diff --git a/.NetworkManager.metadata b/.NetworkManager.metadata
index 23f4a1b..609fa38 100644
--- a/.NetworkManager.metadata
+++ b/.NetworkManager.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-ef387c30c8fc0a1aea7c11dc6ef20afbb8c9616c SOURCES/NetworkManager-1.8.0.tar.xz
+e4559b3656b1be83a712e6d1c296becd7ca84921 SOURCES/NetworkManager-1.10.2.tar.xz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c89fae3..fd9df0e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/00-server.conf b/SOURCES/00-server.conf
index eede0c8..ba3d29f 100644
--- a/SOURCES/00-server.conf
+++ b/SOURCES/00-server.conf
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
-# This configuration file, when placed into into
-# /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d changes NetworkManager's behavior to
+# This configuration file changes NetworkManager's behavior to
 # what's expected on "traditional UNIX server" type deployments.
 # See "man NetworkManager.conf" for more information about these
 # and other keys.
-# Do not edit this file; it will be overwritten on upgrades. If you
-# want to override the values here, or set additional values, you can
-# do so by adding another file (eg, "99-local.conf") to this directory
-# and setting keys there.
 # Do not do automatic (DHCP/SLAAC) configuration on ethernet devices
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-cloned-mac-address-permanent-rh1413312.patch b/SOURCES/0001-cloned-mac-address-permanent-rh1413312.patch
index 5c73b5e..e645a74 100644
--- a/SOURCES/0001-cloned-mac-address-permanent-rh1413312.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-cloned-mac-address-permanent-rh1413312.patch
@@ -1,21 +1,44 @@
-From 14dc1e18cf8a7595ca4d4b04203fc8ff7f0a29ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From cf4fabd8dd1235312ebc21becda6378b770eb822 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
 Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 20:25:56 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Revert "device: change default value for
- cloned-mac-address to "preserve" (bgo#770611)"
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "device: change default value for cloned-mac-address
+ to "preserve" (bgo#770611)"
 This reverts commit fae5ecec5a4d9987a1915441602cb78275a9f490.
- libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c    | 7 +++----
- libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c | 7 +++----
- man/NetworkManager.conf.xml      | 4 ++--
- src/devices/nm-device.c          | 3 ++-
- 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+ clients/common/settings-docs.c.in | 4 ++--
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c     | 7 +++----
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c  | 7 +++----
+ man/NetworkManager.conf.xml       | 4 ++--
+ src/devices/nm-device.c           | 3 ++-
+ 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in b/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
+index bf544ab6e..12991cc06 100644
+--- a/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
++++ b/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_BAND N_("802.11 frequency band of the network.  One of \"a\" for 5GHz 802.11a or \"bg\" for 2.4GHz 802.11.  This will lock associations to the Wi-Fi network to the specific band, i.e. if \"a\" is specified, the device will not associate with the same network in the 2.4GHz band even if the network's settings are compatible.  This setting depends on specific driver capability and may not work with all drivers.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_BSSID N_("If specified, directs the device to only associate with the given access point.  This capability is highly driver dependent and not supported by all devices.  Note: this property does not control the BSSID used when creating an Ad-Hoc network and is unlikely to in the future.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_CHANNEL N_("Wireless channel to use for the Wi-Fi connection.  The device will only join (or create for Ad-Hoc networks) a Wi-Fi network on the specified channel.  Because channel numbers overlap between bands, this property also requires the \"band\" property to be set.")
+-#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\".")
++#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\".")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_GENERATE_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK N_("With \"cloned-mac-address\" setting \"random\" or \"stable\", by default all bits of the MAC address are scrambled and a locally-administered, unicast MAC address is created. This property allows to specify that certain bits are fixed. Note that the least significant bit of the first MAC address will always be unset to create a unicast MAC address. If the property is NULL, it is eligible to be overwritten by a default connection setting. If the value is still NULL or an empty string, the default is to create a locally-administered, unicast MAC address. If the value contains one MAC address, this address is used as mask. The set bits of the mask are to be filled with the current MAC address of the device, while the unset bits are subject to randomization. Setting \"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00\" means to preserve the OUI of the current MAC address and only randomize the lower 3 bytes using the \"random\" or \"stable\" algorithm. If the value contains one additional MAC address after the mask, this address is used instead of the current MAC address to fill the bits that shall not be randomized. For example, a value of \"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00 68:F7:28:00:00:00\" will set the OUI of the MAC address to 68:F7:28, while the lower bits are randomized. A value of \"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00\" will create a fully scrambled globally-administered, burned-in MAC address. If the value contains more than one additional MAC addresses, one of them is chosen randomly. For example, \"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 02:00:00:00:00:00\" will create a fully scrambled MAC address, randomly locally or globally administered.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_HIDDEN N_("If TRUE, indicates this network is a non-broadcasting network that hides its SSID.  In this case various workarounds may take place, such as probe-scanning the SSID for more reliable network discovery.  However, these workarounds expose inherent insecurities with hidden SSID networks, and thus hidden SSID networks should be used with caution.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, this connection will only apply to the Wi-Fi device whose permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing).")
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_802_1X_SUBJECT_MATCH N_("Substring to be matched against the subject of the certificate presented by the authentication server. When unset, no verification of the authentication server certificate's subject is performed.  This property provides little security, if any, and its use is deprecated in favor of NMSetting8021x:domain-suffix-match.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_802_1X_SYSTEM_CA_CERTS N_("When TRUE, overrides the \"ca-path\" and \"phase2-ca-path\" properties using the system CA directory specified at configure time with the --system-ca-path switch.  The certificates in this directory are added to the verification chain in addition to any certificates specified by the \"ca-cert\" and \"phase2-ca-cert\" properties. If the path provided with --system-ca-path is rather a file name (bundle of trusted CA certificates), it overrides \"ca-cert\" and \"phase2-ca-cert\" properties instead (sets ca_cert/ca_cert2 options for wpa_supplicant).")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_AUTO_NEGOTIATE N_("If TRUE, enforce auto-negotiation of port speed and duplex mode.  If FALSE, \"speed\" and \"duplex\" properties should be both set or link configuration will be skipped.")
+-#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\".")
++#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\".")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_DUPLEX N_("Can be specified only when \"auto-negotiate\" is \"off\". In that case, statically configures the device to use that specified duplex mode, either \"half\" or \"full\". Must be set together with the \"speed\" property if specified. Before specifying a duplex mode be sure your device supports it.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_GENERATE_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK N_("With \"cloned-mac-address\" setting \"random\" or \"stable\", by default all bits of the MAC address are scrambled and a locally-administered, unicast MAC address is created. This property allows to specify that certain bits are fixed. Note that the least significant bit of the first MAC address will always be unset to create a unicast MAC address. If the property is NULL, it is eligible to be overwritten by a default connection setting. If the value is still NULL or an empty string, the default is to create a locally-administered, unicast MAC address. If the value contains one MAC address, this address is used as mask. The set bits of the mask are to be filled with the current MAC address of the device, while the unset bits are subject to randomization. Setting \"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00\" means to preserve the OUI of the current MAC address and only randomize the lower 3 bytes using the \"random\" or \"stable\" algorithm. If the value contains one additional MAC address after the mask, this address is used instead of the current MAC address to fill the bits that shall not be randomized. For example, a value of \"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00 68:F7:28:00:00:00\" will set the OUI of the MAC address to 68:F7:28, while the lower bits are randomized. A value of \"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00\" will create a fully scrambled globally-administered, burned-in MAC address. If the value contains more than one additional MAC addresses, one of them is chosen randomly. For example, \"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 02:00:00:00:00:00\" will create a fully scrambled MAC address, randomly locally or globally administered.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_WIRED_MAC_ADDRESS N_("If specified, this connection will only apply to the Ethernet device whose permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing).")
 diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
-index 5569f55..9bf8255 100644
+index 9d255e1d0..f36283a7e 100644
 --- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
 +++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
 @@ -1144,8 +1144,8 @@ nm_setting_wired_class_init (NMSettingWiredClass *setting_wired_class)
@@ -27,9 +50,9 @@ index 5569f55..9bf8255 100644
 +	 * If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its
 +	 * permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing.
- 	 * Beside explicitly specifing a MAC address, the special values "preserve", "permanent",
+ 	 * Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values "preserve", "permanent",
  	 * "random" and "stable" are supported.
-@@ -1156,8 +1156,7 @@ nm_setting_wired_class_init (NMSettingWiredClass *setting_wired_class)
+@@ -1157,8 +1157,7 @@ nm_setting_wired_class_init (NMSettingWiredClass *setting_wired_class)
  	 * machine dependent key.
  	 * If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual
@@ -40,7 +63,7 @@ index 5569f55..9bf8255 100644
  	 * On D-Bus, this field is expressed as "assigned-mac-address" or the deprecated
  	 * "cloned-mac-address".
 diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c
-index 8ae84d4..316e812 100644
+index 0a3915bfc..8f457ffcc 100644
 --- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c
 +++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c
 @@ -1350,8 +1350,8 @@ nm_setting_wireless_class_init (NMSettingWirelessClass *setting_wireless_class)
@@ -52,7 +75,7 @@ index 8ae84d4..316e812 100644
 +	 * If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its
 +	 * permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing.
- 	 * Beside explicitly specifing a MAC address, the special values "preserve", "permanent",
+ 	 * Beside explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values "preserve", "permanent",
  	 * "random" and "stable" are supported.
 @@ -1362,8 +1362,7 @@ nm_setting_wireless_class_init (NMSettingWirelessClass *setting_wireless_class)
  	 * machine dependent key.
@@ -65,10 +88,10 @@ index 8ae84d4..316e812 100644
  	 * On D-Bus, this field is expressed as "assigned-mac-address" or the deprecated
  	 * "cloned-mac-address".
 diff --git a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-index 658fd7c..2a8ba76 100644
+index 446540aa1..fc106a51e 100644
 --- a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
 +++ b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
+@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
@@ -77,7 +100,7 @@ index 658fd7c..2a8ba76 100644
-@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
+@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
@@ -87,10 +110,10 @@ index 658fd7c..2a8ba76 100644
 diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index da581a0..9c30790 100644
+index afc81dcde..f75cc86e3 100644
 --- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
 +++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -13059,7 +13059,8 @@ _get_cloned_mac_address_setting (NMDevice *self, NMConnection *connection, gbool
+@@ -13624,7 +13624,8 @@ _get_cloned_mac_address_setting (NMDevice *self, NMConnection *connection, gbool
  		                                           is_wifi ? "wifi.cloned-mac-address" : "ethernet.cloned-mac-address",
@@ -101,5 +124,5 @@ index da581a0..9c30790 100644
  		if (!a) {
  			if (is_wifi) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-nm-wait-online-not-require-nm-service-rh1520865.patch b/SOURCES/0002-nm-wait-online-not-require-nm-service-rh1520865.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69296ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-nm-wait-online-not-require-nm-service-rh1520865.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 5ad9e8b26c48b456251175eb211fd52f6b8d207c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2017 14:20:35 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Revert "systemd: let "NetworkManager-wait-online.service"
+ require "NetworkManager.service""
+Upstream changes "NetworkManager-wait-online.service" to require NM.
+ - https://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/commit/?id=28b97f02f64ecf94e22c8929dfd0ba64151bd9d3
+ - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1452866#c50
+ - https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/9db307820e6f545665fc87f255af737228b7183c
+This is a change in behavior, that we want to avoid for RHEL.
+See also Fedora bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1513613
+This reverts commit 28b97f02f64ecf94e22c8929dfd0ba64151bd9d3.
+Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1520865
+ data/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.in | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/data/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.in b/data/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.in
+index 896324685..1753d2039 100644
+--- a/data/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.in
++++ b/data/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.in
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ [Unit]
+ Description=Network Manager Wait Online
+ Documentation=man:nm-online(1)
+ After=NetworkManager.service
+ Before=network-online.target
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-utils-fix-maybe-uninitialized-in-nm-udev-utils.c.patch b/SOURCES/0002-utils-fix-maybe-uninitialized-in-nm-udev-utils.c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ac84527..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-utils-fix-maybe-uninitialized-in-nm-udev-utils.c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From 1ea56b82121d3f024859da41337cf2406e7f2e61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 15:31:15 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] utils: fix maybe-uninitialized in "nm-udev-utils.c"
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-      CC       shared/nm-utils/libnm_core_libnm_core_la-nm-udev-utils.lo
-    In file included from ./shared/nm-utils/nm-glib.h:27:0,
-                     from ./shared/nm-utils/nm-macros-internal.h:29,
-                     from ./shared/nm-default.h:178,
-                     from shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c:21:
-    shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c: In function ‘nm_udev_client_enumerate_new’:
-    ./shared/nm-utils/gsystem-local-alloc.h:53:50: error: ‘to_free’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
-     GS_DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION(void*, gs_local_free, g_free)
-                                                      ^~~~~~
-    shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c:147:18: note: ‘to_free’ was declared here
-        gs_free char *to_free;
-                      ^~~~~~~
-    In file included from ./shared/nm-utils/nm-glib.h:27:0,
-                     from ./shared/nm-utils/nm-macros-internal.h:29,
-                     from ./shared/nm-default.h:178,
-                     from shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c:21:
-    shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c: In function ‘nm_udev_client_new’:
-    ./shared/nm-utils/gsystem-local-alloc.h:53:50: error: ‘to_free’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]
-     GS_DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION(void*, gs_local_free, g_free)
-                                                      ^~~~~~
-    shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c:243:20: note: ‘to_free’ was declared here
-          gs_free char *to_free;
-                        ^~~~~~~
-Fixes: e32839838e5ea74ba490cf912e20939afa0e4f40
-(cherry picked from commit 0893c3756ef898f8fe6e2367d5167a345299dcd4)
-(cherry picked from commit e2902f61a4462e6d197a20bf3d0ab996b64305b1)
- shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-index 5552d59..bf0ad5b 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ nm_udev_utils_enumerate (struct udev *uclient,
- 		for (n = 0; subsystems[n]; n++) {
- 			const char *subsystem;
- 			const char *devtype;
--			gs_free char *to_free;
-+			gs_free char *to_free = NULL;
- 			_subsystem_split (subsystems[n], &subsystem, &devtype, &to_free);
-@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ nm_udev_client_new (const char *const*subsystems,
- 			/* install subsystem filters to only wake up for certain events */
- 			for (n = 0; self->subsystems[n]; n++) {
- 				if (self->monitor) {
--					gs_free char *to_free;
-+					gs_free char *to_free = NULL;
- 					const char *subsystem;
- 					const char *devtype;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-fix-device-run-state-unknown-rh1440171.patch b/SOURCES/0003-fix-device-run-state-unknown-rh1440171.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2778b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-fix-device-run-state-unknown-rh1440171.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-From f2d099c8c534ee426dbc31a3a61fcf27c18b92d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 19:26:28 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] core: cleanup logging reading device-state
-- print string value instead of numerical "managed"
-- for missing state, print the same format. After all,
-  some defaults apply and it is interesting to know what
-  they are.
-(cherry picked from commit 81008c90ac9832ade1c9783078823fdd45221225)
-(cherry picked from commit 8da225283b9977554a6b78e73dc03d22b8703027)
- src/nm-config.c | 30 +++++++++++++-----------------
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
-index 2cdf855..954cad7 100644
---- a/src/nm-config.c
-+++ b/src/nm-config.c
-@@ -1873,6 +1873,13 @@ _nm_config_state_set (NMConfig *self,
-+NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (_device_state_managed_type_to_str, NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType,
- static NMConfigDeviceStateData *
- _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
- {
-@@ -1968,27 +1975,16 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
- 	device_state = _config_device_state_data_new (ifindex, kf);
--	if (kf) {
--		_LOGT ("device-state: read #%d (%s); managed=%d%s%s%s%s%s%s",
--		       ifindex, path,
--		       device_state->managed,
--		       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", device_state->connection_uuid, "", ""),
--		       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""));
--	} else {
--		_LOGT ("device-state: read #%d (%s); no persistent state",
--		       ifindex, path);
--	}
-+	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
-+	       kf ? "read" : "miss",
-+	       ifindex, path,
-+	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (device_state->managed),
-+	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", device_state->connection_uuid, "", ""),
-+	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""));
- 	return device_state;
- }
--NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (_device_state_managed_type_to_str, NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType,
- gboolean
- nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
-                               NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
-From 41ff1247a2dcfd6c781cbce2fac12ab6ae657727 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 19:40:55 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] core: fix reading device state file
-For manged=unknown, we don't write the value to the
-device state keyfile. The results in an empty file,
-or at least, a keyfile that doesn't have device.managed
-On read, we must treat a missing device.managed flag as
-unknown, and not as unmanaged. Otherwise, on restart
-a device becomes marked as explicitly unmanaged.
-This was broken by commit 142ebb1 "core: only persist explicit managed
-state in device's state file", where we started conditionally
-to no longer write the managed state.
-Reported-by: Michael Biebl <mbiebl@debian.org>
-Fixes: 142ebb10376ec592593f15b0359f38be89c97620
-(cherry picked from commit 348ffdec183ee198499dad1365906e8d16ff4122)
-(cherry picked from commit 33d3ec3b3e5d2e737afc8db6c64850e67db5c12d)
- src/nm-config.c | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
-index 954cad7..54ccf9a 100644
---- a/src/nm-config.c
-+++ b/src/nm-config.c
-@@ -1894,21 +1894,23 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
- 	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
- 	if (kf) {
--		gboolean managed;
--		managed = nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
--		                                         DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
--		                                         DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_MANAGED,
--		                                         FALSE);
--		managed_type = managed
--		if (managed) {
-+		switch (nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
-+		                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
-+		                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_MANAGED,
-+		                                       -1)) {
-+		case TRUE:
- 			connection_uuid = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
- 			                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
- 			                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_UUID,
- 			                                               NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP | NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY);
-+			break;
-+		case FALSE:
-+			break;
-+		case -1:
-+			/* missing property in keyfile. */
-+			break;
- 		}
- 		perm_hw_addr_fake = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-po-import-translations-rh1481186.patch b/SOURCES/0003-po-import-translations-rh1481186.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165b2d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0003-po-import-translations-rh1481186.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56913 @@
+From b69f6c9e747149e18ef4b6fc88b81b4f2d9837b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:46:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] po: add zanata.xml
+ zanata.xml | 16 ++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 zanata.xml
+diff --git a/zanata.xml b/zanata.xml
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c3baa18
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/zanata.xml
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
++	Maintainers:
++	do a "make -C po NetworkManager.pot" before "zanata-cli push"
++<config xmlns="http://zanata.org/namespace/config/">
++	<url>https://vendors.zanata.redhat.com/</url>
++	<project>networkmanager</project>
++	<project-version>RHEL-7.5</project-version>
++	<project-type>gettext</project-type>
++	<src-dir>po</src-dir>
++	<trans-dir>po</trans-dir>
++	<rules/>
+From 24d106994d46830bacaa4df8c7c7efe24d632b07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:42:05 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] po: import translations
+ po/de.po    | 1871 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/es.po    | 1892 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/fr.po    | 2054 +++++++++++++++--------------
+ po/it.po    | 1894 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/ja.po    | 4126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
+ po/ko.po    | 1889 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/pt_BR.po | 1892 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/ru.po    | 1889 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/zh_CN.po | 1891 +++++++++++++++------------
+ po/zh_TW.po | 1878 +++++++++++++++------------
+ 10 files changed, 11947 insertions(+), 9329 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
+index b198c2f..986b2fe 100644
+--- a/po/de.po
++++ b/po/de.po
+@@ -15,20 +15,21 @@
+ # Christian Kirbach <christian.kirbach@gmail.com>, 2009-2014.
+ # Benjamin Steinwender <b@stbe.at>, 2014.
+ # Hedda Peters <hpeters@redhat.com>, 2014.
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Project-Id-Version: NetworkManager HEAD\n"
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-14 00:26+0200\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Christian Kirbach <christian.kirbach@gmail.com>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Deutsch <gnome-de@gnome.org>\n"
+ "Language: de\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ msgstr "Verbindung(en) (Name, UUID oder Pfad)"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Verbindung(en) (Name, UUID oder a-Pfad)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <KENNUNG> [<Augabedatei>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Die globale Option »--show-secrets« zeigt zusätzlich zugehörige Passwörter "
+ "an.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passwd-file - Datei mit Passwörtern zum Aktivieren der Verbindung\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "anhand dessen Name, UUID oder D-Bus-Pfad identifiziert.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -703,7 +704,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "                  [ip6 <IPv6-Adresse>] [gw6 <IPv6-Gateway>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -752,7 +753,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "und der id (wird als Parameter <Neuer Name> angegeben).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -803,7 +804,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Fügt ein neues Verbindungsprofil in einem interaktiven Editor hinzu.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -822,7 +823,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Das Profil wird anhand dessen Name, UUID oder D-Bus-Pfad identifiziert.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -844,7 +845,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Es werden alle Verbindungsprofile überwacht, sofern keines angegeben wird.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Lädt alle Verbindungsdateien neu von der Festplatte.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -880,7 +881,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "um sicherzustellen, dass der NetworkManager die Änderungen übernimmt.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -906,7 +907,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -927,23 +928,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "sofern eine angegeben wird.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "wird aktiviert"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "aktiviert"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "wird deaktiviert"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "deaktiviert"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -951,65 +952,65 @@ msgstr "deaktiviert"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "unbekannt"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "VPN wird verbunden (wird vorbereitet)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "VPN wird verbunden (Legitimierung wird benötigt)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "VPN wird verbunden"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "VPN wird verbunden (IP-Einstellungen werden ermittelt)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN verbunden"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "VPN-Verbindung gescheitert"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN getrennt"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Geheimnisse für %s: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Details des Verbindungsprofils"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »connection show«: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "nie"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -1020,16 +1021,16 @@ msgstr "nie"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ja"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -1040,65 +1041,65 @@ msgstr "ja"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nein"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Verbindungsdetails aktivieren"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "Ungültiges Feld »%s«; erlaubte Felder: %s und %s oder %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "»%s« muss allein stehen"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "Falsche Zeichenkette »%s« der Option »--order«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "Falsches Objekt »%s« der Option »--order«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr "Keine Verbindung angegeben"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr "Argument %s fehlt"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "Unbekannte Verbindung »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "Argument »--order« fehlt"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager aktive Profile"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager Verbindungsprofile"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -1112,14 +1113,14 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager Verbindungsprofile"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Argument %s fehlt."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindungsprofil %s existiert nicht."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -1128,239 +1129,239 @@ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindungsprofil %s existiert nicht."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "Keine aktive Verbindung auf Gerät »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "Keine aktive Verbindung oder Gerät"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr "Gerät »%s« ist nicht mit der Verbindung »%s« kompatibel:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "Gerät »%s« ist nicht mit der Verbindung »%s« kompatibel"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "Für die Verbindung »%s« wurde kein Gerät gefunden"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Verbindung wurde erfolgreich aktiviert (aktiver D-Bus-Pfad: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung wurde erfolgreich aktiviert (aktiver D-Bus-Pfad: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Aktivierung der Verbindung ist gescheitert: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Zeitbeschränkung (%d Sekunden) ist abgelaufen."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Lesen der passwd-Datei »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Fehlender Doppelpunkt im Passwort-Eintrag »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Fehlender Punkt im Passwort-Eintrag »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger Einstellungsname im Passwort-Eintrag »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "Unbekanntes Gerät »%s«."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "weder eine gültige Verbindung noch ein Gerät angegeben"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Unbekannter Parameter: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "Vorbereitung läuft"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung »%s« (%s) erfolgreich gelöscht.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Verbindung »%s« wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert (aktiver D-Bus-Pfad: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Keine Verbindung angegeben."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »%s« ist keine aktive Verbindung.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Es wurden nicht alle aktiven Verbindungen gefunden."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Keine aktive Verbindung angegeben."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Deaktivierung der Verbindung »%s« ist gescheitert: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist nicht unter [%s]"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Unbekannter Fehler"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "Warnung: master=»%s« bezieht sich auf kein vorhandenes Profil.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültige Eigenschaft »%s«: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ändern ist fehlgeschlagen %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Entfernen eines Wertes von %s.%s: %s ist fehlgeschlagen."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Fehler: »%s« ist zwingend erforderlich."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unzulässiger Slave-Typ; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannter Verbindungstyp: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Falscher Verbindungstyp: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »%s«: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »master« ist notwendig"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Fehler beim Hinzufügen der bond-Option »%s=%s«."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Fehler: »%s« ist kein gültiger Überwachungsmodus; verwenden Sie »%s« oder "
+ "»%s«.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Fehler: »bt-type«: »%s« ist nicht gültig. Verwenden Sie [%s, %s, %s (%s), "
+ "%s]."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Wert für »%s« fehlt."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Argument für Einstellung fehlt."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültige oder nicht zulässige Einstellung »%s«: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "Fehler: '%s' ist mehrdeutig (%s.%s oder %s.%s)."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Einstellungsname: »%s«."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindung »%s« konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1371,12 +1372,12 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung »%s« (%s) erfolgreich hinzugefügt.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+@@ -1385,36 +1386,36 @@ msgstr ""
+ "fertig sind.\n"
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "Es gibt %d optionale Einstellung für »%s«.\n"
+ msgstr[1] "Es gibt %d optionale Einstellungen für »%s«.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "Möchten Sie es zur Verfügung stellen? »%s«"
+ msgstr[1] "Möchten Sie diese zur Verfügung stellen? »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ein Wert ist für den Parameter »%s« notwendig."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: »save«: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Das Argument »%s« ist notwendig."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "['%s' Werte werden gesetzt]\n"
+@@ -1423,7 +1424,7 @@ msgstr "['%s' Werte werden gesetzt]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1459,7 +1460,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <Wert>                  :: nmcli-Konfiguration\n"
+ "quit                                           :: nmcli beenden\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1479,7 +1480,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "           nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "           nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1501,7 +1502,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Beispiele: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "           nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1516,7 +1517,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: nmcli> s con.id Meine Verbindung\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1529,7 +1530,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Zeigt die Eigenschaftsbeschreibung. Sie können die Hilfeseite nm-settings(5) "
+ "zu Rate ziehen, um alle Einstellungen und Eigenschaften nachzulesen.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1544,7 +1545,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1570,7 +1571,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "           nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "           nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1597,7 +1598,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Verbindung volständig löschen möchten, so muss das Verbindungsprofil\n"
+ "gelöscht werden.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1619,7 +1620,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<Zugriffspunkt>|<nsp> - Zugriffspunkt (WLAN) oder NSP (WiMAX) (stellen Sie "
+ "»/« voraus wenn <Schnittstelle> nicht angegeben wird)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1628,7 +1629,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back :: Eine Menüebene nach oben gehen\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1637,7 +1638,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: Hilfe zu den nmcli-Befehlen\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1664,7 +1665,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "           nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "           nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1677,8 +1678,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Dieser Befehl beendet nmcli. Wenn die Verbindung in Bearbeitung nicht "
+ "gespeichert ist wird der Benutzer gefragt, die Aktion zu bestätigen.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl: »%s«\n"
+@@ -1686,7 +1687,7 @@ msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl: »%s«\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1715,7 +1716,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ausgeben\n"
+ "quit                             :: nmcli beenden\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1726,7 +1727,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dieser Befehl setzt den <Wert> für die Eigenschaft\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1741,7 +1742,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "die Eigenschaft ein Container-Typ ist. Für einwertige Eigenschaften wird der "
+ "Wert ersetzt (genau wie »set«).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1752,7 +1753,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Zeigt den aktuellen Wert an und lässt ihn bearbeiten.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1787,7 +1788,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1801,7 +1802,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "settings(5)« alle NetworkManager- Einstellungen und Eigenschaften "
+ "nachlesen.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1816,7 +1817,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Zeigt Eigenschaftswerte an. Wenn Sie ein Argument angeben, werden auch Werte "
+ "für die gesamten Einstellungen oder Verbindungen angezeigt.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1825,12 +1826,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: Hilfe zu den nmcli-Befehlen\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Aktivierung der Verbindung ist gescheitert.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1838,18 +1839,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ "werden.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Typ: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Die Verbindung wurde noch nicht gespeichert. Möchten Sie wirklich beenden? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1858,66 +1859,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Das Verbindungsprofil wurde von einem anderen Client gelöscht. Sie können "
+ "»save« im Hauptmenü eingeben, um es wiederherzustellen.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Gültige Werte für Eigenschaft »%s«: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Geben Sie den Wert »%s« ein: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Eigenschaft »%s« konnte nicht festgelegt werden: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Bearbeiten Sie den Wert »%s«: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Entfernen des Wertes »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Unbekanntes Befehlsargument: »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verfügbare Einstellungen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Einstellungsname: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verfügbare Eigenschaften: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Eigenschaft »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1928,12 +1929,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "gespeichert. Dadurch könnte die Verbindung sofort aktiviert werden.\n"
+ "Möchten Sie wirklich speichern? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Sie können die folgenden Einstellungen bearbeiten: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1942,221 +1943,221 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Das Verbindungsprofil wurde von einem anderen Client gelöscht. Sie können "
+ "»save« eingeben, um es wiederherzustellen.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Keine Einstellung gewählt. Gültig sind [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Verwenden Sie zuerst »goto <Einstellung>«, oder »set <Einstellung>."
+ "<Eigenschaft>«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiges Festlegen des Arguments »%s«. Gültig sind [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Fehlende Einstellung für die Eigenschaft »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültige Eigenschaft: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannte Einstellung »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Sie können die folgenden Eigenschaften bearbeiten: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Es wurde kein Argument angegeben; gültig sind [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Die Einstellung »%s« ist in der Verbindung nicht vorhanden.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: %s Eigenschaft, noch ist es ein Einstellungsname.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Verwenden Sie zuerst »goto <Einstellung>«, oder »describe <Einstellung>."
+ "<Eigenschaft>«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültige Eigenschaft: %s, kein gültiger Einstellungsname.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannte Einstellung: »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Die Einstellung »%s« ist in der Verbindung nicht vorhanden.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: ungültige Eigenschaft %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ", noch ein gültiger Einstellungsname"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Prüfungsoption: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Überprüfe Einstellung »%s«: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung überprüfen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "Der Fehler kann nicht automatisch behoben werden.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiges Argument »%s«\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Speichern von »%s« (%s) ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung »%s« (%s) erfolgreich gespeichert.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung »%s« (%s) erfolgreich aktualisiert.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Prüfung der Verbindung ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(Unbekannter Fehler)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Versuchen Sie »verify fix« auszuführen, um Fehler zu beheben.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Fehler: Verbindung ist nicht gespeichert. Geben Sie zuerst »save« ein.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindung ist ungültig: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindung kann nicht aktiviert werden: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Aktivieren der Verbindung »%s« (%s) ist fehlgeschlagen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Überwachen einer Verbindungsherstellung (drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste, "
+ "um fortzusetzen)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Statuszeile: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Speicherbestätigung: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »show-secrets«: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Falsche Farbe: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Aktuelle nmcli-Konfiguration:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationsoption »%s«. Gültig sind [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Fehler: es kann nur entweder »id«, »uuid« oder »path« festgelegt werden."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannte Verbindung »%s«."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Warnung: bestehende Verbindung »%s« wird bearbeitet. Das Argument »type« "
+ "wird ignoriert\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -2164,198 +2165,198 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Warnung: bestehende Verbindung »%s« wird bearbeitet. Das Argument »con-name« "
+ "wird ignoriert\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Gültige Verbindungstypen: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Verbindungstyp: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli interaktiver Verbindungs-Editor |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Bestehende Verbindung »%s« wird bearbeitet: »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Neue »%s«-Verbindung hinzufügen"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Tippen Sie »help« oder »?«, um verfügbare Befehle anzuzeigen."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Tippen Sie »describe [<Einstellung>.<Eigenschaft>]« für eine detaillierte "
+ "Eigenschaftenbeschreibung."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ändern der Verbindung »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "Verbindung »%s« (%s) erfolgreich bearbeitet.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) dupliziert als %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Neuer Verbindungsname: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Argument <neuer Name> fehlt."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Unbekannter zusätzlicher Parameter »%s«."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Es wurden nicht alle aktiven Verbindungen gelöscht."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Löschen der Verbindung fehlgeschlagen: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Es wurden nicht alle Verbindungen gefunden."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Fehler: Unbekannte Verbindung(en) »%s« kann/können nicht gelöscht werden."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: Verbindungsprofil hat sich geändert\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: Verbindungsprofil wurde erstellt\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: Verbindungsprofil wurde entfernt\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Erneutes Laden der Verbindung ist gescheitert: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Laden der Verbindung ist gescheitert: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Datei »%s« konnte nicht geladen werden\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "Datei zum Importieren: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Es wurden keine Argumente angegeben."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Warnung: »type« ist bereits angegeben, wird ignoriert.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Warnung: »file« ist bereits angegeben, wird ignoriert.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Unbekannter Parameter: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Das Argument »type« ist notwendig."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Das Argument »file« ist notwendig."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: VPN-Erweiterung für %s konnte nicht gefunden werden."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Laden der VPN-Erweiterung ist gescheitert: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Importieren von »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Dateiname zur Ausgabe: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Verbindung ist kein VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Temporäre Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Exportieren von »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Fehler: Lesen der temporären Datei »%s« ist fehlgeschlagen: %s."
+@@ -3967,29 +3968,29 @@ msgstr "»%s« ist kein Name eines VPN-Verbindungsprofils"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein Name eines bestehenden Profils"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Warnung: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Information: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "Unbekannt, wie der Eigenschaftswert ermittelt wird"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "Die Einstellung konnte nicht geändert werden"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[NM Eigenschaft-Beschreibung]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[nmcli-spezifische Beschreibung]"
+@@ -4372,9 +4373,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "Die Verwaltung des übergeordneten Geräts wurde geändert"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "Master-Verbindung ist fehlgeschlagen"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4496,245 +4496,245 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Die Standard-Route kann nicht hinzugefügt werden (NetworkManager kümmert "
+ "sich selbst darum)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "ungültige Prioritätsabbildung »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "Priorität »%s« ist ungültig (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr "PAC-Skript kann nicht aus Datei »%s« gelesen werden"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "Datei »%s« enthält kein gültiges utf-8"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "»%s« enthält kein kein gültiges PAC-Skript"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "Kein gültiges PAC-Skript"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr "Team-Konfiguration kann nicht aus Datei »%s« gelesen werden"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "Team-Konfigurationsdatei »%s« enthält ungültiges UTF-8"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr "»%s« enthält keine gültige Team-Konfiguration"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr "Team-Konfiguration muss ein JSON-Objekt sein"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(Vorgabe)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr "%s (%s)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist außerhalb des Bereichs [%lli, %lli]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige Zahl"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist außerhalb des Bereichs [0, %u]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige Ethernet MAC-Adresse"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige flag-Zahl. Verwenden Sie <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr "Die Summe »%s« ist größer als alle Flags => alle Flags gesetzt"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "ungültige Option »%s«. Verwenden Sie eine Kombination aus [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "ungültige Option »%s«. Verwenden Sie eine aus [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (Schlüssel)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (Passphrase)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (unbekannt)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (KEINES)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "REORDER_HEADERS, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (deaktiviert)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (aktiviert, öffentliche IP bevorzugen)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (aktiviert, temporäre IP bevorzugen)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (keine)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "Agent-Besitz, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "nicht gespeichert, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "nicht notwendig, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist ungültig. Verwenden Sie <Option>=<Wert>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "Kein Eintrag zum Entfernen vorhanden"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Index »%d« ist außerhalb des Bereichs <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Option »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "fehlende Option"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "»%s» ist ungültig"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "Flags »%u« sind ungültig. Verwenden Sie eine Kombination von %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige Zahl (oder außerhalb des Bereichs)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger hexadezimaler Wert"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die EAP-Methode »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält kein alternative Themen passend zu »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Berechtigung »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4772,186 +4772,217 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Der Verbindungstyp kann nicht geändert werden"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Berechtigung »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+ "»%s« ist kein gültiger Master; verwenden Sie einen Interfacenamen (ifname) "
+ "oder eine Verbindungskennung (UUID)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "Der Wert »%s» ist keine gültige UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die UUID »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (deaktiviert)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "aktiviert, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "sichtbar, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "willig, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges DCB-Flag"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "muss 8 mit Kommata getrennte Zahlen enthalten"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine Zahl zwischen 0 und %u (einschließlich) oder %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine Zahl zwischen 0 und %u (einschließlich)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr "Die Änderungen wirken sich erst aus wenn »%s« 1 enthält (aktiviert)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "Die Prozentzahlen der Bandbreiten müssen in Summe 100%% ergeben"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Die Kennung des SIM-Operators muss ein fünf- oder sechsstelliger MCCMNC-Code "
+ "sein"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger IBoIP P_Key"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "Vorgabe"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige IPv4-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht den DNS-Server »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Suchdomäne »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die DNS-Option »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die IP-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Gateway-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Route »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige IPv6-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine Zahl"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist ungültig. Verwenden Sie 0, 1 oder 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger Kanal. Verwenden Sie <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die UUID »%s«"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Route »%s«"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Abbildung »%s«"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Route »%s«"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Es werden nicht mehrere Abbildungen gleichzeitig unterstützt. Es wird die "
+ "erste verwendet (%s)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Abbildung »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "Keine Priorität zum Entfernen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Index »%d« ist außerhalb des Bereichs <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "»%s« darf nicht leer sein"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4960,23 +4991,23 @@ msgstr "»%s« darf nicht leer sein"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die MAC-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist ungültig. 2 oder 3 Zeichenketten müssen angegeben werden"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "Die Zeichenkette »%s« muss aus 1-199 Zeichen bestehen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4987,24 +5018,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  Option = <Wert>, Option = <Wert>,… \n"
+ "Mögliche Optionen sind: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger Kanal"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "»%ld« ist kein gültiger Kanal"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht das Protokoll »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -5013,58 +5044,58 @@ msgstr ""
+ "»%s« ist nicht kompatibel mit %s »%s«. Bitte ändern Sie den Schlüssel oder "
+ "legen Sie zuerst das richtige %s fest."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "Der WEP-Schlüssel ist vermutlich »%s«"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "Der WEP-Schlüsselindex wurde auf »%d« gesetzt"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "»%s« ist nicht kompatibel mit dem Typ »%s«. Bitte ändern oder löschen Sie "
+ "den Schlüssel."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger PSK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Primäre Schnittstelle der Bündelung [keine]"
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Überwachungsmodus der Bündelung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Bündelung »miimon« [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bündelung »downdelay« [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bündelung »updelay« [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Bündelung »arp-interval« [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Bündelung »arp-ip-target« [keines]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "LACP-Rate (»slow« oder »fast«) [slow]"
+@@ -5072,7 +5103,7 @@ msgstr "LACP-Rate (»slow« oder »fast«) [slow]"
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -5090,7 +5121,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5104,7 +5161,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "unterstützt.\n"
+ "Beispiel: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5118,7 +5175,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "unterstützt.\n"
+ "Beispiel: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5134,7 +5191,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "unterstützt.\n"
+ "Beispiel: /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5150,7 +5207,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "unterstützt.\n"
+ "Beispiel: /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -5172,8 +5229,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Beispiele: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "           ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -5189,83 +5246,83 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Benutzername"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Passwort [keines]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Bluetooth Geräteadresse"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "STP aktivieren [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "STP-Priorität [32768]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Weiterleitungsverzögerung [15]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello-Zeit [2]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Maximales Alter [20]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "Verfallszeit für MAC-Adressen [300]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr "IGMP-Snooping aktivieren [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Bridge-Port-Priorität [32]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Bridge-Port-STP-Pfadkosten [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Hairpin-Modus [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Benutzername [keiner]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -5281,7 +5338,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -5305,7 +5362,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -5321,25 +5378,25 @@ msgstr ""
+ "»unknown« (unbekannt), damit NetworkManager einen Wert mittels heuristischer "
+ "Analysen ermittelt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "APN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [automatisch]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [keiner]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnete Schnittstelle [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5349,11 +5406,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4-Adresse (IP[/plen]) [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5367,11 +5424,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4-Gateway [keines]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5394,7 +5451,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Beispiele: 3,\n"
+ " \n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5414,11 +5471,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6-Adresse (IP[/plen]) [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5432,11 +5489,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6-Gateway [keines]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5461,162 +5518,162 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "           abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnetes Gerät [keines]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Lokaler Endpunkt [keiner]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Entfernt"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnetes MACsec-Gerät oder UUID der Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr "Verschlüsselung aktivieren [ja]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr "MKA CAK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr "MKA_CKN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr "SCI-Port [1]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnetes MACVLAN-Gerät oder UUID der Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr "Tap [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "»OLPC Mesh« Kanal [1]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC-Adresse [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnetes PPPoE-Gerät"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Dienst [keiner]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "PPPoE Benutzername"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr "Nur Browser [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr "PAC-Adresse"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr "PAC-Skript"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "JSON-Konfiguration der Bündelung [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "Benutzerkennung [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "Gruppenkennung [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "PI aktivieren [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "VNET-Kopfbereich aktivieren [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "»multi queue« aktivieren [nein]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Übergeordnetes VLAN-Gerät oder UUID der Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN-Kennung <0-4094>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "VLAN-Flags (<0-7>) [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Eingehende Prioritätsumschlüsselungen [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Ausgehende Prioritätsumschlüsselungen [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VXLAN-Kennung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "Lokale Adresse [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Kleinster Quellport [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Größter Quellport [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Zielport [8472]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "WiMAX NSP-Name"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "Geklonte MAC [keine]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5627,7 +5684,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Beispiel: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5637,166 +5694,167 @@ msgstr ""
+ "»passphrase« (Passwort).\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr "Einstellungen für 802-1x"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "ADSL-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Bluetooth-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Bündel-Gerät"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Brückengerät"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Bridge-Port"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Mobile CDMA-Breitband-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr "DCB-Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr "Ersatzweise Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Mobile GSM-Breitband-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "InfiniBand-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv4-Protokoll"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv6-Protokoll"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr "IP-Tunnel-Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr "MACsec-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "MACVLAN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "»OLPC Mesh«-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+-msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+-msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+-msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr "PPP-Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr "Proxy"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr "Serielle Einstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Team-Gerät"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Team-Port"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "TUN-Gerät"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr "Benutzereinstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VXLAN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "WiMAX-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Kabelgebundenes Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "WLAN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr "WLAN-Sicherheitseinstellungen"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Name"
+@@ -5815,8 +5873,8 @@ msgstr "Eine Authentifizierungssitzung ist bereits aktiv."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Passwort"
+@@ -5829,7 +5887,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Passwort für geheimen Schlüssel"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Schlüssel"
+@@ -6008,14 +6066,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -6054,18 +6113,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6700,19 +6759,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7695,19 +7753,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "System-Netzwerke aktivieren oder deaktivieren"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "WLAN-Geräte aktivieren oder deaktivieren"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "WLAN-Geräte aktivieren oder deaktivieren"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7915,7 +7970,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr "Feld aus IP-Routen."
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7923,7 +7987,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7931,45 +8066,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7977,14 +8134,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7997,20 +8154,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -8018,32 +8175,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -8051,7 +8208,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -8061,93 +8218,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -8286,7 +8443,7 @@ msgstr "DSL-Verbindung %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Gebündelt"
+@@ -8298,7 +8455,7 @@ msgstr "Gebündelte Verbindung %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Brücke"
+@@ -8310,7 +8467,7 @@ msgstr "Brückenverbindung %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Bündelung"
+@@ -8472,7 +8629,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Slaves"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Modus"
+@@ -8507,7 +8664,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "ARP-Ziele"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Geklonte MAC-Adresse"
+@@ -8572,7 +8729,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8804,124 +8961,124 @@ msgstr "Bündelung"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN Kennung"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Client"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Zugriffspunkt"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Ad-Hoc Netzwerk"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Automatisch"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Keine"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Persönlich"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Unternehmen"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128-Bit-Schlüssel (Hexadezimal oder ASCII-Zeichen)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128 Bit Passphrase"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "Dynamisches WEP (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (Vorgabe)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Offenes System"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Gemeinsamer Schlüssel"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WLAN"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Kanal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Sicherheit"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(WPA-Unternehmen wird derzeit noch nicht unterstützt …)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "WEP-Index"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Legitimierung"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(Dynamisches WEP wird derzeit noch nicht unterstützt …)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8989,9 +9146,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "»openconnect« fehlgeschlagen mit Signal %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Aktivierung fehlgeschlagen"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9463,7 +9620,7 @@ msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Normalisieren der Verbindung"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9502,167 +9659,177 @@ msgstr "IP-Tunnel"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "Methode gab den Typ »%s« zurück, aber »%s« wurde erwartet"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "fehlende Zahl wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Zahl »%s« wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültige %s-Adresse wird ignoriert: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "Ungültiges Gateway »%s« für Route %s wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültige %s-Route wird ignoriert: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "unerwartetes Zeichen »%c« für Adresse %s: »%s« (Position %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "unerwartetes Zeichen »%c« für %s: »%s« (Position %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "unerwartetes Zeichen »%c« in Präfixlänge für %s: »%s« (Position %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Unsinn am Ende von Wert %s: »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "veraltetes Semikolon am Ende von Wert %s: »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "ungültige Präfixlänge für %s »%s«. Vorgabe %d wird verwendet"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "fehlende Präfixlänge für %s »%s«. Vorgabe %d wird verwendet"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige DNS-Server IPv4-Adresse »%s« wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige DNS-Server IPv6-Adresse »%s« wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Ungültiges Byte-Element »%d« wird ignoriert (nicht zwischen 0 und "
+ "einschließlich 255)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "Ungültige MAC-Adresse wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "ungültige SSID wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "ungültiges Rohpasswort wird ignoriert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "Zertifikat oder Schlüsseldatei »%s« ist nicht vorhanden"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "ungültiges Schlüssel/Zertifikat-Wertepaar »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr "ungültige PKCS#11-Adresse »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "ungültiger Wert für Schlüssel/Zertifikat ist kein gültiger blob"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "ungültiger Wert für Schlüssel/Zertifikat"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "ungültiger Paritätswert »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Team-Konfiguration wird ignoriert: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "Ungültige IP-Adresse: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "ungültiger Präfix %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Einstellungswerts: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "ungültiger negativer Wert (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "ungültiger Zeichen-Wert (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "ungültiger in64-Wert (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "zu große FLAGS-Eigenschaft »%s« (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Einstellungsname: »%s«."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger Einstellungsname »%s«"
+@@ -9714,7 +9881,7 @@ msgstr "Ungültiger privater Schlüssel in Phase 2"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9830,80 +9997,80 @@ msgstr "Die Verbindung »%s« erfordert die Einstellung »%s« oder »%s«"
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "Die Verbindung »%s« erfordert die Einstellung »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "ungültige Option »%s« oder deren Wert »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "es kann nur entweder »%s« oder »%s« festgelegt werden"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "zwingende Option »%s« fehlt"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "Fehler: »%s« ist kein gültiger Wert für »%s«."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "»%s=%s« ist nicht kompatibel mit »%s > 0«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist für die Option »%s« ungültig: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "Option »%s« ist nur gültig für »%s=%s«."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "»%s=%s« ist keine gültige Konfiguration für »%s«."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "Option »%s« erfordert, dass die Einstellung »%s« aktiv ist"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "Option »%s« ist leer"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige IPv4-Adresse für die Option »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Option »%s« ist nur gültig im Modus »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "»%s« und »%s« dürfen nicht unterschiedliche Werte haben"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "Option »%s« sollte eine Zeichenkette sein"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "Die Option »%s« ist im Modus »%s« ungültig"
+@@ -9912,7 +10079,7 @@ msgstr "Die Option »%s« ist im Modus »%s« ungültig"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "fehlende Einstellung"
+@@ -9920,7 +10087,7 @@ msgstr "fehlende Einstellung"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9929,19 +10096,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Für Verbindungen mit einer »%s«-Einstellung muss der Slave-Typ auf »%s« "
+ "gesetzt sein, hier ist es jedoch »%s«."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "Wert »%d« ist außerhalb des Bereichs <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9980,9 +10147,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "»%s« kann nicht ohne »%s« gesetzt werden"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "Keine aktive Verbindung auf Gerät »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10132,82 +10299,82 @@ msgstr "Ungültiges IPv6-Adressenpräfix »%u«"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Routing-Metrik »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "Unbekanntes Attribut"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger Attributtyp »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr "Parameter ist für eine IPv4-Route ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr "Parameter ist für eine IPv6-Route ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige IPv4-Adresse"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige IPv6-Adresse"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "ungültiger Präfix %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. DNS-Server-Adresse ist ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. IP-Adresse ist ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. IP-Adresse hat die Eigenschaft »label« mit einem ungültigen Typ"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. IP-Adresse hat den ungültigen Typ »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr ""
+ "»gateway« kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn keine Adressen eingerichtet sind"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "Gateway ist ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Zielwegwahl ist ungültig"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. Route darf nicht die Vorgabe-Route sein"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "ein Gateway ist nicht kompatibel mit »%s«"
+@@ -10365,16 +10532,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "»%d« ist kein gültiger Kanal"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger Schnittstellenname"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für Verbindungen mit einer »%s«-Einstellung muss der Slave-Typ auf »%s« "
+-"gesetzt sein, hier ist es jedoch »%s«."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10387,34 +10552,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für Verbindungen mit einer »%s«-Einstellung muss der Slave-Typ auf »%s« "
+-"gesetzt sein, hier ist es jedoch »%s«."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für Verbindungen mit einer »%s«-Einstellung muss der Slave-Typ auf »%s« "
+-"gesetzt sein, hier ist es jedoch »%s«."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Eine Slave-Verbindung mit gesetztem »%s« und dem Port-Typ »%s« erkennen. "
+-"»%s« sollte auf »%s« gesetzt werden."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "Einstellung »Erweiterung« fehlt"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10423,11 +10582,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für Verbindungen mit einer »%s«-Einstellung muss der Slave-Typ auf »%s« "
+-"gesetzt sein, hier ist es jedoch »%s«."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10436,36 +10593,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine gültige IP-Adresse"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger WLAN-Modus"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "Die vlan-ID muss im Bereich 0-4094 sein, ist aber %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges DCB-Flag"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger WLAN-Modus"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Eine Slave-Verbindung mit gesetztem »%s« und dem Port-Typ »%s« erkennen. "
+-"»%s« sollte auf »%s« gesetzt werden."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiger WLAN-Modus"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10504,11 +10659,76 @@ msgstr "Das Skript ist kein gültiges UTF8"
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr "dem Skript fehlt die Funktion FindProxyForURL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges Band"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "Daten fehlen"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "»%s« ist außerhalb des Bereichs [0, %u]"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "Schlüssel enthält ungültige Zeichen"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "Schlüssel enthält ungültige Zeichen"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr "Die Team-Konfiguration übersteigt die Größenbeschränkung"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "ungültiger Präfix %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "Dateiname fehlt"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "Unbekannte VPN-Erweiterung »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "fehlende Einstellung"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "Fehlende IPv4-Adresse"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10771,134 +10991,178 @@ msgstr "Passwort nicht gefunden"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "»Geheimnis« ist nicht festgelegt"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges Band"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "Ungültige Option »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "Es wurde kein Dienstname angegeben"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "Daten fehlen"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "Ungültige Option »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Abfragen der Datei %s schlug fehl: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "Keine Datei (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger Dateibesitzer %d für %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "Dateiberechtigungen für %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "%s zurückweisen"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "Der Pfad ist nicht absolut (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "Erweiterungs-Datei ist nicht vorhanden (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "Erweiterung ist keine gültige Datei (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "libtool-Archive werden nicht unterstützt (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "Binärdatei »%s« konnte nicht gefunden werden"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr "keine gültige Ethernet MAC-Adresse für die Maske an Position %lld"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr "Keine gültige Ethernet MAC-Adresse #%u an Position %lld"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr "Schnittstellenname ist zu kurz"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr "Schnittstellenname ist reserviert"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr "Schnittstellenname enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "Schnittstellenname ist länger als 15 Zeichen"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "Wert ist NULL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "Wert ist leer"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "Ungültiges JSON an Position %d (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "kein JSON-Objekt"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "kein gültiges UTF-8"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Unbekanntes Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger uint32-Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger uint8-Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger boolescher Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
+@@ -11274,19 +11538,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "Die Verbindung war keine »OLPC Mesh«-Verbindung."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "Die Verbindung war keine Brückenverbindung."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "Die Verbindung war keine Team-Verbindung."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "Die Verbindung war keine tun-Verbindung."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -12158,21 +12419,3 @@ msgstr "Unbekannte Protokollstufe »%s«"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Unbekannte Protokolldomäne »%s«"
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "Ungültiger Grund"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Verbindung wurde erfolgreich aktiviert (master wartet auf slaves) "
+-#~ "(aktiver D-Bus-Pfad: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "None"
+-#~ msgstr "Nichts"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~| msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+-#~ msgid "invalid route table sync value %d"
+-#~ msgstr "ungültiger Paritätswert »%s«"
+diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
+index fefb8b6..d0f5dcb 100644
+--- a/po/es.po
++++ b/po/es.po
+@@ -10,22 +10,20 @@
+ # Gladys Guerrero  <gguerrer@redhat.com>, 2010.
+ # Jorge González <jorgegonz@svn.gnome.org>, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011.
+ # Daniel Mustieles <daniel.mustieles@gmail.com>, 2012.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 06:16-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Español <gnome-es-list@gnome.org>\n"
+ "Language: es\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ msgstr "Conexión (nombre, UUID, o ruta): "
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Conexión (nombre, UUID, o ruta): "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "se tienen en cuenta. Use la opción global --show-secrets para revelar "
+ "también los secretos asociados.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "conexión\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -354,7 +352,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "UUID o ruta D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -506,7 +504,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -554,7 +552,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -576,7 +574,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ID (provisto como argumento <new name>).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -603,7 +601,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Añadir un nuevo perfil de conexión en un editor interactivo.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -622,7 +620,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "El perfil es identificado por su nombre, UUID o ruta  D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -645,7 +643,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ninguno.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -658,7 +656,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Recargar todos los archivos de conexión desde el disco.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -681,7 +679,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "estado más reciente.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -706,7 +704,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "configuración es importada por los complementos VPN de NetworkManager.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -727,24 +725,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nombre.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "activando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "activada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "desactivando"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: firewalld, version: 0.3.4, DocId: firewalld
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "desactivado"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -752,65 +750,65 @@ msgstr "desactivado"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "desconocido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "Conectando VPN (preparar)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "Conectando VPN (necesita autenticación)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "Conectando VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "Conectando VPN (obteniendo configuración IP)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN conectada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "Falló la conexión VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN desconectada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error al actualizar secretos para %s: %s \n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Detalles de perfil de conexiones"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "nunca"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -821,16 +819,16 @@ msgstr "nunca"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "sí"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -841,67 +839,67 @@ msgstr "sí"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Activar detalles de la conexión"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "Campo inválido '%s'; campos permitidos: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "el campo «%s» tiene que estar solo"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "cadena incorrecta '%s' de la opción '--order'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "ítem incorrecto '%s' en la opción '--order'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "Falta el argumento '--order'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "Perfiles activos de NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "Perfiles de conexiones NetworkManager "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -915,14 +913,14 @@ msgstr "Perfiles de conexiones NetworkManager "
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Error: falta el argumento %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Error: %s - no hay tal conexión."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -931,83 +929,82 @@ msgstr "Error: %s - no hay tal conexión."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "conexión no activa en el dispositivo «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "conexión o dispositivo no activo"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» incompatible con conexión «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "no se encontró dispositivo para conexión «%s»"
+-# auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Conexión activada con éxito (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión activada con éxito (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: falló la activación de la conexión: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo leer passwd-file '%s': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Faltan los dos puntos en la entrada 'password' '%s' "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Falta el punto en la entrada 'password' '%s' "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "El nombre de parámetro en la entrada 'password' '%s' no es válido "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "Dispositivo desconocido '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "Ni es una conexión válida ni es un dispositivo determinado."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1015,30 +1012,30 @@ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Parámetro desconocido: %s\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: gtk3, version: 3.8.2, DocId: gtk30
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "Preparando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión '%s' (%s) borrada correctamente.\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "La conexión '%s' fue desactivada correctamente (ruta activa D-Bus: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Error: no se especificó una conexión."
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1046,22 +1043,22 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Error: no se encontraron todas las conexiones activas."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Error: no se proporcionó una conexión activa."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: falló la activación de la conexión: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+@@ -1069,108 +1066,108 @@ msgstr "'%s' no está entre [%s]"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: evolution-mapi, version: el6, DocId: evolution-mapi
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Error desconocido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "Advertencia: maestro='%s' no se refiere a ningún perfil existente.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: propiedad inválida '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo modificar %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo retirar el valor de  %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Error: '%s' parámetro no está presente\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Error: tipo de conexión inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Error: tipo de conexión inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: tipo de conexión inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Error: se requiere 'master'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Error: Conexión desconocida '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Error: '%s' modo de monitorización no es válido; utilice '%s' o '%s'.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' no es válido; utilice [%s, %s (%s), %s]."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Error: falta el valor para '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Error: <setting>.<property> falta el argumento."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: parámetro inválido o no permitido '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "'%s' es ambiguo (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Error: inválido <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo agregar conexión'%s': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1181,48 +1178,48 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión '%s' (%s) agregada con éxito.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "Hay 1 argumento opcional para tipo de conexión '%s'\n"
+ msgstr[1] "Hay 1 argumento opcional para tipo de conexión '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "¿Desea proporcionarlo? %s"
+ msgstr[1] "¿Desea proporcionarlos? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Error: se requiere valor para argumento '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: 'save': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Error: se requiere argumento 'type'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "['%s' setting values]\n"
+@@ -1230,7 +1227,7 @@ msgstr "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1263,7 +1260,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: configuración nmcli \n"
+ "quit                                 :: salir de nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1283,7 +1280,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1305,7 +1302,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ejemplos: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1320,7 +1317,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo: nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1333,7 +1330,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Muestra la descripción de la propiedad. Puede consultar la página de manual "
+ "nm-settings(5) para ver todos los parámetros y propiedades NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1348,7 +1345,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1372,7 +1369,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "           nmcli> verify fix        \n"
+ "           nmcli bond> verify          \n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1399,7 +1396,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "desea retirar completamente la conexión persistente, el perfil de conexión "
+ "debe ser borrado.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1420,7 +1417,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) or NSP (WiMAX) (prepend with / when <ifname> is not "
+ "specified)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1429,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: va a un nivel superior del menú\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1438,7 +1435,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: ayuda para los comandos nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1465,7 +1462,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1478,8 +1475,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Este comando sale de nmcli. Cuando la conexión es editada no se guarda, se "
+ "le pide al usuario que confirme la acción.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Comando desconocido: '%s'\n"
+@@ -1487,7 +1484,7 @@ msgstr "Comando desconocido: '%s'\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1515,7 +1512,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "descripción del comando\n"
+ "quit                             :: sale de nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1526,7 +1523,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Este comando establece <value> provisto a esta propiedad\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1541,7 +1538,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "es de un tipo de contenedor. Para propiedades de un solo valor, el valor de "
+ "la propiedad es remplazado (igual que 'set').\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1552,7 +1549,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Despliega el valor actual y permite editarlo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1587,7 +1584,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1600,7 +1597,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Muestra la descripción de la propiedad. Puede consultar la página de manual "
+ "nm-settings(5) para ver todos los parámetros y propiedades NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1616,7 +1613,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "desplegar valores para toda la configuración o conexión.\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1625,28 +1622,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: ayuda para los comandos nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: falló la activación de la conexión.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: parámetro '%s' es obligatorio y no puede ser retirado.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "La conexión no se ha guardado. ¿Está seguro de que quiere salir? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1655,66 +1652,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "El perfil de conexiones ha sido retirado de otro cliente. Puede escribir "
+ "'save' en el menú principal para restaurarlo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Valores permitidos para '%s' propiedad: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Ingresar el valor '%s': "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo establecer '%s' propiedad: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Modificar el valor '%s': "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo retirar el valor de '%s': %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Argumento desconocido de comando: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Parámetros disponibles: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: nombre de parámetro inválido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Propiedades disponibles: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: propiedad %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1726,12 +1723,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "¿Aún desea guardar?  "
+ "%s                                                                                                                                                                        "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Puede modificar los siguientes parámetros: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1740,217 +1737,217 @@ msgstr ""
+ "El perfil de conexión ha sido retirado de otro cliente. Puede escribir "
+ "'save' para restaurarlo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Error: no se ha seleccionado parámetro; los válidos son [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "utilice 'goto <setting>' primero, o 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Error: argumento de parámetros inválido '%s'; los validos son [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Error: No se encuentra la propiedad '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: propiedad inválida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Error: parámetro desconocido '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Puede modificar los siguientes parámetros: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Error: no se ha proporcionado argumento; los válidos son [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "El parámetro '%s' no está presente en la conexión.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: %s propiedades, no es un nombre de parámetro.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "utilice 'goto <setting>' primero, o 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: propiedad inválida: %s, no es un nombre de parámetro válido.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Error: parámetro desconocido: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "El parámetro '%s' no está presente en la conexión.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: propiedad inválida: %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ", ni un nombre de parámetro válido."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Opción de verificación inválida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verificar parámetro '%s': %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verificar conexión: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "El error no puede corregirse de forma automática.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Error: argumento inválido '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo guardar la conexión '%s' (%s): %s\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión '%s' (%s) guardada con éxito.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión '%s' (%s) actualizada con éxito.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: falló la verificación de conexión: %s\n"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: evolution-data-server, version: el6, DocId: evolution-data-server-2.32
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(Error desconocido)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Intente ejecutar 'verify fix' para corregir errores.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: la conexión no se ha guardado. Escriba primero 'save'.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: conexión no es válida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Error: no se puede activar conexión: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Activación de conexión de monitorización (pulse cualquier tecla para "
+ "continuar)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: color errado: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Configuración nmcli actual:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Opción de configuración inválida '%s'; permitida [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "Error: solamente uno si 'id', uuid, o 'path' pueden proporcionarse."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Error: Conexión desconocida '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Advertencia: modificando la conexión existente '%s'; argumento 'type' se "
+ "ignora\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -1958,206 +1955,206 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Advertencia: modificando la conexión existente '%s'; argumento 'con-name' se "
+ "ignora\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Tipos de conexión válidos: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: tipo de conexión no es válido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Modificar conexión '%s' existente: '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Agregar una nueva conexión '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Escribir 'help' o '?' para comandos disponibles."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Escribir 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' para descripción de propiedad "
+ "detallada."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo modificar conexión '%s': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "Conexión '%s' (%s) modificada con éxito.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) clonado como %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Nuevo nombre de conexión:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Error: falta el argumento <new name> "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Error: argumento adicional desconocido '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Error: no se borraron todas las conexiones."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: Falló el borrado de conexión: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Error: no se encontraron todas las conexiones"
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "Error: no se pueden borrar conexiones desconocidas: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "%s: se cambió el perfil de conexión\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "%s: se creó un perfil de conexión\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "%s: se retiró perfil de conexión\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo recargar las conexiones: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo recargar la conexión: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "No se pudo cargar archivo '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "No se pudo importar: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Error: No se proporcionaron argumentos."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Advertencia: 'type' ya fue especificado, ignorando el adicional.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Advertencia: 'file' ya fue especificado, ignorando el adicional.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Parámetro desconocido: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Error: se requiere argumento 'type'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Error: argumento 'file' es requerido."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Error: falló al modificar %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo cargar el complemento VPN: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo importar '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Nombre de archivo"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Error: la conexión no es VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Error: no se pudo crear archivo temporal %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo exportar '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Error: No se pudo leer archivo temporal '%s': %s."
+@@ -3641,29 +3638,29 @@ msgstr "%s' no es un perfil de conexión VPN.."
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre de ningún un perfil saliente."
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Error: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "No sé cómo obtener el valor de propiedad"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "La propiedad no puede cambiarse"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[Descripción de propiedad NM]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[Descripción de propiedad nmcli]"
+@@ -4069,9 +4066,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "Se cambió la administración del padre del dispositivo"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "conexión falló"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4204,238 +4200,238 @@ msgstr ""
+ "No se puede agregar la ruta predeterminada (NetworkManager se encarga por sí "
+ "mismo)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "Mapa de prioridad inválido '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "Prioridad '%s' no es válida (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(predeterminado)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un Ethernet MAC válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "'%s'  no es un número de indicador válido; use <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Advertencia: '%s' suma no es mayor que todos los indicadores => todos los "
+ "indicadores están establecidos\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "La opción '%s' es inválida,  use uno de [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "La opción '%s' es inválida,  use uno de [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (llave)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (frase de paso)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (desconocido)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (NONE)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (inhabilitado)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (habilitado, prefiere IP pública)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (inhabilitado, prefiere temporal IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (none)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "agente-adquirido, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "sin guardar,"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "no requerido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es válido; use <option>=<value>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "No se encontró ningún elemento para eliminar"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "index '%d' no está en el rango <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción inválida: '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "Falta opción"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un MAC válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "'%u' indicadores no son válidos; use la combinación de %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un número válido (o está fuera de rango)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un caracter hex"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "La propiedad no contiene el método EAP '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4443,13 +4439,13 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "    "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la propiedad no contiene  correspondencia de alternativa '%s' de \"phase2\" "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4487,67 +4483,67 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Ingrese el tipo de conexión:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene permiso '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un maestro válido; use ifname o UUID de conexión"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un UUID válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene UUID '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (inhabilitado)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "habilitado,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "promover, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "dispuesto, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un indicador DCB válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "debe contener 8 números separados por comas"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "'%s' no un número entre 0 y %u (inclusive) o %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un número entre 0 y %u (inclusive)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4555,91 +4551,122 @@ msgstr ""
+ "(habilitado)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "Los porcentajes de ancho de banda deben ser en total 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "ID de operador SIM debe ser un código MCCMNC número 5 o 6 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una llave IBOIP P_key válida"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: Skynet topics, version: 1, DocId: 4680-83989
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "predeterminado"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Formato de dirección IPv4 inválido '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene servidor DNS '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene dominio de búsqueda DNS '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene la opción DNS '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la dirección IP '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dirección de puerta de enlace inválida '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la ruta '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dirección IPv4 inválida '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un número "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es válido; use 0, 1, o 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "'%s'  no es un canal válido; use <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "la propiedad no contiene UUID '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la ruta '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "la propiedad no contiene mapeo '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la ruta '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4647,27 +4674,27 @@ msgstr ""
+ "(%s)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene mapeo '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "no hay prioridad para retirar"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "index '%d' no está en el rango de <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "'%s'no puede estar vacía"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4676,23 +4703,23 @@ msgstr "'%s'no puede estar vacía"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección MAC válida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene la dirección MAC '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es válido; se deben proporcionar 2 o 3 cadenas "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "el valor de la cadena '%s' debe constar entre 1 y  199 caracteres"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4703,24 +4730,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  opción = <value>, option = <value>,...\n"
+ "Las opciones válidas son: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un canal válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%ld' no es un canal válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propiedad no contiene el protocolo '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -4729,65 +4756,65 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'%s' no es compatible con %s '%s', por favor cambie la llave o establezca el "
+ "derecho  %s primero."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "Clave WEP se cree que sea de '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "El índice de llave WEP se estableció a  '%d'\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Advertencia: '%s' no es compatible con  el tipo '%s', por favor cambie o "
+ "borre la clave.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un PSK válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaz de vinculación primaria [none]: "
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Enlace de monitorización"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Vinculación miimon [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculación downdelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculación updelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculación arp-interval [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Vinculación arp-ip-target [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4795,7 +4822,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4813,7 +4840,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4827,7 +4880,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "crudo o blobs.\n"
+ "Ejemplo: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4841,7 +4894,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "crudo o blobs.\n"
+ "Ejemplo: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4857,7 +4910,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "crudo o blobs.\n"
+ "Ejemplo:/home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4873,7 +4926,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "crudo o blobs.\n"
+ "Ejemplo: /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4895,8 +4948,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ejemplos: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -4914,96 +4967,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Contraseña [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Dirección de dispositivo Bluetooth:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar STP (si o no) [yes]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "Prioridad STP [128]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Demora de reenvío [15]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello time [2]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Edad máxima [20]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "Tiempo de envejecimiento de direción MAC  [300]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Prioridad de puerto de puente [32]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Costo de ruta STP puerto de puente [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Modo de Hairpin"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Nombre de usuario [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -5019,7 +5072,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo: alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -5041,7 +5094,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ejemplo: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -5056,29 +5109,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'unknown' para permitir que NetworkManager elija un valor mediante "
+ "heurística\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "AP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaz principal [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5088,12 +5141,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección IPv4 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5107,12 +5160,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección IPv4 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5134,7 +5187,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ejemplos: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5155,12 +5208,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección IPv6 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5174,12 +5227,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ ".\n"
+ "Ejemplo:  2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección IPv6 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5204,185 +5257,184 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaz principal [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaz principal [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Retirar"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo principal VLAN o UUID de conexión: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "Canal OLPC Mesh [1]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección MAC DHCP anycast [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "Interfaz principal [none]: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Servicio [ninguno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "Nombre de usuario PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "Configuración de equipo JSON [ninguna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "Nombre de usuario [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar STP (si o no) [yes]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo principal VLAN o UUID de conexión: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "ID de VLAN <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "Indicadores VLAN (<0-7>) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mapas de prioridad de ingreso [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mapas de prioridad de egreso [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "ID de VLAN <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "Dirección MAC DHCP anycast [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Destino"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "Nombre NSP WiMAX: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC clonada [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5392,7 +5444,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Ejemplo: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5401,181 +5453,185 @@ msgstr ""
+ "o clave y 2 o frase de paso..\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión de vínculo %d"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: virt-manager, version: 0.9.0, DocId: virt-manager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: virt-manager, version: 0.9.0, DocId: virt-manager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: RHN Satellite UI, version: 5.5, DocId: java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/frontend/strings/jsp/StringResource
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Puente"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión de banda ancha móvil %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión de banda ancha móvil %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión InfiniBand"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión de vínculo %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión CDMA %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "El dispositivo fue retirado"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Equipo "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "El dispositivo fue retirado"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión VPN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión VXLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión CDMA %d"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: virt-manager, version: 0.9.0, DocId: virt-manager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión Wi-Fi %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Nombre de usuario"
+@@ -5595,8 +5651,8 @@ msgstr "Ya hay una sesión de autenticación en marcha"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Contraseña"
+@@ -5609,7 +5665,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Contraseña de llave privada"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Llave"
+@@ -5783,14 +5839,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5829,18 +5886,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6467,19 +6524,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7452,19 +7508,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "Activar o desactivar la red del sistema"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Activar o desactivar los dispositivos inalámbricos"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Activar o desactivar los dispositivos inalámbricos"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7670,7 +7723,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7678,7 +7739,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7686,45 +7818,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7732,14 +7886,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7752,20 +7906,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7773,32 +7927,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7806,7 +7960,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7816,93 +7970,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -8048,7 +8202,7 @@ msgstr "Conexión DSL %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Vinculación"
+@@ -8061,7 +8215,7 @@ msgstr "Conexión de vínculo %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Puente"
+@@ -8073,7 +8227,7 @@ msgstr "Conexión en puente %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Equipo "
+@@ -8237,7 +8391,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Esclavos"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Modo"
+@@ -8272,7 +8426,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "Destinos ARP"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Dirección MAC clonada"
+@@ -8337,7 +8491,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8417,9 +8571,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "Ignorar rutas obtenidas automáticamente"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "Ignorar rutas obtenidas automáticamente"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8570,124 +8723,124 @@ msgstr "EQUIPO"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "ID de VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Cliente"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Punto de acceso"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Red Ad-Hoc"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Automático"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "Un (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Ninguno"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Empresarial"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "Llave de WEP 40/128-bit (Hex o ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "Frase de paso de WEP 128-bit"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "WEP Dinámica (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "SALTO"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (Predeterminado)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Sistema abierto"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Clave compartida"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Canal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Seguridad"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(No hay soporte aún para wpa-enterprise...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "Índice WEP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Autenticación"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(No hay soporte aún para dynamic-wep...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8755,9 +8908,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "Falló openconnect con señal %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Activación falló"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9226,7 +9379,7 @@ msgstr "Fallo inesperado, no fue posible normalizar la conexión"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9265,166 +9418,176 @@ msgstr "Túnel IP"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "El método devolvió el tipo «%s» pero se esperaba «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "Ignorando el número faltante"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ignorando número inválido '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "Ignorando dirección %s inválida: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "Ignorando puerta de enlace inválida '%s' para ruta %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "Ignorando ruta %s inválida: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "Carácter inesperado '%c' para la dirección %s: '%s' (posición %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "Carácter inesperado '%c' para %s: '%s' (posición %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Carácter inesperado '%c' en longitud de prefijo para %s: '%s' (posición %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Basura al final del valor %s: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dos puntos depreciados al final del valor %s: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "Longitud de prefijo inválida para  %s '%s', se predetermina a %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "Falta longitud de prefijo para  %s '%s', se predetermina a %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Se ignora dirección inválida IPv4 de servidor DNS  '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "Se ignora dirección inválida IPv4 de servidor DNS '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr "Se ignora elemento inválido byte '%d' (no entre 0 y 255 inclusive)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "Se ignora dirección MAC inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "Se ignora SSID inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "Se ignora contraseña cruda inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "No existe el certificado o el archivo de llaves '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "Llave o ruta de valor de certificado'%s' inválidas"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "Llave o ruta de datos de valor de certificado; base64, no es base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "Llave o ruta de valor de certificado:;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "Llave o  valor de certificado no es un blob válido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "llave o valor de certificado inválidos"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "Valor de paridad invalido '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "Formato de dirección IP inválido: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "Error al cargar el valor del parámetro: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "Valor negativo inválido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valor de carácter invalido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "Valor int64 invalido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "Demasiado grande la propiedad FLAGS '%s'  (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "No se puede manejar tipo de parámetro '%s'."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nombre de parámetro inválido '%s' "
+@@ -9476,7 +9639,7 @@ msgstr "Llave privada phase2 inválida"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9588,93 +9751,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "la conexión '%s' requiere '%s' o el parámetro '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "la conexión '%s' requiere '%s' o el parámetro '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "únicamente uno de '%s' y '%s' pueden establecerse"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "Falta opción obligatorio '%s' "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es un valor váldo para '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' es incompatible con '%s > 0'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "opción '%s' es solamente válida para '%s=%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' no es una configuración válida para '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "opción '%s' requiere que la opción '%s' sea establecida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "opción '%s' está vacía"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una diercción IPv4 válida para la opción '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "La opción '%s' no es válida con modo '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "'%s' y '%s' no puede tener diferentes valores"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "opción '%s' debe ser una cadena"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "La opción '%s' no es válida con modo '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "Falta parámetro"
+@@ -9682,7 +9845,7 @@ msgstr "Falta parámetro"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9691,19 +9854,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Una conexión con un parámetro '%s' debe tener un tipo de esclavo establecido "
+ "para '%s'. En su lugar es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "El valor '%d' está fuera del rango <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "No es una dirección MAC válida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9742,9 +9905,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "No se puede establecer '%s' sin '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "conexión no activa en el dispositivo «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9891,83 +10054,83 @@ msgstr "Prefijo de dirección IPv6 es inválido '%u'"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "Métrica de enrutamiento es inválida '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "Nombre de parámetro desconocido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "Valor de paridad invalido '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección IP válida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección IP válida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Dirección del servidor es inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Dirección Ip es inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. Dirección IP tiene una propiedad 'label' de tipo inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. Dirección IP tiene una etiqueta inválida '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr ""
+ "La puerta de enlace no puede establecerse si no hay direcciones configuradas "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "La puerta de enlace es inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. ruta es inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. ruta no puede ser una ruta predeterminada"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' es incompatible con '%s > 0'"
+@@ -10125,16 +10288,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%d' no es un canal válido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre de interfaz válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una conexión con un parámetro '%s' debe tener un tipo de esclavo establecido "
+-"para '%s'. En su lugar es '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10147,34 +10308,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una conexión con un parámetro '%s' debe tener un tipo de esclavo establecido "
+-"para '%s'. En su lugar es '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una conexión con un parámetro '%s' debe tener un tipo de esclavo establecido "
+-"para '%s'. En su lugar es '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Se detecta una conexión esclava sin establecer '%s' ni tipo de puerto '%s'. "
+-"'%s' debe establecerse como '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "Falta el parámetro 'plugin'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10183,11 +10338,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una conexión con un parámetro '%s' debe tener un tipo de esclavo establecido "
+-"para '%s'. En su lugar es '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10196,36 +10349,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "'%s' no es una dirección IP válida"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es un modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "El ID de vlan debe estar en el rango 0-4094 pero es %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es un indicador DCB válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es un modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Se detecta una conexión esclava sin establecer '%s' ni tipo de puerto '%s'. "
+-"'%s' debe establecerse como '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es un modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10262,11 +10413,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "'%s' no es una banda válida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "Faltan datos"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "El valor '%d' está fuera del rango <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contiene dígitos no hexadecimales."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contiene dígitos no hexadecimales."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "Falta nombre de archivo"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "Dominio de registro desconocido «%s»"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "Falta parámetro"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "Falta la dirección IPv4"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10530,135 +10746,179 @@ msgstr "No se encontró secreto"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "No se estableció secreto"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "'%s' no es una banda válida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "Opción inválida: '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "No se especificó el nombre de servicio."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "Faltan datos"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "Opción inválida: '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "No se pudo establecer estadística %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "No es un archivo (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "Propietario de archivo inválido %d para %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "Permisos de archivos para %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "Rechazar %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "Ruta no es absoluta (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "El complemento de archivo no existe (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "El complemento no es un archivo válido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "Los archivos libtool no reciben soporte (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el binario \"%s\" "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo desconocido '%s'."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10918,9 +11178,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "La conexión no era Bluetooth."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "La conexión no era Bluetooth."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -11028,19 +11288,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "La conexión no era OLPC Mesh. "
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "La conexión no era de puente."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "La conexión no era de equipo."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "La conexión no era tun."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -11106,9 +11363,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11282,16 +11538,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Activar o desactivar la red del sistema"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-"La política de sistema evita activar o desactivar los dispositivos "
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11896,21 +12148,3 @@ msgstr "Nivel de registro desconocido «%s»"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dominio de registro desconocido «%s»"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
+-# auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Conexión activada correctamente (maestro en espera de esclavos) (ruta "
+-#~ "activa D-Bus: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (predeterminado)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (off)"
+diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
+index 8d92428..613bd90 100644
+--- a/po/fr.po
++++ b/po/fr.po
+@@ -9,24 +9,21 @@
+ # Sam Friedmann <sam.friedmann@redhat.com>, 2010.
+ # Claude Paroz <claude@2xlibre.net>, 2011
+ # Sam Friedmann <sfriedma@redhat.com>, 2010, 2014.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Yvan Masson <yvan.masson@openmailbox.org>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-15 12:03-0400\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Yvan Masson <yvan.masson@openmailbox.org>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: French <trans-fr@lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language: fr\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ msgstr "Connexion(s) (nom, UUID, ou path)"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Connexion(s) (nom, UUID, path ou apath) : "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<fichier de sortie>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "compte. L'utilisation de l'option --show-secrets révéle également les "
+ "secrets associés.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -373,7 +370,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "de la connexion\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -397,8 +394,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "UUID ou chemin D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -548,164 +545,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "                  [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+-"OPTIONS_IP [-- ([+|-]<paramètre>.<propriété> <valeur>)+]\n"
+-"                  type <type>\n"
+-"                  ifname <nom d'interface> | \"*\"\n"
+-"                  [con-name <nom connexion>]\n"
+-"                  [autoconnect yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [save yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [master <maître (nom d'interface, UUID de connexion ou "
+-"                  [slave-type <type de connexion maître>]\n"
+-"    ethernet:     [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"                  [cloned-mac <adresse MAC clonée>]\n"
+-"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
+-"    wifi:         ssid <SSID>\n"
+-"                  [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"                  [cloned-mac <adresse MAC clonée>]\n"
+-"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
+-"                  [mode infrastructure|ap|adhoc]\n"
+-"    wimax:        [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"                  [nsp <NSP>]\n"
+-"    pppoe:        username <nom d'utilisateur PPPoE>\n"
+-"                  [password <mot de passe PPPoE>]\n"
+-"                  [service <nom du service PPPoE>]\n"
+-"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
+-"                  [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"    gsm:          apn <APN>\n"
+-"                  [user <nom d'utilisateur>]\n"
+-"                  [password <mot de passe>]\n"
+-"    cdma:         [user <nom d'utilisateur>]\n"
+-"                  [password <mot de passe>]\n"
+-"    infiniband:   [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
+-"                  [transport-mode datagram | connected]\n"
+-"                  [parent <nom interface>]\n"
+-"                  [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>]\n"
+-"    bluetooth:    [addr <adresse bluetooth>]\n"
+-"                  [bt-type panu|dun-gsm|dun-cdma]\n"
+-"    vlan:         dev <périphérique parent (UUID de connexion, nom "
+-"d'interface, ou MAC)>\n"
+-"                  id <ID du VLAN>\n"
+-"                  [flags <drapeaux du VLAN>]\n"
+-"                  [ingress <mapping priorité entrante>]\n"
+-"                  [egress <mapping priorité sortante>]\n"
+-"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
+-"    bond:         [mode balance-rr (0) | active-backup (1) | balance-xor (2) "
+-"| broadcast (3) |\n"
+-"                        802.3ad    (4) | balance-tlb   (5) | balance-alb "
+-"                  [primary <nom d'interface>]\n"
+-"                  [miimon <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [downdelay <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [updelay <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [arp-interval <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [arp-ip-target <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [lacp-rate slow (0) | fast (1)]\n"
+-"    bond-slave:   master <maître (nom d'interface, UUID de connexion ou "
+-"    team:         [config <fichier>|<données JSON brutes>]\n"
+-"    team-slave:   master <maître (nom d'interface, UUID de connexion ou "
+-"                  [config <fichier>|<données JSON brutes>]\n"
+-"    bridge:       [stp yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [priority <nombre>]\n"
+-"                  [forward-delay <2-30>]\n"
+-"                  [hello-time <1-10>]\n"
+-"                  [max-age <6-40>]\n"
+-"                  [ageing-time <0-1000000>]\n"
+-"                  [multicast-snooping yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [mac <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"    bridge-slave: master <maître (nom d'interface, UUID de connexion ou "
+-"                  [priority <0-63>]\n"
+-"                  [path-cost <1-65535>]\n"
+-"                  [hairpin yes|no]\n"
+-"    vpn:          vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|"
+-"                  [user <nom d'utilisateur>]\n"
+-"    olpc-mesh:    ssid <SSID>\n"
+-"                  [channel <1-13>]\n"
+-"                  [dhcp-anycast <adresse MAC>]\n"
+-"    adsl:         username <nom d'utilisateur>\n"
+-"                  protocol pppoa|pppoe|ipoatm\n"
+-"                  [password <mot de passe>]\n"
+-"                  [encapsulation vcmux|llc]\n"
+-"    tun:          mode tun|tap\n"
+-"                  [owner <UID>]\n"
+-"                  [group <GID>]\n"
+-"                  [pi yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [vnet-hdr yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [multi-queue yes|no]\n"
+-"    ip-tunnel:    mode ipip|gre|sit|isatap|vti|ip6ip6|ipip6|ip6gre|vti6\n"
+-"                  remote <IP distante>\n"
+-"                  [local <IP locale>]\n"
+-"                  [dev <périphérique parent (nom d'interface ou UUID de "
+-"    macsec:       dev <périphérique parent (UUID de connexion, nom "
+-"d'interface ou MAC)>\n"
+-"                  mode <psk|eap>\n"
+-"                  [cak <clé> ckn <clé>]\n"
+-"                  [encrypt yes|no]\n"
+-"                  [port 1-65534]\n"
+-"    macvlan:      dev <périphérique parent (UUID de connexion, nom "
+-"d'interface ou MAC)>\n"
+-"                  mode vepa|bridge|private|passthru|source\n"
+-"                  [tap yes|no]\n"
+-"    vxlan:        id <ID VXLAN>\n"
+-"                  remote <IP ou groupe multicast ou adresse distante>\n"
+-"                  [local <IP source>]\n"
+-"                  [dev <périphérique parent (nom d'interface ou UUID de "
+-"                  [source-port-min <0-65535>]\n"
+-"                  [source-port-max <0-65535>]\n"
+-"                  [destination-port <0-65535>]\n"
+-"    dummy:         \n"
+-"    bridge:       [priority <0-63>]\n"
+-"                  [path-cost <1-65535>]\n"
+-"                  [hairpin yes|no]\n"
+-"    team:         [config <fichier>|<données JSON brutes>]\n"
+-"  IP_OPTIONS:\n"
+-"                  [ip4 <IPv4 adresse>] [gw4 <IPv4 passerelle>]\n"
+-"                  [ip6 <IPv6 adresse>] [gw6 <IPv6 passerelle>]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -754,7 +595,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -777,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "l'id (fourni comme argument <new name>).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -804,7 +645,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ajoute un nouveau profil de connexion dans un éditeur interactif.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -823,7 +664,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Le profil est identifié par son nom, UUID ou chemin D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -845,7 +686,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Surveille tous les profils de connexion si rien n'est spécifié \n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -858,7 +699,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Recharge tous les fichiers de connexion à partir du disque.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -882,7 +723,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "conscient de l'état le plus récent.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -908,7 +749,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "est importée par les greffons de VPN du NetworkManager.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -929,23 +770,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nom est donné.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "activation"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "activé"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "désactivation"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "désactivé"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -953,65 +794,65 @@ msgstr "désactivé"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "inconnu"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN (préparation)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN (authentification requise)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN (obtention de la configuration IP)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN connecté"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "Échec de la connexion VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN déconnecté"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des secrets pour l'objet %s : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Informations de profil de connexion"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : « connection show » : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "jamais"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -1022,16 +863,16 @@ msgstr "jamais"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "oui"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -1042,66 +883,66 @@ msgstr "oui"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "non"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Informations d'activation de connexion"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "champ invalide « %s » ; champs autorisés : %s et %s, ou %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "« %s » doit être seul"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "chaîne incorrecte « %s » de l'option « --order »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "élément incorrect « %s » de l'option « --order »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr "Aucune connexion spécifiée."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr "le paramètre %s est manquant"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "connexion inconnue : « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "l'argument de « --order » est manquant"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "Profils actifs NetworkManager"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "Profils de connexion NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -1115,14 +956,14 @@ msgstr "Profils de connexion NetworkManager"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erreur : le paramètre %s est manquant."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Erreur : %s - profil de connexion introuvable."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -1131,238 +972,238 @@ msgstr "Erreur : %s - profil de connexion introuvable."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "aucune connexion active sur le périphérique « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "aucune connexion ou périphérique actif"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr "périphérique « %s » incompatible avec la connexion « %s » :"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "périphérique « %s » incompatible avec la connexion « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "aucun périphérique trouvé pour la connexion « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Connexion activée (chemin D-Bus actif : %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion activée (chemin D-Bus actif : %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : l'activation de la connexion a échoué : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr "Erreur : le délai d'attente a expiré (%d secondes)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de lecture du fichier de mot de passe « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Virgule manquant dans la saisie du mot de passe  « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Point manquant dans la saisie du mot de passe « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nom du paramètre non valide dans la saisie du mot de passe « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "périphérique inconnu « %s »."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "pas de connexion ni de périphérique valide n'a été donné"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Paramètre inconnu : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "préparation"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » (%s) supprimée.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » activée (chemin D-Bus actif : %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Erreur : aucune connexion spécifiée."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : « %s » n'est pas une connexion active.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Erreur : les connexions n'ont pas toutes été trouvées."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Erreur : aucune connexion fournie."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "La désactivation de la connexion « %s » a échoué : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "« %s » ne fait pas partie de [%s]"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Erreur inconnue"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Avertissement : master=« %s » ne correspond à un aucun profil existant.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : propriété « %s » non valide : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de la modification de %s.%s : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec lors de la supression d'une valeur de %s.%s : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Erreur : « %s » est obligatoire."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : type esclave invalide ; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : type de connexion non valide ; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : type de connexion invalide : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Erreur : « master » est requis."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Erreur : erreur à l'ajout de l'option d'agrégation de lien « %s=%s »."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : « %s » n'est pas un mode de contrôle valide ; utilisez « %s » ou "
+ "« %s ».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "Erreur : « bt-type » : « %s » non valide ; utilisez [%s, %s (%s), %s]."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Erreur : la valeur de l'argument « %s » est requise."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erreur : l'argument <setting>.<property> est manquant."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : non valide, ou le paramètre « %s » n'est pas autorisé : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "Erreur : « %s » est ambigu (%s.%s ou %s.%s)."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erreur : « %s » <setting>.<property> non valide."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur: impossible d'ajouter la connexion « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1373,12 +1214,12 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » (%s) ajoutée avec succès.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+@@ -1387,36 +1228,36 @@ msgstr ""
+ "vous avez terminé.\n"
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "Il existe %d paramètre optionnel pour %s.\n"
+ msgstr[1] "Il existe %d paramètres optionnels %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "Souhaitez-vous le fournir ? %s"
+ msgstr[1] "Souhaitez-vous les fournir ? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erreur : la valeur de l'argument « %s » est requise."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur: « save » : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erreur : l'argument « %s » est requis."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[« %s » setting values]\n"
+@@ -1424,7 +1265,7 @@ msgstr "[« %s » setting values]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1459,7 +1300,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: configuration de nmcli\n"
+ "quit                                 :: quitter nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1480,7 +1321,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1502,7 +1343,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Exemples : nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1517,7 +1358,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1530,7 +1371,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Affiche la description de la propriété. Vous pouvez consulter la page du "
+ "manuel nm-settings(5) pour afficher tous les paramètres et propriétés NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1545,7 +1386,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1571,7 +1412,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verifyerify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1601,7 +1442,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "connexion\n"
+ "persitante, le profil de connexion devra être supprimé.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1622,7 +1463,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) ou NSP (WiMAX) (ajouter avec ou lorsque <ifname> "
+ "n'est pas spécifié)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1631,7 +1472,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: aller au niveau supérieur du menu\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1640,7 +1481,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: aide pour les commandes nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1666,7 +1507,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1680,8 +1521,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "modification n'est pas enregistrée, il est demandé à l'utilisateur de "
+ "confirmer l'action.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Commande inconnue : « %s »\n"
+@@ -1689,7 +1530,7 @@ msgstr "Commande inconnue : « %s »\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1718,7 +1559,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "commande\n"
+ "quit                             :: quitter nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1729,7 +1570,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Cette commande définit la <value> (valeur) fournie à cette propriété\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1744,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "propriété est d'un type de conteneur. Pour les propriétés à valeur unique, "
+ "ceci remplace la valeur (comme « set »).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1755,7 +1596,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Affiche la valeur actuelle et permet sa modification.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1792,7 +1633,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1806,7 +1647,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "manuel nm-settings(5) pour voir tous les paramètres et toutes les propriétés "
+ "NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1822,7 +1663,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "pourrez aussi afficher les valeurs de la totalité du paramètre ou de la "
+ "connexion.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1831,30 +1672,30 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: aide pour les commandes nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de l'activation de la connexion.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : le paramètre « %s » est obligatoire et ne peut pas être supprimé.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ "La connexion n'est pas enregistrée. Souhaitez-vous réellement quitter ? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1863,66 +1704,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Le profil de connexion a été supprimé à partir d'un autre client. Vous "
+ "pouvez saisir « enregistrer » dans le menu principal pour le restaurer.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Valeurs autorisées pour la propriété « %s » : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Saisissez la valeur « %s » : "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec du paramétrage de la propriété « %s » : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Paramétrer la valeur « %s » :"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de la suppression de la valeur de « %s » : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Argument de commande inconnu : « %s »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Paramètres disponibles : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : nom de paramètre non valide ; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Propriétés disponibles : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : propriété %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1933,12 +1774,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "l'activation immédiate de la connexion.\n"
+ "Souhaitez-vous tout de même enregistrer ? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Vous pouvez modifier les paramètres suivants : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1947,220 +1788,220 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Le profil de connexion a été supprimé à partir d'un autre client. Vous "
+ "pouvez saisir « enregistrer » pour le restaurer.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : aucun paramètre sélectionné ; [%s] sont valides\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "utilisez d'abord « goto <setting> » ou « set <setting>.<property> »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : argument de paramètre « %s » non valide ; [%s] sont valides\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : paramètre manquant pour la propriété « %s »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : propriété non valide : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : paramètre inconnu « %s »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Vous pouvez modifier les propriétés suivantes : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : aucun argument donné ; [%s] sont valides\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Le paramètre « %s » n'est pas présent dans la connexion.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : %s propriétés, il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un nom de paramètre.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "utilisez d'abord « goto <setting> » ou « describe <setting>.<property> »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : propriété non valide : %s, il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un nom de "
+ "paramètre valide.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : paramètre inconnu : « %s »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : le paramètre « %s » n'est pas présent dans la connexion.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : propriété non valide : %s%s,\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr "il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un nom de paramètre valide."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Option de vérification non valide : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Vérifier le paramètre « %s » : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Vérifier la connexion : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "L'erreur ne peut pas être résolue automatiquement.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : argument « %s » non valideerify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de l'enregistrement de la connexion « %s » (%s) : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » (%s) enregistrée.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » (%s) mise à jour.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de la vérification de la connexion : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(erreur inconnue)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Vous devriez exécuter « verify fix » pour régler les erreurs.erify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : la connexion n'est pas enregistrée. Commencez par saisir « save ».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : la connexion n'est pas valide : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : impossible d'activer la connexion : %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec de l'activation de la connexion « %s » (%s) : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Contrôle de l'activation de la connexion (appuyez sur n'importe quelle "
+ "touche pour continuer)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : statut ligne : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : sauvegarder confirmation : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : afficher les secrets : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : mauvaise couleur : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Configuration nmcli actuelle :\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Option de configuration « %s » non valide ; [%s] autorisé\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "Erreur : un seul « id », uuid, ou « path » peut être fourni."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erreur : connexion inconnue : « %s »."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Avertissement : modification de la connexion existante « %s » ; l'argument "
+ "« type » est ignoré\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -2168,198 +2009,198 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Avertissement : modification de la connexion existante « %s » ; l'argument "
+ "« con-name » est ignoré\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Types de connexion valides : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : type de connexion non valide ; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| éditeur de connexions interactives nmcli |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Modification de la connexion « %s » : « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Ajout d'une nouvelle connexion « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Saisissez « help » ou « ? » pour les commandes disponibles."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Saisissez « describe [<setting>.<prop>] »  pour une description de propriété "
+ "détaillée."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : la modification de la connexion « %s » a échoué : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "Connexion « %s » (%s) modifiée.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) clonée en tant que %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Nom de la nouvelle connexion :"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erreur : le paramètre <new name> est manquant."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erreur : argument supplémentaire « %s » inconnu"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Erreur : les connexions n'ont pas toutes été supprimées."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : la suppression de la connexion a échoué : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur : %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Erreur : les connexions n'ont pas toutes été trouvées."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erreur : impossible de supprimer la(les) connexion(s) inconnue(s) : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: le profil de connexion a changé\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: profil de connection créé\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: profil de connexion supprimé\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec lors du rechargement des connexions : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec lors du rechargement de la connexion : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Impossible de charger le fichier « %s »\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "Fichier à importer :"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Erreur : aucun argument fourni."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Avertissement : 'type' déjà spécifié, le second sera ignoré.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Avertissement : 'fichier' déjà spécifié, le second sera ignoré.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Paramètre inconnu : %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erreur : l'argument « type » est requis."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erreur : l'argument «fichier » est requis."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : impossible de trouver le greffon VPN pour %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : échec du chargement du greffon de VPN : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : n'a pas pu importer « %s »: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Nom du fichier de sortie :"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Erreur : la connexion n'est pas VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : impossible de créer le fichier temporaire %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : n'a pas pu exporter « %s » : %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erreur : n'a pas pu lire le fichier temporaire « %s » : %s."
+@@ -3993,29 +3834,29 @@ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un profil de connexion VPN"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un nom de profil existant"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Avertissement : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Info : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "je ne sais pas comment obtenir la valeur de la propriété"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne peut pas être modifiée"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[description de la propriété NM]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[description spécifique de nmcli]"
+@@ -4447,9 +4288,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "Le gestionnaire du périphérique parent a changé"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "Échec de la connexion maître"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4572,251 +4412,251 @@ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la route par défaut ne peut être ajoutée (NetworkManager la gère lui-même)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "Plan des priorités non valide « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "la priorité « %s » est non valide (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "index « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un PSK valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "n'est pas une adresse MAC valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+ "« %s » n'est pas une configuration ou un nom de fichier d'équipe valide."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(par défaut)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr "%s (%s)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse Ethernet MAC valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un numéro de marqueur valide ; utilisez <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la somme « %s » est supérieure à celle de tous les marqueurs => tous les "
+ "marqueurs définis"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "option non valide « %s » ; utiliser un parmi [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "option non valide « %s » ; utiliser un parmi [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (clé)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (phrase de passe)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (inconnu)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (AUCUN)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "REORDER_HEADERS, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (désactivé)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (activé, IP publique préférée)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (activé, IP temporaire préférée)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (aucun)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "appartient-à-l'agent"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "non enregistré,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "non requis,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas valide ; utilisez <option>=<value>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "aucun élément à supprimer"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "l'index « %d » ne se trouve pas dans la plage <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "option « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "option manquante"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse MAC valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ "les marqueurs « %u » ne sont pas valides ; utilisez une combinaison de %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un numéro valide (ou est hors de portée)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un caractère hex valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas de méthode EAP « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas de sujet alternatif correspondant « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la propriété ne contient pas de sujet alternatif « phase 2 » correspondant "
+ "« %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4854,185 +4694,216 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Type de connexion Bluetooth inconnu/non supporté"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas de permission « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+ "« %s » n'est pas un maître valide ; utilisez ifname ou un UUID de connexion"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un UUID valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'UUID « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (désactivé)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "activé, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "annoncer, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "disposé, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un marqueur DCB valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "doit contenir 8 numéros séparés par des virgules"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un numéro entre 0 et %u (inclus) ou %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un numéro entre 0 et %u (inclus)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "les changements ne prendront pas effet tant que « %s » n'inclura pas 1 "
+ "(activé)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "le total des pourcentages doit totaliser 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr ""
+ "L'ID de l'opérateur SIM doit correspondre à un code MCCMNC de 5 ou 6 numéros"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une clé IBoIP P_Key valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "par défaut"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "adresse IPv4 « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas de serveur DNS « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas de domaine de recherche DNS « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'option DNS « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'adresse IP « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "adresse de passerelle « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas la route « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "adresse IPv6 « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un numéro"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas valide ; utilisez 0, 1, ou 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un canal valide ; utilisez <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'UUID « %s »"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas la route « %s »"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas le mappage « %s »"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas la route « %s »"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "un seul mappage à la fois est pris en charge ; le premier est retenu (%s)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas le mappage « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "aucune priorité à supprimer"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "l'index « %d » ne se trouve pas dans la plage <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "« %s » ne peut pas rester vide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -5041,23 +4912,23 @@ msgstr "« %s » ne peut pas rester vide"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse MAC valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'adresse MAC « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas valide ; 2 ou 3 chaînes doivent être fournies"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "« %s » doit consister à un nombre de 1 - 199 caractères"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -5068,24 +4939,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <value>, option = <value>,...\n"
+ "Options valides : %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un canal valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "« %ld » n'est pas un canal valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas le protocole « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -5094,65 +4965,65 @@ msgstr ""
+ "« %s » n'est pas compatible avec %s « %s » ; veuillez changer la clé et "
+ "définir le « %s » qui convient pour commencer."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "La clé WEP semble être de « %s »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "L'index de la clé WEP est défini à « %d »"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "« %s » n'est pas compatible avec le type « %s » ; veuillez changer ou "
+ "supprimer la clé"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un PSK valide"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interface principale de liaison [none] : "
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Mode de supervision de bonding"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "miimon de liaison [100] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "downdelay de liaison [0] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "updelay de liaison [0] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "arp-interval de liaison [0] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "arp-ip-target de liaison [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "débit LACP (« slow » ou « fast ») [slow]: "
+@@ -5161,7 +5032,7 @@ msgstr "débit LACP (« slow » ou « fast ») [slow]: "
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -5179,7 +5050,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5192,7 +5089,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "de données brutes de blob.\n"
+ "Exemple : /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5205,7 +5102,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "de données brutes de blob.\n"
+ "Exemple : /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5221,7 +5118,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "de données brutes de blob.\n"
+ "Exemple : /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5237,7 +5134,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "de données brutes de blob.\n"
+ "Exemple : /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -5260,8 +5157,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Exemples : ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -5277,96 +5174,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Mot de passe [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Adresse du périphérique Bluetooth : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "Activer STP [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "Priorité STP [32768] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Forward delay [15] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello time [2] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Max age [20] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "MAC address ageing time [300] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr "Activer le snoopingIGMP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Priorité du port Bridge [32] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Coût du chemin d'accès STP du port Bridge [100] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Mode Hairpin"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -5382,7 +5279,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -5406,7 +5303,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -5423,29 +5320,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'unknown' permettre au NetworkManager de choisir une valeur à partir "
+ "d'heuristiques\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "PA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interface parente [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5455,12 +5352,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple :,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Adresse IPv4 (IP[/plen]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5474,12 +5371,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple :,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Passerelle IPv4 [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5502,7 +5399,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Examples: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5523,12 +5420,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Adresse IPv6 (IP[/plen]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5542,12 +5439,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Passerelle IPv6 [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5572,186 +5469,185 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Périphérique parent [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Point de terminaison local [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Remote : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr "Activer le chiffrement [yes]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Périphérique parent MACVLAN ou connexion UUID : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "OLPC Mesh channel [1] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "Adresse MAC anycast DHCP [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "Périphérique parent [none] : "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Service [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur PPPoE : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "Configuration de l'équipe JSON [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID Utilisateur [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID Groupe [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "Activer PI [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "Activer l'en-tête VNET [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "Activer les files d'attente multiples [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Périphérique parent VLAN ou connexion UUID : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4094>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "Marqueurs VLAN (<0-7>) [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Carte des priorités entrantes [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Carte des priorités sortantes [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "ID VXLAN : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "Adresse locale [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Port source minimum [0] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Port source maximum [0] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Destination port [8472] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "Nom NSP WiMAX : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC dupliqué [none] : "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5761,7 +5657,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemple : 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5770,181 +5666,185 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ou clé et 2 ou phrase de passe.\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion de liaison"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Pont"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion haut débit mobile %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion haut débit mobile %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion InfiniBand"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocole ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocole ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion de liaison"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Mode de périphérique TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Équipe"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: NetworkManager, version:, DocId: NetworkManager
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "Mode de périphérique TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion VXLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion Wi-Fi %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur : "
+@@ -5964,8 +5864,8 @@ msgstr "Il y a déjà une session d'authentification en cours."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Mot de passe"
+@@ -5978,7 +5878,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Mot de passe de la clé privée"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Clé"
+@@ -6156,14 +6056,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -6202,18 +6103,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6840,19 +6741,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7825,19 +7725,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "Activer ou désactiver le réseau système"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Activer ou désactiver des périphériques WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Activer ou désactiver des périphériques WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -8043,7 +7940,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -8051,7 +7956,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -8059,45 +8035,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -8105,14 +8103,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -8125,20 +8123,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -8146,32 +8144,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -8179,7 +8177,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -8189,93 +8187,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -8416,7 +8414,7 @@ msgstr "Connexion DSL %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Liaison"
+@@ -8428,7 +8426,7 @@ msgstr "Connexion de liaison %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Pont"
+@@ -8440,7 +8438,7 @@ msgstr "Connexion de pont %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Équipe"
+@@ -8606,7 +8604,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Esclaves"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Mode"
+@@ -8641,7 +8639,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "Cibles ARP"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Adresse MAC clonée"
+@@ -8706,7 +8704,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8786,9 +8784,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "Ignorer les routes obtenues automatiquement"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "Ignorer les routes obtenues automatiquement"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8942,124 +8939,124 @@ msgstr "TEAM"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "ID VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Client"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Point d'accès"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Réseau Ad-Hoc"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Automatique"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Aucun"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "Clé WEP 40/128-bit (Hex ou ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "Phrase de passe WEP 128-bit "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "WEP Dynamique (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (par défaut)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Système ouvert"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Clé partagée"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Canal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Sécurité"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(Aucune prise en charge de wpa-enterprise pour le moment...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "Index WEP "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Authentification"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(Aucune prise en charge de dynamic-wep pour le moment...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -9127,9 +9124,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect a échoué avec un signal %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Échec de l'activation"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9599,7 +9596,7 @@ msgstr "Erreur inattendue lors de la normalisation de la connexion"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9638,169 +9635,179 @@ msgstr "Tunnel IP"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "La méthode a renvoyé le type « %s », mais « %s » était attendu"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "numéro manquant ignoré"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "numéro « %s » ignoré"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "adresse non valide « %s » ignorée : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "passerelle non valide « %s » ignorée pour la route %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "route %s non valide ignorée : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "le caractère inattendu « %c » de l'adresse %s : « %s » (position %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "caractère inattendu « %c » pour « %s » : « %s » (position %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "caractère inattendu « %c » en longueur de préfixe pour %s : « %s » (position "
+ "%td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "informations unutiles à la fin de %s : « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "point virgule obsolète à la fin de %s : « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "longueur de préfixe non valide pour %s : « %s », valeur par défaut %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "longueur de préfixe manquante pour %s : « %s », valeur par défaut %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "l'adresse IPv4 « %s » du serveur DNS non valide est ignorée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "adresse IPv6 « %s » du serveur DNS non valide est ignorée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "élément octet non valide « %d » ignoré (ne doit pas être compris entre 0 et "
+ "255 inclus)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "adresse MAC non valide ignorée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID non valide ignoré"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "mot de passe brut non valid ignoré"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "certificat ou fichier clé « %s » n'existe pas"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "chemin de valeur de cert / clé non valide « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr "URI « %s » PKCS#11 invalide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "clé non valide / cert data:;base64, n'est pas base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "valeur de clé / cert data non valide :;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "valeur de cert / clé non valide n'est pas un blob valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "valeur clé/cert non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur de parité « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "configuration en équipe ignorée : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "adresse IP invalide : %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "route invalide : %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "erreur de chargement de la valeur du paramètre : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valeur négative non valide (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valeur char non valide (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "valeur int64 non valide (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "propriété FLAGS trop grande « %s » (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "type de propriété de configuration non prise en charge « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "nom de configuration non valide « %s »"
+@@ -9856,7 +9863,7 @@ msgstr "clé privée phase2 non valide"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9970,93 +9977,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "la connexion « %s » requiert une configuration « %s » ou « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "la connexion « %s » requiert une configuration « %s » ou « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "option « %s » ou sa valeur « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "seul l'un de « %s » et « %s » peut être défini"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "l'option obligatoire « %s » est manquante"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une valeur valide pour « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "« %s=%s » est incompatible avec « %s > 0 »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas valide pour l'option « %s » : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "l'option « %s » est uniquement valide pour « %s=%s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "« %s=%s » n'est pas une configuration valide pour « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "l'option « %s » nécessite que l'option « %s » soit définie"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "l'option « %s » est vide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse IPv4 valide pour l'option « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "l'option « %s » est uniquement valide en mode « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "« %s » et « %s » ne peuvent pas avoir des valeur divergentes"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "l'option « %s » doit correspondre à une chaîne"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "l'option « %s » est uniquement valide en mode « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "configuration manquante"
+@@ -10064,7 +10071,7 @@ msgstr "configuration manquante"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -10073,19 +10080,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Une connexion qui aurait pour configuration « %s » doit avoir le type "
+ "d'esclave (slave-type) défini sur « %s » au lieu de « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "La valeur « %d » est hors de portée <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "n'est pas une adresse MAC valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10124,9 +10131,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ne peut pas définir « %s » sans « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "aucune connexion active sur le périphérique « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10277,84 +10284,84 @@ msgstr "préfixe d'adresse IPv6 « %u » non valide"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "métrique de routage « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "Nom de paramètre inconnu"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur de parité « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr "attribut invalide pour une route IPv4"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr "attribut invalide pour une route IPv6"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse IP valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse IP valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "route invalide : %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. L'adresse de serveur DNS n'est pas valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. L'adresse IP n'est pas valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr ""
+ "%d. L'adresse IP a une propriété 'label' (étiquette) de type non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. L'adresse IP a une étiquette « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la passerelle ne peut pas être définie si aucune adresse est configurée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "la passerelle n'est pas valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. La route n'est pas valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. La route ne peut pas être une route par défaut"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "une passerelle n'est pas compatible avec « %s »"
+@@ -10514,16 +10521,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "« %d » n'est pas un canal valide"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un nom d'interface valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion qui aurait pour configuration « %s » doit avoir le type "
+-"d'esclave (slave-type) défini sur « %s » au lieu de « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10536,34 +10541,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion qui aurait pour configuration « %s » doit avoir le type "
+-"d'esclave (slave-type) défini sur « %s » au lieu de « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion qui aurait pour configuration « %s » doit avoir le type "
+-"d'esclave (slave-type) défini sur « %s » au lieu de « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion esclave avec « %s » défini à « %s » ne peut pas avoir un "
+-"paramètre « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "paramètre \"plugin\" manquant"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10572,11 +10571,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion qui aurait pour configuration « %s » doit avoir le type "
+-"d'esclave (slave-type) défini sur « %s » au lieu de « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10585,36 +10582,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une adresse IP valide"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un mode Wi-Fi valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "l'id de vlan doit être entre 0-4094 mais est à %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un marqueur DCB valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un mode Wi-Fi valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Une connexion esclave avec « %s » défini à « %s » ne peut pas avoir un "
+-"paramètre « %s »"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas un mode Wi-Fi valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10651,11 +10646,76 @@ msgstr "le script n'est pas valide utf8"
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr "il manque à ce script la fonction FindProxyForURL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une bande valide"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "propriété manquante"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "La valeur « %d » est hors de portée <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "Le IV contient des chiffres non hexadécimaux."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "Le IV contient des chiffres non hexadécimaux."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "route invalide : %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "nom de fichier manquant"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "impossible de charger le greffon %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "configuration manquante"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "adresse IPv4 manquante"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10922,135 +10982,179 @@ msgstr "secret non trouvé"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "secret non défini"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une bande valide"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "option « %s » non valide"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "Aucun nom de service spécifié"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "propriété manquante"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "option « %s » non valide"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "échec fichier stat %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "pas un fichier  (%s) "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "propriétaire de fichier non valide %d pour %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "permissions de fichier pour %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "rejète %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "le chemin n'est pas absolu (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "le fichier de greffon n'existe pas (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "Le greffon n'est pas un fichier valide (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "les archives libtool ne sont pas prises en charge (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "N'a pas pu trouver le binaire « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr "adresse MAC Ethernet invalide pour masque à la position %lld"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr "adresse MAC Ethernet #%u invalide à la position %lld"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr "le nom de l'interface est trop court"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr "le nom d'interface est réservé"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr "le nom de l'interface contient un caractère invalide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "le nom de l'interface fait plus de 15 caractères"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "la valeur est NULL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "la valeur est vide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "JSON invalide à la position %d (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "n'est pas un objet JSON"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "utf-8 invalide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr "séquence d'échappement no terminée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr "séparateur clé-valeur « %c » manquant"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "attribut inconnu « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr "séparateur clé-valeur « %c » manquant"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur « %s » uint32 invalide pour l'attribut  « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur « %s » uint8 invalide pour l'attribut  « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "option « %s » ou sa valeur « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
+@@ -11311,9 +11415,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion Bluetooth"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion Bluetooth"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -11424,19 +11528,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion « OLPC Mesh »."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion de pontage"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion team."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "La connexion n'était pas une connexion tun."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -11509,9 +11610,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11698,16 +11798,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "périphériques WiFi"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Activer ou désactiver le réseau système"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-"La politique du système empêche l'activation ou la désactivation de "
+-"périphériques WiFi"
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -12326,23 +12422,3 @@ msgstr "Niveau de journalisation « %s » inconnu"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Domaine de journalisation « %s » inconnu"
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "Raison invalide"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Connexion activée (maître attendant les esclaves) (chemin D-Bus actif : "
+-#~ "%s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (par défaut)"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "%d (forever)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (non)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (désactivé)"
+diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
+index 93a2aa1..ae1ec4e 100644
+--- a/po/it.po
++++ b/po/it.po
+@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
+ # Francesco Marletta <francesco.marletta@tiscali.it>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+ # Vincenzo Reale <smart2128@baslug.org>, 2011.
+ # Milo Casagrande <milo@ubuntu.com>, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 05:31-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Italian <tp@lists.linux.it>\n"
+ "Language: it\n"
+@@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+ "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-10-23 16:25+0000\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ msgstr "Connessioni (nome, UUID o percorso): "
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Connessione (nome, UUID, percorso o apath): "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<file di output>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -322,7 +320,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "attivi. Utilizzare l'opzione --show-secrets globale per rivelare anche i "
+ "segreti associati.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passwd-file - File con le password richieste per attivare la connessione\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -390,7 +388,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "tramite il suo nome, UUID o percorso D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -542,7 +540,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -590,7 +588,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -612,7 +610,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "id (fornito come argomento <nuovo nome>).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -639,7 +637,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Aggiunge un nuovo profilo di connessione con un editor interattivo.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -658,7 +656,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Il profilo viene identificato tramite il suo nome, UUID o percorso D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -680,7 +678,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Monitora tutti i profili di connessione se non ne viene specificato uno.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -693,7 +691,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Ricarica tutti i file della connessione dal disco.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -716,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "NetworkManager consideri le nuove modifiche.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -741,7 +739,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "è importata dai plug-in VPN di NetworkManager.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -762,23 +760,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "fornito un nome.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "attivazione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "attivata"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "disattivazione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "disattivata"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -786,65 +784,65 @@ msgstr "disattivata"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "sconosciuto"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN (preparazione)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN (autenticazione necessaria)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN (acquisizione configurazione IP)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "Connessi alla VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN non riuscita"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "Disconnessi dalla VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore nell'aggiornare i segreti per %s: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Dettagli profilo connessione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: \"connection show\": %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "mai"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -855,16 +853,16 @@ msgstr "mai"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "sì"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -875,66 +873,66 @@ msgstr "sì"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Attiva dettagli connessione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "campo \"%s\" non valido; campi consentiti: %s e %s oppure %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" deve essere isolato"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "opzione stringa '%s' di '--order' errata"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "opzione elemento '%s' in '--order' errata"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr "Errore: nessuna connessione specificata."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr "Errore: manca l'argomento %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "Errore: connessione sconosciuta \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "Argomento '--order' assente"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "Profili NetworkManager attivi"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "Profili connessione NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -948,14 +946,14 @@ msgstr "Profili connessione NetworkManager"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Errore: manca l'argomento %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Errore: %s - profilo di connessione inesistente."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -964,238 +962,238 @@ msgstr "Errore: %s - profilo di connessione inesistente."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "nessuna connessione attiva sul dispositivo «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "nessuna connessione o dispositivo attivo"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» non compatibile con la connessione «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» non compatibile con la connessione «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "nessun dispositivo trovato per la connessione «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Connessione attivata con successo (percorso D-Bus attivo: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione attivata con successo (percorso D-Bus attivo: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: attivazione connessione non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr "Errore: timeout, sono trascorsi %d secondi."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Lettura del passwd-file \"%s\" non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "mancano i due punti nella voce \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "manca il punto nella voce \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "nome impostazione non valido nelle voce \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» sconosciuto."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "non sono stati forniti un dispositivo e una connessione validi"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Parametro sconosciuto: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "preparazione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione \"%s\" (%s) eliminata con successo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Connessione \"%s\" disattivata con successo (percorso D-Bus attivo: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Errore: nessuna connessione specificata."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: \"%s\" non è una connessione attiva.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Errore: non tutte le connessioni attive sono state trovate."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Errore: nessuna connessione attiva fornita."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: attivazione connessione non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "«%s» non tra [%s]"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Errore sconosciuto"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: master=\"%s\" non si riferisce ad alcun profilo esistente.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: proprietà «%s» non valida: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: modifica di %s.%s non riuscita: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: rimozione di un valore da %s.%s non riuscita: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile ripetere \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: tipo di connessione non valido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: tipo di connessione non valido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: tipo di connessione non valido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: %s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Errore: è richiesto «master»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Errore: connessione «%s» sconosciuta."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Errore: «%s» non è una modalità di monitoraggio valida; usare «%s» o «%s».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "Errore: «bt-type»: «%s» non valido; usare [%s, %s (%s), %s]."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Errore: manca il valore per \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Errore: manca l'argomento <impostazione>.<proprietà>."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impostazione «%s» non valida o non consentita: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "«%s» è ambiguo (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Errore: <impostazione>.<proprietà> «%s» non valida."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: aggiunta della connessione \"%s\" non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1206,48 +1204,48 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione «%s» (%s) aggiunta con successo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "C'è %d argomento opzionale per il tipo di connessione \"%s\".\n"
+ msgstr[1] "Ci sono %d argomenti opzionali per il tipo di connessione \"%s\".\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "Fornirlo ora?"
+ msgstr[1] "Fornirli ora? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Errore: è richiesto il valore per l'argomento «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: \"save\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Errore: è richiesto l'argomento «type»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[impostazione valori di «%s»]\n"
+@@ -1255,7 +1253,7 @@ msgstr "[impostazione valori di «%s»]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1293,7 +1291,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "mmcli    <opzione-conf> <val>           :: Configurazione di nmcli\n"
+ "quit                                    :: Esce da nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1313,7 +1311,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "        nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "        nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1334,7 +1332,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Esempi: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "        nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1349,7 +1347,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: nmcli> set con.id La mia connessione\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1364,7 +1362,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "impostazioni e proprietà di NM, consultare la pagina di manuale nm-"
+ "settings(5).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1379,7 +1377,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1404,7 +1402,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "        nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "        nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1434,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "eliminare\n"
+ "definitivamente il profilo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1455,7 +1453,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) o NSP (WiMAX) (iniziare con / quando "
+ "<ifname>              non è specificato)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1464,7 +1462,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: Va al livello superiore del menù\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1473,7 +1471,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<comando>]  :: Aiuto per i comandi nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1500,7 +1498,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1514,8 +1512,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "salvata,\n"
+ "viene richiesto di confermare l'azione.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Comando sconosciuto «%s»\n"
+@@ -1523,7 +1521,7 @@ msgstr "Comando sconosciuto «%s»\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1553,7 +1551,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "                                      comando\n"
+ "quit                               :: Esce da nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1564,7 +1562,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Questo comando imposta il <valore> fornito a questa proprietà.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1579,7 +1577,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "tipo contenitore. Per proprietà a valore singolo rimpiazza il valore (come "
+ "il comando \"set\").\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1590,7 +1588,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Visualizza il valore attuale e consente di modificarlo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1626,7 +1624,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "        nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1641,7 +1639,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "impostazioni e proprietà di NM, consultare la pagina di manuale nm-"
+ "settings(5).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1657,7 +1655,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "possibile\n"
+ "visualizzare i valori per l'impostazione o la connessione.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1666,28 +1664,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<comando>]  :: Aiuto per i comandi di nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: attivazione connessione non riuscita.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: l'impostazione «%s» è obbligatoria e non può essere rimossa.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Tipo: %s | Nome: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "La connessione non è stata salvata. Uscire veramente? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1696,66 +1694,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Il profilo della connessione è stato rimosso da un altro client. È possibile "
+ "digitare \"save\" nel menù principale per ripristinarla.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Valori consentiti per la proprietà «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Inserire il valore per «%s»:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: impostazione della proprietà «%s» non riuscita: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Modifica valore di «%s»: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: rimozione del valore di «%s» non riuscita: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Argomento sconosciuto del comando: «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Impostazioni disponibili: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: nome impostazione non valido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Proprietà disponibili: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: proprietà %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1766,12 +1764,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "connessione immediatamente.\n"
+ "Salvarla veramente? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "È possibile modificare le seguenti impostazioni: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1780,219 +1778,219 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Il profilo della connessione è stato rimosso da un altro client. È possibile "
+ "digitare \"save\" per ripristinarla.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: selezione non impostata; valori validi sono [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "Prima usare «goto <impostazione>» o «set <impostazione>.<proprietà>»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Errore: argomento «%s» dell'impostazione non valido; valori validi sono "
+ "[%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: manca l'impostazione per la proprietà «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: proprità non valida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: impostazione «%s» sconosciuta\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "È possibile modificare le seguenti proprietà: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: nessun argomento fornito; argomenti validi sono [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "L'impostazione «%s» non è presente nella connessione.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: proprietà %s, non è nemmeno il nome di un'impostazione.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Prima usare «goto <impostazione>» o «describe <impostazione>.<proprietà>»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Errore: proprietà non valida: %s, non è nemmeno il nome valido di "
+ "un'impostazione.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: impostazione sconosciuta: «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: impostazione \"%s\" non presente nella connessione\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: proprietà non valida: %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ", non è nemmeno il nome valido di un'impostazione"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Opzione di verifica non valida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verifica dell'impostazione «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verifica della connessione: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "L'errore non può essere corretto automaticamente.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: parametro \"%s\" non valido\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: salvataggio della connessione \"%s\" (%s) non riuscita: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione «%s» (%s) salvata con successo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione \"%s\" (%s) aggiornata con successo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: verifica della connessione non riuscita: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(errore sconosciuto)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Provare a eseguire \"verify fix\" per correggere gli errori.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: la connessione non è stata salvata. Digitare «save».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: la connessione non è valida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile attivare la connessione: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: attivazione della connessione \"%s\" (%s) non riuscita: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Monitoraggio attivazione connessione (premere un tasto per continuare)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: status-line: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: colore errato: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Configurazione di nmcli attuale:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Opzione di configurazione «%s» non valida; consentito [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "Errore: solo uno tra «id», uuid o «path» può essere fornito."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Errore: connessione «%s» sconosciuta."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: modifica della connessione esistente «%s»; l'argomento «type» "
+ "viene ignorato\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -2000,197 +1998,197 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: modifica della connessione esistente «%s»; l'argomento «con-"
+ "name» viene ignorato\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Tipi di connessione validi: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: tipo di connessione non valido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| Editor interattivo di connessione nmcli |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Modifica della connessione esistente «%s»: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta di una nuova connessione «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Digitare «help» o «?» per i comandi disponibili."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Digitare «describe [<impostazione>.<prop>]» per informazioni dettagliate "
+ "sulla proprietà."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: modifica della connessione \"%s\" non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "Connessione «%s» (%s) modificata con successo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) clonato come %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Nuova connessione nome:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Errore: argomento <new name> assente."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Errore: parametro extra sconosciuto: '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Errore: non tutte le connessioni sono state eliminate."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: eliminazione connessione non riuscita: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile trovare tutte le connessioni."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile eliminare connessioni sconosciute: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: profilo di connessione modificato\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: profilo di connessione creato\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: profilo di connessione rimosso\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: ricaricamento della connessione non riuscito: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: caricamento connessione non riuscita: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Impossibile caricare il file «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "File da importare: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Errore: non è stato fornito alcun argomento."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Avvertenza: 'type' già specificato, ignorato quello supplementare.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Avvertenza: 'file' già specificato, ignorato quello supplementare.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Parametro sconosciuto: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Errore: è richiesto l'argomento «type»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Errore: argomento 'file' obbligatorio."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile caricare il plug-in della VPN: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile caricare il plug-in della VPN: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile importare '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Nome file di output:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Errore: la connessione non è una VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile creare file temporaneo %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile esportare '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Errore: impossibile leggere il file temporaneo '%s': %s."
