diff --git a/.accountsservice.metadata b/.accountsservice.metadata
index 794dd8f..9ffdd86 100644
--- a/.accountsservice.metadata
+++ b/.accountsservice.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-e9d13e6970c52e168eb7d6dc8441a3abafed3dfa SOURCES/accountsservice-0.6.45.tar.xz
+8d59b9cdc4121b34748442ee653b92d60607f2cb SOURCES/accountsservice-0.6.50.tar.xz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 677f17f..32db008 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-daemon-don-t-treat-explicitly-requested-users-as-cac.patch b/SOURCES/0001-daemon-don-t-treat-explicitly-requested-users-as-cac.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fba593f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-daemon-don-t-treat-explicitly-requested-users-as-cac.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-From 59235d291c9aac5f68e17cc927f142cf5e532e46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 4 May 2017 12:04:05 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] daemon: don't treat explicitly requested users as "cached"
-The ListCachedUsers method currently returns users that have
-been explicitly requested by a client.  It's weird that merely
-querying a user can make it show up in login screen user lists.
-Furthermore, UncacheUser is broken since commit
-177509e9460b149ecbf85e75c930be2ea00b7d05 because the user has
-been explicitly requested in order to uncache it.  So trying
-to uncache a user inadvertently caches the user.
-This commit fixes that.
- src/daemon.c | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
- src/user.c   | 17 +++++++++++++++
- src/user.h   |  3 +++
- 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/daemon.c b/src/daemon.c
-index 312394a..6e3e4b3 100644
---- a/src/daemon.c
-+++ b/src/daemon.c
-@@ -329,100 +329,108 @@ entry_generator_requested_users (Daemon       *daemon,
-                 while (node != NULL) {
-                         const char *name;
-                         name = node->data;
-                         node = node->next;
-                         *state = node;
-                         if (!g_hash_table_lookup (users, name)) {
-                                 pwent = getpwnam (name);
-                                 if (pwent == NULL) {
-                                         g_debug ("user '%s' requested previously but not present on system", name);
-                                 } else {
-                                         *shadow_entry = getspnam (pwent->pw_name);
-                                         return pwent;
-                                 }
-                         }
-                 }
-         }
-         /* Last iteration */
-         *state = NULL;
-         return NULL;
- }
- static void
- load_entries (Daemon             *daemon,
-               GHashTable         *users,
--              gboolean            allow_system_users,
-+              gboolean            explicitly_requested,
-               EntryGeneratorFunc  entry_generator)
- {
-         gpointer generator_state = NULL;
-         struct passwd *pwent;
-         struct spwd *spent = NULL;
-         User *user = NULL;
-         g_assert (entry_generator != NULL);
-         for (;;) {
-                 spent = NULL;
-                 pwent = entry_generator (daemon, users, &generator_state, &spent);
-                 if (pwent == NULL)
-                         break;
-                 /* Skip system users... */
--                if (!allow_system_users && !user_classify_is_human (pwent->pw_uid, pwent->pw_name, pwent->pw_shell, spent? spent->sp_pwdp : NULL)) {
-+                if (!explicitly_requested && !user_classify_is_human (pwent->pw_uid, pwent->pw_name, pwent->pw_shell, spent? spent->sp_pwdp : NULL)) {
-                         g_debug ("skipping user: %s", pwent->pw_name);
-                         continue;
-                 }
--                /* ignore duplicate entries */
--                if (g_hash_table_lookup (users, pwent->pw_name)) {
--                        continue;
--                }
-+                /* Only process users that haven't been processed yet.
-+                 * We do always make sure entries get promoted
-+                 * to "cached" status if they are supposed to be
-+                 */
-+                user = g_hash_table_lookup (users, pwent->pw_name);
--                user = g_hash_table_lookup (daemon->priv->users, pwent->pw_name);
-                 if (user == NULL) {
--                        user = user_new (daemon, pwent->pw_uid);
--                } else {
--                        g_object_ref (user);
--                }
-+                        user = g_hash_table_lookup (daemon->priv->users, pwent->pw_name);
-+                        if (user == NULL) {
-+                                user = user_new (daemon, pwent->pw_uid);
-+                        } else {
-+                                g_object_ref (user);
-+                        }
--                /* freeze & update users not already in the new list */
--                g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
--                user_update_from_pwent (user, pwent, spent);
-+                        /* freeze & update users not already in the new list */
-+                        g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
-+                        user_update_from_pwent (user, pwent, spent);
--                g_hash_table_insert (users, g_strdup (user_get_user_name (user)), user);
--                g_debug ("loaded user: %s", user_get_user_name (user));
-+                        g_hash_table_insert (users, g_strdup (user_get_user_name (user)), user);
-+                        g_debug ("loaded user: %s", user_get_user_name (user));
-+                }
-+                if (!explicitly_requested) {
-+                        user_set_cached (user, TRUE);
-+                }
-         }
-         /* Generator should have cleaned up */
-         g_assert (generator_state == NULL);
- }
- static GHashTable *
- create_users_hash_table (void)
- {
-         return g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                       g_str_equal,
-                                       g_free,
-                                       g_object_unref);
- }
- static void
- reload_users (Daemon *daemon)
- {
-         GHashTable *users;
-         GHashTable *old_users;
-         GHashTable *local;
-         GHashTableIter iter;
-         gpointer name;
-         User *user;
-         /* Track the users that we saw during our (re)load */
-         users = create_users_hash_table ();
-         /*
-          * NOTE: As we load data from all the sources, notifies are
-@@ -432,71 +440,79 @@ reload_users (Daemon *daemon)
-         /* Load the local users into our hash table */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, FALSE, entry_generator_fgetpwent);
-         local = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, NULL))
-                 g_hash_table_add (local, name);
-         /* and add users to hash table that were explicitly requested  */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, TRUE, entry_generator_requested_users);
-         /* Now add/update users from other sources, possibly non-local */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, FALSE, entry_generator_cachedir);
-         wtmp_helper_update_login_frequencies (users);
-         /* Mark which users are local, which are not */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user))
-                 user_update_local_account_property (user, g_hash_table_lookup (local, name) != NULL);
-         g_hash_table_destroy (local);
-         /* Swap out the users */
-         old_users = daemon->priv->users;
-         daemon->priv->users = users;
-         /* Remove all the old users */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, old_users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
--                if (!g_hash_table_lookup (users, name)) {
-+                User *refreshed_user;
-+                refreshed_user = g_hash_table_lookup (users, name);
-+                if (!refreshed_user || !user_get_cached (refreshed_user)) {
-                         user_unregister (user);
-                         accounts_accounts_emit_user_deleted (ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (daemon),
-                                                              user_get_object_path (user));
-                 }
-         }
-         /* Register all the new users */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
--                if (!g_hash_table_lookup (old_users, name)) {
-+                User *stale_user;
-+                stale_user = g_hash_table_lookup (old_users, name);
-+                if (!stale_user || !user_get_cached (stale_user) && user_get_cached (user)) {
-                         user_register (user);
-                         accounts_accounts_emit_user_added (ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (daemon),
-                                                            user_get_object_path (user));
-                 }
-                 g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
-         }
-         g_hash_table_destroy (old_users);
- }
- static gboolean
- reload_users_timeout (Daemon *daemon)
- {
-         reload_users (daemon);
-         daemon->priv->reload_id = 0;
-         return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean load_autologin (Daemon    *daemon,
-                                 gchar    **name,
-                                 gboolean  *enabled,
-                                 GError   **error);
- static gboolean
- reload_autologin_timeout (Daemon *daemon)
- {
-         gboolean enabled;
-         gchar *name = NULL;
-         GError *error = NULL;
-@@ -911,60 +927,65 @@ list_user_data_new (Daemon                *daemon,
- static void
- list_user_data_free (ListUserData *data)
- {
-         g_object_unref (data->daemon);
-         g_free (data);
- }
- static gboolean
- finish_list_cached_users (gpointer user_data)
- {
-         ListUserData *data = user_data;
-         GPtrArray *object_paths;
-         GHashTableIter iter;
-         const gchar *name;
-         User *user;
-         uid_t uid;
-         const gchar *shell;
-         object_paths = g_ptr_array_new ();
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, data->daemon->priv->users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *)&name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
-                 uid = user_get_uid (user);
-                 shell = user_get_shell (user);
-                 if (!user_classify_is_human (uid, name, shell, NULL)) {
-                         g_debug ("user %s %ld excluded", name, (long) uid);
-                         continue;
-                 }
-+                if (!user_get_cached (user)) {
-+                        g_debug ("user %s %ld not cached", name, (long) uid);
-+                        continue;
-+                }
-                 g_debug ("user %s %ld not excluded", name, (long) uid);
-                 g_ptr_array_add (object_paths, (gpointer) user_get_object_path (user));
-         }
-         g_ptr_array_add (object_paths, NULL);
-         accounts_accounts_complete_list_cached_users (NULL, data->context, (const gchar * const *) object_paths->pdata);
-         g_ptr_array_free (object_paths, TRUE);
-         list_user_data_free (data);
-         return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean
- daemon_list_cached_users (AccountsAccounts      *accounts,
-                           GDBusMethodInvocation *context)
- {
-         Daemon *daemon = (Daemon*)accounts;
-         ListUserData *data;
-         data = list_user_data_new (daemon, context);
-         if (daemon->priv->reload_id > 0) {
-                 /* reload in progress, wait a bit */
-                 g_idle_add (finish_list_cached_users, data);
-         }
-         else {
-                 finish_list_cached_users (data);
-         }
-@@ -1151,123 +1172,123 @@ daemon_cache_user (AccountsAccounts      *accounts,
- static void
- daemon_uncache_user_authorized_cb (Daemon                *daemon,
-                                    User                  *dummy,
-                                    GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                                    gpointer               data)
- {
-         const gchar *user_name = data;
-         gchar       *filename;
-         User        *user;
-         sys_log (context, "uncache user '%s'", user_name);
-         user = daemon_local_find_user_by_name (daemon, user_name);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 throw_error (context, ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
-                              "No user with the name %s found", user_name);
-                 return;
-         }
-         /* Always use the canonical user name looked up */
-         user_name = user_get_user_name (user);
-         filename = g_build_filename (USERDIR, user_name, NULL);
-         g_remove (filename);
-         g_free (filename);
-         filename = g_build_filename (ICONDIR, user_name, NULL);
-         g_remove (filename);
-         g_free (filename);
-+        user_set_cached (user, FALSE);
-         accounts_accounts_complete_uncache_user (NULL, context);
-         queue_reload_users (daemon);
- }
- static gboolean
- daemon_uncache_user (AccountsAccounts      *accounts,
-                      GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                      const gchar           *user_name)
- {
-         Daemon *daemon = (Daemon*)accounts;
-         daemon_local_check_auth (daemon,
-                                  NULL,
-                                  "org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration",
-                                  TRUE,
-                                  daemon_uncache_user_authorized_cb,
-                                  context,
-                                  g_strdup (user_name),
-                                  g_free);
-         return TRUE;
- }
- typedef struct {
-         uid_t uid;
-         gboolean remove_files;
- } DeleteUserData;
- static void
- daemon_delete_user_authorized_cb (Daemon                *daemon,
-                                   User                  *dummy,
-                                   GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                                   gpointer               data)
- {
-         DeleteUserData *ud = data;
-         GError *error;
-         gchar *filename;
-         struct passwd *pwent;
-         const gchar *argv[6];
-+        User *user;
-         pwent = getpwuid (ud->uid);
-         if (pwent == NULL) {
-                 throw_error (context, ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "No user with uid %d found", ud->uid);
-                 return;
-         }
-         sys_log (context, "delete user '%s' (%d)", pwent->pw_name, ud->uid);
--        if (daemon->priv->autologin != NULL) {
--                User *user;
-+        user = daemon_local_find_user_by_id (daemon, ud->uid);
--                user = daemon_local_find_user_by_id (daemon, ud->uid);
-+        if (user != NULL) {
-+                user_set_cached (user, FALSE);
--                g_assert (user != NULL);
--                if (daemon->priv->autologin == user) {
-+                if (daemon->priv->autologin  == user) {
-                         daemon_local_set_automatic_login (daemon, user, FALSE, NULL);
-                 }
-         }
-         filename = g_build_filename (USERDIR, pwent->pw_name, NULL);
-         g_remove (filename);
-         g_free (filename);
-         filename = g_build_filename (ICONDIR, pwent->pw_name, NULL);
-         g_remove (filename);
-         g_free (filename);
-         argv[0] = "/usr/sbin/userdel";
-         if (ud->remove_files) {
-                 argv[1] = "-f";
-                 argv[2] = "-r";
-                 argv[3] = "--";
-                 argv[4] = pwent->pw_name;
-                 argv[5] = NULL;
-         }
-         else {
-                 argv[1] = "-f";
-                 argv[2] = "--";
-                 argv[3] = pwent->pw_name;
-                 argv[4] = NULL;
-         }
-         error = NULL;
-         if (!spawn_with_login_uid (context, argv, &error)) {
-                 throw_error (context, ERROR_FAILED, "running '%s' failed: %s", argv[0], error->message);
-                 g_error_free (error);
-                 return;
-diff --git a/src/user.c b/src/user.c
-index 802d07a..a83cfe4 100644
---- a/src/user.c
-+++ b/src/user.c
-@@ -83,60 +83,61 @@ struct User {
-         GKeyFile     *keyfile;
-         uid_t         uid;
-         gid_t         gid;
-         gchar        *user_name;
-         gchar        *real_name;
-         AccountType   account_type;
-         PasswordMode  password_mode;
-         gchar        *password_hint;
-         gchar        *home_dir;
-         gchar        *shell;
-         gchar        *email;
-         gchar        *language;
-         gchar        *x_session;
-         gchar        *location;
-         guint64       login_frequency;
-         gint64        login_time;
-         gint64        expiration_time;
-         gint64        last_change_time;
-         gint64        min_days_between_changes;
-         gint64        max_days_between_changes;
-         gint64        days_to_warn;
-         gint64        days_after_expiration_until_lock;
-         GVariant     *login_history;
-         gchar        *icon_file;
-         gchar        *default_icon_file;
-         gboolean      locked;
-         gboolean      automatic_login;
-         gboolean      system_account;
-         gboolean      local_account;
-+        gboolean      cached;
-         guint        *extension_ids;
-         guint         n_extension_ids;
- };
- typedef struct UserClass
- {
-         AccountsUserSkeletonClass parent_class;
- } UserClass;
- static void user_accounts_user_iface_init (AccountsUserIface *iface);
- static gint
- account_type_from_pwent (struct passwd *pwent)
- {
-         struct group *grp;
-         gint i;
-         if (pwent->pw_uid == 0) {
-                 g_debug ("user is root so account type is administrator");
-                 return ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR;
-         }
-         grp = getgrnam (ADMIN_GROUP);
-         if (grp == NULL) {
-                 g_debug (ADMIN_GROUP " group not found");
-                 return ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD;
-         }
-@@ -339,109 +340,112 @@ user_update_from_keyfile (User     *user,
-                 user->location = s;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "location");
-         }
-         s = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "User", "PasswordHint", NULL);
-         if (s != NULL) {
-                 g_free (user->password_hint);
-                 user->password_hint = s;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-hint");
-         }
-         s = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "User", "Icon", NULL);
-         if (s != NULL) {
-                 g_free (user->icon_file);
-                 user->icon_file = s;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "icon-file");
-         }
-         if (g_key_file_has_key (keyfile, "User", "SystemAccount", NULL)) {
-             gboolean system_account;
-             system_account = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, "User", "SystemAccount", NULL);
-             if (system_account != user->system_account) {
-                     user->system_account = system_account;
-                     g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "system-account");
-             }
-         }
-         g_clear_pointer (&user->keyfile, g_key_file_unref);
-         user->keyfile = g_key_file_ref (keyfile);
-+        user_set_cached (user, TRUE);
-         g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
- }
- void
- user_update_local_account_property (User          *user,
-                                     gboolean       local)
- {
-         if (local == user->local_account)
-                 return;
-         user->local_account = local;
-         g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "local-account");
- }
- void
- user_update_system_account_property (User          *user,
-                                      gboolean       system)
- {
-         if (system == user->system_account)
-                 return;
-         user->system_account = system;
-         g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "system-account");
- }
- static void
- user_save_to_keyfile (User     *user,
-                       GKeyFile *keyfile)
- {
-         g_key_file_remove_group (keyfile, "User", NULL);
-         if (user->email)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "Email", user->email);
-         if (user->language)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "Language", user->language);
-         if (user->x_session)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "XSession", user->x_session);
-         if (user->location)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "Location", user->location);
-         if (user->password_hint)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "PasswordHint", user->password_hint);
-         if (user->icon_file)
-                 g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, "User", "Icon", user->icon_file);
-         g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, "User", "SystemAccount", user->system_account);
-+        user_set_cached (user, TRUE);
- }
- static void
- save_extra_data (User *user)
- {
-         gchar *filename;
-         gchar *data;
-         GError *error;
-         user_save_to_keyfile (user, user->keyfile);
-         error = NULL;
-         data = g_key_file_to_data (user->keyfile, NULL, &error);
-         if (error == NULL) {
-                 filename = g_build_filename (USERDIR,
-                                              user->user_name,
-                                              NULL);
-                 g_file_set_contents (filename, data, -1, &error);
-                 g_free (filename);
-                 g_free (data);
-         }
-         if (error) {
-                 g_warning ("Saving data for user %s failed: %s",
-                            user->user_name, error->message);
-                 g_error_free (error);
-         }
- }
- static void
- move_extra_data (const gchar *old_name,
-@@ -810,60 +814,73 @@ user_get_user_name (User *user)
- gboolean
- user_get_system_account (User *user)
- {
-         return user->system_account;
- }
- gboolean
- user_get_local_account (User *user)
- {
-         return user->local_account;
- }
- const gchar *
- user_get_object_path (User *user)
- {
-         return user->object_path;
- }
- uid_t
- user_get_uid (User *user)
- {
-         return user->uid;
- }
- const gchar *
- user_get_shell(User *user)
- {
- 	return user->shell;
- }
-+user_get_cached (User *user)
-+        return user->cached;
-+user_set_cached (User     *user,
-+                 gboolean  cached)
-+        user->cached = cached;
- static void
- throw_error (GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-              gint                   error_code,
-              const gchar           *format,
-              ...)
