a2dea2 |
Summary: Graphical system installer
a2dea2 |
Name: anaconda
121c05 |
a2dea2 |
Release: 1%{?dist}
a2dea2 |
License: GPLv2+ and MIT
a2dea2 |
URL: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# To generate Source0 do:
a2dea2 |
# git clone https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda
a2dea2 |
# git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%%{version}-%%{release}
a2dea2 |
# ./autogen.sh
a2dea2 |
# make dist
a2dea2 |
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires
a2dea2 |
# match the requires versions of things).
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%if ! 0%{?rhel}
a2dea2 |
%define blivetguiver 2.1.12-1
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%define dasbusver 1.3
a2dea2 |
%define dbusver 1.2.3
a2dea2 |
%define dnfver 3.6.0
a2dea2 |
%define dracutver 034-7
a2dea2 |
%define fcoeutilsver 1.0.12-3.20100323git
a2dea2 |
%define gettextver 0.19.8
a2dea2 |
%define gtk3ver 3.22.17
a2dea2 |
%define helpver 9.0.0-1
a2dea2 |
%define isomd5sumver 1.0.10
a2dea2 |
%define langtablever 0.0.54
a2dea2 |
%define libarchivever 3.0.4
a2dea2 |
%define libblockdevver 2.1
a2dea2 |
%define libreportanacondaver 2.0.21-1
a2dea2 |
%define libtimezonemapver 0.4.1-2
a2dea2 |
%define libxklavierver 5.4
a2dea2 |
%define mehver 0.23-1
a2dea2 |
%define nmver 1.0
121c05 |
%define pykickstartver 3.32.9-1
a2dea2 |
%define pypartedver 2.5-2
121c05 |
%define pythonblivetver 1:3.6.0-4
a2dea2 |
%define rpmver 4.10.0
121c05 |
%define simplelinever 1.8.3-1
121c05 |
%define subscriptionmanagerver 1.29.31
a2dea2 |
%define utillinuxver 2.15.1
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libtool
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gettext-devel >= %{gettextver}
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= %{gtk3ver}
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gtk-doc
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel-docs >= %{gtk3ver}
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: glib2-doc
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: glade-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libgnomekbd-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libxklavier-devel >= %{libxklavierver}
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: make
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: pango-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: python3-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: systemd
a2dea2 |
# rpm and libarchive are needed for driver disk handling
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: rpm-devel >= %{rpmver}
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libarchive-devel >= %{libarchivever}
a2dea2 |
%ifarch s390 s390x
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: s390utils-devel
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libtimezonemap-devel >= %{libtimezonemapver}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Tools used by the widgets resource bundle generation
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gdk-pixbuf2-devel
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: libxml2
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
The anaconda package is a metapackage for the Anaconda installer.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package core
a2dea2 |
Summary: Core of the Anaconda installer
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-libs
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-dnf >= %{dnfver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-blivet >= %{pythonblivetver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-blockdev >= %{libblockdevver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-meh >= %{mehver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: libreport-anaconda >= %{libreportanacondaver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: libselinux-python3
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-rpm >= %{rpmver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-pyparted >= %{pypartedver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-requests
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-requests-file
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-requests-ftp
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-kickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-langtable >= %{langtablever}
a2dea2 |
Requires: util-linux >= %{utillinuxver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-gobject-base
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-dbus
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-pwquality
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-systemd
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-productmd
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-dasbus >= %{dasbusver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: flatpak-libs
a2dea2 |
%if %{defined rhel} && %{undefined centos}
a2dea2 |
Requires: subscription-manager >= %{subscriptionmanagerver}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# pwquality only "recommends" the dictionaries it needs to do anything useful,
a2dea2 |
# which is apparently great for containers but unhelpful for the rest of us
a2dea2 |
Requires: cracklib-dicts
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-pytz
a2dea2 |
Requires: teamd
a2dea2 |
%ifarch s390 s390x
a2dea2 |
Requires: openssh
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Requires: NetworkManager >= %{nmver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: NetworkManager-libnm >= %{nmver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: NetworkManager-team
a2dea2 |
Requires: kbd
a2dea2 |
Requires: chrony
a2dea2 |
Requires: systemd
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-pid
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Required by the systemd service anaconda-fips.
a2dea2 |
Requires: crypto-policies
a2dea2 |
Requires: /usr/bin/update-crypto-policies
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# required because of the rescue mode and VNC question
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-tui = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Make sure we get the en locale one way or another
a2dea2 |
Requires: (glibc-langpack-en or glibc-all-langpacks)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# anaconda literally runs its own dbus-daemon, so it needs this,
a2dea2 |
# even though the distro default is dbus-broker in F30+
a2dea2 |
Requires: dbus-daemon
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Ensure it's not possible for a version of grubby to be installed
a2dea2 |
# that doesn't work with btrfs subvolumes correctly...
a2dea2 |
Conflicts: grubby < 8.40-10
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10
a2dea2 |
Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Obsoletes: booty <= 0.107-1
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description core
a2dea2 |
The anaconda-core package contains the program which was used to install your
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package live
a2dea2 |
Summary: Live installation specific files and dependencies
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
a2dea2 |
# live installation currently implies a graphical installation
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-gui = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Requires: usermode
a2dea2 |
Requires: zenity
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description live
a2dea2 |
The anaconda-live package contains scripts, data and dependencies required
a2dea2 |
for live installations.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package install-env-deps
a2dea2 |
Summary: Installation environment specific dependencies
a2dea2 |
Requires: udisks2-iscsi
a2dea2 |
Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
a2dea2 |
# active directory/freeipa join support
a2dea2 |
Requires: realmd
a2dea2 |
Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
a2dea2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a2dea2 |
Recommends: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# likely HFS+ resize support
a2dea2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a2dea2 |
%if ! 0%{?rhel}
a2dea2 |
Requires: hfsplus-tools
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# kexec support
a2dea2 |
Requires: kexec-tools
a2dea2 |
# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
a2dea2 |
Requires: createrepo_c
a2dea2 |
# run's on TTY1 in install env
a2dea2 |
Requires: tmux
a2dea2 |
# install time crash handling
a2dea2 |
Requires: gdb
a2dea2 |
# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
a2dea2 |
Requires: rsync
121c05 |
# External tooling for managing NVMe-FC devices in the installation environment
121c05 |
Recommends: nvme-cli
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description install-env-deps
a2dea2 |
The anaconda-install-env-deps metapackage lists all installation environment dependencies.
a2dea2 |
This makes it possible for packages (such as Initial Setup) to depend on the main Anaconda package without
a2dea2 |
pulling in all the install time dependencies as well.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package install-img-deps
a2dea2 |
Summary: Installation image specific dependencies
a2dea2 |
# This package must have no weak dependencies.
a2dea2 |
Requires: udisks2-iscsi
a2dea2 |
Requires: libblockdev-plugins-all >= %{libblockdevver}
a2dea2 |
# active directory/freeipa join support
a2dea2 |
Requires: realmd
a2dea2 |
Requires: isomd5sum >= %{isomd5sumver}
a2dea2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a2dea2 |
Requires: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# likely HFS+ resize support
a2dea2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
a2dea2 |
%if ! 0%{?rhel}
a2dea2 |
Requires: hfsplus-tools
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# kexec support
a2dea2 |
Requires: kexec-tools
a2dea2 |
# needed for proper driver disk support - if RPMs must be installed, a repo is needed
a2dea2 |
Requires: createrepo_c
a2dea2 |
# run's on TTY1 in install env
a2dea2 |
Requires: tmux
a2dea2 |
# install time crash handling
a2dea2 |
Requires: gdb
a2dea2 |
# support for installation from image and live & live image installations
a2dea2 |
Requires: rsync
a2dea2 |
# only WeakRequires elsewhere and not guaranteed to be present
a2dea2 |
Requires: device-mapper-multipath
a2dea2 |
Requires: zram-generator
a2dea2 |
# Submitting bugs to bugzilla
a2dea2 |
Requires: libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla
121c05 |
# External tooling for managing NVMe-FC devices in the installation environment
121c05 |
Requires: nvme-cli
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description install-img-deps
a2dea2 |
The anaconda-install-img-deps metapackage lists all boot.iso installation image dependencies.
