diff --git a/.ModemManager.metadata b/.ModemManager.metadata
index 3baa406..9f58a2a 100644
--- a/.ModemManager.metadata
+++ b/.ModemManager.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-5445eddaad2169567b20219579e7b8a67d7be1f4 SOURCES/ModemManager-1.1.0.git20130913.tar.xz
+d0512c8466c15eefdbadfe56ded35fb82d4b2e3d SOURCES/ModemManager-1.6.0.tar.xz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cb42883..97fca9e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Revert-build-bump-required-gettext-version-to-0.19.3.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Revert-build-bump-required-gettext-version-to-0.19.3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f65836b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-Revert-build-bump-required-gettext-version-to-0.19.3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From d568355ee4e5e5fc102d6ac7d89fa9f2718c4936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
+Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:22:45 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "build: bump required gettext version to 0.19.3"
+This reverts commit e00fd54a200f97aa5ae44e981da152669521f83c.
+ .gitignore   | 3 ---
+ configure.ac | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 1065f08..ad7baba 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ dnl
+ IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.40.0])
+ AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external])
diff --git a/SOURCES/buildsys-hates-openpty.patch b/SOURCES/buildsys-hates-openpty.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index aa61d24..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/buildsys-hates-openpty.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -up ModemManager-0.4.998/src/tests/Makefile.am.foo ModemManager-0.4.998/src/tests/Makefile.am
---- ModemManager-0.4.998/src/tests/Makefile.am.foo	2011-07-06 17:59:53.711343366 -0500
-+++ ModemManager-0.4.998/src/tests/Makefile.am	2011-07-06 18:00:08.971152593 -0500
-@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ if WITH_TESTS
- noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- 	test-modem-helpers \
- 	test-charsets \
--	test-qcdm-serial-port \
- 	test-at-serial-port \
- 	test-sms-part
diff --git a/SOURCES/rh1200958-fix-MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE-macro.patch b/SOURCES/rh1200958-fix-MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE-macro.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d0d0c..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/rh1200958-fix-MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE-macro.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-From aa74ea1aa64470b2b4ec76dbc707f30fc22e3f83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ben Chan <benchan@chromium.org>
-Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:47:09 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] iface-modem: fix MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE macro
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Signed-off-by: Jiří Klimeš <jklimes@redhat.com>
- src/mm-iface-modem.c | 12 ++++++------
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/mm-iface-modem.c b/src/mm-iface-modem.c
-index 748a720..02b03db 100644
---- a/src/mm-iface-modem.c
-+++ b/src/mm-iface-modem.c
-@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ mm_iface_modem_bind_simple_status (MMIfaceModem *self,
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Helper method to wait for a final state */
--#define MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE(state)      \
--    (state == MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING ||    \
--     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING ||    \
--     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING ||    \
--     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING ||    \
-+#define MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE(state)       \
-+    (state == MM_MODEM_STATE_INITIALIZING  ||    \
-+     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_DISABLING     ||    \
-+     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLING      ||    \
-+     state == MM_MODEM_STATE_DISCONNECTING ||    \
- typedef struct {
-     MMIfaceModem *self;
diff --git a/SOURCES/rh1251954-ignore-unconnected-rfcomm.patch b/SOURCES/rh1251954-ignore-unconnected-rfcomm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b189ed..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/rh1251954-ignore-unconnected-rfcomm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-From 3e76601295d8a43acb7c36e62e89fb7e9205f7f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 12:02:36 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] device: Keep track of devices as they are move across
- sysfs
-For certain devices the name changes with their status. Notably, RFCOMM
-devices move from /devices/virtual/ to underneath the HCI that is used
-for the connection as the session is estabilished, and return back when
-it's torn down.