- {
-         va_list args;
-         gchar *message;
-         va_start (args, format);
-         message = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args);
-         va_end (args);
-         g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (context, ERROR, error_code, "%s", message);
-         g_free (message);
- }
- static void
- user_change_real_name_authorized_cb (Daemon                *daemon,
-                                      User                  *user,
-                                      GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                                      gpointer               data)
- {
-         gchar *name = data;
-         GError *error;
-         const gchar *argv[6];
-         if (g_strcmp0 (user->real_name, name) != 0) {
-diff --git a/src/user.h b/src/user.h
-index 22548f9..39c6f13 100644
---- a/src/user.h
-+++ b/src/user.h
-@@ -36,47 +36,50 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
- #define IS_USER(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), TYPE_USER))
- typedef enum {
- } AccountType;
- typedef enum {
- } PasswordMode;
- /* local methods */
- GType          user_get_type                (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
- User *         user_new                     (Daemon        *daemon,
-                                              uid_t          uid);
- void           user_update_from_pwent       (User          *user,
-                                              struct passwd *pwent,
-                                              struct spwd   *spent);
- void           user_update_from_keyfile     (User          *user,
-                                              GKeyFile      *keyfile);
- void           user_update_local_account_property (User          *user,
-                                                    gboolean       local);
- void           user_update_system_account_property (User          *user,
-                                                     gboolean       system);
-+gboolean       user_get_cached              (User          *user);
-+void           user_set_cached              (User          *user,
-+                                             gboolean       cached);
- void           user_register                (User          *user);
- void           user_unregister              (User          *user);
- void           user_changed                 (User          *user);
- void           user_save                    (User          *user);
- const gchar *  user_get_user_name           (User          *user);
- gboolean       user_get_system_account      (User          *user);
- gboolean       user_get_local_account       (User          *user);
- const gchar *  user_get_object_path         (User          *user);
- uid_t          user_get_uid                 (User          *user);
- const gchar *  user_get_shell               (User          *user);
- #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-lib-don-t-set-loaded-state-until-seat-is-fetched.patch b/SOURCES/0001-lib-don-t-set-loaded-state-until-seat-is-fetched.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d6777d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-lib-don-t-set-loaded-state-until-seat-is-fetched.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From c7fa612023a163e8b2352e1170c6df3fceb19b27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 13:14:09 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] lib: don't set loaded state until seat is fetched
+At the moment we set is-loaded on the user-manager
+object as soon as we start fetching the seat, but
+we should waiting until the seat is fetched, so
+that can_switch() will return the correct value
+if the caller waited until the loaded signal
+to use it.
+This commit changes the >= to > which I believe
+was the original intention anyway.
+ src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
+index 325421b..e7e26b1 100644
+--- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
++++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
+@@ -2355,61 +2355,61 @@ act_user_manager_list_users (ActUserManager *manager)
+                         queue_load_seat_incrementally (manager);
+         }
+         retval = NULL;
+         g_hash_table_foreach (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name, listify_hash_values_hfunc, &retval);
+         return g_slist_sort (retval, (GCompareFunc) act_user_collate);
+ }
+ static void
+ maybe_set_is_loaded (ActUserManager *manager)
+ {
+         if (manager->priv->is_loaded) {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: already loaded, so not setting loaded property");
+                 return;
+         }
+         if (manager->priv->getting_sessions) {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: GetSessions call pending, so not setting loaded property");
+                 return;
+         }
+         if (manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load != NULL) {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Loading new users, so not setting loaded property");
+                 return;
+         }
+         /* Don't set is_loaded yet unless the seat is already loaded enough
+          * or failed to load.
+          */
+-        if (manager->priv->seat.state >= ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_ID) {
++        if (manager->priv->seat.state > ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_ID) {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat loaded, so now setting loaded property");
+         } else if (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_UNLOADED) {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat wouldn't load, so giving up on it and setting loaded property");
+         } else {
+                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat still actively loading, so not setting loaded property");
+                 return;
+         }
+         set_is_loaded (manager, TRUE);
+ }
+ static GSList *
+ slist_deep_copy (const GSList *list)
+ {
+         GSList *retval;
+         GSList *l;
+         if (list == NULL)
+                 return NULL;
+         retval = g_slist_copy ((GSList *) list);
+         for (l = retval; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+                 l->data = g_strdup (l->data);
+         }
+         return retval;
+ }
+ static void
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-lib-move-g_object_ref-call-for-clarity.patch b/SOURCES/0001-lib-move-g_object_ref-call-for-clarity.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e57aa0c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-lib-move-g_object_ref-call-for-clarity.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-From e1672162fc37c37fb09450991316fbfe22029882 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:39:05 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 01/13] lib: move g_object_ref call for clarity
-create_new_user creates an ActUser object and returns it to
-the caller.  Before returning the object, it also adds the
-object to a list of "new users" to track when it fully loads.
-It's idiomatic to return the original ref to the caller of
-a constructor, but create_new_user instead gives the original
-reference to the new_users list.  Their's no practical difference,
-but this commit moves the ref around for clarity.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 914a1c9..d866725 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -816,65 +816,65 @@ static void
- add_session_for_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-                       ActUser        *user,
-                       const char     *ssid,
-                       gboolean        is_ours)
- {
-         g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->sessions,
-                              g_strdup (ssid),
-                              g_object_ref (user));
-         _act_user_add_session (user, ssid, is_ours);
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: added session for %s", describe_user (user));
- }
- static void
- set_has_multiple_users (ActUserManager *manager,
-                         gboolean        has_multiple_users)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->has_multiple_users != has_multiple_users) {
-                 manager->priv->has_multiple_users = has_multiple_users;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (manager), "has-multiple-users");
-         }
- }
- static ActUser *
- create_new_user (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         user = g_object_new (ACT_TYPE_USER, NULL);
--        manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_prepend (manager->priv->new_users, user);
-+        manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_prepend (manager->priv->new_users, g_object_ref (user));
-         g_signal_connect_object (user, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK (on_new_user_loaded), manager, 0);
--        return g_object_ref (user);
-+        return user;
- }
- static void
- add_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-           ActUser        *user)
- {
-         const char *object_path;
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking user '%s'", act_user_get_user_name (user));
-         if (act_user_is_system_account (user)) {
-                 g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->system_users_by_name,
-                                      g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                      g_object_ref (user));
-         } else {
-                 g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name,
-                                      g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                      g_object_ref (user));
-         }
-         object_path = act_user_get_object_path (user);
-         if (object_path != NULL) {
-                 g_hash_table_replace (manager->priv->users_by_object_path,
-                                       (gpointer) object_path,
-                                       g_object_ref (user));
-         }
-         g_signal_connect_object (user,
-                                  "sessions-changed",
-                                  G_CALLBACK (on_user_sessions_changed),
-                                  manager, 0);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-lib-leak-fix.patch b/SOURCES/0002-lib-leak-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 93cb907..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-lib-leak-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-From bb381997525a1ff74f1bbac3556d566b62f3ef1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:41:47 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 02/13] lib: leak fix
-If a new user is added by accounts service, we currently leak
-a reference to it. That leads to transient user objects living
-longer than they're supposed which uses memory and produces
-excess bus traffic.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index d866725..c8d0443 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -1088,68 +1088,71 @@ add_new_user_for_object_path (const char     *object_path,
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, object_path);
-         if (user != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking existing %s with object path %s",
-                          describe_user (user), object_path);
-                 return user;
-         }
-         user = find_new_user_with_object_path (manager, object_path);
-         if (user != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking existing (but very recently added) %s with object path %s",
-                          describe_user (user), object_path);
-                 return user;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking new user with object path %s", object_path);
-         user = create_new_user (manager);
-         _act_user_update_from_object_path (user, object_path);
-         return user;
- }
- static void
- on_new_user_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                  const char *object_path,
-                                  gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-+        ActUser *user;
-         if (!manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring new user in accounts service with object path %s since not loaded yet", object_path);
-                 return;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: new user in accounts service with object path %s", object_path);
--        add_new_user_for_object_path (object_path, manager);
-+        user = add_new_user_for_object_path (object_path, manager);
-+        g_object_unref (user);
- }
- static void
- on_user_removed_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                      const char *object_path,
-                                      gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-         ActUser        *user;
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, object_path);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring untracked user %s", object_path);
-                 return;
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracked user %s removed from accounts service", object_path);
-         }
-         manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_remove (manager->priv->new_users, user);
-         remove_user (manager, user);
- }
- static void
- on_get_current_session_finished (GObject        *object,
-                                  GAsyncResult   *result,
-                                  gpointer        data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitManager *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_MANAGER (object);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-lib-another-leak-fix.patch b/SOURCES/0003-lib-another-leak-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 511d16f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-lib-another-leak-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-From 889561310b794f0443dc5c520b09151fe4b260ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:43:33 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 03/13] lib: another leak fix
-If a user gets removed from account service before it's fully loaded,
-then we neglect to drop its reference on the new_users lists.
-This commit fixes that.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 8 +++++++-
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index c8d0443..ac06e24 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -1108,71 +1108,77 @@ add_new_user_for_object_path (const char     *object_path,
-         return user;
- }
- static void
- on_new_user_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                  const char *object_path,
-                                  gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-         ActUser *user;
-         if (!manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring new user in accounts service with object path %s since not loaded yet", object_path);
-                 return;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: new user in accounts service with object path %s", object_path);
-         user = add_new_user_for_object_path (object_path, manager);
-         g_object_unref (user);
- }
- static void
- on_user_removed_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                      const char *object_path,
-                                      gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-         ActUser        *user;
-+        GSList         *node;
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, object_path);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring untracked user %s", object_path);
-                 return;
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracked user %s removed from accounts service", object_path);
-         }
--        manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_remove (manager->priv->new_users, user);
-+        node = g_slist_find (manager->priv->new_users, user);
-+        if (node != NULL) {
-+                g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (user, on_new_user_loaded, manager);
-+                g_object_unref (user);
-+                manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_delete_link (manager->priv->new_users, node);
-+        }
-         remove_user (manager, user);
- }
- static void
- on_get_current_session_finished (GObject        *object,
-                                  GAsyncResult   *result,
-                                  gpointer        data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitManager *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_MANAGER (object);
-         ActUserManager    *manager = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
-         char              *session_id;
-         g_assert (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_SESSION_ID);
-         if (!console_kit_manager_call_get_current_session_finish (proxy, &session_id, result, &error)) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to identify the current session: %s",
-                                  error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to identify the current session");
-                 }
-                 unload_seat (manager);
-                 goto out;
-         }
-         manager->priv->seat.session_id = session_id;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-daemon-don-t-send-spurious-change-signals-when-wtmp-.patch b/SOURCES/0004-daemon-don-t-send-spurious-change-signals-when-wtmp-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 98ea0c5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-daemon-don-t-send-spurious-change-signals-when-wtmp-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-From d93c4a3be8a56d55ecfc814eeef5c1bf1efe33de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 11:01:28 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 04/13] daemon: don't send spurious change signals when wtmp
- changes
-Right now, we unintentionally send out a changed signal for
-every tracked user anytime wtmp changes.
-This commit fixes that.
- src/wtmp-helper.c | 22 +++++++++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/wtmp-helper.c b/src/wtmp-helper.c
-index 787480b..a1edffe 100644
---- a/src/wtmp-helper.c
-+++ b/src/wtmp-helper.c
-@@ -138,75 +138,91 @@ wtmp_helper_update_login_frequencies (GHashTable *users)
-                                                    &key, &value)) {
-                         accounting = g_new (UserAccounting, 1);
-                         accounting->frequency = 0;
-                         accounting->previous_logins = NULL;
-                         g_hash_table_insert (login_hash, g_strdup (wtmp_entry->ut_user), accounting);
-                 } else {
-                         accounting = value;
-                 }
-                 accounting->frequency++;
-                 accounting->time = wtmp_entry->ut_tv.tv_sec;
-                 /* Add zero logout time to change it later on logout record */
-                 previous_login = g_new (UserPreviousLogin, 1);
-                 previous_login->id = g_strdup (wtmp_entry->ut_line);
-                 previous_login->login_time = wtmp_entry->ut_tv.tv_sec;
-                 previous_login->logout_time = 0;
-                 accounting->previous_logins = g_list_prepend (accounting->previous_logins, previous_login);
-                 g_hash_table_insert (logout_hash, g_strdup (wtmp_entry->ut_line), previous_login);
-         }
-         /* Last iteration */
-         endutxent ();
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, login_hash);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
-                 UserAccounting    *accounting = (UserAccounting *) value;
-                 UserPreviousLogin *previous_login;
-+                gboolean           changed = FALSE;
-+                guint64            old_login_frequency;
-+                guint64            old_login_time;
-                 user = g_hash_table_lookup (users, key);
-                 if (user == NULL) {
-                         g_list_free_full (accounting->previous_logins, (GDestroyNotify) user_previous_login_free);
-                         continue;
-                 }
--                g_object_set (user, "login-frequency", accounting->frequency, NULL);
--                g_object_set (user, "login-time", accounting->time, NULL);
-+                g_object_get (user,
-+                              "login-frequency", &old_login_frequency,
-+                              "login-time", &old_login_time,
-+                              NULL);
-+                if (old_login_frequency != accounting->frequency) {
-+                        g_object_set (user, "login-frequency", accounting->frequency, NULL);
-+                        changed = TRUE;
-+                }
-+                if (old_login_time != accounting->time) {
-+                        g_object_set (user, "login-time", accounting->time, NULL);
-+                        changed = TRUE;
-+                }
-                 builder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(xxa{sv})"));
-                 for (l = g_list_last (accounting->previous_logins); l != NULL; l = l->prev) {
-                         previous_login = l->data;
-                         builder2 = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
-                         g_variant_builder_add (builder2, "{sv}", "type", g_variant_new_string (previous_login->id));
-                         g_variant_builder_add (builder, "(xxa{sv})", previous_login->login_time, previous_login->logout_time, builder2);
-                         g_variant_builder_unref (builder2);
-                 }
-                 g_object_set (user, "login-history", g_variant_new ("a(xxa{sv})", builder), NULL);
-                 g_variant_builder_unref (builder);
-                 g_list_free_full (accounting->previous_logins, (GDestroyNotify) user_previous_login_free);
--                user_changed (user);
-+                if (changed)
-+                        user_changed (user);
-         }
-         g_hash_table_unref (login_hash);
-         g_hash_table_unref (logout_hash);
- }
- const gchar *
- wtmp_helper_get_path_for_monitor (void)
- {
-         return PATH_WTMP;
- }
- #else /* HAVE_UTMPX_H */
- const gchar *
- wtmp_helper_get_path_for_monitor (void)
- {
-         return NULL;
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_UTMPX_H */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-lib-consolidate-change-notification.patch b/SOURCES/0005-lib-consolidate-change-notification.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df5d42..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0005-lib-consolidate-change-notification.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-From 42bd3bd41d69100308a22df43482569f6ab53dbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 14:44:48 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 05/13] lib: consolidate change notification
-if the daemon sends out multiple change notifications for a user
-because several properties changed in quick succession, try to
-batch them up, and only update info at the end.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-index dbb9b53..17acacb 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-@@ -113,60 +113,62 @@ struct _ActUser {
-         char            *object_path;
-         uid_t           uid;
-         char           *user_name;
-         char           *real_name;
-         char           *password_hint;
-         char           *home_dir;
-         char           *shell;
-         char           *email;
-         char           *location;
-         char           *icon_file;
-         char           *language;
-         char           *x_session;
-         GList          *our_sessions;
-         GList          *other_sessions;
-         int             login_frequency;
-         gint64          login_time;
-         GVariant       *login_history;
-         ActUserAccountType  account_type;
-         ActUserPasswordMode password_mode;
-         guint           uid_set : 1;
-         guint           is_loaded : 1;
-         guint           locked : 1;
-         guint           automatic_login : 1;
-         guint           system_account : 1;
-         guint           local_account : 1;
-         guint           nonexistent : 1;
-+        guint           update_info_timeout_id;
- };
- struct _ActUserClass
- {
-         GObjectClass parent_class;
- };
- static void act_user_finalize     (GObject      *object);
- static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
- G_DEFINE_TYPE (ActUser, act_user, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
- static int
- session_compare (const char *a,
-                  const char *b)
- {
-         if (a == NULL) {
-                 return 1;
-         } else if (b == NULL) {
-                 return -1;
-         }
-         return strcmp (a, b);
- }
- void
- _act_user_add_session (ActUser    *user,
-                        const char *ssid,
-                        gboolean    is_ours)
-@@ -573,60 +575,64 @@ act_user_finalize (GObject *object)
-         g_free (user->user_name);
-         g_free (user->real_name);
-         g_free (user->icon_file);
-         g_free (user->language);
-         g_free (user->object_path);
-         g_free (user->password_hint);
-         g_free (user->home_dir);
-         g_free (user->shell);
-         g_free (user->email);
-         g_free (user->location);
-         if (user->login_history)
-           g_variant_unref (user->login_history);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->accounts_proxy);
-         }
-         if (user->object_proxy != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->object_proxy);
-         }
-         if (user->get_all_cancellable != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->get_all_cancellable);
-         }
-         if (user->connection != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->connection);
-         }
-+        if (user->update_info_timeout_id != 0) {
-+                g_source_remove (user->update_info_timeout_id);
-+        }
-         if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (act_user_parent_class)->finalize)
-                 (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (act_user_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
- }
- static void
- set_is_loaded (ActUser  *user,
-                gboolean  is_loaded)
- {
-         if (user->is_loaded != is_loaded) {
-                 user->is_loaded = is_loaded;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "is-loaded");
-         }
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_uid:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the ID of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- uid_t
- act_user_get_uid (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), -1);
-         return user->uid;
-@@ -1339,67 +1345,79 @@ on_get_all_finished (GObject        *object,
-         g_variant_unref (res);
-         if (!user->is_loaded) {
-                 set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
-         }
-         g_signal_emit (user, signals[CHANGED], 0);
- }
- static void
- update_info (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_assert (G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (user->object_proxy));
-         if (user->get_all_cancellable != NULL) {
-                 g_cancellable_cancel (user->get_all_cancellable);
-                 g_clear_object (&user->get_all_cancellable);
-         }
-         user->get_all_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
-         g_dbus_proxy_call (user->object_proxy,
-                            "GetAll",
-                            g_variant_new ("(s)", ACCOUNTS_USER_INTERFACE),
-                            G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
-                            -1,
-                            user->get_all_cancellable,
-                            on_get_all_finished,
-                            user);
- }
-+static gboolean
-+on_timeout_update_info (ActUser *user)
-+        update_info (user);
-+        user->update_info_timeout_id = 0;
-+        return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
- static void
- changed_handler (AccountsUser *object,
-                  gpointer   *data)
- {
-         ActUser *user = ACT_USER (data);
--        update_info (user);
-+        if (user->update_info_timeout_id != 0)
-+                return;
-+        user->update_info_timeout_id = g_timeout_add (250, (GSourceFunc) on_timeout_update_info, user);
- }
- /**
-  * _act_user_update_as_nonexistent:
-  * @user: the user object to update.