+@@ -3796,29 +3794,29 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" non è un profilo di una connessione VPN"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" non è il nome di un profilo esistente"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Errore: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "impossibile determinare come recuperare il valore della proprietà"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non può essere modificata"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[Descrizione proprietà NM]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[Descrizione specifica di nmcli]"
+@@ -4199,9 +4197,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "La gestione del dispositivo genitore è stata modificata"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "connessione non riuscita"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4334,250 +4331,250 @@ msgstr ""
+ "impossibile aggiungere instradamento predefinito (NetworkManager lo gestisce "
+ "automaticamente)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "mappa priorità «%s» non valida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "priorità «%s» non valida (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "l'indice «%s» non è valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è una PSK valida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "non è un indirizzo MAC valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è una configurazione di team o un nome di file valido."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(predefinito)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un MAC Ethernet valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" non è un numero di flag valido; usare <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: la somma \"%s\" è maggiore di tutti i flag => tutti i flag "
+ "impostati\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "opzione '%s' non valida, utilizzare una tra [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "opzione '%s' non valida, utilizzare una tra [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (chiave)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (passphrase)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (sconosciuto)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (NESSUNO)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "REORDER_HEADERS, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (disabilitato)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (abilitato, preferire IP pubblico)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (abilitato, preferire IP temporaneo)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (nessuno)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "proprietà agente, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "non salvato, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "non richiesto, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è valido; usare <opzione>=<valore>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "nessun elemento da rimuovere"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "l'indice «%d» non è nell'intervallo <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "opzione mancante"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un MAC valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "\"%u\" flag non sono validi, usare una combinazione di %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un numero valido (o non è nell'intervallo)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un carattere hex valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene il metodo EAP \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la proprietà non contiene un oggetto alternativo che corrisponde a \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "la proprietà non contiene un oggetto alternativo \"phase2\" che corrisponde "
+ "a \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4615,67 +4612,67 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Tipo di connessione Bluetooth sconosciuta/non gestita"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene il permesso \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un master valido, usare ifname o lo UUID di connessione"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "il valore \"%s\" non è uno UUID valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene lo UUID \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (disabilitato)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "abilitato,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "pubblicizza, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "disponibile, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un flag DCB valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "deve contenere 8 numeri separati da virgole"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un numero tra 0 e %u (inclusivo) o %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un numero tra 0 e %u (inclusivo)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4683,117 +4680,148 @@ msgstr ""
+ "(abilitato)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "le percentuali della banda devono totalizzare 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "ID operatore SIM deve essere un codice MCCMNC di 5 o 6 numeri"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è una P_Key IBoIP valida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "predefinito"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "indirizzo IPv4 «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene il server DNS \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene il dominio di ricerca DNS \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l’opzione DNS ‘%s’"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'indirizzo IP \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "indirizzo gateway \"%s\" non valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'instradamento \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "indirizzo IPv6 «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un numero"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è valido; usare 0, 1 o 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un canale valido; usare <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "la proprietà non contiene lo UUID \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'instradamento \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "la proprietà non contiene la mappatura \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'instradamento \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: solo una associazione alla volta è supportata, viene considerata "
+ "solo la prima (%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene la mappatura \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "nessuna priorità da rimuovere"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "l'indice «%d» non è nell'intervallo <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" non può essere vuota"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4802,23 +4830,23 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" non può essere vuota"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo MAC valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'indirizzo MAC \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" non è valido; dovrebbero essere fornite 2 o 3 stringhe"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "il valore stringa \"%s\" deve essere di 1 - 199 caratteri"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4829,24 +4857,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  opzione = <valore>, opzione = <valore>,... \n"
+ "Opzioni valide sono: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un canale valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "«%ld» non è un canale valido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "la proprietà non contiene il protocollo \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -4855,65 +4883,65 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"%s\" non è compatibile con %s \"%s\", modificare la chiave o impostare per "
+ "prima cosa il corretto %s."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "La chiave WEP è ipotizzata essere di «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "Indice della chiave WEP impostato a \"%d\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Attenzione: \"%s\" non è compatibile con il tipo \"%s\", modificare o "
+ "eliminare la chiave.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è una PSK valida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaccia principale di aggregazione [nessuna]: "
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Modalità monitoraggio di aggregazione %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Miimon di aggregazione [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Downdelay di aggregazione [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Updelay di aggregazione [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Arp-interval di aggregazione [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Arp-ip-target di aggregazione [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "Velocità LACP (\"slow\" o \"fast\") [slow]: "
+@@ -4922,7 +4950,7 @@ msgstr "Velocità LACP (\"slow\" o \"fast\") [slow]: "
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4940,7 +4968,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/mio-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4952,7 +5006,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli non supporta i certificati passati come puri dati binari.\n"
+ "Esempio: /home/mario/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4965,7 +5019,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli non supporta i certificati passati come puri dati binari.\n"
+ "Esempio: /home/mario/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4980,7 +5034,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli non supporta i certificati passati come puri dati binari.\n"
+ "Esempio: /home/mario/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4995,7 +5049,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli non supporta i certificati passati come puri dati binari.\n"
+ "Esempio: /home/mario/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -5016,8 +5070,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Esempi: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "        ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -5034,97 +5088,97 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Nome utente"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Password [nessuna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo dispositivo Bluetooth: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "Abilitare STP %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "Priorità STP [32768]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Forward delay [15]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello time [2]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Età massima [20]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "Tempo invecchiamento indirizzo MAC [300]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr "Abilita snooping IGMP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Priorità porta bridge [32]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Costo percorso STP porta bridge [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Modalità hairpin"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Nome utente [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -5140,7 +5194,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: mario carlo alice\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -5160,7 +5214,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -5175,29 +5229,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"unknown\" per consentire a NetworkManager di scegliere un valore in base\n"
+ "a delle euristiche\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "AP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interfaccia genitore [nessuna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5207,12 +5261,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo IPv4 (IP[/plen]) [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5226,12 +5280,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Gateway IPv4 [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5253,7 +5307,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Esempio: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5274,12 +5328,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo IPv6 (IP[/plen]) [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5293,12 +5347,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Gateway IPv6 [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5321,189 +5375,188 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo padre [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Endpoint locale [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Remoto: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo genitore MACVLAN o UUID di connessione:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "Canale mesh OLPC [1]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo MAC DHCP anycast [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "Dispositivo padre [nessuno]: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Servizio [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "Nome utente PPPoE:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "Configurazione JSON team [nessuna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID utente [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID gruppo [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "Abilita PI %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "Abilita intestazione VNET %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "Abilita coda multipla %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo genitore VLAN o UUID di connessione:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "ID VLAN <0-4094>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "Flag VLAN (<0-7>) [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mappe priorità ingress [nessuna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mappe priorità egress [nessuna]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VXLAN ID: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo locale [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Porta sorgente minima [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Porta sorgente massima [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Porta destinazione [8472]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "Nome NSP WiMAX: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC clonato [nessuno]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5513,7 +5566,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Esempio: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5522,179 +5575,183 @@ msgstr ""
+ "1 per chiave e 2 per passphrase.\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione aggregata"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Bridge"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione a banda larga mobile %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione a banda larga mobile %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione InfiniBand"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocollo ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocollo ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione aggregata"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Modalità dispositivo TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Team"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "Modalità dispositivo TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione VXLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione Wi-Fi %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Nome utente"
+@@ -5714,8 +5771,8 @@ msgstr "Una sessione di autenticazione è già in corso."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Password"
+@@ -5728,7 +5785,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Password della chiave privata"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Chiave"
+@@ -5904,14 +5961,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5950,18 +6008,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6588,19 +6646,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7573,19 +7630,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "Abilita o disabilita la rete di sistema"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Abilita o disabilita i dispositivi Wi-Fi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Abilita o disabilita i dispositivi Wi-Fi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7791,7 +7845,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7799,7 +7861,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7807,45 +7940,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7853,14 +8008,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7873,20 +8028,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7894,32 +8049,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7927,7 +8082,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7937,93 +8092,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -8161,7 +8316,7 @@ msgstr "Connessione DSL %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Aggregata"
+@@ -8173,7 +8328,7 @@ msgstr "Connessione aggregata %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Bridge"
+@@ -8185,7 +8340,7 @@ msgstr "Connessione bridge %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Team"
+@@ -8348,7 +8503,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Slave"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Modalità"
+@@ -8383,7 +8538,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "Obiettivi ARP"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Indirizzo MAC clonato"
+@@ -8448,7 +8603,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8528,9 +8683,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "Ignora gli instradamenti ottenuti automaticamente"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "Ignora gli instradamenti ottenuti automaticamente"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8682,124 +8836,124 @@ msgstr "TEAM"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "Id VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Client"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Punto di accesso"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Rete Ad-Hoc"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Automatico"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Nessuna"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA e WPA2 Personal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA e WPA2 Enterprise"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "Chiave WEP 40/128-bit (hex o ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "Frase di accesso WEP 128-bit"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "WEP dinamico (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (predefinito)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Sistema aperto"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Chiave condivisa"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI     "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Canale"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Sicurezza"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(supporto per wpa-enterprise non ancora disponibile)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "Indice WEP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Autenticazione"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(supporto per dynamic-wep non ancora disponibile)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8867,9 +9021,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect interrotto con segnale %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Attivazione non riuscita"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9338,7 +9492,7 @@ msgstr "Errore inatteso nel normalizzare la connessione"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9377,170 +9531,180 @@ msgstr "Tunnel IP"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "Il metodo ha restituito il tipo '%s', ma è previsto '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "numero mancante ignorato"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "numero non valido \"%s\" ignorato"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "indirizzo non valido %s ignorato: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "gateway non valido \"%s\" per l'instradamento %s ignorato"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "instradamento non valido %s ignorato: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "carattere \"%c\" non atteso per l'indirizzo %s: \"%s\" (posizione %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "carattere \"%c\" non atteso per %s: \"%s\" (posizione %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "carattere \"%c\" non atteso nella lunghezza del prefisso per %s: \"%s"
+ "\" (posizione %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "dati non necessari alla fine del valore %s: \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "punto e virgola non più supportato alla fine del valore %s: \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ "lunghezza prefisso per %s \"%s\" non valida, usato valore predefinito %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "lunghezza prefisso per %s \"%s\" mancante, usato valore predefinito %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "ignorato indirizzo server DNS IPv4 \"%s\" non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "ignorato indirizzo server DNS IPv6 \"%s\" non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "ignorato elemento byte \"%d\" non valido (non nell'intervallo inclusivo "
+ "0-255)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "ignorato indirizzo MAC non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "ignorato SSID non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "ignorata password raw non valida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "il certificato o il file chiave \"%s\" non esiste"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "valore percorso \"%s\" chiave/certificato non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "valore chiave/certificato data:;base64, non è base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "valore chiave/certificato data:;base64,file:// non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "valore chiave/certificato non valido non è un blob valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "valore chiave/certificato non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "valore di parità \"%s\" non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "instradamento non valido %s ignorato: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "indirizzo IP non valido: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "errore nel caricare il valore d'impostazione: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valore negativo non valido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valore carattere non valido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "valore int64 non valido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "FLAG troppo grandi per la proprietà \"%s\" (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "tipo di proprietà d'impostazione \"%s\" non gestito"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "nome impostazione \"%s\" non valido"
+@@ -9595,7 +9759,7 @@ msgstr "chiave privata phase2 non valida"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9707,93 +9871,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "la connessione \"%s\" richiede \"%s\" o l'impostazione \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "la connessione \"%s\" richiede \"%s\" o l'impostazione \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "solo uno tra «%s» e «%s» può essere impostato"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "manca l'opzione obbligatoria «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un valore valido per «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "«%s=%s» non è compatibile con «%s > 0»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IPv4 valido per l'opzione «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "l'opzione «%s» è valida solamente per «%s=%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "«%s=%s» non è una configurazione valida per «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "l'opzione «%s» richiede l'impostazione dell'opzione «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "l'opzione «%s» è vuota"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IPv4 valido per l'opzione «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "l'opzione \"%s\" è valida solamente con la modalità \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "'%s' e '%s' non possono avere valori diversi"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "l'opzione \"%s\" dovrebbe essere una stringa"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "l'opzione \"%s\" è valida solamente con la modalità \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "impostazione mancante"
+@@ -9801,7 +9965,7 @@ msgstr "impostazione mancante"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9810,19 +9974,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Una connessione con un'impostazione \"%s\" deve avere slave-type impostato a "
+ "\"%s\", invece è \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "il valore «%d» non è nell'intervallo <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "non è un indirizzo MAC valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9861,9 +10025,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "Impossibile impostare \"%s\" senza \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "nessuna connessione attiva sul dispositivo «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10013,82 +10177,82 @@ msgstr "Prefisso \"%u\" dell'indirizzo IPv6 non valido"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "Metrica di instradamento \"%s\" non valida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "nome impostazione sconosciuto"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "valore di parità \"%s\" non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IP valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IP valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Il server DNS non è valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. L'indirizzo IP non è valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. Proprietà \"label\" dell'indirizzo IP di tipo non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. Label \"%s\" dell'indirizzo IP non valida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "impossibile impostare il gateway se non è configurato alcun indirizzo"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "il gateway non è valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. L'instradamento non è valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. L'instradamento non può essere quello predefinito"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "«%s=%s» non è compatibile con «%s > 0»"
+@@ -10245,16 +10409,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "«%d» non è un canale valido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è un nome valido di interfaccia"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una connessione con un'impostazione \"%s\" deve avere slave-type impostato a "
+-"\"%s\", invece è \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10267,34 +10429,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una connessione con un'impostazione \"%s\" deve avere slave-type impostato a "
+-"\"%s\", invece è \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una connessione con un'impostazione \"%s\" deve avere slave-type impostato a "
+-"\"%s\", invece è \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Rilevata una connessione slave con \"%s\" impostato e un tipo di porta \"%s"
+-"\". \"%s\" dovrebbe essere impostato a \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "assente \"plugin\" impostazione"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10303,11 +10459,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Una connessione con un'impostazione \"%s\" deve avere slave-type impostato a "
+-"\"%s\", invece è \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10316,36 +10470,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IP valido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è una modalità Wi-Fi valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "id vlan deve essere nell’intervallo 0-4094, ma è %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è un flag DCB valido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è una modalità Wi-Fi valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Rilevata una connessione slave con \"%s\" impostato e un tipo di porta \"%s"
+-"\". \"%s\" dovrebbe essere impostato a \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è una modalità Wi-Fi valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10382,11 +10534,76 @@ msgstr "l'indice «%s» non è valido"
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "«%s» non è una banda valida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "dati mancanti"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "il valore «%d» non è nell'intervallo <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contiene cifre non esadecimali."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contiene cifre non esadecimali."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "nome file assente"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "impossibile caricare il plugin %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "impostazione mancante"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "Indirizzo IPv4 mancante"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10652,137 +10869,181 @@ msgstr "segreto non trovato"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "segreto non impostato"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "«%s» non è una banda valida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "Nessun nome di servizio specificato"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "dati mancanti"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "stat file %s: %s non riuscito"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "non è un file (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "proprietario file non valido %d per %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "permessi file per %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "rifiuta %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "il percorso non è assoluto (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "Il file di plugin non esiste (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "Il plugin non è un file valido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "archivi libtool non supportati (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "Impossibile trovare il binario di \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr "«%s» non è un indirizzo IPv4 valido per l'opzione «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr "Nome interfaccia [*]: "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr "Sono richiesti il nome di un'interfaccia e un UUID\n"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "valore del segreto vuoto"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» sconosciuto."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11038,9 +11299,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione Bluetooth."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione Bluetooth."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -11149,19 +11410,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione Mesh OLPC."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione bridge."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione team."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "La connessione non era una connessione tun."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -11231,9 +11489,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11418,16 +11675,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Wi-Fi"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Abilita o disabilita la rete di sistema"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-"La politica di sistema impedisce di abilitare o disabilitare i dispositivi "
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -12035,24 +12288,3 @@ msgstr "Livello di registrazione «%s» sconosciuto"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dominio di registrazione «%s» sconosciuto"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Connessione attivata con successo (master in attesa di slave) (percorso D-"
+-#~ "Bus attivo: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (predefinito)"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "%d (forever)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (no)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (off)"
+diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
+index d7cf46e..525675a 100644
+--- a/po/ja.po
++++ b/po/ja.po
+@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
+ # Satoru SATOH <ssato@redhat.com>, 2005-2007.
+ # Kiyoto Hashida <khashida@redhat.com>, 2010.
+ # Noriko Mizumoto <noriko@fedoraproject.org>, 2013 - 2014.
+-# kmoriguc <kmoriguc@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# amoewaki <amoewaki@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ # lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-22 09:54-0400\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-04 11:32+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: amoewaki <amoewaki@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation@gnome.gr.jp>\n"
+ "Language: ja\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 4.1.1\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ "使い方: nmcli agent secret { help }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "nmcli を NetworkManager シークレットエージェントとして実行します。"
+-"NetworkManager がパスワードを必要とする場合は、登録されたエージェントにパス"
+-"ワードを尋ねます。このコマンドにより、nmcli が引き続き実行され、パスワードが"
++"NetworkManager がパスワードを必要とする場合は、登録したエージェントにパスワー"
++"ドを尋ねます。このコマンドにより、nmcli が引き続き実行し、パスワードが必要な"
+ "\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:58
+@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "使い方: nmcli agent polkit { help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"nmcli をユーザーセッションの polkit アクションとして登録します。\n"
+-"polkit デーモンが承認を必要とする場合、nmcli はユーザーに尋ね、応答を polkit "
++"nmcli を、ユーザーセッションの polkit アクションとして登録します。\n"
++"polkit デーモンが承認を必要とする場合は、nmcli から承認を求められ、その応答"
++"を polkit に返します。\n"
+ "\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:68
+@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス)"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID、パス または apath)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -229,9 +229,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection { コマンド | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"COMMAND := { show | up | down | add | modify | clone | edit | delete | "
++"コマンド := { show | up | down | add | modify | clone | edit | delete | "
+ "monitor | reload | load | import | export }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "  show [--active] [--order <order spec>]\n"
+@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -292,30 +292,30 @@ msgid ""
+ "account. Use global --show-secrets option to reveal associated secrets as "
+ "well.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection show { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [--active] [--order <order spec>]\n"
++"引数 := [--active] [--order <order spec>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "ファイルは、デバイスが\n"
+ "その接続プロファイルを使用している場合でもアクティブなことがあります。パラ"
+ "メーターがないと、\n"
+-"すべてのプロファイルが一覧表示されます。--active オプションが指定された場合"
+-"プロファイルのみが表示されます。--order が指定された場合は、カスタムの接続順"
+-"序が可能になります (man ページを参照)。\n"
++"すべてのプロファイルが一覧表示されます。--active オプションを指定すると、アク"
++"プロファイルのみが表示されます。--order を指定すると、カスタムの接続順序が可"
++"能になります (man ページを参照)。\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...\n"
++"引数 := [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "指定された接続の詳細を表示します。デフォルトでは、静的な接続とアクティブな\n"
+ "接続データが表示されます。グローバルな '--fields' オプションを使用すると、出"
+ "力をフィルタリング\n"
+-"できます。--active オプションが指定された場合は、アクティブなプロファイルのみ"
++"できます。--active オプションを指定すると、アクティブなプロファイルのみが考慮"
+ "関連するシークレットも表示する場合は、グローバルな --show-secrets オプション"
+ "を使用します。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -339,16 +339,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "passwd-file - file with password(s) required to activate the connection\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection up { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [nsp "
+-"<name>] [passwd-file <file with passwords>]\n"
++"引数 := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] "
++"[passwd-file <file with passwords>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイス上の接続をアクティブにします。アクティブにするプロファイルは\n"
+ "名前、UUID、または D-Bus で識別します。\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := ifname <ifname> [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] [passwd-file <file "
+-"with passwords>]\n"
++"引数 := ifname <ifname> [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] [passwd-file <file with "
+ "\n"
+ "接続を使ってデバイスをアクティブにします。接続プロファイルは \n"
+ "NetworkManager により自動的に選択されます。\n"
+@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passwd-file - 接続をアクティブにするのに必要なパスワードを含むファイル\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -372,17 +372,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "UUID or D-Bus path.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection down { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...\n"
++"引数 := [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイスの接続を解除します (デバイスの自動アクティベーションは\n"
+ "停止されません)。解除するプロファイルは名前、UUID、または D-Bus パス\n"
+ "で識別します。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "                  [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection add { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"[-- ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+]\n"
++"([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "                  type <type>\n"
+@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "                  [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "    bluetooth:    [addr <bluetooth address>]\n"
+-"                  [bt-type panu|dun-gsm|dun-cdma]\n"
++"                  [bt-type panu|nap|dun-gsm|dun-cdma]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "    vlan:         dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>\n"
+ "                  id <VLAN ID>\n"
+@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "                  [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -704,9 +704,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection modify { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
++"引数 := [id | uuid | path] <ID> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
+ "\n"
+ "接続プロファイルの 1 つ以上のプロパティーを変更します。\n"
+ "プロファイルは名前、UUID、または D-Bus パスで識別されます。複数の値から成るプ"
+@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -739,17 +739,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "id (provided as <new name> argument).\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection clone { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [--temporary] [id | uuid | path] <ID> <新しい名前>\n"
++"引数 := [--temporary] [id | uuid | path] <ID> <新しい名前>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "既存の接続プロファイルをクローンします。新しく作成された接続は\n"
+-"uuid プロパティー (生成されます) と id (<新しい名前> 引数として提供されま"
+-"を除き <ID> の完全なコピーになります。\n"
++"uuid プロパティー (生成されます) と、(<新しい名前> 引数として提供された) "
++"id \n"
++"を除き、<ID> の完全なコピーになります。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -773,10 +773,10 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "引数 := [type <新しい接続タイプ>] [con-name <新しい接続名>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "プロファイルは名前、UUID、D-Bus パスで識別します。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -807,16 +807,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Monitors all connection profiles in case none is specified.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection monitor { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> ...\n"
++"引数 := [id | uuid | path] <ID> ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "接続プロファイルアクティビティーを監視します。\n"
+ "このコマンドにより、指定された接続が変更されると常に行が出力されます。\n"
+ "何も指定されない場合は、すべての接続プロファイルを監視します。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "ディスクからすべての接続ファイルを再読み込みします。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -846,11 +846,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "引数 := <filename> [<filename>...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "ディスクから接続ファイルを一つまたは複数、読み込みまたは再読み込み\n"
+-"します。手作業で接続ファイルを編集した後は、etworkManager に最新の\n"
++"NetworkManager に最新の状態を認識させてください。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -864,17 +864,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "is imported by NetworkManager VPN plugins.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection import { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [--temporary] type <タイプ> file <インポートするファイル>\n"
++"引数 := [--temporary] type <タイプ> file <インポートするファイル>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "外部設定を NetworkManager 接続プロファイルとしてインポートします。\n"
+-"入力ファイルの種類は type オプションで指定されます。\n"
++"入力ファイルの種類は type オプションで指定します。\n"
+ "現時点では VPN 設定のみがサポートされます。設定は\n"
+ "NetworkManager VPN プラグインによりインポートされます。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -885,31 +885,31 @@ msgid ""
+ "The data are directed to standard output or to a file if a name is given.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli connection export { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<出力ファイル>]\n"
++"引数 := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<出力ファイル>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "接続をエクスポートします。現時点では、VPN 接続のみがサポートされます。\n"
+ "データは標準出力またはファイル (名前が指定された場合) に送信されます。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "アクティベート中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "アクティベート済み"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "停止中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "停止しました"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -917,65 +917,65 @@ msgstr "停止しました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "不明"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続(準備)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続(認証が必要)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続(IP 設定を取得)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続済み"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続失敗"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN 切断済み"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "%s のシークレットの更新中にエラーが発生しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "接続プロファイルの詳細"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: 'connection show': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "しない"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -986,16 +986,16 @@ msgstr "しない"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "はい"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -1006,66 +1006,66 @@ msgstr "はい"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "いいえ"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "アクティブな接続の詳細"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"無効なフィールド '%s'; 許可されたフィールド: %s および %s、または %s、%s"
++"無効なフィールド '%s'; 使用できるフィールド: %s および %s、または %s、%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+-msgstr "'%s' は孤立する必要があります"
++msgstr "'%s' は孤立させる必要があります"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' オプションの正しくない文字列 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' オプションの正しくないアイテム '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr "接続が指定されていません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr "%s 引数がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明な接続 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "'--order' 引数がありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager のアクティブなプロファイル"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 接続プロファイル"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -1079,14 +1079,14 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager 接続プロファイル"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "エラー: %s 引数がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "エラー: %s - そのような接続プロファイルはありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -1095,238 +1095,239 @@ msgstr "エラー: %s - そのような接続プロファイルはありませ
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "デバイス '%s' 上にアクティブな接続はありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "アクティブな接続またはデバイスがありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr "デバイス '%s' は接続 '%s' と互換性がありません:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "デバイス '%s' は接続 '%s' と互換性がありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s'用のデバイスが見つかりません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "接続が正常にアクティベートされました (D-Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
++msgstr "接続が正常にアクティベートされました (%s) (D-Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "接続が正常にアクティベートされました (D-Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続のアクティベーションに失敗: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr "エラー: タイムアウト (%d 秒) になりました"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "passwd-file '%s'の読み込みに失敗: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' エントリー '%s' にコロンがありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' エントリー '%s' にドットがありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' エントリー '%s' の設定名が無効です"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "不明なデバイス '%s' です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "有効な接続、デバイスいずれも指定されていません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "不明なパラメーター: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "準備中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に削除されました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "接続 '%s' が正常に非アクティブ化されました (D-Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続が指定されていません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' はアクティブな接続ではありません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "エラー: アクティブな一部の接続が見つかりません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "エラー: アクティブな接続がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' の非アクティブ化に失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "'%s' は [%s] にはありません"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "不明なエラー"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "警告: master='%s' は既存のプロファイルを参照しません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティ '%s': %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: %s.%s の変更に失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' の値の削除に失敗しました、%s: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' は必須です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効なスレーブタイプ; %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効な接続タイプ; %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+-msgstr "エラー: 問題のある接続タイプ; %s。"
++msgstr "エラー: 問題のある接続タイプ: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "エラー: マスターが必要です"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "エラー: ボンドオプション '%s=%s' の追加中にエラー。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "エラー: '%s' は無効なモニタリングモードです; '%s' または '%s' を使用してくだ"
+ "さい。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+ msgstr ""
+-"エラー: 'bt-type': '%s' は無効です; [%s, %s (%s), %s] を使用してください。"
++"エラー: 'bt-type': '%s' は無効です。[%s, %s, %s (%s), %s] を使用してくださ"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' の値が不明です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "エラー: <setting>.<property> 引数がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効または許可されていない設定 '%s' です: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "エラー:'%s' があいまいです (%s.%s または %s.%s)。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効な <setting>.<property> '%s' です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' 接続の追加に失敗しました: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1335,13 +1336,15 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ "Warning: There are %3$u other connections with the name '%1$s'. Reference "
+ "the connection by its uuid '%2$s'\n"
+ msgstr[0] ""
++"警告: 名前が '%1$s' の接続が他に %3$u 個あります。uuid が '%2$s' の接続を参照"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に追加されました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+@@ -1350,34 +1353,34 @@ msgstr ""
+ "さい。\n"
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
++#, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+-msgstr[0] "'%s' には %d のオプション設定があります。\n"
++msgstr[0] "%s には、任意の設定が %d 個あります。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "指定しますか? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' 引数の値が必要です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 'save': %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' 引数が必要です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "['%s' 設定値]\n"
+@@ -1385,7 +1388,7 @@ msgstr "['%s' 設定値]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1418,7 +1421,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: nmcli 設定\n"
+ "quit                                 :: nmcli を終了する\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1429,15 +1432,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: 設定/プロパティに入り編集する\n"
++"goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: 設定/プロパティーに入り編集する\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: nmcli> goto connection\n"
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1449,16 +1452,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "Examples: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: 設定を削除する、またはプロパティ値をリセットす"
++"remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: 設定を削除する、またはプロパティー値をリセット"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1467,13 +1470,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Example: nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: プロパティ値を設定する\n"
++"set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: プロパティー値を設定する\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1481,12 +1484,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "Shows property description. You can consult nm-settings(5) manual page to "
+ "see all NM settings and properties.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: プロパティ値を表示する\n"
++"describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: プロパティー値を表示する\n"
+ "\n"
+-"プロパティ詳細を表示します。NM の設定およびプロパティの全詳細については nm-"
+-"settings(5) の man ページを参照してください。\n"
++"プロパティー詳細を表示します。NM の設定およびプロパティーの全詳細については、"
++"nm-settings(5) の man ページを参照してください。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1497,11 +1500,11 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "print [all]  :: 設定または接続値を出力する\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1526,7 +1529,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1552,7 +1555,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "永続的な接続を完全に削除する場合は、接続プロファイルを削除する\n"
+ "必要があります。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1573,7 +1576,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) または NSP (WiMAX) (<ifname> が指定されていない場合"
+ "は / を先頭に付ける)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1582,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: 一つ上のメニューレベルに移動\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1591,7 +1594,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli コマンドのヘルプ\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1618,7 +1621,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1631,8 +1634,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli を終了します。変更した接続の保存を行なっていない場合、この動作の確認が"
+ "求められます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "不明なコマンド: '%s'\n"
+@@ -1640,7 +1643,7 @@ msgstr "不明なコマンド: '%s'\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1655,18 +1658,18 @@ msgid ""
+ "help/?   [<command>]             :: print this help or command description\n"
+ "quit                             :: exit nmcli\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"---[ プロパティメニュー]---\n"
++"---[ プロパティーメニュー]---\n"
+ "set      [<value>]               :: 新しい値の設定\n"
+-"add      [<value>]               :: プロパティに新規オプションを追加\n"
++"add      [<value>]               :: プロパティーに新規オプションを追加\n"
+ "change                           :: 現在の値を変更\n"
+ "remove   [<index> | <option>]    :: 値の削除\n"
+-"describe                         :: プロパティの詳細表示\n"
+-"print    [setting | connection]  :: プロパティ値 (設定/接続) の表示\n"
++"describe                         :: プロパティーの詳細表示\n"
++"print    [setting | connection]  :: プロパティー値 (設定/接続) の表示\n"
+ "back                             :: 上のレベルに移動\n"
+ "help/?   [<command>]             :: このヘルプまたはコマンドの詳細を表示\n"
+ "quit                             :: nmcli の終了\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1675,9 +1678,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: 新しい値の設定\n"
+ "\n"
+-"このプロパティに指定した <value> を設定します。\n"
++"このプロパティーに指定した <value> を設定します。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1692,7 +1695,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "<value> がこのプロパティーに追加されます。単一値のプロパティーの場合は、その"
+ "プロパティー値が置換されます ('set' の場合と同じ)。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1703,7 +1706,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "現在の値を表示し、その値を変更することができます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1738,7 +1741,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1746,12 +1749,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "Shows property description. You can consult nm-settings(5) manual page to "
+ "see all NM settings and properties.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"describe  :: プロパティの詳細表示\n"
++"describe  :: プロパティーの詳細表示\n"
+ "\n"
+-"プロパティの詳細を表示します。NM 設定とプロパティの全詳細は nm-settings(5) "
+-"man ページを参照してください。\n"
++"プロパティーの詳細を表示します。NM 設定とプロパティーの詳細は、nm-"
++"settings(5) man ページを参照してください。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1760,12 +1763,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "Shows property value. Providing an argument you can also display values for "
+ "the whole setting or connection.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"print [property|setting|connection]  :: プロパティ値の表示 (設定、接続)\n"
++"print [property|setting|connection]  :: プロパティー値の表示 (設定、接続)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1774,28 +1777,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli コマンドのヘルプ\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続のアクティベートに失敗しました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 設定 '%s' は必須のため削除できません。\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ タイプ: %s | 名前: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "この接続は保存されません。本当に終了しますか? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1804,66 +1807,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "この接続プロファイルは別のクライアントからは削除されています。メインメニュー"
+ "で「save」と入力すると元に戻すことができます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+-msgstr "'%s' プロパティに対して許可されている値: %s\n"
++msgstr "'%s' プロパティーに使用できる値: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "'%s' 値を入力してください: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: '%s' プロパティの設定に失敗しました: %s\n"
++msgstr "エラー: '%s' プロパティーの設定に失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "'%s' 値の編集: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' の値の削除に失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "不明なコマンド引数: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "使用可能な設定: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効な設定名; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "使用可能なプロパティ: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: プロパティ %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1874,12 +1877,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ベートされる可能性があります。\n"
+ "本当に保存しますか? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "次の設定を変更することができます: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1888,410 +1891,410 @@ msgstr ""
+ "この接続プロファイルは別のクライアントからは削除されています。「save」と入力"
+ "すると元に戻すことができます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 設定が選択されていません; 有効な設定は [%s] になります\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 設定が選択されていません。有効な設定は [%s] になります\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "まず先に 'goto <setting>' を使用するか、'set <setting>.<property>' を使用して"
+ "ください。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 無効な設定引数 %s です; [%s] が有効な引数になります\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 無効な設定引数 %s です。[%s] が有効な引数になります\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: '%s' プロパティ用の設定がありません\n"
++msgstr "エラー: '%s' プロパティー用の設定がありません\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティ: %s\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティー: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 不明な設定 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+-msgstr "変更できるのは次のプロパティになります: %s\n"
++msgstr "変更できるのは次のプロパティーになります: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 引数が指定されていません; [%s] が有効な引数になります\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 引数が指定されていません。[%s] が有効な引数になります\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+-msgstr "この接続には設定 '%s' はありません。\n"
++msgstr "この接続には、設定 '%s' はありません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: %s プロパティ、設定名でもありません。\n"
++msgstr "エラー: %s プロパティー、設定名でもありません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "まず先に 'goto <setting>' を使用するか、'describe <setting>.<property>' を使"
+ "用してください\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティ: %s、有効な設定名でもありません。\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティー: %s、有効な設定名でもありません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 不明な設定: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: この接続には設定 '%s' はありません。\n"
++msgstr "エラー: この接続には、設定 '%s' がありません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティ: %s%s\n"
++msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティー: %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr "有効な設定名でもありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "無効な検証オプション: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "設定 '%s' の確認: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "接続の確認: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+-msgstr "エラーを自動的に修正できません\n"
++msgstr "エラーを自動的に修正できません。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効な引数 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' (%s) 接続の保存に失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に保存されました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に更新されました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続の確認に失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(不明なエラー)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "エラーを修正するために 'verify fix' の実行を試行できます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続は保存されていません。まず 'save' と入力します。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続は無効です: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続をアクティベートできません: %s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' (%s) 接続のアクティベートに失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr "モニタリング接続のアクティベート (いずれかのキーを押して続行する)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: status-line: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 不正な色: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "現在の nmcli 設定:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+-msgstr "無効な設定オプション '%s'; [%s] が許可されています\n"
++msgstr "無効な設定オプション '%s'; [%s] は指定できます\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "エラー: 指定できるのは 'id'、uuid、'path' のいずれか一つになります。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "エラー: 不明な接続 '%s' です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+-msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています;  'タイプ' 引数は無視されます\n"
++msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'タイプ' 引数は無視されます\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+-msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています; 'con 名' 引数は無視されます\n"
++msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'con 名' 引数は無視されます\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "有効な接続タイプ: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "エラー: 無効な接続タイプ; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli インテラクティブ接続エディター |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "既存の '%s' 接続を編集中: '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "新規の '%s' 接続を追加中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "使用できるコマンドを表示するには 'help' または '?' を入力します。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+-"プロパティ詳細を表示するには 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' を入力します。"
++"プロパティー詳細を表示するには、'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' を入力します。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続 '%s' の変更に失敗しました: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に変更されました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) が %s (%s) としてクローンされました。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "新規の接続名:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "エラー: <new name> 引数がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "エラー: 不明な追加の引数: '%s'。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "エラー: 一部の接続が削除されていません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続の削除に失敗しました: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: %s.\n"
++msgstr "エラー: %s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "エラー: 一部の接続が見つかりません。"
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 不明な接続を削除できません: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 接続プロファイルが変更されました\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 接続プロファイルが作成されました\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 接続プロファイルが削除されました\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続のリロードに失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続のロードに失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "'%s' ファイルを読み込めませんでした。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "インポートするファイル:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "エラー: 引数がありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "警告: 'type' はすでに指定されています。追加のものは無視されます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "警告: 'file' はすでに指定されています。追加のものは無視されます。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "不明なパラメーター: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+-msgstr "エラー: 'タイプ' 引数が必要です。"
++msgstr "エラー: 'type' 引数が必要です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "エラー: 'file' 引数が必要です。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: %s 用の VPN プラグインが見つかりません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: VPN プラグインのロードに失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' のインポートに失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "出力ファイル名:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "エラー: 接続は VPN ではありません。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 一時ファイル %s の作成に失敗しました。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: '%s' のエクスポートに失敗しました: %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "エラー: 一時ファイル '%s' の読み取りに失敗しました: %s。"
+@@ -2346,10 +2349,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "  lldp [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device { COMMAND | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device { コマンド | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"COMMAND := { status | show | set | connect | reapply | modify | disconnect | "
+-"delete | monitor | wifi | lldp }\n"
++"コマンド := { status | show | set | connect | reapply | modify | disconnect "
++"| delete | monitor | wifi | lldp }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "  status\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -2409,8 +2412,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ " タイプ       - デバイスタイプ\n"
+ " 状態      - デバイスの状態\n"
+ " 接続 - デバイス上でアクティブにしている接続があればそれを表示\n"
+-"'--fields' グローバルオプションを使用すると表示させる項目を変更することができ"
++"'--fields' グローバルオプションを使用すると、表示させる項目を変更することがで"
+ "'status' はデフォルトのコマンドで、'nmcli device' を実行すると 'nmcli device "
+ "status' を実行したことになります。\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -2426,9 +2429,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "The command lists details for all devices, or for a given device.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device show { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [<ifname>]\n"
++"引数 := [<ifname>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイスの詳細を表示します。\n"
+ "このコマンドですべてのデバイスまたは指定デバイスの詳細を表示させます。\n"
+@@ -2447,9 +2450,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "It will also consider connections that are not set to auto-connect.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device connect { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device connect { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := <ifname>\n"
++"引数 := <ifname>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイスを接続します。\n"
+ "NetworkManager により適した接続が検索され、アクティベートされます。\n"
+@@ -2467,12 +2470,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "made since it was last applied.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: n nmcli device reapply { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: n nmcli device reapply { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := <ifname>\n"
++"引数 := <ifname>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:326
+@@ -2496,12 +2499,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv4.dns 1\n"
+ "nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv6.addr \"abbe::cafe/56\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device modify { ARGUMENTS | --help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device modify { 引数 | --help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
++"引数 := <ifname> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
+ "\n"
+-"接続プロファイルを編集せずに、現在アクティブなデバイス上の 1 つ以上のプロパ"
++"接続プロファイルを編集せずに、現在アクティブなデバイスのプロパティーを 1 つ以"
+ "変更はすぐに反映されます。\n"
+ "複数の値で構成されるプロパティーの場合は、\n"
+ "プロパティー名にオプションの '+' または '-' プレフィックスを使用できます。\n"
+@@ -2527,14 +2530,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "further connections without user/manual intervention.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device disconnect { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device disconnect { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ...\n"
++"引数 := <ifname> ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイスの接続を切断します。\n"
+ "\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:358
+@@ -2550,13 +2552,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "command.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device delete { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ...\n"
++"引数 := <ifname> ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "ソフトウェアデバイスを削除します。\n"
+ "このコマンドにより、インターフェースが削除されます。ソフトウェアデバイス\n"
+-"(ボンドやブリッジなど) にのみ有効です。ハードウェアデバイスはこの\n"
++"(ボンドやブリッジなど) にのみ有効です。ハードウェアデバイスは、この\n"
+ "コマンドで削除できません。\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -2595,9 +2597,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "Monitors all devices in case no interface is specified.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device monitor { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [<ifname>] ...\n"
++"引数 := [<ifname>] ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "デバイスアクティビティーを監視します。\n"
+ "このコマンドにより、指定されたデバイスの状態が変わるたびに行が出力されま"
+@@ -2657,19 +2659,19 @@ msgid ""
+ "use 'nmcli device wifi list' for that.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device wifi { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device wifi { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Wi-Fi デバイス上で演算を実行します。\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]\n"
++"引数 := [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "使用可能な Wi-Fi アクセスポイントを一覧表示します。'ifname' オプションと "
+ "'bssid' オプションを使用すると、\n"
+-"特定のインターフェース用の AP または特定の BSSID を持つ AP を一覧表示すること"
++"特定のインターフェース用の AP、または特定の BSSID を持つ AP を一覧表示するこ"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|"
+-"phrase] [ifname <ifname>]\n"
++"引数 := connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] "
++"[ifname <ifname>]\n"
+ "                     [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] [hidden "
+ "yes|no]\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -2685,16 +2687,16 @@ msgstr ""
+ "のはオープンな\n"
+ "WEP ネットワークおよび WPA-PSK  ネットワークのみであることに注意してくださ"
+ "い。また、\n"
+-"IP 設定は DHCP で取得されることが前提となります。\n"
++"IP 設定は DHCP で取得することが前提となります。\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := wifi hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>]\n"
++"引数 := wifi hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>]\n"
+ "                          [band a|bg] [channel <channel>] [password "
+ "<password>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Wi-Fi ホットスポットを作成します。'connection down' または 'device "
++"disconnect' で\n"
+ "す:\n"
+ "ifname - Wi-Fi device to use\n"
+ "con-name - name of the created hotspot connection profile\n"
+@@ -2703,7 +2705,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "channel - Wi-Fi channel to use\n"
+ "password - password to use for the hotspot\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...]\n"
++"引数 := rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "NetworkManager が直ちに利用可能なアクセスポイントを再スキャンすることをリクエ"
+ "ストします。\n"
+@@ -2711,10 +2713,10 @@ msgstr ""
+ "NetworkManager は定期的に Wi-Fi ネットワークをスキャンしますが、\n"
+ "スキャンを手動で開始することが便利な場合もあります。'ssid' を使用すると特定"
+ "の\n"
+-"SSID をスキャンすることができ、非表示 SSID の AP で便利です。複数の 'ssid' パ"
+-"このコマンドは AP を表示せず、\n"
+-"それには 'nmcli device wifi list' を使用することに留意してください。\n"
++"SSID をスキャンすることができ、非表示 SSID の AP で便利です。'ssid' パラメー"
++"このコマンドは AP を表示しないことに留意してください。\n"
++"表示するためのコマンドは 'nmcli device wifi list' です。\n"
+ "\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:443
+@@ -2729,9 +2731,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "used to list neighbors for a particular interface.\n"
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"使い方: nmcli device lldp { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
++"使い方: nmcli device lldp { 引数 | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"ARGUMENTS := [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
++"引数 := [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "LLDP を介して検出された近接デバイスを一覧表示します。'ifname' オプションを使"
+ "用すると、\n"
+@@ -2889,12 +2891,12 @@ msgstr "エラー: 新規接続の追加、アクティベートに失敗しま
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection with UUID '%s' created and activated on device '%s'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"UUID '%s' の接続が '%s' デバイス上に作成されアクティベートされました。\n"
++"UUID '%s' の接続が、'%s' デバイス上に作成されアクティベートされました。\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1744
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Hotspot '%s' activated on device '%s'\n"
+-msgstr "ホットスポット '%s' がデバイス '%s' でアクティベートされました\n"
++msgstr "ホットスポット '%s' が、デバイス '%s' でアクティベートされました\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1808
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3051,7 +3053,7 @@ msgstr "エラー: SSID または BSSID がありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2954
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bssid argument value '%s' is not a valid BSSID."
+-msgstr "エラー: bssid の引数値 '%s' は有効な BSSID ではありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: bssid の引数値 '%s' は、有効な BSSID ではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2984
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3070,12 +3072,12 @@ msgstr "エラー: %s: %s。"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: BSSID to connect to (%s) differs from bssid argument (%s)."
+ msgstr ""
+-"エラー: (%s) が接続先となる BSSID は bssid 引数 (%s) により異なります。"
++"エラー: (%s) が接続先となる BSSID は、bssid 引数 (%s) により異なります。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3052
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Parameter '%s' is neither SSID nor BSSID."
+-msgstr "エラー: パラメーター '%s' は SSID、BSSID のいずれでもありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: パラメーター '%s' は、SSID、BSSID のいずれでもありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3065 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3500
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3659
+@@ -3103,7 +3105,7 @@ msgstr "エラー: BSSID が '%s' のアクセスポイントが見つかりま
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: '%s' should be SSID for hidden APs; but it looks like a BSSID.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"警告: '%s' は非表示の AP の SSID である必要がありますが、BSSID のようです。\n"
++"警告: '%s' は、非表示 AP の SSID である必要がありますが、BSSID のようです。\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3170
+ msgid "Password: "
+@@ -3150,13 +3152,13 @@ msgstr "エラー: チャネルにはバンドも必要です。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3487
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: channel '%s' not valid for band '%s'."
+-msgstr "エラー: チャンネル '%s' はバンド '%s' に対して有効ではありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: チャンネル '%s' は、バンド '%s' に対して有効ではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3511
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Device '%s' supports neither AP nor Ad-Hoc mode."
+ msgstr ""
+-"エラー: デバイス '%s' は AP またはアドホックモードのいずれもサポートしませ"
++"エラー: デバイス '%s' は、AP またはアドホックモードのいずれもサポートしませ"
+ "ん。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3545
+@@ -3311,7 +3313,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "引数 := [<ホスト名>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "システムの永続的なホスト名を取得または変更します。\n"
+ "を\n"
+ "渡すと、そのホスト名をシステムの永続的なホスト名として新たに設定します。\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -3349,8 +3351,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ "引数 := [level <ログレベル>] [domains <ログドメイン>]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "NetworkManager のログ記録のレベルとドメインを取得または変更します。\n"
+ "使用できるログ記録のドメイン一覧については man ページを参照してください。\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -3515,7 +3518,7 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager のステータス"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:532
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only these fields are allowed: %s"
+-msgstr "エラー: 許可されているのは次のフィールドのみです: %s"
++msgstr "エラー: 使用できるのは次のフィールドのみです: %s"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:582
+ msgid "NetworkManager permissions"
+@@ -3548,7 +3551,8 @@ msgstr "エラー: ホスト名の設定に失敗しました: %s"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:846
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '--fields' value '%s' is not valid here (allowed field: %s)"
+-msgstr "エラー: '--fields' の値 '%s' はここでは無効です (許可フィールド: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++"エラー: '--fields' の値 '%s' はここでは無効です (使用できるフィールド: %s)"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:871
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3563,7 +3567,8 @@ msgstr "接続性"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'networking' command '%s' is not valid."
+-msgstr "エラー: 'networking' のコマンド '%s' は有効なコマンドではありません。"
++msgstr ""
++"エラー: 'networking' のコマンド '%s' は、有効なコマンドではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:948
+ msgid "Networking"
+@@ -3795,19 +3800,19 @@ msgid "Error: Option '--pretty' is mutually exclusive with '--terse'."
+ msgstr "エラー: オプション '--pretty' は '--terse' と相互に排他的です。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:346
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid argument for '%s' option."
+-msgstr "エラー: '%s' は '%s' オプション用の有効な引数ではありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: '%s' は、'%s' オプションの有効な引数ではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:360 ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not valid argument for '%s' option."
+-msgstr "エラー: '%s' は '%s' オプション用の有効な引数ではありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: '%s' は、'%s' オプション用の有効な引数ではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:396
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid timeout."
+-msgstr "エラー: '%s' は '%s' オプションの有効なタイムアウトではありません。"
++msgstr "エラー: '%s' は有効なタイムアウトではありません。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:403
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3817,7 +3822,7 @@ msgstr "nmcli ツール、バージョン %s\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Option '%s' is unknown, try 'nmcli -help'."
+-msgstr "エラー: オプション '%s' は不明です、'nmcli -help' を確認してください。"
++msgstr "エラー: オプション '%s' は不明です。'nmcli -help' で確認してください。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:457 ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:464
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3886,37 +3891,36 @@ msgstr "'%s' は VPN 接続プロファイルではありません"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "'%s' は既存のプロファイルの名前ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "警告: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: %s\n"
++msgstr "情報: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "プロパティ値の取得方法がわかりません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "このプロパティは変更できません"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[NM プロパティの詳細]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[nmcli 固有の詳細]"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:328
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Argument '%s' was expected, but '%s' provided."
+-msgstr ""
+-"エラー: 引数 '%s' の入力が期待されていましたが、'%s' が入力されました。"
++msgstr "エラー: 引数 '%s' が必要ですが、'%s' が指定されました。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:331
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3924,44 +3928,44 @@ msgid "Error: Unexpected argument '%s'"
+ msgstr "エラー: 予期しない引数 '%s' です"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:804
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s%s%s'; no such field"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効なフィールドです; 許可されているのは次のフィールドです: %s"
++msgstr "無効なフィールド '%s%s%s'。そのようなフィールドはありません"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:808
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s%s%s'; allowed fields: [%s]"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効なフィールドです; 許可されているのは次のフィールドです: %s"
++msgstr "無効なフィールド '%s%s%s'。使用できるフィールド: [%s]"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:881
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "failure to select field"
+-msgstr "指定された APN の選択に失敗しました"
++msgstr "フィールドの選択に失敗しました"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:1469
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error reading nmcli output: %s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 不正な色: %s\n"
++msgstr "nmcli 出力の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました: %s\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:1474
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error writing nmcli output: %s\n"
+-msgstr "エラー: 無効なプロパティ: %s\n"
++msgstr "nmcli 出力の書き込み中にエラーが発生しました: %s\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:1498
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to create pager pipe: %s\n"
+-msgstr "プロパティーの設定に失敗しました: %s"
++msgstr "ページャーパイプの作成に失敗しました: %s\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:1506
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to fork pager: %s\n"
+-msgstr "プロパティーの設定に失敗しました: %s"
++msgstr "ページャーのフォークに失敗しました: %s\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/utils.c:1552 ../clients/cli/utils.c:1554
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to duplicate pager pipe: %s\n"
+-msgstr "プライベートキーの復号に失敗しました: %d"
++msgstr "ページャーパイプの複製に失敗しました: %s\n"
+ #. Translators: the first %s is the partial value entered by
+ #. * the user, the second %s a list of compatible values.
+@@ -3975,12 +3979,12 @@ msgstr "'%s' が不明瞭です (%s)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:85
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use [%s] or [%s]"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効です; [%s] か [%s] を使用してください"
++msgstr "'%s' は無効です。[%s] か [%s] を使用してください"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:118
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use [%s], [%s] or [%s]"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効です;  [%s]、[%s]、または [%s] を使用してください"
++msgstr "'%s' は無効です。[%s]、[%s]、または [%s] を使用してください"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:155
+ #, c-format
+@@ -4002,27 +4006,27 @@ msgstr "利用不可"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:229
+ msgid "connecting (prepare)"
+-msgstr "接続中(準備)"
++msgstr "接続中 (準備)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:231
+ msgid "connecting (configuring)"
+-msgstr "接続中(設定中)"
++msgstr "接続中 (設定中)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:233
+ msgid "connecting (need authentication)"
+-msgstr "接続中(認証が必要)"
++msgstr "接続中 (認証が必要)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:235
+ msgid "connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+-msgstr "接続中(IP 設定を取得中)"
++msgstr "接続中 (IP 設定を取得中)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:237
+ msgid "connecting (checking IP connectivity)"
+-msgstr "接続中(IP の接続性チェック)"
++msgstr "接続中 (IP の接続性チェック)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:239
+ msgid "connecting (starting secondary connections)"
+-msgstr "接続中(セカンダリ接続を開始)"
++msgstr "接続中 (セカンダリー接続を開始)"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:245
+ msgid "connection failed"
+@@ -4064,7 +4068,7 @@ msgstr "この IP 設定は無効になりました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:291
+ msgid "Secrets were required, but not provided"
+-msgstr "秘密が必要でしたが入力されませんでした"
++msgstr "シークレットが必要でしたが入力されませんでした"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:293
+ msgid "802.1X supplicant disconnected"
+@@ -4164,7 +4168,7 @@ msgstr "ネットワークの登録が拒否されました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:341
+ msgid "Network registration timed out"
+-msgstr "ネットワークの登録がタイムアウトしました"
++msgstr "ネットワークの登録がタイムアウトになりました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:343
+ msgid "Failed to register with the requested network"
+@@ -4196,7 +4200,7 @@ msgstr "ユーザーまたはクライアントによりデバイスが切断さ
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:357
+ msgid "Carrier/link changed"
+-msgstr "キャリア/リンクが変更されました"
++msgstr "キャリア/リンクが変更されました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:359
+ msgid "The device's existing connection was assumed"
+@@ -4252,7 +4256,7 @@ msgstr "Wi-Fi ネットワークが見つかりませんでした"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:385
+ msgid "A secondary connection of the base connection failed"
+-msgstr "ベース接続のセカンダリ接続に失敗しました"
++msgstr "ベース接続のセカンダリー接続に失敗しました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:387
+ msgid "DCB or FCoE setup failed"
+@@ -4287,9 +4291,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "デバイスの親の管理が変更されました"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "マスター接続に失敗しました"
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch データベースの接続に失敗しました"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4365,9 +4368,9 @@ msgid "field '%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "フィールド '%s' は孤立する必要があります"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-access.c:516
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s%s%s%s%s'; %s%s%s"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効なフィールドです; 許可されているのは次のフィールドです: %s"
++msgstr "無効なフィールド '%s%s%s%s%s'; %s%s%s"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:101
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:157
+@@ -4399,256 +4402,256 @@ msgid "the metric ('%s') must be before attributes"
+ msgstr "メトリック ('%s') が属性の前にある必要があります"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:214
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid route: %s. %s"
+-msgstr "無効なルート: %s。"
++msgstr "無効なルート: %s. %s"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:226
+ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr "デフォルトのルートは追加できません (NetworkManager 自体が処理します)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な優先度マップ '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な優先度ではありません (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr "ファイル '%s' から pac-script を読み込めません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "ファイル '%s' には無効な utf-8 が含まれています"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "'%s' には有効な PAC スクリプトが含まれていません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "有効な PAC スクリプトではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+-msgstr "ファイル '%s' から team 設定を読み込めません"
++msgstr "ファイル '%s' からチーム設定を読み込めません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+-msgstr "team 設定ファイル '%s' には無効な utf-8 が含まれています"
++msgstr "チーム設定ファイル '%s' には無効な utf-8 が含まれています"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+-msgstr "'%s' には有効な team 設定が含まれていません"
++msgstr "'%s' には有効なチーム設定が含まれていません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+-msgstr "team 設定は JSON オブジェクトである必要があります"
++msgstr "チーム設定は JSON オブジェクトである必要があります"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(デフォルト)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "自動"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s (%s)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+-msgstr "値 '%d' は <%d-%d> の範囲外です"
++msgstr "'%s' は、[%lli, %lli] の範囲外です"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+-msgstr "'%s' は数字ではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効な数値ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+-msgstr "'%d' の値は <0-3> の範囲外になります"
++msgstr "'%s' は、[0, %u] の範囲外です"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な Ethernet MAC ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効なフラグ番号ではありません。<0-%d> を使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"警告: 合計 '%s' がすべてのフラグよりも大きいです => すべてのフラグが設定され"
++"合計 '%s' がすべてのフラグよりも大きいです => すべてのフラグが設定されていま"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s' です。[%s] の組み合わせを使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s' です。[%s] のいずれかを使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (key)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (パスフレーズ)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (不明)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (なし)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "ヘッダーの順序変更、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-msgstr "結合を緩める、"
++msgstr "ルースバインディング、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (無効)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (有効、パブリック IP 優先)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+-msgstr "%d (有効、テンポラリ IP を優先)"
++msgstr "%d (有効、一時 IP を優先)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (なし)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "エージェント所有、 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "未保存、 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "不必要、 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "'%s' は無効です; <option>=<value> を使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "削除するアイテムがありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "インデックス '%d' は範囲内にありません <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "足りないオプション"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な MAC ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "'%s' は無効です"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "'%u' フラグは有効ではありません。%s の組み合わせを使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な数字ではありません (または範囲外になります)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な 16 進文字ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには EAP メソッド '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには代替のサブジェクトマッチ '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "プロパティーには代替の  \"phase2\" サブジェクトマッチ '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4686,186 +4689,216 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "接続タイプを変更できません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーにはパーミッション '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' は 有効なマスターではありません: ifname か接続 UUID を使用してください。"
++"'%s' は 有効なマスターではありません: ifname か、接続 UUID を使用してくださ"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "値 '%s' は有効な UUID ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには UUID '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (無効)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "有効、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "公表、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "用意がある、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な DCB フラグではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "コンマで区切った 8 つの番号を含ませてください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "'%s' は 0 と %u (含む) または %u の間の数ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "'%s' は 0 と %u (含む) の間の数ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
++#, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"警告: 変更は '%s' に 1 (有効) を含ませるまで効果はありません\n"
++msgstr "変更は、'%s' に 1 (有効) が含まれるまで効果はありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "帯域幅のパーセンテージの合計は 100%% にならなければなりません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr ""
+ "SIM オペレーター IDは、5 桁または 6 桁の数字の MCCMNC コードである必要があり"
+ "ます"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な IBoIP P_Key ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "デフォルト"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な IPv4 アドレス '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには DNS サーバー '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには DNS 検索ドメイン '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには DNS オプション '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには IP アドレス '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効なゲートウェイアドレス '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーにはルート '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な IPv6 アドレス '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "'%s' は数字ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効です; 0、1、2 のいずれかを使用してください。"
++msgstr "'%s' は無効です。0、1、2 のいずれかを使用してください。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効なチャンネルではありません; <1-13> を使用してください"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効なチャンネルではありません。<1-13> を使用してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "プロパティーには UUID '%s' が含まれません"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "プロパティーにはルート '%s' が含まれません"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "プロパティーにはマッピング '%s' が含まれません"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "プロパティーにはルート '%s' が含まれません"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
++#, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"警告: マッピングは一度に 1 つだけ行えます。最初のマッピング (%s) を行います\n"
++"マッピングは一度に 1 つだけ行います。最初のマッピング (%s) を行います。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーにはマッピング '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "削除する優先度がありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "インデックス '%d' は <0-%d> の範囲内にありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "'%s' を空白にすることはできません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4874,23 +4907,23 @@ msgstr "'%s' を空白にすることはできません"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な MAC アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーには MAC アドレス '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+-msgstr "'%s' は無効です; 2  文字または 3 文字の文字列を入力してください"
++msgstr "'%s' は無効です。2  文字または 3 文字の文字列を入力してください"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+-msgstr "'%s' 文字列値は 1〜199 の文字で構成される必要があります"
++msgstr "'%s' 文字列値は 1 - 199 の文字で構成される必要があります"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4901,24 +4934,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <value>, option = <value>,...\n"
+ "次が有効なオプションになります: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効なチャンネルではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%ld' は有効なチャンネルではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティーにはプロトコル '%s' が含まれません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -4927,58 +4960,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'%s' と %s '%s' は互換性がありません。キーを変更するか、適切な %s を最初に設"
+ "定してください。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
++#, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+-msgstr "WEP キーは '%s' であると仮定しています\n"
++msgstr "WEP キーは '%s' であると仮定しています"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
++#, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+-msgstr "WEP キーインデックスは '%d' に設定されます\n"
++msgstr "WEP キーインデックスは '%d' に設定されます"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+-"警告: '%s' と '%s' タイプは互換性がありません。キーを変更するか、キーを削除し"
++"'%s' は '%s' タイプと互換性がありません。キーを変更するか、削除してください。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な PSK ではありません"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "ボンドのプライマリインターフェース [none]"
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "ボンディングモニタリングモード"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "ボンドの miimon [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "ボンドの downdelay [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "ボンドの updelay [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "ボンドの arp-interval [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "ボンドの arp-ip-target [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "LACP レート ('slow' または 'fast') [slow]"
+@@ -4986,7 +5018,7 @@ msgstr "LACP レート ('slow' または 'fast') [slow]"
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4996,15 +5028,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"nmcli ではダイレクトの JSON 設定データ、設定を含むファイル名のいずれも受け取"
++"nmcli では、JSON 設定データそのものと、設定を含むファイルの名前の両方を受け取"
+ "\n"
+ "例: set team.config { \"device\": \"team0\", \"runner\": {\"name\": "
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5014,11 +5072,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "CA 証明書へのファイルパスを入力します (オプションで file:// を先頭に指定でき"
+ "ます)。\n"
+ "  [file://]<ファイルパス>\n"
+-"nmcli では証明書をロー blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
++"nmcli では、証明書を、生の blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
+ "い。\n"
+ "例: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -5028,11 +5086,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "クライアント証明書へのファイルパスを入力します (オプションで file:// を先頭に"
+ "指定できます)。\n"
+ "  [file://]<ファイルパス>\n"
+-"nmcli では証明書をロー blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
++"nmcli では、証明書を、生の blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
+ "い。\n"
+ "例: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5045,11 +5103,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "を\n"
+ "先頭に指定できます)。\n"
+ "  [file://]<ファイルパス>\n"
+-"nmcli では証明書をロー blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
++"nmcli では、証明書を、生の blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
+ "い。\n"
+ "例: /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -5062,11 +5120,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "file:// を\n"
+ "先頭に指定できます)。\n"
+ "  [file://]<ファイルパス>\n"
+-"nmcli では証明書をロー blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
++"nmcli では、証明書を生の blob データとして指定できないことに注意してくださ"
+ "い。\n"
+ "例: /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -5087,8 +5145,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "例: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -5098,91 +5156,91 @@ msgstr ""
+ "プライベートキーへのパスとキーパスワード (まだ設定していない場合) を入力して"
+ "ください:\n"
+ "  [file://]<ファイルパス> [<パスワード>]\n"
+-"nmcli ではプライベートキーをロー blob データとして指定できないことに注意して"
++"nmcli では、プライベートキーを、生の blob データとして指定できないことに注意"
+ "例: /home/cimrman/jara-priv-key Dardanely\n"
+ #. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "ユーザー名"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "パスワード [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスアドレス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "STP の有効化 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "STP の優先度 [32768]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "フォワード遅延 [15]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello タイム [2]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "最大エイジ [20]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "MAC アドレスのエージングタイム [300]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "グループの前方マスク [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr "IGMP スヌーピングの有効化 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "ブリッジポートの優先度 [32]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "ブリッジポートの STP パスコスト [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "ヘアピン [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "ユーザー名 [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -5197,7 +5255,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例: alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -5215,11 +5273,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "は名前を透過的に UUID に変換します。NetworkManager は現時点では VPN をセカン"
+ "ダリー接続\n"
+ "としてのみサポートします。\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -5234,25 +5292,25 @@ msgstr ""
+ "NetworkManager でヒューリスティックを使用して値を選択できるようにする場合は "
+ "'unknown'\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "APN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "親インターフェース [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5262,11 +5320,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5280,11 +5338,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 ゲートウェイ [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5307,7 +5365,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "例: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5321,16 +5379,16 @@ msgstr ""
+ "DNS サーバーの IPv6 アドレス一覧を入力します。IPv6 設定方法が 'auto' の場合"
+ "は、自動設定で返されるアドレスに DNSサーバーが追加されます。 'shared' または "
+ "'link-local' の IPv6  設定方法では DNS サーバーは使用できません。アップスト"
+-"リームのネットワークがないためです。他の IPv6 設定方法ではすべて DNS サーバー"
+-"はこの接続用の DNS サーバーとしてのみ使用されます。\n"
++"リームのネットワークがないためです。他のすべての IPv6 設定方法では、DNS サー"
++"バーはこの接続用の DNS サーバーとしてのみ使用されます。\n"
+ "\n"
+ "例: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5344,11 +5402,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 ゲートウェイ [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5373,163 +5431,162 @@ msgstr ""
+ "beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "親デバイス [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "ローカルエンドポイント [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "リモート"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "MACsec 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr "暗号化の有効化 [yes]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr "MKA CAK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr "MKA_CKN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr "SCI ポート [1]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "MACVLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr "Tap [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "OLPC メッシュチャンネル [1]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC アドレス [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "親デバイス [none]"
++msgstr "PPPoE 親デバイス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "サービス [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "PPPoE ユーザー名"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr "ブラウザー専用 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr "PAC URL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr "PAC スクリプト"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "team  JSON 設定 [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ユーザー ID [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "グループ ID [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "PI の有効化 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "VNET ヘッダー の有効化 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "複数のキューの有効化 [no]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "VLAN フラグ (<0-7>) [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "イングレス優先度マップ [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "イーグレス優先度マップ [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VXLAN ID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "ローカルアドレス [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "最小ソースポート数 [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "最大ソースポート数 [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "接続先ポート [8472]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "クローンしたMAC [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5539,7 +5596,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5548,176 +5605,169 @@ msgstr ""
+ "key、2 または passphrase です。\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "802-1x 設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "ADSL 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "bluetooth 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Bond デバイス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "ブリッジデバイス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "ブリッジポート"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA モバイルブロードバンド接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "一般設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+-msgstr "起動中"
++msgstr "DCB 設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+-msgstr "ダミー接続"
++msgstr "ダミー設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+-msgstr "設定 '%s' の確認: %s\n"
++msgstr "汎用設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "GSM モバイルブロードバンド接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "InfiniBand 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv4 プロトコル"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv6 プロトコル"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+-msgstr "IP トンネル接続"
++msgstr "IP トンネル設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr "MACsec 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "macvlan 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "OLPC Mesh 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+-msgstr "設定 '%s' の確認: %s\n"
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch ブリッジ設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+-msgstr "設定 '%s' の確認: %s\n"
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch インターフェース設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch パッチインターフェース設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+-msgstr "設定 '%s' の確認: %s\n"
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch ポート設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+-msgstr "起動中"
++msgstr "PPP 設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr "プロキシ"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+-msgstr "使用可能な設定: %s\n"
++msgstr "シリアル設定"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Team デバイス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Team ポート"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "TUN デバイス"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+-msgstr "不明な設定"
++msgstr "ユーザー設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VXLAN 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "WiMAX 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+-msgstr "有線イーサネット"
++msgstr "有線 Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Wi-Fi 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Wi-Fi セキュリティー設定"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ msgid "name"
+-msgstr "ユーザー名"
++msgstr "名前"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-polkit-listener.c:212
+ msgid "An authentication session is already underway."
+@@ -5734,8 +5784,8 @@ msgstr "認証セッションはすでに実行されています。"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "パスワード"
+@@ -5748,7 +5798,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "プライベートキーのパスワード"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "キー"
+@@ -5767,8 +5817,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network "
+ "'%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+-"ワイヤレスネットワーク '%s' へのアクセスにはパスワードまたは暗号キーが必要で"
++"ワイヤレスネットワーク '%s' へのアクセスには、パスワードまたは暗号キーが必要"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:476
+ msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
+@@ -5883,7 +5933,7 @@ msgstr "ゲートウェイ証明書ハッシュ"
+ #. Generated file. Do not edit.
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:3
+ msgid "Channel on which the mesh network to join is located."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "参加するメッシュネットワークが存在するチャンネル。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:4
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5891,6 +5941,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "specific anycast address used determines which DHCP server class answers the "
+ "request."
+ msgstr ""
++"DHCP で IP アドレスを要求した時に使用されるエニーキャスト DHCP MAC アドレスで"
++"す。使用されたエニーキャストアドレスは、リクエストに応答する DHCP サーバーク"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:5
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:18
+@@ -5922,23 +5975,26 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+ "\"ppp\" or \"wireless\" or \"wired\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"名前 (\"ppp\"、\"wireless\"、\"wired\" など) がそれぞれ設定されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:6
+ msgid "SSID of the mesh network to join."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "参加するメッシュネットワークの SSID。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:7
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5949,6 +6005,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "compatible.  This setting depends on specific driver capability and may not "
+ "work with all drivers."
+ msgstr ""
++"ネットワークの 802.11 周波数帯域。\"a\" (5GHz 802.11a の場合) または \"bg"
++"\" (2.4GHz 802.11 の場合) のいずれかになります。これにより、Wi-Fi ネットワー"
++"クの関連付けを特定の帯域に固定します。つまり、\"a\" を指定すると、ネットワー"
++"ク設定に互換性があったとしても、デバイスは、2.4GHz 帯域では同じネットワークに"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:8
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5957,6 +6019,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "devices.  Note: this property does not control the BSSID used when creating "
+ "an Ad-Hoc network and is unlikely to in the future."
+ msgstr ""
++"ません。注記: このプロパティーは、Ad-Hoc ネットワークの作成時に使用される "
++"BSSID を制御せず、今後もおそらく制御されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:9
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5965,22 +6031,38 @@ msgid ""
+ "Because channel numbers overlap between bands, this property also requires "
+ "the \"band\" property to be set."
+ msgstr ""
++"Wi-Fi 接続に使用するワイアレスチャンネル。デバイスは、指定したチャンネルの "
++"Wi-Fi ネットワークだけを参加 (または Ad-Hoc ネットワークに作成)します。チャン"
++"ネル数はバンド間で重複するため、このプロパティーとともに \"band\" プロパ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+-msgstr ""
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
++msgstr ""
++"これを指定した場合は、デバイスが、その永続化 MAC アドレスの代わりにこの MAC "
++"アドレスを使用する必要があります。これは、MAC クローニングまたはスプーフィン"
++"グとして知られています。明示的に MAC アドレスを指定する以外に、\"preserve"
++"\"、\"permanent\"、\"random\"、\"stable\" の値がサポートされます。\"preserve"
++"\" では、アクティベーション時に MAC アドレスを変更しません。\"permanent\" で"
++"は、デバイスに永続化ハードウェアアドレスを使用します。\"random\" では、各接続"
++"にランダムの MAC アドレスを作成します。\"stable\" では、connection.stable-id "
++"と機種依存キーに基づいて、ハッシュ化した MAC アドレスを作成します。指定しない"
++"conf を参照してください。それでも指定しない場合は、デフォルトの \"permanent"
++"\" が設定されます。D-Bus において、このフィールドは \"assigned-mac-address\" "
++"または廃止予定の \"cloned-mac-address\" として表示されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:92
+@@ -6009,6 +6091,28 @@ msgid ""
+ "create a fully scrambled MAC address, randomly locally or globally "
+ "administered."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"cloned-mac-address\" を \"random\" または \"stable\" に設定すると、デフォル"
++"トでは MAC アドレスのすべてのビットが暗号化され、ローカルで管理されたユニキャ"
++"ストの MAC アドレスが作成されます。このプロパティーにより、特定のビットを固定"
++"するように指定できます。ユニキャストの MAC アドレスを作成するために、最初の "
++"MAC アドレスの最下位ビットは常に設定されていないことに注意してください。この"
++"プロパティーを NULL にすると、デフォルトの接続設定により上書きが望ましくなり"
++"ます。この値を NULL のままにするか空にすると、デフォルトで、ローカルに管理さ"
++"れているユニキャスト MAC アドレスを作成します。この値に MAC アドレスを含める"
++"デバイスの現在の MAC アドレスを満たします。設定されていないビットはランダム化"
++"するようになります。\"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00\" に設定した場合は、現在の MAC アドレ"
++"スの OUI を保存し、\"random\" アルゴリズムまたは \"stable\" アルゴリズムを使"
++"用した下位 3 ビットだけをランダム化します。この値のマスクに、MAC アドレスが "
++"1 つ追加されると、このアドレスは現在の MAC アドレスの代わりに使用され、ランダ"
++"ム化されないビットを満たします。たとえば、\"FE:FF:FF:00:00:00 68:"
++"F7:28:00:00:00\" の値が、MAC アドレスの OUI を 68:F7:28 に設定し、下位ビット"
++"をランダム化します。\"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00\" の値は、完全に暗"
++"号化されたグローバル管理の、バーンインされた MAC アドレスです。この値に、MAC "
++"アドレスを 1 つ以上追加すると、そのうちの 1 つがランダムに選択されます。たと"
++"えば、\"02:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 02:00:00:00:00:00\" は完全に暗号"
++"化された MAC アドレスを作成し、ランダムでローカルまたはグローバルで管理されま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:12
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6018,6 +6122,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "workarounds expose inherent insecurities with hidden SSID networks, and thus "
+ "hidden SSID networks should be used with caution."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合、このネットワークは、その SSID を非表示にする非ブロードキャストの"
++"ク検出の SSID をプローブスキャンするなど、様々な回避策を選択できます。ただ"
++"し、非表示の SSID ネットワークを使用して、継承された不安定を公開するため、非"
++"公開の SSID ネットワークは注意して使用する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:13
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6025,6 +6134,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address "
+ "of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing)."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、この接続は永続的な MAC アドレスに一致する Wi-Fi デバイスにのみ適"
++"用されます。このプロパティーはデバイスの MAC アドレスを変更しません (MAC ス"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:14
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6032,6 +6144,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "should never apply.  Each MAC address should be given in the standard hex-"
+ "digits-and-colons notation (eg \"00:11:22:33:44:55\")."
+ msgstr ""
++"この接続を適用しないものへの Wi-Fi デバイスの永続化 MAC アドレスの一覧。各 "
++"MAC アドレスは、標準の 16 進数とコロン (\"00:11:22:33:44:55\" など) で指定す"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:15
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6042,12 +6157,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "the MAC address). This property is deprecated for 'cloned-mac-address'. "
+ "Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
++"(2) (MAC アドレスは常にランダム化されます) のいずれか。このプロパティーは "
++"'cloned-mac-address' で非推奨になります。非推奨: 1"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:16
+ msgid ""
+ "Wi-Fi network mode; one of \"infrastructure\", \"adhoc\" or \"ap\".  If "
+ "blank, infrastructure is assumed."
+ msgstr ""
++"Wi-Fi ネットワークモード; \"infrastructure\"、\"adhoc\"、または \"ap\" のいず"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:17
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:95
+@@ -6055,6 +6178,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "If non-zero, only transmit packets of the specified size or smaller, "
+ "breaking larger packets up into multiple Ethernet frames."
+ msgstr ""
++"ケットは、複数の Ethernet フレームに分割されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:19
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6064,6 +6189,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "configure setting) or NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_POWERSAVE_DEFAULT (0) (use the "
+ "globally configured value). All other values are reserved."
+ msgstr ""
++"を使用) のいずれか。その他のすべての値は予約されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:20
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6072,6 +6202,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "s.  This property is highly driver dependent and not all devices support "
+ "setting a static bitrate."
+ msgstr ""
++"だけを使用するように命令します。単位は Kb/s、つまり 5500 = 5.5 Mbit/s です。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:21
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6081,11 +6215,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "property is only meant for reading and reflects the BSSID list of "
+ "NetworkManager. The changes you make to this property will not be preserved."
+ msgstr ""
++"Wi-Fi ネットワークの一部として検出した BSSID (BSSID は \"00:11:22:33:44:55\" "
++"などの MAC アドレスの形式) の一覧。NetworkManager が、以前表示されていた "
++"BSSID を内部で監視します。このプロパティーは読み取りに使用され、"
++"NetworkManager の BSSID 一覧を反映します。この変更により、プロパティーは保存"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:22
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "SSID of the Wi-Fi network. Must be specified."
+-msgstr "Wi-Fi ネットワークが見つかりませんでした"
++msgstr "Wi-Fi の SSID。指定する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:23
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6093,6 +6231,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "are dBm.  This property is highly driver dependent and not all devices "
+ "support setting a static transmit power."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロ以外は、指定した送信電力を使用するようにデバイスに命令します。単位は dBm "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:24
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6102,6 +6243,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "When using Cisco LEAP (ie, key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" and auth-alg = \"leap\") "
+ "the \"leap-username\" and \"leap-password\" properties must be specified."
+ msgstr ""
++"WEP を使用している場合 (つまり key-mgmt = \"none\" または \"ieee8021x\") は、"
++"この AP で要求される 802.11 認証アルゴリズムを示しています。\"open\" (Open "
++"System の場合)、\"shared\" (Shared Key の場合)、\"leap\" (Cisco LEAP の場合) "
++"のいずれかになります。Cisco LEAP (つまり key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" および "
++"auth-alg = \"leap\") を使用している場合は、\"leap-username\" プロパティーと "
++"\"leap-password\" プロパティーを指定する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:25
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6110,6 +6257,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "For maximum compatibility leave this property empty.  Each list element may "
+ "be one of \"wep40\", \"wep104\", \"tkip\", or \"ccmp\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"いないアルゴリズムを使用しない Wi-Fi ネットワークへの接続を阻止します。互換性"
++"を最大にするには、このプロパティーを空にします。リストエレメントは、それぞれ "
++"\"wep40\"、\"wep104\"、\"tkip\"、または \"ccmp\" のいずれかにすることができま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:26
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6118,22 +6270,30 @@ msgid ""
+ "WPA-PSK), or \"wpa-eap\" (WPA-Enterprise).  This property must be set for "
+ "any Wi-Fi connection that uses security."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続に使用するキー管理。\"none\" (WEP)、\"ieee8021x\" (Dynamic WEP)、\"wpa-"
++"none\" (Ad-Hoc WPA-PSK)、\"wpa-psk\" (インフラストラクチャー WPA-PSK)、また"
++"は \"wpa-eap\" (WPA-Enterprise) のいずれかになります。このプロパティーは、セ"
++"キュリティーを使用するすべての Wi-Fi 接続に設定する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:27
+ msgid ""
+ "The login password for legacy LEAP connections (ie, key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" "
+ "and auth-alg = \"leap\")."
+ msgstr ""
++"レガシー LEAP 接続のログインパスワード (key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" および auth-"
++"alg = \"leap\")。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:28
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"leap-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"leap-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:29
+ msgid ""
+ "The login username for legacy LEAP connections (ie, key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" "
+ "and auth-alg = \"leap\")."
+ msgstr ""
++"レガシー LEAP 接続のログインユーザー名 (key-mgmt = \"ieee8021x\" および auth-"
++"alg = \"leap\")。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:31
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6142,6 +6302,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "compatibility leave this property empty.  Each list element may be one of "
+ "\"tkip\" or \"ccmp\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"用する Wi-Fi ネットワークへの接続を阻止します。互換性を最大にするには、このプ"
++"ロパティーを空にします。リストエレメントはそれぞれ \"tkip\" または \"ccmp\" "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:32
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6154,6 +6318,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "supported).  When set to NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_SECURITY_PMF_DEFAULT (0) and no "
+ "global default is set, PMF will be optionally enabled."
+ msgstr ""
++"保護付き管理フレーム (802.11w) を有効にする必要があります。"
++"ントによってサポートされている場合は PMF を有効にする)、"
++"いない場合は失敗する) のいずれかを有効にします。"
++"設定されていない場合は、PMF が任意で有効になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:33
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6161,6 +6334,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "element may be one \"wpa\" (allow WPA) or \"rsn\" (allow WPA2/RSN).  If not "
+ "specified, both WPA and RSN connections are allowed."
+ msgstr ""
++"利用可能な WPA プロトコルのバージョンを指定する文字列のリスト。要素は \"wpa"
++"\" (WPA を許可) または \"rsn\" (WPA2/RSN を許可) になります。指定していない"
++"と、WPA 接続と RSN 接続の両方が許可されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:34
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6171,16 +6347,24 @@ msgid ""
+ "and is hashed to derive the actual WPA-PSK used when connecting to the Wi-Fi "
+ "network."
+ msgstr ""
++"WPA ネットワークの共有前のキー。このキーを 64 文字の長さにする場合は、16 進数"
++"の文字でなければならず、16 進数の WPA キーとして解釈されません。それ以外で"
++"は、キーは、(802.11i 仕様で指定されているように) 8 文字から 63 文字の ASCII "
++"文字にする必要があり、WPA パスフレーズとして解釈されます。接続が Wi-Fi ネット"
++"ワークに接続する際に使用される実際の WPA-PSK を取得するためにハッシュ化されま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:35
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"psk\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"psk\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:36
+ msgid ""
+ "Flags indicating how to handle the \"wep-key0\", \"wep-key1\", \"wep-key2\", "
+ "and \"wep-key3\" properties."
+ msgstr ""
++"プロパティー \"wep-key0\"、\"wep-key1\"、\"wep-key2\"、および \"wep-key3\" の"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:37
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6191,30 +6375,46 @@ msgid ""
+ "a string and will be hashed using the de-facto MD5 method to derive the "
+ "actual WEP key."
+ msgstr ""
++"WEP キーの解釈を制限します。使用できる値は NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_KEY (1) で、キー"
++"は 10 文字または 26 文字の 16 進数にするか、5 文字または 13 文字の ASCII パス"
++"ワードにする必要があります。もしくは NM_WEP_KEY_TYPE_PASSPHRASE (2) を使用で"
++"きますが、この場合は、パスフレーズを文字列として提供し、実際に WEP キーを取得"
++"する MD5 メソッドを使用してハッシュ化されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:38
+ msgid ""
+ "Index 0 WEP key.  This is the WEP key used in most networks.  See the \"wep-"
+ "key-type\" property for a description of how this key is interpreted."
+ msgstr ""
++"インデックス 0 の WEP キー。この WEP キーは、多くネットワークで使用されていま"
++"す。キーの解釈方法は、\"wep-key-type\" プロパティーを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:39
+ msgid ""
+ "Index 1 WEP key.  This WEP index is not used by most networks.  See the "
+ "\"wep-key-type\" property for a description of how this key is interpreted."
+ msgstr ""
++"インデックス 1 の WEP キー。この WEP インデックスは、多くのネットワークで使用"
++"されていません。キーの解釈方法は、\"wep-key-type\" プロパティーを参照してくだ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:40
+ msgid ""
+ "Index 2 WEP key.  This WEP index is not used by most networks.  See the "
+ "\"wep-key-type\" property for a description of how this key is interpreted."
+ msgstr ""
++"インデックス 2 の WEP キー。この WEP インデックスは、多くのネットワークで使用"
++"されていません。キーの解釈方法は、\"wep-key-type\" プロパティーを参照してくだ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:41
+ msgid ""
+ "Index 3 WEP key.  This WEP index is not used by most networks.  See the "
+ "\"wep-key-type\" property for a description of how this key is interpreted."
+ msgstr ""
++"インデックス 3 の WEP キー。この WEP インデックスは、多くのネットワークで使用"
++"されていません。キーの解釈方法は、\"wep-key-type\" プロパティーを参照してくだ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:42
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6223,6 +6423,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "(default key) through 3.  Note that some consumer access points (like the "
+ "Linksys WRT54G) number the keys 1 - 4."
+ msgstr ""
++"静的 WEP が使用され (つまり key-mgmt = \"none\")、デフォルトではない WEP キー"
++"インデックスが AP に使用される場合は、その WEP キーインデックスをここに入力し"
++"ます。有効な値は 0 (デフォルトキー) から 3 です。コンシューマーのアクセスポイ"
++"ント (Linksys WRT54G など) のキー番号は 1 - 4 となります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:43
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6232,6 +6436,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "Point capabilities. WPS can be disabled by setting this property to a value "
+ "of 1."
+ msgstr ""
++"WPS のモードが使用される場合に、どのモードが使用されるかを示すフラグ。アクセ"
++"スポイントの機能から WPS エンロールメントを開始できるかどうかを "
++"NetworkManager  が自動的に決定するため、デフォルト設定の変更をする利点はほと"
++"んどありません。このプロパティーの値を 1 にすると WPS を無効にできます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:44
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6239,6 +6447,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "presented by the authentication server. If the list is empty, no "
+ "verification of the server certificate's altSubjectName is performed."
+ msgstr ""
++"認証サーバーで表示される証明書の altSubjectName に一致する文字列の一覧。この"
++"一覧が空の場合は、サーバー証明書の altSubjectName が検証されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:45
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6246,12 +6456,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "unencrypted identity with EAP types that support different tunneled identity "
+ "like EAP-TTLS."
+ msgstr ""
++"EAP 認証における匿名アイデンティティの文字列。EAP-TTLS など、別のトンネル化ア"
++"イデンティティをサポートする EAP タイプで、暗号化していないアイデンティティと"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:46
+ msgid ""
+ "A timeout for the authentication. Zero means the global default; if the "
+ "global default is not set, the authentication timeout is 25 seconds."
+ msgstr ""
++"ルトを設定しないと、認証のタイムアウトは 25 秒になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:47
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6265,6 +6480,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "property can be unset even if the EAP method supports CA certificates, but "
+ "this allows man-in-the-middle attacks and is NOT recommended."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"eap\" プロパティーに指定した EAP メソッドが使用する場合は、CA 証明書を含め"
++"ます。証明書データは \"scheme\" を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブとパスの "
++"2 つがサポートされます。(NM 0.7.x との後方互換性である) ブロブスキームを使用"
++"する場合は、このプロパティーを、証明書の DER エンコードデータに設定する必要が"
++"あります。パススキームを使用する場合は、このプロパティーを、文字列 \"file://"
++"\" で始まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指定する証"
++"明書に設定する必要があります。このプロパティーは、EAP メソッドが CA 証明書を"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:48
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6272,10 +6496,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token "
+ "that requires a login."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"ca-cert\" プロパティーに保存された CA 証明書にアクセスするのに使用されるパ"
++"スワード。証明書が、ログインを要求する PKCS#11 トークンに保存された場合にのみ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:49
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"ca-cert-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"ca-cert-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:50
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6283,6 +6510,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "certificates to be added to the verification chain in addition to the "
+ "certificate specified in the \"ca-cert\" property."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"ca-cert\" プロパティーに指定された証明書に追加する際に、検証チェインに追加"
++"される PEM フォーマットまたは DER フォーマットの証明書を含むディレクトリーへ"
++"の UTF-8 エンコードパス。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:51
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6294,6 +6524,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the certificate, prefixed "
+ "with the string \"file://\" and ending with a terminating NUL byte."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"eap\" プロパティーに指定した EAP メソッドが使用する場合は、クライアント証明"
++"書を含めます。証明書データは \"scheme\" を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブ"
++"とパスの 2 つがサポートされます。(NM 0.7.x の後方互換性である) ブロブスキーム"
++"を使用する場合は、このプロパティーを、証明書の DER エンコードデータに設定する"
++"必要があります。パススキームを使用している場合は、このプロパティーを、文字列 "
++"\"file://\" で始まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:52
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6301,10 +6538,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token "
+ "that requires a login."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"client-cert\" プロパティーに保存されたクライアント証明書にアクセスするため"
++"に使用されるパスワード。証明書が、ログインを要求する PKCS#11 トークンに保存さ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:53
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"client-cert-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"client-cert-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:54
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6314,6 +6554,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "met.  If no dNSName values are present, this constraint is matched against "
+ "SubjectName CN using same suffix match comparison."
+ msgstr ""
++"サーバードメイン名の制約。設定すると、この FQDN が、認証サーバーが表示する証"
++"明書の dNSName 要素に対して、サフィックス一致要件として使用されます。一致す"
++"る dNSName が見つかると、この制約が満たされます。dNSName 値が表示されないと、"
++"この制約は、同じサフィックス一致比較を使用して SubjectName CN を照合します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:55
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6323,16 +6567,23 @@ msgid ""
+ "the properties of this setting; refer to wpa_supplicant documentation for "
+ "the allowed combinations."
+ msgstr ""
++"802.1x でネットワークに認証する際に使用できる EAP メソッド。有効なメソッド"
++"は、\"leap\"、\"md5\"、\"tls\"、\"peap\"、\"ttls\"、\"pwd\"、および \"fast\" "
++"になります。可能な組み合わせについては、wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照して"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:56
+ msgid ""
+ "Identity string for EAP authentication methods.  Often the user's user or "
+ "login name."
+ msgstr ""
++"EAP 認証方法のアイデンティティ文字列。しばしば、ユーザーのユーザー名またはロ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:58
+ msgid "UTF-8 encoded file path containing PAC for EAP-FAST."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "EAP-FAST の PAC を含む UTF-8 エンコーディングファイルパス。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:59
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6340,6 +6591,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"password\" property and the \"password-raw\" property are specified, "
+ "\"password\" is preferred."
+ msgstr ""
++"EAP 認証方法に使用する UTF-8 エンコードのパスワード。\"password\" プロパ"
++"ティーと \"password-raw\" プロパティーの両方を指定すると、\"password\" が優先"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:60
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:107
+@@ -6347,7 +6601,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:184
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:304
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:61
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6356,10 +6610,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "property and the \"password-raw\" property are specified, \"password\" is "
+ "preferred."
+ msgstr ""
++"EAP 認証方法に使用するパスワード。UTF-8 以外のエンコーディングを使用したパス"
++"ワードが使用できるバイト配列として指定します。\"password\" プロパティーと "
++"\"password-raw\" プロパティーの両方を指定すると、\"password\" が優先されま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:62
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"password-raw\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"password-raw\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:63
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6370,6 +6628,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "tls_disable_tlsv1_x settings. See the wpa_supplicant documentation for more "
+ "details."
+ msgstr ""
++"NMSetting8021xAuthFlags オプションを使用して、\"phase 1\" の外部認証を使用す"
++"る認証フラグを指定します。各 TLS バージョンは明示的に無効にできます。特定の "
++"TLS 無効フラグが設定されていない場合は、サプリカントが許可または拒否します。"
++"TLS オプションは tls_disable_tlsv1_x 設定にマッピングされます。詳細は、"
++"wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:64
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6380,6 +6643,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "authenticated and unauthenticated provisioning).  See the wpa_supplicant "
+ "documentation for more details."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"eap\" プロパティーに EAP メソッド FAST を指定した場合は、EAP-FAST 信用情報"
++"のインラインプロビジョニングを有効または無効にします。認識される値は "
++"\"0\" (無効)、\"1\" (非認証プロビジョニングを許可)、\"2\" (認証されたプロビ"
++"ジョニングを許可)、および \"3\" (認証されたプロビジョニングと、非認証プロビ"
++"ジョニングを許可) となります。詳細は、wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照してく"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:65
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6388,6 +6657,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"1\" to force use of the new PEAP label.  See the wpa_supplicant "
+ "documentation for more details."
+ msgstr ""
++"キー派生時に、新しい PEAP ラベルを使用することを強制します。一部の RADIUS "
++"サーバーでは、新しいラベルを、PEAPv1 と同時に使用するように強制する必要があり"
++"ます。\"1\" に設定すると、新しい PEAP ラベルを使用することを強制します。詳細"
++"は、wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:66
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6397,6 +6670,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "the client to use a particular PEAP version.  To do so, this property may be "
+ "set to \"0\" or \"1\" to force that specific PEAP version."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"eap\" プロパティーに EAP メソッド PEAP を設定する場合に使用する PEAP バー"
++"れます。以前の RADIUS サーバーが使用される場合があり、クライアントが特定の "
++"PEAP バージョンを使用するように強制する必要があります。そのためには、このプロ"
++"パティーを \"0\" または \"1\" に設定して、その PEAP バージョンを強制します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:67
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6405,6 +6683,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "authentication. If the list is empty, no verification of the server "
+ "certificate's altSubjectName is performed."
+ msgstr ""
++"内部の \"phase 2\" 認証時に、認証サーバーが表示する証明書の altSubjectName に"
++"一致した文字列の一覧。この一覧が空の場合は、サーバー証明書の altSubjectName "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:68
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6415,6 +6696,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"phase 2\" inner method requires specific parameters for successful "
+ "authentication; see the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details."
+ msgstr ""
++"TLS トンネルを使用するEAP  メソッドを \"eap\" プロパティーに指定した場合は、"
++"利用可能な \"phase 2\" 内の非 EAP 認証方法を指定します。一般的に認められてい"
++"る非 EAP の \"phase 2\" メソッドは、\"pap\"、\"chap\"、\"mschap"
++"\"、\"mschapv2\"、\"gtc\"、\"otp\"、\"md5\"、および \"tls\" です。認証を成功"
++"させるには、各 \"phase 2\" の内部メソッドに特別なパラメーターが必要です。詳細"
++"は wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:69
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6425,6 +6712,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "requires specific parameters for successful authentication; see the "
+ "wpa_supplicant documentation for more details."
+ msgstr ""
++"内部 TLS トンネルを使用する EAP メソッドを \"eap\" プロパティに指定した場合"
++"は、利用可能な \"phase 2\" 内の非 EAP 認証方法を指定します。一般的に広められ"
++"ている EAP ベースの \"phase 2\"方法は、\"md5\"、\"mschapv2\"、\"otp\"、\"gtc"
++"\"、および \"tls\" です。認証を成功させるには、\"phase 2\" 内の各方法に特別な"
++"パラメーターが必要です。詳細は wpa_supplicant ドキュメントを参照してくださ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:70
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6439,6 +6732,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "method supports CA certificates, but this allows man-in-the-middle attacks "
+ "and is NOT recommended."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-auth\" プロパティーまたは \"phase2-autheap\" プロパティーで指定した "
++"EAP メソッドで使用する場合は、\"phase 2\" の CA 証明書を含めます。証明書デー"
++"タは \"scheme\" を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブとパスの 2 つがサポートさ"
++"れます。(NM 0.7.x との後方互換性である) ブロブスキームを使用する場合は、この"
++"プロパティーを、証明書の DER エンコードデータに設定する必要があります。パスス"
++"キームを使用する場合は、このプロパティーを、文字列 \"file://\" で始まり、終"
++"了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指定する証明書に設定する必"
++"要があります。このプロパティーは、EAP メソッドが CA 証明書をサポートする場合"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:71
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6446,11 +6749,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "ca-cert\" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a "
+ "PKCS#11 token that requires a login."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-ca-cert\" プロパティーに保存されている \"phase2\" の CA 証明書にアク"
++"セスするのに使用されるパスワード。この証明書が、ログが必要な PKCS#11 トークン"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:72
+ msgid ""
+ "Flags indicating how to handle the \"phase2-ca-cert-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"phase2-ca-cert-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:73
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6458,6 +6764,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "certificates to be added to the verification chain in addition to the "
+ "certificate specified in the \"phase2-ca-cert\" property."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-ca-cert\" プロパティーに指定した証明書に追加する際に、検証チェインに"
++"追加された PEM フォーマットまたは DER  フォーマットの証明書が保存されている"
++"ディレクトリーへの UTF-8  エンコードのパス。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:74
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6472,6 +6781,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "unset even if the EAP method supports CA certificates, but this allows man-"
+ "in-the-middle attacks and is NOT recommended."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-auth\" プロパティーまたは \"phase2-autheap\" プロパティーに指定した "
++"EAP メソッドが使用する場合は、\"phase 2\" クライアント証明書を含めます。証明"
++"書データは \"scheme\" を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブとパスの 2 つがサ"
++"ポートされます。(NM 0.7.x との後方互換性である) ブロブスキームを使用する場合"
++"は、このプロパティーを、証明書の DER エンコードデータに設定する必要がありま"
++"す。パススキームを使用する場合は、このプロパティーを、文字列 \"file://\" で始"
++"まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指定する証明書に設"
++"定する必要があります。このプロパティーは、EAP メソッドが CA 証明書をサポート"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:75
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6479,11 +6798,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"phase2-client-cert\" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is "
+ "stored on a PKCS#11 token that requires a login."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-client-cert\" プロパティーに保存されている \"phase2\" クライアント証"
++"明書にアクセスするのに使用されるパスワード。この証明書が、ログインが必要な "
++"PKCS#11 トークンに保存されている場合にのみ適用されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:76
+ msgid ""
+ "Flags indicating how to handle the \"phase2-client-cert-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"phase2-client-cert-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:77
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6494,6 +6816,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "present, this constraint is matched against SubjectName CN using same suffix "
+ "match comparison."
+ msgstr ""
++"サーバードメイン名の制約。設定すると、内部 \"phase 2\" 認証時に、認証サーバー"
++"が表示する証明書の dNSName 要素に対して、この FQDN がサフィックス一致要件とし"
++"て使用されます。一致する dNSName が見つかると、この制約が満たされます。"
++"dNSName 値が表示されないと、この制約は、同じサフィックス一致比較を使用して "
++"SubjectName CN を照合します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:78
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6513,6 +6840,21 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"phase2-private-key-password\" property must be set to the password used to "
+ "decode the PKCS#12 private key and certificate."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"phase2-auth\" プロパティーまたは \"phase2-autheap\" プロパティーを \"tls\" "
++"に設定する場合は、\"phase 2\" 内部秘密鍵を含めます。キーデータは \"scheme\" "
++"を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブとパスの 2 つがサポートされます。ブロブス"
++"キームと秘密鍵を使用している場合は、このプロパティーをキーの暗号化 PEM エン"
++"は、このプロパティーを、文字列 \"file://\" で始まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる "
++"UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指定するキーに設定する必要があります。PKCS#12 "
++"を、PKCS#12 データに設定し、\"phase2-private-key-password\" プロパティーを、"
++"PKCS#12 証明書およびキーを復号するのに使用するパスワードに設定する必要があり"
++"ます。PKCS#12 ファイルとパススキームを使用している場合は、このプロパティー"
++"を、文字列 \"file://\" で始まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフ"
++"ル パスで指定するキーに設定する必要があります。ブロブスキームを使用した場合"
++"は、\"phase2-private-key-password\" プロパティーを、PKCS#12 秘密鍵および証明"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:79
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6520,11 +6862,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"phase2-private-key\" property when the private key either uses the path "
+ "scheme, or is a PKCS#12 format key."
+ msgstr ""
++"秘密鍵がパススキーマを使用するか、PKCS#12 フォーマットキーである場合"
++"に、\"phase2-private-key\" プロパティーに指定した \"phase 2\" 秘密鍵の複号に"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:80
+ msgid ""
+ "Flags indicating how to handle the \"phase2-private-key-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"phase2-private-key-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:81
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6534,16 +6879,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "performed.  This property provides little security, if any, and its use is "
+ "deprecated in favor of NMSetting8021x:phase2-domain-suffix-match."
+ msgstr ""
++"内部の \"phase 2\" 認証時に、認証サーバーで表示される証明書の subject に一致"
++"する従属文字列。設定しない場合は、認証サーバーの証明書の subject が検証されま"
++"は推奨されず、代わりに NMSetting8021x:phase2-domain-suffix-match が使用されま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:82
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PIN used for EAP authentication methods."
+-msgstr "許可された認証方法:"
++msgstr "EAP 認証方法に使用される PIN"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:83
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:186
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"pin\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"pin\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:84
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6566,6 +6915,24 @@ msgid ""
+ "users.  Private keys should always be encrypted with a private key password "
+ "to prevent unauthorized access to unencrypted private key data."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"eap\" プロパティーを \"tls\" に設定する場合は、秘密鍵を含めます。キーデータ"
++"は \"scheme\" を使用して指定されます。現在、ブロブとパスの 2 つがサポートされ"
++"暗号化 PEM エンコードデータに設定する必要があります。パススキームで秘密鍵を使"
++"用している場合は、このプロパティーを、文字列 \"file://\" で始まり、終了 NUL "
++"バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコードのフル パスで指定するキーに設定する必要があり"
++"ます。PKCS#12 フォーマットの秘密鍵とブロブスキームを使用している場合は、この"
++"プロパティーを PKCS#12 データに設定し、\"private-key-password\" プロパティー"
++"を、PKCS#12 証明書およびキーを復号するのに使用するパスワードに設定する必要が"
++"あります。PKCS#12 ファイルとパススキームを使用している場合は、このプロパ"
++"ティーを、文字列 \"file://\" で始まり、終了 NUL バイトで終わる UTF-8 エンコー"
++"ドのフル パスで指定するキーに設定する必要があります。ブロブスキームを使用して"
++"いる場合は、\"private-key-password\" プロパティーに、PKCS#12 秘密鍵と証明書を"
++"復号するのに使用するパスワード設定する必要があります。警告: \"秘密鍵\" は "
++"\"シークレット\" プロパティーではないため、BLOB スキームを使用する暗号化して"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:85
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6573,10 +6940,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "\" property when the private key either uses the path scheme, or if the "
+ "private key is a PKCS#12 format key."
+ msgstr ""
++"秘密鍵がパススキーマを使用するか、秘密鍵が PKCS#12 フォーマットを使用している"
++"場合に、\"private-key\" プロパティーに指定した秘密鍵の復号化に使用されるパス"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:86
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"private-key-password\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"private-key-password\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:87
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6586,6 +6956,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "security, if any, and its use is deprecated in favor of NMSetting8021x:"
+ "domain-suffix-match."
+ msgstr ""
++"認証サーバーで表示される証明書の subject に一致する従属文字列。設定しない場合"
++"は、認証サーバーの証明書の subject が検証されません。このプロパティーはセキュ"
++"リティーがほぼ保護されないため、その使用は非推奨になり、代わりに "
++"NMSetting8021x:domain-suffix-match が使用されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:88
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6598,6 +6972,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"ca-cert\" and \"phase2-ca-cert\" properties instead (sets ca_cert/ca_cert2 "
+ "options for wpa_supplicant)."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、--system-ca-path スイッチで設定時に指定したシステムの CA ディ"
++"レクトリーを使用して、\"ca-path\" プロパティーと \"phase2-ca-path\" プロパ"
++"ティーを上書きします。このディレクトリーの証明書が、\"ca-cert\" プロパティー"
++"と \"phase2-ca-cert\" プロパティーで指定した証明書とともに検証チェインに追加"
++"されます。--system-ca-path で提供されるパスがファイル名 (信頼された CA 証明書"
++"のバンドル) の場合は、\"ca-cert\" プロパティーと \"phase2-ca-cert\" プロパ"
++"ティーが代わりに上書きされます (wpa_supplicant に ca_cert オプションおよび  "
++"ca_cert2 オプションを設定します)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:89
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6605,23 +6987,38 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"speed\" and \"duplex\" properties should be both set or link configuration "
+ "will be skipped."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、ポート速度と二重モードの自動ネゴシエーションを強制します。"
++"FALSE の場合は、\"speed\" プロパティーと \"duplex\" プロパティーが両方設定さ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、デバイスが、その永続化 MAC アドレスの代わりにこの MAC アドレ"
++"スを使用する必要があります。これは、MAC クローニングまたはスプーフィングとし"
++"て知られています。明示的に MAC アドレスを指定する以外に、\"preserve"
++"\"、\"permanent\"、\"random\"、\"stable\" の値がサポートされます。\"preserve"
++"\" では、アクティベーション時に MAC アドレスを変更しません。\"permanent\" で"
++"は、デバイスに永続化ハードウェアアドレスがある場合にそれを使用します (アドレ"
++"スがない場合は \"preserve\" と同じ)。\"random\" では、各接続に対してランダム"
++"の MAC アドレスを作成します。\"stable\" では、connection.stable-id と機種依存"
++"キーに基づいて、ハッシュ化した MAC アドレスを作成します。指定しないと、その値"
++"はグローバルのデフォルトにより上書きされます。NetworkManager.conf を参照して"
++"ください。それでも指定しない場合は、デフォルトの \"permanent\" が設定されま"
++"す。D-Bus において、このフィールドは \"assigned-mac-address\" または廃止予定"
++"の \"cloned-mac-address\" として表示されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6630,6 +7027,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"half\" or \"full\". Must be set together with the \"speed\" property if "
+ "specified. Before specifying a duplex mode be sure your device supports it."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"auto-negotiate\" が \"off\" になっている場合に限り指定できます。この場合、"
++"デバイスが、デュプレックスモード \"half\" または \"full\" を指定したデバイス"
++"を使用するように静的に設定します。指定する場合は \"speed\" プロパティーも設定"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:93
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6637,6 +7039,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address "
+ "of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing)."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、この接続は永続的な MAC アドレスに一致する Ethernet デバイスにのみ"
++"適用されます。このプロパティーは、デバイスの MAC アドレスを変更しません (MAC "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:94
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6644,6 +7049,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "permanent MAC address matches an address in the list.  Each MAC address is "
+ "in the standard hex-digits-and-colons notation (00:11:22:33:44:55)."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、この接続は、永続的な MAC アドレスがリストのアドレスに一致する "
++"Ethernet デバイスには適用されません。 各 MAC アドレスは、標準の 16 進数とコロ"
++"ン (00:11:22:33:44:55) で指定する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:97
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6652,12 +7060,19 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"bnc\" (Thin Ethernet) or \"mii\" (Media Independent Interface). If the "
+ "device supports only one port type, this setting is ignored."
+ msgstr ""
++"\" (ツイストペア)、\"aui\" (接続機構インターフェース)、\"bnc\" (シンイーサー"
++"ネット)、または \"mii\" (メディア独立インターフェース) のいずれかになります。"
++"デバイスがポートのタイプを 1 つだけサポートする場合、この設定は無視されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:98
+ msgid ""
+ "s390 network device type; one of \"qeth\", \"lcs\", or \"ctc\", representing "
+ "the different types of virtual network devices available on s390 systems."
+ msgstr ""
++"s390 ネットワークデバイスのタイプ。\"qeth\"、\"lcs\"、または \"ctc\" のいずれ"
++"かになります。s390 システムで利用可能なさまざまな仮想ネットワークデバイスにな"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:99
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6666,6 +7081,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"portname\", \"protocol\", among others.  Key names must contain only "
+ "alphanumeric characters (ie, [a-zA-Z0-9])."
+ msgstr ""
++"s390 固有のデバイスオプションにおける、キーと値がペアになったディクショナ"
++"\"、\"layer2\"、\"portname\"、\"protocol\" などのキーが使用できます。キー名に"
++"は、英数字のみ (つまり [a-zA-Z0-9]) が使用できます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:100
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6676,6 +7095,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "contain exactly 3 strings, and each string may only be composed of "
+ "hexadecimal characters and the period (.) character."
+ msgstr ""
++"このネットワークデバイスが、z/VM または s390 ホストとの接続に使用する特定のサ"
++"ブチャンネルを識別します。z/VM 以外のデバイスに対する \"mac-address\" プロパ"
++"使用するネットワークデバイスにのみ適用されるようにします。この一覧には 3 つの"
++"文字列が含まれている必要があり、各文字列には、16 進数とピリオド (.) だけを使"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:101
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6685,6 +7110,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "\" property when non-zero. Before specifying a speed value be sure your "
+ "device supports it."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"auto-negotiate\" が \"off\" になっている場合に限り、ゼロより大きな値を設定"
++"す。Mbit/s では 100 == 100Mbit/s です。ゼロ以外にする場合は、\"duplex\" プロ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:102
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6698,6 +7128,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "use global settings) and NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_IGNORE (0x8000) (to "
+ "disable management of Wake-on-LAN in NetworkManager)."
+ msgstr ""
++"有効にする NMSettingWiredWakeOnLan オプション。すべてのデバイスがすべてのオプ"
++"ションをサポートするわけではありません。NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_PHY "
++"(0x40)、または特別な値 NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_DEFAULT (0x1) (グローバル"
++"設定を使用) および NM_SETTING_WIRED_WAKE_ON_LAN_IGNORE (0x8000) "
++"(NetworkManager で Wake-on-LAN の管理を無効) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:103
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6705,43 +7144,47 @@ msgid ""
+ "represented as an Ethernet MAC address.  If NULL, no password will be "
+ "required."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、マジックパケットベースの Wake-on-LAN で使用されるパスワードが、"
++"Ethernet の MAC アドレスとして表示されます。NULL にすると、パスワードは要求さ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:104
+ msgid "Encapsulation of ADSL connection.  Can be \"vcmux\" or \"llc\"."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ADSL 接続のカプセル化。\"vcmux\" または \"llc\" にできます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:106
+ msgid "Password used to authenticate with the ADSL service."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ADSL サービスでの認証に使用するパスワード。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:108
+ msgid "ADSL connection protocol.  Can be \"pppoa\", \"pppoe\" or \"ipoatm\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"ADSL 接続プロトコル。\"pppoa\"、\"pppoe\"、または \"ipoatm\" にできます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:109
+ msgid "Username used to authenticate with the ADSL service."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ユーザー名は、ADSL サービスでの認証に使用されました。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:110
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "VCI of ADSL connection"
+-msgstr "ADSL 接続"
++msgstr "ADSL 接続の VCI"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:111
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "VPI of ADSL connection"
+-msgstr "ADSL 接続"
++msgstr "ADSL 接続の VPI"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:112
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The Bluetooth address of the device."
+-msgstr "デバイスと接続の Bluetooth アドレスが一致しませんでした。"
++msgstr "デバイスの Bluetooth アドレス。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:114
+ msgid ""
+ "Either \"dun\" for Dial-Up Networking connections or \"panu\" for Personal "
+ "Area Networking connections to devices supporting the NAP profile."
+ msgstr ""
++"NAP プロファイルをサポートするデバイスへの \"dun\" (ダイアルアップネットワー"
++"キング接続の場合) または \"panu\" (パーソナルエリアネットワーキング接続の場"
++"合) のいずれか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:116
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6749,14 +7192,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "be strings. Option names must contain only alphanumeric characters (ie, [a-"
+ "zA-Z0-9])."
+ msgstr ""
++"と値の両方を文字列にする必要があります。オプション名には英数字のみ (つまり "
++"[a-zA-Z0-9]) を使用できます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:117
+ msgid "The Ethernet MAC address aging time, in seconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ethernet MAC アドレスのエージングタイム (秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:118
+ msgid "The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) forwarding delay, in seconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "スパニングツリープロトコル (STP) フォワード遅延 (秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:119
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6766,10 +7212,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "address in that range that must be forwarded. The mask can't have bits 0, 1 "
+ "or 2 set because they are used for STP, MAC pause frames and LACP."
+ msgstr ""
++"転送するグループアドレスのマスク。仕様により、通常、01:80:C2:00:00:00 - "
++"01:80:C2:00:00:0F の範囲にあるグループアドレスは転送されません。このプロパ"
++"ティーは 16 ビットのマスクで、それぞれ転送が必要な範囲内のグループアドレスに"
++"対応します。マスクは、STP、MAC 停止フレーム、および LACP に使用されているた"
++"め、ビット 0、1、または 2 を設定することはできません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:120
+ msgid "The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello time, in seconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "スパニングツリープロトコル (STP) Hello タイム (秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:121
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6780,10 +7231,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "the MAC address of the bridge later while activating the bridge. Hence, this "
+ "property is deprecated."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、ブリッジの MAC アドレス。新しいブリッジを作成すると、この  "
++"MAC アドレスが設定されます。このフィールドを指定しないと、\"ethernet.cloned-"
++"mac-address\" が代わりに参照され、初期 MAC アドレスが生成されま"
++"す。\"ethernet.cloned-mac-address\" は、ブリッジのアクティベート中に、ブリッ"
++"ジの MAC アドレスを上書きします。したがって、このプロパティーは廃止されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:122
+ msgid "The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) maximum message age, in seconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "スパニングツリープロトコル (STP) メッセージ最大期間 (秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:123
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6791,6 +7247,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "snooping was automatically disabled due to hash collisions, the system may "
+ "refuse to enable the feature until the collisions are resolved."
+ msgstr ""
++"このブリッジにおいて、IGMP スヌーピングが有効かどうかを制御します。ハッシュの"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:125
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6798,26 +7257,34 @@ msgid ""
+ "values are \"better\"; the lowest priority bridge will be elected the root "
+ "bridge."
+ msgstr ""
++"このブリッジにおけるスパニングツリープロトコル (STP) の優先度を設定します。値"
++"が小さい方が優先度が高くなります。優先度が一番低いブリッジが root ブリッジに"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:126
+ msgid ""
+ "Controls whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled for this bridge."
+ msgstr ""
++"このブリッジにおいて、スパニングツリープロトコル (STP) が有効かどうかを制御し"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:127
+ msgid ""
+ "Enables or disables \"hairpin mode\" for the port, which allows frames to be "
+ "sent back out through the port the frame was received on."
+ msgstr ""
++"ポートの \"hairpin mode\" を有効または無効にします。このモードでは、フレーム"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:129
+ msgid ""
+ "The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) port cost for destinations via this port."
+ msgstr ""
++"このポートを経由した、宛先のスパニングツリープロトコル (STP) ポートコスト。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:130
+ msgid "The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) priority of this bridge port."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "このブリッジポートのスパニングツリープロトコル (STP) の優先度。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:131
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:179
+@@ -6826,6 +7293,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "If non-zero, only transmit packets of the specified size or smaller, "
+ "breaking larger packets up into multiple frames."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:133
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6833,6 +7302,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "broadband network, if any.  If not specified, the default number (#777) is "
+ "used when required."
+ msgstr ""
++"CDMA ベースのモバイルブロードバンドネットワークへの接続を確立するダイアルの番"
++"号があれば指定します。指定しない場合は、必要に応じてデフォルトの番号 (#777) "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:134
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:183
+@@ -6841,6 +7313,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "providers do not require a password, or accept any password.  But if a "
+ "password is required, it is specified here."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:136
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:189
+@@ -6849,6 +7324,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "providers do not require a username, or accept any username.  But if a "
+ "username is required, it is specified here."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:137
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6857,6 +7335,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "set, the authentication retries for 3 times before failing the connection. "
+ "Currently this only applies to 802-1x authentication."
+ msgstr ""
++"認証の再試行数。ゼロは無限に再試行することを意味してます。-1 はグローバルのデ"
++"は、認証を 3 回再試行したら接続に失敗します。現在、これは 802-1x 認証にのみ適"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:138
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6865,6 +7347,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "automatically activate the connection, FALSE to require manual intervention "
+ "to activate the connection."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続のリソースが利用可能な場合に、NetworkManager が接続を自動的に行うかどう"
++"か。TRUE の場合は接続が自動的に有効になり、FALSE の場合は手作業で接続を有効化"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:139
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6872,6 +7357,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "connections with higher priority will be preferred. Defaults to 0. The "
+ "higher number means higher priority."
+ msgstr ""
++"す。デフォルトは 0 です。数値が高くなると、優先度が高くなります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:140
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6881,6 +7368,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "blocking autoconnect. Note that after a timeout, NetworkManager will try to "
+ "autoconnect again."
+ msgstr ""
++"す。-1 は、グローバルデフォルト (上書きされていない場合は 4 回) です。1 に設"
++"定すると、1 度だけ有効にしてから自動接続をブロックします。タイムアウト後、"
++"NetworkManager が再度、自動接続を試行することに注意してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:141
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6892,18 +7383,27 @@ msgid ""
+ "read to determine the real value. If it is default as well, this fallbacks "
+ "to 0."
+ msgstr ""
++"NetworkManager がこの接続を有効にした場合に、この接続のスレーブが自動的に起動"
++"するかどうか。これは、マスター接続にのみ有効です。利用できる値は、0: スレーブ"
++"接続は変更しない、1: この接続のスレーブ接続をすべてアクティブにする、-1: デ"
++"フォルトになります。-1 (デフォルト) に設定されている場合は、グローバルの "
++"connection.autoconnect-slaves が読み込まれて値が決定します。これもデフォルト"
++"に設定されている場合は、0 にフォールバックされます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:142
+ msgid ""
+ "If greater than zero, delay success of IP addressing until either the "
+ "timeout is reached, or an IP gateway replies to a ping."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロより大きくすると、タイムアウトに到達するか、IP ゲートウェイが ping に応答"
++"するまで、IP アドレスの遅延に成功します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:143
+ msgid ""
+ "A human readable unique identifier for the connection, like \"Work Wi-Fi\" "
+ "or \"T-Mobile 3G\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"Work Wi-Fi\" や \"T-Mobile 3G\" など、人が判別できる接続の一意識別子。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:144
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6917,22 +7417,30 @@ msgid ""
+ "names change or are reordered the connection may be applied to the wrong "
+ "interface."
+ msgstr ""
++"続は、タイプが適切であれば、どのインターフェースにも割り当てることができます "
++"が簡単に持続しない接続の場合 (モバイルブロードバンドまたは USB Ethernet な"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:145
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Whether LLDP is enabled for the connection."
+-msgstr "デバイス MAC (%s) は接続によりブラックリスト化されています。"
++msgstr "この接続に対して LLDP が有効であるかどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:146
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Interface name of the master device or UUID of the master connection."
+-msgstr "デバイスと接続のインターフェース名が一致しませんでした。"
++msgstr "マスター接続のマスターデバイスまたは UUID のインターフェース名。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:147
+ msgid ""
+ "Whether the connection is metered. When updating this property on a "
+ "currently activated connection, the change takes effect immediately."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:149
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6948,6 +7456,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "present must be ignored and is reserved for future use.  All of [type], "
+ "[id], and [reserved] must be valid UTF-8."
+ msgstr ""
++"を NULL または空にすると、すべてのユーザーがこの接続にアクセスできるようにな"
++"す。これが空になっていないと、指定したユーザーの 1 人がアクティブなセッション"
++"にログインした場合に限り、接続はアクティブになります。各エントリーの形式は "
++"\"[type]:[id]:[reserved]\" (たとえば \"user:dcbw:blah\") となります。その他の"
++"値は無視され、今後の使用のために予約されます。現時点では、ユーザー\" の "
++"[type] だけが利用できます。[id] は、この権限が参照するユーザー名で、\":\" 文"
++"字は使用できません。表示されている [reserved] 情報は無視され、今後使用される"
++"ために予約される必要があります。[type]、[id]、および [reserved] はすべて有効"
++"な UTF-8 にする必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:150
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6955,18 +7474,24 @@ msgid ""
+ "service's D-Bus interface with the right privileges, or TRUE if the "
+ "connection is read-only and cannot be modified."
+ msgstr ""
++"正しい権限で、提供された設定サービスの D-Bus インターフェースを使用して接続が"
++"修正できる場合は FALSE、接続が読み取り専用で修正できない場合は TRUE。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:151
+ msgid ""
+ "List of connection UUIDs that should be activated when the base connection "
+ "itself is activated. Currently only VPN connections are supported."
+ msgstr ""
++"ベース接続自身が有効になると有効になる接続の UUID リスト。現時点は、VPN 接続"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:152
+ msgid ""
+ "Setting name of the device type of this slave's master connection (eg, \"bond"
+ "\"), or NULL if this connection is not a slave."
+ msgstr ""
++"このスレーブのマスター接続 (\"bond\" など) のデバイスタイプの設定名。この接続"
++"がスレーブではない場合は NULL。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:153
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6990,6 +7515,24 @@ msgid ""
+ "connections only use the same effective id if their stable-id is also "
+ "identical before performing dynamic substitutions."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続に対する安定した ID を生成するトークン。stable-id は、ipv6.addr-gen-"
++"mode=stable-privacy で IPv6 の安定したプライベートアドレスを生成するのに使用"
++"されます。また、ethernet.cloned-mac-address=stable および wifi.cloned-mac-"
++"address=stable に対して生成されたクローンの MAC アドレスのシードにも使用され"
++"すると、別のホストまたはデバイスで同じ stable-id が別のアドレスが生成されま"
++"す。値を設定しないと、接続に固有の ID を使用します。stable-id を指定すると、"
++"時に ID を生成します。この '$' 文字は、ランタイム時に動的置換を実行するのに使"
++"は、\"${CONNECTION}\"、\"${BOOT}\"、\"${RANDOM}\" です。これは、各接続時、各"
++"起動時、または毎回、固有の ID を効果的に作成します。'$' に続く認識されていな"
++"がって、これは '$' を使用しないか、またはエスケープ文字 \"$$\" として使用する"
++"ことが推奨されます。たとえば、これを \"${CONNECTION}/${BOOT}\" にすると、シス"
++"テムを再起動するたびに変更するこの接続に対して固有の ID を作成します。2 つの"
++"接続で、動的置換を行う前の stable-id も同じ場合は、有効で同じ ID だけを使用す"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:154
+ msgid ""
+@@ -6999,6 +7542,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "active connection has the latest timestamp. The property is only meant for "
+ "reading (changes to this property will not be preserved)."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続が最後に完全に有効になってからの、Unix エポック時間 (秒単位)。"
++"NetworkManager は、アクティブな接続に最新のタイムスタンプがあることを確認する"
++"のプロパティーは読み込みのためにのみ使用されます (このプロパティーへの変更は"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:155
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7008,6 +7556,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "hardware dependent connections like VPN or otherwise, should contain the "
+ "setting name of that setting type (ie, \"vpn\" or \"bridge\", etc)."
+ msgstr ""
++"固有する設定の名前 (つまり \"802-3-ethernet\"、\"802-11-wireless"
++"\"、\"bluetooth\" など) が含まれる必要があります。VPN など、ハードウェアに依"
++"存しない接続には、その設定のタイプ名 (つまり \"vpn\"、\"bridge\" など) が含ま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:156
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7020,6 +7573,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "UUID must be in the format \"2815492f-7e56-435e-b2e9-246bd7cdc664\" (ie, "
+ "contains only hexadecimal characters and \"-\")."
+ msgstr ""
++"この接続に対するユニバーサル一意識別子。たとえば、libuuid で生成されます。こ"
++"に適用されている場合に限り変更しません。たとえば、これは、\"id\" プロパティー"
++"または NMSettingIP4Config が変更する場合は変更しませんが、Wi-Fi SSID、モバイ"
++"ルのブロードバンドネットワークプロバイダー、または \"type\" プロパティーが変"
++"更する場合には再作成が必要になる場合があります。UUID のフォーマットは "
++"\"2815492f-7e56-435e-b2e9-246bd7cdc664\" (16 進数の文字と \"-\" だけが含まれ"
++"る) になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:157
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7029,6 +7590,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "When updating this property on a currently activated connection, the change "
+ "takes effect immediately."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続のトラストレベル。自由形式で、大文字と小文字を区別しない文字列 (たとえば "
++"\"Home\"、\"Work\"、\"Public\")。NULL にするか、ゾーンを指定しないと、接続"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:158
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7036,10 +7601,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "any combination of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1), "
+ msgstr ""
++"DCB FCoE アプリケーションには NMSettingDcbFlags を指定します。フラグは、"
++"び NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING (0x4) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:159
+ msgid "The FCoE controller mode; either \"fabric\" (default) or \"vn2vn\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"FCoE コントローラーモード; \"fabric\" (デフォルト) または \"vn2vn\" のいずれ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:160
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7047,6 +7617,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "default priority.  Only used when the \"app-fcoe-flags\" property includes "
+ "the NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1) flag."
+ msgstr ""
++"FCoE フレームが使用するユーザーの最高優先度 (0 - 7)、もしくは -1 (デフォルト"
++"の優先度)。\"app-fcoe-flags\" プロパティーには NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE "
++"(0x1) フラグを含む場合に限り使用されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:161
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7054,6 +7627,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "any combination of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1), "
+ msgstr ""
++"DCB FIP アプリケーションに NMSettingDcbFlags を指定します。フラグは、"
++"び NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING (0x4) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:162
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7061,6 +7637,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "default priority.  Only used when the \"app-fip-flags\" property includes "
+ "the NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1) flag."
+ msgstr ""
++"FIP フレームが使用するユーザーの最高優先度 (0 - 7)、もしくは -1 (デフォルトの"
++"優先度)。\"app-fip-flags\" プロパティーに NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1) フ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:163
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7068,6 +7647,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "any combination of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1), "
+ msgstr ""
++"DCB iSCSI アプリケーションに NMSettingDcbFlags を指定します。フラグは、"
++"び NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING (0x4) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:164
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7075,6 +7657,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "default priority. Only used when the \"app-iscsi-flags\" property includes "
+ "the NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1) flag."
+ msgstr ""
++"iSCSI フレームが使用するユーザーの最高優先度 (0 - 7)、もしくは -1 (デフォルト"
++"の優先度)。\"app-iscsi-flags\" プロパティーに NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE "
++"(0x1) フラグを追加する場合に限り使用します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:166
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7084,6 +7669,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "percentages for priorities which belong to the same group must total 100 "
+ "percents."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 個の uint 値の配列。配列のインデックスはユーザーの優先度 (0 - 7) に対応しま"
++"用するパーセンテージを示します。グループ内の合計を 100% にする必要がありま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:167
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7091,6 +7680,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates whether or not the corresponding "
+ "priority should transmit priority pause."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 個のブール値の配列。配列のインデックスは、ユーザーの優先度 (0 - 7) に対応し"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:168
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7098,6 +7689,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "may be any combination of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1), "
+ msgstr ""
++"DCB 優先フロー制御 (PFC) に NMSettingDcbFlags を指定します。フラグは、"
++"び NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING (0x4) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:169
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7106,6 +7700,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "allocated to that group.  Allowed values are 0 - 100, and the sum of all "
+ "values must total 100 percents."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 個の uint 値の配列。配列のインデックスは、優先度グループ ID (0 - 7) に対応"
++"ます。使用できる値は 0 - 100 で、合計を 100 パーセントにする必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:170
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7113,6 +7710,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "combination of NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_ENABLE (0x1), "
+ msgstr ""
++"DCB 優先度グループの NMSettingDcbFlags を指定します。フラグは、"
++"び NM_SETTING_DCB_FLAG_WILLING (0x4) から組み合わせることができます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:171
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7120,6 +7720,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates the Priority Group ID.  Allowed "
+ "Priority Group ID values are 0 - 7 or 15 for the unrestricted group."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 つの uint 値の配列。配列のインデックスはユーザーの優先度 (0 - 7) に対応しま"
++"す。値は優先度グループ ID を示します。使用できる優先度グループ ID の値は 0 - "
++"7 で、15 にすると無制限グループになります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:172
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7127,6 +7730,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates whether or not the priority may use "
+ "all of the bandwidth allocated to its assigned group."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 個のブール値の配列。配列のインデックスはユーザーの優先度 (0 - 7) に対応しま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:173
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7134,6 +7740,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "Priority (0 - 7) and the value indicates the traffic class (0 - 7) to which "
+ "the priority is mapped."
+ msgstr ""
++"8 uint 値の配列。配列のインデックスはユーザーの優先度 (0 - 7) に対応します。"
++"値は、優先度がマッピングされるトラフィッククラス (0 - 7) を示しています。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:176
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7145,6 +7753,12 @@ msgid ""
+ "only be composed of the characters a-z, 0-9, ., and - per GSM 03.60 Section "
+ "14.9."
+ msgstr ""
++"GSM ベースのネットワークでデータセッションを確立する際に使用する APN を指定す"
++"る GPRS アクセスポイント名。この APN は、しばしば、ネットワーク利用料金の支払"
++"ロードバンドプランに対して正しい APN を使用することが重要です。APN の文字列"
++"は、a- z と 0 - 9 だけが使用でき、GSM 03.60 セクション 14.9 に準拠します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:177
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7152,12 +7766,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "this connection applies to.  If given, the connection will only apply to the "
+ "specified device."
+ msgstr ""
++"(WWAN 管理サービスで指定されたように) この接続が適用されるデバイスの一意識別"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:178
+ msgid ""
+ "When TRUE, only connections to the home network will be allowed. Connections "
+ "to roaming networks will not be made."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE にすると、ホームネットワークへの接続だけが可能になります。ローミングネッ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:181
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7167,6 +7785,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "used to ensure that the device does not roam when direct roaming control of "
+ "the device is not otherwise possible."
+ msgstr ""
++"特定のネットワーク登録を強制するネットワーク ID (GSM LAI フォーマット MCC-"
++"MNC)。ネットワーク ID を指定すると、NetworkManager は、指定したネットワークに"
++"るために使用できます。 これ以外に、ローミングを直接制御することはできません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:182
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7175,6 +7797,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "the mobile network and thus this property should be left blank, which allows "
+ "NetworkManager to select the appropriate settings automatically."
+ msgstr ""
++"GSM ベースのモバイルブロードバンドネットワークで PPP データを確立する際のダイ"
++"アル番号。多くのモデムでは、モバイルネットワークへの接続に PPP を必要しないた"
++"め、このプロパティーは空のままにして、NetworkManager が自動的に適切な設定を選"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:185
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7182,6 +7808,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "operations are requested.  Specify the PIN here to allow operation of the "
+ "device."
+ msgstr ""
++"PIN で SIM がロックされた場合は、その他の操作を行う前にアンロックする必要があ"
++"ります。ここで PIN を指定すると、デバイスの操作が可能になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:187
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7190,6 +7818,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "any device also allowed by \"device-id\" which contains a SIM card matching "
+ "the given identifier."
+ msgstr ""
++"(WWAN 管理サービスによって指定されたように) この接続が適用される SIM カードの"
++"一意識別子。これを指定すると、接続は、\"device-id\" にも許可されているデバイ"
++"スに適用されます。これには、指定した識別子に一致する SIM カードが含まれます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:188
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7198,6 +7829,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection will apply to any device also allowed by \"device-id\" and \"sim-"
+ "id\" which contains a SIM card provisioned by the given operator."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"310260\"、\"21601\" などの MCC/MNC 文字列。この接続が適用される特定のモバイ"
++"\" および \"sim-id\" で許可されるデバイスにも適用されます。これには、指定した"
++"オペレーターから提供される SIM カードが含まれます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:190
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7205,6 +7840,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address "
+ "of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing)."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、この接続は永続的な MAC アドレスに一致する IPoIB デバイスにのみ適"
++"用されます。このプロパティーはデバイスの MAC アドレスを変更しません (MAC ス"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:193
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7212,6 +7850,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "default P_Key (aka \"the P_Key at index 0\").  Otherwise it is a 16-bit "
+ "unsigned integer, whose high bit is set if it is a \"full membership\" P_Key."
+ msgstr ""
++"このデバイスに使用する InfiniBand P_Key。-1 は、デフォルトの P_Key (別名 \"イ"
++"ンデックス 0 の P_Key\") を使用することを示しています。 もしくは、16 ビットの"
++"署名なし整数です。\"完全メンバーシップ\" の P_Key の場合は、その高ビットが設"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:194
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7219,53 +7861,71 @@ msgid ""
+ "if the \"p_key\" property is set, then you must specify the base device by "
+ "setting either this property or \"mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"このデバイスの親デバイスのインターフェース名。通常は NULL ですが、\"p_key\" "
++"プロパティーが設定されると、このプロパティーまたは \"mac-address\" のいずれか"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:195
+ msgid ""
+ "The IP-over-InfiniBand transport mode. Either \"datagram\" or \"connected\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"IPoIB トランスポートモード。\"datagram\" または \"connected\" のいずれか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:196
+ msgid ""
+ "How many additional levels of encapsulation are permitted to be prepended to "
+ "packets. This property applies only to IPv6 tunnels."
+ msgstr ""
++"は、IPv6 トンネルにのみ適用されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:197
+ msgid ""
+ "The flow label to assign to tunnel packets. This property applies only to "
+ "IPv6 tunnels."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネルパケットに割り当てるフローラベル。このプロパティーは、IPv6 にのみ適用"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:198
+ msgid ""
+ "The key used for tunnel input packets; the property is valid only for "
+ "certain tunnel modes (GRE, IP6GRE). If empty, no key is used."
+ msgstr ""
++"ド (GRE、IP6GRE) に対してのみ有効です。空にすると、キーは使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:199
+ msgid ""
+ "The local endpoint of the tunnel; the value can be empty, otherwise it must "
+ "contain an IPv4 or IPv6 address."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネルのローカルエンドポイント。値は空にできます。もしくは、IPv4 アドレスま"
++"たは IPv6 アドレスを含む必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:200
+ msgid ""
+ "The tunneling mode, for example NM_IP_TUNNEL_MODE_IPIP (1) or "
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネリングモード。たとえば NM_IP_TUNNEL_MODE_IPIP (1) や "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:201
+ msgid ""
+ "If non-zero, only transmit packets of the specified size or smaller, "
+ "breaking larger packets up into multiple fragments."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:203
+ msgid ""
+ "The key used for tunnel output packets; the property is valid only for "
+ "certain tunnel modes (GRE, IP6GRE). If empty, no key is used."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネル出力パケットに使用されるキー。このプロパティは、特定のトンネルモード "
++"(GRE、IP6GRE) に対してのみ有効です。空にすると、キーは使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:204
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7273,33 +7933,42 @@ msgid ""
+ "new device will be bound to so that tunneled packets will only be routed via "
+ "that interface."
+ msgstr ""
++"うに、新しいデバイスがバインドされる親インターフェース名または親接続の UUID "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:205
+ msgid "Whether to enable Path MTU Discovery on this tunnel."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "このトンネルで、パス MTU 検出を有効にするかどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:206
+ msgid ""
+ "The remote endpoint of the tunnel; the value must contain an IPv4 or IPv6 "
+ "address."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネルのリモートエンドポイント。この値には、IPv4 アドレスまたは IPv6 アドレ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:207
+ msgid ""
+ "The type of service (IPv4) or traffic class (IPv6) field to be set on "
+ "tunneled packets."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネル化パケットに設定されるサービスのタイプ (IPv4) またはトラフィッククラ"
++"ス (IPv6) フィールド。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:208
+ msgid ""
+ "The TTL to assign to tunneled packets. 0 is a special value meaning that "
+ "packets inherit the TTL value."
+ msgstr ""
++"トンネル化パケットに割り当てる TTL。0 は特別な値で、パケットが TTL 値を継承す"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:209
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:231
+ msgid "Array of IP addresses."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "IP アドレスの配列。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:210
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:232
+@@ -7311,6 +7980,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "ipvx.dad-timeout override or 3 seconds).  A value greater than zero is a "
+ "timeout in milliseconds."
+ msgstr ""
++"ネットワーク上で IP アドレスの重複を確認するのに使用されるタイムアウト (ミリ"
++"をゼロにすると、重複アドレスの検出は行われません。-1 は、デフォルト値 (設定 "
++"ipvx.dad-timeout を上書きまたは 3 秒のいずれか) になります。値がゼロより大き"
++"い場合はタイムアウト (ミリ秒) になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:211
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7323,6 +7997,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "MAC address). If the property is not a hex string it is considered as a non-"
+ "hardware-address client ID and the 'type' field is set to 0."
+ msgstr ""
++"DHCP サーバーに送られる文字列。DHCP サーバーが DHCP リースとオプションをカス"
++"タマイズするのに使用するローカルマシンを識別します。プロパティーが 16 進数 "
++"('aa:bb:cc') の場合は、バイナリーのクライアント ID として解釈されます。この場"
++"合、最初のバイトは、RFC 2132 のセクション 9.14 に指定されているよう"
++"に、'type' フィールドとなり、残りのバイトはハードウェアアドレス ('01:xx:xx:"
++"xx:xx:xx:xx' など。1 は Ethernet の ARP タイプで、残りは MAC アドレス) になり"
++"ます。文字列が 16 進数ではない場合は、非ハードウェアアドレスのクライアント "
++"ID と見なされ、'type' フィールドは 0 に設定されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:212
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7330,6 +8012,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "be sent to the DHCP server when acquiring a lease. This property and \"dhcp-"
+ "hostname\" are mutually exclusive and cannot be set at the same time."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"dhcp-send-hostname\" プロパティーが TRUE の場合は、リースを取得する際に、指"
++"定した FQDN が DHCP サーバーに送られます。この優先度および \"dhcp-hostname\" "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:213
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:233
+@@ -7338,6 +8023,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "be sent to the DHCP server when acquiring a lease. This property and \"dhcp-"
+ "fqdn\" are mutually exclusive and cannot be set at the same time."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"dhcp-send-hostname\" プロパティーが TRUE の場合は、リースを取得する際に、指"
++"定した名前が DHCP サーバーに送られます。このプロパティーと \"dhcp-fqdn\" は相"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:214
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:234
+@@ -7348,20 +8036,21 @@ msgid ""
+ "property is NULL and this property is TRUE, the current persistent hostname "
+ "of the computer is sent."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合、リースを取得する際にホスト名が DHCP サーバーに送信されます。一部"
++"の DHCP サーバーはこのホスト名を使用して DNS データベースをアップデートし、コ"
++"ンピューターの静的ホスト名を提供します。\"dhcp-hostname\" プロパティーが "
++"NULL で、このプロパティーが TRUE の場合は、そのコンピューターの現在の永続ホス"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:215
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:235
+ msgid "A timeout for a DHCP transaction in seconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "DHCP トランザクションのタイムアウト (秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:216
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:236
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Array of IP addresses of DNS servers."
+-msgstr ""
+-"DNS サーバーの IPv4 アドレス一覧を入力してください。\n"
++msgstr "DNS サーバーの IP アドレス配列。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:217
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:237
+@@ -7370,6 +8059,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "options are unset and left at the default. In this case NetworkManager will "
+ "use default options. This is distinct from an empty list of properties."
+ msgstr ""
++"DNS オプションの配列。man 5 resolv.conf で説明されています。NULL は、オプショ"
++"NetworkManager はデフォルトのオプションを使用し、プロパティーのリストが空に"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:218
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:238
+@@ -7389,12 +8082,22 @@ msgid ""
+ "negative priority, only DNS servers from connections with the lowest "
+ "priority value will be used."
+ msgstr ""
++"内部接続の DNS 優先度。resolv.conf で DNS サーバーの順番を決定する際に使用さ"
++"デフォルト値 (VPN の場合は 50、その他の接続の場合は 100) を選択します。優先度"
++"は、複数のアクティブな接続に対して DNS 設定の順番を設定しますが、同じ接続プロ"
++"ファイルにある複数の DNS サーバーの曖昧さは解消されません。これを解消するに"
++"は、DNS サーバーの順番を指定します。複数のデバイスで優先度が同じものがある場"
++"dns=dnsmasq を使用している場合は順番を付けても意味がありません。dnsmasq は、"
++"番低い優先度が設定されている接続の DNS サーバーだけが使用されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:219
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:239
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Array of DNS search domains."
