vponcova)
-- Use get_disk_free_space in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
-- Use get_disk_free_space in SelectedDisksDialog (vponcova)
-- network: adapt a unit test to get_supported_devices change (rvykydal)
-- Don't estimate the free space based on the clearpart settings (vponcova)
-- Update the kickstart data for iSCSI and NVDIMM during the installation
-  (vponcova)
-- network: share single NM Client in anaconda (rvykydal)
-- network: handle ONBOOT in ifcfg by network module (rvykydal)
-- network: network.py cleanup (rvykydal)
-- Don't generate temporary kickstart in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Remove attributes for autopart encryption from the InstallerStorage
-  (vponcova)
-- Make invalid installation from HDD more visible (jkonecny)
-- network module: fix updating of ONBOOT value on installed system (rvykydal)
-- network: remove nm.py (rvykydal)
-- network: use libnm to get device IP addresses (rvykydal)
-- network: use libnm to get ntp servers from dhcp options (rvykydal)
-- network module: provide and use GetActivatedInterfaces (rvykydal)
-- network: remove unused stuff from nm.py (rvykydal)
-- network: use GetSupportedDevices API (rvykydal)
-- network module: provide GetSupportedDevices (rvykydal)
-- Remove the encrypted_autopart property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove the autopart_type property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove the autopart_requests property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Remove the do_autopart property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
-- Move the support for scheduling partitions to the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Move do_autopart to the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Move do_reqpart to the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Add a new task for interactive auto partitioning (vponcova)
-- Replace the function do_kickstart_storage (vponcova)
-- Replace partitioning executors with tasks (vponcova)
-- Move partitioning executors to the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Move swap_suggestion to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
-- network: remove ifcfg.log (rvykydal)
-- network module: log configuration state after installation task (rvykydal)
-- network: remove low-level debug logging on IfcfgFile modifications (rvykydal)
-- network module: use module for logging of configuration state (rvykydal)
-- network module: move ifcfg logging into the module (rvykydal)
-- network module: do not log secrets (rvykydal)
-- network module: rename and add doc to network initialization task interface
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: guard initialization tasks by anaconda system configuration
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: log network initialization better (rvykydal)
-- network module: use task to dump missing ifcfg files (rvykydal)
-- network module: use task to set real onboot values (rvykydal)
-- network module: use task for initramfs connections consolidation (rvykydal)
-- network module: use task for apply kickstart (rvykydal)
-- payload: separate blivet.utils & blivet.arch call (jkonecny)
-- Improve content of the top-level README file (mkolman)
-* Tue Mar 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.5-1
-- Don't run the storage checker to check autopart (vponcova)
-- Remove the SnapshotValidateTask class (vponcova)
-- Validate post-installation snapshot requests with the storage checker
-  (vponcova)
-- Add a new type of the installation system for the initial setup (vponcova)
-- Simplify update_storage_ksdata (vponcova)
-- Don't set anything if the partitioning fails (vponcova)
-- Reset the bootloader with reset_bootloader (vponcova)
-- Add support for scanning all devices in the system (vponcova)
-- Add the ExclusiveDisks property (vponcova)
-- Move tests for the disk selection module to a new file (vponcova)
-- Replace initialize_storage with reset_storage (vponcova)
-- Remove the shutdown method (vponcova)
-- payload: don't force host-only mode when executing dracut (javierm)
-- Simplify the code for protected devices (vponcova)
-- Define the quit message in TUI (#1686116) (vponcova)
-- efi: don't include the grub2-pc package on EFI installs (javierm)
-- Small optimization in boot arg parsing method (jkonecny)
-- Fix bad --addrepo command line parsing (jkonecny)
-- Raise correct exception on bad addrepo boot param (jkonecny)
-- payload: migrate TUI software spoke to pep8 (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in software spoke (jkonecny)
-- payload: remove unused radio button (jkonecny)
-- payload: solve basic pep 8 errors (jkonecny)
-* Wed Mar 06 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.4-1
-- Add tests for UnsupportedPartitioningError (vponcova)
-- Handle missing support for Blivet-GUI in the Storage module (#1685645)
-  (vponcova)
-- Create the default partitioning requests on demand (vponcova)
-* Tue Mar 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.3-1
-- Fix live payload error introduced by clean-up (#1685258) (jkonecny)
-* Mon Mar 04 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.2-1
-- Get the summary about selected disks from a function (vponcova)
-- Replace warnings about disks with constants (vponcova)
-- Rename and reorganize members of the storage spoke in TUI and GUI (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the Blivet partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Add DBus support for Blivet-GUI (vponcova)
-- Create the Blivet partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Don't override bg color of gtk-themes (mate)
-- Fix the import of ZFCP (#1684583) (vponcova)
-- Set up the disk initialization module from the partitioned storage (vponcova)
-- Move the tests for the disk initialization module (vponcova)
-- Set the default filesystem type for /boot in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Replace the default autopart type in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Set the correct attribute of the bootloader kickstart data (vponcova)
-- network: Get FCoE nics from the DBus module (vponcova)
-- Set up the kickstart partitioning from the storage by default (vponcova)
-- Get the required device size for the given space from DBus (vponcova)
-- network module: remove DisableIPV6 API (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix disabling of ipv6 (rvykydal)
-- Fixes for pylint-2.3.0 (vponcova)
-- network module: remove API for applying boot options (rvykydal)
-- network: use DEVICETYPE for team when updating virtual slaves ifcfgs
-  (rvykydal)
-- dracut/parse-kickstart: Set DEVICETYPE instead of TYPE in a team master ifcfg
-  file (ptalbert)
-- network module: take DEVICETYPE for team into account (rvykydal)
-- payload: fix pep8 errors in TUI source spoke (jkonecny)
-- network: fix network spoke status message (rvykydal)
-- payload: switch source spoke from CamelCase (jkonecny)
-- payload: solve pep8 errors in GUI source spoke (jkonecny)
-- network module: fix missing argument in a log message (rvykydal)
-- network module: honor ifname boot option for kickstart %%pre and missing
-  ifcfg (rvykydal)
-* Mon Feb 25 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.1-1
-- Use apply_disk_selection (vponcova)
-- Use filter_disks_by_names (vponcova)
-- Exclude zFCP and NVDIMM devices in is_local_disk (vponcova)
-- Move code from pyanaconda.ui.lib.disks (vponcova)
-- Remove the support for fake disks (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the Snapshot module (vponcova)
-- Remove the extra code for protecting live devices (vponcova)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in utils.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in rpmostreepayload.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in manager.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in livepayload.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in dnfpayload.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: switch from CamelCase in the __init__.py (jkonecny)
-- payload: move versionCmp to a separate file (jkonecny)
-- payload: convert manager states to enum (jkonecny)
-- payload: use ABCMeta for abstract classes (jkonecny)
-- payload: move manager to a separate file (jkonecny)
-- payload: remove ImagePayload abstract class (jkonecny)
-- payload: move requirements code to a separate file (jkonecny)
-- payload: move requirements exception to payload.errors (jkonecny)
-- payload: import exceptions directly in dnf payload (jkonecny)
-- payload: move exceptions to a separate file (jkonecny)
-- payload: remove unused code parts (jkonecny)
-- payload: fix pep8 issues (jkonecny)
-- Specify the sysroot when you call the DBus method InstallWithTasks (vponcova)
-- Remove the obsolete check for unknown sources (vponcova)
-- network tui: guard use of NMClient by system configuration (rvykydal)
-- network tui: handle device configuration in proper spoke (rvykydal)
-- Use unformatted DASDs for the partitioning (vponcova)
-- Fix the storage reset in TUI (vponcova)
-- Use the Snapshot module in UI (vponcova)
-- Use the Snapshot module in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Create a task for creation of snapshots (vponcova)
-- Create a task for validation of snapshot requests (vponcova)
-- Handle the command snapshot in the Snapshot module (vponcova)
-- Create the Snapshot module (vponcova)
-- network: rename sanityCheckHostname function (rvykydal)
-- network: remove code which is no more needed/used with network module
-  (rvykydal)
-- network ui: share some code (will be provided by module) (rvykydal)
-- network gui: update model instead of recreating it on config changes
-  (rvykydal)
-- network gui: connect to network module DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
-- network: use NM Client for networking status message (rvykydal)
-- network tui: use NetworkDeviceConfiguration structure (rvykydal)
-- network tui: let network module handle updating kickstart data (rvykydal)
-- network: remove no more used code (rvykydal)
-- network tui: use network module and libnm (rvykydal)
-- Add tests for the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
-- Use the NVDIMM module in the NVDIMMDialog (vponcova)
-- Create a task for the NVDIMM namespace reconfiguration (vponcova)
-- Move the support for setting NVDIMM namespaces to use on DBus (vponcova)
-- Move the support for updating NVDIMM actions on DBus (vponcova)
-- Move the support for ignoring NVDIMM devices on DBus (vponcova)
-- Create the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
-* Tue Feb 19 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.25-1
-- Remove one more obsolete group tag (mkolman)
-* Tue Feb 19 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.24-1
-- Add tests for the bootloader installation tasks (vponcova)
-- Move the bootloader tests to a new file (vponcova)
-- Create the DBus installation tasks for the bootloader (vponcova)
-- Check for dirinstall target on s390 (bcl)
-- Remove the menu_auto_hide attribute from Bootloader (vponcova)
-- Remove the efi_dir attribute from EFIBase (vponcova)
-- Clean up the Anaconda class (vponcova)
-- Move pyanaconda.ihelp (vponcova)
-- Update the stylesheet data (vponcova)
-- Add tests for new methods of the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Apply the partitioning in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Fix missing space in translatable string (mail)
-* Wed Feb 13 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.23-1
-- Reorganize the code for the boot loader installation (vponcova)
-- Remove a useless argument from write_boot_loader (vponcova)
-- Remove useless arguments from methods of the kickstart commands (vponcova)
-- Create installation tasks for the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the custom partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Create the custom partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Process the btrfs command in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Remove the data from the execute method of the partitioning executors
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove unmaintained signal handler (#1676683) (vponcova)
-- Change a confusing message for headless systems (vponcova)
-- Mount the file systems in a different installation task (vponcova)
-- Write the escrow packets later (vponcova)
-- Replace the writeStorageEarly and writeStorageLater methods (vponcova)
-* Tue Feb 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.22-1
-- Don't use the network manager client in a mock environment (vponcova)
-- Don't load storage plugins in dir installations (#1674605) (vponcova)
-- Test the storage configuration and validation in the Storage module
-  (vponcova)
-- Implement configuration and validation in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Create the storage validation task (vponcova)
-- Create the storage configuration task (vponcova)
-- Create base classes for the partitioning modules (vponcova)
-- Check if we can access a DBus service (vponcova)
-* Thu Feb 07 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.21-1
-- Drop the temporary anaconda-live dependency (mkolman)
-- network module: update tests for generating dracut arguments (rvykydal)
-- network_module: return set from function for getting dracut arguments
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: pass ifcfg to the function for getting dracut arguments
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: split add_connection_from_ksdata function (rvykydal)
-- network module: split bind_connection function (rvykydal)
-- network module: move looking for first device with link into a function
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: split and fix device configuration functions (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix device configuration update for GUI (rvykydal)
-- network module: add docstring to ifcfg.py (rvykydal)
-- network module: use super() (rvykydal)
-- network module: update docstrings and style of kickstart.py (rvykydal)
-- network module: do not generate kickstart data for onboot value tweaking
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: decide better when to apply onboot policy (rvykydal)
-- network module: move functions getting network data to better places
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: update docstrings of installation task methods (rvykydal)
-- network module: remove unused return values from installation task methods
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix ONBOOT log message for installation task (rvykydal)
-- network module: remove devel debugging log messages (rvykydal)
-- network module: transform device configurations to structures in interface
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: update doc strings for DeviceConfigurations API (rvykydal)
-- network module: connect DisableIPv6 to implementation signal (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix generating of kickstart --activate option (rvykydal)
-- network module: clean up typos and style (rvykydal)
-- network module: use already existing function (rvykydal)
-- Reset the storage object in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Protect devices in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Create the storage object in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Initialize Blivet in the Storage module (vponcova)
-- Create a task with a result in the Baz module (vponcova)
-- Allow to publish a task with a different interface (vponcova)
-- Add the GetResult method (vponcova)
-- Add the Succeeded signal (vponcova)
-- network module: update unit tests (rvykydal)
-- newtork module: put use of NM client under control of network module
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: use constant for nm connection uuid length (rvykydal)
-- network module: use network module to get dracut arguments (rvykydal)
-- network module: add support for getting dracut arguments (rvykydal)
-- network module: support renaming of devices with ifname= boot option
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: generate kickstart from network module (rvykydal)
-- network module: set current hostname using network module directly (rvykydal)
-- network module: remove dependency of configuration task on nm_client
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: use module task for network configuration writing (rvykydal)
-- network module: ifcfg.py cleanup (rvykydal)
-- network module: dump missing ifcfg files via network module (rvykydal)
-- network module: add support for dumping missing ifcfg files (rvykydal)
-- network module: set real ONBOOT values via network module (rvykydal)
-- network module: add support for updating ONBOOT ifcfg value (rvykydal)
-- network module: apply kickstart via network module (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix list of devices for which kickstart was applied
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: work with ifcfg file objects, not paths (rvykydal)
-- network module: set bootif kickstart value from boot options (rvykydal)
-- network module: provide apply_kickstart (rvykydal)
-- network module: consolidate initramfs connections via Network module
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: provide initramfs connections consolidation (rvykydal)
-- network module: set default value for missing network --device from ksdevice.
-  (rvykydal)
-- network module: handle default network --device value (rvykydal)
-- network module: handle hostname only network commands correctly (rvykydal)
-- network module: use DBus Structure for DeviceConfiguration (rvykydal)
-- network module: provide dbus API for DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix looking up vlan parent if specified by UUID (rvykydal)
-- network module: fix kickstart generating for vlan interface name (rvykydal)
-- network module: generate kickstart data from DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
-- network module: add a module providing NM.Client (rvykydal)
-- network module: connect DeviceConfigurations to signals from NM (rvykydal)
-- network module: add DeviceConfigurations for persistent config state
-  (rvykydal)
-* Wed Feb 06 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.20-1
-- Remove obsolete Group tag & obsolete scriptlets (mkolman)
-- Move the write method of the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
-- Clean up the reset method of the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
-- Allow non-ASCII characters in passphrases again (#1619813) (vponcova)
-- Remove the argument protected from initialize_storage (vponcova)
-- Remove multiboot support for tboot (javierm)
-- Move the code for ignoring disks labeled OEMDRV (vponcova)
-- Set default entry to the BLS id instead of the entry index (javierm)
-- Remove the ksdata argument from the initialize_storage function (vponcova)
-- Remove the ksdata attribute from the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
-- Move the code for ignoring nvdimm devices to pyanaconda.storage.utils
-  (vponcova)
-- Use new ssl certificate kickstart options (lars)
-- Remove the data argument from the do_autopart function (vponcova)
-- Call refreshAutoSwapSize from the do_autopart function (vponcova)
-- Move getAvailableDiskSpace to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
-- Move lookupAlias to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
-- Move getEscrowCertificate to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
-- Move get_ignored_nvdimm_blockdevs to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
-- Remove update_ksdata from the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
-- Remove obsolete ldconfig scriptlets (mkolman)
-- Do not try to use disks without partition slots for autopart (vtrefny)
-- dracut: Add deps for fetch-kickstart-disk (walters)
-* Mon Jan 28 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.19-1
-- Move code for the storage creation (vponcova)
-- Move code for the storage initialization (vponcova)
-- Remove the GRUB class (javierm)
-- Remove support for deprecated bootloaders (javierm)
-- Spelling fix in Boot Options documentation (josephvoss14)
-- Put 'lock' checkbox under 'Confirmation field' (frederic.pierret)
-- Don't create an extra instance of the bootloader (vponcova)
-- Remove the preStorage method in payload (vponcova)
-- Use LUKS2 by default (vponcova)
-- Clean up the space checkers (#1520749) (vponcova)
-- Don't show time and date controls in live installations (#1510425) (vponcova)
-- anaconda: add option to lock root account (frederic.epitre)
-* Mon Jan 21 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.18-1
-- Relabel X11/xorg.conf.d directory (#1666892) (jkonecny)
-- Reorder items in selinux relabeling post script (#1666892) (jkonecny)
-- Fix jumping boxes in root password spoke (jkonecny)
-- Move the execute method of the bootloader command (vponcova)
-- Remove ksdata from the execute method of the bootloader command (vponcova)
-- Move writeBootLoader to pyanaconda.bootloader.installation (vponcova)
-- Move EXTLINUX to pyanaconda.bootloader.extlinux (vponcova)
-- Move ZIPL to pyanaconda.bootloader.zipl (vponcova)
-- Move Yaboot to pyanaconda.bootloader.yaboot (vponcova)
-- Move EFIBase to pyanaconda.bootloader.efi (vponcova)
-- Move GRUB2 to pyanaconda.bootloader.grub2 (vponcova)
-- Move GRUB to pyanaconda.bootloader.grub (vponcova)
-- Move Bootloader to pyanaconda.bootloader.base (vponcova)
-- Move BootLoaderImage to pyanaconda.bootloader.image (vponcova)
-- Create the pyanaconda.bootloader module (vponcova)
-- Tweak tests documentation (jkonecny)
-- Fix requires in dependency solver (jkonecny)
-- Remove the unused method add_re_check (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute _lHome (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute _actionStore (vponcova)
-- Remove unused constants ERROR_WEAK and ERROR_NOT_MATCHING (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attributes _repoNameWarningBox and _repoNameWarningLabel
-  (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute _configureBox (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute _addDisksButton (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute orig_fstab (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute ignore_disk_interactive (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused class TarPayload (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused method environmentGroups (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused exception NoSuchPackage (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused function get_locale_territory (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused variable upgrade_log (vponcova)
-- Remove unused classes RegexpCheck and FunctionCheck (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused property check_request (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused constant PASSWORD_DONE_TO_CONTINUE (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused constant SECRET_MIN_LEN (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused variable bugzillaUrl (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute stage1_device_types (vponcova)
-- Move attributes from the Blivet class to Anaconda (vponcova)
-- Remove the Blivet's gpt flag (vponcova)
-- Set Automatic Installation Media for HDD not ISO (jkonecny)
-- Adapt old code to new partition name translation (jkonecny)
-- Fix source spoke status for expanded tree on HDD (jkonecny)
-- Enable installation from install tree on HDD (jkonecny)
-- Remove the unused class IPSeriesYaboot (vponcova)
-- Fix the name of the attribute stage2_device_raid_levels (vponcova)
-- Remove the useless attribute stage2_max_end_mb (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused attribute problems (vponcova)
-- Remove the unused logger to stderr (vponcova)
-- Move the code from format_by_default to the storage checker (vponcova)
-- Move the code from must_format to the storage checker (vponcova)
-* Wed Jan 09 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.17-1
-- Fix anaconda-live package temporary Requires: (mkolman)
-- Add a new configuration option allow_imperfect_devices (vponcova)
-- Remove the selinux flag (vponcova)
-- Rename the Services section (vponcova)
-- Fix Arm EFI package selection and 32 bit status (pbrobinson)
-- Remove support for the undocumented option force_efi_dir (vponcova)
-- Remove the flag extlinux (vponcova)
-- Remove the flag nombr (vponcova)
-- Remove the flag leavebootorder (vponcova)
-- Remove the flag nonibftiscsiboot (vponcova)
-* Tue Jan 08 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.16-1
-- Use the file system type provided by Blivet by default (#1663585) (vponcova)
-- Move remaining GUI related files to anaconda-gui (mkolman)
-- Create anaconda-live sub-package (mkolman)
-- Don't acquire the imp's lock (#1644936) (vponcova)
-* Thu Jan 03 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.15-1
-- Remove install classes from the code (vponcova)
-- Remove files with install classes (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure the storage (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure the bootloader (vponcova)
-- Use the correct name of the variant AtomicHost (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure payload (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure network devices (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to customize the user interface (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to show EULA (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration to detect unsupported hardware (vponcova)
-- Remove the kickstart command installclass (vponcova)
-- Fix the anaconda documentation (vponcova)
-- Add support for inst.product and inst.variant (vponcova)
-- Use the product configuration files in Anaconda (vponcova)
-* Wed Jan 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.14-1
-- Require password confirmation in GUI (#1584064) (mkolman)
-- Run zipl again after generating initramfs (#1652727) (vponcova)
-- Preserve the boot option zfcp.allow_lun_scan (#1561662) (vponcova)
-- Don't allow /boot on LVM (#1641986) (vponcova)
-- The encoding should be always set to UTF-8 (#1642857) (vponcova)
-- Make sure fips is correctly enabled on target system (#1619568) (mkolman)
-- Remove workaround for bd_s390_dasd_online (vponcova)
-- Clean up /run/install (#1562239) (vponcova)
-- Make it possible to exit empty user spoke (#1620135) (mkolman)
-- Don't allow to use LDL DASD disks (#1635825) (vponcova)
-- Remove initThreading method from pyanaconda.threading (vponcova)
-- Drop the inst.noblscfg option (javierm)
-* Tue Dec 04 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.13-1
-- Extend tests for the configuration support (vponcova)
-- Split the Anaconda configuration handler to more files (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the product configurations (vponcova)
-- Read only *.conf files from /etc/anaconda/conf.d (vponcova)
-- Create the product configuration loader (vponcova)
-- Disable BLS config if new-kernel-pkg script is installed (javierm)
-- Drop xorg-x11-server-Xorg check from graphical target detection (#1583958)
-  (mkolman)
-- Create a basic structure of the product configuration files (vponcova)
-- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
-- dracut/parse-kickstart: don't abort on --device=link (lkundrak)
-- Add provides_network_config system property (rvykydal)
-- Get rid of network system capability which does not make sense. (rvykydal)
-- Prohibit network configuration on Live OS. (rvykydal)
-- Use check_supported_locales to filter unsupported locales (vponcova)
-- Replace filterSupportedLangs and filterSupportedLocales (vponcova)
-- Remove help-related constants from install classes (vponcova)
-- Remove setup_on_boot from the install classes (vponcova)
-- Convert a keymap into a list of layouts (vponcova)
-- RPM: anaconda-core requires dbus-daemon (awilliam)
-- Remove use_geolocation_with_kickstart from install classes (vponcova)
-* Thu Nov 22 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.12-1
-- Simplify the task Activate filesystems (vponcova)
-- Remove the flag livecdInstall (vponcova)
-- Overwrite network configuration for the live image payload (vponcova)
-- Write tests for the installation system configuration (vponcova)
-- Resolve the name conflicts in exception.py (vponcova)
-- Use the Anaconda configuration in the network module (vponcova)
-- Revert "Don't try to get hostnamed proxy in non-installer-image environments
-  (#1616214)" (vponcova)
-- Remove the function can_touch_runtime_system (vponcova)
-- Add rules for the installation system (vponcova)
-- Configure the installation system (vponcova)
-- Replace setNetworkOnbootDefault (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the FCoE module (vponcova)
-- Discover an FCoE device with a DBus task (vponcova)
-- Reload the FCoE module on the storage reset (vponcova)
-- Let the FCoE module to provide the dracut arguments (vponcova)
-- Let the FCoE module to write the configuration (vponcova)
-- Move kickstart support to the FCoE module (vponcova)
-- Create the basic structure for the FCoE module (vponcova)
-* Mon Nov 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.11-1
-- Install grubby-deprecated when using the extlinux bootloader (javierm)
-- Remove configurePayload (vponcova)
-- Resolve the name conflicts with conf (vponcova)
-- Write tests for the target support (vponcova)
-- Simplify the code (vponcova)
-- Replace the dirInstall flag (vponcova)
-- Replace the imageInstall flag (vponcova)
-- Configure the installation target (vponcova)
-- Write tests for the default partitioning (vponcova)
-- Define the default partitioning statically (vponcova)
-- Remove l10n_domain from the install classes (vponcova)
-- Re-generate BLS loader file snippets on live installs (#1648472) (awilliam)
-- Remove the attribute bootloaderTimeoutDefault (vponcova)
-- Remove the attribute bootloaderExtraArgs (vponcova)
-- Remove the method setPackageSelection (vponcova)
-- Remove the setStorageChecker method (vponcova)
-- Remove the getBackend method (vponcova)
-- Add doc to make a release in a mock environment (jkonecny)
-- Support in our scripts creating release in a mock (jkonecny)
-- Add dependencies to make a new release to dependency_solver (jkonecny)
-* Tue Nov 06 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.10-1
-- Make the pyanaconda/image.py more pep8 (jkonecny)
-- Test image repodata folder based on treeinfo file (jkonecny)
-- Use var instead of strings in findFirstIsoImage (jkonecny)
-- Use new InstallTreeMetadata instead of TreeInfo (jkonecny)
-- Add InstallTreeMetadata class (jkonecny)
-- Move DEFAULT_REPOS to the constants (jkonecny)
-- Don't check for firmware compatibility to enable BootLoaderSpec support
-  (javierm)
-- Update kernel command line parameters in BLS files (javierm)
-- Add support for GRUB_ENABLE_BLSCFG and inst.noblscfg (pjones)
-- Get rid of new-kernel-pkg invocations (pjones)
-- Minor pylint cleanups (pjones)
-* Mon Nov 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.9-1
-- Load configuration files from /etc/anaconda/conf.d (vponcova)
-- Let the DBus launcher to set up the modules (vponcova)
-- Start modules that are enabled in the configuration file (vponcova)
-- Enable the DBus modules and addons via the configuration file (vponcova)
-* Thu Nov 01 2018 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 30.8-1
-- Remove flags from anaconda_logging (vponcova)
-- Remove blivet-specific flags from pyanaconda.flags (vponcova)
-- The armplatform option is deprecated (vponcova)
-- Create a class for the Anaconda bus connection (vponcova)
-- Fix local repo files aren't enabled (#1636739) (jkonecny)
-- Write RPM tests for the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
-- Write tests for the configuration support (vponcova)
-- Create a class for handling the Anaconda configuration (vponcova)
-- Provide a better support for handling the configuration files (vponcova)
-- Create the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
-* Thu Oct 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.7-1
-- installclass: fix variant string for Atomic Host (#1640409) (dusty)
-- Remove EXPERIMENTAL label for mountpoint assignment in TUI (#1636940)
-  (mkolman)
-* Mon Oct 15 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.6-1
-- nvdimm: update ks data for actions in UI (rvykydal)
-- nvdimm: use pykickstart constant for setting reconfigure mode (rvykydal)
-- Revert "Don't allow booting from nvdimm devices" (rvykydal)
-- Add --no-pip to setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- Fix error message in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- Add shortcut function to get dependency script (jkonecny)
-- Add install-pip parameter to setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
-- Small optimalization in setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
-- Add package installation from pip for test script (jkonecny)
-- Fix wrong pylint false positive regex (jkonecny)
-* Mon Oct 08 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.5-1
-- Adjust to some DNF 3.6 changes (#1637021) (mkolman)
-- Ignore errors when trying to activate unsupported swaps (#1635252) (vtrefny)
-- Add option to set kernel.hung_task_timeout_secs option (rvykydal)
-- Move the glade adaptor to a separate plugin (dshea)
-* Wed Oct 03 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.4-1
-- Fix strings not marked for translation (jkonecny)
-- Drop attempt to add 'nocrypto' to tsflags (awilliam)
-- Fix librepo logging with new DNF (jkonecny)
-- Revert "Remove librepo imports from Anaconda (#1626609)" (jkonecny)
-- Set the VNC password directly (#1592686) (vponcova)
-- Update the spoke for unsupported hardware in TUI (#1601545) (vponcova)
-- Update the dialog for unsupported hardware in GUI (#1601545) (vponcova)
-- Support detection of kernel taints (vponcova)
-- Fix the rescue mode (#1631749) (vponcova)
-- Fix the sanity check verify_gpt_biosboot (#1593446) (vponcova)
-- Flags shouldn't process the kernel options (vponcova)
-- Fully support the inst.gpt option (vponcova)
-- Don't set Anaconda-specific flags in Blivet (vponcova)
-- Remove the class for kernel arguments from pyanaconda.flags (vponcova)
-- Remove unused false positives (vponcova)
-- Don't connect to signals of the Network Manager DBus objects (#1582233)
-  (vponcova)
-- Fix documentation for setting Pykickstart command version (mkolman)
-- Don't try to get hostnamed proxy in non-installer-image environments
-  (#1616214) (rvykydal)
-- Use realm data in UI (vponcova)
-- Use realm data in the DBus module (vponcova)
-- Create a DBus structure for realm data (vponcova)
-- Add support for DBus structures (vponcova)
-- docs/commit-log.rst: Don't wrap example firstlines (ferdnyc)
-- Detect that there is not enough space on a device (#1613232) (vponcova)
-- Add Silverblue InstallClass (jkonecny)
-* Tue Sep 11 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.3-1
-- Save lsblk output to the Anaconda traceback file (vtrefny)
-- Remove librepo imports from Anaconda (#1626609) (jkonecny)
-- DNF 3.5 compatibility (mkolman)
-- Use the default LUKS version for auto partitioning (#1624680) (vponcova)
-- Remove the testing flag (vponcova)
-* Thu Aug 30 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.2-1
-- Add initial 32-bit ARMv7 EFI support (pbrobinson)
-- Drop legacy get_arm_machine pieces (pbrobinson)
-- arch: arm: drop omap checks and specifics (pbrobinson)
-* Mon Aug 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.1-1
-- Fix the processing of the live CD source (#1622248) (vponcova)
-* Wed Aug 22 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.24-1
-- Fix crash in tui when default partitioning scheme is not supported.
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
-- Add libtool build dependency (jkonecny)
-- Remove shebang from DUD test (jkonecny)
-- Add inst.addrepo documentation for HD variant (jkonecny)
-- Warn when repo names are not unique (jkonecny)
-- HD addon repos have mount directories permanent (jkonecny)
-- Unmount hard drive additional repositories (jkonecny)
-- Move RepoData copy creation to the RepoData class (jkonecny)
-- Show empty file protocol on HD addon repo fail (jkonecny)
-- Mount and use HDD additional repositories (jkonecny)
-- Separate _find_and_mount_iso from _setup_media (jkonecny)
-- Load hard drive repo type from inst.addrepo (jkonecny)
-- Do not fail if .discinfo file can't be read (jkonecny)
-- Use productmd to parse .discinfo file (jkonecny)
-- Add payload sources tests (jkonecny)
-- Cleanup payload tests source file (jkonecny)
-- Add documentation for inst.addrepo boot option (jkonecny)
-- Add additional repositories to KS data (jkonecny)
-- Use new source solution (jkonecny)
-- Add payload sources implementation (jkonecny)
-- Don't resize a device if the size is same as the old size (#1572828)
-  (vponcova)
-- Mark disks with additional repos as protected (jkonecny)
-- Support boot args parsing to list (jkonecny)
-- Add inst.addrepo new options (jkonecny)
-- Make parenthesis consistent (jkonecny)
-- Remove unused parameter from live_startup method (jkonecny)
-- Disable treeinfo based repos only once (jkonecny)
-- Disable treeinfo repos when base repo change (jkonecny)
-- Treeinfo repos can't be changed nor removed (jkonecny)
-- Add all repositories from the treeinfo file (jkonecny)
-- Load base repository location from treeinfo (jkonecny)
-- Add limited file:// protocol to GUI Source spoke (jkonecny)
-- Add BaseOS between default base repositories (jkonecny)
-- Split _setupInstallDevice method in payload (jkonecny)
-- Check the LUKS2 memory requirements (vponcova)
-- Add an option for choosing version of LUKS in GUI (vponcova)
-- Add tests for LUKS2 in the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Apply the LUKS2 options from the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Support LUKS2 options in the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Support LUKS2 options in logvol, part and raid commands (vponcova)
-- Enable to set a default version of LUKS (vponcova)
-- Update dependencies and kickstart commands to support LUKS2 (#1547908)
-  (vponcova)
-- Revert back to running DNF in a subprocess (mkolman)
-- Use SimpleConfigFile to get PLATFORM_ID from /etc/os-release (mkolman)
-- Fix a 5 year old typo in the spec file (mkolman)
-- Use wwn attr instead of removed wwid. (#1565693) (dlehman)
-* Tue Aug 07 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.23-1
-- Bump required DNF version (mkolman)
-- Fix some small issues with the platform id patch (mkolman)
-- Set platform id for DNF (mkolman)
-- Fix crash when software environment is False (jkonecny)
-- Allow to delete all file systems used by Unknown (#1597199) (vponcova)
-- DD: Use text mode when calling tools with subprocess (rvykydal)
-- Update RHEL placeholder names (mkolman)
-- Typo fixup (rvykydal)
-- Define if blivet-gui is supported via installclasses (rvykydal)
-- Offer Blivet-GUI partitioning only if supported (rvykydal)
-- Only show the "closest mirror" source option where appropriate (mkolman)
-- Starting from 3.0 DNF expects strings in comps queries (mkolman)
-- Use the manual partitioning module in TUI (vponcova)
-- Use the manual partitioning module in UI (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the manual partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Create the manual partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Reserve enough static space for 2 lines in spoke status on hub (#1584160)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix disable additional repositories (jkonecny)
-- Show better messages for NoSuchPackage and NoSuchGroup (#1599190) (vponcova)
-- Bootloader stage2 can't be on btrfs on rhel (#1533904) (rvykydal)
-* Fri Jul 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.22-1
-- Handle new module specific error states (mkolman)
-- Handle missing package errors reported by the install_specs() function
-  (mkolman)
-- Initial module enablement and installation support (mkolman)
-- Use productmd library to parse .treeinfo (#1411673) (jkonecny)
-- Import kickstart classes as version-less in the dracut script (vponcova)
-- Use only version-less kickstart classes (vponcova)
-- Define version-less variants of kickstart classes (vponcova)
-* Wed Jul 25 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.21-1
-- Pylint should skip the file livepayload.py (vponcova)
-- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
-- Change the pop-up text with the pre-release warning (#1542998) (vpodzime)
-- Sort categories on the hub by defined order (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-- Show a note about EULA where relevant (mkolman)
-- Change message log level to INFO when adding repo (jkonecny)
-- Set packaging log level to DEBUG by default (jkonecny)
-- Remove the python-wrapt dependency (vponcova)
-- Do not use capitals for spoke names (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-- Wrap category label and add space between columns (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-- Use 32 px icons (instead of 16 px) on hubs (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-- Replace deprecated dracut options for booting with ibft. (rvykydal)
-- Improve handling of unsupported filesystems in UI. (rvykydal)
-- Reserve two lines for status message (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-- Use three spoke columns on hub for better scaling (#1584160) (rvykydal)
-* Wed Jul 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.20-1
-- Make pyanaconda.dbus.typing work with Python 3.7 (#1598574) (awilliam)
-- Protected devices might be hidden (#1561766) (vponcova)
-- fstab: include a note about systemctl daemon-reload (zbyszek)
-- Access the ZFCP module only on s390x (vponcova)
-- Tell libreport if it is a final release or not (#1596392) (vpodzime)
-- bootloader: GRUB2: Set menu_auto_hide when enabled by the instClass
-  (hdegoede)
-- installclass: Add bootloader_menu_autohide property (hdegoede)
-- Add tests for the zFCP module (vponcova)
-- Handle the zfcp command in the zFCP module (vponcova)
-- Use the zFCP discovery task in UI (vponcova)
-- Create the zFCP discovery task (vponcova)
-- Create the zFCP module (vponcova)
-* Wed Jun 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.19-1
-- DNF 3: progress callback constants moved to dnf.transaction (awilliam)
-- DNF 3: Update size calculations for transaction item changes (awilliam)
-- DNF 3: config substitutions moved from dnf to libdnf (awilliam)
-* Mon Jun 25 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.18-1
-- Add tests for the DASD module (vponcova)
-- Run the DASD formatting task in UI (vponcova)
-- Extend the sync_run_task method with a callback (vponcova)
-- Create a task for formatting DASDs (vponcova)
-- Run the DASD discovery task from UI (vponcova)
-- Create a task for discovering DASDs (vponcova)
-- Create the DASD module (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the language installation task (vponcova)
-- Run an installation task to install a language (vponcova)
-- nvdimm: fix crash on non-block devices (rvykydal)
-* Tue Jun 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.17-1
-- Wait for kickstart modules to quit (vponcova)
-- Ask for a default passphrase if required (vponcova)
-- Add support for setting different types of passwords in TUI (vponcova)
-* Thu Jun 07 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.16-1
-- Add tests for changes in tasks and the install manager (vponcova)
-- Add a simple installation task in the Baz module (vponcova)
-- Update the boss classes (vponcova)
-- Update the base clases for modules (vponcova)
-- Use the system installation task in the install manager (vponcova)
-- Add the system installation task (vponcova)
-- Add methods for running remote DBus tasks (vponcova)
-- Improved base clases for DBus tasks (vponcova)
-- Do not manually create LUKSDevice when unlocking a LUKS format (vtrefny)
-- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
-- Skip the pylint check for the bootloader.py (vponcova)
-- Enable DNF depsolver debugging in debug mode (mkolman)
-- Don't reset locale of our DBus daemon (vponcova)
-- Close the DNF base later (#1571299) (vponcova)
-- Add 10%% for storage metadata to the total required space (#1578395)
-  (vponcova)
-- Add hook to prevent mistake upstream pushes (jkonecny)
-- Revert "WIP" (vponcova)
-- WIP (vponcova)
-- Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 in every module (#1575415) (vponcova)
-- Move initial module configuration to the init function (vponcova)
-- Fix the mount command (vponcova)
-- Use the auto partitioning module in UI (vponcova)
-- Only check space during a tui kickstart if ksprompt is enabled (bcl)
-- Fix can't exit TUI storage spoke (jkonecny)
-- Remove not required PROCESSED return (jkonecny)
-- Remove PROCESSED from refresh method (jkonecny)
-* Wed May 16 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.15-1
-- nvdimm: make debug messages more clear (rvykydal)
-- nvdimm: use libblockdev enum to check namespace mode (rvykydal)
-- Add data loss warning to nvdimm reconfigure dialog. (rvykydal)
-- Add UI feedback for disk repopulating after nvdimm reconfiguration.
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix ignoring of nvdimm devices (rvykydal)
-- Don't allow booting from nvdimm devices (rvykydal)
-- Improve UI feedback for invalid boot on non-iBFT iSCSI devices. (rvykydal)
-- Add inst.nonibftiscsiboot boot option. (rvykydal)
-- Use only devices specified by nvdimm command for installation. (rvykydal)
-- Add option to reconfigure nvdimm devices into sector mode. (rvykydal)
-- Allow only devices in sector mode to be selected. (rvykydal)
-- Add nvdimm devices to Advanced Storage spoke. (rvykydal)
-- Add kickstart support for nvdimm reconfiguration to sector mode. (rvykydal)
-- Ignore nvdimm disks which are not in sector mode. (rvykydal)
-- Do not ignore nvdimm (pmemX) devices (rvykydal)
-- Update the pykickstart commands (vponcova)
-- Fix firewall DBUS module API usage (#1577405) (mkolman)
-- Fix formatting in the TUI storage spoke (jkonecny)
-- Fix TUI crash in mountpoint assignment (#1564067) (jkonecny)
-- Fix KS logvol metadata and chunksize parameters (#1572511) (jkonecny)
-- Show correct bootloader error on the MacEFI platform (vponcova)
-- Revert "Fix broken kickstart command test" (rvykydal)
-- Support fcoe --autovlan option (#1564096) (rvykydal)
-* Fri May 04 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.14-1
-- Increase module startup timeout to 600 seconds (mkolman)
-- Fix name of the Zanata Python client package (mkolman)
-- Add tests for the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Create the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
-- Add the firewall submodule (mkolman)
-- Once again fix cmdline error handling. (#1360223) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Extend the timeout period to 180s in the case of cmdline error. (#1360223)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Fix the clearpart test with disklabel option (vponcova)
-- The specified nosetests failed to run (vponcova)
-* Tue Apr 24 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.13-1
-- Show correct root account locked status in reconfig mode (#1507940) (mkolman)
-- Add missing lines and modularization only log to test coverage (jkonecny)
-- Remove makebumpver dependency from spec file (jkonecny)
-- network module: use connectivity checking in anaconda (rvykydal)
-- network module: add connectivity checking (rvykydal)
-- Permit adding disabled external repos to installation. (riehecky)
-- Handle empty active attribute for consoles (#1569045) (mkolman)
-- Support temporary kickstart generating (vponcova)
-- Create the dynamic module User (vponcova)
-- Select Workstation install class for Workstation live (#1569083) (awilliam)
-- Rename the main module User to Users (vponcova)
-* Thu Apr 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.12-1
-- Save logs to result folder after rpm-tests (jkonecny)
-- Add Installed pyanaconda tests (jkonecny)
-- Fix name of the RPM test (jkonecny)
-- Support running just chosen rpm test (jkonecny)
-- Add test cache files to gitignore (jkonecny)
-- Move test install test from Makefile to rpm tests (jkonecny)
-- Create structure to run rpm tests (jkonecny)
-- Move all nosetests to separate directory (jkonecny)
-- Fix broken kickstart command test (jkonecny)
-- Fix broken kickstart command test (jkonecny)
-- localization: use LanguageKickstarted module property (#1568119) (rvykydal)
-- Start only the specified kickstart modules (#1566621) (vponcova)
-- Use the Bootloader module in UI (vponcova)
-- Add tests for the bootloader module (vponcova)
-- Create the bootloader module (vponcova)
-- rpmostreepayload: do not require network for dvd installation (#1565369)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix double logging to stdout (vponcova)
-- Don't try to create required partitions if there are none (vponcova)
-* Thu Apr 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.11-1
-- Add anaconda-install-env-deps as dependency of the anaconda package (mkolman)
-- Add %%files for install-env-deps so it actually exists (awilliam)
-* Tue Apr 10 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.10-1
-- Bump simpleline version (mkolman)
-- Do not redraw screen after text YesNo dialog (#1557951)(jkonecny)
-- Revert "Adapt to a new simpleline changes (#1557472)(jkonecny)
-- authselect: enable silent last log (pbrezina)
-- authselect: fix typo to enable fingerprint authentication (pbrezina)
-* Mon Apr 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.9-1
-- Move install time dependencies to a metapackage (mkolman)
-* Thu Apr 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.8-1
-- Fix forgotten usage of the selinux kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Fix tests for the storage module (vponcova)
-- Use the disk selection and initialization modules in UI (vponcova)
-- Enable to use object identifiers instead of object paths (vponcova)
-* Thu Mar 29 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.7-1
-- Add Makefiles for disk initialization and selection modules (vponcova)
-- Remove the invalid self argument (vponcova)
-- Run all unit tests (vponcova)
-* Tue Mar 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.6-1
-- Create the disk initialization and disk selection modules (vponcova)
-- Use watch_property to watch changes of DBus properties (vponcova)
-- Better organize the base classes for modules (vponcova)
-- Fixed KS forcing zerombr onto RO disk (japokorn)
-- Add tests for the kickstart specifications (vponcova)
-- Standardize calls to parent via super() (riehecky)
-- Fix 'isDisk' property name (#1558906) (vtrefny)
-- Make the class for removed kickstart commands more strict (vponcova)
-- Fix the progress bar steps (vponcova)
-- Use enum for the first boot action (vponcova)
-- Use enum for the SELinux modes (vponcova)
-- datetime spoke: still pass ksdata to NTPconfigDialog (UIObject) (rvykydal)
-* Mon Mar 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.5-1
-- Write rootpw command to kickstart (#1557529) (mkolman)
-- Don't make safe to observe services on buses that don't run (vponcova)
-- Add the LanguageKickstarted property (vponcova)
-- Don't autoquit by default if the last hub is empty (#1553935) (mkolman)
-- Use the Services module in UI (vponcova)
-- Create the Services module (vponcova)
-- Enable hibernation only on x86 (#1554345) (vponcova)
-- Add the Storage module with no API (vponcova)
-- Add the Payload module with no API (vponcova)
-- Remove DBus modules Foo and Bar (vponcova)
-- network module: fix accessing org.freedesktop.hostname1 for current hostname
-  (rvykydal)
-* Mon Mar 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.4-1
-- network module: add basic test (rvykydal)
-- Add prepare command to setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- Mark partition live device's disk protected. (#1524700) (dlehman)
-* Fri Mar 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.3-1
-- Remove useless constants from pyanaconda.dbus.constants (vponcova)
-- Use identifiers to get observers and proxies (vponcova)
-- Remove the publish method from DBus interfaces (vponcova)
-- Replace constants in publish and register methods (vponcova)
-- Replace constants in DBus interface names (vponcova)
-- Define DBus errors with the dbus_error decorator (vponcova)
-- Use namespaces and identifiers to describe Anaconda DBus objects (vponcova)
-- Add support for identification of DBus objects and services (vponcova)
-- User module should parse only rootpw for now (#1553488) (vponcova)
-- localization module: plug localization module into keyboard GUI spoke
-  (rvykydal)
-- localization module: add KeyboardKickstarted property (rvykydal)
-- localization module: add KS support for keyboard command (rvykydal)
-- localization module: don't use Kickstarted so another command can be added
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix release docs (mkolman)
-- network: set TYPE value in ifcfg from kickstart in initrmfs (rvykydal)
-- Make formatting consistent in AnacondaWidgets.xml (riehecky)
-* Mon Mar 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.2-1
-- Use the user DBUS module in the UI (mkolman)
-- Use the user DBUS module for the rootpw command in kickstart.py (mkolman)
-- Add initial user DBUS module (mkolman)
-- Add tests for the Security module (vponcova)
-- Use the Security module in UI (vponcova)
-- Don't send empty kickstart to DBus modules (vponcova)
-- Add the Security module (vponcova)
-- Fix makeupdates script to work with new DBus structure (jkonecny)
-- Fix Makefile of the kickstart manager (vponcova)
-- Fix check if dbus daemon quit properly (jkonecny)
-- Remove check if dbus is running (#1551096) (jkonecny)
-- Use Anaconda's special env variable for dbus address (#1551096) (jkonecny)
-- Migrate Anaconda to our private dbus session (#1551096) (jkonecny)
-- localization module: use l12 shortcut for module name in UI (rvykydal)
-- localization module: replace ksdata.lang with the module in anaconda.
-  (rvykydal)
-- localization module: add KS support for lang command (rvykydal)
-- Return restorecon utility to Fedora 28 mock (jkonecny)
-- Include dbus.log when exporting logs (mkolman)
-- Reorganize pyanaconda.modules.boss (vponcova)
-- Move all DBus errors to pyanaconda.modules.common.errors (vponcova)
-- Move common classes and functions to pyanaconda.modules.common (vponcova)
-- Close DBus log file when quitting DBus session (jkonecny)
-- Enable payload configuration for Install classes (jkonecny)
-- Rename files that provide kickstart specifications (vponcova)
-- Move the kickstart specification to pyanaconda.core.kickstart (vponcova)
-- Start and quit Boss properly (jkonecny)
-- Make class from dbus.launcher module (jkonecny)
-- Add the kernel option resume= by default (#1206936) (vponcova)
-* Wed Feb 28 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.1-1
-- Use observers to access the hostname service (vponcova)
-- Make safe to observe services on buses that don't have to run (vponcova)
-- DBus logs are now saved to /tmp/dbus.log (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for toplevel installclass attribs (riehecky)
-- Wait for DBus modules for longer time (vponcova)
-- Drop dependency on authselect and firewalld (vponcova)
-- Fix kickstart version test (vponcova)
-- Authconfig is replaced with authselect (#1542968) (vponcova)
-- Add support for different message buses (vponcova)
-- Fix makeupdates script (vponcova)
-- Set up basic logging for DBus modules (vponcova)
-- Remove get_dbus_module_logger (vponcova)
-- Fix logging of the DBus modules (vponcova)
-- Fix the reimport error (vponcova)
-- Fix the network module specification (vponcova)
-- network module: update_network_data test (rvykydal)
-- network module: use Module.Kickstarted instead of ksdata.seen (rvykydal)
-- network module: use for hostname in tui (rvykydal)
-- network module: handle current hostname (rvykydal)
-- network module: handle ksdata.network.hostname (rvykydal)
-- network module: add module skeleton (rvykydal)
-- Log changes in the kickstart modules. (vponcova)
-- Use the Timezone module in UI. (vponcova)
-- Start Boss from Anaconda (jkonecny)
-- Do not use System DBus (jkonecny)
-- Remove anaconda-boss.service (jkonecny)
-- Move Anaconda dbus services and confs to session dbus (jkonecny)
-- Run DBus session if not present (jkonecny)
-- Change pykickstart version (vponcova)
-- Move system-logos dependency from anaconda-core to anaconda-gui (mkolman)
-- makebumpver: fix parsing of -m option (rvykydal)
-- makebumpver: fix -i option (rvykydal)
-- Fix tests of the Timezone module (vponcova)
-- installclass: add comments to server install class (dusty)
-- Don't use deprecated formatErrorMsg (vponcova)
-- Use the KickstartError attributes (vponcova)
-- kickstart: "clearpart --list" does not work (#1410335) (marcel)
-- Use handler in the Timezone module (vponcova)
-- Fix the specification of the Bar module (vponcova)
-- Use the KickstartHandler class (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.22-1
-- Prevent anaconda-core requiring gjs-console (awilliam)
-- Temporarily don't test versions of specified kickstart objects (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.21-1
-- Explain when run dependency_solver without options (jkonecny)
-- Clean dd_test code (jkonecny)
-- We can't set file permission mode for .so in dd test (jkonecny)
-- Rename installclass_atomic to Fedora Atomic Host (jkonecny)
-- Support running only nosetests or only some nosetests (jkonecny)
-- Do not run tests as root (jkonecny)
-- Save start and end time for pylint run (jkonecny)
-- Separate grab-logs from ci target in Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Remove false positive but disable Pylint in makeupdates script (jkonecny)
-- Add copyright to scripts in ./scripts/testing (jkonecny)
-* Thu Feb 15 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 28.20-2
-- Prevent anaconda-core requiring gjs-console (awilliam)
-* Fri Feb 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.20-1
-- Check the proxy attribute before accessing it (vponcova)
-- Check the noverifyssl attribute before accessing it (vponcova)
-- Don't access the url attribute (#1530428) (vponcova)
-- Use Fedora Server default partitioning in Atomic (jkonecny)
-- Clean code of Atomic install class (jkonecny)
-- Migrate Atomic install class (#1491287) (jkonecny)
-- Move Atomic install class to Anaconda (#1491287) (#1536853) (jkonecny)
-- Make sure that fetch_url is defined. (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.19-1
-- Change pykickstart version. (vponcova)
-- Do not deepcopy the kickstart data in the storage (vponcova)
-- Replace deepcopy of the method command (vponcova)
-- Use pykickstart 3 (vponcova)
-- Provide comprehensive log messages about the display mode (vponcova)
-- Fix missing logging in some cases of update of ONBOOT value. (rvykydal)
-- Fix tests for the timezone module. (vponcova)
-- Add the Kickstarted property to the kickstart modules. (vponcova)
-- Connect to the observed service and other stuff. (vponcova)
-- Prevent 99-copy-lgs.ks from exiting with a 1 (bcl)
-- Rename SetUTC to SetIsUTC in the timezone module. (vponcova)
-* Thu Jan 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.18-1
-- Move how to use setup-mock-test-env script to help (jkonecny)
-- Add --init as new parameter to setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
-- Initialize the thread manager at the first import. (vponcova)
-- Added tests for the timezone module and other. (vponcova)
-- Remove 'i' from iutil module (jkonecny)
-- Remove 'i' from isignal module (jkonecny)
-- Move isignal module to core/isignal (jkonecny)
-- Extract process watch functions to a static class (jkonecny)
-- Move regexes module to core/regexes (jkonecny)
-- Move i18n module to core/i18n (jkonecny)
-- Move constants module to core/constants (jkonecny)
-- Move iutil module to core/iutil (jkonecny)
-- Move async_utils to core/async_utils (jkonecny)
-- Replace gobject GLib by our core/glib (jkonecny)
-- Rename run_in_main_thread to run_in_loop (jkonecny)
-- Add Timer and PidWatcher abstraction above GLib (jkonecny)
-- Create abstraction above GLib event loop (jkonecny)
-- Add core/glib module for GLib access (jkonecny)
-- Ignore errors for KickstartSpecificationHandler. (vponcova)
-- Try to use the PropertiesChanged signal. (vponcova)
-- Add timezone module. (vponcova)
-- Collect properties changes before emit. (vponcova)
-- Use Ping method from the standard interface. (vponcova)
-- Recognize members of standard interfaces. (vponcova)
-- Add an object observer with cached properties (vponcova)
-- Rename modules with Fedora install classes. (vponcova)
-- Add support for Variant in .buildstamp (vponcova)
-- Fix the Bar module. (vponcova)
-- Add pykickstart version to branching policy doc (jkonecny)
-- Remove `unstable` branch from documentation (jkonecny)
-- Move system-logos to anaconda-core (#1529239) (bcl)
-* Fri Jan 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.17-1
-- Modules should use the proxy pattern. (vponcova)
-- Variants need to be instances of the Variant class (vponcova)
-- kickstart: support firewall --use-system-defaults (#1526450) (dusty)
-- Check payload is set before accessing its data (#1524785) (mkolman)
-- Do not fail when test are failing in setup-env script (jkonecny)
-- Support running multiple commands at once (jkonecny)
-- Support copy Anaconda result dir out of mock (jkonecny)
-- Remove dependencies from Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Add path to Anaconda in mock to constant (jkonecny)
-- Properly exclude packages from the install set (ngompa13)
-- Add the _prepare_command helper function to setup-test-env (jkonecny)
-- Add run-tests parameter to setup-test-env script (jkonecny)
-- Remove /anaconda in mock before copying new one (jkonecny)
-* Tue Jan 02 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.16-1
-- Improve password checking status and error messages (mkolman)
-- Spin kickstarts shouldn't be test dependency (jkonecny)
-* Wed Dec 20 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.15-1
-- Remove spurious echo call from tmux service file (#1526861) (mkolman)
-- Restore fix for RHBZ #1323012 (`set_name` not `setName`) (awilliam)
-- Fix Makefile for modules/[foo,bar]/tasks and for install_manager (rvykydal)
-- Make passing kickstart to boss more visible. (rvykydal)
-- Add tests for KickstartManager. (rvykydal)
-- Add kickstart dispatching to anaconda. (rvykydal)
-- Add kickstart dispatching to local boss run script (rvykydal)
-- Add KickstartManager for Boss. (rvykydal)
-- Add method for getting line mapping from kickstart elements to kickstart
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add info about handled kickstart commands to modules (rvykydal)
-- Add missing Makefile for kickstart_dispatcher (rvykydal)
-* Mon Dec 18 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.14-1
-- Use observers in the install manager (vponcova)
-- Modify readme file for tests (jkonecny)
-- Do not bump version when testing installation (jkonecny)
-- Add set up test environment script (jkonecny)
-- Add dependency solver script (jkonecny)
-- Differentiate upstream and build-time version (#1493952) (mkolman)
-- Fix bad bash '*' expansion when loading kernel modules (#1525841) (jkonecny)
-- Fix connection to a signal in the install manager (vponcova)
-- Use the InterfaceTemplate in the InstallationInterface (vponcova)
-- Use the InterfaceTemplate in the TaskInterface (vponcova)
-- Add a base class for DBus interfaces (vponcova)
-- Update module manager to use observers (vponcova)
-- Add DBus observers for better access to proxies. (vponcova)
-- Remove running CI in mock from Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Add xfsprogs and git to the test requirements (jkonecny)
-- The gettext-devel is required by autogen (jkonecny)
-- Remove kickstart-test dependencies from test requires (jkonecny)
-* Tue Dec 12 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.13-1
-- Unregister and unpublish all DBus services and objects (vponcova)
-- Add tests for InstallManager (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for Tasks (jkonecny)
-- Add run_in_glib decorator for tests (jkonecny)
-- Instantiate and publish InstallManager in Boss (jkonecny)
-- Add Makefile for install_manager (jkonecny)
-- Implement InstallManager with interface (jkonecny)
-- Init threading in modules (jkonecny)
-- Provide installation tasks from modules (jkonecny)
-- Remove *.Anaconda.Modules interface from Boss (jkonecny)
-- Implementing example tasks for modules (jkonecny)
-- Add Makefile for Task (jkonecny)
-- Base implementation of Task (jkonecny)
-- Add Task interface class (jkonecny)
-- Remove in-memory kickstart representation from traceback file (#1519895)
-  (mkolman)
-- Support call_when_thread_terminates in ThreadManager (jkonecny)
-- Change gtk_action_wait/nowait as general use decorators (jkonecny)
-- Add controllable loop to run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
-- Tweak run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
-- Enable SE/HMC file access to repo (vponcova)
-- Change string formatting to format method (jkonecny)
-- Pass handler instance, not class to SplitKickstartParser (rvykydal)
-- Add kickstart parser for splitting kickstart (rvykydal)
-* Thu Dec 07 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.12-1
-- Fix unit tests (mkolman)
-- Fixes in makefiles (vponcova)
-- Use the input_checking module for TUI password validation (mkolman)
-- Use the input_checking module for user checking (mkolman)
-- Use the input_checking module for root password checking (mkolman)
-- Use the input_checking module for checking the LUKS passphrase (mkolman)
-- Reflect GUISpokeInputCheckHandler changes in installation source spoke
-  (mkolman)
-- Convert the input checking helpers to use the input_checking module (mkolman)
-- Provide more robust method of using the warning message bar (mkolman)
-- Remove the validatePassword() method (mkolman)
-- Add new input checking module (mkolman)
-- fixup! Migrate Workstation InstallClass to anaconda (sgallagh)
-- Handle an invalid install class style sheet (vponcova)
-- Enhance password checking constants (mkolman)
-- Fix interactive defaults (mkolman)
-- Modify the PYTHONPATH in run_boss_locally (vponcova)
-- Replace get_bus with the class DBus (vponcova)
-- Migrate Workstation InstallClass to anaconda (sgallagh)
-- Point at new path for fedora-server.css (sgallagh)
-- Rename dbus_constants to constants (vponcova)
-- Add the boot option inst.ks.all (vponcova)
-- Add the boot option inst.stage2.all (vponcova)
-- Remove errors for mounting and unmounting (vponcova)
-- Override the right method in the task (vponcova)
-- Remove useless code (vponcova)
-- Support timeout and retries options in %%packages section (vponcova)
-- Fix device_name_is_disk to fully support raid devices (vponcova)
-- Onlyuse devices of the ignoredisk command should be only disks (vponcova)
-- Add the boot option inst.xtimeout (vponcova)
-- Do not shadow build-in module variable (jkonecny)
-- Module manager is replaceable (jkonecny)
-- Remove pyanaconda.constants_text module (vponcova)
-* Mon Nov 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.11-1
-- Bump Blivet GUI version (mkolman)
-- Change path to start-module script when running locally (mkolman)
-- Handle DBUS module related files in makeupdates (mkolman)
-- Handle DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS not being defined (mkolman)
-- Use start-module script in DBUS service files (mkolman)
-- Add a DBUS module startup script (mkolman)
-- Add Makefile.am for DBUS modules an addons (mkolman)
-- Add the setup-updates script (mkolman)
-- Add __init__.py file to anaconda/modules (mkolman)
-- Add a unit file for Boss startup (mkolman)
-- Really install all the right packages on Mac UEFI installs (awilliam)
-- Refactor DASD formatting and support detection of LDL DASDs. (vponcova)
-- Remove unused import sys from run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
-- Fix blivet imports in the Fedora Server install class (#1513024) (vponcova)
-- Update the use of suggest_container_name method (vponcova)
-- Devicetree doesn't have protected_dev_names (vponcova)
-- Add pyanaconda.dbus to Makefile (vponcova)
-- Add pyanaconda.storage to Makefile (#1511735) (vponcova)
-- network: GUI, be more robust when displaying vlan parent and id (#1507913)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: GUI, fix lookup of existing device configurations (#1507913)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: GUI, don't crash on added vlan without device name specified
-  (#1507913) (rvykydal)
-- Add a script for running Boss & modules locally (mkolman)
-- Add an example addon (mkolman)
-- Add DBUS module examples (mkolman)
-- Add Boss (mkolman)
-- Add a base class for DBUS modules (mkolman)
-- Add .service and .conf files for the DBUS modules (mkolman)
-- Add constants for DBUS module namespaces (mkolman)
-- Add support for logging from DBUS modules (mkolman)
-- Add the get_bus() method (mkolman)
-- Remove storage check for too small swap (#1466964) (vponcova)
-- Migrate fedora-server installclass into the anaconda repository (#1466967)
-  (rvykydal)
-* Thu Nov 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.10-1
-- Bump required Blivet version to 3.0 (mkolman)
-- Add modular server repo to the base repositories (#1506894) (jkonecny)
-- Split addon and environment refresh in software TUI (jkonecny)
-- Fix changing source don't erase old environment TUI (#1505090) (jkonecny)
-- Add logging to TUI software selection spoke (#1505090) (jkonecny)
-- Do not try to use protected disks for autopart (vtrefny)
-- Adapt new storage tui spoke to storage code move. (dlehman)
-- Update blivet upstream URL in testing README. (dlehman)
-- Adapt to devicefactory API change. (dlehman)
-- Adapt to removal of default rounding in blivet.size.Size. (dlehman)
-- Use anaconda's logic for ostree sys/physical root. (dlehman)
-- Adapt to removal of blivet.udev.device_is_realdisk. (dlehman)
-- Adapt to move of disklabel type logic into DiskLabel. (dlehman)
-- Move blivet.partspec into pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
-- Move blivet.platform to pyanaconda.platform. (dlehman)
-- Fix traceback from mocked partitions in clearpart test. (dlehman)
-- Move blivet.osinstall to pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
-- Move autopart from blivet to pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
-* Thu Oct 26 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.9-1
-- Mac EFI installs need grub2-tools (#1503496) (awilliam)
-- network: create default ifcfg also for missing default NM connection
-  (#1478141) (rvykydal)
-- Print screen stack next to exception in TUI (jkonecny)
-- Enable Custom GRUB2 Password Utility (#985962) (rmarshall)
-* Tue Oct 17 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.8-1
-- Bump simpleline version requires (jkonecny)
-- Remove DataHolder class (jkonecny)
-- Remove EditTUISpoke EditTUIDialog and EditTUISpokeEntry (jkonecny)
-- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Storage spoke (jkonecny)
-- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI User spoke (jkonecny)
-- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Source spoke (jkonecny)
-- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Network spoke (jkonecny)
-- Password spoke is using PasswordDialog now (jkonecny)
-- Return default policy if nothing match (jkonecny)
-- Add Dialog and PasswordDialog TUI objects (jkonecny)
-- Remove EditTUIDialog from time_spoke (jkonecny)
-- packaging: clear downloaded packages repo cache before using it (#1480790)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Do substitutions only after translating the string (mkolman)
-- Fix a translation check error (mkolman)
-- Do not run commands in messages in Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Fix storage spoke completeness checking (#1496416) (rvykydal)
-* Thu Oct 12 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.7-1
-- Mark the mount point assignment in TUI as experimental (vpodzime)
-- Reset storage on change in text mode (vpodzime)
-- Only allow the supported file systems in text mode (vpodzime)
-- Textual configuration of mount points (vpodzime)
-- Add support for the new 'mount' kickstart command (vpodzime)
-- Fix dnf exception repository not set (#1495211) (jkonecny)
-- Add logging of complete spokes in GUI. (rvykydal)
-- Do not execute storage when the spoke is left with no selected disk
-  (#1496327) (rvykydal)
-- Reflect building from master branch in the release docs (mkolman)
-- Add checks for group names (#1497676) (vponcova)
-- Add new checks for user names (#1491006) (vponcova)
-* Fri Sep 29 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.6-1
-- Add changelog entries from the unstable branch (mkolman)
-- Log when we are executing command in chroot (jkonecny)
-- Use name instead of index in TUI env selection (#1495204) (jkonecny)
-- Fix missing container in TUI source spoke (#1494801) (jkonecny)
-- Add MOCK_EXTRA_ARGS to Makefile (jkonecny)
-- tui source spoke: initialize nfs values when switching to nfs (rvykydal)
-- Deselect encryption when switching to blivet-gui partitioning (vtrefny)
-- Add 2 spaces between functions in iutil (jkonecny)
-- rpmostreepayload: Fix logic for copying of EFI data (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: Avoid recursing for fstab mounts (walters)
-- payload: Add handlesBootloaderConfiguration(), teach bootloader.py (walters)
-* Thu Sep 21 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.5-1
-- Fix missing id to name environment transition (#1491119) (jkonecny)
-- Fix test for unset TUI software environment (#1491119) (jkonecny)
-- Rename processingDone to processing_done variable (jkonecny)
-* Mon Sep 18 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.4-1
-- network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for virtual devices
-  (#1328576) (rvykydal)
-- network: support mac bound network settings as first class (#1328576)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for wired devices (#1328576)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Don't setup the hub twice (#1491333) (vponcova)
-- rpmostreepayload: Substitute ${basearch} in ostreesetup ref (walters)
-- Perform repo checks only when there are checks available. (rvykydal)
-- Add support for repo --metalink (GUI) (#1464843) (rvykydal)
-- Add support for repo --metalink (kickstart, tui) (#1464843) (rvykydal)
-- Add inst.notmux option (dusty)
-* Mon Sep 11 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.3-1
-- Add missing dot to the availability status message (mail)
-- Bump Simpleline version (jkonecny)
-- Make EFIGRUB._efi_binary a property, not a method (awilliam)
-- Better storing logs from build and tests (jkonecny)
-- Provide a default install class. (vponcova)
-- Do not use hidden install classes. (vponcova)
-- Make geolocation with kickstart possible (#1358331) (mkolman)
-- Run python-meh as modal in TUI (jkonecny)
-- Use GLib event loop in the simpleline (jkonecny)
-- TUI progress reporting is handled by show_all (jkonecny)
-- Add efi_dir to the BaseInstallClass (#1412391) (vponcova)
-- Use /usr/bin/python3 shebang once again (miro)
-* Mon Sep 04 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.2-1
-- Fix catch TUI not main thread exceptions (jkonecny)
-- Document Anaconda branching workflow (mkolman)
-- Use constants for version number bumps and additions (mkolman)
-- Fix closest mirror now needs network (jkonecny)
-- Fix restart payload thread in Network spoke GUI (#1478970) (jkonecny)
-- Network spoke freeze when testing availability (#1478970) (jkonecny)
-- Add support for adding version numbers to makebumpver (mkolman)
-- Add support for major version bump to makebumpver (mkolman)
-- Fix proxy settings badly used when testing repos (#1478970) (jkonecny)
-* Tue Aug 29 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.1-1
-- Remove the metacity theme. (vponcova)
-- Add the option inst.decorated to allow title bar in GUI (vponcova)
-- Move python3-gobject Requires to core (jkonecny)
-- Return simpleline removed ipmi calls back (jkonecny)
-- Use new list container from Simpleline (jkonecny)
-- Remove old simpleline from anaconda (jkonecny)
-- Ask multiple times for wrong input (jkonecny)
-- Show TUI exception only first time (jkonecny)
-- Add simpleline logger to the Anaconda (jkonecny)
-- Modify TUI to use new Simpleline package (jkonecny)
-- Make 64-bit kernel on 32-bit firmware work for x86 efi machines (pjones)
-- Add missing gtk3 required version to spec file (jkonecny)
-- Sort spec required versions alphabetically (jkonecny)
-- Fix testing of the kickstart version (vponcova)
-- Move the installclass command to the %%anaconda section. (vponcova)
-- Fix SL install class to use right efi dir (riehecky)
-- Fix accelerator key for blivet-gui partitioning (#1482438) (vtrefny)
-- Add blivet-gui logs to python-meh file list (vtrefny)
-- Remove the title bar in anaconda by default (#1468801) (vponcova)
-- Add simple script to read journal with message code source and thread info.