-  *
-  * Set's the 'non-existent' property of @user to #TRUE
-  * Can only be called before the user is loaded.
-  **/
- void
- _act_user_update_as_nonexistent (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user));
-         g_return_if_fail (!act_user_is_loaded (user));
-         g_return_if_fail (user->object_path == NULL);
-         user->nonexistent = TRUE;
-         g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "nonexistent");
-         set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
- }
- /**
-  * _act_user_update_from_object_path:
-  * @user: the user object to update.
-  * @object_path: the object path of the user to use.
-  *
-  * Updates the properties of @user from the accounts service via
-  * the object path in @object_path.
-  **/
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-daemon-add-new-HasMultipleUsers-and-HasNoUsers-prope.patch b/SOURCES/0006-daemon-add-new-HasMultipleUsers-and-HasNoUsers-prope.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe254c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0006-daemon-add-new-HasMultipleUsers-and-HasNoUsers-prope.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-From dc41728b9c4ec35fb7bd41cdc646b77dcb41f6dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 15:45:01 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 06/13] daemon: add new HasMultipleUsers and HasNoUsers
- properties
-Every gnome-shell instance wants to know if the system has multiple
-users or not, in order to know whether or not to show the
-'Switch User' feature in the menu.
-accountsservice doesn't provide this information directly, though,
-so libaccountsservice instead requests a list of all users on the
-system and counts the provided list, filtering out system users.
-This is a lot of work for every gnome-shell instance to do, when
-it doesn't actually need the list of users at all.
-This adds a new property HasMultipleUsers which libaccountsservice
-can watch for instead.  For good measure, this commit also adds a
-HasNoUsers boolean which can be used to know whether or not to start
- data/org.freedesktop.Accounts.xml | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
- src/daemon.c                      | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
- 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/data/org.freedesktop.Accounts.xml b/data/org.freedesktop.Accounts.xml
-index 692540a..ed7db50 100644
---- a/data/org.freedesktop.Accounts.xml
-+++ b/data/org.freedesktop.Accounts.xml
-@@ -197,32 +197,52 @@
-           <doc:para>
-             Emitted when a user is added.
-           </doc:para>
-         </doc:description>
-       </doc:doc>
-     </signal>
-     <signal name="UserDeleted">
-       <arg name="user" type="o">
-         <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of the user that was deleted.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
-       </arg>
-       <doc:doc>
-         <doc:description>
-           <doc:para>
-             Emitted when a user is deleted.
-           </doc:para>
-         </doc:description>
-       </doc:doc>
-     </signal>
-    <property name="DaemonVersion" type="s" access="read">
-      <doc:doc>
-        <doc:description>
-          <doc:para>
-            The version of the running daemon.
-          </doc:para>
-        </doc:description>
-      </doc:doc>
-    </property>
-+   <property name="HasNoUsers" type="b" access="read">
-+     <doc:doc>
-+       <doc:description>
-+         <doc:para>
-+           Whether or not the system has no users
-+         </doc:para>
-+       </doc:description>
-+     </doc:doc>
-+   </property>
-+   <property name="HasMultipleUsers" type="b" access="read">
-+     <doc:doc>
-+       <doc:description>
-+         <doc:para>
-+           Whether or not the system has multiple users
-+         </doc:para>
-+       </doc:description>
-+     </doc:doc>
-+   </property>
-   </interface>
- </node>
-diff --git a/src/daemon.c b/src/daemon.c
-index 6e3e4b3..a4e18df 100644
---- a/src/daemon.c
-+++ b/src/daemon.c
-@@ -35,60 +35,61 @@
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <glib.h>
- #include <glib/gi18n.h>
- #include <glib-object.h>
- #include <glib/gstdio.h>
- #include <gio/gio.h>
- #include <polkit/polkit.h>
- #include "user-classify.h"
- #include "wtmp-helper.h"
- #include "daemon.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #define PATH_PASSWD "/etc/passwd"
- #define PATH_SHADOW "/etc/shadow"
- #define PATH_GROUP "/etc/group"
- #define PATH_GDM_CUSTOM "/etc/gdm/custom.conf"
- enum {
-         PROP_0,
- };
- struct DaemonPrivate {
-         GDBusConnection *bus_connection;
-         GHashTable *users;
-+        gsize number_of_normal_users;
-         GList *explicitly_requested_users;
-         User *autologin;
-         GFileMonitor *passwd_monitor;
-         GFileMonitor *shadow_monitor;
-         GFileMonitor *group_monitor;
-         GFileMonitor *gdm_monitor;
-         GFileMonitor *wtmp_monitor;
-         guint reload_id;
-         guint autologin_id;
-         PolkitAuthority *authority;
-         GHashTable *extension_ifaces;
- };
- typedef struct passwd * (* EntryGeneratorFunc) (Daemon *, GHashTable *, gpointer *, struct spwd **shadow_entry);
- static void daemon_accounts_accounts_iface_init (AccountsAccountsIface *iface);
- static const GDBusErrorEntry accounts_error_entries[] =
- { 
-         { ERROR_FAILED, "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.Failed" },
-         { ERROR_USER_EXISTS, "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserExists" },
-         { ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserDoesNotExist" },
-@@ -395,98 +396,115 @@ load_entries (Daemon             *daemon,
-                         /* freeze & update users not already in the new list */
-                         g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
-                         user_update_from_pwent (user, pwent, spent);
-                         g_hash_table_insert (users, g_strdup (user_get_user_name (user)), user);
-                         g_debug ("loaded user: %s", user_get_user_name (user));
-                 }
-                 if (!explicitly_requested) {
-                         user_set_cached (user, TRUE);
-                 }
-         }
-         /* Generator should have cleaned up */
-         g_assert (generator_state == NULL);
- }
- static GHashTable *
- create_users_hash_table (void)
- {
-         return g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                       g_str_equal,
-                                       g_free,
-                                       g_object_unref);
- }
- static void
- reload_users (Daemon *daemon)
- {
-+        AccountsAccounts *accounts = ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (daemon);
-+        gboolean had_no_users, has_no_users, had_multiple_users, has_multiple_users;
-         GHashTable *users;
-         GHashTable *old_users;
-         GHashTable *local;
-         GHashTableIter iter;
-+        gsize number_of_normal_users = 0;
-         gpointer name;
-         User *user;
-         /* Track the users that we saw during our (re)load */
-         users = create_users_hash_table ();
-         /*
-          * NOTE: As we load data from all the sources, notifies are
-          * frozen in load_entries() and then thawed as we process
-          * them below.
-          */
-         /* Load the local users into our hash table */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, FALSE, entry_generator_fgetpwent);
-         local = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, NULL))
-                 g_hash_table_add (local, name);
-         /* and add users to hash table that were explicitly requested  */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, TRUE, entry_generator_requested_users);
-         /* Now add/update users from other sources, possibly non-local */
-         load_entries (daemon, users, FALSE, entry_generator_cachedir);
-         wtmp_helper_update_login_frequencies (users);
--        /* Mark which users are local, which are not */
-+        /* Count the non-system users. Mark which users are local, which are not. */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
--        while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user))
-+        while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
-+                if (!user_get_system_account (user))
-+                        number_of_normal_users++;
-                 user_update_local_account_property (user, g_hash_table_lookup (local, name) != NULL);
-+        }
-         g_hash_table_destroy (local);
-+        had_no_users = accounts_accounts_get_has_no_users (accounts);
-+        has_no_users = number_of_normal_users == 0;
-+        if (had_no_users != has_no_users)
-+                accounts_accounts_set_has_no_users (accounts, has_no_users);
-+        had_multiple_users = accounts_accounts_get_has_multiple_users (accounts);
-+        has_multiple_users = number_of_normal_users > 1;
-+        if (had_multiple_users != has_multiple_users)
-+                accounts_accounts_set_has_multiple_users (accounts, has_multiple_users);
-         /* Swap out the users */
-         old_users = daemon->priv->users;
-         daemon->priv->users = users;
-         /* Remove all the old users */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, old_users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
-                 User *refreshed_user;
-                 refreshed_user = g_hash_table_lookup (users, name);
-                 if (!refreshed_user || !user_get_cached (refreshed_user)) {
-                         user_unregister (user);
-                         accounts_accounts_emit_user_deleted (ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (daemon),
-                                                              user_get_object_path (user));
-                 }
-         }
-         /* Register all the new users */
-         g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, users);
-         while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, (gpointer *)&user)) {
-                 User *stale_user;
-                 stale_user = g_hash_table_lookup (old_users, name);
-                 if (!stale_user || !user_get_cached (stale_user) && user_get_cached (user)) {
-                         user_register (user);
-                         accounts_accounts_emit_user_added (ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (daemon),
-                                                            user_get_object_path (user));
-                 }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-lib-use-new-has-multiple-users-property-from-account.patch b/SOURCES/0007-lib-use-new-has-multiple-users-property-from-account.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b623df0..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0007-lib-use-new-has-multiple-users-property-from-account.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-From 7849fa559cdcc197524135295bdb8e8aa13e2c13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 16:17:43 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 07/13] lib: use new has-multiple-users property from
- accountsservice
-This commit changes accountsservice to use the new has-multiple-users
-property provided by the daemon.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 27 ++++++++++-----------------
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index ac06e24..30bbd78 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -856,146 +856,130 @@ add_user (ActUserManager *manager,
- {
-         const char *object_path;
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking user '%s'", act_user_get_user_name (user));
-         if (act_user_is_system_account (user)) {
-                 g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->system_users_by_name,
-                                      g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                      g_object_ref (user));
-         } else {
-                 g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name,
-                                      g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                      g_object_ref (user));
-         }
-         object_path = act_user_get_object_path (user);
-         if (object_path != NULL) {
-                 g_hash_table_replace (manager->priv->users_by_object_path,
-                                       (gpointer) object_path,
-                                       g_object_ref (user));
-         }
-         g_signal_connect_object (user,
-                                  "sessions-changed",
-                                  G_CALLBACK (on_user_sessions_changed),
-                                  manager, 0);
-         g_signal_connect_object (user,
-                                  "changed",
-                                  G_CALLBACK (on_user_changed),
-                                  manager, 0);
--        if (g_hash_table_size (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name) > 1) {
--                set_has_multiple_users (manager, TRUE);
--        }
-         if (manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: loaded, so emitting user-added signal");
-                 g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_ADDED], 0, user);
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: not yet loaded, so not emitting user-added signal");
-         }
- }
- static void
- remove_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-              ActUser        *user)
- {
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: no longer tracking user '%s' (with object path %s)",
-                  act_user_get_user_name (user),
-                  act_user_get_object_path (user));
-         g_object_ref (user);
-         g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (user, on_user_changed, manager);
-         g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (user, on_user_sessions_changed, manager);
-         if (act_user_get_object_path (user) != NULL) {
-                 g_hash_table_remove (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, act_user_get_object_path (user));
-         }
-         if (act_user_get_user_name (user) != NULL) {
-                 g_hash_table_remove (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name, act_user_get_user_name (user));
-                 g_hash_table_remove (manager->priv->system_users_by_name, act_user_get_user_name (user));
-         }
--        if (g_hash_table_size (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name) <= 1) {
--                set_has_multiple_users (manager, FALSE);
--        }
-         if (manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: loaded, so emitting user-removed signal");
-                 g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_REMOVED], 0, user);
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: not yet loaded, so not emitting user-removed signal");
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: user '%s' (with object path %s) now removed",
-                  act_user_get_user_name (user),
-                  act_user_get_object_path (user));
-         g_object_unref (user);
- }
- static void
- update_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-              ActUser        *user)
- {
-         const char *username;
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: updating %s", describe_user (user));
-         username = act_user_get_user_name (user);
-         if (g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->system_users_by_name, username) != NULL) {
-                 if (!act_user_is_system_account (user)) {
-                         g_debug ("ActUserManager: %s is no longer a system account, treating as normal user",
-                                  describe_user (user));
-                         g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name,
-                                              g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                              g_object_ref (user));
-                         g_hash_table_remove (manager->priv->system_users_by_name, username);
-                         g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_ADDED], 0, user);
--                        if (g_hash_table_size (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name) > 1) {
--                                set_has_multiple_users (manager, TRUE);
--                        }
-                 }
-         } else {
-                 if (act_user_is_system_account (user)) {
-                         g_debug ("ActUserManager: %s is no longer a normal account, treating as system user",
-                                  describe_user (user));
-                         g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->system_users_by_name,
-                                              g_strdup (act_user_get_user_name (user)),
-                                              g_object_ref (user));
-                         g_hash_table_remove (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name, username);
-                         g_signal_emit (manager, signals[USER_REMOVED], 0, user);
--                        if (g_hash_table_size (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name) <= 1) {
--                                set_has_multiple_users (manager, FALSE);
--                        }
-                 }
-         }
- }
- static ActUser *
- lookup_user_by_name (ActUserManager *manager,
-                      const char     *username)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name, username);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->system_users_by_name, username);
-         }
-         return user;
- }
- static void
- on_new_user_loaded (ActUser        *user,
-                     GParamSpec     *pspec,
-                     ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         const char *username;
-         ActUser *old_user;
-         if (!act_user_is_loaded (user)) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: %s loaded function called when not loaded",
-                          describe_user (user));
-@@ -2682,89 +2666,92 @@ set_include_usernames (ActUserManager *manager,
- }
- static void
- set_exclude_usernames (ActUserManager *manager,
-                        GSList         *list)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->exclude_usernames != NULL) {
-                 g_slist_foreach (manager->priv->exclude_usernames, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
-                 g_slist_free (manager->priv->exclude_usernames);
-         }
-         manager->priv->exclude_usernames = slist_deep_copy (list);
- }
- static void
- act_user_manager_set_property (GObject        *object,
-                                guint           prop_id,
-                                const GValue   *value,
-                                GParamSpec     *pspec)
- {
-         ActUserManager *self;
-         self = ACT_USER_MANAGER (object);
-         switch (prop_id) {
-                 set_include_usernames (self, g_value_get_pointer (value));
-                 break;
-                 set_exclude_usernames (self, g_value_get_pointer (value));
-                 break;
-+                set_has_multiple_users (self, g_value_get_boolean (value));
-+                break;
-         default:
-                 G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-                 break;
-         }
- }
- static void
- act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass)
- {
-         GObjectClass   *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-         object_class->finalize = act_user_manager_finalize;
-         object_class->get_property = act_user_manager_get_property;
-         object_class->set_property = act_user_manager_set_property;
-         g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                          PROP_IS_LOADED,
-                                          g_param_spec_boolean ("is-loaded",
-                                                                "Is loaded",
-                                                                "Determines whether or not the manager object is loaded and ready to read from.",
-                                                                FALSE,
-                                                                G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-         g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                          PROP_HAS_MULTIPLE_USERS,
-                                          g_param_spec_boolean ("has-multiple-users",
-                                                                "Has multiple users",
-                                                                "Whether more than one normal user is present",
-                                                                FALSE,
--                                                               G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-+                                                               G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-         g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                          PROP_INCLUDE_USERNAMES_LIST,
-                                          g_param_spec_pointer ("include-usernames-list",
-                                                                "Include usernames list",
-                                                                "Usernames who are specifically included",
-                                                                G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-         g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                          PROP_EXCLUDE_USERNAMES_LIST,
-                                          g_param_spec_pointer ("exclude-usernames-list",
-                                                                "Exclude usernames list",
-                                                                "Usernames who are specifically excluded",
-                                                                G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-         /**
-          * ActUserManager::user-added:
-          * @gobject: the object which received the signal
-          * @user: the #ActUser that was added
-          *
-          * Emitted when a user is added to the user manager.