a2dea2 |
Add this package to an image build (eg. with lorax) to ensure all Anaconda capabilities are supported in the resulting image.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package gui
a2dea2 |
Summary: Graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-widgets = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-meh-gui >= %{mehver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: adwaita-icon-theme
a2dea2 |
Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal
a2dea2 |
Requires: libxklavier >= %{libxklavierver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: libgnomekbd
a2dea2 |
Requires: libtimezonemap >= %{libtimezonemapver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: nm-connection-editor
a2dea2 |
Requires: keybinder3
a2dea2 |
%ifnarch s390 s390x
a2dea2 |
Requires: NetworkManager-wifi
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-user-help >= %{helpver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: yelp
a2dea2 |
%if ! 0%{?rhel}
a2dea2 |
Requires: blivet-gui-runtime >= %{blivetguiver}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Requires: system-logos
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Needed to compile the gsettings files
a2dea2 |
BuildRequires: gsettings-desktop-schemas
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description gui
a2dea2 |
This package contains graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package tui
a2dea2 |
Summary: Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer
a2dea2 |
Requires: anaconda-core = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-simpleline >= %{simplelinever}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description tui
a2dea2 |
This package contains textual user interface for the Anaconda installer.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package widgets
a2dea2 |
Summary: A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anaconda
a2dea2 |
Requires: %{__python3}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description widgets
a2dea2 |
This package contains a set of custom GTK+ widgets used by the anaconda installer.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package widgets-devel
a2dea2 |
Summary: Development files for anaconda-widgets
a2dea2 |
Requires: glade
a2dea2 |
Requires: %{name}-widgets%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description widgets-devel
a2dea2 |
This package contains libraries and header files needed for writing the anaconda
a2dea2 |
installer. It also contains Python and Glade support files, as well as
a2dea2 |
documentation for working with this library.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%package dracut
a2dea2 |
Summary: The anaconda dracut module
a2dea2 |
Requires: dracut >= %{dracutver}
a2dea2 |
Requires: dracut-network
a2dea2 |
Requires: dracut-live
a2dea2 |
Requires: xz
a2dea2 |
Requires: python3-kickstart
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%description dracut
a2dea2 |
The 'anaconda' dracut module handles installer-specific boot tasks and
a2dea2 |
options. This includes driver disks, kickstarts, and finding the anaconda
a2dea2 |
runtime on NFS/HTTP/FTP servers or local disks.
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%autosetup -p 1
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# use actual build-time release number, not tarball creation time release number
a2dea2 |
%configure ANACONDA_RELEASE=%{release}
a2dea2 |
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Create an empty directory for addons
a2dea2 |
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/anaconda/addons
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# required for live installations
a2dea2 |
desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# If no langs found, keep going
a2dea2 |
%find_lang %{name} || :
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# main package and install-env-deps are metapackages
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files install-env-deps
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Allow the lang file to be empty
a2dea2 |
%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files install-img-deps
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
# Allow the lang file to be empty here too
a2dea2 |
%define _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files core -f %{name}.lang
a2dea2 |
%license COPYING
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/gnome
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/pixmaps
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/window-manager
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/anaconda-gtk.css
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_prefix}/libexec/anaconda/dd_*
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/rescue.py*
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/__pycache__/rescue.*
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/*
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/tui/*
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
a2dea2 |
%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/*
a2dea2 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d
a2dea2 |
%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d/*
a2dea2 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d
a2dea2 |
%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/product.d/*
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files live
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/*
a2dea2 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/*
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files gui
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%if 0%{?rhel}
a2dea2 |
# Remove blivet-gui
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{_datadir}/anaconda/ui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
a2dea2 |
%exclude %{python3_sitearch}/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/blivet_gui.*
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files tui
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files widgets
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files widgets-devel
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
%files dracut
a2dea2 |
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut/modules.d/80%{name}
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
360e13 |
* Tue May 09 2023 CentOS Sources <bugs@centos.org> -
360e13 |
- Apply debranding changes
360e13 |
121c05 |
* Wed Mar 22 2023 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Update translations
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2139640
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Vendula Poncova <vponcova@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Fix network configuration from kickstart in intramfs (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2153361
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Thu Feb 09 2023 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Show only usable devices in custom partitioning (jstodola)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2052938
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Thu Feb 02 2023 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Show an error message when subscription token transfer fails (mkolman)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2057472
121c05 |
- Bump blivet version for NVMe-oF support (vslavik)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2164343
121c05 |
- Make text in custom_storage_helper more accurate (ozobal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2133046
121c05 |
- Fix infobar colors in GTK GUI (ozobal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2074827
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Wed Jan 11 2023 Vladimír Slávik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Add a NVMe-FC tab to the Advanced Storage screen (vslavik)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2107346
121c05 |
- Update the .glade file for the Advanced Storage screen (vponcova)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2107346
121c05 |
- Filter out NVMe over Fibre Channel from local disks (vslavik)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2107346
121c05 |
- Install nvme-cli on boot.iso (vslavik)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2107346
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Mon Jan 09 2023 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- payload: fix repo --includepkgs option (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2158210
121c05 |
- bootloader/zipl.py: update for zipl >= 2.25.0 (dan)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2157916
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Tue Jan 03 2023 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Delegate auto-attach handling to RHSM (mkolman)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2083319
121c05 |
- Use RHEL9_SshKeyData to fix sshkey quoting problem (bcl)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2149362
121c05 |
- Test the InstallerStorage.copy method (vponcova)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2093793
121c05 |
- Show multiple bootloader devices on the Manual Partitioning screen (vponcova)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2093793
121c05 |
- Implement the Root.copy method (vponcova)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2093793
121c05 |
- Redefine the Blivet.roots attribute (vponcova)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2093793
121c05 |
- Redefine the Blivet.copy method (vponcova)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2093793
121c05 |
- Use correct hint for VNC password boot option (jstodola)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2124818
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Mon Nov 28 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Disable the concurrency check in the error dialog in TUI (vponcova)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2070920
121c05 |
- Support bond device activated in initramfs from kickstart (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2133053
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Thu Nov 10 2022 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- Initialize empty disks on the Manual Partitioning screen (vponcova)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2127100
121c05 |
- infra: Set test vars from templates (vslavik)
121c05 |
- infra: Port check for matching templates from master (vslavik)
121c05 |
- infra: Port templating mechanism from master (vslavik)
121c05 |
- dracut: read filename dhcp option from dhcpopts file (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#1991843
121c05 |
121c05 |
* Thu Oct 27 2022 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
121c05 |
- network: fix doc string of add_connection_sync (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Related: rhbz#2125256
121c05 |
- network: use separate main conext for NM client in threads (rvykydal)
121c05 |
Resolves: rhbz#2125256
121c05 |
785b25 |
* Thu Sep 08 2022 Vendula Poncova <vponcova@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Do not crash on network --device link with wireless device (rvykydal)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2063127
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Tue Sep 06 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- gui: fix summary hub layout for Japanese translations (rvykydal)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2120293
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Wed Aug 17 2022 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Improve Register button click feedback (mkolman)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2074636
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Disable the Unregister button during unregistration (mkolman)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2068192
785b25 |
- Install rdma-core if infiniband network device is found (rvykydal)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2050331
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Tue Jul 19 2022 Jiri Konecny <jkonecny@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Communicate media verification result clearly (vslavik)
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2057469
785b25 |
- Media verification dialog button reflects state (vslavik)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2057469
785b25 |
- Add tooltip to the Insights checkbox (jkonecny)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2071665
785b25 |
- Increase the minimal suggested size for /boot (vslavik)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2042431
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Allow to omit WWPN and LUN for NPIV-enabled zFCP devices (jstodola)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#1937032
785b25 |
- Reduce the width of the zFCP dialog (jstodola)
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#1937032
785b25 |
- Fix product config product_name for Rocky Linux (tucklesepk)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2096046
785b25 |
- Add Circle Linux profile to Anaconda(rhel-9) (bella)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2095351
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Tue Jun 28 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- bootloader: do not consider non-ibft iscsi disk as usable for bootloader
785b25 |
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2003519
785b25 |
- Fix kickstart command order in new version (vslavik)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2100463
785b25 |
- TUI software spoke is ready with failing repos, too (vslavik)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2020299
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- tests: update the order of commands (rootpw) in generated kickstart
785b25 |
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2033849
785b25 |
- dnf: apply the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf configuration file in the installer
785b25 |
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2053710
785b25 |
- Add support for rootpw --allow-ssh (rvykydal)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2033849
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Fri Jun 10 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Report registration errors from kickstart (mkolman)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2000652
785b25 |
- GUI: Show the dialog for a missing passphrase in an enlight box (vponcova)
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2087218
785b25 |
- GUI: Ask for a missing passphrase during automated installations (vponcova)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2087218
785b25 |
- Create functions for a missing passphrase in pyanaconda.ui.lib (vponcova)
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2087218
785b25 |
- Add missing period when concatenating password error strings (jkonecny)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2075417
785b25 |
- Enable bootloader hiding on RHEL (rharwood)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2059414
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Wed Jun 01 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Run FixZIPLBootloader task after FIPS setup (rvykydal)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2022841
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Thu May 26 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Cleanup unneeded NFS repo with rd.live.ram parameter (mmatsuya)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2082132
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Tue May 24 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- Run restorecon in chroot when handling home dirs (vslavik)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2072426
785b25 |
- Move restorecon calls in Tasks to a helper function (vslavik)
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2072426
785b25 |
- Add Virtuozzo Linux profile to Anaconda (dsilakov)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2067195
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Wed Apr 20 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
785b25 |
- ovirt: move /var/tmp to its own partition (sbonazzo)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2058538
785b25 |
785b25 |
* Thu Mar 17 2022 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Make failure in generating of dracut arguments for iSCSI device non-fatal.