- src/mm-device.c | 10 ++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/mm-device.c b/src/mm-device.c
-index 54f6456..46824ee 100644
---- a/src/mm-device.c
-+++ b/src/mm-device.c
-@@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ device_find_probe_with_device (MMDevice    *self,
-     for (l = self->priv->port_probes; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
-         MMPortProbe *probe = MM_PORT_PROBE (l->data);
-+        if (   g_udev_device_has_property (udev_port, "DEVPATH_OLD")
-+            && g_str_has_suffix (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_port_probe_peek_port (probe)),
-+                                 g_udev_device_get_property (udev_port, "DEVPATH_OLD")))
-+            return probe;
-         if (g_str_equal (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_port_probe_peek_port (probe)),
-                          g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (udev_port)))
-             return probe;
-@@ -96,6 +101,11 @@ device_find_probe_with_device (MMDevice    *self,
-     for (l = self->priv->ignored_port_probes; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
-         MMPortProbe *probe = MM_PORT_PROBE (l->data);
-+        if (   g_udev_device_has_property (udev_port, "DEVPATH_OLD")
-+            && g_str_has_suffix (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_port_probe_peek_port (probe)),
-+                                 g_udev_device_get_property (udev_port, "DEVPATH_OLD")))
-+            return probe;
-         if (g_str_equal (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_port_probe_peek_port (probe)),
-                          g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (udev_port)))
-             return probe;
-From c3ea9c4f6fecdd2363bdaeceb660e21c4139ab47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 12:00:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] manager: Remove devices which are deemed unfit during
- addition attempt
-device_added() might be called in response to a "change" or "move" attempt that
-might have changed a candidate device to a non-candidate one.
- src/mm-manager.c | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/mm-manager.c b/src/mm-manager.c
-index 7103a00..73173e8 100644
---- a/src/mm-manager.c
-+++ b/src/mm-manager.c
-@@ -220,6 +220,61 @@ find_physical_device (GUdevDevice *child)
- }
- static void
-+device_removed (MMManager *self,
-+                GUdevDevice *udev_device)
-+    MMDevice *device;
-+    const gchar *subsys;
-+    const gchar *name;
-+    g_return_if_fail (udev_device != NULL);
-+    subsys = g_udev_device_get_subsystem (udev_device);
-+    name = g_udev_device_get_name (udev_device);
-+    if (!g_str_has_prefix (subsys, "usb") ||
-+        (name && g_str_has_prefix (name, "cdc-wdm"))) {
-+        /* Handle tty/net/wdm port removal */
-+        device = find_device_by_port (self, udev_device);
-+        if (device) {
-+            mm_info ("(%s/%s): released by modem %s",
-+                     subsys,
-+                     name,
-+                     g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_device_peek_udev_device (device)));
-+            mm_device_release_port (device, udev_device);
-+            /* If port probe list gets empty, remove the device object iself */
-+            if (!mm_device_peek_port_probe_list (device)) {
-+                mm_dbg ("Removing empty device '%s'", mm_device_get_path (device));
-+                mm_device_remove_modem (device);
-+                g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_path (device));
-+            }
-+        }
-+        return;
-+    }
-+    /* This case is designed to handle the case where, at least with kernel 2.6.31, unplugging
-+     * an in-use ttyACMx device results in udev generating remove events for the usb, but the
-+     * ttyACMx device (subsystem tty) is not removed, since it was in-use.  So if we have not
-+     * found a modem for the port (above), we're going to look here to see if we have a modem
-+     * associated with the newly removed device.  If so, we'll remove the modem, since the
-+     * device has been removed.  That way, if the device is reinserted later, we'll go through
-+     * the process of exporting it.
-+     */
-+    device = find_device_by_udev_device (self, udev_device);
-+    if (device) {
-+        mm_dbg ("Removing device '%s'", mm_device_get_path (device));
-+        mm_device_remove_modem (device);
-+        g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_path (device));
-+        return;
-+    }
-+    /* Maybe a plugin is checking whether or not the port is supported.
-+     * TODO: Cancel every possible supports check in this port. */
-+static void
- device_added (MMManager *manager,
-               GUdevDevice *port,
-               gboolean hotplugged,
-@@ -247,8 +302,14 @@ device_added (MMManager *manager,
-      * rules have been processed before handling a device.