-          */
-         signals [USER_ADDED] =
-                 g_signal_new ("user-added",
-                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                               G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ActUserManagerClass, user_added),
-                               NULL, NULL,
-                               g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,
-                               G_TYPE_NONE, 1, ACT_TYPE_USER);
-         /**
-@@ -2865,60 +2852,66 @@ act_user_manager_init (ActUserManager *manager)
-         error = NULL;
-         manager->priv->connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
-         if (manager->priv->connection == NULL) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to connect to the D-Bus daemon: %s", error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to connect to the D-Bus daemon");
-                 }
-                 return;
-         }
-         manager->priv->accounts_proxy = accounts_accounts_proxy_new_sync (manager->priv->connection,
-                                                                           G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
-                                                                           ACCOUNTS_NAME,
-                                                                           ACCOUNTS_PATH,
-                                                                           NULL,
-                                                                           &error);
-         if (manager->priv->accounts_proxy == NULL) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to create accounts proxy: %s", error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to create_accounts_proxy");
-                 }
-                 return;
-         }
-         g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (manager->priv->accounts_proxy), G_MAXINT);
-+        g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->accounts_proxy),
-+                                "has-multiple-users",
-+                                G_OBJECT (manager),
-+                                "has-multiple-users",
-+                                G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
-         g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-                           "user-added",
-                           G_CALLBACK (on_new_user_in_accounts_service),
-                           manager);
-         g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-                           "user-deleted",
-                           G_CALLBACK (on_user_removed_in_accounts_service),
-                           manager);
-         manager->priv->seat.state = ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_UNLOADED;
- }
- static void
- act_user_manager_finalize (GObject *object)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager;
-         GSList         *node;
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: finalizing user manager");
-         g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (object));
-         manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (object);
-         g_return_if_fail (manager->priv != NULL);
-         g_slist_foreach (manager->priv->new_sessions,
-                          (GFunc) unload_new_session, NULL);
-         g_slist_free (manager->priv->new_sessions);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-lib-factor-user-loading-functions-into-helpers.patch b/SOURCES/0008-lib-factor-user-loading-functions-into-helpers.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index df19f31..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0008-lib-factor-user-loading-functions-into-helpers.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-From 86048b515f2f2edcea0f2aab2abf5e15f7b777d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 09:58:42 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 08/13] lib: factor user loading functions into helpers
-Right now, we process ListCachedUser results open coded.
-This commit moves the processing to helper functions.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 85 +++++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 30bbd78..556b070 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -1473,124 +1473,135 @@ find_user_in_accounts_service (ActUserManager                 *manager,
-         switch (request->type) {
-                     accounts_accounts_call_find_user_by_name (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-                                                               request->username,
-                                                               NULL,
-                                                               on_find_user_by_name_finished,
-                                                               request);
-                     break;
-                     accounts_accounts_call_find_user_by_id (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-                                                             request->uid,
-                                                             NULL,
-                                                             on_find_user_by_id_finished,
-                                                             request);
-                     break;
-         }
- }
- static void
- set_is_loaded (ActUserManager *manager,
-                gboolean        is_loaded)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->is_loaded != is_loaded) {
-                 manager->priv->is_loaded = is_loaded;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (manager), "is-loaded");
-         }
- }
- static void
--on_list_cached_users_finished (GObject      *object,
--                               GAsyncResult *result,
--                               gpointer      data)
-+load_user_paths (ActUserManager       *manager,
-+                 const char * const * user_paths)
- {
--        AccountsAccounts *proxy = ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (object);
--        ActUserManager   *manager = data;
--        gchar           **user_paths;
--        GError           *error = NULL;
--        manager->priv->listing_cached_users = FALSE;
--        if (!accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users_finish (proxy, &user_paths, result, &error)) {
--                g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers failed: %s", error->message);
--                g_error_free (error);
--                g_object_unref (manager->priv->accounts_proxy);
--                manager->priv->accounts_proxy = NULL;
--                g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by failed ListCachedUsers call");
--                g_object_unref (manager);
--                return;
--        }
-         /* We now have a batch of unloaded users that we know about. Once that initial
-          * batch is loaded up, we can mark the manager as loaded.
-          *
-          * (see on_new_user_loaded)
-          */
--        if (g_strv_length (user_paths) > 0) {
-+        if (g_strv_length ((char **) user_paths) > 0) {
-                 int i;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers finished, will set loaded property after list is fully loaded");
-                 for (i = 0; user_paths[i] != NULL; i++) {
-                         ActUser *user;
-                         user = add_new_user_for_object_path (user_paths[i], manager);
-                         if (!manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                                 manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load = g_slist_prepend (manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load, user);
-                         }
-                 }
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers finished with empty list, maybe setting loaded property now");
-                 maybe_set_is_loaded (manager);
-         }
--        g_strfreev (user_paths);
-+static void
-+load_included_usernames (ActUserManager *manager)
-+        GSList *l;
-         /* Add users who are specifically included */
--        if (manager->priv->include_usernames != NULL) {
--                GSList *l;
--                for (l = manager->priv->include_usernames; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
--                        ActUser *user;
-+        for (l = manager->priv->include_usernames; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-+                ActUser *user;
--                        g_debug ("ActUserManager: Adding included user %s", (char *)l->data);
--                        /*
--                         * The call to act_user_manager_get_user will add the user if it is
--                         * valid and not already in the hash.
--                         */
--                        user = act_user_manager_get_user (manager, l->data);
--                        if (user == NULL) {
--                                g_debug ("ActUserManager: unable to lookup user '%s'", (char *)l->data);
--                        }
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: Adding included user %s", (char *)l->data);
-+                /*
-+                 * The call to act_user_manager_get_user will add the user if it is
-+                 * valid and not already in the hash.
-+                 */
-+                user = act_user_manager_get_user (manager, l->data);
-+                if (user == NULL) {
-+                        g_debug ("ActUserManager: unable to lookup user '%s'", (char *)l->data);
-                 }
-         }
-+static void
-+on_list_cached_users_finished (GObject      *object,
-+                               GAsyncResult *result,
-+                               gpointer      data)
-+        AccountsAccounts *proxy = ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (object);
-+        ActUserManager   *manager = data;
-+        gchar           **user_paths;
-+        GError           *error = NULL;
-+        manager->priv->listing_cached_users = FALSE;
-+        if (!accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users_finish (proxy, &user_paths, result, &error)) {
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers failed: %s", error->message);
-+                g_error_free (error);
-+                g_object_unref (manager->priv->accounts_proxy);
-+                manager->priv->accounts_proxy = NULL;
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by failed ListCachedUsers call");
-+                g_object_unref (manager);
-+                return;
-+        }
-+        load_user_paths (manager, (const char * const *) user_paths);
-+        g_strfreev (user_paths);
-+        load_included_usernames (manager);
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by finished ListCachedUsers call");
-         g_object_unref (manager);
- }
- static void
- on_get_x11_display_finished (GObject      *object,
-                              GAsyncResult *result,
-                              gpointer      data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitSession *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_SESSION (object);
-         ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
-         char              *x11_display;
-         new_session->pending_calls--;
-         if (new_session->cancellable == NULL || g_cancellable_is_cancelled (new_session->cancellable)) {
-                 unload_new_session (new_session);
-                 return;
-         }
-         if (!console_kit_session_call_get_x11_display_finish (proxy, &x11_display, result, &error)) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to get the x11 display of session '%s': %s",
-                                  new_session->id, error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to get the x11 display of session '%s'",
-                                  new_session->id);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-lib-move-accounts-proxy-creation-to-helper.patch b/SOURCES/0009-lib-move-accounts-proxy-creation-to-helper.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d3bc83c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0009-lib-move-accounts-proxy-creation-to-helper.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-From c2b6a64834df38b493d946fab55667cebdb991b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 10:00:51 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 09/13] lib: move accounts proxy creation to helper
-This commit factors out hte accounts proxy creation to a
-helper function.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 74 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 556b070..5ac157d 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -197,60 +197,61 @@ struct ActUserManagerPrivate
-         guint                  load_id;
-         gboolean               is_loaded;
-         gboolean               has_multiple_users;
-         gboolean               getting_sessions;
-         gboolean               listing_cached_users;
- };
- enum {
-         PROP_0,
-         PROP_IS_LOADED,
- };
- enum {
-         USER_ADDED,
-         USER_REMOVED,
-         USER_CHANGED,
-         LAST_SIGNAL
- };
- static guint signals [LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };
- static void     act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass);
- static void     act_user_manager_init       (ActUserManager      *user_manager);
- static void     act_user_manager_finalize   (GObject             *object);
-+static gboolean ensure_accounts_proxy       (ActUserManager *manager);
- static gboolean load_seat_incrementally     (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     unload_seat                 (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     load_users                  (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     act_user_manager_queue_load (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     queue_load_seat_and_users   (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     load_new_session_incrementally (ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session);
- static void     set_is_loaded (ActUserManager *manager, gboolean is_loaded);
- static void     on_new_user_loaded (ActUser        *user,
-                                     GParamSpec     *pspec,
-                                     ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     give_up (ActUserManager                 *manager,
-                          ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest *request);
- static void     fetch_user_incrementally       (ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest *request);
- static void     maybe_set_is_loaded            (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     update_user                    (ActUserManager *manager,
-                                                 ActUser        *user);
- static gpointer user_manager_object = NULL;
- G_DEFINE_TYPE (ActUserManager, act_user_manager, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
- static const GDBusErrorEntry error_entries[] = {
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_FAILED,              "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.Failed" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_USER_EXISTS,         "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserExists" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserDoesNotExist" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED,   "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.PermissionDenied" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,       "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.NotSupported" }
- };
-@@ -2805,132 +2806,143 @@ act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass)
-         signals [USER_CHANGED] =
-                 g_signal_new ("user-changed",
-                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                               G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ActUserManagerClass, user_changed),
-                               NULL, NULL,
-                               g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,
-                               G_TYPE_NONE, 1, ACT_TYPE_USER);
-         g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (ActUserManagerPrivate));
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_manager_queue_load:
-  * @manager: a #ActUserManager
-  *
-  * Queue loading users into user manager. This must be called, and the
-  * #ActUserManager:is-loaded property must be %TRUE before calling
-  * act_user_manager_list_users()
-  */
- static void
- act_user_manager_queue_load (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager));
-         if (! manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 queue_load_seat_and_users (manager);
-         }
- }
-+static gboolean
-+ensure_accounts_proxy (ActUserManager *manager)
-+        GError *error = NULL;
-+        if (manager->priv->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-+                return TRUE;
-+        }
-+        manager->priv->accounts_proxy = accounts_accounts_proxy_new_sync (manager->priv->connection,
-+                                                                          G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
-+                                                                          ACCOUNTS_NAME,
-+                                                                          ACCOUNTS_PATH,
-+                                                                          NULL,
-+                                                                          &error);
-+        if (error != NULL) {
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: getting account proxy failed: %s", error->message);
-+                g_clear_error (&error);
-+                return FALSE;
-+        }
-+        g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (manager->priv->accounts_proxy), G_MAXINT);
-+        g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->accounts_proxy),
-+                                "has-multiple-users",
-+                                G_OBJECT (manager),
-+                                "has-multiple-users",
-+                                G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
-+        g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-+                          "user-added",
-+                          G_CALLBACK (on_new_user_in_accounts_service),
-+                          manager);
-+        g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-+                          "user-deleted",
-+                          G_CALLBACK (on_user_removed_in_accounts_service),
-+                          manager);
-+        return TRUE;
- static void
- act_user_manager_init (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         GError        *error;
-         manager->priv = ACT_USER_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (manager);
-         act_user_manager_error_quark (); /* register dbus errors */
-         /* sessions */
-         manager->priv->sessions = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                                          g_str_equal,
-                                                          g_free,
-                                                          g_object_unref);
-         /* users */
-         manager->priv->normal_users_by_name = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                                                      g_str_equal,
-                                                                      g_free,
-                                                                      g_object_unref);
-         manager->priv->system_users_by_name = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                                                      g_str_equal,
-                                                                      g_free,
-                                                                      g_object_unref);
-         manager->priv->users_by_object_path = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
-                                                                      g_str_equal,
-                                                                      NULL,
-                                                                      g_object_unref);
-         error = NULL;
-         manager->priv->connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
-         if (manager->priv->connection == NULL) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to connect to the D-Bus daemon: %s", error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_warning ("Failed to connect to the D-Bus daemon");
-                 }
-                 return;
-         }
--        manager->priv->accounts_proxy = accounts_accounts_proxy_new_sync (manager->priv->connection,
--                                                                          G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
--                                                                          ACCOUNTS_NAME,
--                                                                          ACCOUNTS_PATH,
--                                                                          NULL,
--                                                                          &error);
--        if (manager->priv->accounts_proxy == NULL) {
--                if (error != NULL) {
--                        g_warning ("Failed to create accounts proxy: %s", error->message);
--                        g_error_free (error);
--                } else {
--                        g_warning ("Failed to create_accounts_proxy");
--                }
--                return;
--        }
--        g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (manager->priv->accounts_proxy), G_MAXINT);
--        g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->accounts_proxy),
--                                "has-multiple-users",
--                                G_OBJECT (manager),
--                                "has-multiple-users",
--                                G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
--        g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
--                          "user-added",
--                          G_CALLBACK (on_new_user_in_accounts_service),
--                          manager);
--        g_signal_connect (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
--                          "user-deleted",
--                          G_CALLBACK (on_user_removed_in_accounts_service),
--                          manager);
-+        ensure_accounts_proxy (manager);
-         manager->priv->seat.state = ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_UNLOADED;
- }
- static void
- act_user_manager_finalize (GObject *object)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager;
-         GSList         *node;
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: finalizing user manager");
-         g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (object));
-         manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (object);
-         g_return_if_fail (manager->priv != NULL);
-         g_slist_foreach (manager->priv->new_sessions,
-                          (GFunc) unload_new_session, NULL);
-         g_slist_free (manager->priv->new_sessions);
-         g_slist_foreach (manager->priv->fetch_user_requests,
-                          (GFunc) free_fetch_user_request, NULL);
-         g_slist_free (manager->priv->fetch_user_requests);
-         g_slist_free (manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load);
-         node = manager->priv->new_users;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-lib-retry-connecting-to-accountsservice-when-loading.patch b/SOURCES/0010-lib-retry-connecting-to-accountsservice-when-loading.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ef806..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0010-lib-retry-connecting-to-accountsservice-when-loading.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From 9b03e52b2504f215f960549c53bd4f617797dedd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 10:04:28 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 10/13] lib: retry connecting to accountsservice when loading
- users
-If we were unable to connect to accountsservice and we need to
-load users again, then try again.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 5ac157d..c8a0e20 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -2544,60 +2544,64 @@ load_console_kit_sessions (ActUserManager *manager)
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: no seat proxy; can't load sessions");
-                 return;
-         }
-         manager->priv->getting_sessions = TRUE;
-         console_kit_seat_call_get_sessions (manager->priv->seat.seat_proxy,
-                                             NULL,
-                                             on_get_sessions_finished,
-                                             g_object_ref (manager));
- }
- static void
- load_sessions (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (LOGIND_RUNNING()) {
-                 reload_systemd_sessions (manager);
-                 maybe_set_is_loaded (manager);
-                 return;
-         }
- #endif
-         load_console_kit_sessions (manager);
- }
- static void
- load_users (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         g_assert (manager->priv->accounts_proxy != NULL);
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: calling 'ListCachedUsers'");
-+        if (!ensure_accounts_proxy (manager)) {
-+                return;
-+        }
-         accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-                                                   NULL,
-                                                   on_list_cached_users_finished,
-                                                   g_object_ref (manager));
-         manager->priv->listing_cached_users = TRUE;
- }
- static gboolean
- load_seat_incrementally (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         manager->priv->seat.load_idle_id = 0;
-         switch (manager->priv->seat.state) {
-                 get_current_session_id (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_session_proxy (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_seat_id_for_current_session (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_seat_proxy (manager);
-                 break;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat loading sequence complete");
-                 break;
-         default:
-                 g_assert_not_reached ();
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-lib-simplify-code-dramatically.patch b/SOURCES/0011-lib-simplify-code-dramatically.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d01db..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0011-lib-simplify-code-dramatically.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1478 +0,0 @@
-From 1e2385077256bd5156d4269becc3a9e0a2d29c58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 13:48:52 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 11/13] lib: simplify code dramatically
-ActUser is a wrapper over the accountsservice daemon's
-managed user objects.  There's a nearly 1-to-1 correspondence
-between properties on the proxy to the daemon and properties
-on the ActUser object.
-This commit dramatically reduces the code, by leveraging the
-proxies properties directly, rather than duplicating the values
-on the ActUser object.