+-msgstr "検索ドメイン"
++msgstr "DNS 検索ドメインの配列。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:220
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:240
+@@ -7402,6 +8105,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "The gateway associated with this configuration. This is only meaningful if "
+ "\"addresses\" is also set."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゲートウェイは、この設定に関連付けられています。\"アドレス\" とともに設定した"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:221
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:241
+@@ -7411,6 +8116,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "and search domains specified in the \"dns\" and \"dns-search\" properties, "
+ "if any, are used."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"method\" を \"auto\" に設定し、このプロパティーを TRUE に設定すると、自動的"
++"に設定されるネームサーバーと検索ドメインは無視されます。\"dns\" プロパティー"
++"と \"dns-search\" プロパティーに指定したネームサーバーと検索ドメインだけが使"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:222
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:242
+@@ -7419,6 +8128,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "configured routes are ignored and only routes specified in the \"routes\" "
+ "property, if any, are used."
+ msgstr ""
++"\"method\" を \"auto\" に設定し、このプロパティーを TRUE に設定すると、自動的"
++"に設定したルートは無視され、ルートを \"routes\" プロパティーに指定した場合"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:223
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:244
+@@ -7430,6 +8142,11 @@ msgid ""
+ "the NMSettingIP4Config allows the overall network configuration to succeed "
+ "if IPv4 configuration fails but IPv6 configuration completes successfully."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、このプロパティーで指定した設定がタイムアウトになっても、全体の"
++"ネットワーク設定は続行します。IP 設定が最低 1 つは成功する必要があり、成功し"
++"ないとネットワーク全体の設定が失敗します。たとえば、IPv6 限定のネットワークに"
++"おいて、NMSettingIP4Config でこのプロパティーを TRUE に設定すると、IPv4 設定"
++"が失敗し、IPv6 設定が完全に成功しても、全体のネットワーク設定が成功します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:224
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:245
+@@ -7445,6 +8162,16 @@ msgid ""
+ "subnet can be configured by adding one manual IPv4 address or otherwise "
+ "10.42.x.0/24 is chosen."
+ msgstr ""
++"IP 設定方法。NMSettingIP4Config と NMSettingIP6Config はともに \"auto"
++"\"、\"manual\"、および \"link-local\" をサポートします。その他の値は、サブク"
++"ラスに関するドキュメントを参照してください。一般的に、\"auto\" 方法で"
++"は、\"dns\"、\"routes\" などのプロパティーは、自動設定から返された情報に追加"
++"する情報を指定します。\"ignore-auto-routes\" プロパティーと \"ignore-auto-dns"
++"\" プロパティーは、この動作を修正します。アップストリームのネットワークを意味"
++"しない \"shared\"、\"link-local\" などの方法では、このプロパティーを空にする"
++"必要があります。IPv4 方法 \"shared\" の場合は、手動で IPv4 アドレスを 1 つ設"
++"定して IP サブセットを設定できます。設定しない場合は 10.42.x.0/24 が選択され"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:226
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:247
+@@ -7452,6 +8179,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE, this connection will never be the default connection for this IP "
+ "type, meaning it will never be assigned the default route by NetworkManager."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE にすると、この接続はこの IP タイプに対するデフォルトの接続にはならないた"
++"め、NetworkManager によってデフォルトルートに割り当てられません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:227
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:248
+@@ -7464,6 +8193,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "it to 1024 (user default). Hence, setting this property to zero effectively "
+ "mean setting it to 1024. For IPv4, zero is a regular value for the metric."
+ msgstr ""
++"トの値 -1 は、デバイスタイプに基づいて自動的にメトリックが選択されることを示"
++"動 (静的) ルートに適用されます。IPv6 では、カーネルはゼロ (0) を許可します"
++"が、強制的に 1024 (ユーザーデフォルト) になります。したがって、このプロパ"
++"ティーをゼロに設定すると、実際には 1024 になることに注意してください。IPv4 で"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:228
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:249
+@@ -7482,11 +8218,24 @@ msgid ""
+ "This is to preserve backward compatibility for users who manage routing "
+ "tables outside of NetworkManager."
+ msgstr ""
++"ポリシールーティング (ソースルーティング) を有効にし、ルートの追加時に使用す"
++"と、NetworkManager はすべてのルートをメインテーブルに追加します (ただし、別の"
++"テーブルに明示的に設定した静的ルートは除きます)。また、NetworkManager は、メ"
++"NetworkManager 以外のルーティングテーブルを管理するための後方互換性を確保しま"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:229
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:250
+ msgid "Array of IP routes."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "IP ルートの配列。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:230
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7509,6 +8258,22 @@ msgid ""
+ "Privacy Extensions as configured by \"ip6-privacy\" property and it does not "
+ "affect the temporary addresses configured with this option."
+ msgstr ""
++"RFC4862 IPv6 ステートレスアドレスの自動設定で使用するアドレスを作成する方法を"
++"設定します。利用できる値は NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ADDR_GEN_MODE_EUI64 (0) また"
++"ティーを EUI64 に設定すると、アドレスは、ハードウェアアドレスから算出したイン"
++"フェースのハードウェアを交換するとアドレスは変更します。stable-privacy の値"
++"は、RFC7217 で指定されているように、接続の stable-id とネットワークアドレスと"
++"Bus では、addr-gen-mode 設定がないことと、stable-privacy を有効にすることは同"
++"じです。keyfile プラグインでは、ディスクに設定がない場合は EUI64 を意味し、プ"
++"は、\"ip6-privacy\" プロパティーにより設定されたプライバシー拡張とは異なり、"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:243
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7526,37 +8291,52 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"stable-privacy\" setting as another way of avoiding host tracking with "
+ "IPv6 addresses."
+ msgstr ""
++"RFC4941 で説明されているように、SLAAC に IPv6 プライバシー拡張を設定します。"
++"これを有効にすると、カーネルは、修正された EUI-64 により、MA アドレスから生成"
++"したパブリックアドレスに加えて、IPv6 アドレスを一時的に生成します。これによ"
++"合もあります。利用できる値は、-1: 不明、0: 無効、1: 有効 (パブリックアドレス"
++"を優先)、2: 有効 (一時アドレスを優先) となります。各接続の設定を \"-1\" (不"
++"明) にすると、グローバル設定 \"ipv6.ip6-privacy\" にフォールバックされます。"
++"また、グローバル設定を指定しないか、\"-1\" に設定すると、\"/proc/sys/net/"
++"ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr\" の読み込みにフォールバックされます。この設定"
++"は、IPv6 アドレスでホストの追跡を回避する別の方法として \"addr-gen-mode\" プ"
++"ロパティーの \"stable-privacy\" 設定で有効にできる、安定したプライバシーアド"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:251
+ msgid ""
+ "Configure the token for draft-chown-6man-tokenised-ipv6-identifiers-02 IPv6 "
+ "tokenized interface identifiers. Useful with eui64 addr-gen-mode."
+ msgstr ""
++"IPv6 トークン化したインターフェース識別子 draft-chown-6man-tokenised-ipv6-"
++"identifiers-02 にトークンを設定します。eui64 addr-gen-mode で行うと便利です。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:252
+ msgid "Whether the transmitted traffic must be encrypted."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "転送トラフィックの暗号化が必要かどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:253
+ msgid ""
+ "The pre-shared CAK (Connectivity Association Key) for MACsec Key Agreement."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "MACsec キー一致における共有前の CAK (接続関連キー)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:254
+ msgid "Flags indicating how to handle the \"mka-cak\" property."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"mka-cak\" プロパティーの処理方法を示すフラグ。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:255
+ msgid ""
+ "The pre-shared CKN (Connectivity-association Key Name) for MACsec Key "
+ "Agreement."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "MACsec キー一致における共有前の CKN (接続に関連するキー名)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:256
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies how the CAK (Connectivity Association Key) for MKA (MACsec Key "
+ "Agreement) is obtained."
+ msgstr ""
++"MKA (MACsec キー一致) の CAK (接続関連キー) を取得する方法を指定します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:258
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7565,22 +8345,28 @@ msgid ""
+ "specified, the connection must contain an \"802-3-ethernet\" setting with a "
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、この MACSEC インターフェースを作成する、親インターフェース名"
++"または親接続の UUID を指定します。このプロパティーが指定されていないと、接続"
++"には、\"mac-address\" プロパティーが追加された \"802-3-ethernet\" 設定を含め"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:259
+ msgid ""
+ "The port component of the SCI (Secure Channel Identifier), between 1 and "
+ "65534."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "SCI (セキュアチャネル識別子) のポートコンポーネント (1 - 65534)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:260
+ msgid "Specifies the validation mode for incoming frames."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "入力フレームの検証モードを指定します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:261
+ msgid ""
+ "The macvlan mode, which specifies the communication mechanism between "
+ "multiple macvlans on the same lower device."
+ msgstr ""
++"同じ低いデバイスで、複数の macvlans 間で通信メカニズムを指定する macvlan モー"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:263
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7589,70 +8375,82 @@ msgid ""
+ "specified, the connection must contain an \"802-3-ethernet\" setting with a "
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、この MAC-VLAN インターフェースを作成する、親インターフェース"
++"名または親接続の UUID を指定します。このプロパティーを指定しない場合は、接続"
++"に、\"mac-address\" プロパティーが追加された \"802-3-ethernet\" 設定を含める"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:264
+ msgid "Whether the interface should be put in promiscuous mode."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "インターフェースをプロミスキャスモードにするべきかどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:265
+ msgid "Whether the interface should be a MACVTAP."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "インターフェースが MACVTAP にすべきかどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:266
+ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ブリッジの失敗モード。\"secure\"、\"standalone\"、また空のいずれか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "システムのネットワーキングを有効または無効にする"
++msgstr "マルチキャストのスヌーピングを有効化または無効化にします。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Wi-Fi デバイスを有効または無効にする"
++msgstr "RSTP を有効化または無効化にします。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Wi-Fi デバイスを有効または無効にする"
++msgstr "STP を有効化または無効化にします。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "インターフェースのタイプ。\"internal\" または空のいずれかになります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:274
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address of a remote OpenVSwitch bridge "
+ "port to connect to."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続するリモートの OpenVSwitch  ブリッジポートのユニキャスト宛先 IP アドレス"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:275
+ msgid "The time port must be inactive in order to be considered down."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:276
+ msgid ""
+ "Bonding mode. One of \"active-backup\", \"balance-slb\", or \"balance-tcp\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"ボンディングモード。\"active-backup\"、\"balance-slb\"、または \"balance-tcp"
++"\" のいずれかになります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:277
++#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The time port must be active before it starts forwarding traffic."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:278
+ msgid "LACP mode. One of \"active\", \"off\", or \"passive\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"LACP モード。\"active\"、\"off\"、または \"passive\" のいずれかになります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:280
+ msgid "The VLAN tag in the range 0-4095."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "VLAN タグは  0 - 4095 の範囲内にあります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:281
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN mode. One of \"access\", \"native-tagged\", \"native-untagged\", "
+ "\"trunk\" or unset."
+ msgstr ""
++"VLAN モード。\"access\"、\"native-tagged\"、\"native-untagged\"、\"trunk\" の"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:282
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7660,6 +8458,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "baudrate.  This value should normally be left as 0 to automatically choose "
+ "the speed."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロ以外は、pppd より指定したボーレートにシリアルポートを設定します。速度が自"
++"動的に選択されるように、通常は、この値を 0 にします。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:283
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7667,6 +8467,9 @@ msgid ""
+ "control with RTS and CTS signals.  This value should normally be set to "
+ "FALSE."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合、pppd は、RTS シグナルおよび CTS シグナルを使用して、ハードウェア"
++"フロー制御を使用するシリアルポートを設定する必要があります。この値は、通常は "
++"FALSE に設定する必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:284
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7675,6 +8478,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"lcp-echo-interval\" property must also be set to a non-zero value if this "
+ "property is used."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロ以外にすると、LCP echo-requests が指定した数値にピアが応答しない場合、"
++"pppd は、ピアへの接続が失敗したと推測します。このプロパティーが使用されている"
++"場合は、\"lcp-echo-interval\" プロパティーもゼロ以外の値に設定する必要があり"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:285
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7683,12 +8490,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "will respond to echo requests and some will not, and it is not possible to "
+ "autodetect this."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロ以外にすると、pppd が、n 秒ごとにピアに LCP echo-request フレームを送るよ"
++"うに なります (n は指定した値)。PPP ピアの一部だけがエコー要求に応答します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:286
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE, stateful MPPE is used.  See pppd documentation for more information "
+ "on stateful MPPE."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、ステートフル MPPE が使用されます。ステートフル MPPE の詳細は "
++"pppd ドキュメントを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:287
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7696,15 +8508,17 @@ msgid ""
+ "than the specified size.  If non-zero, the MRU should be between 128 and "
+ "16384."
+ msgstr ""
++"ゼロ以外は、指定したサイズ以下のパケットをピアが送信するように pppd が要求し"
++"ます。ゼロ以外では、MRU は 128 から 16384 の間にする必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:288
+ msgid ""
+ "If non-zero, instruct pppd to send packets no larger than the specified size."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ゼロ以外は、pppd により、指定したサイズ以下のパケットが送信されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:290
+ msgid "If TRUE, Van Jacobsen TCP header compression will not be requested."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、Van Jacobsen TCP ヘッダー圧縮が要求されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:291
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7712,34 +8526,37 @@ msgid ""
+ "authenticate itself to the client.  If FALSE, require authentication from "
+ "the remote side.  In almost all cases, this should be TRUE."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、クライアントに認証するのに相手側 (通常は PPP サーバー) が要求"
++"されません。FALSE の場合は、リモート側からの認証が必要になります。ほとんどす"
++"べての場合で、これは TRUE にする必要があります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:292
+ msgid "If TRUE, BSD compression will not be requested."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、BSD 圧縮が要求されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:293
+ msgid "If TRUE, \"deflate\" compression will not be requested."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、\"deflate\" 圧縮が要求されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:294
+ msgid "If TRUE, the CHAP authentication method will not be used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、CHAP 認証方法が使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:295
+ msgid "If TRUE, the EAP authentication method will not be used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、EAP 認証方法が使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:296
+ msgid "If TRUE, the MSCHAP authentication method will not be used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、MSCHAP 認証方法が使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:297
+ msgid "If TRUE, the MSCHAPv2 authentication method will not be used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、MSCHAPv2 認証方法が使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:298
+ msgid "If TRUE, the PAP authentication method will not be used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TRUE の場合は、PAP 認証方法が使用されません。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:299
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7747,6 +8564,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "PPP session.  If either 64-bit or 128-bit MPPE is not available the session "
+ "will fail.  Note that MPPE is not used on mobile broadband connections."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、PPP セッションに MPPE (Microsoft ポイントツーポイント暗号化) "
++"が必要になります。64 ビットまたは 128 ビットのいずれかの MPPE が利用できなく"
++"なると、セッションは失敗します。MPPE がモバイルブロードバンド接続に使用されな"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:300
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7754,6 +8575,10 @@ msgid ""
+ "for the PPP session, and the \"require-mppe\" property must also be set to "
+ "TRUE.  If 128-bit MPPE is not available the session will fail."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合は、PPP セッションに、128 ビット MPPE (Microsoft ポイントツーポイ"
++"ント暗号化) が必要になります。また、\"require-mppe\" プロパティーを TRUE に設"
++"定する必要があります。128 ビットの MPPE が利用できないと、セッションは失敗し"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:302
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7762,10 +8587,13 @@ msgid ""
+ "activated on the interface specified in \"interface-name\" of "
+ "NMSettingConnection."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、この PPPoE 接続が作成される親インターフェイス名を指定します。"
++"このプロパティーを指定しないと、この接続は、NMSettingConnection の "
++"\"interface-name\" に指定したインターフェースで接続が有効になります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:303
+ msgid "Password used to authenticate with the PPPoE service."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "PPPoE サービスでの認証に使用するパスワード。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:305
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7774,29 +8602,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "should be left blank.  It is only required if there are multiple access "
+ "concentrators or a specific service is known to be required."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、PPPoE は、セッションを開始するために、指定したサービスを提供する"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:306
+ msgid "Username used to authenticate with the PPPoE service."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "PPPoE サービスでの認証に使用するユーザー名。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:307
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Whether the proxy configuration is for browser only."
+-msgstr "この IP 設定は無効になりました"
++msgstr "プロキシー設定がブラウザー専用であるかどうか。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:308
+ msgid ""
+ "Method for proxy configuration, Default is NM_SETTING_PROXY_METHOD_NONE (0)"
+ msgstr ""
++"プロキシー設定の方法。デフォルトは NM_SETTING_PROXY_METHOD_NONE (0) です。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:310
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PAC script for the connection."
+-msgstr "OLPC Mesh 接続"
++msgstr "接続の PAC スクリプト。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:311
+ msgid "PAC URL for obtaining PAC file."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "PAC ファイルを取得する PAC URL"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:312
+ msgid ""
+@@ -7804,95 +8635,231 @@ msgid ""
+ "usually has no effect for mobile broadband modems as they generally ignore "
+ "speed settings and use the highest available speed."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:313
+ msgid "Byte-width of the serial communication. The 8 in \"8n1\" for example."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "シリアル接続のバイト幅。たとえば、\"8n1\" の 8 です。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:315
+ msgid "Parity setting of the serial port."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "シリアルポートのパリティ設定。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:316
+ msgid "Time to delay between each byte sent to the modem, in microseconds."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "モデムに送信したバイト間の遅延時間 (マイクロ秒単位)。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:317
+ msgid ""
+ "Number of stop bits for communication on the serial port.  Either 1 or 2. "
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
++"シリアルポートで通信するための停止ビットの数。1 または 2 のいずれかになりま"
++"す。たとえば、\"8n1\" の 1 です。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr "IP ルートの配列。"
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+ "passed directly to teamd. If not specified, the default configuration is "
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
++"チームネットワークインターフェースの JSON 設定。プロパティーには、teamd に適"
++"切な生の JSON 設定データを含む必要があります。値を teamd に直接渡すためです。"
++"指定しないと、デフォルトの設定が使用されます。フォーマットの詳細は、man "
++"teamd.conf を参照してください。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+ "directly to teamd. If not specified, the default configuration is used. See "
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
++"チームポートの JSON 設定。プロパティーには、teamd に適した生の JSON 設定デー"
++"タを含める必要があります。値は teamd に直接渡されるためです。指定しない場合"
++"は、デフォルト設定が使用されます。フォーマットの詳細は、man teamd.conf を参照"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
++"デバイスを所有するグループ ID。NULL を設定すると、誰でもこのデバイスを使用で"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
++"仮想デバイスのオペレーティングモード。利用できる値は、レイヤー 3 デバイスを作"
++"成する NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) と、Ethernet のようなレイヤー 2 デバイスを"
++"作成する NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) です。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
++"プロパティーを TRUE に設定すると、インターフェースは複数のファイルディスクリ"
++"プター (キュー) を使用して、パケットの送受信を並行して処理します。TRUE に設定"
++"しないと、インターフェースは 1 つのキューしかサポートしません。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
++"デバイスを所有するユーザー ID。NULL を設定すると、誰でもこのデバイスを使用で"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
++"TRUE の場合、インターフェースは、パケットの先頭に、物理インターフェースを接続"
++"する 4 バイトのヘッダーを追加します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
++"IFF_VNET_HDR を TRUE にすると、トンネルパケットには、virtio ネットワークヘッ"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+ "support a strict ascii format, but the values can be arbitrary UTF8 strings "
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
++"ユーザーデータでのキーと値のペアのディクショナリー。このデータは "
++"NetworkManager で無視され、ユーザーの判断で使用できます。このキーは、厳密な "
++"ascii フォーマットのみをサポートしますが、値は、指定した長さまでの任意の "
++"UTF8 文字列にできます。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"出力パケットの場合、Linux SKB 優先度から 802.1p 優先度へのマッピングの一覧。"
++"このマッピングは、\"from:to\" の形式で指定し、\"from\" と \"to\" は、\"7:3\" "
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7904,62 +8871,92 @@ msgid ""
+ "compatibility, the default-value in the D-Bus API continues to be 0 and a "
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
++"VLAN インターフェースの動作と機能を制御する 1 つ以上のフラグ。"
++"NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (出力のパケットヘッダーの順序を変更)、"
++"(0x4) (マスターデバイスの動作状態へのインターフェースのルーズバインディン"
++"グ)、NM_VLAN_FLAG_MVRP (0x8) (MVRP プロトコルの使用) などがあります。このプロ"
++"パティーのデフォルト値は NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS ですが、以前は 0 でし"
++"た。後方互換性を確保するには D-Bus API のデフォルト値を 0 のままにし、D-Bus "
++"における不明なプロパティは引き続き 0 と見なされます。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
++"この接続が作成するインターフェースを割り当てる必要がある VLAN 識別子。有効は"
++"範囲は 0 - 4094 となり、予約されている id 4095 は除外されます。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"入力パケットの場合は、802.1p 優先度から Linux SKB 優先度へのマッピング一覧。"
++"このマッピングは、\"from:to\" の形式で指定し、\"from\" と \"to\" は、\"7:3\" "
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+ "specified, the connection must contain an \"802-3-ethernet\" setting with a "
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、この VLAN インターフェースを作成する、親インターフェース名ま"
++"たは親接続の UUID を指定します。このプロパティーを指定しない場合は、接続"
++"に、\"mac-address\" プロパティーが指定されている \"802-3-ethernet\" 設定を含"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
++"VPN プラグイン特有のデータにおけるキーと値がペアになったディクショナリー。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
++"VPN サービスが持続性をサポートすると、このプロパティーは TRUE になります。"
++"VPN は、明示的に切断されるまで、リンクが変更され、停止しても接続されたままに"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
++"パスワードや秘密鍵など、VPN プラグイン特有のシークレットに関するキーと値のペ"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
++"この設定がネットワークに接続するのに使用する VPN プラグインの D-Bus サービス"
++"名。vpnc プラグインの場合は org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc です。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+ "is 60 seconds (unless overridden by vpn.timeout in configuration file). "
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
++"VPN の接続確立に関するタイムアウト。一部のサービスでは接続に時間がかかる場合"
++"があります。値を 0 にすると、デフォルトのタイムアウト 60 秒となります (設定"
++"ファイルで vpn.timeout を上書きしていない場合)。ゼロ以外の値を設定した場合"
++"は、それがタイムアウト (秒単位) となります。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7968,98 +8965,126 @@ msgid ""
+ "automatically supply the username of the user which requested the VPN "
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
++"VPN 接続で、認証のユーザー名が必要になる場合は、ここで提供する必要がありま"
++"す。その接続が複数のユーザーで利用でき、VPN で各ユーザーの名前を提供する必要"
++"すると、NetworkManager は、VPN 接続を要求するユーザーのユーザー名を自動的に提"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "カーネルが学習する FDB エントリーの存続時間 (秒単位) を指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
++"リモートの VXLAN トンネルエンドポイントに接続する UDP 宛先ポートを指定しま"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
++"使用する VXLAN ネットワーク識別子 (または VXLAN セグメント識別子) を指定しま"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
++"ネットリンク LL ADDR が欠落している通知が生成されるかどうかを指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
++"ネットリンク IP ADDR が欠落している通知が生成されるかどうかを指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
++"未知のソースリンクレイヤーのアドレスと IP アドレスを、VXLAN デバイス転送デー"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
++"FDB エントリーの最大数を指定します。値がゼロの場合は、カーネルがエントリーを"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
++"指定した場合は、送信パケットで使用するソースの IP アドレスを指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "指定した場合は、親インターフェース名または親接続の UUID を指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ARP プロキシーをオンにするかどうかを指定します"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
++"宛先リンクレイヤーアドレスが VXLAN デバイス転送データベースにない場合に、出力"
++"パケットで使用するユニキャストの宛先 IP アドレス、または参加するマルチキャス"
++"ト IP アドレスを指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ルートのショートサーキットがオンになっているかどうかを指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
++"リモート VXLAN のトンネルエンドポイントに接続する最大 UDP ソースポートを指定"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
++"リモートの VXLAN トンネルエンドポイントに接続するための最小 UDP ソースポート"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "送信パケットで使用する TOS 値を指定します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "送信パケットで使用する生存時間の値を使用します。"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
++"指定すると、この接続は MAC アドレスに一致する WiMAX デバイスにのみ適用されま"
++"す。このプロパティーはデバイスの MAC アドレスを変更しません (MAC スプーフィン"
++"グとして知られています)。非推奨: 1"
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
++"この接続が使用する WiMAX ネットワークのネットワークサービスプロバイダー "
++"(NSP) 名。非推奨: 1"
+ #: ../clients/nm-online.c:91
+ msgid "Connecting"
+@@ -8099,8 +9124,8 @@ msgstr "接続の代わりに NetworkManager の起動を待機します"
+ msgid ""
+ "Waits for NetworkManager to finish activating startup network connections."
+ msgstr ""
+-"NetworkManager によりスタートアップネットワーク接続のアクティベートが完了され"
++"NetworkManager により、スタートアップネットワーク接続のアクティベートが完了さ"
+ #: ../clients/nm-online.c:267 ../clients/nm-online.c:273
+ msgid "Invalid option.  Please use --help to see a list of valid options."
+@@ -8149,7 +9174,7 @@ msgstr "Ethernet"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:150
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Ethernet connection %d"
+-msgstr "イーサネット接続 %d"
++msgstr "Ethernet 接続 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:154 ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1823
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1523
+@@ -8193,7 +9218,7 @@ msgstr "DSL 接続 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "ボンド"
+@@ -8205,7 +9230,7 @@ msgstr "ボンド接続 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "ブリッジ"
+@@ -8217,7 +9242,7 @@ msgstr "ブリッジ接続 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "team "
+@@ -8281,12 +9306,12 @@ msgstr "表示する"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-editor.c:98
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create editor for connection '%s' of type '%s'."
+-msgstr "接続 '%s'、タイプ '%s' 用のエディタを作成できませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続 '%s'、タイプ '%s' 用のエディターを作成できませんでした。"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-editor.c:102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create editor for invalid connection '%s'."
+-msgstr "無効な接続 '%s' のエディタを作成できませんでした。"
++msgstr "無効な接続 '%s' のエディターを作成できませんでした。"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-editor.c:112
+ msgid "Edit Connection"
+@@ -8379,13 +9404,13 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "スレーブ"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "モード"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:381
+ msgid "Primary"
+-msgstr "プライマリ"
++msgstr "プライマリー"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:387
+ msgid "Link monitoring"
+@@ -8414,7 +9439,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "ARP ターゲット"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "クローンの MAC アドレス"
+@@ -8470,16 +9495,16 @@ msgstr "最大エイジ"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bridge.c:154
+ msgid "Group forward mask"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "グループの前方マスク"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:70
+ msgid "ETHERNET"
+-msgstr "イーサネット"
++msgstr "Ethernet "
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8558,9 +9583,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "自動的に取得されたルートを無視"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "自動的に取得されたルートを無視"
++msgstr "自動的に取得された DNS パラメーターを無視"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8645,7 +9669,7 @@ msgstr "PPP 設定"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ppp.c:140
+ msgid "Allowed authentication methods:"
+-msgstr "許可された認証方法:"
++msgstr "使用できる認証方法:"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ppp.c:147
+ msgid "EAP"
+@@ -8711,124 +9735,124 @@ msgstr "team"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN id"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "クライアント"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "アクセスポイント"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "アドホックネットワーク"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "自動"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "なし"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 パーソナル"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 エンタープライズ"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128 ビットのキー (16 進数または ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128 ビットのパスフレーズ"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "動的 WEP (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (デフォルト)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Open System"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "共有キー"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "チャンネル"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+-msgstr "セキュリティ"
++msgstr "セキュリティー"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+-msgstr "(WPA エンタープライズにはまだ対応していません...)"
++msgstr "(現在、WPA エンタープライズには対応していません...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "WEP インデックス"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "認証"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+-msgstr "(動的 WEP にはまだ対応していません...)"
++msgstr "(現在、動的 WEP には対応していません...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8877,7 +9901,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "openconnect will be run to authenticate.\n"
+ "It will return to nmtui when completed."
+ msgstr ""
+-"認証するために openconnect が実行されます。\n"
++"認証のために、openconnect が実行します。\n"
+ "処理が完了すると、nmtui に戻ります。"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:69
+@@ -8896,9 +9920,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect がシグナル %d で失敗しました"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "アクティベーションに失敗しました"
++msgstr "アクティベーションに失敗: %s"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9037,7 +10061,7 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager が実行していません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/crypto.c:118 ../libnm-util/crypto.c:131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "PEM key file had no end tag '%s'."
+-msgstr "PEM キーファイルは終了タグ '%s' を持ちません。"
++msgstr "PEM キーファイルには終了タグ '%s' がありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/crypto.c:131 ../libnm-util/crypto.c:144
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9095,7 +10119,7 @@ msgstr "PKCS#8 プライベートキーの復号に失敗しました。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/crypto.c:341 ../libnm-util/crypto.c:352
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "IV must be an even number of bytes in length."
+-msgstr "IV はその長さで偶数のバイト数でなければなりません。"
++msgstr "IV は、その長さで偶数のバイト数でなければなりません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/crypto.c:355 ../libnm-util/crypto.c:366
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9360,7 +10384,7 @@ msgstr "接続を正規化するときの予期しない障害"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9399,165 +10423,175 @@ msgstr "IP トンネル"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "メソッドはタイプ '%s' を返しましたが、'%s' を想定していました"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "不明な数字を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な数字 '%s' を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "無効な %s アドレスを無視: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "無効なゲートウェイ '%s' (%s ルート用) を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "無効な %s ルートを無視: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "アドレス %c の予期しない文字 '%s': '%s' (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "%c の予期しない文字 '%s': '%s' (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "%c の予期しないプレフィックス長の文字 '%s': '%s' (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+-msgstr "値 %s の後のガーベッジ: '%s'"
++msgstr "値 %s の後のガベッジ: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "値 %s の後の非推奨のセミコロン: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s' の無効なプレフィックス長 (デフォルト値は %d)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s' の不明なプレフィックス長 (デフォルト値は %d)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な DNS サーバー IPv4 アドレス '%s' を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な DNS サーバー IPv6 アドレス '%s' を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr "無効なバイト要素 '%d' (0〜255 以外) を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "有効な MAC アドレスを無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "無効な SSID を無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "無効な生パスワードを無視"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "証明書またはキーファイル '%s' が存在しません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値パス \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr "無効な PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値 data:;base64, が base64 ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値 data:;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+-msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値は有効なブロブではありません"
++msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値は、有効なブロブではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効なパリティー値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "無効な team 設定を無視: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "無効な IP アドレス: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "設定値のロード中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "無効な負の値 (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "無効な char 値 (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "無効な int64 値 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "大きすぎる FLAGS プロパティー '%s' (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "プロパティータイプ '%s' の設定が未処理"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な設定名 '%s'"
+@@ -9609,7 +10643,7 @@ msgstr "無効な phase2 プライベートキー"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9720,94 +10754,94 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "'%s' 接続には '%s' または '%s' 設定が必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "'%s' 接続には '%s' または '%s' 設定が必要です"
++msgstr "'%s' 接続には '%s' 設定が必要です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'、またはその値 '%s' です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "設定できるのは '%s' と '%s' の一つのみです"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "必須オプションの '%s' がありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な '%s' の値ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' は '%s > 0' とは互換性がありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプションに無効です: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' オプションは '%s=%s' の場合に限り有効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' は '%s' の有効な設定ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' オプションを使用する場合は '%s' オプションを設定する必要があります"
++"'%s' オプションを使用する場合は、'%s' オプションを設定する必要があります"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "'%s' オプションが空白です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプション用の有効な IPv4 アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' オプションはモード '%s' でのみ有効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "'%s' と '%s' の値は同じである必要があります"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "'%s' オプションは文字列である必要があります"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' オプションはモード '%s' でのみ有効です"
++msgstr "'%s' オプションは、'%s' モードでは有効ではありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "不明な設定"
+@@ -9815,30 +10849,30 @@ msgstr "不明な設定"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+ "Instead it is '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 設定の接続ではスレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' に"
++"'%s' 設定の接続では、スレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "値 '%d' は <%d-%d> の範囲外です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "は有効な MAC アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "マスクには、ビット 0 (STP)、1 (MAC)、または 2 (LACP) を設定できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:871
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9875,9 +10909,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' を '%s' なしで設定できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "デバイス '%s' 上にアクティブな接続はありません"
++msgstr "'%s' 接続だけが、'%s' にスレーブ化できます"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9985,8 +11019,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mtu for transport mode '%s' can be at most %d but it is %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-"トランスポートモード '%s' の mtu は最大で %d にすることができますが実際には "
+-"%d です"
++"トランスポートモード '%s' の mtu は最大で %d にすることができますが、実際に"
++"は %d です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:133
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10023,81 +11057,81 @@ msgstr "無効な IPv6 アドレスプレフィックス '%u'"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効なルーティングメトリック '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "不明な属性"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "無効な属性タイプ '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr "属性は IPv4 ルートには無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr "属性は IPv6 ルートには無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な IPv4 アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' は有効な IPv6 アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. DNS サーバーアドレスは無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. IP アドレスは無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+-msgstr "%d. IP アドレスには無効なタイプの 'label' プロパティーがあります"
++msgstr "%d. IP アドレスには、無効なタイプの 'label' プロパティーがあります"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+-msgstr "%d. IP アドレスには無効なラベル '%s' があります"
++msgstr "%d. IP アドレスには、無効なラベル '%s' があります"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "アドレスが設定されない場合は、ゲートウェイを設定できません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "ゲートウェイが無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. ルートは無効です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. ルートをデフォルトルートにすることはできません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "ゲートウェイは '%s' と互換性がありません"
+@@ -10204,7 +11238,7 @@ msgstr "キーは %d 文字にする必要があります"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:254
+ msgid "the key contains non-hexadecimal characters"
+-msgstr "キーは 16進法でない文字が含まれています"
++msgstr "キーは 16 進数でない文字が含まれています"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:291 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:634
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-vlan.c:556
+@@ -10248,103 +11282,101 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%d' は無効なチャンネルです"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効なインターフェース名ではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、有効なインターフェースタイプではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+-msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 設定の接続ではスレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' に"
++msgstr "'%s' 設定の接続には、connection.type を明示的に設定する必要があります"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have ovs-interface.type \"system\""
+ msgstr ""
++"'%s' タイプの接続では、ovs-interface.type に \"system\" を設定できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "'%s' タイプの接続では、ovs-interface.type に \"%s\" を設定できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 設定の接続ではスレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' に"
++"'%s' 設定の接続では、connection.type は \"ovs-interface\" に設定する必要があ"
++"りますが、\"%s\" に設定されています。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 設定の接続ではスレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' に"
++"'%s' 設定の接続では、インターフェースタイプを、'%s' ではなく 'patch' にする必"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+-msgstr "'%s' に設定されている '%s' とのスレーブ接続には、'%s' 設定ができません"
++msgstr ""
++"ovs-interface.type '%s' 設定の接続では、'ovs-patch' が設定されています。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "不明な \"plugin\" 設定"
++msgstr "不明な ovs インターフェース設定"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface type"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不明な ovs インターフェースのタイプ"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+-msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 設定の接続ではスレーブタイプは '%s' に設定する必要がありますが、'%s' に"
++msgstr "'%s' 設定の接続ではマスターが必要です。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効な IP アドレスではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、有効な IP アドレスではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効な Wi-Fi モードではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、vlan_mode では利用できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "vlan id は 0〜4094 の範囲内である必要がありますが、%u です"
++msgstr "タグ ID は 0 - 4094 の範囲内である必要がありますが、%u です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効な DCB フラグではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、lacp では利用できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効な Wi-Fi モードではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、bond_mode では利用できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+-msgstr "'%s' に設定されている '%s' とのスレーブ接続には、'%s' 設定ができません"
++msgstr "'%s' 設定の接続では、マスターが必要ありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効な Wi-Fi モードではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、fail_mode では利用できません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10354,7 +11386,7 @@ msgstr "'%d' は有効な範囲 <128-16384> の外にあります"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:378 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:400
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "setting this property requires non-zero '%s' property"
+-msgstr "このプロパティを設定するにはゼロ以外の '%s' プロパティが必要です"
++msgstr "このプロパティを設定するにはゼロ以外の '%s' プロパティーが必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:163
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10364,7 +11396,7 @@ msgstr "無効なプロキシメソッド"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:173 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "this property is not allowed for method none"
+-msgstr "このプロパティはメソッド none には許可されていません"
++msgstr "このプロパティーは、メソッド none には許可されていません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:193
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10381,11 +11413,76 @@ msgstr "スクリプトは有効な utf8 ではありません"
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr "スクリプトには FindProxyForURL 関数がありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効なバンドではありません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "データがありません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "'%s' は、[0, %u] の範囲外です"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "キーに無効な文字が含まれています"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "キーに無効な文字が含まれています"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr "team 設定が制限サイズを超えています"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "不明なファイル名"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "不明な VPNプラグイン '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "不明な設定"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "不明な IPv4 アドレス"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10459,7 +11556,7 @@ msgstr "ユーザーデータエントリーが最大数に達しました (%u 
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:670 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-vlan.c:600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the vlan id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "vlan id は 0〜4094 の範囲内である必要がありますが、%u です"
++msgstr "vlan id は 0 - 4094 の範囲内である必要がありますが、%u です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:680 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-vlan.c:591
+ msgid "flags are invalid"
+@@ -10467,7 +11564,7 @@ msgstr "フラグが無効です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:692
+ msgid "vlan setting should have a ethernet setting as well"
+-msgstr "vlan 設定にはイーサネット設定も必要です"
++msgstr "vlan 設定には Ethernet 設定も必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vpn.c:460
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10509,7 +11606,7 @@ msgstr "%d はローカルポートの最大 %d よりも大きいです"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:632 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:613
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet port value"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効なイーサネットポート値ではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効な Ethernet ポート値ではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:642 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:623
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10527,7 +11624,7 @@ msgstr "Wake-on-LAN モードの 'default' と 'ignore' は排他的なフラグ
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:747
+ msgid "Wake-on-LAN password can only be used with magic packet mode"
+-msgstr "Wake-on-LAN パスワードはマジックパケットモードでのみ使用できます"
++msgstr "Wake-on-LAN パスワードは、マジックパケットモードでのみ使用できます"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:770
+ msgid "when link autonegotiation is enabled no duplex value is accepted"
+@@ -10545,13 +11642,13 @@ msgstr "スピードと二重の両方が静的リンク設定に必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' security requires '%s=%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' セキュリティには '%s=%s' が必要です"
++msgstr "'%s' セキュリティーには、'%s=%s' が必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:942
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:933
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' security requires '%s' setting presence"
+-msgstr "'%s' セキュリティには '%s' の設定が必要になります"
++msgstr "'%s' セキュリティーには、'%s' の設定が必要になります"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:963
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:954
+@@ -10572,13 +11669,13 @@ msgid "'%s' can only be used with '%s=%s' (WEP)"
+ msgstr "'%s' は '%s=%s' (WEP) でしか使用できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:1072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' can only be used with '%s=%s' or '%s=%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' は '%s=%s' (WEP) でしか使用できません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、'%s=%s' または '%s=%s' でしか使用できません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:1094
+ msgid "can't be simultaneously disabled and enabled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "同時に無効または有効にすることはできません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:769
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:787
+@@ -10595,7 +11692,7 @@ msgstr "'%s' は有効なバンドではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:789
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' requires setting '%s' property"
+-msgstr "'%s' の場合は '%s' プロパティーを設定する必要があります"
++msgstr "'%s' の場合は、'%s' プロパティーを設定する必要があります"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:883
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10640,134 +11737,178 @@ msgstr "シークレットが見つかりません"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "シークレットが設定されていません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "'%s' は有効なバンドではありません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "サービス名が指定されていません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "データがありません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "ファイル %s に対する stat の実行に失敗しました: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "ファイルではありません (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+-msgstr "'%s' の無効なファイル所有者 %d"
++msgstr "%s の無効なファイル所有者 %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "%s のファイルパーミッション"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "%s の拒否"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "パスが絶対パスではありません (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "プラグインファイルが存在しません (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "プラグインが有効なファイルではありません (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "libtool アーカイブはサポートされていません (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" バイナリーを見つけることができませんでした"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+-msgstr "%lld の場所でマスク用に有効なイーサネット MAC アドレスではありません"
++msgstr "%lld の場所で、マスクに有効な Ethernet  MAC アドレスではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
++#, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+-msgstr "%lld の場所で有効なイーサネット MAC アドレス #%u ではありません"
++msgstr "%lld の場所で、有効な Ethernet MAC アドレス #%u ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr "インターフェース名が短すぎます"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr "インターフェース名が予約されています"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr "インターフェース名に無効な文字が含まれています"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "インターフェース名が 15 文字を超えています"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "値が NULL です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "値が空です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "%d (%s) で無効な JSON"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "JSON オブジェクトではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "utf-8 ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr "未終了のエスケープシーケンス"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr "キー-値のセパレーター '%c' がありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明な属性 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr "キー/値のセパレーター '%c' がありません"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint32 値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint8 値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効なブール値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
+@@ -10947,7 +12088,7 @@ msgstr "'%s' または '%s' の設定が必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:582
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface name for '%s' option"
+-msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプションの有効なインターフェース名ではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は、'%s' オプションの有効なインターフェース名ではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-connection.c:834
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-infiniband.c:269
+@@ -10958,7 +12099,7 @@ msgstr "'%s' は有効なインターフェース名ではありません"
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-connection.c:862
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "requires presence of '%s' setting in the connection"
+-msgstr "接続には '%s' 設定がなければなりません"
++msgstr "接続には '%s' 設定が必要です"
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-infiniband.c:231
+ msgid "not a valid interface name"
+@@ -11007,25 +12148,25 @@ msgstr "'%s' プロパティの設定が必要です"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-adsl.c:73
+ msgid "The connection was not an ADSL connection."
+-msgstr "接続は ADSL 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ADSL 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bond.c:111
+ msgid "The connection was not a bond connection."
+-msgstr "接続はボンド接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ボンド接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bridge.c:115
+ msgid "The connection was not a bridge connection."
+-msgstr "接続はブリッジ接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ブリッジ接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:137
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+-msgstr "接続は Bluetooth 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、Bluetooth 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "接続は Bluetooth 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、Bluetooth NAP タイプです。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -11038,25 +12179,25 @@ msgstr "デバイスと接続の Bluetooth アドレスが一致しませんで
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:167
+ msgid ""
+ "The device is lacking Bluetooth capabilities required by the connection."
+-msgstr "デバイスには接続に必要な Bluetooth 機能がありません。"
++msgstr "デバイスには、接続に必要な Bluetooth 機能がありません。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-dummy.c:76
+ msgid "The connection was not a dummy connection."
+-msgstr "接続はダミー接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ダミー接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-dummy.c:83 ../libnm/nm-device-generic.c:97
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:68 ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:68
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:67
+ msgid "The connection did not specify an interface name."
+-msgstr "接続でインターフェース名が指定されませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続で、インターフェース名が指定されませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:206
+ msgid "The connection was not an Ethernet or PPPoE connection."
+-msgstr "接続は Ethernet または PPPoE 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、Ethernet または PPPoE 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:221
+ msgid "The connection and device differ in S390 subchannels."
+-msgstr "接続とデバイスは S390 サブチャネルで異なります。"
++msgstr "接続とデバイスは、S390 サブチャネルで異なります。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:236
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11075,7 +12216,7 @@ msgstr "ブラックリストの無効な MAC: %s。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:257
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Device MAC (%s) is blacklisted by the connection."
+-msgstr "デバイス MAC (%s) は接続によりブラックリスト化されています。"
++msgstr "デバイス MAC (%s) は、接続によりブラックリスト化されています。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-generic.c:90
+ msgid "The connection was not a generic connection."
+@@ -11128,19 +12269,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "接続は OLPC メッシュ接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "接続はブリッジ接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ovs_bridge 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "接続は team 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ovs_interface 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "接続は tun 接続ではありませんでした。"
++msgstr "接続は、ovs_port 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -11184,15 +12322,15 @@ msgstr "接続は WiMAX 接続ではありませんでした。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1529
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch Interface"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch インターフェース"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1531
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch Port"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch ポート"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1533
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch Bridge"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "OpenVSwitch ブリッジ"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1561
+ msgid "MACsec"
+@@ -11203,9 +12341,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr "ダミー"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr "PPP"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11333,7 +12470,7 @@ msgstr "全ユーザーのネットワーク接続を編集"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:22
+ msgid "System policy prevents modification of network settings for all users"
+-msgstr "システムポリシーにより全ユーザーのネットワーク設定の編集が阻止されます"
++msgstr "システムポリシーにより、全ユーザーでネットワーク設定を編集できません"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:23
+ msgid "Modify persistent system hostname"
+@@ -11341,7 +12478,7 @@ msgstr "永続的なシステムのホスト名を修正"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:24
+ msgid "System policy prevents modification of the persistent system hostname"
+-msgstr "システムポリシーにより永続的なシステムのホスト名の修正が阻止されます"
++msgstr "システムポリシーにより、永続的なシステムのホスト名が修正できません"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:25
+ msgid "Modify persistent global DNS configuration"
+@@ -11351,7 +12488,7 @@ msgstr "永続的なグローバル DNS 設定の変更"
+ msgid ""
+ "System policy prevents modification of the persistent global DNS "
+ "configuration"
+-msgstr "システムポリシーにより永続的なグローバル DNS 設定の変更が阻止されます"
++msgstr "システムポリシーにより、永続的なグローバル DNS 設定を変更できません"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:27
+ msgid "Perform a checkpoint or rollback of interfaces configuration"
+@@ -11369,23 +12506,21 @@ msgstr "デバイスの統計値を有効または無効にする"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:30
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+-msgstr "システムポリシーによりデバイス統計値の有効化または無効化が阻止されます"
++msgstr "システムポリシーにより、デバイス統計値を有効化または無効化できません"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "システムのネットワーキングを有効または無効にする"
++msgstr "接続確認を有効または無効にする"
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+-msgstr ""
+-"システムポリシーにより Wi-Fi デバイスの有効化または無効化が阻止されます"
++msgstr "システムポリシーにより、接続確認を有効化または無効化できません"
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "object class '%s' has no property named '%s'"
+-msgstr "オブジェクトクラス '%s' には '%s' という名前のプロパティーがありません"
++msgstr ""
++"オブジェクトクラス '%s' には、'%s' という名前のプロパティーがありません"
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:801
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11419,8 +12554,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "value \"%s\" of type '%s' is invalid or out of range for property '%s' of "
+ "type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"値 \"%s\" (タイプ '%s') がプロパティー '%s' (タイプ '%s') に対して無効または"
++"値 \"%s\" (タイプ '%s') が、プロパティー '%s' (タイプ '%s') に対して無効また"
+ #. Translators: the first %s is a prefix for the connection id, such
+ #. * as "Wired Connection" or "VPN Connection". The %d is a number
+@@ -11533,7 +12668,7 @@ msgstr "%s はすでに実行中です (pid %ld)\n"
+ #: ../src/main-utils.c:222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+-msgstr "%s! を実行するには root になる必要があります!\n"
++msgstr "%s を実行するには root になる必要があります!\n"
+ #: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+@@ -11559,7 +12694,7 @@ msgstr "PAN が要求されましたが、Bluetooth デバイスは NAP をサ
+ #: ../src/devices/bluetooth/nm-device-bt.c:274
+ msgid "PAN connections cannot specify GSM, CDMA, or serial settings"
+-msgstr "PAN 接続は GSM、CDMA、またはシリアル設定を指定できません"
++msgstr "PAN 接続は、GSM、CDMA、またはシリアル設定を指定できません"
+ #: ../src/devices/bluetooth/nm-device-bt.c:287
+ msgid "PAN connection"
+@@ -11571,7 +12706,7 @@ msgstr "DUN が要求されましたが、Bluetooth デバイスは DUN をサ
+ #: ../src/devices/bluetooth/nm-device-bt.c:304
+ msgid "DUN connection must include a GSM or CDMA setting"
+-msgstr "DUN 接続には GSM または CDMA 設定が含まれる必要があります"
++msgstr "DUN 接続には、GSM または CDMA 設定が含まれる必要があります"
+ #: ../src/devices/bluetooth/nm-device-bt.c:314
+ #: ../src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c:709
+@@ -11789,11 +12924,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid ""
+ "WPA authentication is incompatible with non-EAP (original) LEAP or Dynamic "
+ "WEP"
+-msgstr "WPA 認証は非 EAP (オリジナル) LEAP または動的 WEP と互換性がありません"
++msgstr ""
++"WPA 認証は、非 EAP (オリジナル) LEAP または動的 WEP と互換性がありません"
+ #: ../src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-utils.c:712
+ msgid "WPA authentication is incompatible with Shared Key authentication"
+-msgstr "WPA 認証は共有キー認証と互換性がありません"
++msgstr "WPA 認証は、共有キー認証と互換性がありません"
+ #: ../src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-utils.c:759
+ msgid "Failed to determine AP security information"
+@@ -11969,515 +13105,3 @@ msgstr "不明なログレベル '%s'"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明なログドメイン '%s'"
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "無効な理由"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "接続が正常にアクティベートされました (マスターはスレーブを待機しています) "
+-#~ "(D-Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (forever)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (forever)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (off)"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "None"
+-#~ msgstr "なし"
+-#~ msgid "ADDRESS"
+-#~ msgstr "アドレス"
+-#~ msgid "GATEWAY"
+-#~ msgstr "ゲートウェイ"
+-#~ msgid "ROUTE"
+-#~ msgstr "ルート"
+-#~ msgid "DNS"
+-#~ msgstr "DNS"
+-#~ msgid "DOMAIN"
+-#~ msgstr "ドメイン"
+-#~ msgid "WINS"
+-#~ msgstr "WINS"
+-#~ msgid "OPTION"
+-#~ msgstr "オプション"
+-#~ msgid "Connection type"
+-#~ msgstr "接続タイプ"
+-#~ msgid "Interface name [*]"
+-#~ msgstr "インターフェース名 [*]"
+-#~ msgid "VPN type"
+-#~ msgstr "VPN タイプ"
+-#~ msgid "Master"
+-#~ msgstr "マスター"
+-#~ msgid "Bluetooth type"
+-#~ msgstr "Bluetooth タイプ"
+-#~ msgid "Bonding mode"
+-#~ msgstr "ボンディングモード"
+-#~ msgid "Protocol"
+-#~ msgstr "プロトコル"
+-#~ msgid "Wi-Fi mode"
+-#~ msgstr "Wi-Fi モード"
+-#~ msgid "ADSL encapsulation"
+-#~ msgstr "ADSL カプセル化"
+-#~ msgid "Tun mode"
+-#~ msgstr "トンネルモード"
+-#~ msgid "IP Tunnel mode"
+-#~ msgstr "IP トンネルモード"
+-#~ msgid "MACVLAN mode"
+-#~ msgstr "MACVLAN モード"
+-#~ msgid "MACsec mode"
+-#~ msgstr "MACsec モード"
+-#~ msgid "Proxy method"
+-#~ msgstr "プロキシメソッド"
+-#~ msgid "NAME"
+-#~ msgstr "名前"
+-#~ msgid "UUID"
+-#~ msgstr "UUID"
+-#~ msgid "TYPE"
+-#~ msgstr "タイプ"
+-#~ msgid "TIMESTAMP"
+-#~ msgstr "タイムスタンプ"
+-#~ msgid "TIMESTAMP-REAL"
+-#~ msgstr "タイムスタンプ-リアル"
+-#~ msgid "AUTOCONNECT"
+-#~ msgstr "自動接続"
+-#~ msgid "READONLY"
+-#~ msgstr "読み込み専用"
+-#~ msgid "DBUS-PATH"
+-#~ msgstr "DBUS パス"
+-#~ msgid "ACTIVE"
+-#~ msgstr "アクティブ"
+-#~ msgid "DEVICE"
+-#~ msgstr "デバイス"
+-#~ msgid "STATE"
+-#~ msgstr "状態"
+-#~ msgid "ACTIVE-PATH"
+-#~ msgstr "ACTIVE-PATH"
+-#~ msgid "SLAVE"
+-#~ msgstr "スレーブ"
+-#~ msgid "DEVICES"
+-#~ msgstr "デバイス"
+-#~ msgid "DEFAULT"
+-#~ msgstr "デフォルト"
+-#~ msgid "DEFAULT6"
+-#~ msgstr "デフォルト6"
+-#~ msgid "SPEC-OBJECT"
+-#~ msgstr "スペックオブジェクト"
+-#~ msgid "CON-PATH"
+-#~ msgstr "CON パス"
+-#~ msgid "ZONE"
+-#~ msgstr "ゾーン"
+-#~ msgid "MASTER-PATH"
+-#~ msgstr "マスターパス"
+-#~ msgid "USERNAME"
+-#~ msgstr "ユーザー名"
+-#~ msgid "BANNER"
+-#~ msgstr "バナー"
+-#~ msgid "VPN-STATE"
+-#~ msgstr "VPN の状態"
+-#~ msgid "CFG"
+-#~ msgstr "CFG"
+-#~ msgid "GENERAL"
+-#~ msgstr "全般"
+-#~ msgid "IP4"
+-#~ msgstr "IP4"
+-#~ msgid "DHCP4"
+-#~ msgstr "DHCP4"
+-#~ msgid "IP6"
+-#~ msgstr "IP6"
+-#~ msgid "DHCP6"
+-#~ msgstr "DHCP6"
+-#~ msgid "Error: don't know how to create '%s' setting."
+-#~ msgstr "エラー: '%s' 設定を作成する方法がわかりません。"
+-#~ msgid "CONNECTION"
+-#~ msgstr "接続"
+-#~ msgid "CON-UUID"
+-#~ msgstr "接続 UUID"
+-#~ msgid "NM-TYPE"
+-#~ msgstr "NM-TYPE"
+-#~ msgid "VENDOR"
+-#~ msgstr "ベンダー"
+-#~ msgid "PRODUCT"
+-#~ msgstr "製品"
+-#~ msgid "DRIVER"
+-#~ msgstr "ドライバー"
+-#~ msgid "DRIVER-VERSION"
+-#~ msgstr "ドライバーバージョン"
+-#~ msgstr "ファームウェアバージョン"
+-#~ msgid "HWADDR"
+-#~ msgstr "ハードウェアアドレス"
+-#~ msgid "REASON"
+-#~ msgstr "原因"
+-#~ msgid "UDI"
+-#~ msgstr "UDI"
+-#~ msgid "IP-IFACE"
+-#~ msgstr "IP-IFACE"
+-#~ msgid "IS-SOFTWARE"
+-#~ msgstr "IS-SOFTWARE"
+-#~ msgid "NM-MANAGED"
+-#~ msgstr "NM 管理"
+-#~ msgstr "ファームウェア不足"
+-#~ msgid "NM-PLUGIN-MISSING"
+-#~ msgstr "NM-PLUGIN-MISSING"
+-#~ msgid "PHYS-PORT-ID"
+-#~ msgstr "PHYS-PORT-ID"
+-#~ msgid "METERED"
+-#~ msgstr "METERED"
+-#~ msgstr "使用可能な接続パス"
+-#~ msgstr "使用可能な接続"
+-#~ msgid "CARRIER-DETECT"
+-#~ msgstr "キャリア検出"
+-#~ msgid "SPEED"
+-#~ msgstr "速度"
+-#~ msgid "SRIOV"
+-#~ msgstr "SRIOV"
+-#~ msgid "CARRIER"
+-#~ msgstr "キャリア"
+-#~ msgid "S390-SUBCHANNELS"
+-#~ msgstr "S390-SUBCHANNELS"
+-#~ msgid "WPA"
+-#~ msgstr "WPA"
+-#~ msgid "TKIP"
+-#~ msgstr "TKIP"
+-#~ msgid "CCMP"
+-#~ msgstr "CCMP"
+-#~ msgid "AP"
+-#~ msgstr "AP"
+-#~ msgid "ADHOC"
+-#~ msgstr "アドホック"
+-#~ msgid "2GHZ"
+-#~ msgstr "2GHZ"
+-#~ msgid "5GHZ"
+-#~ msgstr "5GHZ"
+-#~ msgid "CTR-FREQ"
+-#~ msgstr "中心周波数"
+-#~ msgid "RSSI"
+-#~ msgstr "RSSI"
+-#~ msgid "CINR"
+-#~ msgstr "CINR"
+-#~ msgid "TX-POW"
+-#~ msgstr "TX-POW"
+-#~ msgid "BSID"
+-#~ msgstr "BSID"
+-#~ msgid "SSID-HEX"
+-#~ msgstr "SSID-HEX"
+-#~ msgid "MODE"
+-#~ msgstr "モード"
+-#~ msgid "CHAN"
+-#~ msgstr "CHAN"
+-#~ msgid "FREQ"
+-#~ msgstr "周波数"
+-#~ msgid "RATE"
+-#~ msgstr "レート"
+-#~ msgid "SIGNAL"
+-#~ msgstr "信号"
+-#~ msgid "BARS"
+-#~ msgstr "バー"
+-#~ msgid "SECURITY"
+-#~ msgstr "セキュリティ"
+-#~ msgid "WPA-FLAGS"
+-#~ msgstr "WPA-フラグ"
+-#~ msgid "RSN-FLAGS"
+-#~ msgstr "RSN-フラグ"
+-#~ msgid "*"
+-#~ msgstr "*"
+-#~ msgid "NSP"
+-#~ msgstr "NSP"
+-#~ msgid "SLAVES"
+-#~ msgstr "スレーブ"
+-#~ msgid "CONFIG"
+-#~ msgstr "CONFIG"
+-#~ msgid "PARENT"
+-#~ msgstr "PARENT"
+-#~ msgid "ID"
+-#~ msgstr "ID"
+-#~ msgid "CAPABILITIES"
+-#~ msgstr "能力"
+-#~ msgid "WIFI-PROPERTIES"
+-#~ msgstr "WIFI-プロパティ"
+-#~ msgstr "有線接続-プロパティ"
+-#~ msgstr "WIMAX-プロパティ"
+-#~ msgid "BLUETOOTH"
+-#~ msgstr "BLUETOOTH"
+-#~ msgid "CONNECTIONS"
+-#~ msgstr "接続"
+-#~ msgid "CHASSIS-ID"
+-#~ msgstr "CHASSIS-ID"
+-#~ msgid "PORT-ID"
+-#~ msgstr "PORT-ID"
+-#~ msgstr "PORT-DESCRIPTION"
+-#~ msgid "SYSTEM-NAME"
+-#~ msgstr "SYSTEM-NAME"
+-#~ msgid "IEEE-802-1-PVID"
+-#~ msgstr "IEEE-802-1-PVID"
+-#~ msgid "IEEE-802-1-PPVID"
+-#~ msgstr "IEEE-802-1-PPVID"
+-#~ msgid "IEEE-802-1-PPVID-FLAGS"
+-#~ msgstr "IEEE-802-1-PPVID-FLAGS"
+-#~ msgid "IEEE-802-1-VID"
+-#~ msgstr "IEEE-802-1-VID"
+-#~ msgid "IEEE-802-1-VLAN-NAME"
+-#~ msgstr "IEEE-802-1-VLAN-NAME"
+-#~ msgid "DESTINATION"
+-#~ msgstr "DESTINATION"
+-#~ msgid "CHASSIS-ID-TYPE"
+-#~ msgstr "CHASSIS-ID-TYPE"
+-#~ msgid "PORT-ID-TYPE"
+-#~ msgstr "PORT-ID-TYPE"
+-#~ msgid "RUNNING"
+-#~ msgstr "実行中"
+-#~ msgid "VERSION"
+-#~ msgstr "バージョン"
+-#~ msgid "STARTUP"
+-#~ msgstr "スタートアップ"
+-#~ msgid "CONNECTIVITY"
+-#~ msgstr "接続性"
+-#~ msgid "NETWORKING"
+-#~ msgstr "ネットワーキング"
+-#~ msgid "WIFI-HW"
+-#~ msgstr "WIFI ハードウェア"
+-#~ msgid "WIFI"
+-#~ msgstr "WIFI"
+-#~ msgid "WWAN-HW"
+-#~ msgstr "WWAN ハードウェア"
+-#~ msgid "WWAN"
+-#~ msgstr "WWAN"
+-#~ msgid "WIMAX-HW"
+-#~ msgstr "WIMAX ハードウェア"
+-#~ msgid "WIMAX"
+-#~ msgstr "WIMAX"
+-#~ msgid "PERMISSION"
+-#~ msgstr "パーミッション"
+-#~ msgid "VALUE"
+-#~ msgstr "値"
+-#~ msgid "LEVEL"
+-#~ msgstr "レベル"
+-#~ msgid "DOMAINS"
+-#~ msgstr "ドメイン"
+-#~ msgid "Error: fields for '%s' options are missing."
+-#~ msgstr "エラー: '%s' オプション用のフィールドがありません。"
+-#~ msgid "%d (no)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (no)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (yes)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (yes)"
+-#~ msgid "index '%s' is not valid"
+-#~ msgstr "インデックス '%s' は無効です"
+-#~ msgid "'%d' is not valid; use <%d-%d>"
+-#~ msgstr "'%d' は無効です; <%d-%d> を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "'%lld' is not valid; use <%lld-%lld>"
+-#~ msgstr "'%lld' は有効ではありません。<%lld-%lld> を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "'%u' is not valid; use <%u-%u>"
+-#~ msgstr "'%u' は有効ではありません。<%u-%u> を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value; use -1, 0 or 1"
+-#~ msgstr "'%s' は有効な値ではありません。-1、0、または 1 を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "<hidden>"
+-#~ msgstr "<hidden>"
+-#~ msgid "-1 (unset)"
+-#~ msgstr "-1 (未設定)"
+-#~ msgid "'%s' is not a DCB app priority"
+-#~ msgstr "'%s' は DCB アプリケーションの優先度ではありません"
+-#~ msgid "'%s' is not a valid InfiniBand MAC"
+-#~ msgstr "'%s' は有効な InfiniBand MAC ではありません"
+-#~ msgid "invalid mode '%s', use one of %s"
+-#~ msgstr "無効なモード '%s' です。%s のいずれかを使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "invalid method '%s', use one of %s"
+-#~ msgstr "無効なメソッド '%s' です。%s のいずれかを使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use [e, o, n]"
+-#~ msgstr "'%s' は無効です; [e, o, n] を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "invalid option '%s', use '%s' or '%s'"
+-#~ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s' です。'%s' または '%s' を使用してください"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s] or 'ignore', 'default' or "
+-#~ "'none'"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "無効なオプション '%s' です。[%s]、'ignore'、'default'、または 'none' の組"
+-#~ "み合わせを使用してください"
+-#~ msgid "'default' and 'ignore' are incompatible with other flags"
+-#~ msgstr "'default' と 'ignore' は他のフラグと使用できません"
+-#~ msgid "always"
+-#~ msgstr "always"
+-#~ msgid "invalid option '%s', use 'default', 'never' or 'always'"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "無効なオプション '%s' です。'default'、'never'、または 'always' を使用して"
+-#~ "ください"
+-#~ msgid "'%s' not among [0 (unknown), 1 (key), 2 (passphrase)]"
+-#~ msgstr "'%s' は [0 (unknown), 1 (key), 2 (passphrase)] にはありません"
+diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
+index 51cb673..7a55f69 100644
+--- a/po/ko.po
++++ b/po/ko.po
+@@ -14,15 +14,13 @@
+ # 주의:
+ # - 이 프로그램의 이름인 "Network Manager"는 "네트워크 관리" 혹은
+ #  "네트워크 관리 프로그램"으로 번역.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 05:38-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: GNOME Korea <gnome-kr@googlegroups.com>\n"
+ "Language: ko\n"
+@@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ msgstr "연결 (이름, UUID, 또는 경로): "
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "연결 (이름, UUID, 또는 경로): "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -240,7 +238,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -287,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "고려됩니다. 글로벌 --show-secrets 옵션을 사용하면 관련 Secret도 함께 표시할 "
+ "수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passwd-file - 연결을 활성화하는 데 필요한 암호가 있는 파일\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "식별됩니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -505,7 +503,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -551,7 +549,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -573,7 +571,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ID(<새 이름> 인수로 제공됨)는 예외입니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -600,7 +598,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "상호 대화식 편집기에서 새 연결 프로파일을 추가합니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -619,7 +617,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "프로파일은 이름, UUID, D-Bus 경로로 식별합니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -640,7 +638,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "아무 것도 지정되지 않은 경우 모든 연결 프로파일을 모니터링합니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "디스크에서 모든 연결 파일을 다시 불러옵니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -676,7 +674,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "이 명령을 사용합니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -700,7 +698,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "네트워크 관리자 VPN 플러그인을 통해 가져옵니다.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -719,23 +717,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "데이터는 표준 출력으로 이동되거나 파일로 디렉션됩니다(이름이 주어진 경우).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "활성화중"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "활성화됨"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "활성화 해제하는 중"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "비활성화됨"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -743,65 +741,65 @@ msgstr "비활성화됨"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "알 수 없음"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 중 (준비)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 중 (인증 필요)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 중"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 중 (IP 설정 얻는 중)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 됨"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 실패"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결 끊겼음"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "%s의 secret 업데이트 도중 오류 발생: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "연결 프로파일 세부 정보"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "오류: 'connection show': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "하지않음"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -812,16 +810,16 @@ msgstr "하지않음"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "예"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -832,65 +830,65 @@ msgstr "예"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "아니요"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "연결 세부 정보 활성화"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "잘못된 필드 '%s', 허용된 필드: %s 및 %s 또는 %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 독립형이어야 합니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' 옵션의 문자열 '%s'이(가) 잘못되었습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' 옵션의 항목 '%s'이(가) 잘못되었습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "'--order' 인수가 누락되었습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 활성 프로파일"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 연결 프로파일"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -904,14 +902,14 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager 연결 프로파일"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "오류: %s 인자가 없습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "오류: %s - 해당 연결 프로파일이 없습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -920,237 +918,236 @@ msgstr "오류: %s - 해당 연결 프로파일이 없습니다."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "장치 '%s'에 활성화된 연결이 없습니다"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "활성화된 연결이나 장치가 없습니다"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 장치는 '%s' 연결과 호환되지 않습니다"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s'에 대한 장치를 찾을 수 없습니다"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "연결이 성공적으로 활성화되었습니다 (D-Bus 활성 경로: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "연결이 성공적으로 활성화되었습니다 (D-Bus 활성 경로: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 활성화가 실패했습니다: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "passwd-file '%s' 읽기 실패: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'암호' 항목 '%s'에 콜론 누락"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'암호' 항목 '%s'에 점 누락"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'암호' 항목 '%s'의 설정 이름이 잘못됨"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 장치 '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "유효한 연결 및 장치 모두 지정되어 있지 않습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "알려져있지 않은 매개변수입니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "준비하는 중"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s'(%s)이(가) 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s'이(가) 성공적으로 비활성화되었습니다(D-Bus 활성 경로: %s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "오류: 연결이 지정되어 있지 않습니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s'는 활성 연결이 아닙니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "오류: 일부 활성 연결을 찾을 수 없습니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "오류: 활성 연결이 제공되지 않았습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 활성화가 실패했습니다: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 [%s]에 없습니다 "
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 오류 "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "경고: master='%s'이(가) 기존 프로필을 참조하지 않습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 속성 '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: %s.%s 수정에 실패했습니다: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: %s.%s의 값 제거 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 설정이 없습니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 연결 유형; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 연결 유형; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 연결 유형; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "오류: 'master'가 필요합니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 연결 '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "오류: '%s'는 올바른 모니터링 모드가 아닙니다; '%s' 또는 '%s'를 사용합니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+ msgstr ""
+-"오류: 'bt-type': '%s'이 올바르지 않습니다; [%s, %s (%s), %s]를 사용합니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "오류: '%s'의 값이 누락되었습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "오류: <setting>.<property> 인수가 누락되어 있습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 또는 허용되지 않는 설정 '%s': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "'%s'는 애매모호합니다 (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 <setting>.<property> '%s'입니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 연결 추가 실패: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1160,46 +1157,46 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ "the connection by its uuid '%2$s'\n"
+ msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s' (%s)이 성공적으로 추가되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "'%s' 연결 유형에는 1 개의 옵션 인수가 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "지정하시겠습니까? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 인수 값이 필요합니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 'save': %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "오류: 'type' 인수가 필요합니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "['%s' 설정 값]\n"
+@@ -1207,7 +1204,7 @@ msgstr "['%s' 설정 값]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1239,7 +1236,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: nmcli 구성\n"
+ "quit                                 :: nmcli 종료\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1258,7 +1255,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1279,7 +1276,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "예: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1294,7 +1291,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1307,7 +1304,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "속성 설명을 표시합니다. NM 설정 및 속성에 대한 자세한 설명은 nm-settings(5) "
+ "man 페이지에서 참조하십시오.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1322,7 +1319,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1346,7 +1343,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1371,7 +1368,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1392,7 +1389,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "연결이 활성화될 장치 (prepend with / when <ifname>이 지정되어 있지 않을 경"
+ "우 /를 선두에 붙임)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1401,7 +1398,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: 위의 메뉴 레벨로 이동\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1410,7 +1407,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli 명령 도움말\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1437,7 +1434,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1450,8 +1447,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "이 명령은 nmcli를 종료합니다. 편집된 연결을 저장하지 않으면 사용자에게 확인"
+ "이 요구됩니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 명령: '%s'\n"
+@@ -1459,7 +1456,7 @@ msgstr "알 수 없는 명령: '%s'\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1485,7 +1482,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/?[<command>]           :: 이 도움말 또는 명령의 상세 정보 출력\n"
+ "quit          :: nmcli 종료\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1496,7 +1493,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "이 명령은 속성에 지정된 <value>를 설정합니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1510,7 +1507,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "이 명령은 속성이 컨테이너 유형인 경우 제공된 <값>을 이 속성에 추가합니다.단"
+ "일 값 속성에 대해 속성 값이 교체됩니다.('set'와 동일).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1521,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "현재 값을 표시하고 이를 편집할 수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1553,7 +1550,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1566,7 +1563,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "속성 설명을 표시합니다. NM 설정 및 속성에 대한 자세한 설명은 nm-settings(5) "
+ "man 페이지에서 참조하십시오.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1580,7 +1577,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "속성 값을 표시합니다. 인수를 지정하여 전체 설정 또는 연결에 대한 값을 표시할 "
+ "수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1589,28 +1586,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli 명령 도움말\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 활성화에 실패했습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 설정 '%s'은 필수 항목이므로 삭제할 수 없습니다.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "연결이 저장되지 않았습니다. 정말로 종료하시겠습니까? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1619,66 +1616,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "연결 프로파일이 다른 클라이언트에서 삭제되었습니다. 메인 메뉴에서 'save'를 입"
+ "력하면 이를 복구할 수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "'%s' 속성에 대해 허용되는 값: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "'%s' 값 입력: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 속성을 설정하는데 실패했습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "'%s' 값 편집: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 값을 삭제하는데 실패했습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 명령 인수: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "사용 가능한 설정: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 설정 이름; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "사용 가능한 속성: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 속성 %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1689,12 +1686,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "니다.\n"
+ "그래도 저장하시겠습니까? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "다음 설정을 편집할 수 있습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1703,410 +1700,410 @@ msgstr ""
+ "연결 프로파일이 다른 클라이언트에서 삭제되었습니다. 'save'를 입력하여 이를 복"
+ "구할 수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 설정이 선택되어 있지 않습니다; 유효한 설정은 [%s]입니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "'goto <setting>'를 먼저 사용하거나 'set <setting>.<property>'를 사용합니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 설정 인수 '%s'; 올바른 인수는 [%s]입니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 속성 설정이 누락되어 있음\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 속성: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 설정 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "다음 속성을 편집할 수 있습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 인수가 지정되어 있지 않습니다; 올바른 인수는 [%s]입니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "연결에 설정 '%s'이 없습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: %s 속성, 설정 이름이 아닙니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "'goto <setting>'를 먼저 사용하거나 'describe <setting>.<property>'를 사용합니"
+ "다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 속성: %s, 올바른 설정 이름이 아닙니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 설정: '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 설정이 연결에 없습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 속성: %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ", 유효한 설정 이름이 아닙니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "잘못된 확인 옵션: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "'%s' 설정 확인: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "연결 확인: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "오류를 자동으로 수정할 수 없습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 인수 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s'(%s) 연결 저장 실패: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s' (%s)이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s'(%s)이(가) 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 확인에 실패했습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(알 수 없는 오류)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "오류를 수정하려면 'verify fix'를 실행해 볼 수 있습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결이 저장되어 있지 않습니다. 먼저 'save'를 입력합니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결이 올바르지 않습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결을 활성화할 수 없음: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: '%s'(%s) 연결 활성화 실패: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr "모니터링 연결 활성화 (아무키나 눌러 계속 진행합니다)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: status-line: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 색 오류: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "현재 nmcli 설정:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "잘못된 설정 옵션 '%s'; [%s] 허용됨\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "오류: 'id', uuid, 'path' 중 하나만 지정할 수 있습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 연결 '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr "경고: 기존 연결 '%s'을 편집하는 중입니다; 'type' 인수를 무시합니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "경고: 기존 연결 '%s'을 편집하는 중입니다; 'con-name' 인수를 무시합니다 \n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "올바른 연결 유형: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: 잘못된 연결 유형; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli 상호 대화식 연결 편집기 |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "기존 '%s' 연결을 편집하는 중입니다: '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "새로운 '%s' 연결을 추가하고 있습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "사용 가능한 명령을 보려면 'help' 또는 '?'를 입력합니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "상세 속성 정보를 표시하려면 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]'를 입력합니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 '%s' 수정 실패: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "연결 '%s' (%s)이 성공적으로 추가되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s(%s)(이)가 %s(%s)(으)로 복제되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "새 연결 이름: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "오류: <new name> 인수가 누락되었습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 추가 인수: '%s'."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "오류: 일부 연결이 삭제되지 않았습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 삭제에 실패했습니다: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "오류: 일부 연결을 찾을 수 없습니다."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 알 수 없는 연결을 삭제할 수 없습니다: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 연결 프로파일이 변경되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 연결 프로파일이 생성되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 연결 프로파일이 제거되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 다시 불러오기 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 연결 불러오기 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "파일 '%s'을 불러올 수 없습니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "가져올 파일: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "오류: 인수가 지정되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "경고: '유형'이 이미 지정되어 있어 추가 유형을 무시합니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "경고: '파일'이 이미 지정되어 있어 추가 파일을 무시합니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 매개변수: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "오류: 'type' 인수가 필요합니다. "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "오류: 'file' 인수가 필요합니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "오류: %s.%s 수정에 실패했습니다: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "오류: VPN 플러그인 불러오기 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 가져오기 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "출력 파일 이름: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "오류: 연결이 VPN이 아닙니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 임시 파일 %s을(를) 생성할 수 없습니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: '%s' 내보내기 실패: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "오류: 임시 파일 '%s' 읽기 실패: %s."
+@@ -3544,29 +3541,29 @@ msgstr "'%s'은(는) VPN 연결 프로파일이 아닙니다."
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 기존 프로파일의 이름이 아닙니다."
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "오류: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "속성 값을 가져오는 방법을 모릅니다 "
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "속성을 변경할 수 없습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[NM 속성 설명]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[nmcli 상세 설명]"
+@@ -3943,9 +3940,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "장치 부모 항목의 관리가 변경되었습니다."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "연결 실패함"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4076,245 +4072,245 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr "기본 라우팅을 추가할 수 없습니다(네트워크 관리자가 자동으로 처리)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 속성 맵 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "우선 순위 '%s'가 잘못되었습니다 (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(기본값)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "자동"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 이더넷 MAC이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 플래그 번호가 아닙니다. <0-%d>을(를) 사용하십시오."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr "경고: '%s' 합계가 모든 플래그보다 높습니다. => 설정된 모든 플래그\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s', [%s] 중 하나를 사용하십시오."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s', [%s] 중 하나를 사용하십시오."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d(키)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d(암호)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (알 수 없음)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (없음)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "REORDER_HEADERS, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (비활성화됨)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (활성화됨, 공개 IP를 선호)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (활성화됨, 임시 IP를 선호)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (없음)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "에이전트 소유 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "저장되지 않음 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "필요하지 않음 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "'%s'가 올바르지 않습니다; <option>=<value>를 사용합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "삭제할 항목이 없습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "인덱스 '%d'가 범위 <0-%d>에 없습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "누락된 옵션 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 MAC이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "'%s'이 올바르지 않습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "'%u' 플래그가 유효하지 않습니다. %s 결합을 사용하십시오."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 번호가 아닙니다 (또는 범위 밖의 번호)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 16 진수 문자가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 EAP 메서드가 포함되어 있지 않습니다.'%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 대체 주체 일치 항목 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 'phase2' 대체 주제 항목 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4352,183 +4348,214 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "연결 유형 입력: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 권한 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 마스터가 아닙니다; ifname 또는 연결 UUID를 사용합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "값 '%s'은(는) 유효한 UUID가 아닙니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 UUID '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (비활성화됨)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "활성화됨, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "통지,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "준비됨,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 올바른 DCB 플래그가 아닙니다"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "쉼표로 구분된 8 개의 번호가 포함되어 있어야 합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 0에서 %u (포함) 또는 %u 사이의 숫자가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 0에서 %u (포함) 사이의 숫자가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "경고: 변경 사항은 '%s'에 1 (활성화)를 포함할 때 까지 효력이 없습니다\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "대역폭 비율은 총 100%%가 되어야 합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "SIM 연산자 ID는 5 또는 6자리 MCCMNC 코드여야 합니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 IBoIP P_Key가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "기본값 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 IPv4 주소 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 DNS 서버 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 DNS 검색 도메인 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 DNS 옵션 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 IP 주소 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 게이트웨이 주소 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 라우팅 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 IPv6 주소 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 번호가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바르지 않습니다; 0, 1, 2를 사용합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 채널이 아닙니다; <1-13>을 사용합니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "속성에 UUID '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "속성에 라우팅 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "속성에 매핑 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "속성에 라우팅 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "경고: 한 번에 1회의 매핑만 지원됩니다. 첫 번째 항목(%s)을 가져옵니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 매핑 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "삭제할 우선 순위가 없습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "인덱스 '%d'가 범위 <0-%d>에 없습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 비어 있을 수 없습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4537,23 +4564,23 @@ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 비어 있을 수 없습니다."
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 MAC 주소가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 MAC 주소 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "'%s'이(가) 유효하지 않습니다. 2개 또는 3개 문자열을 입력해야 합니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "'%s' 문자열 값은 1~199자로 구성해야 합니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4564,24 +4591,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <value>, option = <value>,...\n"
+ "올바른 옵션은 다음과 같습니다: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 채널이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%ld'는 올바른 채널이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "속성에 프로토콜 '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -4590,65 +4617,65 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'%s'은(는) %s '%s'(와)과 호환되지 않습니다. 키를 변경하거나 올바른 %s(을)를 "
+ "먼저 설정하십시오."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "WEP 키는 '%s'라고 가정합니다\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "WEP 키 인덱스가 '%d'으(로) 설정되었습니다.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "경고: '%s'은(는) '%s' 유형과 호환되지 않습니다. 키를 변경하거나 삭제하십시"
+ "오.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 PSK가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "본딩 기본 인터페이스 [none]: "
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "링크 모니터링 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "본딩 miimon [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "본딩 downdelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "본딩 updelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "본딩 arp-interval [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "본딩 arp-ip-target [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4656,7 +4683,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4673,7 +4700,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4685,7 +4738,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli는 인증서를 원시 blob 데이터로 지정하도록 지원하지 않습니다.\n"
+ "예: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4698,7 +4751,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli는 인증서를 원시 blob 데이터로 지정하도록 지원하지 않습니다.\n"
+ "예: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4713,7 +4766,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli는 인증서를 원시 blob 데이터로 지정하도록 지원하지 않습니다.\n"
+ "예: /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4729,7 +4782,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli는 인증서를 원시 blob 데이터로 지정하도록 지원하지 않습니다.\n"
+ "예: /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4751,8 +4804,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "      예: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -4768,96 +4821,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "사용자 이름 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "암호 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "블루투스 장치 주소: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "STP 활성화 (예/아니오) [예]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "STP 우선 순위 [128]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "포워드 지연 [15]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello 타임 [2]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "최대 경과 시간 [20]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "MAC 주소 경과 시간 [300]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "브리지 포트 우선 순위 [32]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "브리지 포트 STP 경로 비용 [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Hairpin 모드 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "사용자 이름 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -4873,7 +4926,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -4893,7 +4946,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -4908,29 +4961,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "연결을 데이터 통신으로 설정하지 않은 경우: 'false', 'no', 'off'\n"
+ "네트워크 관리자가 일부 추론을 사용하여 값을 선택하게 하는 경우: 'unknown'\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "AP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "부모 인터페이스 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -4940,12 +4993,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Example:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 주소 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -4959,12 +5012,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 주소 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -4986,7 +5039,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "예: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5005,12 +5058,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 주소 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5024,12 +5077,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 주소 (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5053,185 +5106,184 @@ msgstr ""
+ "beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "부모 인터페이스 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "부모 인터페이스 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "삭제"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 부모 장치 또는 연결 UUID: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "OLPC 메시 채널 [1]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC 주소 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "부모 인터페이스 [none]: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "서비스 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "PPPoE 사용자 이름: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "팀 JSON 설정 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "사용자 이름 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "STP 활성화 (예/아니오) [예]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 부모 장치 또는 연결 UUID: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "VLAN 플래그 (<0-7>) [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Ingress 우선 순위 맵 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Egress 우선 순위 맵 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC 주소 [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "대상 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "WiMAX NSP 이름: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "복제된 MAC [none]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5241,7 +5293,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "예: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5250,177 +5302,181 @@ msgstr ""
+ "없음, 1 또는 키, 2 또는 암호입니다.\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "ADSL 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Bond 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "이더넷"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "이더넷"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "브리지 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "모바일 광대역 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "모바일 광대역 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "InfiniBand 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Bond 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "장치가 제거되었습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "팀 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "장치가 제거되었습니다 "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VXLAN 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "이더넷"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Wi-Fi 연결 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "사용자 이름 "
+@@ -5440,8 +5496,8 @@ msgstr "인증 세션이 이미 진행 중입니다."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "암호 "
+@@ -5454,7 +5510,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "개인 키 암호"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "키 "
+@@ -5626,14 +5682,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5672,18 +5729,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6310,19 +6367,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7295,19 +7351,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "시스템 네트워크 사용 여부"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "WiFi 장치 사용 여부"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "WiFi 장치 사용 여부"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7513,7 +7566,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7521,7 +7582,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7529,45 +7661,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7575,14 +7729,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7595,20 +7749,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7616,32 +7770,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7649,7 +7803,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7659,93 +7813,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -7878,7 +8032,7 @@ msgstr "DSL 연결 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "본딩 "
+@@ -7890,7 +8044,7 @@ msgstr "Bond 연결 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "브리지 "
+@@ -7902,7 +8056,7 @@ msgstr "브리지 연결 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "팀 "
+@@ -8065,7 +8219,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "슬레이브 "
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "모드"
+@@ -8100,7 +8254,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "ARP 대상 "
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "복제된 MAC 주소"
+@@ -8165,7 +8319,7 @@ msgstr "이더넷"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8244,9 +8398,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "자동으로 가져온 라우팅을 무시합니다"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "자동으로 가져온 라우팅을 무시합니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8397,124 +8550,124 @@ msgstr "팀 "
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN id"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "클라이언트"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "액세스 지점 "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "애드혹 네트워크 "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "자동 "
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "없음"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA 및 WPA2 개인용"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA 및 WPA2 기업용"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128비트 키(16진수 또는 ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128비트 암호글"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "동적 WEP (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (기본값)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "공개 시스템"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "공유 키"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "채널"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "보안"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(WPA 기업용은 아직 지원하지 않습니다...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "WEP 인덱스"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "인증"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(동적 WEP는 아직 지원하지 않습니다...) "
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8582,9 +8735,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect에 실패했습니다(신호 %d)."
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "활성화 실패 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9046,7 +9199,7 @@ msgstr "연결을 정규화하는 데 예상치 못한 오류가 발생했습니
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9085,165 +9238,175 @@ msgstr "IP 터널"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "메소드가 유형 '%s'(을)를 반환했지만 '%s'(이)가 예상됩니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "누락된 숫자 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 숫자 '%s' 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "잘못된 %s 주소 무시: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "%s 라우팅에 대한 잘못된 게이트웨이 '%s' 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "잘못된 %s 라우팅 무시: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "예기치 못한 문자 '%c'(이)가 주소 %s에 사용됨: '%s'(위치 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "예기치 못한 문자 '%c'(이)가 %s에 사용됨: '%s'(위치 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "예기치 못한 문자 '%c'(이)가 %s의 접두사 길이에 사용됨: '%s'(위치 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "값 %s 끝에 가비지: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "값 %s 끝에 세미콜론 사용하지 않음: '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s'의 접두사 길이가 잘못되었습니다. %d(을)를 기본값으로 설정합니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s'의 접두사 길이가 누락되었습니다. %d(을)를 기본값으로 설정합니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 DNS 서버 IPv4 주소 '%s' 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 DNS 서버 IPv6 주소 '%s' 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr "잘못된 바이트 요소 '%d' 무시(0~255 포함되지 않음)."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "잘못된 MAC 주소 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "잘못된 SSID 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "잘못된 원시 암호 무시"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "인증서 또는 키 파일 '%s'(이)가 존재하지 않습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "잘못된 키/인증 값 경로 \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "잘못된 키/인증서 값 data:;base64,가 base64가 아닙니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "잘못된 키/인증서 data:;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "잘못된 키/인증서 값이 유효한 blob가 아닙니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "잘못된 키/인증 값"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 패리티 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "잘못된 IP 주소: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "설정 값 불러오기 오류: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "잘못된 음수 값(%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "잘못된 문자 값(%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "잘못된 int64 값(%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "너무 큰 FLAGS 속성 '%s'(%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "처리되지 않은 설정 속성 유형 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 설정 이름 '%s'"
+@@ -9295,7 +9458,7 @@ msgstr "잘못된 phase2 개인 키"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9407,93 +9570,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "'%s' 연결에는 '%s' 또는 '%s' 설정이 필요합니다."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "'%s' 연결에는 '%s' 또는 '%s' 설정이 필요합니다."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "'%s' 및 '%s' 중 하나만 설정할 수 있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "필수 옵션 '%s'이 누락되어 있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s'은 '%s'의 올바른 값이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s'은 '%s > 0'와 호환하지 않습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 옵션은 '%s=%s'에만 유효합니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s'은 '%s'의 올바른 설정이 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "'%s' 옵션을 사용하는 경우 '%s' 옵션을 설정해야 합니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "'%s' 옵션이 비어있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "'%s'는 '%s' 옵션의 올바른 IPv4 주소가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 옵션은 모드 '%s'에서만 유효합니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "'%s' 및 '%s'에는 다른 값이 포함될 수 없습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "'%s' 옵션은 문자열이어야 합니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' 옵션은 모드 '%s'에서만 유효합니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "누락된 설정"
+@@ -9501,7 +9664,7 @@ msgstr "누락된 설정"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9510,19 +9673,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'%s' 설정이 있는 연결에는 슬레이브 유형을 '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다. 현재 "
+ "'%s'입니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "값 '%d'이 범위 <%d-%d> 밖에 있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "올바른 MAC 주소가 아닙니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9561,9 +9724,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 없이는 '%s'을(를) 설정할 수 없습니다"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "장치 '%s'에 활성화된 연결이 없습니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9710,82 +9873,82 @@ msgstr "잘못된 IPv6 주소 접두어 '%u'"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 라우팅 메트릭 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 설정 이름"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 패리티 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 IP 주소가 아닙니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 IP 주소가 아닙니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. DNS 서버는 잘못되어 있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. IP 주소가 유효하지 않습니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. IP 주소에 잘못된 유형의 'label' 속성이 있습니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. IP 주소에 잘못된 레이블 '%s'이(가) 있습니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "주소를 구성하지 않으면 게이트웨이를 설정할 수 없습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "게이트웨이가 잘못되었습니다."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. 라우팅이 잘못되어 있습니다 "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. 라우팅은 기본 라우팅을 사용할 수 없습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s'은 '%s > 0'와 호환하지 않습니다 "
+@@ -9938,16 +10101,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%d'은 올바른 채널이 아닙니다 "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "'%s'은(는) 올바른 인터페이스 이름이 아닙니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 설정이 있는 연결에는 슬레이브 유형을 '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다. 현재 "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9960,34 +10121,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 설정이 있는 연결에는 슬레이브 유형을 '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다. 현재 "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 설정이 있는 연결에는 슬레이브 유형을 '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다. 현재 "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s'(으)로 설정되고 포트 유형이 '%s'인 슬레이브 연결을 감지합니다. '%s'은"
+-"(는) '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "누락된 \"plugin\" 설정"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9996,11 +10151,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s' 설정이 있는 연결에는 슬레이브 유형을 '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다. 현재 "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10009,36 +10162,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 IP 주소가 아닙니다."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 Wi-Fi 모드가 아닙니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "vlan ID가 0~4094 범위에 속해야 하지만 현재 %u입니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "'%s'은(는) 올바른 DCB 플래그가 아닙니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 Wi-Fi 모드가 아닙니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"'%s'(으)로 설정되고 포트 유형이 '%s'인 슬레이브 연결을 감지합니다. '%s'은"
+-"(는) '%s'(으)로 설정해야 합니다"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "'%s'은 올바른 Wi-Fi 모드가 아닙니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10075,11 +10226,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 밴드가 아닙니다 "
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "데이터 누락"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "값 '%d'이 범위 <%d-%d> 밖에 있습니다 "
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV에 16진수 숫자가 아닌 문자가 있습니다."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV에 16진수 숫자가 아닌 문자가 있습니다."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "누락된 파일 이름"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "알려지지 않은 로그 영역 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "누락된 설정"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "누락된 IPv4 주소"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10341,134 +10557,178 @@ msgstr "Secret을 찾을 수 없음"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "Secret이 설정되지 않았습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 밴드가 아닙니다 "
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "서비스 이름이 지정되지 않았습니다."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "데이터 누락"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s'"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "실패한 통계 파일 %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "파일이 아닙니다(%s)."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "잘못된 필드 '%s'; 허용되는 필드: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "%s의 파일 권한"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "%s 거부"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "절대 경로가 아닙니다(%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "플러그인 파일이 존재하지 않습니다(%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "플러그인이 유효한 파일이 아닙니다(%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "립툴 아카이브가 지원되지 않습니다(%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "'%s' 바이너리를 찾을 수 없습니다"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 장치 '%s'."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10724,9 +10984,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "연결이 블루투스 연결이 아니었습니다."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "연결이 블루투스 연결이 아니었습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -10830,19 +11090,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "연결이 OLPC 메시 연결이 아니었습니다."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "연결이 브리지 연결이 아니었습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "연결이 팀 연결이 아니었습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "연결이 tun 연결이 아니었습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -10905,9 +11162,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11063,14 +11319,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "시스템 네트워크 사용 여부"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "시스템 정책이 WiFi 장치 사용 여부 설정을 금지합니다"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11651,20 +11905,3 @@ msgstr "알려지지 않은 로그 수준 '%s'"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "알려지지 않은 로그 영역 '%s'"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "연결이 성공적으로 활성화되었습니다(마스터가 슬레이브 대기 중)(D-Bus 활성 "
+-#~ "경로: %s).\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d(기본값)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d(끄기)"
+diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
+index 8945821..4fcd32d 100644
+--- a/po/pt_BR.po
++++ b/po/pt_BR.po
+@@ -9,23 +9,21 @@
+ # Enrico Nicoletto <liverig@gmail.com>, 2013.
+ # gcintra <gcintra@redhat.com>, 2013, 2014.
+ # Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@gnome.org>, 2013, 2015, 2016.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 05:50-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <gnome-pt_br-list@gnome.org>\n"
+-"Language: pt-BR\n"
++"Language: pt_BR\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ "X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ msgstr "Conexão(ões) (nome, UUID ou caminho): "
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Conexão(ões) (nome, UUID, caminho ou \"apath\"): "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "perfis ativos são levados em conta. Use a opção global --show-secrets para\n"
+ "também revelar segredos associados.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -329,7 +327,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passwd-file - arquivo com senha(s) necessária(s) para ativar a conexão\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "seu nome, UUID ou caminho do D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -503,7 +501,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -550,7 +548,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -573,7 +571,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "argumento <novo nome>).\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -600,7 +598,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Adiciona um novo perfil de conexão em um editor interativo.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -619,7 +617,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "O perfil é identificado por seu nome, UUID ou caminho de D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -640,7 +638,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Monitora todos os perfis de conexão no caso de nenhuma ser especificada.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Recarrega todos os arquivos de conexão do disco.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -675,7 +673,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "saiba do seu último estado.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -700,7 +698,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "é importada pelos plug-ins VPN do NetworkManager.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -720,23 +718,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "se um nome for informado.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "ativando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "ativado"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "desativando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "desativado"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -744,65 +742,65 @@ msgstr "desativado"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "desconhecido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN (preparando)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN (precisa de autenticação)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN (obtendo configuração de IP)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN conectada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN falhou"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN desconectada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro ao atualizar segredos para %s: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Detalhes do perfil de conexão"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: \"connection show\": %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "nunca"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -813,16 +811,16 @@ msgstr "nunca"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "sim"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -833,65 +831,65 @@ msgstr "sim"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "não"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Ativar detalhes da conexão"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "campo inválido \"%s\"; campos permitidos: %s e %s, ou %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" tem que ser um só"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "string incorreta \"%s\" da opção \"--order\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "item incorreto \"%s\" na opção \"--order\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "o argumento \"--order\" está faltando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "Perfis ativos do NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "Perfis de conexão do NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -905,14 +903,14 @@ msgstr "Perfis de conexão do NetworkManager"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erro: está faltando o argumento %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Erro: %s - perfil de conexão inexistente."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -921,236 +919,236 @@ msgstr "Erro: %s - perfil de conexão inexistente."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "nenhuma conexão ativa no dispositivo \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "nenhuma conexão ou dispositivo ativo"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo \"%s\" não é compatível com a conexão \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "nenhum dispositivo encontrado para a conexão \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Conexão ativada com sucesso (caminho D-Bus ativo: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Conexão ativada com sucesso (caminho D-Bus ativo: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: Ativação da conexão falhou: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "falha ao ler arquivo-passwd \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "faltando vírgula na entrada \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "faltando ponto na entrada \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "nome inválido de definição na entrada \"password\" \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "dispositivo \"%s\" desconhecido."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "não há uma conexão válida nem um dispositivo fornecido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Parâmetro desconhecido: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "preparando"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "A conexão \"%s\" (%s) foi excluída com sucesso.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Conexão \"%s\" desativada com sucesso (caminho D-Bus ativo: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Erro: nenhuma conexão especificada."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: \"%s\" não é uma conexão ativa.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Erro: nem todas as conexões ativas foram encontradas."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Erro: não foi fornecida nenhuma conexão ativa."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: Ativação da conexão falhou: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não está entre [%s]"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Erro desconhecido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "Aviso: master=\"%s\" se refere a nenhum perfil existente.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: propriedade inválida \"%s\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao modificar %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao remover um valor de %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Erro: \"%s\" não pode repetir."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: tipo de conexão inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: tipo de conexão inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: tipo de conexão inválido; %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Erro: é necessário o \"master\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Erro: conexão desconhecida: \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erro: \"%s\" não é um modo de monitoramento válido; use \"%s\" ou \"%s\".\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "Erro: \"bt-type\": \"%s\" não é válido; use [%s, %s (%s), %s]."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Erro: está faltando um valor para \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erro: está faltando argumento <definição>.<propriedade>."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: definição inválida ou não permitida \"%s\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "\"%s\" é ambíguo (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erro: <definição>.<propriedade> \"%s\" inválida."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao adicionar a conexão \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1161,48 +1159,48 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "A conexão \"%s\" (%s) foi adicionada com sucesso.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "Há %d argumento opcional para o tipo de conexão \"%s\".\n"
+ msgstr[1] "Há %d argumentos opcionais para o tipo de conexão \"%s\".\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "Você deseja fornecê-lo? %s"
+ msgstr[1] "Você deseja fornecê-los? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erro: é necessário valor para o argumento \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: \"save\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erro: é necessário o argumento \"type\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[valores da definição %s\"]\n"
+@@ -1210,7 +1208,7 @@ msgstr "[valores da definição %s\"]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1243,7 +1241,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <opção-conf> <valor>      :: configuração do nmcli\n"
+ "quit                               :: sai do nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1262,7 +1260,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1283,7 +1281,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Exemplos: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1298,7 +1296,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: nmcli> set con.id Minha conexão\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1311,7 +1309,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Mostra a descrição da propriedade. Você pode consultar a página do manual de "
+ "nm-settings(5) para ver todas as configurações e propriedades do NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1326,7 +1324,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1350,7 +1348,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1378,7 +1376,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "remover por completo a conexão permanente, o perfil de conexão deve ser\n"
+ "excluído.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1399,7 +1397,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp>  - ponto de acesso (Wi-Fi) ou provedor de serviço de rede "
+ "(WiMAX) (preceda com / quando o <nome-if> não for especificado)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1408,7 +1406,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: vai ao nível de menu superior\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1417,7 +1415,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: ajuda para os comandos do nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1444,7 +1442,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1457,8 +1455,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Este comando sai do nmcli. Quando a conexão que está sendo editada não foi "
+ "salva, o usuário é solicitado a confirmar a ação.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Comando desconhecido: \"%s\"\n"
+@@ -1466,7 +1464,7 @@ msgstr "Comando desconhecido: \"%s\"\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1494,7 +1492,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "comando\n"
+ "quit                             :: sai do nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1505,7 +1503,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Este comando configura o <valor> fornecido à propriedade\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1520,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "propriedade seja um tipo de contêiner. Para propriedades com valores únicos, "
+ "isto substitui o valor (semelhante ao \"set\").\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1531,7 +1529,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exibe o valor atual e permite sua edição.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1565,7 +1563,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1578,7 +1576,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Mostra a descrição da propriedade. Você pode consultar a página do manual nm-"
+ "settings(5) para ver todas as configurações e propriedades do NM.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1593,7 +1591,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Mostra o valor da propriedade. Fornecendo um argumento, você também pode "
+ "exibir valores para toda a conexão ou definição.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1602,28 +1600,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<comando>]  :: ajuda para os comandos do nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: Ativação da conexão falhou.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: a definição \"%s\" é obrigatória e não pode ser removida.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Tipo: %s | Nome: %s | UUID: %s | Impurezas: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "A conexão não foi salva. Você realmente deseja sair? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1632,66 +1630,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "O perfil de conexão foi removido do outro cliente. Você pode digitar \"save"
+ "\" no menu principal para recuperá-lo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Valores permitidos para a propriedade \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Digite o valor de \"%s\": "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao definir a propriedade \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Edite o valor de \"%s\": "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao remover valor de \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Argumento de comando desconhecido: \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Configurações disponíveis: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: nome de configuração inválido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Propriedades disponíveis: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: propriedade %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1702,12 +1700,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "ativação imediata da conexão.\n"
+ "Você ainda deseja salvar? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Você pode editar as seguintes configurações: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1716,216 +1714,216 @@ msgstr ""
+ "O perfil de conexão foi removido de outro cliente. Você pode digitar \"save"
+ "\" para recuperá-lo.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: nenhuma configuração selecionada; as válidas são [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "primeiro use \"goto <definição>\" ou \"set <definição>.<propriedade>\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: argumento de configuração \"%s\" inválido; os válidos são [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: falta configuração para a propriedade \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: propriedade inválida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: definição desconhecida: \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Você pode editar as seguintes propriedades: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: nenhum argumento fornecido; os válidos são [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "A configuração \"%s\" não está presente na conexão.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: propriedades %s, tampouco é um nome de definição.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "primeiro use \"goto <definição>\" ou \"describe <definição>.<propriedade>\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Erro: propriedade inválida: %s, tampouco um nome de definição válida.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: definição desconhecida: \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: a definição \"%s\" não está presente na conexão\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: propriedade inválida: %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ", tampouco um nome de configuração válido"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Opção de verificação inválida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verificar configuração \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Verificar conexão: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "O erro não pode ser corrigido automaticamente.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: argumento \"%s\" inválido\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: Falha ao salvar a conexão \"%s\" (%s): %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "A conexão \"%s\" (%s) foi salva com sucesso.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "A conexão \"%s\" (%s) foi atualizada com sucesso.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: verificação de conexão falhou: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(erro desconhecido)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Você pode tentar executar \"verify fix\" para corrigir erros.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: a conexão não foi salva. Primeiro digite \"save\".\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: a conexão não é válida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: Não foi possível ativar conexão: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: Falha ao ativar a conexão \"%s\" (%s): %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Monitorando ativação da conexão (pressione qualquer tecla para continuar)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: estado da linha (\"status-line\"): %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: salvar confirmação: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: cor inválida: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Configuração atual do nmcli:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "A opção de configuração \"%s\" é inválida; é permitido [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "Erro: apenas um \"id\", uuid, ou \"path\" podem ser fornecidos."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erro: conexão desconhecida: \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: editando a conexão existente \"%s\"; o argumento \"type\" é ignorado\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -1933,197 +1931,197 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: editando a conexão existente \"%s\"; o argumento \"con-name\" é "
+ "ignorado\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Tipos de conexões válidos: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: tipo de conexão inválido; %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| editor interativo de conexões do nmcli |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Editando conexão existente \"%s\": \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Adicionando uma nova conexão \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Digite \"help\" ou \"?\" para comandos disponíveis."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Digite \"describe [<definição>.<propriedade>]\" para exibir descrição "
+ "detalhada da propriedade."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: Falha ao modificar a conexão \"%s\": %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "A conexão \"%s\" (%s) foi modificada com sucesso.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) clonada como %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Nome da nova conexão: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Erro: está faltando o argumento <novo nome>."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Erro: argumento extra desconhecida: \"%s\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Erro: nem todas as conexões ativas foram excluídas."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: a exclusão da conexão falhou: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Erro: nem todas as conexões foram encontradas."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: não é possível excluir conexão(ões) desconhecida(s): %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: perfil de conexão alterada\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: perfil de conexão criada\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: perfil de conexão removida\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao recarregar conexões: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao carregar conexão: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível carregar arquivo \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "Arquivo a ser importado: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Erro: nenhum argumento foi fornecido."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Aviso: \"type\" já especificado, ignorando o extra.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "Aviso: \"file\" já especificado, ignorando o extra.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Parâmetro desconhecido: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erro: é necessário o argumento \"type\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Erro: é necessário o argumento \"file\"."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao carregar plug-in VPN: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao carregar plug-in VPN: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao importar \"%s\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Nome de arquivo de saída: "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Erro: a conexão não é VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao criar o arquivo temporário %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao exportar \"%s\": %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Erro: falha ao ler o arquivo temporário \"%s\": %s."
+@@ -3568,29 +3566,29 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um perfil de conexão VPN"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um nome de um perfil existente"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Erro: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "não há conhecimento de como obter o valor da propriedade"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não pode ser alterada"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[descrição propriedade NM]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[descrição específica do nmcli]"
+@@ -3969,9 +3967,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "O gerenciamento do pai do dispositivo foi alterado"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "falha na conexão"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4103,250 +4100,250 @@ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "a rota padrão não pode ser adicionada (NetworkManager cuida disso ele mesmo)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "O mapa de prioridade \"%s\" é inválido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "A prioridade \"%s\" não é válida (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(padrão)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um MAC de porta ethernet válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Erro: \"priority\": \"%s\" não é um número válido <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: soma \"%s\" é maior do que todas os sinalizadores => todos "
+ "sinalizadores definidos\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "opção inválida \"%s\", use um de [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "opção inválida \"%s\", use um de [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (chave)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (palavra-chave)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (desconhecido)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (NENHUM(A))"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "PERDA_VÍNCULO, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (desabilitada)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (ativada, prefere IP público)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (ativada, prefere IP temporário)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (nenhum(a))"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "pertence-ao-agente, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "não salvo, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "não requisitado, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é válido; use <opção>=<valor>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "nenhum item para remover"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "índice \"%d\" está fora da faixa <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "A opção \"%s\" é inválida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "falta opção"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um MAC válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "\"%u\" não são sinalizadores válidos; use a combinação de %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um valor válido (ou está fora de faixa)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um caracter hexadecimal válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém um método EAP \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "a propriedade não contém um sujeito alternativo correspondente a \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "a propriedade não contém um sujeito alternativo de \"phase2\" correspondente "
+ "a \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4384,183 +4381,214 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Tipo de conexão Bluetooth desconhecida/não manipulada"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém a permissão \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um mestre válido; use nome-if ou UUID da conexão"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "o valor \"%s\" não é um UUID válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém UUID \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (desativado)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "habilitado, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "publicar, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "desejando, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "'%s' não é uma opção DCB válida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "deve conter 8 números separados por vírgulas"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "'%s' não é um número entre 0 e %u (inclusive) ou %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "'%s' não um número entre 0 e %u (inclusive)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: mudanças não tomarão efeito até '%s' incluindo 1 (habilitado)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "porcentagem da largura de banda deve totalizar 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "ID de operador SIM deve ser um código MCCMNC de 5 ou 6 números"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é uma P_Key IBoIP válida"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "padrão"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IPv4 válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém o servidor DNS \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém um domínio de pesquisa de DNS \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém a opção DNS \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém o endereço IP \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "endereço de gateway \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém a rota \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IPv6 válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "%s não é um número"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é válido; use 0, 1, ou 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um canal válido; use <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "a propriedade não contém UUID \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "a propriedade não contém a rota \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "a propriedade não contém o mapeamento de \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "a propriedade não contém a rota \"%s\""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: há suporte a apenas um mapeamento por vez; tomando o primeiro (%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém o mapeamento de \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "sem prioridade para remover"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "índice \"%d\" está fora da faixa de <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não pode estar vazio"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4569,23 +4597,23 @@ msgstr "\"%s\" não pode estar vazio"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço MAC válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém o endereço MAC \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é válido; 2 ou 3 strings devem ser fornecidas"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "valor da string \"%s\" deveria consistir em 1 - 199 caracteres"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4596,24 +4624,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <valor>, option = <valor>,... \n"
+ "Opções válidas são: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um canal válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "\"%ld\" não é um canal válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "a propriedade não contém o protocolo \"%s\""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+@@ -4622,65 +4650,65 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"%s\" não é compatível com %s \"%s\", por favor altere a chave ou defina o "
+ "%s correto primeiro."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "Supõe-se que a chave WEP seja \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "Índice da chave WEP definida para \"%d\"\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Aviso: \"%s\" não é compatível com o tipo \"%s\", por favor altere ou exclua "
+ "a chave.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um PSK válido"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interface primária da vinculação [nenhuma]: "
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Modo de monitoramento %s da vinculação"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Vinculação miimon [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculação downdelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculação updelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Vinculação intervalo arp [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Vinculação arp-ip-destino [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "Taxa LACP (\"slow\" ou \"fast\") [slow]: "
+@@ -4689,7 +4717,7 @@ msgstr "Taxa LACP (\"slow\" ou \"fast\") [slow]: "
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4707,7 +4735,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/minha-união.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4723,7 +4777,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "não tratados.\n"
+ "Exemplo: /home/cimrman/cert-ca.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4737,7 +4791,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "blob não tratados.\n"
+ "Exemplo: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4753,7 +4807,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "blob não tratados.\n"
+ "Exemplo: /home/cimrman/ac-segunda-fase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4770,7 +4824,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "blob não tratados.\n"
+ "Exemplo: /home/cimrman/jara-segunda-fase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4792,8 +4846,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Exemplos: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -4811,96 +4865,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Nome de usuário"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Senha [nenhuma]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Endereço de dispositivo Bluetooth: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar STP %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "Prioridade STP [32768]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Atraso de encaminhamento [15]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Tempo de saudação [2]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Tempo de expiração máximo [20]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "Tempo de vencimento do endereço MAC [300]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Prioridade da porta da ponte [32]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Custo do caminho STP da porta da ponte [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Modo do hairpin"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Nome de usuário [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -4916,7 +4970,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: alice bob carlos\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -4936,7 +4990,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -4950,29 +5004,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"false\",\"no\",\"off\" para definir a conexão como não medida\n"
+ "\"unknown\" para deixar o NetworkManager escolher usando uma heurística\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "AP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Interface principal [nenhuma]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -4982,12 +5036,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Endereço IPv4 (IP[/plen]) [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5001,12 +5055,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Gateway IPv4 [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5029,7 +5083,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Exemplos: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5050,12 +5104,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Endereço IPv6 (IP[/plen]) [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5069,12 +5123,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Gateway IPv6 [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5099,189 +5153,188 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Interface pai [nenhuma]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Ponto local [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Remote: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo MACVLAN pai ou UUID de conexão: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "Canal da OLPC Mesh [1]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "Endereço MAC de difusão DHCP [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "Interface pai [nenhuma]: "
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Serviço [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "Nome de usuário do PPPoE: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "Configuração da União JSON [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID de usuário [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "ID do grupo [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar PI %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar cabeçalho VNET %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "Habilitar múltiplas filas %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo VLAN principal ou conexão UUID: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "ID da VLAN <0-4094>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "Sinalizadores VLAN (<0-7>) [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mapas de prioridade de ingresso [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Mapas de prioridade de egresso [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "ID da VXLAN: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "Endereço local [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Porta de origem mínima [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "Porta de origem máxima [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Porta de destino [8472]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "Nome do NSP WiMAX: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC clonado [nenhum]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5291,7 +5344,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Exemplo: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5300,179 +5353,183 @@ msgstr ""
+ "key, e 2 ou passphrase.\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão vinculada"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Ponte"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão de Banda larga móvel %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão de Banda larga móvel %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão InfiniBand"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocolo ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "Protocolo ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão vinculada"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Modo de dispositivo TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "União"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "Modo de dispositivo TUN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão VXLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão de Wi-Fi %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Nome de usuário"
+@@ -5492,8 +5549,8 @@ msgstr "Uma sessão de autenticação já está ocorrendo."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Senha"
+@@ -5506,7 +5563,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Senha de chave privada"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Chave"
+@@ -5681,14 +5738,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5727,18 +5785,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6365,19 +6423,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7350,19 +7407,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "Habilita ou desabilita o sistema de redes"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Habilita ou desabilita dispositivos WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Habilita ou desabilita dispositivos WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7568,7 +7622,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7576,7 +7638,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7584,45 +7717,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7630,14 +7785,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7650,20 +7805,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7671,32 +7826,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7704,7 +7859,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7714,93 +7869,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -7938,7 +8093,7 @@ msgstr "Conexão DSL %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Vínculo"
+@@ -7950,7 +8105,7 @@ msgstr "Conexão vinculada %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Ponte"
+@@ -7962,7 +8117,7 @@ msgstr "Conexão de Ponte %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "União"
+@@ -8124,7 +8279,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Escravos"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Modo"
+@@ -8159,7 +8314,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "Alvos ARP"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Endereço MAC clonado"
+@@ -8224,7 +8379,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8304,9 +8459,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "Ignorar rotas obtidas automaticamente"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "Ignorar rotas obtidas automaticamente"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8457,124 +8611,124 @@ msgstr "UNIÃO"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN id"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Cliente"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Ponto de acesso"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Rede Ad-Hoc"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Automático"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Nenhum"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Pessoal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Empresarial"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex ou ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128-bit Frase senha"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "WEP Dinâmico (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (Padrão)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Sistema aberto"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Chave compartilhada"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Canal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Segurança"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(Nenhum suporte a WPA Empresarial ainda...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "Índice WEP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Autenticação"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(Nenhum suporte a WEP Dinâmico ainda...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8642,9 +8796,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect falhou com sinal %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Ativação falhou"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9110,7 +9264,7 @@ msgstr "Falha inesperada ao normalizar a conexão"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9149,168 +9303,178 @@ msgstr "Túnel IP"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "O método retornou o tipo \"%s\", mas esperava-se \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "ignorando número faltante"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "ignorando número inválido \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "ignorando endereço %s inválido: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "ignorando gateway \"%s\" inválido para rota %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "ignorando rota %s inválido: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "caractere \"%c\" inesperado para endereço %s: \"%s\" (posição %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "caractere \"%c\" inesperado para %s: \"%s\" (posição %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "caractere \"%c\" inesperado no tamanho do prefixo para %s: \"%s\" (posição "
+ "%td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "lixo ao final do valor %s: \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "ponto-e-vírgula obsoleta ao final do valor %s: \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "tamanho de prefixo inválido para %s \"%s\", usando o padrão %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "faltando tamanho de prefixo para %s \"%s\", usando o padrão %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "ignorando endereço IPv4 %s inválido para servidor DNS"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "ignorando endereço IPv6 %s inválido para servidor DNS"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "ignorando elemento byte \"%d\" inválido (não está entre 0 e 255 inclusivo)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "ignorando endereço MAC inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "ignorando SSID inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "ignorando senha não tratada inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "certificado ou arquivo de chave \"%s\" não existe"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "valor de certificado/chave com caminho inválido \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "valor data:;base64 de chave/certificado inválido, não é base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "valor data:;base64 de chave/certificado inválido, file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "valor de certificado/chave inválido não é um blob válido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "valor de certificado/chave inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "valor de paridade inválido \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "endereço IPv4 inválido: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "erro ao carregar valor de definição %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valor negativo inválido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "valor char inválido (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "valor int64 inválido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "propriedade \"%s\" de SINALIZADORES grande demais (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "tipo \"%s\" com propriedade de definição não manipulada"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "nome de definição \"%s\" inválido"
+@@ -9362,7 +9526,7 @@ msgstr "chave privada de phase2 inválida"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9474,93 +9638,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "conexão \"%s\" requer a presença da definição de \"%s\" ou \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "conexão \"%s\" requer a presença da definição de \"%s\" ou \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "apenas um entre \"%s\" e \"%s\" pode estar definido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "opção obrigatória \"%s\" está faltando"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um valor válido para \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "\"%s=%s\" é incompatível com \"%s > 0\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" é válida apenas para \"%s=%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "\"%s=%s\" não é uma configuração válida para \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" requer que a opção \"%s\" seja definida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" está vazia"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IPv4 válido para a opção \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" é válida apenas para \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" e \"%s\" não podem ter valores diferentes"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" deveria ser string"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "opção \"%s\" é válida apenas para \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "faltando definição"
+@@ -9568,7 +9732,7 @@ msgstr "faltando definição"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9577,19 +9741,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Uma conexão com uma definição \"%s\" deve ter um tipo escravo definido para "
+ "\"%s\". Em vez disso, ela é \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "valor \"%d\" está fora da faixa <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "não é um endereço MAC válido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9628,9 +9792,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "Não é possível definir \"%s\" sem \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "nenhuma conexão ativa no dispositivo \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9777,82 +9941,82 @@ msgstr "Endereço IPv6 com prefixo inválido \"%u\""
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "Métrica roteamento inválida \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "nome de definição desconhecido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "valor de paridade inválido \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IP válido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IP válido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Endereço de servidor DNS é inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Endereço IP é inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. Endereço IP possui a propriedade \"label\" com tipo inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. Endereço IPv4 possui um rótulo \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "gateway não pode ser definido se não houver endereços configurados"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "gateway é inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d: rota é inválida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. rota não pode ser uma rota padrão"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "um gateway é incompatível com \"%s\""
+@@ -10009,16 +10173,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "\"%d\" não é um canal válido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é um nome de interface válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Uma conexão com uma definição \"%s\" deve ter um tipo escravo definido para "
+-"\"%s\". Em vez disso, ela é \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10031,34 +10193,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Uma conexão com uma definição \"%s\" deve ter um tipo escravo definido para "
+-"\"%s\". Em vez disso, ela é \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Uma conexão com uma definição \"%s\" deve ter um tipo escravo definido para "
+-"\"%s\". Em vez disso, ela é \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Detecta uma conexão escrava com \"%s\" definida e um tipo de porta \"%s\". "
+-"\"%s\" deveria ser definida para \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "faltando definição \"plugin\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10067,11 +10223,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Uma conexão com uma definição \"%s\" deve ter um tipo escravo definido para "
+-"\"%s\". Em vez disso, ela é \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10080,36 +10234,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" não é um endereço IP válido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é um modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "o id da vlan deve estar na faixa 0-4094, mas é %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "'%s' não é uma opção DCB válida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é um modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Detecta uma conexão escrava com \"%s\" definida e um tipo de porta \"%s\". "
+-"\"%s\" deveria ser definida para \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é um modo Wi-Fi válido"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10146,11 +10298,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "\"%s\" não é uma banda válida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "faltando dados"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "valor \"%d\" está fora da faixa <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contém dígitos não-hexadecimais."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV contém dígitos não-hexadecimais."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "faltando nome de arquivo"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "não foi possível carregar plug-in \"%s\": %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "faltando definição"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "Endereço IPv4 faltando"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10414,134 +10631,178 @@ msgstr "segredo não localizado"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "segredo não está definido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "\"%s\" não é uma banda válida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "A opção \"%s\" é inválida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "Nome do serviço não especificado"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "faltando dados"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "A opção \"%s\" é inválida"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "falha ao obter estado do arquivo %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "não é um arquivo (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "proprietário %d de arquivo inválido para %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "permissões de arquivo para %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "rejeitar %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "o caminho não é absoluto (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "O arquivo do plug-in não existe (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "O plug-in não é um arquivo válido (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "Não há suporte a arquivos de libtool (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível localizar o executável \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo \"%s\" desconhecido."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10799,9 +11060,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "A conexão não era Bluetooth."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "A conexão não era Bluetooth."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -10905,19 +11166,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "A conexão não era OLPC Mesh."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "A conexão não era de ponte."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "A conexão não era de união."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "A conexão não era tun."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -10982,9 +11240,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11160,16 +11417,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Habilita ou desabilita o sistema de redes"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Políticas de sistema previnem a habilitação ou desabilitação de dispositivos "
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11768,20 +12021,3 @@ msgstr "Nível de registro \"%s\" desconhecido"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Domínio de registro \"%s\" desconhecido"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Conexão ativada com sucesso (mestre aguardando por escravos) (caminho D-"
+-#~ "Bus ativo: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (padrão)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (desligado)"
+diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
+index 830f380..7f49d3b 100644
+--- a/po/ru.po
++++ b/po/ru.po
+@@ -10,15 +10,13 @@
+ # Yuri Kozlov <yuray@komyakino.ru>, 2011.
+ # Yuri Myasoedov <omerta13@yandex.ru>, 2012.
+ # Stas Solovey <whats_up@tut.by>, 2012, 2014, 2015.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 05:53-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:48+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Русский <gnome-cyr@gnome.org>\n"
+ "Language: ru\n"
+@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-10-20 12:08+0000\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
+ "%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
+@@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ msgstr "Соединение (имя, UUID, или путь):"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "Соединение (имя, UUID, или путь):"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Аргумент --active предназначен для просмотра списка активных профилей;\n"
+ "глобальный ключ --show-secrets добавляет в вывод соответствующие секреты.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -327,7 +325,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nsp    — NSP (только для WiMAX)\n"
+ "passwd-file — файл с паролями, необходимыми для установки соединения.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -348,7 +346,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "автоматической установки соединения в будущем. \n"
+ "Профиль определяется по имени, UUID или пути D-Bus.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -500,7 +498,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -546,7 +544,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 +bond.options mii=500\n"
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -568,7 +566,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "идентификатора UUID (генерируется автоматически) \n"
+ "и id (определяется на основании аргумента <новое имя>).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -595,7 +593,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Добавление нового профиля соединения в интерактивном редакторе.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -614,7 +612,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Профиль определяется по имени, UUID или пути D-Bus.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -634,7 +632,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Эта команда выводит новую строку в ответ на изменения профиля.\n"
+ "Если профиль не указан явно, будут отслеживаться все профили.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -647,7 +645,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Перезагрузка файлов соединений с диска.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -669,7 +667,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -694,7 +692,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Импорт данных осуществляется дополнительными \n"
+ "модулями VPN для NetworkManager.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -713,23 +711,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Экспортируемые данные будут направлены в стандартный поток вывода \n"
+ "или, если указано имя файла, в файл.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "активация"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "включено"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "деактивация"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "отключено"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -737,65 +735,65 @@ msgstr "отключено"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "неизвестно"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "Подключение VPN (подготовка)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "Подключение VPN (требуется аутентификация)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "Подключение VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "Подключение VPN (получение конфигурации IP)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN подключён"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "Сбой подключения VPN"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN отключён"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка при обновлении секретов для %s: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "Свойства профиля соединения"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка «connection show»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "никогда"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -806,16 +804,16 @@ msgstr "никогда"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "да"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -826,66 +824,66 @@ msgstr "да"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "нет"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "Сведения об активном соединении"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "неверное поле «%s»; допустимые поля: %s и %s или %s,%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "«%s» не может использоваться с чем-либо другим"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "неверная строка «%s» в параметре «--order»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "неверный элемент «%s» в параметре «--order»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "отсутствует аргумент «--order»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "Активные профили NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "Профили соединений NetworkManager"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -899,14 +897,14 @@ msgstr "Профили соединений NetworkManager"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: отсутствует аргумент %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: профиль %s не обнаружен."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -915,238 +913,237 @@ msgstr "Ошибка: профиль %s не обнаружен."
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "на устройстве «%s» нет активных соединений"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "на устройстве нет активных соединений"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "устройство «%s» несовместимо с соединением «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "не найдено устройство для соединения «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "Соединение успешно активировано (адрес действующего D-Bus: %s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение успешно активировано (адрес действующего D-Bus: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: сбой активации соединения: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Не удалось прочитать файл passwd  «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "отсутствует двоеточие в записи «password»: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "отсутствует точка в записи «password»: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "неверное имя параметра в в записи «password»: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "неизвестное устройство «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "недействительное подключение или устройство не определено"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Неизвестный параметр: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "подготовка"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» (%s) удалено.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» успешно отключено (активный адрес D-Bus: %s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Соединение не задано."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: «%s» не является активным соединением.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Обнаружены не все активные соединения."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Необходимо предоставить активное соединение."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: сбой активации соединения: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "«%s» не входит в %s"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "Неизвестная ошибка"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: мастер «%s» не относится ни к одному существующему профилю.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимое свойство «%s»: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось изменить %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось удалить значение из %s.%s: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Параметр «%s» не определен.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый тип соединения: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый тип соединения: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый тип соединения: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Необходимо определить «master»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Неизвестное соединение: «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Ошибка. Недопустимый режим мониторинга: «%s». Используйте «%s» или  «%s».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Ошибка «bt-type». Неверное значение «%s». Используйте [%s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: отсутствует значение «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: отсутствует аргумент <параметр>.<свойство>"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый параметр «%s»: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "Неоднозначное значение «%s» (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "Ошибка <параметр>.<свойство>: «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось добавить соединение «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1158,19 +1155,19 @@ msgstr[0] ""
+ msgstr[1] ""
+ msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» (%s) добавлено.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+@@ -1184,7 +1181,7 @@ msgstr[2] ""
+ "При настройке соединений %s допускается использование одного дополнительного "
+ "аргумента.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+@@ -1192,22 +1189,22 @@ msgstr[0] "Хотите его предоставить? %s"
+ msgstr[1] "Хотите их предоставить? %s"
+ msgstr[2] "Хотите их предоставить? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: необходимо указать значение аргумента «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка «save»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Аргумент «type» является обязательным."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[«%s» устанавливает значения]\n"
+@@ -1215,7 +1212,7 @@ msgstr "[«%s» устанавливает значения]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1254,7 +1251,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <параметр> <значение>                 :: конфигурация nmcli\n"
+ "quit                                           :: выход\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1274,7 +1271,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1294,7 +1291,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Примеры: nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1309,7 +1306,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1322,7 +1319,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Возвращает описание свойства. Полный список параметров и их значений можно "
+ "найти на справочной странице nm-settings(5).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1337,7 +1334,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1362,7 +1359,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1390,7 +1387,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Если вы хотите полностью удалить сохраненное соединение, необходимо\n"
+ "удалить его профиль. \n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1411,7 +1408,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) или NSP (WiMAX) (если интерфейс не задан, в начале "
+ "строки надо добавить /)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1420,7 +1417,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: возврат к предыдущему меню\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1429,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<команда>]  :: справка по командам nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1456,7 +1453,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1468,8 +1465,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Если изменения соединения не сохранены, появится окно подтверждения.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Неизвестная команда: «%s»\n"
+@@ -1477,7 +1474,7 @@ msgstr "Неизвестная команда: «%s»\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1503,7 +1500,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/?   [<команда>]             :: показать справку или описание команды\n"
+ "quit                             :: выход из nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1514,7 +1511,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Эта команда определяет новое значение свойства.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1529,7 +1526,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "значений. Если же свойство имеет единственное значение, оно будет "
+ "переопределено (что равносильно команде «set»).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1540,7 +1537,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Показывает значение и позволяет его отредактировать.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1574,7 +1571,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli ipv4.dns> remove 2\n"
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1587,7 +1584,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Возвращает описание свойства. Полный список параметров и их значений можно "
+ "найти на справочной странице nm-settings(5).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1602,7 +1599,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Если аргумент не указан, возвращает значение свойства. Укажите параметр или "
+ "соединение, чтобы получить соответствующую информацию.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1611,28 +1608,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<команда>]  :: справка по командам nmcli\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось активировать соединение.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Обязательное значение «%s» не может быть удалено.\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[Тип: %s | Имя: %s | UUID: %s | Не сохранено: %s | Временно.: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "Соединение не сохранено. Вы действительно хотите выйти? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1641,66 +1638,66 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Профиль соединения был удален из другого клиента. Чтобы его восстановить, "
+ "введите «save».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Допустимые значения «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Введите значение «%s»:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось установить свойство «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "Измените значение «%s»:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось изменить значение «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Неизвестный аргумент команды: «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Доступные параметры: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимое значение параметра: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Доступные свойства: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка свойства %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1711,12 +1708,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "«autoconnect=yes», что может привести к его немедленной активации.\n"
+ "Сохранить? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Разрешается изменить следующие параметры: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1725,214 +1722,214 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Профиль соединения был удален из другого клиента. Чтобы его восстановить, "
+ "введите «save».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Параметр не выбран. Допускается: [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "используйте «goto <параметр>» или «set <параметр>.<свойство>»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый аргумент «%s». Допускается: [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Нет определения свойства «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недействительное свойство: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: неизвестный параметр: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Вы можете изменить следующие свойства: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Аргумент не задан. Допускается: [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "Параметр «%s» не определен в соединении.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. %s не является именем параметра или свойства.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "используйте «goto <параметр>» или «describe <параметр>.<свойство>»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое свойство %s или неверное имя параметра.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Неизвестный параметр: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: в соединении не определен параметр «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: недействительное свойство %s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr "и не является действительным именем параметра"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый параметр verify: «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Проверьте параметр «%s»: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Проверьте соединение: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "Эта ошибка не может быть исправлена автоматически.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: недопустимый аргумент «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось сохранить соединение «%s» (%s): %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» (%s) сохранено.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» (%s) успешно обновлено.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Проверка соединения завершилась неудачей: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(неизвестная ошибка)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "Для исправления ошибок вы можете попробовать выполнить «verify fix».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Соединение не сохранено. Сначала введите «type».\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недействительное соединение: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось активировать соединение: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось активировать соединение «%s» (%s): %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Контроль активации соединения (нажмите любую клавишу для продолжения)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка status-line: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка save-confirmation: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка show secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: недопустимый цвет: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "Текущая конфигурация nmcli:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый параметр конфигурации «%s». Допускается: [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Допускается только одно значение: «id», «uuid» или «path»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Неизвестное соединение: «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение. При редактировании соединения «%s» аргумент «type» будет "
+ "пропущен.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+@@ -1940,198 +1937,198 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение. При редактировании соединения «%s» аргумент «con-name» будет "
+ "пропущен.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Доступные типы подключений: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Недопустимый тип соединения: %s.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| интерактивный редактор соединений nmcli |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "Редактируется соединение «%s»: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "Добавление нового соединения «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "Для просмотра доступных команд введите «help» или «?»"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Для просмотра описания свойства введите «describe [<параметр>.<свойство>]»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось изменить соединение «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "Соединение «%s» (%s) успешно изменено.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) было клонировано в %s (%s).\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "Название нового соединения:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: отсутствует <новое имя>."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Неизвестный дополнительный аргумент: «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не все соединения были удалены."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: сбой удаления соединения %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: обнаружены не все соединения."
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: невозможно удалить неизвестные соединения: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: профиль соединения изменился\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: профиль соединения создан\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: профиль соединения удален\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось перезагрузить соединения: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось загрузить соединение: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "Не удалось загрузить «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "Импортируемый файл:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Аргументы не определены."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: «type» уже указан, второе вхождение будет игнорироваться.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: «file» уже указан, второе вхождение будет игнорироваться.\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "Неизвестный параметр: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: необходимо указать «type»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: необходимо указать «file»."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка. Не удалось добавить соединение «%s»: (%d) %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось загрузить модуль VPN: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка импорта «%s»: %s."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "Имя выходного файла:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: соединение не является соединением VPN."
