diff --git a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
index b128adf..615ce9a 100644
--- a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
+++ b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
@@ -153,135 +153,135 @@ data:
         rationale: Language for writing Python extension modules. Build dependency
           of numpy and PyYAML
-        ref: stream-0.28.1-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.28.1-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: YAML parser and emitter for Python
-        ref: stream-3.12-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-3.12-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Tools for internationalizing Python applications
-        ref: stream-2.5.1-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.5.1-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
-        ref: stream-1.14.2-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.14.2-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Simple powerful testing with Python
-        ref: stream-3.4.2-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-3.4.2-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python adapter for the MySQL/MariaDB databases
-        ref: stream-0.8.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.8.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python attributes without boilerplate
-        ref: stream-17.4.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-17.4.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Namespace for backported Python features
-        ref: stream-1.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3. Dependency of
-        ref: stream-
+        ref: stream-
         rationale: Character encoding auto-detection in Python. Dependency of requests.
-        ref: stream-3.0.4-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-3.0.4-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Code coverage testing module for Python
-        ref: stream-4.5.1-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-4.5.1-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: DNS toolkit for Python. Useful package for IPA and mailman.
-        ref: stream-1.15.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.15.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Documentation for Python
-        ref: stream-2.7-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.7-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: System for processing plaintext documentation
-        ref: stream-0.14-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.14-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and
           3.2+. Dependency of Pytest and mock.
-        ref: stream-1.0.2-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.0.2-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). Dependency
           of requests.
-        ref: stream-2.5-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.5-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+. Dependency of
-        ref: stream-1.0.18-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.0.18-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: General purpose template engine
-        ref: stream-2.10-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.10-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: XML processing library
-        ref: stream-4.2.3-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-4.2.3-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
-        ref: stream-0.23-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.23-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
-        ref: stream-2.0.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.0.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Discovery-based unit test extension for Python
-        ref: stream-1.3.7-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.3.7-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: The plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details
-        ref: stream-0.6.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.6.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python adapter for the PostgreSQL database
-        ref: stream-2.7.4-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.7.4-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
-        ref: stream-1.5.3-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.5.3-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
-        ref: stream-2.2.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.2.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python driver for MongoDB
-        ref: stream-3.6.1-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-3.6.1-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: A Python SOCKS client module. Dependency of urllib3/requests.
-        ref: stream-1.6.8-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.6.8-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test.
           Build dependency of requests.
-        ref: stream-1.9.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.9.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
-        ref: stream-2.20.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.20.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags. Build dependency
           of pytest and pytest-mock.
-        ref: stream-1.15.7-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.15.7-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
-        ref: stream-1.11.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.11.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Modular and flexible ORM library for python
-        ref: stream-1.3.2-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.3.2-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file
           post. Dependency of requests.
-        ref: stream-1.23-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.23-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Tool to create isolated Python environments
-        ref: stream-15.1.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-15.1.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Used for unbundling of pip and setuptools
-        ref: stream-0.30.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-0.30.0-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Main Python language interpreter
-        ref: stream-2.7-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2.7-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem
-        ref: stream-9.0.3-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-9.0.3-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python 2 RPM macros - dependency of python2-devel
-        ref: stream-python27-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-python27-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem
-        ref: stream-39.0.1-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-39.0.1-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Runtime requires of babel, and python2-babel
-        ref: stream-2017.2-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-2017.2-rhel-8.6.0
         rationale: Scientific Tools for Python
-        ref: stream-1.0.0-rhel-8.5.0
+        ref: stream-1.0.0-rhel-8.6.0
diff --git a/python27.yaml b/python27.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3d6e0..0000000
--- a/python27.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-document: modulemd
-version: 2
-  name: python27
-  stream: "2.7"
-  summary: Python programming language, version 2.7
-  description: >-
-    This module provides the Python 2.7 interpreter and additional Python
-    packages the users might need.