-At the same time, it drops manual GetAll() calls for synchronizing
-the proxies properties, since it's completely redundant with the
-work the proxy is doing under the hood anyway.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c | 676 ++++++++------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 143 insertions(+), 533 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-index 17acacb..94884a1 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-@@ -81,94 +81,66 @@ enum {
-         PROP_HOME_DIR,
-         PROP_SHELL,
-         PROP_EMAIL,
-         PROP_LOCATION,
-         PROP_LOCKED,
-         PROP_LOGIN_TIME,
-         PROP_ICON_FILE,
-         PROP_LANGUAGE,
-         PROP_X_SESSION,
-         PROP_IS_LOADED
- };
- enum {
-         CHANGED,
-         LAST_SIGNAL
- };
- struct _ActUser {
-         GObject         parent;
-         GDBusConnection *connection;
-         AccountsUser    *accounts_proxy;
--        GDBusProxy      *object_proxy;
--        GCancellable    *get_all_cancellable;
--        char            *object_path;
--        uid_t           uid;
--        char           *user_name;
--        char           *real_name;
--        char           *password_hint;
--        char           *home_dir;
--        char           *shell;
--        char           *email;
--        char           *location;
--        char           *icon_file;
--        char           *language;
--        char           *x_session;
-         GList          *our_sessions;
-         GList          *other_sessions;
--        int             login_frequency;
--        gint64          login_time;
--        GVariant       *login_history;
--        ActUserAccountType  account_type;
--        ActUserPasswordMode password_mode;
--        guint           uid_set : 1;
-         guint           is_loaded : 1;
--        guint           locked : 1;
--        guint           automatic_login : 1;
--        guint           system_account : 1;
--        guint           local_account : 1;
-         guint           nonexistent : 1;
--        guint           update_info_timeout_id;
- };
- struct _ActUserClass
- {
-         GObjectClass parent_class;
- };
- static void act_user_finalize     (GObject      *object);
- static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
- G_DEFINE_TYPE (ActUser, act_user, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
- static int
- session_compare (const char *a,
-                  const char *b)
- {
-         if (a == NULL) {
-                 return 1;
-         } else if (b == NULL) {
-                 return -1;
-         }
-         return strcmp (a, b);
- }
- void
- _act_user_add_session (ActUser    *user,
-                        const char *ssid,
-                        gboolean    is_ours)
-@@ -238,128 +210,75 @@ act_user_get_num_sessions (ActUser    *user)
- /**
-  * act_user_get_num_sessions_anywhere:
-  * @user: a user
-  *
-  * Get the number of sessions for a user on any seat of any type.
-  * See also act_user_get_num_sessions().
-  *
-  * (Currently, this function is only implemented for systemd-logind.
-  * For ConsoleKit, it is equivalent to act_user_get_num_sessions.)
-  *
-  * Returns: the number of sessions
-  */
- guint
- act_user_get_num_sessions_anywhere (ActUser    *user)
- {
-         return (g_list_length (user->our_sessions)
-                 + g_list_length (user->other_sessions));
- }
- static void
- act_user_get_property (GObject    *object,
-                        guint       param_id,
-                        GValue     *value,
-                        GParamSpec *pspec)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         user = ACT_USER (object);
-         switch (param_id) {
--        case PROP_UID:
--                g_value_set_int (value, user->uid);
--                break;
--        case PROP_USER_NAME:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->user_name);
--                break;
--        case PROP_REAL_NAME:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->real_name);
--                break;
--        case PROP_ACCOUNT_TYPE:
--                g_value_set_int (value, user->account_type);
--                break;
--        case PROP_PASSWORD_MODE:
--                g_value_set_int (value, user->password_mode);
--                break;
--        case PROP_PASSWORD_HINT:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->password_hint);
--                break;
--        case PROP_HOME_DIR:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->home_dir);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOGIN_FREQUENCY:
--                g_value_set_int (value, user->login_frequency);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOGIN_TIME:
--                g_value_set_int64 (value, user->login_time);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOGIN_HISTORY:
--                g_value_set_variant (value, user->login_history);
--                break;
--        case PROP_SHELL:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->shell);
--                break;
--        case PROP_EMAIL:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->email);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOCATION:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->location);
--                break;
--        case PROP_ICON_FILE:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->icon_file);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LANGUAGE:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->language);
--                break;
--        case PROP_X_SESSION:
--                g_value_set_string (value, user->x_session);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOCKED:
--                g_value_set_boolean (value, user->locked);
--                break;
--        case PROP_AUTOMATIC_LOGIN:
--                g_value_set_boolean (value, user->automatic_login);
--                break;
--        case PROP_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT:
--                g_value_set_boolean (value, user->system_account);
--                break;
--        case PROP_LOCAL_ACCOUNT:
--                g_value_set_boolean (value, user->local_account);
--                break;
-         case PROP_NONEXISTENT:
-                 g_value_set_boolean (value, user->nonexistent);
-                 break;
-         case PROP_IS_LOADED:
-                 g_value_set_boolean (value, user->is_loaded);
-                 break;
-         default:
--                G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-+                if (user->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-+                        const char *property_name;
-+                        property_name = g_param_spec_get_name (pspec);
-+                        g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (user->accounts_proxy), property_name, value);
-+                }
-                 break;
-         }
- }
- static void
- act_user_class_init (ActUserClass *class)
- {
-         GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-         gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
-         gobject_class->finalize = act_user_finalize;
-         gobject_class->get_property = act_user_get_property;
-         g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-                                          PROP_REAL_NAME,
-                                          g_param_spec_string ("real-name",
-                                                               "Real Name",
-                                                               "The real name to display for this user.",
-                                                               NULL,
-                                                               G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
-         g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-                                          PROP_ACCOUNT_TYPE,
-                                          g_param_spec_int ("account-type",
-                                                            "Account Type",
-                                                            "The account type for this user.",
-                                                            ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD,
-                                                            ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR,
-@@ -525,1082 +444,773 @@ act_user_class_init (ActUserClass *class)
-          * Emitted when the user accounts changes in some way.
-          */
-         signals [CHANGED] =
-                 g_signal_new ("changed",
-                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (class),
-                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                               0,
-                               NULL, NULL,
-                               g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                               G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-         /**
-          * ActUser::sessions-changed:
-          *
-          * Emitted when the list of sessions for this user changes.
-          */
-         signals [SESSIONS_CHANGED] =
-                 g_signal_new ("sessions-changed",
-                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (class),
-                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                               0,
-                               NULL, NULL,
-                               g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                               G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
- }
- static void
- act_user_init (ActUser *user)
- {
-         GError *error = NULL;
--        user->local_account = TRUE;
--        user->user_name = NULL;
--        user->real_name = NULL;
-         user->our_sessions = NULL;
-         user->other_sessions = NULL;
--        user->login_history = NULL;
-         user->connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
-         if (user->connection == NULL) {
-                 g_warning ("Couldn't connect to system bus: %s", error->message);
-                 g_error_free (error);
-         }
- }
- static void
- act_user_finalize (GObject *object)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         user = ACT_USER (object);
--        g_free (user->user_name);
--        g_free (user->real_name);
--        g_free (user->icon_file);
--        g_free (user->language);
--        g_free (user->object_path);
--        g_free (user->password_hint);
--        g_free (user->home_dir);
--        g_free (user->shell);
--        g_free (user->email);
--        g_free (user->location);
--        if (user->login_history)
--          g_variant_unref (user->login_history);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->accounts_proxy);
-         }
--        if (user->object_proxy != NULL) {
--                g_object_unref (user->object_proxy);
--        }
--        if (user->get_all_cancellable != NULL) {
--                g_object_unref (user->get_all_cancellable);
--        }
-         if (user->connection != NULL) {
-                 g_object_unref (user->connection);
-         }
--        if (user->update_info_timeout_id != 0) {
--                g_source_remove (user->update_info_timeout_id);
--        }
-         if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (act_user_parent_class)->finalize)
-                 (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (act_user_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
- }
- static void
- set_is_loaded (ActUser  *user,
-                gboolean  is_loaded)
- {
-         if (user->is_loaded != is_loaded) {
-                 user->is_loaded = is_loaded;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "is-loaded");
-         }
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_uid:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the ID of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- uid_t
- act_user_get_uid (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), -1);
--        return user->uid;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return -1;
-+        return accounts_user_get_uid (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_real_name:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the display name of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_real_name (ActUser *user)
- {
-+        const char *real_name = NULL;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        if (user->real_name == NULL ||
--            user->real_name[0] == '\0') {
--                return user->user_name;
-+        real_name = accounts_user_get_real_name (user->accounts_proxy);
-+        if (real_name == NULL || real_name[0] == '\0') {
-+                real_name = accounts_user_get_user_name (user->accounts_proxy);
-         }
--        return user->real_name;
-+        return real_name;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_account_type:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the account type of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: a #ActUserAccountType
-  **/
- ActUserAccountType
- act_user_get_account_type (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD);
--        return user->account_type;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD;
-+        return accounts_user_get_account_type (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_password_mode:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the password mode of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: a #ActUserPasswordMode
-  **/
- ActUserPasswordMode
- act_user_get_password_mode (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), ACT_USER_PASSWORD_MODE_REGULAR);
--        return user->password_mode;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return ACT_USER_PASSWORD_MODE_REGULAR;
-+        return accounts_user_get_password_mode (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_password_hint:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the password hint set by @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_password_hint (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->password_hint;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_password_hint (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_home_dir:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the home directory for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_home_dir (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->home_dir;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_home_directory (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_shell:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the shell assigned to @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_shell (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->shell;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_shell (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_email:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the email address set by @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_email (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->email;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_email (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_location:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the location set by @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_location (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->location;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_location (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_user_name:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the login name of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_user_name (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->user_name;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_user_name (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_frequency:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the number of times @user has logged in.
-  *
-  * Returns: the login frequency
-  */
- int
- act_user_get_login_frequency (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), 0);
--        return user->login_frequency;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return 0;
-+        return accounts_user_get_login_frequency (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_time:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the last login time for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): the login time
-  */
- gint64
--act_user_get_login_time (ActUser *user) {
-+act_user_get_login_time (ActUser *user)
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), 0);
--        return user->login_time;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return 0;
-+        return accounts_user_get_login_time (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_history:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the login history for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to GVariant of type "a(xxa{sv})"
-  * which must not be modified or freed, or %NULL.
-  */
- const GVariant *
--act_user_get_login_history (ActUser *user) {
-+act_user_get_login_history (ActUser *user)
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->login_history;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_login_history (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_collate:
-  * @user1: a user
-  * @user2: a user
-  *
-  * Organize the user by login frequency and names.
-  *
-  * Returns: negative if @user1 is before @user2, zero if equal
-  *    or positive if @user1 is after @user2
-  */
- int
- act_user_collate (ActUser *user1,
-                   ActUser *user2)
- {
-         const char *str1;
-         const char *str2;
-         int         num1;
-         int         num2;
-         guint       len1;
-         guint       len2;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user1), 0);
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user2), 0);
--        num1 = user1->login_frequency;
--        num2 = user2->login_frequency;
-+        num1 = act_user_get_login_frequency (user1);
-+        num2 = act_user_get_login_frequency (user2);
-         if (num1 > num2) {
-                 return -1;
-         }
-         if (num1 < num2) {
-                 return 1;
-         }
-         len1 = g_list_length (user1->our_sessions);
-         len2 = g_list_length (user2->our_sessions);
-         if (len1 > len2) {
-                 return -1;
-         }
-         if (len1 < len2) {
-                 return 1;
-         }
-         /* if login frequency is equal try names */
--        if (user1->real_name != NULL) {
--                str1 = user1->real_name;
--        } else {
--                str1 = user1->user_name;
--        }
--        if (user2->real_name != NULL) {
--                str2 = user2->real_name;
--        } else {
--                str2 = user2->user_name;
--        }
-+        str1 = act_user_get_real_name (user1);
-+        str2 = act_user_get_real_name (user2);
-         if (str1 == NULL && str2 != NULL) {
-                 return -1;
-         }
-         if (str1 != NULL && str2 == NULL) {
-                 return 1;
-         }
-         if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL) {
-                 return 0;
-         }
-         return g_utf8_collate (str1, str2);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_logged_in:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser is currently graphically logged in
-  * on the same seat as the seat of the session of the calling process.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_is_logged_in (ActUser *user)
- {
-         return user->our_sessions != NULL;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_logged_in_anywhere:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser is currently logged in in any way
-  * whatsoever.  See also act_user_is_logged_in().
-  *
-  * (Currently, this function is only implemented for systemd-logind.
-  * For ConsoleKit, it is equivalent to act_user_is_logged_in.)
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_is_logged_in_anywhere (ActUser *user)
- {
-         return user->our_sessions != NULL || user->other_sessions != NULL;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_locked:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not the #ActUser account is locked.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_get_locked (ActUser *user)
- {
--        return user->locked;;
-+        return accounts_user_get_locked (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_automatic_login:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser is automatically logged in at boot time.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_get_automatic_login (ActUser *user)
- {
--        return user->automatic_login;
-+        g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), FALSE);
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return FALSE;
-+       return accounts_user_get_automatic_login (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_system_account:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser represents a 'system account' like
-  * 'root' or 'nobody'.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_is_system_account (ActUser *user)
- {
--        return user->system_account;
-+        g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), TRUE);
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return TRUE;
-+        return accounts_user_get_system_account (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_local_account:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves whether the user is a local account or not.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): %TRUE if the user is local
-  **/
- gboolean
- act_user_is_local_account (ActUser   *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), FALSE);
--        return user->local_account;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return FALSE;
-+        return accounts_user_get_local_account (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_nonexistent:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves whether the user is nonexistent or not.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): %TRUE if the user is nonexistent
-  **/
- gboolean
- act_user_is_nonexistent (ActUser   *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), FALSE);
-         return user->nonexistent;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_icon_file:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the path to the account icon belonging to @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a path to an icon
-  */
- const char *
- act_user_get_icon_file (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->icon_file;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_icon_file (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_language:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the path to the configured locale of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a path to an icon
-  */
- const char *
- act_user_get_language (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->language;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_language (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_x_session:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the path to the configured X session for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a path to an icon
-  */
- const char *
- act_user_get_x_session (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->x_session;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return accounts_user_get_xsession (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_object_path:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the user accounts service object path of @user,
-  * or %NULL if @user doesn't have an object path associated
-  * with it.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): the object path of the user
-  */
- const char *
- act_user_get_object_path (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
--        return user->object_path;
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-+        return g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (G_DBUS_PROXY (user->accounts_proxy));
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_primary_session_id:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the id of the primary session of @user, or %NULL if @user
-  * has no primary session.  The primary session will always be
-  * graphical and will be chosen from the sessions on the same seat as
-  * the seat of the session of the calling process.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): the id of the primary session of the user
-  */
- const char *
- act_user_get_primary_session_id (ActUser *user)
- {
-         if (user->our_sessions == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("User %s is not logged in here, so has no primary session",
-                          act_user_get_user_name (user));
-                 return NULL;
-         }
-         /* FIXME: better way to choose? */
-         return user->our_sessions->data;
- }
--static void
--collect_props (const gchar *key,
--               GVariant    *value,
--               ActUser     *user)
--        gboolean handled = TRUE;
--        if (strcmp (key, "Uid") == 0) {
--                guint64 new_uid;
--                new_uid = g_variant_get_uint64 (value);
--                if (!user->uid_set || (guint64) user->uid != new_uid) {
--                        user->uid = (uid_t) new_uid;
--                        user->uid_set = TRUE;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "uid");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "UserName") == 0) {
--                const char *new_user_name;
--                new_user_name = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->user_name, new_user_name) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->user_name);
--                        user->user_name = g_strdup (new_user_name);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "user-name");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "RealName") == 0) {
--                const char *new_real_name;
--                new_real_name = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->real_name, new_real_name) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->real_name);
--                        user->real_name = g_strdup (new_real_name);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "real-name");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "AccountType") == 0) {
--                int new_account_type;
--                new_account_type = g_variant_get_int32 (value);
--                if ((int) user->account_type != new_account_type) {
--                        user->account_type = (ActUserAccountType) new_account_type;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "account-type");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "PasswordMode") == 0) {
--                int new_password_mode;
--                new_password_mode = g_variant_get_int32 (value);
--                if ((int) user->password_mode != new_password_mode) {
--                        user->password_mode = (ActUserPasswordMode) new_password_mode;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-mode");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "PasswordHint") == 0) {
--                const char *new_password_hint;
--                new_password_hint = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->password_hint, new_password_hint) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->password_hint);
--                        user->password_hint = g_strdup (new_password_hint);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-hint");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "HomeDirectory") == 0) {
--                const char *new_home_dir;
--                new_home_dir = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->home_dir, new_home_dir) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->home_dir);
--                        user->home_dir = g_strdup (new_home_dir);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "home-directory");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "Shell") == 0) {
--                const char *new_shell;
--                new_shell = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->shell, new_shell) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->shell);
--                        user->shell = g_strdup (new_shell);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "shell");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "Email") == 0) {
--                const char *new_email;
--                new_email = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->email, new_email) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->email);
--                        user->email = g_strdup (new_email);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "email");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "Location") == 0) {
--                const char *new_location;
--                new_location = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->location, new_location) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->location);
--                        user->location = g_strdup (new_location);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "location");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "Locked") == 0) {
--                gboolean new_locked_state;
--                new_locked_state = g_variant_get_boolean (value);
--                if (new_locked_state != user->locked) {
--                        user->locked = new_locked_state;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "locked");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "AutomaticLogin") == 0) {
--                gboolean new_automatic_login_state;
--                new_automatic_login_state = g_variant_get_boolean (value);
--                if (new_automatic_login_state != user->automatic_login) {
--                        user->automatic_login = new_automatic_login_state;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "automatic-login");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "SystemAccount") == 0) {
--                gboolean new_system_account_state;
--                new_system_account_state = g_variant_get_boolean (value);
--                if (new_system_account_state != user->system_account) {
--                        user->system_account = new_system_account_state;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "system-account");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "LocalAccount") == 0) {
--                gboolean new_local;
--                new_local = g_variant_get_boolean (value);
--                if (user->local_account != new_local) {
--                        user->local_account = new_local;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "local-account");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "LoginFrequency") == 0) {
--                int new_login_frequency;
--                new_login_frequency = (int) g_variant_get_uint64 (value);
--                if ((int) user->login_frequency != (int) new_login_frequency) {
--                        user->login_frequency = new_login_frequency;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-frequency");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "LoginTime") == 0) {
--                gint64 new_login_time = g_variant_get_int64 (value);
--                if (user->login_time != new_login_time) {
--                        user->login_time = new_login_time;
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-time");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "LoginHistory") == 0) {
--                GVariant *new_login_history = value;
--                if (user->login_history == NULL ||
--                    !g_variant_equal (user->login_history, new_login_history)) {
--                        if (user->login_history)
--                          g_variant_unref (user->login_history);
--                        user->login_history = g_variant_ref (new_login_history);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-history");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "IconFile") == 0) {
--                const char *new_icon_file;
--                new_icon_file = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->icon_file, new_icon_file) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->icon_file);
--                        user->icon_file = g_strdup (new_icon_file);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "icon-file");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "Language") == 0) {
--                const char *new_language;
--                new_language = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->language, new_language) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->language);
--                        user->language = g_strdup (new_language);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "language");
--                }
--        } else if (strcmp (key, "XSession") == 0) {
--                const char *new_x_session;
--                new_x_session = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL);
--                if (g_strcmp0 (user->x_session, new_x_session) != 0) {
--                        g_free (user->x_session);
--                        user->x_session = g_strdup (new_x_session);
--                        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "x-session");
--                }
--        } else {
--                handled = FALSE;
--        }
--        if (!handled) {
--                g_debug ("unhandled property %s", key);
--        }
--static void
--on_get_all_finished (GObject        *object,
--                     GAsyncResult   *result,
--                     gpointer data)
--        GDBusProxy  *proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY (object);
--        ActUser     *user = data;
--        GError      *error;
--        GVariant    *res;
--        GVariantIter *iter;
--        gchar       *key;
--        GVariant    *value;
--        g_assert (G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (user->object_proxy));
--        g_assert (user->object_proxy == proxy);
--        error = NULL;
--        res = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, result, &error);
--        g_clear_object (&user->get_all_cancellable);
--        if (! res) {
--                g_debug ("Error calling GetAll() when retrieving properties for %s: %s",
--                         user->object_path, error->message);
--                g_error_free (error);
--                if (!user->is_loaded) {
--                        set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
--                }
--                return;
--        }
--        g_variant_get (res, "(a{sv})", &iter);
--        while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{sv}", &key, &value)) {
--                collect_props (key, value, user);
--                g_free (key);
--                g_variant_unref (value);
--        }
--        g_variant_iter_free (iter);
--        g_variant_unref (res);
--        if (!user->is_loaded) {
--                set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
--        }
--        g_signal_emit (user, signals[CHANGED], 0);
--static void
--update_info (ActUser *user)
--        g_assert (G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (user->object_proxy));
--        if (user->get_all_cancellable != NULL) {
--                g_cancellable_cancel (user->get_all_cancellable);
--                g_clear_object (&user->get_all_cancellable);
--        }
--        user->get_all_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
--        g_dbus_proxy_call (user->object_proxy,
--                           "GetAll",
--                           g_variant_new ("(s)", ACCOUNTS_USER_INTERFACE),
--                           G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
--                           -1,
--                           user->get_all_cancellable,
--                           on_get_all_finished,
--                           user);
--static gboolean
--on_timeout_update_info (ActUser *user)
--        update_info (user);
--        user->update_info_timeout_id = 0;
--        return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
--static void
--changed_handler (AccountsUser *object,
--                 gpointer   *data)
--        ActUser *user = ACT_USER (data);
--        if (user->update_info_timeout_id != 0)
--                return;
--        user->update_info_timeout_id = g_timeout_add (250, (GSourceFunc) on_timeout_update_info, user);
- /**
-  * _act_user_update_as_nonexistent:
-  * @user: the user object to update.
