diff --git a/python38.yaml b/python38.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4900c1..0000000
--- a/python38.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-document: modulemd
-version: 2
-    name: python38
-    stream: "3.8"
-    summary: Python programming language, version 3.8
-    description: |-
-        This module gives users access to the internal Python 3.8 in RHEL8, as
-        well as provides some additional Python packages the users might need.
-        In addition to these you can install any python3-* package available
-        in RHEL and use it with Python from this module.
-    license:
-        module:
-            - MIT
-    dependencies:
-        - buildrequires:
-              platform: [el8.5.0]
-              # Depending on our selves for bootstrapping
-              # This is not needed in bootstrap phase 1 and can be disabled
-              python38: [3.8-bootstrap]
-              # sicpy needs package swig
-              swig: [3.0]
-              # mod_wsgi needs several packages from httpd
-              httpd: [2.4]
-          requires:
-              platform: [el8]
-    references:
-        community: https://www.python.org/
-        documentation: https://docs.python.org/3.8/
-    profiles:
-        common:
-            rpms:
-                - python38
-        build:
-            rpms:
-                - python38
-                - python38-devel
-                - python38-rpm-macros
-    filter:
-        rpms:
-            - python38-pyparsing
-            - python38-atomicwrites
-            - python38-attrs
-            - python38-packaging
-            - python38-py
-            - python38-pytest
-            - python38-more-itertools
-            - python38-pluggy
-            - python38-wcwidth
-    api:
-        rpms:
-            - python38
-            - python38-Cython
-            - python38-PyMySQL
-            - python38-asn1crypto
-            - python38-babel
-            - python38-cffi
-            - python38-chardet
-            - python38-cryptography
-            - python38-devel
-            - python38-idle
-            - python38-idna
-            - python38-jinja2
-            - python38-libs
-            - python38-lxml
-            - python38-markupsafe
-            - python38-mod_wsgi
-            - python38-numpy
-            - python38-numpy-f2py
-            - python38-pip
-            - python38-pip-wheel
-            - python38-ply
-            - python38-psutil
-            - python38-psycopg2
-            - python38-pycparser
-            - python38-pysocks
-            - python38-pytz
-            - python38-pyyaml
-            - python38-requests
-            - python38-rpm-macros
-            - python38-scipy
-            - python38-setuptools
-            - python38-setuptools-wheel
-            - python38-six
-            - python38-test
-            - python38-tkinter
-            - python38-urllib3
-            - python38-wheel
-            - python38-wheel-wheel
-    buildopts:
-        rpms:
-                # === Bootstrap phase 1 ===
-                #
-                # %python3_pkgversion 38
-                # %_without_python2 1
-                # # python38, setuptools, wheel
-                # %_with_bootstrap 1
-                # # python38
-                # %_without_rpmwheels 1
-                # # python38, setuptools, pip
-                # %_without_tests 1
-                # # pip
-                # %_without_doc 1
-                # === Bootstrap phase 2 ===
-                #
-                # %python3_pkgversion 38
-                # %_without_python2 1
-                # # python38, setuptools, six, py, chardet, attrs, pluggy, pysocks,
-                # # atomicwrites, wcwidth, packaging
-                # %_without_tests 1
-                # # py, pyparsing, atomicwrites, packaging, pytest
-                # %_without_docs 1
-                # # pytest
-                # %_without_timeout 1
-                # %_without_optional_tests 1
-            # Macros bootstrapping info:
-            #   Only the macros that are below the `macros: |` declaration are
-            #   being used in the module at a given time. If you want to switch
-            #   to a different bootstrap phase, comment out the current
-            #   bootstrap phase macros, move them above this section. And take
-            #   the bootstrap phase you want to use, uncomment it, and move it
-            #   here, below the `macros: |` line.
-            # Explanation:
-            #   Macros are expanded even when they are commented out using '#',
-            #   therefore it's safer to just move them out of the macros
-            #   section entirely to avoid possible issues.
-            macros: |
-                # === Bootstrap phase 3/4 ===
-                #
-                %python3_pkgversion 38
-                %_without_python2 1
-                # py, pyparsing, atomicwrites, packaging, pytest
-                %_without_docs 1
-    components:
-        rpms:
-            # === Bootstrap phase 1 ===
-            #
-            # python38:
-            #     rationale: The main Python interpreter
-            #     ref: 89384250356dd9cd104f756f919680a3b18f4277
-            #     buildorder: 10
-            # python3x-setuptools:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: 4cf3805f0883581a49db451f161b37a3c5c83a9d
-            #     buildorder: 20
-            # python-wheel:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: cfbc354d7f82c1653b7cb2f2c08521905c2c87cb
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python3x-pip:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: d470f4eae26f883fb438337ef8ef0b53ca38494a
-            #     buildorder: 40
-            # === Bootstrap phase 2 ===
-            #
-            # python3x-setuptools:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: 4cf3805f0883581a49db451f161b37a3c5c83a9d
-            #     buildorder: 10
-            # python38:
-            #     rationale: The main Python interpreter
-            #     ref: 89384250356dd9cd104f756f919680a3b18f4277
-            #     buildorder: 20
-            # python-wheel:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: cfbc354d7f82c1653b7cb2f2c08521905c2c87cb
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python3x-pip:
-            #     rationale: Packaging tool
-            #     ref: d470f4eae26f883fb438337ef8ef0b53ca38494a
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python3x-six:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 79212410a62640d6ba6fb9bee8c6f8ed88a7401f
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-py:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 725721338027fabba187fcee663ee3e9bd3290d7
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-chardet:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 04b5d1be6d2e14ece3a43caa87b79216ea35b65a
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-attrs:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: e9bcb854a4017201a396d14a2f941a37a13010f3
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-pluggy:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: ba5dde76d5398b1c869eaaf2619bf7061d472fb6
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-markupsafe:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 411ed0ff3ec0682aeef30fead3696673096fca82
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-pysocks:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 483216203ae75373f15aea373c80ee0585c13e63
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python3x-pyparsing:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 83e48edf172c5764192df37c87f61509132e98cc
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-atomicwrites:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: b94fddf57c6fbd09c9d7bd5a9d7dd666376e5386
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-wcwidth:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: be8f2b04d24c914cf2743628f95138cd91d58b44
-            #     buildorder: 30
-            # python-more-itertools:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: e1d5d8a6b5d705f7dd4e3253ae33c7560cbd2150
-            #     buildorder: 40
-            # python-packaging:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: 419429934421600cc834be5890be0400bfb7620a
-            #     buildorder: 40
-            # pytest:
-            #     rationale: Python component
-            #     ref: d2854f6746913377d27f49ac2be01c1e6aa16ff5
-            #     buildorder: 50
-            # === Bootstrap phase 3/4 ===
-            # For bootstrap phase 3 uncomment all `buildorder:` lines below,
-            # for bootstrap phase 4 comment them out.