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось создать временный файл: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка экспорта «%s»: %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "Ошибка: не удалось прочитать временный файл «%s»: %s"
+@@ -3567,29 +3564,29 @@ msgstr "«%s» не является профилем соединения VPN"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "«%s» не содержит имя существующего профиля"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "неизвестно, как получить значение свойства"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "свойство не может быть изменено"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[описание свойства NM]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[описание в nmcli]"
+@@ -3969,9 +3966,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "Параметры управления родительским устройством изменились"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "сбой соединения"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4104,247 +4100,247 @@ msgstr ""
+ "невозможно добавить маршрут для выбора по умолчанию (NetworkManager "
+ "определяет его самостоятельно)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "Неверная схема приоритетов «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "недопустимый приоритет «%s» (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(по умолчанию)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "автоматически"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "Недействительный MAC Ethernet: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Неверный номер флага «%s». Используйте <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: сумма «%s» превышает значения всех флагов  => установлены "
+ "все флаги\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s»; допустимые значения: [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s»; допустимые значения: [%s]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (ключ)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (парольная фраза)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (неизвестно)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (НЕТ)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (отключено)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (включено, предпочитая открытый IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (включено, предпочитая временный IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (нет)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "под управлением агента,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "не сохранено,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "не требуется,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение «%s». Используйте формат: <параметр>=<значение>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "нечего удалять"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Индекс «%d» выходит за пределы диапазона <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый параметр «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "пропущен параметр"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "Недействительный MAC-адрес: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "Неверные флаги «%u». Используйте комбинацию %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "Число выходит за пределы диапазона или определено неверно: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "Неверное шестнадцатеричное значение: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит метод EAP «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит альтернативное соответствие темы «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит альтернативное соответствие темы «%s» для фазы 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4382,69 +4378,69 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "Выберите тип соединения:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит разрешение «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Недействительный мастер: «%s». Используйте имя интерфейса или UUID "
+ "соединения."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "«%s» не содержит действительный UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит UUID «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0 (отключено)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "включено,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "объявление,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "разрешение,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "«%s» не содержит допустимый флаг DCB"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "должен содержать 8 чисел, разделенных запятой"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "«%s» не является числом в диапазоне от 0 до %u включительно или %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "«%s» не является числом в диапазоне от 0 до %u включительно"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4452,117 +4448,148 @@ msgstr ""
+ "(включено)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "сумма процентных частей пропускной способности должна быть равна 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "Идентификатор оператора SIM должен содержать код MCCMNC из 5-6 цифр"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение IBoIP P_Key: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "по умолчанию"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый адрес IPv4: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит DNS-сервер «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит домен поиска DNS «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит параметра DNS «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит IP-адрес «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый адрес шлюза «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит маршрут «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый адрес IPv6: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr " «%s» не является числом"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение «%s». Используйте 0, 1 или 2."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение «%s». Используйте значения от 1 до 13."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "свойство не содержит UUID «%s»"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "свойство не содержит маршрут «%s»"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "свойство не содержит соответствие «%s»"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "свойство не содержит маршрут «%s»"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: допускается использование только одного сопоставления. Будет "
+ "выбрано первое из них: (%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит соответствие «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "нет приоритета для удаления"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "Индекс «%d» выходит за пределы диапазона <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "«%s» не может быть пустым"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4571,23 +4598,23 @@ msgstr "«%s» не может быть пустым"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "Недействительный MAC-адрес: «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит MAC-адрес «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "Недопустимое значение: «%s». Необходимо указать 2 или 3 строки."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "строка «%s» может содержать от 1 до 199 знаков"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4598,89 +4625,89 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  параметр = <значение>, параметр = <значение>,...\n"
+ "Допустимые параметры: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый канал «%s»."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый канал «%ld»."
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "свойство не содержит протокол «%s»"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+ "first."
+ msgstr "«%s» несовместим с %s «%s». Измените ключ или корректно настройте %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ключ WEP определен как «%s»\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "Индекс ключа WEP определен как «%d»\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Предупреждение: «%s» несовместим с типом «%s». Измените его или удалите "
+ "ключ.\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "«%s» не является действительным PSK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Основной интерфейс агрегации (Bond) [нет]:"
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "Режим мониторинга агрегации (Bond): %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Bonding miimon [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding downdelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding updelay [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding arp-interval [0]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Bonding arp-ip-target [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "Скорость LACP (slow/fast) [slow]:"
+@@ -4689,7 +4716,7 @@ msgstr "Скорость LACP (slow/fast) [slow]:"
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4705,7 +4732,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4719,7 +4772,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "помощью простого массива данных.\n"
+ "Пример: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4732,7 +4785,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "помощью простого массива данных.\n"
+ "Пример: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4749,7 +4802,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "помощью простого массива данных.\n"
+ "Пример:  /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4765,7 +4818,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "помощью простого массива данных.\n"
+ "Пример:  /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4786,8 +4839,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Примеры: ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -4804,96 +4857,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "Пользователь"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "Пароль [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "Адрес устройства Bluetooth:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "Включить STP %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "Приоритет STP [32768]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Forward delay [15]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello time [2]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Max age [20]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "Время действия MAC-адреса [300]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "Приоритет порта моста [32]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "Стоимость STP порта моста [100]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Режим разворота пакетов"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "Пользователь [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -4908,7 +4961,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -4930,7 +4983,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -4947,29 +5000,29 @@ msgstr ""
+ "«unknown» — позволить NetworkManager выбирать значение с помощью "
+ "эвристических методов\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "ТОЧКА ДОСТУПА"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [авто]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Родительский интерфейс [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -4979,12 +5032,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Адрес IPv4 (IP[/plen] [шлюз]) [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -4998,12 +5051,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Адрес IPv4 (IP[/plen] [шлюз]) [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5026,7 +5079,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Примеры: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -5045,12 +5098,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "Адрес IPv6 (IP[/plen] [шлюз]) [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -5065,12 +5118,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Пример: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1, "
+ "1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "Адрес IPv6 (IP[/plen] [шлюз]) [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5095,186 +5148,185 @@ msgstr ""
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "Родительский интерфейс [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "Родительский интерфейс [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "Удалить"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Родительское устройство VLAN или подключение UUID:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "Канал OLPC mesh [1]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC-адрес рассылки DHCP [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "Родительский интерфейс [нет]:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "Служба [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "Пользователь PPPoE:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "Конфигурация JSON агрегированного соединения (team) [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "Пользователь [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "Включить STP %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "Включить STP %s"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "Родительское устройство VLAN или подключение UUID:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "Флаги VLAN (<0-7>) [нет]: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Соответствие приоритета на входе [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Соответствие приоритета на выходе [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>: "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC-адрес рассылки DHCP [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "Назначение"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "Имя WiMAX NSP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "Клонированный MAC [нет]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5284,7 +5336,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Пример: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5293,177 +5345,181 @@ msgstr ""
+ "(парольная фраза).\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение ADSL"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Агрегированное (Bond) соединение"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "Мост"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Мобильное соединение %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "Мобильное соединение %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение InfiniBand"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Агрегированное (Bond) соединение"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "Устройство извлечено"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Агрегированное (Team)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "Устройство извлечено"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN-соединение"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение VXLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение CDMA"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение Wi-Fi %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "Пользователь"
+@@ -5483,8 +5539,8 @@ msgstr "Сеанс аутентификации уже выполняется."
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "Пароль"
+@@ -5497,7 +5553,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "Пароль секретного ключа"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "Ключ"
+@@ -5670,14 +5726,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5716,18 +5773,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6354,19 +6411,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7339,19 +7395,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "Включение или выключение сетевой подсистемы"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "Включить или выключить устройства WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "Включить или выключить устройства WiFi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7557,7 +7610,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7565,7 +7626,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7573,45 +7705,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7619,14 +7773,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7639,20 +7793,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7660,32 +7814,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7693,7 +7847,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7703,93 +7857,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -7923,7 +8077,7 @@ msgstr "Cоединение DSL %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Агрегированное (Bond)"
+@@ -7935,7 +8089,7 @@ msgstr "Агрегированное (Bond) соединение %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "Мост"
+@@ -7947,7 +8101,7 @@ msgstr "Соединение типа «мост» %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Агрегированное (Team)"
+@@ -8109,7 +8263,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Слейвы"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "Режим"
+@@ -8144,7 +8298,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "Получатели ARP"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "Клонированный MAC-адрес"
+@@ -8209,7 +8363,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8290,9 +8444,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "Игнорировать автоматически полученные маршруты"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "Игнорировать автоматически полученные маршруты"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8443,124 +8596,124 @@ msgstr "АГРЕГАЦИЯ (TEAM)"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "Клиент"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "Точка доступа"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Динамическая сеть"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "Автоматически"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 ГГц)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 ГГц)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "Нет"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA и WPA2 Personal"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA и WPA2 Enterprise"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "40/128-битный ключ WEP (Hex или ASCII))"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "128-битный ключ WEP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "Динамический WEP (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1 (по умолчанию)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "Открытая система"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "Общий ключ"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "Канал"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "Защита"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(wpa-enterprise не поддерживается)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "Индекс WEP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "Аутентификация"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(dynamic-wep не поддерживается)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8628,9 +8781,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "Выполнение openconnect завершилось неудачей. Сигнал: %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "Ошибка активации"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -9094,7 +9247,7 @@ msgstr "Непредвиденная ошибка при нормализаци
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9133,171 +9286,181 @@ msgstr "Туннель IP"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "Метод вернул тип «%s», но ожидалось «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "игнорируется пропущенное число"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "игнорируется неверное число:  «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "игнорируется неверный адрес %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "игнорируется неверный шлюз «%s» для маршрута %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "игнорируется неверный маршрут %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "непредвиденный символ «%c» адреса %s: «%s» (позиция %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "непредвиденный символ «%c» для %s: «%s» (позиция %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "непредвиденный символ «%c» в длине префикса для %s: «%s» (позиция %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "лишние данные в конце значения %s: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "устаревшая точка с запятой в конце значения %s: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ "недопустимая длина префикса для %s «%s»; по умолчанию будет использоваться %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ "не указана длина префикса для %s «%s»; по умолчанию будет использоваться %d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "игнорируется недопустимый адрес IPv4 сервера DNS: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "игнорируется недопустимый адрес IPv6 сервера DNS: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "игнорируется недопустимый байтовый элемент «%d» (должен лежать в диапазоне "
+ "от 0 до 255)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "игнорируется недопустимый MAC-адрес"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "игнорируется недействительный SSID"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "игнорируется неверный пароль в необработанном виде"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "файла сертификата или ключа «%s» не существует"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "неверный путь к ключу/сертификату: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "недопустимые данные ключа/сертификата: не является base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "недопустимые данные ключа/сертификата data:;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr ""
+ "недопустимое значение ключа/сертификата: не содержит действительный большой "
+ "двоичный объект"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "недопустимое значение ключа/сертификата"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимое значение четности: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "неверный IP: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "произошла ошибка при загрузке значения параметра: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "недопустимое отрицательное значение (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "недопустимое символьное значение (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "недопустимое значение int64 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "слишком большое значение свойства FLAGS «%s» (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "необрабатываемый тип свойства параметра «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимое название параметра «%s»"
+@@ -9349,7 +9512,7 @@ msgstr "недействительный закрытый ключ фазы 2"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9461,93 +9624,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "соединение «%s» требует настройки параметра  «%s» или  «%s»"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "соединение «%s» требует настройки параметра  «%s» или  «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "Может быть определено только одно из двух — «%s» или «%s»."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "Обязательный параметр «%s» не определен."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "«%s» — недопустимое значение «%s» "
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr " «%s=%s» несовместимо с «%s > 0»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "Параметр «%s» действителен только для «%s=%s»."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "Недопустимая конфигурация («%s=%s») для «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr " Для «%s» необходимо, чтобы был определен параметр «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "Пустой параметр: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый адрес IPv4 («%s») для «%s»."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "параметр «%s» действителен только в режиме «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "«%s» и «%s» не могут иметь разные значения"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "параметр «%s» должен содержать строку"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "параметр «%s» действителен только в режиме «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "пропущен параметр"
+@@ -9555,7 +9718,7 @@ msgstr "пропущен параметр"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+@@ -9564,19 +9727,19 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Соединение с параметром «%s» должно иметь тип подчиненности "
+ "«%s» (обнаружено  «%s»)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "значение «%d» выходит за пределы допустимого диапазона: <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "недопустимый MAC-адрес"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9615,9 +9778,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr " «%s» не может быть настраиваться без  «%s»"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "на устройстве «%s» нет активных соединений"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9764,82 +9927,82 @@ msgstr "Недопустимый префикс адреса IPv6: «%u»"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "Недопустимая метрика маршрутизации: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "неизвестное имя параметра"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимое значение четности: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "недействительный IP-адрес: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "недействительный IP-адрес: «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Неверный адрес DNS-сервера"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Неверный IP-адрес"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d. IP-адрес содержит свойство  «label» недопустимого типа"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d. IP-адрес содержит неверную метку «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "шлюз не может быть настроен, если заданы адреса"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "неверный шлюз"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d. Неверный маршрут"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d. Нельзя выбрать маршрут по умолчанию"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr " «%s=%s» несовместимо с «%s > 0»"
+@@ -9993,16 +10156,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "Недопустимый канал «%d»."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "Недействительное имя интерфейса: «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Соединение с параметром «%s» должно иметь тип подчиненности "
+-"«%s» (обнаружено  «%s»)"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10015,34 +10176,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Соединение с параметром «%s» должно иметь тип подчиненности "
+-"«%s» (обнаружено  «%s»)"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Соединение с параметром «%s» должно иметь тип подчиненности "
+-"«%s» (обнаружено  «%s»)"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Определить подчиненное соединение с установленным «%s» и типом порта  «%s».  "
+-"«%s» должно иметь значение  «%s»."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "отсутствует параметр «plugin»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10051,11 +10206,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Соединение с параметром «%s» должно иметь тип подчиненности "
+-"«%s» (обнаружено  «%s»)"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -10064,38 +10217,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "недействительный IP-адрес: «%s»"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым режимом Wi-Fi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+ msgstr ""
+-"идентификатор VLAN может содержать число в диапазоне от 0 до 4094 "
+-"(обнаружено %u)"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "«%s» не содержит допустимый флаг DCB"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым режимом Wi-Fi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Определить подчиненное соединение с установленным «%s» и типом порта  «%s».  "
+-"«%s» должно иметь значение  «%s»."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым режимом Wi-Fi"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10134,11 +10283,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым диапазоном"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "отсутствуют данные"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "значение «%d» выходит за пределы допустимого диапазона: <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "ВИ включает не шестнадцатеричные цифры."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "ВИ включает не шестнадцатеричные цифры."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "имя файла не указано"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "Неизвестный домен журналирования «%s»"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "пропущен параметр"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "Отсутствует адрес IPv4"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10404,134 +10618,178 @@ msgstr "секрет не найден"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "секрет не настроен"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым диапазоном"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "Недопустимый параметр «%s»"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "Не указано имя службы."
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "отсутствуют данные"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "Недопустимый параметр «%s»"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "не удалось получить статические данные для файла %s: %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "не является файлом (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "неверный владелец файла %d для %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "права доступа к файлам для %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "отказать %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "путь не является абсолютным (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "Файл модуля не существует (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "Модуль не является действительным файлом (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "архивы libtool не поддерживаются (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "Не удалось найти бинарный файл «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "неизвестное устройство «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10789,9 +11047,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "Это не соединение Bluetooth."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "Это не соединение Bluetooth."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -10899,19 +11157,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "Это соединение не является соединением OLPC Mesh."
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "Это не мостовое соединение."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "Это не агрегированное соединение (team)."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "Это соединение не является туннельным."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -10977,9 +11232,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11147,14 +11401,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Включение или выключение сетевой подсистемы"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "Системная политика запрещает включение и выключение WiFi устройств"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11767,20 +12019,3 @@ msgstr "Неизвестный уровень ведения журнала «%s
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "Неизвестный домен журналирования «%s»"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Соединение успешно активировано: мастер ожидает активации подчиненных "
+-#~ "(активный адрес D-Bus: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (по умолчанию)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (выключено)"
+diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
+index 72e0e19..6b112b4 100644
+--- a/po/zh_CN.po
++++ b/po/zh_CN.po
+@@ -14,24 +14,21 @@
+ # Ian Li <https://launchpad.net/~ian.li>, 2016.
+ # shijing <jingshi@ubuntukylin.com>, 2016.
+ # Mingye Wang (Arthur2e5) <arthur200126@gmail.com>, 2016.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Dingzhong Chen <wsxy162@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 06:23-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:48+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>\n"
+-"Language: zh-CN\n"
++"Language: zh_Hans\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -195,7 +192,7 @@ msgstr "连接(名称、UUID 或路径)"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "连接(名称、UUID、路径或活动路径)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -272,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -313,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "时,只会考虑活动的配置集。请使用全局的 --show-secrets 选项来显示关联的秘"
+ "密。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -354,7 +351,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nsp         - 指定要连接的 NSP(只对 WiMAX 有效)\n"
+ "passwd-file - 激活连接所需的密码\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -375,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "称、UUID 或 D-Bus 路径来确定的。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -527,7 +524,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -570,7 +567,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -591,7 +588,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "成)和 ID(作为 <new name> 参数提供)不同。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -618,7 +615,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "在交互式编辑器中添加新的连接配置文件。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -637,7 +634,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "该配置文件由名称、UUID 或 D-Bus 路径确定。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -656,7 +653,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "监控连接配置集活动。每当指定的连接修改时,这个命令会打印一行。如果没有指定则"
+ "监控所有的连接。 \n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -669,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "从磁盘重新载入所有的连接文件。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -691,7 +688,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "最新状态。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -713,7 +710,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "的。目前只支持 VPN 配置。配置是通过 NetworkManager VPN 插件导入的。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -730,23 +727,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "导出连接。目前只支持 VPN 连接。数据会导出到标准输出或指定的文件。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "激活中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "已激活"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "正在停用"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "已取消激活"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -754,65 +751,65 @@ msgstr "已取消激活"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "未知"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接(准备)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接中(需要验证)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接中(获取 IP 配置)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN 已连接"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接失败"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN 已断开"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "更新 %s 的秘密出错:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "连接配置集详情"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "错误:'connection show': %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "从不"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -823,16 +820,16 @@ msgstr "从不"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "是"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -843,65 +840,65 @@ msgstr "是"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "否"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "激活连接细节"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "无效字段 '%s'; 允许的字段为 %s 和 %s,或 %s,%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "'%s' 必须是单独的"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' 选项的错误字符串 '%s' "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr "'--order' 选项里的错误项 '%s' "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "缺少 '--order' 参数"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 的活动配置集"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 连接配置集"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -915,14 +912,14 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager 连接配置集"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "错误:缺少 %s 参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "错误:%s - 没有这样的连接配置集。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -931,237 +928,237 @@ msgstr "错误:%s - 没有这样的连接配置集。"
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "设备“%s”中没有活跃连接"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "没有活跃连接或者设备"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "设备“%s”不兼容连接“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "没有找到可用于连接“%s”的设备"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "连接已成功激活(D-Bus 活动路径:%s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "连接已成功激活(D-Bus 活动路径:%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:激活连接失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "读取 passwd-file '%s' 失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' 条目 '%s' 缺失了冒号"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' 条目 '%s' 缺失了点号"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr "'password' 条目 '%s' 里出现无效的设置名称"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "未知设备“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "没有给定有效连接或者设备"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "未知参数:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "正在准备"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "成功删除连接 '%s'(%s)。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "成功取消激活连接 '%s'(D-Bus 活动路径:%s)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "错误:未指定连接。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:'%s' 不是活跃连接。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "错误:未找到所有的活动连接。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "错误:未提供活动连接。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:激活连接失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不在 [%s] 中"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "未知错误"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr "警告: master='%s' 没有应用任何现有的配置集。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:无效的属性“%s”:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:修改 %s.%s 失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:从 %s.%s 删除值失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "错误:设置“%s”是必填的而且无法移除。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "错误:无效的连接类型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "错误:无效的连接类型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的连接类型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "错误:需要主连接"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "错误:未知连接“%s”。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:“%s”不是有效的监控模式;使用“%s”或“%s”。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "错误:“bt-type”:“%s”无效;使用 [%s, %s (%s), %s]。"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "错误:缺失了 '%s' 的值。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "错误:缺少 <设置>.<属性> 参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:无效或不允许的设置“%s”:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "“%s” 含义模糊 (%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "错误:无效的 <设置>.<属性> “%s”。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:添加 '%s' 连接失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1171,46 +1168,46 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ "the connection by its uuid '%2$s'\n"
+ msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "连接“%s”(%s) 已成功添加。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "有 %d 可选参数可用于“%s”连接类型。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "您要提供它吗?%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "错误:需要 “%s” 参数值。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:'save': %s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "错误:需要“type”参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[“%s”设置值]\n"
+@@ -1218,7 +1215,7 @@ msgstr "[“%s”设置值]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1251,7 +1248,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: nmcli configuration\n"
+ "quit                                 :: exit nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1270,7 +1267,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1289,7 +1286,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "示例:nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1304,7 +1301,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:nmcli> set con.id 我的连接\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1317,7 +1314,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "显示属性描述。您肯依参阅 nm-settings(5) 手册页来查看全部的网络管理器设置和属"
+ "性。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1332,7 +1329,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1355,7 +1352,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> verify fix\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1381,7 +1378,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "如果您项完全删除持久性连接,连接配置集就必须\n"
+ "被删除。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1401,7 +1398,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "<ifname>    - 在其中激活连接的设备。\n"
+ "/<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) 或者 NSP (WiMAX) (未指定 <ifname> 时用 / 做前缀。)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1410,7 +1407,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: 转到上级菜单\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1419,7 +1416,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<命令>]  :: nmcli 命令的帮助\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1446,7 +1443,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1458,8 +1455,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "此命令用于退出 nmcli。当被编辑的连接没有保存,会询问用户确定操作。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "未知命令:“%s”\n"
+@@ -1467,7 +1464,7 @@ msgstr "未知命令:“%s”\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1493,7 +1490,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/?   [<命令>]             :: 输出该帮助或命令描述\n"
+ "quit                             :: 退出 nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1504,7 +1501,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "此命令用于设置提供的 <值> 到该属性\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1519,7 +1516,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "性,它会替换该值(和‘set’一样)。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1530,7 +1527,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "显示当前值并允许编辑它。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1562,7 +1559,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1575,7 +1572,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "显示属性描述。您可以参阅 nm-settings(5) 手册页来查看所有的网络管理器设置和属"
+ "性。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1588,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "显示属性。提供一项命令,您可以为全部设置或连接显示值。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1597,28 +1594,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<命令>]  :: nmcli 命令的帮护\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:激活连接失败。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:设置“%s”是必填的而且无法移除。\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "连接未保存。您真的要退出吗?%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1626,66 +1623,66 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "此连接配置文件已被其它客户端移除了。您可以在主菜单输入“save”来还原它。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "对于“%s”属性允许的值:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "输入“%s”值:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:设置“%s”属性失败:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "编辑“%s”值:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:移除“%s”的值失败:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "未知命令参数:“%s”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "有效设置:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的设置名称;%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "有效属性:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:属性 %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1695,417 +1692,417 @@ msgstr ""
+ "使用 'autoconnect=yes' 保存该连接。这样会立即激活该连接。\n"
+ "您还要保存吗? %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "您可编辑下列设置:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+ "'save' to restore it.\n"
+ msgstr "此连接配置文件已被其它客户端移除了。您可以输入“save”来还原它。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "错误:未选择设置;有效的为 [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "先使用“goto <设置>”,或“set <设置>.<属性>”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的设置参数“%s”;有效的为 [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "错误:缺少用于“%s”属性的设置\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效属性:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "错误:未知设置“%s”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "您可以编辑下列属性:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "错误:未给定参数:有效的为 [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "设置“%s”未在连接里提供。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:%s 属性,也不是设置名称。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "先使用“goto <设置>”,或“describe <设置>.<属性>”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效属性:%s,也不是有效的设置名称。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "错误:未知设置:“%s”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "错误:该连接中未出现设置 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效属性:%s%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr ",也不是有效的设置名称"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "无效的检验选项:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "验证设置“%s”:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "验证连接:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr "错误无法自动修复。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的参数 '%s'\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:保存 '%s' (%s) 连接失败:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "连接“%s” (%s)  已成功保存。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "成功地更新了连接 '%s'(%s)。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:连接验证失败:%s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(未知错误)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr "您可以运行 'verify fix' 来修复错误。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:连接还未保存。先输入“save”。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:连接是无效的:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无法激活连接:%s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:激活 '%s' (%s) 连接失败:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr "正在监控连接激活(按任意键继续)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:status-line:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:save-confirmation:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:show-secrets: %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:错误的颜色:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "当前 nmcli 配置:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "无效的配置选项“%s”;允许 [%s]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "错误:只能提供“id”、uuid 或“路径”之一。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "错误:未知连接“%s”。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr "警告:正在编辑已存的连接“%s”;“type”参数已忽略\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr "警告:正在编辑已存的连接“%s”;“con-name”参数已忽略\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "无效的连接类型:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的连接类型;%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli 交互式连接编辑器 |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "正在编辑已存的连接“%s”:“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "正在添加新的“%s”连接"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "对于可用的命令输入“help”或“?”。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr "输入“describe [<设置>.<属性>]”来获得详细的属性描述。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "错误:修改连接 '%s' 失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "连接“%s”(%s) 已成功修改。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr "%s (%s) 被克隆为 %s (%s)。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "新连接名称:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "错误:缺少 <new name> 参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "错误:未知的额外参数:'%s'。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "错误:未删除所有的连接。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:连接删除失败:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "错误:%s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "错误:未找到所有连接。"
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "错误:无法删除未知连接:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 连接配置集已改动\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 连接配置集已创建\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "%s: 连接配置集已删除\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:重载连接失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:加载连接失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "无法加载文件“%s”\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "要导入的文件:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "错误:没有提供参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "警告:已指定 'type',忽略额外的选项。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr "警告:已指定 'file',忽略额外的选项。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "未知参数:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "错误:需要“type”参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "错误:需要'file' 参数。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "错误:加载 VPN 插件失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "错误:加载 VPN 插件失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:导入失败 '%s':%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "输出文件名:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "错误:连接不是 VPN。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "错误:创建临时文件 %s 失败。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:导出 '%s' 失败:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "错误:读取临时文件 '%s' 失败:%s。"
+@@ -3532,29 +3529,29 @@ msgstr "'%s' 不是一个 VPN 连接配置集"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是任何现有配置集的名称"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "错误:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "不知道如何获得属性值"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "无法更改属性"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[NM 属性描述]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[nmcli 具体描述]"
+@@ -3935,9 +3932,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "父设备的管理已修改"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "连接失败"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -4068,245 +4064,245 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr "无法添加默认的路由(NetworkManager 自己进行处理)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的优先级映射“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "优先级“%s”无效 (<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr "无法从文件“%s”读取 PAC 脚本"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "文件“%s”包含无效的 utf-8"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "“%s”没有包含有效的 PAC 脚本"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr "不是有效的 PAC 脚本"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr "无法从文件“%s”读取分组配置"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(默认)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "自动"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的以太网 MAC"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "'%s' 是无效的标记数字,请使用 <0-%d>。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr "警告:'%s' 总计高于 all flags => all flags 集合\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "无效选项 '%s',请使用 [%s] 中的一个。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "无效选项 '%s',请使用 [%s] 中的一个。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d (密钥)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d (密码短语)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d (未知)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (无)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "记录头、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "MVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (已禁用)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (已启用,首选公共 IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (已启用,首选临时 IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (无)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "为代理拥有、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "未保存、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "不必须、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "“%s” 无效,请使用 <option>=<value>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "没有要删除的项"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "索引“%d”超出了范围 <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "缺少选项"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 MAC 地址"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "“%s” 无效"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "'%u' 标记无效,请使用 %s 组合"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的值(或超出范围)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "“%s” 不是有效十六进制字符串"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性不能包含 EAP 方法 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含匹配 '%s' 的替代主体"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含匹配 '%s' 的 \"phase2\" 替代主体"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4344,182 +4340,213 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "未知/未处理的蓝牙连接类型"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含权限 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "“%s” 不是有效主接口;使用 ifname 或者连接 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "'%s' 值不是有效的 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 UUID '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0(禁用)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "已启用、"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "广告,"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "willing, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "“%s” 不是有效 DCB 标签"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "必须包含 8 个用逗号分开的数字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "“%s” 不是 0 和 %u (包含该数字) 或者 %u 之间的数字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "“%s” 不是 0 和 %u (包含该数字) 之间的数字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "警告:除非 “%s” 包括 1 (启用),否则更改无法生效。\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "贷款百分比必须为 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr "SIM 操作员 ID 必须为 5 或 6 个数字的 MCCMNC 代码"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 IBoIP P_Key"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "默认"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的 IPv4 地址“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 DNS 服务器 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 DNS 搜索域 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 DNS 选项 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 IP 地址 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效网关地址 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含路由 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的 IPv6 地址“%s”"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是一个数字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "“%s” 无效,请使用 0、1 或者 2。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的信道;请使用 <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "属性没有包含 UUID '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "属性没有包含路由 '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "属性没有包含映射 '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "属性没有包含路由 '%s'"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr "警告:不支持一次只映射一次;使用第一个(%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含映射 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "未删除任何优先级"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "索引“%d”超出了范围 <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不能为空"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4528,23 +4555,23 @@ msgstr "'%s' 不能为空"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 MAC 地址"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含 MAC 地址 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "'%s' 无效;应提供两至三个字符串。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr "'%s' 字符串值应该由 1 - 199 个字符组成"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4555,84 +4582,84 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <value>, option = <value>,... \n"
+ "有效选项为:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "“%s” 是无效的通道"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "“%ld”不是有效频道"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性没有包含协议 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+ "first."
+ msgstr "'%s' 和 %s '%s' 不兼容,请先修改密钥或设置正确的 %s。"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "猜测 WEP 密钥为 “%s”\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr ""
+ "设置 WEP 密钥为 '%d'\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr "警告:'%s' 和 '%s' 类型不兼容,请修改或删除密钥。\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "“%s” 是无效 PSK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "绑定主要接口 [无]"
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "绑定监控模式"
+ # https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/s3-modules-bonding-directives.html
+ # 链接有下面几个术语的定义,不过应该不用翻译,作为参考。
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "绑定 miimon [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "绑定 downdelay [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "绑定 updelay [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "绑定 arp-interval [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "绑定 arp-ip-target [none]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr "LACP 速率(“slow”或“fast”)[slow]"
+@@ -4640,7 +4667,7 @@ msgstr "LACP 速率(“slow”或“fast”)[slow]"
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4657,7 +4684,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4669,7 +4722,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "请注意,nmcli 不支持将证书指定为原始 blob 数据。\n"
+ "示例:/home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4681,7 +4734,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "请注意,nmcli 不支持将证书指定为原始 blob 数据。\n"
+ "示例:/home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4695,7 +4748,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "请注意,nmcli 不支持将证书指定为原始 blob 数据。\n"
+ "示例:/home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4709,7 +4762,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "请注意,nmcli 不支持将证书指定为原始 blob 数据。\n"
+ "示例:/home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4730,8 +4783,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "例如:ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "     ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path> [<password>]\n"
+@@ -4747,84 +4800,84 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "用户名"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "密码 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "蓝牙设备地址"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "启用 STP [否]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "STP 优先级 [32768]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "转发延时 [15]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "问候时间 [2]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "最大寿命 [20]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "MAC 地址老化时间 [300]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "桥接端口优先级 [32]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "桥接端口 STP 路径开销 [100]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Hairpin [否]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "用户名 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -4839,7 +4892,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例如:alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -4858,7 +4911,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -4872,25 +4925,25 @@ msgstr ""
+ "'false','no','off',设置连接为不可度量的\n"
+ "'unknown', 让 NetworkManager 使用一些启发式算法选择值\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "APN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [自动]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "上级接口 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -4900,11 +4953,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 地址 (IP[/plen]) [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -4918,11 +4971,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 网关 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -4943,7 +4996,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "示例: 3,\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -4961,11 +5014,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 地址 (IP[/plen]) [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix], ip[/prefix],...\n"
+@@ -4979,11 +5032,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 网关 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+ "  ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric],...\n"
+@@ -5006,167 +5059,166 @@ msgstr ""
+ "beef::3 2\n"
+ "          abbe::/64 55\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "上级设备 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "本地端点 (endpoint) [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "远程"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "MACVLAN 上级设备或连接 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "OLPC Mesh 频道 [1]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP 任意广播 MAC 地址 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "上级设备 [无]"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "服务 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "PPPoE 用户名"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr "仅浏览器"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr "PAC Url"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr "PAC 脚本"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "群组 JSON 配置 [无]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "用户 ID [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "群组 ID [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "启用 PI [否]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr "启用 VNET 首部 [否]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr "启用多队列 [否]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 上级设备或连接 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "VLAN 标志 (<0-7>) [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "入口优先级映射 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "出口优先级映射 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VXLAN ID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "本地地址 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "最小来源端口 [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr "最大来源端口 [0]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "目标端口 [8472]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名称"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "克隆的 MAC 地址 [无]"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -5176,7 +5228,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "示例:0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5185,166 +5237,170 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passphrase。\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "ADSL 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "蓝牙连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "以太网设备"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "桥接设备"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "桥接端口"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA 移动宽带连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "GSM 移动宽带连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "InfiniBand 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv4 协议"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr "IPv6 协议"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr "MACsec 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "macvlan 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "OLPC Mesh 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr "PPPoE"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr "代理"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "TUN 设备模式"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "组队"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "Tun 设备"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VXLAN 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "WiMAX 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "有线以太网"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Wi-Fi 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "用户名"
+@@ -5364,8 +5420,8 @@ msgstr "验证会话已在进行。"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "密码"
+@@ -5378,7 +5434,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "私钥密码"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "密钥"
+@@ -5549,14 +5605,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5595,18 +5652,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6233,19 +6290,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7218,19 +7274,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "启用或禁用系统网络"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "启用或禁用 WiFi 设备"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "启用或禁用 WiFi 设备"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7436,7 +7489,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7444,7 +7505,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7452,45 +7584,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7498,14 +7652,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7518,20 +7672,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7539,32 +7693,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7572,7 +7726,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7582,93 +7736,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -7800,7 +7954,7 @@ msgstr "DSL 连接 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "绑定"
+@@ -7812,7 +7966,7 @@ msgstr "绑定连接 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "桥接"
+@@ -7824,7 +7978,7 @@ msgstr "桥式连接 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "组队"
+@@ -7986,7 +8140,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "从机"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "模式"
+@@ -8021,7 +8175,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "ARP 目标"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "复制的 MAC 地址"
+@@ -8086,7 +8240,7 @@ msgstr "以太网"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8165,9 +8319,8 @@ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained routes"
+ msgstr "忽略自动获取的路由"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:185 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip6.c:183
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters"
+-msgstr "忽略自动获取的路由"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip4.c:193
+ msgid "Require IPv4 addressing for this connection"
+@@ -8318,124 +8471,124 @@ msgstr "群组"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN 标识"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "客户端"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "接入点"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "Ad-Hoc 网络"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "自动"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "无"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 个人"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 企业"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128 位密钥(Hex 或者 ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128位 密码"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "动态 WEP (802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1(默认)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "开放系统"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "共享密钥"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "信道"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "安全性"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(还未支持 wpa-enterprise…)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "WEP 索引"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "认证"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(尚未支持动态-wep ...)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8501,9 +8654,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr "openconnect 失败,信号为 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "启用失败"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -8965,7 +9118,7 @@ msgstr "正常化连接意外地失败"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -9004,165 +9157,175 @@ msgstr "IP 隧道"
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr "方法返回类型 '%s',但期望的是 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr "忽略缺失的数字"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的数字 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 %s 地址:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "忽略 %s 路由的无效网关 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 %s 路由:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "意外字符 “%c”(地址 %s): “%s” (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "意外字符 “%c” (%s): “%s” (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr "意外字符 “%c”(在 %s 的前缀长度中): “%s” (位置 %td)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "值 %s: '%s' 结尾的无用信息"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr "值 %s: '%s' 结尾已舍弃的分号"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s' 的无效前缀长度,默认为 %d。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr "%s '%s' 缺失的前缀长度,默认为 %d。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 DNS 服务器 IPv4 地址 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 DNS 服务器 IPv6 地址 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的字节元素 '%d'(不在 0 和 255 之间)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 MAC 地址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的 SSID"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr "忽略无效的原始密码"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr "证书或密钥文件 '%s' 不存在"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "无效的密钥/证书值路径 \"%s\""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr "无效的密钥/证书值数据:;base64,不是 base64"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr "无效的密钥/证书值数据:;base64,file://"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr "无效的密钥/证书值不是有效的 blob"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "无效的密钥/证书值"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的奇偶校验值 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "无效的 IP 地址:%s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "加载设置值出错:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "无效的负值 (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "无效的字符值 (%i)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "无效的 int64 值 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr "过大的 FLAGS 属性 '%s' (%llu)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "未处理的设置属性类型 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的设置名称 '%s'"
+@@ -9214,7 +9377,7 @@ msgstr "无效的二阶段私有密钥"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9326,93 +9489,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "'%s' 连接需要 '%s' 或者 '%s' 设置"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "'%s' 连接需要 '%s' 或者 '%s' 设置"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "只能设置“%s”和“%s”中的一个"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "缺少强制选项 “%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是“%s”的有效取值"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "“%s=%s”与“%s > 0”不兼容"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "“%s” 选项只能在 “%s=%s” 中使用"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "“%s=%s”不是“%s”的有效配置"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "“%s” 选项需要设置 “%s” 选项"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "“%s”选项为空"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是“%s”选项的有效 IPv4 地址。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 选项只在 '%s' 模式里有效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr "'%s' 和 '%s' 不能有不同的值"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "'%s' 选项应该为字符串"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' 选项只在 '%s' 模式里有效"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "缺少设置"
+@@ -9420,26 +9583,26 @@ msgstr "缺少设置"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+ "Instead it is '%s'"
+ msgstr "具有 '%s' 设置的连接必须将 slave-type 设置为 '%s'。而它是 '%s'。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "值“%d”超出了范围 <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "不是有效的 MAC 地址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9478,9 +9641,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr "没有 '%s' 无法设置 '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "设备“%s”中没有活跃连接"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9620,82 +9783,82 @@ msgstr "无效 IPv6 地址前缀 '%u'"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的路由度量 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "未知的设置名称"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效的奇偶校验值 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 IP 地址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 IP 地址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。DNS 服务器地址无效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。IP 地址无效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d。IP 地址有无效类型的 'label' 属性"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d。IP 地址有无效标签 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr "如果没有配置地址,网关会无法设置。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "网关无效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。路由无效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr "%d。路由不能是默认路由"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "错误:无效的网关地址“%s”\n"
+@@ -9848,14 +10011,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "“%d”不是有效的信道"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效的接口名称"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+-msgstr "具有 '%s' 设置的连接必须将 slave-type 设置为 '%s'。而它是 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9868,28 +10031,28 @@ msgid "A connection of type '%s' cannot have an ovs-interface.type \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:175
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting must be of connection.type \"ovs-interface\" "
+ "but is \"%s\""
+-msgstr "具有 '%s' 设置的连接必须将 slave-type 设置为 '%s'。而它是 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with '%s' setting needs to be of 'patch' interface type, not "
+ "'%s'"
+-msgstr "具有 '%s' 设置的连接必须将 slave-type 设置为 '%s'。而它是 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+-msgstr "检测到设置了 '%s' 和端口类型 '%s' 的从连接。'%s' 应该设置为 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "缺少 \"plugin\" 设置"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9898,9 +10061,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+-msgstr "具有 '%s' 设置的连接必须将 slave-type 设置为 '%s'。而它是 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -9909,34 +10072,34 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 IP 地址"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+-msgstr "VLAN ID 的范围必须是 0-4094,但却是 %u"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "“%s” 不是有效 DCB 标签"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+-msgstr "检测到设置了 '%s' 和端口类型 '%s' 的从连接。'%s' 应该设置为 '%s'。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9973,11 +10136,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "“%s”不是有效波段"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "数据缺失"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "值“%d”超出了范围 <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "初始向量中包含非十六进制数字。"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "初始向量中包含非十六进制数字。"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "缺少文件名"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "未知的 VPN 插件“%s”"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "缺少设置"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "缺失 IPv4 地址"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10239,134 +10467,178 @@ msgstr "未找到 secret"
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "未设置 secret"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "“%s”不是有效波段"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "无效选项“%s”"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "未指定服务"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "数据缺失"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "无效选项“%s”"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "统计文件 %s 失败:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "不是一个文件 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "file:无效文件(file)操作:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr "%s 的文件权限"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr "拒绝 %s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr "路径不是绝对路径 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr "插件文件不存在 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "插件不是有效的文件 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr "不支持 libtool 归档 (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr "无法找到 \"%s\" 二进制文件"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "未知设备“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10622,9 +10894,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "这个连接不是一个 Bluetooth 连接。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "这个连接不是一个 Bluetooth 连接。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -10728,19 +11000,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "这个连接不是一个 'OLPC Mesh' 连接。"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "这个连接不是一个桥接连接。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "这个连接不是一个 team 连接。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "这个连接不是一个 tun 连接。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ msgid "The connection was not a team connection."
+@@ -10803,9 +11072,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PPPoE"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10957,14 +11225,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "启用或禁用系统网络"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "系统策略阻止启用或禁用 WiFi 设备"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11534,18 +11800,3 @@ msgstr "未知日志等级“%s”"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "未知日志域“%s”"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr "成功激活(主服务器等待从服务器)连接(D-Bus 激活路径:%s)\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (默认)"
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d (off)"
+diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
+index cf938d2..99a03bc 100644
+--- a/po/zh_TW.po
++++ b/po/zh_TW.po
+@@ -8,23 +8,21 @@
+ # Chester Cheng <ccheng@紅帽子>, 2010.
+ # Terry Chuang <tchuang at redhat>, 2010.
+ # Terry Chuang <tchuang@redhat.com>, 2010.
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
+-# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
+-# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-10 15:29+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 06:25-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Traditional Chinese <zh@li.org>\n"
+-"Language: zh-TW\n"
++"Language: zh_Hant\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.2\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ msgstr "連線(名稱、UUID 或是路徑):"
+ msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
+ msgstr "連線(名稱、UUID 或是路徑):"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:196
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:197
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
+@@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:218
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "well.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:240
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -281,7 +279,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nsp    - specifies NSP to connect to (only valid for WiMAX)\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:260
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:261
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection down { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -304,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "UUID or D-Bus path.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:272
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:273
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -456,7 +454,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:390
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:391
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -481,7 +479,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:413
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:414
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -495,7 +493,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:425
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:426
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection edit { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -522,7 +520,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Add a new connection profile in an interactive editor.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:440
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:441
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -541,7 +539,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "The profile is identified by its name, UUID or D-Bus path.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:451
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:452
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -565,7 +563,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Add a new connection profile in an interactive editor.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:463
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:464
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection reload { help }\n"
+@@ -578,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Reload all connection files from disk.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:472
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection load { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -601,7 +599,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "state.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:484
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -616,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:497
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Usage: nmcli connection export { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
+@@ -635,24 +633,24 @@ msgstr ""
+ "The profile is identified by its name, UUID or D-Bus path.\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:531
+ msgid "activating"
+ msgstr "啟用中"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:532
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:533
+ msgid "activated"
+ msgstr "已啟用"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:534 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:535 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:243
+ msgid "deactivating"
+ msgstr "正在停用"
+ # auto translated by TM merge from project: firewalld, version: 0.3.4, DocId: firewalld
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:536
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:537
+ msgid "deactivated"
+ msgstr "已停止"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:539 ../clients/cli/connections.c:562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:540 ../clients/cli/connections.c:563
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1210 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1254
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1256 ../clients/cli/general.c:41
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:79 ../clients/cli/general.c:146
+@@ -660,66 +658,66 @@ msgstr "已停止"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:250
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:266
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:269
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1335
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1403
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2545
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2599
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1480
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1548
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2693
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2747
+ msgid "unknown"
+ msgstr "不明"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:548
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:549
+ msgid "VPN connecting (prepare)"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線(準備)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:551
+ msgid "VPN connecting (need authentication)"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線(需要身份認證)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:552
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:553
+ msgid "VPN connecting"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:554
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:555
+ msgid "VPN connecting (getting IP configuration)"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線(取得 IP 配置)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:557
+ msgid "VPN connected"
+ msgstr "VPN 已連線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:558
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:559
+ msgid "VPN connection failed"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線失敗"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:560
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:561
+ msgid "VPN disconnected"
+ msgstr "VPN 已離線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:630
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:631
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error updating secrets for %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "儲存連線錯誤:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:650
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:651
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Connection profile details"
+ msgstr "連線詳情"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:663 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1113
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:664 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1114
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'connection show': %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「device show」:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:881
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882
+ msgid "never"
+ msgstr "永不"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:919
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:986 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:920
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:988
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:990 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4433
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:884 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177
+@@ -730,16 +728,16 @@ msgstr "永不"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1252 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257
+ #: ../clients/cli/general.c:152 ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:258
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2686
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "是"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:882 ../clients/cli/connections.c:884
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:886 ../clients/cli/connections.c:986
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:987 ../clients/cli/connections.c:989
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4431 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6370
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:883 ../clients/cli/connections.c:885
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:887 ../clients/cli/connections.c:987
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:990
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4432 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6372 ../clients/cli/devices.c:884
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1173 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1174
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1175 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1176
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1177 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1214
+@@ -750,69 +748,69 @@ msgstr "是"
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1253 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1255
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1257 ../clients/cli/general.c:153
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:260
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:575
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2541
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:720
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2689
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "否"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1103
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1104
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Activate connection details"
+ msgstr "有效連線的詳細資訊"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1351
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid field '%s'; allowed fields: %s and %s, or %s,%s"
+ msgstr "無效的欄位「%s」; 允許的欄位:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1365 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1373
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1366 ../clients/cli/connections.c:1374
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' has to be alone"
+ msgstr "欄位 '%s' 必須是單獨的"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1599
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1600
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1629
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1630
+ msgid "No connection specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s argument is missing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1654
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1655
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1687
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1688
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
+ msgstr "錯誤:沒有 %s 參數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1742
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "NetworkManager active profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 狀態"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1743
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1744
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "NetworkManager connection profiles"
+ msgstr "NetworkManager 進入了睡眠狀態"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1796 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2471
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2495
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2671 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8431
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8448 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1797 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2472
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2496
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2672 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8434
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8451 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2681
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2692 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2934
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2945 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2963
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2972 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2993
+@@ -826,14 +824,14 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager 進入了睡眠狀態"
+ msgid "Error: %s argument is missing."
+ msgstr "錯誤:沒有 %s 參數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1815
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1816
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s - no such connection profile."
+ msgstr "錯誤:%s - 此連線不存在。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1879 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2458
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2522 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7941
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8052 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1880 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2523 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7944
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8055 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8565
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1582 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1868
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2037 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2145
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2334 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3590
+@@ -842,235 +840,235 @@ msgstr "錯誤:%s - 此連線不存在。"
+ msgid "Error: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1977
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1978
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no active connection on device '%s'"
+ msgstr "裝置「%s」上沒有使用中的連線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1985
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1986
+ msgid "no active connection or device"
+ msgstr "沒有使用中的連線或裝置"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2006
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2041
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2042
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "裝置「%s」和連線「%s」不相容"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2044
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」沒有找到任何裝置"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2072
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2073
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+-msgstr "連線已成功啟用(D-Bus 啟用路徑:%s)\n"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2076 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2224
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6249
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2077 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2225
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6250
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "連線已成功啟用(D-Bus 啟用路徑:%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2083 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2084 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2205
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed: %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:啟動連線失敗:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2119
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2120
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2285
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2286
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "failed to read passwd-file '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:移除「%s」的值失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2297
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2298
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing colon in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2305
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2306
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing dot in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2318
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2319
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name in 'password' entry '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2374
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2375
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown device '%s'."
+ msgstr "不明的裝置「%s」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2380
+ msgid "neither a valid connection nor device given"
+ msgstr "連線無效或是無裝置"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2505 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2506 ../clients/cli/devices.c:1533
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2699 ../clients/cli/devices.c:3035
+ #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:3644
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s\n"
+ msgstr "不明的參數:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2530
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2531
+ msgid "preparing"
+ msgstr "正在準備"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2550
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2551
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully deleted.\n"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」 (%s) 已成功新增。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2566
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2567
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: %s)\n"
+ msgstr "連線已成功啟用(D-Bus 啟用路徑:%s)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2647 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8167
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8199 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8356
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2648 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8202 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No connection specified."
+ msgstr "錯誤:尚未指定連線。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not an active connection.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」並非啟用中的連線。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2689
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2690
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all active connections found."
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」並非啟用中的連線。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2698
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2699
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法啟用連線:%s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2732
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2733
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:啟動連線失敗:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2988 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3045
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2989 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3046
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:169
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not among [%s]"
+ msgstr "「%s」不在「%s」之間"
+ #. We should not really come here
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3008 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3068
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3009 ../clients/cli/connections.c:3069
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:279
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown error"
+ msgstr "不明的錯誤"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3202
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3539
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容「%s」:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3556
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3557
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法修改 %s.%s:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3575
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3576
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:移除「%s」的值失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3609
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3610
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」設定不存在\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3636
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3637
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的連線類型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3644
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3645
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的連線類型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3721
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3722
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的連線類型;%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3767
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3788
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Error: master is required"
+ msgstr "錯誤:需要「mater」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3847
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3848
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
+ msgstr "錯誤:不明的連線「%s」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3878
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3879
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is not a valid monitoring mode; use '%s' or '%s'.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」不是個有效的監控模式;請使用「%s」或是「%s」。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3909
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3910
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s]."
+-msgstr "錯誤:「bt-type」:「%s」無效;請使用 [%s, %s (%s), %s]。"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4159
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' is missing."
+ msgstr "錯誤:找不到 '%s' 選項的欄位。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4204
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4205
+ msgid "Error: <setting>.<property> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "錯誤:<setting>.<property> 引數遺失。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4227
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4228
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:設定「%s」無效或不被允許:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4273 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4274 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4290
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
+ msgstr "「%s」意義含糊不清(%s x %s)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4308
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的 <setting>.<property> '%s'。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4352 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7995
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to add '%s' connection: %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法新增「%s」連線:(%d) %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the "
+@@ -1080,46 +1078,46 @@ msgid_plural ""
+ "the connection by its uuid '%2$s'\n"
+ msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4379
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully added.\n"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」 (%s) 已成功新增。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4516
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Ask for optional arguments.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4615
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
+ msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
+ msgstr[0] "「%s」的連線類型有一個選用引數。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4618
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4619
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Do you want to provide it? %s"
+ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
+ msgstr[0] "您是否希望提供它?(yes/no)[yes]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4754 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4755 ../clients/cli/utils.c:303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: value for '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」引數需要有個值。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4760
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4761
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:「stp」:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4848 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4859
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4849 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4860
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
+ msgstr "錯誤:需要「type」引數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "['%s' setting values]\n"
+ msgstr "[「%s」設定值]\n"
+@@ -1127,7 +1125,7 @@ msgstr "[「%s」設定值]\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5917
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Main menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1159,7 +1157,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "nmcli    <conf-option> <value>       :: nmcli 配置\n"
+ "quit                                 :: 退出 nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5943
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5944
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop>  :: enter setting/property for editing\n"
+@@ -1178,7 +1176,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli connection> goto secondaries\n"
+ "          nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5950
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5951
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove <setting>[.<prop>]  :: remove setting or reset property value\n"
+@@ -1198,7 +1196,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "範例:nmcli> remove wifi-sec\n"
+ "          nmcli> remove eth.mtu\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5957
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5958
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<setting>.<prop> <value>]  :: set property value\n"
+@@ -1213,7 +1211,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:nmcli> set con.id My connection\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5962
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5963
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe [<setting>.<prop>]  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1226,7 +1224,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "顯示內容的描述。您可查看 nm-settings(5) man page,以檢視所有的 NM 設定和內容"
+ "屬性。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5967
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [all]  :: print setting or connection values\n"
+@@ -1241,7 +1239,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:nmcli ipv4> print all\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5972
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5973
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "verify [all | fix]  :: verify setting or connection validity\n"
+@@ -1262,7 +1260,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "範例:nmcli> verify\n"
+ "          nmcli bond> verify\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5981
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "save [persistent|temporary]  :: save the connection\n"
+@@ -1278,7 +1276,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "profile must be deleted.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5992
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5993
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>]  :: activate the connection\n"
+@@ -1299,7 +1297,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  /<ap>|<nsp> - AP(Wi-Fi)或是 NSP(WiMAX)(當未指定 <ifname> 時,以 / 作為"
+ "前置)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5999 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6158
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6000 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6159
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "back  :: go to upper menu level\n"
+@@ -1308,7 +1306,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "back  :: 往上返回上一層的選單\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6002
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6003
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for the nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1317,7 +1315,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli 指令的協助\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6005
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6006
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli [<conf-option> <value>]  :: nmcli configuration\n"
+@@ -1343,7 +1341,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "          nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no\n"
+ "          nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6027 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6164
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6028 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6165
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "quit  :: exit nmcli\n"
+@@ -1355,8 +1353,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "這項指令會退出 nmcli。當被編輯的連線尚未儲存時,使用者會被要求確認動作。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6032 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6169
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6605 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7562
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6033 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6170
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6606 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7563
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "不明的指令:「%s」\n"
+@@ -1364,7 +1362,7 @@ msgstr "不明的指令:「%s」\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate command names and keywords before ::
+ #. *              However, you should translate terms enclosed in <>.
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6098
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6099
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "---[ Property menu ]---\n"
+@@ -1390,7 +1388,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/?   [<command>]             :: 印出此協助或指令描述\n"
+ "quit                             :: 退出 nmcli\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6124
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "set [<value>]  :: set new value\n"
+@@ -1401,7 +1399,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "這項指令會將提供的 <value> 設置至此內容\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6127
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6128
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "add [<value>]  :: append new value to the property\n"
+@@ -1415,7 +1413,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "這項指令會將提供的 <value> 新增至此內容(若這項內容乃 container 類型的話)。"
+ "若是單值的內容,它會將值替換掉(和「set」相同)。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6133
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6134
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "change  :: change current value\n"
+@@ -1426,7 +1424,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "顯示目前的值,並允許對其進行編輯。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6137
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>]  :: delete the value\n"
+@@ -1446,7 +1444,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6148
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "describe  :: describe property\n"
+@@ -1459,7 +1457,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "顯示內容的描述。您可查看 nm-settings(5) man page 以檢視所有的 NM 設定和內"
+ "容。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6153
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "print [property|setting|connection]  :: print property (setting, connection) "
+@@ -1472,7 +1470,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "顯示內容的值。提供一項引數,您亦可顯示整個設定或是連線的值。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6161
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6162
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: help for nmcli commands\n"
+@@ -1481,28 +1479,28 @@ msgstr ""
+ "help/? [<command>]  :: nmcli 指令的協助\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6255
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection activation failed.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線啟用失敗。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6350
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: setting '%s' is mandatory and cannot be removed.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:設定「%s」乃必要的,並且不可移除。\n"
+ #. TRANSLATORS: status line in nmcli connection editor
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6369
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "[ Type: %s | Name: %s | UUID: %s | Dirty: %s | Temp: %s ]\n"
+ msgstr "[ Connection type: %s | name: %s | UUID: %s | dirty: %s ]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6404
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6405
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is not saved. Do you really want to quit? %s"
+ msgstr "連線尚未儲存。您是否真的希望退出?[y/n]\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6453
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6454
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+@@ -1510,66 +1508,66 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "連線設定檔已經從另一個客戶端上移除。您可以在主選單輸入「儲存」來復原。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6483 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6897
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6955
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6484 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6898
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6956
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Allowed values for '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "「%s」內容所能使用的值:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6486 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6900
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6958
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6487 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6901
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6959
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Enter '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "輸入「%s」的值:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6501 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6523
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6904 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6963
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6502 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6524
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6905 ../clients/cli/connections.c:6964
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to set '%s' property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:設置「%s」內容失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6517
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Edit '%s' value: "
+ msgstr "編輯「%s」的值:"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6546 ../clients/cli/settings.c:388
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6547 ../clients/cli/settings.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6552 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7058
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7109
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6553 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7059
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7110
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to remove value of '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:移除「%s」的值失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown command argument: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "不明的檔案引數:「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6676
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "可用設定:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6688
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6689
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting name; %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的設定名稱;%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6705
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6706
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Available properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "可用的內容:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6713
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6714
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: property %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:內容 %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6754
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6755
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Saving the connection with 'autoconnect=yes'. That might result in an "
+@@ -1579,421 +1577,421 @@ msgstr ""
+ "以「autoconnect=yes」儲存連線。這可能會即刻將連線啟用。\n"
+ "您是否還是希望儲存?[是]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6837
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6838
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following settings: %s\n"
+ msgstr "您可編輯以下設定:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6867
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The connection profile has been removed from another client. You may type "
+ "'save' to restore it.\n"
+ msgstr "連線設定檔已經從另一個客戶端上移除。您可輸入「儲存」來復原。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6908 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7153
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7185
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no setting selected; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:尚未選擇設定;有效的值爲「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'set <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "先使用「goto <setting>」,或是「set <setting>.<property>」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6924 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7085
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7175
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6925 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7086
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7176
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid setting argument '%s'; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的設定引數「%s」;有效的值爲「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6933
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6934
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: missing setting for '%s' property\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」內容的設定遺失\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6940
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6941
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6994
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6995
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」設定不明\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7019
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7020
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may edit the following properties: %s\n"
+ msgstr "您可編輯下列內容:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7064
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: no argument given; valid are [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:尚未提供引數;有效的值爲「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7082
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7083
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Setting '%s' is not present in the connection.\n"
+ msgstr "設定「%s」不存在連線中。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7130
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7131
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s properties, nor it is a setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:%s 內容,它也不是組設定名稱。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7154 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7186
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7155 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7187
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'\n"
+ msgstr "先使用「goto <setting>」,或是「describe <setting>.<property>」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7209
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7210
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s, neither a valid setting name.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容:%s,也不是組有效的設定名稱。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7239
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7240
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown setting: '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:不明的設定:「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7244
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7245
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection\n"
+ msgstr "設定「%s」不存在連線中。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7276
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid property: %s%s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7277
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7278
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ", neither a valid setting name"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容:%s,也不是組有效的設定名稱。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7293
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7294
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid verify option: %s\n"
+ msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7301
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7302
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify setting '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "驗證設定「%s」:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7316
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7317
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Verify connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "驗證連線:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7319
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7320
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "The error cannot be fixed automatically.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7336
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7337
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid argument '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的額外引數「%s」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7368
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7369
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:儲存「%s」(%s)連線失敗:(%d) %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7375
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully saved.\n"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」(%s) 已成功儲存。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7376
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7377
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully updated.\n"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」 (%s) 已成功新增。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7408
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection verification failed: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線驗證失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7409
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
+ msgid "(unknown error)"
+ msgstr "(不明錯誤)"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7410
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7432
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7433
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線尚未儲存。請先輸入「save」。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7436
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: connection is not valid: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線無效:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7446
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7447
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Cannot activate connection: %s.\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法啟用連線:%s。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7455
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7456
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:啟用「%s」(%s) 連線失敗:(%d) %s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7461
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7462
+ msgid "Monitoring connection activation (press any key to continue)\n"
+ msgstr "監控連線啟用(按下任何鍵以繼續進行)\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7497
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7498
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: status-line: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:status-line:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7505
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: save-confirmation: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:save-confirmation:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7513
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7514
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: show-secrets: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「show active」:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7522
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7523
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: bad color: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的內容:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7537
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7538
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Current nmcli configuration:\n"
+ msgstr "目前的 nmcli 配置:\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7547
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7548
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid configuration option '%s'; allowed [%s]\n"
+ msgstr "無效的配置選項「%s」;允許「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7765
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7768
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: only one of 'id', uuid, or 'path' can be provided."
+ msgstr "錯誤:只能提供「id」、uuid 或是「path」其中一項。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7780 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7949
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7783 ../clients/cli/connections.c:7952
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Unknown connection '%s'."
+ msgstr "錯誤:不明的連線「%s」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7798
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr "警告:正要編輯既有的連線「%s」;「type」引數已忽略\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+ msgstr "警告:正要編輯既有的連線「%s」;「con-name」引數已忽略\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7823
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Valid connection types: %s\n"
+ msgstr "有效的連線類型:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7825
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7828
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的連線類型;%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7865
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "===| nmcli interactive connection editor |==="
+ msgstr "===| nmcli 互動式連線編輯程式 |==="
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7868
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7871
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Editing existing '%s' connection: '%s'"
+ msgstr "編輯既有的「%s」連線:「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7870
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7873
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Adding a new '%s' connection"
+ msgstr "新增一項「%s」連線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7872
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'help' or '?' for available commands."
+ msgstr "輸入「help」或是「?」以取得可用指令。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7874
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7877
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description."
+ msgstr "輸入「describe [<setting>.<prop>]」以取得詳細的內容描述。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7909
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7912
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:修改連線「%s」失敗:(%d) %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7916
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7919
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Connection '%s' (%s) successfully modified.\n"
+ msgstr "連線「%s」(%s) 已成功修改。\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7997
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8000
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8063
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8066
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "New connection name: "
+ msgstr "新連線"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8065
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8068
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: <new name> argument is missing."
+ msgstr "錯誤:沒有 %s 參數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8071 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8573
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8074 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8576
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: unknown extra argument: '%s'."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的額外引數「%s」。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8122
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8125
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections deleted."
+ msgstr "錯誤:尚未指定連線。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8123
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線刪除失敗:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8184 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8309
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8187 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: %s.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8185 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8310
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8188 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8313
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: not all connections found."
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」不是個有效的「connection」指令。"
+ #. truncate trailing ", "
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8228
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法刪除不明的連線:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8240
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8243
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile changed\n"
+ msgstr "連線失敗"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8266
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8269
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile created\n"
+ msgstr "連線失敗"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8275
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8278
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%s: connection profile removed\n"
+ msgstr "連線已移除"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8338
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8341
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to reload connections: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法新增「%s」連線:(%d) %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8371
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8374
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load connection: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法新增「%s」連線:(%d) %s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8379
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8382
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not load file '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "無法載入檔案「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8386
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8389
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "File to import: "
+ msgstr "加密失敗:%d。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8417
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: No arguments provided."
+ msgstr "錯誤:未提供引數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8442
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8445
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8457
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8460
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8459
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8462
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown parameter: %s"
+ msgstr "不明的參數:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8471
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8474
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'type' argument is required."
+ msgstr "錯誤:需要「type」引數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8476
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8479
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
+ msgstr "錯誤:需要「ifname」引數。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8483
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8486
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法修改 %s.%s:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8491 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8592
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8494 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8595
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to load VPN plugin: %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法修改 %s.%s:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8499
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8502
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to import '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:無法修改 %s.%s:%s。"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8579
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8582
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Output file name: "
+ msgstr "檔案名稱"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8583
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8586
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: the connection is not VPN."
+ msgstr "錯誤:連線無效:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8604
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8607
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to create temporary file %s."
+ msgstr "無法建立暫時性檔案:%s"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8613
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8616
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to export '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:設置「%s」內容失敗:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8624
++#: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8627
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Error: failed to read temporary file '%s': %s."
+ msgstr "錯誤:移除「%s」的值失敗:%s\n"
+@@ -3418,29 +3416,29 @@ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」不是個有效的連線類型。"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a name of any exiting profile"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是合於規定的 team 配置或檔名"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:382
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:386
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:385
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:389
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Info: %s\n"
+ msgstr "錯誤:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:477
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:481
+ msgid "don't know how to get the property value"
+ msgstr "不知如何取得內容值"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:567 ../clients/cli/settings.c:609
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:571 ../clients/cli/settings.c:613
+ msgid "the property can't be changed"
+ msgstr "內容不可更改"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:729
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:733
+ msgid "[NM property description]"
+ msgstr "[NM property description]"
+-#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:739
++#: ../clients/cli/settings.c:743
+ msgid "[nmcli specific description]"
+ msgstr "[nmcli specific description]"
+@@ -3822,9 +3820,8 @@ msgid "The device parent's management changed"
+ msgstr "裝置已移除"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-client-utils.c:404
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch database connection failed"
+-msgstr "連線失敗"
++msgstr ""
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a device state change (NMDeviceStateReason)
+ #. TRANSLATORS: Unknown reason for a connection state change (NMActiveConnectionStateReason)
+@@ -3955,246 +3952,246 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:281
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:425
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid priority map '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的優先順序對映「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:294
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:432
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:438
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "priority '%s' is not valid (<0-%ld>)"
+ msgstr "優先順序「%s」無效(<0-%ld>)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:490
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:353
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:366
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:510
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:369
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:423
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:567
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:430
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:574
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:442
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:586
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:445
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:589
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:538
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:683
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-mtu-entry.c:84
+ msgid "(default)"
+ msgstr "(預設)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:653
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:798
+ msgid "auto"
+ msgstr "auto"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:946
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:925
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1070
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [%lli, %lli]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:931
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1126
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is out of range [0, %u]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1018
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1163
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet MAC"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的乙太網路 MAC"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1037
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1182
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid flag number; use <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道;請使用 <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1051
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1196
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' sum is higher than all flags => all flags set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1155
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1300
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1160
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:622
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1305
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:623
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s', use one of [%s]"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1283
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1428
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d (key)"
+ msgstr "%d(十六進位的 ascii-key)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d (passphrase)"
+ msgstr "%d(104/128 位元密碼)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1288
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1377
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1433
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (unknown)"
+ msgstr "%d(不明)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1320
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1465
+ msgid "0 (NONE)"
+ msgstr "0 (NONE)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1326
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1471
+ msgstr "REORDER_HEADERS, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1328
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1473
+ msgid "GVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1330
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1475
+ msgid "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+ msgstr "LOOSE_BINDING, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1332
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1477
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MVRP, "
+ msgstr "GVRP, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1371
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1516
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (disabled)"
+ msgstr "%d (已停用)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1373
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1518
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer public IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (已啟用,建議使用公用 IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1375
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1520
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d (enabled, prefer temporary IP)"
+ msgstr "%d (已啟用,建議使用暫時性 IP)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1390
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1535
+ msgid "0 (none)"
+ msgstr "0 (none)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1396
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1541
+ msgid "agent-owned, "
+ msgstr "agent-owned, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1398
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1543
+ msgid "not saved, "
+ msgstr "not saved, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1400
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1545
+ msgid "not required, "
+ msgstr "not required, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1462
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1607
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use <option>=<value>"
+ msgstr "「%s」無效;請使用 <option>=<value>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1504
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1649
+ msgid "no item to remove"
+ msgstr "沒有可移除的項目"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1508
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1653
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in range <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "索引「%d」不在範圍內 <0-%d>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1523
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1525
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1670
+ msgid "missing option"
+ msgstr "遺失選項"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1549
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1694
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 MAC"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1579
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1675
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4668
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid"
+ msgstr "「%s」無效"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1619
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1764
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%u' flags are not valid; use combination of %s"
+ msgstr "「%s」無效;請使用「%s」或是「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1655
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1800
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid number (or out of range)"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的數字(或是不在範圍內)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1775
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:1920
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid hex character"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的十六進位字元"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2055
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2200
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain EAP method '%s'"
+ msgstr "內容不可更改"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2078
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2223
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2104
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain \"phase2\" alternative subject match '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2225
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2370
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of bonding options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4232,182 +4229,213 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * hacky: we can not see if the type is already set, because
+ #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
+ #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2285
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2430
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Can not change the connection type"
+ msgstr "輸入連線類型:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2392
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2540
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain permission '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2413
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2561
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid master; use ifname or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 master;請使用 ifname 或是連線 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2512
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2660
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the value '%s' is not a valid UUID"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 UUID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2519
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2667
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain UUID '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2586
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2734
+ msgid "0 (disabled)"
+ msgstr "0(已停用)"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2592
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2740
+ msgid "enabled, "
+ msgstr "enabled, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2594
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2742
+ msgid "advertise, "
+ msgstr "advertise, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2596
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2744
+ msgid "willing, "
+ msgstr "willing, "
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2716
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2864
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid DCB flag"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 DCB 旗標"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2746
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2894
+ msgid "must contain 8 comma-separated numbers"
+ msgstr "必須包含 8 個以逗號區隔開的數字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2762
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2910
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive) or %u"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是組介於 0 和(包含)%u 之間的數字或是 %u"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2765
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2913
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' not a number between 0 and %u (inclusive)"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是組介於 0 和(包含)%u 之間的數字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2934
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "changes will have no effect until '%s' includes 1 (enabled)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "警告:在「%s」包含 1(啟用)之前,變更將不會生效\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2841
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2989
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "bandwidth percentages must total 100%%"
+ msgstr "頻寬比率總額必須是 100%%"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2914
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2920
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3062
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3068
+ msgid "SIM operator ID must be a 5 or 6 number MCCMNC code"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2944
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IBoIP P_Key"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 IBoIP P_Key"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:2967
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3115
+ msgid "default"
+ msgstr "default"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3101
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3120
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3249
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3268
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3126
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3380
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3274
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS server '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3166
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3420
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3314
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS search domain '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3203
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3457
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3351
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain DNS option '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3246
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3499
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3394
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3654
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain IP address '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3266
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3518
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3414
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3673
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid gateway address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的閘道器「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3305
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3559
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3453
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3714
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain route '%s'"
+ msgstr "內容不可更改"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3355
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3374
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3503
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3522
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv6 位址「%s」"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3577
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:381 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-gsm.c:364
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a number"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個數字"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3584
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3739
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; use 0, 1, or 2"
+ msgstr "「%s」無效;請使用 0、1 或 2"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3618
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3773
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道;請使用 <1-13>"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3724
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
++msgstr "內容不可更改"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
++msgid ""
++"The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
++msgstr "內容不可更改"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
++msgstr "內容不可更改"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
++msgstr "內容不可更改"
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one mapping at a time is supported; taking the first one (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3732
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4237
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain mapping '%s'"
+ msgstr "內容不可更改"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3740
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4245
+ msgid "no priority to remove"
+ msgstr "沒有可移除的優先順序"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3744
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4249
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "index '%d' is not in the range of <0-%d>"
+ msgstr "索引「%d」不在 <0-%d> 的範圍內"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4318
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' cannot be empty"
+ msgstr "未設定 '%s' 選項"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3852
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3985
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4357
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4490
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:664 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:857
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:869 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:646
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless.c:859
+@@ -4416,23 +4444,23 @@ msgstr "未設定 '%s' 選項"
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3858
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3991
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4363
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4496
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain MAC address '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3876
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4381
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid; 2 or 3 strings should be provided"
+ msgstr "「%s」無效;應提供三個字串"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3892
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4397
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' string value should consist of 1 - 199 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3924
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of S/390 options formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4443,87 +4471,87 @@ msgstr ""
+ "  option = <value>, option = <value>,...\n"
+ "可用選項為:%s\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3958
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3964
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4469
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%ld' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "「%ld」不是個有效的頻道"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4063
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4099
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4135
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4604
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4640
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain protocol '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4172
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4677
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "'%s' not compatible with %s '%s', please change the key or set the right %s "
+ "first."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4182
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4687
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key is guessed to be of '%s'"
+ msgstr "預測 WEP key 為「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4187
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4692
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "WEP key index set to '%d'"
+ msgstr "預測 WEP key 為「%s」\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4226
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4731
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not compatible with '%s' type, please change or delete the key."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4236
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4741
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid PSK"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 PSK"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4773
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
+ msgstr "Bonding 主要介面卡 [none]:"
+ #. this is a virtual property, only needed during "ask" mode.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4780
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
+ msgstr "連結監控"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4284
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4789
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
+ msgstr "Bonding miimon [100]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4292
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4797
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding downdelay [0]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4300
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4805
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding updelay [0]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
+ msgstr "Bonding arp-interval [0]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4316
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4821
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
+ msgstr "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4829
+ msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -4531,7 +4559,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * that the actual type is (gboolean(*)(type *)).
+ #. macro that returns @func as const (guint32(*)(NMSetting*)) type, but checks
+ #. * that the actual type is (guint32(*)(type *)).
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4436
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4941
+ msgid ""
+ "nmcli can accepts both direct JSON configuration data and a file name "
+ "containing the configuration. In the latter case the file is read and the "
+@@ -4548,7 +4576,33 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\"roundrobin\"}, \"ports\": {\"eth1\": {}, \"eth2\": {}} }\n"
+ "          set team.config /etc/my-team.conf\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4477
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4949
++msgid ""
++"Enter a list of link watchers formatted as dictionaries where the keys are "
++"teamd properties. Dictionary pairs are in the form: key=value and pairs are "
++"separated by ' '. Dictionaries are separated with ','.\n"
++"The keys allowed/required in the dictionary change on the basis of the link "
++"watcher type, while the only property common to all the link watchers is  "
++"'name'*, which defines the link watcher to be specified.\n"
++"Properties available for the 'ethtool' link watcher:\n"
++"  'delay-up', 'delay-down'\n"
++"Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n"
++"  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n"
++"Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' "
++"  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n"
++"Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4556,7 +4610,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Example: /home/cimrman/cacert.crt\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4511
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5034
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate (optionally prefixed with file://).\n"
+ "  [file://]<file path>\n"
+@@ -4564,7 +4618,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Example: /home/cimrman/jara.crt\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4568
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5091
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to CA certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4574,7 +4628,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Example: /home/cimrman/ca-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4603
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5126
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter file path to client certificate for inner authentication (optionally "
+ "prefixed\n"
+@@ -4584,7 +4638,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Example: /home/cimrman/jara-zweite-phase.crt\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4630
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5153
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter bytes as a list of hexadecimal values.\n"
+ "Two formats are accepted:\n"
+@@ -4605,8 +4659,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ "範例:ab0455a6ea3a74C2\n"
+ "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4647
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4665
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5170
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet):\n"
+@@ -4622,96 +4676,96 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
+ #. * (and don't even care of which one)
+ #.
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4704
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5227
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:225
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:330
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:320
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:66 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:332
+ msgid "Username"
+ msgstr "使用者名稱"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4710
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4894
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5177
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5233
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5417
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5700
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6324
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Password [none]"
+ msgstr "密碼 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4756
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5279
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bluetooth device address"
+ msgstr "藍牙裝置位址:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4801
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5231
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6301
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6339
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6476
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5324
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5754
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7031
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7069
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7206
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5330
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable STP [no]"
+ msgstr "啟用 STP(yes/no)[yes]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5336
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "STP priority [32768]"
+ msgstr "STP 優先順序 [128]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5342
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Forward delay [15]"
+ msgstr "Forward delay [15]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4825
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5348
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hello time [2]"
+ msgstr "Hello time [2]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4831
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5354
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Max age [20]"
+ msgstr "Max age [20]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4837
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5360
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
+ msgstr "MAC address ageing time [300]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4843
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5366
+ msgid "Group forward mask [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4849
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5372
+ msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4861
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5384
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
+ msgstr "橋接連接埠優先順序 [32]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4867
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5390
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
+ msgstr "橋接連接埠 STP path cost [100]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4873
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5396
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Hairpin [no]"
+ msgstr "Hairpin 模式"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4888
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5171
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5411
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5694
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6921
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Username [none]"
+ msgstr "使用者名稱 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4983
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5506
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of user permissions. This is a list of user names formatted "
+ "as:\n"
+@@ -4726,7 +4780,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "例如:alice bob charlie\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5025
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5548
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter secondary connections that should be activated when this connection "
+ "is\n"
+@@ -4739,7 +4793,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Example: private-openvpn, fe6ba5d8-c2fc-4aae-b2e3-97efddd8d9a7\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5042
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5565
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a value which indicates whether the connection is subject to a data\n"
+ "quota, usage costs or other limitations. Accepted options are:\n"
+@@ -4748,29 +4802,29 @@ msgid ""
+ "'unknown' to let NetworkManager choose a value using some heuristics\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5188
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5711
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "APN"
+ msgstr "AP"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5240
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6364
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6510
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5763
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7240
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MTU [auto]"
+ msgstr "MTU [auto]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5259
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "P_KEY [none]"
+ msgstr "P_KEY [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5268
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5791
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent interface [none]"
+ msgstr "父介面卡 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5291
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5814
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers.\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -4780,12 +4834,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5323
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5846
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 address (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5325
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5848
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4800,12 +4854,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5338
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv4 address (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5346
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5869
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv4 routes formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4825,7 +4879,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "Example: 3,\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5448
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5971
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses of DNS servers.  If the IPv6 configuration "
+ "method is 'auto' these DNS servers are appended to those (if any) returned "
+@@ -4843,12 +4897,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:2607:f0d0:1002:51::4, 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5486
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6009
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 address (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5488
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6011
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4864,12 +4918,12 @@ msgstr ""
+ "範例:2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1, "
+ "1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5501
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6024
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
+ msgstr "IPv6 address (IP[/plen] [gateway]) [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5509
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6032
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of IPv6 routes formatted as:\n"
+@@ -4891,185 +4945,184 @@ msgstr ""
+ "Example: 2001:db8:beef:2::/64 2001:db8:beef::2, 2001:db8:beef:3::/64 2001:"
+ "db8:beef::3 2\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5602
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6224
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6125
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6954
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Parent device [none]"
+ msgstr "父介面卡 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5608
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
+ msgstr "父介面卡 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5615
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6244
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6974
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Remote"
+ msgstr "移除"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5652
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6175
+ msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5673
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6196
+ msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5679
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6202
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:522
+ msgid "MKA CAK"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5689
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6212
+ msgid "MKA_CKN"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5695
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6218
+ msgid "SCI port [1]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5718
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6241
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 父裝置或連線 UUID:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5739
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
+ msgid "Tap [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5752
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6431
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:212
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6275
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7161
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:224
+ msgid "SSID"
+ msgstr "SSID"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5761
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6284
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
+ msgstr "OLPC Mesh channel [1]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5770
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6293
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5782
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6305
+ msgid "PPPoE parent device"
+-msgstr "父介面卡 [none]:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6311
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Service [none]"
+ msgstr "服務 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6318
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPPoE username"
+ msgstr "PPPoE 使用者名稱:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5969
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6492
+ msgid "Browser only [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5975
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6498
+ msgid "PAC URL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5981
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6504
+ msgid "PAC script"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5996
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6012
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6539
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6687
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
+ msgstr "團隊 JSON 的配置 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6094
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6824
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "User ID [none]"
+ msgstr "使用者名稱 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6100
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6830
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Group ID [none]"
+ msgstr "MAC [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6106
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6836
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable PI [no]"
+ msgstr "啟用 STP(yes/no)[yes]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6112
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6842
+ msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6118
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6848
+ msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6131
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6861
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
+ msgstr "VLAN 父裝置或連線 UUID:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6868
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6144
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6874
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
+ msgstr "VLAN 旗標(<0-7>)[none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6153
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6883
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Ingress 優先順序對映 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6163
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6893
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
+ msgstr "Egress 優先順序對映 [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6231
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6961
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN ID"
+ msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4095>:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6237
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6967
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Local address [none]"
+ msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6250
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6980
+ msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6256
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6986
+ msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6262
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6992
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Destination port [8472]"
+ msgstr "目的"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6308
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7038
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
+ msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名稱:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6345
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6481
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+ msgstr "Cloned MAC [none]:"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6372
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter a list of subchannels (comma or space separated).\n"
+@@ -5080,7 +5133,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "範例:0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22\n"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6626
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7356
+ msgid ""
+ "Enter the type of WEP keys. The accepted values are: 0 or unknown, 1 or key, "
+ "and 2 or passphrase.\n"
+@@ -5089,182 +5142,186 @@ msgstr ""
+ "passphrase。\n"
+ #. ***************************************************************************
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6786
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7516
+ msgid "802-1x settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6787
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7517
+ #: ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "ADSL connection"
+ msgstr "ADSL 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6788
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7518
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "bluetooth connection"
+ msgstr "Bond 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6789
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7519
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bond device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6790
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7520
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge device"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6791
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Bridge port"
+ msgstr "橋接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6792
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7522
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "行動寬頻連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6793
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7523
+ msgid "General settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6794
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7524
+ msgid "DCB settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6795
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7525
+ msgid "Dummy settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6796
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7526
+ msgid "Generic settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6797
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7527
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
+ msgstr "行動寬頻連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6798
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7528
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "InfiniBand connection"
+ msgstr "InfiniBand 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6799
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7529
+ msgid "IPv4 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6800
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7530
+ msgid "IPv6 protocol"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6801
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7531
+ msgid "IP-tunnel settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6802
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7532
+ msgid "MACsec connection"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6803
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7533
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "macvlan connection"
+ msgstr "Bond 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6804
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7534
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6805
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7535
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch bridge settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6806
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7536
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6807
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7537
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch patch interface settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6808
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7538
+ msgid "OpenVSwitch port settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6809
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7539
+ msgid "PPP settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6810
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7540
+ msgid "PPPoE"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6811
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7541
+ msgid "Proxy"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6812
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7542
+ msgid "Serial settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6813
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
++msgid "Traffic controls"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team device"
+ msgstr "裝置已移除"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6814
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7545
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Team port"
+ msgstr "Team"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6815
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7546
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Tun device"
+ msgstr "裝置已移除"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6816
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7547
+ msgid "User settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6817
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7548
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:394
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6818 ../src/nm-manager.c:4191
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6819
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7550
+ #: ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:331
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VXLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6820
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7551
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "WiMAX connection"
+ msgstr "CDMA 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6821
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7552
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wired Ethernet"
+ msgstr "Ethernet"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6822
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7553
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
+ msgstr "Wi-Fi 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:6823
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7554
+ msgid "Wi-Fi security settings"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7138
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7871
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "name"
+ msgstr "使用者名稱"
+@@ -5284,8 +5341,8 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:123
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:129
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:134 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-dsl.c:75
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:265 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:296
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:329
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:308
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:341
+ msgid "Password"
+ msgstr "密碼"
+@@ -5298,7 +5355,7 @@ msgid "Private key password"
+ msgstr "私密金鑰的密碼"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:291
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:277
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:289
+ msgid "Key"
+ msgstr "金鑰"
+@@ -5472,14 +5529,15 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:301
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:309
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:314
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:325
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:362
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:376
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:386
+ msgid ""
+ "The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the "
+ "connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "
+@@ -5518,18 +5576,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:10
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address of the "
+-"device. \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" "
+-"creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine "
+-"dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global "
+-"defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
+-"defaults to \"preserve\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a "
+-"different default value). On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
+-"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address of the device. \"random\" creates a random MAC "
++"address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on "
++"connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value "
++"can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. "
++"If still unspecified, it defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is "
++"expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:11
+@@ -6156,19 +6214,18 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:90
+ msgid ""
+-"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead. This is "
+-"known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside explicitly specifying a MAC "
+-"address, the special values \"preserve\", \"permanent\", \"random\" and "
+-"\"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means not to touch the MAC address on "
+-"activation. \"permanent\" means to use the permanent hardware address if the "
+-"device has one (otherwise this is treated as \"preserve\"). \"random\" "
+-"creates a random MAC address on each connect. \"stable\" creates a hashed "
+-"MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a machine dependent key. If "
+-"unspecified, the value can be overwritten via global defaults, see manual of "
+-"NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it defaults to \"preserve"
+-"\" (older versions of NetworkManager may use a different default value). On "
+-"D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-mac-address\" or the deprecated "
++"If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its "
++"permanent MAC address.  This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing. Beside "
++"explicitly specifying a MAC address, the special values \"preserve\", "
++"\"permanent\", \"random\" and \"stable\" are supported. \"preserve\" means "
++"not to touch the MAC address on activation. \"permanent\" means to use the "
++"permanent hardware address if the device has one (otherwise this is treated "
++"as \"preserve\"). \"random\" creates a random MAC address on each connect. "
++"\"stable\" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a "
++"machine dependent key. If unspecified, the value can be overwritten via "
++"global defaults, see manual of NetworkManager.conf. If still unspecified, it "
++"defaults to \"permanent\". On D-Bus, this field is expressed as \"assigned-"
++"mac-address\" or the deprecated \"cloned-mac-address\"."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:91
+@@ -7141,19 +7198,16 @@ msgid "The bridge failure mode. One of \"secure\", \"standalone\" or empty."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:267
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable multicast snooping."
+-msgstr "啟用或停用系統網路"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:269
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable RSTP."
+-msgstr "啟用或停用 WiFi 裝置"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:270
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable STP."
+-msgstr "啟用或停用 WiFi 裝置"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:272
+ msgid "The interface type. Either \"internal\", or empty."
+@@ -7359,7 +7413,15 @@ msgid ""
+ "The 1 in \"8n1\" for example."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:318
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
++msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team network interface.  The property should "
+ "contain raw JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is "
+@@ -7367,7 +7429,78 @@ msgid ""
+ "used.  See man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++msgid ""
++"Link watchers configuration for the connection: each link watcher is defined "
++"by a dictionary, whose keys depend upon the selected link watcher. Available "
++"link watchers are 'ethtool', 'nsna_ping' and 'arp_ping' and it is specified "
++"in the dictionary with the key 'name'. Available keys are:   ethtool: 'delay-"
++"up', 'delay-down', 'init-wait'; nsna_ping: 'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-"
++"max', 'target-host'; arp_ping: all the ones in nsna_ping and 'source-host', "
++"'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
++"for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
++"\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+ "The JSON configuration for the team port. The property should contain raw "
+ "JSON configuration data suitable for teamd, because the value is passed "
+@@ -7375,45 +7508,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "man teamd.conf for the format details."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:322
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++msgid ""
++"Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
++"parameter is skipped from the json config."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+ "The group ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
+ msgid ""
+ "The operating mode of the virtual device. Allowed values are "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TUN (1) to create a layer 3 device and "
+ "NM_SETTING_TUN_MODE_TAP (2) to create an Ethernet-like layer 2 one."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
+ msgid ""
+ "If the property is set to TRUE, the interface will support multiple file "
+ "descriptors (queues) to parallelize packet sending or receiving. Otherwise, "
+ "the interface will only support a single queue."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
+ msgid ""
+ "The user ID which will own the device. If set to NULL everyone will be able "
+ "to use the device."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the interface will prepend a 4 byte header describing the physical "
+ "interface to the packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:352
+ msgid ""
+ "If TRUE the IFF_VNET_HDR the tunnel packets will include a virtio network "
+ "header."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
+ msgid ""
+ "A dictionary of key/value pairs with user data. This data is ignored by "
+ "NetworkManager and can be used at the users discretion. The keys only "
+@@ -7421,14 +7576,14 @@ msgid ""
+ "up to a certain length."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
+ msgid ""
+ "For outgoing packets, a list of mappings from Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
+ msgid ""
+ "One or more flags which control the behavior and features of the VLAN "
+ "interface.  Flags include NM_VLAN_FLAG_REORDER_HEADERS (0x1) (reordering of "
+@@ -7441,20 +7596,20 @@ msgid ""
+ "missing property on D-Bus is still considered as 0."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
+ msgid ""
+ "The VLAN identifier that the interface created by this connection should be "
+ "assigned. The valid range is from 0 to 4094, without the reserved id 4095."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
+ msgid ""
+ "For incoming packets, a list of mappings from 802.1p priorities to Linux SKB "
+ "priorities.  The mapping is given in the format \"from:to\" where both \"from"
+ "\" and \"to\" are unsigned integers, ie \"7:3\"."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID from "
+ "which this VLAN interface should be created.  If this property is not "
+@@ -7462,32 +7617,32 @@ msgid ""
+ "\"mac-address\" property."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific data.  Both keys and "
+ "values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN service supports persistence, and this property is TRUE, the VPN "
+ "will attempt to stay connected across link changes and outages, until "
+ "explicitly disconnected."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:364
+ msgid ""
+ "Dictionary of key/value pairs of VPN plugin specific secrets like passwords "
+ "or private keys.  Both keys and values must be strings."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:341
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:365
+ msgid ""
+ "D-Bus service name of the VPN plugin that this setting uses to connect to "
+ "its network.  i.e. org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc for the vpnc plugin."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:342
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:366
+ msgid ""
+ "Timeout for the VPN service to establish the connection. Some services may "
+ "take quite a long time to connect. Value of 0 means a default timeout, which "
+@@ -7495,7 +7650,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:367
+ msgid ""
+ "If the VPN connection requires a user name for authentication, that name "
+ "should be provided here.  If the connection is available to more than one "
+@@ -7505,93 +7660,93 @@ msgid ""
+ "connection."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:368
+ msgid "Specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:369
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the UDP destination port to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel "
+ "endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:370
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the VXLAN Network Identifier (or VXLAN Segment Identifier) to use."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:347
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:371
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink LL ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:348
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:372
+ msgid "Specifies whether netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:349
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:373
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies whether unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses are "
+ "entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:350
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:374
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum number of FDB entries. A value of zero means that the "
+ "kernel will store unlimited entries."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:351
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:375
+ msgid "If given, specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:353
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:377
+ msgid ""
+ "If given, specifies the parent interface name or parent connection UUID."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:354
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:378
+ msgid "Specifies whether ARP proxy is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:355
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:379
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets when "
+ "the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device "
+ "forwarding database, or the multicast IP address to join."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:356
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:380
+ msgid "Specifies whether route short circuit is turned on."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:357
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:381
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the maximum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:358
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:382
+ msgid ""
+ "Specifies the minimum UDP source port to communicate to the remote VXLAN "
+ "tunnel endpoint."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:359
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:383
+ msgid "Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:360
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:384
+ msgid "Specifies the time-to-live value to use in outgoing packets."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:361
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:385
+ msgid ""
+ "If specified, this connection will only apply to the WiMAX device whose MAC "
+ "address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device "
+ "(known as MAC spoofing). Deprecated: 1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:363
++#: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:387
+ msgid ""
+ "Network Service Provider (NSP) name of the WiMAX network this connection "
+ "should use. Deprecated: 1"
+@@ -7725,7 +7880,7 @@ msgstr "DSL 連線 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:190 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2106
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1835 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1626
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1541
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4504
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4563
+ msgid "Bond"
+ msgstr "Bond"
+@@ -7737,7 +7892,7 @@ msgstr "Bond 連線 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:199 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2110
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1839 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1630
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1545
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4797
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4899
+ msgid "Bridge"
+ msgstr "橋接"
+@@ -7749,7 +7904,7 @@ msgstr "橋接連線 %d"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:208 ../libnm-core/nm-connection.c:2108
+ #: ../libnm-glib/nm-device.c:1837 ../libnm-util/nm-connection.c:1628
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1543
+-#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4607
++#: ../src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c:4666
+ msgid "Team"
+ msgstr "Team"
+@@ -7913,7 +8068,7 @@ msgid "Slaves"
+ msgstr "Slave"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:375 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:148
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:218
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:230
+ msgid "Mode"
+ msgstr "模式"
+@@ -7948,7 +8103,7 @@ msgid "ARP targets"
+ msgstr "ARP 目標"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-bond.c:428 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:77
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:352
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:110 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:364
+ msgid "Cloned MAC address"
+ msgstr "複製的 MAC 位址"
+@@ -8013,7 +8168,7 @@ msgstr "ETHERNET"
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ethernet.c:83
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:94
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:186 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:116
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:370
+ msgid "MTU"
+ msgstr "MTU"
+@@ -8246,124 +8401,124 @@ msgstr "團隊"
+ msgid "VLAN id"
+ msgstr "VLAN id"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:57
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Client"
+ msgstr "用戶端"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:58
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:65
+ msgid "Access Point"
+ msgstr "存取點"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:59
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
+ msgid "Ad-Hoc Network"
+ msgstr "臨機操作網路"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:64
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:71
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi"
+ msgid "Automatic"
+ msgstr "自動"
+ #. 802.11a Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:66
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
+ msgid "A (5 GHz)"
+ msgstr "A (5 GHz)"
+ #. 802.11b / 802.11g Wi-Fi network
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:68
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
+ msgid "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+ msgstr "B/G (2.4 GHz)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:73
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:80
+ msgctxt "Wi-Fi security"
+ msgid "None"
+ msgstr "無"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:74
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:81
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 個人用"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:75
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:82
+ msgid "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise"
+ msgstr "WPA & WPA2 企業級"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:76
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:83
+ msgid "WEP 40/128-bit Key (Hex or ASCII)"
+ msgstr "WEP 40/128 位元的金鑰(Hex 或 ASCII)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:77
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
+ msgid "WEP 128-bit Passphrase"
+ msgstr "WEP 128 位元的密碼字串"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:78
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
+ msgid "Dynamic WEP (802.1x)"
+ msgstr "動態 WEP(802.1x)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:79
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
+ msgid "LEAP"
+ msgstr "LEAP"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:84
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:91
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "1 (Default)"
+ msgstr "1(預設值)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:85
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "2"
+ msgstr "2"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:86
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "3"
+ msgstr "3"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:87
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:94
+ msgctxt "WEP key index"
+ msgid "4"
+ msgstr "4"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:92
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:99
+ msgid "Open System"
+ msgstr "開放系統"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:93
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:100
+ msgid "Shared Key"
+ msgstr "共享金鑰"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:202
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:214
+ msgid "WI-FI"
+ msgstr "WI-FI"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:244
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:256
+ msgid "Channel"
+ msgstr "頻道"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:249
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:261
+ msgid "Security"
+ msgstr "安全"
+ #. "wpa-enterprise"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:270
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:282
+ msgid "(No support for wpa-enterprise yet...)"
+ msgstr "(尚不支援 wpa-enterprise)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:280 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:299
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:292 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:311
+ msgid "WEP index"
+ msgstr "WEP 索引"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:288 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:307
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:300 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:319
+ msgid "Authentication"
+ msgstr "身份認證"
+ #. "dynamic-wep"
+ #. FIXME
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:313
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:325
+ msgid "(No support for dynamic-wep yet...)"
+ msgstr "(尚不支援動態 wep)"
+-#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:346
++#: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-wifi.c:358
+ msgid "BSSID"
+ msgstr "BSSID"
+@@ -8429,9 +8584,9 @@ msgid "openconnect failed with signal %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:186
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Activation failed: %s"
+-msgstr "啟用失敗"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:257
+ msgid "Connecting..."
+@@ -8898,7 +9053,7 @@ msgstr "無法刪除連線:%s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:894
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:937
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1066
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2513
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2514
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:352
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-olpc-mesh.c:120
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:95 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:161
+@@ -8937,167 +9092,177 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Method returned type '%s', but expected '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:143
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:144
+ msgid "ignoring missing number"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:151
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:152
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid number '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的單位「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:172
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:173
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s address: %s"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:214
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:215
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid gateway '%s' for %s route"
+ msgstr "無效的閘道器「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:235
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:236
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid %s route: %s"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:361
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:362
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for address %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:371
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:380
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unexpected character '%c' in prefix length for %s: '%s' (position %td)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:391
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:392
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "garbage at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:397
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:398
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "deprecated semicolon at the end of value %s: '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:419
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing prefix length for %s '%s', defaulting to %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:553
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:554
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv4 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:593
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid DNS server IPv6 address '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv6 位址「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:686 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1613
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:687 ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1721
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid byte element '%d' (not between 0 and 255 inclusive)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:698
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "ignoring invalid MAC address"
+ msgstr "不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:934
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:935
+ msgid "ignoring invalid SSID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:950
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:951
+ msgid "ignoring invalid raw password"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1025
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1201
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1026
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1202
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "certificate or key file '%s' does not exist"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1031
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value path \"%s\""
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1040
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1041
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1078
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1079
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1091
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1092
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64,file://"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1238
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1239
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value is not a valid blob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1243
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1244
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid key/cert value"
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1290
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1291
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1308
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1309
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1514
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
++msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
++msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "error loading setting value: %s"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的設定名稱;%s\n"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1546
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1654
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid negative value (%i)"
+ msgstr "無效的閘道器「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1567
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1675
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid char value (%i)"
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1590
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1698
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid int64 value (%s)"
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1649
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1757
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "too large FLAGS property '%s' (%llu)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1662
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1770
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unhandled setting property type '%s'"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的 <setting>.<property> '%s'。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1801
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid setting name '%s'"
+ msgstr "錯誤:無效的設定名稱;%s\n"
+@@ -9153,7 +9318,7 @@ msgstr "解密私密金鑰失敗。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:901
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:949 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:299
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:356 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:393
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2520
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-gsm.c:402 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2521
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:198
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:205
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:168 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-pppoe.c:177
+@@ -9265,93 +9430,93 @@ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' or '%s' setting"
+ msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:219
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' connection requires '%s' setting"
+-msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:568 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:583 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid option '%s' or its value '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:593 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:608 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:536
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "only one of '%s' and '%s' can be set"
+ msgstr "只能設定 '%s' 與 '%s' 其中之一"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:606 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:621 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:547
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "mandatory option '%s' is missing"
+ msgstr "找不到必要選項 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:616 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:631 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:556
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是合於 '%s' 規定的值"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:630 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:569
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' 與 '%s > 0' 不相容"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:645
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:660
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not valid for the '%s' option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:656 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:671 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:592
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid for '%s=%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 選項僅適用於 '%s=%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:669 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:684 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:605
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s=%s' is not a valid configuration for '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' 不是合於 '%s' 規定的配置"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:682 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:691
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:711 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:747
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:697 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:706
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:726 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:618 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:627
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:647 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:683
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option requires '%s' option to be set"
+ msgstr "'%s' 選項需要先設定 '%s' 選項"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:722 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:737 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is empty"
+ msgstr "未設定 '%s' 選項"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:734 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:749 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:670
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address for '%s' option"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是合於 '%s' 選項的 IPv4 位址。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:762 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:777 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:697
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is only valid with mode '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s' 選項僅適用於 '%s=%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:773
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' and '%s' cannot have different values"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:789
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:804
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option should be string"
+ msgstr "未設定 '%s' 選項"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:805
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:820
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"
+-msgstr "'%s' 選項僅適用於 '%s=%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:127
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:262
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:189
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:152
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:99
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:358
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "missing setting"
+ msgstr "遺失選項"
+@@ -9359,26 +9524,26 @@ msgstr "遺失選項"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge-port.c:138
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:210
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:110
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:369
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "A connection with a '%s' setting must have the slave-type set to '%s'. "
+ "Instead it is '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:245 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:231 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:269
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "value '%d' is out of range <%d-%d>"
+ msgstr "'%d' 值落在範圍之外 <%d-%d>"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:262 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:248 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:652
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:714 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:756
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bridge.c:286 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:633
+ #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:691
+ msgid "is not a valid MAC address"
+ msgstr "不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:303
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bridge.c:289
+ msgid "the mask can't contain bits 0 (STP), 1 (MAC) or 2 (LACP)"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -9417,9 +9582,9 @@ msgid "Cannot set '%s' without '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1041
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Only '%s' connections can be enslaved to '%s'"
+-msgstr "裝置「%s」上沒有使用中的連線"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1054
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -9560,83 +9725,83 @@ msgstr "無效的 IPv6 位址「%s」"
+ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的單位「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1316
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1317
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "unknown attribute"
+ msgstr "錯誤:「%s」設定不明\n"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1326
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1327
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
+ msgstr "無效的「%s」或是它的值「%s」無效"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1337
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1338
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1339
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1354
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1378
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1355
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1379
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1356
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1380
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1369
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1370
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid prefix %s"
+ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2533
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2534
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d. DNS server address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。IPv4 位址不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2549
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2550
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。IPv4 位址不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2561
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2562
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has 'label' property with invalid type"
+ msgstr "%d。IPv4 位址的前綴不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2570
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2571
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "%d. IP address has invalid label '%s'"
+ msgstr "%d。IPv4 位址的前綴不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2584
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2585
+ msgid "gateway cannot be set if there are no addresses configured"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2593
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2594
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "gateway is invalid"
+ msgstr "屬性不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2607
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2608
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route is invalid"
+ msgstr "%d。路徑不合規定"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2616
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2617
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2627
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2628
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
+ msgstr "'%s=%s' 與 '%s > 0' 不相容"
+@@ -9789,14 +9954,14 @@ msgid "'%d' is not a valid channel"
+ msgstr "'%d' 不是合於規定的頻道"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:113
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid interface type"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是組有效的介面卡名稱"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting needs connection.type explicitly set"
+-msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9823,14 +9988,14 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with ovs-interface.type '%s' setting a 'ovs-patch' setting"
+-msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:221
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "Missing ovs interface setting"
+-msgstr "遺失選項"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:227
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9839,9 +10004,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-interface.c:271
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:198
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must have a master."
+-msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-patch.c:110
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vxlan.c:375
+@@ -9850,9 +10015,9 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid IP address"
+ msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 MAC 位址"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:223
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in vlan_mode"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:233
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9860,24 +10025,24 @@ msgid "the tag id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:243
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in lacp"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是有效的 DCB 旗標"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-port.c:253
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in bond_mode"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:161
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "A connection with a '%s' setting must not have a master."
+-msgstr "需要 '%s' 或 '%s' 設定"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ovs-bridge.c:172
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not allowed in fail_mode"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的 Wi-Fi 模式"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ppp.c:365 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-ppp.c:387
+ #, c-format
+@@ -9914,11 +10079,76 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:93 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
++msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent handle missing"
++msgstr "找不到屬性"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
++msgstr "'%d' 值落在範圍之外 <%d-%d>"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV 包含非十六進位的數字。"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
++#, c-format
++msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
++msgstr "IV 包含非十六進位的數字。"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
++msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing link watcher name"
++msgstr "遺失選項"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
++msgstr "不明日誌網域「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing target host"
++msgstr "遺失選項"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "missing source address"
++msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "'%u': invalid mode"
+@@ -10179,134 +10409,178 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2412
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
++msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
++#, c-format
++msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
++#, fuzzy, c-format
++msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
++msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "parent not specified."
++msgstr "錯誤:尚未指定介面卡。"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "action name missing."
++msgstr "找不到屬性"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "invalid action: "
++msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
++#, c-format
++msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "failed stat file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "無法設置訊號遮罩:%d"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2421
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2959
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "not a file (%s)"
+ msgstr "無法載入檔案「%s」\n"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2432
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2970
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
+ msgstr "無效的欄位「%s」; 允許的欄位:%s"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2443
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2981
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "file permissions for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2991
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "reject %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2473
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3011
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "path is not absolute (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2487
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3025
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin file does not exist (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2495
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3033
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "Plugin is not a valid file (%s)"
+ msgstr "'%s' 不是合於 '%s' 規定的值"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2505
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3043
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "libtool archives are not supported (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3125 ../libnm-util/nm-utils.c:1798
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4171
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3648
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4186
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4222
+ msgid "interface name is too short"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3693
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4231
+ msgid "interface name is reserved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3705
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4243
+ msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3711
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4249
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4319 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4464
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4328
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4340 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4483
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4453
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4578 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4596
+-#, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4606
+-#, c-format
+-msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4623
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明的裝置「%s」。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4633
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#, c-format
++msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4642
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4655
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4663
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -10567,9 +10841,9 @@ msgid "The connection was not a Bluetooth connection."
+ msgstr "「bluetooth」連線類型有一項選用性引數。\n"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:143
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "The connection is of Bluetooth NAP type."
+-msgstr "「bluetooth」連線類型有一項選用性引數。\n"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-bt.c:152
+ msgid "Invalid device Bluetooth address."
+@@ -10684,19 +10958,16 @@ msgid "The connection was not an OLPC Mesh connection."
+ msgstr "「OLPC Mesh」連線類型有兩個選用性引數。\n"
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-bridge.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_bridge connection."
+-msgstr "正在連線(正在啟用次要連線)"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-interface.c:61
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_interface connection."
+-msgstr "連線已移除"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-ovs-port.c:60
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The connection was not a ovs_port connection."
+-msgstr "正在連線(正在啟用次要連線)"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device-team.c:138
+ #, fuzzy
+@@ -10763,9 +11034,8 @@ msgid "Dummy"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1565
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "PPP"
+-msgstr "PAP"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2456
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -10920,14 +11190,12 @@ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:31
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Enable or disable connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "啟用或停用系統網路"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:32
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling connectivity checking"
+-msgstr "系統政策防止啟用或停用 WiFi 裝置"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:794
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11529,21 +11797,3 @@ msgstr "不明日誌層級「%s」"
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明日誌網域「%s」"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Invalid reason"
+-#~ msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus "
+-#~ "active path: %s)\n"
+-#~ msgstr "連線已成功啟用(D-Bus 啟用路徑:%s)\n"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "%d (default)"
+-#~ msgstr "(預設)"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "%d (off)"
+-#~ msgstr "%d(不明)"
+From 1a6b0ea666990e113af5a55845d6e22083cef581 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 22:22:32 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] po: import translations
+ po/de.po    | 151 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/es.po    | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/fr.po    | 152 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ po/it.po    | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/ja.po    | 273 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
+ po/ko.po    | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/pt_BR.po | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/ru.po    | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/zh_CN.po | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ po/zh_TW.po | 136 +++++++++++++++---------------
+ 10 files changed, 761 insertions(+), 767 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
+index 986b2fe..018780d 100644
+--- a/po/de.po
++++ b/po/de.po
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Deutsch <gnome-de@gnome.org>\n"
+@@ -4930,9 +4930,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die UUID »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4940,20 +4940,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Route »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Abbildung »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "Die Eigenschaft enthält nicht die Route »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+@@ -5829,7 +5829,7 @@ msgstr "Benutzereinstellungen"
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN-Verbindung"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN-Verbindung"
+@@ -7975,9 +7975,8 @@ msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
+-msgstr "Feld aus IP-Routen."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+@@ -9790,14 +9789,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültige Team-Konfiguration wird ignoriert: %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "Ungültige IP-Adresse: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "ungültiger Präfix %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10662,21 +10661,20 @@ msgstr "dem Skript fehlt die Funktion FindProxyForURL"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges Band"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "Daten fehlen"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "»%s« ist außerhalb des Bereichs [0, %u]"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10684,9 +10682,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "Schlüssel enthält ungültige Zeichen"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10694,9 +10692,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "Schlüssel enthält ungültige Zeichen"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10705,29 +10703,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr "Die Team-Konfiguration übersteigt die Größenbeschränkung"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "ungültiger Präfix %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "Dateiname fehlt"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "Unbekannte VPN-Erweiterung »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "fehlende Einstellung"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "Fehlende IPv4-Adresse"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10992,9 +10990,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "»Geheimnis« ist nicht festgelegt"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "»%s« ist kein gültiges Band"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11002,39 +11000,36 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Ungültige Option »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "Es wurde kein Dienstname angegeben"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "Daten fehlen"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "Ungültige Option »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11112,57 +11107,57 @@ msgstr "Schnittstellenname enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen"
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "Schnittstellenname ist länger als 15 Zeichen"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "Wert ist NULL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "Wert ist leer"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "Ungültiges JSON an Position %d (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "kein JSON-Objekt"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "kein gültiges UTF-8"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Unbekanntes Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger uint32-Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger uint8-Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger boolescher Wert »%s« für Attribut »%s«"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "Nicht unterstützter Parameter »%s« des Typs »%s«"
+@@ -11968,11 +11963,11 @@ msgstr "%s läuft bereits (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "Sie müssen als root angemeldet sein, um %s auszuführen.\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Erstellt von NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -12250,53 +12245,53 @@ msgstr "Das Ermitteln der AP-Sicherheitsinformationen scheiterte"
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "Mobile GSM-Breitband-Verbindung erfordert die Einstellung »gsm«"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Speicherort der Konfigurationsdatei"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Speicherort des Konfigurationsordners"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Speicherort des System-Konfigurationsordners"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Speicherort der internen Konfigurationsdatei"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Speicherort der Statusdatei"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Statusdatei für Geräte, die nicht automatisch als Standard gesetzt werden"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Mit »,« getrennte Liste von Erweiterungen"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Nach Erstkonfiguration beenden"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "Nicht zum Hintergrunddienst werden und auf stderr protokollieren"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "Eine http(s)-Adresse zum Prüfen der Internetverbindung"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "Das Intervall zwischen Verbindungsprüfungen (in Sekunden)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "Der erwartete Start einer Antwort"
+diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
+index d0f5dcb..53eccbf 100644
+--- a/po/es.po
++++ b/po/es.po
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Español <gnome-es-list@gnome.org>\n"
+@@ -4641,9 +4641,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propiedad no contiene UUID '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4651,20 +4651,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la ruta '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propiedad no contiene mapeo '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "La propiedad no puede contiene la ruta '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5602,7 +5602,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexión VPN"
+@@ -9548,14 +9548,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "Formato de dirección IP inválido: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10416,21 +10416,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "'%s' no es una banda válida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "Faltan datos"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "El valor '%d' está fuera del rango <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10438,9 +10437,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contiene dígitos no hexadecimales."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10448,9 +10447,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contiene dígitos no hexadecimales."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10459,29 +10458,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "Ruta inválida: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "Falta nombre de archivo"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "Dominio de registro desconocido «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "Falta parámetro"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "Falta la dirección IPv4"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10747,9 +10746,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "No se estableció secreto"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "'%s' no es una banda válida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10757,14 +10756,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Opción inválida: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "No se especificó el nombre de servicio."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10772,9 +10770,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "Faltan datos"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10782,9 +10779,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "Opción inválida: '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10868,57 +10864,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Dispositivo desconocido '%s'."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "Opción '%s' es inválida o su valor es '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11704,11 +11700,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "¡Debe ser root para poder ejecutar %s!\n"
+ "\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Creado por NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11978,52 +11974,52 @@ msgstr "No se pudo  establecer la información de seguridad AP."
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "La conexión de banda ancha móvil GSM requiere un parámetro 'gsm'."
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Sitio del archivo de configuración"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Sitio del directorio de configuración"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Ubicación del directorio de configuración."
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Sitio del archivo de configuración interno"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Estado del sitio de archivos"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "Archivo de estado para los dispositivos no-auto-default."
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Lista de conectores separados por ','"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Salir después de la configuración inicial"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "No se convierta en demonio y registre a stderr"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "Una dirección http(s) a para verificación de conectividad de Internet"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "El intervalo entre chequeos de conectividad (en segundos)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "El inicio esperado de respuesta"
+diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
+index 613bd90..6877da8 100644
+--- a/po/fr.po
++++ b/po/fr.po
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: French <trans-fr@lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+@@ -4852,9 +4852,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas d'UUID « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4862,20 +4862,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas la route « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas le mappage « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "la propriété ne contient pas la route « %s »"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+@@ -5816,7 +5816,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Connexion VPN"
+@@ -9768,14 +9768,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "configuration en équipe ignorée : %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "adresse IP invalide : %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "route invalide : %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10649,21 +10649,20 @@ msgstr "il manque à ce script la fonction FindProxyForURL"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une bande valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "propriété manquante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "La valeur « %d » est hors de portée <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10671,9 +10670,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "Le IV contient des chiffres non hexadécimaux."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10681,9 +10680,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "Le IV contient des chiffres non hexadécimaux."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10692,29 +10691,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "route invalide : %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "nom de fichier manquant"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "impossible de charger le greffon %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "configuration manquante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "adresse IPv4 manquante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10983,9 +10982,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "secret non défini"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "« %s » n'est pas une bande valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10993,39 +10992,36 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "option « %s » non valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "Aucun nom de service spécifié"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "propriété manquante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "option « %s » non valide"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11103,58 +11099,58 @@ msgstr "le nom de l'interface contient un caractère invalide"
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "le nom de l'interface fait plus de 15 caractères"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "la valeur est NULL"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "la valeur est vide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "JSON invalide à la position %d (%s)"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "n'est pas un objet JSON"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "utf-8 invalide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr "séquence d'échappement no terminée"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "attribut inconnu « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+-msgstr "séparateur clé-valeur « %c » manquant"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur « %s » uint32 invalide pour l'attribut  « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "valeur « %s » uint8 invalide pour l'attribut  « %s »"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "option « %s » ou sa valeur « %s » non valide"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "attribut « %s » de type « %s » non supporté"
+@@ -11969,11 +11965,11 @@ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Vous devez être connecté en tant que super-utilisateur pour exécuter %s !\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Créé par NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -12255,52 +12251,52 @@ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+ "La connexion de bande passante mobile GSM exige une configuration «gsm »"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Emplacement du fichier de configuration"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Emplacement du répertoire de configuration"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Emplacement du répertoire de configuration système"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Emplacement du fichier de configuration interne"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Indiquez l'emplacement du fichier"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "Indiquer le fichier pour périphériques non-auto-par défaut"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Liste des greffons séparée par des virgules « , »"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Sortie après la configuration initiale"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "Ne pas devenir un démon, et se connecter à stderr"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "Adresse http(s) pour vérifier la connectivité internet"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "Intervalle entre les vérifications de connectivité (en secondes)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "Début prévu de la réponse"
+diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
+index ae1ec4e..f8c645e 100644
+--- a/po/it.po
++++ b/po/it.po
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Italian <tp@lists.linux.it>\n"
+@@ -4769,9 +4769,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "la proprietà non contiene lo UUID \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4779,20 +4779,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'instradamento \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "la proprietà non contiene la mappatura \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "la proprietà non contiene l'instradamento \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5723,7 +5723,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Connessione VPN"
+@@ -9665,14 +9665,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "instradamento non valido %s ignorato: %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "indirizzo IP non valido: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10537,21 +10537,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "«%s» non è una banda valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "dati mancanti"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "il valore «%d» non è nell'intervallo <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10559,9 +10558,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contiene cifre non esadecimali."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10569,9 +10568,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contiene cifre non esadecimali."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10580,29 +10579,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "instradamento non valido: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "nome file assente"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "impossibile caricare il plugin %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "impostazione mancante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "Indirizzo IPv4 mancante"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10870,9 +10869,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "segreto non impostato"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "«%s» non è una banda valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10880,14 +10879,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "Nessun nome di servizio specificato"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10895,9 +10893,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "dati mancanti"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10905,9 +10902,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10992,58 +10988,58 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "valore del segreto vuoto"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» non valida"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo «%s» sconosciuto."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opzione «%s» o il suo valore «%s» non valido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11839,11 +11835,11 @@ msgstr "%s è già in esecuzione (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "È necessario essere root per eseguire %s.\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Creato da NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -12121,52 +12117,52 @@ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr ""
+ "La connessione a banda larga mobile GSM richiede un'impostazione \"gsm\""
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Posizione file di configurazione"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Posizione directory di configurazione"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Percorso directory di configurazione del sistema"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Percorso file di configurazione interna"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Posizione file di stato"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "File di stato per dispositivi no-auto-default"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Elenco di plugin separati da virgole"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Esci dopo la configurazione iniziale"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "Non si avvia in modalità demone e registra su stderr"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "Un indirizzo HTTP(S) per controllare la connessione"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "L'intervallo tra i controlli della connessione (in secondi)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "L'inizio atteso della risposta"
+diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
+index 525675a..a3be4dd 100644
+--- a/po/ja.po
++++ b/po/ja.po
+@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
+ # Noriko Mizumoto <noriko@fedoraproject.org>, 2013 - 2014.
+ # amoewaki <amoewaki@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
+ # lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
++# amoewaki <amoewaki@redhat.com>, 2018. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-04 11:32+0000\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-12 01:52+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: amoewaki <amoewaki@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation@gnome.gr.jp>\n"
+ "Language: ja\n"
+@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "使い方: nmcli agent { COMMAND | help }\n"
+ "\n"
+-"COMMAND := { secret | polkit | all }\n"
++"コマンド := { secret | polkit | all }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+@@ -768,7 +769,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\n"
+ "引数 := [id | uuid | path] <ID>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "プロファイルは名前、UUID、D-Bus パスなどで識別します。\n"
+ "\n"
+ "引数 := [type <新しい接続タイプ>] [con-name <新しい接続名>]\n"
+@@ -1550,7 +1551,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ "メモリーにのみ保持します。引数がない 'save' は 'save persistent' を\n"
+ "意味します。\n"
+ "プロファイルを永続的に保存すると、これらの設定は、再起動しても\n"
+ "一時的な変更は再起動後に保持されません。\n"
+ "永続的な接続を完全に削除する場合は、接続プロファイルを削除する\n"
+ "必要があります。\n"
+@@ -2097,13 +2098,14 @@ msgstr "エラー: 不明な接続 '%s' です。"
+ #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7801
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'type' argument is ignored\n"
+-msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'タイプ' 引数は無視されます\n"
++msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'type' 引数は無視されます\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7804
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: editing existing connection '%s'; 'con-name' argument is ignored\n"
+-msgstr "警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'con 名' 引数は無視されます\n"
++msgstr ""
++"警告: 既存の接続 '%s' を編集しています。'con-name' 引数は無視されます\n"
+ #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:7826
+ #, c-format
+@@ -4844,33 +4846,33 @@ msgstr "'%s' は有効なチャンネルではありません。<1-13> を使用
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3833
+ msgid ""
+ "The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "有効な構文: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <qdisc>'"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "プロパティーには UUID '%s' が含まれません"
++msgstr "プロパティーには qdisc '%s' が含まれません"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+ "The valid syntax is: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "有効な構文: '[root | parent <handle>] [handle <handle>] <tfilter>'"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "プロパティーにはルート '%s' が含まれません"
++msgstr "プロパティーには tfilter '%s' が含まれません"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "プロパティーにはマッピング '%s' が含まれません"
++msgstr "プロパティーには文字列 '%s' が含まれません"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "プロパティーにはルート '%s' が含まれません"
++msgstr "プロパティーにはリンクウォッチャー '%s' が含まれません"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+@@ -5061,6 +5063,29 @@ msgid ""
+ "   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
+ "name=ethtool,delay-up=3\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"キーが teamd のプロパティーになっているディクショナリーの形式で、リンクウォッ"
++"チャーを入力します。ディクショナリーのペアの書式は key=value となり、区切る時"
++"ティーは 'name'* で、これでリンクウォッチャーを定義します。\n"
++"'ethtool' リンクウォッチャーに利用できるプロパティー:\n"
++"  'delay-up'、'delay-down'\n"
++"'nsna_ping' リンクウォッチャーに利用できるプロパティー:\n"
++"  'init-wait'、'interval'、'missed-max'、'target-host'*\n"
++"'arp_ping' には、'nsna_ping' の全プロパティーと下記プロパティーが利用できま"
++"  'source-host'、'validate-active'、'validate-inactive'、'send-always'\n"
++"'*' がついたプロパティーが必要です。\n"
++"   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; "
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:5000
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5584,7 +5609,7 @@ msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7075
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7211
+ msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
+-msgstr "クローンしたMAC [none]"
++msgstr "クローンした MAC [none]"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7102
+ msgid ""
+@@ -5717,7 +5742,7 @@ msgstr "シリアル設定"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7543
+ msgid "Traffic controls"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "トラフィックコントロール"
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7544
+ msgid "Team device"
+@@ -5740,7 +5765,7 @@ msgstr "ユーザー設定"
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 接続"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 接続"
+@@ -7462,11 +7487,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ "す。これが空になっていないと、指定したユーザーの 1 人がアクティブなセッション"
+ "にログインした場合に限り、接続はアクティブになります。各エントリーの形式は "
+ "\"[type]:[id]:[reserved]\" (たとえば \"user:dcbw:blah\") となります。その他の"
+-"値は無視され、今後の使用のために予約されます。現時点では、ユーザー\" の "
+-"[type] だけが利用できます。[id] は、この権限が参照するユーザー名で、\":\" 文"
+-"字は使用できません。表示されている [reserved] 情報は無視され、今後使用される"
+-"ために予約される必要があります。[type]、[id]、および [reserved] はすべて有効"
+-"な UTF-8 にする必要があります。"
++"値は無視され、今後の使用のために予約されます。現時点では、\"user\" の [type] "
++"だけが利用できます。[id] は、この権限が参照するユーザー名で、\":\" 文字は使用"
++"できません。表示されている [reserved] 情報は無視され、今後使用されるために予"
++"約される必要があります。[type]、[id]、および [reserved] はすべて有効な UTF-8 "
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:150
+ msgid ""
+@@ -8429,10 +8454,9 @@ msgstr ""
+ "\" のいずれかになります。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:277
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "The time port must be active before it starts forwarding traffic."
+ msgstr ""
+ "す。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:278
+@@ -8491,8 +8515,8 @@ msgid ""
+ "autodetect this."
+ msgstr ""
+ "ゼロ以外にすると、pppd が、n 秒ごとにピアに LCP echo-request フレームを送るよ"
+-"うに なります (n は指定した値)。PPP ピアの一部だけがエコー要求に応答します。"
++"うになります (n は指定した値)。PPP ピアの一部だけがエコー要求に応答します。こ"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:286
+ msgid ""
+@@ -8661,12 +8685,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:319
+ msgid "Array of TC queuening disciplines."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TC キュー処理の配列"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:320
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "Array of TC traffic filters."
+-msgstr "IP ルートの配列。"
++msgstr "TC トラフィックフィルターの配列"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:321
+ msgid ""
+@@ -8692,64 +8715,74 @@ msgid ""
+ "'validate-active', 'validate-incative', 'send-always'. See teamd.conf man "
+ "for more details."
+ msgstr ""
++"接続のリンクウォッチャー設定: リンクウォッチャーはそれぞれディクショナリーに"
++"るリンクウォッチャーは 'ethtool'、'nsna_ping'、'arp_ping' に加え、キーの "
++"'name' でディクショナリーに指定したものになります。利用できるキー: ethtool で"
++"は 'delay-up'、'delay-down'、'init-wait'。nsna_ping では 'init-"
++"wait'、'interval'、'missed-max'、'target-host'。arp_ping では、nsna_ping の全"
++"キーおよび 'source-host'、'validate-active'、'validate-incative'、'send-"
++"always'。詳細は teamd.conf の man ページを参照してください。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:323
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.count."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd mcast_rejoin.count に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:324
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd mcast_rejoin.interval."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd mcast_rejoin.interval に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:326
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd notify_peers.count に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:327
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd notify_peers.interval に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:328
+ msgid ""
+ "Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", "
+ "\"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\"."
+ msgstr ""
++"teamd runner.name に相当します。可能な値: \"roundrobin\"、\"broadcast"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:329
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.active."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.active に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:330
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.agg_select_policy に相当します"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:331
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.fast_rate に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:332
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.hwaddr_policy."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.hwaddr_policy に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:333
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.min_ports."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.min_ports に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:334
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.sys_prio."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.sys_prio に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:335
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.name."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.tx_balancer.name に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:336
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.tx_balancer.interval に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:337
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd runner.tx_hash."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd runner.tx_hash に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:338
+ msgid ""
+@@ -8765,25 +8798,27 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:339
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_key に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:340
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.lacp_prio に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:343
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.prio に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:344
+ msgid ""
+ "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id. When set to -1 means the "
+ "parameter is skipped from the json config."
+ msgstr ""
++"teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.queue_id に相当します。-1 に設定すると、このパラメー"
++"ターは json 設定で無視されます。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:345
+ msgid "Corresponds to the teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "teamd ports.PORTIFNAME.sticky に相当します。"
+ #: ../clients/common/settings-docs.c.in:346
+ msgid ""
+@@ -8952,7 +8987,7 @@ msgid ""
+ "Values greater than zero mean timeout in seconds."
+ msgstr ""
+ "VPN の接続確立に関するタイムアウト。一部のサービスでは接続に時間がかかる場合"
+-"があります。値を 0 にすると、デフォルトのタイムアウト 60 秒となります (設定"
++"があります。値を 0 にすると、デフォルトのタイムアウトの 60 秒となります (設定"
+ "ファイルで vpn.timeout を上書きしていない場合)。ゼロ以外の値を設定した場合"
+ "は、それがタイムアウト (秒単位) となります。"
+@@ -10552,14 +10587,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr "無効な team 設定を無視: %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "無効な IP アドレス: %s"
++msgstr "無効な qdisc: %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
++msgstr "無効な tfilter: %s"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11416,41 +11451,40 @@ msgstr "スクリプトには FindProxyForURL 関数がありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効なバンドではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効ではありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "データがありません"
++msgstr "親ハンドラーがありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "'%s' は、[0, %u] の範囲外です"
++msgstr "%s は [0, %d] の範囲外です"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "nsna_ping リンクウォッチャーに target-host がありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "キーに無効な文字が含まれています"
++msgstr "target-host '%s' には無効な文字が含まれています。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "arp_ping リンクウォッチャーに %s がありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "キーに無効な文字が含まれています"
++msgstr "source-host '%s' に無効な文字が含まれています"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -11459,29 +11493,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr "team 設定が制限サイズを超えています"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
++msgstr "無効なランナー \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "不明なファイル名"
++msgstr "リンクウォッチャー名がありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "不明な VPNプラグイン '%s'"
++msgstr "不明なリンクウォッチャー \"%s\""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "不明な設定"
++msgstr "ターゲットホストがありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "不明な IPv4 アドレス"
++msgstr "ソースアドレスがありません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11738,49 +11772,46 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "シークレットが設定されていません"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "'%s' は有効なバンドではありません"
++msgstr "'%s' は有効なハンドラーはありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "予期せぬ '%s': 親はすでに選択されています。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
++msgstr "無効なハンドラー: '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "サービス名が指定されていません"
++msgstr "親が指定されていません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++msgstr "サポートされていない qdisc オプション: '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "データがありません"
++msgstr "アクション名がありません。"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++msgstr "サポートされていないアクションのオプション: '%s'"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
++msgstr "無効なアクション: "
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported tfilter option: '%s'."
+-msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
++msgstr "サポートされていない tfilter オプション: '%s'."
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2950
+ #, c-format
+@@ -11858,57 +11889,57 @@ msgstr "インターフェース名に無効な文字が含まれています"
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr "インターフェース名が 15 文字を超えています"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr "値が NULL です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr "値が空です"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr "%d (%s) で無効な JSON"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr "JSON オブジェクトではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr "utf-8 ではありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr "未終了のエスケープシーケンス"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明な属性 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+-msgstr "キー/値のセパレーター '%c' がありません"
++msgstr "'%s' の後に、キー/値のセパレーター '%c' がありません"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint32 値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint8 値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効なブール値 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
+@@ -12670,11 +12701,11 @@ msgstr "%s はすでに実行中です (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "%s を実行するには root になる必要があります!\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# NetworkManager で作成されています\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -12939,52 +12970,52 @@ msgstr "AP セキュリティー情報の決定に失敗しました。"
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "GSM モバイルブロードバンド接続には 'gsm' 設定が必要です"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "設定ファイルの場所"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "設定ディレクトリの場所"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "システム設定ディレクトリーの場所"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "内部設定ファイルの場所"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "状態ファイルの場所"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "no-auto-default デバイスの状態ファイル"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "複数のプラグインを「,」で区切った一覧"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "初期設定後に終了する"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "デーモンにせず、stderr にログ記録する"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "インターネットの接続性を確認するための http(s) アドレス"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "接続性チェックの間隔 (秒単位)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "期待されている応答の開始点"
+diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
+index 7a55f69..921279b 100644
+--- a/po/ko.po
++++ b/po/ko.po
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: GNOME Korea <gnome-kr@googlegroups.com>\n"
+@@ -4504,9 +4504,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "속성에 UUID '%s'(이)가 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4514,20 +4514,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "속성에 라우팅 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "속성에 매핑 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "속성에 라우팅 '%s'이(가) 포함되어 있지 않습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5448,7 +5448,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 연결"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 연결"
+@@ -9367,14 +9367,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "잘못된 IP 주소: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10229,21 +10229,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 밴드가 아닙니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "데이터 누락"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "값 '%d'이 범위 <%d-%d> 밖에 있습니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10251,9 +10250,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV에 16진수 숫자가 아닌 문자가 있습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10261,9 +10260,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV에 16진수 숫자가 아닌 문자가 있습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10272,29 +10271,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "잘못된 라우팅: %s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "누락된 파일 이름"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "알려지지 않은 로그 영역 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "누락된 설정"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "누락된 IPv4 주소"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10558,9 +10557,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "Secret이 설정되지 않았습니다"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "'%s'는 올바른 밴드가 아닙니다 "
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10568,14 +10567,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "서비스 이름이 지정되지 않았습니다."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10583,9 +10581,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "데이터 누락"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10593,9 +10590,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10678,57 +10674,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "알 수 없는 장치 '%s'."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "잘못된 옵션 '%s' 또는 옵션 값 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11476,11 +11472,11 @@ msgstr "%s이(가) 이미 실행 중입니다(pid %ld).\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "%s!을(를) 실행하려면 root여야 합니다.\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# 네트워크 관리에서 만들어 냄\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11738,52 +11734,52 @@ msgstr "AP 보안 정보를 판별할 수 없습니다."
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "GSM 모바일 광대역 연결에는 'gsm' 설정이 필요합니다."
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "설정 파일 위치 "
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "설정 디렉토리 위치 "
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "시스템 구성 디렉터리 위치"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "내부 구성 파일 위치"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "상태 파일 위치 "
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "no-auto-default 장치의 상태 파일"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "','로 구분된 플러그인 목록 "
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "초기 구성 후 종료"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "데몬이 되지 않고 stderr에 기록합니다 "
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "인터넷 연결을 확인하기 위한 http(s) 주소 "
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "연결 확인 사이의 간격 (초 단위)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "예상되는 응답 시작 "
+diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
+index 4fcd32d..cf16a7d 100644
+--- a/po/pt_BR.po
++++ b/po/pt_BR.po
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <gnome-pt_br-list@gnome.org>\n"
+@@ -4537,9 +4537,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "a propriedade não contém UUID \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4547,20 +4547,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "a propriedade não contém a rota \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "a propriedade não contém o mapeamento de \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "a propriedade não contém a rota \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5501,7 +5501,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "Conexão VPN"
+@@ -9435,14 +9435,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "endereço IPv4 inválido: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10301,21 +10301,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é uma banda válida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "faltando dados"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "valor \"%d\" está fora da faixa <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10323,9 +10322,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contém dígitos não-hexadecimais."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10333,9 +10332,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV contém dígitos não-hexadecimais."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10344,29 +10343,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "rota inválida: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "faltando nome de arquivo"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "não foi possível carregar plug-in \"%s\": %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "faltando definição"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "Endereço IPv4 faltando"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10632,9 +10631,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "segredo não está definido"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "\"%s\" não é uma banda válida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10642,14 +10641,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "A opção \"%s\" é inválida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "Nome do serviço não especificado"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10657,9 +10655,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "faltando dados"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10667,9 +10664,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "A opção \"%s\" é inválida"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10752,57 +10748,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "dispositivo \"%s\" desconhecido."