-  (rvykydal)
-* Mon Aug 14 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.20-1
-- Add support for automatic generating of DBus specification. (vponcova)
-- Add support for generating XML (vponcova)
-- Add support for DBus typing system (vponcova)
-- dnfpayload: do not try to contact disabled repo (artem.bityutskiy)
-- Add message to setup-test-env is ran (jkonecny)
-- Use SHA256 instead of MD5 for repoMDHash (#1341280) (bcl)
-- Add lorax-packages.log to bug report. (rvykydal)
-- Use SHA256 instead of MD5 for repoMDHash (#1341280) (jkonecny)
-- 80-setfilecons: Add a few paths (/var/run, /var/spool) (walters)
-- Also capture anaconda-pre logs if they exist (riehecky)
-- Don't mock modules with sys in unit tests (vponcova)
-- logging: replace SyslogHandler with JournalHandler (rvykydal)
-- Add setup-test-env target to the Makefile (jkonecny)
-- Add tests for the install class factory (vponcova)
-- Support for the installclass kickstart command (vponcova)
-- Modules with install classes should define __all__ (vponcova)
-- Refactorization of the installclass.py (vponcova)
-- docs: minor fixups of release document (rvykydal)
-- rescue: add RTD documentation (rvykydal)
-- rescue: clean up method for mounting root (rvykydal)
-- rescue: separate UI and execution logic (rvykydal)
-- Make kickstart rescue command noninteractive. (rvykydal)
-- Remove unused argument and code. (rvykydal)
-* Thu Jul 27 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> - 27.19-1
-- rpmostreepayload: Set up /var first (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: Explicitly create /var/lib before tmpfiles (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: Rework mount setup to support admin-defined mounts
-  (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: try to verify local ostree repo cache (dusty)
-- rpmostreepayload: ignore <F25 location, support RHEL (dusty)
-- rpmostreepayload: use correct secondary url location (dusty)
-- Add tracking of requirements application to requirements container.
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add langpacks via payload requirements (rvykydal)
-- Add NTP_PACKAGE via installation requirements (rvykydal)
-- timezone: simplify kickstart setup metod (rvykydal)
-- Store payload (packages, groups) requirements in a container. (rvykydal)
-- Fix anaconda --help fail with traceback (#1470514) (jkonecny)
-- rpmostreepayload: Do /sysroot mount non-recursively (walters)
-- Add isolated-test makefile target (jkonecny)
-- gui: show supported locales on Atomic Host installs (jlebon)
-* Mon Jul 03 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.18-1
-- rpmostreepayload: Reuse the local repo as a cache (walters)
-- Document how to create Anaconda releases and package builds (mkolman)
-* Sat Jul 01 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.17-1
-- Require "blivet-gui-runtime" instead of "blivet-gui" (vtrefny)
-- Fix a typo in python-meh initialization (#1462825) (mkolman)
-* Mon Jun 26 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.16-1
-- Install class shouldn't set the default boot fstype (#1463297) (vponcova)
-- Store testing logs properly (jkonecny)
-- Fix location of the blivet-gui user help (vtrefny)
-- netowrk: fix noipv6 option check regression (#1464297) (rvykydal)
-- Refactor imports in kickstart.py (jkonecny)
-- Use context manager to check KickstartError (jkonecny)
-* Wed Jun 21 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.15-1
-- Honor --erroronfail kickstart option in cmdline mode (rvykydal)
-- Fix import from a renamed module (#1462538) (vponcova)
-- Fix the 'non-ASCII characters in password' checks (#1413813) (awilliam)
-- Move mock config files to slaves (jkonecny)
-* Thu Jun 15 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.14-1
-- Bump version of Pykickstart and Blivet (#1113207) (jkonecny)
-- Add XFS uuid changer (#1113207) (jkonecny)
-- Support --when parameter in snapshot (#1113207) (jkonecny)
-- Add snapshot support (#1113207) (jkonecny)
-* Wed Jun 14 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.13-1
-- Fix source.glade renaming mixup (#1461469) (mkolman)
-- Separate blivet-daily builds in mock config (jkonecny)
-- network: bind to device name (not hwaddr) when dumping connections (#1457215)
-  (rvykydal)
-* Tue Jun 13 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.12-1
-- Show warning if swap is smaller then recommended (#1290360) (vponcova)
-* Tue Jun 06 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.11-1
-- Fix renaming error (mkolman)
-- Add a getter for the Anaconda root logger (mkolman)
-- Disable test-install in Makefile (jkonecny)
-* Thu Jun 01 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.10-1
-- Bump Blivet version (mkolman)
-- Remove GUI logging prefixes from Network spoke (mkolman)
-- Rename TUI spokes (mkolman)
-- Rename GUI spokes (mkolman)
-- Rename anaconda_argparse.py to argument_parsing.py (mkolman)
-- Rename install_tasks.py to installation_tasks.py (mkolman)
-- Rename install.py to installation.py (mkolman)
-- Rename threads.py to threading.py (mkolman)
-- Get special purpose loggers from anaconda_loggers (mkolman)
-- Use structured logging in Anaconda modules (mkolman)
-- Use unique 3 letter log level names (mkolman)
-- Use constants for special purpose logger names (mkolman)
-- Add the anaconda_loggers module (mkolman)
-- Rename anaconda_log.py to anaconda_logging.py (mkolman)
-- Add support for structured logging to the anaconda logger (mkolman)
-- Make it possible to set filters for file handlers (mkolman)
-- Add custom filter and formatter support for the syslog handler (mkolman)
-- Add AnacondaPrefixFilter (mkolman)
-- Fixes for Pylint 1.7 (vponcova)
-- Add support for IPoIB in tui (#1366935) (rvykydal)
-- Fix pylint unused import error (jkonecny)
-- network: handle multiple connections for one device better (#1444887)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix setting errors and warnings in the StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
-- Add inst.waitfornet option (#1315160) (rvykydal)
-- network: catch exception when reading in-memory connection being removed
-  (#1439220) (rvykydal)
-* Thu May 25 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.9-1
-- Add support for DNF-2.5.0 (jkonecny)
-- Fix simpleline_getpass related Pylint warning (mkolman)
-- Provide access to simpleline App instance (mkolman)
-- Make it possible to use a custom getpass() (mkolman)
-- Set the default filesystem type from a kickstart file (vponcova)
-- Adapt to our new daily builds of Anaconda (jkonecny)
-- Provide access to simpleline App instance (mkolman)
-- Make it possible to use a custom getpass() (mkolman)
-- Perform recursive copying of driver disk RPM repo contents (esyr)
-- network: fix setting hostname via boot options (#1441337) (rvykydal)
-- Fix a typo in an error message (esyr)
-- Use the function we already have for applying disk selection (#1412022)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Ignore disks labeled OEMDRV (#1412022) (rvykydal)
-- network: create dracut arguments for iSCSI root accessed via vlan (#1374003)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Test if Anaconda can be installed inside of mock (jkonecny)
-- Remove run_install_test test (jkonecny)
-- rpmostreepayload: Handle /var as a user-specified mountpoint (walters)
-- Fix the addon handlers for the checkbox (#1451754) (vponcova)
-- Show the text of completions in the datetime spoke. (vponcova)
-- Use new daily-blivet copr builds (jkonecny)
-- Prevent TUI from crashing with a single spoke on a hub (mkolman)
-* Tue May 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.8-1
-- Bump Pykickstart version (mkolman)
-* Fri May 05 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.7-1
-- Make some missed adjustments to blivet API changes. (#1440134) (dlehman)
-- Bump required version for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
-- BlivetGuiSpoke: Set keyboard shortcuts for blivet-gui (#1439608) (vtrefny)
-- BlivetGuiSpoke: Refresh blivet-gui UI after spoke is entered (vtrefny)
-- Really fix with tmux 2.4 (version comparison was busted) (awilliam)
-- Show or hide the content of the expander on Fedora (vponcova)
-- itertools.chain can be iterated only once (#1414391) (vponcova)
-* Fri Apr 28 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.6-1
-- Use `time.tzset()` to apply timezone changes when we can (awilliam)
-- Tweak epoch definition to fix system clock setting (#1433560) (awilliam)
-- Optimize payload thread restart on network change (jkonecny)
-- Add unit test for RepoMDMetaHash object (#1373449) (jkonecny)
-- Make the formating in payload consistent (#1373449) (jkonecny)
-- Fix Anaconda forces payload restart when network (not)change (#1373449)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Catch race-condition error reading from in-memory connection being removed
-  (#1373360) (rvykydal)
-- network tui: fix changing ipv4 config from static to dhcp (#1432886)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Allow setting up bridge for fetching installer image from kickstart
-  (#1373360) (rvykydal)
-* Thu Apr 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.5-1
-- make anaconda working back again with tmux2.4 (pallotron)
-- Trigger the entered signal only once the screen is shown (#1443011) (mkolman)
-- Use constants in storage checker constraints. (vponcova)
-- Gtk: Fix creating images from resources. (vponcova)
-- Fix partial kickstart software selection in GUI (#1404158) (jkonecny)
-- Removed unused code in the Software spoke (#1404158) (jkonecny)
-- Fix selection logic in Software spoke (#1404158) (jkonecny)
-- Fix Driver Disc documentation (#1377233) (jkonecny)
-- Support DD rpm loading from local disk device (#1377233) (jkonecny)
-- Gtk: Replace deprecated get_misc_set_alignment in widgets. (vponcova)
-- Gtk: Replace deprecated Gtk.Viewport.get_v/hadjustment. (vponcova)
-- Gtk: Replace deprecated methods. (vponcova)
-- Set the info bar only once if the partitioning method changes. (vponcova)
-- Fix pylint issue Catching too general exception Exception (jkonecny)
-- Support --noboot and --noswap options in autopartitioning (#1220866)
-  (vponcova)
-- Support --nohome option in the autopartitioning (vponcova)
-* Tue Apr 11 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.4-1
-- Hide options based on storage configuration method (#1439519) (mkolman)
-- Catch exception when reading from in-memory connection being removed
-  (#1439051) (rvykydal)
-- docs/boot-options.rst: Fix #dhcpd anchor (mopsfelder)
-- docs/boot-options.rst: Remove trailing spaces (mopsfelder)
-- Fix logging of the storage checker report. (vponcova)
-- Fix a property name of luks devices in storage checking (#1439411) (vponcova)
-- Bump required version for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
-- Use newly created swaps after the installation (#1439729) (vtrefny)
-- docs/boot-options.rst: Fix #dhcpd anchor (mopsfelder)
-- docs/boot-options.rst: Remove trailing spaces (mopsfelder)
-- Set default FS type for blivet-gui (#1439581) (vtrefny)
-- Display progress for the post installation phase (mkolman)
-- Display progress for the post installation phase (mkolman)
-- Increase verbosity of lvmdump in pre logging script (#1255659) (jkonecny)
-* Thu Mar 30 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.3-1
-- Enable the install class to customize the storage checking (vponcova)
-- Replace sanity check with more advanced storage checker (vponcova)
-- Various log-capture script improvements (mkolman)
-- Rename StorageChecker to StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
-* Thu Mar 16 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.2-1
-- Correction of some typographic mistakes in documentation. (rludva)
-- Fix bullet point formatting in contribution guidelines (mkolman)
-- Propagate firstboot --disable to Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
-- util: Add script to capture logs (riehecky)
-- Fix a typo (mkolman)
-- Correction of some typographic mistakes in documentation. (rludva)
-- Enhance git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
-- Improve how storage configuration settings are displayed (mkolman)
-- util: Add script to capture logs (riehecky)
-- Propagate firstboot --disable to Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
-* Mon Mar 06 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.1-1
-- We should not have pyanaconda submodules on PYTHONPATH (vponcova)
-- Lock empty root password during kickstart installation (#1383656) (mkolman)
-- Use system Python when running Anaconda (mkolman)
-- Remove unused false positives for pylint (vtrefny)
-- Fix pylint error in BlivetGUI spoke (vtrefny)
-- Fix tests by renaming packaging to payload (jkonecny)
-- Rescue mode should wait for the storage and luks devices (#1376638) (vponcova)
-* Mon Feb 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.21-1
-- Add blivet-gui as requirement for the GUI package (vtrefny)
-- Add a bottom bar to the Blivet GUI spoke (mkolman)
-- Hide storage config spokes marked by SAM as visited (mkolman)
-- Keep last used partitioning method selected (mkolman)
-- Rollback planned storage changes if partitioning method changes (mkolman)
-- Add blivet-gui spoke (vpodzime)
-- docs: fix formating a bit for Links (Frodox)
-- Fix a typo (mkolman)
-- Polish unsupported filesystems in the custom spoke (jkonecny)
-* Tue Feb 07 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.20-1
-- Update dracut test for network --ipv6gateway (rvykydal)
-- Correctly propagate --ipv6gateway to ifcfg files(#1170845) (mkolman)
-- network: respect --activate value for bridge from kickstart (rvykydal)
-- network: fix --activate for bridge slaves configured via %%pre ks (rvykydal)
-- network: activate bridge for first network command in ks via %%pre (rvykydal)
-- network: unify slave connection names for ks %%pre with ks and gui (rvykydal)
-- network: bind slave connections to DEVICE, not HWADDR (#1373360) (rvykydal)
-- Do not allow creating ntfs filesystem in custom spoke (vtrefny)
-- Various minor formatting fixes (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for packaging (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for vnc.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for storage_utils.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for network.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for kickstart.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for image.py (mkolman)
-- Cosmetic PEP8 and refactoring for flags.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for exception.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for bootloader.py (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and refactoring for anaconda_log.py (mkolman)
-- Validate dasd and zfcp user input (#1335092) (vponcova)
-- network: use introspection data from libnm instead of libnm-glib (lkundrak)
-* Mon Jan 16 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.19-1
-- Use initialization controller for spoke initialization (mkolman)
-- Add module initialization controller (mkolman)
-- Fix link to the documentation in the README file (jkonecny)
-- There is no thread for dasd formatting in tui. (vponcova)
-- Move the (mkolman)
-- Fix the status of the StorageSpoke for dasd formatting (#1274596) (vponcova)
-* Mon Jan 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.18-1
-- Always refresh the size of swap before autopartitioning. (vponcova)
-- Run the space check only if the spokes are complete (#1403505) (vponcova)
-- Ignore result directory with logs from tests (jkonecny)
-- Disable pylint no-member error for re.MULTILINE (jkonecny)
-- Fix nosetests to use newest python3 (jkonecny)
-- Disable the button if iscsi is not available (#1401263) (vponcova)
-- Include Python 3.6 sysconfigdata module in initramfs (#1409177) (awilliam)
-- Nicer __repr__ for hubs and spokes (mkolman)
-- Close the .treeinfo file after the retrieve. (vponcova)
-* Wed Jan 04 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.17-1
-- Fix a GTK Widget related deprecation warning (mkolman)
-- Fix GTK screen/display related deprecation warnings (mkolman)
-- Fix GObject and GLib deprecation warnings (mkolman)
-- Fix selection of no software environment (#1400045) (vponcova)
-- Use signals for Spoke & Hub entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
-- Fix the name of StorageDiscoveryConfig attribute (#1395350) (vponcova)
-- Iutil PEP8 & formatting fixes (mkolman)
-- Add inst.ksstrict option to show kickstart warnings as errors. (vponcova)
-- Use the structured installation task classes (mkolman)
-- Improved password quality checking (mkolman)
-- Add unit tests for password quality checking (mkolman)
-- Use Enum for password status constants (mkolman)
-- Use a sane unified password checking policy (mkolman)
-- Add install task processing classes and unit tests (mkolman)
-- Add a signal/slot implementation (mkolman)
-- Set correctly the default partitioning. (vponcova)
-* Wed Dec 14 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.16-1
-- rpmostreepayload: Rework binds to be recursive (walters)
-- Let DNF do its own substitutions (riehecky)
-- Bump Blivet version due to systemd-udev dependency (mkolman)
-- Don't log "Invalid bridge option" when network has no --bridgeopts.
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix updating of bridge slave which is bond. (rvykydal)
-* Mon Dec 05 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.15-1
-- Don't pass storage to firstboot.setup() (mkolman)
-- RTD fixes (mkolman)
-- Catch ValueError from LVM part in Blivet library (jkonecny)
-- Handle unexpected storage exception from blivet (jkonecny)
-- Add sudo to test requires (jkonecny)
-- network: fix network --noipv4 in %%pre (rvykydal)
-- fix typo in systemd service keyword (mail)
-- Fix pylint issue in ks_version_test (jkonecny)
-- Move Anaconda tests to mock (jkonecny)
-- Add checks to git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
-- Remove intermediate pot files in po-push (mkolman)
-- Allow install classes to set alternate states for firstboot/initial-setup
-  (riehecky)
-* Wed Nov 23 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.14-1
-- Changed the required version of BlockDev to 2.0. (vponcova)
-- Remove auto generated documentation (mkolman)
-- Fix generated zanata.xml from https unstable branch (jkonecny)
-- Don't crash if the UIC file can't be written (#1375702) (mkolman)
-* Wed Nov 23 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.13-1
-- Fix calling of can_touch_runtime_system function (jkonecny)
-- fix formating a bit (gitDeveloper)
-- Fix zanata.xml.in in substitution variables (mkolman)
-* Thu Nov 17 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.12-1
-- Mock chroot environment is chosed by a git branch (jkonecny)
-- Set Zanata branch from git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
-- Add git-find-branch script for finding parent branch (jkonecny)
-- fix pykickstart docks link (gitDeveloper)
-- aarch64 now has kexec-tools (pbrobinson)
-- Resolve directory ownership (mkolman)
-- Fix user interaction config handling in image & directory install modes
-  (#1379106) (mkolman)
-- tui: Available help system (vponcova)
-- network: index team slave connection names starting with 1 (rvykydal)
-* Thu Nov 10 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.11-1
-- Relax blivet dependency to >= 2.1.6-3 (awilliam)
-- Bump required Blivet version (#1378156) (mkolman)
-- Fix bad exception handling from blivet in iscsi (#1378156) (jkonecny)
-- tui: New class for prompt (vponcova)
-- iSCSI: adjust to change in blivet auth info (#1378156) (awilliam)
-- Disable false positive pylint error (jkonecny)
-- Add some error checking when users don't provide input for DASD devices.
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add some error checking when users don't provide input for zFCP devices.
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Fix tui timezone region selection by name (vponcova)
-* Fri Nov 04 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.10-1
-- F26_DisplayMode was added by non-interactive mode (jkonecny)
-- Fix pyanaconda tests for display mode (jkonecny)
-- Fix parse-dracut to support new kickstart displaymode (jkonecny)
-- Add boot option inst.noninteractive to the docs (jkonecny)
-- Abort installation when Playload exc rise in a NonInteractive mode (jkonecny)
-- Support non interactive mode in standalone spokes (jkonecny)
-- Non-interactive mode support for Password and User spokes (jkonecny)
-- Raise NonInteractive exception in Hubs event loop (jkonecny)
-- Raise exception for noninteractive mode in Hub (jkonecny)
-- Add new pykickstart noninteractive mode (jkonecny)
-- Disable bad kickstart command on F25 (jkonecny)
-- Improve DNF error message to be more understandable (jkonecny)
-- tui: Add software group selection (vponcova)
-- use blivet iSCSI singleton directly in storage spoke (awilliam)
-- Correct deviceLinks to device_links (blivet renamed it) (awilliam)
-- Instantiate the zFCP object ourselves now. (#1384532) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Fix the way DASD list is determined. (#1384532) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add tests for payload location picking (#1328151) (jkonecny)
-- Fix picking mountpoint for package download (#1328151) (jkonecny)
-- Improve packaging logs without DEBUG logging (jkonecny)
-* Tue Oct 25 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.9-1
-- Move the collect() function to iutil (mkolman)
-- Update messiness level (mkolman)
-- PEP8 and general refactoring for the main anaconda.py (mkolman)
-- Move kickstart file parsing code to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Don't directly import items from anaconda_log (mkolman)
-- Remove old useless code (mkolman)
-- Move the rescue ui startup code to the rescue module (mkolman)
-- Move set-installation-thod-from-anaconda code to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move the live startup code to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move code printing the startup note to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move the pstore cleanup function to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move the prompt_for_ssh function to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move logging setup to startup_utils (mkolman)
-- Move the geolocation startup code to a separate function (mkolman)
-- Unify addons path variable name (mkolman)
-- PEP 8 for startup_utils.py (mkolman)
-- PEP 8 for display.py (mkolman)
-- Move VNC startup checking to a separate function (mkolman)
-- Move imports to the top of the file in display.py (mkolman)
-- Refactor display mode handling (mkolman)
-- Move display setup & startup tasks out of anaconda.py (mkolman)
-- Remove main and extra Zanata pot files on master (jkonecny)
-- Remove main and extra pot files before zanata push (jkonecny)
-- Don't send intermediate pot files to zanata (gh#791) (awilliam)
-- Improve message to be clearer in rescue.py (jkonecny)
-- Add option to show password in password field (vponcova)
-- Generate a list of DASDs in GUI storage spoke. (#1378338) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Echoing 4de0ec44bdf0f68545bb55bb5fea00464b65fcab May as well include the SL
-  file (riehecky)
-- Fixup class name for CentOS install class (riehecky)
-- Fix a typo in SAM file header (mkolman)
-- Skip live image on usb when checking storage for mounted partitions
-  (#1369786) (rvykydal)
-* Mon Oct 03 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.8-1
-- Fix network spoke being incorrectly marked as mandatory (#1374864) (mkolman)
-* Fri Sep 30 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 26.7-1
-- Increse python3-blivet version to 1:2.1.5 (jkonecny)
-- Fix dnf.repo.Repo now requires dnf.conf.Conf (jkonecny)
-- Provides compatibility with DNF-2.0 (jmracek)
-* Tue Sep 27 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.6-1
-- Don't deactivate all storage in anaconda-cleanup. (#1225184) (dlehman)
-- Stop setting ANACONDA udev environment variable. (#1225184) (dlehman)
-* Tue Sep 27 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.5-1
-- Improved driver disk copying (#1269915) (mkolman)
-- Fix screenshot taking logic (#1327456) (mkolman)
-- Change blank lines to pep8 for Dracut DUD test (jkonecny)
-- Tweak lambda use in Dracut test (jkonecny)
-- Add Dracut test for reloading mod dependencies (jkonecny)
-* Wed Sep 21 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.4-1
-- Fix NTP server list fetching when running in IS (#1374810) (mkolman)
-- rpmostreepayload: Clean up use of sysroot files a bit (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: Fix remote handling to use correct sysroot (walters)
-* Mon Sep 19 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.3-1
-- network: set onboot correctly for vlan on bond device in ks (#1234849)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: don't show ibft configured devices in UI (#1309661) (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: don't generate kickstart iscsi commands for offload devices (#1252879)
-  (rvykydal)
-- iscsi: allow installing bootloader on offload iscsi disks (qla4xxx)
-  (#1325134) (rvykydal)
-- network: adapt to changed NM ibft plugin enablement configuration (#1371188)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: don't activate bond/team devices regardless of --activate (#1358795)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix traceback when payload have None as url (#1371494) (jkonecny)
-- Add new Dracut test and fix another ones (#1101653) (jkonecny)
-- Fix bug when we add set to list (#1101653) (jkonecny)
-- Add new helper script files to build system (#1101653) (jkonecny)
-- Document new helper scripts to the DriverDisk README (#1101653) (jkonecny)
-- Fix driver unload is disabling network settings (#1101653) (jkonecny)
-- dud: fix multiple inst.dd=http:// instances stalling in dracut (#1268792)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: fix ksdata generating for for non-active virtual devices (#1321288)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: update kickstart data also with bond bridge slaves (#1321288)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: add support for bridge bond slaves (#1321288) (rvykydal)
-- screen_access: Ensure we write config to real sysroot (walters)
-- Add release commit support to makebumpver (mkolman)
-- Makefile improvents for separate release commits & tarball creation
-  (mkolman)
-- network: add support for --no-activate kickstart opton (#1277975) (rvykydal)
-- fixup! Add base.close() after base.do_transaction (RhBug:1313240) (jmracek)
-- Add base.close() after base.do_transaction (RhBug:1313240) (jmracek)
-* Tue Sep 06 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.2-1
-- Add git merging examples to the contribution guidelines (mkolman)
-- network: don't stumble upon new Device.Statistics NM dbus iface (#1370099)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Current Anaconda is not compatible with DNF 2.0.0 (jkonecny)
-- Filter out all merge commits from the changelog (mkolman)
-- Make it possible to override Zanata branch name (mkolman)
-- Switch to argparse & autodetect name, version and bug email address (mkolman)
-- Fix multi-inheritance (phil)
-- Fix replacement of deprecated DNF method (jkonecny)
-- Replace deprecated method of DNF (jmracek)
-- Static checker recommended improvements (mkolman)
-- Fix replacement of deprecated DNF method (jkonecny)
-- Replace deprecated method of DNF (jmracek)
-* Mon Aug 29 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 26.1-1
-- Fix a pylint no-member warning (mkolman)
-- Translate press-c-to-continue correctly in TUI (#1364539) (mkolman)
-- Fix bootDrive driveorder fallback (#1355795) (jkonecny)
-- Fix bootloader when re-using existing /boot part (#1355795) (jkonecny)
-- Add support for device specification variants (#1200833) (mkolman)
-- Revert "Update zanata.xml for f25-devel branch." (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Update zanata.xml for f25-devel branch. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add option to override efi_dir (phil)
-- efiboot: stderr= is not an option to efibootmgr (phil)
-- Fix EFI grub1 case (phil)
-- Make Fedora module not so grabby (phil)
-- Add centos module to pyanaconda (phil)
-- network: don't require gateway for static ipv4 config in TUI (#1365532)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Improve connection network change detection (jkonecny)
-- Revert "Revalidate source only if nm-con-ed change settings (#1270354)"
-  (jkonecny)
-- Fix anaconda-pre.service wasn't properly installed (#1255659) (jkonecny)
-- Rename function for better consistency (#1259284) (rvykydal)
-- Update error message for consistency (#1259284) (rvykydal)
-- Add more specific username check messages also to gui (#1360334) (rvykydal)
-- fix style guide test false positive on username variable (#1350375)
-  (rvykydal)
-- tui: use functions instead of fake REs for checking values (#1350375)
-  (rvykydal)
-- tui: get proper index of entry we are handling in input (#1331054) (rvykydal)
-- tui: fix user name validity checking (#1350375) (rvykydal)
-- More descriptive message on invalid username (kvalek)
-- Fix another pep8 name issue (jkonecny)
-- iscsi: fix getting iscsi target iface of bound target (#1359739) (rvykydal)
-- Fix needsNetwork testing only additional repositories (#1358788) (jkonecny)
-- Fix restart payload only when repo needs network (#1358788) (jkonecny)
-- Cleanup remaining runlevel references (mkolman)
-- Clarify a nosave related log message (mkolman)
-- Use Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
-- Add screen entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
-- Add screen access manager (mkolman)
-- A simple formatting fix (mkolman)
-- Fix another blivet-2.0 pep8 error (jkonecny)
-- Quickfix of failing test (japokorn)
-- Some docstring refactoring & typo fixes for the TUI base classes (mkolman)
-- Add a file about contributing. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Store logs before anaconda starts (#1255659) (japokorn)
-- DD can now replace existing drivers (#1101653) (japokorn)
-- Use the F25 timezone kickstart command version (mkolman)
-- Use sshd-keygen.target instead of hardcoded sshd-keygen script (jjelen)
-- Make it possible to disable sshd service from running. (#1262707)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Change bootloader boot drive fallback (jkonecny)
-- Fix of Python3x uncompatible commands (japokorn)
-- Add NTP server configuration to the TUI (#1269399) (mkolman)
-- Move the NTP server checking constants to constants.py (mkolman)
-- Use a constant for the NTP check thread name prefix (mkolman)
-- Fix another victim of the python 2->3 conversion. (#1354020) (dshea)
-- Attempt to unload modules updated by a driver disk (dshea)
-- Fix the processing of device nodes as driver disks (dshea)
-* Fri Jul 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.20-1
-- Allow kickstart users to ignore the free space error (dshea)
-- Stop kickstart when space check fails (bcl)
-- Service anaconda-nm-config is missing type oneshot (jkonecny)
-- Fix dhcpclass to work both via kickstart and the boot cmdline. (clumens)
-- network: handle also ifcfg files of not activated virtual devices (#1313173)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: check onboot value in ksdata, not NM connections (#1313173)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: do not activate device on kickstart --onboot="yes" (#1341636)
-  (rvykydal)
-* Fri Jun 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.19-1
-- hostname: don't set installer env hostname to localhost.localdomain
-  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
-- hostname: add tooltip to Apply button (#1290858) (rvykydal)
-- hostname: fix accelerator collision (#1290858) (rvykydal)
-- hostname: don't set hostname in initrafms of target system (#1290858)
-  (rvykydal)
-- hostname: set current hostname from target system hostname on demand
-  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
-- hostname: suggest current hostname for storage containers (#1290858)
-  (rvykydal)
-- hostname: don't set target system static hostname to current hostname
-  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
-- network tui: do not activate device when setting its onboot value (#1261864)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network tui: edit persistent configuration, not active connection (#1261864)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: validate netmask in tui (#1331054) (rvykydal)
-- Add wordwrap to text mode and use it by default (#1267881) (rvykydal)
-- Fix adding new VG in Custom spoke can't be applied (#1263715) (jkonecny)
-- Fix SimpleConfigFile file permissions (#1346364) (bcl)
-- Re-configure proxy when updateBaseRepo is called (#1332472) (bcl)
-* Fri Jun 17 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.18-1
-- Only use <> for markup (#1317297) (bcl)
-- Update iscsi dialog for Blivet 2.0 API change (bcl)
-- Use the signal handlers to set initial widget sensitivies (dshea)
-- Fix bad sensitivity on boxes in source spoke (jkonecny)
-- Fix install-buildrequires (bcl)
-- Added optional [/prefix] as pattern (kvalek)
-- Require network for network-based driver disks (dshea)
-- Add missing pkgs to install-buildrequires (#612) (phil)
-- Increase the required version of gettext (dshea)
-- Fix the name sensitivity in the custom spoke. (dshea)
-* Fri Jun 10 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.17-1
-- Revert "Temporarily disable translations" (bcl)
-- Change where to look for the iscsi object (#1344131) (dshea)
-- Fix old blivet identifiers (#1343907) (dshea)
-- Fix a covscan warning about fetch-driver-net (#1269915) (bcl)
-- Fix crash when NM get_setting* methods return None (#1273497) (jkonecny)
-- Overwrite network files when using ks liveimg (#1342639) (bcl)
-- Stop using undocumented DNF logging API (bcl)
-- Use the LUKS device for encrypted swap on RAID (dshea)
-- Keep the subdir in driver disk update paths (dshea)
-- Warn about broken keyboard layout switching in VNC (#1274228) (jkonecny)
-- Make the anaconda-generator exit early outside of the installation
-  environment (#1289179) (mkolman)
-* Fri Jun 03 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.16-1
-- Add a button to refresh the disk list. (dlehman)
-- Only try to restart payload in the Anaconda environment (mkolman)
-- Make current runtime environment identifiers available via flags (mkolman)
-- Display storage errors that cause no disks to be selected (#1340240) (bcl)
-- Fix the SourceSwitchHandler pylint errors differently. (clumens)
-- Fix pylint errors. (clumens)
-- Update the disk summary on Ctrl-A (dshea)
-- Revert "Refresh the view of on-disk storage state every 30 seconds."
-  (dlehman)
-- Refresh the view of on-disk storage state every 30 seconds. (dlehman)
-- Handle unsupported disklabels. (dlehman)
-- Use a blivet method to remove everything from a device. (dlehman)
-- Tighten up ResizeDialog._recursive_remove a bit. (dlehman)
-- Only look for partitions on partitioned disks. (dlehman)
-- NFS DDs installation now works correctly (#1269915) (japokorn)
-- Remove unused on_proxy_ok_clicked from Source spoke (jkonecny)
-- send all layouts to localed for keymap conversion (#1333998) (awilliam)
-- Small cleanup (mkolman)
-* Fri May 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.15-1
-- Resolve shortcut conflict between "Desired Capacity" and "Done" (yaneti)
-- network: don't crash on devices with zero MAC address (#1334632) (rvykydal)
-- Remove Authors lines from the tops of all files. (clumens)
-- Related: rhbz#1298444 (rvykydal)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 25.14 (bcl)
-- Catch DNF MarkingError during group installation (#1337731) (bcl)
-- Fix TUI ErrorDialog processing (#1337427) (bcl)
-- Clean up yelp processes (#1282432) (dshea)
-* Fri May 20 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.14-1
-- Temporarily disable translations (bcl)
-- Don't crash when selecting the same hdd ISO again (#1275771) (mkolman)
-* Thu May 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.13-1
-- Fix writeStorageLate for live installations (#1334019) (bcl)
-- Remove the locale list from zanata.xml (dshea)
-- Ditch autopoint. (dshea)
-- Ditch intltool. (dshea)
-- Rename fedora-welcome to fedora-welcome.js (dshea)
-- Fix UEFI installation after EFIBase refactor (bcl)
-- Fix error handling for s390 bootloader errors (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Deselect all addons correctly (#1333505) (bcl)
-- gui-testing needs isys to be compiled. (clumens)
-- Add more to the selinux check in tests/gui/base.py. (clumens)
-* Fri May 13 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.12-1
-- Add single language mode (#1235726) (mkolman)
-- Move default X keyboard setting out of the Welcome spoke (mkolman)
-- Rerun writeBootLoader on Live BTRFS installs (bcl)
-- Check for mounted partitions as part of sanity_check (#1330820) (bcl)
-- Merge pull request #620 from dashea/new-canary (dshea)
-- Update the required pykickstart version. (dshea)
-- Implement %%packages --excludeWeakdeps (#1331100) (james)
-- Fix bad addon handling when addon import failed (jkonecny)
-- Add retry when downloading .treeinfo (#1292613) (jkonecny)
-- Return xprogressive delay back (jkonecny)
-- Change where tests on translated strings are run. (dshea)
-- Merge the latest from translation-canary (dshea)
-- Squashed 'translation-canary/' changes from 5a45c19..3bc2ad6 (dshea)
-- Add new Makefile target for gui tests (atodorov)
-- Define missing srcdir in run_gui_tests.sh and enable coverage (atodorov)
-- Split gui test running out into its own script. (clumens)
-- Look higher for the combobox associated with an entry (#1333530) (dshea)
-- Use createrepo_c in the ci target. (dshea)
-- Compile glib schema overrides with --strict. (dshea)
-* Fri May 06 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.11-1
-- Don't join two absolute paths (#1249598) (mkolman)
-- Don't crash when taking a screenshot on the hub (#1327456) (mkolman)
-- Fix pylint errors. (phil)
-- Factor out common grub1/grub2 stuff into mixin, and other factoring (phil)
-- Add GRUB1 (legacy) support back to Anaconda (phil)
-* Fri Apr 29 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.10-1
-- Handle unmounting ostree when exiting (bcl)
-- ostree: Use bind mounts to setup ostree root (bcl)
-- ostree: Skip root= setup when using --dirinstall (bcl)
-- disable_service: Specify string format args as logging params. (clumens)
-- Ignore failure when disable services that do not exist (phil)
-- Get rid of an unused variable in the network spoke. (clumens)
-- Revalidate source only if nm-con-ed change settings (#1270354) (jkonecny)
-- Merge solutions for test source when network change (#1270354) (jkonecny)
-- Changes in network state revalidate sources rhbz#1270354 (riehecky)
-* Wed Apr 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.9-1
-- Use the iutil functions for interacting with systemd services. (dshea)
-- Add methods to enable and disable systemd services. (dshea)
-- Do not add .service to the end of service names. (dshea)
-- Remove detach-client from tmux.conf (dshea)
-- Use Blivet 2.0 for set_default_fstype (#607) (sgallagh)
-- Remove dnf from the list of required packages. (#605) (dshea)
-- Add access to the payload from addons (#1288636) (jkonecny)
-- Disable pylint warnings related to the log handler fixer. (dshea)
-- Allow the metacity config dir to be overriden. (dshea)
-- Do not include /usr/share/anaconda files in the gui package. (dshea)
-- Work around logging's crummy lock behavior. (dshea)
-- Use rm -r to remove the temporary python site directory. (dshea)
-- Remove the subnet label for wired devices. (#1327615) (dshea)
-- Fix how unusued network labels are hidden (#1327615) (dshea)
-- Remove yum_logger (bcl)
-- Remove the lock loglevel (bcl)
-- Use a temporary user-site directory for the tests. (dshea)
-- Build everything for make ci. (dshea)
-- Ignore some E1101 no-member errors when running pylint (bcl)
-- Sprinkle the code with pylint no-member disable statements (bcl)
-- Catch GLib.GError instead of Exception (bcl)
-- Update storage test for Blivet 2.0 API change. (bcl)
-- Initialize missing private methods in BasePage class (bcl)
-- Update kickstart.py for Blivet 2.0 API change. (bcl)
-- Use namedtuple correctly in kexec.py (bcl)
-- Add more requires to make password checking still work. (#1327411) (dshea)
-- Rename isS390 to match the renames in blivet. (dshea)
-- Suppress signal handling when setting zone from location (#1322648) (dshea)
-- Refresh metadata when updates checkbox changes (#1211907) (bcl)
-* Fri Apr 15 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.8-1
-- network: handle null wireless AP SSID object (#1262556) (awilliam)
-- Change new_tmpfs to new_tmp_fs. (clumens)
-- Add support for kickstart %%onerror scripts. (clumens)
-- Show network spoke in the TUI reconfig mode (#1302165) (mkolman)
-- network: copy static routes configured in installer to system (#1255801)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: fix vlan over bond in kickstart (#1234849) (rvykydal)
-- network: use NAME to find ifcfg on s390 with net.ifnames=0 (#1249750)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Get rid of the reimport of MultipathDevice. (clumens)
-- Fix iSCSI kickstart options aren't generated (#1252879) (jkonecny)
-- Fix adding offload iSCSI devices (vtrefny)
-- Make the list-harddrives script mode robust (mkolman)
-* Fri Apr 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.7-1
-- Blivet API change getDeviceBy* is now get_device_by_* (bcl)
-- network: don't set 803-3-ethernet.name setting (#1323589) (rvykydal)
-- Log non-critical user/group errors (#1308679) (bcl)
-- Fix btrfs metadata raid level kwarg. (dlehman)
-- docs: Add release building document (bcl)
-- Minor improvements - README and test dependencies (atodorov)
-- Add more matches for network connectivity (atodorov)
-* Mon Apr 04 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.6-1
-- Remove an unused import from anaconda-cleanup. (clumens)
-- Don't use booleans in Requires (#1323314) (dshea)
-- Set CSS names on all of the anaconda classes. (#1322036) (dshea)
-- Don't crash if no groups are specified (#1316816) (dshea)
-- Fix only one address is shown in anaconda (#1264400) (jkonecny)
-- Fix call to update optical media format. (#1322943) (dlehman)
-- Reset invalid disk selection before proceeding. (dlehman)
-- Multiple Dogtail tests improvements (atodorov)
-- Do not allow liveinst with --image or --dirinstall (#1276349) (dshea)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 25.5 (bcl)
-* Wed Mar 30 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.5-1
-- Don't provide subclasses of the multipath or dmraid commands. (clumens)
-- Add support for chunksize raid kickstart parameter. (vtrefny)
-- Convert to blivet-2.0 API. (dlehman)
-* Thu Mar 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.4-1
-- Require that the English locale data be available. (#1315494) (dshea)
-- Revert "Change the default locale to C.UTF-8 (#1312607)" (#1315494) (dshea)
-- Make windows in metacity closable (#1319590) (dshea)
-- Fix the use of CSS psuedo-classes in the widgets. (dshea)
-- Add reason when logging invalid repository (#1240379) (jkonecny)
-* Sat Mar 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.3-1
-- Apply language attributes to all labels within anaconda. (dshea)
-- Add a function to apply a PangoAttrLanguage to a label. (dshea)
-- Add functions to watch changes to a container widget. (dshea)
-- Switch to the adwaita icon theme. (dshea)
-- Fix duplicate network settings in dracut (#1293539) (jkonecny)
-- Fix create device with bad name when parsing KS (#1293539) (jkonecny)
-- Use a lock for repoStore access (#1315414) (bcl)
-- Add missing inst prefix to the nokill option in docs (mkolman)
-- Merge pull request #551 from wgwoods/master-multiple-initrd-dd-fix (wwoods)
-- fix multiple inst.dd=<path> args (rhbz#1268792) (wwoods)
-* Fri Mar 11 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.2-1
-- Load the system-wide Xresources (#1241724) (dshea)
-- Use an icon that exists in Adwaita for the dasd confirmation (dshea)
-- Make it possible to skip saving of kickstarts and logs (#1285519) (mkolman)
-- Add a function for empty file creation (#1285519) (mkolman)
-- Run actions for argparse arguments (#1285519) (mkolman)
-* Wed Mar 09 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.1-1
-- don't install kernel-PAE on x86_64 (#1313957) (awilliam)
-- except block in py3.5 undefines the variable (bcl)
-- Remove some history from the liveinst setup. (dshea)
-- Do not run the liveinst setup if not in a live environment. (dshea)
-- Set GDK_BACKEND=x11 before running anaconda from liveinst. (dshea)
-- Run zz-liveinst as an autostart application (dshea)
-- Translate the help button. (dshea)
-- Translate the required space labes in resize.py (dshea)
-* Fri Mar 04 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.0-1
-- Add device id to dasdfmt screen. (#1269174) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Unify displayed columns in custom spoke dialogs. (#1289577) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Show some confirmation to users if adding a DASD was successful. (#1259016)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Hotfix for missing storage in payload class (#1271657) (jkonecny)
-- Check to see if DD repo is already in addOn list (#1268357) (bcl)
-- Use the default levelbar offset values. (dshea)
-- Do not change the GUI language to a missing locale. (#1312607) (dshea)
-- Don't crash when setting an unavailable locale (#1312607) (dshea)
-- Change the default locale to C.UTF-8 (#1312607) (dshea)
-- Update the libtool version-info. (dshea)
-- Use CSS to style the internal widgets. (dshea)
-- Move the widgets pixmaps into resources. (dshea)
-- Add a resource bundle to libAnacondaWidgets (dshea)
-- Rename show_arrow and chosen_changed to show-arrow and chosen-changed (dshea)
-- Remove an invalid transfer notation. (dshea)
-- Stop using SGML in the docs. (dshea)
-- Change the install test URL. (dshea)
-- Fix nfs source crash when options change (#1264071) (bcl)
-- makebumpver: Add a --dry-run option (bcl)
-- NTP should have better behavior (#1309396) (jkonecny)
-- Manually set clock shifts on UI idle (#1251044) (rmarshall)
-- Don't remove selected shared part when Delete all (#1183880) (jkonecny)
-- Don't delete shared/boot parts in deleteAll (#1183880) (jkonecny)
-* Fri Feb 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.13-1
-- tests/gui enhancements (atodorov)
-- Fix gui tests for anaconda move to anaconda.py (atodorov)
-- Use a different ipmi command to log events. (clumens)
-- Clarify that a string in list-screens is actually a regex. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #513 from wgwoods/update-dd-docs (wwoods)
-- updated driver updates docs (wwoods)
-- Add specification for the user interaction config file (mkolman)
-- Update zanata webui URL in translation doc. (dlehman)
-- Tweak partition removal in Custom spoke (jkonecny)
-- Do not skip evaluation after removing partitions (jkonecny)
-- Import iutil earlier so we can use ipmi_report from check_for_ssh. (clumens)
-- Make disconnect_client_callbacks more resilient (#1307063). (clumens)
-- Move the langpacks install into to a separate function. (dshea)
-- Fix _find_by_title method in Accordion (jkonecny)
-* Fri Feb 12 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.12-1
-- Use host storage for directory or image install dnf download (bcl)
-- Log payloadError so we know why installation failed. (bcl)
-- Add the addons directory to the rpm. (dshea)
-- Use the packaged version of ordered-set (dshea)
-- Remove an unused import (dshea)
-- Add an uninstall hook for the renamed anaconda (dshea)
-- Make langpack work in DNF (#1297823) (jsilhan)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 24.11 (bcl)
-* Fri Feb 05 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.11-1
-- Fix makeupdates for anaconda move to anaconda.py (bcl)
-- Rename ./anaconda to ./anaconda.py to work around coverage.py #425 (atodorov)
-- Remove special handling for interruptible system calls. (dshea)
-- Handle PEP 3101 strings in the gettext context check (dshea)
-- Improve RHS summary strings in multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Increase GI version required of AnacondaWidgets (jkonecny)
-- Increment version of g-introspection for widgets (jkonecny)
-- Increment the AnacondaWidgets version (jkonecny)
-- Switch to the new Initial Setup unit name (#1299210) (mkolman)
-- Uncomment self.check_lang_locale_views in tests/gui/ (atodorov)
-- Add dogtail to test requirements (atodorov)
-- Add config for easier combining of kickstart and Jenkins coverage data
-  (atodorov)
-- Apply the fallback style to anaconda selectors. (dshea)
-- Redo the stylesheet for Gtk 3.19+ (dshea)
-- Directly overwrite /usr/share/anaconda/anaconda-gtk.css (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #463 from dashea/translation-tests (dshea)
-- Display the name of the addon while executing it (bcl)
-- Add page selection summary to the right side (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Ask when removing new items in multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Add multiselection with SHIFT key (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Use show_arrow feature implemented in Selector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Add new property to show/hide arrow in Selector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Change selection logic when opening Page (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Add new BasePage class (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Add signal and methods to MountpointSelector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Fix errors with multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Accordion class now process events for selectors (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Change cammel case for accordion.py to new pep8 (jkonecny)
-- Move selection logic from custom spoke to accordion (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Modify ConfirmDeleteDialog now the checkbox is optional (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Multiselection works in GUI with remove (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Add multiselection to Accordion with control key (#1265620) (jkonecny)
-- Remove bad translations from the source tarball. (dshea)
-- Treat warnings from xgettext as errors. (dshea)
-- Run translation-canary tests from make check. (dshea)
-- Do not run pylint on translation-canary (dshea)
-- Squashed 'translation-canary/' content from commit 5a45c19 (dshea)
-* Fri Jan 29 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.10-1
-- Add a finished method to spokes (#1300499) (bcl)
-- Handle DeviceConfiguration with con = None (#1300499) (bcl)
-- Log detailed information about installed packages (bcl)
-- s/KickstartValueError/KickstartParseError. (clumens)
-- Move requiredDeviceSize to the main Payload class (#1297905) (dshea)
-* Fri Jan 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.9-1
-- Handle unexpected DNF exit (bcl)
-- Fix bad space needed messages (jkonecny)
-- nosetests-3.5 is now the right version. (clumens)
-- Ignore a pylint error about how we're using Popen (dshea)
-- Mark an unused variable as unused (dshea)
-- Ignore type-related errors for types pylint can't figure out (dshea)
-- Import errors are just regular errors now (dshea)
-- Replace the remaining log.warn calls with log.warning. (dshea)
-- Fix an erroneously bare raise statement (dshea)
-- Replace the deprecated assertEquals with assertEqual (dshea)
-- Don't add a None to the list of things to unmount on ostree installs.
-  (clumens)
-* Wed Dec 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.8-1
-- Fix pylint problems in the gui testing code. (clumens)
-- Merge 9c5e02392d0401a3bd0adecedea03535595773ef into
-  67b569253c724639c2490f5fab70f7111f699b3f (atodorov)
-- Fix the replacement suggestion for "hostname" (dshea)
-- Automatically generate sr (dshea)
-- Fix PropertyNotFoundError PermHwAddress (#1269298) (jkonecny)
-- Make sure python3.5 code can run in early initrd (bcl)
-- Replace <list>.delete() with <list>.remove() in user.py (sujithpandel)
-- Rename everything that still refers to LiveCD (atodorov)
-- Updates to progress and storage tests (atodorov)
-- Multiple changes to DogtailTestCase (atodorov)
-- Move all Python files into the main gui/ directory (atodorov)
-- Simplify tests by removing OutsideMixin and update Creator (atodorov)
-- Modify existing tests to match latest anaconda behavior and environment
-  (atodorov)
-- Temporary disable test code which doesn't work (atodorov)
-- Make tests/gui/ execute ./anaconda from git (atodorov)
-- Add window title (#1280077) (mkolman)
-- Replace execReadlines with check_output in parse-kickstart_test.py (bcl)
-- Fix a spelling error in the hardware error message (#1284165). (clumens)
-* Wed Nov 18 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.7-1
-- Collect test-suite.log from all 'make check' invocations. Closes #452
-  (atodorov)
-- Fix parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
-- Remove mkdud.py. (clumens)
-- Remove the kickstart_tests directory. (clumens)
-- Always quote values in ifcfg- files (#1279131) (bcl)
-- Include original kickstart in /root/original-ks.cfg (#1227939) (bcl)
-- strip spaces from extlinux label and default (#1185624) (bcl)
-- Report kernel failures during kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Make sure unicode in kickstart works. (dshea)
-- Set the window icon (dshea)
-- Only run space check in TUI if spokes are complete. (#1279413)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Allow a user's primary group to be created in --groups (#1279041) (dshea)
-- Remove uses of broad-except. (dshea)
-- Add a test for all that container minimization stuff. (clumens)
-- Use the partition command in one of the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Don't clear the _currentIsoFile if another iso was selected (bcl)
-- makeupdates: Include utils/handle-sshpw (bcl)
-- Add --sshkey to kickstart sshpw command (#1274104) (bcl)
-- Split exception description from exception traceback (jkonecny)
-- Show DNF exception instead of silent exit (jkonecny)
-- Combine results from all gettext_tests into one log file (atodorov)
-- Try to run make ci with real translations. (dshea)
-- Untranslate undisplayed TreeView column headers. (dshea)
-- Add a test for hidden translatable strings (dshea)
-- Add the translated string to markup error messages. (dshea)
-- Test glade translations by default (dshea)
-- Change the way glade tests are run. (dshea)
-- Remove the accelerator test. (dshea)
-- Add the test lib directory to $PYTHONPATH in the commit hook (dshea)
-- network: create ifcfg files in tui if needed (#1268155) (rvykydal)
-- Do not limit ONBOOT default setting to url and nfs installation methods
-  (#1269264) (rvykydal)
-- ibft: fix setting dracut boot args for static ibft nic configuration
-  (#1267526) (rvykydal)
-- network: Don't set --device link default for hostname only network cmd
-  (#1272274) (rvykydal)
-- network: assume --device=link as default also for ks on hd (#1085310)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: use ibftx interface for iSCSI from iBFT in dracut (#1077291)
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: add s390 options to default ifcfg files (#1074570) (rvykydal)
-* Fri Nov 06 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.6-1
-- Fix a pylint error in the previous commits. (clumens)
-- Load anaconda-gtk.css from ANACONDA_DATA if specified (atodorov)
-- Use the correct path for ui categories (atodorov)
-- Allow wired network properties more grid space. (dshea)
-- Improve language selection at low resolutions. (dshea)
-- Make reclaim work with small screens and big labels (dshea)
-- allow repo with only a name if it's a pre-defined one (#1277638) (awilliam)
-- Only raise thread exceptions once (#1276579) (bcl)
-- Use py3.4 crypt and salt (bcl)
-- Be more careful with incomplete device types (#1256582) (dshea)
-- Fix an import error in rpmostreepayload.py. (clumens)
-- Fix Testing docs inclusion in Sphinx (bcl)
-- Ignore interfaces with invalid VLAN IDs. (dshea)
-- Cleaner logging of .treeinfo return conditions in dependant function.