-            #
-            python38:
-                rationale: The main Python interpreter
-                ref: 89384250356dd9cd104f756f919680a3b18f4277
-            python3x-setuptools:
-                rationale: Packaging tool
-                ref: 4cf3805f0883581a49db451f161b37a3c5c83a9d
-            python-wheel:
-                rationale: Packaging tool
-                ref: cfbc354d7f82c1653b7cb2f2c08521905c2c87cb
-            python3x-pip:
-                rationale: Packaging tool
-                ref: d470f4eae26f883fb438337ef8ef0b53ca38494a
-            python3x-six:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 79212410a62640d6ba6fb9bee8c6f8ed88a7401f
-            python-py:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 725721338027fabba187fcee663ee3e9bd3290d7
-            python-chardet:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 04b5d1be6d2e14ece3a43caa87b79216ea35b65a
-            python-attrs:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: e9bcb854a4017201a396d14a2f941a37a13010f3
-            python-pluggy:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: ba5dde76d5398b1c869eaaf2619bf7061d472fb6
-            python-markupsafe:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 411ed0ff3ec0682aeef30fead3696673096fca82
-            python-pysocks:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 483216203ae75373f15aea373c80ee0585c13e63
-            python3x-pyparsing:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 83e48edf172c5764192df37c87f61509132e98cc
-            python-atomicwrites:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: b94fddf57c6fbd09c9d7bd5a9d7dd666376e5386
-            python-wcwidth:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: be8f2b04d24c914cf2743628f95138cd91d58b44
-            python-more-itertools:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: e1d5d8a6b5d705f7dd4e3253ae33c7560cbd2150
-            python-packaging:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 419429934421600cc834be5890be0400bfb7620a
-            pytest:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: d2854f6746913377d27f49ac2be01c1e6aa16ff5
-            pytz:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: e511e149f15c72f6899fcb6ec77d16b5f601b6bd
-            babel:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 949a6ec8f98be7086f5dcbc7895b5ed48a5631cf
-            python-idna:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: f31aae82e6cc6bf72df28f33a6f79e0d9869dc18
-            python-urllib3:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 2e756cf68ae5a65e2806edfd79ef671e54b42140
-            Cython:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 6fd15dc5dd8beba861c7dd2cae96c6ffdce479b1
-            python-asn1crypto:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: a76406f22f1df8af46439738f675f42c38c55328
-            python-ply:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: f113e7017224318a0e816f6e78f938187ff60515
-            python-psutil:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 7d86f2b870e0b58ef6951bcb6a41fdf247bfdab6
-            python-psycopg2:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: d5342d2c15e078b550a5142647bed6310e34a9e7
-            mod_wsgi:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 8add44143f3b76d4eb0a4e5237b86d7770afd971
-            python-requests:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 4f3cf0a863b3375816762185a43f454db4485c18
-                # buildorder: 10
-            python-jinja2:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: aa2c5985d72f71ebc735ac40b42f3e594cf72eed
-                # buildorder: 10
-            numpy:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 166d7b52b9bc12c1452fd710774241204712bd04
-                # buildorder: 10
-            PyYAML:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 9a5a9a0393de544d88cb78a4fcfda18efc4759c5
-                # buildorder: 10
-            python-pycparser:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: d8780afffcee334655c6afc845213e51cc118423
-                # buildorder: 10
-            python-lxml:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 5c21380f82866c4871dc6bd8297fe29cfda7316c
-                # buildorder: 10
-            python-cffi:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 7863c65b2cc9d3caf9e21d8a0da66430f38dbca2
-                # buildorder: 20
-            scipy:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 9b831368aba1a84483e855a720a7c74799fb9aa7
-                # buildorder: 20
-            python-cryptography:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 5c743a97fdb06d99fc583a7be55ea1dd0050dd6f
-                # needs cffi
-                # buildorder: 30
-            python-PyMySQL:
-                rationale: Python component
-                ref: 173146ccc90488b5c442d4011464ab13673e5e0e
-                # needs cryptography
-                # buildorder: 40