-      */
-     is_candidate = g_udev_device_get_property_as_boolean (port, "ID_MM_CANDIDATE");
--    if (!is_candidate)
-+    if (!is_candidate) {
-+        /* This could mean that device changed, loosing its ID_MM_CANDIDATE
-+         * flags (such as Bluetooth RFCOMM devices upon disconnect.
-+         * Try to forget it. */
-+        if (hotplugged && !manual_scan)
-+            device_removed (manager, port);
-         return;
-+    }
-     if (find_device_by_port (manager, port))
-         return;
-@@ -332,61 +393,6 @@ out:
- }
- static void
--device_removed (MMManager *self,
--                GUdevDevice *udev_device)
--    MMDevice *device;
--    const gchar *subsys;
--    const gchar *name;
--    g_return_if_fail (udev_device != NULL);
--    subsys = g_udev_device_get_subsystem (udev_device);
--    name = g_udev_device_get_name (udev_device);
--    if (!g_str_has_prefix (subsys, "usb") ||
--        (name && g_str_has_prefix (name, "cdc-wdm"))) {
--        /* Handle tty/net/wdm port removal */
--        device = find_device_by_port (self, udev_device);
--        if (device) {
--            mm_info ("(%s/%s): released by modem %s",
--                     subsys,
--                     name,
--                     g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (mm_device_peek_udev_device (device)));
--            mm_device_release_port (device, udev_device);
--            /* If port probe list gets empty, remove the device object iself */
--            if (!mm_device_peek_port_probe_list (device)) {
--                mm_dbg ("Removing empty device '%s'", mm_device_get_path (device));
--                mm_device_remove_modem (device);
--                g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_path (device));
--            }
--        }
--        return;
--    }
--    /* This case is designed to handle the case where, at least with kernel 2.6.31, unplugging
--     * an in-use ttyACMx device results in udev generating remove events for the usb, but the
--     * ttyACMx device (subsystem tty) is not removed, since it was in-use.  So if we have not
--     * found a modem for the port (above), we're going to look here to see if we have a modem
--     * associated with the newly removed device.  If so, we'll remove the modem, since the
--     * device has been removed.  That way, if the device is reinserted later, we'll go through
--     * the process of exporting it.
--     */
--    device = find_device_by_udev_device (self, udev_device);
--    if (device) {
--        mm_dbg ("Removing device '%s'", mm_device_get_path (device));
--        mm_device_remove_modem (device);
--        g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_path (device));
--        return;
--    }
--    /* Maybe a plugin is checking whether or not the port is supported.
--     * TODO: Cancel every possible supports check in this port. */
--static void
- handle_uevent (GUdevClient *client,
-                const char *action,
-                GUdevDevice *device,
-From 71665f3a81000db156b72d135cffc0c9355d12df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 12:00:14 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] udev: Don't mark disconnected RFCOMM ttys as candidates
-Bluetooth serial devices are weird. They begin life being bound with
-RFCOMMCREATEDEV ioctl() and then move around the sysfs tree when they are
-connected and disconnected. The connection is estabilished upon the first
-open() and torn down upon last close(), their first user virtually being
-"owner" of the connection. We don't want to be that process, we're only
-interested in actually connected modems. However, currently we have no
-knowledge of that and therefore we connect and disconnect multiple times while
-This patch marks unconnected RFCOMM devices as uninteresting to us.
-The actual connection and disconnection will be handled by NetworkManager.
- src/80-mm-candidate.rules | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/80-mm-candidate.rules b/src/80-mm-candidate.rules
-index 2e938d7..52e6882 100644
---- a/src/80-mm-candidate.rules
-+++ b/src/80-mm-candidate.rules
-@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
- ACTION!="add|change|move", GOTO="mm_candidate_end"
-+# Opening bound but disconnected Bluetooth RFCOMM ttys would initiate the
-+# connection. Don't do that.