-  (riehecky)
-- Update link to upstream kickstart docs (opensource)
-- rpmostreepayload: Also unmount internal mounts during shutdown (walters)
-- rpmostreepayload: Fix two issues with mounting (walters)
-- Add a README for kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Make the documentation match the environment variable. (clumens)
-- Check that cache PVs (if any) are in the VG the LV belongs to (#1263258)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Fix the alignment of the "Label" label in custom (dshea)
-- Use unsafe caching during kickstart tests. (clumens)
-* Wed Oct 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.5-1
-- Improve install space required estimation (#1224048) (jkonecny)
-- Update the on-disk snapshot of storage when adv. disks are added (#1267944)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Check that ipv6 kickstart outputs the right ip= (dshea)
-- Change a variable name for pylint. (dshea)
-- Do not run time_initialize for image and directory installations (#1274103)
-  (bcl)
-- Remove unused properties (dshea)
-- Do not modify the kickstart user data until apply() (dshea)
-- Make AdvancedUserDialog.run() more readable (dshea)
-- Improve the behavior of the home directory input. (dshea)
-- Stop setting inappropriate properties in ksdata. (dshea)
-- Update the password strength bar during the password strength check. (dshea)
-- Remove unnecessary grab_focus and set_sensitive calls (dshea)
-- Use signal handlers in the user spoke more sensibly. (dshea)
-- Fix potential issues with the username guesser. (dshea)
-- Make kickstart tests growing LVs stricter (vpodzime)
-- Point coverage.py to the full path of pyanaconda/ (atodorov)
-- Don't set BOOTPROTO= when it isn't set (jbacik)
-- Pass strings to blockdev.dasd_format, not a DASDDevice object. (#1273553)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Revert "Use yum to install the mock buildroot for now." (dshea)
-- decode package name for /etc/sysconfig/kernel (RHBZ #1261569) (awilliam)
-- Add tests for the more complicated command line options (dshea)
-- Store fewer kinds of things in the dirinstall option. (dshea)
-- Fix the parsing of selinux=0 (#1258569) (dshea)
-- Include a local $ANACONDA_DATADIR in the test environment. (dshea)
-- Move the command line arguments to anaconda_argparse. (dshea)
-- Don't crash while logging binary output. (dshea)
-- Decode program output even if there is no output (#1273145) (dshea)
-- Add a test for _run_program with binary output (dshea)
-- Test execWithCapture when the command outputs nothing. (dshea)
-- Fix a long line in kickstart_tests/functions.sh. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #414 from vpodzime/master-lvm_log (vpodzime)
-- Save the lvm.log Blivet may produce (vpodzime)
-* Fri Oct 16 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.4-1
-- Hide the places sidebar in the ISO chooser widget. (dshea)
-- Use GtkResponseType values in the iso chooser dialog (dshea)
-- Do not use deprecated getDevicesByInstance method (vtrefny)
-- By default, skip those kickstart tests we know to be failing. (clumens)
-- Fix pylint unused import (jkonecny)
-- network: handle bridge device appearing before its connection (#1265593)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Use $KSTEST_URL in tests that still had dl.fp.o hardcoded. (dshea)
-- Support CONNECT in the test proxy server. (dshea)
-- Extract the file used by liveimg as a prereq (dshea)
-- Convert the proxy script to a prereq. (dshea)
-- Add a prereqs function to kickstart tests. (dshea)
-- Fix traceback when trying to create list of unformatted DASDs. (#1268764)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- network: handle missing connections of a device configured in GUI better
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: don't set NM_CONTROLLED=no for root on SAN. (rvykydal)
-- Add support for other systemd units to kickstart service command (bcl)
-- Merge pull request #388 from wgwoods/dd-in-initrd-fix (wwoods)
-- Set the password checkbox for empty kickstart passwords. (dshea)
-- Do not set the password input text with unencrypted passwords. (dshea)
-- Install input checks before modifying the user GUI (#1256065) (dshea)
-- Fix a lying error message in style_guide.py (dshea)
-- Use "Enter" instead of "Return" for the keyboard key. (dshea)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 24.3 (bcl)
-- Include missing test files and scripts in Makefile.am/tarball (atodorov)
-- dracut: accept inst.dd=[file:]/dd.iso (#1268792) (wwoods)
-- Do not override StorageChecker.errors in StorageSpoke (#1252596) (vtrefny)
-- Lookup IPv6 address without brackets (#1267872) (bcl)
-- Mangle the boot device differently for systemd (#1241704) (dshea)
-- Fail the media check if the systemd service failed to start. (dshea)
-* Fri Oct 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.3-1
-- Properly translate c-to-continue on the root selection screen (mkolman)
-- Check minimal memory requirements properly (#1267673) (jstodola)
-- Allow users to be created with an existing GID. (dshea)
-- Add a test for creating a user with an existing GID. (dshea)
-- Add tests for gids embmedded in the user groups list. (dshea)
-- Allow the kickstart --groups list to specify GIDs. (dshea)
-- Add a --groups argument to the user ks test. (dshea)
-- Fix the locale pattern packages-instlangs-3 looks for. (dshea)
-- Raise an error if osimg cannot be found (#1248673) (bcl)
-- Use the bootloader raid levels for bootloader installation (#1266898) (bcl)
-- Use otps.display_mode during early startup (#1267140) (mkolman)
-- Mount stage2 cdrom after running driver-updates (#1266478) (bcl)
-- Get rid of an unused import in the user spoke. (clumens)
-- Log crashes from the signal handler. (dshea)
-- Save a core file when anaconda crashes. (dshea)
-- Keep environment selection when reentering the software spoke (#1261393)
-  (mkolman)
-- Only show the user spoke if no users are specified in kickstart (#1253672)
-  (mkolman)
-- Fix 'cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or directory' (#1251394) (jkonecny)
-- Do not display curl 404 errors that can be safely ignored (vtrefny)
-- Catch blkid failure in driver-updates (#1262963) (bcl)
-- Add kickstart tests for %%packages --instLangs (dshea)
-- Do not display markup in showDetailedError. (dshea)
-- Skip OEMDRV if interactive DD is requested (#1254270) (bcl)
-- Drivers are simply under /run/install/DD-x/ (#1254270) (bcl)
-- Fix branding when iso is downloaded from nfs or hd (#1252756) (jkonecny)
-- Use yum to install the mock buildroot for now. (dshea)
-- Rename the gettext tests (dshea)
-- Bring back the KSTEST_HTTP_ADDON_REPO substitution in nfs-repo-and-addon.sh
-  (clumens)
-- Run substitution checks on the right kickstart file. (clumens)
-- Tell gettext that anaconda is not a GNU package. (dshea)
-- Ignore environment modification warnings in docs/conf.py (dshea)
-- Check for unsubstituted strings before running a test. (dshea)
-- Autopart use 90%% of disk capacity for required space compare (#1224048)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Fix include packages install size when downloading on root (#1224048)
-  (jkonecny)
-- Enable and improve the check for swap LV size in LVM cache kickstart tests
-  (vpodzime)
-- make-sphinx-docs: Add modules needed to document tests (bcl)
-- Add test documentation (atodorov)
-- Fix how the reqpart test checks for /boot, again. (clumens)
-- Add a way to get default settings when running the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Change how we ignore non-tests in kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Various fixes to substitution strings in kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Move kickstart_test .ks files to .ks.in. (clumens)
-* Fri Sep 11 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.2-1
-- Handle driver rpms retrieved via network (#1257916) (bcl)
-- Fix the types passed to chown_dir_tree (#1260318) (dshea)
-- Add a test for home directory reuse (dshea)
-- Use MDRaidArrayDevice.members instead of .devices (dshea)
-- Make sure anaconda reads in ks file from OEMDRV device. (#1057271)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Try to deal with expected errors from devicetree.populate (#1257648)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Revert "Temporarily disable generating a coverage report." (clumens)
-- Fix a DBus InvalidProperty handling (jkonecny)
-- Fix another bash syntax problem in kickstart-genrules.sh (#1057271)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add a test for the rootpw kickstart command (dshea)
-- Add tests for setRootPassword (dshea)
-- Add a /boot partition to the reqpart test. (clumens)
-- Fix up a statement that's not assigned to anything. (clumens)
-- Temporarily disable generating a coverage report. (clumens)
-- Don't try to concatenate a list with a string (#1252444) (mkolman)
-- Activate coverage for tests executed with sudo (atodorov)
-- set sysroot correctly when setting root password (#1260875) (awilliam)
-- Add a test for kickstarts that %%include a URL (dshea)
-- Add missing python dependencies for requests. (#1259506) (dshea)
-- Serve the http addon repos from the test tmpdir (dshea)
-- Make make-addon-pkgs easier to use from within a test (dshea)
-- Add a simple http server for use in kickstart tests. (dshea)
-- Add a script to print an IP address for the host. (dshea)
-- Add a cleanup hook that can be defined by kickstart tests (dshea)
-- Move kickstart test support files into a separate directory. (dshea)
-- Fix a python3 related error in the pre-commit hook (dshea)
-- network: gui spoke TODO cleanup (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: add missing connection for eth device with Configure
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: allow adding missing connection for eth device externally
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: wait for valid state of added device before adding to list
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: use libmn objects instead of names an uuids (device on/off)
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: to check if device is activated just use its object
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: use connnection objects instead of uuids (edit connection)
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: refresh early when device is added (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: use connection object instead of uuid (DeviceConfiguration)
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: share nm client in standalone and normal spoke (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: add enterprise wpa connection using libnm client (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: use AccessPoint object in place of ssid bytearray (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: delete connection using libnm client (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: replace python-dbus workaround calls for ap security flags
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: call get_data() on ap.get_ssid() result to get ssid bytes
-  (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: showing ip configuration of a device (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: NMClient -> NM.Client (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: gi.NetworkManager -> gi.NM (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: Revert "Fix crash when new device appear in Welcome screen
-  (#1245960)" (rvykydal)
-- libnm in spoke: Revert "Fix crash when connections are changing (#1245960)"
-  (rvykydal)
-- Add an ignoredisk --drives= test. (clumens)
-- Add a test for the reqpart command. (clumens)
-- Grab anaconda.coverage on tests that reimplement validate(). (clumens)
-- Install driver-updates (dshea)
-- Fix a typo in service enablement in kickstart.py. (clumens)
-- Get rid of the extraneous cats and greps in user.ks. (clumens)
-- Add sshkey testing to the user kickstart_test. (clumens)
-- Add a kickstart test in Arabic. (clumens)
-- Verify Initial Setup services are present before turning them ON/OFF
-  (#1252444) (mkolman)
-- Don't crash if the Japanese PC-98 keyboard is selected (#1190589) (mkolman)
-- Report on all local files and exclude what we don't need instead of
-  explicitly including paths we may not be aware of. (atodorov)
-- Change "failed to download" messages from critical to warning. (clumens)
-- getcode -> status_code in a live payload error message. (clumens)
-- Fix a bash error in kickstart-genrules.sh (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- specify if=virtio,cache=none for VM drives (atodorov)
-- update the test b/c latest anaconda doesn't allow weak passwords (atodorov)
-- Specify format=raw to avoid warning from qemu (atodorov)
-- update for Python3 nose (atodorov)
-- Add a services.sh file to match the existing services.ks. (clumens)
-- Add types to all existing kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Add the ability to mark kickstart tests with a type. (clumens)
-- Run nm-connection-editor with the --keep-above flag (#1231856) (mkolman)
-* Mon Aug 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.1-1
-- Add a test for the user and group creation functions. (dshea)
-- Get rid of libuser. (#1255066) (dshea)
-- s/$releasever/rawhide/ (clumens)
-- LVM on RAID kickstart test (vpodzime)
-- unbuffered read in python3 only works for binary (bcl)
-- don't crash if no environment set in interactive (#1257036) (awilliam)
-- network: compare with ssid bytes, not str (rvykydal)
-- Add dependencies for running the tests/gui tests (atodorov)
-- Fix first run environment setup in software spoke (#1257036) (jkonecny)
-- Stop pretending liveinst+rescue is supported (#1256061). (clumens)
-- Defer to Fedora distro-wide settings for password strength (#1250746) (dshea)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 24.0 (bcl)
-- Do a better job reporting failures from kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Preserve coverage results from running the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-* Mon Aug 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.0-1
-- Remove from the docs repo=hd installation with installable tree (jkonecny)
-- Fix a race between a window continuing and the next starting (#1004477)
-  (dshea)
-- Start hubs with the buttons insensitive. (dshea)
-- Do not replace the standard streams if not necessary. (dshea)
-- Fix inst.repo=hd: is not working (#1252902) (jkonecny)
-- Kickstart: Added SELinux test. (kvalek)
-- Kickstart tests related to SELinux. (kvalek)
-- Package install and debug message logging. (kvalek)
-- Don't crash if incorrect environment is set in kickstart (#1234890) (mkolman)
-- Fix I/O issues when anaconda is started without a locale. (dshea)
-- Move locale environment logic into localization.py (dshea)
-- network: fix configuring team in kickstart pre (#1254929) (rvykydal)
-- Merge pull request #311 from atodorov/add_local_coverage (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #308 from atodorov/rawhide_missing_deps (clumens)
-- Enable test coverage in CI (atodorov)
-- Fix the single-spoke TUI message for Python 3. (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #291 from atodorov/update_coverage_switch (clumens)
-- Add missing requirements (atodorov)
-- Add basic kickstart tests for LVM Thin Provisioning (vpodzime)
-- Use the default mirrorlist instead of fixed repo URL in kickstart tests
-  (vpodzime)
-- Destroy the keyboard layout dialog when finished (#1254150) (dshea)
-- Do not encode the geoloc timezone to bytes (#1240812) (dshea)
-- use inst.debug as alternative option to start coverage (atodorov)
-* Mon Aug 17 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.20-1
-- Skip source url checks when network is off (#1251130) (bcl)
-- Don't set net.device to link if there is no ksdevice (#1085310) (bcl)
-- Reading carrier while link is down raises IOError (#1085310) (bcl)
-- Don't write nfs repos to the target system (#1246212) (bcl)
-- Make sure username entered in TUI if create a user chosen. (#1249660)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Write the empty dnf langpacks.conf to the right directory (#1253469) (dshea)
-- Add pyanaconda test for network.check_ip_address (jkonecny)
-- Replace IPy package by ipaddress (jkonecny)
-- Correctly check return code when running rpm from makeupdates (mkolman)
-- Fix crash when new device appear in Welcome screen (#1245960) (jkonecny)
-- Fix crash when connections are changing (#1245960) (jkonecny)
-- Make LVM cache kickstart tests more robust (vpodzime)
-- product.img buildstamp should override distribution buildstamp (#1240238)
-  (bcl)
-- On incomplete ks, don't automatically proceed with install. (#1034282)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Update the translation doc with zanata branching incantations.
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Merge pull request #287 from kparal/patch-1 (clumens)
-- boot-options.rst: add a note about nfsiso (kamil.paral)
-- Few fixes and amendments for the boot_options.rst file (vpodzime)
-- Prevent issues with encrypted LVs on renamed VGs (#1224045) (vpodzime)
-- Create and use snapshot of on-disk storage with no modifications (#1166598)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Implement the class for storage snapshots (vpodzime)
-- Prevent any changes in the StorageSpoke if just going back (vpodzime)
-- Make StorageSpoke's on_back_clicked less complicated (vpodzime)
-- Add kickstart tests for the LVM cache kickstart support (vpodzime)
-- Disable packages-multilib, for now. (clumens)
-- Make sure the liveimg test shuts down when it finishes. (clumens)
-- Change how success is checked for the basic-ostree test. (clumens)
-* Fri Aug 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.19-1
-- Add basic support for LVM cache creation in kickstart (vpodzime)
-- Use labels for the rest of the non-autopart test results. (dshea)
-- Use a disk label to find the filesystem for escrow results (dshea)
-- Use someone else's code for PID file management. (dshea)
-- Prevent incomplete translations from making the TUI unusable (#1235617)
-  (mkolman)
-- Apply the environment substitutions more liberally in nfs-repo-and-addon
-  (dshea)
-- Use stage2=hd: instead of stage2=live: (dshea)
-- Add test for liveimg kickstart command (bcl)
-- Fix pre-install script execution (bcl)
-- test pre-install kickstart section (bcl)
-- Use sys.exit() instead of the exit() created by site.py. (dshea)
-- Call ipmi_report before sys.exit (dshea)
-- Add a test for proxy authentication (dshea)
-- Add optional authentication to the proxy server (dshea)
-- Add more tests to proxy-kickstart (dshea)
-- Show an alternative prompt if a hub contains only a single spoke (#1199234)
-  (mkolman)
-- Add few docs and improvement in check_ip_address (jkonecny)
-- Check whether files actually contain translatable strings. (dshea)
-- Add specific error string to TUI user dialog (#1248421) (bcl)
-- Make EditTUIDialog error generic (#1248421) (bcl)
-- Fix and expand nfs-repo-and-addon.ks (dshea)
-- Added a script to make the packages used by nfs-repo-and-addon (dshea)
-- Implement the rest of the repo options in dnfpayload. (dshea)
-- Fix kickstart test for bond interface creation (jkonecny)
-* Fri Jul 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.18-1
-- Move the proxy server script into a common file. (dshea)
-- Use python3 for the proxy server and remove python2 compatibility (dshea)
-- makePickle now needs to return bytes (bcl)
-- gi.require_version raises ValueError (bcl)
-- Remove duplicate signal setup block (bcl)
-- Fix three bugs discovered by driverdisk-disk.ks (clumens)
-- Fix error with OEMDRV ks auto-load check. (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Make sure TUI is readable for non-latin languages (#1182562) (mkolman)
-- Equalize capacity & mount point entries (#1212615) (dshea)
-- Disable GRUB os_prober on POWER (#1193281) (rmarshall)
-- Cancel Container Edit Sensitizes Update (#1168656) (rmarshall)
-- Fix SoftwareSpoke._kickstarted. (dshea)
-- Disable a Pylint false-positive (#1234896) (mkolman)
-- Add support for autostep and --autoscreenshot (#1234896) (mkolman)
-- Escape \'s in doc strings (dshea)
-- Ellipsize the file system type combo box (#1212615) (dshea)
-- Add graphviz to make-sphinx-doc script (jkonecny)
-- Remove many of a documentation compilation errors (jkonecny)
-- Add class diagrams to existing spokes and hubs (jkonecny)
-- Add class diagram settings to documentation (jkonecny)
-- Fix the UnusuableConfigurationError dialog (#1246915) (dshea)
-- Chase pygobject's stupid moving target (dshea)
-- Add missing translation contexts (dshea)
-- Actually translate the container type labels (dshea)
-- Check whether a translated string requires a context or comment. (dshea)
-- Clean up the temporary pools virt-install makes. (clumens)
-- Return the same object for repeated calls to __get__ (#1245423) (dshea)
-- Use sys.exit instead of os._exit. (clumens)
-- Add parentheses around the IPV6 regex fragment. (dshea)
-- Add tests for IPv6 literals in URLs (dshea)
-- Modify Installation Source Proxy Label (#11688554) (rmarshall)
-* Fri Jul 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.17-1
-- Fix Initial PPC PReP Boot Selector Name (#1172755) (rmarshall)
-- Require a newer version of pykickstart (vpodzime)
-- Use dictionaries is thread-safe manner. (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #234 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
-- Auto-load ks.cfg if OEMDRV volume available. (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Check the encrypt checkbox when encrypted specified in KS (vtrefny)
-- Do not raise KickstartValueError for missing passphrase (vtrefny)
-- Ask for encryption passphrase when not specified in ks (#1213096) (vtrefny)
-- dracut: minor cleanup (wwoods)
-- dracut: fix missing messages for inst.ks=cdrom (wwoods)
-- Wait forever for kickstarts on CDROM (#1168902) (wwoods)
-- Use abs_builddir instead of builddir so paths will look more reasonable.
-  (clumens)
-- Add a new makefile target that does everything needed for jenkins. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #228 from AdamWill/logind (dshea)
-- Fix crash when mirrorlist checkbox is checked (jkonecny)
-- Fix crash when user start typing proxy credentials (jkonecny)
-- Check repository URL before leaving Source Spoke (jkonecny)
-- Add IDs to identify addon repositories (jkonecny)
-- Repositories can be checked without a selection (jkonecny)
-- Consolidate the language environment variables. (dshea)
-- Change the generated API indices slightly (dshea)
-- Ignore "mountpoint" used a format specifier (dshea)
-- filesystems -> file systems, per the style guide (dshea)
-- Properly parameterize a translated string (dshea)
-- Fix pylint errors in rescue.py. (dshea)
-- Remove unused imports (dshea)
-- Remove text.py from spec file (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Merge pull request #220 from AdamWill/1243962 (dshea)
-- Fix adding 'boot=' option in FIPS mode (vtrefny)
-- anaconda.target: Wants systemd-logind.service (#1222413) (awilliam)
-- Remove the last usage of newt and get rid of it as a dependency (#965985)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Enable anaconda to use the new rescue mode. (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Get rid of unnecessary constants in constants_text. (#965985)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Get rid of some unnecessary files. (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Display verbose packaging errors to the user (bcl)
-- Show source errors from refresh method (bcl)
-- Fix the validate functions in the btrfs kickstart_tests. (clumens)
-- Connect kickstart lang data to dnf-langpacks (#1051816) (dshea)
-- Add simple_replace config file function (bcl)
-- Remove some vestiges of the old packaging module (dshea)
-- Remove window boot block detection functions. (dshea)
-- Remove iutil.xprogressive_delay. (dshea)
-- Simplify iutil.mkdirChain. (dshea)
-- Decode wifi SSIDs into strings. (#1240398) (dshea)
-- Actually use the temp directory so test files get cleaned up (dshea)
-- Disable the output from rpmbuild (dshea)
-- Remove stray references to python2. (dshea)
-- Fix possible to start installation without network (#1221109) (jkonecny)
-- Fix 'q' (to quit) do not work in TUI hub (jkonecny)
-- act on the right objects when stripping URL protocols (#1243962) (awilliam)
-- Fix 'App' object has no attribute 'queue' (#1243316) (jkonecny)
-* Thu Jul 16 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.16-1
-- fix storage writing for live and ostree installs (#1236937) (awilliam)
-- Add O_CREAT to the open flags when extracting rpm files. (dshea)
-- Move ostree gobject version check next to the import (#1243543) (bcl)
-- Remove rpmfluff from the buildrequires. (dshea)
-- Only import readline if readline is necessary. (dshea)
-- use the right baseurl in run_install_test.sh. (clumens)
-- Don't copy the environment when starting metacity. (dshea)
-- Fix the use of a temporary file in SimpleConfig.write (dshea)
-- Add a test for SimpleConfig.write(use_tmp=True). (dshea)
-- Remove an unnecessary chmod when creating chrony.conf (dshea)
-- Fix some bad uses of chmod. (dshea)
-- Add a function to open a file with specific permission bits (dshea)
-- Don't ask to start vnc if user specifies text mode. (#1202277)
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- New Anaconda documentation - 23.15 (bcl)
-- Add a helper for building Sphinx docs using mock. (bcl)
-- Update Sphinx configuration for python3 (bcl)
-- Running without a GUI can also raise ValueError in errors.py (bcl)
-- parse-kickstart_test.py: fix driverdisk_test() (wwoods)
-- Fix the spelling of "version" (dshea)
-* Mon Jul 13 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.15-1
-- Some dracut modules anaconda needs have been split into their own package.
-  (clumens)
-- User operation kickstart tests. (kvalek)
-- Kickstart tests for UTC and LOCAL hwclock. (kvalek)
-- Kickstart firewall tests. (kvalek)
-- Fix Repository New_Repository has no mirror or baseurl (#1215963) (jkonecny)
-* Fri Jul 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.14-1
-- Catch blivet formatDevice ValueError in custom (#1240226) (bcl)
-- There's now a python3-rpmfluff, so revert this. (clumens)
-- Fix a couple other pylint problems in the driver disk tests. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #194 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
-- dracut: fix boot failure waiting for finished/dd.sh (wwoods)
-- Use builddir instead of srcdir to find the dd utils (dshea)
-- Fix the dd_test for python3. (dshea)
-- Fix %%files to deal with compiled python3 modules (dshea)
-- Add a bunch of gi.require_version calls (dshea)
-- Temporarily disable the error about not importing rpmfluff. (clumens)
-- Don't try to iterate over threads directly in wait_all. (clumens)
-- Update the btrfs kickstart tests to use functions.sh. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #182 from wgwoods/dd-refactor (wwoods)
-- driver_updates: fixes from patch review (wwoods)
-- Don't be too picky about what name is --device=link (dshea)
-- Ignore stderr output from parse-kickstart. (dshea)
-- Add an option to execReadlines to filter out stderr. (dshea)
-- Ignore interruptible system calls in the dd test (dshea)
-- Fix an undefined variable in writeStorageLate (dshea)
-- Connect zfcp entries to the discovery buttons (dshea)
-- Connect iscsi activations to buttons (dshea)
-- Connect the dasd number entry to the discovery buttons. (dshea)
-- Add keyboard layouts on the row-activated signal. (dshea)
-- Connect dialog inputs to default actions. (dshea)
-- Remove unnecessary GtkNotebooks. (dshea)
-- Re-save some dialog glade files. (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #181 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
-- dd-refactor: dracut + build bits (wwoods)
-- Add kickstart test for RAID1 (bcl)
-- pass PYTHONPATH to the kickstart test framework (bcl)
-- Write servers to chronyd.conf even if it's off (#1197575) (wwoods)
-- Refresh advanced disks after disk summary dialog (#1226354) (bcl)
-- parse-kickstart: just emit 'inst.dd=XXX' for driverdisk (wwoods)
-- parse-kickstart: pylint fixes (wwoods)
-- dd-refactor: new driver_updates.py + tests (wwoods)
-- payload: fix driverdisk repos (wwoods)
-- dracut: fix boot with inst.ks and no inst.{repo,stage2} (#1238987) (wwoods)
-- Use the most recent versions of the btrfs, logvol, part, and raid commands.
-  (clumens)
-- Allow /boot partition on iscsi with ibft (#1164195) (jkonecny)
-- Add kickstart tests to test btrfs installation (vtrefny)
-- Fix broken test by infiniband patch (#1177032) (jkonecny)
-* Thu Jul 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.13-1
-- Add a switch for the Airplane Mode label (dshea)
-- Connect labels with keyboard accelerators to a widget (dshea)
-- Add a test for dangling keyboard accelerators. (dshea)
-- Use pocketlint for translation and markup checking (dshea)
-- Flatten the glade test directory. (dshea)
-- Add support for specifying arbitrary mkfs options. (clumens)
-- Fix kickstart install with infiniband (#1177032) (jkonecny)
-- anaconda-dracut: Fix sysroot mount for netroot (#1232411) (bcl)
-- Add RAID swaps to /etc/fstab (#1234469) (bcl)
-- network: catch another race when calling dbus methods on invalid devices
-  (rvykydal)
-- network: GUI, add connection even when virtual device activation failed
-  (#1179276) (rvykydal)
-- Fix IP / hostname mismatches when showing VNC server address (#1186726)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Check also ipv6 default routes when looking for onboot=yes device (#1185280)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Merge pull request #157 from wgwoods/master_dd_fixes (wwoods)
-- Do not check dependencies on invalid payloads (dshea)
-- network: don't set onboot=False for default autoconnections (#1212009)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Fix the types used to write anaconda-tb-all.log (dshea)
-- dd: drop unnecessary archive_read_data_skip (wwoods)
-- dd_extract: -l should not extract modules+firmware (wwoods)
-- dd: fix permissions on extracted files (#1222056) (wwoods)
-- tests: add dd_tests (wwoods)
-* Fri Jun 26 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.12-1
-- Revert "Add an optional conditional to progress_report." (bcl)
-- Fix inconsistencies in the payload messages. (dshea)
-- Fix install-requires and install-buildrequires (dshea)
-- anaconda-dracut: Mount /dev/mapper/live-rw (#1232411) (bcl)
-- Eliminate some false test results when running glade tests. (atodorov)
-- Move the knowledge about network packages into ksdata.network. (clumens)
-- Add an optional conditional to progress_report. (clumens)
-- Move the big block of late storage writing out of install.py. (clumens)
-- The attribute is named ostreesetup.nogpg. (clumens)
-- Use the index in grubenv (#1209678) (bcl)
-- Do not raise an exception on EINTR from os.close or os.dup2 (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #154 from mulkieran/master-959701 (mulkieran)
-- Improve focus behavior in the advanced user dialog (dshea)
-- Re-save advanced_user.glade (dshea)
-- Depsolve kickstarted packages on the summary hub (#961280) (dshea)
-- Add a kickstart test for %%packages --ignoremissing (dshea)
-- Remove descriptions for RAID levels (#959701) (amulhern)
-- No kexec-tools on aarch64 (bcl)
-* Fri Jun 19 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.11-1
-- Do not import iutil from flags (dshea)
-- Ignore EINTR errors in files unlikely to encounter them (dshea)
-- Reimplement the open override for the dracut scripts (dshea)
-- Wrap the only non-open call found by the new pocketlint checks (dshea)
-- Redefine open to retry on EINTR (dshea)
-- Remove __future__ imports (dshea)
-- Use python 3's OSError subclasses instead of checking errno (dshea)
-- Allow kwargs in eintr_retry_call (dshea)
-- Remove explicit uses of /dev/null (dshea)
-- Do not retry calls to close or dup2 (dshea)
-- Remove another function from isys (dshea)
-- Make dialogs behave better with timed input validation (dshea)
-- Fix the password/confirm checks to work with delayed validation (dshea)
-- Move the URL protocol removal out of the input check (dshea)
-- Remove the vestigal capslock label from the password spoke (dshea)
-- Re-saved a few glade files (dshea)
-- Run set_status unconditionally from update_check_status (dshea)
-- Do not run input checks for every keystroke of input (#1206307) (dshea)
-- Add a method to execute timed actions early (dshea)
-- Use comps.environments instead of comps.environments_iter (#1221736) (dshea)
-- Merge pull request #83 from mulkieran/master-requires (mulkieran)
-- Only show supported autopart choices in choices combo. (amulhern)
-- Strip out device types that blivet is not able to support. (amulhern)
-- Update blivet required version. (amulhern)
-- Fix nfs4 stage2 and repo handling (#1230329) (bcl)
-- Update upd-kernel so that it actually works (#1166535) (bcl)
-- Fix passing ,nfsvers=3 to dracut (#1161820) (bcl)
-- Require the python3 version of iscsi-initiator-utils (dshea)
-- Fix the pylint pre-commit hook for python3 and pocketlint (dshea)
-- Fix a type check to work with python 3. (dshea)
-- Do not log Xorg output to tty5 (dshea)
-* Wed Jun 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.10-1
-- Deal with encrypted partitions not being readable by virt-cat. (clumens)
-- Make use of the restore_signals Popen argument (dshea)
-- Don't allow /boot on iSCSI. (#1164195) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Merge pull request #127 from mulkieran/master-kickstart (mulkieran)
-- Actually distribute the clickable message test, too (dshea)
-- Fix disk argument passing to virt-cat in the ostree test. (clumens)
-- Relabel all password and group files in %%post (#1228489) (dshea)
-- Deal with the order of ifcfg files not being guaranteed. (clumens)
-- Add a __init__.py to fix up an error when running iutil_test.py. (clumens)
-- Actually run the clickable message test (dshea)
-- Add a false positive to pylint checking for S390Error. (clumens)
-- Let the excludedocs test pass if there are only directories left. (clumens)
-- Allow successful kstest results to provide more details. (clumens)
-- The escrow_cert test cannot use autopart. (clumens)
-- Don't warn on PyInit__isys being unused. (clumens)
-- Test that root LV is encrypted. (amulhern)
-- Deal with subprocess returning bytes in tests/lib/filelist.py, too. (clumens)
-- Make anaconda+python3+pocketlint work. (clumens)
-- Start using our new shared pylint framework in anaconda. (clumens)
-- Remove our extra pylint checkers. (clumens)
-- Remove a duplicate libselinux-python3 requires. (clumens)
-- Run makeupdates with Python 2 for now (mkolman)
-- Don't use the _safechars private property (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make sure directory size is returned as int (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Only warn about missing yum-utils (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make sure set_system_time() gets an integer (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make sure the column number in TUI is an integer (#1141242) (mkolman)
-- Python 3 compatible sorting fixes (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make version comparison Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Don't apply numeric comparison on None (#1141242) (mkolman)
-- Avoid comparing None to an integer (#1141242) (mkolman)
-- Handle urllib split (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Don't try to decode strings (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Rename function attributes (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Replace raw_input() with input() (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make iterators and their usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Convert Python 2 metaclass magic to Python 3 metaclass magic (#1014220)
-  (mkolman)
-- Make the raise syntax Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Python 3 no longer does tuple parameter unpacking (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make isys Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Set a correct mode for the tempfile (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Python 3 temp files no longer reflect external changes (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make print usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Rename the warnings spoke to warnings_spoke (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Replace list comprehension with for at class level (mkolman)
-- Make gettext usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Do not open tty5 for writing in the "a" mode (#1014220) (vpodzime)
-- Do not use pykickstart's RepoData as a key in a dict (#1014220) (vpodzime)
-- Do not run repo attrs' checks if they are not set up yet (#1014220)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Don't depend on side effects of map() (#1141242) (mkolman)
-- Don't use exceptions' message attribute (#1014220) (vpodzime)
-- Addapt to string type changes (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Handle modules returning bytes in Python 3 (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Add and use function that makes sure we work with strings (#1014220)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Handle modules requiring different string types in Python 3 (#1014220)
-  (mkolman)
-- Remove sitecustomize (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Make ASCII conversions Python compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Remove "is Unicode" tests (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Fix ASCII conversion tests (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Return a string when calling a program (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Handle subprocess returning bytes (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Handle latin-1 strings in locale -a output (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Open the VNC password file for binary writing (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Update parse-kickstart for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
-- Update driver-updates for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
-- Update python-deps for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
-- Add a test for parse-kickstart (#1014220) (bcl)
-- Make the import Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Change configparser and queue imports (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Remove imports from the __future__ (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Use the imp module directly (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Use Python 3 versions of Python dependencies  (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Use /usr/bin/python3 in scripts (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Use Python 3 versions of nose and Pylint (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Build the Anaconda widgets for Python 3 (#1014220) (mkolman)
-- Update makebumpver for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
-- Fix Kickstart installation without default gateway errors out (jkonecny)
-- Fix results checking in a couple ks tests. (clumens)
-* Wed Jun 03 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.9-1
-- Fix a usage typo in run_once_ks script. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add kickstart tests for keyboard settings. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add a kickstart test for lang settings. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Fix a %% call inside _(). (clumens)
-- Convert ntp-pools.* to using the new kstest functions and autopart. (clumens)
-- Fix up the expected output in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
-- Fix a couple more pylint problems in the s390 code. (clumens)
-- Use the adapted Timezone class for kickstart data (vpodzime)
-- Add a kickstart test for processing NTP servers/pools configuration
-  (vpodzime)
-- Show error on invalid username attempts in TUI. (#1171778) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Fix dracut reads ksdevice from missing os enviromnent (jkonecny)
-- Run kickstart tests through an LMC-like program, not LMC itself. (clumens)
-- Move common kickstart_test code out into its own functions.sh file. (clumens)
-- Switch to using autopart in the kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Fix a couple pylint errors. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Make anaconda changes necessary for libblockdev s390 plugin.
-  (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Add a kickstart test for lvm with percentage-based sizes. (dlehman)
-- Add kickstart test for basic fixed-size lvm layout. (dlehman)
-- Add a kickstart test to validate the default fstype. (dlehman)
-- Add kickstart test to test bond interface creation (jkonecny)
-- Add kickstart test to test vlan creation (jkonecny)
-- Fix --device=link and --device not specified (#1085310) (rvykydal)
-- Add kickstart test to test hostname (jkonecny)
-- Add a /boot to tmpfs-fixed_size.ks. (clumens)
-- Fix bad warning message when user set illegal IP (jkonecny)
-- Fix bad check of illegal ip address (jkonecny)
-- Add a simple tmpfs kickstart test (mkolman)
-- Add a kickstart test for escrow packets and backup passphrases (dshea)
-- Fix a typo that caused us to discard corrected target sizes. (#1211746)
-  (dlehman)
-- Don't pass anything to ./configure. (dshea)
-- Fix a pylint problem in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
-- Fix 0 choice in Language and Storage in TUI mode (jkonecny)
-- Update html documentation for new boot-options section (bcl)
-- Convert boot-options to ReST and include it in the Sphinx documents. (bcl)
-* Fri May 15 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.8-1
-- Clean up after processKickstart in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
-- Add support to dnfpayload.py for addon NFS repos. (clumens)
-- Fix IndexError: list index out of range (#1219004) (jkonecny)
-- Fix a typo in proxy-kickstart.sh that was causing a test time out. (clumens)
-- iSCSI Name Validation using regexes (sujith_pandel)
-- Add kickstart tests for proxy usage. (dshea)
-- In dracut, do not display a warning for network lines with just a hostname.
-  (clumens)
-- Add transport adapters to support ftp and file fetching (dshea)
-- Fix for "Kickstart installation fails..." (#1197960) (jkonecny)
-- Allow passing kickstart tests to be run on the command line. (clumens)
-- Automatically collect environment variables to be passed to ks tests.
-  (clumens)
-- Use isinstance instead of type for doing type checks. (clumens)
-- Remove yumpayload.py, its support files, and most references to yum.
-  (clumens)
-- Fix the packages-and-group wildcard exclusion test (dshea)
-- Set the GUI-selected environment in the ksdata (#1192100) (dshea)
-- Don't crash if the disk model is None (#1215251) (dshea)
-- Correct an error message in packages-and-groups-1.ks. (clumens)
-- Switch from testing for emacs* to kacst*. (clumens)
-- Tests that end in a traceback are failures, not successes. (clumens)
-- Don't run run_report.sh from within run_kickstart_tests.sh. (clumens)
-- If a kickstart test failed due to a traceback, display that. (clumens)
-- Wrap device labels earlier (#1212586) (dshea)
-- Remove the angle property from the device label (dshea)
-- Get rid of the find button in the filter spoke. (dshea)
-- Rearrange filter.glade (dshea)
-- Fix errors in the vendor column renderers. (dshea)
-- Fix some minor inconsistencies in filter.glade (dshea)
-- Fix issues with advanced storage searching. (dshea)
-- Remove duplicate entries from search combo boxes (dshea)
-- Use named IDs for the filter type combo boxes. (dshea)
-- Rearrange filter.glade the way glade wants it now (dshea)
-- Add a reporting support script to kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Return a specific error code when a test times out. (clumens)
-- Fix indentation in run_one_ks.sh. (clumens)
-- Also remove all the fonts in the packages-and-groups-1 test. (clumens)
-- Enable the basic-ftp and basic-ftp-yum kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Fix a typo in groups-and-envs-2.ks (clumens)
-- Get NTP pools and servers from ksdata for the runtime config (vpodzime)
-- Adapt to the new argument list for save_servers_to_config. (clumens)
-- Remove the restriction that /boot be below 2TB for grub (#1082331) (dshea)
-- Distinguish between NTP pools and servers in GUI (vpodzime)
-- Add support for chrony pool directive (mlichvar)
-- Add a readme pointing to the documentation (bcl)
-- Sphinx docs - use source order (bcl)
-- Add html documentation for Anaconda v23.7 (bcl)
-- Place html docs under ./docs/html/ (bcl)
-- Configure proxy settings for dnf payload (#1211122) (bcl)
-- Change online action to change (bcl)
-- Check for images/install.img first for netboot (bcl)
-- Ignore addon and anaconda sections in handle-sshpw (bcl)
-- Ignore %%anaconda section in parse-kickstart (bcl)
-- Change of label in iscsi storage spoke (jkonecny)
-* Wed Apr 22 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.7-1
-- Fix doReqPartition import from autopart (bcl)
-- Add support for reboot --kexec kickstart command (bcl)
-- Add inst.kexec and --kexec support to reboot with kexec (bcl)
-- Add setup_kexec method to prepare the system for a reboot with kexec (bcl)
-- Add kickstart %%pre-install section support (bcl)
-- Remove the custom help button from the toolbar (bcl)
-- Use multiple streams for zRAM instead of multiple devices (vpodzime)
-- iscsi: pass rd.* options of devices to be mouted in dracut (#1192398)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Remove the unused productName import from custom_storage_helpers.py.
-  (clumens)
-- Remove the old custom partitioning help dialog (mkolman)
-- Implement the new reqpart command. (clumens)
-- Sort disks by name when checking disk selection (vpodzime)
-- Set both .format's and .originalFormat's passphrase on unlock (vpodzime)
-- Make the Encrypt checkbox insensitive for encrypted non-BTRFS devices
-  (#1210254) (vpodzime)
-- Check for Gtk before importing escape_markup (bcl)
-- If the network is disabled, also disable the network part of the source
-  spoke. (#1192104) (clumens)
-- Add handling for unusable storage configurations. (dlehman)
-- Allow markup in the label/message of DetailedErrorDialog. (dlehman)
-- Allow passing an optional button list to showDetailedError. (dlehman)
-- Allow kwargs with gtk_action_wait, gtk_action_nowait decorators. (dlehman)
-- Fix makeupdates handling of Release: (bcl)
-- Make sure we unmount the path we mounted (bcl)
-- Fix up one more back_clicked reference that got missed. (clumens)
-- Don't unconditionally set ksdata.lang.seen to True (#1209927) (mkolman)
-- Reset the back_clicked flag if we stay on the Storage spoke (#1210003)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Mark the back_clicked attribute of the Storage spoke as private (vpodzime)
-- TUI pwpolicy setup was supposed to be in __init__ not refresh (#1208607)
-  (bcl)
-- Preserve the order of boot args added by kickstart. (clumens)
-- Revert "allow /boot on btrfs subvol or filesystem" (bcl)
-- Connect scroll adjustments in the right class (#1206472) (dshea)
-* Thu Apr 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.6-1
-- Enforce sane disk selections. (dlehman)
-- Add a test for parse-kickstart (bcl)
-- Add --tmpdir to parse-kickstart for testing (bcl)
-- Use the correct format for IPMI messages. (clumens)
-- Do not use min_luks_entropy with pre-existing devices (#1206101) (dshea)
-- Remove the dnf cache directory when resetting the repo (dshea)
-- Do not add separators to the addon list when not needed (dshea)
-- Only use the instclass environment if it actually exists. (dshea)
-* Fri Mar 27 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.5-1
-- Mock external module dependencies for readthedocs (bcl)
-- Generate the pyanaconda module documentation (bcl)
-- Reformat kickstart.rst using better ReST markup (bcl)
-- Add some deprecation-related false positives. (clumens)
-- Add Sphinx documentation support (bcl)
-- Add documentation on %%anaconda kickstart command (bcl)
-- Prevent Storage spoke Done button method from multiple launch (jkonecny)
-- Prevent spokes from being exited more times. (jkonecny)
-- Only depend on pygobject3-base in anaconda-core (#1204469) (mkolman)
-- Use proxy when configured for the base repo (#1196953) (sjenning)
-- Assume UTC if setting the system time without a timezone (#1200444) (dshea)
-- Add boolean as return to ThreadManager.wait (jkonecny)
-- Make sure LANG is always set to something (#1201896) (dshea)
-- Fix pylint/translation issues from the pwpolicy patches. (clumens)
-* Fri Mar 20 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.4-1
-- Clean out the mock chroot before attempting to run the rest of the test.
-  (clumens)
-- Implement %%anaconda kickstart section for pwpolicy (bcl)
-- Add pwpolicy support to TUI interface (bcl)
-- Add pwpolicy for the LUKS passphrase dialog. (bcl)
-- Add pwpolicy for the user spoke. (bcl)
-- Use pwpolicy for the root password spoke. (bcl)
-- Add the text for weak passwords to constants (bcl)
-- Add tests with an FTP instrepo (dshea)
-- Add kickstart tests for an NFS instrepo and addon repos. (dshea)
-- Handle /boot on btrfs for live (#1200539) (bcl)
-- rpmostreepayload: write storage config after shared var is mounted (#1203234)
-  (rvykydal)
-- Tweak tmux configuration file (jkonecny)
-- Remove --device= from the new kickstart tests. (clumens)
-- Add more kickstart-based packaging tests. (clumens)
-- Fix enlightbox call in ZFCPDialog. (#1151144) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- fix crash with bare 'inst.virtiolog' in boot args (wwoods)
-- Do not attempt to set None as a warning (dshea)
-- fix inst.ks.sendmac for static ip=XXX (#826657) (wwoods)
-* Fri Mar 13 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.3-1
-- Only insert strings into the environment (#1201411) (dshea)
-- Fix the rescue kernel version list in writeBootLoader (#1201429) (dshea)
-- Missing local variable check (omerusta)
-- Fix the handling of nfs:// URLs. (dshea)
-- Add glob support for the -a/--add option in makeupdates (mkolman)
-- White Space fixes (omerusta)
-- Put all mock results into the top-level source dir. (clumens)
-- Merge pull request #31 from dcantrell/master (david.l.cantrell)
-- Require newt-python in anaconda-core (dshea)
-- Make merge-pr executable (dshea)
-- Display an error for exceptions during GUI setup (dshea)
-- Remove unused invisible char properties (dshea)
-- Add a check for invisible_char validity (dshea)
-- Connect viewport adjustments to child focus adjustments (#1192155) (dshea)
-- Support '%%packages --multilib' in dnfpayload.py (#1192628) (dcantrell)
-* Fri Mar 06 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.2-1
-- Add rc-release target (bcl)
-- Change --skip-tx to --skip-zanata in scratch-bumpver (bcl)
-- Add --newrelease to makebumpver (bcl)
-- Improve the addon repo name collision code (#1125322) (bcl)
-- Fix the import of mountExistingSystem (vpodzime)
-- Fix import error in anaconda-cleanup. (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Use the new static method to get possible PE sizes (vpodzime)
-- Try using the global LUKS passphrase if none is given for LV/part (#1196112)
-  (vpodzime)
-- Fix the help button mnemonic display on spokes (dshea)
-- Only set the hub message if the message has changed (dshea)
-- Wrap the info bar in a GtkRevealer (dshea)
-- Add links to clickable warning and error messages. (dshea)
-- Add a test to look for clickable messages that aren't clickable enough.
-  (dshea)
-- Increment the widgets version number (dshea)
-- Allow markup and links in the info bar. (dshea)
-- Add more links to gtk-doc comments (dshea)
-- Handle New_Repository name collision source spoke (#1125322) (bcl)
-- Fix a bad usage of execWithRedirect (#1197290) (dshea)
-- Have to be root to delete /var/tmp/kstest-* on the remote machines. (clumens)
-- Use the LUKS device for swap in fstab (#1196200) (vpodzime)
-- Clear TUI source spoke errors that may have been leftover from a prior
-  attempt. (#1192259) (sbueno+anaconda)
-* Fri Feb 27 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.1-1
-- Make sure python2 dnf is required (bcl)
-- Fix pykickstart requirement. (clumens)
-- Extract xattrs from tar payload (#1195462) (bcl)
-- Add a script to rebase and merge pull requests (dshea)
-- Update translation documentation for Zanata (bcl)
-- Switch translation support to fedora.zanata.org (bcl)
-- install.py: fix the 'is team device' check (awilliam)
-- Explain why Anaconda requires rpm-devel and libarchive-devel during build
-  (mkolman)
-- Revert "Switch to temporary transifex branch" (bcl)
-- Revert "makebumpver needs to know about anaconda-1 transifex name" (bcl)
-- Commit 23.0 anaconda.pot file (bcl)
-- Rename queue.py to queuefactory.py. (clumens)
-- Remove references to old_tests, which no longer exists. (clumens)
-- Fix package and group removing with the dnf payload. (clumens)
-- Don't try to run new-kernel-pkg if it doesn't exist. (clumens)
-* Fri Feb 20 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.0-1
-- Remove unused imports (dshea)
-- Check for unused imports in __init__ files (dshea)
-- Remove timestamp-based version support. (dshea)
-- Add test lib methods to check regexes (dshea)
-- Cleanup BuildRequires (mkolman)
-- Remove obsolete imports. (amulhern)
-- Make print statement print output w/out surrounding parentheses. (amulhern)
-- Remove an unused import (dshea)
-- rpmostreepayload: Honor noverifyssl (walters)
-- typo: packaging: Don't vary name of "verified" (walters)
-- Disable the metacity mouse-button-modifier setting (dshea)
-- Fix completion setting in TUI language spoke. (#1192230) (sbueno+anaconda)
-- Remove the pylint false positives for the GLib module (dshea)
-- Use ExtendAction for --ignore flag (amulhern)
-- Use a simple ExtendAction for add_rpms option. (amulhern)
-- Fix log message formating (mkolman)
-- Don't clear nonexistent DNF package download location (#1193121) (mkolman)
diff --git a/anaconda.spec b/anaconda.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ab1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anaconda.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,6862 @@
+Summary: Graphical system installer
+Name:    anaconda
+Release: 1.1%{?dist}
+License: GPLv2+ and MIT
+URL:     http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
+# To generate Source0 do:
+# git clone https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda
+# git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%%{version}-%%{release}
+# ./autogen.sh
+# make dist
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+## Hyperscale changes
+### Cf. https://pagure.io/centos-sig-hyperscale/anaconda/commits/c9s-hs-v34.25.0.24
+Patch20001: 20001-Revert-Remove-kickstart-btrfs-support.patch
+Patch20002: 20002-Add-product-configuration-for-CentOS-Stream-Hypersc.patch
+Patch20003: 20003-Add-support-for-detecting-the-Hyperscale-variant-in.patch
+Patch20004: 20004-Change-fedora-welcome-to-centos-welcome.patch
+# Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires
+# match the requires versions of things).
+%if ! 0%{?rhel}
+%define blivetguiver 2.1.12-1
+%define dasbusver 1.3
+%define dbusver 1.2.3
+%define dnfver 3.6.0
+%define dracutver 034-7
+%define fcoeutilsver 1.0.12-3.20100323git
+%define gettextver 0.19.8
+%define gtk3ver 3.22.17
+%define helpver 22.1-1
+%define isomd5sumver 1.0.10
+%define langtablever 0.0.54
+%define libarchivever 3.0.4
+%define libblockdevver 2.1
+%define libreportanacondaver 2.0.21-1
+%define libtimezonemapver 0.4.1-2
+%define libxklavierver 5.4
+%define mehver 0.23-1
+%define nmver 1.0
+%define pykickstartver 3.32.2-1
+%define pypartedver 2.5-2
+%define pythonblivetver 1:3.4.0-11.1
+%define rpmver 4.10.0
+%define simplelinever 1.1-1
+%define subscriptionmanagerver 1.26
+%define utillinuxver 2.15.1
+# Because of Patch20004, we need to regenerate autofoo
+BuildRequires: autoconf
+BuildRequires: automake
+BuildRequires: git-core
+BuildRequires: libtool
+BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
+BuildRequires: libtool
+BuildRequires: gettext-devel >= %{gettextver}
+BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= %{gtk3ver}
+BuildRequires: gtk-doc
+BuildRequires: gtk3-devel-docs >= %{gtk3ver}
+BuildRequires: glib2-doc
+BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
+BuildRequires: glade-devel
+BuildRequires: libgnomekbd-devel
+BuildRequires: libxklavier-devel >= %{libxklavierver}
+BuildRequires: make
+BuildRequires: pango-devel
+BuildRequires: python3-devel
+BuildRequires: systemd
+# rpm and libarchive are needed for driver disk handling
+BuildRequires: rpm-devel >= %{rpmver}
+BuildRequires: libarchive-devel >= %{libarchivever}
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+BuildRequires: s390utils-devel
+BuildRequires: libtimezonemap-devel >= %{libtimezonemapver}
+# Tools used by the widgets resource bundle generation
+BuildRequires: gdk-pixbuf2-devel
+BuildRequires: libxml2
+Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
+The anaconda package is a metapackage for the Anaconda installer.
+%package core
+Summary: Core of the Anaconda installer
+Requires: python3-libs
+Requires: python3-dnf >= %{dnfver}
+Requires: python3-blivet >= %{pythonblivetver}
+Requires: python3-blockdev >= %{libblockdevver}
+Requires: python3-meh >= %{mehver}
+Requires: libreport-anaconda >= %{libreportanacondaver}
+Requires: libselinux-python3
+Requires: python3-rpm >= %{rpmver}
+Requires: python3-pyparted >= %{pypartedver}
+Requires: python3-requests
+Requires: python3-requests-file
+Requires: python3-requests-ftp
+Requires: python3-kickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
+Requires: python3-langtable >= %{langtablever}
+Requires: util-linux >= %{utillinuxver}
+Requires: python3-gobject-base
+Requires: python3-dbus
+Requires: python3-pwquality
+Requires: python3-systemd
+Requires: python3-productmd
+Requires: python3-dasbus >= %{dasbusver}
+Requires: flatpak-libs
+%if %{defined rhel} && %{undefined centos}
+Requires: subscription-manager >= %{subscriptionmanagerver}
+# pwquality only "recommends" the dictionaries it needs to do anything useful,
+# which is apparently great for containers but unhelpful for the rest of us
+Requires: cracklib-dicts
+Requires: python3-pytz
+Requires: teamd
+%ifarch s390 s390x
+Requires: openssh
+Requires: NetworkManager >= %{nmver}
+Requires: NetworkManager-libnm >= %{nmver}
+Requires: NetworkManager-team
+Requires: kbd
+Requires: chrony
+Requires: systemd
+Requires: python3-pid
+# Required by the systemd service anaconda-fips.
+Requires: crypto-policies
+Requires: /usr/bin/update-crypto-policies
+# required because of the rescue mode and VNC question
+Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
+# Make sure we get the en locale one way or another
+Requires: (glibc-langpack-en or glibc-all-langpacks)
+# anaconda literally runs its own dbus-daemon, so it needs this,
+# even though the distro default is dbus-broker in F30+
+Requires: dbus-daemon
+# Ensure it's not possible for a version of grubby to be installed
+# that doesn't work with btrfs subvolumes correctly...
+Conflicts: grubby < 8.40-10
+Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10
+Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release}
+Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: booty <= 0.107-1
+%description core
+The anaconda-core package contains the program which was used to install your
+%package live
+Summary: Live installation specific files and dependencies
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+# live installation currently implies a graphical installation
+Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: usermode
+Requires: zenity
+%description live
+The anaconda-live package contains scripts, data and dependencies required
+for live installations.
+%package install-env-deps
+Summary: Installation environment specific dependencies
+Requires: udisks2-iscsi
+Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
+# active directory/freeipa join support
+Requires: realmd
+Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+Recommends: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
+# likely HFS+ resize support
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+%if ! 0%{?rhel}
+Requires: hfsplus-tools
+# kexec support
+Requires: kexec-tools
+# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
+Requires: createrepo_c
+# run's on TTY1 in install env
+Requires: tmux
+# install time crash handling
+Requires: gdb
+# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
+Requires: rsync
+%description install-env-deps
+The anaconda-install-env-deps metapackage lists all installation environment dependencies.
+This makes it possible for packages (such as Initial Setup) to depend on the main Anaconda package without
+pulling in all the install time dependencies as well.
+%package install-img-deps
+Summary: Installation image specific dependencies
+# This package must have no weak dependencies.
+Requires: udisks2-iscsi
+Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
+# active directory/freeipa join support
+Requires: realmd
+Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+Requires: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
+# likely HFS+ resize support
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+%if ! 0%{?rhel}
+Requires: hfsplus-tools
+# kexec support
+Requires: kexec-tools
+# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
+Requires: createrepo_c
+# run's on TTY1 in install env
+Requires: tmux
+# install time crash handling
+Requires: gdb
+# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
+Requires: rsync
+# only WeakRequires elsewhere and not guaranteed to be present
+Requires: device-mapper-multipath
+Requires: zram-generator
+# Submitting bugs to bugzilla
+Requires: libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla
+%description install-img-deps
+The anaconda-install-img-deps metapackage lists all boot.iso installation image dependencies.
+Add this package to an image build (eg. with lorax) to ensure all Anaconda capabilities are supported in the resulting image.
+%package gui
+Summary: Graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer
+Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: anaconda-widgets = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: python3-meh-gui >= %{mehver}
+Requires: adwaita-icon-theme
+Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal
+Requires: libxklavier >= %{libxklavierver}
+Requires: libgnomekbd
+Requires: libtimezonemap >= %{libtimezonemapver}
+Requires: nm-connection-editor
+Requires: keybinder3
+%ifnarch s390 s390x
+Requires: NetworkManager-wifi
+Requires: anaconda-user-help >= %{helpver}
+Requires: yelp
+%if ! 0%{?rhel}
+Requires: blivet-gui-runtime >= %{blivetguiver}
+Requires: system-logos
+# Needed to compile the gsettings files
+BuildRequires: gsettings-desktop-schemas
+%description gui
+This package contains graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer.
+%package tui
+Summary: Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer
+Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: python3-simpleline >= %{simplelinever}
+%description tui
+This package contains textual user interface for the Anaconda installer.
+%package widgets
+Summary: A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anaconda
+Requires: %{__python3}
+%description widgets
+This package contains a set of custom GTK+ widgets used by the anaconda installer.
+%package widgets-devel
+Summary: Development files for anaconda-widgets
+Requires: glade
+Requires: %{name}-widgets%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description widgets-devel
+This package contains libraries and header files needed for writing the anaconda
+installer.  It also contains Python and Glade support files, as well as
+documentation for working with this library.
+%package dracut
+Summary: The anaconda dracut module
+Requires: dracut >= %{dracutver}
+Requires: dracut-network
+Requires: dracut-live
+Requires: xz
+Requires: python3-kickstart
+%description dracut
+The 'anaconda' dracut module handles installer-specific boot tasks and
+options. This includes driver disks, kickstarts, and finding the anaconda
+runtime on NFS/HTTP/FTP servers or local disks.