-  *
-  * Set's the 'non-existent' property of @user to #TRUE
-  * Can only be called before the user is loaded.
-  **/
- void
- _act_user_update_as_nonexistent (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user));
-         g_return_if_fail (!act_user_is_loaded (user));
--        g_return_if_fail (user->object_path == NULL);
-+        g_return_if_fail (act_user_get_object_path (user) == NULL);
-         user->nonexistent = TRUE;
-         g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "nonexistent");
-         set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
- }
-+static void
-+on_accounts_proxy_changed (ActUser *user)
-+        g_signal_emit (user, signals[CHANGED], 0);
- /**
-  * _act_user_update_from_object_path:
-  * @user: the user object to update.
-  * @object_path: the object path of the user to use.
-  *
-  * Updates the properties of @user from the accounts service via
-  * the object path in @object_path.
-  **/
- void
- _act_user_update_from_object_path (ActUser    *user,
-                                    const char *object_path)
- {
--        GError *error = NULL;
-+        AccountsUser    *accounts_proxy;
-+        GError          *error = NULL;
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user));
-         g_return_if_fail (object_path != NULL);
--        g_return_if_fail (user->object_path == NULL);
--        user->object_path = g_strdup (object_path);
--        user->accounts_proxy = accounts_user_proxy_new_sync (user->connection,
--                                                             G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
--                                                             ACCOUNTS_NAME,
--                                                             user->object_path,
--                                                             NULL,
--                                                             &error);
--        if (!user->accounts_proxy) {
-+        g_return_if_fail (act_user_get_object_path (user) == NULL);
-+        accounts_proxy = accounts_user_proxy_new_sync (user->connection,
-+                                                       G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
-+                                                       ACCOUNTS_NAME,
-+                                                       object_path,
-+                                                       NULL,
-+                                                       &error);
-+        if (!accounts_proxy) {
-                 g_warning ("Couldn't create accounts proxy: %s", error->message);
-                 g_error_free (error);
-                 return;
-         }
--        g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (user->accounts_proxy), INT_MAX);
--        g_signal_connect (user->accounts_proxy, "changed", G_CALLBACK (changed_handler), user);
-+        user->accounts_proxy = accounts_proxy;
--        user->object_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (user->connection,
--                                                    G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
--                                                    0,
--                                                    ACCOUNTS_NAME,
--                                                    user->object_path,
--                                                    "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
--                                                    NULL,
--                                                    &error);
--        if (!user->object_proxy) {
--                g_warning ("Couldn't create accounts property proxy: %s", error->message);
--                g_error_free (error);
--                return;
--        }
-+        g_signal_connect_object (user->accounts_proxy,
-+                                 "changed",
-+                                 G_CALLBACK (on_accounts_proxy_changed),
-+                                 user,
-+                                 G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);
--       update_info (user);
-+        g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (user->accounts_proxy), INT_MAX);
-+        set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
- }
- void
- _act_user_update_login_frequency (ActUser    *user,
-                                   int         login_frequency)
- {
--        if (user->login_frequency != login_frequency) {
--                user->login_frequency = login_frequency;
--                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-frequency");
-+        if (act_user_get_login_frequency (user) == login_frequency) {
-+                return;
-         }
-+        accounts_user_set_login_frequency (user->accounts_proxy,
-+                                           login_frequency);
- }
- static void
- copy_sessions_lists (ActUser *user,
-                      ActUser *user_to_copy)
- {
-         GList *node;
-         for (node = g_list_last (user_to_copy->our_sessions);
-              node != NULL;
-              node = node->prev) {
-                 user->our_sessions = g_list_prepend (user->our_sessions, g_strdup (node->data));
-         }
-         for (node = g_list_last (user_to_copy->other_sessions);
-              node != NULL;
-              node = node->prev) {
-                 user->other_sessions = g_list_prepend (user->other_sessions, g_strdup (node->data));
-         }
- }
- void
- _act_user_load_from_user (ActUser    *user,
-                           ActUser    *user_to_copy)
- {
-         if (!user_to_copy->is_loaded) {
-                 return;
-         }
--        /* loading users may already have a uid, user name, or session list
--         * from creation, so only update them if necessary
--         */
--        if (!user->uid_set) {
--                user->uid = user_to_copy->uid;
--                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "uid");
--        }
-+        user->accounts_proxy = g_object_ref (user_to_copy->accounts_proxy);
--        if (user->user_name == NULL) {
--                user->user_name = g_strdup (user_to_copy->user_name);
--                g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "user-name");
--        }
-+        g_signal_connect_object (user->accounts_proxy,
-+                                 "changed",
-+                                 G_CALLBACK (on_accounts_proxy_changed),
-+                                 user,
-+                                 G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);
-         if (user->our_sessions == NULL && user->other_sessions == NULL) {
-                 copy_sessions_lists (user, user_to_copy);
-                 g_signal_emit (user, signals[SESSIONS_CHANGED], 0);
-         }
--        g_free (user->real_name);
--        user->real_name = g_strdup (user_to_copy->real_name);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "real-name");
--        g_free (user->password_hint);
--        user->password_hint = g_strdup (user_to_copy->password_hint);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-hint");
--        g_free (user->home_dir);
--        user->home_dir = g_strdup (user_to_copy->home_dir);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "home-directory");
--        g_free (user->shell);
--        user->shell = g_strdup (user_to_copy->shell);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "shell");
--        g_free (user->email);
--        user->email = g_strdup (user_to_copy->email);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "email");
--        g_free (user->location);
--        user->location = g_strdup (user_to_copy->location);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "location");
--        g_free (user->icon_file);
--        user->icon_file = g_strdup (user_to_copy->icon_file);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "icon-file");
--        g_free (user->language);
--        user->language = g_strdup (user_to_copy->language);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "language");
--        g_free (user->x_session);
--        user->x_session = g_strdup (user_to_copy->x_session);
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "x-session");
--        user->login_frequency = user_to_copy->login_frequency;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-frequency");
--        user->login_time = user_to_copy->login_time;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-time");
--        user->login_history = user_to_copy->login_history ? g_variant_ref (user_to_copy->login_history) : NULL;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "login-history");
--        user->account_type = user_to_copy->account_type;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "account-type");
--        user->password_mode = user_to_copy->password_mode;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-mode");
--        user->nonexistent = user_to_copy->nonexistent;
--        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "nonexistent");
-         set_is_loaded (user, TRUE);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_loaded:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Determines whether or not the user object is loaded and ready to read from.
-  * #ActUserManager:is-loaded property must be %TRUE before calling
-  * act_user_manager_list_users()
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_is_loaded (ActUser *user)
- {
-         return user->is_loaded;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_history:
-  * @user: the user object to query.
-  * @expiration_time: time users passwor expires
-  * @last_change_time,
-  * @min_days_between_changes,
-  * @max_days_between_changes,
-  * @days_to_warn,
-  * @days_after_expiration_until_lock)
-  *
-  * Assigns a new email to @user.
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-lib-don-t-track-user-added-user-removed-until-we-get.patch b/SOURCES/0012-lib-don-t-track-user-added-user-removed-until-we-get.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 31cf17b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0012-lib-don-t-track-user-added-user-removed-until-we-get.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-From f674b04a79a7974a697ad69a997bec21742d3299 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 11:21:44 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 12/13] lib: don't track user-added/user-removed until we get
- initial list
-There's no reason to process user-added and user-removed signals
-until we have our starting list.  Those signals are supposed to
-be a delta off that list anyway.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 14 ++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index c8a0e20..11049e0 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -173,60 +173,61 @@ typedef struct
-         char                       *object_path;
-         char                       *description;
- } ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest;
- struct ActUserManagerPrivate
- {
-         GHashTable            *normal_users_by_name;
-         GHashTable            *system_users_by_name;
-         GHashTable            *users_by_object_path;
-         GHashTable            *sessions;
-         GDBusConnection       *connection;
-         AccountsAccounts      *accounts_proxy;
-         ConsoleKitManager     *ck_manager_proxy;
-         ActUserManagerSeat     seat;
-         GSList                *new_sessions;
-         GSList                *new_users;
-         GSList                *new_users_inhibiting_load;
-         GSList                *fetch_user_requests;
-         GSList                *exclude_usernames;
-         GSList                *include_usernames;
-         guint                  load_id;
-         gboolean               is_loaded;
-         gboolean               has_multiple_users;
-         gboolean               getting_sessions;
-         gboolean               listing_cached_users;
-+        gboolean               list_cached_users_done;
- };
- enum {
-         PROP_0,
-         PROP_IS_LOADED,
- };
- enum {
-         USER_ADDED,
-         USER_REMOVED,
-         USER_CHANGED,
-         LAST_SIGNAL
- };
- static guint signals [LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };
- static void     act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass);
- static void     act_user_manager_init       (ActUserManager      *user_manager);
- static void     act_user_manager_finalize   (GObject             *object);
- static gboolean ensure_accounts_proxy       (ActUserManager *manager);
- static gboolean load_seat_incrementally     (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     unload_seat                 (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     load_users                  (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     act_user_manager_queue_load (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     queue_load_seat_and_users   (ActUserManager *manager);
-@@ -1075,80 +1076,92 @@ add_new_user_for_object_path (const char     *object_path,
-         if (user != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking existing %s with object path %s",
-                          describe_user (user), object_path);
-                 return user;
-         }
-         user = find_new_user_with_object_path (manager, object_path);
-         if (user != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking existing (but very recently added) %s with object path %s",
-                          describe_user (user), object_path);
-                 return user;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracking new user with object path %s", object_path);
-         user = create_new_user (manager);
-         _act_user_update_from_object_path (user, object_path);
-         return user;
- }
- static void
- on_new_user_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                  const char *object_path,
-                                  gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-         ActUser *user;
-+        /* Only track user changes if the user has requested a list
-+         * of users */
-+        if (!manager->priv->list_cached_users_done) {
-+                return;
-+        }
-         if (!manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring new user in accounts service with object path %s since not loaded yet", object_path);
-                 return;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: new user in accounts service with object path %s", object_path);
-         user = add_new_user_for_object_path (object_path, manager);
-         g_object_unref (user);
- }
- static void
- on_user_removed_in_accounts_service (GDBusProxy *proxy,
-                                      const char *object_path,
-                                      gpointer    user_data)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (user_data);
-         ActUser        *user;
-         GSList         *node;
-+        /* Only track user changes if the user has requested a list
-+         * of users */
-+        if (!manager->priv->list_cached_users_done) {
-+                return;
-+        }
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, object_path);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ignoring untracked user %s", object_path);
-                 return;
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: tracked user %s removed from accounts service", object_path);
-         }
-         node = g_slist_find (manager->priv->new_users, user);
-         if (node != NULL) {
-                 g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (user, on_new_user_loaded, manager);
-                 g_object_unref (user);
-                 manager->priv->new_users = g_slist_delete_link (manager->priv->new_users, node);
-         }
-         remove_user (manager, user);
- }
- static void
- on_get_current_session_finished (GObject        *object,
-                                  GAsyncResult   *result,
-                                  gpointer        data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitManager *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_MANAGER (object);
-         ActUserManager    *manager = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
-         char              *session_id;
-         g_assert (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_SESSION_ID);
-@@ -1532,60 +1545,61 @@ load_included_usernames (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         GSList *l;
-         /* Add users who are specifically included */
-         for (l = manager->priv->include_usernames; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-                 ActUser *user;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Adding included user %s", (char *)l->data);
-                 /*
-                  * The call to act_user_manager_get_user will add the user if it is
-                  * valid and not already in the hash.
-                  */
-                 user = act_user_manager_get_user (manager, l->data);
-                 if (user == NULL) {
-                         g_debug ("ActUserManager: unable to lookup user '%s'", (char *)l->data);
-                 }
-         }
- }
- static void
- on_list_cached_users_finished (GObject      *object,
-                                GAsyncResult *result,
-                                gpointer      data)
- {
-         AccountsAccounts *proxy = ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (object);
-         ActUserManager   *manager = data;
-         gchar           **user_paths;
-         GError           *error = NULL;
-         manager->priv->listing_cached_users = FALSE;
-+        manager->priv->list_cached_users_done = TRUE;
-         if (!accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users_finish (proxy, &user_paths, result, &error)) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers failed: %s", error->message);
-                 g_error_free (error);
-                 g_object_unref (manager->priv->accounts_proxy);
-                 manager->priv->accounts_proxy = NULL;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by failed ListCachedUsers call");
-                 g_object_unref (manager);
-                 return;
-         }
-         load_user_paths (manager, (const char * const *) user_paths);
-         g_strfreev (user_paths);
-         load_included_usernames (manager);
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by finished ListCachedUsers call");
-         g_object_unref (manager);
- }
- static void
- on_get_x11_display_finished (GObject      *object,
-                              GAsyncResult *result,
-                              gpointer      data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitSession *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_SESSION (object);
-         ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-lib-only-track-users-after-act_user_manager_list_use.patch b/SOURCES/0013-lib-only-track-users-after-act_user_manager_list_use.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a0cce3e..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0013-lib-only-track-users-after-act_user_manager_list_use.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-From b1ec3114a49c9e5331a4f7c106a58867499ac1ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 11:28:50 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 13/13] lib: only track users after act_user_manager_list_users
-At the moment, as soon as someone calls
-act_user_manager_get_default() we end up firing of an asynchronous
-call to get a list of all users. This is problematic since not all
-programs using accountsservice want a list of users.