-  license:
-    module:
-    - MIT
-  dependencies:
-  - buildrequires:
-      platform: [el8.5.0]
-      python27: [2.7]
-    requires:
-      platform: [el8]
-  references:
-    community: https://www.python.org/
-    documentation: https://docs.python.org/2.7/
-  profiles:
-    common:
-      rpms:
-      - python2
-      - python2-libs
-      - python2-pip
-      - python2-setuptools
-  api:
-    rpms:
-    - babel
-    - python-sqlalchemy-doc
-    - python2
-    - python2-Cython
-    - python2-PyMySQL
-    - python2-attrs
-    - python2-babel
-    - python2-backports
-    - python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname
-    - python2-bson
-    - python2-chardet
-    - python2-coverage
-    - python2-debug
-    - python2-devel
-    - python2-dns
-    - python2-docs
-    - python2-docs-info
-    - python2-docutils
-    - python2-funcsigs
-    - python2-idna
-    - python2-ipaddress
-    - python2-jinja2
-    - python2-libs
-    - python2-lxml
-    - python2-markupsafe
-    - python2-mock
-    - python2-nose
-    - python2-numpy
-    - python2-numpy-doc
-    - python2-numpy-f2py
-    - python2-pip
-    - python2-pluggy
-    - python2-psycopg2
-    - python2-psycopg2-debug
-    - python2-psycopg2-tests
-    - python2-py
-    - python2-pygments
-    - python2-pymongo
-    - python2-pymongo-gridfs
-    - python2-pysocks
-    - python2-pytest
-    - python2-pytest-mock
-    - python2-pytz
-    - python2-pyyaml
-    - python2-requests
-    - python2-rpm-macros
-    - python2-scipy
-    - python2-setuptools
-    - python2-setuptools_scm
-    - python2-six
-    - python2-sqlalchemy
-    - python2-test
-    - python2-tkinter
-    - python2-tools
-    - python2-urllib3
-    - python2-virtualenv
-    - python2-wheel
-  filter:
-    rpms:
-    - python3-Cython
-    - python3-PyMySQL
-    - python3-PyYAML
-    - python3-attrs
-    - python3-babel
-    - python3-bson
-    - python3-chardet
-    - python3-coverage
-    - python3-docutils
-    - python3-idna
-    - python3-jinja2
-    - python3-markupsafe
-    - python3-mock
-    - python3-nose
-    - python3-numpy
-    - python3-numpy-doc
-    - python3-numpy-f2py
-    - python3-pluggy
-    - python3-psycopg2
-    - python3-psycopg2-debug
-    - python3-psycopg2-tests
-    - python3-py
-    - python3-pygments
-    - python3-pymongo
-    - python3-pymongo-gridfs
-    - python3-pysocks
-    - python3-pytest
-    - python3-pytest-mock
-    - python3-pytz
-    - python3-requests
-    - python3-scipy
-    - python3-setuptools_scm
-    - python3-six
-    - python3-sqlalchemy
-    - python3-urllib3
-    - python3-virtualenv
-  buildopts:
-    rpms:
-      macros: |
-        # Note that we cannot disable building of all Python 3 subpackages,
-        # because python2-devel (needed to build all Python 2 packages)
-        # has a runtime dependency on python3-rpm-generators, and that
-        # package requires python3-setuptools at runtime. By rebuilding
-        # python-setuptools SRPM with only python2, we overshadow the
-        # already built python3 subpackage and it is no longer
-        # available for python3-rpm-generators when building python-pip
-        # (or any other Python package).
-        # We can disable Python 3 in all packages but ...
-        %_without_python3 1
-        # ... we have to have a way to enable some of them as described
-        # above. With this macro, we can add some module-specific
-        # conditions for python3-* subpackages and other special cases.
-        # %_with_python27_module 1
-        # for: python-jinja2
-        %_with_python2 1
-        # to solve circular dependency between pytest and [attrs, pluggy]
-        # %_without_tests 1
-  components:
-    rpms:
-      Cython:
-        rationale: Language for writing Python extension modules. Build dependency
-          of numpy and PyYAML
-        ref: 1a2e8d49788c389313af6b4ead4e2deddd2a3d3d
-      PyYAML:
-        rationale: YAML parser and emitter for Python
-        ref: 5a825ac8b7dcf5e8f8e654275c6d96e9d4a07c4f
-      babel:
-        rationale: Tools for internationalizing Python applications
-        ref: dfb015a8c277aef2ee0bbcd39945041416422e85
-      numpy:
-        rationale: A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
-        ref: ace7d1671b91d52b9ca61c7020f46d50d552adb1
-      pytest:
-        rationale: Simple powerful testing with Python
-        ref: bf537c83f44041bceb9dcfb8526a84204a935646
-      python-PyMySQL:
-        rationale: Python adapter for the MySQL/MariaDB databases
-        ref: fa30f3aac48883391bacc0774ddbef5e724dfe79
-      python-attrs:
-        rationale: Python attributes without boilerplate
-        ref: fe428e3002127fbbc3d12619403e09f7e4db43a0
-      python-backports:
-        rationale: Namespace for backported Python features
-        ref: aee0ff7c10c65c81a58890b8558a22572a790805
-      python-backports-ssl_match_hostname:
-        rationale: The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3. Dependency of
-          urllib3/requests.
-        ref: f6c4e17d5134a59120462be57ae42a476356b4ba
-      python-chardet:
-        rationale: Character encoding auto-detection in Python. Dependency of requests.
-        ref: 776bbd2cd4e94bceb523065bb57ce75f84767db0
-      python-coverage:
-        rationale: Code coverage testing module for Python
-        ref: 850659b56fc74125b92211724bd0a21008bdf5a1
-      python-dns:
-        rationale: DNS toolkit for Python. Useful package for IPA and mailman.