+%autosetup -S git_am
+# Regenerate autofoo
+autoreconf -fiv
+pushd widgets
+autoreconf -fiv
+# use actual build-time release number, not tarball creation time release number
+%configure ANACONDA_RELEASE=%{release}
+%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
+find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
+# Create an empty directory for addons
+mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/addons
+# required for live installations
+desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop
+# If no langs found, keep going
+%find_lang %{name} || :
+# main package and install-env-deps are metapackages
+%files install-env-deps
+# Allow the lang file to be empty
+%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
+%files install-img-deps
+# Allow the lang file to be empty here too
+%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
+%files core -f %{name}.lang
+%license COPYING
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/gnome
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/pixmaps
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/window-manager
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/anaconda-gtk.css
+%exclude %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_*
+%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/rescue.py*
+%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/__pycache__/rescue.*
+%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/*
+%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/tui/*
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/*
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d/*
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d/*
+%files live
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/*
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/*
+%files gui
+%if 0%{?rhel}
+# Remove blivet-gui
+%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
+%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
+%files tui
+%files widgets
+%files widgets-devel
+%files dracut
+%dir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}
+* Mon Jan 17 2022 Neal Gompa <ngompa@centosproject.org> -
+- Add changes for CentOS Hyperscale spin
+  + Re-enable Btrfs support
+  + Add CentOS Stream Hyperscale config
+  + Debrand the liveinst welcome widget
+  + Add support for Hyperscale variant in liveinst
+* Tue Jan 11 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
+- Create the LVM devices file (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2011329
+- Update outdated system purpose related strings (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#2015059
+- Always set system purpose from GUI (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2015059
+* Thu Dec 09 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
+- Fix boot options generated by the dracut module (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2003217
+* Thu Dec 02 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
+- Add base repo name for CentOS Stream after repository renaming (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955331
+- The OPAL compatibility with XFS features is mandatory (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2008792
+* Fri Nov 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Wait for all background threads to finish before filling installation task
+  queue (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2017428
+- Check the support for the Subscription module on startup (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1957063
+- Activate DBus modules based on the new configuration options (vponcova)
+  Related: rhbz#1957063
+- Add new configuration options for the DBus module activation (vponcova)
+  Related: rhbz#1957063
+- Add product config for Rocky Linux (tucklesepk)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2019995
+* Fri Nov 05 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Fix application of network --mtu kickstart option in Anaconda (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2019813
+- Print progress dots on one line in TUI (honza.stodola)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1998668
+- Roll back Satellite provisioning if subscription attempt fails with error
+  (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2010865
+* Wed Oct 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Unify GUI & TUI root spoke completeness conditions (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1999646
+- Make network spoke GUI more robust in cases of missing NM Client. (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2014241
+- Do not crash on missing NM Client on --vnc installations (rvykydal)
+  Related: rhbz#2014241
+- In installer environment set static, not transient hostname (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2009403
+- Add AlmaLinux product support (andrew.lukoshko)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2004653
+* Wed Oct 06 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Fix Satellite provisioning rollback after unregistration (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2006718
+- Payload should wait for all storage related threads to finish (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2006786
+- Make organization fetching errors non-fatal (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2006375
+* Thu Sep 23 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Verify the OPAL compatibility with XFS features (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2000923
+- Generate LVM device file after installation (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2005034
+* Wed Sep 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
+- Support multi-org accounts in the GUI (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1965105
+- Pass error instance directly to error callback (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1965105
+- Add the RetrieveOrganizationsTask task (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1965105
+- Unit test adjustments - asynchronous handler (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Unit test adjustments - subscription module (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Unit test adjustments - DBus tasks (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Split system purpose tests to a separate file (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Add tests for the new Satellite helper module (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Reflect Satellite use in source spoke (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Report registration to Satellite in the GUI (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Rename "Custom server URL" to "Satellite URL" (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Add Satellite support to asynchronous registration handler (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1951709
+- Add handler for install time Satellite provisioning error (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Use target system Satellite provisioning DBus task (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Satellite related changes in the Subscription DBus module (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Add Satellite related DBus tasks (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Add Satellite support module (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Remove misleading warning about inst.ks.device replacing ksdevice (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#2000140
+- Create shared constants file for subscription module (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+- Move USER_AGENT to core/constants.py (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1951709
+* Thu Aug 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Add dependency for bugzilla reporting plugin (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1992991
+* Tue Aug 24 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Check source type directly, not via DBus (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955311
+- Move post installation scripts to the end of queue (lveyde)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1983922
+* Wed Aug 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Fix dependency on zram-generator (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1991617
+* Mon Aug 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Make critical warnings from Dracut more visible (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
+- Print Dracut errors encountered during boot after Anaconda starts (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
+- Add function to print critical warnings more visible during boot (jkonecny)
+  Related: rhbz#1983098
+- Add new error reporting hook when Dracut timeout (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1983098
+- Disable built-in help system on RHEL 9 for now (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1949073
+- Make it possible to disable the built-in help system (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1949073
+- Add a mechanism to hide help button per page (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1949073
+- Make sure parent class initialize() method is run in spokes (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1949073
+- Disable anaconda-core's requirement on subscription-manager on CentOS (carl)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1984959
+* Tue Jul 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Run installation tasks from ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
+  Related: rhbz#1977348
+- Add the CollectConfigureBootloaderTasks method (vponcova)
+  Related: rhbz#1977348
+- Add the ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks method (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1977348
+- Show suggestions for an error caused by inconsistent sector sizes (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955514
+- Configure the multilib policy of the target system (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1962026
+- Enable the zram-generator service again (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1975881
+- Enable NM autoconnections only if inst.ks and ip= is not used (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1978264
+- Disable NM autoconnections in Anaconda (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1978264
+* Mon Jun 28 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Remove kickstart btrfs support (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1961087
+- Use RHEL9 versions of commands from RHEL9 handler (mkolman)
+  Related: rhbz#1961087
+- Use RHEL 9 handler (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1961087
+* Tue Jun 22 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Update the pixel depth of xvnc server from 16 to 24 (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1973607
+- Clean up the initialization of PartTypeSpoke (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+- Use C.UTF-8 if the requested locale is unsupported (vponcova)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1958876
+- Don't match a non-POSIX locale with a POSIX langcode (vponcova)
+  Related: rhbz#1958876
+- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+- Make it possible to skip install time Insights errors (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955296
+- Fix literal curly braces in dracut scripts (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+- Fix logging messages (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+- Fix broken hashbang (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1938677
+* Tue Jun 08 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Add unit test for biosdevname package requirement (rvykydal)
+  Related: rhbz#1964455
+- Require biosdevname package if biosdevname=1 boot option is set (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1964455
+- Replace the deprecated syspurpose CLI tool with SetSysrpose DBus call
+  (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1939708
+* Wed Jun 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Revert "Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement"" (jkonecny)
+  Related: rhbz#1947376
+- Revert "Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd
+  services"" (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
+- Revert "Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments" (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
+- Revert "Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from
+  Dracut"" (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
+* Tue May 25 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Revert "Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)"
+  Resolves: rhbz#1855736
+- Add a log message for successful installation (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955312
+- Remove support for metacity (rvykydal)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1961104
+- Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1855736
+* Wed May 19 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Avoid a race condition during Connect to Red Hat spoke initialization
+  (mkolman)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1959383
+* Mon May 17 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Support also gnome-kiosk window manager (rvykydal)
+  Related: rhbz#1960682
+* Tue May 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Add RHEL-specific advice to X timeout message (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- Fix AskVNCSpoke call (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- Improve X startup error messages (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- Terminate X server after timeout and restore crash test handler (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- Reorganize control flow in startX (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- Handle SIGUSR1 correctly after Xorg timeout (vslavik)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1955306
+- Refactor minor details in startX (vslavik)
+  Related: rhbz#1955306
+- subscription: allow dates in ISO 8601 format (ptoscano)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1947447
+* Mon May 10 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement" (rvykydal)
+  Related: rhbz#1947376
+- Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments (jkonecny)
+  Related: rhbz#1947376
+- Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services"
+  (jkonecny)
+  Related: rhbz#1947376
+- Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut"
+  (jkonecny)
+  Related: rhbz#1947376
+- The kernel boot argument sshd is removed and should warn user (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1954672
+* Tue May 04 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
+- Remove support for boot arguments without the "inst." prefix (jkonecny)
+  Resolves: rhbz#1947376
+* Mon Apr 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.9-1
+- Allow to exclude the kernel-lpae package (vponcova)
+* Wed Mar 31 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.8-1
+- ostree: ignore exit code 65 for systemd-tmpfiles (vponcova)
+- Turn off wrapping of the scale values (vponcova)
+- Make the scale visible by default (#1943370) (vponcova)
+* Tue Mar 30 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.7-1
+- network: match also connections named by MAC created by NM in initramfs
+  (rvykydal)
+- Create /tmp with the right permissions (#1937626) (vponcova)
+- Don't recommend zram-generator-defaults (#1938132) (vponcova)
+- Don't automatically execute the default partitioning (vponcova)
+- Fix the warning about working NTP servers (#1889180) (vponcova)
+- Remove implicit dependencies (vponcova)
+- Don't install anaconda-install-env-deps by default (vponcova)
+* Mon Mar 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.6-1
+- Check if the mount point exists before calling statvfs (#1824357) (vponcova)
+- Do not follow symlinks when copying /etc/resolv.conf (#1933454) (rvykydal)
+- Use the volume UUID to search for the GRUB config in btrfs partitions
+  (javierm)
+- Drop python3-syspurpose dependency (mkolman)
+- Fix copypaste typo in github owner tests (vslavik)
+- Modify owner tests for this f34-release branch (vslavik)
+- Fix running tests for the f34-devel branch (vslavik)
+- Wrap text in spoke title labels, if needed (vslavik)
+- Wrap welcome spoke title if needed (vslavik)
+- Choose the best locale more carefully (#1933384) (vponcova)
+- Make the user interface context safe for the initial setup (vponcova)
+- The network spoke should be visible in live spins (#1932961) (vponcova)
+- Ignore Pylint errors on DNF API (vslavik)
+- Ignore Pylint errors for PropertiesChanged.connect (vslavik)
+- Silence false Pylint warning (vslavik)
+- Ignore false Pylint errors for Enum subclasses (vslavik)
+- Determine GRUB directory relative path to use in config file (javierm)
+* Mon Feb 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.5-1
+- Add the "Encrypt my data" checkbox to the custom partitioning spoke
+  (vponcova)
+- Don't translate prompt keys (#1892830) (vponcova)
+- Fix RHEL zram conditional in spec file (mkolman)
+- Remove interactive parameter from container-rpm-test (jkonecny)
+- Add container push for rpm containers (jkonecny)
+- Enable our and blivet COPR repositories for rpm tests (jkonecny)
+- vconsole font selection to cover more langs (suanand)
+* Thu Feb 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.4-1
+- [Storage] add btrfs_compression option (#1928857) (michel)
+- Correct branch config after merge (vslavik)
+- Enable Makefiles and Dockerfiles for branched Fedora (vslavik)
+- packit: make tests ⊂ builds for the chroot set (ttomecek)
+- packit: run all actions in a single action (ttomecek)
+- configure.ac: make the Copyright up to date (ttomecek)
+- ovirt: rebase on CentOS Stream (sbonazzo)
+- Use a custom stylesheet to define RHEL-specific stylesheet data (vponcova)
+- Remove unused variables from Makefile (vslavik)
+- Drop astroid hotfix patch (jkonecny)
+- Don't block the start of the Network module by the hostname service
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove unused variables related to mock (vslavik)
+- Save lorax-packages.log to installed system (rvykydal)
+* Mon Feb 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.3-1
+- Do not hard-require zram-generator-default on RHEL just yet (mkolman)
+- Improve Packit configuration to use fedora-development (jkonecny)
+- Add a kickstart specification for the main process (vponcova)
+- Adapt Packit configuration to a newly branched Fedora (jkonecny)
+- Create swap by default in RHEL-based installations (#1915297) (vponcova)
+- Add missing space to a message (vslavik)
+- Use Linux HOST_NAME_MAX hostname length limit (xiaqirong1)
+* Fri Feb 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.2-1
+- Rename pyanaconda.modules.common.typing (vponcova)
+* Thu Feb 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.1-1
+- Adjust configuration options for Fedora 34 (mkolman)
+- Add dependabot support for GitHub actions (jkonecny)
+- Set volume id for iso built for kickstart test (rvykydal)
+- Guess the default product name from the os-release files (vponcova)
+- Apply overrides for the anaconda widgets only in the test environment
+  (vponcova)
+- Create real updates images (vponcova)
+- Remove deprecated support for add-ons (vponcova)
+- Don't run installation tasks of add-ons in a meta task (vponcova)
+- network: wrap IP addresses showed in GUI for wireless devices (#1925781)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Install support for non-ascii keyboard layouts (#1919483) (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 08 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24-1
+- Modify spec file to add patches required on rhel-9 rebuild (#1907566)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Unify GRUB configuration file location across all platforms (javierm)
+- Do not use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR
+  (rvykydal)
+- Move finding flatpak size to a task (vslavik)
+- Move flatpak installation code to a task (vslavik)
+- Move and rename FlatpakPayload (vslavik)
+- Abort with a message on invalid host name in kickstart (vslavik)
+- Use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR (rvykydal)
+- Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement (#1912502) (jkonecny)
+- Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services (#1912502)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Remove check to avoid process of help and version boot args (#1912502)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Remove Anaconda boot arguments without inst. prefix from stage2 (#1912502)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Add support for non-critical installation errors (vponcova)
+- Don't run a canceled task (vponcova)
+- Fix exclude arguments of tar payload extracting. (rvykydal)
+- Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut
+  (#1912502) (jkonecny)
+- Cache flatpak size instead of persistent instance (vslavik)
+* Fri Feb 05 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.23-1
+- Add a metapackage for image (boot.iso) dependencies (vslavik)
+- Take dnf substitutions from installer environment configuration (rvykydal)
+- Fix getting kernel version list for liveimg (rvykydal)
+* Wed Feb 03 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.22-1
+- Don't initialize the software selection if the payload is not set up
+  (#1916114) (vponcova)
+- Unify the ready methods of the software selection spokes (vponcova)
+- Deprecate the interactive-defaults.ks file (vponcova)
+- Deprecate the %%anaconda section and the pwpolicy command (vponcova)
+- Apply the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Upate repo url for kickstart tests run on PR (rvykydal)
+- Adjust RHV-H product config to match real implementation (sbonazzo)
+- Add DBus support for the password policies (vponcova)
+- Don't use the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Create a DBus structure for the password policy (vponcova)
+- Add the password_policies configuration option (vponcova)
+- Move Users module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move Security module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move partitioning specification test to directory (vslavik)
+- Move Payloads module and source tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move Network module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Add the configuration options can_change_root and can_change_users (vponcova)
+- Remove some unused methods from the FSSet class (vponcova)
+- Mount the /tmp of the installed system as a tmpfs (#1306452) (vponcova)
+- Create the get_system_filesystems function (vponcova)
+- Create the collect_filesystems method (vponcova)
+- Do not use cache for container build (jkonecny)
+- Update list of projects to test after move from Zanata to Weblate (vtrefny)
+- Ignore fallback ITS rule warning from gettext (vtrefny)
+- Switch the license to LGPL (dshea)
+* Thu Jan 28 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.21-1
+- Allow to disable the Security module (vponcova)
+- Add important files for container build to rebuild check (jkonecny)
+- Avoid using DockerHub because of limits (jkonecny)
+- anaconda should add only s390utils-core (dan)
+- Fix root password and LUKS passphrase visibility toggle (#1911360) (mkolman)
+- Fix the should_run methods of the network spoke (vponcova)
+- Prevent shell injection from a /kickstart-test comment (jkonecny)
+- network: validate bond options on our side after change in NM (#1918744)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: fix bond confiuration for empty bond options (#1918744) (rvykydal)
+- Allow to disable the Services module (vponcova)
+* Fri Jan 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.20-1
+- Add master unit-tests to contributors (gated) workflow (jkonecny)
+- Add master test execution for owners for this repository (jkonecny)
+- Rename validate-rhel-8 workflow to tests-contributors (jkonecny)
+- Specify version 3 of GTK+ and GDK for fedora-welcome (awilliam)
+* Thu Jan 21 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.19-1
+- Fix nose tests execution command when installed from pip (jkonecny)
+- Add missing nose test dependency back from pip (jkonecny)
+- Use RHEL help content for RHV/Ovirt (mkolman)
+- Remove build-time dependencies for nose tests (vslavik)
+- Allow to disable the Localization module (vponcova)
+- Rename kickstart status reporting to kickstart-test (jkonecny)
+- Skip storage-related spokes in the initial setup (#1918048) (vponcova)
+- Support should_run for standalone GUI spokes (vponcova)
+- GH workflow: do not fail all matrix jobs on failure of one (jkonecny)
+- Update versions of the kickstart commands (vponcova)
+- network: handle wireless configure button sensitiveness (rvykydal)
+- Allow to disable the network installation (vponcova)
+- Allow to disable the Users module (vponcova)
+- Allow to disable the Timezone module (vponcova)
+- Select disks for implicit partitions (vponcova)
+- Extend the PartSpec class (vponcova)
+- for non-ascii keyboard layouts, set 'native' to the virtual console
+  explicitly Resolves: rhbz#1912609 (suanand)
+* Mon Jan 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.18-1
+- Skip payload-related spokes in the initial setup (#1915541) (vponcova)
+- Always show pykickstart parse warnings (vslavik)
+- Grab GitHub notifications for periodic workflows (jkonecny)
+- Split OSTree sysroot-setting to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree pull to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree deployment to a task (vslavik)
+- Stop the timer that calls a callback for clicking on the continue button
+  (vponcova)
+- Formatting fixes (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree bootloader configuration to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree remote changes to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree fs and repo initialization to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OSTree bootloader data copying to a task (vslavik)
+- Split OStree mount target preparation to a task (vslavik)
+- Move the RPM OSTree test to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move the safe_exec_with_redirect function (vslavik)
+- Save logs correctly after container update GH action run (jkonecny)
+* Mon Jan 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.17-1
+- Always report IPMI events from the exit dialog windows (vponcova)
+- Always report IPMI events from the exception handler (vponcova)
+- Always log IPMI events (vponcova)
+- Add a new handler for PayloadSetupError and SourceSetupError (vponcova)
+- Remove the error handlers for removed or unused DNF errors (vponcova)
+- Refactorize the code for handling marking errors (vponcova)
+- Don't run the error handler in the installation code (vponcova)
+- Don't run the error handler if there is no callback (vponcova)
+- Reorganize the mapping of error handlers (vponcova)
+- Remove the error handler for no such group (vponcova)
+- Remove the error handler for invalid image size (vponcova)
+- Flush stdout during the TUI installation (vponcova)
+- Set the PR status ASAP for kickstart tests (jkonecny)
+- Always update container images before running workflow (jkonecny)
+- Solve problem with missing loop device for kstest run (jkonecny)
+- Remove the error handler for the missing image (vponcova)
+- Remove the error handler for the unsupported algorithm (vponcova)
+- Handle errors in the installation tasks (vponcova)
+- Initialize librepo logger (#1908286) (pkratoch)
+- Add rpm-tests support for external contributors (jkonecny)
+- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in TUI by default
+  (vponcova)
+- Don't run spokes that don't support live payloads (vponcova)
+- Don't run spokes that don't support dir installations (vponcova)
+- Don't run spokes that don't support non-package payloads (vponcova)
+- Create a user interface context (vponcova)
+- Add how to run a subset of nosetests to tests README (jkonecny)
+- Fix warning when running a subset of nosetests (jkonecny)
+- network: fix double-free using libnm function filter_connections() (rvykydal)
+- Provide a hint for the desired capacity (vponcova)
+- Fix python3 rpm package name in spec file (jkonecny)
+- Allow to interrupt media verification (#1349152) (honza.stodola)
+- Use correct identity for ELN (sgallagh)
+- virtualization: add missing /var/crash (sbonazzo)
+* Mon Jan 04 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.16-1
+- Enable rpm-tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
+- Fix create_rpm_test on Fedora ELN/RHEL (mpitt)
+- Fix container-rpm-test log output (mpitt)
+- Define container for running rpm-tests (mpitt)
+- Move to official fedora ELN container image (mpitt)
+- Remove 'firstboot --enable' from interactive defaults (vponcova)
+- Build real boot.iso for /kickstart-tests runs (mpitt)
+- Fix artifact name in kickstart-tests.yml workflow (mpitt)
+- Import imp on demand (vponcova)
+- Adapt UI and tests to localhost.localdomain setting removal (rvykydal)
+- Stop trying to set the default hostname (zbyszek)
+- Document how to run kickstart tests in anaconda PRs (mpitt)
+- Update the GitHub workflow documentation (mpitt)
+- Add description of our GH workflow to tests/README file (jkonecny)
+- Remove the support for updates on a floppy disk (vponcova)
+- Fix list of Anaconda tests (jkonecny)
+- Disable the debug solver debugging (vponcova)
+- Select groups from a kickstart file in GUI (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from GUI (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from TUI (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF payload class (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from the installation tasks (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF utilities (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF manager (vponcova)
+- Handle the %%packages section in the DBus module (vponcova)
+- Add the PackagesSeen property (vponcova)
+- Add CentOS Stream config (riehecky)
+- Deprecate the level option of the logging kickstart command (vponcova)
+* Mon Dec 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.15-1
+- Drop old WiFi & geocoding based geolocation support (mkolman)
+- Add bot PR comment to run kickstart tests (mpitt)
+- Migrate Anaconda daily COPR builds to Packit (jkonecny)
+- Fix missing inst. prefixes for bootloader options in documentation (jkonecny)
+- network: make generating of kickstart more robust (#1897832) (rvykydal)
+- Fixup category sorting (mkolman)
+- Place the user tasks into the right task queue (rvykydal)
+- Lower geolocation connection timeout to 5 seconds (#1774873) (mkolman)
+- Remove unused hubQ messages (vponcova)
+- Remove the justUpdate argument (vponcova)
+- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in GUI by default
+  (vponcova)
+- Don't use an empty string as a system root (vponcova)
+- Fix logs from the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
+- Don't enter spokes after we leave the Summary hub (vponcova)
+- network: rename Gtk cell renderer to prevent name collision (rvykydal)
+- network: add unit tests for SecretsAgent (rvykydal)
+- network: make SecretAgentDialog a bit more robust (rvykydal)
+- network: move wireless secret agent bits into a separate file (rvykydal)
+- Fix the logic for enabling latest updates (vponcova)
+- Add better explanation what the `make admin user` means (#1803251) (jkonecny)
+- Define the updates repositories in the Anaconda configuration files
+  (#1642513) (vponcova)
+- Migrate User spoke glade file to 3.38 version (jkonecny)
+- network: migrate SecretAgent from python-dbus to dasbus (rvykydal)
+- Translate spoke category title directly at runtime (mkolman)
+- Add description and links for bug keyword searches (vslavik)
+- Apply pylint excessive memory usage fix (mpitt)
+- Set shorter workflow timeouts (mpitt)
+- Fix issue when ns_info cannot be retrieved for NVDimm namespace (jkonecny)
+- Allow encryption of thin logical volumes (vponcova)
+- Fix error in initrd: shift count out of range (honza.stodola)
+* Tue Nov 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.14-1
+- Set workflow temp mail and user to GH actions rebase (jkonecny)
+- Rebase test pull request also for rhel-8 contributors (jkonecny)
+- Build Anaconda for ELN (jkonecny)
+- Create the get_kernel_version_list function for the DNF payload (vponcova)
+- Create the sort_kernel_version_list function (vponcova)
+- Move the unit tests for the payload base utils to a new file (vponcova)
+- Remove the duplicate code for kernel version lists (vponcova)
+- Move the get_kernel_version_list function to the Live OS utilities (vponcova)
+- network: do not use dialog for just single wireless connection to configure
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add the apply_specs function (vponcova)
+- Add the get_installation_specs function (vponcova)
+- Add the get_default_environment function (vponcova)
+- Add the environments property to the DNF manager (vponcova)
+- Set the RPM macros with an installation task (vponcova)
+- network: fix configuration of wireless networks (rvykydal)
+- Rebase branches to current master before testing (mpitt)
+- network: use dialog instead of combobox to select wireless network (rvykydal)
+- network: deal with obsolete ssid when configuring wireless (rvykydal)
+- network: use function instead of assigned lambda in wireless activation
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: do not update wireless AP combo active item when not necessary
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: do not use obsolete access points in wireless configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add upstream tag hint for Packit (jkonecny)
+- Create an installation task for import of RPM keys (vponcova)
+- Remove leftover bootloader-related code from the Payloads service (vponcova)
+- Add workflow for daily RHEL COPR build (mpitt)
+- Remove the storage logger (vponcova)
+- Remove the loglevel option (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for changing the log level (vponcova)
+- Handle missing spice-vdagent (#1897153) (vponcova)
+- rhbz#1888697 list important major languages (suanand)
+- Run master tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
+- Fix handling of empty $CI_TAG (mpitt)
+- Skip blivet-gui tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
+- Drop obsolete id: from validate workflow (mpitt)
+- Create the get_download_size method (vponcova)
+- Create the get_installation_size method (vponcova)
+- Create the dump_configuration method (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_base function (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_proxy method (vponcova)
+- Create an abstraction of the DNF base (vponcova)
+- Create the configure_dnf_logging function (vponcova)
+- Create the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
+- Create the get_product_release_version function (vponcova)
+- Drop testing in mock (mpitt)
+- Remove the method command (vslavik)
+- Fix incomplete configuration of repositories loaded from treeinfo (#1745064)
+  (honza.stodola)
+- Fix checking ssl certificate for metadata (#1745064) (honza.stodola)
+- Root password is mandatory if there is *not* admin user. (rvykydal)
+* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.13-1
+- Skip add-on modules that failed to start (vponcova)
+- Return the exit status of a Python module that failed to start (vponcova)
+- Fix the priority of the ostreesetup kickstart command (#1896761) (vponcova)
+- Drop obsolete dependency_solver.py script from rpm-tests (mpitt)
+- Run a DBus task to configure FIPS on the installed system (vponcova)
+- Run a DBus task to set up FIPS for the payload installation (vponcova)
+* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.12-1
+- Use podman for pushing the nightly container update (mpitt)
+- Robustify container-autoupdate workflow (mpitt)
+- Disable seccomp profile when running containers on Ubuntu host (mpitt)
+- Use podman in GitHub workflows (mpitt)
+- Remove deviceprobe and install commands (vslavik)
+- Change handling of UID and GID values (vslavik)
+- Send UID and GID over D-Bus as UInt32 (vslavik)
+- Correct limits for UIDs and GIDs in GUI (vslavik)
+- Rename Subscription module tests (vslavik)
+- Rename common module tests (vslavik)
+- Rename Boss module tests (vslavik)
+- Remove autostep functionality (vslavik)
+- Don't include unknown files in the updates image (vponcova)
+- Clean up the code for the platform-specific partitioning requirements
+  (vponcova)
+- Use a property for the platform-specific stage1 constraints (vponcova)
+- Use a property for the stage1 device descriptions (vponcova)
+- Use a property to provide a suggestion for the stage1 device (vponcova)
+- Use a property to define non-linux format types (vponcova)
+- Use a property to define platform-specific packages (vponcova)
+- Do not fail user check job in rhel-8 validate workflow (jkonecny)
+- Move the code that sets up the default disklabel type from platform.py
+  (vponcova)
+- Add unit tests for platform.py (vponcova)
+- Revert "Standardize calls to parent via super()" in platform.py (#1858649)
+  (vponcova)
+* Thu Nov 05 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.11-1
+- Fix user permission checking for rhel-8 validate task (jkonecny)
+- Adjust rhel-8 log retrieval for changed container volume handling (mpitt)
+- Don't clobber host checkout on `make container-ci` (mpitt)
+- Drop anaconda-ci container entrypoint (mpitt)
+- workflows: Add manual triggering of tests (mpitt)
+- Fix and robustify validate workflow (mpitt)
+- Mock os.stat in the unit tests (vponcova)
+- Fix traceback when starting installation with inst.console (no args)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Add container image build badge (jkonecny)
+- Rename our GH action for container build to a better name (jkonecny)
+- Improve the documentation of inst.variant (vponcova)
+- Add selinux=0 boot parameter when SELinux is set to disabled (#1882464)
+  (omosnace)
+- Clean up the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Update the NVDIMM actions before we generate the output kickstart (vponcova)
+- Make the storage available to the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
+- Remove the execWithCaptureBinary function (vponcova)
+- Remove unused getters from the Subscription spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove an unused getter from the NetworkControlBox class (vponcova)
+- Remove the URLType enum (vponcova)
+- Remove the method_type property from the source classes (vponcova)
+- Remove the subscription-related unused code (vponcova)
+- Remove the DBus method GetPartitioned (vponcova)
+- Remove the active attribute from the FSSet class (vponcova)
+- Remove the short_label attribute from the BootLoaderImage class (vponcova)
+- Remove the can_dual_boot attribute from the Bootloader class (vponcova)
+- Remove the langcode_matches_locale function (vponcova)
+- Remove unused properties from the GeocodingResult class (vponcova)
+- Remove payload-related unused code (vponcova)
+- Remove unused code (vponcova)
+- kickstart.py: fix typo (kai.kang)
+- Remove the debug flag (vponcova)
+- Add workaround to fix support for installtree without repo (jkonecny)
+- Build container image only if the container files changed (jkonecny)
+- Names of signal handlers should have the on_ prefix (vponcova)
+- Move UI test to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move Storage module tests to directories (vslavik)
+- Move Localization module tests to directory (vslavik)
+- Change documentation - it's not required to build the container (jkonecny)
+- Push also latest tag just for master container (jkonecny)
+- Push new image only if unit tests went well (jkonecny)
+- Add GH workflow to build and push master container to registry (jkonecny)
+- Add anaconda-ci-push to Makefile to push container (jkonecny)
+- Use our container registry to tag anaconda-ci container (jkonecny)
+- Rename ci-tasks container to anaconda-ci (jkonecny)
+* Fri Oct 23 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.10-1
+- Move the code for the kernel package selection to new functions (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for PAE (vponcova)
+- Move Timezone module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move Subscription module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move Boss module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move common module tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Add directory for module tests (vslavik)
+- Move UI tests to a directory (vslavik)
+- Move core tests to directory (vslavik)
+- Do not exclude English from available languages (vslavik)
+- Add ELN support (sgallagh)
+- Fix testing target branch instead of PR branch (jkonecny)
+- Remove the old support for the requirements (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the requirements of the DBus modules to the Boss module
+  (vponcova)
+- Move the requirements for FIPS to the Security module (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the driver disk requirements to a new function (vponcova)
+- Move the code for platform requirements to a new function (vponcova)
+- Move the code for language requirements to new functions (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for language groups (vponcova)
+- Use constants for the types of requirements (vponcova)
+- Move constants to prevent circular dependency (vslavik)
+- Hardening of our GH action event trigger (jkonecny)
+- network: handle None values of team configuration correctly (rvykydal)
+- Verify RPM exists before running it (vslavik)
+- Relabel the anaconda logs after copying them to the installed system
+  (jstodola)
+- post-scripts need to be sorted (honza.stodola)
+- Fix ci-tasks container shell instructions (mpitt)
+- Collect pylint and nosetests logs in validate workflow (mpitt)
+- Clean up s390 partitioning check (#1855724) (vslavik)
+- Show test-suite.log in validate workflow on failure (mpitt)
+- More aggressive pylint downscaling (mpitt)
+- Fix pylint downscaling (mpitt)
+- fix “0 storage devices selected”abnormality (69908158+xqrustc2020)
+* Wed Oct 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.9-1
+- Add link to metacity enums schema (mpitt)
+- Fix local tests run inside of container (jkonecny)
+- Clean up the live image payload module (vponcova)
+- Calculate required space from sources (vponcova)
+- Provide the set-up and tear-down tasks of the live image source (vponcova)
+- Use sources in the live image payload (vponcova)
+- Create a DBus structure for the live image (vponcova)
+- Create a basic file structure for the live image source (vponcova)
+- Restrict pylint parallelism to available RAM (mpitt)
+- Fix crash on nonexisting network config directories (mpitt)
+- Allow running tests with docker (mpitt)
+- Clean up container build/run rules and variables (mpitt)
+- Robustify GitHub actions runner download in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
+- Add variable for extra labels to GitHub action runner entry point (mpitt)
+- Don't stop unit tests when the tests failed (jkonecny)
+- Document possibility to run container tests without autotools (jkonecny)
+- Make it possible to call make -f Makefile.am (jkonecny)
+- Don't ignore the timezone kickstart command in the tests (vponcova)
+- Run validate workflow in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
+- Fix SECTION headers in docstrings (mpitt)
+- Add GitHub actions runner to ci-tasks container (martin)
+- Make it easier to run make commands (jkonecny)
+- Remove support for the nfsiso: pseudo-protocol (vslavik)
+- Fix formatting of contribution guidelines document (jkonecny)
+- Fix missing space in Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Add more options how to start the tests container (jkonecny)
+- Fix dependency_solver to not require spec file for pip dependencies
+  (jkonecny)
+- Add container workflow to tests README file (jkonecny)
+- Add Makefile target to run tests in container (jkonecny)
+- Add Makefile target to build container (jkonecny)
+- Add Dockerfile for anaconda unit-tests (jkonecny)
+- Allow to format selected DASDs (vponcova)
+- Test for wrong spellings of OSTree (vslavik)
+- network: remove function that is not used anymore (rvykydal)
+- network: do not create ifcfg files in initramfs (rvykydal)
+- network: handle special binding for ifname= also when updating a connection
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: update comments in method for dumping default connections (rvykydal)
+- network: update apply kickstart for everything applied in stage2 (rvykydal)
+- network: remove task for consolidating of initramfs connections (rvykydal)
+- network: remove task for setting real ONBOOT values (rvykydal)
+- Run rpm tests in a GitHub action (martin)
+- Separate RPM installability test from rpm_tests (martin)
+- Define make targets for building source and binary rpms (martin)
+- Drop superfluous build in `make run-rpm-tests-only` (martin)
+- Fix spelling/name of OSTree (vslavik)
+- Remove the inst.singlelang boot option (vslavik)
+- Set up proxy environmental variables with a function (vponcova)
+- Show in the first screen only translated locales (vslavik)
+- Run unit tests in a GitHub action (martin)
+- Mark the ostreesetup kickstart command as useless (vponcova)
+- Use the RPM OSTree module in the UI (vponcova)
+- Implement SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
+- Finalize the code that sets up and tear downs the RPM OS Tree source
+  (vponcova)
+- Improve the string representation of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
+- Implement network_required of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
+- Mock system operations in MountFilesystemsTask task (martin)
+- Add missing "rpm-build" test dependency (martin)
+- Add missing "make" BuildRequires (martin)
+- Fix mock installation/usage instructions (martin)
+- Fix nosetests name in tests/README.rst (martin)
+- Fix tests/README.rst syntax (martin)
+- Stop passing rd.{dm,md,lvm,luks}=0 in installer environment (awilliam)
+* Thu Oct 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.8-1
+- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
+- Fix show missing inst. prefix warning appropriately (#1875561) (jkonecny)
+- Fix unit test dependency installation for boolean expressions (martin)
+- Drop obsolete Py_Initialize link check in configure (martin)
+- Document the mount points of the target system (vponcova)
+- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
+- Import RPM certificates at end of installation (vslavik)
+* Tue Sep 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.7-1
+- Remove the Packages module (vponcova)
+- Handle the %%packages section in the DNF module (vponcova)
+- Create the DBus property Packages (vponcova)
+- Create the DBus structure for the packages configuration (vponcova)
+- network: commit changes synchronously when dumping autoconnections (rvykydal)
+- Run the user instance of systemd (vponcova)
+- network: do not bind virtual devices to mac (rvykydal)
+* Fri Sep 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.6-1
+- network: split add_and_activate_connection_sync function (rvykydal)
+- network: add support for bridged bond to stage 2 kickstart (%%pre) (rvykydal)
+- Never mount partitions on a disk with the iso9660 filesystem (vponcova)
+- packit: use tar-pax instead of tar-ustar (ttomecek)
+- Change default Packit jobs (#1697339) (jkonecny)
+- Enable Packit for Anaconda (#1697339) (jkonecny)
+- Change text on the Reset All button in custom part. (vslavik)
+- Add a rule for translated strings to code conventions (#1619530) (vponcova)
+- Never convert translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
+- Never change first letters of translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
+- network: update docstring of clone_connection_async (rvykydal)
+- network: add support for vlan over bond to stage 2 kickstart (pre) (rvykydal)
+- Move the execute method of the logging command (vponcova)
+* Thu Sep 17 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.5-1
+- Fix the combo box for an URL type of additional repositories (#1879127)
+  (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the ostreesetup kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Create the structure for RPM OSTree configuration (vponcova)
+- Create the RPM OSTree source module (vponcova)
+- Create the RPM OSTree module (vponcova)
+- network: clone connections from intramfs to persistent config (rvykydal)
+- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
+- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
+- Improve the error dialog for storage reset (vponcova)
+- Remove the needs_storage_configuration property (vponcova)
+- Remove the is_hmc_enabled property (vponcova)
+- Remove the install_device attribute (vponcova)
+- Move the proxy property to the base payload class (vponcova)
+- Fix CDN button visibility (mkolman)
+- subscription: Assure payload restart on DVD install after registration
+  (mkolman)
+- Remove the handles_bootloader_configuration property (vponcova)
+- Run the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
+- Add the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
+- Call the DBus method InstallBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
+- Add the CreateRescueImagesTask task (vponcova)
+- Call the DBus method GenerateInitramfsWithTasks (vponcova)
+- Add the RecreateInitrdsTask task (vponcova)
+- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
+- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
+- subscription: Only restart payload when needed (mkolman)
+- Document the restart_payload argument of subscription helper functions
+  (mkolman)
+- network: fix missing log message argument (rvykydal)
+- Propagate verify_ssl to RHSM (mkolman)
+- Check if original partitions are mounted, too (vslavik)
+- network: do not add superfluous quotes to inst.dhcpclass identifier
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add the DBus method IsDeviceShrinkable (#1875677) (vponcova)
+- Show warning message when entered size is not valid (vslavik)
+- Extend unit tests for generate_device_factory_request (vponcova)
+- Differentiate between RAID levels of a device and its container (vponcova)
+- Don't generate container data for non-container device types (vponcova)
+- network: fix parsing of hostname from ip= if mac is defined in dhcp
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: fix inst.dhcpclass boot option (rvykydal)
+- Do not push pot files just tell user that he should update (jkonecny)
+- Add support for booting installation media with plain SquashFS (bkhomuts)
+- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
+- network: apply kickstart network --nodefroute also from stage2 (rvykydal)
+- list major common keyboard layouts first (suanand)
+* Mon Sep 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.4-1
+- Apply onboot policy even when network was configured in UI. (rvykydal)
+- network: fix kickstart network --dhcpclass option (rvykydal)
+- network: use constants instead of enum to hold stirng values of connection
+  type (rvykydal)
+- network: fix using of values of NMConnectionType enum (rvykydal)
+- Always clear treeinfo metadata (#1872056) (jkonecny)
+- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
+- Propagate a lazy proxy of the storage model (vponcova)
+- Add TODO to check if biospart support is required for DUD (jkonecny)
+- Remove failure messages about not supported biospart (jkonecny)
+- Switch to a new HardDrive command version with removed biospart (jkonecny)
+- Make custom storage summary dialog resizeable (1626555) (mkolman)
+- network: add constants for NM connection types (rvykydal)
+- Recognize systemd.unit=anaconda.target in anaconda-generator (m.novosyolov)
+- The underline character should not be displayed (honza.stodola)
+- network: create default connection also for slave devices (rvykydal)
+- network: remove ONBOOT hack for slave connections (rvykydal)
+- network: replace ifcfg module with config_file module (rvykydal)
+- network: remove unused functions from ifcfg module (rvykydal)
+- network: generate kickstart via NM API (connections) (rvykydal)
+- network: get master slaves via NM API (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM API to look for config files for DeviceConfigurations
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting final ONBOOT
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting real ONBOOT
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM API to look for config files when applying kickstart
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM API to look for config files when consolidating connections
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: check for missing device config via NM api (rvykydal)
+- network: use underscore in the names of slave devices created from kickstart
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: log also content of keyfiles (rvykydal)
+- We won't support inst.ks=bd: (jkonecny)
+- network: do not enforce network standalone spoke on default source (rvykydal)
+* Tue Sep 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.3-1
+- Move slower part of Subscription spoke initialization to a thread (mkolman)
+- Add test to detect every RW mount command in Dracut (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Convert the RHSM default config values to expected format
+  (mkolman)
+- Implement get_source_proxy() in payload base class (mkolman)
+- Use spec file macros for all requires version specifications (jkonecny)
+- Fix spec macro for version name (jkonecny)
+- Correctly work with package boolean logic in our setup scripts (jkonecny)
+- Wait for payload initialization to finish in Subscription spoke (mkolman)
+- Unify usage of BootLoaderArguments add() & update() (vslavik)
+- Rename Arguments to BootLoaderArguments (vslavik)
+- Remove usage of OrderedSet (vslavik)
+- Add tests for the boot loader Arguments class (vslavik)
+- Do not mount as RW in Dracut (jkonecny)
+- network: do not crash when updating a connection without wired settings
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix traceback when removing additional repository (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Handle cases where CDN should not be the default (mkolman)
+- subscription: Set DNF payload source via config file option (mkolman)
+- subscription: Manual CDN selection support (mkolman)
+- subscription: Handle source switching at registration/unregistration
+  (mkolman)
+- subscription: Introduce the default_source configuration option (mkolman)
+- Use "raise from" to link exceptions (vslavik)
+- Fix branching documentation (mkolman)
+- Change keyboard ordering to US layout first, 'native' second. Resolves:
+  rhbz#1039185 (suanand)
+- Remove docs where we tell users that inst. prefix is not required (jkonecny)
+- Print warning for boot options without inst. prefix (jkonecny)
+- Add missing dracut commands as missing inst. prefix warning (jkonecny)
+- Enable warning when inst. prefix is not used (jkonecny)
+- Reset the state of the custom partitioning spoke (vponcova)
+- Reset the RAID level of the device request (#1828092) (vponcova)
+- Protect all devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
+- Don't ignore NVDIMM devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the DBus method FindOpticalMedia (vponcova)
+- Fix everything in payload should be mounted as read only (jkonecny)
+- Add support for mount options to device_tree.MountDevice (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests for CDRom for the new inst.stage2 discovery (jkonecny)
+- CDRom source should prioritize stage2 device during discover (jkonecny)
+* Fri Aug 21 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.2-1
+- Fix dependency_solver failure with spec file boolean logic syntax (jkonecny)
+- Avoid unnecessarily pulling in glibc-langpack-en (sgallagh)
+- Set up the ignored_device_names variable (vponcova)
+* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.1-1
+- network: do not try to activate connection that has not been found (rvykydal)
+- network: add timeout for synchronous activation of a connection (rvykydal)
+- network: fix configuration of virtual devices by boot options (rvykydal)
+- Handle exceptions from threads without new instances (vslavik)
+- Do not use disabled --install-scripts command of pip (jkonecny)
+- Use bootlist command to update the PowerPC-64 Boot Order (javierm)
+- Discard current boot list when updating the boot-device NRVAM variable
+  (javierm)
+- Automatically break lines in labels in software selection spoke (vslavik)
+- Set up FIPS in the target system (vponcova)
+- Update the service anaconda-sshd (vponcova)
+- Set up FIPS in the installation environment (vponcova)
+- Add Blivet version to generated kickstart (vslavik)
+- Add Anaconda version to saved kickstart (vslavik)
+- Fix kickstart file error with user groups (kai.kang)
+- Get rid of add_disable_repo (jkonecny)
+- Move parts together in the DNF repo (jkonecny)
+- Fix issue that treeinfo repositories were never disabled (jkonecny)
+- Keep treeinfo repositories disabled after payload reset (jkonecny)
+- Fix crash on first entering of source spoke (jkonecny)
+- Remove treeinfo repositories instead of disabling (jkonecny)
+- Reload treeinfo repositories on every payload reset (jkonecny)
+* Mon Aug 10 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.25-1
+- Fix our tests with a newer rpmfluff library (jkonecny)
+- network: pass also keyfile NM configuration to target system (#1858439)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Unify the indentation in the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
+- Remove the DBus method ConfigureNTPServiceEnablementWithTask (vponcova)
+- Create ssh user using only existing fields (#1860058) (vslavik)
+- Fix the position of the info bar in standalone spokes (vponcova)
+- Add the function is_service_installed (vponcova)
+- Drop the dependency on python3-ntplib (vponcova)
+- Remove Blivet's tests (vponcova)
+- Remove gui tests (vponcova)
+- Generate the coverage report for tests (vponcova)
+- Fix the util tests (vponcova)
+- Simplify the regex tests (vponcova)
+- Fix the module tests (vponcova)
+- Clean up the driver tests (vponcova)
+- Fix the kickstart dispatcher tests (vponcova)
+- Fix the localization tests (vponcova)
+- drop workarounds for the TLS exhaustion issue on aarch64 and ppc64le (dan)
+* Fri Jul 31 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.24-1
+- Run actions of the Resize dialog in the reversed order (#1856496) (vponcova)
+- Reset repositories from the main thread (vponcova)
+- Initialize the closest mirror from the main thread (vponcova)
+- Remove the mirrors_available property (vponcova)
+- Rename ActivateFilesystemsTask (vponcova)
+- Document the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
+- Remove the encrypted attribute (vponcova)
+- subscription: Fix rhsm --proxy kickstart command usage with no username
+  specified (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix RHSM HTTP proxy configuration crash in the GUI (mkolman)
+- Log the information about the original exception (vponcova)
+- Update the documentation of the Anaconda sysconfig file (vponcova)
+- Make spoke tiles stack more tightly (vslavik)
+- Add NTS support to time sources in GUI (mlichvar)
+- Add connection test for NTS (mlichvar)
+- Parse NTP server options from config file (mlichvar)
+- Run bash instead of sh in rescue mode (vslavik)
+* Thu Jul 16 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.23-1
+- Mangle Fedora IoT Edition product identifier to "Fedora-IoT" (ngompa13)
+- Fix creating cached LVs on encrypted PVs (vtrefny)
+- Add Fedora IoT product override (ngompa13)
+* Tue Jul 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.22-1
+- Add support for the timesource kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in GUI (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in TUI (vponcova)
+- Add support for generating a summary of the NTP servers (vponcova)
+- Add support for the NTP server status cache (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in network.py (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in anaconda.py (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in the Timezone module (vponcova)
+- Use the structure for time sources in ntp.py (vponcova)
+- Create a new DBus structure for time sources (vponcova)
+- Replace the zram service (vponcova)
+- Fix software spoke message when source changes (mkolman)
+- ostree: set rootflags when installing on btrfs (#1753485) (dcavalca)
+- Only pass one initrd image to kexec (javierm)
+- Prevent crash on unregistration (mkolman)
+- Add LVM with inconsistent sector size disks to common bugs (jkonecny)
+- Don't create swap by default (vponcova)
+- Don't require fcoe-utils (vponcova)
+- Temporarily ignore the new timezone kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Schedule timed actions with the right selector (#1851647) (vponcova)
+- Reconfigure DNF payload after options are set (vslavik)
+- Fix displaying of empty software group description (rvykydal)
+- Fix passing of arguments when creating dracut arguments for FCoE (rvykydal)
+- network: fix obtaining of s390 options of a wired connection (rvykydal)
+- Exclude stderr from returned output when executing powerpc-utils tools
+  (javierm)
+- Fix imports of Blivet-GUI in unit tests (vponcova)
+- Don't mount DBus sources at /run/install/source (vponcova)
+- Always specify the boot disk (vponcova)
+- Create the initial storage model during the initialization (vponcova)
+- Use LUKSDevice.raw_device instead of LUKSDevice.slave (vtrefny)
+- Use modinfo to check ko before modprobe (t.feng94)
+- Fix EFI bootloader install (#1575957) (butirsky)
+* Wed Jul 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.21-1
+- Use Btrfs for all Fedora variants installed by Anaconda except Server
+  (ngompa13)
+- Remove the support for language filtering (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for locale filtering (vponcova)
+- Don't override the eula command with the same command (vponcova)
+- Improve logs for validation of stage1 and stage2 devices (vponcova)
+- Document an issue with invalid partitioning in the output kickstart file
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove support for check_supported_locales (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for Fedora Atomic Host (vponcova)
+- Move Subscription spoke under Software (vslavik)
+- Update the function get_default_partitioning (vponcova)
+- Update the property default_partitioning (vponcova)
+- Change the default_partitioning option (vponcova)
+- Fix hiding of network device activation switch (#1847493) (rvykydal)
+- Typo fix (sh.yaron)
+* Mon Jun 22 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.20-1
+- Add test for NFS URL with ISO in path (#1848718) (jkonecny)
+- Fix issue when NFS path is pointing directly to ISO (#1848718) (jkonecny)
+- Rename function for a simple check for DNF repository (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for verify_valid_installtree function (#1844287) (jkonecny)
+- Move verify_valid_installtree to source module utils (#1844287) (jkonecny)
+- Do not test if repo is valid based on .treeinfo file (#1844287) (jkonecny)
+- Relabel whole /etc instead of only some parts (vslavik)
+- Clean up lists of files and directories to relabel (vslavik)
+- Use allowlist and blocklist in the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
+- Correctly set up the LUKS version when we click on a mount point (#1689699)
+  (vponcova)
+- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
+- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
+- Simplify the workaround for the RHSM configuration proxy (vponcova)
+- Show pylint version in logs (vslavik)
+- Don't use the private attribute for a message bus (vponcova)
+- Ignore unknown variable (vslavik)
+- Split storage spoke dialogs to a separate module (vslavik)
+- Fix more SElinux contexts (vslavik)
+- Fix regression reading kernel list when collecting configurations (#1846156)
+  (jkonecny)
+* Mon Jun 15 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.19-1
+- Document common issues and bugs (vponcova)
+- Add logging messages to %%post scripts (vslavik)
+- Don't prompt the user to ssh in VNC installations (vponcova)
+- Extend the function prompt_for_ssh (vponcova)
+- Allow having /boot on a btrfs volume (i.gnatenko.brain)
+- network: do not parse IPADDR0 anymore (rvykydal)
+- Do not use kwargs when creating network_data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
+- Extend unit tests for generating network data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
+- Fix updating of user gid/uid value checkbox in gui (rvykydal)
+- Fix crash on user uid/gid unchecked in gui (rvykydal)
+- Add daily build status badge (jkonecny)
+- Fix the pylint warning in the Payloads module (vponcova)
+- Add pointer to kickstart tests to tests README (rvykydal)
+- resolved a user created password verification issue that could not exit
+  (57519382+huzunhao)
+- Don't use data.method.proxy (vponcova)
+- Use sshd_config drop in directory to allow root login (jjelen)
+- localization: do not crash on failed parsing of X layout (#1836047)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Catch Blivet's exceptions when we reset a device (#1843278) (vponcova)
+- Fix wireless network configuration on get_ssid() returning None (#1838357)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Unify definition of directory for ifname and prefixdevname config (rvykydal)
+- Use constants when mocking paths for network installation test (rvykydal)
+- Create /etc/systemd/network dir for ifname= renaming if needed. (rvykydal)
+- Use the Blivet's property is_empty (vponcova)
+* Wed Jun 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.18-1
+- Set up LD_PRELOAD for the Payloads module (vponcova)
+- Extend the start-module script (vponcova)
+- subscription: Fix authentication method switching in GUI (mkolman)
+- subscription: Make sure CDN repos are loaded and usable (mkolman)
+- Add NFS ISO support back to the NFS SetupSourceTask (jkonecny)
+- Add NFS ISO support to the NFSSourceModule (jkonecny)
+- Tear down HDD device mount if no valid installation source is found
+  (jkonecny)
+- Extract ISO find algorith from harddrive (jkonecny)
+* Mon Jun 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.17-1
+- Update required ack in makebumpver script for rhel > 7 (rvykydal)
+- Close responses from session.get (vponcova)
+- Improve the documentation of the SetUpMountTask class (vponcova)
+- Raise an exception if the source's mount point is not unmounted (vponcova)
+- Change the default source to CDROM (vponcova)
+- Don't set up sources in the refresh method of the Source spoke (vponcova)
+- Make cppcheck ignore the G_DEFINE_TYPE macros (vslavik)
+- Fix issue that unified ISO from URL is not loaded (jkonecny)
+- Add split_protocol payload helper function (jkonecny)
+- Fix string based on translator comments (vslavik)
+* Mon May 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.16-1
+- subscription: Only require Insights package if subscribed (mkolman)
+- subscription: Do not pass payload to unregister() helper function (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix typos related to ParseAttachedSubscriptions task (mkolman)
+- subscription: Make sure /etc/yum.repos.d exists (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix disconnect() for RHSM observer (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix SystemPurposeData equality checking (mkolman)
+- subscription: Set RHSM configuration before registration attempt (mkolman)
+- subscription: Initial CDN source switching (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix Insights configuration in GUI (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fix setting username to SubscriptionRequest in GUI (mkolman)
+- Change connection flags for the RHSM private bus (vponcova)
+- Create a proxy of the RHSM Config object for a specific interface (vponcova)
+- Skip the btrfs command if deprecated (vponcova)
+- Use a specific kickstart version in handle-sshpw (vponcova)
+- Avoid concatenation of iso name twice (jkonecny)
+- Do not mount harddrive sources as RO (jkonecny)
+- Fix the access to a DBus proxy of the Subscription module (vponcova)
+- Set up LANG for tests (vponcova)
+- Resolve traceback when HDD ISO is not found (jkonecny)
+- Don't set up the HMC source again (vponcova)
+- Remove the changed property of the Source spoke in GUI (vponcova)
+- Specify the default source type for the DNF payload (vponcova)
+- Support all source types based on repo files (vponcova)
+- Use the closest mirror source in UI (vponcova)
+- Add a new source for the closest mirror (vponcova)
+- Change the description of the repo files source (vponcova)
+- Fix adding to the protected devices list (jkonecny)
+- Remove not used API of dnf payload (jkonecny)
+- Rename GetISOPath to GetIsoPath which is correct API name (jkonecny)
+- Fix python3 requires in spec file (rvykydal)
+- Use the source proxy to get the device name (vponcova)
+- Collect package requirements of the Subscription module (vponcova)
+- Add ignored field to rpm_tests (rvykydal)
+- Require subscription manager on rhel (rvykydal)
+- Remove the property is_iso_mounted (vponcova)
+- Run the set-up tasks of sources with signals enabled (vponcova)
+- Set default url type combobox value (jkonecny)
+- Fix lang_locale_handler have payload property from parents (jkonecny)
+- Remove kickstart sources from GUI (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart sources from TUI (vponcova)
+- Log the result of the HDD set-up task (vponcova)
+- Always try to unmount the HDD ISO (vponcova)
+- Fix typo resulting to use mirrorlist instead of metalink (jkonecny)
+- Handle DBus errors of the task returned by SetUpSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
+- Remove useless attributes from the class Anaconda (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart sources from anaconda.py (vponcova)
+- Remove kickstart sources from the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
+- Call nose python module instead of nosetests binary (jkonecny)
+- root spoke: set value of root ssh login checkbox from module (rvykydal)
+- users module: fix check of existence of admin user (rvykydal)
+- Always clear kickstarted status for GUI time&date spoke (vslavik)
+- Always protect CD-ROM devices (vponcova)
+- Fix the DBus task that sets up the SE/HMC source (vponcova)
+- Move lxml test dependency from pip to RPM (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Show data about attached subscriptions (mkolman)
+- Setup RHEL rebuilds to exclude
+  org.fedoraproject.Anaconda.Modules.Subscription (riehecky)
+- Tear down sources before setting new one in SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
+- Remove unused properties from SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
+- Migrate set Closest mirror of SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
+- Migrate set HMC of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
+- Migrate set CDROM of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
+- Migrate set NFS of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
+- Migrate set URL of SourceSwitchhandler to source modules (jkonecny)
+- Implement the DBus methods SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask
+  (vponcova)
+- Move removal of blivet-gui in rhel upstream (rvykydal)
+- Migrate set HDD of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
+- Migrate SourceSwitchHandler to use module for cleanups (jkonecny)
+- Add payload property to SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
+- Avoid imports from blivet.devicefactory (vponcova)
+- Mark kickstart commands of RPM sources as useless (vponcova)
+- Generate kickstart from the Payloads module (vponcova)
+* Tue May 19 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.15-1
+- Update the bootloader configuration after live installation (javierm)
+- subscription: Registration button sensitivity handling (mkolman)
+- subscription: Make credential checking functions usable in GUI (mkolman)
+- Add exclude to the dependency_solver (jkonecny)
+- Add the method is_complete to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
+- Add the property source_type to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
+- Add the method get_source_proxy to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
+- Fix call to super() with missing parameters (vslavik)
+- Change string according to translator comments (vslavik)
+- Remove gjs dependency exclude which is no more needed with anaconda-live
+  (rvykydal)
+- Remove sphinx test dependency (jkonecny)
+- Extend the objects for parsing the cmdline installation method (vponcova)
+- Add functions to set up and tear down of DBus sources (vponcova)
+- Switch call of pip3 to python3 -m pip (jkonecny)
+- Move for_publication as second method in sources (jkonecny)
+- Move sources private methods on top of the file (jkonecny)
+- Fix RPMSourceMixin class documentation (jkonecny)
+- Switch MountingSourceBase to MountingSourceMixin (jkonecny)
+- Remove tear_down_with_tasks from MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
+- Do not implement get_state in MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
+- Change gui test relative imports to absolute (vslavik)
+- Disable spurious pylint warning (vslavik)
+- Add CDN source (vslavik)
+- Test the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
+- Detect HTTPS as a protocol that requires the network (michel)
+- Remove unused variable (vslavik)
+* Thu May 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.14-1
+- subscription: Hook up state update methods (mkolman)
+- subscription: Make it possible to register/unregister from the GUI (mkolman)
+- subscription: Register & subscribe during automated installation (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add asynchronous registration helper functions (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add IsRegistered property (mkolman)
+- Add functions for DBus sources (vponcova)
+- Implement DeviceName API for CDrom payload source (jkonecny)
+- Return device name from SetUpCdromSourceTask (jkonecny)
+- Add GetISOPath HardDrive payload source API (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add the ParseAttachedSubscriptionsTask (mkolman)
+- Add new Hard drive source property to tell that iso is used (jkonecny)
+- Change return of SetUpHardDriveSourceTask (jkonecny)
+- Add __repr__ to payload sources (vslavik)
+- Create a DBus proxy of the DNF module (vponcova)
+- Work around pylint 2.5.0 issue with _ in warning id (vslavik)
+- subscription: Add network connectivity check to the Subscription spoke
+  (mkolman)
+- Split find_and_mount_iso_image source helper func (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add main Subscription spoke structure (mkolman)
+- Add the DBus method ActivatePayload (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus property CreatedPayloads (vponcova)
+- Replace the DBus method GetActivePayload with a property (vponcova)
+- subscription: Add helper functions for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
+- Remove the DBus method IsPayloadSet (vponcova)
+- subscription: Add glade file for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
+- subscription: Simplify system purpose configuration (mkolman)
+- subscription: Implement equality testing for SystemPurposeData (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add check_system_purpose_set() helper function (mkolman)
+- Add generate_repo_configuration for URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add gererate_repo_configuration for all mount sources (jkonecny)
+- Add GetRepoConfigurations API for DNF payload (jkonecny)
+- Create ABC class declaring interface for RPM sources (jkonecny)
+- Add the combo box for choosing a LUKS version in the container dialog
+  (#1714120) (vponcova)
+- Use the combo box for choosing a LUKS version only for encrypted devices
+  (vponcova)
+- Provide the LUKS version of the encrypted container (vponcova)
+- Add the function set_container_data (vponcova)
+* Thu May 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.13-1
+- Remove a missed use of has_source() to fix tests (vslavik)
+- Change string to new format (vslavik)
+- Add DBus property Description for all sources (vslavik)
+- subscription: Add AttachedSubscription DBus structure (mkolman)
+- Pre-select disk initialization mode in TUI (honza.stodola)
+- Remove the HasSource D-Bus function (vslavik)
+- Add kickstart support to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add NFS source kickstart support (jkonecny)
+- Add function to create NFS from components (jkonecny)
+- Move ProxyString to core.payload (jkonecny)
+- Move parse_nfs_url to the new core/payload file (jkonecny)
+- Fail on harddrive --biospart in HDD payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add kickstart support for HDD payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add SE/HMC payload source kickstart support (jkonecny)
+- Add CDROM payload source kickstart support (jkonecny)
+- Pick HMC as the last DNF source when processing KS data (jkonecny)
+- Add DNF module kickstart processing for sources (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Run installation tasks of the Subscription module (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add is_module_available() utility function (mkolman)
+- Ignore the required package dmraid in RHEL (honza.stodola)
+- subscription: Attach subscription task (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add unregistration task (mkolman)
+- Activate the set/remove buttons in the "Select disks and boot loader" window
+  only when a disk is selected (honza.stodola)
+- Properly update UI after removing the boot device (honza.stodola)
+- Do not offer disk selection when encrypting existing partition
+  (honza.stodola)
+- Destroy the disk selection dialog on escape (honza.stodola)
+- Add the DBus method GetModules to the Boss service (vponcova)
+- subscription: Fix registration tasks docstring typo (mkolman)
+- Add payload source __repr__ support to improve logging (jkonecny)
+- Fix calling payloads service with empty kickstart (jkonecny)
+- Rename check_set_sources to set_and_check_sources (jkonecny)
+- Create two parts of the set_check_sources payload test (jkonecny)
+- Add payload base add_source() module scope API (jkonecny)
+- Fix payload log message (jkonecny)
+- Add new commands for DNF payload recognition (jkonecny)
+- Disable %%packages from DNF module (jkonecny)
+- Add new supported sources to DNF payload (jkonecny)
+- Add kickstart commands for DNF payload (jkonecny)
+- Use new F33 Repo command from pykickstart (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add subscription related package requirements (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add registration tasks (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add RegistrationError exception (mkolman)
+- network: don't try to use DeviceConfigurations on live cd (#1827999)
+  (rvykydal)
+- subscription: Add TransferSubscriptionTokensTask (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add RestoreRHSMLogLevelTask (mkolman)
+* Wed Apr 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.12-1
+- Add tests for ReadKickstart (vponcova)
+- Remove pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move the initialization functions from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move create_storage from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move the model from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move the utils from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move the installation functions from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move the storage checker from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Move pyanaconda.platform (vponcova)