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "opção \"%s\" ou seu valor \"%s\" inválido"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11581,11 +11577,11 @@ msgstr "%s já está em execução (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "Você precisa ser superusuário para executar %s!\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Criado pelo NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11855,52 +11851,52 @@ msgstr "Falha ao determinar informação de segurança do AP"
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "Conexão de banda larga móvel (GSM) requer uma configuração \"gsm\""
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Localização do arquivo de configuração"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Localização do diretório de configuração"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Localização do diretório de configuração do sistema"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Localização do arquivo de configuração interna"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Localização do arquivo de estado"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "Arquivo de estado para dispositivos no-auto-default"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Lista de plug-ins separada por \",\""
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Sair após configuração inicial"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "Não se tornar um daemon e registrar à saída padrão de erro (stderr)"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "Um endereço http(s) para verificar a conectividade com a internet"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "O intervalo de tempo entre verificações de conectividade (em segundos)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "O início esperado da resposta"
+diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
+index 7f49d3b..96855c4 100644
+--- a/po/ru.po
++++ b/po/ru.po
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:48+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Русский <gnome-cyr@gnome.org>\n"
+@@ -4537,9 +4537,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "свойство не содержит UUID «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4547,20 +4547,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "свойство не содержит маршрут «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "свойство не содержит соответствие «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "свойство не содержит маршрут «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5491,7 +5491,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "Соединение VLAN"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN-соединение"
+@@ -9421,14 +9421,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "неверный IP: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10286,21 +10286,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым диапазоном"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "отсутствуют данные"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "значение «%d» выходит за пределы допустимого диапазона: <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10308,9 +10307,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "ВИ включает не шестнадцатеричные цифры."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10318,9 +10317,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "ВИ включает не шестнадцатеричные цифры."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10329,29 +10328,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "неверный маршру: %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "имя файла не указано"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "Неизвестный домен журналирования «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "пропущен параметр"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "Отсутствует адрес IPv4"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10619,9 +10618,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "секрет не настроен"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым диапазоном"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10629,14 +10628,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "Недопустимый параметр «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "Не указано имя службы."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10644,9 +10642,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "отсутствуют данные"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10654,9 +10651,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "Недопустимый параметр «%s»"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10739,57 +10735,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "неизвестное устройство «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "недопустимый параметр «%s» или его значение «%s»"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11564,11 +11560,11 @@ msgstr "%s уже запущен (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "Вы должны быть суперпользователем для запуска %s\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Создано в NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11851,54 +11847,54 @@ msgstr "Не удалось получить информацию о защит
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "Мобильное соединение GSM требует установки параметра «gsm»"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "Расположение файла конфигурации"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "Путь к каталогу конфигурации"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "Расположение каталога с системными настройками"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "Расположение внутреннего файла конфигурации"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "Расположение файла состояния"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Файл состояния для устройств, которые автоматически не устанавливают "
+ "параметры по умолчанию"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "Список модулей (через запятую)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "Выйти после исходной настройки"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "Не работать в режиме службы и не входить в stderr"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "http(s) адрес для проверки соединения с Интернетом"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "Интервал между проверками соединения (в секундах)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "Ожидается начало ответа"
+diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
+index 6b112b4..899b78a 100644
+--- a/po/zh_CN.po
++++ b/po/zh_CN.po
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:48+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>\n"
+@@ -4496,9 +4496,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "属性没有包含 UUID '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4506,20 +4506,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "属性没有包含路由 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "属性没有包含映射 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "属性没有包含路由 '%s'"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -5375,7 +5375,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 连接"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 连接"
+@@ -9286,14 +9286,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "无效的 IP 地址:%s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10139,21 +10139,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效波段"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "数据缺失"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "值“%d”超出了范围 <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10161,9 +10160,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "初始向量中包含非十六进制数字。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10171,9 +10170,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "初始向量中包含非十六进制数字。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10182,29 +10181,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "无效的路由:%s"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "缺少文件名"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "未知的 VPN 插件“%s”"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "缺少设置"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "缺失 IPv4 地址"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10468,9 +10467,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr "未设置 secret"
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "“%s”不是有效波段"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10478,14 +10477,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "无效选项“%s”"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "未指定服务"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10493,9 +10491,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "数据缺失"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10503,9 +10500,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "无效选项“%s”"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10588,57 +10584,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "未知设备“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "无效选项“%s”或值“%s”"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11376,11 +11372,11 @@ msgstr "%s 已在运行中 (pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "运行 %s 必须是根用户!\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# 由 NetworkManger 创建\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11638,52 +11634,52 @@ msgstr "确定 AP 安全信息失败"
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "GSM 移动宽带连接要求 'gsm' 设置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "配置文件位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "配置目录位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "系统配置目录位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "内部的配置文件位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "状态文件位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr "no-auto-default 设备的状态文件"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "插件列表,以“,”隔开"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "初始配置后退出"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "不成为守护进程,并向 stderr 打印日志"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "检查网络连通用的 http(s) 地址"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "网络连通检查间隔(秒)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "预期的响应开头"
+diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
+index 99a03bc..8c278f3 100644
+--- a/po/zh_TW.po
++++ b/po/zh_TW.po
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-12 10:42+0100\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-17 22:12+0100\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-07 06:49+0000\n"
+ "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Traditional Chinese <zh@li.org>\n"
+@@ -4385,9 +4385,9 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3856
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain qdisc '%s'"
+-msgstr "內容不可更改"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3909
+ msgid ""
+@@ -4395,20 +4395,20 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3932
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain tfilter '%s'"
+-msgstr "內容不可更改"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:3993
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain string '%s'"
+-msgstr "內容不可更改"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4066
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4138
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "the property doesn't contain link watcher '%s'"
+-msgstr "內容不可更改"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:4229
+ #, c-format
+@@ -5291,7 +5291,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "VLAN connection"
+ msgstr "VLAN 連線 %d"
+-#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4276
++#: ../clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c:7549 ../src/nm-manager.c:4521
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "VPN connection"
+ msgstr "VPN 連線"
+@@ -9223,14 +9223,14 @@ msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1352
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid qdisc: %s"
+-msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1400
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid tfilter: %s"
+-msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1622
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -10082,21 +10082,20 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:68
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:283
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:547
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid kind"
+-msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:76
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tc-config.c:555
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent handle missing"
+-msgstr "找不到屬性"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:134 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:193
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:266
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "%s is out of range [0, %d]"
+-msgstr "'%d' 值落在範圍之外 <%d-%d>"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:175
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10104,9 +10103,9 @@ msgid "Missing target-host in nsna_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:181 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:248
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "target-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV 包含非十六進位的數字。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:241
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10114,9 +10113,9 @@ msgid "Missing %s in arp_ping link watcher"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:254
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"
+-msgstr "IV 包含非十六進位的數字。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1153
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:381
+@@ -10125,29 +10124,29 @@ msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1178
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid runner \"%s\""
+-msgstr "無效的 IPv4 路由「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1191
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing link watcher name"
+-msgstr "遺失選項"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1201
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "unknown link watcher \"%s\""
+-msgstr "不明日誌網域「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1212
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing target host"
+-msgstr "遺失選項"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:1220
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "missing source address"
+-msgstr "無效的 IPv4 位址「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+@@ -10410,9 +10409,9 @@ msgid "secret is not set"
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2127
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "'%s' is not a valid handle."
+-msgstr "「%s」不是個有效的頻道"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10420,14 +10419,13 @@ msgid "'%s' unexpected: parent already specified."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2240
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "invalid handle: '%s'"
+-msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2262
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "parent not specified."
+-msgstr "錯誤:尚未指定介面卡。"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2309
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10435,9 +10433,8 @@ msgid "unsupported qdisc option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2425
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "action name missing."
+-msgstr "找不到屬性"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2449
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10445,9 +10442,8 @@ msgid "unsupported action option: '%s'."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2587
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid "invalid action: "
+-msgstr "無效的選項「%s」"
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2591
+ #, c-format
+@@ -10530,57 +10526,57 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is NULL"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5313 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5665
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5316 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5668
+ msgid "value is empty"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5322
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5325
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5334 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5684
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5337 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5687
+ msgid "is not a JSON object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5654
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5657
+ msgid "not valid utf-8"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:5997 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6017
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6000 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6020
+ msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6042
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6045
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不明的裝置「%s」。"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6057
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6060
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "missing key-value separator '%c' after '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6073
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6076
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6082
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6085
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6092
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6095
+ #, fuzzy, c-format
+ msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
+ msgstr "不合於規定的選項 '%s' 或其值為 '%s'"
+-#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6102
++#: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:6105
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -11344,11 +11340,11 @@ msgstr "NetworkManager 已在執行(pid %ld)\n"
+ msgid "You must be root to run %s!\n"
+ msgstr "您必須成為 root 才能執行 NetworkManager!\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:280
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:283
+ msgid "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+ msgstr "# Created by NetworkManager\n"
+-#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:290
++#: ../src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c:293
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "# Merged from %s\n"
+@@ -11626,55 +11622,55 @@ msgstr "設定解密用的對稱式金鑰失敗。"
+ msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection requires a 'gsm' setting"
+ msgstr "行動寬頻連線 %d"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:486
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:521
+ msgid "Config file location"
+ msgstr "配置檔案位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:487
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:522
+ msgid "Config directory location"
+ msgstr "配置目錄位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:488
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:523
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "System config directory location"
+ msgstr "配置目錄位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:489
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:524
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Internal config file location"
+ msgstr "配置檔案位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:490
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:525
+ msgid "State file location"
+ msgstr "指定檔案位置"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:491
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:526
+ msgid "State file for no-auto-default devices"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:492
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:527
+ msgid "List of plugins separated by ','"
+ msgstr "外掛程式清單,以「,」區隔開。"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:493
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:528
+ #, fuzzy
+ msgid "Quit after initial configuration"
+ msgstr "目前的 nmcli 配置:\n"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:494 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:529 ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
+ msgid "Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"
+ msgstr "不要成為 daemon,並記錄至 stderr"
+ #. These three are hidden for now, and should eventually just go away.
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:497
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:532
+ msgid "An http(s) address for checking internet connectivity"
+ msgstr "檢查網際網路連線的 http 位址"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:498
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:533
+ msgid "The interval between connectivity checks (in seconds)"
+ msgstr "連線檢查之間的間隔(秒)"
+-#: ../src/nm-config.c:499
++#: ../src/nm-config.c:534
+ msgid "The expected start of the response"
+ msgstr "預期的反應起始"
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-bug-fixes-found-by-coverity.patch b/SOURCES/0004-bug-fixes-found-by-coverity.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bf254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0004-bug-fixes-found-by-coverity.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+From 62b5ab4f78de027021bb5557568e607270314f82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:22:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/7] core: fix uninialized boolean variable in
+ reset_autoconnect_all()
+It's not critical, because at worst we get a false-positive that
+something changed.
+Found by coverity.
+Fixes: 4e7b05de7981c28eba6db48eb16476372594fed2
+(cherry picked from commit fbc6008260f58b625e3a6bd26129c66b51904012)
+(cherry picked from commit 387377d8fce937de4ed583fdf631d6dcf35edf93)
+ src/nm-policy.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-policy.c b/src/nm-policy.c
+index 8dfb0ab00..4d0ef91a1 100644
+--- a/src/nm-policy.c
++++ b/src/nm-policy.c
+@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ reset_autoconnect_all (NMPolicy *self,
+ 	NMPolicyPrivate *priv = NM_POLICY_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+ 	NMSettingsConnection *const*connections = NULL;
+ 	guint i;
+-	gboolean changed;
++	gboolean changed = FALSE;
+ 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "re-enabling autoconnect for all connections%s%s%s",
+ 	       device ? " on " : "",
+From 3b3e530fedfceafb694a961482e22e64c0a76348 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:27:51 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/7] core: avoid dereferencing NULL in
+ nm_utils_resolve_conf_parse()
+Found by coverity.
+Fixes: 8f1ef161f4dd5ac197b622ac681d55d64c176797
+(cherry picked from commit a7087b1f0539d43783c67c36ba9ed2165f81cb77)
+(cherry picked from commit 1bb6b3a79f1e8cf2790aca1f78ccafad8ef7d56c)
+ src/nm-core-utils.c | 3 +--
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-core-utils.c b/src/nm-core-utils.c
+index 40a0c352a..f6b33a149 100644
+--- a/src/nm-core-utils.c
++++ b/src/nm-core-utils.c
+@@ -1960,8 +1960,7 @@ nm_utils_resolve_conf_parse (int addr_family,
+ 				gsize i_tokens;
+ 				tokens = nm_utils_strsplit_set (s, " \t");
+-				nm_assert (tokens);
+-				for (i_tokens = 0; tokens[i_tokens]; i_tokens++) {
++				for (i_tokens = 0; tokens && tokens[i_tokens]; i_tokens++) {
+ 					gs_free char *t = g_strstrip (g_strdup (tokens[i_tokens]));
+ 					if (   _nm_utils_dns_option_validate (t, NULL, NULL,
+From f67c30627b7c8369b957909abb84be27011ee2aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:31:01 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/7] libnm: fix checking argument in
+ nm_team_link_watcher_new_arp_ping()
+Found by coverity.
+Fixes: 6c93e32212f9901e882d5a9ca221d037162bc740
+(cherry picked from commit fb2da4b26c86a1916ad52cba00d6e6c725e74f4c)
+(cherry picked from commit ccdfe9d3e500d0b695de2f528745924583c81c27)
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+index d36882783..88008e422 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ nm_team_link_watcher_new_arp_ping (gint init_wait,
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	if (strpbrk (target_host, " \\/\t=\"\'")) {
++	if (strpbrk (source_host, " \\/\t=\"\'")) {
+ 		             _("source-host '%s' contains invalid characters"), source_host);
+ 		return NULL;
+From fbf92a9d6e73a9b47a149fd451a6d4edfbe00c05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:37:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/7] platform: fix crash hashing NMPlatformTfilter and
+ NMPlatformQdisc
+@kind might be NULL. There are 3 forms of the hash-update functions for
+string: str(), str0(), and strarr().
+- str0() is when the string might be NULL.
+- str() does not allow the string to be NULL
+- strarr() is like str(), except it adds a G_STATIC_ASSERT()
+  that the argument is a C array.
+The reason why a difference between str() and str0() exists, is
+because str0() hashes NULL different from a "" or any other string.
+This has an overhead, because it effectively must hash another bit
+of information that tells whether a string was passed or not.
+The reason is, that hashing a tupple of two strings should always
+yield a different hash value, even for "aa",""; "a","a"; "","aa",
+where naive concatentation would yield identical hash values in all
+three cases.
+Fixes: e75fc8279becce29e688551930d85e59e1280c89
+(cherry picked from commit 27e8fffdb833748dfeb6648b8768c4ef48822841)
+(cherry picked from commit 99eef7a2ea3e7f79e2f449a04d7a3c78ba05f427)
+ src/platform/nm-platform.c | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/platform/nm-platform.c b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
+index 2ca379e4e..70675579f 100644
+--- a/src/platform/nm-platform.c
++++ b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
+@@ -5320,7 +5320,7 @@ nm_platform_qdisc_to_string (const NMPlatformQdisc *qdisc, char *buf, gsize len)
+ void
+ nm_platform_qdisc_hash_update (const NMPlatformQdisc *obj, NMHashState *h)
+ {
+-	nm_hash_update_str (h, obj->kind);
++	nm_hash_update_str0 (h, obj->kind);
+ 	nm_hash_update_vals (h,
+ 	                     obj->ifindex,
+ 	                     obj->addr_family,
+@@ -5387,17 +5387,17 @@ nm_platform_tfilter_to_string (const NMPlatformTfilter *tfilter, char *buf, gsiz
+ void
+ nm_platform_tfilter_hash_update (const NMPlatformTfilter *obj, NMHashState *h)
+ {
+-	nm_hash_update_str (h, obj->kind);
++	nm_hash_update_str0 (h, obj->kind);
+ 	nm_hash_update_vals (h,
+ 	                     obj->ifindex,
+ 	                     obj->addr_family,
+ 	                     obj->handle,
+ 	                     obj->parent,
+ 	                     obj->info);
+-	nm_hash_update_str (h, obj->action.kind);
+ 	if (obj->action.kind) {
++		nm_hash_update_str (h, obj->action.kind);
+ 		if (nm_streq (obj->action.kind, NM_PLATFORM_ACTION_KIND_SIMPLE))
+-			nm_hash_update_str (h, obj->action.simple.sdata);
++			nm_hash_update_strarr (h, obj->action.simple.sdata);
+ 	}
+ }
+From 55a7ac49eb196937bc76db4a292832b266df5398 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:49:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/7] platform: assert() for valid item in
+ nm_platform_link_get_all()
+Coverity thinks that item might be NULL, but actually it
+cannot. Unclear how to avoid the false positive.
+(cherry picked from commit 62d4dba74bac791c06ba70547f81b78eab5b9dc5)
+(cherry picked from commit 490911c6fa368692b4a6dfefdc2a1e253b40f7df)
+ src/platform/nm-platform.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/src/platform/nm-platform.c b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
+index 70675579f..c7ed90e3f 100644
+--- a/src/platform/nm-platform.c
++++ b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
+@@ -667,6 +667,7 @@ skip:
+ 			/* There is a loop, pop the first (remaining) element from the list.
+ 			 * This can happen for veth pairs where each peer is parent of the other end. */
+ 			item = NMP_OBJECT_CAST_LINK (links->pdata[first_idx]);
++			nm_assert (item);
+ 			g_hash_table_remove (unseen, GINT_TO_POINTER (item->ifindex));
+ 			g_ptr_array_add (result, links->pdata[first_idx]);
+ 			links->pdata[first_idx] = NULL;
+From 954ae22f4219db60aeee641a3026d37fe7b71614 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 10:59:26 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 6/7] cli: avoid out-of-bounds-read for show_device_info()
+Probably not critical, because it will still include
+the terminating NULL, and just continue to fill the
+temporary buffer with static addresses.
+Found by coverity.
+Fixes: bfb9fd0d2f3d602a69537fe7776426ee9202ce9e
+(cherry picked from commit c274b565a66e0c2932377554ce4d33a4772602e4)
+(cherry picked from commit 7fb865947cd131d34703f0dc7ce153fb2e6676fc)
+ clients/cli/devices.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/clients/cli/devices.c b/clients/cli/devices.c
+index 467ce427d..da969fbe7 100644
+--- a/clients/cli/devices.c
++++ b/clients/cli/devices.c
+@@ -1116,8 +1116,8 @@ show_device_info (NMDevice *device, NmCli *nmc)
+ 		                                   (const NMMetaAbstractInfo *const*) nmc_fields_dev_show_general,
+ 		                                   FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+-		row = g_new0 (NmcOutputField, _NM_META_SETTING_TYPE_NUM + 1);
+-		for (i = 0; i < _NM_META_SETTING_TYPE_NUM; i++)
++		row = g_new0 (NmcOutputField, G_N_ELEMENTS (nmc_fields_dev_show_general));
++		for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (nmc_fields_dev_show_general); i++)
+ 			row[i].info = (const NMMetaAbstractInfo *) &nmc_fields_dev_show_general[i];
+ 		print_required_fields (&nmc->nmc_config, NMC_OF_FLAG_MAIN_HEADER_ONLY,
+From 187d0038f5e929b338a005804386851d3d5c7e8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 11:05:52 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 7/7] core: avoid leaks parsing team link-watcher
+Found by coverity.
+(cherry picked from commit f44f21c87e157c84ab865334f115e9fecd302465)
+(cherry picked from commit 7673a3badc475998fc8f4169d0e2831d1625f1f9)
+ libnm-core/nm-utils.c | 11 +++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+index 6cc92ec8d..9aafdd914 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+@@ -5185,13 +5185,16 @@ _nm_utils_team_link_watcher_from_json (json_t *json_element)
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (json_element, NULL);
+ 	json_object_foreach (json_element, j_key, j_val) {
+-		if (nm_streq (j_key, "name"))
++		if (nm_streq (j_key, "name")) {
++			g_free (name);
+ 			name = strdup (json_string_value (j_val));
+-		else if (nm_streq (j_key, "target_host"))
++		} else if (nm_streq (j_key, "target_host")) {
++			g_free (target_host);
+ 			target_host = strdup (json_string_value (j_val));
+-		else if (nm_streq (j_key, "source_host"))
++		} else if (nm_streq (j_key, "source_host")) {
++			g_free (source_host);
+ 			source_host = strdup (json_string_value (j_val));
+-		else if (NM_IN_STRSET (j_key, "delay_up", "init_wait"))
++		} else if (NM_IN_STRSET (j_key, "delay_up", "init_wait"))
+ 			val1 = json_integer_value (j_val);
+ 		else if (NM_IN_STRSET (j_key, "delay_down", "interval"))
+ 			val2 = json_integer_value (j_val);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-proxy-crash-rh1450459.patch b/SOURCES/0004-proxy-crash-rh1450459.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 473cd7f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-proxy-crash-rh1450459.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-From 4bf6a4dd5b73fcea36fcfa4a97091665b233bc15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 12:09:45 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] proxy: fix refcount handing for DestroyProxyConfiguration
- operation
-Fixes: e895beb0da38fc87ce93fe7403a6b50e92f0dd82
-(cherry picked from commit df137fdf9a7077c20d8923f068568c22fb479e5a)
-(cherry picked from commit 10373de9072f0318ea1150c85fd7b7ebfa5a9655)
- src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c b/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-index cfc028c..fd3d1f8 100644
---- a/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ pacrunner_send_done (GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data)
- 		_LOG2D (config, "sent");
- 		if (config->removed) {
-+			config_ref (config);
- 			g_dbus_proxy_call (priv->pacrunner,
- 			                   "DestroyProxyConfiguration",
- 			                   g_variant_new ("(o)", config->path),
-From 617aa8fd2fccbd8a8cb76fbf9bce3e74eac78f8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 12:32:22 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] proxy: fix passing cancellable to async D-Bus operations
-We must not cancel pacrunner_cancellable when the D-Bus proxy is
-created. Instead, keep it around and use it later for the asynchronous
-D-Bus operations.
-This doesn't really matter at the moment, because the pacrunner manager
-is only destroyed when NetworkManager is about to terminated. That is
-the only time when we actually cancel the asynchronous request. Also,
-at that time we no longer iterate the mainloop, so the pending requests
-are never completed anyway.
-(cherry picked from commit a08540d967812457af192ebd34497412da5d143e)
-(cherry picked from commit 6cfd9279625366c24808d86e1c3b04a18a036eb6)
- src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c b/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-index fd3d1f8..87e0a36 100644
---- a/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-pacrunner-manager.c
-@@ -330,7 +330,6 @@ pacrunner_proxy_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data)
- 	priv->pacrunner = proxy;
--	nm_clear_g_cancellable (&priv->pacrunner_cancellable);
- 	g_signal_connect (priv->pacrunner, "notify::g-name-owner",
- 	                  G_CALLBACK (name_owner_changed_cb), self);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-clear-unsaved-flag-on-new-connections-rh1525078.patch b/SOURCES/0005-clear-unsaved-flag-on-new-connections-rh1525078.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31075e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0005-clear-unsaved-flag-on-new-connections-rh1525078.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+From dac6c0c2bf30af21d4876bcbd579f97cedf9f0a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 09:54:29 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] settings: clear unsaved flag on new settings-connection
+When a new settings-connection is populated with the actual settings
+read from disk by the plugin, calling nm_settings_connection_update()
+with KEEP mode also marks it as unsaved, which should not happen on a
+new connection just written to (or read from) disk.
+Introduce a new KEEP_SAVED persist mode that is similar to KEEP but
+clears the UNSAVED flag.
+Fixes: 023ce50d2188af557b4f2af39ec5a3342612aa2f
+(cherry picked from commit 5fff928a6b746393e15487c348892b5ecaf8a416)
+(cherry picked from commit b1b463d0dca46a25c5e46732949811c2c31fa4b2)
+ src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c                   | 1 +
+ src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h                   | 3 +++
+ src/settings/plugins/ibft/nms-ibft-connection.c         | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-connection.c | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c     | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-connection.c       | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c           | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-connection.c   | 2 +-
+ src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c       | 2 +-
+ 9 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
+index b6e894049..62f2de399 100644
+--- a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
+@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ set_persist_mode (NMSettingsConnection *self, NMSettingsConnectionPersistMode pe
+ 		                                  TRUE);
+ 		return;
+ 		/* Nothing to do */
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
+index fc8ad1de1..d7a999697 100644
+--- a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
++++ b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
+@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ gboolean nm_settings_connection_has_unmodified_applied_connection (NMSettingsCon
+ typedef enum {
++	/* like KEEP, but always clears the UNSAVED flag */
+ 	/* unsaved, only sets the unsaved flag, but it doesn't touch
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ibft/nms-ibft-connection.c b/src/settings/plugins/ibft/nms-ibft-connection.c
+index 2a7c5f4a0..fb7f18f8d 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ibft/nms-ibft-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ibft/nms-ibft-connection.c
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ nms_ibft_connection_new (const GPtrArray *block, GError **error)
+ 	/* Update settings with what was read from iscsiadm */
+ 	if (!nm_settings_connection_update (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (object),
+ 	                                    source,
+-	                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++	                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 	                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 	                                    NULL,
+ 	                                    error))
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-connection.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-connection.c
+index 3cf5c978c..6979fdaaa 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-connection.c
+@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ nm_ifcfg_connection_new (NMConnection *source,
+ 	if (nm_settings_connection_update (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (object),
+ 	                                   tmp,
+ 	                                   full_path
+-	                                     ? NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP /* connection is already on disk */
++	                                     ? NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED
+ 	                                     : NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_UNSAVED,
+ 	                                   NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 	                                   NULL,
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
+index 04e74bbda..2b388d1d9 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
+@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ update_connection (SettingsPluginIfcfg *self,
+ 			if (!nm_settings_connection_update (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection_by_uuid),
+ 			                                    NM_CONNECTION (connection_new),
+-			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 			                                    "ifcfg-update",
+ 			                                    &local)) {
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-connection.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-connection.c
+index e7cd19cd2..ce0b3f2bf 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-connection.c
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ nm_ifnet_connection_new (NMConnection *source, const char *conn_name)
+ 	                                    tmp,
+ 	                                    update_unsaved
+ 	                                      ? NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_UNSAVED
+-	                                      : NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++	                                      : NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 	                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 	                                    NULL,
+ 	                                    NULL)) {
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
+index 38d23f306..d89e988ba 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
+@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ reload_connections (NMSettingsPlugin *config)
+ 				/* Update existing connection with new settings */
+ 				if (!nm_settings_connection_update (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (old),
+ 				                                    NM_CONNECTION (new),
+-				                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++				                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 				                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 				                                    "ifnet-update",
+ 				                                    &error)) {
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-connection.c b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-connection.c
+index 5a6d8a76e..5f72a9fab 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-connection.c
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ nms_keyfile_connection_new (NMConnection *source,
+ 	                                    tmp,
+ 	                                    update_unsaved
+ 	                                      ? NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_UNSAVED
+-	                                      : NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++	                                      : NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 	                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 	                                    NULL,
+ 	                                    error)) {
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
+index bc64b3ca4..222768db4 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ update_connection (NMSKeyfilePlugin *self,
+ 			if (!nm_settings_connection_update (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection_by_uuid),
+ 			                                    NM_CONNECTION (connection_new),
+-			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP,
++			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_PERSIST_MODE_KEEP_SAVED,
+ 			                                    NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_COMMIT_REASON_NONE,
+ 			                                    "keyfile-update",
+ 			                                    &local)) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0005-device-fix-wait-carrier-rh1450444.patch b/SOURCES/0005-device-fix-wait-carrier-rh1450444.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 50918dd..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0005-device-fix-wait-carrier-rh1450444.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-From fde61a81ee3ff70c85aed230bcfda79f2fb70ea8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:17:18 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/7] device: don't call virtual function carrier_changed()
- directly
-Don't give the subclass the ability to override the parents
-behavior. The parent implementation is not intended to allow
-for that. Instead, restrict the flexibility of how the virtual
-function integrates with the larger picture. That means, the
-virtual function is only called at one place, and there is only
-one implementation in NMDeviceEthernet (and it doesn't really
-matter whether the implementation chains up the parent implementation
-or not).
-(cherry picked from commit 5a7374d8be33086a5c00a450a472069595ba1734)
-(cherry picked from commit e9aa3cc3575b8456eb712c0e06dc815940b49cbc)
- src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c |  7 +++----
- src/devices/nm-device.c          | 17 ++++++++++++-----
- src/devices/nm-device.h          |  2 +-
- 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c b/src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c
-index 4c5aeb5..8a04d40 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c
-@@ -1597,12 +1597,11 @@ get_link_speed (NMDevice *device)
- }
- static void
--carrier_changed (NMDevice *device, gboolean carrier)
-+carrier_changed_notify (NMDevice *device, gboolean carrier)
- {
- 	if (carrier)
- 		get_link_speed (device);
--	NM_DEVICE_CLASS (nm_device_ethernet_parent_class)->carrier_changed (device, carrier);
-+	NM_DEVICE_CLASS (nm_device_ethernet_parent_class)->carrier_changed_notify (device, carrier);
- }
- static void
-@@ -1764,7 +1763,7 @@ nm_device_ethernet_class_init (NMDeviceEthernetClass *klass)
- 	parent_class->deactivate = deactivate;
- 	parent_class->get_s390_subchannels = get_s390_subchannels;
- 	parent_class->update_connection = update_connection;
--	parent_class->carrier_changed = carrier_changed;
-+	parent_class->carrier_changed_notify = carrier_changed_notify;
- 	parent_class->link_changed = link_changed;
- 	parent_class->is_available = is_available;
- 	parent_class->can_reapply_change = can_reapply_change;
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 9c30790..652bede 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2168,10 +2168,18 @@ nm_device_update_dynamic_ip_setup (NMDevice *self)
- }
- static void
-+carrier_changed_notify (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
-+	/* stub */
-+static void
- carrier_changed (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+	NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->carrier_changed_notify (self, carrier);
- 	if (priv->state <= NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNMANAGED)
- 		return;
-@@ -2245,7 +2253,7 @@ link_disconnect_action_cb (gpointer user_data)
- 	priv->carrier_defer_id = 0;
--	NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
-+	carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
- 	return FALSE;
- }
-@@ -2266,7 +2274,6 @@ void
- nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
--	NMDeviceClass *klass = NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self);
- 	NMDeviceState state = nm_device_get_state (self);
- 	if (priv->carrier == carrier)
-@@ -2278,7 +2285,7 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 	if (priv->carrier) {
- 		_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "link connected");
- 		link_disconnect_action_cancel (self);
--		klass->carrier_changed (self, TRUE);
-+		carrier_changed (self, TRUE);
- 		if (nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id)) {
- 			nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, TRUE);
-@@ -2287,7 +2294,7 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 	} else if (   state <= NM_DEVICE_STATE_DISCONNECTED
- 	           && !priv->queued_act_request) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected");
--		klass->carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
-+		carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
- 	} else {
- 		priv->carrier_defer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY,
- 		                                                link_disconnect_action_cb, self);
-@@ -14162,7 +14169,7 @@ nm_device_class_init (NMDeviceClass *klass)
- 	klass->can_unmanaged_external_down = can_unmanaged_external_down;
- 	klass->realize_start_notify = realize_start_notify;
- 	klass->unrealize_notify = unrealize_notify;
--	klass->carrier_changed = carrier_changed;
-+	klass->carrier_changed_notify = carrier_changed_notify;
- 	klass->get_ip_iface_identifier = get_ip_iface_identifier;
- 	klass->unmanaged_on_quit = unmanaged_on_quit;
- 	klass->deactivate_reset_hw_addr = deactivate_reset_hw_addr;
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index be328eb..5e6abb4 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ typedef struct {
- 	gboolean        (*can_unmanaged_external_down)  (NMDevice *self);
- 	/* Carrier state (IFF_LOWER_UP) */
--	void            (*carrier_changed) (NMDevice *, gboolean carrier);
-+	void            (*carrier_changed_notify) (NMDevice *, gboolean carrier);
- 	gboolean    (* get_ip_iface_identifier) (NMDevice *self, NMUtilsIPv6IfaceId *out_iid);
-From 02daf0bdd66115456c6d9ccbf99909996013239d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:21:55 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/7] device/trivial: rename functions related to "carrier"
-(cherry picked from commit a07c6255a02e098dae934ee0e6765e1ce5b927ae)
-(cherry picked from commit 0ed6b5bfff4d8a915e69866d15027d26e3785271)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 14 +++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 652bede..e615f32 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2167,6 +2167,8 @@ nm_device_update_dynamic_ip_setup (NMDevice *self)
- 	}
- }
- static void
- carrier_changed_notify (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- {
-@@ -2244,7 +2246,7 @@ carrier_changed (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- static gboolean
--link_disconnect_action_cb (gpointer user_data)
-+carrier_disconnected_action_cb (gpointer user_data)
- {
- 	NMDevice *self = NM_DEVICE (user_data);
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-@@ -2259,7 +2261,7 @@ link_disconnect_action_cb (gpointer user_data)
- }
- static void
--link_disconnect_action_cancel (NMDevice *self)
-+carrier_disconnected_action_cancel (NMDevice *self)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-@@ -2284,7 +2286,7 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 	if (priv->carrier) {
- 		_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "link connected");
--		link_disconnect_action_cancel (self);
-+		carrier_disconnected_action_cancel (self);
- 		carrier_changed (self, TRUE);
- 		if (nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id)) {
-@@ -2297,12 +2299,14 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 		carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
- 	} else {
- 		priv->carrier_defer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY,
--		                                                link_disconnect_action_cb, self);
-+		                                                carrier_disconnected_action_cb, self);
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (deferring action for %d seconds) (id=%u)",
- 		       LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY, priv->carrier_defer_id);
- 	}
- }
- static void
- device_recheck_slave_status (NMDevice *self, const NMPlatformLink *plink)
- {
-@@ -13775,7 +13779,7 @@ dispose (GObject *object)
- 	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->stats.timeout_id);
--	link_disconnect_action_cancel (self);
-+	carrier_disconnected_action_cancel (self);
- 	if (priv->ifindex > 0) {
- 		priv->ifindex = 0;
-From 5385cb00a8686c55e84f1924038ec20102939ac9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:22:47 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/7] device: minor cleanup of
- carrier_disconnected_action_cancel()
-(cherry picked from commit 6c5d883a4bd9ef167ee4fe8ec2b0187c7bc77142)
-(cherry picked from commit 62f1875766a181528c36596b7bd16a78663879cc)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 10 ++++------
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index e615f32..dabe87e 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2254,9 +2254,7 @@ carrier_disconnected_action_cb (gpointer user_data)
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (calling deferred action) (id=%u)", priv->carrier_defer_id);
- 	priv->carrier_defer_id = 0;
- 	carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
- 	return FALSE;
- }
-@@ -2264,11 +2262,11 @@ static void
- carrier_disconnected_action_cancel (NMDevice *self)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+	guint id = priv->carrier_defer_id;
--	if (priv->carrier_defer_id) {
--		g_source_remove (priv->carrier_defer_id);
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (canceling deferred action) (id=%u)", priv->carrier_defer_id);
--		priv->carrier_defer_id = 0;
-+	if (nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_defer_id)) {
-+		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (canceling deferred action) (id=%u)",
-+		       id);
- 	}
- }
-From 68703df31190d899d881490ce3f0742890a3f5d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:48:57 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/7] device: downgrade logging messages about (non) pending
- action
-Adding/Removing a pending action with assert_not_yet_pending/
-assert_is_pending means that we expect that no action is taken.
-Downgrade the logging level in those cases to <trace>.
-(cherry picked from commit eaba285375248a691aaa896fecdd991ad695c1b1)
-(cherry picked from commit f4600c7fa5afd960fb3657ca6d694e56f5dc5dac)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index dabe87e..d58c50d 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -11821,7 +11821,7 @@ nm_device_add_pending_action (NMDevice *self, const char *action, gboolean asser
- 				       count + g_slist_length (iter), action);
- 				g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
- 			} else {
--				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "add_pending_action (%d): '%s' already pending (expected)",
-+				_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "add_pending_action (%d): '%s' already pending (expected)",
- 				       count + g_slist_length (iter), action);
- 			}
- 			return FALSE;
-@@ -11882,7 +11882,7 @@ nm_device_remove_pending_action (NMDevice *self, const char *action, gboolean as
- 		_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "remove_pending_action (%d): '%s' not pending", count, action);
- 		g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
- 	} else
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "remove_pending_action (%d): '%s' not pending (expected)", count, action);
-+		_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "remove_pending_action (%d): '%s' not pending (expected)", count, action);
- 	return FALSE;
- }
-From 8615608b36b72f8c47ae813583bad31ae7f7ec0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 14 May 2017 22:08:26 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 5/7] device: rename and minor refactoring of check_carrier()
-The name should mirror what we already have: nm_device_set_carrier().
-Also, move the code closer to nm_device_set_carrier() and refactor
-it a bit.
-(cherry picked from commit 7e472b4eb36347684e81e1c3a2bd7348e19eb628)
-(cherry picked from commit 83c2243d800fb20a651f787b65e6c5586a6f970d)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 23 ++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index d58c50d..4a330d0 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2303,6 +2303,16 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 	}
- }
-+static void
-+nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (NMDevice *self)
-+	if (!nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_NONSTANDARD_CARRIER)) {
-+		nm_device_set_carrier (self,
-+		                       nm_platform_link_is_connected (nm_device_get_platform (self),
-+		                                                      nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self)));
-+	}
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static void
-@@ -2881,15 +2891,6 @@ config_changed (NMConfig *config,
- }
- static void
--check_carrier (NMDevice *self)
--	int ifindex = nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self);
--	if (!nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_NONSTANDARD_CARRIER))
--		nm_device_set_carrier (self, nm_platform_link_is_connected (nm_device_get_platform (self), ifindex));
--static void
- realize_start_notify (NMDevice *self,
-                       const NMPlatformLink *pllink)
- {
-@@ -3020,7 +3021,7 @@ realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
- 	}
- 	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT)) {
--		check_carrier (self);
-+		nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
- 		       "carrier is %s%s",
- 		       priv->carrier ? "ON" : "OFF",
-@@ -10343,7 +10344,7 @@ nm_device_bring_up (NMDevice *self, gboolean block, gboolean *no_firmware)
- 	/* Store carrier immediately. */
- 	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT))
--		check_carrier (self);
-+		nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
- 	device_is_up = nm_device_is_up (self);
- 	if (block && !device_is_up) {
-From 1520c770db02577c54bf25736adba5d344378568 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 11:35:41 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 6/7] device: cleanup nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform()
-nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform() is only called from two places.
-- both check for NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT, so move that check
-  inside the function.
-- drop the logging in realize_start_setup(). nm_device_set_carrier() already
-  does logging.
-- always set the fake carrier in nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform().
-  For the fake carrer, we anyway expect it to be already TRUE in most
-  case, so usually this should have no effect.
-  Also emit a property changed signal. That is necessary to refresh the
-  D-Bus property.
-(cherry picked from commit 02bb4ce7eb518bf955ed802511f1efde921bc919)
-(cherry picked from commit 3786e17c0f86561e23779490ec5032b432aa7178)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 4a330d0..851e0a3 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2306,10 +2306,20 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- static void
- nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (NMDevice *self)
- {
--	if (!nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_NONSTANDARD_CARRIER)) {
--		nm_device_set_carrier (self,
--		                       nm_platform_link_is_connected (nm_device_get_platform (self),
--		                                                      nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self)));
-+	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT)) {
-+		if (!nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_NONSTANDARD_CARRIER)) {
-+			nm_device_set_carrier (self,
-+			                       nm_platform_link_is_connected (nm_device_get_platform (self),
-+			                                                      nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self)));
-+		}
-+	} else {
-+		NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+		/* Fake online link when carrier detection is not available. */
-+		if (!priv->carrier) {
-+			priv->carrier = TRUE;
-+			_notify (self, PROP_CARRIER);
-+		}
- 	}
- }
-@@ -3020,16 +3030,7 @@ realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
- 		                                            self);
- 	}
--	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT)) {
--		nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
--		       "carrier is %s%s",
--		       priv->carrier ? "ON" : "OFF",
--		       priv->ignore_carrier ? " (but ignored)" : "");
--	} else {
--		/* Fake online link when carrier detection is not available. */
--		priv->carrier = TRUE;
--	}
-+	nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
- 	device_init_sriov_num_vfs (self);
-@@ -10343,8 +10344,7 @@ nm_device_bring_up (NMDevice *self, gboolean block, gboolean *no_firmware)
- 	}
- 	/* Store carrier immediately. */
--	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT))
--		nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
-+	nm_device_set_carrier_from_platform (self);
- 	device_is_up = nm_device_is_up (self);
- 	if (block && !device_is_up) {
-From 15bb8709410d829c63b502ac845b93a8c95c3f15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:32:15 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 7/7] device: fix delaying startup complete waiting for carrier
-    platform: signal: link changed: 2: eth0 <DOWN;broadcast,multicast> mtu ...
-    ...
-    device[0x7f90c29c64d0] (eth0): bringing up device
-    ...
-    platform: signal: link changed: 2: eth0 <UP,LOWER_UP;broadcast,multicast,up,running,lowerup> mtu ...
-    ...
-    device (eth0): link connected
-    ...
-    device[0x7f90c29c64d0] (eth0): add_pending_action (2): 'carrier wait'
-Note how we schedule the pending action 'carrier-wait', although the device
-already has carrier. That means, the pending action will not be removed
-until timeout, 5 seconds later.
-Avoid scheduling 'carrier-wait' if we already have carrier.
-However, don't just add the pending action 'carrier-wait' only during
-nm_device_bring_up(). Instead, always schedule the carrier_wait timeout.
-This gives a grace period during which we keep setting 'carrier-wait' whenever
-we have no carrier. This should prevent two cases:
-  - during nm_device_bring_up() the platform state might not yet have
-    caught up. If we don't add the pending action there, we will add
-    it a moment later when carrier goes away.
-  - bringing the interface up might cause carrier to get lost for a
-    moment (flapping). If that happens within the timeout, also add the
-    pending action.
-(cherry picked from commit 9f874d166d260bb4b9af32cb8d12d287341a9a8b)
-(cherry picked from commit 51a1fc3cd9f281f1348cf0ec1ea17d4d03ecd0b7)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 851e0a3..8540b4c 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2287,19 +2287,23 @@ nm_device_set_carrier (NMDevice *self, gboolean carrier)
- 		carrier_disconnected_action_cancel (self);
- 		carrier_changed (self, TRUE);
--		if (nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id)) {
--			nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, TRUE);
-+		if (priv->carrier_wait_id) {
-+			nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, FALSE);
- 			_carrier_wait_check_queued_act_request (self);
- 		}
--	} else if (   state <= NM_DEVICE_STATE_DISCONNECTED
--	           && !priv->queued_act_request) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected");
--		carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
- 	} else {
--		priv->carrier_defer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY,
--		                                                carrier_disconnected_action_cb, self);
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (deferring action for %d seconds) (id=%u)",
--		       LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY, priv->carrier_defer_id);
-+		if (priv->carrier_wait_id)
-+			nm_device_add_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, FALSE);
-+		    && !priv->queued_act_request) {
-+			_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected");
-+			carrier_changed (self, FALSE);
-+		} else {
-+			priv->carrier_defer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY,
-+			                                                carrier_disconnected_action_cb, self);
-+			_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "link disconnected (deferring action for %d seconds) (id=%u)",
-+			       LINK_DISCONNECT_DELAY, priv->carrier_defer_id);
-+		}
- 	}
- }
-@@ -10297,12 +10301,12 @@ static gboolean
- carrier_wait_timeout (gpointer user_data)
- {
- 	NMDevice *self = NM_DEVICE (user_data);
-+	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
--	NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->carrier_wait_id = 0;
--	nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, TRUE);
--	_carrier_wait_check_queued_act_request (self);
-+	priv->carrier_wait_id = 0;
-+	nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, FALSE);
-+	if (!priv->carrier)
-+		_carrier_wait_check_queued_act_request (self);
- 	return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
- }
-@@ -10379,8 +10383,14 @@ nm_device_bring_up (NMDevice *self, gboolean block, gboolean *no_firmware)
- 	 * a timeout is reached.
- 	 */
- 	if (nm_device_has_capability (self, NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT)) {
--		if (!nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id))
--			nm_device_add_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, TRUE);
-+		/* we start a grace period of 5 seconds during which we will schedule
-+		 * a pending action whenever we have no carrier.
-+		 *
-+		 * If during that time carrier goes away, we declare the interface
-+		 * as not ready. */
-+		nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id);
-+		if (!priv->carrier)
-+			nm_device_add_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, FALSE);
- 		priv->carrier_wait_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (5, carrier_wait_timeout, self);
- 	}
-@@ -13793,7 +13803,8 @@ dispose (GObject *object)
- 	available_connections_del_all (self);
--	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id);
-+	if (nm_clear_g_source (&priv->carrier_wait_id))
-+		nm_device_remove_pending_action (self, NM_PENDING_ACTION_CARRIER_WAIT, FALSE);
- 	_clear_queued_act_request (priv);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-dhcp-don-t-add-route-to-DHCP4-server-rh1448987.patch b/SOURCES/0006-dhcp-don-t-add-route-to-DHCP4-server-rh1448987.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d122472..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0006-dhcp-don-t-add-route-to-DHCP4-server-rh1448987.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-From bed605f5bd8524779b3cf3d3e02baf06a76f4054 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 16:17:48 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] dhcp: don't add route to DHCP4 server
-This basically reverts commit 31fe84e46773 "core: Add host route for
-DHCP4 server if outside assigned subnet (bgo #721767)" because the
-additional route added by NM does more harm than good.
-First, the code does not consider routes pushed by the server and thus
-it can add a route conflicting with the ones from the network
-Second, there is no specification on what a DHCP client should do when
-the server is not reachable via unicast, and adding arbitrary logic
-into the client is likely to break things in specific cases. If
-network administrators want to make the DHCP server reachable from a
-client in a different subnet, they should push proper routes with the
-In any case, if the DHCP server is not reachable through unicast,
-before the lease expiration (after timeout T2) the client will resort
-to broadcast and so there won't be any network disruption; the renewal
-will only happen at a later time.
-Fixes: 31fe84e467732463eabc8f70c2a419008e7a227c
-(cherry picked from commit 36e97f5d7beba7ab5446c2b7c6c22523b1bca476)
-(cherry picked from commit cbf5a776f72d1895405b71f45a74cf4fe9046dae)
- src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c | 37 -------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 37 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
-index e020ca3..e55a21b 100644
---- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
-+++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
-@@ -450,43 +450,6 @@ nm_dhcp_utils_ip4_config_from_options (int ifindex,
- 		}
- 	}
--	/*
--	 * RFC 2132, section 9.7
--	 *   DHCP clients use the contents of the 'server identifier' field
--	 *   as the destination address for any DHCP messages unicast to
--	 *   the DHCP server.
--	 *
--	 * Some ISP's provide leases from central servers that are on
--	 * different subnets that the address offered.  If the host
--	 * does not configure the interface as the default route, the
--	 * dhcp server may not be reachable via unicast, and a host
--	 * specific route is needed.
--	 **/
--	str = g_hash_table_lookup (options, "dhcp_server_identifier");
--	if (str) {
--		if (inet_pton (AF_INET, str, &tmp_addr) > 0) {
--			_LOG2I (LOGD_DHCP4, iface, "  server identifier %s", str);
--			if (   nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address(tmp_addr, address.plen) != nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address(address.address, address.plen)
--			    && !nm_ip4_config_get_direct_route_for_host (ip4_config, tmp_addr)) {
--				/* DHCP server not on assigned subnet and the no direct route was returned. Add route */
--				NMPlatformIP4Route route = { 0 };
--				route.network = tmp_addr;
--				route.plen = 32;
--				/* this will be a device route if gwaddr is 0 */
--				route.gateway = gwaddr;
--				route.rt_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP;
--				route.metric = priority;
--				nm_ip4_config_add_route (ip4_config, &route);
--				_LOG2D (LOGD_IP, iface, "adding route for server identifier: %s",
--				        nm_platform_ip4_route_to_string (&route, NULL, 0));
--			}
--		}
--		else
--			_LOG2W (LOGD_DHCP4, iface, "ignoring invalid server identifier '%s'", str);
--	}
- 	str = g_hash_table_lookup (options, "dhcp_lease_time");
- 	if (str) {
- 		address.lifetime = address.preferred = strtoul (str, NULL, 10);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0006-reload-qdiscs-and-tfilters-after-removal-rh1527197.patch b/SOURCES/0006-reload-qdiscs-and-tfilters-after-removal-rh1527197.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06fcf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0006-reload-qdiscs-and-tfilters-after-removal-rh1527197.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From ccd98ba2146ed7285e781f73f81f456d8a5a5988 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2018 13:51:53 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] platform-linux: reload qdiscs and tfilters after removing
+ them
+Kernel (as of 4.14) merely ACKs our RTM_DELQDISC and RTM_DELTFILTER, not
+bothering to signal the full RTM_DEL* message unless the removal is
+external to NetworkManager.
+(cherry picked from commit f3b4053a91e48ba56c07d70e8ac7305e2f51924f)
+ src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c b/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
+index 10d1a6efe..e66ab9449 100644
+--- a/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
++++ b/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
+@@ -4680,7 +4680,10 @@ do_delete_object (NMPlatform *platform, const NMPObject *obj_id, struct nl_msg *
+ 	        wait_for_nl_response_to_string (seq_result, s_buf, sizeof (s_buf)),
+ 	        log_detail);
++	if (NM_IN_SET (NMP_OBJECT_GET_TYPE (obj_id),
++	               NMP_OBJECT_TYPE_IP6_ADDRESS,
++	               NMP_OBJECT_TYPE_QDISC,
++	               NMP_OBJECT_TYPE_TFILTER)) {
+ 		/* In rare cases, the object is still there after we receive the ACK from
+ 		 * kernel. Need to refetch.
+ 		 *
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-device-update-ext-conf-before-commit-rh1449873.patch b/SOURCES/0007-device-update-ext-conf-before-commit-rh1449873.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a379892..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0007-device-update-ext-conf-before-commit-rh1449873.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-From b870115d83ddb2f7091e7b5e1f65b64261c53557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 12:00:20 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] device: update external configuration before commit
-If the platform signaled that the external configuration changed (and
-thus update_ipX_config() is scheduled) and we are doing a commit of
-the new configuration, update priv->ext_ipX_config. Without this, the
-commit will remove addresses added externally but not yet captured in
-the external configuration.
-(cherry picked from commit a21b8882cc9defc43248afc94bf59ca0f84f0d27)
-(cherry picked from commit bf5407992f54440b586e1d0b3792f93eb2c464f3)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 8540b4c..87cd296 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -5487,8 +5487,15 @@ ip4_config_merge_and_apply (NMDevice *self,
- 	composite = nm_ip4_config_new (nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self));
- 	init_ip4_config_dns_priority (self, composite);
--	if (commit)
-+	if (commit) {
- 		ensure_con_ip4_config (self);
-+		if (priv->queued_ip4_config_id) {
-+			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip4_config);
-+			priv->ext_ip4_config = nm_ip4_config_capture (nm_device_get_platform (self),
-+			                                              nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
-+			                                              FALSE);
-+		}
-+	}
- 	if (priv->dev_ip4_config) {
- 		nm_ip4_config_merge (composite, priv->dev_ip4_config,
-@@ -6223,8 +6230,18 @@ ip6_config_merge_and_apply (NMDevice *self,
- 	                           NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN);
- 	init_ip6_config_dns_priority (self, composite);
--	if (commit)
-+	if (commit) {
- 		ensure_con_ip6_config (self);
-+		if (priv->queued_ip6_config_id) {
-+			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip6_config);
-+			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
-+			priv->ext_ip6_config_captured = nm_ip6_config_capture (nm_device_get_platform (self),
-+			                                                       nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
-+			                                                       FALSE,
-+			                                                       NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN);
-+			priv->ext_ip6_config = nm_ip6_config_new_cloned (priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
-+		}
-+	}
- 	/* Merge all the IP configs into the composite config */
- 	if (priv->ac_ip6_config) {
-From 2d0d1643e59f4ac935e2288a02da8774b6b237dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 09:46:22 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] device: fix crash in ip6_config_merge_and_apply()
-nm_ip6_config_capture() returns NULL for slaves. Fixes the following:
- nm_ip6_config_new_cloned: assertion 'NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (src)' failed
- #0 g_logv () at /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #1 g_log () at /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #2 nm_ip6_config_new_cloned (src=0x0) at src/nm-ip6-config.c:2272
- #3 ip6_config_merge_and_apply (self=self@entry=0x200d8f0, commit=commit@entry=1) at src/devices/nm-device.c:6192
- #4 nm_device_bring_up (self=self@entry=0x200d8f0, block=block@entry=1, no_firmware=no_firmware@entry=0x0) at src/devices/nm-device.c:10369
- #5 _hw_addr_set (self=self@entry=0x200d8f0, addr=addr@entry=0x2095ea0 "6A:1C:00:2A:68:7C", operation=operation@entry=0x64f8ba "set", detail=detail@entry=0x67369d "restore") at src/devices/nm-device.c:13225
- #6 nm_device_hw_addr_set (self=self@entry=0x200d8f0, addr=addr@entry=0x2095ea0 "6A:1C:00:2A:68:7C", detail=detail@entry=0x67369d "restore", set_permanent=set_permanent@entry=0) at src/devices/nm-device.c:13255
- #7 release_slave (device=0x200d8f0, slave=0x1ef2990, configure=<optimized out>) at src/devices/nm-device-bond.c:463
- #8 nm_device_master_release_one_slave (self=self@entry=0x200d8f0, slave=slave@entry=0x1ef2990, configure=1, reason=reason@entry=NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_CONNECTION_REMOVED) at src/devices/nm-device.c:2041
- #9 slave_state_changed (slave=0x1ef2990, slave_new_state=NM_DEVICE_STATE_DEACTIVATING, slave_old_state=NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED, reason=NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_CONNECTION_REMOVED, self=0x200d8f0)
-     at src/devices/nm-device.c:3366
- ...
-Fixes: a21b8882cc9defc43248afc94bf59ca0f84f0d27
-(cherry picked from commit 1e78f50b8e5e24d13547b478165170117c1ac8ae)
-(cherry picked from commit bf28e0845fa38cdd3556fb61a7e725ac42a7d50a)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 87cd296..b14dc49 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -6239,7 +6239,8 @@ ip6_config_merge_and_apply (NMDevice *self,
- 			                                                       nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
- 			                                                       FALSE,
- 			                                                       NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN);
--			priv->ext_ip6_config = nm_ip6_config_new_cloned (priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
-+			if (priv->ext_ip6_config_captured)
-+				priv->ext_ip6_config = nm_ip6_config_new_cloned (priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
- 		}
- 	}
-From 8a7f6f2cd2c210a29daae39b1d0b0923d78d3ed0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 21 May 2017 15:47:33 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] device: fix capture of device config in
- ipX_config_merge_and_apply()
-Use nm_device_get_ip_ifindex() to obtain the right ifindex for the
-device. Fixes the following:
- nm_platform_ip4_address_get_all: assertion 'ifindex > 0' failed
- #0  _g_log_abort () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #1  g_logv () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #2  g_log () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #3  nm_platform_ip4_address_get_all (self=self@entry=0x1181020, ifindex=ifindex@entry=0) at src/platform/nm-platform.c:2640
- #4  nm_ip4_config_capture (platform=0x1181020, ifindex=ifindex@entry=0, capture_resolv_conf=capture_resolv_conf@entry=0) at src/nm-ip4-config.c:271
- #5  ip4_config_merge_and_apply (self=self@entry=0x1254a70, config=config@entry=0x0, commit=commit@entry=1) at src/devices/nm-device.c:5447
- #6  activate_stage5_ip4_config_commit (self=0x1254a70) at src/devices/nm-device.c:8299
- #7  activation_source_handle_cb (self=0x1254a70, family=family@entry=2) at src/devices/nm-device.c:4421
- #8  activation_source_handle_cb4 (user_data=<optimized out>) at src/devices/nm-device.c:4358
- #9  g_idle_dispatch () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #10 g_main_context_dispatch () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #11 g_main_context_iterate.isra () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #12 g_main_loop_run () from target:/lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
- #13  main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at src/main.c:435
-Fixes: a21b8882cc9defc43248afc94bf59ca0f84f0d27
-(cherry picked from commit 6389d637a7e8d20e037e4bd9cea917dfc372ef17)
-(cherry picked from commit 4b6955095b4d857bccb265c22c22b2da2f382d45)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index e61bde3..be37116 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -5492,7 +5492,7 @@ ip4_config_merge_and_apply (NMDevice *self,
- 		if (priv->queued_ip4_config_id) {
- 			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip4_config);
- 			priv->ext_ip4_config = nm_ip4_config_capture (nm_device_get_platform (self),
--			                                              nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
-+			                                              nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self),
- 			                                              FALSE);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ ip6_config_merge_and_apply (NMDevice *self,
- 			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip6_config);
- 			g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
- 			priv->ext_ip6_config_captured = nm_ip6_config_capture (nm_device_get_platform (self),
--			                                                       nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
-+			                                                       nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self),
- 			                                                       FALSE,
- 			                                                       NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN);
- 			if (priv->ext_ip6_config_captured)
diff --git a/SOURCES/0007-wwan-default-device-route-rh1527934.patch b/SOURCES/0007-wwan-default-device-route-rh1527934.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fcc6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0007-wwan-default-device-route-rh1527934.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+From 19ba1a19f4d3261e47420deb2882d8533bdbc5d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 13:53:56 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] wwan: fix checks on IP configuration
+Don't call nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin() if the string returned by
+mm_bearer_ip_config_get_address() and mm_bearer_ip_config_get_gateway()
+is NULL, as the function requires a valid pointer. Throw an error if the
+address is NULL, but allow an empty gateway.
+Fixes: 7837afe87f0f269c0cc4de1c9c217529d760e83b
+(cherry picked from commit 8ddc6caf98e2c4f1e796f50cdbeee567aba9be9d)
+(cherry picked from commit f4dc5bd782e709c541174aac3fd3a160ca5f53ba)
+ src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c | 15 ++++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+index 6e5f10a06..9fc147da9 100644
+--- a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
++++ b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+@@ -883,24 +883,25 @@ static_stage3_ip4_done (NMModemBroadband *self)
+ 	/* Fully fail if invalid IP address retrieved */
+ 	address_string = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_address (self->_priv.ipv4_config);
+-	if (!nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin (AF_INET, address_string, &address_network)) {
++	if (   !address_string
++	    || !nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin (AF_INET, address_string, &address_network)) {
+ 		error = g_error_new (NM_DEVICE_ERROR,
+ 		                     NM_DEVICE_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION,
+-		                     "(%s) retrieving IP4 configuration failed: invalid address given '%s'",
++		                     "(%s) retrieving IP4 configuration failed: invalid address given %s%s%s",
+ 		                     nm_modem_get_uid (NM_MODEM (self)),
+-		                     address_string);
++		                     NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTE_STRING (address_string));
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Missing gateway not a hard failure */
+ 	gw_string = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_gateway (self->_priv.ipv4_config);
+-	if (   !gw_string
+-	    || !nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin (AF_INET, gw_string, &gw)) {
++	if (   gw_string
++	    && !nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin (AF_INET, gw_string, &gw)) {
+ 		error = g_error_new (NM_DEVICE_ERROR,
+ 		                     NM_DEVICE_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION,
+-		                     "(%s) retrieving IP4 configuration failed: invalid gateway address %s%s%s",
++		                     "(%s) retrieving IP4 configuration failed: invalid gateway address \"%s\"",
+ 		                     nm_modem_get_uid (NM_MODEM (self)),
+-		                     NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTE_STRING (gw_string));
++		                     gw_string);
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+From 0be2bf3ca528a02237665b3c34ac00e6a6a89d7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 14:26:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] wwan: add default route even if modem didn't return a
+ gateway
+If the modem didn't return a gateway, add a device route.
+Fixes: 5c299454b49b165f645c25fd3e083c0bb747ad91
+(cherry picked from commit ec32edb21f7b34064731c737594643a3b9bda337)
+(cherry picked from commit d9512bc807f103fe891409629d1b17ff4594d9c4)
+ src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c | 34 +++++++++++++++-------------------
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+index 9fc147da9..cd7c48ef3 100644
+--- a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
++++ b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+@@ -875,6 +875,8 @@ static_stage3_ip4_done (NMModemBroadband *self)
+ 	NMPlatformIP4Address address;
+ 	const gchar **dns;
+ 	guint i;
++	guint32 ip4_route_table, ip4_route_metric;
++	NMPlatformIP4Route *r;
+ 	g_assert (self->_priv.ipv4_config);
+ 	g_assert (self->_priv.bearer);
+@@ -920,26 +922,20 @@ static_stage3_ip4_done (NMModemBroadband *self)
+ 	_LOGI ("  address %s/%d", address_string, address.plen);
+-	if (gw) {
+-		guint32 ip4_route_table, ip4_route_metric;
+-		nm_modem_get_route_parameters (NM_MODEM (self),
+-		                               &ip4_route_table,
+-		                               &ip4_route_metric,
+-		                               NULL,
+-		                               NULL);
+-		{
+-			const NMPlatformIP4Route r = {
+-				.rt_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_WWAN,
+-				.gateway = gw,
+-				.table_coerced = nm_platform_route_table_coerce (ip4_route_table),
+-				.metric = ip4_route_metric,
+-			};
+-			_LOGI ("  gateway %s", gw_string);
+-			nm_ip4_config_add_route (config, &r, NULL);
+-		}
+-	}
++	nm_modem_get_route_parameters (NM_MODEM (self),
++	                               &ip4_route_table,
++	                               &ip4_route_metric,
++	                               NULL,
++	                               NULL);
++	r = &(NMPlatformIP4Route) {
++		.rt_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_WWAN,
++		.gateway = gw,
++		.table_coerced = nm_platform_route_table_coerce (ip4_route_table),
++		.metric = ip4_route_metric,
++	};
++	nm_ip4_config_add_route (config, r, NULL);
++	_LOGI ("  gateway %s", gw_string);
+ 	/* DNS servers */
+ 	dns = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_dns (self->_priv.ipv4_config);
+From 345d3abb0ae2a322bc1a19c59c2a229a06657ce6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 14:28:05 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] wwan: clear idle source id when the callback runs
+Fixes: f0996d0eb82254ea794cf9607e4a9b4e2dc3d029
+(cherry picked from commit 5d372fd30ea71e8f3e6bb8b77c1e7a680165a3ce)
+(cherry picked from commit 4ca7e3d0cfb6a75b02e183b369bf2d35c38ca6a6)
+ src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+index cd7c48ef3..dc0ce303c 100644
+--- a/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
++++ b/src/devices/wwan/nm-modem-broadband.c
+@@ -881,6 +881,8 @@ static_stage3_ip4_done (NMModemBroadband *self)
+ 	g_assert (self->_priv.ipv4_config);
+ 	g_assert (self->_priv.bearer);
++	self->_priv.idle_id_ip4 = 0;
+ 	_LOGI ("IPv4 static configuration:");
+ 	/* Fully fail if invalid IP address retrieved */
+@@ -986,6 +988,7 @@ stage3_ip6_done (NMModemBroadband *self)
+ 	g_assert (self->_priv.ipv6_config);
++	self->_priv.idle_id_ip6 = 0;
+ 	memset (&address, 0, sizeof (address));
+ 	ip_method = get_bearer_ip_method (self->_priv.ipv6_config);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-dhcp-client-id-rh1531173.patch b/SOURCES/0008-dhcp-client-id-rh1531173.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20f2940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0008-dhcp-client-id-rh1531173.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+From ce8c21737b1b952044219111b2358b1602983138 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 16:12:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] dhcp: cleanup handling of ipv4.dhcp-client-id and avoid
+ assertion failure
+The internal client asserts that the length of the client ID is not more
+than MAX_CLIENT_ID_LEN. Avoid that assert by truncating the string.
+Also add new nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_*() setters, that either
+set the ID based on a string (in our common dhclient specific
+format), or based on the binary data (as obtained from systemd client).
+Also, add checks and assertions that the client ID which is
+set via nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id() is always of length
+of at least 2 (as required by rfc2132, section-9.14).
+(cherry picked from commit 686afe531ab3774cd818feda8361de74101971f5)
+(cherry picked from commit 41a89aeebac146000de97b778800e755db29568f)
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c                 |  2 +-
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c                          | 67 ++++++++++++++++++----
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.h                          |  9 ++-
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c                  |  8 ++-
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-systemd.c                         | 18 ++----
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c                           |  9 ++-
+ src/nm-types.h                                     |  2 +
+ .../src/libsystemd-network/sd-dhcp-client.c        |  1 +
+ 8 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c
+index 26e7f5056..d9c0cbb14 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ verify (NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error)
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+-	if (priv->dhcp_client_id && !strlen (priv->dhcp_client_id)) {
++	if (priv->dhcp_client_id && !priv->dhcp_client_id[0]) {
+ 		g_set_error_literal (error,
+ 		                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
+index 20ea092f0..1f19db148 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
+@@ -186,19 +186,69 @@ nm_dhcp_client_get_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self)
+ 	return NM_DHCP_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self)->client_id;
+ }
++static void
++_set_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self, GBytes *client_id, gboolean take)
++	NMDhcpClientPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	nm_assert (!client_id || g_bytes_get_size (client_id) >= 2);
++	if (   priv->client_id == client_id
++	    || (   priv->client_id
++	        && g_bytes_equal (priv->client_id, client_id))) {
++		if (take && client_id)
++			g_bytes_unref (client_id);
++		return;
++	}
++	if (priv->client_id)
++		g_bytes_unref (priv->client_id);
++	priv->client_id = client_id;
++	if (!take && client_id)
++		g_bytes_ref (client_id);
+ void
+ nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self, GBytes *client_id)
+ {
+-	NMDhcpClientPrivate *priv;
++	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DHCP_CLIENT (self));
++	g_return_if_fail (!client_id || g_bytes_get_size (client_id) >= 2);
++	_set_client_id (self, client_id, FALSE);
++nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_bin (NMDhcpClient *self,
++                                  guint8 type,
++                                  const guint8 *client_id,
++                                  gsize len)
++	guint8 *buf;
++	GBytes *b;
+ 	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DHCP_CLIENT (self));
++	g_return_if_fail (client_id);
++	g_return_if_fail (len > 0);
++	buf = g_malloc (len + 1);
++	buf[0] = type;
++	memcpy (buf + 1, client_id, len);
++	b = g_bytes_new_take (buf, len + 1);
++	_set_client_id (self, b, TRUE);
+-	priv = NM_DHCP_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_str (NMDhcpClient *self,
++                                  const char *dhcp_client_id)
++	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DHCP_CLIENT (self));
++	g_return_if_fail (!dhcp_client_id || dhcp_client_id[0]);
+-	if (priv->client_id && client_id && g_bytes_equal (priv->client_id, client_id))
+-		return;
+-	g_clear_pointer (&priv->client_id, g_bytes_unref);
+-	priv->client_id = client_id ? g_bytes_ref (client_id) : NULL;
++	_set_client_id (self,
++	                dhcp_client_id
++	                  ? nm_dhcp_utils_client_id_string_to_bytes (dhcp_client_id)
++	                  : NULL,
++	                TRUE);
+ }
+ const char *
+@@ -448,7 +498,6 @@ nm_dhcp_client_start_ip4 (NMDhcpClient *self,
+                           const char *last_ip4_address)
+ {
+ 	NMDhcpClientPrivate *priv;
+-	gs_unref_bytes GBytes *tmp = NULL;
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DHCP_CLIENT (self), FALSE);
+@@ -462,9 +511,7 @@ nm_dhcp_client_start_ip4 (NMDhcpClient *self,
+ 	else
+ 		_LOGI ("activation: beginning transaction (timeout in %u seconds)", (guint) priv->timeout);
+-	if (dhcp_client_id)
+-		tmp = nm_dhcp_utils_client_id_string_to_bytes (dhcp_client_id);
+-	nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (self, tmp);
++	nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_str (self, dhcp_client_id);
+ 	g_clear_pointer (&priv->hostname, g_free);
+ 	priv->hostname = g_strdup (hostname);
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.h b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.h
+index 02804002f..2c6341682 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.h
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.h
+@@ -173,7 +173,14 @@ gboolean nm_dhcp_client_handle_event (gpointer unused,
+                                       const char *reason,
+                                       NMDhcpClient *self);
+-void nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self, GBytes *client_id);
++void nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self,
++                                   GBytes *client_id);
++void nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_bin (NMDhcpClient *self,
++                                       guint8 type,
++                                       const guint8 *client_id,
++                                       gsize len);
++void nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_str (NMDhcpClient *self,
++                                       const char *dhcp_client_id);
+ /*****************************************************************************
+  * Client data
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c
+index e63e6a869..4df90d76a 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-dhclient-utils.c
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ read_client_id (const char *str)
+ 	gs_free char *s = NULL;
+ 	char *p;
+-	g_assert (!strncmp (str, CLIENTID_TAG, NM_STRLEN (CLIENTID_TAG)));
++	nm_assert (!strncmp (str, CLIENTID_TAG, NM_STRLEN (CLIENTID_TAG)));
+ 	while (g_ascii_isspace (*str))
+@@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ read_client_id (const char *str)
+ 	if (s[strlen (s) - 1] == ';')
+ 		s[strlen (s) - 1] = '\0';
++	if (!s[0])
++		return NULL;
+ 	return nm_dhcp_utils_client_id_string_to_bytes (s);
+ }
+@@ -329,8 +332,7 @@ nm_dhcp_dhclient_create_config (const char *interface,
+ 					continue;
+ 				/* Otherwise capture and return the existing client id */
+-				if (out_new_client_id)
+-					*out_new_client_id = read_client_id (p);
++				NM_SET_OUT (out_new_client_id, read_client_id (p));
+ 			}
+ 			/* Override config file hostname and use one from the connection */
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-systemd.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-systemd.c
+index 9b1a44332..f79b7cb1e 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-systemd.c
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-systemd.c
+@@ -489,19 +489,13 @@ _save_client_id (NMDhcpSystemd *self,
+                  const uint8_t *client_id,
+                  size_t len)
+ {
+-	gs_unref_bytes GBytes *b = NULL;
+-	gs_free char *buf = NULL;
+ 	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
+ 	g_return_if_fail (client_id != NULL);
+ 	g_return_if_fail (len > 0);
+ 	if (!nm_dhcp_client_get_client_id (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self))) {
+-		buf = g_malloc (len + 1);
+-		buf[0] = type;
+-		memcpy (buf + 1, client_id, len);
+-		b = g_bytes_new (buf, len + 1);
+-		nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), b);
++		nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id_bin (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self),
++		                                  type, client_id, len);
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -543,7 +537,7 @@ bound4_handle (NMDhcpSystemd *self)
+ 		add_requests_to_options (options, dhcp4_requests);
+ 		dhcp_lease_save (lease, priv->lease_file);
+-		sd_dhcp_client_get_client_id(priv->client4, &type, &client_id, &client_id_len);
++		sd_dhcp_client_get_client_id (priv->client4, &type, &client_id, &client_id_len);
+ 		if (client_id)
+ 			_save_client_id (self, type, client_id, client_id_len);
+@@ -691,14 +685,14 @@ ip4_start (NMDhcpClient *client, const char *dhcp_anycast_addr, const char *last
+ 	override_client_id = nm_dhcp_client_get_client_id (client);
+ 	if (override_client_id) {
+ 		client_id = g_bytes_get_data (override_client_id, &client_id_len);
+-		g_assert (client_id && client_id_len);
++		nm_assert (client_id && client_id_len >= 2);
+ 		sd_dhcp_client_set_client_id (priv->client4,
+ 		                              client_id[0],
+ 		                              client_id + 1,
+-		                              client_id_len - 1);
++		                              NM_MIN (client_id_len - 1, _NM_SD_MAX_CLIENT_ID_LEN));
+ 	} else if (lease) {
+ 		r = sd_dhcp_lease_get_client_id (lease, (const void **) &client_id, &client_id_len);
+-		if (r == 0 && client_id_len) {
++		if (r == 0 && client_id_len >= 2) {
+ 			sd_dhcp_client_set_client_id (priv->client4,
+ 			                              client_id[0],
+ 			                              client_id + 1,
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
+index 4b2d57b90..50ca2abe2 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-utils.c
+@@ -750,8 +750,15 @@ nm_dhcp_utils_client_id_string_to_bytes (const char *client_id)
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (client_id && client_id[0], NULL);
+ 	/* Try as hex encoded */
+-	if (strchr (client_id, ':'))
++	if (strchr (client_id, ':')) {
+ 		bytes = nm_utils_hexstr2bin (client_id);
++		/* the result must be at least two bytes long,
++		 * because @client_id contains a delimiter
++		 * but nm_utils_hexstr2bin() does not allow
++		 * leading nor trailing delimiters. */
++		nm_assert (!bytes || g_bytes_get_size (bytes) >= 2);
++	}
+ 	if (!bytes) {
+ 		/* Fall back to string */
+ 		len = strlen (client_id);
+diff --git a/src/nm-types.h b/src/nm-types.h
+index cc657397e..02163f87e 100644
+--- a/src/nm-types.h
++++ b/src/nm-types.h
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ #error "nm-utils-private.h" must not be used outside of libnm-core/. Do you want "nm-core-internal.h"?
+ #endif
++#define _NM_SD_MAX_CLIENT_ID_LEN (sizeof (guint32) + 128)
+ /* core */
+ typedef struct _NMExportedObject     NMExportedObject;
+ typedef struct _NMActiveConnection   NMActiveConnection;
+diff --git a/src/systemd/src/libsystemd-network/sd-dhcp-client.c b/src/systemd/src/libsystemd-network/sd-dhcp-client.c
+index fc6ad422d..5eab00502 100644
+--- a/src/systemd/src/libsystemd-network/sd-dhcp-client.c
++++ b/src/systemd/src/libsystemd-network/sd-dhcp-client.c
+@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ int sd_dhcp_client_set_client_id(
+         assert_return(client, -EINVAL);
+         assert_return(data, -EINVAL);
+         assert_return(data_len > 0 && data_len <= MAX_CLIENT_ID_LEN, -EINVAL);
+         switch (type) {
+From 161a554575f0e043ecf2d50b6108fa102fa9a982 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:55:23 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] dhcp: fix check for client-id in _set_client_id()
+Fixes: 686afe531ab3774cd818feda8361de74101971f5
+(cherry picked from commit 0e1fb1dbd282f546820c1ab8326cf4cf550ae2ae)
+(cherry picked from commit 8998ce629da8954a15c3cfc9aadb0d74bbcc116b)
+ src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
+index 1f19db148..ea3938d63 100644
+--- a/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
++++ b/src/dhcp/nm-dhcp-client.c
+@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ _set_client_id (NMDhcpClient *self, GBytes *client_id, gboolean take)
+ 	if (   priv->client_id == client_id
+ 	    || (   priv->client_id
++	        && client_id
+ 	        && g_bytes_equal (priv->client_id, client_id))) {
+ 		if (take && client_id)
+ 			g_bytes_unref (client_id);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0008-utf8safe-fixes-rh1443114.patch b/SOURCES/0008-utf8safe-fixes-rh1443114.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a410bd..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0008-utf8safe-fixes-rh1443114.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1803 +0,0 @@
-From 7f3d60df818fb2b1dd99b12f893a50fd2402968f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 16:45:46 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 01/13] libnm: fix unterminated NUL string when parsing UDev
- properties
-This can result in trailing garbage (which fails UTF-8 validation
-checks) or even worse, in read-out-of-bounds.
-Fixes: 6808bf8195d427975638610781f8c5384228218d
-(cherry picked from commit 9594ee6e6921c3e37615a572de7e986274a68500)
-(cherry picked from commit 5eb11aa8ec4e402b3e5795723519cdaab1cfb828)
- shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-index bf0ad5b..1f1811c 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ nm_udev_utils_property_decode (const char *uproperty, char **to_free)
- 		return uproperty;
- 	}
-+	*n++ = '\0';
- 	return (*to_free = unescaped);
- }
-From be2a87e07f7a75e568d68afed1532b24edbee414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 17:04:13 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 02/13] libnm: don't cunescape \x00 encoding in
- nm_udev_utils_property_decode()
-UDev never creates such invalid escape sequences. Anyway,
-we cannot accept a NUL character at this point. Just take
-the ill escape verbatim -- it should never happen anyway.
-(cherry picked from commit c15eae92c0c5fc12017dd84a66ee0bbb9638b270)
-(cherry picked from commit 822282754d1653ac24f6e5a9bf616fc74f957050)
- shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c | 7 ++++---
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-index 1f1811c..79d4426 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-udev-utils.c
-@@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ nm_udev_utils_property_decode (const char *uproperty, char **to_free)
- 		if (   p[0] == '\\'
- 		    && p[1] == 'x'
- 		    && (a = g_ascii_xdigit_value (p[2])) >= 0
--		    && (b = g_ascii_xdigit_value (p[3])) >= 0) {
--			if (!unescaped) {
-+		    && (b = g_ascii_xdigit_value (p[3])) >= 0
-+		    && (a || b)) {
-+			if (!n) {
- 				gssize l = p - uproperty;
- 				unescaped = g_malloc (l + strlen (p) + 1 - 3);
-@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ nm_udev_utils_property_decode (const char *uproperty, char **to_free)
- 		}
- 	}
--	if (!unescaped) {
-+	if (!n) {
- 		*to_free = NULL;
- 		return uproperty;
- 	}
-From e1679a6a48ba7367528927f3e7f0021be71e37d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 15:18:20 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 03/13] device: fix setting device's UDI property
-Fixes: e8139f56c26ae3bcc5e14abdb29970ae07e93299
-(cherry picked from commit 5eac18b58d2be9b5b611f4b4e356b2ac59e46bce)
-(cherry picked from commit 4ae14d3677609ef3c702c1a7a706b6bc38030958)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index b14dc49..62cb5dd 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -2460,7 +2460,7 @@ device_link_changed (NMDevice *self)
- 	info = *pllink;
- 	udi = nm_platform_link_get_udi (nm_device_get_platform (self), info.ifindex);
--	if (udi && g_strcmp0 (udi, priv->udi)) {
-+	if (udi && !nm_streq0 (udi, priv->udi)) {
- 		/* Update UDI to what udev gives us */
- 		g_free (priv->udi);
- 		priv->udi = g_strdup (udi);
-@@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ update_device_from_platform_link (NMDevice *self, const NMPlatformLink *plink)
- 	g_return_if_fail (plink != NULL);
- 	udi = nm_platform_link_get_udi (nm_device_get_platform (self), plink->ifindex);
--	if (udi && !g_strcmp0 (udi, priv->udi)) {
-+	if (udi && !nm_streq0 (udi, priv->udi)) {
- 		g_free (priv->udi);
- 		priv->udi = g_strdup (udi);
- 		_notify (self, PROP_UDI);
-From 84b1c78c2474d9e579955fa0ebdfc6a8c0761548 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 15:01:10 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 04/13] device: make UDI property construct-only
-(cherry picked from commit e216d5eac0768b5936f3415cde7808982c74f0ac)
-(cherry picked from commit c3b180198fe10d1fe84fea8b9944834be4f4ad56)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 9 +++------
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 62cb5dd..ed9bc49 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -13894,14 +13894,11 @@ set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
- 	switch (prop_id) {
- 	case PROP_UDI:
--		if (g_value_get_string (value)) {
--			g_free (priv->udi);
--			priv->udi = g_value_dup_string (value);
--		}
-+		/* construct-only */
-+		priv->udi = g_value_dup_string (value);
- 		break;
- 	case PROP_IFACE:
- 		/* construct-only */
--		g_return_if_fail (!priv->iface);
- 		priv->iface = g_value_dup_string (value);
- 		break;
- 	case PROP_DRIVER:
-@@ -14212,7 +14209,7 @@ nm_device_class_init (NMDeviceClass *klass)
- 	obj_properties[PROP_UDI] =
- 	    g_param_spec_string (NM_DEVICE_UDI, "", "",
- 	                         NULL,
--	                         G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT |
-+	                         G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY |
- 	                         G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
- 	obj_properties[PROP_IFACE] =
- 	    g_param_spec_string (NM_DEVICE_IFACE, "", "",
-From c63800b21cb46b7fbdc318205ed6af93aac9aeac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 18:50:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 05/13] shared: add nm_utils_str_utf8safe_*() API to sanitize
- UTF-8 strings
-Use C-style backslash escaping to sanitize non-UTF-8 strings.
-The functions are compatible with glib's g_strcompress() and
-The difference is only that g_strescape() escapes all non-printable,
-non ASCII character as well, while nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape()
--- depending on the flags -- preserves valid UTF-8 sequence except
-The flags allow to optionally escape ASCII control characters and
-all non-ASCII (valid UTF-8) characters. But the option to preserve
-valid UTF-8 (non-ASCII) characters verbatim, is what distinguishes
-from g_strescape().
-(cherry picked from commit df6d27b33a86e2ecdc5a8e1deff275d19b2cbde1)
-(cherry picked from commit 52105f27df974715a8481fb240f98f73a6a8be08)
- libnm-core/tests/test-general.c   |  95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h |  16 +++++
- 3 files changed, 249 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/libnm-core/tests/test-general.c b/libnm-core/tests/test-general.c
-index 7ecd681..fbcfa7d 100644
---- a/libnm-core/tests/test-general.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/tests/test-general.c
-@@ -5248,6 +5248,100 @@ static void test_nm_utils_enum (void)
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+static void
-+do_test_utils_str_utf8safe (const char *str, const char *expected, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags)
-+	const char *str_safe, *s;
-+	gs_free char *str2 = NULL;
-+	gs_free char *str3 = NULL;
-+	str_safe = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape (str, flags, &str2);
-+	str3 = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (str, flags);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (str3, ==, str_safe);
-+	g_assert ((!str && !str3) || (str != str3));
-+	g_clear_pointer (&str3, g_free);
-+	if (expected == NULL) {
-+		g_assert (str_safe == str);
-+		g_assert (!str2);
-+		if (str) {
-+			g_assert (!strchr (str, '\\'));
-+			g_assert (g_utf8_validate (str, -1, NULL));
-+		}
-+		g_assert (str == nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (str_safe, &str3));
-+		g_assert (!str3);
-+		str3 = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (str_safe);
-+		if (str) {
-+			g_assert (str3 != str);
-+			g_assert_cmpstr (str3, ==, str);
-+		} else
-+			g_assert (!str3);
-+		g_clear_pointer (&str3, g_free);
-+		return;
-+	}
-+	g_assert (str);
-+	g_assert (str_safe != str);
-+	g_assert (str_safe == str2);
-+	g_assert (   strchr (str, '\\')
-+	          || !g_utf8_validate (str, -1, NULL)
-+	              && NM_STRCHAR_ANY (str, ch, (guchar) ch >= 127))
-+	              && NM_STRCHAR_ANY (str, ch, (guchar) ch < ' ')));
-+	g_assert (g_utf8_validate (str_safe, -1, NULL));
-+	str3 = g_strcompress (str_safe);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (str, ==, str3);
-+	g_clear_pointer (&str3, g_free);
-+	str3 = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (str_safe);
-+	g_assert (str3 != str);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (str3, ==, str);
-+	g_clear_pointer (&str3, g_free);
-+	s = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (str_safe, &str3);
-+	g_assert (str3 != str);
-+	g_assert (s == str3);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (str3, ==, str);
-+	g_clear_pointer (&str3, g_free);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (str_safe, ==, expected);
-+static void
-+test_utils_str_utf8safe (void)
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe (NULL, NULL,                                       NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("", NULL,                                         NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\314", "\\314",                                  NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\314\315x\315\315x", "\\314\\315x\\315\\315x",   NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\314\315xx", "\\314\\315xx",                     NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\314xx", "\\314xx",                              NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\xa0", "\\240",                                  NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\xe2\x91\xa0", NULL,                             NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\xe2\xe2\x91\xa0", "\\342\xe2\x91\xa0",          NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("\xe2\xe2\x91\xa0\xa0", "\\342\xe2\x91\xa0\\240", NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("a", NULL,                                        NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("ab", NULL,                                       NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("ab\314", "ab\\314",                              NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("ab\314adsf", "ab\\314adsf",                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("abadsf", NULL,                                   NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("abäb", NULL,                                     NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("x\xa0", "x\\240",                                NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("Ä\304ab\\äb", "Ä\\304ab\\\\äb",                  NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("Äab\\äb", "Äab\\\\äb",                           NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("ÄÄab\\äb", "ÄÄab\\\\äb",                         NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("㈞abä㈞b", NULL,                                 NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("abäb", "ab\\303\\244b",                          NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_NON_ASCII);
-+	do_test_utils_str_utf8safe ("ab\ab", "ab\\007b",                              NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL);
- static int
- _test_nm_in_set_get (int *call_counter, gboolean allow_called, int value)
- {
-@@ -5605,6 +5699,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
- 	nmtst_init (&argc, &argv, TRUE);
- 	/* The tests */
-+	g_test_add_func ("/core/general/test_utils_str_utf8safe", test_utils_str_utf8safe);
- 	g_test_add_func ("/core/general/test_nm_in_set", test_nm_in_set);
- 	g_test_add_func ("/core/general/test_nm_in_strset", test_nm_in_strset);
- 	g_test_add_func ("/core/general/test_setting_vpn_items", test_setting_vpn_items);
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c b/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c
-index 413526d..e7f31cb 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c
-@@ -364,3 +364,141 @@ nm_g_object_set_property (GObject *object,
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+static void
-+_str_append_escape (GString *s, char ch)
-+	g_string_append_c (s, '\\');
-+	g_string_append_c (s, '0' + ((((guchar) ch) >> 6) & 07));
-+	g_string_append_c (s, '0' + ((((guchar) ch) >> 3) & 07));
-+	g_string_append_c (s, '0' + ( ((guchar) ch)       & 07));
-+ * nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape:
-+ * @str: NUL terminated input string, possibly in utf-8 encoding
-+ * @flags: #NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags
-+ * @to_free: (out): return the pointer location of the string
-+ *   if a copying was necessary.
-+ *
-+ * Returns the possible non-UTF-8 NUL terminated string @str
-+ * and uses backslash escaping (C escaping, like g_strescape())
-+ * to sanitize non UTF-8 characters. The result is valid
-+ * UTF-8.
-+ *
-+ * The operation can be reverted with g_strcompress() or
-+ * nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape().
-+ *
-+ * Depending on @flags, valid UTF-8 characters are not escaped at all
-+ * (except the escape character '\\'). This is the difference to g_strescape(),
-+ * which escapes all non-ASCII characters. This allows to pass on
-+ * valid UTF-8 characters as-is and can be directly shown to the user
-+ * as UTF-8 -- with exception of the backslash escape character,
-+ * invalid UTF-8 sequences, and other (depending on @flags).
-+ *
-+ * Returns: the escaped input string, as valid UTF-8. If no escaping
-+ *   is necessary, it returns the input @str. Otherwise, an allocated
-+ *   string @to_free is returned which must be freed by the caller
-+ *   with g_free. The escaping can be reverted by g_strcompress().
-+ **/
-+const char *
-+nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free)
-+	const char *p = NULL;
-+	GString *s;
-+	g_return_val_if_fail (to_free, NULL);
-+	*to_free = NULL;
-+	if (!str || !str[0])
-+		return str;
-+	if (   g_utf8_validate (str, -1, &p)
-+	    && !NM_STRCHAR_ANY (str, ch,
-+	                        (   ch == '\\' \
-+	                         || (   NM_FLAGS_HAS (flags, NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL) \
-+	                             && ch < ' ') \
-+	                         || (   NM_FLAGS_HAS (flags, NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_NON_ASCII) \
-+	                             && ((guchar) ch) >= 127))))
-+		return str;
-+	s = g_string_sized_new ((p - str) + strlen (p) + 5);
-+	do {
-+		for (; str < p; str++) {
-+			char ch = str[0];
-+			if (ch == '\\')
-+				g_string_append (s, "\\\\");
-+			else if (   (   NM_FLAGS_HAS (flags, NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL) \
-+			             && ch < ' ') \
-+			             && ((guchar) ch) >= 127))
-+				_str_append_escape (s, ch);
-+			else
-+				g_string_append_c (s, ch);
-+		}
-+		if (p[0] == '\0')
-+			break;
-+		_str_append_escape (s, p[0]);
-+		str = &p[1];
-+		g_utf8_validate (str, -1, &p);
-+	} while (TRUE);
-+	*to_free = g_string_free (s, FALSE);
-+	return *to_free;
-+const char *
-+nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (const char *str, char **to_free)
-+	g_return_val_if_fail (to_free, NULL);
-+	if (!str || !strchr (str, '\\')) {
-+		*to_free = NULL;
-+		return str;
-+	}
-+	return (*to_free = g_strcompress (str));
-+ * nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp:
-+ * @str: NUL terminated input string, possibly in utf-8 encoding
-+ * @flags: #NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags
-+ *
-+ * Like nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape(), except the returned value
-+ * is always a copy of the input and must be freed by the caller.
-+ *
-+ * Returns: the escaped input string in UTF-8 encoding. The returned
-+ *   value should be freed with g_free().
-+ *   The escaping can be reverted by g_strcompress().
-+ **/
-+char *
-+nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags)
-+	char *s;
-+	nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape (str, flags, &s);
-+	return s ?: g_strdup (str);
-+char *
-+nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (const char *str)
-+	return str ? g_strcompress (str) : NULL;
-+char *
-+nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_take (char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags)
-+	char *str_to_free;
-+	nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape (str, flags, &str_to_free);
-+	if (str_to_free) {
-+		g_free (str);
-+		return str_to_free;
-+	}
-+	return str;
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h b/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h
-index f1f9f51..69f9533 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h
-@@ -86,4 +86,20 @@ gboolean nm_g_object_set_property (GObject *object,
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+typedef enum {
-+	NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE                = 0,
-+} NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags;
-+const char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape   (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags, char **to_free);
-+const char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape (const char *str, char **to_free);
-+char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp   (const char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);
-+char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (const char *str);
-+char *nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_take (char *str, NMUtilsStrUtf8SafeFlags flags);
- #endif /* __NM_SHARED_UTILS_H__ */
-From e9eee9c65818e7dd85e79c1db6ad4c32b4c7fb52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 14:11:07 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 06/13] device: sanitze UTF-8 values for D-Bus
-  ip link add name $'d\xccf\\c' type dummy
-Use nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape() to sanitize non UTF-8 sequences
-before exposing them on D-Bus. The operation can be reverted client
-side via nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape() or simply g_strcompress().
-Note that this preserves all valid UTF-8 sequences as-is, with exception
-of the backslash escape character and ASCII control characters. Thus, this
-is a change in behavior for strings that contain such characters.
-Note that nmcli is not changed to somehow unescape the string before
-printing. As the string is not valid UTF-8 (or contains ASCII characters
-that need escaping), they are not printable as-is, so unescaping before
-printing makes little sense.
-(cherry picked from commit 0870906540506d0157f305df32b6b1f65b10ee85)
-(cherry picked from commit 3a96772918a391ec8186183b5c14c9b165322d3a)
- .../org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.xml      | 15 +++++++++++
- src/devices/nm-device.c                            | 31 ++++++++++++++++------
- 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/introspection/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.xml b/introspection/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.xml
-index ee42410..be0a612 100644
---- a/introspection/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.xml
-+++ b/introspection/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.xml
-@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
-         each device in your application, use the object path. If you're looking
-         for a way to track a specific piece of hardware across reboot or hotplug,
-         use a MAC address or USB serial number.
-+        Note that non-UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to obtain the true (non-UTF-8) string.
-     -->
-     <property name="Udi" type="s" access="read"/>
-@@ -28,6 +31,9 @@
-         Interface:
-         The name of the device's control (and often data) interface.
-+        Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
-+        resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert the escaping.
-     -->
-     <property name="Interface" type="s" access="read"/>
-@@ -38,6 +44,9 @@
-         not refer to the actual data interface until the device has successfully
-         established a data connection, indicated by the device's State becoming
-         ACTIVATED.
-+        Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
-+        resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert the escaping.
-     -->
-     <property name="IpInterface" type="s" access="read"/>
-@@ -45,6 +54,8 @@
-         Driver:
-         The driver handling the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
-     -->
-     <property name="Driver" type="s" access="read"/>
-@@ -52,6 +63,8 @@
-         DriverVersion:
-         The version of the driver handling the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
-     -->
-     <property name="DriverVersion" type="s" access="read"/>
-@@ -59,6 +72,8 @@
-         FirmwareVersion:
-         The firmware version for the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
-     -->
-     <property name="FirmwareVersion" type="s" access="read"/>
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index ed9bc49..e61bde3 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -13993,28 +13993,43 @@ get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
- 	switch (prop_id) {
- 	case PROP_UDI:
--		g_value_set_string (value, priv->udi);
-+		/* UDI is (depending on the device type) a path to sysfs and can contain
-+		 * non-UTF-8.
-+		 *   ip link add name $'d\xccf\\c' type dummy  */
-+		g_value_take_string (value,
-+		                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (priv->udi,
-+		                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_NONE));
- 		break;
- 	case PROP_IFACE:
--		g_value_set_string (value, priv->iface);
-+		g_value_take_string (value,
-+		                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (priv->iface,
-+		                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL));
- 		break;
- 	case PROP_IP_IFACE:
--		if (ip_config_valid (priv->state))
--			g_value_set_string (value, nm_device_get_ip_iface (self));
--		else
-+		if (ip_config_valid (priv->state)) {
-+			g_value_take_string (value,
-+			                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (nm_device_get_ip_iface (self),
-+			                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL));
-+		} else
- 			g_value_set_string (value, NULL);
- 		break;
- 		g_value_set_int (value, priv->ifindex);
- 		break;
- 	case PROP_DRIVER:
--		g_value_set_string (value, priv->driver);
-+		g_value_take_string (value,
-+		                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (priv->driver,
-+		                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL));
- 		break;
--		g_value_set_string (value, priv->driver_version);
-+		g_value_take_string (value,
-+		                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (priv->driver_version,
-+		                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL));
- 		break;
--		g_value_set_string (value, priv->firmware_version);
-+		g_value_take_string (value,
-+		                     nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_cp (priv->firmware_version,
-+		                                                      NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL));
- 		break;
- 		g_value_set_uint (value, (priv->capabilities & ~NM_DEVICE_CAP_INTERNAL_MASK));
-From 0b8676b887f63a708e6444f6b3d19003a2f9b4c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 11:48:53 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 07/13] libnm: UTF-8 sanitize strings from UDev in NMDevice
-(cherry picked from commit b9e9f7616556f693e2642ed433f3289f9c6da452)
-(cherry picked from commit d7b184d99257a6e6e59b22709007675430ec308b)
- libnm/nm-device.c | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-device.c b/libnm/nm-device.c
-index 9cbdbd0..7e8feb1 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-device.c
-+++ b/libnm/nm-device.c
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ typedef struct {
- 	GPtrArray *available_connections;
- 	struct udev *udev;
--	char *product, *short_product;
-+	char *product;
- 	char *vendor, *short_vendor;
- 	char *description, *bus_name;
-@@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ finalize (GObject *object)
- 	g_free (priv->driver_version);
- 	g_free (priv->firmware_version);
- 	g_free (priv->product);
--	g_free (priv->short_product);
- 	g_free (priv->vendor);
- 	g_free (priv->short_vendor);
- 	g_free (priv->description);
-@@ -1357,6 +1356,17 @@ _get_udev_property (NMDevice *device,
- 	return db_value;
- }
-+static char *
-+_get_udev_property_utf8safe (NMDevice *device,
-+                             const char *enc_prop,  /* ID_XXX_ENC */
-+                             const char *db_prop)   /* ID_XXX_FROM_DATABASE */
-+	return nm_utils_str_utf8safe_escape_take (_get_udev_property (device,
-+	                                                              enc_prop,
-+	                                                              db_prop),
-+	                                          NM_UTILS_STR_UTF8_SAFE_FLAG_ESCAPE_CTRL);
- /**
-  * nm_device_get_product:
-  * @device: a #NMDevice
-@@ -1365,6 +1375,9 @@ _get_udev_property (NMDevice *device,
-  *
-  * Returns: the product name of the device. This is the internal string used by the
-  * device, and must not be modified.
-+ *
-+ * The string is backslash escaped (C escaping) for invalid characters. The escaping
-+ * can be reverted with g_strcompress(), however the result may not be valid UTF-8.
-  **/
- const char *
- nm_device_get_product (NMDevice *device)
-@@ -1374,15 +1387,16 @@ nm_device_get_product (NMDevice *device)
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (device), NULL);
- 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
--	if (!priv->product)
--		priv->product = _get_udev_property (device, "ID_MODEL_ENC", "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE");
-+	if (!priv->product) {
-+		priv->product = _get_udev_property_utf8safe (device, "ID_MODEL_ENC", "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE");
--	/* Sometimes ID_PRODUCT_FROM_DATABASE is used? */
--	if (!priv->product)
--		priv->product = _get_udev_property (device, "ID_MODEL_ENC", "ID_PRODUCT_FROM_DATABASE");
-+		/* Sometimes ID_PRODUCT_FROM_DATABASE is used? */
-+		if (!priv->product)
-+			priv->product = _get_udev_property_utf8safe (device, "ID_MODEL_ENC", "ID_PRODUCT_FROM_DATABASE");
--	if (!priv->product)
--		priv->product = g_strdup ("");
-+		if (!priv->product)
-+			priv->product = g_strdup ("");
-+	}
- 	return priv->product;
- }
-@@ -1395,6 +1409,9 @@ nm_device_get_product (NMDevice *device)
-  *
-  * Returns: the vendor name of the device. This is the internal string used by the
-  * device, and must not be modified.
-+ *
-+ * The string is backslash escaped (C escaping) for invalid characters. The escaping
-+ * can be reverted with g_strcompress(), however the result may not be valid UTF-8.
-  **/
- const char *
- nm_device_get_vendor (NMDevice *device)
-@@ -1406,7 +1423,7 @@ nm_device_get_vendor (NMDevice *device)
- 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
- 	if (!priv->vendor)
--		priv->vendor = _get_udev_property (device, "ID_VENDOR_ENC", "ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE");
-+		priv->vendor = _get_udev_property_utf8safe (device, "ID_VENDOR_ENC", "ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE");
- 	if (!priv->vendor)
- 		priv->vendor = g_strdup ("");
-@@ -1414,128 +1431,146 @@ nm_device_get_vendor (NMDevice *device)
- 	return priv->vendor;
- }
--static const char * const ignored_words[] = {
--	"Semiconductor",
--	"Components",
--	"Corporation",
--	"Communications",
--	"Company",
--	"Corp.",
--	"Corp",
--	"Co.",
--	"Inc.",
--	"Inc",
--	"Incorporated",
--	"Ltd.",
--	"Limited.",
--	"Intel?",
--	"chipset",
--	"adapter",
--	"[hex]",
--	"NDIS",
--	"Module",
--static const char * const ignored_phrases[] = {
--	"Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor",
--	"Wireless LAN Controller",
--	"Wireless LAN Adapter",
--	"Wireless Adapter",
--	"Network Connection",
--	"Wireless Cardbus Adapter",
--	"Wireless CardBus Adapter",
--	"54 Mbps Wireless PC Card",
--	"Wireless PC Card",
--	"Wireless PC",
--	"PC Card with XJACK(r) Antenna",
--	"Wireless cardbus",
--	"Wireless LAN PC Card",
--	"Technology Group Ltd.",
--	"Communication S.p.A.",
--	"Business Mobile Networks BV",
--	"Mobile Broadband Minicard Composite Device",
--	"Mobile Communications AB",
--	"(PC-Suite Mode)",
- static char *
- fixup_desc_string (const char *desc)
- {
--	char *p, *temp;
--	char **words, **item;
--	GString *str;
-+	static const char *const IGNORED_PHRASES[] = {
-+		"Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor",
-+		"Wireless LAN Controller",
-+		"Wireless LAN Adapter",
-+		"Wireless Adapter",
-+		"Network Connection",
-+		"Wireless Cardbus Adapter",
-+		"Wireless CardBus Adapter",
-+		"54 Mbps Wireless PC Card",
-+		"Wireless PC Card",
-+		"Wireless PC",
-+		"PC Card with XJACK(r) Antenna",
-+		"Wireless cardbus",
-+		"Wireless LAN PC Card",
-+		"Technology Group Ltd.",
-+		"Communication S.p.A.",
-+		"Business Mobile Networks BV",
-+		"Mobile Broadband Minicard Composite Device",
-+		"Mobile Communications AB",
-+		"(PC-Suite Mode)",
-+	};
-+	static const char *const IGNORED_WORDS[] = {
-+		"Semiconductor",
-+		"Components",
-+		"Corporation",
-+		"Communications",
-+		"Company",
-+		"Corp.",
-+		"Corp",
-+		"Co.",
-+		"Inc.",
-+		"Inc",
-+		"Incorporated",
-+		"Ltd.",
-+		"Limited.",
-+		"Intel?",
-+		"chipset",
-+		"adapter",
-+		"[hex]",
-+		"NDIS",
-+		"Module",
-+	};
-+	char *desc_full;
-+	char *p, *q;
- 	int i;
--	if (!desc)
-+	if (!desc || !desc[0])
- 		return NULL;
--	p = temp = g_strdup (desc);
--	while (*p) {
--		if (*p == '_' || *p == ',')
-+	/* restore original non-UTF-8-safe text. */
-+	desc_full = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (desc);
-+	/* replace all invalid UTF-8 bytes with space. */
-+	p = desc_full;
-+	while (!g_utf8_validate (p, -1, (const char **) &q)) {
-+		/* the byte is invalid UTF-8. Replace it with space and proceed. */
-+		*q = ' ';
-+		p = q + 1;
-+	}
-+	/* replace '_', ',', and ASCII controll characters with space. */
-+	for (p = desc_full; p[0]; p++) {
-+		if (   NM_IN_SET (*p, '_', ',')
-+		    || *p < ' ')
- 			*p = ' ';
--		p++;
- 	}
- 	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain phrases */
--	for (i = 0; ignored_phrases[i]; i++) {
--		p = strstr (temp, ignored_phrases[i]);
-+	for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_PHRASES); i++) {
-+		p = strstr (desc_full, IGNORED_PHRASES[i]);
- 		if (p) {
--			guint32 ignored_len = strlen (ignored_phrases[i]);
-+			const char *eow = &p[strlen (IGNORED_PHRASES[i])];
--			memmove (p, p + ignored_len, strlen (p + ignored_len) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
-+			memmove (p, eow, strlen (eow) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
- 		}
- 	}
--	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain individual words */
--	words = g_strsplit (temp, " ", 0);
--	str = g_string_new_len (NULL, strlen (temp));
--	g_free (temp);
--	for (item = words; *item; item++) {
--		gboolean ignore = FALSE;
--		if (**item == '\0')
--			continue;
--		for (i = 0; ignored_words[i]; i++) {
--			if (!strcmp (*item, ignored_words[i])) {
--				ignore = TRUE;
--				break;
--			}
-+	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain individual words.
-+	 * - word-split the description at spaces
-+	 * - coalesce multiple spaces
-+	 * - skip over IGNORED_WORDS */
-+	p = desc_full;
-+	q = desc_full;
-+	for (;;) {
-+		char *eow;
-+		gsize l;
-+		/* skip leading spaces. */
-+		while (p[0] == ' ')
-+			p++;
-+		if (!p[0])
-+			break;
-+		/* split leading word on first space */
-+		eow = strchr (p, ' ');
-+		if (eow)
-+			*eow = '\0';
-+		if (nm_utils_strv_find_first ((char **) IGNORED_WORDS,
-+		                              G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_WORDS),
-+		                              p) < 0)
-+			goto next;
-+		l = strlen (p);
-+		if (q != p) {
-+			if (q != desc_full)
-+				*q++ = ' ';
-+			memmove (q, p, l);
- 		}
-+		q += l;
--		if (!ignore) {
--			if (str->len)
--				g_string_append_c (str, ' ');
--			g_string_append (str, *item);
--		}
-+		if (!eow)
-+			break;
-+		p = eow + 1;
- 	}
--	g_strfreev (words);
--	temp = str->str;
--	g_string_free (str, FALSE);
-+	*q++ = '\0';
--	return temp;
-+	if (!desc_full[0]) {
-+		g_free (desc_full);
-+		return NULL;
-+	}
-+	nm_assert (g_utf8_validate (desc_full, -1, NULL));
-+	return desc_full;
- }
- static void
--get_description (NMDevice *device)
-+ensure_description (NMDevice *device)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
--	const char *dev_product;
--	const char *dev_vendor;
--	char *pdown;
--	char *vdown;
--	GString *str;
- 	GParamSpec *name_prop;
-+	gs_free char *short_product = NULL;
--	dev_product = nm_device_get_product (device);
--	priv->short_product = fixup_desc_string (dev_product);
--	dev_vendor = nm_device_get_vendor (device);
--	priv->short_vendor = fixup_desc_string (dev_vendor);
-+	priv->short_vendor = nm_str_realloc (fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_vendor (device)));
- 	/* Grab device's preferred name, if any */
- 	name_prop = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (G_OBJECT (device)), "name");
-@@ -1546,28 +1581,24 @@ get_description (NMDevice *device)
- 		g_clear_pointer (&priv->description, g_free);
- 	}
--	if (!dev_product || !dev_vendor) {
--		priv->description = g_strdup (nm_device_get_iface (device));
-+	if (   !priv->short_vendor
-+	    || !(short_product = fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_product (device)))) {
-+		priv->description = g_strdup (nm_device_get_iface (device) ?: "");
- 		return;
- 	}
--	str = g_string_new_len (NULL, strlen (priv->short_vendor) + strlen (priv->short_product) + 1);
- 	/* Another quick hack; if all of the fixed up vendor string
- 	 * is found in product, ignore the vendor.
- 	 */
--	pdown = g_ascii_strdown (priv->short_product, -1);
--	vdown = g_ascii_strdown (priv->short_vendor, -1);
--	if (!strstr (pdown, vdown)) {
--		g_string_append (str, priv->short_vendor);
--		g_string_append_c (str, ' ');
-+	{
-+		gs_free char *pdown = g_ascii_strdown (short_product, -1);
-+		gs_free char *vdown = g_ascii_strdown (priv->short_vendor, -1);
-+		if (!strstr (pdown, vdown))
-+			priv->description = g_strconcat (priv->short_vendor, " ", short_product, NULL);
-+		else
-+			priv->description = g_steal_pointer (&short_product);
- 	}
--	g_free (pdown);
--	g_free (vdown);
--	g_string_append (str, priv->short_product);
--	priv->description = g_string_free (str, FALSE);
- }
- static const char *
-@@ -1580,7 +1611,7 @@ get_short_vendor (NMDevice *device)
- 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
- 	if (!priv->description)
--		get_description (device);
-+		ensure_description (device);
- 	return priv->short_vendor;
- }
-@@ -1604,7 +1635,7 @@ nm_device_get_description (NMDevice *device)
- 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
- 	if (!priv->description)
--		get_description (device);
-+		ensure_description (device);
- 	return priv->description;
- }
-From aee0c50ffa840e67642749189bd323620fff8d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 10:18:59 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 08/13] libnm: fix device description in fixup_desc_string()
-Fixes: b9e9f7616556f693e2642ed433f3289f9c6da452
-(cherry picked from commit 12c881ad40c4829eb430bd0148fa5dbbdfd0ec01)
-(cherry picked from commit c22075dc98fc79021e9a4847b57188f09b489ddd)
- libnm/nm-device.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-device.c b/libnm/nm-device.c
-index 7e8feb1..6c27190 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-device.c
-+++ b/libnm/nm-device.c
-@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ fixup_desc_string (const char *desc)
- 		if (nm_utils_strv_find_first ((char **) IGNORED_WORDS,
- 		                              G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_WORDS),
--		                              p) < 0)
-+		                              p) >= 0)
- 			goto next;
- 		l = strlen (p);
-From 47527d343339cf0df13fa852ef73c5d0e4713890 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 11:01:23 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 09/13] libnm: ignore phrases in fixup device description only
- when delimited by space
-(cherry picked from commit 72104ea10a26d4b4ff245ed60c5ccd5c043c5fe0)
-(cherry picked from commit aa60b77146641db5f5d670356d8244f46dd90f81)
- libnm/nm-device.c | 6 +++++-
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-device.c b/libnm/nm-device.c
-index 6c27190..3a6052b 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-device.c
-+++ b/libnm/nm-device.c
-@@ -1507,7 +1507,11 @@ fixup_desc_string (const char *desc)
- 		if (p) {
- 			const char *eow = &p[strlen (IGNORED_PHRASES[i])];
--			memmove (p, eow, strlen (eow) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
-+			/* require that the phrase is delimited by space, or
-+			 * at the beginning or end of the description. */
-+			if (   (p == desc_full || p[-1] == ' ')
-+			    && NM_IN_SET (eow[0], '\0', ' '))
-+				memmove (p, eow, strlen (eow) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
- 		}
- 	}
-From 6bc607bd944e83eb4e1c668bba5f750ac98ea451 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 10:19:25 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 10/13] libnm: add testable libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c file
-Previously, internal parts of libnm were not testable.
-Instead, add "libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c" and "libnm/libnm-utils.la"
-to contain code that can be statically linked with a new
-test "libnm/tests/test-general".
-(cherry picked from commit 8df944c7e495d18bfecaf9d8316ef7783039c94b)
-(cherry picked from commit 1ebac60d2219dd29634e5d375f487d5ffa624266)
- Makefile.am                | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
- libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c     | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h     | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- libnm/tests/test-general.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 4 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
- create mode 100644 libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
- create mode 100644 libnm/tests/test-general.c
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index 709d79b..a6776e9 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -734,6 +734,7 @@ libnm_lib_h_pub_nointrospect = \
- libnm_lib_h_pub_mkenums = \
- 	libnm/nm-enum-types.h
- libnm_lib_h_priv = \
-+	libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h \
- 	libnm/nm-dbus-helpers.h \
- 	libnm/nm-device-private.h \
- 	libnm/nm-dhcp4-config.h \
-@@ -790,6 +791,14 @@ libnm_lib_c_real = \
- libnm_lib_c_mkenums = \
- 	libnm/nm-enum-types.c
-+libnm_lib_cppflags = \
-+	$(dflt_cppflags_libnm_core) \
-+	-I$(srcdir)/libnm \
-+	-I$(builddir)/libnm \
-+	-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\""libnm"\" \
-+	-DNMRUNDIR=\"$(nmrundir)\"
- libnminclude_HEADERS += \
- 	$(libnm_lib_h_pub_real) \
- 	$(libnm_lib_h_pub_nointrospect)
-@@ -799,6 +808,23 @@ nodist_libnminclude_HEADERS += \
- ###############################################################################
-+lib_LTLIBRARIES += libnm/libnm-utils.la
-+libnm_libnm_utils_la_CPPFLAGS = \
-+	$(libnm_lib_cppflags)
-+libnm_libnm_utils_la_SOURCES = \
-+	libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-+libnm_libnm_utils_la_LIBADD = \
-+	libnm-core/libnm-core.la \
-+	introspection/libnmdbus.la \
-+$(libnm_libnm_utils_la_OBJECTS) : $(libnm_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
- lib_LTLIBRARIES += libnm/libnm.la
-@@ -817,13 +843,8 @@ $(libnm_libnm_la_OBJECTS):                              $(libnm_lib_h_pub_mkenum
- $(libnm_tests_libnm_vpn_plugin_utils_test_la_OBJECTS):  $(libnm_core_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
- libnm_libnm_la_CPPFLAGS = \
--	$(dflt_cppflags_libnm_core) \
--	-I$(srcdir)/libnm \
--	-I$(builddir)/libnm \
--	-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\""libnm"\" \
--	-DNMRUNDIR=\"$(nmrundir)\"
-+	$(libnm_lib_cppflags) \
- libnm_libnm_la_SOURCES = \
- 	$(libnm_lib_h_pub_real) \
-@@ -841,6 +862,7 @@ EXTRA_libnm_libnm_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
- libnm_libnm_la_LIBADD = \
- 	libnm-core/libnm-core.la \
- 	introspection/libnmdbus.la \
-+	libnm/libnm-utils.la \
- 	$(DL_LIBS) \
- 	$(GLIB_LIBS) \
- 	$(UUID_LIBS) \
-@@ -947,6 +969,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
- ###############################################################################
- libnm_tests_programs = \
-+	libnm/tests/test-general \
- 	libnm/tests/test-nm-client \
- 	libnm/tests/test-remote-settings-client \
- 	libnm/tests/test-secret-agent
-@@ -964,10 +987,14 @@ libnm_tests_ldadd = \
- 	libnm/libnm.la \
-+libnm_tests_test_general_CPPFLAGS = $(libnm_tests_cppflags)
- libnm_tests_test_nm_client_CPPFLAGS = $(libnm_tests_cppflags)
- libnm_tests_test_remote_settings_client_CPPFLAGS = $(libnm_tests_cppflags)
- libnm_tests_test_secret_agent_CPPFLAGS = $(libnm_tests_cppflags)
-+libnm_tests_test_general_SOURCES = \
-+	libnm/tests/test-general.c
- libnm_tests_test_nm_client_SOURCES = \
- 	shared/nm-test-utils-impl.c \
- 	shared/nm-test-libnm-utils.h \
-@@ -983,10 +1010,14 @@ libnm_tests_test_secret_agent_SOURCES = \
- 	shared/nm-test-libnm-utils.h \
- 	libnm/tests/test-secret-agent.c
-+libnm_tests_test_general_LDADD = \
-+	libnm/libnm-utils.la \
-+	$(libnm_tests_ldadd)
- libnm_tests_test_nm_client_LDADD = $(libnm_tests_ldadd)
- libnm_tests_test_remote_settings_client_LDADD = $(libnm_tests_ldadd)
- libnm_tests_test_secret_agent_LDADD = $(libnm_tests_ldadd)
-+$(libnm_tests_test_general_OBJECTS): $(libnm_core_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
- $(libnm_tests_test_nm_client_OBJECTS): $(libnm_core_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
- $(libnm_tests_test_remote_settings_client_OBJECTS): $(libnm_core_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
- $(libnm_tests_test_secret_agent_OBJECTS): $(libnm_core_lib_h_pub_mkenums)
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8cea276
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
-+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright 2007 - 2008 Novell, Inc.
-+ * Copyright 2007 - 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
-+ */
-+#include "nm-default.h"
-+#include "nm-libnm-utils.h"
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..356b2f9
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
-+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
-+ */
-+#ifndef __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__
-+#define __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__
-+#endif /* __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__ */
-diff --git a/libnm/tests/test-general.c b/libnm/tests/test-general.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..2653cb9
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/libnm/tests/test-general.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-+ * any later version.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT SC WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
-+ */
-+#include "nm-default.h"
-+#include "nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h"
-+int main (int argc, char **argv)
-+	nmtst_init (&argc, &argv, TRUE);
-+	return g_test_run ();
-From 3ac56f2ad81a4104f0bc3b95ebcc648fe8445c1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 10:32:13 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 11/13] libnm: move fixup_desc_string() to nm-libnm-utils.c
-(cherry picked from commit e255ad2a03c84f806f9606b420fa12757bbd883f)
-(cherry picked from commit ea0fd21428bd3b287a6537d9238a53f174c8854c)
- libnm/nm-device.c          | 141 +--------------------------------------------
- libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c     | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h     |   2 +-
- libnm/tests/test-general.c |  35 +++++++++++
- 4 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-device.c b/libnm/nm-device.c
-index 3a6052b..969d08a 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-device.c
-+++ b/libnm/nm-device.c
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <libudev.h>
-+#include "nm-libnm-utils.h"
- #include "nm-dbus-interface.h"
- #include "nm-active-connection.h"
- #include "nm-device-bt.h"
-@@ -1431,142 +1432,6 @@ nm_device_get_vendor (NMDevice *device)
- 	return priv->vendor;
- }
--static char *
--fixup_desc_string (const char *desc)
--	static const char *const IGNORED_PHRASES[] = {
--		"Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor",
--		"Wireless LAN Controller",
--		"Wireless LAN Adapter",
--		"Wireless Adapter",
--		"Network Connection",
--		"Wireless Cardbus Adapter",
--		"Wireless CardBus Adapter",
--		"54 Mbps Wireless PC Card",
--		"Wireless PC Card",
--		"Wireless PC",
--		"PC Card with XJACK(r) Antenna",
--		"Wireless cardbus",
--		"Wireless LAN PC Card",
--		"Technology Group Ltd.",
--		"Communication S.p.A.",
--		"Business Mobile Networks BV",
--		"Mobile Broadband Minicard Composite Device",
--		"Mobile Communications AB",
--		"(PC-Suite Mode)",
--	};
--	static const char *const IGNORED_WORDS[] = {
--		"Semiconductor",
--		"Components",
--		"Corporation",
--		"Communications",
--		"Company",
--		"Corp.",
--		"Corp",
--		"Co.",
--		"Inc.",
--		"Inc",
--		"Incorporated",
--		"Ltd.",
--		"Limited.",
--		"Intel?",
--		"chipset",
--		"adapter",
--		"[hex]",
--		"NDIS",
--		"Module",
--	};
--	char *desc_full;
--	char *p, *q;
--	int i;
--	if (!desc || !desc[0])
--		return NULL;
--	/* restore original non-UTF-8-safe text. */
--	desc_full = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (desc);
--	/* replace all invalid UTF-8 bytes with space. */
--	p = desc_full;
--	while (!g_utf8_validate (p, -1, (const char **) &q)) {
--		/* the byte is invalid UTF-8. Replace it with space and proceed. */
--		*q = ' ';
--		p = q + 1;
--	}
--	/* replace '_', ',', and ASCII controll characters with space. */
--	for (p = desc_full; p[0]; p++) {
--		if (   NM_IN_SET (*p, '_', ',')
--		    || *p < ' ')
--			*p = ' ';
--	}
--	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain phrases */
--	for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_PHRASES); i++) {
--		p = strstr (desc_full, IGNORED_PHRASES[i]);
--		if (p) {
--			const char *eow = &p[strlen (IGNORED_PHRASES[i])];
--			/* require that the phrase is delimited by space, or
--			 * at the beginning or end of the description. */
--			if (   (p == desc_full || p[-1] == ' ')
--			    && NM_IN_SET (eow[0], '\0', ' '))
--				memmove (p, eow, strlen (eow) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
--		}
--	}
--	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain individual words.
--	 * - word-split the description at spaces
--	 * - coalesce multiple spaces
--	 * - skip over IGNORED_WORDS */
--	p = desc_full;
--	q = desc_full;
--	for (;;) {
--		char *eow;
--		gsize l;
--		/* skip leading spaces. */
--		while (p[0] == ' ')
--			p++;
--		if (!p[0])
--			break;
--		/* split leading word on first space */
--		eow = strchr (p, ' ');
--		if (eow)
--			*eow = '\0';
--		if (nm_utils_strv_find_first ((char **) IGNORED_WORDS,
--		                              G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_WORDS),
--		                              p) >= 0)
--			goto next;
--		l = strlen (p);
--		if (q != p) {
--			if (q != desc_full)
--				*q++ = ' ';
--			memmove (q, p, l);
--		}
--		q += l;
--		if (!eow)
--			break;
--		p = eow + 1;
--	}
--	*q++ = '\0';
--	if (!desc_full[0]) {
--		g_free (desc_full);
--		return NULL;
--	}
--	nm_assert (g_utf8_validate (desc_full, -1, NULL));
--	return desc_full;
- static void
- ensure_description (NMDevice *device)
- {
-@@ -1574,7 +1439,7 @@ ensure_description (NMDevice *device)
- 	GParamSpec *name_prop;
- 	gs_free char *short_product = NULL;
--	priv->short_vendor = nm_str_realloc (fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_vendor (device)));
-+	priv->short_vendor = nm_str_realloc (nm_utils_fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_vendor (device)));
- 	/* Grab device's preferred name, if any */
- 	name_prop = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (G_OBJECT (device)), "name");
-@@ -1586,7 +1451,7 @@ ensure_description (NMDevice *device)
- 	}
- 	if (   !priv->short_vendor
--	    || !(short_product = fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_product (device)))) {
-+	    || !(short_product = nm_utils_fixup_desc_string (nm_device_get_product (device)))) {
- 		priv->description = g_strdup (nm_device_get_iface (device) ?: "");
- 		return;
- 	}
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-index 8cea276..fbbfe2c 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-+++ b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.c
-@@ -25,3 +25,138 @@
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+char *
-+nm_utils_fixup_desc_string (const char *desc)
-+	static const char *const IGNORED_PHRASES[] = {
-+		"Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor",
-+		"Wireless LAN Controller",
-+		"Wireless LAN Adapter",
-+		"Wireless Adapter",
-+		"Network Connection",
-+		"Wireless Cardbus Adapter",
-+		"Wireless CardBus Adapter",
-+		"54 Mbps Wireless PC Card",
-+		"Wireless PC Card",
-+		"Wireless PC",
-+		"PC Card with XJACK(r) Antenna",
-+		"Wireless cardbus",
-+		"Wireless LAN PC Card",
-+		"Technology Group Ltd.",
-+		"Communication S.p.A.",
-+		"Business Mobile Networks BV",
-+		"Mobile Broadband Minicard Composite Device",
-+		"Mobile Communications AB",
-+		"(PC-Suite Mode)",
-+	};
-+	static const char *const IGNORED_WORDS[] = {
-+		"Semiconductor",
-+		"Components",
-+		"Corporation",
-+		"Communications",
-+		"Company",
-+		"Corp.",
-+		"Corp",
-+		"Co.",
-+		"Inc.",
-+		"Inc",
-+		"Incorporated",
-+		"Ltd.",
-+		"Limited.",
-+		"Intel?",
-+		"chipset",
-+		"adapter",
-+		"[hex]",
-+		"NDIS",
-+		"Module",
-+	};
-+	char *desc_full;
-+	char *p, *q;
-+	int i;
-+	if (!desc || !desc[0])
-+		return NULL;
-+	/* restore original non-UTF-8-safe text. */
-+	desc_full = nm_utils_str_utf8safe_unescape_cp (desc);
-+	/* replace all invalid UTF-8 bytes with space. */
-+	p = desc_full;
-+	while (!g_utf8_validate (p, -1, (const char **) &q)) {
-+		/* the byte is invalid UTF-8. Replace it with space and proceed. */
-+		*q = ' ';
-+		p = q + 1;
-+	}
-+	/* replace '_', ',', and ASCII controll characters with space. */
-+	for (p = desc_full; p[0]; p++) {
-+		if (   NM_IN_SET (*p, '_', ',')
-+		    || *p < ' ')
-+			*p = ' ';
-+	}
-+	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain phrases */
-+	for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_PHRASES); i++) {
-+		p = strstr (desc_full, IGNORED_PHRASES[i]);
-+		if (p) {
-+			const char *eow = &p[strlen (IGNORED_PHRASES[i])];
-+			/* require that the phrase is delimited by space, or
-+			 * at the beginning or end of the description. */
-+			if (   (p == desc_full || p[-1] == ' ')
-+			    && NM_IN_SET (eow[0], '\0', ' '))
-+				memmove (p, eow, strlen (eow) + 1); /* +1 for the \0 */
-+		}
-+	}
-+	/* Attempt to shorten ID by ignoring certain individual words.
-+	 * - word-split the description at spaces
-+	 * - coalesce multiple spaces
-+	 * - skip over IGNORED_WORDS */
-+	p = desc_full;
-+	q = desc_full;
-+	for (;;) {
-+		char *eow;
-+		gsize l;
-+		/* skip leading spaces. */
-+		while (p[0] == ' ')
-+			p++;
-+		if (!p[0])
-+			break;
-+		/* split leading word on first space */
-+		eow = strchr (p, ' ');
-+		if (eow)
-+			*eow = '\0';
-+		if (nm_utils_strv_find_first ((char **) IGNORED_WORDS,
-+		                              G_N_ELEMENTS (IGNORED_WORDS),
-+		                              p) >= 0)
-+			goto next;
-+		l = strlen (p);
-+		if (q != p) {
-+			if (q != desc_full)
-+				*q++ = ' ';
-+			memmove (q, p, l);
-+		}
-+		q += l;
-+		if (!eow)
-+			break;
-+		p = eow + 1;
-+	}
-+	*q++ = '\0';
-+	if (!desc_full[0]) {
-+		g_free (desc_full);
-+		return NULL;
-+	}
-+	nm_assert (g_utf8_validate (desc_full, -1, NULL));
-+	return desc_full;
-diff --git a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
-index 356b2f9..4a5a361 100644
---- a/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
-+++ b/libnm/nm-libnm-utils.h
-@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@
- #ifndef __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__
- #define __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__
-+char *nm_utils_fixup_desc_string (const char *desc);
- #endif /* __NM_LIBNM_UTILS_H__ */
-diff --git a/libnm/tests/test-general.c b/libnm/tests/test-general.c
-index 2653cb9..7e0b7bb 100644
---- a/libnm/tests/test-general.c
-+++ b/libnm/tests/test-general.c
-@@ -20,15 +20,50 @@
- #include "nm-default.h"
-+#include "nm-libnm-utils.h"
- #include "nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+static void
-+do_test_fixup_desc_string (const char *desc, const char *expected)
-+	gs_free char *result = NULL;
-+	result = nm_utils_fixup_desc_string (desc);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (result, ==, expected);
-+#define do_test_fixup_desc_string_same(desc) (do_test_fixup_desc_string (""desc"", ""desc""))
-+static void
-+test_fixup_desc_string (void)
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string (NULL, NULL);
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("", NULL);
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string_same ("a");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string_same ("a b");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("a b ", "a b");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a   bbc ", "a bbc");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a \xcc  bbc ", "a bbc");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc  bbc ", "a bbc");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc""bbc Wireless PC", "a bbc");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc""bbc Wireless PC ", "a bbc");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc""bbcWireless PC ", "a bbcWireless PC");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc""bbc Wireless PCx", "a bbc Wireless PCx");
-+	do_test_fixup_desc_string ("  a\xcc""bbc Inc Wireless PC ", "a bbc");
- int main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- 	nmtst_init (&argc, &argv, TRUE);
-+	g_test_add_func ("/libnm/general/fixup_desc_string", test_fixup_desc_string);
- 	return g_test_run ();
- }
-From 1e5a95c89c35fadbefd6db21c20fcc4a7750063a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 14:13:37 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 12/13] build: don't install intermediate library
- libnm/libnm-utils.la
-Fixes: 8df944c7e495d18bfecaf9d8316ef7783039c94b
-(cherry picked from commit 733160c862452721821c508465429ffbbda203ae)
-(cherry picked from commit 23b5bdd8435bfaf729488e1d3d8821cce948e92e)
- Makefile.am | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index a6776e9..7ba3603 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ nodist_libnminclude_HEADERS += \
- ###############################################################################
--lib_LTLIBRARIES += libnm/libnm-utils.la
-+noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libnm/libnm-utils.la
- libnm_libnm_utils_la_CPPFLAGS = \
- 	$(libnm_lib_cppflags)
-From 32ec4059fd17a30003571c6d97c9859e84de92ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 14:24:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 13/13] build: don't link static libraries multiple times
-libnm-core.a should only be linked once in libnm.so. Previously,
-it was linked twice, once as part of libnm-utils.a and once
-directly in libnm.so.
-Fixes: 8df944c7e495d18bfecaf9d8316ef7783039c94b
-(cherry picked from commit 5a67130e1548bd9314fbd007e131ef378d8b51c7)
-(cherry picked from commit da2a02138dc7f0c5aff41019a0517854f379a44c)
- Makefile.am | 2 --
- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index 7ba3603..909847e 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -860,8 +860,6 @@ EXTRA_libnm_libnm_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
- 	libnm/libnm.ver
- libnm_libnm_la_LIBADD = \
--	libnm-core/libnm-core.la \
--	introspection/libnmdbus.la \
- 	libnm/libnm-utils.la \
- 	$(DL_LIBS) \
- 	$(GLIB_LIBS) \
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-distinct-route-metric-rh1505893.patch b/SOURCES/0009-distinct-route-metric-rh1505893.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b777598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0009-distinct-route-metric-rh1505893.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1516 @@
+From e7d51475a855f29f124b12e1de8709c2addb8be2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:16:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/7] device: expose nm_device_get_route_metric_default()
+(cherry picked from commit 989b5fabaac95f9367fb5f1c730db5dca7eab0de)
+(cherry picked from commit ea78f156f2ef3402a5c4dde9c395cbf720b7aa4c)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 8 ++++----
+ src/devices/nm-device.h | 2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index f75cc86e3..8179dbd3b 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -1616,8 +1616,8 @@ nm_device_get_metered (NMDevice *self)
+ 	return NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->metered;
+ }
+-static guint32
+-_get_route_metric_default (NMDevice *self)
++nm_device_get_route_metric_default (NMDeviceType device_type)
+ {
+ 	/* Device 'priority' is used for the default route-metric and is based on
+ 	 * the device type. The settings ipv4.route-metric and ipv6.route-metric
+@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ _get_route_metric_default (NMDevice *self)
+ 	 * metrics (except for IPv6, where 0 means 1024).
+ 	 */
+-	switch (nm_device_get_device_type (self)) {
++	switch (device_type) {
+ 	/* 50 is reserved for VPN (NM_VPN_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT) */
+@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ nm_device_get_route_metric (NMDevice *self,
+ 		if (route_metric >= 0)
+ 			goto out;
+ 	}
+-	route_metric = _get_route_metric_default (self);
++	route_metric = nm_device_get_route_metric_default (nm_device_get_device_type (self));
+ out:
+ 	return nm_utils_ip_route_metric_normalize (addr_family, route_metric);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
+index 810a613dd..ac73ee0c4 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
+@@ -450,6 +450,8 @@ NMMetered       nm_device_get_metered           (NMDevice *dev);
+ guint32         nm_device_get_route_table       (NMDevice *self, int addr_family, gboolean fallback_main);
+ guint32         nm_device_get_route_metric      (NMDevice *dev, int addr_family);
++guint32         nm_device_get_route_metric_default (NMDeviceType device_type);
+ const char *    nm_device_get_hw_address        (NMDevice *dev);
+ const char *    nm_device_get_permanent_hw_address (NMDevice *self);
+ const char *    nm_device_get_permanent_hw_address_full (NMDevice *self,
+From 009ce5a739ec760acc38e8265776570e5d1a6a34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 12:49:21 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/7] core: add nm_config_keyfile_get_int64() util
+(cherry picked from commit 3f38b765158c2ffcec7d1b314c3ba6aea3bc3e7b)
+(cherry picked from commit 42fbc9410ba5c131e84c21d073d3d818feb2666d)
+ src/nm-config.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/nm-config.h |  7 +++++++
+ 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
+index de727c988..c344d5cd1 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.c
++++ b/src/nm-config.c
+@@ -182,6 +182,33 @@ nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
+ 	return nm_config_parse_boolean (str, default_value);
+ }
++nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
++                             const char *section,
++                             const char *key,
++                             guint base,
++                             gint64 min,
++                             gint64 max,
++                             gint64 fallback)
++	gint64 v;
++	int errsv;
++	char *str;
++	g_return_val_if_fail (keyfile, fallback);
++	g_return_val_if_fail (section, fallback);
++	g_return_val_if_fail (key, fallback);
++	str = g_key_file_get_value ((GKeyFile *) keyfile, section, key, NULL);
++	v = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (str, base, min, max, fallback);
++	if (str) {
++		errsv = errno;
++		g_free (str);
++		errno = errsv;
++	}
++	return v;
+ char *
+ nm_config_keyfile_get_value (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
+                              const char *section,
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
+index 8bdd5002d..5b2dc65c4 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.h
++++ b/src/nm-config.h
+@@ -165,6 +165,13 @@ gint nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
+                                     const char *section,
+                                     const char *key,
+                                     gint default_value);
++gint64 nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
++                                    const char *section,
++                                    const char *key,
++                                    guint base,
++                                    gint64 min,
++                                    gint64 max,
++                                    gint64 fallback);
+ char *nm_config_keyfile_get_value (const GKeyFile *keyfile,
+                                    const char *section,
+                                    const char *key,
+From 412200a581b00c76757afb2250c3a9e3e719ca6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:09:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/7] core: cache device state in NMConfig and load all at once
+NMManager will need to know the state of all device at once.