-This commit changes the code to only get a list of users when the
-caller invokes act_user_manager_list_users.  This does mean some calls
-that were async before are synchronous now, but user proxies were
-always obtained synchronously, and they're by far the slowest part
-of listing users, so I don't expect this introduce any noticeable
-Longer term, to fix the sync i/o bits, I think we should
-probably ditch libaccountsservice and just make accountsservice use
-ObjectManager interfaces over d-bus.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 145 +++++++++++++++---------------
- 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 11049e0..d0b38e2 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -172,92 +172,93 @@ typedef struct
-         };
-         char                       *object_path;
-         char                       *description;
- } ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest;
- struct ActUserManagerPrivate
- {
-         GHashTable            *normal_users_by_name;
-         GHashTable            *system_users_by_name;
-         GHashTable            *users_by_object_path;
-         GHashTable            *sessions;
-         GDBusConnection       *connection;
-         AccountsAccounts      *accounts_proxy;
-         ConsoleKitManager     *ck_manager_proxy;
-         ActUserManagerSeat     seat;
-         GSList                *new_sessions;
-         GSList                *new_users;
-         GSList                *new_users_inhibiting_load;
-         GSList                *fetch_user_requests;
-         GSList                *exclude_usernames;
-         GSList                *include_usernames;
-         guint                  load_id;
-         gboolean               is_loaded;
-         gboolean               has_multiple_users;
-         gboolean               getting_sessions;
--        gboolean               listing_cached_users;
-         gboolean               list_cached_users_done;
- };
- enum {
-         PROP_0,
-         PROP_IS_LOADED,
- };
- enum {
-         USER_ADDED,
-         USER_REMOVED,
-         USER_CHANGED,
-         LAST_SIGNAL
- };
- static guint signals [LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, };
- static void     act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass);
- static void     act_user_manager_init       (ActUserManager      *user_manager);
- static void     act_user_manager_finalize   (GObject             *object);
- static gboolean ensure_accounts_proxy       (ActUserManager *manager);
- static gboolean load_seat_incrementally     (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     unload_seat                 (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     load_users                  (ActUserManager *manager);
-+static void     load_user                   (ActUserManager *manager,
-+                                             const char     *username);
- static void     act_user_manager_queue_load (ActUserManager *manager);
--static void     queue_load_seat_and_users   (ActUserManager *manager);
-+static void     queue_load_seat             (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     load_new_session_incrementally (ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session);
- static void     set_is_loaded (ActUserManager *manager, gboolean is_loaded);
- static void     on_new_user_loaded (ActUser        *user,
-                                     GParamSpec     *pspec,
-                                     ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     give_up (ActUserManager                 *manager,
-                          ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest *request);
- static void     fetch_user_incrementally       (ActUserManagerFetchUserRequest *request);
- static void     maybe_set_is_loaded            (ActUserManager *manager);
- static void     update_user                    (ActUserManager *manager,
-                                                 ActUser        *user);
- static gpointer user_manager_object = NULL;
- G_DEFINE_TYPE (ActUserManager, act_user_manager, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
- static const GDBusErrorEntry error_entries[] = {
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_FAILED,              "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.Failed" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_USER_EXISTS,         "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserExists" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.UserDoesNotExist" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED,   "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.PermissionDenied" },
-         { ACT_USER_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,       "org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.NotSupported" }
- };
- GQuark
- act_user_manager_error_quark (void)
- {
-         static volatile gsize ret = 0;
-@@ -711,91 +712,87 @@ on_get_seat_id_finished (GObject        *object,
-                          GAsyncResult   *result,
-                          gpointer        data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitSession *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_SESSION (object);
-         ActUserManager    *manager = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
-         char              *seat_id;
-         if (!console_kit_session_call_get_seat_id_finish (proxy, &seat_id, result, &error)) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to identify the seat of the "
-                                  "current session: %s",
-                                  error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to identify the seat of the "
-                                  "current session");
-                 }
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: GetSeatId call failed, so unloading seat");
-                 unload_seat (manager);
-                 goto out;
-         }
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: Found current seat: %s", seat_id);
-         manager->priv->seat.id = seat_id;
-         manager->priv->seat.state++;
--        load_seat_incrementally (manager);
-  out:
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by GetSeatId request");
-         g_object_unref (manager);
- }
- static void
- _get_systemd_seat_id (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         int   res;
-         char *seat_id;
-         res = sd_session_get_seat (NULL, &seat_id);
-         if (res == -ENOENT) {
-                 seat_id = NULL;
-         } else if (res < 0) {
-                 g_warning ("Could not get current seat: %s",
-                            strerror (-res));
-                 unload_seat (manager);
-                 return;
-         }
-         manager->priv->seat.id = g_strdup (seat_id);
-         free (seat_id);
-         manager->priv->seat.state++;
--        queue_load_seat_incrementally (manager);
- }
- #endif
- static void
- get_seat_id_for_current_session (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (LOGIND_RUNNING()) {
-                 _get_systemd_seat_id (manager);
-                 return;
-         }
- #endif
-         console_kit_session_call_get_seat_id (manager->priv->seat.session_proxy,
-                                               NULL,
-                                               on_get_seat_id_finished,
-                                               g_object_ref (manager));
- }
- static gint
- match_name_cmpfunc (gconstpointer a,
-                     gconstpointer b)
- {
-         return g_strcmp0 ((char *) a,
-                           (char *) b);
- }
- static gboolean
- username_in_exclude_list (ActUserManager *manager,
-                           const char     *username)
- {
-@@ -1520,106 +1517,64 @@ load_user_paths (ActUserManager       *manager,
-         /* We now have a batch of unloaded users that we know about. Once that initial
-          * batch is loaded up, we can mark the manager as loaded.
-          *
-          * (see on_new_user_loaded)
-          */
-         if (g_strv_length ((char **) user_paths) > 0) {
-                 int i;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers finished, will set loaded property after list is fully loaded");
-                 for (i = 0; user_paths[i] != NULL; i++) {
-                         ActUser *user;
-                         user = add_new_user_for_object_path (user_paths[i], manager);
-                         if (!manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                                 manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load = g_slist_prepend (manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load, user);
-                         }
-                 }
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers finished with empty list, maybe setting loaded property now");
-                 maybe_set_is_loaded (manager);
-         }
- }
- static void
- load_included_usernames (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         GSList *l;
-         /* Add users who are specifically included */
-         for (l = manager->priv->include_usernames; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
--                ActUser *user;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Adding included user %s", (char *)l->data);
--                /*
--                 * The call to act_user_manager_get_user will add the user if it is
--                 * valid and not already in the hash.
--                 */
--                user = act_user_manager_get_user (manager, l->data);
--                if (user == NULL) {
--                        g_debug ("ActUserManager: unable to lookup user '%s'", (char *)l->data);
--                }
--        }
--static void
--on_list_cached_users_finished (GObject      *object,
--                               GAsyncResult *result,
--                               gpointer      data)
--        AccountsAccounts *proxy = ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS (object);
--        ActUserManager   *manager = data;
--        gchar           **user_paths;
--        GError           *error = NULL;
--        manager->priv->listing_cached_users = FALSE;
--        manager->priv->list_cached_users_done = TRUE;
--        if (!accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users_finish (proxy, &user_paths, result, &error)) {
--                g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers failed: %s", error->message);
--                g_error_free (error);
--                g_object_unref (manager->priv->accounts_proxy);
--                manager->priv->accounts_proxy = NULL;
--                g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by failed ListCachedUsers call");
--                g_object_unref (manager);
--                return;
-+                load_user (manager, l->data);
-         }
--        load_user_paths (manager, (const char * const *) user_paths);
--        g_strfreev (user_paths);
--        load_included_usernames (manager);
--        g_debug ("ActUserManager: unrefing manager owned by finished ListCachedUsers call");
--        g_object_unref (manager);
- }
- static void
- on_get_x11_display_finished (GObject      *object,
-                              GAsyncResult *result,
-                              gpointer      data)
- {
-         ConsoleKitSession *proxy = CONSOLE_KIT_SESSION (object);
-         ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session = data;
-         GError            *error = NULL;
-         char              *x11_display;
-         new_session->pending_calls--;
-         if (new_session->cancellable == NULL || g_cancellable_is_cancelled (new_session->cancellable)) {
-                 unload_new_session (new_session);
-                 return;
-         }
-         if (!console_kit_session_call_get_x11_display_finish (proxy, &x11_display, result, &error)) {
-                 if (error != NULL) {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to get the x11 display of session '%s': %s",
-                                  new_session->id, error->message);
-                         g_error_free (error);
-                 } else {
-                         g_debug ("Failed to get the x11 display of session '%s'",
-                                  new_session->id);
-                 }
-                 unload_new_session (new_session);
-                 return;
-@@ -2361,60 +2316,99 @@ fetch_user_with_id_from_accounts_service (ActUserManager *manager,
-  * from @manager. Trying to use this object before its
-  * #ActUser:is-loaded property is %TRUE will result in undefined
-  * behavior.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): #ActUser object
-  **/
- ActUser *
- act_user_manager_get_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-                            const char     *username)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager), NULL);
-         g_return_val_if_fail (username != NULL && username[0] != '\0', NULL);
-         user = lookup_user_by_name (manager, username);
-         /* if we don't have it loaded try to load it now */
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: trying to track new user with username %s", username);
-                 user = create_new_user (manager);
-                 if (manager->priv->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-                         fetch_user_with_username_from_accounts_service (manager, user, username);
-                 }
-         }
-         return user;
- }
-+static void
-+load_user (ActUserManager *manager,
-+           const char     *username)
-+        ActUser *user;
-+        GError *error = NULL;
-+        char *object_path = NULL;
-+        gboolean user_found;
-+        g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager));
-+        g_return_if_fail (username != NULL && username[0] != '\0');
-+        user = lookup_user_by_name (manager, username);
-+        if (user == NULL) {
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: trying to track new user with username %s", username);
-+                user = create_new_user (manager);
-+        }
-+        user_found = accounts_accounts_call_find_user_by_name_sync (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-+                                                                    username,
-+                                                                    &object_path,
-+                                                                    NULL,
-+                                                                    &error);
-+        if (!user_found) {
-+                if (error != NULL) {
-+                        g_debug ("ActUserManager: Failed to find user '%s': %s",
-+                                 username, error->message);
-+                        g_clear_error (&error);
-+                } else {
-+                        g_debug ("ActUserManager: Failed to find user '%s'",
-+                                 username);
-+                }
-+        }
-+        _act_user_update_from_object_path (user, object_path);
- /**
-  * act_user_manager_get_user_by_id:
-  * @manager: the manager to query.
-  * @id: the uid of the user to get.
-  *
-  * Retrieves a pointer to the #ActUser object for the user with the
-  * given uid from @manager. Trying to use this object before its
-  * #ActUser:is-loaded property is %TRUE will result in undefined
-  * behavior.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): #ActUser object
-  */
- ActUser *
- act_user_manager_get_user_by_id (ActUserManager *manager,
-                                  uid_t           id)
- {
-         ActUser *user;
-         gchar  *object_path;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager), NULL);
-         object_path = g_strdup_printf ("/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User%lu", (gulong) id);
-         user = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->users_by_object_path, object_path);
-         g_free (object_path);
-         if (user != NULL) {
-                 return g_object_ref (user);
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: trying to track new user with uid %lu", (gulong) id);
-                 user = create_new_user (manager);
-@@ -2425,93 +2419,95 @@ act_user_manager_get_user_by_id (ActUserManager *manager,
-         }
-         return user;
- }
- static void
- listify_hash_values_hfunc (gpointer key,
-                            gpointer value,
-                            gpointer user_data)
- {
-         GSList **list = user_data;
-         *list = g_slist_prepend (*list, value);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_manager_list_users:
-  * @manager: a #ActUserManager
-  *
-  * Get a list of system user accounts
-  *
-  * Returns: (element-type ActUser) (transfer container): List of #ActUser objects
-  */
- GSList *
- act_user_manager_list_users (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         GSList *retval;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager), NULL);
-+        if (!manager->priv->list_cached_users_done) {
-+                load_users (manager);
-+                if (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_SEAT_PROXY)
-+                        queue_load_seat_incrementally (manager);
-+        }
-         retval = NULL;
-         g_hash_table_foreach (manager->priv->normal_users_by_name, listify_hash_values_hfunc, &retval);
-         return g_slist_sort (retval, (GCompareFunc) act_user_collate);
- }
- static void
- maybe_set_is_loaded (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->is_loaded) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: already loaded, so not setting loaded property");
-                 return;
-         }
-         if (manager->priv->getting_sessions) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: GetSessions call pending, so not setting loaded property");
-                 return;
-         }
--        if (manager->priv->listing_cached_users) {
--                g_debug ("ActUserManager: Listing cached users, so not setting loaded property");
--                return;
--        }
-         if (manager->priv->new_users_inhibiting_load != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Loading new users, so not setting loaded property");
-                 return;
-         }
--        /* Don't set is_loaded yet unless the seat is already loaded
-+        /* Don't set is_loaded yet unless the seat is already loaded enough
-          * or failed to load.
-          */
--        if (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_LOADED) {
-+        if (manager->priv->seat.state >= ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_GET_ID) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat loaded, so now setting loaded property");
-         } else if (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_UNLOADED) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat wouldn't load, so giving up on it and setting loaded property");
-         } else {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat still actively loading, so not setting loaded property");
-                 return;
-         }
-         set_is_loaded (manager, TRUE);
- }
- static GSList *
- slist_deep_copy (const GSList *list)
- {
-         GSList *retval;
-         GSList *l;
-         if (list == NULL)
-                 return NULL;
-         retval = g_slist_copy ((GSList *) list);
-         for (l = retval; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-                 l->data = g_strdup (l->data);
-         }
-         return retval;
- }
- static void
-@@ -2555,125 +2551,134 @@ static void
- load_console_kit_sessions (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->seat.seat_proxy == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: no seat proxy; can't load sessions");
-                 return;
-         }
-         manager->priv->getting_sessions = TRUE;
-         console_kit_seat_call_get_sessions (manager->priv->seat.seat_proxy,
-                                             NULL,
-                                             on_get_sessions_finished,
-                                             g_object_ref (manager));
- }
- static void
- load_sessions (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (LOGIND_RUNNING()) {
-                 reload_systemd_sessions (manager);
-                 maybe_set_is_loaded (manager);
-                 return;
-         }
- #endif
-         load_console_kit_sessions (manager);
- }
- static void
- load_users (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
--        g_assert (manager->priv->accounts_proxy != NULL);
--        g_debug ("ActUserManager: calling 'ListCachedUsers'");
-+        GError *error = NULL;
-+        char **user_paths = NULL;
-+        gboolean could_list = FALSE;
-         if (!ensure_accounts_proxy (manager)) {
-                 return;
-         }
--        accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
--                                                  NULL,
--                                                  on_list_cached_users_finished,
--                                                  g_object_ref (manager));
--        manager->priv->listing_cached_users = TRUE;
-+        g_debug ("ActUserManager: calling 'ListCachedUsers'");
-+        could_list = accounts_accounts_call_list_cached_users_sync (manager->priv->accounts_proxy,
-+                                                                    &user_paths,
-+                                                                    NULL, &error);
-+        if (!could_list) {
-+                g_debug ("ActUserManager: ListCachedUsers failed: %s", error->message);
-+                g_clear_error (&error);
-+                return;
-+        }
-+        load_user_paths (manager, (const char * const *) user_paths);
-+        g_strfreev (user_paths);
-+        load_included_usernames (manager);
-+        manager->priv->list_cached_users_done = TRUE;
- }
- static gboolean
- load_seat_incrementally (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         manager->priv->seat.load_idle_id = 0;
-         switch (manager->priv->seat.state) {
-                 get_current_session_id (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_session_proxy (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_seat_id_for_current_session (manager);
-                 break;
-                 get_seat_proxy (manager);
-                 break;
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: Seat loading sequence complete");
-                 break;
-         default:
-                 g_assert_not_reached ();
-         }
-         if (manager->priv->seat.state == ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_LOADED) {
-                 load_sessions (manager);
-         }
-         maybe_set_is_loaded (manager);
-         return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean
- load_idle (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
--        /* The order below is important: load_seat_incrementally might
--           set "is-loaded" immediately and we thus need to call
--           load_users before it.
--        */
--        load_users (manager);
-         manager->priv->seat.state = ACT_USER_MANAGER_SEAT_STATE_UNLOADED + 1;
-         load_seat_incrementally (manager);
-         manager->priv->load_id = 0;
-         return FALSE;
- }
- static void
--queue_load_seat_and_users (ActUserManager *manager)
-+queue_load_seat (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         if (manager->priv->load_id > 0) {
-                 return;
-         }
-         manager->priv->load_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)load_idle, manager);
- }
- static void
- act_user_manager_get_property (GObject        *object,
-                                guint           prop_id,
-                                GValue         *value,
-                                GParamSpec     *pspec)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager;
-         manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (object);
-         switch (prop_id) {
-         case PROP_IS_LOADED:
-                 g_value_set_boolean (value, manager->priv->is_loaded);
-                 break;
-                 g_value_set_boolean (value, manager->priv->has_multiple_users);
-                 break;
-                 g_value_set_pointer (value, manager->priv->include_usernames);
-                 break;
-                 g_value_set_pointer (value, manager->priv->exclude_usernames);
-@@ -2820,61 +2825,61 @@ act_user_manager_class_init (ActUserManagerClass *klass)
-          * @user: the #ActUser that changed
-          *
-          * One of the users has changed
-          */
-         signals [USER_CHANGED] =
-                 g_signal_new ("user-changed",
-                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                               G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ActUserManagerClass, user_changed),
-                               NULL, NULL,
-                               g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,
-                               G_TYPE_NONE, 1, ACT_TYPE_USER);
-         g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (ActUserManagerPrivate));
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_manager_queue_load:
-  * @manager: a #ActUserManager
-  *
-  * Queue loading users into user manager. This must be called, and the
-  * #ActUserManager:is-loaded property must be %TRUE before calling
-  * act_user_manager_list_users()
-  */
- static void
- act_user_manager_queue_load (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         g_return_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER_MANAGER (manager));
-         if (! manager->priv->is_loaded) {
--                queue_load_seat_and_users (manager);
-+                queue_load_seat (manager);
-         }
- }
- static gboolean
- ensure_accounts_proxy (ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         GError *error = NULL;
-         if (manager->priv->accounts_proxy != NULL) {
-                 return TRUE;
-         }
-         manager->priv->accounts_proxy = accounts_accounts_proxy_new_sync (manager->priv->connection,
-                                                                           G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE,
-                                                                           ACCOUNTS_NAME,
-                                                                           ACCOUNTS_PATH,
-                                                                           NULL,
-                                                                           &error);
-         if (error != NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("ActUserManager: getting account proxy failed: %s", error->message);
-                 g_clear_error (&error);
-                 return FALSE;
-         }
-         g_dbus_proxy_set_default_timeout (G_DBUS_PROXY (manager->priv->accounts_proxy), G_MAXINT);
-         g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->accounts_proxy),
-                                 "has-multiple-users",
-                                 G_OBJECT (manager),
-                                 "has-multiple-users",
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-lib-fix-crasher-if-accounts-proxy-is-unavailable.patch b/SOURCES/0014-lib-fix-crasher-if-accounts-proxy-is-unavailable.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b8d1a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0014-lib-fix-crasher-if-accounts-proxy-is-unavailable.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-From 4e22d1a68e8ddcdea761fc51ea8c2ced0055fe60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 09:47:04 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH 14/14] lib: fix crasher if accounts proxy is unavailable
-Right now if the accounts proxy is unavailable act_user_get_real_name
-crashes instead of returning NULL as advertised.