a2dea2 |
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2065171
a2dea2 |
- Do not generate dracut arguments multiple times for some storage devices
a2dea2 |
785b25 |
Related: rhbz#2065171
a2dea2 |
- Skip /etc/machine-info during live installs (awilliam)
785b25 |
Resolves: rhbz#2065170
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Feb 24 2022 Vendula Poncova <vponcova@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Use cache when fetching organization data from the GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2044258
a2dea2 |
- Bump subscription-manager version (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2048449
a2dea2 |
- Improve UX in Simple Content Access mode (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2048449
a2dea2 |
- Add IsSimpleContentAccessEnabled property (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2048449
a2dea2 |
- Add support for SCA mode detection from registration data (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2048449
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Feb 03 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Write all PVs to LVM devices file (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2040302
a2dea2 |
- Fix the status of the root configuration screen (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2026916
a2dea2 |
- Fix the condition for entering the root configuration (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2026916
a2dea2 |
- Move tests for pyanaconda.ui.lib.users to a new file (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2026916
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jan 18 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Hide the help button on the progress spoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Enable the built-in help content (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Remove the provides_web_browser property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Cache the parsed content of the help mapping files (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Remove the default_help_pages configuration option (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Remove the helpFile attribute (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Implement the unified help support (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Define a unique id in the main spokes and hubs (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Add the Screen class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1995945
a2dea2 |
- Enable Closest mirror on CentOS Stream 9 (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955331
a2dea2 |
- Do not modify boot order on UEFI if asked (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2025953
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jan 11 2022 Vladimir Slavik <vslavik@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Create the LVM devices file (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2011329
a2dea2 |
- Update outdated system purpose related strings (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2015059
a2dea2 |
- Always set system purpose from GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2015059
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Dec 09 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Fix boot options generated by the dracut module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2003217
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Dec 02 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Add base repo name for CentOS Stream after repository renaming (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955331
a2dea2 |
- The OPAL compatibility with XFS features is mandatory (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2008792
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Nov 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Wait for all background threads to finish before filling installation task
a2dea2 |
queue (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2017428
a2dea2 |
- Check the support for the Subscription module on startup (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1957063
a2dea2 |
- Activate DBus modules based on the new configuration options (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1957063
a2dea2 |
- Add new configuration options for the DBus module activation (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1957063
a2dea2 |
- Add product config for Rocky Linux (tucklesepk)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2019995
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Nov 05 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Fix application of network --mtu kickstart option in Anaconda (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2019813
a2dea2 |
- Print progress dots on one line in TUI (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1998668
a2dea2 |
- Roll back Satellite provisioning if subscription attempt fails with error
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2010865
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Oct 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Unify GUI & TUI root spoke completeness conditions (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1999646
a2dea2 |
- Make network spoke GUI more robust in cases of missing NM Client. (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2014241
a2dea2 |
- Do not crash on missing NM Client on --vnc installations (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#2014241
a2dea2 |
- In installer environment set static, not transient hostname (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2009403
a2dea2 |
- Add AlmaLinux product support (andrew.lukoshko)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2004653
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Oct 06 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Fix Satellite provisioning rollback after unregistration (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2006718
a2dea2 |
- Payload should wait for all storage related threads to finish (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2006786
a2dea2 |
- Make organization fetching errors non-fatal (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2006375
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Sep 23 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Verify the OPAL compatibility with XFS features (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2000923
a2dea2 |
- Generate LVM device file after installation (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2005034
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Sep 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Support multi-org accounts in the GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1965105
a2dea2 |
- Pass error instance directly to error callback (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1965105
a2dea2 |
- Add the RetrieveOrganizationsTask task (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1965105
a2dea2 |
- Unit test adjustments - asynchronous handler (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Unit test adjustments - subscription module (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Unit test adjustments - DBus tasks (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Split system purpose tests to a separate file (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Add tests for the new Satellite helper module (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Reflect Satellite use in source spoke (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Report registration to Satellite in the GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Rename "Custom server URL" to "Satellite URL" (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Add Satellite support to asynchronous registration handler (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Add handler for install time Satellite provisioning error (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Use target system Satellite provisioning DBus task (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Satellite related changes in the Subscription DBus module (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Add Satellite related DBus tasks (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Add Satellite support module (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Remove misleading warning about inst.ks.device replacing ksdevice (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#2000140
a2dea2 |
- Create shared constants file for subscription module (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
- Move USER_AGENT to core/constants.py (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1951709
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Aug 26 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Add dependency for bugzilla reporting plugin (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1992991
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Aug 24 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Check source type directly, not via DBus (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955311
a2dea2 |
- Move post installation scripts to the end of queue (lveyde)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1983922
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Aug 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Fix dependency on zram-generator (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1991617
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Aug 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Make critical warnings from Dracut more visible (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1983098
a2dea2 |
- Print Dracut errors encountered during boot after Anaconda starts (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1983098
a2dea2 |
- Add function to print critical warnings more visible during boot (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1983098
a2dea2 |
- Add new error reporting hook when Dracut timeout (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1983098
a2dea2 |
- Disable built-in help system on RHEL 9 for now (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1949073
a2dea2 |
- Make it possible to disable the built-in help system (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1949073
a2dea2 |
- Add a mechanism to hide help button per page (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1949073
a2dea2 |
- Make sure parent class initialize() method is run in spokes (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1949073
a2dea2 |
- Disable anaconda-core's requirement on subscription-manager on CentOS (carl)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1984959
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jul 20 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Run installation tasks from ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1977348
a2dea2 |
- Add the CollectConfigureBootloaderTasks method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1977348
a2dea2 |
- Add the ConfigureBootloaderWithTasks method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1977348
a2dea2 |
- Show suggestions for an error caused by inconsistent sector sizes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955514
a2dea2 |
- Configure the multilib policy of the target system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1962026
a2dea2 |
- Enable the zram-generator service again (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1975881
a2dea2 |
- Enable NM autoconnections only if inst.ks and ip= is not used (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1978264
a2dea2 |
- Disable NM autoconnections in Anaconda (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1978264
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jun 28 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart btrfs support (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1961087
a2dea2 |
- Use RHEL9 versions of commands from RHEL9 handler (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1961087
a2dea2 |
- Use RHEL 9 handler (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1961087
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jun 22 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Update the pixel depth of xvnc server from 16 to 24 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1973607
a2dea2 |
- Clean up the initialization of PartTypeSpoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
- Use C.UTF-8 if the requested locale is unsupported (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1958876
a2dea2 |
- Don't match a non-POSIX locale with a POSIX langcode (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1958876
a2dea2 |
- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
- Fix potential use of uninitialized variable (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
- Make it possible to skip install time Insights errors (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955296
a2dea2 |
- Fix literal curly braces in dracut scripts (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
- Fix logging messages (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
- Fix broken hashbang (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1938677
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jun 08 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Add unit test for biosdevname package requirement (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1964455
a2dea2 |
- Require biosdevname package if biosdevname=1 boot option is set (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1964455
a2dea2 |
- Replace the deprecated syspurpose CLI tool with SetSysrpose DBus call
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1939708
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Jun 02 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement"" (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd
a2dea2 |
services"" (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments" (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from
a2dea2 |
Dracut"" (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue May 25 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)"
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1855736
a2dea2 |
- Add a log message for successful installation (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955312
a2dea2 |
- Remove support for metacity (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1961104
a2dea2 |
- Drop the "Allow SSH root login with password" checkbox (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1855736
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed May 19 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Avoid a race condition during Connect to Red Hat spoke initialization
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1959383
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon May 17 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Support also gnome-kiosk window manager (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1960682
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue May 11 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Add RHEL-specific advice to X timeout message (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Fix AskVNCSpoke call (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Improve X startup error messages (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Terminate X server after timeout and restore crash test handler (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Reorganize control flow in startX (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Handle SIGUSR1 correctly after Xorg timeout (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- Refactor minor details in startX (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1955306
a2dea2 |
- subscription: allow dates in ISO 8601 format (ptoscano)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1947447
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon May 10 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement" (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Do not require inst. prefixes for Anaconda boot arguments (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services"
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut"
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
Related: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
- The kernel boot argument sshd is removed and should warn user (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1954672
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue May 04 2021 Radek Vykydal <rvykydal@redhat.com> -
a2dea2 |
- Remove support for boot arguments without the "inst." prefix (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
Resolves: rhbz#1947376
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Apr 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.9-1
a2dea2 |
- Allow to exclude the kernel-lpae package (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Mar 31 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.8-1
a2dea2 |
- ostree: ignore exit code 65 for systemd-tmpfiles (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Turn off wrapping of the scale values (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Make the scale visible by default (#1943370) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Mar 30 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.7-1
a2dea2 |
- network: match also connections named by MAC created by NM in initramfs
