diff --git a/perl-FCGI.yaml b/perl-FCGI.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25c96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl-FCGI.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+document: modulemd
+version: 2
+  summary: FastCGI Perl bindings
+  description: 'This allows you to write a FastCGI client in the Perl language.
+    '
+  license:
+    module:
+    - MIT
+  dependencies:
+  - buildrequires:
+      platform:
+      - el8
+      perl: []
+    requires:
+      platform:
+      - el8
+      perl: []
+  references:
+    community: https://metacpan.org/release/FCGI
+  profiles:
+    common:
+      description: FCGI distribution
+      rpms:
+      - perl-FCGI
+  api:
+    rpms:
+    - perl-FCGI
+  components:
+    rpms:
+      perl-FCGI:
+        rationale: The API.
+        ref: b4e018b471c0d0e03e0ab7d5f65c76edf7fe087a
+  name: perl-FCGI
+  stream: '0.78'