-        ref: 734697446fbaa2e83a6fba824fcf9accff0cfddf
-      python-docs:
-        rationale: Documentation for Python
-        ref: fb09efaa91410b9389b2dfa9e9ce8a7f5d5c0b34
-      python-docutils:
-        rationale: System for processing plaintext documentation
-        ref: a44e1e78ba92abcf8647fabedd5b15ced40bf75a
-      python-funcsigs:
-        rationale: Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and
-          3.2+. Dependency of Pytest and mock.
-        ref: f81788e874d9f30743954be7e5aaec5887604d49
-      python-idna:
-        rationale: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). Dependency
-          of requests.
-        ref: 011aaa788b2ceee083685acf232b6f9d4b1ca3b3
-      python-ipaddress:
-        rationale: Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+. Dependency of
-          urllib3/requests.
-        ref: e14629e44a7d5c9e36205206cac085a6bf6928b8
-      python-jinja2:
-        rationale: General purpose template engine
-        ref: 7e9da63ebb7c845f703e2c5e55015555019e41d3
-      python-lxml:
-        rationale: XML processing library
-        ref: 0cff8e79894eac1ee8cc0d5992f4050924a2fc42
-      python-markupsafe:
-        rationale: Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
-        ref: 00e9bb8ea1541210a0c005524c0de36f9f50f0f9
-      python-mock:
-        rationale: A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
-        ref: 60ca3282866a5ae05e51283afd0b860cfb064042
-      python-nose:
-        rationale: Discovery-based unit test extension for Python
-        ref: 7e005bc400dff9a0e36a40ef5d636d596107f10f
-      python-pluggy:
-        rationale: The plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details
-        ref: cdab894d615e058f719b4717c9d553d4d5527c57
-      python-psycopg2:
-        rationale: Python adapter for the PostgreSQL database
-        ref: df457fda4af5ca60cdb2fc9b568c8451ea18ea73
-      python-py:
-        rationale: Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
-        ref: 3d1d3822ae5c76d11c645b8c8da44d6e293953b5
-      python-pygments:
-        rationale: Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
-        ref: 5864f12d4143dab9a1c8eb617bd6f8f521b8fbf7
-      python-pymongo:
-        rationale: Python driver for MongoDB
-        ref: b72aa52989c3fcf564856f5e2abdb6de3d63a929
-      python-pysocks:
-        rationale: A Python SOCKS client module. Dependency of urllib3/requests.
-        ref: 4798bdc0cf6466b65f9194edf6135d2e3c834b24
-      python-pytest-mock:
-        rationale: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test.
-          Build dependency of requests.
-        ref: 8e0501b6c9f2a03200a3d17f0ff15b8e6508f4ff
-      python-requests:
-        rationale: HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
-        ref: b9c088e4f22fd18f90682d593d9e5b0be48ed66f
-      python-setuptools_scm:
-        rationale: Blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags. Build dependency
-          of pytest and pytest-mock.
-        ref: 613aec49c31ebdfae7f4bb52da82cef2383b986e
-      python2-six:
-        rationale: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
-        ref: 2d6e6b7702f2d747d691b6858ba7b7dcf6aca6bb
-      python-sqlalchemy:
-        rationale: Modular and flexible ORM library for python
-        ref: 8ee07229bdc057fd007cb042ba2641cd26f54419
-      python-urllib3:
-        rationale: Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file
-          post. Dependency of requests.
-        ref: 42bff1566b1becad1f1153701583ee7bfa5daa61
-      python-virtualenv:
-        rationale: Tool to create isolated Python environments
-        ref: 4a311fc276c8a0314d2662fbfc3d663d13128fda
-      python-wheel:
-        rationale: Used for unbundling of pip and setuptools
-        ref: 29102d871b86033468490914db98d463f980a0c4
-      python2:
-        rationale: Main Python language interpreter
-        ref: 96c61998f8785cd758f401b930b8b799c3ce0ac1
-      python2-pip:
-        rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem
-        ref: ed50e1522ff778b9f787d09b1c84059a603e9c81
-      python2-rpm-macros:
-        rationale: Python 2 RPM macros - dependency of python2-devel
-        ref: 33b77f25cae19ef6532e40df5927e95112df7a0d
-      python2-setuptools:
-        rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem
-        ref: d4f786f49244af1ce5b6661761e909fa5c8af15a
-      pytz:
-        rationale: Runtime requires of babel, and python2-babel
-        ref: ddba47469a779aa14b7089542a7d7e259b9d5967
-      scipy:
-        rationale: Scientific Tools for Python
-        ref: 52b1965ae485d1737a606f795094d1ca10b725fe