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Create /tmp with the right permissions (#1937626) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't recommend zram-generator-defaults (#1938132) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't automatically execute the default partitioning (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the warning about working NTP servers (#1889180) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove implicit dependencies (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't install anaconda-install-env-deps by default (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Mar 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.6-1
a2dea2 |
- Check if the mount point exists before calling statvfs (#1824357) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Do not follow symlinks when copying /etc/resolv.conf (#1933454) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Use the volume UUID to search for the GRUB config in btrfs partitions
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Drop python3-syspurpose dependency (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Fix copypaste typo in github owner tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Modify owner tests for this f34-release branch (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix running tests for the f34-devel branch (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Wrap text in spoke title labels, if needed (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Wrap welcome spoke title if needed (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Choose the best locale more carefully (#1933384) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Make the user interface context safe for the initial setup (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- The network spoke should be visible in live spins (#1932961) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Ignore Pylint errors on DNF API (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Ignore Pylint errors for PropertiesChanged.connect (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Silence false Pylint warning (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Ignore false Pylint errors for Enum subclasses (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Determine GRUB directory relative path to use in config file (javierm)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.5-1
a2dea2 |
- Add the "Encrypt my data" checkbox to the custom partitioning spoke
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Don't translate prompt keys (#1892830) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix RHEL zram conditional in spec file (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Remove interactive parameter from container-rpm-test (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add container push for rpm containers (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Enable our and blivet COPR repositories for rpm tests (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- vconsole font selection to cover more langs (suanand)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Feb 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.4-1
a2dea2 |
- [Storage] add btrfs_compression option (#1928857) (michel)
a2dea2 |
- Correct branch config after merge (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Enable Makefiles and Dockerfiles for branched Fedora (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- packit: make tests ⊂ builds for the chroot set (ttomecek)
a2dea2 |
- packit: run all actions in a single action (ttomecek)
a2dea2 |
- configure.ac: make the Copyright up to date (ttomecek)
a2dea2 |
- ovirt: rebase on CentOS Stream (sbonazzo)
a2dea2 |
- Use a custom stylesheet to define RHEL-specific stylesheet data (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused variables from Makefile (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Drop astroid hotfix patch (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Don't block the start of the Network module by the hostname service
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused variables related to mock (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Save lorax-packages.log to installed system (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.3-1
a2dea2 |
- Do not hard-require zram-generator-default on RHEL just yet (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Improve Packit configuration to use fedora-development (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add a kickstart specification for the main process (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Adapt Packit configuration to a newly branched Fedora (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Create swap by default in RHEL-based installations (#1915297) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add missing space to a message (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Use Linux HOST_NAME_MAX hostname length limit (xiaqirong1)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.2-1
a2dea2 |
- Rename pyanaconda.modules.common.typing (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Feb 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24.1-1
a2dea2 |
- Adjust configuration options for Fedora 34 (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add dependabot support for GitHub actions (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Set volume id for iso built for kickstart test (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Guess the default product name from the os-release files (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Apply overrides for the anaconda widgets only in the test environment
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Create real updates images (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove deprecated support for add-ons (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run installation tasks of add-ons in a meta task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: wrap IP addresses showed in GUI for wireless devices (#1925781)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Install support for non-ascii keyboard layouts (#1919483) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Feb 08 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.24-1
a2dea2 |
- Modify spec file to add patches required on rhel-9 rebuild (#1907566)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Unify GRUB configuration file location across all platforms (javierm)
a2dea2 |
- Do not use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Move finding flatpak size to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move flatpak installation code to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move and rename FlatpakPayload (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Abort with a message on invalid host name in kickstart (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Use redirector for rawhide repository for iso building on PR (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Add tests for the inst. prefix requirement (#1912502) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Do not support no inst. Anaconda boot args in systemd services (#1912502)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove check to avoid process of help and version boot args (#1912502)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove Anaconda boot arguments without inst. prefix from stage2 (#1912502)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add support for non-critical installation errors (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run a canceled task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix exclude arguments of tar payload extracting. (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Remove support for boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix from Dracut
a2dea2 |
(#1912502) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Cache flatpak size instead of persistent instance (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Feb 05 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.23-1
a2dea2 |
- Add a metapackage for image (boot.iso) dependencies (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Take dnf substitutions from installer environment configuration (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fix getting kernel version list for liveimg (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.22-1
a2dea2 |
- Don't initialize the software selection if the payload is not set up
a2dea2 |
(#1916114) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Unify the ready methods of the software selection spokes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Deprecate the interactive-defaults.ks file (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Deprecate the %%anaconda section and the pwpolicy command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Apply the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Upate repo url for kickstart tests run on PR (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Adjust RHV-H product config to match real implementation (sbonazzo)
a2dea2 |
- Add DBus support for the password policies (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't use the pwpolicy kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a DBus structure for the password policy (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the password_policies configuration option (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move Users module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Security module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move partitioning specification test to directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Payloads module and source tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Network module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add the configuration options can_change_root and can_change_users (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove some unused methods from the FSSet class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Mount the /tmp of the installed system as a tmpfs (#1306452) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_system_filesystems function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the collect_filesystems method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Do not use cache for container build (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Update list of projects to test after move from Zanata to Weblate (vtrefny)
a2dea2 |
- Ignore fallback ITS rule warning from gettext (vtrefny)
a2dea2 |
- Switch the license to LGPL (dshea)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.21-1
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the Security module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add important files for container build to rebuild check (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Avoid using DockerHub because of limits (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- anaconda should add only s390utils-core (dan)
a2dea2 |
- Fix root password and LUKS passphrase visibility toggle (#1911360) (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the should_run methods of the network spoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Prevent shell injection from a /kickstart-test comment (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: validate bond options on our side after change in NM (#1918744)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: fix bond confiuration for empty bond options (#1918744) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the Services module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Jan 22 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.20-1
a2dea2 |
- Add master unit-tests to contributors (gated) workflow (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add master test execution for owners for this repository (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rename validate-rhel-8 workflow to tests-contributors (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Specify version 3 of GTK+ and GDK for fedora-welcome (awilliam)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.19-1
a2dea2 |
- Fix nose tests execution command when installed from pip (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add missing nose test dependency back from pip (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Use RHEL help content for RHV/Ovirt (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Remove build-time dependencies for nose tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the Localization module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Rename kickstart status reporting to kickstart-test (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Skip storage-related spokes in the initial setup (#1918048) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Support should_run for standalone GUI spokes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- GH workflow: do not fail all matrix jobs on failure of one (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Update versions of the kickstart commands (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: handle wireless configure button sensitiveness (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the network installation (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the Users module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to disable the Timezone module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Select disks for implicit partitions (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Extend the PartSpec class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- for non-ascii keyboard layouts, set 'native' to the virtual console
a2dea2 |
explicitly Resolves: rhbz#1912609 (suanand)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jan 18 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.18-1
a2dea2 |
- Skip payload-related spokes in the initial setup (#1915541) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Always show pykickstart parse warnings (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Grab GitHub notifications for periodic workflows (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree sysroot-setting to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree pull to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree deployment to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Stop the timer that calls a callback for clicking on the continue button
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Formatting fixes (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree bootloader configuration to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree remote changes to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree fs and repo initialization to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OSTree bootloader data copying to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split OStree mount target preparation to a task (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move the RPM OSTree test to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move the safe_exec_with_redirect function (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Save logs correctly after container update GH action run (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jan 11 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.17-1
a2dea2 |
- Always report IPMI events from the exit dialog windows (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Always report IPMI events from the exception handler (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Always log IPMI events (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add a new handler for PayloadSetupError and SourceSetupError (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the error handlers for removed or unused DNF errors (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Refactorize the code for handling marking errors (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run the error handler in the installation code (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run the error handler if there is no callback (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Reorganize the mapping of error handlers (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the error handler for no such group (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the error handler for invalid image size (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Flush stdout during the TUI installation (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Set the PR status ASAP for kickstart tests (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Always update container images before running workflow (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Solve problem with missing loop device for kstest run (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the error handler for the missing image (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the error handler for the unsupported algorithm (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Handle errors in the installation tasks (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Initialize librepo logger (#1908286) (pkratoch)
a2dea2 |
- Add rpm-tests support for external contributors (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in TUI by default