+Hence, load it once and cache it in NMConfig.
+Note that this wastes a bit of memory in the order of
+O(number-of-interfaces). But each device state entry is
+rather small, and we always consume memory in the order
+of O(number-of-interfaces).
+(cherry picked from commit ea08df925f6a01e30ddcea4c15cea98d532593c6)
+(cherry picked from commit 7b899334068c6945b0604b37510d91b02cbe62d9)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c |  31 ++++----
+ src/nm-config.c         | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
+ src/nm-config.h         |   5 ++
+ src/nm-manager.c        |   5 +-
+ 4 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 8179dbd3b..755589674 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -13512,6 +13512,7 @@ nm_device_update_permanent_hw_address (NMDevice *self, gboolean force_freeze)
+ 	gboolean success_read;
+ 	int ifindex;
+ 	const NMPlatformLink *pllink;
++	const NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state;
+ 	if (priv->hw_addr_perm) {
+ 		/* the permanent hardware address is only read once and not
+@@ -13571,23 +13572,19 @@ nm_device_update_permanent_hw_address (NMDevice *self, gboolean force_freeze)
+ 	/* We also persist our choice of the fake address to the device state
+ 	 * file to use the same address on restart of NetworkManager.
+ 	 * First, try to reload the address from the state file. */
+-	{
+-		gs_free NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state = NULL;
+-		dev_state = nm_config_device_state_load (ifindex);
+-		if (   dev_state
+-		    && dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake
+-		    && nm_utils_hwaddr_aton (dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, buf, priv->hw_addr_len)
+-		    && !nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (buf, priv->hw_addr_len, priv->hw_addr, -1)) {
+-			_LOGD (LOGD_PLATFORM | LOGD_ETHER, "hw-addr: %s (use from statefile: %s, current: %s)",
+-			       success_read
+-			           ? "read HW addr length of permanent MAC address differs"
+-			           : "unable to read permanent MAC address",
+-			       dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake,
+-			       priv->hw_addr);
+-			priv->hw_addr_perm = nm_utils_hwaddr_ntoa (buf, priv->hw_addr_len);
+-			goto notify_and_out;
+-		}
++	dev_state = nm_config_device_state_get (nm_config_get (), ifindex);
++	if (   dev_state
++	    && dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake
++	    && nm_utils_hwaddr_aton (dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, buf, priv->hw_addr_len)
++	    && !nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (buf, priv->hw_addr_len, priv->hw_addr, -1)) {
++		_LOGD (LOGD_PLATFORM | LOGD_ETHER, "hw-addr: %s (use from statefile: %s, current: %s)",
++		       success_read
++		           ? "read HW addr length of permanent MAC address differs"
++		           : "unable to read permanent MAC address",
++		       dev_state->perm_hw_addr_fake,
++		       priv->hw_addr);
++		priv->hw_addr_perm = nm_utils_hwaddr_ntoa (buf, priv->hw_addr_len);
++		goto notify_and_out;
+ 	}
+ 	_LOGD (LOGD_PLATFORM | LOGD_ETHER, "hw-addr: %s (use current: %s)",
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
+index c344d5cd1..771d74f2a 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.c
++++ b/src/nm-config.c
+@@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ typedef struct {
+ 	 * because the state changes only on explicit actions from the daemon
+ 	 * itself. */
+ 	State *state;
++	/* the hash table of device states. It is only loaded from disk
++	 * once and kept immutable afterwards.
++	 *
++	 * We also read all state file at once. We don't want to support
++	 * that they are changed outside of NM (at least not while NM is running).
++	 * Hence, we read them once, that's it. */
++	GHashTable *device_states;
+ } NMConfigPrivate;
+ struct _NMConfig {
+@@ -1945,46 +1953,45 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	gint nm_owned = -1;
+ 	char *p;
++	nm_assert (kf);
+ 	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
+-	if (kf) {
+-		switch (nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
+-		                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-		                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_MANAGED,
+-		                                       -1)) {
+-		case TRUE:
+-			connection_uuid = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
+-			                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-			                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_UUID,
+-			                                               NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP | NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY);
+-			break;
+-		case FALSE:
+-			break;
+-		case -1:
+-			/* missing property in keyfile. */
+-			break;
+-		}
+-		perm_hw_addr_fake = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
+-		                                                 DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-		                                                 DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_PERM_HW_ADDR_FAKE,
+-		                                                 NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP | NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY);
+-		if (perm_hw_addr_fake) {
+-			char *normalized;
++	switch (nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
++	                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++	                                       DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_MANAGED,
++	                                       -1)) {
++	case TRUE:
++		connection_uuid = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
++		                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++		                                               DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_UUID,
++		                                               NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP | NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY);
++		break;
++	case FALSE:
++		break;
++	case -1:
++		/* missing property in keyfile. */
++		break;
++	}
+-			normalized = nm_utils_hwaddr_canonical (perm_hw_addr_fake, -1);
+-			g_free (perm_hw_addr_fake);
+-			perm_hw_addr_fake = normalized;
+-		}
++	perm_hw_addr_fake = nm_config_keyfile_get_value (kf,
++	                                                 DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++	                                                 DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_PERM_HW_ADDR_FAKE,
++	                                                 NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP | NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY);
++	if (perm_hw_addr_fake) {
++		char *normalized;
+-		nm_owned = nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
+-		                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-		                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED,
+-		                                          -1);
++		normalized = nm_utils_hwaddr_canonical (perm_hw_addr_fake, -1);
++		g_free (perm_hw_addr_fake);
++		perm_hw_addr_fake = normalized;
+ 	}
++	nm_owned = nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
++	                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++	                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED,
++	                                          -1);
+ 	connection_uuid_len = connection_uuid ? strlen (connection_uuid) + 1 : 0;
+ 	perm_hw_addr_fake_len = perm_hw_addr_fake ? strlen (perm_hw_addr_fake) + 1 : 0;
+@@ -2034,14 +2041,13 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
+ 	kf = nm_config_create_keyfile ();
+ 	if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (kf, path, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL))
+-		g_clear_pointer (&kf, g_key_file_unref);
++		return NULL;
+ 	device_state = _config_device_state_data_new (ifindex, kf);
+ 	nm_owned_str = device_state->nm_owned == TRUE ?
+ 	               ", nm-owned=1" :
+ 	               (device_state->nm_owned == FALSE ? ", nm-owned=0" : "");
+ 	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+ 	       kf ? "read" : "miss",
+ 	       ifindex, path,
+@@ -2053,6 +2059,49 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
+ 	return device_state;
+ }
++static int
++_device_state_parse_filename (const char *filename)
++	if (!filename || !filename[0])
++		return 0;
++	if (!NM_STRCHAR_ALL (filename, ch, g_ascii_isdigit (ch)))
++		return 0;
++	return _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (filename, 10, 1, G_MAXINT, 0);
++GHashTable *
++nm_config_device_state_load_all (void)
++	GHashTable *states;
++	GDir *dir;
++	const char *fn;
++	int ifindex;
++	states = g_hash_table_new_full (nm_direct_hash, NULL, NULL, g_free);
++	dir = g_dir_open (NM_CONFIG_DEVICE_STATE_DIR, 0, NULL);
++	if (!dir)
++		return states;
++	while ((fn = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {
++		NMConfigDeviceStateData *state;
++		ifindex = _device_state_parse_filename (fn);
++		if (ifindex <= 0)
++			continue;
++		state = nm_config_device_state_load (ifindex);
++		if (!state)
++			continue;
++		if (!nm_g_hash_table_insert (states, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex), state))
++			nm_assert_not_reached ();
++	}
++	g_dir_close (dir);
++	return states;
+ gboolean
+ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                               NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
+@@ -2121,7 +2170,6 @@ nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes)
+ 	const char *fn;
+ 	int ifindex;
+ 	gsize fn_len;
+-	gsize i;
+ 	char *buf_p = &buf[NM_STRLEN (NM_CONFIG_DEVICE_STATE_DIR"/")];
+@@ -2132,24 +2180,20 @@ nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes)
+ 		return;
+ 	while ((fn = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {
+-		fn_len = strlen (fn);
+-		/* skip over file names that are not plain integers. */
+-		for (i = 0; i < fn_len; i++) {
+-			if (!g_ascii_isdigit (fn[i]))
+-				break;
+-		}
+-		if (fn_len == 0 || i != fn_len)
++		ifindex = _device_state_parse_filename (fn);
++		if (ifindex <= 0)
+ 			continue;
+-		ifindex = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (fn, 10, 1, G_MAXINT, 0);
+-		if (!ifindex)
+-			continue;
+ 		if (g_hash_table_contains (seen_ifindexes, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex)))
+ 			continue;
+-		memcpy (buf_p, fn, fn_len + 1);
++		fn_len = strlen (fn) + 1;
++		nm_assert (&buf_p[fn_len] < &buf[G_N_ELEMENTS (buf)]);
++		memcpy (buf_p, fn, fn_len);
++		nm_assert (({
++		                char bb[30];
++		                nm_sprintf_buf (bb, "%d", ifindex);
++		                nm_streq0 (bb, buf_p);
++		           }));
+ 		_LOGT ("device-state: prune #%d (%s)", ifindex, buf);
+ 		(void) unlink (buf);
+ 	}
+@@ -2159,6 +2203,46 @@ nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes)
+ /*****************************************************************************/
++static GHashTable *
++_device_state_get_all (NMConfig *self)
++	NMConfigPrivate *priv = NM_CONFIG_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	if (G_UNLIKELY (!priv->device_states))
++		priv->device_states = nm_config_device_state_load_all ();
++	return priv->device_states;
++ * nm_config_device_state_get_all:
++ * @self: the #NMConfig
++ *
++ * This function exists to give convenient access to all
++ * device states. Do not ever try to modify the returned
++ * hash, it's supposed to be immutable.
++ *
++ * Returns: the internal #GHashTable object with all device states.
++ */
++const GHashTable *
++nm_config_device_state_get_all (NMConfig *self)
++	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_CONFIG (self), NULL);
++	return _device_state_get_all (self);
++const NMConfigDeviceStateData *
++nm_config_device_state_get (NMConfig *self,
++                            int ifindex)
++	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_CONFIG (self), NULL);
++	g_return_val_if_fail (ifindex > 0 , NULL);
++	return g_hash_table_lookup (_device_state_get_all (self), GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex));
+ void
+ nm_config_reload (NMConfig *self, NMConfigChangeFlags reload_flags)
+ {
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
+index 5b2dc65c4..52a4099b2 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.h
++++ b/src/nm-config.h
+@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ struct _NMConfigDeviceStateData {
+ };
+ NMConfigDeviceStateData *nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex);
++GHashTable *nm_config_device_state_load_all (void);
+ gboolean nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                                        NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
+                                        const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
+@@ -231,6 +232,10 @@ gboolean nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                                        gint nm_owned);
+ void nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes);
++const GHashTable *nm_config_device_state_get_all (NMConfig *self);
++const NMConfigDeviceStateData *nm_config_device_state_get (NMConfig *self,
++                                                           int ifindex);
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ #endif /* __NETWORKMANAGER_CONFIG_H__ */
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index 7f1b9a9d9..9e5f7ad4c 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -2640,10 +2640,9 @@ platform_query_devices (NMManager *self)
+ 		return;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < links->len; i++) {
+ 		const NMPlatformLink *link = NMP_OBJECT_CAST_LINK (links->pdata[i]);
+-		gs_free NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state = NULL;
+-		dev_state = nm_config_device_state_load (link->ifindex);
++		const NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state;
++		dev_state = nm_config_device_state_get (priv->config, link->ifindex);
+ 		platform_link_added (self,
+ 		                     link->ifindex,
+ 		                     link,
+From e6d73154f23bdd6e0c4e9b52a9ea64bd3c1d8a13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 15:51:18 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/7] core: add read/write support for route-metric to
+ NMConfig's device state
+(cherry picked from commit a90b523a3e09f68d5700e73981ba84d40e4682a5)
+(cherry picked from commit 282ed0d17501fda8b8c30020c029eb86f364e8bc)
+ src/nm-config.c  | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ src/nm-config.h  |  9 +++++++--
+ src/nm-manager.c |  6 +++++-
+ 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
+index 771d74f2a..97ae3f6f4 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.c
++++ b/src/nm-config.c
+@@ -1933,6 +1933,7 @@ _nm_config_state_set (NMConfig *self,
+ #define DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED            "nm-owned"
+ NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (_device_state_managed_type_to_str, NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType,
+@@ -1952,6 +1953,7 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	gsize perm_hw_addr_fake_len;
+ 	gint nm_owned = -1;
+ 	char *p;
++	guint32 route_metric_default;
+ 	nm_assert (kf);
+ 	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
+@@ -1992,6 +1994,13 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED,
+ 	                                          -1);
++	/* metric zero is not a valid metric. While zero valid for IPv4, for IPv6 it is an alias
++	 * for 1024. Since we handle here IPv4 and IPv6 the same, we cannot allow zero. */
++	route_metric_default = nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (kf,
++	                                                    DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++	                                                    DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT,
++	                                                    10, 1, G_MAXUINT32, 0);
+ 	connection_uuid_len = connection_uuid ? strlen (connection_uuid) + 1 : 0;
+ 	perm_hw_addr_fake_len = perm_hw_addr_fake ? strlen (perm_hw_addr_fake) + 1 : 0;
+@@ -2004,6 +2013,7 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	device_state->connection_uuid = NULL;
+ 	device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
+ 	device_state->nm_owned = nm_owned;
++	device_state->route_metric_default = route_metric_default;
+ 	p = (char *) (&device_state[1]);
+ 	if (connection_uuid) {
+@@ -2048,13 +2058,14 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
+ 	               ", nm-owned=1" :
+ 	               (device_state->nm_owned == FALSE ? ", nm-owned=0" : "");
+-	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
++	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
+ 	       kf ? "read" : "miss",
+ 	       ifindex, path,
+ 	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (device_state->managed),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", device_state->connection_uuid, "", ""),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""),
+-	       nm_owned_str);
++	       nm_owned_str,
++	       device_state->route_metric_default);
+ 	return device_state;
+ }
+@@ -2107,7 +2118,8 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                               NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
+                               const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
+                               const char *connection_uuid,
+-                              gint nm_owned)
++                              gint nm_owned,
++                              guint32 route_metric_default)
+ {
+ 	GError *local = NULL;
+@@ -2149,17 +2161,24 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+ 		                        nm_owned);
+ 	}
++	if (route_metric_default != 0) {
++		g_key_file_set_int64 (kf,
++		                      DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++		                      route_metric_default);
++	}
+ 	if (!g_key_file_save_to_file (kf, path, &local)) {
+ 		_LOGW ("device-state: write #%d (%s) failed: %s", ifindex, path, local->message);
+ 		g_error_free (local);
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+-	_LOGT ("device-state: write #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
++	_LOGT ("device-state: write #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
+ 	       ifindex, path,
+ 	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (managed),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", connection_uuid, "", ""),
+-	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""));
++	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""),
++	       route_metric_default);
+ 	return TRUE;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
+index 52a4099b2..4c6fcca2b 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.h
++++ b/src/nm-config.h
+@@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ struct _NMConfigDeviceStateData {
+ 	int ifindex;
+ 	NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed;
++	/* a value of zero means that no metric is set. */
++	guint32 route_metric_default;
+ 	/* the UUID of the last settings-connection active
+ 	 * on the device. */
+ 	const char *connection_uuid;
+@@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ struct _NMConfigDeviceStateData {
+ 	/* whether the device was nm-owned (0/1) or -1 for
+ 	 * non-software devices. */
+-	gint nm_owned;
++	int nm_owned:3;
+ };
+ NMConfigDeviceStateData *nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex);
+@@ -229,7 +232,9 @@ gboolean nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                                        NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
+                                        const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
+                                        const char *connection_uuid,
+-                                       gint nm_owned);
++                                       gint nm_owned,
++                                       guint32 route_metric_default);
+ void nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes);
+ const GHashTable *nm_config_device_state_get_all (NMConfig *self);
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index 9e5f7ad4c..8b0b8013b 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -5198,6 +5198,7 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
+ 		const char *uuid = NULL;
+ 		const char *perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
+ 		gboolean perm_hw_addr_is_fake;
++		guint32 route_metric_default;
+ 		ifindex = nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device);
+ 		if (ifindex <= 0)
+@@ -5227,11 +5228,14 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
+ 		nm_owned = nm_device_is_software (device) ? nm_device_is_nm_owned (device) : -1;
++		route_metric_default = 0;
+ 		if (nm_config_device_state_write (ifindex,
+ 		                                  managed_type,
+ 		                                  perm_hw_addr_fake,
+ 		                                  uuid,
+-		                                  nm_owned))
++		                                  nm_owned,
++		                                  route_metric_default))
+ 			g_hash_table_add (seen_ifindexes, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex));
+ 	}
+From 747eb4bbb0f69f106e857e37256f26770bd9d518 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 16:32:04 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/7] device: generate unique default route-metrics per
+ interface
+In the past we had NMDefaultRouteManager which would coordinate adding
+the default-route with identical metrics. That especially happened, when
+activating two devices of the same type, without explicitly specifying
+ipv4.route-metric. For example, with ethernet devices, the routes on
+both interfaces would get a metric of 100.
+Coordinating routes was especially necessary, because we added
+routes with NLM_F_EXCL flag, akin to `ip route replace`. We not
+only had to avoid that activating two devices in NetworkManager would
+result in a fight over the default-route, but more importently
+to preserve externally added default-routes on unmanaged interfaces.
+NMDefaultRouteManager would ensure that in case of duplicate
+metrics, that the device that activated first would keep the
+best default-route. It would do so by bumping the metric
+of the second device to find a unused metric. The bumping itself
+was not very important -- MDefaultRouteManager could also just not
+configure any default-routes that show up as second, the result
+would be quite similar. More important was to keep the best
+default-route on the first activating device until the device
+deactivates or a device activates that really has a better
+Likewise, NMRouteManager would globally manage non-default-routes.
+It would not do any bumping of metrics, but it would also ensure that the routes
+of the device that activates first are not overwritten by a device activating
+However, the `ip route replace` approach has downsides, especially
+that it messes with routes on other interfaces, interfaces that are
+possibly not managed by NetworkManager. Another downside is, that
+binding a socket to an interface might not result in correct
+routes, because the route might just not be there (in case of
+NMRouteManager, which wouldn't configure duplicate routes by bumping
+their metric).
+Since commit 77ec302714795f905301d500b9aab6c88001f32e we would no longer
+use NLM_F_EXCL, but add routes akin to `ip route append`. When
+activating for example two ethernet devices with no explict route
+metric configuration, there are two routes like
+   default via dev eth0 proto dhcp metric 100
+   default via dev eth1 proto dhcp metric 100
+This does not only affect default routes. In case of a multi-homing
+setup you'd get
+ dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
+ dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
+but it's visible the most for default-routes.
+Note that we would append the routes that are activated later, as the order
+of `ip route show` confirms. One might hence expect, that kernel selects
+a route based on the order in the routing tables. However, that isn't
+the case, and activating the second interface will non-deterministically
+re-route traffic via the new interface. That will interfere badly with
+with NAT, stateful firewalls, and existing connections (like TCP).
+The solution is to have NMManager keep a global index of the default route-metrics
+currently in use. So, instead of determining the default-route metric based solely
+on the device-type, we now in addition generate default metrics that do not
+overlap. For example, if you activate eth0 first, it gets route-metric 100,
+and if you then activate eth1, it gets 101. Note that if you deactivate
+and re-activate eth0, then it will get route-metric 102, because the
+best route should stick on eth1 (which reserves the range 100 to 101).
+Note that when a connection explititly selects a particular metric, then that
+choice is honored (contrary to NMDefaultRouteManager which was more concerned
+with avoiding conflicts, then keeping the exact metric).
+(cherry picked from commit 6a32c64d8fb2a9c1cfb78ab7e2f0bb3a269c81d7)
+(cherry picked from commit bd2d71754b770b43a71d85ca5f79832bbdb6b77a)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c |  10 +-
+ src/nm-manager.c        | 237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ src/nm-manager.h        |  10 ++
+ 3 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 755589674..40c425a5b 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -1765,7 +1765,10 @@ nm_device_get_route_metric (NMDevice *self,
+ 		if (route_metric >= 0)
+ 			goto out;
+ 	}
+-	route_metric = nm_device_get_route_metric_default (nm_device_get_device_type (self));
++	route_metric = nm_manager_device_route_metric_reserve (nm_manager_get (),
++	                                                       nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self),
++	                                                       nm_device_get_device_type (self));
+ out:
+ 	return nm_utils_ip_route_metric_normalize (addr_family, route_metric);
+ }
+@@ -12482,6 +12485,11 @@ _cleanup_generic_pre (NMDevice *self, CleanupType cleanup_type)
+ 	_cancel_activation (self);
++	if (cleanup_type != CLEANUP_TYPE_KEEP) {
++		nm_manager_device_route_metric_clear (nm_manager_get (),
++		                                      nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self));
++	}
+ 	if (   cleanup_type == CLEANUP_TYPE_DECONFIGURE
+ 	    && priv->fw_state >= FIREWALL_STATE_INITIALIZED
+ 	    && priv->fw_mgr
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index 8b0b8013b..4d3416b37 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ typedef struct {
+ 	NMAuthManager *auth_mgr;
++	GHashTable *device_route_metrics;
+ 	GSList *auth_chains;
+ 	GHashTable *sleep_devices;
+@@ -324,6 +326,237 @@ static NM_CACHED_QUARK_FCN ("autoconnect-root", autoconnect_root_quark)
+ /*****************************************************************************/
++typedef struct {
++	int ifindex;
++	guint32 aspired_metric;
++	guint32 effective_metric;
++} DeviceRouteMetricData;
++static DeviceRouteMetricData *
++_device_route_metric_data_new (int ifindex, guint32 metric)
++	DeviceRouteMetricData *data;
++	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
++	/* For IPv4, metrics can use the entire uint32 bit range. For IPv6,
++	 * zero is treated like 1024. Since we handle IPv4 and IPv6 identically,
++	 * we cannot allow a zero metric here.
++	 */
++	nm_assert (metric > 0);
++	data = g_slice_new0 (DeviceRouteMetricData);
++	data->ifindex = ifindex;
++	data->aspired_metric = metric;
++	data->effective_metric = metric;
++	return data;
++static guint
++_device_route_metric_data_by_ifindex_hash (gconstpointer p)
++	const DeviceRouteMetricData *data = p;
++	NMHashState h;
++	nm_hash_init (&h, 1030338191);
++	nm_hash_update_vals (&h, data->ifindex);
++	return nm_hash_complete (&h);
++static gboolean
++_device_route_metric_data_by_ifindex_equal (gconstpointer pa, gconstpointer pb)
++	const DeviceRouteMetricData *a = pa;
++	const DeviceRouteMetricData *b = pb;
++	return a->ifindex == b->ifindex;
++static guint32
++_device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
++                          int ifindex,
++                          NMDeviceType device_type,
++                          gboolean lookup_only)
++	NMManagerPrivate *priv;
++	const DeviceRouteMetricData *d2;
++	DeviceRouteMetricData *data;
++	DeviceRouteMetricData data_lookup;
++	const NMDedupMultiHeadEntry *all_links_head;
++	NMPObject links_needle;
++	guint n_links;
++	gboolean cleaned = FALSE;
++	GHashTableIter h_iter;
++	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self), 0);
++	if (ifindex <= 0) {
++		if (lookup_only)
++			return 0;
++		return nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type);
++	}
++	priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	if (   lookup_only
++	    && !priv->device_route_metrics)
++		return 0;
++	if (G_UNLIKELY (!priv->device_route_metrics)) {
++		const GHashTable *h;
++		const NMConfigDeviceStateData *device_state;
++		priv->device_route_metrics = g_hash_table_new_full (_device_route_metric_data_by_ifindex_hash,
++		                                                    _device_route_metric_data_by_ifindex_equal,
++		                                                    NULL,
++		                                                    nm_g_slice_free_fcn (DeviceRouteMetricData));
++		cleaned = TRUE;
++		/* we need to pre-populate the cache for all (still existing) devices from the state-file */
++		h = nm_config_device_state_get_all (priv->config);
++		if (!h)
++			goto initited;
++		g_hash_table_iter_init (&h_iter, (GHashTable *) h);
++		while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&h_iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &device_state)) {
++			if (!device_state->route_metric_default)
++				continue;
++			if (!nm_platform_link_get (priv->platform, device_state->ifindex)) {
++				/* we have the entry in the state file, but (currently) no such
++				 * ifindex exists in platform. Most likely the entry is obsolete,
++				 * hence we skip it. */
++				continue;
++			}
++			if (!nm_g_hash_table_add (priv->device_route_metrics,
++			                          _device_route_metric_data_new (device_state->ifindex,
++			                                                         device_state->route_metric_default)))
++				nm_assert_not_reached ();
++		}
++	}
++	data_lookup.ifindex = ifindex;
++	data = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->device_route_metrics, &data_lookup);
++	if (data)
++		return data->effective_metric;
++	if (lookup_only)
++		return 0;
++	if (!cleaned) {
++		/* get the number of all links in the platform cache. */
++		all_links_head = nm_platform_lookup_all (priv->platform,
++		                                         NMP_CACHE_ID_TYPE_OBJECT_TYPE,
++		                                         nmp_object_stackinit_id_link (&links_needle, 1));
++		n_links = all_links_head ? all_links_head->len : 0;
++		/* on systems where a lot of devices are created and go away, the index contains
++		 * a lot of stale entries. We must from time to time clean them up.
++		 *
++		 * Do do this cleanup, whenever we have more enties then 2 times the number of links. */
++		if (G_UNLIKELY (g_hash_table_size (priv->device_route_metrics) > NM_MAX (20, n_links * 2))) {
++			/* from time to time, we need to do some house-keeping and prune stale entries.
++			 * Otherwise, on a system where interfaces frequently come and go (docker), we
++			 * keep growing this cache for ifindexes that no longer exist. */
++			g_hash_table_iter_init (&h_iter, priv->device_route_metrics);
++			while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&h_iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &d2)) {
++				if (!nm_platform_link_get (priv->platform, d2->ifindex))
++					g_hash_table_iter_remove (&h_iter);
++			}
++			cleaned = TRUE;
++		}
++	}
++	data = _device_route_metric_data_new (ifindex, nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type));
++	/* unfortunately, there is no stright forward way to lookup all reserved metrics.
++	 * Note, that we don't only have to know which metrics are currently reserved,
++	 * but also, which metrics are now seemingly un-used but caused another reserved
++	 * metric to be bumped. Hence, the naive O(n^2) search :( */
++	g_hash_table_iter_init (&h_iter, priv->device_route_metrics);
++	while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&h_iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &d2)) {
++		if (   data->effective_metric < d2->aspired_metric
++		    || data->effective_metric > d2->effective_metric) {
++			/* no overlap. Skip. */
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (   !cleaned
++		    && !nm_platform_link_get (priv->platform, d2->ifindex)) {
++			/* the metric seems taken, but there is no such interface. This entry
++			 * is stale, forget about it. */
++			g_hash_table_iter_remove (&h_iter);
++			continue;
++		}
++		data->effective_metric = d2->effective_metric;
++		if (data->effective_metric == G_MAXUINT32) {
++			/* we cannot bump any further. Done. */
++			break;
++		}
++		if (data->effective_metric - data->aspired_metric > 50) {
++			/* as one active interface reserves an entire range of metrics
++			 * (from aspired_metric to effective_metric), that means if you
++			 * alternatingly activate two interfaces, their metric will
++			 * juggle up.
++			 *
++			 * Limit this, don't bump the metric more then 50 times. */
++			break;
++		}
++		/* bump the metric, and search again. */
++		data->effective_metric++;
++		goto again;
++	}
++	_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "default-route-metric: ifindex %d reserves metric %u (aspired %u)",
++	       data->ifindex, data->effective_metric, data->aspired_metric);
++	if (!nm_g_hash_table_add (priv->device_route_metrics, data))
++		nm_assert_not_reached ();
++	return data->effective_metric;
++nm_manager_device_route_metric_reserve (NMManager *self,
++                                        int ifindex,
++                                        NMDeviceType device_type)
++	guint32 metric;
++	metric = _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, device_type, FALSE);
++	nm_assert (metric != 0);
++	return metric;
++nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
++                                    int ifindex)
++	return _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, TRUE);
++nm_manager_device_route_metric_clear (NMManager *self,
++                                      int ifindex)
++	NMManagerPrivate *priv;
++	DeviceRouteMetricData data_lookup;
++	priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	if (!priv->device_route_metrics)
++		return;
++	data_lookup.ifindex = ifindex;
++	if (g_hash_table_remove (priv->device_route_metrics, &data_lookup)) {
++		_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "default-route-metric: ifindex %d released",
++		       ifindex);
++	}
+ static void
+ _delete_volatile_connection_do (NMManager *self,
+                                 NMSettingsConnection *connection)
+@@ -5228,7 +5461,7 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
+ 		nm_owned = nm_device_is_software (device) ? nm_device_is_nm_owned (device) : -1;
+-		route_metric_default = 0;
++		route_metric_default = nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex);
+ 		if (nm_config_device_state_write (ifindex,
+ 		                                  managed_type,
+@@ -6607,6 +6840,8 @@ dispose (GObject *object)
+ 	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->timestamp_update_id);
++	g_clear_pointer (&priv->device_route_metrics, g_hash_table_destroy);
+ 	G_OBJECT_CLASS (nm_manager_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.h b/src/nm-manager.h
+index 2d463c718..d82570889 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.h
++++ b/src/nm-manager.h
+@@ -114,6 +114,16 @@ NMDevice *          nm_manager_get_device_by_ifindex   (NMManager *manager,
+ NMDevice *          nm_manager_get_device_by_path      (NMManager *manager,
+                                                         const char *path);
++guint32             nm_manager_device_route_metric_reserve (NMManager *self,
++                                                            int ifindex,
++                                                            NMDeviceType device_type);
++guint32             nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
++                                                        int ifindex);
++void                nm_manager_device_route_metric_clear (NMManager *self,
++                                                          int ifindex);
+ char *              nm_manager_get_connection_iface (NMManager *self,
+                                                      NMConnection *connection,
+                                                      NMDevice **out_parent,
+From f1728bdeac80fdc45ed969b8821a207383962296 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 10:10:15 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 6/7] core: ensure that the default route-metric bumps at most
+ 50 points
+First check that the limit of 50 metric points is not surpassed.
+Otherwise, if you have an ethernet device (aspired 100, effective
+130) and a MACSec devic (aspired 125, effective 155), activating a
+new ethernet device would bump it's metric to 155 -- more then
+the 50 points limit.
+It doesn't matter too much, because the cases where the limit of
+50 could have been surpassed were very specific. Still, change
+it to ensure that the limit is always honored as one would expect.
+Fixes: 6a32c64d8fb2a9c1cfb78ab7e2f0bb3a269c81d7
+(cherry picked from commit 2499d3bdc6007308bf282cb44462990a4cd03b0e)
+(cherry picked from commit 5fd91fb67d3e3865545f5cbc1f39292635440cd3)
+ src/nm-manager.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index 4d3416b37..fad4f64b8 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -472,7 +472,11 @@ initited:
+ 	/* unfortunately, there is no stright forward way to lookup all reserved metrics.
+ 	 * Note, that we don't only have to know which metrics are currently reserved,
+ 	 * but also, which metrics are now seemingly un-used but caused another reserved
+-	 * metric to be bumped. Hence, the naive O(n^2) search :( */
++	 * metric to be bumped. Hence, the naive O(n^2) search :(
++	 *
++	 * Well, technically, since we limit bumping the metric to 50, this entire
++	 * loop runs at most 50 times, so it's still O(n). Let's just say, it's not
++	 * very efficient. */
+ again:
+ 	g_hash_table_iter_init (&h_iter, priv->device_route_metrics);
+ 	while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&h_iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &d2)) {
+@@ -488,24 +492,30 @@ again:
+ 			g_hash_table_iter_remove (&h_iter);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+-		data->effective_metric = d2->effective_metric;
+-		if (data->effective_metric == G_MAXUINT32) {
+-			/* we cannot bump any further. Done. */
++		if (d2->effective_metric == G_MAXUINT32) {
++			/* we cannot bump the metric any further. Done.
++			 *
++			 * Actually, this can currently not happen because the aspired_metric
++			 * are small numbers and we limit the bumping to 50. Still, for
++			 * completeness... */
++			data->effective_metric = G_MAXUINT32;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+-		if (data->effective_metric - data->aspired_metric > 50) {
++		if (d2->effective_metric - data->aspired_metric >= 50) {
+ 			/* as one active interface reserves an entire range of metrics
+ 			 * (from aspired_metric to effective_metric), that means if you
+ 			 * alternatingly activate two interfaces, their metric will
+-			 * juggle up.
++			 * bump each other.
+ 			 *
+-			 * Limit this, don't bump the metric more then 50 times. */
++			 * Limit this, bump the metric at most 50 points. */
++			data->effective_metric = data->aspired_metric + 50;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		/* bump the metric, and search again. */
+-		data->effective_metric++;
++		data->effective_metric = d2->effective_metric + 1;
+ 		goto again;
+ 	}
+From a245f5eb91e8c30ae19403586f5ef9c14ef5f6d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 12:45:02 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 7/7] core: persist aspired default route-metric in device's
+ state file
+NMManager tries to assign unique route-metrics in an increasing manner
+so that the device which activates first keeps to have the best routes.
+This information is also persisted in the device's state file, however
+we not only need to persist the effective route-metric which was
+eventually chosen by NMManager, but also the aspired metric.
+The reason is that when a metric is chosen for a device, the entire
+range between aspired and effective route-metric is reserved for that
+device. We must remember the entire range so that after restart the
+entire range is still considered to be in use.
+Fixes: 6a32c64d8fb2a9c1cfb78ab7e2f0bb3a269c81d7
+(cherry picked from commit 4277bc0ee0479ad62369c3a261ea8d098e5e25ad)
+(cherry picked from commit fa53c715d1b929516e5e32e13ebc630a2c339394)
+ src/nm-config.c  | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ src/nm-config.h  |  6 ++++--
+ src/nm-manager.c | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
+ src/nm-manager.h |  3 ---
+ 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
+index 97ae3f6f4..29f0d5177 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.c
++++ b/src/nm-config.c
+@@ -1933,7 +1933,8 @@ _nm_config_state_set (NMConfig *self,
+ #define DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED            "nm-owned"
+ NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (_device_state_managed_type_to_str, NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType,
+@@ -1953,7 +1954,8 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	gsize perm_hw_addr_fake_len;
+ 	gint nm_owned = -1;
+ 	char *p;
+-	guint32 route_metric_default;
++	guint32 route_metric_default_effective;
++	guint32 route_metric_default_aspired;
+ 	nm_assert (kf);
+ 	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
+@@ -1996,10 +1998,18 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	/* metric zero is not a valid metric. While zero valid for IPv4, for IPv6 it is an alias
+ 	 * for 1024. Since we handle here IPv4 and IPv6 the same, we cannot allow zero. */
+-	route_metric_default = nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (kf,
+-	                                                    DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-	                                                    DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT,
+-	                                                    10, 1, G_MAXUINT32, 0);
++	route_metric_default_effective = nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (kf,
++	                                                              DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++	                                                              DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE,
++	                                                              10, 1, G_MAXUINT32, 0);
++	if (route_metric_default_effective) {
++		route_metric_default_aspired = nm_config_keyfile_get_int64 (kf,
++		                                                            DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++		                                                            DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE,
++		                                                            10, 1, route_metric_default_effective,
++		                                                            route_metric_default_effective);
++	} else
++		route_metric_default_aspired = 0;
+ 	connection_uuid_len = connection_uuid ? strlen (connection_uuid) + 1 : 0;
+ 	perm_hw_addr_fake_len = perm_hw_addr_fake ? strlen (perm_hw_addr_fake) + 1 : 0;
+@@ -2013,7 +2023,8 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
+ 	device_state->connection_uuid = NULL;
+ 	device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
+ 	device_state->nm_owned = nm_owned;
+-	device_state->route_metric_default = route_metric_default;
++	device_state->route_metric_default_aspired = route_metric_default_aspired;
++	device_state->route_metric_default_effective = route_metric_default_effective;
+ 	p = (char *) (&device_state[1]);
+ 	if (connection_uuid) {
+@@ -2058,14 +2069,15 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
+ 	               ", nm-owned=1" :
+ 	               (device_state->nm_owned == FALSE ? ", nm-owned=0" : "");
+-	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
++	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"-%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"",
+ 	       kf ? "read" : "miss",
+ 	       ifindex, path,
+ 	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (device_state->managed),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", device_state->connection_uuid, "", ""),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""),
+ 	       nm_owned_str,
+-	       device_state->route_metric_default);
++	       device_state->route_metric_default_aspired,
++	       device_state->route_metric_default_effective);
+ 	return device_state;
+ }
+@@ -2119,7 +2131,8 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                               const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
+                               const char *connection_uuid,
+                               gint nm_owned,
+-                              guint32 route_metric_default)
++                              guint32 route_metric_default_aspired,
++                              guint32 route_metric_default_effective)
+ {
+ 	GError *local = NULL;
+@@ -2161,11 +2174,17 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+ 		                        nm_owned);
+ 	}
+-	if (route_metric_default != 0) {
++	if (route_metric_default_effective != 0) {
+ 		g_key_file_set_int64 (kf,
+ 		                      DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
+-		                      route_metric_default);
++		                      route_metric_default_effective);
++		if (route_metric_default_aspired != route_metric_default_effective) {
++			g_key_file_set_int64 (kf,
++			                      DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
++			                      route_metric_default_aspired);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (!g_key_file_save_to_file (kf, path, &local)) {
+@@ -2173,12 +2192,13 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+ 		g_error_free (local);
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+-	_LOGT ("device-state: write #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT,
++	_LOGT ("device-state: write #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s, route-metric-default=%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"-%"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"",
+ 	       ifindex, path,
+ 	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (managed),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", connection_uuid, "", ""),
+ 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""),
+-	       route_metric_default);
++	       route_metric_default_aspired,
++	       route_metric_default_effective);
+ 	return TRUE;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
+index 4c6fcca2b..42ab4682d 100644
+--- a/src/nm-config.h
++++ b/src/nm-config.h
+@@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ struct _NMConfigDeviceStateData {
+ 	NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed;
+ 	/* a value of zero means that no metric is set. */
+-	guint32 route_metric_default;
++	guint32 route_metric_default_aspired;
++	guint32 route_metric_default_effective;
+ 	/* the UUID of the last settings-connection active
+ 	 * on the device. */
+@@ -233,7 +234,8 @@ gboolean nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
+                                        const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
+                                        const char *connection_uuid,
+                                        gint nm_owned,
+-                                       guint32 route_metric_default);
++                                       guint32 route_metric_default_aspired,
++                                       guint32 route_metric_default_effective);
+ void nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes);
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index fad4f64b8..c011bfd0e 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ } DeviceRouteMetricData;
+ static DeviceRouteMetricData *
+-_device_route_metric_data_new (int ifindex, guint32 metric)
++_device_route_metric_data_new (int ifindex, guint32 aspired_metric, guint32 effective_metric)
+ {
+ 	DeviceRouteMetricData *data;
+@@ -343,12 +343,13 @@ _device_route_metric_data_new (int ifindex, guint32 metric)
+ 	 * zero is treated like 1024. Since we handle IPv4 and IPv6 identically,
+ 	 * we cannot allow a zero metric here.
+ 	 */
+-	nm_assert (metric > 0);
++	nm_assert (aspired_metric > 0);
++	nm_assert (effective_metric == 0 || aspired_metric <= effective_metric);
+ 	data = g_slice_new0 (DeviceRouteMetricData);
+ 	data->ifindex = ifindex;
+-	data->aspired_metric = metric;
+-	data->effective_metric = metric;
++	data->aspired_metric = aspired_metric;
++	data->effective_metric = effective_metric ?: aspired_metric;
+ 	return data;
+ }
+@@ -376,7 +377,8 @@ static guint32
+ _device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+                           int ifindex,
+                           NMDeviceType device_type,
+-                          gboolean lookup_only)
++                          gboolean lookup_only,
++                          guint32 *out_aspired_metric)
+ {
+ 	NMManagerPrivate *priv;
+ 	const DeviceRouteMetricData *d2;
+@@ -387,13 +389,18 @@ _device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+ 	guint n_links;
+ 	gboolean cleaned = FALSE;
+ 	GHashTableIter h_iter;
++	guint32 metric;
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self), 0);
++	NM_SET_OUT (out_aspired_metric, 0);
+ 	if (ifindex <= 0) {
+ 		if (lookup_only)
+ 			return 0;
+-		return nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type);
++		metric = nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type);
++		NM_SET_OUT (out_aspired_metric, metric);
++		return metric;
+ 	}
+ 	priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+@@ -419,7 +426,7 @@ _device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+ 		g_hash_table_iter_init (&h_iter, (GHashTable *) h);
+ 		while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&h_iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &device_state)) {
+-			if (!device_state->route_metric_default)
++			if (!device_state->route_metric_default_effective)
+ 				continue;
+ 			if (!nm_platform_link_get (priv->platform, device_state->ifindex)) {
+ 				/* we have the entry in the state file, but (currently) no such
+@@ -429,7 +436,8 @@ _device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+ 			}
+ 			if (!nm_g_hash_table_add (priv->device_route_metrics,
+ 			                          _device_route_metric_data_new (device_state->ifindex,
+-			                                                         device_state->route_metric_default)))
++			                                                         device_state->route_metric_default_aspired,
++			                                                         device_state->route_metric_default_effective)))
+ 				nm_assert_not_reached ();
+ 		}
+ 	}
+@@ -439,7 +447,7 @@ initited:
+ 	data = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->device_route_metrics, &data_lookup);
+ 	if (data)
+-		return data->effective_metric;
++		goto out;
+ 	if (lookup_only)
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -467,7 +475,7 @@ initited:
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	data = _device_route_metric_data_new (ifindex, nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type));
++	data = _device_route_metric_data_new (ifindex, nm_device_get_route_metric_default (device_type), 0);
+ 	/* unfortunately, there is no stright forward way to lookup all reserved metrics.
+ 	 * Note, that we don't only have to know which metrics are currently reserved,
+@@ -525,6 +533,8 @@ again:
+ 	if (!nm_g_hash_table_add (priv->device_route_metrics, data))
+ 		nm_assert_not_reached ();
++	NM_SET_OUT (out_aspired_metric, data->aspired_metric);
+ 	return data->effective_metric;
+ }
+@@ -535,18 +545,11 @@ nm_manager_device_route_metric_reserve (NMManager *self,
+ {
+ 	guint32 metric;
+-	metric = _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, device_type, FALSE);
++	metric = _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, device_type, FALSE, NULL);
+ 	nm_assert (metric != 0);
+ 	return metric;
+ }
+-nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+-                                    int ifindex)
+-	return _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, TRUE);
+ void
+ nm_manager_device_route_metric_clear (NMManager *self,
+                                       int ifindex)
+@@ -5441,7 +5444,8 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
+ 		const char *uuid = NULL;
+ 		const char *perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
+ 		gboolean perm_hw_addr_is_fake;
+-		guint32 route_metric_default;
++		guint32 route_metric_default_aspired;
++		guint32 route_metric_default_effective;
+ 		ifindex = nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device);
+ 		if (ifindex <= 0)
+@@ -5471,14 +5475,16 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
+ 		nm_owned = nm_device_is_software (device) ? nm_device_is_nm_owned (device) : -1;
+-		route_metric_default = nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex);
++		route_metric_default_effective = _device_route_metric_get (self, ifindex, NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN,
++		                                                           TRUE, &route_metric_default_aspired);
+ 		if (nm_config_device_state_write (ifindex,
+ 		                                  managed_type,
+ 		                                  perm_hw_addr_fake,
+ 		                                  uuid,
+ 		                                  nm_owned,
+-		                                  route_metric_default))
++		                                  route_metric_default_aspired,
++		                                  route_metric_default_effective))
+ 			g_hash_table_add (seen_ifindexes, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex));
+ 	}
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.h b/src/nm-manager.h
+index d82570889..b4587e088 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.h
++++ b/src/nm-manager.h
+@@ -118,9 +118,6 @@ guint32             nm_manager_device_route_metric_reserve (NMManager *self,
+                                                             int ifindex,
+                                                             NMDeviceType device_type);
+-guint32             nm_manager_device_route_metric_get (NMManager *self,
+-                                                        int ifindex);
+ void                nm_manager_device_route_metric_clear (NMManager *self,
+                                                           int ifindex);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0009-ifcfg-rh-fix-null-next-hop.patch b/SOURCES/0009-ifcfg-rh-fix-null-next-hop.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8210672..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0009-ifcfg-rh-fix-null-next-hop.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-From a3d2153b90f3f56f1548d01be674a0ab5e82e6b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 16:18:55 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] ifcfg-rh: omit empty next hop for routes in legacy format
-Don't add "via (null)" if the next hop is missing.
-(cherry picked from commit af8aac9b544cb64df3b77a413dfded23e976d1b0)
-(cherry picked from commit cb5ba08f00691b18d272bfb08e4929d00fa246bb)
- .../plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c         | 77 ++++++++++------------
- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-index d6f33c4..400e9bd 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-@@ -1926,12 +1926,8 @@ get_route_attributes_string (NMIPRoute *route, int family)
- static gboolean
- write_route_file_legacy (const char *filename, NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip4, GError **error)
- {
--	const char *dest, *next_hop;
--	char **route_items;
--	gs_free char *route_contents = NULL;
-+	nm_auto_free_gstring GString *contents = NULL;
- 	NMIPRoute *route;
--	guint32 prefix;
--	gint64 metric;
- 	guint32 i, num;
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, FALSE);
-@@ -1945,36 +1941,34 @@ write_route_file_legacy (const char *filename, NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip4, GError
- 		return TRUE;
- 	}
--	route_items = g_malloc0 (sizeof (char *) * (num + 1));
-+	contents = g_string_new ("");
- 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-+		const char *next_hop;
- 		gs_free char *options = NULL;
-+		gint64 metric;
- 		route = nm_setting_ip_config_get_route (s_ip4, i);
--		dest = nm_ip_route_get_dest (route);
--		prefix = nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route);
- 		next_hop = nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route);
- 		metric = nm_ip_route_get_metric (route);
- 		options = get_route_attributes_string (route, AF_INET);
--		if (metric == -1) {
--			route_items[i] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%u via %s%s%s\n",
--			                                  dest, prefix, next_hop,
--			                                  options ? " " : "",
--			                                  options ?: "");
--		} else {
--			route_items[i] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%u via %s metric %u%s%s\n",
--			                                  dest, prefix, next_hop, (guint32) metric,
--			                                  options ? " " : "",
--			                                  options ?: "");
-+		g_string_append_printf (contents, "%s/%u",
-+		                        nm_ip_route_get_dest (route),
-+		                        nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route));
-+		if (next_hop)
-+			g_string_append_printf (contents, " via %s", next_hop);
-+		if (metric >= 0)
-+			g_string_append_printf (contents, " metric %u", (guint) metric);
-+		if (options) {
-+			g_string_append_c (contents, ' ');
-+			g_string_append (contents, options);
- 		}
-+		g_string_append_c (contents, '\n');
- 	}
--	route_items[num] = NULL;
--	route_contents = g_strjoinv (NULL, route_items);
--	g_strfreev (route_items);
--	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, route_contents, -1, NULL)) {
-+	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, contents->str, contents->len, NULL)) {
- 		             "Writing route file '%s' failed", filename);
- 		return FALSE;
-@@ -2492,32 +2486,33 @@ write_route6_file (const char *filename, NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip6, GError **erro
- 	}
- 	contents = g_string_new ("");
- 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- 		gs_free char *options = NULL;
-+		const char *next_hop;
-+		gint64 metric;
- 		route = nm_setting_ip_config_get_route (s_ip6, i);
-+		next_hop = nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route);
-+		metric = nm_ip_route_get_metric (route);
- 		options = get_route_attributes_string (route, AF_INET6);
--		if (nm_ip_route_get_metric (route) == -1) {
--			g_string_append_printf (contents, "%s/%u via %s%s%s",
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_dest (route),
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route),
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route),
--			                                  options ? " " : "",
--			                                  options ?: "");
--		} else {
--			g_string_append_printf (contents, "%s/%u via %s metric %u%s%s",
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_dest (route),
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route),
--			                                  nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route),
--			                                  (unsigned) nm_ip_route_get_metric (route),
--			                                  options ? " " : "",
--			                                  options ?: "");
-+		g_string_append_printf (contents, "%s/%u",
-+		                        nm_ip_route_get_dest (route),
-+		                        nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route));
-+		if (next_hop)
-+			g_string_append_printf (contents, " via %s", next_hop);
-+		if (metric >= 0)
-+			g_string_append_printf (contents, " metric %u", (guint) metric);
-+		if (options) {
-+			g_string_append_c (contents, ' ');
-+			g_string_append (contents, options);
- 		}
--		g_string_append (contents, "\n");
-+		g_string_append_c (contents, '\n');
- 	}
--	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, contents->str, -1, NULL)) {
-+	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, contents->str, contents->len, NULL)) {
- 		             "Writing route6 file '%s' failed", filename);
- 		return FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-bluetooth-nap-crash-rh1454385.patch b/SOURCES/0010-bluetooth-nap-crash-rh1454385.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5234d1d..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0010-bluetooth-nap-crash-rh1454385.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-From 7851f1c5958599bfe38beac806cec1f42f1ba114 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 11:28:08 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] bluetooth: unhook adapter properties callback when the
- adapter vanishes
-(cherry picked from commit 0aa2e0bad31d7102034952cf95b6d43829c91d30)
- src/devices/bluetooth/nm-bluez-device.c | 6 +++++-
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/bluetooth/nm-bluez-device.c b/src/devices/bluetooth/nm-bluez-device.c
-index ebfa0d647..41ef74cae 100644
---- a/src/devices/bluetooth/nm-bluez-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/bluetooth/nm-bluez-device.c
-@@ -1187,7 +1187,11 @@ dispose (GObject *object)
- 	g_slist_free_full (priv->connections, g_object_unref);
- 	priv->connections = NULL;
--	g_clear_object (&priv->adapter5);
-+	if (priv->adapter5) {
-+		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->adapter5, adapter5_on_properties_changed, self);
-+		g_clear_object (&priv->adapter5);
-+	}
- 	g_clear_object (&priv->dbus_connection);
- 	G_OBJECT_CLASS (nm_bluez_device_parent_class)->dispose (object);
-From 30d06b2253b7277ed1153bcbbc81f9e1ca3e3474 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 17:04:48 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] device: capture the IP6 configuration on the IP interface
-Fixes a crash with Bluetooth devices where the device is the BlueZ
-device and iface stays 0 while the IP interface is the actual BNEP link.
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index ed6aa0e16..8473364a3 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -7702,7 +7702,7 @@ act_stage3_ip6_config_start (NMDevice *self,
- 	nm_platform_process_events (nm_device_get_platform (self));
- 	g_clear_object (&priv->ext_ip6_config_captured);
- 	priv->ext_ip6_config_captured = nm_ip6_config_capture (nm_device_get_platform (self),
--	                                                       nm_device_get_ifindex (self),
-+	                                                       nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self),
- 	                                                       FALSE,
- 	                                                       NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_PRIVACY_UNKNOWN);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0010-fix-set-connectivity-check-enabled-rh1534477.patch b/SOURCES/0010-fix-set-connectivity-check-enabled-rh1534477.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027badf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0010-fix-set-connectivity-check-enabled-rh1534477.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From 3e04e749dc9726b8e0d9a9ae71c29c78231230f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 09:03:56 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] manager: fix connectivity-check-enabled property
+(cherry picked from commit 99fea5f3801e9fa1fbc6d9e56e1d9f6db63caccc)
+(cherry picked from commit 643d80ec913a313209ccbc5567def4b466ab546c)
+ src/nm-manager.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
+index c011bfd0e..001fae553 100644
+--- a/src/nm-manager.c
++++ b/src/nm-manager.c
+@@ -6652,7 +6652,7 @@ get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
+ #else
+ 		vbool = FALSE;
+ #endif
+-		g_value_set_boolean (value, FALSE);
++		g_value_set_boolean (value, vbool);
+ 		break;
+ 		nm_utils_g_value_set_object_path (value, priv->primary_connection);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-device-release-removed-slaves-rh1448907.patch b/SOURCES/0011-device-release-removed-slaves-rh1448907.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a3577..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0011-device-release-removed-slaves-rh1448907.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From 74b53f2f40e8656be5599a1fcd23f737dcf18bc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 21:22:00 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] device: release removed devices from master on cleanup
-On cleanup, unconditionally release a device from its master if the
-link is missing or it doesn't have a master, otherwise the master
-would later try to release the slave, hitting the following assertion:
- "nm_platform_link_release: assertion 'slave > 0' failed"
-  #0  g_logv
-  #1  g_log
-  #2  g_return_if_fail_warning
-  #3  nm_platform_link_release
-  #4  release_slave
-  #5  nm_device_master_release_one_slave
-  #6  slave_state_changed
-  #7  ffi_call_unix64
-  #8  ffi_call
-  #9  g_cclosure_marshal_generic
-  #10 g_closure_invoke
-  #11 signal_emit_unlocked_R
-  #12 g_signal_emit_valist
-  #14 _set_state_full
-  #15 nm_device_state_changed
-  #16 nm_device_unrealize
-  #17 _platform_link_cb_idle
-  #18 g_main_context_dispatch
-  #19 g_main_context_dispatch
-  #20 g_main_context_iterate
-  #21 g_main_loop_run
-  #22 main
-Fixes: 9e8218f99a2d5a7020703e0fbac1c7c0983930db
-(cherry picked from commit 3355a2823be11b15d8f3cf1d2f080ab83739f17d)
-(cherry picked from commit 6110b11235c932b94b0114ff90e8438ffedd2bfb)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 10 +++++-----
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 37b2588..f5eb71d 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -12096,11 +12096,6 @@ nm_device_cleanup (NMDevice *self, NMDeviceStateReason reason, CleanupType clean
- 		/* master: release slaves */
- 		nm_device_master_release_slaves (self);
--		/* slave: mark no longer enslaved */
--		if (   priv->master
--		    && nm_platform_link_get_master (nm_device_get_platform (self), priv->ifindex) <= 0)
--			nm_device_master_release_one_slave (priv->master, self, FALSE, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_CONNECTION_ASSUMED);
- 		/* Take out any entries in the routing table and any IP address the device had. */
- 		ifindex = nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self);
- 		if (ifindex > 0) {
-@@ -12109,6 +12104,11 @@ nm_device_cleanup (NMDevice *self, NMDeviceStateReason reason, CleanupType clean
- 		}
- 	}
-+	/* slave: mark no longer enslaved */
-+	if (   priv->master
-+	    && nm_platform_link_get_master (nm_device_get_platform (self), priv->ifindex) <= 0)
-+		nm_device_master_release_one_slave (priv->master, self, FALSE, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_CONNECTION_ASSUMED);
- 	if (priv->lldp_listener)
- 		nm_lldp_listener_stop (priv->lldp_listener);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0011-fix-assertion-delete-volatile-connection-rh1506552.patch b/SOURCES/0011-fix-assertion-delete-volatile-connection-rh1506552.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f6b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0011-fix-assertion-delete-volatile-connection-rh1506552.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+From abef55ece4d33b1a7e887bdf5452a48040d8ee8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:25:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] settings: avoid assertion when deleting connections
+If a volatile connection is deleted by user when it was already being
+deleted internally because the device vanished, we may hit the
+following failed assertion:
+ file src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c: line 2196
+ (nm_settings_connection_signal_remove): should not be reached
+The @removed flag keeps track of whether we already signaled the
+connection removal. Instead of throwing an assertion if we try to emit
+the signal again, just return without action because this can happen
+in the situation described above.
+While at it, remove the @allow_reuse argument from
+nm_settings_connection_signal_remove(): we should never emit the
+signal twice. Instead, we should reset the @removed flag when the
+connection is added.
+Fixes: a9384452ed61ca3f1c6e1db175f499307da9c388
+(cherry picked from commit 98ac0f404ed8103324b7d03cf04c24946f4543ff)
+(cherry picked from commit 39e1c65494d489b2cd9d63140c98d4fb4185003a)
+ src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c              | 23 +++++++++++++++-------
+ src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h              |  4 +++-
+ src/settings/nm-settings.c                         |  2 ++
+ .../plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c         |  4 ++--
+ src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c      |  4 ++--
+ src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c  |  2 +-
+ 6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
+index 62f2de399..37a0b3a6c 100644
+--- a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
++++ b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.c
+@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ nm_settings_connection_delete (NMSettingsConnection *self,
+ 	/* Remove connection from seen-bssids database file */
+ 	remove_entry_from_db (self, "seen-bssids");
+-	nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (self, FALSE);
++	nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (self);
+ 	return TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -2188,15 +2188,24 @@ impl_settings_connection_clear_secrets (NMSettingsConnection *self,
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ void
+-nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NMSettingsConnection *self, gboolean allow_reuse)
++nm_settings_connection_added (NMSettingsConnection *self)
+ {
+ 	NMSettingsConnectionPrivate *priv = NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+-	if (!allow_reuse) {
+-		if (priv->removed)
+-			g_return_if_reached ();
+-		priv->removed = TRUE;
+-	}
++	/* FIXME: we should always dispose connections that are removed
++	 * and not reuse them, but currently plugins keep alive unmanaged
++	 * (e.g. NM_CONTROLLED=no) connections. */
++	priv->removed = FALSE;
++nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NMSettingsConnection *self)
++	NMSettingsConnectionPrivate *priv = NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	if (priv->removed)
++		return;
++	priv->removed = TRUE;
+ 	g_signal_emit_by_name (self, NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_REMOVED);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
+index d7a999697..29ec05dd1 100644
+--- a/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
++++ b/src/settings/nm-settings-connection.h
+@@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ void nm_settings_connection_recheck_visibility (NMSettingsConnection *self);
+ gboolean nm_settings_connection_check_permission (NMSettingsConnection *self,
+                                                   const char *permission);
+-void nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NMSettingsConnection *self, gboolean allow_reuse);
++void nm_settings_connection_added (NMSettingsConnection *self);
++void nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NMSettingsConnection *self);
+ gboolean nm_settings_connection_get_unsaved (NMSettingsConnection *self);
+diff --git a/src/settings/nm-settings.c b/src/settings/nm-settings.c
+index 21fdf9e06..d54305c13 100644
+--- a/src/settings/nm-settings.c
++++ b/src/settings/nm-settings.c
+@@ -1004,6 +1004,8 @@ claim_connection (NMSettings *self, NMSettingsConnection *connection)
+ 		/* Exported D-Bus signal */
+ 		g_signal_emit (self, signals[NEW_CONNECTION], 0, connection);
+ 	}
++	nm_settings_connection_added (connection);
+ }
+ static gboolean
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
+index 2b388d1d9..0743fc9ff 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-plugin.c
+@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ remove_connection (SettingsPluginIfcfg *self, NMIfcfgConnection *connection)
+ 	g_object_ref (connection);
+ 	g_hash_table_remove (priv->connections, nm_connection_get_uuid (NM_CONNECTION (connection)));
+ 	if (!unmanaged && !unrecognized)
+-		nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection), FALSE);
++		nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection));
+ 	g_object_unref (connection);
+ 	/* Emit changes _after_ removing the connection */
+@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ update_connection (SettingsPluginIfcfg *self,
+ 					/* Unexport the connection by telling the settings service it's
+ 					 * been removed.
+ 					 */
+-					nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection_by_uuid), TRUE);
++					nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection_by_uuid));
+ 					/* Remove the path so that claim_connection() doesn't complain later when
+ 					 * interface gets managed and connection is re-added. */
+ 					nm_connection_set_path (NM_CONNECTION (connection_by_uuid), NULL);
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
+index d89e988ba..8332358f9 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifnet/nms-ifnet-plugin.c
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ reload_connections (NMSettingsPlugin *config)
+ 				                              NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_IGNORE_NOT_SAVED_SECRETS)) {
+ 					nm_log_info (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Auto refreshing %s", conn_name);
+-					nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (old), FALSE);
++					nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (old));
+ 					track_new_connection (self, new);
+ 					if (is_managed_plugin () && is_managed (conn_name))
+ 						g_signal_emit_by_name (self, NM_SETTINGS_PLUGIN_CONNECTION_ADDED, new);
+@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ reload_connections (NMSettingsPlugin *config)
+ 		 */
+ 		if (   nm_ifnet_connection_get_conn_name (NM_IFNET_CONNECTION (candidate))
+ 		    && !g_hash_table_lookup (new_connections, uuid)) {
+-			nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (candidate, FALSE);
++			nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (candidate);
+ 			g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
+index 222768db4..cb5f2c9f0 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/keyfile/nms-keyfile-plugin.c
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ remove_connection (NMSKeyfilePlugin *self, NMSKeyfileConnection *connection)
+ 	g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (connection, connection_removed_cb, self);
+ 	removed = g_hash_table_remove (NMS_KEYFILE_PLUGIN_GET_PRIVATE (self)->connections,
+ 	                               nm_connection_get_uuid (NM_CONNECTION (connection)));
+-	nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection), FALSE);
++	nm_settings_connection_signal_remove (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (connection));
+ 	g_object_unref (connection);
+ 	g_return_if_fail (removed);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-config-slaves-order-rh1452585.patch b/SOURCES/0012-config-slaves-order-rh1452585.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7a179..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0012-config-slaves-order-rh1452585.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-From 5231db02204ce3c45e2415eedbd915fa56445401 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 17:17:26 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] core: add configuration flag to choose slaves activation
- order
-Commits 39d0559d9a7a ("platform: sort links by name instead of
-ifindex") and 529a0a1a7f19 ("manager: sort slaves to be autoconnected
-by device name") changed the order of activation of slaves. Introduce
-a system-wide configuration property to preserve the old behavior.
-(cherry picked from commit 31656a066bfb3edc106f5efd5d2be46396824930)
-(cherry picked from commit 3fefef8594ef2690c56fd44a6ce4836decaaee56)
- man/NetworkManager.conf.xml       | 13 +++++++++++++
- src/nm-config.h                   |  1 +
- src/nm-manager.c                  | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++------
- src/platform/nm-platform.c        | 26 +++++++++++++++-----------
- src/platform/nm-platform.h        |  2 +-
- src/platform/tests/test-common.c  |  2 +-
- src/platform/tests/test-general.c |  2 +-
- 7 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-index 2a8ba76..5e76c0a 100644
---- a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-+++ b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-@@ -409,6 +409,19 @@ no-auto-default=*
-         </listitem>
-       </varlistentry>
-+      <varlistentry>
-+        <term><varname>slaves-order</varname></term>
-+        <listitem>
-+          <para>
-+            This key specifies in which order slave connections are
-+            auto-activated on boot or when the master activates
-+            them. Allowed values are <literal>name</literal> (order
-+            connection by interface name, the default), or
-+            <literal>index</literal> (order slaves by their kernel
-+            index).
-+          </para>
-+        </listitem>
-+      </varlistentry>
-     </variablelist>
-   </refsect1>
-diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
-index 283d6a1..ae695fc 100644
---- a/src/nm-config.h
-+++ b/src/nm-config.h
-@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_DHCP                     "dhcp"
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_DEBUG                    "debug"
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_HOSTNAME_MODE            "hostname-mode"
-+#define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_SLAVES_ORDER             "slaves-order"
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_LOGGING_BACKEND               "backend"
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_CONFIG_ENABLE                 "enable"
- #define NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_ATOMIC_SECTION_WAS            ".was"
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index a740219..3d94ce9 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -2459,10 +2459,14 @@ platform_query_devices (NMManager *self)
- 	NMPlatformLink *links;
- 	int i;
- 	gboolean guess_assume;
-+	const char *order;
- 	guess_assume = nm_config_get_first_start (nm_config_get ());
--	links_array = nm_platform_link_get_all (NM_PLATFORM_GET);
-+	order = nm_config_data_get_value_cached (NM_CONFIG_GET_DATA,
-+	                                         NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_GROUP_MAIN,
-+	                                         NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_SLAVES_ORDER,
-+	                                         NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP);
-+	links_array = nm_platform_link_get_all (NM_PLATFORM_GET, !nm_streq0 (order, "index"));
- 	links = (NMPlatformLink *) links_array->data;
- 	for (i = 0; i < links_array->len; i++) {
- 		gs_free NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state = NULL;
-@@ -3016,7 +3020,7 @@ out:
- }
- static gint
--compare_slaves (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer _unused)
-+compare_slaves (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer sort_by_name)
- {
- 	const SlaveConnectionInfo *a_info = a;
- 	const SlaveConnectionInfo *b_info = b;
-@@ -3027,8 +3031,12 @@ compare_slaves (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer _unused)
- 	if (!b_info->device)
- 		return -1;
--	return g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_iface (a_info->device),
--	                  nm_device_get_iface (b_info->device));
-+	if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (sort_by_name)) {
-+		return g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_iface (a_info->device),
-+		                  nm_device_get_iface (b_info->device));
-+	}
-+	return nm_device_get_ifindex (a_info->device) - nm_device_get_ifindex (b_info->device);
- }
- static void
-@@ -3042,11 +3050,17 @@ autoconnect_slaves (NMManager *self,
- 	if (should_connect_slaves (NM_CONNECTION (master_connection), master_device)) {
- 		gs_free SlaveConnectionInfo *slaves = NULL;
- 		guint i, n_slaves = 0;
-+		const char *value;
- 		slaves = find_slaves (self, master_connection, master_device, &n_slaves);
- 		if (n_slaves > 1) {
-+			value = nm_config_data_get_value_cached (NM_CONFIG_GET_DATA,
-+			                                         NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_GROUP_MAIN,
-+			                                         NM_CONFIG_KEYFILE_KEY_MAIN_SLAVES_ORDER,
-+			                                         NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP);
- 			g_qsort_with_data (slaves, n_slaves, sizeof (slaves[0]),
--			                   compare_slaves, NULL);
-+			                   compare_slaves,
-+			                   GINT_TO_POINTER (!nm_streq0 (value, "index")));
- 		}
- 		for (i = 0; i < n_slaves; i++) {
-diff --git a/src/platform/nm-platform.c b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
-index 767187d..a244ff3 100644
---- a/src/platform/nm-platform.c
-+++ b/src/platform/nm-platform.c
-@@ -437,7 +437,8 @@ nm_platform_sysctl_get_int_checked (NMPlatform *self, const char *pathid, int di
- static int
- _link_get_all_presort (gconstpointer  p_a,
--                       gconstpointer  p_b)
-+                       gconstpointer  p_b,
-+                       gpointer       sort_by_name)
- {
- 	const NMPlatformLink *a = p_a;
- 	const NMPlatformLink *b = p_b;
-@@ -448,13 +449,16 @@ _link_get_all_presort (gconstpointer  p_a,
- 	if (b->ifindex == 1)
- 		return 1;
--	/* Initialized links first */
--	if (a->initialized > b->initialized)
--		return -1;
--	if (a->initialized < b->initialized)
--		return 1;
-+	if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (sort_by_name)) {
-+		/* Initialized links first */
-+		if (a->initialized > b->initialized)
-+			return -1;
-+		if (a->initialized < b->initialized)
-+			return 1;
--	return strcmp (a->name, b->name);
-+		return strcmp (a->name, b->name);
-+	} else
-+		return a->ifindex - b->ifindex;
- }
- /**
-@@ -465,7 +469,7 @@ _link_get_all_presort (gconstpointer  p_a,
-  * owned by the caller and should be freed with g_array_unref().
-  */
- GArray *
--nm_platform_link_get_all (NMPlatform *self)
-+nm_platform_link_get_all (NMPlatform *self, gboolean sort_by_name)
- {
- 	GArray *links, *result;
- 	guint i, j, nresult;
-@@ -479,9 +483,9 @@ nm_platform_link_get_all (NMPlatform *self)
- 	if (!links || links->len == 0)
- 		return links;
--	/* first sort the links by their ifindex. Below we will sort further by moving
--	 * children/slaves to the end. */
--	g_array_sort (links, _link_get_all_presort);
-+	/* first sort the links by their ifindex or name. Below we will sort
-+	 * further by moving children/slaves to the end. */
-+	g_array_sort_with_data (links, _link_get_all_presort, GINT_TO_POINTER (sort_by_name));
- 	unseen = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
- 	for (i = 0; i < links->len; i++) {
-diff --git a/src/platform/nm-platform.h b/src/platform/nm-platform.h
-index 43be17f..1b8fa13 100644
---- a/src/platform/nm-platform.h
-+++ b/src/platform/nm-platform.h
-@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ const NMPlatformLink *nm_platform_link_get (NMPlatform *self, int ifindex);
- const NMPlatformLink *nm_platform_link_get_by_ifname (NMPlatform *self, const char *ifname);
- const NMPlatformLink *nm_platform_link_get_by_address (NMPlatform *self, gconstpointer address, size_t length);
--GArray *nm_platform_link_get_all (NMPlatform *self);
-+GArray *nm_platform_link_get_all (NMPlatform *self, gboolean sort_by_name);
- NMPlatformError nm_platform_link_dummy_add (NMPlatform *self, const char *name, const NMPlatformLink **out_link);
- NMPlatformError nm_platform_link_bridge_add (NMPlatform *self, const char *name, const void *address, size_t address_len, const NMPlatformLink **out_link);
- NMPlatformError nm_platform_link_bond_add (NMPlatform *self, const char *name, const NMPlatformLink **out_link);
-diff --git a/src/platform/tests/test-common.c b/src/platform/tests/test-common.c
-index 04db862..a9d0694 100644
---- a/src/platform/tests/test-common.c
-+++ b/src/platform/tests/test-common.c
-@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ link_callback (NMPlatform *platform, int obj_type_i, int ifindex, NMPlatformLink
- 	/* Check the data */
- 	g_assert (received->ifindex > 0);
--	links = nm_platform_link_get_all (NM_PLATFORM_GET);
-+	links = nm_platform_link_get_all (NM_PLATFORM_GET, TRUE);
- 	for (i = 0; i < links->len; i++) {
- 		cached = &g_array_index (links, NMPlatformLink, i);
- 		if (cached->ifindex == received->ifindex) {
-diff --git a/src/platform/tests/test-general.c b/src/platform/tests/test-general.c
-index 2ccfac7..e772662 100644
---- a/src/platform/tests/test-general.c
-+++ b/src/platform/tests/test-general.c
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ test_link_get_all (void)
- 	platform = nm_linux_platform_new (TRUE, NM_PLATFORM_NETNS_SUPPORT_DEFAULT);
--	links = nm_platform_link_get_all (platform);
-+	links = nm_platform_link_get_all (platform, TRUE);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/SOURCES/0012-device-increase-carrier-wait-time-rh1520826.patch b/SOURCES/0012-device-increase-carrier-wait-time-rh1520826.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2ebb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0012-device-increase-carrier-wait-time-rh1520826.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 511649ebb6941679d0ade0ff401ba7669f620619 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 16:55:55 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] device: increase carrier wait time to 6 seconds
+Some NICs need longer to establish the link, increase the timeout from
+5 to 6 seconds.
+(cherry picked from commit 156344b8beec88b68f335fe13c5db91d62fcb3fc)
+(cherry picked from commit 3c60d6354044e3d88b010d489c0e76f8dd1163c9)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 40c425a5b..babef21ad 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ _LOG_DECLARE_SELF (NMDevice);
+ #define DHCP_NUM_TRIES_MAX     3
+-#define CARRIER_WAIT_TIME_MS 5000
++#define CARRIER_WAIT_TIME_MS 6000
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-ifcfg-ovs-master-rh1519179.patch b/SOURCES/0013-ifcfg-ovs-master-rh1519179.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc8e75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0013-ifcfg-ovs-master-rh1519179.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From c778d9a252debf4cee02df51400a3b33e5afa304 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 10:13:43 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ifcfg: don't forget master of ovs interfaces
+(cherry picked from commit 1440fe6a8804c0d2da162ebc91d35a55c5e83f42)
+ src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c | 17 +++++++++++++++++
+ src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c |  6 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c
+index b9900eec3..bdd3ee0a1 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-reader.c
+@@ -293,6 +293,23 @@ make_connection_setting (const char *file,
+ 	check_if_bond_slave (ifcfg, s_con);
+ 	check_if_team_slave (ifcfg, s_con);
++	nm_clear_g_free (&value);
++	v = svGetValueStr (ifcfg, "OVS_PORT_UUID", &value);
++	if (!v)
++		v = svGetValueStr (ifcfg, "OVS_PORT", &value);
++	if (v) {
++		const char *old_value;
++		if ((old_value = nm_setting_connection_get_master (s_con))) {
++			PARSE_WARNING ("Already configured as slave of %s. Ignoring OVS_PORT=\"%s\"",
++			               old_value, v);
++		} else {
++			g_object_set (s_con, NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_MASTER, v, NULL);
++			g_object_set (s_con, NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_SLAVE_TYPE,
++		}
++	}
+ 	nm_clear_g_free (&value);
+ 	v = svGetValueStr (ifcfg, "GATEWAY_PING_TIMEOUT", &value);
+ 	if (v) {
+diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
+index 5cb8ee98f..e9dd08b7d 100644
+--- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
++++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
+@@ -1832,6 +1832,12 @@ write_connection_setting (NMSettingConnection *s_con, shvarFile *ifcfg)
+ 			                  NM_SETTING_WIRED_SETTING_NAME,
+ 			                  NM_SETTING_VLAN_SETTING_NAME))
+ 				svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "TYPE");
++		} else if (nm_setting_connection_is_slave_type (s_con, NM_SETTING_OVS_PORT_SETTING_NAME)) {
++			svSetValueStr (ifcfg, "OVS_PORT_UUID", master);
++			svSetValueStr (ifcfg, "OVS_PORT", master_iface);
++		} else {
++			_LOGW ("don't know how to set master for a %s slave",
++			       nm_setting_connection_get_slave_type (s_con));
+ 		}
+ 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0013-nmcli-fix-8021x-password-raw-rh1456362.patch b/SOURCES/0013-nmcli-fix-8021x-password-raw-rh1456362.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7406d16..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0013-nmcli-fix-8021x-password-raw-rh1456362.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-From c10c09d54b7e38dae1c73be0c5b3c7e01ac57315 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 15:56:27 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] clients: fix setter for 802-1x.password-raw
-The property is a GBytes, not a GByteArray.
-(cherry picked from commit 30393ee2360e8678188cc47d794f2199d50e82ba)
-(cherry picked from commit cc6c9468fc01d69505141ee8956766079dbed903)
- clients/cli/settings.c | 23 ++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/clients/cli/settings.c b/clients/cli/settings.c
-index 87b1f50..3bcd09c 100644
---- a/clients/cli/settings.c
-+++ b/clients/cli/settings.c
-@@ -1643,11 +1643,12 @@ nmc_util_is_domain (const char *domain)
- }
- static gboolean
--nmc_property_set_byte_array (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *val, GError **error)
-+nmc_property_set_bytes (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *val, GError **error)
- {
--	char **strv = NULL, **iter;
--	char *val_strip;
-+	gs_free char *val_strip = NULL;
-+	gs_strfreev char **strv = NULL;
- 	const char *delimiters = " \t,";
-+	char **iter;
- 	long int val_int;
- 	GBytes *bytes;
- 	GByteArray *array = NULL;
-@@ -1659,10 +1660,8 @@ nmc_property_set_byte_array (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *v
- 	/* First try hex string in the format of AAbbCCDd */
- 	bytes = nm_utils_hexstr2bin (val_strip);
--	if (bytes) {
--		array = g_bytes_unref_to_array (bytes);
-+	if (bytes)
- 		goto done;
--	}
- 	/* Otherwise, consider the following format: AA b 0xCc D */
- 	strv = nmc_strsplit_set (val_strip, delimiters, 0);
-@@ -1670,19 +1669,21 @@ nmc_property_set_byte_array (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *v
- 	for (iter = strv; iter && *iter; iter++) {
- 		if (!nmc_string_to_int_base (g_strstrip (*iter), 16, TRUE, 0, 255, &val_int)) {
- 			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, _("'%s' is not a valid hex character"), *iter);
-+			g_byte_array_free (array, TRUE);
- 			success = FALSE;
- 			goto done;
- 		}
- 		g_byte_array_append (array, (const guint8 *) &val_int, 1);
- 	}
-+	bytes = g_byte_array_free_to_bytes (array);
- done:
- 	if (success)
--		g_object_set (setting, prop, array, NULL);
-+		g_object_set (setting, prop, bytes, NULL);
-+	if (bytes)
-+		g_bytes_unref (bytes);
--	g_strfreev (strv);
--	if (array)
--		g_byte_array_free (array, TRUE);
- 	return success;
- }
-@@ -2186,7 +2187,7 @@ DEFINE_ALLOWED_VAL_FUNC (nmc_property_802_1X_allowed_phase2_autheap, _802_1X_val
- static gboolean
- nmc_property_802_1X_set_password_raw (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *val, GError **error)
- {
--	return nmc_property_set_byte_array (setting, prop, val, error);
-+	return nmc_property_set_bytes (setting, prop, val, error);
- }
- static const char *
-From 3ad0b8645e890523da23f550dc6db75c40da2718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 16:01:54 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] clients: fix appending integer to result in
- nmc_property_set_bytes()
-(cherry picked from commit d76c190dc72df042733cca13849e18bcc13eed65)
-(cherry picked from commit 06d3c95e4fc70561b12be80e5982487443d914ec)
- clients/cli/settings.c | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/clients/cli/settings.c b/clients/cli/settings.c
-index 3bcd09c..e0f045a 100644
---- a/clients/cli/settings.c
-+++ b/clients/cli/settings.c
-@@ -1667,13 +1667,16 @@ nmc_property_set_bytes (NMSetting *setting, const char *prop, const char *val, G
- 	strv = nmc_strsplit_set (val_strip, delimiters, 0);
- 	array = g_byte_array_sized_new (g_strv_length (strv));
- 	for (iter = strv; iter && *iter; iter++) {
-+		guint8 v8;
- 		if (!nmc_string_to_int_base (g_strstrip (*iter), 16, TRUE, 0, 255, &val_int)) {
- 			g_set_error (error, 1, 0, _("'%s' is not a valid hex character"), *iter);
- 			g_byte_array_free (array, TRUE);
- 			success = FALSE;
- 			goto done;
- 		}
--		g_byte_array_append (array, (const guint8 *) &val_int, 1);
-+		v8 = val_int;
-+		g_byte_array_append (array, &v8, 1);
- 	}
- 	bytes = g_byte_array_free_to_bytes (array);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-device-skip-IP-conf-for-external-devices-rh1530288.patch b/SOURCES/0014-device-skip-IP-conf-for-external-devices-rh1530288.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7013e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0014-device-skip-IP-conf-for-external-devices-rh1530288.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From d07570b2dad62b582f39310f4abea036060f85a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:43:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] device: skip IP configuration phase for external devices
+We already avoid committing the IP configuration for external devices
+(see commit 60334a2893fe). However, we still start DHCP/IPv6-autoconf
+and, especially, we change sysctl values of the device.
+To be sure that no action is taken on the device, return early from
+the IP configuration phase, as in the method=disabled/ignore case.
+(cherry picked from commit 22f32a16f5aa0a24fd124ad5788959936e22acff)
+(cherry picked from commit a169247b7dda0c27707861e6cbc808ecfd4c5e85)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index babef21ad..b3b31ea45 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -8159,6 +8159,12 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip4_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 	g_assert (priv->ip4_state == IP_WAIT);
++	if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external (self)) {
++		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_DONE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_CONF);
+ 	ret = NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->act_stage3_ip4_config_start (self, &ip4_config, &failure_reason);
+@@ -8200,6 +8206,12 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip6_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 	g_assert (priv->ip6_state == IP_WAIT);
++	if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external (self)) {
++		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_DONE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		return TRUE;
++	}
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_CONF);
+ 	ret = NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->act_stage3_ip6_config_start (self, &ip6_config, &failure_reason);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0014-translations-rh1382625.patch b/SOURCES/0014-translations-rh1382625.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea4aae..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0014-translations-rh1382625.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2823 +0,0 @@
-From 5a10ecc088f1af661ba4b6b419948620d6780f52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 15:27:04 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] po: import Japanese translation
- po/ja.po | 1250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 618 insertions(+), 632 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
-index 022bfef..620dfb6 100644
---- a/po/ja.po
-+++ b/po/ja.po
-@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
- # Satoru SATOH <ssato@redhat.com>, 2005-2007.
- # Kiyoto Hashida <khashida@redhat.com>, 2010.
- # Noriko Mizumoto <noriko@fedoraproject.org>, 2013 - 2014.
--# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2016. #zanata
--# Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>, 2017. #zanata
--# Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
-+# kmoriguc <kmoriguc@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
-+# lrintel <lrintel@redhat.com>, 2017. #zanata
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
--"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
-+"X-Generator: Zanata 4.1.1\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/agent.c:39
- #, c-format
-@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ msgid ""
- "COMMAND := { secret | polkit | all }\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Usage: nmcli agent { COMMAND | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli agent { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
- "COMMAND := { secret | polkit | all }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -164,26 +163,27 @@ msgid "invalid IP address: %s"
- msgstr "無効な IP アドレス: %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:426
--#, fuzzy
- msgid ""
- "The valid syntax is: 'ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric] [attribute=val]... [,"
- "ip[/prefix] ...]'"
--msgstr "'%s' は無効です (書式: ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric])"
-+msgstr ""
-+"有効な構文は以下のようになります: 'ip[/prefix] [next-hop] [metric] "
-+"[attribute=val]... [,ip[/prefix] ...]'"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:458
- #, c-format
- msgid "the next hop ('%s') must be first"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "次のホップ ('%s') が初回である必要があります"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:464
- #, c-format
- msgid "the metric ('%s') must be before attributes"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "メトリック ('%s') が属性の前にある必要があります"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:504
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid route: %s. "
--msgstr "無効なルート: %s"
-+msgstr "無効なルート: %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:516
- msgid "default route cannot be added (NetworkManager handles it by itself)"
-@@ -571,42 +571,42 @@ msgstr "'%s' は有効な優先度ではありません (<0-%ld>)"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:911
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot read team config from file '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ファイル '%s' から team 設定を読み込めません"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:918
- #, c-format
- msgid "team config file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "team 設定ファイル '%s' には無効な utf-8 が含まれています"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:930
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid team configuration"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な team 設定でもファイル名でもありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' には有効な team 設定が含まれていません"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:933
- #, c-format
- msgid "team configuration must be a JSON object"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "team 設定は JSON オブジェクトである必要があります"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:986
- #, c-format
- msgid "cannot read pac-script from file '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ファイル '%s' から pac-script を読み込めません"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:993
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "file '%s' contains non-valid utf-8"
--msgstr "インデックス '%s' は無効です"
-+msgstr "ファイル '%s' には無効な utf-8 が含まれています"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1006
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid PAC Script"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な PSK ではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' には有効な PAC スクリプトが含まれていません"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1009
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Not a valid PAC Script"
--msgstr "は有効な MAC アドレスではありません"
-+msgstr "有効な PAC スクリプトではありません"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1132
- #, c-format
-@@ -644,16 +644,15 @@ msgstr "エラー: NetworkManager が起動していません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1768
- #, c-format
- msgid "Error: argument '%s' not understood. Try passing --help instead."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エラー: 引数 '%s' が認識されません。代わりに --help を渡してください。"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1778
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Error: missing argument. Try passing --help."
--msgstr "エラー: %s オプション用の引数がありません。"
-+msgstr "エラー: 引数がありません。--help を渡してください。"
- #: ../clients/cli/common.c:1831
- msgid "access denied"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "アクセスは拒否されました"
- #. define some prompts for connection editor
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:62
-@@ -670,48 +669,40 @@ msgstr "接続タイプを入力してください: "
- #. define some other prompts
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:67
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Connection type"
--msgstr "接続タイプ: "
-+msgstr "接続タイプ"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:68
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Interface name [*]"
--msgstr "インターフェース名 [*]: "
-+msgstr "インターフェース名 [*]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:69
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VPN type"
--msgstr "VPN タイプ: "
-+msgstr "VPN タイプ"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:70
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Master"
--msgstr "マスター: "
-+msgstr "マスター"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:72 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-infiniband.c:88
- msgid "Transport mode"
- msgstr "トランスポートモード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:77
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bluetooth type"
--msgstr "Bluetooth タイプ %s"
-+msgstr "Bluetooth タイプ"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:83
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding mode"
--msgstr "ボンディングモニタリングモード %s"
-+msgstr "ボンディングモード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:85 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4320
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding monitoring mode"
--msgstr "ボンディングモニタリングモード %s"
-+msgstr "ボンディングモニタリングモード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:90
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Protocol"
--msgstr "プロトコル %s"
-+msgstr "プロトコル"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:93
- msgid "Wi-Fi mode"
-@@ -722,48 +713,40 @@ msgid "ADSL encapsulation"
- msgstr "ADSL カプセル化"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:102
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Tun mode"
--msgstr "トンネルモード: "
-+msgstr "トンネルモード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:107
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IP Tunnel mode"
--msgstr "トンネルモード: "
-+msgstr "IP トンネルモード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:109
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MACVLAN mode"
--msgstr "MACVLAN モード: "
-+msgstr "MACVLAN モード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:111
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MACsec mode"
--msgstr "MACVLAN モード: "
-+msgstr "MACsec モード"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:116
- msgid "Proxy method"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "プロキシメソッド"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:121
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Connection (name, UUID, or path)"
--msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス): "
-+msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス)"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:122
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VPN connection (name, UUID, or path)"
--msgstr "VPN 接続 (名前、UUID またはパス): "
-+msgstr "VPN 接続 (名前、UUID またはパス)"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:123
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, or path)"
--msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス): "
-+msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス)"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:124
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Connection(s) (name, UUID, path or apath)"
--msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID またはパス): "
-+msgstr "接続 (名前、UUID、パス または apath)"
- #. 0
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:130 ../clients/cli/connections.c:225
-@@ -867,7 +850,6 @@ msgstr "ACTIVE-PATH"
- #. 12
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:143
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "SLAVE"
- msgstr "スレーブ"
-@@ -966,7 +948,7 @@ msgid "DHCP6"
- msgstr "DHCP6"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:301
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -1005,10 +987,10 @@ msgid ""
- "  export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"COMMAND := { show | up | down | add | modify | edit | delete | monitor | "
--"reload | load }\n"
-+"COMMAND := { show | up | down | add | modify | clone | edit | delete | "
-+"monitor | reload | load | import | export }\n"
- "\n"
- "  show [--active] [--order <order spec>]\n"
- "  show [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...\n"
-@@ -1308,6 +1290,153 @@ msgid ""
- "                  [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
-+"使い方: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
-+"[-- ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+]\n"
-+"                  type <type>\n"
-+"                  ifname <interface name> | \"*\"\n"
-+"                  [con-name <connection name>]\n"
-+"                  [autoconnect yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [save yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>]\n"
-+"                  [slave-type <master connection type>]\n"
-+"    ethernet:     [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
-+"    wifi:         ssid <SSID>\n"
-+"                  [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
-+"                  [mode infrastructure|ap|adhoc]\n"
-+"    wimax:        [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [nsp <NSP>]\n"
-+"    pppoe:        username <PPPoE username>\n"
-+"                  [password <PPPoE password>]\n"
-+"                  [service <PPPoE service name>]\n"
-+"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
-+"                  [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"    gsm:          apn <APN>\n"
-+"                  [user <username>]\n"
-+"                  [password <password>]\n"
-+"    cdma:         [user <username>]\n"
-+"                  [password <password>]\n"
-+"    infiniband:   [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
-+"                  [transport-mode datagram | connected]\n"
-+"                  [parent <ifname>]\n"
-+"                  [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>]\n"
-+"    bluetooth:    [addr <bluetooth address>]\n"
-+"                  [bt-type panu|dun-gsm|dun-cdma]\n"
-+"    vlan:         dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>\n"
-+"                  id <VLAN ID>\n"
-+"                  [flags <VLAN flags>]\n"
-+"                  [ingress <ingress priority mapping>]\n"
-+"                  [egress <egress priority mapping>]\n"
-+"                  [mtu <MTU>]\n"
-+"    bond:         [mode balance-rr (0) | active-backup (1) | balance-xor (2) "
-+"| broadcast (3) |\n"
-+"                        802.3ad    (4) | balance-tlb   (5) | balance-alb "
-+"                  [primary <ifname>]\n"
-+"                  [miimon <num>]\n"
-+"                  [downdelay <num>]\n"
-+"                  [updelay <num>]\n"
-+"                  [arp-interval <num>]\n"
-+"                  [arp-ip-target <num>]\n"
-+"                  [lacp-rate slow (0) | fast (1)]\n"
-+"    bond-slave:   master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>\n"
-+"    team:         [config <file>|<raw JSON data>]\n"
-+"    team-slave:   master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>\n"
-+"                  [config <file>|<raw JSON data>]\n"
-+"    bridge:       [stp yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [priority <num>]\n"
-+"                  [forward-delay <2-30>]\n"
-+"                  [hello-time <1-10>]\n"
-+"                  [max-age <6-40>]\n"
-+"                  [ageing-time <0-1000000>]\n"
-+"                  [multicast-snooping yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [mac <MAC address>]\n"
-+"    bridge-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>\n"
-+"                  [priority <0-63>]\n"
-+"                  [path-cost <1-65535>]\n"
-+"                  [hairpin yes|no]\n"
-+"    vpn:          vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|"
-+"                  [user <username>]\n"
-+"    olpc-mesh:    ssid <SSID>\n"
-+"                  [channel <1-13>]\n"
-+"                  [dhcp-anycast <MAC address>]\n"
-+"    adsl:         username <username>\n"
-+"                  protocol pppoa|pppoe|ipoatm\n"
-+"                  [password <password>]\n"
-+"                  [encapsulation vcmux|llc]\n"
-+"    tun:          mode tun|tap\n"
-+"                  [owner <UID>]\n"
-+"                  [group <GID>]\n"
-+"                  [pi yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [vnet-hdr yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [multi-queue yes|no]\n"
-+"    ip-tunnel:    mode ipip|gre|sit|isatap|vti|ip6ip6|ipip6|ip6gre|vti6\n"
-+"                  remote <remote endpoint IP>\n"
-+"                  [local <local endpoint IP>]\n"
-+"                  [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>]\n"
-+"    macsec:       dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>\n"
-+"                  mode <psk|eap>\n"
-+"                  [cak <key> ckn <key>]\n"
-+"                  [encrypt yes|no]\n"
-+"                  [port 1-65534]\n"
-+"    macvlan:      dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>\n"
-+"                  mode vepa|bridge|private|passthru|source\n"
-+"                  [tap yes|no]\n"
-+"    vxlan:        id <VXLAN ID>\n"
-+"                  remote <IP of multicast group or remote address>\n"
-+"                  [local <source IP>]\n"
-+"                  [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>]\n"
-+"                  [source-port-min <0-65535>]\n"
-+"                  [source-port-max <0-65535>]\n"
-+"                  [destination-port <0-65535>]\n"
-+"    dummy:         \n"
-+"    bridge:       [priority <0-63>]\n"
-+"                  [path-cost <1-65535>]\n"
-+"                  [hairpin yes|no]\n"
-+"    team:         [config <file>|<raw JSON data>]\n"
-+"  IP_OPTIONS:\n"
-+"                  [ip4 <IPv4 address>] [gw4 <IPv4 gateway>]\n"
-+"                  [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:495
- #, c-format
-@@ -1581,7 +1710,6 @@ msgid "never"
- msgstr "しない"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1190
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Activate connection details"
- msgstr "アクティブな接続の詳細"
-@@ -1607,19 +1735,18 @@ msgid "incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option"
- msgstr "'--order' オプションの正しくないアイテム '%s'"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1705
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "No connection specified"
--msgstr "エラー: 接続が指定されていません。"
-+msgstr "接続が指定されていません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1720
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "%s argument is missing"
--msgstr "エラー: %s 引数がありません。"
-+msgstr "%s 引数がありません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1730
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "unknown connection '%s'"
--msgstr "エラー: 不明な接続 '%s'\n"
-+msgstr "不明な接続 '%s'"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:1763
- msgid "'--order' argument is missing"
-@@ -1678,9 +1805,9 @@ msgid "no active connection or device"
- msgstr "アクティブな接続またはデバイスがありません"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2081
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "device '%s' not compatible with connection '%s':"
--msgstr "デバイス '%s' は接続 '%s' と互換性がありません"
-+msgstr "デバイス '%s' は接続 '%s' と互換性がありません:"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2117
- #, c-format
-@@ -1693,84 +1820,68 @@ msgid "no device found for connection '%s'"
- msgstr "接続 '%s'用のデバイスが見つかりません"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2140
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Unknown reason"
- msgstr "不明な理由"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2142
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The connection was disconnected"
--msgstr "接続はボンド接続ではありませんでした。"
-+msgstr "接続が切断されました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2144
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Disconnected by user"
--msgstr "D-Bus により切断"
-+msgstr "ユーザーにより切断"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2146
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The base network connection was interrupted"
--msgstr "基本ネットワーク接続が妨害されました。"
-+msgstr "基本ネットワーク接続が中断されました。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2148
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The VPN service stopped unexpectedly"
--msgstr "VPN サービスが予期しない停止をしました"
-+msgstr "VPN サービスが予期せず停止しました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2150
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The VPN service returned invalid configuration"
--msgstr "VPN サービスは無効な設定を返しました"
-+msgstr "VPN サービスが無効な設定を返しました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2152
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The connection attempt timed out"
--msgstr "接続試行は時間切れです"
-+msgstr "接続試行がタイムアウトしました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2154
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The VPN service did not start in time"
--msgstr "VPN サービスは時間内に開始していません"
-+msgstr "VPN サービスは時間内に開始しませんでした"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2156
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The VPN service failed to start"
--msgstr "VPN サービスの開始は失敗しました"
-+msgstr "VPN サービスの開始に失敗しました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2158
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "No valid secrets"
--msgstr "有効な VPN シークレットはありません"
-+msgstr "有効なシークレットはありません"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2160
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Invalid secrets"
--msgstr "無効な VPN シークレット"
-+msgstr "無効なシークレット"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2162
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The connection was removed"
- msgstr "接続は削除されました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2164
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Master connection failed"
--msgstr "接続に失敗"
-+msgstr "マスター接続に失敗しました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2166
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Could not create a software link"
--msgstr "一時ファイルを作成できませんでした: %s"
-+msgstr "ソフトウェアリンクを作成できませんでした"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2168
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The device disappeared"
--msgstr "このデバイスのアクティブな接続が消滅しました"
-+msgstr "デバイスが消滅しました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2171
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Invalid reason"
--msgstr "無効なルート: %s"
-+msgstr "無効な理由"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2196 ../clients/cli/connections.c:2366
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6468
-@@ -1794,9 +1905,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "Bus アクティブパス: %s)\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2261
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)"
--msgstr "エラー: 制限時間の %d 秒が経過"
-+msgstr "エラー: タイムアウト (%d 秒) になりました"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2427
- #, c-format
-@@ -1871,9 +1982,9 @@ msgid "Error: no active connection provided."
- msgstr "エラー: アクティブな接続がありません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:2878
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Connection '%s' deactivation failed: %s\n"
--msgstr "エラー: 接続のアクティベーションに失敗: %s"
-+msgstr "接続 '%s' の非アクティブ化に失敗しました: %s\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3341 ../clients/cli/utils.c:710
- #, c-format
-@@ -1906,14 +2017,14 @@ msgid "Error: failed to remove a value from %s.%s: %s."
- msgstr "エラー: '%s' の値の削除に失敗しました、%s: %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3748
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: '%s' is mandatory."
--msgstr "エラー: '%s' を繰り返すことはできません。"
-+msgstr "エラー: '%s' は必須です。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3780
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: invalid slave type; %s."
--msgstr "エラー: 無効な接続タイプ; %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: 無効なスレーブタイプ; %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:3793
- #, c-format
-@@ -1921,24 +2032,23 @@ msgid "Error: invalid connection type; %s."
- msgstr "エラー: 無効な接続タイプ; %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4002
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: bad connection type: %s."
--msgstr "エラー: 無効な接続タイプ; %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: 問題のある接続タイプ; %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4065
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: '%s': %s"
--msgstr "エラー: %s: %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: '%s': %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4086
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Error: master is required"
--msgstr "エラー: 'マスター' が必要です。"
-+msgstr "エラー: マスターが必要です"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4145
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: error adding bond option '%s=%s'."
--msgstr "エラー: 不明な接続 '%s' です。"
-+msgstr "エラー: ボンドオプション '%s=%s' の追加中にエラー。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4176
- #, c-format
-@@ -1954,48 +2064,40 @@ msgstr ""
- "エラー: 'bt-type': '%s' は無効です; [%s, %s (%s), %s] を使用してください。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4282
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "PPPoE username"
--msgstr "PPPoE ユーザー名: "
-+msgstr "PPPoE ユーザー名"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4283 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4304
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4306 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4355
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Password [none]"
--msgstr "パスワード [none]: "
-+msgstr "パスワード [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4284
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Service [none]"
--msgstr "サービス [none]: "
-+msgstr "サービス [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4285 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4288
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4297
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MTU [auto]"
--msgstr "MTU [auto]: "
-+msgstr "MTU [auto]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4286 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4289
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4298 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4301
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4342
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MAC [none]"
--msgstr "MAC [none]: "
-+msgstr "MAC [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4287 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4299
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Cloned MAC [none]"
--msgstr "クローンの MAC [none]: "
-+msgstr "クローンしたMAC [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4292
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Parent interface [none]"
--msgstr "親インターフェース [none]: "
-+msgstr "親インターフェース [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4293
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "P_KEY [none]"
--msgstr "P_KEY [none]: "
-+msgstr "P_KEY [none]"
- #. 0
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4294 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4349
-@@ -2004,150 +2106,121 @@ msgid "SSID"
- msgstr "SSID"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4300
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "WiMAX NSP name"
--msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名: "
-+msgstr "WiMAX NSP 名"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4302
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "APN"
--msgstr "AP"
-+msgstr "APN"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4303 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4305
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4348
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Username [none]"
--msgstr "ユーザー名 [none]: "
-+msgstr "ユーザー名 [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4307
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bluetooth device address"
--msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスアドレス: "
-+msgstr "Bluetooth デバイスアドレス"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4310
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VLAN parent device or connection UUID"
--msgstr "VLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID: "
-+msgstr "VLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4312
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
--msgstr "VLAN ID <0-4094>: "
-+msgstr "VLAN ID (<0-4094>)"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4313
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VLAN flags (<0-7>) [none]"
--msgstr "VLAN フラグ (<0-7>) [none]: "
-+msgstr "VLAN フラグ (<0-7>) [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4314
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Ingress priority maps [none]"
--msgstr "イングレス優先度マップ [none]: "
-+msgstr "イングレス優先度マップ [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4315
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Egress priority maps [none]"
--msgstr "イーグレス優先度マップ [none]: "
-+msgstr "イーグレス優先度マップ [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4318
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding primary interface [none]"
--msgstr "ボンドのプライマリインターフェース [none]:"
-+msgstr "ボンドのプライマリインターフェース [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4322
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding miimon [100]"
--msgstr "ボンドの miimon [100]:"
-+msgstr "ボンドの miimon [100]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4323
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding downdelay [0]"
--msgstr "ボンドの downdelay [0]: "
-+msgstr "ボンドの downdelay [0]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4324
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding updelay [0]"
--msgstr "ボンドの updelay [0]: "
-+msgstr "ボンドの updelay [0]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4325
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding arp-interval [0]"
--msgstr "ボンドの arp-interval [0]: "
-+msgstr "ボンドの arp-interval [0]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4327
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bonding arp-ip-target [none]"
--msgstr "ボンドの arp-ip-target [none]: "
-+msgstr "ボンドの arp-ip-target [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4329
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "LACP rate ('slow' or 'fast') [slow]"
--msgstr "LACP レート ('低速' または '高速') [低速]: "
-+msgstr "LACP レート ('slow' または 'fast') [slow]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4331 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4332
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Team JSON configuration [none]"
--msgstr "team  JSON 設定 [none]: "
-+msgstr "team  JSON 設定 [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4333
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable STP [no]"
--msgstr "STP %s の有効化 "
-+msgstr "STP の有効化 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4335
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "STP priority [32768]"
--msgstr "STP の優先度 [32768]: "
-+msgstr "STP の優先度 [32768]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4336
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Forward delay [15]"
--msgstr "フォワード遅延 [15]:"
-+msgstr "フォワード遅延 [15]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4337
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Hello time [2]"
--msgstr "Hello タイム [2]: "
-+msgstr "Hello タイム [2]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4338
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Max age [20]"
--msgstr "最大エイジ [20]: "
-+msgstr "最大エイジ [20]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4339
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MAC address ageing time [300]"
--msgstr "MAC アドレスのエージングタイム [300]:"
-+msgstr "MAC アドレスのエージングタイム [300]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4340
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable IGMP snooping [no]"
--msgstr "IGMP スヌーピングの有効化"
-+msgstr "IGMP スヌーピングの有効化 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4343
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bridge port priority [32]"
--msgstr "ブリッジポートの優先度 [32]:"
-+msgstr "ブリッジポートの優先度 [32]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4344
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bridge port STP path cost [100]"
--msgstr "ブリッジポートの STP パスコスト [100]: "
-+msgstr "ブリッジポートの STP パスコスト [100]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4345
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Hairpin [no]"
--msgstr "ヘアピンモード"
-+msgstr "ヘアピン [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4350
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "OLPC Mesh channel [1]"
--msgstr "OLPC メッシュチャンネル [1]: "
-+msgstr "OLPC メッシュチャンネル [1]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4351
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "DHCP anycast MAC address [none]"
--msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC アドレス [none]: "
-+msgstr "DHCP anycast MAC アドレス [none]"
- #. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
- #. * is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
-@@ -2162,130 +2235,112 @@ msgstr "ユーザー名"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4358
- msgid "MACsec parent device or connection UUID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4360
- msgid "Enable encryption [yes]"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "暗号化の有効化 [yes]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4361
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:520
- msgid "MKA CAK"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MKA CAK"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4362
- msgid "MKA_CKN"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MKA_CKN"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4363
- msgid "SCI port [1]"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "SCI ポート [1]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4365
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "MACVLAN parent device or connection UUID"
--msgstr "MACVLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID: "
-+msgstr "MACVLAN 親デバイスまたは接続 UUID"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4369
- msgid "Tap [no]"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Tap [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4371
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VXLAN ID"
--msgstr "VXLAN ID: "
-+msgstr "VXLAN ID"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4372 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4391
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Remote"
--msgstr "リモート: "
-+msgstr "リモート"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4373 ../clients/cli/connections.c:4392
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Parent device [none]"
--msgstr "親デバイス [none]: "
-+msgstr "親デバイス [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4375
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Local address [none]"
--msgstr "ローカルアドレス [none]: "
-+msgstr "ローカルアドレス [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4376
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Minimum source port [0]"
--msgstr "最小ソースポート [0]: "
-+msgstr "最小ソースポート数 [0]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4377
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Maximum source port [0]"
--msgstr "最小ソースポート [0]: "
-+msgstr "最大ソースポート数 [0]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4378
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Destination port [8472]"
--msgstr "送信先ポート [8472]: "
-+msgstr "接続先ポート [8472]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4381
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "User ID [none]"
--msgstr "ユーザー ID [none]: "
-+msgstr "ユーザー ID [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4382
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Group ID [none]"
--msgstr "グループ ID [none]: "
-+msgstr "グループ ID [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4383
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable PI [no]"
--msgstr "PI %s の有効化"
-+msgstr "PI の有効化 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4385
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable VNET header [no]"
--msgstr "VNET ヘッダー %s の有効化"
-+msgstr "VNET ヘッダー の有効化 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4387
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable multi queue [no]"
--msgstr "複数のキュー %s の有効化"
-+msgstr "複数のキューの有効化 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4390
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Local endpoint [none]"
--msgstr "ローカルエンドポイント [none]: "
-+msgstr "ローカルエンドポイント [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4394
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv4 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
--msgstr "IPv4 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]: "
-+msgstr "IPv4 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4396
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv4 gateway [none]"
--msgstr "IPv4 ゲートウェイ [none]: "
-+msgstr "IPv4 ゲートウェイ [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4397
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv6 address (IP[/plen]) [none]"
--msgstr "IPv6 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]: "
-+msgstr "IPv6 アドレス (IP[/plen]) [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4399
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv6 gateway [none]"
--msgstr "IPv6 ゲートウェイ [none]: "
-+msgstr "IPv6 ゲートウェイ [none]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4401
- msgid "Browser only [no]"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ブラウザー専用 [no]"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4403
- msgid "PAC URL"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "PAC URL"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4404
- msgid "PAC script"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "PAC スクリプト"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4539
- #, c-format
-@@ -2302,9 +2357,9 @@ msgid "Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s."
- msgstr "エラー: 無効または許可されていない設定 '%s' です: %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4633
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: '%s' is ambiguous (%s.%s or %s.%s)."
--msgstr "'%s' が不明瞭です (%s x %s)"
-+msgstr "エラー:'%s' があいまいです (%s.%s または %s.%s)。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4647
- #, c-format
-@@ -2326,13 +2381,15 @@ msgstr "接続 '%s' (%s) が正常に追加されました。\n"
- msgid ""
- "You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.\n"
- msgstr ""
-+"このオプションは複数回指定することができます。終了したら <Enter> を押してくだ"
- #. Ask for optional arguments.
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4854
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "There is %d optional setting for %s.\n"
- msgid_plural "There are %d optional settings for %s.\n"
--msgstr[0] "'%2$s' 接続タイプには %1$d 種類のオプション引数があります。\n"
-+msgstr[0] "'%s' には %d のオプション設定があります。\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4857
- #, c-format
-@@ -2341,81 +2398,68 @@ msgid_plural "Do you want to provide them? %s"
- msgstr[0] "指定しますか? %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4871
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Wired Ethernet"
--msgstr "Ethernet"
-+msgstr "有線イーサネット"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4873 ../src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c:192
- msgid "InfiniBand connection"
- msgstr "InfiniBand 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4875
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Wi-Fi connection"
--msgstr "Wi-Fi 接続 %d"
-+msgstr "Wi-Fi 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4877
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "WiMAX connection"
--msgstr "CDMA 接続"
-+msgstr "WiMAX 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4879
- msgid "PPPoE"
- msgstr "PPPoE"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4881
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "CDMA mobile broadband connection"
--msgstr "モバイルブロードバンド接続 %d"
-+msgstr "CDMA モバイルブロードバンド接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4883
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "GSM mobile broadband connection"
--msgstr "モバイルブロードバンド接続 %d"
-+msgstr "GSM モバイルブロードバンド接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4885
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "bluetooth connection"
--msgstr "ボンド接続"
-+msgstr "bluetooth 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4887 ../src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c:433
- msgid "VLAN connection"
- msgstr "VLAN 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4889
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bond device"
--msgstr "Ethernet デバイス"
-+msgstr "Bond デバイス"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4891
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Team device"
--msgstr "TUN デバイスモード"
-+msgstr "Team デバイス"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4893
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Team port"
--msgstr "team "
-+msgstr "Team ポート"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4895
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bridge device"
--msgstr "Ethernet デバイス"
-+msgstr "ブリッジデバイス"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4897
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Bridge port"
--msgstr "ブリッジ"
-+msgstr "ブリッジポート"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4899 ../src/nm-manager.c:4080
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "VPN connection"
- msgstr "VPN 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4901
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "OLPC Mesh connection"
--msgstr "CDMA 接続"
-+msgstr "OLPC Mesh 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4903 ../src/devices/adsl/nm-device-adsl.c:137
- msgid "ADSL connection"
-@@ -2423,35 +2467,31 @@ msgstr "ADSL 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4905
- msgid "MACsec connection"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4907
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "macvlan connection"
--msgstr "ボンド接続"
-+msgstr "macvlan 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4909 ../src/devices/nm-device-vxlan.c:369
- msgid "VXLAN connection"
- msgstr "VXLAN 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4911
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Tun device"
--msgstr "TUN デバイスモード"
-+msgstr "TUN デバイス"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4913
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv4 protocol"
--msgstr "ADSL プロトコル"
-+msgstr "IPv4 プロトコル"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4915
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IPv6 protocol"
--msgstr "ADSL プロトコル"
-+msgstr "IPv6 プロトコル"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:4917
- msgid "Proxy"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "プロキシ"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5004 ../clients/cli/utils.c:186
- #, c-format
-@@ -2464,9 +2504,9 @@ msgid "Error: 'save': %s."
- msgstr "エラー: 'save': %s。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:5082
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: '%s' argument is required."
--msgstr "エラー: 'タイプ' 引数が必要です。"
-+msgstr "エラー: '%s' 引数が必要です。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:6054
- #, c-format
-@@ -3268,9 +3308,9 @@ msgid "Error: Connection deletion failed: %s"
- msgstr "エラー: 接続の削除に失敗しました: %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8391 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8516
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: %s.\n"
--msgstr "エラー: %s."
-+msgstr "エラー: %s.\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8392 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8517
- #, c-format
-@@ -3348,9 +3388,9 @@ msgid "Error: 'file' argument is required."
- msgstr "エラー: 'file' 引数が必要です。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8708
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: failed to find VPN plugin for %s."
--msgstr "エラー: VPN プラグインのロードに失敗しました: %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: %s 用の VPN プラグインが見つかりません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/connections.c:8716 ../clients/cli/connections.c:8817
- #, c-format
-@@ -3392,7 +3432,6 @@ msgid "Interface: "
- msgstr "インターフェース: "
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:37
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Interface(s): "
- msgstr "インターフェース: "
-@@ -3520,7 +3559,7 @@ msgstr "速度"
- #. 3
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:104
- msgid "SRIOV"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "SRIOV"
- #. 0
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:113
-@@ -3678,7 +3717,7 @@ msgstr "スレーブ"
- #. 1
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:204
- msgid "CONFIG"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "CONFIG"
- #. 0
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:213
-@@ -3814,7 +3853,7 @@ msgid "PORT-ID-TYPE"
- msgstr "PORT-ID-TYPE"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:295
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli device { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -3854,10 +3893,10 @@ msgid ""
- "  lldp [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device { コマンド | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"コマンド := { status | show | connect | reapply | disconnect | delete | "
--"monitor | wifi | lldp }\n"
-+"COMMAND := { status | show | set | connect | reapply | modify | disconnect | "
-+"delete | monitor | wifi | lldp }\n"
- "\n"
- "  status\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -3867,7 +3906,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- "  connect <ifname>\n"
- "\n"
--"  reapply <ifname> ...\n"
-+"  reapply <ifname>\n"
-+"  modify <ifname> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
- "\n"
- "  disconnect <ifname> ...\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -3877,15 +3918,15 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- "  wifi [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]\n"
- "\n"
--"  wifi connect <(B)SSID> [password <パスワード>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] "
-+"  wifi connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] "
- "[ifname <ifname>]\n"
--"                         [bssid <BSSID>] [name <名前>] [private yes|no] "
-+"                         [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] "
- "[hidden yes|no]\n"
- "\n"
--"  wifi hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <名前>] [ssid <SSID>] [band a|bg] "
--"[channel <チャネル>] [password <パスワード>]\n"
-+"  wifi hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>] [band a|bg] "
-+"[channel <channel>] [password <password>]\n"
- "\n"
--"  wifi rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <スキャンする SSID>] ...]\n"
-+"  wifi rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...]\n"
- "\n"
- "  lldp [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -3932,9 +3973,9 @@ msgid ""
- "The command lists details for all devices, or for a given device.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device show { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device show { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := [<ifname>]\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := [<ifname>]\n"
- "\n"
- "デバイスの詳細を表示します。\n"
- "このコマンドですべてのデバイスまたは指定デバイスの詳細を表示させます。\n"
-@@ -3953,9 +3994,9 @@ msgid ""
- "It will also consider connections that are not set to auto-connect.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device connect { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device connect { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := <ifname>\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := <ifname>\n"
- "\n"
- "デバイスを接続します。\n"
- "NetworkManager により適した接続が検索され、アクティベートされます。\n"
-@@ -3963,7 +4004,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:356
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli device reapply { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -3973,16 +4014,16 @@ msgid ""
- "made since it was last applied.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device reapply { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: n nmcli device reapply { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := <ifname> ...\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := <ifname>\n"
- "\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:367
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli device modify { ARGUMENTS | --help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -4002,27 +4043,24 @@ msgid ""
- "nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv4.dns 1\n"
- "nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv6.addr \"abbe::cafe/56\"\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli connection modify { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device modify { ARGUMENTS | --help }\n"
- "\n"
--"ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+\n"
- "\n"
--"接続プロファイルの 1 つ以上のプロパティーを変更します。\n"
--"プロファイルは名前、UUID、または D-Bus パスで識別されます。複数の値から成るプ"
-+"接続プロファイルを編集せずに、現在アクティブなデバイス上の 1 つ以上のプロパ"
- "プロパティー名にオプションの '+' または '-' プレフィックスを使用できます。\n"
- "'+' 記号を使用すると、値全体を上書きせずにアイテムを追加できます。\n"
--"'-' 記号を使用すると、値全体の代わりに、選択されたアイテムを削除できます。\n"
-+"'-' 記号を使用すると、値全体ではなく、選択されたアイテムを削除できます。\n"
- "\n"
- "例:\n"
--"nmcli con mod home-wifi wifi.ssid rakosnicek\n"
--"nmcli con mod em1-1 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addr \", "
-+"nmcli dev mod em1 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addr \", "
- "\"\n"
--"nmcli con mod em1-1 +ipv4.dns\n"
--"nmcli con mod em1-1 -ipv4.dns 1\n"
--"nmcli con mod em1-1 -ipv6.addr \"abbe::cafe/56\"\n"
--"nmcli con mod bond0 +bond.options mii=500\n"
--"nmcli con mod bond0 -bond.options downdelay\n"
-+"nmcli dev mod em1 +ipv4.dns\n"
-+"nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv4.dns 1\n"
-+"nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv6.addr \"abbe::cafe/56\"\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:387
- #, c-format
-@@ -4036,9 +4074,9 @@ msgid ""
- "further connections without user/manual intervention.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device disconnect { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device disconnect { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := <ifname> ...\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ...\n"
- "\n"
- "デバイスの接続を切断します。\n"
- "このコマンドにより、デバイスの接続が切断され、ユーザーまたは手作業による介入"
-@@ -4059,9 +4097,9 @@ msgid ""
- "command.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device delete { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device delete { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := <ifname> ...\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ...\n"
- "\n"
- "ソフトウェアデバイスを削除します。\n"
- "このコマンドにより、インターフェースが削除されます。ソフトウェアデバイス\n"
-@@ -4082,11 +4120,11 @@ msgid ""
- "Modify device properties.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device set { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device set { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := デバイス { プロパティー [ プロパティー ... ] }\n"
--"デバイス    := [ifname] <ifname> \n"
--"プロパティー  := { autoconnect { yes | no } |\n"
-+"DEVICE    := [ifname] <ifname> \n"
-+"PROPERTY  := { autoconnect { yes | no } |\n"
- "             { managed { yes | no }\n"
- "\n"
- "デバイスプロパティーを変更します。\n"
-@@ -4104,9 +4142,9 @@ msgid ""
- "Monitors all devices in case no interface is specified.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device monitor { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device monitor { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := [<ifname>] ...\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := [<ifname>] ...\n"
- "\n"
- "デバイスアクティビティーを監視します。\n"
- "このコマンドにより、指定されたデバイスの状態が変わるたびに行が出力されま"
-@@ -4115,7 +4153,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:437
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli device wifi { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -4166,20 +4204,20 @@ msgid ""
- "use 'nmcli device wifi list' for that.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device wifi { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device wifi { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"Wi-Fi デバイス上での操作を行います。\n"
-+"Wi-Fi デバイス上で演算を実行します。\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]\n"
- "\n"
- "使用可能な Wi-Fi アクセスポイントを一覧表示します。'ifname' オプションと "
- "'bssid' オプションを使用すると、\n"
- "特定のインターフェース用の AP または特定の BSSID を持つ AP を一覧表示すること"
- "ができます。\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := connect <(B)SSID> [password <パスワード>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] "
--"[ifname <ifname>]\n"
--"                    [bssid <BSSID>] [name <名前>] [private yes|no] [hidden "
-+"ARGUMENTS := connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|"
-+"phrase] [ifname <ifname>]\n"
-+"                     [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] [hidden "
- "yes|no]\n"
- "\n"
- "SSID または BSSID で指定した Wi-Fi ネットワークへ接続します。このコマンドによ"
-@@ -4188,21 +4226,23 @@ msgstr ""
- "クライアントで SSID をクリックした場合と同じ動作になります。常に新規の接続"
- "が\n"
- "作成されるため、主に新規の Wi-Fi ネットワークに接続する場合に役に立ちます。\n"
--"ネットワーク用の接続がすでに存在する場合は、「nmcli con up id <名前>」を使っ"
-+"ネットワーク用の接続がすでに存在する場合は、「nmcli con up id <name>」を使っ"
- "て\n"
- "既存のプロファイルを有効にすることが推奨されます。現時点でサポートされている"
- "のはオープンな\n"
- "WEP ネットワークおよび WPA-PSK  ネットワークのみであることに注意してくださ"
- "い。また、\n"
--"IP 設定は DHCP で取得されるとみなされます。\n"
-+"IP 設定は DHCP で取得されることが前提となります。\n"
- "\n"
- "ARGUMENTS := wifi hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>]\n"
- "                          [band a|bg] [channel <channel>] [password "
- "<password>]\n"
- "\n"
--"Create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Use 'connection down' or 'device disconnect'\n"
--"to stop the hotspot.\n"
--"Parameters of the hotspot can be influenced by the optional parameters:\n"
-+"Wi-Fi ホットスポットを作成します。'connection down' または 'device "
- "ifname - Wi-Fi device to use\n"
- "con-name - name of the created hotspot connection profile\n"
- "ssid - SSID of the hotspot\n"
-@@ -4212,15 +4252,16 @@ msgstr ""
- "\n"
- "ARGUMENTS := rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...]\n"
- "\n"
--"Request that NetworkManager immediately re-scan for available access "
--"NetworkManager scans Wi-Fi networks periodically, but in some cases it "
--"be useful to start scanning manually. 'ssid' allows scanning for a specific\n"
--"SSID, which is useful for APs with hidden SSIDs. More 'ssid' parameters can "
--"given. Note that this command does not show the APs,\n"
--"use 'nmcli device wifi list' for that.\n"
-+"NetworkManager が直ちに利用可能なアクセスポイントを再スキャンすることをリクエ"
-+"NetworkManager は定期的に Wi-Fi ネットワークをスキャンしますが、\n"
-+"スキャンを手動で開始することが便利な場合もあります。'ssid' を使用すると特定"
-+"SSID をスキャンすることができ、非表示 SSID の AP で便利です。複数の 'ssid' パ"
-+"このコマンドは AP を表示せず、\n"
-+"それには 'nmcli device wifi list' を使用することに留意してください。\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:484
-@@ -4235,9 +4276,9 @@ msgid ""
- "used to list neighbors for a particular interface.\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: nmcli device lldp { 引数 | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli device lldp { ARGUMENTS | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"引数 := [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
-+"ARGUMENTS := [list [ifname <ifname>]]\n"
- "\n"
- "LLDP を介して検出された近接デバイスを一覧表示します。'ifname' オプションを使"
- "用すると、\n"
-@@ -4265,14 +4306,13 @@ msgid "Error: not all devices found."
- msgstr "エラー: 一部のデバイスが見つかりません。"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:641
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "No interface specified"
--msgstr "エラー: インターフェースが指定されていません。"
-+msgstr "インターフェースが指定されていません"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:660
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Device '%s' not found"
--msgstr "エラー: デバイス'%s' が見つかりません"
-+msgstr "デバイス'%s' が見つかりません"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:746 ../clients/cli/devices.c:898
- msgid "(none)"
-@@ -4429,9 +4469,9 @@ msgid "Device '%s' successfully removed.\n"
- msgstr "デバイス '%s' が正常に削除されました。\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1980 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2050
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: Reapplying connection to device '%s' (%s) failed: %s"
--msgstr "エラー: デバイス '%s' (%s) への接続の再適用に失敗しました: %s\n"
-+msgstr "エラー: デバイス '%s' (%s) への接続の再適用に失敗しました: %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:1990 ../clients/cli/devices.c:2059
- #, c-format
-@@ -4439,9 +4479,10 @@ msgid "Connection successfully reapplied to device '%s'.\n"
- msgstr "接続がデバイス '%s' に正常に再適用されました。\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2084
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: Reading applied connection from device '%s' (%s) failed: %s"
--msgstr "エラー: デバイス '%s' (%s) への接続の再適用に失敗しました: %s\n"
-+msgstr ""
-+"エラー: デバイス '%s' (%s) からの適用済み接続の読み取りに失敗しました: %s"
- #: ../clients/cli/devices.c:2148
- #, c-format
-@@ -5185,71 +5226,61 @@ msgid "Networkmanager is now in the '%s' state\n"
- msgstr "Networkmanager の状態は '%s' です\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1103
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "connection available"
--msgstr "接続に失敗"
-+msgstr "接続が利用可能"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1105
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "connections available"
--msgstr "接続に失敗"
-+msgstr "接続が利用可能"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1123
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "autoconnect"
--msgstr "接続済み"
-+msgstr "自動接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1125
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "fw missing"
--msgstr "データがありません"
-+msgstr "fw がありません"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1130
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "plugin missing"
--msgstr "データがありません"
-+msgstr "プラグインがありません"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1135
- msgid "sw"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "sw"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1137
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "hw"
--msgstr "表示する"
-+msgstr "hw"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1142
- msgid "iface"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "iface"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1145
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "port"
--msgstr "ポータル"
-+msgstr "ポート"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1148
- msgid "mtu"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "mtu"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1165
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "master"
--msgstr "マスター: "
-+msgstr "マスター"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1171
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "ip4 default"
--msgstr "デフォルト"
-+msgstr "ip4 デフォルト"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1173
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "ip6 default"
--msgstr "デフォルト"
-+msgstr "ip6 デフォルト"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1253
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "%s VPN connection"
--msgstr "VPN 接続"
-+msgstr "%s VPN 接続"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1323
- #, c-format
-@@ -5261,6 +5292,13 @@ msgid ""
- "Consult nmcli(1) and nmcli-examples(5) manual pages for complete usage "
- "details.\n"
- msgstr ""
-+"既知のデバイスに関する情報を取得するには、\"nmcli device show\" を使用しま"
-+"アクティブな接続プロファイルの概要を取得するには、\"nmcli connection show\" "
-+"使用方法の詳細情報については、nmcli(1) と nmcli-examples(5) の man ページを参"
- #: ../clients/cli/general.c:1344
- #, c-format
-@@ -5272,7 +5310,7 @@ msgid "Networkmanager is not running (waiting for it)\n"
- msgstr "Networkmanager が実行されていません (待機中)\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:171
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "Usage: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
-@@ -5304,35 +5342,34 @@ msgid ""
- "  m[onitor]       monitor NetworkManager changes\n"
- "\n"
- msgstr ""
--"使い方: %s [オプション] オブジェクト { コマンド | help }\n"
-+"使い方: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }\n"
- "\n"
--"  -t[erse]                                   簡潔な出力\n"
--"  -p[retty]                                 人間が読みやすい出力\n"
--"  -m[ode] tabular|multiline                  出力モード\n"
--"  -c[olors] auto|yes|no                      出力で色を使用するかどうか\n"
--"  -f[ields] <field1,field2,...>|all|common   出力フィールドの指定\n"
--"  -e[scape] yes|no                           値内のコラムセパレーターをエス"
--"  -n[ocheck]                                 nmcli および NetworkManager の"
--"  -a[sk]                                     足りないパラメーターを問い合わせ"
--"  -s[how-secrets]                            パスワードの表示を許可\n"
--"  -w[ait] <seconds>                          動作の完了を待機する場合のタイム"
--"  -v[ersion]                                 プログラムバージョンを表示\n"
--"  -h[elp]                                    このヘルプを出力\n"
--"  g[eneral]       NetworkManager の全般的な状態と動作\n"
--"  n[etworking]    全体的なネットワーク制御\n"
--"  r[adio]         NetworkManager ラジオスイッチ\n"
--"  c[onnection]    NetworkManager の接続\n"
--"  d[evice]        NetworkManager で管理しているデバイス\n"
--"  a[gent]         NetworkManager シークレットエージェントまたは polkit エー"
--"  m[onitor]       NetworkManager の変更を監視\n"
-+"  -t[erse]                                       terse output\n"
-+"  -p[retty]                                      pretty output\n"
-+"  -m[ode] tabular|multiline                      output mode\n"
-+"  -c[olors] auto|yes|no                          whether to use colors in "
-+"  -f[ields] <field1,field2,...>|all|common       specify fields to output\n"
-+"  -g[et-values] <field1,field2,...>|all|common   shortcut for -m tabular -t -"
-+"  -e[scape] yes|no                               escape columns separators "
-+"in values\n"
-+"  -a[sk]                                         ask for missing parameters\n"
-+"  -s[how-secrets]                                allow displaying passwords\n"
-+"  -w[ait] <seconds>                              set timeout waiting for "
-+"finishing operations\n"
-+"  -v[ersion]                                     show program version\n"
-+"  -h[elp]                                        print this help\n"
-+"  g[eneral]       NetworkManager's general status and operations\n"
-+"  n[etworking]    overall networking control\n"
-+"  r[adio]         NetworkManager radio switches\n"
-+"  c[onnection]    NetworkManager's connections\n"
-+"  d[evice]        devices managed by NetworkManager\n"
-+"  a[gent]         NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent\n"
-+"  m[onitor]       monitor NetworkManager changes\n"
- "\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:249
-@@ -5388,11 +5425,9 @@ msgid "Error: Option '%s' is unknown, try 'nmcli -help'."
- msgstr "エラー: オプション '%s' は不明です、'nmcli -help' を確認してください。"
- #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:433 ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:440
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: nmcli terminated by signal %s (%d)\n"
--msgstr ""
--"Error: nmcli がシグナル %s (%d) で終了しました\n"
-+msgstr "Error: nmcli がシグナル %s (%d) で終了しました\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/nmcli.c:538
- msgid "Success"
-@@ -5712,9 +5747,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "          ab 4 55 0xa6 ea 3a 74 C2\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:2243
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid option '%s', use a combination of [%s]"
--msgstr "無効なオプション '%s' です。[%s] のいずれかを使用してください"
-+msgstr "無効なオプション '%s' です。[%s] の組み合わせを使用してください"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:2411
- #, c-format
-@@ -5748,9 +5783,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "例: mode=2,miimon=120\n"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:2486
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "%d (forever)"
--msgstr "%d (no)"
-+msgstr "%d (forever)"
- #. Don't allow setting type unless the connection is brand new.
- #. * Just because it's a bad idea and the user wouldn't probably want that.
-@@ -5760,9 +5795,9 @@ msgstr "%d (no)"
- #. * nmc_setting_set_property() is called only after the property
- #. * we're setting (type) has been removed.
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:2542
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Can not change the connection type"
--msgstr "不明な/未処理の Bluetooth 接続タイプ"
-+msgstr "接続タイプを変更できません"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:2566 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:887
- #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-connection.c:791
-@@ -6121,9 +6156,9 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid channel; use <1-13>"
- msgstr "'%s' は有効なチャンネルではありません; <1-13> を使用してください"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:4563
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid method '%s', use one of %s"
--msgstr "無効なモード '%s' です。%s のいずれかを使用してください"
-+msgstr "無効なメソッド '%s' です。%s のいずれかを使用してください"
- #: ../clients/cli/settings.c:4628
- #, c-format
-@@ -6462,20 +6497,18 @@ msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
- msgstr "有線 802.1X の認証"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:475
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Secrets are required to access the wired network '%s'"
--msgstr ""
--"ワイヤレスネットワーク '%s' へのアクセスにはパスワードまたは暗号キーが必要で"
-+msgstr "有線ネットワーク '%s' へのアクセスにはシークレットが必要です"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:480
- msgid "DSL authentication"
- msgstr "DSL 認証"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:481
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Secrets are required for the DSL connection '%s'"
--msgstr "タイプ '%s' の接続には設定が必要です"
-+msgstr "DSL 接続 '%s' にはシークレットが必要です"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:489
- msgid "PIN code required"
-@@ -6506,50 +6539,50 @@ msgstr "'%s' への接続にはパスワードが必要です。"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:515
- #, c-format
- msgid "Secrets are required to access the MACsec network '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec ネットワーク '%s' へのアクセスにはシークレットが必要です"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:519
- msgid "MACsec PSK authentication"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec PSK 認証"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:528
- msgid "MACsec EAP authentication"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec EAP 認証"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-secret-agent-simple.c:568
- msgid "VPN password required"
--msgstr "PIN パスワードが必要です"
-+msgstr "VPN パスワードが必要です"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:48
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "unknown VPN plugin \"%s\""
--msgstr "プラグイン %s をロードできません"
-+msgstr "不明な VPNプラグイン '%s'"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:59
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "cannot load legacy-only VPN plugin \"%s\" for \"%s\""
--msgstr "プラグイン %s をロードできません"
-+msgstr "'%s' 向けレガシー専用 VPN プラグイン '%s' を読み込めません"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:64
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid ""
- "cannot load VPN plugin \"%s\" due to missing \"%s\". Missing client plugin?"
