diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
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diff --git a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
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index 0000000..48095e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
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+document: modulemd
+version: 2
+    summary: Python programming language, version 3.6
+    description: |-
+        This module gives users access to the internal Python 3.6 in RHEL8, as
+        well as provides some additional Python packages the users might need.
+        In addition to these you can install any python3-* package available
+        in RHEL and use it with Python from this module.
+    license:
+        module:
+            - MIT
+    dependencies:
+        - buildrequires:
+              platform: [el8]
+              # python-pymongo needs mongodb for tests
+              # - mongodb version `3.6` being the same as version of Python 3.6
+              #   is a coincidence.
+              mongodb: [3.6]
+          requires:
+              platform: [el8]
+    references:
+        community: https://www.python.org/
+        documentation: https://docs.python.org/3.6/
+    profiles:
+        common:
+            rpms:
+                - python36
+        build:
+            rpms:
+                - python36
+                - python36-devel
+                - python36-rpm-macros
+    filter:
+        rpms:
+            - python2-PyMySQL
+            - python2-docutils
+            - python2-nose
+            - python2-pygments
+            - python2-scipy
+            - python2-sqlalchemy
+            - python2-virtualenv
+    api:
+        rpms:
+            - python-sqlalchemy-doc
+            - python-virtualenv-doc
+            - python3-PyMySQL
+            - python3-bson
+            - python3-docs
+            - python3-docutils
+            - python3-nose
+            - python3-pygments
+            - python3-pymongo
+            - python3-pymongo-gridfs
+            - python3-scipy
+            - python3-sqlalchemy
+            - python3-virtualenv
+            - python3-wheel
+            - python36
+            - python36-debug
+            - python36-devel
+            - python36-rpm-macros
+    buildopts:
+        rpms:
+            macros: |
+                %_without_python2 1
+                # For packages depending on python36, so that they
+                # BuildRequire python36-devel/debug/rpm-macros instead of python3-*
+                #
+                # This won't be necessary for python37 and later. There we can
+                # set %{python3_pkgversion}, because all packages will need to
+                # have the pythonXY prefix. Whereas for Python 3.6 the packages
+                # are split between non-modular RHEL and the python36 module,
+                # and so it was easier and less confusing to keep the prefix at
+                # python3- except for the devel/debug/rpm/macros packages.
+                %_with_python36_module 1
+    components:
+        rpms:
+            python36:
+                # This package needs to be built before all others due to containing python36-rpm-macros
+                rationale:
+                    Contains the symlink to the platform-python interpreter.
+                    Also contains python36-rpm-macros needed to build the
+                    remaining packages.
+                ref: stream-3.6
+                buildorder: 10
+            python-PyMySQL:
+                rationale: Python adapter for the MySQL/MariaDB databases
+                # PyMySQL [0] vs. mysqlclient-python [1]
+                # - PyMySQL was originally chosen for the rh-python35 RH
+                #   Software collection due to the opinion that maintaining
+                #   mysqlclient-python would take much more resources (bad
+                #   communication with upstream, backward incompatibilities in
+                #   test suite, ...)[2]. PyMySQL was deemed the better
+                #   alternative.
+                # - When creating this module, this decision was reassessed,
+                #   because mysqlclient-python seems to be faster than PyMySQL,
+                #   but the choice was reaffirmed due to the customers already
+                #   being familiar with PyMySQL from the abovementioned RHSCLs,
+                #   and due to wider popularity of PyMySQL upstream.[3]
+                # [0] https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL
+                # [1] https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python
+                # [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1012475
+                # [3] python-maint@redhat.com mailing list, 2018-04-30, subject
+                #     "python-MySQL vs PyMySQL"
+                ref: stream-0.8.0
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-docutils:
+                rationale: System for processing plaintext documentation
+                ref: stream-0.14
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-nose:
+                rationale: Discovery-based unit test extension for Python
+                ref: stream-1.3.7
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-pygments:
+                rationale: Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
+                ref: stream-2.2.0
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-pymongo:
+                # Package maintainer: mskalick
+                rationale: Python driver for MongoDB
+                ref: stream-3.6.1
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-sqlalchemy:
+                rationale: Modular and flexible ORM library for python
+                ref: stream-1.2.7
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-virtualenv:
+                rationale: Tool to create isolated Python environments
+                ref: stream-15.1.0
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-wheel:
+                rationale: Built-package format for Python
+                ref: stream-0.30.0
+                buildorder: 20
+            scipy:
+                rationale: Scientific Tools for Python
+                ref: stream-1.0.0
+                buildorder: 20
+            python-docs:
+                rationale: Documentation for Python
+                ref: stream-3.6
+                buildorder: 20