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Don't run spokes that don't support live payloads (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run spokes that don't support dir installations (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run spokes that don't support non-package payloads (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a user interface context (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add how to run a subset of nosetests to tests README (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix warning when running a subset of nosetests (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix double-free using libnm function filter_connections() (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Provide a hint for the desired capacity (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix python3 rpm package name in spec file (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to interrupt media verification (#1349152) (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
- Use correct identity for ELN (sgallagh)
a2dea2 |
- virtualization: add missing /var/crash (sbonazzo)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.16-1
a2dea2 |
- Enable rpm-tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix create_rpm_test on Fedora ELN/RHEL (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix container-rpm-test log output (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Define container for running rpm-tests (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Move to official fedora ELN container image (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Remove 'firstboot --enable' from interactive defaults (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Build real boot.iso for /kickstart-tests runs (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix artifact name in kickstart-tests.yml workflow (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Import imp on demand (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Adapt UI and tests to localhost.localdomain setting removal (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Stop trying to set the default hostname (zbyszek)
a2dea2 |
- Document how to run kickstart tests in anaconda PRs (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Update the GitHub workflow documentation (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Add description of our GH workflow to tests/README file (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for updates on a floppy disk (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix list of Anaconda tests (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Disable the debug solver debugging (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Select groups from a kickstart file in GUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from GUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from TUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF payload class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from the installation tasks (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF utilities (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart packages from the DNF manager (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Handle the %%packages section in the DBus module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the PackagesSeen property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add CentOS Stream config (riehecky)
a2dea2 |
- Deprecate the level option of the logging kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Dec 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.15-1
a2dea2 |
- Drop old WiFi & geocoding based geolocation support (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add bot PR comment to run kickstart tests (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate Anaconda daily COPR builds to Packit (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix missing inst. prefixes for bootloader options in documentation (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: make generating of kickstart more robust (#1897832) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fixup category sorting (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Place the user tasks into the right task queue (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Lower geolocation connection timeout to 5 seconds (#1774873) (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused hubQ messages (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the justUpdate argument (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't run the execute method in the kickstart installation in GUI by default
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Don't use an empty string as a system root (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix logs from the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't enter spokes after we leave the Summary hub (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: rename Gtk cell renderer to prevent name collision (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: add unit tests for SecretsAgent (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: make SecretAgentDialog a bit more robust (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: move wireless secret agent bits into a separate file (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the logic for enabling latest updates (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add better explanation what the `make admin user` means (#1803251) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Define the updates repositories in the Anaconda configuration files
a2dea2 |
(#1642513) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate User spoke glade file to 3.38 version (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: migrate SecretAgent from python-dbus to dasbus (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Translate spoke category title directly at runtime (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add description and links for bug keyword searches (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Apply pylint excessive memory usage fix (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Set shorter workflow timeouts (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix issue when ns_info cannot be retrieved for NVDimm namespace (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Allow encryption of thin logical volumes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix error in initrd: shift count out of range (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Nov 24 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.14-1
a2dea2 |
- Set workflow temp mail and user to GH actions rebase (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rebase test pull request also for rhel-8 contributors (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Build Anaconda for ELN (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_kernel_version_list function for the DNF payload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the sort_kernel_version_list function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the unit tests for the payload base utils to a new file (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the duplicate code for kernel version lists (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the get_kernel_version_list function to the Live OS utilities (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not use dialog for just single wireless connection to configure
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add the apply_specs function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the get_installation_specs function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the get_default_environment function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the environments property to the DNF manager (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Set the RPM macros with an installation task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix configuration of wireless networks (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Rebase branches to current master before testing (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- network: use dialog instead of combobox to select wireless network (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: deal with obsolete ssid when configuring wireless (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: use function instead of assigned lambda in wireless activation
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: do not update wireless AP combo active item when not necessary
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: do not use obsolete access points in wireless configuration
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add upstream tag hint for Packit (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Create an installation task for import of RPM keys (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove leftover bootloader-related code from the Payloads service (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add workflow for daily RHEL COPR build (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the storage logger (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the loglevel option (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for changing the log level (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Handle missing spice-vdagent (#1897153) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- rhbz#1888697 list important major languages (suanand)
a2dea2 |
- Run master tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix handling of empty $CI_TAG (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Skip blivet-gui tests on Fedora ELN (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Drop obsolete id: from validate workflow (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_download_size method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_installation_size method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the dump_configuration method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the configure_base function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the configure_proxy method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create an abstraction of the DNF base (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the configure_dnf_logging function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_os_release_value function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the get_product_release_version function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Drop testing in mock (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the method command (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix incomplete configuration of repositories loaded from treeinfo (#1745064)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Fix checking ssl certificate for metadata (#1745064) (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
- Root password is mandatory if there is *not* admin user. (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.13-1
a2dea2 |
- Skip add-on modules that failed to start (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Return the exit status of a Python module that failed to start (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the priority of the ostreesetup kickstart command (#1896761) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Drop obsolete dependency_solver.py script from rpm-tests (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Run a DBus task to configure FIPS on the installed system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Run a DBus task to set up FIPS for the payload installation (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Nov 12 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.12-1
a2dea2 |
- Use podman for pushing the nightly container update (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Robustify container-autoupdate workflow (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Disable seccomp profile when running containers on Ubuntu host (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Use podman in GitHub workflows (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Remove deviceprobe and install commands (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Change handling of UID and GID values (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Send UID and GID over D-Bus as UInt32 (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Correct limits for UIDs and GIDs in GUI (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Rename Subscription module tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Rename common module tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Rename Boss module tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Remove autostep functionality (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Don't include unknown files in the updates image (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up the code for the platform-specific partitioning requirements
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Use a property for the platform-specific stage1 constraints (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use a property for the stage1 device descriptions (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use a property to provide a suggestion for the stage1 device (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use a property to define non-linux format types (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use a property to define platform-specific packages (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Do not fail user check job in rhel-8 validate workflow (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Move the code that sets up the default disklabel type from platform.py
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add unit tests for platform.py (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Revert "Standardize calls to parent via super()" in platform.py (#1858649)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Nov 05 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.11-1
a2dea2 |
- Fix user permission checking for rhel-8 validate task (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Adjust rhel-8 log retrieval for changed container volume handling (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Don't clobber host checkout on `make container-ci` (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Drop anaconda-ci container entrypoint (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- workflows: Add manual triggering of tests (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix and robustify validate workflow (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Mock os.stat in the unit tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix traceback when starting installation with inst.console (no args)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add container image build badge (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rename our GH action for container build to a better name (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Improve the documentation of inst.variant (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add selinux=0 boot parameter when SELinux is set to disabled (#1882464)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Clean up the Payload class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Update the NVDIMM actions before we generate the output kickstart (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Make the storage available to the NVDIMM module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the execWithCaptureBinary function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused getters from the Subscription spoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove an unused getter from the NetworkControlBox class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the URLType enum (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the method_type property from the source classes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the subscription-related unused code (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the DBus method GetPartitioned (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the active attribute from the FSSet class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the short_label attribute from the BootLoaderImage class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the can_dual_boot attribute from the Bootloader class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the langcode_matches_locale function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused properties from the GeocodingResult class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove payload-related unused code (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused code (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- kickstart.py: fix typo (kai.kang)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the debug flag (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add workaround to fix support for installtree without repo (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Build container image only if the container files changed (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Names of signal handlers should have the on_ prefix (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move UI test to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Storage module tests to directories (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Localization module tests to directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Change documentation - it's not required to build the container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Push also latest tag just for master container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Push new image only if unit tests went well (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add GH workflow to build and push master container to registry (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add anaconda-ci-push to Makefile to push container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Use our container registry to tag anaconda-ci container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rename ci-tasks container to anaconda-ci (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Oct 23 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.10-1