+- Move PartSpec from pyanaconda.storage (vponcova)
+- Don't use pyanaconda.platform in UI (vponcova)
+- Separate the "Reset All" button from the edge of the screen (honza.stodola)
+- Fix the warning messages from ReadKickstart (vponcova)
+- Unify module source test variable names (vslavik)
+- Add resolv.conf to log-capture (riehecky)
+- Reload NTP server list in dialog on every run (vslavik)
+- Fix the line number in the kickstart message data (vponcova)
+- Remove TODO to solve is_ready for payload sources (jkonecny)
+- Use the new task class with the harddrive source (vslavik)
+- Detect the live OS image automatically (vponcova)
+- Add constants for the source types (vponcova)
+- Exclude liveimg from the kickstart command method (vponcova)
+- Access the kickstart command liveimg directly (vponcova)
+- Create a base class for live payloads (vponcova)
+- Remove pyanaconda.payload.livepayload (vponcova)
+- Run %%onerror and %%traceback scripts for all types of exceptions (vponcova)
+- gui source spoke: fix the key used to check proxy for additional repo
+  (rvykydal)
+- Respect changesok password policy for root password (#1584145) (rvykydal)
+- rootpw gui: make root spoke insensitive if rootpw is set in ks (#1584145)
+  (rvykydal)
+- subscription: RHSM runtime configuration support (mkolman)
+- Move the bootloader-related code to the module (vponcova)
+- Add the is_ready method to the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Rename NOT_SUPPORTED to NOT_APPLICABLE (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add missing declaration for rhsm_observer property (mkolman)
+- subscription: Fixup a docstring (mkolman)
+- Remove payload tests for empty sources (jkonecny)
+- Improve HDD payload source test (jkonecny)
+- Change tests for new payload ready states (jkonecny)
+- Use new source states in payload sources (jkonecny)
+- Create source state enum (jkonecny)
+- date time gui: no empty space in combo for day and month selection (#1823130)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Reset the partitioning of Blivet-GUI (#1826286) (vponcova)
+- Remove the logic with sources from the network standalone spoke (vponcova)
+- Move remaining DNF-related code to the DNF payload (vponcova)
+- subscription: Add SystemPurposeConfigurationTask (mkolman)
+- Rename payload source is_ready to get_state (jkonecny)
+- Remove the tip about the user name (#1823015) (vponcova)
+- Add payload base tests (jkonecny)
+- Improve payload shared test source creation (jkonecny)
+- Fix exception string when incompatible payload source (jkonecny)
+- Translate names of OS installations on demand (#1823126) (vponcova)
+- subscription: Add helper function to SystemPurposeData DBus structure
+  (mkolman)
+- network tui: fix getting of network device configurations (#1823011)
+  (rvykydal)
+* Tue Apr 21 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.11-1
+- Reset the partitioning of Blivet-GUI (#1826286) (vponcova)
+- Fix the validation of a device label (#1823221) (vponcova)
+- Use the new base classes in sources (vslavik)
+- Add base classes for mounting sources (vslavik)
+- Add test if the spokes ordering is correct (jkonecny)
+- Fix ordering of spokes with the same priority (jkonecny)
+- Fix TUI Kernel and Unsupported HW spokes ordering (jkonecny)
+- Switch collecting & ordering action classes to static (jkonecny)
+- Add TUI/GUI tests for standalone spokes priority (jkonecny)
+- Use join_paths instead of os.path.join in sources (vslavik)
+- Get ui/__init__.py closer to pep8 (jkonecny)
+- Allow to remove incomplete devices (#1823232) (vponcova)
+- subscription: RHSMObserver & StartRHSMTask (mkolman)
+- Make sure that the summary button is really hidden (#1823467) (vponcova)
+- Use default priority in the GUI spokes (jkonecny)
+- Fix TUI spokes priorities (jkonecny)
+- Add back default priority for standalone spokes (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add initial RHSM DBus API identifiers (mkolman)
+- Install scripts at /usr/bin (vponcova)
+- Remove mock from the test dependencies (vponcova)
+- Install test dependencies from pip when possible (vponcova)
+- Fix the indentation of the test dependencies (vponcova)
+- Expand the selector with swap (#1823127) (vponcova)
+- Fix default value for pwpolicy emptyok (#1664704) (mkolman)
+- Only quit GTK mainloop on GUI quit request (#1643111) (mkolman)
+- Print correct message if no linux partitions were found in rescue mode
+  (#1823222) (honza.stodola)
+- Use black color for errors in bottom bar (#1823004) (honza.stodola)
+* Thu Apr 16 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.10-1
+- subscription: Implement install_with_tasks() method (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add the IsSubscriptionAttached property (mkolman)
+- subscription: Add ConnectToInsights task (mkolman)
+- Create product configuration files for Red Hat Virtualization (vponcova)
+- Create the configuration section Storage Constraints (vponcova)
+- Extend tests for the default storage checker (vponcova)
+- Represent the constraint STORAGE_MIN_RAM by an instance of Size (vponcova)
+- Remove the constraint STORAGE_MIN_ROOT (vponcova)
+- Extend support for custom storage checking (vponcova)
+- Add a new type of the default partitioning for virtualizations (vponcova)
+- Add the configuration option default_scheme (vponcova)
+- Add the configuration option help_directory (vponcova)
+- Accept `harddrive --dir` without absolute paths (jkonecny)
+- Make the kickstart support for the btrfs command optional (vponcova)
+- Fix non-root dir of install tree HD installation (#1689194) (jkonecny)
+- subscription: Add missing pieces for the Subscription DBus module (mkolman)
+- Add UI support for the ZIPL Secure boot (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the ZIPL Secure Boot (vponcova)
+- Add code convention to prefer join_paths over os.path.join (jkonecny)
+- Add helper function force_path_join (jkonecny)
+- Fix get anaconda version test after test file rename (vponcova)
+- Rename iutil_test to util_test (jkonecny)
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.9-1
+- Fix bad import of general errors (jkonecny)
+- Improve code convention code formatting (jkonecny)
+* Wed Apr 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.8-1
+- Fix the indentation of false positives (vponcova)
+- Don't try to format FBA DASD devices (#1715303) (vponcova)
+- Disable the SMT warning by default (vponcova)
+- Detect and warn if SMT is enabled (#1684056) (vponcova)
+- Use constants to check the type of the payload object (#1820418) (vponcova)
+- Provide the DBus types of the payloads (vponcova)
+- Add Harddrive (HDD, HDISO) source (vslavik)
+- Add utility functions for sources (vslavik)
+- subscription: SubscriptionRequest DBus structure (mkolman)
+- Remove the abstraction for the event loop (vponcova)
+- Upgrade findFirstIsoImage (vslavik)
+- Make sure that all Anaconda's DBus errors are registered (vponcova)
+- Remove the mapping to a DBus error for KickstartError (vponcova)
+- Don't use the default error register (vponcova)
+- Set new repo configuration after validation is done (jkonecny)
+- Add packaging constrains to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add repo cost to the URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add proxy url to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add ssl configuration structure to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add ssl verification flag to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add Name to the URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add URL repo configuration to the url source (jkonecny)
+- Add empty repository configuration DBus structure (jkonecny)
+- Add install_repo_enabled flag to URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for set up and tear down for url source (jkonecny)
+- Add is_ready tests for URL source module (jkonecny)
+- Add simple tests for a new URL payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add payload URL source base structure (jkonecny)
+* Fri Apr 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.7-1
+- Don't clear errors by expanding pages in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Fix the permission for changing a mount point (#1818500) (vponcova)
+- Allow to use an existing unlocked LUKS in one special case (#1772902)
+  (vponcova)
+- Fix the encryption checkbox in the custom spoke (#1819360) (vponcova)
+- Don't manually trigger a device encryption change (vponcova)
+* Thu Apr 02 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.6-1
+- Fix the test for complex data with secrets (vponcova)
+- Update generate_request_description (vponcova)
+- Add support for secrets in DBus structures (vponcova)
+- Rename _test_dbus_property to _check_dbus_property (jkonecny)
+- Fix text color on info bars (mkolman)
+- Add NFS source (vslavik)
+* Tue Mar 31 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.5-1
+- Don't call the DBus method IsNodeFromIbft from the Storage module (#1817529)
+  (vponcova)
+- Use the right partitioning method in the storage spoke (vponcova)
+- Improve logging of storage spokes in GUI and TUI (vponcova)
+- Don't log an empty string (vponcova)
+- Handle translation of an empty string in widgets (#1815461) (vponcova)
+- Replace lambda by partial (jkonecny)
+- Implement updating changed Anaconda files in a mock (jkonecny)
+- Add possibility to add/remove specific dir in mock (jkonecny)
+- Remove prepare parameter disable when running tests (jkonecny)
+- Add missing arguments from the main command check (jkonecny)
+- Move check for required setup-mock commands (jkonecny)
+- Simplify test calling in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- storage gui: keep expanded mountpoints info on actions in UI by default
+  (#1210944) (rvykydal)
+- Support updating Anaconda files in the mock (jkonecny)
+- Handle invalid disk selection (vponcova)
+- Set up advanced storage on the right device tree (#1812561) (vponcova)
+- Remove storage tests (jkonecny)
+- Use the right field of DiskStoreRow (#1816256) (vponcova)
+- Add Repo files source (vslavik)
+- Clean up and rename parseNfsUrl (vslavik)
+- Do not show quarterly release part of the version in UI. (rvykydal)
+- Add license to the __main__.py file for DBus modules (mkolman)
+- Pass nosmt boot option to installed system (rvykydal)
+- Adapt makebumpver to rhel-devel -> rhel-8 branch renaming. (rvykydal)
+- Revert "Fix PR tests with mock version 2" (jkonecny)
+- Remove the class PackagePayload (vponcova)
+- Remove pyanaconda.payload.dnfpayload (vponcova)
+- Improve help of dd_extract tool (jkonecny)
+- Add missing period in iscsi login failure message. (rvykydal)
+- Rename add-ons to additional software (#1674011) (rvykydal)
+- Fix dd test RPM generation with binary files (jkonecny)
+- Enable back skipped DD test (jkonecny)
+- Fix translation of one nvdimm related GUI string (rvykydal)
+- Fix memory leak in utils (yubihong)
+- Fix code formatting of DUD tests (jkonecny)
+- Fix dud test names (jkonecny)
+- Small optimization in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- Fix setup-test-env for other than pyanaconda tests (jkonecny)
+- Create pyanaconda.payload.dnf (vponcova)
+- Create pyanaconda.payload.__init__ (vponcova)
+- Rename pyanaconda.payload.__init__ (vponcova)
+- subscription: add system purpose support (mkolman)
+- subscription: run Subscription module on RHEL (mkolman)
+- subscription: add initial subscription module structure (mkolman)
+- Wrap iscsi login error messages in GUI (#1811382) (rvykydal)
+- Add tests for CD-ROM source (vslavik)
+- Add CD-ROM source (vslavik)
+- Add tests for the new utils file (vslavik)
+- Move verifyMedia to sources as is_valid_install_disk (vslavik)
+- Add the DBus module for SE/HMC (vponcova)
+- Don't return anything from setup_kickstart (vponcova)
+- Fix fd leak while fchmod failed (yubihong)
+* Tue Mar 17 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.4-1
+- Remove the configuration of the Blivet's logger (vponcova)
+- Support logging of Anaconda DBus modules to files (#1812380) (vponcova)
+- Fix a typo in s390 znet options configuration (rvykydal)
+- Remove empty lines at the test source file (jkonecny)
+- Source type is already tested by Interface (jkonecny)
+- Remove the logging from the method process_kickstart (vponcova)
+- Don't override the method generate_kickstart (vponcova)
+- Show the help again (#1812896) (vponcova)
+- gui: make description column of disk list resizable (#1530410) (rvykydal)
+- gui: add tooltip to descriptions in disk list (#1530410) (rvykydal)
+- gui: ellipsize description in disk list (#1530410) (rvykydal)
+- Fix '\' is correctly forwarded by udev rules (jkonecny)
+- Add debug print to dracut driver_updates (jkonecny)
+- Escape spaces in dracut partition specifications (bcl)
+- Rename the file with unit tests for the Payloads module (vponcova)
+- Split the code for the source and payload factories (vponcova)
+- Remove BaseFactory (vponcova)
+- Simplify kickstart processing in the Payloads module (vponcova)
+- Replace stat.ST_SIZE by .st_size (jkonecny)
+- Module backport to better handling of sparse images (jkonecny)
+- Avoid downloading payload image in set up phase (jkonecny)
+- Add fallbacks for the source and payload factories (vponcova)
+- Test the source and payload factories for all types (vponcova)
+- Rename the file with unit tests for the Live OS module (vponcova)
+- Test the LVM storage check. (vslavik)
+- Verify that LVM destruction is orderly (vslavik)
+- Don't set up the locale if none is selected (#1649956) (vponcova)
+- network: fix crash during connections consolidation (#1811649) (rvykydal)
+- Execute a kickstarted partitioning (#1811242) (vponcova)
+- Remove extra quotes from the doc strings (vponcova)
+- Remove unused code (vponcova)
+- Remove dead dracut code (jkonecny)
+- Set liveimg min_size to be x3 the real size (yturgema)
+* Mon Mar 09 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.3-1
+- Fix typos, comments and style in the storage-related code (vponcova)
+- Don't add None values to a combo box (#1810679) (vponcova)
+- Fix the unit tests for BTRFS (vponcova)
+- Adjust documentation for new localization solution (jkonecny)
+- Check pykickstart imports are correct in branching (jkonecny)
+- Be able to disable correct branch in check-branching (jkonecny)
+- Add check for branch setting (jkonecny)
+- Add localization branch testing (jkonecny)
+- Move functions to pyanaconda.core.storage (vponcova)
+- Move functions to pyanaconda.ui.lib.storage (vponcova)
+- Update action buttons only for the selected row (vponcova)
+- Fix action buttons in the resize dialog (#1809950) (vponcova)
+- Add branch specific configuration to a separate file (jkonecny)
+- Always use the Anaconda's kickstart version (vponcova)
+- Remove the Baz module (vponcova)
+- Add small badges for Read the Docs and translations (vponcova)
+- Remove the temporary workaround for StorageError (vponcova)
+- Remove the error handler from the storage-related code (vponcova)
+- Handle storage installation errors (vponcova)
+- Remove the handler for FSTabTypeMismatchError (vponcova)
+- Handle ZIPL errors as a bootloader installation error (vponcova)
+- Remove the handler for NoDisksError (vponcova)
+- Remove the handler for PartitioningError (vponcova)
+- Handle the unusable storage module in UI (#1808650) (vponcova)
+- Don't mention new-kernel-pkg anymore in /etc/sysconfig/kernel (rvykydal)
+- Don't print warnings for new-kernel-pkg not being present (javierm)
+- Handle the unusable storage module in the DBus Storage module (vponcova)
+- network: add network module tests for installation tasks (rvykydal)
+- Fix incorrect docstrings (vslavik)
+- Use the latest kernel version list (#1807252) (vponcova)
+- Check free space in the correct device tree (#1807339) (vponcova)
+- Change log-capture script date to remove `:` symbol (jkonecny)
+- Add missing logs to the log-capture utility (jkonecny)
+* Tue Mar 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.2-1
+- prefixdevname: add to unit tests (rvykydal)
+- prefixdevname: pass persistent configuration to installed system (rvykydal)
+- Add L10N dir constant to makefile (jkonecny)
+- Remove auto-discover of git branch (jkonecny)
+- Adapt Makefile to new L10N repository structure (jkonecny)
+- prefixdevname: pass net.ifnames.prefix option to installed system (rvykydal)
+- prefixdevname: install package to target system if needed (rvykydal)
+- prefixdevname: import state from initramfs to stage 2 (rvykydal)
+- Handle invalid optical install media (#1806520) (vponcova)
+- Start live CD with explicit GUI (#1765650) (vslavik)
+- network: fix GUI crash on invalid devices in the list (rvykydal)
+- Add translation badge (vslavik)
+- Remove -devel and -release for L10N repository (jkonecny)
+- Use git url instead of http for pot files creation (jkonecny)
+- Fix documentation changes in release.rst (jkonecny)
+- Ignore the required package btrfs-progs in RHEL (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.1-1
+- Fix the multiselection in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Handle installation errors from DBus tasks (vponcova)
+- Wait for entropy in the DBus Storage module (vponcova)
+- Don't remove unknown devices (#1806233) (vponcova)
+- Call GetFormatData instead of GetFormatTypeData (vponcova)
+- Show progress messages from DBus tasks (vponcova)
+- Report Blivet's messages during the storage installation (vponcova)
+- Handle a failed bootloader installation (#1806103) (vponcova)
+- Fix the exit handler (#1805916) (vponcova)
+- Add DBus methods GetDeviceMountOptions and SetDeviceMountOptions (vponcova)
+- Don't show the disk free space in bytes (vponcova)
+- Fix the default disk selection (#1805553) (vponcova)
+* Thu Feb 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.24-1
+- Initialize disks in interactive and Blivet partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Fix the function get_device_partitions (vponcova)
+- Fix the function unlock_device (vponcova)
+- Apply extra arguments before the bootloader installation (vponcova)
+- Remove configure_storage (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for resetting the custom storage data (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for on-disk snapshots of storage (vponcova)
+- Remove collect_selected_disks (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the custom storage helpers (vponcova)
+- Update the storage model of device tree modules (vponcova)
+- Use the exception DeviceSetupError (vponcova)
+- Change the task MountExistingSystemTask (vponcova)
+- Change the task AddDeviceTask (vponcova)
+- Extend the task ChangeDeviceTask (vponcova)
+- Add the container specification to the device factory request (vponcova)
+- Extend the DBus method ValidateContainerName (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method UpdateContainerData (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateContainerData (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateContainerName (vponcova)
+- Add the method reset_container_data to the device factory request (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetContainerFreeSpace (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectContainers (vponcova)
+- Add permissions for changing the container (vponcova)
+- Filter unsupported disklabel devices (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsDeviceEditable (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CheckCompleteness (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsDeviceLocked (vponcova)
+- Add a new permission for changing a list of disks (vponcova)
+- Update the permission for the device encryption (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ResetDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method DestroyDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method SchedulePartitionsWithTask (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the accordion (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the source spoke in GUI (vponcova)
+- TUI: Use get_hdiso_source_description (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the storage spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the advanced storage spoke (vponcova)
+- Use the Blivet partitioning module in Blivet-GUI (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the resize dialog (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the action dialog (vponcova)
+- Extend the class DeviceActionData (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the selected disks dialog (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the refresh dialog (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from dialogs for specialized disks (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from run_installation (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from FileSystemSpaceChecker (vponcova)
+- TUI: Use create_partitioning (vponcova)
+- TUI: Extend apply_disk_selection (vponcova)
+- TUI: Simplify default disk selection in Storage spoke (vponcova)
+- Move is_local_disk to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Use apply_partitioning from pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Move try_populate_devicetree to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Move the UI support for device protection to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Move get_disks_summary to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Move apply_disk_selection to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Move the UI support for storage initizalization to pyanaconda.ui.lib
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove the storage argument from the storage initialization (vponcova)
+- Move the UI support for DASD formatting to pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
+- Remove the storage and data arguments from DasdFormatting (vponcova)
+- Add the function find_partitioning (vponcova)
+- Remove the static partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Remove the Enabled property from the partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Mark storage kickstart commands as useless (vponcova)
+- Remove the UI workaround for storage kickstart data (vponcova)
+- Remove the UI code for the storage configuration (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from TUI (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage object in storage utils (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage object for the installation (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage object for formatting DASDs from UI (vponcova)
+- Remove automatic push of pot files during release (jkonecny)
+- Remove zanata from release.rst (jkonecny)
+- Remove deprecated translations.txt document (jkonecny)
+- Update Readme link to translation project (jkonecny)
+- Remove Zanata from translation canary (jkonecny)
+- Remove zanata from setup test env scripts (jkonecny)
+- Remove zanata from makebumpver (jkonecny)
+- Remove zanata configuration file (jkonecny)
+- Remove Zanata from po/Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Remove zanata from Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Remove unnecessary sed from configure.ac (jkonecny)
+- Use l10n repository for pushing changed pot file (jkonecny)
+- Pull po files from our l10n repo instead of Zanata (jkonecny)
+- Offer only supported sector sizes in NVDIMM reconfiguration dialog (rvykydal)
+- Fix PR tests with mock version 2 (jkonecny)
+- Don't use the local storage object for the storage initialization (vponcova)
+- Don't use device objects in the payload classes (vponcova)
+- Remove the attribute for storage from the payload classes (vponcova)
+- Don't use local storage objects in the image utils (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage objects in the payload utils (vponcova)
+- Run a DBus task to create the pre-installation snapshot (vponcova)
+- Don't set up the local storage checker object (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage object during the start of anaconda (vponcova)
+- Remove the local storage object from the rescue mode (vponcova)
+- Don't use the local storage object to initialize time (vponcova)
+- Don't reset the local storage object (vponcova)
+- Don't create the local storage object (vponcova)
+- Don't modify the list of device names (vponcova)
+* Thu Feb 13 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.23-1
+- Test kickstart warnings from modules (vslavik)
+- Use kickstart parsing warnings coming from boss (vslavik)
+- Log kickstart warnings in modules (vslavik)
+- Disable package download to / /tmp (#1781517) (jkonecny)
+- Handle the variant in SetConstraint (vponcova)
+- Handle the variant from GetResult (#1798392) (vponcova)
+- Fix the function _del_xdg_runtime_dir (vponcova)
+- Do not crash on adding fcoe device in gui when there are no nics (#1798402)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix checking of network device type in Add FCoE gui dialog (#1798876)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Use check_task_creation_task in timezone tests (rvykydal)
+- Move timezone setup kickstart method to dbus module (rvykydal)
+- Do not restart NTP service during its installation (rvykydal)
+- Add fixme to ntp from dhcp setting (rvykydal)
+- Change "not...in" to "...not in" (vslavik)
+- Line length fixes (PEP8) + typos (vslavik)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceFactoryPermissions (vponcova)
+- Generate the device factory permissions (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus structure DeviceFactoryPermissions (vponcova)
+- Move the class DeviceFactoryRequest to a new file (vponcova)
+- Set up the environment for pylint (vponcova)
+- Unify geoloc logging and enable/disable decision logic (vslavik)
+- Disable geoloc by opts.geoloc instead of kernel cmdline (vslavik)
+- Add a fallback for a disk of the live device (vponcova)
+- If no usable boot drive is found, raise an exception (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.22-1
+- Don't set the device names (#1797274) (vponcova)
+- Fix line spacing in UI (vslavik)
+- Fix line spacing in pyanaconda (vslavik)
+- Extend the start-module script (vponcova)
+- Remove start() from pylint defining attrs methods (jkonecny)
+- Refactor pylintrc file a bit (jkonecny)
+- Remove pylint CVS ignore directory (jkonecny)
+- Add TODO to enable C and R in pylint (jkonecny)
+- Remove bad-option-value disables from pylint (jkonecny)
+- Add TODO for future work (jkonecny)
+- Remove use of eval from pylint disabled (jkonecny)
+- Ignore attributes of Namespace class (jkonecny)
+- Fix GError message False positive (jkonecny)
+- Move unnecessary pass statement from false positives (jkonecny)
+- Add mock to the list of pylint deprecated modules (jkonecny)
+- Fix pylint errors (jkonecny)
+- Adapt runpylint to use pocketlint replacement (jkonecny)
+- Add pylint censorship - replacement of pocketlint (jkonecny)
+* Wed Jan 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.21-1
+- Add the path-id attribute to the DBus structure for device data (vponcova)
+- Use id_path as a long identifier of a disk (vponcova)
+- Migrate authselect to dbus tasks (mkolman)
+- Remove pyanaconda.flags.cmdline and KernelArguments.getbool() (vslavik)
+- Remove duplicated definition of PayloadContainer (vslavik)
+- Fix typos in docstrings (vslavik)
+- Fix setup-mock-test-env with multiple test commands (jkonecny)
+- Add support to run pylint only check (jkonecny)
+- Fix most of pep8 issues in pyanaconda/modules subfolder (rvykydal)
+- Convert VG reserved_space to Size (vtrefny)
+- Do not set default fstype for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
+* Mon Jan 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.20-1
+- Add the DBus method ChangeDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the task ChangeDeviceTask (vponcova)
+- Add pep8 check (rvykydal)
+- Fix max-line-length setting for pep8speaks (rvykydal)
+- Extend PayloadFactory tests (jkonecny)
+- Add test for payload type DBus API (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload shared testing objects (jkonecny)
+- Add type property to payloads (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload dnf tests to packages tests (jkonecny)
+- Add FIXME/TODO about GetActivePayload (jkonecny)
+- Move Publishable to PayloadBase (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests to a new Payload publishing (jkonecny)
+- Generate %%packages only when DNF module was used (jkonecny)
+- Fix payloads shared testing class (jkonecny)
+- Move payload Packages kickstart processing to Payloads (jkonecny)
+- Change GetActivePayloadPath to GetActivePayload (jkonecny)
+- Publish payload instead of payload path (jkonecny)
+- Change payloads objects to interfaces (jkonecny)
+- Migrate LiveOS payload to dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
+- Migrate LiveImage payload to dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
+- Migrate DNF payload for dynamic publishing (jkonecny)
+- Use container to publish payloads (jkonecny)
+- Add payload container (jkonecny)
+- Rename PAYLOAD_BASE to PAYLOAD (jkonecny)
+- Remove unnecessary space (jkonecny)
+- Remove DNF DBus namespace (jkonecny)
+- Move Packages module publishing to Payloads service (jkonecny)
+- Move payload packages out of DNF module (jkonecny)
+- Add basic configuration for pep8speaks github app (rvykydal)
+- Be more strict when checking for mounted dvd source (rvykydal)
+- Protect cdroms during tree population for image installs (rvykydal)
+- Finish code conventions rules migration to upstream (jkonecny)
+- Require new pykickstart version (jkonecny)
+- Revert "Revert "Fix Timezone pykickstart command version"" (jkonecny)
+- Add the task AddDeviceTask (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ValidateDeviceFactoryRequest (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus field 'reformat' to the device factory request (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetDeviceTypesForDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetFileSystemsForDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetRawDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceName (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetDefaultLUKSVersion (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateDeviceFactoryRequest (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ValidateRaidLevel (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ValidateContainerName (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method AddDevice (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ValidateMountPoint (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectUnusedMountPoints (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetSupportedRaidLevels (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetDefaultFileSystem (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectSupportedSystems (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetDiskTotalSpace (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectBootLoaderDevices (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectUnusedDevices (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method CollectNewDevices (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GetPartitioned (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateSystemData (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method GenerateSystemName (vponcova)
+- Create the device tree scheduler (vponcova)
+- Always create and publish the DASD and ZFCP modules (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the zFCP module (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the DASD module (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the iSCSI module (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method IsSupported to the FCoE module (vponcova)
+- Allow arch filtering for comps (jmracek)
+- Remove duplicated exception handler usage (vslavik)
+* Mon Jan 13 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.19-1
+- Revert "Fix Timezone pykickstart command version" (vponcova)
+- Improve payload packages test for languages (jkonecny)
+- Update payload Packages properties tests (jkonecny)
+- Update payload LiveImage properties tests (jkonecny)
+- Fix Timezone pykickstart command version (jkonecny)
+- Fix failed tests introduced by merging multiple PRs (jkonecny)
+- Clean up for PEP257, PEP8, etc. in localization and its tests (vslavik)
+- Add tests for the rewritten localization module (vslavik)
+- Fix wrong code in localization found while writing tests (vslavik)
+- Remove parse_langcode(), LANGCODE_RE, and associated tests (vslavik)
+- Fix dosctrings by removing mentions of LANGCODE_RE (vslavik)
+- Replace remaining uses of parse_langcode by langtable's parsing (vslavik)
+- Add and use a convenience function to get language id (vslavik)
+- Add and use a mechanism for aborting early with invalid locale (vslavik)
+- Add failure tests for %%packages --ignorebroken (jkonecny)
+- Raise error on --ignorebroken when is disabled (jkonecny)
+- Fail to set packages IgnoreBroken when disabled (jkonecny)
+- Add enable_ignore_broken_packages configuration (jkonecny)
+- Add test for the new Packages API (jkonecny)
+- Support --ignorebroken by packages module (#1642013) (jkonecny)
+- Support possibility to skip broken packages (#1642013) (jkonecny)
+- Do not crash on disk.wwn value being None (#1711571) (rvykydal)
+- Fix a callback of the PropertiesChanged signal (vponcova)
+- Test unwrapped DBus values (vponcova)
+- Replace the default DBus error (vponcova)
+- Extend check_task_creation_list (vponcova)
+- Simplify langtable method calls (vslavik)
+- Require langtable 0.0.49 for its new parsing method (vslavik)
+- Fix import, add license statement in dracut driver updates test (vslavik)
+* Tue Jan 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.18-1
+- Fix cppcheck problem with undefined macros (jkonecny)
+- Fix C variable use before check for NULL (jkonecny)
+- Calculate ip address for kickstart URL ending in / (imsedgar)
+- Enable /boot on btrfs subvolume with GRUB2 (ngompa13)
+- Remove the workaround in the Resize dialog (vponcova)
+- Move the support for resizing devices (vponcova)
+- Add KernelArguments.is_enabled() as a replacement for getbool() (vslavik)
+- Fix tests broken by renamed modules (vslavik)
+- keyboard: pass shared module instance of localed wrapper to tasks (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: replace safe_dbus with dasbus in LocaledWrapper (rvykydal)
+- Add tests for the KernelArguments class (vslavik)
+- Stop KernelArguments inheriting from a dictionary (vslavik)
+- Change tests to use kernel.cmdline instead of flags.cmdline (vslavik)
+- Change all uses of flags.cmdline to kernel.kernel_arguments (vslavik)
+- Rename variables to prevent conflict with importing "kernel_arguments"
+  (vslavik)
+- Change flags.cmdline to use kernel.kernel_arguments (vslavik)
+- Add kernel.kernel_arguments providing same functionality as flags.cmdline
+  (vslavik)
+- Only attempt to open the ibm,max-boot-devices sysfs entry if it exists
+  (javierm)
+- Don't add more devices in boot-device NVRAM than the maximum allowed
+  (javierm)
+* Thu Dec 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.17-1
+- Calculate the space on uninitialized disks (#1782449) (vponcova)
+- Define a method required by _schedule_actions (#1782463) (vponcova)
+- Split the partitioning code (vponcova)
+- Add the attribute children to the device data (vponcova)
+* Tue Dec 10 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.16-1
+- Add a DBus method for checking resizable devices (vponcova)
+- Add DBus methods for partitioned devices (vponcova)
+- Add a DBus method for getting device size limits (vponcova)
+- Add the attribute protected to the device data (vponcova)
+- keyboard: make populating of missing values part of installation task
+  (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: fix write_x_configuration method (rvykydal)
+- Reduce progress spinner repaints to save CPU (rhbz#1204242) (vslavik)
+- Document the storage setters (vponcova)
+- Rename the file with tests for the Blivet partitioning method (vponcova)
+- Change the type of AppliedPartitioning (vponcova)
+- Rename the callbacks on_storage_reset (vponcova)
+- Add the DBus method ResetPartitioning (vponcova)
+- Rename the DBus method for resetting the storage (vponcova)
+- Test the boot loader factory (vponcova)
+- Set up the boot loader factory (vponcova)
+- Create the boot loader factory (vponcova)
+- Add a new configuration option for the type of the bootloader (vponcova)
+- network: wrap IPv4 addresses showed in GUI (#1777706) (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: do not return None value from apply configuration task (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: fix reference before assignment in apply keyboard task (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: add localization module unit tests for keyboard (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: fix return value of LocaledWrapper.layouts_variants property
+  (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: fix setting from generic keyboard in ks parsing (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: move setting of default value into related task (rvykydal)
+- Raise MountFilesystemError from DBus methods (vponcova)
+- keyboard: make update_settings_from_task private (rvykydal)
+- Add the mount point attribute to the device format data (vponcova)
+- Change mock imports to use the unittest.mock full import path (vslavik)
+- Rename an attribute of the action data structure (vponcova)
+- Change service_start_timeout (vponcova)
+- keyboard: update a comment for future refactorisations (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: remove superfluous call to write_x_configuration (rvykydal)
+- Calculate the space on disks with supported disk labels (vponcova)
+- keyboard: guard activation of keyboard configuration in the module (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: when converting values restore both console and X (#1775712)
+  (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: do not store generic keyboard setting at all (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: split populating of missing keyboard values (rvykydal)
+- Fix __all__ in pyanaconda.modules.common.structure.* (vponcova)
+- keyboard: do not convert from X value if we have vconsole in apply (#1776148)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Change the DBus support for collecting ancestors (vponcova)
+- Add the attribute removable to the device data (vponcova)
+- Extend the attributes of the device data (vponcova)
+- keyboard: fix getting options from LocaledWrapper (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: move LocaledWrapper into localization module (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: apply configuration with a task (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: populate missing keyboard items with a task (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: write configuration with module task (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: split out populating of missing values into separate task
+  (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: remove doc for unused weight parameter. (rvykydal)
+- keyboard: remove keyboard command from anaconda (rvykydal)
+- Rename payload sources to source (jkonecny)
+- Rename PayloadService to PayloadsService (jkonecny)
+- Rename payloads.payloads to payload.payload (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload to payloads for DBus services (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload module to payloads (jkonecny)
+- Publish main payload under Payloads (jkonecny)
+- Create PayloadContainer for dynamic provisioning (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload base to payload (jkonecny)
+- Use a variable when calling Zanata client in makefile (mkolman)
+- Clean up the spoke for the advanced storage (vponcova)
+- Rename payload DBus constants (jkonecny)
+- Remove handler word from payload leftovers (jkonecny)
+- Remove handler word from tests (jkonecny)
+- Rename LiveOSHandler* classes to LiveOS* (jkonecny)
+- Rename LiveImageHandler* classes to LiveImage* (jkonecny)
+- Rename DNFHandler* classes to DNF* (jkonecny)
+- Rename handlers from DNF internal variables (jkonecny)
+- Rename PackagesHandler* classes to Packages* (jkonecny)
+- Rename handler to payload in PayloadBase class (jkonecny)
+- Rename publish_handler to publish_payload (jkonecny)
+- Rename create_handler to create_payload (jkonecny)
+- Rename get_active_handler_path to payload path (jkonecny)
+- Rename is_handler_set to is_payload_set (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload handler getter and setter to payload (jkonecny)
+- Rename HandlerFactory to PayloadFactory (jkonecny)
+- Rename HandlerType to PayloadType (jkonecny)
+- Remove handler from factories variables (jkonecny)
+- Rename HandlerNotSetError to PayloadNotSetError (jkonecny)
+- Rename handler in logs for payload service class (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload handler internals in payload service (jkonecny)
+* Mon Nov 18 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.15-1
+- Fix wrong kdump boot option in boot options docs (vslavik)
+- Remove unused pylint false positive (jkonecny)
+- Remove the DBus library (vponcova)
+- Remove the extra support for PropertiesChanged (vponcova)
+- Normalize the pretty XML output (vponcova)
+- Update the unit tests (vponcova)
+- Reorganize the DBus library (vponcova)
+- Remove signal subscriptions from anaconda (vponcova)
+- Add support for disconnection of a DBus proxy (vponcova)
+- Clean up the anaconda's signal (vponcova)
+- Remove the anaconda's DBus from the DBus library (vponcova)
+- Remove the anaconda's signal from the DBus library (vponcova)
+- Remove the anaconda's logger from DBus library (vponcova)
+- Create the DBus library (vponcova)
+* Tue Nov 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.14-1
+- network: restrict applying of config from ks in initramfs with NM (#1768791)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: try to apply kickstart in initramfs only if neeeded (#1768791)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Use default required space solution for LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
+- Fix Live Image module required value default (jkonecny)
+- Add defaults to payload required space base (jkonecny)
+- Move set up and tear down sources to payload base (jkonecny)
+- Move installation task API to base payload (jkonecny)
+- Move SpaceRequired API to payload base (jkonecny)
+- Add tests payload shared API for sources handling (jkonecny)
+- Add payload shared test API for sources (jkonecny)
+- Tweak payload_shared test class (jkonecny)
+- Use payload base interface for existing payloads (jkonecny)
+- Add payload base interface implementation (jkonecny)
+- Move payload base to payloads folder (jkonecny)
+- Move source base classes to payload.sources (jkonecny)
+- Add names to the network tests (vslavik)
+- Forbid trailing period (dot) in hostname (#1648107) (vslavik)
+- Remove the enum PartitioningMethod from the Storage spoke in GUI (vponcova)
+- Collections of callbacks in signals can be changed during emitting (vponcova)
+- Run the installation tasks of the DBus addons (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons in the Boss (vponcova)
+- Provide fake installation tasks for the Baz addon (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons (vponcova)
+- Add support for running DBus tasks in one task (vponcova)
+- Don't enable BLS for Xen machines (javierm)
+* Tue Nov 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.13-1
+- Clean up ancient timezone tests (vslavik)
+- Add missing quotation mark to tmux.conf (jkonecny)
+- Fix too long lines in timezone module tests for PEP8 compliance (vslavik)
+- Add timezone interface tests for creation of timezone and NTP tasks (vslavik)
+- Add tests for the NTP D-Bus task (timezone module) (vslavik)
+- Add tests for the timezone D-Bus task (timezone module) (vslavik)
+- Move timezone and NTP from execute() to D-Bus configuration tasks (vslavik)
+- Add Neal Gompa as community feature maintainer (jkonecny)
+- Add pure community features documentation (jkonecny)
+* Tue Oct 29 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.12-1
+- Add a temporary hack to fix installations on ppc64le and aarch64 (#1764666)
+  (mkolman)
+* Thu Oct 24 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.11-1
+- Fix the timeout of DBus calls (vponcova)
+- Remove pydbus from the spec file (vponcova)
+- Test DBus support with Gio.TestDBus (vponcova)
+- Update the support for DBus properties (vponcova)
+- Create variants for the signal PropertiesChanged (vponcova)
+- Test the extended support for the DBus observer (vponcova)
+- Remove PropertiesCache (vponcova)
+- Extend the DBus observer (vponcova)
+- Test the extended support for DBus connection (vponcova)
+- Extend the support for DBus connections (vponcova)
+- Don't use pydbus in the function get_object_path (vponcova)
+- Test the client support for DBus objects (vponcova)
+- Add the client support for DBus objects (vponcova)
+- Test the server support for DBus objects (vponcova)
+- Add the server support for DBus objects (vponcova)
+- Extend DBus constants (vponcova)
+- Test the extended support for DBus specification (vponcova)
+- Extend the support for DBus specification (vponcova)
+- Test the support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova)
+- Add support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova)
+- Test the DBus signals (vponcova)
+- Extend the Signal class (vponcova)
+- Don't use signals from pydbus (vponcova)
+- Test the DBus error registration (vponcova)
+- Don't use DBus error registration from pydbus (vponcova)
+- Remove pydbus from the comments (vponcova)
+- Test the extended support for DBus typing (vponcova)
+- Extend the support for DBus typing (vponcova)
+- Don't import Variant from pydbus (vponcova)
+- Fix other payload module cyclic imports (vponcova)
+- Add code conventions to upstream (jkonecny)
+- Fix payload module cyclic imports (jkonecny)
+- Enable networking in the testing environment by default (vponcova)
+- network: adapt network config via kickstart from disk to NM in initramfs
+  (#1757781) (rvykydal)
+- network: fix handling of ksdevice=bootif in initramfs (rvykydal)
+- Make sure we work with fresh data when trying to do netroot (vpodzime)
+- Make our manual triggering on network in dracut work (#1082500) (vpodzime)
+- iscsi: do not generate initiator for generated kickstart if iscsi is not used
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: remove useless function (rvykydal)
+- network: remove Network command from anaconda (rvykydal)
+- network: remove parse method from Network command (rvykydal)
+- network: remove packages attribute from Network command (rvykydal)
+- Move payload live_os source under its directory (jkonecny)
+- Create an empty payload source live_os folder (jkonecny)
+- Move payload service constants to the main dir (jkonecny)
+- Remove modules.payload.live folder (jkonecny)
+- Move rest of payload utils to live_image utils (jkonecny)
+- Move create_rescue_image to payload base utils (jkonecny)
+- Move get_kernel_version_list to payload base (jkonecny)
+- Move InstallFromTarTask to live_image payload (jkonecny)
+- Move InstallFromImageTask to payload.base (jkonecny)
+- Move UpdateBLSConfigurationTask to payload base (jkonecny)
+- Move DownloadProgress to payload live_image (jkonecny)
+- Move TeardownInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
+- Move SetupInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
+- Move CheckInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny)
+- Fix imports after move of live_image payload (jkonecny)
+- Move lime_image code to the payloads folder (jkonecny)
+- Fix imports after move of live_os payload (jkonecny)
+- Move live_os code to the payloads folder (jkonecny)
+- Fix imports after move of DNF payload (jkonecny)
+- Move DNF handler to payloads folder (jkonecny)
+- Remove useless support for boot loader update (vponcova)
+* Fri Oct 18 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.10-1
+- Return back AutoPart kickstart command (#1761901) (jkonecny)
+- Update pyanaconda/exception.py (japokorn)
+- Fix links to a new pykickstart GitHub group (jkonecny)
+- Rename main modules to services (vponcova)
+- don't treat s390 as headless when selecting UI mode (dan)
+- Add link to the blog website to our README (jkonecny)
+- Add links on our blog to upstream documentation (jkonecny)
+- Add PARTUUID to lsblk_output log (japokorn)
+- Fix a unit test for a boot loader task (vponcova)
+- Test the DBus method FindFormattable (vponcova)
+- Add DBus method that finds DASDs for formatting (vponcova)
+- Move tests for the zFCP module (vponcova)
+- Move tests for the FCoE module (vponcova)
+- Move tests for the ISCSI module (vponcova)
+- Move tests for the DASD module (vponcova)
+* Tue Oct 15 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.9-1
+- Don't mark the network command as removed (vponcova)
+* Mon Oct 14 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.8-1
+- Do not use module_debsolv_errors DNF method (jkonecny)
+- Update pyanaconda/rescue.py (slavik.vladimir)
+- Make small fixes in the errors file code (jkonecny)
+- Make error string wrap more sane (jkonecny)
+- Remove make updates (jkonecny)
+- Fix regexp for iscsi initiator iqn name validation (#1750865) (rvykydal)
+- Disable kickstart output from the Payload module (vponcova)
+- Extend the tests for the Boss module (vponcova)
+- Mark the network command as removed (vponcova)
+- Generate the complete kickstart using the Boss (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for generating a complete kickstart (vponcova)
+- Improve the DBus return value for reading a kickstart file (vponcova)
+- Add DBus structure for a kickstart report (vponcova)
+- Simplify the DBus support for reading a kickstart file (vponcova)
+- Don't reimplement the run method in the Boss (vponcova)
+- Start DBus modules in a task (vponcova)
+- Remove AnacondaBossInterface (vponcova)
+- Don't represent the modules observers by their DBus path (vponcova)
+- Use a signal to propagate the module observers in the Boss (vponcova)
+- Make the nomount boot option work again (vslavik)
+- Skip buildins when processing kernel boot args (#1637472) (jkonecny)
+- Remove ldconfig scriptlet from a spec file (jkonecny)
+- Switch the makeupdates script to Python 3 (mkolman)
+- Fix a couple issues identified by Pylint (mkolman)
+- PEP8 for function names (mkolman)
+- Remove disused support for automatically fetching packages from Koji
+  (mkolman)
+- Support basic nested DBus structures (vponcova)
+- Support resolving of simple type hints (vponcova)
+- Generate DBus fields with DBusFieldFactory (vponcova)
+- Fix a missing patch in unit tests (vponcova)
+- Increase test coverage for payload sources (jkonecny)
+- Improve docstring on payload source (jkonecny)
+- Add logging to the payload source ready state (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests to a new is_ready solution (jkonecny)
+- Implement is_ready for live os payload source (jkonecny)
+- Switch payload source ready property to method (jkonecny)
+- Remove payload source ready setter (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for payload sources error propagation (jkonecny)
+- Raise exception at the end of sources tear down (jkonecny)
+- Payload sources can't be set when initialized (jkonecny)
+- Fix doc strings in Live OS payload source (jkonecny)
+- Fix doc strings in Payload module (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests to a new payload grouping tasks (jkonecny)
+- Use TearDownSourcesTask in LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
+- Add tear down payload sources task (jkonecny)
+- Use SetUpSourcesTask in LiveOS payload (jkonecny)
+- Add set up payload sources task (jkonecny)
+- Rename Live OS Source specific tasks (jkonecny)
+- Change test for Live payload source readiness (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests to new Installation task with source (jkonecny)
+- Check source readiness in Payload install task (jkonecny)
+- Remove handler check for source readiness (jkonecny)
+- Remove payload sources validate API (jkonecny)
+- Replace payload attach_source by set_sources (jkonecny)
+- Rename kind to type (jkonecny)
+- Rename tear down Live OS source task (jkonecny)
+- Add source tests to Live OS (jkonecny)
+- Adapt tests to the new Live OS source solution (jkonecny)
+- Add check_task_creation_list helper function (jkonecny)
+- Add source checkers to Live OS handler (jkonecny)
+- Use source object in the Live OS handler (jkonecny)
+- Add is source set method to payload handler base (jkonecny)
+- Adapt Live OS test for detect image migration (jkonecny)
+- Move Live OS image detection to source (jkonecny)
+- Adapt payload Live OS handler/source tests (jkonecny)
+- Migrate image path from Live OS handler to source (jkonecny)
+- Live OS source can have only one source attached (jkonecny)
+- Fix line longer than 99 characters in payload (jkonecny)
+- Add check if payload source is supported (jkonecny)
+- Add payload source type tests (jkonecny)
+- Implement type to the payload source base (jkonecny)
+- Move payload handler/sources types to constants (jkonecny)
+- Implement source attach to the payload handlers (jkonecny)
+- Add test for payload CreateSource API (jkonecny)
+- Wrap payload source creation to DBusContainer (jkonecny)
+- Add support for source creation to Payload module (jkonecny)
+- Add payload SourceFactory test (jkonecny)
+- Add payload source factory (jkonecny)
+- Add test for the payload HandlerFactory class (jkonecny)
+- Make payload HandlerFactory class more generic (jkonecny)
+- Remove required parameter from the Live OS Source (jkonecny)
+- Add Live OS source tear down test (jkonecny)
+- Use moved tear down task in Live OS source (jkonecny)
+- Move Live OS tear down task to Live OS source (jkonecny)
+- Add test for Live OS source validation method (jkonecny)
+- Learn Live OS source how to validate source (jkonecny)
+- Add Validate API to the payload source base (jkonecny)
+- Add test for Live OS Source set up task (jkonecny)
+- Move and fix Live OS init source test (jkonecny)
+- Use set up source task in the Live OS source (jkonecny)
+- Rename set up task for live os source (jkonecny)
+- Move set up source live os image task to sources (jkonecny)
+- Add empty classes for Live OS payload interface (jkonecny)
+- Add base payload source module (jkonecny)
+- Add a new python module for payload sources (jkonecny)
+* Fri Oct 04 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.7-1
+- network: split configure hostname task out of network installation task
+  (#1757960) (rvykydal)
+- Switch to pypi pylint from RPM (jkonecny)
+- Allow to handle the return value of subprocess.run (vponcova)
+- Remove the unexpected keyword argument 'env' (vponcova)
+- Remove the assignment of the same variable to itself (vponcova)
+- Remove unused false positives (vponcova)
+- Improve updates repo configuration in GUI (#1670471) (mkolman)
+- Don't touch storage until it is ready (vponcova)
+- Run the manual partitioning task for the given requests (vponcova)
+- Set the locale for unit tests (vponcova)
+- Deprecate the current kickstart support for addons (vponcova)
+- Add kickstart support for the Baz module (vponcova)
+- Support the %%addon sections in the kickstart specification (vponcova)
+- Handle the bootloader reset in the partitioning task (vponcova)
+- Fix the DBus patching functions (vponcova)
+- Patch DBus proxies in GUI and TUI simple import tests (vponcova)
+- Add DBus method for validation of selected disks (vponcova)
+- Enable faulthandler in DBus modules (vponcova)
+- Reset the storage and the playground of partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Add support for getting an object path of a DBus proxy (vponcova)
+- Remove pointless '../../' to clean up NFS mounts (riehecky)
+* Wed Sep 25 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.6-1
+- Switch between layouts without confirmation (#1333984) (vponcova)
+- Remove the old and broken zram-stats script (#1561773) (mkolman)
+- Rename _test_dbus_partitioning and _test_dbus_property (vponcova)
+- Remove attributes for the static partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Test the custom partitioning from kickstart (vponcova)
+- Test the property AppliedPartitioning (vponcova)
+- Test the property CreatedPartitioning (vponcova)
+- Test the dynamic partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Test the partitioning factory with kickstart (vponcova)
+- Generate kickstart from the applied partitioning (vponcova)
+- Create a partitioning module for the kickstart data (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the storage installation tasks (vponcova)
+- Add the installation task for BTRFS (vponcova)
+- Add a simple import test for pyanaconda (vponcova)
+- Fix the implementation of patch_dbus_publish_object (vponcova)
+- Use the validation report for the storage validation (vponcova)
+- Remove get_object_path of TaskInterface (vponcova)
+- Add support for validation tasks (vponcova)
+- Move the partitioning validation to the base class (vponcova)
+- Add the installation task for ZIPL (vponcova)
+- Improve installation tasks of the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Don't initialize PartTypeSpoke from the Summary hub (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the device ancestors (vponcova)
+- Fix the DBus method GetUsableDisks (vponcova)
+- network: split function for generating dracut arguments (#1751189) (rvykydal)
+- network: generate dracut arguments from connections (#1751189) (rvykydal)
+- network: do not touch iBFT connections created in initramfs (#1751189)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Increase EFI System Partition (ESP) size to 200-600 MiB (javierm)
+* Tue Sep 17 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.5-1
+- payload module: update live image tar payload options with --numeric-owner
+  (rvykydal)
+- payload module: add tests for live image payload interface (rvykydal)
+- Only partitions have the is_magic attribute (#1625154) (vponcova)
+- network gui: wrap multiple IP addresses in network spoke (#1593561)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Don't use update_storage_ksdata in tests (vponcova)
+- Verify existing unlocked LUKS devices without keys (#1624617) (vponcova)
+- network tui: fix addr_str referenced before assignment (#1731415) (rvykydal)
+- Fix the second screen of Welcome to Fedora (#1748203) (vponcova)
+- Add a space after the comma in the description (junjieyuanxiling)
+- Use numbers for user/group names when unpacking tar live image (356889)
+* Thu Sep 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.4-1
+- Add tests for the device factory requests (vponcova)
+- Raise an exception if the device type is unsupported (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for getting the device LUKS versions (vponcova)
+- Use a device factory request to populate the right side (vponcova)
+- Improve logging of the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Use the device factory request to change devices (vponcova)
+- Generate a device factory request (vponcova)
+- Use a device factory request to add a mount point (vponcova)
+- Add support for transforming device factory requests to arguments (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the device factory request (vponcova)
+- Fix tests after using flatpak format_ref method (jkonecny)
+- Use flatpak API to create ref string (jkonecny)
+- network: make sure configuration from boot options has ONBOOT=yes (#1727904)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: fix dumping of generic "Wired connection" created in initramfs
+  (#1727904) (rvykydal)
+- Make clear where repo names are used not objects (jkonecny)
+- Remove __main__ functions for testing (vponcova)
+- Drop dhclient requirement (pbrobinson)
+- Compare normalized XML strings (vponcova)
+- Add temporal pylint false positive (jkonecny)
+- Make default state of treeinfo repos configurable by product (riehecky)
+- Fix pylint test by loading C extensions (jkonecny)
+- Drop dhclient requirement (pbrobinson)
+- Fall back to a boot drive with a valid stage1 device (#1168118) (vponcova)
+- Use test dependencies from Fedora instead of pip (jkonecny)
+- Do not crash test env setup in case of empty list (jkonecny)
+- Fix parsing of hostname from cmdline for ipv6. (rvykydal)
+- dnfpayload: repo in _fetch_md is a dnf repo not ksrepo (awilliam)
+- Don't set up a warning label to None (#1745933) (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for shrinking devices (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for removing devices (vponcova)
+- Devices to be shrinked are always resizable (vponcova)
+- Identify devices by theirs names in the resize dialog (vponcova)
+- Refactorize the ResizeDialog (vponcova)
+- network module: guard onboot configuration task by environment (rvykydal)
+- network: modify autoactivate via NM API with a separate task (rvykydal)
+- network: get ONBOOT values from NM connections (rvykydal)
+- network: activate connections during initramfs consolidation synchronously
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: block autoactivation also when updating iniramfs connection
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: find initramfs connections even without ifcfg files (#1727904)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: block autoactivation when adding connection from kickstart
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: split the function for adding a connection from kickstart (rvykydal)
+- network: implement NM connection change commit using Update2() (rvykydal)
+- network: fix setting real ONBOOT for inactive vlan devices (rvykydal)
+- network: modify ONBOOT via libnm during network initialization (rvykydal)
+- network: set autoconnect/ONBOOT to yes for default connection in tui
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: get rid of ONBOOT workaround in tui (rvykydal)
+- More detailed addon logging (riehecky)
+- Revert "Keep getSysroot for kdump-anaconda-addon" (vponcova)
+* Mon Aug 26 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.3-1
+- Use the task container to publish tasks (vponcova)
+- Remove publish_task (vponcova)
+- Make tasks publishable (vponcova)
+- Create and set up the DBus container for tasks (vponcova)
+- Add note to fix time consuming live os dbus task (jkonecny)
+- Add notes for the future work on the module payloads (jkonecny)
+- Move constants specific for copy dd task (jkonecny)
+- Add test for updating bls entries task (jkonecny)
+- Add test for Live OS post installation task (jkonecny)
+- Add test for create_rescue_image function (jkonecny)
+- Add Live OS handler test for install with task (jkonecny)
+- Add live payload handler test for InstallWithImageTask (jkonecny)
+- Improve tests for live os image detection code (jkonecny)
+- Add live os test for kernel version list (jkonecny)
+- Make consistent imports (jkonecny)
+- Replace getSysroot by conf value (jkonecny)
+- Move get_dir_size test to the payload module tests (jkonecny)
+- Move get_dir_size function to the payload.base.utils (jkonecny)
+- Rename GetDirSize to get_dir_size (jkonecny)
+- Add sysroot param to the copy DD files task (jkonecny)
+- Change write module blacklist to take sysroot param (jkonecny)
+- Change create root dir func to take sysroot param (jkonecny)
+- Add sysroot param to prepare installation task (jkonecny)
+- Rename payload shared to base (jkonecny)
+- Add Live OS handler space required test (jkonecny)
+- Inline copy driver disk payload function to task (jkonecny)
+- Add API for required space to live os payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Add copy DD files task to live image payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Use new task copy driver disks files to old payload (jkonecny)
+- Add copy DD files as post install task to live os handler (jkonecny)
+- Add post-installation task to live os payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Do a facelift to the old copy driver disk function (jkonecny)
+- Moved copy driver disk to the payload module shared (jkonecny)
+- Use new shared task in the old payload module (jkonecny)
+- Add test for prepare installation payload task (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for payload module shared utils (jkonecny)
+- Create and use task to prepare installation for LiveOS (jkonecny)
+- Move payload shared code for handlers to a directory (jkonecny)
+- Move write module blacklist to paylod module (jkonecny)
+- Move create root directory to its own function (jkonecny)
+- Add install task with API to Live OS handler (jkonecny)
+- Add kernel version list support to live os handler (jkonecny)
+- Fix noverifyssl when downloading .treeinfo file (#1723811) (jkonecny)
+- Add the DBus property PartitioningMethod (vponcova)
+- Add support for dynamic partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Make partitioning modules publishable (vponcova)
+- Create the partitioning factory (vponcova)
+- Use a DBus container for the device trees (vponcova)
+- Add support for DBus containers (vponcova)
+- Add a simple unit test for TUI and GUI (vponcova)
+- Add logic to create flatpaks rpmostree payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Move flatpak code to a new ostree payload class (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Create flatpak in ostree payload only if available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Update tests for new class method is_available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Make flatpak is_available() a static method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Remove the fixed file:// from the flatpak remote (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Fix payload prepare mount targets install task (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Merge rpmostreepayload installation under one task (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Move progress messaging from flatpak to rpmostree (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add test for flatpak change remote for refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Replace remote for installed refs in rpmpayload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Use new flatpak replace remote on installed refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak remote replace for installed refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Make flatpak ref full format method more generic (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Create an flatpak base ref list object (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Use flatpak add/remove remotes in ostree payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak tests for adding and removing remotes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Implement flatpak adding and removing remotes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Adapt flatpak tests to the new changes (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Change flatpak remote logic (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Rename flatpak REMOTE_NAME to LOCAL_REMOTE_NAME (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Make flatpak ref lists object consistent (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Implement object to get installed flatpak refs (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak error reporting implementation (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Cleanup temp repository of flatpak before install (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add and fix tests for newly added flatpak cleanup (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak cleanup method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Split flatpak setup to two initialization methods (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Fix tests after connecting to flatpak signals (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add callbacks to monitor flatpak transactions (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Install flatpaks as part of ostree installation (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add test for the flatpak install method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add support to install all remote flatpaks (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak required space test (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add get_required_space to the flatpak payload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak object to abstract flatpak Ref list (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Don't configure the default target without systemd (#1744115) (vponcova)
+- Change flatpak remote name to constant (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Use FlatpakPayload from the RPMOStreePayload (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add test for the flatpak setup method (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add method to setup flatpak objects (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add flatpak test for remote availability (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add check if flatpak remote repo is available (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add libflatpak dependency to the anaconda spec (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Add an empty class to handle flatpak (#1734970) (jkonecny)
+- Look for existing installations on existing devices (vponcova)
+- Require a mount point only for mountable formats (vponcova)
+- Handle the missing mountpoint attribute (#1743853) (vponcova)
+* Mon Aug 19 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 32.2-1
+- Set the minimum required entropy only once (vponcova)
+- Rename the icon (#1740864) (vponcova)
+- Format strings with format in interactive utils (vponcova)
+- Rename _get_device_info_description in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove pyanaconda.storage.partitioning (vponcova)
+- Use the partitioning request in TUI (vponcova)
+- Use the partitioning request in GUI (vponcova)
+- Update the storage initialization and configuration (vponcova)
+- Use the partitioning request in the tests (vponcova)
+- Use the partitioning request in the automatic partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Use the partitioning request in the automatic partitioning task (vponcova)
+- Exclude mount points from the automatic partitioning (vponcova)
+- Create a DBus structure for the partitioning request (vponcova)
+- Don't load the repo device path twice in the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Rename device_path to repo_device_path in the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Rename get_mount_device in payload utils (vponcova)
+- Remove a redundant condition in the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Specify types of arguments in the payload utils (vponcova)
+- Use the payload utils in UI (vponcova)
+- Add a new function unmount_device to payload utils (vponcova)
+- Add a new function setup_device to payload utils (vponcova)
+- Add a new function mount_device to payload utils (vponcova)
+- Add a new function teardown_device to payload utils (vponcova)
+- Move the support methods for image installations (vponcova)
+- Change the method for finding potential HDISO sources (vponcova)
+- Change the method for finding a valid optical install media (vponcova)
+- Add a new function resolve_device to payload utils (vponcova)
+- Rename variables and arguments in the Payload class (vponcova)
+- Provide a documentation for the payload utils (vponcova)
+- Don't propagate the storage and data to the payload again (vponcova)
+- Collect addons after running the %%pre section (vponcova)
+- Fix: Merge the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
+- Fix: Generate the device info in interactive utils (vponcova)
+- Fix: Simplify the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
+- Handle a missing value of the mount point attribute (vponcova)
+- Improve logging of the device info changes (vponcova)
+- Remove the constants for the device type strings (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting supported RAID levels (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the raid level validation (vponcova)
+- Simplify the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
+- Move the code for validating mount points (vponcova)
+- Generate the device info in interactive utils (vponcova)
+- Simplify overriding disk set with container's (vponcova)
+- Simplify the removal of the device (vponcova)
+- Merge the code for changing the size (vponcova)
+- Move code to the function revert_reformat (vponcova)
+- Change arguments of the method for reformatting (vponcova)
+- Merge the code for the device info validation (vponcova)
+- Split the code for collecting the new device info (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting the new device info (vponcova)
+- Apply the device info changes in new methods (vponcova)
+- Remove the code for comparing the device info (vponcova)
+- Remove variables for new device info (vponcova)
+- Remove variables for old device info (vponcova)
+- Move the code for comparing the device info (vponcova)
+- Simplify logging of the device infos (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the new device info (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the old device info (vponcova)
+- Add squashfs+overlayfs base live image detection (bcl)
+- liveinst: Add support for plain squashfs root filesystem (bcl)
+* Wed Aug 14 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 32.1-1
+- Use append_dbus_tasks() for DBus Task scheduling (mkolman)
+- Add append_dbus_task method to TaskQueue (mkolman)
+- Replace Firewall and Network command setup() method (mkolman)
+- Add support for localization of modules (rvykydal)
+- Don't measure code coverage during the installation (vponcova)
+- Use the new discovery & join DBUS tasks (mkolman)
+- Increase network timeout constant (jkonecny)
+- Add DBUS Tasks for realm discovery & joining a realm (mkolman)
+- Add the add_requirements() method for PayloadRequirements (mkolman)
+- Extend RealmData (mkolman)
+- Set timeout for all session.get calls (jkonecny)
+- Add support for disabling modules via module --disable (mkolman)
+- Don't check the format status in UI (vponcova)
+- Fix updating of ifcfg files for ifname= bound devices (#1727904) (rvykydal)
+- network module: be more strict when adding physical device configuration
+  (#1727904) (rvykydal)
+- Adapt to changes caused by NM in initramfs (#1727904) (rvykydal)
+- Change the documentation of the 'reason' attribute (vponcova)
+- Fix traceback in network module installation task. (rvykydal)
+- Remove the connect method of DBusObserver (vponcova)
+- Remember which modules are addons (vponcova)
+- Simplify the initialization of the module observer (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for the object observer (vponcova)
+- Move the module manager to a new subpackage (vponcova)
+* Wed Jul 31 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.22-1
+- Fix pylint warning (vponcova)
+- Keep getSysroot for kdump-anaconda-addon (vponcova)
+- Specify sizes of nonexistent devices in tests (vponcova)
+- network tui: fix a typo concerning inifiniband device configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- Remove the object observers from UI (vponcova)
+- Remove the method changed (vponcova)
+- Move the preserved arguments to the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
+- Remove system root from DBus methods (vponcova)
+- Rename setSysroot (vponcova)
+- Replace getSysroot (vponcova)
+- Replace getTargetPhysicalRoot (vponcova)
+- Replace publisher patches with the new solution (jkonecny)
+- Handle disk selection errors in get_candidate_disks (vponcova)
+- Don't verify mounted partitions of protected disks (vponcova)
+- Always protect the live backing device (#1706335) (vponcova)
+- Don't change the storage if the reset fails (vponcova)
+- Remove support for teardown before storage reset (vponcova)
+* Thu Jul 25 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.21-1
+- Always schedule the installation task for joining realm (#1732620) (vponcova)
+- Fix issue raised by giving publisher as last parameter (jkonecny)
+- Use the new publisher patch decorator in a tests (jkonecny)
+- Add decorator as shortcut for a publisher patching (jkonecny)
+- Add test for creating invalid payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Fix tests after removing handlers publish method (jkonecny)
+- Remove _publish_handler method from payload module (jkonecny)
+- Fix tests because of new payload API change (jkonecny)
+- Remove get_handler_path from payload handlers (jkonecny)
+- Return path from payload handler publish methods (jkonecny)
+- Join all the payload handler create methods (jkonecny)
+- Publish payload handler after KS data are parsed (jkonecny)
+- Add handler factory and use that in payload module (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for new payload API (jkonecny)
+- Do not create payload handler if already set (jkonecny)
+- Add API to test if there is a payload handler set (jkonecny)
+- Do not set default payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Don't prune and sort actions in the partitioning task (vponcova)
+- Fix imports in the tests (jkonecny)
+- Adapt payload tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
+- Adapt network tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
+- Adapt localization tests to a new task check function (jkonecny)
+- Adapt bootloader test to a new task check function (jkonecny)
+- Adapt storage tests to a new check task function (jkonecny)
+- Make a new test func to check task creation (jkonecny)
+- Add test for new payload API on live image creation (jkonecny)
+- Add new payload API to create live image handler (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for new payload handlers solution (jkonecny)
+- Fix tests after payload handler logic change (jkonecny)
+- Add support to create DNF payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Improve payload handler creation abstraction (jkonecny)
+- Publish payload handler before it is set (jkonecny)
+- Fix payload generate_kickstart with no handler (jkonecny)
+- Add payload module API to get active handler (jkonecny)
+- Publish handler in the creation method call (jkonecny)
+- Propagate DBus path when creating handler (jkonecny)
+- Use base handler class by the handler modules (jkonecny)
+- Add payload handler base class (jkonecny)
+- Change main payload handlers to property (jkonecny)
+- Add root password SSH login override checkbox (#1716282) (mkolman)
+* Mon Jul 22 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.20-1
+- Move code to exctract kernel version from tar to utils (jkonecny)
+- Add link for our translations to README (#1729788) (jkonecny)
+- Change Makefile zanata client check from pkg to bin (jkonecny)
+- Add recommendation to release process guide (jkonecny)
+- Remove unnecessary step from release in mock doc (jkonecny)
+- Fix mock release dependency in a mock (jkonecny)
+- Fix: Simplify the code for creating container store rows (vponcova)
+- Fix a docstring of add_device (vponcova)
+- Get the current device type only once (vponcova)
+- Move the code for getting the name of the new root (vponcova)
+- LiveImagePayload: move some functions to utils.py (rvykydal)
+- LiveImagePayload: replace PostInstallTask with UpdateBLSConfigurationTask
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: make API and implementation method names consistent
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: use more descriptive names for installation tasks
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImagePayload: Do not provide API for setting of required space (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: prevent reusing of DownloadProgress instance (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: simplify using of SetupInstallationSourceImageTask result