-+KERNEL=="rfcomm[0-9]*", DEVPATH=="*/virtual/*", GOTO="mm_candidate_end"
- KERNEL=="cdc-wdm*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{ID_MM_CANDIDATE}="1"
diff --git a/SPECS/ModemManager.spec b/SPECS/ModemManager.spec
index b9a6d9e..bfa6db2 100644
--- a/SPECS/ModemManager.spec
+++ b/SPECS/ModemManager.spec
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-%global snapshot .git20130913
 %global glib2_version 2.32
 %global systemd_dir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system
@@ -6,35 +5,38 @@
 Summary: Mobile broadband modem management service
 Name: ModemManager
-Version: 1.1.0
-Release: 8%{snapshot}%{?dist}
-# Source from git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager
-# tarball built with:
-#    ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
-#    make distcheck
-Source: %{name}-%{version}%{snapshot}.tar.xz
+Version: 1.6.0
+Release: 2%{?dist}
+Source: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+Patch0: 0001-Revert-build-bump-required-gettext-version-to-0.19.3.patch
 License: GPLv2+
 Group: System Environment/Base
-URL: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/
-BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
+URL: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/
 Requires: glib2 >= %{glib2_version}
+# For mbim-proxy and qmi-proxy
+Requires: libmbim-utils
+Requires: libqmi-utils
 Requires: %{name}-glib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires(post): systemd
+Requires(postun): systemd
+Requires(preun): systemd
 BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= %{glib2_version}
 BuildRequires: libgudev1-devel >= 143
 BuildRequires: automake autoconf intltool libtool
 BuildRequires: intltool
 BuildRequires: libxslt gtk-doc
-BuildRequires: libqmi-devel >= 1.6
-BuildRequires: libmbim-devel >= 1.5
-BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel >= 0.10.3
+BuildRequires: libqmi-devel >= 1.16.0
+BuildRequires: libmbim-devel >= 1.14.0
+BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel >= 1.38
 BuildRequires: vala-tools vala-devel
+BuildRequires: dbus
+BuildRequires: systemd-devel
-Patch0: buildsys-hates-openpty.patch
-Patch1: rh1200958-fix-MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE-macro.patch
-Patch2: rh1251954-ignore-unconnected-rfcomm.patch
+%global __provides_exclude ^libmm-plugin-
 The ModemManager service manages WWAN modems and provides a consistent API for
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ functionality from applications that use glib.
 %package glib-devel
 Summary: Libraries and headers for adding ModemManager support to applications that use glib.
 Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: %{name}-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: %{name}-glib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires: glib2-devel >= %{glib2_version}
@@ -82,18 +85,17 @@ Vala bindings for ModemManager
 %setup -q
-%patch0 -p1 -b .pty
-%patch1 -p1 -b .rh1200958-fix-MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE-macro
-%patch2 -p1 -b .rh1251954-ignore-unconnected-rfcomm
+%patch0 -p1
+intltoolize --force
 autoreconf -i --force
 intltoolize --force
 %configure \
-	--enable-more-warnings=error \
+	--with-suspend-resume=systemd \
+	--enable-more-warnings=no \
 	--with-udev-base-dir=%{_prefix}/lib/udev \
-	--enable-gtk-doc=yes \
+	--enable-gtk-doc \
 	--with-qmi=yes \
 	--with-mbim=yes \
 	--disable-static \
@@ -106,10 +108,12 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags}
 make check
+make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
+rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la
+rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{name}/*.la
-rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
-rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}/*.la
+%find_lang %{name}
 touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
 %post	glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun	glib -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%files -f %{name}.lang
@@ -144,6 +148,7 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
 %files devel
@@ -169,6 +174,15 @@ gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+* Tue Jul 26 2016 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@tedhat.com> - 1.6.0-2
+- Disallow mixing different ModemManager and libmm-glib versions (rh #1352041)
+* Tue Jul 26 2016 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@tedhat.com> - 1.6.0-1
+- Update to the 1.6 release
+* Fri Jul 08 2016 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@tedhat.com> - 1.6.0-0.1.rc4
+- Update to a 1.6 snapshot
 * Thu Aug 13 2015 Lubomir Rintel <lrintel@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-8.git20130913
 - rfcomm: don't open the ttys until NetworkManager connects them (rh #1251954)