a2dea2 |
- Move the code for the kernel package selection to new functions (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for PAE (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move Timezone module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Subscription module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move Boss module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move common module tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add directory for module tests (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move UI tests to a directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Move core tests to directory (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Do not exclude English from available languages (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add ELN support (sgallagh)
a2dea2 |
- Fix testing target branch instead of PR branch (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the old support for the requirements (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the code for the requirements of the DBus modules to the Boss module
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Move the requirements for FIPS to the Security module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the code for the driver disk requirements to a new function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the code for platform requirements to a new function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the code for language requirements to new functions (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for language groups (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use constants for the types of requirements (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move constants to prevent circular dependency (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Hardening of our GH action event trigger (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: handle None values of team configuration correctly (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Verify RPM exists before running it (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Relabel the anaconda logs after copying them to the installed system
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- post-scripts need to be sorted (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
- Fix ci-tasks container shell instructions (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Collect pylint and nosetests logs in validate workflow (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up s390 partitioning check (#1855724) (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Show test-suite.log in validate workflow on failure (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- More aggressive pylint downscaling (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix pylint downscaling (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- fix “0 storage devices selected”abnormality (69908158+xqrustc2020)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Oct 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.9-1
a2dea2 |
- Add link to metacity enums schema (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix local tests run inside of container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up the live image payload module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Calculate required space from sources (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Provide the set-up and tear-down tasks of the live image source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use sources in the live image payload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a DBus structure for the live image (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a basic file structure for the live image source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Restrict pylint parallelism to available RAM (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix crash on nonexisting network config directories (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Allow running tests with docker (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up container build/run rules and variables (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Robustify GitHub actions runner download in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Add variable for extra labels to GitHub action runner entry point (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Don't stop unit tests when the tests failed (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Document possibility to run container tests without autotools (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Make it possible to call make -f Makefile.am (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Don't ignore the timezone kickstart command in the tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Run validate workflow in ci-tasks container (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Fix SECTION headers in docstrings (mpitt)
a2dea2 |
- Add GitHub actions runner to ci-tasks container (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Make it easier to run make commands (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove support for the nfsiso: pseudo-protocol (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix formatting of contribution guidelines document (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix missing space in Makefile (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add more options how to start the tests container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix dependency_solver to not require spec file for pip dependencies
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add container workflow to tests README file (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add Makefile target to run tests in container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add Makefile target to build container (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add Dockerfile for anaconda unit-tests (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Allow to format selected DASDs (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Test for wrong spellings of OSTree (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- network: remove function that is not used anymore (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not create ifcfg files in initramfs (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: handle special binding for ifname= also when updating a connection
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: update comments in method for dumping default connections (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: update apply kickstart for everything applied in stage2 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: remove task for consolidating of initramfs connections (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: remove task for setting real ONBOOT values (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Run rpm tests in a GitHub action (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Separate RPM installability test from rpm_tests (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Define make targets for building source and binary rpms (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Drop superfluous build in `make run-rpm-tests-only` (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Fix spelling/name of OSTree (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the inst.singlelang boot option (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Set up proxy environmental variables with a function (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Show in the first screen only translated locales (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Run unit tests in a GitHub action (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Mark the ostreesetup kickstart command as useless (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the RPM OSTree module in the UI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Implement SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Finalize the code that sets up and tear downs the RPM OS Tree source
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Improve the string representation of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Implement network_required of the RPM OSTree source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Mock system operations in MountFilesystemsTask task (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Add missing "rpm-build" test dependency (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Add missing "make" BuildRequires (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Fix mock installation/usage instructions (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Fix nosetests name in tests/README.rst (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Fix tests/README.rst syntax (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Stop passing rd.{dm,md,lvm,luks}=0 in installer environment (awilliam)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Oct 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.8-1
a2dea2 |
- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
a2dea2 |
- Fix show missing inst. prefix warning appropriately (#1875561) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix unit test dependency installation for boolean expressions (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Drop obsolete Py_Initialize link check in configure (martin)
a2dea2 |
- Document the mount points of the target system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- fix remove unkown partition in sda failed (69908158+xqrustc2020)
a2dea2 |
- Import RPM certificates at end of installation (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Sep 29 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.7-1
a2dea2 |
- Remove the Packages module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Handle the %%packages section in the DNF module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the DBus property Packages (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the DBus structure for the packages configuration (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: commit changes synchronously when dumping autoconnections (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Run the user instance of systemd (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not bind virtual devices to mac (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Sep 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.6-1
a2dea2 |
- network: split add_and_activate_connection_sync function (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: add support for bridged bond to stage 2 kickstart (%%pre) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Never mount partitions on a disk with the iso9660 filesystem (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- packit: use tar-pax instead of tar-ustar (ttomecek)
a2dea2 |
- Change default Packit jobs (#1697339) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Enable Packit for Anaconda (#1697339) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Change text on the Reset All button in custom part. (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add a rule for translated strings to code conventions (#1619530) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Never convert translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Never change first letters of translated strings to uppercase (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: update docstring of clone_connection_async (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: add support for vlan over bond to stage 2 kickstart (pre) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Move the execute method of the logging command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Sep 17 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.5-1
a2dea2 |
- Fix the combo box for an URL type of additional repositories (#1879127)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add DBus support for the ostreesetup kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the structure for RPM OSTree configuration (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the RPM OSTree source module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the RPM OSTree module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: clone connections from intramfs to persistent config (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Improve the error dialog for storage reset (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the needs_storage_configuration property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the is_hmc_enabled property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the install_device attribute (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move the proxy property to the base payload class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix CDN button visibility (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Assure payload restart on DVD install after registration
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove the handles_bootloader_configuration property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Run the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the CreateBLSEntriesTask task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Call the DBus method InstallBootloaderWithTasks (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the CreateRescueImagesTask task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Call the DBus method GenerateInitramfsWithTasks (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the RecreateInitrdsTask task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: set addr-gen-mode of Anaconda default connections to eui64
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: default to addr-gen-mode eui64 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not reset ipv6.addr-gen-mode in tui network configuration
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: get hwadddr when binding to mac more robustly (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Only restart payload when needed (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Document the restart_payload argument of subscription helper functions
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: fix missing log message argument (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Propagate verify_ssl to RHSM (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Check if original partitions are mounted, too (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not add superfluous quotes to inst.dhcpclass identifier
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Add the DBus method IsDeviceShrinkable (#1875677) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Show warning message when entered size is not valid (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Extend unit tests for generate_device_factory_request (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Differentiate between RAID levels of a device and its container (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't generate container data for non-container device types (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix parsing of hostname from ip= if mac is defined in dhcp
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: fix inst.dhcpclass boot option (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Do not push pot files just tell user that he should update (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add support for booting installation media with plain SquashFS (bkhomuts)
a2dea2 |
- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: apply kickstart network --nodefroute also from stage2 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- list major common keyboard layouts first (suanand)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Sep 07 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.4-1
a2dea2 |
- Apply onboot policy even when network was configured in UI. (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix kickstart network --dhcpclass option (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: use constants instead of enum to hold stirng values of connection
a2dea2 |