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: simplify using of CheckInstallationSourceImageTask result
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: remove interfaces for task results we don't need (rvykydal)
+- Add logging to interactive utils (vponcova)
+- Fix the FIXME comment for collect_selected_disks (vponcova)
+- Rename the argument for the boot drive (vponcova)
+- Remove empty lines in collect_used_devices (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for completing the device info (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for hiding protected disks to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Move the code for suggesting device names (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for getting a container device (vponcova)
+- Fix: Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
+- Fix pylint issues in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Move the code for label validation (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting supported mount points (vponcova)
+- Show a detailed warning in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Show a detailed error in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting containers (vponcova)
+- Move the code for getting a container device (vponcova)
+- Populate a container for the given device (vponcova)
+- Simplify the code for creating container store rows (vponcova)
+- Move the code for renaming containers (vponcova)
+- Move the code for destroying devices (vponcova)
+- Remove the method for removing empty parents (vponcova)
+- Move the code for completing the device info (vponcova)
+- Move the code for creating devices (vponcova)
+- Move the function get_device_raid_level (vponcova)
+- Refactor the code for setting up the device types (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting device types (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting file system types (vponcova)
+- Move the code for getting the device LUKS version (vponcova)
+- Move the code for the device reformatting (vponcova)
+- Move the code for changed encryption (vponcova)
+- Move the code for changing the device size (vponcova)
+- Move the code for reverting reformat (vponcova)
+- Collect roots with supported devices (vponcova)
+- Move the code for adding the unknown page (vponcova)
+- Move the code for adding the root page (vponcova)
+- Move the code for creating a new root (vponcova)
+- Move the code for adding the initial page (vponcova)
+- Move the code for collecting roots to interactive utils (vponcova)
+- Move constants and function from custom_storage.py (vponcova)
+- Optimize the method _update_space_display of the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the method _current_total_space from the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the method _set_current_free_space of the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Move the code for hiding protected disks to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Don't check if disks have media present (vponcova)
+- Rename _clearpart_devices in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Rename get_new_devices in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Fix: Remove bootloader_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Fix: Remove unused_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Remove bootloader_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the attribute _devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Remove unused_devices from CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Remove the property unused_devices from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove banners (vponcova)
+- Replace the Progress hub (vponcova)
+- Remove useless class attributes from SpokeCategory (vponcova)
+- LiveImageHandler: add progress reporting of download (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: split out Teardown task from PostInstall (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: pass source image mount point as argument to tasks
+  (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: PostInstallWithTask() 2/2 (rvykydal)
+- LiveImagehandler: InstallWithTask() (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: UpdateKernelVersionList() (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: PostInstallWithTask() 1/2 (rvykydal)
+- Change the sort order of the User Settings category (vponcova)
+- Move all spokes to the Summary hub (vponcova)
+- LiveImageHandler: PreInstallWithTask() (rvykydal)
+- LiveImageHandler: SetupWithTask() (CheckInstallationSourceImage) (rvykydal)
+* Thu Jul 11 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.19-1
+- Call teardown_all explicitly (vponcova)
+- Don't publish the module in the loop (vponcova)
+- Start swap on ZRAM service (cmurf)
+- Use %%autosetup instead of %%setup (mkolman)
+- Adjust the exclude arguments for livepayloads (bcl)
+- Recreate the BLS entries when using liveimg (bcl)
+- Cache the liveimg tar kernel list (bcl)
+- Add common function for creating rescue images (bcl)
+- move comment into docstring for PowerNVGRUB2 install method (dan)
+- add PowerNV into BootloaderClassTestCase (dan)
+- LiveImage payload: clean up directory used for image mounting (rvykydal)
+- LiveImage payload: mount live image privately (rvykydal)
+- introduce PowerNV variant for grub2 class (dan)
+- initial PowerNV class support (dan)
+- Add the option decorated_window to the Anaconda configuration (vponcova)
+- Add test for Live OS detect live os image feature (jkonecny)
+- Add Live OS base image detection code (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for the new Live OS tasks (jkonecny)
+- Add Live OS handler tests for ImagePath property (jkonecny)
+- Implement teardown to Live OS payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Add support to create Live OS handler manually (jkonecny)
+- Implement SetupInstallationSource Live OS task (jkonecny)
+- Add ImagePath property to the Live OS handler (jkonecny)
+- Add an empty LiveOS payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Don't use the auto partitioning module in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Add support for decomposing DBus values (vponcova)
+- Use the default file system type for /boot (vponcova)
+- Move updates reponames to constants (riehecky)
+- Fix setting and reporting ready state in Source Spoke. (rvykydal)
+* Tue Jun 25 2019 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 31.18-1
+- Add comprehensive unit tests for ConfigureFirewallTask (mkolman)
+- Fix a typo (mkolman)
+- Use FirewallMode enum firewall configuration DBus Task (#1722979) (mkolman)
+- Don't encrypt devices in the interactive partitioning by default (vponcova)
+- Provide a default passphrase for the PassphraseDialog (vponcova)
+- Set the passphrase for the automatic partitioning from the dialog (vponcova)
+- Don't use the global encryption passphrase (vponcova)
+- Add support for passphrases in the device tree module (vponcova)
+- Handle the passphrase requirements in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Use _get_passphrase in the custom partitioning task (vponcova)
+- Don't generate passphrases in a kickstart file (vponcova)
+- Fix the unit tests for the Services module (vponcova)
+- Convert names of attributes and variables in custom storage helpers
+  (vponcova)
+- Fix code alignment in the custom storage helpers (vponcova)
+- Convert names of attributes and variables in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Remove local variables with unused values in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Fix code alignment in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Initialize attributes in the __init__ method of the custom spoke (vponcova)
+- Reorganize imports in the custom spoke (vponcova)
+* Mon Jun 24 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.17-1
+- Move graphical login detection to a DBus Task (#1722950) (mkolman)
+- Add DBus support for device trees of partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Create the interactive partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Fix misleading comment (riehecky)
+* Thu Jun 20 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.16-1
+- Replace the XConfig execute() method by DBus Tasks (mkolman)
+- Fix list-screens script reference (gpchelkin)
+- Fix protecting of the live device (#1699387) (vponcova)
+- Adapt tests for new Live payload handler changes (jkonecny)
+- Add setters to LiveImage payload handler (jkonecny)
+- Rename Live payload handler to LiveImage (jkonecny)
+- Extend payload live handler with new properties (jkonecny)
+- Add read only properties to payload Live handler (jkonecny)
+- Add the apply-updates script (vponcova)
+- Add payload live handler tests (jkonecny)
+- Update payload DNF handler tests (jkonecny)
+- Create a new payload handler mixin class for tests (jkonecny)
+- Improve the documentation of inst.stage2.all and inst.ks.all (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for teardown tasks (vponcova)
+- Tear down images with teardown_disk_images (vponcova)
+- Move get_anaconda_version_string to util (vponcova)
+- Support multiple payload handlers (jkonecny)
+- Add kickstart processing to payload live handler (jkonecny)
+- Create Live payload handler module (jkonecny)
+- Deprecate the method changed (vponcova)
+- Calculate free space for the physical root in dir installations (vponcova)
+- Use the actual sysroot to pick up a mount point for downloading (vponcova)
+- Use the physical root for mounting existing systems (vponcova)
+- Change the path to the system root (vponcova)
+- Read files in /etc/anaconda/conf.d on demand (vponcova)
+* Thu Jun 13 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.15-1
+- iscsi: require relevant blivet version for iscsi module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: add unit tests for iscsi module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: fix name of some method arguments (target -> portal) (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: use proper iscsi interface mode constants in ui (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: update the CanSetInitiator docstring to reflect the reality (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: move conversion to IscsiInterfacesMode from implementation to
+  interface (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: use better name for a NodeIsFromIbft method (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: move kickstart iscsi processing into the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: attach iBFT targets in early kickstart by the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi gui: show target in Target column (not initiator) (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: rename iSCSI node info attribute holding name of iscsi interface
+  (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: move dracut argument generating into the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: get info about target being added from iBFT from the iSCSI module
+  (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: use attributes added blivet iscsi device replacing iscsi node object
+  (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: rename Target to Portal where appropriate (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: move kickstart data update to the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: write configuration by the iSCSI module (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: use the iSCSI module by kickstart iscsi command (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: use the iSCSI module in GUI (rvykydal)
+- Adapt iSCSI structures to dbus structure updates (rvykydal)
+- Use the ISCSI module in the ISCSIDialog (vponcova)
+- Create DBus tasks for discovering iSCSI nodes (vponcova)
+- Create the basic structure for the iSCSI module (vponcova)
+- Hide spokes in Silverblue and Workstation (vponcova)
+- Remove the screen access management (vponcova)
+- Hide spokes with the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
+- Run the DBus task for configuration of post-installation tools (vponcova)
+- Replace the lang execute() method (mkolman)
+- Collect requirements of the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for module requirements (vponcova)
+- Replace the Services execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
+- Replace the SELinux execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
+- Replace the Firewall execute() method by a DBus Task (mkolman)
+- Add FirewallConfigurationTask DBus Task (mkolman)
+- Add root parameter to execInSysroot utility function (mkolman)
+- Improve post install tools configuration (mkolman)
+* Fri May 31 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.14-1
+- Require langtable-0.0.44, drop langtable-data requirement (mfabian)
+- Extend the format data with the mountable property (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for supported file system types (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for getting format type data (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for gathering mount point requests (vponcova)
+- Move tests for partitioning modules to new files (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for populating a device tree (vponcova)
+- Don't define the __eq__ method of DBusData (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for mounting the existing system (vponcova)
+- Extend the function mount_existing_system (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for finding existing operating system (vponcova)
+- Simplify generate_string_from_data (vponcova)
+- Define the __eq__ method of DBusData (vponcova)
+* Mon May 27 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.13-1
+- Parse the output of df correctly (#1708701) (vponcova)
+- Skip scaling if there is no primary monitor (#1592014) (vponcova)
+- Document how to report a bug (vponcova)
+- Handle post inst tools toggling in screen access manager (mkolman)
+- Fix a typo in Initial Setup configuration task (mkolman)
+- Remove methods _setup_mount_data and _process_mount_data (vponcova)
+- Rename MountPoint to MountPointRequest (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the storage checker module (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for setting a constraint (vponcova)
+- Don't check the storage in a separate thread (vponcova)
+- Remove HMC from flags (jkonecny)
+- Rename the method add_new_constraint (vponcova)
+- Rename the method add_constraint (vponcova)
+- Remove the update_constraint method (vponcova)
+- Create the DBus module for the storage checker (vponcova)
+- Use MountPoint in TUI (vponcova)
+- Use MountPoint in ManualPartitioningTask (vponcova)
+- Use MountPoint in tests (vponcova)
+- Use MountPoint as DBus structure (vponcova)
+- Cleanup long removed "headless" option from docs (mkolman)
+* Wed May 15 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.12-1
+- Fix condition for running GUI User spoke in Initial Setup (mkolman)
+- Expose individual user group, user and root password DBus tasks (mkolman)
+- Use a DBus task for Initial Setup configuration (mkolman)
+- Add ConfigureInitialSetupTask (mkolman)
+- Sysroot support for enable_service() and disable_service() (mkolman)
+- Fix documentation for nosslverify (jkonecny)
+- Replace noverifyssl flag in anaconda (jkonecny)
+- Adjust verify_ssl config from cmdline (jkonecny)
+- Move payload nosslverify to the config files (jkonecny)
+- Skip some of the driver disk tests (vponcova)
+- Use the absolute paths to set the testing environment (vponcova)
+- Use DBus consistently (mkolman)
+- Test generate_string_from_data with invalid argument (vponcova)
+- Make from_structure and to_structure more strict (vponcova)
+* Thu May 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.11-1
+- Remove no longer needed kickstart command overrides (mkolman)
+- Use Users DBUS module for user configuration in GUI (mkolman)
+- Use Users DBUS module for user configuration in TUI (mkolman)
+- Adjust Users module DBus API for better kickstart root configuration
+  (mkolman)
+- Use DBusData base class for data holders (mkolman)
+- Add a string representation for UserData (mkolman)
+- Add ui/lib/users.py (mkolman)
+- Use a constant for the UID/GID not set value (mkolman)
+- Improve ksdata <-> user data methods in Users DBUS module (mkolman)
+- Do root, group, user and SSH key configuration with DBUS tasks (mkolman)
+- Add tasks for root, user, group and ssh key configuration (mkolman)
+- Fix indentation for user creation method docstring (mkolman)
+- Drop support for using custom password crypt algorithm (mkolman)
+- Make clear_root_password() into set_root_password() alias (mkolman)
+- Lock root & user accounts if password in kickstart is empty (mkolman)
+- Convert create_user() from kwargs to optional args (mkolman)
+- Convert create_group() from kwargs to optional args (mkolman)
+- Mark the root account as locked by default (mkolman)
+- Add docstrings & some signature tweaking in users.py (mkolman)
+- Move methods from User class to module top-level (mkolman)
+- Apply PEP8 for method names in users.py (mkolman)
+- Move user management code to core (mkolman)
+- Use Pykickstart data classes via handler (mkolman)
+- Add API for easy admin user detection (mkolman)
+- Add support for SSH key management via the users DBUS module (mkolman)
+- Add support for group management via the users DBUS module (mkolman)
+- Add support for managing multiple users to the users module (mkolman)
+* Tue Apr 30 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.10-1
+- get_iface_from_hwaddr: be more careful about hwaddr (#1703152) (awilliam)
+- network: fix a typo in infiniband connections creating (#1698937) (rvykydal)
+- network: do not crash on --device bootif when BOOTIF is not specified
+  (#1699091) (rvykydal)
+- Add DBus support for the device specifier for use in /etc/fstab (vponcova)
+- Set swap devices for fstab in the interactive partitioning (vponcova)
+- Refactor the passphrase setup on unconfigured LUKS devices (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for UUID (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for device format (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for unlocking LUKS devices (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for finding mountable partitions (vponcova)
+- We inherit self.data.repo.dataList() from parent class. (riehecky)
+* Thu Apr 11 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.9-1
+- Remove the function get_structure (vponcova)
+- Remove the function apply_structure (vponcova)
+- Remove the decorator (vponcova)
+- Add the class DBusData (vponcova)
+- Give payload a hook for adding disabled repos. (riehecky)
+- Extend the function generate_string_from_data (vponcova)
+- Blivet-GUI should wait for the storage threads to finish (#1696478)
+  (vponcova)
+- network: do not pass None value from NM device object to data holder
+  (#1695967) (rvykydal)
+- Handle bytes and strings from RPM (#1693766) (vponcova)
+- network module: add network module unit tests (rvykydal)
+* Tue Apr 09 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.8-1
+- network: create systemd .link files for ifname= boot options (#1695894)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Bump Workstation root partition max size to 70 GiB (klember)
+- Add DBus support for finding optical media (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for handling a device (vponcova)
+- Do not use ISO source as install tree root (#1691832) (jkonecny)
+- Fix bad assumption about base repo identification (#1691832) (jkonecny)
+- network tui: fix updating of a connection from UI (#1692677) (rvykydal)
+- network: fix copying of resolv.conf for cases where target /etc does not
+  exist (#1695990) (rvykydal)
+- network: fix crash ensuring single connections for unplugged devices
+  (#1695899) (rvykydal)
+- Add support for skipping attributes in the string representation (vponcova)
+- Raise the UnknownDeviceError exception (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for resolving devices (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the available space (vponcova)
+- Move GetRequiredDeviceSize to the device tree module (vponcova)
+- Create the device tree module (vponcova)
+- Don't set the __repr__ methods of data classes (vponcova)
+- network: for vlan set DEVICE only if interfacename is specified in kickstart
+  (rvykydal)
+- Change fips package requirement reason (jkonecny)
+- payload: raise exception on invalid Languages (jkonecny)
+- payload: Mark DefaultEnvironment API as temporary (jkonecny)
+- payload: fix default values for packages section (jkonecny)
+- Remove unused import for DNF (jkonecny)
+- payload: add converter for kickstart groups (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch multilib policy to names (jkonecny)
+- payload: add rest of the DNF/Packages attributes (jkonecny)
+- payload: add packages controlling properties (jkonecny)
+- payload: add package groups interface to Packages (jkonecny)
+- payload: adjust packages section attributes (jkonecny)
+- payload: move %%packages parsing to DNF/Packages (jkonecny)
+- payload: add DBus packages dnf submodule (jkonecny)
+- payload: add the empty DNF handler (jkonecny)
+- payload: create internal Packages class (jkonecny)
+- payload: parse %%packages section in module (jkonecny)
+* Tue Apr 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.7-1
+- Create the initialization config in _get_initialization_config (vponcova)
+- Remove config from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Update DiskInitializationConfig only before clearpart (vponcova)
+- Create the method can_initialize (vponcova)
+- Remove should_clear from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove clear_partitions from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Replace StorageDiscoveryConfig (vponcova)
+- Update the protected devices in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Import the bootloader classes on demand (vponcova)
+- Remove bootloader_device from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove update_bootloader_disk_list from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove boot_fstypes of InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove set_up_bootloader from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Define all bootloader attributes in the __init__ method (vponcova)
+- Remove workarounds for the unset bootloader (vponcova)
+- Clean up the do_it method of the storage (vponcova)
+- Validate the GRUB2 configuration in the Bootloader module (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the bootloader arguments (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for detecting Windows OS (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for EFI (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the bootloader installation tasks (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for usable disks (vponcova)
+- Apply the disks selection in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Remove the function get_available_disks (vponcova)
+- Organize actions in InteractivePartitioningTask (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for device actions (vponcova)
+- Simplify ActionSummaryDialog (vponcova)
+- Set up the clearpart command from the storage (vponcova)
+- payload: request /usr/bin/fips-mode-setup (zbyszek)
+- Fix the entry for swap in /etc/fstab (#1258322) (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for disk images (vponcova)
+- Remove askmethod flag (jkonecny)
+- Fix two typos (zbyszek)
+- Disable updates-testing (#1670091) (vponcova)
+- network module: return slaves in set and order them predictably in generated
+  ks (rvykydal)
+- network module: update ifcfg.py unit tests for getting ifcfg file on s390
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix getting ifcfg file for s390 (rvykydal)
+- network module: remove unused functionality from get_ifcfg_file (rvykydal)
+- network module: unit tests for update onboot functions in ifcfg.py (rvykydal)
+- network module: add TODO to ifcfg.py tests (rvykydal)
+- network module: ifcfg.py tests - no need for ifcfg for vlan bound to device
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: add ifcfg.py unit tests (rvykydal)
+- network module: do not try to generate ksdata from wireless device ifcfg
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix a typo in function name (rvykydal)
+- network module: allow to generate ifcfg files in optional root (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix thinko (rvykydal)
+- network module: rename _ifcfg_files method (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix a super call (rvykydal)
+- Fix the unit tests (vponcova)
+* Thu Mar 21 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.6-1
+- Test the DBus support for the device tree (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for the device tree (vponcova)
+- Fix the initialization of BootInfo (#1599378) (vponcova)
+- network module: update module API unit tests (rvykydal)
+- network module: guard some methods on NM availability (rvykydal)
+- Remove useless swapoff (vponcova)
+- Always specify the LUKS version in CustomPartitioningSpoke (#1689699)
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove the property free_space_snapshot from InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- network: fix setting of NetworkDeviceInfo from NM Device (rvykydal)
+- Hide the encryption checkbox for the interactive partitioning (vponcova)
+- Deprecate DBusObjectObserver (vponcova)
+- Remove DBusCachedObserver (vponcova)
+- Add the method get_file_system_free_space to InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Use get_disk_free_space and get_disk_reclaimable_space in StorageSpoke
+  (vponcova)
+- Use get_disk_free_space in ResizeDialog (vponcova)
+- Use get_disk_free_space in CustomPartitioningSpoke (vponcova)
+- Use get_disk_free_space in SelectedDisksDialog (vponcova)
+- network: adapt a unit test to get_supported_devices change (rvykydal)
+- Don't estimate the free space based on the clearpart settings (vponcova)
+- Update the kickstart data for iSCSI and NVDIMM during the installation
+  (vponcova)
+- network: share single NM Client in anaconda (rvykydal)
+- network: handle ONBOOT in ifcfg by network module (rvykydal)
+- network: network.py cleanup (rvykydal)
+- Don't generate temporary kickstart in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Remove attributes for autopart encryption from the InstallerStorage
+  (vponcova)
+- Make invalid installation from HDD more visible (jkonecny)
+- network module: fix updating of ONBOOT value on installed system (rvykydal)
+- network: remove nm.py (rvykydal)
+- network: use libnm to get device IP addresses (rvykydal)
+- network: use libnm to get ntp servers from dhcp options (rvykydal)
+- network module: provide and use GetActivatedInterfaces (rvykydal)
+- network: remove unused stuff from nm.py (rvykydal)
+- network: use GetSupportedDevices API (rvykydal)
+- network module: provide GetSupportedDevices (rvykydal)
+- Remove the encrypted_autopart property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove the autopart_type property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove the autopart_requests property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Remove the do_autopart property of the InstallerStorage (vponcova)
+- Move the support for scheduling partitions to the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Move do_autopart to the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Move do_reqpart to the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Add a new task for interactive auto partitioning (vponcova)
+- Replace the function do_kickstart_storage (vponcova)
+- Replace partitioning executors with tasks (vponcova)
+- Move partitioning executors to the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Move swap_suggestion to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
+- network: remove ifcfg.log (rvykydal)
+- network module: log configuration state after installation task (rvykydal)
+- network: remove low-level debug logging on IfcfgFile modifications (rvykydal)
+- network module: use module for logging of configuration state (rvykydal)
+- network module: move ifcfg logging into the module (rvykydal)
+- network module: do not log secrets (rvykydal)
+- network module: rename and add doc to network initialization task interface
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: guard initialization tasks by anaconda system configuration
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: log network initialization better (rvykydal)
+- network module: use task to dump missing ifcfg files (rvykydal)
+- network module: use task to set real onboot values (rvykydal)
+- network module: use task for initramfs connections consolidation (rvykydal)
+- network module: use task for apply kickstart (rvykydal)
+- payload: separate blivet.utils & blivet.arch call (jkonecny)
+- Improve content of the top-level README file (mkolman)
+* Tue Mar 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.5-1
+- Don't run the storage checker to check autopart (vponcova)
+- Remove the SnapshotValidateTask class (vponcova)
+- Validate post-installation snapshot requests with the storage checker
+  (vponcova)
+- Add a new type of the installation system for the initial setup (vponcova)
+- Simplify update_storage_ksdata (vponcova)
+- Don't set anything if the partitioning fails (vponcova)
+- Reset the bootloader with reset_bootloader (vponcova)
+- Add support for scanning all devices in the system (vponcova)
+- Add the ExclusiveDisks property (vponcova)
+- Move tests for the disk selection module to a new file (vponcova)
+- Replace initialize_storage with reset_storage (vponcova)
+- Remove the shutdown method (vponcova)
+- payload: don't force host-only mode when executing dracut (javierm)
+- Simplify the code for protected devices (vponcova)
+- Define the quit message in TUI (#1686116) (vponcova)
+- efi: don't include the grub2-pc package on EFI installs (javierm)
+- Small optimization in boot arg parsing method (jkonecny)
+- Fix bad --addrepo command line parsing (jkonecny)
+- Raise correct exception on bad addrepo boot param (jkonecny)
+- payload: migrate TUI software spoke to pep8 (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in software spoke (jkonecny)
+- payload: remove unused radio button (jkonecny)
+- payload: solve basic pep 8 errors (jkonecny)
+* Wed Mar 06 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.4-1
+- Add tests for UnsupportedPartitioningError (vponcova)
+- Handle missing support for Blivet-GUI in the Storage module (#1685645)
+  (vponcova)
+- Create the default partitioning requests on demand (vponcova)
+* Tue Mar 05 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.3-1
+- Fix live payload error introduced by clean-up (#1685258) (jkonecny)
+* Mon Mar 04 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.2-1
+- Get the summary about selected disks from a function (vponcova)
+- Replace warnings about disks with constants (vponcova)
+- Rename and reorganize members of the storage spoke in TUI and GUI (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the Blivet partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Add DBus support for Blivet-GUI (vponcova)
+- Create the Blivet partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Don't override bg color of gtk-themes (mate)
+- Fix the import of ZFCP (#1684583) (vponcova)
+- Set up the disk initialization module from the partitioned storage (vponcova)
+- Move the tests for the disk initialization module (vponcova)
+- Set the default filesystem type for /boot in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Replace the default autopart type in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Set the correct attribute of the bootloader kickstart data (vponcova)
+- network: Get FCoE nics from the DBus module (vponcova)
+- Set up the kickstart partitioning from the storage by default (vponcova)
+- Get the required device size for the given space from DBus (vponcova)
+- network module: remove DisableIPV6 API (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix disabling of ipv6 (rvykydal)
+- Fixes for pylint-2.3.0 (vponcova)
+- network module: remove API for applying boot options (rvykydal)
+- network: use DEVICETYPE for team when updating virtual slaves ifcfgs
+  (rvykydal)
+- dracut/parse-kickstart: Set DEVICETYPE instead of TYPE in a team master ifcfg
+  file (ptalbert)
+- network module: take DEVICETYPE for team into account (rvykydal)
+- payload: fix pep8 errors in TUI source spoke (jkonecny)
+- network: fix network spoke status message (rvykydal)
+- payload: switch source spoke from CamelCase (jkonecny)
+- payload: solve pep8 errors in GUI source spoke (jkonecny)
+- network module: fix missing argument in a log message (rvykydal)
+- network module: honor ifname boot option for kickstart %%pre and missing
+  ifcfg (rvykydal)
+* Mon Feb 25 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 31.1-1
+- Use apply_disk_selection (vponcova)
+- Use filter_disks_by_names (vponcova)
+- Exclude zFCP and NVDIMM devices in is_local_disk (vponcova)
+- Move code from pyanaconda.ui.lib.disks (vponcova)
+- Remove the support for fake disks (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the Snapshot module (vponcova)
+- Remove the extra code for protecting live devices (vponcova)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in utils.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in rpmostreepayload.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in manager.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in livepayload.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in dnfpayload.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: switch from CamelCase in the __init__.py (jkonecny)
+- payload: move versionCmp to a separate file (jkonecny)
+- payload: convert manager states to enum (jkonecny)
+- payload: use ABCMeta for abstract classes (jkonecny)
+- payload: move manager to a separate file (jkonecny)
+- payload: remove ImagePayload abstract class (jkonecny)
+- payload: move requirements code to a separate file (jkonecny)
+- payload: move requirements exception to payload.errors (jkonecny)
+- payload: import exceptions directly in dnf payload (jkonecny)
+- payload: move exceptions to a separate file (jkonecny)
+- payload: remove unused code parts (jkonecny)
+- payload: fix pep8 issues (jkonecny)
+- Specify the sysroot when you call the DBus method InstallWithTasks (vponcova)
+- Remove the obsolete check for unknown sources (vponcova)
+- network tui: guard use of NMClient by system configuration (rvykydal)
+- network tui: handle device configuration in proper spoke (rvykydal)
+- Use unformatted DASDs for the partitioning (vponcova)
+- Fix the storage reset in TUI (vponcova)
+- Use the Snapshot module in UI (vponcova)
+- Use the Snapshot module in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Create a task for creation of snapshots (vponcova)
+- Create a task for validation of snapshot requests (vponcova)
+- Handle the command snapshot in the Snapshot module (vponcova)
+- Create the Snapshot module (vponcova)
+- network: rename sanityCheckHostname function (rvykydal)
+- network: remove code which is no more needed/used with network module
+  (rvykydal)
+- network ui: share some code (will be provided by module) (rvykydal)
+- network gui: update model instead of recreating it on config changes
+  (rvykydal)
+- network gui: connect to network module DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
+- network: use NM Client for networking status message (rvykydal)
+- network tui: use NetworkDeviceConfiguration structure (rvykydal)
+- network tui: let network module handle updating kickstart data (rvykydal)
+- network: remove no more used code (rvykydal)
+- network tui: use network module and libnm (rvykydal)
+- Add tests for the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
+- Use the NVDIMM module in the NVDIMMDialog (vponcova)
+- Create a task for the NVDIMM namespace reconfiguration (vponcova)
+- Move the support for setting NVDIMM namespaces to use on DBus (vponcova)
+- Move the support for updating NVDIMM actions on DBus (vponcova)
+- Move the support for ignoring NVDIMM devices on DBus (vponcova)
+- Create the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
+* Tue Feb 19 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.25-1
+- Remove one more obsolete group tag (mkolman)
+* Tue Feb 19 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.24-1
+- Add tests for the bootloader installation tasks (vponcova)
+- Move the bootloader tests to a new file (vponcova)
+- Create the DBus installation tasks for the bootloader (vponcova)
+- Check for dirinstall target on s390 (bcl)
+- Remove the menu_auto_hide attribute from Bootloader (vponcova)
+- Remove the efi_dir attribute from EFIBase (vponcova)
+- Clean up the Anaconda class (vponcova)
+- Move pyanaconda.ihelp (vponcova)
+- Update the stylesheet data (vponcova)
+- Add tests for new methods of the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Apply the partitioning in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Fix missing space in translatable string (mail)
+* Wed Feb 13 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.23-1
+- Reorganize the code for the boot loader installation (vponcova)
+- Remove a useless argument from write_boot_loader (vponcova)
+- Remove useless arguments from methods of the kickstart commands (vponcova)
+- Create installation tasks for the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the custom partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Create the custom partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Process the btrfs command in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Remove the data from the execute method of the partitioning executors
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove unmaintained signal handler (#1676683) (vponcova)
+- Change a confusing message for headless systems (vponcova)
+- Mount the file systems in a different installation task (vponcova)
+- Write the escrow packets later (vponcova)
+- Replace the writeStorageEarly and writeStorageLater methods (vponcova)
+* Tue Feb 12 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.22-1
+- Don't use the network manager client in a mock environment (vponcova)
+- Don't load storage plugins in dir installations (#1674605) (vponcova)
+- Test the storage configuration and validation in the Storage module
+  (vponcova)
+- Implement configuration and validation in the partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Create the storage validation task (vponcova)
+- Create the storage configuration task (vponcova)
+- Create base classes for the partitioning modules (vponcova)
+- Check if we can access a DBus service (vponcova)
+* Thu Feb 07 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.21-1
+- Drop the temporary anaconda-live dependency (mkolman)
+- network module: update tests for generating dracut arguments (rvykydal)
+- network_module: return set from function for getting dracut arguments
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: pass ifcfg to the function for getting dracut arguments
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: split add_connection_from_ksdata function (rvykydal)
+- network module: split bind_connection function (rvykydal)
+- network module: move looking for first device with link into a function
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: split and fix device configuration functions (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix device configuration update for GUI (rvykydal)
+- network module: add docstring to ifcfg.py (rvykydal)
+- network module: use super() (rvykydal)
+- network module: update docstrings and style of kickstart.py (rvykydal)
+- network module: do not generate kickstart data for onboot value tweaking
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: decide better when to apply onboot policy (rvykydal)
+- network module: move functions getting network data to better places
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: update docstrings of installation task methods (rvykydal)
+- network module: remove unused return values from installation task methods
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix ONBOOT log message for installation task (rvykydal)
+- network module: remove devel debugging log messages (rvykydal)
+- network module: transform device configurations to structures in interface
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: update doc strings for DeviceConfigurations API (rvykydal)
+- network module: connect DisableIPv6 to implementation signal (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix generating of kickstart --activate option (rvykydal)
+- network module: clean up typos and style (rvykydal)
+- network module: use already existing function (rvykydal)
+- Reset the storage object in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Protect devices in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Create the storage object in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Initialize Blivet in the Storage module (vponcova)
+- Create a task with a result in the Baz module (vponcova)
+- Allow to publish a task with a different interface (vponcova)
+- Add the GetResult method (vponcova)
+- Add the Succeeded signal (vponcova)
+- network module: update unit tests (rvykydal)
+- newtork module: put use of NM client under control of network module
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: use constant for nm connection uuid length (rvykydal)
+- network module: use network module to get dracut arguments (rvykydal)
+- network module: add support for getting dracut arguments (rvykydal)
+- network module: support renaming of devices with ifname= boot option
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: generate kickstart from network module (rvykydal)
+- network module: set current hostname using network module directly (rvykydal)
+- network module: remove dependency of configuration task on nm_client
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: use module task for network configuration writing (rvykydal)
+- network module: ifcfg.py cleanup (rvykydal)
+- network module: dump missing ifcfg files via network module (rvykydal)
+- network module: add support for dumping missing ifcfg files (rvykydal)
+- network module: set real ONBOOT values via network module (rvykydal)
+- network module: add support for updating ONBOOT ifcfg value (rvykydal)
+- network module: apply kickstart via network module (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix list of devices for which kickstart was applied
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: work with ifcfg file objects, not paths (rvykydal)
+- network module: set bootif kickstart value from boot options (rvykydal)
+- network module: provide apply_kickstart (rvykydal)
+- network module: consolidate initramfs connections via Network module
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: provide initramfs connections consolidation (rvykydal)
+- network module: set default value for missing network --device from ksdevice.
+  (rvykydal)
+- network module: handle default network --device value (rvykydal)
+- network module: handle hostname only network commands correctly (rvykydal)
+- network module: use DBus Structure for DeviceConfiguration (rvykydal)
+- network module: provide dbus API for DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix looking up vlan parent if specified by UUID (rvykydal)
+- network module: fix kickstart generating for vlan interface name (rvykydal)
+- network module: generate kickstart data from DeviceConfigurations (rvykydal)
+- network module: add a module providing NM.Client (rvykydal)
+- network module: connect DeviceConfigurations to signals from NM (rvykydal)
+- network module: add DeviceConfigurations for persistent config state
+  (rvykydal)
+* Wed Feb 06 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.20-1
+- Remove obsolete Group tag & obsolete scriptlets (mkolman)
+- Move the write method of the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
+- Clean up the reset method of the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
+- Allow non-ASCII characters in passphrases again (#1619813) (vponcova)
+- Remove the argument protected from initialize_storage (vponcova)
+- Remove multiboot support for tboot (javierm)
+- Move the code for ignoring disks labeled OEMDRV (vponcova)
+- Set default entry to the BLS id instead of the entry index (javierm)
+- Remove the ksdata argument from the initialize_storage function (vponcova)
+- Remove the ksdata attribute from the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
+- Move the code for ignoring nvdimm devices to pyanaconda.storage.utils
+  (vponcova)
+- Use new ssl certificate kickstart options (lars)
+- Remove the data argument from the do_autopart function (vponcova)
+- Call refreshAutoSwapSize from the do_autopart function (vponcova)
+- Move getAvailableDiskSpace to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
+- Move lookupAlias to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
+- Move getEscrowCertificate to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
+- Move get_ignored_nvdimm_blockdevs to pyanaconda.storage.utils (vponcova)
+- Remove update_ksdata from the InstallerStorage class (vponcova)
+- Remove obsolete ldconfig scriptlets (mkolman)
+- Do not try to use disks without partition slots for autopart (vtrefny)
+- dracut: Add deps for fetch-kickstart-disk (walters)
+* Mon Jan 28 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.19-1
+- Move code for the storage creation (vponcova)
+- Move code for the storage initialization (vponcova)
+- Remove the GRUB class (javierm)
+- Remove support for deprecated bootloaders (javierm)
+- Spelling fix in Boot Options documentation (josephvoss14)
+- Put 'lock' checkbox under 'Confirmation field' (frederic.pierret)
+- Don't create an extra instance of the bootloader (vponcova)
+- Remove the preStorage method in payload (vponcova)
+- Use LUKS2 by default (vponcova)
+- Clean up the space checkers (#1520749) (vponcova)
+- Don't show time and date controls in live installations (#1510425) (vponcova)
+- anaconda: add option to lock root account (frederic.epitre)
+* Mon Jan 21 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.18-1
+- Relabel X11/xorg.conf.d directory (#1666892) (jkonecny)
+- Reorder items in selinux relabeling post script (#1666892) (jkonecny)
+- Fix jumping boxes in root password spoke (jkonecny)
+- Move the execute method of the bootloader command (vponcova)
+- Remove ksdata from the execute method of the bootloader command (vponcova)
+- Move writeBootLoader to pyanaconda.bootloader.installation (vponcova)
+- Move EXTLINUX to pyanaconda.bootloader.extlinux (vponcova)
+- Move ZIPL to pyanaconda.bootloader.zipl (vponcova)
+- Move Yaboot to pyanaconda.bootloader.yaboot (vponcova)
+- Move EFIBase to pyanaconda.bootloader.efi (vponcova)
+- Move GRUB2 to pyanaconda.bootloader.grub2 (vponcova)
+- Move GRUB to pyanaconda.bootloader.grub (vponcova)
+- Move Bootloader to pyanaconda.bootloader.base (vponcova)
+- Move BootLoaderImage to pyanaconda.bootloader.image (vponcova)
+- Create the pyanaconda.bootloader module (vponcova)
+- Tweak tests documentation (jkonecny)
+- Fix requires in dependency solver (jkonecny)
+- Remove the unused method add_re_check (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute _lHome (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute _actionStore (vponcova)
+- Remove unused constants ERROR_WEAK and ERROR_NOT_MATCHING (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attributes _repoNameWarningBox and _repoNameWarningLabel
+  (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute _configureBox (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute _addDisksButton (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute orig_fstab (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute ignore_disk_interactive (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused class TarPayload (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused method environmentGroups (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused exception NoSuchPackage (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused function get_locale_territory (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused variable upgrade_log (vponcova)
+- Remove unused classes RegexpCheck and FunctionCheck (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused property check_request (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused constant PASSWORD_DONE_TO_CONTINUE (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused constant SECRET_MIN_LEN (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused variable bugzillaUrl (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute stage1_device_types (vponcova)
+- Move attributes from the Blivet class to Anaconda (vponcova)
+- Remove the Blivet's gpt flag (vponcova)
+- Set Automatic Installation Media for HDD not ISO (jkonecny)
+- Adapt old code to new partition name translation (jkonecny)
+- Fix source spoke status for expanded tree on HDD (jkonecny)
+- Enable installation from install tree on HDD (jkonecny)
+- Remove the unused class IPSeriesYaboot (vponcova)
+- Fix the name of the attribute stage2_device_raid_levels (vponcova)
+- Remove the useless attribute stage2_max_end_mb (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused attribute problems (vponcova)
+- Remove the unused logger to stderr (vponcova)
+- Move the code from format_by_default to the storage checker (vponcova)
+- Move the code from must_format to the storage checker (vponcova)
+* Wed Jan 09 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.17-1
+- Fix anaconda-live package temporary Requires: (mkolman)
+- Add a new configuration option allow_imperfect_devices (vponcova)
+- Remove the selinux flag (vponcova)
+- Rename the Services section (vponcova)
+- Fix Arm EFI package selection and 32 bit status (pbrobinson)
+- Remove support for the undocumented option force_efi_dir (vponcova)
+- Remove the flag extlinux (vponcova)
+- Remove the flag nombr (vponcova)
+- Remove the flag leavebootorder (vponcova)
+- Remove the flag nonibftiscsiboot (vponcova)
+* Tue Jan 08 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.16-1
+- Use the file system type provided by Blivet by default (#1663585) (vponcova)
+- Move remaining GUI related files to anaconda-gui (mkolman)
+- Create anaconda-live sub-package (mkolman)
+- Don't acquire the imp's lock (#1644936) (vponcova)
+* Thu Jan 03 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.15-1
+- Remove install classes from the code (vponcova)
+- Remove files with install classes (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure the storage (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure the bootloader (vponcova)
+- Use the correct name of the variant AtomicHost (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure payload (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to configure network devices (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to customize the user interface (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to show EULA (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration to detect unsupported hardware (vponcova)
+- Remove the kickstart command installclass (vponcova)
+- Fix the anaconda documentation (vponcova)
+- Add support for inst.product and inst.variant (vponcova)
+- Use the product configuration files in Anaconda (vponcova)
+* Wed Jan 02 2019 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.14-1
+- Require password confirmation in GUI (#1584064) (mkolman)
+- Run zipl again after generating initramfs (#1652727) (vponcova)
+- Preserve the boot option zfcp.allow_lun_scan (#1561662) (vponcova)
+- Don't allow /boot on LVM (#1641986) (vponcova)
+- The encoding should be always set to UTF-8 (#1642857) (vponcova)
+- Make sure fips is correctly enabled on target system (#1619568) (mkolman)
+- Remove workaround for bd_s390_dasd_online (vponcova)
+- Clean up /run/install (#1562239) (vponcova)
+- Make it possible to exit empty user spoke (#1620135) (mkolman)
+- Don't allow to use LDL DASD disks (#1635825) (vponcova)
+- Remove initThreading method from pyanaconda.threading (vponcova)
+- Drop the inst.noblscfg option (javierm)
+* Tue Dec 04 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.13-1
+- Extend tests for the configuration support (vponcova)
+- Split the Anaconda configuration handler to more files (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the product configurations (vponcova)
+- Read only *.conf files from /etc/anaconda/conf.d (vponcova)
+- Create the product configuration loader (vponcova)
+- Disable BLS config if new-kernel-pkg script is installed (javierm)
+- Drop xorg-x11-server-Xorg check from graphical target detection (#1583958)
+  (mkolman)
+- Create a basic structure of the product configuration files (vponcova)
+- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
+- dracut/parse-kickstart: don't abort on --device=link (lkundrak)
+- Add provides_network_config system property (rvykydal)
+- Get rid of network system capability which does not make sense. (rvykydal)
+- Prohibit network configuration on Live OS. (rvykydal)
+- Use check_supported_locales to filter unsupported locales (vponcova)
+- Replace filterSupportedLangs and filterSupportedLocales (vponcova)
+- Remove help-related constants from install classes (vponcova)
+- Remove setup_on_boot from the install classes (vponcova)
+- Convert a keymap into a list of layouts (vponcova)
+- RPM: anaconda-core requires dbus-daemon (awilliam)
+- Remove use_geolocation_with_kickstart from install classes (vponcova)
+* Thu Nov 22 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.12-1
+- Simplify the task Activate filesystems (vponcova)
+- Remove the flag livecdInstall (vponcova)
+- Overwrite network configuration for the live image payload (vponcova)
+- Write tests for the installation system configuration (vponcova)
+- Resolve the name conflicts in exception.py (vponcova)
+- Use the Anaconda configuration in the network module (vponcova)
+- Revert "Don't try to get hostnamed proxy in non-installer-image environments
+  (#1616214)" (vponcova)
+- Remove the function can_touch_runtime_system (vponcova)
+- Add rules for the installation system (vponcova)
+- Configure the installation system (vponcova)
+- Replace setNetworkOnbootDefault (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the FCoE module (vponcova)
+- Discover an FCoE device with a DBus task (vponcova)
+- Reload the FCoE module on the storage reset (vponcova)
+- Let the FCoE module to provide the dracut arguments (vponcova)
+- Let the FCoE module to write the configuration (vponcova)
+- Move kickstart support to the FCoE module (vponcova)
+- Create the basic structure for the FCoE module (vponcova)
+* Mon Nov 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.11-1
+- Install grubby-deprecated when using the extlinux bootloader (javierm)
+- Remove configurePayload (vponcova)
+- Resolve the name conflicts with conf (vponcova)
+- Write tests for the target support (vponcova)
+- Simplify the code (vponcova)
+- Replace the dirInstall flag (vponcova)
+- Replace the imageInstall flag (vponcova)
+- Configure the installation target (vponcova)
+- Write tests for the default partitioning (vponcova)
+- Define the default partitioning statically (vponcova)
+- Remove l10n_domain from the install classes (vponcova)
+- Re-generate BLS loader file snippets on live installs (#1648472) (awilliam)
+- Remove the attribute bootloaderTimeoutDefault (vponcova)
+- Remove the attribute bootloaderExtraArgs (vponcova)
+- Remove the method setPackageSelection (vponcova)
+- Remove the setStorageChecker method (vponcova)
+- Remove the getBackend method (vponcova)
+- Add doc to make a release in a mock environment (jkonecny)
+- Support in our scripts creating release in a mock (jkonecny)
+- Add dependencies to make a new release to dependency_solver (jkonecny)
+* Tue Nov 06 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.10-1
+- Make the pyanaconda/image.py more pep8 (jkonecny)
+- Test image repodata folder based on treeinfo file (jkonecny)
+- Use var instead of strings in findFirstIsoImage (jkonecny)
+- Use new InstallTreeMetadata instead of TreeInfo (jkonecny)
+- Add InstallTreeMetadata class (jkonecny)
+- Move DEFAULT_REPOS to the constants (jkonecny)
+- Don't check for firmware compatibility to enable BootLoaderSpec support
+  (javierm)
+- Update kernel command line parameters in BLS files (javierm)
+- Add support for GRUB_ENABLE_BLSCFG and inst.noblscfg (pjones)
+- Get rid of new-kernel-pkg invocations (pjones)
+- Minor pylint cleanups (pjones)
+* Mon Nov 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.9-1
+- Load configuration files from /etc/anaconda/conf.d (vponcova)
+- Let the DBus launcher to set up the modules (vponcova)
+- Start modules that are enabled in the configuration file (vponcova)
+- Enable the DBus modules and addons via the configuration file (vponcova)
+* Thu Nov 01 2018 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> - 30.8-1
+- Remove flags from anaconda_logging (vponcova)
+- Remove blivet-specific flags from pyanaconda.flags (vponcova)
+- The armplatform option is deprecated (vponcova)
+- Create a class for the Anaconda bus connection (vponcova)
+- Fix local repo files aren't enabled (#1636739) (jkonecny)
+- Write RPM tests for the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
+- Write tests for the configuration support (vponcova)
+- Create a class for handling the Anaconda configuration (vponcova)
+- Provide a better support for handling the configuration files (vponcova)
+- Create the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
+* Thu Oct 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.7-1
+- installclass: fix variant string for Atomic Host (#1640409) (dusty)
+- Remove EXPERIMENTAL label for mountpoint assignment in TUI (#1636940)
+  (mkolman)
+* Mon Oct 15 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.6-1
+- nvdimm: update ks data for actions in UI (rvykydal)
+- nvdimm: use pykickstart constant for setting reconfigure mode (rvykydal)
+- Revert "Don't allow booting from nvdimm devices" (rvykydal)
+- Add --no-pip to setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- Fix error message in setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- Add shortcut function to get dependency script (jkonecny)
+- Add install-pip parameter to setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
+- Small optimalization in setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
+- Add package installation from pip for test script (jkonecny)
+- Fix wrong pylint false positive regex (jkonecny)
+* Mon Oct 08 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.5-1
+- Adjust to some DNF 3.6 changes (#1637021) (mkolman)
+- Ignore errors when trying to activate unsupported swaps (#1635252) (vtrefny)
+- Add option to set kernel.hung_task_timeout_secs option (rvykydal)
+- Move the glade adaptor to a separate plugin (dshea)
+* Wed Oct 03 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.4-1
+- Fix strings not marked for translation (jkonecny)
+- Drop attempt to add 'nocrypto' to tsflags (awilliam)
+- Fix librepo logging with new DNF (jkonecny)
+- Revert "Remove librepo imports from Anaconda (#1626609)" (jkonecny)
+- Set the VNC password directly (#1592686) (vponcova)
+- Update the spoke for unsupported hardware in TUI (#1601545) (vponcova)
+- Update the dialog for unsupported hardware in GUI (#1601545) (vponcova)
+- Support detection of kernel taints (vponcova)
+- Fix the rescue mode (#1631749) (vponcova)
+- Fix the sanity check verify_gpt_biosboot (#1593446) (vponcova)
+- Flags shouldn't process the kernel options (vponcova)
+- Fully support the inst.gpt option (vponcova)
+- Don't set Anaconda-specific flags in Blivet (vponcova)
+- Remove the class for kernel arguments from pyanaconda.flags (vponcova)
+- Remove unused false positives (vponcova)
+- Don't connect to signals of the Network Manager DBus objects (#1582233)
+  (vponcova)
+- Fix documentation for setting Pykickstart command version (mkolman)
+- Don't try to get hostnamed proxy in non-installer-image environments
+  (#1616214) (rvykydal)
+- Use realm data in UI (vponcova)
+- Use realm data in the DBus module (vponcova)
+- Create a DBus structure for realm data (vponcova)
+- Add support for DBus structures (vponcova)
+- docs/commit-log.rst: Don't wrap example firstlines (ferdnyc)
+- Detect that there is not enough space on a device (#1613232) (vponcova)
+- Add Silverblue InstallClass (jkonecny)
+* Tue Sep 11 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.3-1
+- Save lsblk output to the Anaconda traceback file (vtrefny)
+- Remove librepo imports from Anaconda (#1626609) (jkonecny)
+- DNF 3.5 compatibility (mkolman)
+- Use the default LUKS version for auto partitioning (#1624680) (vponcova)
+- Remove the testing flag (vponcova)
+* Thu Aug 30 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.2-1
+- Add initial 32-bit ARMv7 EFI support (pbrobinson)
+- Drop legacy get_arm_machine pieces (pbrobinson)
+- arch: arm: drop omap checks and specifics (pbrobinson)
+* Mon Aug 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 30.1-1
+- Fix the processing of the live CD source (#1622248) (vponcova)
+* Wed Aug 22 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.24-1
+- Fix crash in tui when default partitioning scheme is not supported.
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
+- Add libtool build dependency (jkonecny)
+- Remove shebang from DUD test (jkonecny)
+- Add inst.addrepo documentation for HD variant (jkonecny)
+- Warn when repo names are not unique (jkonecny)
+- HD addon repos have mount directories permanent (jkonecny)
+- Unmount hard drive additional repositories (jkonecny)
+- Move RepoData copy creation to the RepoData class (jkonecny)
+- Show empty file protocol on HD addon repo fail (jkonecny)
+- Mount and use HDD additional repositories (jkonecny)
+- Separate _find_and_mount_iso from _setup_media (jkonecny)
+- Load hard drive repo type from inst.addrepo (jkonecny)
+- Do not fail if .discinfo file can't be read (jkonecny)
+- Use productmd to parse .discinfo file (jkonecny)
+- Add payload sources tests (jkonecny)
+- Cleanup payload tests source file (jkonecny)
+- Add documentation for inst.addrepo boot option (jkonecny)
+- Add additional repositories to KS data (jkonecny)
+- Use new source solution (jkonecny)
+- Add payload sources implementation (jkonecny)
+- Don't resize a device if the size is same as the old size (#1572828)
+  (vponcova)
+- Mark disks with additional repos as protected (jkonecny)
+- Support boot args parsing to list (jkonecny)
+- Add inst.addrepo new options (jkonecny)
+- Make parenthesis consistent (jkonecny)
+- Remove unused parameter from live_startup method (jkonecny)
+- Disable treeinfo based repos only once (jkonecny)
+- Disable treeinfo repos when base repo change (jkonecny)
+- Treeinfo repos can't be changed nor removed (jkonecny)
+- Add all repositories from the treeinfo file (jkonecny)
+- Load base repository location from treeinfo (jkonecny)
+- Add limited file:// protocol to GUI Source spoke (jkonecny)
+- Add BaseOS between default base repositories (jkonecny)
+- Split _setupInstallDevice method in payload (jkonecny)
+- Check the LUKS2 memory requirements (vponcova)
+- Add an option for choosing version of LUKS in GUI (vponcova)
+- Add tests for LUKS2 in the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Apply the LUKS2 options from the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Support LUKS2 options in the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Support LUKS2 options in logvol, part and raid commands (vponcova)
+- Enable to set a default version of LUKS (vponcova)
+- Update dependencies and kickstart commands to support LUKS2 (#1547908)
+  (vponcova)
+- Revert back to running DNF in a subprocess (mkolman)
+- Use SimpleConfigFile to get PLATFORM_ID from /etc/os-release (mkolman)
+- Fix a 5 year old typo in the spec file (mkolman)
+- Use wwn attr instead of removed wwid. (#1565693) (dlehman)
+* Tue Aug 07 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.23-1
+- Bump required DNF version (mkolman)
+- Fix some small issues with the platform id patch (mkolman)
+- Set platform id for DNF (mkolman)
+- Fix crash when software environment is False (jkonecny)
+- Allow to delete all file systems used by Unknown (#1597199) (vponcova)
+- DD: Use text mode when calling tools with subprocess (rvykydal)
+- Update RHEL placeholder names (mkolman)
+- Typo fixup (rvykydal)
+- Define if blivet-gui is supported via installclasses (rvykydal)
+- Offer Blivet-GUI partitioning only if supported (rvykydal)
+- Only show the "closest mirror" source option where appropriate (mkolman)
+- Starting from 3.0 DNF expects strings in comps queries (mkolman)
+- Use the manual partitioning module in TUI (vponcova)
+- Use the manual partitioning module in UI (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the manual partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Create the manual partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Reserve enough static space for 2 lines in spoke status on hub (#1584160)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix disable additional repositories (jkonecny)
+- Show better messages for NoSuchPackage and NoSuchGroup (#1599190) (vponcova)
+- Bootloader stage2 can't be on btrfs on rhel (#1533904) (rvykydal)
+* Fri Jul 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.22-1
+- Handle new module specific error states (mkolman)
+- Handle missing package errors reported by the install_specs() function
+  (mkolman)
+- Initial module enablement and installation support (mkolman)
+- Use productmd library to parse .treeinfo (#1411673) (jkonecny)
+- Import kickstart classes as version-less in the dracut script (vponcova)
+- Use only version-less kickstart classes (vponcova)
+- Define version-less variants of kickstart classes (vponcova)
+* Wed Jul 25 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.21-1
+- Pylint should skip the file livepayload.py (vponcova)
+- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
+- Change the pop-up text with the pre-release warning (#1542998) (vpodzime)
+- Sort categories on the hub by defined order (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+- Show a note about EULA where relevant (mkolman)
+- Change message log level to INFO when adding repo (jkonecny)
+- Set packaging log level to DEBUG by default (jkonecny)
+- Remove the python-wrapt dependency (vponcova)
+- Do not use capitals for spoke names (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+- Wrap category label and add space between columns (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+- Use 32 px icons (instead of 16 px) on hubs (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+- Replace deprecated dracut options for booting with ibft. (rvykydal)
+- Improve handling of unsupported filesystems in UI. (rvykydal)
+- Reserve two lines for status message (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+- Use three spoke columns on hub for better scaling (#1584160) (rvykydal)
+* Wed Jul 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.20-1
+- Make pyanaconda.dbus.typing work with Python 3.7 (#1598574) (awilliam)
+- Protected devices might be hidden (#1561766) (vponcova)
+- fstab: include a note about systemctl daemon-reload (zbyszek)
+- Access the ZFCP module only on s390x (vponcova)
+- Tell libreport if it is a final release or not (#1596392) (vpodzime)
+- bootloader: GRUB2: Set menu_auto_hide when enabled by the instClass
+  (hdegoede)
+- installclass: Add bootloader_menu_autohide property (hdegoede)
+- Add tests for the zFCP module (vponcova)
+- Handle the zfcp command in the zFCP module (vponcova)
+- Use the zFCP discovery task in UI (vponcova)
+- Create the zFCP discovery task (vponcova)
+- Create the zFCP module (vponcova)
+* Wed Jun 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.19-1
+- DNF 3: progress callback constants moved to dnf.transaction (awilliam)
+- DNF 3: Update size calculations for transaction item changes (awilliam)
+- DNF 3: config substitutions moved from dnf to libdnf (awilliam)
+* Mon Jun 25 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.18-1
+- Add tests for the DASD module (vponcova)
+- Run the DASD formatting task in UI (vponcova)
+- Extend the sync_run_task method with a callback (vponcova)
+- Create a task for formatting DASDs (vponcova)
+- Run the DASD discovery task from UI (vponcova)
+- Create a task for discovering DASDs (vponcova)
+- Create the DASD module (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the language installation task (vponcova)
+- Run an installation task to install a language (vponcova)
+- nvdimm: fix crash on non-block devices (rvykydal)
+* Tue Jun 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.17-1
+- Wait for kickstart modules to quit (vponcova)
+- Ask for a default passphrase if required (vponcova)
+- Add support for setting different types of passwords in TUI (vponcova)
+* Thu Jun 07 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.16-1
+- Add tests for changes in tasks and the install manager (vponcova)
+- Add a simple installation task in the Baz module (vponcova)
+- Update the boss classes (vponcova)
+- Update the base clases for modules (vponcova)
+- Use the system installation task in the install manager (vponcova)
+- Add the system installation task (vponcova)
+- Add methods for running remote DBus tasks (vponcova)
+- Improved base clases for DBus tasks (vponcova)
+- Do not manually create LUKSDevice when unlocking a LUKS format (vtrefny)
+- Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
+- Skip the pylint check for the bootloader.py (vponcova)
+- Enable DNF depsolver debugging in debug mode (mkolman)
+- Don't reset locale of our DBus daemon (vponcova)
+- Close the DNF base later (#1571299) (vponcova)
+- Add 10%% for storage metadata to the total required space (#1578395)
+  (vponcova)
+- Add hook to prevent mistake upstream pushes (jkonecny)
+- Revert "WIP" (vponcova)
+- WIP (vponcova)
+- Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 in every module (#1575415) (vponcova)
+- Move initial module configuration to the init function (vponcova)
+- Fix the mount command (vponcova)
+- Use the auto partitioning module in UI (vponcova)
+- Only check space during a tui kickstart if ksprompt is enabled (bcl)
+- Fix can't exit TUI storage spoke (jkonecny)
+- Remove not required PROCESSED return (jkonecny)
+- Remove PROCESSED from refresh method (jkonecny)
+* Wed May 16 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.15-1
+- nvdimm: make debug messages more clear (rvykydal)
+- nvdimm: use libblockdev enum to check namespace mode (rvykydal)
+- Add data loss warning to nvdimm reconfigure dialog. (rvykydal)
+- Add UI feedback for disk repopulating after nvdimm reconfiguration.
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix ignoring of nvdimm devices (rvykydal)
+- Don't allow booting from nvdimm devices (rvykydal)
+- Improve UI feedback for invalid boot on non-iBFT iSCSI devices. (rvykydal)
+- Add inst.nonibftiscsiboot boot option. (rvykydal)
+- Use only devices specified by nvdimm command for installation. (rvykydal)
+- Add option to reconfigure nvdimm devices into sector mode. (rvykydal)
+- Allow only devices in sector mode to be selected. (rvykydal)
+- Add nvdimm devices to Advanced Storage spoke. (rvykydal)
+- Add kickstart support for nvdimm reconfiguration to sector mode. (rvykydal)
+- Ignore nvdimm disks which are not in sector mode. (rvykydal)
+- Do not ignore nvdimm (pmemX) devices (rvykydal)
+- Update the pykickstart commands (vponcova)
+- Fix firewall DBUS module API usage (#1577405) (mkolman)
+- Fix formatting in the TUI storage spoke (jkonecny)
+- Fix TUI crash in mountpoint assignment (#1564067) (jkonecny)
+- Fix KS logvol metadata and chunksize parameters (#1572511) (jkonecny)
+- Show correct bootloader error on the MacEFI platform (vponcova)
+- Revert "Fix broken kickstart command test" (rvykydal)
+- Support fcoe --autovlan option (#1564096) (rvykydal)
+* Fri May 04 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.14-1
+- Increase module startup timeout to 600 seconds (mkolman)
+- Fix name of the Zanata Python client package (mkolman)
+- Add tests for the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Create the auto partitioning module (vponcova)
+- Add the firewall submodule (mkolman)
+- Once again fix cmdline error handling. (#1360223) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Extend the timeout period to 180s in the case of cmdline error. (#1360223)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix the clearpart test with disklabel option (vponcova)
+- The specified nosetests failed to run (vponcova)
+* Tue Apr 24 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.13-1
+- Show correct root account locked status in reconfig mode (#1507940) (mkolman)
+- Add missing lines and modularization only log to test coverage (jkonecny)
+- Remove makebumpver dependency from spec file (jkonecny)
+- network module: use connectivity checking in anaconda (rvykydal)
+- network module: add connectivity checking (rvykydal)
+- Permit adding disabled external repos to installation. (riehecky)
+- Handle empty active attribute for consoles (#1569045) (mkolman)
+- Support temporary kickstart generating (vponcova)
+- Create the dynamic module User (vponcova)
+- Select Workstation install class for Workstation live (#1569083) (awilliam)
+- Rename the main module User to Users (vponcova)
+* Thu Apr 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.12-1
+- Save logs to result folder after rpm-tests (jkonecny)
+- Add Installed pyanaconda tests (jkonecny)
+- Fix name of the RPM test (jkonecny)
+- Support running just chosen rpm test (jkonecny)
+- Add test cache files to gitignore (jkonecny)
+- Move test install test from Makefile to rpm tests (jkonecny)
+- Create structure to run rpm tests (jkonecny)
+- Move all nosetests to separate directory (jkonecny)
+- Fix broken kickstart command test (jkonecny)
+- Fix broken kickstart command test (jkonecny)
+- localization: use LanguageKickstarted module property (#1568119) (rvykydal)
+- Start only the specified kickstart modules (#1566621) (vponcova)
+- Use the Bootloader module in UI (vponcova)
+- Add tests for the bootloader module (vponcova)
+- Create the bootloader module (vponcova)
+- rpmostreepayload: do not require network for dvd installation (#1565369)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix double logging to stdout (vponcova)
+- Don't try to create required partitions if there are none (vponcova)
+* Thu Apr 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.11-1
+- Add anaconda-install-env-deps as dependency of the anaconda package (mkolman)
+- Add %%files for install-env-deps so it actually exists (awilliam)
+* Tue Apr 10 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.10-1
+- Bump simpleline version (mkolman)
+- Do not redraw screen after text YesNo dialog (#1557951)(jkonecny)
+- Revert "Adapt to a new simpleline changes (#1557472)(jkonecny)
+- authselect: enable silent last log (pbrezina)
+- authselect: fix typo to enable fingerprint authentication (pbrezina)
+* Mon Apr 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.9-1
+- Move install time dependencies to a metapackage (mkolman)
+* Thu Apr 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.8-1
+- Fix forgotten usage of the selinux kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Fix tests for the storage module (vponcova)
+- Use the disk selection and initialization modules in UI (vponcova)
+- Enable to use object identifiers instead of object paths (vponcova)
+* Thu Mar 29 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.7-1
+- Add Makefiles for disk initialization and selection modules (vponcova)
+- Remove the invalid self argument (vponcova)
+- Run all unit tests (vponcova)
+* Tue Mar 27 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.6-1
+- Create the disk initialization and disk selection modules (vponcova)
+- Use watch_property to watch changes of DBus properties (vponcova)
+- Better organize the base classes for modules (vponcova)
+- Fixed KS forcing zerombr onto RO disk (japokorn)
+- Add tests for the kickstart specifications (vponcova)
+- Standardize calls to parent via super() (riehecky)
+- Fix 'isDisk' property name (#1558906) (vtrefny)
+- Make the class for removed kickstart commands more strict (vponcova)
+- Fix the progress bar steps (vponcova)
+- Use enum for the first boot action (vponcova)
+- Use enum for the SELinux modes (vponcova)
+- datetime spoke: still pass ksdata to NTPconfigDialog (UIObject) (rvykydal)
+* Mon Mar 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.5-1
+- Write rootpw command to kickstart (#1557529) (mkolman)
+- Don't make safe to observe services on buses that don't run (vponcova)
+- Add the LanguageKickstarted property (vponcova)
+- Don't autoquit by default if the last hub is empty (#1553935) (mkolman)
+- Use the Services module in UI (vponcova)
+- Create the Services module (vponcova)
+- Enable hibernation only on x86 (#1554345) (vponcova)
+- Add the Storage module with no API (vponcova)
+- Add the Payload module with no API (vponcova)
+- Remove DBus modules Foo and Bar (vponcova)
+- network module: fix accessing org.freedesktop.hostname1 for current hostname
+  (rvykydal)
+* Mon Mar 12 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.4-1
+- network module: add basic test (rvykydal)
+- Add prepare command to setup-mock-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- Mark partition live device's disk protected. (#1524700) (dlehman)
+* Fri Mar 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.3-1
+- Remove useless constants from pyanaconda.dbus.constants (vponcova)
+- Use identifiers to get observers and proxies (vponcova)
+- Remove the publish method from DBus interfaces (vponcova)
+- Replace constants in publish and register methods (vponcova)
+- Replace constants in DBus interface names (vponcova)
+- Define DBus errors with the dbus_error decorator (vponcova)
+- Use namespaces and identifiers to describe Anaconda DBus objects (vponcova)
+- Add support for identification of DBus objects and services (vponcova)
+- User module should parse only rootpw for now (#1553488) (vponcova)
+- localization module: plug localization module into keyboard GUI spoke
+  (rvykydal)
+- localization module: add KeyboardKickstarted property (rvykydal)
+- localization module: add KS support for keyboard command (rvykydal)
+- localization module: don't use Kickstarted so another command can be added
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix release docs (mkolman)
+- network: set TYPE value in ifcfg from kickstart in initrmfs (rvykydal)
+- Make formatting consistent in AnacondaWidgets.xml (riehecky)
+* Mon Mar 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.2-1
+- Use the user DBUS module in the UI (mkolman)
+- Use the user DBUS module for the rootpw command in kickstart.py (mkolman)
+- Add initial user DBUS module (mkolman)
+- Add tests for the Security module (vponcova)
+- Use the Security module in UI (vponcova)
+- Don't send empty kickstart to DBus modules (vponcova)
+- Add the Security module (vponcova)
+- Fix makeupdates script to work with new DBus structure (jkonecny)
+- Fix Makefile of the kickstart manager (vponcova)
+- Fix check if dbus daemon quit properly (jkonecny)
+- Remove check if dbus is running (#1551096) (jkonecny)
+- Use Anaconda's special env variable for dbus address (#1551096) (jkonecny)
+- Migrate Anaconda to our private dbus session (#1551096) (jkonecny)
+- localization module: use l12 shortcut for module name in UI (rvykydal)
+- localization module: replace ksdata.lang with the module in anaconda.
