diff --git a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
index cbfb00c..92211b7 100644
--- a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
+++ b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
@@ -59,31 +59,31 @@ data:
         rationale: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 101
         multilib: [x86_64]
         rationale: ABRT support for Ruby
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 102
         rationale: Ruby Implementation of the BSON specification
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 102
         rationale: Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 102
         rationale: Ruby driver for MongoDB
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 103
         rationale: A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 102
         rationale: A Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS
-        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.3.0
+        ref: stream-ruby-2.5-rhel-8.4.0
         buildorder: 102
diff --git a/ruby.yaml b/ruby.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 688a976..0000000
--- a/ruby.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-document: modulemd
-version: 2
-  name: ruby
-  stream: "2.5"
-  summary: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
-  description: >-
-    Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented
-    programming.  It has many features to process text files and to do system management
-    tasks (as in Perl).  It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.
-  license:
-    module:
-    - MIT
-  dependencies:
-  - buildrequires:
-      platform: [el8.4.0]
-    requires:
-      platform: [el8]
-  references:
-    community: http://ruby-lang.org/
-    documentation: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/
-    tracker: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/
-  profiles:
-    common:
-      rpms:
-      - ruby
-  api:
-    rpms:
-    - ruby
-    - ruby-devel
-    - ruby-irb
-    - ruby-libs
-    - rubygem-abrt
-    - rubygem-bigdecimal
-    - rubygem-bson
-    - rubygem-bundler
-    - rubygem-did_you_mean
-    - rubygem-io-console
-    - rubygem-json
-    - rubygem-minitest
-    - rubygem-mongo
-    - rubygem-mysql2
-    - rubygem-net-telnet
-    - rubygem-openssl
-    - rubygem-pg
-    - rubygem-power_assert
-    - rubygem-psych
-    - rubygem-rake
-    - rubygem-rdoc
-    - rubygem-test-unit
-    - rubygem-xmlrpc
-    - rubygems
-    - rubygems-devel
-  buildopts:
-    rpms:
-      macros: |
-        %_without_rubypick 1
-  components:
-    rpms:
-      ruby:
-        rationale: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
-        ref: dd2565d4044db3aa4899d91dd44d36c0eb761d9e
-        buildorder: 101
-        multilib: [x86_64]
-      rubygem-abrt:
-        rationale: ABRT support for Ruby
-        ref: 310f9ba00561d7fbce2b89b01a5c3d5e7043706a
-        buildorder: 102
-      rubygem-bson:
-        rationale: Ruby Implementation of the BSON specification
-        ref: 6ae388d37e50e36f860d104aa3f1e48b1b477afe
-        buildorder: 102
-      rubygem-bundler:
-        rationale: Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
-        ref: d4dabe206ae2d0b462d59d171823faf316da6138
-        buildorder: 102
-      rubygem-mongo:
-        rationale: Ruby driver for MongoDB
-        ref: f4f58d1c58dff2878c00d5066f2e791d803a6136
-        buildorder: 103
-      rubygem-mysql2:
-        rationale: A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
-        ref: a7d9c0cb6737f438564882aa6fc7509164dd7cae
-        buildorder: 102
-      rubygem-pg:
-        rationale: A Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS
-        ref: 4428410e4288cd31fd0536d4a8475580d43a4c47
-        buildorder: 102