type (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix using of values of NMConnectionType enum (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Always clear treeinfo metadata (#1872056) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Do not check ro mount in Dracut for overlay (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Propagate a lazy proxy of the storage model (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add TODO to check if biospart support is required for DUD (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove failure messages about not supported biospart (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Switch to a new HardDrive command version with removed biospart (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Make custom storage summary dialog resizeable (1626555) (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- network: add constants for NM connection types (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Recognize systemd.unit=anaconda.target in anaconda-generator (m.novosyolov)
a2dea2 |
- The underline character should not be displayed (honza.stodola)
a2dea2 |
- network: create default connection also for slave devices (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: remove ONBOOT hack for slave connections (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: replace ifcfg module with config_file module (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: remove unused functions from ifcfg module (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: generate kickstart via NM API (connections) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: get master slaves via NM API (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: use NM API to look for config files for DeviceConfigurations
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting final ONBOOT
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: use NM API to look for config files when setting real ONBOOT
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: use NM API to look for config files when applying kickstart
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: use NM API to look for config files when consolidating connections
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: check for missing device config via NM api (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: use underscore in the names of slave devices created from kickstart
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- network: log also content of keyfiles (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- We won't support inst.ks=bd: (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not enforce network standalone spoke on default source (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Sep 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.3-1
a2dea2 |
- Move slower part of Subscription spoke initialization to a thread (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add test to detect every RW mount command in Dracut (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Convert the RHSM default config values to expected format
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Implement get_source_proxy() in payload base class (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Use spec file macros for all requires version specifications (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix spec macro for version name (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Correctly work with package boolean logic in our setup scripts (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Wait for payload initialization to finish in Subscription spoke (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Unify usage of BootLoaderArguments add() & update() (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Rename Arguments to BootLoaderArguments (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Remove usage of OrderedSet (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add tests for the boot loader Arguments class (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Do not mount as RW in Dracut (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not crash when updating a connection without wired settings
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Fix traceback when removing additional repository (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Handle cases where CDN should not be the default (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Set DNF payload source via config file option (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Manual CDN selection support (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Handle source switching at registration/unregistration
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Introduce the default_source configuration option (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Use "raise from" to link exceptions (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix branching documentation (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Change keyboard ordering to US layout first, 'native' second. Resolves:
a2dea2 |
rhbz#1039185 (suanand)
a2dea2 |
- Remove docs where we tell users that inst. prefix is not required (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Print warning for boot options without inst. prefix (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add missing dracut commands as missing inst. prefix warning (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Enable warning when inst. prefix is not used (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Reset the state of the custom partitioning spoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Reset the RAID level of the device request (#1828092) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Protect all devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't ignore NVDIMM devices with the iso9660 file system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add tests for the DBus method FindOpticalMedia (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix everything in payload should be mounted as read only (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add support for mount options to device_tree.MountDevice (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Adapt tests for CDRom for the new inst.stage2 discovery (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- CDRom source should prioritize stage2 device during discover (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.2-1
a2dea2 |
- Fix dependency_solver failure with spec file boolean logic syntax (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Avoid unnecessarily pulling in glibc-langpack-en (sgallagh)
a2dea2 |
- Set up the ignored_device_names variable (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 34.1-1
a2dea2 |
- network: do not try to activate connection that has not been found (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: add timeout for synchronous activation of a connection (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix configuration of virtual devices by boot options (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Handle exceptions from threads without new instances (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Do not use disabled --install-scripts command of pip (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Use bootlist command to update the PowerPC-64 Boot Order (javierm)
a2dea2 |
- Discard current boot list when updating the boot-device NRVAM variable
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Automatically break lines in labels in software selection spoke (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Set up FIPS in the target system (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Update the service anaconda-sshd (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Set up FIPS in the installation environment (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add Blivet version to generated kickstart (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add Anaconda version to saved kickstart (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix kickstart file error with user groups (kai.kang)
a2dea2 |
- Get rid of add_disable_repo (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Move parts together in the DNF repo (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix issue that treeinfo repositories were never disabled (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Keep treeinfo repositories disabled after payload reset (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix crash on first entering of source spoke (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove treeinfo repositories instead of disabling (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Reload treeinfo repositories on every payload reset (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Aug 10 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.25-1
a2dea2 |
- Fix our tests with a newer rpmfluff library (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- network: pass also keyfile NM configuration to target system (#1858439)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Unify the indentation in the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the DBus method ConfigureNTPServiceEnablementWithTask (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create ssh user using only existing fields (#1860058) (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the position of the info bar in standalone spokes (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the function is_service_installed (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Drop the dependency on python3-ntplib (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove Blivet's tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove gui tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Generate the coverage report for tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the util tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Simplify the regex tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the module tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up the driver tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the kickstart dispatcher tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the localization tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- drop workarounds for the TLS exhaustion issue on aarch64 and ppc64le (dan)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Fri Jul 31 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.24-1
a2dea2 |
- Run actions of the Resize dialog in the reversed order (#1856496) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Reset repositories from the main thread (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Initialize the closest mirror from the main thread (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the mirrors_available property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Rename ActivateFilesystemsTask (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Document the Anaconda configuration files (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the encrypted attribute (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix rhsm --proxy kickstart command usage with no username
a2dea2 |
specified (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix RHSM HTTP proxy configuration crash in the GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Log the information about the original exception (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Update the documentation of the Anaconda sysconfig file (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Make spoke tiles stack more tightly (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add NTS support to time sources in GUI (mlichvar)
a2dea2 |
- Add connection test for NTS (mlichvar)
a2dea2 |
- Parse NTP server options from config file (mlichvar)
a2dea2 |
- Run bash instead of sh in rescue mode (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu Jul 16 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.23-1
a2dea2 |
- Mangle Fedora IoT Edition product identifier to "Fedora-IoT" (ngompa13)
a2dea2 |
- Fix creating cached LVs on encrypted PVs (vtrefny)
a2dea2 |
- Add Fedora IoT product override (ngompa13)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue Jul 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.22-1
a2dea2 |
- Add support for the timesource kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in GUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in TUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add support for generating a summary of the NTP servers (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add support for the NTP server status cache (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in network.py (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in anaconda.py (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in the Timezone module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the structure for time sources in ntp.py (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a new DBus structure for time sources (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Replace the zram service (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix software spoke message when source changes (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- ostree: set rootflags when installing on btrfs (#1753485) (dcavalca)
a2dea2 |
- Only pass one initrd image to kexec (javierm)
a2dea2 |
- Prevent crash on unregistration (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add LVM with inconsistent sector size disks to common bugs (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Don't create swap by default (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't require fcoe-utils (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Temporarily ignore the new timezone kickstart command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Schedule timed actions with the right selector (#1851647) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Reconfigure DNF payload after options are set (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix displaying of empty software group description (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fix passing of arguments when creating dracut arguments for FCoE (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- network: fix obtaining of s390 options of a wired connection (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Exclude stderr from returned output when executing powerpc-utils tools
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Fix imports of Blivet-GUI in unit tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't mount DBus sources at /run/install/source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Always specify the boot disk (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create the initial storage model during the initialization (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use LUKSDevice.raw_device instead of LUKSDevice.slave (vtrefny)
a2dea2 |
- Use modinfo to check ko before modprobe (t.feng94)
a2dea2 |
- Fix EFI bootloader install (#1575957) (butirsky)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Jul 08 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.21-1
a2dea2 |
- Use Btrfs for all Fedora variants installed by Anaconda except Server
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for language filtering (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for locale filtering (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't override the eula command with the same command (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Improve logs for validation of stage1 and stage2 devices (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Document an issue with invalid partitioning in the output kickstart file
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove support for check_supported_locales (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the support for Fedora Atomic Host (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move Subscription spoke under Software (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Update the function get_default_partitioning (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Update the property default_partitioning (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Change the default_partitioning option (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix hiding of network device activation switch (#1847493) (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Typo fix (sh.yaron)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jun 22 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.20-1
a2dea2 |
- Add test for NFS URL with ISO in path (#1848718) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix issue when NFS path is pointing directly to ISO (#1848718) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rename function for a simple check for DNF repository (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add tests for verify_valid_installtree function (#1844287) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Move verify_valid_installtree to source module utils (#1844287) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Do not test if repo is valid based on .treeinfo file (#1844287) (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Relabel whole /etc instead of only some parts (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Clean up lists of files and directories to relabel (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Use allowlist and blocklist in the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Correctly set up the LUKS version when we click on a mount point (#1689699)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Simplify the workaround for the RHSM configuration proxy (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Show pylint version in logs (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Don't use the private attribute for a message bus (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Ignore unknown variable (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Split storage spoke dialogs to a separate module (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix more SElinux contexts (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix regression reading kernel list when collecting configurations (#1846156)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jun 15 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.19-1