+  (rvykydal)
+- localization module: add KS support for lang command (rvykydal)
+- Return restorecon utility to Fedora 28 mock (jkonecny)
+- Include dbus.log when exporting logs (mkolman)
+- Reorganize pyanaconda.modules.boss (vponcova)
+- Move all DBus errors to pyanaconda.modules.common.errors (vponcova)
+- Move common classes and functions to pyanaconda.modules.common (vponcova)
+- Close DBus log file when quitting DBus session (jkonecny)
+- Enable payload configuration for Install classes (jkonecny)
+- Rename files that provide kickstart specifications (vponcova)
+- Move the kickstart specification to pyanaconda.core.kickstart (vponcova)
+- Start and quit Boss properly (jkonecny)
+- Make class from dbus.launcher module (jkonecny)
+- Add the kernel option resume= by default (#1206936) (vponcova)
+* Wed Feb 28 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 29.1-1
+- Use observers to access the hostname service (vponcova)
+- Make safe to observe services on buses that don't have to run (vponcova)
+- DBus logs are now saved to /tmp/dbus.log (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for toplevel installclass attribs (riehecky)
+- Wait for DBus modules for longer time (vponcova)
+- Drop dependency on authselect and firewalld (vponcova)
+- Fix kickstart version test (vponcova)
+- Authconfig is replaced with authselect (#1542968) (vponcova)
+- Add support for different message buses (vponcova)
+- Fix makeupdates script (vponcova)
+- Set up basic logging for DBus modules (vponcova)
+- Remove get_dbus_module_logger (vponcova)
+- Fix logging of the DBus modules (vponcova)
+- Fix the reimport error (vponcova)
+- Fix the network module specification (vponcova)
+- network module: update_network_data test (rvykydal)
+- network module: use Module.Kickstarted instead of ksdata.seen (rvykydal)
+- network module: use for hostname in tui (rvykydal)
+- network module: handle current hostname (rvykydal)
+- network module: handle ksdata.network.hostname (rvykydal)
+- network module: add module skeleton (rvykydal)
+- Log changes in the kickstart modules. (vponcova)
+- Use the Timezone module in UI. (vponcova)
+- Start Boss from Anaconda (jkonecny)
+- Do not use System DBus (jkonecny)
+- Remove anaconda-boss.service (jkonecny)
+- Move Anaconda dbus services and confs to session dbus (jkonecny)
+- Run DBus session if not present (jkonecny)
+- Change pykickstart version (vponcova)
+- Move system-logos dependency from anaconda-core to anaconda-gui (mkolman)
+- makebumpver: fix parsing of -m option (rvykydal)
+- makebumpver: fix -i option (rvykydal)
+- Fix tests of the Timezone module (vponcova)
+- installclass: add comments to server install class (dusty)
+- Don't use deprecated formatErrorMsg (vponcova)
+- Use the KickstartError attributes (vponcova)
+- kickstart: "clearpart --list" does not work (#1410335) (marcel)
+- Use handler in the Timezone module (vponcova)
+- Fix the specification of the Bar module (vponcova)
+- Use the KickstartHandler class (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.22-1
+- Prevent anaconda-core requiring gjs-console (awilliam)
+- Temporarily don't test versions of specified kickstart objects (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 19 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.21-1
+- Explain when run dependency_solver without options (jkonecny)
+- Clean dd_test code (jkonecny)
+- We can't set file permission mode for .so in dd test (jkonecny)
+- Rename installclass_atomic to Fedora Atomic Host (jkonecny)
+- Support running only nosetests or only some nosetests (jkonecny)
+- Do not run tests as root (jkonecny)
+- Save start and end time for pylint run (jkonecny)
+- Separate grab-logs from ci target in Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Remove false positive but disable Pylint in makeupdates script (jkonecny)
+- Add copyright to scripts in ./scripts/testing (jkonecny)
+* Thu Feb 15 2018 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 28.20-2
+- Prevent anaconda-core requiring gjs-console (awilliam)
+* Fri Feb 09 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.20-1
+- Check the proxy attribute before accessing it (vponcova)
+- Check the noverifyssl attribute before accessing it (vponcova)
+- Don't access the url attribute (#1530428) (vponcova)
+- Use Fedora Server default partitioning in Atomic (jkonecny)
+- Clean code of Atomic install class (jkonecny)
+- Migrate Atomic install class (#1491287) (jkonecny)
+- Move Atomic install class to Anaconda (#1491287) (#1536853) (jkonecny)
+- Make sure that fetch_url is defined. (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.19-1
+- Change pykickstart version. (vponcova)
+- Do not deepcopy the kickstart data in the storage (vponcova)
+- Replace deepcopy of the method command (vponcova)
+- Use pykickstart 3 (vponcova)
+- Provide comprehensive log messages about the display mode (vponcova)
+- Fix missing logging in some cases of update of ONBOOT value. (rvykydal)
+- Fix tests for the timezone module. (vponcova)
+- Add the Kickstarted property to the kickstart modules. (vponcova)
+- Connect to the observed service and other stuff. (vponcova)
+- Prevent 99-copy-lgs.ks from exiting with a 1 (bcl)
+- Rename SetUTC to SetIsUTC in the timezone module. (vponcova)
+* Thu Jan 18 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.18-1
+- Move how to use setup-mock-test-env script to help (jkonecny)
+- Add --init as new parameter to setup-mock-test-env (jkonecny)
+- Initialize the thread manager at the first import. (vponcova)
+- Added tests for the timezone module and other. (vponcova)
+- Remove 'i' from iutil module (jkonecny)
+- Remove 'i' from isignal module (jkonecny)
+- Move isignal module to core/isignal (jkonecny)
+- Extract process watch functions to a static class (jkonecny)
+- Move regexes module to core/regexes (jkonecny)
+- Move i18n module to core/i18n (jkonecny)
+- Move constants module to core/constants (jkonecny)
+- Move iutil module to core/iutil (jkonecny)
+- Move async_utils to core/async_utils (jkonecny)
+- Replace gobject GLib by our core/glib (jkonecny)
+- Rename run_in_main_thread to run_in_loop (jkonecny)
+- Add Timer and PidWatcher abstraction above GLib (jkonecny)
+- Create abstraction above GLib event loop (jkonecny)
+- Add core/glib module for GLib access (jkonecny)
+- Ignore errors for KickstartSpecificationHandler. (vponcova)
+- Try to use the PropertiesChanged signal. (vponcova)
+- Add timezone module. (vponcova)
+- Collect properties changes before emit. (vponcova)
+- Use Ping method from the standard interface. (vponcova)
+- Recognize members of standard interfaces. (vponcova)
+- Add an object observer with cached properties (vponcova)
+- Rename modules with Fedora install classes. (vponcova)
+- Add support for Variant in .buildstamp (vponcova)
+- Fix the Bar module. (vponcova)
+- Add pykickstart version to branching policy doc (jkonecny)
+- Remove `unstable` branch from documentation (jkonecny)
+- Move system-logos to anaconda-core (#1529239) (bcl)
+* Fri Jan 05 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.17-1
+- Modules should use the proxy pattern. (vponcova)
+- Variants need to be instances of the Variant class (vponcova)
+- kickstart: support firewall --use-system-defaults (#1526450) (dusty)
+- Check payload is set before accessing its data (#1524785) (mkolman)
+- Do not fail when test are failing in setup-env script (jkonecny)
+- Support running multiple commands at once (jkonecny)
+- Support copy Anaconda result dir out of mock (jkonecny)
+- Remove dependencies from Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Add path to Anaconda in mock to constant (jkonecny)
+- Properly exclude packages from the install set (ngompa13)
+- Add the _prepare_command helper function to setup-test-env (jkonecny)
+- Add run-tests parameter to setup-test-env script (jkonecny)
+- Remove /anaconda in mock before copying new one (jkonecny)
+* Tue Jan 02 2018 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.16-1
+- Improve password checking status and error messages (mkolman)
+- Spin kickstarts shouldn't be test dependency (jkonecny)
+* Wed Dec 20 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.15-1
+- Remove spurious echo call from tmux service file (#1526861) (mkolman)
+- Restore fix for RHBZ #1323012 (`set_name` not `setName`) (awilliam)
+- Fix Makefile for modules/[foo,bar]/tasks and for install_manager (rvykydal)
+- Make passing kickstart to boss more visible. (rvykydal)
+- Add tests for KickstartManager. (rvykydal)
+- Add kickstart dispatching to anaconda. (rvykydal)
+- Add kickstart dispatching to local boss run script (rvykydal)
+- Add KickstartManager for Boss. (rvykydal)
+- Add method for getting line mapping from kickstart elements to kickstart
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add info about handled kickstart commands to modules (rvykydal)
+- Add missing Makefile for kickstart_dispatcher (rvykydal)
+* Mon Dec 18 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.14-1
+- Use observers in the install manager (vponcova)
+- Modify readme file for tests (jkonecny)
+- Do not bump version when testing installation (jkonecny)
+- Add set up test environment script (jkonecny)
+- Add dependency solver script (jkonecny)
+- Differentiate upstream and build-time version (#1493952) (mkolman)
+- Fix bad bash '*' expansion when loading kernel modules (#1525841) (jkonecny)
+- Fix connection to a signal in the install manager (vponcova)
+- Use the InterfaceTemplate in the InstallationInterface (vponcova)
+- Use the InterfaceTemplate in the TaskInterface (vponcova)
+- Add a base class for DBus interfaces (vponcova)
+- Update module manager to use observers (vponcova)
+- Add DBus observers for better access to proxies. (vponcova)
+- Remove running CI in mock from Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Add xfsprogs and git to the test requirements (jkonecny)
+- The gettext-devel is required by autogen (jkonecny)
+- Remove kickstart-test dependencies from test requires (jkonecny)
+* Tue Dec 12 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.13-1
+- Unregister and unpublish all DBus services and objects (vponcova)
+- Add tests for InstallManager (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for Tasks (jkonecny)
+- Add run_in_glib decorator for tests (jkonecny)
+- Instantiate and publish InstallManager in Boss (jkonecny)
+- Add Makefile for install_manager (jkonecny)
+- Implement InstallManager with interface (jkonecny)
+- Init threading in modules (jkonecny)
+- Provide installation tasks from modules (jkonecny)
+- Remove *.Anaconda.Modules interface from Boss (jkonecny)
+- Implementing example tasks for modules (jkonecny)
+- Add Makefile for Task (jkonecny)
+- Base implementation of Task (jkonecny)
+- Add Task interface class (jkonecny)
+- Remove in-memory kickstart representation from traceback file (#1519895)
+  (mkolman)
+- Support call_when_thread_terminates in ThreadManager (jkonecny)
+- Change gtk_action_wait/nowait as general use decorators (jkonecny)
+- Add controllable loop to run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
+- Tweak run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
+- Enable SE/HMC file access to repo (vponcova)
+- Change string formatting to format method (jkonecny)
+- Pass handler instance, not class to SplitKickstartParser (rvykydal)
+- Add kickstart parser for splitting kickstart (rvykydal)
+* Thu Dec 07 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.12-1
+- Fix unit tests (mkolman)
+- Fixes in makefiles (vponcova)
+- Use the input_checking module for TUI password validation (mkolman)
+- Use the input_checking module for user checking (mkolman)
+- Use the input_checking module for root password checking (mkolman)
+- Use the input_checking module for checking the LUKS passphrase (mkolman)
+- Reflect GUISpokeInputCheckHandler changes in installation source spoke
+  (mkolman)
+- Convert the input checking helpers to use the input_checking module (mkolman)
+- Provide more robust method of using the warning message bar (mkolman)
+- Remove the validatePassword() method (mkolman)
+- Add new input checking module (mkolman)
+- fixup! Migrate Workstation InstallClass to anaconda (sgallagh)
+- Handle an invalid install class style sheet (vponcova)
+- Enhance password checking constants (mkolman)
+- Fix interactive defaults (mkolman)
+- Modify the PYTHONPATH in run_boss_locally (vponcova)
+- Replace get_bus with the class DBus (vponcova)
+- Migrate Workstation InstallClass to anaconda (sgallagh)
+- Point at new path for fedora-server.css (sgallagh)
+- Rename dbus_constants to constants (vponcova)
+- Add the boot option inst.ks.all (vponcova)
+- Add the boot option inst.stage2.all (vponcova)
+- Remove errors for mounting and unmounting (vponcova)
+- Override the right method in the task (vponcova)
+- Remove useless code (vponcova)
+- Support timeout and retries options in %%packages section (vponcova)
+- Fix device_name_is_disk to fully support raid devices (vponcova)
+- Onlyuse devices of the ignoredisk command should be only disks (vponcova)
+- Add the boot option inst.xtimeout (vponcova)
+- Do not shadow build-in module variable (jkonecny)
+- Module manager is replaceable (jkonecny)
+- Remove pyanaconda.constants_text module (vponcova)
+* Mon Nov 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.11-1
+- Bump Blivet GUI version (mkolman)
+- Change path to start-module script when running locally (mkolman)
+- Handle DBUS module related files in makeupdates (mkolman)
+- Handle DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS not being defined (mkolman)
+- Use start-module script in DBUS service files (mkolman)
+- Add a DBUS module startup script (mkolman)
+- Add Makefile.am for DBUS modules an addons (mkolman)
+- Add the setup-updates script (mkolman)
+- Add __init__.py file to anaconda/modules (mkolman)
+- Add a unit file for Boss startup (mkolman)
+- Really install all the right packages on Mac UEFI installs (awilliam)
+- Refactor DASD formatting and support detection of LDL DASDs. (vponcova)
+- Remove unused import sys from run_boss_locally script (jkonecny)
+- Fix blivet imports in the Fedora Server install class (#1513024) (vponcova)
+- Update the use of suggest_container_name method (vponcova)
+- Devicetree doesn't have protected_dev_names (vponcova)
+- Add pyanaconda.dbus to Makefile (vponcova)
+- Add pyanaconda.storage to Makefile (#1511735) (vponcova)
+- network: GUI, be more robust when displaying vlan parent and id (#1507913)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: GUI, fix lookup of existing device configurations (#1507913)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: GUI, don't crash on added vlan without device name specified
+  (#1507913) (rvykydal)
+- Add a script for running Boss & modules locally (mkolman)
+- Add an example addon (mkolman)
+- Add DBUS module examples (mkolman)
+- Add Boss (mkolman)
+- Add a base class for DBUS modules (mkolman)
+- Add .service and .conf files for the DBUS modules (mkolman)
+- Add constants for DBUS module namespaces (mkolman)
+- Add support for logging from DBUS modules (mkolman)
+- Add the get_bus() method (mkolman)
+- Remove storage check for too small swap (#1466964) (vponcova)
+- Migrate fedora-server installclass into the anaconda repository (#1466967)
+  (rvykydal)
+* Thu Nov 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.10-1
+- Bump required Blivet version to 3.0 (mkolman)
+- Add modular server repo to the base repositories (#1506894) (jkonecny)
+- Split addon and environment refresh in software TUI (jkonecny)
+- Fix changing source don't erase old environment TUI (#1505090) (jkonecny)
+- Add logging to TUI software selection spoke (#1505090) (jkonecny)
+- Do not try to use protected disks for autopart (vtrefny)
+- Adapt new storage tui spoke to storage code move. (dlehman)
+- Update blivet upstream URL in testing README. (dlehman)
+- Adapt to devicefactory API change. (dlehman)
+- Adapt to removal of default rounding in blivet.size.Size. (dlehman)
+- Use anaconda's logic for ostree sys/physical root. (dlehman)
+- Adapt to removal of blivet.udev.device_is_realdisk. (dlehman)
+- Adapt to move of disklabel type logic into DiskLabel. (dlehman)
+- Move blivet.partspec into pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
+- Move blivet.platform to pyanaconda.platform. (dlehman)
+- Fix traceback from mocked partitions in clearpart test. (dlehman)
+- Move blivet.osinstall to pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
+- Move autopart from blivet to pyanaconda.storage. (dlehman)
+* Thu Oct 26 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.9-1
+- Mac EFI installs need grub2-tools (#1503496) (awilliam)
+- network: create default ifcfg also for missing default NM connection
+  (#1478141) (rvykydal)
+- Print screen stack next to exception in TUI (jkonecny)
+- Enable Custom GRUB2 Password Utility (#985962) (rmarshall)
+* Tue Oct 17 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.8-1
+- Bump simpleline version requires (jkonecny)
+- Remove DataHolder class (jkonecny)
+- Remove EditTUISpoke EditTUIDialog and EditTUISpokeEntry (jkonecny)
+- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Storage spoke (jkonecny)
+- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI User spoke (jkonecny)
+- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Source spoke (jkonecny)
+- Replace EditTUI* from the TUI Network spoke (jkonecny)
+- Password spoke is using PasswordDialog now (jkonecny)
+- Return default policy if nothing match (jkonecny)
+- Add Dialog and PasswordDialog TUI objects (jkonecny)
+- Remove EditTUIDialog from time_spoke (jkonecny)
+- packaging: clear downloaded packages repo cache before using it (#1480790)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Do substitutions only after translating the string (mkolman)
+- Fix a translation check error (mkolman)
+- Do not run commands in messages in Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Fix storage spoke completeness checking (#1496416) (rvykydal)
+* Thu Oct 12 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.7-1
+- Mark the mount point assignment in TUI as experimental (vpodzime)
+- Reset storage on change in text mode (vpodzime)
+- Only allow the supported file systems in text mode (vpodzime)
+- Textual configuration of mount points (vpodzime)
+- Add support for the new 'mount' kickstart command (vpodzime)
+- Fix dnf exception repository not set (#1495211) (jkonecny)
+- Add logging of complete spokes in GUI. (rvykydal)
+- Do not execute storage when the spoke is left with no selected disk
+  (#1496327) (rvykydal)
+- Reflect building from master branch in the release docs (mkolman)
+- Add checks for group names (#1497676) (vponcova)
+- Add new checks for user names (#1491006) (vponcova)
+* Fri Sep 29 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.6-1
+- Add changelog entries from the unstable branch (mkolman)
+- Log when we are executing command in chroot (jkonecny)
+- Use name instead of index in TUI env selection (#1495204) (jkonecny)
+- Fix missing container in TUI source spoke (#1494801) (jkonecny)
+- Add MOCK_EXTRA_ARGS to Makefile (jkonecny)
+- tui source spoke: initialize nfs values when switching to nfs (rvykydal)
+- Deselect encryption when switching to blivet-gui partitioning (vtrefny)
+- Add 2 spaces between functions in iutil (jkonecny)
+- rpmostreepayload: Fix logic for copying of EFI data (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: Avoid recursing for fstab mounts (walters)
+- payload: Add handlesBootloaderConfiguration(), teach bootloader.py (walters)
+* Thu Sep 21 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.5-1
+- Fix missing id to name environment transition (#1491119) (jkonecny)
+- Fix test for unset TUI software environment (#1491119) (jkonecny)
+- Rename processingDone to processing_done variable (jkonecny)
+* Mon Sep 18 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.4-1
+- network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for virtual devices
+  (#1328576) (rvykydal)
+- network: support mac bound network settings as first class (#1328576)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: add support for kickstart --bindto=mac for wired devices (#1328576)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Don't setup the hub twice (#1491333) (vponcova)
+- rpmostreepayload: Substitute ${basearch} in ostreesetup ref (walters)
+- Perform repo checks only when there are checks available. (rvykydal)
+- Add support for repo --metalink (GUI) (#1464843) (rvykydal)
+- Add support for repo --metalink (kickstart, tui) (#1464843) (rvykydal)
+- Add inst.notmux option (dusty)
+* Mon Sep 11 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.3-1
+- Add missing dot to the availability status message (mail)
+- Bump Simpleline version (jkonecny)
+- Make EFIGRUB._efi_binary a property, not a method (awilliam)
+- Better storing logs from build and tests (jkonecny)
+- Provide a default install class. (vponcova)
+- Do not use hidden install classes. (vponcova)
+- Make geolocation with kickstart possible (#1358331) (mkolman)
+- Run python-meh as modal in TUI (jkonecny)
+- Use GLib event loop in the simpleline (jkonecny)
+- TUI progress reporting is handled by show_all (jkonecny)
+- Add efi_dir to the BaseInstallClass (#1412391) (vponcova)
+- Use /usr/bin/python3 shebang once again (miro)
+* Mon Sep 04 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.2-1
+- Fix catch TUI not main thread exceptions (jkonecny)
+- Document Anaconda branching workflow (mkolman)
+- Use constants for version number bumps and additions (mkolman)
+- Fix closest mirror now needs network (jkonecny)
+- Fix restart payload thread in Network spoke GUI (#1478970) (jkonecny)
+- Network spoke freeze when testing availability (#1478970) (jkonecny)
+- Add support for adding version numbers to makebumpver (mkolman)
+- Add support for major version bump to makebumpver (mkolman)
+- Fix proxy settings badly used when testing repos (#1478970) (jkonecny)
+* Tue Aug 29 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 28.1-1
+- Remove the metacity theme. (vponcova)
+- Add the option inst.decorated to allow title bar in GUI (vponcova)
+- Move python3-gobject Requires to core (jkonecny)
+- Return simpleline removed ipmi calls back (jkonecny)
+- Use new list container from Simpleline (jkonecny)
+- Remove old simpleline from anaconda (jkonecny)
+- Ask multiple times for wrong input (jkonecny)
+- Show TUI exception only first time (jkonecny)
+- Add simpleline logger to the Anaconda (jkonecny)
+- Modify TUI to use new Simpleline package (jkonecny)
+- Make 64-bit kernel on 32-bit firmware work for x86 efi machines (pjones)
+- Add missing gtk3 required version to spec file (jkonecny)
+- Sort spec required versions alphabetically (jkonecny)
+- Fix testing of the kickstart version (vponcova)
+- Move the installclass command to the %%anaconda section. (vponcova)
+- Fix SL install class to use right efi dir (riehecky)
+- Fix accelerator key for blivet-gui partitioning (#1482438) (vtrefny)
+- Add blivet-gui logs to python-meh file list (vtrefny)
+- Remove the title bar in anaconda by default (#1468801) (vponcova)
+- Add simple script to read journal with message code source and thread info.
+  (rvykydal)
+* Mon Aug 14 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.20-1
+- Add support for automatic generating of DBus specification. (vponcova)
+- Add support for generating XML (vponcova)
+- Add support for DBus typing system (vponcova)
+- dnfpayload: do not try to contact disabled repo (artem.bityutskiy)
+- Add message to setup-test-env is ran (jkonecny)
+- Use SHA256 instead of MD5 for repoMDHash (#1341280) (bcl)
+- Add lorax-packages.log to bug report. (rvykydal)
+- Use SHA256 instead of MD5 for repoMDHash (#1341280) (jkonecny)
+- 80-setfilecons: Add a few paths (/var/run, /var/spool) (walters)
+- Also capture anaconda-pre logs if they exist (riehecky)
+- Don't mock modules with sys in unit tests (vponcova)
+- logging: replace SyslogHandler with JournalHandler (rvykydal)
+- Add setup-test-env target to the Makefile (jkonecny)
+- Add tests for the install class factory (vponcova)
+- Support for the installclass kickstart command (vponcova)
+- Modules with install classes should define __all__ (vponcova)
+- Refactorization of the installclass.py (vponcova)
+- docs: minor fixups of release document (rvykydal)
+- rescue: add RTD documentation (rvykydal)
+- rescue: clean up method for mounting root (rvykydal)
+- rescue: separate UI and execution logic (rvykydal)
+- Make kickstart rescue command noninteractive. (rvykydal)
+- Remove unused argument and code. (rvykydal)
+* Thu Jul 27 2017 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> - 27.19-1
+- rpmostreepayload: Set up /var first (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: Explicitly create /var/lib before tmpfiles (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: Rework mount setup to support admin-defined mounts
+  (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: try to verify local ostree repo cache (dusty)
+- rpmostreepayload: ignore <F25 location, support RHEL (dusty)
+- rpmostreepayload: use correct secondary url location (dusty)
+- Add tracking of requirements application to requirements container.
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add langpacks via payload requirements (rvykydal)
+- Add NTP_PACKAGE via installation requirements (rvykydal)
+- timezone: simplify kickstart setup metod (rvykydal)
+- Store payload (packages, groups) requirements in a container. (rvykydal)
+- Fix anaconda --help fail with traceback (#1470514) (jkonecny)
+- rpmostreepayload: Do /sysroot mount non-recursively (walters)
+- Add isolated-test makefile target (jkonecny)
+- gui: show supported locales on Atomic Host installs (jlebon)
+* Mon Jul 03 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.18-1
+- rpmostreepayload: Reuse the local repo as a cache (walters)
+- Document how to create Anaconda releases and package builds (mkolman)
+* Sat Jul 01 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.17-1
+- Require "blivet-gui-runtime" instead of "blivet-gui" (vtrefny)
+- Fix a typo in python-meh initialization (#1462825) (mkolman)
+* Mon Jun 26 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.16-1
+- Install class shouldn't set the default boot fstype (#1463297) (vponcova)
+- Store testing logs properly (jkonecny)
+- Fix location of the blivet-gui user help (vtrefny)
+- netowrk: fix noipv6 option check regression (#1464297) (rvykydal)
+- Refactor imports in kickstart.py (jkonecny)
+- Use context manager to check KickstartError (jkonecny)
+* Wed Jun 21 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.15-1
+- Honor --erroronfail kickstart option in cmdline mode (rvykydal)
+- Fix import from a renamed module (#1462538) (vponcova)
+- Fix the 'non-ASCII characters in password' checks (#1413813) (awilliam)
+- Move mock config files to slaves (jkonecny)
+* Thu Jun 15 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.14-1
+- Bump version of Pykickstart and Blivet (#1113207) (jkonecny)
+- Add XFS uuid changer (#1113207) (jkonecny)
+- Support --when parameter in snapshot (#1113207) (jkonecny)
+- Add snapshot support (#1113207) (jkonecny)
+* Wed Jun 14 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.13-1
+- Fix source.glade renaming mixup (#1461469) (mkolman)
+- Separate blivet-daily builds in mock config (jkonecny)
+- network: bind to device name (not hwaddr) when dumping connections (#1457215)
+  (rvykydal)
+* Tue Jun 13 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.12-1
+- Show warning if swap is smaller then recommended (#1290360) (vponcova)
+* Tue Jun 06 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.11-1
+- Fix renaming error (mkolman)
+- Add a getter for the Anaconda root logger (mkolman)
+- Disable test-install in Makefile (jkonecny)
+* Thu Jun 01 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.10-1
+- Bump Blivet version (mkolman)
+- Remove GUI logging prefixes from Network spoke (mkolman)
+- Rename TUI spokes (mkolman)
+- Rename GUI spokes (mkolman)
+- Rename anaconda_argparse.py to argument_parsing.py (mkolman)
+- Rename install_tasks.py to installation_tasks.py (mkolman)
+- Rename install.py to installation.py (mkolman)
+- Rename threads.py to threading.py (mkolman)
+- Get special purpose loggers from anaconda_loggers (mkolman)
+- Use structured logging in Anaconda modules (mkolman)
+- Use unique 3 letter log level names (mkolman)
+- Use constants for special purpose logger names (mkolman)
+- Add the anaconda_loggers module (mkolman)
+- Rename anaconda_log.py to anaconda_logging.py (mkolman)
+- Add support for structured logging to the anaconda logger (mkolman)
+- Make it possible to set filters for file handlers (mkolman)
+- Add custom filter and formatter support for the syslog handler (mkolman)
+- Add AnacondaPrefixFilter (mkolman)
+- Fixes for Pylint 1.7 (vponcova)
+- Add support for IPoIB in tui (#1366935) (rvykydal)
+- Fix pylint unused import error (jkonecny)
+- network: handle multiple connections for one device better (#1444887)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix setting errors and warnings in the StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
+- Add inst.waitfornet option (#1315160) (rvykydal)
+- network: catch exception when reading in-memory connection being removed
+  (#1439220) (rvykydal)
+* Thu May 25 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.9-1
+- Add support for DNF-2.5.0 (jkonecny)
+- Fix simpleline_getpass related Pylint warning (mkolman)
+- Provide access to simpleline App instance (mkolman)
+- Make it possible to use a custom getpass() (mkolman)
+- Set the default filesystem type from a kickstart file (vponcova)
+- Adapt to our new daily builds of Anaconda (jkonecny)
+- Provide access to simpleline App instance (mkolman)
+- Make it possible to use a custom getpass() (mkolman)
+- Perform recursive copying of driver disk RPM repo contents (esyr)
+- network: fix setting hostname via boot options (#1441337) (rvykydal)
+- Fix a typo in an error message (esyr)
+- Use the function we already have for applying disk selection (#1412022)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Ignore disks labeled OEMDRV (#1412022) (rvykydal)
+- network: create dracut arguments for iSCSI root accessed via vlan (#1374003)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Test if Anaconda can be installed inside of mock (jkonecny)
+- Remove run_install_test test (jkonecny)
+- rpmostreepayload: Handle /var as a user-specified mountpoint (walters)
+- Fix the addon handlers for the checkbox (#1451754) (vponcova)
+- Show the text of completions in the datetime spoke. (vponcova)
+- Use new daily-blivet copr builds (jkonecny)
+- Prevent TUI from crashing with a single spoke on a hub (mkolman)
+* Tue May 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.8-1
+- Bump Pykickstart version (mkolman)
+* Fri May 05 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.7-1
+- Make some missed adjustments to blivet API changes. (#1440134) (dlehman)
+- Bump required version for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
+- BlivetGuiSpoke: Set keyboard shortcuts for blivet-gui (#1439608) (vtrefny)
+- BlivetGuiSpoke: Refresh blivet-gui UI after spoke is entered (vtrefny)
+- Really fix with tmux 2.4 (version comparison was busted) (awilliam)
+- Show or hide the content of the expander on Fedora (vponcova)
+- itertools.chain can be iterated only once (#1414391) (vponcova)
+* Fri Apr 28 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.6-1
+- Use `time.tzset()` to apply timezone changes when we can (awilliam)
+- Tweak epoch definition to fix system clock setting (#1433560) (awilliam)
+- Optimize payload thread restart on network change (jkonecny)
+- Add unit test for RepoMDMetaHash object (#1373449) (jkonecny)
+- Make the formating in payload consistent (#1373449) (jkonecny)
+- Fix Anaconda forces payload restart when network (not)change (#1373449)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Catch race-condition error reading from in-memory connection being removed
+  (#1373360) (rvykydal)
+- network tui: fix changing ipv4 config from static to dhcp (#1432886)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Allow setting up bridge for fetching installer image from kickstart
+  (#1373360) (rvykydal)
+* Thu Apr 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.5-1
+- make anaconda working back again with tmux2.4 (pallotron)
+- Trigger the entered signal only once the screen is shown (#1443011) (mkolman)
+- Use constants in storage checker constraints. (vponcova)
+- Gtk: Fix creating images from resources. (vponcova)
+- Fix partial kickstart software selection in GUI (#1404158) (jkonecny)
+- Removed unused code in the Software spoke (#1404158) (jkonecny)
+- Fix selection logic in Software spoke (#1404158) (jkonecny)
+- Fix Driver Disc documentation (#1377233) (jkonecny)
+- Support DD rpm loading from local disk device (#1377233) (jkonecny)
+- Gtk: Replace deprecated get_misc_set_alignment in widgets. (vponcova)
+- Gtk: Replace deprecated Gtk.Viewport.get_v/hadjustment. (vponcova)
+- Gtk: Replace deprecated methods. (vponcova)
+- Set the info bar only once if the partitioning method changes. (vponcova)
+- Fix pylint issue Catching too general exception Exception (jkonecny)
+- Support --noboot and --noswap options in autopartitioning (#1220866)
+  (vponcova)
+- Support --nohome option in the autopartitioning (vponcova)
+* Tue Apr 11 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.4-1
+- Hide options based on storage configuration method (#1439519) (mkolman)
+- Catch exception when reading from in-memory connection being removed
+  (#1439051) (rvykydal)
+- docs/boot-options.rst: Fix #dhcpd anchor (mopsfelder)
+- docs/boot-options.rst: Remove trailing spaces (mopsfelder)
+- Fix logging of the storage checker report. (vponcova)
+- Fix a property name of luks devices in storage checking (#1439411) (vponcova)
+- Bump required version for blivet-gui (vtrefny)
+- Use newly created swaps after the installation (#1439729) (vtrefny)
+- docs/boot-options.rst: Fix #dhcpd anchor (mopsfelder)
+- docs/boot-options.rst: Remove trailing spaces (mopsfelder)
+- Set default FS type for blivet-gui (#1439581) (vtrefny)
+- Display progress for the post installation phase (mkolman)
+- Display progress for the post installation phase (mkolman)
+- Increase verbosity of lvmdump in pre logging script (#1255659) (jkonecny)
+* Thu Mar 30 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.3-1
+- Enable the install class to customize the storage checking (vponcova)
+- Replace sanity check with more advanced storage checker (vponcova)
+- Various log-capture script improvements (mkolman)
+- Rename StorageChecker to StorageCheckHandler (vponcova)
+* Thu Mar 16 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.2-1
+- Correction of some typographic mistakes in documentation. (rludva)
+- Fix bullet point formatting in contribution guidelines (mkolman)
+- Propagate firstboot --disable to Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
+- util: Add script to capture logs (riehecky)
+- Fix a typo (mkolman)
+- Correction of some typographic mistakes in documentation. (rludva)
+- Enhance git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
+- Improve how storage configuration settings are displayed (mkolman)
+- util: Add script to capture logs (riehecky)
+- Propagate firstboot --disable to Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
+* Mon Mar 06 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 27.1-1
+- We should not have pyanaconda submodules on PYTHONPATH (vponcova)
+- Lock empty root password during kickstart installation (#1383656) (mkolman)
+- Use system Python when running Anaconda (mkolman)
+- Remove unused false positives for pylint (vtrefny)
+- Fix pylint error in BlivetGUI spoke (vtrefny)
+- Fix tests by renaming packaging to payload (jkonecny)
+- Rescue mode should wait for the storage and luks devices (#1376638) (vponcova)
+* Mon Feb 27 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.21-1
+- Add blivet-gui as requirement for the GUI package (vtrefny)
+- Add a bottom bar to the Blivet GUI spoke (mkolman)
+- Hide storage config spokes marked by SAM as visited (mkolman)
+- Keep last used partitioning method selected (mkolman)
+- Rollback planned storage changes if partitioning method changes (mkolman)
+- Add blivet-gui spoke (vpodzime)
+- docs: fix formating a bit for Links (Frodox)
+- Fix a typo (mkolman)
+- Polish unsupported filesystems in the custom spoke (jkonecny)
+* Tue Feb 07 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.20-1
+- Update dracut test for network --ipv6gateway (rvykydal)
+- Correctly propagate --ipv6gateway to ifcfg files(#1170845) (mkolman)
+- network: respect --activate value for bridge from kickstart (rvykydal)
+- network: fix --activate for bridge slaves configured via %%pre ks (rvykydal)
+- network: activate bridge for first network command in ks via %%pre (rvykydal)
+- network: unify slave connection names for ks %%pre with ks and gui (rvykydal)
+- network: bind slave connections to DEVICE, not HWADDR (#1373360) (rvykydal)
+- Do not allow creating ntfs filesystem in custom spoke (vtrefny)
+- Various minor formatting fixes (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for packaging (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for vnc.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for storage_utils.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for network.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for kickstart.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for image.py (mkolman)
+- Cosmetic PEP8 and refactoring for flags.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for exception.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for bootloader.py (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and refactoring for anaconda_log.py (mkolman)
+- Validate dasd and zfcp user input (#1335092) (vponcova)
+- network: use introspection data from libnm instead of libnm-glib (lkundrak)
+* Mon Jan 16 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.19-1
+- Use initialization controller for spoke initialization (mkolman)
+- Add module initialization controller (mkolman)
+- Fix link to the documentation in the README file (jkonecny)
+- There is no thread for dasd formatting in tui. (vponcova)
+- Move the (mkolman)
+- Fix the status of the StorageSpoke for dasd formatting (#1274596) (vponcova)
+* Mon Jan 09 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.18-1
+- Always refresh the size of swap before autopartitioning. (vponcova)
+- Run the space check only if the spokes are complete (#1403505) (vponcova)
+- Ignore result directory with logs from tests (jkonecny)
+- Disable pylint no-member error for re.MULTILINE (jkonecny)
+- Fix nosetests to use newest python3 (jkonecny)
+- Disable the button if iscsi is not available (#1401263) (vponcova)
+- Include Python 3.6 sysconfigdata module in initramfs (#1409177) (awilliam)
+- Nicer __repr__ for hubs and spokes (mkolman)
+- Close the .treeinfo file after the retrieve. (vponcova)
+* Wed Jan 04 2017 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.17-1
+- Fix a GTK Widget related deprecation warning (mkolman)
+- Fix GTK screen/display related deprecation warnings (mkolman)
+- Fix GObject and GLib deprecation warnings (mkolman)
+- Fix selection of no software environment (#1400045) (vponcova)
+- Use signals for Spoke & Hub entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
+- Fix the name of StorageDiscoveryConfig attribute (#1395350) (vponcova)
+- Iutil PEP8 & formatting fixes (mkolman)
+- Add inst.ksstrict option to show kickstart warnings as errors. (vponcova)
+- Use the structured installation task classes (mkolman)
+- Improved password quality checking (mkolman)
+- Add unit tests for password quality checking (mkolman)
+- Use Enum for password status constants (mkolman)
+- Use a sane unified password checking policy (mkolman)
+- Add install task processing classes and unit tests (mkolman)
+- Add a signal/slot implementation (mkolman)
+- Set correctly the default partitioning. (vponcova)
+* Wed Dec 14 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.16-1
+- rpmostreepayload: Rework binds to be recursive (walters)
+- Let DNF do its own substitutions (riehecky)
+- Bump Blivet version due to systemd-udev dependency (mkolman)
+- Don't log "Invalid bridge option" when network has no --bridgeopts.
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix updating of bridge slave which is bond. (rvykydal)
+* Mon Dec 05 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.15-1
+- Don't pass storage to firstboot.setup() (mkolman)
+- RTD fixes (mkolman)
+- Catch ValueError from LVM part in Blivet library (jkonecny)
+- Handle unexpected storage exception from blivet (jkonecny)
+- Add sudo to test requires (jkonecny)
+- network: fix network --noipv4 in %%pre (rvykydal)
+- fix typo in systemd service keyword (mail)
+- Fix pylint issue in ks_version_test (jkonecny)
+- Move Anaconda tests to mock (jkonecny)
+- Add checks to git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
+- Remove intermediate pot files in po-push (mkolman)
+- Allow install classes to set alternate states for firstboot/initial-setup
+  (riehecky)
+* Wed Nov 23 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.14-1
+- Changed the required version of BlockDev to 2.0. (vponcova)
+- Remove auto generated documentation (mkolman)
+- Fix generated zanata.xml from https unstable branch (jkonecny)
+- Don't crash if the UIC file can't be written (#1375702) (mkolman)
+* Wed Nov 23 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.13-1
+- Fix calling of can_touch_runtime_system function (jkonecny)
+- fix formating a bit (gitDeveloper)
+- Fix zanata.xml.in in substitution variables (mkolman)
+* Thu Nov 17 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.12-1
+- Mock chroot environment is chosed by a git branch (jkonecny)
+- Set Zanata branch from git-find-branch script (jkonecny)
+- Add git-find-branch script for finding parent branch (jkonecny)
+- fix pykickstart docks link (gitDeveloper)
+- aarch64 now has kexec-tools (pbrobinson)
+- Resolve directory ownership (mkolman)
+- Fix user interaction config handling in image & directory install modes
+  (#1379106) (mkolman)
+- tui: Available help system (vponcova)
+- network: index team slave connection names starting with 1 (rvykydal)
+* Thu Nov 10 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.11-1
+- Relax blivet dependency to >= 2.1.6-3 (awilliam)
+- Bump required Blivet version (#1378156) (mkolman)
+- Fix bad exception handling from blivet in iscsi (#1378156) (jkonecny)
+- tui: New class for prompt (vponcova)
+- iSCSI: adjust to change in blivet auth info (#1378156) (awilliam)
+- Disable false positive pylint error (jkonecny)
+- Add some error checking when users don't provide input for DASD devices.
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add some error checking when users don't provide input for zFCP devices.
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix tui timezone region selection by name (vponcova)
+* Fri Nov 04 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.10-1
+- F26_DisplayMode was added by non-interactive mode (jkonecny)
+- Fix pyanaconda tests for display mode (jkonecny)
+- Fix parse-dracut to support new kickstart displaymode (jkonecny)
+- Add boot option inst.noninteractive to the docs (jkonecny)
+- Abort installation when Playload exc rise in a NonInteractive mode (jkonecny)
+- Support non interactive mode in standalone spokes (jkonecny)
+- Non-interactive mode support for Password and User spokes (jkonecny)
+- Raise NonInteractive exception in Hubs event loop (jkonecny)
+- Raise exception for noninteractive mode in Hub (jkonecny)
+- Add new pykickstart noninteractive mode (jkonecny)
+- Disable bad kickstart command on F25 (jkonecny)
+- Improve DNF error message to be more understandable (jkonecny)
+- tui: Add software group selection (vponcova)
+- use blivet iSCSI singleton directly in storage spoke (awilliam)
+- Correct deviceLinks to device_links (blivet renamed it) (awilliam)
+- Instantiate the zFCP object ourselves now. (#1384532) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix the way DASD list is determined. (#1384532) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add tests for payload location picking (#1328151) (jkonecny)
+- Fix picking mountpoint for package download (#1328151) (jkonecny)
+- Improve packaging logs without DEBUG logging (jkonecny)
+* Tue Oct 25 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.9-1
+- Move the collect() function to iutil (mkolman)
+- Update messiness level (mkolman)
+- PEP8 and general refactoring for the main anaconda.py (mkolman)
+- Move kickstart file parsing code to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Don't directly import items from anaconda_log (mkolman)
+- Remove old useless code (mkolman)
+- Move the rescue ui startup code to the rescue module (mkolman)
+- Move set-installation-thod-from-anaconda code to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move the live startup code to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move code printing the startup note to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move the pstore cleanup function to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move the prompt_for_ssh function to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move logging setup to startup_utils (mkolman)
+- Move the geolocation startup code to a separate function (mkolman)
+- Unify addons path variable name (mkolman)
+- PEP 8 for startup_utils.py (mkolman)
+- PEP 8 for display.py (mkolman)
+- Move VNC startup checking to a separate function (mkolman)
+- Move imports to the top of the file in display.py (mkolman)
+- Refactor display mode handling (mkolman)
+- Move display setup & startup tasks out of anaconda.py (mkolman)
+- Remove main and extra Zanata pot files on master (jkonecny)
+- Remove main and extra pot files before zanata push (jkonecny)
+- Don't send intermediate pot files to zanata (gh#791) (awilliam)
+- Improve message to be clearer in rescue.py (jkonecny)
+- Add option to show password in password field (vponcova)
+- Generate a list of DASDs in GUI storage spoke. (#1378338) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Echoing 4de0ec44bdf0f68545bb55bb5fea00464b65fcab May as well include the SL
+  file (riehecky)
+- Fixup class name for CentOS install class (riehecky)
+- Fix a typo in SAM file header (mkolman)
+- Skip live image on usb when checking storage for mounted partitions
+  (#1369786) (rvykydal)
+* Mon Oct 03 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.8-1
+- Fix network spoke being incorrectly marked as mandatory (#1374864) (mkolman)
+* Fri Sep 30 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 26.7-1
+- Increse python3-blivet version to 1:2.1.5 (jkonecny)
+- Fix dnf.repo.Repo now requires dnf.conf.Conf (jkonecny)
+- Provides compatibility with DNF-2.0 (jmracek)
+* Tue Sep 27 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.6-1
+- Don't deactivate all storage in anaconda-cleanup. (#1225184) (dlehman)
+- Stop setting ANACONDA udev environment variable. (#1225184) (dlehman)
+* Tue Sep 27 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.5-1
+- Improved driver disk copying (#1269915) (mkolman)
+- Fix screenshot taking logic (#1327456) (mkolman)
+- Change blank lines to pep8 for Dracut DUD test (jkonecny)
+- Tweak lambda use in Dracut test (jkonecny)
+- Add Dracut test for reloading mod dependencies (jkonecny)
+* Wed Sep 21 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.4-1
+- Fix NTP server list fetching when running in IS (#1374810) (mkolman)
+- rpmostreepayload: Clean up use of sysroot files a bit (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: Fix remote handling to use correct sysroot (walters)
+* Mon Sep 19 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.3-1
+- network: set onboot correctly for vlan on bond device in ks (#1234849)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: don't show ibft configured devices in UI (#1309661) (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: don't generate kickstart iscsi commands for offload devices (#1252879)
+  (rvykydal)
+- iscsi: allow installing bootloader on offload iscsi disks (qla4xxx)
+  (#1325134) (rvykydal)
+- network: adapt to changed NM ibft plugin enablement configuration (#1371188)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: don't activate bond/team devices regardless of --activate (#1358795)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix traceback when payload have None as url (#1371494) (jkonecny)
+- Add new Dracut test and fix another ones (#1101653) (jkonecny)
+- Fix bug when we add set to list (#1101653) (jkonecny)
+- Add new helper script files to build system (#1101653) (jkonecny)
+- Document new helper scripts to the DriverDisk README (#1101653) (jkonecny)
+- Fix driver unload is disabling network settings (#1101653) (jkonecny)
+- dud: fix multiple inst.dd=http:// instances stalling in dracut (#1268792)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: fix ksdata generating for for non-active virtual devices (#1321288)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: update kickstart data also with bond bridge slaves (#1321288)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: add support for bridge bond slaves (#1321288) (rvykydal)
+- screen_access: Ensure we write config to real sysroot (walters)
+- Add release commit support to makebumpver (mkolman)
+- Makefile improvents for separate release commits & tarball creation
+  (mkolman)
+- network: add support for --no-activate kickstart opton (#1277975) (rvykydal)
+- fixup! Add base.close() after base.do_transaction (RhBug:1313240) (jmracek)
+- Add base.close() after base.do_transaction (RhBug:1313240) (jmracek)
+* Tue Sep 06 2016 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 26.2-1
+- Add git merging examples to the contribution guidelines (mkolman)
+- network: don't stumble upon new Device.Statistics NM dbus iface (#1370099)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Current Anaconda is not compatible with DNF 2.0.0 (jkonecny)
+- Filter out all merge commits from the changelog (mkolman)
+- Make it possible to override Zanata branch name (mkolman)
+- Switch to argparse & autodetect name, version and bug email address (mkolman)
+- Fix multi-inheritance (phil)
+- Fix replacement of deprecated DNF method (jkonecny)
+- Replace deprecated method of DNF (jmracek)
+- Static checker recommended improvements (mkolman)
+- Fix replacement of deprecated DNF method (jkonecny)
+- Replace deprecated method of DNF (jmracek)
+* Mon Aug 29 2016 Samantha N. Bueno <sbueno+anaconda@redhat.com> - 26.1-1
+- Fix a pylint no-member warning (mkolman)
+- Translate press-c-to-continue correctly in TUI (#1364539) (mkolman)
+- Fix bootDrive driveorder fallback (#1355795) (jkonecny)
+- Fix bootloader when re-using existing /boot part (#1355795) (jkonecny)
+- Add support for device specification variants (#1200833) (mkolman)
+- Revert "Update zanata.xml for f25-devel branch." (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Update zanata.xml for f25-devel branch. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add option to override efi_dir (phil)
+- efiboot: stderr= is not an option to efibootmgr (phil)
+- Fix EFI grub1 case (phil)
+- Make Fedora module not so grabby (phil)
+- Add centos module to pyanaconda (phil)
+- network: don't require gateway for static ipv4 config in TUI (#1365532)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Improve connection network change detection (jkonecny)
+- Revert "Revalidate source only if nm-con-ed change settings (#1270354)"
+  (jkonecny)
+- Fix anaconda-pre.service wasn't properly installed (#1255659) (jkonecny)
+- Rename function for better consistency (#1259284) (rvykydal)
+- Update error message for consistency (#1259284) (rvykydal)
+- Add more specific username check messages also to gui (#1360334) (rvykydal)
+- fix style guide test false positive on username variable (#1350375)
+  (rvykydal)
+- tui: use functions instead of fake REs for checking values (#1350375)
+  (rvykydal)
+- tui: get proper index of entry we are handling in input (#1331054) (rvykydal)
+- tui: fix user name validity checking (#1350375) (rvykydal)
+- More descriptive message on invalid username (kvalek)
+- Fix another pep8 name issue (jkonecny)
+- iscsi: fix getting iscsi target iface of bound target (#1359739) (rvykydal)
+- Fix needsNetwork testing only additional repositories (#1358788) (jkonecny)
+- Fix restart payload only when repo needs network (#1358788) (jkonecny)
+- Cleanup remaining runlevel references (mkolman)
+- Clarify a nosave related log message (mkolman)
+- Use Screen Access Manager (mkolman)
+- Add screen entry/exit callbacks (mkolman)
+- Add screen access manager (mkolman)
+- A simple formatting fix (mkolman)
+- Fix another blivet-2.0 pep8 error (jkonecny)
+- Quickfix of failing test (japokorn)
+- Some docstring refactoring & typo fixes for the TUI base classes (mkolman)
+- Add a file about contributing. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Store logs before anaconda starts (#1255659) (japokorn)
+- DD can now replace existing drivers (#1101653) (japokorn)
+- Use the F25 timezone kickstart command version (mkolman)
+- Use sshd-keygen.target instead of hardcoded sshd-keygen script (jjelen)
+- Make it possible to disable sshd service from running. (#1262707)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Change bootloader boot drive fallback (jkonecny)
+- Fix of Python3x uncompatible commands (japokorn)
+- Add NTP server configuration to the TUI (#1269399) (mkolman)
+- Move the NTP server checking constants to constants.py (mkolman)
+- Use a constant for the NTP check thread name prefix (mkolman)
+- Fix another victim of the python 2->3 conversion. (#1354020) (dshea)
+- Attempt to unload modules updated by a driver disk (dshea)
+- Fix the processing of device nodes as driver disks (dshea)
+* Fri Jul 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.20-1
+- Allow kickstart users to ignore the free space error (dshea)
+- Stop kickstart when space check fails (bcl)
+- Service anaconda-nm-config is missing type oneshot (jkonecny)
+- Fix dhcpclass to work both via kickstart and the boot cmdline. (clumens)
+- network: handle also ifcfg files of not activated virtual devices (#1313173)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: check onboot value in ksdata, not NM connections (#1313173)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: do not activate device on kickstart --onboot="yes" (#1341636)
+  (rvykydal)
+* Fri Jun 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.19-1
+- hostname: don't set installer env hostname to localhost.localdomain
+  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
+- hostname: add tooltip to Apply button (#1290858) (rvykydal)
+- hostname: fix accelerator collision (#1290858) (rvykydal)
+- hostname: don't set hostname in initrafms of target system (#1290858)
+  (rvykydal)
+- hostname: set current hostname from target system hostname on demand
+  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
+- hostname: suggest current hostname for storage containers (#1290858)
+  (rvykydal)
+- hostname: don't set target system static hostname to current hostname
+  (#1290858) (rvykydal)
+- network tui: do not activate device when setting its onboot value (#1261864)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network tui: edit persistent configuration, not active connection (#1261864)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: validate netmask in tui (#1331054) (rvykydal)
+- Add wordwrap to text mode and use it by default (#1267881) (rvykydal)
+- Fix adding new VG in Custom spoke can't be applied (#1263715) (jkonecny)
+- Fix SimpleConfigFile file permissions (#1346364) (bcl)
+- Re-configure proxy when updateBaseRepo is called (#1332472) (bcl)
+* Fri Jun 17 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.18-1
+- Only use <> for markup (#1317297) (bcl)
+- Update iscsi dialog for Blivet 2.0 API change (bcl)
+- Use the signal handlers to set initial widget sensitivies (dshea)
+- Fix bad sensitivity on boxes in source spoke (jkonecny)
+- Fix install-buildrequires (bcl)
+- Added optional [/prefix] as pattern (kvalek)
+- Require network for network-based driver disks (dshea)
+- Add missing pkgs to install-buildrequires (#612) (phil)
+- Increase the required version of gettext (dshea)
+- Fix the name sensitivity in the custom spoke. (dshea)
+* Fri Jun 10 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.17-1
+- Revert "Temporarily disable translations" (bcl)
+- Change where to look for the iscsi object (#1344131) (dshea)
+- Fix old blivet identifiers (#1343907) (dshea)
+- Fix a covscan warning about fetch-driver-net (#1269915) (bcl)
+- Fix crash when NM get_setting* methods return None (#1273497) (jkonecny)
+- Overwrite network files when using ks liveimg (#1342639) (bcl)
+- Stop using undocumented DNF logging API (bcl)
+- Use the LUKS device for encrypted swap on RAID (dshea)
+- Keep the subdir in driver disk update paths (dshea)
+- Warn about broken keyboard layout switching in VNC (#1274228) (jkonecny)
+- Make the anaconda-generator exit early outside of the installation
+  environment (#1289179) (mkolman)
+* Fri Jun 03 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.16-1
+- Add a button to refresh the disk list. (dlehman)
+- Only try to restart payload in the Anaconda environment (mkolman)
+- Make current runtime environment identifiers available via flags (mkolman)
+- Display storage errors that cause no disks to be selected (#1340240) (bcl)
+- Fix the SourceSwitchHandler pylint errors differently. (clumens)
+- Fix pylint errors. (clumens)
+- Update the disk summary on Ctrl-A (dshea)
+- Revert "Refresh the view of on-disk storage state every 30 seconds."
+  (dlehman)
+- Refresh the view of on-disk storage state every 30 seconds. (dlehman)
+- Handle unsupported disklabels. (dlehman)
+- Use a blivet method to remove everything from a device. (dlehman)
+- Tighten up ResizeDialog._recursive_remove a bit. (dlehman)
+- Only look for partitions on partitioned disks. (dlehman)
+- NFS DDs installation now works correctly (#1269915) (japokorn)
+- Remove unused on_proxy_ok_clicked from Source spoke (jkonecny)
+- send all layouts to localed for keymap conversion (#1333998) (awilliam)
+- Small cleanup (mkolman)
+* Fri May 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.15-1
+- Resolve shortcut conflict between "Desired Capacity" and "Done" (yaneti)
+- network: don't crash on devices with zero MAC address (#1334632) (rvykydal)
+- Remove Authors lines from the tops of all files. (clumens)
+- Related: rhbz#1298444 (rvykydal)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 25.14 (bcl)
+- Catch DNF MarkingError during group installation (#1337731) (bcl)
+- Fix TUI ErrorDialog processing (#1337427) (bcl)
+- Clean up yelp processes (#1282432) (dshea)
+* Fri May 20 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.14-1
+- Temporarily disable translations (bcl)
+- Don't crash when selecting the same hdd ISO again (#1275771) (mkolman)
+* Thu May 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.13-1
+- Fix writeStorageLate for live installations (#1334019) (bcl)
+- Remove the locale list from zanata.xml (dshea)
+- Ditch autopoint. (dshea)
+- Ditch intltool. (dshea)
+- Rename fedora-welcome to fedora-welcome.js (dshea)
+- Fix UEFI installation after EFIBase refactor (bcl)
+- Fix error handling for s390 bootloader errors (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Deselect all addons correctly (#1333505) (bcl)
+- gui-testing needs isys to be compiled. (clumens)
+- Add more to the selinux check in tests/gui/base.py. (clumens)
+* Fri May 13 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.12-1
+- Add single language mode (#1235726) (mkolman)
+- Move default X keyboard setting out of the Welcome spoke (mkolman)
+- Rerun writeBootLoader on Live BTRFS installs (bcl)
+- Check for mounted partitions as part of sanity_check (#1330820) (bcl)
+- Merge pull request #620 from dashea/new-canary (dshea)
+- Update the required pykickstart version. (dshea)
+- Implement %%packages --excludeWeakdeps (#1331100) (james)
+- Fix bad addon handling when addon import failed (jkonecny)
+- Add retry when downloading .treeinfo (#1292613) (jkonecny)
+- Return xprogressive delay back (jkonecny)
+- Change where tests on translated strings are run. (dshea)
+- Merge the latest from translation-canary (dshea)
+- Squashed 'translation-canary/' changes from 5a45c19..3bc2ad6 (dshea)
+- Add new Makefile target for gui tests (atodorov)
+- Define missing srcdir in run_gui_tests.sh and enable coverage (atodorov)
+- Split gui test running out into its own script. (clumens)
+- Look higher for the combobox associated with an entry (#1333530) (dshea)
+- Use createrepo_c in the ci target. (dshea)
+- Compile glib schema overrides with --strict. (dshea)
+* Fri May 06 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.11-1
+- Don't join two absolute paths (#1249598) (mkolman)
+- Don't crash when taking a screenshot on the hub (#1327456) (mkolman)
+- Fix pylint errors. (phil)
+- Factor out common grub1/grub2 stuff into mixin, and other factoring (phil)
+- Add GRUB1 (legacy) support back to Anaconda (phil)
+* Fri Apr 29 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.10-1
+- Handle unmounting ostree when exiting (bcl)
+- ostree: Use bind mounts to setup ostree root (bcl)
+- ostree: Skip root= setup when using --dirinstall (bcl)
+- disable_service: Specify string format args as logging params. (clumens)
+- Ignore failure when disable services that do not exist (phil)
+- Get rid of an unused variable in the network spoke. (clumens)
+- Revalidate source only if nm-con-ed change settings (#1270354) (jkonecny)
+- Merge solutions for test source when network change (#1270354) (jkonecny)
+- Changes in network state revalidate sources rhbz#1270354 (riehecky)
+* Wed Apr 27 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.9-1
+- Use the iutil functions for interacting with systemd services. (dshea)
+- Add methods to enable and disable systemd services. (dshea)
+- Do not add .service to the end of service names. (dshea)
+- Remove detach-client from tmux.conf (dshea)
+- Use Blivet 2.0 for set_default_fstype (#607) (sgallagh)
+- Remove dnf from the list of required packages. (#605) (dshea)
+- Add access to the payload from addons (#1288636) (jkonecny)
+- Disable pylint warnings related to the log handler fixer. (dshea)
+- Allow the metacity config dir to be overriden. (dshea)
+- Do not include /usr/share/anaconda files in the gui package. (dshea)
+- Work around logging's crummy lock behavior. (dshea)
+- Use rm -r to remove the temporary python site directory. (dshea)
+- Remove the subnet label for wired devices. (#1327615) (dshea)
+- Fix how unusued network labels are hidden (#1327615) (dshea)
+- Remove yum_logger (bcl)
+- Remove the lock loglevel (bcl)
+- Use a temporary user-site directory for the tests. (dshea)
+- Build everything for make ci. (dshea)
+- Ignore some E1101 no-member errors when running pylint (bcl)
+- Sprinkle the code with pylint no-member disable statements (bcl)
+- Catch GLib.GError instead of Exception (bcl)
+- Update storage test for Blivet 2.0 API change. (bcl)
+- Initialize missing private methods in BasePage class (bcl)
+- Update kickstart.py for Blivet 2.0 API change. (bcl)
+- Use namedtuple correctly in kexec.py (bcl)
+- Add more requires to make password checking still work. (#1327411) (dshea)
+- Rename isS390 to match the renames in blivet. (dshea)
+- Suppress signal handling when setting zone from location (#1322648) (dshea)
+- Refresh metadata when updates checkbox changes (#1211907) (bcl)
+* Fri Apr 15 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.8-1
+- network: handle null wireless AP SSID object (#1262556) (awilliam)
+- Change new_tmpfs to new_tmp_fs. (clumens)
+- Add support for kickstart %%onerror scripts. (clumens)
+- Show network spoke in the TUI reconfig mode (#1302165) (mkolman)
+- network: copy static routes configured in installer to system (#1255801)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: fix vlan over bond in kickstart (#1234849) (rvykydal)
+- network: use NAME to find ifcfg on s390 with net.ifnames=0 (#1249750)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Get rid of the reimport of MultipathDevice. (clumens)
+- Fix iSCSI kickstart options aren't generated (#1252879) (jkonecny)
+- Fix adding offload iSCSI devices (vtrefny)
+- Make the list-harddrives script mode robust (mkolman)
+* Fri Apr 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.7-1
+- Blivet API change getDeviceBy* is now get_device_by_* (bcl)
+- network: don't set 803-3-ethernet.name setting (#1323589) (rvykydal)
+- Log non-critical user/group errors (#1308679) (bcl)
+- Fix btrfs metadata raid level kwarg. (dlehman)
+- docs: Add release building document (bcl)
+- Minor improvements - README and test dependencies (atodorov)
+- Add more matches for network connectivity (atodorov)
+* Mon Apr 04 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.6-1
+- Remove an unused import from anaconda-cleanup. (clumens)
+- Don't use booleans in Requires (#1323314) (dshea)
+- Set CSS names on all of the anaconda classes. (#1322036) (dshea)
+- Don't crash if no groups are specified (#1316816) (dshea)
+- Fix only one address is shown in anaconda (#1264400) (jkonecny)
+- Fix call to update optical media format. (#1322943) (dlehman)
+- Reset invalid disk selection before proceeding. (dlehman)
+- Multiple Dogtail tests improvements (atodorov)
+- Do not allow liveinst with --image or --dirinstall (#1276349) (dshea)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 25.5 (bcl)
+* Wed Mar 30 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.5-1
+- Don't provide subclasses of the multipath or dmraid commands. (clumens)
+- Add support for chunksize raid kickstart parameter. (vtrefny)
+- Convert to blivet-2.0 API. (dlehman)
+* Thu Mar 24 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.4-1
+- Require that the English locale data be available. (#1315494) (dshea)
+- Revert "Change the default locale to C.UTF-8 (#1312607)" (#1315494) (dshea)
+- Make windows in metacity closable (#1319590) (dshea)
+- Fix the use of CSS psuedo-classes in the widgets. (dshea)
+- Add reason when logging invalid repository (#1240379) (jkonecny)
+* Sat Mar 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.3-1
+- Apply language attributes to all labels within anaconda. (dshea)
+- Add a function to apply a PangoAttrLanguage to a label. (dshea)
+- Add functions to watch changes to a container widget. (dshea)
+- Switch to the adwaita icon theme. (dshea)
+- Fix duplicate network settings in dracut (#1293539) (jkonecny)
+- Fix create device with bad name when parsing KS (#1293539) (jkonecny)
+- Use a lock for repoStore access (#1315414) (bcl)
+- Add missing inst prefix to the nokill option in docs (mkolman)
+- Merge pull request #551 from wgwoods/master-multiple-initrd-dd-fix (wwoods)
+- fix multiple inst.dd=<path> args (rhbz#1268792) (wwoods)
+* Fri Mar 11 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.2-1
+- Load the system-wide Xresources (#1241724) (dshea)
+- Use an icon that exists in Adwaita for the dasd confirmation (dshea)
+- Make it possible to skip saving of kickstarts and logs (#1285519) (mkolman)
+- Add a function for empty file creation (#1285519) (mkolman)
+- Run actions for argparse arguments (#1285519) (mkolman)
+* Wed Mar 09 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.1-1
+- don't install kernel-PAE on x86_64 (#1313957) (awilliam)
+- except block in py3.5 undefines the variable (bcl)
+- Remove some history from the liveinst setup. (dshea)
+- Do not run the liveinst setup if not in a live environment. (dshea)
+- Set GDK_BACKEND=x11 before running anaconda from liveinst. (dshea)
+- Run zz-liveinst as an autostart application (dshea)
+- Translate the help button. (dshea)
+- Translate the required space labes in resize.py (dshea)
+* Fri Mar 04 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 25.0-1
+- Add device id to dasdfmt screen. (#1269174) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Unify displayed columns in custom spoke dialogs. (#1289577) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Show some confirmation to users if adding a DASD was successful. (#1259016)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Hotfix for missing storage in payload class (#1271657) (jkonecny)
+- Check to see if DD repo is already in addOn list (#1268357) (bcl)
+- Use the default levelbar offset values. (dshea)
+- Do not change the GUI language to a missing locale. (#1312607) (dshea)
+- Don't crash when setting an unavailable locale (#1312607) (dshea)
+- Change the default locale to C.UTF-8 (#1312607) (dshea)
+- Update the libtool version-info. (dshea)
+- Use CSS to style the internal widgets. (dshea)
+- Move the widgets pixmaps into resources. (dshea)
+- Add a resource bundle to libAnacondaWidgets (dshea)
+- Rename show_arrow and chosen_changed to show-arrow and chosen-changed (dshea)
+- Remove an invalid transfer notation. (dshea)
+- Stop using SGML in the docs. (dshea)
+- Change the install test URL. (dshea)
+- Fix nfs source crash when options change (#1264071) (bcl)
+- makebumpver: Add a --dry-run option (bcl)
+- NTP should have better behavior (#1309396) (jkonecny)
+- Manually set clock shifts on UI idle (#1251044) (rmarshall)
+- Don't remove selected shared part when Delete all (#1183880) (jkonecny)
+- Don't delete shared/boot parts in deleteAll (#1183880) (jkonecny)
+* Fri Feb 19 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.13-1
+- tests/gui enhancements (atodorov)
+- Fix gui tests for anaconda move to anaconda.py (atodorov)
+- Use a different ipmi command to log events. (clumens)
+- Clarify that a string in list-screens is actually a regex. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #513 from wgwoods/update-dd-docs (wwoods)
+- updated driver updates docs (wwoods)
+- Add specification for the user interaction config file (mkolman)
+- Update zanata webui URL in translation doc. (dlehman)
+- Tweak partition removal in Custom spoke (jkonecny)
+- Do not skip evaluation after removing partitions (jkonecny)
+- Import iutil earlier so we can use ipmi_report from check_for_ssh. (clumens)
+- Make disconnect_client_callbacks more resilient (#1307063). (clumens)
+- Move the langpacks install into to a separate function. (dshea)
+- Fix _find_by_title method in Accordion (jkonecny)
+* Fri Feb 12 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.12-1
+- Use host storage for directory or image install dnf download (bcl)
+- Log payloadError so we know why installation failed. (bcl)
+- Add the addons directory to the rpm. (dshea)
+- Use the packaged version of ordered-set (dshea)
+- Remove an unused import (dshea)
+- Add an uninstall hook for the renamed anaconda (dshea)
+- Make langpack work in DNF (#1297823) (jsilhan)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 24.11 (bcl)
+* Fri Feb 05 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.11-1
+- Fix makeupdates for anaconda move to anaconda.py (bcl)
+- Rename ./anaconda to ./anaconda.py to work around coverage.py #425 (atodorov)
+- Remove special handling for interruptible system calls. (dshea)
+- Handle PEP 3101 strings in the gettext context check (dshea)
+- Improve RHS summary strings in multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Increase GI version required of AnacondaWidgets (jkonecny)
+- Increment version of g-introspection for widgets (jkonecny)
+- Increment the AnacondaWidgets version (jkonecny)
+- Switch to the new Initial Setup unit name (#1299210) (mkolman)
+- Uncomment self.check_lang_locale_views in tests/gui/ (atodorov)
+- Add dogtail to test requirements (atodorov)
+- Add config for easier combining of kickstart and Jenkins coverage data
+  (atodorov)
+- Apply the fallback style to anaconda selectors. (dshea)
+- Redo the stylesheet for Gtk 3.19+ (dshea)
+- Directly overwrite /usr/share/anaconda/anaconda-gtk.css (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #463 from dashea/translation-tests (dshea)
+- Display the name of the addon while executing it (bcl)
+- Add page selection summary to the right side (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Ask when removing new items in multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Add multiselection with SHIFT key (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Use show_arrow feature implemented in Selector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Add new property to show/hide arrow in Selector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Change selection logic when opening Page (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Add new BasePage class (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Add signal and methods to MountpointSelector (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Fix errors with multiselection (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Accordion class now process events for selectors (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Change cammel case for accordion.py to new pep8 (jkonecny)
+- Move selection logic from custom spoke to accordion (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Modify ConfirmDeleteDialog now the checkbox is optional (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Multiselection works in GUI with remove (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Add multiselection to Accordion with control key (#1265620) (jkonecny)
+- Remove bad translations from the source tarball. (dshea)
+- Treat warnings from xgettext as errors. (dshea)
+- Run translation-canary tests from make check. (dshea)
+- Do not run pylint on translation-canary (dshea)
+- Squashed 'translation-canary/' content from commit 5a45c19 (dshea)
+* Fri Jan 29 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.10-1
+- Add a finished method to spokes (#1300499) (bcl)
+- Handle DeviceConfiguration with con = None (#1300499) (bcl)
+- Log detailed information about installed packages (bcl)
+- s/KickstartValueError/KickstartParseError. (clumens)
+- Move requiredDeviceSize to the main Payload class (#1297905) (dshea)
+* Fri Jan 08 2016 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.9-1
+- Handle unexpected DNF exit (bcl)
+- Fix bad space needed messages (jkonecny)
+- nosetests-3.5 is now the right version. (clumens)
+- Ignore a pylint error about how we're using Popen (dshea)
+- Mark an unused variable as unused (dshea)
+- Ignore type-related errors for types pylint can't figure out (dshea)
+- Import errors are just regular errors now (dshea)
+- Replace the remaining log.warn calls with log.warning. (dshea)
+- Fix an erroneously bare raise statement (dshea)
+- Replace the deprecated assertEquals with assertEqual (dshea)
+- Don't add a None to the list of things to unmount on ostree installs.