--msgstr "'%s' で VPN プラグインをロードできません: 不明なプラグイン名"
-+msgstr ""
-+"'%s' がないため VPN プラグイン '%s' を読み込めません。クライアントプラグイン"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:69
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "failed to load VPN plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "エラー: VPN プラグインのロードに失敗しました: %s。"
-+msgstr "VPN プラグイン '%s' の読み込みに失敗しました: %s"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:121
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Certificate password"
--msgstr "プライベートキーのパスワード"
-+msgstr "証明書のパスワード"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:122
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "HTTP proxy password"
--msgstr "グループパスワード"
-+msgstr "HTTP プロキシのパスワード"
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:125
- #: ../clients/common/nm-vpn-helpers.c:128
-@@ -6574,14 +6607,14 @@ msgid "Connecting"
- msgstr "接続中"
- #: ../clients/nm-online.c:189
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: timeout creating NMClient object\n"
--msgstr "エラー: NMClient オブジェクトを作成できませんでした: %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: NMClient オブジェクトの作成でタイムアウト\n"
- #: ../clients/nm-online.c:209
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Error: Could not create NMClient object: %s\n"
--msgstr "エラー: NMClient オブジェクトを作成できませんでした: %s。"
-+msgstr "エラー: NMClient オブジェクトを作成できませんでした: %s\n"
- #: ../clients/nm-online.c:235
- msgid ""
-@@ -6740,14 +6773,13 @@ msgid "VLAN connection %d"
- msgstr "VLAN 接続 %d"
- #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:225 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:136
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "IP tunnel"
- msgstr "IP トンネル"
- #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:229
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "IP tunnel connection %d"
--msgstr "IP トンネル接続"
-+msgstr "IP トンネル接続 %d"
- #: ../clients/tui/nm-editor-utils.c:244
- #, c-format
-@@ -6792,7 +6824,6 @@ msgid "Could not create editor for invalid connection '%s'."
- msgstr "無効な接続 '%s' のエディタを作成できませんでした。"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-editor.c:112
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Edit Connection"
- msgstr "接続の編集"
-@@ -7061,39 +7092,39 @@ msgstr "この接続には IPv6 アドレス設定が必要になります"
- #. The order must match the NM_IP_TUNNEL_MODE_* enum
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:78
- msgid "IPIP"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "IPIP"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:79
- msgid "GRE"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "GRE"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:80
- msgid "SIT"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "SIT"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:81
- msgid "ISATAP"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ISATAP"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:82
- msgid "VTI"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "VTI"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:83
- msgid "IP6IP6"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "IP6IP6"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:84
- msgid "IPIP6"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "IPIP6"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:85
- msgid "IP6GRE"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "IP6GRE"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:86
- msgid "VTI6"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "VTI6"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:150 ../clients/tui/nmt-page-vlan.c:99
- msgid "Parent"
-@@ -7101,20 +7132,19 @@ msgstr "親"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:157
- msgid "Local IP"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ローカル IP"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:163
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Remote IP"
--msgstr "リモート: "
-+msgstr "リモート IP"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:169
- msgid "Input key"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "入力キー"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ip-tunnel.c:176
- msgid "Output key"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "出力キー"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmt-page-ppp.c:131
-@@ -7392,7 +7422,7 @@ msgstr "終了"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:416 ../clients/tui/nmtui-edit.c:120
- msgid "Back"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "戻る"
- #: ../clients/tui/nmtui-connect.c:439
- #, c-format
-@@ -7965,7 +7995,7 @@ msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値パス \"%s\""
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1030
- #, c-format
- msgid "invalid PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "無効な PKCS#11 URI \"%s\""
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1068
- msgid "invalid key/cert value data:;base64, is not base64"
-@@ -7989,9 +8019,9 @@ msgid "invalid parity value '%s'"
- msgstr "無効なパリティー値 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1298
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "ignoring invalid team configuration: %s"
--msgstr "無効な %s ルートを無視: %s"
-+msgstr "無効な team 設定を無視: %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-keyfile-reader.c:1504
- #, c-format
-@@ -8037,19 +8067,16 @@ msgid "binary data missing"
- msgstr "バイナリーデータがありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:500
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "URI not NUL terminated"
--msgstr "file:// URI が NUL で終了していません"
-+msgstr "URI が NUL でないため終了しました"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:509
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "URI is empty"
--msgstr "file:// URI が空です"
-+msgstr "URI が空です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:517
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "URI is not valid UTF-8"
--msgstr "file:// URI が有効な UTF-8 ではありません"
-+msgstr "URI が有効な UTF-8 ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:753 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-8021x.c:639
- msgid "CA certificate must be in X.509 format"
-@@ -8120,7 +8147,7 @@ msgstr "証明書が無効です: %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:3198
- #, c-format
- msgid "password is not supported when certificate is not on a PKCS#11 token"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "証明書が PKCS#11 トークンにない場合は、パスワードはサポートされません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:3235
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:129
-@@ -8178,9 +8205,8 @@ msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for the property"
- msgstr "'%s' は有効なプロパティの値ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-8021x.c:3290
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "invalid auth flags"
--msgstr "無効なルート: %s"
-+msgstr "無効な auth フラグ"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bluetooth.c:168
- #, c-format
-@@ -8213,9 +8239,9 @@ msgid "'%s=%s' is incompatible with '%s > 0'"
- msgstr "'%s=%s' は '%s > 0' とは互換性がありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:629
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' is not a valid for '%s' option: %s"
--msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプション用の有効な IPv4 アドレスではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプションに無効です: %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c:640 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-bond.c:577
- #, c-format
-@@ -8342,11 +8368,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "'%s' に設定する必要があります"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-connection.c:1077
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "A slave connection with '%s' set to '%s' cannot have a '%s' setting"
--msgstr ""
--"'%s' が設定され、ポートタイプが '%s' のスレーブ接続を検出します。'%s' は "
--"'%s' に設定する必要があります"
-+msgstr "'%s' に設定されている '%s' とのスレーブ接続には、'%s' 設定ができません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-dcb.c:522 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-dcb.c:594
- msgid "flags invalid"
-@@ -8439,12 +8463,12 @@ msgid "Missing IPv6 address"
- msgstr "不明な IPv6 アドレス"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:138
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Invalid IPv4 address '%s'"
- msgstr "無効な IPv4 アドレス '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:138
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Invalid IPv6 address '%s'"
- msgstr "無効な IPv6 アドレス '%s'"
-@@ -8464,41 +8488,40 @@ msgid "Invalid routing metric '%s'"
- msgstr "無効なルーティングメトリック '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1260
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "unknown attribute"
--msgstr "不明な設定名"
-+msgstr "不明な属性"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1270
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid attribute type '%s'"
--msgstr "無効なパリティー値 '%s'"
-+msgstr "無効な属性タイプ '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1281
- #, c-format
- msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv4 route"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "属性は IPv4 ルートには無効です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1282
- #, c-format
- msgid "attribute is not valid for a IPv6 route"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "属性は IPv6 ルートには無効です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1298
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1322
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv4 address"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な IP アドレスではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' は有効な IPv4 アドレスではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1299
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1323
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な IP アドレスではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' は有効な IPv6 アドレスではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:1313
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid prefix %s"
--msgstr "無効なルート: %s"
-+msgstr "無効なプレフィックス %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2429
- #, c-format
-@@ -8539,9 +8562,9 @@ msgid "%d. route cannot be a default route"
- msgstr "%d. ルートをデフォルトルートにすることはできません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-config.c:2523
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "a gateway is incompatible with '%s'"
--msgstr "'%s=%s' は '%s > 0' とは互換性がありません"
-+msgstr "ゲートウェイは '%s' と互換性がありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:143
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip6-config.c:167
-@@ -8577,32 +8600,29 @@ msgid "property cannot be set when dhcp-hostname is also set"
- msgstr "dhcp-hostname も設定されている場合は、プロパティーを設定できません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:235
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "multiple addresses are not allowed for '%s=%s'"
--msgstr "このプロパティは '%s=%s' には許可されていません"
-+msgstr "'%s=%s' では複数のアドレスは許可されていません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip4-config.c:249
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "property should be TRUE when method is set to disabled"
--msgstr "プロパティータイプは '%s' に設定する必要があります"
-+msgstr "メソッドが無効に設定されている場合は、プロパティーは TRUE にします"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip6-config.c:241
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "value is not a valid token"
--msgstr "値 '%s' は有効な UUID ではありません"
-+msgstr "値 は有効なトークンではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip6-config.c:252
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "only makes sense with EUI64 address generation mode"
--msgstr "IPv6 SLAAC アドレス生成モード"
-+msgstr "EUI64 アドレス生成モードでのみ、意味が通じます"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip6-config.c:264
- msgid "token is not in canonical form"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "トークンが正規形式ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip6-config.c:276
- msgid "property should be TRUE when method is set to ignore"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "メソッドが ignore に設定されている場合は、プロパティーは TRUE にします"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-ip-tunnel.c:318
- #, c-format
-@@ -8639,17 +8659,16 @@ msgstr "固定 TTL は、パス MTU 検出が有効な場合のみ許可され
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:235
- msgid "the key is empty"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "キーが空です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:246
- #, c-format
- msgid "the key must be %d characters"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "キーは %d 文字にする必要があります"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:254
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "the key contains non-hexadecimal characters"
--msgstr "IV は 16進法でない数字を含んでいます。"
-+msgstr "キーは 16進法でない文字が含まれています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:291 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:634
- #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-vlan.c:556
-@@ -8666,12 +8685,12 @@ msgstr "プロパティ、'%s:%s' いずれも指定されていません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:333
- #, c-format
- msgid "EAP key management requires '%s' setting presence"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "EAP キー管理には '%s' 設定が必要です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macsec.c:344
- #, c-format
- msgid "invalid port %d"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "無効なポート %d"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-macvlan.c:192
- msgid "non promiscuous operation is allowed only in passthru mode"
-@@ -8703,34 +8722,34 @@ msgid "setting this property requires non-zero '%s' property"
- msgstr "このプロパティを設定するにはゼロ以外の '%s' プロパティが必要です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:163
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid proxy method"
--msgstr "無効な優先度マップ '%s'"
-+msgstr "無効なプロキシメソッド"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:173 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:182
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "this property is not allowed for method none"
--msgstr "このプロパティは '%s=%s' には許可されていません"
-+msgstr "このプロパティはメソッド none には許可されていません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:193
- #, c-format
- msgid "the script is too large"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "スクリプトが長すぎます"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:201
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "the script is not valid utf8"
--msgstr "インデックス '%s' は無効です"
-+msgstr "スクリプトは有効な utf8 ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-proxy.c:209
- #, c-format
- msgid "the script lacks FindProxyForURL function"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "スクリプトには FindProxyForURL 関数がありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c:94 ../libnm-core/nm-setting-team-port.c:122
- #, c-format
- msgid "team config exceeds size limit"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "team 設定が制限サイズを超えています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-tun.c:187
- #, c-format
-@@ -8748,66 +8767,59 @@ msgid "'%s': invalid group ID"
- msgstr "'%s': 無効なグループ ID"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:111
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "missing key"
--msgstr "不明な設定"
-+msgstr "キーがみつかりません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:117
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "key is too long"
--msgstr "エラー: ssid が長すぎます。"
-+msgstr "キーが長すぎます"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:122
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "key must be UTF8"
--msgstr "パスワードは UTF-8 である必要があります"
-+msgstr "キーは UTF-8 である必要があります"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:145
- msgid "key requires a '.' for a namespace"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "キーはネームスペースに '.' が必要です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:158
- msgid "key cannot contain \"..\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "キーに \"..\" を含めることはできません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:163
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "key contains invalid characters"
--msgstr "IV は 16進法でない数字を含んでいます。"
-+msgstr "キーに無効な文字が含まれています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:188
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "value is missing"
--msgstr "エラー: %s 引数がありません。"
-+msgstr "値がありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:195
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "value is too large"
--msgstr "シークレット値が空でした"
-+msgstr "値が長すぎます"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:201
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "value is not valid UTF8"
--msgstr "file:// URI が有効な UTF-8 ではありません"
-+msgstr "値が有効な UTF-8 ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:338
- msgid "maximum number of user data entries reached"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ユーザーデータエントリーが最大数に達しました"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:379
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid key \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "無効なルート: %s"
-+msgstr "無効なキー '%s': %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:383
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid value for \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な '%s' の値ではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' の無効な値: %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-user.c:398
- #, c-format
- msgid "maximum number of user data entries reached (%u instead of %u)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ユーザーデータエントリーが最大数に達しました (%u ではなく %u)"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:670 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-vlan.c:600
- #, c-format
-@@ -8820,7 +8832,7 @@ msgstr "フラグが無効です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c:691
- msgid "vlan setting should have a ethernet setting as well"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "vlan 設定にはイーサネット設定も必要です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-vpn.c:460
- #, c-format
-@@ -8865,9 +8877,9 @@ msgid "%d is greater than local port max %d"
- msgstr "%d はローカルポートの最大 %d よりも大きいです"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:632 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:613
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "'%s' is not a valid Ethernet port value"
--msgstr "'%s' は有効な Ethernet ポート値ではありません"
-+msgstr "'%s' は有効なイーサネットポート値ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:642 ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wired.c:623
- #, c-format
-@@ -8889,16 +8901,15 @@ msgstr "Wake-on-LAN パスワードはマジックパケットモードでのみ
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:770
- msgid "when link autonegotiation is enabled no duplex value is accepted"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "リンク autonegotiation が有効になっていると、二重値は承認されません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:778
- msgid "when link autonegotiation is enabled speed should be 0"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "リンク autonegotiation が有効になっている場合は、スピードは 0 にします"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c:788
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "both speed and duplex are required for static link configuration"
--msgstr "VPN サービスは無効な設定を返しました"
-+msgstr "スピードと二重の両方が静的リンク設定に必要です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:882
- #: ../libnm-util/nm-setting-wireless-security.c:912
-@@ -8948,14 +8959,14 @@ msgid "'%s' requires setting '%s' property"
- msgstr "'%s' の場合は '%s' プロパティーを設定する必要があります"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:883
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid value"
--msgstr "無効なキー/証明書値"
-+msgstr "無効な値"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting-wireless.c:904
- #, c-format
- msgid "conflicting value of mac-address-randomization and cloned-mac-address"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "mac-address-randomization と cloned-mac-address の値の競合"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-setting.c:838
- #, c-format
-@@ -9001,9 +9012,9 @@ msgid "not a file (%s)"
- msgstr "ファイルではありません (%s)"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2464
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid file owner %d for %s"
--msgstr "'%s' は無効なフィールドです; 許可されているのは次のフィールドです: %s"
-+msgstr "'%s' の無効なファイル所有者 %d"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:2475
- #, c-format
-@@ -9041,94 +9052,91 @@ msgid "Could not find \"%s\" binary"
- msgstr "\"%s\" バイナリーを見つけることができませんでした"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3665
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address for mask at position %lld"
--msgstr "'%s' は '%s' オプション用の有効な IPv4 アドレスではありません"
-+msgstr "%lld の場所でマスク用に有効なイーサネット MAC アドレスではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3680
- #, c-format
- msgid "not a valid ethernet MAC address #%u at position %lld"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%lld の場所で有効なイーサネット MAC アドレス #%u ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3714
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "interface name is too short"
--msgstr "インターフェース名 [*]: "
-+msgstr "インターフェース名が短すぎます"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3720
- msgid "interface name is longer than 15 characters"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インターフェース名が 15 文字を超えています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3726
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "interface name is reserved"
--msgstr "インターフェース名と UUID が’必要です\n"
-+msgstr "インターフェース名が予約されています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:3733
- msgid "interface name contains an invalid character"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インターフェース名に無効な文字が含まれています"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4534 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4668
- msgid "value is NULL"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "値が NULL です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4534 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4668
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "value is empty"
--msgstr "シークレット値が空でした"
-+msgstr "値が空です"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4543
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid JSON at position %d (%s)"
--msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
-+msgstr "%d (%s) で無効な JSON"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4555 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4687
- msgid "is not a JSON object"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "JSON オブジェクトではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4657
- msgid "not valid utf-8"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "utf-8 ではありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4782 ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4800
- #, c-format
- msgid "unterminated escape sequence"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "未終了のエスケープシーケンス"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4810
- #, c-format
- msgid "missing key-value separator '%c'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "キー-値のセパレーター '%c' がありません"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4827
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "unknown attribute '%s'"
--msgstr "不明なデバイス '%s' です。"
-+msgstr "不明な属性 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4837
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid uint32 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
--msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'、またはその値 '%s' です"
-+msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint32 値 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4846
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid uint8 value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
--msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'、またはその値 '%s' です"
-+msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効な uint8 値 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4859
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "invalid boolean value '%s' for attribute '%s'"
--msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'、またはその値 '%s' です"
-+msgstr "属性 '%s' の無効なブール値 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-utils.c:4867
- #, c-format
- msgid "unsupported attribute '%s' of type '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "タイプ '%s' のサポートされていない属性 '%s'"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-vpn-editor-plugin.c:296
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "cannot load plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr "プラグイン %s をロードできません"
-+msgstr "プラグイン '%s' を読み込めません: %s"
- #: ../libnm-core/nm-vpn-editor-plugin.c:307
- #, c-format
-@@ -9389,9 +9397,8 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr "デバイスには接続に必要な Bluetooth 機能がありません。"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device-dummy.c:46
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "The connection was not a dummy connection."
--msgstr "接続はモデム接続ではありませんでした。"
-+msgstr "接続はダミー接続ではありませんでした。"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device-dummy.c:53 ../libnm/nm-device-generic.c:97
- msgid "The connection did not specify an interface name."
-@@ -9406,9 +9413,9 @@ msgid "The connection and device differ in S390 subchannels."
- msgstr "接続とデバイスは S390 サブチャネルで異なります。"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:236
--#, fuzzy, c-format
-+#, c-format
- msgid "Invalid device MAC address %s."
--msgstr "無効なデバイス MAC アドレスです。"
-+msgstr "無効なデバイス MAC アドレス %s。"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device-ethernet.c:241
- msgid "The MACs of the device and the connection do not match."
-@@ -9516,11 +9523,11 @@ msgstr "接続は WiMAX 接続ではありませんでした。"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1651
- msgid "MACsec"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "MACsec"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:1653
- msgid "Dummy"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ダミー"
- #: ../libnm/nm-device.c:2544
- #, c-format
-@@ -9555,16 +9562,12 @@ msgstr ""
- "れます"
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:3
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Reload NetworkManager configuration"
--msgstr "NetworkManager の設定を表示して終了する"
-+msgstr "NetworkManager 設定をリロード"
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:4
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "System policy prevents reloading NetworkManager"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "システムポリシーにより NetworkManager のリロードが回避されます"
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:5
- msgid ""
-@@ -9674,23 +9677,21 @@ msgstr "システムポリシーにより永続的なグローバル DNS 設定
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:27
- msgid "Perform a checkpoint or rollback of interfaces configuration"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インターフェース設定のチェックポイントまたはロールバックを実行"
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:28
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "System policy prevents the creation of a checkpoint or its rollback"
--msgstr "システムポリシーにより永続的なシステムのホスト名の修正が阻止されます"
-+msgstr ""
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:29
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Enable or disable device statistics"
--msgstr "Wi-Fi デバイスを有効または無効にする"
-+msgstr "デバイスの統計値を有効または無効にする"
- #: ../data/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.policy.in.in.h:30
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "System policy prevents enabling or disabling device statistics"
--msgstr ""
--"システムポリシーにより Wi-Fi デバイスの有効化または無効化が阻止されます"
-+msgstr "システムポリシーによりデバイス統計値の有効化または無効化が阻止されます"
- #: ../shared/nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.c:312
- #, c-format
-@@ -9913,9 +9914,8 @@ msgid "Bridge connection"
- msgstr "ブリッジ接続"
- #: ../src/devices/nm-device-dummy.c:70
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Dummy connection"
--msgstr "ADSL 接続"
-+msgstr "ダミー接続"
- #: ../src/devices/nm-device-ethernet.c:1435
- msgid "PPPoE connection"
-@@ -10173,9 +10173,8 @@ msgid "Connection UUID"
- msgstr "接続 UUID"
- #: ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:293
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Connection Token for Stable IDs"
--msgstr "接続プロファイルの詳細"
-+msgstr "安定 ID の接続トークン"
- #: ../src/nm-iface-helper.c:294
- msgid "Whether to manage IPv6 SLAAC"
-@@ -10281,16 +10280,3 @@ msgstr "不明なログレベル '%s'"
- #, c-format
- msgid "Unknown log domain '%s'"
- msgstr "不明なログドメイン '%s'"
--#, fuzzy
--#~ msgid "unrecognized option '%s'"
--#~ msgstr "無効なオプション '%s'"
--#~ msgid "Option '--terse' requires specifying '--fields'"
--#~ msgstr "オプション '--terse' には '--fields' の指定が必要です"
--#~ msgid ""
--#~ "Option '--terse' requires specific '--fields' option values , not '%s'"
--#~ msgstr ""
--#~ "オプション'--terse' には特定の '--fields' オプションの値が必要で、 '%s' で"
--#~ "はありません"
-From 82b97f68923936b4af74dc602fa2eb3ae1f9d0ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 15:25:34 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] po: add zanata.xml
- zanata.xml | 16 ++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 zanata.xml
-diff --git a/zanata.xml b/zanata.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..644c06b
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/zanata.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-+	Maintainers:
-+	do a "make -C po NetworkManager.pot" before "zanata-cli push"
-+<config xmlns="http://zanata.org/namespace/config/">
-+	<url>https://vendors.zanata.redhat.com/</url>
-+	<project>networkmanager</project>
-+	<project-version>RHEL-7.4</project-version>
-+	<project-type>gettext</project-type>
-+	<src-dir>po</src-dir>
-+	<trans-dir>po</trans-dir>
-+	<rules/>
diff --git a/SOURCES/0015-ifcfg-rh-legacy-netmask-rh1445414.patch b/SOURCES/0015-ifcfg-rh-legacy-netmask-rh1445414.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fa081b5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0015-ifcfg-rh-legacy-netmask-rh1445414.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-From 3757404ab4d14fcd6e61b367c37308ef1e3dbc3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 15:03:40 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/5] ifcfg-rh: fix writing NETMASK in write_ip4_setting()
-(cherry picked from commit efd462d946ae3382975cd73f60f33185a2cf9542)
-(cherry picked from commit 2bf3d590ceb99c9f7d0c5dfd3e031e69d14fa5b8)
- src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-index 400e9bd..c66af01 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-@@ -2196,7 +2196,8 @@ write_ip4_setting (NMConnection *connection, shvarFile *ifcfg, GError **error)
- 			char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
- 			g_free (tmp);
--			svSetValueStr (ifcfg, netmask_key, nm_utils_inet4_ntop (prefix, buf));
-+			svSetValueStr (ifcfg, netmask_key,
-+			               nm_utils_inet4_ntop (nm_utils_ip4_prefix_to_netmask (prefix), buf));
- 		}
- 		svUnsetValue (ifcfg, gw_key);
-From 37b96ee417fb9bb67a02c162f1dbe05fa4a9eb5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 14:53:03 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/5] ifcfg-rh: add svFindFirstKeyWithPrefix() function
-During backporting manually patched to use GList instead of CList.
-(cherry picked from commit e9d960740af008acb91074b31a570fba17dc0344)
-(cherry picked from commit 3dfddc18a53601463da49451c05cc62869773e16)
- src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.c | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
- src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.h |  2 ++
- 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.c
-index 9fce5aa..47ad5a2 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.c
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.c
-@@ -905,6 +905,28 @@ svGetKeys (shvarFile *s)
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+const char *
-+svFindFirstKeyWithPrefix (shvarFile *s, const char *key_prefix)
-+	const GList *current;
-+	const shvarLine *l;
-+	g_return_val_if_fail (s, NULL);
-+	g_return_val_if_fail (key_prefix, NULL);
-+	for (current = s->lineList; current; current = current->next) {
-+		l = current->data;
-+		if (   l->key
-+		    && l->line
-+		    && g_str_has_prefix (l->key, key_prefix))
-+			return l->key;
-+	}
-+	return NULL;
- static const char *
- _svGetValue (shvarFile *s, const char *key, char **to_free)
- {
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.h b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.h
-index 9d8c236..a13920a 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.h
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/shvar.h
-@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ shvarFile *svCreateFile (const char *name);
- /* Open the file <name>, return shvarFile on success, NULL on failure */
- shvarFile *svOpenFile (const char *name, GError **error);
-+const char *svFindFirstKeyWithPrefix (shvarFile *s, const char *key_prefix);
- /* Get the value associated with the key, and leave the current pointer
-  * pointing at the line containing the value.  The char* returned MUST
-  * be freed by the caller.
-From 9df20fdb815fd37f31fa488325bfc3803bfa5003 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 14:07:28 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/5] build: sort filenames in Makefile.am alphabetically
-(cherry picked from commit 371b761680d660ea61ae33e02916564a0c3acc02)
-(cherry picked from commit 85aa450e947785dc2eab73a5b248345ce9662b5b)
- Makefile.am | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index 909847e..c543a21 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -2003,154 +2003,153 @@ $(src_settings_plugins_ifcfg_rh_tests_test_ifcfg_rh_OBJECTS): $(libnm_core_lib_h
- endif
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-bridge-component-a.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-bridge-component-b.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-wired-802-1X-subj-matches.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_User_1.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Bond_Main.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Bridge_Component.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Permissions.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Proxy_Basic.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Team_Port.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_VLAN_reorder_hdr.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_Band_A.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_Hidden.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_always.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_default.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_missing.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_never.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wifi_LEAP.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wifi_WEP_104_ASCII.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wired_Auto-Negotiate.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wired_Wake-on-LAN.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Vlan_test-vlan-interface.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-dcb-test.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection_2.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-team-slave-enp31s0f1-142.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-eth-type \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-main \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-mode-numeric \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-slave \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-slave-ib \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bridge-component \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bridge-main \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bridge-missing-stp \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-booleans \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-percent \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-uints \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-default-app-priorities \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-pgpct-not-100 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-booleans \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-percent \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-uints \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dns-options \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-fcoe-fabric \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-fcoe-vn2vn \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-ibft \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-infiniband \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-minimal \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-misc-variables \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-variables-corner-cases-1 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-nm-controlled \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-nm-controlled-unrecognized \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-unrecognized \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-bootproto \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp-plus-ip \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-shared-plus-ip \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp-send-hostname \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcpv6-hostname-fallback \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp6-only \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-autoip \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-global-gateway \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-global-gateway \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-global-gateway-ignore \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-global-gateway-ignore \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-obsolete-gateway-n \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-never-default \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-never-default \
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--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-defroute-no-gatewaydev-yes \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-8021x-peap-mschapv2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wired-8021x-peap-mschapv2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-8021x-tls-agent \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-8021x-tls-always \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-802-1X-subj-matches \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-802-1x-ttls-eapgtc \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-onboot-no \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-noip \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-port-2 \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-flags-2 \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-only-vlanid \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-reorder-hdr-2 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-trailing-spaces \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-band-bg-channel-mismatch \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-dynamic-wep-leap \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-leap \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-leap-always-ask \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-default \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-missing \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-never \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-auto \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-quoted \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-long-quoted \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-bad-hex \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-hex \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-long-hex \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-bad-hex \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-long-quoted \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-open-ssid-quoted \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-104-ascii \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-40-ascii \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-adhoc \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-adhoc \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-agent-keys \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-eap-ttls-chap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-eap-ttls-chap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-leap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-leap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-leap-agent \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-leap-always-ask \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-no-keys \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-passphrase \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-eap-ttls-tls \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted2 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-adhoc \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-adhoc \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-hex \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-hex \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-eap-tls \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-eap-tls \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-eap-ttls-tls \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-eap-ttls-tls \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-hidden \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-band-a \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-band-a-channel-mismatch \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-band-bg-channel-mismatch \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-always \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-never \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-default \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-mac-random-missing \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/test_ca_cert.pem \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/test1_key_and_cert.pem \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-ibft \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-static-routes-legacy \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-static-routes-legacy \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-sit-ignore \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-routes \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-wired-static-routes \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-routes-legacy \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-wired-static-routes-legacy \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted2 \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-802-1x-ttls-eapgtc \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-8021x-tls-always \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-auto-negotiate-on \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-defroute-no-gatewaydev-yes \
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-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp-plus-ip \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp-send-hostname \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcp6-only \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-dhcpv6-hostname-fallback \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-global-gateway \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-global-gateway-ignore \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv4-manual-1 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv4-manual-2 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv4-manual-3 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv4-manual-4 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv6-manual \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route6-test-wired-ipv6-manual \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-8 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-16 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-24 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv6-only \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-passphrase \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-passphrase \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-40-ascii \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-40-ascii \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-104-ascii \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-104-ascii \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv6-only-1 \
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- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-qeth-static \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ctc-static \
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--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bridge-component \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bridge-missing-stp \
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--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-only-vlanid \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-only-device \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-physdev \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-reorder-hdr-1 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-reorder-hdr-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-flags-1 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-flags-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-no-keys \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-permissions \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-wep-agent-keys \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wifi-dynamic-wep-leap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-dynamic-wep-leap \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-infiniband \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-eth-type \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-main \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-slave \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-slave-ib \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-bond-mode-numeric \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-default-app-priorities \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-booleans \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-booleans \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-uints \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-uints \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-bad-percent \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-short-percent \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dcb-pgpct-not-100 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-fcoe-fabric \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-fcoe-vn2vn \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-master-1 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-master-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-master-invalid \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-port-1 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-port-2 \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-team-port-empty-config \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-read-proxy-basic \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-vlan-trailing-spaces \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-dns-options \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-wake-on-lan \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-auto-negotiate-on \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-shared-plus-ip \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-bootproto \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-16 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-24 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-no-prefix-8 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-routes \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-routes-legacy \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-unknown-ethtool-opt \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-ipv6-only-1 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-wake-on-lan \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-1 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-1.expected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-2 \
-@@ -2159,32 +2158,34 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-3.expected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-4 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-write-unknown-4.expected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-bridge-component-a.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-bridge-component-b.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-System_test-wired-802-1X-subj-matches.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Bond_Main.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Bridge_Component.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Permissions.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Proxy_Basic.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Team_Port.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_VLAN_reorder_hdr.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_Band_A.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_Hidden.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_always.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_default.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_missing.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_WiFi_MAC_never.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wifi_LEAP.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wifi_WEP_104_ASCII.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wired_Auto-Negotiate.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wired_Wake-on-LAN.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Vlan_test-vlan-interface.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-dcb-test.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection_2.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-team-slave-enp31s0f1-142.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-static-routes-legacy.cexpected \
--	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_User_1.cexpected
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-dynamic-wep-leap \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-leap \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-104-ascii \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-40-ascii \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-adhoc \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-eap-ttls-chap \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wep-passphrase \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-eap-tls \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-eap-ttls-tls \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-2 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-adhoc \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-hex \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wifi-wpa-psk-unquoted2 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/keys-test-wired-8021x-peap-mschapv2 \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-defroute-no-gatewaydev-yes \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-global-gateway \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-global-gateway-ignore \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/network-test-wired-never-default \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-static-routes-legacy \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-wired-static-routes \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route-test-wired-static-routes-legacy \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/route6-test-wired-ipv6-manual \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/test1_key_and_cert.pem \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/test_ca_cert.pem \
-+	$(NULL)
- # make target dependencies can't have colons in their names, which ends up
- # meaning that we can't add the alias files to EXTRA_DIST. They are instead
-From 20046c93062b14b0329cf151bc5e8a7f3c455531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 14:03:42 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/5] ifcfg-rh/tests: add test for reading NETMASK property
-(cherry picked from commit ba05819c89d913ad1bc6b86e62c7704d173ef534)
-(cherry picked from commit 7ebc132864776a1c0ce4a33660408a2953e076c8)
- Makefile.am                                        |  1 +
- shared/nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h                    |  9 +++++
- .../ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1 | 14 +++++++
- .../network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected      | 22 +++++++++++
- .../plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c         | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++
- 5 files changed, 90 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1
- create mode 100644 src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index c543a21..50ef197 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -2025,6 +2025,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Test_Write_Wired_Wake-on-LAN.cexpected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-Vlan_test-vlan-interface.cexpected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-dcb-test.cexpected \
-+	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1 \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection.cexpected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-random_wifi_connection_2.cexpected \
- 	src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-team-slave-enp31s0f1-142.cexpected \
-diff --git a/shared/nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h b/shared/nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h
-index 0dfdfce..bc52113 100644
---- a/shared/nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h
-+++ b/shared/nm-utils/nm-test-utils.h
-@@ -1183,6 +1183,15 @@ nmtst_file_get_contents (const char *filename)
- 	return contents;
- }
-+#define nmtst_file_set_contents(filename, content) \
-+		GError *_error = NULL; \
-+		gboolean _success; \
-+		\
-+		_success = g_file_set_contents ((filename), (content), -1, &_error); \
-+		nmtst_assert_success (_success, _error); \
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static inline void
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1 b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..ecb36c3
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1
-@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..4c2294a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-+NAME="System netmask-1"
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c
-index babb068..e30d2d7 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c
-@@ -399,6 +399,48 @@ _writer_new_connection_fail (NMConnection *connection,
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+static void
-+test_read_netmask_1 (void)
-+	nmtst_auto_unlinkfile char *testfile = NULL;
-+	gs_unref_object NMConnection *connection = NULL;
-+	gs_unref_object NMConnection *reread = NULL;
-+	gs_free char *content = NULL;
-+	NMSettingConnection *s_con;
-+	NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip4;
-+	NMIPAddress *ip4_addr;
-+	const char *FILENAME = TEST_IFCFG_DIR "/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1";
-+	connection = _connection_from_file (FILENAME, NULL, TYPE_ETHERNET, NULL);
-+	s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-+	g_assert (s_con);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, "System netmask-1");
-+	s_ip4 = nm_connection_get_setting_ip4_config (connection);
-+	g_assert (s_ip4);
-+	g_assert_cmpuint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_dns (s_ip4), ==, 1);
-+	ip4_addr = nm_setting_ip_config_get_address (s_ip4, 0);
-+	g_assert (ip4_addr);
-+	g_assert_cmpstr (nm_ip_address_get_address (ip4_addr), ==, "");
-+	g_assert_cmpint (nm_ip_address_get_prefix (ip4_addr), ==, 15);
-+	nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_without_normalization (connection);
-+	content = nmtst_file_get_contents (FILENAME);
-+	testfile = g_strdup (TEST_SCRATCH_DIR "/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.copy");
-+	nmtst_file_set_contents (testfile, content);
-+	_writer_update_connection (connection,
-+	                           TEST_SCRATCH_DIR "/network-scripts/",
-+	                           testfile,
-+	                           TEST_IFCFG_DIR "/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected");
- static gboolean
- verify_cert_or_key (NMSetting8021x *s_compare,
-                     const char *file,
-@@ -9348,6 +9390,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
- 	nmtst_add_test_func (TPATH "read-static",           test_read_wired_static, TEST_IFCFG_DIR"/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static",           "System test-wired-static",           GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE));
- 	nmtst_add_test_func (TPATH "read-static-bootproto", test_read_wired_static, TEST_IFCFG_DIR"/network-scripts/ifcfg-test-wired-static-bootproto", "System test-wired-static-bootproto", GINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE));
-+	g_test_add_func (TPATH "read-netmask-1", test_read_netmask_1);
- 	g_test_add_func (TPATH "read-dhcp", test_read_wired_dhcp);
- 	g_test_add_func (TPATH "read-dhcp-plus-ip", test_read_wired_dhcp_plus_ip);
- 	g_test_add_func (TPATH "read-shared-plus-ip", test_read_wired_shared_plus_ip);
-From 78895ad4d2fcc5fd3b2f845521ac14b9f6030fd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 15:00:27 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 5/5] ifcfg-rh: fix preserving NETMASK key in
- write_ip4_setting()
-To support legacy scripts, we want to write out the NETMASK
-key whenever the ifcfg file has a NETMASK key previously.
-Note, that we anyway always write the relevant PREFIX key.
-The NETMASK is redundant, only there to help legacy scripts.
-That was broken, because we would svUnsetValue("NETMASK") before
-checking whether the NETMASK key is present.
-Also, when saving a connection to ifcfg-rh file that was created
-by other tools, we might mix up the numbering. E.g. we never
-write out IPADDR0. Hence, turn on legacy mode whenever the ifcfg-rh
-file has any key starting with "NETMASK".
-(cherry picked from commit 844bf3d1a239f409d12ea437dbe866b66f5f1af4)
-(cherry picked from commit 92a277dc6f08d66cf567b9bf6f1c32c513c7325e)
- .../plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c         | 32 ++++++++++++----------
- .../network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected      |  1 +
- 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-index c66af01..d2b7ff6 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/nms-ifcfg-rh-writer.c
-@@ -2067,6 +2067,7 @@ write_ip4_setting (NMConnection *connection, shvarFile *ifcfg, GError **error)
- 	int timeout;
- 	GString *searches;
- 	const char *method = NULL;
-+	gboolean has_netmask;
- 	s_ip4 = nm_connection_get_setting_ip4_config (connection);
- 	if (!s_ip4) {
-@@ -2139,16 +2140,7 @@ write_ip4_setting (NMConnection *connection, shvarFile *ifcfg, GError **error)
- 	else if (!strcmp (method, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_SHARED))
- 		svSetValueStr (ifcfg, "BOOTPROTO", "shared");
--	/* Clear out un-numbered IP address fields */
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "IPADDR");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "PREFIX");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "NETMASK");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "GATEWAY");
--	/* Clear out zero-indexed IP address fields */
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "IPADDR0");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "PREFIX0");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "NETMASK0");
--	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "GATEWAY0");
-+	has_netmask = !!svFindFirstKeyWithPrefix (ifcfg, "NETMASK");
- 	/* Write out IPADDR<n>, PREFIX<n>, GATEWAY<n> for current IP addresses
- 	 * without labels. Unset obsolete NETMASK<n>.
-@@ -2192,20 +2184,30 @@ write_ip4_setting (NMConnection *connection, shvarFile *ifcfg, GError **error)
- 		g_free (tmp);
- 		/* If the legacy "NETMASK" is present, keep it. */
--		if (svGetValue (ifcfg, netmask_key, &tmp)) {
-+		if (has_netmask) {
- 			char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
--			g_free (tmp);
- 			svSetValueStr (ifcfg, netmask_key,
- 			               nm_utils_inet4_ntop (nm_utils_ip4_prefix_to_netmask (prefix), buf));
--		}
-+		} else
-+			svUnsetValue (ifcfg, netmask_key);
- 		svUnsetValue (ifcfg, gw_key);
- 		n++;
- 	}
--	/* Clear remaining IPADDR<n..255>, etc */
--	for (i = n; i < 256; i++) {
-+	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "IPADDR0");
-+	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "PREFIX0");
-+	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "NETMASK0");
-+	svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "GATEWAY0");
-+	if (n == 0) {
-+		svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "IPADDR");
-+		svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "PREFIX");
-+		svUnsetValue (ifcfg, "NETMASK");
-+		i = 1;
-+	} else
-+		i = n;
-+	for (; i < 256; i++) {
- 		nm_sprintf_buf (addr_key, "IPADDR%u", i);
- 		nm_sprintf_buf (prefix_key, "PREFIX%u", i);
- 		nm_sprintf_buf (netmask_key, "NETMASK%u", i);
-diff --git a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-index 4c2294a..5dfdce4 100644
---- a/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-+++ b/src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/network-scripts/ifcfg-netmask-1.cexpected
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- DNS1=
- BOOTPROTO="static"
- DEVICE=eth1
- ONBOOT=yes
diff --git a/SOURCES/0015-route-get-crash-rh1534721.patch b/SOURCES/0015-route-get-crash-rh1534721.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a856ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0015-route-get-crash-rh1534721.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From abca0de3543a49157ca17b46313f7b9f77193abe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2018 15:17:14 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] platform: fix wrong cleanup function in ip_route_get()
+Fixes: 33a2a7c3e3738b184233980a66f0093f073f97b1
+(cherry picked from commit 3de3f59ffd9fdc02332ab928352a1b8f8ae77982)
+(cherry picked from commit c17315d555c812f8b14d36a34856f8030ecbfdc5)
+ src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c b/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
+index e66ab9449..fe270e88d 100644
+--- a/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
++++ b/src/platform/nm-linux-platform.c
+@@ -6416,7 +6416,7 @@ ip_route_get (NMPlatform *platform,
+ 	int try_count = 0;
+ 	WaitForNlResponseResult seq_result;
+ 	int nle;
+-	nm_auto_nlmsg NMPObject *route = NULL;
++	nm_auto_nmpobj NMPObject *route = NULL;
+ 	nm_assert (NM_IS_LINUX_PLATFORM (platform));
+ 	nm_assert (NM_IN_SET (addr_family, AF_INET, AF_INET6));
diff --git a/SOURCES/0016-ovs-interface-dhcp-twice-rh1540063.patch b/SOURCES/0016-ovs-interface-dhcp-twice-rh1540063.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bb3a10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0016-ovs-interface-dhcp-twice-rh1540063.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+From a645c8dd7190aa075227728e5f234a5169bfbab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 17:25:04 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ovs-interface: avoid starting ip[46] configuration more than
+ once
+OvsInterface can postpone the stage3_ip[46]_config until the link
+actually appears. It ought to restart the stage only when the link
+appears, not upon further changes to it (which would trip an assertion
+when starting the DHCP client while one already exists).
+ src/devices/ovs/nm-device-ovs-interface.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/ovs/nm-device-ovs-interface.c b/src/devices/ovs/nm-device-ovs-interface.c
+index 426521c52..1342ed948 100644
+--- a/src/devices/ovs/nm-device-ovs-interface.c
++++ b/src/devices/ovs/nm-device-ovs-interface.c
+@@ -35,8 +35,13 @@ _LOG_DECLARE_SELF(NMDeviceOvsInterface);
+ /*****************************************************************************/
++typedef struct {
++	gboolean waiting_for_interface;
++} NMDeviceOvsInterfacePrivate;
+ struct _NMDeviceOvsInterface {
+ 	NMDevice parent;
++	NMDeviceOvsInterfacePrivate _priv;
+ };
+ struct _NMDeviceOvsInterfaceClass {
+@@ -45,6 +50,8 @@ struct _NMDeviceOvsInterfaceClass {
+ G_DEFINE_TYPE (NMDeviceOvsInterface, nm_device_ovs_interface, NM_TYPE_DEVICE)
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ static const char *
+@@ -109,7 +116,10 @@ static void
+ link_changed (NMDevice *device,
+               const NMPlatformLink *pllink)
+ {
+-	if (nm_device_get_state (device) == NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG) {
++	NMDeviceOvsInterfacePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_OVS_INTERFACE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
++	if (priv->waiting_for_interface) {
++		priv->waiting_for_interface = FALSE;
+ 		nm_device_bring_up (device, TRUE, NULL);
+ 		nm_device_activate_schedule_stage3_ip_config_start (device);
+ 	}
+@@ -131,11 +141,15 @@ act_stage3_ip4_config_start (NMDevice *device,
+                              NMIP4Config **out_config,
+                              NMDeviceStateReason *out_failure_reason)
+ {
++	NMDeviceOvsInterfacePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_OVS_INTERFACE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
+ 	if (!_is_internal_interface (device))
+-	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device))
++	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device)) {
++		priv->waiting_for_interface = TRUE;
++	}
+ 	return NM_DEVICE_CLASS (nm_device_ovs_interface_parent_class)->act_stage3_ip4_config_start (device, out_config, out_failure_reason);
+ }
+@@ -145,11 +159,15 @@ act_stage3_ip6_config_start (NMDevice *device,
+                              NMIP6Config **out_config,
+                              NMDeviceStateReason *out_failure_reason)
+ {
++	NMDeviceOvsInterfacePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_OVS_INTERFACE_GET_PRIVATE (device);
+ 	if (!_is_internal_interface (device))
+-	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device))
++	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (device)) {
++		priv->waiting_for_interface = TRUE;
++	}
+ 	return NM_DEVICE_CLASS (nm_device_ovs_interface_parent_class)->act_stage3_ip6_config_start (device, out_config, out_failure_reason);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0016-tui-connect-crash-rh1456826.patch b/SOURCES/0016-tui-connect-crash-rh1456826.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9568042..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0016-tui-connect-crash-rh1456826.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From c710b2bf095e9301066d33a13e8a406f0d134b2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Arnaud Lefebvre <a.lefebvre@outlook.fr>
-Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 13:45:32 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] nmtui connect: avoid segfault when iface is not found
-(cherry picked from commit 1fcbb69ae22ed4a6047e36c816f49b2a67a13583)
-(cherry picked from commit cc36b9f6eb7870d02e0df7c26a7a980709b620fd)
- clients/tui/nmt-connect-connection-list.c | 10 +++++++---
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/clients/tui/nmt-connect-connection-list.c b/clients/tui/nmt-connect-connection-list.c
-index edfaa09..0011fc5 100644
---- a/clients/tui/nmt-connect-connection-list.c
-+++ b/clients/tui/nmt-connect-connection-list.c
-@@ -621,6 +621,7 @@ nmt_connect_connection_list_get_connection (NmtConnectConnectionList  *list,
- 	NmtConnectDevice *nmtdev;
- 	NmtConnectConnection *nmtconn = NULL;
- 	NMConnection *conn = NULL;
-+	const char *iface = NULL;
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (identifier, FALSE);
-@@ -643,9 +644,12 @@ nmt_connect_connection_list_get_connection (NmtConnectConnectionList  *list,
- 				goto found;
- 		}
--		if (!conn && nmtdev->device && !strcmp (identifier, nm_device_get_ip_iface (nmtdev->device))) {
--			nmtconn = nmtdev->conns->data;
--			goto found;
-+		if (!conn && nmtdev->device) {
-+			iface = nm_device_get_ip_iface (nmtdev->device);
-+			if (iface && !strcmp (identifier, iface)) {
-+				nmtconn = nmtdev->conns->data;
-+				goto found;
-+			}
- 		}
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0017-ensure-alignment-of-team-properties-rh1533830.patch b/SOURCES/0017-ensure-alignment-of-team-properties-rh1533830.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d912367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0017-ensure-alignment-of-team-properties-rh1533830.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From fa3efd3ed6d91447d24e6f3f3d6c58180a0c36f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 11:52:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] libnm-core: ensure alignment of team.config and other team
+ properties
+(cherry picked from commit 381c1a19b6d1903ec3d791df8d8a933fd9c306f3)
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+index 01b22d9bd..60bdf5f6b 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+@@ -1485,8 +1485,10 @@ set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+-	if (align_config)
++	if (align_config) {
+ 		_nm_utils_json_append_gvalue (&priv->config, _prop_to_keys[prop_id], align_value);
++		_align_team_properties (setting);
++	}
+ }
+ static void
diff --git a/SOURCES/0017-libnm-fix-reject-vlan-id-4095-rh1456911.patch b/SOURCES/0017-libnm-fix-reject-vlan-id-4095-rh1456911.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index baf5ced..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0017-libnm-fix-reject-vlan-id-4095-rh1456911.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From 2522c3be75c94d6285c6b514f404edea20f4807e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 18:12:23 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] libnm: fix rejecting NMSettingVlan with id >= 4095
-Without it, clients can wrongly create VLan settings with
-ID 4095, which triggers assertions in NetworkManager.
-Fixes: 8715d61437060cacc68c156b1c8ed7bbce4b0a78
-(cherry picked from commit 159cd4836fb32f3a6ecefa6fc4dcc114892ce32a)
-(cherry picked from commit 8db2ca661f739a301729bb2c63e5d00707a4f2c3)
- libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c
-index de9c5c4..ab1c546 100644
---- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-vlan.c
-@@ -670,6 +670,7 @@ verify (NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error)
- 		             _("the vlan id must be in range 0-4094 but is %u"),
- 		             priv->id);
- 		g_prefix_error (error, "%s.%s: ", NM_SETTING_VLAN_SETTING_NAME, NM_SETTING_VLAN_ID);
-+		return FALSE;
- 	}
- 	if (priv->flags & ~NM_VLAN_FLAGS_ALL) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0018-periodic-connectivity-check-rh1458399.patch b/SOURCES/0018-periodic-connectivity-check-rh1458399.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3e26f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0018-periodic-connectivity-check-rh1458399.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-From 2d4555ec97d2cb0829106cbff82753bd168e5a20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 09:37:42 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] connectivity: avoid compiler warning for argument of
- curl_easy_getinfo()
-libcurl employs some typechecking via "curl/typecheck-gcc.h". When
-compling with --enable-lto, compilation fails otherwise with:
-    make[2]: Entering directory '/data/src/NetworkManager'
-      CC       src/src_libNetworkManager_la-nm-connectivity.lo
-      CCLD     src/libNetworkManager.la
-      CCLD     src/libNetworkManagerTest.la
-      CCLD     src/dhcp/tests/test-dhcp-dhclient
-    src/nm-connectivity.c: In function 'curl_check_connectivity':
-    src/nm-connectivity.c:147:10: error: call to '_curl_easy_getinfo_err_string' declared with attribute warning: curl_easy_getinfo expects a pointer to char * for this info [-Werror]
-       eret = curl_easy_getinfo (msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &cb_data);
-              ^
-    lto1: all warnings being treated as errors
-    lto-wrapper: fatal error: /usr/bin/gcc returned 1 exit status
-    compilation terminated.
-    /usr/bin/ld: error: lto-wrapper failed
-(cherry picked from commit 7f8815a9c35c3b588b174c5e0c2568d3068726f6)
-(cherry picked from commit 7f139c8ea87d0ceaa1f1d3601c846ace9054ffe5)
- src/nm-connectivity.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-connectivity.c b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-index 75bb7b6..0708d96 100644
---- a/src/nm-connectivity.c
-+++ b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ curl_check_connectivity (CURLM *mhandle, CURLMcode ret)
- 			continue;
- 		/* Here we have completed a session. Check easy session result. */
--		eret = curl_easy_getinfo (msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &cb_data);
-+		eret = curl_easy_getinfo (msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, (char **) &cb_data);
- 		if (eret != CURLE_OK) {
- 			_LOG2E ("curl cannot extract cb_data for easy handle %p, skipping msg", msg->easy_handle);
- 			continue;
-From e94a36ce1c880c5a4f52ae59d18bb2b6d2bee704 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 3 May 2017 17:01:41 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] connectivity: fix typo in error message
-(cherry picked from commit 7a2c31a54a7ee82b930b0d9ef21ea11f565c2859)
-(cherry picked from commit 16187171709347611caf9b8e8c75988c15b66b12)
- src/nm-connectivity.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-connectivity.c b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-index 0708d96..b96737c 100644
---- a/src/nm-connectivity.c
-+++ b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ nm_connectivity_init (NMConnectivity *self)
- 		priv->curl_mhandle = curl_multi_init ();
- 	if (priv->curl_mhandle == NULL) {
--		 _LOGE ("cnable to init cURL, connectivity check will not work");
-+		 _LOGE ("unable to init cURL, connectivity check will not work");
- 		return;
- 	}
-From fe45631585e93e15c552194cf4ffd82cbe513ee1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2017 19:11:11 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] connectivity: fix scheduling periodic connectivity checks
-commit a955639 (connectivity: don't do periodic checks on interval=0)
-broke scheduling connectivity checks.
-That is because the timer is on only scheduled if
-nm_connectivity_check_enabled(), which in turn only returns TRUE
-if curl_mhandle is set. However, nm_connectivity_init() would only
-initialize curl_mhandle after update_config(), missing to schedule
-the periodic task.
-Fixes: a95563996f07641e9877eb1760cac24415b65070
-(cherry picked from commit f1eb1619f173a092c49dfcd1d53ec356827b6e0a)
-(cherry picked from commit e984d9eb36f7838df58c0606bd00efc10730d329)
- src/nm-connectivity.c | 29 +++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-connectivity.c b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-index b96737c..6f16b28 100644
---- a/src/nm-connectivity.c
-+++ b/src/nm-connectivity.c
-@@ -486,27 +486,28 @@ nm_connectivity_init (NMConnectivity *self)
- 	NMConnectivityPrivate *priv = NM_CONNECTIVITY_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	CURLcode retv;
--	priv->config = g_object_ref (nm_config_get ());
--	update_config (self, nm_config_get_data (priv->config));
--	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->config),
--	                  G_CALLBACK (config_changed_cb),
--	                  self);
- 	retv = curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);
- 	if (retv == CURLE_OK)
- 		priv->curl_mhandle = curl_multi_init ();
--	if (priv->curl_mhandle == NULL) {
-+	if (!priv->curl_mhandle)
- 		 _LOGE ("unable to init cURL, connectivity check will not work");
--		return;
-+	else {
-+		curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION, multi_socket_cb);
-+		curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA, self);
-+		curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION, multi_timer_cb);
-+		curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA, self);
-+		curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
- 	}
--	curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION, multi_socket_cb);
--	curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA, self);
--	curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION, multi_timer_cb);
--	curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA, self);
--	curl_multi_setopt (priv->curl_mhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
-+	priv->config = g_object_ref (nm_config_get ());
-+	update_config (self, nm_config_get_data (priv->config));
-+	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->config),
-+	                  G_CALLBACK (config_changed_cb),
-+	                  self);
- }
- static void
diff --git a/SOURCES/0018-team-link-watchers-fixes-rh1533926.patch b/SOURCES/0018-team-link-watchers-fixes-rh1533926.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e14f179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0018-team-link-watchers-fixes-rh1533926.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 97d153d9e34916b386bc6ef5d824859328acb569 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 19:27:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] nmcli: clear link-watchers before adding the new ones we
+ want to set
+(cherry picked from commit ff16252a71306716677885d8de1ece140407f551)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index d4f162fb4..53d8350d7 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -4038,6 +4038,7 @@ _set_fcn_team_link_watchers (ARGS_SET_FCN)
+ 	const char *const*iter;
+ 	NMTeamLinkWatcher *watcher;
++	nm_setting_team_clear_link_watchers (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting));
+ 	strv = nmc_strsplit_set (value, ",", 0);
+ 	for (iter = (const char *const*) strv; *iter; iter++) {
+ 		watcher = _parse_team_link_watcher (*iter, error);
+@@ -4110,6 +4111,7 @@ _set_fcn_team_port_link_watchers (ARGS_SET_FCN)
+ 	const char *const*iter;
+ 	NMTeamLinkWatcher *watcher;
++	nm_setting_team_port_clear_link_watchers (NM_SETTING_TEAM_PORT (setting));
+ 	strv = nmc_strsplit_set (value, ",", 0);
+ 	for (iter = (const char *const*) strv; *iter; iter++) {
+ 		watcher = _parse_team_link_watcher (*iter, error);
+From 4f76b01f10397dd84c5a6a75ea53cf89592e341d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 19:53:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] doc: fix describe message for team link watchers
+(cherry picked from commit d7f3c79881f0c4db5e14f7cce01b90ef63cacb4f)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index 53d8350d7..46b06fd40 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -4959,10 +4959,10 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyType _pt_gobject_devices = {
+ 	   "Properties available for the 'nsna_ping' link watcher:\n" \
+ 	   "  'init-wait', 'interval', 'missed-max', 'target-host'*\n\n" \
+ 	   "Properties available for the 'arp_ping' include all the ones for 'nsna_ping' and:\n" \
+-	   "  'source-host', 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n\n" \
++	   "  'source-host'*, 'validate-active', 'validate-inactive', 'send-always'.\n\n" \
+ 	   "Properties flagged with a '*' are mandatory.\n\n" \
+ 	   "Example:\n" \
+-	   "   name=arp_ping,source-host=,target-host=; name=ethtool,delay-up=3\n")
++	   "   name=arp_ping source-host= target-host=, name=ethtool delay-up=3\n")
diff --git a/SOURCES/0019-bond-improve-option-matching-rh1457909.patch b/SOURCES/0019-bond-improve-option-matching-rh1457909.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 04cda39..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0019-bond-improve-option-matching-rh1457909.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-From 8c6f8c65955d18ca9b43ad2bcd1bccf2cd85e7ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 13:51:18 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] libnm-core: remove unsupported bond options during
- normalization
-In an ideal world, we should not validate connections containing
-options not valid for the current bond mode. However adding such
-restriction now means that during an upgrade to the new NM version
-some connections that were valid before become invalid, possibly
-disrupting connectivity.
-Instead, consider invalid options as a normalizable error and remove
-them during normalization.
-Converting the setting to a "canonical" form without invalid options
-is important for the connection matching logic, where such invalid
-options can cause false mismatches.
-(cherry picked from commit f25e008e2fe655bbddbb8a66612a9d141e982049)
-(cherry picked from commit ac7a5c074c72310d8328fb448824d29bbec932f3)
- libnm-core/nm-connection.c           | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++
- libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c         | 18 +++++++++++++
- libnm-core/tests/test-setting-bond.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 3 files changed, 98 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-connection.c b/libnm-core/nm-connection.c
-index ecfb978..c1b7506 100644
---- a/libnm-core/nm-connection.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/nm-connection.c
-@@ -913,6 +913,36 @@ _normalize_bond_mode (NMConnection *self, GHashTable *parameters)
- }
- static gboolean
-+_normalize_bond_options (NMConnection *self, GHashTable *parameters)
-+	NMSettingBond *s_bond = nm_connection_get_setting_bond (self);
-+	gboolean changed = FALSE;
-+	const char *name, *mode_str;
-+	NMBondMode mode;
-+	guint32 num, i;
-+	/* Strip away unsupported options for current mode */
-+	if (s_bond) {
-+		mode_str = nm_setting_bond_get_option_by_name (s_bond, NM_SETTING_BOND_OPTION_MODE);
-+		mode = _nm_setting_bond_mode_from_string (mode_str);
-+		if (mode == NM_BOND_MODE_UNKNOWN)
-+			return FALSE;
-+		num = nm_setting_bond_get_num_options (s_bond);
-+		for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-+			if (   nm_setting_bond_get_option (s_bond, i, &name, NULL)
-+			    && !_nm_setting_bond_option_supported (name, mode)) {
-+				nm_setting_bond_remove_option (s_bond, name);
-+				changed = TRUE;
-+				goto again;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-+	return changed;
-+static gboolean
- _normalize_wireless_mac_address_randomization (NMConnection *self, GHashTable *parameters)
- {
- 	NMSettingWireless *s_wifi = nm_connection_get_setting_wireless (self);
-@@ -1275,6 +1305,7 @@ nm_connection_normalize (NMConnection *connection,
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_ethernet_link_neg (connection);
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_infiniband_mtu (connection, parameters);
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_bond_mode (connection, parameters);
-+	was_modified |= _normalize_bond_options (connection, parameters);
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_wireless_mac_address_randomization (connection, parameters);
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_team_config (connection, parameters);
- 	was_modified |= _normalize_team_port_config (connection, parameters);
-diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c
-index 9a8bdc3..b62964c 100644
---- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-bond.c
-@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ verify (NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error)
- 	const char *arp_ip_target = NULL;
- 	const char *lacp_rate;
- 	const char *primary;
-+	NMBondMode bond_mode;
- 	g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->options);
- 	while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &key, (gpointer) &value)) {
-@@ -776,6 +777,23 @@ verify (NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error)
- 	}
-+	/* normalize unsupported options for the current mode */
-+	bond_mode = _nm_setting_bond_mode_from_string (mode_new);
-+	g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->options);
-+	while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &key, NULL)) {
-+		if (nm_streq (key, "mode"))
-+			continue;
-+		if (!_nm_setting_bond_option_supported (key, bond_mode)) {
-+			g_set_error (error,
-+			             NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
-+			             _("'%s' option is not valid with mode '%s'"),
-+			             key, mode_new);
-+			g_prefix_error (error, "%s.%s: ", NM_SETTING_BOND_SETTING_NAME, NM_SETTING_BOND_OPTIONS);
-+		}
-+	}
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-diff --git a/libnm-core/tests/test-setting-bond.c b/libnm-core/tests/test-setting-bond.c
-index 91a8199..e6a65bb 100644
---- a/libnm-core/tests/test-setting-bond.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/tests/test-setting-bond.c
-@@ -182,6 +182,54 @@ test_compare (void)
- 	                      ((const char *[]){ "num_unsol_na", "4", "num_grat_arp", "4", NULL }));
- }
-+static void
-+test_normalize_options (const char **opts1, const char **opts2)
-+	gs_unref_object NMConnection *con = NULL;
-+	NMSettingBond *s_bond;
-+	GError *error = NULL;
-+	gboolean success;
-+	const char **p;
-+	int num = 0;
-+	create_bond_connection (&con, &s_bond);
-+	for (p = opts1; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2)
-+		g_assert (nm_setting_bond_add_option (s_bond, p[0], p[1]));
-+	nmtst_assert_connection_verifies_and_normalizable (con);
-+	nmtst_connection_normalize (con);
-+	success = nm_setting_verify ((NMSetting *) s_bond, con, &error);
-+	nmtst_assert_success (success, error);
-+	for (p = opts2; p[0] && p[1]; p += 2) {
-+		g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_bond_get_option_by_name (s_bond, p[0]), ==, p[1]);
-+		num++;
-+	}
-+	g_assert_cmpint (num, ==, nm_setting_bond_get_num_options (s_bond));
-+static void
-+test_normalize (void)
-+	test_normalize_options (
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "802.3ad", "ad_actor_system", "00:02:03:04:05:06", NULL }),
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "802.3ad", "ad_actor_system", "00:02:03:04:05:06", NULL }));
-+	test_normalize_options (
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "1", "miimon", "1", NULL }),
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "active-backup", "miimon", "1", NULL }));
-+	test_normalize_options (
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-alb", "tlb_dynamic_lb", "1", NULL }),
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-alb", NULL }));
-+	test_normalize_options (
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-tlb", "tlb_dynamic_lb", "1", NULL }),
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-tlb", "tlb_dynamic_lb", "1", NULL }));
-+	test_normalize_options (
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-rr", "ad_actor_sys_prio", "4", "packets_per_slave", "3", NULL }),
-+		((const char *[]){ "mode", "balance-rr", "packets_per_slave", "3", NULL }));
- #define TPATH "/libnm/settings/bond/"
-@@ -193,6 +241,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
- 	g_test_add_func (TPATH "verify", test_verify);
- 	g_test_add_func (TPATH "compare", test_compare);
-+	g_test_add_func (TPATH "normalize", test_normalize);
- 	return g_test_run ();
- }
-From 0d96d249ffe95e0232b8247e6bb9c1385a2b4940 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 14:48:08 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] bond: add only supported options to the generated
- connection
-Upstream commit [1] changed in the kernel the default value of
-tlb_dynamic_lb bond from 1 to 0 when the mode is not tlb. This is not
-wrong, as the option value doesn't really matter for other modes, but
-it breaks the connection matching because we read back a 0 value when
-we expect a default of 1.
-Fix this in a generic way by ignoring altogether options that are not
-relevant for the current bond mode, because they are removed from the
-connection during normalization.
-[1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=8b426dc54cf4056984bab7dfa48c92ee79a46434
-(cherry picked from commit 056a973a4fdb68abe8bc7bfc5f31250345d71f21)
-(cherry picked from commit 61817661c899844ddb364ebd529716f574146588)
- src/devices/nm-device-bond.c | 10 ++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c b/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-index 3325c94..c8748fe 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ update_connection (NMDevice *device, NMConnection *connection)
- {
- 	NMSettingBond *s_bond = nm_connection_get_setting_bond (connection);
- 	int ifindex = nm_device_get_ifindex (device);
-+	NMBondMode mode = NM_BOND_MODE_UNKNOWN;
- 	const char **options;
- 	if (!s_bond) {
-@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ update_connection (NMDevice *device, NMConnection *connection)
- 	/* Read bond options from sysfs and update the Bond setting to match */
- 	options = nm_setting_bond_get_valid_options (s_bond);
--	while (options && *options) {
-+	for (; *options; options++) {
- 		gs_free char *value = nm_platform_sysctl_master_get_option (nm_device_get_platform (device), ifindex, *options);
- 		const char *defvalue = nm_setting_bond_get_option_default (s_bond, *options);
- 		char *p;
-@@ -176,6 +177,12 @@ update_connection (NMDevice *device, NMConnection *connection)
- 				*p = '\0';
- 		}
-+		if (nm_streq (*options, NM_SETTING_BOND_OPTION_MODE))
-+			mode = _nm_setting_bond_mode_from_string (value);
-+		if (!_nm_setting_bond_option_supported (*options, mode))
-+			continue;
- 		if (   value
- 		    && value[0]
- 		    && !ignore_if_zero (*options, value)
-@@ -190,7 +197,6 @@ update_connection (NMDevice *device, NMConnection *connection)
- 			nm_setting_bond_add_option (s_bond, *options, value);
- 		}
--		options++;
- 	}
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0019-update-team-runner-desc-rh1533799.patch b/SOURCES/0019-update-team-runner-desc-rh1533799.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a915974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0019-update-team-runner-desc-rh1533799.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+From c6e1b3abc03d686441869c184206780e43a1c13b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 14:05:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] libnm-core: update team.runner description
+(cherry picked from commit 112f8bd5aff2c5d543699d968f56c7f98be07eec)
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+index 88008e422..01b22d9bd 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+@@ -1656,6 +1656,10 @@ nm_setting_team_class_init (NMSettingTeamClass *setting_class)
+ 	 * Corresponds to the teamd runner.name.
+ 	 * Permitted values are: "roundrobin", "broadcast", "activebackup",
+ 	 * "loadbalance", "lacp".
++	 * When setting the runner, all the properties specific to the runner
++	 * will be reset to the default value; all the properties specific to
++	 * other runners will be set to an empty value (or if not possible to
++	 * a default value).
+ 	 *
+ 	 * Since: 1.10.2
+ 	 **/
+From bcababf6126650e9d9bea7d2c48582f435c287c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 15:20:23 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] libnm-core: docs update requires also settings-docs.c.in
+ update
+Fixes: c6e1b3abc03d686441869c184206780e43a1c13b
+ clients/common/settings-docs.c.in | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in b/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
+index bf544ab6e..bf5753c57 100644
+--- a/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
++++ b/clients/common/settings-docs.c.in
+@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_NAME N_("The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the connection.  Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example \"ppp\" or \"wireless\" or \"wired\".")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_NOTIFY_PEERS_COUNT N_("Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.count.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_NOTIFY_PEERS_INTERVAL N_("Corresponds to the teamd notify_peers.interval.")
+-#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER N_("Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", \"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\".")
++#define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER N_("Corresponds to the teamd runner.name. Permitted values are: \"roundrobin\", \"broadcast\", \"activebackup\", \"loadbalance\", \"lacp\". When setting the runner, all the properties specific to the runner will be reset to the default value; all the properties specific to other runners will be set to an empty value (or if not possible to a default value).")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ACTIVE N_("Corresponds to the teamd runner.active.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_AGG_SELECT_POLICY N_("Corresponds to the teamd runner.agg_select_policy.")
+ #define DESCRIBE_DOC_NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_FAST_RATE N_("Corresponds to the teamd runner.fast_rate.")
diff --git a/SOURCES/0020-device-fix-external-assume-rh1457242.patch b/SOURCES/0020-device-fix-external-assume-rh1457242.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e06e89..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0020-device-fix-external-assume-rh1457242.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From b905393348574d8a363fe3fac4afb2fe6b03cfc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 22:04:26 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] device: mark device as sys-iface-state=external when
- assuming connection
-Since commit 74dac5f (nm-manager: try assuming connections on managed devices),
-and commit f4226e7 (manager: avoid generating in memory connections
-during startup for managed devices), recheck_assume_connection() also
-assumes connections on devices that are currently not in sys-iface-state
-That is correct, as also for fully managed devices (which are currently
-in disconnected state), we want to assume external connections. However,
-when doing that, we must reset the sys-iface-state to external.
-(cherry picked from commit 02e7476e9fd0f4248009ce8eaa7870ba05e2504e)
-(cherry picked from commit fcbcd1aa870ec5aa74c5c570ea08ffc52cffa63e)
- src/nm-manager.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 3d94ce9..283ceda 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1884,8 +1884,10 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): will attempt to assume connection",
- 	       nm_device_get_iface (device));
--	if (!generated)
--		nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device, NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_ASSUME);
-+	nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device,
-+	                               generated
-+	                                   ? NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_EXTERNAL
-+	                                   : NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_ASSUME);
- 	/* Move device to DISCONNECTED to activate the connection */
- 	if (state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNMANAGED) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/0020-team-fix-runner-sys_prio-default-rh1533810.patch b/SOURCES/0020-team-fix-runner-sys_prio-default-rh1533810.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7323dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0020-team-fix-runner-sys_prio-default-rh1533810.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+From f219090fdd1bc0ed068f95ee03ce12823d6968d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:33:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] cli: get team defaults from setting header files
+this allows centralizing default values definition and allows quicker
+and safer update of default values.
+(cherry picked from commit c6448f724b1debb39973f4bfbf9ce4f79218b936)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c | 8 ++++----
+ libnm-core/nm-utils.c                 | 4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index 9d0ac9061..d4f162fb4 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -6625,7 +6625,7 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyInfo *const property_infos_TEAM[] = {
+ 		.property_typ_data = DEFINE_PROPERTY_TYP_DATA_SUBTYPE (gobject_int,
+ 		        .value_infos =          INT_VALUE_INFOS (
+ 				{
+-					.value = 50,
+ 					.nick = "default",
+ 				}
+ 			),
+@@ -6642,7 +6642,7 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyInfo *const property_infos_TEAM[] = {
+ 		.property_typ_data = DEFINE_PROPERTY_TYP_DATA_SUBTYPE (gobject_int,
+ 		        .value_infos =          INT_VALUE_INFOS (
+ 				{
+-					.value = 255,
+ 					.nick = "default",
+ 				}
+ 			),
+@@ -6698,7 +6698,7 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyInfo *const property_infos_TEAM_PORT[] = {
+ 		.property_typ_data = DEFINE_PROPERTY_TYP_DATA_SUBTYPE (gobject_int,
+ 			.value_infos =          INT_VALUE_INFOS (
+ 				{
+-					.value = -1,
+ 					.nick = "default",
+ 				}
+ 			),
+@@ -6723,7 +6723,7 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyInfo *const property_infos_TEAM_PORT[] = {
+ 		.property_typ_data = DEFINE_PROPERTY_TYP_DATA_SUBTYPE (gobject_int,
+ 			.value_infos =          INT_VALUE_INFOS (
+ 				{
+-					.value = 255,
+ 					.nick = "default",
+ 				}
+ 			),
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+index df58409bf..ce3536c84 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+@@ -5151,9 +5151,9 @@ _json_team_normalize_defaults (json_t *json, gboolean reset)
+ 		_json_delete_object_on_string_match (json, "runner", "hwaddr_policy", NULL,
+ 		                                     NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_HWADDR_POLICY_DEFAULT);
+ 	} else if (nm_streq (runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LACP)) {
+-		runner_tx_balancer_interval = 50;
+ 		runner_active = TRUE;
+-		runner_sys_prio = 255;
+ 		runner_min_ports = 0;
+ 		_json_delete_object_on_string_match (json, "runner", "agg_select_policy", NULL,
+ 		                                     NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_AGG_SELECT_POLICY_DEFAULT);
+From c34cd5e09a50b015c59491aa4506b64e30f217bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:32:47 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] libnm-core: team: fix runner sys_prio default value
+(cherry picked from commit 2c99eba42fdd69c7e5719f19d24aa944dfaaf666)
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
+index 452078363..d423901f6 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ NMTeamLinkWatcherArpPingFlags nm_team_link_watcher_get_flags (NMTeamLinkWatcher
++#define NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_SYS_PRIO_DEFAULT             65535
diff --git a/SOURCES/0021-avoid-symbol-clash-with-json-glib-rh1535905.patch b/SOURCES/0021-avoid-symbol-clash-with-json-glib-rh1535905.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b396372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0021-avoid-symbol-clash-with-json-glib-rh1535905.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+From 66ae13f012a7416db839c6d6158b9c85cd9a27c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2017 09:28:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/6] core: load jansson on demand
+Avoid using it if the symbols clash is detected.
+(cherry picked from commit cd476e4dc922f0acfd65b02639032ee67339ad95)
+ Makefile.am             |  12 +++--
+ configure.ac            |  12 ++++-
+ libnm-core/nm-jansson.c | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ libnm-core/nm-jansson.h |  46 +++++++++++++++++++
+ libnm-core/nm-utils.c   |  78 +++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 5 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+ create mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index a189262c1..69d61c4fe 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -518,6 +518,14 @@ libnm_core_lib_c_real = \
+ 	libnm-core/nm-utils.c \
+ 	libnm-core/nm-vpn-editor-plugin.c \
+ 	libnm-core/nm-vpn-plugin-info.c
++libnm_core_lib_h_priv += \
++	libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
++libnm_core_lib_c_real += \
++	libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+ libnm_core_lib_c_mkenums = \
+ 	libnm-core/nm-core-enum-types.c
+@@ -598,10 +606,6 @@ libnm_core_libnm_core_la_LIBADD = \
+ 	$(UUID_LIBS) \
+-libnm_core_libnm_core_la_LIBADD += $(JANSSON_LIBS)
+ libnm_core_libnm_core_la_LDFLAGS = \
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 05ba94971..5b5090318 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -664,7 +664,17 @@ else
+ 	if test "$have_jansson" = "no"; then
+ 		AC_MSG_ERROR([jansson is needed for team configuration validation. Use --disable-json-validation to build without it.])
+ 	fi
+-		AC_DEFINE(WITH_JANSSON, 1, [Define if JANSSON is enabled])
++	AC_DEFINE(WITH_JANSSON, 1, [Define if JANSSON is enabled])
++	AC_CHECK_TOOLS(READELF, [eu-readelf readelf])
++	JANSSON_LIBDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=libdir jansson`
++	JANSSON_SONAME=`$READELF -d $JANSSON_LIBDIR/libjansson.so |sed -n 's/.*SONAME.*\[[\([^]]*\)]]/\1/p'`
++	if test "$JANSSON_SONAME" = ""; then
++		AC_MSG_ERROR(Unable to locate the Jansson library)
++	fi
++	AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(JANSSON_SONAME, "$JANSSON_SONAME", [Define to path to the Jansson shared library])
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_JANSSON, test "${enable_json_validation}" != "no")
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..0f7bd3213
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++ *
++ * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
++ */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++#include <link.h>
++#include "nm-default.h"
++#define NM_JAONSSON_C
++#include "nm-jansson.h"
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_integer;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_del;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_get;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_size;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_string;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_loads;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_dumps;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_get;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_false;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_delete;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_true;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_size;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_integer_value;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_string_value;
++#define TRY_BIND_SYMBOL(symbol) \
++		void *sym = dlsym (handle, #symbol); \
++		if (_nm_jansson_ ## symbol && sym != _nm_jansson_ ## symbol) \
++			return FALSE; \
++		_nm_jansson_ ## symbol = sym; \
++static gboolean
++bind_symbols (void *handle)
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_value);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_key_to_iter);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_del);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_get);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_size);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_append_new);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_next);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_loads);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_dumps);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_key);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_get);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_false);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_delete);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_true);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_size);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_set_new);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_at);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer_value);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string_value);
++	return TRUE;
++nm_jansson_load (void)
++	static enum {
++	} state = UNKNOWN;
++	void *handle;
++	if (G_LIKELY (state != UNKNOWN))
++		goto out;
++	/* First just resolve the symbols to see if there's a conflict already. */
++	if (!bind_symbols (RTLD_DEFAULT))
++		goto out;
++	if (!handle)
++		goto out;
++	/* Now do the actual binding. */
++	if (!bind_symbols (handle))
++		goto out;
++	state = AVAILABLE;
++	return state == AVAILABLE;
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..043986878
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++ *
++ * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
++ */
++gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
++#ifndef NM_JAONSSON_C
++#define json_object_iter_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
++#define json_object_key_to_iter	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
++#define json_integer		(*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
++#define json_object_del		(*_nm_jansson_json_object_del)
++#define json_array_get		(*_nm_jansson_json_array_get)
++#define json_array_size		(*_nm_jansson_json_array_size)
++#define json_array_append_new	(*_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new)
++#define json_string		(*_nm_jansson_json_string)
++#define json_object_iter_next	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next)
++#define json_loads		(*_nm_jansson_json_loads)
++#define json_dumps		(*_nm_jansson_json_dumps)
++#define json_object_iter_key	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key)
++#define json_object		(*_nm_jansson_json_object)
++#define json_object_get		(*_nm_jansson_json_object_get)
++#define json_array		(*_nm_jansson_json_array)
++#define json_false		(*_nm_jansson_json_false)
++#define json_delete		(*_nm_jansson_json_delete)
++#define json_true		(*_nm_jansson_json_true)
++#define json_object_size	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_size)
++#define json_object_set_new	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new)
++#define json_object_iter	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter)
++#define json_object_iter_at	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at)
++#define json_integer_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
++#define json_string_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+index ce3536c84..8d7bf08f9 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pkt_sched.h>
++#include "nm-jansson.h"
+ #include <jansson.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -4891,6 +4892,41 @@ const char **nm_utils_enum_get_values (GType type, gint from, gint to)
+ /*****************************************************************************/
++static gboolean
++_nm_utils_is_json_object_no_validation (const char *str, GError **error)
++	if (str) {
++		/* libjansson also requires only utf-8 encoding. */
++		if (!g_utf8_validate (str, -1, NULL)) {
++			g_set_error_literal (error,
++			                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
++			                     _("not valid utf-8"));
++			return FALSE;
++		}
++		while (g_ascii_isspace (str[0]))
++			str++;
++	}
++	/* do some very basic validation to see if this might be a JSON object. */
++	if (str[0] == '{') {
++		gsize l;
++		l = strlen (str) - 1;
++		while (l > 0 && g_ascii_isspace (str[l]))
++			l--;
++		if (str[l] == '}')
++			return TRUE;
++	}
++	g_set_error_literal (error,
++	                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
++	                     _("is not a JSON object"));
++	return FALSE;
+ /* Added in Jansson v2.3 (released Jan 27 2012) */
+@@ -5363,6 +5399,9 @@ nm_utils_is_json_object (const char *str, GError **error)
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
++	if (!nm_jansson_load ())
++		return _nm_utils_is_json_object_no_validation (str, error);
+ 	json = json_loads (str, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &jerror);
+ 	if (!json) {
+ 		g_set_error (error,
+@@ -5413,6 +5452,8 @@ _nm_utils_team_config_equal (const char *conf1,
+ 	if (nm_streq0 (conf1, conf2))
+ 		return TRUE;
++	else if (!nm_jansson_load ())
++		return FALSE;
+ 	/* A NULL configuration is equivalent to default value '{}' */
+ 	json1 = json_loads (conf1 ?: "{}", JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &jerror);
+@@ -5470,6 +5511,9 @@ _nm_utils_team_config_get (const char *conf,
+ 	if (!key)
+ 		return NULL;
++	if (!nm_jansson_load ())
++		return NULL;
+ 	json = json_loads (conf ?: "{}", JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &jerror);
+ 	/* Invalid json in conf */
+@@ -5577,6 +5621,9 @@ _nm_utils_team_config_set (char **conf,
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (key, FALSE);
++	if (!nm_jansson_load ())
++		return FALSE;
+ 	json = json_loads (*conf?: "{}", JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &jerror);
+ 	if (!json)
+ 		return FALSE;
+@@ -5694,19 +5741,6 @@ nm_utils_is_json_object (const char *str, GError **error)
+ {
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (!error || !*error, FALSE);
+-	if (str) {
+-		/* libjansson also requires only utf-8 encoding. */
+-		if (!g_utf8_validate (str, -1, NULL)) {
+-			g_set_error_literal (error,
+-			                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
+-			                     _("not valid utf-8"));
+-			return FALSE;
+-		}
+-		while (g_ascii_isspace (str[0]))
+-			str++;
+-	}
+ 	if (!str || !str[0]) {
+ 		g_set_error_literal (error,
+ 		                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
+@@ -5715,23 +5749,7 @@ nm_utils_is_json_object (const char *str, GError **error)
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+-	/* do some very basic validation to see if this might be a JSON object. */
+-	if (str[0] == '{') {
+-		gsize l;
+-		l = strlen (str) - 1;
+-		while (l > 0 && g_ascii_isspace (str[l]))
+-			l--;
+-		if (str[l] == '}')
+-			return TRUE;
+-	}
+-	g_set_error_literal (error,
+-	                     NM_CONNECTION_ERROR,
+-	                     _("is not a JSON object"));
+-	return FALSE;
++	return _nm_utils_is_json_object_no_validation (str, error);
+ }
+ gboolean
+From 75dfbfcef40c44b2a04779351d0974b5e36818c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 07:10:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/6] libnm/trivial: don't use non-leading tabs
+(cherry picked from commit 950a14128bc249626af0770f0003cf83d491bd54)
+ libnm-core/nm-jansson.h | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+index 043986878..e3718d93c 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+@@ -19,28 +19,28 @@
+ gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
+ #ifndef NM_JAONSSON_C
+-#define json_object_iter_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
+-#define json_object_key_to_iter	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
+-#define json_integer		(*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
+-#define json_object_del		(*_nm_jansson_json_object_del)
+-#define json_array_get		(*_nm_jansson_json_array_get)
+-#define json_array_size		(*_nm_jansson_json_array_size)
+-#define json_array_append_new	(*_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new)
+-#define json_string		(*_nm_jansson_json_string)
+-#define json_object_iter_next	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next)
+-#define json_loads		(*_nm_jansson_json_loads)
+-#define json_dumps		(*_nm_jansson_json_dumps)
+-#define json_object_iter_key	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key)
+-#define json_object		(*_nm_jansson_json_object)
+-#define json_object_get		(*_nm_jansson_json_object_get)
+-#define json_array		(*_nm_jansson_json_array)
+-#define json_false		(*_nm_jansson_json_false)
+-#define json_delete		(*_nm_jansson_json_delete)
+-#define json_true		(*_nm_jansson_json_true)
+-#define json_object_size	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_size)
+-#define json_object_set_new	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new)
+-#define json_object_iter	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter)
+-#define json_object_iter_at	(*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at)
+-#define json_integer_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
+-#define json_string_value	(*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
++#define json_object_iter_value  (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
++#define json_object_key_to_iter (*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
++#define json_integer            (*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
++#define json_object_del         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_del)
++#define json_array_get          (*_nm_jansson_json_array_get)
++#define json_array_size         (*_nm_jansson_json_array_size)
++#define json_array_append_new   (*_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new)
++#define json_string             (*_nm_jansson_json_string)
++#define json_object_iter_next   (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next)
++#define json_loads              (*_nm_jansson_json_loads)
++#define json_dumps              (*_nm_jansson_json_dumps)
++#define json_object_iter_key    (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key)
++#define json_object             (*_nm_jansson_json_object)
++#define json_object_get         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_get)
++#define json_array              (*_nm_jansson_json_array)
++#define json_false              (*_nm_jansson_json_false)
++#define json_delete             (*_nm_jansson_json_delete)
++#define json_true               (*_nm_jansson_json_true)
++#define json_object_size        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_size)
++#define json_object_set_new     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new)
++#define json_object_iter        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter)
++#define json_object_iter_at     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at)
++#define json_integer_value      (*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
++#define json_string_value       (*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
+ #endif
+From bbcb9ebefcffab302d192dcd60c084c2698dff24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 06:20:18 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/6] libnm: rename "libnm-core/nm-jansson.h" to
+ "libnm-core/nm-json.h"
+We already have "shared/nm-utils/nm-jansson.h". Avoid reusing the same file name.
+(cherry picked from commit b6b6baa7735e09a95fa9504e9a9746cdc4e970e6)
+ Makefile.am             |   4 +-
+ libnm-core/nm-jansson.c | 119 ------------------------------------------------
+ libnm-core/nm-jansson.h |  46 -------------------
+ libnm-core/nm-json.c    | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ libnm-core/nm-json.h    |  46 +++++++++++++++++++
+ libnm-core/nm-utils.c   |   2 +-
+ 6 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+ delete mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+ create mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-json.c
+ create mode 100644 libnm-core/nm-json.h
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index 69d61c4fe..639921d50 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -521,9 +521,9 @@ libnm_core_lib_c_real = \
+ libnm_core_lib_h_priv += \
+-	libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
++	libnm-core/nm-json.h
+ libnm_core_lib_c_real += \
+-	libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
++	libnm-core/nm-json.c
+ endif
+ libnm_core_lib_c_mkenums = \
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 0f7bd3213..000000000
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.c
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+- *
+- * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+- */
+-#define _GNU_SOURCE
+-#include <link.h>
+-#include "nm-default.h"
+-#define NM_JAONSSON_C
+-#include "nm-jansson.h"
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_integer;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_del;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_array_get;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_array_size;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_string;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_loads;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_dumps;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_get;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_array;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_false;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_delete;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_true;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_size;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_integer_value;
+-void *_nm_jansson_json_string_value;
+-#define TRY_BIND_SYMBOL(symbol) \
+-		void *sym = dlsym (handle, #symbol); \
+-		if (_nm_jansson_ ## symbol && sym != _nm_jansson_ ## symbol) \
+-			return FALSE; \
+-		_nm_jansson_ ## symbol = sym; \
+-static gboolean
+-bind_symbols (void *handle)
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_value);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_key_to_iter);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_del);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_get);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_size);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_append_new);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_next);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_loads);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_dumps);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_key);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_get);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_false);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_delete);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_true);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_size);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_set_new);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_at);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer_value);
+-	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string_value);
+-	return TRUE;
+-nm_jansson_load (void)
+-	static enum {
+-	} state = UNKNOWN;
+-	void *handle;
+-	if (G_LIKELY (state != UNKNOWN))
+-		goto out;
+-	/* First just resolve the symbols to see if there's a conflict already. */
+-	if (!bind_symbols (RTLD_DEFAULT))
+-		goto out;
+-	if (!handle)
+-		goto out;
+-	/* Now do the actual binding. */
+-	if (!bind_symbols (handle))
+-		goto out;
+-	state = AVAILABLE;
+-	return state == AVAILABLE;
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h b/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
+deleted file mode 100644
+index e3718d93c..000000000
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-jansson.h
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+- *
+- * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+- */
+-gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
+-#ifndef NM_JAONSSON_C
+-#define json_object_iter_value  (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
+-#define json_object_key_to_iter (*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
+-#define json_integer            (*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
+-#define json_object_del         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_del)
+-#define json_array_get          (*_nm_jansson_json_array_get)
+-#define json_array_size         (*_nm_jansson_json_array_size)
+-#define json_array_append_new   (*_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new)
+-#define json_string             (*_nm_jansson_json_string)
+-#define json_object_iter_next   (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next)
+-#define json_loads              (*_nm_jansson_json_loads)
+-#define json_dumps              (*_nm_jansson_json_dumps)
+-#define json_object_iter_key    (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key)
+-#define json_object             (*_nm_jansson_json_object)
+-#define json_object_get         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_get)
+-#define json_array              (*_nm_jansson_json_array)
+-#define json_false              (*_nm_jansson_json_false)
+-#define json_delete             (*_nm_jansson_json_delete)
+-#define json_true               (*_nm_jansson_json_true)
+-#define json_object_size        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_size)
+-#define json_object_set_new     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new)
+-#define json_object_iter        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter)
+-#define json_object_iter_at     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at)
+-#define json_integer_value      (*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
+-#define json_string_value       (*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.c b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..1f7d4398a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++ *
++ * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
++ */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++#include <link.h>
++#include "nm-default.h"
++#define NM_JAONSSON_C
++#include "nm-json.h"
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_integer;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_del;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_get;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_size;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_string;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_loads;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_dumps;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_get;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_array;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_false;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_delete;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_true;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_size;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_integer_value;
++void *_nm_jansson_json_string_value;
++#define TRY_BIND_SYMBOL(symbol) \
++		void *sym = dlsym (handle, #symbol); \
++		if (_nm_jansson_ ## symbol && sym != _nm_jansson_ ## symbol) \
++			return FALSE; \
++		_nm_jansson_ ## symbol = sym; \
++static gboolean
++bind_symbols (void *handle)
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_value);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_key_to_iter);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_del);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_get);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_size);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array_append_new);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_next);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_loads);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_dumps);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_key);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_get);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_array);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_false);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_delete);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_true);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_size);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_set_new);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_object_iter_at);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_integer_value);
++	TRY_BIND_SYMBOL (json_string_value);
++	return TRUE;
++nm_jansson_load (void)
++	static enum {
++	} state = UNKNOWN;
++	void *handle;
++	if (G_LIKELY (state != UNKNOWN))
++		goto out;
++	/* First just resolve the symbols to see if there's a conflict already. */
++	if (!bind_symbols (RTLD_DEFAULT))
++		goto out;
++	if (!handle)
++		goto out;
++	/* Now do the actual binding. */
++	if (!bind_symbols (handle))
++		goto out;
++	state = AVAILABLE;
++	return state == AVAILABLE;
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.h b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..e3718d93c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++ *
++ * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
++ */
++gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
++#ifndef NM_JAONSSON_C
++#define json_object_iter_value  (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
++#define json_object_key_to_iter (*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
++#define json_integer            (*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
++#define json_object_del         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_del)
++#define json_array_get          (*_nm_jansson_json_array_get)
++#define json_array_size         (*_nm_jansson_json_array_size)
++#define json_array_append_new   (*_nm_jansson_json_array_append_new)
++#define json_string             (*_nm_jansson_json_string)
++#define json_object_iter_next   (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_next)
++#define json_loads              (*_nm_jansson_json_loads)
++#define json_dumps              (*_nm_jansson_json_dumps)
++#define json_object_iter_key    (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_key)
++#define json_object             (*_nm_jansson_json_object)
++#define json_object_get         (*_nm_jansson_json_object_get)
++#define json_array              (*_nm_jansson_json_array)
++#define json_false              (*_nm_jansson_json_false)
++#define json_delete             (*_nm_jansson_json_delete)
++#define json_true               (*_nm_jansson_json_true)
++#define json_object_size        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_size)
++#define json_object_set_new     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_set_new)
++#define json_object_iter        (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter)
++#define json_object_iter_at     (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_at)
++#define json_integer_value      (*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
++#define json_string_value       (*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+index 8d7bf08f9..ebbbfd3a4 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-utils.c
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+ #include <linux/pkt_sched.h>
+-#include "nm-jansson.h"
++#include "nm-json.h"
+ #include <jansson.h>
+ #endif
+From 0aa9273d334afec1d54878587b4f7fb9e2410f92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 07:15:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/6] libnm: fix spelling for NM_JAONSSON_C define
+(cherry picked from commit 288877848067c08abfd82d3ee72765f89ec79968)
+ libnm-core/nm-json.c | 2 +-
+ libnm-core/nm-json.h | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.c b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+index 1f7d4398a..d58898ce2 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-json.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include "nm-default.h"
+-#define NM_JAONSSON_C
++#define NM_JANSSON_C
+ #include "nm-json.h"
+ void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value;
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.h b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+index e3718d93c..50b52e4f2 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-json.h
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
+-#ifndef NM_JAONSSON_C
++#ifndef NM_JANSSON_C
+ #define json_object_iter_value  (*_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value)
+ #define json_object_key_to_iter (*_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter)
+ #define json_integer            (*_nm_jansson_json_integer)
+From 5269978e379c3a03cb5b159beef747329a645446 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 07:17:06 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] libnm: add include guard to nm-json.h
+(cherry picked from commit ee56c9250fc88eb1983bc587dc5052a70cb88e0f)
+ libnm-core/nm-json.h | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.h b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+index 50b52e4f2..513b8d369 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-json.h
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.h
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+  *
+  * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+  */
++#ifndef __NM_JSON_H__
++#define __NM_JSON_H__
+ gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
+@@ -44,3 +46,5 @@ gboolean nm_jansson_load (void);
+ #define json_integer_value      (*_nm_jansson_json_integer_value)
+ #define json_string_value       (*_nm_jansson_json_string_value)
+ #endif
++#endif /* __NM_JSON_H__ */
+From ec630dc256b3e9cb80cd3ca9872c5a405ae21646 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 07:30:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 6/6] libnm: cleanup include in "libnm-core/nm-json.c"
+We already define _GNU_SOURCE in "config.h", depending
+on configure checks.
+Also, we always should first include "config.h" (which means
+to first include "nm-default.h").
+Also, we don't need the entire <link.h>, <dlfcn.h> suffices.
+(cherry picked from commit 84576ce86155e195985a1924c90782eb9e2e5beb)
+ libnm-core/nm-json.c | 5 ++---
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-json.c b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+index d58898ce2..f9042b1f3 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-json.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-json.c
+@@ -16,14 +16,13 @@
+  * Copyright 2017, 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+  */
+-#define _GNU_SOURCE
+-#include <link.h>
+ #include "nm-default.h"
+ #define NM_JANSSON_C
+ #include "nm-json.h"
++#include <dlfcn.h>
+ void *_nm_jansson_json_object_iter_value;
+ void *_nm_jansson_json_object_key_to_iter;
+ void *_nm_jansson_json_integer;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0021-bond-crash-mode-rh1459580.patch b/SOURCES/0021-bond-crash-mode-rh1459580.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 513b970..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0021-bond-crash-mode-rh1459580.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From 27b3757b5beecc9fcd98ce3a1acbc50431c204cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 18:51:41 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] bond: check for NULL bond mode value in
- update_connection()
-Don't crash if the bond mode can't be read from sysfs - for example
-when the interface disappears. The generated connection will be bogus,
-but at that point it doesn't matter because the in-memory connection
-will be destroyed.
-Fixes: 056a973a4fdb68abe8bc7bfc5f31250345d71f21
-(cherry picked from commit 5600a27c2aa1a69c1c72422937bfd4401217046e)
-(cherry picked from commit a3a792dd2253085933ca03e3cb61c37a44a6d304)
- src/devices/nm-device-bond.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c b/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-index c8748fe..451a4f0 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-bond.c
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ update_connection (NMDevice *device, NMConnection *connection)
- 				*p = '\0';
- 		}
--		if (nm_streq (*options, NM_SETTING_BOND_OPTION_MODE))
-+		if (value && nm_streq (*options, NM_SETTING_BOND_OPTION_MODE))
- 			mode = _nm_setting_bond_mode_from_string (value);
- 		if (!_nm_setting_bond_option_supported (*options, mode))
diff --git a/SOURCES/0022-connectivity-ip-iface-check-rh1459932.patch b/SOURCES/0022-connectivity-ip-iface-check-rh1459932.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c959c89..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0022-connectivity-ip-iface-check-rh1459932.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 1e8d7050a7d115faf78c1a7531195358c9919bf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 00:23:05 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] device: check connectivity on the IP interface
-curl must bind to the interface that has IP configuration, not the
-underlying device. Without this commit, connectivity check fails on
-certain connection types (PPPoE, WWAN).
-Fixes: 9d43869e473b47542520c807dace93a6f9520964
-(cherry picked from commit c66995ad4ddbe44cbbb4d4d56a48420be6d483cf)
-(cherry picked from commit dc1c8c22cc8034fe4c257d43b3c31196e9899326)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index f5eb71d..a804771 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ nm_device_check_connectivity (NMDevice *self,
- 		/* Kick off a real connectivity check. */
- 		nm_connectivity_check_async (nm_connectivity_get (),
--		                             nm_device_get_iface (self),
-+		                             nm_device_get_ip_iface (self),
- 		                             concheck_cb,
- 		                             data);
- 		return;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0022-team-add-random-runner-rh1538699.patch b/SOURCES/0022-team-add-random-runner-rh1538699.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b43cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0022-team-add-random-runner-rh1538699.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+From 10760b100c71d637cad76eef4bed59c1d63679c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 15:24:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] libnm-core: team: add support to runner "random"
+(cherry picked from commit 31d9a9de14dc7e529763e3210337bb6dd628a8a3)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c |  1 +
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c          |  1 +
+ libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h          |  1 +
+ libnm-core/tests/test-setting.c       | 14 ++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index 46b06fd40..d829fa7d4 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -6594,6 +6594,7 @@ static const NMMetaPropertyInfo *const property_infos_TEAM[] = {
+ 		.property_typ_data = DEFINE_PROPERTY_TYP_DATA (
+ 			.values_static =            VALUES_STATIC (NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_BROADCAST,
+ 			                                           NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ROUNDROBIN,
++			                                           NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_RANDOM,
+ 			                                           NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ACTIVEBACKUP,
+ 			                                           NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LOADBALANCE,
+ 			                                           NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LACP),
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+index 60bdf5f6b..1db2428d9 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.c
+@@ -1171,6 +1171,7 @@ verify (NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error)
+ 	if (   priv->runner
+ 	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_BROADCAST)
+ 	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ROUNDROBIN)
++	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_RANDOM)
+ 	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ACTIVEBACKUP)
+ 	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LOADBALANCE)
+ 	    && g_ascii_strcasecmp (priv->runner, NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LACP)) {
+diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
+index d423901f6..8e5178a45 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
++++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-team.h
+@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ NMTeamLinkWatcherArpPingFlags nm_team_link_watcher_get_flags (NMTeamLinkWatcher
+ #define NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_BROADCAST    "broadcast"
+ #define NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_ROUNDROBIN   "roundrobin"
++#define NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_RANDOM       "random"
+ #define NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_LACP         "lacp"
+diff --git a/libnm-core/tests/test-setting.c b/libnm-core/tests/test-setting.c
+index efdcee258..a7282f91b 100644
+--- a/libnm-core/tests/test-setting.c
++++ b/libnm-core/tests/test-setting.c
+@@ -967,6 +967,18 @@ test_runner_broadcast_sync_from_config (void)
+ 	                        NULL);
+ }
++static void
++test_runner_random_sync_from_config (void)
++	_test_team_config_sync ("{\"runner\": {\"name\": \"random\"}}",
++	                        0, 0, 0, 0,
++	                        NM_SETTING_TEAM_RUNNER_RANDOM,
++	                        NULL,
++	                        NULL, NULL, -1,
++	                        FALSE, FALSE, -1, -1, NULL,
++	                        NULL);
+ static void
+ test_runner_activebackup_sync_from_config (void)
+ {
+@@ -1603,6 +1615,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ 	                 test_runner_roundrobin_sync_from_config);
+ 	g_test_add_func ("/libnm/settings/team/sync_runner_from_config_broadcast",
+ 	                 test_runner_broadcast_sync_from_config);
++	g_test_add_func ("/libnm/settings/team/sync_runner_from_config_random",
++	                 test_runner_random_sync_from_config);
+ 	g_test_add_func ("/libnm/settings/team/sync_runner_from_config_activebackup",
+ 	                 test_runner_activebackup_sync_from_config);
+ 	g_test_add_func ("/libnm/settings/team/sync_runner_from_config_loadbalance",
diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-persist-nm-owned-in-device-state-rh1376199.patch b/SOURCES/0023-persist-nm-owned-in-device-state-rh1376199.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e5720e6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0023-persist-nm-owned-in-device-state-rh1376199.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-From ffa247f2a2a70e9484ddb46c8dc66a1a7183ef55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 16:42:05 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/5] device: rename priv->is_nm_owned to priv->nm_owned
-Only a matter of taste, but nm_device_get_is_nm_owned() sounds
-(cherry picked from commit 8cce037bf8078b7dbb8e3abc45f84ae6f7e9299c)
-(cherry picked from commit 84273a35162aaef50c9b9a4f1b565326989d370a)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 14 +++++++-------
- src/devices/nm-device.h |  2 +-
- src/nm-manager.c        |  2 +-
- 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index f5eb71d..746117d 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ typedef struct _NMDevicePrivate {
- 	NMUtilsStableType current_stable_id_type:3;
--	bool          is_nm_owned:1; /* whether the device is a device owned and created by NM */
-+	bool          nm_owned:1; /* whether the device is a device owned and created by NM */
- 	GHashTable *  available_connections;
- 	char *        hw_addr;
-@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@ nm_device_master_release_one_slave (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *slave, gboolean co
- static gboolean
- can_unmanaged_external_down (NMDevice *self)
- {
--	return    !NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->is_nm_owned
-+	return    !NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->nm_owned
- 	       && nm_device_is_software (self);
- }
-@@ -2809,9 +2809,9 @@ nm_device_create_and_realize (NMDevice *self,
- 	const NMPlatformLink *plink = NULL;
- 	/* Must be set before device is realized */
--	priv->is_nm_owned = !nm_platform_link_get_by_ifname (nm_device_get_platform (self), priv->iface);
-+	priv->nm_owned = !nm_platform_link_get_by_ifname (nm_device_get_platform (self), priv->iface);
--	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "create (is %snm-owned)", priv->is_nm_owned ? "" : "not ");
-+	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "create (is %snm-owned)", priv->nm_owned ? "" : "not ");
- 	/* Create any resources the device needs */
- 	if (NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->create_and_realize) {
-@@ -8682,9 +8682,9 @@ _update_ip4_address (NMDevice *self)
- }
- gboolean
--nm_device_get_is_nm_owned (NMDevice *self)
-+nm_device_is_nm_owned (NMDevice *self)
- {
--	return NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->is_nm_owned;
-+	return NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self)->nm_owned;
- }
- /*
-@@ -8745,7 +8745,7 @@ delete_on_deactivate_check_and_schedule (NMDevice *self, int ifindex)
- 	if (ifindex <= 0)
- 		return;
--	if (!priv->is_nm_owned)
-+	if (!priv->nm_owned)
- 		return;
- 	if (priv->queued_act_request)
- 		return;
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index 5e6abb4..27f5018 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ void nm_device_set_unmanaged_by_user_settings (NMDevice *self);
- void nm_device_set_unmanaged_by_user_udev (NMDevice *self);
- void nm_device_set_unmanaged_by_quitting (NMDevice *device);
--gboolean nm_device_get_is_nm_owned (NMDevice *device);
-+gboolean nm_device_is_nm_owned (NMDevice *device);
- gboolean nm_device_has_capability (NMDevice *self, NMDeviceCapabilities caps);
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 283ceda..56852f6 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self), FALSE);
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (device), FALSE);
--	if (nm_device_get_is_nm_owned (device))
-+	if (nm_device_is_nm_owned (device))
- 		return FALSE;
- 	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE))
-From 1ee731fc9890001fe5f6ac4884c9f5b8bf047024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 13:36:56 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/5] config: allow persisting the device nm-owned state
-(cherry picked from commit 3fbbbb62f0b18a1efdc25ee0c01625ae8da65826)
-(cherry picked from commit a42f3b92b7ef922c491c07a8ab0f24b1cf12b223)
- src/nm-config.c  | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
- src/nm-config.h  |  7 ++++++-
- src/nm-manager.c |  3 ++-
- 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-config.c b/src/nm-config.c
-index 54ccf9a..91c21de 100644
---- a/src/nm-config.c
-+++ b/src/nm-config.c
-@@ -1872,6 +1872,7 @@ _nm_config_state_set (NMConfig *self,
- #define DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_MANAGED             "managed"
-+#define DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED            "nm-owned"
- NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (_device_state_managed_type_to_str, NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType,
-@@ -1889,6 +1890,7 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
- 	gs_free char *perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
- 	gsize connection_uuid_len;
- 	gsize perm_hw_addr_fake_len;
-+	gint nm_owned = -1;
- 	char *p;
- 	nm_assert (ifindex > 0);
-@@ -1924,6 +1926,11 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
- 			g_free (perm_hw_addr_fake);
- 			perm_hw_addr_fake = normalized;
- 		}
-+		nm_owned = nm_config_keyfile_get_boolean (kf,
-+		                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
-+		                                          DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_KEY_DEVICE_NM_OWNED,
-+		                                          -1);
- 	}
- 	connection_uuid_len = connection_uuid ? strlen (connection_uuid) + 1 : 0;
-@@ -1937,6 +1944,7 @@ _config_device_state_data_new (int ifindex, GKeyFile *kf)
- 	device_state->managed = managed_type;
- 	device_state->connection_uuid = NULL;
- 	device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
-+	device_state->nm_owned = nm_owned;
- 	p = (char *) (&device_state[1]);
- 	if (connection_uuid) {
-@@ -1966,6 +1974,7 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
- 	NMConfigDeviceStateData *device_state;
- 	gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *kf = NULL;
-+	const char *nm_owned_str;
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (ifindex > 0, NULL);
-@@ -1976,13 +1985,18 @@ nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex)
- 		g_clear_pointer (&kf, g_key_file_unref);
- 	device_state = _config_device_state_data_new (ifindex, kf);
-+	nm_owned_str = device_state->nm_owned == TRUE ?
-+	               ", nm-owned=1" :
-+	               (device_state->nm_owned == FALSE ? ", nm-owned=0" : "");
--	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
-+	_LOGT ("device-state: %s #%d (%s); managed=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- 	       kf ? "read" : "miss",
- 	       ifindex, path,
- 	       _device_state_managed_type_to_str (device_state->managed),
- 	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->connection_uuid, ", connection-uuid=", device_state->connection_uuid, "", ""),
--	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""));
-+	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, ", perm-hw-addr-fake=", device_state->perm_hw_addr_fake, "", ""),
-+	       nm_owned_str);
- 	return device_state;
- }
-@@ -1991,7 +2005,8 @@ gboolean
- nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
-                               NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
-                               const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
--                              const char *connection_uuid)
-+                              const char *connection_uuid,
-+                              gint nm_owned)
- {
- 	GError *local = NULL;
-@@ -2026,6 +2041,13 @@ nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
- 		                       connection_uuid);
- 	}
-+	if (nm_owned >= 0) {
-+		g_key_file_set_boolean (kf,
-+		                        DEVICE_RUN_STATE_KEYFILE_GROUP_DEVICE,
-+		                        nm_owned);
-+	}
- 	if (!g_key_file_save_to_file (kf, path, &local)) {
- 		_LOGW ("device-state: write #%d (%s) failed: %s", ifindex, path, local->message);
-diff --git a/src/nm-config.h b/src/nm-config.h
-index ae695fc..c5ff7c6 100644
---- a/src/nm-config.h
-+++ b/src/nm-config.h
-@@ -205,13 +205,18 @@ struct _NMConfigDeviceStateData {
- 	const char *connection_uuid;
- 	const char *perm_hw_addr_fake;
-+	/* whether the device was nm-owned (0/1) or -1 for
-+	 * non-software devices. */
-+	gint nm_owned;
- };
- NMConfigDeviceStateData *nm_config_device_state_load (int ifindex);
- gboolean nm_config_device_state_write (int ifindex,
-                                        NMConfigDeviceStateManagedType managed,
-                                        const char *perm_hw_addr_fake,
--                                       const char *connection_uuid);
-+                                       const char *connection_uuid,
-+                                       gint nm_owned);
- void nm_config_device_state_prune_unseen (GHashTable *seen_ifindexes);
- /*****************************************************************************/
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 56852f6..dc52115 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -5048,7 +5048,8 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
- 		if (nm_config_device_state_write (ifindex,
- 		                                  managed_type,
- 		                                  perm_hw_addr_fake,
--		                                  uuid))
-+		                                  uuid,
-+		                                  -1))
- 			g_hash_table_add (seen_ifindexes, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex));
- 	}
-From cf3d67882676ccba5089fd523ccf6337f66e6c3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 16:58:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/5] manager: restore the previous persistent nm-owned state
- of devices
-After a daemon restart, any software device is considered !nm-owned,
-even if it was created by NM. Therefore, a device stays around even if
-the connection which created it gets deactivated or deleted.
-Fix this by remembering the previous nm-owned state in the device
-state file.
-(cherry picked from commit cf9ba271e664ffd93f6ba6294ebc5f7e341a9a78)
-(cherry picked from commit 333ed6ee2a30b0d40a2ac0d59e3fd2e9aaf3bf00)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 13 +++++++++++++
- src/nm-manager.c        |  5 ++++-
- 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 746117d..fe6e955 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -3011,6 +3011,19 @@ realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
- 	_add_capabilities (self, capabilities);
-+	/* Update nm-owned flag according to state file */
-+	if (   !priv->nm_owned
-+	    && priv->ifindex > 0
-+	    && nm_device_is_software (self)) {
-+		gs_free NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state = NULL;
-+		dev_state = nm_config_device_state_load (priv->ifindex);
-+		if (dev_state && dev_state->nm_owned == TRUE) {
-+			priv->nm_owned = TRUE;
-+			_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "set nm-owned from state file");
-+		}
-+	}
- 	if (!priv->udi) {
- 		/* Use a placeholder UDI until we get a real one */
- 		priv->udi = g_strdup_printf ("/virtual/device/placeholder/%d", id++);
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index dc52115..97752c4 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -5006,6 +5006,7 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
- 	const GSList *devices;
- 	NMManagerPrivate *priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *seen_ifindexes = NULL;
-+	gint nm_owned;
- 	seen_ifindexes = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
-@@ -5045,11 +5046,13 @@ nm_manager_write_device_state (NMManager *self)
- 		if (perm_hw_addr_fake && !perm_hw_addr_is_fake)
- 			perm_hw_addr_fake = NULL;
-+		nm_owned = nm_device_is_software (device) ? nm_device_is_nm_owned (device) : -1;
- 		if (nm_config_device_state_write (ifindex,
- 		                                  managed_type,
- 		                                  perm_hw_addr_fake,
- 		                                  uuid,
--		                                  -1))
-+		                                  nm_owned))
- 			g_hash_table_add (seen_ifindexes, GINT_TO_POINTER (ifindex));
- 	}
-From 02b5487b3d3827b3ba6fcda7234f3f7a1976b2d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 22:11:50 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/5] device: only set nm-owned from statefile during initial
- setup
-The state file should only be read initially when NM starts, that is:
-during NMManager's platform_query_devices().
-At all later points, for example when a software device gets destroyed
-and re-realized, the state file is clearly no longer relevant.
-Hence, pass the set-nm-owned flag from NMManager to realize_start_setup().
-This is very much the same as with the NM_UNMANAGED_FLAG_USER_EXPLICT flag,
-which we also read from the state-file.
-(cherry picked from commit d83848be9dfd0edb5f318b81854b371133d84f6e)
-(cherry picked from commit 8e25de8ab360fc973d7222685f107b81dd872dc1)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 22 +++++++++++-----------
- src/devices/nm-device.h |  1 +
- src/nm-manager.c        |  3 +++
- 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index fe6e955..1aea8cb 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ static gboolean dhcp6_start (NMDevice *self, gboolean wait_for_ll);
- static void nm_device_start_ip_check (NMDevice *self);
- static void realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
-                                  const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                                 gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                                  NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit);
- static void _commit_mtu (NMDevice *self, const NMIP4Config *config);
- static void dhcp_schedule_restart (NMDevice *self, int family, const char *reason);
-@@ -2740,6 +2741,7 @@ link_type_compatible (NMDevice *self,
-  * nm_device_realize_start():
-  * @self: the #NMDevice
-  * @plink: an existing platform link or %NULL
-+ * @set_nm_owned: for software device, if TRUE set nm-owned.
-  * @unmanaged_user_explicit: the user-explicit unmanaged flag to apply
-  *   on the device initially.
-  * @out_compatible: %TRUE on return if @self is compatible with @plink
-@@ -2757,6 +2759,7 @@ link_type_compatible (NMDevice *self,
- gboolean
- nm_device_realize_start (NMDevice *self,
-                          const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                         gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                          NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit,
-                          gboolean *out_compatible,
-                          GError **error)
-@@ -2781,7 +2784,7 @@ nm_device_realize_start (NMDevice *self,
- 		plink_copy = *plink;
- 		plink = &plink_copy;
- 	}
--	realize_start_setup (self, plink, unmanaged_user_explicit);
-+	realize_start_setup (self, plink, set_nm_owned, unmanaged_user_explicit);
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -2821,7 +2824,7 @@ nm_device_create_and_realize (NMDevice *self,
- 		plink = &plink_copy;
- 	}
--	realize_start_setup (self, plink, NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET);
-+	realize_start_setup (self, plink, FALSE, NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET);
- 	nm_device_realize_finish (self, plink);
- 	if (nm_device_get_managed (self, FALSE)) {
-@@ -2917,6 +2920,8 @@ realize_start_notify (NMDevice *self,
-  * realize_start_setup():
-  * @self: the #NMDevice
-  * @plink: the #NMPlatformLink if backed by a kernel netdevice
-+ * @set_nm_owned: if TRUE and device is a software-device, set nm-owned.
-+ *    TRUE.
-  * @unmanaged_user_explicit: the user-explict unmanaged flag to set.
-  *
-  * Update the device from backing resource properties (like hardware
-@@ -2928,6 +2933,7 @@ realize_start_notify (NMDevice *self,
- static void
- realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
-                      const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                     gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                      NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit)
- {
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv;
-@@ -3011,17 +3017,11 @@ realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
- 	_add_capabilities (self, capabilities);
--	/* Update nm-owned flag according to state file */
- 	if (   !priv->nm_owned
--	    && priv->ifindex > 0
-+	    && set_nm_owned
- 	    && nm_device_is_software (self)) {
--		gs_free NMConfigDeviceStateData *dev_state = NULL;
--		dev_state = nm_config_device_state_load (priv->ifindex);
--		if (dev_state && dev_state->nm_owned == TRUE) {
--			priv->nm_owned = TRUE;
--			_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "set nm-owned from state file");
--		}
-+		priv->nm_owned = TRUE;
-+		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "set nm-owned from state file");
- 	}
- 	if (!priv->udi) {
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index 27f5018..74cc230 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -611,6 +611,7 @@ gboolean nm_device_has_capability (NMDevice *self, NMDeviceCapabilities caps);
- gboolean nm_device_realize_start      (NMDevice *device,
-                                        const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                                       gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                                        NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit,
-                                        gboolean *out_compatible,
-                                        GError **error);
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 97752c4..b603b09 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -2215,6 +2215,7 @@ factory_device_added_cb (NMDeviceFactory *factory,
- 	if (nm_device_realize_start (device,
- 	                             NULL,
-+	                             FALSE,
- 	                             NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET,
- 	                             NULL,
- 	                             &error)) {
-@@ -2293,6 +2294,7 @@ platform_link_added (NMManager *self,
- 			return;
- 		} else if (nm_device_realize_start (candidate,
- 		                                    plink,
-+		                                    FALSE,
- 		                                    NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET,
- 		                                    &compatible,
- 		                                    &error)) {
-@@ -2364,6 +2366,7 @@ platform_link_added (NMManager *self,
- 		if (nm_device_realize_start (device,
- 		                             plink,
-+		                             dev_state ? (dev_state->nm_owned == 1) : FALSE,
- 		                             unmanaged_user_explicit,
- 		                             NULL,
- 		                             &error)) {
-From ba9657314afa3a0eab63281db83fbf38ba3fac2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 22:22:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 5/5] core: allow assuming connections on "nm-owned" software
- devices
-Especially now we load the nm-owned flag from run-state. We very much want to
-assume connections on such devices.
-(cherry picked from commit 6a7b51f79bf93889665f9f6eb1ebbd4920535e24)
-(cherry picked from commit 122be86c58b39b661b1cf466d5616d6f0006744e)
- src/nm-manager.c | 3 ---
- 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index b603b09..1daf633 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1858,9 +1858,6 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self), FALSE);
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (device), FALSE);
--	if (nm_device_is_nm_owned (device))
--		return FALSE;
- 	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE))
- 		return FALSE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0023-ppp-don-t-start-IPv6-configuration-rh1515829.patch b/SOURCES/0023-ppp-don-t-start-IPv6-configuration-rh1515829.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46aba69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0023-ppp-don-t-start-IPv6-configuration-rh1515829.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+From a5f395ec33af68cb924b797fed833d472ce090b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 10:04:53 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ppp: don't start IPv6 configuration on the device
+If IPV6CP terminates before IPCP, pppd enters the RUNNING phase and we
+start IP configuration without having an IP interface set, which
+triggers assertions. Instead, reimplement stage3_ip6_config_start to
+be a no-op. Note that IPv6 configuration on PPP devices has never been
+supported by NM.
+This is a simpler version of upstream commit dd98ada33f33 ("ppp:
+introduce SetIfindex pppd plugin D-Bus method") that doesn't require
+changing the internal plugin API.
+(cherry picked from commit 258f4fc76961f564c5d63d1eaf5246b21c2d0ce0)
+ src/devices/nm-device-ppp.c | 9 +++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-ppp.c b/src/devices/nm-device-ppp.c
+index 8b3968d51..639ec44a7 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device-ppp.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device-ppp.c
+@@ -207,6 +207,14 @@ act_stage3_ip4_config_start (NMDevice *device,
+ }
++static NMActStageReturn
++act_stage3_ip6_config_start (NMDevice *self,
++                             NMIP6Config **out_config,
++                             NMDeviceStateReason *out_failure_reason)
+ static gboolean
+ create_and_realize (NMDevice *device,
+                     NMConnection *connection,
+@@ -273,6 +281,7 @@ nm_device_ppp_class_init (NMDevicePppClass *klass)
+ 	parent_class->act_stage2_config = act_stage2_config;
+ 	parent_class->act_stage3_ip4_config_start = act_stage3_ip4_config_start;
++	parent_class->act_stage3_ip6_config_start = act_stage3_ip6_config_start;
+ 	parent_class->check_connection_compatible = check_connection_compatible;
+ 	parent_class->create_and_realize = create_and_realize;
+ 	parent_class->deactivate = deactivate;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-Revert-IPv4-rp_filter-handling-rh1492472.patch b/SOURCES/0024-Revert-IPv4-rp_filter-handling-rh1492472.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323a91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0024-Revert-IPv4-rp_filter-handling-rh1492472.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+From 687b84414f8ecee51785e600ba58f7e2cfd40767 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 17:07:06 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "device: apply a loose IPv4 rp_filter when it would
+ interfere with multihoming"
+Don't touch it until we're sure we're doing the right thing.
+This reverts commit cae3cef60fe6b37929e69d103663882274ad46bc.
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 172 ------------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 172 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index b3b31ea..fe280df 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -379,9 +379,6 @@ typedef struct _NMDevicePrivate {
+ 	NMIP4Config *   wwan_ip4_config; /* WWAN configuration */
+ 	GSList *        vpn4_configs;   /* VPNs which use this device */
+-	bool v4_has_shadowed_routes;
+-	const char *ip4_rp_filter;
+ 	/* DHCPv4 tracking */
+ 	struct {
+ 		NMDhcpClient *  client;
+@@ -851,47 +848,6 @@ init_ip6_config_dns_priority (NMDevice *self, NMIP6Config *config)
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+-static gboolean
+-nm_device_ipv4_sysctl_set (NMDevice *self, const char *property, const char *value)
+-	NMPlatform *platform = nm_device_get_platform (self);
+-	gs_free char *value_to_free = NULL;
+-	const char *value_to_set;
+-	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self))
+-		return FALSE;
+-	if (value) {
+-		value_to_set = value;
+-	} else {
+-		/* Set to a default value when we've got a NULL @value. */
+-		value_to_free = nm_platform_sysctl_get (platform,
+-		                                        NMP_SYSCTL_PATHID_ABSOLUTE (nm_utils_sysctl_ip_conf_path (AF_INET, buf, "default", property)));
+-		value_to_set = value_to_free;
+-	}
+-	return nm_platform_sysctl_set (platform,
+-	                               NMP_SYSCTL_PATHID_ABSOLUTE (nm_utils_sysctl_ip_conf_path (AF_INET, buf, nm_device_get_ip_iface (self), property)),
+-	                               value_to_set);
+-static guint32
+-nm_device_ipv4_sysctl_get_uint32 (NMDevice *self, const char *property, guint32 fallback)
+-	if (!nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self))
+-		return fallback;
+-	return nm_platform_sysctl_get_int_checked (nm_device_get_platform (self),
+-	                                           NMP_SYSCTL_PATHID_ABSOLUTE (nm_utils_sysctl_ip_conf_path (AF_INET, buf, nm_device_get_ip_iface (self), property)),
+-	                                           10,
+-	                                           0,
+-	                                           G_MAXUINT32,
+-	                                           fallback);
+ gboolean
+ nm_device_ipv6_sysctl_set (NMDevice *self, const char *property, const char *value)
+ {
+@@ -2876,126 +2832,6 @@ link_changed_cb (NMPlatform *platform,
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+-typedef struct {
+-	in_addr_t network;
+-	guint8 plen;
+-} IP4RPFilterData;
+-static guint
+-_v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect_hash (const IP4RPFilterData *d)
+-	NMHashState h;
+-	nm_hash_init (&h, 1105201169u);
+-	nm_hash_update_vals (&h,
+-	                     d->network,
+-	                     d->plen);
+-	return nm_hash_complete (&h);
+-static gboolean
+-_v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect_equal (const IP4RPFilterData *d1, const IP4RPFilterData *d2)
+-	return d1->network == d2->network && d1->plen == d2->plen;
+-static gboolean
+-_v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect (NMDevice *self)
+-	NMPlatform *platform;
+-	int ifindex;
+-	NMPLookup lookup;
+-	const NMDedupMultiHeadEntry *head_entry;
+-	NMDedupMultiIter iter;
+-	const NMPObject *o;
+-	guint data_len;
+-	gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *data_hash = NULL;
+-	gs_free IP4RPFilterData *data_arr = NULL;
+-	ifindex = nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self);
+-	if (ifindex <= 0)
+-		return FALSE;
+-	platform = nm_device_get_platform (self);
+-	head_entry = nm_platform_lookup (platform,
+-	                                 nmp_lookup_init_object (&lookup,
+-	                                                         NMP_OBJECT_TYPE_IP4_ROUTE,
+-	                                                         ifindex));
+-	if (!head_entry)
+-		return FALSE;
+-	/* first, create a lookup index @data_hash for all network/plen pairs. */
+-	data_len = 0;
+-	data_arr = g_new (IP4RPFilterData, head_entry->len);
+-	data_hash = g_hash_table_new ((GHashFunc) _v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect_hash,
+-	                              (GEqualFunc) _v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect_equal);
+-	nmp_cache_iter_for_each (&iter, head_entry, &o) {
+-		const NMPlatformIP4Route *r = NMP_OBJECT_CAST_IP4_ROUTE (o);
+-		IP4RPFilterData *d;
+-		nm_assert (r->ifindex == ifindex);
+-		    || r->table_coerced)
+-			continue;
+-		d = &data_arr[data_len++];
+-		d->network = nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address (r->network, r->plen);
+-		d->plen = r->plen;
+-		g_hash_table_add (data_hash, d);
+-	}
+-	/* then, search if there is any route on another interface with the same
+-	 * network/plen destination. If yes, we consider this a multihoming
+-	 * setup. */
+-	head_entry = nm_platform_lookup (platform,
+-	                                 nmp_lookup_init_obj_type (&lookup,
+-	                                                           NMP_OBJECT_TYPE_IP4_ROUTE));
+-	nmp_cache_iter_for_each (&iter, head_entry, &o) {
+-		const NMPlatformIP4Route *r = NMP_OBJECT_CAST_IP4_ROUTE (o);
+-		IP4RPFilterData d;
+-		if (   r->ifindex == ifindex
+-		    || r->table_coerced)
+-			continue;
+-		d.network = nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address (r->network, r->plen);
+-		d.plen = r->plen;
+-		if (g_hash_table_contains (data_hash, &d))
+-			return TRUE;
+-	}
+-	return FALSE;
+-static void
+-ip4_rp_filter_update (NMDevice *self)
+-	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+-	const char *ip4_rp_filter;
+-	if (   priv->v4_has_shadowed_routes
+-	    || nm_device_get_best_default_route (self, AF_INET)) {
+-		if (nm_device_ipv4_sysctl_get_uint32 (self, "rp_filter", 0) != 1) {
+-			/* Don't touch the rp_filter if it's not strict. */
+-			return;
+-		}
+-		/* Loose rp_filter */
+-		ip4_rp_filter = "2";
+-	} else {
+-		/* Default rp_filter */
+-		ip4_rp_filter = NULL;
+-	}
+-	if (ip4_rp_filter != priv->ip4_rp_filter) {
+-		nm_device_ipv4_sysctl_set (self, "rp_filter", ip4_rp_filter);
+-		priv->ip4_rp_filter = ip4_rp_filter;
+-	}
+ static void
+ link_changed (NMDevice *self, const NMPlatformLink *pllink)
+ {
+@@ -10259,9 +10095,6 @@ nm_device_set_ip4_config (NMDevice *self,
+ 	concheck_periodic_update (self);
+-	if (!nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external_or_assume (self))
+-		ip4_rp_filter_update (self);
+ 	if (has_changes) {
+ 		NMSettingsConnection *settings_connection;
+@@ -11284,11 +11117,6 @@ queued_ip4_config_change (gpointer user_data)
+ 	set_unmanaged_external_down (self, TRUE);
+-	if (!nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external_or_assume (self)) {
+-		priv->v4_has_shadowed_routes = _v4_has_shadowed_routes_detect (self);;
+-		ip4_rp_filter_update (self);
+-	}
+ 	return FALSE;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0024-fix-delayed-assume-master-rh1452062.patch b/SOURCES/0024-fix-delayed-assume-master-rh1452062.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb58bb5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0024-fix-delayed-assume-master-rh1452062.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-From 72e544c7eca495d0857d0710cc77161cd3b145d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 17:34:47 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] manager: fix preserving assume state during activation
-Originally 850c977 "device: track system interface state in NMDevice",
-intended that a connection can only be assumed initially when seeing
-a device for the first time. Assuming a connection later was to be
-prevented by setting device's sys-iface-state to MANAGED.
-That changed too much in behavior, because we used to assume external
-connections also when they are activated later on. So this was attempted
-to get fixed by
-  - acf1067 nm-manager: try assuming connections on managed devices
-  - b6b7d90 manager: avoid generating in memory connections during startup for managed devices
-It's probably just wrong to prevent assuming connections based on the
-sys-iface-state. So drop the check for sys-iface-state from
-recheck_assume_connection(). Now, we can assume anytime on managed,
-disconnected interfaces, like previously.
-Btw, note that priv->startup is totally wrong to check there, because
-priv->startup has the sole purpose of tracking startup-complete property.
-Startup, as far as NMManager is concerned, is platform_query_devices().
-However, the problem is that we only assume connections (contrary to
-doing external activation) when we have a connection-uuid from the state
-file or with guess-assume during startup.
-When assuming a master device, it can fail with
-  (nm-bond): ignoring generated connection (IPv6LL-only and not in master-slave relationship)
-thus, for internal reason the device cannot be assumed yet.
-Fix that by attatching the assume-state to the device, so that on multiple
-recheck_assume_connection() calls we still try to assume. Whenever we try
-to assume the connection and it fails due to external reasons (like, the connection
-no longer matching), we clear the assume state, so that we only try as
-long as there are internal reasons why assuming fails.
-(cherry picked from commit 729de7d7f09c3ad813477b7a822155b4b95dc682)
-(cherry picked from commit 06db38b91d627f897b5bdd0de4a06f7b8a220902)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
- src/devices/nm-device.h | 15 +++++++-
- src/nm-manager.c        | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 3 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 1aea8cb..404dcf7 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -264,6 +264,9 @@ typedef struct _NMDevicePrivate {
- 	bool          nm_owned:1; /* whether the device is a device owned and created by NM */
-+	bool          assume_state_guess_assume:1;
-+	char *        assume_state_connection_uuid;
- 	GHashTable *  available_connections;
- 	char *        hw_addr;
- 	char *        hw_addr_perm;
-@@ -527,6 +530,8 @@ static gboolean dhcp6_start (NMDevice *self, gboolean wait_for_ll);
- static void nm_device_start_ip_check (NMDevice *self);
- static void realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
-                                  const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                                 gboolean assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                                 const char *assume_state_connection_uuid,
-                                  gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                                  NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit);
- static void _commit_mtu (NMDevice *self, const NMIP4Config *config);
-@@ -711,6 +716,52 @@ nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (NMDevice *self,
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+nm_device_assume_state_get (NMDevice *self,
-+                            gboolean *out_assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                            const char **out_assume_state_connection_uuid)
-+	NMDevicePrivate *priv;
-+	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (self));
-+	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+	NM_SET_OUT (out_assume_state_guess_assume, priv->assume_state_guess_assume);
-+	NM_SET_OUT (out_assume_state_connection_uuid, priv->assume_state_connection_uuid);
-+static void
-+_assume_state_set (NMDevice *self,
-+                   gboolean assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                   const char *assume_state_connection_uuid)
-+	NMDevicePrivate *priv;
-+	nm_assert (NM_IS_DEVICE (self));
-+	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+	if (   priv->assume_state_guess_assume == !!assume_state_guess_assume
-+	    && nm_streq0 (priv->assume_state_connection_uuid, assume_state_connection_uuid))
-+		return;
-+	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "assume-state: set guess-assume=%c, connection=%s%s%s",
-+	       assume_state_guess_assume ? '1' : '0',
-+	       NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTE_STRING (assume_state_connection_uuid));
-+	priv->assume_state_guess_assume = assume_state_guess_assume;
-+	g_free (priv->assume_state_connection_uuid);
-+	priv->assume_state_connection_uuid = g_strdup (assume_state_connection_uuid);
-+nm_device_assume_state_reset (NMDevice *self)
-+	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (self));
-+	_assume_state_set (self, FALSE, NULL);
- static void
- init_ip4_config_dns_priority (NMDevice *self, NMIP4Config *config)
- {
-@@ -2741,6 +2792,8 @@ link_type_compatible (NMDevice *self,
-  * nm_device_realize_start():
-  * @self: the #NMDevice
-  * @plink: an existing platform link or %NULL
-+ * @assume_state_guess_assume: set the guess_assume state.
-+ * @assume_state_connection_uuid: set the connection uuid to assume.
-  * @set_nm_owned: for software device, if TRUE set nm-owned.
-  * @unmanaged_user_explicit: the user-explicit unmanaged flag to apply
-  *   on the device initially.
-@@ -2759,6 +2812,8 @@ link_type_compatible (NMDevice *self,
- gboolean
- nm_device_realize_start (NMDevice *self,
-                          const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                         gboolean assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                         const char *assume_state_connection_uuid,
-                          gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                          NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit,
-                          gboolean *out_compatible,
-@@ -2784,8 +2839,11 @@ nm_device_realize_start (NMDevice *self,
- 		plink_copy = *plink;
- 		plink = &plink_copy;
- 	}
--	realize_start_setup (self, plink, set_nm_owned, unmanaged_user_explicit);
-+	realize_start_setup (self, plink,
-+	                     assume_state_guess_assume,
-+	                     assume_state_connection_uuid,
-+	                     set_nm_owned,
-+	                     unmanaged_user_explicit);
- 	return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -2824,7 +2882,10 @@ nm_device_create_and_realize (NMDevice *self,
- 		plink = &plink_copy;
- 	}
--	realize_start_setup (self, plink, FALSE, NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET);
-+	realize_start_setup (self, plink,
-+	                     FALSE, /* assume_state_guess_assume */
-+	                     NULL,  /* assume_state_connection_uuid */
-+	                     FALSE, NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET);
- 	nm_device_realize_finish (self, plink);
- 	if (nm_device_get_managed (self, FALSE)) {
-@@ -2920,6 +2981,8 @@ realize_start_notify (NMDevice *self,
-  * realize_start_setup():
-  * @self: the #NMDevice
-  * @plink: the #NMPlatformLink if backed by a kernel netdevice
-+ * @assume_state_guess_assume: set the guess_assume state.
-+ * @assume_state_connection_uuid: set the connection uuid to assume.