-This commit makes it return NULL.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-index 94884a1..a24f25a 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-@@ -520,60 +520,63 @@ set_is_loaded (ActUser  *user,
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- uid_t
- act_user_get_uid (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), -1);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-                 return -1;
-         return accounts_user_get_uid (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_real_name:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the display name of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_real_name (ActUser *user)
- {
-         const char *real_name = NULL;
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return NULL;
-         real_name = accounts_user_get_real_name (user->accounts_proxy);
-         if (real_name == NULL || real_name[0] == '\0') {
-                 real_name = accounts_user_get_user_name (user->accounts_proxy);
-         }
-         return real_name;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_account_type:
-  * @user: the user object to examine.
-  *
-  * Retrieves the account type of @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: a #ActUserAccountType
-  **/
- ActUserAccountType
- act_user_get_account_type (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-                 return ACT_USER_ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD;
-         return accounts_user_get_account_type (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_password_mode:
diff --git a/SOURCES/0015-act-user-Prevent-segfault-if-accounts_proxy-is-not-c.patch b/SOURCES/0015-act-user-Prevent-segfault-if-accounts_proxy-is-not-c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b6b10fe..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0015-act-user-Prevent-segfault-if-accounts_proxy-is-not-c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-From 919e8972a6635539499f153a28d92e0c4052b354 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ondrej Holy <oholy@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:58:20 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 15/15] act-user: Prevent segfault if accounts_proxy is not
- created
-act_user_get_locked may segfault if accounts_proxy is not created (e.g.
-when run under root). All other functions which rely on accounts_proxy
-already contain checks for NULL and valid ActUser. Do the same also in
-act_user_get_locked in order to avoid segfaults in certain cases.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c | 5 +++++
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-index a24f25a..e21c9db 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-@@ -859,60 +859,65 @@ act_user_is_logged_in (ActUser *user)
- /**
-  * act_user_is_logged_in_anywhere:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser is currently logged in in any way
-  * whatsoever.  See also act_user_is_logged_in().
-  *
-  * (Currently, this function is only implemented for systemd-logind.
-  * For ConsoleKit, it is equivalent to act_user_is_logged_in.)
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_is_logged_in_anywhere (ActUser *user)
- {
-         return user->our_sessions != NULL || user->other_sessions != NULL;
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_locked:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not the #ActUser account is locked.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_get_locked (ActUser *user)
- {
-+        g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), TRUE);
-+        if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-+                return TRUE;
-         return accounts_user_get_locked (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_automatic_login:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser is automatically logged in at boot time.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
-  */
- gboolean
- act_user_get_automatic_login (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), FALSE);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-                 return FALSE;
-        return accounts_user_get_automatic_login (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_is_system_account:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns whether or not #ActUser represents a 'system account' like
-  * 'root' or 'nobody'.
-  *
-  * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE
diff --git a/SOURCES/0016-daemon-don-t-return-account-expiration-policy-if-not.patch b/SOURCES/0016-daemon-don-t-return-account-expiration-policy-if-not.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ca01fd1..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0016-daemon-don-t-return-account-expiration-policy-if-not.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-From 7facd87e8ba34654fc9c46b4a42943e92acafffb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 11:03:21 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 16/16] daemon: don't return account expiration policy if not
- known
-Right now we assume the user's shadow entry will always be available.
-If it's not available, we return fields from it initialized to 0.
-That leads to spurious password expired notifications in GNOME.
-This commit throws a NOT_SUPPORTED error if the shadow file is off
- src/user.c | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/user.c b/src/user.c
-index a83cfe4..cf7eb26 100644
---- a/src/user.c
-+++ b/src/user.c
-@@ -79,60 +79,61 @@ struct User {
-         gchar *object_path;
-         Daemon       *daemon;
-         GKeyFile     *keyfile;
-         uid_t         uid;
-         gid_t         gid;
-         gchar        *user_name;
-         gchar        *real_name;
-         AccountType   account_type;
-         PasswordMode  password_mode;
-         gchar        *password_hint;
-         gchar        *home_dir;
-         gchar        *shell;
-         gchar        *email;
-         gchar        *language;
-         gchar        *x_session;
-         gchar        *location;
-         guint64       login_frequency;
-         gint64        login_time;
-         gint64        expiration_time;
-         gint64        last_change_time;
-         gint64        min_days_between_changes;
-         gint64        max_days_between_changes;
-         gint64        days_to_warn;
-         gint64        days_after_expiration_until_lock;
-         GVariant     *login_history;
-         gchar        *icon_file;
-         gchar        *default_icon_file;
-+        gboolean      account_expiration_policy_known;
-         gboolean      locked;
-         gboolean      automatic_login;
-         gboolean      system_account;
-         gboolean      local_account;
-         gboolean      cached;
-         guint        *extension_ids;
-         guint         n_extension_ids;
- };
- typedef struct UserClass
- {
-         AccountsUserSkeletonClass parent_class;
- } UserClass;
- static void user_accounts_user_iface_init (AccountsUserIface *iface);
- static gint
- account_type_from_pwent (struct passwd *pwent)
- {
-         struct group *grp;
-         gint i;
-         if (pwent->pw_uid == 0) {
-                 g_debug ("user is root so account type is administrator");
-                 return ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR;
-         }
-@@ -261,60 +262,61 @@ user_update_from_pwent (User          *user,
-                 locked = TRUE;
-         }
-         else {
-                 locked = FALSE;
-         }
-         if (user->locked != locked) {
-                 user->locked = locked;
-                 changed = TRUE;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "locked");
-         }
-         if (passwd == NULL || passwd[0] != 0) {
-                 mode = PASSWORD_MODE_REGULAR;
-         }
-         else {
-                 mode = PASSWORD_MODE_NONE;
-         }
-         if (spent) {
-                 if (spent->sp_lstchg == 0) {
-                         mode = PASSWORD_MODE_SET_AT_LOGIN;
-                 }
-                 user->expiration_time = spent->sp_expire;
-                 user->last_change_time  = spent->sp_lstchg;
-                 user->min_days_between_changes = spent->sp_min;
-                 user->max_days_between_changes = spent->sp_max;
-                 user->days_to_warn  = spent->sp_warn;
-                 user->days_after_expiration_until_lock = spent->sp_inact;
-+                user->account_expiration_policy_known = TRUE;
-         }
-         if (user->password_mode != mode) {
-                 user->password_mode = mode;
-                 changed = TRUE;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "password-mode");
-         }
-         user->system_account = !user_classify_is_human (user->uid, user->user_name, pwent->pw_shell, passwd);
-         g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
-         if (changed)
-                 accounts_user_emit_changed (ACCOUNTS_USER (user));
- }
- void
- user_update_from_keyfile (User     *user,
-                           GKeyFile *keyfile)
- {
-         gchar *s;
-         g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (user));
-         s = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, "User", "Language", NULL);
-         if (s != NULL) {
-                 /* TODO: validate / normalize */
-                 g_free (user->language);
-                 user->language = s;
-                 g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (user), "language");
-@@ -1154,60 +1156,65 @@ user_set_x_session (AccountsUser          *auser,
-         if (!get_caller_uid (context, &uid)) {
-                 throw_error (context, ERROR_FAILED, "identifying caller failed");
-                 return FALSE;
-         }
-         if (user->uid == (uid_t) uid)
-                 action_id = "org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data";
-         else
-                 action_id = "org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration";
-         daemon_local_check_auth (user->daemon,
-                                  user,
-                                  action_id,
-                                  TRUE,
-                                  user_change_x_session_authorized_cb,
-                                  context,
-                                  g_strdup (x_session),
-                                  (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
-         return TRUE;
- }
- static void
- user_get_password_expiration_policy_authorized_cb (Daemon                *daemon,
-                                                    User                  *user,
-                                                    GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                                                    gpointer               data)
- {
-+        if (!user->account_expiration_policy_known) {
-+                throw_error (context, ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "account expiration policy unknown to accounts service");
-+                return;
-+        }
-         accounts_user_complete_get_password_expiration_policy (ACCOUNTS_USER (user),
-                                                                context,
-                                                                user->expiration_time,
-                                                                user->last_change_time,
-                                                                user->min_days_between_changes,
-                                                                user->max_days_between_changes,
-                                                                user->days_to_warn,
-                                                                user->days_after_expiration_until_lock);
- }
- static gboolean
- user_get_password_expiration_policy (AccountsUser          *auser,
-                                      GDBusMethodInvocation *context)
- {
-         User *user = (User*)auser;
-         int uid;
-         const gchar *action_id;
-         if (!get_caller_uid (context, &uid)) {
-                 throw_error (context, ERROR_FAILED, "identifying caller failed");
-                 return FALSE;
-         }
-         if (user->uid == (uid_t) uid)
-                 action_id = "org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data";
-         else
-                 action_id = "org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration";
-         daemon_local_check_auth (user->daemon,
-                                  user,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0017-lib-don-t-try-to-update-login-frequency-manually.patch b/SOURCES/0017-lib-don-t-try-to-update-login-frequency-manually.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5115683..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0017-lib-don-t-try-to-update-login-frequency-manually.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-From 94e16cbaba4e727af4fe40a039110c5d0f0eb467 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:00:19 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 17/17] lib: don't try to update login frequency manually
-The library will try to update the login frequency to 1 if the
-requested user isn't finished asynchronously loading yet, but we
-know they have an open session.
-That no longer works, since we no longer track login-frequency
-separately from the dbus proxy object.
-This commit drops the code, since it's unnecessary anyway.
-To be "on the safe side" we change the value returned for unloaded
-users from 0 to 1.  This is okay because the value is undefined
-before the user is loaded anyway.
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c | 6 ------
- src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c         | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-index 6c6628b..6efb772 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user-manager.c
-@@ -1663,66 +1663,60 @@ get_x11_display_for_new_session (ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session)
- static void
- maybe_add_new_session (ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session)
- {
-         ActUserManager *manager;
-         ActUser        *user;
-         gboolean        is_ours;
-         manager = ACT_USER_MANAGER (new_session->manager);
-         is_ours = TRUE;
-         if (new_session->x11_display == NULL) {
-                 g_debug ("AcUserManager: (mostly) ignoring session '%s' since it's not graphical",
-                          new_session->id);
-                 is_ours = FALSE;
-         } else if (session_is_login_window (manager, new_session->id)) {
-                 new_session->state = ACT_USER_MANAGER_NEW_SESSION_STATE_LOADED;
-                 unload_new_session (new_session);
-                 return;
-         } else if (!session_is_on_our_seat (manager, new_session->id)) {
-                 is_ours = FALSE;
-         }
-         user = act_user_manager_get_user_by_id (manager, new_session->uid);
-         if (user == NULL) {
-                 unload_new_session (new_session);
-                 return;
-         }
-         add_session_for_user (manager, user, new_session->id, is_ours);
--        /* if we haven't yet gotten the login frequency
--           then at least add one because the session exists */
--        if (act_user_get_login_frequency (user) == 0) {
--                _act_user_update_login_frequency (user, 1);
--        }
- }
- static void
- load_new_session (ActUserManager *manager,
-                   const char     *session_id)
- {
-         ActUserManagerNewSession *new_session;
-         new_session = g_slice_new0 (ActUserManagerNewSession);
-         new_session->manager = g_object_ref (manager);
-         new_session->id = g_strdup (session_id);
-         new_session->state = ACT_USER_MANAGER_NEW_SESSION_STATE_UNLOADED + 1;
-         new_session->cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
-         manager->priv->new_sessions = g_slist_prepend (manager->priv->new_sessions,
-                                                        new_session);
-         load_new_session_incrementally (new_session);
- }
- static void
- seat_session_added (GDBusProxy     *seat_proxy,
-                     const char     *session_id,
-                     ActUserManager *manager)
- {
-         g_debug ("ActUserManager: Session added: %s", session_id);
-         load_new_session (manager, session_id);
- }
-diff --git a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-index e21c9db..bc8b7f8 100644
---- a/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-+++ b/src/libaccountsservice/act-user.c
-@@ -705,61 +705,61 @@ act_user_get_location (ActUser *user)
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to an array of characters which must not be modified or
-  *  freed, or %NULL.
-  **/
- const char *
- act_user_get_user_name (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), NULL);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-                 return NULL;
-         return accounts_user_get_user_name (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_frequency:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the number of times @user has logged in.
-  *
-  * Returns: the login frequency
-  */
- int
- act_user_get_login_frequency (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), 0);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
--                return 0;
-+                return 1;
-         return accounts_user_get_login_frequency (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_time:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the last login time for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): the login time
-  */
- gint64
- act_user_get_login_time (ActUser *user)
- {
-         g_return_val_if_fail (ACT_IS_USER (user), 0);
-         if (user->accounts_proxy == NULL)
-                 return 0;
-         return accounts_user_get_login_time (user->accounts_proxy);
- }
- /**
-  * act_user_get_login_history:
-  * @user: a #ActUser
-  *
-  * Returns the login history for @user.
-  *
-  * Returns: (transfer none): a pointer to GVariant of type "a(xxa{sv})"
diff --git a/SPECS/accountsservice.spec b/SPECS/accountsservice.spec
index 5e13e8d..e65eb2f 100644
--- a/SPECS/accountsservice.spec
+++ b/SPECS/accountsservice.spec
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 %global _hardened_build 1
 Name:           accountsservice
-Version:        0.6.45
-Release:        7%{?dist}
+Version:        0.6.50
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
-Group:          System Environment/Daemons
 License:        GPLv3+
-URL:            http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/UserAccountDialog
+URL:            https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/AccountsService/
 #VCS: git:git://git.freedesktop.org/accountsservice
 Source0:        http://www.freedesktop.org/software/accountsservice/accountsservice-%{version}.tar.xz
@@ -23,32 +22,15 @@ BuildRequires:  git
 Requires:       polkit
 Requires:       shadow-utils
-Requires(post): systemd-units
-Requires(preun): systemd-units
-Requires(postun): systemd-units
-Patch0: 0001-daemon-don-t-treat-explicitly-requested-users-as-cac.patch
-Patch1: 0001-lib-move-g_object_ref-call-for-clarity.patch
-Patch2: 0002-lib-leak-fix.patch
-Patch3: 0003-lib-another-leak-fix.patch
-Patch4: 0004-daemon-don-t-send-spurious-change-signals-when-wtmp-.patch
-Patch5: 0005-lib-consolidate-change-notification.patch
-Patch6: 0006-daemon-add-new-HasMultipleUsers-and-HasNoUsers-prope.patch
-Patch7: 0007-lib-use-new-has-multiple-users-property-from-account.patch
-Patch8: 0008-lib-factor-user-loading-functions-into-helpers.patch
-Patch9: 0009-lib-move-accounts-proxy-creation-to-helper.patch
-Patch10: 0010-lib-retry-connecting-to-accountsservice-when-loading.patch
-Patch11: 0011-lib-simplify-code-dramatically.patch
-Patch12: 0012-lib-don-t-track-user-added-user-removed-until-we-get.patch
-Patch13: 0013-lib-only-track-users-after-act_user_manager_list_use.patch
-Patch14: 0014-lib-fix-crasher-if-accounts-proxy-is-unavailable.patch
-Patch15: 0015-act-user-Prevent-segfault-if-accounts_proxy-is-not-c.patch
-Patch16: 0016-daemon-don-t-return-account-expiration-policy-if-not.patch
-Patch17: 0017-lib-don-t-try-to-update-login-frequency-manually.patch
+Patch0: 0001-lib-don-t-set-loaded-state-until-seat-is-fetched.patch
+The accountsservice project provides a set of D-Bus interfaces for
+querying and manipulating user account information and an implementation
+of these interfaces, based on the useradd, usermod and userdel commands.
 %package libs
 Summary: Client-side library to talk to accountsservice
-Group: Development/Libraries
 Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description libs
@@ -56,10 +38,8 @@ The accountsservice-libs package contains a library that can
 be used by applications that want to interact with the accountsservice
 %package devel
 Summary: Development files for accountsservice-libs
-Group: Development/Libraries
 Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
 %description devel
@@ -67,12 +47,6 @@ The accountsservice-devel package contains headers and other
 files needed to build applications that use accountsservice-libs.
-The accountsservice project provides a set of D-Bus interfaces for
-querying and manipulating user account information and an implementation
-of these interfaces, based on the useradd, usermod and userdel commands.
 %autosetup -S git
@@ -127,6 +101,20 @@ rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a
+* Thu Jul 19 2018 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 0.6.50-2
+- Fix user switching
+  Resolves: #1597350
+* Thu Jul 19 2018 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 0.6.50-1
+- Update to 0.6.50
+  Related: #1576538
+  Related:  1596735
+  Related:  1602918
+* Fri Jun 01 2018 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 0.6.49-1
+- Update to 0.6.49
+  Resolves: #1576538
 * Wed Feb 14 2018 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 0.6.45-7
 - Fix bug leading to harmless error in log
   Resolves: #1544640