+  (clumens)
+* Wed Dec 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.8-1
+- Fix pylint problems in the gui testing code. (clumens)
+- Merge 9c5e02392d0401a3bd0adecedea03535595773ef into
+  67b569253c724639c2490f5fab70f7111f699b3f (atodorov)
+- Fix the replacement suggestion for "hostname" (dshea)
+- Automatically generate sr (dshea)
+- Fix PropertyNotFoundError PermHwAddress (#1269298) (jkonecny)
+- Make sure python3.5 code can run in early initrd (bcl)
+- Replace <list>.delete() with <list>.remove() in user.py (sujithpandel)
+- Rename everything that still refers to LiveCD (atodorov)
+- Updates to progress and storage tests (atodorov)
+- Multiple changes to DogtailTestCase (atodorov)
+- Move all Python files into the main gui/ directory (atodorov)
+- Simplify tests by removing OutsideMixin and update Creator (atodorov)
+- Modify existing tests to match latest anaconda behavior and environment
+  (atodorov)
+- Temporary disable test code which doesn't work (atodorov)
+- Make tests/gui/ execute ./anaconda from git (atodorov)
+- Add window title (#1280077) (mkolman)
+- Replace execReadlines with check_output in parse-kickstart_test.py (bcl)
+- Fix a spelling error in the hardware error message (#1284165). (clumens)
+* Wed Nov 18 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.7-1
+- Collect test-suite.log from all 'make check' invocations. Closes #452
+  (atodorov)
+- Fix parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
+- Remove mkdud.py. (clumens)
+- Remove the kickstart_tests directory. (clumens)
+- Always quote values in ifcfg- files (#1279131) (bcl)
+- Include original kickstart in /root/original-ks.cfg (#1227939) (bcl)
+- strip spaces from extlinux label and default (#1185624) (bcl)
+- Report kernel failures during kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Make sure unicode in kickstart works. (dshea)
+- Set the window icon (dshea)
+- Only run space check in TUI if spokes are complete. (#1279413)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Allow a user's primary group to be created in --groups (#1279041) (dshea)
+- Remove uses of broad-except. (dshea)
+- Add a test for all that container minimization stuff. (clumens)
+- Use the partition command in one of the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Don't clear the _currentIsoFile if another iso was selected (bcl)
+- makeupdates: Include utils/handle-sshpw (bcl)
+- Add --sshkey to kickstart sshpw command (#1274104) (bcl)
+- Split exception description from exception traceback (jkonecny)
+- Show DNF exception instead of silent exit (jkonecny)
+- Combine results from all gettext_tests into one log file (atodorov)
+- Try to run make ci with real translations. (dshea)
+- Untranslate undisplayed TreeView column headers. (dshea)
+- Add a test for hidden translatable strings (dshea)
+- Add the translated string to markup error messages. (dshea)
+- Test glade translations by default (dshea)
+- Change the way glade tests are run. (dshea)
+- Remove the accelerator test. (dshea)
+- Add the test lib directory to $PYTHONPATH in the commit hook (dshea)
+- network: create ifcfg files in tui if needed (#1268155) (rvykydal)
+- Do not limit ONBOOT default setting to url and nfs installation methods
+  (#1269264) (rvykydal)
+- ibft: fix setting dracut boot args for static ibft nic configuration
+  (#1267526) (rvykydal)
+- network: Don't set --device link default for hostname only network cmd
+  (#1272274) (rvykydal)
+- network: assume --device=link as default also for ks on hd (#1085310)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: use ibftx interface for iSCSI from iBFT in dracut (#1077291)
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: add s390 options to default ifcfg files (#1074570) (rvykydal)
+* Fri Nov 06 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.6-1
+- Fix a pylint error in the previous commits. (clumens)
+- Load anaconda-gtk.css from ANACONDA_DATA if specified (atodorov)
+- Use the correct path for ui categories (atodorov)
+- Allow wired network properties more grid space. (dshea)
+- Improve language selection at low resolutions. (dshea)
+- Make reclaim work with small screens and big labels (dshea)
+- allow repo with only a name if it's a pre-defined one (#1277638) (awilliam)
+- Only raise thread exceptions once (#1276579) (bcl)
+- Use py3.4 crypt and salt (bcl)
+- Be more careful with incomplete device types (#1256582) (dshea)
+- Fix an import error in rpmostreepayload.py. (clumens)
+- Fix Testing docs inclusion in Sphinx (bcl)
+- Ignore interfaces with invalid VLAN IDs. (dshea)
+- Cleaner logging of .treeinfo return conditions in dependant function.
+  (riehecky)
+- Update link to upstream kickstart docs (opensource)
+- rpmostreepayload: Also unmount internal mounts during shutdown (walters)
+- rpmostreepayload: Fix two issues with mounting (walters)
+- Add a README for kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Make the documentation match the environment variable. (clumens)
+- Check that cache PVs (if any) are in the VG the LV belongs to (#1263258)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Fix the alignment of the "Label" label in custom (dshea)
+- Use unsafe caching during kickstart tests. (clumens)
+* Wed Oct 28 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.5-1
+- Improve install space required estimation (#1224048) (jkonecny)
+- Update the on-disk snapshot of storage when adv. disks are added (#1267944)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Check that ipv6 kickstart outputs the right ip= (dshea)
+- Change a variable name for pylint. (dshea)
+- Do not run time_initialize for image and directory installations (#1274103)
+  (bcl)
+- Remove unused properties (dshea)
+- Do not modify the kickstart user data until apply() (dshea)
+- Make AdvancedUserDialog.run() more readable (dshea)
+- Improve the behavior of the home directory input. (dshea)
+- Stop setting inappropriate properties in ksdata. (dshea)
+- Update the password strength bar during the password strength check. (dshea)
+- Remove unnecessary grab_focus and set_sensitive calls (dshea)
+- Use signal handlers in the user spoke more sensibly. (dshea)
+- Fix potential issues with the username guesser. (dshea)
+- Make kickstart tests growing LVs stricter (vpodzime)
+- Point coverage.py to the full path of pyanaconda/ (atodorov)
+- Don't set BOOTPROTO= when it isn't set (jbacik)
+- Pass strings to blockdev.dasd_format, not a DASDDevice object. (#1273553)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Revert "Use yum to install the mock buildroot for now." (dshea)
+- decode package name for /etc/sysconfig/kernel (RHBZ #1261569) (awilliam)
+- Add tests for the more complicated command line options (dshea)
+- Store fewer kinds of things in the dirinstall option. (dshea)
+- Fix the parsing of selinux=0 (#1258569) (dshea)
+- Include a local $ANACONDA_DATADIR in the test environment. (dshea)
+- Move the command line arguments to anaconda_argparse. (dshea)
+- Don't crash while logging binary output. (dshea)
+- Decode program output even if there is no output (#1273145) (dshea)
+- Add a test for _run_program with binary output (dshea)
+- Test execWithCapture when the command outputs nothing. (dshea)
+- Fix a long line in kickstart_tests/functions.sh. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #414 from vpodzime/master-lvm_log (vpodzime)
+- Save the lvm.log Blivet may produce (vpodzime)
+* Fri Oct 16 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.4-1
+- Hide the places sidebar in the ISO chooser widget. (dshea)
+- Use GtkResponseType values in the iso chooser dialog (dshea)
+- Do not use deprecated getDevicesByInstance method (vtrefny)
+- By default, skip those kickstart tests we know to be failing. (clumens)
+- Fix pylint unused import (jkonecny)
+- network: handle bridge device appearing before its connection (#1265593)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Use $KSTEST_URL in tests that still had dl.fp.o hardcoded. (dshea)
+- Support CONNECT in the test proxy server. (dshea)
+- Extract the file used by liveimg as a prereq (dshea)
+- Convert the proxy script to a prereq. (dshea)
+- Add a prereqs function to kickstart tests. (dshea)
+- Fix traceback when trying to create list of unformatted DASDs. (#1268764)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- network: handle missing connections of a device configured in GUI better
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: don't set NM_CONTROLLED=no for root on SAN. (rvykydal)
+- Add support for other systemd units to kickstart service command (bcl)
+- Merge pull request #388 from wgwoods/dd-in-initrd-fix (wwoods)
+- Set the password checkbox for empty kickstart passwords. (dshea)
+- Do not set the password input text with unencrypted passwords. (dshea)
+- Install input checks before modifying the user GUI (#1256065) (dshea)
+- Fix a lying error message in style_guide.py (dshea)
+- Use "Enter" instead of "Return" for the keyboard key. (dshea)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 24.3 (bcl)
+- Include missing test files and scripts in Makefile.am/tarball (atodorov)
+- dracut: accept inst.dd=[file:]/dd.iso (#1268792) (wwoods)
+- Do not override StorageChecker.errors in StorageSpoke (#1252596) (vtrefny)
+- Lookup IPv6 address without brackets (#1267872) (bcl)
+- Mangle the boot device differently for systemd (#1241704) (dshea)
+- Fail the media check if the systemd service failed to start. (dshea)
+* Fri Oct 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.3-1
+- Properly translate c-to-continue on the root selection screen (mkolman)
+- Check minimal memory requirements properly (#1267673) (jstodola)
+- Allow users to be created with an existing GID. (dshea)
+- Add a test for creating a user with an existing GID. (dshea)
+- Add tests for gids embmedded in the user groups list. (dshea)
+- Allow the kickstart --groups list to specify GIDs. (dshea)
+- Add a --groups argument to the user ks test. (dshea)
+- Fix the locale pattern packages-instlangs-3 looks for. (dshea)
+- Raise an error if osimg cannot be found (#1248673) (bcl)
+- Use the bootloader raid levels for bootloader installation (#1266898) (bcl)
+- Use otps.display_mode during early startup (#1267140) (mkolman)
+- Mount stage2 cdrom after running driver-updates (#1266478) (bcl)
+- Get rid of an unused import in the user spoke. (clumens)
+- Log crashes from the signal handler. (dshea)
+- Save a core file when anaconda crashes. (dshea)
+- Keep environment selection when reentering the software spoke (#1261393)
+  (mkolman)
+- Only show the user spoke if no users are specified in kickstart (#1253672)
+  (mkolman)
+- Fix 'cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or directory' (#1251394) (jkonecny)
+- Do not display curl 404 errors that can be safely ignored (vtrefny)
+- Catch blkid failure in driver-updates (#1262963) (bcl)
+- Add kickstart tests for %%packages --instLangs (dshea)
+- Do not display markup in showDetailedError. (dshea)
+- Skip OEMDRV if interactive DD is requested (#1254270) (bcl)
+- Drivers are simply under /run/install/DD-x/ (#1254270) (bcl)
+- Fix branding when iso is downloaded from nfs or hd (#1252756) (jkonecny)
+- Use yum to install the mock buildroot for now. (dshea)
+- Rename the gettext tests (dshea)
+- Bring back the KSTEST_HTTP_ADDON_REPO substitution in nfs-repo-and-addon.sh
+  (clumens)
+- Run substitution checks on the right kickstart file. (clumens)
+- Tell gettext that anaconda is not a GNU package. (dshea)
+- Ignore environment modification warnings in docs/conf.py (dshea)
+- Check for unsubstituted strings before running a test. (dshea)
+- Autopart use 90%% of disk capacity for required space compare (#1224048)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Fix include packages install size when downloading on root (#1224048)
+  (jkonecny)
+- Enable and improve the check for swap LV size in LVM cache kickstart tests
+  (vpodzime)
+- make-sphinx-docs: Add modules needed to document tests (bcl)
+- Add test documentation (atodorov)
+- Fix how the reqpart test checks for /boot, again. (clumens)
+- Add a way to get default settings when running the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Change how we ignore non-tests in kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Various fixes to substitution strings in kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Move kickstart_test .ks files to .ks.in. (clumens)
+* Fri Sep 11 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.2-1
+- Handle driver rpms retrieved via network (#1257916) (bcl)
+- Fix the types passed to chown_dir_tree (#1260318) (dshea)
+- Add a test for home directory reuse (dshea)
+- Use MDRaidArrayDevice.members instead of .devices (dshea)
+- Make sure anaconda reads in ks file from OEMDRV device. (#1057271)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Try to deal with expected errors from devicetree.populate (#1257648)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Revert "Temporarily disable generating a coverage report." (clumens)
+- Fix a DBus InvalidProperty handling (jkonecny)
+- Fix another bash syntax problem in kickstart-genrules.sh (#1057271)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add a test for the rootpw kickstart command (dshea)
+- Add tests for setRootPassword (dshea)
+- Add a /boot partition to the reqpart test. (clumens)
+- Fix up a statement that's not assigned to anything. (clumens)
+- Temporarily disable generating a coverage report. (clumens)
+- Don't try to concatenate a list with a string (#1252444) (mkolman)
+- Activate coverage for tests executed with sudo (atodorov)
+- set sysroot correctly when setting root password (#1260875) (awilliam)
+- Add a test for kickstarts that %%include a URL (dshea)
+- Add missing python dependencies for requests. (#1259506) (dshea)
+- Serve the http addon repos from the test tmpdir (dshea)
+- Make make-addon-pkgs easier to use from within a test (dshea)
+- Add a simple http server for use in kickstart tests. (dshea)
+- Add a script to print an IP address for the host. (dshea)
+- Add a cleanup hook that can be defined by kickstart tests (dshea)
+- Move kickstart test support files into a separate directory. (dshea)
+- Fix a python3 related error in the pre-commit hook (dshea)
+- network: gui spoke TODO cleanup (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: add missing connection for eth device with Configure
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: allow adding missing connection for eth device externally
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: wait for valid state of added device before adding to list
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: use libmn objects instead of names an uuids (device on/off)
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: to check if device is activated just use its object
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: use connnection objects instead of uuids (edit connection)
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: refresh early when device is added (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: use connection object instead of uuid (DeviceConfiguration)
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: share nm client in standalone and normal spoke (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: add enterprise wpa connection using libnm client (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: use AccessPoint object in place of ssid bytearray (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: delete connection using libnm client (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: replace python-dbus workaround calls for ap security flags
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: call get_data() on ap.get_ssid() result to get ssid bytes
+  (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: showing ip configuration of a device (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: NMClient -> NM.Client (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: gi.NetworkManager -> gi.NM (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: Revert "Fix crash when new device appear in Welcome screen
+  (#1245960)" (rvykydal)
+- libnm in spoke: Revert "Fix crash when connections are changing (#1245960)"
+  (rvykydal)
+- Add an ignoredisk --drives= test. (clumens)
+- Add a test for the reqpart command. (clumens)
+- Grab anaconda.coverage on tests that reimplement validate(). (clumens)
+- Install driver-updates (dshea)
+- Fix a typo in service enablement in kickstart.py. (clumens)
+- Get rid of the extraneous cats and greps in user.ks. (clumens)
+- Add sshkey testing to the user kickstart_test. (clumens)
+- Add a kickstart test in Arabic. (clumens)
+- Verify Initial Setup services are present before turning them ON/OFF
+  (#1252444) (mkolman)
+- Don't crash if the Japanese PC-98 keyboard is selected (#1190589) (mkolman)
+- Report on all local files and exclude what we don't need instead of
+  explicitly including paths we may not be aware of. (atodorov)
+- Change "failed to download" messages from critical to warning. (clumens)
+- getcode -> status_code in a live payload error message. (clumens)
+- Fix a bash error in kickstart-genrules.sh (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- specify if=virtio,cache=none for VM drives (atodorov)
+- update the test b/c latest anaconda doesn't allow weak passwords (atodorov)
+- Specify format=raw to avoid warning from qemu (atodorov)
+- update for Python3 nose (atodorov)
+- Add a services.sh file to match the existing services.ks. (clumens)
+- Add types to all existing kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Add the ability to mark kickstart tests with a type. (clumens)
+- Run nm-connection-editor with the --keep-above flag (#1231856) (mkolman)
+* Mon Aug 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.1-1
+- Add a test for the user and group creation functions. (dshea)
+- Get rid of libuser. (#1255066) (dshea)
+- s/$releasever/rawhide/ (clumens)
+- LVM on RAID kickstart test (vpodzime)
+- unbuffered read in python3 only works for binary (bcl)
+- don't crash if no environment set in interactive (#1257036) (awilliam)
+- network: compare with ssid bytes, not str (rvykydal)
+- Add dependencies for running the tests/gui tests (atodorov)
+- Fix first run environment setup in software spoke (#1257036) (jkonecny)
+- Stop pretending liveinst+rescue is supported (#1256061). (clumens)
+- Defer to Fedora distro-wide settings for password strength (#1250746) (dshea)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 24.0 (bcl)
+- Do a better job reporting failures from kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Preserve coverage results from running the kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+* Mon Aug 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 24.0-1
+- Remove from the docs repo=hd installation with installable tree (jkonecny)
+- Fix a race between a window continuing and the next starting (#1004477)
+  (dshea)
+- Start hubs with the buttons insensitive. (dshea)
+- Do not replace the standard streams if not necessary. (dshea)
+- Fix inst.repo=hd: is not working (#1252902) (jkonecny)
+- Kickstart: Added SELinux test. (kvalek)
+- Kickstart tests related to SELinux. (kvalek)
+- Package install and debug message logging. (kvalek)
+- Don't crash if incorrect environment is set in kickstart (#1234890) (mkolman)
+- Fix I/O issues when anaconda is started without a locale. (dshea)
+- Move locale environment logic into localization.py (dshea)
+- network: fix configuring team in kickstart pre (#1254929) (rvykydal)
+- Merge pull request #311 from atodorov/add_local_coverage (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #308 from atodorov/rawhide_missing_deps (clumens)
+- Enable test coverage in CI (atodorov)
+- Fix the single-spoke TUI message for Python 3. (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #291 from atodorov/update_coverage_switch (clumens)
+- Add missing requirements (atodorov)
+- Add basic kickstart tests for LVM Thin Provisioning (vpodzime)
+- Use the default mirrorlist instead of fixed repo URL in kickstart tests
+  (vpodzime)
+- Destroy the keyboard layout dialog when finished (#1254150) (dshea)
+- Do not encode the geoloc timezone to bytes (#1240812) (dshea)
+- use inst.debug as alternative option to start coverage (atodorov)
+* Mon Aug 17 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.20-1
+- Skip source url checks when network is off (#1251130) (bcl)
+- Don't set net.device to link if there is no ksdevice (#1085310) (bcl)
+- Reading carrier while link is down raises IOError (#1085310) (bcl)
+- Don't write nfs repos to the target system (#1246212) (bcl)
+- Make sure username entered in TUI if create a user chosen. (#1249660)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Write the empty dnf langpacks.conf to the right directory (#1253469) (dshea)
+- Add pyanaconda test for network.check_ip_address (jkonecny)
+- Replace IPy package by ipaddress (jkonecny)
+- Correctly check return code when running rpm from makeupdates (mkolman)
+- Fix crash when new device appear in Welcome screen (#1245960) (jkonecny)
+- Fix crash when connections are changing (#1245960) (jkonecny)
+- Make LVM cache kickstart tests more robust (vpodzime)
+- product.img buildstamp should override distribution buildstamp (#1240238)
+  (bcl)
+- On incomplete ks, don't automatically proceed with install. (#1034282)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Update the translation doc with zanata branching incantations.
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Merge pull request #287 from kparal/patch-1 (clumens)
+- boot-options.rst: add a note about nfsiso (kamil.paral)
+- Few fixes and amendments for the boot_options.rst file (vpodzime)
+- Prevent issues with encrypted LVs on renamed VGs (#1224045) (vpodzime)
+- Create and use snapshot of on-disk storage with no modifications (#1166598)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Implement the class for storage snapshots (vpodzime)
+- Prevent any changes in the StorageSpoke if just going back (vpodzime)
+- Make StorageSpoke's on_back_clicked less complicated (vpodzime)
+- Add kickstart tests for the LVM cache kickstart support (vpodzime)
+- Disable packages-multilib, for now. (clumens)
+- Make sure the liveimg test shuts down when it finishes. (clumens)
+- Change how success is checked for the basic-ostree test. (clumens)
+* Fri Aug 07 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.19-1
+- Add basic support for LVM cache creation in kickstart (vpodzime)
+- Use labels for the rest of the non-autopart test results. (dshea)
+- Use a disk label to find the filesystem for escrow results (dshea)
+- Use someone else's code for PID file management. (dshea)
+- Prevent incomplete translations from making the TUI unusable (#1235617)
+  (mkolman)
+- Apply the environment substitutions more liberally in nfs-repo-and-addon
+  (dshea)
+- Use stage2=hd: instead of stage2=live: (dshea)
+- Add test for liveimg kickstart command (bcl)
+- Fix pre-install script execution (bcl)
+- test pre-install kickstart section (bcl)
+- Use sys.exit() instead of the exit() created by site.py. (dshea)
+- Call ipmi_report before sys.exit (dshea)
+- Add a test for proxy authentication (dshea)
+- Add optional authentication to the proxy server (dshea)
+- Add more tests to proxy-kickstart (dshea)
+- Show an alternative prompt if a hub contains only a single spoke (#1199234)
+  (mkolman)
+- Add few docs and improvement in check_ip_address (jkonecny)
+- Check whether files actually contain translatable strings. (dshea)
+- Add specific error string to TUI user dialog (#1248421) (bcl)
+- Make EditTUIDialog error generic (#1248421) (bcl)
+- Fix and expand nfs-repo-and-addon.ks (dshea)
+- Added a script to make the packages used by nfs-repo-and-addon (dshea)
+- Implement the rest of the repo options in dnfpayload. (dshea)
+- Fix kickstart test for bond interface creation (jkonecny)
+* Fri Jul 31 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.18-1
+- Move the proxy server script into a common file. (dshea)
+- Use python3 for the proxy server and remove python2 compatibility (dshea)
+- makePickle now needs to return bytes (bcl)
+- gi.require_version raises ValueError (bcl)
+- Remove duplicate signal setup block (bcl)
+- Fix three bugs discovered by driverdisk-disk.ks (clumens)
+- Fix error with OEMDRV ks auto-load check. (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Make sure TUI is readable for non-latin languages (#1182562) (mkolman)
+- Equalize capacity & mount point entries (#1212615) (dshea)
+- Disable GRUB os_prober on POWER (#1193281) (rmarshall)
+- Cancel Container Edit Sensitizes Update (#1168656) (rmarshall)
+- Fix SoftwareSpoke._kickstarted. (dshea)
+- Disable a Pylint false-positive (#1234896) (mkolman)
+- Add support for autostep and --autoscreenshot (#1234896) (mkolman)
+- Escape \'s in doc strings (dshea)
+- Ellipsize the file system type combo box (#1212615) (dshea)
+- Add graphviz to make-sphinx-doc script (jkonecny)
+- Remove many of a documentation compilation errors (jkonecny)
+- Add class diagrams to existing spokes and hubs (jkonecny)
+- Add class diagram settings to documentation (jkonecny)
+- Fix the UnusuableConfigurationError dialog (#1246915) (dshea)
+- Chase pygobject's stupid moving target (dshea)
+- Add missing translation contexts (dshea)
+- Actually translate the container type labels (dshea)
+- Check whether a translated string requires a context or comment. (dshea)
+- Clean up the temporary pools virt-install makes. (clumens)
+- Return the same object for repeated calls to __get__ (#1245423) (dshea)
+- Use sys.exit instead of os._exit. (clumens)
+- Add parentheses around the IPV6 regex fragment. (dshea)
+- Add tests for IPv6 literals in URLs (dshea)
+- Modify Installation Source Proxy Label (#11688554) (rmarshall)
+* Fri Jul 24 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.17-1
+- Fix Initial PPC PReP Boot Selector Name (#1172755) (rmarshall)
+- Require a newer version of pykickstart (vpodzime)
+- Use dictionaries is thread-safe manner. (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #234 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
+- Auto-load ks.cfg if OEMDRV volume available. (#1057271) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Check the encrypt checkbox when encrypted specified in KS (vtrefny)
+- Do not raise KickstartValueError for missing passphrase (vtrefny)
+- Ask for encryption passphrase when not specified in ks (#1213096) (vtrefny)
+- dracut: minor cleanup (wwoods)
+- dracut: fix missing messages for inst.ks=cdrom (wwoods)
+- Wait forever for kickstarts on CDROM (#1168902) (wwoods)
+- Use abs_builddir instead of builddir so paths will look more reasonable.
+  (clumens)
+- Add a new makefile target that does everything needed for jenkins. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #228 from AdamWill/logind (dshea)
+- Fix crash when mirrorlist checkbox is checked (jkonecny)
+- Fix crash when user start typing proxy credentials (jkonecny)
+- Check repository URL before leaving Source Spoke (jkonecny)
+- Add IDs to identify addon repositories (jkonecny)
+- Repositories can be checked without a selection (jkonecny)
+- Consolidate the language environment variables. (dshea)
+- Change the generated API indices slightly (dshea)
+- Ignore "mountpoint" used a format specifier (dshea)
+- filesystems -> file systems, per the style guide (dshea)
+- Properly parameterize a translated string (dshea)
+- Fix pylint errors in rescue.py. (dshea)
+- Remove unused imports (dshea)
+- Remove text.py from spec file (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Merge pull request #220 from AdamWill/1243962 (dshea)
+- Fix adding 'boot=' option in FIPS mode (vtrefny)
+- anaconda.target: Wants systemd-logind.service (#1222413) (awilliam)
+- Remove the last usage of newt and get rid of it as a dependency (#965985)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Enable anaconda to use the new rescue mode. (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Get rid of unnecessary constants in constants_text. (#965985)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Get rid of some unnecessary files. (#965985) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Display verbose packaging errors to the user (bcl)
+- Show source errors from refresh method (bcl)
+- Fix the validate functions in the btrfs kickstart_tests. (clumens)
+- Connect kickstart lang data to dnf-langpacks (#1051816) (dshea)
+- Add simple_replace config file function (bcl)
+- Remove some vestiges of the old packaging module (dshea)
+- Remove window boot block detection functions. (dshea)
+- Remove iutil.xprogressive_delay. (dshea)
+- Simplify iutil.mkdirChain. (dshea)
+- Decode wifi SSIDs into strings. (#1240398) (dshea)
+- Actually use the temp directory so test files get cleaned up (dshea)
+- Disable the output from rpmbuild (dshea)
+- Remove stray references to python2. (dshea)
+- Fix possible to start installation without network (#1221109) (jkonecny)
+- Fix 'q' (to quit) do not work in TUI hub (jkonecny)
+- act on the right objects when stripping URL protocols (#1243962) (awilliam)
+- Fix 'App' object has no attribute 'queue' (#1243316) (jkonecny)
+* Thu Jul 16 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.16-1
+- fix storage writing for live and ostree installs (#1236937) (awilliam)
+- Add O_CREAT to the open flags when extracting rpm files. (dshea)
+- Move ostree gobject version check next to the import (#1243543) (bcl)
+- Remove rpmfluff from the buildrequires. (dshea)
+- Only import readline if readline is necessary. (dshea)
+- use the right baseurl in run_install_test.sh. (clumens)
+- Don't copy the environment when starting metacity. (dshea)
+- Fix the use of a temporary file in SimpleConfig.write (dshea)
+- Add a test for SimpleConfig.write(use_tmp=True). (dshea)
+- Remove an unnecessary chmod when creating chrony.conf (dshea)
+- Fix some bad uses of chmod. (dshea)
+- Add a function to open a file with specific permission bits (dshea)
+- Don't ask to start vnc if user specifies text mode. (#1202277)
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- New Anaconda documentation - 23.15 (bcl)
+- Add a helper for building Sphinx docs using mock. (bcl)
+- Update Sphinx configuration for python3 (bcl)
+- Running without a GUI can also raise ValueError in errors.py (bcl)
+- parse-kickstart_test.py: fix driverdisk_test() (wwoods)
+- Fix the spelling of "version" (dshea)
+* Mon Jul 13 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.15-1
+- Some dracut modules anaconda needs have been split into their own package.
+  (clumens)
+- User operation kickstart tests. (kvalek)
+- Kickstart tests for UTC and LOCAL hwclock. (kvalek)
+- Kickstart firewall tests. (kvalek)
+- Fix Repository New_Repository has no mirror or baseurl (#1215963) (jkonecny)
+* Fri Jul 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.14-1
+- Catch blivet formatDevice ValueError in custom (#1240226) (bcl)
+- There's now a python3-rpmfluff, so revert this. (clumens)
+- Fix a couple other pylint problems in the driver disk tests. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #194 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
+- dracut: fix boot failure waiting for finished/dd.sh (wwoods)
+- Use builddir instead of srcdir to find the dd utils (dshea)
+- Fix the dd_test for python3. (dshea)
+- Fix %%files to deal with compiled python3 modules (dshea)
+- Add a bunch of gi.require_version calls (dshea)
+- Temporarily disable the error about not importing rpmfluff. (clumens)
+- Don't try to iterate over threads directly in wait_all. (clumens)
+- Update the btrfs kickstart tests to use functions.sh. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #182 from wgwoods/dd-refactor (wwoods)
+- driver_updates: fixes from patch review (wwoods)
+- Don't be too picky about what name is --device=link (dshea)
+- Ignore stderr output from parse-kickstart. (dshea)
+- Add an option to execReadlines to filter out stderr. (dshea)
+- Ignore interruptible system calls in the dd test (dshea)
+- Fix an undefined variable in writeStorageLate (dshea)
+- Connect zfcp entries to the discovery buttons (dshea)
+- Connect iscsi activations to buttons (dshea)
+- Connect the dasd number entry to the discovery buttons. (dshea)
+- Add keyboard layouts on the row-activated signal. (dshea)
+- Connect dialog inputs to default actions. (dshea)
+- Remove unnecessary GtkNotebooks. (dshea)
+- Re-save some dialog glade files. (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #181 from wgwoods/master (wwoods)
+- dd-refactor: dracut + build bits (wwoods)
+- Add kickstart test for RAID1 (bcl)
+- pass PYTHONPATH to the kickstart test framework (bcl)
+- Write servers to chronyd.conf even if it's off (#1197575) (wwoods)
+- Refresh advanced disks after disk summary dialog (#1226354) (bcl)
+- parse-kickstart: just emit 'inst.dd=XXX' for driverdisk (wwoods)
+- parse-kickstart: pylint fixes (wwoods)
+- dd-refactor: new driver_updates.py + tests (wwoods)
+- payload: fix driverdisk repos (wwoods)
+- dracut: fix boot with inst.ks and no inst.{repo,stage2} (#1238987) (wwoods)
+- Use the most recent versions of the btrfs, logvol, part, and raid commands.
+  (clumens)
+- Allow /boot partition on iscsi with ibft (#1164195) (jkonecny)
+- Add kickstart tests to test btrfs installation (vtrefny)
+- Fix broken test by infiniband patch (#1177032) (jkonecny)
+* Thu Jul 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.13-1
+- Add a switch for the Airplane Mode label (dshea)
+- Connect labels with keyboard accelerators to a widget (dshea)
+- Add a test for dangling keyboard accelerators. (dshea)
+- Use pocketlint for translation and markup checking (dshea)
+- Flatten the glade test directory. (dshea)
+- Add support for specifying arbitrary mkfs options. (clumens)
+- Fix kickstart install with infiniband (#1177032) (jkonecny)
+- anaconda-dracut: Fix sysroot mount for netroot (#1232411) (bcl)
+- Add RAID swaps to /etc/fstab (#1234469) (bcl)
+- network: catch another race when calling dbus methods on invalid devices
+  (rvykydal)
+- network: GUI, add connection even when virtual device activation failed
+  (#1179276) (rvykydal)
+- Fix IP / hostname mismatches when showing VNC server address (#1186726)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Check also ipv6 default routes when looking for onboot=yes device (#1185280)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Merge pull request #157 from wgwoods/master_dd_fixes (wwoods)
+- Do not check dependencies on invalid payloads (dshea)
+- network: don't set onboot=False for default autoconnections (#1212009)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Fix the types used to write anaconda-tb-all.log (dshea)
+- dd: drop unnecessary archive_read_data_skip (wwoods)
+- dd_extract: -l should not extract modules+firmware (wwoods)
+- dd: fix permissions on extracted files (#1222056) (wwoods)
+- tests: add dd_tests (wwoods)
+* Fri Jun 26 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.12-1
+- Revert "Add an optional conditional to progress_report." (bcl)
+- Fix inconsistencies in the payload messages. (dshea)
+- Fix install-requires and install-buildrequires (dshea)
+- anaconda-dracut: Mount /dev/mapper/live-rw (#1232411) (bcl)
+- Eliminate some false test results when running glade tests. (atodorov)
+- Move the knowledge about network packages into ksdata.network. (clumens)
+- Add an optional conditional to progress_report. (clumens)
+- Move the big block of late storage writing out of install.py. (clumens)
+- The attribute is named ostreesetup.nogpg. (clumens)
+- Use the index in grubenv (#1209678) (bcl)
+- Do not raise an exception on EINTR from os.close or os.dup2 (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #154 from mulkieran/master-959701 (mulkieran)
+- Improve focus behavior in the advanced user dialog (dshea)
+- Re-save advanced_user.glade (dshea)
+- Depsolve kickstarted packages on the summary hub (#961280) (dshea)
+- Add a kickstart test for %%packages --ignoremissing (dshea)
+- Remove descriptions for RAID levels (#959701) (amulhern)
+- No kexec-tools on aarch64 (bcl)
+* Fri Jun 19 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.11-1
+- Do not import iutil from flags (dshea)
+- Ignore EINTR errors in files unlikely to encounter them (dshea)
+- Reimplement the open override for the dracut scripts (dshea)
+- Wrap the only non-open call found by the new pocketlint checks (dshea)
+- Redefine open to retry on EINTR (dshea)
+- Remove __future__ imports (dshea)
+- Use python 3's OSError subclasses instead of checking errno (dshea)
+- Allow kwargs in eintr_retry_call (dshea)
+- Remove explicit uses of /dev/null (dshea)
+- Do not retry calls to close or dup2 (dshea)
+- Remove another function from isys (dshea)
+- Make dialogs behave better with timed input validation (dshea)
+- Fix the password/confirm checks to work with delayed validation (dshea)
+- Move the URL protocol removal out of the input check (dshea)
+- Remove the vestigal capslock label from the password spoke (dshea)
+- Re-saved a few glade files (dshea)
+- Run set_status unconditionally from update_check_status (dshea)
+- Do not run input checks for every keystroke of input (#1206307) (dshea)
+- Add a method to execute timed actions early (dshea)
+- Use comps.environments instead of comps.environments_iter (#1221736) (dshea)
+- Merge pull request #83 from mulkieran/master-requires (mulkieran)
+- Only show supported autopart choices in choices combo. (amulhern)
+- Strip out device types that blivet is not able to support. (amulhern)
+- Update blivet required version. (amulhern)
+- Fix nfs4 stage2 and repo handling (#1230329) (bcl)
+- Update upd-kernel so that it actually works (#1166535) (bcl)
+- Fix passing ,nfsvers=3 to dracut (#1161820) (bcl)
+- Require the python3 version of iscsi-initiator-utils (dshea)
+- Fix the pylint pre-commit hook for python3 and pocketlint (dshea)
+- Fix a type check to work with python 3. (dshea)
+- Do not log Xorg output to tty5 (dshea)
+* Wed Jun 10 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.10-1
+- Deal with encrypted partitions not being readable by virt-cat. (clumens)
+- Make use of the restore_signals Popen argument (dshea)
+- Don't allow /boot on iSCSI. (#1164195) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Merge pull request #127 from mulkieran/master-kickstart (mulkieran)
+- Actually distribute the clickable message test, too (dshea)
+- Fix disk argument passing to virt-cat in the ostree test. (clumens)
+- Relabel all password and group files in %%post (#1228489) (dshea)
+- Deal with the order of ifcfg files not being guaranteed. (clumens)
+- Add a __init__.py to fix up an error when running iutil_test.py. (clumens)
+- Actually run the clickable message test (dshea)
+- Add a false positive to pylint checking for S390Error. (clumens)
+- Let the excludedocs test pass if there are only directories left. (clumens)
+- Allow successful kstest results to provide more details. (clumens)
+- The escrow_cert test cannot use autopart. (clumens)
+- Don't warn on PyInit__isys being unused. (clumens)
+- Test that root LV is encrypted. (amulhern)
+- Deal with subprocess returning bytes in tests/lib/filelist.py, too. (clumens)
+- Make anaconda+python3+pocketlint work. (clumens)
+- Start using our new shared pylint framework in anaconda. (clumens)
+- Remove our extra pylint checkers. (clumens)
+- Remove a duplicate libselinux-python3 requires. (clumens)
+- Run makeupdates with Python 2 for now (mkolman)
+- Don't use the _safechars private property (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make sure directory size is returned as int (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Only warn about missing yum-utils (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make sure set_system_time() gets an integer (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make sure the column number in TUI is an integer (#1141242) (mkolman)
+- Python 3 compatible sorting fixes (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make version comparison Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Don't apply numeric comparison on None (#1141242) (mkolman)
+- Avoid comparing None to an integer (#1141242) (mkolman)
+- Handle urllib split (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Don't try to decode strings (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Rename function attributes (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Replace raw_input() with input() (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make iterators and their usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Convert Python 2 metaclass magic to Python 3 metaclass magic (#1014220)
+  (mkolman)
+- Make the raise syntax Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Python 3 no longer does tuple parameter unpacking (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make isys Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Set a correct mode for the tempfile (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Python 3 temp files no longer reflect external changes (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make print usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Rename the warnings spoke to warnings_spoke (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Replace list comprehension with for at class level (mkolman)
+- Make gettext usage Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Do not open tty5 for writing in the "a" mode (#1014220) (vpodzime)
+- Do not use pykickstart's RepoData as a key in a dict (#1014220) (vpodzime)
+- Do not run repo attrs' checks if they are not set up yet (#1014220)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Don't depend on side effects of map() (#1141242) (mkolman)
+- Don't use exceptions' message attribute (#1014220) (vpodzime)
+- Addapt to string type changes (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Handle modules returning bytes in Python 3 (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Add and use function that makes sure we work with strings (#1014220)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Handle modules requiring different string types in Python 3 (#1014220)
+  (mkolman)
+- Remove sitecustomize (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Make ASCII conversions Python compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Remove "is Unicode" tests (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Fix ASCII conversion tests (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Return a string when calling a program (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Handle subprocess returning bytes (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Handle latin-1 strings in locale -a output (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Open the VNC password file for binary writing (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Update parse-kickstart for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
+- Update driver-updates for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
+- Update python-deps for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
+- Add a test for parse-kickstart (#1014220) (bcl)
+- Make the import Python 3 compatible (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Change configparser and queue imports (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Remove imports from the __future__ (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Use the imp module directly (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Use Python 3 versions of Python dependencies  (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Use /usr/bin/python3 in scripts (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Use Python 3 versions of nose and Pylint (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Build the Anaconda widgets for Python 3 (#1014220) (mkolman)
+- Update makebumpver for python3 (#1014220) (bcl)
+- Fix Kickstart installation without default gateway errors out (jkonecny)
+- Fix results checking in a couple ks tests. (clumens)
+* Wed Jun 03 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.9-1
+- Fix a usage typo in run_once_ks script. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add kickstart tests for keyboard settings. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add a kickstart test for lang settings. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix a %% call inside _(). (clumens)
+- Convert ntp-pools.* to using the new kstest functions and autopart. (clumens)
+- Fix up the expected output in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
+- Fix a couple more pylint problems in the s390 code. (clumens)
+- Use the adapted Timezone class for kickstart data (vpodzime)
+- Add a kickstart test for processing NTP servers/pools configuration
+  (vpodzime)
+- Show error on invalid username attempts in TUI. (#1171778) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Fix dracut reads ksdevice from missing os enviromnent (jkonecny)
+- Run kickstart tests through an LMC-like program, not LMC itself. (clumens)
+- Move common kickstart_test code out into its own functions.sh file. (clumens)
+- Switch to using autopart in the kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Fix a couple pylint errors. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Make anaconda changes necessary for libblockdev s390 plugin.
+  (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Add a kickstart test for lvm with percentage-based sizes. (dlehman)
+- Add kickstart test for basic fixed-size lvm layout. (dlehman)
+- Add a kickstart test to validate the default fstype. (dlehman)
+- Add kickstart test to test bond interface creation (jkonecny)
+- Add kickstart test to test vlan creation (jkonecny)
+- Fix --device=link and --device not specified (#1085310) (rvykydal)
+- Add kickstart test to test hostname (jkonecny)
+- Add a /boot to tmpfs-fixed_size.ks. (clumens)
+- Fix bad warning message when user set illegal IP (jkonecny)
+- Fix bad check of illegal ip address (jkonecny)
+- Add a simple tmpfs kickstart test (mkolman)
+- Add a kickstart test for escrow packets and backup passphrases (dshea)
+- Fix a typo that caused us to discard corrected target sizes. (#1211746)
+  (dlehman)
+- Don't pass anything to ./configure. (dshea)
+- Fix a pylint problem in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
+- Fix 0 choice in Language and Storage in TUI mode (jkonecny)
+- Update html documentation for new boot-options section (bcl)
+- Convert boot-options to ReST and include it in the Sphinx documents. (bcl)
+* Fri May 15 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.8-1
+- Clean up after processKickstart in parse-kickstart_test.py. (clumens)
+- Add support to dnfpayload.py for addon NFS repos. (clumens)
+- Fix IndexError: list index out of range (#1219004) (jkonecny)
+- Fix a typo in proxy-kickstart.sh that was causing a test time out. (clumens)
+- iSCSI Name Validation using regexes (sujith_pandel)
+- Add kickstart tests for proxy usage. (dshea)
+- In dracut, do not display a warning for network lines with just a hostname.
+  (clumens)
+- Add transport adapters to support ftp and file fetching (dshea)
+- Fix for "Kickstart installation fails..." (#1197960) (jkonecny)
+- Allow passing kickstart tests to be run on the command line. (clumens)
+- Automatically collect environment variables to be passed to ks tests.
+  (clumens)
+- Use isinstance instead of type for doing type checks. (clumens)
+- Remove yumpayload.py, its support files, and most references to yum.
+  (clumens)
+- Fix the packages-and-group wildcard exclusion test (dshea)
+- Set the GUI-selected environment in the ksdata (#1192100) (dshea)
+- Don't crash if the disk model is None (#1215251) (dshea)
+- Correct an error message in packages-and-groups-1.ks. (clumens)
+- Switch from testing for emacs* to kacst*. (clumens)
+- Tests that end in a traceback are failures, not successes. (clumens)
+- Don't run run_report.sh from within run_kickstart_tests.sh. (clumens)
+- If a kickstart test failed due to a traceback, display that. (clumens)
+- Wrap device labels earlier (#1212586) (dshea)
+- Remove the angle property from the device label (dshea)
+- Get rid of the find button in the filter spoke. (dshea)
+- Rearrange filter.glade (dshea)
+- Fix errors in the vendor column renderers. (dshea)
+- Fix some minor inconsistencies in filter.glade (dshea)
+- Fix issues with advanced storage searching. (dshea)
+- Remove duplicate entries from search combo boxes (dshea)
+- Use named IDs for the filter type combo boxes. (dshea)
+- Rearrange filter.glade the way glade wants it now (dshea)
+- Add a reporting support script to kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Return a specific error code when a test times out. (clumens)
+- Fix indentation in run_one_ks.sh. (clumens)
+- Also remove all the fonts in the packages-and-groups-1 test. (clumens)
+- Enable the basic-ftp and basic-ftp-yum kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Fix a typo in groups-and-envs-2.ks (clumens)
+- Get NTP pools and servers from ksdata for the runtime config (vpodzime)
+- Adapt to the new argument list for save_servers_to_config. (clumens)
+- Remove the restriction that /boot be below 2TB for grub (#1082331) (dshea)
+- Distinguish between NTP pools and servers in GUI (vpodzime)
+- Add support for chrony pool directive (mlichvar)
+- Add a readme pointing to the documentation (bcl)
+- Sphinx docs - use source order (bcl)
+- Add html documentation for Anaconda v23.7 (bcl)
+- Place html docs under ./docs/html/ (bcl)
+- Configure proxy settings for dnf payload (#1211122) (bcl)
+- Change online action to change (bcl)
+- Check for images/install.img first for netboot (bcl)
+- Ignore addon and anaconda sections in handle-sshpw (bcl)
+- Ignore %%anaconda section in parse-kickstart (bcl)
+- Change of label in iscsi storage spoke (jkonecny)
+* Wed Apr 22 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.7-1
+- Fix doReqPartition import from autopart (bcl)
+- Add support for reboot --kexec kickstart command (bcl)
+- Add inst.kexec and --kexec support to reboot with kexec (bcl)
+- Add setup_kexec method to prepare the system for a reboot with kexec (bcl)
+- Add kickstart %%pre-install section support (bcl)
+- Remove the custom help button from the toolbar (bcl)
+- Use multiple streams for zRAM instead of multiple devices (vpodzime)
+- iscsi: pass rd.* options of devices to be mouted in dracut (#1192398)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Remove the unused productName import from custom_storage_helpers.py.
+  (clumens)
+- Remove the old custom partitioning help dialog (mkolman)
+- Implement the new reqpart command. (clumens)
+- Sort disks by name when checking disk selection (vpodzime)
+- Set both .format's and .originalFormat's passphrase on unlock (vpodzime)
+- Make the Encrypt checkbox insensitive for encrypted non-BTRFS devices
+  (#1210254) (vpodzime)
+- Check for Gtk before importing escape_markup (bcl)
+- If the network is disabled, also disable the network part of the source
+  spoke. (#1192104) (clumens)
+- Add handling for unusable storage configurations. (dlehman)
+- Allow markup in the label/message of DetailedErrorDialog. (dlehman)
+- Allow passing an optional button list to showDetailedError. (dlehman)
+- Allow kwargs with gtk_action_wait, gtk_action_nowait decorators. (dlehman)
+- Fix makeupdates handling of Release: (bcl)
+- Make sure we unmount the path we mounted (bcl)
+- Fix up one more back_clicked reference that got missed. (clumens)
+- Don't unconditionally set ksdata.lang.seen to True (#1209927) (mkolman)
+- Reset the back_clicked flag if we stay on the Storage spoke (#1210003)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Mark the back_clicked attribute of the Storage spoke as private (vpodzime)
+- TUI pwpolicy setup was supposed to be in __init__ not refresh (#1208607)
+  (bcl)
+- Preserve the order of boot args added by kickstart. (clumens)
+- Revert "allow /boot on btrfs subvol or filesystem" (bcl)
+- Connect scroll adjustments in the right class (#1206472) (dshea)
+* Thu Apr 02 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.6-1
+- Enforce sane disk selections. (dlehman)
+- Add a test for parse-kickstart (bcl)
+- Add --tmpdir to parse-kickstart for testing (bcl)
+- Use the correct format for IPMI messages. (clumens)
+- Do not use min_luks_entropy with pre-existing devices (#1206101) (dshea)
+- Remove the dnf cache directory when resetting the repo (dshea)
+- Do not add separators to the addon list when not needed (dshea)
+- Only use the instclass environment if it actually exists. (dshea)
+* Fri Mar 27 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.5-1
+- Mock external module dependencies for readthedocs (bcl)
+- Generate the pyanaconda module documentation (bcl)
+- Reformat kickstart.rst using better ReST markup (bcl)
+- Add some deprecation-related false positives. (clumens)
+- Add Sphinx documentation support (bcl)
+- Add documentation on %%anaconda kickstart command (bcl)
+- Prevent Storage spoke Done button method from multiple launch (jkonecny)
+- Prevent spokes from being exited more times. (jkonecny)
+- Only depend on pygobject3-base in anaconda-core (#1204469) (mkolman)
+- Use proxy when configured for the base repo (#1196953) (sjenning)
+- Assume UTC if setting the system time without a timezone (#1200444) (dshea)
+- Add boolean as return to ThreadManager.wait (jkonecny)
+- Make sure LANG is always set to something (#1201896) (dshea)
+- Fix pylint/translation issues from the pwpolicy patches. (clumens)
+* Fri Mar 20 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.4-1
+- Clean out the mock chroot before attempting to run the rest of the test.
+  (clumens)
+- Implement %%anaconda kickstart section for pwpolicy (bcl)
+- Add pwpolicy support to TUI interface (bcl)
+- Add pwpolicy for the LUKS passphrase dialog. (bcl)
+- Add pwpolicy for the user spoke. (bcl)
+- Use pwpolicy for the root password spoke. (bcl)
+- Add the text for weak passwords to constants (bcl)
+- Add tests with an FTP instrepo (dshea)
+- Add kickstart tests for an NFS instrepo and addon repos. (dshea)
+- Handle /boot on btrfs for live (#1200539) (bcl)
+- rpmostreepayload: write storage config after shared var is mounted (#1203234)
+  (rvykydal)
+- Tweak tmux configuration file (jkonecny)
+- Remove --device= from the new kickstart tests. (clumens)
+- Add more kickstart-based packaging tests. (clumens)
+- Fix enlightbox call in ZFCPDialog. (#1151144) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- fix crash with bare 'inst.virtiolog' in boot args (wwoods)
+- Do not attempt to set None as a warning (dshea)
+- fix inst.ks.sendmac for static ip=XXX (#826657) (wwoods)
+* Fri Mar 13 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.3-1
+- Only insert strings into the environment (#1201411) (dshea)
+- Fix the rescue kernel version list in writeBootLoader (#1201429) (dshea)
+- Missing local variable check (omerusta)
+- Fix the handling of nfs:// URLs. (dshea)
+- Add glob support for the -a/--add option in makeupdates (mkolman)
+- White Space fixes (omerusta)
+- Put all mock results into the top-level source dir. (clumens)
+- Merge pull request #31 from dcantrell/master (david.l.cantrell)
+- Require newt-python in anaconda-core (dshea)
+- Make merge-pr executable (dshea)
+- Display an error for exceptions during GUI setup (dshea)
+- Remove unused invisible char properties (dshea)
+- Add a check for invisible_char validity (dshea)
+- Connect viewport adjustments to child focus adjustments (#1192155) (dshea)
+- Support '%%packages --multilib' in dnfpayload.py (#1192628) (dcantrell)
+* Fri Mar 06 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.2-1
+- Add rc-release target (bcl)
+- Change --skip-tx to --skip-zanata in scratch-bumpver (bcl)
+- Add --newrelease to makebumpver (bcl)
+- Improve the addon repo name collision code (#1125322) (bcl)
+- Fix the import of mountExistingSystem (vpodzime)
+- Fix import error in anaconda-cleanup. (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Use the new static method to get possible PE sizes (vpodzime)
+- Try using the global LUKS passphrase if none is given for LV/part (#1196112)
+  (vpodzime)
+- Fix the help button mnemonic display on spokes (dshea)
+- Only set the hub message if the message has changed (dshea)
+- Wrap the info bar in a GtkRevealer (dshea)
+- Add links to clickable warning and error messages. (dshea)
+- Add a test to look for clickable messages that aren't clickable enough.
+  (dshea)
+- Increment the widgets version number (dshea)
+- Allow markup and links in the info bar. (dshea)
+- Add more links to gtk-doc comments (dshea)
+- Handle New_Repository name collision source spoke (#1125322) (bcl)
+- Fix a bad usage of execWithRedirect (#1197290) (dshea)
+- Have to be root to delete /var/tmp/kstest-* on the remote machines. (clumens)
+- Use the LUKS device for swap in fstab (#1196200) (vpodzime)
+- Clear TUI source spoke errors that may have been leftover from a prior
+  attempt. (#1192259) (sbueno+anaconda)
+* Fri Feb 27 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.1-1
+- Make sure python2 dnf is required (bcl)
+- Fix pykickstart requirement. (clumens)
+- Extract xattrs from tar payload (#1195462) (bcl)
+- Add a script to rebase and merge pull requests (dshea)
+- Update translation documentation for Zanata (bcl)
+- Switch translation support to fedora.zanata.org (bcl)
+- install.py: fix the 'is team device' check (awilliam)
+- Explain why Anaconda requires rpm-devel and libarchive-devel during build
+  (mkolman)
+- Revert "Switch to temporary transifex branch" (bcl)
+- Revert "makebumpver needs to know about anaconda-1 transifex name" (bcl)
+- Commit 23.0 anaconda.pot file (bcl)
+- Rename queue.py to queuefactory.py. (clumens)
+- Remove references to old_tests, which no longer exists. (clumens)
+- Fix package and group removing with the dnf payload. (clumens)
+- Don't try to run new-kernel-pkg if it doesn't exist. (clumens)
+* Fri Feb 20 2015 Brian C. Lane <bcl@redhat.com> - 23.0-1
+- Remove unused imports (dshea)
+- Check for unused imports in __init__ files (dshea)
+- Remove timestamp-based version support. (dshea)
+- Add test lib methods to check regexes (dshea)
+- Cleanup BuildRequires (mkolman)
+- Remove obsolete imports. (amulhern)
+- Make print statement print output w/out surrounding parentheses. (amulhern)
+- Remove an unused import (dshea)
+- rpmostreepayload: Honor noverifyssl (walters)
+- typo: packaging: Don't vary name of "verified" (walters)
+- Disable the metacity mouse-button-modifier setting (dshea)
+- Fix completion setting in TUI language spoke. (#1192230) (sbueno+anaconda)
+- Remove the pylint false positives for the GLib module (dshea)
+- Use ExtendAction for --ignore flag (amulhern)
+- Use a simple ExtendAction for add_rpms option. (amulhern)
+- Fix log message formating (mkolman)
+- Don't clear nonexistent DNF package download location (#1193121) (mkolman)
diff --git a/gating.yaml b/gating.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db92836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gating.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+--- !Policy
+  - rhel-9
+decision_context: osci_compose_gate
+  - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: osci.brew-build.tier0.functional}
+  - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: rtt.gating.functional}
diff --git a/plans/integration.fmf b/plans/integration.fmf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e3dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/integration.fmf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+summary: Integration tests for anaconda
+    how: fmf
+    filter: 'tag: integration'
+    how: tmt
+    how: shell
+    script: command -v journalctl && journalctl -a || true
diff --git a/rpminspect.yaml b/rpminspect.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ffcafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpminspect.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# rpminspect profile for Anaconda
+    # The icon org.fedoraproject.AnacondaInstaller is part of
+    # fedora-logos package
+    desktop: off
diff --git a/sources b/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3662d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+SHA512 (anaconda- = ea8ac046f0d50d2fb3111a081f2cf1363c0a7f90d2d07996abcdb49694c41aa78bcce62938012ae686ce6967a9f3a5b20dba2c6ebca6c9bac4d87648772222ea
diff --git a/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.fmf b/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.fmf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e49bfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.fmf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+summary: Dirinstall test on regular os
+contact: Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com>
+path: /tests/dirinstall
+test: ./dirinstall.sh
+duration: 1h
+tag: [integration]
+    summary: Dirinstall test on regular os - text UI
+    require:
+        - anaconda
+    environment:
+        ANACONDA_UI_MODE: text
+    summary: Dirinstall test on regular os - vnc UI
+    enabled: false
+    require:
+        - anaconda
+        - gnome-kiosk
+    environment:
+        ANACONDA_UI_MODE: vnc
diff --git a/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.sh b/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95a8f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dirinstall/dirinstall.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+# Prepare test work directory
+WORK_DIR=$(mktemp -d /var/tmp/dirinstall.XXXXXX)
+# Create kickstart
+source ./repositories
+# Dump URLs of installation repositories found in local repositories whose names are configured in 'repositories' file
+echo "url --url=$(dnf repoinfo $BASE_REPO | grep ^Repo-baseurl | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ *//')" > ${KICKSTART_PATH}
+for repo in $REPOS; do
+    echo "repo --name=$repo --baseurl=$(dnf repoinfo $repo | grep ^Repo-baseurl | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/^ *//')" >> ${KICKSTART_PATH}
+# Log the kickstart
+# Run dirinstall
+mkdir ${INSTALL_DIR}
+anaconda --dirinstall ${INSTALL_DIR} --kickstart ${KICKSTART_PATH} --${ANACONDA_UI_MODE} --noninteractive 2>&1
+# Remove test work directory
+rm -rf ${WORK_DIR}
+# Show and remove the logs for this anaconda run
diff --git a/tests/dirinstall/ks.dirinstall.cfg b/tests/dirinstall/ks.dirinstall.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b54293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dirinstall/ks.dirinstall.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# The repository configuration (url, repo) needs to be added here.
+# It varies by the product and version we are running on / testing
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts='us'
+rootpw --plaintext redhat
+timezone --utc Europe/Prague
diff --git a/tests/dirinstall/repositories b/tests/dirinstall/repositories
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc527f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dirinstall/repositories
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Names of local repositories whose urls will be used for installation
+# Repositories for rhel in gating testing environment (vm image):
diff --git a/tests/dirinstall/show_logs.sh b/tests/dirinstall/show_logs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..486ed25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dirinstall/show_logs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/bin/sh -x
+ls /tmp
+cd ${LOG_DIR}
+KS_SCRIPT_LOGS=$(ls ks-script-*.log)
+cd -
+ANACONDA_LOGS="anaconda.log storage.log packaging.log program.log dbus.log dnf.librepo.log ${KS_SCRIPT_LOGS}"
+for log in ${ANACONDA_LOGS} ; do
+    LOG_PATH=${LOG_DIR}/${log}
+    if [ -f ${LOG_PATH} ]; then
+        echo "----------------------- Dumping log file $LOG_PATH:"
+        cat $LOG_PATH
+        # clear for the following test
+        rm $LOG_PATH
+    fi