a2dea2 |
- Document common issues and bugs (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add logging messages to %%post scripts (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Don't prompt the user to ssh in VNC installations (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Extend the function prompt_for_ssh (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Allow having /boot on a btrfs volume (i.gnatenko.brain)
a2dea2 |
- network: do not parse IPADDR0 anymore (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Do not use kwargs when creating network_data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Extend unit tests for generating network data from ifcfg file (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fix updating of user gid/uid value checkbox in gui (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Fix crash on user uid/gid unchecked in gui (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Add daily build status badge (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the pylint warning in the Payloads module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add pointer to kickstart tests to tests README (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- resolved a user created password verification issue that could not exit
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Don't use data.method.proxy (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use sshd_config drop in directory to allow root login (jjelen)
a2dea2 |
- localization: do not crash on failed parsing of X layout (#1836047)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Catch Blivet's exceptions when we reset a device (#1843278) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix wireless network configuration on get_ssid() returning None (#1838357)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Unify definition of directory for ifname and prefixdevname config (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Use constants when mocking paths for network installation test (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Create /etc/systemd/network dir for ifname= renaming if needed. (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Use the Blivet's property is_empty (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Wed Jun 03 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.18-1
a2dea2 |
- Set up LD_PRELOAD for the Payloads module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Extend the start-module script (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix authentication method switching in GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Make sure CDN repos are loaded and usable (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add NFS ISO support back to the NFS SetupSourceTask (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add NFS ISO support to the NFSSourceModule (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Tear down HDD device mount if no valid installation source is found
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Extract ISO find algorith from harddrive (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon Jun 01 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.17-1
a2dea2 |
- Update required ack in makebumpver script for rhel > 7 (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Close responses from session.get (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Improve the documentation of the SetUpMountTask class (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Raise an exception if the source's mount point is not unmounted (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Change the default source to CDROM (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Don't set up sources in the refresh method of the Source spoke (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Make cppcheck ignore the G_DEFINE_TYPE macros (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Fix issue that unified ISO from URL is not loaded (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add split_protocol payload helper function (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix string based on translator comments (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Mon May 25 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.16-1
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Only require Insights package if subscribed (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Do not pass payload to unregister() helper function (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix typos related to ParseAttachedSubscriptions task (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Make sure /etc/yum.repos.d exists (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix disconnect() for RHSM observer (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix SystemPurposeData equality checking (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Set RHSM configuration before registration attempt (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Initial CDN source switching (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix Insights configuration in GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Fix setting username to SubscriptionRequest in GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Change connection flags for the RHSM private bus (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Create a proxy of the RHSM Config object for a specific interface (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Skip the btrfs command if deprecated (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use a specific kickstart version in handle-sshpw (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Avoid concatenation of iso name twice (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Do not mount harddrive sources as RO (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the access to a DBus proxy of the Subscription module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Set up LANG for tests (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Resolve traceback when HDD ISO is not found (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Don't set up the HMC source again (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the changed property of the Source spoke in GUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Specify the default source type for the DNF payload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Support all source types based on repo files (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the closest mirror source in UI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add a new source for the closest mirror (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Change the description of the repo files source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix adding to the protected devices list (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove not used API of dnf payload (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Rename GetISOPath to GetIsoPath which is correct API name (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix python3 requires in spec file (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Use the source proxy to get the device name (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Collect package requirements of the Subscription module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add ignored field to rpm_tests (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Require subscription manager on rhel (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the property is_iso_mounted (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Run the set-up tasks of sources with signals enabled (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Set default url type combobox value (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix lang_locale_handler have payload property from parents (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart sources from GUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart sources from TUI (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Log the result of the HDD set-up task (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Always try to unmount the HDD ISO (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix typo resulting to use mirrorlist instead of metalink (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Handle DBus errors of the task returned by SetUpSourcesWithTask (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove useless attributes from the class Anaconda (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart sources from anaconda.py (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Remove kickstart sources from the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Call nose python module instead of nosetests binary (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- root spoke: set value of root ssh login checkbox from module (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- users module: fix check of existence of admin user (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Always clear kickstarted status for GUI time&date spoke (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Always protect CD-ROM devices (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix the DBus task that sets up the SE/HMC source (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Move lxml test dependency from pip to RPM (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Show data about attached subscriptions (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Setup RHEL rebuilds to exclude
a2dea2 |
org.fedoraproject.Anaconda.Modules.Subscription (riehecky)
a2dea2 |
- Tear down sources before setting new one in SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused properties from SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set Closest mirror of SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set HMC of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set CDROM of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set NFS of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set URL of SourceSwitchhandler to source modules (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Implement the DBus methods SetUpSourcesWithTask and TearDownSourcesWithTask
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Move removal of blivet-gui in rhel upstream (rvykydal)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate set HDD of SourceSwitchHandler to source modules (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Migrate SourceSwitchHandler to use module for cleanups (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add payload property to SourceSwitchHandler (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Avoid imports from blivet.devicefactory (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Mark kickstart commands of RPM sources as useless (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Generate kickstart from the Payloads module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Tue May 19 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.15-1
a2dea2 |
- Update the bootloader configuration after live installation (javierm)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Registration button sensitivity handling (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Make credential checking functions usable in GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add exclude to the dependency_solver (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add the method is_complete to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the property source_type to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the method get_source_proxy to the class DNFPayload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Fix call to super() with missing parameters (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Change string according to translator comments (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Remove gjs dependency exclude which is no more needed with anaconda-live
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Remove sphinx test dependency (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Extend the objects for parsing the cmdline installation method (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add functions to set up and tear down of DBus sources (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Switch call of pip3 to python3 -m pip (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Move for_publication as second method in sources (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Move sources private methods on top of the file (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Fix RPMSourceMixin class documentation (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Switch MountingSourceBase to MountingSourceMixin (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Remove tear_down_with_tasks from MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Do not implement get_state in MountingSourceBase (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Change gui test relative imports to absolute (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Disable spurious pylint warning (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Add CDN source (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Test the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the DBus method IsNetworkRequired (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Detect HTTPS as a protocol that requires the network (michel)
a2dea2 |
- Remove unused variable (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
* Thu May 14 2020 Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> - 33.14-1
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Hook up state update methods (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Make it possible to register/unregister from the GUI (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Register & subscribe during automated installation (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add asynchronous registration helper functions (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add IsRegistered property (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add functions for DBus sources (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Implement DeviceName API for CDrom payload source (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Return device name from SetUpCdromSourceTask (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add GetISOPath HardDrive payload source API (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add the ParseAttachedSubscriptionsTask (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add new Hard drive source property to tell that iso is used (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Change return of SetUpHardDriveSourceTask (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add __repr__ to payload sources (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- Create a DBus proxy of the DNF module (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Work around pylint 2.5.0 issue with _ in warning id (vslavik)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add network connectivity check to the Subscription spoke
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Split find_and_mount_iso_image source helper func (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add main Subscription spoke structure (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add the DBus method ActivatePayload (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Add the DBus property CreatedPayloads (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Replace the DBus method GetActivePayload with a property (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add helper functions for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Remove the DBus method IsPayloadSet (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add glade file for Subscription spoke (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Simplify system purpose configuration (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Implement equality testing for SystemPurposeData (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- subscription: Add check_system_purpose_set() helper function (mkolman)
a2dea2 |
- Add generate_repo_configuration for URL payload source (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add gererate_repo_configuration for all mount sources (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add GetRepoConfigurations API for DNF payload (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Create ABC class declaring interface for RPM sources (jkonecny)
a2dea2 |
- Add the combo box for choosing a LUKS version in the container dialog
a2dea2 |
(#1714120) (vponcova)
a2dea2 |
- Use the combo box for choosing a LUKS version only for encrypted devices
a2dea2 |
a2dea2 |
- Provide the LUKS version of the encrypted container (vponcova)