-  * @set_nm_owned: if TRUE and device is a software-device, set nm-owned.
-  *    TRUE.
-  * @unmanaged_user_explicit: the user-explict unmanaged flag to set.
-@@ -2933,6 +2996,8 @@ realize_start_notify (NMDevice *self,
- static void
- realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
-                      const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                     gboolean assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                     const char *assume_state_connection_uuid,
-                      gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                      NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit)
- {
-@@ -2972,6 +3037,8 @@ realize_start_setup (NMDevice *self,
- 		_notify (self, PROP_MTU);
- 	}
-+	_assume_state_set (self, assume_state_guess_assume, assume_state_connection_uuid);
- 	nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (self, NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_EXTERNAL);
- 	if (plink) {
-@@ -3193,6 +3260,8 @@ nm_device_unrealize (NMDevice *self, gboolean remove_resources, GError **error)
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "unrealize (ifindex %d)", ifindex > 0 ? ifindex : 0);
-+	nm_device_assume_state_reset (self);
- 	if (remove_resources) {
- 		if (NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->unrealize) {
- 			if (!NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->unrealize (self, error))
-@@ -4042,7 +4111,7 @@ nm_device_master_update_slave_connection (NMDevice *self,
- }
- NMConnection *
--nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master)
-+nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_maybe_later)
- {
- 	NMDeviceClass *klass = NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self);
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-@@ -4056,6 +4125,8 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master)
- 	GError *error = NULL;
- 	const NMPlatformLink *pllink;
-+	NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, FALSE);
- 	/* If update_connection() is not implemented, just fail. */
- 	if (!klass->update_connection)
- 		return NULL;
-@@ -4131,6 +4202,7 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master)
- 	    && !nm_setting_connection_get_master (NM_SETTING_CONNECTION (s_con))
- 	    && !priv->slaves) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "ignoring generated connection (no IP and not in master-slave relationship)");
-+		NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, TRUE);
- 		g_object_unref (connection);
- 		connection = NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -4145,6 +4217,7 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master)
- 	    && !priv->slaves
- 	    && !nm_config_data_get_assume_ipv6ll_only (NM_CONFIG_GET_DATA, self)) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "ignoring generated connection (IPv6LL-only and not in master-slave relationship)");
-+		NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, TRUE);
- 		g_object_unref (connection);
- 		connection = NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -12504,6 +12577,9 @@ _set_state_full (NMDevice *self,
- 	                        NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_ASSUME))
- 		nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (self, NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_MANAGED);
-+		nm_device_assume_state_reset (self);
- 		if (available_connections_del_all (self))
- 			_notify (self, PROP_AVAILABLE_CONNECTIONS);
-@@ -13778,6 +13854,8 @@ dispose (GObject *object)
- 	nm_clear_g_cancellable (&priv->deactivating_cancellable);
-+	nm_device_assume_state_reset (self);
- 	_parent_set_ifindex (self, 0, FALSE);
- 	platform = nm_device_get_platform (self);
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index 74cc230..01e3938 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -487,7 +487,9 @@ void            nm_device_removed               (NMDevice *self, gboolean unconf
- gboolean        nm_device_is_available          (NMDevice *dev, NMDeviceCheckDevAvailableFlags flags);
- gboolean        nm_device_has_carrier           (NMDevice *dev);
--NMConnection * nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master);
-+NMConnection * nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self,
-+                                              NMDevice *master,
-+                                              gboolean *out_maybe_later);
- gboolean nm_device_master_update_slave_connection (NMDevice *master,
-                                                    NMDevice *slave,
-@@ -609,8 +611,19 @@ gboolean nm_device_is_nm_owned (NMDevice *device);
- gboolean nm_device_has_capability (NMDevice *self, NMDeviceCapabilities caps);
-+void nm_device_assume_state_get (NMDevice *self,
-+                                 gboolean *out_assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                                 const char **out_assume_state_connection_uuid);
-+void nm_device_assume_state_reset (NMDevice *self);
- gboolean nm_device_realize_start      (NMDevice *device,
-                                        const NMPlatformLink *plink,
-+                                       gboolean assume_state_guess_assume,
-+                                       const char *assume_state_connection_uuid,
-                                        gboolean set_nm_owned,
-                                        NMUnmanFlagOp unmanaged_user_explicit,
-                                        gboolean *out_compatible,
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 1daf633..9a7b123 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1691,11 +1691,6 @@ done:
-  * get_existing_connection:
-  * @manager: #NMManager instance
-  * @device: #NMDevice instance
-- * @guess_assume: whether to employ a heuristic to search for a matching
-- *   connection to assume.
-- * @assume_connection_uuid: if present, try to assume a connection with this
-- *   UUID. If no uuid is given or no matching connection is found, we
-- *   only do external activation.
-  * @out_generated: (allow-none): return TRUE, if the connection was generated.
-  *
-  * Returns: a #NMSettingsConnection to be assumed by the device, or %NULL if
-@@ -1704,8 +1699,6 @@ done:
- static NMSettingsConnection *
- get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
-                          NMDevice *device,
--                         gboolean guess_assume,
--                         const char *assume_connection_uuid,
-                          gboolean *out_generated)
- {
- 	NMManagerPrivate *priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-@@ -1716,6 +1709,9 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	int ifindex = nm_device_get_ifindex (device);
- 	NMSettingsConnection *matched;
- 	NMSettingsConnection *connection_checked = NULL;
-+	gboolean assume_state_guess_assume = FALSE;
-+	const char *assume_state_connection_uuid = NULL;
-+	gboolean maybe_later;
- 	if (out_generated)
- 		*out_generated = FALSE;
-@@ -1746,9 +1742,16 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	 * update_connection() implemented, otherwise nm_device_generate_connection()
- 	 * returns NULL.
- 	 */
--	connection = nm_device_generate_connection (device, master);
--	if (!connection)
-+	connection = nm_device_generate_connection (device, master, &maybe_later);
-+	if (!connection) {
-+		if (!maybe_later)
-+			nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return NULL;
-+	}
-+	nm_device_assume_state_get (device,
-+	                            &assume_state_guess_assume,
-+	                            &assume_state_connection_uuid);
- 	/* Now we need to compare the generated connection to each configured
- 	 * connection. The comparison function is the heart of the connection
-@@ -1759,8 +1762,8 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	 * When no configured connection matches the generated connection, we keep
- 	 * the generated connection instead.
- 	 */
--	if (   assume_connection_uuid
--	    && (connection_checked = nm_settings_get_connection_by_uuid (priv->settings, assume_connection_uuid))
-+	if (   assume_state_connection_uuid
-+	    && (connection_checked = nm_settings_get_connection_by_uuid (priv->settings, assume_state_connection_uuid))
- 	    && !active_connection_find_first (self, connection_checked, NULL,
- 	                                      NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE_DEACTIVATING)
- 	    && nm_device_check_connection_compatible (device, NM_CONNECTION (connection_checked))) {
-@@ -1778,7 +1781,7 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	} else
- 		matched = NULL;
--	if (!matched && guess_assume) {
-+	if (!matched && assume_state_guess_assume) {
- 		gs_free NMSettingsConnection **connections = NULL;
- 		guint len, i, j;
-@@ -1812,9 +1815,10 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 		       nm_device_get_iface (device),
- 		       nm_settings_connection_get_id (matched),
- 		       nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched),
--		       assume_connection_uuid && nm_streq (assume_connection_uuid, nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched))
-+		       assume_state_connection_uuid && nm_streq (assume_state_connection_uuid, nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched))
- 		           ? " (indicated)" : " (guessed)");
- 		g_object_unref (connection);
-+		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return matched;
- 	}
-@@ -1822,6 +1826,8 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	       nm_device_get_iface (device),
- 	       nm_connection_get_id (connection));
-+	nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 	added = nm_settings_add_connection (priv->settings, connection, FALSE, &error);
- 	if (added) {
- 		nm_settings_connection_set_flags (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (added),
-@@ -1844,34 +1850,28 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- static gboolean
- recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
--                           NMDevice *device,
--                           gboolean guess_assume,
--                           const char *assume_connection_uuid)
-+                           NMDevice *device)
- {
- 	NMSettingsConnection *connection;
- 	gboolean was_unmanaged = FALSE;
- 	gboolean generated = FALSE;
- 	NMDeviceState state;
--	NMDeviceSysIfaceState if_state;
--	NMManagerPrivate *priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self), FALSE);
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (device), FALSE);
--	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE))
-+	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE)) {
-+		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return FALSE;
-+	}
- 	state = nm_device_get_state (device);
--		return FALSE;
--	if_state = nm_device_sys_iface_state_get (device);
--	if (!priv->startup  && (if_state == NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_MANAGED))
--		nm_assert (!guess_assume && (assume_connection_uuid == NULL));
--	else if (if_state != NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_EXTERNAL)
-+		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return FALSE;
-+	}
--	connection = get_existing_connection (self, device, guess_assume, assume_connection_uuid, &generated);
-+	connection = get_existing_connection (self, device, &generated);
- 	if (!connection) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): can't assume; no connection",
- 		       nm_device_get_iface (device));
-@@ -1951,9 +1951,9 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- }
- static void
--recheck_assume_connection_cb (NMDevice *device, gpointer user_data)
-+recheck_assume_connection_cb (NMManager *self, NMDevice *device)
- {
--	recheck_assume_connection (user_data, device, FALSE, NULL);
-+	recheck_assume_connection (self, device);
- }
- static void
-@@ -2046,19 +2046,19 @@ device_connectivity_changed (NMDevice *device,
- static void
- _device_realize_finish (NMManager *self,
-                         NMDevice *device,
--                        const NMPlatformLink *plink,
--                        gboolean guess_assume,
--                        const char *connection_uuid_to_assume)
-+                        const NMPlatformLink *plink)
- {
- 	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_MANAGER (self));
- 	g_return_if_fail (NM_IS_DEVICE (device));
- 	nm_device_realize_finish (device, plink);
--	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE))
-+	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE)) {
-+		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return;
-+	}
--	if (recheck_assume_connection (self, device, guess_assume, connection_uuid_to_assume))
-+	if (recheck_assume_connection (self, device))
- 		return;
- 	/* if we failed to assume a connection for the managed device, but the device
-@@ -2128,9 +2128,9 @@ add_device (NMManager *self, NMDevice *device, GError **error)
- 	                  G_CALLBACK (device_removed_cb),
- 	                  self);
--	g_signal_connect (device, NM_DEVICE_RECHECK_ASSUME,
--	                  G_CALLBACK (recheck_assume_connection_cb),
--	                  self);
-+	g_signal_connect_data (device, NM_DEVICE_RECHECK_ASSUME,
-+	                       G_CALLBACK (recheck_assume_connection_cb),
-+	                       self, NULL, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);
- 	g_signal_connect (device, "notify::" NM_DEVICE_IP_IFACE,
- 	                  G_CALLBACK (device_ip_iface_changed),
-@@ -2212,12 +2212,14 @@ factory_device_added_cb (NMDeviceFactory *factory,
- 	if (nm_device_realize_start (device,
- 	                             NULL,
--	                             FALSE,
-+	                             FALSE, /* assume_state_guess_assume */
-+	                             NULL,  /* assume_state_connection_uuid */
-+	                             FALSE, /* set_nm_owned */
- 	                             NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET,
- 	                             NULL,
- 	                             &error)) {
- 		add_device (self, device, NULL);
--		_device_realize_finish (self, device, NULL, FALSE, NULL);
-+		_device_realize_finish (self, device, NULL);
- 	} else {
- 		_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): failed to realize device: %s",
- 		       nm_device_get_iface (device), error->message);
-@@ -2291,12 +2293,13 @@ platform_link_added (NMManager *self,
- 			return;
- 		} else if (nm_device_realize_start (candidate,
- 		                                    plink,
--		                                    FALSE,
-+		                                    FALSE, /* assume_state_guess_assume */
-+		                                    NULL,  /* assume_state_connection_uuid */
-+		                                    FALSE, /* set_nm_owned */
- 		                                    NM_UNMAN_FLAG_OP_FORGET,
- 		                                    &compatible,
- 		                                    &error)) {
--			/* Success */
--			_device_realize_finish (self, candidate, plink, FALSE, NULL);
-+			_device_realize_finish (self, candidate, plink);
- 			return;
- 		}
-@@ -2363,14 +2366,14 @@ platform_link_added (NMManager *self,
- 		if (nm_device_realize_start (device,
- 		                             plink,
-+		                             guess_assume,
-+		                             dev_state ? dev_state->connection_uuid : NULL,
- 		                             dev_state ? (dev_state->nm_owned == 1) : FALSE,
- 		                             unmanaged_user_explicit,
- 		                             NULL,
- 		                             &error)) {
- 			add_device (self, device, NULL);
--			_device_realize_finish (self, device, plink,
--			                        guess_assume,
--			                        dev_state ? dev_state->connection_uuid : NULL);
-+			_device_realize_finish (self, device, plink);
- 		} else {
- 			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "%s: failed to realize device: %s",
- 			       plink->name, error->message);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-improve-logging-assume-rh1452062.patch b/SOURCES/0025-improve-logging-assume-rh1452062.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eb9b523..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0025-improve-logging-assume-rh1452062.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1173 +0,0 @@
-From bc8c001312ba87cb4069b5a1785bb8fef607f079 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 12:18:21 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 01/10] device: rework device's _NMLOG() logging macro
-- if the interface-name is NULL, print [null], to distinguish
-  it from (ifname).
-- evaluate the ifname only once.
-(cherry picked from commit f10b95880666fe611fb2d0c27d49bfe3988ec9ec)
-(cherry picked from commit 60ce882419201f75ac762e559854c85926263fe1)
- src/devices/nm-device-logging.h | 22 ++++++++++++++++------
- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h b/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-index 419a4a5..5f95a91 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-@@ -34,11 +34,21 @@ _nm_device_log_self_to_device (t *self) \
- #undef  _NMLOG_ENABLED
- #define _NMLOG_ENABLED(level, domain) ( nm_logging_enabled ((level), (domain)) )
- #define _NMLOG(level, domain, ...) \
--    nm_log_obj ((level), (domain), \
--                (self) ? nm_device_get_iface (_nm_device_log_self_to_device (self)) : NULL, \
--                NULL, (self), "device", \
--                "(%s): " _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST(__VA_ARGS__), \
--                (self) ? (nm_device_get_iface (_nm_device_log_self_to_device (self)) ?: "(null)") : "(none)" \
--                _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST(__VA_ARGS__))
-+		const NMLogLevel _level = (level); \
-+		const NMLogDomain _domain = (domain); \
-+		\
-+		if (nm_logging_enabled (_level, _domain)) { \
-+			typeof (*self) *const _self = (self); \
-+			const char *const _ifname = _self ? nm_device_get_iface (_nm_device_log_self_to_device (_self)) : NULL; \
-+			\
-+			nm_log_obj (_level, _domain, \
-+			            _ifname, NULL, \
-+			            _self, "device", \
-+			            "%s%s%s: " _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST(__VA_ARGS__), \
-+			            NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (_ifname, "(", _ifname, ")", "[null]") \
-+			            _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST(__VA_ARGS__)); \
-+		} \
-From 5449347dcb049ed7f7d5a9ee022dcf2b2d676412 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 17:22:16 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 02/10] device: expose nm_device_state_to_str() function for
- NMDeviceState
-(cherry picked from commit 4b15df26561d5cf3890c9f8e1ec0266547d1cb7a)
-(cherry picked from commit e0b7a44062ac870dc884021704f915b21caeaa52)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
- src/devices/nm-device.h |  3 +++
- 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 404dcf7..fdf88c9 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (queued_state_to_string, NMDeviceState,
- );
--static const char *
--state_to_string (NMDeviceState state)
-+const char *
-+nm_device_state_to_str (NMDeviceState state)
- {
- 	return queued_state_to_string (state) + NM_STRLEN (NM_PENDING_ACTIONPREFIX_QUEUED_STATE_CHANGE);
- }
-@@ -3423,9 +3423,9 @@ slave_state_changed (NMDevice *slave,
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "slave %s state change %d (%s) -> %d (%s)",
- 	       nm_device_get_iface (slave),
- 	       slave_old_state,
--	       state_to_string (slave_old_state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (slave_old_state),
- 	       slave_new_state,
--	       state_to_string (slave_new_state));
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (slave_new_state));
- 	/* Don't try to enslave slaves until the master is ready */
- 	if (priv->state < NM_DEVICE_STATE_CONFIG)
-@@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ recheck_available (gpointer user_data)
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "is %savailable, %s %s",
- 		       now_available ? "" : "not ",
- 		       new_state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE ? "no change required for" : "will transition to",
--		       state_to_string (new_state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE ? state : new_state));
-+		       nm_device_state_to_str (new_state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE ? state : new_state));
- 		priv->recheck_available.available_reason = NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE;
- 		priv->recheck_available.unavailable_reason = NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE;
-@@ -12536,8 +12536,8 @@ _set_state_full (NMDevice *self,
- 	    && (   state != NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE
- 	        || !priv->firmware_missing)) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "state change: %s -> %s (reason '%s') [%d %d %d]%s",
--		       state_to_string (old_state),
--		       state_to_string (state),
-+		       nm_device_state_to_str (old_state),
-+		       nm_device_state_to_str (state),
- 		       reason_to_string (reason),
- 		       old_state,
- 		       state,
-@@ -12547,8 +12547,8 @@ _set_state_full (NMDevice *self,
- 	}
- 	_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "state change: %s -> %s (reason '%s') [%d %d %d]",
--	       state_to_string (old_state),
--	       state_to_string (state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (old_state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (state),
- 	       reason_to_string (reason),
- 	       old_state,
- 	       state,
-@@ -12872,7 +12872,7 @@ queued_state_set (gpointer user_data)
- 	nm_assert (priv->queued_state.id);
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "queue-state[%s, reason:%s, id:%u]: %s",
--	       state_to_string (priv->queued_state.state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (priv->queued_state.state),
- 	       reason_to_string (priv->queued_state.reason),
- 	       priv->queued_state.id,
- 	       "change state");
-@@ -12903,7 +12903,7 @@ nm_device_queue_state (NMDevice *self,
- 	if (priv->queued_state.id && priv->queued_state.state == state) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "queue-state[%s, reason:%s, id:%u]: %s%s%s%s",
--		       state_to_string (priv->queued_state.state),
-+		       nm_device_state_to_str (priv->queued_state.state),
- 		       reason_to_string (priv->queued_state.reason),
- 		       priv->queued_state.id,
- 		       "ignore queuing same state change",
-@@ -12919,7 +12919,7 @@ nm_device_queue_state (NMDevice *self,
- 	/* We should only ever have one delayed state transition at a time */
- 	if (priv->queued_state.id) {
- 		_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "queue-state[%s, reason:%s, id:%u]: %s",
--		       state_to_string (priv->queued_state.state),
-+		       nm_device_state_to_str (priv->queued_state.state),
- 		       reason_to_string (priv->queued_state.reason),
- 		       priv->queued_state.id,
- 		       "replace previously queued state change");
-@@ -12932,7 +12932,7 @@ nm_device_queue_state (NMDevice *self,
- 	priv->queued_state.id = g_idle_add (queued_state_set, self);
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "queue-state[%s, reason:%s, id:%u]: %s",
--	       state_to_string (state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (state),
- 	       reason_to_string (reason),
- 	       priv->queued_state.id,
- 	       "queue state change");
-@@ -12947,7 +12947,7 @@ queued_state_clear (NMDevice *self)
- 		return;
- 	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "queue-state[%s, reason:%s, id:%u]: %s",
--	       state_to_string (priv->queued_state.state),
-+	       nm_device_state_to_str (priv->queued_state.state),
- 	       reason_to_string (priv->queued_state.reason),
- 	       priv->queued_state.id,
- 	       "clear queued state change");
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index 01e3938..edbb0aa 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -722,4 +722,7 @@ void nm_device_check_connectivity (NMDevice *self,
-                                    gpointer user_data);
- NMConnectivityState nm_device_get_connectivity_state (NMDevice *self);
-+const char *nm_device_state_to_str (NMDeviceState state);
- #endif /* __NETWORKMANAGER_DEVICE_H__ */
-From c1fdd7063b9be81cbac1e256c0cca7ee8c6b4486 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 12:47:27 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 03/10] logging: add LOG3 macros
-(cherry picked from commit 2ae891b5923afc2d4f2853f213d26538092b1c39)
-(cherry picked from commit c5812a5fb9bee418e2d2c4f4ef4225d5cde86e87)
- src/nm-logging.h | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/nm-logging.h b/src/nm-logging.h
-index ff1fac7..91a4141 100644
---- a/src/nm-logging.h
-+++ b/src/nm-logging.h
-@@ -306,6 +306,37 @@ gboolean nm_logging_syslog_enabled (void);
- #define _LOG2t_err(errsv, ...) G_STMT_START { if (FALSE) { _NMLOG2_err (errsv, LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__); } } G_STMT_END
- #endif
-+#define _NMLOG3_ENABLED(level) ( nm_logging_enabled ((level), (_NMLOG3_DOMAIN)) )
-+#define _LOG3T(...)          _NMLOG3 (LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3D(...)          _NMLOG3 (LOGL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3I(...)          _NMLOG3 (LOGL_INFO , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3W(...)          _NMLOG3 (LOGL_WARN , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3E(...)          _NMLOG3 (LOGL_ERR  , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3I_ENABLED(...)  _NMLOG3_ENABLED (LOGL_INFO , ##__VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3W_ENABLED(...)  _NMLOG3_ENABLED (LOGL_WARN , ##__VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3E_ENABLED(...)  _NMLOG3_ENABLED (LOGL_ERR  , ##__VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3T_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3D_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3I_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_INFO , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3W_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_WARN , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3E_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_ERR  , __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3t_ENABLED(...)    _NMLOG3_ENABLED (LOGL_TRACE, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3t(...)            _NMLOG3 (LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__)
-+#define _LOG3t_err(errsv, ...) _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__)
-+/* still call the logging macros to get compile time checks, but they will be optimized out. */
-+#define _LOG3t_ENABLED(...)    ( FALSE && (_NMLOG3_ENABLED (LOGL_TRACE, ##__VA_ARGS__)) )
-+#define _LOG3t(...)            G_STMT_START { if (FALSE) { _NMLOG3 (LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__); } } G_STMT_END
-+#define _LOG3t_err(errsv, ...) G_STMT_START { if (FALSE) { _NMLOG3_err (errsv, LOGL_TRACE, __VA_ARGS__); } } G_STMT_END
- extern void (*_nm_logging_clear_platform_logging_cache) (void);
- /*****************************************************************************/
-From 34397427cc2b8351f7068c911d085f946ed420bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 12:46:10 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 04/10] manager: add logging macro _NMLOG2() for logging device
- messages
-It unifies the way how we print the logging prefix, but also it
-passes the ifname down for structured logging.
-(cherry picked from commit 1f6078bcf5af88095d42ea2a2be002578cd3e76e)
-(cherry picked from commit 22bf75162d96a2f6aa7084ba05d4eed21e9ca5e6)
- src/devices/nm-device-logging.h |  2 +-
- src/devices/nm-device.h         |  9 ++++
- src/nm-manager.c                | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
- 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h b/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-index 5f95a91..f0c7e59 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-logging.h
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ _nm_device_log_self_to_device (t *self) \
- 		\
- 		if (nm_logging_enabled (_level, _domain)) { \
- 			typeof (*self) *const _self = (self); \
--			const char *const _ifname = _self ? nm_device_get_iface (_nm_device_log_self_to_device (_self)) : NULL; \
-+			const char *const _ifname = _nm_device_get_iface (_nm_device_log_self_to_device (_self)); \
- 			\
- 			nm_log_obj (_level, _domain, \
- 			            _ifname, NULL, \
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index edbb0aa..7229fb9 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -421,6 +421,15 @@ NMPlatform *nm_device_get_platform (NMDevice *self);
- const char *    nm_device_get_udi               (NMDevice *dev);
- const char *    nm_device_get_iface             (NMDevice *dev);
-+static inline const char *
-+_nm_device_get_iface (NMDevice *device)
-+	/* like nm_device_get_iface(), but gracefully accept NULL without
-+	 * asserting. */
-+	return device ? nm_device_get_iface (device) : NULL;
- int             nm_device_get_ifindex           (NMDevice *dev);
- gboolean        nm_device_is_software           (NMDevice *dev);
- gboolean        nm_device_is_real               (NMDevice *dev);
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 9a7b123..098d00d 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -222,19 +222,41 @@ NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_INSTANCE (NMManager);
- #define _NMLOG_PREFIX_NAME      "manager"
- #define _NMLOG(level, domain, ...) \
-     G_STMT_START { \
--        const NMLogLevel __level = (level); \
--        const NMLogDomain __domain = (domain); \
-+        const NMLogLevel _level = (level); \
-+        const NMLogDomain _domain = (domain); \
-         \
--        if (nm_logging_enabled (__level, __domain)) { \
--            const NMManager *const __self = (self); \
--            char __sbuf[32]; \
-+        if (nm_logging_enabled (_level, _domain)) { \
-+            const NMManager *const _self = (self); \
-+            char _sbuf[32]; \
-             \
--            _nm_log (__level, __domain, 0, NULL, NULL, \
-+            _nm_log (_level, _domain, 0, NULL, NULL, \
-                      "%s%s: " _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__), \
-                      _NMLOG_PREFIX_NAME, \
--                     (__self && __self != singleton_instance) \
--                         ? nm_sprintf_buf (__sbuf, "[%p]", __self) \
--                         : "" \
-+                     ((_self && _self != singleton_instance) \
-+                         ? nm_sprintf_buf (_sbuf, "[%p]", _self) \
-+                         : "") \
-+                     _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST (__VA_ARGS__)); \
-+        } \
-+    } G_STMT_END
-+#define _NMLOG2(level, domain, device, ...) \
-+    G_STMT_START { \
-+        const NMLogLevel _level = (level); \
-+        const NMLogDomain _domain = (domain); \
-+        \
-+        if (nm_logging_enabled (_level, _domain)) { \
-+            const NMManager *const _self = (self); \
-+            const char *const _ifname = _nm_device_get_iface (device); \
-+            char _sbuf[32]; \
-+            \
-+            _nm_log (_level, _domain, 0, \
-+                     _ifname, NULL, \
-+                     "%s%s: %s%s%s" _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__), \
-+                     _NMLOG_PREFIX_NAME, \
-+                     ((_self && _self != singleton_instance) \
-+                         ? nm_sprintf_buf (_sbuf, "[%p]", _self) \
-+                         : ""), \
-+                     NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (_ifname, "(", _ifname, "): ", "") \
-                      _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST (__VA_ARGS__)); \
-         } \
-     } G_STMT_END
-@@ -983,8 +1005,8 @@ remove_device (NMManager *self,
- 	NMManagerPrivate *priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	gboolean unmanage = FALSE;
--	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): removing device (allow_unmanage %d, managed %d)",
--	       nm_device_get_iface (device), allow_unmanage, nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE));
-+	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "removing device (allow_unmanage %d, managed %d)",
-+	        allow_unmanage, nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE));
- 	if (allow_unmanage && nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE)) {
-@@ -1481,9 +1503,7 @@ manager_update_radio_enabled (NMManager *self,
- 		NMDevice *device = NM_DEVICE (iter->data);
- 		if (nm_device_get_rfkill_type (device) == rstate->rtype) {
--			_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): setting radio %s",
--			       nm_device_get_iface (device),
--			       enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
-+			_LOG2D (LOGD_RFKILL, device, "setting radio %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
- 			nm_device_set_enabled (device, enabled);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1724,13 +1744,13 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 		if (master_ifindex) {
- 			master = nm_manager_get_device_by_ifindex (self, master_ifindex);
- 			if (!master) {
--				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): cannot generate connection for slave before its master (%s/%d)",
--				       nm_device_get_iface (device), nm_platform_link_get_name (NM_PLATFORM_GET, master_ifindex), master_ifindex);
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "cannot generate connection for slave before its master (%s/%d)",
-+				       nm_platform_link_get_name (NM_PLATFORM_GET, master_ifindex), master_ifindex);
- 				return NULL;
- 			}
- 			if (!nm_device_get_act_request (master)) {
--				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): cannot generate connection for slave before master %s activates",
--				       nm_device_get_iface (device), nm_device_get_iface (master));
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "cannot generate connection for slave before master %s activates",
-+				       nm_device_get_iface (master));
- 				return NULL;
- 			}
- 		}
-@@ -1811,20 +1831,18 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	}
- 	if (matched) {
--		_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): found matching connection '%s' (%s)%s",
--		       nm_device_get_iface (device),
--		       nm_settings_connection_get_id (matched),
--		       nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched),
--		       assume_state_connection_uuid && nm_streq (assume_state_connection_uuid, nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched))
--		           ? " (indicated)" : " (guessed)");
-+		_LOG2I (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "found matching connection '%s' (%s)%s",
-+		        nm_settings_connection_get_id (matched),
-+		        nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched),
-+		        assume_state_connection_uuid && nm_streq (assume_state_connection_uuid, nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched))
-+		            ? " (indicated)" : " (guessed)");
- 		g_object_unref (connection);
- 		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return matched;
- 	}
--	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): generated connection '%s'",
--	       nm_device_get_iface (device),
--	       nm_connection_get_id (connection));
-+	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "generated connection '%s'",
-+	        nm_connection_get_id (connection));
- 	nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
-@@ -1837,8 +1855,7 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 		if (out_generated)
- 			*out_generated = TRUE;
- 	} else {
--		_LOGW (LOGD_SETTINGS, "(%s) Couldn't save generated connection '%s': %s",
--		       nm_device_get_iface (device),
-+		_LOG2W (LOGD_SETTINGS, device, "Couldn't save generated connection '%s': %s",
- 		       nm_connection_get_id (connection),
- 		       error->message);
- 		g_clear_error (&error);
-@@ -1873,13 +1890,11 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	connection = get_existing_connection (self, device, &generated);
- 	if (!connection) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): can't assume; no connection",
--		       nm_device_get_iface (device));
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "can't assume; no connection");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): will attempt to assume connection",
--	       nm_device_get_iface (device));
-+	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "will attempt to assume connection");
- 	nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device,
- 	                               generated
-@@ -1926,9 +1941,7 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 			}
- 			if (generated) {
--				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): connection assumption failed. Deleting generated connection",
--				       nm_device_get_iface (device));
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "connection assumption failed. Deleting generated connection");
- 				nm_settings_connection_delete (connection, NULL, NULL);
- 			} else {
- 				if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_get (device) == NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_ASSUME)
-@@ -2182,7 +2195,7 @@ add_device (NMManager *self, NMDevice *device, GError **error)
- 	                               manager_sleeping (self));
- 	dbus_path = nm_exported_object_export (NM_EXPORTED_OBJECT (device));
--	_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): new %s device (%s)", iface, type_desc, dbus_path);
-+	_LOG2I (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "new %s device (%s)", type_desc, dbus_path);
- 	nm_settings_device_added (priv->settings, device);
- 	g_signal_emit (self, signals[INTERNAL_DEVICE_ADDED], 0, device);
-@@ -2221,8 +2234,7 @@ factory_device_added_cb (NMDeviceFactory *factory,
- 		add_device (self, device, NULL);
- 		_device_realize_finish (self, device, NULL);
- 	} else {
--		_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): failed to realize device: %s",
--		       nm_device_get_iface (device), error->message);
-+		_LOG2W (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "failed to realize device: %s", error->message);
- 		g_error_free (error);
- 	}
- }
-@@ -2414,9 +2426,7 @@ _platform_link_cb_idle (PlatformLinkCbData *data)
- 				nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device, NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_REMOVED);
- 				/* Our software devices stick around until their connection is removed */
- 				if (!nm_device_unrealize (device, FALSE, &error)) {
--					_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s): failed to unrealize: %s",
--					       nm_device_get_iface (device),
--					       error->message);
-+					_LOG2W (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "failed to unrealize: %s", error->message);
- 					g_clear_error (&error);
- 					remove_device (self, device, FALSE, TRUE);
- 				}
-@@ -5172,8 +5182,7 @@ handle_firmware_changed (gpointer user_data)
- 		if (   nm_device_get_firmware_missing (candidate)
- 		    && (state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE)) {
--			_LOGI (LOGD_CORE, "(%s): firmware may now be available",
--			       nm_device_get_iface (candidate));
-+			_LOG2I (LOGD_CORE, candidate, "firmware may now be available");
- 			/* Re-set unavailable state to try bringing the device up again */
- 			nm_device_state_changed (candidate,
-From da914ee814f86d87eda5676fa7a1cbf5bcbf264e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 12:46:10 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 05/10] manager: add logging macro _NMLOG3() for logging
- connection messages
-It unifies the way how we print the logging prefix, but also it
-passes the con_uuid down for structured logging.
-(cherry picked from commit 6962f14d4a74c192a81604b7de40a94d13530dc6)
-(cherry picked from commit 36b99ccf5f430f0e70478e5bae314e7893850cde)
- libnm-core/nm-core-internal.h | 18 ++++++++++++++++
- src/nm-manager.c              | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
- 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-core-internal.h b/libnm-core/nm-core-internal.h
-index ac292bf..91967ce 100644
---- a/libnm-core/nm-core-internal.h
-+++ b/libnm-core/nm-core-internal.h
-@@ -343,6 +343,24 @@ _nm_setting_bond_get_option_type (NMSettingBond *setting, const char *name);
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+/* nm_connection_get_uuid() asserts against NULL, which is the right thing to
-+ * do in order to catch bugs. However, sometimes that behavior is inconvenient.
-+ * Just try or return NULL. */
-+static inline const char *
-+_nm_connection_get_id (NMConnection *connection)
-+	return connection ? nm_connection_get_id (connection) : NULL;
-+static inline const char *
-+_nm_connection_get_uuid (NMConnection *connection)
-+	return connection ? nm_connection_get_uuid (connection) : NULL;
- typedef enum {
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 098d00d..da94aac 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -261,6 +261,29 @@ NM_DEFINE_SINGLETON_INSTANCE (NMManager);
-         } \
-     } G_STMT_END
-+#define _NMLOG3(level, domain, connection, ...) \
-+    G_STMT_START { \
-+        const NMLogLevel _level = (level); \
-+        const NMLogDomain _domain = (domain); \
-+        \
-+        if (nm_logging_enabled (_level, _domain)) { \
-+            const NMManager *const _self = (self); \
-+            NMConnection *const _connection = (connection); \
-+            const char *const _con_id = _nm_connection_get_id (_connection); \
-+            char _sbuf[32]; \
-+            \
-+            _nm_log (_level, _domain, 0, \
-+                     NULL, _nm_connection_get_uuid (_connection), \
-+                     "%s%s: %s%s%s" _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__), \
-+                     _NMLOG_PREFIX_NAME, \
-+                     ((_self && _self != singleton_instance) \
-+                         ? nm_sprintf_buf (_sbuf, "[%p]", _self) \
-+                         : ""), \
-+                     NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTED (_con_id, "(", _con_id, ") ", "") \
-+                     _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST (__VA_ARGS__)); \
-+        } \
-+    } G_STMT_END
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static NM_CACHED_QUARK_FCN ("autoconnect-root", autoconnect_root_quark)
-@@ -1260,8 +1283,8 @@ system_create_virtual_device (NMManager *self, NMConnection *connection)
- 	iface = nm_manager_get_connection_iface (self, connection, &parent, &error);
- 	if (!iface) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) can't get a name of a virtual device: %s",
--		       nm_connection_get_id (connection), error->message);
-+		_LOG3D (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "can't get a name of a virtual device: %s",
-+		        error->message);
- 		g_error_free (error);
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -1272,8 +1295,8 @@ system_create_virtual_device (NMManager *self, NMConnection *connection)
- 		if (nm_device_check_connection_compatible (candidate, connection)) {
- 			if (nm_device_is_real (candidate)) {
--				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) already created virtual interface name %s",
--				       nm_connection_get_id (connection), iface);
-+				_LOG3D (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "already created virtual interface name %s",
-+				       iface);
- 				return NULL;
- 			}
-@@ -1287,27 +1310,26 @@ system_create_virtual_device (NMManager *self, NMConnection *connection)
- 		factory = nm_device_factory_manager_find_factory_for_connection (connection);
- 		if (!factory) {
--			_LOGE (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s:%s) NetworkManager plugin for '%s' unavailable",
--			       nm_connection_get_id (connection), iface,
-+			_LOG3E (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "(%s) NetworkManager plugin for '%s' unavailable",
-+			       iface,
- 			       nm_connection_get_connection_type (connection));
- 			return NULL;
- 		}
- 		device = nm_device_factory_create_device (factory, iface, NULL, connection, NULL, &error);
- 		if (!device) {
--			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) factory can't create the device: %s",
--			       nm_connection_get_id (connection), error->message);
-+			_LOG3W (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "factory can't create the device: %s",
-+			        error->message);
- 			g_error_free (error);
- 			return NULL;
- 		}
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) create virtual device %s",
--		       nm_connection_get_id (connection),
-+		_LOG3D (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "create virtual device %s",
- 		       nm_device_get_iface (device));
- 		if (!add_device (self, device, &error)) {
--			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) can't register the device with manager: %s",
--			       nm_connection_get_id (connection), error->message);
-+			_LOG3W (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "can't register the device with manager: %s",
-+			        error->message);
- 			g_error_free (error);
- 			g_object_unref (device);
- 			return NULL;
-@@ -1335,8 +1357,8 @@ system_create_virtual_device (NMManager *self, NMConnection *connection)
- 		/* Create any backing resources the device needs */
- 		if (!nm_device_create_and_realize (device, connection, parent, &error)) {
--			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "(%s) couldn't create the device: %s",
--			       nm_connection_get_id (connection), error->message);
-+			_LOG3W (LOGD_DEVICE, connection, "couldn't create the device: %s",
-+			        error->message);
- 			g_error_free (error);
- 			remove_device (self, device, FALSE, TRUE);
- 			return NULL;
-From b4dc736b2b6c60324461e128b9f57364d127cc6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 13:13:55 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 06/10] manager: add "rfkill" prefix to related logging
- messages
-(cherry picked from commit dd53c879d2395de667fefb9bd8fc1125b85a7977)
-(cherry picked from commit 01fd9df6e589ef623a069cb6c46230ba77ad6b0a)
- src/nm-manager.c | 22 +++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index da94aac..d7437e6 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ manager_update_radio_enabled (NMManager *self,
- 		NMDevice *device = NM_DEVICE (iter->data);
- 		if (nm_device_get_rfkill_type (device) == rstate->rtype) {
--			_LOG2D (LOGD_RFKILL, device, "setting radio %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
-+			_LOG2D (LOGD_RFKILL, device, "rfkill: setting radio %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
- 			nm_device_set_enabled (device, enabled);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -1570,14 +1570,14 @@ manager_rfkill_update_one_type (NMManager *self,
- 	/* Print out all states affecting device enablement */
- 	if (rstate->desc) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "%s hw-enabled %d sw-enabled %d",
-+		_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: %s hw-enabled %d sw-enabled %d",
- 		       rstate->desc, rstate->hw_enabled, rstate->sw_enabled);
- 	}
- 	/* Log new killswitch state */
- 	new_rfkilled = rstate->hw_enabled && rstate->sw_enabled;
- 	if (old_rfkilled != new_rfkilled) {
--		_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "%s now %s by radio killswitch",
-+		_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: %s now %s by radio killswitch",
- 		       rstate->desc,
- 		       new_rfkilled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
- 	}
-@@ -4531,7 +4531,7 @@ do_sleep_wake (NMManager *self, gboolean sleeping_changed)
- 				gboolean enabled = radio_enabled_for_rstate (rstate, TRUE);
- 				if (rstate->desc) {
--					_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "%s %s devices (hw_enabled %d, sw_enabled %d, user_enabled %d)",
-+					_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: %s %s devices (hw_enabled %d, sw_enabled %d, user_enabled %d)",
- 					       enabled ? "enabling" : "disabling",
- 					       rstate->desc, rstate->hw_enabled, rstate->sw_enabled, rstate->user_enabled);
- 				}
-@@ -5128,7 +5128,7 @@ nm_manager_start (NMManager *self, GError **error)
- 		update_rstate_from_rfkill (priv->rfkill_mgr, rstate);
- 		if (rstate->desc) {
--			_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "%s %s by radio killswitch; %s by state file",
-+			_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: %s %s by radio killswitch; %s by state file",
- 			       rstate->desc,
- 			       (rstate->hw_enabled && rstate->sw_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
- 			       rstate->user_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
-@@ -5836,12 +5836,12 @@ rfkill_change (NMManager *self, const char *desc, RfKillType rtype, gboolean ena
- 	fd = open ("/dev/rfkill", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
- 	if (fd < 0) {
- 		if (errno == EACCES)
--			_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): failed to open killswitch device", desc);
-+			_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: (%s): failed to open killswitch device", desc);
- 		return;
- 	}
- 	if (fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
--		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): failed to set killswitch device for "
-+		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: (%s): failed to set killswitch device for "
- 		       "non-blocking operation", desc);
- 		close (fd);
- 		return;
-@@ -5863,14 +5863,14 @@ rfkill_change (NMManager *self, const char *desc, RfKillType rtype, gboolean ena
- 	len = write (fd, &event, sizeof (event));
- 	if (len < 0) {
--		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): failed to change WiFi killswitch state: (%d) %s",
-+		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: (%s): failed to change WiFi killswitch state: (%d) %s",
- 		       desc, errno, g_strerror (errno));
- 	} else if (len == sizeof (event)) {
--		_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "%s hardware radio set %s",
-+		_LOGI (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: %s hardware radio set %s",
- 		       desc, enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
- 	} else {
- 		/* Failed to write full structure */
--		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): failed to change WiFi killswitch state", desc);
-+		_LOGW (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: (%s): failed to change WiFi killswitch state", desc);
- 	}
- 	close (fd);
-@@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ manager_radio_user_toggled (NMManager *self,
- 		return;
- 	if (rstate->desc) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "(%s): setting radio %s by user",
-+		_LOGD (LOGD_RFKILL, "rfkill: (%s): setting radio %s by user",
- 		       rstate->desc,
- 		       enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
- 	}
-From cf805b925c93cae145e354afd0cc05844ec3cd62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 13:30:08 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 07/10] manager: add more logging to
- recheck_assume_connection()
-and give all lines a logging prefix.
-(cherry picked from commit 94534e032788e69690c2affcd09d1f306ffa3840)
-(cherry picked from commit 7e2d64a8b23e4606f15fc66ebf953d5effb16ac3)
- src/nm-manager.c | 13 +++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index d7437e6..3c190eb 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1901,22 +1901,27 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	if (!nm_device_get_managed (device, FALSE)) {
- 		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume because %s", "not managed");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
- 	state = nm_device_get_state (device);
- 		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume due to device state %s",
-+		        nm_device_state_to_str (state));
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
- 	connection = get_existing_connection (self, device, &generated);
- 	if (!connection) {
--		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "can't assume; no connection");
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume because %s", "no connection was generated");
- 		return FALSE;
- 	}
--	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "will attempt to assume connection");
-+	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: will attempt to assume %sconnection %s",
-+	        generated ? "generated " : "",
-+	        nm_connection_get_uuid (NM_CONNECTION (connection)));
- 	nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device,
- 	                               generated
-@@ -1951,7 +1956,7 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 		                                 &error);
- 		if (!active) {
--			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "assumed connection %s failed to activate: %s",
-+			_LOGW (LOGD_DEVICE, "assume: assumed connection %s failed to activate: %s",
- 			       nm_connection_get_path (NM_CONNECTION (connection)),
- 			       error->message);
- 			g_error_free (error);
-@@ -1963,7 +1968,7 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 			}
- 			if (generated) {
--				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "connection assumption failed. Deleting generated connection");
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: deleting generated connection after assuming failed");
- 				nm_settings_connection_delete (connection, NULL, NULL);
- 			} else {
- 				if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_get (device) == NM_DEVICE_SYS_IFACE_STATE_ASSUME)
-From 7efa2f15760e2ae7e550ad11f0bb49e66748334b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 13:44:07 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 08/10] device: remove logging for emitting RECHECK_ASSUME
- signal
-The device's RECHECK_ASSUME signal has only NMManager as subscriber
-and it immediately calls recheck_assume_connection().
-With the previous commit, recheck_assume_connection() always logs
-a debug message, so we don't need this duplicate message anymore.
-(cherry picked from commit cc47a6a8b2c16b0ea1df95384b794a2e8d47cfeb)
-(cherry picked from commit c254277f409f629fe0b728e9a2f87c418181762d)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 5 ++---
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index fdf88c9..36ba9f9 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -4392,10 +4392,9 @@ nm_device_emit_recheck_assume (gpointer user_data)
- 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	priv->recheck_assume_id = 0;
--	if (!nm_device_get_act_request (self)) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "emit RECHECK_ASSUME signal");
-+	if (!nm_device_get_act_request (self))
- 		g_signal_emit (self, signals[RECHECK_ASSUME], 0);
--	}
- 	return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
- }
-From cb7d9f5ed5ccae171712d3cdc109978bb34f5607 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 16:41:06 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 09/10] manager: cleanup logging message during
- recheck_assume_connection()/get_existing_connection()
-recheck_assume_connection() calls get_existing_connection(). We want *one* logging
-message telling what's happening. Let get_existing_connection() log "assume:"
-messages and remove duplicate messages from recheck_assume_connection().
-(cherry picked from commit 962f8f42d9d04eeb794d931ccaad775ca05233e2)
-(cherry picked from commit 70b4684d7e975e2ce120e11c27b8d3f7ac2e0cc2)
- src/nm-manager.c | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index 3c190eb..fa220f1 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
-                          gboolean *out_generated)
- {
- 	NMManagerPrivate *priv = NM_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
--	NMConnection *connection = NULL;
-+	gs_unref_object NMConnection *connection = NULL;
- 	NMSettingsConnection *added = NULL;
- 	GError *error = NULL;
- 	NMDevice *master = NULL;
-@@ -1766,13 +1766,15 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 		if (master_ifindex) {
- 			master = nm_manager_get_device_by_ifindex (self, master_ifindex);
- 			if (!master) {
--				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "cannot generate connection for slave before its master (%s/%d)",
--				       nm_platform_link_get_name (NM_PLATFORM_GET, master_ifindex), master_ifindex);
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume because "
-+				        "cannot generate connection for slave before its master (%s/%d)",
-+				        nm_platform_link_get_name (NM_PLATFORM_GET, master_ifindex), master_ifindex);
- 				return NULL;
- 			}
- 			if (!nm_device_get_act_request (master)) {
--				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "cannot generate connection for slave before master %s activates",
--				       nm_device_get_iface (master));
-+				_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume because "
-+				        "cannot generate connection for slave before master %s activates",
-+				        nm_device_get_iface (master));
- 				return NULL;
- 			}
- 		}
-@@ -1788,6 +1790,7 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	if (!connection) {
- 		if (!maybe_later)
- 			nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume due to failure to generate connection");
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -1853,38 +1856,36 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	}
- 	if (matched) {
--		_LOG2I (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "found matching connection '%s' (%s)%s",
-+		_LOG2I (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: will attempt to assume matching connection '%s' (%s)%s",
- 		        nm_settings_connection_get_id (matched),
- 		        nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched),
- 		        assume_state_connection_uuid && nm_streq (assume_state_connection_uuid, nm_settings_connection_get_uuid (matched))
- 		            ? " (indicated)" : " (guessed)");
--		g_object_unref (connection);
- 		nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 		return matched;
- 	}
--	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "generated connection '%s'",
--	        nm_connection_get_id (connection));
-+	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: generated connection '%s' (%s)",
-+	        nm_connection_get_id (connection),
-+	        nm_connection_get_uuid (connection));
- 	nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
- 	added = nm_settings_add_connection (priv->settings, connection, FALSE, &error);
--	if (added) {
--		nm_settings_connection_set_flags (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (added),
--		                                  NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_NM_GENERATED |
--		                                  NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE,
--		                                  TRUE);
--		if (out_generated)
--			*out_generated = TRUE;
--	} else {
--		_LOG2W (LOGD_SETTINGS, device, "Couldn't save generated connection '%s': %s",
-+	if (!added) {
-+		_LOG2W (LOGD_SETTINGS, device, "assume: failure to save generated connection '%s': %s",
- 		       nm_connection_get_id (connection),
- 		       error->message);
--		g_clear_error (&error);
-+		g_error_free (error);
-+		return NULL;
- 	}
--	g_object_unref (connection);
--	return added ? added : NULL;
-+	nm_settings_connection_set_flags (NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION (added),
-+	                                  NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_NM_GENERATED |
-+	                                  NM_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE,
-+	                                  TRUE);
-+	NM_SET_OUT (out_generated, TRUE);
-+	return added;
- }
- static gboolean
-@@ -1914,14 +1915,9 @@ recheck_assume_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	}
- 	connection = get_existing_connection (self, device, &generated);
--	if (!connection) {
--		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume because %s", "no connection was generated");
-+	/* log  no reason. get_existing_connection() already does it. */
-+	if (!connection)
- 		return FALSE;
--	}
--	_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: will attempt to assume %sconnection %s",
--	        generated ? "generated " : "",
--	        nm_connection_get_uuid (NM_CONNECTION (connection)));
- 	nm_device_sys_iface_state_set (device,
- 	                               generated
-From a0ded04b454b32dfa6a0d3bb357e950941a65684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 17:04:33 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 10/10] device: suppress logging and return error reason from
- nm_device_generate_connection()
-Don't log in a function that basically just inspects state, without
-mutating it. Instead, pass the reason why a connection could not be
-generated to the caller so that we have one sensible log message.
-(cherry picked from commit 0c26ffd638b1db490ae72b105feb697b61fc43cb)
-(cherry picked from commit 78ff06c539b36521a82d4d65b573678a1f91b531)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
- src/devices/nm-device.h |  3 ++-
- src/nm-manager.c        |  6 ++++--
- 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 36ba9f9..246a18f 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -4111,29 +4111,37 @@ nm_device_master_update_slave_connection (NMDevice *self,
- }
- NMConnection *
--nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_maybe_later)
-+nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self,
-+                               NMDevice *master,
-+                               gboolean *out_maybe_later,
-+                               GError **error)
- {
- 	NMDeviceClass *klass = NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self);
- 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
- 	const char *ifname = nm_device_get_iface (self);
--	NMConnection *connection;
-+	gs_unref_object NMConnection *connection = NULL;
- 	NMSetting *s_con;
- 	NMSetting *s_ip4;
- 	NMSetting *s_ip6;
- 	char uuid[37];
- 	const char *ip4_method, *ip6_method;
--	GError *error = NULL;
-+	GError *local = NULL;
- 	const NMPlatformLink *pllink;
- 	NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, FALSE);
- 	/* If update_connection() is not implemented, just fail. */
--	if (!klass->update_connection)
-+	if (!klass->update_connection) {
-+		g_set_error (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+		             "device class %s does not support generating a connection",
-+		             G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (self));
- 		return NULL;
-+	}
- 	/* Return NULL if device is unconfigured. */
- 	if (!device_has_config (self)) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "device has no existing configuration");
-+		g_set_error (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+		             "device has no existing configuration");
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -4156,12 +4164,11 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_m
- 		if (!nm_device_master_update_slave_connection (master,
- 		                                               self,
- 		                                               connection,
--		                                               &error))
--		{
--			_LOGE (LOGD_DEVICE, "master device '%s' failed to update slave connection: %s",
--			       nm_device_get_iface (master), error->message);
--			g_error_free (error);
--			g_object_unref (connection);
-+		                                               &local)) {
-+			g_set_error (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+			             "master device '%s' failed to update slave connection: %s",
-+			             nm_device_get_iface (master), local->message);
-+			g_error_free (local);
- 			return NULL;
- 		}
- 	} else {
-@@ -4174,7 +4181,6 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_m
- 		pllink = nm_platform_link_get (nm_device_get_platform (self), priv->ifindex);
- 		if (pllink && pllink->inet6_token.id) {
--			_LOGD (LOGD_IP6, "IPv6 tokenized identifier present");
- 			g_object_set (s_ip6,
- 			              NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_TOKEN, nm_utils_inet6_interface_identifier_to_token (pllink->inet6_token, NULL),
-@@ -4184,11 +4190,11 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_m
- 	klass->update_connection (self, connection);
--	/* Check the connection in case of update_connection() bug. */
--	if (!nm_connection_verify (connection, &error)) {
--		_LOGE (LOGD_DEVICE, "Generated connection does not verify: %s", error->message);
--		g_clear_error (&error);
--		g_object_unref (connection);
-+	if (!nm_connection_verify (connection, &local)) {
-+		g_set_error (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+		             "generated connection does not verify: %s",
-+		             local->message);
-+		g_error_free (local);
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
-@@ -4201,28 +4207,28 @@ nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self, NMDevice *master, gboolean *out_m
- 	    && g_strcmp0 (ip6_method, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_IGNORE) == 0
- 	    && !nm_setting_connection_get_master (NM_SETTING_CONNECTION (s_con))
- 	    && !priv->slaves) {
--		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "ignoring generated connection (no IP and not in master-slave relationship)");
- 		NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, TRUE);
--		g_object_unref (connection);
--		connection = NULL;
-+		g_set_error_literal (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+		                     "ignoring generated connection (no IP and not in master-slave relationship)");
-+		return NULL;
- 	}
- 	/* Ignore any IPv6LL-only, not master connections without slaves,
- 	 * unless they are in the assume-ipv6ll-only list.
- 	 */
--	if (   connection
--	    && g_strcmp0 (ip4_method, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_DISABLED) == 0
-+	if (   g_strcmp0 (ip4_method, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_DISABLED) == 0
- 	    && g_strcmp0 (ip6_method, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_LINK_LOCAL) == 0
- 	    && !nm_setting_connection_get_master (NM_SETTING_CONNECTION (s_con))
- 	    && !priv->slaves
- 	    && !nm_config_data_get_assume_ipv6ll_only (NM_CONFIG_GET_DATA, self)) {
- 		_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE, "ignoring generated connection (IPv6LL-only and not in master-slave relationship)");
- 		NM_SET_OUT (out_maybe_later, TRUE);
--		g_object_unref (connection);
--		connection = NULL;
-+		g_set_error_literal (error, NM_DEVICE_ERROR, NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
-+		                    "ignoring generated connection (IPv6LL-only and not in master-slave relationship)");
-+		return NULL;
- 	}
--	return connection;
-+	return g_steal_pointer (&connection);
- }
- gboolean
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-index 7229fb9..50d9b97 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
-@@ -498,7 +498,8 @@ gboolean        nm_device_has_carrier           (NMDevice *dev);
- NMConnection * nm_device_generate_connection (NMDevice *self,
-                                               NMDevice *master,
--                                              gboolean *out_maybe_later);
-+                                              gboolean *out_maybe_later,
-+                                              GError **error);
- gboolean nm_device_master_update_slave_connection (NMDevice *master,
-                                                    NMDevice *slave,
-diff --git a/src/nm-manager.c b/src/nm-manager.c
-index fa220f1..abcd0ee 100644
---- a/src/nm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/nm-manager.c
-@@ -1786,11 +1786,13 @@ get_existing_connection (NMManager *self,
- 	 * update_connection() implemented, otherwise nm_device_generate_connection()
- 	 * returns NULL.
- 	 */
--	connection = nm_device_generate_connection (device, master, &maybe_later);
-+	connection = nm_device_generate_connection (device, master, &maybe_later, &error);
- 	if (!connection) {
- 		if (!maybe_later)
- 			nm_device_assume_state_reset (device);
--		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: don't assume due to failure to generate connection");
-+		_LOG2D (LOGD_DEVICE, device, "assume: cannot generate connection: %s",
-+		        error->message);
-+		g_error_free (error);
- 		return NULL;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0025-team-clean-runner-tx-hash-on-set-rh1541922.patch b/SOURCES/0025-team-clean-runner-tx-hash-on-set-rh1541922.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc6bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0025-team-clean-runner-tx-hash-on-set-rh1541922.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+From 01d1f64ad408947fbeaebbf2768828504044377f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 17:50:33 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] nmcli: team: clear runner-tx-hash before adding new
+ hashes
+(cherry picked from commit 350dbb55abf3a80267c398e6f64c2cee4645475a)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index d829fa7d4..85b272cbc 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -3976,6 +3976,9 @@ _set_fcn_team_runner_tx_hash (ARGS_SET_FCN)
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
++	while (nm_setting_team_get_num_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting)))
++		nm_setting_team_remove_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting), 0);
+ 	while (strv && strv[i])
+ 		nm_setting_team_add_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting), strv[i++]);
+ 	g_strfreev (strv);
+From 11f0ca1f23e000e7cbd246a176d8470c8b6ee8a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 16:44:11 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] nmcli: team: do strict checking on runner-tx-hashes
+Substrings matching the heading of valid values were allowed if not
+ambiguous (e.g.: "et" for "eth"). Moreover, upper case variants were
+accepted too.
+Do a plain string comparison check against the valid values.
+Improve also the error message: give a list of valid tx-hashes.
+(cherry picked from commit fd5b3f802ec204392ada9ee9b75978059323fab4)
+ clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+index 85b272cbc..94404e908 100644
+--- a/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
++++ b/clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c
+@@ -3950,12 +3950,19 @@ _validate_fcn_team_config (const char *value, char **out_to_free, GError **error
+ }
+ static gboolean
+-_is_valid_team_runner_tx_hash_element (const char *tx_hash_element)
++_is_valid_team_runner_tx_hash_element (const char *tx_hash_element,
++                                       GError **error)
+ {
+-	const char *valid_tx_hashes[] = { "eth", "vlan", "ipv4", "ipv6", "ip",
+-	                                  "l3", "tcp", "udp", "sctp", "l4", NULL };
+-	if (nmc_string_is_valid (tx_hash_element, valid_tx_hashes, NULL))
++	nm_assert (!error || !*error);
++	if (NM_IN_STRSET (tx_hash_element,
++	                  "eth", "vlan", "ipv4", "ipv6", "ip",
++	                  "l3", "tcp", "udp", "sctp", "l4")) {
+ 		return TRUE;
++	}
++	g_set_error (error, 1, 0, "'%s' is not valid. %s", tx_hash_element,
++	             "Valid tx-hashes: [eth, vlan, ipv4, ipv6, ip, l3, tcp, udp, sctp, l4]");
+ 	return FALSE;
+ }
+@@ -3963,24 +3970,24 @@ static gboolean
+ _set_fcn_team_runner_tx_hash (ARGS_SET_FCN)
+ {
+ 	char **strv = NULL;
+-	guint i = 0;
++	char *const*iter;
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
+ 	strv = _nm_utils_strv_cleanup (g_strsplit_set (value, " \t,", 0),
+ 	                               TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+-	if (!verify_string_list (strv, property_info->property_name,
+-	                         _is_valid_team_runner_tx_hash_element,
+-	                         error)) {
+-		g_strfreev (strv);
+-		return FALSE;
++	for (iter = strv; strv && *iter; iter++) {
++		if (!_is_valid_team_runner_tx_hash_element (*iter, error)) {
++			g_strfreev (strv);
++			return FALSE;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	while (nm_setting_team_get_num_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting)))
+ 		nm_setting_team_remove_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting), 0);
+-	while (strv && strv[i])
+-		nm_setting_team_add_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting), strv[i++]);
++	for (iter = strv; strv && *iter; iter++)
++		nm_setting_team_add_runner_tx_hash (NM_SETTING_TEAM (setting), *iter);
+ 	g_strfreev (strv);
+ 	return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-apply-route-penality-only-with-defroute-rh1459604.patch b/SOURCES/0026-apply-route-penality-only-with-defroute-rh1459604.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fcda129..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0026-apply-route-penality-only-with-defroute-rh1459604.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 5b1e11d056015e70431f4add8a5efd203d14775f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 00:26:00 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] device: apply route metric penality only when the default
- route exists
-It's useless (and in some cases also harmful) to commit the
-configuration to update the default route metric when the device has
-no default route. Also, don't commit configuration for externally
-activated devices.
-(cherry picked from commit aa099906f93264bda3ae34fca4dfbdde5455b2bb)
-(cherry picked from commit 6a4774b1a8fdc346e0a2d2a3d2ec43054190fdc5)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 9 ++++++---
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 6c93a95..e60995d 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -1827,10 +1827,13 @@ update_connectivity_state (NMDevice *self, NMConnectivityState state)
- 		priv->connectivity_state = state;
- 		_notify (self, PROP_CONNECTIVITY);
--		if (nm_device_get_state (self) == NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED) {
--			if (!ip4_config_merge_and_apply (self, NULL, TRUE))
-+		if (   priv->state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED
-+		    && !nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external (self)) {
-+			if (   priv->default_route.v4_has
-+			    && !ip4_config_merge_and_apply (self, NULL, TRUE))
- 				_LOGW (LOGD_IP4, "Failed to update IPv4 default route metric");
--			if (!ip6_config_merge_and_apply (self, TRUE))
-+			if (   priv->default_route.v6_has
-+			    && !ip6_config_merge_and_apply (self, TRUE))
- 				_LOGW (LOGD_IP6, "Failed to update IPv6 default route metric");
- 		}
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/0026-dhcp-fix-lease-renewal-rh1503587.patch b/SOURCES/0026-dhcp-fix-lease-renewal-rh1503587.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfeb71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0026-dhcp-fix-lease-renewal-rh1503587.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+From 2d98ce90188fdf4d21c2b597ba848d249a2d4e09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 12:49:33 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] device: always consider both ip families when deciding to
+ fail
+Example: when dhcpv4 lease renewal fails, if ipv4.may-fail was "yes",
+check also if we have a successful ipv6 conf: if not fail.
+Previously we just ignored the other ip family status.
+(cherry picked from commit da0fee4d9f16d0de6323ea709e459b79b5158dad)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
+ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index f8651e2e1..345034185 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -3774,21 +3774,24 @@ get_ip_config_may_fail (NMDevice *self, int addr_family)
+ /*
+  * check_ip_state
+  *
+- * Transition the device from IP_CONFIG to the next state according to the
+- * outcome of IPv4 and IPv6 configuration. @may_fail indicates that we are
+- * called just after the initial configuration and thus IPv4/IPv6 are allowed to
+- * fail if the ipvx.may-fail properties say so, because the IP methods couldn't
+- * even be started.
++ * When @full_state_update is TRUE, transition the device from IP_CONFIG to the
++ * next state according to the outcome of IPv4 and IPv6 configuration. @may_fail
++ * indicates that we are called just after the initial configuration and thus
++ * IPv4/IPv6 are allowed to fail if the ipvx.may-fail properties say so, because
++ * the IP methods couldn't even be started.
++ * If @full_state_update is FALSE, just check if the connection should be failed
++ * due to the state of both ip families and the ipvx.may-fail settings.
+  */
+ static void
+-check_ip_state (NMDevice *self, gboolean may_fail)
++check_ip_state (NMDevice *self, gboolean may_fail, gboolean full_state_update)
+ {
+ 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+ 	gboolean ip4_disabled = FALSE, ip6_ignore = FALSE;
+ 	NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip4, *s_ip6;
+ 	NMDeviceState state;
+-	if (nm_device_get_state (self) != NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG)
++	if (   full_state_update
++	    && nm_device_get_state (self) != NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG)
+ 		return;
+ 	/* Don't progress into IP_CHECK or SECONDARIES if we're waiting for the
+@@ -3835,9 +3838,12 @@ check_ip_state (NMDevice *self, gboolean may_fail)
+ 		}
+-		nm_device_state_changed (self,
+-		                         state,
++		if (   full_state_update
++		    || state == NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED) {
++			nm_device_state_changed (self,
++			                         state,
++			                         NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_IP_CONFIG_UNAVAILABLE);
++		}
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+@@ -3850,7 +3856,8 @@ check_ip_state (NMDevice *self, gboolean may_fail)
+ 	/* If at least a method has completed, proceed with activation */
+ 	if (   (priv->ip4_state == IP_DONE && !ip4_disabled)
+ 	    || (priv->ip6_state == IP_DONE && !ip6_ignore)) {
+-		nm_device_state_changed (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CHECK, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE);
++		if (full_state_update)
++			nm_device_state_changed (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CHECK, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -3892,7 +3899,7 @@ nm_device_slave_notify_enslave (NMDevice *self, gboolean success)
+ 	if (activating) {
+ 		if (success)
+-			check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++			check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 		else
+ 			nm_device_queue_state (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_UNKNOWN);
+ 	} else
+@@ -5268,7 +5275,7 @@ nm_device_ip_method_failed (NMDevice *self,
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, addr_family, IP_FAIL);
+ 	if (get_ip_config_may_fail (self, addr_family))
+-		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE, (nm_device_get_state (self) == NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG));
+ 	else
+ 		nm_device_state_changed (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED, reason);
+ }
+@@ -7997,7 +8004,7 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip4_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 	if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external (self)) {
+ 		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_DONE);
+-		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 		return TRUE;
+ 	}
+@@ -8010,7 +8017,7 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip4_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 		g_object_unref (ip4_config);
+ 	} else if (ret == NM_ACT_STAGE_RETURN_IP_DONE) {
+ 		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_DONE);
+-		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 	} else if (ret == NM_ACT_STAGE_RETURN_FAILURE) {
+ 		nm_device_state_changed (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED, failure_reason);
+ 		return FALSE;
+@@ -8044,7 +8051,7 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip6_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 	if (nm_device_sys_iface_state_is_external (self)) {
+ 		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_DONE);
+-		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 		return TRUE;
+ 	}
+@@ -8061,7 +8068,7 @@ nm_device_activate_stage3_ip6_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 		nm_device_activate_schedule_ip6_config_result (self);
+ 	} else if (ret == NM_ACT_STAGE_RETURN_IP_DONE) {
+ 		_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_DONE);
+-		check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++		check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 	} else if (ret == NM_ACT_STAGE_RETURN_FAILURE) {
+ 		nm_device_state_changed (self, NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED, failure_reason);
+ 		return FALSE;
+@@ -8111,7 +8118,7 @@ activate_stage3_ip_config_start (NMDevice *self)
+ 	/* Proxy */
+ 	nm_device_set_proxy_config (self, NULL);
+-	check_ip_state (self, TRUE);
++	check_ip_state (self, TRUE, TRUE);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -8250,7 +8257,7 @@ activate_stage4_ip4_config_timeout (NMDevice *self)
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_FAIL);
+-	check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++	check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -8306,7 +8313,7 @@ activate_stage4_ip6_config_timeout (NMDevice *self)
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_FAIL);
+-	check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++	check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -8554,7 +8561,7 @@ activate_stage5_ip4_config_result (NMDevice *self)
+ 	/* Enter the IP_CHECK state if this is the first method to complete */
+ 	_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_DONE);
+-	check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++	check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ }
+ void
+@@ -8709,7 +8716,7 @@ activate_stage5_ip6_config_commit (NMDevice *self)
+ 				_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE | LOGD_IP6, "IPv6 DAD: awaiting termination");
+ 			} else {
+ 				_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_DONE);
+-				check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++				check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+@@ -11195,7 +11202,7 @@ queued_ip6_config_change (gpointer user_data)
+ 			_LOGD (LOGD_DEVICE | LOGD_IP6, "IPv6 DAD terminated");
+ 			g_clear_object (&priv->dad6_ip6_config);
+ 			_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_DONE);
+-			check_ip_state (self, FALSE);
++			check_ip_state (self, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 			if (priv->rt6_temporary_not_available)
+ 				nm_device_activate_schedule_ip6_config_result (self);
+ 		}
+From 56353bfb82e6d744b64f117f346b25b18526bf2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 12:17:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] device: never stop trying renewing the lease
+Always reschedule a lease renewal attempt: just clear the scheduled
+renewal if the connection is really deactivated.
+(cherry picked from commit 1a20ff86d585b826d1769d0aa0adeca3aa1a183a)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 345034185..f6d3f4c04 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -5900,15 +5900,23 @@ dhcp4_fail (NMDevice *self, gboolean timeout)
+ 	    && (timeout || (priv->ip4_state == IP_CONF))
+ 	    && !priv->dhcp4.was_active)
+ 		nm_device_activate_schedule_ip4_config_timeout (self);
+-	else if (priv->ip4_state == IP_DONE || priv->dhcp4.was_active) {
++	else if (   priv->dhcp4.num_tries_left < DHCP_NUM_TRIES_MAX
++	         || priv->ip4_state == IP_DONE
++	         || priv->dhcp4.was_active) {
+ 		/* Don't fail immediately when the lease expires but try to
+ 		 * restart DHCP for a predefined number of times.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (priv->dhcp4.num_tries_left) {
+ 			priv->dhcp4.num_tries_left--;
+ 			dhcp_schedule_restart (self, AF_INET, "lease expired");
+-		} else
++		} else {
+ 			nm_device_ip_method_failed (self, AF_INET, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_IP_CONFIG_EXPIRED);
++			/* We failed the ipv4 method but schedule again the retries if the ipv6 method is
++			 * configured, keeping the connection up.
++			 */
++			if (nm_device_get_state (self) != NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED)
++				dhcp_schedule_restart (self, AF_INET, "renewal failed");
++		}
+ 	} else
+ 		g_warn_if_reached ();
+ }
+@@ -5950,6 +5958,12 @@ dhcp4_state_changed (NMDhcpClient *client,
+ 			break;
+ 		}
++		/* After some failures, we have been able to renew the lease:
++		 * update the ip state
++		 */
++		if (priv->ip4_state == IP_FAIL)
++			_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET, IP_CONF);
+ 		g_free (priv->dhcp4.pac_url);
+ 		priv->dhcp4.pac_url = g_strdup (g_hash_table_lookup (options, "wpad"));
+ 		nm_device_set_proxy_config (self, priv->dhcp4.pac_url);
+@@ -6640,15 +6654,23 @@ dhcp6_fail (NMDevice *self, gboolean timeout)
+ 		    && (timeout || (priv->ip6_state == IP_CONF))
+ 		    && !priv->dhcp6.was_active)
+ 			nm_device_activate_schedule_ip6_config_timeout (self);
+-		else if (priv->ip6_state == IP_DONE || priv->dhcp6.was_active) {
++		else if (   priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left < DHCP_NUM_TRIES_MAX
++		         || priv->ip6_state == IP_DONE
++		         || priv->dhcp6.was_active) {
+ 			/* Don't fail immediately when the lease expires but try to
+ 			 * restart DHCP for a predefined number of times.
+ 			 */
+ 			if (priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left) {
+ 				priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left--;
+ 				dhcp_schedule_restart (self, AF_INET6, "lease expired");
+-			} else
++			} else {
+ 				nm_device_ip_method_failed (self, AF_INET6, NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_IP_CONFIG_EXPIRED);
++				/* We failed the ipv6 method but schedule again the retries if the ipv4 method is
++				 * configured, keeping the connection up.
++				 */
++				if (nm_device_get_state (self) != NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED)
++					dhcp_schedule_restart (self, AF_INET6, "renewal failed");
++			}
+ 		} else
+ 			g_warn_if_reached ();
+ 	} else {
+@@ -6715,6 +6737,12 @@ dhcp6_state_changed (NMDhcpClient *client,
+ 			}
+ 		}
++		/* After long time we have been able to renew the lease:
++		 * update the ip state
++		 */
++		if (priv->ip6_state == IP_FAIL)
++			_set_ip_state (self, AF_INET6, IP_CONF);
+ 		priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left = DHCP_NUM_TRIES_MAX;
+ 		if (priv->ip6_state == IP_CONF) {
+From b6d2ad3312eea21effbd8d6d5fe32056ccf89cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:28:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] device: enable DHCPv6 retries on lease renewal failure
+(cherry picked from commit 1289450146e2b212cabca500cb8009f910651661)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index f6d3f4c04..eb91dc257 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -6633,13 +6633,15 @@ static void
+ dhcp6_fail (NMDevice *self, gboolean timeout)
+ {
+ 	NMDevicePrivate *priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
++	gboolean is_dhcp_managed;
+ 	_LOGD (LOGD_DHCP6, "DHCPv6 failed: timeout %d, num tries left %u",
+            timeout, priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left);
++	is_dhcp_managed = (priv->dhcp6.mode == NM_NDISC_DHCP_LEVEL_MANAGED);
+ 	dhcp6_cleanup (self, CLEANUP_TYPE_DECONFIGURE, FALSE);
+-	if (priv->dhcp6.mode == NM_NDISC_DHCP_LEVEL_MANAGED) {
++	if (is_dhcp_managed || priv->dhcp6.num_tries_left < DHCP_NUM_TRIES_MAX) {
+ 		/* Don't fail if there are static addresses configured on
+ 		 * the device, instead retry after some time.
+ 		 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0027-cli-fix-interface-overview-rh1460219.patch b/SOURCES/0027-cli-fix-interface-overview-rh1460219.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bfa80a5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0027-cli-fix-interface-overview-rh1460219.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-From 8850e02a3d3b6442c7b0f5e658892e167a74f81d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:18:20 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] cli: fix output of iface in overview output
-Fixes: f14845cc200e21ed3aafadc2f9456cb0e2791f56
-(cherry picked from commit 126b0874f19fa3647c0343d73dfdb48d6154bc08)
-(cherry picked from commit be4e1000e8c88753e9ca0fee38c15712e5c1dd16)
- clients/cli/general.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/clients/cli/general.c b/clients/cli/general.c
-index 12e76ef..4406c84 100644
---- a/clients/cli/general.c
-+++ b/clients/cli/general.c
-@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ device_overview (NmCli *nmc, NMDevice *device)
- 	if (   nm_device_get_ip_iface (device)
- 	    && g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device), nm_device_get_iface (device))
- 	    && g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device), ""))
--		g_string_append_printf (outbuf, "%s %s,", _("iface"), nm_device_get_ip_iface (device));
-+		g_string_append_printf (outbuf, "%s %s, ", _("iface"), nm_device_get_ip_iface (device));
- 	if (nm_device_get_physical_port_id (device))
- 		g_string_append_printf (outbuf, "%s %s, ", _("port"), nm_device_get_physical_port_id (device));
-From d37fefb8b9ee7c6beacf8ea49acbcad83453553d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:23:44 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] cli: minor refactoring of if-condition in device_overview
-Note that nm_device_get_ip_iface() never returns an emptry string "".
-(cherry picked from commit ee5fdcbfb50ec19b82715440e1c45f3c8e6ee5ea)
-(cherry picked from commit c9c0a138294819d1c987d420918fa10d18e9a353)
- clients/cli/general.c | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/clients/cli/general.c b/clients/cli/general.c
-index 4406c84..68fab6e 100644
---- a/clients/cli/general.c
-+++ b/clients/cli/general.c
-@@ -1136,9 +1136,9 @@ device_overview (NmCli *nmc, NMDevice *device)
- 	else
- 		g_string_append_printf (outbuf, "%s, ", _("hw"));
--	if (   nm_device_get_ip_iface (device)
--	    && g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device), nm_device_get_iface (device))
--	    && g_strcmp0 (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device), ""))
-+	if (!NM_IN_STRSET (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device),
-+	                   NULL,
-+	                   nm_device_get_iface (device)))
- 		g_string_append_printf (outbuf, "%s %s, ", _("iface"), nm_device_get_ip_iface (device));
- 	if (nm_device_get_physical_port_id (device))
diff --git a/SOURCES/0028-ppp-unexport-ppp-manager-on-dispose.patch b/SOURCES/0028-ppp-unexport-ppp-manager-on-dispose.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f48eb..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0028-ppp-unexport-ppp-manager-on-dispose.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-From 6f9227609de574d1e69154d30025429a78aea4a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 16:09:18 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/8] ppp: cast int argument for variadic
- g_signal_emit(NM_PPP_MANAGER_STATE_CHANGE) call
-(cherry picked from commit 7b5251b35c23a625959aac9a1ff617a955b3daa3)
-(cherry picked from commit 2aa4239cba745c67c6b4fa165c5c366d51c961a9)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index c7836a8..37d7a46 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ impl_ppp_manager_set_state (NMPPPManager *manager,
-                             GDBusMethodInvocation *context,
-                             guint32 state)
- {
--	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, state);
-+	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, (guint) state);
- 	g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (context, NULL);
- }
-@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ ppp_watch_cb (GPid pid, gint status, gpointer user_data)
- 	_LOGD ("pppd pid %d cleaned up", priv->pid);
- 	priv->pid = 0;
- 	priv->ppp_watch_id = 0;
--	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
-+	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, (guint) NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
- }
- static gboolean
-@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ pppd_timed_out (gpointer data)
- 	_ppp_cleanup (manager);
- 	_ppp_kill (manager);
--	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
-+	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, (guint) NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
- 	return FALSE;
- }
-From 7d485d2b0eec62a4b8345e261c958b9e15423220 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 16:28:18 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/8] ppp: unexport NMPPPManager instance on dispose()
-Let's explicitly unexports on dispose(). Probably that already
-happened, because NMExportedObject asserts that it is unexported
-during !quitting.
-During quitting, we probably don't tear down the manager.
-Anyway, we should always unexport.
-(cherry picked from commit f07dca941dc327e11c4252688020d5fd0b9b3567)
-(cherry picked from commit 5e656b5872e6399d6536e3fb043ca9c63e298774)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index 37d7a46..fd0b991 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -1234,8 +1234,12 @@ static void
- dispose (GObject *object)
- {
- 	NMPPPManager *self = (NMPPPManager *) object;
-+	NMExportedObject *exported = NM_EXPORTED_OBJECT (self);
- 	NMPPPManagerPrivate *priv = NM_PPP_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+	if (nm_exported_object_is_exported (exported))
-+		nm_exported_object_unexport (exported);
- 	_ppp_cleanup (self);
- 	_ppp_kill (self);
-From ca9bd14f512a060df129da9d490591886ce22ef7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 13:57:47 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/8] ppp: inline and drop trivial function
- remove_timeout_handler()
-(cherry picked from commit 0f16649ba27942e12c550449cc1669355118890f)
-(cherry picked from commit 620adbcc7b2eb630299b9c0595b48e4823ccecde)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 12 ++----------
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index fd0b991..efaf73a 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -179,14 +179,6 @@ monitor_stats (NMPPPManager *manager)
- /*****************************************************************************/
- static void
--remove_timeout_handler (NMPPPManager *manager)
--	NMPPPManagerPrivate *priv = NM_PPP_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (manager);
--	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->ppp_timeout_handler);
--static void
- cancel_get_secrets (NMPPPManager *self)
- {
- 	NMPPPManagerPrivate *priv = NM_PPP_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-@@ -415,7 +407,7 @@ impl_ppp_manager_set_ip4_config (NMPPPManager *manager,
- 	_LOGI ("(IPv4 Config Get) reply received.");
--	remove_timeout_handler (manager);
-+	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->ppp_timeout_handler);
- 	config = nm_ip4_config_new (nm_platform_link_get_ifindex (NM_PLATFORM_GET, priv->ip_iface));
-@@ -511,7 +503,7 @@ impl_ppp_manager_set_ip6_config (NMPPPManager *manager,
- 	_LOGI ("(IPv6 Config Get) reply received.");
--	remove_timeout_handler (manager);
-+	nm_clear_g_source (&priv->ppp_timeout_handler);
- 	config = nm_ip6_config_new (nm_platform_link_get_ifindex (NM_PLATFORM_GET, priv->ip_iface));
-From 848af80037e21e9cc6bf9459f39f10ad314217eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:00:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/8] ppp/trivial: fix whitespace
-(cherry picked from commit 5c5fbe0a9f90c53215c70cc7a76ea011560172b8)
-(cherry picked from commit 105ef99cbf7f503f05826430df0f8acf1d1f3af9)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index efaf73a..558082f 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -595,64 +595,64 @@ ppp_exit_code (guint pppd_exit_status, GPid pid)
- 	const char *msg;
- 	switch (pppd_exit_status) {
--	case  1: 
--		msg = "Fatal pppd error"; 
-+	case  1:
-+		msg = "Fatal pppd error";
- 		break;
--	case  2: 
--		msg = "pppd options error"; 
-+	case  2:
-+		msg = "pppd options error";
- 		break;
--	case  3: 
--		msg = "No root priv error"; 
-+	case  3:
-+		msg = "No root priv error";
- 		break;
--	case  4: 
--		msg = "No ppp module error"; 
-+	case  4:
-+		msg = "No ppp module error";
- 		break;
--	case  5: 
--		msg = "pppd received a signal"; 
-+	case  5:
-+		msg = "pppd received a signal";
- 		break;
--	case  6: 
--		msg = "Serial port lock failed"; 
-+	case  6:
-+		msg = "Serial port lock failed";
- 		break;
--	case  7: 
--		msg = "Serial port open failed"; 
-+	case  7:
-+		msg = "Serial port open failed";
- 		break;
--	case  8: 
--		msg = "Connect script failed"; 
-+	case  8:
-+		msg = "Connect script failed";
- 		break;
--	case  9: 
--		msg = "Pty program error"; 
-+	case  9:
-+		msg = "Pty program error";
- 		break;
--	case 10: 
--		msg = "PPP negotiation failed"; 
-+	case 10:
-+		msg = "PPP negotiation failed";
- 		break;
--	case 11: 
--		msg = "Peer didn't authenticatie itself"; 
-+	case 11:
-+		msg = "Peer didn't authenticatie itself";
- 		break;
--	case 12: 
--		msg = "Link idle: Idle Seconds reached."; 
-+	case 12:
-+		msg = "Link idle: Idle Seconds reached.";
- 		break;
--	case 13: 
--		msg = "Connect time limit reached."; 
-+	case 13:
-+		msg = "Connect time limit reached.";
- 		break;
--	case 14: 
-+	case 14:
- 		msg = "Callback negotiated, call should come back.";
- 		break;
--	case 15: 
--		msg = "Lack of LCP echo responses"; 
-+	case 15:
-+		msg = "Lack of LCP echo responses";
- 		break;
--	case 16: 
--		msg = "A modem hung up the phone"; 
-+	case 16:
-+		msg = "A modem hung up the phone";
- 		break;
--	case 17: 
--		msg = "Loopback detected"; 
-+	case 17:
-+		msg = "Loopback detected";
- 		break;
--	case 18: 
--		msg = "The init script failed"; 
-+	case 18:
-+		msg = "The init script failed";
- 		break;
--	case 19: 
-+	case 19:
- 		msg = "Authentication error.\n"
--			"We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.\n"
--			"Maybe bad account or password?";
-+		      "We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.\n"
-+		      "Maybe bad account or password?";
- 		break;
- 	default:
- 		msg = "Unknown error";
-From e2f6a3d1900949971adc1d44eb7c78465c11fb17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:12:58 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 5/8] ppp: refactor ppp_exit_code() to split out error to
- string conversion
-ppp_exit_code() does too much or too little. Either it should log
-about all reasons why pppd exited, including signals, or it should
-just do the status to string conversion. Split it.
-(cherry picked from commit 3f64910b5249a8535deffddd0fd574c25b28dcea)
-(cherry picked from commit ccda61b6fc0eb90a32ea2a4bc360c82406a26331)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 89 ++++++++++++++----------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index 558082f..d9044a4 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -589,74 +589,37 @@ nm_cmd_line_add_int (NMCmdLine *cmd, int i)
- /*****************************************************************************/
-+NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (pppd_exit_code_to_str, int,
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_DEFAULT ("Unknown error"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 1, "Fatal pppd error");
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 2, "pppd options error"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 3, "No root priv error"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 4, "No ppp module error"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 5, "pppd received a signal"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 6, "Serial port lock failed"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 7, "Serial port open failed"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 8, "Connect script failed"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM ( 9, "Pty program error"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (10, "PPP negotiation failed"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (11, "Peer didn't authenticatie itself"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (12, "Link idle: Idle Seconds reached."),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (13, "Connect time limit reached."),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (14, "Callback negotiated, call should come back."),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (15, "Lack of LCP echo responses"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (16, "A modem hung up the phone"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (17, "Loopback detected"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (18, "The init script failed"),
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (19, "Authentication error.\n"
-+	                              "We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.\n"
-+	                              "Maybe bad account or password?"),
- static void
- ppp_exit_code (guint pppd_exit_status, GPid pid)
- {
- 	const char *msg;
--	switch (pppd_exit_status) {
--	case  1:
--		msg = "Fatal pppd error";
--		break;
--	case  2:
--		msg = "pppd options error";
--		break;
--	case  3:
--		msg = "No root priv error";
--		break;
--	case  4:
--		msg = "No ppp module error";
--		break;
--	case  5:
--		msg = "pppd received a signal";
--		break;
--	case  6:
--		msg = "Serial port lock failed";
--		break;
--	case  7:
--		msg = "Serial port open failed";
--		break;
--	case  8:
--		msg = "Connect script failed";
--		break;
--	case  9:
--		msg = "Pty program error";
--		break;
--	case 10:
--		msg = "PPP negotiation failed";
--		break;
--	case 11:
--		msg = "Peer didn't authenticatie itself";
--		break;
--	case 12:
--		msg = "Link idle: Idle Seconds reached.";
--		break;
--	case 13:
--		msg = "Connect time limit reached.";
--		break;
--	case 14:
--		msg = "Callback negotiated, call should come back.";
--		break;
--	case 15:
--		msg = "Lack of LCP echo responses";
--		break;
--	case 16:
--		msg = "A modem hung up the phone";
--		break;
--	case 17:
--		msg = "Loopback detected";
--		break;
--	case 18:
--		msg = "The init script failed";
--		break;
--	case 19:
--		msg = "Authentication error.\n"
--		      "We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.\n"
--		      "Maybe bad account or password?";
--		break;
--	default:
--		msg = "Unknown error";
--	}
-+	msg = pppd_exit_code_to_str (pppd_exit_status);
- 	_LOGW ("pppd pid %d exited with error: %s", pid, msg);
- }
-From b2b6bf1cecc61d82590041aadee52cb9e95064b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:13:36 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 6/8] ppp: don't log newlines
-(cherry picked from commit a814b96ebf02fa88f1a431d0a7459723a3af670d)
-(cherry picked from commit 38b5d356de300f717df9c262c4fbf7ea0053aee6)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index d9044a4..93660ef 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (pppd_exit_code_to_str, int,
- 	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (16, "A modem hung up the phone"),
- 	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (17, "Loopback detected"),
- 	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (18, "The init script failed"),
--	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (19, "Authentication error.\n"
--	                              "We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.\n"
-+	NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_ITEM (19, "Authentication error. "
-+	                              "We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer. "
- 	                              "Maybe bad account or password?"),
- );
-From 13d2ba85f0ea1835cd5b18fe2844d49d0a1f5592 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:19:05 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 7/8] ppp: cleanup logging pppd exit reason in ppp_watch_cb
-- don't use assert but be more graceful with g_return_if_fail().
-- in case of failure, don't log a debug message after the warning.
-  One message is sufficient, drop "pppd pid %d cleaned up".
-- print GPid type as long long.
-- increase log level to warning. pppd dying unexpectedly warrants a
-  warning.
-(cherry picked from commit 250e7239511f4c8de6831e3c16d8d5f6fac383dc)
-(cherry picked from commit b87327a5fea4e80a33849b8ff9735c4b61b9434d)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index 93660ef..575bf11 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -615,36 +615,32 @@ NM_UTILS_LOOKUP_STR_DEFINE_STATIC (pppd_exit_code_to_str, int,
- );
- static void
--ppp_exit_code (guint pppd_exit_status, GPid pid)
--	const char *msg;
--	msg = pppd_exit_code_to_str (pppd_exit_status);
--	_LOGW ("pppd pid %d exited with error: %s", pid, msg);
--static void
--ppp_watch_cb (GPid pid, gint status, gpointer user_data)
-+ppp_watch_cb (GPid pid, int status, gpointer user_data)
- {
- 	NMPPPManager *manager = NM_PPP_MANAGER (user_data);
- 	NMPPPManagerPrivate *priv = NM_PPP_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (manager);
--	guint err;
-+	int err;
-+	const long long lpid = (long long) pid;
--	g_assert (pid == priv->pid);
-+	g_return_if_fail (pid == priv->pid);
- 	if (WIFEXITED (status)) {
- 		err = WEXITSTATUS (status);
--		if (err != 0)
--			ppp_exit_code (err, priv->pid);
-+		if (err) {
-+			_LOGW ("pppd pid %lld exited with error %d: %s",
-+			       lpid, err,
-+			       pppd_exit_code_to_str (err));
-+		} else
-+			_LOGD ("pppd pid %lld exited with success", lpid);
- 	} else if (WIFSTOPPED (status)) {
--		_LOGI ("pppd pid %d stopped unexpectedly with signal %d", priv->pid, WSTOPSIG (status));
-+		_LOGW ("pppd pid %lld stopped unexpectedly with signal %d",
-+		       lpid, WSTOPSIG (status));
- 	} else if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) {
--		_LOGI ("pppd pid %d died with signal %d", priv->pid, WTERMSIG (status));
-+		_LOGW ("pppd pid %lld died with signal %d",
-+		       lpid, WTERMSIG (status));
- 	} else
--		_LOGI ("pppd pid %d died from an unknown cause", priv->pid);
-+		_LOGW ("pppd pid %lld died from an unknown cause", lpid);
--	_LOGD ("pppd pid %d cleaned up", priv->pid);
- 	priv->pid = 0;
- 	priv->ppp_watch_id = 0;
- 	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, (guint) NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
-@@ -971,7 +967,7 @@ _ppp_manager_start (NMPPPManager *manager,
- 		goto out;
- 	}
--	_LOGI ("pppd started with pid %d", priv->pid);
-+	_LOGI ("pppd started with pid %lld", (long long) priv->pid);
- 	priv->ppp_watch_id = g_child_watch_add (priv->pid, (GChildWatchFunc) ppp_watch_cb, manager);
- 	priv->ppp_timeout_handler = g_timeout_add_seconds (timeout_secs, pppd_timed_out, manager);
-From baf5a6b24119671bb8a0edea2fc4830750c16305 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:11:24 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 8/8] ppp: fix cancelling timeout when pppd process exits
-Otherwise, we get pppd_timed_out() later, which will
-emit a DEAD state change at unexpected times.
-(cherry picked from commit b9af32b056ae7c93b33644b8a24641a86bf66e2c)
-(cherry picked from commit 1b954fe09b3b968aa883bba1027f47487ac4808e)
- src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-index 575bf11..6343df8 100644
---- a/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-+++ b/src/ppp/nm-ppp-manager.c
-@@ -643,6 +643,7 @@ ppp_watch_cb (GPid pid, int status, gpointer user_data)
- 	priv->pid = 0;
- 	priv->ppp_watch_id = 0;
-+	_ppp_cleanup (manager);
- 	g_signal_emit (manager, signals[STATE_CHANGED], 0, (guint) NM_PPP_STATUS_DEAD);
- }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0029-cli-wifi-spurious-output.patch b/SOURCES/0029-cli-wifi-spurious-output.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 69db5f5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0029-cli-wifi-spurious-output.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From 7e13e49f15a43f54391380c76f7074bdaa300d03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 22:31:43 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] cli: remove spurious device names from output
-When running one of:
- nmcli device wifi list ifname wlan0
- nmcli device wifi connect ... ifname wlan0
-nmcli wrongly adds the device name to the output.
-Do the completion only when requested.
-Fixes: 8679793f6b711847d3209ab3cfbd95ab4a2e2488
-Fixes: 1a0dfd31c4af5f3e42b4fc8363a2065d8c5a325b
-(cherry picked from commit d2b4332b36686dd5d7382d996743f0ffa1a0fdda)
-(cherry picked from commit 73e664e3b15e47b20dcdc92d4cde7f8492069f17)
- clients/cli/devices.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/clients/cli/devices.c b/clients/cli/devices.c
-index 387edef..50983de 100644
---- a/clients/cli/devices.c
-+++ b/clients/cli/devices.c
-@@ -2653,7 +2653,8 @@ do_device_wifi_list (NmCli *nmc, int argc, char **argv)
- 			}
- 			ifname = *argv;
--			complete_device (devices, ifname, TRUE);
-+			if (argc == 1 && nmc->complete)
-+				complete_device (devices, ifname, TRUE);
- 		} else if (strcmp (*argv, "bssid") == 0 || strcmp (*argv, "hwaddr") == 0) {
- 			/* hwaddr is deprecated and will be removed later */
- 			argc--;
-@@ -2900,7 +2901,8 @@ do_device_wifi_connect_network (NmCli *nmc, int argc, char **argv)
- 				goto finish;
- 			}
- 			ifname = *argv;
--			complete_device (devices, ifname, TRUE);
-+			if (argc == 1 && nmc->complete)
-+				complete_device (devices, ifname, TRUE);
- 		} else if (strcmp (*argv, "bssid") == 0) {
- 			argc--;
- 			argv++;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0030-device-mtu-preserve-rh1460760.patch b/SOURCES/0030-device-mtu-preserve-rh1460760.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e09ba79..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0030-device-mtu-preserve-rh1460760.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-From a222f7e0554fe8057a6d9c6749acbd066798fa9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 12:26:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] device: don't set MTU of device unless explicitly
- configured
-Since commit 2b51d3967 "device: merge branch 'th/device-mtu-bgo777251'",
-we always set the MTU for certain device types during activation. Even
-if the MTU is neither specified via the connection nor other means, like
-Revert that change. On activation, if nothing explicitly configures the
-MTU, leave it unchanged. This is like what we do with ethernet's
-cloned-mac-address, which has a default value "preserve".
-So, as last resort the default value for MTU is now 0 (don't change),
-instead of depending on the device type.
-Note that you also can override the default value in global
-configuration via NetworkManager.conf.
-This behavior makes sense, because whenever NM actively resets the MTU,
-it remembers the previous value and restores it when deactivating
-the connection. That wasn't implemented before 2b51d3967, and the
-MTU would depend on which connection was previously active. That
-is no longer an issue as the MTU gets reset when deactivating.
-(cherry picked from commit 4ca3002b86948847711cd5b1937008baef3c30da)
-(cherry picked from commit 588841f2e086774420a7ff4452d87e45ffae578a)
- man/NetworkManager.conf.xml        | 2 +-
- src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c | 2 +-
- src/devices/nm-device-ip-tunnel.c  | 2 +-
- src/devices/nm-device-private.h    | 4 ----
- src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c       | 2 +-
- src/devices/nm-device.c            | 2 +-
- src/devices/wifi/nm-device-wifi.c  | 2 +-
- 7 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-index 5e76c0ace..71c62cc15 100644
---- a/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-+++ b/man/NetworkManager.conf.xml
-@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
-         </varlistentry>
-         <varlistentry>
-           <term><varname>ethernet.mtu</varname></term>
--          <listitem><para>If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or a default of 1500.</para></listitem>
-+          <listitem><para>If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the MTU is not reconfigured during activation.</para></listitem>
-         </varlistentry>
-         <varlistentry>
-           <term><varname>ethernet.wake-on-lan</varname></term>
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c b/src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c
-index f7875d099..7e0412703 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-infiniband.c
-@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ get_configured_mtu (NMDevice *device, gboolean *out_is_user_config)
- 		}
- 	}
- 	*out_is_user_config = (mtu != 0);
-+	return mtu;
- }
- static gboolean
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-ip-tunnel.c b/src/devices/nm-device-ip-tunnel.c
-index 53b7cf4e5..2f505ef4c 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-ip-tunnel.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-ip-tunnel.c
-@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ get_configured_mtu (NMDevice *self, gboolean *out_is_user_config)
- 		}
- 	}
- 	*out_is_user_config = (mtu != 0);
-+	return mtu;
- }
- static NMDeviceCapabilities
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-private.h b/src/devices/nm-device-private.h
-index a4067f9c2..9eccafdc6 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-private.h
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-private.h
-@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@ gboolean nm_device_ipv6_sysctl_set (NMDevice *self, const char *property, const
- /*****************************************************************************/
--#define NM_DEVICE_DEFAULT_MTU_WIRED          ((guint32) 1500)
--#define NM_DEVICE_DEFAULT_MTU_WIRELESS       ((guint32) 1500)
--#define NM_DEVICE_DEFAULT_MTU_INFINIBAND     ((guint32) 0)
- gint64 nm_device_get_configured_mtu_from_connection_default (NMDevice *self,
-                                                              const char *property_name);
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c b/src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c
-index 06db64465..a74da8f22 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device-vlan.c
-@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ get_configured_mtu (NMDevice *self, gboolean *out_is_user_config)
- 	if (ifindex > 0)
- 		mtu = nm_platform_link_get_mtu (nm_device_get_platform (NM_DEVICE (self)), ifindex);
-+	return mtu;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index e60995d57..e37b24bff 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -7150,7 +7150,7 @@ nm_device_get_configured_mtu_for_wired (NMDevice *self, gboolean *out_is_user_co
- 	}
- 	*out_is_user_config = FALSE;
-+	return 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
-diff --git a/src/devices/wifi/nm-device-wifi.c b/src/devices/wifi/nm-device-wifi.c
-index 7359be96e..20692ed9e 100644
---- a/src/devices/wifi/nm-device-wifi.c
-+++ b/src/devices/wifi/nm-device-wifi.c
-@@ -2742,7 +2742,7 @@ get_configured_mtu (NMDevice *device, gboolean *out_is_user_config)
- 		}
- 	}
- 	*out_is_user_config = (mtu != 0);
-+	return mtu;
- }
- static gboolean
diff --git a/SOURCES/0031-don-t-remove-ext-ipv4-addresses-rh1459813.patch b/SOURCES/0031-don-t-remove-ext-ipv4-addresses-rh1459813.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e145e89..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0031-don-t-remove-ext-ipv4-addresses-rh1459813.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-From 59aa2a26b4a712131b38e155d3c1d70a74183636 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 14:44:22 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] core: sort addresses in captured IPv4 configuration
-When IPv4 addresses are synchronized to platform, the order of IPv4
-addresses matters because the first address is considered the primary
-one. Thus, nm_ip4_config_capture() should put the primary address as
-first, otherwise during synchronization addresses will be removed and
-added back with a different primary/secondary role.
-(cherry picked from commit b6fa87a4c07c968614d123750be47a74de62f04d)
-(cherry picked from commit 9819ffe7d42f08bb082ae2d9e125a7dd3bfe6420)
- src/nm-ip4-config.c | 12 ++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/nm-ip4-config.c b/src/nm-ip4-config.c
-index 20532e8..ae6af9c 100644
---- a/src/nm-ip4-config.c
-+++ b/src/nm-ip4-config.c
-@@ -248,6 +248,16 @@ notify_addresses (NMIP4Config *self)
- 	_notify (self, PROP_ADDRESSES);
- }
-+static gint
-+sort_captured_addresses (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-+	const NMPlatformIP4Address *addr_a = a, *addr_b = b;
-+	/* Primary addresses first */
-+	return NM_FLAGS_HAS (addr_a->n_ifa_flags, IFA_F_SECONDARY) -
-+	       NM_FLAGS_HAS (addr_b->n_ifa_flags, IFA_F_SECONDARY);
- NMIP4Config *
- nm_ip4_config_capture (NMPlatform *platform, int ifindex, gboolean capture_resolv_conf)
- {
-@@ -269,6 +279,8 @@ nm_ip4_config_capture (NMPlatform *platform, int ifindex, gboolean capture_resol
- 	g_array_unref (priv->routes);
- 	priv->addresses = nm_platform_ip4_address_get_all (platform, ifindex);
-+	g_array_sort (priv->addresses, sort_captured_addresses);
- 	priv->routes = nm_platform_ip4_route_get_all (platform, ifindex, NM_PLATFORM_GET_ROUTE_FLAGS_WITH_DEFAULT | NM_PLATFORM_GET_ROUTE_FLAGS_WITH_NON_DEFAULT);
- 	/* Extract gateway from default route */
diff --git a/SOURCES/0032-don-t-set-a-fake-permanent-hardware-address.patch b/SOURCES/0032-don-t-set-a-fake-permanent-hardware-address.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd2ea2..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0032-don-t-set-a-fake-permanent-hardware-address.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-From 081b84e78487ad96d19fbee71f0af071e1acdf33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 10:37:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] device: don't set a fake permanent hardware address
-Software devices don't have a permanent hardware address and thus it
-doesn't make sense to enforce the 'fake' (generated) permanent one
-when cloned-mac-address=permanent.  Also, setting the fake permanent
-address on bond devices, prevents them from inheriting the first slave
-hardware address, so let's just skip the setting of MAC when
-cloned-mac-address=permanent and there is no real permanent address.
-(cherry picked from commit 2f4dfd0f2e8f85dd86f5abfbeaafd7cb04655525)
-(cherry picked from commit c8d0a0fcf7b8368b9fbe19f4fb2327349dcc5eba)
- libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c |  3 ++-
- src/devices/nm-device.c       | 13 +++++++++++--
- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
-index 9bf8255..3ac9cc4 100644
---- a/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
-+++ b/libnm-core/nm-setting-wired.c
-@@ -1150,7 +1150,8 @@ nm_setting_wired_class_init (NMSettingWiredClass *setting_wired_class)
- 	 * Beside explicitly specifing a MAC address, the special values "preserve", "permanent",
- 	 * "random" and "stable" are supported.
- 	 * "preserve" means not to touch the MAC address on activation.
--	 * "permanent" means to use the permanent hardware address of the device.
-+	 * "permanent" means to use the permanent hardware address if the device
-+	 * has one (otherwise this is treated as "preserve").
- 	 * "random" creates a random MAC address on each connect.
- 	 * "stable" creates a hashed MAC address based on connection.stable-id and a
- 	 * machine dependent key.
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index e37b24b..c055747 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -13465,8 +13465,17 @@ _hw_addr_get_cloned (NMDevice *self, NMConnection *connection, gboolean is_wifi,
- 	}
- 	if (nm_streq (addr, NM_CLONED_MAC_PERMANENT)) {
--		addr = nm_device_get_permanent_hw_address (self);
--		if (!addr) {
-+		gboolean is_fake;
-+		addr = nm_device_get_permanent_hw_address_full (self, TRUE, &is_fake);
-+		if (is_fake) {
-+			/* Preserve the current address if the permanent address if fake */
-+			NM_SET_OUT (preserve, TRUE);
-+			NM_SET_OUT (hwaddr, NULL);
-+			NM_SET_OUT (hwaddr_type, HW_ADDR_TYPE_UNSET);
-+			NM_SET_OUT (hwaddr_detail, g_steal_pointer (&addr_setting_free) ?: g_strdup (addr_setting));
-+			return TRUE;
-+		} else if (!addr) {
- 			g_set_error_literal (error,
- 			                     NM_DEVICE_ERROR,
- 			                     NM_DEVICE_ERROR_FAILED,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0033-device-fix-delay-startup-complete-for-unrealized-dev.patch b/SOURCES/0033-device-fix-delay-startup-complete-for-unrealized-dev.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf6fb8..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0033-device-fix-delay-startup-complete-for-unrealized-dev.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From 9c1124ff867654d5cf9e32379c2b9dd5e4c66387 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 17:08:55 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] device: fix delay startup complete for unrealized devices
-Since commit 6845b9b80a9fcec9d2c9e7b56a37329f38089f2e ("device: delay
-startup complete until device is initialized in platform", we also wait
-for devices that are still initializing platform/UDEV.
-Obviously, that only applies to realized devices.
-Otherwise, an unrealized device is going to block startup complete.
-Fixes: 6845b9b80a9fcec9d2c9e7b56a37329f38089f2e
-(cherry picked from commit 9ad8010fe0c42291580e4a801ed85947ae660d38)
-(cherry picked from commit 0ba498b17dc582dcbd9b7102e03496f391d67812)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index c055747fd..088dd0004 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -12018,7 +12018,8 @@ nm_device_has_pending_action (NMDevice *self)
- 	if (priv->pending_actions)
- 		return TRUE;
--	if (nm_device_get_unmanaged_flags (self, NM_UNMANAGED_PLATFORM_INIT)) {
-+	if (   nm_device_is_real (self)
-+	    && nm_device_get_unmanaged_flags (self, NM_UNMANAGED_PLATFORM_INIT)) {
- 		/* as long as the platform link is not yet initialized, we have a pending
- 		 * action. */
- 		return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0034-device-fix-frozen-notify-signals-on-unrealize-error-.patch b/SOURCES/0034-device-fix-frozen-notify-signals-on-unrealize-error-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 29938f3..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0034-device-fix-frozen-notify-signals-on-unrealize-error-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-From f43390128877d539d8abd49e7539a547567aff98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 14:30:57 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 34/34] device: fix frozen notify signals on unrealize error
- path
-If unrealize() failed we returned without thawing notify signals. Fix
-this by moving g_object_freeze_notify() after the
-unrealization/deletion but before the properties are reset in
-Fixes: a93807c288743f499362f7edfe0674020762811c
-(cherry picked from commit 24a7f88bc56b66745c1e6b9444df8a80125de059)
-(cherry picked from commit 5bd8269315fc7d41c62e258689a05bf062c6f592)
- src/devices/nm-device.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-index 088dd0004..04e48e5b8 100644
---- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
-+++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
-@@ -3257,7 +3257,6 @@ nm_device_unrealize (NMDevice *self, gboolean remove_resources, GError **error)
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (priv->iface != NULL, FALSE);
- 	g_return_val_if_fail (priv->real, FALSE);
--	g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));
- 	ifindex = nm_device_get_ifindex (self);
-@@ -3274,6 +3273,7 @@ nm_device_unrealize (NMDevice *self, gboolean remove_resources, GError **error)
- 		}
- 	}
-+	g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (self));
- 	NM_DEVICE_GET_CLASS (self)->unrealize_notify (self);
- 	_parent_set_ifindex (self, 0, FALSE);
diff --git a/SOURCES/9999-fix-pregen-doc.patch b/SOURCES/9999-fix-pregen-doc.patch
index b1508b5..cfd19cc 100644
--- a/SOURCES/9999-fix-pregen-doc.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/9999-fix-pregen-doc.patch
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-From 7ead660da136cbfd56a63a960a0eaead64b3f819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 10:58:53 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/1] patch documentation with the proper default values
+From f3930619ad245fab5f7ba0e4d390daaf1970f27c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 18:16:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] patch documentation with the proper default values
 We don't regenerate the documentation for RHEL builds, but
 the docs from the tarball are generated with a certain set
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ of defaults.
 Patch the man pages with the proper values.
- docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html              | 21 ++++++++++++++++-----
- ...gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html | 15 +++++++++++++++
- man/NetworkManager.conf.5                           | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
- 3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+ docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html                         | 10 +++++-----
+ docs/api/html/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html |  2 +-
+ man/NetworkManager.conf.5                                      |  8 ++++----
+ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html b/docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html
-index b43f5ac56..a57e46ebe 100644
+index ec32a39cf..5d7e7e8a0 100644
 --- a/docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html
 +++ b/docs/api/html/NetworkManager.conf.html
 @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ plugins-=remove-me
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ index b43f5ac56..a57e46ebe 100644
          It the chosen plugin is not available, clients are looked for
          in this order: <code class="literal">dhclient</code>, <code class="literal">dhcpcd</code>,
          <code class="literal">internal</code>.</p>
-@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ no-auto-default=*
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ no-auto-default=*
  <p>Set the <code class="filename">resolv.conf</code>
          management mode. The default value depends on NetworkManager build
          options, and this version of NetworkManager was build with a default of
@@ -36,25 +36,7 @@ index b43f5ac56..a57e46ebe 100644
          Regardless of this setting, NetworkManager will
          always write resolv.conf to its runtime state directory
          <code class="filename">/var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf</code>.</p>
-@@ -396,6 +396,17 @@ no-auto-default=*
-             times.
-           </p></td>
- </tr>
-+<td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">slaves-order</code></span></p></td>
-+            This key specifies in which order slave connections are
-+            auto-activated on boot or when the master activates
-+            them. Allowed values are <code class="literal">name</code> (order
-+            connection by interface name, the default), or
-+            <code class="literal">index</code> (order slaves by their kernel
-+            index).
-+          </p></td>
- </tbody>
- </table></div>
- </div>
-@@ -601,7 +612,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
+@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
  <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">ethernet.cloned-mac-address</code></span></p></td>
@@ -63,16 +45,7 @@ index b43f5ac56..a57e46ebe 100644
  <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">ethernet.generate-mac-address-mask</code></span></p></td>
-@@ -609,7 +620,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">ethernet.mtu</code></span></p></td>
--<td><p>If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or a default of 1500.</p></td>
-+<td><p>If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the MTU is not reconfigured during activation.</p></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">ethernet.wake-on-lan</code></span></p></td>
-@@ -652,7 +663,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
+@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
  <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">wifi.cloned-mac-address</code></span></p></td>
@@ -81,69 +54,26 @@ index b43f5ac56..a57e46ebe 100644
  <td><p><span class="term"><code class="varname">wifi.generate-mac-address-mask</code></span></p></td>
+@@ -1363,4 +1363,4 @@ interface-name:vboxnet*,except:interface-name:vboxnet2
+ <div class="footer">
+ <hr>Generated by GTK-Doc V1.26</div>
+ </body>
+\ No newline at end of file
 diff --git a/docs/api/html/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html b/docs/api/html/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html
-index b46b05ed6..229f11b40 100644
+index 4f62d52fc..14bc3c4c5 100644
 --- a/docs/api/html/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html
 +++ b/docs/api/html/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.html
-@@ -250,6 +250,9 @@ Udi  readable   s
-         for a way to track a specific piece of hardware across reboot or hotplug,
-         use a MAC address or USB serial number.
- </p>
-+<p>        Note that non-UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to obtain the true (non-UTF-8) string.
- </div>
- <hr>
- <div class="refsect2">
-@@ -258,6 +261,9 @@ Udi  readable   s
- Interface  readable   s
- </pre>
- <p>        The name of the device's control (and often data) interface.
-+        Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
-+        resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert the escaping.
- </p>
- </div>
- <hr>
-@@ -270,6 +276,9 @@ IpInterface  readable   s
-         not refer to the actual data interface until the device has successfully
-         established a data connection, indicated by the device's State becoming
-         ACTIVATED.
-+        Note that non UTF-8 characters are backslash escaped, so the
-+        resulting name may be longer then 15 characters. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert the escaping.
- </p>
- </div>
- <hr>
-@@ -279,6 +288,8 @@ IpInterface  readable   s
- Driver  readable   s
- </pre>
- <p>        The driver handling the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
- </p>
- </div>
- <hr>
-@@ -288,6 +299,8 @@ Driver  readable   s
- DriverVersion  readable   s
- </pre>
- <p>        The version of the driver handling the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
- </p>
- </div>
- <hr>
-@@ -297,6 +310,8 @@ DriverVersion  readable   s
- FirmwareVersion  readable   s
- </pre>
- <p>        The firmware version for the device.
-+        Non-UTF-8 sequences are backslash escaped. Use g_strcompress()
-+        to revert.
- </p>
- </div>
- <hr>
+@@ -538,4 +538,4 @@ Real  readable   b
+ <div class="footer">
+ <hr>Generated by GTK-Doc V1.26</div>
+ </body>
+\ No newline at end of file
 diff --git a/man/NetworkManager.conf.5 b/man/NetworkManager.conf.5
-index 339a106de..3809de066 100644
+index aa31c809a..6649f0307 100644
 --- a/man/NetworkManager.conf.5
 +++ b/man/NetworkManager.conf.5
 @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ internal
@@ -164,23 +94,7 @@ index 339a106de..3809de066 100644
  symlink: If
-@@ -295,6 +295,15 @@ The number of times a connection activation should be automatically tried before
- connection\&.autoconnect\-retries
- property set to \-1\&. If not specified, connections will be retried 4 times\&.
- .RE
-+.RS 4
-+This key specifies in which order slave connections are auto\-activated on boot or when the master activates them\&. Allowed values are
-+(order connection by interface name, the default), or
-+(order slaves by their kernel index)\&.
- .PP
- This section contains keyfile\-plugin\-specific options, and is normally only used when you are not using any other distro\-specific plugin\&.
-@@ -584,7 +593,7 @@ for details)\&. A default value is only consulted if the corresponding per\-conn
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ If left unspecified, the default value is 3 tries before failing the connection\
  .RS 4
@@ -189,16 +103,7 @@ index 339a106de..3809de066 100644
-@@ -593,7 +602,7 @@ If left unspecified, it defaults to "preserve"\&.
- .PP
- \fIethernet\&.mtu\fR
- .RS 4
--If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints\&. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or a default of 1500\&.
-+If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints\&. If left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the MTU is not reconfigured during activation\&.
- .RE
- .PP
- \fIethernet\&.wake\-on\-lan\fR
-@@ -641,7 +650,7 @@ If left unspecified, default value of 60 seconds is used\&.
+@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ If left unspecified, default value of 60 seconds is used\&.
  .RS 4
@@ -208,5 +113,5 @@ index 339a106de..3809de066 100644
diff --git a/SOURCES/NetworkManager.conf b/SOURCES/NetworkManager.conf
index d36da0b..1979ea6 100644
--- a/SOURCES/NetworkManager.conf
+++ b/SOURCES/NetworkManager.conf
@@ -2,17 +2,49 @@
 # See "man 5 NetworkManager.conf" for details.
+# The directories /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/ and /var/run/NetworkManager/conf.d/
+# can contain additional configuration snippets installed by packages. These files are
+# read before NetworkManager.conf and have thus lowest priority.
 # The directory /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ can contain additional configuration
-# snippets. Those snippets override the settings from this main file.
+# snippets. Those snippets are merged last and overwrite the settings from this main
+# file.
-# The files within conf.d/ directory are read in asciibetical order.
+# The files within one conf.d/ directory are read in asciibetical order.
+# If /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ contains a file with the same name as
+# /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/, the latter file is shadowed and thus ignored.
+# Hence, to disable loading a file from /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/ you can
+# put an empty file to /etc with the same name. The same applies with respect
+# to the directory /var/run/NetworkManager/conf.d where files in /var/run shadow
+# /usr/lib and are themselves shadowed by files under /etc.
 # If two files define the same key, the one that is read afterwards will overwrite
 # the previous one.
+# When debugging NetworkManager, enabling debug logging is of great help.
+# Logfiles contain no passwords and little sensitive information. But please
+# check before posting the file online. You can also personally hand over the
+# logfile to a NM developer to treat it confidential. Meet us on #nm on freenode.
+# Please post full logfiles except minimal modifications of private data.
+# You can also change the log-level at runtime via
+#   $ nmcli general logging level TRACE domains ALL
+# However, usually it's cleaner to enable debug logging
+# in the configuration and restart NetworkManager so that
+# debug logging is enabled from the start.
+# You will find the logfiles in syslog, for example via
+#   $ journalctl -u NetworkManager
+# Note that debug logging of NetworkManager can be quite verbose. Some messages
+# might be rate-limited by the logging daemon (see RateLimitIntervalSec, RateLimitBurst
+# in man journald.conf).
diff --git a/SPECS/NetworkManager.spec b/SPECS/NetworkManager.spec
index d246d10..29c6a2e 100644
--- a/SPECS/NetworkManager.spec
+++ b/SPECS/NetworkManager.spec
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 %global glib2_version %(pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0 2>/dev/null || echo bad)
 %global epoch_version 1
-%global rpm_version 1.8.0
-%global real_version 1.8.0
-%global release_version 11
+%global rpm_version 1.10.2
+%global real_version 1.10.2
+%global release_version 13
 %global snapshot %{nil}
 %global git_sha %{nil}
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
 %global snap %{?snapshot_dot}%{?git_sha_dot}
+%global real_version_major %(printf '%s' '%{real_version}' | sed -n 's/^\\([1-9][0-9]*\\.[1-9][0-9]*\\)\\.[1-9][0-9]*$/\\1/p')
+%global is_devel_build %(printf '%s' '%{real_version}' | sed -n 's/^1\\.\\([0-9]*[13579]\\)\\..*/1/p')
 %bcond_without adsl
@@ -37,14 +41,20 @@
 %bcond_without wwan
 %bcond_without team
 %bcond_without wifi
+%bcond_without ovs
 %bcond_without ppp
 %bcond_without nmtui
-# on RHEL, we don't regenerate the documentation
+# on RHEL we don't regenerate the documentation
 %bcond_with    regen_docs
+%if 0%{is_devel_build}
+%bcond_without debug
 %bcond_with    debug
 %bcond_without test
+%bcond_with    sanitizer
@@ -73,48 +83,42 @@ Group: System Environment/Base
 License: GPLv2+
 URL: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/
-Source: https://download.gnome.org/sources/NetworkManager/1.8/%{name}-%{real_version}.tar.xz
+Source: https://download.gnome.org/sources/NetworkManager/%{real_version_major}/%{name}-%{real_version}.tar.xz
 Source1: NetworkManager.conf
 Source2: 00-server.conf
 Source3: 10-slaves-order.conf
 Source4: README.nmcs
-# needed to adjust pre-generated documentation for RHEL. Before
-# removing this one, check that it is no longer needed.
+# RHEL downstream patches that change behavior from upstream.
+# These are not bugfixes, hence they are also relevant after
+# the next rebase of the source tarball.
 Patch1: 0001-cloned-mac-address-permanent-rh1413312.patch
-Patch2: 0002-utils-fix-maybe-uninitialized-in-nm-udev-utils.c.patch
-Patch3: 0003-fix-device-run-state-unknown-rh1440171.patch
-Patch4: 0004-proxy-crash-rh1450459.patch
-Patch5: 0005-device-fix-wait-carrier-rh1450444.patch
-Patch6: 0006-dhcp-don-t-add-route-to-DHCP4-server-rh1448987.patch
-Patch7: 0007-device-update-ext-conf-before-commit-rh1449873.patch
-Patch8: 0008-utf8safe-fixes-rh1443114.patch
-Patch9: 0009-ifcfg-rh-fix-null-next-hop.patch
-Patch10: 0010-bluetooth-nap-crash-rh1454385.patch
-Patch11: 0011-device-release-removed-slaves-rh1448907.patch
-Patch12: 0012-config-slaves-order-rh1452585.patch
-Patch13: 0013-nmcli-fix-8021x-password-raw-rh1456362.patch
-Patch14: 0014-translations-rh1382625.patch
-Patch15: 0015-ifcfg-rh-legacy-netmask-rh1445414.patch
-Patch16: 0016-tui-connect-crash-rh1456826.patch
-Patch17: 0017-libnm-fix-reject-vlan-id-4095-rh1456911.patch
-Patch18: 0018-periodic-connectivity-check-rh1458399.patch
-Patch19: 0019-bond-improve-option-matching-rh1457909.patch
-Patch20: 0020-device-fix-external-assume-rh1457242.patch
-Patch21: 0021-bond-crash-mode-rh1459580.patch
-Patch22: 0022-connectivity-ip-iface-check-rh1459932.patch
-Patch23: 0023-persist-nm-owned-in-device-state-rh1376199.patch
-Patch24: 0024-fix-delayed-assume-master-rh1452062.patch
-Patch25: 0025-improve-logging-assume-rh1452062.patch
-Patch26: 0026-apply-route-penality-only-with-defroute-rh1459604.patch
-Patch27: 0027-cli-fix-interface-overview-rh1460219.patch
-Patch28: 0028-ppp-unexport-ppp-manager-on-dispose.patch
-Patch29: 0029-cli-wifi-spurious-output.patch
-Patch30: 0030-device-mtu-preserve-rh1460760.patch
-Patch31: 0031-don-t-remove-ext-ipv4-addresses-rh1459813.patch
-Patch32: 0032-don-t-set-a-fake-permanent-hardware-address.patch
-Patch33: 0033-device-fix-delay-startup-complete-for-unrealized-dev.patch
-Patch34: 0034-device-fix-frozen-notify-signals-on-unrealize-error-.patch
+Patch2: 0002-nm-wait-online-not-require-nm-service-rh1520865.patch
+Patch3: 0003-po-import-translations-rh1481186.patch
+Patch4: 0004-bug-fixes-found-by-coverity.patch
+Patch5: 0005-clear-unsaved-flag-on-new-connections-rh1525078.patch
+Patch6: 0006-reload-qdiscs-and-tfilters-after-removal-rh1527197.patch
+Patch7: 0007-wwan-default-device-route-rh1527934.patch
+Patch8: 0008-dhcp-client-id-rh1531173.patch
+Patch9: 0009-distinct-route-metric-rh1505893.patch
+Patch10: 0010-fix-set-connectivity-check-enabled-rh1534477.patch
+Patch11: 0011-fix-assertion-delete-volatile-connection-rh1506552.patch
+Patch12: 0012-device-increase-carrier-wait-time-rh1520826.patch
+Patch13: 0013-ifcfg-ovs-master-rh1519179.patch
+Patch14: 0014-device-skip-IP-conf-for-external-devices-rh1530288.patch
+Patch15: 0015-route-get-crash-rh1534721.patch
+Patch16: 0016-ovs-interface-dhcp-twice-rh1540063.patch
+Patch17: 0017-ensure-alignment-of-team-properties-rh1533830.patch
+Patch18: 0018-team-link-watchers-fixes-rh1533926.patch
+Patch19: 0019-update-team-runner-desc-rh1533799.patch
+Patch20: 0020-team-fix-runner-sys_prio-default-rh1533810.patch
+Patch21: 0021-avoid-symbol-clash-with-json-glib-rh1535905.patch
+Patch22: 0022-team-add-random-runner-rh1538699.patch
+Patch23: 0023-ppp-don-t-start-IPv6-configuration-rh1515829.patch
+Patch24: 0024-Revert-IPv4-rp_filter-handling-rh1492472.patch
+Patch25: 0025-team-clean-runner-tx-hash-on-set-rh1541922.patch
+Patch26: 0026-dhcp-fix-lease-renewal-rh1503587.patch
 # The pregenerated docs contain default values and paths that depend
 # on the configure options when creating the source tarball.
@@ -128,7 +132,6 @@ Requires(postun): systemd
 Requires: dbus >= %{dbus_version}
 Requires: glib2 >= %{glib2_version}
-Requires: libnl3 >= %{libnl3_version}
 Requires: %{name}-libnm%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
 Obsoletes: dhcdbd
 Obsoletes: NetworkManager < %{obsoletes_device_plugins}
@@ -270,13 +273,26 @@ This package contains NetworkManager support for mobile broadband (WWAN)
+%if %{with ovs}
+%package ovs
+Summary: OpenVSwitch device plugin for NetworkManager
+Group: System Environment/Base
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires: openvswitch
+%description ovs
+This package contains NetworkManager support for OpenVSwitch bridges.
 %if %{with ppp}
 %package ppp
 Summary: PPP plugin for NetworkManager
 Group: System Environment/Base
 Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
 Requires: ppp = %{ppp_version}
-Provides: NetworkManager = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires: NetworkManager = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
 Obsoletes: NetworkManager < %{obsoletes_ppp_plugin}
 %description ppp
@@ -408,14 +424,6 @@ by nm-connection-editor and nm-applet in a non-graphical environment.
 %patch24 -p1
 %patch25 -p1
 %patch26 -p1
-%patch27 -p1
-%patch28 -p1
-%patch29 -p1
-%patch30 -p1
-%patch31 -p1
-%patch32 -p1
-%patch33 -p1
-%patch34 -p1
 %patch9999 -p1
@@ -428,11 +436,27 @@ intltoolize --automake --copy --force
 	--disable-static \
 	--with-dhclient=yes \
 	--with-dhcpcd=no \
+	--with-dhcpcanon=no \
+	--with-config-dhcp-default=dhclient \
 	--with-crypto=nss \
+%if %{with test}
 	--enable-more-warnings=error \
+	--enable-more-warnings=yes \
+%if %{with sanitizer}
+	--enable-address-sanitizer \
+	--enable-undefined-sanitizer \
+	--disable-address-sanitizer \
+	--disable-undefined-sanitizer \
 %if %{with debug}
-	--with-more-logging \
+	--enable-more-logging \
 	--with-more-asserts=10000 \
+	--disable-more-logging \
+	--without-more-asserts \
 	--enable-ld-gc \
 	--with-libaudit=yes-disabled-by-default \
@@ -463,6 +487,11 @@ intltoolize --automake --copy --force
 	--enable-teamdctl=no \
+%if %{with ovs}
+	--enable-ovs=yes \
+	--enable-ovs=no \
 	--with-selinux=yes \
 	--enable-polkit=yes \
 	--enable-polkit-agent \
@@ -478,7 +507,11 @@ intltoolize --automake --copy --force
 	--with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{systemd_dir} \
 	--with-system-ca-path=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem \
 	--with-dbus-sys-dir=%{dbus_sys_dir} \
+%if %{with test}
 	--with-tests=yes \
+	--with-tests=no \
 	--with-valgrind=no \
 	--enable-ifcfg-rh=yes \
 %if %{with ppp}
@@ -528,6 +561,16 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags} check
+if [ -f "%{systemd_dir}/network-online.target.wants/NetworkManager-wait-online.service" ] ; then
+    # older versions used to install this file, effectively always enabling
+    # NetworkManager-wait-online.service. We no longer do that and rely on
+    # preset.
+    # But on package upgrade we must explicitly enable it (rh#1455704).
+    systemctl enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service || :
 /usr/bin/udevadm control --reload-rules || :
 /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=net || :
@@ -551,11 +594,11 @@ fi
-%post	glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%postun	glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post   glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%post	libnm -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%postun	libnm -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post   libnm -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun libnm -p /sbin/ldconfig
@@ -590,7 +633,7 @@ fi
 %dir %{nmlibdir}/VPN
 %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/NetworkManager
 %dir %{_sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
@@ -602,8 +645,6 @@ fi
-%dir %{systemd_dir}/network-online.target.wants
 %dir %{_datadir}/doc/NetworkManager/examples
@@ -637,6 +678,13 @@ fi
+%if %{with ovs}
+%files ovs
 %if %{with ppp}
 %files ppp
@@ -719,6 +767,98 @@ fi
+* Tue Feb 20 2018 Francesco Giudici <fgiudici@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-13
+- dhcp: better handle DHCP outages and retry DHCP indefinitely (rh #1503587)
+* Thu Feb 8 2018 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-12
+- ppp: don't start IPv6 configuration on the device (rh #1515829)
+- device: avoid setting the IPv4 rp_filter (rh #1492472)
+- nmcli: team: clear runner-tx-hash before adding new hashes (rh #1541922)
+* Fri Feb 2 2018 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-11
+- ovs-interface: avoid starting ip configuration twice (rh #1540063)
+- libnm-core: ensure alignment of team.config and other team properties (rh #1533830)
+- nmcli: clear link-watchers before adding the new ones (rh #1533926)
+- libnm-core: update team.runner description (rh #1533799)
+- libnm-core: team: fix runner sys_prio default value (rh #1533810)
+- libnm: avoid a symbol clash with json-glib (rh #1535905)
+- libnm-core: team: add support to runner "random" (rh #1538699)
+* Fri Jan 19 2018 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-10
+- device: skip IP configuration phase for external devices (rh #1530288)
+- platform: fix crash during route-get call (rh #1534721)
+* Fri Jan 19 2018 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-9
+- ifcfg: don't forget master of ovs interfaces (rh #1519179)
+* Wed Jan 17 2018 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-7
+- po: import translations (rh #1481186)
+- device: increase carrier wait time to 6 seconds (rh #1520826)
+* Mon Jan 15 2018 Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-6
+- core: use distinct route-metric to keep connectivity on first activated device (rh #1505893)
+- core: fix enabling connectivity-check-enabled via D-Bus (rh #1534477)
+- core: fix invalid assertion deleting volatile connection (rh #1506552)
+* Tue Jan  9 2018 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-5
+- wwan: add default route even if modem didn't return a gateway (rh #1527934)
+- dhcp: fix assertion failure for dhcp-client-id (rh #1531173)
+* Fri Jan  5 2018 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-4
+- settings: clear unsaved flag on new connections (rh #1525078)
+- platform-linux: reload qdiscs and tfilters after removing them (rh #1527197)
+* Tue Dec 12 2017 Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-3
+- all: various bug fixes found by coverity
+* Tue Dec 12 2017 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-2
+- po: import translations (rh #1481186)
+* Tue Dec 12 2017 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.2-1
+- Update to upstream release 1.10.2
+- all: added support for onlink route attribute (rh #1428334)
+- device: don't necessarily fail the connection when ipv4 DAD fails (rh #1508001)
+- device: update device mtu from ip interface platform when required (rh #1460217)
+- device: extend carrier lost defer time after MTU change (rh #1487702)
+- ifcfg-rh: persist the wep key type (rh #1518177)
+- settings: introduce an Update2() D-Bus method (rh #1401515)
+* Fri Dec  8 2017 Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.0-2
+- core: don't let NetworkManager-wait-online service require NetworkManager (rh #1520865)
+* Fri Nov 10 2017 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.0-1
+- Update to upstream release 1.10.0
+* Wed Nov  8 2017 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.0-0.2.rc1
+- Update to first Release Candidate of NetworkManager 1.10
+- added basic OpenVSwitch support (rh #1470282)
+- fixed race condition in the nmcli secret agent (rh #1438476)
+* Fri Oct 27 2017 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani@redhat.com> - 1:1.10.0-0.1.git20171024.b16c853b
+- Update to a 1.10.0 snapshot:
+- core: fix connection auto-activation after slave failure (rh #1310676)
+- bridge: introduce a bridge.group-forward-mask connection property (rh #1358615)
+- ifcfg-rh: fix write of 802.1X EAP-LEAP connections (rh #1374660)
+- vlan: fix setting MTU value (rh #1414901)
+- core: support multiple routing tables (rh #1436531)
+- ipv6: support multiple default routes (rh #1445417)
+- core: extend D-Bus API to better export active connection state (rh #1454883)
+- nmcli: fix crash (rh #1458311)
+- device: avoid touching IPv6 on external connections without IPv6 conf (rh #1462260)
+- core: downgrade warning messages about missing parent devices (rh #1490157)
+- device: fix delay startup complete for unrealized devices (rh #1498807)
+- device: fix frozen notify signals on unrealize error path (rh #1498755)
+- tui: improve tracking of activation state (rh #1500651)
+- ifcfg-rh: allow updates to connections with routing rule files (rh #1384799)
+- core: fix taking over external connection on modification (rh #1462223)
+- bond: ignore miimon option only when it is zero (rh #1463077)
+- core: don't re-add routes that already exist (rh #1470930)
+- tui: guess the prefix length (netmask) based on network class (rh #1474295)
+- dhcp: fix dhcp over Infiniband when using the internal client (rh #1477678)
+- device: extend wait time for carrier after MTU change (rh #1487702)
+- cli: wifi: connect with PSK when the AP supports WPA-PSK and WPA-EAP (rh #1492064)
+- core: fixed memory leak in dhcp code (rh #1461643)
 * Fri Oct  6 2017 Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.8.0-11
 - core: fix wrongly delaying startup-complete for unrealized devices (rh#1498807)
 - core: fix unfreezing signals when unrealizing device fails (rh#1498755)